I m LIBRARY Michigan State University This is to certify that the thesis entitled ELECTROCHEMICAL DEGRADATION OF METHYL TERT—BUTYL ETHER (MTBE) USING ALTERNATING AND DIRECT CURRENTS presented by CHEON YONG SEO has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for the MS degree in CIVIL ENGINEERING A - Major Professor’s Signature 7/ 24H 0"! Date MSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer .---u-u-----I--u-o-l-n---I-I-v-o-.-o-.—.-._..—.—.—-—.----—-—.--I-n-O-I-O-I-o-o-n-I-I-I-I-o-o-I-I-I-O-I-I-l-OOO-I-l-o--. PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE 5I08 KzlProlecd-PrWCIRCIDatODm. hdd ELECTROCHEMICAL DEGRADATION OF METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER (MTBE) USING ALTERNATING AND DIRECT CURRENTS By Cheon Yong Seo A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Civil Engineering 2009 ABSTRACT ELECTROCHEMICAL DEGRADATION OF METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER (MTBE) USING ALTERNATING AND DIRECT CURRENT S By Cheon Yong Seo Electrochemical degradation of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) was investigated to evaluate the effect of current type and density, electrode material, deionized (DI) water and tap water as electrolytes and initial concentration of MTBE. MTBE is an organic compound, which is highly soluble in water and is common ground water (GW) contaminant that is typically released to the GW from gasoline spills. MTBE dissolved in DI water at initial concentrations equal to 25, 250 and 2,500 mg/L was subjected to alternating and direct currents (AC and DC) at current density ranging from 0.5 to 2 mA/cmz. The volume of the electrochemical cell was 1 L and titanium, graphite, and boron doped diamond electrodes were tested. Sodium sulfate (NaZSO4) was used as the supporting electrolyte during tests at a concentration of 300 mg/L. The key results are: (1) both AC and DC resulted in electrochemical degradation of MTBE but the rate of degradation for DC was greater than that for AC at an equivalent current density; (2) rate of degradation increased as the current density increased for DC as well as for AC; (3) rate of degradation defined as change in normalized concentration decreased as the initial concentration of MTBE was increased; (4) rate of degradation for the graphite electrode was the least among the three materials tested; and (5) Nemst-Planck equation was able to accurately model the decrease in the MTBE concentration for low initial concentrations. At higher initial concentrations, the model results were not consistent. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to thank all individuals who helped me in the research. I am grateful to my advisor Dr. Milind V. Khire who helped me whenever I was in need. I am also thankful to my committee members Drs. Hui Li and Scott C. Barton for their valuable time and support. I am also thankful to my colleague Ramil Mijares. Finally, I would like to thank Michael Becker who works in the Center for Coatings and Laser Applications, Fraunhofer USA, for providing me the boron doped diamond (BDD) electrodes for this research. I would like to thank my wife Mrs. Mijung Kwon who supported me throughout the study. I am also thankful to my parents for their prayers and sincere love and my parents-in-law for their belief. I would like to thank pastors and all deacons and friends of New Hope Baptist Church for their constant support and encouragement. Finally, I am also thankful to my friends of republic of Korea for their support. I express my gratitude to the Republic of - Korea Army for giving me an opportunity and financial support to obtain Masters Degree at Michigan State University. Specially, I would like to thank Colonel, Yongjae Lee; LTC; Moonkyoung Kim; and Major, Chunghee Kim for their encouragement. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................... vi LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................... vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................... xi LIST OF SYMBOLS ......................................................................... xii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ................................................................. 1 1.1 MTBE AS GROUNDWATER CONTAMINENT .......................................... 1 1.2 BACKGROUND .................................................................................. 2 1.2.1 Degradation Mechanism ................................................................ 2 1.2.2 Electrical Efficiency ................................................................... 4 1.2.3 Current Type ........................................................................... 5 Direct Current (DC) ......................................................... 5 Alternating Current (AC) ................................................... 6 1.2.4 Current Density ........................................................................ 7 1.2.5 Mass Transfer Process: The Nemst-Planck Equation ............................ 7 1.3 CONVENTIONAL REMEDIATION TECHINQUES ..................................... 8 1.3.1 Air Sparging ........................................................................... 8 1.3.2 Chemical Oxidation Processes ....................................................... 9 1.3.3 Natural Attenuation ................................................................... 9 1.3.4 Bloremediation9 1.4 OBJECTIVES ................................................................................. 10 1.4.1 Key Challenges ..................................................................... 10 1.4.2 Key Objectives ................................................................ 10 CHAPTER 2: MATERIALS ............................................................. 1 1 2.1 CHEMICALS .................................................................................... 11 2.2 ELECTRODES .................................................................................. 11 2.2.1 Titanium ............................................................................... 11 2.2.2 Graphite ............................................................................... 12 2.2.3 Boron Doped Diamond (BDD) ..................................................... 14 2.3 SUPPORTWG ELECTROLYTE ............................................................ 14 CHAPTER 3: EXPERIMENTAL METHODOLGY ....................................... 16 3.1 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP ..................................................................... 17 3.1.1 Electrolytic Reactor .................................................................. 17 3.1.2 Electrical Equipment ................................................................. 17 3.1.3 MTBE in Aqueous Solution ......................................................... 18 iv 3.2 TESTING, SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS .................................................. 18 3.2.1 Testing ................................................................................. 18 3.2.2 Sampling .......................................... . ..................................... 21 3.2.3 Gas Chromatography (GC) Analyzing ............................................ 21 3.3 MON IT ORED PARAMETERS .............................................................. 23 3.4 DECONTAMINATION AND CLEANING ................................................. 26 3.4.1 Electrode ............................................................................ .26 3.4.2 Micro needle, Beaker and Miscellanea ........................................... .26 CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................ 29 4.1 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS ............................................................. 29 4.1.1 CONTRIL CELL ...................................................................... 29 4.1.2 EFFECT OF CURRENT DENSITY AND TYPE ............................... 32 4.1.3 EFFECT OF ELECTRODE MATERIAL .......................................... 33 4.1.4 EFFECT OF INITIAL CONCENTRATION OF MTBE ....................... 36 4.1.5 EFFECT OF DI WATER VS TAP WATER ..................................... 38 4.1.6 DEGRADATION KINETICS ...................................................... 44 4.1.7 MEASURED INITIAL AND FINAL PARAMETERS ........................ .47 4.2 ELECTRICAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION ............................................... 48 4.2.1 EFFECT OF CURRENT DENSITY AND TYPE ................................ 53 4.2.2 EFFECT OF ELECTRODE MATERIAL ......................................... 53 4.2.3 EFFECT OF INITIAL CONCENTRATION OF MTBE ....................... 54 4.2.4 EFFECT OF DI VS TAP WATER AS ELECTROLYTES ..................... 54 4.3 ANALYTICAL MODELLING USING NERST-PLANCK EQUATION ............. 60 CHAPTER 5: SUMNIARY AND CONCLUSIONS ......................................... 65 REFERENCES ...................................................................................... 67 Table 1.1: Table 2.1: Table 3.1: Table 3.2: Table 4.1: Table 4.2: Table 4.3: Table 4.4: Table 4.5: LIST OF TABLES Key physical properties of MTBE ................................................ 3 Dimensions of titanium, graphite and BDD electrodes ...................... 12 Volumes of MTBE and DI water used for preparation standard solutions .......................................................................... 22 Current densities and equivalent currents ..................................... 22 Summary of experiments carried out ........................................ 30 Effect of current densities at 25, 250 and 2,500 mg/L ............................... 31 Degradation of rate constant (k) and half-life of MTBE ..................... 49 Summary of voltage, pH, and temperature of electrolytic cell .............. 52 Electrical energy consumption during the tests. .............................. 55 vi Figure 2.1: Figure 2.2: Figure 2.3: Figure 3.1: Figure 3.2: Figure 3.3: Figure 3.4: Figure 3.5: Figure 3.6: Figure 3.7: Figure 3.8: Figure 3.9: Figure 3.10: Figure 3.11: Figure 4.1: Figure 4.2: LIST OF FIGURES Photograph and schematic diagram of titanium electrodes attached to the top cap .............................................................................. 13 Photograph and schematic diagram of graphite electrodes attached to the top cap ........................................................................... 13 Photograph of Boron Doped Diamond (BDD) electrodes attached to the top cap .............................................................................. 15 Outline of experimental procedures ............................................ 16 Experimental setup ................................................................ 19 Reaction chamber placed inside water bath .................................. 