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DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE 5/08 K./Prolecc&Pres/CIRC/DaleDue.Indd NEURAL MECHANISMS OF FEMALE ZEBRA FINCH MATE CHOICE: THE ROLE OF THE AUDITORY PERCEPTION SITES, THE SOCIAL BEHAVIOR NETWORK, AND THE REWARD SYSTEM By Lace Ann Svec A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Neuroscience Program 2009 ABSTRACT NEURAL MECHANISMS OF FEMALE ZEBRA F INCH MATE CHOICE: THE ROLE OF THE AUDITORY PERCEPTION SITES, THE SOCIAL BEHAVIOR NETWORK, AND THE REWARD SYSTEM By Lace Ann Svec Female zebra finches are highly social. Males will court females with song, and females utilize this song stimuli to make mate choice decisions. After this decision has been made, the male and female will form a strong pair bond. The unique behaviors and characteristics associated with zebra finch affiliation and reproduction have provided an excellent opportunity to examine the intricate and complex interactions among social behavior, neural systems, and hormones. In the experiments conducted for this dissertation, I investigated the presentation and regulation of two aspects of social behaviors: song preferences and pair bonding in the female zebra finch. I used two methods to examine the neural responses of females to these two types of social stimuli: immediate early gene analysis and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for dopamine neurochemistry. Additionally, I examined the effects of estrogen treatment on song responses. Females showed preferences for high quality tutored song over untutored song, regardlessofestrogen treatment. Expressionof the immediateearly gene, ZENK was decreased in response to estrogen treatment in the ventromedial hypothalamus. Additionally, a greater induction of ZENK following exposure to tutored versus untutored song and silence was observed in the auditory perception sites was observed, but was eliminated when females were treated with estrogen. Females performed higher levels of associative behaviors when interacting with their mates compared to novel males. In these females, ZENK expression was correlated with two pairing behaviors, clumping and preening, in the nucleus taeniae (homologous to the mammalian medial amygdala), but not in females that were interacting with novel males. In the studies conducted for this dissertation, the activity of dopaminergic neurons was not affected by song presentation, estrogen treatment, or pairing status. The results from this dissertation indicate that female zebra finches show different behavioral responses to certain social stimuli and these may be separately regulated by responses in two types of brain regions, auditory perception sites and the nucleus taeniae (which is part of the Social Behavior Network). In this species, dopamine activity in the nucleus accumbens or striatum did not appear to relate to responses to social stimuli in either of the behavioral paradigms. As a result, the present data indicate that these behaviors may be separately mediated by the particular neural regions examined in this dissertation, but it remains to be determined how neural systems in the avian brain integrate to fully coordinate social responses. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank a number of people and organizations for their help and support in the completion of this dissertation. First, the constant support and guidance provided by my advisor Dr. Juli Wade has been immeasurable to the completion of this work. Throughout my dissertation work, she was always willing to take any time that was needed to discuss my projects and answer questions. I also greatly appreciate her allowing me to explore my own interests and conduct this line of research in her lab. I would also like to thank the members of my committee, Dr. Kay Holekamp, Dr. Tony Nunez, and Dr. Sharleen Sakai for their feedback and suggestions throughout the design and completion of my dissertation work. I would also like to thank several other faculty members who supported my work: Drs. Marc Breedlove and Cindy Jordan for allowing me to rotate in their lab my first semester, Dr. Keith Lookingland for letting me conduct the high performance liquid chromatography in his lab and spending a large amount of time teaching me about dopamine neurochemistry, and Dr. Matt Lovem at Oklahoma State University for training me and two other lab mates to conduct radioimmunoassays. Finally, I would like to thank Drs. Patricia Schwagmeyer and Douglas Mock at the University of Oklahoma for asking me to be a part of their field research program as an undergraduate, which sparked my interest in avian behavior and encouraged me to continue on to graduate school. My time at Michigan State was enhanced by interactions and help from a number of other graduate students, postdocs, technicians, and undergraduates in the two laboratories in which I conducted research, who provided a large amount of intellectual, iv emotional, and technical support. Thanks to Yu Ping Tang, Camilla Peabody, Michelle Tomaszycki, Michele Johnson, Melissa Holmes, Jennifer Neal, Laurel Beck, Matt Burke, Rachel Cohen, Jenny Stynoski, Casey Bartrem, Shannon Jackson, Stephany Latham, Roya Eshragh, Joe Vandecar, Jessica Caton, and Jenn Yee of the Wade Lab, which has been my home for the last five years and each of them were a vital part of my laboratory family. I would like to especially thank Dave Bailey for providing the jumping off point for my dissertation research and giving me a large amount of advice and support during my early years in graduate school. Also, Katie Licht, who was a tireless undergraduate assistant that played a vital role in coding behavioral videos in every project presented in this dissertation. I also have greatly benefited from the opportunity to serve as mentor in the completion of her Honors Thesis project. In the Goudreau/Lookingland Lab, I would like to thank Bahareh Behrouz, Kelly Janis, Sam Pappas, Tyrell Simkins, Chelsea Tieman, and Matt Biensky for being my neurochemical/HPLC experts and also providing a happy and inclusive second laboratory home for these parts of my dissertation. Throughout this dissertation, I have been supported by funding from the National Institutes of Health, the Neuroscience Program, the Graduate School, and the College of Natural Sciences. Finally, I would like to thank my friends and family who have been the best support system through the completion of this dissertation. I will always appreciate the time they have been willing to give me at any hour of the day and night. Debbie Soellner and Laurel Beck have been the best friends I could have asked for and have been there for me unconditionally throughout the last five years. This work would not have been possible without all of you. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................. x LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... xii CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 1 General Introduction to Social Behavior ................................................................ 1 Zebra Finch Biology ............................................................................................... 2 Introduction to Neural Systems .............................................................................. 4 Social Behavior Network ........................................................................................ 5 Ventromedial Hypothalamus ...................................................................... 8 Function .......................................................................................... 8 Anatomy ......................................................................................... 8 Nucleus Taeniae .......................................................................................... 9 Function .......................................................................................... 9 Anatomy ........................................................................................ 11 Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis ......................................................... 12 Function ........................................................................................ l2 Anatomy ....................................................................................... l3 Preoptic area ............................................................................................. 14 Function ........................................................................................ l4 Anatomy ....................................................................................... 15 Estrogen and the social behavior network ................................................ l6 Dopaminergic Systems ......................................................................................... 17 Function .................................................................................................... 17 Anatomy ................................................................................................... 19 Brainstem ...................................................................................... l9 Striatum ........................................................................................ 19 Nucleus Accumbens ..................................................................... 20 Estrogen and the dopaminergic systems ................................................... 21 Auditory Perception .............................................................................................. 22 Auditory perception regions ..................................................................... 23 Function ........................................................................................ 23 Anatomy ....................................................................................... 2S Estrogen and the auditory perception system ........................................... 26 Conclusions and Hypotheses ................................................................................ 26 CHAPTER TWO: ESTRADIOL INDUCES REGION-SPECIFIC INHIBITION OF ZENK BUT DOES NOT AFFECT THE BEHAVIORAL PREFERENCE FOR TUTORED SON IN ADULT FEMALE ZEBRA F INCHES .......................................... 31 Abstract ................................................................................................................ 31 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 32 Materials and Methods ......................................................................................... 35 Animals ..................................................................................................... 35 Hormone Treatment .................................................................................. 36 vi Song Stimuli ............................................................................................. 36 Choice Test ............................................................................................... 37 Immediate Early Gene Analysis ............................................................... 38 Radioimmunoassay ................................................................................... 44 Results ................................................................................................................... 45 Behavior .................................................................................................... 45 ZENK expression ...................................................................................... 45 Plasma Estradiol ....................................................................................... 50 Discussion ............................................................................................................. 50 Behavioral Response ................................................................................ 50 Neural Response ....................................................................................... 51 Auditory regions ........................................................................... 51 Social Behavior Network .............................................................. 54 Dissociation between behavior and immediate early gene expression ..... 57 Conclusion and Future Directions ............................................................ 58 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................... 59 CHAPTER THREE: ESTRADIOL AND SONG PRESENTATION MEDIATE BEHAVIOR OF FEMALE ZEBRA FINCHES INDEPENDENT OF DOPAMINE ACTIVITY IN THE NUCLEUS ACCUMBENS AND MEDIAL STRIATUM ............ 60 Abstract ................................................................................................................. 60 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 61 Materials and Methods ......................................................................................... 64 Animals ..................................................................................................... 64 Raclopride treatment ................................................................................. 65 Hormone treatment ................................................................................... 65 Song stimuli .............................................................................................. 66 Auditory stimulus exposure ...................................................................... 66 Quantification of neurochemicals ............................................................. 69 Statistics ................................................................................................... 70 Results ................................................................................................................... 7O Estrogen and Song Exposure — Behavior ................................................. 70 Raclopride ................................................................................................. 71 Estrogen and Song Exposure - Neurochemistry ...................................... 71 Discussion ............................................................................................................ 76 Summary ................................................................................................... 76 Behavioral response to estrogen treatment and song exposure ................ 76 Dopaminergic response to raclopride treatment ....................................... 78 Dopaminergic response to estrogen treatment .......................................... 79 Dopaminergic response to song exposure ................................................ 80 Conclusions and future directions ............................................................ 81 Acknowledgements .............................................................................................. 82 CHAPTER FOUR: PAIR BONDING IN THE FEMALE ZEBRA FINCH: A POTENTIAL ROLE FOR THE NUCLEUS TAENIAE .................................................. 83 Abstract ................................................................................................................. 83 vii Introduction ........................................................................................................... 84 Methods ................................................................................................................ 87 Animals ..................................................................................................... 87 Behavior ................................................................................................... 88 ZENK ...................................................................................................... 90 Results ................................................................................................................... 92 Behavior .................................................................................................... 92 Principle Components Analysis ................................................................ 92 Female Principle Component ....................................................... 95 Principle Component 2 ................................................................. 95 Neural responses ....................................................................................... 95 Discussion ............................................................................................................. 99 Behavior .................................................................................................. 100 Relationship between behavior and IEG expression in the nucleus taeniae ....................................................................................... 102 Neural response in other brain regions ................................................... 104 Summary and conclusions ...................................................................... 105 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................. 1 06 CHAPTER FIVE: PAIR BONDING BEHAVIOR IN FEMALE ZEBRA F INCHES IS DISSOCIATED FROM DOPAMINERGIC ACTIVITY IN THE NUCLEUS ACCUMBENS AND MEDIAL STRIATUM ................................................................ 107 Abstract ............................................................................................................... 107 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 108 Methods .............................................................................................................. 111 Animals ................................................................................................... 111 Behavior .................................................................................................. 112 HPLC Analysis ....................................................................................... 113 Statistics .................................................................................................. 114 Results ................................................................................................................. 114 Behavior .................................................................................................. 114 HPLC ...................................................................................................... 117 Discussion ........................................................................................................... l 19 Behavior .................................................................................................. 119 Neural correlates ..................................................................................... 121 Conclusions and Future Directions ......................................................... 123 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................. l 24 CHAPTER SIX: DISCUSSION ..................................................................................... 125 Two behavioral paradigms ................................................................................ 125 Neural Correlates ................................................................................................ 128 Methodological Issues ............................................................................ 128 Immediate early genes as indicators of neural responses ........... 128 Neurochemical Analyses ............................................................ 129 Three Neural Systems ......................................................................................... 129 Social Behavior Network ........................................................................ 130 viii Dopaminergic Systems ........................................................................... 131 Auditory Perception Regions .................................................................. 132 Neural systems summary ........................................................................ 133 Role of Estrogen in Brain and Behavior ............................................................. 135 The uniqueness of the zebra finch model ........................................................... 136 Conclusions and Future Directions ..................................................................... 137 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 140 ix LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Summary of the functional, anatomical, and neurochemical characteristics of mammalian and analogous/homologous avian brain regions in the social behavior network examined in this dissertation. Black letters indicate that the characteristic is observed in mammals and birds. Green letters indicate it is known to exist in mammals, and blue letters, indicate it is known to exist in birds. Abbreviations: Preoptic area (POA), VMH (ventromedial hypothalamus), medial amygdala (MeA), nucleus taeniae (TnA), bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST), lateral septum (LS), ventral tegmental area (VTA), striatum (ST), substantia nigra (SN), nucleus accumbens -rodent (NAcc), nucleus accumbens - bird (Ac), prefrontal cortex (PFC), main olfactory bulb (MOB), accessory olfactory bulb (AOB), globus pallidus (GP), ventral pallidum (VP), caudolateral nidopallium (N CL), caudomedial nidopallium (N CM), caudomedial mesopallium (CMM), hippocampus (HP), norepinephrine (NE), dopamine (DA), serotonin (5-HT), acetylcholine (Ach), glutamate (Glu), vasopressin (VP), vasotocin (VT), enkephalin (ENK), neurotensin (NT), substance P (SP), neuropeptide Y (N PY), dynorphin (DYN), Calbindin (CALB), estrogen receptor (ER), aromatase (ARO) ........ 29 Table 2. Summary of the functional, anatomical, and neurochemical characteristics of mammalian and analogous/homologous avian brain regions (dopaminergic and auditory perception) examined in this dissertation. Black letters indicate that the characteristic is observed in mammals and birds. Green letters indicate it is known to exist in mammals, and blue letters, indicate it is known to exist in birds. Abbreviations: Preoptic area (POA), VMH (ventromedial hypothalamus), medial amygdala (MeA), nucleus taeniae (TnA), bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST), lateral septum (LS), ventral tegmental area (V TA), striatum (ST), substantia nigra (SN), nucleus accumbens -rodent (N Acc), nucleus accumbens - bird (Ac), prefrontal cortex (PFC), main olfactory bulb (MOB), accessory olfactory bulb (AOB), globus pallidus (GP), ventral pallidum (VP), caudolateral nidopallium (NCL), caudomedial nidopallium (NCM), caudomedial mesopallium (CMM), hippocampus (HP), norepinephrine (N E), dopamine (DA), serotonin (5-HT), acetylcholine (Ach), glutamate (Glu), vasopressin (VP), vasotocin (VT), enkephalin (ENK), neurotensin (NT), substance P (SP), neuropeptide Y (NPY), dynorphin (DYN), Calbindin (CALB), estrogen receptor (ER), aromatase (ARO) ........ 30 Table 3. Mean densities of ZENK-IR in various brain regions presented as number of IR nuclei/mm2 (meanistandard error). Due to histological artifact, only 7 animals were analyzed in the Ac in the blank, untutored group. No main effects or interactions were detected, all F< 3.02, p> 0.06 ........................................................................................... 49 Table 4. Descriptions of measured behaviors ................................................................... 67 Table 5. Concentrations of DOPAC, Dopamine and the DOPAC/DA ratio in the nucleus accumbens and striatum following song presentation and estrogen treatment. No main effects or interactions were detected, all F< 1.92, p> 0.16 ............................................... 75 Table 6. Descriptions of measured behaviors. Frequencies were assessed for all; durations were also measured for the behaviors with an asterisk * .................................. 89 Table 7. Principle Components Analysis. Loadings over 0.5 are indicated with bold type ........................................................................................................................... 93 Table 8. Principal components analysis. Behaviors loading above 0.5 are in bold ....... 115 Table 9. Durations of male and female behaviors displayed following introduction of a male (meaniS.E.). Results are taken from the 30 min test in the present study and from the first 30 minutes of the behavior tests in Svec et al. in press. Values from the two experiments are summed and presented on the right ...................................................... 116 xi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Placement of sampling regions within auditory perception and social behavior areas in sagittal sections. Panel A contains boxes for the caudomedial nidopallium (NCM; 310nm x 320nm) and caudomedial mesopallium (CMM; 190um x 345 um), panel B for the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST; 190nm x 345 um) and ventrolateral subdivision of the caudal lateral septum (LSc. v1; 200um x 200um), panel C for the nucleus taeniae (TnA; 200um x 320nm), panel D for the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH; 190nm x 290nm) and preoptic area (POA; 200nm x 200nm), and panel E demonstrates for the midbrain central gray (GCt; 190nm x 290um). The hippocampus (HP), tractus occipito-mesencephalicus (OM), tractus septopallio- mesencephalicus (TSM), optic chiasm (OC), posterior commisure (CP), and cerebellum (Cb) were used as landmarks for location of sections and placement of boxes. The more rostral portion of each photo is towards the right edge. Scale bar (in panel D) = 500nm ............................................................................................................................... 42 Figure 2. Placement of sampling regions within the reward system. Panels A and C contain sections subjected to tyrosine hydroxylase immunohistochemistry sliced in the sagittal plane. Panels B and D contain ZENK labeling. Panel B displays the location of the box for the nucleus accumbens (Ac; l90um x 305 um), and panel D displays the ventral tegmental area (VTA; 210nm x 368um). The more rostral portion of each photo is towards the right edge. Scale bar = 300nm ................................................ ‘ ................. 43 Figure 3. Total time spent within the tutored, center and untutored zones in the behavioral test. Sample sizes are indicated on the graph. * = tutored significantly greater than untutored and center zones .......................................................................... 46 Figure 4. ZENK-IR nuclei in the ventromedial hypothalamus of female zebra finches. Panel A displays the quantification of densities of ZENK-IR for each treatment group and song exposure type. Sample sizes are indicated on the graph. A main effect of treatment was detected (*); estradiol decreased the expression of ZENK. Panels B and C depict ZENK in the ventromedial hypothalamus of birds exposed to tutored song. Panel B = blank treated female, Panel C = estrogen treated female. Scale bar = 100 um ......... 47 Figure 5. Densities of ZENK expression within the caudomedial nidopallium (NCM) and caudomedial mesopallium (CMM) in female zebra finches. Sample sizes are indicated on the graphs ..................................................................................................... 48 Figure 6. Examples of microdissections taken from thionin-stained coronal sections of the zebra finch brain. Panel A depicts punches of (I) the nucleus accumbens and (2) rostral medial striatum (both 2l-gauge). Panel B depicts punches from the caudal medial striatum (3; 18-gauge). LV= lateral ventricle, LPS= Lamina pallio-subpallialis. Scale bar = 1 mm .............................................................................................................. 