’ LIBRARY Mlciaigon State ‘ University This is to certify that the thesis entitled DISTRIBUTION AND POPULATION DYNAMICS OF BEECH SCALE (CRYPTOCOCUS FAG/SUGA) IN MICHIGAN presented by Daniel Wieferich has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for the MS. degree in Fisheries and Wildlife Major Professor’s Signature I Occ 296 0( Date MSU is an Affinnative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. To AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE 5108 K:IProj/Acc&Pres/CIRCIDateDue.indd DISTRIBUTION AND POPULATION DYNAMICS OF BEECH SCALE (CR YPTOCOC US FAGISUGA) IN MICHIGAN By Daniel Wieferich A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Fisheries and Wildlife 2009 ABSTRACT DISTRIBUTION AND POPULATION DYNAMICS OF BEECH SCALE (CR YPTOCOC US FAGISUGA) IN MICHIGAN By Daniel Wieferich Beech scale is a newly invading insect pest in Michigan, and consequently little is know about their distribution and population dynamics. Beech scale densities were estimated using qualitative visual assessments and a new quantitative method of digital photography. Samples from 803 sites, fi'om 2005-2009, across Michigan show that beech scale has infested most of the distribution of beech in the Upper Peninsula, and the north and western ranges of beech in the Lower Peninsula. In addition, beech scale was found on several islands. Beech scale is distributed in 12 satellite populations, which differed in density and spread rates. Also, some satellite populations are on islands further from the mainland than wind dispersal is thought to carry scales. Four of five satellites tracked from 2007-2008 showed increases in density whereas one satellite declined. Within-year scale densities follow beech scale biology, showing slight decreases in summer months when adults die, increases in fall when the new generation of beech scale become visible, and slight decreases or no change in winter months when scales are dormant. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research would not have been possible without the generous financial support by the United States Forest Service PTIPS Program, thank you. I would also like to recognize a few of the people who assisted with my research. My advisors Daniel Hayes and Deborah McCullough, and my committee member Gary Rolofi have helped me immensely throughout my graduate program. In addition, my numerous field/lab assistants have been crucial in collecting and analyzing my data. These assistants included Jon Wagner, Christy Thomas, Shayna Hart, Justin Miller, Justin Hodgins, Nicholas Wieferich and James Wieferich. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................. vi LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................. viii CHAPTER 1 DISTRIBUTION OF AMERICAN BEECH (FAGUS GRANDIFOLIA) AND BEECH SCALE (CR YPTOCOCC US FAGISUGA) IN MICHIGAN. Introduction ................................................................................. 1 Methods ..................................................................................... 4 Results Distribution of beech trees and evaluation of beech tree spatial data layers ............................................................................... 7 Distribution of beech scale in the Lower Peninsula ................................. 8 Distribution of beech scale in the Upper Peninsula .......................... 9 Distribution of beech scale on islands ......................................... 10 Discussion ................................................................................. 11 CHAPTER 2 EVALUATION OF TECHNIQUES TO ESTIMATE BEECH SCALE (CR YPTOCOCC US FAGISUGA) DENSITY. Introduction ................................................................................ 27 Methods Relationship between scale abundance and area of wax ................... 29 Photograph and qualitative data collection... ... .. .................................. 31 Photograph evaluation .......................................................... 32 Results Relationship between wax and scale abundance ............................ 35 Digital photography ............................................................. 35 Qualitative results ............................................................... 36 Discussion ................................................................................. 36 CHAPTER 3 POPULATION DYNAMICS OF BEECH SCALE (CRYPT OCOCC US FAGISUGA) IN MICI-HGAN. Introduction ............................................................................... 46 Methods Site establishment and sampling techniques ................................. 48 Site Revisits ...................................................................... 50 Population density over timeSO iv Results Seasonal cycle of beech scale density on individual trees ................. 52 Annual beech scale dynamics ................................................. 53 Qualitative analysis of scale density on individual trees ................... 54 Plot level analysis of beech scale ............................................... 55 Discussion .................................................................................. 56 APPENDICES Appendix A Site Coordinates ............................................................ 70 Appendix B IMAGEJ Photo Analysis Protocol ...................................... 96 Appendix C Beech Scale Photo Datasheets ........................................... 97 Literature Cited ................................................................................... 100 LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1. Michigan islands sampled as part of our study. The years each island was sampled follows the island name, showing the total number of plots and number of plots infested in the given year. Residents indicates whether island has permanent residence present. Distance represents shortest straight line distance to Michigan’s mainland (measured in ArcGIS 9.2). Area (kmz) refers to island size ..................... 17 Table 1.2. Area (kmz) infested by beech scale in each year of sampling, as determined by the minimum convex polygon method. Dashes (--) represent tirnefi'ame without sampling. NA“ = Not enough points to create minimum convex polygon. The same value was assigned to Cadillac and Ludington in 2009 because the two populations coalesced .............................................................................. 18 Table 2.1. Comparison of the four digital photography analysis techniques are summarized below. Time refers to the average time to analyze a single photograph, mean scale and coefficient of variation refer to the beech scale rating for each method. The binary threshold method gives an area measure (cmz), while sub-sample methods give qualitative ratings. Average sample size for sub-sampling techniques refers to number of cells used in sub-sampling, where “no value” cells are not included .......... 40 Table 3.1. Number of plots visited in each region during each sampling time frame. Annual density refers to the number of plots we revisited after one year (i 30 days) and within year density refers to the number of plots we revisited in the given month and year ................................................................................................ 61 Table 3.2. Results from annual photo analysis (% area infested) and visual assessment of beech scale density, separated by region and sample timeframe. For photo analysis, Year 1 and Year 2 represent mean % of bark covered by wax per tree. For visual assessments, Year I and Year 2 were mean visual assessment. Visual assessments were 0 = no beech scale, 1 = trace populations, 2 = patchy populations and 3= heavy populations. Time refers to sampling timeframe including March 2008 to 2009, July 2007 to 2008, and October 2007 to 2008. Number of trees per sample = 11, Year 1 represents mean beech scale density per tree in initial visits, Year 2 represents mean beech scale density per tree in revisits, CUP = Central Upper Peninsula, and EUP = Eastern Upper Peninsula. Ratio represents scale density in Yearl/Year2. The percentage of trees in the region with increasing beech scale abundance (Percent Increase), decreasing abundance (Percent Decrease) and no change in abundance (Percent Constant) are also reported .......................................................... 62 Table 3.3. General linear model results evaluating relationship between percent change in beech scale on individual trees (n = 325), as measured by photographs. The model was significant (p < 0.001) and explained approximately 24 % of variation in vi change of scale density. Initial was Year 1 scale density measurements, from photographs. Five regions were included (i.e. Cadillac, Emmet, Ludington, C.U.P, and E.U.P.). Model included the two-way interaction between initial scale and region. . . ..63 Table 3.4. Annual change matrices, representing number of individual trees with each initial (rows) and revisited (columns) qualitative ranking of scale density where 0 = no beech scale, 1 = trace populations, 2 = patchy populations and 3= heavy populations ......................................................................................... 64 Table 3.5. General linear model results evaluating relationship between percentage change in beech scale at the plot level (n = 19), as measured by photographs. Model 1 was significant (p = 0.003) and explained approximately 81 % of variation in change of scale density. Model 2 was significant (p = 0.01) and explained approximately 32% of variation in change of scale density. Initial was the mean scale density measurements of each plot for Year 1 (calculated from photographs), other BA was the basal area of all trees except beech in Year 1, and beech BA was the basal area of all beech trees. The model also included the two-way interaction between initial scale and region. Five regions were included (i.e. Cadillac, Emmet, Ludington, C.U.P, and E.U.P.) ........... 65 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1. Sampling plot locations and results from 2005. Dark circles indicate sites that were infested with beech scale. Open circles specify sites uninfested and triangles indicate sites that were visited but had no beech trees ............................. 19 Figure 1.2. The northern hardwoods layer of Michigan, derived from the IF MAP dataset ............................................................................................... 20 Figure 1.3. Sampling plot locations and results from 2006. Dark circles indicate sites that were infested with beech scale. Open circles specify sites uninfested and triangles indicate sites that were visited but had no beech trees ............................. 21 Figure 1.4. Sampling plot locations and results from 2007. Dark circles indicate sites that were infested with beech scale. Open circles specify sites uninfested ......... 22 Figure 1.5. Sampling plot locations and results from 2008. Dark circles indicate sites that were infested with beech scale. Open circles specify sites uninfested ......... 