19 Photographs of electrical equipment used in the study .................. 20 Photographs: (a) aluminum cap; (b) silicon septa and combined cap; (0) micro needle (2 mL capacity); and (d) capped vials ................... 24 Photograph of setup to clean the sampling equipment ...................... 24 Photographs of: (a) carrier gas (H2, Air and He); (b) head space sampler; (c) GC (Gas Chromatography); and ((1) connected computer for data access. .............................................................................. 25 Schematic diagram of carrier gas (H2, Air and He), head space sampler, GC, and connected computer .................................................... 25 Photographs: (a) pH meter; (b) Thermometer; (c) LCR meter; and (d) Oscilloscope .................................................................. 27 Procedures followed for cleaning titanium electrodes ....................... 27 Photographs of decontamination and cleaning of micro needle, Beakers, and sampling vials ...................................................... 28 Normalized Concentration (Ct/C0) for MTBE 25 mg/L with titanium electrodes .......................................................................... 34 Normalized Concentration (Ct/Co) for MTBE 250 mg/L with titanium electrodes .......................................................................... 34 vii Figure 4.3: Figure 4.4: Figure 4.5: Figure 4.6: Figure 4.7: Figure 4.8: Figure 4.9: Figure 4.10: Figure 4.11: Figure 4.12: Figure 4.13: Figure 4.14: Figure 4.15: Figure 4.16: Normalized Concentration (Ct/Co) for MT BE 2,500 mg/L with titanium Electrodes: (a) AC; and (b) DC electrolysis .......................... 35 Normalized concentration of MTBE with graphite, BDD and titanium electrodes during DC electrolysis ............................................. 37 The electrode surface of graphite, BDD and titanium electrodes before (upper) and after (below) electrolysis ........................................ 37 Normalized concentration of MTBE solution for 250 mg/L with BDD and titanium electrodes during AC electrolysis. ....................... 39 Effect of initial concentration of MTBE solution at AC density of lmA/sz for Co = 25, 250 and 2,500 mg/L with titanium electrodes. . ...39 Effect of initial concentration of MTBE solution at AC density of 1 mA/cm2 for Co = 25, 250 and 2,500 mg/L with titanium electrodes. ...40 Effect of initial concentration of MTBE solution at DC density of 0.5 mA/cm2 for C0 = 25, 250 and 2,500 mg/L with titanium electrodes...40 Effect of initial concentration of MTBE solution at DC density of 1 mA/cm2 for Co = 25, 250 and 2,500 mg/L with titanium electrodes. ...41 Cumulative MTBE mass converted at AC density of 1 mA/cm2 for C0 = 25, 250 and 2,500 mg/L with titanium electrodes .......................... 41 Cumulative MTBE mass converted at AC density of 2 mA/cm2 for Co = 25, 250 and 2,500 mg/L with titanium electrodes ............................. 42 Cumulative MTBE mass converted at DC density of 0.5 mA/cm2 for 25, 250 and 2,500 mg/L with titanium electrodes ................................. 42 Cumulative MTBE mass converted at DC density of l mA/cm2 for C0 = 25, 250 and 2,500 mg/L with titanium electrodes ............................. 43 Effect of electrolyte on the rate of degradation of MTBE for Co = 25mg/L at DC density = 0.5 mA/cm2 with titanium electrodes ...................... 46 Effect of electrolyte on the rate of degradation of MTBE for C0 = 2,500 mg/L at DC density = 0.5 mA/cm2 with titanium electrodes ............... 46 viii Figure 4.17: Figure 4.18: Figure 4.19: Figure 4.20: Figure 4.21: Figure 4.22: Figure 4.23: Figure 4.24: Figure 4.25: Figure 4.26: Figure 4.27: Figure 4.28: Photographs of titanium electrodes surface after a 24-hr tests when Co = 25mg/L for MTBE in Tap water ........................................ 47 Photographs of titanium electrodes surface after a 24-hr tests when Co = 2,500 mg/L for MTBE in adding 300 mg of Na2804 to DI water 1L ........................................................................ 47 Estimated k (hr'l) for (a) 25, (b) 250 and (c) 2,500 mg/L of MTBE solution at AC and DC during 24 hr electrolysis with titanium electrodes......... .................................................................. 50 Effect of electrode material on K during DC electrolysis ................... 51 Cumulative electrical energy consumption (kJ/L) at AC — 2 mA/cmz, DC — 1 mA/cmz, DC — 0.5 mA/cm2 and AC — 1 mA/cm2 with titanium electrodes .......................................................................... 57 Cumulative mass converted per unit electrical energy consumed for Co = 250 mg/L during AC and DC electrolysis using titanium electrodes ............................................................... 57 Cumulative electrical energy consumption (kJ/L) at titanium, graphite and BDD electrodes ................................................................... 59 Cumulative electrical energy consumption (kJ/L) at AC — l mA/cm2 with titanium electrodes ................................................................ 59 Cumulative mass converted per unit electrical energy consumed for AC electrolysis at current density = 1 mA/cm2 for C0 = 25, 250 and 2,500 mg/L using titanium electrodes ................................................. 60 Cumulative electrical energy consumption for Tap versus DI water as electrolyte for 25 mg/L using polished and unpolished titanium electrodes ............................................................... 60 Cumulative electrical energy consumption for C0 = 2,500 mg/L using polished titanium electrodes in DI water ...................................... 61 Experimental and predicted normalized concentrations of MTBE for C0 = 25 mg/L for DC electrolysis using current densities equal to 0.5 and 1 mA/cm2 ........................................................................... 65 ix Figure 4.29: Figure 4.30: Experimental and predicted normalized concentrations of MTBE for C0 = 250 mg/L for DC electrolysis using current densities equal to 0.5 and 1 mA/cm2 .......................................................................... 65 Experimental and predicted normalized concentrations of MT BE for Co = 2,500 mg/L for DC electrolysis using current densities equal to 0.5 and l mA/cm2 ............................................................................ 66 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AC = Alternating Current AOP = Advanced Oxidation Process BCF = Bioaccumulation Factor BDD = Boron Doped Diamond BTEX = Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene and Xylenes DC = Direct Current D1 = De-ionized EFOA = the European Fuel Oxygenates Association EIA = Energy Information Administration GAC = Granular Activated Carbon GC = Gas Chromatography MCLG = Maximum Contaminant Level Goal MS = Mass Spectrometry MTBE = Methyl tert-Butyl Ether TBA = Tertiary Butyl Alcohol TCB = Trichlorobenzenes US EPA = the United States Environmental Protection Agency xi LIST OF SYNIBOLS A = Current Ct = Concentration with time Cf = Final concentration Co = Initial concentration C = Coulomb D =Diffusion coefficient F = Faraday’s constant (96,487 C/mol) J = Mass flux Koc = Soil-water partitioning coefficient R = Gas Constant (8.314 kJ/mol.K) T = Temperature V = Voltage W = Power f = AC frequency j = Current density jeqv = Equivalent current density k = Pseudo-first-order degradation rate constant tm = Half-life v = Velocity of solution 2 = Net charge of carrier Q=ohm ’7 = Viscosity of solution xii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 MTBE AS GROUNDWATER CONT ANIINANT Methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) is a chemical compound that is manufactured by the chemical reaction of methanol and isobutylene. MTBE was produced in relatively large quantities (over 200,000 barrels per day) in the US. in 1999 and is almost exclusively used as a fuel additive in motor gasoline. It is a group of chemicals commonly known as "oxygenates" because it raises the oxygen content of gasoline. At room temperature, MTBE is volatile, flammable and colorless liquid that dissolves rather easily in water. MTBE could improve fuel combustion and reduce carbon monoxide but it is a risk to human health as a possible carcinogen and is classified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (Song Hong et al., 2007) as a toxic chemical. MT BE has relatively high solubility (~ 42 g/L), low soil-water partitioning coefficient (Koc = 11; logm KOC = 1.04), and relatively low retardation factors when compared with other gasoline additive such as benzene (EFOA, 2002) (Table 1.1). Therefore, MTBE is highly mobile, and is relatively difficult to remove. USEPA drinking water advisory (USEPA, 2000) recommended concentration of MTBE not to exceed 20 to 40 ug/L. More than 40 US. states developed drinking water/groundwater standards with action levels that range from 6.4 to 240 ug/L. While there are thousands of MTBE impacted groundwater sites in the US, a spill in Monica, CA is one of the major spills where MTBE concentration in groundwater ranged from 116 to 824 rig/L (US Water news, 1996). 1.2 BACKGROUND 1.2.1 Degradation Mechanism Organic compounds can be degraded and transformed by electrochemical degradation (Pepprah and Khire, 2008; Pepprah, 2007; Alshawabkeh et al., 2005). Electrochemical degradation of organic compounds in aqueous phase occurs due to direct oxidation and/or indirect oxidation or reduction. During the indirect oxidation processes, the agents that oxidize organic compounds are generated. Previous research has reported hydrogen peroxide (Brillas et al., 1995), metal mediators (Farmer et al., 1992), hypochlorite (Rajkumar et al., 2005), ozone (Stucki et al., 1987) and hydroxyl radicals (Yangqing et al., 2007) as strong reactive agents during electrochemical degradation. Equations 1.1 and 1.2 show breakdown of water at anode and cathode and resulting formation of oxygen at anode and hydrogen at cathode (Acar and Alshawabkeh, 1996). Anode: 2H2 —> 02 + 4H+ + 4e' (1.1) Cathode: 2H20 + 2e- —> H2 + 2OH° (1.2) During electrochemical conversion, hydroxyl radicals are also formed at the anode (Equation 1.3 and 1.4). H20+e' —> H' +OH' (1.3) OH" —-> OH. + e‘ (1.4) Table 1.1: Key physical properties of MTBE IUPAC Name 2-Methoxy-2- Identifiers (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) methylpropane CAS No. 1634-04-4 Molecular Formula C5H120 Molecular Weight (g/mol) 88.15 DensiWcm3) 0.7404 Melting Point ~109°C / -l64°F/ 164K Boling Point 55.2'C/ 131°F / 328K Physical Flash Point -10°C/ 14°F / 263K an‘? Auto ignition 425°C / 797°F/ 698K Chemcal v Pr kP 33 4 Properties apor essure( a) . Water Solubility 42 g/L Partitioning Coefficient n-octanol/water . (Koc) (log10) 1.04 (estimated) . Henry's Constant (Pa/m3/mol) 65 .4 . . 