. ‘ u '"m‘n‘filfl‘h’ w z" ‘ a 4 C ‘ LIBRARY M1 I Michg-.. State University This is to certify that the dissertation entitled A VISCOELASTIC FINITE DIFFERENCE TIME DOMAIN MODEL OF HUMAN THORAX TO DEVELOP AND VALIDATE SOURCE LOCALIZATION ALGORITHMS presented by Sridhar Ramakrishnan has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering ML W Major ProfessorIs Signature limit 7, WWI Q fi Date MSU is an Afi‘innative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer — —.---o-.-._.—r—uu.--o-o-n--n-o-n-I-l-l-c- PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE Wu 5/08 K:lProlecc&Pres/ClRC/DateDue‘indd A VISCOELASTIC FINITE DIFFERENCE TIME DOMAIN MODEL OF HUMAN THORAX TO DEVELOP AND VALIDATE SOURCE LOCALIZATION ALGORITHMS By Sridhar Ramakrishnan A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Electrical Engineering 2009 ABSTRACT A VISCOELASTIC FINITE DIFFERENCE TIME DOMAIN MODEL OF HUMAN THORAX TO DEVELOP AND VALIDATE SOURCE LOCALIZATION ALGORITHMS By Sridhar Ramakrishnan Auscultation sounds offer a rich source of diagnostic information that could potentially be used to detect a vast number of heart and lung pathologies non-invasively. Recent times have seen efforts directed towards the possibility of using an array of acoustic sensors for the localization of sounds, thereby leading to improved diagnosis. However, a majority of the existing array processing and inverse-source solution schemes proposed to date rely on simplifying assumptions, and many of the factors that contribute to violation of the assumptions, such as heterogeneity of the thoracic cavity, shear wave contributions, extreme near-field conditions, to name a few, are not taken into account. This work presents a test bed capable of simulating the sound distribution around the thorax. Specifically, a finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) forward model of the human thorax that solves the viscoelastic wave equations while taking the intrinsic anatomy and the associated viscoelastic properties of the various tissues and structures into account is presented. The test bed can be employed to develop and validate various array signal processing algorithms and inverse problem techniques used for localizing sound. Test results demonstrating the utility as well as effectiveness of the test bed are presented. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Dr. Satish Udpa and my committee members Dr. Lalita Udpa, Dr. Joe Hauptman, and Dr. Ramakrishna Mukkamala for their guidance and support in my PhD study. Their advice on technical matters, encouragement, motivation and constructive criticism were greatly acknowledged. I owe special thanks to Dr. Satish Udpa for having bolstered my confidence at every stage of my graduate student life and guiding me in making wise career decisions. Throughout the period of my graduate study, I was financially supported by various research projects undertaken by Dr. Satish Udpa, Dr. Lalita Udpa and Dr. Pradeep Ramuhalli. This support, specially the one provided by Electric Power Research Institute, is gratefully acknowledged. Being a member of the Nondestructive Evaluation Laboratory, I feel gifted having had an opportunity to work with a team of dedicated graduate students, interns, visiting scholars and professors over the past 6 years on different research problems, which have not only widened my academic experience but have also improved my interpersonal skills and instilled team ethics in me. I sincerely thank all my laboratory members for thus having enriched my graduate student experience. I also acknowledge Prof. Antonello Tambunino for his tutoring in the Inverse Problems course and his valuable advice during my PhD. I would like to thank the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the High Performance Computing Center and the College of Engineering at Michigan State University for providing the best research resources and facilities. I thank the entire staff iv of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Office of the Dean of College of Engineering, 0188, DECS and Graduate School for their valuable timely assistance on various occasions. I would like to specially acknowledge Linda Clifford for not only having assisted me in all the paper work throughout the course of my graduate studies but also for helping all of our laboratory members to forge family-like bonds amongst our group. Finally, I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to my parents, my sister and my brother-in—law for their constant support and encouragement. Without their support this dissertation would not have been possible. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................... viii LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................. x NOMENCLATURE .......................................................................................................... xv CHAPTER 1 ......................................................................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1 1.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Dissertation layout ..................................................................................................... 3 CHAPTER 2 ......................................................................................................... 4 PRIOR WORK .................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Acoustic Modeling Studies of the Thorax ...................... . .......................................... 5 2.3 Signal Processing Methods for Acoustic Diagnostics ............................................. 10 CHAPTER 3 ....................................................................................................... 12 VISCOELASTIC FDTD MODEL FOR HUMAN THORAX .............. 12 3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 12 3.2 Governing Equations ............................................................................................... 12 3.2.1 Elastodynamic Equations ................................................................................... 13 3.2.2 Popular \flscoelastic Models .............................................................................. 15 3.2.3 Viscoelastic Wave Propagation Equation ........................................................ 16 3.3 Thorax Anatomy and Material Properties ............................................................... 19 3.4 Boundary Conditions ............................................................................................... 25 3.4.1 Concept of PML .................................................................................................... 25 3.4.2 Recursive Integration PML ................................................................................. 26 3.5 Source Model and Initial Conditions ....................................................................... 30 3.6 Finite-Difference Time-Domain Implementation ................................................... 33 3.6.1 Discretization scheme ......................................................................................... 33 3.6.2 Numerical Stability ............................................................................................... 38 3.7 Numerical Results .................................................................................................... 40 3.7.1 Validation of FDTD codes ................................................................................... 40 Comparison with analytical solution ................................................................ 40 Comparison with results published in literature ............................................... 46 3.7.2 Simulation results on human thorax .................................................................. 48 3.7.3 Wave Propagation Characteristics .................................................................... 57 3.8 Effects of Anatomical Variations ............................................................................ 60 3.8.1 Effects of ribs and shear elasticity of tissues ................................................... 60 3.8.2 Effect of size of thorax ......................................................................................... 62 CHAPTER 4 ........................................................................................... 64 STUDY OF SOUNDS UNDER PNEUMOTHORAX CONDITIONS ............................ 64 4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 64 4.2 Simulation of Pneumothorax ................................................................................... 66 4.3 Results and Conclusion ........................................................................................... 68 CHAPTER 5 ....................................................................................................... 74 SOURCE LOCALIZATION ............................................................................................. 74 5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 74 5.1. 1 Beamforming concept ......................................................................................... 75 5. 1.2 Near-Field Propagation Model ................................................... 77 5.2 Near-Field Propagation Model based Source Localization Algorithms .................. 80 5. 2. 1 Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) ............................................................. 80 5.2.2 Conventional Focused Beamformer (CFB) ............................ 81 5.2.3 Linearly Constrained Minimum Variance Beamformer (LCMV) .................... 82 5.3 Algorithm Parameters .............................................................................................. 84 5.4 Algorithm Testing Procedure .................................................................................. 89 5.5 Results using the Near-Field Propagation Model based Techniques ...................... 92 5.5.1 Homogeneous Thorax ......................................................................................... 92 5.5.2 Mitral Valve Source .............................................................................................. 96 5.5.3 Right Lung Source ............................................................................................. 101 5.5.4 Discussion ........................................................................................................... 105 5.6 Transfer Function based Source Localization Algorithms .................................... 110 5.6.1 Transfer Function — Source Waveform Energy (SWE) ................................ 111 5.6.2 Transfer Function — MUSIC .............................................................................. 112 5.6.3 Transfer Function — CFB ................................................................................... 113 5.6.4 Transfer Function - LCMV ............................................................................... 113 5.7 Results using Transfer Function based Techniques .............................................. 1 15 5.7.1 Mitral Valve Source ............................................................................................ 115 5.7.2 Right Lung Source ............................................................................................. 118 5.7.3 Left Lung Source ................................................................................................ 121 5.7.4 Discussion ........................................................................................................... 125 5.8 Methods to improve Near-Field Propagation Model based Techniques ............... 127 5.8.1 Distributed Source Model ................................................................................. 127 5.8.2 Preliminary results using Distributed Source Model Techniques ............... 128 Homogeneous Thorax .................................................................................... 128 Mitral Valve Source ....................................................................................... 132 5.9 Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 137 CHAPTER 6 ..................................................................................................... 1 38 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS .............................................................................. 138 6.1 Summary ................................................................................................................ 138 6.2 Conclusions and Future Work ............................................................................... 140 REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 142 vii LIST OF TABLES Table 3-1 Material properties (density, volume compressibility, shear elasticity, volume viscosity, shear viscosity) and longitudinal wave velocity c, of the tissues that use the Voigt model of viscoelasticity in the thoracic cavity. ....................................................... 22 Table 3-2 Material properties (density, volume compressibility, volume viscosity, shear elasticity, shear viscosity) of air surrounding the thoracic cavity. .................................... 23 Table 3-3 Material properties (density, volume compressibility, shear elasticity, volume viscosity, shear viscosity), longitudinal wave velocity CF and Young’s modulus E of the spinal cord and invertebral disc in the thoracic cavity. ..................................................... 23 Table 3-4 Material properties (density, volume compressibility, shear elasticity, resistance coefficient to normal and shear stresses), longitudinal wave velocity c,, and Young’s modulus E of the ribs and scapula bone that use the Maxwell model of viscoelasticity in the thoracic cavity. ................................................................................. 24 Table 5-1 Localization error e in cm versus SNR in dB obtained in all three source localization algorithms using I] = 0, for both pressure and velocity input signals in a homogeneous thoracic medium. ........................................................................................ 95 Table 5-2 Localization error a in cm versus SNR in dB obtained in all three source localization algorithms using I] = O, for both pressure and velocity input signals for a mitral valve source ........................................................................................................... 100 Table 5-3 Localization error a in cm versus SNR in dB obtained in all three source localization algorithms using 17 = 1, for both pressure and velocity input signals for a mitral valve source ........................................................................................................... 100 Table 5-4 Localization error e in cm versus SNR in dB obtained in all three source localization algorithms using 17 = O, for both pressure and velocity input signals for a right lung source ....................................................................................................................... 104 Table 5-5 Localization error a in cm versus SNR in dB obtained in all three source localization algorithms using I] = 1, for both pressure and velocity input signals for a right lung source ....................................................................................................................... 104 Table 5-6 Localization error a in cm versus SNR in dB obtained in all three source localization algorithms using r] = O, for only pressure input signals in a homogeneous thoracic medium. ............................................................................................................. 108 viii Table 5-7 Localization error e in cm versus SNR in dB obtained in all four source localization algorithms for both pressure and velocity input signals for a mitral valve source. .............................................................................................................................. 1 18 Table 5-8 Localization error e in cm versus SNR in dB obtained in all four source localization algorithms for both pressure and velocity input signals for a right lung source. .............................................................................................................................. 121 Table 5-9 Localization error a in cm versus SNR in dB obtained in all four source localization algorithms for both pressure and velocity input signals for a left lung source. ......................................................................................................................................... 124 Table 5-10 Localization error a in cm versus SNR in dB obtained in all distributed source based algorithms using 71 = O, for both pressure and velocity input signals in a homogeneous thoracic medium. ...................................................................................... 131 Table 5-11 Localization error a in cm versus SNR in dB obtained in all distributed source based algorithms using a = O, for both pressure and velocity input signals for a mitral valve source. .................................................................................................................... 135 Table 5-12 Localization error e in cm versus SNR in dB obtained in all distributed source based algorithms using r] = 1, for both pressure and velocity input signals for a mitral valve source. .................................................................................................................... 135 ix LIST OF FIGURES Images in this thesis/dissertation are presented in color. Figure 3-1 Photographic cross-sectional slice of the human thorax acquired from the Visible Human Project database [40], [41] ....................................................................... 20 Figure 3-2 (a) Cross-sectional slice of human thorax partitioned into distinct anatomical regions, each tissue color-coded with a unique color (b) Corresponding color-code key to identify the different tissues .............................................................................................. 21 Figure 3-3 Staggered grid layout for the 2D velocity-stress FDTD scheme indicating the relative spatial and time indices at which the variables are computed .............................. 34 Figure 3-4 Geometry of the problem for validating the FDTD code. Black circles represent the array of receiver locations. Black cross represents the source location. ...... 41 Figure 3-5 j; components of the forcing functions (a) Gaussian first derivative forcing pulse (b) Sinusoidal forcing pulse ..................................................................................... 43 Figure 3-6 Comparison of vx and V; components obtained via FDTD to their correspOnding analytical counterparts for the 1 kHz Gaussian first derivative forcing pulse (all color-bar units are in m/s) .................................................................................. 44 Figure 3-7 Comparison of vJr and v2 components obtained via FDTD to their corresponding analytical counterparts for the 1 kHz sinusoidal forcing pulse (all color-bar units are in m/s) ................................................................................................................. 45 Figure 3-8 Comparison of numerical FDTD with analytical results for a 1 kHz Gaussian first-derivative point forcing fz source located at origin in a 2D homogeneous medium (p = 1000 kg/m3, cp = 1500 m/sec, c3 = 500 m/sec) — Normalized vz component of velocity at 11 receiver locations located at z = 0.8 m and x = (-1 m to 1 m, in steps of 0.2 m) .......... 46 Figure 3-9 Elastic wave propagation results as presented by Collino et al. [5 8] - Snapshots of absolute velocity over the entire homogeneous domain caused due to an explosive source located at the top left corner of the domain ........................................... 