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DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE 5/08 K:IProj/Acc&Pres/ClRC/DateDue.indd BRANDING AGRI-FOOD PRODUCTS WITH CREDENCE ATTRIBUTES By Domenico Dentoni A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Agricultural Economics 2009 ABSTRACT BRANDING AGRI-FOOD PRODUCTS WITH CREDENCE ATTRIBUTES By Domenico Dentoni This study attempts to advance knowledge on how a firm can create value for customers and pursue a benefit advantage strategy by adding credence attributes to its products. Credence attributes are product features that consumers cannot verify before, during or after consumption, but still can perceive and value. In global agri-food markets, “locally- ,9 ‘6 grown , ’9 ‘6 9, 66 9, ‘6 place-of-origin , animal welfare , organic , eco-friendly”, “safe”, “natural” are examples of credence attributes that consumer segments across the world increasingly value when making their product and consumption choices. Given the unique nature of credence attributes, analyzing how consumers build their perceptions and values for products with credence attributes is of paramount importance for the firm pursuing such a benefit advantage strategy. So far, a rich research strand in agricultural economics has built upon consumer demand theory to analyze how adding credence attributes changes consumers’ evaluations of generic agri-food products and the conditions under which such an effect takes place. In an attempt to integrate this research strand from agricultural economics, this study builds upon the theory of attitude formation, developed in psychology and largely Domenico Dentoni applied to marketing, to understand how a firm can provide credence attribute information to consumers differentiating its own individual brand from competitors. The theory of attitude formation postulates that individuals not only develop evaluations for attributes, but also form beliefs that these attributes are associated to objects and that ultimately they create their attitudes and behavioral intentions based upon both attribute evaluations and beliefs. The three essays of this study provide the initial point towards building a theory of branding products with credence attributes, which aims at understanding which credence attribute information can differentiate a brand from its competitors and so allow a firm to gain a benefit advantage. By analyzing the case of Michigan locally-grown apples, the first essay starts exploring why consumers prefer products with credence attributes and what is the direct and indirect effect of credence attributes. By tackling the case of Liguria extra-virgin olive oil and of Southern Louisiana cream cheese, the second essay starts exploring under which conditions generic credence attribute information and brand information provide an advantage to an individual brand in terms of consumers’ attitudes and willingness-to-pay (WTP). By studying the case of fast food restaurants and poultry welfare practices, the third essay starts exploring which positive brand information can effectively mitigate the negative effect of an information shock relative to a credence attribute. Data were collected from a series of on-line experiments on college students and from US residents. Data analysis involved path modeling and structural equation modeling, which provide the advantage of analyzing moderators and mediators of the effect of credence attributes information on consumer WTP. Copyright DOMENICO DENTONI 2009 A Mamma, a Papa’, a Nonna, e a Claudia ACKNOLEDGEMENTS This dissertation is dedicated to my Mum and to my Dad, who made me always grow in a happy, calm and enthusiastic environment and who give me full moral and practical support in every choice I make. I hope you will enjoy this big book as my Christmas gift this year. It is dedicated to my Grandma, who taught me how to serve the others with joy through her example and experience. I look forward to translating this sentence to you next week, possibly after eating a dish of your fantastic pasta. It is dedicated to Claudia, who gave me her unconditioned love for such a long time and the motivation of getting my studies done every semester to run back home, as soon as my exams were over, and hug her. Today I feel very incomplete without you, but I hope that tomorrow we can realize our dreams together. If I said thank you to every person deserving it, I would probably need to write two hundred more pages and make this volume extremely heavy. Yet there are people that really deserve a Special mention. Thank you to my Major Professor, Dr. Chris Peterson, for driving me consistently across this research work, for giving me trust and freedom of exploring new disciplines whenever I felt it was impOrtant, and for providing generous funding. Thank you to Dr. Glynn Tonsor for being an excellent guide and for giving me an invaluable example that I will try to follow in my future career. Thank you to Dr. Hamish Gow and to Dr. Tom Reardon for being an amazing source of inspiration vi and enthusiasm: I feel I have recorded in my brain every word you told me during these years. Thank you to Dr. Roger Calantone for giving me the opportunity of gaining a doctoral-level education in marketing and structural equation modeling within the MSU Eli Broad Business School, along with generous funding and with a humor that probably has Italian origins. I really hope that, outside my dissertation, I can keep working together with all of you as we did so far. I would like to thank also the participants and reviewers of the IAMA, SMS, EAAE, IAAE and NEC-63/AAEA conferences. By interacting with you, I received great feedback and developed many ideas. Thank you to Dr. Scott Loveridge and Dr. Steve Hanson for their generous conference funding and thank you Debbie, Ann and Nancy for processing all my paperwork with great efficiency and kindness. Thank you to all my colleagues in the Department and special thanks to Byron, Nicole and Nicky. Without your patient help, I would have left my program probably after two weeks of classes, and certainly after two sessions of prelims. Thanks also to Adam, Alex and Ross: together we have built an agribusiness student mafia that is both fun and effective. Thank you to all the international friends I have lived and partied with during these three years. Together we really enjoyed our lives. I would also like to acknowledge the people at Chipotle, Espresso Royale and the Post for providing food, coffee and music for thought and the daily energy to deal with all the challenges of a PhD life. Finally, thank you to many people in Italy, which is my home. Thanks to my Italian friends and relatives, who always encourage me and wait for me when I am around the world and are also able to stand me once I am back home for more than one vii week. Thanks to the Italian olive oil producers and to all the people of goodwill that I met during my researches. Together we will build a much better country. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................. xi LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... xiii KEY TO SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................ xiv INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1 CHAPTER 1 THE DIRECT AND INDIRECT EFFECT OF “LOCALLY-GROWN” ON CONSUMERS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS AGRI-FOOD PRODUCTS ........................ 11 Literature Review ................................................................................................ 14 Conceptual Framework and Hypotheses ............................................................. 20 Methodology ........................................................................................................ 24 Results .................................................................................................................. 29 Conclusions ......................................................................................................... 33 APPENDIX A SURVEY INSTRUMENT — CHAPTER 1 ....................................................................... 36 REFERENCES - CHAPTER 1 ......................................................................................... 45 CHAPTER 2 BUILDING INDIVIDUAL BRANDS WITH PLACE-OF-ORIGIN INFORMATION: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE INDUSTRY ........................................................................ 51 Literature Review ................................................................................................ 54 Theoretical Framework ....................................................................................... 60 Methods ............................................................................................................... 63 Results .................................................................................................................. 69 Conclusions ......................................................................................................... 80 APPENDIX B . SURVEY INSTRUMENT - CHAPTER 2 ....................................................................... 85 APPENDIX C OTHER TREATMENTS — CHAPTER 2 ....................................................................... 100 ix APPENDIX D METHODOLOGICAL NOTE - CHAPTER 2 .............................................................. 104 REFERENCES - CHAPTER 2 ....................................................................................... 110 CHAPTER 3 POSITIVE BRAND INFORMATION MITIGATING NEGATIVE SHOCKS ON ANIMAL WELFARE ..................................................................................................... 1 17 Literature Review .............................................................................................. 120 Hypotheses Development ................................................................................... 127 Methods ............................................................................................................. 130 Results ................................................................................................................ I36 Conclusions ....................................................................................................... 1 4 7 APPENDIX E SURVEY INSTRUMENT - CHAPTER 3 ..................................................................... 150 APPENDIX F OTHER TREATMENT — CHAPTER 3 ......................................................................... 161 APPENDIX G METHODOLOGICAL NOTE — CHAPTER 3 .............................................................. 163 REFERENCES - CHAPTER 3 ....................................................................................... 171 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................... 177 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 - Results of the Confirmatory Analysis ............................................................... 29 Table 2- Results of the Structural Eqaution Model .......................................................... 31 Table 3 - Impact of Attribute Information on Brand A and Brand B Olive Oil ............... 71 Table 4 - Impact of Attribute Information on Brand A and Brand B Cream Cheese ....... 73 Table 5 - Impact of Attribute Information from an Individual Firm and from a Collective Organization on Brand Olive Oil ...................................................................................... 75 Table 6 - Impact of Attribute Information from an Individual Firm and from a Collective Organization on Brand A Cream Cheese .......................................................................... 76 Table 7 - Impact of Attribute Information and Brand Information on Brand A Olive Oil78 Table 8 - Impact of Attribute Information on Brand A Cream Cheese ............................ 79 Table 9 - Simple path model testing hypothesis 1, Liguria olive oil .............................. 105 Table 10 - Simple path model testing hypothesis 2, Liguria olive oil ............................ 106 Table 11 - Simple path model testing hypothesis 3, Liguria Olive Oil .......................... 106 Table 12 - Computation of Total Causal Effects on INFO on WTPP ............................ 109 Table 13 - Multi-Group Associative LGM: Distracting versus Relevant Ex Ante Positive Information ..................................................................................................................... 137 Table 14 - Multi-Group Associative LGM: Distracting versus Relevant Ex Post Positive Information ..................................................................................................................... 141 Table 15 - Predictive LGM: Distracting versus Relevant Ex Ante Positive Information on Consumer Attitudes ........................................................................................................ 144 Table 16 - Predictive LGM: Distracting versus Relevant Ex Post Positive Information on Consumer Attitudes ........................................................................................................ 146 xi Table 17 - Simple Piecewise LGM with Consumer Attitudes in Group 1 ..................... 165 Table 18 - Co-variance Matrix of the Associative LGM with Consumer Attitudes in Group 1 ........................................................................................................................... 166 xii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 - The Direct Effect and the Indirect Effect of Credence Attributes on Consumer Attitudes ............................................................................................................................ 22 Figure 2 - The Four Treatments Interacting Positive and Negative Information ........... 132 Figure 3 - The Generic Piecewise Latent Growth Model ............................................... 134 xiii CFI CSR d.f. EU LGM LM MSU NGO PETA POO RMSEA US WTP WTPP KEY TO SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS Comparative Fit Index Corporate Social Responsibility Degrees of freedom European Union Latent Growth Model Lagrange Multiplier Michigan State University Non—Govemmental Organization People for Ethical Treatment of Animals Place-of-Origin Root Mean—Square Error of Approximation United States Willingness-to-Pay Willingness-to-Pay a Premium Price xiv INTRODUCTION A fundamental question of agribusiness strategy and management is how a firm creates value relative to competitors (Stewart, 1991) and ultimately gains a competitive advantage (Porter, 1985). To this purpose, the firm can undertake a benefit advantage strategy, which has the objective of creating more benefit to customers relative to its competitors (Besanko et al., 1996). This research work is designed to advance knowledge on how a firm can pursue a benefit advantage strategy by adding credence attributes to its products. Credence attributes are product features that consumers cannot verify either before, during or after consumption, but still can perceive and value (Darby and Kami, 1973). In global agri- food markets, “locally-grown”, “place-of—origin”, “animal welfare”, “organic”, “eco- friendly”, “safe”, “natural” are examples of credence attributes that consumer segments across the world increasingly values when making their product and consumption choices (e.g., Nimon and Beghin, 1999; Loureiro and Umberger, 2007; Basu and Hicks, 2008; Darby et al., 2008; Kanter et al., 2008 ; Frolich et al., 2009). Credence attributes also create customer value for non-agricultural products, such as safety for surgery services, coo-friendliness for cars, or place-of-origin for fashion articles (Darby and Kami, 1973). 