~ 4 LIBRARY Michigan State University This is to certify that the dissertation entitled fy es Versus Pape: A Contra vers in Lette to The Gendleinan’s [lopazine: 994 -(77] presented by (sretcle: fs ster has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ah bi degree in Opis W Dalit Wiles Major professor Date Q) as] LS MSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution O-12771 MSU LIBRARIES EE CT. RETURNING MATERIALS: Place in book drop to remove this checkout from your record. FINES will be charged if book is returned after the date stamped below. —— DRYDEN VERSUS POPE: A CONTROVERSY IN LETTERS TO THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, 1789-1791 By Gretchen M. Foster A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF ENGLISH Department of English 1988 Copyright by Gretchen M. Foster 1987 ABSTRACT DRYDEN VERSUS POPE: A CONTROVERSY IN LETTERS TO THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, 1789-1791 By Gretchen M. Foster In 1789 British poetess, Anna Seward entered into a debate about the relative merits of Pope and Dryden with an obscure organist and lover of poetry, Joseph Weston. Weston had written "An Essay of the Superiority of Dryden's Versification over that of Pope and of the Moderns," in which he deplored the pernicious effect Pope's style had had on English poetry. He called on his readers to join him in restoring "to Drydenical Purity that Pierian Spring which Pope corrupted, and which his more daring imitators have Poisoned!" (WA xxiv). Anna Seward, ae great admirer of Pope, challenged Weston's thesis and wrote a long letter to The Gentleman's Magazine refuting his charges. Sewards's and Weston's paper war captured the reading public's notice. Literary amateurs, Cambridge dons, the renowned and the unknown, the young and the old followed, joined and finally wearied of the flood of words this two-year conflict brought forth. Seventeen correspondents, in addition to Seward and Weston, wrote one or more letters to the GM on the subject. This dissertation is a critical edition of those letters. In the introduction, I discuss the major comparisons of Dryden ana@ Pope made by earlier critics such as John Dennis, George Shiels, Joseph Warton, and Samuel Johnson. I discuss how the concept of sublimity, which Warton insisted was the _ sole criterion of great poetry, changed throughout the eighteenth century, and I trade the development of the nature/art and wit/judgment paradigms on which critics tended to base their comparisons of Dryden and Pope. I outline the positions of the various controversialists and give pertinent background information about those whose identities we know. I describe The Gentleman's Magazine and discuss the policies of its editor John Nichols regarding poetry and letters from readers. The issues debated included Pope's character as well as his poetry. I discuss these in some detail, especially the issue of poetic diction, which Weston accused Pope of abusing. The controversy made no lasting critical impression, but it does give us a close and fascinating look at eighteenth centry literary culture in action at a time when poetry was about to undergo a major revolution. To Arthur Sherbo mentor, colleague and friend, who made this project possible. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS For their guidance and support, I wish to thank Victor Paananen, Donald Rosenberg and Bob Uphaus. For his patience, I wish to thank my husband, Richard Foster. v1 John Oldershaw and Hugh Wade, Fellows of Emmanuel College, wagered a bottle of wine "That the dispute about Pope and Dryden was not a fortnight ago." Emmanuel College Wager Book Cambridge University, January 10, 1792 vil TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ............ . .iX The Text . . . 2. 2. 2 2 6 © © e ew we 6 CXXVIIL Short Titles and Abbreviations ... .cxxx Table of Letters ........ . ¢xxxili The Letters. . ......... Appendix A ........ 2. © «© «© «© © 236 Appendix B.......... +. « « « 237 Bibliography ............. 240 viil INTRODUCTION The Nobel laureate in physics, Werner Heisenberg, has written that there are two kinds of scientists--the great theorists and those who do the practical work of making the theories work. To this effect he recalls what Schiller said about Kant: "‘When kings go a-building, wagoners have more work.'"1! We might say the same thing about literary criticism. An Aristotle or a Coleridge lays claim to new theoretical territory, but without the wagoners who construct the interpretations, auxiliary theories, and close readings, or who describe and analyze historical and social contexts, these territories would remain remote and barren. When, in 1789, Anna Seward and Joseph Weston entered into a debate about the merits of Alexander Pope and John Dryden, they became minor wagoners in the province of educated literary taste. Their extended paper war captured the reading public's notice. Literary amateurs, Cambridge dons, the renowned and the unknown, the young and the old followed, joined, and finally wearied of the flood of words their two-year conflict called forth. Tedious and trivial as it may seem to the twentieth-century reader, the Seward- Weston controversy touches on significant issues in eigh- teenth-century poetic theory and contributes substantially to our understanding of polite literary taste just before 1 Physics and Beyond (NY: Harper, 1971) 22. ix the Romantic revolution. Background of the Controversy In the closing decades of the eighteenth century, Joseph Weston, an obscure organist in the small town of Solihull just southeast of Birmingham, translated into English a Latin poem, Philotoxi Ardenae (The Woodmen of Arden, 1788), by Birmingham attorney and amateur poet John Morfitt. Weston rendered Morfitt's poem first in blank verse, then in heroic couplets “in the manner of Dryden." He prefaced the translation with "An Essay on the Superiority of Dryden's Versification over that of Pope and of the Moderns." Deploring the pernicious effect Pope's style had had on English poetry, he called on his readers to join him in restoring "to Drydenical Purity that Pierian Spring which Pope corrupted, and which his more daring Imitators have Poisoned!" (xxiv). Anna Seward, a poetess and lady of letters who lived with her father in Lichfield, Samuel Johnson's birthplace, had met Weston during the winter of 1788 and found him to be a bit odd in appearance and mannerisms but also "a mine" of "wit, intelligence, and poetic genius,” with "taste and real accuracy in criticism" which "enable him to cut the rich ore they produce brilliant."? Word that Joseph Weston had translated Morfitt's poem reached Anna Seward later that 1WA, title page. 2Letters 2:92. X1 year, and in December she wrote to him saying: I long to see your two translations of the Latin poem on the Woodmen of Arden, being fully conscious of Mr. Morfitt's responsibility for all the classic excellence you tell me it possesses. I wish every translator of beautiful Greek, Latin, and Italian poetry, knew as well as yourself how to transfer its gold, unalloyed by any dross in the process (2:206). By January, 1789, she had seen the poem and preface and wrote to Weston: As to my anger, whatever my wonder may be at your strong prejudices in favour of my muse, and against the sweet Swan of Twickenham, anger is out of the question. It would be affectation, in the first instance, in the last injustice; for have you not a right to assert your own opinions, whatever they may be? I, however, devoutly wish, that, for your own sake and mine, you would greatly soften the hyperbole of your praise of me, and the warmth of your censure upon Pope, since there is such an inevitably large majority of opinions against yours in both instances (2:209-10). In February, she wrote to thank Morfitt for the "elegant copy" of his poem with Weston's translations and preface. Here she began marshalling the objections to Weston's opinions on which she expanded in her initial long letter to the Gentleman's Magazine (GM), serialized in its April, May, and June, 1789, issues. "I admire our friend's genius," she began mildly, but, in the same degree, do I lament the strength of his prejudices, andthe errors of his system. They have betrayed him, through the preface to this work, into mistakes the most glaring, and into injustice to the illustrious band of poets, that, with redoubled rays, have warmed the nation within the last half- century (2:238). Two months later, the GM published the first installment of what it called her "Strictures on the Preface to the Woodmen of Arden." Her strictures ran to more than 2,700 words; the Xil controversy which they began lasted two years and drew let- ters from seventeen correspondents in addition to herself and Joseph Weston. During 1789 and 1790, each issue of the GM carried something about the controversy, if only a short note from Joseph Weston delaying his rebuttal because of illness. Many issues carried two or more letters. In all, the letters ran to some 30,000 words of reasoning and opinion, quotation and counter quotation, and heated attack, rebuttal, and rere- buttal. Although the debate may not add a great deal to our critical understanding of Pope and Dryden, it introduces us to one sector of polite literary taste which existed only a few years before Wordsworth published his prefaces to the Lyrical Ballads in1798 and 1800. The correspondents' discussion of such topics as poetic diction, sublimity, Pope's effect on poetry, and the state of poetry in the 1780s reveals no general sense that poetry is exhausted or that a major revolution is in the making. At the same time, it does show that the literati were thinking about the need for changes in poetry. Although Wordsworth's prefaces provide a convenient end-of-the-century date for the revolution in poetry that the Romantics brought about, interest in the more private and emotive poetry of sensibility had been growing for at least fifty years. Anna Seward's list of eminent poets (Letter la, p. 5) of her generation contains the names of many who were writing such poetry: Gray, Thomson, Collins, X1lil Akenside, Cowper, Burns, and Chatterton. And Weston, despite some ledqalistic joking about reserving his right to challenge "every mother's son of them," finds that the contents of Anna Seward's April letter "will give me no great trouble" (Letter 4, p. 26). The debate between Anna Seward and Joseph Weston does not remain tidily within the neo-classical era in which literary historians normally place Dryden and Pope--Dryden as the innovator and Pope as the perfecter. It raises the essential question asked by readers in every generation and answered in as many ways as there are literary periods and interpreters: What 1S poetry, and who is the true poet? By the time this debate takes place, the literary taste and ideals which supported the neo-classical point of view were already history.! Yet beth Dryden and Pope were still considered by many critics and readers to be among England's areatest poets. Pope's reputation. especially, continued to grow after his death and remained strong with many critics and readers through the end of the century despite the increasing support for the more private poetry of sensibility. In Pope and His Critics, W. L. MacDonald notes that editions of Pope's writ- ings "swelled to [their] most impressive fortissimo" between 1751 and 1769.? The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature lists "Seventeen editions or issues of the poet's 1See Appendix A for my definition of neo-classical. 2(London: Dent, 1951) 264. X1V Works, besides separate pieces, making in all upwards of 130 volumes" for this period, and the "list is not necessarily complete." MacDonald observes that, despite Joseph Warton's two-volume Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope with its relegation of Pope to the second rank of poets, "within four years of the turn of the century, critical delirium at the height of frenzy shrieked the praises of Pope” (314). In The Reputation and Writings of Alexander Pope, James Reeves disagrees with MacDonald's estimate of Pope's supremacy. He writes: "The notion that Pope was supreme. . . throughout the latter half of the eighteenth century, and was only dethroned with the triumph of Romanticism has SO often been repeated that it is still regarded as a truism,"™! and one which ignores Warton's critical insights at midcentury and glosses over the extent to which Samuel Johnson had reservations about Pope. Reeves goes on to say, however, that "justice has never, so far as I know, been done to Warton," and that, although Johnson is not Pope's “unequivocal, rapturous admirer,” "he is usually taken to be" just that (6, 12). William MacClintock's Joseph Warton's Essay on Pope: A History of the Five Editions (1933), which Reeves apparently did not’ know, supports Reeves's contention that Pope's reputation was not supreme during the last half of the eighteenth century. MacClintock writes, "When the Essay 1 (London: Heinemann Educational Books, 1976) 2, 12. XV appeared in 1756, it made a decided impression--indeed, it almost created a sensation. It challenged the supremacy of Pope, whose reputation was still high. We shall see elsewhere that it was widely read and that the second volume was eagerly awaited."! MacClintock estimates "cautiously" that “between four and five thousand copies of the Essay must have been printed during Warton's lifetime" (16), that is, before 1800 when Warton died. This is a large edition by 18th-century standards. Anna Seward's and Joseph Weston's debate mirrors’ this split in the assessment of Pope's’ reputation. It also indicates where the majority lay among those who read _ the GM. Miss Seward assumes she has opinion on her side, and Joseph Weston agrees. He anticipates that his objections to Pope's supremacy will meet with opposition: I am not unaware that a Sentiment so unfavourable to most of my Contemporaries, and so opposite to Prejudices long received and obstinately retained, will, probably, be considered as the rash and romantic Assertion of a vain and presumptuous Innovator, and be treated with all the Severity usually exercised against Notions which are looked upon as heterodox.? In the course of this debate Miss Seward, Weston, and all those who join in, touch on many of the major critical topics that eighteenth-century comparisons of Pope and Dryden usually brought up. To appreciate the context of their arguments we must examine these earlier comparisons. 1 (North Carolina: U of NC Press, 1933) 4. Z2Letter 9c, pp. 60-61. Weston quotes most of his Pre- face in this letter, so most references to his Preface will be to Letter 9c. XVi Previous Comparisons of Pope and Dryden Comparing Pope and Dryden was ae frequent critical activity during the eighteenth century. The two poets wrote in the same verse form and approached many of the same subjects from similar vantage points. As Pope said to Joseph Spence, "'T learned versification wholly from Dryden's works.'" ! Pope also followed Dryden's example in translat- ing a major classical epic, in writing satire, and even in writing an ode to music. A glance at the footnotes to the Twickenham Works reveals how often he borrowed or echoed lines, phrases, and images from Dryden. The assiduous col- lector could no doubt add many more. Pope's poetry called out for comparison with Dryden's, and the critics were quick to oblige. Dennis through Shiels (1711-1753) The earliest comparison by a major critic was John Dennis's. A fine critic in many ways, and one who shared many of Pope's views about poetry, Dennis combined his legitimate insights into Pope's work with a violent personal antipathy.? He had believed himself attacked as the tyrannical and easily inflamed critic Appius in An Essay on Criticism (1711). Accordingly, he opened fire, calling it "a most notorious Instance of this depravity of Genius and Tast" which has 1Observations, Anecdotes, and Characters of Books and Men, ed. James M. Osborn (Oxford: Clarendon, 1966) 1:24. 2Maynard Mack discusses this in Life 178-9. XV1il invaded English culture. Of Pope himself, he remarked, "there is a great deal of Venom in this little Gentleman's Temper....As there is no Creature in nature s0 venomous, there is nothing so stupid and so impotent as a hunch-back-d Toad."! Dennis went on to charge Pope with hypocrisy and impu- dence in pretending to praise Dryden while actually seeking to undermine him: The appearing in Mr. Dryden's behalf now is too late. ‘Tis like offering a Man's self for a Second, after the Principal has been whipp'ed through the Lungs. Now Mr. Dryden is dead, he commends him with the rest of the World. But if this little Gentleman had been his Con- temporary thirty Years ago, why then I can tell a very damn'd shape that Pride and Malice, and Folly would have appear'd in against Mr. Dryden (28). Four years later, ina letter to Jacob Tonson, Dennis pursued this point more explicitly: When I had the good Fortune to meet you in the City, it was with concern that I heard from you of the Attempt to lessen the Reputation of Mr. Dryden; and ‘tis with Indignation that I have since learnt that that attempt has chiefly been carried on by small Poets, who un- gratefully strive to eclipse the Glory of a great Man, from whom alone they derive their own faint Lustre... : But when I heard that that Attempt was in favour of little Pope, that diminutive of Parnassus and of human- ity, ‘tis impossible to express to what a height my Indignation and Disdain were rais'd.? Dennis went on to express his admiration for Dryden, whom I infinitely esteem'd when living for the Solidity of his Thought, for the Spring, the Warmth, and the beautiful Turn of it; for the Power, and Variety, and 1John Dennis, Reflections Critical and Satyrical upon a Late Rhapsody, call'd, An Essay upon Criticism, 1711 (Yorkshire, England: Scolar Press, 1971) Preface and 26. 2E.N. Hooker, ed., The Critical Works of John Dennis (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1939), 2:399-401. The following quotations are from that letter. XVill Fulness of his Harmony; for the Purity, the Perspicuity, the Energy of his Expression; and (whenever the follow- ing great Qualities are requir'd) for the Pomp and Solemnity and Majesty of his Style. He then compared this portrait with his low estimate of Pope: But Pope is the very reverse of all this: he scarce ever thought once solidly, but is an empty eternall babbler: and as his thoughts almost always are false or trifling, his expression is too often obscure, ambi- guous, anduncleanly. He has indeed a smooth verse and a rhyming jingle, but he has no power or variety of harmony; but always the same dull cadence, and a continuall bagpipe drone. Mr. Dryden's expressions are always worthy of his thoughts: but Pope never speaks nor thinks at all; oor, which is all one, his language is frequently as barbarous, as his thoughts are false. As for Dryden's faults, Dennis declared, “Wherever Genius runs thro' a Work, I forgive its Faults, and where that is wanting no Beauties can touch me. Being struck by Mr. Dryden's Genius, I have no Eyes for his Errors; and I have no Eyes for his Enemies Beauties, because I am not struck by their Genius." Dennis's adverse criticism of Pope ran to an extreme even for an era that did not soften its critical blasts. J. V. Guerinot has pointed out the "virulence" of Dennis's attack on Pope in the Reflections, coupled with the unusual number of inaccuracies in his quotations from Pope's Essay on Criticism. And of the letter to Tonson he says’ that this charge "is, as far as I know, unique."! This appears’ to have been so, both during Pope's lifetime, when adverse response was at its bitterest, and for some forty-five years afterwards, until Joseph Weston, possibly remembering 1 Pamphlet Attacks on Alexander Pope 1711-1744 (London: Methuen, 1969) xxviii, 5. X1xX something of Dennis, made the same charge. } Not all the early comparisons with Dryden were so. un- favorable. When Pope published the first samples of his translation of the Iliad into heroic couplets, Joseph Addison compared them favorably with Dryden's Virgil.? Later, how- ever, when Thomas Tickell published his translation of Book One of the Iliad, Addison apparently revised his estimate of Pope downward. If we can credit John Gay's roundabout intel- ligence, Addison "'said that Tickell's translation was’ the best that ever was in any language.'"? By this time, how- ever, Pope had angered the Whiggish group that congregated around Addison at Button's Coffee House, and this reported opinion of Addison's reflects literary politics as much as it does literary criticism. It was to be expected that various members of Addison's "little Senate" and its sympathizers would consistently com- pare Pope unfavorably to Dryden. A letter to Mist's Weekly Journal in June of 1728 (a month after The Dunciad appeared), Signed by "W.A." and believed by Pope to be by "some or other of the Club of Theobald, Dennis, Moore, Concanen, Cooke,'" said: The Model of his Poem seems copied from Mack-Flecknoe, and the Dispensary; but is as different from Dryden, if compared with that pointed Satyr, as it is below the admir'd and elegant Reflections, which are the Beauties of Garth. The smooth Numbers of the Dunciad are all 1Letter 9c, pp. 57-58. 2Freeholder 40, Works of Joseph Addison, ed. Richard Hurd (London: Henry G. Bohn, 1854) 5:48-49. ’The Correspondence of Alexander Pope, ed. George Sher- burn, 5 vols. (Oxford: Clarendon, 1958) 1:305. XX that recommend it, nor has it any other Merit.! An anonymous letter to the Daily Journal, attributed to Dennis by his editor, E. N. Hooker, summarized the case against Pope and for Dryden: In the Ode which the same Pantomimical Creature wrote upon St. Caecilia's Day, an Ode which was vainly and foolishly writ in Emulation of Mr. Dryden's Feast of Alexander, he has not the least Shadow of any of Mr. Dryden's great Qualities, neither of his Art, his Vari- ety, his Passion, his Enthusiasm, or his Harmony. The very Numbers in Mr. Dryden's incomparable Ode, are them- selves incomparable, and are always adapted and adjusted by that great Poet to his Passion and his Enthusiasn.? Pope himself, as part of the critical apparatus for The Dunciad (A), presented "A Parallel of the Characters of Mr. Dryden and Mr. Pope, As drawn by certain of their Cotempo- raries [sic)" (5:231-35). He collected similar opinions from hostile critics and grouped them under parallel headings. These critics had castigated Dryden and Pope for everything from their politics, religion, and morals to their smooth but empty verse, inept translations of Virgil and Homer, ignor- ance of classical languages, and misrepresentations to sub- scribers. The parallel concluded with an alphabetical list of names they had both been called, beginning with Ape and ending with Thing. In presenting this "Parallel," Pope implied that to be insulted in the same way, and even with the same epithets, as Dryden was praise indeed. Pope's collection of insults also revealed how relative criticism could be. Yesterday's 1John Barnard, ed., Pope: The Critical Heritage (London: Routledge, 1973) 212. 2Works 2:526. XX1 sinner was today's saint. Dryden's contemporaries had charged that his "Genius did not appear in any thing more than his Versification"™ (5:232). A century later, Joseph Weston and his supporters, in charging Pope with the same flaw, pointed to Dryden's verse as the model of all that poetry should be. Just as Pope's enemies consistently ranked him far below Dryden, so his sympathizers, especially his early biogra- phers, while recognizing his debt to Dryden, typically ranked him above the older poet. William Ayre wrote that Pope "exceeded [Dryden] as well in the Copiousness of his Subject, as in the Sharpness of his Pen." Of their respec- tive habits of writing and revision, Ayre was one of the earliest writers to note that Dryden was obliged to write for his Bread. . .so that his Works were some- times made publick in a Week after they were wrote, whereas Mr. Pope would keep a Piece Years by him, and have the Approbation of all whose Judgments he depended upon, before he would let the publick Eye pass over it.! A much more extended and significant comparison by Robert Shiels (one of Samuel Johnson's amanuenses for. the Dictionary) appeared at mid-century, just a few years before the first volume of Joseph Warton's Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope. Shiels began by affirming that Pope is allowed to have been one of the first rank amongst the poets of our nation, and to acknowledge the superiority of none but Shakespear, Milton, and Dryden. With the two former, it is unnatural to compare him, as their province in writing is so very different.? 1Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Alexander Pope, Esg.(London, 1745) 1:274, 275. | 2Shiels in Theophilus Cibber's Lives of the Poets f Great-Britain and Ireland (London, 1753) 5:247. XX1i This left Dryden, with whom "there is a great similarity of writing, and a very striking coincidence of genius." He then compared Pope's and Dryden's versification and invention, together with their relative merits as satirists, lyric poets, and translators in order "to discover to whom the superiority is justly to be attributed, and to which of them poetry owes the highest obligations" (5:247, 248). Like critics before and after him, Shiels found that, although Dryden had done much to smooth and polish English verse, Pope had done still more. Dryden's lines "with all their smoothness were often rambling, and expletives were frequently introduced to compleat his measures." Pope's genius was to make verse "compleatly musical" as well as "minutely correct." Shiels seemed to view this as a mixed blessing and wondered "whether the ear is not apt to be soon cloy'd with this uniformity of elegance, this sameness of harmony." (5:248, 249). Thirty-five years later, Joseph Weston and his adherents did more than wonder about this. John Morfitt spoke for the anti-Pope side when he asserted that Pope's "cuckoo notes disgust my ear; the interminable level tires; andtI pant for hill and dale" (Letter 10, pp. 68). As Joseph Warton and Edward Young were to do a few years later, Shiels noted that "the grand characteristic of a poet is his invention, the surest distinction of a great genius." But, while Warton and Young would charge Pope with lack of imaginative invention, Shiels found that nothing is so truly original as [Pope's] Rape of the XX1lil Lock, nor discovers so much invention. In this kind of mock-heroic, he is without a rival in our language, for Dryden has written nothing of the kind. His other work which discovers invention, fine designing, and admirable executicn is his Dunciad (5:249). Comparing Pope and Dryden as satirists, Shiels named Pope the Superior because "his Dunciad; which, tho' built on Dryden's Mac Flecknoe, is yet so much superior, that in satiric writ- ina, the Palm must justly be yielded to him. Even the "poig- nant strokes of satire” in Dryden's "Absalom and Achitophel" could not overbalance Pope's superiority in this qenre. When he considered their performances in lyric poetry, as exemplified in their odes on St. Cecilia's Day, Shiels gave Dryden the overwhelming superiority. Anna Seward would say much the same thing in two letters written at the beginning of the GM controversy, but not published as part of it.! Indeed, no eighteenth-century critic, no matter how partisan, ever suggested reversing the lyric rankinda. For Shiels, Superiority in lyric poetry categorically raised Dryden over Pope because "it hath been aqenerally acknowledged that the Lyric is amore excel.cnt kind of writing than the Satiric; and consequently he who excells in the most excellent species, must undoubtedly be esteemed the greatest poet" (5:249). Shiels based his judgment on the traditional Classical and neo-classical idea of the hierarchy of genres, according to which the form itself determined the rank of the poetry. A poet who wrote ina lower form such as satire 1Letters 2:281, 324-25. XX1LV would generally rank lower than one who wrote in ae higher form such as the lyric ode. Such ranking by genre increasingly posed a problem for eighteenth-century critics in the face of new, not easily Classified forms. For instance, Shiels called Pope's "Eloisa to Abelard" and the "Elegy on an Unfortunate Lady" "occasional pieces," although there were classical precedents for their forms in the verse epistle and elegy. He compared them with Dryden's Fables, which he said show "perhaps a greater variety," as well as a "great extent of invention, and a large compass of genius" (5:250), but he did not explain why he chose to compare these particular poems of Pope's with Dryden's Fables, which were not only different genres but translations of much longer works. Shiels tries to look beyond genre classifications, but he lacks’ the critical vocabulary to do so and falls back on such neo- Classical generalities as "variety," "invention" and "ge- nius." In Pope's and Dryden's translations of Homeric and Vir- gilian epic, Shiels found it hard to elevate one poet over the other. He seemed to want to give Dryden the preference, but finally conceded that Pope "was the greatest translator." He was quick to add that Dryden's "dramatic works," to which Pope has nothing to oppose, "turn the ballance greatly in favour of Mr. Dryden" (5:251). His final comparison of the two took the same course as that which Samuel Johnson would AXV pursue some thirty years later:! Perhaps it may be true that Pope's works are read with more appetite, as there is greater evenness and correct- ness in them; but in perusing the works of Dryden the mind will take a wider range, and be more fraught with poetical ideas: We admire Dryden as the greater genius, and Pope as the most pleasing versifier (5:252). Shiels's comparison highlighted the art versus nature and judgment versus wit paradigms of which eighteenth-century critics were so fond. In finding Pope's highly articulated and refined art inferior to Dryden's robust and varied poetry with its "poignant discoveries of wit" and its "general knowledge of the humours and characters of men," he extended to Dryden and Pope the popular comparison in which Homer was superior to Virgil and Shakespeare to Ben Jonson because’ the former had more nature and wit while the latter had more art and judgment.? Three years after Shiels's comparison of Pope and Dryden appeared, Joseph Warton published the first volume of his two-volume Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope. He dedicated it to Edward Young, who shared many of his views about poetry and who, a few years later, published his own Conjectures on Original Composition.? In his dedicatory let- ter to Young, Warton sounded the keynote of his criticism of Pope: "The sublime and the pathetic are the two chief nerves of all genuine poesy. What is there transcendently sublime or pathetic in Pope?" (l:vi). In order to understand the the significance of this question, we must first examine what 1For Johnson's comparison see pp. lxiv-1lxxiii. 2These terms are discussed below, pp. liii-lxiv. 3Discussed at pp. li-lii. XXV1 the term sublime meant to critics and philosophers during the eighteenth century. The Sublime in the Eighteenth Century The concept of the sublime! evolved during the eigh- teenth century from a theory about elevated writing to a theory about human perception and imagination. For poets it changed from an objective goal which they might achieve through exercising and improving on their natural gifts to a subjective, somewhat mysterious, process which they, as poets, must inevitably undergo. Samuel Johnson's definition of sublime epitomized the neo-classical view which dominated the early decades of the century. The sublime is “the grand or lofty style," and sublimity is "Loftiness of style or sentiment" (Dictionary). To illustrate this, he quoted Joseph Addison's definition: ""The sublime rises from the nobleness of thoughts, the magnificence of the words, or the harmonious and lively turns of the phrase; the perfect sublime arises from all three together.'" This definition emphasized the origin of the sublime in human nature and art--in elevated thought and elevated rhetoric. It derived from Longinus's Treatise n the Sublime, translations of which were becoming readily 1For this discussion of the sublime, I am indebted to Samuel H. Monk, The Sublime (Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1960); Walter J. Hipple, The Beautiful, The Sublime and The Picturesque in Eighteenth-Century British Aesthetic Theory (Carbondale, I1ll.: Southern Illinois UP, 1957); and wW. J. Bate, From Classic to Romantic: Premises of Taste in Eigh- teenth Century England (NY: Harper, 1946.) XXV1il available in England in the early 1700s. Longinus based the sublime on both nature and art. Nature bestowed “boldness and grandeur in the Thoughts" and "the power of raising the passions to a violent and even enthusiastic degree." Art accounted for how the sublime was expressed in writing through "a skilful application of fi- gures. . .of sentiment and language"; "a noble and graceful manner of expression, which is not only to chuse out signi- ficant and elegant words, but also to adorn and embellish the stile, by the assistance of Tropes"; and "the Structure or composition of all the periods, in all possible dignity and grandeur."! The sublime which neo-classical writers derived from Longinus was an art of writing, supported by natural gifts. Longinus emphasized that, although nature bestowed the gifts, man could nurture then: “we ought to spare no pains to educate our souls to grandeur, and impregnate them with generous and enlarged ideas"(27). In the sublime, the man and his work became one, just as "bold Longinus. . .Is himself that great Sublime he draws" (EOC, 1:680). Early in the century, John Dennis developed the subjec- tive and emotional implications of Longinus's treatise into a theory of the sublime based entirely on what he called enthusiasm. This was no ordinary enthusiasm, but a passion that embraced the most intense feelings of desire, sorrow, 1 Longinus fe) the Sublime, trans. William Smith (Baltimore, 1810) 23-24. | XXVili terror, joy and awe. Such enthusiasm was evoked by reliaion and in that case led to transcendent ecstacy. Although Dennis did not distinguish the sublime from the beautiful, he attributed qualities to it, such as terror and horror, that led to its later separation.! Addison made such a separation. distinguishing the great (his term for the sublime) from both the uncommon and the beautiful. The sublime evoked the feeling of "a rude kind of Magnificence"? such as we feel in the vast works of nature like deserts, mountains, oceans, cliffs, and precipices. The arts exhibited greatness in architectural wonders like the Parthenon or literary masterpieces like Paradise Lost. Poet- ry, especially the descriptive poem, was especially favorable to the sublime because poets could use their powers of selection and combination to present "Things more Great, Strange, or Beautiful than the Eye ever saw."3 Tragic poets could make great but unpleasant events produce pleasure partly through the faithfulness with which they imitated an action and partly through their audience's consciousness of its own security from the dangers and terrors represented. Addison's ideas about the sublime were given wide circulation by Mark Akenside's poem The Pleasures of Imagination (1744) which made the distinction between beauty and sublimity clearer and more memorable. 1Hooker, Works 1:358-63. 2Spectator 412. 3Spectator 418. XX1X Meanwhile, the philosopher David Hume had carried the analysis of greatness and beauty further than Addison, giving them a basis in sensation and perception. He did not set them in opposition, but viewed greatness (i.e., sublimity) as a larger kind of beauty. He emphasized that beauty and great- ness lie not in the object perceived but in the mind of the perceiver. Vastness or distance increase rather than dimin- ish the feeling of sublimity. Even though the mind experi- ences difficulty in perceiving a vast or distant object, rather than “extinguishing [the mind's] vigor and alacrity" Gifficulty "has the contrary effect of sustaining and en- creasing it."™! A decade before Joseph Warton published the first volume of his Essay on the Genius and Writing of Pope, Dr. John Baillie published An Essay on the Sublime, in which he set aside all rhetorical considerations and explored the origin of the sublime in natural objects and their effect on the mind. Making vastness the essential quality of the subline, he anticipated Edmund Burke in giving it a sensationalist basis, but stood apart from him and from the rest of the century in separating the sublime from the pathetic. The year after volume one of Warton's Essay appeared, Edmund Burke published his Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful (1757). Burke located the sublime in human passions: "The passions 1Treatise on Human Nature (1739) in Philosophical Works, ed. Green and Grosse (London, 1784) 2:212, 213. which belong to self-preservation, turn on pain and danger... they are delightful when we have an idea of pain and danger without being actually in such circumstances. ... Whatever excites this delight, I call sublime," and these "are _ the strongest of all passions."! Nature in upheaval or in its great manifestations produces the sublime: storms, floods, earthquakes, deep abysses, great waterfalls, oceans, the heavens. When Burke distinguished the sublime from the beautiful, he opened the path for new ways of viewing poetry that would culminate in the Romantics' repudiation of neo-classical standards. Burke said that the beautiful was clear, regular, smooth, and harmonious--all the neo-classical attributes. The sublime was directly opposite to this. It was indis- tinct, irregular, vast, and rough--characteristics which neo- Classical poets had generally avoided. For Burke the sublime "always dwells on great objects, and terrible": the beauti- ful, "on small ones, and pleasing" (113). It originated in things which seemed infinite or almost infinite and had a splendid profusion that was magnificent. Burke went so far as to say that "the apparent disorder" of something like the heavens augments the grandeur, for the appearance of care is highly contrary to our ideas of magnificence." He qualified this by adding that this kind of disorder is "to be very Cautiously admitted: because "in many cases this’ splendid confusion would destroy all use, which should be attended to 1J. T. Boulton, ed. (London: Routledge, 1958) 51. XXXi in most of the works of art with the greatest care" (78). Even with these qualifications, Burke's description of the sublime departs from neo-classical ideals of clarity, harmony, and order. The neo-classical assumption that human Nature is essentially uniform and that poetry's goal is delightful instruction was no longer adequate in the face of a theory based on "the effect of objects" and “the individual response"! to those objects. Burke and those who followed him opened the way to an aesthetic of the sublime which focused on the individual's psychological response, on the internal subjective process rather than on the external objective product. From Burke's Essay onward to the last decade of the century, the idea of the sublime became increasingly subjec- tive and tied to natural objects. Sublime poetry was no longer a matter of high-flown rhetoric and elaborate orna- mentation. Those who wrote and thought about the sublime frequently cited the Bible, especially the opening chapters of Genesis and parts of Isaiah, Milton's Paradise Lost, and the primitive poetry of Ossian. Gothic fiction benefitted from the idea that horror, terror, mystery, grief and melan- choly were sources of the sublime. This reached its ridicu- lous extreme when one writer classed Mrs. Radcliffe with Dante as the great artists of sublime horror. Whatever the aberrations, the concept of the sublime was evolving into something far different from simply "the grand or lofty 1Monk, 85. XXX1i style" of writing. During the second half of the century Hugh Blair's lectures as Professor of Rhetoric and Belles Lettres at the University of Edinburgh did much to spread this more subjec- tive, nature-based idea of the sublime. Blair began reading his lectures on sublimity and taste about 1762 and continued for twenty-four years. The published Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres (1783) ran to more than sixty editions as well as numerous abridgments and translations. Blair wrote that the sublime depended on nature not artifice and that it "must come unsought, if it come at all; and be the natural offspring of a strong imagination."! In writing, the sublime depended on the object and the thought connected with it, not on the words used. Simplicity of description, not ornate decoration, produced the sublime. Primitive poets writing in rude and unpolished societies were more likely to achieve the sublime than those writing in highly polished civiliza- tions. For Blair, Ossian, with his irregularity, bold expres- sion, violent passions, and lack of polish, was the supreme sublime poet. Blair added little to the psychology of the sublime, but he did make it widely known as an idea intimate- ly connected with natural objects and the primitive--in short as an idea at the opposite pole from the neo-classical ideal. By the closing decades of the eighteenth century, poets seeking the sublime would turn to those natural objects and events which raised strong feelings such as terror, awe, 1 (New York: Scott and Seguine, 1819) 43. XXX1L1i astonishment, and religious reverence. Because sublimity resided not in the objects themselves but came about through the individual's physical and psychological response, poets became far more interested in the uniqueness than in the uniformity of human response. In 1790, Archibald Alison discussed the sublime in his Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste. In words which could almost be Wordsworth's, he wrote: When we feel either the beauty or sublimity of natural scenery. . .we are conscious of a variety of images in our minds, very different from those which the objects themselves can present to the eye. Trains of pleasing or of solemn thoughts arise spontaneously within our minds; our hearts swell with emotions, of which the objects before us seem to afford no adequate cause; andwe are never so much satiated with delight, as when, in recalling our attention, we are unable to trace either the progress or the connections of those thoughts, which have passed with so much rapidity through our imagination.! Alison, aided by David Hartley's associationist psychology, defined the sublime as a complex aesthetic experience which took place within the human imagination. The effect of the sublime was greater than the sum of the objective qualites which produced it. Imagination, working powerfully and mys- teriously on the mind's complex associations, made the dif- ference. As ideas about the sublime were changing, especially during the second half of the eighteenth century, so were ideas about what constituted poetry. Just as philosophers had begun placing the idea of the sublime inside the human 1Abraham Mills, ed. (NY: Harper, 1844) 20. XXXLV mind, critics were looking for the sources of poetry inside the human imagination. At mid-century, Joseph Warton wrote the first volume of his Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope, in which he distinguished between the moral and di- dactic poetry of Pope and Dryden and what he called "true poetry,” which arose from a "warm and glowing imagination" (ls:iii). In 1782, a few years before the Seward-Weston controversy, Warton published the second volume of his Essay, so his comparison of Pope and Dryden would have been fresh in the controversialists' minds. Joseph Warton's Essay (1756-1782) Warton's comparison of Pope and Dryden combined tradi- tional views with new ideas about the importance of imagina- tion, sublimity, and emotion or, as he put it, pathos. Warton found that comparing Pope with Dryden was particularly appropriate because Dryden “was the constant pattern of Pope" (2:12). The terms in which he characterized them followed the familiar eighteenth-century models of nature versus art, wit versus judgment. Accordingly, he found Pope's poetry showed great judgment and art. His language was elegant and appropriately elevated, although he could use simple language to good effect at times. His versification could become monotonous, as in his translation of the Jliad, in which his scrupulous avoidance of the Alexandrine caused it to fall "into an unpleasing and tiresome monotony” (1:143). Dryden, by contrast, was sprightly, witty, flexible, exuberant, and XKKV natural. Although Pope used "common and familiar words" from time to time, Dryden used them more freely, giving "a secret charm, anda natural air to his verses, well knowing of what consequence it was sometimes to soften and subdue his tints, and not to paint and adorn every object he touched with perpetual pomp, and unremitted splendor” (2:170-71). Warton found Pope's early compositions to be his best. He gave his highest praise to The Rape of the Lock, comparing Pope favorably with Shakespeare: "It is in this composition Pope principally appears a Poet; in which he has’) displayed more imagination than in all his other works taken together" (1:244). Dryden's finest work was his last: "It is to his Fables, though wrote in his old age, that Dryden will owe his immortality" (2:11). In his final assessment of Pope as compared with Dryden, Warton commented on Pope's "correctness" (2:404). Earlier, he had noted that the "principal merit of the Pastorals of Pope consists, in their correct and musical versification" and that in this form of poetry he had "lengthened the abruptness of Waller, and at the same time contracted the exuberance of Dryden" (1:10). Is there a note of regret here for that contracted and corrected exuberance? Elsewhere in his Essay, Warton discussed Walsh's advice to Pope about the importance of being correct, and took that opportunity to discuss "the nauseous cant of the French critics" about correctness: If it means, that, because their tragedians have avoided the irregularities of Shakespeare, and have observed XXXV1 juster oeconomy in their fables, therefore the Athalia, for instance, is preferable to Lear, the notion is groundless and absurd (1:196). Although Warton did not accuse Pope of subscribing to the French "cant," he did make Pope the occasion for discussing the fallacy of correctness. By doing so, he may have im- plied that Pope's own correctness was a potential if not an actual drawback. Dryden, of course, was open to no such criticism. Whether by choice or necessity, he had avoided the stultifying effects of too much refining and reworking. This does not mean that Dryden was by nature careless about the use of language. Warton noted that Dryden was the Earl of Roscommon's “principal assistance” in planning "a_ society for the refining and fixing the standard of our language” (1:192). In his Life, Maynard Mack has’7 speculated about what Walsh meant by correctness, noting that Pope's account of Walsh's advice "leaves us quite in the dark as to what Walsh meant by correctness." Perhaps he meant technicalities of versification, or the "keeping of various decorums” in dic- tion, genre, harmony of subject and style, or “avoidance of low, indelicate, or specialized locutions. Or perhaps both." Mack has concluded that the only thing we know for certain is that Walsh “stressed the taking of infinite pains" and that this included everything from changing words and phrases’ to suit tone or genre to subtle modulations in sound patterns. Whatever he meant by correctness, Walsh had his’ greatest influence on Pope's early work and his lasting legacy was XXXV1il probably the skill with which Pope played off the sounds of certain consonants one against the other (112-17). It seems probable that Pope took only as much from Walsh as suited his nature, so that whatever the advantages or limitations of his concern with correctness, they are ultimately his own. Comparing Dryden's MacFlecknoe with Pope's Dunciad, Warton found Dryden's satire superior. The Dunciad was’ too violent and extreme. Its satire would "sour the temper of the reader." It was "much laboured, and encumbered with epithets," and its numbers "have something in them of stiff- ness and harshness." The case was otherwise with "that very delightful and beautiful poem, MacFlecnoe, from which Pope has borrowed so many hints, and images, and ideas." In versification Dryden's poem was "particularly and exquisitely sweet and harmonious" (2:377n.). Warton carefully compared the two poets in every possi- ble genre, sometimes finding Pope superior, sometimes Dryden and sometimes just noting that their achievements differed, without one necessarily being superior to the other. In translating Ovid's "Epistle of Sappho to Phaon," Pope's ver- sion was produced with “faithfulness and with elegance, and much excels any that Dryden translated in the volume he published" (1:284). Similarly, Pope's “alterations of Chaucer are introduced with judgment and art" and “are more in number, and more important in conduct, than any Dryden has made of the same author" (1:395). In the lyric, Dryden's “Alexander's Feast" is "at the head of modern lyric XXXV1iil compositions," while Pope's "Ode for Musick on St. Cecilia's Day" is "the second of its kind" (1:50). And in the epistle, Pope's "Epistle to Mr. Jervas," “however elegant and fin- ished this epistle must be allowed. . . does not excel that of Dryden, addressed to Sir Godfrey Kneller" (2:387). Their achievements in writing prologues differed because their aims differed: The prologues of Dryden are satirical and facetious; this [to Addison's Cato) of Pope is solemn and subline, as the subject required. Those of Dryden contain gener- al topics of criticism and wit, and may precede any play whatsoever, even tragedy or comedy. This of Pope is particular, and appropriated to the tragedy alone which it was designed to introduce (1:254). When he finally assessed each poet's works as a whole, Warton wrote of Pope: considering the correctness, elegance, and utility of his works, the weight of sentiment, and the knowledge of man they contain, we may venture to assign him a place, next to Milton, and just above Dryden. Yet, to bring our minds steadily to make this decision, we must for- get, for a moment, the divine Music Qde of Dryden; and may, perhaps, then be compelled to confess, that though Dryden be the greater genius, yet Pope is the. better artist (2:404). Pope excelled Dryden in craftsmanship, artistry, and consistent moral reasoning, but in one poem at least, Dryden revealed the genius of a true poet. And this was enough to make Warton's final ranking inconclusive. Although we cannot be certain when Warton wrote the closing portions of the second volume of his Essay, it may well have been during the time he was immersed in Dryden's poetry. Warton died before he could complete his edition, but his notes were included in the 1811 edition of Dryden's Poetical Works. XXX1X Warton's ambivalent assessment of Pope and Dryden re- vealed the emotional approach to poetry in him vying with the formal, more classical approach. Reason told him to prefer Pope; his heart urged him to choose Dryden. Neither Dryden nor Pope, however, could join the top rank of "true poets." Although, had more of Dryden's work been like his "divine Musick Ode," Warton would have probably placed him in the highest category. It is not so much the comparison of the two poets’) that makes Warton's Essay important, but rather his underlying assumption that the species of poetry in which he places Pope and Dryden, that of wit and sense, of the "moral, ethical, and panegyrical,"” excellent as it may be, still “is not the most excellent one of the art" (l:vii, ii). In his prefatory letter to Young, Warton made clear his position about’ the various kinds of poetry: all I plead for, is, to have their several provinces kept distinct from each other; and to impress on the reader, that a clear head, and acute understanding, are not sufficient, alone, to make a Poet; that the most solid observations oon human life, expressed with the utmost elegance and brevity, are Morality, and not Poet- ry; that the Epistles of Boileau in Rhyme, are no more poetical, than the Characters of La Bruyere in Prose; and that it is a creative and glowing Imagination, "acer Spiritus ac vis," and that alone, that can stamp a writer with this exalted and very uncommon character, which so few possess, of which so few can properly judge (l:ii-iii). Through this creative and glowing imagination the true poet created "genuine poesy," and the "two chief nerves" of such poetry were "the sublime and the pathetic" (1l:vi). When x1 Warton found Pope's poetry lacked these essential "nerves," and that Pope and Dryden were in the second rank of poets, he might as well have said, as Matthew Arnold would say a century later, that the eighteenth century had no major poets and that much of its most esteemed poetry was not poetry at all. As we have seen, at this very time, the concept of the sublime was taking on new meaning and philosophical depth. Burke's Enquiry was still a year away from publication, but critics and philosophers had already established the ground- work for his theory. Dennis, drawing on the emotional impli- cations of Longinus, had made the sublime, and the passionate "enthusiasm" it evoked, the central criterion for poetry. Addison and Akenside had distinguished the sublime from. the beautiful, and Hume and Baillie had given it a basis in human perception and sensation. When Warton called on poetry to return to its true basis in the creative imagination and its true expression in subli- mity and emotion, he linked the already developing idea of the sublime with one that was just beginning to gain ground-- the creative imagination. Philosophers and critics had been searching for ways of viewing man that could better explain the world being revealed by science and its methods. The imagination seemed to provide them. As James Engell has pointed out: the Great Chain of Being could no longer take the full brunt of philosophical inquiry, nor support a view of man and nature, or of God, that squared with empiricism, psychology, and the new sciences of chemistry, xli astronomy, geology, and biology. The imagination offers the dynamic and active. It is a force, an energy, not a state of being. It more easily explains the interchange of state andthe transforming, organic qualities of psyche and nature. The imagination better solved the problem why God would create the boundless diversity of nature if He were self-sufficient unto himself.! By mid-century the creative imagination was just beginning to be developed as a way to "unify man's psyche and, by exten- Sion, to reunify man with nature, to return by the paths of self-consciousness to a state of higher nature, a state of the sublime where senses, mind, and spirit elevate the world around them even as they elevate themselves.'"? In the "Advertisement" to the first edition of his Odes on Various Subjects (1746), Joseph Warton had declared, that he, as the author of the poems, "is convinced that the fash- ion of moralizing in verse has been carried too far, and as he looks upon Invention and Imagination to be the chief faculties of a Poet, so he will be happy if the following Odes may be look'd upon as an attempt to bring back Poetry into its right channel." Warton looked for guidance to Spenser, Shakespeare, and Milton. His subjects included fancy, liberty, superstition, despair, the rural and pastoral scene with its fountains, dryads, bowers, woods, and caverns--emotions and natural objects which poets” connected with the sublime. In an earlier blank-verse poem "The Enthusiast: or, the Lover of 1The Creative Imagination: Enliqhtenment to Romanticism (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard UP, 1981) 6. ZEngell, 8. 3(Delmar, NY: Scholars’ Facsimiles, 1977). Xlii Nature," "Written in 1740," Warton expressed his’ longing to flee the artifice of "gardens deck'd with art's vain pomps" and return to unimproved, unspoiled Nature with her "unfrequented meads, and pathless wilds."! He sought’ the feelings evoked by nature in all her forms from the "true bliss" of "dashing wave, and sea-mew's clang" to the "de- light" of "the rough mountain shagg'd with horrid shades” (74, 75). As for poets, "What are the lays of artful Addison,/ Coldly correct, to Shakespear's warblings wild?" (78). Warton could not always realize his goals for poetry in his own verse, but in "The Enthusiast," as his editor has noted, “he is intrinsically at his best and historically most Significant." The nineteenth-century critic Sir Edmund Gosse picked "The Enthusiast" as the first example of ""what was entirely new in literature, the essence of roman- tic hysteria'”" and "'the earliest expression of complete revolt against the classical attitude.'" Despite Gosse's dig at Warton's "romantic hysteria," "The Enthusiast" is cer- tainly an early expression of the desire to effect a fundamental change in poetry, and his Essay, especially the dedicatory letter to Young, continues this theme. 1EBric Partridge, ed., The Three Wartons: A Choice of their Verse (London: Scholartis, 1927) 72. 2Partridge, 14. x1111 From the time it was published until today, critics have disagreed about the significance of Warton's Essay. Twen- tieth-century critic W. L. MacDonald finds Warton often inconsistent and vague, "seldom saying why an image is good or bad."! James Reeves, admittedly unsympathetic with the current academic "infatuation with Pope," disagrees with MacDonald. He finds that Warton "is as precise as _ most critics of his time (Johnson, for instance) and he writes of Pope with firm conviction, though without dogmatism. MacDonald fails to give Warton full credit for the earliness of his views." Nor is Warton simply "a somewhat ineffectual pioneer of Romanticism, ‘a revolutionary without conviction’, in Macdonald's phrase. ... It was not Romanticism [(Warton] was concerned with, it was what he called true poetry."? From our twentieth-century vantage point, we cannot determine exactly how Warton's Essay influenced the literary tastes and aspirations of mid- and late-eighteenth-century England. Certainly, it was well known in literary circles, but because of its diffuseness, readers and critics could respond to it in a wide variety of ways. The three leading literary journals reviewed it, and the GM printed several pages of excerpts, or "epitomes." Generally the reviewers of both volumes of the Essay found it informative, entertaining, and impartial. They said little about Warton's call for reviving "true poetry" or about his placing the 1Pope and His Critics 273. 2The Reputation and Writings of Alexander Pope 2, 6. xliv century's two poetic giants, Dryden and Pope, in the second rank of poets. The reviewer for The Critical Review found it "‘a work of taste and learning, animated with many strokes of manly criticism, replete with knowledge, and diversified with a number of amusing incidents and observations.'"! The anony- mous author failed to mention Warton's ideas about true poetry, sublimity, pathos, and originality, although he disa- greed with Warton on many minor points. When he reviewed Volume 2, he described the contents at length, and ended by quoting Warton's final ranking of Pope so that "his idea of the merits of the great English poet may be precisely known and ascertained" (53:107). Beyond this enigmatic statement, the reviewer made no comment. He may have meant just what he said, but he may also have implied that we must take a_ hard critical look at someone who denigrates Pope, "the great English poet." The critic for The Monthly Review, Dr. James Grainger, was equally open to various interpretations. He quoted from the 1756 Essay at even greater length (his remarks were continued for two issues), but seemed not to have known Warton's name, referring to him as "our unknown Essayist."? He disagreed with a number of Warton's specific points, and unlike the other reviewers, took exception to Warton's calling Pope's poetry "‘'Morality and not Poetry.'" In this 1 “Art. V. An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Pope," The Critical Review 1:240. Quoted in MacClintock, 25. 