47 Figure 3-10 FDTD simulation results for the elastic wave propagation problem defined in Collino et al. [5 8] — Snapshots of absolute velocity over the entire domain caused due to an explosive source located at the top lefi corner of the domain ...................................... 48 Figure 3-11 Source (white cross) and receiver (white circles and triangles) locations in the thoracic geometry. (The axes are in units of m). ......................................................... SO Figure 3-12 A 300Hz Gaussian first derivative source signal j; used in the FDTD simulations (a) Time waveform of the forcing signal (b) Corresponding Fourier spectrum. ........................................................................................................................................... 52 Figure 3-13 Magnitude of source-to-receiver transfer functions (TF) for a source at the mitral valve location — TF plots at receiver #s 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 in the 0-100 Hz frequency range ................................................................................................................. 53 Figure 3-14 Magnitude of source-to-receiver transfer functions (TF) for a source at the mitral valve location — TF plots at receiver #3 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 in the 100-400 Hz frequency range ................................................................................................................. 54 Figure 3-15 Magnitude of source-to-receiver transfer functions (TF) for a source at the mitral valve location -— TF image at all receivers in the 0-100 Hz frequency range ......... 55 Figure 3-16 Magnitude of source-to-receiver transfer functions (TF) for a source at the mitral valve location - TF image at all receivers in the 100-400 Hz frequency range ..... 56 Figure 3-17 Snapshots (at 3, 7, 15, 25 and 40 ms) of velocity vJr and v2 distributions in the entire thorax as a sound wave caused due to a 300 Hz Gaussian first-derivative forcing source propagates fi'om the mitral valve location. (The axes on each of the subplots are in units of m and the color-bars have units of m/s) ............................................................... 59 Figure 3-18 Normal component of the velocity v,, at receiver #15 due to a 300 Hz Gaussian first-derivative forcing source at the mitral valve location under three cases — normal thorax, rib-less thorax and shear-less thorax ......................................................... 61 Figure 3-19 Normal component of the velocity v,. at receiver #12 due to a 300 Hz Gaussian first-derivative forcing source at the mitral valve location for three different thoraxsizes(L,XLz)—35cmX25cm,30cmX200mand40cmX3Ocm ................. 63 Figure 4-1 Anatomical simulation of a pneumothoracic air cavity on a 2D cross-sectional slice of the human thorax ................................................................................................... 66 Figure 4-2 Left column of images show the cross-sectional slice of the thorax for varying sizes of the pneumothoracic air pocket in the lung. The labels on the left side indicate the size of the air pocket. The right column of plots represent the corresponding amplitude of the source(o)-to-sensor(x) transfer functions. ................................................................... 69 Figure 4-3 Comparison of the amplitudes of the source-to-sensor transfer functions corresponding to varying sizes of the pneumothoracic air pocket .................................... 71 Figure 4-4 Comparison of amplitudes of difference of the transfer fimctions of varying degrees of pneumothoracic severity and that of a normal thorax ...................................... 72 Figure 5-1 Concept of beamforming ................................................................................. 76 xi Figure 5-2 Near-field propagation model .......................................................................... 77 Figure 5-3 The outer white box corresponds to the x-z search space used in the algorithms. The inner white box shows the size of the finest cell used in the search. ...... 85 Figure 5-4 Velocity 0 search values .................................................................................. 86 Figure 5-5 Sensor index and locations of the 19 sensor sites used in the source localization algorithms ...................................................................................................... 87 Figure 5-6 An illustration of noisy waveforms at 10 dB, OdB and ~10dB compared to the corresponding noiseless normalized pressure p and velocity v,. signals at four different receiver sites - #s 9, 25, 41 and 57 ..................................................................................... 90 Figure 5-7 Location of the true source in the homogeneous thoracic medium is indicated by the white cross. The white circles correspond to the sensor locations used in the source localization codes. ............................................................................................................. 93 Figure 5-8 Objective function images of all three source localization algorithms using 27 = 0 obtained on both pressure and velocity input signals at an SNR of 5 dB in a homogeneous thoracic medium. Both x and z axes of all images are in m. White cross indicates the true source location while the white circle corresponds to the estimated source location. .................................................................................................................. 94 Figure 5-9 Plot of localization error a in m versus SNR in dB obtained in all three source localization algorithms using 17 = 0, for both pressure and velocity input signals in a homogeneous thoracic medium. ........................................................................................ 95 Figure 5-10 Location of the true source at the mitral valve in the thoracic medium is indicated by the white cross. The white circles correspond to the sensor locations used in the source localization codes. ............................................................................................ 97 Figure 5-11 Objective function images of all three source localization algorithms using r] = 1 obtained on both pressure and velocity input signals at an SNR of 10 dB for a mitral valve source. Both x and z axes of all images are in m. White cross indicates the true source location while the white circle corresponds to the estimated source location. ...... 98 Figure 5-12 Plot of localization error a in m versus SNR in dB obtained in all three source localization algorithms using I] = 0 (top row) and r] = 1 (bottom row), for both pressure and velocity input signals for a mitral valve source. ......................................................... 99 Figure 5-13 Location of the true source in the right lung of the thorax is indicated by the white cross. The white circles correspond to the sensor locations used in the source localization codes. ........................................................................................................... 101 xii Figure 5-14 Objective function images of all three source localization algorithms using 17 = 1 obtained on both pressure and velocity input signals at an SNR of 10 dB for a right lung source. Both x and z axes of all images are in m. White cross indicates the true source location while the white circle corresponds to the estimated source location. 102 Figure 5-15 Plot of localization error e in m versus SNR in dB obtained in all three source localization algorithms using r] = 0 (top row) and r] = 1 (bottom row), for both pressure and velocity input signals for a right lung source.-.-- -- .......................... 103 Figure 5-16 Location of the true source in the homogeneous thoracic medium is indicated by the white cross. The white circles correspond to the sensor locations used in the source localization codes. ........................................................................................................... 106 Figure 5-17 Objective function images of all three source localization algorithms using 7] = 0 obtained on only the pressure input signals at an SNR of 5 dB in a homogeneous thoracic medium. Both x and z axes of all images are in m. White cross indicates the true source location while the white circle corresponds to the estimated source location. 107 Figure 5-18 All source and sensor locations considered for the transfer functions ........ 111 Figure 5-19 Objective firnction images of all four source localization algorithms obtained on both pressure and velocity input signals at an SNR of 5 dB for a mitral valve source. Both x and z axes of all images are in m. White cross indicates the true source location while the white circle corresponds to the estimated source location ............................... 116 Figure 5-20 Plot of localization error a in m versus SNR in dB obtained in all four source localization algorithms for both pressure and velocity input signals for a mitral valve source. .............................................................................................................................. 1 17 Figure 5-21 Objective function images of all four source localization algorithms obtained on both pressure and velocity input signals at an SNR of 10 dB for a right lung source. Both x and z axes of all images are in m. White cross indicates the true source location while the white circle corresponds to the estimated source location ............................... 119 Figure 5-22 Plot of localization error e in m versus SNR in dB obtained in all four source localization algorithms for both pressure and velocity input signals for a right lung source. .............................................................................................................................. 120 Figure 5-23 Location of the true source in the left lung of the thorax is indicated by the white cross. The white circles correspond to the sensor locations used in the source localization codes. ........................................................................................................... 122 Figure 5-24 Objective fimction images of all four source localization algorithms obtained on both pressure and velocity input signals at an SNR of 10 dB for a left lung source. Both x and z axes of all images are in m. White cross indicates the true source location while the white circle corresponds to the estimated source location ............................... 123 xiii Figure 5-25 Plot of localization error a in m versus SNR in dB obtained in all four source localization algorithms for both pressure and velocity input sigials for a left lung source. ......................................................................................................................................... 124 Figure 5-26 Distributed source model ............................................................................. 128 Figure 5-27 Objective function images of all three distributed source based algorithms using I] = 0 obtained on both pressure and velocity input signals at an SNR of 5 dB in a homogeneous thoracic medium. Both x and z axes of all images are in m. White cross indicates the true source location while the black diamond corresponds to the estimated source location. ................................................................................................................ 130 Figure 5-28 Plot of localization error e in m versus SNR in dB obtained in all distributed source based algorithms using 17 = 0, for both pressure and velocity input signals in a homogeneous thoracic medium. ...................................................................................... 131 Figure 5-29 Objective function images of all distributed source based algorithms using r] = 0 obtained on both pressure and velocity input sigrals at an SNR of 5 dB for a mitral valve source. Both x and z axes of all images are in m. White cross indicates the true source location while the black diamond corresponds to the estimated source location. 133 Figure 5-30 Plot of localization error a in m versus SNR in dB obtained in all distributed source based algorithms using r] = 0 (top row) and r] = 1 (bottom row), for both pressure and velocity input sigrals for a mitral valve source. ....................................................... 134 xiv M‘Hl'fil'flqh ”S?” .11) 0 mm NOMENCLATURE density damping factor velocity vector stress tensor force per unit volume vector strain components constitutive parameters Lamé constants stress strain elastic modulus viscosity viscosity in Maxwell’s model viscosity in Voigt’s model particle velocity in 1 direction normal stress component in 1 direction shear stress component in x—z plane resistance coefficient in the i-:]' direction forcing functions in the 1 direction coefficient of volume compressibility coefficient of shear elasticity coefficient of volume viscosity coefficient of shear viscosity XV 31 “I «E‘s-Tm“ 558.. CID fo (x0, 2 0) 0' B angular frequency wave-number stretching function in the I direction scaling factor of the stretching fimction loss factor of the stretching function stress-rate tensor strain-rate tensor stress-rate tensor components strain-rate tensor components thickness of PML scaling order of the PML loss factor profile theoretical reflection coefficient of PML longitudinal wave velocity center fi'equency of forcing function x-z location coordinates of source standard deviation of Gaussian pulse amplitude of forcing pulse peak magritude at center frequency time-shift of Gaussian pulse unity disc with center (x0, 20) and radius a gid step in x direction gid step in z direction gid step in time stress-rate cumulative sum components strain-rate cumulative sum components xvi maximum longitudinal wave velocity shear wave velocity slowest shear wave speed number of spatial sample points to track cs, min thorax dimension in x direction thorax dimension in z direction number of gid cells in x direction number of gid cells in z direction sampling frequency normal component of velocity source-to-receiver transfer function mean pressure .th . . 1 sensor srgnal mput to beamformer sensor sigial input vector number of sensors . .th beamformer weight of the 1 sensor beamformer weight vector output sigral of beamformer beamformer output vector velocity of wave propagation number of acoustic sources . th distance of k source from reference sensor . th .th distance of k source from 1 sensor th k source waveform source waveform frequency xvii . .th norse at the 1 sensor near-field propagation model steering vector of km source near-field propagation model steering matrix geometric spreading loss factor exponential loss factor sensor data covarianCe matrix th . . . k ergen vector of data covariance matrix near-field propagation model steering vector corresponding to the location (r, 0, CI) in a 3D polar coordinate search space near—field propagation model steering vector corresponding to the location (x, z) in a 2D cartesian coordinate search space objective function of the source localization algorithms constraint steering vector matrix constraint values vector rectangular search space dimension in x direction rectangular search space dimension in z direction sigral-to-noise ratio localization error th h . k SOUI'CC-tO-lt sensor transfer firnctron th . k source-to-sensor transfer function vector th . z component of the k source fimctron . th . . h . estimate of k source function usrng f sensor s1 gral and corresponding transfer function number of closely spaced omnidirectional point sources xviii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Chest auscultation offers vast amounts of information that can assist in the diagrosis of various diseases of the heart and lungs [1], [2]. Specifically, a multi-sensor acoustic chest pad could be an extremely low-cost, powerful, light-weight and portable tool for accurate quantitative diagnosis of thoracic pathologies. Existing technologies like echocardiogaphy are fairly expensive and are typically not available at all places, for instance, in out-patient home monitoring or battlefield situations. Recent years have seen many studies that attempt to exploit the spatio-temporal distribution of thoracic sounds on the human torso for characterizing different pathologies in patients with heart or lung diseases. Most of these rely on pattern recogiition techniques or array—signal processing algorithms or a combination of both. Although there has been some success in these efforts, not many of these studies have addressed the effects of heterogeneity of the medium on the performance of the algorithms [3], [4]. In addition, at lower audible range fiequencies, the effects of shear waves in the sigrals measured cannot be igrored [5], [6]. The complexity of the problem increases further because of the extreme near-field conditions that prevail. The algorithms would thus seem to benefit if they incorporate a more accurate physics-based model, one that governs the sound propagation in the human thoracic cavity. In order to have a better understanding of the transmission of sounds in the human thoracic cavity, this thesis attempts to numerically model the sound propagation using a finite-difference time—domain (F DTD) approach laying emphasis on the true geometry and material properties of the various tissues and organs in the human torso. The model thus allows one to study the effects of the heterogeneities on the acoustic sensor sigrals and can be used to validate all the existing sigral processing algorithms used in previous studies. It also allows one to develop and validate newer signal processing and inverse problem solutions to localize the pathological sites in the thorax in a non-invasive manner. In addition, it can also be used as a tool to simulate different pathological conditions of the heart and lungs and allow one to study the associated sound distribution around the torso. 1.2 Dissertation layout The layout of this dissertation is as follows: Chapter 2 discusses some of the prior studies done in the fields of thorax acoustic modeling and signal processing used for diagnostic purposes. Chapter 3 provides details of the development of the viscoelastic FDTD model for sound propagation in the human thorax proposed in this work and discusses some of the modeling results obtained using the model. Chapter 4 employs the model developed to study the pneumothorax condition of the lung and provides some results that might be of diagnostic utility. Chapter 5 discusses some of the traditional source localization algoritlnms that are validated using the simulated signals obtained via the FDTD model and compares their performance to a transfer-finnction based algorithm developed using the forward model. Concluding remarks are provided in Chapter 6 that also discusses the future steps to be taken to address some of the unresolved issues. CHAPTER 2 PRIOR WORK 2.1 Introduction Studies related to understanding the origin, transmission, and characteristics of auscultation sounds in addition to its diagnostic utility have been going on for more than a few decades now. There have been various models proposed that attempt to simulate the sound wave propagation in the thorax, and a thorough survey of these works allow us to have a better understanding of the issues involved in pursuing this task. In addition to the modeling work, there are many studies in literature that have focused their efforts to developing signal processing algorithms either for source localization or for improved diagnostic ability. 