1 Given the unique nature of credence attributes, analyzing how consumers build their perceptions and values for products with credence attributes is of paramount importance for any firm pursuing such a benefit advantage strategy. To fully understand how consumers perceive and give value to products with credence attributes, research needs to take into consideration both economics and psychology theory. Consumer demand theory investigates what is the marginal value increase consumers have when a certain attribute is added to a product (Lancaster, 1966). Consumer psychology investigates how individuals process and use information about a product, build their beliefs and attitudes towards it, and form their buying intentions and actions (Fishbein, 1967; Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975; Lutz, 1991). So far, a rich research strand in agricultural economics has built upon consumer demand theory to analyze how adding credence attributes changes consulners’ evaluation for generic agri-food products and the conditions under which such an effect takes place (e.g., Thompson, 1998; Nimon and Beghin, 1999; Baker and Burnharn, 2001; Van der Lans etal., 2001; Loureiro et al., 2002; Alfnes and Rickertsen, 2003; Lusk, Roosen and Fox, 2003; De Pelsmacker et al, 2005; Loureiro and Umberger, 2007; Basu and Hicks, 2008; Darby et al., 2008; Ehmke et al., 2008; Kanter et al., 2008; Froelich et al., 2009). However, this research does not provide a complete answer to how a firm should use credence attributes to differentiate its own individual products, which are often distinguished from other firms’ products by a brand (Aaker, 1991; Keller, 1993), and so obtain a benefit advantage relative to competitors. In an attempt to integrate this research strand from agricultural economics, this research builds upon consumer psychology theory to understand how a firm can provide 2 credence attribute information to consumers that differentiates its own individual brand from competitors. Specifically, the theory of attitude formation (Fishbein, 1967; F ishbein and Ajzen, 1975; Lutz, 1991) provides the theoretical framework accompanying the three essays that compose this research. The theory of attitude formation postulates that individuals not only develop evaluations for attributes, but also form beliefs that these attributes are associated to objects and that ultimately they create their attitudes and behavioral intentions based upon both attribute evaluations and beliefs (Fishbein, 1967; Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975). The three essays of this research provide the initial point towards building a theory of branding products with credence attributes, which aims at understanding which credence attribute information can differentiate a brand from its competitors and so make a firm gain a benefit advantage. In the first essay, the case of Michigan locally-grown apples is used to start exploring why consumers prefer products with credence attributes and what is the impact of credence attribute claims on consumers’ beliefs in the presence of other product attributes. In the second essay, the case of Liguria extra-virgin olive oil and of Southern Louisiana cream cheese is used to explore under which conditions generic credence attribute information and brand information provide an advantage to an individual brand in terms of consumers’ attitudes and willingness-to-pay (WTP). In the third essay, the case of fast food restaurants and poultry welfare practices is used to explore which positive brand information can effectively mitigate the negative effect of an information shock relative to a credence attribute. A multi-variate analysis approach is adopted to tackle the research questions of the three essays. Specifically, the three studies are designed with structural equation modeling, path modeling and latent growth modeling (Duncan et al., 1999; Hair et al., 2006). These models share two key features. First, they provide a means to assess a set of relationships simultaneously rather than in separate analyses (Hair et al., 2006). Second, as a set of relationships can be assessed simultaneously, they also give the opportunity of exploring the mediators and the moderators playing a role in explaining the impact of an independent variable on a dependent variable (Kaplan, 2009). Bringing these two features of multi-variate analysis to the ground of agri-food marketing is crucial and timely. Most of the analysis conducted so far in this field explored the impact of an independent variable, such as a credence claim, on adependent variable, such as consumer WTP (e.g, Nimon and Beghin, 1999; Alfnes and Rickertsen, 2003; Lusk et al., 2003; Darby et al., 2008; Ehmke et al., 2008; Kanter et al., 2008; F roelich et al., 2009 ). By using multi-variate techniques, this study integrates the extant literature by exploring why and under which conditions a credence claim has an impact on consumer WTP. Specifically, to explore why a credence claim has an impact on consumer WTP, multi-variate techniques give the opportunity of analyzing the role of consumers’ beliefs and attitudes as mediators of this relationship. To explore under which conditions a credence claim has an impact on consumer WTP, multi-variate techniques give the opportunity of analyzing the role of consumers characteristics and information characteristics as moderators of the relationships between credence claims and beliefs, between beliefs and attitudes, and between attitudes and WTP. Overall, applying multi- variate techniques to the context of agri-food marketing provides the opportunity of expanding knowledge on how consumers change their food perceptions and values, and ultimately how they make their food buying and consumption decisions. Therefore, in a market where firms are increasingly pushed to be consumer-responsive to develop a benefit advantage, tackling research questions with multi-variate techniques provides key response to the needs of marketing managers. Data from students at Michigan State University and from US residents provided the empirical evidence for tackling the research questions of the first two essays and of the third essay, respectively. If the product is relevant to the sample, collecting data from a population of students provides an ideal setting to test theory, because a quite homogeneous group of respondents provides information in a controlled environment without the “real-world” noise that the researcher cannot control (Calder et al., 1981; Lynch, 1999; Winer, 1999). On the other hand, collecting data from a representative population of US residents gives the opportunity of understanding how a research question, tackled with a multi-variate analysis approach, can be of practical use for marketing managers. Data were collected with a series of on-line experiments between November 2008 and November 2009. Given their comparatively low costs and fast completion times, on- line surveys are increasingly used by researchers (Hu et al., 2006; Louviere, 2008; Gao and Schroeder, 2009). Researchers found that similar results are found from applying on- line surveys, in-person interviews and conventional mail surveys (Marta-Pedroso et al., 2007; Fleming and Bowden, 2009). Moreover, Hudson et a1. (2004) provided evidence that on-line surveys do not have non-response bias. The following chapters of this dissertation are organized as follows. The first essay on the direct and indirect effects of “locally-grown” on consumers’ attitudes towards apples is presented in chapter one, followed by a reproduction of the survey 5 instrument in the appendix. The second essay on building individual brands with place- of-origin information constitutes chapter two, and appendices with a copy of the survey instrument, other treatments and a methodological note follow. Chapter three presents the third essay on brand information mitigating the negative impact Of information shocks on animal welfare and is followed by appendices with a copy of the survey instrument, other treatments and a methodological note. Conclusions are finally drawn in the last chapter. REFERENCES Aaker, D. (1991). Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name, The Free Press, New York. Alfnes, F. and K. Rickertsen (2003). “European Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for US. 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Karni (1973). “Free competition and the optimal amount of fraud.” Journal of Law and Economics 16 (1), 67-88. De Pelsmacker, P., L. Driesen, and G. Rayp (2005). “Do Consumers care about Ethics? Willingness to Pay for Fair-Trade Coffee.” The Journal of Consumers Affairs 39 (2), 363-385. Ehmke, M.T., J .L. Lusk and W. Tyner (2008). “The Relative Importance of Preferences for Country-of-origin in China, France, Niger and the United States.” Paper presented at the International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, August 12-18, 2006. Fishbein, M. (1967). “A Behaviour Theory Approach to the Relations Between Beliefs about an Object and the Attitude Toward the Object.” Readings in Attitude Theory and Measurement, John Wiley, New York, 389-400. F ishbein, M. and I. Ajzen (1975). Belief Attitude, Intention and Behavior: An Introduction to Theory and Research, Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley. Fleming, CM. and Bowden, M. 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(2007). “Testing for the Survey Mode Effect on Contingent Valuation Data Quality: A Case Study of Web Based versus In- Person Interviews.” Ecological Economics 62, 388-398. Nimon, W. and J. Beghin (1999). “Are Eco-Labels Valuable? Evidence from the Apparel Industry.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 81 (4), 801-811. Porter, M. (1985). Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New York: Free Press. Stewart, G. (1991). The Quest for Value. Harper-Collins, New York, NY. Thompson, G. (1998). “Consumer Demand for Organic Foods: What We Know and What We Need to Know.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 80 (5), 11 13- 1118. Van der Lans, 1., K. Van Ittersum, A. De Cicco, and M. Loseby (2001). “The role of region of origin and EU certificates of origin in consumer evaluation of food products.” European Review of Agricultural Economics 28 (4), 451-477. Winer, RS. (1999). “Experimentation in the 21St Century: The Importance of External Validity.” Journal of Academy of Marketing Science 27 (3), 349-358. 10 Chapter 1 THE DIRECT AND INDIRECT EFFECT OF “LOCALLY-GROWN” ON CONSUMERS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS AGRI-FOOD PRODUCTS Growing segments of world consumers seek improved quality, healthiness and variety in their food (e. g., Verbeke, 2005; IDDBA, 2008). Accordingly, demand of agri-food products with credence attributes (e.g., place-of-origin, organic, locally-grown, environment-friendly and fair trade) is increasing rapidly (e.g., Nimon and Beghin, 1999; Loureiro and Umberger, 2007; Basu and Hicks, 2008; Darby et al., 2008; Kanter et al., 2008; Frolich et al., 2009). This growing consumer demand has resulted in a large literature studying a range of issues with credence attributes. Many studies suggest credence attributes have an impact on some consumer groups’ buying intentions, and specifically on the amount they are willing to pay for possessing products. However, examining why consumers are willing to pay a premium price for credence attributes is notably less prevalent in the literature. For example, Lusk et al. (2006) recognized this in the context of country-of-origin labeling. In this study, we aim to begin filling this gap by analyzing consumers’ motivations of buying agri-food products that are “locally-grown”. We clarify if consumers are willing to pay a premium for “locally-grown” products 11 because they value the “locally-grown” attribute itself, or if they mainly value “locally- grown” as a signal of other desirable product attributes, such as freshness or its environmental-friendliness. To disentangle consumers’ motivations for buying “locally-grown” products, we propose and test a model that separates the direct effect from the indirect effect of “locally-grown” on consumers’ attitudes towards a product. Similarly to the distinction suggested by Van der Lans et a1. (2001), we define direct eflect as the impact of “locally- grown” on consumers’ attitudes towards a product, without any mediation. We instead define indirect effect as the impact of “locally-grown” on consumers’ attitudes towards a product mediated by their belief that other desirable product attributes (e.g., freshness or environmental-friendliness) are present in the product. These product attributes that are inferred from “locally-grown” may be either experience attributes, which are features that can be verified by the consumer after disposal, or other credence attributes. For example, some consumers may value “locally-grown” as a cue of product fieshness, which is an experience attribute, or as a cue of environmental-friendliness, which is another credence attribute. We suggest that, along with “locally-grown”, any other credence attribute may have a direct and indirect effect on consumers’ attitudes towards a product. For example, some consumers may value the attribute “animal welfare” as a positive cue of desirable “food safety” (which is, according to our definition, an example of an indirect effect), while others may value the attribute “animal welfare” itself, because they really care about the welfare of animals (which is an example of a direct eflect). Similarly, some consumers’ may be willing to pay a premium for food “from France” either because they 12 believe that “from France” is a cue of “good flavor” or because they have a positive reaction associated to the idea of France. Therefore, we suggest that the model applied to “locally-grown” in this paper can be possibly tested also on other credence attributes. Exploring whether “locally-grown” and other credence attributes have a direct or indirect effect on consumers’ attitudes towards a product has important implications for marketers, public agencies and non-govemmental organizations. Marketers understanding why potential consumers are willing to pay a premium for credence attributes can make their consumer-targeting strategies more effective. Public agencies and non-govemmental organizations aiming at shifting consumer demand and enhancing consumption of products with credence attributes for social welfare reasons could use the model proposed in this paper to assess the effectiveness Of their promotion and awareness programs. The conceptual framework we propose is based upon the theory of attitude formation, developed in psychology (Fishbein, 1967; F ishbein and Ajzen, 1975), adapted to marketing theory (Lutz, 1991) and applied in a wide range of marketing contexts (e.g., Hoffman and Novak, 1996; Huang, 1996; Lee, 2000). Differently from existing economic theories on signaling quality as a unique concept (Akerlof, 1970; Rosenman and Wilson, 1991), the theory of attitude formation enables us to study the problem of signaling individual quality attributes by analyzing the relationships among consumers’ beliefs in the presence of product attributes and their attitudes towards a product (Fishbein, 1967). To test our conceptual framework we collected data from 60 students in an experiment regarding “locally-grown” apples. We chose structural equation modeling as the 13 appropriate methodology to separate the direct from the indirect effect of “locally-grown” on consumers’ attitudes towards apples. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we review the existing literature and propose our conceptual framework. Then, we develop and state our hypotheses. After this, we describe our methods and present our results. In the last section, we draw our conclusions from the results illustrated. Literature Review Credence attributes are quality features of a product or service that cannot be verified by consumers neither before purchase nor after trial (Darby and Karni, 1973). Credence attributes have different properties from search and experience attributes, as these are features that consumers can verify before purchase and after purchase respectively, when the product is used (Nelson, 1970). On the other hand, consumers cannot know with certainty if a credence attribute is present within a product or service, as they do not possess the technical expertise to make an assessment. In the context of food products, credence attributes can be either features of the production process (i.e., country of origin or organic practices) or of the chemical structure of a product material (i.e., calorie content or the presence of chemical residues). Both the agricultural economics and marketing literature have largely examined the impact of several credence attributes on consumers’ intentions of buying products and services. Since the 19805, a vast strand of the marketing literature has focused on the impact of country-of-ori gin attributes on consumers’ evaluation of products (e. g., Peterson and Jolibert, 1995; Verlegh and Steenkamp, 1999; Pharr, 2005). These studies 14 found that the impact of country-Of-origin on consumer evaluations is significant in many circumstances. More recently, the agricultural economics literature has analyzed the impact of several credence attributes, including genetically-modified (e. g., Baker and Bumham, 2001; Lusk et al., 2003), organic (e.g., Thompson, 1998; Kanter et al., 2008), local or locally-grown (e.g., Darby et al., 2008; Froelich et al., 2009), environment- friendly (e. g., Nimon and Beghin, 1999; Loureiro et al., 2002), place-of-origin (e.g., Van der Lans et al., 2001; Alfnes and Rickertsen, 2003; Loureiro and Umberger, 2005 and 2007; Ehmke et al., 2008), fair trade (e.g., De Pelsmacker et al, 2005; Basu and Hicks, 2008) and hormone-free (e.g., Alfnes and Rickertsen, 2003; Kanter et al., 2008) on consumers’ willingness-to-pay for agri-food products. From these studies, researchers have found that the impact of many credence attributes, such as the presence of procedures guaranteeing safety (Schroeder et al., 2007), on consumers’ buying intentions has a positive direction. However, they have also found that the impact of other credence attributes, such as “genetically-modified” (Lusk et al., 2001), is sometimes negative. Researchers have often estimated the magnitude of the impact of credence attributes on consumers’ willingness-to-pay (e.g., Alfnes and Rickertsen, 2003; Lusk et al., 2003). Furthermore, some researchers has found that credence attributes have a positive impact on consumer’s attitude towards a product (e. g., Ericksson et al., 1984), which in turn has a positive effect on consumers’ buying intentions (F ishbein and Aj zen, 1975). Finally, researchers have analyzed how the impact of credence attributes on consumers’ attitudes and buying intentions vary according to consumers’ characteristics, such as their nationality (Tonsor et al., 2005; Basu and Hicks, 15 2008; Ehmke et al., 2008), level of income (Thompson, 1998; Pharr, 2005) and level Of knowledge of the attribute (Baker and Bumham, 2001). While much research has focused on measuring the magnitude and the direction Of the impact of credence attributes on consumers’ buying intentions, a question that has not been tackled systematically is why do credence attributes have such an impact? One way to frame this broad question is analyzing whether consumers value credence attributes because they are cues of other desirable attributes or because they are desirable on their own. In order to analyze this specific question, we propose a conceptual framework that builds upon the learning theory of attitude formation (Fishbein, 1967). Consumers ’ Beliefs and Consumers ’ Attitudes towards a Product There is a broad strand of the literature in consumer psychology analyzing the relationship among consumers’ beliefs in the presence of product attributes to their attitudes towards a product and their willingness to pay for it (F ishbein, 1967; Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975; Ajzen, 1991 ;Eagly and Chaiken, 1993; Ajzen, 2005). Specifically, the learning theory of attitude formation elaborated by Fishbein (1967) establishes the relationship between a person’s beliefs in the presence of individual attributes of an object and his overall attitude towards that object. An attitude towards an object is defined as a “psychological tendency that is expressed by evaluating a particular entity with some degree of favor or disfavor” (Eagly and Chaiken, 1993). There is large evidence that a person’s attitude towards an Object is positively associated with actions involving that Obj ect, even if there are social and personal factors that might weaken or eliminate this relationship (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1980; McFadden, 1986). 