214:528. xlv connection he asked, what then makes Pope's version [of the Iliad] so greatly preferable to those of the others [Ogilby, Chapman, and Hobbes] ? His versification. Burnet of the Charter- house had a sublime imagination, but he was no poet; he wanted numbers” (14:529). Presumably a great poet must have a sublime imagination, but without "numbers," or versification, he is still "no poet." And given the same material, such as the Iliad, superior versification will swing the balance, and the reviewer as- sumed that Pope's highly wrought heroic couplets were the Superior form. Dr. Grainger also disagreed with Warton's statement that Pope's reputation will depend on three works: Windsor Forest, The Rape of the Lock, and Eloisa to Abelard. Pope's other pieces, such as Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady and the Ode for Musick on St. Cecilia's Day, "have secured [him] the character of a Sublime and Pathetic Poet" (15:77). He concluded that Warton's "Essay is partly calcu- lated to sink Mr. Pope's reputation to a lower degree in the poetical scale than he has hitherto been stationed at" (15:77-78). The reviewer seems to have disagreed with this lowering, but also hoped "that the ingenious Author will continue his Observations" (15:78). He appreciated Warton's Essay as lively and provocative reading, but remained vague about its implications for what constitutes true poetry and where Pope should rank. The reviewer for the GM limited himself to "epitomes" (examples from the text) of Warton's 1756 Essay, together with very general comments such as “entertaining and useful" xlvi and "candid criticism, containing censure without acrimony, and praise without flattery."™! Of the second volume, he noted that it "has been impatiently expected," again went on to devote most of his review to "epitomes," and concluded that the second volume would "contribute largely to the entertainment and information of the reader."2 The reviewer also expressed his belief that Pope would have approved of Warton's Essay just as he had approved of "Spence's Essay on his Odyssey" (52:240). We might wonder if the reviewer had fully appreciated the significance of Warton's placing Pope in the second rate of poets because of his concentration on moral and didactic poetry--the very poetry that Pope had felt was his highest achievement. In his review of the 1756 Essay for the Literary Mag- azine, Samuel Johnson was less enthusiastic than his fellow critics. He began by commending it as "a very curious) and entertaining miscellany of critical remarks and literary history" and ended by repeating this commendation and adding "if there be any too learned to be instructed in facts or Opinions, he may yet properly read this book, as a just specimen of literary moderation." Between these generally approving remarks, he proceeded to note specific points of agreement and disagreement. Some of these were so minor as 126:251. 252:240. 7"Review of an Essay on the Writing and Genius of Pope" from The Literary Magazine, 1756, in Dr. Johnson's Works, Oxford English Classics (Oxford, 1825) 6:37 and 46. Xlvil to seem "like pure quibbling."! Many were minor but insight- ful. Some were major, such as Johnson's conclusion that, in his remarks about The Rape of the Lock, Warton “is indeed commonly right but has discussed no difficult question (6:44)." Johnson made no comment on the Dedicatory letter to Young. Perhaps he judged Warton's opening call for a return to “true poetry” as pronouncement not discussion, and as such beyond the reach of practical, analytical criticism. Johnson gave more enthusiastic endorsement to Warton's comment that "‘In no polished nation, after criticism has been much studied, and the rules of writing established, has any very extraordinary book ever appeared'”" (6:43-44). This reflects the growing concern with the effect of increasing literary refinement on poetry. The popular nature/art paradigm similarly emphasized the tension between the rugged originality of nature and the refinements of art. Thus, if natural Homer is superior to artistically refined Virgil, then the less civilized societies produced great poetry, while the rule-conscious eighteenth century seemed doomed to produce the second rate. And this is Warton's conclusion about Pope. Johnson's review is strangely silent about Warton's placing Pope outside the realm of “true poets." His silence was not consent, however. It must have been in his mind when, some years later he wrote in The Life of Pope: After all this [examination of Pope's versification] it is surely superfluous to answer the question that has once been asked, Whether Pope was a poet? otherwise I1MacClintock, 26. Xlviiil than by asking in return If Pope be not a poet, where is poetry to be found? To circumscribe poetry by a defini- tion will only shew the narrowness of the definer, though a definition which shall exclude Pope will not easily be made. Let us look round upon the present time, and back upon the past; let us enquire to whom the voice of mankind has decreed the wreath of poetry; let their productions be examined and their claims stated, and the pretensions of Pope will be no more disputed (3:251). Warton had attempted such a definition--the true poet has "a creative and glowing imagination" and his poetry's primary chararacteristics are the sublime and pathetic--and found Pope wanting. Johnson's practical approach to literature admitted no such definition, except as a revelation of the definer's narrowness. Of the attempt to define poetry, he had originally written more acerbically that it “is the pedantry of a narrow mind" (3:251n). Overall, Johnson's review of Warton's 1756 Essay seems limited and uneven. He did not come to grips with what seem to us now its most interesting features, but he did recognize its importance by devoting a fair amount of space to it in the Literary Magazine. Nonetheless, his apparent dismissal of Warton's challenge to poetry seems to reveal a lack of vision as well as insensitivity to the currents that were moving poetry toward a major revolution. A few years later, in his Essay on the Life and Genius of Henry Fielding (1762), Arthur Murphy, branching out from his discussion of what a "fair-dealing" critic should do, challenged Warton's "unjust sentence" that "Mr. Pope had little invention."™! Warton's concept of invention was not 1The Works of Henry Fielding 1:28. x1l1ix comprehensive enough, and it failed to take the complex nature of invention into consideration: Thus then we see the two provinces of Invention; at one time it is employed in opening a new vein of thought; at another, in placing ideas, that have been pre-occupied, in a new light, and lending them the advantages of novelty by the force of a sublimer diction, or the turn of delicate composition (1:35). Murphy called the first kind of invention “primary and ori- ginal" and the other “secondary and subordinate." He asserted that "there has not been so much [primary invention] in any one poet (not even excepting Homer) as has been gener- ally imagined" (1:34-5,36). Voicing the neo-classical belief that a poet drew not only on his imagination or fancy but also on learning and tradition, Murphy stated that, like Homer, Pope "enriched his mind with all the knowledge that subsisted in his time; all that could be furnished by the valuable remains of antiquity”™ (1:36), together with morality, theology, and philosophy. Murphy went on to reject the idea that invention "solely consists in describing imaginary beings" or in constructing "what the Critics call a Fable, that is to say, an unity of action." Rather, invention includes how the poet uses his imagination to put his "acquired ideas" to use. It includes "the apt allusion which illustrates, the metaphor which raises his language into dignity, the general splendor of his diction, the harmony of his numbers, and in short the poetic turn of his pieces." And these surely "were all his [Pope's] own" (1:36, 37). On this basis, Murphy rejected Warton's judgment that Pope's The Rape of the Lock showed "'more imagination than all his other works taken together'"(1:29). Imagination, and its offspring invention, was as manifest in The Dunciad or The Essay on Man as in The Rape of the Lock. Murphy was writing during the time that imagination as the central organizing force in art was just beginning to develop,! and his defense of Pope reflected this change. It was no longer enough to assert Pope's supremacy in taste, knowledge, dignity of language and harmony of verse. Murphy seems to have recognized that imagination and invention were becoming the key criteria for poetry, and he skillfully defined these terms to make them apply to all of Pope's work, not just those pieces, The Rape of the Lock and Eloisa, which had been traditionally granted "imagination" and "sublimity." Of all those who praised or censured Warton's Essay, only Arthur Murphy seems to have grasped its significance and attempted to rebut it in its own terms. But, as James Engell has pointed out, the imagination as a term that subsumed all previous critical terms for poetic inspiration did not come into its own until the 1780s. When Arthur Murphy made a Gigression on Pope's invention a part of his Essay on the Life and Genius of Henry Fielding, British philosophers and critics were just beginning to work out their ideas about creativity and genius. Alexander Gerard's "Essay on Taste (1759) and, even more important, An Essay on Genius (1774) move({d] associationism and the theory of imagination onto a 1See Engell, viii. li higher and richer plane." William Duff, in his Essay on Original Genius (1767), attained “a view of the imagination as a broad and natural power whose scope in poetry is ‘abso- lute and unconfined.'"™! Murphy was a playwright and critic not a philosopher, and he was a neo-classicist at heart. Nevertheless, he had sensed the temper of the time enough to attempt to reconcile Pope's poetry to it, albeit during a digression buried in the Life of a writer who was primarily a novelist. Arthur Murphy and Joseph Warton were by no means alone in responding to the powerful currents moving poetry away from neo-classical ideals. Edward Young, to whom Warton had dedicated his Essay, published his Conjectures on Original Composition in 1759. In it he briefly compared Pope and Dryden. Although neither Pope nor Dryden revealed the ori- Ginality of the true poetic genius, Young saw more possibi- lity in Pope. Had Pope not become “pre-engaged with Imita- tion," which "is inferiority confessed," and attempted emu- lation, which "is superiority contested, or denied," he might have been another Homer.? Dryden, on the other hand, worked in a medium (drama) that "demands the heart; and Dryden had none to give. - » « But the strongest demonstra- tion of his no-taste for the buskin, are his’ tragedies fringed with rhyme; which, in Epic poetry, is a sore disease; in the Tragic, absolute death. To Dryden's enormity, Pope's 1Engell, 84, 79. 2 (Leeds: The Scolar Press, 1966) 65-9 passin. 1ii was a light offence" (83). Although Young followed Aris- totelian tradition in ranking tragedy above all other forms, he did so not because of the form itself but because it "demands the heart." Dryden was more to blame than Pope because he had sinned against the noblest form. Young reacted as a poet, condemning those fellow poets who in his view had perverted their talents. He showed none of Warton's moderation and fair-mindedness. Such qualities became irrelevant when one's art was at stake. Warton's Essay was a carefully documented analysis of the supreme neo- classical poet. Young's Conjectures was a manifesto and a call to arms. He may also have wanted to make public his own view of Pope and Dryden, which readers of Warton's first volume might have assumed reflected Young's judgment of them. Many of the critics who compared Dryden and Pope found Dryden's poetry more natural and spontaneous than Pope's. Pope was often criticized as being too artificial, as lacking that unpremeditated fire which only natural genius can pro- vide. Those who supported Pope found Dryden's poetry too subject to excess and to gross defects in tone, language and versification. He may have had abundant natural wit, but he lacked artistic judgment and consistency. As we have seen, Robert Shiels found Pope's work more even and correct’ than Dryden's, but Dryden had a wider range and his verse was "more fraught with poetical ideas."! Samuel Johnson enlarged 1See above, XxXV. liii On this comparison in this famous passage from the Life of Pope: [Dryden's] mind has a larger range. ... The style of Dryden is capricious and varied; that of Pope is cau- tious and uniforn. Dryden observes the motions of his own mind; Pope constrains his mind to his own rules of composition. Dryden is sometimes vehement and rapid; Pope is always smooth, uniform, and gentle. . .. . Dryden often surpasses expectation, and Pope never falls below it. Dryden is read with frequent astonishment, and Pope with perpetual delight. (3:222). Like his predecessors, Johnson drew on the traditional para- digms of nature versus art and wit versus judgment. In order to appreciate what these terms had come to mean by Johnson's time, we must review briefly their origins and history. Nature and Art; Wit and Judgment We have been discussing these pairs of terms as if they opposed each other: nature versus art; wit versus judgment. But we can also see them as cooperating with or complementing each other: nature and art; wit and judgment. Historically, they have been viewed both as cooperating and opposing.! Conflicting interpretations of the relationship between nature and art stem from the ways in which thinkers conceived of them. Today, we rely on the definitions developed during the Renaissance that nature is what God makes, and art is what man makes. These become more complicated when we 1For this discussion of nature and art, I am indebted to Edward Tayler, Nature and Art in Renaissance Literature (NY: Columbia UP, 1964) and Arthur 0. Lovejoy, Essays in the History of Ideas (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1948). liv consider the possible relationships between nature and art. The cooperating or complementary view conceives of nature as God's art, and art as man's imitation of what God does in nature. The conflicting or noncomplementary position conceives of nature as solely God's province and of man's art is an attempt to usurp God's powers. These two extremes are epitomized in the conflicting interpretations of the Promethean myth which began with the ancient Greeks. On the one hand, Prometheus was the hero who, along with fire, brought all the arts to mankind. On the other, he was the villain who, by introducing the luxuries that art made possible, softened humanity's natural vigor by interposing artificial objects or institutions between man and nature. These opposing interpretations opened up a large range of possibilities for viewing the nature/art relationship. Between the extremes of ideal balance and irreconcilable con- flict, Greek and Roman philosophers developed a wide range of views. Stoicism, for instance, held up Nature as the ideal, identifiying "God and everything valuable with it" and looked with "respectful nostalgia”! to the unspoiled Golden Age which needed no art to make it perfect. More sophisticated, as well as more representative, thinkers such as Cicero (and the Stoic Seneca as well) conceived of nature and art as more complexly related. Thus, in the moral sphere, philosophers could view nature as the instinctive, spontaneous, and i1fTayler, 49. lv nonrational aspect of human life which needed the art of rational thought and reflection in order to be complete. Seneca wrote, "For Nature does not bestow virtue; it is an art to become good." In classical literature, the pastoral became the ideal form for embodying the nature/art dichotomy. Authors con- trasted natural country life with artificial court or city life. Here again, the relationship varied from writer to writer. Theocritus held the two in a balance in which each qualified or corrected the other. Virgil created "the green world of Arcadia, in which ideal Nature has no need of Art"? because nature was already perfect. On the other hand, Longus, the author of Daphnis and Chloe, placed nature and art in active philosophical opposition in which the "pastoral world of Nature" was "fundamentally opposed to the corrupt and decadent world of Art." Because medieval thinkers and writers were far more concerned with the relationship between nature and grace than with that between nature and art, the nature/art relationship lost most of its philosophical impact during the middle ages. The nature/art division remained important primarily for rhetoric. Horace had answered the age-old question of whether nature or art is more powerful in writing poetry by stating that both were essential. Medieval writers accepted this commonplace which descended pretty much unchanged to the 1The Epistles of Seneca 2:429. 2Tayler, 69. °Tayler, 69. lvi sixteenth century. The nature/art relationship gained some new philosophical life from the twelfth-century thinker John of Salisbury. He conceived of art as "'a system that reason has devised'" to expedite “'our ability to do things within our natural capabilities.'"! His thinking put the kind of emphasis on man and his work that the Renaissance was to revive and expand on. With this Renaissance interest in man came renewed interest in Classical ideas about how nature and art worked together or against each other. This relationship became a key organizing force in philosophy and literature. Renais- sance writers and thinkers arguing about man's position in the universe used nature and art as focal points for organ- izing their ideas, much as we use terms like nature and nurture, heredity and environment, today. Starting from the Christian view that God makes nature and man makes art, they drew on classical texts to redefine and revivify the nature/art relationship. The "orthodox moral philosophers"? viewed it as cooperating. Because nature is God's art, when man exercizes his own art, he is in tune with God's plan. In this view, art was a positive help to fallen man in his attempt, as Milton put it, "to repair the ruin of his first parents." The opposing view held that nature and art conflicted and that any attempt by man to interfere with God's handiwork 1Metalogicon (c. 1159), quoted in Tayler, 79. 2Tayler, 21. $"Of Education,™ Paradise Lost and Selected Poetry and Prose, ed. Northrop Frye (NY: Rinehart, 1956) 439. lvii (His art with nature) corrupted it. Fallen man had had to develop arts in order to survivie, but his ultimate goal should be to cast these aside and return to unsullied na- ture--Eden before the fall. This subsumed Virgil's green Arcadia and gave revewed strength to primitivist admiration for man in his savage, or natural, state, uncorrupted by society. As in classical times, pastoral literature became the primary means’ for developing the nature/art relationship. With their humanistic approach, Renaissance authors adapted the pastoral to a wide array of human concerns from the personal to the political to the spiritual, whether as co- operation or conflict. The Medieval concern with nature and grace had Christianized the pastoral, making possible reli- gious and allegorical interpretations of the old pagan stories about shepherds and their sheep, rustic swains and their brides. Poets could identify the Golden Age and Arcadia with Eden, Pan with Christ, the shepherd with the king or priest. The Song of Songs could be read both as celebrating the courtship and wedding of a king (who was also a religious leader) and also as embodying the mystery of Christ's love for and union with His church. Turning to the art of writing itself, Renaissance auth- ors rediscovered Quintillian's dictum that the "‘height of art is to conceal art.'"! Art as nature's essential, yet invisible, handmaid dominated Renaissance aesthetic thought and continued as an important view through the first half of iTayler, 34. lvii the eighteenth century, after which it faded into the bac- kground as new concerns with the sublime, the picturesque and the power of the imagination emerged. By the eighteenth century, the nature/art relationship had become a commonplace, an accepted model from which most of the life had been drained. Poets and critics invoked it to support various, even opposing, views of human life. For the neo-classicist, nature was regular and uniform. When Pope said that the poet should "first follow nature" (EOC 69), he assumed that nature was the source of the aesthetic, and conversely that art was the handmaid of nature. His view was similar to that of the Renaissance's ideal balance be- tween art and nature. Ironically, this view carried the seeds of its own decay because "nearly all norms of the revolt against neo-classical standards invoked the same catchword"! of keeping close to nature. Those who followed nature into its wild and irregular recesses emerged with the view that far from being orderly, uniform, and harmonious, nature was full of diversity and uniqueness. The cult of the picturesque in painting and gardening, the Gothic Revival in architecture, and the Gothic novel in literature all mani- fested this new taste for the wild, the rough, and the dis- cordant. Primitive nature, unspoiled by the arts of man, which had always attracted thinkers and writers, reasserted its claims. This changing view the the nature/art relation- ship was reflected in the concept of the sublime as i1Lovejoy, 76. lix manifested in nature at its wildest and most gigantic. While the nature/art dichotomy had become fossilized by the eighteenth century, the wit/judgment relationship emerged as a paradigm that, though narrower in focus, took on some of its meaning. As Renaissance thinkers had given new vigor to the nature/art dichotomy, the seventeenth century philoso- phers developed the wit/judgment relationship. In doing so, they narrowed the definition of wit so that it no longer meant the intellect or mental powers in general but referred to a specific kind of mental activity. Thomas Hobbes’~ shows this change in the making. In 1640, he described the activities of a "quick rang- ing" mind or wit "under which fancy and judgment are compre- hended."! Fancy consists in "comparing the things that come into the mind, one with another: in which comparison, a man delighteth himself either with finding uexpected simili- tude of things, otherwise much unlike." It produces "those grateful similies, metaphors, and other tropes, by which both poets and orators have it in their power to make _ things please or displease." By contrast, judgment consists in "discerning suddenly dissimilitude in things that otherwise appear the same." By making distinctions among things, it leads "to exact and perfect knowledge." A decade later, Hobbes began to narrow his definition of wit. Retaining the 1Human Nature in The English Works of Thomas Hobbes, ed. Sir William Molesworth (London, 1860) 4:55-6. The quotations in this paragraph are from the same place. 1x Old idea of wit as mental powers, he offered a second defini- tion of wit as "one certain ability," which, when strong, he called "good wit.” This was identical to "good fancy" and like it observes "Similitudes." Judgment continued to dis- cern "dissimilitudes," and "good judgment,” like "good wit," showed itself in difficult cases.! In his "Answer to Davenant's Preface before Gondibert”" (1650), Hobbes seemed to denigrate the role of fancy (as he was still calling it) in relation to its "severer sister," judgment: "judgment begets the strength and structure, and fancy begets the ornaments of a poem." Fancy is agile and swift, but "her wonderful celerity, consisteth not so much in motion, as in copious imagery discreetly ordered, and perfectly registered in the memory." He softened this view by admitting that "so far forth as the fancy of man has traced the ways of true philosophy, so far it hath produced very marvelous effects to the benefit of mankind."* Going even futher, he depicted fancy, or wit, as the faculty which supports true philosophy when its "precepts fail, as they have hitherto failed in the doctrine of moral virtue." It becomes finally "the architect" which "must take the philoso- pher's part upon herself." Such a concept of wit gives it a breadth and power that resembles the creative imagination, which, as James Engell has shown, emerged during the second 1 Leviathan, ed. Michael Oakeshott (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1960) 43. 2Seventeenth-Century Prose and Poetry, ed. Alexander M. Witherspoon and Frank J. Warnke (NY: Harcourt, 1982) 213. 1x1 half of the eighteenth century. Hobbes's own development within his “Answer to Davenant" of the power of fancy from literary ornamenter to philosophic guide foreshadows, in Miniature, the next century's development of the power of imagination as the chief force for organizing “the unity of all creation and implanting the divine in man."™! In his History of the Royal Society (1667), Thomas Sprat, like Hobbes, moved from the general definition of wit as mental powers to a more specific one. And like Hobbes, he defined wit as the mental power that discovers similitudes, or the “resemblance of one thing to another."* It depended on "the Works of Nature, which are one of the best and most fruitful Soils for the growth of Wit" (415). Those men who perform experiments on nature will contribute to the stock of poets' images because "the Comparisons which these [experimenters] may afford will be intelligible to all, be- caus they proceed from things that enter into all ~=mens senses" (416). In this connection, Sprat distinguished be- tween the trivial wit of "Raillery" which comes from "obser- vation of the deformity of things" and the "nobler" pleasure which wit produces when it discerns the "Order and Beauty” in Nature (418). He both followed and extended Hobbes's view of wit as a powerful quality that could organize and revitalize men's understanding of their world. 1Engell, viii. 2Jackson Cope and Harold Jones, eds. (St. Louis: Washington U Studies, 1958) 413. The anomalies in spelling are Sprat's. lxii Sprat devoted much less space to discussing judgment than he did to wit. He did not follow Hobbes in defining judgment as the power that makes distinctions, but viewed it as the force which carries on the conceptions which wit dis- covers. Judgment is not wit's critic, or as Hobbes put it, its "severer sister," but its enabler and extender. Hobbes had seen them as neatly balanced opposites, Sprat emphasized their emotional differences. "Great wits" were often "fiery" and "Impetuous men" whose work needed "the more judicious, who are not so soon possess'd with such raptures" to "carry on the others strong conceptions, by soberer degrees, toa full accomplishment" (85-86). Later in the century, John Locke restated the relation- ship between wit and judgment in terms that recalled Hobbes and set the pattern for eighteenth-century critics, especial- ly Addison: For Wit lying most in the assemblage of Ideas, and putting those together with quickness and vyariety, wherein can be found any resemblance or congruity, thereby to make up pleasant Pictures, and agreeable Visions in the Fancy: Judqment, on the contrary, lies quite on the other side, in separating carefully, one from another, Ideas, wherein, can be found the least adifference, thereby to avoid being misled by Similitude, and by affinity to take one thing for another.! Addison quoted this definition in Spectator 62 and added that resemblance of ideas is not wit unless it also gives "Delight and Surprize to the Reader." Addison shared the view begun by Hobbes and Sprat that wit leads to truth and is allied with the majesty and simplicity of nature. 1An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, ed. Peter H. Nidditch (Oxford: Clarendon, 1975) 156. 1x1112 Dryden and Pope followed this general view of wit and judgment. Dryden emphasized the liveliness of wit, its energy, broad range, and delightfulness. He saw it as the "product of imagination" which both mirrors and goes beyond Mature because "it sets before your eyes that absent object as perfectly and more delightfully than nature."™! For Dryden, judgment retrenched the excesses of wit. Ideally it balanced these excesses, restraining wit's tendency to run exuberantly into error. Pope followed Dryden's lead in defining the relationship between wit and judgment. Wit is powerful, free, and wide- ranging. It "May boldly deviate from the common Track" and "snatch a Grace beyond the Reach of Art" (EOC 151, 154). Similarly, Pope agreed with Dryden that wit run wild needed the control of judgment. Dryden had viewed the relationship as vigorous, even violent. Judgment curbed wit as the horse- man curbed a "hot-mouthed jade." In Pope's more refined image judgment guides and checks "the Muse's Steed," and produces not just control but a kind of cooperation in which wit, "like a gen'rous Horse,/ Shows most true Mettle when you check his Course" (EOC 84, 86-87). The wit and judgment paradigm reached its height during the neo-classical era, just as the art/nature dichotomy had reached its during the Renaissance. Eighteenth-century cri- tics often saw the two models as parallel pairs, thus linking 1Dramatic Poesy 1:98. 2Dramatic Poesy 1:225. lxiv the nature/art model to their own times and turn of mind. Nature and wit resembled each other in being vital and crea- tive, akin to imagination and invention, and were exemplified by Homer and Shakespeare. Similarly, art and judgment shared the power to order and refine their respective part- ners and were exemplified by Virgil and Ben Jonson. Dryden wrote: If I would compare him [Jonson] with Shakespeare, I must acknowledge him the more correct poet, but Shakespeare the greater wit. Shakespeare was the Homer or father of our dramatic poets; Jonson was the Virgil, the pattern of elaborate writing; I admire him, but I love Shake- speare.! Joshua Reynolds made the same distinction between Michel- angelo, whom he termed sublime, and Raphael, whom he saw as more balanced and artistically correct.? Johnson's Comparison of Pope and Dryden When Samuel Johnson compared Dryden and Pope, he made the same kind of distinction former critics had made between Homer and Virgil, Shakespeare and Jonson, and Michelangelo and Raphael. Dryden was freer, broader ranging, and more vigorous than Pope. Pope was more consistent and "steadier on the wing" than Dryden. Johnson's contrast of the two conformed to the paired models of nature and art, wit and judgment, but his conception of those terms--especially wit and judgment--bore his distinctive mark. 1Dramatic Poesy 1:79. 2Discourses on Art, ed. Robert R. Wark (San Marino, CA: Huntington Library, 1959) 83-84. 1xv In discussing nature and art, he followed the main lines of tradition. He took the neo-classical view that nature was uniform, underlying everything. Whatever the accidental appearance of things, nature itself was as stable as truth. Shakespeare was the "poet of nature," because his characters and their actions were “the genuine progeny of common humani- ty." 1! Like his predecessors, Johnson saw nature as beyond human control. A poet could not learn it. Only his God- given instinct or intuition could lead him to "snatch a grace beyond the reach of art" (EOC 155). Art contrasted with nature in being “the power of doing something not taught by nature and instinct; as, to walk is natural, to dance is an art" (Dictionary). Not only was dancing learned, it conformed to specific rules. Still, it built on the natural ability to walk, refining and elevating it. Johnson saw the reciprocal relationship between nature and art as essential in any great human undertaking. In the greatest literature, art and nature joined as partners in a particularly organic way: "Fame cannot spread wide or endure long that is not rooted in nature, and manured by art. That which hopes to resist the blast of malignity, and stand firm against the attacks .of time, must contain in itself some original principle of growth."2 Johnson's organic imagery reflects his concern with both the fundamental and the ordi- Nary. It shows his tendency to merge pairs into a third idea i"Preface to Shakespeare," Works 7:62. 2Rambler 5:154. lxvi that contains their qualities but expresses them in a new entity. The plant, fame, is the growth of root and manure, not just their mechanical combination. In discussing wit and judgment, Johnson resisted his contemporaries' tendency to restrict wit to a particular kind of mental power. He seized on the first two lines of Pope's famous definition of true wit ("What oft was Thought, but ne'er so well Exprest" (EOC 298), charging that it "depresses it below its natural dignity, and reduces it from strength of thought to happiness of language."! Even when he defined wit more narrowly than "the powers of the mind," he included judgment within it. The Dictionary's definitions include “imagination; quickness of fancy. . .sense; judgment." Con- versely, his definition of judgment is broad enough to in- clude contemporary concepts of wit. The Dictionary states that judgment is "the power of discerning the relations between one term or proposition and another." In his Life of Pope, Johnson further defined judgment as that aspect of an author's genius "which selects from life or nature what the present purpose requires, and, by separating the essence of things from its concomitants, often makes the representation more powerful than the reality."? For Johnson, judgment both discerned relations and made distinctions. It operated somewhat like wit in enhancing an author's depiction of nature rather than retrenching wit's excesses. Its 1Lives (Cowley) 1:19. Z2Lives 3:247. lxvil relationship to wit resembled art's to nature. It used the human ability to think, select, join, and distinguish to enhance the poet's native wit. Although Johnson's principal comparison of Dryden and Pope appeared in his Life of Pope (1781), he had formed his Opinion years earlier. Boswell reported this conversation from February, 1766: I told him that Voltaire, in a conversation with me, had distinguished Pope and Dryden thus:--'Pope drives a handsome chariot, with a couple of neat trim nags; Dryden a coach, and six stately horses.: Johnson. ‘Why Sir, the truth is, they both drive coaches and six; but Dryden's horses are either galloping or stumbling: Pope's go at a steady even trot.'! A few years later, Johnson noted "that in Dryden's poetry there were passages drawn from a profundity which Pope could never reach." In his Life of Pope, abandoning or not recalling the earth-bound carriage metaphor which Voltaire had started, he summed up the differences between the two poets: If the flights of Dryden therefore are higher, Pope continues longer on the wing. If of Dryden's fire the blaze is brighter, of Pope's the heat is more regular and constant. Dryden often surpasses expectation, and Pope never falls below it. Dryden is read with frequent astonishment, and Pope with perpetual delight. Flight and fire are fused with human thought and feeling in this powerful and comprehensive image. Shiels had covered the same ground and had started some of the images. Pope's 1James Boswell, Life of Johnson, ed. G.B. Hill (Oxford: Clarendon, 1934) 2:5. 2Boswell, 2:85. 3Lives 3:223. lxviil "evenness" contrasted with Dryden's “wider range." Pope was "the most pleasing versifier; Dryden, "the greater genius."™! But Johnson transformed the comparison as he said Dryden had transformed English poetry, "He found it brick, and he left it Marble." Johnson's evaluation recalls Shiels's, but his approach differed. Shiels examined the poets' works; Johnson explored their minds.? Dryden's "mind has the larger range."4 "The notions of Dryden were formed by comprehensive speculation, and those of Pope by minute attention. There is more dignity in the knowledge of Dryden, and more certainty in that of Pope." Their poetic geniuses differed as wit unbounded dif- fered from wit circumscribed by judgment. Dryden had more of "that energy which collects, combines, amplifies and ani- mates," but “it is not to be inferred that of this poetical vigour Pope had only a little because Dryden had more." Dryden's vigor was intense but sporadic: "What his mind could supply at a call, or gather in one excursion, was all that he sought and all that he gave." Pope's "dilatory caution" led to long and consistent labor "to accumulate all that study might produce, oor chance supply." For their prose styles, Johnson turned to the popular eighteenth-century landscape image, with its juxtaposition of nature and art: "Dryden's 1Above, XXVv. ZLives 1:469. 3M.H. Abrams traces the shift in criticism from "Pragmatic" to “Expressive," from works to writer, in The Mirror and the Lamp (NY: Oxford UP, 1953) 14-26. ‘Lives 3:222. The quotations in the rest of the paragraph are from 222-23. 1xix page is a natural field, rising into inequalities, and diver- sified by the varied exuberance of abundant vegetation; Pope's is a velvet lawn, shaven by the scythe, and levelled by the roller." Johnson's comparison of Dryden and Pope received little or no critical comment when the Lives of the Poets was first reviewed. The volumes themselves were widely reviewed, and despite sharp criticism of Johnson's harsh treatment of spe- cific poets like Milton, Collins and Gray, the judgment was generally favorable. From 1779-1782 The Monthly Review devoted some sixty-four pages to reviewing the twelve-volume Lives and quoted the Pope-Dryden comparison without making any comment on it. Although its reviewer found much to admire in the Lives, he deplored the frequency with which "the Critic's judgment seems altogether under the dominance of predilection or prejudice."™! The Critical Review allot- ted about eleven pages to each of the two six-volume. sets. It did not quote or comment on the Pope-Dryden comparison. In the Gentleman's Magazine, Robert Potter, who signed him- self "W.B." made a few generally favorable comments about the Lives and then proceeded to discuss selected passages from the Lives in detail, breaking off in the middle of Pope without having reached the Pope-Dryden comparison. The arti- Cle ended with the notice "to be continued," but no further essays appeared. Potter's rather bland remarks in the GM drew a response from an unnamed contributor ("H.") who 166:126. 1xx objected to Johnson's prejudices coupled with his authoritative manner that led them to be “adopted as truths." Several years later, Anna Seward voiced a similar opinion in a letter to William Hayley (July 15, 1787): I have always despised the admirers of Johnson as_ an equitable critic, assured that they had not strength of understanding to think, or sensibility to feel for them- selves (1:306). Anna Seward did not like the Lives. In 1786, she had con- demned the effect Johnson's Lives had had in turning public taste against contemporary poets: I know there is a great falling off since Johnson's Lives of the Poets appeared. It is in the taste of the public, however, not in the genius of individuals; but the induration [hardening] on the sensibililty of excel- lence in the higher walks of poetry, which that work has so generally produced, will, in future, create the paucity it does not meet. Who takes the trouble of Singing to the deaf, or of painting for the blind? (1:187). Anna Seward was not alone in her charge of insensitivity. John Hawkins considered Johnson to have a “talent for criti- Cism both perceptive and corrective” which was "justly cele- brated"? and recognized the greatness of the Lives. Yet he concluded that Johnson's physical limitations, especially his poor eyesight, caused a "defect in his imaginative faculty," which resulted in his "frigid commendation” (473) of the highly descriptive poetry that was becoming increasingly popular. This together with Johnson's avowed prejudice against blank verse andin favor of rhyme caused him to 152:19. 2Life of Samuel Johnson (Dublin, 1787) 243. 1xxi devalue poets like Milton, Gray, and Thomson. Johnson's Lives of Dryden and Pope escaped such criti- cism. From the time they appeared, they were considered among his best, and his comparison of the two poets has been quoted repeatedly. The basis for Johnson's comparison was probably familiar to many readers from Shiels's work. And it was uncontroversial. It drew on the popular paradigms of nature and art, wit and judgment in language that is among Johnson's most eloquent and humane. If Johnson's Lives has "often been taken as a book of wisdom,"! the Dryden-Pope comparison strikes most readers as sounding one of its finest notes. Its wisdom still survives, but the paradigms that underlay the comparison were engulfed by the nineteenth century's emphasis on creative imagination and individual expressiveness. The nature and art model had been losing its vitality since the Renaissance. The eighteenth-century kept it alive mainly by linking it with wit and judgment, terms which reflected their concern with the rational mind and its workings. To the Romantic poets, however, these terms represented everything they disliked about the eighteenth century, with its mechanical rules, its love of ornament, its joy in artifice, and its nonorganic compartmentalizing of the human mind. As a paradigm for poetic composition, the interrelation of wit and judgment disappeared. In the 1Robert Folkenflik, Samuel Johnson, Biographer (Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1978) 27. Llxxii twentieth century, perhaps we find its descendant in the complex view of scientific discovery as both creative and analytical. New theories spring from man's intuitive wit which works in a nonrational way that resembles the operation of nature itself. Such leaps of wit alone do not make new science. Critical judgment, an art scientists learn through years of study and experience, constantly tests and refines the discoveries of wit. If Johnson wrote the most memorable eighteenth-century words about Pope and Dryden he did not write the last. From April 1789 through April 1791, some thirty thousand more were expended in the pages of The Gentleman's Magazine. In addi- tion to the two principals, seventeen others joined in the paper war. Most were relatively obscure; a few were well known. Some were temperate; others were vehemently partisan. The Controversialists The Various Sides Anna Seward and Joseph Weston were the originators and principal combatants in the controversy about whether Pope or Dryden was the superior poet. Their letters begin and end the debate and occupy most of the space. Weston's letters, which include a transcription of most of the Preface to the Woodmen ef Arden, run to more than 150 pages. Miss Seward's take up 1xx111 less than 50 pages and end midway through the exchange. Weston not only has the last word, but promises more to come. It never does. Of the seventeen other letter writers, six support Miss Seward's position and five side with Weston. The remainder refute or agree with both sides' arguments, add information of their own, or call for peace. The unidentified "M. F."! is Miss Seward's most prolific champion, contributing six letters to the controversy. "M. F." both supports Miss Seward and attacks Weston, forcing Weston to fight on two fronts at once. "W." (Letter 27), an Edinburgh correspondent, supports Miss Seward's defense of Pope's character. "J. S." (Letter 30) gives learned support to the defense of Pope against Weston's charges in Letter 17 about Pope's treatment of Thomas Burnet and George Duckett. "Obadiah Meanwell" (Letter 28), who sounds like a Quaker, joins in as the friend of "M. F.," who has commissioned him to explain the pro-Pope side further because "M. F." has promised to write no more himself. A particularly scathing attack on Weston comes from "B. L. ft) Duncaid (B), Pope. ElAb = Eloisa to Abelard, Pope. OC = An Essay on Criticism, Pope. Epl = Epistle I, To Sir Richard Temple, Lord Viscount Cobham, Pope. Ep4 = Epistle IV, to Richard Boyle, Earl of Burlington, Pope. OM = An Essay on Man, Pope. EpJ = Epistle to Mr. Jervas, Pope. GM = The Gentleman's Magazine, vols. 1-63 (1730-1793). CXAX CXXX1 AP = The Hind and the Panther, Dryden. 2ZHE1 = Horatian Epistle, Book 2, Epistle 1, Pope. P ss rg il Ovid's Epistles, Helen to Paris, Dryden S2 = Horatian Satire, Book 2, Satire 2, Pope. Il = The Iliad, Pope. Johnson, Works = The Yale Edition of the Works of Samuel Johnson, various editors, vols. i1-10, 14-15 (New Haven: Yale UP, 1958-1985). Kinsley = The Poems of John Dryden (See p. cxxix for full reference). Letters = The Letters of Anna Seward; Written between the Years 1784 and 1807, ed. A. Constable, 6 vols. (Edinburgh: G. Ramsay, 1811). Lives = Johnson's Lives of the English Poets, ed. G. B. Hill, 3 vols. (Oxford: Clarendon, 1905). Lives 1 = Life of Dryden; Lives 2 = Life of Addison; Lives 3 = Life of Pope or Life of Gray. Mack, Life = Maynard Mack, Alexander Pope: A Life (New Haven: Yale UP, 1985). ad = The Odyssey, Pope. ED = Oxford English Dictionary (1970). NCBEL = New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. Wi = The Pastorals, Winter, Pope. SG = Sigismonda and Guiscardo, from Boccace, Dryden. TJD = To My Honour'd Kinsman, John Driden. Dryden. TF = The Temple of Fame, Pope. | < x it 4 The Twickenhan Edition of the Poems of Alexander Pope (see p. cxxix for full reference). UDH = Upon the Death of the Lord Hastings, Dryden. VP4 = Virgil's Pastorals, The Fourth Pastoral. or, Pollio, Dryden. WA = The Woodmen of Arden from the Latin of John Morfitt with "An Essay on the Superiority of Dryden's Versification over that of Pope and of the Moderns," by Joseph Weston (Birmingham, 1788). CXXX11 Warton, Essay = Joseph Warton, An Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope, 2 vols. (London, 1806). TABLE OF LETTERS Ltr.# GM Vol. Issue GM P.# Author Ltr. Date Text P.# la 59.1 April 291-2 Seward | Apr.25,1789 1-4 1b 59.1 May 389-91 Seward Apr.25,1789 5-13 le 59.1 June 510-12 Seward Apr.25,1789 13-20 2 59.1 June 512 M. F. May 30,1789 20-22 3 59.2 July 583 Weston Jul.20,1789 22-23 4 59.2 Aug. 680-2 Weston Aug.23,1789 23-29 5 59.2 Aug. 682-3 M{arcellu]Js Aug.5,1789 29-31 6 59.2 Sept. 780 Weston Sept.25,1789 32 7 59.2 Sept. 818 M. F. Sept.8, 1789 32-34 8 59.2 Sept. 818 Seward Sept.15,1789 35-42 9a 59.2 Oct. 875-6 Weston Oct.26, 1789 43-49 9b 59.2 Nov. 971-2 Weston Oct.26, 1789 49-52 9¢ 59.2 Dec. 1101-6 Weston Nov.23, 1789 53-64 10 60.1 Jan. 6-7 Morfitt Jan.11, 1790 64-69 9d 60.1 Jan. 26-33 Weston Nov.23, 1789 70-89 11 60.1 Feb. 118-20 Seward Feb.13, 1790 90-96 12 60.1 Feb. 120-21 M[arcelluJs Oct.11, 1789 96-100 13 60.1 Feb. 122-23 M. F. Oct.14, 1789 101-105 14 60.1 Feb. 123 Impartial Oct.31, 1789 105-107 15 60.1 Feb. 160-3 Weston Feb.22, 1790 108-115 16 60.1 Mar. 196 Weston Mar.26, 1790 115-116 17 60.1 May 386-8 Weston Apr.25, 1790 117-123 18 60.1 June 523-25 Seward June 16, 1790 124-129 19 60.2 July 583-4 M. F. Jan. 15, 1790 129-134 20 60.2 July 697-8 M. F. Feb. 8, 1790 134-137 cxxxiil CXXX1V Ltr.# GM Vol. Issue GM P.# Author Ltr. Date Text P.# 21 60.2 Sept. 777-80 Weston Sept. 25, 1790 137-148 22 60.2 Sept. 786-7 M. F. June 15, 1790 149-152 23 60.2 Oct. 903-5 Weston Oct. 11, 1790 152-161 24 60.2 Oct. 905-6 M(atthew] Oct. 10, 1790 161-162 G{reej)n 25 60.2 Nov. 974-7 Weston Oct. 11, 1790 163-173 (continues 23) 26 60.2 Nov. 993 P. T. Nov. 4, 1790 174-175 /(Philip Thicknesse) 27 60.2 Nov. 1005-6 W. Nov. 9, 1790 175-177 28 60.2 Nov. 1006-7 Obadiah Nov. 10, 1790 177-180 /Meanwell 29 60.2 Dec. 1067-8 Weston Dec. 23, 1790 180-185 30 60.2 Dec. 1070-1 J.S. Nov. 30, 1790 185-189 31 60.2 Dec. 1097-8 Maria Dec. 20, 1790 190-191 32 60.2 Dec. 1132 "Sonnet" by L.M. 191 33 60.2 Suppl. 1169-72 Weston Dec. 23, 1790 191-201 (continues 29) 34 60.2 Suppl. 1172 Weston Jan. 3, 1791 201-202 35 60.2 Suppl. 1177-8 B.L.A. Oct. 27, 1790 202-206 36 60.2 Suppl. 1193 Remigius Jan. 10, 1791 206 37 60.2 Suppl. 1197-8 R.W. or Sept. 22, 1790 207-209 /Bardus Ordovicensis 38 60.2 Suppl. 1198 R.B. Nov. 27, 1790 210 39 61.1 Jan. 8 David Jan. 1, 1791 211-212 /Dalrymple (Lord Hailes) 40 61.1 Feb. 138-40 Weston Feb. 22, 1791 212-216 41 61.1 Mar. 224-5 Norfol- Mar. 5, 1791 216-221 /ciensis 42 61.1 Mar. 232 D.R. Mar. 16, 1971 221-222 43 61.1 Apr. 300-4 Weston Apr. 15, 1791 222-235 i=) at i—] wo © Vr) So om Oo i) o iN —— ———— c] C ————— _——— = —— ——————] ——— >= —— >=——— ————— [mf _— >> _ Sel _—_— _— 4 'II'II'I'I'I' lIBRARY Michigan State University THE LETTERS la. Mr. Urban, April 25. A Publication has lately appeared, intituled, The Wood- men of Arden. It consists of an ingenious Latin poem by Mr. Morfitt, with two translations of it by Mr. Weston;1 one literal, in blank verse: the other paraphrastic, and in rhyme. I think highly of Mr. Weston's genius; I know that he has many virtues: and I cannot but be grateful for that partiality to me which his writings have more than once displayed. In the close of a systematic Preface to his translation in rhyme, mentioned above, appears a phantom of imputed perfection, to which he has most inapplicably given my name. Mr. Weston is a being whose prejudices are as strong as his talents. In this same Preface, he accuses Pope of having meanly influenced his friends to exalt his composi- tions above their just level, for the purpose of Dryden's. and tearing the laurels from his brow.2 I believe Pope injured by this accusation: and I am afraid that my acquain- tance with Mr. W. and the hyperbole of his encomium, should 1(Birmingham, 1788). For biographical information about John Morfitt see the Introduction, pp. xci-xcii, and for Joseph Weston, pp. lxxxiv-lxxxviii. 2Letter 9c. Miss Seward paraphrases Weston's words, ‘which were that he had traced "the insidious Arts which he [Pope] suffered his friends to practise, in order to Lundermine the Reputation of the deceased Poet and to asperse the Characters of his living Supporters" (5'7). subject mg to a similar imputation, and induce many to be— lieve that the general assertions of that Preface have my concurrence. Hence it is that I wish you would allow a place in your Magazine to the ensuing strictures. In combat with the Opinions of a man I esteem, to whom I am obliged, they were drawn from me by jealousy, "even to a Roman strictness,"1 for the poetic glory of the last half-century. It is probable the length of these observations may render it inconvenient to comprise them in one, or even in two Magazines. Should you divide them, and should Mr. W. reply before their course is finished, I declare that I will n9; be led into new paths of controversy. My business is with the Preface to The Woodmen of Arden. In the first place, it asserts the Author's opinion, that English Rhyme was brought to the £23; of perfection by Dryden; that, since his time, it has been gradually declining from gggg to indifferent, and from indifferent to bag; and this gag, Mr. W. calls the modern style 9; versification. Farther on in the Essay, he avows an ardent desire to see the Pierian spring restored to what he calls Drydenical purity; asserting, that it was corrupted by Pope, and has been poi— soned by his successors.2 In this, in every age, since first the light of Poesy Idawned, there have been fifty pretenders to its inspirations 1Unidentified. aLetter 9c, pp. 54, 59. for one that has been really inspired: but no person in their senses will affirm, that the poetic character of any period takes its colour from the poetasters who infest it. Mr. W. cannot be so absurd as to bring gggh of our scribblers into comparison with the illustrious bards of Milton and Dryden's day, and of Pope's and Prior's. By the Moderns, therefore, Mr. W. must be supposed to mean the celebrated poetic writer's [sic] from Pope's decease to the present hour. Let us look at the distinct lustre of the three periods to which he alludes.1 The first shone by the light of Milton's genius, of Dryden‘s, Otway's, Cowley's, Waller's, Davenant's, Butler's, Denham's, Lee's, Lord Roscommon's. The second, generally called the Augustan age, by that of Pope, Prior, Young, Gay, Swift, Addison, Tickell, Rowe, Congreve, Parnell, Arbuthnot, Steele, Philips, Watts, Lady M. W. Montague. guys, by that of Gray, Hayley, Mason, Thomson, Collins, Akenside, the two Wartons, Cowper, Jephson, Goldsmith, Johnson, Beattie, Churchill, Shenstone, Langhorne, Sir William Jones, Pye, Mallet, Owen Cambridge (whose epic satire on Antiquarianism, The Scribleriad,2 is, perhaps, the best :mock-heroic poem in the language except the Dunciad), Sheri- dan, Lowth, Sarjent, Whalley, Mathias, Jerningham, Whitehead, Inorace Walpole, and Cha. Fox (whose poetic brilliants, though 1See Appendix B.1 2London, 1751. small, are of the first water), Lloyd, Wesley (author of the noble allegoric poem The Battle of the Sexes),1 Dyer, Potter, the two Hooles, Hawkins Browne, Somervile, Crabbe, Cawthorne, Home, Crowe, Stevens [Steevens] (author of a fine poem in blank verse called Retirement),2 Garrick, Murphy, De la Crusca, Cumberland, Greathed, Swift (a spirited satiric poet), Barry, Butt (whose fame has been blighted by too free an use of the Drydenic licences as to versification), the witty, but irreverent, Peter Pindar, the two Cunninghams, the Seven* celebrated Female Poets, Barbauld, More, Williams, Piozzi, Carter, Cowley, Cath. [Charlotte] Smith, the rising poetic lights, Cary and Lister, the unschooled sons of genius, Burns (who is our new Allen Ramsay), Newton, Yearsley, Reid, and the greatest of these wonders, the ill- starred Chatterton, who, had he lived, and his ripe years borne proportionate fruits, must have been the first Poet in the world. Yours, &c. Anna Seward. (12 be continued.) *Fear of offending an amiable correspondent prevents our Changing this to Eight. Edit. 1London and Dublin, 1724. 8Published in The Repository, ed. Isaac Reed (London. 1777-1783. 1b. Miss Seward's Strictures on the Preface to the Woodmen of Arden; (continued from 2.292) If I had not been in some sort addressing him, I should certainly have added the name of Weston to the last*, and (Milton excepted) far the brightest, as well as greatly the most numerous, of the three lists: for Mr. W. has genius to vie with most of his contemporaries, if Prejudice had not chained him to Dryden's car, and persuaded him to take the dirt upon its wheels for studs of jet, placed ’purposely there, as foils to its golden axis [sic]. Have they of this third list collectively "poisoned the Pierian Spring,"1 either respecting sentiment, imagery, or style? The imputation is injurious, and demands public refu- tation. In order to prove Pope's long-confessed refinements to have been real corruptions, Mr. W. asks some ingenious ques- tions concerning the eligibility of keeping down certain parts in poetic composition, upon the painter's system, to give more effect to the brilliant passages.2 Judgement will *The author of these Strictures is shocked to perceive that she had, through haste, omitted to mention the dis- tinguished names, Lyttleton, Anstey, Mickle, Jekyll, [see Appendix 8.2] amid her former enumeration of the Poetic Wiriters in the last half-century. She will probably feel fixture pain from recollecting several others, whom the incom- pe tence of her memory alone prevented from being named to the honour of the times in which she has lived. *Letter 9c, p. 59, read "that Pierian Spring which Pope W3“ “Letter 9c, pp. 55-56. readily confess, that the system should be adopted by the sister science: but the manly and graceful plainness of style, such as frequently occurs in Milton's poetry, form its judicious shades; nor is Pope's by any means destitute of these mellowings; but incongruous metaphor, inconsistent fable, and prating familiarity of expression, instead of softening down, at intervals, the too obtrusive lights of composition, blot, and defile it. With such errors did the QEQEE Dryden oo often corrupt the living waters of that Pierian Spring, to which his genius gave him perpetual ac- cess.1 The Essay in question enumerates what it calls tinkling compound epithets amongst the fancied improvements of the Moderns.2 Tinkling is a most inapplicable adjective: since when, lll chosen compound epithets may be stiff, may gregg, but cannot tinkle on the ear. When yell chosen, their merit is not to the eeg, but to the understanding, by their con- densing and energetic power. They are of the Miltonic, not of the Popeian school, and are too seldom used by its dis- ciples. Our Drydenic enthusiast has certainly convicted Prior and Montague's able criticism upon the Hind and Panther, of cuie trivial mistake, viz. their idea that the words fated and 1Anna Seward says substantially the same thing in a Iletter to John Morfitt, dated Feb. 7, 1789. Letters 2:239-40. 2Letter 9c, p. 58. doomed are exactly synonymous.1 He calls that criticism a wretched abortion: with what justice, let the following quotation from it decide. It is given from memory, and therefore perhaps not verbatim: but the sense is faithful. "Though the fables of the ancients carry a double meaning, the story is one and entire, the characters not broken and changed, but always conformable to the nature of the creatures they introduce. They never tell us that the dog which snapt at a shadow lost his troop of horse; that would be unintelligible. It is Dryden's new way of telling a story, to confound the moral and the fable together. How can we conceive a panther reading in a Bible? and what relation has the hind to our Sa- viour? If you say he means the ancient church, how can we imagine an eating and walking church, feeding on lawns, and ranging in forests? Let it, at least, be always a church, or always a cloven-footed beast; common sense cannot endure his shifting the scene every line."2 Extreme must be the prejudice that can induce a man of genius to deem observations, so indisputably just, the abor- tive effects of malice. Where the understanding is thus outraged, can it be in melody, sweet as even Pope's, to make compensation? and in the Hind and Panther we only find some harmonious and picturesque lines amidst a tedious number of pages, filled with dry, prolix jingles of senseless controversy. 1Matthew Prior and Charles Montagu, The Hind nd t e Panther Transvers' d to the Story of The Country Mouse aand he Qity-Mouse in lee Literary Works 9; Matthew Prior, ed. H. Bunker Wright and Monroe K. Spears (Oxford: Clarendon, 1959), 1:40. 2Prior Works, 1:35—6. Miss Seward has remembered the sense and much of the wording accurately. She conflates two Passages from the original and changes a few words here and there. Her greatest deviation from the original occurs in the: two sentences beginning "How can we conceive a panther reading" and ending "ranging in forests." Instead, read "What relation has the Hind to our Saviour? or what notion have we of a Panther's Bible? If you say he means the Church, how does the Church feed on lawns, or range in the Forest?‘ It is curious that Mr. W. should have selected the eight charming verses, which open the Hind and Panther, as specimens of glee epyle,l since they are not in erden's general manner, but exactly in that of Pepe and his gle; giples,--without one Alexandrine or triplet: with much point and antithesis, and with the sense only once, and that slightly, but very beautifully, overflowing the couplet. It always appeared to me, that Pope formed his style upon a few of the best passages in Dryden. Mr. W. is very angry with him for separating the dross from the gold. Pope's numbers seem to have but one fault: viz. the sense, as Mr. W. observes, is too generally confined within the boundary of the couplet:2 but that is surely better than its overflowing too often, as in Dryden's.