2.2 Acoustic Modeling Studies of the Thorax The earliest studies [7] - [9] lay emphasis on estimating the transfer function of the heart-thorax acoustic system and understanding the frequency response and attenuation characteristics of the heart sounds. These studies revealed that the heart sounds, in the low frequency range of 50 Hz to 400 Hz, are damped by both the viscosity and the geometrical spread in the medium, and attenuated by around 30 dB — 40 dB as they reached the chest surface. Phonocardiogarn recordings indicated that almost 80% of the power of sounds recorded on the chest wall arose due to a linear transmission of sounds from the left ventricle. The remaining 20% are due to thoracic noise, noncoherent contributions from extraneous signals and fi'om system nonlinearities. Verburg’s study [10] was one of the most significant works of the 1980s that attempted to model the heart sound propagation using visco-elastic wave equations, although in a homogeneous media. A dipole model of the heart sound source was proposed and the analytically simulated results of the model compared well with experimental observations in many aspects. The thoracic media was considered to be a linear viscoelastic body with complex material properties to account for the viscosity of the tissues. It was observed that both shear and compressional waves propagated. The study concluded that the lung tissue and the muscular connective tissue of the thoracic wall are the two primary tissues to be considered in the media for wave propagation modeling. These results formed the basis of all future thorax modeling efforts. While efforts to understand the transmission of heart sounds continued, studies focused on lung sounds were beginning to gather more interest in the scientific and medical community. Wodicka et al. [11] — [15] developed an acoustic sound transmission model from the respiratory tract to the chest wall via an equivalent acoustic circuit, wherein the circuit elements represented different transmission characteristics of the parenchyrna and the chest wall. The resonance peaks of the transmission spectra could be estimated fairly well using these models. In addition, the models also estimated the fi’equency dependent propagation time (or phase delay) of sonic transmission from the trachea to the chest wall. However, all of these studies assume a very simple axisymmetric cylindrical geometry of the torso. Also, the tissue pathway to the chest is treated simply as a mass load on the parenchyma. Vovk et a1. [16] - [17] employed a similar axisymmetric cylindrical model to model the acoustic properties of the chest in order to study the trarnsmission of breath sounds to the chest. His work however, did incorporate the tissue pathway to the chest as a layered structure of muscular rib cage, muscular fatty tissue and the skin. The study’s elegance lay in the fact that for each layer, an appropriate set of differential equations of motion was analytically solved to characterize the behavior of that layer. Also, the effect of mechanical loading of the pick-up transducers on the measured surface sounds was carefirlly analyzed. It was observed that the presence of a transducer inevitably leads to the conversion of longitudinal wave into surface waves. This can pose significant challenges when multi-sensor signal processing techniques are employed for analysis. Vermarien too, in [18] had observed that the mecharnical loading of the sensors on to the chest wall distorted the recordings of the sensor. Hence, the loading effect of the pick-up sensors should be taken into account in any experimental study. In an effort to employ sound measurements to differentiate between normal and diseased lungs, Leung and Sehati [19], estimated the average speed of propagation of sound fi'om the trachea to various sites on the chest wall over a range of frequencies based on a cross-correlation function of the input and the measured sound. The speed estimates over a region of the tlnorax has been proposed to be used for diagnostic purposes. A one dimensional model for the propagation of pressure waves through the lung using an equivalent mass spring chain model assuming a bi—periodic stack of tissue and air layers has been studied in [20]. The work revealed that while the lung does show dispersive behavior, i.e. signals of different fiequencies travel at significantly different speeds, for sufficiently slow rising pressure waves, the lung could well be approximated using an equivalent homogeneous material in modeling studies. The last few years have seen significant developments in the field of thorax modeling, in particular, the study of sound propagation through lungs. Royston et al. [5] have developed a 1D axisymmetric model similar to the work described in [16], accounting for both attenuation and viscous damping losses in the medium to study the effect of pneumothorax (PTX) on sound propagation fi'om the bronchial airways to the skin surface. In addition, a finite element model simulating a non-axisymmetric 2D geometry was used to study the same problem. The complex 2D geometry resulted in increased non-radial scattering of sound than predicted by the 1D simple axisymmetric theory, thus resulting in increased attenuation. Royston et al. in [21] points out that at low audible frequencies, compression and shear wave propagation from point sources can both be significant although the shear component becomes less significant relative to the compression wave component beyond a few hundred Hz. Royston et al. [22] extended their work in [5], [21] by modeling a lung phantom and the true lung geometry (obtained from an X-ray CT image) using a boundary element formulation. Experimental results were compared with modeling estimates for the lung phantom. It was observed that the shear waves were prominent especially in the non-parenchymal soft tissue regions composed of fat, muscle and visceral material. Also, the acoustic response field created by an internal acoustic source was significantly different fiom that predicted by a fi'ee-field propagation model, thereby emphasizing the importance of incorporating realistic geometries for modeling. Furtlner, the study also investigated the possibility of using acoustic sound meaSurements on the parenchymal surface to localize the lung sound source. The finite difference time domain model developed by Narasimhan et al. [23] used the actual tlnoracic geometry of the thorax obtained fiom the Visible Human Project to model the sound propagation in the thorax. However, the model assumes a fluid medium throughout and ignores elastic wave contributions for the sake of simplicity. Key observations of this work are: 0 Resonance effects of the thorax are significantly lesser at lower frequencies (~ 100 Hz) and are prominent at higher excitation frequencies (> 500 Hz). Also, frequencies of the order of 100 Hz are most effectively transmitted through the thorax. o The size of the thorax has a profound effect on the transmission of breath sounds. 0 The spectrum of the human thoracic recordings is far richer relative to the spectrum predicted by a homogeneous model simulation. This is probably due to the various anatorrnical features in the thorax. 0 Chest wall sounds are affected by sound generated at the airways as well as the manner in which they are propagated in the thorax. Hence, accurate models for both sound generation and propagation are needed to simulate breath sounds. Banks and Luke [24] employed the quasi-linear viscoelastic equation proposed by Fung [25] in a 2D ring-like geometry to study the propagation of shear waves in biotissue. The model can be used in developing a noninvasive method to diagnose coronary artery diseases caused by stenosis. The study justifies the use of a viscoelastic model as opposed to an elastic model for modeling shear wave propagation in biotissue. All of the above discussed prior acoustic modeling studies, while, provide significant insight into the characteristics of sound propagation in the thorax, typically they either assume a simple geometry or ignore the shear wave contributions [12], [16], [22], [23]. The work proposed in this dissertation attempts to overcome these limitations by numerically modeling the viscoelastic sound propagation using a finite-difference time- domain (F DTD) approach laying emphasis on the true anatomical geometry and experimentally obtained estimates of viscoelastic material properties of the various tissues and organs in the human torso. 2.3 Signal Processing Methods for Acoustic Diagnostics One of the earliest studies [26] on multi-sensor chest auscultation involved the simultaneous recording of precordial vibrations on 22 sites on the chest and displaying the peak amplitude spatial distribution as a function of time, which was used to analyze the radiation and propagation patterns of the thoracic sounds. However, as mentioned in [27], signal processing techniques that make use of the underlying physics, measurement dynamics and noise models would prove to be more useful in practice. Emphasis needs to be on model-based signal processing strategies that can provide more meaningful and useful results. One such model based approach discussed in [3] uses the Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm for localization of acoustic sources in the heart by employing a near-field propagation model. The main drawbacks of this approach are that it assumes: o a homogeneous medium of propagation 0 there is no scattering or reflection of sound in the thoracic medium The authors extend their work in [28] employing the same model, but use a Choi- Williams distribution to compute a spatial time-frequency matrix that provides important clues on the likely source locations in the heart. Kompis et al. in [29], [30] and [31] employ a similar simplified model assuming homogeneous wave propagation and a constant damping factor in their least-squares estimation approach. Owsley in [4], [32] uses multiple auscultation recordings for localizing the artery- blockage sites. A near-field focused beamformer is used to perform imaging of the spatial 10 shear wave energy field intensity. The beamformer model, as in [3] assumed a spherical wavefront impingement along with homogeneous propagation characteristics. To summarize, all the existing signal processing strategies for source localization in the thorax [3], [4], [26] — [35] assume a constant propagation velocity in their models. Although some of the algorithms do provide marginally decent results, significant improvement would be necessary before any of these techniques could be employed for diagnostic purposes in a clinical environment. The viscoelastic forward model of sound propagation in the thorax proposed in this dissertation, being based on wave propagation physics specifically designed for human thorax, could thus potentially form the basis of alternate signal processing algorithms for source localization and source waveform estimation that might potentially yield better results as compared to traditional algoritlnrns, eventually leading to clinical diagnostic solutions. 11 CHAPTER 3 VISCOELASTIC FDTD MODEL FOR HUMAN THORAX 3.1 Introduction Auscultation sounds typically contain most of their energy at the lower audible range of frequencies. At these frequencies, it is observed that compression and shear wave propagation can both be significant in tissue like materials. In general as the frequency increases beyond a few hundreds of Hz, the shear wave component gadually becomes less important. However, unlike the case of ultrasonic imaging, at the lower range of frequencies, one cannot necessarily assume that compression waves dominate the response over the shear and surface waves. In addition, the acoustic paths are far more complex at sonic frequencies due to multiple reflections and standing wave patterns within the thoracic cavity. Thus, in order to develop a reasonably accurate sound propagation model in the human thorax, one is required to take into account botln the bulk and shear modulus of elasticity and viscosity along with realistic estimates of the geometries of the various tissues and anatomical structures in the thorax. 3.2 Governing Equations As mentioned in the previous section, there is sufficient evidence of the transmission of shear waves in addition to longitudinal waves in the human torso at the lower audible range fi'equencies. Hence, the governing equations of sound transmission in the torso requires to incorporate both these types of waves, and this is achieved through the 12 Elastodynamic equations, otherwise krnown as Elastic Wave equations. In addition, the viscosities of the tissues are to be accounted for into these equations by suitably modifying the coefficients or adding appropriate terms. 3.2.1 Elastodynamic Equations These equations draw their roots fiom the Navier Stokes equation (force equation) and the Hooke’s Law of elasticity [36], [37]. The Navier Stokes equation in its nonlinear form is as follows: (1) Here p , I] , i3 , T and j7 denote the density, damping factor, velocity vector, stress tensor, and the force per unit volume vector, respectively. (Note: For fluid flow, equation (1) would include terms with shear and bulk viscosity. Also, tissues show visco-elastic properties. One of the ways to incorporate damping characteristic of the viscous medium into the above equations is through the damping factor 7) ). In 2D, the equations can be written as: 6v, av, av, 6T,“ 5TH —+ —+ — + =—+——+ p at vx 6x V2 52] 77vx 6x 62 fx 6v, avz av, 5TH 6TH —+ —+ — + ——+ )0- at Vx V2 62 J 2 6x 5‘2 fz (2) The effect of the nonlinear term (I7.V)i3 was independently studied at the audible range of frequencies as a 1D problem. The study revealed that its effect was negligible and the 13 additional level of complexity introduced due to the nonlinearity may well be ignored for all practical purposes. The Hooke’s law provides the relationship between the stresses T and strains S acting on an element through the constitutive parameters. In its simplest form, for an isotropic medium, the constitutive parameters that describe the medium completely are functions of the Lamé constants (11, ,u). (3) Ignoring the nonlinear terms in equations (2) and combining the equations (2) and (3), we can write the elastic wave equations for a 2D problem in terms of the velocity and stress variablesas: 6v, 6TH 6TB —+ + + pa: nvx ax 62 fx 6v, 6sz 6T2, + _ pa: 2 ax 62 f2 (4) arm av —= 2+2 —£+2-—z ,, ( ,) 0,, 6T2, 6v 6v =2—x+ 2+2 —2 a, 0,, ( y) at 62 6x (5) Equations in (4) are called the momentum equations, while equations in (5) are termed as the constitutive equations. 14 3.2.2 Popular Viscoelastic Models Although the equations in (4) and (5) could be utilized for modeling the viscoelastic wave propagation, the parameters corresponding to the damping factor 7] aren’t available for most tissues in the thorax. A standard linear viscoelastic, as opposed to the elastodynamic model, is thus more appropriate for this problem as it incorporates the viscous loss in the tissues in addition to their density and elasticity properties via parameters that are more widely available in literature [38]. The Voigt and Maxwell’s models are two of the most commonly employed rheological models of viscoelasticity of tissues for numerical modeling purposes [25]. While the former is the more widely used, the latter is also used for certain tissue structures like bones [39]. Both tlnese models use springs and dashpots to simulate the elastic and viscous components of the stress-strain (CS-8) relation. The spring component, associated with the elasticity of the medium obeys the following relation: 0=E£ (6) where E corresponds to the elastic modulus of the medium. The dashpot component, associated with the viscosity of the medium 77 is governed by: (7) The Maxwell model consists of a spring and dashpot in series. The governing stress- stress equation for this model thus becomes: 15 60' _1_ a Etfi 5‘35 6: (8) However, the Voigt model consists of the spring and dashpot in parallel, and the corresponding stress-strain equation thus becomes: ~66 0=E£+ — ”at (9) Since most viscoelastic studies on tissues employ either one of these two models to incorporate the viscosity parameter, it would benefit to combine these two models into one framework that allows one to use parameters of either model. If we define fi M and fly as the viscosity parameters associated with Maxwell and Voigt models respectively, then the governing equations can be written as: 60' E as ,.. 62.9 —+:,——0' = E—+nV — at ”M at azt (10) 3.2.3 Viscoelastic Wave Propagation Equation In order to incorporate the viscosity parameters associated with either of the Maxwell and Voigt models into the governing equations, we employ the stress-strain relation as described in equation (10) together with the momentum equations in (4) and obtain the following equations that govern the wave propagation in a 2D viscoelastic medium: 16 + p at ax 62 f" av, 613,, 67,, - --—--F p at ax 62 f2 0TH 6v 6v -—- ~+ 7‘ ==.t -—41 + )1 +n2. -—31 at 722 22 1 ax (1 #1) OZ arm av av 23 av av 6t 7"”2 “[62 6x] ”zatiaz 6x) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) where v, (I = x, z) are the particle velocities in the 1 direction, T]; are the normal stress components and y” are the corresponding resistance coefficients in the 1 direction, T m is the shear stress and 1&2 is the corresponding resistance coefficient in the x-z plane, f; are the forcing functions in the 1 direction, p is the density and 1:11 H (012, p=,u1+i 0112 are the complex Lamé constants of the medium. [I] and ,u] define the stiffness of the 17 isotropic medium under consideration arnd are termed as coefficients of volume compressibility and shear elasticity, respectively. ’12 and [12 define the viscosity of the medium as pararneterized by the Voigt model and are termed as coefficients of volume viscosity and shear viscosity, respectively. a) is used to represent the angular frequency of the wave. The resistance coefficients of stress, originating fi'om the Maxwell’s model of viscosity, also control the viscous absorptive loss in the medium and are related to the attenuation coefficients of the tissues. Due to the heterogeneity of the medium, the density p, Lamé constants (k and p) and the resistance coefficients yij are all functions of space governed by the viscoelastic properties of the various tissues in the thoracic cavity. Equations (11) and (12) are called the momentum equations, while equations (13) - (15) are termed as the constitutive equations. 18 3.3 Thorax Anatomy and Material Properties In order to obtain an accurate structural representation of the various anatomical features of the thorax, a photogaphic image of the thoracic cavity of a 39 year old male human cadaver was acquired from the United States National Library of Medicine’s Visible Human Project database [40], [41]. A trarnsverse cross-sectional slice at the mid- thorax level passing through the heart, as shown in Figure 3-1, is chosen as the 2D image for the model study. The various anatomical features, inclusive of the organ and tissue boundaries are identified and the image is partitioned accordingly. Figure 3-2 shows this partitioned color-coded image where each color represents a distinct anatomical feature. The material properties corresponding to these features are assigned to the respective partitioned regions. The density, elasticity and viscosity parameters for each of these tissues are obtained from existing literature [5], [12], [42] — [55] and are listed in Table 3- 1 to Table 3-4. Some of these properties are observed to have a wide range of values across different publications. In such cases, the most consistently reported value has been chosen in the present work. 19 Right Figure 3-1 Photographic cross—sectional slice of the human thorax acquired from the Visible Human Project database [40], [41] 20 Air - Ribs Fashia -— Subcutaneous Tissue Senatus Anterior Muscle Left Atrium Erector Muscle. T Muscle Pericardium Atrium Left Ventricle Bone lntervertebral Disc Vein Skin Latissimus Dorsi Muscle Cord Pectoralis Ventricle Aorta (b) Figure 3-2 (a) Cross-sectional slice of human thorax partitioned into distinct anatomical regions, each tissue color-coded with a unique color (b) Corresponding color-code key to identify the different tissues 21 Table 3-1 Material properties (density, volume compressibility, shear elasticity, volume viscosity, shear viscosity) and longitudinal wave velocity cp of the tissues that use the Voigt model of viscoelasticity in the thoracic cavity. P a A c a Material 3 1 ”I ”2 " (kg/m) (Pa) (Pa) (Pa-s) (m/s) Fashia 985 2.1146 5k b 4 ° 1465 Chest e e e d 1050 2.6216 8.68k 9.73 1580 Muscles Heart 1060 2.6336 124k f 15.9m f 1576 Blood 1060 2.6606 0 3,2m g 1584 Skin/ h 1 Dennis 1090 2.839G 2M 0,131 1615 Lungs 250 ’ 124.3k 41¢J 20.02 1‘ 23 ’ 112 = 0 Pa-s [48] ap and 6,, are obtained from Reference 46 unless explicitly mentioned Reference 47 0Reference 48 dIncludes Serratus Anterior, Erector Spinae, Trapezius, Latissimus Dorsi and Pectoralis Major Muscles 6Reference 49 {Reference 50 gReference 52 [Reference 53 Tefamce 12 J Reference 54. Shear wave velocity of 4 m/s is used to calculate the shear elasticity. kReference 5 22 Table 3-2 Material properties (density, volume compressibility, volume viscosity, shear elasticity, shear viscosity) of air surrounding the thoracic cavity. Material P 3 11 12 (kg/m ) (Pa) (Pa-s) Aira 1.24 147k 0.13 #1 = #2 = 0 Pa-8 [42] aReference 42 Table 3-3 Material properties (density, volume compressibility, shear elasticity, volume viscosity, shear viscosity), longitudinal wave velocity cp and Young’s modulus E of the spinal cord and invertebral disc in the thoracic cavity. 