PRELIMINARY SURVEY AND COST or A GRADE SEPARATION u. S. 46 & P. M. R. R. 3 MILES WEST or LANSING THESIS. FUR THE DEGREE OF B. S. E. H. Aue A. E. Heath 1932 Illtlflfiflflfizflfgfliflifijfllflgfifliulfifliflimlutl I. “nu-b“ uv~"' o‘.‘ _- ' _' .W w '0 M‘t‘.‘.’ . . . . _ . _ PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. 3 To AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. 3.“, NA .\ ..q_ -\ . hflttfi‘§ ’6. - ' -4 .»_£La»w-*M ’ -a r5.- ' 1 21".“; 6/07 p:/ClRC/DateDue.indd-p.1 Preliminary Survey and Cost Estimate Of a Grade Separation ( U.S.-l6 & P.M.R.R. 3 miles west of Lansing) A Thesis Submitted to The Faculty of MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE of AGRICULEURE.AND APPLIED SCIENCE By ECHO Aue Acne Hetth M Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science June 1932 9380'? I ‘w‘. ' ' The authors wish to take this Opportunity to acknowledge their indebtedness to Professor 04L. Allen for his kind advice in matters or good engineering prac- tice: and to other members of the Civil Engineering De- partment for their c00peration in allowing us the use of various instruments in connection with the work on this paper. East Lansing ' E.H.A. June,l932 AeEoHo III-IF . m BACK or BOOK TABLE OF C Discussion .................................... 1. Commit-8t}. .n. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 2 0 Costs ......................................... 3. lap and Drawings (in pocket) ................ ..4. %H.n..... . ‘Q-v;t.. wA-h K“ DISCUSSION The purpose of this Thesis is the determination of the location, type, and cost estimate of the completed separation. A Topographic map was made to determine the location and type of separation to be construeted. It was found by inspection of the map that the railroad had already approached its maximum grade at this point. Therefore it would be very costly to change the elevation of the railroad.. It was decided after consulting a set of Michigan State Highway specifications,that the curves at the crossing were too sharp-especially if a separation were to be put in. Accordingly, a new reverse curve was run in with longer radii, and the road relocated. It was also noted from the map that any dirt for a fill would have to be borrowed and hauled from some dis- tent source, while ‘gfifé’i’flfifi $53? fidrfiégr’g’ess than the fill for a separation, since the surface takes a distinct downward slepe Just to the west of the crossing the specifications again influence the design when we considerfld’that fourteen feet clearance is required over a Michigan Trunk Line, while a clear height aboxe the taps of the rails of twentytwo feet is required [00.12er .L 1f. .0 a” All .qfl.‘ fer railroad passage. There is a seven foot difference in depth of earth work - other factors being equal. Here also the matter of drainage appear: in the project. It is comparatively inexpensive, howevenand need not be given very much consideration. Then the bridge problem is brought up. Would it be more economical to build a one-hundred fifty feet by sixteen foot railroad bridge or to build a highway bridge one-hundred seventgrwide and with a span of twenty feet. The continuous retaining wall abutments in the latter case would each be one-hundred seventy feet long and twenty six feet high. Retaining wings or head walls would be such a design. The railroad truss bridge would be cheaper than the highway bridge due to cost of materials. The summation of the above items indicatcsthat the excavated separation would be far more economical to construct than the fill separation. {II V r 5... .'.w a 5 ‘5‘th ggpggarggg or CENTER LINE P.C. Sta. 0 e00 P.I. Sta. 1 e34.8 I 18' 23' 00" R z I 00te% : 833.0' Sing 3 3%? : . .‘2 3 3° 25' 27' 2 . g,: 1° 43° 2325" 2 L3. 100;; 267.1' 9 This curve is south and east of the rail road. P.G. Sta. 2 067.1 P.I. Sta. 3 973.3 I. 30° 12' 00“ R a T cot.I s 414.0' Sin g l 6’ 56' 00' .b nun: nut: Ink: E : 3°28' 00" L0 3 1001 3 217.8' D we This curve is north and fdiihof the rail road. SURFACE ELEVATIONS ON RELOCATION Sta. 50'left 25'1eft center 25'right 50'right. line 00 00 852.1 00 50 851.6 1 00 851.1 1 50 850.5 2 00 850.0 2 50 849.5 3 00 847.9 847.2 u“.49.0 847.2 847.6 3 50 47.1 46.7 48.5 46.5 47.1 4 00 45.9 45.8 47.8 45.5 46.6 4 32.9 4 50 45.8 45.7 47.3 46.1 45.5 5 00 46.6 45.3 46.6 46.6 44.? 