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The majority of children in the United States live in areas in which the atmospheric ozone concentration exceeds the current National Ambient Air Quality Standard for this pollutant. Repeated exposure to high ambient levels of ozone induces site-specific rhinitis, mucous cell metaplasia, and epithelial hyperplasia in the nasal airways of adult, laboratory monkeys and rats. These remodeling events in the nasal airways of adult monkeys and rats are associated with an altered response to subsequent ozone challenge, and thus may serve as a protective adaptation. Low molecular weight antioxidants, such as the tripeptide glutathione (GSH), in the nasal epithelium and the overlying epithelial lining fluid (ELF) are regarded as the first line of defense against these and other inhaled oxidant pollutants. Recent studies have also implicated GSH in the development of pulmonary tolerance to ozone-induced injury, and in the pathogenesis of oxidant-mediated cell proliferation. Few studies have examined the effects of ozone exposure on the developing nasal airways of immature animal models. The overall goal of these experiments was to demonstrate that the site- specificity and temporal pattern of ozone-induced nasal epithelial remodeling in immature rats and infant monkeys is related to the local regulation of intracellular GSH. Infant, male rhesus macaques were exposed episodically to repeated cycles of ozone (0.5 ppm) and filtered air (0 ppm) for two or five months. The time-course of morphologic and immunohistochemical events comprising this ozone-induced nasal epithelial injury and repair were determined, and these were compared to site-matched changes in the steady-state levels of GSH in the nasal mucosa. In addition, a whole-animal inhalation study was conducted using an immature rodent model to determine the role of GSH in ozone-induced epithelial hyperplasia in the developing nasal airways of rats. Immature male F344 rats were exposed to three consecutive days of ozone (0.8 ppm) or filtered air. Infant monkeys episodically exposed to ozone for 5 months developed acute rhinitis, epithelial hyperplasia, and squamous metaplasia in the anterior nasal cavity. These animals also exhibited a significant increase in intracellular GSH concentration in the nasal mucosa corresponding to the site of remodeling. GSH concentration was positively correlated with the epithelial numeric cell density following filtered air or ozone exposure. In immature rats, ozone-induced epithelial hyperplasia was also associated with a local increase in GSH concentration. However, GSH depletion had no effect on ozone- induced cell proliferation. In conclusion, ozone-induced epithelial hyperplasia in the nasal airways is temporally correlated with local increases in mucosal GSH concentrations. However, ozone-induced hyperplasia in the nasal airways of rats is not a GSH-dependent phenomenon. Furthermore, since GSH upregulation is not unique to sites of injury in the nasal airways, other factors (e.g., interactions with other nasal antioxidants) must also contribute to the site-specificity of ozone-related nasal injury and repair. To my bride, Regina. Your love, your sacrifice, and your smile make this and all things possible. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank the many people whose time, wisdom, and encouragement contributed to my personal and professional development during this process. I will be forever indebted to my mentor, Dr. Jack Harkema. His guidance, generosity with his knowledge and resources, experience, trust, and patience provided me with the opportunity to develop a relevant research project of which I am truly proud. His enthusiasm for teaching and passion for research provided a nurturing, welcoming environment for my graduate training. I am very grateful to my committee members, Dr. James Wagner, Dr. Susan Ewart, and Dr. Ed Robinson, for their guidance, advice, and willingness to invest their time and effort into my graduate program and my professional development. I have great respect for each of them, and it gives me great honor to now be considered their colleagues. I am also grateful for the guidance, wisdom, and support of Dr. Vilma Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan, who, despite her many responsibilities, always made me feel as if I was her first priority. Through my work with Dr. Harkema, I have also had the unique privilege of learning from expert collaborators across the country. l owe many thanks to Dr. Charles Plopper, Dr. Julia Kimbell, Dr. Richard Corley, Dr. Carol Ballinger, and Dr. Kevin Minard, for sharing their knowledge and expertise. I would especially like to thank Dr. Edward Postlethwait for being so generously giving of his time, resources, and expertise, for the benefit of my training. My research project would not have been possible without their effort and generosity. My research was made both possible and enjoyable through the efforts of the members of our lab, Lori Bramble, Ryan Lewandowski, Dr. Daher Ibrahim-Aibo, Dr. Daven Jackson, Kara Corps, and Dr. Neil Birmingham. My research efforts were also made possible by the invaluable contributions of Amy Porter, Kathy Joseph, and Rick Rosebury in the Clinical Center Histology Lab, Ralph Common in the Electron Microscopy Lab, and Sarah Davis, Brian Tarkington, Louise Olsen, Dr. Ruth McDonald, Dr. Lisa Miller, Dr. Kristina Abel, and Dr. Veronique de Silva from the California National Primate Research Center. None of this would have been possible without generous financial support from Pfizer Animal Health. I would particularly like to thank Dr. Michael Spensley and Dr. Michael Kennedy of Pfizer for their support of my work and development. I would also like to thank Dr. Robert Roth, Dr. Norbert Kaminski, the Center for Integrative Toxicology, and NIH (N IEHS) P01 E80] 1617 for funding my research program. Finally, I need to thank my parents for their unconditional love and support, and for instilling in me the work ethic necessary to complete this milestone. I would like to thank my precious children, Daria, Sophia, and Harrison, for their resilience during my long hours away, and for being such wonderful inspirations for me. It is with the deepest gratitude that I thank my bride, Regina, whose sacrifice was the greatest during this process. She is the most important and most difficult to thank, as my words fail to firlly express how essential her effort was to the achievement of this and all of my goals. With her love, support, care, patience, I have become the husband, father, and scientist that I am today. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................... xi LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................... xii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................... xvi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 1 Ozone-Induced Nasal Airway Injury ............................................................. 2 Human Health Significance ..................................................................... 2 Non-Human Primate Models ................................................................... 3 Fischer 344 Rat Model ............................................................................. 4 Site-Specificity of Ozone-Induced Injury in the Respiratory Tract ............... 6 Airway Antioxidants and Ozone Interactions ................................................ 7 Potential Role of Glutathione in Epithelial Adaptation and Remodeling ...... 10 Overall Goal ................................................................................................... 13 Governing Hypothesis ................................................................................... 13 Specific Aims of Thesis ................................................................................. 14 Chapter 1 References ..................................................................................... 17 CHAPTER 2 LOCAL ANTIOXIDANT PROFILE OF THE RAT NASAL CAVITY: A REVIEW OF THE EXPERIMENTAL LITERATURE .................................. 22 Abstract .......................................................................................................... 23 Introduction .................................................................................................... 24 Sources of Biologically Relevant Environmental Oxidants .......................... 28 Ozone and Reactive Oxygen Species ...................................................... 28 Nitrogen Oxides (N Ox) and Reactive Nitrogen Species .......................... 30 Antioxidant Enzyme Systems of the Rat Nasal Epithelium .......................... 31 Superoxide Dismutase ............................................................................. 31 Catalase .................................................................................................... 33 NAD(P)H:Quinone Oxidoreductase (N QOl) .......................................... 34 Glutathione Peroxidase and Glutathione Reductase ................................ 35 Peroxiredoxin ........................................................................................... 37 Low Molecular Weight Antioxidants ............................................................ 38 Glutathione ............................................................................................... 38 Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) ...................................................................... 39 oc-Tocopherol (Vitamin E) ....................................................................... 40 Discussion ...................................................................................................... 40 Chapter 2 References ..................................................................................... 43 vii CHAPTER 3 THREE-DIMENSIONAL MAPPING OF OZONE-INDUCED INJURY, ANTIOXIDANT ALTERATIONS, AND PREDICTED OZONE FLUX, IN THE NASAL AIRWAYS OF MONKEYS USING MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING AND MORPHOMETRIC TECHNIQUES .............. 51 Abstract .......................................................................................................... 52 Introduction .................................................................................................... 54 Materials and Methods ................................................................................... 56 Animals and Exposure Regimens ............................................................ 56 Necropsy and Tissue Preservation ........................................................... 59 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Nasal Airways ..................................... 62 Image Analysis and Airway Segmentation .............................................. 63 Tissue Processing for Light Microscopy and Morphometric Analysis ...66 Three-Dimensional Mapping of Epithelial Distribution .......................... 68 Morphometric Quantitation of Ozone-Induced Nasal Lesions ................ 75 Three-Dimensional Digital Mapping of Ozone-Induced Nasal Injury ....78 Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations ........................................... 81 Determination of Intracellular Antioxidant Concentrations In Nasal Mucosa ...................................................................................... 81 Results ............................................................................................................ 82 Nasal Cavity Surface Area and Volume Calculations ............................. 82 Digital Epithelial Mapping and Surface Area Calculations ..................... 85 Ozone-Induced Nasal Epithelial Injury and Morphometry ..................... 85 Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations ........................................... 9O Intracellular Concentrations of Low Molecular Weight Nasal Antioxidants ................................................................................... 92 Discussion ...................................................................................................... 94 Summary ........................................................................................................ 102 Chapter 3 References ..................................................................................... 105 CHAPTER 4 CORRELATION BETWEEN OZONE-INDUCED SQUAMOUS METAPLASIA AND GLUTATHIONE UPREGULATION IN THE NASAL AIRWAYS OF INFANT RHESUS MONKEYS .................................. 109 Abstract .......................................................................................................... 110 Introduction .................................................................................................... 1 11 Materials and Methods ................................................................................... 114 Animals and Ozone Exposure .................................................................. 114 Necropsy and Tissue Preservation ........................................................... 115 Tissue Processing for Light Microscopy and Morphometric Analysis ...118 Morphometry of Neutrophilic Inflammation and Epithelial Numeric Cell Density .............................................................. 118 Morphometry of Epithelial Hyperplasia .................................................. 119 Morphometry of Stored Intraepithelial Mucosubstances ......................... 121 viii Determination of Intracellular Low Molecular Weight Antioxidant Concentrations in Nasal Mucosa ......................................... 121 Analysis for GCL-C and GCL-M mRNA in Nasal Tissues .................... 122 Statistical Analyses .................................................................................. 123 Results ............................................................................................................ 123 Nasal Histopathology ............................................................................... 123 Morphometry of Nasal Epithelium .......................................................... 128 Quantitation of Intraepithelial Mucosubstances ...................................... 128 Morphometry of Neutrophilic Inflammation ........................................... 132 Intracellular Concentrations of Low Molecular Weight Nasal Antioxidants ................................................................................... 134 GCL-C and GCL-M mRNA Expression in the Anterior Maxilloturbinate ........................................................................ 136 Correlation Analysis for Epithelial Cell Numeric Density and Antioxidant Concentration Along the Anterior Maxilloturbinate ........... 136 Discussion ...................................................................................................... 139 Chapter 4 References ..................................................................................... 148 CHAPTER 5 ROLE OF GLUTATHIONE IN THE PATHOGENESIS OF OZONE-INDUCED EPITHELIAL HYPERPLASIA IN RAT NASAL AIRWAYS ............................................................................................ 155 Introduction .................................................................................................... 156 Study 1: Early Cellular and Molecular Events Preceeding Ozone-Induced Epithelial Hyperplasia in the Nasal Airways of Immature Rats .......................... 159 Materials and Methods ................................................................................... 159 Animals, Ozone Exposure, and BrdU Treatment .................................... 159 Necropsy and Tissue Preparation for Morphometric Analyses ............... 162 Morphometry of Cellular Injury and Cell Proliferation ........................... 165 Tissue Preparation for mRNA Analysis .................................................. 165 Total RNA Isolation from Nasal Tissues ................................................. 166 Real-time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction ................ 166 Statistical Analyses .................................................................................. 167 Results ............................................................................................................ 168 Ozone-Induced BrdU Incorporation in Immature Rat Nasal Airways ....168 Ozone-Induced Oxidative Stress Gene Expression ................................. 170 Ozone-Induced Pro-Inflammatory Gene Expression ............................... 170 Ozone-Induced CXC Chemokine Gene Expression ................................ 170 Discussion ...................................................................................................... 176 Study 2: Eflect of GSH Depletion on Ozone-Induced Epithelial Hyperplasia 1 78 Materials and Methods ................................................................................... 178 Animals, Ozone Exposures, and Glutathione Depletion ......................... 178 Necropsy and Tissue Preparation for Morphometric Analyses ............... 179 ix Morphometry of Neutrophilic Inflammation, Epithelial Numeric Cell Density, and Cell Proliferation ......................................................... 