16 In particular, the learning theory states that a person’s attitude towards an object is the sum of his evaluative judgments for each attribute of the object times a consumer’s belief strength that each attribute is actually in place. In formula, the attitude towards an object is given by: Attitude (Object) = Zni=1eibi (1) where i is an attribute Of an Obj ect, n is the total number of attributes of the object, e, is a person’s evaluative judgment for the attribute i and b, is a person’s belief strength that attribute i is actually in place in the object. Both ei and bi can be thought as a scale of values, rather than a yes/no value. A person’s evaluative judgment for an attribute represents how much he cares about the presence of that attribute, while a person’s belief strength represents how much he believes that that attribute is actually present within that object. The learning theory of attitude formation has borrowed itself to marketing theory (Lutz, 1991) and has found application in a wide range marketing contexts (e. g., Hoffman and Novak, 1996; Huang, 1996; Lee, 2000). Consumers build their attitudes towards a product upon their own beliefs and evaluative judgments for each attribute of that product. Then, consumers make their buying decisions by comparing their attitudes towards competing products and by taking into account other personal and social factors that might influence their decision (F ishbein and Ajzen, 1980). From this perspective, marketing communication strategies have the goal of making consumers’ attitudes for their product higher than their attitudes towards competing products (Lutz, 1991). To do that, marketers have to decide whether they aim at changing consumers’ evaluative l7 judgment for specific attributes or at changing their beliefs that a Specific attribute is in place. To make this fundamental choice, it is crucial that marketers have an understanding of how their own product attributes are perceived by consumers differently from their competition. Direct and Indirect Effect of Credence Attributes on Consumers ’ Attitudes The impact of product attributes as signals, or cues, of consumers’ perceptions of quality has been an important field of research in consumer psychology. Consumers use attributes as cues when information is incomplete or difficult to obtain (Olson, 1978; ‘ Ericksson et al., 1984; Han and Terpstra, 1988; Rao and Monroe, 1989; Kinnani and Rao, 2000). In this study, we hypothesize that credence attributes have an impact on consumers’ attitudes also because they are used as a one of desirable experience attributes and other credence attributes. Some research on the use of the credence attribute country-of-origin as a one of other attributes has been already conducted in marketing literature, while comparatively little work in this area has been done in the agri-food marketing field (Lusk et al., 2006), with few exceptions (Umberger et al. 2003; Loureiro and Umberger, 2005). There is evidence that the country-of-origin associated to a product has an important function in increasing consumer’s beliefs in the presence of other experience attributes (e.g., Ericksson et al., 1984; Han and Terpstra, 1988; Hong and Wyer, 1989). For example, US consumers considered TVS made in Japan more technologically advanced than domestic TVS (e.g., Han and Terpstra, 1988). The effect of place of origin as a one of other attributes has been defined by Van der Lans et al. (2001) as indirect effect, as the impact of credence attributes on consumers’ willingness to pay for a product is mediated by 18 consumers’ perceived quality. Similarly, in this study, we propose that the effect of credence attributes on consumers’ attitudes can be defined as “indirect” when it is mediated by consumers’ beliefs in the presence of individual product attributes. Some researchers have found that the impact of place of origin of a product on consumers’ attitudes is given only by the indirect effect as a mediation of consumers’ beliefs in the presence of experience attributes (e.g., Ericksson et al., 1984). Other researchers found that the idea of a place of origin on its own, when attached to a product, can generate consumers’ positive affective feelings for the product (Johansson and Nebenzahl, 1986; Van Ittersum et al., 1991; Verlegh and Steenkamp, 1999). These affective feelings are sometimes based on retrieval of personal past experience with the place of origin (e.g., Oberrniller and Spangenberg, 1989; Li and Wyer ,1994), while sometimes the place of origin can contribute to the creation of a consumer’s self-image (Keller, 1998). In these circumstances, Van der Lans et a1. (2001) claim that the place of origin has a direct effect on consumers’ attitude towards a product, which means that the place of origin has an impact on consumers’ attitudes towards a product without any mediation. Similarly, in this study, we propose that the effect of credence attributes on consumers’ attitudes can be defined as “direct” when there is no mediation in this relationship. Van der Lans et a1. (2001) found that direct and indirect effect of region-of-origin attributes can coexist. However, other studies have found that place of origin has sometimes no direct effect at all (Ericksson et al., 1984). The Moderation Effect of Consumers ’ Familiarity with the Product Consumers’ familiarity with a product is “the number of product-related experiences that have been accumulated by the consumer” and is a major component of product 19 knowledge (Alba and Hutchinson, 1987). Familiarity with a product influences how a person searches, uses and recalls information about that product (e.g., Park and Lessi g, 1981; Punj and Staelin, 1983; Johnson and Russo, 1984). Researchers found that consumers with different levels of product familiarity use different cues to form their beliefs about the quality of a product (Rao and Monroe, 1988). Specifically, consumers with a lower familiarity with the product use cues that are extrinsic to the product (Olson, 1977). For example, a consumer that has low familiarity with wine is more inclined to evaluate quality from cues such as price, country-of-origin or the name of the wine. In other words, consumers that are not familiar with a product tend to use country-of-origin as a stereotype to evaluate a product, as they do not know how to obtain more accurate information (Bodenhausen and Lichtenstein, 1987). On the other hand, consumers with a higher familiarity with the product make a larger use of cues that are intrinsic to the product, such as a wine’s color or flavor (Rao and Monroe, 1988). The theory on the consumers’ familiarity with a product (Rao and Monroe, 1988) leads us to hypothesize that the indirect effect of credence attributes, which are extrinsic cues, may vary according to the level of consumers’ familiarity with a product. Conceptual Framework and Hypotheses To explore why credence attributes have an impact on consumers’ attitudes, our conceptual framework builds upon the theory of attitude formation (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975), the theory of direct and indirect effect of place-of-origin attributes (Van der Lans et al., 2001) and the theory of consumers’ familiarity with a product (Rao and Monroe, 20 1988) (Figure 1). In this study, we test our conceptual framework in the specific context of “locally-grown” attributes. Given the nature of credence attributes of being verifiable by consumer neither before nor afier disposal, we firstly distinguish between the seller’s credence claim and the buyers’ beliefs that the credence attribute is actually in place. In the case of “locally- grown” attributes, as there is no current unambiguous definition of what is “local” or not (Darby et al, 2008), consumers may perceive some products to be “more locally-grown” or “less locally-grown”. The concept of consumers’ beliefs in the presence of the j 4.— “locally-grown” attribute as a scale of values is consistent with the learning theory of attitude formation (Fishbein, 1967). Therefore, we propose that sellers’ “locally-grown” claims and buyers’ beliefs are separate variables, and that sellers’ claims have an impact on buyers’ beliefs. Along with sellers’ “locally-grown” claims, other attributes, such as the color or the flavor of a product may have an impact on consumers’ beliefs in the presence of the “locally-grown” attribute. In this study, we do not test this proposition but do recognize this as an area for valuable future research. Second, given the existing evidence from the place-of-origin literature (Van der Lans et al., 2001), we hypothesize that “locally-grown” has both a direct effect and an indirect effect on consumers’ attitude towards a product. Previous studies on consumers’ preferences for local products provide elements suggesting that “locally-grown” may have this dual effect (Darby et al., 2008). Specifically, in Darby et a1. (2008), respondents revealed that they value “locally-grown” strawberries mainly because they are fresher, but also because they Simply like the idea of eating strawberries from their own land of origin. This suggests that the credence attribute “locally-grown” is a cue of an experience 21 ...8:£E< an .«o 8:8on 2: E max—om .flofiamcooz 38E ASBEEV flysom {25.200 ”vcowo: :33: l may—I30» 2.3.5. m..—OE flan—60 835. sec woe—55¢. coEE—SU no flair—«3‘ 3:320 no «outm— «oohcau 2: can Beta «99:9 2:. - _ 25w:— a23E< 8:320 350V e23 8255 9.55350 5:5 §E=§a 9.585200 €330 t -2385 mug—om 9.52350 @2332 a . occur—9&5 Us“ a auzom . mLoEsmcoU bEEEMm 9.58350 EEO 5.5.6 $.83 22 attribute, such as the freshness, as well as a direct driver of a consumer’s attitude towards strawberries. Similarly, we hypothesize that the indirect effect of “locally-grown” is mediated by a consumer’s beliefs in the presence of other credence attributes, such as environmental-friendliness. In other words, we hypothesize that: H1. Consumers’ beliefs that a product is “locally-grown” are positively associated with their attitude towards the product. H2. Consumers’ beliefs in the presence of experience attributes are partial mediators of the effect of consumers’ beliefs that a product is “locally-grown” attribute on their attitude towards the product. H3. Consumers’ beliefs in the presence of other credence attributes are partial mediators of the effect of consumers’ beliefs that a product is “locally-grown” attribute on their attitude towards the product. Finally, on the basis of evidence from the theory of consumers’ familiarity with a product (Rao and Monroe, 1988), we hypothesize that consumers’ familiarity with the product mitigates the indirect effect of “locally-grown” attributes on consumers’ attitudes towards a product. As shown by Rao and Monroe (1989), a “locally-grown” attribute, such as other cues that are extrinsic to the product, is more used by low-familiarity consumers as a stereotype to infer product quality. Similarly, we hypothesize that a “locally-grown” attribute is more used by low-familiarity consumers as a stereotype tO evaluate the presence of other attributes of a product, such as its flavor or its safety. In other words, we hypothesize that: 23 H4. Consumer’s familiarity with a product mitigates the indirect effect of “locally- grown” attributes on consumers’ attitude towards the product mediated by consumers’ beliefs in the presence of other credence attributes and experience attributes. Methodology To test our hypotheses, data were collected through an on-line experiment administered to a convenience sample of 60 undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. The experiment was conducted during October and November 2008. Students were recruited in two convenient campus locations. We did not exclude any sub—group from the sample population of students. Out of the students that undertook the questionnaire, 76% were graduate students and 24% were undergraduates. Males were 59% of the sample, while US citizens were only 37% of the sample. We chose “locally-grown” apples as the product of interest of our study for several reasons. First, apples represented a convenient product, as it is cheap and easy to handle in an experimental setting. Second, there is a wide literature of experiments based on apples that we could use as reference for our research design (e. g., Manalo, 1990; DeEll and Prange, 1992; Mehinnagic et al., 2003). Third, as the location of this study is a large producing and consuming state of apples, we assumed that our sample population, on average, was familiar with the expression “locally-grown” apples, although not univocally defined. Although 63% of the sample was from outside the US, 70% of them were in the US for more than one year. Hence, we assume they were likely to have 24 acquired some familiarity with “locally-grown” products. For the same reason, we assumed that respondents generally had enough involvement with the product to undertake a fairly complex questionnaire. Experimental Procedure Out of these 60 respondents, 20 students undertook a pre-test questionnaire and 40 students completed the final questionnaire. We performed a pre-test questionnaire to assess which attributes the respondents most likely infer from “locally-grown” claims. Respondents were first asked to pick up to three experience attributes that they infer when evaluating a “locally-grown” apple from a list of eight suggested attributes. Second, they were asked to pick up to three credence attributes that they infer when evaluating a “locally-grown” product from a list of twelve suggested attributes. The lists of suggested experience and credence attributes were created from previous research on consumers’ perceptions of attributes related to apples (e.g., Manalo, 1990; DeEll and Prange, 1992; Mehinnagic et al., 2003). We found that, when they observe a “locally-grown” apple, respondents most commonly infer credence attributes such as pest and disease-free, pesticide and chemical-free, and healthy. Also, they most commonly infer experience attributes such as firm, sweet and having good flavor. Therefore, in our final experiment we used these three credence attributes and three experience attributes as possible mediators of the relationship between “locally- grown” attributes and 'consumers’ attitudes towards apples. The final experiment involved two treatments with two levels each, giving four stimuli in total. The first treatment is the credence claim that an apple is “locally-grown”, where the two levels are presence or absence of the “locally-grown” claim. This 25 treatinent has the purpose of creating variation in the respondents’ beliefs that the apple is locally-grown. The second treatment is the picture of an apple, where the two levels are presence or absence of a picture of an apple. The purpose of this treatment is to introduce a control variable in the model that may reduce the effect of the “locally-grown” attribute on consumers’ beliefs and attitudes towards a product. Students that accepted to participate in the final experiment were contacted by e- mail and directed to an on—line experiment, which took on average 15 minutes. First of all, respondents were asked demographic questions (e. g., gender, nationality, student year) and eight questions measuring their familiarity with apples, such as “how frequently do you consume apples, including both home and away from home?” and “Do you presently have some apples with you at home?”. From these eight questions, we computed a familiarity score for each respondent. Therefore, respondents were divided in two groups and each respondent was administered two stimuli, which corresponds to one level for each of the two treatments. As each of the 40 subjects was administered two stimuli, we had a total of 80 observations from the final questionnaire. When the “locally-grown” claim Was present, respondents were asked to “think about an apple that is claimed to be locally-grown”. When this treatment was absent, respondents were simply asked to “think about any apple that they would find in their shopping location”. When the apple picture was present, respondents were asked to “look at the apple in the picture”. When this treatment was absent, there was simply no mention of apple pictures in the questionnaire. After each stimulus, we measured beliefs in the presence of the “locally-grown” attribute. We also measured beliefs in the presence of the other credence and experience 26 attributes that were previously selected in the pre-test. Beliefs were measured with a seven-point Likert-scale question, where respondents were asked: “To what extent do you believe that this apple is locally-grown?”