5'50 47.1 45.2 44.8 46.4 44.5 6 00 45.3 45.2 45.5 46.3 46.3 R63:50 44.5 45.1 45.9 46.3 46.2 7 00 47.3 46.2 P. 245.4 44.4 44.5 7 50 44.! 44.9 45.8 45.5 46.7 8 00 42.8 46.5 45.3 46.5 47.0 8 50 44.0 46.4 45.2 45.0 43.5 9 00 42.8 46.9 44.4 44.7 41.0 9 50 44.6 45.7 43.2 42.7 44.2 10 00 44.8 41.0 ' 41.8 43.6 46.5 10 50 42.3 41.3 40.8 41.7 11 00 42.5 FINAL ELEVATIONS OF SUB-GRADE Sta. .5 Elv. Sta. g Elev. IO 00 853.1 6 25 . 827.7 0 50 P.C. 51.6 6 50 27.0 075 51.2 6 75 26.6 1 00 50.8 7 00 P.I.26.5 3.3. 1 25 50.3 7 25 26.6 1 50 49.7 7 50 27.0 175 49-1 7 75 27.7 2 00 48.3 8 00 28.5 2 25 47.6 8 25 29.6 2 50 P.I.46.7 8 50 2.1. 31.0 2 75 45.7 8 75 P'c' 32.4 3 00 44.7 9 00 33.8 3 25 43.6 9 25 35.0 3 50 42.4 9 50 36.1 3 75 41.2 9 75 37.1 4 00 39.9 10 00 38 o 4 25 38.5 10 25 38.8 4 50 2.2. 37.0 10 50 P.I. 39.5 4 75 35.5 10 75 40.0 5 00 34.0 11 00 40.5 5 25 32.5 11 25 40.9 5 50 11 50 41.1 5.75 29.6 11 75 41.2 6 00 28.5 12 00 41.3 FINAL ELEVATIONS OF SUB-GRADE (continued) Sta. Elevation: 12 25 841.2 12 50 P.T. 41.0 IOle- Stations of P.C.,P.T. and P.I. on vertical curves have elevations so marked. O. Ugll' EARTH w05g_DEs;GN FROM caoss saczggus Station 00 .50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 \ooooooqslmmmmabuummHv-aoo h' r4 is H00 ’ Area of sec. (sq. ft.) 0 00 O 00 22.5 65.8 136.0 203.5 166.5 258.5 359.0 543.7 776.5 1012.5 1191.5 1367.5 1403.8 1350.6 1208.7 926.0 683.0 036.3 215.0 98.5 40.5 Volume (One yde) 0 00 20.9 81.8 187.0 314.5 ‘ 34295 393.0 571.8 835-5 1222.0 1656.0 2040.0 2368.0 2566.0 2550.0 2370.0 1976.0 1490.0 1035.0 602.0 290.0 129.0 39.0 Mass. 20.9 102.7 289.7 604.2 946.7 1339.7 1911.5 2747.0 3969.0 5625.0 7665.0 10033.0 12599.0 15149.0 17519.0 19495.0 20985.0 22020.0 12912 22622.0 22912.0 23041.0 23080.0 DESIGN OF EARTH WORK CONTINUED Station Area of sec. Volume Haas (sq. ft.) (cu.yd.) 11 50 00.0 000 23080.0 12 00 00.0 000 23080.0 12 50 00.0 000 23080.0 Haul: Station 6 0 50 : mean of mass Point of waste in 2000 ft. away. 1000ft. free haul. :. Haul :10x23080; 230800 yd. stations. This is on the safe aide since super elevation was not conaidered on either curve. Construction of pavement:- lgSOx 40 = 5560 sq. yds. alab. 93Qe VBQe yde 2500 linear feet of curb and gutter. 1 cent. pump and automatic controlled electric motor 2 Catch basins at bottom of out. 700ft. 10“ tile from pump outfit to placement. DESIGN CE STRINGERS Influence Line Maxi-u. Moment Average load method '1oad (3) rt. n 30 = 2.40 20 :7.20 1.25 12.5 reverse N " 1ftel 60 . 4.80 £9... = 12.5 ‘ 12.5 4'80 “ (4( rt. 1 60 g 4.80 60 g 4.80 12.5 12.5 reverse " " 1ft.§ 20 I 7.20 3 g 24.0 . 12.5 12.5 load (3) u.(1245_1 135 x 2.5 «15 x 30.5) 12.5 -345 . 15 x 13 25 H: 'k. load (4) 450 n :(1245 . 135 x 2.53-15 x 25.5212.5 - 320 e 15 x 18 25 M : ASO'k. cccccccc #cunodc-COQ—sI-OO-use-on--.-a.-~-CQ-------.b-.----c-- M * 450'gips Shear load (1) 1ft. reaction R : 1245 0 135 x 2 I 50.5 klpS 25 load (2) 1ft. reaction R : 2460*?“1 4.5 . 33 g 15 : 72.5 kipa. 5 Shear : 72.5 kip. Note: We wish to obtain as shallow a floor system as possible to eliminate excessive earth work. STRINGERS CONTINUED Web: 161.46 3 16.75 sq. in. Net for Shear. 10 7/8“ rivets .601 x 16,000 x 2 : 12,020 #/ rivet in Shear. 161,460 £14 rivets required 12,020 7/8 x 7/8 x 24,000 : 18380 #/rivet in Bearing. 161,460 g 10 rivets required 1 {3 0 14 Rivets limits the Depth. _ A 33x 15% x 210# I-Beam is sufficient. Use a CB section as given. A built up section from a rough estimate would be several inches deeper and about 10 lbs. heavier than the I-beam. We are striving for a shallow floor system as stated before. DESIGN OF FLOOR BEAMS Moment Diagram T Shear Dead stringer 210#/ft. 210x25;........................5250 # 4Hitch angles 6"x6"x29" Z 4112.0)(22 =eeeeoooeeo..oeoeooooee189e5# 12 Track a r2118 400 a 25 =...........5000 4 ‘2‘ Floor beams assumed @300fl/ft. 300x8;........2400 g 'Total.......12839.5# Live Using loads 5 or 14 on beam ; ....110.2 kips Impact ” . " " " " " " :......24.2 " Total moving load shear:205.l " Total max shear - 217.9 " Moment , Same loading as for maximum shear uWine : 205.1x3.25- 205.1x8: ....924.0 kip ft. Dead 1284X8- 10e44x3.25 -360xlix8: 52.15 i " Max Total moment 3 983.15 ” " Note: Live loading 000per's E-60 DESIGN OF ELQOR BEAMS CONTINUED Rivets shear 211.3 g 15.12 rivets necessary. 