180 Tissue Preparation for HPLC Antioxidant Analysis ................................ 181 Analysis of Intracellular Concentrations of Low Molecular Weight Nasal Antioxidants ............................................ 182 Statistical Analyses .................................................................................. 183 Results ............................................................................................................ 183 Determination of Low Molecular Weight _ Nasal Antioxidant Concentrations ........................................................... 183 Nasal Histopathology ............................................................................... 188 Morphometric Quantitation of Epithelial Hyperplasia ............................ 191 Morphometric Quantitation of Neutrophilic Inflammation ..................... 198 ' Discussion ...................................................................................................... 200 Chapter 5 References ..................................................................................... 204 CHAPTER 6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS .................................................................. 209 Chapter 6 References ..................................................................................... 216 LIST OF TABLES Table 3-1. Calculated total surface areas and volumes of the nasal passages from the four 180-day-old monkeys pictured in Figure 3-2. ..................................................... 84 Table 3-2. Estimated epithelial surface areas for one side of a 180-day-old rhesus monkey ..................................................... 84 xi Figure 1-1. Figure 1-2. Figure 3-1. Figure 3-2. Figure 3-3. Figure 3-4. Figure 3-5. Figure 3-6. Figure 3-7. Figure 3-8. Figure 3-9. Figure 3-10. LIST OF FIGURES Potential fates of inhaled ozone in the nasal cavity. ....................... 9 Potential role of GSH in ozone-induced epithelial hyperplasia in the nasal airways of rats .............................................................. l6 Diagram of the right lateral wall (A) and the left nasal cavity (B) of a 90-day-old rhesus monkey following sagittal sectioning ............................................................................ 61 Computer-assisted 3D isosurface renderings of the nasal passages from two FA-exposed (A and B) and two 1 cycle ozone-exposed (C and D) 180-day-old infant monkeys ................. 65 Photograph of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity of a 90-day-old rhesus monkey ....................................................... 67 Three-dimensional mapping of nasal epithelium ............................ 72 Three-dimensional nasal epithelial map. Medial (A) and lateral (B) views of a 3D reconstruction of the right nasal passage of a 180-day-old rhesus monkey .............................. 74 Photomicrograph (A) of an H&E-stained transverse section through the left nasal airway of a 90-day-old infant monkey. Z-plane MR image (B) of the nasal cavity of the same monkey, obtained at the level corresponding to the transverse section in (A) ................................................................................... 76 Three-dimensional mapping of ozone-induced nasal lesions ......... 80 Light photomicrographs of the nasal mucosa lining the dorsal surface of the anterior aspect of the maxilloturbinate of 90-day-old monkeys exposed to 0 ppm ozone (filtered air, A), 1 cycle ozone (B) or 5 cycle ozone (C) ........................................... 87 Morphometry of ozone-induced nasal epithelial lesions in 90-day-old rhesus monkeys ............................................................ 89 Computational fluid dynamics simulation of airflow and ozone uptake in the nasal airways ............................................................. 91 xii Figure 3-11. Figure 3-12. Figure 4-1. Figure 4-2. Figure 4-3. Figure 4-4. Figure 4-5. Figure 4-6. Figure 4-7. Figure 4-8. Figure 5-1. Figure 5-2. Antioxidant concentrations in the nasal mucosa of infant Monkeys exposed to 1 cycle and 5 cycle ozone ............................. 93 Overview of the imaging, 3D modeling, and histopathologic methods ................................................................. 104 Anatomic location of the nasal tissues selected for morphometric analysis ................................................ 117 Light micrographs of the nasal mucosa lining the dorsomedial surface of the maxilloturbinate of 180-day-old monkeys exposed to 0 ppm ozone (filtered air, A), 1 cycle ozone (B), or 11 cycle ozone (C). Tissues were stained with H&E ............................................................................ 126 Morphometry of ozone-induced nasal epithelial injury in infant rhesus monkeys ................................................................ 130 Light photomicrographs of maxilloturbinates from monkeys exposed to FA (A) or 11 cycle ozone (C). Tissues were stained with AB/PAS. (B,D) Morphometry of intraepithelial mucus ....................................................................... 131 Effect of ozone exposure on the numeric cell density of neutrophils (PMNs) in the nasal mucosa along the anterior maxilloturbinate of infant monkeys ................................... 133 Effect of 1 cycle ozone and 1] cycle ozone exposure on the intracellular concentrations of GSH (A), GSSG (B), AHz (C), and UA (D) in the nasal mucosa from the anterior maxilloturbinate, posterior maxilloturbinate, and anterior ethmoturbinate of infant monkeys .................................................. 135 Effect of 1 cycle ozone and 11 cycle ozone exposure on GCL-C (A) and GCL-M (B) gene expression in the nasal mucosa of the anterior maxilloturbinate ................................ 137 Correlations between epithelial hyperplasia and the intracellular concentrations of GSH (A), AH2 (B), and UA (C) in the nasal mucosa lining the anterior maxilloturbinate .......................... 138 Anatomic location of rat nasal tissues selected for morphometric analyses ................................................................... 164 Effect of ozone exposure on BrdU labeling index (A) and BrdU numeric cell density (B) in the NTE ..................................... 169 xiii Figure 5-3. Figure 5-4. Figure 5-5. Figure 5-6. Figure 5-7. Figure 5-8. Figure 5-9. Figure 5-10. Figure 5-11. Figure 5-12. Figure 5-13. Figure 5-14. Effect of ozone exposure on expression of HO-l mRNA (A) and iNOS mRNA (B) in rat nasal mucosa ...................................... 172 Effect of ozone exposure on expression of GCL-C mRNA (A) and GCL-M mRNA (B) in rat nasal mucosa .................................. 173 Effect of ozone exposure on expression of TNF-a mRN A (A) and IL-6 mRNA (B) in rat nasal mucosa ........................................ 174 Effect of ozone exposure on expression of MIP-2 mRNA (A) and CINC mRNA (B) in rat nasal mucosa ...................................... 175 Effect of ozone exposure +/- BSO treatment on intracellular GSH concentrations in rat nasal mucosa ........................................ 185 Effect of ozone exposure +/- BSO treatment on intracellular GS SG concentrations in rat nasal mucosa ...................................... 186 Effect of ozone exposure +/- BSO treatment on intracellular AH; concentrations in rat nasal mucosa ......................................... 187 Light photomicrographs of the dorsal aspect of maxilloturbinates from rats treated with saline (A, B, C) or BSO (D, E, F) and exposed to 0 ppm ozone (A and D), exposed to 0.8 ppm ozone for 2 days (B and D), or exposed to 0.8 ppm ozone for 3 days and killed 48 hours post-exposure (C and F). Tissues were stained with H&E ............................................................................ 190 Light photomicrographs of maxilloturbinates from rats treated with saline and exposed to 0 ppm ozone (filtered air, A), and from rats treated with saline (B) or BSO (C) and exposed to 0.8 ppm ozone for 2 days. Tissues were immunohistochemically stained with anti-PCNA antibody, and counterstained with hematoxylin ............................. 194 Effect of ozone exposure +/- BSO treatment on PCNA labeling index in the NTE lining the anterior maxilloturbinate .................... 195 Effect of ozone exposure +/- BSO treatment on the numeric I density of cells expressing PCNA in the NTE lining the anterior maxilloturbinate ................................................................. 196 Effect of ozone exposure +/- BSO treatment on the numeric density of epithelial cells in the NTE lining the anterior maxilloturbinate .............................................................................. 1 97 xiv Figure 5-15. Effect of ozone exposure +/- BSO treatment on the numeric density of intraepithelial neutrophils in the NTE lining the anterior maxilloturbinate ........................................................... 199 Images in this dissertation are presented in color. XV 3D AB/PAS AHz ANOVA AP-l BALF BALT BrdU BSO CAD cDNA CFD CINC CSC CT DDV DNA EH ELF ET F344 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS three-dimensional alcian blue/periodic acid Schiff ascorbate analysis of variance activator protein-1 bronchoalveolar lavage fluid bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue bromo-deoxyuridine L-buthionine-[S,R]-sulfoximine computer aided design copy deoxyribonucleic acid computational fluid dynamics cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant cigarette smoke condensate cycle threshold digital data viewer deoxyribonucleic acid epithelial hyperplasia epithelial lining fluid ethmoturbinate Fischer 344 rat xvi FA FI GALT GAPDH GCL GCL-C GCL-M GGT GPx GR GS' GSH GSSG G6PDH H&E HO-l HP HPLC IL iNOS LE MCM MIP-2 filtered air fold-increase gut-associated lymphoid tissue glyceraldehyde-3 -phosphate dehydrogenase glutamate cysteine ligase glutamate cysteine ligase, catalytic subunit glutamate cysteine ligase, modulatory subunit y-glutamyltranspeptidase glutathione peroxidase glutathione reductase glutathionyl radical glutathione glutathione disulfide glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase hematoxylin and eosin heme oxygenase-1 hard palate high performance liquid chromatography interleukin inducible nitric oxide synthase lymphoepithelium mucous cell metaplasia macrophage inflammatory protein-2 xvii MPO mRNA MT NAAQS NAC NADH NADPH NALT NP NQ01 Nrf2 NTE OE PCNA PCR PMN P'Pm myeloperoxidase magnetic resonance messenger ribonucleic acid maxilloturbinate national ambient air quality standard N-acetylcysteine nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate nasal-associated lymphoid tissue nasopharynx NADPHzQuinone oxidoreductase nuclear factor-erythroid 2 related factor non-ciliated transitional epithelium ozone olfactory epithelium proliferating cell nuclear antigen polymerase chain reaction polymorphonuclear leukocyte parts per million respiratory epithelium ribonucleic acid reactive nitrogen species reactive oxygen species xviii RT SE SEM SOD STL UA VOC reverse transcriptase squamous epithelium standard error of the mean superoxide dismutase stereolithography tumor necrosis factor uric acid volatile organic compound xix CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Tropospheric ozone, the principal oxidant pollutant in photochemical smog, is recognized as one of the most important environmental pollutants due largely to its adverse health effects on the respiratory system. The nasal cavity is an important target of inhaled airborne pollutants such as ozone, due in part to its proximal location in the respiratory tract. Specialized epithelial functions including absorption of reactive gases (Brain 1970), filtration and removal of particulates and gases (Proctor and Anderson 1982), and metabolism of inhaled xenobiotics (Dahl and Hadley 1991), equip the nasal cavity to serve a protective role as a “scrubbing tower,” limiting access of inhaled chemical agents to the more delicate pulmonary parenchyma and conducting airways (Brain 1970). These same functions also expose the mucosa of the nasal airways to higher concentrations of these inhaled xenobiotics, making the nose more susceptible to injury from certain highly reactive inhaled oxidant pollutants, including ozone. Ozone-Induced Nasal Airway Injury—Human Health Sggn’ ificance. Residents of Mexico City, a population chronically exposed to high ambient levels of ozone, experienced loss of cilia, basal cell hyperplasia, and squamous metaplasia in the nasal airways (Calderon-Garciduenas et a1. 1992). Controlled ozone experiments using human subjects indicated that ozone induces similar profiles of nasal and pulmonary airway inflammation (Graham and Koren 1990; Koren et a1. 1990). Inflammatory markers (percent neutrophils, IL-6, fibronectin) in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) were decreased in subjects exposed daily to ozone (0.2 ppm) for four consecutive days, Compared to subjects exposed for a single day (Devlin 1993). A similar attenuation of BALF inflammation was observed, despite evidence of ongoing airway epithelial injury, in response to repeated ozone exposures in human volunteers (Christian et al. 1998). These experiments, which characterize the responses to repeated exposures, are of particular human health importance, as repeated or episodic exposure likely mimics the pattern of exposure experienced by most people (Srarn et a1. 1996). Children may be at increased risk of airway injury induced by oxidant pollutants (Kim 2004). Factors supporting this age-related heterogeneity in airway injury include differences in airway geometry and delivered ozone dose, differences in the distribution of susceptible epithelial populations; and differences in intrinsic epithelial defenses against oxidative stress (antioxidants, mucus, epithelial repair capacity) in the respiratory tract between children and adults. The respiratory tract undergoes significant post-natal development in children. Ozone exposures early in life are associated with long-term consequences in the pulmonary airways. Pollutant exposure during the critical period of post-natal lung grth in children impairs lung development, which results in lung function deficits in adulthood (Gauderman et a1. 2004). Childhood ozone exposure also causes inflammation, epithelial necrosis, ciliary loss, and epithelial hyperplasia in the nasal airways (Koltai 1994; Calderon-Garciduenas ct al. 1995; Kopp et al. 1999). However, the long-term ramifications of this early exposure have not been investigated. Ozone-Induced Nasal Airway Iniury—Non-Human Primate Models. Short- and lOrig-term (daily) ozone exposures cause significant nasal airway injury in experimental animal models. Most of these studies during the past 20 years were conducted in adult IOdent and macaque monkey models, and have been the subject of a recent review (Nikasinovic et a1. 2003). The macaque monkey serves as an important animal model of upper airway toxicology because their nasal airways resemble, at a gross and microscopic level, the nasal airways of humans (Harkema 1991; Yeh et a1. 1997). The first of these studies used an adult bonnet monkey (Macaca radiata) model exposed to 0.15 or 0.30 ppm ozone for 6 or 90 days. In these studies, ozone-induced lesions were confined to the anterior nasal airways (Harkema et a1. 1987; Harkema et a1. 1987). The principal lesions observed in this model included neutrophilic rhinitis at 6 days, and ciliated cell necrosis with loss of cilia, epithelial hyperplasia, and mucous cell metaplasia (MCM) at both 6 and 90 days. The epithelial remodeling events identified at 90 days were associated with attenuation of the inflammatory cell infiltration compared to 6-day exposure. These lesions specifically involved the non-ciliated transitional epithelium (NTE) and the adjacent ciliated respiratory epithelium (RE). Similar hyperplastic lesions (cuboidal bronchiolar cell hyperplasia) were also identified in the terminal bronchiolar epithelium of the lungs in ozone-exposed monkeys (Harkema et a1. 