. Finally, we measured respondents’ attitudes towards apples, without any difference across groups. As commonly in use in the literature, to assess consumers’ attitudes (Eagly and Chaiken, 1993), we asked: “How would you describe your attitude towards this apple?” and then asked tO anSwer on four seven-point Likert-scales, namely from bad (1) to good (7), from dislike to like, from negative to positive and from unfavorable to favorable. At the end of the experiment, each respondent received ten dollars compensation. The Model Data were analyzed with a structural equation model, based on a system of regressions combining a factor model and a path model. In the factor model, the latent construct “consumers’ attitude towards an apple” (F I ) is hypothesized to be a predictor of the four measurable indicators of attitude: bad/good attitude (V1), dislike/like attitude (V2), negative/positive attitude (V3) and unfavorable/favorable attitude (V4). Therefore, we write: v1= F1+el; (2) V2: F1+e2; (3) V3= F1+e3; (4) V4: F1+e4. (5) In these regressions, e. to e4 are the errors associated to each measured variable V1 to V4. 27 In the structural model, consumers’ beliefs in the presence of the “locally-grown” attribute [B(LG)], of other credence attributes [B(CredAttr)] and of experience attributes [B(Eprttr)] are hypothesized to predict the construct “consumers’ attitude towards an apple” (F1). Moreover, consumers’ beliefs in the presence of the “locally-grown” attribute are predicted by the seller’s credence claim (LG), the picture ’of the apple (PIC) and by the consumers’ familiarity with apples (FAM), as well as by their respective interactions (LGPIC; FAMLG; FAMPIC; FAMLGPIC). Finally, consumers’ beliefs in the presence of experience and other credence attributes are predicted by their beliefs in the presence of the “locally-grown” attribute, by their familiarity with the product and by picture of the apple, as well as by their interactions. Then, we write: F1 = a5B(LG) + b5B(Eprttr) + c5B(OCredAttr) + d5PIC + cs; (6) B(LG) = a6LG + b6PIC + c6LGPIC + d6FAM + f6FAMLG + g6FAMPIC + + h6FAMPICLG + e6; (7) B(Eprttr)’ = a7BLG + b7FAM + c7PIC + d7FAMPIC + f7FAMBLG + e-;; (8) B(OCredAttr)’ = agBLG + bgFAM + chIC + dsFAMPIC + stAMBLG + cs. (9) In these regressions, B(Eprttr) and B(OCredAttr) represent 1x3 vectors, as three experience attributes and three other credence attributes are considered in this study. Therefore, b5 and c5 are also 1x3 vectors, while the predictors of B(Eprttr)’ and B(OCredAttr)’ are 3x1 vectors. Finally, es and e6 represent the errors associated to dependent variables F1 and B(LG), while e-; and eg represent the 3x1 vectors of errors associated with the dependent variables B(Eprttr)’ and B(OCredAttr)’. 28 Results Results from the confirmatory factor analysis are presented in Table 1. The latent construct “consumers’ attitude towards the apple” loads to each of the four indicators of attitudes that we have proposed, V1 to V4, with a statistical Significance at 5%. Therefore, the four indicators of consumers’ attitudes towards a product are significant reflective measures of the factor “attitudes towards the apple”. Moreover, as chi-square = 1.77 with d.f. = 1 such that its p-value = 0.18, there is a good fit of the factor model with the data. Therefore, we conclude that this factor model has convergent validity and we use this “attitude towards apples” construct as dependent variable in the structural equation model. Table 1 - Results of the Confirmatory Analysis 32531;:nt Independent Variables Errors R-Squared V1 .950"I F1 .312: .903 _ V2 .950" F1 .3 14* .902 V3 .941" F1 .340: .885 V4 .927" F1 375* .859 Chi-Square = 1.767 based on 1 d.f.; P-Value = 0.18374. RMSEA = 0.102. 90%, Confidence Interval = (0.000, 0.343) Legend: V1 : Bad/Good Attitude Indicator; V2 : Dislike/Like Attitude Indicator; V3 : Unfavorable/Favorable Attitude Indicator; V4 : Unfavorable/Favorable Attitude Indicator; F 1 : “Consumer’s Attitude towards the Apple” Latent Construct. Note: *Statistics significant at 5% level. Results from the structural equation model are presented in Table 2. After performing the Wald (W) test and the Lagrange Multiplier (LM) tests for respectively dropping and including new free parameters, we decided to fix three parameters to zero. Specifically, we dropped the variables “consumers’ familiarity with the product” (FAM) and “apple picture” (PIC) from the regression on consumers’ beliefs in the presence of 29 the attribute “locally-grown” (BLG), as the W-test indicated that these two variables had no impact on the dependent variable. For the same reason, we dropped the variable “apple picture” also from the regression on consumers’ attitude towards the apple (F 1). This result from the W-test suggests that introducing the variable “picture of an apple” as a control in the model does not reduce the impact of a “locally-grown” attribute on consumers’ attitudes towards a product. The overall fit of the structural equation model with the data is low, as chi-square = 1467 with d.f. = 124, such that its p-value < 0.01, while the root mean-square error of approximation (RMSEA) is equal to 0.38. This problem might be caused by the small sample size, which does not guarantee a sufficient power for testing the hypothesis of exact fit of the model with the population. Looking at the specific regressions of the model, sellers’ credence claim (LG), the apple picture (PIC) and respondents’ familiarity with apples (F AM) do not explain much of the variation of consumers’ beliefs in the presence of the attribute “locally-grown”, as R2(BLG) = 0.11 only. On the other hand, goodness-to-fit measures of the other regressions of the model indicate that the hypothesized predictors explain a large part of the variance of the respondents’ beliefs in the presence of the experience and other attributes, as well as of their attitudes towards the apples. Afier evaluating the overall fit of the model, we assess the significance of the individual parameters. From the regression on respondents’ beliefs that an apple is “locally-grown”, we found no variable having a Significant impact at the 5% statistical Significance. 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In the European Union (EU), the Commission signed a protocol in 2006 recognizing that animals are sentient beings and obliging the European Institutions to pay full regard to the welfare requirements of animals when formulating and implementing Community legislation (EU Commission, 2009), partly in response to pressure exerted by consumer activist groups. Public initiatives are accompanied also by private. initiatives of major players within the meat supply chain. The European retailers’ association GLOBALGAP, which by de facto controls the access of the majority of food imports in Europe (Reardon et al., 2010), has set animal welfare species-specific 117 standards at the production and processing level. Global fast food chains such as McDonald’s and Burger King are sourcing an expanding share of their food from crate free sources (Martin, 2007). As new legislation and private standards on animal welfare bring additional costs for producers, such as the cost of switching to new practices and increasing the level of controls, which in turn increase the price paid by final consumers (Henson and Traill, 2000; Stott et al., 2005), understanding consurmrs perceptions and buying intentions for meat products with animal welfare attributes becomes of great importance for the industry. A large recent strand of the literature has evidenced that a segment of consumers are willing to pay a premium for pork, chicken and beef with animal welfare attributes (Harper and Nilsson, 2006; Lagerkvist et al., 2006; Carlsson et al., 2007; Lijenstolpe, 2008; Tonsor et al., 2009a; Tonsor et al., 2009c). Results from this research strand are consistent with qualitative studies on consumers’ attitudes and perceptions for “animal welfare” products (Harper and Makatouni, 2002; Schroder and McEachern, 2004). Consumers’ preferences for animal welfare do not seem to vary significantly depending on demographic variables (N ilsson et al., 2006; Carlsson et al., 2007; Tonsor et al., 2009c), although they may vary according to their altruism and tendency of free riding (Lusk et al., 2007). Although literature on animal welfare is rapidly expanding, a knowledge gap that remains unexplored is how consumers change their perceptions and preferences for meat products when receiving information on animal raising, handling and processing practices. Only Tonsor et al. (2009b) appear to have so far explored the impact of media coverage with animal welfare information on consumer preferences for meat products. 118 study were collected from 460 US residents through an experiment on fast food chicken breast sandwiches and then analyzed with a set of Latent Growth Models (LGM). The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In the next section, the literature on negative information shocks, the role of positive brand information and the theory of attitude formation are reviewed. Hypotheses are developed in the following section, while in section four the research methods and the model are presented. After illustrating the results in section five, conclusions are provided in the last section. Literature Review Negative information shocks can be defined as strong evidence from a well defined source that suddenly makes an attribute salient to consumers (Dawar and Pillutla, 2000; Klein and Dawar, 2004; Roehm and Tybout, 2006). In the field of agricultural economics, researchers have analyzed the impact of negative information shocks on consumer demand for food and agricultural products (Brown, 1969; Dahlgran and F airchild, 1987; Smith et al., 1988; Robenstein and Thurman, 1996; Piggott and Marsh, 2004; Kalaitzandonakes et al., 2004). These studies have analyzed the impact of information shocks on food safety and healthiness, but not on animal welfare issues. In marketing, researchers have found negative information shocks can create negative brand associations (Klein and Dawar, 2004), affect consumers’ attitudes toward the brand, and ultimately harm brand equity (Dawar and Pillutla, 2000). Negative shocks can stem from media information of bad outcomes of the consumption of a brand’s product, in the case of product-harm crises (Klein and Dawar, 120 2004) such as food-borne disease outbreaks. Negative shocks can also be brought about by negative publicity of non-govemmental organizations (N GOs) advocating against an industry or company practices, such as unethical treatment of workers (Elliott and Freeman, 2003). However, negative information can also come from word-of-mouth (Scott and Tybout, 1981; Tybout et al., 1981; Smith and Vogt, 1995) and rumors, when the source of information transmitted through the word-of-mouth is not well defined (Kamins et al., 1997). There is evidence that word-of-mouth has a stronger negative effect on consumers’ evaluation of an object than rumors (Smith and Vogt, 1995). The magnitude of the effect of negative information shocks on consumers’ brand evaluations depends on various factors. First of all, it depends on the content of the information shock, which means whether the negative information is a product-harm crisis (Klein and Dawar, 2004) or a scandal (Roehm and Tybout, 2006). In the case of product-harm crises, such as the consumer outrage at contaminated Coca-Cola cans in Belgium and France in 1999 (The Economist, 1999), consumers may perceive a threat for themselves that they were unaware of (Klein and Dawar, 2004), experience fear and develop responses to c0pe with it (Rogers, 1975; Floyd et al., 1990; Tanner et al., 1991). In the case of scandals revealing that a firm harms other entities, such as other people (Elliott and Freeman, 2003), animals, or the environment, consumers may perceive compassion or solidarity (Batson, 1998), as well as egregiousness towards the harming firm (Klein et al., 2003; Klein et al., 2004), which may lead to brand boycotting (Klein et al., 2004). However, consumers may also create inferences between scandals and product-harm crises. In the case of animal welfare, researchers have found consumers associate scandals about firms mistreating animals with food safety concerns and 121 2004): such as food-borne disease outbreaks. Negative shocks can also be brought about by negative publicity of non-govemmental organizations (N GOs) advocating against an industry or company practices, such as unethical treatment of workers (Elliott and Freeman, 2003). However, negative information can also come from word-of-mouth (Scott and Tybout, 1981; Tybout et al., 1981; Smith and Vogt, 1995) and rumors, when the source of information transmitted through the word-of-mouth is not well defined (Kamins et al., 1997). There is evidence that word-of-mouth has a stronger negative effect on consumers’ evaluation of an object than rumors (Smith and Vogt, 1995). L, The magnitude of the effect of negative information shocks on consumers’ brand evaluations depends on various factors. First of all, it depends on the content of the information shock, which means whether the negative information is a product-harm crisis (Klein and Dawar, 2004) or a scandal (Roehm and Tybout, 2006). In the case of product-harm crises, such as the consumer outrage at contaminated Coca-Cola cans in Belgium and France in 1999 (The Economist, 1999), consumers may perceive a threat for themselves that they were unaware of (Klein and Dawar, 2004), experience fear and develop responses to cope with it (Rogers, 1975; Floyd et al., 1990; Tanner et al., 1991). In the case of scandals revealing that a firm harms other entities, such as other people (Elliott and Freeman, 2003), animals, or the environment, consumers may perceive compassion or solidarity (Batson, 1998), as well as egregiousness towards the harming firm (Klein et al., 2003; Klein et al., 2004), which may lead to brand boycotting (Klein et al., 2004). However, consumers may also create inferences between scandals and product-harm crises. In the case of animal welfare, researchers have found consumers associate scandals about firms mistreating animals with food safety concerns and 121 specifically to product-harm crises (Verbeke and Viaene, 2000; Harper and Makatouni, 2002) A second key factor driving the magnitude of the effect of negative information shocks on consumers’ brand attitudes is the initial equity of the targeted brand (Ahluwalia et al., 2000; Dawar and Pillutla, 2000; Pullig et al., 2006). In particular, when consumers have a strong positive attitude towards the targeted brand (Petty and Krosnick, 1995) or commitment for it (Ahluwalia etal., 2000), negative information shocks have a weaker effect. Moreover, differentiation of a brand from competitors can limit the negative spillover from information shocks targeting a competing brand (Roehm and Tybout, 2006). For example, the presence of strong consumers’ beliefs that a brand owner follows corporate social responsibility (CSR) principles is likely to mitigate the effect of negative information shocks about that brand, when the negative information is unrelated to the CSR principles. A third important factor that explains variation in the effect of negative information shocks on a brand is the target of the information shock. That is if the information shock targets the brand directly, one of its competing brands within the same industry, or instead the whole industry, without any specification about individual brands (Roehm and Tybout, 2006). In some circumstances, the negative information shocks targeting a competing brand (Brand B) may have a negative effect on Brand A. In this case, an information shock on Brand B has a “negative spillover” on Brand A (Roehm and Tybout, 2006), whereas “spillover” is commonly defined as any phenomenon in which information influences beliefs that are not directly addressed in a communication (Ahluwalia et al., 2000; Balachander and Ghose, 2003). 122 Relative to this literature on negative information shocks, this research provides contributions in the following three areas. First, an analysis is presented on how the impact of negative information shocks on consumers’ attitudes varies in the context of a scandal on animal welfare practices. Second, an analysis is done on how the impact of such a negative information shock varies when positive information is given beforehand. Third, an analysis is provided on how the effect of the negative information shock on consumers’ attitudes varies according to whether the ex ante positive information is distracting or is directly relevant to animal welfare issues. Positive Brand Information Positive information about the brand can stem from the firm owning the brand, through advertising (Weinberger et al., 1981), or from external sources that are tied to the firm, such as sponsors or CSR partners (Klein and Dawar, 2004). Positive brand information usually has the effect of creating or strengthening positive brand associations (Keller, 1993) but it has also the role of moderating the effect of negative information shocks about the same brand (Weinberger et al., 1981; Okada and Reibstein, 1998). In the agricultural economics literature, many studies on the interaction between negative and positive information has been applied to the case of genetically-modified food products (Fox et al., 2002; Rousu et al., 2002; Lusk et al., 2004; Wachenheim and VanWechel, 2004; Nayga et al., 2005). Positive information usually has an impact weaker than negative information shocks (Smith and Vogt, 1995; Fox et al., 2002), as it is recognized to attract less attention than negative information shocks (Scott and Tybout, 1981; Tybout et al, 1981). 