2. c E Material p 3 I ”I " (kg/m ) (Pa) (Pa) (In/S) (Pa) Spinal Cord 1038 a 2.4676 466.7k 1542 ’ 1.4M b Intervertebral c c Disc 1000 16.4M 335.6k - 1M 12 = 0 Pa—s [48] pg = 4 Pa-s [48] aReference 46 bReference 55 cReference 51 — Poisson ratio of 0.49 is also provided in this reference. 23 Table 34 Material properties (density, volume compressibility, shear elasticity, resistance coefficient to normal and shear stresses), longitudinal wave velocity cp and Young’s modulus E of the ribs and scapula bone that use the Maxwell model of viscoelasticity in the thoracic cavity. P 2'1 [‘1 cp d E (kg/m3) (Pa) (Pa) (m/s) (Pa) Material Ribs, Scapula 1990” 14.816 5.0636 3540a 13.96b 7n: yzz = 1.57k Us [45] yxz =10.1k1/s[45] 21Reference 43 bReference 44 24 3.4 Boundary Conditions The boundary conditions play a key role any numerical modeling scheme. In the present application of viscoelastic wave transmission in the human thorax, boundary conditions need to be imposed at the chest-air interface. There are numerous ways to incorporate appropriate boundary conditions at this interface. The most common approach involves imposing a stress-free condition on the torso surface. However, for a finite-difference approach using a rectangular gid, imposing a stress-flee condition on a complex torso boundary often becomes challenging. Instead, we propose to use a perfectly matched layer (PML) of air surrounding a thin layer of air around the torso, which can be incorporated into the finite-difference framework seamlessly. 3.4.1 Concept of PML The basic idea of PML is to create an additional layer of a reflection-less absorbing material around the geometry function that absorbs the waves in this region. This is achieved through the use of complex stretching coordinates for the spatial variables. To see how this works, let us consider a plane wave solution in a one dimensional x coordinate space given by (“arena where a) and k represent the angular frequency and wave-number, respectively. This represents a non-attenuating plane wave. If the space ~ . w variable x is replaced by a complex stretched version of it, say x = axx = [1+r-i]x , a) tlnen the plane wave solution modifies to e—iwteikxe—kwxx/a). The third term e_kwxx/ a; in this solution represents a loss factor that attenuates the wave with 25 increasing distance. Thus, by choosing a non-zero wx in the PML layer and setting the remaining areas to have wx = 0 , we can simulate an absorbing material at the exterior. It has been shown that an optimum choice of the stretching factors 8x can yield the desired reflection-less property of the PML region [56]. Most PML formulations employing this coordinate stretching concept however, require an artificial splitting of velocity and stress variables in the FDTD implementation that decreases the computational efficiency of the codes. In order to avoid the computational burden caused due to splitting, a non-split PML based on recursive integation has been employed in the current work [57]. 3.4.2 Recursive Integration PML In the frequency domain, the 2D stretching functions 81(1 = x, 2) used in the PML can be written as: 1W1 £1: a, +---- (16) where the real part a] is the scaling factor and the imaginary part w; corresponds to the loss in the PML region. 6) represents the angular frequency. Correspondingly, the spatial derivatives in the stretched-coordinate PML space are given by: 2:.- => —1-—-(: (I = x,z) 61 6‘1 31 (17) 26 The tilde here indicates that the spatial derivative is taken in the fi'equency domain. The recursive integation PML technique employs two auxiliary tensors, the stress-rate tensor S and the strain-rate tensor E through which the non-split set of equations are obtained. These tensors are defined as follows: .3 1 6T~ . . U =—'a_fj (1,} =x,z) Sj _] (18) Eij _-1—§V—.l (i,j=x,z) 6'}: 6] (19) where the tilde corresponds to the frequency domain counterparts of the corresponding variables. By introducing these tensor definitions and using equations (16) — (19) into the frequency domain counterparts of equations (11) and (13), we get the following equations: iprx = Sxx + sz +fx (20) inxx +7):me =(/i.1+2/11)Exx +11Ezz +ia)(/I.2 +2fl2)§xx +i012§zz (21) Transforming these back into time-domain, and following the same procedure for all the equations in (11) — (15), we obtain the following velocity-stress equations: av p'a_tx=Sxx+sz+fx (22) 27 6v 2 =Szx'l'Szz'ffz 6t (23) OT,“ “Et— “1' 7xxTxx=(/11 '1‘ 2.111 We: '1' AlEzz 6E 6E + 2 +2 —— 2 ——Z§- (2 #2) a 2 a: (24) OT 6:2 +7zszz = AlExx +011 4'21”] )Ezz 6E 6E +2 —"1‘—+ 2 +2 J 2 at (2 412),), (25) 6TH 6E 6E —+ T Exz +E + ”+ 7*" at 7:62 xz=#1( 2x) #2[ at at ] (26) The auxiliary tensor components here are obtained by substituting the definition of the complex stretching firnction equation (16) into equations (18) -— (19) and transforming them into time-domain. The following equations result after some rearrangement: wj LSU (z')dr=a; -S,-j (i,j=x,z) (27) wj [Eij (r)dr=:v—J Eij (i,j=x,z) (28) 28 The recursive property of the integals become apparent following the discretization of the above equations and is presented in section (3.6.1). Equations (22) — (26) and (27) — (28) thus effectively incorporate the PML boundary into the original viscoelastic equations. The values of a] and w] in the entire domain decide the PML and non-PML regions. A value of a1 = 1 and w) = O is chosen in the computational non-PML region, and a positive w; in the PML region to introduce the loss. The reflection-less property of the PML is theoretically achieved only in a continuous spatial coordinate system. While employed in a FDTD scheme, where the domain is discretized, zero reflection cannot be practically achieved. In order to reduce the numerical reflections in the PML region, the loss factor W] in this region is usually chosen to have a tapered profile as follows: w, (u) = %10g[%)(%) (0 S u S d) (29) where u = 0 corresponds to the location of the interface of the computational domain and the PML region, (1 represents the thickness of the PML, m is the scaling order, R is the theoretical reflection coefficient and CI, is the longitudinal wave velocity in the PML region [56], [58], [59]. The amount of reflection can be controlled by choosing an optimal R value. In the application presented in this paper, R and m were chosen to be 0.001 and 1 respectively [58]. 29 3.5 Source Model and Initial Conditions Sound generation in the thorax is an extremely complex phenomenon involving various sources each of which is governed by different mechanisms. For instance, the sounds originating at the heart alone are composed of the opening and closing beats of the four valves, the vibrations of the ventricular and vascular walls and the ones caused due to blood flow haemodynannics. Similarly, modeling the respiratory breath sounds is equally or more challenging as it involves complex air flow dynamics in the trachea and bronchial airways. In the current work, since the primary focus has been on sound propagation rather than generation, the sound source model employed is a simple point source placed at the mitral valve location, say at (x0, 20). A first derivative of a Gaussian pulse, centered at frequency f0 is used as the z component of the forcing function f; while the z component of the forcing function fir is set to zero. P -(t-to)2 1 1 2 J2na fz(x,z,t)=B(t—t0) e 20 5(X-XO)§(Z-ZO) VtZO =0, Vt <0 fx(x,z,t) = O, Vt (30) where the standard deviation 0' and amplitude B are defined such that the peak magnitude at the center fiequencyfo in the Fourier domain is kept constant. The forcing function f; in the fi'equency domain is given by: 30 —a'2a)2 . 7! N 2 2 flkao +3) fz(x,z,a))=BO' we e 6(x—x0)6(z-zo) (31) Thus, by defining the standard deviation 0' and amplitude B as follows, 1 1 0' = — = —— (00 279’ 0 (32) B = A e05 0' (33) a peak magnitude of A is established at the center frequency 1?), regardless of the frequency f0 The time-shift to is heuristically chosen to be 5 times the standard deviation 0' to provide a causal signal so that forcing function approaches to zero at t= 0. Alternatively, instead of a point source, an explosive source may be modeled to simulate a distributed source as follows: 76.1) = f(t)8'(r) _ -(t-to)21 f(t)=B(t—to) 1 e 20’ 86—51086—2047120 27rd =0,_Vt<0 _ (34) 31 where 13(0) is a urnity disc with center (x0, 20) and radius a. The initial conditions for the problem define the velocity and stress variables at time t = 0. Since the forcing function as defined in equation (30) is zero for time t < 0, we assume that the medium is in equilibrium at time t = 0, i.e. all the velocity and stress variables are set to zero at t = 0 everywhere in the medium. Consequently, all the components of the auxiliary tensors are also set to zero at t = 0. 32 3.6 Finite-Difference Time-Domain Implementation There are a slew of finite-difference time-domain (F DTD) schemes available in literature. However, the most commonly employed technique for elastodynamic wave propagation problems is the center differencing scheme with a staggered gid that results in a leapfiog system of equations for the velocity and stress variables [60]. This provides a second order accurate solution to the problem. In order to guarantee stability of the FDTD codes, care must be taken in choosing the smallest time-step while handling the discontinuities of material properties at the interface boundaries. 3.6.1 Discretization scheme A staggered gid leap-frog center-differencing scheme [61] was used to discretize the momentum and constitutive relation equations described in (22) - (26). For this 2D velocity-stress formulation of the viscoelastic equations, the velocity and stress variables are used in a staggered gid as shown in Figure 3-3. In the discretized equations to follow, the indices i, j and k correspond to the discretization of the spatial variables x, z and the time variable t, respectively. Ax and AZ are the gid steps for the x-axis and Z-axis respectively. At is the gid step irn time. Due to the leapfrog scheme employed, the velocity variables and the stress variables are computed at times separated by half a time- 313’. ep2. 33 Z AH A F . vx 141-» if? ‘ if 72? Txx’ Tzz A T 1 A r XZ 1' 1+1 x———) k k+-1— 2 r A \f A \ J Txx' Tzz Sxx’ sz Exx' Ezz vx J . 1 . 1 J +5 Szx’ Szz sz Vz Exz’ sz J +3 1 . l l l+- 1 1+— 2 2 Figure 3-3 Staggered grid layout for the 2D velocity-stress FDTD scheme indicating the relative spatial and time indices at which the variables are computed Using the center differencing scheme for each of the temporal and spatial derivatives in equations (22) — (26), we get a sequence that constitutes the leapfrog system of equations. Discretized forms of equations (22) and (24) are shown below: 34 . 1 . 1 . l , 1 Vx(l +§,j,k+§-) =Vx[l +§,j,k—§) +At Sn(i+%,j,k)+sz[i+—:-,j,k) 1 + ‘+—, ',k fx(I 2 J ) _ - - b I (35) 1313:0213") . . 1 ' l (2.1+2pl)Exx(r,j,k+§) 1 7n .. I) — —— +2E , ,k+— [At+2)_ 1226.] 2 _ '31; [.- -k+l)_4e 11-1] xx 2], 2 xx 2], 2 (ialfljzm +Exx(i,j,k—%] 3B [1’ 'k+l]—4E (i 'k—l) 22 3.], 2 22 a], 2 l 2At . . 3 (At- +133] -+Ezz[z,j,k—-2-) _I (36) Note that the second terms on the left hand side of equations (24) — (26), i.e. the Maxwell’s viscosity terms involving the stress variables are discretized by taking an average of their values at t = km and t = (k+1)At as the stress terms are not evaluated at (k+1/2)At. This averaging has the same second-order accuracy as the other terms involving the center differencing, and thus does not degrade the overall accuracy. Similarly, time derivatives of the strain-rate tensor components, i.e. the Voigt’s viscosity 35 terms in equations (24) — (26) are discretized using a three-point stencil to provide second-order accuracy. 1 The integal of the auxiliary tensors in equations (27) -— (28) are discretized using a trapezoid rule and appear as follows for the Sn and En components. (4+Wat’IS-(..:,,-,kl=I’”(‘+W>-Tnl 2 Ax wx . 1 . —S +—, ,0 2 ”G 2’) ‘A‘ k-l 1 +wJr Z Sxx(i+-E,j,m) m=l _ (37) —v i+-1- ‘k+-1— 1 Wm .. 1 1 x 2’1’ 2 ax+ En r,1,k+-— =— 2 Ax x14} .1.) --v -,j,k+-— _I. 2 2 .. "xw '1 7Exx ”(1., j: '15] -Atk_1 1 , + ”if “(“m 2) (33) By imposing the initial conditions on the stress-rate and strain-rate components, and by defining the stress-rate sums and strain-rate sums as follows, Qxx(i+-:—,j,k-1)= 19,211,,“ [1+],13m J . 1 . . 1 . =Q:(ll+§,j,k-2J+Wx5xx[l+-2-,_],k-1) (39) 36 1 k“ 1 ‘Pxx(i9j9m +5] = wx Z Exx(i:jam+§] m=l . . 1 . . 1 = xx('a.lam“2')+wxExx(la./ak_§] (40) we can rewrite equations (37) — (3 8) as “+wa $304,130:T”('+1’J’k)—T’°‘(””k) 2 2 Ax —Atflxx[i+%,j,k-l) . 1 . . l . . 1 . Qxx l+§,_],k =0,“ l+§,j,k—1 +waxx r+-—2-,J,k (41) *v i+l 'k+— - 4 wat) 4 1) 1 x 2”’ 2 ax+ En 1,},k+— =— 2 2 Ax — (i-lle-l-J _ x 2, , 2 .. -At‘I’xx(i,j,m+%] ‘I’ [i 'm+-3—)-‘P (i 'm+l)+wE [i 'k+—1-) xx 9.]: 2 fl 9,], 2 x xx 3.], 2 (42) Equations (41) — (42) provide a convenient way to recursively compute the integals involved in the update equations of Sxx and Em. All the rernairning components of the auxiliary tensors are discretized and updated in a similar fashion. The above equations thus provide a time-stepping system to track the propagation of viscoelastic waves throughout the medium initiated by the forcing function. 37 3.6.2 Numerical Stability For the above described explicit 2D FDTD scheme, one of the stability criteria is provided by the Courant-Levy condition that imposes a limit on the smallest time-step allowed. According to the Courant condition, cpAt\/ 1 2 + l 2 $1 (Ax) (A2) (43) must be satisfied everywhere in the medium. Thus, if Ax = A2 and cam is the maximum longitudinal wave velocity in the medium, then the Courant numerical stability condition reduces to msi Ax ficp,max (44) Equation (44) is thus used to decide on the time-step for the FDTD scheme. However, the Courant limit on the smallest time-step need not be sufficient to guarantee stability in a heterogeneous medium. Schroder [62] shows that the smallest time-step required for a stable solution in elastodynamic wave propagation problems can be more restrictive than the Courant condition as defined in equation (44) depending on the Lamé constants and densities of the materials at the interface regions in the medium. To ensure that equation (44) is sufficient for stability in any medium, the material properties are averaged at the interface regions, especially at boundaries where the properties differ significantly. While the material densities are averaged linearly in x and 38 2 directions for the momentum equations, the inverse of the shear elasticity p1 of each of the four adjoining cells is averaged for use in the constitutive equations. 39 3.7 Numerical Results The leapfrog system of FDTD equations developed in section (3.6.1) is implemented in Matlab. The codes are validated on a simplified geometry before using them for simulating the sound propagation in the thorax from a source placed at the location of the mitral valve in the heart. Source to receiver transfer firnctions are computed and analyzed to provide some perspective on how the results may be used for diagnostic purpose. 3.7.1 Validation of FDTD codes In order to validate the FDTD simulation codes, the numerical results obtained are compared to analytical expressions derived for a simplified case. We consider a homogeneous, infinitely extending, isotropic, and elastic medium with a density of 1000 kg/m3, and longitudinal and shear velocities of 1500 m/s and 500 m/s with a point force source acting at the origin. Two types of forcing functions are considered and the comparison results with both of these shall be presented here. In addition to comparison with analytical solutions, the FDTD results, particularly in terms of the effectiveness of its PML layers, are compared with those presented by Collino et al. in [58]. Comparison with analytical solution The two fz forcing functions used to compare the FDTD results with analytical solutions are: 0 First derivative of a Gaussian pulse 0 Sinusoidal pulse 40 In both cases, the j; component of the forcing function is set to zero. The velocity and stress components are calculated at an array of 21 receiver locations at z = 0.8 m, x = [-1, ~09, -O.8,. . .,-0.1, O, 0.1, ..., 0.9, l] m in the x—z coordinate system as shown in Figure 3- 4. Geometry: Homogeneous medium 3 cp=1500 rn/s, cs=500 m/s, p=1000 kg/m 1.5 r . . . . 1 - J ooooooooooooooooooooo 0.5 - - E N 0 r- x - -0.5 - - x (m) Figure 3-4 Geometry of the problem for validating the F DTD code. Black circles represent the array of receiver locations. Black cross represents the source location. The 2D FDTD program discretized the domain into 120 X 120 cells with a PML width of 18 cells on each side of the domain. A cell size of 16.66 mm X 16.66 mm and a 41 time-step of At = 1 us is used in the simulation. The displacement solutions for the elastic wave equations for an impulsive point force as derived by Eaton et al. are used to obtain analytical results for the applied forcing functions, which are then compared with the FDTD simulation results [63]. Figure 3-5(a) shows a first derivative of a Gaussian pulse with a center frequency of 1 kHz that is used as the f; component of the forcing function for the first case while Figure 3-5(b) shows the 1 kHz sinusoidal pulse f; forcing function used in the second case. The velocity components vx and vz obtained using the FDTD simulations for the two forcing functions are compared as images in Figure 3-6 and Figure 3-7 [64]. Figure 3-6 compares the results obtained for the Gaussian first derivative forcing pulse while Figure 3-7 compares those for the sinusoidal forcing pulse. Figure 3-8 compares the normalized vz component obtained using the analytical expression and the FDTD simulation for the 1 kHz Gaussian first derivative forcing pulse at 11 of the receiver locations, corresponding to x = [-1, -0.8, -0.6, -0.4, -0.2, 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1] m, by overlapping the 1D signal waveforms obtained in both cases in the same plot. We observe excellent agreement between the numerical and analytical results. The largest normalized mean squared error (NMSE) across all sensors was 2.5% and the mean NMSE was 1.55%. Further, we also notice that the PML is effective in absorbing the outgoing waves as no reflections are observable in Figure 3-8 [58]. 42 Force (N/ma) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time (ms) (8) I; 2 A 1 g E, 0 2 O u. I —l rt: 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Time (ms) 0)) Figure 3-5]; components of the forcing functions (a) Gaussian first derivative forcing pulse (b) Sinusoidal forcing pulse 43 Receiver er# Receiv vx-FDID vz-FDTD . 0.6 #15 4‘ = 0.4 . .5 0.2 ‘ o .02 ' -o.4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Time (me) Time (ms) vx - Analytical vz - Analytical . 