--My ear dislikes the drag occasioned in the versification of the latter by his placing Alexandrines so frequently in the middle of senten- ces: when harmoniously constructed, they have a majestic effect on closing them, even in the heroic measure; but surely the frequent triplets are very botching. I find more samenees in Dryden's everlasting Iambics than in that which results from the sense being too seldom allowed to float into the first line of the ensuing couplet for its pause, as in Pope. He uses the spirited accent upon the first syllable in a verse twenty times for once that it occurs in Dryden; and where several objects are to be described in succession, he ’EA. xix. *Letter 9c, p. 57. Weston wrote, "The Thought is so seldom suffered to stray peygpg the Bounds of the Couplet." generally takes the inverted order of the words and the natural one alternately, as in the following passage from a recently published poem of infinite beauty: Pale shoot the stars across the troubled night: The timid Moon withdraws her conscious light; Shrill scream the famish'd batts, and shivering owls, And loud and long the dog of midnight howls.1 Another species of superior excellence in Pope's verses over those of Dryden; the former describe in the lively dramatic present tense much oftener than the latter. The passage quoted above is in Pope's style. Had it run thus, it had been in Dryden's, and perhaps not in his worst manner: The stars shot pale across the troubled night, And the affrighted Moon withdrew her light: And hungry batts, and owls, and ravens prowl'd, And, to increase the din, the dog of midnight howl'd. By this alteration the lines are all Iambics, and have therefore less solemn force of sound. Mr. Weston complains that Pope is too regularly harmo- nious.2 I have selected, [out of countless instances, the following passage, in proof that he spared not, occasionally, to use harsh numbers for picturesgue purposes. First march the heavy mules, securely slow, O'er hills, o'er dales, o'er crags, o'er rocks they go; Jumping high o'er the shrubs of the rough ground, Rattle the clattering cars, and the shock'd axles bound. But when arriv'd at Ida's spreading woods, Fair Ida! water'd with descending floods, Loud sounds the axe, redoubling strokes on strokes, On all sides round the forest hurls her oaks; Headlong, deep echoing, groan the thickets brown, And rattling [Then rustling], cracking, crashing, thunder down: Ill. 8:23.140-49.) Let us look at a passage in Dryden. whose harshness of 1Unidentified. aLetter 9c, p. 57. 10 numbers is pot picturesque. Was there no milder way but the small-pox, The very filthiness of Pandora's box? So many spots, like naeves in Venus' soil!1 One jewel set off by [with] so many foil*! Blisters, with pride swell'd, that [which] through's flesh did sprout, Like rose-buds stuck i'th' lily skin about. Each little pimple had a tear in it, To wail the fault its rising did commit; Which, [Who] rebel-like, with its [their] own lord at strife, Thus made an insurrection 'gainst his life. Or were these gems sent to adorn his skin, The cabinet of a richer soul within? No comet need foretell his change drew on, Whose corpse might seem a constellation. [Q_§ 1:53-66.] To say nothing of the odiousness of these ideas, or rather conceits, let the passage be viewed as style merely: a specimen of the purity of Dryden's Pierian Spring, which Pope is accused of having corrupted. If it be urged, that this extract is from a juvenile poem of Dryden's, be it remembered that Pope wrote his Pastorals, and the first part of sweet Windsor Forest, two years earlier in life. Thus, at sixteen, did Pope corrupt the Aonian fountain. His Pastorals. Thyrsis, the music of the [that] murmuring spring Is not so mournful as the lays [Strains] you sing; Nor rivers, winding through the vale [vales] below, So sweetly warble, or so smoothly flow. Now sleeping flocks on their soft fleeces lie, The moon,serene in glory, mounts the sky: While silent birds forget their tuneful lays, Sing [Oh sing] of thy Daphne's fate, thy [and] Daphne's praise. [EiE£. 1:1-8.] *Bad grammar. 1Read ”like naves, our Venus soil?" 11 As an instance that Dryden, in his riper years, was prone to let his style fall below the poetic level where the subject called aloud for elevation, observe how the Empress of Heaven is made to open her indignant soliloquy, in his translation of the Aeneid: Then am I vanquish'd, must I yield, said egg. And must the Trojans reign in Italy? So Fate will have it, and Jove adds his force, Nor can my power divert their happy course. Could angry Pallas, with revengeful spleen, The Grecian navy burn, and drown the men, And cannot I, &c.1 [le 1:56-62.) Six lines after, Juno says, The wretch, yet hissing with her father's flame; [67.] and thus describes the victim of Minerva's wrath, as Falstaff describes himself reeking from the buck-basket, Hissing hot, Master Ford, hissing hot.” Now let us compare the style of the two poets, assuming the persons of females, and addressing their lovers,--Helen her Paris, Eloisa her Abelard. Dryden's Epistle from Helen to Paris. The crown of Troy is powerful, I confess, Yet [But] I have reason to think ours no less: But 'tis your love moves me, which made you take Such pains, and run such hazards for my sake. I have perceiv'd, though l gissembled too, A thousand things that Love has made ygg g9: Your eager eyes would almost dazzle mine, In which, wild man, your wanton thoughts would shine. Sometimes you'd sigh, sometimes disorder'd stand, And with unusual ardour press my hand ”Read "She for the Fault of one offending Foe“. ”Shakespeare, The Merpy Wives pi Windsop III.v.124. For "Master Ford" read "Master Brooke." from 12 Contrive, just after me, to take the glass, Nor would you let the least occasion pass; When oft I fear'd l gig_pgp mind alone. But [and] blushing sat for things which you have done. Then murmur'd to myself, "he'll for my sake Do any thing,"--l hope 'twas pg mistake. Oft have I read, within this pleasing grove, Under my name, [those] charming words, "I love!" I, frowning, seem'd not to believe your flame, But now, alas! em come pg write pge same. For 0! your fece has such peculiar charms, That who pep hold from flying to your arms? [_§ 1:61-62, 73-90, 93-94.] This is the style to which Mr. W. seeks to draw us back the corruptions of the following. Eloisa to Abelard. Thou know’st how guiltless first I met thy flame, When Love approach'd me under Friendship's name. My fancy form'd thee of angelic kind, Some emanation of th' all-beauteous mind: Those smiling eyes, attempering every ray, Shone sweetly lambent with celestial day. From lips like those what precepts fail'd to move? Too soon they taught me, 'twas no sin to love. Dim and remote the joys of saints I see, Nor envy them that heaven I lose for thee. [2:59-64, 67- 68, 71-72.] A little more from Dryden's Cheapside Miss, married to Menelaus: ard 0 ion. Your Trojan wealth, believe me, I despise, My own poor native land has dearer ties: I cannot doubt [Nor can I doubt] but, should I follow you, The sword would soon our fatal crime pursue: A wrong so great my husband's race [rage] would rouse, And my relations would hie cause espouse. You boast your strength and courage, but alas! Your words receive small credit from your face. [_3 1: 220-21, 238-43.] So Helen tells her lover he looks like a sneaking cow- so ill does she exppeeg this compliment to his complex- 13 A little more from Pope's charming Nun: No weeping orphan saw his father's stores Our shrines irradiate, or emblaze our floors! But such plain roofs as Piety could raise, And only vocal with their Maker's praise. In these lone walls (their day's eternal bound) These moss-grown domes, with spiry turrets crown'd, Where aweful arches make a noon-day night. And the dim windows shed a solemn light, Thy eyes diffus'd a reconciling ray, And gleams of glory brighten'd all the day. But now no face divine contentment wears, 'Tis all blank sadness and [or] continual tears. [ElAb 2:135-36, 139-48.] The lines which, in the poem, succeed to the above passage, and form a description of the Paraclete scenery, yield to no poetry as landscape painting. Dryden never equaled, and Milton has not excelled, them. The landscape is as original as it is solemn and striking, and the sound of the versification breathes the very spirit of elevated melan- choly. (lg e concluded i our next.) 1c. Miss Seward's Strictures on the Preface to the Woodmen of Arden; (concluded from pl 321.) Few, Mr. Urban, that attend to the extracts in your last number, will think Mr. Weston yige ip peiegpipg the excuse which Friendship, less blinded by injudicious zeal, alledges for the frequent coarseness of Dryden's ideas, and the fre- Quent bathos of his style, viz. "writing for bread, he had not time to choose and reject his thoughts, to polish and refine his language."1 But it being known that he never expunged, or even altered, a single passage in the course of those various editions of his Poems that passed under his eye, prove that the pruning knife and the chissel were pp; voluntarily withheld: since it is impossible to conceive that there ever lived a man so notoriously conceited as that, in repeated revision of so many volumes he could see no passage, nor even expression, that he wished to omit or alter. It is therefore plain that Dryden found his wilder- ness so weedy, that to attempt clearing it would be an Hercu- lean labour, swallowing up that time which he wanted to employ in pressing on with new publications, for whose prof- its his necessities so loudly called. -- He trusted to the majestic trees of this wilderness, "laden with blooming gold,"” for the preservation of his fame and they gill preserve it. But he little dreamt that their fruits should so far intoxicate the brain of a brother poet, in future time, as that he should assert the superior beauty of this wilderness on account of its weeds, and abuse the majestic parks and lawns of succeeding bards, from which the nettles and switch-grass have been rooted up. ”Probably a conflation of various eighteenth-century authors. David Erskine and Isaac Reed wrote that Dryden was driven to "writing for mere bread," Biographica Dramatica (London, 1812) 1:202. Pope's biographer, Owen Ruffhead, reported that Pope used to say of Dryden's poetry that he "would have been perfect in it had he not been so often obliged to write with precipitation," Tpe Life pi Alexander Pope, Esg, (London, 1769) 23. William Ayre noted the same thing in his Memoirs pi ppe Life egg Writings pi Alexander Pope 1:247. ”Milton, A Mesk (Comus) 349. 15 It is also terribly impolitic in Mr. Weston to bring Dryden and Pope in to view ep pppe, and then to attack the moral character of the latter, whose imputed crime must be only conjectural; and whose errors are, compared with the mean faults of Dryden, but as a passing cloud of Summer to December's darkness. Pope did every justice to Dryden's genius: witness one amongst many lines in his praise: And what Timotheus yep is Dryden now. [§_Q l:383.] But in that style in which they both chiefly wrote (for Pope was pp; a master of lypip composition) he felt his own super- iority: not vainly, because thousands felt, and still feel it also. He probably wished to see it asserted. Why should that wish be deemed proof of a bad heart, even if he did finesse a little to obtain it? Dryden's writings prove that he was wholly without fixed principles in Religion, Politics, or Criticism; that his Interest was his Legislator, his Guide, and his God. Witness his mean and profane renunciation of the religion in which he had been educated, and had ably defended, for the idolatries he had stigmatised! A Popish King just then mounted on the throne, yep discerns not the court parasite in the new apos- tate? Witness his hyperbolic praise of the deceased Cromwell, to please the Republicans, whose downfall he did not then foresee!--and witness his subsequent gpppe of Cromwell, who being dead when he extolled him, the Poet had no excuse, from any after-conduct of the imputed epgel, for chBDGing him into a devil. Even Mr. W. allows that he formed 16 his critical opinions according to the interest of the hour, callous to all the self-contradictions into which such mean- ness betrayed him. How inconceivable is it, that beneath the obtrusive prominence of such faults in Dryden, the writer, who compares the two poets, pep be severe upon the human frailities of Pope, relieving the necessities of his abusive foe, and watching, with filial tenderness, by the couch of his aged mother! Mr. W's observation is just upon Dryden's Alexandrine,1 reprobated by Dr. Johnson, in his Life of that Poet.” But to reprobate poetic excellence was Dr. Johnson's custom: a thrice dangerous one to the public taste, since it requires unusual strength of mind to escape the pernicious influence of that wit and force of language, which can make the yppee appear The better reason, to perplex and dash True criticism.” The line reprobated by the despot is this: And with paternal thunder vindicates his throne.4 [ AP 2:2.537.] Mr. W. justly defends its dignity of sound. And, like another Helen, fir'd another Troy, [5: 3:150, 154.] is upon the game construction. But it appears to me that 1Letter 9c, pp. 58-59 and EA xx. ”Liyee 1:469. ”Unidentified. ”Read "And with paternal thunder vindicates her crown." Johnson had remembered the line incorrectly. See Lives 1:469n. 17 this is the only variation from its perfect model that the ear endures in the Alexandrine: though Mr. W. affirms that the pause may be placed after emy of its syllables, without injury to the harmony.1 The next line, quoted in pippi of that assertion, is to my ear a doleful drag, little resembling a yeiee: By many follow'd, lov'd by most, admir'd by all. There are several of kindred imperfection in Guiscard and Sigismunda: for instance: Like Libertyi indulg'd with choice pi gppg emg Lpil ill, A ppm%::0§reggg'? ip giepe ime present _e design'd. [§_ Those lines, if read with proper emphasis, are not verse, though they may scan as such, since the sense allows no pause after the words indulg'd and giepe, Mr. W. asserts the poetic right of intermixing, at pleasure, lines of fourteen syllables into the common heroic couplet.” The first line quoted from Dryden, to illustrate the claim, But Maurus sweeps whole parishes, and peoples every grave, [TJD 4:83.] has such strength of thought and imagery, that they atone for any liberty, however generally unjustifiable, that may be taken with the numbers; but the next citation, The tedious [nauseous] qualms of nine [ten] long months, and travail, to requite, [VP4 4:75.] possessing nothing stiking or poetic in the thought, it ”WA xxi-xxii. ”WA xxii-xxiii. 18 cannot surely be in the mere echo of its sound to its sense to recompense the bad effect of putting a line and three quarters, of eight feet measure, into one, and then drawing it through the texture of the couplet numbers, like a hoop, five yards wide, stuck across the limbs of an elegant maid of honour! This last Drydenic licence sounds to me like ludicrous ballads, part of which are sung, and then a line said. Captain Colvert's gone to sea, heigh boys! ho boys! Captain Colvert's gone to sea, 0! Captain Colvert's gone to sea, with all his company, In the great Benjamin, ho! Now you shall hear how he was cast upon an uninhabited island, and married the governor‘s daughter. Captain Colvert's gone to sea, &c.” Mr. W. gives to Pope's patrons amongst the nobility the title of wou'd pe Maecenases.” The phrase is invidious; and his poetic brethren of this day are not much obliged to him for thus discouraging poetic patronage; for assisting to spread that Gothic mantle over the Muses which the dark huge hands of the envious Colossus first unfurl'd in the Lives of the Poets. Either Horace has had more injustice from his translators, Cowley, Dryden, and even Milton of the number, than ever poet met, or those whom Mr. W. calls the wou'd-be Maecenases patronised a greater poet than Horace. Mr. Weston writes in this Preface as if the excellence ”The ballad "Captain Chilver's Gone to Sea" closely resembles this, except for the prosaic fifth line, which Miss Seward may have invented to reinforce her point. See Imp goxburghe pallads, ed. J. Woodfall Ebsworth, (Hertford: Ballad Society, 1890) 7.1:529. ”Letter 9c, p. 56. 19 or worthlessness of a poem depended wholly upon the construc- tion of its measure: and as if the couplet was the only order of rhyme. He seems to forget that the lyric, with its count- less varieties, and almost unlimited privileges, affords ample field for his alexandrines and triplets, whose frequent intermixture suits not the chastity of the heroic couplet: though it appears to me that it is by no means an advantage to make the sense so generally end with the second line, as in the otherwise perfect style of Pope's versification. After all, it is a small part of the intrinsic excellence of poetry that the elegant style of Pope, or the slovenly one of Dryden, can give or take away. A poem has little merit if it does not remain fine poetry after having been taken out of ell measure. Where there is loftiness of thought, ingenuity of allusion, and strength of imagery, to stand imei test, true lovers of the art allow an author to do almost what he pleases with the numbers, provided he does not insist upon their preference of the slovenly to the polished ones, readily promising that such a work shall be dear to them in emy dress. They will by no means wish that eyeiy part should blaze: but would pmeee that there should be "interstices of black velvet between the gems:"” desiring, however, to be excused from applauding the custom of erden‘s Muse, to put on "soiled linen with her diamonds."” Several of Mr. W's poetic friends, as well as himself, ”Letter 9c, p. 56. . ”This is probably Miss Seward's reply to Weston's remark .7 us t quoted . 20 are surprised that any person can prefer his close transla- tion of Mr. Morfitt's fine Latin poem to his more ingenious parephrestic one. He and they, must however expect that preference from those who agree with him in thinking that Pope has degenerated from Dryden in the beauty and purity of style. My friend will find many who, because the latter- named poet lived a degree more remote from the present day than the former, will decree the palm of pre-eminence to mim: but whatever author shall be rash enough to resume the slip- shod licences of Dryden, eee if they will applaud the result. Not they; even though it should be adorned with all the riches of allusion and imagery which glow through the writ- ings of Mr. Weston. His Miltonic Sonnets appear to me models of perfection in that arduous order of poetic composition. Anna Seward. 2. Mr. Urban, mey 30. [1789] I was much concerned to observe, vol. LVIII, p. 1060, that Mr. Weston, in his very just and reasonable appeal to the publick on the premature, incorrect, and clandestine appearance of his poetry, in the conclusion should apply such an harsh epithet as "execrable"” to Mr. Pope, that favourite ”In this letter to the pm of November 6, 1788, Weston wrote in a P.S.: Before I entirely conclude this long appeal, I must, in the name of every friend to worth and ingenuity, justice and humanity, thank your indefatigable Editor, for having so generously and spiritedly rescued the writings 21 of the Muses, whose harmonious numbers, elegant sensibility, condensation of good sense, poignant wit, delicacy and taste, have, and will continue to charm thousands, as long as our language has existence. I doubt not Mr. Welsted had his excellencies. I am willing to allow him every merit, as Poet and a Man, that Mr. Weston attributes to him, and that he has been too severely satirised by Mr. Pope;” and in abatement of Mr. Pope's character, will allow he might have a spark of envy in his composition; that he might be too irritable, too peevish, that he would Bear, like the Turk, no brother near the throne. [Ep- lipi 4:198.) Yet who does not know that exalted genius and first-rate talents generally have too high a sense of their own superiority, and are too apt to bear hard on those a few degrees below them, and, from a fear or envy of their rising merit, will depreciate that they really possess? Undoubtedly it is wrong: and in the particular instance under considera- tion, Mr. Pope might and did diffuse his satiric wit with unmerited acrimony: yet, though I blame, I cannot execrate of a worthy and most elegant poet, from that oblivion to which they were hastening, through the vile arts of a jealous tyrant, not less remarkable for meanness than for malignity, equally distinguished by cowardice and by cruelty! It is almost unnecessary to add, that, by the former, I mean the excellent Welsieg: and, by the latter, the execrable gppe! ”Pope had satirized Leonard Welsted in Qpppieg(A). com- paring him to his " inspirer, Beer,/ Tho' stale, not ripe; tho' thin, yet never clear: (5:3.163-64). Welsted and James Moore Smythe, whom Pope had also consigned to the dunces. retaliated in pee Epistle ip mil gppe (1730) in which they chastised Pope for being a spiteful and vicious satirist. 22 him for it. My Dictionary says the word means hateful, destestable, abominable, very wicked, odious, or impious: surely Mr. P. cannot deserve all these; if he did, he might as justly be said to deserve a halter. I hope Mr. Weston, on a retrospect, will regret that the word escaped him; and I wish he may think a gentler term more just and applicable in the comparison of Pope and Welsted. Yours, &c. M. F. 3. Mr. Urban, Solihull, gely 20. [1789] Assailed by so powerful an antagonist as Miss Seward-- called upon in so earnest a manner by your correspondent M.F.--misunderstood by the Monthly, and misrepresented by the Critical, Reviewers” --I cannot remain entirely silent, though unable, .EE present, to enter into a defence either of my Poetry, my Preface, or my letter inserted in your Magazine for December last. An indisposition of many months continuance renders every task, that requires even a moderate share of attention, exceedingly irksome, difficult, and dangerous: I must, there- fore, unwillingly defer my reply to these various attacks till I shall have recovered, in some degree, my strength and spirits: and I will then endeavour to prove, that my fair and ”Weston's translation of [me Woodmen pi Arden, together 'with his preface, was reviewed unfavorably in lee Monthly Beview (Jan.—June, 1789) 80:329-31 and in lee Critical Review (March 1789) 68:200-202. 23 most respectable opponent has been for once mistaken--that the Critical Reviewers deserve a scourge--and that Pope, however the assertion may shock M. F., really pie deserve-- What He Mentions. Yours,&c. Joseph Weston. 4. Mr. Urban, SolihullL egg. 23. [1789] When I published the Woodmen of Arden I was perfectly aware that, unless the Poem should steal quietly along into the Vale of Oblivion, the Preface would furnish an ample subject for animadversion. My dislike to Pope's Versifica- tion, my detestation of his Principles, and the indignation which I felt that so many wise and so many worthy persons should have become the Dupes of an Imposter, hurried on my pen with a degree of vehemence that set Fear at defiance. But, though, on cool reflection, I entertained some doubts of the prudence of my conduct, I had none of the justice of my cause; and, reposing with confidence on arguments which I conceived would not easily be confuted, I felt little appre- hension that any Antagonist would start up in a yeiy formida- ble shape. But I was too blindly secure. An Antagonist pee started up in a most formidable shape indeed--viz. that of a Friend; armed too with weapons of the most formidable kind--Candour, Politeness, and Generosity: and, to form a regular climax of distress, that candid, polite, and generous Friend, is a 24 Woman: a beautiful, accomplished, and amiable Woman! Can a more perplexing dilemma be imagined than that disagreeable predicament be invented than that in which I stand? I am attacked by one of the finest Writers of the Age, with the united force of brilliant Wit, magnificent Metaphor, and critical Acumen. What must I do? Must I defend myself, or must I fly the field? Disgrace awaits me on either hand. ii I defend myself, who can tell that, in the warmth of argument, a strenuous defence may not undesignedly be converted into an Attack? And what a pitiful figure does one of Homer's Heroes make while wounding a Goddess! If, to avoid this danger, I give ground to my fair Antagonist, will the World give me credit for my Magnanimity? No.-- Will my fair Antagonist herself give me credit for it? No.--To decline the proffered combat would, in her eyes, as well as in those of the publick, betray a consciousness of a weak cause: and, perhaps, seem an insolent affectation of superiority: and both her sense and her spirit would, I am sure, reject with scorn the idea of being indebted to my forbearance or compassion. Such, Mr. Urban, have been my reflections for the four last months; and ridiculous as the assertion may appear to some, whose minds are strangers to those trebly-refined sen- sations which constitute the extreme degree of human Happi- ness or Misery, I aver that I have passed many an unpleasant hour in vain attempts to form some resolution on the subject. Weakened and dispirited by reiterated attacks of a nervous fever, I looked forward, with an anxiety bordering on terror. 25 to the time when, on the closing of Miss Seward's correspon- dence, I should no longer be able to delay my choice of combat or of flight. Nor do I know which mode of conduct I might ultimately have adopted, had not a new opponent rushed into the field, to offer his assistance to one who is herself An Host! "Non tali auxilio nec defensoribus istis "Seward eget."” I feel so grateful for this strange Knight's unexpected interference (which has so considerably lessened my embarrassment), that I am not much disposed to enquire if I am obliged, by the laws of chivalry, to accept the challenge of one who has slept for six months over the supposed provo- cation: nor will I urge the still stronger objection that this unknown Adversary comes in disguise, and refuses to declare his name and rank in arms. Though, from the gentle and courteous terms in which his defiance is couched, I be- lieve him to be of no vulgar degree, I cannot but think the behaviour of my first Opponent infinitely more intitled to respect, who, with the grace and dignity of a Thalestris, while with one hand she shakes her glittering spear, with the other lifts her beaver, and discovers a countenance that melts down all opposition, and eyes that dim the radiance of the gems that spangle-o'er her bunished helmet. I may now, Mr. Urban, content myself with parrying some of this literary emezon's most dangerous thrusts, and secure ” eneid, 2:521-22. For "Seward" read "tempus." "Not such the aid nor these the defences the hour craves." 26 a not inglorious retreat, to try my strength upon her Auxi- liary. As the Strictures on my Preface are extended to imiee Numbers, I shall extend my observations on them to three Numbers also: a method which, in the present state of my health, I shall find peculiarly convenient. Letter the first, in your Magazine for April, will give me no great trouble, as there is very little business done in ihei. except summoning the Court, opening the Commission, and call- ing over the names of the Jurymen: to every one of which I object, however. from motives of sound policy. Though they may be all gppg mem emg pipe, I claim the privilege (allowed in the court of Apollo at least) of challenging every mother's son of them, lest those, whom as interested persons I reject, should deafen the Court with the clamours of their resentment.-- No.--If I meei be put upon my defence, e'en let my fair lccuser, whom, as Mr. Hayley has acknowledged her to be "the leader of the female Train,"” I will also allow to be my Judg , make up her Seven female Poets a Dozen, and let me be tried by Them! I shall then stand a chance of a favour- able Verdict, as I can conscientiously affirm, that imeii share of the Censure which I have bestowed on the Moderns will be very trifling indeed. Two Mistakes occur in Miss Seward's Exordium. I have neither imputed to Her a single Perfection which she does not Possess, nor have I accused Pope "of having meanly influenceg g ”William Hayley, Essay pm_§pip Poetry, Epems egg glaye (Dublin, 1788) 3:4.91. Read "lovely Train." 27 his friends to exalt his Compositions above their just Level, for the purpose of lowering Dryden's and tearing the Laurels from his his Brow."” All who have the Honour and Happiness of Miss Seward's Acquaintance, must own that I might have considerably enlarged the Catalogue of her Virtues without the least violation of Truth; and, on a reference to my preface (p.14), it will be found that I only glanced at "the insidious arts which Pope suffered his Friends to practise, in order to undermine the Reputation of the deceased Poet, and to asperse the Characters of his living Supporters."” But I will not insist on the Distinction; for, although the difference be- tween influencing and permitting may appear at first sight material, I will frankly confess, that i should be inclined to consider the person who commits a crime, and the person who, with the power to prevent it, suffers that crime to committed, for the sake of his own advantage, as nearly upon an equality. I shall reserve to a more proper place” what I have further to say on this point, and proceed to remark, that Miss Seward is perfectly right when she supposes, that by the Moderns I mean the celebrated Poetic Writers from Pope's decease to the present hour-- (indeed I could not possibly mean the Poetasters): and a most tremendous Phalanx, in Battle-array, has she brought against poor me! ”Letter 1a, p. 1. ”Letter 9c, p. 57. ”See Letter 21, pp. 147-148. 28 The plan which I have proposed to myself will not permit me to reply mpg to the question which she so triumphantly asks, in the beginning of her second letter; but I most sincerely admire her spirit and good-sense in restoring to that rank, from which Dr. Johnson so unjustly degraded him, Sir William Davenant,” who, in spite of the illiberal ridi- cule of the profligate Villiers,” and in spite of the instances of false Taste which may be found in his Writings, had yet Spirit, Sense, Genius, and Morality, sufficient to secure for him a very high place among the Bards of Charles's days. Had our Arch-critic read, or at least recollected, a Stanza with which I shall conclude this Address, its superla— tive merit (doubly endeared to Him by the nature of the Subject) would have pleaded hard for the unfortunate Author's admission into the Poetic Corps, even though, to make room for him, Johnson should have been obliged to thrust from their unmerited situations gimmeL Stepneyl YaldenI Pomfret,” and many more, whom the good Doctor seems to have lugged out of Oblivion, for the mere Purpose of "exalting the humble, and bringing the mighty low!"” ”Joseph Weston is mistaken. Johnson did not comment on Davenant. ”Johnson noted that Villiers' play, lee Rehearsal, initially had Davenant as its satirical target, Lives 1:369. Villiers was also credited with an anonymous poem ridiculing Davenant's gondibert, "Verses on the Preface of Gondibert." This is no longer believed to be by Villiers. See Buckingham: Public egg Private Mem., ed. Christine Phipps (NY: Garland, 1985) 260. ”See Appendix B.3. ”Probably a paraphrase of Luke 1.52: "He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree." 29 Q, harmless Death, whom still the Valiant preve. The Wise expect, the Sorrowful invite, And all the Good embrace, who know the Grave A short, dark passage to Eternal Light! The Dying Reply ip the Philosopher.” Yours, &c. Joseph Weston. Mr. Urban, leg. 5. [1789] The publick could not but be obliged to Mr. Weston, if he had no other merit than that of having called forth those animated and ingenious strictures which have lately graced the pages of your Miscellany. Yet, much as I admire the good sense and taste of the fair writer, I cannot help thinking that she has overstepped the limits of justice, and that, in endeavouring to vindicate Pope and the moderns from some undeserved accusations, she has been too hard upon Dryden, and totally unfair in her estimation of the poets of preced- ing times. Is not the lustre of Pope's period considerably diminished by the absence of the names of Akenside, Hammond, Collins, Thomson, Mallet, Lyttelton, A. Philips, Welsted, Allen Ramsay, Glover, Broome, Shenstone, Somervile, Pomfret, Hughes, Garth, the Duke of Buckingham, and Dennis?” The list of poetic writers in Milton's age might be swelled to an equal amount, if all those who were admired during their lives were admitted. But it must be more than common ”William Davenant, Stanza 10, "The Christian's Reply to ige Phylosopher," Epems pm Several Occasions, Epikp (London. 73) 334-35. ”See Appendix B.4 30 excellence which can insure a reputation of an hundred years: and probably in that space many of those luminaries, which contribute to the splendour of the present day, will be ex- tinguished and forgotten. That Dryden purposely kept down certain parts of his writings, in order to serve as foils to the rest, is an assertion in which Mr. W. will not, perhaps, find a single advocate; as the prematurity in which pecuniary circumstances compelled him to hurry his publications into the world is known and lamented by every one. Had he pol- ished with the minute skill and diligence of Pope, he would have been without an equal in his line. But since the unfor- tunate state of his affairs denied him leisure to do so, let us throw a veil over his blemishes, and exhibit with con- scious pride the numerous beauties of our noble countryman. Instead of this, Miss S. has extracted the most dark and blotted passages, which are contrasted with the most splendid and graceful lines of his rival. What would she say if a critic, as a specimen of Shakespeare's genius, should produce some of that vile ribaldry which is so plentifully inter- spersed in the works of our immortal bard? Permit me to shew how Dryden could sometimes write. In his Epistle to Sir Godfrey Kneller are these lines: "More cannot be by mortal art exprest, But venerable Age shall add the rest: For Time shall with his ready pencil stand, Retouch your figures with his rip'ning hand, Mellow your colours, and imbrown the teint, Add ev'ry grace which time alone can grant, To future ages shall your fame convey, And give more beauties than he takes away." [1:174-81.] 31 A description of a storm: "The cries of men are mix' with rattling shrouds. Seas dash on seas and clouds encounter clouds; At once from East to West, from pole to pole, The forky lightnings flash the roaring thunders roll." [pi 4:121-24.] Again: "No star appears to lend his friendly light, Darkness and tempest make a double night; But flashing fires disclose the deep by turns, And while the lightnings blaze, the water burns." [ 4:157-60.] IS Nothing can go beyond the following passage in his translation from the Metamorphoses.--The House of Sleep: "An arm of Lethe, with a gentle flow, Arising upwards from the rock below, The palace moats, and o'er the pebbles creeps, And with soft murmurs calls the coming sleeps; Around its entry nodding poppies grow, And all cool simples that sweet rest bestow, Night from the plants their sleepy virtue drains And passing sheds it on the silent plains." [pi 4:282- 89.] We cannot wonder at any enthusiasm offered up to the author of the foregoing lines. But, as a friend to the Muses, I regret that Mr. W. should carry his admiration of Dryden so far, as even studiously to imitate his defects. He will find his account, if he has the resolution to make a sacrifice of his own judgement to the public taste, since private prejudice should always give way, in such matters, to universal and established opinion. With pleasure I seize this opportunity of adding my vote to Miss Seward's with respect to Mr. W's Sonnets, which are extremely elegant and highly finished. M[arcellu]s [Henry Francis Cary] 32 6. Mr. Urban, SolihullI iepi 2;. [1789] My indisposition, though it seems inclined to leave me, removes by such gentle gradations, that I still find Writing and Study insupportably fatiguing, and am most reluctantly compelled to request your own and your Readers' indulgence till next month; by which time I hope I may be enabled to resume, perhaps to finish, the justification of my Preface to the Woodmen of Arden. Joseph Weston. 7. Mr. Urban, Sep . 8. [1789] Mr. Weston, in his answer to Miss Seward, p. 680,” is pleased to take umbrage at my presuming to think his execra- iipm of Mr. Pope harsh and unjustifiable. In the exuberance of his fancy, he is pleased to denominate me "a strange knight," wants to know my "rank in arms," and calls me his "unknown adversary." I am not insensible that gentlemen of Mr. Weston's genius and literary abilities are "tremblingly alive" at any arraignment of their productions; I am well aware they nearly approach to infallibility in their own estimations: yet I had no idea when I sent you those few candid remarks inserted in p. 512” couched, as I thought, in terms both respectful and inoffensive, that they would so far ”Letter 4, Pp. 23-29. ”Letter 2, pp. 20-22. 33 have excited Mr. Weston's spleen; I could not suppose those observations on the justice and propriety of a single word would have so much discomposed him. Mr. Weston seems to possess the geppe irritabile” in a very superlative degree, and to be happy in a very comfortable sense of his own impor- tance. On the one hand, he ranks me as an auxiliary of the elegant Seward, and, on the other, pushes me back with his flourish of ppp ieli auxilio,” &c.; but, when the truth of the matter appears, the sentence will be found totally inap- plicable to me: I have not the least claim to the honour he has unwittingly assigned me. Mr. Urban can inform him my letter was transmitted at least four months before its inser- tion*, and previous to the appearance of Miss Seward's ele- gant strictures on Mr. Weston's Preface: why the date was al- tered+, Mr. Urban can also best tell him. He may assure himself I had not "slept six months over the supposed provo- cation." Does Mr. W. suppose it enhances his magnanimity by insulting over the ashes of the venerable dead, and execrat— ing the man who has almost universally been esteemed in the foremost rank of poets, and among the best of men? Would Mr. W. have adventured on the sentence had the admired Pope been living? If so, his hardihood might have excited our *True. Edit. +By chance. ”"Genus irritabile vatum," "fretful tribe of bards." Horace, Epistle; 2.2.102. 1 ”Letter 4, p. 25. The next quotation is from the same D ace. 34 astonishment, though I question whether his prudence would have acquired our applause. Mr. W. is perfectly right in saying I an "unknown, and in disguise."” I acknowledge myself a son of obscurity, "a fellow whom nobody knows:"” but in this, as well as in my estimation of Mr. Pope, I plead a majority on my side; I believe more than two-thirds of Mr. Urban's correspondents make use of initials or anonymous signatures. But this is nothing to the matter in hand. What does it avail to the justice of the cause who or what I am? The whole dispute between us is, whether Mr. Pope can be justly deemed Execra- ble or not, I hold the latter: Mr. W. has pledged himself to prove the former: and, if I mistake not, a very tough piece of work he will have of it. When he has brought forth his "strong reasons," his valid evidences, and laid them before us with those shining talents he is confessedly master of, if they are satisfactory, I shall retain to myself a liberty of yielding to superior evidence, changing my opinion, and be- coming his convert: until which time I hope he will let me quietly enjoy my present sentiments, as I have no intentions of occupying Mr. Urban's valuable columns or troubling him or the publick on this subject again. Thus far I thought neces- sary in my own vindication. Yours, &c. M. F. ”Letter 4, p. 25. ”These are not Weston's words. ”M.F." may have ascribed them to Weston by accident. 35 8. Mr. Urban, LichfieldI iepi. 15. [1789] You will permit a few comments on the letters in your last number, from my polite antagonists, concerning the sub- ject of Dryden and Pope. Mr. Weston imputes to the latter the meanness of at least suffering those preferences of himself to Dryden to get abroad, which appeared so frequently in the public prints during his life-time. Reflecting one instant coolly on the subject, he must have the generosity to withdraw this charge. I have avowed my opinion, that the two writers possessed great and equal genius, and that Pope became, upon the whole, much the finest poet, from that superior taste and judgement which banished those prosing redundancies, those disgusting images, those low expressions, which so often sully and debase the writings of Dryden. Can Mr. W. suppose, were Pope alive, I should have been indelicate enough to consult him before I pub- lished my vindication of his character and of his claims? How very improbable that he had power to prevent the appear- ance of similar assertions! When prejudice and personal enmity peruse Mr. Weston's hyperbolic praise of me, they may with equal justice, de- claim, as he does against Pope, upon the meanness and vanity of my suffering its appearance. They will ungenerously con- ceal their consciousness that it was probably out of my power to suppress what it is certain I never saw till I saw it in Print. Knowing ipei truth, he would be shocked at ipeii injustice. I hope, therefore, that he will awaken to a sense 36 of his pyp. In reply to the observation of your ingenious correspon- dent M----s p. 682,” that the lustre of Pope's period is diminished by the absence of the names of Akenside, Hammond, Collins, Shenstone, with some others of considerable celebri- ty, I alledge, that the personal existence of those writers during that of Pope is of no consequence. He heard Dryden converse in a coffee-room when he was twelve years old, and boasted of the circumstance through life with generous plea- sure; but a poet cannot be said to exist till his writings become known. Akenside died so lately as the year 1770, aged forty-nine. His great work, The Pleasures of Imagination, was not published till forty-four, in which year Pope died. Akenside's poetic lustre cannot, therefore, be said to gild the period in which the Bard of Twickenham flourished; it descended upon the leiei times, where the poets are placed whom we mention to the honour of our pyp day. Collins also was not heard of in Pope's life-time. His Odes, descriptive and moral, were first published in the year forty-six, and it was many years before they had either sale or fame. The blindness of the age to their ppm celebrated excellence cost their unfortunate author his reason and his life. His glory, so long eclipsed, first shone on the aera in which I placed the last, and by no means the least, powerful division of the bards. The same plea justifies the placing of Shenstone, ”Letter 5, pp. 29-31. 37 Hammond, Somervile, Mallet,” &c. in the last set, namely, their celebrity not being risen in the meridian of Pope, in the reigns of Anne and George the First, in the age that is styled Augustan. Allen Ramsay and the Duke of Buckingham” were omitted through forgetfulness in the second list: and in the third, from the same cause, Lyttelton, Ansty, Mickle, Jekyl[l], Polwhele, and our present Tickell.” If the poetas- ters Pomfret and Dennis” ought to have been found in the second enumeration, there are an eimy of better writers not mentioned in the third. I did not chuse to bring forward, for the honour of Pope's period, any of the heroes of his inimitable Dunciad. On examination, I find Thomson ought to have graced the second instead of the third galaxy.” I cannot think with M----s, that only very superior poets survive their century. On the contrary, it has always seemed to me that antiquity induces the generality of readers to set a double value on every beauty, and to pass over ”Most of William Shenstone's works were published before 1744. James Hammond, who is not on Miss Seward's third list, published his elegies during the 17305. William Somervile's poems gained in popularity after his death in 1742. At least half of David Mallet's works were published before 1744, including his collected Works in 1743. Also see Appendix B.1. ”George Villiers. See Appendix B.1 and 8.4. ”Miss Seward added Lyttleton, Ansty, Mickle, and Jekyll to her third list in Letter 1b, p. 5n. See Appendix 8.2. Richard Polwhele and Thomas Tickell are listed in the NCBEL and the gap. ”The pup describes John Pomfret as poet and John Dennis as a critic, poet, and playwright. They are both listed in HCBEL. ”James Thomson's major work, The Seasons, was published in individual parts between 1726 and 1728, and as a whole in 1730. It had run to many editions before his death in 1748. 38 defects with indulgence. Had Dryden's contemporaries, Den- ham, Lee, Roscommon, and even Waller, whose names have out- lived the centennial limits: had they lived and produced their poems Now, I do not believe they would have many ad- mirers. Denham's verses are in general heavy, laboured, inharmonious: and Waller's have more courtly wit than poetic fire. In the second division, Parnell, Gay, Addison, Watts, and the two Philips, soar not to the highest eminences of the Aonian mountain; yet each of them have written some things in verse that will probably preserve the honour of their mem- ories so long as our language shall remain. Amongst the least celebrated of the third list, there are few who have not written as well as those second-rate bards of the preced- ing periods. Suffer me to assure M----s, that I produced some of the many bald passages from Dryden, not to lower his name on the ground of possessing a genius creative, rich, and luxuriant, but merely to confute an assertion which, if believed Just, might tempt our young writers into a coarse and weedy style, Viz. that Dryden's gross defects are happy negligences, vol- untarily adopted for the Judicious repose of composition, and in themselves preferable to the chaste, graceful, and pol- ished numbers of Pope. M----s says, I have selected the most dark and blotted passages of the elder bard, contrasting them with the most splendid ones of his rival. That was by no means my design: but I thought it fair to make the first selection from the 39 earliest compositions of each: and the Pastorals of Pope, from which the first quotation was made, are the least es- teemed of any thing he wrote. If from Pope‘s Homer lines can be produced mean and wretched as those which Dryden has, in his Aeneid, put into the mouth of the Empress of Heaven,” and if it cannot be proved that such vulgar language occurs on almost every page in Dryden, I will give up the point in contest: which, on my part, goes no farther than to assert, that the poetic writers of This day have done honour to their art, by avoiding the botching vulgarities of Dryden's style, and emulating the polished graces of his successor. It was surely fair to place in one point of view the enamoured epistle by Dryden from Ovid, and that by Pope from Eloisa's Letters to Abelard. All who have sense and taste enough to Attend to the subject, know that Both these poets translated upon the only plan which makes translations worth any thing, Viz. to abandon every idea of closeness, and to interweave any new sentiment or imagery that occurs, if it can add grace or spirit to the theme. It is thus that trans- lations justly procure for those who give them the honours of original composition. The most beautiful of Dryden's poetry, in the heroic couplet, is from Ovid, Chaucer, and Boccace. In the epistles from Helen, and Eloisa, their respective translators took similar subjects; and if it is fair to compare the Odes on the Power of Music, for the purpose of ”Letter 1b, p. 11. Miss Seward's references are to that letter unless otherwise noted. 4O decreeing the Lyric palm to Dryden, it is equally fair to compare the two love epistles, where Pope's superiority over his rival in the Heroic measure is even more distinguished. Neither did I, in that comparison, extract the Most splendid lines from the Eloisa. Those in which she describes herself and Abelard in the hour of her profession; those where she presents herself officiating as priestess amidst the solemnities of the mass; the Paraclete scenerey; the impersonization of Melancholy sitting amongst the twilight groves, dusky caverns, long-sounding ailes, and intermingled tombs of the monastery, and breathing over them a gloom, which shades the flowers, and darkens the umbrage; all those are passages of great poetic superiority to those I quoted from that poem in contrast to the vapid effusions of Helen's ideas from the pen of Dryden. Scarce any traces of the picturesque beauties can be found in the original letters between Abelard and Eloisa: they are the rich creations of an imagination, which, setting style apart, I have not seen transcended by Dryden. M----s has quoted some extremely beautiful passages from that confessedly great poet. We often find them interspersed in his writings; but we also find them surrounded and dis- graced by verses below mediocrity. The following lines, from Pope to Jervas, are not less excellent that those which M---- s has given us from Dryden's Epistle to Kneller. Speaking of the beautiful women whose pictures had been drawn by Jervas, the Poet says, "0! lasting as those colours may they shine, 41 Free as thy stroke, and faultless as thy line: New graces hourly, [yearly] like thy works, display, Soft without weakness, without glaring gay: Led by some rule that guides, but not constrains, And finish'd more thro' happiness than paips. The kindred arts shall in their praise conspire, One dip the pencil, and one string the lyre." [gpi 6:63-70.] The ensuing verses, describing seastorms, by Pope, have an equal right to our admiration with those quoted in the last Magazine from Dryden. Both are free translations: Dryden's from Ovid, Pope's from Homer. "He spoke, and high the forky trident hurl'd, Rolls clouds on clouds, and wakes [stirs] the watry world: At once the face of sea and sky [earth and sea] deforms, Swells all the winds, and rouses all the storms; lee. 9:5.375-78.) Wide o'er the waste the rage tempestuous sweeps, And Night rush‘d headlong on the shaded deeps. [pe. 9.77-78.) With what a cloud the brows of Heaven are crown'd! (pp. 9:78.306.) What raging winds, what roaring waters round! (pp. 9:5.389-90.) Now here, now there, the giddy ships are borne, [QQ. 9:79.306.) And all the whirling [rattling] shrouds in fragments torn; (pg. 9:80.306.) For, [While] by the howling tempest, rent in twain, Flew sail and sail-yards rattling o'er the main.“ [ 9:407-08.] Q. Dryden's House of Sleep, from the Ceyx and Alcyone of Ovid, is exquisite versification: but, in ipei passage, ell the imagery and invention is Ovid's. As allegoric painting, Pope's portrait of Dulness, where all the features are origi- pel, has equal happiness of invention, equal strength of colouring. How often, in the great work from whence it is quoted, do we find the most beautiful flowers of fancy en- twined around the rod of satire! 42 "Dulness o'er all possess'd her ancient right, Daughter of Chaos, and eternal Night: Fate, in their dotage, this fair idiot gave, Gross as her sire, and as her mother grave: Laborious, heavy, busy, bold, and blind. She rules in native anarchy the mind. Her ample presence fills up all the space, A veil of fogs dilates her aweful face." [_ppB 5:1.11- 16 and 261-62.] A local description, what can be more charming than the following lines from the same poem? "Lo! where Maeotis sleeps, and scarcely [hardly] flows, The freezing Tanais through a waste of snows, The North by myriads pours her might sons, Great nurse of Goths, of Alans, and of Huns. See, where the morning gilds the palmy shore, The soil that arts and infant letters bore. His conquering tribes th' Arabian prophet draws, And saving Ignorance inthrones by laws." [QppB 5:3,87- 90 and 95-99.] We may apply to the above extracts from Pope what M----s says after his quotations from Dryden: "we cannot wonder at any enthusiasm offered up to their author."” Yours, &c. Anna Seward. ”Letter 5, p. 31. 43 9a. [continues Letter 4) Mr. Urban, SolihullI Qpi. 26. [1789] Unpleasant as the task of answering Miss Seward's objec- tions to my unfortunate Preface proves to be: interrupted as I am by perpetual returns of my fever: that task is rendered still more unpleasant by interruptions of a different kind. One correspondent, and another, and yet another, urges objec- tion after objection, before I have advanced three steps in my defence*. I might, perhaps, without much impropriety, wave a reply to ippee objections until I shall have finished my reply to Miss Seward: but I must take the liberty of suspending, pppe more, my principal design, that I may set M. F. right in a matter which I can with truth aver that he has totally mis- taken: for, though I hope I do not possess ell that Irritabi- lity, and ell that Self Sufficiency which, in a moment of vexation, he has thought proper to ascribe to me, I certainly pp possess so much Sensibility as to feel exceedingly hurt at his remarkable misconception of my intentions; and flatter myself with the idea of possessing just so much Importance as entitles me to a vindication, when unjustly accused. I did ppi "take umbrage"” at my execration of Mr. Pope being deemed by M. F. harsh and unjustifiable. On consulting *After this affecting exordium we have no doubt but our other correspondents (particularly the benevolent M----s) will excuse our omitting their favours on this subject till Mr. Weston has concluded. Edit. ”The quotations in this paragraph are from "M.F.'s" Letter 7, pp. 32-34. 44 my letter in your Magazine for August, it will be found that I professed myself (and with evident sincerity) very "grate- ipl" for M. F.'s unexpected interference. True it is, that I denominated him a "strange knight:" but, if he ever read a single romance, he could not be ignorant that the epithet "strange" is used seldom, if ever, in the language of Chival- ry, in an invidious sense (as if it were synonymous to gpeei). "Strange knight" means ipeie neither more nor less than stranger-knight, but is rather better grammar.--He is again mistaken in supposing that I "want to know his rank in arms." I have expressed no such wish. I gig call him my "unknown adversary:" and where was the crime? Is he ppi unknown? Is he ppi my adversary? Whoever will take the trouble of glancing over the paragraph which has given so much offence to M. F. will find that good-humoured raillery has been misapprehended by pim for virulent invective. "I had no idea (says M. F.) when I sent you those few candid remarks inserted in p. 512, couched, as I thought, in terms both respectful and inoffen- sive, that they would so far have excited Mr. Weston's spleen: I could not suppose those observations on the jus- tice and propriety of a single word would have so much dis- composed him."” Why all this parade? In the paragraph alluded to above, I had done this "strange knight,"” this "unknown adversary," the justice to own that, from the gentle ”Letter 7, pp. 32-33. ”This, and the references which follow, are from Letter 4, p.25. 45 and courteous terms in which his defiance was couched, be- lieve him to be of mg vulgar degree: and I had already con- fessed, in an apologetical address, inserted in your Magazine for July,” that the manner in which he called upon me was "candid"” and I appeal, Mr. Urban, to your ingenious Editor, whether I did not make a similar acknowledgement in the postscript of a private letter which accompanied that which was intended for publication*: and a compliment which was never meant to meet the eye of your correspondent could neither be intended [to] conciliate his favour, nor to depre- cate his further censure. Expressions thus favourable betrayed, one would think, no very large portion of spleen, no very violent degree of discomposure! Oh! but (says M. F.) the "ppm ieli auxilio," &c.!” True. There is no getting rid of that. Fatal quota- tion! There yep an implication of inferiority in the sup- posed auxiliary:-- "that's the truth on't."” But, in some measure to soften the never-to-be-forgiven censure, permit me just to hint to M. F. that his talents may be much above mediocrity, and yet have no right to range themselves in the same rank with the transcendent abilities of a Seward! If M. F. imagines my flourish (as he calls it) was introduced merely at random, and without apparent reason, let * This was certainly the case. Edit. ”Letter 3, p. 22. ”"Without malice: without deceit, fair: open: in- genuous," Johnson, Dictionary. Actually, Weston called "M. F.'s" manner "earnest," not "candid." ”Letter 7, p. 33. ”Unidentified. 46 him reconsider one paragraph toward the beginning, and one toward the conclusion, of his first letter, and he may possibly retract his opinion. In the former of those passages he will find an enuumeration of the excellencies of the Poet, seemingly intended to prove the injustice of my execration of the Man: and in the latter he will find a list of various meanings which his Dictionary affixes to the word "execrable," followed by a grave exclamation of "surely Mr. Pope could not deserve All these!"” Every classical reader of the book of Job knows that the naughty word which our translators have put into the mouth of his wife, viz. "ppiee," might, with equal probability, and with greater politeness, have been rendered "pleee."” Had Miss Seward commented on this circumstance, she might prob- ably have complained of the hardship which Job's unfortunate helpmate has sustained, thus stigmatised as an impious vixen, when, for aught that appears to the contrary, she might be a very religious and very peaceable kind of a woman: but, most assuredly, Miss Seward, after informing Mr. Urban's readers that the verb in the original admits of different, nay oppo- site significations, and, in reality, means either "to bless" pm "to curse," would never have exclaimed, "surely the good lady could not mean Both!" ”Letter 2, pp. 20-22. ”Miss Seward may be referring to the double meaning of the Hebrew cherem, "a thing devoted to god,“ "whether for His service, as sacrifices" or "for its destruction, as an idol," W.E. Vine, M.F. Unger, and William White, pp Expository Dictionary pi Biblical Words (NY: Thomas Nelson, 1984) 254. 47 Had my spleen been roused, even in the least degree, by M. F.'s reprehension of the term "execrable," what prevented me from bringing forward these hasty inaccuracies, these accidental slips of a not inelegant pen, while under the influence of that spleen? Nor are they blazoned even ppm (when Candour itself must allow that I have received epme provocation) in the unmanly wantonness of triumph, nor in the mean spirit of revenge: but only to pipye that my implication of the inferiority of M. F. to Miss Seward originated not from rancour or from pride. I do ppi "insult over the ashes of the venereble dead."” The man whom, had he been living, I should have regarded with horror, I cannot allow to have become venerable by ceasing to exist. His ypiee exist; and many whose abilities have chal- lenged admiration, and many whose virtues have excited es- teem, are consigned to contempt and infamy as long as those works endure. Shall I be deterred by the foolish adage of "2e mortpis pil piei Bonum"” from entering my protest against such injustice? Shall an assertion, that "Pope has almost universally been esteemed in the foremost rank of poets, and among the best of men,"” strike me with such awe, that, though I pep prove both claims to be unjust, I must not geie to do it, lest I should find the Universe in arms against me? ”Letter 7, p. 33. ”"Speak no ill of the dead," Plutarch, Liyep (Solon), Sec. 21. ”Letter 7, p. 33. 48 Whatever may be the risk, however. I shall do it. Fiat Justitia, ipei Coelum!” Shall this Cromwell, who has injured that poetical constitution which he pretended to amend, trampled on the rights of those fellow-citizens whom he ought to have loved and protected, and, by dint of the most hypocritical pre- tences to piety and morality, imposed on the understandings, and seduced the affections of the rich and the powerful, making them his stepping-stones to the highest seat in the realms of Parnassus: shall this Usurper, I say, who, having thus wickedly gained the throne, vilified the abilities, and assassinated the reputations of those whose claim to it might interfere with his own, and gibbeted all their adherents and abettors, rest undisturbed in the dust? Can the office of tearing him from his grave, that he may be exalted for an example to all succeeding tyrants, though disagreeable, be deemed sacrilegious? .Is it not even meritorious? Seeming cruelty to the dead is real humanity to the living.