68 Figure 7. Effects of estradiol on long distance calls (top) and visual scanning behavior (bottom). Data (meaniS.E.) were pooled across song exposure groups, as the effects of xii the auditory stimuli did not differ among them. Sample sizes: Estradiol-treated tutored song = 6, estradiol-treated untutored song = 8, estradiol-treated silence = 7, blank-treated tutored song = 5, blank-treated untutored song = 6, blank-treated silence = 6. * p< 0.031 ................................................................................................................................. 72 Figure 8. Effect of auditory stimulus on other calls (meaniS.E.). Data were pooled across treatment groups, as estradiol did not affect the number of these vocalizations. Sample sizes: Estradiol-treated tutored song = 6, estradiol-treated untutored song = 8, estradiol-treated silence = 7, blank-treated tutored song = 5, blank-treated untutored song = 6, blank-treated silence = 6. "‘ p= 0.006 ....................................................................... 73 Figure 9. Effects of raclopride treatment (meaniS.E.) on the concentration of DOPAC (top) and DA (middle), and the DOPAC/DA ratio (bottom). Sample sizes are indicated at the bottom of each bar; * p< 0.008 ................................................................................... 74 Figure 10. Female pairing behavior in the social interaction test. The two left panels depict the frequency (top) and duration (bottom) of clumping to the male. The right two panels depict the frequency (top) and duration (bottom) of preening the male. The bottom center panel depicts attempted mounts by the male. "‘ signifies p< 0.05 ............ 94 Figure 11. ZENK immunoreactivity across the brain regions investigated in the three groups of females (paired females exposed to novel males or their partner, and unpaired females exposed to novel males). A main effect of region was detected; the density of calls was highest in the nucleus accumbens and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. A main effect of group and interaction between group and region were not detected. Abbreviations: caudomedial nidopallium (NCM), caudomedial mesopallium (CMM), preoptic area (POA), ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH), nucleus accumbens (Ac), nucleus taeniae (TnA), bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST), ventral tegmental area (VTA) ................................................................................................................... 96 Figure 12. Correlation analyses of the density of ZENK immunoreactive cells in the nucleus taeniae with female pairing behavior in the social interaction test. The figure includes only females interacting with their mate. Panel A depicts the frequency and duration of clumping to the male. Panel B depicts the frequency and duration of preening the male. Three of the four correlations are statistically significant ................. 97 Figure 13. ZENK immunolabeling in the nucleus taeniae (Panels A and C) in the nucleus accumbens (Panels B and D) of females interacting with familiar males. The density of ZENK immunoreactivity was significantly higher in the nucleus accumbens than nucleus taeniae. Labeling within cells also appeared darker in the nucleus accumbens. ZENK immunoreactivity was more apparent in the caudal portion of nucleus taeniae (left side of photos), but was more homogenous in the nucleus accumbens. The top two panels (A and B) depict labeling from animals that displayed high levels of pairing behavior. The bottom two panels (C and D) depict labeling in animals that displayed low levels of pairing behaviors. Scale bar = 50 um .................... 98 xiii Figure 14. Concentrations of DOPAC (top), DA (middle), and the DOPAC/DA ratio (bottom) in the nucleus accumbens (left), rostral striatum (center), and caudal striatum (right). Significant effects of brain region were observed for each measure, indicated by different letters above the bars. No effects of group or interactions among group and brain region were observed. Sample sizes: paired with new male, n=6, paired with same male, n= 10, unpaired, n= 11 .......................................................................................... 118 xiv CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION General Introduction to Social Behavior A variety of species live in groups in which sociality is important. Some classic examples of social behaviors involve those associated with reproduction, aggression, and parenting. When interacting with other individuals, communication and recognition are critical. Investigating reproductive behavior provides numerous opportunities to examine social communication and the interpretation of social cues. Prior to reproduction, males and females must locate one another, and often some type of courtship behavior ensues. Usually courtship involves communication from the male to the female, which may provide indication of his reproductive fitness. In the studies in this dissertation, social behavior will be investigated in the context of reproduction in the female zebra finch. Females in a number of avian species (including zebra finches) utilize an auditory signal, male song, to determine the quality of a potential mate. For example, in song sparrows, females prefer males with a larger repertoire of songs with a species- specific structure. This preference is indicated by increased copulatory solicitation behavior in response to the preferred song types (Searcy and Marler 1981). Female songbirds also show preferences for longer songs (Neubauer 1999; Nolan and Hill 2004), songs presented at higher rates (Nolan and Hill 2004), and songs containing difficult-to-produce syllables (Ballentine et al. 2004), which all reflect increased male energy output to produce the song. Repertoire size (Buchanan and Catchpole 2000) and song rate (Dolby et al. 2005) are both correlated with high paternal effort (increased feeding of the nestlings). Also, Hasselquist et al. (1996) demonstrated a correlation between repertoire size of a male and survival of offspring. Low song quality can be an indicator of developmental stress, and as a result, lower the fitness of a potential mate (Nowicki et al. 2002). Thus, a female songbird most likely utilizes characteristics of male song in order to examine both a male’s direct (paternal effort/ general health of male) and indirect (good genes) benefit to her reproductive fitness and offspring survival. Zebra Finch Biology Zebra finches live in colonies of 20-100, which consist of adult males, females, and their offspring (Zann 1996). Social interactions occur in many contexts, including locating food and water, evading predators, and reproducing (Zann 1996). In the colony, individuals must respond to a variety of social stimuli, which provides a number of possibilities for examining social communication in this species. There are several other important aspects of zebra finch behavior and biology that make them excellent models for these types of investigations. First, zebra finches are opportunistic breeders; in the wild they reproduce when there is plentiful water supply. As a result, zebra finches reproduce easily in the laboratory if fresh water is provided ad libitum. It is unknown whether the presence of water or the grasses and grass seeds that grow as a result of rainfall in the wild stimulate the activation of breeding behavior (see Zann 1996 for review). Also, there is conflicting evidence about how quickly reproduction begins after rain, some report that courtship begins days after the first rainfall, while others state that it takes months (Zann et al. 1995; Zann 1996). It has been hypothesized that males may remain in a near-ready state in terms of reproductive development (F amer and Serventy 1960), but this phenomenon has not been well characterized in either males or females. Second, zebra finches, and many other songbird species, form pair bonds prior to mating. In zebra finches, these bonds can begin to form within 30 minutes of introduction, but typically take about 2-14 days to consolidate (Silcox and Evans 1982). In the wild, pairing is characterized by clumping (perching together in physical contact), allopreening (cleaning and inspecting each other for pests), and synchronized behavior (eating, drinking, perching etc. at the same time). The display of clumping and preening are often used in laboratory studies to identify individuals as paired (i.e. Butterfield 1970; Silcox and Evans 1982; Clayton 1990; Zann 1996; Adkins-Regan and Wade 2001; Adkins-Regan 2002). As the pair bond is consolidated, these behaviors increase in frequency and the two individuals become largely inseparable. During and after the formation of the bond, the male and female zebra finch will begin to build a nest together and eventually reproduce. Some researchers also identify pair bonds by males and females that enter a nest box together (Mansukhani et al. 1996; Adkins-Regan and Wade 2001). Tactile contact is required in order to form the pair bond, but it can be maintained with visual and auditory contact alone (Silcox and Evans 1982). This pair bond is strong and long lasting (usually throughout life), and both members of the couple provide care for their young (Zann 1996), which is necessary at least in part due to the extremely altricial nature of zebra finches at hatching. Success of broods in another socially monogamous songbird, the reed warbler, decreases when a male parent is removed, because the female must compensate for the assistance normally provided by the male (Duckworth 1992). It is unknown whether the same is seen in zebra finches. Behaviors indicative of a pair bond, such as clumping, preening, or synchronized behavior are not typically displayed between unrelated single individuals (Butterfield 1970; Zann 1996). Females that have formed a pair bond react aggressively to new males, and close contact (clumping and preening) with them is inhibited (Silcox and Evans 1982). Thus, females both increase pairing behaviors displayed toward their mate, and also reduce the display of these behaviors toward other males. The pair bond in this species can be utilized to investigate a more complex social interaction and how a specific type of social bond can modify female responses to social stimuli. In sum, the zebra finch is an excellent species in which to examine questions regarding social responses, because they are highly social, form a strong pair bond prior to copulation, and have an easily manipulated and analyzed form of auditory communication. This model provides a perfect opportunity to explore the neural mediation of female social responses. At this point, the development and characteristics of the song control system in males has been the focus of neural research in this species. The neural control of social behaviors in adult females has largely been ignored, and that is the focus of my dissertation. Introduction to Neural Systems Based on their likely functional associations with interpretation of social stimuli and mediation of social behaviors in mammals and possibly birds, I propose three categories of neural regions or systems that may be critical for these behaviors in the female zebra finch: the Social Behavior Network, dopaminergic systems, and regions involved in auditory perception. These groups of brain areas are not isolated; each interacts with other systems. Regions in these three nodes may collectively integrate external and internal environmental cues to influence evaluation of and motor responses to social stimuli. The areas/systems could work together or influence each other. Alternatively, individual brain areas or groups of them might act independently to influence particular aspects of this process. For regions in each of these categories or systems, I will highlight the existing comparative information in relation to their functional, anatomical and neurochemical characteristics. Researchers have documented numerous functional and anatomical ‘ similarities between avian and mammalian neural systems. The comparisons between birds and mammals have been extensive in some regions, but research in other regions has been much more limited. In 2004, a forum was conducted to modify the avian brain nomenclature to reflect these similarities, the results of which have been discussed in Reiner et al. (2004a, b). For each neural group, I will compare the function and anatomy of the mammalian and avian regions in relation to the social behaviors investigated in this dissertation, using the available data. Tables 1-2 will include summaries of this comparative information. Social Behavior Network During social interactions, female behavior is most likely mediated by integrating hormonal and sensory information to direct a specific motor response. A neural social behavior network has been proposed to serve this type of function in rodents (Newman 1999) and in other vertebrates (Goodson et al. 2005). Brain areas included in this interconnected network are responsive to gonadal steroid hormones and mediate multiple social behaviors, such as reproduction and aggression (Newman 1999). The network, as described by Newman (1999), includes the medial amygdala, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, lateral septum, midbrain, ventromedial hypothalamus, anterior hypothalamus, and medial preoptic area. At least some of these regions are likely to be relevant to the reproductive and social behaviors examined in these studies. In mammals, immediate early gene (IEG) induction is observed following vaginocervical stimulation or copulation with intromission in the ventromedial hypothalamus, medial amygdala, preoptic area, and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (reviewed in Pfaus and Heeb 1997). The response within this network in rodents has also been examined following exposure to socially relevant stimuli (for rodents these stimuli are primarily olfactory, as opposed to auditory, as in songbirds). In female rats, increased IEG expression in the medial amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis is also seen when exposed to bedding with male odors (Bennett et al. 2002). Several brain regions in this network are also implicated in the mediation of pair bonding behaviors in prairie voles. Cohabitation with a male results in increased IEG expression in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and preoptic area in females (Cushing et al. 2003). Following the formation of a pair bond (6 hours of mating), IEG expression is also seen in the medial amygdala, preoptic area, and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (Curtis and Wang 2003). Thus, it appears that regions within the social behavior network are utilized in the formation/maintenance of pair bonding in another monogamous/pair bonding species. The neuropeptides oxytocin and vasopressin, which have been strongly implicated in rodent social recognition and bonding (see Bielsky and Young 2004; Lim and Young 2006 for reviews), are present in several of the brain regions in this network. The rodent bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, septum, and amygdala contain vasopressin (DeVries et al. 1985; Caffe et al. 1987). Impaired social recognition in the Brattelboro rat, which is vasopressin deficient (Vandesande and Dierickx 1976), can be restored with vasopressin infusion directly into the lateral septum (Engelmann and Landgraf 1994). Antagonism or viral knockdown of the vasopressin 1a receptor in rats (Landgraf et al. 1995) and knockout of this receptor in mice (Bielsky et al. 2004) also causes a reduction in social recognition. Vasopressin and oxytocin are also related to sociality and monogamy in vertebrate species (see Goodson and Bass 2001 for review). Receptor levels for oxytocin are higher in monogamous than promiscuous species in the nucleus accumbens and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, but lower in the lateral septum (Wang et al. 1996). In contrast, vasopressin receptor levels are higher in the lateral septum in monogamous species (lnsel et al. 1994; Wang et al. 1996). This pattern is also observed in estrildid finches, where social species display higher levels of vasotocin (the avian homologue of vasopressin) receptor la binding than non-gregarious species in the lateral septum (Goodson et al. 2006). Due to their involvement in social behaviors and specifically their role in reproductive behaviors and pair bonding in mammals, several regions in this network have been selected as the focus of these studies: ventromedial hypothalamus, preoptic area, amygdala. and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Ventromedial hypothalamus Function The ventromedial hypothalamus has long been considered a critical region for the mediation of female receptive behavior in rodents and also a site for estrogen’s action on this process (reviewed in Pfaff et al. 1994). Lesions here reduce the occurrence of lordosis (Pfaff and Sakuma 1979) and also the frequency of coital contact in female rats; possibly demonstrating reduced motivation for copulation (Emery and Moss 1984). In addition electrical stimulation of this region can facilitate lordosis in rats (Pfaff and Sakuma 1979). IEGs are induced in this region following vaginocervical stimulation in rats (see Pfaus and Heeb 1997). Additionally, the ventromedial hypothalamus plays a role in the mediation of food intake (see Bray and York 1979; Inoue and Bray 1979 for review) in mammals. In birds, the ventromedial hypothalamus appears to mediate similar functions to mammals. Lesions to this region in ring-doves decrease the display of female courtship behaviors (Gibson and Cheng 1979). In female quail, interaction with a male induces IEG expression here, and this expression is positively correlated with the display of proceptive behaviors by the female (Meddle et al. 1999). In doves, exposure to male and female nest coos result in inhibitory activity in neurons in the ventromedial hypothalamus (Cheng et al. 1998), indicating that this region responds to auditory stimuli. In parallel, song stimuli induce IEG expression in this region in white-throated sparrows (Maney et al. 2008). Like mammals, the ventromedial hypothalamus is also implicated in mediation of food intake in bird species, as lesions here can result in hyperphagia, obesity, and an increase in insulin levels (reviewed in Kuenzel 1994). Anatomy Reciprocal connections exist between the ventromedial hypothalamus and the preoptic area, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, amygdala, and lateral septum in rodents (Saper et al. 1976; F ahrbach et al. 1989; Canteras et al. 1994). Although no tract-tracing studies have been conducted from this region in birds, tracing studies from other regions have identified projections from the nucleus taeniae (Cheng et al. 1999), preoptic area (Berk and Butler 1981; Balthazart et al. 1994), auditory thalamus (Cheng and Peng 1997), and the septum (Montagnese et al. 2004) to this region. Studies concerning the neurochemical characteristics of this region are very limited in birds. However, examinations of the neural distribution of several neurotransmitters and neurochemicals have identified similarities between this region in mammals and birds. The avian ventromedial hypothalamus contains GABA (Domenici et al. 1988; Granda and Crossland 1989) and enkephalin positive neurons (Cheng and Zuo 1994); in mammals GABAergic neurons synapse with other GABAergic and enkephalin positive neurons in this nucleus (Commons et al. 1999; Commons and Pfaff2001). In addition, glutamate (Comil et al. 2000; Bian et al. 2008) and acetylcholine (Kow and Pfaff 1985; Watson et al. 1988) are utilized as neurotransmitters in this region in both mammals and birds. Although the functional, anatomical, and neurochemical research in this region is more limited in avian species, the available data indicates a strong similarity between the mammalian and avian ventromedial hypothalamus. Nucleus taeniae Function The nucleus taeniae is an avian region with homology to the mammalian amygdala (Thompson et al. 1998; Cheng et al. 1999). In mammals, the amygdala has numerous functions involving emotional processing of sensory stimuli (reviewed in Phelps and LeDoux 2005), such as fear conditioning (reviewed in LeDoux 1998; 2003: 2007), determining stimulus-reward value (see Baxter and Murray 2002 for review), and the emotional modification of memory storage (see McGaugh et al. 1996 for review). IEGs are induced in this region following copulation or vaginocervical stimulation in rodents (Pfaus and Heeb 1997), but lesions to this region do not seem to affect sexual behavior in females (Masco and Carrer 1980). Given its importance in the processing of sensory information and emotional memory, it seems likely that this region may be critical for female neural and behavioral responses to social interactions. Functional similarities exist between the avian nucleus taeniae and the mammalian amygdala. Cheng et al. (1999) delineated the behavioral effects of lesions to this region in female doves and starlings. Lesions increase the display of nest coos in ring doves (a female courtship behavior), possibly due to reduced fear of the aggressive behavior the male directs toward the female in response to her cooing. In starlings, lesions result in reduced social feeding, and also increased perch changes and decreased time spent in proximity to other cage-mates. These behavioral effects may be due to the cage-mate’s unfavorable response to decreased social inhibition of the lesioned females. In addition, IEG expression has been detected in this region after exposure to male song stimuli in white-throated sparrows (Maney et al. 2008). It appears, through these studies, that the nucleus taeniae plays a role in the mediation of social behavior and responses to social stimuli in both mammals and birds. 10 Anatomy The mammalian amygdala receives inputs from sensory systems (including thalarnic and cortical components; Scalia and Winans 1975; Ottersen 1981; Canteras et al. 1994), the hypothalamus, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and the ventral tegmental area/ substantia nigra (Ottersen 1980; 1981), sends outputs to several hypothalamic structures (Caffe et al. 1987; Canteras et al. 1994; Bian et al. 2008), as well as the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (Caffe et al. 1987; Canteras et al. 1994; Dong et al. 2001), prefrontal cortex (Canteras et al. 1994), striatum (Canteras et al. 1994), nucleus accumbens (Canteras et al. 1994) and hippocampus (Caffe et al. 1987). The nucleus taeniae in birds also has reciprocal connections with the ventromedial hypothalamus, preoptic area, and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (Cheng et al. 1999), striatum, caudolateral neostriatum (homologous to prefrontal cortex; Reiner et al. 2004a), and hippocampus (Cheng et al. 1999). The avian nucleus taeniae also appears to receive input from the caudomedial mesopallium (Cheng et al. 1999). In rats, this region has a large amount of vasopressin innervation (DeVries et al. 1985; Sofroniew 1985), with vasopressin fibers that project to the lateral septum and hippocampus (Caffe et a1. 1987). This innervation is also observed in birds (Voorhuis and de Kloet 1992; Aste et al. 1996). In addition, GABA (Wong and Moss 1992), dopamine (Young and Rees 1998), serotonin (Moore et al. 1978), and glutamate (Bian et al. 2008) act as neurotransmitters in this region in mammals. Similarly in birds, GAD- 65 (a marker for GABA) is present in the nucleus (Yamamoto et al. 2005), and staining for tyrosine hydroxylase (Bottjer 1993; Appeltants et al. 2001; Roberts et al. 2002) and DARPP-32 (Roberts et al. 2002) occurs in this region, indicating dopaminergic 11 innervation. Serotonin innervation is also present in the nucleus taeniae (Cozzi et al. 1991; Metzger et al. 2002). Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is also present in the amygdala in rodents (Brauth and Reiner 1991; Yasui et al. 1991) and birds (Brauth and Reiner 1991; Lanuza et al. 2000). In sum, the nucleus taeniae has similar neural connections, neurochemistry, and also appears to serve a similar function (processing the emotional context of social stimuli) as the mammalian medial amygdala. Bed nucleus of the striarterminalis Function The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis is implicated in the mediation of social behaviors including reproduction in mammals. IEG expression is increased in this region during copulation or vaginocervical stimulation (reviewed in Pfaus and Heeb 1997). As IEG expression is observed here after females are exposed to conditions that promote the formation of a pair bond in female prairie voles (Curtis and Wang 2003; Cushing et al. 2003), the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis appears to play a role in pair bonding. Additionally, this region contains vasopressin innervation (see de Vries and Miller 1998; De Vries and Panzica 2006 for review). Avian studies of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis have been primarily anatomical, although some functional studies indicate that IEG expression is observed in this region in females following interaction with a male in quail (Meddle et al. 1999). The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis may play a role in the mediation of male reproductive and courtship behaviors in chickens (reviewed in Jurkevich and Grossmann 2003). Sexually motivated singing results in induction of IEG expression in this region 12 in male starlings (Heimovics and Riters 2006). IEG expression is also observed in this region following exposure to song stimuli in white-throated sparrows (Maney et al. 2008) Anatomy The rat bed nucleus of the stria terminalis receives inputs from vomeronasal system (Scalia and Winans 1975), hippocampus (Weller and Smith 1982), and dorsal raphe nucleus (Eiden et al. 1985). It also has reciprocal connections with the ventromedial hypothalamus and medial amygdala (Weller and Smith 1982; Gu et al. 2003; Poulin et al. 2006), and projects to the lateral septum and preoptic area in rats (Gu et al. 2003). A connection to the nucleus taeniae has been identified from the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in birds (Cheng et al. 1999); however, other tract tracing studies have not been conducted from this region in avian species. Vasopressin innervation is observed in this region in mammals and birds (rats, (DeVries et al. 1985; Sofroniew 1985; Veinante and Freund-Mercier 1997); quail, (Aste et al. 1998; Panzica et al. 1999; Panzica et al. 2001). In addition, this innervation is sexually dimorphic with higher density in males than females in birds (see Grossmann et al. 2002 for review, Aste et al. 1998; Jurkevich et al. 1999), as is observed in mammals (reviewed in De Vries and Panzica 2006). Serotonin and norepinephrine fibers are present in this region in rats (Phelix et al. 1992; 1992) and birds (Cozzi et al. 1991; Medina and Reiner 1994; Mello et al. 1998). Aromatase immunoreactive neurons are also common in this region in birds and mammals (birds: Balthazart et al. 1990; Foidart et al. 1994; Aste et al. 1998, rat: Sanghera et al. 1991; Jakab et al. 1993). I3 Preoptic area Function The preoptic area is considered a primary neural site for the activation of male copulatory behaviors in rodents (reviewed in Meisel and Sachs 1994), and also an important target of the hormones that mediate these behaviors (see Hull and Dominguez 2007). However, the preoptic area may also be involved in the control of aspects of female rodent reproduction, especially female proceptive behavior (reviewed in Pfaff et al. 1994; Sakuma 1995). Lesions to this region demonstrate its role in the inhibition of the lordosis reflex (see Pfaff et al. 1994; Sakuma 1995 for review) and also result in It. increased display of female proceptive behaviors (Whitney 1986; Hoshina et al. 1994). This region may also be important for pair bonding in prairie voles, with IEG expression observed here under conditions when pair bonds are being formed (Curtis and Wang 2003; Cushing et al. 2003). In birds, as in mammals, the focus of functional studies in this region has been on the mediation of male copulatory behavior. In parallel with rodent research, the avian preoptic area is the site of action of testosterone.