123 When it is used to moderate the effect of negative information shocks on consumers’ brand attitudes, positive brand information has a different outcome according to two major dimensions: the order in which the positive information is received (Smith, 1993; Smith and Vogt, 1995) and the distance in the content of positive and negative information, that is, whether the two pieces of information strictly contradict each other or are about different brand attributes (Tybout et al., 1981; Okada and Reibstein, 1998; Klein and Dawar, 2004). When provided ex ante, positive information generally mitigates the negative effect of word-of-mouth (Smith and Vogt, 1995) and negative product trial (Smith, 1993), even if the positive and the subsequent negative information contradict each other. When the positive information is provided ex post and denies a negative information shock or a rumor, it might be ineffective in moderating the negative brand association or even strengthening it (Tybout et al., 1981; Okada and Reibstein, 1998). When creating positive associations that are distant from the negative associations, ex post positive information moderates the effect of negative information shocks (Tybout er al., 1981; Klein and Dawar, 2004). A third factor explaining variability of the positive information in mitigating negative shocks to competing brands is the initial brand differentiation (Roehm and Tybout, 2006), which means having strength and uniqueness of brand associations (Keller, 1993). When Brand A is not clearly differentiated from the brand targeted by the negative shock (Brand B) and the positive information on Brand A is an ex post denial message - such as “the bad thing happened to Brand B has not happened to our Brand A” - then the positive information can reduce or eliminate the negative spillover effect (Roehm and Tybout, 2006). However, in the same circumstance, when Brand A is clearly 124 differentiated from Brand B, positive information on Brand A that denies what happened to Brand B can create a negative spillover that would not otherwise exist and ultimately damage Brand A (Roehm and Tybout, 2006). Relative to this literature on the role of positive brand information mitigating negative information shocks, this research provides a contribution in the following two areas. First, an analysis is provided on how the mitigating role of positive information varies in the context of a scandal on animal welfare practices. Second, an analysis is presented on how the effect of positive information on consumers’ beliefs, attitudes and buying intentions varies according to whether its content is distracting from the Subject of the scandal or directly relevant to it. In the attempt to bring such a contribution to the animal welfare debate and to the literature on negative and positive information, this study proposes and tests a theoretical framework that builds upon the theory of attitude formation (Fishbein, 1967; Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975). Consumers ’ Brand Beliefs, Attitudes and Buying Intentions . Consumers’ cognitive process to create their attitudes towards brands and ultimately to establish their buying behavior usually starts from evaluating brand attributes (Fishbein, 1967). By processing information about the attributes of a brand, consumers establish both evaluations and belief strengths for each attribute, such that the combination of the two determines their attitudes towards the brand (Fishbein, 1967). Brand attributes are a category of brand associations, which in turn are a key dimension of brand equity: when a brand has strong, favorable and unique associations, then it is clearly differentiated from other brands (Aaker, 1991; Keller, 1993). Brand attributes may be observed before 125 consumption (search attributes) or only after consumption (experience attributes, Nelson, 1970), but some of them may not be visible either before or after consumption (credence attributes, Darby and Karni, 1973). In the case of credence attributes, consumers’ belief strengths play a crucial role in establishing their attitudes towards products, and brand information has a crucial importance in determining consumers’ beliefs. However, consumers’ attitudes towards a brand do not always predict buying behavior (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975). On the other hand, consumers’ attitudes towards buying the brand, moderated by their subjective norms, predict buying intentions much more accurately (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975; Sheppard et al., 1988). In turn, buying intentions predict behavior “unless intent changes prior to performance” or “unless the intention measure does not correspond to the behavioral criterion in terms of action, target, context, time-frame and/or specificity”. The intention of buying a brand has various measurable dimensions. The most general one is the willingness to do an effort to perform to the buying action (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975; Eagly and Chaiken, 1993), whereas the nature of the effort may vary according to the context: it may be the willingness to pay to obtain a product from that brand, the likelihood to pay a premium for that brand, or the likelihood to buy the product even if it is not sold in a favorite purchasing location. A second key dimension of buying intentions is the choice of the brand among alternatives (Fishbein, 1980; Fishbein and Ajzen, 1980), which is the process of comparing and selecting among the intentions associated with each alternative in the choice set. 126 This study borrows from these theories predicting the formation of attitudes and buying intentions to use the concepts of consumers’ beliefs in the presence of an attribute associated to the brand (Fishbein, 1967) and attitudes towards a brand (Fishbein, 1967). Hypotheses Development The conceptual framework of this study is built upon the theory of attitude formation (Fishbein, 1967; F ishbein and Ajzen, 1975) and the theories of the interaction between positive and negative information shocks developed in consumer economics (Fox et al., 2002; Rousu et al., 2002; Lusk et a1. 2004; Wachenheim and Van Wechel, 2004; Nayga et al., 2005) and consumer psychology (Tybout et al., 1981; Smith, 1993; Smith and Vogt, 1995; Okada and Reibstein, 1998; Klein and Dawar, 2004; Roehm and Tybout, 2006). When analyzing the interaction between the negative shocks and the positive brand information, two assumptions are made based on the extent literature. First, negative information has a stronger marginal impact than positive information, no matter the information sequence nor the content of positive information, as already found by Smith and Vogt (1995), Fox et a1. (2002) and Lusk et a1. (2004). Second, ex ante positive information has a larger effect on mitigating the effect of the negative shock than ex post positive brand information, as already tested in extant literature (Smith, 1993; Smith and Vogt, 1995; Klein and Dawar, 2004). This assumption is also consistent with the theory explaining the impact of prior beliefs and the order of information on consumers’ evaluations of objects (Russo et al., 1998; Carlson and Pearo, 2004; Carlson et al., 2006). 127 Building upon these assumptions, two major hypotheses are tested. First, ex ante brand information which is directly relevant to the content of the following negative shock is more effective in moderating the negative effect of the negative shock than brand information which aims at distracting from that content. Providing positive information on environment, social welfare and animal welfare attributes of a brand and of the brand owner may be considered the strategy of companies that are trying to minimize the future risk of being affected by future negative information shocks caused by advocating Non-Govemmental Organizations (N GOs) or other civil society organizations. From this perspective, major food companies that joined multi-stakeholder dialogue initiatives such as the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform (SAI, 2009), may be interested in developing positive brand information on sustainability issues even if their consumers value other attributes of their brands more. Therefore, it is hypothesized: H1. Consumers receiving ex ante positive information relevant to animal welfare discount the following negative information shock on animal welfare more than consumers receiving ex ante distracting positive information. This hypothesis juxtaposes with findings from previous literature suggesting that positive information is more effective when it “distracts” consumers from the negative shock, as it creates negative associations or rational suspiciousness (Tybout et al., 1981; Okada and Reibstein, 1998; Roehm and Tybout, 2006).. If data provide evidence supporting this hypothesis, then providing ex ante positive information on issues that are relevant to future information shocks may be considered as a form of insurance for protecting the brand from scandals. Moreover, if the positive brand information has the 128 strength of differentiating the brand from competitors, then the brand may become immune to any negative information shocks affecting its industry, consistent with the finding of Roehm and Tybout (2006). On the other hand, how should a company act when it has already been affected by a negative information shock? Should it react by developing brand information related to the content of the negative information, or should it choose to provide distracting positive information? Consistent with existing literature on product crises (Tybout et al., 1981; Okada and Reibstein, 1998), which highlights the risk that ex post information relevant to the negative shock just strengthen consumers’ negative associations, it is hypothesized here that distracting positive information has a more positive effect on consumers’ attitudes than relevant positive information. In other words: H2. Consumers receiving ex post positive information distracting from animal welfare issues after a negative information shock have a stronger increase in attitudes than consumers receiving ex post information relevant to animal welfare. After these two hypotheses are tested, further exploration will be made of which consumers’ demographic and attitudinal characteristics significantly explain variation across the effects of positive brand information relevant to or distracting from animal welfare issues. 129 Methods To test the hypotheses, data was collected from an on-line experiment focused on fast food boneless chicken sandwiches and animal welfare issues administered to 460 US- based residents in November 2009. Data was collected randomly from a representative sample recruited according to state, age, ethnic group and education level criteria by a professional survey company. Response rate to the experiment was around 20%, while on-line questionnaire completion rate was around 75%. Average length of the questionnaire was around 14 minutes. A fast food brand was chosen as the object of our experiment because, similarly to other private actors within the meat industry, they have been recently targeted by negative information shock about their animal welfare practices by advocating NGOs (Hudson and Lusk, 2004; Martin, 2007). Although other negative information hit both fast foods and other actors competing in different industries, the case of animal welfare and fast foods was chosen because it is a relatively new issue, where respondents are less likely to have strong beliefs prior to the experiment. Therefore, we expect to find more variation after each information treatment on animal welfare than for after treatments on, say, environmental issues, labor issues or genetically-modified issues. On these latter issues, US respondents received a much heavier information load in the past five to ten years and so they are likely to have stronger prior beliefs (Fox et al., 2002; Rousu et al., 2002; Lusk et al. 2004). Furthermore, fast food restaurants have been already the object of previous studies on negative information regarding different attributes (Roehm and Tybout, 2006). Finally, chicken boneless sandwiches were chosen as the product of 130 interest because various fast food brands offer a similar product and because many ethical concerns were focused on the quality of life of chickens. Research Design After accepting the invitation to participate in this study, respondents were redirected to a web link with the questionnaire page. The experiment was divided in three major parts. First, participants answered questions on demographics, on their food value and their consumption habits related to chicken consumption. In the initial demographics section, along with a few preliminary questions about age, gender, ethnic group and nationality, respondents were asked how much they value origin, naturalness, sustainability and taste when purchasing and consuming food. Moreover, they were asked how often they consume chicken products. Every question has been measured with a seven-point Likert- scale item. Second, respondents were divided into four groups, each receiving a different set of treatments. The four treatments consisted of positive information distracting from or relevant to animal welfare issues, as well as provided before a negative information shock (i.e. ex ante) or after the same shock (i.e. ex post) (see Figure 3). The positive brand information consisted of a set of reported declarations from differences sources: an advocating NGO (Greenpeace), a certifying NGO (Animal Welfare Society), a university expert on meat and animal welfare and a self-claim from McDonald’s. The negative information treatment, published by the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), denounced that McDonald’s suppliers mistreat chicken and inflict them terrible pains while stocking, transporting and slaughtering them. 131 Figure 2 - The Four Treatments Interacting Positive and Negative Information Group 1 Ex Ante Positive Information Distracting from Animal Group 3 Ex Ante Positive Information Relevant to Animal Welfare Welfare Issues Issues Group 2 Group 4 Ex Post Positive Information Ex Post Positive Information Distracting from Animal Relevant to Animal Welfare Welfare Issues Issues Third, after each treatment,participant responses were elicited on animal welfare beliefs, attitudes towards McDonald’s chicken sandwiches and willingness-to-pay a premium price (WTPP). Respondents’ belief strength in the association between animal welfare and the brands was measured with a seven-point Likert-scale, where the respondents are asked to strongly disagree/strongly agree with the following statement: “I believe that McDonald’s takes effective measures to provide proper animal welfare to chickens and hens raised, transported, and processed for production of food products sold in their restaurants.” Respondents’ attitudes towards the brands were measured with one seven-point Likert-scale question asking “How would you describe your attitudes towards McDonald’s?” where the scale was from very negative to very positive. WTPP has been elicited with two consecutive'questions. First, respondents were simply asked 132 whether they were willing to pay a premium price or not for a McDonald’s chicken sandwich, compared to a similar sandwich by a competing fast food brand. Participants responding “yes” were then asked which interval of price premium, expressed in percentage terms, were willing to pay. Therefore, we modeled WTPP as a continuous variable where the participants responding “no” had a zero value, while the participants responding “yes” had a value equal to the average value of the interval of price premium chosen. As the distribution of the variable WTPP was strongly skewed to the right, we added one point to each value and took the natural logarithm in order to make the WTPP distribution more normally distributed. The Model In order to capture the dynamic nature of the data we have collected, an analysis was through a set of latent growth models (LGMs) (Duncan et al, 1999). LGMs canbe considered a specific category of structural equation models (SEMs) where the latent factors are the intercept and the slope of the growth of a variable across a group of individuals. Compared to longitudinal panel modes, LGMs have the advantage of both describing single individual’s development trajectory of variables and capturing individual differences in these trajectories over time (Duncan et al, 1999). In particular, the latter characteristic allows the researcher to explore the factors moderating the intercept and slope of the development trajectory. Similarly to SEMs, limitations of LGMs include the assumption of multi-norrnally distributed variables and the necessity of large samples (Duncan et al, 1999). 