23 Figure 1.6. Sampling plot locations and results from 2009. Dark circles indicate sites that were infested with beech scale. Open circles specify sites uninfested and triangles indicate sites that were visited but had no beech trees ............................ 24 Figure 1.7. Sampling plot locations and results from 2005-2009. Dark circles indicate sites that were infested with beech scale. Shaded circles specify sites uninfested and triangles indicate sites that were visited but had no beech trees .......... 25 Figure 1.8. Beech scale satellite populations defined in Michigan by sampling year. Minimum convex polygons were used to identify boundaries of infestation ............. 26 Figure 2.1. Reference photos for the four point qualitative ranking system. A zero was given to trees with no beech scale. (a) One was assigned to trees with a trace of beech scale. (b) Two was assigned to trees with patches of beech scale. (c) Three was assigned to trees with heavy infestations of beech scale .................................... 41 Figure 2.2. A total of 26 sites were established and revisited afier one year (Annual Sites). A subset of 14 sites was also revisited multiple times within a year (Within Year Sites) ................................................................................................ 42 Figure 2.3. Eight grids were created for sub-sampling technique one and two. Each grid cell was selected only once within the entire set of 8 grids. Technique I randomly selected one grid to sub-sample a photo (total of 8 grid cells) while technique two used two grids (total of 16 unique grid cells). ...................................................... 43 viii Figure 2.4. Index of abundance relating number of beech scales to area (cm2) of white waxy substance secreted by the insects. This index was created using samples from the months of May to October. ........................................................... 44 Figure 2.5. Relationship between qualitative estimates of beech scale infestation based on visual analysis and log quantitative measures as determined from binary threshold methods .................................................................................. 45 Figure 3.1. Plot locations by region used for bimonthly and annual sampling of scale density. Bimonthly plots (n=14) were used to determine bimonthly and annual changes in scale density, while annual plots (n=12) were only used in annual analysis ........... 66 Figure 3.2. Within year change in beech scale densities by region from July 2007 to June 2009. Percent area infested refers to average percent of bark infested with scale per tree. Cadillac (n = 84 trees), Emmet (n = 36 trees), Ludington (n = 28 trees) ........ 67 Figure 3.3. Comparison of visual qualitative assessment and quantitative assessment of change in beech scale density per tree. Change in qualitative scale density was a difference of visual ranking from Year 1 to Year 2. Photos on each tree were averaged for each year and then the difference between Year 1 and Year 2 was used to represent quantitative scale density. ....................................................................... 68 ix Introduction Beech scale (Cryptococcusfagisuga Lind. )(Hemiptera; Coccidae) is a sap- feeding insect native to western Asia and southeastern Europe (Gwiazdowski et a1. 2006) that is invasive throughout North America. In North America, beech scales are host specific, feeding only on American beech (F agus grandifolia) (Ehrlich 1934). Although beech scales reproduce annually, each parthenogenic adult can lay up to an estimated 50 eggs (W ainhouse and Gate 1988), making populations capable of rapid . . st . expansron. Beech scales are only mobile as 1 instars, the stage also known as crawlers (Ehrlich 1934). During this stage, crawlers move to a suitable location on their current tree or disperse to another host tree. Wind is thought to be the main vector of dispersal (Felt 1933; Wainhouse 1980), although migratory birds, wildlife and human movement of infested logs may also play a role in dispersal (Ehrlich 1934; Houston 1994; Morin et al. 2007). After dispersing to a suitable location, scales insert their stylets into the bark and begin to feed on the sieve cells in the secondary phloem of the tree (Telewski 2009). Scales secrete white waxy wool over themselves as they feed. At this stage scales molt and become immobile for the remainder of their lives. When beech scales pierce the bark of beech trees they allow entry of two native fungi, Neonectriafaginata Castleburry et a1. and Neonectria ditissima (Tul.& C.Tul.) Samuels and Rossman, into the trees (Elrich 1934; Castlebury et al. 2006). Once established on a tree, Neonectria will progress through and kill the living tissues of bark, cortex, phloem, cambium, and sapwood (Ehrlich 1934). As lesions coalesce, the tree looses capabilities to transport and store nutrients, which kills or reduces the health of the tree (Ehrlich 1934). Three phases of BBD have been defined (Shigo 1972; Houston and O’Brien 1983; Houston 1994). The “advancing front”, refers to an area newly infested with beech scale and without Neonectria infestation (Houston and O’Brien 1983). The second phase is known as the “killing front”, which represents areas occupied by large populations of beech scale and abundant Neonectria infection, causing beech mortality. As the killing fi'ont of beech bark disease passes through a landscape, an estimated 50 % of beech trees over 25 centimeters in diameter are expected to die (Houston 1994). The third and final phase of BBD is the “aftermath forest”, referring to areas where the disease is well established and continually affects current and regenerating beech trees. In aftermath forests, beech scale populations decline because most surviving beech trees are reduced in health from the Neonectria invasions (Shigo 1972; Houston 1994). Beech scale, Neonectriafaginata and Neonectria ditissima were documented in Michigan for the first time in 2000 (O’Brien et a1. 2001; Castlebe et a1. 2006), placing the state’s beech resource at risk from beech bark disease. Michigan has approximately 15 million beech trees over 22 centimeters in diameter at breast height (DBH) (Heyd 2005). These trees provide food and habitat for many species of wildlife such as black bear, white tailed deer, and ruffed grouse (Burns and Honkala 1990). American beech trees are also valued economically for use in pulpwood production, flooring, furniture, veneer, plywood, charcoal, baskets and other woodenware (Burns and Honkala 1990). In addition, beech trees are valued aesthetically, both in natural settings and as ornamental trees. A critical step in the management of an invasive species such as beech scale is to determine the distribution of the invader and its hosts. Morin et a1. (2005) mapped the approximate beech distribution by interpolating the US. Forest Service forest inventory analysis (F IA) (Hansen et a1. 1993) basal area data for the northeastern United States, including Michigan. Although this dataset shows beech distribution in Michigan, it was at a coarse 1 km resolution (Morin et al. 2005). In addition, FIA plots are only located in forested areas, which would not detect beech trees in other land types such as urban and agricultural areas. The distribution of beech scale has not been fully documented for Michigan. From 2001 to 2003, Petrillo et a1. (2005) monitored beech scale in Michigan to evaluate impacts of beech bark disease. This study, however, focused on selected areas of the state, and did not develop a complete state-wide map of the distribution of beech scale. Similarly, from 2002 to 2003, Kearney et a1. (2005) evaluated the impact of beech bark disease on wildlife resources, in a subset of established plots by Petrillo et a1. (2005). Morin et a1. (2007) described the broad-scale distribution and predicted spread of beech scale across the eastern United States, including Michigan. Their study, however, their study provided only a coarse level of resolution at a county level. In this study, we implemented an intensive survey to document the statewide distribution of beech scale and beech trees spanning most of Michigan. Beech scale distribution was documented for a five year timeframe, enabling us to assess the progression of the advancing front over time. We mapped the annual distribution of beech scale in Michigan from 2005- 2009 and determined the annual change in beech scale distribution (area) for the sampled years. Methods From May to August of 2005, we established 418 sites in 73 of Michigan’s 83 counties (Figure 1.1). Sites were primarily on forested lands, but beech trees in agricultural and urban landscapes were also sampled. The beech basal area map produced by Morin et a1. (2005) and a spatial land use layer provided by the Michigan DNR (MDNR) assisted us in locating areas potentially containing beech trees. As discussed the Morin et a1. (2005) map used F IA data to estimate beech basal area at a 1km resolution. The MDNR spatial layer (30 m resolution), known as Integrated Forest Monitoring Assessment and Prescription (IFMAP) (MDNR 2003), allowed us to identify areas designated as northern hardwood cover type, which often includes beech (MDNR 2003) (Figure 1.2). Although these sources helped to initially guide sampling, additional areas were also explored to determine whether beech trees and beech scale were present. This ensured that a high proportion of the beech resource was included in the study. In addition, this allowed us to evaluate the usefulness of the IF MAP layer for locating beech trees. All of our sites containing beech trees were overlaid on the IFMAP layer to determine the proportion of sites that corresponded with northern hardwoods using ESRI® ArcMap. Stands were initially examined for beech tree presence from the roadside. If the habitat appeared suitable, but no beech was seen fiom the road, we walked through the stand. Two types of sites were established, depending on accessibility of land. The first type of site was located on public land or on private land where we had permission to access the property. In these sites three variable-radius plots were established using a Panama 10 basal area factor (BAF) angle gauge (prism). Handheld GPS units (Garmin Etrex), supporting 30 m accuracy, were used to collect coordinates of plot centers. A center plot was identified as the first area encountered with at least three large beech trees. Then two additional plots, one established 100 m to the north or south of the center plot, and the second 100 m to the east or west. The directions for the second and third plots were randomly selected, unless property lines limited their directionality, in which case we re-randomized and selected from assessable directions. At each site, the basal area of the stand was recorded using the 10 BAF prism and each beech tree in the three plots was evaluated