--- Who, endued with poetic genius and classical erudition, though. perhaps, not blest with sufficient application, or suffcient leisure, to produce works of an elaborate or an exalted kind. will venture to amuse the world with the light and elegant effusions of Taste and Sensibility, through the medium of your very respectable Miscellany, if some Leviathan of liter- ature, suspecting that the young fry may, some time or other, ”"Let justice be done, though the heavens fall," prover- bial. 49 prove rivals, is at hand, with his enormous jaws distended, to swallow them at a gulp? Joseph Weston.[* *] * 9b. Continuation pi mi. Weston's Vindicetion pi himself liipm_pi .87_6-_). M. F. exultingly asks, if "I would have adventured on the sentence had the admired Pope been living?"-- I certainly would: and M. F. migpi have stared with "astonishment at my Hardihood" and "Imprudence."” I might perchance, Mr. Urban, have been rewarded with a place in the Temple of Dulness: and would then have consoled myself for present Disgrace, by the Consciousness of Rectitude, and the Hope that some future Writer might be as just and as generous to Me, as the Conduc- tor of your Magazine has been to the injured and insulted Welsted: for which I pppe mpie thank him. Were it necessary. I could evince the Sincerity of my Thankfulness, by producing a Poem,” written more than a Dozen Years since, 300 Lines of which are appropriated to the honest purpose of rescuing from unmerited Obloquy not only Welsted, but also many other Heroes of the inimitable Dunciad. That Dunciad, upon whose * t * We must apologize to our readers for this letter's breaking off abruptly.--Mr. W. will know that we were so closely urged in respect of time, that it is not without difficulty we have made room for so much of it. Edit. ”In this letter, all the quotations from "M.F." are from Letter 7, pp. 32-34. ”This poem does not appear in Weston's published works. I have been unable to find any record of his unpublished Papers. 50 rotten, pestilential Carcase, even the embalming Art of the admirable Seward is exercised in vain!--Inimitable?--Ay, that it is: and so, I believe, will long remain!--Inimitable in its Wit--inimitable in its Malevolence!--But let it rest for the present! I shall pay it another Visit, as soon as I have fulfilled my Engagement with Respect to my Preface to the Woodmen of Arden: from which no more Interruptions from M. F. nor from any one else shall divert me. When I have dispatched that essential business, I shall endeavour to convince M. F. that he is egeip mistaken; for I shall assuredly find no "yeiy tough piece of work" in proving Mr. Pope to be--what no honest man Can be.--Nor shall I derive any Assistance from those "shining Talents," of which M. F. obligingly supposes me possessed. I shall state a plain Fact, in plain Language.--My Reasons, it is true, yill be "strong:" and my Evidence pill be "valid:"--eppp Reasons and eppp Evidence as M. F. will scarcely controvert: since the single Witness whom I shall produce on the Occasion will be--Pope himself!--a Witness who will settle the affair much more effectually than the train of Lords and Commons united could have done, whom he has so ostentatiously called to his Character: and who, it seems, esteemed him "to be in the foremost Rank of Poets, and among the best of Men." If, in my Journey through Life, I have met with Monsters of Selfishpess, Inhumanity, Hypocrisy, and lpgretiipde (and God knows that such monsters I peye met with!), who, with not the tenth part of Mr. Pope's Cunning, have yet had the Ad- dress to impose themselves on very good, nay, very wise 51 Persons, for Models of the opposite Virtues--can I wonder that so great a Master of the Art of Dissimulation contrived to blind those whom the lustre of his Talents had already dazzled? I acknowledge M. F. to be right, when he remarks that, "who or what he is" avails little to the Justice of the Cause: but I must observe that Mr. Urban's anonymous Corres- pondents have, in some respects, greatly the Advantage of those who sign their real Names. M. F., for Instance, can give ample Vent to pig Spleen in snug Security: since, however just, however severe a Retort he may meet with, if he has Prudence enough to keep his own Secret, no friend can insult him with Pity--no enemy with Derision: but no such Refuge remains for Me. If I leave an Opening for Censure, my Friends* --but verbum eei:” my Enemies, however (and I should be ashamed to think that I had not epme), may be reasonably supposed to feel no slight Gratification, when they see me charged in Print with being "tremblingly alive at any Arraignment of my Productions"-- with "nearly approaching to Infallibility in my own Estima- tion" with "possessing the peppe irritabile in a very super- lative Degree"--and with being "happy in a very comfortable Sense of my own Importance:"--and all this Abuse (for what gentler Term does it deserve?) occasioned by my having had *No iiue [barely legible] Friends Can merit the implied Sarcasm: pietepded ones are welcome to it. ”A brief version of "yeippm eepiepii eei eei 'a word is sufficient to the wise person,'" OED. Originally used by both Plan tus and Terence . 52 the Impiety to execrate a "Foe to Humankind"” the Absurdity to call a Stranger a Stranger--an Adversary an Adversary--and (above all) the audacious Illiberality to intimate, that the literary Talents of M. F. are not gpiie equal to those of (pardon me, Miss Seward! but I must still repeat) "one of the finest Writers of the Age!"” Joseph Weston.+ +Mr. W.'s Second Letter next month. ”Pope, pp 10:14.320. ”Letter 4, p. 24. 53 9c. Mr. Urban, Solihull, upy. 23. [1789) Unwilling as I am (for Reasons sufficiently obvious) to quote my own Authority, I know not how I can contrive to render my Defence of the Preface to the Woodmen of Arden intelligible to such of your Readers as may entertain no great Fondness for turning backward and forward very many Pages of your Publication, unless I request Admission for some copious Extracts from the Work itself. Loathing every Species of Affectation, I will not insult your Understanding, by making any long Apology for the Room which they will take up in your valuable Miscellany: since, however erroneous the Opinions contained in the Essay may be thought, however feeble my Justification of them may prove, the Subject, at least, can never be deemed uninteresting to a large Proportion of your Readers, which has had the painful Distinction of arresting the Attention, and of calling forth the critical powers of a Correspondent, whose occasional Contributions so beautifully irradiate the Gentleman's Maga- zine! But, left the Liberty which I claim should be construed Licentiousness, I intend to select pply such Passages as have been the immediate Cause of drawing down upon me Miss Seward's Animadversions: nor shall I select ell those: con- scious that the Parts which are absolutely necessaiy to be adduced will occupy more of your Columns than you can con- veniently spare, overwhelmed as you evidently are by such a Multiplicity of Communications.--Give me Leave to suggest. by 54 Way of reconciling you, in some Measure, to the uncommon Length of the Quotations of which I am soliciting the Inser- tion, that (containing in themselves, as I hope they do, an almost complete Apology) they will materially lessen my pres- ent Labour; and, perhaps, engross no larger Portion of your Paper than those Observations probably would, which I must be obliged to make, if I should be refused this more summary, and, of course, more eligible Mode of Vindication. Without further Preamble, then, I proceed to the Essay which is prefixed to ipei Translation of Mr. Morfitt's admir- able Latin Poem, which I profess to be attempted in the Manner of Dryden. "To neglect the modern Style of Versification--to overlook even that which Pope introduced--and, pro- fessedly, to copy from the old fashioned Model of Dryden--will excite some Degree of Surprize among those who take for granted that Poetic Diction has, since his Time, received considerable improvement.--But, to con- fess the Truth, I cannot help thinking that English Rhyme was brought by that wonderful Man to the Acme of Perfection: and that it has been, for many Years, grad- ually declining from Good to indifferent--and from ip; different to Bad. ”I am not unaware that a Sentiment so unfavourable to most of my contemporaries, and so opposite to Prejudices long received and obstinately retained, will, probably, be considered as the rash and romantic Assertion of a vain and presumptuous Innovator, and be treated with all the Severity usually exercised a- gainst Notions which are looked upon as heterodox.-- But such Severity would be flagrant Injustice.-- The Opinion which I have expressed is neither dictated by Vanity, nor prompted by an Affectation of Singularity: but is, in Fact, the Result of much Reflection, and of very minute Investigation. "To do Justice to the Subject would be to extend a Ereface--to a Volume: but it may not be unnecessary to prove, that I have not hazarded so bold a Declaration on plight Grounds: and that, while I endeavor to convince my Reader. I am, at least, convinced mysel . "The Poetry of Dryden, though allowed to be, in geperal, Correct, Energetic, and Harmonious, is also 55 said to be sometimes Careless, Languid, and Prosaic: in Fine (to use his own Words, when speaking of Milton), he is charged with having ‘Flats among his Elevations.[']” --They who bring the Charge usually accompany it with an Exclamation of ‘how unfortunate was the poo; Me_, whose Necessities compelled him to precipitate his Works to the Press in pp unfinished a State!'” "I will admit the Justice of the Accusation, but wave [sic], as entirely unnecesary, the Apology.--Poor he certainly was--to the never-dying Infamy of the Age which he so splendidly adorned: but his Poverty has little to do with the Question in Debate.--Many of his Lines seem, it is true, to have wanted his last Touches: but those last Touches, I am persuaded, were not hastily Neglected--but deliberately Denied. His intuitive Judgement, doubtless, suggested, that all Things figure ppi by Comparison: and that even Excel- lence, undiversified, must, at length, Fatigue. He, therefore, subdued his Style occasionally--to burst upon his Reader with greater Splendour, when the Subject demanded a Loftier Lay. "But how reconcile this Supposition to his Remark respecting Milton--which seems to imply, that no Flats should be admitted among the Elevations?--Very easi- ly.--Steadiness and Consistency were, by no Means, Characteristics of the Doctrines which Dryden promul- gated in his numerous Prefaces:--Doctrines which he varied, without much Scruple as Times or Circumstances changed: and, in the present Case, Dread of Milton's superior Genius, and Detestation of his political Principles, might, reasonably, be supposed somewhat to pervert his natural Candour, and somewhat to bias his wonted Impartiality. "The Poetry of Pope, though less enriched with [by] Classical Knowledge, and less illumined by Vivid Ima- gination, appears, however, at first Sight, to greater Advantage than that of Dryden: as it is, certainly, more elaborately correct, and more mechanically iegu- lei--more delicately poliphed, and more systematically gignified,--But are these ieally Advantages?--Let us examine. ”Dramaiic £peey, 2:84. Dryden wrote of Milton, "his thoughts are elevated, his words sounding. . . . 'Tis true. he runs into a flat of thought, sometimes for a hundred lines together." ”"M----s" says in Letter 5, p. 30, "That Dryden purposely kept down certain parts of his writings, in order to serve as foils to the rest, is an assertion in which Mr. W. will not, perhaps, find a single advocate: as the prematurity in which pecuniary circumstances compelled him to hurry his publications into the world is known and lamented bY every one." 56 "Does the skilful Painter bring ell his Figures forward on the Canvas, and bestow the last Hand upon every Part of the Picture? "Does the Musician cloy The Ear with an eternal Succession of harmonious Sounds,uncontrasted by the dire,but necessary. Discords? "Does the Ornament of the Stage lavish Emphasis. Expression, Attitude, and Action, upon every Line of every Sentence? "Does the Beauty of a Birth-Night” concentrate ell her Jewels (unrelieved by Interstices of black Velvet) in one Intolerable Blaze? "Would the Face of Creation appear more lovely, were it--instead of 'rising into Inequalities, diversi- fied by the varied Exuberance of abundant Vegeta- tion'--to exhibit one immensurable 'Velvet Lawn, shaven by the Scythe, and levelled by the Roller?'” "Why then must Poetry adopt a preposterous Plan of Egualisation which her Sister Muses reject with Scorn-- and aspire to an imeginary perfection, alike unknown to Nature and to Art? "The Question seems to lie in so small a Compass, and to be so easy of Determination, that one feels inclined to enquire how so absurd a Notion could possibly gain a Footing, and maintain its Ground, in an Age so polished and enlightened as to have acquired the Title of Augustan?-- Great Events, 'tis certain, arise sometimes from very trivial Causes: but never, surely, was so important a Revolution in the Bernes- pian Realms produced by Means so utterly contemptible! "When Dryden's Sun was set, darting its* brightest Ray at its Departure, Pope was beginning to dawn on the poetical Hemisphere,--A young Man of lively Talents, with a peculiar 'Knack at Rhyming,'” could not fail to attract the Notice of many would-be Maecenases: among others, one Walsh undertook to usher this rising Genius into the World: he did more: he affected to point out a Way, by which his Pupil should surpass all who had gone before him.--'Mr. Pope (said he), there is ppe Path as yet entirely untrodden--the Path of gorrectness: ”Dryden's inimitable Ode is said to have been his last Production. ["Alexander‘s Feast: or the Power of Musique. An Ode in Honour of St. Cecilia's Day" (1697). This is Dryden‘s last lyric poem. Eebles Ancient epg Mpgeip (1700) was his final work. See Kinsley 1: Table of Contents.) ”"The evening of a royal birthday. . .the court-festi- val held thereon," QEQ. ”Livep 3: 222. ”John Dennis, A True Character pi Mr. Pope. Woiks, ed. E. N. Hooker, 2:108. 57 Dryden was a great Poet--but he had not Leisure to be correct.--Seize the glorious Opportunity: supply the Deficiency, and be immortal!['J” "In an evil Hour did the ambitious young Bard hearken to the fatal Advice of 'knowing Walsh' (as he somewhere calls him):” and, hoping to supply this supposed Deficiency, he began to labour, and stiffen, and polish, and refine: till, having discarded whatever seemed loose, or languid, or harsh, or prosaic, his Verse Flowed in one equal, smooth, mellifluous Stream: marked by an almost total Want of that Variety of Pause, Accent, Cadence, and Diction, so eminently conspicuous in his imcomparable Predecessor, and so absolutely es- sential to the Harmony of true Poetry. "The Thought is so seldom suffered to stray beyond the Bounds of the Couplet, and so frequently wire- drawn merely to end with it--ppe Part of a Line so exactly reflects the other--[and] there is such a Pauci- ty of Triplets and of Alexandrines (the Break too, in the latter, so regularly at the sixth Syllable),--that even the most ingenious Allusions, the most striking, beautiful, and graceful Imagery, the most perspicuous and pointed good Sense, and the most elegant and nervous Expression--with all their Powers united--find it diffi- cult to render the tiresome Uniformity of his Versifica- tion supportable. "To the officious Interposition of this same Walsh, then, we are indebted for the Contamination of the Heliconian Fountain for near a Century! Risum tene- atis?” "But so material a Change in the Constitution of Poetry could not be expected to take Place without some literary Convulsions.--The Disciples of Dryden were ardent in their Veneration, formidable by their Numbers, and respectable by their Rank.--Violent was the Clamour, and tedious was the Contest.--Pope, how- ever, in the End--by Means not very honorable indeed-- proved triumphant. "In the Course of my Researches, I have found considerable Amusement (though alloyed, in no small Degree, by a Mixture of Scorn and Indignation), in tracing and developing the insidious Arts which he suffered his Friends to practise, in order to undermine the Reputation of the deceased Poet and to asperse the Characters of his living Supporters: and if a Work, ”Weston seems to be freely paraphrasing what Joseph Spence recorded that Pope said of Walsh, ”He encouraged me much, and used to tell me, that there was one way left of excelling: for though we had several great poets, we never had any one great poet that was correct: and he desired me to make that my study and aim," Spence, 32. ”pipe 4:136. ”Horace, ipe Ami pi Eoeiry 5, ”Could you refrain from laughing?" 58 which, for a longer Term of Years than that prescribed by Horace”, has been incerceieted in my Closet, should ever escape into Light, Pope's Goodness pi Heart would be no longer problematical:--at present, I shall content myself with observing, that He, while the injured Dryden sunk in the public Estimation, was exalted to the vacant Chair, and proposed as a bright Exemplar to all succeeding Bards. "But, as He was supposed to have improved upon pie Master, Our Poets seem ambitious of improving upon theirs.--He rejected every Thing that was not rich: They reject every Thing that is not brilliant.--He is every where clear and manly: They not unfrequently torture into Obscurity, and refine into Imbecillity. "To confirm and illustrate my Observation, by se- lecting Instances of harsh Construction and fantastic Inversion--Tinsel Phrases and tinkling Compound-Epi- thets--were a Task as easy as it were unpleasant and unwise.--The Genus irritable Vatum” is proverbial: and I shall, probably, find Inconvenience enough, from having disturbed the Hornet's Nest, by a General Censure, with— out the additional Imprudence of pulling it about my Ears by a Particular Enumeration.--Suffice it, there- fore, to observe, that the modern System appears de- cisively to exclude every Mode of Expression from Poetry which is so unlucky as to find a Place in Prose. "Let me not be misunderstood.--Poetic Diction and that Alone, is the Object of my Reprobation: nor, even in that Department, am I insensible of some very splen- pip Exceptions: but flatter myself, as the Influence of their Example gradually expands, that I shall still live to see the apparent Negligence but real Art--the digni- fied Simplicity--the unaffected Sublimity--and the end- less Variety of the Prince of Rhyme (as Mr. Hayley justly styles him),” once more shine forth, in the Fullness of Beauty--the Admiration of all--but cold, mechanical Versifiers, and tasteless, blind Idolators!"” I then proceed to combat Dr. Johnson's Assertion, that an Alexandrine "invariably requires a Break at the sixth ”Horace advised, "put your parchment in the closet and keep it back till the ninth year," Ihe Art pi goetry, 388- 89. ”See Letter 7, p. 33n. ”I have been unable to identify the source of this in William Hayley's works. In his "Essay on Epic Poetry," Hayley wrote: "Milton's Verse, and Dryden's Rhyme,/ Are proof alike against the rage of Time," Poeme end Plays (1788), 3: 5.233- 34. ”!p vii-xv. 59 Syllable;"” and, after endeavouring to prove that the Pause may be introduced, with considerable Effect, at the fifthl seventh, and eighth Syllables*, thus conclude the Subject: "To multiply Instances would be superfluous: enough has been said to demonstrate what many have supposed to be incapable of Demonstration--yie. that Pope is not infallible, nor his Biographer invulnereble. "If this should seem the Language of Exultetion. let it be remembered that it is, likewise, the Language of Conviction: and--to repress the gathering Sneer, which an Introduction so disproportioned to the Size of the Poem may tempt--let ill-natured Criticism be in- formed, that to justify the Style of the following Translation is but a subordinate Object: my principal Design in this Prefatory Essay being to seize an apt Occasion--unexpectedly presented--of co-operating with those who so meritoriously endeavor to restore to Dry- denical Purity that Pierian Spring which Pope corrupted, and which his more daring Imitators have Poisoned!"” You will please to observe, Mr. Urban, that the Opinions which I have here expressed, when divested of their figura- tive Dress, are briefly these.--That Rhyme was brought by Dryden to the utmost Pitch of Perfection: that it was injured by Pope: and still mpie injured by his Successors. The Reasons on which I ground these Opinions are stated, I am sure, with Sincerity and Candour: and, I hope, with good Manners. If they will not plead for themselves, they must stand condemned: for I have neither Health nor Spirits (as I *Miss Seward has inadvertently quoted me as affirming, "that the Pause may be placed after epy of the Syllables, without Injury to the Harmony." [Letter 1c, p. 17.] such Affirmation appears in my Essay: and I can only account for the Mistake, by supposing that I must have dropped some such Remark in Conversation: for I am as confident as I am of my Existence that Miss Seward is incapable of inteptional Mis- representation. ”"A Grammar of the English Tongue," Diptionary (1755). Read, "The pause in the Alexandrine must be at the sixth syllable." ”We xxiii-xxiv. 6O fear I have already too often hinted) to exert myself, at present, in their Support.--To Miss Seward's Strictures, however, I have pledged myself to reply: and, in the first Place, I own that I do not readily apprehend with what Pro- priety Sentiments sustained by Argument pep be styled Preju- dices: but, well aware how easily a Person may be deceived. when judging of himself, I will not obstinately contest the Point: nay, I will freely confess that, having been, for more than twenty Years, in the Habit of admiring Dryden, I may, possibly, entertain a greater Predilection in his Favour than his Merit will justify.--But can my fair Opponent be gpiie certain that she is entirely free from a similar Influence with Respect to Pope. Ingenious and ingenuous as I know her to be, she has more than once misunderstood my Meaning, and more than once misquoted my Words: partly, perhaps, from trusting too implicitly to a wonderful Memory, and partly from having her Attention divided between literary Labours and an Employment of a much more amiable and exalted Kind+. +I ought to be very cautious, Mr. Urban, how I condemn with too much Acrimony, Want of Attention, or Reliance on Memory; as they have jointly contributed to a Mis-quotation of my pep. I have scarcely been so much surprized, and, I may add, shocked, as I was Yesterday: when, on accidentally referring to the Magazine for July, I was unable to find the Word "candid" in the apologetical Letter [No. 3. PP. 22-23.) which I mentioned in your last Number [Letter 9a, p. (51) and note#] I instantly examined the rude Draught (for I have so great a Respect for the public Eye, that I submit nothing to its Perusal which has not been twice written), and found the Passage to stand thus--"called upon in so earnest and ep candid a Manner by your Correspondent M. F."--This rude Draught, which I fortunately shewed to a Gentleman, while the Ink was yet wet, and who perfectly remembers the Circum- stance, I ipclpse. I would willingly flatter myself that the 61 She has produced three Lists of Authors,” to prove what I never denied, yie. that the Writers of Verses are more plentiful ppy than they were in the Days of Dryden or of Pope: and, after observing that "the last is (Milton except- ed) far the brightest, as well as greatly the most numerous, of the three Lists," she demands--"have they of this third List collectively 'poisoned the Pierian Spring,‘ either res- pecting Sentiment, Imagery, or Style?"” --I am firmly per- suaded that they have--with Regard to "Style;" but why must "Sentiment" and "Imagery" be introduced?--l had not mentioned either.--"Poetic Diction, and that alone, is the Object of my Reprobation: nor even in ipei Department am I insensible of some very splendid Exceptions.“” --These were my Words.-- Miss Seward cannot expect me to be so daringly imprudent as to specify particularly” those "splendid Exceptions."--My Preface assigns a Reason for my Reluctance to select "lp; stances of harsh Construction and fantastic Inversion, Tinsel Phrases, and tinkling Compound-Epithets:" and, indeed, meme I to be so rash, what would be the Use?--to point them out to those who gp possess a true poetic Taste--would ‘be Omission was the Fault of your Compositor, but I fear it would indeed be Flattery: for I perceive that there are other Parts of the Letter which vary from the Copy: so the Blame will probably rest on Me. I feel, however, some Consolation in learning, from your Note to my last Communication, that my ,Acknowledgement of M. F.'s Candour was retained in the Pri vate Letter, though iorgotten in the Public One: as that Acknowledgement sufficiently acquits me of his Charge of Splenetic Resentment. ”Letter 1a, pp. 3-4. ”Letter 1b, p. 5. ”Above, p. 58. The following quotations are from the same place. 62 unnecessary: and to those who do ppi--would be ridiculous!-- Who talks of Music--to the Deaf--or of Painting--to the Blind? Miss Seward observes, that my Essay "enumerates what it calls tinkling Compound-Epithets amongst the fancied Improve- ments of the Moderns."---"Tinkling (she adds) is a most inapplicable Adjective; since, when ill-chosen, Compound- Epithets may be stiff, may gieie, but cannot tinkle, on the Ear. When yell-chosen, their Merit is not to the Eei, but to the Understanding--by their condensing and engergetic power."”--To the latter Part of this Paragraph no Objection can be made: but, with great Deference to such high Author- ity, I must beg Leave still to retain my Opinion, that epme ill-chosen Compound-Epithets may Tinkle if others may Grate: and I shell. for once, risk a modern Quotation, that I may confirm my Position, and prove that I am not accustomed to deal in unfounded Assertions. "Each Change of Many-colour'd Life he drew." Johnson.” "Shakes o'er the darken'd Throne her Blood-distilling Plumes." Hayley.” "Glance their many-twinkling Feet." Gray.” Judgement must own that the first of these Compound-Epithets ”Letter 1b, p. 6. ”"Prologue, Spoken at the Opening of the Theatre in Drury-Lane, 1747," Works 6: 3. ”William Hayley, "Revolution Ode." This line and the one before it are quoted in the pp 59: 27. I have been unable to find the entire poem. ”Thomas Gray, "The Progress of Poesy," 35. Samuel John- son noted, "Gray is too fond of words arbitrarily compounded. 'Many-twinkling' was formerly censured as not analogical: we may say many-spotted, but scarcely meny-spottipg" (Liypg. :437). 63 is appropriative, easy, and elegant: that the second is picturesque, aweful, and sublime: and that the third is affected, tinkling, and nonsensical. My candid Antagonist owns that I have convicted Prior and Montague” of one Mistake: but calls that Mistake trivial.--With Submission, it appears to me to be of the highest Importance.--Can she possibly suppose that the two Associates were such Blockheads, as to believe the Words "doomed" and "fated" were intended by Dryden to express the same Thing?---If they were such Blockheads, they were, sure- ly, ill qualified for Critics: and if, on the other Hand, they did ppi believe the Words to be synonymous, their Con- sciences must, of course, give the Lye to their Criticism.-- In short (for why should I mippe the matter?), they must be deficient in Sense, or in Honesty: and, in either Case, totally unfit for Judges! Great indeed must be the Abilities which can reasonably hope to extricate them from this deplor- able Dilemma! Granting the Observations, which Miss Seward has em; treated, to pe "indisputably just," it does not follow that "my Prejudice must be extreme," because I denominated their Production a "wretched Abortion of silly Malevolence.“--There are but few Rules without Exceptions: and I trust that they who will take the Trouble of wading through their muddy Pamphlet will find, that the general Tenour of the Work will amply justify the Severity of my language. ”Letter 1b, pp. 6-7. The quotations in this and the next paragraph are from the same place. 64 I pie "select" the eight charming Verses, which open the Hind and Panther, as Specimens of iipe iiyle:"” to prove that Pope did not "heighten the Magic of that Versification which he acknowledged to have learned from Dryden."” --I own that they eie Almost "exactly in the Manner of Pope:"” but I think that they differ widely from that of his Disciples. The Lines are much too unaffected, and much too intelligible, to resemble mepy of Modern Fabrication:--I also confess that they are ppi in Dryden's general Manner.--Beautiful as they are, the Artfulness of their Construction is rather ipp apparent: and, had he uniformly written so mechanically, I should have been as much fatigued with pie Virgil, as I have been with his Pupil's Homer. Joseph Weston. (1p pe concluded ip the Supplement.) 10. Mr. Urban, Birmingham. iep. 20. [1790] My interference in the literary engagement between Miss Seward and Mr. Weston will not, I hope, be imputed to improper views. In my prefatory advertisement to the Woodmen of Arden, I alledged that "the judicious sentiments contained in Mr. Weston's manly essay, which accompanied it, chiefly prompted me to submit to the public eye, what was originally ”Letter 1b, p. 8. ”We xviii. ”Letter 1b, p. 8. 65 intended for a private circle." The approbation which I then gave, justice stimulates me now to support. Mr. W. I am certain, neither wishes, nor wants, my assistance: I am well acquainted with the extent of his reading, the vigour of his intellect, the correctness of his taste, and his persevering, though candid, firmness. Animated by the cause of justice and truth, though he may be dazzled, he will not be dismayed, by the "celestial Panoply"” of his fair antagonist. As for myself, I feel no terrors in encountering the formidable Miss Seward: her very censure will give celebrity. But I will not praise her. Panegyric is exhausted upon the varied excel- lence of her character: and I have no leisure to collect the scattered sweets. It is useless to "gild refined gold, or cast a perfume on the violet."--” Your correspondents M----s and M.F. are well entitled to the attention of the public: but I beg leave to confine myself to your two leaders in this interesting dispute. With respect to Dryden and Pope, I feel no inclination to join the* AEgyptian Inquest that has for some time been sitting on their moral characters. Dryden might be lax in his religious, and flexible in his political principles: Pope might be querulous, petulent, envious, malignant. The *Diodorus Siculus tells us, that it was a custom in AEgypt, for judges to sit on every man's life at his inter- ment. [Qiodorus pi Sicily, trans. C. H. Oldfather (NY: Putnam, 1933) 1:313-15.) ”Pope. ll 8:10.511. ”Shakespeare, King John, IV.ii. 11-12. Read "to gild refined gold, to paint the lily, to throw a perfume on the violet." 66 former might be meanly lavish of his praise, and the latter shamefully prodigal of his abuse, crying, like his parrot, "Cuckold" to every man in the street.” But the one might plead in his excuse the malesuada fames,” the almost irresis- table persuasions of penury: and the latter, his natural, and perhaps incurable, irritability of disposition, inflamed by perpetual disease. It may not be improper on this occasion to quote the reply of Lord Bolingbroke, when appealed-to [sic] respecting the avarice of the celebrated Duke of Marl- borough: "He was so great a man, I have forgot his faults."” "C'est une consolation," says Voltaire, "pour un esprit aussi borne que le mien, d'etre bien persuade, que grands hommes se trompent comme le vulgaire."”-- As to the political [poetical]” merits of the rival bards, I am compelled to give the palm to Dryden. I admit the general inequality of his poems, the occasional coldness of his conceptions, and the not unfrequent depressions of his style. I allow that he sometimes sinks lower than Pope: but he sinks to rise proportionably higher, and, like Antaeus. gathers strength from touching the ground. I am abundantly convinced from the philosophy of the human mind, that without contrast and variety, the greatest ”Epl 3.2:6. ”Virgil, Aeneid 6.276, "ill-prompting hunger." Dryden rendered it "Famine's unresisted rage," pe 3:6.387. ”Written source unidentified. ”Unidentified. ”Weston corrects this "evident Blunder" in Letter 29, p. 184n. 67 intellectual efforts fail of their effect. This principle,‘ Mr. Weston justly observes, pervades the whole circle of the fine arts: it also governs our corporeal sensations. We must fall below safe to rise above it: "The Indian Sickens amidst his grove of fragrance:"” and a perpetual spring, however it may charm in the page of poetry, would be intoler- able. The ever-darting polish of Pope hurts my eye: his cuckoo notes disgust my ear: the interminable level tires: and I pant for hill and dale. I know not whether the sinkings in Dryden proceeded from neglect, accident, or ge; £192: I speak merely of the effect, without being capable of assigning the cause. Some of them undoubtedly took their rise from the infirmity of the human mind. The highest flights of genius necessarily produce a temporary languor: the lark, after soaring in the clouds, reposes in the furrow. Miss Seward seems to reason from peiie, and Mr. W. from the 32212: and I am convinced, from my personal knowledge of the former, that she does great violence to her feelings in the mode of conducting this dispute. It is certainly repug- nant to her usual candour, to expose the dirty alleys, and neglected passages, in a magnificent city, and industriously hide from view its spacious streets, splendid squares, and ”gorgeous palaces."”-- Longinus, in enumerating the sources of the sublime, mentions in the first place, an elevation of mind which makes us think nobly and happily: and in the second, the natural ”Unidentified. ”Shakespeare, Tpe Tempest IV.i.152. 68 vehemence or enthusiasm which strikes and moves us. These, says he, are the gifts of nature:” and in these Dryden seems to me to have the advantage over Pope. Figurative language and the arrangement of words are the province of ei_. Miss S. with ingenious anxiety, endeavours to confound what Mr. W. wishes to separate. The question which he agitates, is not whether Dryden is more chaste and congruous in his figures than Pope, but whether he is not on the whole superior in the effect produced by the structure of his verse. And, upon the whole I agree with Mr. Weston, though I think Dryden too licentious in the use of his Alexandrines, particularly in the middle of sentences. When properly managed, they add much to the sonorous swell of English rhyme, and bring it nearer to the majesty of the Greek and Latin Hexameter, which contains no less than seventeen syllables. Triplets certain- ly do not deserve the opprobrious epithet "botching:"” they tend to relieve a painful uniformity, and are of singular use in translations. To make the sense invariably terminate with the couplet, which is Pope's constant manner, not only im- poses unnecessary fetters on rhyme, but loses that bewitching undulation of sound, which winds through the pages of Milton, and is the same to the ear as the "magic curve of beauty to the eye."” I allow blank verse admits of it with greater ”Lppginps pm the Sublime, trans. William Smith (Baltimore, 1810) 23-27. ”Letter 1b, p. 8. ”Letter to John Morfitt dated February 7, 1789, Letters 2:237. Miss Seward's actual words were "the magic curve, so dear to beauty." 69 facility, and to a greater extent than rhyme: but I would not have the latter entirely discard a grace for the absence of which no regularity can atone. With some of the points discussed by the two contending critics, the understandng has nothing to do: but an appeal lies to the ear only. [For] my own part, I cannot read 200 pages of Pope together, without satiety: the Ee gpetibue non eei disputandum. The formal ppi of the verse disgusts one like the taste in gardening, Noth- ing can be more irksome to my ear, than the lullaby oc- casioned by the caesura filling so frequently on the 4th and 5th syllable. The mellifluous melodies put me in the situa- tion of a man half smothered with roses. No one, says Lord Kames, contracts a constant habit of taking honey.” But I have lain "on these primrose beds too long:"” the fascinating smiles of poetry cannot long detain me from severer studies. "Discedam, explebo numerum, reddarque tenebris."” J. Morfitt. ”Henry Home, Lord Kames, Elements pi Criticigm (Edin- burgh, 1762) 2:88. "No man contracts a habit of taking sugar, honey, or sweet-meats, as he doth of tobacco." ”Probably a paraphrase of "upon faint primrose beds were *wont to lie," Shakespeare, A midsummer-night's Dieam I.i.215. ”Virgil, Aeneid 6.545, "I will go my way: I will fill 'uplthe tale and get me back to the darkness." 70 9d. Conclueion pi Mr. Weston's Reply ip Miss Seward's Strictures pp the Preface ip the Woodmen of Arden (from vol. LIX pi llgpi). [Continues Letter 9c, pp. 59-75.) "It always appeared to me," says Miss Seward, "thathope formed his Style upon a few of the best passages in Dryden. Mr. W. is very angry with him for separating the Dross from the Gold."” --Pope was indebted to Dryden for his Style, and something mpie than Style, the astonishing number of Phrases. Half lines and Whole-lines, which he has, most unblushingly, transferred from Dryden's Works to his own abundantly evinces.--I am not angry with him for rejecting the Dross-- but for not admitting a Portion of Alloy, sufficient to give to his pyp Coin Strength, Permanence and Currency.--That Dryden's Gold is entirely free from Dross I will not be so absurd as to affirm: but, whatever may be found reprehensible in his Sentiments or Imagery, his Style, I will still con- tend, is pure.--With "incongruous Metaphor" and "inconsistent Fable"” I meddle not: my business is merely with his Diction. Miss Seward allows that Pope too generally confines the Sense within the Boundary of the Couplet: but thinks that Dryden permits it to overflow too often, and that he is too fond of Iambics.--Though l think otherwise, I know of no argument which can establish as a Eepi what, I fear, must remain Matter of Qpipion: and I have Humility enough to recollect Whose Opinion it is, from which I am so unfortunate ”Letter 1b, p. 8. ”Letter 1b, p. 6. 71 as to dissent. She further observes that Pope "uses the spirited Accent upon the first syllable in a Verse twenty Times for once that it occurs in Dryden:" and that the Verses of the "former describe in the lively dramatic present Tense much oftener than the latter."”--These assertions I feel no inclination to controvert: perfectly satisfied that my cautious Opponent examined before she affirmed.--I allow that Alexandrines are not piiep graceful in the Middle of Sentences: but I shall presently have occasion to produce an Exception to this Rule.--Why She, who reasons so ably on the condensing Power of Compound-Epithets, should conceive such a dislike to Dryden's Triplets, I do not readily comprehend: since the Latter assuredly possess ipei Power, in an eminent Degree: compressing into ipiee Lines the Sense which, though refusing to be confined within imp, would become too much enfeebled were it wire-drawn into four: not to mention the additional Dignity which the majestic Alexandrine Derives, from being preceded by imp Relatives, instead of ppe. The Quotation from the Iliad, in Point of picturesque Harmony, may have been rivalled, but will never be ex- celled.--But why contrast this utmost effort of Pope's long- practised Wing with the first weak attempt of Dryden's un- fledged Pinion?--That the Genius of Pope was at its Zenith, at an Age when that of Dryden was yet below the Horizon, is «granted.--And what then?--The Former (in the Opinion of Dr. ”Letter 1b. Pp. 8-9. 72 Johnson,” at least,) never exceeded his Essay pp Criticism, written at Seventeen: and the Latter (in the Opinion of all the World) never equalled his incomparable Music Ode--pro- duced at Seventy!--A Reflection not very much to the Advan- tage of the Premature Poet! If Dryden, in his eighteenth Year, afforded such faint Glimmerings of that Poetic Flame which afterward blazed so bright, what Hope would Miss Seward have entertained of the celebrated Jonathan Swift, had she seen his first Performance in Verse, (if it deserves the Name,) when he was twenty-four years old--from which the following extracts are taken? "The first of Plants after the Thunder, Storm, and Rain, And thence with joyful, nimble Wing, Flew dutifully back again. Who by that, vainly talks of baffling Death, And hopes to lessen Life, by a Transfusion of Breath. And seen (almost) transform'd to Water, Flame, and Air, So well you answer all Phaenomenas there." Anecdotes ancient and modern, Ey James Petit Andreme, Em A. S. page 295. ” Miss Seward proceeds to select six or seven Lines from Juno's Soliloquy, in the first Book of the Aeneid: to prove "that Dryden, in his iipei Years, was prone to let his Style fall below the poetic Level, where the Subject called elppg for Elevation."” --To prove that he does not, however, fall below his Qriginal will,” I apprehend, be deemed ample ”Lives 3: 229. ”(1790) Andrews, Fellow of the Antiquarian Society, wrote, "The great Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's made his 'debut' in the literary world, by one of the wretchedest odes which ever disgraced Grub-street," (295). ”Letter 1b, p. 11. 73 justification--Permit me, therefore, Mr. Urban, to copy the whole Speech from Virgil, to subjoin a literal Version (for the Information of such of your Readers as may have neglected their Latin) and then to add the Translation in Question. ----Me-ne incepto desistere victam? Nec posse Italia Teucrorum avertere regem? Quippe vetor fatis. Pallas-ne exurere classem. Argivum, atque ipsos potuit submergere ponto, Unius ob noxam & furias Ajacis Oilei? Ipsa Jovis rapidum jaculata e nubibus ignem, Disjecitque rates, evertitque aequora ventis: Illum exspirantem transfixo pectore flammas Turbine corripuit, scopuloque infixit acuto. Ast ego, quae Divum incedo regina, Jovisque Et soror, & conjux, una cum gente tot annos Bella gero: & quisquam numen Junonis adoret Praeterea, aut supplex aris imponat honorem? [Aeneid 1:36-48.) Must I, overpowered, desist from my enterprise? And cannot I drive the Trojan King from Italy? I am forbidden by the Fates, forsooth! Could Pallas burn the Fleet of the Greeks, and drown them in the Sea, for the Crime of one alone--for the mad Passion of Ajax Oileus? She hurled the rapid Fire of Jupiter from the Clouds, and shattered the Ships, and” turned the Sea up from the Bottom with the Winds, and seized him with a Whirlwind, expiring Flames from his transfixed Breast, and fastened him to a pointed Rock--But I, who walk the Queen of the Gods, both the sister and the Wife of Jove, wage War so many years with one Nation: and who will, hereafter, adore the power of Juno, or, suppliant, place Honours on her Altar? Then am I vanguish'd, must I yield, said she, * Up from the Botton turn'd By furious Winds. Milton. [Earadise Lost 7.213.] 74 And must the Trojans reign in Italy? So Fate will have it, and Jove adds his Force: Nor can my Power divert their happy Course. Cou'd angry Pallas, with revengeful Spleen, The Grecian Navy burn, and drown the Men? She, for the Fault of ppe offending Foe, The Bolts of Jove Himself presum'd to throw: With Whirlwinds from beneath she toss'd the Ship, And bare expoelg the Bosom pi ipe Deep: Then, ee ep eegle gripes the tremblipg GameI The Wretch yei hissing with her Father‘s Flame. She strongly seiz'd, and, with a burning wound Transfix'd, epg naked, on a Rock she bound. But I, who walk in awful State above. +The Mejeeiy pi_Heav'n, the Sister-Wife of Jove, For Length of Years my fruitless Force employ Against the thin Remaipe pi ruin'd Troy. What Nations now to Juno's Pow'r will pray, Or Off'rings on my slighted Altars lay? [pe 3:1.56-75.) If Miss Seward's Observation, in your Magazine for September, (page 820)” be just--viz. that "the only Plan which can make Translations worth any thing is--to abandon every idea of closeness, and to interweave epy pem Sentiment pi Imagery that occurs, if it can add Grace or Spirit to the Theme"--then will this masterly Translation procure for its Author "the Honours of original Composition:" the English will be found, on Comparison, nowhere Inferior, and in man Places greatly Superior to the Latin. My facetious Antagonist laughs at the Hissing which the poor Devil made, whom the Heavenly Virago sous'd redhot into the Sea: and adverts to Shakespear's Jolly Knight and his Buckbasket: but I must beg leave to decline being a partaker +Does not the unexpected Length of this Line convey to the Eei a very lively Idea of the Empress of Heaven, swelling with self-importance? And does not this Example prove that an Alexandrine mey sometimes be introduced with Propriety in the Middle of a Sentence? ”Letter 8, p. 39. 75 of the Merriment--until it shall be proved that the expres- sion is inapplicable, and until I shall be convinced that Wit and Humour have lost their acknowledged prerogative, of mak- ing epy Phrase, however just, however pertinent, appear ridi- culous, for a Time--by exhibiting it in a ludicrous Point of View, or by contriving for it an unlucky association. But Sense survives, when merry Jests are peep,” Apropos.--What a glorious Use has the ingenious Critic made of the Coalition of Dryden with Lord Mulgrave,” in a translation from Ovid!”--Nor can I blame her.--The Cause which she had undertaken to support required eyeiy Exertion of her multifarious Pen: and pp Expedient that was not abso- lutely disingenuous was to be rejected: (for of Disin- genuousness I know her to be incapable).--Stratagems are lawful in a poetical as well as in a political Warfare; and though it was impossible that Sagacity like peie could, for one Moment, be imposed upon by the Lustre of a Eeme--though She could not ppi be sensible that the Translator of the Epistle from Canace to Macareus, and of that from Dido to Aeneas, could not possibly scribble one Line of that paltry Stuff which she has extracted from Helen's Epistle to Paris-- she certainly was not obliged to render that Justice to Dryden which he did not think proper to claim--nay, which he ”"But Sense surviv'd, when merry Jests were past." E29 460. ”In 1679, Dryden collaborated with John Sheffield (Earl of Mulgrave and Marquis of Normanby, later Duke of Buckingham) on a translation of Ovid's epistle, Helen ip Paris. ”For excerpts from Eelen ip Paris, see Letter 1b, pp. 11-12. 76 actually renounced.--As he suffered his Credit to be so shamefully prostituted, for the mean Purpose of tickling the Vanity of a rhyming Peer, he well deserved the disgrace of having that meagre and ricketty Brat, to which he acted the Part of Midwife as well as of Father, brought forward, as a Foil to the beautiful and elegant offspring of his more prudent Competitor. By the Way, how are we to prove, unless by internal Evidence, whether Dryden gig--or did ppi-- write the Lines in Dispute?--The right Honourable the Earl of Mulgrave's Name appears to the Eiim of the Eppee.--How are we to ascertain, with Precision, mpei Share each contributed to the joint- stock, unless by comparing, Article by Article, the various Kinds of Goods thus strangely jumbled together, with the yeiy different Qualities of ippee fabricated in the respective Manufactories which eepp of the quondam Associates estab- lished, after the preposterous Partnership was dissolved? Upon the Ground of ipie Species of Examination, I may venture to affirm (without the slightest Hazard of Contradic- tion from any one possessed of discriminating Taste) that Mulgrave was the Author of every Syllable of the Translations from Ovid, which Miss Seward has ascribed to Dryden. This Mezentian Combination,” this unnatural junction of the living with the peep, provoked the Waggery of contempo- rary Wits.--One Couplet I recollect. ”"Comparable to the cruel action of Mezentius, a mythi- cal Etruscan king, who caused living men to be bound face to face with corpses, and left to die of starvation, Virgil, pp; peid 8.485-88," QE_. 77 "How [But how] did [could] this learned Brace employ their Time? "One construed sure--while t'other pump'd for Rhyme!"” The pecuniary Advantages which the Poet might reap from his Connexion with the Epig (and they surely must have been gieei, to atone for peep a Sacrifice!) were not without their Alloy.--The abandon'd and cowardly Rochester hired Ruffians to cudgel Dryden, in Revenge for an admirable Portrait of him, in the Essay on Satire: a Work in which Mulgrave was egeip permitted to claim a Share.”--If the peer may be be- lieved, (but no Judge of Poetry pep believe him) the Laureat was "prais'd and beaten for another's Rhymes."” --No, no, Lord Mulgrave me know better: and Rocheeter knew better.--Aut Erasmus aut Diabolus.” --The Cudgel was certainly applied to the Author of the Rhymes. If Dryden's Poverty and Pope's Avarice induced them to lavish upon you unmerited Honours, for which Posterity will pity one and despise the other, as much as l do--your Lordship's critical and poetical abili- ties, rest assured, (in spite of their lying Praises.) are beneath all Contempt! I cannot, Mr. Urban, forbear smiling at the Slyness ”Matthew Prior, "A Satyr on the Modern Translators," 39- 40. ”The Essay upon Satire, which contained an unflattering portrait of John Wilmot, second Earl of Rochester, circulated in manuscript in November 1679. When Dryden was assaulted in Rose Alley a few weeks later, people asssumed that Rochester had hired the assailants. Dryden's biographer has concluded that Rochester was not involved. See Charles Ward, Ipe Life pi John Dryden (Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1961) 353n. ”Unidentified. In 1681, Mulgrave admitted he was the author of the Essay (Ward, 144). ”"Either Erasmus or the Devil," proverbial. 78 with which Pope, while affecting to commend this same Earl of Mulgrave for that Miserable Farrago of common-place Cant. called the Art pi Poetry,” carefully points out the vilest Line among the vile--as an Example of its Excellence. "Nature's chief Master-piece--is Writing well." [EOC 1:724)” Whether his Grace smoked” the Jest I know not: but it is cetain that, in those vapid, water-gruel Verses which he has prefixed to Pope's Works,” for one Commendation which he condescends to bestow on the Eeie, he wastes ten on himself: ostentatiously informing the Reader that he has been distin- guished as a Courtier, a Soldier, and a Poet--considering his "launching forth" in his Service as an immense Obligation-- and declaring (with princely Generosity) that the Merit even of the Iliad should not have made him eipg--without the additional Recommendation of "a good Companion and as firm a Friend."”--As if the Works of a late eminent Engraver were intitled to no Applause, because the wretched Artist was convicted of Forgery! Or as if we were to withhold our Admiration from the Georgics and the Aeneid, because their Divine Author was suspected of indulging a very atrocious Passion! ”Essay upon Poetry published anonymously (Dublin, 1682). ”Pope's note to this line ascribes it to the Duke of Buckingham's Essay pp Poetry (1717). ”"To smell out: to find out," Johnson, Eipiionary. ”(London, 1717). ”"On Mr. Pope and His Poems." Tpe Works pi flip Grace John Duke pi EuckinghamI ip Verse epg Prose, ed. Alexander Pope (The Hague, 1726) 1:20. 79 Permit me, Mr. Urban, to risk a conjecture.--After Dry- den‘s charming Version of Ovid's Epistle from Dido to Aeneas, we are favoured with a Translation of the same Epistle by another Hand--Bald, spiritless, and unfaithful as it is, one cannot help wondering "how the Devil it came there!"--Ee; flecting Readers will suppose that no ordinary Motive induced the *Editor, whose Reputation was too well established to render a Foil necessary, to disgrace his Work by Such a hideous Excrescence.--The Other Hand, who twittered, it seems, for those Laurels which he was half-conscious that he did not deserve, was afraid to hazard his meme! Ergo, it was a Name of Importance.--The very Quintessence of Conceit could not have the Impudence to suggest to the Other Hand that pie Translation would not appear to a Disadvantage, "Cheek by Jowl"” with that of Dryden. Yet still this bald, spiritless, and unfaithful Translation must have a Place! Ergo, the Translator was of Importance.-- "But when a Lord once owns the happy lines!" [E C 1:420.) The needy Poet could not refuse the affluent Peer: but what Dryden could not sanction with his Name (having translated the Whole, himself,) the real Author durst not attempt to sanction with his. In short--the right Honourable the Earl of Mulgrave was, meo periculo,” the Doer of the second Version of Dido's *Dryden. ”A commonplace. See QEE and also Shakespeare, p Mid- summer Night's Dream III.ii.338. ”"At my risk," a commonplace found in Plautus and Cicero. 80 Epistle to Aeneas!”--Let the Doubtful compare the uniform Style of ipei with "Helen to Paris+." As a striking Proof of the Superiority of Dryden, not only to his contemptible Coadjutor, but also to his elegant Original, give me Leave, Mr. Urban, to present your Readers with the Conclusion of the Epistle, as it appears in Ovid--in Mulgrave--and in Dryden! accompanied by a close Translation, for the Reason before assigned. Pro meritis, & siqua tibi debebimus ultro, Pro spe conjugii tempora parva peto, Dum freta mitescunt & amor: dum tempore & usu Fortiter edisco tristia posse pati. Sin minus: est animus nobis effundere vitam. +That the Author of one Version was perfectly conversant with the other the Number of Lines which bear strong Marks of Imitation incontestably prove.--To select only two Instan- ces-- "So, on Maeander's Banks, when Death is nigh, "The mournful Swan sings her own Elegy." Dryden. [E_ 1:1-2] "So in unwonted Notes, when sure to die "The mournful Swan sings her own Elegy." Mulgrave. Perfect Resemblance, Mr. Urban! "But now with Northern Blasts the Billows roar, "And drive the floating Sea-Weed to the shore." Dryden. [El 1:186-7] "These Winds have driv'n the Floating Sea-Weed so. "That your intangled Vessel cannot go." Mulgrave. "Levis"--which Both have agreed to render "floating"-- signifies light.--The Lightness of the Sea-Weed is, undoubt- edly, the Cause of its floating: but--that two Persons. translating the some Word, and ignorant of each other's Intention, should pii upon the same elegant Mode of substi- tuting the Effect ipi the Cause, exceeds my Portion of Credu- lity!--'Twas no cepual Coincidence.--The Translators were well acquainted, and had compared Notes, ‘tis plain. ”Weston seems to be mistaken. I can find no record of this among John Sheffield's (Mulgrave's) workss. The Em Catalogue does not list it. 81 In me crudelis non potes esse diu. Adspicias utinam, quae sit scribentis imago! Scribimus: & gremio Troicus ensis adest: Perque genas lacrymae strictum labuntur in ensem: Qui jam pro lacrymis sanguine tinctus erit. Quam bene conveniunt fato tua munera nostro! Instruis impensa nostra sepulcra brevi. Nec mea nunc primo feriuntur pectora telo: Ille locus saevi vulnus Amoris habet. Anna soror, soror Anna, meae male conscia culpae, Jam dabis in cineres ultima dona meos. Nec, consumta rogis, inscribar Elissa Sichaei: Hoc tamen in tumuli marmore carmen erit: Praebuit Aeneas & causam mortis & ensem Ipsa sua Dido concidit usa manu.” On account of what I have merited, and if l am to be indebted to thee for any voluntary Kindness, on Account of my Hope of Marriage, I implore a little Time: until the Seas and my affections grow calm: until by Time and Habit I learn to bear my Sorrows with Fortitude. But if ppi--I am resolved to shed my Blood. Thou canst not be cruel to me long. I wish thou could'st witness my Appearance while writing! I write: and in my Lap lies the Trojan Sword: and Tears glide down my Cheeks upon the drawn Blade: which will instantly be stained with Blood instead of Tears. How well thy Gifts agree with my Fate! Thou preparest my Sepulchre at a small Expence. Nor is my Breast now pierced with the first Weapon: that place already bears the Wound of cruel Love!* Oh Anna! O my *"0 Anna my Sister! 0 my sister Anna! would have been rather a ludicrous--though certainly a literal--Translation of "Anna soror, soror Anna."__Thompson [James Thomson] must surely have had this passage in his Eye, when he ventured upon that tragic Line which made his audience so merry! "Oh Sophonisba! Sophonisba Oh!" [lpe Tragedy pi Sophonisba (Dublin. 1730) III.ii.19.] ”Ovid, Heroides 7.177-96. 82 sister! Unhappily conscious of my Crime! Thou wilt soon pay the last Tribute to my Ashes. Nor, when consumed on the Funeral pile, will I be styled Sichaeus's Elissa: but this Verse shall be on the Marble of my Tomb: "Aeneas supplied both the Motive of Death, and the Sword. Dido fell by her own Hand." Mulgrave's Translation. By all I suffer, all I've done for you, Some little Respite to my Love allow. Time and Calm Thoughts may teach me how to bear That Loss, which now alas 'tis Death to hear. But you resolve to force me to my Grave, And are not far from all that you would have. Your Sword before me, whilst I write, does lye, And by it, if I write in vain, I die. Already stain'd with many a falling Tear, It shortly shall another Colour wear. You never could an apter Present make, 'Twill soon the Life you made uneasy take. But this poor Breast has felt your Wounds before, Slain by your Love, your Steel has now no Pow'r. Dear guilty sister, do not you deny The last kind office to my Memory: But do not on my Fun'ral Marble join Much wrong'd Sichaeus' sacred Name with mine. "Of false Aeneas let the Stone complain: I "That Dido could not bear his fierce Disdain, I "But by his Sword, and her own Hand was slain.” ) Dryden's Translation. If by no Merit I thy mind can move, What thou deny'st my merit give my Love. Stay 'till I learn my Loss to undergo: And give me Time to struggle with my Woe. If ppi: know This, I will not suffer long, My Life's too loathsome, and my Love too strong. Death Holds My Pen, and dictates what l epy. While cross my Lap the [thy] Trojan Sword I lay. My Tears flow down: the pharp Edge cuts their Flood, And drinks my Sorrows, that must drink my Elood How well thy Gift does with my Fate agree! ”See above p. 80n. 83 My Fun'ral pomp is cheaply made by thee. To no pew Wounds my Bosom I display: The Sword But enters where Love Made the Way. But thou, dear Sister, and yet dearer Friend, Shalt my cold Ashes to their Urn attend. Sichaeus' Wife let not the Marble boast, l lost that Title when my Fame l lost. This short Inscription only let it bear, "Unhappy Dido lyes in Quiet Here. "The Cause of Death, and Sword by which she dy'd "Aeneas gave: The rest her arm supply'd." [EA 1:191-212.) I am, at length, arrived at Miss Seward's third and last Letter: and, if I should not trace "her every step" so mi- nutely as I have hitherto done, suffer me to plead, in Ex- cuse, the unaffected Aversion which I feel (and which every Moment's Reflection contributes to strengthen) to prolong a Contest, in which the Politeness the sacred Sex may so justly claim is in constant Danger of Violation.--If I am told that my amiable Adversary‘s Abilities are Masculine--I reply that her Sensibility is, nevertheless, extreme: and, were I sure, by the compleatest Victory, to secure Immortal Renown, I should esteem it dearly purchased, at the Risk of losing her invaluable Friendship! That Light Of Life, which once with- drawn the Blaze of Noon would seem to _e Egyptian Darkness. and Creation a dreary Blank!--But I am still further wearying the patience of your Readers--and must descend from my Alti- tudes. I only rejected the Apology commonly made for Dryden (viz. Poverty) because I thought and continue to think it unnecessary.--I am still firmly of Opinion that--whatever Alterations a deliberate Revisal of his hasty Publications Inight have produced, in his Images and Sentiments, his Style would have remained untouched: its striking Inequality being, 84 I sincerely believe, the Result of Choice rather than of Necessity.