0.6 0.4 f” 0.2 O -0.2 ' -o.4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Time (me) Time (ms) Figure 3-6 Comparison of Vx and v2 components obtained via FDTD to their corresponding analytical counterparts for the 1 kHz Gaussian first derivative forcing pulse (all color-bar units are in m/s) vx-FDTD vz-FDTD 20 2 E15 3 o 310 0 fl: 5 _2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Time (ms) Time (ms) vx -Analytical 122-Analytical 20 2 #15 5 .2 81 ¢ :1: 20 4:15 S 0 '310 d) n: .2 5 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Time (ms) Time (ms) Figure 3 7 Comparison of Vx and v2 components obtained via F DTD to their corresponding analytical counterparts for the 1 kHz sinusoidal forcing pulse (all color-bar units are in m/s) 45 Normalized vz — Numerical - ------- Analytical 11 — 10 31: 9 - 8 - 0) 6—\/\—’/\t 4 M 3 M 2 2/\_\/\, 1 —A— \/\r 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time (ms) Figure 3-8 Comparison of numerical FDTD with analytical results for a 1 kHz Gaussian first-derivative point forcingfiz source located at origin in a 2D homogeneous medium (,0 = 1000 kg/m3, cp = 1500 m/sec, cs = 500 m/sec) —- Normalized vz component of velocity at 11 receiver locations located at z = 0.8 m and x = (-l m to l m, in steps of 0.2 m) Comparison with results published in literature Francis Collino et al. presented some results on the application of PML to linear elastodynamic problems in [58]. The propagation of elastic waves in a homogeneous elastic medium due to an explosive source at the left top comer is shown as a series of time snapshots of the absolute velocity over the entire domain in Figure 3-9 and Figure 3- 46 10; the former one being the result published in [58] and the latter one, obtained here using the previously described FDTD code. t = 2.76ms t = 5.53ms t = 8.351118 t: 11.1m3 t = 13.8ms t : 16.71718 Figure 3-9 Elastic wave propagation results as presented by Collino et al. [58] — Snapshots of absolute velocity over the entire homogeneous domain caused due to an explosive source located at the top lefi comer of the domain 47 t = 16.7ma Figure 3-10 FDTD simulation results for the elastic wave propagation problem defined in Collino et al. [58] —- Snapshots of absolute velocity over the entire domain caused due to an explosive source located at the top left comer of the domain 3.7.2 Simulation results on human thorax Having validated the FDTD codes for stability and accuracy, they are then used to model the sound wave propagation in the thoracic cavity by discretizing a transverse cross-sectional slice image of the thorax acquired from the Visible Human Project as described in section (3.3). The spatial grid size was determined based on the number of spatial sample points (K S) chosen to track the shortest wavelength in the medium. Thus, 48 if cs, min is the slowest shear wave to be traced ande is the bandwidth of the forcing function, then the grid size is obtained by Ax=Az=-1—Cs’min KS fmax (45) The rectangular domain of Lx X L2 = 35 cm X 25 cm enclosing the thorax was thus discretized into NJr X N2 cells using the grid size as determined in equation (45). PML layers, 5 cm thick, surrounded this rectangular domain on each side. The time-step was chosen to be 0.9 times the Courant limit as defined in equation (44). The forcing function fz was a first derivative of a Gaussian pulse with a center fi'equencyfi) placed at the mitral valve location as described in section (3.5). The 2D F DTD codes were used to calculate the velocity and stress components at an array of locations (sensor locations) along the torso boundary and were stored at a desired sampling frequency F S- Figure 3-11 shows the locations of the source and receivers in relation to the thoracic geometry. The location of the source is indicated by a white cross and the receivers on the front chest surface are represented by white circles. All the remaining receiver locations are represented by white triangles. The receivers are indexed in a clockwise manner, the index numbers of few of which are indicated in the figure. 49 Figure 3-11 Source (white cross) and receiver (white circles and triangles) locations in the thoracic geometry. (The axes are in units of m). The simulations used a center frequency f0 of 300 Hz that yielded a 40 dB bandwidth of around 1 kHz. The forcing fimctionfz and its frequency spectrum are shown in Figures 3-12(a) and 3-12(b) respectively. The source-to-receiver transfer fiinctions (TF) were computed for each of the receiver signals. The normal component of the velocity v” was used for the receiver signals. Figure 3-13 and Figure 3-14 show the magnitude of the transfer functions of receiver #5 4, 8, 12. 16 and 20 in the frequency range of 0-100 Hz 50 and 100-400 Hz, respectively. Figure 3-15 and Figure 3-16 show the same for all the receivers around the torso as an image. The following parameter values were used in the FDTD codes to obtain these results [65]. Grid size: Ax = A2 = 1mm Dimensions : N x = 350, N z = 250, PMLwidth =150 layers Time step: At = 0.15,usec Source fimction : f0 = 300Hz, A =106 Sampling frequency : F S = 8000Hz (46) 51 x 10" 5 - 4 «6" E \ a 0 RN -5 4 _ 0 10 20 30 40 Time (ms) o 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Frequency (Hz) (b) Figure 3-12 A 300Hz Gaussian first derivative source signal]; used in the FDTD simulations (a) Time waveform of the forcing signal (b) Corresponding Fourier spectrum. 52 Le—R4 .5 (a) N |Ve|ocity-Force TF(00)| A I 20 4'0 60 80 00 Frequency (Hz) Figure 3-13 Magnitude of source-to-receiver transfer functions (TF) for a source at the mitral valve location — TF plots at receiver #5 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 in the 0-100 Hz frequency range 53 —l 1 .0 m .9 m p a. |Ve|ocity-Force TF(<0)| 0.2 ~ 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Frequency (Hz) Figure 3-14 Magnitude of source-to-receiver transfer functions (TF) for a source at the mitral valve location — TF plots at receiver #5 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 in the 100-400 Hz frequency range 54 |Ve|ocity-Force TF(co)| 20 11? E 40 >. O C d) g. 60 9 U. 80 100 20 40 60 Receiver# Figure 3-15 Magnitude of source-to-receiver transfer functions (TF) for a source at the mitral valve location — TF image at all receivers in the 0-100 Hz frequency range 55 |Ve|ocity-Force TF(o))| 200 250 Frequency (Hz) 300 350 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Receiver# Figure 3-16 Magnitude of source-to-receiver transfer functions (TF) for a source at the mitral valve location — TF image at all receivers in the 100-400 Hz frequency range From Figure 3-13 and Figure 3-14, it is clear that the heart~to-chest acoustic transfer functions at different receiver locations along the front surface of the thorax differ significantly, although, all of them have most of their energy content lying in the O-80Hz frequency range. In Figure 3-14 we notice that all the receivers except #R8 have peaks 56 between 125 Hz and 170 Hz, and a distinct valley at around 180 Hz. Similar observation can be made fiom the image in Figure 3-16 across all the 20 receivers on the fiont surface. Also, receivers #8 to #15 have high levels of acoustic transmission in the 180- 270 Hz range as compared to all other receiver locations. In Figure 3—15 we observe that the 0-40 Hz signals transmit well to the posterior left corner of the thorax corresponding to receiver location #32 to #40. These observations although cannot be conclusively used for characterizing the transmission paths of an S1 sound that originates from the mitral valve source, they do provide some limited insight into the auscultation sites around the torso that might be better suited for study of certain types of abnormal heart sounds. The source model described in section (3.5) could be modified to simulate lung sound propagation by modeling explosive sources as suggested in equation (34) at the locations where the secondary bronchi meet the plane of cross-sectional slice in the lungs. Since the frequency range of lung sounds extend well beyond 1 kHz, the center fi'equency would then have to be set to a higher value of around 1 kHz to incorporate a wider bandwidth into the forcing function [1]. Consequently, the time step and spatial grid size would get reduced according to equations (44) -— (45). 3.7.3 Wave Propagation Characteristics In order to gain a better insight into the propagation of the viscoelastic waves originating from the source, we track the velocity components in the entire domain as a function of time. This allows us to observe the complex paths that the sound waves traverse as they reach the surface of the torso. The effect of the elasticity and viscosity of the various tissues in the thoracic cavity on the sound propagation can thus be studied using this model in an effective manner. Figure 3-17 shows the vx and vZ component 57 distributions in the thorax at five time snapshots as the Gaussian first-derivative pulse source waveform propagates fiom the mitral valve location towards the periphery of the thorax [65]. At the 3 ms snapshot of the vz image, we see that the initial wave-front of the sound waves have already reached the front surface of the torso right above the heart valve. This speedy conduction can be attributed to the absence of the lung lobes in these paths. The waves passing through the lungs are slowed down and severely attenuated as shown in the vx and vz images of all the remaining time snapshots. The images at 15 ms, 25 ms and 40 ms also show effects of multiple reflections at the heart-lung interface. A detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of these snapshots involving tracing the waveforms in each tissue individually may be performed, if necessary. 58 -0.1 1 4 E o " o 2 M 0.1 ,1 0 0 0.1 -0.1 ' 0 5 -0.1 , . 1 w r ‘ ' ‘ E o \’ U0 0 (Q /’ '05 (a . 0 0.1 -0.5 0.1 ' 0.5 0 0.1 -0 1 0 0 1 w 0.1 __ 0.4 -01 (g ‘ 3.3 E , , 3;. . 2 0 0 0 0 0.1 ~0-4 0.1 .0.4 0 0.1 -0 1 0 0 1 In 0 V: 0 0 0 N 0.1 _0_2 0.1 -0.2 0 0.1 -0 1 0 0 1 _ 1 0.1 - 2 0.1 t . 0.05 0.1 0.05 5 o -. 0 0 0 V 0.1 _ -0.05 0.1 -0.05 0 0.1 -0.1 0 0.1 Figure 3-17 Snapshots (at 3, 7, 15, 25 and 40 ms) of velocity vx and vz distributions in the entire thorax as a sound wave caused due to a 300 Hz Gaussian first-derivative forcing source propagates from the mitral valve location. (The axes on each of the subplots are in units of m and the color-bars have units of m/s) 59 3.8 Effects of Anatomical Variations The viscoelastic FDTD model of the thorax can be used to study the effects of rib structures, shear elasticity of tissues, and size of the thoracic cavity on the signals reaching the surface of the thorax by making subtle modifications to the parameters. The study, whilst aids understanding the effects of such anatomical variations, also justifies the need to incorporate shear elasticity and rib structures into the thoracic geometry. 3.8.1 Effects of ribs and shear elasticity of tissues It is clear from Table 3-1 to Table 3-4 that the ribs and bones have distinctly different material properties as compared to the other tissues. One thus expects their presence to cause a significant impact on the sound waves reaching the chest surface. A simulation study to observe the effects of ribs on the signals is conducted by assigning the material properties of the muscles to the rib and bone structures. The waveforms thus obtained are compared to the signals obtained on a normal thorax. Similarly, a simulation was carried out to study the effect of shear elasticity of the tissues on the sound signals. This was performed primarily to justify the inclusion of shear elasticity into the model. The coefficient of shear elasticity ,u] was set to zero in the entire domain to simulate the shear-less case. The normal component of the velocity V" obtained at receiver #15 for a normal thorax, rib-less thorax and shear-less thorax are compared in Figure 3-18 [65]. The simulations used the same parameters as listed in section (3.7 .2) in equation (46). Results indicate that the presence of ribs clearly attenuates the signals significantly, although the overall shape of the waveform is not affected as much. However, the 60 absence of shear elasticity in the thorax results in a completely different waveform shape, thereby illustrating the importance of inclusion of shear elasticity in the model. Since the shear-wave contribution in certain tissues like the lung-parenchyma are insignificant compared to that of the compressional waves, more efficient numerical schemes could ideally be employed in such regions [5]. However, this would require a more diligent analysis to tackle the internal boundary conditions. The FDTD numerical scheme used in the current work simplifies the task and provides a generic framework, which may be applied to modeling various anatomical and pathological conditions too. I 1 [ — Norma] 0'05 -e— No Ribs --4-- No Shear -0.05 Time (ms) Figure 3-18 Normal component of the velocity v” at receiver #15 due to a 300 Hz Gaussian first-derivative forcing source at the mitral valve location under three cases - normal thorax, rib-less thorax and shear-less thorax 61 3.8.2 Effect of size of thorax All the simulations in the preceding sections have assumed a fixed rectangular domain of Lx X L2 = 35 cm X 25 cm enclosing the thorax. As one would expect, the size of the thorax might also have an effect of the receiver signals. In order to study this, the original thorax image was linearly resized to fit into 30 cm x 20 cm and 40 cm x 30 cm rectangular domains and F DTD simulations were carried out with the same spatial and time discretization. The normal component of the velocity v,, obtained at receiver #12 for the three different thorax sizes are compared in Figure 3-19 [65]. Results indicate that while the amplitude of the signal corresponding to a larger sized thorax is smaller and time-delayed compared to that of the smaller sized thorax, the shape of the waveform is retained atleast upto the first wavefiont, corresponding to the dominant longitudinal wave peak and the shear wave peak. The secondary reflections caused by, presumably the rib structures, are not as prominent in the 40 cm X 30 cm thorax as in the 30 cm X 20 cm thorax. 62 0.04 I . —35 cm x 25 Em -e—30 cm X 20 cm- --A~40 cm X 30 cm 0.03 I 0.02 I 0.01 I (m/S) I >= -0.01 -0.02 I -0.03 I -0.04 I l -0.05 ' 1 1 Time (ms) Figure 3-19 Normal component of the velocity v" at receiver #12 due to a 300 Hz Gaussian first-derivative forcing source at the mitral valve location for three different thorax sizes (Lx X L2) — 35 cm X 25 cm, 30 cm X 20 cm and 40 cm X 30 cm 63 CHAPTER 4 STUDY OF SOUNDS UNDER PNEUMOTHORAX CONDITIONS 4.1 Introduction Pneumothorax is a pathological condition of the lungs in which air collects in the pleural space, i.e. the space that surrounds the lungs, leading to a lung-collapse eventually. Since it is a potentially life threatening disease, and is easily treatable when diagnosed early, there is significant interest in developing a noninvasive, low-cost, quick and advanced diagnostic scheme. Currently, the gold-standard technique for diagnosis of pneumothorax is the chest X-ray or a chest CT although misdiagnosis rates of around 30% have been reported even with these methods [66], [67]. Auscultation sounds offer a viable alternative for the diagnosis of various thoracic pathologies including pneumothorax [68]. Prior experimental studies have shown the effectiveness of breath sounds in differentiating between normal and pneumothorax conditions. By digitizing these sounds using acoustic sensors mounted around the torso, and combined ‘with an intelligent multi-sensor processing scheme, one could devise a low-cost, noninvasive and portable solution for accurate diagnosis that may be even used for out-patient home monitoring purposes. As mentioned in section (1.1) an accurate sound propagation forward model simulating pneumothorax conditions can aid in the development of such multi-sensor processing schemes. The model would facilitate the study of effects of pneumothorax on the acoustic sensor signals and can be used to develop and validate various multi-sensor processing 64 algorithms for diagnostic purposes. It also allows one to develop newer inverse problem solutions to localize and quantify the size of the pneumothoracic air cavity in the thorax. Section (4.2) provides simulations details pertaining to modeling the pneumothorax conditions using the FDTD codes. Preliminary simulation results demonstrating the effect of varying sizes of air cavity on the source-to-sensor transfer functions are presented in section (4.3). Concluding remarks discussing the future steps to be taken to address some of the unresolved issues are also discussed in section (4.3). 65 4.2 Simulation of Pneumothorax As described earlier in section (4.1), a pneumothorax is basically an air pocket trapped in the pleural space between the lung and the chest wall. The condition is thus modeled by introducing a region at the exterior edge of the lung that has material properties of air, as shown in Figure 4-1. In order to study the effect of the size of the air- pocket on the chest signals, sizes varying from 1.7 cm to 5 cm was introduced, size being defined as the maximum extent of the air cavity. Pneumothoracic air pocket Right side of the thorax : z axis (m) -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Back side of the thorax : x axis (m) Figure 4-1 Anatomical simulation of a pneumothoracic air cavity on a 2D cross-sectional slice of the human thorax 66 To model the sound wave propagation in the thoracic cavity, we first discretize the transverse cross-sectional slice image of the thorax. The rectangular domain of Lx X L2 = 35 cm X 25 cm enclosing the thorax is discretized into Nx X NZ cells using the grid size as determined in equation (45). PML layers, 15 cm thick, surrounded this rectangular domain on each side. The time step was chosen to be 0.8 times the Courant limit as defined in equation (44). The 2D FDTD codes were used to calculate the velocity and stress components at an array of sensor locations placed all around the torso. Subsequently, the mean pressure, p was computed using the normal stress components as follows: p=—(Tn +Tzz)/2 (47) The FDTD simulations assumed the Maxwell’s model of viscoelasticity for the entire domain and used the following parameter values [69]: Grid size :Ax = A2 = 1mm Dimensions : N x = 350, N z = 250, PML width = 150 layers Time step :At = 0.15psec Source function :fo = 300Hz, A =106 Sampling frequency :F S = 8000 Hz 7 values 37x2: = yzz = 7x2 = 300 Vx,z (48) 67 4.3 Results and Conclusion Using the simulated pressure waveforms at the sensor locations around the torso and the source forcing function, the source-to-sensor transfer functions (TF). were computed for each pneumothorax simulation. For ease of analysis, we consider only one of the key sensor locations on the front surface of the chest, indicated by a blue cross in the left column of thorax anatomy images of Figure 4-2. The source location is indicated by the white circle in the images. These images represent the various pneumothorax conditions simulated with increasing degree of severity going from top to bottom, the labels on the left indicating the size of the air cavity. The right column plots in Figure 4-2 represent the amplitudes of the source-to-sensor pressure TFs for the corresponding pneumothorax condition. The image and TF plot in the first row corresponds to a normal thorax. The maximum amplitude of the TF obtained for the normal thorax is used as the scaling factor for all the plots in this figure and subsequent figures. 68 Thorax Anatomy Normalized Pressure _ -0.1 “‘12.. ". 1.W E . , 3 , o 0.5 2 O 200 400 1 5 r~_ 0.5 - 0 200 400 1 E N 0.5 - N 0 200 400 1 g M ,_ (15 - co" 0 200 400 1 g MM l0 2 V's,- ..., , r -01 0 01 200 400 Both x & z axes in m Frequency (Hz) Figure 4-2 Lefi column of images show the cross-sectional slice of the thorax for varying sizes of the pneumothoracic air pocket in the lung. The labels on the lefi side indicate the size of the air pocket. The right column of plots represent the corresponding amplitude of the source(o)-to-sensor(x) transfer functions. 