for beech scale presence by visually examining the most visible portion of the tree (below 4 meters). If the upper portions of the trunk or branches were visibly infested, we recorded it. The second type of site was established in areas with limited or minimal access (e.g., private property) and in non-forested areas (e. g., roadside parks, campgrounds, landscape trees). In areas with limited access, we sampled the first ten beech trees encountered along the road to assess presence of beech scale. Similarly in non-forested areas, we sampled the first ten beech trees encountered. On some occasions, less than ten beech trees were available, in which case we sampled all available beech trees. Similar to variable radius plots, beech scale infestation was determined by visually examining each tree. From May to August in 2006 to 2009, we continued to sample the areas across Lower and Upper Michigan (Figures 1.4 — 1.7). When beech scale was detected, additional sites were established in concentric circles approximately 1 km apart to accurately delineate the advancing front every summer. Also, sites where beech scale was absent in the previous year, but located in close proximity (< 5 km) to the advancing front were revisited to assess the advancement of beech scale over time. In situations where beech scale was present at revisited sites, the next closest, previously uninfested site was revisited. This process continued until a buffer of uninfested sites was established. If few sites with beech trees existed along the advancing front, an adaptive sampling technique was used to fill gaps in the sampling distribution. This technique involved establishing new site locations within 10 km of sites known to be infested and in between the advancing front and the closest uninfested sites. The availability of these sites was limited by beech presence and land accessibility. Once beech scale infestation was observed, a site was assumed to have beech scale through the remainder of the study and therefore was not resampled. In 2006, 48 sites that were uninfested in 2005 were revisited and 231 new sites were established. In 2007, 43 sites that were uninfested in 2006 were revisited and 52 new sites were established. In 2008, 60 sites that were uninfested in 2007 were revisited and 21 sites were created. In 2009, 103 sites that were uninfested in 2008 were revisited and 81 sites were created. Over the study as a whole, 803 sites were established and 254 revisits were performed (Figure 1.7). The sites were distributed across 11 of 15 counties in the Upper Peninsula and 62 of 68 counties in the Lower Peninsula. Beech trees on six of the state’s larger islands were examined, including Beaver, Bois Blanc, Drummond, Mackinac, North Manitou and South Manitou Islands. These islands differed substantially in size (roughly 14.5 to 645 kmz) and location (< 2 to 24 km from mainland) (Table 1.1). Similar techniques were used to sample islands as on the mainland. Due to time and money constraints, islands were not sampled every year (Table 1.1). After sampling was completed, results were imported into ESRI® ArcGIS 9.2. We defined satellite populations, which represented beech scale infestations separated geographically from one another by at least 20 km of uninfested stands with some beech component. Using the Hawth’s Analysis Tools extention in ArcMAP (Beyer 2004), the total infested area of each satellite population was calculated for each year using the minimum convex polygon (MCP) method. Mob: (1947) defines a MCP as the complete enclosure of all data points by connecting the outer locations in such a way as to create a convex polygon. Areas of minimum convex polygons for consecutive years were compared to evaluate annual change in beech scale distribution. Results Distribution of Beech Trees and Evaluation of Beech Tree Spatial Data Layers Beech trees were located in 696 sites in 57 of the 73 sampled counties in Michigan (Figure 1.7). Beech occurred across the majority of the Lower Peninsula, including 49 of the 62 sampled counties (Figure 1.7). Although beech was widely distributed, our data showed that most beech was concentrated in the north and western parts of the Lower Peninsula. On the other hand, in the Upper Peninsula, our sampling located beech trees across the eastern eight counties. In addition, beech trees were present on all six of the islands we sampled. The documentation of beech distribution allowed us to make comparisons with other spatial data sets that can be used to predict the occurrence of beech. The northern hardwoods layer of IFMAP was a poor indicator of beech presence. Of our 696 sites with beech, only 140 sites overlapped with land classified as northern hardwoods. The remaining 556 sites did not overlay areas classified as the northern hardwood type. These results show that overall, the distribution of northern hardwood cover type underestimates the range of beech trees in Michigan. In some cases, such as the western portion of the Upper Peninsula, extensive areas classified as northern hardwoods in IFMAP had no beech (Figure 1.2). Morin et al. (2005) mapped beech basal area using F IA data, which we qualitatively compared to our observed occurrence of beech. The datasets showed generally good correspondence between beech tree presence and absence across the state, except in regions dominated by agricultural and urban environments (e.g. southeastem Michigan). Distribution of Beech Scale in the Lower Peninsula In 2005, beech scale was distributed across substantial areas in the north and western portion of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula (Figure 1.1, Figure 1.8 and Table 1.2). Three distinct satellite populations of beech scale were identified in the Lower Peninsula near Cadillac, Ludington and in Emmet counties (Figure 1.8), covering approximately 2,667 km2 (Table 1.2). From 2005 to 2009, beech scale distribution across the Lower Peninsula substantially increased. Area infested increased every year (Table 1.2), but expanded especially from 2006 to 2007, where it increased by 35%. Overall, the beech scale distribution expanded by 146 %. A new satellite population was detected in Charlevoix in 2006, where one isolated group of beech trees was infested. Two additional satellite populations were discovered in 2009, one in Crawford county and one in Cheboygan county (Figure 1.8). Also, the Cadillac and Ludington populations coalesced in 2009. Even with the spread over the last five years, much of the forested area containing beech in the eastern part of the Lower Peninsula remains uninfested. There were large differences in overall expansion of beech scale distribution between the different satellite populations in the Lower Peninsula from 2005 to 2009 (Table 1.7). The Ludington population spread slowly, only expanding by 40% before coalescing with the Cadillac population. The Cadillac satellite expanded more rapidly, increasing in area by 290% from 2005-2008. The Emmet population expanded most rapidly with an initial area of 77 km2 in 2005 increasing to 841 km2 in 2008 and 1155 km2 in 2009, a change of 992 % and 1400 % respectively. The new satellite population in Charlevoix found in 2006, did not appear to spread throughout the remainder of the study. Distribution of Beech Scale in the Upper Peninsula In 2005, a majority of the Upper Peninsula’s stands of beech dominated forest were infested by beech scale (Figure 1.1), with an infested area encompassing approximately 6,214 kmz. Unlike the Lower Peninsula, there was only one contiguous beech scale population in the Upper Peninsula until 2009, when beech scale was found southwest of the main population in Menominee county (Figure 1.8). From 2006-2009, beech scale distribution expanded east and west (Figure 1.8). The infested area encompassed 8,203 km2 and 9,187 km2 in 2006 and 2007, respectively (Table 1.1). The infested area then expanded to 10,373 km2 in 2008. By 2009, beech scale extended throughout nearly all of the beech dominated forests in the Upper Peninsula, with exception of the most western extent, expanding in area to 11,373 km2 (including the Menominee satellite) (Table 1.1). Distribution of Beech Scale on Islands In 2005, beech scale was present in three of the 12 sites that were sampled across Beaver Island. A total of 16 km2 was infested in 2005. Beaver Island was resampled in 2006 using sixteen sites; five sites were infested with beech scale, seven sites contained beech trees with no scale detected, and three sites contained no beech trees. The total known infested area increased 125 percent from 2005 to 2006, when 36 km2 was infested. Eight sites with beech trees were established on Drummond Island in 2006, but no beech scale was detected. In 2008, these eight sites were revisited and one other site was established. Beech scale was present in two of the nine sites, both located in the south-central portion of the island. A sample of only two infested sites was inadequate for an estimate of infested area using the minimum convex polygon method. In 2009, the remaining seven sites were revisited. Beech scale was present at two more sites, with a total infested area of 12 kmz. Beech scale was present in 2006 on both Bois Blanc and Mackinac Islands. Of the nine sites on Bois Blanc Island, the four western sites had beech scale present in an area covering approximately 4 kmz. Seven of the 13 sites on Mackinac Island contained beech scale. Unlike the other islands, Mackinac Island had infested sites scattered throughout the island, with a total of 3 km2 infested. 