12x. x2 Assume a 40‘ webb 211.2; .544" thickness webb required 10x 0 to carry shear. Use 138 Webb. 16. Bearing 211.2 :15.3 rivets in bearing. 1 x20xg .1 USE 16 RIVETS. Flanges Assumed effective depth 3 37“ 283.15xl2 2 19.9 sq. in. needed for tension. 37x 16 Assume 4 6"x6“x%f[sfor flanges. Soc 16,000-200x14x12 s 13570fper sq. in. 13.813 USE 13500 # 283.15x12 a 23.62sq. in. needed for comprese 37113500 sion. Area of two 6x6x§§és;l9.46 40x%%x%e2.70 sq. in. taken by the webb. 19.46e2.70-1.75320.4l sq. in. available for tension and 19.9 are needed. , 0K Tension. l9.46e2.70 : 22.16 sq. in. available for compression. and 23.62 are needed. Change Compression. DESIGN OF FLOOR BEAMS CONT1NUED We decided to use an angle of larger dimension rather than use a cover plate. Try 4-6"x6"xl"[s a gross area for 2: 22sq. in. Area needed in compression : 283.15x12 3 24.45 3 07311305 . IQe 1ne Area needed in the angles : 24.45-2.70; 21.75 We have 22" available. OK COMBBESSION. Area needed in tension 3283.15xl2 s 20.5 sq. in. 36 e72x13 e5 Area needed in [a 320.5. 1.75-2.70. 19.55 sq. in. We have available 22-1.75: 20.25 sq. in. OK tenshon. Webb Stiffeners investigation: 40.5-2x6 §,s 27.25 in.clear. .8125 s more than g; 27.25 0 Stiffeners are unneces- sary. Rivet spacing 21.22 - 3 : l.51“spacing of rivets. Rivets must be staggered being spaced 3“ apart and having 2 rows using total of 17 rivets. WEIGHT 0F FLOOR SYSTEM ON NEXT PAGE. FLOOR BEAMS 00NT1NUEQ_ webb 1 x40x16 3110.5 x16 :..............1770 41. 6%x6'xl“xl6'g 4xl6x37.4 =............2397 8 his 6'x6'x}"g 8x19.6x§g_:..............379 4 " ' * " : 4x28.7x§%_a..............364 Shah“ 400 rivets @254/ 100:.....................1oo g Weight of floor beam e.........5010 # The estimate of 300#/ft. was good if hitch angles were neglected the wt./ft. would be 29Q3#/ft, The weight of floor system resting on the floor beam 3.. ..... 210+ 200 32 x25 u.20,500. # WEIGHT or FLOOR SYSTEM PER PANEL 3... 25,510 a DES;GN OF WARREN TRUSS The bridge will be 150 ft. long consisting of 6panels at 25 ft. per panel. The trusses will be 29 ft. high and will be spaced 16ft. on centers. The truss will be built with verticals at all panel points. We assume a dead weight‘pey‘tbox'of 1300 lbs. per foot of truss. The dead stresses were figured by the index method. The dliaéhal forces being multiplied by constants which were figured from pronortion of lengths. Diagfial : 3%;12 : 1.53 x horizontal force. " " 3§§32 s 1.32 x vertical force. 9 The members of the bridge are numbered as follows; Starting at the left the lower 80rd members are numbered L1 12 L213 and so on up to L6' The upper dbrd members are numbered starting at the left with 01 U2 and so on up to Us. This arrangement causes all vertical members to be numbered with U1 L1 and so on up to "5 L5, and Sue diaghals L001,01LQ and so on up to USLG. Dead stresses will be found on the tabulated stress sheeteand 0n Plate 11 of the drawings. We here wish to note that i the dead stress was assumed h . to be carried by the upper 39rd and i by the lower chord. ’Page - COMPUTATIONS LLEE AND IMPACT STRESSES L01.1 L1L2 Loads at oanel point I load 3 24546e226x29214.5 -l5x8 3207.4 kips 29 “ 4 24546234x426+34x11x3 -720 :209.4 kips 1 6 29 " 5 24546+39x4§6+39x195x3 -1245 : 207.5 klps 29 ( live : 209.4 kips Max Live and Impact stresses (impact: 209.4x300=l4l.1kifis 445 L001 . Loads to right or left of right reaction. 102d 1 rt.24546e3x4lx20.5: 180.5 kips 150 " ' 1t. 24546e3x4lx20.5-15x150:165.5 kip! 150 “ 2 rt..24546e3x49x24.5§l20+2250) : 171.75kips 150 MAX Live and Impact stresses (live:l80.5 xl.32 =238.1 kips (impact: 238.13300:158.8 “ I’11'1 "3L3 I’515 Loads placed on panel point V load 3 3232.5e174-690 : 108.5k1ps 2 5 ‘ 4 4216.5-1440= 113.4 R103 25 " 5 5244-2329: 110.16kips __—25 (113 e4 live Max Live and Impact stresses (113.4x300 : 99.2 kips 344 1 Impact figured by max stress x33091 300eloaded length of truss COMPUTATIONS_L1VE ANDggMPACT (CONTINUED) UlUg 0203 Loads placed on panel point II load 6 24546+(426;23)0(3x23xl115)-2460:318.8 kip. “ 7 24546e(426x28)9(3x28sz)-3232.5:321.2 kips —3 29 “ 8 24546e(426x34)e3x34x11-4276.5=32l.0 kips 3 29 Max live stress: 321.2 kips Max impact-3215;;3OOa 222 k1ple Loads at panel point III load 11 24546e(426x30)+(3x30x15)-8772:364.34 kips r 29 “ l2 245460(426x3§)+(3x35xl1.5)-10062a364.98 kips 2 29 “ 13 24546e(426x40)+(3x40x2O)-115023361.75 kips 2 29 Max life stress :364.98. Max impact: 64. 