1993). Thus, assessment of nasal airway injury in monkeys may also serve as a sentinel for injury to the more delicate pulmonary airways. Furthermore, these reports document that the nasal airways of monkeys, which are morphologically similar to human nasal airways, are susceptible to injury at levels near the National Ambient Air Quality Standard ozone concentration of 0.075 ppm. onne-Induced Nasal Airway hing—Fischer 344 Rat Model. Rats exposed to 0.8 mm ozone, 6h/day for 7 days develop MCM and epithelial hyperplasia in the non- ciliated transitional epithelium lining the maxilloturbinates, nasoturbinates, and lateral wall of the proximal aspect of the nasal airways (Harkema et al. 1989). Ozone-induced MCM persists, and in some regions progresses, for at least seven days post-exposure (Harkema et al. 1989). The ozone-induced lesions in Fischer 344 (F 344) rats exposed to 0.8 ppm for 7 days histologically resemble those induced in macaque monkeys exposed to 0.3 ppm ozone for 6 days (Harkema et al. 1987). No nasal lesions were identified in rats exposed to 0.12 ppm ozone for 7 days. This is in contrast to the MCM induced in the nasal airways of macaque monkeys exposed to 0.15 ppm ozone, 8h/day for 6 days (Harkema et al. 1987). This differential, species-dependent response suggests that the rat NTE may be more resistant to ozone-induced injury than the NTE in the monkey, and supports the use of higher ozone concentrations for comparative toxicology studies in rat models. The temporal relationships among neutrophil influx, epithelial necrosis, and epithelial DNA synthesis, following a single exposure to 0.5 ppm ozone in rats are well characterized (Hotchkiss et al. 1997). Epithelial cell loss (due to necrosis) appears within 8 hours after the end of the exposure, and DNA synthesis begins within 12 hours, and peaks within 24 hours, after the end of a single 8-hour ozone exposure. Cho et al. (Cho et al. 1999) investigated the time course of cellular events preceding epithelial hyperplasia and MCM during the course of a three-day ozone exposure in rats (Sh/day, 0.5ppm). I)uring a three-day exposure, DNA synthesis peaked on day two of exposure, three days Prior to the peak of the epithelial hyperplastic response (Cho et al. 1999). These findings indicate that the cellular events underlying the ozone-induced phenotypic alterations in the nasal epithelium begin within the first eight hours of exposure, and that the cellular commitment to cell proliferation occurs within the first two days of ozone exposure. Meeificitv of OWN—WM The epithelial responses to ozone exposure vary markedly by site within the respiratory tract. In rhesus monkeys, the nature and magnitude of ozone-induced cellular injury vary significantly by location in both the nasal and pulmonary airways. In the lungs, ozone exposure targets the ci liated respiratory epithelium of the trachea and type I pneumocytes lining the terminal bronchioles (Castleman et a1. 1980; Wilson et al. 1984; Nikula et al. 1988). In the nasal airways, ozone-induced injury is confined to the anterior nasal cavity, specifically targeting the NTE and ciliated RE (Harkema et al. 1987; Harkema et al. 1987; Carey et al. 2007). The location of ozone-induced injury in the respiratory tract is due to a combination of the local site-specific dose of ozone and tissue susceptibility (Morgan and Monticello 1990). In the nasal airways, regional differences in ozone dose are related to the ambient concentration of ozone, physicochemical properties of the i“killed gas mixture, and nasal airflow patterns. The intranasal differences in Susceptibility to ozone-induced injury can be due to many factors, including structural differfinces in epithelial populations (e.g. ciliated, keratinized), local metabolic capacity, or 100311 differences in innervation or vasculature. The basis for the variations in tissue Susceptibility may also be related to the nature and magnitude of the tissue response to OXidant challenge. Airway Antioxidants and Ozone Interactions. Antioxidant molecules in the epithelial lining fluid (ELF) of the respiratory system are considered to provide the first line of defense against cellular stress from inhaled oxidant pollutants (Cross et al. 1994). Intracellular antioxidant molecules also play a role in the cellular defense against inhaled oxidants, both within the intracellular compartment as well as in the maintenance of ELF levels- These include low molecular weight antioxidants such as ascorbate (AHz), uric acid (UA), a-tocopherol, and glutathione (GSH), and larger protein complex enzymes, including superoxide dismutase (Stenfors et al.), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and glutathione reductase (GR). The low molecular weight antioxidants are of particular interest, since recent evidence suggests that the tissue concentrations of these substances decrease with age (Lenton et al. 2000), and in certain disease states (Dibbert et al. 1999). Several studies have correlated fluctuations in the levels of these low molecular weight antioxidants with the onset of airway cellular damage in vivo (Guidot and Roman 2002), or with the appearance of indicators of cellular damage in vitro (Ballinger et al. 2005). Furthermore, recent reports also support associations between oxidant-mediated respiratory tract injury and changes in the levels or activity of cellular antioxidants (Kirschvink et al. 2002; Comhair et a1. 2005). Interactions between ozone and respiratory tract epithelial cells are governed in large part by ELF and intracellular antioxidants (Figure 1-1). Inhaled ozone may be effectively r emOVed, or quenched, in the presence of protective levels of antioxidants. Without adeq Hate antioxidant protection, however, the respiratory airways become susceptible to deant-medlated damage. Ozone is an extremely reactive ox1dant gas, and rs relatlvely insoluble in aqueous solutions. For these reason, it is unlikely that ozone itself is capable of penetrating the ELF layer and oxidizing epithelial cell membranes (Cross et al. 1998). A growing body of evidence suggests that ozone itself does not produce cytotoxicity to airway epithelial cells, but rather does so by generating reactive secondary products within the epithelial lining fluid (ELF), which subsequently induce cellular damage to the underlying epithelium (Postlethwait et al. 1998). While antioxidants are largely considered to confer protection to the airway epithelium during oxidant pollutant exposure, results from several recent investigations support the concept that the presence of‘ ELF antioxidants may facilitate oxidant damage by mediating this EpithelialSurface: 3- Compartment Model Intracellular Space Fig“ re 1-1. Potential fates of inhaled ozone in the nasal cavity. Diagrammatic 1'epl‘E:Sentation of the epithelial surface lining the anterior nasal cavity. Prior to initiating mactions with cell surface and intracellular targets, gas-phase ozone (O3) in the airway hurlen must penetrate the epithelial lining fluid (ELF) layer. Reactions with ELF antloaiidants, including ascorbate (AH), uric acid (UA), and glutathione (GSH) may completely quench inhaled ozone, conferring complete protection. It is also possible that Ozone itself may completely penetrate the ELF intact and directly react with membrane and intracellular lipids and proteins. However, reactions with ELF antioxidants can also generate reactive oxygen species (ROS), which may mediate ozone-induced cell n'lefnbrane protein oxidation and lipid peroxidation via “reactive absorption.” ELF antloxidant levels are maintained in part by the regulation of intracellular antioxidant ConCentrations. In the case of GSH, this balance is maintained through a combination of rail novo synthesis, redox recycling of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) Via glutathione uCtase (GR), and scavenging of extracellular GSH and GSSG. “reactive absorption,” and thereby yielding toxic reaction products. It has been shown in vitro, that the presence of low concentrations of ascorbate or glutathione (GSH) within the ELF augments membrane oxidation during N02 exposure. NOz-induced membrane damage is ameliorated by higher ELF concentrations of ascorbate or GSH (V elsor and Postlethwait 1997). In this same in vitro model system, a similar biphasic response was observed with ozone exposure, demonstrating enhancement of membrane oxidation at low ascorbate or GSH concentrations, and protection at higher antioxidant concentrations (Ballinger et al. 2005). These results indicate that ELF antioxidants confer protection against oxidant-induced airway injury in a concentration-dependent manner, and further suggest that the regulation of ELF antioxidant levels is an important factor in both the mediation of and epithelial response to oxidant-induced airway injury. Potential Role of Glutathione in Epithelial Adaptation and Remodeling. The concept 0f pulmonary tolerance to ozone exposure has been well described in both human volunteers and experimental animal models. Prolonged exposure to ozone and other inhaled pollutants results in biochemical changes that render the epithelium resistant to I"Uri-her oxidant injury. Among these are increases in the activity of several antioxidants, inCIuding glutathione (GSH), within the airway epithelium (Plopper et al. 1994; Duan et al- 1 996). Daily ozone exposure (0.75 ppm, 12h/day for 7 days) results in a sustained inerease in BALF levels of uric acid and glutathione in calves. BALF antioxidant levels inerease by day 3 of exposure, remain elevated through day 7, and are accompanied by a corresponding decrease in the number of neutrophils in BALF (Kirschvink et al. 2002). Mile these mechanisms have not been extensively investigated in the nasal epithelium, 10 the similarity in epithelial types between the nasal and pulmonary airways suggests that similar adaptation could occur within the nasal cavity. Injury to nasal and pulmonary epithelial cells exposed to ozone is highly focal and site- specific in vivo. Several factors may contribute to this site specificity, including local ozone dose, susceptibility of the local epithelium, and capacity for antioxidant protection. Significant variability exists across different subcompartrnents of the monkey and mouse lung in both the rates of consumption and resynthesis of GSH during ozone challenge in vitro (Duan et al. 1996). In all regions of mouse lung examined (trachea, minor daughter, and parenchyma), tissue GSH levels were initially depleted by ozone exposure, and returned to baseline levels within 2 hours of the end of exposure. Tissue GSH levels in comparable regions of monkey lung were also similarly depleted by ozone exposure, and required up to 4 hours for re-synthesis or redox recycling to return GSH to baseline level 3 - There are also variations in the activities of glutathione-S-transferase and glutatljione peroxidase, enzymes that require GSH as a substrate, across different regions 0f monkey lung (Duan et al. 1993). In young adult monkeys, the sites of ozone-induced GSH depletion correspond with sites of exposure-related injury in the pulmonary airways (Plopper et al. 1998). These results suggest that site- and species-dependent SuSCeptibility to ozone-induced lower airway injury may be in part mediated by the caIDaCity of the local epithelium to regulate or replace consumed antioxidants. The relationship between local GSH regulation and susceptibility to oxidant-mediated injury i . . . . n the upper airways has not been extensrvely investlgated. 11 Investigators in several previous reports have suggested that the degree of epithelial injury may play a role in the progression of epithelial remodeling. Reports of ozone and formaldehyde inhalation studies indicate that sublethal cellular injury is sufficient, and perhaps necessary, to trigger toxicant-induced cell proliferation (Monticello et al. 1991; Henderson et al. 1993). Exposure to low concentrations of cigarette smoke condensate (CSC), a mixture of toxic compounds including particulate matter, endotoxin, and oxidant pollutant gases (Stockley et al. 2008), triggers cell proliferation in two lines of bronchial epithelial cells in vitro. Exposure to high concentrations of CSC inhibits cell proliferation in these same cell lines. This inhibitory effect of the high concentrations is due in part to higher levels of cytotoxicity. Administration of the cysteine donor compound, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) ameliorated the inhibitory effect on cell proliferation, indicating that this effect is mediated in part by CSC-induced depletion of non-protein thiol levels (e.g. GSH), and that restoration of non-protein thiol levels via NAC also restores proliferative capacity in these cells (Luppi et al. 2005). This also indicates that the magnitude of cellular injury plays a role in the subsequent epithelial relTlOdeling process; and that glutathione, which exhibits site- and species-dependent kinetics in response to oxidant challenge, may be an integral factor in site- and species- dependent, oxidant-induced epithelial remodeling in the nasal airways. Se‘Veral studies implicate glutathione upregulation as a necessary precursor to the Still‘lulation of cell proliferation, specifically to entry into S-phase of the cell cycle. I . . . . . . chreased 1ntracellular GSH concentration IS a precursor to Gl/S transrtlon followmg 1 togenie stimulation in quiescent (G0) fibroblasts. Furthermore, inhibition of GSH 12 synthesis inhibits DNA synthesis and reduces the percentage of cells capable of entering S-phase (Shaw and Chou 1986; Kavanagh et al. 1990). The molecular mechanisms underlying this regulation remain unclear. Previous studies have indicated that intracellular redox balance is an important regulator of cell cycle progression (Menon et al. 2003)(Lu et al. 2007). Thus, it is possible that intracellular GSH regulates cell cycle progression, and ultimately, cell proliferation, via its role in the maintenance of intracellular redox balance. Overall Goal: The overall goal of my thesis experiments was to determine the relationship between the regulation of nasal antioxidants and susceptibility to ozone- induced nasal airway injury and repair. Specifically, my studies were designed to deterrnine the association between the local regulation of GSH and the site-specificity of ozone-induced injury and repair in the nasal airways of infant monkeys and rats, and to detennine the role of GSH in the pathogenesis of nasal epithelial hyperplasia following ozone exposure in infant monkeys and immature rats. Based I on previous studies demonstrating correlations between local GSH regulation and ozone-induced injury in the Plflmonary airways, we anticipated that GSH would be a determinant in the susceptibility to Ozone injury in the nasal airways, and that changes in GSH regulation would parallel the Onset of epithelial hyperplasia. G OVerning Hypothesis: The spatial distribution and temporal pattern of ozone-induced epithelial hyperplasia in the nasal airways are dependent on the local regulation of GSH. l3 Specific Aims: I: To describe the temporal relationships between ozone exposure and the development of epithelial hyperplasia in the nasal airways of infant monkeys and rats. These studies were specifically designed to determine the temporal association between the ozone exposure and the process of epithelial hyperplasia in the anterior nasal airways of infant rats and monkeys acutely or episodically exposed to high ambient levels of ozone. Infant monkeys and immature rats were exposed episodically (monkeys) or daily (rats) to ozone or filtered air. The morphologic responses of the nasal epithelium were extensively characterized and quantified during the course of daily and episodic ozone exposures using standard histopathologic and morphometric techniques. II: To test the hypothesis that GSH upregulation is spatially and temporally correlated with sites of ozone-induced injury and repair in the nasal airways of infant monkeys. These studies were designed to test the hypothesis that the site- SPeeificity of ozone-induced epithelial hyperplasia in the nasal airways of infant monkeys and rats is due, in part, to the local regulation of GSH following ozone exposure. The location and severity of ozone-induced injury (including epithelial hyperplasia) in the left nasal passages (described in Specific Aim 1) was documented using morphometric techniques, and mapped on three-dimensional models of the lefi nasal airways of infant rnoI‘lleeys. The biochemical responses to daily and episodic ozone exposure (changes in antioxidant concentrations, determination of antioxidant and pro-inflammatory gene expression) were determined in site-matched mucosal samples from the contralateral nasal passage. Morphologic and biochemical responses were also evaluated in regions 14 that did not exhibit ozone-induced injury. The relationship between ozone-induced epithelial hyperplasia and steady-state GSH concentrations was described using correlation analysis. 111: To test the hypothesis that ozone-induced epithelial hyperplasia in the nasal airways of immature rats is a GSH-dependent event. These studies were designed to determine the effect of in vivo GSH depletion, during early ozone exposure, on the initiation of cell proliferation and the subsequent development of epithelial hyperplasia. Immature male F 344 rats were exposed daily to ozone or filtered air. Half of the rats were treated with L-buthionine-[S,R]-sulfoximine (BSO), to cause depletion of intracellular GSH. B80 is an irreversible inhibitor of glutamate cysteine ligase (GCL), the rate-limiting enzyme in de novo GSH synthesis. These experiments served to determine the role of GSH and GSH regulation, during early ozone exposures, in the development of ozone-induced nasal epithelial hyperplasia in immature rats (Figure 1-2). 15 1);») 2. I)‘\.\ .‘nlllllr‘h GSH Depletion l.\ l’llnwl ‘unl I"\lnli.lllnll l ’.;.\\l .’ .mlzuplllll. ‘1- "'- _ _ l).l_\ 15 l'illlllrllul II: il.1.x.ln.1l1.»ll “' ,1' j ‘ Il)prl|\ll~l.. L Injury _. Inflammation aRepair/RemodeTing Figure 1-2. Potential role of GSH in ozone-induced epithelial hyperplasia in the nasal airways of rats. Daily exposures to ozone cause neutrophilic inflammation, epithelial necrosis and exfoliation on Day 1, followed by the initiation of DNA synthesis and cell Proliferation on Day 2. These early cellular events precede the development of ozone- lnduced epithelial hyperplasia on Days 4-5. 