1.6 (estimated) / Bioaccumulation factor (BCF) 15 (measured for fish) CH3 Structure H3C C 0 CH3 CH3'O'C(CH3)3 I CH3 Note: 1. Source: European Fuel Oxygenates Association (EFOA) 2. MTBE at 25°C and 100 kPa Hydroxyl radicals are strong oxidizing agents that can breakdown many organic compounds including MTBE. 1.2.2 Electrical Efficiency Electrical efficiency is one of the considerations for operation of electrochemical systems. Among other parameters, electrical power usage is important consideration for electrochemical systems. The electrical power consumption can be computed using Eq. 1.5. Power (W) = Current (A) X Voltage (V) (1.5) Electrical efficiency (Eq. 1.6) is another important parameter which relates degradation of the pollutant to the power usage (Alshawabkeh and Sarahney, 2005). PXt Vxlog(C0 /Cf) (1'6) EE/0= where EE/O is electrical efficiency (kWh/m3); P is power usage (kW); t is operational time (hours); V is electrochemical reactor volume (m3); and C, and Cf are initial and final concentration of the pollutants, respectively. Pollutant breakdown rate is the ratio of rate of change in the concentration (i.e., degradation) of the pollutant to current density (Alshawabkeh and Sarahney, 2005), (Eq. 1.7) is as follow: _AC/At 1' 77k (1.7) where 71k is the efficiency of pollutant breakdown (mg/C); AC is change in pollutant concentration (mg/L); At is electrolysis time (seconds); and j is the current density (A/L). 1.2.3 Current Type Direct Current (DC) Direct Current (DC) is a form of electrical current which does not change the directions of its flow. Usually constant DC means a DC which has zero frequency. A majority of published work on electrochemical breakdown of organic compounds has been focused on the use of direct current (DC). Wu and Lin (2007) used DC electrolysis for degradation of MTBE using iridium electrodes with supporting electrolytes that included sulfuric acid (H2804), hydrochloric acid (HCl), and nitric acid (HNO3). They used initial concentration of MTBE equal to 20 mg/L. Removal rate of MTBE ranged from 27% to 92% after electrolysis for 3 hr for various values of input voltage, which ranged from 0.5 to 3.0 V for the various electrolytes. Degradation rate of MTBE increased as a function of applied voltage. While the use of DC in the lab-scale studies have demonstrated acceptable rates of breakdown of many organic chemicals, use of DC for field application poses many challenges (Khire and Pepprah 2008). Khire and Pepprah (2008) and Lee (2008) have indicated that power usage during DC is relatively high because the resistance of the electrolyte increases as the time of application of DC increases. Increased resistance requires proportionately greater voltage to maintain the current which, among other parameters, dictates the rate of breakdown of organic molecules in the solution. In addition, application of DC results in decrease in the pH near the anode and increase in the pH near the cathode. This results in relatively rapid fouling of the electrode which 5 causes decrease in the rate of breakdown and affects the physical integrity of the electrode. Alternating Current (AC) Alternating Current (AC) is an electrical current which changes its direction periodically. AC wave form can have well defined shapes such as sinusoidal, triangular, square, or it can follow an arbitrary shape. While the frequency of sinusoidal AC available in north American power grid is 60 Hz, AC function generators typically can produce AC at frequencies ranging from 0.1 Hz to 1 MHz. Relatively few published studies where AC has been used for electrochemical breakdown of organic compounds exist. Nakamura et al (2005) presents degradation of Trichlorobenzene (TCB) using AC electrolysis in aqueous solution. Decomposition rate of TCB was 29.6% after electrolysis for 0.5 hr due to hydrogen and hydroxyl radicals produced during AC electrolysis. Pepprah (2007), Pepprah and Khire (2008), and Khire and Pepprah (2008) have compared the use of DC and AC for electrochemical breakdown of naphthalene, pyrene, phenanthrene, and salicylic acid in aqueous solutions. For a given current density, these studies concluded that the rate of breakdown of the organic compounds was greater for DC compared to AC. For AC, the rate of breakdown decreased as the frequency of the AC was increased from 0.1 Hz to 1,000 Hz. However, the extent of electrode fouling and electrode mass loss was greater for DC compared to when AC was applied. Lee (2008) evaluated the power consumption for AC versus DC when naphthalene was degraded in electrochemical cells having volumes equal to 1 L and 3.5 L. Lee (2008) concluded that the power consumption per unit volume of the electrochemical cell was about 2 to 5 greater when DC was used. Lee (2008) also found that as long as the 6 current density (defined as total current divided by the total area of the electrodes that faces each other) was constant, the size of the cell did not influence the rate of degradation of naphthalene in aqueous solution. 1.2.4 Current Density Pepprah (2007), Pepprah and Khire (2008), Khire and Pepprah (2008), and Lee (2008) studied decomposition of naphthalene with AC and DC at current densities ranging from 0.5 to 6 mA/cmz. The degradation rate increased when current density was increased during AC as well as DC electrolysis. 1.2.5 Mass Transfer Process: The Nemst-Planck Equation Mass transfer of charged species (i.e. ions) in solution subjected to electrical current involves migration, diffusion and convection (Bard et al., 2001). Migration is the movement of a charged specie due to electrical potential difference. Diffusion is movement of chemical (i.e., contaminant in this study) under concentration gradient. Last, convection is from stirring or hydrodynamic movement. Equation 1.8 is the Nemst- Planck equation, which presents mass transfer due to migration, diffusion and convection between the two electrodes subjected to DC. 8C,(x) _ ZtF DiCi Mil... C,V(x) (1.8) ax RT ax J; (X) = "D.’ (X) Where Ji(x)is the flux of contaminant 1' (mol 3'1 cm'z) at distance x from the electrode 8C1. (x) surface; Dis the diffusion coefficient (cm'2 s' ); ax is the convection gradient at 7 distance x from the electrode surface; 2 is valency of the net charge carrier (dimensionless); F is the number of coulombs of charge per mole of ion (C); Ci is the concentration of contaminant i (mol cm'3); R and T are gas constants (j mol'l K") and absolute temperature (K), respectively; is the potential gradient; v(x) is the a¢ 8x velocity (cm s") of hydrodynamic flow between electrodes; and D is the diffusion coefficient of the specie. D of MTBE was estimated from the Hayduk-Laudie equation (1974) as shown in Eq. 1.9: _ 13.26x10‘5 - _ 0.589 (19) 771.14 XV D where D is diffusion coefficient (cm.2 5'1); nis the solution viscosity (10-2 g cm'1 s") at specific temperature; and V is the molar volume of contaminant (cm3 mol'l). 1.3 CONVENTIONAL REMEDIATION TECHNIQUES 1.3.1 Air Sparging Air sparging involves pumping air in the shallow plume of organic contaminants that are present in the ground water that are volatile. The air bubbles created by the pumped air allow the dissolved volatile organic compounds to volatilize at a faster rate. The vapors are removed by vacuum applied using an extraction system. Many sites contaminated with benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylenes (BTEX) compounds in shallow ground water have been successfully remediated by air sparging (Suthersan, 1997; USEPA, 1996). However, this technology is not effective for 8 dense non-aqueous phase liquids such as the chlorinated solvents and also MT BE which has relatively low liquid-gas partitioning coefficient. 1.3.2 Chemical Oxidation Processes The chemical Oxidation Processes are used to convert contaminant to end products, which are non toxic. Typically, the degradation or conversion occurs due to hydroxyl radicals which are produced. Hydroxyl radicals are strong oxidizing agents. A few examples of this application include the use of Fenton’s reagent, hydrogen peroxide, and ozonation. 1.3.3 Natural Attenuation Natural Attenuation involves several processes: (1) adsorption to aquifer materials leading to contaminant retardation; (2) dilution of contaminants through advection, dispersion and diffusion; and (3) volatilization. However, half-life period of MTBE is 0.1 year. Hence, it will require relatively long for MTBE to degrade using natural degradation (Hert et al., 1999) 1.3.4 Bioremediation Bioremediation uses microorganisms to degrade or immobilize contaminants. In order to optimize the rate of degradation or immobilization, several options are required. These options include injection of oxygen or electron acceptor, nutrients, and growth simulating materials (National Academy Press, 1993). In addition, temperature and pH have effect on decomposition efficiency (LaGrega et al., 1994). 1.4 OBJECTIVES 1.4.1 Key Challenges MTBE has relatively high solubility and low adsorption ability. Hence, air sparging or granular activated carbon adsorption does not work well (Sutherland et al., 2004; Shih et al., 2003). Advanced oxidation methods do work. However, they are relatively expensive. (Hseih et al., 2004; Watt, 1998; Anderson, 1994; Wagler and Malley, 1994). Electrochemical methods have a potential for source zone remediation. Electrochemical methods are yet not proven to be technically sound and cheap. Hence, additional research is needed to explore the use of AC versus DC and electrode materials on the efficiency of degradation of MTBE. Published studies have tested various materials for electrodes including: platinum (Ernst and Knoll, 2001); nickel (Wu, 2007); and iridium (Wu and Lin, 2007). These electrodes are expensive and undergo physical decay. There is lack of data on efficiency of electrochemical techniques. 1.4.2 Key Objectives The key objectives of this study are to investigate: 1. Effect of current types and density on the degradation rate; 2. The effect of electrode material on the rate of electrochemical degradation of MTBE in aqueous solution; 3. The effect of initial concentration of MTBE on the rate of degradation; and 4. The effect of DI water versus MSU tap water on the rate of degradation and energy consumptions. 10 CHAPTER 2 MATERIALS 2.1 CHEMICALS The chemicals used for this project included MTBE (target contaminant), acetone (cleaning solvent), sodium sulfate (NaZSO4) which was the supporting electrolyte, and deionized (DI) water which was the primary medium in which MTBE and Na2SO4 were dissolved. MTBE was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Company (Serial No. 306975). Acetone was purchased from J.T. Baker Company (Serial No. 9002-03). Acetone was 99.8% pure. DI water is obtained from the lab DI water system which produces DI water that has an electrical conductivity that exceeds 1 M. All chemicals were environmental grade. 