8x 00: 246.5 kips ' 423 U . 1L2Loads on panel point II for tension load 4 24546+(426x9)_(9x4. 5x3)-15x30-1 x18 - 161.1 150 25 25 kips “ 3 24546_(426x4)e(3x4x2)- 5x13 -30x20 3161.36 150 25 kips Max live stresss161.36x1.32; 213 kids) tension " impact stress32l3x399 3155 kips ) 413 Loads on panel point V for compression It. . n -1 K. .. .. is. r. I. I alllrm’lji t1 . .lv'lc COMPUTAILONS LIVE AND IMPACT (CONTINUED) UlL2 load 2 24609154.5x1+3x15312.63 kips 150 25 “ 3 3232.59114913x1595x30e 8.91 kips 150 25 2 Max live stress. l2.63xl.32a 16.7 kips ) impact stress:16.1x300 : 15.04kips l compression 413 L2U3 Loads on panel point III for compression load 2 13092434x4-8x15:91.76 kips 150 25 “ 3 16224-6-13x15 : 94.36 kips 150 25 ” 4 18061.5-18x15-15x3 =91,6O kips 150 25 25 Max live stressg 94.36x132-l24.4 kips ) compression. ' 1mbact stress : 124.4x 300. 95.75 kips ) 388 Loads on panel point IV for tension. load 2 6948+(2x228)-8x15344.56 kips 150 25 " 3 6948122851)-1 -5539; 43.16 kips 150 2 5 25 Max live stress=44.56xl.32 358.8 kips ) tension. " impact stress:58.8x300 : 48.6 “ ) 363 r There will be no live load stress on U2L2 as it caries only it! own weight and is used more as a brace. STRESS TABLE FOR TRUSS All stresses are given in kips and tenths of kips. Member Dead Live Impact p_gota1 %U1 -107e2 '238e1 -158e8 504e1 Comp. “1L1 0 24.4 0113.4 0 99.2 237.0 Ten. £151.: 0 79.2 0209.4 0141.1 420.7 Tan. ulna ~112.2 -321.2 -222.0 655.5 Camp. U211} It u I} t! LQLB 0126.4 0364.98 0246.5 737.9 Ten. 01L? ( 0 64.4 0 213 0155 432.4 Ten. 3‘ 9 64.4 " 16.7 ‘15e04 32c? Ten. U3L2 ( - 21e4 -124e4 - 95075 24105 Comp. R( - 21.4 0 58.8 0 48.6 86.0 Ten. 02L? - 8e]. 80]. Comp. Only the members of half the span have been figured this is allowable as the truss is pymetrical about its center line. _pESIGN or TRUSS MEMBERS DESISN LQLB Stressc737,900# tension. Req'd area .7 00s46.20 sq. in. 16,000 Trial section- 41; 3%x33x5/8"315.92 sq. in. 4 webs@2l"x§” 342.00 " " Gross area :57.92 “ " -Rivet holes 4 l“x5/8":2.50 sq. in. 12 lux%n 39:29. so u Rivet holes:8.50 " “ 57.92-8.50349.42 sq. in. Member is OK. DESIGN L1L2 Stresss420,700# tension/ Req'd area - 420,700:26.30 sq. in. 16,000 Trial section- 4;. 33x33x9/16“:l4.47 " " 2 web822l"x7/16-18.3 " " Gross area :32.86 “ “ -Rivet holes 4 l"x916" : 2.25 " " 2x2x1”x7/l6":1.15 " " Rivet hobes: 4.00 Sq. in. Member is OK. Q§§IGN 0F TRUSS MEHBERS CONTINUED DESIGN U1L2 Stress:432,400# tension. Req'd areag4§2,400:27.01 sq. in. 10,000 Trial section- 443 3%x3%x9/lo":14.48 sq. in. zeweb8021"x7/1bs18.§8 “ " Gross ares 332.86 “ " ~Rivet hbles 4 129/10" :2.25 " " 4 1“x7/1o" =1.z§ “ " Rivet holes:4.00 32086'4000:28080 Sq. in. Net area. Memberis 0K. DESIGN U1U2 & U2U3 Stress:055,500# compression. 8 allowableglo,OOO-ZQxQleg 1" Assume S:13,500#/sq." Req'd area:0§§,500:48.5 sq. in. 13.500 Trial section- 413 3%x3ix5/8”315.92 sq. in. 2 webseeo"x11/ibg27,50u . lC Plt.@24"x%" '12.00“ a Total area =55.42« n Z:12.00XL;O 1/89filfi2.25 " 55.42 I (c.01t.)alx24x(%)?l2+l2.oi(10:1/8,§-2,25)g 344"“ 2 I (tcnzs)=2(4.3+3.9s(1o 1/8-1.1-2.25) ) =375 . ESIGN 0F TRUSS M3MBE% CONTINUED DESIGN U1U2 &U2U3 contMnued. I(bot.[s):2(4.3+3.98(10 1/8- I(webs) :lxl 3/8x203927.50x(2.25)2 31137 " I a .......... ”.3379"4 r: / fififfi =7.8 r: /_L_ f 55.42 Y A 3316,000-IOX25g12 :13,310#/sq. “ 7. Area: 55,500-49.1 sq. in. 13, 310 Also I-C.P.:%x9_13:...................576" 413-4(4.393. 98(7 5/8+11/16+1. 10) 2);1431“4 2webs:2(20 V1116)3913 75(7 5/8911/32) 2).1746 g 1:. ...... “3753“4 «4 r: / 2151—:8022 / 55.42 5:16..000-ZQ§25X12 -13, 450#/sq." 22 Area =6:§,500:48.7O sq. in. 13m450 Actual stress: 055,500 :ll,800#/sq.“ Latticing- Double latticing 9:280Ar c 8:280x55.42x8.22:10,620# 12 g 310,620: 5,310# caried by latticing. 2 2 Trial I Double 45°rivet at center. S:lO,622/ 2 :3760#/bar. Try 2%“x9/16"bar. DESIGN OF TRUSS MEMBERS CONTINUED DESIGN OF 0102 & U2U3 continued. 3. 60 u2b73#/sq. in. 2§x9710 r:00163 3:16,000-10x292:3460#/ sq. in. 00103 9&5 Trial BI 60 center riveted 2&x9/16"bars. SalO,620xl 1' o :30655/54. 