133 Figure 3 - The Generic Piecewise Latent Growth Model Cov(F1,F3) M3 D3 Ml DI \. Cov(Fl,F2) Cov(F2 F3) Fl M2 F2 D2 F3 Intercept Slope, Slope, Up Down 0 1 o o 1 0.5 0 -1 l - V1 V2 V3 Attitudes Attitudes Attitudes (Time 0) (Time 1) (Time 2) E1 E2 E3 Legend: V1: Initial Consumers’ Attitudes; V2: Consumers’ Attitudes after receiving Positive Information; V3: Consumers’ Attitudes after receiving Negative Information 134 As common in use in LGMs (Duncan et al., 1999), the loadings are fixed from factors to the measured variables at arbitrary values. In this study, the parameters were instead freed of the factors’ means and variances, as well as the co-variances among factors. The factors’ mean indicates the expected difference between the measurable variables at two different times, while the factors’ variance indicates the inter-individual variability around the mean. Finally, the co-variance among factors indicates weather the initial levels of beliefs and attitudes are significantly associated with future changes or not. In this study, to compare the impact of positive information distracting from and relevant to animal welfare issues, the LGM was built in four sequential steps: (1) with a simple piece-wise LGM, (2) with an associative LGM, (3) with a multi-group LGM and (4) with a predictive LGM. Data from the simple piece-wise LGM provide preliminary evidence that positive brand information has a positive impact on consumers’ beliefs, attitudes and WTPP, no matter if it is distracting or relevant to animal welfare or given ex ante or ex post. Moreover, the variance of the latent growth and decrease factors is significantly large, which means that there is high inter-individual variation which justifies the use of LGM in this setting. The generic simple piece-wise LGM applied to the case of ex ante positive information treatments has the following form, consistent with LGM literature (Duncan et al, 1999) (see Figure 4): V1:111131 +121F2+131F3+el; (1) V2 = 112F1 + 122F2 + l32F3 + e2; (2) 135 V3 = 113131 +123F2 +133F3 +63; (3) F1=31M1+b1D1; (4) F2 = azMz + szz- (5) F3 = a3M3 + b3D3. (6) In these expressions, V1, V2 and V3 stand for the measured variables of interest (beliefs, attitudes and WTPP) at time 0, time 1 and time 2. F1, F2 and F3 represent respectively the intercept, the growth factor caused by the positive information and the decrease factor caused by the negative information. Moreover, lij represent the loadings from the factors to the measured variables and e, are the errors. Loadings and variable errors are fixed in order to make the model perfectly identified. Moreover, M; are the inter-individual means of the intercept and the slope, while D, are the inter-individual variances of the intercept of the slope to be estimated. Finally, Cov(Di,DJ-) is estimated to understand if intercept and slope are significantly associated. Results The Impact of Distracting versus Relevant Ex Ante Positive Information Results from the associative LGM with data from two groups of respondents reveal that consumers’ beliefs on animal welfare, attitudes and willingness to pay a price premium increase significantly at 95% level both when consumers receive distracting and relevant positive information before the negative information (see Table 13). 136 Table 13 - Multi-Group Associative LGM: Distracting versus Relevant Ex Ante Positive Information Distracting Info Relevant Info Equality LM Test (Chi- Square) Mean Var. Mean Var. Mean Var. AWBeliefO 3.41 * 1.894 * 3.76 * 2.515 * 3.98 ** 0.98 Attitude0 4.06 * 2.679 * 4.53 * 2.427 * 4.26 ** 0.55 WTPPO 2.8% * 0.007 * 2.0% * 0.003 * 0.56 28.10 ** AWBeliefl 3.92 * 4.868 * 4.79 * 7.892 * 14.59 ** 4.40 ** Attitudel 4.46 * 2.435 * 4.93 * 4.765 * 0.19 14.36 ** WTPP] 4.6% * 0.019 * 3.6% * 0.015 * 0.06 0.74 AWBelien 2.91 * 2.357 * 3.29 * 2.953 * 0.01 1.43 Attitude2 3.36 * 2.070 * 3.63 * 2.901 * 0.93 3.12 ** WTPP2 2.4% 0.005 * 1.8% 0.003 * 0.19 9.93 ** Overall Fit Indexes: - Chi- 805.25 with 45 d.f. 745.97 with 45 d.f. 1551.23 with 90 d.f. Square CFI 0.920 RMSEA 0.148 Note: *95% probability that the parameter is significantly different from zero; **90% probability of significant drop of chi-Square when the equality constraint is removed. When consumers receive positive information distracting from animal welfare issues at McDonald’s, their animal welfare beliefs increase on average from 3.41 points to 3.92 and then decrease to 2.91 points when negative information on animal welfare is provided. This may seem odd, as the provided information aimed at distracting consumers from animal welfare issues, but it is likely that positive information about healthiness of McDonald’s products has been used as a cue to increase beliefs on animal welfare. Also, their attitude towards the McDonald’s product increase on average from 4.06 to 4.46 points and then decrease to 3.36 points, while their willingness to pay a premium for it increases from 2.8% to 4.6% and then decreases to 2.4%. Similarly, when 137 consumers receive relevant positive information on animal welfare practices at McDonald’s, their beliefs increase on average from 3.76 points to 4.79 and then decrease to 3.29 points when negative information on animal welfare is provided. Also, their attitude towards the product increase on average from 4.5 3 to 4.93 points and then decrease to 3.63 points, while their willingness to pay a premium increases from 2.0% to 3.6% and then decreases to 1.8%. However, the analysis reveals that the decrease of consumers’ willingness to pay a premium that received the negative information is not significant at 95% level, either when they ex ante received distracting or relevant positive information. This is probably driven by high censoring of WTPP at 0%, which takes place around 85% of respondents. The significance at 95% level of the variance of all the variables indicates that there are significant inter-individual variation around the average increase and decrease of consumers’ perceptions and buying intentions which could be explained by adding predictors to the model. The two associative models with distracting and relevant positive information have both a good overall fit with the data, as their chi-square is respectively 805.25 and 745.97 with 45 degrees of freedom (d.f.). Although the overall trend of increase and decrease is similar, results from the multi-group LGM provide evidence that there are significant differences between the impacts of distracting versus relevant ex ante positive information (see Table 1). First of all, the overall fit of the restricted multi-group model with the data is bad (chi-square is 1551.23 with 90 d.f., CFI=0.920 and RMSEA=0.148), indicating that the two models with distracting and relevant positive information cannot be constrained to be equal. Specifically, when consumers receive relevant positive information, their animal 138 welfare beliefs are significantly higher than when they receive distracting positive information, as the Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test indicates that the overall fit of the model would increase significantly (with a drop equal to 14.59 chi-square points) if this equality constraint is removed. Moreover, the initial attitudes and animal welfare beliefs are significantly higher for the group receiving the relevant positive information. We claim that this difference across group is casual rather than due to demographic differences across the two groups, as the differences across average age, income, education, gender and state of residency are not significant. However, from descriptive statistics, we found that the group receiving the relevant positive information had both higher initial attitudes for sustainability, naturalness and taste related to the other group, but obviously this was not possible to be controlled with the sample selection. Important differences in the impact of distracting and relevant positive information are not only related to the means of the intercept, the increase and the decrease factors, but also to their variances. The LM test provides evidence that when consumers receive relevant positive information, the variance of the increase and decrease factors in attitudes is significantly larger than when they receive distracting information. Moreover, the variance of the increase in their animal welfare beliefs is higher and the variance of the decrease in their willingness to pay a premium is smaller. Overall, these differences in variance show that relevant positive information on animal welfare causes a larger variation of responses compared to distracting positive information. This further justifies the search for variables explaining the change in perceptions caused by relevant positive information on animal welfare practices. 139 On the other hand, as the LM test does not show that overall fit would improve significantly when the equality constraints of the increase and decrease factors’ means were released, results from the multi-group LGM do not provide evidence that relevant positive information has a stronger mitigating effect on the following negative information shock than distracting positive information. Therefore, these results provide no evidence supporting hypothesis H1. The Impact of Distracting versus Relevant Ex Post Positive Information Similarly to the results with data from the first two groups of respondents, results of the associative LGM with data from the other two groups of respondents reveal that consumers’ beliefs on animal welfare and attitudes increase significantly at 95% level both when they receive distracting and relevant positive information, even when positive information follows negative information (see Table 14). When consumers receive positive information distracting from animal welfare issues at McDonald’s after the negative information shocks, their animal welfare beliefs increase from 3.18 to 3.56 points but are still lower than their initial beliefs before receiving the negative information shock (3.91 points). Similarly, their attitudes towards the McDonald’s product and their willingness to pay a price premium increase, but they are still lower than their initial attitudes and WTPP before receiving the negative information shock. However, the analysis reveals that the increase of consumers’ WTPP receiving the positive information is not significant at 5% level, either when this is distracting or relevant to animal welfare issues. When instead consumers receive ex post relevant positive information on animal welfare practices at McDonald’s, their beliefs 140 .-—...J Table 14 - Multi-Group Associative LGM: Distracting versus Relevant Ex Post Positive Information Distracting Positive Info Relevant Positive Info Equality LM Test (Chi- Square) Mean Var. Mean Var. Mean Var. AWBeliefO 3.91 * 2.484 * 3.53 * 2.216 * 2.95 0.27 Attitude0 4.44 * 2.144 * 4.64 * 2.267 * 0.84 0.88 WTPPO 2.5% * 0.006 * 2.8% * 0.008 * 0.06 1.77 AWBeliefl 3.18 * 2.199 * 2.94 * 2225* 0.44 0.00 Attitude] 3.47 * 2.640 * 3.85 * 2.412 * 2.57 1.49 WTPP] 2.1 % 0.002 * 1.5% * 0.005 * 4.60 ** 5.30 ** AWBeliefZ 3.56 * 6.399 * 3.66 * 9.765 * 6.18 ** 5.46 ** Attitude2 4.20 * 6.077 * 4.30 * 8.319 * 0.19 1.18 WTPP2 2.2% 0.008 * 2.2% 0.022 * 0.05 5.02 ** Overall F it Indexes: Chi-Square 735.56 with 45 d.f. 661.90 with 45 d.f. 1715.96 with 90 d.f. CF I 1.000 RMSEA 0.000 Note: *95% probability that the parameter is significantly different from zero. "90% probability of significant drop of chi-Square when the equality constraint is removed. increase from 2.94 to 3.66 points, which is higher than their initial beliefs before receiving the negative information shock (3.53 points). On the other hand, consumers’ attitudes towards the McDonald’s product and their willingness to pay a price premium for it increase, but they are still lower than their initial attitudes and WTPP before receiving the negative information shock. Again, the significance at 95% level of the variance of all the variables indicates that there are significant inter-individual variation around the average increase and decrease of consumers’ perceptions and buying intentions. The two models have both a 141 good overall fit with the data, as their chi-square is respectively 735.56 and 661.90 with 45 d.f.. The similarity in the increase and decrease trends across the two groups receiving distracting and relevant positive information after a negative information shock is confirmed by the results from the multi-group LGM (see Table 14). First of all, the overall fit of the restricted multi-group model with the data is excellent (as CFI=1.000 and RMSEA=0), indicating that the two models with distracting and relevant positive information can be effectively constrained to be equal. However, the LM test suggests removing a few equality constraints across the two groups. First, the average increase in consumers’ animal welfare beliefs is significantly higher for consumers receiving relevant information than for those receiving distracting information, as removing the equality constraint would lead to a drop of 6. l 8 chi-square points. In particular, after receiving both the negative and the relevant positive information on animal welfare, consumers have higher beliefs that the McDonald’s product has the animal welfare attribute than initially, while this does not happen in the case of consumers receiving distracting positive information. Moreover, the decrease of willingness to pay when negative information is provided is significantly higher in one of the two groups, although no difference in treatments was given beforehand. Along with differences in means, the two models with ex post distracting and relevant positive information present a few differences also in variances. Specifically, the variance of the WTPP decrease factor and the variance of the beliefs and WTPP increase factors is significantly higher in the group receiving the ex post relevant positive information. These differences in variance confirm that relevant positive information on 142 animal welfare causes a larger variation of responses compared to distracting positive information, which further justifies the search for variables explaining the change in perceptions caused by relevant positive information on animal welfare practices. However, as LM test do not show that overall fit would improve significantly when the equality constraints of the increase and decrease factors’ means were released, results from the multi-group LGM do not provide evidence that distracting positive information has a more positive effect on consumers’ attitudes than relevant positive information when provided after the negative information. Therefore, our results provide no evidence supporting hypothesis H2. Predictors of the Impact of Distracting versus Relevant Positive Information Results from the predictive LGM provide evidence that variables at individual level have a different effect on the intercept, grth and decrease factors according to whether the positive information provided is distracting from or relevant to animal welfare issues. First, when positive information about McDonald’s is given ex ante and it is distracting from animal welfare issues, age, gender and income play a practically significant role, i.e. each of these variables help improving the overall fit of the model, although they are not always statistically significant at 95% level. In particular, consumers with higher income tend to be significantly more sensitive to positive distracting information at 95% level and to discount negative information on animal welfare, while males tend to discount positive distracting information, which is relative to the healthiness of McDonald’s products. The overall fit of this predictive LGM with the data is good, as CFI is 0.989 and RMSEA is 0.097 (see Table 15). 143 Table 15 - Predictive LGM: Distracting versus Relevant Ex Ante Positive Information on Consumer Attitudes Distracting Indep. Coeff. Std. Relevant Indep. Var. Coeff. Std. Info Var. Err. Irjo Err. Intercept Mean 4.23 * 0.60 Intercept Mean 5.85 * 0.45 (Fl) Male 0.32 0.35 (F4) Education -0.26 * 0.09 Age 0.06 0.12 Age -0.01 0.09 Income -0.13 0.09 Ev.Sustainable -0.15 0.08 Ev. Taste 0.28 0.14 Growth (F2) Mean 0.20 0.49 Growth Mean 0.62 0.64 Male -0.74 * 0.29 (F5) Education 0.01 0.13 _Age 0.05 0.10 _Age 0.34 * 0.12 Income 0.20 * 0.07 Ev.Sustainable 0.06 0.11 Ev. Taste -0.07 0.20 Decrease (F3) Mean 1.44 * 0.49 Decrease Mean 2.73 * 0.57 Male -0.31 0.29 (F6) Education 0.21 * 0.09 Age 0.05 0.10 Age -0.22 * 0.09 Income -0.19 * 0.07 Ev.Sustainable 0.19 * 0.08 Ev. Taste 0.36 * 0.15 Covariance Matrix: Covariance Matrix: F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F1 2.91 * F4 2.19 * F2 -0.70 * 1.92 * F5 -0.71 * 4.45 * F3 0.93 * -0.31 1.91 * F6 1.00 * -0.48 * 2.38"“ Overall Fit Indexes: Overall Fit Indexes: Chi-Square 235.80 with 18 degrees of Chi-Square 184.96 with 24 degrees of freedom freedom CFI 0.989 CFI 1.000 RMSEA 0.097 RMSEA 0.000 Note: In the Predictive LGM, n=93 because there are 22 cases with missing income data that were excluded from the analysis. When positive information about McDonald’s is given ex ante and it is relevant to animal welfare issues, education and age are associated with changes in consumers’ attitudes. Moreover, consumers’ evaluation of sustainability and taste attributes in food had a practical impact on consumers’ attitudes. Specifically, consumers with higher education have lower initial attitudes towards McDonald’s chicken sandwich and are more sensitive 144 to negative information on animal welfare issues. On the other hand, elder consumers tend to be significantly more sensitive to positive relevant information while they tend to discount negative information. Finally, consumers who value sustainability and taste attributes in food consumption tend to be more sensitive to negative information on animal welfare. The overall fit of this predictive LGM with the data is good, as CFI is 1.000 and RMSEA is 0.000. Moreover, when consumers receive information relevant to animal welfare is given, the stronger their growth in attitudes with ex ante positive information, the smoother their decrease in attitudes following the negative information shock (as the covariance between F5 and F6 is -0.48 and significant at the 95% level), as the correlation matrix in Table 3 shows. The same negative association is not significant in the case of consumers receiving distracting positive information. Finally, consumers with higher initial attitudes tend to discount both negative and positive information, no matter whether it is distracting or relevant to animal welfare. When instead positive information about McDonald’s is given ex post and it is distracting from animal welfare issues, income and frequency of consumption significantly explain positive and negative changes in consumers’ attitudes (see Table 16). In particular, consumers with higher income tend to discount negative information on animal welfare, while people consuming chicken more frequently tend to be more sensitive to negative information on animal welfare. This direct association between frequency of meat consumption and sensitiveness to negative information on animal welfare seems to contradict the recent research that found that frequent consumers of meat tend to discount information on animal welfare. 