(Barfield 1969; Balthazart and Surlemont 1990), and lesions to this region reduce male copulatory behavior in quail (Balthazart et al. 2001). In addition to its role in male copulatory behavior, the preoptic area may also be critical to male courtship behavior in songbirds. The display of sexually motivated song results in the induction of IEGs in male starlings in the preoptic area (Riters et al. 2004; Heimovics and Riters 2005; 2006; 2007). In starlings, lesions to this nucleus result in reduced song production in the male (Alger and Riters 2006). 14 The role of this structure in mediating female behaviors is less clear in birds (see discussion in Gibson and Cheng 1979). Preoptic lesions reduce egg-laying and incubation behavior in turkeys (Youngren et al. 1989), but do not affect courtship behavior. This result indicates the preoptic area is involved in reproductive behavior in birds; however, its role in proceptive and receptive behaviors is unknown at this point. In addition, neurons in this region are responsive to auditory stimuli in ring-doves and white-throated sparrows (Cheng et al. 1998; Maney et al. 2008). Anatomy The neuroanatomical characteristics of the preoptic area in rodents have been well described, and avian studies indicate that many of these characteristics apply to avian species as well. The rat preoptic area has reciprocal connections with the amygdala, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, ventromedial hypothalamus, lateral septum, and ventral tegmental area (Simerly and Swanson 1986; 1988). Afferents to the POA also exist from the main olfactory bulb (Price et al. 1991). The broad inputs and outputs of the preoptic area also exist in birds, with connections between the preoptic area and the nucleus taeniae, lateral septum, ventromedial hypothalamus, and the ventral tegmental area in birds (Berk and Butler 1981; Kitt and Brauth 1986; Balthazart et al. 1994; Cheng et al. 1999). This region is characterized by vasopressin/vasotocin innervation in rodents (DeVries et al. 1985; Caffe et al. 1987; Veinante and Freund-Mercier 1997) and birds (V iglietti-Panzica et al. 1994; Kimura et al. 1999; Absil et al. 2002), and aromatase activity/immunoreactivity in both mammals (Wagner and Morrell 1996; 1997; Roselli et al. 1998) and birds (Balthazart et al. 1990; Balthazart et al. 1996; Foidart et al. 1995; 15 1.. ...__..._I Shen et al. 1995; Saldanha et al. 2000). The neurotransmitters norepinephrine (rats, Simerly et al. 1986; Espana and Berridge 2006, birds; Mello et al. 1998; Comil et al. 2004), dopamine (rats, Simerly et al. 1986, reviewed in Hull et al. 1999; Dominguez and Hull 2005, quail; Comil et al. 2004) and serotonin (rats, Simerly et al. 1986, quail, Cozzi et al. 1991) are observed in this region in both groups. A wide variety of other neurochemicals are present in neurons in this region in both groups including enkephalin (rats, Simerly et al. 1986, chickens, Blahser and Dubois 1980; de Lanerolle et al. 1981), neurotensin (Simerly et al. 1986; Absil and Balthazart 1994), and Substance P (Simerly et al. 1986; Aste et al. 1995). Estrogen and the 5&1?! Behavior Netwogrl; Neurons in all of these regions are sensitive to estrogen in both mammals and birds (e. g. Pfaff and Keiner 1973; Vito et al. 1983; Koch and Ehret I989; Simerly et al. 1990; DonCarlos et al. 1991; Lauber et al. 1991; Shughrue et al. 1997). A large percentage of the neurons in the preoptic area, medial amygdala, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and the ventromedial hypothalamus that express IEGs following vaginocervical stimulation in the rat also contain estrogen receptors (Tetel et al. 1994). Estrogen implants into the ventromedial hypothalamus result in activation of lordosis in female rats (Rubin and Barfield 1980). Specifically, estrogen treatment alone has been shown to increase IEG expression in the ventromedial hypothalamus, preoptic area, and the amygdala in rodents (Insel 1990). IEG expression can also be affected by estrogen treatment after vaginocervical stimulation. Specifically, IEG expression decreases or remains the same with estrogen treatment in the ventromedial hypothalamus (Tetel et al. 16 1994; Pfaus et al. 1996), decreases in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, or increases in the amygdala (Pfaus et al. 1996). Similar effects of estrogen may also be observed in birds, although they have not been extensively studied. IEG responses to song in female white-throated sparrows are increased by estrogen treatment in the ventromedial hypothalamus, nucleus taeniae. bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and preoptic area (Maney et al. 2008). Dopaminergic Systems Function Dopaminergic systems in the mammalian brain include those implicated in the mediation of motor movements (Rieke 1981; Sanberg and Mark 1983; Albin et al. 1989; Hauber 1998) and reward and motivation (reviewed in Schultz et al. 1997; Akins et al. 2004; Esch and Stefano 2004; Akins and Geary 2008) in mammals. Neurons projecting from the ventral tegmental area to the nucleus accumbens (mesolimbic dopaminergic neurons) are typically considered important for determining the reward value of stimuli (Schultz et al. 1997; Akins et al. 2004; Esch and Stefano 2004). Dopaminergic neurons are also a target for addictive drugs in mammals (see Bardo 1998 for review). These dopaminergic neurons are also activated during natural processes such as reproductive behavior. IEGs are induced in the ventral tegmental area of female rodents following reproductive behavior and/or vaginocervical stimulation (reviewed in Pfaus and Heeb 1997). Dopamine is released in the nucleus accumbens when females are allowed to pace their mating (Mermelstein and Becker 1995; Pfaus et al. 1995; Becker et 17 al. 2001), as measured through microdialysis. This release also occurs when females are exposed to reproductive stimuli alone (Mitchell and Gratton 1994). The mesolimbic dopamine reward system is also critical for the display of pair bonding behavior in prairie voles. Dopamine levels increase in the nucleus accumbens in response to mating in female prairie voles (Gingrich et al. 2000). Also, dopamine antagonists presented either systemically or directly into the nucleus accumbens block the formation of a pair bond following mating (Aragona et al. 2003). Pair bonds can be formed between a male and a female without mating by treating systemically or directly into the nucleus accumbens with a dopamine agonist (Aragona et al. 2003). The function of dopaminergic neurons appears to be conserved in birds. In avian species, motor deficits are seen with disruption of the nigrostriatal dopamine system (Rieke 1981; Sanberg and Mark 1983). In addition, drugs of addiction affect behavior in birds as they do in rodents (Levens and Akins 2004; Geary and Akins 2007; Akins and Geary 2008). In songbirds, mesolimbic dopaminergic neurons are responsive during the display of sexually motivated song (Riters et al. 2004; Heimovics and Riters 2005). Dopamine is also released in the striatum when male zebra finches are singing directed song (Sasaki et al. 2006). As a result, dopaminergic activity may play a role in sexual motivation during courtship behavior in male birds. Dopaminergic systems are also responsive to social stimuli in birds (song stimuli, as compared to olfactory stimuli in rodents; see (Mitchell and Gratton 1994). Phosphorylated tyrosine hydroxylase increases in the ventral tegmental area when female starlings are exposed to directed song (Riters et al. 2007). Also, dopamine is 18 released in the NCM following exposure to song stimuli in starlings (Sockman and Salvante 2008). Anatomy The anatomical and physiological characteristics of dopaminergic systems are highly similar in mammalian and avian species (reviewed in Durstewitz et al. 1999; Reiner et al. 2004a). Brainstem The majority of dopaminergic neurons originate in the brainstem in the substantia nigra and the ventral tegmental area in mammals (Lindvall and Bjorklund 1974; Swanson 1982; Loughlin and Fallon 1983). These neurons then send projections to the basal ganglia (including the striatum and nucleus accumbens), but also to the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, and septum (Lindvall and Bjorklund 1974; Fallon and Moore 1978; Swanson 1982). In birds, the ventral tegmental area and the substantia nigra are also the primary origin of the dopaminergic outputs in the brain, and dopamine neurons project from these regions to the medial striatum (Kitt and Brauth 1986; Szekely 'et al. 1994; Metzger et al. 1996; Mezey and Csillag 2002). The avian ventral tegmental area also sends afferents to the lateral septum, preoptic area, and nucleus taeniae (Kitt and Brauth 1986), while the substantia nigra is connected to the hippocampus (Kitt and Brauth 1986). Catecholaminergic cell bodies are observed in substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area in both mammals and birds (Bailhache and Balthazart I993; Bottjer 1993; Appeltants et al. 2001). Striatum l9 The neuroanatomical and neurochemical properties of the mammalian and avian striatum have been extensively studied. Dopaminergic neurons enter the striatum from the substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area in both mammals and birds (Lindvall and Bjorklund 1974; Metzger et al. 1996). An input to the striatum also exists from the cortex in both groups (Donoghue and Kitai 1981; Veenman et al. 1995), which is primarily glutamatergic (Hassler et al. 1982; Gerfen 1992). The striatum also receives innervation from the amygdala/nucleus taeniae (Canteras et al. 1995; Cheng et al. 1999). Intemeurons in this region are cholinergic (Bolarn et al. 1984; Kawaguchi et al. 1995), and GABAergic (Kawaguchi et al. 1995) in rodents. These neurotransmitters are also found in the medial striatum in birds (Csillag et al. 1997; Veenman 1997; Roberts et al. 2002; Mezey and Csillag 2003). Both mammals and birds also have efferent projections from the striatum that are GABAergic (Scheel-Kruger et al. 1981; Csillag et al. 1997; Mezey and Csillag 2003), and often contain Substance P, dynorphin or enkephalin (Reiner et al. 1984; Reiner 1986; Reiner and Anderson 1990; Anderson and Reiner 1991) Nucleus Accumbens Anatomical and neurochemical characteristics of the nucleus accumbens have been well established in rodents (see Shirayama and Chaki 2006; Zahm and Brog 1992). This nucleus receives inputs from the ventral tegmental area and substantia nigra, the prefrontal cortex, the hippocampus, and the amygdala in the rat (Phillipson and Griffiths 1985). This nucleus also sends projections to the ventral tegmental area and substantia nigra as well as the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the lateral hypothalamus, ventral pallidum, and the globus pallidus (Usuda et al. 1998). Fibers in the region contain 20 neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine (Meredith et al. 1993), norepinephrine (Delfs et al. 1998), GABA (Christie et al. 1987; Churchill and Kalivas 1994), and glutamate (Christie et al. 1987; Fuller et al. 1987), as in the striatum. The neurochemicals enkephalin, neurotensin, and Substance P are also observed in this nucleus, although in a regional distribution (Zahm and Brog 1992). The nucleus accumbens has not been clearly defined in avian species (see Reiner et al. 2004a), although Balint and Csillag (2007) have proposed its location and subdivision in chicks. They observed similar cholinergic innervation, DARPP-32 and calbindin immunoreactivity (Balint and Csillag 2007). Estrogen and dopaminergic systems In mammals, estrogen treatment increases the release of dopamine in both the nigrostriatal (Becker and Beer 1986; Becker and Cha 1989) and mesolimbic dopamine systems (Saigusa et al. 1997; Thompson and Moss 1997). Estradiol treatment also has effects on other aspects of dopaminergic neurons (reviewed in Van Hartesveldt and Joyce I986; Kuppers et al. 2000). For example, estrogen treatment increases the density of D1 dopamine receptors (Levesque and Di Paolo 1989), D2 dopamine receptor binding (Bazzett and Becker 1994), and dopamine synthesis in the striatum (Pasqualini et al. 1995). Estrogen receptors are present in tyrosine hydroxylase positive neurons in canary ventral tegmental area and substantia nigra (Maney et al. 2001), indicating that they are sensitive to estrogen. Estradiol does affect the activity of some dopamine neurons in songbirds, as in mammals. In white-throated sparrows, estrogen treatment increases 21 tyrosine hydroxylase labeling in the ventral tegmental area (LeBlanc et al. 2007). In starlings, phosphorylated tyrosine hydroxylase in the ventral tegmental area is reduced by estradiol treatment (Riters et al. 2007). Auditory Perception Song is an important signal in social communication in zebra finches. Male zebra finches produce directed and undirected song (described in Zann 1996). Directed song is presented during courtship and is oriented toward a nearby female. This song presentation is typically accompanied by a specific posture that can vary in its degree of intensity; the male extends his head upward, and his feathers become erect on the head, as well as the cheeks and breast. Directed song is an integral part of male zebra finch courtship behavior, and females may use this signal as an indicator in mate choice. Males may also present song that is not oriented towards another bird (undirected song), which also occurs when the male is alone. This song may function to attract females, but is not used in courtship or when males are interacting with females. Female behavioral responses to these song presentations vary, although the courtship sequence often involves a copulation solicitation display by the female in response to directed song. Tail quivers are the primary component of the copulatory solicitation display in this and other songbird species; this behavior often directly precedes a mount attempt or successful copulation by the male (Zann 1996). Female songbirds show preferences for their father’s song (e. g. Miller 1979; Clayton 1988; Riebel et al. 2002) and can recognize the song of their mate (Vignal et al. 2008). Females can also discriminate between songs of varying levels of quality using 22 characteristics such as those described in the introduction (i. e. bout length, song complexity). Marv Perception Regions Function As song is such an important communication tool for males of this species, the neural systems involved in the perception of song are likely vital to females in a variety of social contexts. However, this perception is especially important during courtship displays in reproduction. Song responses in avian species have been investigated using immediate early gene (IEG; reviewed in Clayton 1997; Ball and Gentner 1998) and electrophysiology (reviewed in Theunissen and Shaevitz 2006; Pinaud and Terleph 2008). These studies have identified the importance of the caudomedial nidopallium and the caudomedial mesopallium in perception of complex auditory stimuli (Mello et al. 1992; Mello and Clayton 1994; Grace et al. 2003; Terleph et al. 2006; George et al. 2008). In adult male zebra finches, the response is selective, with higher IEG expression in these regions following exposure to conspecific compared to heterospecific song (Mello et al. 1992; Mello and Clayton 1994). These results have been confirmed with lesion studies, in which lesions to these regions eliminated the ability of individuals to recognize specific song types (MacDougall—Shackleton et al. 1998; Gobes and Bolhuis 2007). Male zebra finches learn song from their fathers by first creating a template of his song (Nordeen and Nordeen 1992; Kroodsma and Miller 1996; Marler 1997; Brainard and Doupe 2000); research in male song perception has largely focused on the 23 role of auditory perception during development (when males are forming this template). Males at 30 days post-hatch, when the song template is being formed (Nordeen and Nordeen 1992; Brainard and Doupe 2000), show an increased ZENK response in the NCM and CMM to conspecific song (Bailey and Wade 2003). Female juvenile zebra finches, however, display increased c-fos expression in the NCM and CMM at day 30 to conspecific song (Bailey and Wade 2003). At day 45, after template formation, greater F OS and ZENK responses are observed in males and females following exposure to conspecific compared to heterospecific song in the NCM (Bailey and Wade 2005). Males and females at this age also present increased ZENK responses to song of high quality (from males who had tutors during development compared to those who did not; Tomaszycki et al. 2006). Thus, selective IEG responses in the auditory perception sites to song begin to develop while males are learning song from a tutor, and females appear to develop a selective response to song at this time as well. Little is known about the neural response to song in female juveniles, and even less is known about whether or not adult female zebra finches use the auditory perception system to detect differences in song quality. Since females are required to make these types of assessments to make mate choice decisions, it is crucial to examine this process. Adult female zebra finches have an increased FOS response to conspecific compared to heterospecific song in auditory perception regions (Bailey et al. 2002), but whether or not they can detect critical differences in the quality of male zebra finch song is unknown. In other songbird species, higher IEG expression is observed in auditory perception sites in females following exposure to high compared to low quality song or 24 silence (Gentner et al. 2001; Maney et al. 2003; Leitner et al. 2005; Sockman et al. 2005; Terpstra et al. 2006). In addition, the neural response to song can be affected by the context in which it is presented. For example, a new environment or added visual stimuli can eliminate the habituation that occurs when exposure to a song is repeated (Kruse et al. 2004). IEG expression can also be induced in the auditory perception regions with visual courtship stimuli alone (Avey et al. 2005). In starlings, photostimulation to bring females to an active reproductive state can increase the selectivity of the IEG response in NCM (Sockman and Ball 2009). Thus, these regions are responsive to auditory stimuli, but also take in information about the environment in which they are perceived including both internal and external cues. Anatomy These auditory perception regions are considered comparable to the mammalian auditory cortex (see Reiner et al. 2004a,b), which are responsive to auditory stimuli (Merzenich et al. 1975). The neural pathway for auditory processing in songbirds has largely been described through tract tracing studies. The auditory thalamus sends projections to Field L (an avian auditory region within the nidopallium) and to a lesser degree, the NCM and CMM (see Durand et al. 1992; Vates et al. 1996). The NCM and CMM are reciprocally connected (Vates et al. 1996), and along with the mammalian auditory cortex are connected to auditory thalamic regions (Huang and Winer 2000). In addition, morphological features of the neurons within the avian auditory perception regions in birds are highly comparable to the mammalian auditory cortex (Saini and 25 Leppelsack 1981). Neurons responsive to auditory stimuli are located within Layer IV of the auditory cortex in mammals, and the avian auditory perception regions contain microneurons that are similar to stellate calls within layer IV (Saini and Leppelsack 1981). Many neurons within the mammalian auditory cortex are also GABA- immunoreactive (Prieto et al. 1994), as are neurons in the NCM and CMM (Pinaud and Mello 2007). Estrogen and the auditory perceptiog system Estrogen may act in these regions to mediate song responses. In white-throated sparrows estrogen treatment reduces IEG expression in the NCM and CMM (although only in response to tones; (Maney et al. 2006). Estrogen receptors are present along the caudal edge of the NCM and in the CMM. However, estrogen’s action in these regions may occur through projections to this system from other estrogen sensitive regions. The auditory thalamus sends axons to estrogen sensitive regions such as the ventromedial hypothalamus and the nucleus taeniae (Durand et al. 1992). Sparse projections exist from the nucleus taeniae to the most lateral portion of the CMM, but apparently not the NCM (Cheng et al. 1999). It is unknown at this time whether the ventromedial hypothalamus is directly connected with these auditory regions. Conclusions and Hypotheses In sum, the aforementioned regions in the avian social behavior network, dopaminergic, auditory perception systems are highly comparable both in function and anatomy to those in mammals. Therefore. we can utilize the zebra finch, which is ideal 26 for investigating questions about social behavior, to examine the role of these three systems in mediating female behavioral responses to social stimuli. Additionally, zebra finches are opportunistic breeders, providing the opportunity to examine the hormonal mediation of behavior in a unique model system. As has been discussed, the three systems are interconnected and also estrogen sensitive, allowing us to determine how these systems work together along with estrogen when females are interpreting social stimuli. In the following experiments, I will test two hypotheses. First, early detection of male quality is determined by a varying neural response within the auditory perception sites, the social behavior network, and the reward system to male song (the primary form of communication from males to females). Second, once a female has made a mate choice decision, her altered behavioral response to her mate is due to a change in neural responses to males after a pair bond is formed. By investigating these systems simultaneously, the role of each system and/or their interaction with one another in the mediation of female zebra finch social behavior can be elucidated. To do this, I examined behavioral and neural responses to male zebra finch song, a simple and easily controlled social stimulus, and then I utilized a more complex and natural social interaction and examined the role of pair bonding in social responses. 27 Table 1. Black letters indicate that the characteristic is observed in mammals and birds. Green letters indicate it is known to exist in mammals, and blue letters, indicate it is known to exist in birds. Abbreviations: Preoptic area (POA), VMH (ventromedial hypothalamus), medial amygdala (MeA), nucleus taeniae (TnA), bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST), lateral septum (LS), ventral tegmental area (VTA), striatum (ST), substantia nigra (SN), nucleus accumbens -rodent (NAcc), nucleus accumbens - bird (Ac), prefrontal cortex (PFC), main olfactory bulb (MOB), accessory olfactory bulb (AOB), globus pallidus (GP), ventral pallidum (VP), caudolateral nidopallium (NCL), caudomedial nidopallium (NCM), caudomedial mesopallium (CMM), hippocampus (HP), norepinephrine (NE), dopamine (DA), serotonin (5-HT), acetylcholine (Ach), glutamate (Glu), vasopressin (VP), vasotocin (VT), enkephalin (ENK), neurotensin (NT), substance P (SP), neuropeptide Y (NPY), dynorphin (DYN), Calbindin (CALB), estrogen receptor (ER), aromatase (ARO) *Images in this dissertation are presented in color. 28 5:320: 29 Om< .3000.“qu .0963 .38 33268 .2333 .3 ,5 >5 EA .mz .20 .3 .52 <3 .5323 023329: 22. film . . 023:2. .308 .w:6:on :62 22> <:.C .<: .20 £20 .2m {5 .5 .3 .2252“. 2@2228 2.52 . . . .30.. 633232353 Hmm 683 .3 @6802: EcoccEm .200 mO2 5:90ch .0263 om< a a « e—rzlm a a . «tomdUDEQ wccm BHNE’COE l 1mm >mZ mm .rz £5 £2 . mum Hmm .3333 .3533 3:383 <2 .v—Zm .._.> E> 4:302 12> . . 23an .5323 b92300 232 SEES: Ea :3 .mz .0222. .3 a; 22282 09:3 .232 3 22m 20¢. .20 23.0 .233. .5: .08.. .3323 2358 use“: :53 4:592 rmox— ..o50 8239:9592 EoEEEEBL 32 3:23:30 339:: 5.33. :023086 25 5 605308 2.5.50: .2323 .308 05 5 2032 :35 :23 acme—03.33333 63 3383:. .6 832.6833 33358.50: 63 286033 3:38:52. 23o 383m ._ 03a... .002. 03.2.5... .20. .2032 508.8 .805. 2.2.26 225. 2292.2. .902. > 0.008350: .80. .. 85.3.... .02. 6.20. 2.2.08...0 2;. 28.§> 20>. 50000000.; .30. 033003 .205 05.002003 $5-3 £5.03 .20. 0:60.006 .32.. 0520050000: 5:: 0008000002 2220. 52.0.08... 0.32258 2202. 0.3.0228 .302. 3.2258 .05. 522...... 052.. .803 2.... 022...... 03.88.. .802. 2.... 028.... 22.. 20”.... 5:8 .3800... .0... 0.... - 0:00:53 000.00: A00. 0000 6.00300 .0000.» .60 05...... .83... 250. 0.02.50. «.2... 0...... 0.0.0.... 00.. .005 8.80 0.20.... .202. 22.005 .202... 233.058.... 660800003 12> 52.0.: 00.0. 000000.. um:0_3_>0.50< .0603 5 0. 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Blank-Treated Estradiol-Treated Tutored Untutored Silence Tutored Untutored Silence (n=6) (n=7 or 8) (n=6) @= 6) (n= 6) (n=6) POA 414.5d:1 17 500.2i 1 26 591.0:t99 467.0i168 279.7i81 389.7:t89 BST 1 05601255 945.3i226 l 106.5:t254 494.8:1:187 9356:5338 694.4:12352 TnA 125.0:t73 67.3i26 30.5i1 1 52.8i23 91.9:t46 216.4:t215 L3“ 591.0i19l 376.621: 1 46 434.2i164 120.8i58 32361207 256.9i254 GCt 61 33:32 54.8i26 132.5i54 23.4i1 l 83.7i45 39.1i19 Ac 552.8i252 837.2:t252 1286.7i224 88841280 1049.6:t223 558.8:tl35 VTA 61.8:t20 52.2:t17 74.2:t30 54.0i40 67.3i25 13.3:1:7 Abbreviations: preoptic area (POA), bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST), nucleus taeniae (TnA), ventrolateral subdivision of the caudal lateral septum (LSc. v1), GCt (midbrain central gray), nucleus accumbens (Ac), ventral tegmental area (VTA) 49 Plasma Estradiol Estrogen treatment reliably increased circulating estradiol levels (Mann-Whitney U: 73, p= 0.002). Estradiol-treated birds had a mean of 5.7 ng/mli1.3 S.E., while the value for control birds was 2.2 ng/m1i0.46 S.E. However, a number of the samples from blank-treated females fell below the range of the sensitivity of the assay, so to be conservative, the minimum detectable value (15.63 pg/sample; equivalent to an average of 1.84 ng/ml, depending on sample volume and recovery) was assigned. Discussion Mavioral Responfl Female zebra finches spent more time near the tutored song than untutored song or silence. Lauay et al. (2004) also detected a similar propensity for increased time spent near tutored over untutored song in female zebra finches, although they did not examine the effects of estrogen or the neural response to these two types of song. The tendency to spend increased time nearer this type of stimulus may be related to reproduction. Females prefer songs with characteristics reflecting increased male energy input (i.e., long songs, increased song rate, and difficult syllables; Neubauer 1999; Ballentine et al. 2004; Nolan and Hill 2004). In addition, some of these characteristics correlate with high paternal effort (nestling feeding; Buchanan and Catchpole 2000; Dolby et a1. 