2.2 ELECTRODES Three material types for the electrodes were evaluated in this study. These materials included titanium, graphite, and boron doped diamond (BDD). BDD is also referred to as diamler. 2.2.1 Titanium The titanium electrodes used in this study were uncoated titanium. This material was selected because it is cheaper than platinum, nickel, and mixed metal electrodes used in published electrochemical studies. Furthermore, it is corrosion-resistant, lustrous and 11 strong so can be potentially used for long-terrn field use (Chen et a1, 2003). Zaggout and Hallway (2008) used titanium electrodes for degradation of o-nitro phenol and observed relatively high removal rate. In this study, titanium electrodes were 12 cm high (H) x 5 cm wide (W) 0.1 cm thick (area ~ 60 cmz). Immersed area of the electrodes in 1 L aqueous solution was about 55 cm2. Photographs of the titanium electrodes are presented in Figure 2.1 and dimensions of all electrodes are summarized in Table 2.1. 2.2.2 Graphite Graphite is one of the allotropes of carbon and is an electrical conductor. Graphite is relatively cheap. Sathish and Viswanath (2005) used graphite electrodes for degradation of phenol in aqueous solution and reported 85% degradation within 30 hrs using DC at a 5 V. The dimensions of the graphite electrodes used in this project were 12.8 cm (H) by 5.3 cm (W) by 0.6 cm (immersed area ~ 68 cmz). A photograph of the electrodes and their dimensions are presented in Figure 2.2 and Table 2.1, respectively. Table 2.1: Dimensions of titanium, graphite and BDD electrodes . , Immersed Electrode Shape of Dtlameter 166.11g“! or Wldth or Area of the tWO Thickness Type Electrode 0 screw lameter Diameter Electrode (B, cm) (Dscrew) (H, cm) (W, cm) 2 (cm ) Titanium Rectangle 0.5 12 5 55 0.1 Graphite Rectangle 0.5 12.8 5.3 68 0.6 BDD Circle 0.5 7.4 35.9 0.1 12 DEF!“ Figure 2.1 Photograph and schematic diagram of titanium electrodes attached to the top cap Figure 2.2: Photograph of graphite electrodes attached to the top cap 13 2.2.3 Boron Doped Diamond (BDD) Similar to graphite, diamond is also an allotrope of carbon. However, diamond electrodes, while relatively expensive, are stable. In this study, silicon wafer was coated with diamond and boron at the Center for Coatings and Laser Applications, Fraunhofer USA. There are many published studies where BDD electrodes have been used for electrochemical research. Ammar et al. (2006) studied degradation of indigo dye at BDD electrodes using DC applied at a current density of 100 mA/cmz. Oliveira et al. (2007) and Zhao et al. (2008) degraded benzene and phenol using BDD with DC applied at a current density of 2.5 V and 20 mA/cmz, respectively. In this study, circular BDD electrodes were fabricated. The total and immersed areas of the electrodes were 43 cm2 and 35.9 cmz, respectively. A photograph of the electrodes is presented in Figure 2.3 and dimensions are listed in Table 2.1. 2.3 SUPPORTING ELECTROLYTE Sodium sulfate (NaZSO4) was used as the supporting electrolyte in this study. Lee et al. (2003) selected Na2804 as the electrolyte for decontamination of radioactive metal waste. Pepprah and Khire (2008) compared the use of Na2804 and NaCl as supporting electrolytes during electrochemical degradation of naphthalene and concluded that NaCl caused rapid decay of uncoated titanium electrodes due to the formation of hypochloric acid. 14 Figure 2.3: Photograph of Boron Doped Diamond (BDD) electrodes attached to the top cap CHAPTER 3 EXPERIMENTAL METHODOLOGY An outline of the experimental procedure is presented in Figure 3.1. Steps Description . . Prepare for 25, 250 and 2,500 mg/L 3011111011. of MT BE solution Preparanon . Add 300 mg of Nazsoa as supporting electrolyte Reaction . Add the spiked solution to the Chamber reaction vessel . , . Place reaction vessel in water bath Preparation Electrical . Apply the pre-deterrnined Equipment electrical current to the cell Setup . Measure temperature, current and voltage at specrfic time Sampling . Collect liquid samples at specific d Anal sis "mes a“ Y . Run GC to analyze MTBE concentration . Wash and polish the Ti and Graphite electrodes Cleaning . Wash the BDD electrodes, all beakers and vials using acetone and DI water Figure 3.1: Outline of experimental procedure 16 3.1 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP The Experimental setup consisted of electrochemical reactor and electrical equipment as displayed in Figure 3.2. 3.1.1 Electrolytic Reactor The electrochemical cell consisted of 1 L Pyrex beaker, Teflon cap, and electrodes. Pyrex beaker and Teflon cap minimize sorption and volatilization of MT BE. A water bath was used to minimize temperature increase and fluctuation. The room temperature was maintained between 20 to 22 °C. Figure 3.3 shows the reaction chamber placed inside a water bath. 3.1.2 Electrical Equipment The electrical equipment consisted of: DC power supply/AC amplifier, function generator, and oscilloscope (Figure 3.4). The function generator was able to generate triangular, sinusoidal, or square wave AC signals having 0 to 2 MHz frequency. Square wave AC having 0.1 Hz frequency was selected because Pepprah (2007) has shown that when AC is used, lower the frequency, greater the rate of degradation rate due to more time given for the reactions to occur at each instantaneous anode and cathode. The power supply used for this project was manufactured by Kepco, model BOP 200W. It consisted of bipolar operational amplifier and power supply with maximum 200 V and 1 A of AC/DC. Oscilloscope, which is Agilent model No. 54621A, was used to measure the current passing through the reaction chamber and the voltage applied to the chamber. It 17 has two channels to measure voltage. The Kepco amplifier has a special setup that allows measurement of the current supplied by the amplifier in the form of an equipment voltage signal. 3.1.3 MTBE in Aqueous Solution MTBE in aqueous solution was prepared by adding 300 mg of N a2804 (in crystal form, EMD chemicals Inc.) to 1 L of DI water and 0.0337, 0.337 and 3.37 mL of MTBE in liquid form to the solution to prepare 25, 250 and 2500 mg/L, respectively of MTBE spiked test solutions. Volume of MTBE was converted to weight using the density of MTBE which is equal to 0.74 g/cm3. 300 mg of N a2804 was selected based on Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG) (1990, 55 FR 30370), which EPA has proposed for Nast4. 3.2 TESTING, SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS 3.2.1 Testing In order to measure the concentration of MT BE, six standard solution samples were prepared as Gas Chromatograph (GC) standards. The identification of MTBE and quantification of its concentration was achieved by comparison of retention times and area under the chromatograms for standard solutions. R-square values in calibration curves obtained for the standard solution ranged from 0.9399 to 0.999. When 2,500 mg/L MTBE solution was analyzed, all samples were diluted to 2/3rd or 1/3rd to keep the measurement within the most accurate range of the GC. 18 Function Generator Digital Oscilloscope \ Figure 3.2: Experimental setup Figure 3.3: Reaction chamber placed inside water bath 19 Function Generator Oscilloscope Figure 3.4: Photographs of electrical equipment used in the study 20 Table 3.1 presents volumes of specific concentration of MTBE solution and DI water for making standard solutions for 25, 250 and 2,500 mg/L of MTBE. Current density tested in this project ranged from 0.5 to 2 mA/cm2 for DC and 1 to 5 mA/cm2 for AC. Table 3.2 shows the current that corresponds to the specific current density. Testing time was fixed at 24 hr for all tests. 3.2.2 Sampling Samples of test solution were collected at 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 24 hours after the test began. Micro syringes (2 mL, capacity) manufactured by Hamilton Company were used to collect the samples from the center of the cell, halfway between the electrodes. The sample was stored in a glass GC vial which was capped with silicon Teflon and 20 mm standard seals (Grace Davison Discovery Deerfield) and stored in refrigerator until it was analyzed using GC within 24 hours. Photographs of the vials and the micro syringe are shown in Figure 3.5. The sampling syringe was decontaminated and cleaned after every sampling by using acetone and DI water. Figure 3.6 shows a photograph of the setup used to clean the sampling equipment. The chemical current was not stopped during sampling. 3.2.3 Gas Chromatography (GC) Analysis GC manufactured by Perkin Elmer (model EK-3441) was used to analyze the concentrations of MTBE in the test solution. The GC was connected to a head space sampler (Perkin Elmer, HS-40). The GC run was set up for MTBE. The specific details related to the setup are as follows: 21 Table 3.1: Volumes of MTBE and DI water used for preparation of standard solutions Target Concentration -) 0 5 10 15 20 25 mgr.) Volume of 25 mg/L of MTBE solution (mL) 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 Volume of DI water (mL) 2.0 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.0 E244..- _.:-. —. - - - . - it are? 1:13 I . _~ ”:4. . -_..~ “.13.“ . ». - .. 7 _ ~31. ;;.;;!§ '3‘ r." 1'"??? 3:1 "WE: aselt -: -2. '"~ 4+— a: e ‘- .‘ -..« -_:-—, a Target Concentration -) 0 50 100 150 200 250 (mg/L) Volume of 250 mg/L of MTBE solution (mL) 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 Volume of D1 ....,. 1 Amt“ ("ll”) __ , . 2.0 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 - r 0.0 Target Concentration -) O 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 (mg/L) Volume of 2,500 mg/L of MTBE solution (mL) 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 Volume of DI water (mL) 2.0 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.0 Table 3.2: Current densities and equivalent currents Measured Current (mA) Corresponding the Current Density EleCtrOde jeqv. = 2 jeqv. = 2 jeqv. = 2 jeqv. = 2 jeqv. = 2 0.5 mA/cm 1 mA/cm 2 mA/cm 4 mA/cm 5 mA/cm Titanium 55 1 10 220 440 550 Graphite 68 136 272 544 680 BDD 35 70 140 280 350 22 1. GC cycle time: 10 min 2. Heating time per vial: 30 min 3. Pressurizing time per vial: 2 min 4. Injection and withdrawal time of needle to vials: 0.2 min, respectively 5. Sampler, needle and transfer temperature: 80°C, 120°C and 120°C, respectively 6. Helium, hydrogen and air gas cylinder controlled pressure: 525 kPa (77 psi), 340 kPa (50 psi) and 500 kPa (72 psi), respectively. Figure 3.7 shows a photograph of the GC setup. Fig. 3.8 shows a schematic of the connections used for the GC setup. 3.3 MONITORED PARAMETERS During the test, the parameters that were monitored included pH, temperature, voltage, and electrical resistance, R (for DC) and impedance, Z (for AC). Temperature and voltage were measured at the sampling time, which was 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 24 hours using microprocessor thermometer (OE Omega) and digital oscilloscope, respectively. Electrical resistance and pH were monitored just before the test started and just after the test ended using LCR ESR meter (BK Precision) and pH meter (IQ. scientific instruments), respectively. The resistance was also calculated from the voltage readings that were taken throughout the test and the fixed current which was maintained throughout the test. These measurement devices are shown in Figure 3.9. 