69 In order to firrther study and compare these TFs, Figure 4-3 plots these on one common axis. We notice that at frequencies around 50-100 Hz there isn’t any significant difference in the amplitudes of the TFs. However, the frequency range of 350-475 Hz shows a distinct trend of decreasing amplitudes with increasing degree of severity of pneumothorax. Figure 4-4 considers the amplitudes of the difference transfer functions (DTF), computed as: DT F = T F (Pneumothorax) — T F (Normal) (49) The plot shows that the deviation of the TF from the normal case is the largest for the pneumothorax with the largest air cavity (5 cm, in this case), and shows a clear trend across all the cavity sizes. More importantly, this deviation is enhanced in the 350-475 Hz fi'equency range, thereby providing some additional insight into possible diagnostic utility of chest signals measured in this frequency range. Similar results may be obtained from other sensor sites too. As one would expect, sites located significantly distant from the air cavity do not show such prominent deviation. Thus, by combirning information from various sensor sites, one could devise a multi-sensor noninvasive auscultatory system for diagnosis of pneumothorax conditions. 70 Normalized Pressure +Normal 1 » +Pneumo 1.70m +Pneumo 2.7cm +Pneumo 3.70m 0.8 +Pneumo 5.00m 0.6 0.4 1" \ A 0.2 x" ‘ 100 200 300 400 500 Frequency (Hz) Figure 4-3 Comparison of the amplitudes of the source-to-sensor transfer functions corresponding to varying sizes of the pneumothoracic air pocket 71 1 I l I I I -e- Pneumo 1.70m -B- Pneumo 2.70m —e— Pneumo 3.70m + Pneumo 5.00m .0 co Normalized Pressure .0 .0 -h 0) 9 N g ’1 0 H 100 200 300 400 500 Frequency (Hz) .. 0 l‘ 0 Figure 44 Comparison of amplitudes of difference of the transfer functions of varying degees of pneumothoracic severity and that of a normal thorax The 2D numerical FDTD viscoelastic model developed in chapter (3) has thus been used to study the lung sound propagation in the human thoracic cavity under pneumothorax conditions. The model provides a convenient test-bed to investigate the possibility of using an array of noninvasive acoustic sensors for diagnosing pneumothorax and estimating the extent of severity of the disease. Future efforts would be directed towards developing a 3D model of the torso that may provide a more accurate 72 representation of the thoracic sounds. Studies pertaining to effects of the location of the cavity in the thorax would be considered. Furthermore, the models could be used to design and evaluate various inversion schemes that can be used to estimate the location and size of the air cavity. 73 CHAPTER 5 SOURCE LOCALIZATION 5.1 Introduction Physicians and doctors listen to auscultation sounds and are able to diagnose various heart and lung pathologies using single stethoscope measurements made at distinct sites on the torso. This diagnostic ability can be significantly enhanced vvitln a multi-sensor system that makes simultaneous recordings at a bunch of auscultation sites around the torso. In addition to allowing the physician to listen to or even view the sound signatures of the simultaneously recorded sounds, a multi-sensor system can be used to combine the sensor recordings in an optimal manner to localize the sound, i.e. identify the exact locations of the intra-thoracic acoustic sources. Given the locations of the sources, it may then be used to amplify the sounds originating from only a particular source in the thorax while suppressing the interfering sounds from other sources, thereby aiding physicians in diagnosis. Source localization for thorax can thus assist in developing improved non- invasive diagnostic solutions. The viscoelastic numerical model of the thorax discussed in the previous chapters can be used as a convenient test bed for validating many of the traditional source localization algorithms as well as development of newer and better schemes. The sections to follow discuss the some of the algorithms used traditionally and assess their performance to this application. Further, an alternate algorithm based on the viscoelastic model is proposed 74 and assessed. Finally, a modified version of the traditional algorithm is proposed to alleviate some of the problems associated with it. 5.1.1 Beamfonning concept The algorithms that combine the information from distinct, spatially separated, simultaneous recording sensors to localize the sources are popularly termed as bearnforrners [70]. The beamformer usually weights and combines the sensor signals in an optimal fashion so as to extract the desired signal of a particular frequency originating fi'om a particular point in space while suppressing all contributions of signals from other points in space. One of the challenges associated with beamfonning to a desired source thus is, noise and interference from undesirable sources as illustrated in Figure 5-1. If xi(n) denote the N sensor signals and Wi denote the corresponding weights, 1' = 1,2,. . .N, then the beamformer output signal y(n) is given by: N y(")= éwz‘xiln) (50) The above is typically expressed in vector form as y = WHX, where w = [w 1, W2: wN] is the weighting vector that is optimally determined by the beamforrning algorithms to meet the desired response of the beamformer. 75 ARRAY OF SENSORS L L DESIRED SOURCE Combine LOCATION sensor “ESTIMATE signals OF DESIRED I optimally SOURCE NOISE & INTERFERING I SOURCES Figure 5-1 Concept of beamforrning The basic element of all beamforming algorithms is a wave propagation model that relates the source signal to the received sensor signals. Hence, the performance of the beamformer not only depends on the strength of noise and interfering sources, but also on relevance of the assumed wave propagation model. Many of the traditionally employed beamforrning algorithms were originally developed for radar signal processing and far field applications where the wave propagation model essentially contains a phase delay. However, the. current application of sound source localization in the thorax is predominantly a near-field problem, which is far more complex. In recent times, there have been attempts to modify the far-field models to make them suitable to near field propagation problems [3], [4]. However, the extension from far-field to near-field as assumed by these algorithms hold good, if at all, only in a homogeneous medium of transmission. Thus, in practice, the algorithms governed by the near-field propagation 76 model may have to be tweaked by controlling a few parameters that optimize their performance in complex media of the thorax. 5.1.2 Near-Field Propagation Model The near-field propagation model assumed by the algorithms is based upon a spherical wave-front transmission through a homogeneous medium of velocity C. Assume there are N sensors receiving signals from K acoustic sources. Let r0k denote the distance (In . th of the k source from the reference sensor and rik denote the distance of the k source .tl . . from the l 1 sensor as shown below in F ngure 5-2. sensor 1' reference sensor 0 9 e \O O ‘. O s. . x. \ r,\e \rUk 1k \ . ‘. \ \ O . \ \.. sourcek Figure 5-2 Near-field propagation model If Sk(t) represents the km source waveform of frequency f, then according to the model, the 1le sensor signal xi( t) can be expressed as in equations (51) and (52). The 77 noise contribution ni(t) at each sensor is usually modeled as a zero-mean i.i.d (independent identically distributed) Gaussian noise with variance 02. K xiii): ZSk(t)aik(rOkarikafat)+ni(t)a 1951" (51) where ,6 r r- . r- — r aik (rOk ’rik ’f’t) = (i) exp[_ fl—{LJCXP(- 1271M) rik r 0k 0 (52) The vector ak = [a 1k, 02b a Nk]T is popularly termed as the steering vector, while the aik’s describe the near-field propagation model [3], [71]. In equation (52), we notice that the model contains three explicit terms that are described below: (i) The first term is related to the geometric spreading loss due to the spherical wave expanding from an omnidirectional point source. The factor fl, called the geometric spreading loss factor takes a value of l for a homogeneous medium. (ii) The second term is associated with the energy loss per unit volume in a lossy homogeneous medium, and the factor n is correspondingly called the exponential loss factor of the medium. (iii) The last term corresponds to the phase correction associated with the time delay for the signal to propagate fi'om the source to the sensor. The average velocity of propagation 6 plays an important role in this term. 78 Clearly, in the above model, the three factors (,3, 17, 0) do not possess a well defined meaning while being used in a complex heterogeneous thoracic medium. Hence these factors are chosen from a range of values that optimize the performance of the algorithms. The following section shall describe three different source localization algorithms that were implemented to validate their utility for localizing an acoustic source in the human thorax. Results obtained using these algorithms have been discussed in the subsequent section. 79 5.2 Near-Field Propagation Model based Source Localization Algorithms The three algorithms employing the near-field propagation model described in the previous subsection considered are: i) MUltiple SIgnal Classification method (MUSIC) ii) Conventional Focused Beamformer (CF B) iii) Linearly Constrained Minimum Variance beamformer (LCMV) 5.2.1 Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) The MUSIC algorithm [3], [72] is a subspace-based estimation technique that uses the eigen structure of the sensor data-covariance matrix to determine the source locations. Using equation (51), the data covariance matrix R = E{XXH} can be expressed as follows: R = AEth )1” + 021 = ARSAH + 021 (53) where A = [a 1, (12, . . ., aK] is the steering matrix and I is the identity matrix obtained assuming a spatially white Gaussian noise distribution. It is clear from equation (53) that if there exists K incoherent sources, then the singular value decomposition of R will result in K signal eigen-vectors (with an eigen-value ok2+02, k = l, 2,. . ., K where each okz corresponds to the signal power of the kth source signal) and (N — K) noise eigen- 80 vectors (each with an eigen value of oz). Thus, if vk is a noise eigen-vector (i.e. k > K), tlnen the following hold good: Rvk = ozvk H 2 . => (ARSA + o I)vk = o’zvk fiom equation (53) H => ARSA V], = 0 => AHvk = 0 (since Rs and A are botln of rank K) This implies that the (N — K) noise eigen-vectors are ortlnogonal to the K source direction vectors, and lie in the null-space of A. This forms the basis for most of the eigen-vector based algorithms. The MUSIC algorithm uses this concept and estimates the source locations by identifying the peaks of a function defined as follows: 1 N vaa(r,t9,¢4 k=K +1 P(r, 6, ¢) = 2 (54) where a( r, 0, D) is the near-field propagation model based steering vector corresponding to the location (r, 6, [:1 ) in the search space. If a(r, 6, 1:] ) corresponds to the steering vector from a source location, then the denorrninator of the function approaches zero, thus peaking the function at that location. 5.2.2 Conventional Focused Beamformer (CFB) The conventional focused beamformer, also called as Bartlett beamformer, determines the weights defined in equation (50) by maximizing the output power [72]. In 81 other words, the optimal weight vector W is obtained by maximizing the quantity E {yyH}=WHRW. In order to obtain a non-uivial solution the weight vector is restricted to have a norm of 1. Substituting the sensor signal model as defined in equation (51) into the output power expression, we can obtain the optimal weight vector W solution as: a(r, 6, ¢) Ja”(r,6.¢)a(r.6.¢) w: (55) The expression for the output power thus becomes: p(r,0,¢) - a” (r, 6’ ¢>Rao<”0000000“x 0 10 20 30 40 Velocity Index Figure 5-4 Velocity c search values The sensor locations play a key role in most source localization algorithms. Optimization of sensor locations, however, is an extremely challenging problem and beyond the scope of this work. Typically, most applications employ an evenly spaced distribution of sensors to their problems. A similar approach has been chosen here. Simulated signals fi'om a set of 19 receiver sites, evenly spaced along the periphery of the torso have been employed for source localization except for one case in section (5.5.1) 86 that uses only 5 sensors on the front surface of the torso. Figure 5-5 shows the receiver index numbers and corresponding locations on the thorax surface. Sensor Index and Locations 2 axis (m) -0.15 —0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 xaxis (m) Figure 5—5 Sensor index and locations of the 19 sensor sites used in the source localization algorithms In addition to the location of the sensor, the type of sensor measurement also plays an important role in many applications. Pressure, velocity, acceleration, and displacement are the most commonly measured quantities for sound studies. In the current work, both the mean pressure p and normal component of the velocity v" are used for source localization. Results obtained using both of these are reported. 87 Finally, the number of time snapshots and the time-window of the sensor signals used also dictate the performance of the algorithms. A time-window of 16.5 ms sampled at 8 kHz was used in the current work. Other shorter windows were also evaluated; but none of them yielded significantly better results. w"? -.— 88 5.4 Algorithm Testing Procedure The following test protocol was adhered to assess the performance of each of the source localization algorithms discussed in this chapter. 0) (ii) (iii) (W) The sensor signals, botln p and v" were obtained from the viscoelastic FDTD simulations that used a 300 Hz Gaussian first derivative pulse as the f}, sourcing function. White Gaussian noise of varying Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) levels, ranging from 15 dB to -10 dB, was added to artificially introduce noise into the sensor signals. Figure 5-6 compares the noisy waveforms of p and v" to the noiseless signals obtained due to a nnitral valve source for 3 different SNR levels at receiver #3 9, 25, 41 and 57. The noisy signals are then filtered using a 7th order low-pass Chebyshev filter with the stop-band ripple 20 dB down and with a cut-off fi'equency of 1200 Hz to eliminate the high frequency contributions of the noise. The noisy signals are then passed through the source localization modules. Each of the source localization algorithms computes its objective function over the x-z search space for every 77 and velocity 6 as described in section (5.3). 89 Normalized Pressure Normalized Velocity 57. - W 41 - - , - 25 Nolseless 9 57 41 10 dB 0dB -10 dB 0 10 0 15 Time (ms) Time (ms) Figure 5-6 An illustration of noisy waveforms at 10 dB, 0dB and -10dB compared to the corresponding noiseless normalized pressure p and velocity v" signals at four different receiver sites - #s 9, 25, 41 and 57 90 (v) The objective function image is normalized and then smootlned using a 4 cm X 4 cm averaging filter to eliminate any noisy peaks in the function. (vi) The x-z location of the maximum intensity in the smoothened objective function for every I] and velocity 0 is stored. The median x-z location across the range of velocities is used as the final estimate of the source location for each I] and SNR level. (vii) The localization error 8, i.e. the distance between the true source location and the estimate is tabulated and plotted against the SNR values. (viii) The above procedure from step (iii) to (vii) is performed for both pressure p and velocity v" signals and for every source localization algorithm. In the following sections, the results obtained using the MUSIC algorithm on pressure p waveforms is titled as MUSIC-P while that obtained on velocity v" waveforms is titled as MUSIC-V. Similar convention is adhered to for the remaining two localization algorithms (CFB and LCMV). 91 5.5 Results using the Near-Field Propagation Model based Techniques This section presents the results of the MUSIC, CFB and LCMV algorithms employing the near-field propagation model on the simulated signals for two different source locations in the thorax. In addition, results on a homogeneous thorax are also presented for comparison. 5.5.1 Homogeneous Thorax A homogeneous thorax with a longitudinal velocity cp of 1605 m/s and density p of 1055 kg/m3 is considered. The medium is considered shear-less and viscous-less. In other words, shear wave contributions are absent and the medium is loss-less. Figure 5-7 shows the locations of the true source and sensors used in the source localization codes. 92 Homogeneous Thorax = 1605 m/s, c5 = 0 m/s,p—=1055 kg/m3 ooooo -O.1 A -0.05 .5, .‘L’ 0 X (6 N 0.05 0.1 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 x axis (m) Figure 5-7 Location of the true source in the homogeneous thoracic medium is indicated by the white cross. The white circles correspond to the sensor locations used in the source localization codes. Figure 5-8 shows the objective function images obtained for each of the source localization algorithms using a loss factor 11 of 0, for both pressure and velocity input signals at an SNR of 5 dB. The images in the figure also indicate the true source location by a white cross and the estimated location by a white circle. Further, the title of each image provides the localization error 8 of the corresponding algorithm. 93 MUSIC-P I a = 0.92195 cm MUSIC-V I e = 5.5902 cm -0.05 -0.05 0 0 0.05 0.05 0.1 0.1 -0.1 0 0.1 -0.1 0 0.1 CFB-P 1 e = 1.7117 cm -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 . -0.1 0 0.1 -0.1 0 0.1 LCMV-P I e = 0.92195 cm LCMV-V Z a = 5.5036 cm 9 -0.05 x '-0.1 0 0.1 01 0 0.1 Figure 5-8 Objective firnction images of all three source localization algorithms using 17 = 0 obtained on botln pressure and velocity input signals at an SNR of 5 dB in a homogeneous thoracic medium. Both x and z axes of all images are in m. White cross indicates the true source location while the white circle corresponds to the estimated source location. The localization error 8 of each of the algorithms using 77 = 0 is plotted against SNR in Figure 5-9 for both the pressure and velocity input signals. 94 P I n = 0 V I r] = 0 e MUSIC 1» MUSIC 0.25- o CFB ~ 0.25. o CFB - 0.2, A LCMV 0.2 A LCMV g 0.15 1* g 015 to 0 to 0.1’ 9 0.1 . 0.054 o - 0.05-tastes. A A Q 9 9 O 0' . . . 1 0— . . . -10 0 10 -10 0 1O SNR SNR Figure 5-9 Plot of localization error 8 in m versus SNR in dB obtained in all three source localization algorithms using I] = 0, for both pressure and velocity input signals in a homogeneous thoracic medium. Table 5-1 presents the same results as illustrated in Figure 5-9 in a tabulated form. Table 5-1 Localization error 8 in cm versus SNR in dB obtained in all three source localization algorithms using I] = 0, for both pressure and velocity input signals in a homogeneous thoracic medium. SNR (dB) 15 10 0 -5 -10 I] 0 0 0 0 0 s MUSIC-P (cm) 1.97 1.97 0.92 1.71 15.16 8.19 s CFB-P (cm) 2.69 2.69 1.71 4.94 12.59 7.83 s LCMV-P (cm) 2.69 2.69 0.92 0.92 1.22 5.59 s MUSIC-V (cm) 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.50 8.81 5.59 a CFB-V (cm) 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.53 8.81 3.45 a LCMV-V (cm) 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.59 5.50 5.59 95 The above results indicate that the near-field model assumed by the algorithms fit the pressure signals better than the velocity signals. From Figure 5-8, it appears that although the direction of the beam-shape is fairly accurate, the range estimate obtained for the velocity signals is erred. For the pressure signals, the source location estimates are significantly accurate, MUSIC and LCMV algorithms performing the best. All the algorithms show a deterioration of performance with decrease in SNR level as expected. 