4 sinoO s: 06: :2180#/sq. in. 2§x97lo P:O.163 s. 16,000-10x23.8 :5770#/sq. in. 0.163 USE 600-2§“x9/16“ bars. 3.2;; d def.:§l :11,800x11.9 300.00422 E 30,000,000 der.:23.76136-/20,6252}11.880632..0025 S:.OOQSX30,000,000 :3290#/sq. in. 23.7014 Total 3:2180+3290:5470#/sq. in. OK. DESIGN U3L2 (241,500# compression Stress: (86,000# tension Try I 21; 15"-45# area: 20.34 8:10,000-10x38.3x12:9,960#/sq.“ 5-33 Area:241.50 . 24.31 sq. in. 9960 2 - 4 I =2( 5/8.0.79) ):1886.6" r: llsgb.5 3 8047 / 26.34 DESIGN OF TRUSS MEMBERS CONTINUED DESIGNU3L2 continued 3:16,000-70g32.3xl2:l2,200#/ sq. in. . 7 Ares=241,500 :19.85 sq. in. 12,200 ox. Actual stress224l 00 :9,180#/ sq. in. 22.34 Checkfor Reversal- Tension stress:£5,000 Net area neededg86IOOO: 5.34 sqtin. 16,000 Lattioing - 3:280x2o.34x8.41 :5550 11.243 Try double @450 3.5559 x l :2175#/ bar sin55 4 Try 2&“xf%"bars. 3:211; al740#/sq. in. actual 2 x r:§x0.288:0.144 S: lb,OOO-10x284=2400#/sq. in. allowable. 0.14 9.5!: =9000x22 04863 00067458 E 30,000,000 27.9306-/19.75 -l9.?532a—¢.0053 3:.0053x30,000,000 :570#/sq. in. 27.9300 Ssl?40+570:2310#/sq. in. actual OK. DESIGN OF TRUSS MEMBERS CONTINUED DESIGN U3L2continued Check flanges:- r: .018 21.05 r 1.05 §8.E;12 :54.3 OK. DESIGN L2U3 Stress: 8,125 Area *8,1§5:0.002 sq. in. 13.500 Fro m former structures designed lyls 3%x3éx3/8": 9.92sqsin. 1 leb@13%"x3/8“=E§.OO sq. ins Total area 314.98 OK. Use 1” connecting plates at the Jointsof the trusses. DESIGN OF UlLo Stress:504,100 # compressbon s allowable;16,000-10x38.29x12 1' S assumed:13,500#/ sq. in. Area req'd:504.100 ; 37.34 sq. in. 13.500 DESIGN OF TRUSS MEMBERS CONTINUED DESIGN OF UlLo continued. Trial section:- 4Zs 3%"x3é"x§” 313.00 sq. in. ~ 2 webs@20"x%” :20.00“ " l c.21t.24'x§" -;g_ggx" " . 5.00 - Total area :5}. OO " " 2:9. 00x(10 1/80 *1 :2. 21" 42.00 I -0. Fit. :1x24xs369.0x(10 l/8e}-2.21)2s 602*4 -T0p[s s2(3.0+3.25(10 l/8—l.Oo-2.21 2. Botls :2(3.6y3.25(10 1/8-1.009gf§1 2: Webs :1x1x203920x(2.21)2: $22: I total:.... ..... ....25I3"4 =//-§___—z 7.47 45.00 S:l6,000-ZOx38.22x12 :11,580"/sq. in. 7 7 Area req'd: O4 100 2 43.53 sq. in. 11,520‘ OK. Also I 3 Co Plt,fl%xg€t :ssssossssssossssss.576n4 12 41s ;4(3.oo3.25(7 5/8045401.06)2):1112"S4 2 webs :2(20x§3.10.00(7 5/89&)2) -1241"4 I totslg2929"4 2 2 .8007 45.00 DESIGN OF TRUSS MEMBERS CONglNUED .DESIGNOF UlLo continued. S:16,000§70x38.29x12 :12,020#/sq. in. .07 Area. 504,100 34194 12,020 OK. Actual stress:504,100 :11,200#/sq. in. 45.00 Laticing:- Double latticing. Ss28OAr C S:280x45,00x8.07:8475# 112 g: 4240# carried by lattice. 2 Trial I Double at 45° center/riieted. // / 3:84 :3900#/ bar. / Try 2%" ’ / / / / / t720 3.472 or i" thick. 3. 00.2 00# sq.) 3:.144 / s-l60s0- 0x2 2 :2800#/sq.1n. l4 Trial II o Thy 6O center riveted. 3=§£Zi£l_,__22447#/bar- 4xsin69 Use2§"x&”bsrs S:244£:1757#/sq. in. 2 x r.0.144 Sallowablezlo,OOO-IOx23.8 34430#/sq. in. .144 ' OK. DESIGN OF TRUSS MEMBERS CONTINUED DESIGN OFUlLocontinued Der.sgl :11.200x11.2730004443 ° E - 30,000,000 A 2 Def.:23.81639-/20.b25:911.90820 3.00052 ss.00053x30,000,000 : 655#/ 23.81639 A s totalal957+65532610#/sq. in. Member as designed and use latticing at 60° 2%"x5" center riveted. . ' Inside clear distance between webs:15i \ DESIGN OF UlLl & U31.3 Stress:237000# tension. Req'd area : 37,000: 14.81 sq. in. 16,000 Trial section:- 41s 3%"x3%"x3/8" 2 webs @20"x3/8' 315.00 " " A 2 Gross area 34.92 a 9.92 sq. in. -Rivets 4x1"x3/8“:1.503q. in. 2x2x1"x3/8£;;5qu. in. Rivet holes:3.00 ' * Net area 3.........24.92-3.00;21.92 sq. in. OR. r. ' :I ' U 53: .g- I," H»: If " 1; ' A fr an;.t 1.3]?! a; I’D-.15.? ’ . ’51]? 1 I1 I Q ”a . ‘0 sq {if ' ' r ' I {,3} ('4:- $3 fi/ if 0!], a . 1' £1 l ,9 o 7: $22. viii; } 1;“ :' ' I3" . t, :J v 1' | q' 0‘s 3Q .7 ‘- u ' ; mp: .41 O. O V . h . ! ‘-" -‘ 1". “‘IMIh-‘h-A ‘ '-\... -."\‘ w, 1‘; .. "a i‘,~ ‘1. " \ 14-5 ‘ 4 .‘ “Eff: 9 L- ' " var-(1": _ s .1- ....... s ‘0 . 'ls... ‘"‘ a . ‘ h”- ._ . 'P.” '5 1‘ Wk: ”’35 yr "‘11:.Q.“ 5'.";‘I-I “"\§..' “N: . ‘ r 1. . "a. 5“. ‘t u 3: I . . n’ 1 , a 4 I. .‘ 4" ‘- . ‘Q I“ '3‘,‘: ., 3" r-.t3:‘f..'- l." .3, “2:35?“ '.‘ - I in '4,p'.* 4“: s 1 " L _ x- _‘ .b.‘:. q I ' V? i" I" ’_ ‘. “‘ . 1 '1 4 ’ I .,, I -.‘~‘t .w . v "‘i232'ls .. 7.11 ’ 1":‘0' .: , 1., i I? :3. :e tjru;,‘.'..-v". ' I; .. ‘-s-:AI ’ Q ...’ ”If?” i‘ J" is) f 1J1,“ . - _ “I I“ .’." o,‘.1 5).. '..I 4'4. )r- -. as. Is A! r- I I". ”‘4 ' y {1' . ‘5 . ‘.'u ‘ ~ '~ I " z; D C 4 ...... v.1, ' i A” Ig"z_¢“| I "if" . OI"> "‘- A II.