10 In 2005, both the North and South Manitou Islands were sampled, but there was no evidence of beech scale on either island. A total of 15 sites were established across North Manitou Island, while time restraints limited sampling on South Manitou Island to three sites. To be more thorough, we established six additional sites on South Manitou Island in 2006, but did not detect beech scale. Discussion Our data allowed us to evaluate the effectiveness of the northern hardwoods layer of IF MAP and the beech basal area map by Morin et al. (2005) for predicting beech distribution in Michigan. We do not recommend using the northern hardwoods layer in IFMAP to estimate beech distribution. Beech presence was over-estimated in some regions and underestimated in other regions. The overestimation of beech likely occurred in areas where northern hardwoods were present, yet without the beech component. The underestimation of beech trees likely occurred because beech can be found in more vegetation types than just northern hardwoods. On the other hand, beech basal area mapped using FIA data (Morin et al. 2005) did provide useful predictions of beech distribution in forested areas. We suggest users should be conscious of the coarse resolution of FIA data, and that the data used to create the map only included samples from forested areas. These trvo characteristics reduce accuracy in regions of the state dominated by non-forested land types. Our study expanded on previous efforts to describe the distribution of beech scale. Morin et al. (2007) compiled beech scale presence in 2003 across the eastern United States, including Michigan, at a county level resolution, which missed detailed scale distribution. At the time of their study, Morin et a1. (2007) showed beech scale 11 occured primarily in the eastern Upper Peninsula and northwestern Lower Peninsula. This study also modeled beech scale spread, predicting scale infestations in seven year increments using 2003 as the initial year. Our 2009 data is similar to the model predictions for 2010, but delineates the advancing front more clearly on an annual basis. In addition, our results suggest the Morin et al. (2007) model over-predicted spread in areas with limited distribution of beech (e. g. western Upper Peninsula and southern Lower Peninsula). Using data from 2005 to 2007, Schwalm (2009) estimated beech scale to spread 4 km/year and 1.5 km/year in the Upper and Lower Peninsulas of Michigan, respectively. Our data suggest beech scale may be spreading more rapidly in both peninsulas than Schwalm (2009) predicted. Similar to results noted by Schwalm (2009), satellites spread more quickly in the Upper Peninsula than the Lower Peninsula. Like many other states, studies of BBD in Michigan have largely focused on the impacts of beech bark disease rather than the distribution of beech scale, i.e. the advancing front (Kearny et al. 2005; Petrillo et al. 2005). Petrillo et al. (2005) provided the most complete record of beech scale distribution, surveying 284 sites in 30 counties and five islands from 2001-2003. Our five year study expanded on these projects with 803 total sites and 254 revisits across 73 counties and 6 islands, allowing us to define a finer scale and more complete distribution of beech scale. Our distribution results detected nine satellite populations not documented by Petrillo et al. (2005), including Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Crawford, Emmet, Menominee, Beaver Island, Mackinac Island, Bois Blanc Island and Drummond Island. In addition, our data showed satellite populations, defined in previous studies, to be much larger in area. The differences observed in beech scale populations from previous studies are largely due to their 12 continued spread since these studies, although our intense sampling helped identify several new satellite populations. In addition, our data allowed us to estimate the area of infestations, enabling us to monitor spread of beech scale over time. Our data suggests that beech basal area may be one factor affecting initial beech scale infestations. In 2005, most of the infested area in the Upper Peninsula had a relatively high beech basal area, according to the beech basal area map created by Morin et al. (2005) (0.2 — 7 mz/ha; 0.87 —- 30.5 ftz/acre). By 2009, beech scale had spread to most of the remaining forests where beech basal area was > 0.2 mz/ha. Much of the remaining beech areas had a low beech basal area (< 0.2 m2/ha), with exception of a small area isolated southwest of the infestation (i.e. southern Menominee County). Similarly, the satellites in the Lower Peninsula all started in areas with beech basal areas > 0.2 m2/ha. Unlike the Upper Peninsula, there are still uninfested locations with relatively high beech basal areas, although most of the uninfested regions are dominated by agricultural and urban developments (MDNR 2003). These results suggest that beech scale initially established in areas with relatively high beech basal area, spreading to surrounding areas, including those of lower beech basal areas. We suggest that managers consider beech basal area when studying and modeling spread of beech scale. In addition to documenting the statewide distribution of beech scale, we calculated minimum convex polygons (MCP) to infer spread rates of beech scale over time. We used the MCP method because it is capable of using presence data to estimate distribution. Several other techniques using presence and absence data were also explored such as inverse distance weighting and kriging, but our sampling distribution varied annually, making annual comparisons of these estimations inappropriate. One 13 disadvantage of the MCP technique is overestimation of distribution, especially in cases where irregular shaped ranges are present (Burgman and Fox 2002). This was observed in some satellite populations, where absence data was within the MCP estimation of beech scale presence. We believe the MCP provided reasonable estimations of relative annual range expansion of beech scale in our project. Overall, satellite populations seemed to differ in spread rates. The Ludington satellite population spread the slowest, which may be due to a more fiagrnented population of beech in surrounding locations, because of areas with no beech and higher densities of urban and agricultural lands. In contrast, the Cadillac and Emmet populations increased rapidly. Unlike the Ludington satellite population, these populations were in close proximity to a more continuous distribution of beech. In addition to spatial differences in spread rates, beech scale has not spread evenly year to year. This suggests that external factors such as weather may affect the spread of beech scale. The numerous satellite populations also allow us to infer mechanisms of dispersal. Previous studies suggest that beech scale’s primary mode of natural dispersal is wind (Felt 1933; Wainhouse 1980). Wainhouse (1980) showed that wind speeds of less than two meters per second cause a mean dispersal of crawlers 10 m, limited by the initial height of the insect and wind speed. Wainhouse and Gate (1980) also suggest that scale crawlers above the canopy combined with high wind speeds may be responsible for long-range dispersal of 6—1 8 kilometers per year occurring in North America. Other forms of dispersal (e. g. migratory birds, wildlife and human movement of infested logs) may also play a role in spreading beech scale, but no concrete evidence 14 has been published (Ehrlich 1934; Houston 1994; Morin et al. 2007). Of these modes of dispersal, the most probable mode of long-range transport is movement of infested logs by humans and the spread of scale via migratory birds. We detected the formation of several satellite populations of beech scale that were > 20 km apart, suggesting that wind dispersal was not responsible. Other modes of dispersal such as those discussed above are likely playing large roles in the dispersal of beech scale in Michigan. The unique opportunity to sample beech scale on six of Michigan’s islands also provided insights into mechanisms of spread, especially anthropogenic actions. Although all islands differed in size and location, the only islands without beech scale were the Manitou Islands, which were unique because they have no permanent residents (Table 1.1). In addition, Beaver Island is located farther from the mainland (24 km) than any other island, making it unlikely that wind dispersal deposited scales on trees on the island, yet it was infested. This again suggests that humans may have played a role in spreading beech scale to Beaver Island too. Also, Beaver Island is located in flyways of several migratory bird species, so migratory birds may have transported beech scale to the island (Lincoln 1939). Knowing Michigan’s distribution of beech scale over time can be a valuable tool for natural resource managers, allowing beech bark disease to be incorporated in management plans. Current information about beech scale distribution can be used to help reduce the spread and impacts of beech scale and BBD by reducing overstory beech density and overmature beech in areas adjacent to infestations that are dominated by beech trees (Mielke et al. 1987). In addition, the distribution of beech scale can help managers determine when impacts of BBD are likely to occur. Distribution data can be 15 incorporated into a guidance plan for beech management and future timber sale activity For example the restriction of timber and firewood harvest during the crawler stage could likely minimize anthropogenic transportation of actively dispersing scales. The fast paced spread of beech scale in Michigan, due to the combination of local and long distance dispersal is similar to previous observations in the northeastern United States. In the northeastern states beech scale was often first documented in isolated satellites, where it then expanded locally. For example, satellite populations of beech scale were discovered in Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New York and New Jersey in 1935, in West Virginia in 1990, in North Carolina and Tennessee in 1999, and in Ohio and Michigan in 2001. All of these satellite populations meet our definition of being separated geographically from the established scale populations by at least 20 km of uninfested stands with some beech component. Our data confirms that long distance dispersal is occurring throughout Michigan too, shown by the development of several distinct satellite populations. With the ability of beech scale to spread at variable rates, the remaining states with uninfested beech trees should be monitored and preparations should be made for beech scale infestations in the near future. 16 e e meow e m meow Fw 5 oz amazes. 32:52 .w e E. meow ww :. 02 595:2 sauces. .z N. or eeew new v mm; :05: 09.285. m e meow w o eeew e or eeew eve w v me> :05: 302.820 v e eeew nwr e mo> :05: 0.55 m_om m or eeew m we meow mil. vw mm; 5920:). co>mom :5: 23m some: o Aug: a h< cue—mama fleet—mom 9.3 :23 Bar. % 30... u 9.2». dim e53 8 when: Awe—xv «one. Awe mace E ooh—53.5 ena—EaE PoemEBE 8 853% on: 2988 $2.55 3:82AM“: 85.65 .283 2: co 3: $338k Evan—Eon .5533 m88_e=_ fiaoemwom use» :on 05 E eouomfi 82m no .383: 23 32a we 838:: :88 05 wEBoam 6:8: ecu—fl 2: 95:8 BEES 83 one? some who» 2:. 39% So mo Ea we BEES €53 53:22 :4 flash l7 Table 1.2: Area (km2) infested by beech scale in each year of sampling, as determined by the minimum convex polygon method. Dashes (--) represent timeframe without sampling. NA" = Not enough points to create minimum convex polygon. The same value was assigned to Cadillac and Ludington in 2009 because the two populations coalesced. Year Satellite 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Cadillac 51 136 144 199 5 200 Ludington 2,539 2,813 3,287 3,560 ’ Charlevoix 0 NA" NA" NA" NA* Cheboygan 0 - -- - NA* Crawford 0 - — - 196 Emmet 77 149 739 841 1,155 Total Lower Peninsula 2,667 3,098 4,170 4,600 6,551 Menominee O - - - 255 Upper Peninsula 6,214 8,203 9,187 10,373 11,547 Total Upper Peninsula 6,214 8,203 9,187 10,373 11,802 Beaver Island 16 36 - - - Bois Blanc Island - 4 - - - Drummond Island - - - NA* 12 Mackinac Island - 3 —- - - North Manitou Island 0 - - -- - South Manitou Island 0 0 - - - Overall Total 8,897 11,344 13,357 14,973 18,365 18 Legend .° . Scale Presence 0 Scale Absence . 