5.5.2 Mitral Valve Source A point source located at the nnitral valve in the thorax is considered. Figure 5-10 shows the locations of the true source and sensors used in the source localization codes. Figure 5-11 shows the objective function images obtained for each of the source localization algorithms using a loss factor I] of 1, for both pressure and velocity input signals at an SNR of 10 dB. The images in the figure also indicate the true source location by a white cross and the estimated location by a white circle. Further, the title of each image provides the localization error 8 of the corresponding algorithm. 96 Mitral Valve Source z axis (m) -0.15 -0.1 -0.5 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 xaxis (m) Figure 5— 10 Location of the true source at the mitral valve in the thoracic medium is indicated by the white cross. The white circles correspond to the sensor locations used in the source localization codes. 97 MUSIC-P : a = 14.1156 cm MUSIC-V I e = 11.8004 cm —0.05 0 0.05 0.1 . -0.1 O 0.1 -0.1 0 0.1 CFB-P : a = 4.1049 cm CFB-V : e = 5.883 cm O 0.1 - ., -0.1 0 0.1 -0.1 0 0.1 LCMV-P I e = 7.7389 cm LCMV-V I e = 11.0368 cm 30.1 0 0.1 Figure 5-11 Objective function images of all three source localization algorithms using 77 = 1 obtained on both pressure and velocity input signals at an SNR of 10 dB for a mitral valve source. Both x and z axes of all images are in m. White cross indicates the true source location while the white circle corresponds to the estimated source location. The localization error 8 of each of the algorithms using 77 = 0 and I] = l is plotted against SNR in Figure 5-12 for both the pressure and velocity input signals. 98 P I n = 0 V: n = 0 1r MUSIC 4 MUSIC 0.25 * O CFB 0.25 ' Q CFB A 0.2 LCMV 1 0.2 A LCMV 1 $50-15": n A. .s t 4' £045} A .s 5 4. 4‘ 00 A to 4. A 0.1' o A - 0.1 O O O O 0.05 O O O O O . 005- O n 0' . . J 0' . 0 I . —10 0 10 -10 0 10 SNR SNR P I n =1 V I n =1 1r MUSIC 4. MUSIC 0.25 t O CFB 1 0.25 - O CFB A A 0.2 LCMV _ 0.2. LCMV . w e e w 1' e 3 e 0.1 O A 0.1 A ‘ 005 A 005 o I ° ° ° . ‘ O O . ' O ‘ O o 0 O 0* . . . .01 . . . -10 0 10 -10 0 10 SNR SNR Figure 5-12 Plot of localization error 8 in m versus SNR in dB obtained in all three source localization algorithms using I] = 0 (top row) and 77 = 1 (bottom row), for both pressure and velocity input signals for a mitral valve source. Tables 5-2 and 5-3 present the same results as illustrated in Figure 5-12 in a tabulated form. 99 ‘_.:IiI.L Table 5-2 Localization error 8 in cm versus SNR in dB obtained in all three source localization algorithms using I] = 0, for both pressure and velocity input signals for a mitral valve source. SNR (dB) 15 10 -5 -10 'l 0 0 0 0 8 MUSIC-P (cm) 14.33 14.33 14.12 14.12 14.33 14.33 a CFB-P (cm) 5.17 4.60 4.05 4.60 5.37 9.54 a LCMV-P (cm) 10.82 9.84 14.12 14.12 14.12 14.12 a MUSIC-V (cm) 14.12 14.12 14.12 14.12 11.80 14.12 e CFB-V (cm) 6.86 6.86 6.86 5.53 0.61 6.86 e LCMV-V (cm) 14.33 14.12 12.06 14.12 14.12 14.12 Table 5-3 Localization error 8 in cm versus SNR in dB obtained in all three source localization algorithms using I] = 1, for both pressure and velocity input signals for a mitral valve source. SNR (dB) 15 10 5 -5 -10 t] 1 1 l l 1 e MUSIC-P (cm) 14.33 14.12 11.80 11.80 14.33 14.33 a CFB-P (cm) 4.60 4.10 3.47 3.72 4.60 9.54 a LCMV-P (cm) 9.27 7.74 14.12 14.12 14.12 14.12 r: MUSIC-V (cm) 11.80 11.80 11.80 12.57 7.00 14.12 e CFB-V (cm) 5.88 5.88 6.58 4.74 2.51 6.58 e LCMV-V (cm) 14.33 11.04 9.53 14.12 12.81 14.12 The above results indicate that the near-field model assumed by the algorithms result in significantly erroneous estimates of the source locations for both the pressure and velocity signals. From Figure 5-11, it appears that neither the direction of the beam-shape 100 nor the range estimates are accurate. Among the three algorithms, CFB provides the best estimates, although not as accurate as desired. Also, the results appear to be marginally better for r] = l as compared to 17 = 0. 5.5.3 Right Lung Source A point source located in the right lung of the thorax is considered. Figure 5-13 shows the locations of the true source and sensors used in the source localization codes. Right Lung Source “—5.. , 5.:Tfi5'5, A" - z axis (m) 0 I: -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 xaxis (m) Figure 5-13 Location of the true source in the right lung of the thorax is indicated by the white cross. The white circles correspond to the sensor locations used in the source localization codes. 101 MUSIC-P 2 e = 6.5765 cm MUSIC-V I e = 7.1701 cm -0.05 0 0.05 . 0.1 -0.1 0 0.1 -0.1 0 0.1 CFB-P : e = 8.6377 cm CFB-V : e = 11.3864 cm .-'.‘ E 0.05 005 0 0 0.05 0.05 0.1 I 0.1 .0.1 o 0.1 -0.1 0 0.1 Figure 5-14 Objective function images of all three source localization algorithms using 17 = 1 obtained on both pressure and velocity input signals at an SNR of 10 dB for a right lung source. Both x and z axes of all images are in m. White cross indicates the true source location while the white circle corresponds to the estimated source location. Figure 5-14 shows the objective function images obtained for each of the source localization algorithms using a loss factor 71 of 1, for both pressure and velocity input signals at an SNR of 10 dB. The images in the figure also indicate the true source 102 location by a white cross and the estimated location by a white circle. Further, the title of each image provides the localization error 8 of the corresponding algorithm. P2n=0 V2n=0 0.3 . . 0.3 . . t MUSIC 1* MUSIC 0.25- o CFB 0.25- o CFB 0.2, A LCMV , 0.2 A LCMV , €0.15 E015 w o 00 o 0 o o o 0'123 922 01445335” A A A 0.05» 0.05- 0»; . . o-g . . -10 0 10 -10 0 10 SNR SNR P1n=1 V2n=1 4 MUSIC 1* MUSIC 0-25' o CFB 025’ o CFB 0.2, A LCMV , 0.2, A LCMV , @015 £0.15 to to O O O O O 0.0513 A A Z A 0.05 8 A 0 . . . 0 . . -10 0 1o -10 0 10 SNR SNR Figure 5-15 Plot of localization error 8 in m versus SNR in dB obtained in all three source localization algorithms using I] = 0 (top row) and I] = 1 (bottom row), for both pressure and velocity input signals for a right lung source. 103 The localization error 8 of each of the algorithms using 7] = 0 and I] = l is plotted against SNR in Figure 5-15 for botln the pressure and velocity input signals. Tables 5-4 and 5-5 present the same results as illustrated in Figure 5-15 in a tabulated form. Table 5-4 Localization error 8 in cm versus SNR in dB obtained in all three source localization algorithms using I] = 0, for botln pressure and velocity input signals for a right lung source. SNR (dB) 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 ,, 0 o 0 o o 0 S MUSIC-P (cm) 8.46 8.46 8.46 8.46 8.92 7.78 e CFB-P (cm) 10.15 10.15 9.95 9.95 10.74 9.44 e LCMV-P (cm) 6.61 6.03 6.58 8.46 8.30 7.71 c MUSIC-V (cm) 8.46 8.46 8.46 8.46 8.92 8.46 e CFB-V (cm) 12.18 12.18 12.18 8.05 12.68 12.30 a LCMV-V (cm) 8.30 7.80 7.16 8.46 8.92 8.46 Table 5-5 Localization error 8 in cm versus SNR in dB obtained in all three source localization algorithms using 7] = l, for botln pressure and velocity input signals for a right lung source. SNR (dB) 15 10 -5 -10 r] 1 1 l l e MUSIC-P (cm) 6.58 6.58 6.58 8.46 8.92 6.61 e CFB-P (cm) 8.39 8.64 9.17 9.17 10.02 8.73 s LCMV-P (cm) 5.40 4.84 5.14 8.46 6.23 5.87 8 MUSIC-V (cm) 7.17 7.17 7.17 6.58 8.30 8.46 a CFB-V (cm) 11.39 11.39 11.39 5.45 12.68 12.30 8 LCMV-V (cm) 6.66 5.45 5.87 7.17 8.92 8.46 104 The above results obtained for the right lung source indicate that the source location estimates are significantly erred for both the pressure and velocity signals. Figure 5-14 shows that neither the direction of the beam-shape nor the range estimates are accurate. Among the three algorithms, LCMV provides the best estimates, although not as accurate as desired. Also, the results appear to be marginally better for 7] = 1 as compared to 7] = 0. 5.5.4 Discussion Comparing the source localization algoritlnm performance for the mitral valve (and right lung) source case to the homogeneous medium case, it is clear that the heterogeneity and complexity of the thoracic medium in the former is not handled appropriately by the near-field propagation model. Also, the sensor locations used for the two cases were different, which might also contribute to the difference in the performance of the algorithms. In order to compare their performance for the same sensor locations, the algorithms were tested on the homogeneous thoracic medium with sensor locations as illustrated in Figure 5-16, similar to that used in the mitral valve source study. 105 Homogeneous Thorax =1605 mls, c5 = 0 mls,p=1055 kglm3 z axis (m) -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 x axis (m) Figure 5-16 Location of the true source in the homogeneous thoracic medium is indicated by the white cross. The white circles correspond to the sensor locations used in the source localization codes. Figure 5-17 shows the objective function images obtained for each of the source localization algorithms using a loss factor n of O, for only the pressure signals at an SNR of 5 dB. The images in the figure also indicate the true source location by a white cross and the estimated location by a white circle. Further, the title of each image provides the localization error 8 of the corresponding algorithm. 106 MUSIC-P 2 a =14.1156 cm -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 -0.1 0 0.1 CFB-P : e = 5.5036 cm '-0.1 o 0.1 Figure 5-17 Objective function images of all three source localization algorithms using 11 = 0 obtained on only the pressure input signals at an SNR of 5 dB irn a homogeneous thoracic medium. Both x and z axes of all images are in m. White cross indicates the true source location while the white circle corresponds to the estimated source location. The localization error 8 in cm of each of the algorithms using I] = 0 is tabulated against SNR in Table 5-6 for the pressure input signals. 107 Table 5-6 Localization error 8 in cm versus SNR in dB obtained in all three source localization algoritlnms using I] = 0, for only pressure input signals in a homogeneous thoracic medium. SNR (dB) 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 r, 0 0 0 0 0 0 aMUSIC-P(cm) 14.12 14.12 14.12 14.12 14.12 14.12 eCFB-P(cm) 6.08 6.08 5.50 13.77 8.39 13.94 eLCMV-P(cm) 14.33 14.33 14.12 14.12 14.12 14.12 The above results, at first glance, seem quite unexpected. Comparing the source location estimates for pressure signals in Tables 5-1 and 5-6, we notice that for the same homogeneous medium, a change of sensor locations has resulted in significant performance degadation. Although the directions of the beam-shapes seem to be fairly accurate in Figure 5-17, the range estimates are highly inaccurate. This leads us to conclude that the near-field propagation model as defined in section (5.1.2) does not accurately portray the signals obtained using the FDTD codes, even for the homogeneous case. One primary reason for this discrepancy can be attributed to the source model. The near-field propagation model is in theory applicable to only a radial omni-directional point source. However, in all the F DTD simulations, the source was assumed to be an f; directional point source. Thus, in conclusion, two major factors that seem to impair the near-field propagation model based source localization algorithms are: (i) heterogeneity and viscous nature of the medium (ii) non-radial, non omni-directional source orientation 108 One of the ways to counter these two issues is to employ a true viscoelastic model of the thorax obtained via the source-to-sensor transfer functions described in Chapters 3 and 4 in sections (3.7.2) and (4.3). This approach is undertaken in the following section. 109 5.6 Transfer Function based Source Localization Algorithms As mentioned in the concluding remarks of the previous section, a transfer fimction based model is likely to provide better results as it inherently incorporates the effects of complex inhomogeneities and viscosity of the various tissues into its model. Furtlner, the transfer functions are obtained from simulations that employ the same source model as used in generating the sensor signals. Four different transfer function based source localization algorithms are considered. They are briefly described in the subsections below. Each of algorithms employ the source-to-sensor transfer functions, say hk1(a))=[x1(a)) / fik(0))] in their algorithms, where k and 1 correspond to the source and sensor location indices, respectively, (0 corresponds to the angular frequency, x1(a)) is the Fourier spectrum of the 1th sensor signal and fzk( (0) is the Fourier spectrum of the kth fz source function. For every source location k, the viscoelastic FDTD simulations provide the transfer functions hk1(a)) for all the source-to-sensor combinations. In all 56 such sinnulations corresponding to 56 distinct source locations are carried out, each simulation employing N = 19 sensor sites, thus providing 56 x 19 transfer finnctions hk1(0)), k = 1,2,...56 and l = 1,2,. . .N. Figure 5- 18 shows the locations of all the sources and sensors considered. 110 Source and Sensor Locations 2 axis (m) -O.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 xaxis (m) Figure 5-18 All source and sensor locations considered for the transfer functions 5.6.1 Transfer Function - Source Waveform Energy (SWE) The name “Source Waveform Energy (SWE)” stems from the fact that this algorithm attempts to find the location that maximizes the energy of the source waveform estimate. The source function energy estimate for one particular location k is obtained as follows: (i) The source function fzk1(a)) is computed using the inverse of the transfer function hk1(a)) for every sensor location I as follows: 111 (ii) (iii) the ind 5.6.2 algon VeCto 2.114) = :53) w (61) (ii) It is then filtered using a band-pass filter with cut-off fi'equencies of 20 Hz and 700 Hz and transformed into time domain using the inverse Fourier transform to yield fzkl (t). (iii) Each of the 1 time domain source function estimates are tlnen normalized. Finally, the median signal from the 1 time domain signals is computed and its energy Pkis stored as the source waveform energy for the location k. x 2 median kal(t) " P = x k I max fzkl (t )" (62) The above procedure is repeated for all k. The source location is finally estimated as the index k that maximizes Pk. 5.6.2 Transfer Function - MUSIC The transfer function based MUSIC algorithm is derived from the original MUSIC algorithm described in section (5.2.2). The only difference is that the near-field steering vector a(r, 6, Cl) is replaced by the transfer function hk(a)) = [hk1(a)), hk2(a)), ...h/WM)”T in objective function equation (54). Since the transfer function is in the frequency domain, the eigen vectors corresponding to the signal and noise subspace are 112 .rr’ also computed in the frequency domain [73]. The objective function of the transfer fimction based MUSIC thus becomes: Pk(w)= 1 2 241141-414 i=K +1 (63) where vi(a)), i = K+1, K+2,. . .,N correspond to the (N-K) noise eigen vectors of the data covariance matrix computed in the fiequency domain. The objective finnction Pk is computed only at the central fi'equency in the current work. However, a wideband extension involving all frequencies is trivial. 5.6.3 Transfer Function - CFB The transfer function based CFB, popularly known as Matched Field Processing follows the same idea as explained above [22], [73], i.e. the near-field steering vector a(r, 6, in) is replaced by the transfer function hk(a))=[hk1(w),hk2(a)), ...hmayf in objective function equation (56). The objective function in this case is thus given by: Pk (w) = th (w)R(w)h(w) (64) where R(a)) corresponds to the data covariance matrix in the frequency domain. 5.6.4 Transfer Function — LCMV The same ideology applies to the transfer function based LCMV algorithm too. The objective function in this case becomes: 113 114 (65) 5.7 Results using Transfer Function based Techniques This section presents the results of the SWE, MUSIC, CFB and LCMV algoritlnms employing the transfer function model on the simulated signals for three different source locations in the thorax. The testing protocol is the same as explained in section (5.4) except that in this case there are no loss factor I] and velocity 6 parameters to be optimized. The search for the intra-thoracic source location is carried out in the fixed rectangular x-z search space of 0,, X D2 = 22.4 cm X 19.2 cm inside the thorax as illustrated in Figure 5-3. However the spatial gid-size in this case is 3 cm X 3 cm. 5.7.1 Mitral Valve Source A point source located at the mitral valve in the thorax is considered here as shown in Figure 5-10 in section (5.5.2). Figure 5-19 shows the objective function images obtained for each of the source localization algorithms for both pressure and velocity input signals at an SNR of 5 dB. The images in the figure also indicate the true source location by a white cross and the estimated location by a white circle. Further, the title of each image provides the localization error 8 of the corresponding algorithm. 115 SWE-P : s = 3.6125 cm SWE-V : s = 0.67082 cm -0.1 -0-1 0 0 0.1 0.1 -0.1 0 0.1 -0.1 O 0.1 MUSIC-P 2 e = 3.6125 cm MUSIC-V : e = 3.6125 cm -O.1 -0.1 0 . 0.1 -0.1 0 0.1 -0.1 0 0.1 CFB-P : a = 4.0804 cm CFB-V : a = 4.0804 cm -0.1 -0.1 O O X X 0 0 0.1 0.1 01 0 0.1 -0.1 0 0.1 LCMV-P : s = 3.6125 cm LCMV-V : s = 3.6125 cm -0.1 -0-1 Figure 5-19 Objective function images of all four source localization algorithms obtained on both pressure and velocity input signals at an SNR of 5 dB for a mitral valve source. Both x and z axes of all images are in m. White cross indicates the true source location while the white circle corresponds to the estimated source location. 116 The localization error 8 of each of the algorithms is plotted against SNR in Figure 5- 20 for both the pressure and velocity input signals. P V D SWE-P El SWE-V 0,25- 1* MUSIC-P4 0,25» 1* MUSIC-V. 0 CFB-P o CFB-V 0.2- 4 LCMV-P 4 0,2- A LCMV-V n g, 015 g, 015 to to i 0.14 - 0.1- 1 i El Cl 0.05- 1 0.05. - Q B i E i 51 2 S a Q Q Q Dr D - 0. El El El E1 , -10 0 10 -10 0 10 SNR SNR Figure 5-20 Plot of localization error 8 in m versus SNR in dB obtained in all four source localization algorithms for both pressure and velocity input signals for a mitral valve source. Table 5-7 presents the same results as illustrated in Figure 5-20 in a tabulated form. 117 Table 5-7 Localization error a in cm versus SNR in dB obtained in all four source localization algorithms for both pressure and velocity input signals for a mitral valve SNR (dB) 15 10 5 o -5 -1o aSWE-P (cm) 0.67 3.61 3.61 3.61 2.77 6.13 aMUSIC-P(cm) 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61 aCFB-P (cm) 4.08 4.08 4.08 4.08 4.08 4.08 aLCMV-P(cm) 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61 aSWE-V (cm) 0.67 0.67 0.67 2.77 0.67 6.18 eMUSlC-V(cm) 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61 2.42 2.42 eCFB-V(cm) 4.08 4.08 4.08 4.08 4.08 4.08 aLCMV-V(cm) 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61 2.42 2.42 SOUICC. The above results indicate that the transfer function model employed by the algorithms result in significantly better estimates of the source locations for both the pressure and velocity signals as compared to the near-field model based techniques. From Table 5-7, it appears that the SWE algorithm provides the best source location estimates. 5.7.2 Right Lung Source A point source located in the right lung of the thorax is considered here as shown in Figure 5-13 in section (5.5.3). Figure 5-21 shows the objective function images obtained for each of the source localization algorithms for both pressure and velocity input signals at an SNR of 10 dB. The images in the figure also indicate the true source location by a white cross and the estimated location by a white circle. Further, the title of each image provides the localization error 8 of the corresponding algorithm. 