--Having sufficiently discussed this Point, in my Preface, I shall content myself with producing an Authority in my Favour, which Miss Seward, I am sure, will acknowledge to be highly worthy of Attention. In Warton's celebrated Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope, (Vol. ii. p. 175.) after some Remarks on the well- known Lines of the Man Of Ross, the learned and ingenious Writer thus proceeds. ”The particular Reason for which I quoted them, was to observe the pleasing Effect that the Use of common and fami- liar Words and Objects, judiciously managed, produce in Poet- ry. Such as are here the Words, Causewayi. Seatey Epire, Market-place, Alme-housei apprentielg. A fastidious Deli- cacy, and a false Refinement, in order to avoid Meanness, have deterred our Writers from the Introduction of such Words: but Dryden often hazarded it, and gave by it a secret Charm, and a natural Air to his Verses, well knowing of what Consequence it was sometimes to soften and subdue his tints. and not to paint and adorn every Object he touched, with perpetual Pomp and unremitted Splendor."” Your polite Correspondent M----s (to whom I am indebted for a very handsome Compliment) either had not read, or had forgotten this remarkable paragraph, when he expressed an Apprehension that I should not, perhaps, find a single Advo- cate for what he, inattentively, styles my "Assertion"-- though I had, in Fact, only given it as my Opinion. I certainly have attacked Pope's moral Character, and shall as certainly make good my Charge: but I cannot recol- lect that I have praised that of Dryden, and, therefore, am not compelled to defend it from Miss Seward's weighty ”Warton 2:170-71. 85 Accusations.--Strongly tempted, however, to extenuate, in some Degree, such Parts of his erroneous Conduct as will egmii of Extenuation, Fear of lenghtening that which is already too long elppe restrains my Pen. Had I not been convinced by a very serious Investiga- tion, that the Disposition of Pope was peee epe rancorous in the Highest Degree, and that his” Example has been attended with pernicious effects, his Memory would have remained un- disturbed by Me.--I never heard that he "relieved the neces- sities of his abusive Foe"” otherwise than by+ writing a delightful Prologue to a Play” acted for the Benefit of the poor old Man, after he had lost his sight: unless a couple of Guineas which he paid, as a Subscription, for two Volumes of Epistolary Correspondence, which Dennis published,” may be placed to the Account of Charity. They who shall peruse the following Letter, written by *A more ample Explanation of my meaning would here occupy too much Room: and may not improperly be reserved till the "Ides of March:" [Shakespeare, Julius Caesar 1.2.18] at which Time I intend to answer the Challege of M.F. respecting the uncourtly Epithet which I applied to Pope. +Though it may appear somewhat invidious to assign to a good Action an unamiable Motive, I cannot help suspecting that there might be more of Parade than of Humanity in the Case.--Vanity less enormous than that which fell to pie Share might have grasp'd with Greediness at so lucky an opportunity of purchasing a very valuable Species of Fame at a very trifling Expence. ”Letter 1c, p. 20. Mack notes that according to a letter from Pope to David Mallet in 1733 "Pope had, it seems clear, been contributing financial aid to Dennis surreptitiously through Mallet," Life 588. ”Prologue, QQE. ipe Eenefit pi mil Dannie, 1733 at a performance of Colley Cibber's lpe_Provok'd Eusband, Dec. 18, 1733, IEE 6:355.57. ”Qriginal Letters, Eamiliar, floral and Critical (1721). 86 Pope, though (for very miee Reasons) not inserted in his pmp artful and mutilated Edition of his Works,” may possibly attribute his seeming Liberality to a Motive less exalted than that suggested by his generous Apogolist. To Mr. Dennis. Sir, May 3, 1721. I called to receive the two Books of your Letters from Mr. Congreve, and have left with him the little Money I am in your Debt. I look upon myself to be Much More So, ipi ipe Omissions ypp have peen pleased ip make lip those Lettersl ip my Favour, and sincerely join with you in the Desire that ppi ipe Least www Traces may remain pi that Difference pe; tween us, which indeed I Am Sorry For. You may therefore believe me, without either Ceremopy or Falseness, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant, A. Pope.” The Consideration of his "Filial Tenderness"” I shall. at present, wave: having introduced my Sentiments of that pleasing Part of his Character in a Poem,” with which I mean to conclude this long-protracted Defence: but, having intruded so yeiy iei on your Good-nature, Mr. Urban, I cannot solicit for the Admission of between two and three Hundred Lines more--This Month. In treating of the Alexandrine, Miss Seward has been witty, if not argumentative;” but, indeed, Argument has but little to do in the business. The proper Places for the ”Probably the 1735 edition. ”George Sherburne, ed., Correspondence pi Alexander Pope (Oxford: Clarendon, 1956) 2:75-76. The letter was originally published by John Dennis in his Remarks Upon ppe Dunciad, Hooker 2:370-71. ”Letter 1c, p. 16. ”Letter 15, poem "To Miss Seward," 11. 148-57, pp. 112- 13. ”Letter 1c, pp. 16-18. 87 Eieem must, after all, be settled by the Ear; and, having appropriated so many Pages of my Essay to the Elucidation of this subject, I think any addition to my former Remarks superfluous. When I mentioned "Wou'd be Maecenases"” I alluded to Hallifax, Buckingham, Walsh, and the rest of the "Mob of Gentlemen, who wrote with Ease,"” and prated about Poetry and Criticism: undignified by Genius, and unadorned by Taste:--of Walsh I have spoken, in my Preface: Buckingham's Pretensions may be nearly ascertained, from the Specimens which I have adduced: and they, who (unsatisfied by my Quotation from the City Mouse and the Country Mouse) are curious to learn yet more of the critical Talents which Hallifax possessed, may obtain entire Satisfaction, by referring to an Anecdote, of unquestionable Authenticity, related in Dr. Johnson's Life of Pope.”--Surely I could not intend to discourage Poetic Pa- tronage, in an age like ipie that seems to plume itself on patronizing eyeiy Art liberal and illiberal except Poetry. Have I really written "as if the Excellence or Worth- lessness of a Poem depended wholly upon the Construction of its Measure: and as if the Couplet was the only order of ”Letter 9c, p. 56. ”EE 4:2.1.08. ”Lives 3:126-27. Johnson recounts how Halifax told Pope to revise passages in the first three books of his lliad to give them ”'a little [better] turn.'" Dismayed, Pope asked Garth's advice, and Garth recommended that Pope leave the passages untouched and reread them to Halifax in a few months as if he had changed them. Pope did so, and Halifax "was extremely pleased with them, and cried out, 'Ay, now [Mr. .POpe] they are perfectly right: nothing can be better.'" 88 Rhyme?"” I must then have written in my Sleep--and am not yet awake: for I have searched, with the most rigid Scrutiny, for a single Passage that could, by any mode of Construction, be supposed to convey such a Meaning--but searched in vain.--I have said mppp about Diction, ‘tis true, and little about any thing else: because Diction, and that alone, was my Object. But, so far from thinking Measure the pply Essential, I cordially agree with Miss Seward, that "a Poem has little Merit if it does not remain fine Poetry after having been taken out of ell Measure:"” and Horace must have been of the same Opinion: or he would scarcely have recommended the Transposition and Inversion of the Order of the Words, as a Criterion, by which to distinguish whether the Compositions (thus deprived of Measures and Numbers) contained the vital essence of Poetry!” A Gleam of Satisfaction darts across the Gloom which has, for such a length of Time, hung upon my Spirits--as I approach the Conclusion of my irksome Task. A Task--so very irksome, that not the Honor of a public Correspondence with Miss Seward--not the Pleasure which Her parting Epige in- spired whose Praise is Fame--no, nor even the Consciousness of having embarked, from the purest Motive, in the justest Cause, could reconcile me to a Situation, in which I would ”Letter 1c. Pp. 18-19. ”Letter 1c, p. 19. ”Weston may be partially remembering Horace's words, "Take from the verses which I am writing now . . . their regular beat and rhythm--change the order of the words, transposing the first and the last--and it would not be like breaking up . . . where, even when he is dismembered, you would find the limbs of a poet," Satires 1.4.56-62. 89 not wish my bitterest Enemy to be placed! Though I have now finished all I intend to urge--in Eipee, I will not, Mr. Urban, take a formal Leave: as the Winding-up of the subject is reserved for the Veises to which I have adverted: and which, Being expressly composed in humble Imitation of my ever-honoured Master's Style, may serve for a Commentary on my Text--an Illustration of my Remarks. Believing that well-meant, though, perhaps, weak and ineffectual Endeavours to entertain the Public may reasonably hope for Pardon, if not intitled to Praise--and conscious that those Lines which may seem to have been the least la- boured would, on the Drydenic Plan of Light and Shade, have been denied an higher Polish--had I even been blest with better Health and greater Leisure--I will not insinuate a Lye, though in the Epige of Truth. I will not meanly attempt to soften the Severity of Criticism, by alledging, ee_ ep Apology for the Inequalities which will be found in the Poetical Epistle to Miss Seward, that far the greater Part of it was written, (to borrow the pathetic Language of Dr. Johnson,) "not in the soft Obscurities of Retirement, or under the Shelter of Academic Bowers, but amidst Inconven- ience and Distraction, in Sickness and in Sorrow."” Joseph Weston. ”"Preface" to the Eictionary (1755) 11. 9O 11. Mr. Urban, Lichfield, Eep. 13.[l790) Polite as are my ingenious Drydenic antagonists, I must, in justice to myself, disavow a sensibility which Mr. Morfitt affects to take for granted, and a stratagem for which Mr. Weston affects to forgive me. I have suppressed pp sensibi- lities during my investigation of this subject. I scorn to suppress involuntary consciousness because it may militate against my argument. For the imputed stratagem, my combat with prejudices of such demonetrable futility, could not peep the aid of auxiliary stratagem: and were it possible to have wanted, I would have disdained to pee it. Solemnly do I disavow the least suspicion that the Epistle from Helen to Paris was not pie whose name is prefixed to it. No one. impartial enough to be disgusted with bold and vulgar style in a favourite author, and who has read all Dryden's works, pep feel internal evidence that a work is not pie, which bears his name, because it is written ill. I did no violence to my feelings in producing instances of wretched style in the great, the illustrious Dryden. because the nature of my dispute with Mr. W. obliged me to produce them, and because I thought it incumbent upon me, though he acts otherwise by Pope, to bring my proofs miip my accusations. As gieei, as illustrious, with all his sins against sincerity and poetic elegance, I have ever considered Dryden: as such I have mentioned him through the whole course of those strictures, which defend the pointed, polished, and 91 harmonious style of Pope, and the judgment with which he shunned whatever was turgid or vulgar in its conception, false or absurd in its metaphoric sense, awkward or slovenly in its expression. Mr. Morfitt confesses that Dryden's imagination, which. by allusion, he justly terms a "magnificent city,"” has its giiiy alleys and neglected passages, but thinks it uncandid to search them out. Never had they been searched out by me. if his friend had not publickly denied their existence in any such squalid form, and falsely termed them well-disposed shades amidst lights, and judicious flats amidst elevations: if he had not renounced all pardon extended to Dryden for the frequent defects of his style, on the score of pecuniary necessity; and if I had not apprehended a possibility of mischief to our young writers from Mr. Weston's erroneous assertions--mischief, that Mr. Morfitt will find stated in a letter of mine to M----s, in the Gentleman's Magazine for September last, p. 818.” To prevent such mischief, and without a wish to rob Dryden of those luxuriant laurels, won by the rich fertility of his ideas, by the frequent grandeur of his conceptions, and by the frequent mellifluence of his numbers, did I pipye that they meie blind alleys, and lamentably neglected pas- sages in the magnificent city. I sought ppi to hide, as Mr. Morfitt more than insinuates I did, its spacious streets, ”Letter 10, p. 67. Anna Seward's references to Morfitt are to this letter. ”Letter 8, Pp. 35-42. 92 splendid squares, and gorgeous palaces. Have I not said that Dryden trusted to the majestic trees of his wilderness. "laden with blooming gold,"” for the preservation of his fame? Was ipei the language of one who sought to suppress the recollection of his excellences? But I here repeat a conviction, which I sincerely feel, namely that he never dreamed that their fruits should so far intoxicate the brain of a Brother Poet, as to make him assert the superior beauty of the wilderness on account of its weeds, and abuse the majestic parks and lawns of succeeding Bards, from which the nettles and switch-grass have been rooted up. Flats amidst elevations do certainly promote the general beauty of the . scene: but it is very undesirable that they should be over- grown with weeds, "unsightly, and unsmooth."” I have asserted that Pope's poetry is not destitute of this contrasting plainness and simplicity of style. It may be found in suffi- cient plenty in his Epistles, in his Essay on Man, on Criti- cism, on Fame: in his Iliad: still more in his Odyssey: and even in the glowing, impassioned, and highly-coloured poem, the Eloisa to Abelard. If in this disquisition I have produced parts, (and what pep parts ppplg I produce?) I have judged from the mpple-- thus--that Dryden was in the lyiip style greater than Pope, but inferior to him in that of the ten feet couplet. I acknowledged that it was a fault in the latter so eeldom to float his pause into the middle of the next line: but that ‘ ”Letter 1c, p. 14 and note 2. ”Milton, Paradise Lost 4.631. 93 Dryden's floating it too often, his Alexandrines in the middle of sentences, his perpetual triplets, which hurt the ear by prolonging the jingle of the rhyme, his everlasting expletives, with which, in particular, his elegy on Cromwell is so much deformed, his "eeye pee, and eeye_epee," [sic] instance: The Panther smil'd at this, and when said she Were these first councils disallow'd by me? and again: Why all this war [these wars) to win the book, if we Must not interpret for ourselves but she? pipe epg Panther. [2:2.168-69, 283-84) That these, I mean the habitual use of these, formed in the opposite scale of defect so much an heavier preponderance, as to give the superiority, in point of diction, clearly to Pope. I produced my proofs that Dryden often wrote ipp ill to write ep ill from any other motive than necessitous haste. Mr. Morfitt observes that "figurative language, and the arrangement of numbers, are the province of eii." The latter certainly: but the former, if justly figurative, is the constituent, the vital principle of Genius, that combina- tion of remote resemblances, whose peppy union mere art will strive to effect in yeip. When Shakespear, describing a summer night, exclaims: How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon the bank!” and says that it tips with eilver the tops of the fruit- ”Eerchant pi Venice V.i.54. Read "this bank." 94 trees:” and, in painting wintry darkness, tells us, Now the loud howling wolves arouse the hours [jades], That drag the tragic, melancholy night, And, with their drowsy, slow, and flagging wings, Clip dead men's graves;” ' he speaks figureiively, but with such figures as art alone had never brought him. That Dryden perpetually sinks below, 0 how mppp below Pope! I willingly agree with Mr. Morfitt: but that he ever rises proportionably higher I utterly deny, and would under- take to equal the noblest and most beautiful passages from Dryden's poems, in the couplet measure, with selections from those of his rival. Their genius was equal: but Pope would not abuse his talents, and Dryden lived in the perpetual prostitution of pie. lpei ear must be oddly modeled, to which Pope's harmo- nious and flowing verses appear formal. It is not allowed to the couplet rhyme to wind the pause through whole passages, as Mr. Morfitt beautifully expresses it. Dryden did not attempt it. lpei grace belongs to blank verse, as he allows. Hence the superiority of exguisite blank verse to the mpei exquisite rhyme. Mr. Morfitt calls Pope's numbers "geckoo-noiee:" if he had termed them Blackbird notes, he had spoke more justly: since the blackbird's, sweet beyond a name, and beyond all power of satiety to a musical ear, have ppi the Varieties of the nightingale's melodies. Neither does the g ”Romeo and Juliet II.ii.108. 2g Henry El IV.i.3. 95 couplet measure admit great variety in the flow of the numbers: that grace belongs to Ode-writing, and to blank verse. With such "Cuckoo-notes" as the following, I confess myself incapable of being cloyed, or of perceiving in them any resemblance to folding doors, or to Dutch gardening: So Zembla's rocks, the beauteous work of frost, Rise high [white] in air, and glitter on the coast: Pale suns [unfelt] at distance roll unfelt away, And on th' impassive ice the lightnings play. Eternal snows the growing mass supply, Till the bright mountains prop th' incumbent sky: Like [As] Atlas fix'd each hoary pile appears The gather'd winter of a thousand years. [IE 2:53-60.) Pope's severity to the Dunces, who had maligned him, was just chastisement. They gave the provocation: they distilled their venom upon his immortal laurels, though it had no power to canker them. He formed a mock-heroic poem in consequence of thei[r) malice, and made his enemies ridiculous to all ages. Such ever be the doom of Envy aspersing Virtue, and endeavouring to shroud the light of Genius! Mr. Weston still procrastinates his proofs, that Pope was an execrable villain, the insidious underminer of pie fame, whom he professed to honour. My antagonist has closed the correspondence with me, without producing them. He owed it to his own character, and to the demand I made upon him for those proofs, to have produced them in the first page of his reply. To assert Dryden's style advantaged by its fre- quent vapidness and vulgarity, is but want of taste for pure and elegant composition. From unsupported accusation, brought against the moral character of a fine writer, every 96 one will turn indignant, who can feel his beauties, and be grateful for the delights they have afforded. Ere I make any comments upon Mr. Weston's letter in the last Magazine,” where every position he advances is open to confutation, I shall wait the promissory Ides of March for those proofs which my friendship for Mr. Weston almost induces me to wish he may be eple to produce. It behooves him to take especial care that they be unguestionable. Yours, &c. Anna Seward. 12. Mr. Urban, Qpi. 11. [1789] I am much flattered by he notice which your fair cor- respondent (vol. LIX. p. 820)” has paid to my remarks on her poetical strictures*: but, as they were ventured at the time, not without some conviction of their justice, I am still ready to maintain them. Pope was one of the first who gave praise to Akenside's chief work:” and perhaps his word conduced greatly to *This and the following letters, received in October, were kept back till Mr. Weston had compleated his vindica- tion. Edit. ”Letter 9d, pp. 70-89. ”Letter 8. pp. 35-42. "M----s's" references are to this letter, except where noted. ”Pope praised Pleasures pi ppe Imagination when it ap- peared in 1744. Maynard Mack, Life 924 cites Johnson's Lives (Akenside) 3:412. 97 establish its reputation. Hammond's death happened two years before Pope's, Collins published his epistle to Sir T, Han- mer, and his Persian eclogues, some time before that event.” Miss Seward herself allows of Thomson's claim to a place in the Augustan aera, as it is sometimes called: and this being the case, Mallet's follows of course, since he frequently wrote in conjunction with that charming poet: Lyttelton” as well had the honour of being intimate with him. The name of Welsted” next occurs, which is mentioned by the Satirist in the following terms: Flow, Welsted, flow, like thine inspirer beer: Tho' stale, not ripe: tho‘ thin, yet never clear: So sweetly mawkish, and so smoothly dull, Heady, not strong, o'er flowing, tho' not full. [EppB 5:3.169-72.) Yet the person thus stigmatized is now beginning to obtain attention, and even respect. Miss S. however, thus expresses herself: "I did not chuse to bring forward, for the honour of Pope's period, any of the heroes of his inimitable Dunciad." Something like indignation arises on the perusal of this sentence. Will then the admirers of this allowedly great writer consent to sacrifice the same of every one whom this splenetic and vindictive spirit has marked out as the object of ridicule or detestation? It may be hoped, that, on ”1743 and 1742 respectively. ”For Hammond and Mallet see p. 36 note 2: for Thomson and Lyttleton p. 37 notes 5 and 3 respectively. George Lyttleton's works began appearing in 1728, but no collection was published until the year after his death in 1773. ”Leonard Welsted is not on Miss Seward's lists. He is listed in NCBEL and Egg. 98 reflexion, so rash an opinion will be revoked. The fair critic does not think proper to notice the name of Garth,” though surely of some consideration, even from having gained the lavish praises of her favourite, yet, on this plea, Lord Lansdowne, Walsh, Wycherley, Trumball [sic),” and others, will obtain respectable seats in the poetic synod. Fenton and Broome assisted the translator of Homer in his version of the Odyssey: and executed their parts with such spirit, that they are scarcely to be distinguished from the pen of their master. This will be admitted as an undeniable claim. It is the opinion of my respectable opponent, that Time, instead of stamping their real estimation on admired writers, has rather a contrary effect: and "induces the generality of readers to set a double value on every beauty, and to pass over defects with indulgence." instances, she brings among Dryden's contemporaries Denham, Lee, Roscommon, and Waller: and, from the second division, Parnell, Gay, Addison, Watts, and the two Philipps.” This assertion is incontrovertibly just: but it must be remembered, that while antiquity puts more than their intrinsic price on the few writers she pre- serves, as great, or even a greater number of equal value, at first are overwhelmed by her in oblivion. ”Sir Samuel Garth (c. 1660-1718). "M----s" refers to Miss Seward's three lists of poets in Letter 1a, pp. 1-4. ”George Granville, Baron Lansdowne: William Walsh, Pope's early mentor: William Wycherley: and Sir William Trumbull (died c. 1716-17), Pope's neighbor and "second fa- ther," see Mack, Life pi Pope (104-09). All these, together with Elijah Fenton and William Broome, are listed in the Egg and all, except for Trumbull, are listed in the NCBEL. ”Letter 1a, p.3. Miss Seward lists only one "Philips." 99 It is very probable, that if those selected from the first class "had lived, and produced their poems ppm, they would not have had many admirers." Yet this must not be attributed to any natural deficiency in their genius, but rather to the difference of tastes in the two ages. Had Lee been placed in the present times, he would have been obliged to discard his bombast, and might still have preserved his pathetic powers. Waller in the same case might have been prompted to despise the conceitedness of thought, which in his day was so much esteemed: and would have found that species of versification already perfect to his hand, which he spent so much labour in improving, while yet in its rude and unpolished infancy: and, by these means, Denham's verses would not have incurred the imputation of being in general "heavy, laboured, and inharmonious." So necessary is it to consider, not only the writers themselves, but the ages in which they existed. We now come to the comparative merits of our two poetic rivals. Every one knows, and laments, (let me again repeat) that Dryden, from the unfortunate and pressing state of his affairs, was frequently obliged to be hasty and negligent, and had not time to make selections from the multiplicity of images and expressions, which constantly crowded on his pen. For this reason I thought it hard and ungenerous that his most defective passages should be con- trasted with the lively and polished graces of the younger Bard. As for the fear of "our young writers being tempted into a coarse and weedy style," there is not the shadow of a ‘danger that Mr. Weston's sentiments on this subject will have 100 so great a prevalence over the rising generation, which is more inclined to degenerate into the contrary extreme. While Dryden, studying to render his poetic garden ra- ther spacious than nicely beautiful, suffered the rankest weeds to spring up among the most luxuriant flowers, and entirely neglected the assistance of art: Pope, with deliber- ate leisure, was employed in banishing every appearance of disorder, in adjusting his delicate plants in the most strik- ing dispositions, and in checking, sometimes too severely, the sportive wantonness of Nature. There are some. who ( to preserve the metaphor) are on the whole more delighted with the wilderness of the former, than with the regular, yet elegant parterres of the latter: and I profess myself to be one of the number. I conclude with adding the testimonies of two deservedly celebrated modern poets in favour of Dryden. Gray, finishing one of his letters to Dr. Beattie, has these remarkable words, "Remember Dryden, and be blind to all his faults."” And Mr. Warton calls Palamon and Arcite "the most animated and harmonious piece of versification in the English language." History of English Poetry, chap. 23, p. 364.” Yours, &c. M----s. ”Letters pi Thomas Gray, ed. Duncan C. Tovey (London: G. Bell and Sons, 1912) 3:95. Gray made the remark in a letter to Thomas Wharton. He was repeating what he had said to James Beattie in conversation. ”Thomas Warton (London, 1870) 243. 101 13. Mr. Urban, Qpi. 14. [1789] I had no intention of troubling you again on the little controversy with Mr. Weston, especially as I wish not to increase his embarrasments, or in any wise impede his return- ing health, (you will therefore publish this at your own convenient and proper time): but some assertions in his letter, p. 875” seem to demand a further reply. Mr. W. thinks I have totally mistaken his meaning, and taken that as "virulent invective." which he intended for "good-humored raillery:" if I have so misconceived him, I am sorry for it: but certainly, from the whole aim of the para- graph, I did conceive of it, in the light of a contemptuous sneer, intended to affright me from the field at once, as an opponent too puny for the trial of his acknowledged strength. I am much concerned he should continue to deem me his adversary. I cannot think it either fair or candid, because we differ in opinion about the merit of another, that I should be called his adversary: the term is most opprobrious: even the Arch Apostate Spirit himself is emphatically denomi- nated, "The Adversary;"” most certainly Mr. W. is mistaken, I am ppi his adversary, I hold him no enmity: I have an high opinion of his talents, and in this, I suppose, I think with himself: but perhaps this supposition constitutes part of my ”Letter 9a. Pp. 43-49. Except where noted, all of "M.F.'s" quotations are from this letter. ”See the King James Version of the Bible (Esther 7.6. Psalms 74.10, Lamentations 1.10, 4.12, 1 Timothy 5.14) and Milton, Eaiadise Eosi 2.629, 3.156, 9.947. 102 crime: I see much to commend, and have only to except his unreasonable, and very singular prejudice, against an excel- lent and admired Poet, a Poet who has many a time and oft administered to my pleasure, at whose harsh treatment I felt myself hurt, and in the absence of an abler pen (for at that time I was ignorant of Miss Seward's taking up the matter) found myself inclined to add my mite in his favour. Mr. Weston sends me to Romances, for the true explana- tion of a "Strange Knight:" I am obliged to him, he may have defined it justly: but this reminds me of Sydenham's answer to Blackmore, when the latter, commencing the study of phys- ick, requested the opinion of the former what books he had best read, replied, "Don Quixote: 'tis a very good book I read it still."” I cannot think it strange, or savouring of knight er- rantry, to offer a few words in vindication of him who is now unable to defend himself. It is neither attacking windmills, or storming enchanted castles, to parry off any rude assault on his fair fame. From what has yet appeared, I am not inclined to esteem him that execrable impostor Mr. W. is endeavouring to make him appear: but it may be Mr. Weston is in possession of secret anecdotes, of some private history, that the world is hitherto a stranger to: if so, I suppose we .shall be shortly indulged with them, and have to new-modify our opinions of this yet-esteemed Poet. ”George Sydenham was warning Blackmore against the romantic approach to medicine. Sir Richard Blackmore, p Ireatise upon ipe Small-Pom (London. 1723), quoted in Bertram H. Davis, iii Richard Elackmoie Boston: Twayne, 1980, 23. 103 I now proceed to this "fatal quotation," as Mr. W. is pleased to term it, this "non tali auxilio," this vivid retaliating paragraph. I assure him, he proceeds on a mis- taken idea, if he supposed it excited my chagrin: I am as sensible of the justice of it as Mr. W. can be: I well know that Miss Seward is "herself an host,"” and wants no such poor assistance as mine: she is fully adequate to her gener- ous undertaking, and hath incontestably appreciated the dis- tinctive merits of Dryden and Pope. If I had vainly aimed at any contest with her, I might justly be accused of most egregious folly. I wish Mr. Weston to be aware, that tho' I am groveling in the Prosaic vale beneath, I can look up with admiration to this elegant Poetess, justly seated on the top of the Aonian mountain: yet without envy, or the vain hope of ever attaining even the midway. I can scarce comprehend Mr. Weston's drift, on his introduction of Job's wife: and, as he has it, the synonymous terms of "bless and curse."” Would he insinuate that we can annex no distinct ideas to words, that they mean any thing, or nothing, and a matter totally indifferent, whether we call a man excellent or execrable? Words I know are supple, but I had no idea of such pliancy. I am under much obligation to Mr. W's candour for his mild attention to my "slips and inaccuracies," I am sensible of my defects: I boast not of genius: I am but little used to the press, my only aim was the vindication of what I thought ”Letter 4, p. 25. ”46n. 104 an injured character. I wish to convince Mr. W. of his unreasonable prejudice: and in this I have done no more than what Miss Seward has avowed as her intention: I have the honour to think with her, and where is the crime? Mr. W. objects mostly to Mr. Pope's satirical pieces: their acrimony he thinks too severe on many worthy charac- ters. This may in part be true: I think I have before ac- quiesced to it: but we ought to consider Mr. Pope's provoca- tions, his abilities, and the swarm of minor Poets that were constantly nibbling at him: and "many with his provocations, and many with his abilities"” would, like him, have consigned them to everlasting fame. I am yet to learn in what Pope "injured the poetical constitution," in what respect "he trampled on the rights of those citizens he ought to have loved and protected." I know nothing of this sort in Pope's history, nor that he had any "pretences to piety and morality" that were unreal: he must have been very artful and very wicked, to "impose on the understandings, and seduce the affections, of the rich and powerful:" though it must be acknowledged, that riches and power do not at a dead certainty produce wisdom and caution. Mr. Pope, it seems, was too hard for them, and made them his "stepping stones" to the highest seat on the Parnassian mount: for to that highest seat he certainly did attain. And ”Exact source unidentified. This may be "M.F.'s" reference to what had become a commonplace about Pope. See Ayre, 1:242. Even Colley Cibber wrote that Pope appeared "to have had personal provocation" for his satire in the Dunciad. pp Apology ior the Life pi Qolley Cibpei, ed. B. R. S. Stone. (Ann Arbor: The U of Michigan P, 1968, 26.) 105 shall he rest quietly in his grave for this? No: Mr. W. is determine to gibbet him ip terrorem” to all future tyrants. Pardon me, my good Sir: but this too is like the Roman big- ots, manfully attacking the ”cerements"” of the venerable Wickliff, and wreaking their vengeance on his passive re- mains, after their peaceable interment forty years. Yours, &c. M. F. 14. Mr. Urban, Oct. 31. [1789) Our great Poetess, in her late ingenious, but partial, estimate of Pope and Dryden, asserts of the first-mentioned Poet's description of the monastic solitude, where the graces of his amiable recluse pined in sorrow, that as landscape painting it is entitled to the highest praise, not having been equalled by Dryden, nor surpassed by Milton. I shall not examine the justness of her remark, with respect to Milton and Dryden: but shall only observe, that much as I admire the breathing colours awakened by the bold pencil of sad Eloisa's Poet, the following landscape, from her sublime and tender Louisa, has a still more forcible influence on my feelings: 'Twas here, e'en here! where now I sit reclin'd, And Winter's sighs sound hollow in the wind; Loud, and more loud, the blast of ev'ning raves, And strips the oaks of their last ling'ring leaves. The eddying foliage in the tempests flies, ”Livy, Book 34, Ch. 28, sec. 3. ”Religious reformer John Wycliffe was buried in 1384. In 1428, by order of the Council of Constance, his body was disinterred, burnt and thrown into a nearby river. (23E). 106 And fills with duskier gloom the thickning skies. Red sinks the sun behind the howling hill, And rushes, with hoarse stream, the mountain rill: And now with ruffling billows, cold and pale, Runs swoln and dashing down the lonely vale: While to these tearful eyes, Grief's faded form Sits on the cloud, and sighs amid the storm.” It may be thought impossible to have exceeded Pope in the allegorical parts. But though the figures of Grief and Melancholy are marked with the same grandeur of conception, Miss Seward has not, like Pope, sought to embellish what was already great. That nice finishing, which so well accords with an elegant subject, a lofty one disdains. The winding valley derives new charms from the bloom scattered over it by the hand of spring: but such beautifying would ill become the majestic foliage of the mountain forest*. I agree with your elegant and ingenious, and, as far as one can judge from his writings, your upright and amiable correspondent, Mr. Weston, in giving up to the detestation of the considerate Pope's treatment of Leonard Welsted. And what shall we say to his satire on that profound scholar and virtuous man Dr. Samuel Clarke?” Had a writer of inferior abilities to Pope been guilty of such conduct, he would have been damned to everlasting infamy. And yet, great talents, *It must be evident that this parallel is confined to the delineation of nature; for the monastic painting itself, which all will allow to be one of the highest efforts of fancy in the chiaro scuro, has nothing to correspond to it in the picture this lady has given us. ”Anna Seward, "Epistle 1," Louisa, A Poetipel Novel ip Four Epistles (Lichfield, 1784), verse 23, p. 12. ”This classical scholar and author of religious works may be the "gloomy clerk" referred to in EppB 5:4.459ff. and note. 107 instead of softening the harsh feature of vice, should only serve to make them appear the more deformed. Dryden may have flattered Guilt, but I do not know that he has degraded Excellence. Yours, &c. Impartial. 108 15. Mr. Urban, Solihulli Feb. 22. [1790) The Opening of the following little Poem would be some- what obscure, were I not to inform your Readers that, on the Commencement of my Acquaintance with Miss Seward, the compar- ative Merits of Pope and Dryden becoming a Subject of our Discussion, I was so strangely disconcerted by the Archness of her Smile, the Vivacity of her Repartees, epg the indes- cribable Brightness of such Eyes as I never before beheld, that I was actually dumbfounded.--The Circumstance mentioned in the iiiei Triplet” (ludicrous as it may seem to such as "wear Flints in their Bosoms, by way of Hearts,"”) was literally a Fact. Despairing, therefore, to confute my fair Opponent yiye yppe, I chose the more prudent Method of epistolary Debate: but, after making some Progress, I dropped or at least post- poned, my Design, for Reasons unnecessary to recite: and the Verses would, probably, never have been compleated, but for her public Attack on my Poetic Opinions. So long fastened as I have been on the Rack of Contro- versy, I shall not be thought to make an ill Use of my Emancipation, by shewing my Charity for my Amiable Tormentor: and, though I cannot be supposed to relish, in any high Degree, the peepe she has employed for my Conversion, I am not displeased with an Occasion of expressing my unaffected ”Below, p. 110, ll. 19-21. ”Possibly a paraphrase of "from brassy bosoms and rough hearts of flint," Shakespeare, The Merchant pi Venice, IV.i.31. 109 Approbation of her Motives. My Contemporaries may reproach me (and, perhaps, justly) with my Temerity, in daring to delineate what none of them have attempted--viz. a whole-Length Protrait of a Lady who is as much the Glory of the present Age as she will be the Admiration of all succeeding ones.--They who have ppi wit- nessed her Triumphs in the Drawing-room, nor seen her in those happier Hours of Domestic Retirement when the less glaring but not less valuable Graces unfold themselves, will be apt to suspect me of hyperbolical Adulation: they who peye will be inclined to wonder that such animating Scenes should have inspired me with no greater Portion of Enthusiasm, and that from so glowing an Original so cold a Copy ppple be drawn! Truth guides my Pencil, and describes a faithful pee; line: Genius and Skill vouchsafe not their Aid--t fill it Joseph Weston. To Miss Seward. Boast not, fair Victress, that so soon were gain‘d The Honours of a Field so ill maintain'd! Boast not: for most unequal were our Arms: Mine--feeble Vocals: thine--Almighty Charms! My Flight (be this my Comfort, this my Pride!) Nor Friend shall pity, nor shall Foe deride: No Force terrestiial cou'd my Soul dismay: Arms of eiherial Temper urge Resistless Way! Not all the Wonders of that witching Tongue, Whose every Accent breathes the Soul of Song [10) --Not all th' Effulgence of that mighty Mind, Enrich'd by Fancy, and by Taste refin'd-- 110 Not the soft Blush, which on that glowing Cheek Can speak--what Words must never hope to speak-- Not the sly Sophistry of that sweet Smile, Which might the Pierce disarm-—the Wise beguile-- No--nor the Magic of that Air sublime-- Cou'd shake my Duty to the Prince of Rhyme: 'Twas the electric Glance, which flashing, flies, I On Wings of Lightning, from those ardent Eyes, ) [20] That wither'd every Pow'r--and snatch'd th'unyielded Prize! I Illustrious Dryden! O forbear to blame My half-desertion of thy righteous Claim! Were every Nerve of Elocution mine-- How weak to th' Eloquence of Eyes divine! Thy own great Mexican”--his Cause though just, His Host though countless, and though firm his Trust-- Found Justice, Confidence, and Myriads vain, When Strange Artillery o'er th' embattled Plain In beauteous--fatal Coruscations play'd, [30] And Fire from Heav'n appear'd the Foe to aid! Like Me admiring, and like Me amaz'd, (His plumy Diadem guivering as he gaz'd!) Dazzled, confounded, aw'd, he left the Field-- Unskilful to resist--untaught to yield! The Wonder ceas'd.--The Purple Tide return'd To his blanch'd Cheek: with pristine courage burn'd His swelling Breast: his Country's Wrongs to right, And guard his ancient Gods, he brav'd the' unequal Fight. Though, more than Cortes fear'd, a Foe is mine, [40] Who of a greater Pope the Right Divine Dauntless maintains, yet, since (fond Terrors o'er) I feel that Voice--I feel those Eyes no more-- True to myself, and to my Idol true, The dangerous Conflict, distant, I renew: Waging, like Montezuma*, ieather'd war, With Her whom I revere--with Him whom I abhor! Once, once again the Rival Bards survey: In Candour's equal Scale, one Moment, weigh Each glittering Ore: the Hero of my Theme [50] Ponderous shall sink, and light Pope strike the Beam. First view "the God of thine Idolatry."--” What airy Car, what winged Steed has He? None.--Aims he, then, a nobly-painful Flight, Up some rough, craggy Rock's stupendous Height? Or cleave his potent Spells the yawning Ground, *"Lauriger Edvardus, pennato Marte timendus." Morfitt's Ppilotoxi Ardenae [Line 33. Weston translates it "By lau- rell'd Edward's winged Weapons slain!" (60).] ”Montezuma in The Indian Emperour (1665). ”Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, II.ii.115. Read "the god of my idolatry." 111 T'explore, with daring Foot, the vast, the fathomless Profound? No.--O'er the flowery Level of the Plain, In pompous Indolence, he sweeps his Train: Like Israel's Tribes, in Egypt's fatal Day, [60] With borrow'd Gold and Jewels cheaply gay, Solemn and slow, the verdant Vale along. With measur'd March he moves, and sings his Cuckow-song. Now mark great Dryden! From the vile, vile Earth, That own'd--yet not rewarded--modest Worth, He bounds indignant: on a Whirwind's Wings He mounts sublime: the vast Empyreum rings With Sounds that might a Seraph's Self entrance! The list'ning Spheres their everlasting Dance Suspend: to wonder at the Strains unknown: [70] At mortal Strains--harmonious as their own! Amaz'd to find his Fingers, all on Fire, I Elicit Sparkles from a living Lyre, I And rouze to vengeful Rage, and sooth to soft Desire! I Now, like a Meteor, with eccentric Flight, He shoots along: and leaves a Trail of Light: Now on the fleecy Bosom of a Cloud Reposes: while beneath him, murmuring loud Its jealous Fears, the Thunder rolls away: And innocent around him envious Light'nings play. [80] 0 Thou, who (free from Pride, from Envy free, If not from Prejudice) art wont to see This genuine Sun of the Parnassian Sky Through Glass distain'd--attentive to descry Those grateful Spots that not deform, but grace, With softening Shade, his too refulgent Face-- Triumphant pointing to that spurious Light, That Theban Prodigy,” so vainly bright, On whose portentous Glare, (of Vapour form'd, And magnified by Mist.) uncheer'd, unwarm'd,” [90] The gaping Vulgar gaze--can Taste like Thine Deem Earth-born Exhalations--Fires Divine? What more than Talismanic Charm can bind In Error's Fetters thy energic Mind? 'Tis Sympathy, with melting, dove-like Eye-- Who drops th'incessant Tear, and heaves th' eternal Sigh. Have I not seen thee?--Yes--with Terror seen That gentle Bosom--which nor Rage, nor Spleen, Nor Guilt shall ever ruffle--throb with Pangs Convulsive!--Lo!--in awful Balance hangs [100] ”Probably a monstrous prodigy, as in the Sphinx, or "Theban Monster," Milton, Earadise Regained 1.572. ”Compare Pope's description of Dulness EunB 5:1.261-62. "Her ample presence fills up all the place:/A veil of fogs dilates her awful face." Miss Seward quotes these lines in Letter 8, p. 42. 112 A Parent's precious Life!”--What Force has Fear, That, ere it fall, congeals that starting Tear! What Force Despair, that steals from Eyes so bright Each Scintillation of Celestial Light-- Till, beamless, motionless, they ppi Illume --But prove how deep the Tinge of Grief's impervious Gloom! . 'Tis past!--The Prayers of Piety prevail-- A Daughter's Prayers--and turn the wavering Scale. Now melt, thou sable Cloud, in beauteous Tears! Now, lovely Mourner, hush thy frantic Fears! [110) While Sleep's balsamic Dews his Eyelids close, Give Thy sad, suff'ring Breast to taste Repose! Ah! 'twill not be!--A Thousand fond Alarms Sick Fancy fright with visionary Harms: And every filial Fibre is in Arms! Sleep Thou, then, good old Man! Securely sleep, While thy parental Offspring wakes to weep, Dubious Pulsation tremblingly to trace. And mark each Muscle of the varying Face! Sleep on: an Host of virtues is thy Guard-- [120] Of a fond Father's Toils the Fruit--and sweet Reward! Know hence, vile Scoffers--bold Blasphemers know-- Virtue pep find a Recompense Below: One Gem from that bright Crown, in purer Skies, That waits the plainly Good, and simply Wise! Had not thy watchful Zeal, Time-honour'd Sage, Op'd on her infant-view the Sacred Page. And stor'd the fertile Eden of her Mind With Vegetation of immortal Kind-- (Guarding each Avenue, with anxious Care, [130) Lest Serpent-Vice should find an Entrace there,)-- Sinking with Weakness, and opprest with Pain, Thine Eye had eloquently ask'd--in vain: No duteous Fondness had thy Wish presag'd, Thy Weakness Strengthen'd, and thy Pain assuag'd: No Daughter's Praises, from a Thousand Tongues Echoing, had charm'd thine Ear, like Syren's Songs: No Daughter's Glories had, reflective, shed A radiant Circle round thy hallow'd Head! When Phebus thus, has run his lengthen'd Race,[140] And Evening Clouds obscure his beauteous Face, While his faint transient, Occidental Gleams Contrast the Brightness of his Orient Beams, In mournful Majesty, the Night's fair Queen Ascends, to solemnize his closing Scene: Mingles her rising with his setting Rays, And the blest Light He lent, all-gratefully, repays. With Fear--with Grief--with Tenderness like thine, Saw Pope his doting Parent's Day decline. 0 wonder-working Pow'r, whose strong Controul [150] ”Miss Seward had recently nursed her father through a critical illness. He died in March of 1790. 113 Can tame the fiercest Savageness of Soul! He, whom nor Pity, Truth, nor Justice sway'd, Great Nature's Call omnipotent obey'd: Life's melancholy Evening Hour to sooth, And restless Languor's thorny Couch to smooth, His pious Task:--how cheerfully, how Well That Task he plied--his own sweet Numbers tell.” 0 when the fearful, the tremendous Day Of Retribution shines--when deep Dismay, With Fiend-like Fang, shall fasten on his Breast, [160) While All whom his despotic Pride opprest, All whose fair Fame his Envy undermin'd, All whom his Hate, with Cruelty refin'd, Stretch'd on the Mind's dire Rack, shall, pointing, rise, And view his shuddering Form with pitying Eyes-- May Penitence have purg'd each Crimson Stain --But this bright Feature of the Soul remain Full in the sight of that Eternal Son, Who cried "not mine--but ipy great Will be done!" Who 'gainst unutterable Tortures strove-- [170) With dying Voice to perfect Filial Love-- And may this Godlike Attribute alone For Human Errors plead, for Human Crimes atone! Well (lovely Sophist!) well have Sages said, "The tenderest Heart can dupe the wisest Head!" ” One Solitary Star, the dark, dark Mind Of the fell Tyrant brightning, joy'd to find-- When call'd to shine in more congenial Skies-- Its dear* Twin Copetellation, sparkling, rise: Its dear Twin-Sparkles with impassion'd Gaze, [180] Sighing, laments the last--lov'd--lingering Rays! And, sure, one lingering, lov'd, fraternal Ray Has to thy inmost Bosom wing'd its Way! For, did not Sympathy's seductive Charm Thy trait'rous Feeling 'gainst thy Judgement arm. Could'st Thou the Lord pi Lyric Lays asperse, And praise--a Weaver pi Mechanick Verse? Thou! Who, with Dryden's, nay, with Milton's Fire, Sweep'st the bold Chords of a Cherubic Lyre-- While Sounds Celestial undulate along, [190] Now sweetly soft, and now sublimely strong! Thou! Who, when Wit and Worth resign their Breath, Bidst them deride the pointless Dart of Death-- The Meed bestowing Bards alone can give-- To Live--till Nature's Self shall cease to live! Thou! who, from Fancy's rich exhaustless Stores, *Criticism may object that my Castor and Pollux are of different Sexes: unjustly though:--Filial Piety is of pp Sex. ”Arbu 2:408-13. ”Possibly Weston's versification of La Rochefoucauld. Eaximes, No. 102, "The head is always the dupe of the heart." 114 Hast form'd what, spurn'd by Folly, Sense adores! (Nor was it strange Louisa,” Angel-bright. Should blind dull Critics--with Excess of Light!) Never, t'exalt the Soul with generous Pride, [200] And win rebellious Passion to the Side Of bleeding Duty, Malice must confess, Did Fiction shine in a diviner Dress. But 'Tis Not Fiction.--Friend of Humankind, It finds a faithful Mirror--in thy matchless Mind! An Hour must come (but far, 0 wondrous far. Avert that hour, each tutelary Star!) When Thou, to whom--magnetic as the Pole-- Turns every Eye, and Ear, and Heart, and Soul-- Shalt fascinate no more: all powerless, laid [210] In Death's cold Arms, and black Oblivion's Shade! Well hast thou chosen, then, with wisest Art, To thy undying Verse thy Charms t'impart; Each Flash of Fancy, every sparkling Grace, Each nameless Energy of Mind and Face, Each perishable Beauty, to transfuse-- To bloom, and bloom for Ever--on th'immortal Muse! Thus in some Room, that mourns excluded Day, At one small Inlet darts th' indignant Ray, While, through a Crystal Medium, faithful shewn, [220] Creation shines--in Glories all her own. Here Valleys smile, in Robes of tenderest Green! There Mountains frown a Horror o'er the Scene! Wak'd by a Zephyr's Wing, the ruffled Stream. Emitting Diamonds to the Noon-tide Beam, Trembles: or, hush'd in Silence and Repose, The blue Expense its glassy Bosom shews! Nature's fair Miniature, serenely bright, In one illumin'd Circle's mellow'd Light,” With unfatiguing Lustre, captivates the Sight! [230] To late Posterity's admiring Eyes ' Thus thy Own Beauties shall, reflected, rise: While many a wiser, many a worthier Age Shall view Thyself--in thy transcendent Page: That Page--which Envy's venom'd Shafts shall soil, And mock Time's cankering Tooth's unceasing Toil-- That Page--which, like Vesuvius, flows in Flame! Type of the Soul that animates thy Frame! That Page--by every Virtue deep imprest, Which lights thy Countenance, and warms thy Breast![240] Sweet as thy Smile, and as thy Speech refin'd-- Pure as thy Heart, elastic as thy Mind--” ”For the critics' cool reception of Louise, see Ashmun, 129-30. ”See ppp 1:70-71. ”In this line, Weston may be paying tribute to Miss Seward's admiration for Pope's practice of taking "the in- verted order of the words and the natural one alternately." Also, in this and the following two lines, he uses another 115 Bright as those Living Gems "of Ray serene"-- ” Melodious as thy Voice, majestic as thy Mein! But what avails all Beauty? Genius? Worth? Daughters of Heav'n! Bow down to sons of Earth! Mere Clods of Clay, (whose Minds, inert and dark, No Beam illumes--no vivifying Spark!) When Luna fills her Horne, in judgement plac'd O'er the wide Realms of Science--Fancy--Taste-- In airy Vatican sit, triple-crown'd, Indulgences to sell--or deal Damnation round! Their venal Code admits no saving Clause [250] For Merit--scorning to suborn Applause: All--All they doom--unkowing how to spare-- The Great, the Wise, the Good, the Brave, the Fair! Thy chaste, thy moral, thy enchanting Page Attracts full oft their Impotence of Rage: And Let the Maniacs fulminate their Spleen Against thy Laurels of eternal Green-- While, in the Graces'--in the Muses' Love-- Secure, thou smil'st--triumphant from above! Thus some poor Ideot at the glorious Sun [260] Lances the puny Lightning--of a Gun! Vain of the momentary Thunder's Sound. And wrapt in deep'ning Shades that wreathe around, “Lo! yon proud Orb--(he cries) no longer proud-- "Shorn of his Beams, and glimmering through a Cloud!" The God-~rejoicing in his Heavenly Way, Shines On--and brightens still--to more Distinguish'd Day! J. W. 16. Mr. Urban, Solihull, March 6. [1790] "The Ides of March are come:"” and I must still "procras- tinate my Proofs," of Pope's "Villainy."”--I am not insen- sible of the Triumph which I shall afford to M. F. and to feature of Pope's poetry that Miss Seward admired: he places "the spirited accent upon the first syllable," Letter 1b. p. 8. ”Thomas Gray, "Elegy Written in a Country Church-Yard," 53. ”Shakespeare, Julius Caesar III.i.1. Quoted in response to Miss Seward's reference to "The promissory "‘Ides of March,'" Letter 11, p. 96. ”Letter 11. p. 95. Read "Mr. Weston still procrastinates his proofs, that Pope was an execrable villain." 116 those who fancy, with him, that the "Proofs" are only with- held, because I am not able to produce them. That Triumph will, however, be short.--The perfect Propriety, and extreme Delicacy, of my procrastination will, on the Perusal of your Magazine for April, be acknowledged by every Reader, pos- sessed of Sense and Candour. When I promised to answer M. F.'s Challenge in your present Number, I could not possibly foresee the irremediable Calamity which has fallen on my most amiable Opponent*: and which, though so long expected, will require even all Her Fortitude and Resignation to support.” Her last very severe Letter must not pass unnoticed: and I cannot (for Reasons which will appear) produce my "Proofs" until my Correspondence with pep is finally closed.--The present moment would be extremely improper for that Pur- pose.--Far from Me be the Guilt of violating her sacred Sorrows, by the unpleasant Remonstrances of injured Pride, or by the peevish lamentations of lacerated Sensibility. J. Weston. *In my Poetical Epistle to whom, inserted in your last. your Compositor, by mistaking a Letter, has rendered totally unintelligible what was already, I fear, more than suffi- ciently obscure. "Its dear Twin sparkler, with impassion'd gaze," should have been "Its dear Twin-sparkles," &c. [Poem "To Miss Seward," 180, Letter 15, p. 113. Weston's memory fails him. The pm printed "sparkles".] ”The death of Anna Seward's father. See p. 112n. 117 17. Mr. Urban, Solihull, ppiil 2;. [1790) I will not return the Compliment paid me by my fair Antagonist, and say that eyeiy Position she advances in her last Letter is open to Confutation: but I will venture to affirm that mepy of them are so.--I am obliged to depart from my first intention of closing my Correspondence with her, previous to the Production of my Evidence of Pope's Baseness of Heart--(for how pep I close it?). I shall, therefore, in Imitation of Miss Seward, reserve my "Comments" on her latest Remarks, until she shall have published the threatened Confu- tation: and only state my real Reason for the Delay of my promised "Proof."--That Reason was--Delicacy. M. F's first Attack on me followed Miss Seward's third Epistle, in your Magazine for June.--” The Lady had a prior Claim to my Attention, and to pee I accordingly attended.-- Before I had made any great Progress in my Defence, M. F. thought proper to renew the Attack: and in such a Way that I found a tedious, and inglorious Paper-War, with anonymous Correspondents, must ensue, if the "Proof" were to leave any Room for Cavil or Contradiction: and I judged it necessary ”to take especial Care that it should be unquestionable."” Discarding, of Course, every idea of bringing forward Pope's Meanness to Broome, Hypocrisy to Hughes and Hill, Treachery to Bolingbroke, Baseness to Welsted, Lord Harvey ”Letter 2, pp. 20-22 and Letter 1c. Pp. 13-20. ”Letter 11, p. 96. 118 [Hervey] and Lady Mary Wortley Montague, and Ingratitude to Chandos” and Addison--(Facts--the Truth of which has been disputed)--I determined to confine myself to one substantial Instance of his Villainy, which, standing recorded by Him- self, should laugh to Scorn the very Possibility of Denial.-- But the Subject unfortunately happened to be of a Nature so peculiarly horrible and disgusting, as to render a Discussion of it--in a Letter intended for the Perusal of a Lady-- impossible. Joseph Weston. To M. F. Solihull, ppiil 25. [1790) As this is the last Notice which I intend to take of an enonymous Correspondent, I will endeavour to part with you, in tolerable Good-humour, and restrain my Pen from that Severity of Censure to which I cannot help thinking some Parts of your last Letter entitled.--I know not from what Cause, you chuse to persist in your Supposition that I have an high opinion of my own Talents: but, whether your Conjec- ture in that Respect be right or wrong, I hope your Charge of Inhumanity is undeserved. I thought that I had alledged such Reasons for my execrating the Memory of a jealous Tyrant as would have secured me from a Eepetition of that Accusation. ”For John Hughes (or possibly Jabez Hughes) and Aaron Hill see Appendix to EppA 5:2.283n.: for John Hervey, first Baron of Ickworth, see fig 4:2.1.6: for James Brydges, Duke of Chandos see Epe 3.2:99n. 119 As you think the Term "Adversary"” inapplicable to a Person who maintains an Opinion adverse to one's own, you have my free Leave to change it for any other which you may like better.--If ypp, Sir, are ignorant of my "Drift," on "my Introduction of Job's Wife,"” I fancy that you are the pply Reader of Mr. Urban's unequalled Miscellany who is in that Predicament!--Had You studied Pope‘s Character with Half the Attention which l have, you might have spared your elegant Sarcasms on that Subject.--Amidst that infamous Farrago of bold Assertion, artful Equivoque, sly Subterfuge, and gross Misrepresentation, which has rendered almost every Page of the Preface, Advertisement, Letter to the Publisher. Testimonies of Authors, and Notes, which accompany the Dun- ciad, "inimitable"”--you might, perchance, have discovered that very many of the supposed Dunces were ppi the Aggres- sors: and that--of those Few who meme--the Punishment ip; tended to be inflicted bore no Manner of Proportion to the Degree of Provocation: a most flagrant Instance of which I shall presently produce--to justify my Execration of your Idol. Although I cannot agree with you, Sir, you say that Miss Seward "hath incontestably appreciated the distinctive Merits of Dryden and Pope," yet I am far from contesting the Propriety of your pemi Opinion--viz. that, "if you had vainly aimed at any Contest with her, you might be accused of most ”Letter 13. p. 101. ”Letter 13, p. 103. ”Miss Seward first uses this adjective in Letter 8, p. 37, and "M----s" quotes her in Letter 12, p. 97. 120 egregious Folly."” The poetic Department of the Magazine” which contains your Abuse of myself, and Praise of my amiable Adversary, evinces that "l can look up to this elegant Poetess, justly seated on the Top of the Aonian Mountain," with as much "Admiration," and with as little "Envy," as You can.” But to the point in question. The following is extracted from an early Edition of the Dunciad, Book III.” "Behold yon Pair, in Strict Embraces join'd: How like in manners, and how like in mind! Fam'd for Good-Nature, Burnet, and for Truth: Ducket for Pious Passion to the Youth. Equal in Wit, and equally Polite, Shall this a Pasquin, that a Grumbler write; Like are their merits, like rewards they share, That shines a Consul, this Commissioner. [5:3.173-80.) REMARKS. V.175. Fam‘d for good nature, Burnet, &c. Ducket for pious passion ip the youth] The first of these was son of the late bishop of E. Author of a weekly Paper called ppe Grumbler, as the other was concerned in another called Pasguin, in which Mr. Pope was abused with the late Duke of Buckingham and Bishop of Rochester. They also joined in a piece against his first undertaking to translate the Iliad, intitled Homeiides, by Sir Iliad Dogrel, printed 1715.” Mr. Curll gives us this further account of Mr. Eurnet. "He did himself write a Letter to the E. of Halifax, inform- ipg_ pie Loidship (as he tells him) pi what pe knew much ”Letter 13, p. 103. The poem 1p Miss Seward (Em 60:160- 63), is reproduced above, 109-15. ”February, 1790, Weston's poem "To Miss Seward." See above pp. 109-15. ”Letter 13, p. 103. ”Weston quotes an edition of Eunciad A, other than the first, in which letters were used instead of names. For Pope's treatment of Thomas Burnet and George Duckett see the Introduction, pp. cvii-cxiii. The "REMARKS" are Pope's note to line 175 and include the epigram. ”Published as Ipe Hump Qonferepce in 1715, changed to Eomeridee in 1716. 