0 at; I No Beech Figure 1.1: Sampling plot locations and results fi'om 2005. Dark circles indicate sites that were infested with beech scale. Open circles specify sites uninfested and triangles indicate sites that were visited but had no beech trees. Legend - Northern Hardwoods I:][Jlll::::lllle 03060 120 180 240 Figure 1.2: The northern hardwoods layer of Michigan, derived from the IFMAP dataset. 20 KI; :gi‘e Legend 0:, W? ‘ ° Scale Presence °. 5:0 : 0 Scale Absence . o t: * j,’ A No Beech 8 o o Figure 1.3: Sampling plot locations and results from 2006. Dark circles indicate sites that were infested with beech scale. Open circles specify sites uninfested and triangles indicate sites that were visited but had no beech trees. 21 Legend 0 Scale Presence 0 Scale Absence Figure 1.4: Sampling plot locations and results from 2007. Dark circles indicate sites that were infested with beech scale. Open circles specify sites uninfested. 22 Legend ' 0 Scale Presence 0 Scale Absence Figure 1.5: Sampling plot locations and results from 2008. Dark circles indicate sites that were infested with beech scale. Open circles specify sites uninfested. 23 Legend to °~ 0 Scale Presence °. 0 0 Scale Absence 4» No Beech Figure 1.6: Sampling plot locations and results from 2009. Dark circles indicate sites that were infested with beech scale. Open circles specify sites uninfested and triangles indicate sites that were visited but had no beech trees. 24 Legend 0 Scale Presence Scale Absence A No Beech 0 80 Figure 1.7: Sampling plot locations and results from 2005-2009. Dark circles indicate sites that were infested with beech scale. Shaded circles specify sites uninfested and triangles indicate sites that were visited but had no beech trees. 25 Satellite Populations 1. Ludington 7. Beaver Island 2. Cadillac 3. Crawford 5. Emmet 8. Bois Blanc Island 9. Mackinac Island 4. Charlevoix 10. Drummond Island 11. Upper Peninsula 6. Cheboygan 12. Menominee Year W zoos _ 2006 _ 2007 . 2008 2009 u:— km 0 40 80 120 Figure 1.8: Beech scale satellite populations defined in Michigan by sampling year. Minimum convex polygons were used to identify boundaries of infestation. 26 Introduction Invasive forest insects cause substantial economic and ecological damage across the world (Sakai et. a1 2001; NRC 2002). Recent costs of invasive forest insects in the United States were estimated to be approximately $4 billion per year (USDA Forest Service 2007). These insects also cause irreplaceable alteration and destruction to forest systems by depleting biodiversity, altering unique forest systems and causing species endangerment and extinction (Wilcove et al. 1998). When studying invasive forest insects, scales (Hemiptera: Coccidae) are of special concern. Scales are generally sap feeders and several species reproduce parthenogenically (Miller and Kostarab 1979). Miller et al. (2005) found that roughly 25 % of scale insects in the United States are non-native, a high percentage compared to other insect groups. Many of these non-native scales are major pests of crops, plants or trees in the United States, causing economic and ecological damages (Miller and Kosztarab 1979; Miller et al. 2005; Kondo et al. 2008). Beech scale (Cryptococcusfagisuga Lind.) is one of the many invasive scales in the United States. Originally from western Asia and southeastern Europe (Gwiazdowski et al. 2006), beech scale was unintentionally transported to Nova Scotia on imported nursery stock in 1890, where it spread to the United States sometime thereafter (Ehrlich 1932). Beech scale. is host-specific to American beech (F agus grandifolia) (Ehrlich 1934), and has spread through most beech dominated forests of the United States (Morin et al. 2007). Despite the widespread distribution and long-term presence of beech scale in the United States (Morin et al. 2007), few quantitative descriptions of its population 27 dynamics are available (Houston et. a1 1979). Like most scale insects, beech scales reproduce by parthenogenesis, allowing populations to build exponentially even from a single individual (Ehrlich 1934). During mid-summer, each adult lays approximately 50 eggs before dying (Wainhouse and Gate 1988). Eggs hatch into first instars, also known as crawlers or nymphs, in late summer. Crawlers are equipped with legs and antennae allowing for mobility (Ehrlich 1932). They may move to a suitable location on their current tree or are carried by wind or wildlife, to nearby host trees (Ehrlich 1932; Felt 1933; Wainhouse 1980; Houston 1994; Morin et al. 2007). After moving to a suitable location, crawlers pierce the outer bark with their stylets to feed on the phloem of the tree. Crawlers molt into second instars, shedding their legs and becoming immobile. As they feed, the scales secrete a white waxy coating over their bodies, allowing for protection from weather and predators. The second instars overwinter and molt into an adult stage the following spring (Ehrlich 1932). Despite the univoltine life cycle and immobility of beech scale that make the study of its population dynamics in a natural setting more feasible than that of most invasive insects, little is known about beech scale population dynamics. Most previous studies on beech scale population dynamics used a qualitative ranking system to estimate scale density. Several authors, including Houston et al. (2005) and Kearny et al. (2005), have visually ranked beech scale density. This is a quick and simple way of assessing beech scale populations but is subjective and gives coarse results. In other studies, individual scales on trees were counted (Wainhouse1980; Gardner 2005), but the time required makes it difficult to implement this approach for multiple trees and sites. Further, while counting individual scales gives a true census within the sample 28 area, the sample area usually represents a small fraction of the total scale population. For example, Wainhouse (1980) used four 1 cm2 samples to represent beech density on an entire tree. Digital photography can be a usefirl way to study beech scale because a high contrast typically exists between the grey bark of beech trees and the white waxy substance secreted over the immobile scales. We devised and evaluated a method of quantifying beech scale density using digital photography. In addition, we compared accuracy and efficiency of four techniques of assessing beech scale density on digital photographs. Our goal was to determine if digital photography could provide quantifiable results that were more time and cost efficient than previous methods such as individual scale counts. We also wanted to determine if this method would also allow for reproducible results of beech scale density estimates. This could enable scientists to monitor effects of weather or other factors affecting scale dynamics over time. Methods Relationship between scale abundance and area of wax We created an index to test the accuracy of using the percentage of bark area covered by beech scales’ waxy coating to quantify the number of scales. From May to October 2008, samples of infested beech tree bark were collected using a bark punch and were brought back to the lab for processing. A total of 105 samples, each 2.14 cm in diameter, were collected from five distinct beech scale populations throughout Michigan; 22 samples were collected from 2 sites in Ludington’s scale populations in May, 21 samples fi'om 2 sites in Cadillac in May, 23 samples from 2 sites in Emmet in 29 June, 12 samples from 1 different site in Emmet scale populations in October, and 27 from 3 sites in the Upper Peninsula in July. No more than four samples were collected from one tree and samples were from all aspects and heights less than 2.5 m of the tree. Approximately one third of the samples had only a sparse amount of beech scale wax, one third of the samples had an intermediate amount and one third appeared to be heavily infested, with high amounts of scale wax. To collect each sample, the punch was first used to delineate the sample area on the tree. After sample areas were delineated, they were photographed and then removed from the tree with the bark punch (see Photograph collection below). Photographs were analyzed using image analysis software called ImageJ (available at http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij; developed by Wayne Rasband, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.), which allowed us to manually apply a binary threshold to each photograph (Appendix B). Based on the brightness associated with each pixel, the threshold was adjusted to select pixels that contained the white wax from beech scale. Thresholds were different for each photograph, depending on photo quality, brightness and contrast. The selected pixels were then used to calculate the percentage of pixels covered with scale wax. After each photo was analyzed, the number of beech scales on the sample of bark was counted using a microscope. A linear regression was used to represent the relationship between the area covered by wax and the number of insects in the sample. We used the equation y = a + bx, where y represents the number of insects, x is the area of wax coverage, b is the slope and a is the y-intercept. 30 Photograph and qualitative data collection We established 26 eight meter fixed-radius plots from July to August 2007. In each plot, all beech trees over 6 cm in diameter at breast height (DBH) were tagged to ensure unique identification in subsequent visits. Individual plots contained two to 22 beech trees, with a mean number of 10 i 1 beech trees per plot. When less than eight beech trees were present in one plot, beech trees closest to the plot were tagged until at least 8 trees were included. There were two exceptions, where only five and seven beech trees were tagged, due to low beech basal area. A qualitative ranking of beech scale abundance was recorded for each tree to allow for visual estimation methods used in previous studies to be compared to the digital photography method. We used a four point qualitative ranking system using reference cards (Figure 2.1), which help produce consistent rankings. Qualitative ranks were 0 = no beech scale, 1 = trace populations, 2 = patchy populations and 3= heavy populations. Qualitative ranking was performed by walking around the tree searching for signs of beech scale (i.e. white wax) on the readily visible portion of the tree, < 4 m above ground. If the upper portions of the tree were also visibly infested, this was incorporated into the ranking. After all beech trees in a plot were tagged and measured, three unique photographs were taken of each tree. A stratified random sampling technique was used to determine photo heights and aspects. One photo was taken at 0.9, 1.2 and 1.5 m heights. Each photo height was assigned a random aspect before arriving at the site. Photos were taken using a tripod with a built-in stabilizer to ensure the camera was the same distance from the tree (30 cm) for each photograph. To reduce potential 31 problems, a duplicate photo was taken at each setting. If shadows were present within the photo