\4.\'4'.I.\ 26, W0 . TOP INDEX STRESSES 4NN gthof diagnal- /25 +16 :29. 69 ft. 29.62 :1.86 x index stress : actual stress. 1 :6721' I Stresspanel I - 4368.75 xl.86 : 8125 # Max. M “ II. 1450025 Xls86 22710 # 11118.1(. LOWER INDEX STRESSES taxing. I ,-I[ '221 Stress: 1.86 index stress. Panel I 32245 xl.86 .41800 # Max " II .13420 xl.86 .2500 # Max “ III: 4490 x1.86 :8350 # Max TOP; Panel I. 3$"x 3$“x3/8" [s area :2.48 sq. in. 8125 : ;60 sq. in. needed. 13500 -16000-10xl5x12 :4200 # allowable. 1.07 812 " 1.96 sq. in. needed. 4200 Actual stress. 8125 a 3270 f 2.48 No computations will be made for other panels. BOTTOM Panel I Stress : 41800 # Try 5"x5"x7/16"[g Area: 4.18 sq. in. . r: 1-55 16000-70X8.85x12 :11390#/sq. in. 1.55 41800 : 3.68 sq. in needed. Actual stress. :41800 : 10000#/sq. in. 4d8 0k panel I Panel II Stress:25000 # Try 4"x4"x3/8“ [3 area: 2.86 sq. in. r: 1.23 16000-70x8.85x12 :9960#/sq. in. allowable. 1023 I 25000 : 2.485 sq. in. needed. 9960 25000:8750 # actual stress. 2.86 0k panel two. Panel III Stress:8350 # Try 3%“x3%"x3/8“[s area=2.48 sq. in. r:1.07 lbOOO-YOX?:ggxl2s9OSO#/sq. in. allowable. Continued next page. a :Li {lit :3! j; 1'. fifl f if r. . ‘ A 3 . z/ 7". U”. a" l l I 3?% f 1;” i ,! .3?- r“, I 3.. 1..- J"4 ayes .. . a- I! '3‘! 1.? {flaw Q%~ .g. .1 I. ”N t v f: I I “I :5". xi 7: I” .I ' * ’ I s ‘ f 1.31:" I ‘ A i - s .. . ‘0 {I _ . .. ': -' :jwfifiai'ESEWt‘W‘fil‘i I . , _ x" J flyzl'v‘ ' . . ’3‘!" .‘ {Hf-"ff . . . I! ~. 7‘0' . y . if or I". A? p..- ;.' ~ 1:- I -- '31 "c. ,3 .. 'vt" , y ..AQ| ‘334‘31‘ '3 .‘* ’ s . ‘ ‘ . 3: ’~ 9' Illa! s.) I. I '§ .j. o _ . - ‘ a? . ' A . . .H . . . I . . 7 r . 7 . . ... . . . .....7 . 7 . . . . 44H» ‘4...» . . .304“: .JLWAW .0“... .U. . . 44. 7 7...-747i ......m- .7. .....m..7..”v:r ......77.l..... _>7._ ...”..n. 7 . .. 7 . ..4 X ..7 _ . ... .... . n .7. . .... .. “-1.. 4 7 .... . . . m7...Hdlu.M. int. ”7.. 7. 7 7 WM.» “6mg \M\\\wwv~awfiun+flu l\ 1% MEL . ...... . I... . . 4...... ......h. ......m ... .... ...... ......R ... a , ....7 . . ...u .. .... .. . ...h u.. ... (..H... .......,. H... w.4\7...7....._... .. .. Vafl‘CM. _V. .....o 4:4,... .W...‘ flan-WV. s’WWh. HKITITH ......“ Emmy“. I. "HI. *?NW 47 4 4.17.44 . . l . . 7 . . .. . .. ... 7 a“ 17‘ Raw. ..44 4». la ‘ufl ...u mt . . .7 .. a .... ., hiJl’- . .ILLrhlifituMsriT .10.; “740.: r I177. !. - 4.. .... 4.... .. ..... ... . _ . . . ._ . § _ 3.727.... 7...! ...-7 -..... ......7..}..._.. ......1. .7l 7 7...“. New”: N‘w “x qI44». ) N‘Rfigw “...-vet.” wax 7s . 4...... 7. . ......Ws. 7.7. . ...n.. .r ..L 4.... .... ... A .3... . ... 7 v s ... .....o 44.. . .7 r. ....7 0:... ...s.. .. 7.... Hunt .u .77 . .7. .0 . .. 4 ......a7 4 .. .. “a .7... 77 7ah .r 0 ..4 I .\ XHWMI‘HAHJngh‘.‘ ”hwidfi 4 . UH. . >WH‘ ..~ m.” I . r .. .. 7 s . 7 . .4. .4 4 . 7 . s . I ,. . 3|. .a. I. .43. v. ... . .. . 4 .... 9 s . . is . 7 4 . . . 7 7 4. ”.7 . a \ .... 4 . . . .... . . .. . o . .. Int: ..L..Iv. F. s 70”. I l... ‘ M INUHH‘kWn waist-414%? “fl“. . . a . . . . . s . u 4 .7 ... . r. . s .. s0 4 4.4 . u . ...: 7 .4 _. .. . ... W V. 7... . W...» 4% ...... haw. £4..qu ...» . .4 . . . .. ...... . $b? .~ ‘ ~. .' 44K :. bk '1 ‘. flaw“. ‘ 7. . . ”.7 $.57»... 4.- . 4. “...... 4.4.... we 7...... 4... 44.4.?” 4.... 4mm... ... £44 .1744...» 4. . .xunnw. 4447424. 4144... ....u... . .... 4.444 3 t n 6 m t u b a h t O b P O f lllll°~|7|ie * actual stress. a +4 Use a 25'x16' abutment Area :400sq. ft. base. 16’ Volume concrete:2(10+16)x20x25) .485 cu. yd. 2 27 0k panel III needed 0 EAL BRACING CONTINUED The design of the pedtstals was considered 8 9050 8 2.48 2,000 ... r m t m e a M d m T e ..1 U 6 t B n s 8 A n e E1 m a. 4. mm o. s s a n q o 4 s .1 8 O C 0.. E “w a mw s m m o n c ..., 7 .1 F 1 2 fl: 4 3 O 9 + w” mu m. "m 4. o a G o- : .. 8 I no a m& WA 0 C D 8 e n n 6 u 7. Load from weight or abutment:20'x150: 3000#/sq. ft. Available pressure p: 5000-3000. 2000#/ sq. ft. Max bridge load : 381,900x2 : 763,800# Note: Assume bearing power of the soil p: S,OOO#/ sq. ft. DESIGN 0 Panel III lower bracing. WEIGHT OF TRUSS FIGURES U1L0 wt./ft. 1 6.Plt.(2#"x§")x4l' 40.8 s 1675 # 4 webs(20"x%" ) x4l' 34.0 2700 # 4 [s(3%“x3%“x%")x4l' 11.1 1820 # 6285 # wt. of one. 4x6285: 25140# for like members. U; 02 &U203 l C. Plt.