2005) and offspring survival (Hasselquist et al. 1996). Low song quality may also indicate developmental stress, and as a result, lower the fitness of a potential mate (N owicki et al. 2002). It therefore seems reasonable to hypothesize that females spend more time near tutored song because it indicates a 50 higher quality mate than untutored song. It is possible, however, that the females simply find the untutored song aversive. The widespread nature of song preference behavior might suggest that its function is broader than reproduction and mate choice. For example, male birds from a variety of species prefer song from conspecifics (Calhoun et al. 1993; Braaten and Reynolds 1999) and their own fathers (Clayton 1988; Riebel et al. 2002; Riebel and Smallegange 2003). In addition, juvenile zebra finches prefer song from their tutor (Houx and ten Cate 1999; 1999) prior to the period when they become reproductively active. The lack of an effect of estradiol on the behavioral response is also consistent with the idea that the tendency to spend time with a specific song type is dissociated from mate choice and reproduction in the female zebra finch. Alternatively, it is possible that the hormone is required to display this behavioral preference, and the concentration of circulating estradiol in control females was above the threshold (similar to untreated canaries; Nagle et al. 1993; Leboucher et a1. 1994). Neural Response Auditory regions. Statistically significant differences in ZENK expression due to auditory stimulus were not detected in the NCM or CMM. However, in control but not estradiol-treated animals, the average density of these cells was approximately three times greater in birds exposed to tutored song than the other two stimuli. The effect of estradiol on ZENK expression in these areas also did not reach statistical significance, and no interaction was detected between the hormone and auditory stimulus type. One 51 therefore needs to be very careful in suggesting conclusions about potential effects of the hormone. However, a number of factors suggest that potential biological relevance might be considered. For example, specific large mean differences in ZENK expression were seen in just the auditory areas of control birds exposed to high quality song compared to both low-quality song and silence (see Figure 5). This pattern parallels previous work in zebra finches in which immediate early gene expression in auditory regions was increased following exposure to stimuli of greater relevance (Mello et al. 1992; Bailey et a1. 2002; Bailey and Wade 2003; Bailey and Wade 2005; Tomaszycki et a1. 2006). If a mixed-model 3-way ANOVA is used to consider patterns across brain regions, a song x treatment x region interaction is detected. This interaction partly stems from the fact that NCM and CMM are the only regions to show this dramatic difference between tutored and untutored song and silence and that this effect is only observed in blank treated individuals. Thus, it is likely that estrogen inhibits this selective ZENK response in these regions. However, the lack of a significant main effect of song type in the auditory regions in the present study may be the result of the reduced requirement to detect variations in song in adulthood in this species. The other species in which this phenomenon has been investigated are primarily seasonal breeders, in which the females also sing (Baptista and Petrinovich 1986; Vallet et al. 1996; Pavlova et a1. 2005) and/or male song is variable in adulthood (Smith et a1. 1995; Riters et a1. 2000; Leitner et a1. 2001). Zebra finches, in contrast, are aseasonal, the females do not sing, and male zebra song is stable in adulthood (Zann 1996). A difference in ZENK response to tutored and untutored song was observed in juvenile female zebra finches (Tomaszycki et al. 2006). However, this plasticity may be lost 52 once females have formed a template and learned the basic characteristics of species- appropriate song. From a more technical perspective, we cannot completely eliminate the possibility that the modest differences in exposure protocols during the behavior test (in which they were exposed to both song types simultaneously in a large choice cage) and ZENK induction (in which they were only exposed to one auditory stimulus in a sound isolated box) affected the animals somewhat differently, such that they showed a behavioral preference for tutored song, but not increased ZENK expression. However, in the ZENK induction test they remained within their home cage, which fit inside the sound-isolated box with the interest of reducing stress from a novel environment. Regardless of the results in blank treated animals, it is clear that when our females were treated with estradiol, the response to all auditory stimuli was nearly identical. This result differs from the findings of Maney et a1. (2006; 2008), in which estrogen treatment resulted in a greater immediate early gene response to conspecific song compared to tones. In the present study, however, we examined the difference in ZENK expression to variations in quality ofsong, whereas Maney et al. (2006; 2008) compared normal song to a tone stimulus. It is unknown how estradiol may mediate neural responses in auditory perception sites, but it is plausible that it acts on different signaling mechanisms. That is, separate pathways might (I) provide information that an auditory signal is an approximation of song, and (2) assess particular features (i. e., relative quality) of the song. If so, it is also possible that estradiol facilitates a neural response in one case and inhibits it in the other. Some estrogen receptors are located along the caudal edge of the NCM, as well as within the CMM (Gahr et al. 1993; Jacobs 53 et al. 1996; Gahr and Metzdorf 1997), so regulation may occur directly at these sites or through connections with other brain regions. LeBlanc et al. (2007) observed an increase in density of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity in the NCM following estrogen treatment, and predicted that estradiol plays a neuromodulatory role on responses within the auditory perception regions. It will be important to further investigate all of these ideas in future experiments. Social Behavior Network. Although estradiol did not alter behavior in the present study, it did affect the neural response specifically in the VMH. This region contains a high concentration of estrogen receptors in a wide range of vertebrates, including rodents (e.g., Pfaff and Keiner 1973; Vito et al. 1983; Koch and Ehret 1989; Simerly et al. 1990; DonCarlos et al. 1991; Lauber et a1. 1991; Shughrue et al. 1997) and birds (Balthazart et a1. 1989; Metzdorf et a1. 1999; Halldin et al. 2006), including zebra finches (Gahr et al. 1993; Jacobs et al. 1996; Gahr and Metzdorf 1997). In addition, the VMH plays a crucial role in the control of reproduction in female rodents (Pfaff et a1. 1994) and also appears to be important in birds (Gibson and Cheng 1979). However, rather than an increase in immediate early gene expression as has been observed in rodents following exposure to reproductive stimuli (Pfaus and Heeb 1997), we detected less ZENK-IR in the VMH with hormone administration. Treatment with estradiol alone can result in increases in immediate early gene expression (Cattaneo and Maggi 1990; Insel 1990), but similar to the present data, decreases have also been documented. For example, Tetel et al. (1994) and Pfaus et al. (1996) observed decreases in the induction of FOS-IR following small amounts of vaginocervical stimulation, in the VMH when female rats were treated with 54 estradiol. In addition, a decrease in immediate early gene expression in the preoptic area and amygdala occurs following testosterone administration in male anole lizards (Neal and Wade 2007). At least two potential explanations for this estradiol-induced decrease in immediate early gene expression exist. First, although these genes are often used to indicate regions that are “activated” by a certain stimulus, expression may also indicate stimulation of inhibitory neurons such as those expressing GABA. In male gerbils, a large proportion of cells expressing immediate early genes following mating are GABAergic (Simmons and Yahr 2003). Estradiol treatment can result in a decrease in bound GABAA receptor (O'Connor et al. 1988) and responsiveness of GABAB receptors (Lagrange et al. 1996) possibly resulting in disinhibition. Conversely, estrogen can cause an increase in GABA levels in the VMH of female rats (Luine et al. 1997). It is possible that estradiol reduces the activity of GABA neurons in the VMH in the present study, which is indicated by a decrease in ZENK expression. In zebra finches, song exposure results in GABA neurons expressing ZENK within the auditory perception regions (Pinaud et al. 2004; Pinaud and Mello 2007). As GABA neurons are present in female birds (Domenici et al. 1988; Granda and Crossland 1989), and can be regulated by social stimuli, as in rodents, it is possible that they may also be affected by estradiol in zebra finches. Second, it is possible that the decrease in ZENK expression observed in this study may be partially due to a decrease in activation of dopaminergic neurons in the VMH as described in Riters et al. (2007). In that study, decreased levels of phosphorylated tyrosine hydroxylase were observed following exposure to song in only breeding season female starlings. The authors hypothesize that these neurons may serve 55 an inhibitory function within the VMH during reproductive behavior (Riters et al. 2007) Maney et al. (2008) conducted a study similar to ours in white-crowned sparrows; the response to song and how it is modulated by estradiol was examined in the social behavior network. In that study, increased ZENK responses were observed within the TnA, VMH, EST, and LSc. v1, and estrogen enhanced this response in all the examined social behavior network regions, except the medial VMH and the anterior medial hypothalamus. We did not observe changes in the responses of these regions to song stimuli, and we did not observe modulation of the response to song in these regions by estrogen. There are multiple potential explanations for these discrepancies. For example, housing conditions differed. Our animals were maintained in a colony room with hundreds of zebra finches, whereas the white crowned females were housed with several other females in sound-isolated booths for the extent of the study in Maney et al. (2008). Perhaps more important, however, are biological differences between zebra finches and white-crowned sparrows that may lead to differences in their responses within this network to song. Female zebra finches do not sing and adult males produce a simple and stable song in adulthood (Zann 1996). White-crowned sparrows, in contrast, have several song dialects (Marler and Tamura 1964) and females can also produce song (Kern and King 1972). It is possible that if female white- crowned sparrows produce song when hearing the song stimulus, it could affect the response of regions in the social behavior network. Some of these regions are activated in males when they sing (i. e. Heimovics and Riters 2006). In addition, differences in neural responses may reflect song complexity. For example, because male zebra finch 56 song is so simple and stable, and females do not sing, female zebra finches may not need to utilize these regions to interpret the meaning of the song stimulus, whereas birds such as white-crowned sparrows that have more variable song that can be used in more contexts might require additional regions for processing. Similarly, female zebra finches may require additional stimulation to activate these regions. Song might be interpreted by only the auditory perception regions, and other areas of the brain may only be activated when other stimuli are present, such as courtship displays (visual input) or physical bonding (tactile input). Differing effects of estrogen between the species might relate to varying levels of reliance on the hormone for reproduction in seasonal (white-crowned sparrows) and opportunistic (zebra finches) breeders. Determining which, if any, of these possibilities led to the differences in ZENK response between the present study and that of Maney et al. (2008) on white-crowned sparrows could lead to insights on the specific roles of these brain regions. Dissociation between behavior and immediate early gene expression Dissociations between behavior and ZENK expression were observed on two levels. First, although the females displayed a strong propensity to spend time near the tutored song, no differences in ZENK expression between auditory stimuli were observed in the social behavior network or reward system, and more work must be done on the auditory perception regions before solid conclusions can be drawn. Second, the reduction of ZENK expression by estrogen in the VMH with the lack of an effect of the hormone on behavior in the choice test suggests that an increased ZENK response within the VMH is not necessary for the display of differential behavioral responses to high quality song. 57 These data suggest a number of possibilities. For example, another immediate early gene may be involved in the regulation of the behavior. Consistent with that idea, some differences between the activities of F OS and ZENK have been detected in juvenile zebra finches (Bailey and Wade 2003), although similar patterns of induction of the two immediate early genes have also been observed following song presentation to adult female songbirds (Sockman et al. 2005; Velho et al. 2005). Additionally, several other immediate early genes (such as c-jun) exist that may also be important to the changes that occur during the display of this behavior. It is also possible that some other neural system (in addition to the three networks examined here) is vital to mediation of this behavior. Conclusion and Future Directions In summary, estrogen treatment does not affect the tendency to spend time near high quality, tutored song as measured in the present study, but it does suppress ZENK induction in the VMH. The present data suggest that the maintenance of this behavior does not require higher concentrations of estradiol and may not be associated with the ZENK expression detected within the examined brain regions. In addition, the fact that estrogen’s inhibition of the neural response is relatively specific, and does not occur in most of the brain regions investigated, suggests that it serves some function, although the nature of it is not clear at this point. Determining the phenotype of the affected cells will help to elucidate their function(s). 58 Acknowledgements This research was funded by the National Institutes of Health (R01-MH55488 and K02-MH65907). We thank Elizabeth Adkins-Regan for providing us with the tutored and untutored song files, Dave Bailey for assistance with the behavioral testing procedure, Yu Ping Tang for advice with immunohistochemistry, Stephany Latham for technical assistance, and Katie Licht for coding the song preference tests. 59 CHAPTER 3: ESTRADIOL AND SONG PRESENTATION MEDIATE BEHAVIOR OF FEMALE ZEBRA FINCHES INDEPENDENT OF DOPAMIN E ACTIVITY IN THE NUCLEUS ACCUMBENS AND MEDIAL STRIATUM Abstract Female songbirds display preferences for certain song characteristics, but the neural and hormonal mechanisms mediating these preferences are not fully clear. The present study sought to further explore the role of estradiol, as well as assess potential roles of dopaminergic systems, on behavioral responses to song. Adult female zebra finches were treated with estradiol and exposed to tutored or untutored song or silence. Behavior was quantified and neurochemistry of the nucleus accumbens and striatum was examined with high performance liquid chromatography. As a control, the responses of these two systems to treatment with raclopride, a specific D2 receptor antagonist, were also evaluated. This manipulation did not affect dopamine (DA), but did increase DOPAC and the DOPAC/DA ratio. Estradiol reduced the display of two behaviors, long distance calls and visual scanning, but had no effect on dopaminergic responses. Auditory stimulus exposure affected other vocalizations, but song presentation did not modulate the levels of DA or its metabolite, DOPAC in the nucleus accumbens or striatum. Collectively, the results suggest that both estradiol and auditory stimuli can modify the behavioral responses of adult zebra finches, but they do so independent of changes in DA concentration and turnover. Thus, these two dopaminergic regions may not mediate the preference for high versus low quality song in this species. 60 Introduction Female songbirds display preferences spending time near song with certain characteristics, and perhaps as a consequence, vary their behavioral responses to them. However, the neural mechanisms involved in these processes are not completely clear. Increased immediate early gene expression in response to male songs of higher quality are regularly seen in the auditory perception regions in a variety of songbird species (6. g. Gentner et al. 2001; Bailey et al. 2002; Maney et al. 2003; Leitner et al. 2005; Sockman et al. 2005; Tomaszycki et al. 2006; Svec and Wade 2009). Information on responses of other neural regions in songbirds is more limited and not as consistent. For example, results from the social behavior network (a group of interconnected nuclei that are implicated in the mediation of social behaviors and sensitive to steroid hormones (Newman 1999) differ across species. In white-throated sparrows, increased immediate early gene expression in response to song was observed in the nucleus taeniae, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, lateral ventromedial hypothalamus, and lateral septum (Maney et al. 2008), whereas in zebra finches none of these regions were selectively responsive to high or low quality song (Svec and Wade 2009). In the mesolimbic dopamine (DA) system, exposure to song does not induce immediate early gene expression in zebra finches (Svec and Wade 2009) or white- throated sparrows (LeBlanc et a1. 2007; Maney et al. 2008), but these results do not eliminate the possibility that the regions respond to song stimuli. Quantifying the concentrations of DA and its metabolites might provide more direct assessments of their responses. This type of involvement is plausible, as song is a critical element of courtship (Zann 1996), and the mesolimbic reward system is activated in mammals 61 during reproduction in both sexes (reviewed in Mitchell and Gratton 1994; Melis and Argiolas 1995; Paredes and Agmo 2004), as well as in response to reproductive stimuli alone (Mitchell and Gratton 1994; Fabre-Nys et al. 1997). The anatomical and physiological characteristics of the dopaminergic systems are highly similar in birds and mammals (reviewed in Durstewitz et al. 1999; Reiner et al. 2004a). In birds, dopaminergic neurons from the substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area project to the basal ganglia, including the medial striatum (nigrostriatal) and the nucleus accumbens (mesolimbic; Szekely et a1. 1994; Metzger et al. 1996; Durstewitz et a1. 1999). In vitro, neurons from the ventral tegmental area and substantia nigra have similar electrophysiological characteristics to mammalian dopaminergic neurons, and D2 receptor agonists block their activity (Gale and Perkel 2006). In addition, in chickens and zebra finches release of DA in striatal slices decreases with D2 receptor agonist treatment (Gale and Perkel 2005; Jackson et al. 2007). Few avian studies, however, have simultaneously examined the responses of the nigrostriatal and mesolimbic dopaminergic systems. In addition to physiological characteristics, functional similarities exist in these systems between mammals and birds (see Reiner et al. 1998 for review). In both groups, the regions are important to the control of motor movements (see Rieke 1981; Sanberg and Mark 1983; Albin et al. 1989; Hauber 1998), as well as the mediation of reward (see Schultz et al. 1997; Akins et al. 2004; Esch and Stefano 2004; Akins and Geary 2008). In particular, these two systems are activated when males sing sexually motivated song (measured with immediate early gene expression in mesolimbic reward 62 regions; Riters et al. 2004; Heimovics and Riters 2005) and microdialysis in the striatum (Sasaki et al. 2006). The response of neurons in the mesolimbic DA system to song exposure has only been examined using immediate early genes, which are either expressed to a greater degree in response to song (Maney et al. 2008) or are unchanged (LeBlanc et al. 2007; Svec and Wade 2009) in these regions. In components of the social behavior network, Riters et al. (2007) observed increased phosphorylated tyrosine hydroxylase (the rate limiting enzyme in DA synthesis) in response to male starling song. Also, DA release is increased in the auditory perception system (caudomedial nidopallium) in female starlings exposed to song (Sockman and Salvante 2008). It remains to be seen if exposure to song stimuli results in increased dopaminergic activity in the striatum and nucleus accumbens of female songbirds. Although song is a critical component of reproduction, and estrogen is often used to prime females in song response studies (i. e. Searcy and Marler 1981; Clayton and Prove 1989; Searcy and Capp 1997; Maney et al. 2003; Ballentine et al. 2004), the role of steroid hormones in neural responses to song has only recently been evaluated. The effects are not completely consistent (see LeBlanc et al. 2007; Riters et al. 2007; Maney et al. 2008; Svec and Wade 2009). Zebra finch females present more distance calls in response to complex song versus other song types when they are estrogen- treated, but not control-treated (Vyas et al. 2008; 2009). In our previous study in zebra finches (Svec and Wade 2009), estradiol reduced expression of the immediate early gene ZENK in the ventromedial hypothalamus but did not affect neural responses to song, behavioral preference for tutored versus untutored male song, or general calling 63 behavior in response to these auditory stimuli. In contrast, a selective increase in ZENK expression in response to male song was observed following estrogen treatment in several regions in the social behavior network in white-throated sparrows (Maney et al. 2008) Estrogen may also affect the response of dopaminergic systems. The ventral tegmental area contains estrogen receptors (LeBlanc et al. 2007). In female starlings, the activity of dopaminergic neurons in response to male song in the ventral tegmental area, as well as regions in the social behavior network, is affected by breeding condition (Riters et al. 2007). These results suggest potential for dopaminergic systems to be modified by estradiol. The present experiments had two primary goals. First, we examined the specific behavioral responses of female zebra finches to tutored versus untutored song, and in particular how they might be affected by estradiol treatment. Second, we characterized the response of the nucleus accumbens and striatum of estrogen-treated and control females to song stimuli using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to measure the levels of DA and its metabolite 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC). Prior to this main experiment, a separate group of adult females was used to verify the technique. For this, we determined that predictable changes in dopaminergic neural activity after raclopride treatment are reflected in changes in DA metabolism in the nucleus accumbens and striatum. Methods Animals 64 Adult female zebra finches were raised in mixed-sex aviaries in our breeding colony at Michigan State University. They were kept on a 12:12 light:dark cycle, and seed and water were provided ad libitum. Orange and spinach as well as a hard-boiled egg/bread mixture were given once per week. After reaching adulthood (at least 100 days after hatching), female birds were housed in a unisex aviary, in acoustic (but not visual) contact with adult males for at least three weeks prior to testing. All procedures were approved by the Michigan State IACUC and adhered to the guidelines of the National Institutes of Health. Raclopride treatment Females were removed from the all-female aviary, taken to a separate room in individual cages, and given an intramuscular injection of either 1mg/kg raclopride (1 mg/kg; Sigma-Aldrich Corp., St. Louis, MO) or a vehicle (lml/kg). They remained in cages in the room for 70 min., after which they were rapidly decapitated and brain tissue was collected, flash—frozen, and stored at -80°C until processing. Hormone treatment Estradiol treatment was conducted as in Svec and Wade (2009). Briefly, females were implanted subcutaneously with 5 mm long Silastic capsules (i.d. 0.076 mm, o.d. 1.65 mm) under isoflurane anesthesia. Implants were made from Silastic tubing, which was packed with 2 mm of 17B-estradiol and sealed with silicone. Implants of this size result in hormone levels slightly above the natural range of adult female zebra finches (Adkins-Regan et al. 1990; Svec and Wade 2009). Females were not gonadectomized, as ovariectomy in this species results in an increased level of circulating estradiol (Adkins-Regan et al. 1990). Control females received empty 65 implants. Females were housed in individual cages in a room with males and females in group aviaries for 5 days following the surgery. Song Stimuli The same auditory stimuli were used as in Svec and Wade (2009), recorded by Dr. Adkins-Regan at Cornell University (also used in Lauay et al. 2004). They came from males that had been tutored (raised with adult males present) or untutored (raised in the absence of other males after 18 days of age) during development. Twelve 30-min song clips (six tutored and six untutored) were created in Adobe Audition (Adobe Systems Inc., San Jose, CA), each containing a unique combination of 30 sec of song from three randomly chosen males in each category that were separated by 30 sec of silence and repeated for 30 min. Auditogy stimulus exposure Five days after implant surgery, females were taken to a novel room for auditory stimulus exposure. The procedure was conducted as described in Svec and Wade (2009), except that tissue was collected 10 min rather than 1 hour after the conclusion of the song presentation. Briefly, females were placed in a sound isolated box in their individual cages, allowed 30 min for acclimation, and then exposed to 30 min of one of the two types of song. A speaker with a taxidermic model of an adult male zebra finch on top broadcast the song at 60 dB three inches from the cage. As a control, some birds were not exposed to song and remained in silence during the test. The stimulus exposure was videotaped, and behaviors displayed were quantified by an observer blind to treatment condition (see Table 4 for descriptions of behaviors, largely generated from 66 Zann (1996). Brain tissue was collected