121 better before. And he published ip pie pmp name several political pamphlets, A certain Information of a certain Dis- course, a Second Tale of a Tub, &c. All which it is strongly afirmed were written py Colonel Ducket. Curll, Eey, p. 17. But the author of the Charactepe pi ppe Times tells us, the political pieces were not approved of by his pmp father, the Reverend Bishop. Of the other works of these Gentlemen, the world has heard no more than it would of Mr. Pope's, had their united laudable endeavours discouraged him from his undertaking. How few good works had ever appeared (since men of true merit are always the least presuming) had there been always such champions to stifle them in their conception? And were it not better for the Publick, that a million of monsters should come into the world, which are sure to die as soon as born, than that the Serpents should strangle one Hercules in his cradle? The Union of these two Authors gave Occasion to this Epigram: Burnet and Ducket, friends in Spite, Came hissing forth in verse: Both were so forward, each would write. So Dull, each hung an a-- Thus Amphisboena” (I have read) At either end assails: None knows which leads, or which is led, For both heads are but tails. [5:3.175-76n.) Here is a Charge of the most atrocious, the most unnatu- ral, the most detestable Kind, brought against Colonel Duc- ket: for it is not possible for any one possessed of common Sense, and common Modesty, ip sign his name to an Opinion that Pope meant really to praise Burnet for Good-nature and for Truth, or that he intended to celebrate the Wit or the Politeness of either Party. (The beastly Epigram settles that Point beyond all Controversy.)--The whole Passage is evidently ironical, and clearly calculated to impress the Reader with an Idea that both were the Reverse of Witty--both the Eeverse of Polite: that Burnet was famed for Ill-nature and Falsehood: and that Ducket was iamed for an impious ”"A serpent supposed to have two heads." Johnson, 212; tipnary. 122 Passion for the Youth.--It only remains to examine whether this horrid Accusation was well-founded or not. In Consequence of the Colonel's spirited Conduct on this extraordinary Attack, Pope found it convenient to add the following Note. 'V. 167. [176]--for pious Passion to the Youth--The Verse is a literal Translation of Virgil, Nisus amore pi_ pueri--and here, as in the Original, applied to Friendship: that between Nisus and Euryalus is allowed to make one of the most amiable Episodes in the World, and surely never was interpreted in a perverse Sense. But it will astonish the Reader to hear, that on pp other Occasion than this Line, a Dedication was written to this Gentleman to induce him to think something further. "Sir, you are known to have all that Affection for the beautiful Part of the Creation which God and Nature designed--Sir, you have a very fine Lady--and. Sir, you have eight very fine children"--&c. (Dedic. to Dennis Rem. on the Rape of the Lock.)” The Truth is,the poor Dedicator's Brain was turned upon this Article: he had taken into his Head that ever since some Books were written against the Stage, and since the Italian Opera had prevailed, the Nation was infected with a Vice not fit to be named: He went so far as to print upon the Subject, and concludes his argu- ment with this Remark, "that he cannot help thinking the Obscenity of Plays excusable at this Juncture: since, when that execrable Sin is spread so wide, it may be of Use to the reducing Men's Minds to the natural Desire of Women." Den- nis, Stage defended against Mr. pem, p. 20.” Our Author Solemnly Declared, he never heard any Creature ppi the Dedi- cator mention That Vice and This Gentleman together.’ [DunA 5:3.176n.) What Power of Language can do Justice to the Sentiments of Indignation which this most impudent Attempt to impose on the Understanding excites?--However, the Acknowledgment in the last Line of this fallacious Note signs Pope's Passport to Everlasting Infamy.--Confessing that he had not even the ”Works 2nd ed. (London, 1728). Read "You are known to have that Respect, Esteem, and Affection for the most beautiful Part of the Creation which God and Nature design'd we should have. . .These Qualities which have recommended You to a very fine Lady, to whom You have been married many Years, and by Whom You had Eight Children." ”Hooker 2:314. Pope condensed Dennis's remarks. 123 smallest Ground for the Diabolical Charge, yet conscious that, while the most obnoxious Couplet remained, none but ideots ppplg avoid seeing the Matter in its true Light, he. at last, thought it expedient to expunge it, and to alter the Notes in the following Manner. "Behold yon Pair, &c.) Qpe of these was Author of a weekly Paper called The Grumbler, as the other was concerned in another called Pasguin, in which Mr. Pope was abused with the Duke of Buckingham, and Bishop of Rochester. They also joined in a Piece against his first undertaking to translate the Iliad, intituled Homerides, by iii Iliad Doggrel, printed 1715." (Eleven succeeding Lines are omitted.) "Of the other Works of their Gentlemen, &c."--(to the End of the Paragraph.) "The Union of these two Authors gave Occasion to this Epigram: " ----- and Ducket, friends in Spite, &c." (to the End of the Epigram). "After many Editions of this Poem, the Author thought fit to omit the Names of these imp Persons, whose Injury to him was of so old a Date. In the Verses he omitted, it was said that one of them had a pious Passion for the other. It was a literal Translation of Virgil, &c." [DunB 5:3.179n.) Mark, gentle Reader, the curious Reason intimated for the Omission of peep Names in the Poem, while ppe of them is retained in the Note!--But Ducket was probably dead, and Burnet was probably become a judge!” And now, Mr. M. F. I take a final Leave! If, after this unembellished Statement of facts, you pep believe that Pope did ppi attempt to fix this most loathsome and most horrible Stigma on an innocent Man--or, being con- vinced that he pip attempt it, pep believe him to be less than a Villain--you are welcome to ipipm Me as vile a Slan- derer, and as consummate a Scoundrel, as I have proved Him to be! Joseph Weston. ”Duckett died in 1732: Burnet was appointed a judge for the court of common pleas in 1741. 124 18. Lichfield Close. June lp. [1790] Once for all, Mr. Urban, permit me to observe, that Mr. Weston's original.charge against Pope remains wholly unsup- ported. In the controverted Preface to the Woodmen of Arden, its Author professes to have found "amusement, alloyed with indignation, in tracing the insidious arts which Pope suf- fered his friends to practise to undermine the fame of Dry- den, and exalt himself into the vacant chair."” Mr. Weston has been repeatedly called upon to exhibit some of these numerous proofs. He closes the controversy without producing one of them. It is plain, therefore, that those proofs had only an imaginary existence in the strange violence of his prejudices: and Pope stands clear of the imputed meanness: for it is contrary to all justice, when a person is arraigned of one crime, to condemn him upon evi- dence of another, which is perfectly dissimilar. That Pope, when incensed, was often vindictive to a faulty extreme, has never been denied: but what has his conduct to an absurd fellow, who had abused him, to do with the imputed treachery to Dryden? How does that prove him the artful source of those numerous critical decisions, which pronounced Pope the brilliant reformer of Dryden's vulgari- ties, and slovenly versification? Mr. Weston once read to me an abusive poem of Welsted's ”Letter 9c. pp. 57-58. Miss Seward conflates Weston's words. 125 upon Pope.” It was by no means ill-written: but it attempted to deprive the latter of every pretension to genius and worth. Mr. Weston acknowledged that this Philippic passed the press before the Dunciad, and the priority acquits Pope of every thing like baseness to Welsted. Where is the base- ness of retorting the charge of poetic inability in lines whose wit and spirit prove the injustice of the first accus- er? In p. 386,” my antagonist challenges me to produce that confutation of his arguments in his letter, p. 27,” to which I have said they are given. Thus then--he triumphantly quotes the original in vindication of that vulgar harangue which Dryden has made for the Empress of Heaven. "When labouring still with endless discontent, The Queen of Heaven did thus her fury vent: Then am I vanquish'd, must I yield, said she, And must the Trojans reign in Italy? So Fate will have it, and Jove adds his force, Nor can my power divert their happy course. Shall [Cou'd] angry Pallas, with revengeful spleen, The Grecian navy burn, and drown the men? Shall [She)," &c. [pp 4:1.54-62.) The original writer is certainly responsible for the sentiments and imagery: but for the manner in which they are expressed in another language the translator eolely. We all know that vulgar expressions may convey the sense of a for- eign author, though that sense may have been primarily given ”Palaemon ip Celia ei Bath, pm the Triumviiate (1717). See DunA 5:2.293n. ”Letter 17, p. 117. ”Letter 9d. Pp. 70-89. The quotation from Dryden's Aeneid which follows is on pp. 73-74. Weston quoted lines 56- 75. Miss Seward misquotes the beginnings of lines 60 and 62. 126 in words that have no congenial meanness. If Mr. Weston does not feel the verbal bathos of the "said she" in the third line, and the "burn the navy"--"drown the men," in the last, his insensibility gives proof that poetic genius and poetic taste may be disunited. How easy to express Virgil's sense as faithfully with less inelegance! When, with the dark'ning frown of angry pride, In haughty tone, imperial Juno cried: Then am I vanquish'd, shall the Trojans gain. Triumphant empire on the Latian plain? While gods and men my powerless efforts see. Jove and the Fates this hated doom decree. Shall injur'd Pallas, with avenging aim. O'erwhelm the Greeks, and wrap their fleets in flame? Shall she, &c. If the above lines equally express Virgil's meaning. without the ludicrous inelegance that disgrace Dryden's, Mr. Weston's first argument is confuted. His other pleas, which seek to prove the certainty that Dryden was not the translator of the Epistle from Helen to Paris, though he avows it solely his through all the editions, are set aside by those passages, of egual inelegance, which have been already cited in the course of this controversy, from the Hind and Panther, Ode on the Death of Anne Killigrew, the Virgil,” and other of his works. Upon most of those quotations Mr. Weston wisely makes pp comment, willing, doubtless, that his readers should forget them, ”Miss Seward quotes from lpe Hind epg ppe Panther (Let- ter 11. p. 93), and from Dryden's Virgil (Letter 1b, p. 11). She does not quote from the pie pp ppe Qeath pi Anne Killigrew, but she does quote Upon ppe Eeath pi ppe Hastings (Letter 1b, p. 10). F; ”'1 O.- 127 being utterly destructive of his unfor[t)unate assertion, that the style of the great Dryden is never injudiciously debased. My edition of Dryden's Works contains no second version of Dido to Aeneas: and the first, from which Mr. Weston quotes, and calls charming,” appears to me a collec- tion of vapid, stiff, inharmonious lines, interspersed with a few beautiful couplets, but all along disgraced with such - writing as the following, that certainly challenges the worst lines in the Helen to Paris, and resembles them sufficiently to leave no doubt, with the unprejudiced, that their origin is the same. "Built walls you shun, unbuilt you seek: that land Is yet to conquer, but you this command. Suppose you landed where your wish design'd, Think what reception foreigners would find. When will your towers the height of Carthage know? Or when your eyes discern such crowds below? If such a town and subjects you could see, Still would you want a wife that [who] lov'd like me." [me 1:13-16, 21-24.) Lord Mulgrave could not jingle couplets that less de- served the name of Poetry: nor is the general style of this Epistle, which Mr. Weston calls charming, a whit more ele- vated. His quotation from Warton” perfectly meets my senti- ments: the most ample and common expressions are frequently beautiful when they harmonize with the general style, and suit the character of the speaker. When they do pot, prosaic flatness, or ridiculous vulgarity, results from their use. ”Letter 9d, p. 79. He quotes from the poem on pp. 82- 83. ”Letter 9d, p. 98. 128 The words peep, gipmp, mep, sound ludicrous as they are applied and combined by the imperial Juno: yet the two first, from being used in a metaphoric sense, and the last from different combination, are capable of acquiring great digni- ty: instance, Galatea on the Sea: vide that celebrated poem lee Botanic Garden. "And as the lustre of her eye she turns. Soft sighs the gale, and amorous Ocean burns."” Also Pope: "As the rapt Seraph that adores and burns." [EOM 3.1:l:278.] And so the word drown in Hayley's beautiful Ode on Howard: "See that [yon] sweet rustic drown'd in tears."” And the word mep, in Pope's Homer: "To gods and men to give the golden day." [pp 9:3.4] If it is felt, from these examples, that the same words, according to their sense and combinations, may be vulgarly prosaic, or beautifully poetic, then it remains evident, that Mr. Weston's observation was not meant to justify Dryden's style, when it sunk so lpm as in passages frequently quoted in my letters upon this subject. I question not its having, in many places, acquired beauty from the use of those common expressions, that very often were so applied as to disgrace it. ”Erasmus Darwin (Lichfield and London, 1789) 2.425.26. For Anna Seward's relations with Darwin see Introduction p. 76. ”William Hayley, "Ode Inscribed to John Howard," Eoems and Plays (1788) 1:131. 129 And now, having produced that confutation of Mr. Wes- ton's arguments in his former letter, which his latter chal— lenged, I resolve never more to resume the subject: glad that no proofs can be brought of meanness used to acquire fame. which, in so great a writer as Pope, appeared utterly improb- able. I confess it were to be wished that his disposition had been as free from acrimony as his verse from imperfec- tion: nor need such exemption to have robbed the world of the inimitable Dunciad, since the generality of the corrections inflicted there are no more incompatible with sweetness of temper, than the prosecuting a thief who has robbed, or a ruffian who has assaulted us. If with a single being, ppi Mr. Weston, it can yei remain a doubt, whether Dryden's style of versification in the heroic couplet, or Pope's, be the most happy, let him compare Dryden's Translation of the first book of Homer's Iliad and Pope's. He will find the latter conveying, with brilliant strength and harmonious sweetness, the same sense in a less number of lines than Dryden, with his feeble Alex- andrines in the middle of sentences, and botching triplets: the superior conciseness is in a proportion of about eight to twelve. Anna Seward. 19. Mr. Urban, gan. l_. [1790] Your known impartiality gives me to hope you will admit a few more observations on Mr. Weston's defence, and in 130 vindication of Mr. Pope: whom Mr. W. intends to make the great witness of his own infamous delinguency, and to con- vince us that he was an "execrable impostor,"” "a foe to human-kind."” Really, Mr. Urban, I do not see what harsher terms could be applied to a Nero, a Borgia, a Catiline, a Chartres,” or any other monster that ever disgraced humanity. The bitterness of his animosity to Mr. Pope exceeds all bound. We must suppose that, in Mr. Weston's estimation, Mr. P. never entertained a good thought, uttered a good word, or did a good action, through his whole life: and yet there are abundant proofs to the contrary of all this: and by wit- nesses, it may be, _e unexceptionable _e, mil. Weston. I appeal to the candour of your readers in general, whether Mr. W's prejudice is not most unreasonable and cruel, in suppos- ing any man, especially such e_ one _e Mr. Pop , so desper- ately and entirely wicked and infamous as he represents. He is generally allowed by those who have most studied the human heart, that no man is so entirely abandoned as totally to exclude every ray of goodness, or none so perfect as to be exempt from failings: but, when the balance of merit and demerit has for its object eppp e mep _e Eppe, who can hesi- tate to decide? for few, like him, have equal attestation from the wise and good. With Mr. Urban's leave, my ”Weston simply called Pope "execrable," Letter 2, p. 20n. "M. F." lengthened the epithet to "execrable impostor," Letter 13, p. 102. ”Letter 9b, p. 52. ”Francis Chartres was Prime Minister Robert Walpole's "runner and informer, known for good reason as 'Rape-Master General' of Great Britain," Mack, Life 568. 131 recollection serves me with a few. No less a man than Lord Orrery has asserted. "that this 'foe to human-kind, this execrable Pope,‘ treated his friends with a politeness that charmed, and a generosity that was much to his honour: every guest was made happy within his doors: pleasure dwelt under his roof, and elegance presided at his table."” Lord Orrery knew the man: he would not hazard such an eulogium at random, and without due conviction of its justice. The excellent Addison, or at least a literary associate, with his approbation, introduces that divine poem the Mes- siah, in the Spectator, with the following terms: "I will make no apology for entertaining the reader with the follow- ing poem, which is written by e gieei genius, e friend pi mime in the country, who is not ashamed to employ his wit in the praise of his Maker."” Yet this friend of Addison's, who thus praiseth his Maker, is Mr. Weston‘s "execrable impos- ipi," his "ipe ip human-kind!" It would be no difficult task to adduce testimonies in favour of Mr. Pope from many of the greatest names of the last age. Arbuthnot, Atterbury, Swift, Steele, Gay, and many others, might be brought. But why mention what is so well- known to all literary men? It would be occupying your valu- able work unnecessarily. Mr. Weston's ipse dixit, like a torrent, is to bear down all before it. These men were nothing more than simple dupes to Mr. Pope's artful ”Quoted in Ruffhead, 500. ”Joseph Addison, §pectator 378. 132 duplicity and cunning: like Satan he beguiled them: and they were foolish enough to esteem him an agreeable companion, an elegant poet, and a very desirable friend. I felt no "exulta- tion"” in asking Mr. W. whether he would have attacked Mr. Pope, had they been contemporaries. I asked a simple ques- tion, and he has answered it. He will, I hope, excuse me if I have my doubts. I have known men talk of wonderful prowess when danger has irreturnably passed by: whose "courage would have ouzed out at every pore"” under the idea of immediate contest. Mr. W. has a very ingenious, I will not call it a happy, turn, at seeing the worst side of every thing. For instance, he thinks your anonymous correspondents may be so, for the leudable purpoee of "venting spleen in snug security:"” and this amiable motive he more particularly applies to me. He might, with more truth, justice, and candour, have assigned a different one: one I dare assert more congenial to the senti- ments of the majority of your anonymous correspondents, viz; e modest diffidence. It is not every one, like Mr. W, who has a eufficient self-confidence to bear the piercing rays of the meridian sun, or dare to think their Christian and sur- name a sufficient shield pi security, and certain assurance of applause. Those literary veterans who have attained to ”Letter 9b, p. 49. Read "M.F. exultingly asks.” ”Possibly a partial quotation of the speech by Acres, "my valour is certainly going!--it is sneaking off!--I feel it oozing out as it were at the palms of my hands!" Richard Sheridan, The Rivals V.iii. 93-95. ”Letter 9b, p. 51. Read "M.F. . .can give ample Vent to his Spleen in snug Security." 133 this confidence may properly avail themselves to it, and their names undoubtedly add weight to their communications. On the other hand, I am inclined to think that several pieces are given to the publick by you, anonymously, and which are thought well of, that would obtain but little notice, were the obscurity and incelebrity of their authors known: there- fore, you have very properly determined, that eyeiy pme ip imie ieepect ought ip pee pie pmp pleasure. Mr. W. has thought proper to honour some expressions in my letter in your Magazine, vol. LIX. p. 818, ” with the term of eppee,” I am not conscious of having betrayed any improper warmth in that letter: if I have, he may justly blame himself for it: his attack on my first fairly demanded the retort courteous: I think I encroached not on the bound of justice and candour. Had I any other motive than a friendly attempt to rectify his most rooted prejudice? But if a Seward fails to convince him, can there be any hope of success to me? If he can justly call me abusive, what shall we say of the terms he has applied to the inimitable Eppe? Has our language a word equal to a just idea of it? I am now come to Mr. W's favourite rub against me: that in literary abilities I am not gpiie equal to Miss Seward. I again and again acknowledge this heinous crime: but that is nothing in extenuation. I may acknowledge, I may confess, and repent as oft as I please of this enormous pifeppe: Mr. W. will continue to introduce this favourite topick, and hoot ”Letter 7, pp. 32-34. ”Letter 9b, p. 51. 134 me with inferiority at his closing paragraphs: but it is his way: and every man has his humour. However, there remains some consolation to me in the thought that I have biethren im imie inguity: nay, even Mr. W. himself, great as I confess he is, I am somewhat inclined to think is also not gpiie immacu- late of the charge. M. F. * * Mr. Weston's final Answer to Miss Seward, from its * extraordinary length, and from its not arriving more early in the month, is unavoidably postponed to our next. 20. Mr. Urban, Eep. i. [1790] With satisfaction I read Mr. Morfitt's letter in your January Magazine.” We might reasonably expect his interfer- ence in the interesting dispute between Miss Seward and Mr. Weston. He has interfered, and that in a manly and candid sort, in a manner that evinces him equally learned and ingen- uous. I trust, from his mode of writing, he will not deem me his adversary, though I may happen somewhat to differ from him. Notwithstanding Mr. Morfitt prefers the poetry of Dryden to that of his successor, Pope, he does not acrimoniously deem the latter execrable, but touches on the moral character of each with a gentle hand, and kindly pleads in excuse for both. In his opinion, Mr. Dryden was a greater, and yet a ”Letter 10, pp. 64-69. All "M.F.'s" references to Morfitt are to this letter. 135 less, poet than Mr. Pope: greater in his sublime flights. lesser in his depressive flats: and I believe his opinion is founded on justice, and accurate discrimination.--Mr. Pope‘s verses, though beautiful and excellent, he thinks tiresome, from their uniformity, and he "pants for hill and dale." Certainly contrast and variety are as necessary to relieve the "mind‘s eye" as that of the body. With him and Mr. Weston I agree, that an uniform, mellifluous flow of the finest verse wearies the attention, and unavoidably brings on satiety. Nature exhibits an inexhaustible variety in all around us: we have light and darkness, good and evil, pleas- ure and pain, and a thousand other contrasts: of which we constantly experience the necessary alternation, and without which, in our present state, we should undoubtedly be miser- able, for we live but by change. Mr. Morfitt complains of his satiety by the time he has read 200 pages of Mr. Pope: but I cannot consider this as decisive against the excellence of the poetry: that it evi- dences the frailty of the human intellect, most certainly must be allowed, and demonstrates our inability to bear a long succession of beautiful ideas without approaching fa- tigue. Sure I am, I never could read 200 pages of epy epim; pip pm epy subject, poetry pi pipee, without a desire of relieving the attention by a walk, or business of some kind. Undoubtedly, the modern mode of printing poetry, especially in our three-shilling and half-crown quartos, much favour one's getting through a good number of pages at a sitting: 136 for Deep margins, large letters, and lines at a distance. Stead of Genius prolific, become their assistance:” and, by-the-bye, Mr. Urban, they seem more calculated to attack the pocket than to improve the head, or amend the heart. I cannot altogether agree with Mr. Weston, or Mr. Mor- fitt, that Mr. Pope's poetry is so uniformly destitute of the sublimer flights: nor can it plead a total exemption from the "depressive flats" which these gentlemen think so essentially necessary to constitute genuine poetry. No one appeared more sensible of this necessary variety than Mr. Pope himself: witness his letter to ppe flelem, July 2, 1706, where he says. "I am convinced, as well as you, that one may correct too much: for in poetry, as in painting, a man may lay colours, one upon another, till they stiffen and deaden the piece. Besides, to bestow heightening on every part is monstrous. Some parts ought to be lower than the rest: and nothing looks more ridiculous than a work where the thoughts, however different in their own nature, seem all on a level. It is like a meadow newly mown, where weeds, grass, and flowers are all laid even, and appear undistinguished. I believe too, that sometimes our first thoughts are the best, as the first squeezing of the grapes makes the finest wine." Memoirs of A. Pope, by Wm. Ayre, Esq. 1745, 12 mo. [sic] p. 25.” A poet, who thus expresses himself in a letter to his ”Unidentified. ”1:24-25. 137 friend, I can never think would be so totally unmindful of his own delcared sentiments as directly to give into that extreme and never-varying uniformity he had so justly and so properly condemned. One might suppose this identical one Walsh was just now announced to the world by Mr. Weston, who, from his deeper researches into poetical anecdote, had made the discovery of Pope's poetical adviser to correctness: yet this one Walsh, this literary non-descript, is well known to have been a gentleman of considerable merit and consequence, author of several esteemed pieces in prose and verse, and, in the opinion of Mr. Weston's favourite Bard, even Dryden himself (in his Postscript to Virgil), the best critick of our nation in his time.” That he was high in the estimation of Mr. Pope is clear from the following lines: "Walsh, the Muse's judge and friend, Who justly knew to blame or to commend: To failings mild, but zealous for desert, The clearest head, and the sincerest heart, This humble praise, lamented shade, receive, This praise at least a grateful Muse may give. The Muse whose early voice you taught to sing, Prescrib'd her heights, and prun'd her tender wing, (Her guide now lost) no more attempts to rise, But in low numbers short excursions tries." [EOC 1:729- 38.] Yours, &c. M. F. 21. Mr. Urban, Solihull, Sept. 25. [1790] As my fair Opponent, like the Czarina,” claims a ”Dramatic Eoesy 2:261. ”In the spring of 1790, the Russians, who were expanding 138 Victory, and sings 1e Eepm, for the supposed Destruction of my Sail Of The Line, it remains for me to retaliate on her Fleet Of Gallies: but, though certain of Success: I shall not shout lp Triumphe, I assure you, Mr. Urban.--I am abundantly too sensible of the Risk which I run, of losing that Friend- ship which I prize above all Things--save Honour and Con- science--to indulge even the smallest Degree of Exultation on the Occasion.--And yet my Apprehensions may, perhaps, have no solid Foundation: I imimm that I know Miss Seward suffi- ciently to hope that, when she sees the List of imperfect Selections, inaccurate Assertions, and erroneous Quotations, which Self-defence, and Regard for Truth, oblige me to pro- duce--however she may be pained at the Sight of so many Inadvertencies of which she had no Suspicion, she will, with that Nobleness of Mind which so eminently distinguishes her, Forgive the Step which I am compelled to take. She will probably be the more inclined to pardon when she recollects that some of those Mistakes which I now bring forward, with Sensations to which no Mode of Expression can do Justice, I ppplg have brought forward long ago, had not Tenderness to her Sex, and Veneration for her own Talents and Virtues, induced me to waive those little Advantages which superior Attention to the Subject had given me over her, and their borders under the aggressive Czarina Catherine II, were badly beaten in two battles with the Swedish. The first was a sea battle: the second, on land. After the second defeat, the Czarina claimed a victory, which the pp noted "has all the marks of a fabricated account, to appease the Russian people" (60:557). Weston seems to have conflated the two battles. 139 made me desirous rather of a giemm Battle than of a Conquest. Her Forgiveness, I would fain flatter myself, may be complete--when she shall be convinced that, through the Un- guardedness of some Expressions in her two last Letters, the Person whom she has honoured with her Praise, and blest with her Friendship, is in Danger of being considered by Posterity as a tasteless, prejudiced, lying, envious Being, "aspersing Virtue, and endeavouring to shroud the Light of Genius."”-- This undesirable Character would inevitably be my Lot, were I silently to pass over those unfortunate Letters.--The Pro- priety of the first Brace of Epithets I might indeed contest, but not be able to disprove: nor would it be very material. perhaps, to do so: but it is easy, and of infinite Impor- tance to me, to demonstrate the Injustice of the latter Pair. My gentle Antagonist may aver, that she is not conscious of having attributed to me either Envy or Falshood: neverthe- less my Enemies might very excusably infer that she has--from the united Force of the following Paragraphs, in her Letter, p. 120:” "Pope's Severity to the Dunces, who had maligned him, was just Chastisement. They gave the Provocations [provocation".] they distilled their Venom upon his immortal Laurels, though it had no Power to canker them. He formed a mock-heroic Poem in Consequence of their Malice, and made his Enemies ridiculous to all Ages. Such ever be the Doom of Envy aspersing Virtue, and endeavouring to shroud the Light of Genius! "Mr. Weston still procrastinates his pioofs, that Pope was an execrable Villain, the insidious Underminer of pie Fame, whom he professed to honour. My Antagonist has closed the Correspondence with me, without producing ”Letter 11, p. 95. ”Pp. 95-96. 140 them. He owed it to his own Character, and to the Demand I made upon him for those Proofs, to have pro- duced them in the first Page of his Reply. To assert Dryden's Style advantaged by its frequent Vapidness and Vulgarity is pmi Want of Taste for pure and elegant Composition. From unsupported Accusation, brought against the moral character of a fine Writer, every one will turn indignant, who can feel his Beauties, and be grateful to the Delights they have afforded. "Ere I make any Comments upon Mr. Weston's Letter in the last Magazine, where every Position [he advances] is open to Confutation, I shall wait the promissory Ides of March for those Proofs which my Friendship for Mr. Weston almost induces me to wish he may be able to produce. It behoves him to take especial Care that they be unguestionable." No Apropos, ’tis true, appears to sink the End of the first Paragraph to the Beginning of the second:--but the connective Chain (like the sympathetic one which binds Heart to Heart), though unseen, is ieli. Permit me, therefore, Mr. Urban, to justify the Motives which influenced me in my Attack upon Pope's moral Character: and account for my Detes- tation of his Principles and Conduct. Miss Seward supposes that the Dunciad was written in Consequence of Insults and Injuries received by him from the Individuals whom he stigmatizes as Knaves and Fools. Such once was my Opinion: but, on examining the Preface, Adver- tisement, Notes, Testimonies of Authors, &c. more closely, I found so much Reason to suspect the Truth of the Assertions. and the Fidelity of the Quotations, that I employed much Time, and no small Assiduity, in procuring the Works of these same Knaves and Fools: and the Result was--a Total Conviction of the Baseness and Malignity of the Duncifier's Disposition. By far the greater Part of the supposed Delinquents (as I 141 remarked in a former Letter)” had given him mp reasonable Cause for Resentment, and the intended Punishment of the Remainder immeasurably exceeded the Offence. I plainly discovered that many a disingenuous--nay, many a Villainous Artifice was brought into Play--to degrade the Abilities, and blacken the Characters, not only of those who had spoken, or written, slightingly of himself or his Works, but also of those who had mpi: and his Treatment of whom must, therefore, arise from other Causes than those which he thought proper to assign: partly, perhaps, from Envy or Jealousy of those Talents which, if not timely crushed, might one Day rival his own--and partly, perhaps, from a parasi- tical Desire to please such of his Friends as hadbeen ani- madverted upon by the Writers whom he affects to hold in Contempt. But, whatever might be his Inducement, his Conduct I found to be such as inspired me with Horror and Indignation: and I fancied that I should render an essential Service to the Cause of Virtue and Humanity, by exposing the Hypocrisy of his Pretences and the Villainy of his Practices.--Full of this Idea, I constructed a Poem, a large Portion of which I appropriated to the Vindication of those whom he has so grossly traduced in that wicked Libel which my amiable but misguided Friend calls the "inimitable Dunciad:"”--intending to publish it with Notes and Illustrations.--But, when the first Ebullitions of Resentment had subsided, and I came ”Letter 17, pp. 117-23. ”Letter 18, p. 129. 142 coolly to meditate on the Magnitude of the Undertaking, and its probable Consequences, my Ardour for Publication was somewhat abated. I reflected on the Nature of the human Mind: I considered that no one parts with a favourite Opinion, long cherished, without Reluctance: that violent are the Struggles against Conviction, when one is pre-disposed mpi to be convicted:” that Arguments and Deductions produce Effects only in Proportion to the Extent of Understanding possessed by those on whom they are intended to operate: that, even supposing I should surmount the difficulties which Pope's consummate Cunning had thrown in my Way, and be eple, to trace this Proteus through all his shifting Forms, and shew him at last--to the candid and discerning--in his own proper Shape, what Recompence was I to expect?--The most violent Abuse from the Unconvinced--and very frigid Approbation from my Proselytes.--'Tis hard to forgive an Attempt (and a suc- cessful one) to appear more wise or more diligent than ourselves: and they who could not decently deny the Force of my Conclusions might doubt, or pretend to doubt, the Integri- ty of my Motives:--they who were obliged to own that Pope mee a bad Man might wonder, or affect to wonder, what good Pur- pose could be answered by proving him one. I was staggered by these and similar Reflections: and I let year after Year pass away, without coming to any Resolu- tion.--At length Dr. Johnson's Lives of the Poets appeared: ”Weston corrects "convicted" to "convinced" in Letter 25, p. 163. 143 and you may guess, Mr. Urban, my Surprize and Pleasure at finding his Sentiments of Pope's Disposition in so many respects Coincide with mine!”--But, attentively as he had studied the Poet's Character, I had studied it yet mpie attentively: and will frankly own that I felt no small Grati- fication in the Consciousness of having anticipated almost all his Observations, and of having made many others which had escaped even pie scrutinizing Vigilance. Ten Years more have elapsed: and I have had abundant Reason to congratulate myself on my Prudence, in forbearing to publish what would have subjected Me to twenty Times the Obloquy to which his honest Investigtion of Pope's Merits exposed Him: for not his venerable Age--not his exemplary Piety--not even the Obligations which the Literature of his Country owes him, and must for ever owe him, could secure him from Abuse, which poured in Torrents from the polluted Pens of ignorant and tasteless Scribblers: who chose to ascribe that Conduct to Emyy which, my own Feelings tell me, sprung from a very different Source.--What then had not I to appre- hend, who, convinced of the Satyrist's radical Depravity, could not condescend to disguse my Sentiments, and mention what I looked upon as diabolical Villeiniee in such guarded and temperate Terms as Johnson has used, while descanting on what he considered as mpmem Frailites! What Kind of Reception were such Observations as These ”Johnson discusses Pope's character in Lives 3:196-216. For a critique of Johnson see Mack, "Reflections of an Amateur Biographer," Modern Language Review (October 1984) 79.4: xxix-xxx. 144 likely to meet with, from those who had been taught to look up to Pope, as to a Model of Moral Perfection? "But--were the Tyrant's title to the Bays "Of Right Divine, and Merit--past all Praise-- "By Crooked Paths, Posterity shall own, "And Plottings dire he reach'd his tottering Throne: "Wit, Wisdom, Worth, and Learning all hewn down, "He mounted on their Necks, and seiz'd the Crown: "Nor Rank, nor Innocence, nor Sex, nor Age, "Could plead Exemption from his envious Rage? "His jealous Malice aim'd the deadly Blow, "Draw cansir-like, at Friend as well as Foe!"” But, though I forbore to print--I did not forebear to converse--on the Subject which had taken Possession of my Thoughts so long: and I had the Satisfaction to find my Arguments carry Conviction to the Breast of many a Worshipper of Pope.--Even Miss Seward owned to me (many Months before the Publication of the Woodmen of Arden) that her Favourite had, through my Means, sunk in her Opinion-- (I mean, with respect to his Moral Character): and her Attack on me for a supposed Reflection in my Preface was caused (as I shall shew presently) by a Misapprehension of my Meaning. You may recollect, Mr. Urban, an expostulatory Letter which I addressed to you, (I think in December 1788,)” soon after your liberal-minded Editor favoured the Poetic World with a Collection of Welsted's Works.--I took that Opportun- ity of returning him those Thanks which were so justly his Due. Pleased to find (from the Memoirs prefixed to the Poems) that the Author's Disposition was as amiable as his ”"Name of a blustering, bragging, character in [George] Villiers's burlesque 'The Rehearsal. . . . Formed as a parody on Almanzor in Dryden's Conguest pi Gianada, perhaps intended to suggest drawing e pem of liquor," QEE. ”Letter 2, p. 20n. 145 Poetry was elegant, and glowing with Indignation at the Injustice and Inhumanity of his Persecutor, I could not resist the Temptation of expressing unreservedly my Opinion of the "Execrable Pope."--An anonymous Correspondent's Repre hension of the Term, and my Justification of it, must be fresh in your Readers Remembrance.” Having thus deviated from that cautious Plan which I had observed for Twenty Years, I went a little further: and, in my prefatory Essay, which was published a Month or two after- ward,--after lamenting the Alteration which Poetic Diction had sustained since the Days of Dryden,--I ventured to insert the following Paragraphs. "But so material a Change in the Constitution of Poetry could not be expected to take Place, without some Literary Convulsions.--The Disciples Dryden were ardent in their Veneration, formidable by their Numbers,and respectable by their Rank.--Violent was the Clamour, and tedious was the Contest.--Pope, however, in the End--by Means not very honourable indeed--proved triumphant. "In the Course of my Researches, I have found considerable Amusement, (though alloyed, in no small Degree, by a Mixture of Scorn and Indignation,) in tracing and developing the insidious Arts which he suf- fered his Friends to practise, in order to undermine the Reputation of the deceased Poet, and to asperse the Characters of his living Supporters: and if a Work, which, for a longer Term of Years than that prescribed by Horace, has been incarcerated in my Closet, should ever escape into Light, Pope's Goodness pi Heart would be no longer problematical:--at present, I shall content myself with observing, that He, while the injured Dryden sunk in the public Estimation, was exalted to the vacant Chair, and proposed as a bright Exemplar to all succeed- ing Bards."” To Miss Seward's Misconstruction of a Passage in the latter Paragraph the World is, in a great measure, indebted ”"M. F.'s" Letter 2, pp. 20-22, and Weston's Letters 9a and 9b. Pp. 43-52, and 17, pp. 117-23. ”Letter 9c, pp. 57-58. 146 for those very ingenious Strictures which have embellished your Miscellany: and I--for the painful--painful Task of animadverting (and, perhaps, with a Degree of Bluntness of which I am myself unaware) on the Productions of a Lady, my Respect for whom can only be exceeded by my Reverence for Truth! I meant only to affirm, that Pope's Friends practised insidious Arts, with a View to undermine the Reputation of the deceased Poet, and to asperse the Characters of his living Supporters: and that He suffered them so to do:--I did Not say instigated:--I did Not say--assisted: merely Suf- fered:--and I thought that I had expressed my Meaning so clearly as not to eemii of Misconstruction: but I was mis- taken. Miss Seward,--in your Magazine for April 1789, Page 292,--says that I accuse Pope of "having meanly influenced his Friends to exalt his Compositions above their just Level. for the Purpose of lowering Dryden's and tearing the Laurels from his Brow."”--lmie Quotation is evidently erroneous in gypiy 2122: the principal Mistake I have formerly pointed out, and need not repeat my Remarks. In your Magazine for February 1790, Page l20--she ob- serves, "Mr. Weston still procrastinates his Proofs, that Pope was an execrable Villain, the insidious Underminer of pie Fame whom he professed to honour."” ”Letter 1a, p. 1. ”Letter 11, p. 95. The next quotation is from the same place. 147 Who, Mr. Urban, would not suppose, from this Sentence, that I had asserted that Pope Was the insidious Underminer of Dryden's Fame, and was Therefore an execrable Villain?--She proceeds--"my Antagonist has closed the Correspondence with me, without producing them. He owed it to his own Character, and to the Demand I made upon him for those Proofs, to have produced them in the iiiei Page of his Reply." I have carefully examined Miss Seward's three Letters for April, May, and June, 1789--” and cannot find any such Demand.--I never Had asserted that Pope was the insidious Underminer of Dryden's Fame--and, of course, never suspected that I should be called upon for Proofs.--But, on reviewing the Passage which gave Rise to this Controversy, I must confess that it is liable to Misconception:--as the Words "in order to undermine" mey, by a forced Construction, be made to refer either to Pope Or his Friends: but, if I had intended to accuse mim of undermining the Reputation of his great Master, I should certainly--instead of "the insidious Arts which he suffered his Friends to practise, in order to under- mine, &c."--have written--"which he, in order to undermine, &c. suffered his Friends to practise." That I had called him "execrable" is true, and that I have proved him so is equally true--if his accusing a Man of the vilest Propensity which can debase human Naure, mmile ponscious pi pie innocence, and then flying to the Sanctuary of a paltry Equivocation, Can be deemed execrable. ”Letters 1a, b, and c, pp. 1-20. 148 To prove that Pope really did suffer his Friends to depreciate the Person from whom he learned all that i valu- able in the Structure of his Verse were a very easy Task indeed.--To mention only One (but that one an Host!)--Miss Seward cannot forget Swift--the Partner of Pope's Labours and the Friend of his Bosom:--Nor can she forget his Comparison of Dryden's Virgil to a Mouse under a Canopy of State:” no-- nor his grave assertion in his Dedication of his Tale of a Tub to a Prince Posterity: "I do affirm, upon the Word of a sincere Man, that there is now actually in Being a certain Poet, called John Dryden, whose Translation of Virgil was lately printed in a large Folio, well-bound, and, if diligent Search were made, for aught I know, is yet to be seen."” (lg pe continued.) ”A Tale pi e imp with imp Battle pi imp Eooks, A.C. Gulthkelch and D. Nichol Smith, eds. (Oxford: Clarendon, 1958) 247. ”Gulthkelch and Smith, 36. 149 22. Mr. Urban, June 15. [1790] Mr. Weston has taken his final leave of me somewhat in dudgeon: although he says he is in tolerable good-humour, from his manner I cannot but have my doubts. By addressing his last letter particularly to me, he in some measure de- mands of me a reply. His last arrow is now shot against Mr. Pope: by an unnatural exertion he has drawn his bow to its utmost stretch, overshot his mark, but the object of his wrath remains unhurt. What has Mr. W. told us more than every one acquainted with Mr. Pope's writings knew before: the whole is extracted from the notes to the Dunciad, save a few egregiously per- verse comments, similar to those of his predecessor John Dennis. It is not possible to confute this tale of slander better than Mr. Pope's own notes confute it. It is acknowledged on all hands, that Mr. Pope was previously abused by Burnet and Duckett.” Mark, reader, they threw the first stone. Aye: but then Pope ought to have been passively obedient, perfectly non-resistent: how presumptuous to defend himself! how execrable to retort! The abuse it seems was from the firm of Ducket and Co.: they wrote Homer- ides, Grumblers, Pasquins, &c. It was a sort of amphisboena abuse: and the satiric retort properly included them both: ”Weston discusses the Burnet and Duckett issue in Letter 17. Pp. 120-23. Also, see the Introduction pp. cvii-cxiii. 150 "Behold yon pair in strict embraces join'd, How like in manners, and how like in mind! Fam'd for good-nature, Burnet, and for truth: Ducket for pious passion to the youth. Equal in wit, and equally polite, Shall this a Pasquin, that a Grumbler write. Like are their merits, like rewards they share, That shines a Consul, this Commissioner." [DunA 3:3.173-80.) The redoubtable John Dennis took it into his head to annex such an idea to the fourth line (though a literal translation from a Latin classick) as no one else had thought of, and particularly pointed it out to the gentleman concerned, who, it is wonderful, never discovered that mean- ing himself, if that was the real intent of the satire. What was the Colonel's "spirited conduct"” on this trying calumny? No doubt the laws of his country would award him excessive damages on so just an occasion: had he recourse to this mode? if not, had he recourse to any? What man alive could be passive under such obloquy? I always take it for granted an author knows his own meaning at least as well as any of his readers: and Mr. Pope having solemnly declared he had never heard any such detest- able report coupled with Mr. Ducket's name, or that any such idea guided him when he penned the obnoxious lines, what right had Dennis, or any of his successors, to point out to Mr. Ducket, or to posterity, a meaning which the author totally disavows, and has used every endeavour to do away? It is certain, if the matter was as pointed out by Dennis and ”Letter 17, p. 120. 151 Mr. Weston, of loading an innocent man with such a vile accusation, the attempt was a most villainous one, and de- serving the severest censure. But, on his supposition, what possible motive can be alledged for Mr. Pope's conduct in this matter? He must know that the accusation would immedi- ately confute itself, seeing no one had ever thought or surmized any such thing, nor was there any possibility of such a non-entity charge ever being made good, consequently the ridiculousness and baseness of it must effectualy secure him from making it: hence I conclude that, in this matter, he is accused wrongfully. Mr. Pope finding that Dennis's perverse comment was certain to be espoused by all his (Mr. Pope's) enemies (and his enviable talents had made them numerous), and perhaps, on their authority, taken up by others, thought proper, in later editions of the Dunciad, to expunge the obnoxious lines, as the best reparation he could make the injured party: injured by Dennis greatly more than by himself, whom though he in- tended to lash for his prior abuse, he could not mean to cast on him the most odious stigma possible to be cast on man: a stigma which, as he had never heard surmized by any one, it is next to impossible he should ever think of applying. Mr. W, in his Poetical Address to Miss Seward, has termed Mr. Pope "a weaver of mechanic verse."” We may safely assert, that few poetical looms have produced such exquisite work: the fineness of the tissue, the delicacy and durability ”Letter 15, poem "To Miss Seward," p. 113, 1.187. 152 of the materials, have been rarely equalled. I shall now also take my final leave of this subject, and Mr. W: yet in perfect good-will and good-humour, highly respecting his talents as a poet, a man of learning, and a gentleman, and wishing to forget his prejudices. If he is disposed to add "more last words,"” he will meet with no interruption or reply from me, and may enjoy the great satis- faction of concluding the dispute. I shall continue to be of opinion, notwithstanding all that has been alledged, from John Dennis even to Joseph Weston, that the poetry of Mr. Pope will continue to be read and admired when the comments of his enemies are forgotten, or remembered but through the medium of his celebrity. Yours, &c. M. F. 23. To M. F. Sir, Solihull, Qpi. 11. [1790] Not from a silly Desire to "enjoy the great Satisfaction of concluding the Controversy,["]” but from a much more rational Motive, do I depart from my declared Intention, and once more "notice an anonymous Correspondent."” Our Acquaintance commenced in a very inauspicious ”Weston actually wrote, "As this is the last Notice which I intend to take of an anonymous Correspondent," Letter 17, p. 118. ”Letter 22 above, this page. Read "dispute.” Unless noted otherwise, all references are to this letter. ”Letter 17, p. 118. 153 Manner. An unfortunate, but well-meant, Attempt at Pleas- antry on my Part, ill-understood, and of Course ill-taken, on yours, produced a Succession of Animadversions and Recrimina- tions, the Recollection of which gives me Pain. But for that little Mistake our Controversy might have been more agreeable in its Progress, and shorter in its Duration! Surprized at my Execration of a Man whom you had been accustomed to contemplate with Reverence, and displeased at an Expression which you thought disrespectful to yourself, you have (with a very pardonable Degree of human Frailty) observed my Conduct with an Eye somewhat jaundiced by Preju- dice. In last Month's Miscellany you may see a candid State- ment of my peel Inducement for attacking Pope, and, perhaps, be inclined to think more favourably of me than you have hitherto done.” The chief Source of your Incredulity with Respect to the horrible Tendency of the Lines which you have quoted from the Dunciad seems to be--the implicit Confidence you repose in Pope's Veracity: but that Confidence will be shaken to its Foundation when in the Magazine for next November,” you shall find Proofs on Proofs that he was in the Habit of slandering Reputations, and afterwards denying, or explaining away, his manifest Intention: then--feeling rather shocked than con- vinced by his "solemn Declarations"--you will perceive that ”Weston wrote that he wished to "render an esential Service to the Cause of Virtue and Humanity, by exposing the Hypocrisy of [Pope's] Pretences and the Villainy of his Practices," Letter 21, p. 141. ”Letter 25, pp. 163-73. 154 it Was possible for him to attempt the Ruin of a Character. by an atrocious Artifice--and, on being threatened with per- sonal Chastisement, that it was Also possible for him to sneak behind a vile Subterfuge. Indeed, if "solemn Declara- tions" were to be considered as tantamount to Exculpation. Tyburn and Botany Bay would frequently have Reason to com- plain that they were defrauded of their Due. You "conclude that, in this Matter, Pope is accused wrongfully--because his Accusation of Ducket would immediate- ly confute itself, seeing no one had ever thought or surmized any such Thing, nor was there any Possibility of such a non- entity Charge ever being made good, consequently the Ridicu- lousness and Baseness of it must effectually secure him from making it." This A[rgu]ment tends to prove that no Accusation pem be brought unless there be previously Some Ground for it: that the Impossibility of a Charge being made gppg is an effectual Security from its being made ei_ell. Evey Day's Experience evinces the Contrary. One Case, exactly in Point, I shall produce: and it will settle imei Part of the Business com- pletely. An Attack on one of the most distinguished Characters in the present Century--strikingly similar to that of Pope on Ducket--was made, in a Poem called "Love in the Suds," by an Author” whose Abilities and Disposition bore no remote ”William Kenrick, Love ip ime Suds, e Iown Eclogue, ”Being the Lamentations of Roscius for the Loss of His Nyky" (1772). It ran to five printings that year. An unsuccessful playwright, Kenrick blamed his failure on actor-manager David 155 Resemblance to those of your Favourite. The Person aspersed, after fruitless Endeavours to procure a Retractation, or personal Satisfaction, applied to the Court of King's Bench. The Offender well knew that the Masquerade Habit, in which he had disguised his infamous Charge, would There avail him Nothing: and warded off impending Vengeance by signing his Name to an Advertisement in the public Papers, denying that he ever intended to convey the Meaning which was generally affixed to his Words, and entirely acquitting the Object of his unmanly Resentment of even the least Suspicion of the Propensity with which every Reader of common Sense mmei_ know he meant to brand him: and with which he owned, in private Conversation, that he gie_mean to brand him: "I did not believe him guilty (said he), but I did it ip plague imp Fellow."” Is it not highly probable that Pope led the Way to this, and many villainous Attempts of the same Kind? If so-- what has he not to answer for? I never asserted--I never meant to assert--that Pope ought to have been "passively obedient, perfectly non-resis- tent," when his poetical Reputation was assailed: I did not blame him for retaliating: it was only his Mode of Retalia- tion which I condemned. If Burnet and Ducket Did "throw the Garrick. In the poem, Kenrick insinuated that Garrick and playwright Isaac Bickerstaff had a homosexual relationship. Garrick sued Kenrick for libel, but before the case came to trial, Kenrick published a full apology and Garrick dropped the suit. ”Kenrick said this to bookseller Thomas Evans shortly after his public apology in the newspapers in November 1772 (QEE). 156 first Stone,"” was a Stab i t e Dark a justifiable Retort? Is an unjust Censure of one Man's Talents to be returned by a more unjust Censure of another Man's Morals? Suppose, for Instance, I were to call you, Sir, Weak--your Anger would scarcely impel you to resent the Rudeness by calling me Wicked! But I forget myself. You think that Pope was mpi guilty of this Baseness. Yet one, for whose Judgement you have professed an uncommon Deference, thinks he mee. Consult Miss Seward's last Letter, and you will find that (with a Degree of Candour which excites Pleasure, but not Surprize), she Admits the Charge: though she admits it only by Implication-- for no Lady could discuss such e Subject: but asks. "what it has to do with the imputed Treachery to Dryden?"” Though You, Sir, seem hardened in your Unbelief, I flatter myself that not Many of Mr. Urban's Readers remain to be convinced of Pope's Delinquency. My Remarks on the Pas- sages which I extracted from the Dunciad, it is true, were not numerous: partly because my Ideas revolted from the hateful Subject, and partly because I did not believe man Arguments necessary to convince even Mediocrity of Under- standing of the Feebleness and Fallacy of the Pretences which are furnished by the Notes, which You consider as containing a complete Confutation of my Charge against Pope: and which I consider as containing incontrovertible Evidence of his ”"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her," John 8.7. ”Letter 18. p. 124. 157 Guilt. I have One Inducement, and One only, which will suggest itself to you before I conclude, for trying once more to set you right: (for, on second Thoughts, you shall not remain in your Error till November--unless it be your own Fault). Do me the Justice, Sir, to believe this Work of Supererogation a Mark of real Respect! If you chuse to reply, You will "enjoy the great Satisfaction of concluding the Controversy:" for. if you avow your Conversion, I peep not rejoin--and, if otherwise, I mill not:--if, from the Very plain Arguments which I shall Now urge, Conviction should not instantly flash in your Face, I should consider the Case as hopeless: and. reasonably despairing of finding a Cure for Total Blindness, I should be as little desirous of a further Correspondence with You, Sir, as I should be of a Conversation with an Ideot! You are compelled to grant--that Pope was Serious in his Praise of Ducket's Attachment to Burnet--or--that he was Not serious: that the Words "pious Passion" must mean Pure and Virtuous Friendship--or must mean Gross and Vicious Inclina- tion: in fine, that he intended to ascribe to Ducket a Virtue which exalts Human Nature almost to angelic Excellence--or a vice which degrades it below Brutality. To ascertain in Which of these Senses the Words in Debate ought to be under- stood, I shall consider Two Points: either of which would singly decide the Dispute. In the first Place, what was Pope's Design when he constructed the Dunciad? 158 Miss Seward shall answer the Question, "To make his Enemies Ridiculous to all Ages."” And How was this charitable Purpose to be obtained? Could the Man who, by laughing In Print at his intended Translation of the Iliad,” attempted to injure him in Fame and in Fortune (and whom Pope could not, therefore, be violently disposed to compliment)--could this Man, I say, be made ridiculous to all epcceeding Ages, by attributing to him a Virtue which had been celebrated with enthusiastic Ardour by the Poets, Philo- sophers, Orators, and Historians, of all former ones? a Virtue--sanctioned by a bright Example, to which all Chris- tians ought to look up with reverential Awe?--Impossible! Shew me, Sir, a single Line in the Dunciad--shew me a single Line in the "Prose Rubbish"” which encrusts it--in which a Virtue, or the Shadow of a Virtue, is seriously imputed to Any of its Heroes! On this solid Basis, Sir, I might ieei my Argument, and bid Defiance to Confutation: but, rather than leave a Scant- limg of a Doubt on any Mind which Can be enlightened, I will take the superfluous Pains of considering the Connexion of the questionable Line with that which Precedes, and with that which Follows it. "Behold yon Pair, in Strict Embraces join'd: How like in Manners, and how like in Mind! Fam'd for Good-Nature, Burnet, and for Truth: Ducket for Pious Passion to the Youth. Equal in Wit, and equally Polite--"” ”Letter 11, p. 95. ”In Homerides, see Letter 17, p. 120. ”Unidentified. ”See Letter 17, p. 120n. 159 To prove the Praise in the imiie and iiiim Lines to be Ironical--is to prove imei in the fourth Line to be Also ironical: unless a single Passage in some Author--antient or modern--can be produced, in which one Line of Serious Praise is guarded, like a Deserter, before and behind, by two Lines of Mock Panegyrick! If you ppplg, sir, be so absurd as to believe that Pope, smarting from the Perusal of "Homerides," meant to extol Burnet, im Earnest, for Good-Nature, the auxiliary Epigram would instantly confute your Absurdity. Are not the Col- leagues imeie expressly termed "Friends in Spite?" Are they not imeie expressly stigmatised for Dulness--in direct Oppos- ition to the Verse which celebrates their Wit? How are these apparent Inconsistencies to be accounted for? I, Sir, as well as You, "take it for granted that an Author knows his own Meaning at least as well as any of his Readers:" but I do Not take it for granted that he can mean Good and Evil ei the same Instant. Pope could Not mean that his Enemies could be ei pmpe_Good-Natured and Spiteful--ei pmpe Witty and Dull! He did know his own Meaning: he Well knew it: and was willing that his Readers should likewise know it. But he was treading on tender Ground, and Caution was requisite. Therefore, to gratify present Resentment, without making future Inconvenience, he wrapped that Meaning in oracular Ambiguity--in the Text: and, to rectify Mistake which inattentive Reader might fall into by supposing his serious in his Praises, he added an epigrammatic Commentary. 