area, sunlight was blocked using a clipboard to reduce contrast within the photo. To study annual change in beech scale populations, all sites were revisited 365 days (i- 30 days) after establishment. In addition, a subset of 14 plots was revisited more frequently to detect within-year changes of beech scale populations (Figure 2.2). The 14 plots were revisited in October and December 2007, and January, March, May, June, July and October 2008, and March and June of 2009. Due to a snowstorm, only half of the plots were accessible in December 2007, but remaining sites were revisited in early January 2008. During each revisit, qualitative and quantitative measures of beech scale were again recorded. All photos were retaken on the same trees and at the same heights and aspects of original visits to assess changes in beech scale density. Photograph evaluation Two general approaches were developed and tested to determine an efficient method of quantifying beech scale density through digital photograph analysis. The first approach used image processing software to calculate beech scale density on each photo. In the second approach, we compared three sub-sampling techniques to estimate scale density on each photograph. Thirty photographs that represented unique trees, representing various sizes of beech trees and beech scale densities, were selected to test both techniques. An equal number of photographs were selected from the following classifications: large diameter beech trees (> 18 cm DBH) with heavy, moderate, and low visual estimates of scale infestations and small diameter trees (< 18 cm DBH) with heavy, moderate, and low infestations. Scale density, time required for analysis, and 32 problems encountered were recorded for each technique. Each technique was practiced on ten different photos before the trial was conducted. This allowed the user to become familiar with the protocol, making the time of analysis representative of the method in routine practice. The first approach used ImageJ software as described in Relationship between scale abundance and area of wax. This program allowed us to adjust a binary threshold to select pixels with wax. Selected pixels were used to calculate density of infestation within each photograph. The second approach used Adobe Photoshop Elements ® software, which allowed a system of random grids to be constructed and overlaid on each photo. Three techniques were tested using the grids to sub-sample the images under different constraints. For all three sub-sampling techniques, photographs were overlaid with an 8x8 grid (64 cells total). In the first sub-sampling technique, the 64 cells were used to randomly predeterrnine eight grids, each containing eight transparent cells for photo evaluation (Figure 2.3). Transparent grid cells were non-overlapping between grids (Figure 2.3). One grid was randomly assigned for each photo, allowing us to visually estimate scale coverage within the eight transparent grid cells. A qualitative rank of scale density was assigned to each transparent grid cell. Zero represented no scale, one represented 1- 25% of the grid cell being infested, two represented 26-50%, three represented 51-75% and four represented 76-100%. When the tree occupied less than half of a grid cell, the cell was assigned a “no value” ranking, meaning it was not used in the analysis. This was common in photos of trees with small diameters because smaller trees did not span 33 the entire photo. This occurrence reduced the number of cells evaluated in such cases. After each grid cell was assigned a scale density, the eight cells were averaged to represent beech scale density of the entire photograph. The second technique used the same predetermined grid cells and evaluation techniques as the first technique. Unlike the previous technique, two predetermined grids were overlaid on each photo, allowing for 16 grid cells to be evaluated. Techniques 1 and 2 were expected to have low processing times for each photograph because they used random subsarnples. The third technique used a single grid approach (64 total cells). A total of 15 randomly selected grid cells were used to subsample the photo. Unlike techniques 1 and 2, this technique required each sampled cell to overlay the tree within the photograph ensuring the total sample included 15 grid cells. In cases where a grid cell did not overlay the photograph, it was discarded and another cell was randomly selected. The 15 grid cells were ranked qualitatively, similar to the first two techniques and values were averaged for the photograph. This technique was expected to allow for a randomization of sampling for each photo and a more consistent sample size than methods 1 and 2, but require more time than the first two methods because grids new grids were created for each photo. Some common rules were established with the three subsampling techniques using Adobe Photoshop to maintain consistency throughout the analysis. 0 Grid cells were only used if more than half of the cell overlaid the tree; 0 Scale infestation on the grid line was not counted; 34 o If less than 4 grid cells overlaid the tree, then a new grid was randomly selected. Results Relationship between wax and scale abundance A positive linear relationship existed between percentage of the photographed area covered by the white wax and the true number of beech scales (Figure 2.4). The number of beech scales counted on each sample ranged from 0 to 1,768. The equation, y = 869.02x + 45.798, yielded an adjusted r2 value of 0.796 (p < 0.0001), indicating that one cm2 of white wax in the photo represented approximately 869 beech scales. As expected an intercept close to zero was observed (Figure 2.4). Digital photography Digital photography produced more precise and less subjective results than qualitative analysis, but required more time. This method took one hour to analyze all 30 photos, taking approximately two minutes per photo, or six minutes per tree. In addition, 2.3 to 3.5 minutes per photo were required to process photos in the lab (Table 2.1). In contrast, the qualitative estimate of scale density only took two minutes per tree and required no firrther processing. Overall, a tree sampled with digital photography took greater than six times as long as a qualitative assessment of the same tree. The binary threshold method was the most time consuming technique (Table 2.1). This approach, however, had the lowest coefficient of variation, indicating it was more precise than other techniques. This technique resulted in a mean area of 0.13 cm2 of white wax per photo. The sub-sample 1 technique was least time consuming; sub- 35 sample 2 and 3 methods took approximately 1.5 times as long. The three sub-sampling techniques had similar coefficients of variation and mean values of white wax per photo, indicating similar accuracy and precision. Sub-sample 1 included an average sample size of 5.7 cells, while sub-sample 2 and sub-sample 3 had average samples sizes of 11.1 and 14.9 cells, respectively. Qualitative results The mean proportion of a tree that was infested, as measured by digital photographs, varied strongly across categories assigned by visual assessment (Figure 2.5). In general, the central 50 % of digital measures for each category did not overlap with adjacent categories (Figure 2.5). In addition, the qualitative method allowed for complete assessment of each tree. This method, however, gave less precise data than digital photographs and no form of visual documentation for later reference. Discussion Although we found no evidence that digital photos were used previously to evaluate population dynamics of beech scale, similar techniques have been used for applications such as quantifying percentage forest canopy cover, calibration of pesticide spray from airplanes, and land-use classification (Englund et al. 2000; Holowrricki et. a1 2002; Bruzzone and Fernandez Prieto 2000). Foresters often use hemispherical canopy- photographs to quantify canopy cover and understory light availability (Englund et al. 2000; Nobis and Hunziker 2004). The photos in these studies are often processed in a similar manner as the binary threshold method and are thought to provide advantages such as versatility and lasting records (Englund et a1. 2000). 36 Our results demonstrate digital photography is a useful technique for capturing beech scale density. Unlike most insects that are capable of moving throughout their entire life, the immobility of beech scale makes it easier to study over time. In addition, the white wax secreted by beech scale provides contrast from the bark of host trees, allowing for identification in photos, even when implementing a threshold technique. These traits also allowed an index of abundance to be created using digital photography. Unlike visual assessments, digital photography provides a lasting record of beech scale abundance at a given time, allowing for more precise comparisons of density over time. In addition, digital photography provides concrete and reproducible results, unlike the subjective results of visual assessments. Although our photographic technique was effective, there are cases where the use of simple qualitative assessments of beech scale may be useful. Qualitative ranking systems using reference photos gave comparable beech scale rankings as the binary threshold technique, yet reduced time expenditures greatly. Also, several qualitative assessments were accomplished in minutes in the field, while photo analysis required more time for field collection plus hours of processing in the lab. With this in mind, qualitative assessments may be more suitable for situations that do not require quantitative data or when rapid assessment is desirable. Also, qualitative methods may be more usefirl than photos when sampling is conducted in areas that contain a trace of beech scale. Qualitative assessment of the entire visible portion of the tree increases the likelihood of detecting small amounts of beech scale, while sub-sampling with digital photography may fail to capture traces of scale by chance alone. In such situations, a 37 double-sampling approach using both qualitative and quantitative ranking may be superior. The binary threshold method was the most precise of the four techniques for quantifying beech scale density from digital photography. The threshold data is most precise because it directly measures scale density on the complete photograph while the other methods only sub-sample the photo. Although the binary threshold method was most precise, it was also the most time consuming of tested methods. We feel, however, that the marginal cost in processing time is worth the additional precision if studying population dynamics. Also, if a sub-sampling approach of photos is desired, we recommend the sub-sampling 1 technique because it requires the least processing time and produces similar results as other sub-sampling techniques. Although data processing using binary threshold measurements had its