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Bars represent group mean : SEM. * = significantly different from respective FA group (p50.05). a = significantly different from respective acute ozone group (p50.05). 130 Intrapeithelial Mucus (“ma/szl 0 Filtered 1 Cycle 11 Cycle Alf Ozone Ozone D Mucous Cell a 120 Density E E E5 80 2 I - G 33 4o .9 0 Filtered 1 Cycle 11 Cycle Air Ozone Ozone Figure 4-4. (A,C) Light photomicrographs of maxilloturbinates from monkeys exposed to FA (A) or 11 cycle 03 (C). Tissues were stained with AB/PAS to detect acidic and neutral mucosubstances. Note the presence of cilia (solid arrow) and intraepithelial AB/PAS-stained mucosubstances (dashed arrow) in the epithelium of the FA-exposed monkey, and the loss of these features following 11 cycle 03 exposure (C). Dotted line — basal lamina between epithelium and lamina propria; e = epithelium; bv = blood vessels; g = glands. (B,D) Morphometry of intraepithelial mucus. Episodic ozone exposure caused a decrease in the volume density of intraepithelial mucosubstances (B) and mucous cell numeric cell density (D). Bars represent group mean 1 SEM. * = significantly different fi‘om respective FA group. a = significantly difi‘erent from respective 1 cycle 03 group (p50.05). 131 Morphometry of Neutrophilic Inflammation The numeric cell densities of neutrophils in the mucosa along the dorsomedial surface of the anterior MT are summarized in Figure 4-5. All ozone-exposed animals (1 cycle or 11 cycle) exhibited neutrophilic rhinitis in the nasal airway mucosa lining the dorsomedial MT. Both of the ozone-exposed groups had ~4-fold more total neutrophils in the nasal mucosa (intraepithelial + interstitial + intravascular) than the FA-exposed group. There was no significant difference in the total or interstitial neutrophil numeric density between 1 cycle 03 and 11 cycle 03 animals. However, the 11 cycle 03 group had significantly more intraepithelial neutrophils (by 2.4-fold), and fewer intravascular neutrophils (75% fewer) along this site than the 1 cycle O3 group. 132 I. i. A B 60 12 T0131 PMN * ‘ Intraepithelial PMN *a 2 2 ‘ E _ 40 E '- E 5 s E. 2 _ 2 _. 3 w 3 l' o 2 2° 4 a .n .n O " Filtered 1 Cycle 11 Cycle Filtered 1 Cycle 11 Cycle Air Ozone Ozone Alr Ozone Ozone C D 40 Interstitial pMN * 16 Intravascular PMN " 30 1' E 5 e E 12 E E E E \ Q a 2 : 2° 7. — a T: g ,7; s 4: 1° 3 4 0 0 plum 1 Cycle 11 Cycle Filtered 1 Cycle 11 Cycle Alr Ozone Ozone Air 010“. Ozone Figure 4-5. Effect of ozone exposure on the numeric cell density of neutrophils (PMNs) in the nasal mucosa along the anterior MT of infant monkeys. (A) Total PMN numeric cell density (intraepithelial PMN + interstitial PMN + intravascular PMN); (B) Intraepithelial PMN; (C) Interstitial PMN; (D) Intravascular PMN. Bars represent group mean : SEM. * = significantly different from respective FA group (p50.05). a = significantly different from respective acute ozone group (p_<_0.05). 133 Intracellular Concentrations of Low Molecular Weight Nasal Antioxidants ‘ The baseline antioxidant concentrations of GSH, GSSG, AH2, and UA in FA- exposed animals were comparable in the anterior MT, posterior MT, and the anterior ethoturbinate. The mucosal concentrations of GSH, GSSG, AH2, and UA did not change significantly in any of the three nasal regions examined following 1 cycle 03- exposure. However, there were slight decreases observed in the concentrations of GSH, AH2, and UA in all regions following 1 cycle 03 exposure compared with FA-exposed animals. In contrast, 11 cycle 03 exposure caused a significant increase in mucosal GSH concentrations in the anterior MT (65% increase) and in the posterior MT (140% increase) compared to FA exposure (Figure 4-6, A). There was also a moderate increase in GSH concentration in the anterior ethmoturbinate of the 11 cycle 03 group (75% increase), however this was not statistically significant. There was no change in GSSG concentration in the two MT regions following 11 cycle 03 exposure, however, the GSSG concentration in the anterior ethmoturbinate increased by ~2.4-fold (Figure 4-6, B). No differences were observed in AHZ or UA concentrations in any of the three nasal regions examined in 11 cycle 03 ozone animals (Figure 4-6, C and D). 134 ll A 5003— ‘ "g "" 3 .g ‘ launch ‘ GS H .g GSSG 46 400' L-11Cyt:ie *a ‘6 * a » ___ ----- a 2 3001 .. E *a g s g 1 " o E e C c o E. 0 Anterior Posterior Anterior Anterior Posterior Anterior MT MT ET MT MT c 300 0.6 C '3': AH2 3'3 UA g o a. 200 E. 0.4 u or s s 3 100 g 0.2 .6 .5 2': E e r»: = = 0 Anterior Posterior Anterior 0 Anterior Posterior Anterior MT MT ET MT MT ET Figure 4-6. Effect of 1 cycle 03 and 11 cycle 03 exposure on the intracellular concentrations of GSH (A), GSSG (B), AHz (C), and UA (D) in the nasal mucosa from the anterior MT, posterior MT, and anterior ET of infant monkeys. Note the robust increase in intracellular GSH concentrations in all regions of the nasal mucosa following episodic ozone exposure. Bars represent group mean i SEM. * = significantly different from respective FA group (p50.05). a = significantly different from respective 1 cycle 03 group (p50.05). 135 GCL-C and GCL-M mRNA Expression in the Anterior Maxilloturbinate ll-cycle ozone exposure induced a significant increase (1.4-fold) in the steady- state level of GCL-C mRNA in the anterior MT, compared to FA exposure (Figure 4-7, A). There was no change in GCL-C mRNA expression at this site following 1 cycle 03 exposure. There were no changes in the expression of GCL-M mRNA following either 1 cycle 03 or 11 cycle O3 exposure (Figure 4-7, B). Correlation Analysis for Epithelial Cell Numeric Density and Antioxidant Concentration Along the Anterior Maxilloturbinate Correlation analysis was used to determine the association between epithelial cell numeric density and intracellular antioxidant concentration. There was a significant positive correlation between epithelial cell numeric density and intracellular GSH concentration at the anterior MT (F0684; p=0.00694) across all exposure groups (Figure 4-8, A). There were no significant correlations found between epithelial cell numeric density and the intracellular concentrations of AH2 (r=0.0215; p=0.942) or UA (r=0.328; p=0.252) (Figure 4-8, B and C). 136 > 2 i 2 . E 3 o s. 6' < a; 1 l T / .- sé’ y 5 2 . 2 4'5 l / .2 l 0 i fl T-I-Z-Z 'I-Z- Filtered 1 Cycle 11 Cycle Air Ozone Ozone 2‘. E i. / T :5 1 j! T 7 ......... ‘ ,l //J ..... .. Filtered 1 Cycle 11 Cycle Air Ozone Ozone Figure 4-7. Effect of 1 cycle O3 and 11 cycle 03 exposure on GCL-C (A) and GCL-M (B) gene expression in the nasal mucosa of the anterior MT. Bars represent group mean i SEM. a = significantly different from respective FA group (p50.05). b = significantly different from respective acute ozone group (p50.05). 137 > 631-! (nlnoleelmg protein) AHz (nmoleslmg protein) 0 UA (nmoleslmg protein) soo- 2so» ' zoo- 150» 100» norm ,0. p-o.oosu O O o . - . . . soo soo 700 soo 900 1000 Epithelial Numeric Cell Density (cellslmm basal lamina) 250 ~ zoo - ' ' O 150 » ° e . l o e 100 » ° . .‘ so . ”.0215 . 33-0342 0 » . . . _1 600 600 700 000 000 1000 Epithelial Numeric Cell Density (cellslmrn basal lamina) 0.5 - O 0-4 r-0.328 p-0.252 0.3 ' O 0.2 ‘ e 0.1 l ' . e I 0.0 . . Q . . , 500 600 700 800 000 1000 Epithelial Cell Numeric Density (cells/mm basal lamina) 138 Figure 4-8. Correlations between epithelial hyperplasia (numeric cell density, x-axes) and the intracellular concentrations of GSH (A), AH; (B), and UA (C) (y-axes) in the nasal mucosa lining the anterior MT. The associations were described as the Pearson product moment correlation coefficients (r), and were considered significant if p50.05. DISCUSSION One purpose of this study was to determine the nature and distribution of mucosal injury and repair in the nasal airway of infant monkeys exposed to ozone. The nasal responses to both acute and chronic, daily ozone exposure in adult monkeys have been extensively characterized. Acute ozone exposure (0.3 ppm, 8h/day, 6 days) causes neutrophilic rhinitis, epithelial necrosis, and ciliated cell loss, confined to the NTE and ciliated RE of the anterior nasal cavity in adult monkeys (Harkema et al. 1987; Harkema et al. 1987). We found that infant (180-day-old) monkeys exposed acutely to ozone (1 cycle 03) also exhibit epithelial necrosis, ciliated cell loss, and neutrophilic inflammation, which were confined to distinct focal regions in the anterior nasal cavity. The distribution of these lesions was also consistent with those previously described in both younger (90-day-old), infant monkeys (Carey et al. 2007) and in adult monkeys (Harkema et al. 1987a; Harkema et al. 1987b) similarly exposed to ozone. Furthermore, as we have shown here, the sites that exhibited necrosis and ciliated cell injury after 1 cycle 03 exposure in infant monkeys subsequently developed epithelial hyperplasia and squamous metaplasia following 11 cycle O3 exposure. The location and nature of this proliferative response to 11 cycle 03 exposures in these infants was similar to the response previously described in adult macaques (Harkema et al. 1987a) following acute exposure (0.3 ppm, 8h/day for 6 days). These results suggest that the site-specificity of ozone-induced injury is consistent in infants and adults, despite significant post-natal growth of the nasal cavity in non-human primates (Kepler 1995; Carey et al. 2007). 139 Mucous cell metaplasia is a frequent morphologic feature of airway epithelium following inhaled pollutant challenge (Rogers and Jeffery 1986; Harkema and Hotchkiss 1991; Jany et al. 1991; Hotchkiss et al. 1998; Cho et al. 1999), and is considered a pathologic response following airway epithelial injury (Wagner et al 2001; Puchelle et al. 2006). Adult monkeys developed mucous cell metaplasia in the anterior nasal airways following both acute (6 days, 8h/day) and chronic (90 days, 8h/day) daily exposure to 0.3ppm ozone (Harkema et al. 1987a). In the present study, neither 1 cycle 03 nor ll cycle 03 ozone exposure caused mucous cell hyperplasia or metaplasia in infant monkeys. In fact, both 1 cycle 03 and 11 cycle O3 exposures caused a decrease in the amount of stored intraepithelial mucosubstances in the ciliated RE lining the anterior MT. Our results may be related to age-related differences in the ability of the infant nasal airways to respond to oxidant pollutant exposure. However, since ozone exposure induces mucus hypersecretion in respiratory airways, it is also possible that the higher ozone concentration (0.5 ppm versus 0.3ppm) used for the infant exposures caused a short-term depletion of stored intraepithelial mucosubstances (Noganri et al. 2000). Squamous metaplasia and hyperplasia of the nasal epithelium have been reported as sequelae of chronic exposure to oxidant pollutants in children (Calderon-Garciduenas et al. 2001; Calderon-Garciduenas et a1. 2001). In the present study, monkeys exposed to 11 cycle O3 exhibited focal areas of epithelial hyperplasia and squamous metaplasia of the ciliated RE lining the anterior MT. This metaplastic change resulted in an increase in epithelial thickness, and was also associated with a loss of surface cilia and a reduction in the amount of stored intraepithelial mucosubstances. These morphologic changes in the nasal airways result in an epithelium that is locally more resistant to uptake of reactive, 140 1 ..rmm'fl pollutant gases (Kimbell et a1 1997), and may serve as protective adaptations. However, these alterations may also serve to disrupt nasal mucociliary clearance and reactive gas absorption in the anterior nasal airways. This loss of normal nasal function could potentially result in delivery of toxic pollutants to more distal sites in the respiratory tract, including the conducting airways and pulmonary parenchyma (Brain 1970; Morgan and Frank 1977). Furthermore, the loss of functional ciliated RE could lead to increased transit times for airborne toxicants trapped in the nasal airways, possibly resulting in prolonged contact with the nasal epithelium and enhanced upper airway toxicity. We previously reported that infant monkeys exposed episodically to 5 cycles of ozone (0.5 ppm, 8h/day) exhibited persistent neutrophilic rhinitis, similar to that observed following 1 cycle O3-exposure (Carey et al. 2007). This is in contrast to adult monkeys exposed to 0.3 ppm ozone daily for 6 or 90 days. While adult monkeys exposed for 6 days developed acute neutrophilic rhinitis, this inflammatory response was not observed in animals exposed for 90 days (Harkema et al. 1987a). Another purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of a longer period of episodic ozone exposure on the inflammatory and epithelial responses of the infant monkey nasal cavity. For these experiments, we designed a longer regimen of episodic exposure (1 l-cycles) to a high ambient concentration of ozone (0.5 ppm, 8h/day). These protocols were designed to mimic intermittent exposures to clean and polluted air, which represents the nature of exposure experienced by people in high pollution regions (Sram et al. 1996). In the present study, we found that infant monkeys exposed to 11 cycle 03 had a similar distribution and magnitude of neutrophilic rhinitis to that observed in 1 cycle O3-exposed monkeys. There was no significant difference in neutrophil numeric cell density along 141 the anterior MT between 1 cycle 03- and 11 cycle O3-exposed monkeys (Figure 4-5). The presence of epithelial hyperplasia and squamous metaplasia did not influence ozone- induced inflammation during 11 cycle O3 exposure. Other reports have also described a decrease in pulmonary inflammation and pro-inflammatory indicators following multi- day ozone exposures (Plopper, Charles G. and Paige 1999; Wesselkamper et al. 2001; Kirschvink et al. 2002). While the mechanisms underlying this acquired tolerance to chronic ozone exposure remain unclear, several reports have hypothesized that epithelial remodeling may serve a protective role against subsequent oxidant pollutant challenge. We did not observe an attenuated inflammatory response in the nasal airways following 11 cycle O3 exposure, despite the development of significant epithelial remodeling at the site of inflammation. These results indicate that the presence of ozone-induced epithelial hyperplasia alone does not attenuate the inflammatory response to subsequent ozone challenge in infant monkeys, and further suggest that the nasal airways in infant monkeys remain susceptible to oxidant pollutant-induced inflammation following episodic exposures. Maintenance of neutrophilia at a site of inflammation can be due to persistent Chemokine-mediated recruitment of neutrophils from circulation, cytokine-mediated enhancement of neutrophil survival (Dibbert et al. 1999), or a combination of these factors. While altered neutrophil survival has been demonstrated to play a role in the development of pulmonary tolerance to ozone (Fievez et al. 2001), given the duration of the episodic exposure period in our studies, the persistent rhinitis observed following 11 cycle O3 exposure is most likely the result of continuous or repeated neutrophil recruitment. It is possible that the higher ozone concentration used in our studies 142 inhibited the development of tolerance. However, these results may also reflect a fundamental difference in the nasal epithelial response to repeated cycles of injury and repair caused by episodic ozone exposure. Future studies are needed to examine the mechanisms behind this differential response to episodic versus daily ozone exposures, and the possible implications toward the nature of ozone exposure experienced by children. The present study was also designed to test the hypothesis that the site-specificity of ozone-induced epithelial injury, repair, and remodeling in the developing nasal airways of infant monkeys is due, in part, to local differences in the steady-state levels of low molecular weight nasal antioxidants. We compared the baseline and post-exposure tissue concentrations of AH;, UA, GSH, and GSSG at an intranasal site of ozone-induced injury and repair (anterior MT), and at two sites at which no exposure related morphologic changes were observed (posterior MT, anterior ET). The only exposure- related change in antioxidant levels was an increase in GSH concentration following 11- cycle 03 exposure. In the lungs, site-specificity of injury and repair induced by inhaled xenobiotics frequently correlates with local changes in the regulation of GSH. Regional changes in GSH status have been correlated with toxicant-induced responses in the lungs of monkeys and rats exposed to ozone (Duan et al. 1996; Plopper, C. G. et al. 1998). Similar GSH responses have been documented in rat lungs following exposure to hyperoxia (Kimball et al. 1976), and in mice exposed to naphthalene (West et al. 2000). A correlation between oxidant pollutant-induced mucosal injury and GSH upregulation has also been demonstrated in the nasal airways of rats exposed to cigarette smoke (Maples et al. 1993). In our study, the ozone-induced upregulation in GSH levels was 143 T I- . n not limited to the site of ozone-induced injury, but was found in samples taken throughout the nasal