160 which sufficiently developed his Intention: and, by contra- dicting that Part of his Elogium which he Durst, instructed those Readers to contradict for themeelvee that Part which me durst Not. This Supposition removes every Difficulty: the seeming Incongruity vanishes; the Text and Commentary are reconciled (irreconcileable on any pimei Principle): and his Conduct is clear and consistent. Since then you must allow, of Force, the imiig and iiiim Lines to be demonstrably Ironical--reflect, Sir, how much out of Place--out of Time--out of Character--would the fourth Line appear, if designed to be understood literally as at- tributing one of the most exalted Qualities which can ennoble the human Mind to a Man whom he was aiming "to make ridicu- lous to all Ages!" The Absurdity is so palpably Gross, and the Inference so inevitably Conclusive, that I should deem it an Insult to yourself, Sir, as well as to a large Majority of Mr. Urban's Readers, to offer another Syllable on the Subject. And now, Sir. having travelled together one Stage more than I expected, and each of us, after all our Bickerings on the Road, having recovered our Good-humour, we will, if you please, shake Hands, and exchange Forgiveness. Sick and dejected at the Commencement of my Journey, I felt, perhaps too sensibly the sarcastic Manner with which you resented a supposed Affront, and possibly expressed my Sentiments in a Way rather peevish than polite. If, on re-examining meme; after what I have written (for I have not Time ei present), I 161 shall perceive that to be the Case, I am persuaded, Sir, that I shall find it much less difficult to procure Your Pardon than my Own! Meanwhile be assured that I have already forgiven, and shall instantly forget, every Expression of yppie that seems ill-natured--every Inuendo that appears unjust:--even from your early Intimation, that "I think highly of my own Tal- ents,"” down to your late Association of me "with the re- doubtable John Dennis." Obliged as I feel myself by your parting Civilities, I can, in Return, afford You, Sir, Praise of a much more exalt- ed Kind: as I sincerely give you Credit for Goodness of Heart: that inestimable Jewel, before whose living Lustre all intellectual Endowments, all literary Attainments, the Ele- gancies of Poetry, and the Subtleties of Criticism, fade away--like Stars before the rising Sun! Joseph Weston. 24. Mr. Urban, Oct. 10. [1790) Without entering into the controversy between two excel- lent Friends, of whom the one is universally esteemed, the other universally beloved, I send you a Poem by Welsted, which was unhandsomely sneered at by Pope, and which the industrious Editor of his Works” laments that he never could ”"M. F." wrote, "those shining talents he is confessedly master of," Letter 7, p. 34. ”John Nichols. 162 obtain*. To Eim also it may be acceptable to know. that Welsted's comedy, "The Dissembled Wanton," was acted, at the same period it was published, yii. 1726:” and that "The present State of Poetry," which is mentioned in the Life, p. xxiv,” is only a ridiculous attack on Welsted, in conjunction with Blackmore, Steele, and Ambrose Philips, on the score of vanity.--It may be fair to both parties to observe, that Pope was himself so convinced of the injustice with which he had treated Welsted, that, in all the later editions of the "Dunciad," the most offensive lines against him were con- stantly omitted.” Pope must have been unpardonable indeed had he continued to persecute a Writer, who, whatever may be thought of his poetical performances (and there are those, and good judges too, who admire many of them), was universal- ly allowed to be a gentleman of polished manners, unsuspected integrity, and unbounded benevolence. Yours, &c. M[atthew] G[reen] *See it among our Poetry, p. 937. [Apparently the unsigned poem, "A Hymn to the Creator, Written By A Gentleman, On Occasion Of the Death Of His Only Daughter," pm 60:936-37.) ”The play was performed at the Lincoln's Inn Fields Theatre on December 14-16, 19, and 21, 1726. ”The Present State pi Poetry: A Satire Address'd ip e Friend emg Qedicated ip mil Welsted, dedication signed "Alexis" (pseud.) (London, 1726). Perhaps the "Life" is Nichols' "Memoir" attached to his edition of Welsted's Works. I have been unable to examine this. ”Probably EunA 5:3.293-300. These lines, which described Welsted's participation in the poets' diving contest in Fleet Ditch, were omitted from 1735a onward. 163 25. (continues 21) Mr. Urban, Solihull, Oct. 11. [1790] Permit me to point out an Error of the Press in p.778” of your last Number: where I am made to say, "violent are the Struggles againt Convention, when one is pre-disposed mpi to be Convicted."--The last Word should have been "Convinced."-- To resume my Answer to my fair Opponent. I left off. if you recollect, with a Quotation from Swift, expressive of the utmost Contempt for Dryden's Trans- lation of Virgil.” But how (Miss Seward may ask) can Pope be to blame?--Could He prevent Swift's Attack on Dryden any more than She could prevent mine on Pope?--Probably not: but He might have acted on that Occasion as she has on one nearly similar--yie. have called pie Friend to a public Account for his "Prejudice" and "Want of Taste"”--My generous Assailant must surely allow that either She has done ipp,mppm or he-- _pp little! Be that as it may, I must (and I hope I may without Ill- manners) indulge one Smile at the Joy which she expresses on my neglecting to bring Evidence of a Charge--which l never made: she was "glad that no Proofs can be brought of Meanness used to acquire Fame, which in so great a Writer as Pope. appeared utterly improbable."” Miss Seward, I Am Confident, will not deny that I had, 0 his Evidence. convicted him of ”Letter 21. p. 142. ”Letter 21. Pp. 148. ”Letter 8, p. 35, and Letter 11, p. 95. ”Letter 18, p. 129. 164 an infamous Slander, for which he so richly "deserved an Halter" as the Object of his Slander would have done had the Accusation been just: and one would have thought that but a moderate Degree of Satisfaction could result from the con- sideration that, though I certainly had proved him Base, I, perhaps, had not proved him Mean!--But, in fact, while prov- ing him the one I had also proved him the other: for the Baseness of his Attack could be equalled pply by the Meanness of his Retreat! As Miss Seward thinks that I have wrongfully accused him of Baseness to Welsted, I will substantiate imei charge also, memi Month: and at the same Time (contrary to my first Inten- tion), I will discuss the other Points which I mentioned in a Letter, inserted in your Magazine for May.” viz. his Meanness to Broome, Hypocrisy to Hughes and Hill, Treachery to Boling- broke, Baseness to Lord Harvey and Lady Mary Wortley Monta- gue, and Ingratitude to Chandos and Addison. gem multis eliie gpee Nunc perscribere longum eeil” And, if I am not strangely mistaken, the "inimitable Dunciad" will lose epme of its Charms in mep Eyes. whose Mind is--Rectitude, and whose Heart is--Tenderness. She will no longer. I am persuaded, look with any great Complacency on the magnificent Edifice, when she shall find, with Surprize and Sorrow, that it has been erected on the insecure Founda- tion of Fraud and Cruelty! ”Letter 17, pp. 117-18. ”"Which. along with many others, would take too long to explore fully now." This unidentified hexameter line is almost surely from a Renaissance poem: it is not Classical. 165 Previous to my Examination of the Dunciad, I shall clear Accounts with Miss Seward. But one Caution, Mr. Urban, let me give, in Justice to her and to myself. When it shall appear (as I have already hinted) that some of her Selections have been imperfect--some of her Assertions inaccurate--and some of her Quotations erroneous, if Envy should feel in- clined to sneer and Malice to exult, they would do well to consider that her Criticisms would have been more perfect had She been leee so. This seeming Paradox will be easily explained by recol- lecting what her Situation has been during almost the Whole of the controversy. Eyes blinded with Tears, an Heart wrung with Anguish, and an Imagination distracted with Apprehen- sions. are totally incompatible with patient Attention, rigid Inquisition, and cautious Collation. But, though Candour will forgive, and Virtue applaud her. I cannot permit my just Cause to suffer through her unintentional Misrepresentations. After this necessary Apology for us both, I proceed. without further Ceremony, to my unpleasant task. In your Magazine for May. 1789 (p. 390).” Miss Seward selects a Passage of uncommon Celebrity from Pope's Iliad, and compares it with one from the first and least meritorious of all Dryden's Productions--a Poem on the Death of Lord Hastings: a Piece which I believe is not inserted in mepy Editions of his Works: and, lest this inelegant Extract should not appear to sufficient Disadvantage. she flanks it ”Letter 1b, p. 9. 166 by another celebrated Passage from Pope. Two against one, you know, Mr. Urban, are odds! Her Management of the next Example she produces is still less advantageous to poor Dryden.” Extracting six Lines from Juno's Soliloquy, in the first Book of the Eneid (which she considers as unpoetical), she misquotes the Beginning of the Seventh, and skips over that and the four succeeding Lines (which are admirable), fastens on one which she thinks laugh- able, and omits the remaining Eight, which are excellent. I thought it but Justice to insert the entire Speech, accompan- ied by the Original, in your Miscellany for January, 1790.” Miss Seward seems to consider this as a silent Rebuke, from the Manner in which she mentions my Quotation (p. 523)--"He triumphantly quotes the Original in Vindication of that ypl; gei Harangue which Dryden has made for the Empress of Heav- en."” Adverting a second Time to Juno’s Soliloquy, a second Time she stops short at the seventh Line. But, to make Amends for the Omission of the Rest of this reprobated Speech, she has pressed into her Service the introductory Couplet. which contains the word "vent"--to which (by her Italicks) she seems to attach the idea of Flatness. She appears to have conceived an unaccountable Dislike to the Verbs "vent"--"burn"--and "drown"--unless used in a figura- tive sense: but, surely. they seem just as musical as ”Letter 1b. p. 11. ”Letter 9d, PP. 73-74. ”Letter 18, p. 125. Weston's emphasis. 167 "yield--"reign"--"add"--(which escape uncensured)--or any other Monosyllable Verbs!--The Substantive "Men" seems also to have fallen under her Displeasure:--but mmy--is not easy to discover. That it mey be so applied or combined as to appear in a ludicrous light is true:--in the Mouth of a Coquet (for Instance), who declares "she is teazed to Death by these odious--Men"” it is ridiculous enough. But I cannot grant that it sounds imelegant when opposed to " hips"-- although it may be more elegant when opposed to "Gods." On Miss Seward‘s Substitution of the metaphorical Phrase of "wrapping Fleets in Flame"--for "burning" them--I shall only remark that Dr. Harwood, disapproving of the beautiful Simplicity of "Jesus wept," altered it, in his Translation of the New Testament, to "Jesus burst into a Flood of Tears."” They who think pie Amplification an Amendment will, of Course, be pleased with Miss Seward's. Having sufficiently decried Dryden's Translation, she introduces her own, by exclaiming, "How easy to express Virgil's Eemee as iaithfully with less Inelegance!"” And. after heightening every Line of the contested Passage into splendid Versification, she adds. "If the above Lines egually express Virgil's Meaning, without the ludicrous Inelegance that disgraces Dryden's. Mr. Weston's iiiei Argument is confuted." ”Possibly a partial quotation of Millamant's exclama- tion, "odious men! I hate your odious provisos," William Congreve, Imp fley pi imp World (1700) IV.i.247. ”John 11:35 in Edward Harwood, A Liberal Iranslation pi imp pem Testament (London, 1768), 1:328. ”Letter 18. p. 126. The quotations in this and the next paragraph are from this letter, except where noted. 168 Firm as Atlas stands my first Argument--for any Shock which her Translation gives it. "If the above Lines equally express Virgil's Meaning?"--But the above Lines unfortunately do Not equally express Virgil's Meaning! And (which is still more unfortunate) the only Resemblance which the first Coup- let bears to the Original is couched in two Words--"when" in the first Line, and "Juno" in the second. To the Proof. Cum Juno aeternum servans sub pectore vulnus Haec secum:” Dryden. "When labouring still with Endless Discontent, The Queen of Heaven did thus her Fury vent." Miss Seward. "When. with the dark'ning Frown of angry Pride, In haughty Tone, imperial Juno cried." The Reader of true Taste may possibly deem the brilliant Additions of "dark'ning Frown"----"angry Pride" and "haughty Tone"--an inadequate Recompence for the Loss of the much more important Information--that an insatiable Desire of Revenge unceasingly rankled in Juno's Breast. Virgil evidently re fers to the "saevae memorem Junonis ob iram" in the Opening of the Eneid:” a Circumstance on which the Machinery of the Poem hinges: and, therefore, not to be omitted without mani fest Detriment to the Poet's Plan. Besides--the Mantuan Bard was much too judicious to say All that he could have said on the Occasion: and paid his Reader's Imagination the ”1.36-37. ”1.4. "Through cruel Juno's unforgiving wrath." I? _ 169 Compliment of supposing that it would easily collect--from her Words--the tone and that which accompanied them. But, were Miss Seward's Translation as faithful as it is erroneous, I should still remain unconfuted. I must beg leave once more, Mr. Urban. to remind your Readers of the principal Object of our Contention. I had expressed an Opinion that the Style of Dryden is preferable to that of Pope--On Account of the Inequalities which so frequently occur. How does my ingenious Opponent endeavour to overthrow that Opinion? Why truly, by proving that there Are those Inequalities! A Mode of Confutation entirely mem--and not a little comical! But stay!--Miss Seward will allow Poetic Diction to Sink--but not Too low. Now we come to the Point. Who is to be the Judge of the Precise Degree to which it may be allowed to descend?--Ah, Mr. Urban! Who indeed?--Until that question me answered, Miss Seward and I may argue for ever, without being one Jot nearer the Mark: for I cannot allow that call- img Dryden's Translation a vulgar Harangue is proving it to be one:--any more than I can acknowledge the Justice of those severe Epithets with which she so plentifully besprinkles most of the Passages which she has judged it expedient to select. As Dryden has contrived it, Juno pours out the Effusions of her Wrath in a regular Climax. One eeee the offended Goddess working herself into a Passion by very natural Grada- tions. But Miss Seward has begun in so lofty a Strain, that I have litle Doubt of the Effect which would have been aw I :A- Al 170 produced had she translated the mmple Soliloquy! The chief Blemish in modern poetic Diction is Inflation. If that Blemish is undiscoverable in Miss Seward's Works, it is probably owing to the Grandeur and Sublimity of her Con- ceptions: which justify the uniform Majesty of her Style. The Shortness of her Poems is a Circumstance also much in her Favour: for Pope's Version of the Iliad proves to every unprejudiced Judge, that unvaried Sweetness and unvaried Loftiness mill tire--in a Work of any considerable Length. An Elegy and an Epic Poem demand very different Degrees of Polish. So much for Miss Seward's boasted Confutation of my first Position! In your Miscellany for May, 1789, p. 391, she has made some Extracts from Ovid's Epistle from Helen to Paris.” She did not chuse to quote from Canace to Macareus--nor from Dido to Eneas---but pitched upon the very worst of the three. Culling with uncommon Care the dullest Parts, she has made Stupidity appear mpie stupid, by tacking together Passages that were never intended to be joined, and which derive no small Inconvenience from the Union. After quoting Two Lines, she omits Ten, then quotes Eighteen more,--then omits One Couplet--and then inserts another: and all these mutilated Limbs, thus preposterously jumbled together, and constituting one hideous Mass of Deformity, are very gravely contrasted with some lovely Lines ”Letter 1b. pp. 11-13. 171 from Pope's highly-finished Eloisa to Abelard. She then makes some more Extracts from Helen to Paris--selecting Two Lines--then jumping over Sixteen--then chusing Six more-- linking them all together--and finally comparing them with some other beautiful Lines form Eloisa. Miss Seward remarks (p. 524), that my "other Pleas, which seek to prove the Certainty that Dryden was not the Translator of the Epistle from Helen to Paris, though me avows ii Solely his through All the Editions, are set aside by those Passages of egmel Inelegance. which have been already cited in the Course of this Controversy, from the Hind and Panther. Ode on the Death of Anne Killigrew, the Virgil, and other of his Works."” The Assertion, that Dryden avows the Epistle from Helen to Paris Solely his through All the Editions, is inaccurate. I had before asserted that the Names of the Poet and the Peer were United in that Production: and I had quoted a satyrical Couplet written on the Occasion:” Circumstances which, one should suppose, might have induced My Friend to have expressed a contrary Opinion with some Hesitation--Were I to take the Trouble of a Search, I should, probably, find twenty Editions that would confirm my Assertion: but imp will suffice. In one, printed for Jacon Tonson in 1716 (the Property of Hugford Hassall. Esq. of Solihull). and in another, printed for J. Tonson 1725 (belonging to the Rev. ”Letter 18, p. 126. Weston adds some of the emphases. ”Letter 9d, p. 77. 172 Mr. Blyth of the same Place), the Earl of Mulgrave's Name is joined to that of Dryden:” nor, to the best of my Recollection, did I ever see or hear of emy Edition--the one which Miss Seward mentions excepted--in which they were disunited. Whoever, Mr. Urban. will refer to your Magazine for January, p. 29,” will find that--far from "seeking to prove the Certainty that Dryden was mpi the Translator of the Epistle from Helen to Paris"” pply sought to prove that he was not the Author of those Parts of that Epistle which Miss Seward has ascribed to him. I do not consider my supposed Plea as set aside by the Passages she quoted from the Hind and Panther, &c.--because I do mpi consider those Passages as "of equal Inelegance!" Miss Seward's Notion, that. because I made "no Comment," I was "willing your Readers should forget them," is not founded. The Recollection of them could not have been "utterly destructive of my unfortunate Assertion, that the Style of the great Dryden is Never injudiciously debased"”-- because I had made no such Assertion. My Words, in your Magazine for January. p. 27, were--"whatever may be found reprehensible in his Sentiments or Imagery--his Style, I will still Contend, is pure."” In the Preface to the Woodmen of Arden (p. 9), I said "Many of his Lines seem, 'tis true, to ”The Eritish Museum Catalogue lists editions for 1683, 1701. 1705. 1712. 1720. and 1725. ”Letter 9d, p. 75. ”Letter 10, p. 126. ”Letter 18, p. 126-27. ”Letter 9d, p. 70. 173 have wanted his last Touches: but those last Touches, I Am Persuaded, were not hastily Neglected--but deliberately Denied."” Contending for the Propriety of a Persuasion is not equivalent to the asserting of a Fact: nor, if I mep made such an Assertion, would the Quotations in Question have utterly destroyed it:--because ludicrous Imagery, incongruous Metaphor, and inconsistent Fable, are the Faults most conspicuous in those Passages: Matters with which I had Nothing to do:--"my Business being merely with his Diction."” Joseph Weston. ”Letter 9c. p. 55. ”Letter 9d, p. 70. 174 26. Mr. Urban. flpy, 4. [1790] You will believe me, I doubt not, when I assert, that I am an utter stranger to Mr. Weston, Miss Seward, and to M. F. All I know of either is by their writings: and, if I could indulge my own gratifications at the expense of another man's repose, I could not wish Mr. Weston's correspondence with you, Mr. Urban, at an end. But it grieves me to see a man of rare talents, whose language is so correct, whose manners are so polished, and whose talents are so great, employed in endeavours to make Miss Seward publicly acknowledge what she and all the world know to be true: namely, {that Pope was a paltry fellow. But Mr. W. may rest satisfied that she will never acknowledge it. She has said it: she has written it: and, like Lord Lyttelton, she will no more give up her fa- vourite poet, than the Noble Lord would his Scots historian Bowler, [Bower).” Yet, after Dr. Douglas had proved him to be as contemptible as Mr. Weston has proved Pope to be. his Lordship stuck t his text, rather than give up himself. Miss Seward is a lady of a respectable character, and Lord Lyttelton was deemed a man of honour. But if such a Man as Lord Lyttelton would not fess, what hopes can Mr. Weston have ”Archibald Bower (1686-1766) wrote History pi ime Popes. representing himself to be a staunch protestant. Reverend John Douglas proved that not only was Bower a Roman Catholic but that he was "as little remarkable for his chastity as for his love of the truth" (23E). George Lyttleton, who had gotten a government post for Bower, continued to defend him after Rev. Douglas's disclosure. Samuel Johnson noted that Bower "did not want abilities" and when he attacked "his adversaries retreated." (Lives 3:451). 175 of bringing a Woman to confession, unless she were e nun?” If any apology can be offered for Miss Seward's want of conviction of Pope's infamous charge upon Burnet and Ducket, it must be her not understanding (and no wonder) the nature of the charge. And if M. F. be not silenced by Mr. Weston's letter in your last. p. 903,” how can he expect success with the lady? Yours, &c. P. T. 27. Mr. Urban, Edinburgh, Nov. 9. [1790] I am one among many of your numerous readers who cannot suppress my indignation at the cruel treatment the character of Eppe continues to experience from one of your most re- spectable correspondents. I have beheld with pain the eager, but fruitless, efforts of that elegant writer to substantiate some charge that might criminate him. But I believe a majority of your readers will agree with me, that what has been yet said or done are [sic] not suffi- cient to effect that purpose, and that the Poet has now, as heretofore, the multitude on his side. He is charged, but surely not with justice, with envy and hatred to Dryden: the man, of all others. whom he appears to have regarded with cordial esteem and affection, and to whom, in all his writ- ings. he pays the most unequivocal homage. But it seems he ”Italics probably used solely for emphasis. ”Letter 25, pp. 163-73. 1 —Y -4 176 suffered the gentle and compliant Emiii to sneer at that great Poet's translation of Virgil. in a satyrical romance considered anonymous, I suppose, even by gppe himself. He is also accused of having satirized certain authors, rather too severely, in a poem called the Dunciad: but certainly not from envy, or fear of rivality: for who envies or fears those who are infinitely beneath them? We can crush a wasp with a touch, though it may hurt us with its sting. _These are the crimes, Mr. Urban, for which the character of Eppe is to be damned to everlasting fame. But, admitting they were as aggravated as his accuser is pleased to alledge, would the Poet deserve for all that such epithets as "execrable." "detestable," &c. &c. epithets only applied to the most pernicious vipers of human kind--to a gpeee or a Jefferies!” The pharisaical Addison, with a heart as cool as his writ- ings, could be really guilty of the crime which Eppe is accused of: and the pioue Johnepm well knew the use of the literary stiletto: yet imeee were certainly virtuous men. though not of immaculate virtue: imei, I suppose, is alone the estimable lot of the accuser of Eppe. After all, Mr. Urban, poets are observed to be more irascible and envious of each other than any other sort of people, because a fine imagination and philosophical understanding are seldom united. Every one knows that Eppe had a remarkably infirm, and consequently irritable, constitution. Is it any wonder ”The British judge, George Jeffreys (1648-1689). was notorious for his arbitrary decisions and severe punishments (DNB). 177 then, with the wanton and unceasing abuse he met with, that he should be provoked to retaliate? But. while the general tenor of his writings and of his life display the most strik- ing traits of morality. benevolence, and noble independence. we should ascribe any asperities in the one, or peevishness of the other, to that unhappy frame of body, which irresisti- bly governs even the greatest minds. It has of late become fashionable to lower the estima- tion which the writings of Eppe were heretofore universally held in. This, however, will not change their qualities: for me gustibus ppm eei gieputendum” is as applicable to poetical as to any other taste: and the poetry of Eppe still continues to please pimp out of iem readers, who can find no meaning in the clinguant of modern rhimers. If writers, whose fame is already established, are to be opposed to each other, they should be compared. like Plu- tarch's heroes, not with an intention of depreciating their merits, but of displaying their excellencies in the fullest point of view. Yours, &c. W. 28. W M_on_th. 10th Day. [1790] Friend Urban, My friend M. F. in conformity with his declaration in thy publication for the ninth month, of finishing his ”"There is no disputing about taste," proverbial. 178 controversy with thy friend Joseph Weston, on the merits of the late Alexander Pope. intendeth not to write to thee again on that subject: but he hath commissioned me to tell thee and thy friend Joseph, that he taketh in good part what thy friend hath written in thy last month‘s publication.” His motive for defending Alexander Pope. was his verily believing that thy friend Joseph had unjustly aspersed him both as a ppei, and also as a mep: my friend had never heard any suffi- cient reasons for questioning his genius as to the one, or his integrity as to the other. My friend's last letter to thee in defence of him. as to the particular charge thy friend hath so strenuously accused Alexander of, yie. of branding an innocent man with a vile calumny, was founded, as thy friend Joseph justly conjectur- eth, on my friend's opinion of the veracity of Alexander Pope, and on the improbability of his making gppg, or making any one belieye, a charge never before thought on. My friend acknowledges the obvious connexion of the satiric lines quoted doth seem to require the untoward mean- ing thy friend Joseph hath annexed to them, he need not have used so many words towards proving this: but on this supposi- tion my friend is unable to account for the conduct of Alex- ander Pope--he thinks it in this particular instance unac- countable--this could not answer what is said to be the intention of the poem, viz. of "rendering his enemies TC? ”Letter 22, pp. 149-52. All references to "M. F." are to this letter. 179 ridiculous to all ages:"” it might excite horror, but not ridicule. My friend, willing to think and hope the peei of ell men, his inclination swayed him to the favourable side, and, more especially as Alexander Pope. being removed from this world, was unable to plead his own cause, he did not think he was doing an ill imimg in offering his mite in his defence. My friend never thought. or intended to assert. that Alexander Pope was a perfect mep: he knoweth that mp mep is so: he has always understood him to have been of a disposi- tion somewhat too irritable; he hath before acknowledged this. This temper might at times betray him to exceed the bounds of justice in his retorts. But, my friend Urban, thy impartiality will give thee to estimate his gppg gualties and his eingular abilitiee in abatement of this soreness of gi§poeition: and, on balancing the accounts, perhaps we shall form a iipe estimate of the man on whom I must think thy friend Joseph hath borne ipp meme. Epem thy friend hath occasion to enter again into con- troversy with any one, let him argue the matter coolly, devoid of ire: let him not apply to his antagonist such epithets as "ideotism, total blindness,"” and such like: by abstaining from them thy friend will the sooner attain his point. Let him also beware of shouting victory too early. My friend thinks himself under much obligation to thy friend ”Originally in Anna Seward's Letter 11, p. 95, and also quoted by Weston in Letters 21. p. 139 and 23, p. 157. ”Letter 23, p. 157. 180 Joseph for his good opinion: he thinks himself honoured that thy friend thinks well of epy peii pi mim, or his conduct: and if he hath offended thy friend in the warmth of argument, he wisheth a mutual amnesty, a perpetual oblivion and peace: and he will always attend to thy friend Joseph's productions with much complacency I am thy friend, and thy friend Jo- seph's friend, Obadiah Meanwell. * * Bardus Ordovicensis and R. S. on imie subject are * unavoidably deferred. 29. (continues 25) Continuation of Mr. Weston's Defence of the Preface to the Woodmen of Arden. Solihull, er. 23. [1790] Who, Mr. Urban, that reads Miss Seward's Remark, page 120,--viz. "to assert Dryden's Style advantaged by its fre- quent Vapidness and Vulgarity, is pmi to want Taste for pure and elegant Composition"”--would not take for granted that I had really made such an assertion?--And yet none such is to be found.--To assert that epy Style could derive an Advantage from Vapidness would be indeed Want of Taste: but that a certain Degree of Vulgarity, occasionally introduced, is a Disadvantage, I am not quite so sure. I will concede to my too fastidious Antagonist--that ”Letter 11, p. 95. 181 many Low expressions may be picked out of Dryden's Works: and let her make the most of this concession: it no way contra- dicts my Opinion of the Purity of Dryden's Style--An apt Example will save a World of Argument: and my Meaning will be sufficiently explained by a single couplet. In the Opening of the celebrated Absalom and Achitophel we meet with the following lines. "When Man on Many multiplied his Kind, Ere One to One was, Cursedly, confin'd." [1:3-4] Cursedly is ppm, and, probably, was imem, a Low word.--"I am cursedly mortified"--"I was cursedly taken in"--are Modes of Speech in very frequent use among the vulgar: but were Miss Seward, on that score, to expel the honest, unaffected, and forcible expression, and to supply its place by one of her own elegant--or one of her Parnassian Brethren's finical Phrases--the Line would, in my Opinion, be cursedly in- jured.--"Fatally"--"cruelly"--and twenty other Substitutes leQL. be found--and serve to liguify the Line. and lull tasteless Readers to Sleep: but Memory, trust me, might be ransacked long enough, before a Word would present itself so nervously descriptive of the Poet's Meaning as that Vulgar one which he has so judiciously chosen! But to proceed.--Miss Seward quotes eight lines from Dryden's Charming Version of Dido to Eneas as challenging the "worst Lines in the Helen to Paris:"--"Lord Mulgrave," she says, "could not jingle couplets that less deserved the Name 182 of Poetry:"” --let us examine the Justice of this Assertion. But I shall take the Liberty of restoring to their Place four Lines, which Miss Seward has omitted, and of adding four more which complete the sense. and if Dryden's Translation shall not be found equal, at least, to his Original, I will for ever renounce all Pretensions to Knowledge or to Judg- ment. First for Ovid. Facta fugis: facienda petis, quaerenda per orbem Altera, quaesita est altera terra tibi. Ut terram invenias, quis eam tibi tradet habendam? Quis sua non notis arva tenenda dabit? Alter habendus amor tibi restat, & altera Dido: Quamque iterum fallas, altera danda fides. Quando erit. ut condas instar Carthaginis urbem, Et videas populos altus ab arce tuos? Omnia ut eveniant, nec te tua vota morentur: Unde tibi, quae te sic amet, uxor erit? Uror, ut inducto ceratae sulfure taedae: Ut pia fumosis addita thura focis. Aeneas oculis semper vigilantis inhaeret: Aenean animo noxque diesque refert.” Dryden. Built Walls you Shun, unbuilt you Seek: that Land Is yet to Conquer: but you this Command. Suppose you landed where your wish design'd, Think what Reception Foreigners would find. What People is so void of common Sense, To vote Succession from a Native Prince? Yet there new Scepters and new Loves you seek: New Vows to plight, and plighted Vows to break. When will your Tow'rs the height of Carthage? know? Or when your Eyes discern such Crowds below? If such a Town. and Subjects you could see, Still would you want a Wife--who loyig like me. For. oh, I burn, like Fires with Incense bright: Not holy Tapers flame with purer Light: Aeneas is my Thoughts perpetual Theme: Their daily longing, and their nightly Dream. [1:13-28.) ”Letter 18, p. 127. ”Heroides 7:13-26. 183 Mulgrave* On Carthage and its rising Walls you frown, And shun a scepter, which is now your own: All you have gain'd, you proudly do contemn, And fondly seek a fancy'd Diadem. And should you reach at last this promis'd Land. Who'll give its Power into a Stranger's Hand? Another easy Dido do you seek: And new occasions new-made Vows to break? When can you Walls like ours of Carthage build. And see your Streets with Crowds of Subjects fill'd? But tho' all this succeeded to your Mind, So true a Wife no Search could ever find. Scorch'd up with Love's fierce Fire my Life does waste, Like Incense on the flaming Altar cast: All Day Aeneas walks before my Sight: In all my Dreams I see him ev'ry Night:” To offer a single Observation on the respective Merits of the two Translations would be to offer an Insult to every liege of Poetry:--the pmly Readers for whom I wish to write. To Miss Seward's Remarks on the Conciseness of Pope's Version of first Book of Homer's Iliad I shall oppose the masterly Criticism of a Correspondent who signs himself "Impartial" (p.495):” and to her Censure of Dryden's Translation of the same Book I shall oppose the Opinion of Pope himself: who says. (in his preface to the Iliad.) "had he translated the Whole Work+ I would no more have attempted Homer after him than Virgil, his Version of whom (notwithstanding some human Errors) is the most noble and *My Reasons for conjecturing that He was the Author of the second Version of Dido to Aeneas were given in the Maga- zine for January, p. 30. [Letter 9d. PP. 70-89.] +He translated only the first Book. and a small part of the Sixth. [Hector's last parting from Andromache, 1:846.) ”Unidentified. This translation is not listed under Mulgrave in the British Museum Catalogue. ”Letter 14. pp. 105-07. 184 spirited Translation I know in any Language." [7:22.] "That Dryden (says Miss Seward, p. 120) Perpetually sinks below, 0 how much below Pope! I willingly agree with Mr. Morfitt: but that he ever rises proportionably higher I utterly deny,--and would undertake to equal the noblest and most beautiful Passages from Dryden's Poems, in the Couplet Measure, with Selections from those of his Rival."” That Miss Seward is justified in denying that what sinks Perpetually pelpm Ever rises proportionably higher no one in his senses will controvert: nor does there seem any very great Hazard in undertaking to egpel what is confessedly inferior: but ppple my respectable Associate and valued Friend--could He whose Taste is equal to his Learning--let such consummate nonsense as his fair Opponent has ascribed to him escape his Pen? With your Leave. Mr. Urban, we will turn to that Letter, which (without disparaging your numerous and ingenious Cor- respondents) never meg never pem have--a superior--that *Let- ter--whose every Sentence is a Gem, and see what he really wrote. "As to the +political Merits of the rival Bards. I -am compelled to give the Palm to Dryden. I admit the general *Mr. Morfitt says (p.7) [Letter 10. p. 69] "I cannot read 200 pages of Pope together, without satietyz" on which Remark one of your Correspondents ["M. F.," Letter 20, p. 135) comments as gravely as if it were mpi a palpable Mis- take of the Pen or of the Press--My Friend certainly wrote-- or meant to write--either 20 pages or 200 lines. + Another evident Blunder.--"poetical" is the word intended. ”Letter 11. p. 94. 185 Inequality of his Poems, the occasional Coldness of his Conceptions. and the not unfrequent Depressions of his Style. I allow that he Sometimes sinks lower than Pope, but he sinks to rise proportionably higher. and. like Antaeus, gathers Strength from touching the Ground."” When sometimes and perpetually--Time and Eternity shall be proved to have the same Meaning, a Commentary on this Passage may be necessary. Meanwhile. I would not advise Miss Seward to be ipp hasty in her Selection of Passages from Pope, to match with "the noblest and most beautiful ones"” from his Master: lest a Misfortune should befal [sic] her similar to one which happened to Spence: and it should be found, that what she produces, as specimens of the Richness of that Genius which she pronounces equal to Dryden's, should only add to the Proofs already extant of his Emepm at pilfering! (1p pe concludeg im our next.) 30. Mr. Urban, Epy. 30. [1790] Every one, at all acquainted with modern poetry and criticism. well knows that one of the principal ”Letter 10. p. 66. ”Letter 11. p. 94. 186 embellishments of the comic epopee is the introduction of parodies on passages in ancient and modern classicks. If Pope, among the host of bad or party-writers who attacked his fame, had not been able to discover a peii who wrote against him in partnerehip, he would have lost the opportunity of introducing a parody on the young Chiefs who form the subject of the most interesting episode, if episode it ought to be called, in the Aeneid. But, luckily for our Poet, one Burnet and Ducket published a joint-work against his first under- taking to translate the Iliad, intituled. "Homerides, by Sir Iliad Doggrel:"” and furnished him with a Nisus and a Euryalus for his Dunciad. It is in the games in honour of Anchises that the young heroes first make their appearance. Nisus & Euryalus primi. Euryalus forma insignis viridigue juventa: Nisus emore pio pueri. Aen. V. 296.” And when they appear in the character of warriors, we are told. Nisus erat portae custos, Et juxta comes Euryalus.-- His amor unus erat, paritergue im bella ruebant. Tunc quoque communi portam statione tenebant. Aen.IX.183.” Let us now see how Pope profited by these passages. Elkanah Settle. after regretting to Cibber how unfortunate it ”See Weston's discussion in Letters 17. pp. 120-23 and 23, pp. 154-61: also see the Introduction, pp. cvii-cxiii. ”"Nisus and Euryalus foremost--Eurya1us famed for beauty and flower of youth, Nisus for tender love for the boy." 5.294-96. ”"Nisus was guardian of the gate. . . . At his side was Euryalus. . . . A common love was theirs: side by side they charge in the fray: now too they together were mounting sentry at the gate," 9.176, 179, 182-83. 187 was that two such great men of their party as Dennis and Gildon” should wage war with each other, addresses himself to the shades of those great Criticks, in a parody on the beau- tiful lines in the Aeneid alluding to Caesar and Pompey: Embrace, embrace, my sons! be foes no more! Nor glad vile Poets with true Criticks' gore”. [DunA 5:3.171-72.] By way of contrast, he points out to Cibber the friend- ship of two others: Behold yon pair. in etrict embraces join'd+: How like in manners, and how like in mind! Eem'd for good-nature Burnet. emg for truth: Ducket ipp pious passion ip ime youth+ Equal in wit, and equally polite, Shall this a Pasquin, that a Grumbler write. Like are their merits, like rewards they ehare: That shines a consul, that commissioner. [DunA 5:3.173- 80.) The Critick Dennis, a fellow sufferer, as we have seen. in the cause, with the ingenuity of a commentator accustomed to find meanings his author never thought of. insinuated in *Ne pueri ne tanta animis assuescite [adsuescite] bella: Neu patriae validas in viscera vertite vires. Aen. VI. 833. ["O my sons, make not a home within your hearts for such warfare, not upon your country's very Vitals turn her vigour and valour," 6.832-33.) +Illae autem paribus quas fulgere cernis in armis Con- cordes animae. Ib. 826. ["But they whom thou seest gleaming in equal arms, souls harmonious now," 6.826-27.) +Amore pip pueri. [See above. p. 186.] ”Settle (1648-1724) was a playwright and poet, as was Colley Cibber (1671-1757). Charles Gildon (1665-1724) was a poet. playwright and critic. 188 print,” that Pope had, in the above parody, attacked the moral characters of Burnet and Ducket. But it is plain that the persons themselves were not such Dunces as to misunder- stand the Poet. If the charge had been true, the crime, rendered notorious by the celebrity of accuser, must have obliged them to leave their country: and, if false, a jury would undoubtedly have adjudged heavy damages for so atro- cious a calumny. But they were too wise either to fly their country, or appeal to a jury: for, had they had recourse to the latter, I think we may safely pronounce what would have been the event in the words of Pope and Horace: Solventur risu tabulae, tu missus abibis.” In such a case the plaintiff will be hiss'd, My Lords the Judges laugh, and you're dismiss'd. [_i 4:2.i.155-56.) Such is my view of the above passage, on which a late writer in your Magazine, who stands forward as the professed accuser of Pope and defender of the heroes of the Dunciad. has founded his grand charge against him. This writer, in your present volume. p. 388, asserts, that. "in consequence of the Colonel's (Ducket's) spirited conduct on this extra- ordinary attack, Pope found it convenient to add the follow- ing note."” M. F. (Ib. p. 786) asks, What was the Colonel's §pirited conduct pm this occasion?” Mr. W. has replied to ”Letter 17, p. 122. ”Satire ii.1.86. ”Letter 17, p. 122. ”Letter 22, p. 150. 189 the letter of M. F. but has omitted to answer the above question. This I now call upon him to do. The introduction of the authority appealed to at p. 904, col. i. para. 2, is highly indelicate, and totally inconsis- tent with the declaration at p. 386, col. ii. para. 3, sen- tence the last.” The supposed authority, too, is only that of a silence apparently arising rather from delicacy than conviction. With regard to eigning names ( see p. 387, col. ii. para. mli.),” I have long been of opinion, that the value of original communications to your Miscellany, respecting facts which require living testimony to support them, would be greatly enhanced, if their authors would always sign their real names and places of abode: as is done in the London Medical Journal, and the Transactions of Literary Societies. But in such kind of discussions as the present, where opin- ions are founded on facts already known. I feel more disposed to follow the example of M. F. Yours, &c. J. S. ”In discussing the Burnet/Duckett issue, Weston wrote. "Consult Miss Seward's last Letter" (Letter 23, p. 156). Previously he had declared the Burnet/Duckett subject was "so peculiarly horrible and disgusting, as to render a Discussion of it--in a Letter intended for the Perusal of a Lady-- impossible" (Letter 17, p. 118). ”Letter 17, p. 121. Weston was discussing the impossi- bility of putting one's name to an opinion that Pope meant to praise Burnet and Duckett in Dunciad A. "J.S." seems to think Weston is attacking anonymous letter writers, as he had in earlier letters to "M.F." 190 31. Mr. Urban, Eep. 20. [1790] Let me tell you a story, and then you may make the application wherever you please. Your correspondent P.T.” is all wrong relative to a certain dispute. so long and so elegantly kept up in your Magazine. Women can read women better than men even of superior understanding, as fools can find fools better than wiser heads. So now to my story.” Two neighbouring country esquires kept each a fool. Esquire Hare's fool was lost, and all the town had been through all the great woods in search of him, but without success. So, when Esquire ipp heard it, he visited Esquire Hare, and offered to lend him his fool to find the lost fool: "and I'll warrant you," said the Esquire, "my fool will find yours." So Fox's fool was sent into the wood alone: and, as he went along, he continually called out, Aye,aye, l sees you, i sees ypp: and at length he came within hearing of the other fool, who instantly replied, Eeyy meyl mpi ypp epmli. Now, Mr. Urban, I say that Miss ---- does not chuse to be convinced, while she has such frequent opportunities of shewing not only how well she can defend a bad cause, but procure so many high compliments. at the same time. even from her adversary. In truth, I should rather think it is a cohesion between these two literary Geniuses to show themselves off. Certain it is. this Lady could no where find a fairer channel to make her ”Letter 26, pp. 174-75. ”"Maria" probably invented or adapted this story to make her point. 191 virtues and her talents known to all the world, than by engaging in such a dispute in the Gentleman's Magazine. Yours, &c. Maria. 32. SONNET. [Dec.. 1790) Weston, whom Virtue and the Muses fire, Thy generous spirit with indignant vein, Where Envy veils the Enthusiasts of the lyre, Expell'd their laurel'd seats in Fancy's choir. And blends her venom with its dulcet sounds: Well might'st thou love the high Drydenic song. Thou who hast made its vary'd graces thine, And cloath'd thy measures with its strength divine. Not like Art‘s stream its numbers move along, Though in all Maia's charms the bank be deckt. And its calm breast the splendid Heav'n reflect, But like th' unequal flood great Nature guides, That here soft flows, there rob'd in thunder rides, Bold winding from its natal bud now little Art derides. L. M. 33. (continues Letter 29) Continuation of Mr. Weston's Defence of the Preface to the Woodmen of Arden. pep. 23. 1790. In that Essay on the Odyssey which, affected and super- ficial as it is. gained Spence much Reputation among the Admirers of Pope, he observes: "In these last Volumes, how finely are some Thoughts wove into this Translation from the sacred Pages? from the Iliad, and Aeneid: from Dryden. and Milton among ourselves: and from several others, both Ancient and Moderns? "The Translator is sometimes as Artful in adding. of himself, some short Strokes to what Homer has said. '4 \D L.) We meet with several of these little insertions. which are very just and improving. I shall mention but one. As Mr. Addison proposes a Correction of Paradise Lost. by cutting off the two last Lines: Mr. Pope improves this Poem, by adding a Line in the Conclusion of it: This Insertion possibly is better chose, than that Al- teration so modestly proposed by Mr. Addison. The Read- er, indeed, would willingly go off with some Hopes and Satisfaction, after the melancholy Scene in Milton's last Book: but it may be said that, -considering the moral and chief Design of that Poem, Terror is the last Passion to be left upon the Mind of the Reader. On the contrary, the Odyssey ought on all Accounts to terminate happily: and Mr. Pope's Addition, in the Close of it. is therefore an Improvement, because it forwards the Moral: it gives us a fuller* View and Confirmation of the Happiness of Ulysses, and leaves it upon a firmer Foundation."” 'Tis not easy for any one, who recollects the lasc Line of Absalom and Achitophel,” to restrain a Smile, at this pompous Parade--The Critic, by professing to give this Line as one of those "short Strokes" which Pope added of Himself, proclaims his Unconsciousness of his being indebted to Dryden *"So Pallas spoke: The mandate from above The King obey'd. The Virgin-seed of Jove In Mentor's form confirm'd the full accord. And willing nations knew their lawful Lord. [pp 10:24.628-31. The final line is enclosed in quotation marks.) "Homer himself does not end in so full and complete a manner: his last line does not rest well: and Chapman {seems resolved to shew the infirmness of it as much as he could possibly in his Translation, which breaks off in these lines: "----twixt both parts the seed of Jove. Athenian Pallas, of all future love A league compos'd: and for her form took choice Of Mentor's likeness, both in limb and voice." [George Chapman. lme Twenty-Fourth Book pi Homer's Odysseys. last 4 lines.) - ”Joseph Spence. pp Essay-pm Mr. Pope's Odyssey (London. 1737) 246-47. ”"And willing Nations knew their Lawfull Lord." 193 for every Syllable of this boasted Improvement on Homer!” "That Ear, (says Miss Seward.) must be oddly modeled to which Pope's harmonious and flowing Verses appear Formal."” Verses, then, flow harmoniously,” and yet, from the Pause being too seldom varied, appear mechanical and Formal? And must that Ear, which relishes but in an inferior Degree what gratifies Miss Seward's more highly, be Therefore queerly constructed?--Is this sarcastic Remark gpiie consistent with that amiable Humility which renders my candid Opponent so lovely in the Eyes of all her Acquaintance?--Claims it not rather too near an Affinity with Elizabeth's Reply to the Ambassador of the unfortunate Mary?--"How tall (said the Queen) is your Mistress?"--"Rather taller than your Grace"-— "Indeed?--Then she must be too tall:--for I am neither too high nor too low."” "It is not allowed (continues Miss Seward) to the Coup- let Rhyme to wind the Pause through Whole Passages, as Mr. Morfitt beautifully expresses it. Dryden did not attempt it. That Grace belongs to blank Verse, as he allows."”—-He allows!--As mmp allows?--Dryden?--Surely not.--Morfitt?-- No.--He allows no such Thing.--I must again refer to his admirable Letter. "To make the Sense invariably terminate with the Couplet, which is Pope‘s constant Manner, not only ”Weston apparently forgot that the opening paragraph of his quotation from Spence mentions "some Thoughts wove into this Translation. . .from Dryden." ”Letter 11, p. 94. ”Reported by the Scottish Ambassador Sir James Melville. See Mandell Creighton, Queen Elizabeth (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1920) 85. ”Letter 11, p. 94. 194 imposes unnecessary Fetters on Rhyme, but loses that bewitch- ing Undulation of Sound, which winds through the Pages of Milton, and is the same to the Ear as the 'magic Curve of Beauty to the Eye.‘ I allow blank Verse admits of it with greater Facility, and ip e greeier Extent than Rhyme: but I would not have the latter entirely discard a Grace, for the Absence of which no Regularity can atone."” Emei does Mr. Morfitt allow?--Why--that blank Verse admits of it with greater Facility, and to a greater Extent.--He does not contend for its total Exclusion from Rhyme:--but even advises the contrary.--Did not Dryden attempt it?--He certainly gig: and (what is more) he eucceeded--"It is not allowed to the Couplet Rhyme to wind the Pause through Whole Passages, ee Mr. Morfitt Beautifully expieeees ii."”--Mr. Morfitt talks of losing "that bewitching Undulation of Sound which winds through the Pages of Milton."”--The Resemblance between the two Paragraphs is not very striking! "It is not allowed!"--Why is it not allowed?--By Whom is it not allowed--Who will venture to say what ie--or what is mpi--to be allowed to the Couplet Rhyme?--"Neither (adds Miss Seward) does the Couplet Measure egmii great Variety in the Flow of the Numbers:"”--and so, because Pope's Verses exhibit no great Variety in the Flow of the Numbers, every succeeding Writer in the couplet Measure is condemned, like a Squirrel ”Letter 10, pp. 68-69. ”Letter 11, p. 94. ”Letter 10. p. 68. ”Letter 11. p. 95. 195 in a Cage, to jingle his ten Bells in the same everlasting Tune! "Mr. Morfitt calls Pope's Numbers 'Cuckoo-notes.'"”-- True.--He does so.--So does Welsted.”--So do I. (I am not ashamed of the Association)--And what then?--Miss Seward "is incapable of being cloyed with them.--Very likely.--She has an indisputable Right to dine entirely on Sweetmeats. if she pleases: but must they who deem Beef and Pudding comfortable Additions be stigmatized for Prejudice and Want of Taste? To conclude all which I think necessary to say in Vindi- cation of that Part of my Preface to the Woodmen of Arden which asserts the Superiority of Dryden's Versification over that of Pope and of the Moderns. Miss Seward seems to think that a Poet, like an Asiatic Monarch, should never descend from his Dignity:--never be visible, unless surrounded with the Paraphernalia of Royalty: while I--(so essentially different is our Taste!) have felt as much sincere Respect, as much loyal Affection, for our gracious Monarch, when I have seen him. in Boots and Leather Breeches, conversing with his Attendants, with that endearing Condescention. and fascinating Affability, so conspicuous in his Character, as ever I felt when I have beheld him, seated on his Throne, in all the Pageantry of State, and looking (as old Lear expresses it) "every Inch a King!"” ”Letter 10, p. 67. ”One Epistle ip Mr. pi Pope (1730) 20. ”Shakespeare, King Lear, IV.vi.107. :1 r ”'N "a“; n- 196 Miss Seward is therefore perfectly right, in withdrawing from a Contest, in which neither of us is likely to become a Convert to the other's Opinion. The Remainder of these Observations will be devoted to the Vindication of that Part of my Preface which respects Pope's Moral Character. I have already mentioned a Work, which, ii published, would leave his "Goodness of Heart"” no longer problem- atical:--I have explained that Work to be a Poem, with Notes and Illustrations:--I have stated the Motives which induced me to geley the Publication.--Those Motives exist no longer. My Fears are over.--The Poem, however, I shall still sup- press: but the Notes. Mr. Urban, are at your Service. By accepting of them, as an Acknowledgement of the respectful Attention which you have paid to my Communications, you will confer on me a Favour. An Apology for occupying a few Pages of your Miscellany, for some succeeding Months, would be such an Affectation of unseasonable Modesty as you would despise. Highly interest- ing, highly important as are many of the Subjects which fill your valuable Columns--a Subject more interesting, or more important, does not often occur than that which I am now preparing to illustrate. Here let me suggest one friendly Caution to such of your Correspondents as feel indignant on the Occasion. Be- fore they give further Vent to the Effusions of their Anger. ”Letter 9c, p. 58. 197 they would do well to consider in what Light their Abuse of me will appear, even to themselves, when I shall have ex- hibited mepy Proofs, in Addition to that which I have already exhibited, that the Object of their blind Adoration was an Hypocrite, a Liar, and a Slanderer! When it shall be dis- covered that, pretending to Humility, Openness, Benevolencey Morality, and Eieiy. he was, in Reality, erroganiy eitful, malignant, obscene, and prOphane: when, with no other Mater- ials than simple Facts and obvious Deductions, I shall have levelled with the Ground the seemingly-impregnable poetical Bastile, erected by that gloomy Despot--that Tormentor of Minds. and Murderer of Reputations: when they shall find that, by a mere Cross-examination of Pope's own Evidence, his Baseness shall be so completely established. that to talk hereafter of his Virtues would be as ridiculous as to assert the Justice of a Jefferies. or the Chastity of a Chartres”-- what Then will my precipitate Censurers feel?--Shame, if they be miee Men, for having indolently perused their Favourite's Works, without Attention and Reflection!--Remorse, if they be gppg Men, for having wantonly insulted a Person, of whose Character they are, probably, ignorant--and of whose Motives the aweful Ra (Inorwihf [Knower of Hearts] Himself alone can judge! Their indiscreet Zeal for the Sanctity of their Idol seems to hagve swallowed up every Confideration of general Justice. and universal Charity. ”Letter 27, p. 176n and Letter 19. p. 130n. 198 What?--Is it reasonable that a Man, blest with tran- scendent Talents, but cursed with a cankered Heart, should be suffered to condemn to perpetual Ridicule, or to perpetual Infamy, all who were so unfortunate as to become the Objects of his capricious Resentment?--Some who had offended him slightly, and some who had not offended him at all--many of whom he was envious, and many of whom he was jealous--every one who interfered with his Interest, and every one who stood in the Way of his Ambition? What strange Species of Humanity is this,--which can consent to sacrifice, without Examination, the fair Fame of Fifty individuals. out of a tender solicitude for the Reputa- tion of One? --Granting that One to have been, for more than Half A Century, unlawfully in Possession of public Esteem-- must he Therefore keep Possession To All Eternity,--to the Exclusion of those who have a legel Title to it?--If the World mee been so long deluded, must I permit that Delusion to continue with the Means of removing it in my Hands--lest I should happen to irritate the delicate Nerves of some who are marvelously loth to be convinced that they have been all their Lives in Error? If common Capacity, by Dint of patient Diligence, has discovered that which exalted Abilities, for Eemi of patient Diligence, has failed to discover, shall I be intimidated, by the petulant Reproaches of ill-informed Bigots, from publish- img the Result of my Enquiries. when the most salutary Ef- fects may follow the Publication? 199 Who can tell, Mr. Urban, how many Works of Taste and of Learning the Republick of Letters may have lost, in conse- quence of the detestable Dunciad?--I mean not those Works pply which meie produced, and are forgotten: but also those which migmi have been produced, had not this pestilential Blast blighted the Blossoms of Knowledge, and nipt the Flow— ers of Fancy in the Emg?--For who ppplg write, when certain that none would peep? Who can tell how many ingenious. how many worthy Men. whose daily Bread depended on the daily Exertions of their Pen, might be doomed, with their unoffending Wives, and innocent Offspring, to pine in hopeless Poverty, when their Employers were taught to believe them Fools or Knaves? To prevent, if possible, the Commission of similar Enor— mities, is the meritorious Object I have in View. If I succeed, Mankind may be more cautious of being duped by the Artifices of future literary Tyrants: and no Wit. nor combi- nation of Wits, under the specious Pretence of a Regard for the public Welfare, may have again the Power of securely libelling the Characters. destroying the Peace, shortening the Lives, and hurling into Oblivion the Productions of Men, whose Abilities, though, perhaps, not equal to theirs, may be far above those of the swinish Herd, who, instructed by their Example, trample on Pearls which they know not how to appre- ciate. And what shadowy Inconvenience can be trumped up, by Way of counterbalancing such substantial Advantages?--What De- scendants has this bad Man left, whose Sensibility may be 200 wounded by the Exposure of his Depravity?--None.--The Des- cendants of his Patrons, indeed, may possibly blush to think "their Fathers were his Friends:"” but ipem--what Pleasure will the Relations of those who fell Victims to his Villainy not feel, when they find the envious Cloud, which, for such a Length of Time, obscured the Fame of their respectable Ances- tors, gradually removing--and their Talents and their Integ- rity preaking out with renovated Splendour! The exquisite Gratification which arises from the last Reflection will enable me to look on illiberal Strictures of Initial Correspondents without a Moment's Pang:--Strictures-- which, sanctioned with no Name, shall be honoured with no Reply.