following rapid decapitation, flash frozen, and stored at -80 °C until processing. Table 4. Descriptions of measured behaviors Behavior Distance calls ‘Other calls’ Duration of movement Flights/J umps Beak wipes Allopreening Visual Scanning Beak open Tail quiver Description Long, loud sounds emitted by the female, often presented after song begins and shortly after song stops, often used for localizing other individuals Shorter calls, at a lower volume, including both 5tets’ and ‘stacks’, presented frequently throughout the test in many cases The amount of time an individual bird was moving throughout the cage, excluding time in which the bird was sitting still either on the perch or on the ground for more than 10 seconds Movement to or from the perch or up to the sides of the cage Rhythmic movement of the beak back and forth along the perch Cleaning feathers with beak Turning head to one side, including craning the neck and/or moving one of the eyes in the direction of the speaker and bird model Top and bottom beak are separated slightly for more than 2 seconds Rapid movement of the tail, often associated with a bowed position on the perch 67 Figure 6. Examples of microdissections taken from thionin-stained coronal sections of the zebra finch brain. Panel A depicts punches of (1) the nucleus accumbens and (2) rostral medial striatum (both 21-gauge). Panel B depicts punches from the caudal medial striatum (3; 18-gauge). LV= lateral ventricle, LPS= Lamina pallio-subpallialis. Scale bar = 1 mm. 68 Quantification of neurochemicals Tissue from both the preliminary study including raclopride-treated birds and those in the main experiment that were exposed to the auditory stimuli was coronally sectioned frozen (500 pm thick). Samples of the nucleus accumbens, rostral medial striatum and caudal medial striatum were microdissected from these sections using the Palkovits method (Palkovits 1973). A 21-gauge micropunch was utilized for the nucleus accumbens and rostral medial striatum, and an 18-gauge punch was used for the caudal medial striatum (Figure 6). Punches were placed in 0.1 M phosphate-citric buffer in 20% methanol (pH 2.5; 50 pl for nucleus accumbens and rostral medial striatum, and 100 [.11 for caudal medial striatum) and stored at -20 °C. Samples were thawed, sonicated with three l-sec bursts (Sonicator Cell Disruptor, Heat Systems-Ultrasonic, Plainview, NY, USA) and centrifuged (12000 rpm) for 1 min. The supernatant was removed and stored at -20 °C. HPLC coupled with ’ electrochemical detection was conducted to determine the levels of DA and DOPAC as described in Lindley et a1. (1990) and Behrouz et al. (2007). Briefly, the supernatant was injected into a C-18 reverse phase analytical column and using a mobile phase of 1.0M phosphate citrate buffer with 0.1 M EDTA, 0.35% sodium octylsulfate and 20% methanol. DA and DOPAC content were determined by comparing the heights of peaks generated by a Hewlett Packard Integrator (Model 3393A) with those generated the same day with standards. To determine the protein content, the pellet was dissolved in l N NaOH, sonicated, and assayed using the method developed by Lowry et al. (1951). Briefly, samples were compared to a standard curve serially diluted from 12.5 ug to 50 ug of protein. Samples and the standard curve were reacted with a reagent of sodium 69 carbonate, cupric sulfate, and KNA tartrate for 10 min and then reacted with Folin reagent (phenol in ddH20) for 30 min. Absorbance was measured with a microplate reader (MicroQuant, Biotek Instruments, Winooski, VT). To control for variation in size of each sample, concentrations of DA and DOPAC were determined by dividing the absolute quantity of each neurochemical by the protein content within the sample. The DOPAC/DA ratio was also calculated as a measure of the ratio of metabolized to stored DA. No differences in the values were observed between the two portions of the striatum, so they were pooled to form a total striatum value. Statistics Two-way ANOVAs were conducted to examine effects of estrogen and auditory stimulus type on behaviors. These were followed by Tukey-Kramer post- hoc tests for pairwise comparisons as appropriate. The HPLC results were analyzed with mixed- model ANOVAs to compare DA and DOPAC concentrations and the DOPAC/DA ratio across treatments and song exposure (between animals) and brain regions (within animals) for both the raclopride and song exposure studies. All statistical analyses were conducted using StatView (SAS Institute; Carey, NC). Sample sizes for each group are indicated in the legends to Figures 7-9 and Table 5. Results Estrogen and Song Exposure - Behavior A main effect of treatment was observed, such that estradiol decreased the frequency of long distance calls (F= 5.12, p= 0.031) and visual scanning (F= 6.26, p= 0.018), regardless of type of stimulus exposure (Figure 7, data pooled across the groups 70 of auditory stimuli since they did not differ). In addition, a main effect of auditory stimulus was observed in the frequency of ‘other calls’ (F= 5.93, p= 0.006); females produced more of them when exposed to untutored song than silence (Tukey Kramer, p< 0.05; Figure 8). No main effects of song or treatment, or interactions between these variables, were observed for any of the other behaviors (all F< 3.99, p> 0.055). Raclopride A main effect of treatment was observed in the concentration of DOPAC (F= 23.35, p= 0.001) and the DOPAC/DA ratio (F= 25.95, p= 0.001); raclopride increased both compared to the control manipulation (Figure 9). An interaction between brain region and treatment indicated that the effect of raclopride on DOPAC concentration was greater in the striatum than in the nucleus accumbens (F= 10.14, p= 0.008). In addition, the concentrations of DOPAC and DA were higher in the striatum than in the nucleus accumbens (F= 39.70, p< 0.001; F: 40.48, p< 0.001, respectively). As expected, no effect of raclopride treatment on DA concentration was observed (F= 2.43, p= 0.145). Estrogen and Song Exposure - Neurochemistry A main effect of brain region was observed such that concentrations of DA (F = 250.314, p< 0.001) and DOPAC (F= 82.24, p<0.001) were greater in the striatum than in the nucleus accumbens. In addition, the DOPAC/DA ratio was higher in nucleus accumbens than in the striatum (F= 58.69, p< 0.001). A trend for an interaction among treatment and song type was detected in concentration of DA (F= 03.26, p= 0.051), but one-way ANOVAs between treatments or among song exposure groups revealed no significant differences (all F< 4.44, p> 0.059). No other effects of song or treatment on neurochemistry approached statistical significance (all F< 1.92, p> 0.16; Table 5). 71 I Estrogen 60 1 I [:1 Blank 40- Number of Distance Calls 17 A N ———t on A Frequency of visual scanning 17 Estrogen Blank Figure 7. Effects of estradiol on long distance calls (top) and visual seaming behavior (bottom). Data (meaniS.E.) were pooled across song exposure groups, as the effects of the auditory stimuli did not differ among them. Sample sizes: Estradiol-treated tutored song = 6, estradiol-treated untutored song = 8, estradiol-treated silence = 7, blank- treated tutored song = 5, blank-treated untutored song = 6, blank-treated silence = 6. * p< 0.031. 72 I Tutored Song 0) O O X- g I Untutored Song (U S [:1 Silence 2 400 O “5 g 200 E 3 z Tutored Untutored Silence song song Figure 8. Effect of auditory stimulus on ‘other calls’ (meaniS.E.). Other calls include “tets” and “stacks”, which are shorter calls presented throughout the test. Data were pooled across treatment groups, as estradiol did not affect the number of these vocalizations. Sample sizes: Estradiol-treated tutored song = 6, estradiol-treated untutored song = 8, estradiol-treated silence = 7, blank-treated tutored song = 5, blank- treated untutored song = 6, blank-treated silence = 6. * p= 0.006 73 80 5 * I Raclopride "é A E .25, 60- 1:] Water 8 § 8 O. o g’ 40 0 B: E 5 o 20- o 0- c 200 .9 (U 3: A 160- 0 g a 120‘ 0 a) 0 E 80- : \ .E g g 40- o O (I) .E E (U 8.9 o 16 G o: E O o Nucleus Striatum Accumbens Figure 9. Effects of raclopride treatment (meaniS.E.) on the concentration of DOPAC (top) and DA (middle), and the DOPAC/DA ratio (bottom). Sample sizes are indicated at the bottom of each bar; * p< 0.008. 74 Table 5. Concentrations of DOPAC, Dopamine and the DOPAC/DA ratio in the nucleus accumbens and striatum following song presentation and estrogen treatment. No main effects or interactions were detected, all F < 1.92, p> 0.16. . DOPAC Dopamine DOPAC/ Bram . . Region Treatment Song concentration concentration DA (ng/mg)d:SE (ng/mg)1SE ratioiSE Nucleus Estrogen T“‘_°r°d 119511.85 20.631315 0.610.10 Accumbens n—7 “if?“ 12.261237 258316.25 05110.06 82:“? 146113.88 21.641406 0.671013 Tutored Blank n= 6 12.511238 298515.43 04610.09 “2:?“ 9.701196 17.121191 05510.80 8:37“ 12.61286 230415.93 0.741016 Striatum* Estrogen Tutored 228814.51 85.07112.37 02910.06 Untutored 30.241570 l3 7.8912094 02210.02 Silence 37.401485 113.43110.63 0.221002 Blank Tutored 294914.92 1255811883 02610.05 Untutored 329815.34 1 10.151888 02910.04 Silence 388119.52 131.95116.58 02410.05 * Sample sizes same as in Nucleus Accumbens 75 Discussion Summag Estradiol decreased long-distance calls and visual scanning behavior, and across hormone manipulations, females presented a greater number of ‘other calls’ when hearing untutored song compared to silence. Through the raclopride study, we verified our measures of dopaminergic activity in the nucleus accumbens and striatum. However, neither estrogen treatment nor exposure to either tutored or untutored song affected these measures in the two measured neural centers. I_3e_haviora_l resporyse to estrogen treatment and song exposure The present results provide a more detailed analysis of the efi’ect of estradiol on behavior than our previous work on female zebra finches (Svec and Wade 2009). In the earlier study, we did not observe an effect of these manipulations on a general call measure. However, vocalizations were not separated into long distance and ‘other calls’ in that study, and visual scanning behavior was not quantified. Distance calls and ‘other calls’ have two very distinct fimctions and by examining them separately, we were able to determine whether the song stimuli or treatment affected these two types of behaviors separately. In the current study, the estrogen-induced decrease in long distance calls and visual scanning behavior clearly indicates that behavioral effects of the hormone do occur. These behaviors may be associated with the same function, involving a reduced need or desire for locating other individuals. Visual scanning behavior would be consistent with this idea, and distance calls are typically used for localization of other birds and often uttered when an individual is isolated (Zann 1996). It is interesting to note that this reduction in behavior parallels a general reduction of ZENK expression in 76 the VMH following estrogen treatment in a previous study (Svec and Wade 2009). At least three potential explanations exist for the observed reductions in behaviors. First, it is possible that estrogen treatment results in decreased social interest. Perhaps the visual cues received from the model zebra finch were sufficient for estrogen-treated females and increased attempts to contact or find an individual are not required. Second, estradiol facilitates receptive behaviors in a variety of vertebrate species (see Pfaff et al. 1994; Ball and Balthazart 2002; Godwin and Crews 2002 for reviews). Perhaps an increased focus on mating results in a decrease in the amount of time the female spends on other behaviors such as calling or scanning their environment. Third, it is possible that estrogen-treated females have decreased anxiety, as has been observed in mammals (reviewed in Walf and Frye 2006). This reduction in anxiety may then result in a diminished response to the novelty of the testing environment, which is manifested in fewer long distance calls and visual scanning. Although modulated by estradiol treatment, these behaviors were unaffected by auditory stimulus type. This result suggests that these behaviors may be displayed in response to some other aspect of the testing situation, perhaps isolation or one or more features of the novel environment. Our results differ from those of Vyas et al. (2008; 2009) who showed that estrogen treatment resulted in increased selectivity of the behavioral response to song (i.e. increased number of distance calls in response to high versus lower quality song). However, several important differences exist between their studies and ours. First, Vyas et al. (2008; 2009) utilized three song stimuli: prototypical song (normal song), long bout song (which had additional motifs), and complex song (which included 77 acoustically different song motifs and high numbers of unique syllables). Thus, female responses to normal song were compared to those of artificially higher quality. In our study, we compared behavior following exposure to normal versus lower quality song. It is possible that females employ distinct mechanisms to distinguish between the features, and estradiol mediates these mechanisms in different ways. Second, we exposed females to only one song type during the behavioral test, whereas in the other studies, females were exposed to all three song types during each test, and proportional responses to them were compared across the groups. Third, no silence group was utilized by Vyas et al. (2008; 2009). In contrast, other types of calls (tets and stacks collectively) were not affected by estradiol treatment in our study, but were increased in response to untutored song compared to silence. This result is consistent with the idea that females are responding to the unfamiliarity of this song type, which they would not have previously heard. In parallel, exposure to novel stimuli can result in increased locomotion. Tets are used as contact calls and are often associated with movement, and stacks are frequently presented when taking off in flight (Zann 1996). Although we did not detect an effect of song type on movement, it may have been undetected due to the small size of the cage in which the test was conducted. However, it is also possible that hearing this unusual and novel stimulus, untutored song, induces females to increase their attempts to contact other birds. Dopamineggic response to raclopride treatment The increased levels of DOPAC and DOPAC/DA ratio in both the striatum and nucleus accumbens of raclopride-treated birds indicates that activity of these neurons '78 was increased by blocking D2 dopaminergic receptors. In mammals, D2 receptors serve as autoreceptors, and raclopride treatment results in an increase in DOPAC in both of the regions (Ogren et al. 1986; Eaton et al. 1992). Based on the results of several in vitro studies, it appears that this also holds true in birds. For example, DA release decreases when D2 receptor agonists are administered to chicken hyperstriatal slices (Jackson et al. 2007), and the activity of striatal dopaminergic neurons is decreased with activation of the D2 receptor (Ding and Perkel 2002). The results here confirm that this effect is also observed following in vivo treatment with raclopride, validating the use of DOPAC concentration and the DOPAC/DA ratio as reliable indicators of dopaminergic activity in birds, as in mammals. Dopaminergic response to estrogen treatment The lack of effects of estrogen treatment on DA, DOPAC, and the DOPAC/DA ratio was surprising, as estradiol increases DA release in both the striatum (Becker and Beer 1986; Becker and Cha 1989) and the nucleus accumbens (Saigusa et al. 1997; Thompson and Moss 1997) in mammals. Estradiol also increases labeling for tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme for DA synthesis, in white-throated sparrows in the ventral tegmental area, the location of dopaminergic cell bodies (LeBlanc et al. 2007). However, as zebra finches are opportunistic breeders, hormones may not play the same role as in seasonal breeders like sparrows. The level of estrogen in adult female zebra finches may remain above threshold, reducing the effect of changes in circulating estradiol. It is unlikely that the treatment itself was ineffective, since we observed changes in behavior due to the estrogen implants. Parallel to the lack of DA response, we did not detect an effect of estrogen on 79 ZENK expression in response to song in either the social behavior network or mesolimbic dopaminergic system (Svec and Wade 2009). Similarly, ZENK expression in catecholamine neurons (tyrosine hydroxylase positive neurons which may be dopaminergic or noradrenergic) following song exposure was unaffected by estrogen treatment in white-throated sparrows (LeBlanc et a1. 2007). Perhaps in this system estradiol is involved with slower or more long-term modulation, but short-term neurochemical responses within these regions are less sensitive to the hormone. Dopaminergic respofies to song exposure To our knowledge, the present study is the first to concurrently examine the effects of song perception on dopaminergic neurons in the striatum and nucleus accumbens in songbirds. Concentrations of DA, DOPAC and the DOPAC/DA ratio were not affected by song exposure in the nucleus accumbens or striatum. This result corresponds with the fact that presentation of the same auditory stimulus did not increase the density of ZENK immunoreactive nuclei in the nucleus accumbens or the ventral tegmental area in zebra finches (Svec and Wade 2009), and ZENK expression in other catecholiminergic brain regions was also unaffected by song presentation in white-throated sparrows (LeBlanc et al. 2007). Similarly, in female starlings, male song had no effect on immunoreactivity of phosphorylated tyrosine hydroxylase (an indicator of dopaminergic activity) in the ventral tegmental area (Riters et a1. 2007) in starlings. In contrast, dopaminergic neurons in some brain regions do appear to be involved in song perception. For example, the level of DOPAC in the auditory perception regions increases following exposure to high quality song stimuli (Sockman and Salvante 2008), and phosphorylated tyrosine hydroxylase increases after exposure to male song 80 in the breeding season in the lateral septum and ventromedial hypothalamus of starlings (Riters et al. 2007). Perception of zebra finch song may differ from what is observed in other songbirds in part because adult male zebra finch song is simple and highly stable in adulthood (Zann 1996). Therefore, it may not be as critical for female zebra finches to utilize additional neuronal processing (such as the activity of these dopaminergic systems) to assess the relative value of or distinguish among song types. Alternatively, females may utilize auditory perception systems to determine whether or not song is present and then process other cues such as visual courtship or tactile stimuli to determine the relative value of those signals via the dopaminergic system. We also cannot completely rule out the possibility that the time point at which we collected the tissue may have affected our results. However, DA levels rapidly increase and remain high for 30-40 minutes in Area X (in the medial striatum) of male zebra finches after singing (Sasaki et al. 2006). As tissue for the present experiment was collected 10 min after the conclusion of the song presentation, it seems likely that the DA levels would still be elevated at this time point. Conclusions and future directions The results from this study, along with otherrecently collected data from this lab, reveal that estrogen has specific effects on both behavior and neural activity in adult female zebra finches. Estrogen decreased the display of long distance calls and visual seaming (present study) and inhibited the expression of ZENK in the ventromedial hypothalamus (Svec and Wade 2009). These effects, however, appear independent of auditory stimulus presentation, and therefore may result from some 81 other aspect of the behavior testing environment. As estradiol in the ventromedial hypothalamus in other model systems affects both anxiety and sexual receptivity (see above), either of these factors could have influenced the present behavioral results. Other vocalizations were increased in response to untutored song (present study), and female zebra finches spend more time near tutored than untutored song (Svec and Wade 2009). Neither the effects of estradiol nor those of song exposure appear related to dopaminergic responses in the nucleus accumbens or the medial striatum. However, DA neurons are also present in cortical regions in songbirds (i. e. Bottjer 1993; Appeltants et al. 2001), and it is possible that their activity plays a role in mediating responses to song. Acknowledgements Research was supported through grants from the National Institutes of Health to Juli Wade (R01-MH55488 and K02-MH65907). We would like to thank Katie Licht for behavioral coding and Elizabeth Adkins-Regan for providing the tutored and untutored song stimuli. 82 CHAPTER 4: PAIR BONDING IN THE FEMALE ZEBRA FINCH: A POTENTIAL ROLE FOR THE NUCLEUS TAENIAE Abstract Male and female zebra finches are highly social and form pair bonds typically associated with reproduction. To determine how these bonds affect a female’s behavioral response to future interactions, females were paired with a male for two weeks, separated for 48 hours, and then exposed to the same or a novel male. Control females were left unpaired and introduced to a novel male. Behaviors, as well as neural ZENK expression, were quantified. Females displayed higher levels of behaviors associated with pair bonds (clumping and preening) toward their mates than novel males, and display of these behaviors was correlated with expression of the immediate early gene ZENK in the nucleus taeniae of one group of females, those interacting with their mates. Behaviors of the stimulus males were largely unaffected, but those interacting with an unpaired female attempted to mount more than those interacting with their mates. The results indicate that the nucleus taeniae may play some role in the maintenance of pair bonds in this species. Additionally, females may provide some signal to influence elements of the behavior of males. 83 Introduction The formation of social bonds is important to an individual’s health and success in many social species, including humans (Lucas et al. 2003). In monogamous species, the reproductive sequence commonly involves formation of a pair bond. The neural mediation of these bonds has only been examined in a few model systems, including monkeys and prairie voles (see Mason and Mendoza 1998; Wang and Aragona 2004 for reviews). Zebra finches form strong pair bonds prior to reproduction. They are formed in 2-14 days, can be maintained through auditory contact alone (Silcox and Evans, 1982), and are characterized by close contact, allopreening, and synchronized behaviors (Zann 1996). Appearance of these behaviors typically occurs shortly after the male and female are introduced, and they increase in frequency by the second day (Silcox and Evans 1982). These behaviors are not typically displayed between unrelated single individuals (Zann 1996; Butterfield 1970). Females that have formed a pair bond react aggressively to new males, and close contact (clumping and preening) with them is inhibited (Silcox and Evans 1982). Pair bonding seems to affect female behavior in two ways. It increases the incidence of pairing behaviors directed toward her mate and reduces the display of them toward other males. Studies designed to examine the responses of females to pairing manipulations are limited. Variations in female responses toward males that are observed following pair bonding are likely mediated by multiple neural systems, including those related to auditory perception, social behavior, and reward. Responses to interactions with males have been investigated in several species using immediate early genes (IEGs; see Pfaus and Heeb 1997; Meddle et al. 1999), 84 although research on the neural correlates of behaviors associated with pairing in avian species is limited. Increased IEG expression is observed in female rodents following sexual interactions with males in regions in the social behavior network (defined by Newman 1999) as brain areas involved in the mediation of social behaviors which are responsive to steroid hormones), including the ventromedial hypothalamus, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and amygdala (Pfaus and Heeb 1997). In female Japanese quail, interaction with a male results in increased F 05 expression in the ventromedial hypothalamus, intercollicular nucleus, and mesopallium (Meddle et al. 1999), at least some of which are involved in the control of reproductive and social behavior in birds (Gibson and Cheng 1979; Cheng et al. 1999). The mesolimbic dopamine reward system is also implicated in the regulation of female reproductive behaviors in rodents (see Melis and Argiolas 1995; Paredes and Agmo 2004 for reviews). Dopamine levels increase following paced copulation in female rats (i.e. Becker et al. 2001; Merrnelstein and Becker 1995; Pfaus et al. 1995). Although work on the reward system in female birds is limited, singing behavior by male starlings results in increased IEG expression in the ventral tegmental area during the breeding season (Riters et al. 2004; Heimovics and Riters 2005; 2006). In the monogamous rodent, the prairie vole, IEG expression is seen in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and preoptic area when females cohabitate with a novel male (Cushing et al. 2003), and in the medial amygdala, preoptic area, and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis after 6 hours of mating, which is typically sufficient for the formation of a pair bond in this species (Curtis and Wang 2003). The reward system is also vital to the regulation and formation of the pair bond in these animals. Dopamine 85 levels increase in the nucleus accumbens in response to mating in female prairie voles (Gingrich et al. 2000). Dopamine antagonists presented either systemically or directly into the nucleus accumbens block the formation of a pair bond following mating (Aragona et al. 2003). Similarly, pair bonds can be formed between a male and a female without mating by treating systemically or directly into the nucleus accumbens with a dopamine agonist (Aragona et al. 2003). Thus, regions in both the social behavior and mesolimbic reward system mediate pairing behaviors in the prairie vole. Studies in birds have tended to focus on the role of auditory perception in female mate choice and pair formation. Females behaviorally discriminate between mate and stranger calls (Vignal et al. 2008), and auditory cues from males are critical for pair bond formation (Silcox and Evans 1982; Tomaszycki and Adkins-Regan 2005). Exposure to male song results in increased IEG expression in the auditory perception regions in numerous songbird species including zebra finches (Mello et al. 1992; Mello and Clayton 1994; Bailey et al. 2002), and these regions display differential levels of IEG expression based on variations in male song (cg. Gentner et al. 2001; Maney et al. 2003; Leitner et al. 2005; Sockman et al. 2005). The present study was designed to examine the mediation of pair bonding behavior in the female zebra finch. Although studies have confirmed that females change their behavior as pair bonds are formed, the