cavity. Furthermore, while no significant differences were discerned among the three regions, the magnitude of this upregulation in GSH concentrations was greatest in the posterior MT, a site with no observed exposure-related morphologic changes. This suggests that the upregulation in mucosal GSH concentration observed in our study was not a site-specific response to ozone-induced injury, but rather a widespread nasal mucosal response to ozone exposure itself. Acute ozone exposure initially causes site-specific GSH depletion in the respiratory tract (Plopper, C. G. et al. 1998). We hypothesize that the increase in GSH observed following 11 cycle 03 exposure is an adaptive response to repeated cycles of GSH depletion. Intracellular GSH concentration is maintained by a balance among GSH consumption/degradation, GSH redox cycling (via glutathione reductase), efflux of GSH and GSSG into the ELF, uptake of intact GSH (primarily from the liver), and de novo GSH synthesis (van Klaveren et al. 1997). Following acute ozone exposure and GSH consumption, subsequent upregulation of GSH is, at least in part, the result of local de novo synthesis. We found only a slight increase in the mRNA levels of the catalytic subunit of GCL, the rate-limiting enzyme in de novo GSH synthesis, in animals exposed to 11 cycle 03. While the increase in GCL-C expression may explain part of the increase in GSH, other regulators of GSH were also likely involved. Oxidative stress activates signal transduction pathways that lead to activation and nuclear translocation of redox- sensitive transcription factors, including activator protein-1 (AP-1) and nuclear factor- erythroid 2 related factor 2 (Nrf2). In addition to GCL-C and GCL-M, AP-l and Nrf2 activation controls expression of several other GSH-regulatory genes, including 7- 144 T glutamyl transpeptidase, glutathione reductase, and glutathione synthase (Chan and Kwong 2000; Cho et al. 2006). Increased expression of these genes would promote increases in GSH content via GCL-independent mechanisms (Dickinson and Forman 2002). Changes in cellular redox state can also influence GCL activity in the absence of a transcriptional component. Additional studies are needed to fully elucidate the mechanisms behind ozone-induced GSH upregulation in monkeys. In the regions lined by respiratory epithelium (anterior and posterior MT), the increase in steady state GSH levels occurred with no significant change in GSSG concentration. In contrast, there was a significant increase in GSSG concentration in the anterior ethmoturbinate, a region lined primarily by olfactory epithelium. This regional difference in glutathione disulfide concentration following 11 cycle 03 exposure may reflect a local difference in the regulation of GSH and GSSG. Glutathione reductase is an intracellular NADPH-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the reduction of GSSG to GSH. In the rat, glutathione reductase activity is lower in olfactory epithelium than in respiratory epithelium (Reed et al. 2003). Lower glutathione reductase activity could result in higher intracellular concentrations of GSSG, particularly following oxidant challenge. However, it is also possible that reductions in GSH and GSSG efflux rates could contribute to increases in intracellular GSH and GSSG. Future studies that compare intracellular and ELF GSH and GSSG levels would provide valuable information regarding ozone-induced GSH turnover. Regional differences in other GSH regulatory enzymes have not been evaluated for the nasal airways of monkeys. While the exact role of GSH in cell proliferation remains unclear, a growing body of evidence supports a role for GSH in cell cycle regulation and cell proliferation. 145 {mg " mm“ _ ' l Previous reports indicate that upregulation and subcellular localization of GSH are important in the control of Gl/S transition (Markovic et a1. 2007) and DNA synthesis (Thelander and Reichard 1979). The importance of GSH in oxidant-induced cell proliferation has been previously documented in cultured bronchial epithelial cells. Cigarette smoke condensate causes a dose-dependent increase in 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation in primary bronchial epithelial cells in vitro. This effect is inhibited by glutathione depletion (Luppi et al. 2005). Another recent investigation examined the role of GSH in Nrf2-mediated cell proliferation. Using type II pneomocytes fi'om Nrf2'l' mice, these investigators demonstrate that Nrf2-deficiency leads to impaired cell proliferation in vitro, and GSH supplementation restores replicative capacity to Nrf2/- cells (Reddy et al. 2007). We found a positive correlation between the total numeric density of epithelial cells lining the anterior MT, a measure of epithelial hyperplasia, and the intracellular concentration of GSH at that site. While these experiments were not designed to elucidate the mechanisms behind ozone-induced remodeling, they establish a temporal relationship between increases in the steady state, intracellular levels of GSH and morphologic evidence of cell proliferation. It is important to note, however, that positive correlation analysis does not establish causation, and that GSH upregulation and the onset of epithelial hyperplasia and squamous metaplasia may be coincidental events, both under the influence of additional factors. We have shown that exposure to repeated episodes of ozone caused acute epithelial injury, epithelial hyperplasia, and squamous metaplasia in the nasal airways of infant monkeys. The nature and distribution of these nasal lesions were consistent with those observed in the nasal airways of children inhabiting chronically polluted 146 ii environments. The onset of ozone-induced epithelial remodeling coincides with the ozone-induced upregulation in the steady-state intracellular levels of GSH in the nasal airways. These local biochemical changes in the nasal mucosa correlate with ozone- induced epithelial hyperplasia, and may confer a permissive effect on toxicant-induced cell proliferation. Despite the presence of these ozone-induced morphologic and biochemical alterations, the infant nasal cavity appears to remain susceptible to injury and inflammation induced by repeated ozone exposures. 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In our previous studies, we demonstrated that chronic, episodic ozone exposure causes epithelial hyperplasia and squamous metaplasia in the anterior nasal airways of infant monkeys, and that this hyperplastic response is correlated with the local upregulation of intracellular glutathione (GSH) concentrations. Although the results from these studies demonstrate a temporal and spatial association between ozone-induced epithelial hyperplasia and local GSH concentrations in the nasal airways, they do not establish a mechanistic relationship among oxidant exposure, cell survival and proliferation, and the regulation of steady-state GSH levels. Oxidant-induced nasal epithelial hyperplasia is a multifactorial process. Early exposures to ozone cause epithelial necrosis in the nasal airways (Hotchkiss et al. 1997). The resulting epithelial proliferation is a response of the surviving epithelial cell population to regenerate and repair (Henderson et al. 1993). The early responses to ozone exposure must include mechanisms that can enhance cell survival following oxidant challenge. Ozone exposure leads to the rapid induction of oxidant response genes in the respiratory airways. Heme-oxygenase 1 (HO-l) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) are both inducible forms of anti-oxidant enzymes that are upregulated early during oxidant exposure (Foucaud et al. 2006), and are considered common indicators of oxidative stress in the respiratory airways (Morse and Choi 2005). Both enzymes confer cytoprotective benefits during early ozone exposures that may provide protection to surviving epithelial cells during repeated oxidant pollutant exposures (Joshi 156 et al. 1999; Jin and Choi 2005). Furthermore, both enzymes may be directly related to control of cell cycle and cell proliferation following oxidant exposure or oxidant-induced cytokine stimulation (Romanska et al. 2002; Colombrita et al. 2003). Ozone exposure in humans causes secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines into the respiratory airways. Many of these, including IL-6, TNF-or, and IL- 8, have been implicated in cellular processes related to ozone-induced epithelial injury and repair (Koren et al. 1989; Devlin et al. 1991; Devlin 1993). Both TNF-a and IL-6 are important regulators of inflammation following ozone exposure (Pendino et al. 1994; Leikauf et al. 1995). IL-6 also plays an important role in the regulation of epithelial repair and cell proliferation in the pulmonary airways following ozone exposure. Yu, et al., demonstrated that ozone-induced cell proliferation is inhibited in the pulmonary airways of IL-6 knockout mice and in mice treated with anti-IL-6 neutralizing antibodies (Yu et al. 2002). IL-8, a member of the CXC Chemokine family, is a potent neutrophil chemoattractant molecule in humans and non-human primates. Studies conducted in monkeys (Hyde et al. 1992) and rats (Salmon et a1. 1998) provide support for the contribution of neutrophil chemotaxis in the pathogenesis of lung injury and repair following short-term ozone exposure. The specific functions of these cytokines and chemokines in the pathogenesis of ozone-induced nasal epithelial hyperplasia have not been determined. The same factors that contribute to activation of cytoprotective and pro- inflammatory cell signaling cascades may also lead to alterations in the intracellular regulation of GSH. One of the effects of oxidative stress is the activation of antioxidant response transcription factors, including nuclear factor E2-related factor-2 (Nrf2). In 157 humans, activation of Nrf2 leads to nuclear translocation and binding to promoter sequences of several antioxidant response genes. Among these are the genes for several GSH synthetic enzymes, including the catalytic and modulatory subunits of glutamate cysteine ligase (GCL-C and GCL-M), glutathione synthase (GS), and y- glutarnyltranspeptidase (GGT) (Lu 2008). Increased expression of these enzymes is one possible mechanism for local upregulation in GSH levels observed in the nasal airways of infant monkeys following ozone exposure (Chapter 4), as well as similar mucosal responses following oxidant exposure in the nasal airways of rats (Maples et al. 1993) and pulmonary airways of monkeys (Plopper et al. 1998). Oxidative (or nitrosative) stress can also cause DNA lesions or inhibit DNA repair mechanisms in susceptible cell populations. This genotoxicity can lead to oxidant- induced cell cycle arrest at either of the two major cell cycle checkpoints, Gl/S or Gz/M. Recent studies provide evidence for the role of intracellular GSH in mediating cell cycle progression through Gl/S (Lu et al. 2007) or G2/M (Reddy et al. 2008) following oxidative stress. Previous studies also provide evidence supporting a role for GSH upregulation in progression through Gl/S transition (Shaw and Chou 1986; Kavanagh et al. 1990). Results from recent in vitro studies indicate that GSH depletion inhibits oxidant-induced cell proliferation in cultured human bronchial epithelial cells, and that the cysteine donor N-acetylcysteine, a precursor to GSH synthesis, restores replicative capacity (Luppi et al. 2005). The two studies described in this chapter were designed to test the hypotheses that (1) early ozone exposures cause oxidative stress, expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, and expression of GSH synthetic enzymes in the nasal 158 airways of immature rats prior to the development of ozone-induced epithelial hyperplasia, (2) that these early molecular responses would lead to upregulation of intracellular GSH concentrations in rat nasal tissues, and that (3) inhibition of GSH synthesis during ozone exposures would inhibit the development of ozone-induced epithelial hyperplasia in the anterior nasal airways of immature rats. In Study 1, we examined the changes in the expression levels of indicators of oxidative stress (HO-1, iNOS), pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-or, IL-6), CXC chemokines (MIP-2, CINC), and GSH synthesis enzymes (GCL-C, GCL-M) in the nasal airways of rats, and compared these with the timing of BrdU incorporation, an indicator of cell proliferation, following 1 day and 2 days of daily ozone exposure. In Study 2, we examined the changes in intracellular concentrations of GSH, glutathione disulfide (GSSG), and ascorbate (AHZ) during the development of ozone-induced nasal epithelial hyperplasia. Finally, we examined the effect of potent GSH synthesis inhibition (buthionine sulfoximine, an inhibitor of GCL) on intracellular GSH concentrations, and on the development of ozone-induced epithelial hyperplasia. STUDY 1: EARLY CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR EVENTS PRECEEDING OZONE-INDUCED EPI T HELML H YPERPIASIA IN THE NASAL AIRWAYS 0F IMlllA T URE RA TS MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals, Ozone Exposure, and BrdU Treatment 159 ’T’mml Eighteen male Fischer 344/N rats (Harlan Sprague-Dawley, Indianapolis, IN), 28- days-old, were used in Study 1. All animals were free of pathogens, and used in accordance with guidelines set forth by the All-University Committee on Animal Use and Care at Michigan State University. Rats were housed, three animals per cage, in polycarbonate shoebox-type cages with filter tops. Water and food (Tek-Lab 1640, Harlan Sprague-Dawley) were provided ad libitum. Rats were maintained on a 12-h light/12-h dark cycle, in a temperature— and humidity-controlled environment (l6-25°C; 40-70% relative humidity). All inhalation exposures were conducted in whole-body exposure chambers (HC- 1000; Lab Products, Maywood, NJ). The rats were acclimated to the exposure chambers, supplied with filtered air (FA), for 8 hours on the day prior to the start of inhalation exposures. The rats were individually housed in rack-mounted stainless steel wire cages with free access to water during acclimation. The exposure chamber temperature, relative humidity, and light cycle were maintained as described earlier for animal housing. To determine the effect of ozone exposure on the molecular responses of the nasal airways prior to the development of ozone-induced epithelial hyperplasia, we randomly assigned 18 rats to three experimental groups (n = 6/ group). One group of rats was exposed to 0.8 ppm ozone for 8h/day for one day. A second group of rats was exposed to 0.8 ppm ozone for 8h/day for two consecutive days. A control group of rats was exposed to FA (0 ppm) for 8h/day for one day. In previous chapters, we utilized a concentration of 0.5 ppm ozone for non-human primate studies. We selected a higher ozone concentration (0.8 ppm) for the rodent experiments based on comparative dosimetry 160 studies which suggest that the respiratory airways of rodents are less susceptible to the health effects of ozone exposure, and require up to five-fold higher ozone concentrations to elicit comparable levels of respiratory injury (Hatch et al. 1994). Three animals from each group were dedicated for nasal histopathology and morphometry. The remaining three animals from each group were dedicated for nasal RNA isolation and mRNA analysis. At the end of the last day of exposure, each rat dedicated for nasal histopathology was injected with 5-bromo, 2-deoxyuridine (50mg/kg, intraperitoneally) to label cells in the S-phase (DNA synthesis) of the cell cycle. All rats in Study 1 were euthanized two hours following the end of exposure. Ozone exposures were conducted nightly, from 11:00 pm. to 7:00 am, while the animals were most active. All exposures were conducted in the Inhalation Toxicology Exposure Laboratory of the University Research Containment Facility at Michigan State University. Food was removed, but animals had free access to water during ozone exposures. Ozone was generated with an OREC Model O3VI-O ozonizer (Ozone Research and Equipment, Phoenix, AZ), using compressed air (AirGas, Lansing, MI) as an oxygen source. Ozone was diluted with filtered room air and delivered to the ozone chambers through Teflon tubing. The total airflow through the exposure chambers was maintained at approximately 250 L/min, to provide 15 chamber air changes per hour. Chamber temperature and relative humidity were maintained at the same levels as during the chamber acclimation period. The concentration of ozone within the chamber was controlled by adjusting the voltage of the ultraviolet lamp within the ozonizer. Ozone concentration was monitored during exposure with ozone monitors (Model 1003-AH; Dasibi Environmental Corporation, Glendale, CA), and recorded with a strip chart 161 ”l recorder (Model 707; Chrono-Log Corporation, Havertown, PA). The probes for sampling the exposure atmosphere were positioned in the breathing zone of the rats within the ozone exposure chambers. The chamber ozone concentrations during exposure to 0.8 ppm ozone were 0.786 1 0.028 ppm (mean j; SD). The chamber ozone concentrations during exposure to filtered air were maintained at less than 0.050 ppm. Necropsy and Tissue Preparation for Morphometric Analyses Two hours following the end of exposure, rats were anesthetized with pentobarbital (50mg/kg, i.p.), and then killed by exsanguination via the abdominal aorta. After death, the head of each rat was removed from the carcass, and the eyes, lower jaw, skin, and musculature was removed. For animals in Study 1, the entire nasal cavity was processed for histopathology. The nasal cavities were flushed in a retrograde manner through the nasopharyngeal orifice with 2ml of 10% neutral buffered formalin, and then immersed in a large volume of the same fixative for a minimum of 24 hours. The formalin-fixed nasal cavities were decalcified in 13% formic acid for 5 days, and were then rinsed in reverse osmosis filtered water for 2 hours as previously described (Harkema et al. 1988). A tissue block was removed fiom the anterior aspect of the left nasal cavity by making two transverse cuts perpendicular to the hard palate. The first cut was made immediately posterior to the upper incisor tooth (Figure 5-1). The second cut was made at the level of the incisive papilla. The tissue blocks were embedded in paraffin, and 5 uM-thick sections were cut from the anterior face of the block. Tissue sections from each animal were histochemically stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) for routine histopathologic examination (results presented and discussed in Study 162 1'1 2). Other tissue sections were immunohistochemically stained with anti-BrdU antibody (Becton Dickinson Immunocytometry Systems, San Jose, CA) to detect BrdU-labeled nuclei, and counter stained with hematoxylin (Johnson et al. 1990). 