23 (e) Figure 3.5: Photographs: (a) aluminum cap; (b) silicon septa and combined cap; (c) micro needle (2 mL capacity); and (d) capped vial Figure 3.6: Photograph of setup to clean the sampling equipment 24 Figure 3.7: Photographs: (a) carrier gas (H2, Air and He); (b) head space sampler; (c) GC; and ((1) connected computer for data access Peak Area / l I If Samples Injector _ij Control Pressure .\ 4a Computer t, ’I_ l I Ail-x1 A, f .‘ . x \ \ \ \ \. Detector Carrier Gas (Air, H2 and He) Figure 3.8: Schematic of carrier gas (H2, Air and He), head space sampler, GC, and connected computer 25 3.4 DECONTAMINATION AND CLEANING 3.4.1 Electrode Cleaning electrodes was critical for many reasons including deposits on the electrode surface have effect on the reaction rate that results in the degradation of the target chemical and the electrodes were reused. The used titanium electrodes were polished using a pneumatic metal brush scrubber followed by cleaning it using detergent (Alcox) and rinsing with DI water. The process of cleaning titanium electrodes is depicted in Figure 3.10. Graphite electrodes were cleaned by scrubbing with a sand paper followed by cleaning and rinsing with the detergent and DI water. 3.4.2 Microneedle, Beaker and Miscellanea Microneedle was washed using one part acetone and 2 parts DI water. A photograph of how the micro needle was cleaned is presented in Figure 3.11. Beaker and vials were washed using detergent (Alcox) and rinsed using DI water and oven dried for 24 hours. Immersed components of all measuring devices also were cleaned using the same procedure as discussed above after every sampling/monitoring event. 26 Figure 3.9: Photographs: (a) pH meter; (b) Thermometer; (c) LCR meter; and (d) Oscilloscope LL_j Used electrode Scrubbing Washing Drying Recycled electrode Figure 3.10: Procedure followed for cleaning titanium electrodes 27 DI water washing for 2 times Cleaning beakers and vials Figure 3.11: Photographs of decontamination and cleaning of micro needle, beakers, and sampling vials 28 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The effect of current type and current density, electrode materials, use of tap water versus DI water, and initial concentration of MTBE on the rate of degradation of MTBE in an aqueous solution was evaluated from total 37, 24-hr experiments. Table 4.1 summarizes the list of experiments carried out. 4.1 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Figures 4.1 to 4.3 show normalized MTBE concentration (Ct/Co) versus elapsed time during electrolysis with titanium electrodes where DC and AC at current densities equal to 0.5, 1, 2, 4 mA/cm2 were applied with initial concentration of MT BE equal to 25, 250 and 2,500 mg/L. The error bars shown in all graphs are maximum and minimum values of the ordinate measured from duplicate tests. Table 4.2 presents the final concentration versus initial concentration ratio (Cf/C0) for all current densities, current types, and initial concentrations. 4.1.1 Control Cell Control tests were carried out for each of the initial concentrations using an identical setup as that where current was applied. However, for the control tests, no current was passed. When current passes through an electrochemical cell, hydrogen and oxygen gases bubble out at the cathode and anode, respectively. 29 Table 4.1: Summary of experiments carried out Initial , Electrode Current Current Total Number Concentration Material Type densrty 2 Current of Tests (mg/L) '1 (mA/cm ) (mA) 0 Tm. AC 1 / 2 110/ 220 2 1 “1‘“ DC 0.5/l 55/110 2 23/520? Titanium Control - ' 3 AC 1 110 l 25 Titanium 220 1 DC 0.5 55 2 1 1 10 l 1 Titanium DC 0-5 55 1 25 Unpolished DC 05 55 1 Titanium 1 1 10 1 AC Titanium 2 220 2 DC 0.5 55 2 l 1 10 l 250 AC 5 696 l Graphite 0'5 58 2 Dc 1 174 1 2.5 348 l BDD AC 1 7O 1 BDD DC 1 70 2 1 l 10 2 AC 2 220 1 Titanium 4 440 1 2500 0.5 55 2 DC 1 1 10 1 2 220 l U°P°l‘.Sh°° DC 0.5 55 1 Titanium Total number of tests : 37 Notes: 1. Electrolyte prepared using MSU tap water. For all other tests, DI waster used 2. AC Frequency was 0.1 Hz for all AC tests 30 Table 4.2: Effect of current densities at C0 = 25, 250 and 2,500 mg/L Initial . Type Concentration (mg/L) Jqu' 2 Cl/Co of MTBE (“A/cm ) 0.5 0.02 25 l 0.03 0.5 0.33 DC 250 1 0.1 0.5 0.72 2,500 1 0.51 2 0.12 1 0.3 25 2 0.14 1 0.64 AC 250 2 0.56 l 0.82 2,500 2 0.68 4 0.7 Hence, these gases can remove the volatile organic chemical (e.g., MTBE) via sparging or aeration. For the current densities used in this study, the amount of oxygen and hydrogen produced at the electrodes ranged from 0.45 l/d to 3.6 Ud based on estimates using the Faraday’s equation (Eq. 4.1) : NH 20r02 n F (4.1) where j is current density (mA/cmz); n is number of electrons; F is faraday constant (C/mol); and N is gas flux (mol/cm2.s). Goel et al (2003) evaluated the effect of aeration by sparging 1.6 L/d of nitrogen gas in a cell containing 10 mg/L of naphthalene. The authors reported insignificant 31 mi stripping of naphthalene due to the aeration. Drogos and Diaz (2000) evaluated removal of MTBE (concentration ~ 10 mg/L) added to gasoline in a large-scale lab model (~ 500 m3) filled with saturated sand by pumping air at a rate of about 1.9 x105 IJd for five days and 7.8x105 L/d for 10 additional days. After 20 days of continuous pumping of air, MTBE removed from the tank was about 4% while toluene and xylene removals were about 11% and 14%, respectively. The authors attributed the relatively low removal of MTBE to its relatively low Henry’s Law liquid/gas partitioning coefficient equal to 5.87 x 10'4 atm-m3/g-mole. The Henry’s Law liquid/gas partitioning coefficient for naphthalene (4.5 x 10'3 atm-m3/g-mole) is about one order greater than MTBE and Goel et al. (2003) observed negligible removal of naphthalene at the rate of aeration which is similar to the rate of gas production in the experiments carried out in this project. Hence, the control cell in this study did not include aeration. Removal of MTBE due to aeration is expected to be relatively small. 4.1.2 Effect of Current Density and Current Type Figures 4.1 to 4.3 and Table 4.2 show that as the current density increases, the rate of degradation also increases. However, for a fixed current density and initial concentration, the rate of degradation for DC was greater than that for AC. Pepprah and Khire (2008) and Alshawabkeh and Sarahney (2005) also reported similar results during electrolysis of naphthalene in an aqueous phase. Greater the current density, higher the rate of production of hydroxyl radicals (Panizza and Cerisola 2009). Because hydroxyl radicals are strong oxidizing agents, they react with MTBE and breakdown MTBE. 32 n:- Pepprah and Khire (2008) report the reason for lower degradation rate for AC compared to DC is because during an AC electrolysis, the current direction is reversed at time period equal to the reciprocal of the AC frequency (equal to 5 sec when f = 0.1 Hz) and this results in : (1) delay in mass transfer of the organic chemical to the electrode where it is degraded; and (2) both electrodes act as instantaneous anode and cathode where oxidation and reduction reactions occur, respectively, but some of these reactions are reversed when the electrode changes from anode to cathode or vice versa. While the rate of degradation for AC was lower than that for DC, Pepprah and Khire (2008) report that the electrode decay in the presence of NaCl as the supporting electrolyte for AC was relatively small compared to that for DC. 4.1.3 Effect of Electrode Material Three electrode materials were tested: (1) uncoated 99% purity titanium; (2) solid graphite; and (3) BDD. The initial concentration of MTBE and the current density (DC) were fixed at 250 mg/L and 1 mA/cmz, respectively. Fig. 4.4 shows the normalized concentration versus time for the three types of electrodes tested in the 1 L cells when DC was applied. The rate of degradation of MTBE when titanium or BDD electrodes were used was significantly greater than that for graphite (~ 13%). Titanium and BDD showed very similar rates of degradation (about 82 to 89%). These results indicate that the rate of degradation is a function of electrode material. It may be because the rate of production of hydroxyl radicals is a function of the electrode material. 33 ..L '0 CO = 25 mg/L Frequency: 0.1 Hz for AC _L 9 m ,“AC-1mAmm2 - 2 mA/cm2 9 A DC-O.5mA/cm2 -1mA/cm2 Normailized Concentration of MTBE (Ct / Co) 9 o N O) O 0 5 10 15 20 25 Elapsed Time (hrs) Figure 4.1: Normalized concentration (Ct/Co) for MTBE for C0 = 25 mg/L with titanium electrodes —l b Co = 250'mg/L Frequency: 0.1 Hz for AC 2 _ a --------------- ”K; Control—,‘fig T“‘£L\\ _A i ‘AC - 1 mA/cm2 N\ \ ::::::::T‘AC-2mAmm2T‘e \ / P 4; >14 \\DC—1mAmm O - i i o 5 10 15 20 25 Elapsed Time (hrs) 9 m Normailized Concentration of MTBE (01/ Co) 0 0') Figure 4.2: Normalized concentration (Ct/Co) for MTBE for C0 = 250 mg/L with titanium electrodes 34 0.6 0.4 0.2 Normailized Concentration of MTBE (01/ CO) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Normailized Concentration of MTBE (C t / Co) 1 : % 700:2,500 mg/L """"""""""""""""""" _ EAC, Frequency: 0.1 Hz i l l i l 0 5 10 15 20 25 Elapsed Time (hrs) 1 I l ! """""""""""" Control—e“ i l i l l 0 5 10 15 20 25 Elapsed Time (hrs) 35 Figure 4.3: Normalized concentration (Ct/Co) for MTBE for C0 = 2,500 mg/L with titanium electrodes: (a) AC; and (b) DC Because hydroxyl radicals are primarily responsible for degradation of organic molecules such as MT BE (Pepprah 2007), the rate of degradation varies for various electrode materials. Graphite electrodes most likely produced the least amount of hydroxyl radials. Hence, while graphite is relatively cheap, it is not as effective in electrochemical degradation of MTBE. After the tests were completed, the electrode surfaces were observed and noted. Titanium electrodes had deposits whereas BDD and graphite electrodes looked unaltered. Figure 4.5 shows the surface of each of the electrodes before and after electrolysis. Fig. 4.6 shows the normalized concentration versus time for titanium and BDD when AC having current density equal to lmA/cmzwas applied. The rates of degradation for both electrodes were about the same. However, these rates were significantly less than those for DC. This finding is consistent with the AC and DC comparisons presented in Figs. 4.1 to 4.3. 