only study to examine how pairing affects responses to new individuals was conducted with male zebra finches (Caryl 1976). To investigate whether forming a pair bond changes how a female behaves during subsequent social interactions with males, we evaluated behavioral responses in three groups of birds — females re-exposed to their partners after a brief break, and 86 previously paired and unpaired females exposed to novel males. More importantly, to assess potential roles of the auditory perception, social behavior, and mesolimbic reward systems in the mediation of these behavioral responses, we examined neural correlates by measuring expression of the IEG, ZENK after these social interactions. Methods Animals Adult female and male zebra finches were raised in our breeding colony at Michigan State University. Animals were kept on a 12: 12 light:dark cycle, and provided seed and water ad libitum. Their diets were enriched with orange and spinach and a hard-boiled egg/bread mixture provided once a week. Adults were raised in mixed-sex aviaries until they had reached adulthood (at least 100 days of age). They were then housed in unisex aviaries, in acoustic but not visual contact with the opposite sex, for at least three months prior to testing. Behavior Females were placed in an individual cage (30 cm x 23 cm x 38 cm) either alone or with a sexually mature male zebra finch for two weeks. This time period is sufficient for the formation of a pair bond in this species (Silcox and Evans 1982). A test was then conducted to confirm the formation of a pair bond. The cage containing two birds was taken to a separate testing room, and after one half hour for acclimation, behaviors of both individuals were video-recorded for one hour. Male and female behaviors (Table 6) were quantified by an observer blind to experimental group based on descriptions in Zann (1996) and Adkins-Regan and Ascenzi (1987). They were 87 classified as bonded if they displayed either clumping or preening during the test. These criteria are routinely used to identify paired birds in this species (Butterfield 1970; Silcox and Evans 1982; Clayton 1990; Zann 1996; Adkins-Regan and Wade 2001; Adkins-Regan 2002), and are uncommon among unrelated, unpaired adult birds (Zann, 1996). Females housed alone were also taken to the testing room for the same time period, although their behavior was not videotaped. Following the test, cages were returned to the colony room, and males were removed and housed individually within visual and acoustic contact with the female for 48 hours. Novel stimulus males were also placed in individual cages at this time, but they were housed out of visual contact with the experimental females. Birds that were not classified as bonded in this first test were not included in the study. After the 48-hour separation, a second behavior test was conducted. Paired females were taken into the testing room in their individual cages. After 30 minutes of acclimation, they were exposed to either a familiar male (n=7) or a novel male (n=10). Individually housed (unpaired) females were exposed to a novel male (n=10). Behaviors were videotaped for one hour, and those of both individuals were evaluated. A principle components analysis was conducted to determine associations among the behavioral variables. Several of the behaviors were infrequently displayed. If fewer than 35% of the individuals displayed a specific behavior (e. g., males preening the female, copulation, and producing undirected song), we excluded it from the principle components analysis. This procedure allowed us to create groups of related variables that could then be examined as a whole to determine whether they were affected by our 88 Table 6. Descriptions of measured behaviors. Frequencies were assessed for all; durations were also measured for the behaviors with an asterisk *. Behavior Pairing Clumping * Individual in proximity of another * Preening * Reproductive Tail quiver Attempted Mount Copulation Beak Wipe Other Directed Singing * Undirected singing * Beak fencing Approach Description Male and female perch in physical contact, facing the same direction Male or female moves to perch less than a body width apart; they face the same direction One individual cleans another’s feathers with beak Rapid back and movement of the tail. In the female often associated with a bowed position on the perch, but also may be performed by males following copulation Male perches at least briefly on the back of the female, but no cloacal contact is observed Male perches on the back of the female and cloacal contact is observed Beak is moved back and forth in a rhythmic fashion along the perch Male produces song facing the female Male produces the song, but is not facing the female Male and female swipe beaks with one another, can be an aggressive behavior Direct movement toward the other individual with an upright posture (often followed by clumping or courtship behavior) 89 experimental manipulations. To do this, we compared the principle components scores using one-way ANOVAs across exposure groups, followed by post-hoe Tukey/Kramer tests where appropriate. Further analyses focused only on behaviors with high loadings for the principle components which were affected by group. Kruskal-Wallis tests were then used to compare the frequencies and durations of these specific behaviors among the three exposure groups. Pair-wise comparisons were conducted, as appropriate, with Mann-Whitney U tests. Z_ETSE The female was removed from the cage one half hour after the conclusion of the second test, overdosed in the testing room with 0.12 cc equithesin, and perfused intracardially with 0.1 M phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and 4% paraformaldehyde. The brain was removed, fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 15 minutes, embedded in gelatin, fixed for one hour in 4% paraformaldehyde, and then placed in 30% sucrose overnight. It was then sagittally sectioned into four series at 30pm on a freezing microtome. Tissue was stored in cryoprotectant at -20°C until immunohistochemistry was performed. The methods for visualizing ZENK were as described in Svec and Wade (2009), modified from Bailey et al., (2002) and Bailey and Wade (2003; 2005). Briefly, sections were rinsed in PBS, incubated in 0.5% hydrogen peroxide in PBS, rinsed, blocked in 5% normal donkey serum in PBS with 0.3% Triton-X-100 (PBST) for 1 hour, and then incubated with primary antibody (Santa Cruz biotech; catalog #sc-189, 0.1 ug/ml) in PBST overnight at 4°C. After primary incubation, sections were rinsed, incubated in Biotin-SP conjugated donkey-anti-rabbit antibody (Jackson 90 ImmunoResearch laboratories; 1:500 dilution) in PBST for 1 hour, exposed to ABC reagent (Elite kit, Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA), and reacted with diaminobenzadine with 0.0075% hydrogen peroxide for 3 minutes. Tissue was then rinsed, mounted, dehydrated, cleared with xylenes, and coverslipped with DPX. ZENK immunoreactivity was assessed using brightfield microscopy. Sampling regions were placed in brain areas within three neural systems: the auditory perception regions (caudomedial nidopallium and caudomedial mesopallium), the social behavior network (ventromedial hypothalamus, preoptic area, nucleus taeniae, and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis), and the reward system (ventral tegmental area and nucleus accumbens) as described and pictured in (Svec and Wade 2009). A number of anatomical landmarks were utilized to identify these regions and place the boxes within the same portion of the region in each animal. Box sizes were as follows: caudomedial nidopallium (310um x 320um), caudomedial mesopallium (190nm x 345 um), ventromedial hypothalamus (190um x 290nm), preoptic area (200nm x 200nm), nucleus taeniae (200nm x 320nm), bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (l90um x 345 um), nucleus accumbens (190um x 305 um), and ventral tegmental area (210nm x 368nm). Immunoreactive cells were manually counted within each sampling region. The average number of immunoreactive cells was calculated from at least three sections per animal, and the density of ZENK immunoreactivity was calculated by dividing this average by the area of the sampling box. A mixed-model ANOVA was conducted to compare the density of ZENK immunoreactivity across brain regions (within animals) and groups (between animals), followed by Tukey post-hoc tests where appropriate. To further investigate the relationship between behavior and ZENK expression, correlation 91 analyses within each exposure group were used to determine associations between the densities of immunoreactive cells in each brain region with behaviors that differed among the groups. An outlier was detected among the paired females interacting with their mates in the caudomedial mesopallium and one was also detected in the paired females interacting with novel males in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and ventral tegmental area using Dixon’s test (Rohlf and Sokal 1981); data reported exclude them. The principle components (PC) analysis and ANOVA of the PC scores was conducted in SPSS, while other statistical analyses were conducted with Statview (SAS Institute; Carey, NC). Results Behavior Principle Components Analysis Six PCs were revealed (Table 7). The first two explained almost 50% of the variation in behavior. The first component (female PC) had high loadings for behaviors in which females increased proximity to or initiated contact with males. The second (PC2) involved reproductive behaviors and female beak wipes. ANOVAs revealed a main effect of group on scores for the female PC (F= 3.56, p= 0.044), such that paired females interacting with their mates displayed higher principle component scores than paired females exposed to novel males (Tukey HSD, p= 0.037). A main effect of group on scores for the second PC was also detected (F= 3.92, p= 0.034), but post-hoe tests revealed no significant differences between pairs of groups (all p> 0.059). Scores for 92 Table 7. Principle Components Analysis. Loadings over 0.5 are indicated with bold type. Female PC PC 2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 Directed Singing Frequency 040] 0.759 -0.331 -0. l 87 0.187 0038 Duration -0.395 0.693 -0.412 -O.186 0.071 0.067 Beak wipe to female -0.172 0.395 0.552 0.409 0.243 0.391 Beak wipe away from female -0.140 0.309 0.724 0.160 -0.027 0.464 Beak wipe toward male 0.146 0.573 0.637 -0.225 0.020 -0.348 Beak wipe away from male 0.259 0.545 0.604 -0.269 0.1 19 -0.367 Male approaching female -0. 192 0.745 -0.386 -0.030 -0.170 0.142 Female approaching male 0.844 0.292 -0.1 19 -0.013 -0.043 0.017 Male in proximity of female Frequency 0.067 0.427 -0. 142 0.792 0.219 -0.159 Duration -0.102 0.082 -0.155 0.830 0.200 -0.360 Female-imitated clumping Frequency 0.866 0.052 -0. 1 5 1 0.062 -0.069 0.1 83 Duration 0.560 -0.066 -0.105 0.238 -0.098 0.296 Female in proximity of male Frequency 0.725 0.267 0.020 0.123 -0.3 75 -0.126 Duration 0.722 0.142 -0.068 0.053 -0.358 -0. 124 Female preening male Frequency 0.819 0.120 -0.034 -0.157 0.361 0.002 Duration 0.852 0.185 -0.1 19 -0.091 0.297 0.184 Attempted Mount -0.263 0.780 -0.242 -0.072 -0.277 0.128 Beak Fencing 0.178 -0.075 -0.220 -0.252 0.790 0.040 Eigen values 4.828 3.525 2.247 1.881 1.435 1.009 93 Clumping Preening 1 . 84 2 5‘ g 6- 3. 3 E 4. LL l 4_ 24 0- o. 200- A 600‘ 8 150- L”, c 400- .g 100' 9 3 200« 50. l Ndvel Familiar Novel Novel Familiar Novel I Male Male II male I I Male Male ll male I Paired Unpaired Paired Unpaired Attempted Mounts 4 a 3‘ * 5 ' ' 3 2 o- “.3 u. 1 4 OJ .1, 2.,. - - Novel Familiar Novel I Male Male ll male I Paired Unpaired Figure 10. Female pairing behavior in the social interaction test. The two left panels depict the frequency (top) and duration (bottom) of clumping to the male. The right two panels depict the frequency (top) and duration (bottom) of preening the male. The bottom center panel depicts attempted mounts by the male. * signifies p< 0.05. 94 the other four principle components did not differ among the groups (all F< 1.78, p> 0.190). Female Principle Component Among the individual behaviors with high loadings for the female PC, a significant effect of group was detected in the frequency of female-initiated clumping (Kruskall-Wallis: H= 6.49, p= 0.039) and the duration of females preening males (H= 5.43, p= 0.043). Both were higher in paired females interacting with their mates compared to novel males (Mann-Whitney U: 12, p= 0.012, Mann-Whitney U: l l, p= 0.015, respectively; Figure 1). A trend also existed for paired females to spend more time preening their mates than unpaired females preened novel males (Mann-Whitney U= 17, p= 0.064). Finally, Kruskall-Wallis tests revealed trends for an effect of group on the duration of female-initiated clumping (H= 4.74, p= 0.057) and the frequency of females preening males (H= 4.92, p= 0.086; Figure 10). Principle Component 2 From the analyses of behaviors with high loadings for the second principle component, the only statistically significant effect detected was a difference among the groups on attempted mounts (H= 5.429, p= 0.027), such that novel males attempted to mount unpaired females more frequently than familiar males did their mates (Mann- Whitney U: 14, p= 0.016). Neural responses A main effect of brain region existed such that density of ZENK immunoreactive cells was higher in the nucleus accumbens and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis than all of the other areas investigated (F= 15.22, p< 0.00], Figure 11). No main effect of group 95 500 I Novel Male , > Paired I Familiar Male [:I Novel Male —- Unpaired .h C ‘1’ OJ C O m N O ‘13 Density (cells/mm2) _x O ‘13 .‘x, ...... b A fl NCM CMM POA VMH Ac TnA BST VTA Figure 11. ZENK immunoreactivity across the brain regions investigated in the three groups of females (paired females exposed to novel males or their partner, and unpaired females exposed to novel males). A main effect of region was detected; the density of calls was highest in the nucleus accumbens and bed nucleusof the stria terminalis. A main effect of group and interaction between group and region were not detected. Abbreviations: caudomedial nidopallium (NCM), caudomedial mesopallium (CMM), preoptic area (POA), ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH), nucleus accumbens (Ac), nucleus taeniae (TnA), bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST), ventral tegmental area (VTA). 96 > Frequency 0“1” r= 0.94, p= 0.005 rvvvrrfifi rrrrr Duration (sec) 0 51015202530354045 Density (cells/mmz) 1200 1000‘ 800* 600‘ 400‘ 200‘ 6 '5' '101'5‘2'0'2'5'50'55'40‘45 Density (cells/mmz) r= 0.67, p= 0.103 F B 25 201 015-1 en :10. Freq 00! r= 0.83, p= 0.019 Duration (sec) 0 5 10 15 202530354045 Density (cells/mmz) 40° r= 0.91, p= 0.002 300 200 100 0 5101520 25 3035 4045 Density (cells/mmz) Figure 12. Correlation analyses of the density of ZENK immunoreactive cells in the nucleus taeniae with female pairing behavior in the social interaction test. The figure includes only females interacting with their mate. Panel A depicts the frequency and duration of clumping to the male. Panel B depicts the frequency and duration of preening the male. Three of the four correlations are statistically significant. 97 Nucleus taeniae Nucleus accu mbens r Figure 13. ZENK immunolabeling in the nucleus taeniae (Panels A and C) in the nucleus accumbens (Panels B and D) of females interacting with familiar males. The density of ZENK immunoreactivity was significantly higher in the nucleus accumbens than nucleus taeniae. Labeling within cells also appeared darker in the nucleus accumbens. ZENK immunoreactivity was more apparent in the caudal portion of nucleus taeniae (left side of photos), but was more homogenous in the nucleus accumbens. The top two panels (A and B) depict labeling from animals that displayed high levels of pairing behavior. The bottom two panels (C and D) depict labeling in animals that displayed low levels of pairing behaviors. Scale bar = 50 um. 98 or interaction between group and brain region was observed (F< 0.73, p> 0.700). Correlation analyses on the female behaviors that differed among the groups revealed associations in only the nucleus taeniae within only the group of paired females exposed to their mates. Positive correlations in this group existed in the nucleus taeniae between the density of ZENK immunoreactive nuclei and the frequency (r= 0.94, p= 0.005) of clumping, as well as the frequency (r= 0.83, p= 0.019) and duration (r= 0.91 , p= 0.002) of preening (Figures 12 and 13). The correlation between ZENK expression and duration of clumping was not statistically significant (r= 0.67, p= 0.103). No significant correlations were observed for these behaviors in any of the other groups (unpaired females or paired females interacting with novel males) or brain regions. Discussion In this study, we detected higher levels of behaviors indicative of a pair bond in females that interacted with their mates compared to novel males. While that is not particularly surprising, we were excited to observe specific correlations between those behaviors and ZENK immunoreactivity in the nucleus taeniae only in females interacting with their mates. These selective results suggest that the relationship between neural activity in nucleus taeniae and behavior differs among the groups, and that this particular brain region may play a role in maintaining pair bonds in zebra finches. Immunoreactivity was substantially higher in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and nucleus accumbens than nucleus taeniae, but the responses in those areas occurred with the introduction of any male stimuli, indicating that they were not 99 specific to pair bonding; they might be important in more general responses to social interaction, however. Behavior The increased levels of female preening and clumping we observed in response to familiar males parallels the results from other studies examining pairing in zebra finches (Butterfield 1970; Caryl 1976; Silcox and Evans 1982). Most of our data confirmed that females change their behaviors toward their partners after pairing, as occurs with male zebra finches (Caryl 1976). We defined birds as partners if they presented clumping and/or preening behavior in after an initial period of co-habitation. Other studies generally utilize one or both of these criteria when defining a bonded pair (Butterfield 1970; Silcox and Evans 1982; Clayton 1990; Zann 1996; Adkins-Regan and Wade 2001; Adkins-Regan 2002). However, if a more stringent method for classifying males and females as paired is used following the initial test (criteria involving a certain number of instances of proximity, clumping and preening, as in Ikebuchi and Okanoya 2006), the sample sizes in the present study are reduced limiting statistical power, but the same pattern of results is detected. This fact suggests that the criteria commonly employed are appropriate for defining paired animals, and that the behavioral results we observed in the paired groups likely reflected the effects of a pair bond. It is intriguing that the amount of clumping overall did not differ between unpaired and paired females in the final behavioral test. When the behaviors are more closely examined, the average latency for unpaired females to clump was two times greater than for the females interacting with their mates. In addition, the pattern 100 throughout the course of the test differed. If the data from the hour-long test are examined in ten minute bins, it is clear that duration of clumping in females interacting with their mates is high in the first 20 minutes, but decreases over the next 40 minutes. In contrast, in unpaired females, the duration of clumping increases after 10 minutes and then remains consistent. The duration of preening was consistently higher in females interacting with their mates than that of unpaired females throughout the test period. Most pairing behaviors were initiated by females in all three groups, but males did display low levels of both clumping and preening. However, only males interacting with their mates clumped and preened for long durations. All of these data lead to some interesting possibilities that need to be further explored. For example, the shorter latency compared to unpaired females and decrease in clumping over time in females interacting with their mates may indicate that initially the display of the behavior is important for re-establishment of the bond after a short absence, but is not required for continual maintenance. In contrast, previously unpaired females might be more gradually attempting to form new bonds when males are 9 introduced. It is also plausible that the unpaired females displayed clumping behavior they might not otherwise simply due to a heightened need for social contact. This group was isolated 12 days longer prior to the test than the paired females. In addition, the fact that the pattern of clumping, but not preening, differs through the test seems to indicate that two behaviors may serve different firnctions. For example, clumping might be more important in the social aspects associated with re-establishing or forming a new bond, whereas preening may be vital to the maintenance of an established pair bond. 10] Pairing itself did not have a strong effect on a female’s response to novel males, given that both clumping and preening were similar between paired and unpaired females interacting with novel males. This result corresponds with observations by Caryl (Caryl 1976) that males courted novel females the same amount after pairing as they did before forming a bond. Finally, although clumping and preening are consistently used as indicators of pair bonding in this species (Butterfield 1970; Silcox and Evans 1982; Clayton 1990; Zann 1996; Adkins-Regan and Wade 2001; Adkins- Regan 2002), it is unknown whether additional levels or functions of these behaviors might exist. Although the present experiment was designed to examine female behavior, we were also able to observe how manipulations of a female’s pairing status affected male behavior. Females play a vital role in mate choice decisions in this species (Butterfield 1970; Clayton 1990; Zann 1996), and in the present study they initiated 66% of the instances of clumping and 71% of the preening. This result is consistent with the idea that females control a large amount of the behavior associated with pair bonds. Male actions are likely influenced by signals from the females. This possibility is supported by the fact that unpaired males attempted more mounts with novel unpaired females than paired males did with their mates. Unpaired females may have provided different cues to the males. Of course, as the pairing status also differed between the males in these two groups, either the fact that they had formed a bond or had not been in contact with females recently could have contributed to the differential response. Relationship between behavior and IEG expression in the nucleus taeniae 102 The relationship observed between clumping and preening and ZENK-IR was highly specific. Correlations were observed only in one group, females interacting with their mates, and in only one brain region, the nucleus taeniae. This region is comparable to the mammalian amygdala in several ways. It contains some sensory inputs and sends projections to the hypothalamus and hippocampus (Cheng et al. 1999). It also expresses GAD 65, LAMP, and COUP-TF II like the mammalian amygdala (Yamamoto et al. 2005). Functionally, nucleus taeniae appears to mediate similar behaviors in birds as the amygdala does in mammals, such as social (Kollack-Walker and Newman 1995; Numan and Sheehan 1997; Cheng et al. 1999; Reiner et al. 2004a) and reproductive behaviors (Pfaff et al. 1994; Thompson et al. 1998; Newman 1999; Reiner et al. 2004a). The mammalian amygdala has also been implicated in the mediation of interpretation of social cues, especially the reward and emotional significance of these cues (for review see Baxter and Murray 2002; Phelps and LeDoux 2005; Phelps 2006; Murray 2007). In animals that form pair bonds, this region shows either increases (prairie vole; Curtis and Wang 2003; Cushing et al. 2003) or decreases in activity (9. g. human; Bartels and Zeki 2000, monkey; Bales et al. 2007) with regards to pairing. In the prairie vole, formation of a pair bond is correlated with an increase in fos expression in the amygdala (Curtis and Wang 2003), and lesions to the region decrease affiliative behaviors (Kirkpatrick et al. 1994). Neurochemical mediation of formation and maintenance of pair bonds differs, however. Formation involves D2 receptor binding (Wang et al. 1999; Gingrich et al. 2000), whereas bond maintenance involves altered dopamine D1 receptor density and binding in the nucleus accumbens (Aragona et al. 103 2006). It is possible that in the zebra finch, neurons within the nucleus taeniae are involved in the maintenance of a pair bond, whereas another system may be vital to the mediation of initial formation of a bond. It remains to be investigated whether similar relationships between neural activity in nucleus taeniae and behavior occur in other social situations. Several potential explanations exist for the function of the relationship between bonding behaviors and ZENK induction in the nucleus taeniae of female zebra finches observed in the present study. First, this association between ZENK expression with clumping and preening may indicate that nucleus taeniae actively facilitates the production of these pairing behaviors or inhibits the presentation of other behaviors that are not related to bonding. The context of a specific behavior can affect IEG expression (as in singing behavior in starlings in breeding conditions vs. non-breeding conditions; i. e. Heimovics and Riters, 2005, 2006, Riters et al., 2004), so it is reasonable that this correlation was only detected when the female was interacting with her mate. However, it is also possible that the correlation might reflect sensory stimulation related to the behavior, perhaps affecting how sensory information is perceived when the female is in contact with an individual she remembers as her mate (see above references on mammals), or it might represent activity in cells that inhibit responses to less salient sensory stimuli. In either case, the increased neuronal response could serve to increase the focus of the female to the relevant cues and aid in maintaining the pair bond. These possibilities need to be explored further and could be partly elucidated by determining the neuronal subtypes of the responsive neurons within this brain region. Neural response in other brain regions 104 Although no effects of our treatment groups were detected in any of the other brain regions, it is intriguing that we observed higher levels of ZENK immunoreactivity in the nucleus accumbens and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis compared to the other measured regions. There are at least two potential explanations for the higher level of immunoreactivity in these regions. First, it may have functional relevance, as females in all the groups interacted with a male during the behavior test. The relatively high neural activity in these brain regions may be associated in social interactions, whereas the nucleus taeniae might respond more specifically depending on whether or not a pair bond has been formed between the male and female that are interacting. Second, it is possible that these regions have a higher general level of activity than the other examined regions, resulting in greater baseline immediate early gene expression. These ideas and the specific roles of the nucleus accumbens and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in social situations warrant further investigation. ' Summary and conclusions The present data provide information about both behavioral interactions and their neural mechanisms. Although pair bonding is generally identified and defined by the presence of specific behaviors (clumping and preening) in zebra finches, their functions appear to be more complex. Our results indicate that clumping and preening might serve different roles and can be displayed differentially. In addition, a region in the social behavior network (nucleus taeniae) was identified in which immediate early gene expression is strongly correlated with the behaviors only in females interacting with their mates. Thus, the neural signal associated with the behaviors depends on the contexts in which they occur. Finally, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, a region in 105 the social behavior network, and the nucleus accumbens, a region in the mesolimbic dopamine reward system, may be implicated in responses to female-male (or perhaps even other) social interactions in general. In contrast, the auditory perception regions investigated in this study appear to play little if any role in mediating the formation or maintenance of social bonds under the conditions tested here. Acknowledgements Research was supported through grants from the National Institutes of Health to Juli Wade (R01-MH55488 and K02-MH65907). We thank Michele Johnson and Deborah Kashy for advice and assistance with statistics. All procedures were approved by the Michigan State University Animal Use and Care Committee and adhered to the guidelines of the National Institutes of Health. 