145 Table 16 - Predictive LGM: Distracting versus Relevant Ex Post Positive Information on Consumer Attitudes Distracting Indep. Var. Coeff. Std. Relevant Indep. Var. Coeff. Std. Info Err. Info Err. Intercept Mean 4.34 * 1.07 Intercept Mean 5.22 0.43 (Fl) Income on 0.07 (F4) Education -0.22* 0.10 Freq. Cons. 0.19 0.17 Ev.Sustainab1e 0.02 0.08 Ev.Sustainable 0.01 0.08 Ev. Taste -0.08 0.09 Decrease Mean 0.08 1 . 12 Decrease Mean 0.94 0.45 (F2) Income -0.20* 0.07 (F5) Education -0. l 9 0.10 Freq. Cons. 0.36 * 0.17 Ev.Sustainab1e 0.11 0.08 Ev.Sustainable 0.13 0.08 Ev. Taste -0.09 0.09 Growth (F3) Mean -0.13 0.11 Growth Mean -2.03 0.84 Income 0.20 0.11 (F6) Education 0.42 * 0.19 Freq. Cons. -0.47 0.27 Ev.Sustainable 0.04 0.15 Ev.Sustainable 0.19 0.13 Ev. Taste 0.08 0.14 Covariance Matrix: Covariance Matrix: F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F1 2.06 * F4 2.16 * F2 0.60 * 2.28 * F5 0.78 * 2.30 * F3 -0.63 -1.83 * 5.24 * F6 1.57 * -2.76* 7.97 * Overall Fit Indexes: Overall Fit Indexes: Chi-Square 163.92 with 24 degrees of Chi- 144.26 with 13 degrees of freedom ngare freedom CFI 0.916 CFI 1.000 RMSEA 0.145 RMSEA 0.000 Note: In the Predictive LGM, n=93 because there are 22 cases with missing income data that were excluded from the analysis. A possible explanation of this association may be that frequent meat consumers in the US are strengthening their inferences across the animal welfare attributes and both food safety and taste, which are obviously salient attributes for frequent meat consumers. The overall fit of the model is acceptable, as RMSEA=0.145 and CFI=0.916. When positive information about McDonald’s is given ex post and it is relevant to animal welfare issues, consumers’ education and evaluation of sustainability attributes 146 play a practically significant role in explaining the positive and negative changes in attitudes. Specifically, consumers with higher education have lower initial attitudes towards McDonald’s products and they are more sensitive to positive information on animal welfare. The overall fit of the model is excellent, as RMSEA=0.000 and CFI=1 .000. Finally, correlation matrices in Table 4 suggests that the stronger the decrease in attitudes when negative information is given, the weaker the following effect of positive information, no matter if distracting or relevant to animal welfare issues. Moreover, the higher are the initial attitudes towards the McDonald’s chicken sandwich, the stronger is the effect of ex ante negative information. At the same time, when positive information is relevant to animal welfare issues, initial attitudes are positively associated with the attitude growth, as the covariance between F4 and F6 shows. This effect is not present in the case of distracting positive information. This illustrates that relevant positive information on animal welfare can be more useful than distracting information to restore the initial attitudes of consumers that really like a branded product, once a negative shock occurred. Conclusions In the new era of global food systems, effective communication of food quality attributes to final consumers through brands is becoming a managerial task that goes far beyond meeting public and private standards imposed by governments and retailers. 147 This study provides implications for fast food company managers that are responsible for communicating the quality attributes of their brands to final consumers and that need to tailor brand information to specific consumer characteristics by indicating which content of positive brand information is more effective to protect a brand from information shocks on animal welfare and which consumers are more sensitive to different information content. Tackling such a research question provides a contribution to the rapidly expanding animal welfare literature (Lagerkvist et al., 2006; Carlsson et al., 2007; Lijenstolpe, 2008; Tonsor et al., 2009a; Tonsor et al., 2009c), where only a few studies have so far analyzed how media coverage affects consumers’ preferences for meat products (Tonsor et al., 2009b). Specifically, this appears to be the first study analyzing the interaction of positive and negative information about animal welfare on consumers’ perceptions and intentions to buy a product. Outside the boundaries of the animal welfare literature, this study also attempts to integrate current knowledge on the impact of sequences of positive and negative information shocks on consumer behavior, developed across the fields of economics (Fox et al., 2002; Rousu et al., 2002; Lusk et a1. 2004; Wachenheim and Van Wechel, 2004; Nayga et al., 2005) and psychology (Russo et al., 1998; Smith and Vogt, 1995; Roehm and Tybout, 2006), by analyzing inter-individual and inter-group differential effects with a Latent Growth Modeling (LGM) approach (Duncan et al., 1999). Results show that the means of consumers’ attitude growth and decrease do not differ significantly across different content of information, but the variance of consumers’ attitude grth and decrease is significantly higher when information relevant to animal 148 welfare is provided. This highlights that different consumers have very different reactions when exposed to animal welfare information, consistent with the findings of Lusk et a1. (2004), who found that consumers with stronger priors are less sensitive to genetically- modified information. Specifically, we found that age and education have a significant predictive power on the reaction to positive information relevant to animal welfare. On the other hand, we found that income and gender can explain a significant part of the growth variance when consumers receive positive information distracting from animal welfare issues. Although results have useful managerial implications, the analysis of this study is limited to the context of fast food industry and to the case of animal welfare. Future research should seek for a generalization of these results across industries and across content of attribute information. For example, it would be interesting to test if the same conclusion could be drawn in the same industry when consumers are exposed to environmental friendly production or on labor conditions. Moreover, it would be interesting to test if, when exposed to the same animal welfare attribute negative and positive information, consumers’ perceptions change across meat products, across individual brands or across different levels of the supply chain of the product. Finally, it would be useful to analyze how different contents and different sources of positive information act on mitigating the negative impact of information shocks. These hypotheses could be tested in future research by applying the multi-group LGM analysis introduced in this study and changing the set of information treatments. 149 Appendix E SURVEY INSTRUMENT — CHAPTER 3 Thank you for participating to this research study. This study is conducted by the Department of Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics and the Department of Marketing at Michigan State University. Mr. Domenico Dentoni is the research coordinator and Prof. Christopher H. Peterson is the responsible principal investigator. From this study, we hope to learn insights on how consumers perceive various attributes of meat products and process product information. You will be asked questions about both beef steak and chicken breast. Your participation to this research project is completely voluntary and we will preserve the confidentiality of your information. Your participation in this study will take no more than 20 minutes. Feel free to ask the researchers any questions you may have at the following contacts: 0 Mr. Domenico Dentoni, 409 Agricultural Hall, Michigan State University, 48825 East Lansing, Michigan. Email: dentonid@msu.edu. Phone: 517-488-9277. 0 Prof. Christopher H. Peterson, 83 Agriculture Hall, Michigan State University, 48825, East Lansing, Michigan. Email: petersl7@msu.edu. Phone: 517-355-1813. Demographics 1. I am: _ Male __ Female 2. I am years old (fill-in the blank or drop down). 3. The best description of my educational background is: a. Did not graduate from high school b. Graduated from high school, Did not attend college 150 c. Attended College, No Degree earned d. Attended College, Associates or Trade Degree earned e. Attended College, Bachelor’s (BS. or BA.) Degree earned f. Graduate or Advanced Degree (M.S., Ph.D., Law School) g. Other (please explain): 4. There are __ adults and __ children living in my household (please fill-in the two blanks) ' 5. My ZIP code is: 6. What best describes your race? White, Caucasian Black, African American Asian, Pacific Islander Mexican, Latino American Indian Other (please describe): reap-99‘s» Food Attitudes and Values 7. How frequently do you consume the following meat products at any meal, either at home or away from home consumption: 4 or more 2-3 times Once per 2-3 times Once per Never times per per week week per month month or week less Chicken Beef 8. How much time have you spent residing outside the US during your entire life? None, I’ve always lived in the US Between 1 month and 6 months Between 6 months and 1 year Between 1 year and 2 years 999‘?” 151 e. Between 2 years and 5 years f. Between 5 years and 10 years g. Between 10 and 20 years Please rate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements: 9. When Ichoose the food I eat, an important thing I consider is the country or region where it is produced. (Seven-point scale, from 1. Strongly Disagree to 7. Strongly Agree) 10. When I choose the food I eat, an important thing I consider is if it is natural (that is, if it is produced without modern technologies) (Seven-point scale, from 1. Strongly Disagree to 7. Strongly Agree) D'L. may] - 11. When I choose the food I eat, an important thing I consider is if it is "sustainable” (that is, if it is produced by a company that respects the social and environment conditions within the area of production). (Seven-point scale, from 1. Strongly Disagree to 7. Strongly Agree) 12. When I choose the food I eat, an important thing I consider is its taste and appearance (Seven-point scale, from 1. Strongly Disagree to 7. Strongly Agree) Initial McDonald’s Brand Equity Please answer the following questions about McDonald's. A McDonald’s logo is placed here]. 1 13. How would you describe your attitude towards McDonald's? (Seven-point scale, from 1. Very Negative to 7. Very Positive) Please rate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statement. 14. I believe that McDonald's takes effective measures to provide proper animal welfare to chickens and hens raised, transported, and processed for production of food products (e.g., chicken nuggets and eggs) sold in their restaurants. (Seven- point scale, from 1. Strongly Disagree to 7. Strongly Agree) 15. Do you believe that McDonald’s takes MORE, EQUAL or LESS effective measures to provide proper animal welfare to chickens and hens raised, 152 transported, and processed for production of food products (e. g., chicken nuggets and eggs) sold in their restaurants relative to its competitors? a. More b. Equal 0. Less (1. Idon’t know Now please answer the following questions about Burger King. A Burger King logo is placed here. 16. How would you describe your attitude towards Burger King? (Seven-point scale, from 1. Very Negative to 7. Very Positive) Please rate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statement. 17. I believe that Burger King takes effective measures to provide proper animal welfare to chickens and hens raised, transported, and processed for production of food products (e.g., chicken nuggets and eggs) sold in their restaurants. (Seven- point scale, from 1. Strongly Disagree to 7. Strongly Agree) 18. Do you believe that Burger King takes MORE, EQUAL or LESS effective measures to provide proper animal welfare to chickens and hens raised, transported, and processed for production of food products (e.g., chicken nuggets and eggs) sold in their restaurants relative to its competitors? a. More b. Equal c. Less d. Idon’t know 19. If the price of a Boneless Chicken Sandwich were the same across the following brands, which brand would you choose? a. McDonald’s b. Burger King 0. Kentucky Fried Chicken 153 d. Wendy’s e. Others f. None 20. Would you be willing to pay a premium if it costs more to purchase a McDonald's Chicken Sandwich than another brand's Chicken Sandwich? a. Yes b. No 21. How much more are you willing to pay to get a McDonald's Chicken Sandwich rather than another brand of Chicken Sandwich? Between 0% and 10% more Between 10% and 20% more Between 20% and 40% more Between 40% and 60% more Between 60% and 80% more Between 80% and 100% more At least 100% more (102-”9999‘!” Information Treatment 1 Please read this further piece of information about McDonald's. Havin’ fun!!! McDonald’s is one of life’s many small pleasures that millions of people around the world enjoy every day. Great food. Fun to eat. Casual environment. Local and familiar. And always something new! You want the very best for your kids, and so do we at McDonald’s. That’s why we’ve made quality a top priority: a. McDonald’s coffee is made with 100% pure Arabica coffee beans. b. McDonald’s burger patties are cooked straight on the grill with no added fat or oil. c. McDonald’s Premium Chicken Sandwiches are made with all white meat real chicken. d. McDonald’s premium salads contain no preservatives, and are assembled fresh in the restaurant daily. 154 e. McDonald’s Happy Meal Milk jugs contain real 1% low fat white or chocolate milk. f. McDonald’s Apple Dippers are made with farm-fresh apples selected for their crispness, color and texture. A picture with a group of McDonald’s prodcuts is placed here. Now please answer the following questions about McDonald's. A McDonald’s logo is placed here. 22. How would you describe your attitude towards McDonald's? (Seven-point scale, from 1. Very Negative to 7. Very Positive) Please rate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statement about McDonald's. 23. I believe that McDonald's takes effective measures to provide proper animal welfare to chickens and hens raised, transported, and processed for production of food products (e.g., chicken nuggets and eggs) sold in their restaurants. (Seven- point scale, from 1. Strongly Disagree to 7. Strongly Agree) 24. Do you believe that McDonald's takes MORE, EQUAL or LESS effective measures to provide proper animal welfare to chickens and hens raised, transported, and processed for production of food products (e. g., chicken nuggets and eggs) sold in their restaurants relative to its competitors? a. More b. Equal c. Less d. Idon’t know 25. Would you be willing to pay a premium if it costs more to purchase a McDonald's Chicken Sandwich than another brand's Chicken Sandwich? a. Yes b. No 155 26. How much more are you willing to pay to get a McDonald's Chicken Sandwich rather than another brand of Chicken Sandwich? Between 0% and 10% more Between 10% and 20% more Between 20% and 40% more Between 40% and 60% more Between 60% and 80% more Between 80% and 100% more At least 100% more (rowan-99's» Now please answer the following questions about Burger King. A Burger King logo is placed here. 27. How would you describe your attitude towards Burger King? (Seven-point scale, from 1. Very Negative to 7. Very Positive) Please rate to what extent you now agree or disagree with the following statement about Burger King. 28. I believe that Burger King takes effective measures to provide proper animal welfare to chickens and hens raised, transported, and processed for production of food products (e.g., chicken nuggets and eggs) sold in their restaurants. (Seven- point scale, from 1. Strongly Disagree to 7. Strongly Agree) 29. Do you believe that Burger King takes MORE, EQUAL or LESS effective measures to provide proper animal welfare to chickens and hens raised, transported, and processed for production of food products (e.g., chicken nuggets and eggs) sold in their restaurants relative to its competitors? a. More b. Equal c. Less (1. Idon’t know 30. If the price of a Boneless Chicken Sandwich were the same across the following brands, which brand would you choose? 