advantages, minor problems arose in this application. One of the largest challenges involves the lack of consistency in contrast within and between photos. The most fiequent contrast problem within a single photo was shadows covering portions of the photo. This made automated detection of beech scale difficult. We minimized this problem in the field by shading the entire photo frame with a clipboard. The most common contrast issue among photos included differences in bark roughness, overall photo brightness or bark coloration which made it unfeasible to use a set threshold for all photographs. We had to set individual thresholds to best represent beech scale on each photo, which required additional processing time. Another limitation of using binary threshold measurements to assess scale density was misclassification of other white coloration on the bark. Examples of misclassifications included snow, spider 38 eggs, and other light-colored insects. Compared to beech scale, however, the surface areas of these misidentified objects were minute. In addition, ImageJ encountered some problems identifying beech scale when trees were covered with light colored moss and lichens. Most of these problems were dealt with by manipulating images using paint options in ImageJ to increase contrast of the wax and bark by changing color of infested pixels, improving threshold sensitivity. Although paint options allowed us to cope with problems, these issues still made the analysis more time consuming. We recommend that new advances in digital photo analysis be explored in future applications for assessing beech scale density and dynamics. Nobis and Hunziker (2004) suggest automatic threshold algorithms may be less time consuming and more objective, comprehensible and reproducible. Other image processing software exists and could also be explored, to determine if they provide greater processing capabilities and reduced processing time. Given our success of quantifying beech scale density we feel this method could be expanded to broader use. In particular, other insects with characteristics similar to beech scale could be efficiently monitored using digital photography. Insects that are mostly immobile during their life cycle and have high contrast with their host plant would be most suitable. Some of these insects may include herrrlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae; Annand), balsam woolly adelgid (Adelges piceae; Ratzeburg), and other scale species. 39 Table 2.1: Comparison of the four digital photography analysis techniques are summarized below. Time refers to the average time to analyze a single photograph, mean scale and coefficient of variation refer to the beech scale rating for each method. The binary threshold . 2 . . . . . method gives an area measure (cm ), while sub—sample methods give qualitative ratings. Average sample size for sub-sampling techniques refers to number of cells used in sub- sampling, where “no value” cells are not included. Time Mean Coefficient of Average Sample Technique (min/photo) Scale Variation Size Binary Threshold 4.0 0.13 0.40 Entire Photo Sub-sample 1 2.3 0.92 0.60 5.7 grid cells Sub-sample 2 3.5 0.96 0.54 11.‘Ijrid cells Sub-sample 3 3.1 0.94 0.75 14.9 grid cells 40 .038 :83 we meeuflmomfi 4060; H23 805 8 Bewmmme was» 0045. A8 .038 £003 me 8:83 at? meet 9 “30:39.3 33 93. A5 .038 £0009 mo 02.5 a £15 80.: 9 Bowie 33 0:0 A3 .28a :83 on its 0.00.5 3 =0>_m 33 obn < .889? wet—Sc 0>sS=aec e58 See 05 Lee 88% 00:0c0e0M "—.w 0.5»:— 41 . _ S .15 -. F \I‘ i rilim-k" 1'" ,~ u: g .‘ f‘ i”; Q _ * \ ' Al. I. “ ‘. - . (D o , t" 5 . t, I../ iiv' ‘ Revisited Sites L x_ r A Annual Sites , ‘ ; , ‘1 1;. 1'- 0 Within Year Sites . g ‘ rrrrrrrr . _ , . _, . .4 \h‘. — J m ." o 37.5 75 150 225 Figure 2.2: A total of 26 sites were established and revisited after one year (Annual Sites). A subset of 14 sites was also revisited multiple times within a year (Within Year Sites). 42 Figure 2.3: Eight grids were created for sub-sampling technique one and two. Each grid cell was selected only once within the entire set of 8 grids. Technique I randomly selected one grid to sub-sample a photo (total of 8 grid cells) while technique two used two grids (total of 16 unique grid cells). 43 2000 - y = 869.02x + 45.798 1750 ~ ° r 2 = 0.796 ,3 O .5 '8 3 .0 E 3 2 U 0.5 l 1.5 2 Area of White Wax (cm?) Figure 2.4: Index of abundance relating number of beech scales to area (cm2) of white waxy substance secreted by the insects. Data were collected between May and October. 44 Quantitative Assessment of Beech Scale (Log Proportion Infested) I I l_;*—Mean TI 1 ---cr- -- 25th Quantile; “i' 0" ' — + — 75 Quantile _+__ _*_L _, Wrench , __-__IL, _ _*u, ______ _-T_.a_.-______, .___, 0 1 2 3 4 Visual Assessment Ranking of Beech Scale Figure,2.5: Relationship between qualitative estimates of beech scale infestation based on visual analysis and log quantitative measures as determined from binary threshold methods. 45 Introduction Beech scale (Cryptococcusfagisuga Lind. )(Hemiptera: Coccidae), an invasive forest insect native to western Asia and southeastern Europe (vaiazdowski et al. 2006), has been invading North American beech forests since its introduction in 1890 (Ehrlich 1934). Beech scale in North America is host specific to American beech trees (F agus grandifolia). Beech scale adults are univoltine and each individual can lay approximately 50 eggs (Wainhouse and Gate 198 8). Populations are capable of a rapid increase because all individuals are females and they reproduce parthenogenically (Ehrlich 1934). Beech scales are mobile only as 1St instars, referred to as crawlers. Crawlers are active from late summer to early fall, and must find a suitable location on the bole or large branches of a beech tree where they can insert their stylets and feed on the sieve cells of the secondary phloem (Ehrlich 1934; Telewski 2009). During dispersal, crawlers sustain a high mortality estimated at 86% (Wainhouse and Gate 1988). Once feeding begins beech scale molt to the second instar and are immobile for the remainder of their lives (Ehrlich 1934). Scales secrete a waxy substance over themselves as they feed for protection from weather and predators (Ehrlich 1934). Even with the wax, scales are subject to mortality when air temperatures drop below -3 7° C (- 35° F) and they are not protected by snow (Houston and O’Brien 1983). Several native predators such as the twice-stabbed ladybird beetle (Chilocorus stigma Say), cecidomyid flies (Lestidiplosis sp.) and gall gnats (Diptera: Cecidomyidae, Lestodiplosis spp.) feed on beech scale (Wainhouse and Gate 1988; Houston 1994). 46 Beech scale establishment represents the first stage of beech bark disease (BBD), referred to as the advancing fi'ont. The second phase involves the infection of trees by Neonectria spp. fungi (Ehrlich 1934; Houston 1994; Castlebury et al. 2006). The minute wounds created when beech scales insert their stylets permit entry of the fungi (Ehrlich 1934). The fungus invades and kills living tissues of the bark, cortex, phloem, cambium, and sapwood (Ehrlich 1934). As lesions coalesce the tree looses abilities to transport and store nutrients, which kills or reduces the health of the tree (Ehrlich 1934). More than 50% mortality of trees over 25 cm in diameter may occur (Houston 1994), altering forest composition and causing economic loss (Houston 1994). Although beech scale was first described in Eur0pe in the 18403 (Ehrlich 1934), little is known about change in beech scale populations over time, especially on American beech trees. This is surprising given the fundamental importance of understanding the population dynamics of invasive species. The few studies that have addressed beech scale dynamics relied on visual qualitative assessments of local beech density on individual trees (Houston et al. 1979; Wainhouse and Gate 1988; Gora et a1. 1994; Houston 1994). Although this method is a quick and simple way of assessing scale density, it is also subjective and yields coarse results. Also, all but one of these studies were conducted in European beech stands, where beech scale are suspected to interact with hosts differently than in American beech stands (Houston 1994). In addition, studies by Gora et al. (1994) and Wainhouse and Gate (1988) assessed scale density at five year intervals but did not monitor within year and annual population changes. Houston et al. (1979) assessed annual change in beech scale densities for three years, but only in a plantation of European beech trees. Houston (1994) compared 47 annual change of beech scale density on American beech trees in two different stages of BBD. Houston (1994) found the stands newly infested with beech scale to generally increase in scale density annually, while the long-infested stands sustained more constant, lower beech scale densities. We analyzed changes in beech scale densities on American beech trees in Michigan using both qualitative and quantitative methods. We observed within-year changes in scale density to understand the rate at which scale populations increase on individual trees and whether detectable scale mortality occurs. Effects of tree and plot characteristics on annual changes in populations of beech scale were evaluated at the tree and plot levels. Methods Site Establishment and Sampling Techniques We establishedia fixed-radius plot, eight meters in diameter, in 26 locations during July and August of 2007 (Figure 3.1). Plots were widely dispersed across the distribution of beech scale at that time (Chapter 1). Plots were selected within each of five satellite populations documented by Schwalm (2009), but the Upper Peninsula (U .P.) was split into two regions due to the large size of this satellite population. Six plots were located in the eastern U.P. (E.U.P.), four in the central U.P. (C.U.P.), four in the Emmet satellite, three in the Ludington satellite, two in the Benzie satellite and seven in the Cadillac satellite (Figure 3.1). Most plots were established in infested areas, but two plots were uninfested, being 200 m from the nearest infested tree at the time of establishment to observe spread from nearby populations. 