(24“x§')x24' 40.8 s 980 # 4 [g 3%"x32'x5/8“)x24' 13.6 1305 # 2 webs (20"xll/lb”)x24' 46.8 2246 3 . 531 # wt. of one. 4x2x453l= 36248 #for like members. L2L3 . 4 A; (3%“x3%“x5/8') x24' 13.6 4 1306 a 4 webs (21“xs") x24 ‘35.? 428 # 734 # wt. of one. 4x4734= 18936 f'for like member . s L1L2& th1 4 [s (3&“x3é"x9/16) x24 12.4 g 1191 # 4 webs (21'x1/16“) x24 31.24 000 a 191 # 2x4x4191 433528 #for like members. U1L1 2 webs (20”13/8“) x30' 25.5 g 1530 # 4 [I (3%"x3é“x3/8")x30' 8.5 = 1020 a 2550 # 6x2550: 15300 a for like members. ‘. '3". ‘- ._ I . 72 . .rfi. ’ 2: f2 .12 is .E O’ 1" 4 . ’r ... s :7 {I fit/4f , _. '3 l 4 4,‘ . .‘ .1... ~73 ..- ‘ ":1 r: ass 7 '4», 4 7 i ‘1’ f1” .,.'-. .2 7... i .7 111;)“ , ',’ , . . .' e - - 44 4., ...... 4 ' . . ‘1 Q I ‘ . 7 ' 4 \ . I , 4. ' ‘ 7 ‘ v L Q . a ' . ‘ 7 s0 . 0. . ~ . 4 _ ,7 I“ a t ‘ .0 s '7‘ , . .\ . 4. . v ‘ .. 1 o u ' I ~ .' _‘- o . .l ' 0, I; ‘ 7 ..- --- - .....-..- ~:..‘.--'=. '7‘~ " .‘ 'I.-'- ‘_ ...}! - O 's ‘ ~ . v Q. ’ ‘ ' ‘4 _ _ . . .7. ; ., . ‘ . .. . - . . - - 4 .. ’ I N b ‘ ‘< I: , r' r5 I- ‘ ‘ 7‘. -04, - _", "..’ 7_ -_ ._, ' . 1., .I 1?. _'4. . ., .. . 4 . .. ,' V. . . r-‘l o4f7 ‘ . 5 - . ' . ¢ . .4 n ' 7 5' . ‘ . as ‘ first? '2‘ as ‘ .a. .4 .517' l‘ "I4.H.l' . . . . “'0.“ 1% I. 6 ‘7? H. ‘3' -, l‘. 3 .. V< «"v'rarrt‘. : ' 71-7.?! .. "i~ ”3777'.- .ign‘ nrfrrv . :1. ;; ‘. . . r: C'- ‘ . _ .. ’-._‘. - r ‘r.'~:r'~..‘ -;7 1.? 1.23 . .'- .4. I‘ . g ': .«7'~ w 7 . WELGHT or TRUSS FIGURES CONTINUEQ U1L2 ut./ft. 31.24: 4250 # 5935 # per member 4x5935-23740#for like member:. 4 [a (3%"x3ifix9/16“)x34' 2 web: (21“x7/16') XB4' U2L2 4 [a (3&"x3fi‘x3/8") 1 web (13%13/8") x30' 8.5:102.0 # 17.21;2065 # 3085 # per member ltx3085 : 12340 # for iike members. x30' 1203 2 Z; 5115!; 15"-45# x34; 3060 #per member 3060 x4-;2240# for like members. Portal bracing per portal. 1 web 57"x3/8")x6' 2 webs (72"x3/8") x6' 2 [I (3&"x3£5“x3/8')x18' 4 “ (5”x3e“X3/8") 4-2" 24: (5"x3%"x3/8") 14' 4 in (5“x3%“XB/8")6o5' 72.7: 472.5# 91.8:1101.6# 10.4 382 # 174.8# 297-0# 0. 10.4 10.4 10.4 2b98.4# 2x 2098.435396.8# for portals. Lateral bracing for tep. 4 [- (3%"x3%"x3/8") 2 in (3% "16% "1:3/ 8 " 13' 27' 8.5 442 # 8.5 .552. # 901 # 4x901:3004 # for upper brac- -1n3. 0'3. “" "3’. ' [ria' s z,‘ - '3:th K‘. t O I. I. o. ., - 2'}[!z-5 . . fif” V’I . ' 3; 531’ ad é? #. 1‘1 {‘2 9‘ " , 1'1:- .4. I , ,_. (In? 7‘ ’0‘ {If an ._.. ’ .'a H‘ II 63}. u - . ofv‘.‘¢ I ‘1 r ,r. - . .>:v’ ‘J '.l ' . J 5‘! 0 LAN ,1! A i" K t" ’1; . ‘ \ . u’» as ’ 513‘ '§ ‘3 “w; : 9 .' {i .‘.! ‘ . A. ‘1. .3 , ‘c .’. b . . c1 9 . ~ «5". .' a I a ._ ..;,' e. ‘ ,1 3‘1" . .' Q . _-'.’ Vu- .." _‘.~' . '5‘ . - .I; - .: .t . G r; .“15 .- C 5'? (J? . .'. 4w ‘1. "n g. 1“?r'_" - ~ I (b- fl -‘.: xw‘b ‘ ' A . mj'vlg.‘ ‘4' _ I J .F-a‘ . ,éi, ,5}! 4:? f f Pg! 1!! ft ." J ! .y,.m 3 L hr! :1 ‘1 I in 3 ) A i 3 .‘ ‘0 .3]. § ., .a"' i v. t ' . J “ . ... . . ~:_.:u ‘." r- v . \. .‘ 4' ' .-I-I I‘ " v ' ‘ ‘ - V .p’ ‘ 'r‘ _"IV“L ..‘(a Zr gr. . . A. . e A... ., , .a. >- "’.l P.I‘ "‘ ‘ H --. U y . - . -9 ‘0 J" a wry m u 'f'- ”E f P 33% .-.d‘ .i '4 1'" ‘ - V .V" ‘ -—. .fiA fl 5... ~ .. . n - \. 0' I .. : ‘I i ’rl'. :‘A‘. . \‘, - l -) N f “ [A ‘ . V . ’ ‘ ‘ _ .. , ._ o , .. _._ .' l , - 4’ r .. -‘. . ‘ - " a ’ ‘v i“ '"V ‘ ‘. ‘ 4 1 ‘ . ' A f . . -1.) p ‘ ’A‘I 5. ""' “V" "" ‘ ~ ._\.‘ k“-|- .w ' '4 - . g ' _ l <‘ p. u _A , ' 4 I i""v ," h ‘ p ._ .' ‘ A .._ < , - ., r3 < A A. - '.‘s . . . T t _(l 9 ‘ .A‘ ~. he. x535 ~.,-. “1'3"- -. -’ ' .... ‘-‘5-.- l f Jud}: ...‘v ..‘A A fit‘ ”5 ' . .~ . e - .. - ' F .q. _. 4 ‘_ ‘ K :12": "211% 1&4“ ‘2‘“ - “mt“ 1‘: “ i8 ~ . . . ‘c . r' V n . o. ,. r: ... n ‘ '- - VQV f'... I. v ‘ a-,« V‘ . . . C - u. . .' o. 5. .' r. ,, vV‘ ' ‘. u; o . I: ‘ ': ~ A a '4 _‘A I C ,‘1 4“ ', . _ V ’h v. ’ '7 J .1 (A j. ‘ a ' k "- r ‘w' 4» . .A ‘_ . r. C; u‘ I. ‘4 a Ln~ _ I 4!", F A . “9.. .. . J . . -".I _ _ u . ' " 1 .'.4f': 4 u ‘. < ‘ . f ." ,_ - . A . - A " ."I .'. "M l . "l. A “ . W. . ~ 1v ‘3 Irv,‘ ‘ A' _ ..n; ‘u . n. A w. , I. ‘ . .’. .. > 1‘ I‘ll .‘ , ‘ ». v ' u ‘ I . " ' ~ '0‘:‘0}0‘ ‘A‘ - ‘ ‘ c -\ l. . ‘~ .. ~ . .~ 7 , A _, l. ‘ ’ . 3 A I n , .A u ' n__.~ ,‘ , ‘ . ‘ ._, - ' fl ‘ I .. v. ' 0 ‘ _9 “UL: _ | .» - I..‘ -d. ...: ‘ . ‘ . P " . . -‘ ~' v. u‘ o. ‘ ‘ ~. "a!" A .' .'. ~ 5.‘ t _ ... A ‘_ ., J ,I ...": fl 7 ' ' . - ‘; . '. .'. “ ' " ... ‘ 4. A v, . .'