163 "L II Figure 5-1. Anatomic location of nasal tissues selected for morphometric analyses. (A) Exposed right lateral wall of rat nasal cavity. MT = maxilloturbinate; NT = nasoturbinate; ET = ethmoturbinate; HP = hard palate. Vertical line indicates the anterior surface of the tissue block sectioned for morphometric analyses. (B) Diagram of the anterior face of a tissue block from the anterior nasal cavity. S = nasal septum; T = root of incisor tooth; D = nasolacrimal duct. Red circle illustrates the profile of the anterior maxilloturbinate. (C) Enlarged photonricrograph of the maxilloturbinate from a FA- exposed rat, illustrating the major tissue compartments. e = non-ciliated transitional epithelium (NTE); TB = turbinate bone; LP = lamina propria. The normal NTE is a non- ciliated cuboidal epithelium consisting of 1-2 cell layers. Morphometry of Cellular Injury and Cell Proliferation Non-ciliated transitional epithelium (NTE) overlying the dorsal aspect of the anterior maxilloturbinate (Figure 5-1) of each animal was analyzed using computerized image analysis and standard morphometric techniques (Hotchkiss, Harkema, Henderson Exp Lung Res 1991). In Study 1, the BrdU labeling index was calculated as an indicator of reparative DNA synthesis in response to ozone-induced cell injury (Rajini et a1 1993). The number of BrdU-labeled epithelial cell nuclei was counted, divided by the total number of epithelial cell nuclei, and multiplied by 100 to yield the percentage of BrdU- labeled epithelial cell nuclei. The BrdU+ numeric cell density was calculated by counting the number of BrdU-labeled nuclei, and dividing this number by the length of the basal lamina. The basal lamina length was calculated from the contour length of the basal lamina on a digitized image, using image analysis software (Scion Image, Scion Corporation, Frederick, MD). Tissue Preparation for mRNA Analysis For mRNA analysis, rats exposed to filtered air for 1 day, or exposed to ozone for l or 2 days, were killed 2 hours following the end of exposure. These time points were chosen for pro-inflammatory, GSH synthesis, and oxidative stress gene expression analysis on the basis of previous findings in adult rats that neutrophilic inflammation and cellular injury reach peak levels within the first 2 days of daily ozone exposure (Cho et al. 1999). The head of each rat dedicated for mRNA isolation was removed and sagittally split 1m to the right of midline. This sectioning process yielded a left nasal cavity, with the septum attached, and a free right nasal lateral wall. The right side of the nasal cavity 165 was immersed in 10ml RNALater (Ambion; Austin, TX), and stored at room temperature for 24 hours, then stored at —20°C until microdissection. Total RNA Isolation from Nasal Tissues Maxilloturbinates were microdissected from RNALater-preserved, frozen nasal cavities of each animal. Total cellular RNA was extracted from the maxilloturbinate according to the manufacturer’s protocol (RNEasy Mini Kit, Qiagen, Valencia, CA). Briefly, tissues were homogenized in buffer RLT containing B-mercaptoethanol with a 5mm Rotor-sator homogenizer (PRO Scientific, Oxford, CT), and centrifuged at 12,000 x g for 3 minutes. RNA was purified from the supernatant using the RNEasy capture column. Samples were treated with Qiagen RNAse-Free DNAse set on the column for 30 minutes. Eluted RNA was diluted 1:5, and was quantified using a Genequant Pro spectrophotometer (BioCrom, Cambridge, England). Reverse transcription was performed using High Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit reagents (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). Each RT reaction was run in a 50-p.l reaction volume containing 5-ug of total RNA and cDNA Master Mix prepared according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Reverse transcription was performed in a GeneAmp PCR System 9700 Thermocycler PE (Applied Biosystems) at 25°C for 10 minutes, 37°C for 2 hours, and held at 4°C. Real-time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction cDNA samples were diluted to 5ng/p.l and dispensed (in duplicate) into a 384- well reaction plate using the BioMek 2000 Automated Workstation (Beckman Coulter, 166 Fullerton, CA). Quantitative mRNA expression analyses were performed with the ABI PRISM 7900 HT Sequence Detection System using Taqman Gene Expression Assay reagents for GCL-C, GCL-M, iNos, HO-l, macrophage inflammatory protein 2 (MIP-2, CXCL2), and cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant 1 (CINC, CXCLl) (Applied Biosystems). The cycling parameters were 48°C for 2 minutes, 95°C for 10 minutes, and 40 cycles of 95°C for 15 seconds followed by 60°C for 1 minute. All mRNA expression levels were reported as fold-increase (Fl) of mRNA in experimental samples compared to a control sample. Real-time PCR amplifications were relatively quantified using the AACt method normalized to the geometric mean of 3 endogenous controls (188, B-actin, and GAPDH). This normalization strategy has been utilized for accurate RT-PCR expression profiling in biological samples with small expression differences (Vandesompele et al. 2002). The delta Ct (ACt) value for the experimental sample is subtracted from the ACt value of the corresponding control sample (AACt). The F1 in experimental samples relative to control samples is then calculated as: FI = 2'AACt. Statistical Analyses All data were expressed as mean group value i SEM. The differences among groups in Study 1 were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Pairwise comparisons were performed a priori using Student-Newman-Keuls multiple comparisons test. The criterion for statistical significance was set to p50.05 for all analyses. All statistical analyses were performed using a commercial statistical software package (SigmaStat, SPSS Science, Chicago, IL). 167 RESULTS Ozone-Induced BrdU Incorporation in Immature Rat Nasal Airways Ozone exposure induced increases in the BrdU numeric cell density along the dorsal maxilloturbinate in rats exposed for l-day (6.6-fold increase) and for 2-days (21- fold increase), compared to rats exposed to filtered air. Ozone exposure also induced similar increases in the BrdU labeling index following both 1-day and 2-day exposures (7-fold and 22-fold increases, respectively). The increases in both BrdU numeric cell density and BrdU labeling index following 2-day exposure were significantly different from both FA-exposed and l-day ozone-exposed rats (Figure 5-2). 168 10 x E 8 g 8 g3 6 = 8 B s 3 :3 4 D E E m in E: 2 o ' ' Filtered 1—Day Air Ozone Ozone B A 25 3.3. T E * a 53' g 20 3 g 15 4 2 g; 10 z s 4- % 5 5 E U m El V o f—l—fi _._.. .,._._. Filtered 1-Day 2-Day Air Ozone Ozone Figure 5-2. Effect of ozone exposure on BrdU labeling index (A) and BrdU numeric cell density in the NTE. Bars represent group mean +_ SEM (n = 3/ group). * = significantly different from FA—exposed rats (p50.05). a = Significantly different from rats exposed to l-day ozone (p50.05). 169 Ozone-Induced Oxidative Stress Gene Expression Ozone exposure induced an increase in HO-l mRNA expression in rat nasal airways following both l-day and 2-day exposures (2.7-fold and 2.4—fold increases, respectively) (Figure 5-3). Ozone caused an increase in iNOS mRNA expression in rat nasal mucosa following 2-day exposure (3.8-fold increase versus FA). The increase in iNOS expression in 2-day-exposed rats was significantly different from both FA-exposed and l-day-exposed rats (Figure 5-3). There were no significant effects of ozone exposure on the expression of GCL-C or GCL-M following either l-day or 2-day exposure (Figure 5-4). Ozone-Induced Pro-Inflammatory Gene Expression 2-day ozone exposure induced a significant increase in the steady state levels of TNF-a mRNA (3.4-fold increase) and IL-6 mRNA (30-fold increase) versus FA exposure. TNF-a and IL-6 mRNA levels were also increased following l-day ozone exposure (1.7-fold and 8.2-fold, respectively). These changes were not significantly different from FA-exposed controls, but were significantly different from 2-day ozone exposed rats (Figure 5-5). Ozone-Induced CXC Chemokine Gene Expression Two-day ozone exposure caused significant increases in MIP-2 (IO-fold) and CINC (13-fold) mRNA expression versus FA. The increases in mRNA expression for each of these genes following 2-day exposure were also significantly different from l-day 170 ozone exposure. There were no significant differences versus FA in MIP-2 or CINC mRNA levels following l-day ozone exposure (Figure 5-6). 171 N A \NH. Filtered 1-Day Air Ozone B 5) iv 0 E g 3 ll. 5 2 E 8 1 E m 0 Filtered 1-Day Air Ozone Figure 5-3. Effect of ozone exposure on expression of HO-l mRNA (A) and iNOS mRNA (B) in rat nasal mucosa. Bars represent group mean +_ SEM (n = 3/group). * = significantly different from FA-exposed rats (p50.05). a = Significantly different from rats exposed to 1-day ozone (p50.05). 172 2 i 2 0 E 2 8 < 1 '- z n: E q .l o o 0 “ Filtered 1-Day 2-Day Air Ozone Ozone B 2 . O 0) § 0 E E .2 < 1 T 2 a: E 5. .l o 0 O Filtered Air Figure 5-4. Effect of ozone exposure on expression of GCL-C mRNA (A) and GCL-M mRNA (B) in rat nasal mucosa. Bars represent group mean 1 SEM (n = 3/group). ;_n 73 4 *a 0 § 3 3 E 2 8 s 2 T m 7 E ii 1 ~ ~' / ‘2'“ I'- o //, Filtered 1-Day Air Ozone B 40 . *a 8 i E 30 ‘ 0 i E g i .2 20 1 g i ‘E "f 10 =' 0 I ’ Filtered 1-Day Air Ozone Figure 5-5. Effect of ozone exposure on expression of TNF-a mRNA (A) and IL-6 mRNA (B) in rat nasal mucosa. Bars represent group mean 1: SEM (n = 3/group). * = significantly different from FA-exposed rats (p50.05). a = Significantly different from rats exposed to 1-day ozone (p50.05). 174 MIP-Z mRNA Fold Increase a *a 1 -Day Ozone Ozone *a % 4 . 2 [_LJ 0 Filtered Air B 18 o 16 3 g 14 o E 12 'u 3 10 IL 5 8 E 6 g 4 U 2. 0 I l Filtered Air 1-Day 2-Day Ozone Ozone Figure 5-6. Effect of ozone exposure on expression of MIP—2 mRNA (A) and CINC mRNA (B) in rat nasal mucosa. Bars represent group mean _+_ SEM (n = 3/group). "‘ = significantly different from FA-exposed rats (p50.05). a = Significantly different from rats exposed to 1-day ozone (p50.05). 175 DISCUSSION This study was designed to examine the early molecular events preceding ozone- induced epithelial hyperplasia in the nasal airways of immature rats. Specifically, we hypothesized that early ozone exposure causes oxidative stress, pro-inflammatory gene expression, neutrophil chemotaxis, and upregulation of GSH synthesis genes in the nasal mucosa of immature rats, and that these changes would precede or coincide with the onset of ozone-induced DNA synthesis. In the present study, we found that daily exposure to 0.8 ppm ozone (8h/day) induced epithelial damage and triggered cell proliferation in the nasal airways of immature rats within 2 days of daily exposure. This finding is similar to results observed in adult rats during daily exposures to 0.5 ppm ozone (8h/day for three days), which caused peak increases in BrdU incorporation on day 2 of exposure (Cho et a1. 1999). Ozone exposure caused a rapid increase in nasal HO-l mRNA expression following l-day ozone exposure that was maintained following 2-day exposure. Ozone exposure caused a delayed increase in nasal iNOS mRNA expression, with a significant increase only observed following 2-day ozone exposure. Both indices of oxidative stress were elevated by the onset of the ozone-induced increase in S—phase DNA synthesis (BrdU incorporation) on day 2. Our results support the conclusion that early exposure to ozone causes upregulation of cytoprotective antioxidant enzyme systems in the nasal airways. In multi-day ozone exposures, this early upregulation may influence cell survival in the remaining cell populations in the face of subsequent ozone exposures, and allow time for the prerequisite mechanisms for cell proliferation to become established. Interestingly, despite the observed increase in HO-l and iNOS expression, there was no 176 significant increase observed in the expression of the GSH synthetic enzyme heterodimers GCL-C and GCL-M. GCL is the rate-limiting enzyme in de novo GSH synthesis, and its expression is responsive to local decreases in the redox state of the cell (lles and Liu 2005). We hypothesized that early ozone exposures would cause oxidative stress in the nasal airways, resulting in GSH consumption and a transient decrease in local redox state, thus increasing gene expression of GCL. In addition to changes in GCL mRNA expression, intracellular GSH concentrations are regulated by several other factors, including changes in GCL mRNA stability, variations in GCL-C activity, and changes in gene expression of other GSH regulatory enzymes, including GGT and GS. It is possible that these other factors could maintain intracellular redox balance without necessitating an increase in GCL expression. We demonstrated a significant induction of mRNA for the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-a and IL-6 in the nasal airways during early exposure to ozone. We also demonstrated coordinated increases in the expression of the CXC chemokines MIP-2 and CINC in the nasal airways. In particular, there was a dramatic increase in IL-6 mRNA induction (3 O-fold increase versus FA) by day 2 of exposure, which may influence ozone- induced DNA synthesis and cell proliferation. TNF-a and IL-6 are pleiotropic cytokines, which may play different roles at different times during the process of airway injury, inflammation, and epithelial repair. Yu, et al., showed that IL-6 knockout mice exhibit attenuated lung injury, decreased airway inflammation, and decreased DNA synthesis following ozone exposure (Yu et al. 2002). In contrast, McKinney, et al., showed that pre-treatment with IL-6 attenuated ozone-induced lung inflammation, while pre-treatment with an anti-IL-6 neutralizing antibody augmented ozone-induced 177 ? -e'lb..h '. DE: A inflammation (McKinney et a1. 1998). Pre-treatment with TNF-a or IL-1 also attenuated ozone-induced epithelial injury in the nasal airways of rats (Hotchkiss and Harkema 1992). However, another study demonstrated that pre—treatment with anti-TNF-a antibodies ameliorated ozone-induced lung injury. In addition, this study found that early blockade of TNF-a activity inhibited the ozone-induced expression of IL-6 (Bhalla et a1. 2002). It is possible that expression of IL-6 and TNF-a prior to ozone exposure serves to limit or inhibit inflammation, while their expression during the first few days of exposure may serve to amplify pro-inflammatory signals. It is also possible that their functions may be dependent upon the concurrent expression levels of other pro-inflammatory cytokines (e.g., IL-l). In our study, the timing of IL-6 and TNF-a upregulation, along with the concurrent increase in the expression of CXC chemokines, support a pro- inflammatory role for these cytokines in the nasal airways during early ozone exposure. However, given the complexity of the inflammatory responses to IL-6 and TNF-a manipulation, further investigation into the early interactions between these two important cytokines is needed. STUDY 2: EFFECT OF GSH DEPLETION 0N OZONE-INDUCED EPITHELIAL H YPERPLASIA. MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals, Ozone Exposures, and Glutathione Depletion 178 To determine the effect of ozone exposure on the steady-state intracellular concentrations of GSH in the nasal airways, and to determine the effect of GSH depletion on the development of ozone-induced epithelial hyperplasia, we randomly assigned 72 rats to twelve experimental groups (n = 6/group). Two groups of animals were exposed to FA for 8 hours. Two groups of animals each were exposed to 0.8 ppm ozone, 8h/day, for 1, 2, or 3 consecutive days, and were euthanized two hours following the end of exposure. Rats in the remaining four groups were exposed to 0.8 ppm ozone, 8h/day, for three consecutive days, and then allowed to recover for 24 or 48 hours post-exposure prior to euthanasia. One hour prior to the start of each daily inhalation exposure, half of the rats were treated with L-buthionine-[S,R]-sulfoximine (lg/kg, intraperitoneally, i.p.; BSO, Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO), an inhibitor of glutathione synthesis (Haddad 2001). The goal of B80 therapy was to cause a ~50% depletion in nasal mucosal GSH levels. This degree of GSH depletion has been successfully achieved in vitro and in vivo in previous studies without causing systemic side effects or cellular dysfunction (Canals et a1. 