--For think not, Mr. Urban, that, in the Prosecution of so great, so generous a Plan. I shall turn aside, to answer the frivolous Objections of Inanity, or condescend to notice the vulgar Sallies of Impertinence!--If a Blockhead choses to expose his Stupidity, by proving himself incapable of compre- hending the plainest Reasoning, what Emotion can I feel but Pity?--If a Coxcomb longs to betray his Vanity by prating im Eiimi, on a Subject of which he is totally ignorant, what Sentiment should I entertain but Contempt? Perfectly convinced myself. I trust that I shall ulti- mately convince Thousands of your Readers: if I should be disappointed in that Expectation. I shall wrap myself in the Consciousness of my benevolent Intentions: and, being no Cormorant of Praise, I shall think myself amply rewarded for ”Unidentified. 201 my Labour by the Approbation of the Candid and the Discern- ing: and, with Respect to the Rest. I shall only say, "Si Populus Vult decipi--Decipiatur*." Yours, &c. Joseph Weston. 34. Mr. Urban, Solihull, Jan. 3, 1791. Had my communication of Dec. 23. reached you early enough to be inserted Entirely my present Trouble had been spared.--A Passage (yet unprinted) toward the Conclusion, relative to Initial Correspondents, might, on its Appearance in your next Magazine, be supposed to allude to "a Writer" in your last, who signs himself T. S. [J. S.]” were you not to inform your Readers, that the Whole of my Letter was in your Possession a Week before pie was published. Delicacy compels me, most unwillingly, yei pmpe mpie to "notice an anonymous Correspondent:"” for I should blush to be suspected of Personal Reflections on a Writer whom I should disdain to answer. He--who, with such hostile Intentions, wastes nearly two Columns--only to prove, at last, my Charge against Pope Well- Founded: He--who so unceremoniously "Calls" upon me to an- swer another Man's Question (without being able to perceive *"If [Since] the World will--why--Let it be deceiv'd." Conscious Eovers.[Sir Richard Steele, III.434.] ”Letter 30, pp. 185-89. Weston's references are to that letter, except as noted. ”Letter 17, p. 118. 202 that I had already answered it): He--who has so slender an Acquaintance with the Subject on which he writes, as to be yet to learn that Ducket Did understand "pious Passion" to convey a scandalous Aspersion. and, by Threats of "Personal Chastisement," obliged Pope to substitute "cordial Friend- ship" in its Room, and to add a solemn Disavowal of his malignant Meaning: He--who, by terming a Remark--"an Ap- peal," changes Decency into Indelicacy, and Creates an Incon- sistency where he cannot Find one--may take my Word for it, that "he never shall force himself upon me for an Adver- sary."” J. W. 35. Mr. Urban, Oct. 27. [1790] I have been for some time sickened with the affected and verbose invectives against Pope of Mr. Weston, whose incorri- gible absurdity, and inveterate malignity against that great poet, are so conspicuous. as almost to justify the expres- sions I have made use of. Disquisitions of this kind are in their nature capable of mathematical demonstration: and as Mr. W's perversion of intellect seems to incapacitate him for conviction of any sort, but such as appeals to the senses, my indignation would have evaporated in silence. had he not in your last Magazine, ”Weston first uses the term "Adversary" for "M. F.". Letter 4, p. 25. This quotation seems to be an extension of his own. 203 p. 780,” advanced a position which may be refuted by chrono- logy‘””. and of the falsehood of which, therefore, even he must be convinced. Pope. says Mr. W, incited‘”” Swift to ridicule Dryden in "The Tale of a Tub,"””” and "Battle of the Books." One must be very little acquainted with Swift's character, to suppose ”1” Dr. Bentley (Dissert. on Phalaris. p. 122.[Richard Bentley, Dissertatione upon ime Epistles pi Phalaris. ed. Wilhelm Wagner (London, 1883) 121-22.)) justly considers the argument, drawn from discrepancy of time, to be the most conclusive which can be adduced on subjects of this nature: and in conformity hereunto Cicero says, "Non tu quidem tota re (I cannot say so much for Mr. Weston), sed guod maximum est, Temporibus errasti." Philipp. 2da. ["here you are mis- taken, not indeed in the facts as a whole, but--what is most important--in the dates," Philippics 2, p.87.) 7WL¢ [17.6 as Lil/£119] 00; I Ib./7‘7 va X owv Ava.“ ”f3” says Titian, ,[W’Jafct 0. [Tm] Toz: {1115; 72,: zaL’TJogzar J 6); 95./[w f.uv4042 ["With him 1(who is untrained in the ne t [skill of] time," says Titian. "with these it is impossible to arrive at the truth of medicine [the art of healing]." [I can find no record of a Greek writer named Titian. The name may be a misprint. The source remains unidentified.) Judicis officium est. ut res. ita Tempora rerum Quaerere. ["It is the duty of one who exercises judg- ment to inquire both into the facts and their chrono- logy." Unidentified.) ””” This is a rather stronger expression than that used by Mr. Weston. Edit. [Weston wrote, "To prove that Pope really gig suffer his Friends to depreciate the Person from whom he learned ell that ie valuable. . . Miss Seward cannot forget Swift," Letter 21. p. 147.) ””’ I have long had doubts of Swift's title to this work: and my suspicions are much confirmed by observing that Dr. Johnson (as Mr. Boswell, in his Journal, tells us.) entertained the same idea. [Johnson stated. "I doubt whether the "Tale of a Tub" be his [Swift's]: for he never owned it, and it is much above his usual manner." Boswell's Life pi Johnson, ed. G. B. Hill (Oxford: Clarendon, 1934). 1:452. Boswell recorded Johnson's repitition of this opinion at 2:318-319 and at greater length at 5:44.] This was, however, an esoterick doctrine of the Doctor: for, in his "Lives of the Poets," he does not hint at such a thing. [In the Life pi Swift, Johnson temporized judicially: ”That.Swift was its [Tale pi e lpp's] author, though it be universally believed. was never owned by himself. nor very well proved by any ”Letter 21. PP. 137-48. 204 for a moment that he would permit Pope to direct his pen upon any subject. One must be very ignorant not to know, that Swift's aversion to Dryden arose from a personal disgust”””: and that Pope. as Dr. Johnson himself relates, always vin- dicated Dryden from the censures of Addison, emg praised mim through pie whole life with unyeried liberality‘”’. But these observations are intended for readers of an- other turn of mind than Mr. W.: who may however, it is possi- ble, be ashamed‘”” when he reads that Swift was born in 1667, evidence: but no other claimant can be produced, and he did not deny it when Archbishop Sharpe and the Duchess of by shewing it to the Queen, debarred him from a bishoprick." Lives 3:10.) It is certain that Swift never owned the work: which, to those who consider how much Swift prized his repu- tation as a man of wit, and how little he regarded the opin- ion which the world entertained of his religious character, will appear pretty extraordinary: and I think there is more learning in this than Swift has displayed in any of his avowed publications. together with a very different strain of humour. I have been inclined to give the work to Mr. Anthony Henley (father of Lord Chancellor Northington): a man of wit and learning, as appears by the IXth and Xth letters of "Swift's Correspondence," [The Correspondence pi Jonathan Swift, EiD., ed. F. Elrington Ball (London: G. Bell and Sons, 1910) 1:112-15] and to whom Dr. Garth dedicated "the Dispensary." He was, however, the patron of Dennis, and assisted him in his plays. [Henley (d. 1711) was a wit and friend of Swift's. There is no evidence that he wrote Tale pi e Tub. His son Robert was Lord Chancellor to George III. who made him Earl of Northington in 1764.] ””” When Swift shewed to Dryden some specimens of his early poetry, which are, to be sure, very bad, "Cousin Swift," said Dryden, as he returned him his papers, "you will never make a poet." [footnote, check Ehrenpreis] Hence Swift's sarcasms. ””’ Lives, vol. IV. p 168. [Lives, 3:220.) ”””Crebillon, it is true, says, that some men are as incapable of being ashamed of thinking wrong. as they are incapable of thinking right. Agaremens de Coeur, par.2da. [Claude Prosper Jolyot de Crebillon, pee Egaiemens pp Coeur ei pp L'Esprit, trans. by Barbara Bray as lme Wayward Head emg Heart (London: Oxford UP, 1963) possibly p. 154. Because of the difference in translations, I have been unable to find "B. L. A.'s" exact words. 205 Pope not till 1688. Before 1688 Swift's chamberfellow is said to have seen a copy of "The Tale of a Tub" in his own handwritingI7’. Dr. Johnson thinks it was written between 1693 and 1697: and (not to trouble ourselves with considering when. or by whom, it was written), we all know that it was publiehed in 1704. The consequences in favour of Pope's innocence arising from this chronological deduction are ob- vious. Pope was born in the year when Swift's chum saw a copy of the work which Mr. W. supposes him to have dictated: he was from five to nine years of age when Dr. Johnson””’ thinks it was written: and when it was printed he was six- teen. At what period the acquaintance of these great men commenced, I have not learned: but it certainly was not till after this time. because Pope had not then published his Pastorals, with which his literary life commenced”9’: and we know that he was recommended to the notice of Swift by his growing celebrity only, which could not have been till some time after 1704. After this, I shall leave Pope's vindication from Mr. W's other equally unmerited charges to abler hands. ”7” Dean Swift. p. 21. [Irvin Ehrenpreis cites evidence that the Tale "was mainly composed about 1696." Swift: Ime Man, Eie Works, eme ipp Age (London: Methuen, 1967) 2:333. Ehrenpreis also mentions the belief of Swift's eighteenth- century biographer, John Lyon, that several people saw a draft of the Tale in Swift's handwriting while he was at Trinity College, Dublin (1682-1686) 1:186n.) ””’ Lives of the English Poets, vol. III. p. 388. [John- son places lme Tale pi e lpp's composition "in the four years that passed between his (Swift's) return [to Sir William Temple's employ) and Temple's death": i.e., 1696-99 not 1693- 97 as "B.L.A." says. Lives, 3:7 and note 5. Johnson gives its publication date as 1704 (3:10).) ”9’ Ib. vol. IV. p. 12. [Eives 3:94.] 206 Accipe ..... insinias [insidias], & crimine ab uno Disce omnes.” Yours. &c. B. L. A. 36. Mr. Urban. c. an. 10. [1791] [I have omitted first and final paragraphs of this letter because they are irrelevant to the controversy.) Surely, Mr. Urban, you may be allowed to end the contest between the Poet and Poetess by declaring the battle drawn. Your readers have borne it patiently a long time. Let it end with the last year: let the manes of Dryden and Pope rest in peace; and let the favourers of each enjoy, uncontroverted, those opinions respecting them and their works, which they would continue to entertain were the antagonists to go on disputing as many years as they have done months. It morti- fies me, Mr. Urban, that the lady and gentleman I allude to should misapply those talents, and mis-spend that time, in wrangling, which might be so well employed in adding value to your poetical department. I beseech you, Mr. Urban. to proclaim silence* on the subject of the merits of Dryden and Pope. Remigius. *We proclaim it to all but the principals, who have a right to be fully heard. Edit. ”Read "Accipe nunc Danaum." "Hear now the treachery of the Greeks and from one learn the wickedness of all," Virgil, Aeneid 2.65. 207 37. Mr. Urban, Flintehire, Eepi. 22. [1790) I have read with much attention, in your valuable Maga- zine. the controversy respecting the poetical merits of Pope and Dryden, begun by Miss Seward and Mr. Weston, and since carried on by several anonymous correspondents. In addition to the latter, I hope I shall not be deemed impertinent in risking my humble opinion upon the subject: which I will request the favour of you to insert whenever a proper oppor- tunity shall be found. The dispute has been conducted, on both sides, in a manner infinitely superior to any weak attempt of mine to throw new light upon it: but I could not resist the opportunity of publishing my sentiments respecting two Poets deservedly held very high in the estimation of their country. However loth I may be to differ from a lady of Miss Seward's acknowledged taste, and although I admire Pope very much, I must candidly confess that, upon the whole, I subscribe to Mr. Weston's opinion: and think Dryden most certainly merited a more exalted seat in the Temple of Fame than his rival. One of your correspondents has observed, that he could never read two hundred pegee of Pope without satiety.” For my part, two hundred limee at one time, however admirable in point of rhyme and cadence, are enough to dis- gust my ears with their unvaried melody and uniformity of construction: no flats, nor sharps: no happy mixture of discord: no spirit or fermentation of thought or numbers, ”Letter 10, p. 69. 208 produced by a due combination of sweets and acids: few Alex- andrines, or triplets (which I think very essential, at least in a poem of any length), to break the constant monotony of the cuckow--no, the blackbird-notes. so warmly vindicated by Miss Seward.” Dryden, on the other hand, it must be con- fessed, even by Mr. Weston. is frequently too careless, and very unequal in his versification: "Nil fuit unquam sic impar sibi."” But in regard to genius. originality, conception, strength, and sublimity, there surely can be no comparison! Pope, if I may be allowed the expression. may be said to offend by his perfection: Dryden, to please by his imperfec- iipp. I say nothing of Pope's moral character. because, in my opinion, imei has nothing to do with the subject in dis- pute: which I conceive at its commencement to have been, not which of the two was the better mep, but the better gpei. Besides, it is an invidious task: and I hasten with pleasure to congratulate your fair and amiable correspondent upon the very charming poem, p. 160.” her dazzling beauties* have avowedly produced from the pen of her antagonist: and I sincerely wish the contest may end here. unless Miss S. should find her Muse willing to dispute the laurel, and Ito answer Mr. W's Drypenic Imitation, by a poem in her favourite *"Vultus nimium lubricus aspici." [Horace, Qgee 1.19.8. "her face seductive to behold.”] ”Letter 11, p. 94. ”"Never was a creature so inconsistent," Horace, Satires I.iii.18. ”Letter 15, pp. 109-15. 209 Bard's best manner: "Envy must own her equal to the task."” After all that has been said upon the occasion, either by Mr. W. or his coadjutors, he seems to consider himself in the situation of Prior, when engaged in a similar dispute with a lady: Spare, gen'rous victor! spare the slave, Who did unequal war pursue: That more than triumph he may have. In being overcome by you.” I must however observe, that, whatever other motives he might have for retiring from the combat, Mr. W. seems to have yielded to the resistless power of her eyes,” more than to the weight of her arguments.--I now take my leave of both parties, with a consciousness of having delivered my free sentiments without prejudice, disguise, or partiality: and my utmost ambition is to be thought not altogether unworthy of the notice of the triumphant Seward, and the reluctantly- retreating Weston. . Yours, &c. R. W. Or, Bardus Ordovicensis. [Poet of North Wales)” ”Perhaps a partial quotation of "Envy must own I like among the Great," Pope mil 4:133.19. ”Matthew Prior, "To a Lady: She Refusing to Continue a Dispute with me, and Leaving Me in the Argument," 1-4. ”See Weston's poem 2p Miss Seward. p. 110, 11.18-29. ”From Ordovicee, the "name of an ancient British tribe in North Wales" (QEQ). i 210 38. Mr. Urban, E22- 27. [1790] Mr. Pope's character may safely be trusted in the hands of so able an advocate as Miss Seward: and her defence will be no difficult business, if what those who best knew him have affirmed, be true: "His meanest talent was his wit."” As to Welsted, his patience under an infamous calumny was wonderful in a man so irritable as he is represented, and so admirably qualified to revenge the affront. Full ten yerrs [years] slander'd. did he once reply? Three thousand suns went down on Welsted's lie. [EpArb 4:374-75.] Yours, &c. R. B. ”Jonathan Swift, "A Libel on the Reverend Dr. Delaney and His Excellency John Lord Carteret." The Complete Poems pi Johnathan Swift, ed. Pat Rogers (Harmondsworth, Eng.: Penguin, 1983) 80. 211 39. Nevhailes. near Mr. Urban, Edinburgh. iem.1. [1791) Had the controversy, as to Dryden and Pope, been carried on by inferior writers, the publick might have been enter- tained with it as long as the antagonists had any literary ammunition left of paper and ink. But it must give pain to considerate readers, when they see persons of genius bestow- ing ipei_ time in fruitless altercation, which they might employ more worthily, and more usefully. Will the combatants agree to an armistice for twelve months, on the principle of pii ppssidetis?” I dare say that, after the lapse of that term, neither party will be disposed to renew hostilities. The cause of Pope's censure is said to have originated from a pamphlet, entitled "Homerides."” I will not assert positively, but I think that the pamphlet was not aimed against Mr. Pope, or his translation of Homer, which, by the way, is no more to Homer, than I to Hercules. It is. if I mistake not, a catalogue of the last House of Commons in the reign of Queen Anne. composed in burlesque rhymes. As the author was a zealous Whig, it may well be supposed that he did not spare the Tory friends of Mr. Pope.” ”Read "Uti nunc possidetis," "Thus. as you now possess." Sextus Pompeius Festus, me Veiporum Significatu Quae Super- epnt Cum Paul Epitome, ed. Wallace M. Lindsay (Hildesheim, Ger.: Georg Olms, 1965) 260. ”See Letter 17. pp. 118-23. ”David Dalrymple is mistaken. The original title, Imp Hump Conference. clearly points to Pope. See Mack. Life 277. 212 [I have omitted the final paragraph of this letter because it is not relevant to the controversy.) Dav. Dalrymple. [Lord Hailes] 40. Mr. Urban, Solihull, Eep.22. [1791] I Mentioned, in your Supplement, my Intention of letting Inanity and Impertinence pass unnoticed: but Falsehood and Insolence demand a Reply: Truth and Civility geeerve one.--My Remarks on Pope's Treatment of Lady M. W. Montague must, therefore, with your Leave, be postponed till I have paid a Debt of Gratitude to your Correspondent B.L.A. whose Letter, Vol. LX. Page 1177,” exhibits such shining Specimens of Candour. Elegance and Learning, as cannot fail to impress the Reader with equal Admiration of the ingenious and amiable Author's Head and Heart. "I have been (says he) for some Time sickened with the affected and verbose Invectives against Pope of Mr. Weston, whose incorrigible Absurdity and inveterate malignity against that great Epei, are so conspicuous, 2: "Almost to jpeiiiy the Expressions I have made Use Suffer me, Mr. Urban, to contemplate. for a Moment. the uncommon Excellence of this interesting Exordium: every part of which may boast of peculiar and epprpprietive Beauty!--The first Line gently intimates the extreme Delicacy of the Author's critical Stomach: the second and third incontestibly ”Letter 35. Pp. 202-206. All quotations from "B.L.A." are from this letter. Weston has added the emphasis and capitals. 213 prove the Accuracy of his Discernment: the fourth and fifth strikingly exemplify the Politeness of his Manners: but how--How shall I do Justice to the Winding Up of this exqui- site Paragraph? An Orator, in the Heat of Declamation, may let fall an Expression, for which he may afterwards deem it necessary to apologize.--A Writer, too, in the Warmth of his Zeal for the Reputation of a favourite Character, may be betrayed into Language. which. on cooler Consideration, he may think proper to retract.--But--to make Use of Expressions, which the Au- thor, even in the Moment of Composition, is sensible cannot be Entirely justified--and to permit those Expressions to pass through the Press--for the sake. as it should seem, of publicly epknowledqinq their Unjustifiableness--appears to be such a Stretch of Modesty and Self-denial as I really believe is without a Parallel! "Disquisitions of this Kind (continues B.L.A.) are in their Nature capable of mathematical Demonstration; and as Mr. W's Perversion of Intellect seems to incapac- itate him for Conviction of any sort, but such as ap- peals to the Senses. my Indignation would have evapo- rated in Silence, had he not, in your last Magazine, p.780. advanced a Position which may be refuted by Chronology, and of the Falsehood of which, therefore, even He must be convinced." The Remarker's Love of Mercy, and Regard for Justice, are here displayed in the most vivid Colours!--My Verbosity. Affectation, and Incorrigible Absurdity, which his profound Penetration call him to discover. and which his inflexible Integrity compelled him to censure, are benevolently attri- buted to "Perversion of Intellect:"--and, being non compos mentis, I should have escaped, it seems, unchastized, had not 214 my “inveterate Malignity" against the great Poet prompted me to advance "a Position of the Falsehood of which even I must be convinced!" Considerate and tender-hearted B.L.A!--Rash and unfortu- nate J.W! But what Is this Position,--so demonstrative of my in- veterate Malignity? "Pope (says Mr. W.) Incited Swift to ridicule Dryden in 'The Tale of a Tub,’ and 'Battle of the Books.'" In Verity, Mr. Urban, if I Had advanced any such Posi- tion, I must have been--not only the maddest of all Madmen-- but, also, the most foolish of all Fools: for well do I remember that the express Purpose of the entire Page to which B.L.A. adverts was to vindicate myself from a similar Charge brought against me by Miss Seward--viz. that I had accused Pope of "having meanly Influenced his Friends to exalt his Compositions above their just Level, for the Purpose of lowering Dryden's and tearing the Laurels from his Brow."” Do me the Favour, Mr. Urban, to remark the pointed Manner in which I disclaimed the imputed Intention. *"I meant only to affirm. that Pope's Friends practiced insidious Arts, with a View to undermine the Reputation of the deceased Poet, and to asperse the Characters of his living Supporters: and that He suffered them so to do:--I did Not say instigated--I did Not say assisted: merely Suffered:--and I thought that I had expressed my Meaning so clearly as not to admit of Misconstruction: but I was mistaken." After so strenuously declaring that I never meant to *See Vol. LX. p. 780. [Letter 21, p. 146.] ”Letter 1a, p.1. 215 affirm that Pope Instigated--to have affirmed, in the same Eeg_, that he Incited any of his Friends to ridicule Dryden, would have been droll enough!--Language so yeiy explicit one would imagine left no Room for Misapprehension: but humanum eei errare--A Reference to the Paragraph (p.780.) which B.L.A. so candidly and so correctly quotes will prove that-- to whatever Quarter "Malignity" and "Falsehood" may be as- cribed--they cannot with any great Propriety be attributed to Me. "To prove that Pope really pie suffer his Friends to depreciate the Person from whom he learned ell that ie valuable in the Structure of his Verse were a very easy task indeed.--To mention only One (but that one an Host!).--Miss Seward cannot forget Swift--the Partner of Pope's Labours and the Friend of his Bosom:--nor can she forget his Comparison of Dyden's Virgil to a Mouse under a Canopy of State: no--nor his grave assertion in his Dedication of his Tale of a Tub to Prince Posterity: "[‘]I do affirm, upon the Word of a sincere Man, that there is now actually in Being a certain Poet. called John Dryden, whose Translation of Virgil was lately printed in large Folio, well-bound. and, if dili- gent Search were made, for aught I know, is yet to be seen.'"” Here, Mr. Urban. you find my Complaint against Pope to be--mpi that he incited--but--that he Suffered Swift to ridi- cule that Work which Pope himself pronounced to be "the most noble and spirited Translation he knew in any Language."” B.L.A. asserts (p. 1178) that I suppose Pope to have Dictated the Tale of a Tub: but so far was I from entertain- ing any such absurd Supposition that, in your Magazine for 5"” [‘NR ”Letter 21, pp? wttfi'ttfi. ”Pope, "Preface" to Homer's Iliad 5:22. 216 November (p.974.) I continued my Observations on Pope's Conduct, in the following Manner. "But how (Miss Seward may ask) can Pope be to blame?--Could He prevent Swift's Attack on Dryden any more than She could prevent mine on Pope?--Probably Not: but He might have acted on that Occasion as She has on one nearly similar--viz. have called his Friend to a public Account for his 'Prejudice' and 'Want of Taste.‘--My generous Assailant must surely allow that either she has done too much or he--too little!"” These Quotations, I fancy, will be more than sufficient to exculpate me from the Imputations of inveterate Malignity, and wilful Falsehood: and, if I Do feel Shame, on this Occa- sion (of which B.L.A. obligingly allows the Bare Possibili- ty), I certainly do not feel it on my Own Account! By the Way, Mr. Urban. might it not tend to prevent. or. at least, to shorten Disputes, if Critics, before they pre- sumed to write. would condescend to read? In the present Case, however, the Neglect of that Precaution has been even- tually fortunate for your Readers: for--had B.L.A. but Read-- he, probably, would not have Written: and then--what a delicious Olio of classical. critical. and chronological Knowledge would the Literary World have lost! Joseph Weston. 41. Mr. Urban, Yarmouth, meipm 5. [1791] Your Correspondent Mr. Weston. after he has been dis- armed, and thrown to earth, struggling in vain to wound the genius and character of the illustrious Pope, like Garrick's ”Letter_25, p. 163. 217 Richard” stabbing the air at the feet of Richmond. affords melancholy proof of the strength of Prejudice, debasing a mind which Imagination has adorned, and on which Benevolence is allowed to have often shed her kindest influence. Mr. W. is furiously angry at a letter in your last Supplement, which does most certainly ruin his cause by dis- arming the force of all the evidence which he can produce to destroy the general esteem in which the memory of that exqui- site Poet, that warm, Friend, that tender and pious Son, is deservedly held: notwithstanding his too keen irritability when the envious Troop threw their feeble darts against a shield of proof. B.L.A.'s letter is fatal to Mr. Weston, because whenever a person has given, or at least refuses to retract an accusa- tion, of which the accused is proved innocent, every previous and succeeding evidence from such an inveterate enemy, natur- ally and inevitably lose all force upon Minds of free and candid enquiry. Behold a passage from Mr. Weston's comment in your last Mag. upon B.L.A.‘s undoing Letter. "Here Mr. Urban you find my complaint against Pope to be, not that he Incited, but that he Suffered Swift to ridicule the Work, which Pope himself pronounced to be the most noble and spirited Translation that he knew in any language."” B.L.A.'s letter observes that Dr. Johnson avows his ”Shakespeare. Richard lll V.v. The fight occurs at the beginning of the scene. ”Letter 40, pp. 212-16. All quotations from Weston are from this letter. 218 belief that the Tale of a Tub, which contains that ridiculous spite of Swift's to the great Dryden. was written in an interval when Pope was between five and nine years old.” He proves that it was published when Pope was only sixteen--yet Mr. Weston takes no shame to himself for having imputed it as a proof of Pope's badness of heart that he did not influence Swift to suppress it--What!--Could a Child of nine years old, or a young Poet of sixteen, possess the power of influencing the proudest Man existing, concerning what he should, or should mpi write!!! The word Suffer. applied to Swift, not only respecting such a Child as Pope then was, but in reference to any Human Being, is even more ridiculous than Incite. An Infant might possibly tell Swift something which might incite him to anger. or might soften his resentment: but it is impossible to suppose a Man of his matchless pride, and obstinacy de- pendant upon the Sufferance of any man living respecting his Writings. Mr. Weston's logic that either Miss Seward had done too much in defending Pope against himself, or Pope too little in not defending Dryden against Swift is demonstrably fallacious from the evident difference of their respective situations. Swift was twenty-one years older than Pope--his reputation established--his wit awing the whole literary world--his moroseness and the proof his injustice to Dryden afforded of unsubsiding resentments: these considerations may be ”P. 203n. 219 supposed to have operated wisely upon Pope to let the malevolent and impotent sneer, from the pen of Swift, remain through life unnoticed: his pmp noble-minded praise suffi- ciently evincing how much he disdained the malice of his friend: expressions of contempt for Dryden equally virulent and equally powerless, may be found in Lord Shaftesbury's Characteristicks”--not merely against particular passages and whole bombast plays, which lie open to the censure of ell just Taste, but against the Author as a man of genius, and against the whole of his compositions where good and bad, sublime and fustian, are so strangely mingled: and where the excellencies are so mpple, as to atone for all the defects, prodigious as they are. I apprehend Miss S. had no such reason to be silent upon attacks more virulent on Pope, from the Pen of a Man she ie; spected. but not feared. Perhaps Mr. Weston was not mpi senior as to age: she probably did not believe him such an unforgiving Despot. as Pope knew Swift to be. Mr. W. threw down the gauntlet against the genius and worth of a writer she adored. That she took it up does not convict herself of presumption, or Pope of baseness, because me suffered Swift's to lie unnoticed on the ground, being in so very different line of connexion with the Offender. Mr. Weston's advice to B.L.A. to peep before he writes must put every body in mind of a very vulgar proverb about a Pot and Kettle. If Mr. W. had read before he wrote, he had ”Anthony Ashley Cooper. Earl of Shaftesbury. Characteristics pi Men, Manners, Opinions, Times, ed. John M. Robertson (NY: Hobbs-Merrill) 2:328-29.333. 220 not thus exposed himself by vilifying Pope at nine years old for Suffering Swift to write that ridiculous sarcasm or at sixteen for Suffering him to print it. B.L.A.'s letter is accurate in point of information: it makes no display of classical knowledge: it does not contain one word of criticism: but it speaks with the most convinc- ing good sense concerning the inference inevitable alike upon that accusation against Pope, whether the word incited or suffered be applied: and this from the plain chronological facts it states. Mr. Weston, in sneer. calls that letter "an olio of classical, critical, and chronological knowledge," as if it had made false pretences to all three. To the two first it makes mp pretences: and there must be proof that it quotes ielee geiee before his satire can affect the last: your Readers must have remarked how fortunately for the fame of the accused and for the defensive arguments, Mr. Weston's indiscreet violence lays him open, on every hand, to the contempt of the Severe, and the pity of the Candid. Truth and Justice, calmly secure in their own native strength, never lose their dignity in vehement invective. Some of your Correspondents seem as deficient in memory. as Mr. W. in chronological knowledge, when they wish to see the controversy ended between Miss S. and Mr. W. the former having declared. in your Mag. for June last,” her resolve to drop it. Satisfied with having demonstrated that Dryden often ”Letter 18, p. 129. 221 wrote wretchedly, and that Pope was clear of every cause of suspicion that he wished to lessen the fame of his admired Predecessor, nothing her Antagonist has eimpe said upon the subject, was likely to induce her to alter her resolution. The poison. like Swift's exercised upon Dryden, carries its own Antidote. Mr. Weston may spare his comments upon Pope's abuse of Lady M. W. Montague.” Its coarseness and personality were unjustifiable, be the provocation what it might. Eyeiy body allows it:” and all Mr. W. can say upon imei subject is but like writing to prove the darkness of a moonless Midnight: but Midnight has its Morning: and Pope had recompensing virtues, chasing and brightening the gloom of that error. Yours, &c. Norfolciensis. [John Aikin?) 42. Mr. Urban. meipm 16. [1791] Not for the sake of the mighty peep,” but in compassion to the humble living readers of your valuable Repository, have pity on the manes of Dryden and Pope. Mr. Weston may ”"From furious Sappho scarce a milder Fate,/P--x'd by her Love, or libell'd by her Hate." Sappho is Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Eirst Satire pi_ime Second Book pi Horace. Imitated 4:83-84. ”See William Ayre, Memoir pi ime Life emg Wriiings pi Alexander Pope, Esg. (London, 1745). Discussing Pope‘s imitation of First Satyr pi Horace, Ayre wrote that it was said to be aimed at a "Lady of Quality," (Lady Mary Wortley Montagu). but he does not cite the lines because they are "too harsh" (2:197). spe 9:11.776. 222 spare his temper, and his labours: Pope will be read long after he will be forgotten.--He says triumphantly. Miss Seward may dine upon sweets, but he likes substantial food. I should be glad to ask his cook, whether he orders her to make the sauce pee, that the dinner may be completely gppe?-- The controversy may be very grateful to the disputants, but it is very tiresome to many of your readers. Yours, &c. D. R. 43. Mr. Urban, Solihull, Apiil_15. [1791] The Cause which flies for Aid to Artifice and Misrepre- sentation can be in no very flourishing Condition.--Of the one I have already convicted your Correspondent B.L.A. (p.139):” and I shall presently convict his Vindicator Nor- folciensis of an Artifice even more reprehensible than direct Misrepresentation: because--to present lipim to the Eye, and to convey it Qppoeite to the Understanding--is the more dangerous, in Proportion as it is the less liable to Detec- tion. Suffer me, Sir, just to hint the relative Situation of my Adversaries and myself.--I stand forth, the undisguised Champion of an unpopular Cause: the bold Accuser of the Object of general Esteem and Admiration for half a Century.-- The doughty Defenders of this popular Character B.L.A. and ”Letter 40. PP. 212-16. 223 Norfolciensis. Wear A Mask!--An Inference will of Course, be drawn, not much in their Favour.--But indeed they who attempt to Deceive the Publick have no great Inducement to show their Faces!--A slight Retrospect will suffice for my complete Justification: and I shall then leave imem to console each other as they may. Miss Seward. mistaking the Meaning of a Passage in my Preface to the Woodmen of Arden, publicly accused me of asserting that Pope "meanly Influenced his Friends to exalt his compositions above their just Level, for the Purpose of lowering Dryden's, and tearing the Laurels from his Brow."” --To this inconsiderate and unjust Accusation your Readers will find an explicit, full, and decisive Answer Vol. LX p. 780: where it appears that the Expression I had used was mpi "influenced," but "suffered."” B.L.A. overlooking my posi- tive Denial and indeed entire Refutation of the Charge, re- urged the Accusation--only substituting "incited” for "in- fluenced:"” and, with a Degree of confidence to which every one is not equal, pretended to prove my Guilt from the very Page which evinced my Innocence. Somewhat surprized, but Not "furiously angry,"” I contented myself with reiterating my Denial, and with making the necessary References: bestowing only a passing Smile on the "Chronological Deduction"” by which it was attempted to be supported: Which--had it been ”Letter 1a, p. 1. ”Letter 21, p. 146. ”Letter 35, p. 203. ”Letter 41, p. 217. ”Letter 35, p. 205. 224 even as Clear and Consistent as it is Confused and Contradic- tory--would still have been "nil ad Dionysium:"” as. in Reality, I Never Brought the Accusation which it effects to Refute. However, since an Advocate for B.L.A. starts up, (by whom the twice-exploded Charge is brought forward for the third Time.) and. in Language the most peremptory and exult- ing, asserts that I have been "disarmed, and thrown to Earth"--that "my Cause is ruined"-- and that "the Force of all the Evidence which I can produce is disarmed" by this "fatal" and "undoing" Letter. I will. before I conclude, appropriate a few Lines to the Purpose of proving that this boasted "Statement of Chronological Facts,"” "strong Lance" of Argument is nothing better than a "Pigmy's Straw."” But, as the Old Ground was perceived to be no longer tenable, and the fictitioue Phrases "influenced" and "in- cited" were obliged to be abandoned, it was determined that an Experiment should be tried with the peel Word "suffered:" to find whether imei could not be meee to answer the Design better.--And eppm an Experiment Was tried as never yet has been. and probably never mill be, exceeded in the Annals of Controversy! You may believe me, Mr. Urban, when I assure you that I feel no common Degree of Pain, while compelled to swell my ”Nothing to Dionysius. Unidentified. ”Letter 41. p. 220. read "the plain chronological facts it states." ”Not direct quotations, but probably Weston's phrases based on "Norfolciencis's" jousting metaphor. 225 Letter to a tedious Length by Quotations: but Necessity mmei plead my Excuse. In my Answer to B.L.A's Charge (p.140)” are the follow- ing Passages: "Here. Mr. Urban, you find my Complaint against Pope to be--mpi that he Incited--but--that he Suffered Swift to ridicule that Work which Pope himself pro- nounced to be [']the most noble and spirited Translation he knew in any Language.['] "B.L.A. asserts (p.1178) that I suppose Pope to have Dictated the Tale of a Tub: but so far was I from entertaining any such absurd Supposition that. in your Magazine for November (p.974) I continued my Observa- tions on Pope's conduct. in the following Manner: "[']But how (Miss Seward may ask) can Pope to be to blame?--Could He prevent Swift's Attack on Dryden any more than She could prevent mine on Pope?--Probably Not: but He might have acted on that Occasion as She has on one nearly similar-- viz. have called his Friend to a public Account for his 'Prejudice' and 'Want of Taste.'--My generous Assailant must surely allow that either she has done too much or he--ipp little![']" In the iiiei of these Paragraphs, you perceive. Sir. that I complain of Pope for Suffering Swift to ridicule Dryden's Virgil: and. in the leei, that I explain my full Meaning, and guard against Misconstruction, by allowing the geesibility--nay the Probability-- of his being unable to Prevent Swift's Attack: and by pointing out the Manner in which, in my Opinion. he ought to have Resented the Affront offered to his great Master. But to guard against Misconstruction is not to guard against Misrepresentation.--lmei every one knows to be impos- sible.--The Advocate for B.L.A. has quoted the first Para- graph, which speaks in general Terms of "suffering," but has ”Letter 40, pp. 215-16. 226 omitted the explanatory Clause; Designedly omitted: for it could not possibly escape this amiable Advocate's Attention-- as the latter Part of the very Paragraph which contains it is replied to. at considerable Length (p.225).1 But, indeed, had my fair, open, unequivocal Acknowledg- ment that Pope was probably Not able to prevent his Friend's Insult to Dryden been quoted elep--with what Shadow of Decen- cy could the following taunting Observations have been intro- duced in the Letter from--Yarmouth? *"B.L.A's. Letter observes that Dr. Johnson avows his Belief that the Tale of a Tub, which contains that ridiculous Spite of Swift's to the great Dryden, was written in an Interval when Pope was between five and nine years old. He proves that it was published when Pope was only sixteen--yet, Mr. Weston takes mp Shame ip himself for having imputed it as a Proof of Pope's Badness of Heart, that he did not Influence Swift to suppress ii--What!--Could a Child of nine Years old, or a young Poet of sixteen, possess the Power of Influenc- ing the proudest Man existing. concerning what he should, or should mpi Write!!' "The Word Suffer. applied to Swift, not only re- specting such a Child as Pope then was, but in Reference to any Human Being, is even more ridiculous than Incite. An Infant might poseibly tell Swift something which might incite him to Anger, or might soften his Resent- ment: but it is impossible to suppose a Man of his matchless Pride and Obstinacy, dependant upon the Suf- ferance of any Man living respecting his Writings." + "Mr. Weston's Advice to B.L.A. to read before_he writes must put every body in Mind of a very vulgar Proverb about a Pot and Kettle. If Mr. W. had read before he wrote, he had not thus exposed himself py vilifying Pope ei nine Years QAQ,£2£ Suffering Swift ip Write that ridiculous Sarcasm, pi ei sixteen ipi Suffer- ing mim ip Print ii." *P. 224. [Letter 41. pp. 217-18. Weston adds the empha- sis in this and the following quotation.) + P. 225. [Letter 41, p. 219.) ”Letter 41, p. 219. 227 To what "very vulgar Proverb" this well-bred Vindicator alludes, I, who am not much in the Habit of conversing with the Vulgar, shall not take the Trouble of enquiring: but where, Mr. Urban, Where have I "imputed it as a Proof of Pope's Badness of Heart that he did not Influence Swift to Suppress" the Tale of a Tub? Where have I "vilified Pope at nine Years old for suffering Swift to Write that ridiculous Sarcasm, or at sixteen for suffering him to Print it?" However rash, however impudent it might have been for "the young Poet of sixteen" to have entered his public Pro- test against the Abuse of his immortal Master, I must contin- ue to think that his neglecting to pay that Tribute of Jus- tice and of Gratitude, when, by the Establishment of his pmp Reputation, he was placed eppye the Dread of Swift's Resent- ment, if it was a Proof of his Wisdom, was also a Proof of his Meanness. Such. Sir, are the Expedients to which the Supporters of Pope's mouldering Reputation are driven--to prop a Little Longer the tottering Fabrick! But some may wonder why B.L.A. and his zealous Assistant should take such giegraceful Pains to convict me of bringing a Charge against their Favourite. which I never brought--of trival Importance compared with that which I actually did bring, and which neither of them have made the slightest Attempt to disprove!--A Motive is suggested, p.224:” ”Letter 41. p. 217. 228 "B.L.A's. Letter is fatal to Mr. Weston, Because whenever a Person has given, or at least refuses to retract an Accusation. of which the Accused is proved innocent, eyeiy Previous and Succeeding Evidence from such an inverterate Enemy, naturally and inevitably lpee All Force upon Minds of free and candid Enquiry." So, if the Crime of refusing to retract One unjust Accusation could have been iimeg upon me, by epy Means, eyeiy Previous. eyeiy_Succeeding Evidence, respecting pimei Accusa- tions--however reasonable, however incontestable--was to stand for Nothing! Most idle and delusory Expectation! "Most lame and impotent Conclusion!"” Had I treated Pope as his Avengers have treated Me, I readily grant that I could not have hoped for much future Confidence in my Word: but. as the Evidence which I have brought against him was his Own and of Course fixed and permanent, (for Scripta Manent) I do not see how my Want of Veracity (had it been proved) could have affected my Argu- ment.--Some Danger might. indeed, have been apprehended from the Probability of False Quotation: but the insulted Public, justly alarmed. would have regarded my Extracts with as wary an Eye, as they will, henceforth, any Quotations which B.L.A. or Norfolciensis may be pleased to make! But the grand Object of my artful opponents is Procras- tination.--Procrastination is a sure Card.--I have given a List of Charges which I have promised to substantiate: they feel most keenly, by what I have done, what I can do: and they have Nothing left for it, but to weary me out, or to ”Shakespeare, Othello II.1.161. 229 make your Readers sick of the very Names of Pope and Dry- den.--As long as you, Sir, will admit their unmannered and unfounded Animadversions, they will not fail to ply you with them.--You insert:--I answer:--I confute.--What then?--Shame cannot reach whom Enquiry cannot.--The Signature, perhaps, is changed, and the Charge repeated--I again answer:--I again confute.--What follows?--Perserverance may possibly gain Something: certainly can lose Nothing: and the Charge rears yet again its Hydra-head. Meanwhile the Trial of Pope is suspended: my Chain of Evidence is broken: my Train of Reasoning interrupted. Then comes in some petty Auxiliary, with his palty Jest, and his pert exclamation--that "the Controversy is become Tiresome!"” --Throwing, eystematipelly. perpetual Rubs in my Way, my generous Adversaries affect to wonder at the Slowness of my Progress! But, if this wretched Trifling with the Patience of the Public answers Their End, it does mpi answer Mine--I am not ambitious of the Title of a "literary Gladiator:"” and. though, in an open field and in open Day, I should not hesi- tate to meet Any One--with whom it would not be mean or infamous to contend--on the Subject of Pope's moral Charac- ter, yet I have no Kind of Inclination to return every cow- ardly Shot that may be aimed at me from behind Hedges or Walls: nor, though I still deem myself Bound to prosecute To ”Letter 42. p. 222. ”Again. probably Weston's phrase using "Norfolciensis's" metaphor. 230 Conviction the Libeller "who scattered his Ink without Fear or Decency,"” will I Longer suffer the impertinent Cross examination of those whose matchless Effrontery appears to be their Only Qualification for the Task they assume: nor longer permit my Cause to be injured, by the pitiful Machinations of Anonymous Foes! With your Leave, therefore, Mr. Urban, my Letter rela- tive to Pope and Lady Mary shall be yet once more postponed; and that Letter. next Month, shall close the Business--For The Present:--resume it I Shall: but in a Way more likely to forward my upright Design.” After I have, (Without Interruption.) in a Pamphlet” of which I shall think it my Duty to apprize your Readers, fully stated Pope's Evidence Against Himself, (and to eieie will be to convict.) the whole hostile Phalanx may discharge their hoarded Shafts--and welcome”! --My Point will have been established--my Cause--gained:--and the Cavils and the Clamours of a Myriad of ignorant, stupid. or malicious Critics will avail no more than Pebbles hurled against the Monument! But forget--I have not yet gpiie settled Accounts with them.-—Commend me, therefore, to the Candour which softens *Till Mr Weston's promised pamphlet shall be before the publick, we think it fair to decline inserting any thing further on the subject, except the Letter of Mr. W. which is to appear in our next. Edit. ”Unidentified. - ”Weston wrote no further letters to the pp. ”Weston did not publish this pamphlet. 1.7 231 Pope's Villainy with respect to Lady Wortley into an "Error:" and which affirms that he had recompensing Virtues which chased and brightened the Gloom of that Error!"--Suppose Pope (for a Moment) to be prosecuted for the Slander: and suppose an Advocate to be pleading for a Remieeion of Punishment, in some such Language as the following: "I will not trouble the counsel for the prosecution to call any Witnesses: but frankly confess that my client‘s conduct is not to be justified.--I hope, never- theless, the Court will reflect that, though he me too keenly "irritable," he is an "exquisite poet;" and that poets are proverbially so: and, when it is considered that he is, likewise, a "warm Friend"--and a "tender and pious son," I flatter myself that these "recompensing virtues" will be allowed amply to atone for the "error" which he has "committed." Might not the advocate for the Lady reply thus? "I applaud the Prudence of my learned brother, in desiring to stop the production of that evidence which must demonstrate what he mentions by the gentle appella- tion of "error" to be a Crime of enormous magnitude!-- But I cannot suppose that the circumstances produced with a view to extenuate this crime will have any great weight with the Court.--From the Defendant's poetical merit the scandal of which we complain obtains a more extensive circulation, and makes a more durable impres- sion: and, though ardent friendship and filial piety certainly Be virtues. I see not the propriety of styling them, im this case, recompensing ones: since they, in no way. tend to Repair the damage sustained by my right honourable, and most amiable Client's Reputation." To examine yet further your Yarmouth Correspondent's Remarks. "B.L.A's letter is accurate in point of information."”-- ”Letter 41. pp. 216-21. The following references are to that letter unless otherwise noted. 232 Of this Accuracy my letter p.139” pointed out ppe shining instance, and I shall presently produce another.--It makes no display of classical knowledge: it does not contain one word of ["]criticism:“ --consult "Johnson's Dictionary" (if neces sary) for the meaning of the words classical and critical,” then consult the text and notes of B.L.A's Epistle !--"But it speaks with the most convincing good-sense concerning the inference inevitably alike upon that accusation against Pope, whether the word incited or suffered be applied: and this from the plain chronological facts it states."--To the "con- vincing good sense" I have already replied: and to the "plain chronological facts" I am gpimg to reply:--but first for a little more of quotation. ["]Mr. Weston. in sneer, calls that letter ‘an Olio of cleesical, critical and chronlogicel knowledge,‘ as if it had made false pretences to all three. To the two first it makes _p pretences: (Again!) and there must be proof that it quotes ielee geiee before his satire can affect the last:"--In- deed?--May not, then, a "Chronological Deduction,"--even supposing it does mpi "quote false dates." become ridiculous, from the pomposity of its introduction, and the grossness of its misapplication. ”Letter 40, pp. 212-16. Weston chastised B. L. A. for misreading his letter (21) in which he explained that he had not said Pope incited or instigated his friends to undermine Dryden's reputation, but merely "suffered" them to do so. ”Johnson defined classical as "relating to antique authors: relating to literature." He defined critical as "exact: nicely judicious: accurate: diligent." 233 However, if proofs of "false dates" Must be produced, they Shall. *"But these observations are intended for readers of another turn of mind than Mr. W. who may However, it is Possible. be ashamed when he reads that Swift was born in 1667, Pope Not Till 1688. Before 1688 Swift's Chamber-fellow is said to have seen a copy of "The Tale of a Tub" in his own hand-writing. Dr. Johnson thinks it was written between 1693 and 1697: and (not to trouble ourselves with considering when, or by whom, it was written), we all know that it was published in 1704. The consequences in favour of Pope's innocence arising from this Chronological Deduction are obvious. Pope was born In the year when Swift's Chum saw a copy of the work, which Mr. W. supposes him to have dictated: he was from five to nine years of age when Dr. Johnson thinks it was written: and when it was printed he was sixteen.” This "undoing" piece of chronology--so "ruinous" to my cause--so "fatal" to my fame--is certainly (to use the words of one of the characters in Foote's Bankrupt) "finely con- fused" but surely mpi "very alarming!"” --At the Commence- ment, we are informed that Pope was not born Till 1688: and that Swift's Chamber-fellow is eeig to have seen a copy of "The Tale of a Tub," in his pmp hand-writing, Before 1688. At the Conclusion. we learn, with astonishment, that Pope was born In the year when Swift's Chum saw the copy--consequently that he mee born Before 1688.--Reconcile these passages who Can!--Well.--We will not stickle for a year or two.--Swift's Chum saw the copy, if not Before. at least In 1688: and Dr. Johnson thinks it was written between 1693 and l697.--Here we learn, with still greater astonishment, that, if the Doctor *Vol. LX. p. 1178. [Letter 35. pp. 202-06. Most of the emphasis is Weston's.) ”Samuel Foote (London, 1776) III.ii.1l9-20, p. 69. The speaker is Margin. 234 be right, Swift's Chamber- fellow saw the Copy--eeveral yeeie Before It Was Written!--To crown the whole of this incompre- hensible statement, we are told, in a note, (p. 1177)” that B.L.A. has long had doubts of Swift's Title to this work-- that his suspicions are much confirmed by observing that Dr. Johnson (according to Mr. Boswell) entertained the same idea--and that B.L.A. is inclined to give the work to Mr. Anthony Henley! Thus, Mr. Urban. we are presented--firstly, with a Re- port--but the Lord knows from what authority: secondly, with a Surmise the authority of Dr. Johnson,--and, thirdly, with a Suspicion the authority of B.L.A!--and, by the united force of the report--surmise--and suspicion--I am laid. it seems. sprawling on the earth!--Now let us examine the component parts of the complicated machine by which this utter "ruin" has been accomplished. From the Report it appears probable that Swift wrote the Tale of a Tub Prior to the year 1688: form the surmise it appears probable that it was not written till some years Afterwards: and from the Suspicion it appears probable that Swift Never Wrote It At All. I know of nothing to set in absolute competiton with this glorious climax of absurdity!--King Phyz's droll divi- sion in the Rehearsal approaches near it. ”Letter 35. p. 203n. 235 "The question is--did they hear us whisper?--Which I divide Thus:--into When they heard us whisper?--What they heard us whisper?--end Whether They Heard Us Whis- per Or No."” Joseph Weston. ”George Villiers. Duke of Buckingham, II.iv.8-9. 15-16. Weston conflates two speeches by the Gentleman-Usher. Appendix A By neo-classical point of view, I mean the attitude, prevalent during the first half of the eighteenth century. that the classics of Greece and Rome were the standards of literary excellence. Neo-classical poets expected their audiences to be familiar enough with the classics to respond to their imitations of classical genres and recognize their allusions to the great classical authors such as Homer, Virgil, Horace, and Ovid. They concentrated on man in his relationship to society rather than as an isolated individual, and they viewed poetry as a public utterance and social force that operated within a long tradition of such poetry and should be judged accordingly. Because they believed that the most important aspect of human nature itself was its uniformity, not its uniqueness, neo-classical poets emphasized those qualities that all men share. Poetry expressed and appealed to this general human nature and should both delight and instruct. It was an art both useful and beautiful, one which required long study and practice. Achieving excellence in it, as in human life itself, required control, discipline and balance. In the hands of many a would-be poet, this led to a concern for correctness above all, and produced a herd of poetasters who could versify endlessly. For this description of neoclassicism, I am indebted to Albert C. Baugh. ed., A Literary History pi England (NY: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1948), Bk. 3, parts 1 and 2: and M. H. Abrams, A Glossary pi Literary Terms, 3rd ed. (NY: Holt, 1971). 236 Appendix B 1. Regarding Anna Seward's three lists of poets, I assume that Milton. Dryden, Pope. Prior, Gay, Swift, Addison. Congreve, Steele, Gray. Thomson, Cowper, Goldsmith, Johnson, Sheridan. Walpole. Crabbe. Garrick. Burns, and Chatterton need no further identification. Of the remainder, all but four can be found in the ppm. and most can also be found in the EQEEE. Those names with asterisks can be found only in the pup. For the four names not found in either source. I have supplied dates and brief identifications. Eiiei pie_: Thomas Otway, Abraham Cowley. Edmund Waller, Sir William Davenant. Samuel Butler, John Denham, Nathaniel Lee, Wentworth Dillon (Earl of Roscommon). Second Lie_: Edward Young, Thomas Tickell, Nicholas Rowe, Thomas Parnell, Dr. John Arbuthnot, either Ambrose Philips or John Philips (M----s assumes it is not Ambrose because .he reproves Miss Seward for omitting "A. Philips” from her list (Letter 5, p.29I), Isaac Watts, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. IBIIQ. Lie_: William Hayley, William Mason. William Collins, Mark Akenside, Joseph Warton and Thomas Warton the younger, Robert Jephson, James Beattie. Charles Churchill, William Shenstone, John Langhorne, Sir William Jones, Henry James Pye, David Mallet, Richard Owen Cambridge, Bishop Robert Lowth or Louth. John Sargent (not Sarjent), died in 1831. (pp 1831. ii:285 amd Eipgi,niemi 1812. 3:43) He wrote Ime Mine. a dramatic poem, which William Hayley commented on 237 238 in his memoiie as rivalling Milton's Qp_pe. Anna Seward mentions Sargent's other two poems, both odes, in her Leiieie 2:259. Thomas Whalley, Thomas James Mathias. Edward Jerning- ham, William Whitehead, Charles James Fox”, Robert Lloyd”, Samuel Wesley the younger, John Dyer, John Hoole. Rev. Samuel Hoole (c. 1758-1839), John Hoole's brother, published a vol- ume of poems which included lpe Cprate (1788), a volume of Sermons (1790), and Anecgotes (1804) of his brother John. He also translated The Selected Woiks pi Al ven Eeepwenpoek, pontaining mis Microspopical Eiecoveriee (1798). Isaac Haw- kins Browne, William Somervile (or Somerville), probably minor playwright John Home rather than Scottish judge and scholar Henry Home (Lord Kames), William Crowe, George Steevens (not Stevens), Arthur Murphy. De la Crusca (or Della Crusca) is the pseudonym of Robert Merry, who adopted it from the famous Florentine Academy. Richard Cumberland, Bertie Greathead*, Theophilus Swift*, either Edward Barry” or George Barry”, George Butt.* Peter Pindar was the pseudonym of John Wolcot. John Cunningham and Thomas Mounsey Cunning- ham”, Anna Barbauld, Hannah More, Anna Williams. Hester Thrale Piozzi, Elizabeth Carter, Hannah Cowley. Charlotte (not Catherine) Smith, Henry Francis Cary.” Thomas Lister (1772-1828) lived in Lichfield and. along with Cary. contri- buted poetry to the pm. At the time of this controversy, Lister and Cary were schoolboy proteges of Anna Seward. John Newton. Mrs. Ann Yearsley, and William Reid”. 239 2. George Lyttelton. Christopher Anstey. William Julius Mickle, and Joseph Jekyll are listed in the pup and all but Jekyll are listed in the NCBELa 3. Richard Duke, George Stepney, Thomas Yalden. and John Pomfret are listed in the ENB and NCBEL. 4. Miss Seward puts Akenside, Collins, Thomson, Mallet, Shenstone, and Somervile on her third list of poets in the period succeeding Pope's. She defends this division in her Letter 8. pp. 41-43. She adds George Lyttleton to the third list in her Letter 1b, p. 7. She mentions Allan Ramsay in her third list when she says Burns is his successor. She mentions Philips in her third list, but ”M----s" assumes she means John Philips. She makes no mention of James Hammond, Leonard Welsted, Richard Glover, William Broome, John Pom- fret, neither Jabez Hughes nor John Hughes. Sir Samuel Garth, George Villiers (Duke of Buckingham). nor John Dennis. They are all listed in the DEE and the EQEEE. BIBLIOGRAPHY References given in the textual introduction (cxxix-cxxxii) are not repeated in the Bibliography. An asterisk indicates that work is quoted by one of the controversialists. Abrams, M. H. The miiroi end ihe hemp. NY: Oxford UP. 1953. ---. A lessary pi Eiieiaiy lemme. NY: Holt, 1971. Addison, Joseph. Imp Woike pi gosepm Aggie_p. ed. Richard Hurd. London. 1854. Addleshaw, S. ”The Swan of Lichfield: Anna Seward and Her Circle." Ihe ghuipm Qpeiieply geyiem 247 (April-June, 1937): 1-34. Alison. Archibald. Eeseys pp £h2.fls£2££ end Eiimpiplee pi laste. ed. 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