4.1.4 Effect of Initial Concentration of MTBE Figs 4.7, 4.8, 4.9 and 4.10 show the normalized concentration versus time for experiments where the initial concentration of MTBE was 25 mg/L, 250 mg/L, and 2,500 mg/L. Greater the initial concentration, lower was the rate of degradation. However, the cumulative mass of MTBE degraded increased with increase in the initial concentration of MTBE (Figs. 4.11 to 4.14). Wang et al. (2009) also reported similar results for degradation of 4-chlorophenol during electrolysis. 36 Boo : \ Titanium\ """"""""""""""""" ‘ 02 a- DC. jqu_ =1 mA/cm2 Normailized Concentration of MTBE (Ct / CO) 0 i 1 i 0 5 10 15 20 25 Elapsed Tlrne (hrs) Figure 4.4: Normalized concentration of MTBE with graphite, BDD and titanium electrodes during DC Electrolysis I.” G Graphite Boron Doped Diamond (BDD) Titanium Figure 4.5: The electrode surface of graphite, BDD and titanium before (upper) and after (below) electrolysis 37 Assuming all other parameters are fixed, the rate of production of hydroxyl radicals is a function of the current density (Pepprah 2005; Yanqing et al., 2007). Hence, while the initial concentration of MTBE was increased, the rate of production of hydroxyl radicals was unchanged. The cumulative mass of MTBE degraded or converted increased (Figs. 4.11 to 4.14) as the initial concentration was increased because for a given current density, more MTBE molecules were available in the solution for the hydroxyl radicals to react with. 4.1.5 Effect of DI Water vs. Tap Water Most experiments in this study were carried out using DI water as the electrolyte with electrodes having polished surfaces to maintain the surface properties of the electrodes consistent throughout the experimental program. The effect of using of tap water as the electrolyte and potential electrode fouling during electrolysis were evaluated by carrying out these tests where: (1) the electrolyte was tap water from the lab; and (2) the titanium electrode surfaces from a previous test with tap water were not polished to simulate the effect of electrode fouling. Initial concentrations equal to 25 mg/L and 2,500 mg/L and current density for DC equal to 0.5 mA/cm2 were used for these tests. The results are presented in Figs. 4.15 and 4.16. The results show that the use of tap water instead of DI water as the electrolyte and by not polishing the electrode surface after a test had insignificant impact on the rate of degradation. 38 1.2 g , , . o) C o = 250 mg/L rc' Frequency: 0.1. Hz for AC- ——D Normailized Concentration of MTBE (01/ C 0.4 ~§ ------------------ ----------------- --------------- — . _ 2 E E : 0.2 ~;"°‘C"eqv.'1 "'Ncm ----------------- i ---------------- — 0 l l l l l o 5 10 15 20 25 Elapsed Time (hrs) Figure 4.6: Normalized concentration of MTBE solution for C0 = 250 mg/L with BDD and titanium electrodes during AC electrolysis 1.2 i ! ! I 5 5 . AC -1 mA/om2 ............. Frequency 0.1 Hz Normailized Concentration of MTBE (Ct / Co) 0 l l l l l 0 5 10 15 20 25 Elapsed Time (hrs) Figure 4.7: Effect of initial concentration of MTBE at AC density of lmA/cm2 for C0 = 25, 250 and 2,500 mg/L with titanium electrodes 39 1.2 I 1 I I ‘ AC - 2 mA/om2 Frequency: 0.1 Hz Normailized Concentration of MTBE (Ct / Co) 0 5 1o 15 2o 25 Elapsed Time (hrs) Figure 4.8: Effect of initial concentration of MT BE at AC density of 2 mA/cm2 for C0 = 25, 250 and 2,500 mg/L with titanium electrodes 1 .2 ! ! IT ! I ' ' ' ‘ DC - 0.5 mA/cm2 Normailized Concentration of MTBE (C 1 / Co) 0 5 10 15 20 25 Elapsed Time (hrs) Figure 4.9: Effect of initial concentration of MTBE at DC density of 0.5 mA/cm2 for CO = 25, 250 and 2,500 mg/L with titanium electrodes 40 1.2 i l j l . i ' I ' DC - 1 mA/cm2 Normailized Concentration of MTBE (C t / Co) Elapsed Time (hrs) Figure 4.10: Effect of initial concentration of MTBE at DC density of 1 mA/cm2 for C0 = 25, 250 and 2,500 mg/L with titanium electrodes 1400 I l I I _ AC-1 mA/cm2 1200 t- ---------------- g ------------------ ------ Frequency: 0.1 Hz was ................. ————————————————— ---------------- ............... — Cumulative MTBE Mass Converted (mg) Elapsed Time (hrs) Figure 4.11: Cumulative MTBE mass converted at AC density of 1 mA/cm2 for C0 = 25, 250 and 2,500 mg/L with titanium electrodes 41 5 5 , AC-2mA/cm2 1200 _ ................ g ------------------ ------ Frequency:0.1HZ Cumulative MTBE Mass Converted (mg) 600 .................................................................................... _. 400 —- -------------------------------- i --------------------------------------------------- .— 200 ------“ ---------------- -1 . . __250mg/L_____e 0 1 Q ‘ —=.=25mg/l7——'A O 5 10 15 20 25 Elapsed Time (hrs) Figure 4.12: Cumulative MTBE mass converted at AC density of 2 mA/cm2 for C0 = 25, 250 and 2,500 mg/L with titanium electrodes 1400 I 1 1 i g : DC-O.5 mA/cm2 1200 — ---------------- g ------------------ ---------------- - 1000 — ---------------- ----------------- --------------- - Cumulative MTBE Mass Converted (mg) 0 5 10 15 2o 25 Elapsed Time (hrs) Figure 4.13: Cumulative MTBE mass converted at DC density of 0.5 mA/cm2 for C0 = 25, 250 and 2,500 mg/L with titanium electrodes 42 1 400 I 1 f 1 200 1000 is 01 on 8 8 8 Cumulative MTBE Mass Converted (mg) N 8 o 5 10 15 20 25 Elapsed Time (hrs) Figure 4.14: Cumulative MT BE mass converted at DC density of lmA/cm2 for C0 = 25, 250 and 2,500 mg/L With titanium electrodes 43 Pepprah and Khire (2008) achieved significantly lower removal rate of phenathrene and pyrene when they used unpolished titanium electrodes with AC density equal to 18.5 mA/cmz. Greater current density may result in greater electrode fouling which impacts the rate of degradation. While there was no significant difference in the rate of degradation, the applied voltage increased more rapidly when tap water and unpolished electrodes were used. Electrical conductivities of DI water, the tap water, and 300 mg of Na2S04 dissolved in 1 L of DI water were 0.9, 754, and 866 1.18, respectively. Hence, more rapid increase in the voltage during the tests when tap water and unpolished electrodes were used was most likely due to deposit formation or fouling of the electrodes that resulted in a rapid increase in the resistance of the cell. In order to maintain the current density, the constant current amplifier increased the voltage proportionate to the resistance. White precipitates were observed after the test when tap water was used as the electrolyte (Figs. 4.17 and 4.18). Final voltage of 2,500 mg/L and 25 mg/L of MT BE solution in DI water was 45 and 48 V, respectively. For unpolished electrode for C0 = 2,500 mg/L, 25 mg/L (tap water) and 25 mg/L (DI water), the final voltages were 52.5, 67 and 83 V. 4.1.6 Degradation Kinetics The degradation rate of MTBE solution during electrolysis can be described as a pseudo-first-order decay reaction, which is presented in Eq. 4.2: dC E——k[Cl (4.2) 44 DC - 0.5 mA/cm2 in DI water DC - 0.5 mA/cm2 in Tapwater- DC - 0.5 mA/cm2 electrodes in Tapwater Normailized Concentration of MTBE (C t / Co) 0 5 10 15 20 25 Elapsed Time (hrs) Figure 4.15: Effect of electrolyte on the rate of degradation of MTBE for Co = 25 mg/L at DC density = 0.5 mA/cm2 with titanium electrodes l Co = 2,500 mg/L ..u . Control- 0.8 _ ___________ /;\\‘x I : DC-O.5mA/cm 3 fl (unpolished electrode) Normailized Concentration of MTBE (Ct/ Co) 0'6 j V DC - 0.5 mA/cm2 """" (clean electrode) 0.4 ----- - 0.2 4 ---------- 0 l 0 5 1O 15 20 25 Elapsed Time (hrs) Figure 4.16: Effect of electrolyte on the rate of degradation of MTBE for Co = 2,500 mg/L at DC density = 0.5 mA/cm2 with titanium electrodes 45 Clean electrode (Front and Back sides) Anode electrode Cathode electrode after 24-hr test after 24-hr test (Front and Back sides) (Front and Back sides) aritiitl‘tiith-mi. Figure 4.17: Photographs of titanium electrode surface after a 24-hr test when Co = 25 mg/L for MTBE in Tap water Clean electrode (Front and Back sides) (Front and Back sides) Anode electrode after 24-hr test (Front an Cathode electrode after 24-hr test (1 Back sides) n13" in“). 1,; l :éx :5 . 3.3:; , Figure 4.18: Photographs of titanium electrode surface after a 24-hr test when C0 = 2,500 mg/L for MT BE in 300 mg of Na2S04 dissolved in l L of DI water 46 where C is the concentration of MTBE (mg/L); dC/dt is the rate of change of contaminant concentration; and k is the pseudo-first—order rate constant (T'l). Half life of MTBE is estimated from Equation 4.3 _ 0.693 ’1/2 -7 ' (4.3) The values of pseudo-first-order rate constant for each test were calculated by making a ln[Ct/Co] versus time plot and measuring the slope of the line. Initial concentration of MTBE, current type and current density, electrolyte, and electrode materials influenced the k values (Table 4.3; Figs 4.19 and 4.20). Fig. 4.19 shows that the degradation rate constant increases as the: (1) current density increases; (2) DC is used rather than AC; and (3) initial concentration is lowered. The rate constant was highest for titanium electrodes (0.09/hr) and was smallest for graphite (0.005/hr) (Fig. 4.20). 4.1.7 Measured Initial and Final Parameters Table 4.4 summarizes measured initial and final (after the 24-hr test) parameters during the tests. These parameters were: Voltage (V), Resistance (R) or Irripedance (Z), pH, and Temperature (°C). During a majority of the experiments, the applied voltage increased continuously during the electrolysis because the resistance of the cell increased. Voltage went up more rapidly at greater current densities especially when DC was used. For the DC tests, the initial resistance of the electrochemical cell ranged from 116 Q to 161 Q and the final resistance ranged from 122 Q to 191 O. For the AC tests, the 47 initial impedance of the electrochemical cell ranged from 146 Q to 188 Q and the final impedance ranged from 131 Q to 172 O. For the DC tests, initial pH ranged from 6 to 7.4 and final pH ranged from 6.4 to 8.1. For AC tests, initial pH ranged from 6 to 7.3 and final pH ranged from 5.5 to 8.4. Wu (2007) also observed increase in pH when DC was used during electrolysis of MT BE using nickel electrodes. Pepprah and Khire (2008) reported increase in pH during DC and a decrease during AC electrolyses. Thus, oxidation of water molecule was prominent during AC and reduction of water was more dominant during DC electrolysis. Room temperature during the tests ranged from 19 ~ 24 °C. However, during a specific test, the room temperature usually fluctuated within 2 °C. The temperature of the electrochemical cell followed the room temperature because it was immersed in a relatively large water bath. However, when the current densities were 2 mA/cm2 and 4 mA/cmz, temperature of the cell increased to 29 to 32 °C due to joule heating. This increase in temperature will have effect on volatilization and diffusion coefficient of MTBE. As temperature increases, the rate of volatilization and diffusion coefficient increased too. Hence, the control sample was placed in the same water bath adjacent to the cell that was subjected to electricity to experience the elevated temperature. 