106 CHAPTER 5: PAIR BONDING BEHAVIOR IN FEMALE ZEBRA FINCHES IS DISSOCIATED FROM DOPAMINERGIC ACTIVITY IN THE NUCLEUS ACCUMBENS AND MEDIAL STRIATUM Abstract Female zebra finches display higher levels of pairing behavior towards their mates than to novel males. To determine the role of dopaminergic systems in this behavior, we paired females with males for two weeks, and then they were separated from their mates for two days. These birds were then separated for two days and either their mates or a novel male was introduced to the female for 30 minutes. Novel males were introduced to additional unpaired females as controls. The content of dopamine and its metabolite, DOPAC, in the nucleus accumbens and striatum was determined using high performance liquid chromatography. Although females appeared to demonstrate higher levels of clumping and preening when interacting with their partners, dopaminergic activity was not affected by our behavioral manipulations in either of these regions. These results indicate dissociation between the activity of the mesolimbic dopaminergic reward system and the behaviors potentially involved in the maintenance of pair bonds in the zebra finch. 107 Introduction Social bonds are formed in many species, although their neural mediation has been investigated in relatively few animals (reviewed in Mason and Mendoza 1998; Wang and Aragona 2004; Adkins-Regan 2009). Bonds are particularly common among songbirds (see Black 1996). Zebra finches are opportunistic breeders, and form pair bonds prior to mating (Zann 1996). Extra pair fertilizations are relatively low in this species (Birkhead et al. 1989; Birkhead and Hunter 1990), suggesting that copulations are uncommon among unpaired birds. Pair bonds in this avian species are characterized by clumping (sitting in close proximity), preening (cleaning another individuals feathers), and synchronized behavior. Laboratory investigations of pair bonding typically utilize the presence of clumping and preening to identify bonded individuals (Butterfield 1970; Silcox and Evans 1982; Clayton 1990; Zann 1996; Adkins-Regan and Wade 2001; Adkins-Regan 2002), as they are rarely displayed among unpaired individuals (Butterfield 1970; Zann 1996). The formation of a pair bond affects the display of both male and female behaviors. Courtship display decreases with the formation of a bond, but increases upon reunion following a period of separation (Butterfield 1970). Males and females are also more likely to clump and preen as pair bonds are formed (Caryl 1976; Silcox and Evans 1982; Svec et al. 2009). An unpaired female is unlikely to preen novel individuals, but may display clumping if she interacts with a male for a longer amount of time (Svec et al. 2009). These results indicate that while clumping and preening are both associated with pair bonds, they may represent different aspects of the bond. l08 The mesolimbic dopaminergic reward system may be critical for mediating the display of clumping and preening in paired individuals. Dopaminergic neurons are involved in the interpretation of rewarding stimuli (see reviews in Schultz et a1. 1997; Schultz 2000; Ikemoto 2007), including those associated with reproduction (reviewed in Paredes and Agmo 2004; Mitchell and Gratton 1994; Melis and Argiolas 1995). In monogamous species, including humans, this system is active when individuals are exposed to their partners, or representations of them (Bartels and Zeki 2000; Gingrich et al. 2000; Bartels and Zeki 2004; Aron et al. 2005). In the prairie vole, one of the relatively few monogamous mammals, pair bonds can be formed after a day of cohabitation with copulation. This bond is typically characterized in laboratory tests by a preference for spending time with the partner in a choice test (see Williams et al. 1992; Young et al. 1998). When a male and female are housed together and begin to copulate, dopamine (DA) is released in the nucleus accumbens in female prairie voles (Gingrich et al. 2000). Preference for the mating partner can be eliminated in these females by infusing DA D2 receptor antagonists into the cerebrospinal fluid or directly into the nucleus accumbens prior to the mating period (Aragona et al. 2003). Conversely, treatment with D2 agonists can induce a female’s preference for a male even if they did not copulate (Aragona et al. 2003). A variety of similarities exist between the reward systems of birds and mammals, suggesting similar dopaminergic mechanisms may be involved in the pair bonding of zebra finches and mammals (prairie voles). For example, the majority of dopaminergic neurons emerge from the brainstem in the substantia nigra and the ventral tegmental areas and project to the basal ganglia including the striatum and the nucleus 109 accumbens in both avian and mammalian species (reviewed in Veenman 1997; Ikemoto 2007)). The activity of dopaminergic neurons in the striatum is mediated through D2 autoreceptors in birds (Gale and Perkel 2005; Jackson et al. 2007), as in mammals. In parallel, we demonstrated that the regulation of dopaminergic activity through D2 autoreceptors can be reliably measured using a micro-punch sampling technique and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in the nucleus accumbens and striatum (Svec et al. submitted). Functionally, addictive drugs known to affect dopaminergic systems in mammals have similar behavioral effects in birds (Levens and Akins 2004; Geary and Akins 2007; Akins and Geary 2008). In addition, both the striatal and mesolimbic DA systems respond during the production of sexually motivated song in male birds (Riters et al. 2004; Heimovics and Riters 2005; Sasaki et al. 2006), indicating that their importance for motivated behaviors. While immediate early gene expression in the nucleus taeniae (homologous to the mammalian amygdala; Cheng et al. 1999) correlates with clumping and preening in female zebra finch females interacting with their partners, no relationship with pairing behaviors existed in the nucleus accumbens or ventral tegmental area 2009). Similarly, in female prairie voles the mating bouts that occur during formation of a pair bond do not result in a corresponding change in immediate early gene expression in the nucleus accumbens (Curtis and Wang 2003; Cushing et al. 2003). However, dopamine release occurs in this region following copulation in female prairie voles (Gingrich et al. 2000), indicating that immediate early gene expression may not be the best indicator of dopamine release. Based on these results and the limitations of immediate early genes 110 in their use as markers for neural activity (see Pfaus and Heeb 1997), a more direct examination of the response of the dopaminergic systems seemed prudent. The current study was designed to investigate whether differences in female responses to males after the formation of a pair bond are related to changes in activity of the dopaminergic systems. Females were paired with individual males, and control individuals were unpaired. After a period of isolation, each female was exposed to either her partner (if one existed) or a novel male. Dopaminergic activity was measured by determining the concentrations of DA and DOPAC in samples from the nucleus accumbens and striatum using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Methods Animals Adult male and female zebra finches were raised in the breeding colony at Michigan State University. They were kept on a 12:12 light dark cycle and were fed seed and water ad libitum supplemented with a mixture of hard-boiled eggs and bread, as well as spinach and orange once a week. Birds were raised in mixed-sex aviaries with about seven adult males and females, and their offspring. After they reached sexual maturity, the birds were housed in single-sex aviaries for at least one month prior to testing. They were in acoustic, but not visual, contact with members of the opposite sex. All procedures were approved by the Michigan State University Animal Use and Care Committee and adhered to the guidelines of the National Institutes of Health. 111 Behavior Stimulus exposure and behavior testing were conducted as in Svec et al. (in press). Briefly, females were housed alone or with a sexually mature male for two weeks in an individual cage (30 cm x 23 cm x 38 cm) in the room with the group aviaries. To confirm formation of a bond between the cohabitating birds, they Were taken to a sound-isolated room, given 30 min for acclimation, and then videotaped for one hour. A pair was classified as bonded if the individuals displayed clumping, preening, or copulation during this hour. Those that had not bonded were excluded from analyses. Each cage was then returned to the aviary room, and the male was removed and housed individually in acoustic and visual contact with the female. Females housed alone were taken to the testing room for the same period of time, but not videotaped. At this time, additional stimulus males were placed in individual cages and housed in the same aviary room in acoustic, but not visual, contact of the females. Two days later, the female was re-acclimated to the testing room for 30min, and then either the same male or a new male was introduced to their cage for 30 min. Behavior was videotaped and later analyzed by an observer blind to group (paired female with partner, paired female with novel male, or unpaired female with novel male). Measured behaviors are described in detail in Svec et al. (in press), and include those associated with pairing (clumping, preening, approach) and courtship (directed singing and beak wipes), as well as those more directly related to reproduction (tail quivers, attempted mounts, and copulation). Additional analyzed behaviors included undirected song and beak fencing. After the conclusion of the test, the female was 112 rapidly decapitated. The brain tissue was flash-frozen in methyl-butane, and stored at - 80 °C until processing. HPLC Analysis As in Svec et al. (submitted), tissue was sectioned coronally at 500 um, and portions of the nucleus accumbens (21-gauge), and rostral (21-gauge) and caudal (18- gauge) medial striatum were microdissected using the Palkovits punch method (Palkovits 1973). Tissue was placed in 50 ul of 0.1M phosphate-citric buffer in 20% methanol (pH 2.5) and stored at -20 °C. Prior to HPLC, samples were centrifuged, sonicated with three l-sec bursts, centrifuged for 1 min, and the supernatant was removed and stored at -20 oC. HPLC coupled with electrochemical detection was conducted as in Lindley et al. (1990), Behrouz et al (2007), and Svec et al. (submitted). Supernatant was first run through a c-l8 reverse phase analytical column and then electrodes with 1.0M phosphate citrate buffer with 0.1M EDTA, 0.3 5% sodium octylsulfate and 20% methanol. Peaks were generated for each sample with a Hewlett Packard Integrator (Model 3393A). Standards containing known amounts of DA and DOPAC were run on the same day and were used to determine the content of DA and DOPAC within each sample. A Lowry assay (Lowry et al. 1951) was used to determine protein content. The pellet from each sample was dissolved in 0.1M NaOH and sonicated. Two reactions were then conducted on the samples and a standard curve of protein serially diluted from 12.5 ug to 50 ug. First, they were exposed to sodium carbonate, cupric sulfate, and KNA tartrate for 10 minutes, and then F olin reagent (phenol in ddH20) was added for 30 minutes. A microplate reader (MicroQuant, Biotek Instruments, Winooski, VT) 113 was used to determine absorbance of the samples and standard curve, and these values were used to determine the protein content of each sample. DA and DOPAC values were divided by the protein content for each sample to determine the concentration of the neurochemicals. The DOPAC/DA ratio was also calculated using the absolute quantity of DA and DOPAC for each sample. Statistics A principal components (PC) analysis was conducted to determine relationships among the behaviors (see Svec et al. 2009). Behaviors which were presented by less than 25% of individuals were not included in this analysis. The scores for each PC were then compared among the three groups with one-way ANOVAs. As in Svec et al. (in press), the frequency and duration of female-initiated clumping and preening and the frequency of attempted mounts were also compared with non-parametric Kruskall- Wallis tests. HPLC data for each metabolite were analyzed with mixed-model ANOVAs to compare data across brain regions (within individuals) and across the groups (between individuals). Tukey-Kramer post-hoe tests were conducted for pair- wise comparisons, as appropriate. Results Behavior Six PCs were revealed in the PC analysis (Table 8). Collectively, the first two explained 42 percent of the variance in the data. The first principal component (PCl) included female-initiated clumping (frequency and duration), preening (both male and 114 Table 8. Principal components analysis. Behaviors loading above 0.5 are in bold. PC 1 PC 2 PC3 PC4 PCS PC6 Directed Singing Frequency -0.278 0.748 0.353 -0.3 57 -0.12 0028 Duration -0.335 0.728 0.382 -0.332 -0.06 0.036 Beak wipe to female* -0.015 0.009 0.670 0.105 0.413 0.371 Beak wipe away from female -0.180 -0.28 0.156 0.128 0.061 0.739 Beak wipe toward male -0.005 0.208 0.156 0.727 -0.28 0.026 Beak wipe away from male -0.062 0.070 0.243 0.709 -0.07 0.047 Male approaching female 0.563 -0.28 0.700 -0.04 0. 148 -0.04 Female approaching male -0.225 0.553 0.221 -0.305 -0.28 -0.196 Male-initiated Clumping Frequency 0.314 0.769 -0.17 -0.168 -0.28 0.288 Duration 0.222 0.03 7 -0.25 -0. 166 -0.37 0.707 Male in proximity of female 1 Frequency 0.279 0.501 -0.020 0.521 0.492 0.065 Duration 0.170 0.307 -0.22 0.261 0.573 -0.026 Female-imitated clumping Frequency 0.840 -0.25 0.389 -0.177 -0.01 -0.138 Duration 0.922 -0.03 -0.17 -0.191 -0.06 0.230 Female in proximity of male Frequency 0.642 0.35 5 0.104 0.314 -0.45 -0.129 Duration 0.388 0.236 -0.02 0.553 -0.47 -0. l 27 Male preening female Frequency 0.590 0.409 -0.52 -0.091 0.292 -0.010 Duration 0.611 0.329 -0.54 -0.042 0.306 -0.012 Female preening male Frequency 0.908 -0.19 0.300 -0.136 -0.05 0.028 Duration 0.900 -0.18 0.239 -0.192 -0.01 -0. 127 Beak Fencing 0.012 0.643 0.457 0.005 0.279 0.057 Eigenvalues 5.321 3.538 2.613 2.325 1.792 1.441 *Unless otherwise indicated, values represent frequencies. 115 ma. 5: 3.5.: 2.. 7mm 7%.". 3.5.: .miflm 31.: 35.: m 7%? 3.5;. 22:22: 29:9— chooi 232 mu 2. m “m m. wxacdm— mumw new...“ ac.....x.§._ mama cacd mnfidm 3.93 c3383. m 59:23 3.325.224 2.5.3., maid. xmnm.mm_ mafia :mx 322.2%. Ram.” cm.....-m._m ginghmx 3.5395222 222 my; :35 .1on .._ :cqxwo _ 40: 3.4wa 02.nde x43:— answa c7322 emanxm mcqxsz 3.3323350 0:5 9:3. .u 3.a:_E-..._.::.3...~ $.15 Ens 8.1.5 :15 8.15 57.5 mm .5 2.2.: 23: :: up: 25E : 875 2.2: 2.2: . . , .. 33:38am .. 3.55.5: .3255: .50: 2:5 2:2 53.. 226%: .36: E; .3» 3.5. 3:59.: 5.55:; 2:? 2:5 3:5 3:5 3%.. F. T a 3:8 3%.. 116 52...: COCMLFSCQ 7.7.9.?— 5 .1... .0 kam .2627. “cam??— .Ewt .55 co 3:535 2.5 v2: 8% Br. 3:22:97“. 0.5 2: Est 7923/ .32; E .3 .8 3.5. E may” Brig—us .55.? 3.22:. am 7:... 2: Eat 52a 53¢. E32; .55 E 7.3 5:. cm 2: E3: :33 Ba .33QO Ania—835 2.2: is case—33:5 wags—é £2.82?— 3aE£ 25 93E .3 €23.52 .0 .533- female-initiated, frequency and duration), female approaching the male (frequency), and female in proximity of male (frequency and duration). The second principal component (PC2) included primarily male behaviors: directed singing (frequency and duration), male approaching the female (frequency), male-initiated clumping (frequency and duration), male in proximity of female (frequency and duration), and beak fencing (frequency). No group effects were detected with one-way ANOVAs conducted on any of the PC scores (all F< 2.30, p> 0.123). However, a trend for an effect of group on PCI (F= 2.79, p= 0.083) was detected, levels appeared increased in females interacting with their mates. Kruskall-Wallis tests revealed no significant effects of group on the five behaviors analyzed in Svec et al. (in press); all H< 3.66, all p> 0.16). Selected behavioral data (durations) are presented in Table 9, along with a portion of the data from our previous study (Svec et al. 2009) for comparison. H1141; A main effect of brain region on DOPAC concentration was detected (F= 7.91, p= 0.001; Figure 14). Across the groups, it was higher in the nucleus accumbens than the rostral striatum (Tukey-Kramer, p< 0.05). In contrast, the concentration of DA was higher in both the rostral and caudal striatum than the nucleus accumbens (F= 22.43, p= 0.42; Tukey Kramer p< 0.05). In addition, a main effect of brain region was observed in the DOPAC/DA ratio (F= 72.09, p< 0.001), such that it was higher in the nucleus accumbens than both the rostral and caudal striatum, and higher in the caudal than the rostral striatum (Tukey-Kramer, p< 0.05). A trend for an interaction between group and brain region was also observed within the concentration of DOPAC (F = 2.32, p< 0.07). 117 1:11.", I'. I"). I‘ll) )[ ID) .pD-HU .J— nD‘J— .3) I] : a,b 2 30 ' e a b E .1) m H g 2 20 ~ 0 U) E O E) E 5 10— O o o _ 200‘ a S A -— r: .. -- 1 o- E g 5 l Paired with new male CD '5 Paired with same male 0 or 100- . 8 E E1 Unpaired O B) C _ <0): v 50 DOPAC/DA Ratio Nucleus Rostral Caudal Accumbens Striatum Striatum Figure 14. Concentrations of DOPAC (top), DA (middle), and the DOPAC/DA ratio (bottom) in the nucleus accumbens (left), rostral striatum (center), and caudal striatum (right). Significant effects of brain region were observed for each measure, indicated by different letters above the bars. No effects of group or interactions among group and brain region were observed. Sample sizes: paired with new male, n=6, paired with same male, n= 10, unpaired, n= 11. 118 While the groups responded similarly in each region, the DOPAC seemed greater in the nucleus accumbens than both portions of the striatum in females exposed to their partners (F = 13.83, p= 0.0002; both Tukey-Kramer, p< 0.05), and greater than the rostral striatum in unpaired females (F = 4.64, p= 0.022; Tukey-Kramer, p< 0.05). No other effects of group or interactions among the groups and brain regions were detected for any of the neurochemical measures (all F < 0.994, p> 0.42). Discussion The present study was designed to investigate the response of the dopaminergic reward system in female zebra finches associated with pairing behaviors and/or pairing status. Upon introduction, paired females behave differently toward their partners than toward novel males. However, we did not detect statistically significant changes in activity of this system with pairing and interactions with males. These results parallel those in a previous study conducted in our lab (Svec et al. submitted), documenting a lack of relationship between DA neurochemistry and female responses to high quality song, which induced a preference behavior. Together, these studies suggest that the role of this system in mediating behavioral preferences for specific social stimuli may be limited in this species. Behavior Unlike our previous study (Svec et al. 2009), we did not detect a significant effect of pairing on female clumping and preening with males. The only difference between the two experiments was the duration of the behavioral test (30 min after male 119 introduction in the present study, which was required for neurochemical analysis, compared to 60 min in the previous study). Group differences in the display of some behaviors may not have been detected in the current study because of the shorter testing period. In fact, our earlier work suggested that pairing behaviors emerged later in the test, particularly in unpaired individuals (Svec et al. 2009). Still, the general patterns of behavior seemed similar between the two studies, with higher levels of clumping and preening in paired females interacting with their mates. A comparison of the durations of each behavior between the first 30 min of the two studies indicated that in each case they were statistically equivalent (Table 9). In a collective analysis, paired females clumped longer with their partners than with novel males (Kruskall-Wallis H: 7.3, p= 0.03, Mann-Whitney U, p= 0.01), but males did not differ among groups in the duration of clumping (Kruskall-Wallis H= 1.3, p= 0.53). Overall, males initiated very few episodes of clumping. HoWever, both males and females preened longer when interacting with their mates then they did when the male was novel (with both paired and unpaired females; both Mann-Whitney U, p< 0.05). The combined data, which allowed a more powerful analysis of the effect of pairing condition on the presentation of these behaviors, suggest the idea that clumping and preening may serve quite different functions. As clumping appears more frequently in unpaired individuals than preening, it is possible that this behavior indicates a more general level of social interaction. Clumping can be observed between sick individuals or juvenile siblings (Zann 1996), indicating it may represent something more social than primarily reproductive. Preening, in contrast, was not displayed between unpaired 120 individuals, but only after formation of a pair bond, suggesting it is more specific to pairing. It is intriguing that no effect of group was observed in male-initiated clumping; indicating pairing status may affect males and females differently. However, males and females in the unpaired group experienced different situations prior to the test. It is possible that the longer durations of female-initiated clumping displayed by females that were unpaired prior to this interaction may have resulted from the reduced social interaction these females experienced during the two weeks prior to the test. The fact that the females differed from males in clumping but not preening, lends more support to the possibility that clumping might serve a more general social function than preening. Neural correlates The neurochemical results indicate that dopaminergic systems likely do not play a role in mediating the behavioral responses associated with pairing. Although females appeared to display higher levels of pairing behaviors when interacting with their mates, this effect did not correspond with a difference in dopaminergic activity in the striatum or nucleus accumbens. Several biological, as well as methodological explanations can be proposed for the lack of relationship between these behaviors and the activity of the dopaminergic systems. First, zebra finches are highly social (Zann 1996), and separation from mates has both behavioral and physiological effects (Butterfield 1970; Remage-Healey et al. 2003). The effect of social isolation alone on stress and corticosterone levels has not 121 been examined in this species. However, the intense sociality of this species may modify how females respond to individuals following isolation, suggested by the behavioral differences between unpaired females and stimulus males in this study. It is possible that interaction with another individual following the short social isolation prior to the behavior test resulted in a dopaminergic response in all of the groups of females. Second, dopamine responses may relate more to copulation than other aspects of bond formation or maintenance. In mammals, increased mesolimbic dopaminergic responses are typically observed after copulation (Mermelstein and Becker 1995; Pfaus et al. 1995; Gingrich et al. 2000). Studies in the prairie vole have examined the response of dopaminergic neurons following pair formation resulting from a period of copulation. Female prairie voles can form bonds in the absence of mating, if they cohabitate with an individual for long periods (24-48 hours; Williams et al. 1992) or have decreased levels of corticosterone (DeVries et al. 1995). However, the neural mechanisms mediating the formation of pair bonds in these cases have not been elucidated. In zebra finches, copulation does not appear to play an important role in bond formation, as it is rarely observed prior to the establishment of a pair bond (Zann 1996). As a result, the importance of the response of mesolimbic dopamine neurons may be reduced compared to what has been previously observed in prairie vole studies. Third, the present study investigated the role of this system in mediating responses to individuals after formation of a pair bond, rather than during the formation of these bonds, which is commonly investigated in prairie voles. The formation of a pair bond results in increased levels of D-l receptor binding in male prairie voles 122 (Aragona et al. 2006). A parallel change in receptors might occur in the zebra finch with bond formation, and if so, it would provide for selective dopamine response in the absence of a change in neurotransmitter release. Finally, we cannot rule out the possibility that the timing of tissue collection might have affected the present results. We based the duration of behavioral exposure on a study by Sasaki et a1 (Sasaki et al. 2006), who observed increased DA levels in the striatum for 30 min when males produced directed song. Females interacted with the introduced male throughout the 30 min period in the present study. Thus, while we cannot be sure, it seems unlikely that any DA responses would have returned to baseline. Conclusions and Future Directians Female zebra finches exhibit specific changes in behavioral responses to males after they have formed a pair bond. The results indicate that preening and clumping may be separately mediated or indicate different motivational states — bonding for social purposes rather than bonding specifically for the purpose of reproduction, perhaps. Modifications of dopaminergic activity or turnover do not appear to be involved in these varied behavioral responses, however. That does not mean that DA plays no role; changes in receptor levels may be associated with pair bonds, which would increase responsiveness to DA release. This possibility should be explored in future studies. Another potential mechanism for the mediation of these behaviors involves other neurotransmitters or neuromodulators, such as arginine vasotocin, the avian homologue of vasopressin. This neuropeptide is implicated in social recognition (see Bielsky and 123 Young 2004) for review) and pair bonding (reviewed in Lim and Young 2006) in mammals, and may well regulate social responses in zebra finches. Vasotocin mediates aggressive behaviors (Goodson et a1. 