118 SWE-P I 8 = 8.6313 cm SWE-V I a = 0.22361 cm -0.1 -0.1 0 0 0.1 O ‘ 0.1 -0.1 0 0.1 —0.1 0 0.1 MUSIC-P I e = 0.22361 cm MUSIC-V I e = 0.22361 cm -0.1 -0.1 0 0 0.1 0.1 -0.1 0 0.1 —0.1 0 0.1 CFB-P : e = 6.1033 cm CFB-V : a = 6.1033 cm -O.1 -0.1 0 0 O 0.1 0.1 -0.1 0 0.1 —0.1 0 0.1 LCMV-P I a = 0.22361 cm LCMV-V I a = 0.22361 cm -0.1 ‘ -0.1 0 0 0.1 0.1 -0.1 0 0.1 -0.1 0 0.1 Figure 5-21 Objective function images of all four source localization algorithms obtained on both pressure and velocity input signals at an SNR of 10 dB for a right lung source. Both x and z axes of all images are in in. White cross indicates the true source location while the white circle corresponds to the estimated source location. 119 Th 23 for Table 8 (m) FigUI The localization error 8 of each of the algorithms is plotted against SNR in Figure 5- 22 for both the pressure and velocity input signals and the same results are tabulated in Table 58 P V :1 SWE-P D SWE-V 025 . * MUSIC-P , 0.25 _ O MUSIC-V . 0 CFB-P o CFB-V .. g, 0.15- g 0.15- 8 - L 0.14 “ - 0.1- 4 :1 Cl [:1 0.05% 6 o o o O o 0.05 o o o o E] 0. l 4- A at . 0.4 l A I I - -10 0 10 -10 0 10 SNR SNR Figure 5-22 Plot of localization error 8 in m versus SNR in dB obtained in all four source localization algorithms for both pressure and velocity input signals for a right lung source. 120 algoril DTCSSL Table identi veloc 5.7.3 the It“ local The; Table 5-8 Localization error 8 in cm versus SNR in dB obtained in all four source localization algorithms for both pressure and velocity input signals for a right lung s source. SNR (dB) 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 aSWE-P (cm) 8.63 8.63 3.20 8.63 3.11 6.94 aMUSIC-P (cm) 0.22 0.22 0.22 10.87 12.80 12.80 aCFB-P(cm) 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.10 sLCMV-P (cm) 0.22 0.22 0.22 10.87 12.80 12.80 eSWE-V (cm) 0.22 0.22 12.10 12.10 12.49 15.38 eMUSIC-V(cm) 0.22 0.22 0.22 12.80 12.80 12.80 sCFB-V(cm) 6.10 6.10 6.10 13.46 6.10 16.36' sLCMV-V(cm) 0.22 0.22 0.22 12.80 12.80 12.80 The above results indicate that the transfer function model employed by the algorithms result in significantly better estimates of the source locations for both the pressure and velocity signals as compared to the near-field model based techniques. From Table 5-8, it appears that the MUSIC and LCMV algorithms provide the best (and identical) source location estimates. Also, the SWE algorithms seem to fare better with velocity signals as compared to pressure signals for high SNR values. 5.7.3 Left Lung Source A point source located in the left lung of the thorax is considered. Figure 5-23 shows the locations of the true source and sensors used in the source localization codes. Figure 5-24 shows the objective function images obtained for each of the source localization algorithms for both pressure and velocity input signals at an SNR of 10 dB. The images in the figure also indicate the true source location by a white cross and the 121 estimated location by a white circle. Further, the title of each image provides the localization error 8 of the corresponding algorithm. The localization error 8 of each of the algorithms is plotted against SNR in Figure 5- 25 for both the pressure and velocity input signals and the same results are tabulated in Table5-9. Left Lung Source 01 ' A -0.05 E .2 0 X (t! N 0.05 0.1, .. -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 x axis (m) Figure 5-23 Location of the true source in the left lung of the thorax is indicated by the white cross. The white circles correspond to the sensor locations used in the source localization codes. 122 SWE-P : e = 3.4234 cm SWE-V : e = 0.5 cm 0.15 ' . . . . MUSIC-P : s = 9.5084 cm MUSIC-V Z a = 9.5084 cm -0.1 0 0.1 -0.1 0 0.17 ' -o.1 o 0.1 CFB-P : a = 3.4132 cm CFB-V 1 s = 3.4132 cm ' -o.1 o 0.1 ’ -o.1 0 0.1 ' -0.1 o 0.1 Figure 5-24 Objective function images of all four source localization algorithms obtained on both pressure and velocity input signals at an SNR of 10 dB for a left lung source. Both x and z axes of all images are in m. White cross indicates the true source location while the white circle corresponds to the estimated source location. 123 P V 0.3 . . 0.3 . . D SWE-P D SWE-V * MUSIC-P it MUSIC-V 0.25- - 0.2 ' r o CFB-P 5 0 CFB-V A LCMV-P A LCMV—V 0.2. ~ 0.2* 4 £06» §0w~ « (O (D 0.1"» a A a A 41‘ 0-1'4. 4» a a A 41* 1:1 1:1 1:1 :1 0.05- 0.051 O O U 0 U U 0 O O O O 0- 0, 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 -10 0 10 -1o 0 1o SNR SNR Figure 5-25 Plot of localization error 8 in m versus SNR in dB obtained in all four source localization algorithms for both pressure and velocity input signals for a left lung source. Table 5-9 Localization error 8 in cm versus SNR in dB obtained in all four source localization algorithms for both pressure and velocity input signals for a left lung source. SNR(dB) 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 eSWE-P (cm) 3.42 3.42 6.41 3.42 6.41 6.41 aMUSIC-P(cm) 9.51 9.51 9.51 9.51 9.51 9.51 8CFB—P(cm) 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 8LCMV-P(cm) 9.51 9.51 9.51 9.51 9.51 9.51 sSWE-V (cm) 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 6.55 8MUSIC-V (cm) 9.51 9.51 9.51 9.51 9.51 9.51 eCFB-V(cm) 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 8LCMV-V(cm) 9.51 9.51 9.51 9.51 9.51 9.51 124 The above results indicate that the transfer function model employed by the SWE and CFB algorithms result in good estimates of the source locations for both the pressure and velocity signals as compared to the MUSIC and LCMV algorithms. From Figure 5-24, it appears that the MUSIC and LCMV algorithms although provide inaccurate source location estimates, their objective function images show a second peak at the true source location estimate. Also, the SWE algorithms seem to fare better with velocity signals as compared to pressure signals. 5.7.4 Discussion Overall, the transfer function based algorithms outperform the near-field based methods in all cases. This was an expected result as indicated in the beginning of section (5.6). We also notice that among the four localization algorithms considered for the transfer function based approach, the SWE algorithm using velocity signals appear to be the most consistent and accurate. The objective function images of LCMV and MUSIC appeared to have a distinct peak in the region close to the mitral valve for all cases. In some cases, this peak was stronger than the true source peak thereby leading to an erroneous source location estimate. The additional false peak around the mitral valve region may be attributed to strong reflections coming off from that region that corrupt the contributions of the original signal waveforms from the true source. Since the LCMV and MUSIC techniques rely predominantly on the stronger eigen-vectors of the data covariance matrix, it is possible that the undesirable reflections contribute significantly towards the signal- subspace, thereby impairing the source location estimates of the algorithms. The SWE algorithm, however, by virtue of the median operation in its source waveform estimate 125 and due to the fact that it gives equal weightage to the information gained from all sensors, is not affected as long as there are enough sensors employed in the algorithm. 126 5.8 Methods to improve Near-Field Propagation Model based Techniques As mentioned in the concluding sections of section (5 .5), the non omni-directional source orientation could be one of the potential reasons for impairing performance of the near-field propagation model based source localization algorithms. In order to tackle this problem, this section proposes a method to incorporate an approximate ‘fz directional source” behavior into the near-field propagation model. Preliminary results supporting this proposed scheme are also provided. 5.8.1 Distributed Source Model The idea of employing a distributed source model for beamforming applications has been studied in the past [74], [75]. The ability to model any source orientation using a distributed set of point omni-directional sources can be exploited to yield better source localization results. In the current work, we propose to model the fi, directional source using a vertical strip of a few, say Q, closely spaced omnidirectional point sources as shown in Figure 5-26. Thus, the near-field propagation model is now governed by steering vectors associated with each of these Q omnidirectional point sources. 127 sensor i reference . 0 sensor . \. . x. \ \ . r rik 0‘ \. 0k 'x. \ p \ O . \ \‘x 1 \X : X i x t sourcek Figure 5-26 Distributed source model The above scheme is incorporated into each of the near-field propagation model algorithms. Preliminary results are presented in the subsection below. 5.8.2 Preliminary results using Distributed Source Model Techniques The MUSIC, CFB and LCMV algorithms used the distributed source model as explained above assuming Q = 5. Results obtained on the homogeneous thoracic medium and for a mitral valve source are presented below. Homogeneous Thorax In order to compare the performance of the proposed scheme, the algorithms were tested on the same homogeneous thoracic medium with sensor locations as illustrated in Figure 5-16. 128 Figure 5-27 shows the objective function images obtained for each of the distributed source based localization algorithms using a loss factor 17 of O, for both pressure and velocity input signals at an SNR of 5 dB. The images in the figure also indicate the true source location by a white cross and the estimated location by a black diamond. Further, the title of each image provides the localization error 8 of the corresponding algorithm. The localization error 8 of each of the algorithms is plotted against SNR in Figure 5- 28 for both the pressure and velocity input signals and the same results are tabulated in Table 5-10. 129 MUSIC-P : e = 2.4759 cm MUSIC-V 2 e = 1.7117 cm -0.05 O 0.05 . 0.1 -0.1 0 0.1 -O.1 0 0.1 CFB-P : e = 2.4759 cm CFB-V I a = 1.8028 cm -0.05 0 0.05 . 0.1 -0.1 0 0.1 -0.1 0 0.1 LCMV-P : e = 13.7364 cm LCMV-V : e = 14.8772 cm -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 -0.1 0 0.1 Figure 5-27 Objective function images of all three distributed source based algorithms using I] = 0 obtained on both pressure and velocity input signals at an SNR of 5 dB in a homogeneous thoracic medium. Both x and z axes of all images are in m. White cross indicates the true source location while the black diamond corresponds to the estimated source location. 130 P2n=0 V2n=0 «b MUSIC 1. MUSIC 0.25- o CFB - 0.25- o CFB A A 0.2- LCMV 0.2 LCMV q 15,015 A 0 A A A §o15 A A A A A A to to 01 0.1 A 0.05 0.05 0 5 41 I "" X 0 9 Ilrl D ID 0 -10 0 1‘0 -10 0 10 SNR SNR Figure 5—28 Plot of localization error 8 in m versus SNR in dB obtained in all distributed source based algorithms using I] = O, for both pressure and velocity input signals in a homogeneous thoracic medium. Table 5-10 Localization error 8 in cm versus SNR in dB obtained in all distributed source based algorithms using 17 = 0, for both pressure and velocity input signals in a homogeneous thoracic medium. SNR (dB) 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 p, 0 0 0 0 0 0 sMUSIC-P (cm) 2.48 2.48 2.48 1.97 1.71 2.48 a CFB-P (cm) 2.48 2.48 2.48 1.97 15.38 1.08 eLCMV-P (cm) 1.01 13.74 13.74 13.74 7.52 13.74 a MUSIC-V (cm) 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 e CFB-V (cm) 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.71 1.71 3.00 eLCMV-V(cm) 13.82 13.74 14.88 14.33 14.88 13.82 131 The above results in Table 5-10 when compared to those obtained by the near-field single-source model in Table 5-6 shows a dramatic improvement, especially for the MUSIC and CFB algorithms. Mitral Valve Source The point source located at the mitral valve location as discussed in section (5.5.2) is considered here. Figure 5-29 shows the objective function images obtained for each of the distributed source based localization algorithms using a loss factor I] of 0, for both pressure and velocity input signals at an SNR of 5 dB. The images in the figure also indicate the true source location by a white cross and the estimated location by a black diamond. Further, the title of each image provides the localization error 8 of the corresponding algorithm. The localization error 8 of each of the algorithms is plotted against SNR in Figure 5- 30 for both the pressure and velocity input signals and the same results are tabulated in Tables 5-11 and 5-12. 132 MUSIC-P : s = 2.4759 cm MUSIC-V : e = 3.0806 cm -0.05 0 0.05 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.1 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 -0.1 0.05 0 0.05 0.1 CFB-P I e = 2.4759 cm CFB-V 2 1»: = 3.0806 cm -o.05 x -o.05 0 0 0.05 0.05 . 0.1 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 LCMV-P : e = 14.8772 cm LCMV-V : e = 13.9445 cm -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 Figure 5-29 Objective function images of all distributed source based algorithms using I] = 0 obtained on both pressure and velocity input signals at an SNR of 5 dB for a mitral valve source. Both x and z axes of all images are in m. White cross indicates the true source location while the black diamond corresponds to the estimated source location. 133 Pzn=0 V:n=0 0.3 . . 0.3 . . 1» MUSIC 1» MUSIC 025’ o CFB ‘ 0-25' o CFB ‘ 0.2, A LCMV . 0.2. A LCMV , £0.15'AAAA Algons-AAAAAA- to A to 0.11 0.1 005» ' 0 - 005» - e ' . ' ' o e ' ' e a o 0» . . or . . i + -10 0 10 -10 o 10 SNR SNR P2n=1 V311=1 4 MUSIC t MUSIC 0.251 o CFB ‘ 0-25’ o CFB 0.2 A LCMV . 02, A LCMV . £0.15»; A A A A A‘ £0.15'A A A A A A‘ (ID to 0.1 0.1 O t 0051*.0 63 0.05’°,* or . o 0 . o_ . . . or . 1 . -10 0 10 -10 0 10 SNR SNR Figure 5-30 Plot of localization error 8 in m versus SNR in dB obtained in all distributed source based algorithms using I] = 0 (top row) and I] = 1 (bottom row), for both pressure and velocity input signals for a mitral valve source. 134 Table 5-11 Localization error 8 in cm versus SNR in dB obtained in all distributed source based algorithms using I] = O, for both pressure and velocity input signals for a mitral valve source. SNR (dB) 15 10 -5 'l O 0 0 a MUSIC-P (cm) 4.30 5.59 2.48 6.32 4.53 e CFB-P (cm) 4.30 5.59 2.48 6.32 4.53 s LCMV-P (cm) 14.88 12.06 14.88 13.74 14.12 e MUSIC-V (cm) 3.61 3.61 3.08 1.71 1.71 a CFB-V (cm) 3.61 3.61 3.08 1.71 1.08 14.33 13.94 13.94 14.33 13.82 s LCMV-V (cm) ‘ Table 5-12 Localization error 8 in cm versus SNR in dB obtained in all distributed source based algorithms using I] = 1, for both pressure and velocity input signals for a mitral valve source. SNR (dB) 15 10 -5 -10 'I 1 1 1 1 e MUSIC-P (cm) 6.08 5.88 3.08 7.43 3.76 5.88 8 CFB-P (cm) 4.20 5.28 3.08 5.80 3.76 7.77 8 LCMV-P (cm) 14.33 14.33 14.33 14.12 14.12 14.33 a MUSIC-V (cm) 4.74 4.74 2.51 6.08 4.05 6.08 e CFB-V (cm) 4.74 4.74 2.51 2.57 2.01 5.79 8 LCMV-V (cm) 14.12 14.12 14.33 14.33 14.12 14.33 135 The results obtained for the distributed source based model in Table 5-11 and Table 5-12 when compared to those obtained using the near-field single-source model in Tables 5-2 and 5-3 appear to have improved significantly for the MUSIC and CFB algorithms. 136 5.9 Conclusion From all the source localization studies conducted in the above sections, it is clear that model-based techniques can yield improved results when the model matches the true conditions. The near-field propagation model, being based on an omnidirectional point source in a homogeneous medium, does not perform well to localize the intra-thoracic acoustic sources that were generated using an f; directional source. The transfer-function based approach, being based on the true viscoelastic forward model, is able to provide very accurate results. However, firrther studies need to be conducted to assess their performance in cases of model-mismatch. The distributed source model approach provides a scheme to improve the performance of the near-field propagation model and may be used in absence of a transfer function model. 137 CHAPTER 6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 6.1 Summary A 2D finite difference time domain viscoelastic model of the human thorax has been developed that facilitates the study of sound propagation in the thorax. The model employs the true human anatomical geometry and accurate estimates of the material properties of all the tissue structures in the thorax. It thus tracks both the shear and longitudinal waves and all the associated mode conversions that occur at the various tissues interfaces in the thorax. The FDTD codes are validated for a simple geometry by comparing the simulation results to the analytical solutions and to results obtained in a previously published work. Simulations illustrating the sound propagation from the mitral valve location to the surface of the thorax are presented. The acoustic source-to-receiver transfer functions corresponding to the various auscultation sites on the thorax are briefly analyzed. Further, the effects of rib structures, shear elasticity of tissues and dimensions of the thorax on the sound waves are also studied. The FDTD viscoelastic model has also been used to study the lung sound propagation in the human thoracic cavity under pneumothorax conditions. By simulating varying degrees of severity of the disease, the model assists in determining the key frequency bands that contain the most information to aid in diagnosis. The work thus lends itself for development of advanced auscultatory techniques for detection of pneumothorax using noninvasive acoustic sensors. 138 Finally, three different source localization algorithms based on the traditional near- field propagation model are studied and implemented. The localizing ability of these algorithms to detect an intra-thoracic source are assessed and compared. In addition, four methods based on a transfer-function approach are proposed to alleviate the issues of the near-field propagation model based techniques. The results of the transfer fImction based algorithms are compared to those obtained by the near-field model to demonstrate the improved localizing ability of the former. Further, one more strategy employing a distributed source model is proposed to counter one of the issues of the near-field propagation model. Results demonstrating the performance improvement are presented. 139 6.2 Conclusions and Future Work The 2D model in the present state may be used to simulate and study the various auscultation sounds associated with certain diseased conditions of the heart or lungs, like pneumothorax, and thereby provide a limited understanding of the following: o optimal auscultation sites that contain significant diagnostic information o relation of the sensor signals to the extent and location of the damaged tissue or the diseased state 0 type of multi-sensor algorithms that might be suitable for localizing the pathological sites in the thorax o variations in sensor signals that can be attributed to changes in the torso geometry Future efforts could be directed towards developing a 3D model of the torso that would provide a more accurate representation of these thoracic sounds. In addition, source localization techniques to localize multiple sources in the thoracic cavity and methods to estimate the source waveforms could also be considered. The 2D viscoelastic FDTD model needs to be extended to a 3D model for it to be used as an advanced diagnostic tool. In addition, incorporation of appropriate sound- generation models to account for the various intra-thoracic sound sources would add immense value to the FDTD models, thereby allowing it to be used to design various array processing and inversion schemes for diagnosis of various thoracic pathologies. 140 REFERENCES 141 REFERENCES [1] H. Pasterkamp, S. S. Krarnan, and G. R. Wodicka, “Respiratory sounds - Advances beyond the stethoscope,” Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 156(3), 974-987 (1997). [2] A. Sarvazyan, “Audible-fiequency medical diagnostic methods: Past, present and future,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 117, 2586 (2005). [3] Y. Bahadirlar and H. O. 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