4.2 ELECTRICAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION Table 4.5 summarizes the total electrical energy consumed during the 24-hr electrolysis for all tests. The electrical energy in k] and kWh was calculated from equation (1.3) and kWh/L was computed from equation (1.4). 48 Table 4.3: Degradation of rate constant (k) and half—life of MTBE , .1qu Immersed k ( 3L) C;rrent ( IA) (mA/ 2::3936 Electrode Constant R2 t1/2 m ype 111 cm2) n s Area (cmz) (hr-1) (hr) AC 110 1.0 55 0.049 0.98 14.3 220 2.0 . . 55 0.079 0.98 8.7 Titanium 55 0.5 55 0.155 0.96 4.5 25 110 1.0 55 0.152 0.99 4.6 DC 55 0.5 .T‘mmum 55 0.102 0.95 6.8 In tapwater 55 0.5 U“.p°“.5h°d 55 0.141 0.97 4.9 Titanlfln 110 1.0 , _ 55 0.016 0.98 43.0 Titanium AC 220 2.0 55 0.025 0.98 28.2 680 5.0 Graphite 68 0.005 0.32 144.4 55 0.5 , . 55 0.040 0.95 17.2 Titanium 250 110 1.0 55 0.096 0.99 7.3 70 1.0 BDD 35 0.023 0.74 30.1 DC 70 1.0 35 0.075 0.97 9.2 58 0.5 68 0.003 0.77 256.7 136 1.0 Graphite 68 0.007 0.63 101.9 170 2.5 68 0.01 1 0.99 64.2 1 10 1.0 55 0.008 0.90 91.2 AC 220 2.0 55 0.017 0.87 39.8 440 4.0 mm 55 0.018 0.55 37.7 2 500 55 0.5 ' um 55 0.007 0.95 105.0 ’ l 10 1.0 55 0.030 0.80 22.9 220 2.0 55 0.085 0.98 8.1 DC . 55 0.5 U“P°“.Sh°d 55 0.013 0.98 53.3 Titanium Note: 1. Unless specified, all tests were carried out using DI water 2. AC Frequency = 0.1 Hz for all AC tests 49 Degradation Rate Constant, k (hr-1) Degradation Rate Constant, k (hr—1) 1mA/cm2 2 mA/cm2 0.5 mA/cm2 r l . . . I i D C 71856;; as}; 571' """"""""" " - Eletrolysis for 24 hr 1 mA/cm2 lll'lllllll'lllllll (b) Co = 250 Eletrolys mg/L is for 24 hr ............ 1mA/cm2 2 mA/cm2 50 0.5 mA/cm2 1mA/cm2 I I lllllllllllllllllll o_14 ; ————————————— - --------------------------------------------------------- —‘ — (0) Co = 2500 mg/L - - Eletrolysis for 24 hr - 0.12 r ------------- 0.1 -_ ............. .... 0.08 L ------------- Degradation Rate Constant. k (hr-1) O O O) lillliilrii I" 0 Figure 4.19: Estimated k (hr'l) for MTBE C0 = 25 mg/L (a); 250 mg/L (b); and 2,500 mg/L (c) using AC and DC during 24 hr electrolysis with titanium electrodes 0.16 . I r L A . . : 0.14 — ---------------------------- a ---------------------------------------------------------- — E Co = 250 mg/L : TE 0.12 __‘EIetI’OIy5|S for 24:hr _____________________________________________________ _ x . : _. E 0.1 :---DC,] —1mA/cm2 ----------------------------------------------- -: 7;; . eqv 4 C - .1 8 - . 2 0.08 _- ---------------------------- -: m - -1 cc _ . .5 0.06 — ---------------------------- .5 15 - a ‘D ' . g - . g 0.04 _— ---------------------------- —_ o - - 0.02 — ---------------------------- — o _ Graphite BDD Titanium Figure 4.20: Effect of electrode material on k during DC electrolysis 51 888 O< :8 88 NE mo 83 55:35 O< .m 888828 8828:0983 .N .88: 8883 HQ .888 850 :8 com 8883 m8 392 was: 8238a 850.585 A 8qu 8.8 8.2 8.8 88 882 8.82 8.8 8.2 Neaeea. no 8 on 8.8 8.8 88 88 8.82 8.8_ 88: 8.8 8.8 88 8.8 8.8 8.8 88 8.5 8.82 8.8 8.8 on c: on 8.8 8.8 88 88 8.5 88: 8.8 8.8 ease; no 8 88.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 88 882 8.88 8.82 8.8 . . 8. 83. 8.8 8.8 888 88 28: 282 8.8 8.8 8.8 88 u< m8 8.8 88 :8 8.5 8.88 8.8 8.8 3 o: 8.8 8.8 88 :8 888 888 8.2 8.: 3 8 on 8.8 8.8 88 88 888 8.88 8.: 8.2 mam 8.8 8 9.. 8.2 8.8 :8 8.8 888 888 8.2 8.2 8:880 88 8 on 8.8 8.8 88 88 8.8 8.88 2.8 8.8 . 88 88 o< 88 8.8 8.8 88 88 888 8.8_ 8.8 8.8 3 8: on #8 8.8 8.8 88 882 8.8: 8.3. 8.8 52:58 no 8 8.8 8.8 8: 88 882 882 8.8 8.8 . . 8.8 88 9.. 8.8 <8 88 88 882 88: 8.8 8.8 8.8 o: 8 8.8 88 8.8 2.8.8 8.82 8.8 2.2 85258:. no 8 on 88 8 8.8 8.8 88 8.88 8.5 8.8 8.2 no 8 on .8 8.8 8.8 88 88 8.88 882 8.8 8.8 8.8 8: on 2: 8.8 8.8 88 8.88 8.5 8.8 8.8 5258 no 8 8.8 8.8 88 88 8.8: 8.82 8.8 8.8 8.8 88 8 8.8 8.8 28 88 882 8.88 8.8 8.8 A: o: o< .88 .53 .88 .85.: .88 .855 as... .83 geese... $588.58 08 38.5 688582858. :8 68 8:889:— 98 85.3, 8888.8 .88 22:: 3.. co =88 ova—oboe? of Co 238388 new In 883.3 ho EEEsm 31838 .H. 52 The electrical energy cost was assumed equal to 6.867 cents/kWh as presented in Energy Information Administration (2008). 4.2.1 Effect of Current Density and Type Figure 4.21 presents the cumulative energy consumed per unit volume of the electrolyte during AC and DC electrolysis carried out for Co = 250 mg/L. For a given current density, DC consumed more electrical energy compared to AC during the 24-hr testing period. However, the rate of degradation as well as the MTBE mass degraded or converted by DC was greater than that by AC for a given current density during the 24-hr testing period. Hence, the cumulative MT BE mass converted during electrolysis was normalized with respect to the cumulative electrical energy (Fig. 4.22). Fig. 4.22 shows that DC was more energy efficient for degrading MT BE because it resulted in greater mass converted per unit energy consumed. 4.2.2 Effect of Electrode Material Figure 4.23 presents the cumulative energy consumed per unit volume of the electrolyte during DC electrolysis carried out using titanium, graphite, and BDD electrodes for MTBE Co = 250 mg/L and current density = 1 mA/cmz. While the rate of MTBE degradation was highest for titanium, BDD consumed the least total electrical energy. 53 4.2.3 Effect of Initial Concentration of MTBE Figure 4.24 presents the cumulative electrical energy consumed per unit volume of the electrolyte during AC electrolysis carried out for Co = O, 25, 250, and 2,500 mg/L at current density = 1 mA/cmz. Fig. 4.24 shows that as Co increases, the total electrical energy consumption during the 24-hr period decreases. Comparison of initial and final voltages measured during the tests (Fig. 4.24) indicates that the final voltage decreased as the initial concentration was increased. This may be because greater initial concentration of MTBE resulted in greater concentration of ions formed as intermediate byproducts of degradation of MTBE. Greater mass of ions reduced the impedance of the electrolyte and hence the energy consumption was less. Fig. 4.25 shows the cumulative MTBE mass converted during electrolysis normalized with respect to the cumulative electrical energy. It can be observed from Fig. 4.25 that degradation of MT BE was more energy efficient at higher initial concentrations of MTBE because it resulted in greater MTBE mass converted per unit energy consumed. 4.2.4 Effect of D1 vs. Tap Water as Electrolytes Figure 4.26 presents the cumulative electrical energy consumed per unit volume of the electrolyte during DC electrolysis carried out for Co = 25 mg/L at current density = 0.5 mA/cm2 using tap water and DI water as the electrolytes for polished and unpolished titanium electrodes. The polished electrode in DI water consumed the least amount of electrical energy during the 24-hr test duration. Unpolished electrode in tap water consumed the most electrical energy. 54 Table 4.5 Electrical energy consumption during the tests AC . . C0“ C0 / l Jeqv Electrode 24hr kWh/m3 kWh (USD) (mg/L) DC (mA) (m A/cmz) materials (kJ/L) per 24hr AC 1 10 1 .0 Titanium 321 30 13 22 25 AC 220 2.0 Titanium 1105 104 46 75 DC 55 0.5 Titanium 172 16 7 l 1 DC 1 10 1.0 Titanium 579 54 24 39 1 DC 55 0.5 Titanium 226 21 9 15 25 DC 55 0.5 Titaniumz 281 26 11 19 AC 1 10 1.0 Titanium 277 26 1 1 19 AC 220 2.0 Titanium 1056 100 44 72 AC 680 5.0 Graphite 3488 330 145 239 DC 55 0.5 Titanium 161 15 6 11 250 DC 110 1.0 Titanium 523 49 21 35 DC 70 1.0 BDD 95 14 4 6 DC 68 0.5 Graphite 67 6 3 4 DC 136 1.0 Graphite 282 26 1 l 19 DC 170 2.5 Graphite 973 92 4O 66 AC 1 10 1.0 Titanium 207 19 8 14 AC 220 2.0 Titanium 803 76 33 55 AC 440 4.0 Titanium 3419 323 142 234 2 500 DC 55 0.50 Titanium 141 13 5 9 ’ DC 1 10 1.0 Titanium 552 52 23 37 DC 220 2.0 Titanium 1848 175 77 126 DC 55 0.5 Titaniumz 197 18 8 13 Note: 1. Electrolyte prepared using MSU tap water. For all other tests, DI water used. 2. Unpolished electrode. 3. AC Frequency is 0.1 Hz for all AC tests 55 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 Cumulative Electrical Energy Consumed (kJ/L) 0 ? l l i g co = 250 mg/L% Initial / Final Voltage (Volts) j 2. AC - 2 mA/cm2: 49.0/61.0 ------------------ ‘ ------- 2 AC - 2 mA/cm2 DC -1 mA/cm :28.0/70.0 1 __ oc - 0.5 mA/cmZ: 18.0/44.0 ............................ ________________ _ AC - 1 mNCmZ: 18.5 / 30.0 /E _ ” DC - 1 irriA/cm2 """" fl ............... ---»~---»~~;~---»-DC-0.5mA/cm2~---— - I ' v-‘EJ . AC - 1 mA/cm2 I l i o 5 10 15 20 25 Elapsed Time (hrs) Figure 4.21: Cumulative electrical energy consumption (kJ/L) at AC — 2 mA/cmz, DC — 1 mA/cmz, DC — 0.5 mA/cm2 and AC — 1 mA/cm2 with titanium electrodes 93’ Consumed (mg/Ki) 'oo —. iv '4; P 0: Cumulative Mass Converted versus .0 .h Cumulative Electrical Ener .0 M O Co = 250 mg/L DC - 0.5 mA/cm2 - 1 mA/cm2—’A 2 - 2 mA/cm —(—D 0 5 10 15 20 25 Elapsed Time (hrs) Figure 4.22: Cumulative mass converted per unit electrical energy consumed for Co = 250 mg/L during AC and DC electrolysis using titanium electrodes 56 3 1200 W 1 l \ t 3, Co=250 mg/L '8 1000 -------- ‘ ------------ — E 3 in S 0 8m . ......................... __ 3 3:; DC, jeqv. = 1 mA/cm2 . E 600 mlnitiaI/Final Voltage (volts) 8 Titanium: 28.0 / 70.0 '5 Graphite: 20.0 / 17.0 3 : g 400 — BDD:14.0/15.0 -------------- 2' -------------- g --------------- ~ Lu i Titanium ; E 200 ' """""""" g """"""""" yGraphite”""‘g """""""" ‘ 3 : 1 : 1 E ..‘4/9 o 0:: v l I 0 5 10 15 20 25 Elapsed Time (hrs) Figure 4.23: Cumulative electrical energy consumption (kJ/L) for titanium, graphite and BDD electrodes 500 T l | AC - 1 mA/cm2 Frequency: 0.1 Hz 400 i Initial / Final Voltage (Volts) 0 mg/L: 29.5 / 46.6 g 25 mg/L: 28.0 / 48.0 0 "(Q/L /A 300 ‘" 25o mg/L:18.5/30.0 ;/ 2,500 mg/L:28.5/2a.o /25.mg/L/o ? -/ Cumulative Electrical Energy Consumed (kJ/L) Elapsed Time (hrs) Figure 4.24: Cumulative electrical energy consumption (kJ/L) at AC -1 mA/cm2 with titanium electrodes 57 AC - 1 mA/cm2 Frequency: 01 Hz Cumulative Mass Converted versus Cumulative Electrical Energy Consumed (mg/KJ) Elapsed Time (hrs) Figure 4.25: Cumulative mass converted per unit electrical energy consumed for AC electrolysis at current density = 1 mA/cm2 for Co = 25, 250, and 2,500 mg/L using titanium electrodes 350 I I ”F lVlt l(V Its) ' nitia ina 0 age 0 ' _ Unpolished electrode in Tap water: 13.1 I83.0 Co " 25 mg/L 300 . Clean electrode in Tap water: 12.5 / 67.5'-~"'---~; ---------------- -* Clean electrode in DI water. 18.0 / 48.0 ' 250 — ---------------- ----- DCvO;5§mA/cm-2 ....... ............. _ (unpolished electrode in tap water) : Cumulative Electrical Energy Consumed (kJ/L) 2m .. ........... 5 : . . .......... i ............. .4 150 — ----------- z ‘ '. --------------- E -------------- — 100 i 3 ------- f -------------- --------------- — 50 .. .. ........... [DC-0.5 [TIA/C1712 --._ ' ' (clean electorde in DI water) 0 _ | I i 0 5 10 15 20 25 Elapsed Time (hrs) Figure 4.26: Cumulative electrical energy consumption for tap water versus DI water as electrolyte for Co = 25 mg/L using polished and unpolished titanium electrodes 58 350 I i I ! .. 