2004), and vasotocin-positive neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis respond when male zebra finches interact with females (Goodson et al. 2009). To fully elucidate mechanisms associated with formation and maintenance of pair bonds, it will be vital to examine the role of a variety of neurochemicals and associated molecules in bonding in. both sexes and across diverse species. Acknowledgements This work was funded by a grant from the National Institutes of Health (ROl- MH55488) to J .W. We thank Sam Pappas and Tyrell Simkins for assistance with the HPLC procedure and Katie Licht for assistance with video analysis. 124 CHAPTER 6: DISCUSSION The unique behaviors and characteristics of the zebra finch have provided an excellent opportunity to examine the intricate and complex interactions among social behavior, neural systems, and hormones. In the experiments conducted for this dissertation, I have investigated the presentation and regulation of two types of social behavior: song preferences and pair bonding in the female zebra finch. Females showed behavioral preferences for high value stimuli in both paradigms (exposure to tutored song or their partners). Also, I observed relationships between IEG expression and behaviors: (1) increased ZENK expression in response to tutored song with a parallel preference for that song in blank treated birds; and (2) a positive correlation between ZENK expression and clumping and preening behaviors in the nucleus taeniae. Estradiol treatment also reduced the induction of ZENK in the ventromedial hypothalamus. However, the neural correlates for song preference and pairing differed in that song preference corresponded with changes in the auditory perception regions, while pairing behaviors related to a region in the social behavior network, the nucleus taeniae. In this species, dopamine activity in the nucleus accumbens or striatum did not appear to relate to behavioral responses in either of the paradigms. Two behavioral paradigms I have verified that female zebra finches display behavioral preferences for certain social stimuli using two different behavioral paradigms. First, females spend more time near tutored than untutored song, and also display higher levels of clumping and preening towards their partners after a pair bond has been formed. These 125 preferences were strong and repeatable and fit with previous research on both song preference (N eubauer 1999; Lauay et al. 2004; Nolan and Hill 2004) and pair bonding (Silcox and Evans 1982; Clayton 1990; Zann 1996). To fully understand the regulation and mediation of these two behaviors, it is important to consider how they relate to one another. In a zebra finch colony, single males court single females. This courtship includes directed singing, some dancing, and perhaps eventually copulation attempts by the male (Zann 1996). Early in this period, it is important for the female to acquire information from the male as to whether the courtship should continue to the formation of a pair bond. In the studies conducted for this dissertation, approximately 25% of the pairs housed together for two weeks did not form a pair bond (according to our criteria, defined in Chapters 4 and 5). One characteristic the female may utilize to make this decision is the quality of the male song, which can indicate reproductive fitness (Hasselquist et al. 1996; Buchanan and Catchpole 2000; Nowicki et al. 2002; Dolby et al. 2005). Females show preferences for high quality song (Neubauer 1999; Lauay et al. 2004; Searcy and Marler 1981; Ballentine et al. 2004; Nolan and Hill 2004), and male zebra finches producing poor quality songs are less likely to form pair bonds with females (e. g., Tomaszycki and Adkins-Regan 2005). After the male and female begin courtship, a pair bond can begin to form (Zann 1996), and the value of social stimuli may begin to change. Once a bond is formed a female will recognize her partner and present different behaviors towards him than to other males (Chapter 3 and 5, Silcox and Evans 1982). Females remain bonded with males surgically altered males that do not producing song or produce low quality song, 126 indicating that the importance of the quality of song is diminished after a pair bond has developed (Tomaszycki and Adkins-Regan 2006). Females can identify their mate’s song (Vignal et al. 2008), but they may also utilize additional visual or tactile stimuli to recognize their mate. Thus, song preferences likely represent the first stage of courtship and pairing responses represent a later stage of reproduction, in which decisions about relative male quality have already been made. Some important similarities between the two paradigms must be noted. The presentation of both responses to courtship song and pairing behavior is most likely mediated by the female making a determination of the value of the social stimulus. To make this determination, females in both situations may compare the new stimulus to a memory stored as a template. Female zebra finches isolated during a sensitive period do not display preferences for tutored song (Lauay et al. 2004), and juvenile zebra finches can memorize both conspecific and heterospecific song (Braaten et al. 2006; Braaten et al. 2008), indicating that templates are formed in development in these birds. The role of memory has been unexplored in terms of pair bonding in birds, but it is logical that a memory of one or more aspects (including visual, tactile and or behavioral cues) of the partner is formed and stored in the brain of the female and other males are compared to this template when females interact with them. However, the types of stimuli differ. Song stimuli are simple auditory cues, whereas interactions with males involve a number of sensory stimuli that the female must interpret. Increased IEG responses to a variety of types of preferred song stimuli are observed in males, females, and juveniles (Bolhuis et al. 2001; Bailey and Wade 2003; Stripling et al. 2003; Bailey and Wade 2005; Tomaszycki et al. 2006), indicating 127 that these neural responses may be primarily sensory and may not involve high levels of integration or be uniquely associated with reproduction. A greater amount of integration is likely required to determine value of a stimulus in a social interaction with a variety of sensory inputs, such as that observed in the pair bonding paradigm. Thus, females may utilize different mechanisms to mediate the behavioral responses in these two paradigms. Neural Correlates Methodological Issues Immediate early genes as indicators of neural response IEG expression results can be somewhat difficult to interpret (see Pfaus and Heeb 1997 for discussion). At a basic level, IEGs indicate that a signal transduction event has occurred (Morgan and Curran 1989). The induction of IEGs can represent either excitation or inhibition in a specific brain region. IEG expression may indicate a role for a brain region in either the presentation of a behavior or the interpretation of sensory information. By coupling examination of IEG expression with the expression of a specific neurotransmitter within a brain region, researchers may better be able to determine the precise meaning of the IEG expression. In addition, more direct studies such as those using lesions, microdialysis or pharmacological treatments could be utilized in the implicated brain regions to verify their precise role in a behavior. Finally, lack of IEG expression does not completely rule out the possibility that a brain region may be involved in a behavior (see discussions in Hoffman et al. 1993; Pfaus and Heeb 1997; Hoffman and Lyo 2002; Kovacs 2008). IEG expression may be dissociated 128 from neuronal stimulation (i. e. F igueiredo et al. 2003). Additionally, specific IEGs (e. g. c-jun, c-fox, Arc) may be upregulated in different contexts (i.e. Guzowski et al. 2001; Bailey and Wade 2005). In sum, IEG analyses provide excellent starting points for examining neural correlates of behavior, given that an investigator can efficiently examine a wide variety of regions and determine which, if any, might be involved in certain behaviors. However, due to the limitations in interpretation of IEG results, other methods are required to verify the role of certain brain regions and also to more closely investigate responses identified by immediate early gene induction. Neurochemical analyses In this dissertation, I followed up IEG studies with neurochemical investigations of the dopaminergic reward system. Dopamine was predicted to be important for the mediation of these behaviors, because of its role in motivation and reward. By examining neurochemistry in micropunches of specific brain regions, I was able to clearly investigate the response of dopaminergic regions in these systems and determine if dopaminergic activity in these regions played a role in song preference and pair bonding in this species. Neurochemical analyses, unlike IEG analyses, can provide direct measures of the activity of neurons in a specific region and allow predictions about neurotransmitter release. However, unlike microdialysis, these analyses only allow for the quantification at a specific time point, and if the neuronal activity is transient, then it is possible that rapid responses may be undetected. Three Neural Systems 129 Social Behavior Network Although some of the regions in this network displayed high constitutive levels of ZENK during the behavior tests, most did not exhibit selective ZENK responses during song presentation or interactions with males. Only in one region of this network, the nucleus taeniae (homologous to the mammalian medial amygdala, see Chapter I), was a correlation with behavioral responses displayed towards female’s partners. No regions in this network were associated with song preference. There are several reasons why the social behavior network may be involved in mediating responses to interactions with male partners and not song preferences. First, song stimuli are much less complex than the multiple stimuli received during a full social interaction. Male zebra finches produce a fairly simple and stable song, and only one sensory modality is needed to interpret this stimulus. In addition, a strong connection may not exist between song preference and pair bonding. Male and juvenile songbirds also display song preferences (Clayton 1988; Calhoun et al. 1993; Braaten and Reynolds 1999; Houx and ten Cate 1999; 1999; Riebel et al. 2002; Riebel and Smallegange 2003), indicating they may be dissociated from reproduction and might instead simply reflect a general social response to the song stimulus. If song playback does not involve a clear reproductive response from the female, then the activation of the social behavior network during the presentation of this preference behavior may be more limited. In the pairing paradigm, the situation is much more complex. Females are interpreting a much larger suite of social cues, including auditory, tactile, and visual stimuli. In addition, the behavioral response to the stimulus is varied between the two 130 paradigms used in this dissertation. In the song response studies, females presented a very limited repertoire of behaviors that primarily consisted of presentation of calls. In contrast, in the pairing paradigm females presented behaviors to the males including beak wipes, calls, and even copulatory solicitation displays. Perhaps the social behavior network is primarily utilized to mediate interpretation of more complex social stimuli, which require or reflect more complex behavioral responses. The identification of the nucleus taeniae as an important node in the behavioral preference for partners in the zebra finch is novel. This idea parallels data from the mammalian homologue (medial amygdala), which is utilized in interpreting the emotional context of sensory stimuli (for review see Baxter and Murray 2002; Phelps and LeDoux 2005; Phelps 2006; Murray 2007). As the neural mediation of these types of behaviors in zebra finches has been largely unexplored, the nucleus taeniae will be an important region to further examine the neural mediation of reproduction and other social interactions in females. Dopaminergic Systems Responses to the social stimuli in the two paradigms investigated in this dissertation were not reflected by changes in dopaminergic responses, using either IEGs or neurochemistry. These results may indicate that dopaminergic systems are not important for determining the value of social stimuli or that they do not play a role in the behavioral responses I observed. Although dopaminergic systems have been implicated in reproductive behavior (reviewed in Mitchell and Gratton 1994; Melis and Argiolas 1995; Paredes and Agmo 2004), responses to reproductive stimuli (Mitchell 131 and Gratton 1994), and pair bonding (Gingrich et al. 2000) in mammals, there are some notable differences between mammalian model systems and zebra finches. In mammal studies, increased dopaminergic activity is observed following copulatory behavior in males and female rodents (Pfaus et al. 1990; Pleim et al. 1990; Damsma et al. 1992; Pfaus et al. 1995; Kohlert and Meisel 1999). Sexually naive individuals will demonstrate a lower level of dopamine release, which will increase with more sexual experience (Kohlert and Meisel 1999). In some cases, these responses can be observed following exposure to sensory stimuli alone without reproduction (i.e. Louilot et a1. 1991; Damsma et al. 1992; Mitchell and Gratton 1994; Fabre-Nys et al. 1997). In the medial preoptic area, dopamine release in response to reproductive odors is not observed in prepubertal male hamsters (Schulz et al. 2003), indicating that a connection with copulatory behavior may be present for this release to occur. In contrast, both behavioral paradigms used in the studies in this dissertation have limited relationships with copulation. Song preferences may not relate to reproduction, but instead might reflect a general sensory preference for familiarity, which could occur at a number of levels including recognition of a member of the same species, a particular type of conspecific song previously heard (tutored vs. untutored), or one’s father or mate. Similarly, pair bonding has a strong social component, perhaps indicated by the presentation of clumping behavior, and this bond may be somewhat dissociated from copulatory behavior, as well. As a result, these behaviors (song preference and pair bonding) may have reduced association with activity of the mesolimbic dopaminergic systems in female zebra finches. Auditory Perception Regions 132 In the song preference paradigm, IEG results in blank-treated birds replicated a number of studies in which increased IEG expression is observed in the auditory perception regions in response to high quality or preferred song stimuli (e. g. Gentner et al. 2001; Bailey et al. 2002; Maney et al. 2003; Leitner et al. 2005; Sockman et al. 2005; Tomaszycki et al. 2006). Electrophysiological studies have verified that neurons within these regions display selective responses to high quality song (reviewed in Theunissen and Shaevitz 2006; Pinaud and Terleph 2008). However, dissociation between IEG expression in these regions and behavioral preferences was also observed (Chapter 2). When females were estrogen treated, the selective neural response was eliminated without affecting the behavior preference for tutored song. In addition, although females identify and respond differently to their mate’s song (Vignal et al. 2008), IEG expression in the auditory regions did not differ between exposures to song produced by different males in the pair bonding study (Chapter 4). Both of these studies (Chapter 2 and 4) demonstrate that a selective IEG response may not be required for the presentation of a behavioral preference for tutored song or a familiar mate. It may be that these preferences are so pervasive and critical that redundancy in their neural mediation exists. Thus, a preference may be displayed regardless of a differential neural response in the auditory perception regions specifically. Neural systems summary For this dissertation, I proposed that components in three neural systems might interact in a number of ways to mediate behavioral responses to social stimuli. The results of the four studies indicate that components of the social behavior network, the 133 nucleus taeniae in particular, and auditory perception sites may act independently to mediate behavioral responses in both of the behavioral paradigms. It is likely, however, that additional brain areas that were not investigated play some role. Presumably, the presentation of complex behavioral responses requires the coordination of several brain regions and systems, although that was not detected in these studies. In addition to evaluating more sites, further work using other techniques or modifications to these paradigms may help in elucidating some of these more complex relationships between neural systems. Both the auditory perception sites and the nucleus taeniae/amygdala have been implicated in memory processes using immediate gene induction as a marker (McGaugh 2004; Richter-Levin 2004; Gobes and Bolhuis 2007). Thus, they may be utilized to determine the salience of a stimulus, perhaps through accessing some type of memory. Immediate early genes have been implicated in the formation of memories (reviewed in Tischmeyer and Grimm 1999). IEG expression is observed during learning processes (Anokhin and Rose 1991; Brennan et al. 1992), and antagonism of immediate early gene with antisense-oligonucleotides can block learning and association in rodents (Tischmeyer et al. 1994; Lamprecht and Dudai 1996; Swank et al. 1996). The connection with memory formation fits with the hypothesis that the behavioral responses I observed result from the connection of a stimulus with a memory template. To more fully investigate the neural mediation of these behaviors, it would be prudent to utilize the expression of several immediate early genes such as c-fos or c-jun, or take a more broad approach by measuring responses of additional neurochemicals within several brain regions. 134 Role of Estrogen in Brain and Behavior Estrogen did not affect preference for tutored song, but treatment resulted in decreased long distance calls and visual scanning behavior. These data may be connected with the estradiol-induced decrease of ZENK in the ventromedial hypothalamus. The ventromedial hypothalamus contains estrogen receptors in zebra finches (Gahr et al. 1993; Jacobs et al. 1996), suggesting that the hormone can act there directly. This change in ZENK expression may be associated with increased receptivity, perhaps due to disinhibition in this brain region (see Commons and Pfaff 2001). This function might enable the female to focus more on reproductive behaviors or stimuli than song. Alternatively, the reduction in ZENK expression in the ventromedial hypothalamus could be due to the novel conditions in which the testing occurred. In mammals, estradiol can modulate the binding of oxytocin in the ventromedial hypothalamus (reviewed in Johnson 1992), which has been implicated in the reduction of anxiety (see McCarthy 1995; Neumann 2008 for review). However, estradiol-treated female rats infused with oxytocin into the ventromedial hypothalamus display reduced sexual behaviors, without a decrease in anxiety—related behaviors (Bale et a1. 2001). At this point, the role of estradiol and the ventromedial hypothalamus in the mediation of anxiety behavior in songbirds is unknown. It will be important to test whether their interaction contributes directly to behavioral changes. Additionally, estrogen reduced the selective ZENK response in the auditory perception regions. This result parallels the estrogen induced decrease of ZENK in the ventromedial hypothalamus (see above). Perhaps these neural responses are linked and reflect a shift from a focus on the details of song to receptive behavior once a mate has 135 been selected. Although NCM and CMM have very few estrogen receptors, the auditory system is connected to the ventromedial hypothalamus (Cheng and Peng 1997), and mediation by estradiol may occur through this connection. The uniqueness of the zebra finch model The work presented here highlights some of the unique qualities of the zebra finch model and provide a number of directions to be explored in future research in this model. First, as zebra finches are opportunistic breeders, it is possible that the role of estrogen in mediating their behaviors may be reduced. The song preference studies indicate that this may be this case, as behavior was completely unaffected by estrogen treatment. It is unknown at this time how estrogen levels fluctuate in female zebra finches. Regardless of reproductive state, measures of GnRH activity appear to remain at a relatively high level in male zebra finches (Perfito et a1. 2006). A similar phenomenon may also be observed in females. The regulation of song preference behavior by estradiol may also be reduced by the fact that zebra finches form pair bonds prior to reproduction. If estradiol levels fluctuate in this species, they are likely to be highest just prior to egg-laying. As song preference does not appear to be critical during this time period, it is unlikely that these behaviors are mediated by changes in estradiol. The pair bond in this species also has some unique characteristics that are important to investigate further. While bonds are typically formed for reproduction, they also may serve other purposes related more generally to sociality. The experiments 136 conducted in this dissertation shed light onto this distinction, indicating that clumping behavior may be a less specific social behavior, whereas preening is likely more specific to pair bonded individuals. Conclusions and Future Directions Using IEGs, brain regions (the auditory perception regions and the nucleus taeniae) were identified that may play a role in the presentation of song preference and pair bonding behaviors. Since IEG results can be difficult to interpret, a more direct investigation must be conducted in these brain regions to determine the meaning of the IEG response. Co-localization studies with specific neuropeptides and/or neurotransmitters in these regions should eventually be conducted in these regions to identify the specific factors regulating these neural responses and behaviors. Some brain regions that were not examined in this dissertation may also be investigated, including the lateral septum (which has been implicated in social behaviors in mammals and birds; Insel et al. 1994; Wang et a1. 1996; Goodson et al. 2005) and the prefrontal cortex (which is a site of dopamine release; Bannon and Roth 1983). The caudolateral nidopallium (NCL) in birds is considered analogous to the prefrontal cortex, based on function and anatomy (Mogensen and Divac 1982; Reiner et al. 2004a). Perhaps some of these other neural systems are vital to the overall neural coordination of these types of social responses. They, and their potential interactions with the three circuits investigated, should be considered further. Although dopamine activity in the reward system does not appear to play a role in either of these behaviors, there are some other neurochemicals on which future 137 research can focus. For example, vasopressin has been implicated in pairing behaviors in mammals (see Lim et a1. 2004), and its avian homologue, arginine vasotocin, also plays a role in mediating social behaviors in avian species (Goodson et al. 2004; Goodson et al. 2009). It is also critical to social recognition (Bielsky and Young 2004), and this behavior may be important to both song preference and pair bonding in the zebra finch. Vasotocin receptor knockout mice have difficulty recognizing conspecifics (Bielsky et al. 2004). These receptors are found in the nucleus taeniae in birds (Voorhuis and de Kloet 1992; Aste et al. 1996), and action of vasotocin in this region may be critical for the recognition of partners by paired females. Oxytocin is also critical for social recognition (see Bielsky and Young 2004), and recognition of mate quality as oxytocin knockout mice cannot distinguish between healthy and parasitized males (Kavaliers et al. 2003). Oxytocin has also been implicated in mediating pair bonding behaviors in prairie voles (Insel and Hulihan 1995), although its role has only been examined in the context of mating-induced pair formation. Mesotocin, the avian homologue of oxytocin, may function as oxytocin does in mammals. Goodson et al. (2004) found no role for vasotocin and mesotocin in individual recognition in male and female zebra finches, but the cohabitation time used in their study was much shorter than is usually required for the formation of a bond in this species. One other molecule, norepinephrine, might be also be critical in regulation of these behaviors. Norepinephrine is important for attention and focusing on salient information (reviewed in Berridge and Waterhouse 2003), which is critical to the presentation of preference in both of the behavioral paradigms examined in this dissertation. Mammalian studies have demonstrated a role for norepinephrine in 138 increasing the magnitude and latency of responses to specific stimuli and perhaps reducing spontaneous neuronal firing (reviewed in Berridge and Waterhouse 2003), which can result in the ability to distinguish salient information from noise. In addition, norepinephrine can enhance long-term potentiation (see Berridge and Waterhouse 2003) and mediates emotional memory formation in the amygdala (Cahill and McGaugh 1996). In birds, norepinephrine mediates the ability of females to respond to song when auditory distracters are present (Appeltants et al. 2002), and its release and innervation is increased after long-term exposure to high quality song (Sockman and Salvante 2008) In conclusion, in these studies I have noted several unique behavioral characteristics of zebra finches. 1n addition, I have identified a brain region (the nucleus taeniae) that may be critical for the maintenance or response to pairing in female zebra finches. Finally, I observed an effect of estrogen on calling and visual scanning behavior and response of the auditory perception systems and the ventromedial hypothalamus. All of these results are novel, and warrant future investigation to more fully elucidate the mechanisms associated with mate choice and subsequent responses once a partnership has been formed. 139 REFERENCES Absil, P. and J. Balthazart (1994). 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