2001; Heales et al. 1996). The other half of the animals received saline vehicle intraperitoneally (10ml/kg BWT). Animals that were allowed to recover for 24 or 48 hours post-exposure also received BSO or saline at the same time of day on post- exposure days. Necropsy and Tissue Preparation for Morphometric Analyses Two hours, 1 day, or 2 days following the end of exposure, rats were anesthetized with pentobarbital (50mg/kg, i.p.), and then killed by exsanguination via the abdominal aorta. After death, the head of each rat was removed from the carcass, and the eyes, 179 lower jaw, skin, and musculature was removed. For animals in Study 2, the nasal cavity was sagittally split 1m to the right of the midline, yielding an intact lefi nasal cavity with septum attached, and a free right lateral nasal wall. The left nasal cavity was further processed for histopathology as described in Study 1. One nasal section from each animal was histochemically stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) for morphologic examination and morphometric analyses. For animals in Study 2, a tissue section was immunohistochemically stained with monoclonal mouse anti-proliferating cell nuclear antigen, clone PClO (PCNA; Dako North America, Carpinteria, CA). Morphometry of Neutrophilic Inflammation, Epithelial Numeric Cell Density, and Cell Proliferation The non-ciliated transitional epithelium (NTE) overlying the dorsal aspect of the anterior maxilloturbinate of each animal (Figure 5-1) was analyzed using computerized image analysis and standard morphometric techniques (Hotchkiss et aL 1991). Neutrophilic inflammation was quantified by counting the number of nuclear profiles of neutrophils in the surface epithelium of the dorsal maxilloturbinate, and dividing this number by the total length of the basal lamina underlying this epithelium (i.e., intraepithelial neutrophils per mm basal lamina). Neutrophils were identified on H&E- stained slides by morphologic characteristics, including a multi-lobed nucleus and clear cytoplasm with non-staining granules. The basal lamina length was calculated from the contour length of the basal lamina on a digitized image, using image analysis software (Scion Image, Scion Corporation, Frederick, MD). The epithelial cell numeric density 180 was determined by counting the total number of epithelial cell nuclear profiles in the epithelium lining the dorsal maxilloturbinate, and dividing this number by the length of the basal lamina. The expression of PCNA was used as an indicator of cell injury and proliferation (Muskhelishvili et al. 2003). PCNA is an auxiliary protein of the DNA polymerase-8 complex that is expressed in the nuclear compartment of proliferating cells. For Study 2, PCNA was used as a marker of cell proliferation instead of BrdU, in order to avoid possible inconsistencies in BrdU absorption following repeated intraperitoneal BSO injections. The PCNA labeling index was determined by counting the number of PCNA- labeled epithelial cell nuclei, dividing this number by the total number of epithelial cell nuclei, and multiplying by 100 to yield the percentage of PCNA-labeled epithelial cell nuclei in the surface epithelium. The PCNA numeric cell density (unit-length labeling index) was calculated by counting the number of PCNA-labeled nuclei, and dividing this number by the length of the basal lamina. Tissue Preparation for HPLC Antioxidant Analysis The right half of the nasal cavity was processed for HPLC antioxidant analysis. The head was dissected and split as previously described. The maxilloturbinate from each animal was microdissected from the right lateral wall, and was immediately placed into 300p] of 10% metaphosphoric acid, and snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen. Acidified, frozen nasal mucosal samples were later thawed, homogenized for 30 seconds using a Polytron homogenizer, re-frozen, and stored at —80°C until further processing for low 181 molecular weight antioxidant analysis via high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Analysis of Intracellular Concentrations of Low Molecular Weight Nasal Antioxidants Nasal tissue homogenates were thawed and centrifuged at 12,500 x g for 4 hours. Protein pellets were resuspended in 500p] of PBS, neutralized with 25 pl 1N NaOH, and sonicated for 1 hour at 37°C. The protein content of resuspended pellets was measured using the Pierce BCA Protein Assay (Pierce Biotechnology, Rockford, IL). Supematants were diluted three-fold in 10% meta-phosphoric acid, and filtered through a 0.22um syringe filter. Triplicate samples of each supernatant were fractioned on a Shimadzu LC- IOAi HPLC (Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD), using a Phenomenex Luna C18(2) 250mm x 4.6mm, SuM reversed phase column, preceded by a Phenomenex ODS 4mm x 3mm guard column (Phenomenex, Torrance, CA). The mobile phase consisted of an isocratic mixture of 50mM phosphate buffer, pH 3.1, containing SOuM octanesulfonic acid and methanol (95:5). Samples were fiactioned at a mobile phase flow rate of 1.0ml/min. Reduced glutathione (GSH), oxidized glutathione (GSSG), and ascorbate (AH2), were simultaneously detected with an 8-channel ESA CoulArray Model 5600A electrochemical detector (ESA, Chelmsford, MA). GSH, GSSG, and AH; values were normalized to protein content of centrifuge pellets. 182 Statistical Analyses All data were expressed as mean group value i SEM. The differences among groups in Study 2 were analyzed by two-way AN OVA with interactions. Pairwise comparisons were performed a priori using Student-Newman—Keuls multiple comparisons test. The criterion for statistical significance was set to p _<_ 0.05 for all analyses. All statistical analyses were performed using a commercial statistical software package (SigmaStat, SPSS Science, Chicago, IL). RESULTS Determination of Low Molecular Weight Nasal Antioxidant Concentrations There was no significant effect of ozone exposure observed in the steady-state nasal mucosal concentrations of GSH, GSSH, or AH2 at any of the exposure or post- exposure time points. There was a tendency toward increased concentrations of GSH and GSSG in all saline-treated, ozone-exposure groups compared to their respective FA exposed controls (all GSH and GSSG values in ozone-exposed groups were higher than their respective control values); however, none of these differences was statistically significant. BSO treatment caused a 45% decrease in the mucosal GSH concentration in F A- exposed rats. BSO treatment also caused a decrease in nasal mucosal concentrations in all ozone-exposed rats compared to similarly exposed, saline-treated rats. This decrease was statistically significant following l-day (57% decrease) and 2-day (65% decrease) exposures, and following 3-day exposures + 24 hour (71% decrease) and 48 hour (69% decrease) recovery periods (Figure 5-7). 183 Following 3-day ozone exposure, BSO treatment caused a significant (69%) decrease in mucosal GSSG concentrations versus saline-treated rats exposed to ozone for 3 days. BSO treatment caused a decrease in the mucosal GSSG concentrations in all ozone-exposed rats compared to similarly exposed, saline-treated rats (Figure 5-8). 184 300 - - SAL GSH .14.“ j- 3 880 GSH 250 ‘ 200 ‘ 150 ~ 100 — GSH (nmoleslmg protein) 50- FA 1-day 2-day 3-day 3-day 3-day 03 O3 03 + 24h +48h Figure 5-7. Effect of ozone exposure +/- BSO treatment on intracellular GSH concentrations in rat nasal mucosa lining the anterior maxilloturbinate. Bars represent group mean _+_ SEM (n = 6/gr0up). a = significantly different from respective saline- treated rats. 185 - SAL GSSG E21 830 GSSG GSSG (nmoleslmg protein) .5 FA 1-day 2-day 3-day 3-day 3-day 03 03 03 + 24h + 48h Figure 5-8. Effect of ozone exposure +/- BSO treatment on intracellular GSSG concentrations in rat nasal mucosa lining the anterior maxilloturbinate. Bars represent group mean i SEM (n = 6/group). a = significantly different from respective saline- treated rats. 186 1401 - SAL AH2 120 H m BSO AH2 E 100 - e a. _ g 80 ‘ f» g 60 r I 5 I :l:N 40 " I , < I 20 - o _ FA 1-day 2-day 3-day 3-day 3-day 03 O3 03 + 24h +48h Figure 5-9. Effect of ozone exposure +/- BSO treatment on intracellular AHz concentrations in rat nasal mucosa lining the anterior maxilloturbinate. Bars represent group mean 1 SEM (n = 6/group). 187 There was no statistically significant effect of BSO treatment on the steady state nasal mucosal concentrations of AH2 in FA- or ozone-exposed rats. There were trends toward increases in nasal mucosal AH2 concentrations of BSO-treated rats observed following F A-exposure and l-day ozone exposure; however, these changes were not statistically significant (Figure 5-9). Nasal Histopathology Light photomicrographs of representative maxilloturbinates that summarize the time-dependent progression of inflammatory and epithelial responses to ozone exposure +/- BSO treatment are illustrated in Figure 5-10. No exposure related lesions were identified in the nasal airways of rats treated with either saline or BSO and exposed to filtered air (0 ppm). In all ozone-exposed animals, nasal lesions were restricted to the nasal transitional epithelium (NTE) lining the lateral meatus of the anterior nasal cavity. There were no significant microscopic differences observed between saline- and BSO- treated animals in the time-dependent progression of ozone-induced epithelial injury in the anterior nasal cavity. In rats treated with saline or BSO and exposed to 1 day of 0.8 ppm ozone, the principal morphologic alterations observed were epithelial degeneration and necrosis in the NTE. These lesions were most severe in the NTE lining the dorsal aspect of the maxilloturbinate, the ventral surface of the nasoturbinate, and the lateral wall adjacent to the maxilloturbinate. An influx of neutrophils was observed in the epithelium and lamina propria lining the maxilloturbinate, nasoturbinate, and lateral nasal wall. 188 Figure 5-10. Light photomicrographs of the dorsal aspect of maxilloturbinates from rats treated with saline (A, B, C) or BSO (D, E, F) and exposed to 0 ppm ozone (A and D), exposed to 0.8 ppm ozone for 2 days (B and D), or exposed to 0.8 ppm ozone for 3 days and killed 48 hours post-exposure (C and F). Tissues were stained with H&E. Note the presence of scattered mitotic figures (black arrows) in the NTE, along with the influx of neutrophils (white arrows) into the epithelium (e) and underlying lamina propria (1p) in the maxilloturbinates of rats exposed to 0.8 ppm ozone for 2 days (B and D). TB = turbinate bone; bv = blood vessel. 189 _ v ..,/.I :91 min m 9 for 3 day i. Note If: s from '4- (A and D. 16 influx of 5%. 3 D). TB= ‘pria (in 2 Figure 5-10 m<4—zw 190 After 2 days of ozone exposure, the principal morphologic alterations in the NTE of saline- and BSO-treated rats were basal cell hyperplasia and progressive neutrophilic rhinitis. The NTE lining the dorsal maxilloturbinate exhibited cytoplasmic basophilia, particularly along the basal cell layer, consistent with epithelial regeneration. Occasional mitotic figures were observed within the NTE. The degeneration of surface epithelial cells noted following 1-day exposure was also present on day 2. Neutrophil infiltration into the nasal mucosa was increased from day 1. At the end of 3 days of ozone exposure, saline- and BSO-treated rats exhibited epithelial hyperplasia of the NTE. In 3—day ozone animals, the epithelium lining the dorsal maxilloturbinate was 3-4 cell layers thick, compared to 1-2 cell layers in the NTE of FA-exposed rats. Concurrent with the increase in epithelial thickness was a decrease in the influx of neutrophils into the nasal mucosa following 3-day ozone exposure. Epithelial morphology was similar in saline- and BSO-treated rats exposed to ozone for 3 days and allowed to recover for either 24 or 48 hours post-exposure. The principal lesion observed in these animals was marked epithelial hyperplasia in the NTE lining the maxilloturbinate, and moderate hyperplasia of the epithelium lining the lateral wall and ventral surface of the nasoturbinate. A mild neutrophilic rhinitis persisted in the epithelium and lamina propria lining the maxilloturbinates. Morphometric Quantitation of Epithelial Hyperplasia PCNA labeling of maxilloturbinates in saline- and BSO-treated, ozone-exposed rats is illustrated in Figure 5-11. Ozone induced a significant increase in the PCNA labeling index in both saline- and BSO-treated rats (96-fold and 86-fold, respectively) 191 exposed to 0.8 ppm ozone for 2 days, compared to FA-exposed rats (Figure 5-12). There were no significant differences in the PCNA labeling index observed at any other exposure time, compared to FA exposure. Interestingly, the labeling index in saline- treated rats following l-day of exposure was significantly greater (IO-fold higher) than that observed in BSO-treated rats at the same time point. However, neither was significantly different from F A-exposed rats. PCNA labeling was similar between saline- and BSO-treated rats at all other time points. Accordingly, ozone exposure also induced a significant increase in the PCNA numeric cell density in both saline- and BSO-treated rats following 2-day exposure (200- fold and 75-fold increases, respectively), compared to controls. PCNA numeric cell densities in saline-treated rats were also higher than control levels following 3-day exposure + 24 hour recovery (160-fold higher) and 48 hour recovery (160-fold). The PCNA numeric cell density in saline-treated rats exposed to 1-day of ozone was 12-fold higher than in similarly exposed BSO-treated rats, however, this difference was not statistically significant (Figure 5-13). 192 Figure 5-11. Light photomicrographs of maxilloturbinates from rats treated with saline and exposed to 0 ppm ozone (filtered air, A), and from rats treated with saline (B) or BSO (C) and exposed to 0.8 ppm ozone for 2 days. Tissues were immunohistochemically stained with anti-PCNA antibody to detect proliferating cells. Note the nuclear uptake of brown chromagen (black arrows) in the epithelium (e) lining the dorsal maxilloturbinate and lateral wall (LW) of the anterior nasal cavity in saline- (B) and BSO-treated (C), ozone exposed rats, indicating PCNA expression. tb = turbinate bone. 193 mates from at it. A), and from 1 ppm ozone for with anti-PCNA iptake of brow ting the dorsal nasal 63111le idicating PCNA 194 Figure 5-1 1 60 ~ * — SAL BSO PCNA Labeling Index (%PCNA+ cells) FA 1-day 2-day 3-day 3-day 3-day O3 03 03 + 2411 + 48h Figure 5-12. Effect of ozone exposure +/- BSO treatment on PCNA labeling index in the NTE lining the anterior maxilloturbinate. Bars represent group mean i SEM (n = 6/group). * = significantly different from respective FA-exposed rats. a = significantly different from respective saline-treated rats. 195 180 - A160“ * -SAL W @5140- §§120~ 3: ‘3: 100« ': f§ 60- E: 83.: 40‘ 20- 0. FA 1-day 2-day 3-day 3-day 3-day O3 O3 03 + 24h +48h Figure 5-13. Effect of ozone exposure +/- BSO treatment on the numeric cell density of cells expressing PCNA in the NTE lining the anterior maxilloturbinate. Bars represent group mean : SEM (n = 6/group). * = significantly different from respective FA- exposed rats. 196 0'! O O — SALlNE ** ** BSO .5 O O 200 - Epithelial Numeric Cell Density (cells/mm basal lamina) 100 . ' a FA 1-day 2-day 3-day 3-day 3-day 03 O3 03 + 24h +48h Figure 5-14. Effect of ozone exposure +/- BSO treatment on the numeric cell density of epithelial cells in the NTE lining the anterior maxilloturbinate. Bars represent group mean i SEM (n = 6/ group). * = significantly different from respective FA-exposed rats. 197 In both saline- and BSO-treated rats, ozone induced a significant increase in the total number of epithelial cells lining the dorsal maxilloturbinate following 3-day exposure (45% and 26% increases, respectively), 3-day exposure + 24 hour recovery (88% and 72% increases, respectively), and 3-day exposure + 48 hour recovery (88% and 68% increases, respectively). BSO treatment had no effect on the epithelial numeric cell density at any exposure time point (Figure 5-14). Morphometric Quantitation of Neutrophilic Inflammation After 2-day exposure to 0.8 ppm ozone, both saline- and BSO-treated rats had significantly greater (28-fold and 8-fold, respectively) neutrophil influx into the NTE lining the dorsal maxilloturbinates than similarly treated FA-exposed rats (Figure 5-15). This increase in neutrophilic inflammation was also observed in saline- and BSO-treated rats following 3-day exposure (16-fold and 8-fold, respectively). There was no significant effect of BSO-treatment on neutrophil influx at any exposure time point. 