. " ‘- 'V..' o - ‘ - . \ . . ' y ‘ m .. . . . . . a_ .- o‘n .' :- t ‘ ‘ 9 ‘. W “ ‘ I; O M... “.7 ‘r . . ‘4‘ .'. ‘ . . . . _ ‘5 , _ . IU‘ "' -' ' {I j.» "J ., ‘A‘. g." I. .s a u ‘7 ‘ f0 v . v 1‘ V‘ "5‘ H _‘ . ’ 5 , V. 1 '.. . '7' r . ._ 1“ A. _ A -v v '-- - ‘, ‘ ' . . " b I -l . . ' A I . II t h I _-A ‘1 .‘ ',- ,AHA V - ,' -' \ . j . :‘u' .. . ' W " .. - m'l‘ ‘ ‘ 1‘ . ‘7 . _ .“W ‘ VI... . ‘ . . {‘1' I .‘, V : x. ‘I. ‘. ..,‘ u 9 . J,- 1“- h‘ 4 M i ' (llf‘ l . [A a -. . "\ . .2 .. WEIGHT OF TRUSS CONTINQEQ Lateral bracing for lower cords. Panel I wt./ft. l 1 (5"x5"x7/16‘)x25' 14.3 2 [s(5"x5"x7/16“)xl2' 14.3 3357.8 f .4.0# 700. # 2x700.8 :140lb# for end panels. Panel II 1 [’(4“x4"x3/8“)x27.5' 9.8 2 [a(4“x4“x3/8")x13.5' 9.8 2x534 :1068 Panel III 1 z (3&‘x3i"x3/8')x27.5' 8.5 2 Al(3§"x3i“x3/8')x13.5' 8.5 226905 # 229545 f 534-0 # # for second and ffith panels. 823309 # 25%}:4 § 2x563.431126.8# forpsnels Sway bracing 2 [s (3i“x3§“x3/8")x14' 8.5 4 I I! u n x4.5' u 2 u‘ N i N. x7.25| u 4 N I. C. O 00 x30 3' three and four. 238# 153 # 123.2 # g 102 # 616.2 # 3xblb.2 : 1848.6# total weight of spay bracing. 1 ‘4 l‘ l ‘0 1‘ 0 .I'. , . _ ‘ . r , A J a . I .F f: a :1! f, éfl V r” fl wt: I . Ara-{£313 3.4, . .r z . @Tflf- ,Li l' q. 4% ,1, .1 A' A's-’3 J' a 7" '15,}? ."'.' 49153 ‘ ,aWfla 7 / I ..251. 'f I 1- o ‘_ 1 "r f, a ..‘y '..' 0., ‘15 I‘J. 0? I w . " Cfieg :s “at ‘ t h 1 :!;!'.-'; 3 A ’J a. v v's} I .-1. . '..'..' ,. VI . V .. 3. ..." . , {.’. Ur. . ring 0 "1 "PL“- .. t “. mumwweui WEIGHT OP TRUSS COMPLETED J’LV az¥"' a" e ..., ‘3 . . s v}, ‘7. Wagght of rivet heads estimated at 13,020 Egg Latticing of all members 12§632 gig; Gusset plates iég- 20 - o'x4'xi' : 122.4#/ft. 14;?00 gfi 20 0 6'12'1g“ : 61.2#/fto 1 7.350 End Plates taken at 5,000 Weight of floor system 14,251.5# TOTAL WEIGHT OF STEEL IN BRIDGE 280.985.3# The weight of ties and rails will add 400#/ ft. to the dead weight of trusses. Load per foot of truss : 280285.: e 200 : l,lO3.b# 300 We assumed at the start of the design a load of 1,300# OUR DESIGN I8 SAFE. «Muses. . 4...... . .. - . . .. i 1......2. .. .. . jg... ,. H.......H.....‘....... ...... “H... .... ..,..... W .1 ...¢.u...F.w~mnm.n.fiwl ....Lhi....~. ...... I .3“. Jim-«Frat? bill! If. raiihtl. .... “..N . \ . n .. _. 4 . .. ......» . r ...... ...... . .. ,. . mm ....m. Hafiw. «.15....7Q; ...”...N: {23$ “HR... flimam . ............... ......Np.......m¢ .J . 2...... ...... . - 1.1.“. 71.1.1. .wfi._.1-%. q..mxz . .: J a . M. ..:.T. . . ..J. _ . a. L, a kenMantk “as. .ww .. . .. ...... . n .. ....J.... . I... . .‘. . . I... .. ...... .. ...... \ .. p . . . .... .. . .. .. x . 13‘ .meawuf...‘ 5.01.}. 5H,. . .28.... .. . ...: .... . . .... .... . M... .... .. . .. . ....W... .1. f: Fax km... a”... akin...» n .. ...... .. ......qp ......akdr . . .. I . A... . ., ... .... . .. .. . .. . . .. .. ... . i .. ...... .. ,.. .. ......H... .....-amwnurl . ...... s. ~s~1~en .. . . . .. . . . . a, ....g..... . . . . .m n . o O n . .0. .. o . v a . «‘5!» ‘. .I.- .0 .0H .0 s a .. o . . _ .8...“ vv .0 . x ~. ops... 0... vp .n .. . v .. ..n. 1...... . o . .. .... .a . ..aqae . ...... .... . a.” .. . .. - . he 1. c. 5 K KN .u .01.»... 11%.." .. v.2 :31”. ...... .... J. 3.3% ...... . .. . ... .... . .. ...... ...... .. .. . . .-.... .. . . ., . . .. .. . .. . ... u - .... A o . a.. . . .. .. . . . t . . . n . c u . . c. . . v . . . . . . ”Riv; «8.3. .. ... 0..» s.\«.. . \M. Nesswb.‘ . “‘13.“... .\......\....... .5. . o ... ....... .. _ ... ... .. . .. .. m.... .. ..J..... .. .......... . ....w. .. ...... ..., ... .. . ... a... ........ . ..... . . . . ...... .. .. .... ._ ... . . .. _. . . .‘....fl... “5.5... ~M.k\ .53: 16.... a... .........\.,.... .s.....x.x.. . .. . .. ..~ . . . ._ . . , . x . a. , . ....... ...}... ...: \...... 3.. 1,625.00 1 100.00 195.00 294.00 350.00 3.537-50 22,538.50 14 0 0.00 0.26 $61,621.56 $48,906.00 ' 44 $51,351.30 10 $50.00 003! SHEET 5569 yd. 0 $1.10/yd. $ 6,116.00 700 ft.@ $0.42/ft. TOTAL 008! or COMPLETED BEPARATIOH {61,621.56 Curbna Gutter 2500rt. $3.65/ft. Pavement Catch Basins 2 @ Pumping outfit (Installed) Tile Placing tile 700 ft. 0 50.50 Abutments Excavati on) Haul, etc. Bridge Cost of Material & Labor Engineering @ 5% Total Contractor Profits @ 20% Total cost HICHIGRN STRTE UNIV. LIBRRRIES 31293500235084