9 = C = 2,500 mg/L Initial/Final Voltage (Volts) o ‘ 3 \ 3, . g 300 —'Unpolishedelectrode:18.0/33.0 ------- ---------------- - E Clean electrode : 15.6 /52.5 i 1 3 2 : I ‘0 _ ..... L ............... _ S 250 3 ; DC-0.5 mA/cm2 g (i ' (unpolished electrode) 5 9 200 — ---------------------------------------------------- E - ------------- -4 <1) C LIJ '5 150 — ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ — E 8 m 100 — ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- — a) .2 I - 2 E 50 ................ DC - 0.5 mA/cm ............ a :E’ ' (clean electrode) 8 02 i i i 0 5 1O 15 20 25 Elapsed Time (hrs) Figure 4.27: Cumulative electrical energy consumption for C0 = 2,500 mg/L using polished and unpolished titanium electrodes in DI water 59 The rate of increase in the voltage as the experiment progressed indicates that when unpolished electrodes were used in tap water, the fouling of the electrode surface resulted in a more rapid increase in the resistance of the cell which resulted in greater power consumption. Similar trend in energy consumption was observed when the initial concentration of MTBE was 2,500 mg/L (Fig. 4.27). 4.3 ANALYTICAL MODELLING USING NERNST-PLAN CK EQUATION Nemst-Planck equation (Eq. 1.8) can be used to predict migration of charged specie subjected to electrical gradients in an aqueous solution. The equation calculates migration under diffusive gradients, electrical gradients, and due to mechanical mixing or convection. Convection is not considered for unstirred systems. Hence, the equation takes this form (Eq. 4.4): J,- (x) = —D,. (x) 36; (x) _ 41’ 01C.- 3¢(x) x RT ax (4'4) The variables are described in Eq. 1.8. Eq. 4.4 was applied to predict the observed changes in the MTBE concentrations during the tests carried out in this project. The key assumptions that were made to use Eq. 4.4 for modeling the experimental data are as follows. 1. Contaminants react and completely convert (or degrade) to byproducts when they reach the electrode surface. Therefore, concentration of contaminant at both reactive electrodes remains zero; 2. A concentration gradient is established that drives reactants by diffusion to the surface of the electrodes; 60 3. Steady-state diffusion is assumed during the time step of 1 hr used to solve Eq. 4.4; and 4. Linear mass transfer and electric field exist in the cell between the electrodes. MTBE diffusion coefficient (D ~ 8.63x10'6cm2/s) was calculated based on Hayduk- Laudie equation (Eq. 1.9) and also was compared with that presented online at EPA’s website. The input parameters used for solving Eq. 4.4 are as follow: 1. Diffusion Coefficient, D: 8.63 x 10'6 cm2/s 2. Gas constant, R: 8.31447 J/mol.K 3. Faraday’s Constant, F: 9.65x104 Coulomb 4. Surface area of Titanium electrodes: 55 cm2 5. Distance between the two titanium electrodes: 8 cm; graphite electrodes: 6.5 cm; and BDD: 4 cm. MTBE Concentrations measured during the tests and those predicted using the Nemst- Planck equation (Eq. 4.4.) for initial concentration of MT BE equal to 25 mg/L for DC electrolysis at 0.5 and l mA/cm2 current densities is presented in Fig. 4.28. In order to apply Eq. 4.4 to predict the normalized concentration, the value of the effective charge (z) was empiiically obtained from the best fit to the measured concentration profile. The best fit shown in Fig. 4.28 was achieved when 2 was assumed equal to -0.45. MTBE molecule does not have a net charge. However, it is hypothesized that the ions present in the supporting electrolyte (anhydrous sodium sulfate) as well as ions of intermediate or final byproducts that are formed during the electrolysis drag 61 MTBE molecules to the anode where it is oxidized. Fig. 4.28 shows that for z = -0.45, the predicted normalized of concentrations for the two tests carried out at current densities equal to 0.5 and 1 mA/cm2 are fairly accurate. Figs. 4.29 and 4.30 present the measured and simulated normalized concentrations of MT BE for Co = 250 and 2,500 mg/L. The simulated normalized concentrations agree reasonably well with the measured normalized concentrations for Co = 250 mg/L when the value of the effective charge is assumed equal to -0.2. For Co = 2,500 mg/L, the best predicted fit with the measured data is obtained when 2 ranges from -0.06 to -0.12 for current densities equal to 0.5 to 2 mA/cmz. One of the key trends observed here is that 2 decreases as the initial concentration of MT BE increases. This may be because the rate of production of hydroxyl radicals responsible for oxidation of MTBE are produced at about the same rate for a given current density irrespective of the initial concentration of MTBE in the solution. In addition, one of the assumptions made for simulating normalized concentration measured during the tests is that MTBE molecules, once they reach the electrode surface, are instantaneously converted. This assumption may be more realistic at lower concentrations of MTBE (or relatively high current densities) where the rate at which hydroxyl radicals are produced at the surface exceeds the stoichiometric demand of the radicals needed to breakdown the mass of MTBE migrated to the electrodes. This may be the reason why the 2 values were not consistent when the equation was applied for the tests carried out at relatively high initial concentration equal to 2,500 mg/L (Fig. 4.30). 62 A 1.2 1 I . , o - 3 2 0 ' ' 0:25 mg/L] 9: 1H ----------------- ------- -Square and Circle: ObservedC/C i -. E Q -Dashed:Predictedq/Co z 03 ...... x .................... .................. g .................. 2.- ‘5 C)“;J s i g s c : E 3 I 5 8 O\ 5\ 3 z=-O.45; ; g g 0.6 — ---------- \s-----\ ---------- z ----------------- ----------------- g--- E X \ g - 1 ' 8 C?\ )1] 3 . . c 3 x, ‘1 . 2 3 i 8 0.4 r """"""" : """"""""""" (“DC-0.5 mA/cm - 'O E \ 3 \ \g E I g . \O E " . . . := 0.2 —-----~----? ------------- *"E‘DC-1mA/cm2”‘\“'\"\i ----------------- §--- § 5 i T ‘ ‘ § 5 \ 1 2 o i 1 1 i‘~$& 4 9 14 19 24 Elapsed Time (hrs) Figure 4.28: Experimental and predicted normalized concentrations of MT BE for C0 = 25 mg/L for DC electrolysis using current densities equal to 0.5 and 1 mA/cm2 A 1.2 i I l l I O ; I g . Co =250 mg/L 9: 1 I} }§ -------------------------- ------ - Square and Circle: Observed CIC --1 m $:EL . z=-02 : E § - Dashed: Predicted q / Co 3 . \ 1 I 5 0.8 — ------------ \>\- ---------- ‘Eik ------------------------------------ 3 ------------------ 3— 3 C) 5‘ 2 E c : \ 5 00-05 mA/cm i : .g E \ 3 \ : 3 g g 0.6 —---~-----~-~: ----------- \~_~-: ----------------- \\ ----------------- g--— “E . \5 2x 5 . 8 ' DC 1mA/cm \r c : O ; - ; H\ ; 8 0.4 T """"""" """"""""" '\"\\‘\\:_ t : \ IE", 0.2 _..-........:, """"""""" i """"""""" """"""""" i"§"\ """"" Em“ . , . . \ . E \g g : 0 l 1 I 1 l 4 9 14 19 24 Elapsed Time (hrs) Figure 4.29: Experimental and predicted normalized concentrations of MTBE for C0 = 250 mg/L for DC electrolysis using current densities equal to 0.5 and 1 mA/cm2 63 0 5 i C =2,500 mg/L§ 9 1 "<'"E'"“‘“'"""'"1"""""“""'J""“""""“". """"""""" 1“ ii ‘3 $8 " ~ +11- — ' l- O 3 DC- 0.5mA/cm2 ,z=-006 2 0.3 ----8\ ..... e —————————— .._ ..................... = .................. s ...... , ---.. _ c . \ ; \ \ 5% § \ E DC-1mA/cm2,z=-0.08 . e 0.6 ~------------. ----------- a <>--g --------------- . \ 5 E ' ’\E ' \ S Q 8 : E\ \ : :\ ‘ I 5 4 _ ............. ......... 5.. -3._ 0 °- § g ‘00- 2mA/cm2, z=-0.12 g 8 : ' \ : ' g -Square, Circle and Diamond: Observed QIC x: 5 .6 02 -.é-.\-.\. .......... Eufl E - Dashed: Predicted Ct/C \ \ 0 o o : ~. 2 O l L I i i 4 9 14 19 24 Elapsed Time (hrs) Figure 4.30: Experimental and predicted normalized concentrations of MTBE for Co = 2,500 mg/L for DC electrolysis using current densities equal to 0.5 and 1 mA/cmz. CHAPTER 5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS In this lab-scale study, electrochemical degradation of MTBE dissolved in DI water with Na2804 as the supporting electrolyte was evaluated. The effect of current type and current density, electrode materials, initial concentration of MTBE in the solution, DI water versus tap water as electrolyte, and effect of electrode fouling was evaluated by measuring the concentration of MTBE in a l L cell during 24-hr tests. The current densities ranged from 0.5 to 4 mA/cmz; current types applied were DC and square-wave AC (f = 0.1 Hz); and the electrode materials tested were 99% pure titanium, solid graphite, and boron doped diamond on a silicon wafer. The key findings are as follows: 1. Rate of degradation of MTBE increased when the current density was increased from 0.5 to 4 mA/cmz; 2. Degradation rates during DC electrolysis were greater than those when AC was used for a fixed current density; 3. Degradation rate when titanium electrodes were used was about the same as with BDD electrodes. However, graphite electrodes had the least degradation rate. Visual observation after the tests indicated deposits on the titanium electrodes. Such deposits were not seen on the BDD and the solid graphite electrodes; 4. Degradation rates decreased as initial MTBE concentration increased probably because the rate of production of hydroxyl radicals was not proportionately more 65 for reaction with MTBE and probably additional mass of byproducts also competed with MTBE for degradation with hydroxyl radicals at higher initial concentrations of MTBE; . Degradation rates were similar when the electrolytes were DI water or tap water and when the electrode surface was polished versus when it was left unpolished for relatively low current density. However, the consumption of electrical energy was not the same. Greater energy was consumed for unpolished electrodes used in tap water. The reason for this is faster fouling of the electrode surface; . Degradation kinetics of MTBE observed in the lab experiments followed pseudo- first order decay equation; and . Nemst-Planck equation was able to relatively accurately predict the concentration of MTBE during DC electrolysis for lower initial concentrations (25 and 250 mg/L). The predictions did not consistently match the measured values when the initial concentration was relatively high (2,500 mg/L). The discrepancy is because the equation is a transport equation that does not consider the rate of production of reactive species. The predictions would be more accurate when the concentration of the specie is relatively low or the applied current is relatively high. However, additional experiments are needed to confirm this hypothesis. 66 REFERENCES Acar, Y.B. and Alshawabkeh, A.N. (1996). “Electrokinetic remediation. I. Pilot-scale tests with lead-spiked kaolinite,” J. Geotech. Eng., 122(3), 173-185. Alshawabkeh, A. N., and Sarahney, H. (2005). “Effect of current density on enhanced transformation of naphthalene,” Environ. Sci. Tech, 39, 5837-5843. 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