198 0| 0 _ SALINE :21 BSO * .5 O 30~ .3 O Neutrophil Numeric Cell Density (pmnlmm basal lamina) FA 1-day 2-day 3-day 3-day 3-day 03 O3 03 + 24h +48h Figure 5-15. Effect of ozone exposure +/- BSO treatment on the numeric cell density of intraepithelial neutrophils in the NTE lining the anterior maxilloturbinate. Bars represent group mean 1 SEM (n = 6/group). * = significantly different from respective FA- exposed rats. 199 DISCUSSION The results of the present study indicate that ozone-induced cell proliferation in the nasal airways of immature rats is not dependent upon the local upregulation of intracellular GSH concentration. Daily exposure to 0.8 ppm ozone caused epithelial hyperplasia in the nasal airways of immature rats. Treatment with BSO, a potent inhibitor of GSH synthesis, caused marked depletion of intracellular GSH concentrations prior to and during ozone exposures. There was a conspicuous lack of DNA synthesis observed in BSO-treated animals following day 1 of ozone-exposure. Furthermore, by day 1 of exposure, BSO-treated animals had 57% lower concentrations of intracellular GSH than saline-treated animal undergoing the same ozone exposure. Despite the marked GSH depletion and delayed cell proliferation observed on day l, the BSO-treated, ozone-exposed animals exhibited levels of cell proliferation similar to those observed in saline-treated, ozone-exposed rats by day 2, the day of peak cell proliferation rates in both groups. This ultimately resulted in similar degrees of epithelial hyperplasia in saline- and BSO-treated rats following ozone exposure. In the present study, exposure to 0.8 ppm ozone, 8h/day, for 3 consecutive days, caused epithelial hyperplasia and transient neutrophilic inflammation in the anterior nasal airways of immature rats. The time course of cell proliferation and neutrophilic inflammation observed in our study was consistent with results from similarly exposed adult rats (Cho et al. 1999). We did not observe a significant difference in the magnitude or progression of ozone-induced rhinitis between saline- and BSO-treated animals. Previous studies have provided conflicting results regarding the potential role of neutrophilic inflammation in the modulation of ozone-induced cell proliferation. Salmon, 200 et al., showed that apocynin, an NADPH oxidase inhibitor, and the corticosteroid dexamethasone, were each capable of inhibiting ozone-induced cell proliferation in rat bronchiolar epithelium (Salmon et al. 1998). However, Cho, et al., demonstrated that neutrophil depletion did not inhibit ozone-induced epithelial hyperplasia in rat nasal airways (Cho et al. 2000). While our study demonstrates that GSH depletion does not affect nasal airway inflammation, it neither supports nor refutes the role of neutrophilic inflammation in oxidant-mediated cell proliferation. We hypothesized that early ozone exposures would cause oxidative stress in the nasal airways of rats, increasing the expression of anti-oxidant, pro-inflammatory, and GSH synthetic genes. Further, we hypothesized that increased expression of GCL subunits would result in increases in GSH synthesis that would re-establish a favorable redox balance, and promote cell proliferation (or prevent cell cycle arrest). We did not observe a significant increase in GSH concentrations in the nasal mucosa of saline-treated rats during the course of ozone exposure, nor did we observe an increase in mRNA for either GCL subunit (Study 1 from this chapter). This may be due, in part, to alternative mechanisms maintaining a favorable (reduced) redox balance during ozone exposures. The normal GSH/GSSG redox ratio in cells ranges between 30:1 to 100:1 (Hwang et al. 1992). In our study, the GSH/GSSG redox ratio in nasal mucosa was maintained between ~40:1 to 60:1 following the three days of exposures (see Figures 5-7 and 5-8). In the absence of increased GCL expression, other factors may contribute to the maintenance of favorable redox conditions, including glutathione reductase activity, which can regenerate GSH via GCL-independent mechanisms. 20] The intracellular concentration of GSH also influences the regulation and synthesis of ascorbate (AH;), which may also contribute to the overall redox state of a cell. In a manner similar to GSH and GSSG, AH; exists in a redox couple with dehydroascorbate (Moison et al. 1997). Dehydroascorbate reductase, the enzyme that catalyzes the two-electron reduction of dehydroascorbate back to AH;, uses GSH as a reducing agent. Thus, in humans, regulation and maintenance of AH; is largely GSH- dependent. Unlike humans (and rhesus monkeys), rats are capable of de novo synthesis of ascorbate. Furthermore, results from previous studies show that oxidative stress induced via GSH depletion in mice can be ameliorated by a compensatory increase in AH; synthesis (Martensson and Meister 1992). In the present study, BSO treatment caused marked reductions in GSH concentrations that were accompanied by mild increases in the intracellular concentration of AH; in the nasal mucosa of rats. It is possible that the potential oxidative stress induced by GSH depletion was reversed by compensatory increases in AH;, thus promoting cell cycle progression and cell proliferation. In Chapters 3 and 4, we reported the effects of acute and episodic ozone exposure on intracellular antioxidant concentrations in the nasal mucosa of infant monkeys. Acute ozone exposure (0.5 ppm, 8h/day for 5 days) and 5-cycle episodic ozone exposure (5 bi- weekly cycles of 9 days FA, followed by 0.5 ppm, 8h/day for 5 days) each caused widespread reductions in intracellular GSH concentrations. In contrast, 11 cycle exposure caused widespread GSH upregulation in the nasal mucosa. We hypothesized that ozone-induced epithelial hyperplasia was dependent upon GSH upregulation, and 202 that GSH upregulation was a response to early GSH consumption. Since ozone-induced epithelial hyperplasia developed more quickly in the rat nasal cavity, we hypothesized that ozone-induced GSH upregulation would occur earlier in the rat than in the monkey. While we did not observe an ozone-related increase in GSH levels in the present study, we also did not observe GSH consumption in saline-treated rats following ozone exposures. Several mechanisms may be involved in this differential response to ozone exposures between infant monkeys and infant rats. As previously discussed, rats are capable of synthesizing AH; in response to oxidative stress, which may spare intracellular GSH concentrations during short-term ozone exposure. In contrast, monkeys lack the enzyme L-gulonolactone oxidase, which catalyzes the final step in AH; synthesis, and cannot regulate AH; levels via de novo synthesis (Banhegyi et al 1997). It is also possible that the ozone concentration selected for the rat studies (0.8 ppm) was insufficient to decrease GSH concentrations, while the lower concentration selected for the infant monkey exposures (0.5 ppm) was more potent due to the decreased sensitivity to ozone-induced injury exhibited by rodents (Hatch et a1. 1994). In summary, GSH depletion during exposure to ozone does not inhibit the development of epithelial hyperplasia in the rat. Our results do not support a direct role for GSH in regulating cell proliferation. However, our findings suggest that compensatory mechanisms, including AH; synthesis and GSH redox recycling, may ameliorate oxidative stress induced by GSH depletion, thus facilitating cell cycle progression and cell proliferation. 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While the previous studies were designed to describe these nasal epithelial proliferative responses to ozone exposure, subsequent studies from our laboratory using rodent models were designed to investigate the mechanisms behind these epithelial alterations. Hotchkiss et al., demonstrated that pre- treatment with the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1 and TNF-a inhibits ozone-induced DNA synthesis and cell proliferation (Hotchkiss and Harkema 1992). Cho et al., demonstrated that while ozone-induced mucous cell metaplasia is neutrophil dependent, ozone-induced epithelial hyperplasia is neutrophil-independent (Cho, Hotchkiss et al. 2000) Ozone-induced injury and repair exhibits site-specificity in both the nasal and pulmonary airways. Ozone-induced lesions are confined to the anterior nasal cavity, and to the tracheobronchial epithelium and terminal bronchiolar epithelium in the lungs. The site-specificity of ozone-induced injury and repair is correlated to sites of ozone-induced antioxidant alterations in the lungs of rats (Plopper, Duan et al. 1994) and monkeys (Plopper, Hatch et al. 1998). The relationship between local antioxidant status and ozone-induced injury and repair in the nasal airways had not been previously investigated. We designed the current research to examine the relationship between site- 210 specific ozone-induced epithelial hyperplasia and local glutathione (GSH) status. Our governing hypothesis was that ozone-induced epithelial hyperplasia in the nasal airways of monkeys and rats is a GSH-dependent process. With our initial investigations in infant rhesus monkeys, we sought to determine the temporal and spatial relationships among ozone-induced nasal airway injury and repair, and local antioxidant regulation. We first identified, quantified, and mapped the nasal epithelial lesions induced by acute (0.5 ppm, 8h/day for 5 days), episodic (0.5 ppm.8h/day for 5 days + 9 days of filtered air, 5 cycles), and chronic, episodic (0.5 ppm.8h/day for 5 days + 9 days of filtered air, 11 cycles) exposure to ozone. We also measured intracellular concentrations of GSH, GSSG, AH2, and UA in site-matched nasal mucosal samples. Acute ozone exposure caused epithelial necrosis and atrophy in the ciliated respiratory epithelium lining the anterior maxilloturbinate, with no epithelial hyperplasia at this site. Cyclic exposure for 2 months (episodic) caused nasal lesions similar in nature, distribution, and magnitude, to those observed following acute exposure. Both acute and episodic exposure regimens caused GSH depletion in samples corresponding to the site of ozone-induced injury. In contrast, cyclic exposure for 5 months (11 cycles) caused epithelial hyperplasia and squamous metaplasia along the same site as the ozone-induced injury following acute and 2-month cyclic exposures. Furthermore, this hyperplastic and metaplastic response was correlated with a 65% increase in the local, intracellular GSH concentration. While these results established a temporal correlation between GSH concentration and epithelial hyperplasia, they did not establish a causal relationship between GSH regulation and cell proliferation. 211 Based on the results of our studies in rhesus monkeys, we chose to further investigate the possible relationship between GSH and epithelial hyperplasia. Results from several recent reports provide evidence that intracellular redox state in cells can influence cell cycle progression, and that GSH regulation plays an important role in the maintenance of redox state and cellular protection during oxidative stress (Luppi, Aarbiou et al. 2005; Lu, Jourd'Heuil et al. 2007). Using a rodent model of ozone- induced cell proliferation, we tested the hypothesis that ozone exposure causes intracellular oxidative stress, induction of cytoprotective, pro-inflammatory, and GSH- synthetic genes, and GSH upregulation prior to the initiation of ozone-induced cell proliferation. Furthermore, we hypothesized that GSH depletion would diminish this cytoprotective effect, and inhibit ozone-induced cell proliferation. For this purpose, we treated rats with BSO, an inhibitor of GCL, to cause GSH depletion in the nasal mucosa. The results from this study indicated that ozone exposure induced the expression of the cytoprotective enzymes (HO-1, iNOS), pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-or, IL-6), and neutrophil chemokines (MIP-2, CINC) in the nasal mucosa during the first 2 days of ozone exposure, and prior to or concurrent with ozone-induced DNA synthesis (BrdU incorporation). However, ozone exposure did not cause upregulation of GSH concentrations, nor did it induce the expression of GCL-C or GCL-M, the rate-limiting enzymes in de novo GSH synthesis, in rat nasal mucosa. Furthermore, we found that GSH depletion did not inhibit the development of ozone-induced epithelial hyperplasia. Interestingly, we also found that BSO-induced depletion of GSH was accompanied by a mild increase in intracellular AH; concentrations. We speculate that the potential 212 increases in oxidative stress caused by GSH depletion may be ameliorated by concurrent increases in AH;. The results from these experiments also provide the basis for important comparisons between rodents and monkeys as animal models of human inhalation. In Chapter 2, we reviewed and summarized the scientific literature relevant to the antioxidant profile of the rat nasal cavity. This review highlighted important differences that exist between rats and humans in the relative abundances of specific low molecular weight nasal antioxidants, and their role in protection against inhaled oxidant challenge. In Chapter 3, we detailed the similarities between the nasal airways of humans and monkeys, and the importance of these structural similarities in making accurate extrapolations of risk data from histopathologic, biochemical, and dosimetry studies fi'om monkeys to humans. In Chapter 4, we reported that episodic exposure to ozone causes squamous metaplasia in the nasal airway of infant monkeys. This nasal epithelial response in monkeys is similar to that observed in the nasal airways of children chronically exposed to high ambient concentrations of ozone, and illustrates the importance of the non-human primate studies in the evaluation of human risk. In Chapter 5, we discussed the potential influence of local AH; regulation on ozone-induced GSH flux in rat nasal mucosa. These findings bring to light important differences between rats and monkeys, and important similarities between monkeys and humans, in the regulation and synthesis of low molecular weight antioxidants. While the results of these experiments lend significant support for the use of non-human primates in inhalation toxicologic studies, they also bring to light important species differences that must be considered when designing comparative mechanistic studies. 213 In summary, we determined that ozone exposure causes epithelial hyperplasia and squamous metaplasia in the nasal airways of infant monkeys. The findings in our non- human primate model are consistent with the nasal injury observed in children chronically exposed to high ambient levels of ozone (Calderon-Garciduenas, Valencia- Salazar et al. 2001) (Calderon-Garciduenas, Rodriguez-Alcaraz et al. 2001). Furthermore, we determined that these alterations are temporally correlated with increases in the steady-state intracellular concentrations of GSH in the nasal mucosa following chronic, episodic exposures. Additional studies are needed to fully understand the durability and long-term consequences of nasal epithelial hyperplasia and squamous metaplasia. While this metaplastic change may protect the nasal epithelium from subsequent oxidant exposure, it may also serve to increase toxicant delivery to the pulmonary airways. These studies may help to better evaluate and predict the risks and long-term health effects associated with chronic or repeated childhood exposures to air pollution. In contrast, while ozone exposure also caused epithelial hyperplasia in the nasal airways of rats, there was not a concurrent upregulation of intracellular GSH. We also found that GSH depletion during ozone exposure does not inhibit the development of nasal epithelial hyperplasia in rats. However, our findings suggest that other antioxidant mechanisms (e. g. AH;) may also contribute to the maintenance of redox balance during ozone exposures in rats, thus facilitating cell cycle progression and cell proliferation. Future studies are needed to more fully investigate the interactions between GSH and AH;, and their roles in oxidant-mediated cell proliferation in rats as well as primates, particularly in light of the fact that primates are not capable of de novo AH; synthesis. 214 Results of these studies will contribute to our understanding of the specific cellular mechanisms involved in ozone-induced epithelial hyperplasia, and contribute to our general understanding of the role of antioxidants in oxidant-mediated cell proliferation in these two laboratory species used to predict the risk of ozone toxicity in humans. 215 REFERENCES Calderon-Garciduenas, L., A. Rodriguez-Alcaraz, et al. (2001). "Nasal biopsies of children exposed to air pollutants." Toxicol Pathol 29(5): 558-64. Calderon-Garciduenas, L., G. Valencia-Salazar, et al. (2001). "Ultrastructural nasal pathology in children chronically and sequentially exposed to air pollutants." 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