156 a. McDonald’s b. Burger King 0. Kentucky Fried Chicken d. Wendy’s e. Others f. None Information Treatment 2 Please read this further piece of information about production practices at McDonald's. PETA’s “McCruelty — I’m hatin’ it” campaign message: “McDonald’s chicken suppliers in the United States kill birds with cruel methods. Chickens typically suffer broken limbs, they have their throats out while they are still conscious and are often scalded to death in defeathering tanks. It would cost McDonald’s NOTHING to demand that its chicken suppliers switch to a far less cruel slaughter method. But McDonald’s refuses. Tell McDonald’s to stop the cruelty.” A “McCruelty: I’m hatin it” logo by PETA is placed here. Now please answer the following questions about McDonald's. A McDonald’s logo is placed here. 31. How would you describe your attitude towards McDonald's? (Seven-point scale, from 1. Very Negative to 7. Very Positive) Please rate to what extent you now agree or disagree with the following statement about McDonald's. 32. I believe that McDonald’s takes effective measures to provide proper animal welfare to chickens and hens raised, transported, and processed for production of 157 food products (e.g., chicken nuggets and eggs) sold in their restaurants. (Seven- point scale, from 1. Strongly Disagree to 7. Strongly Agree) 33. Do you believe that McDonald's takes MORE, EQUAL or LESS effective measures to provide proper animal welfare to chickens and hens raised, transported, and processed for production of food products (e.g., chicken nuggets and eggs) sold in their restaurants relative to its competitors? a. More b. Equal c. Less d. Idon’t know 34. Would you be willing to pay a premium if it costs more to purchase a McDonald's Chicken Sandwich than another brand's Chicken Sandwich? a. Yes b. No 35. How much more are you willing to pay to get a McDonald's Chicken Sandwich rather than another brand of Chicken Sandwich? Between 0% and 10% more Between 10% and 20% more Between 20% and 40% more Between 40% and 60% more Between 60% and 80% more Between 80% and 100% more At least 100% more carbon-99‘.» A Burger King logo is placed here. 36. How would you describe your attitude towards Burger King? (Seven-point scale, from 1. Very Negative to 7. Very Positive) 158 Please rate to what extent you now agree or disagree with the following statement about Burger King. 37. I believe that Burger King takes effective measures to provide proper animal welfare to chickens and hens raised, transported, and processed for production of food products (e.g., chicken nuggets and eggs) sold in their restaurants. (Seven- point scale, from 1. Strongly Disagree to 7. Strongly Agree) 38. If the price of a Boneless Chicken Sandwich were the same across the following brands, which brand would you choose? a. McDonald’s b. Burger King c. Kentucky Fried Chicken d. Wendy’s e. Others I. None Please rate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statement. 39. When I buy meat products, I like to receive detailed information about product quality. I am not particularly bothered by receiving too much information on the product. (Seven-point scale, from 1. Strongly Disagree to 7. Strongly Agree) 40. My annual pre-tax, household income is: a. Less than $ 20,000 b. $ 20,000-S 39,999 j. 180,000 $ or more 159 41. When you buy a beef steak for your consumption, which one of this two products would you choose assuming that they have the same price: a. A USDA-certified beef steak which is produced with animal welfare, environment friendly practices, from grass-fed animals. b. A beef steak which is “simply a beef steak”. c. None of the two. 160 Appendix F OTHER TREATMENT — CHAPTER 3 In this appendix, 1 provide the information treatments that did not appear in the survey instrument for Group 1 but that were administered to either Group 2, 3 or 4. Each treatment was presented to respondents within the same page. Positive Information Treatment Related to Animal Welfare Please read these brief pieces of information about McDonald's production practices. 0 John Sauven, Campaign Director of Greenpeace International, claims: “McDonald’s moved very swiftly to support the Amazon Rainforest campaign. It has played a key role in bringing the US-based multinational soybean traders to the negotiating table and this is a significant breakthrough. The soy which is fed to our pigs, chickens and cows to make meat products is one of the main drivers of deforestation.” A Greenpeace logo is placed here. 0 Excerpt from “McDonalds’ Guiding Principles on Animal Welfare”: “McDonald’s commitment to animal welfare is global and guided by the following principles. These principles apply to all the countries in which McDonald’s does business. 161 Quality: McDonald’s believes treating animals with care and respect is an integral part of an overall quality assurance program that makes good business sense. Animal Treatment: McDonald’s supports that animals should be free from cruelty, abuse and neglect while embracing the proper treatment of animals and addressing animal welfare issues. Partnership: McDonald’s works continuously with our suppliers to audit animal welfare practices, ensuring compliance and continuous improvement.” A McDonald’s logo is placed here. 0 Temple Grandin, a recognized expert and leader in the field of animal welfare from Colorado State University, claims: “I have been working for almost 25 years in designing facilities before I started doing work with McDonald's. When I worked with implementing the McDonald's’ operations in 1999, it just made a huge, huge change. It was a massive tipping point where the whole culture of the meat industry changed to where animal welfare is important. I am very proud of that". A picture of a livestock expert with cows in background is placed here. 162 Appendix G METHODOLOGICAL NOTE — CHAPTER 3 This methodological note provides a detailed report of the analysis conducted in Chapter 3. Results obtained from the analysis described within the chapter are derived after undertaking the following intermediate steps: 0 Simple Piecewise LGM o Associative LGM 0 Curve-of-F actors LGM o Multi-group Associative LGM o Predictive LGM with WTPP 0 Predictive LGM with Attitudes The entire analysis has been performed with the structural equation program EQS, copyright by PM. Bentler, Multivariate Software, Inc., Version 6.1, l985-2006 (B91). 163 Simple Piecewise LGM Piecewise LGM represent a specific case of LGM that describes structural changes in observed measures over time (Duncan et al., 1999). Therefore, in this study piecewise LGM is used to describe structural changes in consumers’ beliefs, attitudes and WTPP created by the sequence of positive and negative information treatments. When building the models, the difference between piecewise LGMs and general LGMs is only in the arbitrary choice of the values of the fixed parameters (i.e., loadings) linking the factors to the observed variables. In general LGMs, the values of these loading is linearly dependent for all factors, such as: V1=1*F1+0*F2+0*F3+e1; (1) v2 =1*F1 +1*F2 + 2*F3 + e2; (2) v3 =1*F1 + 2*F2 + 4*F3 + e3; (3) Fl=a1Ml+b1D1; (4) F2 = a2M2 + b2D2; (5) F3 = a3M3 + b3D3; (6) where the loadings of the linear growth F2 are 0, 1, 2 and the loadings of the quadratic growth factor are 0, 2, 4 (Duncan et al., 1999). The interpretation of the parameters is the same as in the text of the chapter. In a piecewise model describing a structural change the fixed parameters of the loadings are not necessarily linearly dependent and can be of opposite directions among factors. For example, in the piecewise LGM described in Figure 2, the loadings of F2 are 0, 0.5, 0, while the loadings of F3 are 0, 0, -1. Then, in 164 this case F2 can be interpreted as an increase factor, while F3 as a decrease factor after the structural change (i.e., the negative information treatment) occurs. A simple piecewise LGM model is first built for each measure individually. This provides information about the individual significance of coefficients describing growth and decrease after the shocks (Mi), as well as a measure of each factor variance (Di). Results of the piecewise LGM for attitudes of respondents included in Group 1 of the experiment are reported in Table 17. Table 17 - Simple Piecewise LGM with Consumer Attitudes in Group 1 Mean Std. Dev. Mi Di V1 4.07 1.64 F1 407* 036* V2 4.46 1.56 F2 078* 039* V3 3.36 1.68 F3 070* 3.56* Chi-Square 0.000 with -3 d.f. CFI 0.987 Legend: V1 to V3 indicate observed measures of attitudes fiom Time 0 to Time 2. F1 = Intercept Factor of Attitudes; F2 = Increase Factor of Attitudes; F3 = Decrease Factor of Attitudes. Note: the asterisk (*) indicates significance at the 95% level. Results provide evidence that the growth and decrease trends are significant when the information treatment is given and that variance is significantly large. The model is under-identified because the number of free parameters to be estimated is higher than the number of known parameters; therefore we add parameters in the following steps of building a LGM. A similar piecewise LGM model has been run for the measures of animal welfare beliefs and WTPP of respondents in Group 1 and for all respondents’ measures in Groups 2, 3 and 4. 165 if! Associative LGM The associative LGM is one large model that describes the change factors for several measures at the same time to analyze if there is covariance among the change across the measures (Duncan et al., 1999). An associative LGM is built where the increase and decrease factors load to measures of beliefs, attitudes and WTPP simultaneously, where the co-variances among each of the nine factors (three factors for each measure) are estimated. The factor loadings are the same as in the simple piecewise LGM for each of the three variables. The co-variance matrix from the associative LGM is reported in Table 18. Table 18 - Co-variance Matrix of the Associative LGM with Consumer Attitudes in Groupl F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F1 268* F2 136* 189* F3 0.02 0.00 001* F4 -0.86* -0.03 0.03* 243* F5 079* -0.71* 0.05"“ 0.26 487* F6 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.04* 0.08* 002* F7 097* 038* 0.00 -0.57* 0.21 0.00 207* F8 0.24 0.80* -0.02 0.20 -1.21* 0.00 1.31* 236* F9 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.02 0.00 -0.01 0.03* 0.02 0.01* Legend: Fl = Intercept Factor of Attitudes; F2 = Intercept Factor of Beliefs; F3 = Intercept Factor of WTPP; F4 = Increase Factor of Attitudes; F5= Increase Factor of Beliefs; F6 = Increase Factor of WTPP; F7 = Decrease Factor of Attitudes; F8= Decrease Factor of Beliefs; F9 = Decrease Factor of WTPP. Note: values on the diagonal are factor variances Di; the asterisk (*) indicates significance at the 95% level. 166 Results provide evidence that there is covariance among the increase and decrease factors across the three measures of beliefs, attitudes and WTPP. The associative LGM model has also been run with data of the measures from respondents in Groups 2, 3 and 4. Multi-Group Associative LGM The multi-group associative LGM is used to analyze if there are differences across the parameters from respondents’ data in Group 1 and Group 3, which provide evidence also to test the stated hypotheses in Chapter 3. In particular, a control has been performed to establish if there are differences across factor means and factor variances across Group 1 and Group 3, where respondents in Group 1 received a positive information which is unrelated to animal welfare and respondents in Group 3 received a positive information related to animal welfare. To control for these differences across parameters in the two groups, an equality constraint is imposed to the model. Therefore, the LM test is performed to explore which constraints have to be released in order to obtain a significant fit improvement. Results are presented in Table 13 in the Chapter. The same procedure has been used to compare differences in parameters across Group 2 and Group 4. An interpretation of these results is provided in the text of the Chapter. Curve-of-Factors LGM The curve-of-factor LGM describes the change of several measures with only one set of factors to analyze if the same pace of change is the same across several measures or not 167 (Duncan et al., 1999). In this case, a curve-of-factors LGM is built to analyze if a unique set of factors can describe the change occurring across beliefs, attitudes and WTPP. When running the model with data from respondents in group 1, as the overall fit of the model with data is low (chi-square=248.68 with 30 d.f. and p-value<0.001; CFI=0.697; RMSEA= 0.285), results show that the changes in the three measures cannot be effectively described by only one set of factors and so that there are differences in the pace of change across beliefs, attitudes and WTPP. The same curve-of-factors LGM is also run with only two out of the three variables and repeated the same analysis with measures of respondents in Group 2, 3 and 4. In each evaluated case, the curve-of-factors LGM failed to provide an adequate fit. Predictive LGM with WTPP As the curve-of-factors LGM suggests that no unique change factor can effectively describe the change in beliefs, attitudes and WTPP simultaneously, an analysis of what are the predictors of the change factor for each measure independently has been done. First, a predictive LGM is run with the WTPP measures by adding all the expected predictive variables (i.e., demographics, chicken consumption habits, food values) to the simple piecewise WTPP model and estimating the impact of each of these variables on the intercept, increase and decrease factors. The output indicates that parameters are linearly dependent, and so that the output of this model cannot be trusted. From the EQS 6.1 output, results indicate that linearly dependent parameters are the errors of the three WTPP measures over time (e1, e2 and e3 in the generic piecewise LGM). This is due to the fact that the majority of WTPP values 168 are zero (around 85%), as only few respondents are WTP a premium price for McDonald’s chicken sandwiches, no matter their demographics and the information treatments they receive. Output is similar when the same predictive LGM with WTPP from respondents’ data in Group 2, 3 and 4 is run. Therefore, data collected do not allow analyzing predictors of WTPP changes over time. The same predictive LGM is then repeated with respondents’ attitudes. Predictive LGM with Attitudes Results of final predictive LGM are presented in Tables 15 and 16 in the Chapter. To build the final predictive LGM illustrated in these tables, a first preliminary predictive LGM is run with only demographic and chicken consumption habit predictors. A second preliminary predictive LGM with only food value predictors is also-run. As overall goodness-to-fit with the data was bad, a Wald Test is performed to drop the independent variables that bring the least contribution in explaining the dependent variables and those that create serious problems of multi-collinearity. Therefore, in the predictive LGM with attitudes measures from respondents in Group 1, respondents’ education (which has high co-variance with income), chicken consumption frequency and value for food sustainability and origin (as suggested by the Wald test) are dropped. Therefore, a third predictive LGM is run with all the predictors but the variables dropped previously, and then evaluated the model looking again at the overall goodness- to-fit, the Wald test and the co-variance among independent variables. At this stage, the respondents’ value for taste variable is also dropped, as suggested by the Wald test. 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From a conceptual standpoint, this research integrates agricultural economics literature with a literature built upon the theory of attitude formation, developed in psychology and applied to marketing. From a methodological point of view, this research introduces different uses of structural equation modeling and path modeling (Hair et al., 2006) to tackle research questions on the impact of credence attribute information on consumers’ attitudes and buying intentions. In the first essay, results provide evidence that credence attribute information on Michigan locally-grown has both a direct and indirect effect on consumers’ attitudes towards apples. This suggests that consumers like “locally-grown” mainly because it creates inferences with other desired credence attributes, such as pesticide-free, and experience attributes, such as good flavor or firmness. This has implications for managers 177 seeking to obtain a benefit advantage by communicating the “locally-grown” attributes of their brand or other attributes that consumers infer from “locally-grown”. In the second essay, results suggest that credence attribute information on Liguria extra-virgin olive oil differentiates the brand of the firm providing the information in terms of attitudes and willingness-to-pay, but that credence attribute information on Southern Louisiana cream cheese does not. However, in both these cases, individual brand information related to the place-of-origin creates a higher level of brand differentiation relative to generic attribute information. This has major implications for managers seeking brand differentiation by adding place-of-origin to their products. Finally, results from the third essay show that brand information'either related or unrelated to animal welfare issues has the positive effect of mitigating the impact of negative information shocks on consumers’ attitudes and intentions to buy McDonald’s. However, we found that McDonald’s information related to animal welfare has a more positive effect on some consumer segments, such as elder individuals with higher education. On the other hand, females with higher income are more sensitive to information unrelated to animal welfare which aims at mitigating a negative shock. Although introducing a conceptual framework based on the theory of attitude formation as well as a structural equation and path modeling approach to the context of agri-food marketing, this research does not provide results that are highly generalizable, as they remain limited to specific products, attributes and inforrnation treatments. Future research should first test if these results hold across different products, either food or non- food, and across different credence attributes. Moreover, future research should test how results vary across various information sources, as well as across various information 178 contents. By undertaking this direction, future research would establish the necessary and sufficient conditions that complete the development of a theory of branding products with credence attributes. 179 Mllllllllllllllllllllllllllljlllll“