48 All beech trees over 6 cm in diameter at breast height (DBH) were tagged to ensure unique identification in subsequent visits. Species and DBH were recorded for all trees within the plot to allow for calculations of basal area. Individual plots contained 2 to 22 beech trees, with a mean number of 9.92 (i 0.78) beech trees per plot. When less then eight beech trees were present in a plot, the beech trees closest to the plot were tagged until at least eight trees were included. There were two plots with low beech density, where only five and seven beech trees were tagged. Qualitative visual estimates and digital photography methods (Chapter 2) were both used to assess beech scale density. Qualitative estimates were used to document beech scale on entire trees. As described in Chapter 2, we used a four point qualitative ranking system using reference cards, which helped produce consistent rankings. Qualitative ranks were performed by walking around the tree searching for signs of beech scale (i.e. white wax). Scale density was ranked as 0 = no beech scale, 1 = trace populations, 2 = patchy populations and 3= heavy populations. The method focused on the readily visible portion of the tree trunk, < 4 m aboveground. If only upper portions of the trunk or branches were visibly infested, density was recorded in a similar manner. The digital photography method was used to quantitatively monitor changes of beech scale density within designated areas on each tree. Three unique photographs were taken of each tree, using a stratified random sampling design to assign photo aspects at selected heights. One photo was taken at each 0.9, 1.2 and 1.5 m above ground and each of the three photos was assigned a random aspect before arriving at the site. Photos were taken using a tripod with a built-in stabilizer to ensure the camera was the same distance from the tree (30 cm) for each photograph. To reduce potential 49 problems, a duplicate photo was taken at each setting. If shadows were present within the photo area, sunlight was blocked using a clipboard to reduce contrast within the photo. Site Revisits After all plots were established, sites were revisited to assess change in beech scale densities. During each revisit, qualitative and quantitative measures of beech scale were recorded. All photos were retaken on the same trees and at the same heights and aspects of original visits, allowing direct comparison of changes in beech scale density at various levels (i.e. individual photo, tree, and plot). Annual change in scale density involved a revisit after one year (i 30 days) and was observed at three sample time flames including July 2007- 2008, October 2007-2008, and March 2008-2009 (Table 3.1). In addition to annual revisits, a subset of 14 plots was revisited ten times to document within-year changes in beech scale density from July 2007 to June 2009 (Table 3.1). Due to a snow storm, only half of the plots were accessible in December 2007, but the remaining plots were revisited in early January 2008 (Table 3.1). Population Density Over Time As described in Chapter 2, we created an index of scale abundance that showed a linear relationship between the number of beech scales and the percentage of bark covered with wax. This allowed us to quantify scale density using photographs of beech scale wax. We used the binary threshold technique described in Chapter 2 to analyze photos. ImageJ was used to apply a binary threshold, which identified pixels with beech scale wax based on pixel brightness. The software was also used to calculate the percentage of photographed bark that was infested. Thresholds were 50 manually set for each photograph, depending on photo quality, photo brightness and photo contrast. SAS 9.1 ® was used to analyze within-year and annual changes of scale densities using both photo data and qualitative data. One tree fi'om the Emmet satellite was removed from the dataset because it had beech scale densities approximately 36 standard deviations above the mean. In addition, data from Cadillac in December 2007 and from Emmet in October 2007 and March 2009 were removed because less than 75 % of trees were sampled due to undesirable weather, and disproportional sampling of uninfested and infested trees. Analyses of scale density at the tree level were conducted by averaging the scale density of all photos from the same tree and with the qualitative assessments. Fisher’s Exact test was used to determine if the proportions of trees with increasing, decreasing and constant densities of beech scale differed among regions. A general linear model was used to determine the relationship between tree DBH, initial scale abundance and region with annual change of beech scale density on individual trees. Annual change in beech scale density was calculated based on a tree’s average scale density from the annual revisit (Year 2) minus the tree’s mean scale density from the initial visit (Year 1). Similarly, a general linear model was used to determine the significance of sight variables including beech tree basal area, other tree basal area, average beech tree DBH, average initial scale abundance and region for explaining the annual change of beech scale density averaged for each plot. The rate of change in population density was represented by dividing Year 1 population densities by Year 2 population densities. This ratio allowed us to minimize the number of zero values in our dataset by assigning a 1 (no change) to trees with no 51 scale in Year 1 and Year 2. More specifically, there were only two trees where Year 2 was a zero and could not be included in the ratio. Results Seasonal Cycle of Beech Scale Density on Individual Trees Beech scale density fluctuated between July 2007 and June 2009. Overall mean beech scale density decreased from 0.282% of bark infested in July 2007 to 0.129% in June 2009. Between July and October of both years, the mean infested area increased (Figure 3.2). Area infested decreased fiom October 2007 to March 2008, remained relatively stable from March 2008 to June 2008, this showed a slight decrease from June 2008 to July 2008. Population density remained stable fi'om October 2008 to June 2009 (Figure 3.2). Patterns of within year change in beech scale populations depended on region and time (year and month) of sampling (p < 0.001) (Figure 3.2). The Cadillac and Ludington regions had similar initial beech scale density, with 0.323% and 0.545 % of bark infested, respectively. These sites also had similar trends in scale density throughout the study (Figure 3.2). Scale density in both regions was constant between July and October 2007 then decreased from October 2007 to March 2008. Both populations remained constant until July 2008, where a slight decrease occurred (Figure 3.2). In October 2008, both populations showed slight increases. In March 2009, the Ludington population decreased slightly while Cadillac remained constant. Densities at both sites remained constant from March to June 2009. The Emmet region started with a much lower mean scale density than Ludington and Cadillac, with an average of 0.003% of sampled bark infested. The within year 52 trend of beech scale density also differed from the other regions (Figure 3.2). From July 2007 to January 2008, the density increased, and decreased in density between January and March 2008. The density then remained constant until it slightly decreased in July 2008. The population increased substantially (four fold increase) flom July to October 2008. The population increased again from December 2008 to June 2009, where a mean of 0.033% bark was infested, which was about 11-fold higher than at the beginning of the study. Annual Beech Scale Dynamics Photo Analysis of Scale Density on Individual Trees When digital photos were used to analyze scale densities on individual trees, trends in beech scale density over time differed significantly by region and sample period (July 2007-2008, October 2007-2008, and March 2008-2009) (p < 0.001) (Table 3.2). Scale density increased across years in the Cadillac region during March and July sample periods, but density decreased from October 2007 to 2008. During the March sampling period, scale density increased on 44 % of trees, while density on 36 % of trees decreased. In contrast, scale density on a majority of trees decreased during July and October sample periods (Table 3.2). Mean scale density increased in the Emmet region during all three annual sample time flames. Scale density on 39 to 80% of trees increased, while scale density only decreased on 3 to 22 % of trees. In contrast, the Ludington region showed an overall decrease in scale density during every sample period. In this region, density on 0-8% of trees increased while density on 92-96% of trees decreased. The regions in the Upper Peninsula (U .P.) were only sampled annually during July, and showed an overall increase in beech scale density from 2007 to 2008. 53 In the eastern and central U.P., scale density increased on 67% and 74% of trees, respectively and decreased on 33% and 21% of trees, respectively. Analysis of scale densities on individual trees using a general linear model produced a significant result (p < 0.001), explaining approximately 24% of the variation in annual change (Table 3.3). Changes in beech scale abundance were affected by region (p < 0.001), initial scale abundance (p = 0.01), and the interaction of region and initial scale abundance (p = 0.033). The interaction reflected a positive relationship between change in scale densities and initial scale abundance in the Emmet population, while all other regions showed a negative relationship. DBH was not related to change in scale density and was not included in the model. Qualitative Analysis of Scale Density on Individual Trees In most cases, qualitative estimates were similar to quantitative estimates, but some differences occurred (Table 3.2; Figure 3.3). A majority of tree samples (64%) resulted in constant qualitative rankings (Table 3.4). Of the samples that did change, 96% changed one visual rank, while the remaining four percent changed two ranks (Table 3.4). In addition, 81% of samples that changed increased in scale density, while only 19% decreased (Table 3.4). On several occasions (i.e. 324 of the 3,072 samples), the qualitative technique showed beech scale presence when the quantitative rank did not. Trends from the qualitative assessment of beech scale density for each of the three sample periods, March 2008 to 2009, October 2007 to 2008 and July 2007 to 2008 were similar, but changes in scale density varied among regions (p < 0.001) (Table 3.2; Table 3.4). In the Cadillac region, the qualitative scale density remained the same for 54 72 to 86% of trees, increased for 10 to 25% of trees, and decreased for 3 to 4% of trees. The net result of these changes was a slight overall increase in qualitative ranks for scale density. Scale density in the Emmet region remained consistent on 29 to 69% of trees, increased on 39 to 71% of trees, and decreased on only 3% of the trees. In the E.U.P region, 58% of trees had no change in scale density but density increased on 42%, resulting in an overall increase in scale ranking. In the C .U.P region, we observed constant rankings on 24% of trees while density on 76% of trees increased. Trends in the Ludington region differed flom other regions (p < 0.001); a nearly equal number of trees increased and decreased in scale density (Table 3.2; Table 3.4). Qualitative rankings for 50 to 78% of trees remained constant. Plot Level Analysis of Beech Scale The two plots that were initially uninfested in 2007 remained uninfested in 2008 despite the presence of infested trees within 200 m. These plots were not included in further analyses. Overall, the plot level general linear model was significant (p = 0.002) and explained approximately 81% of the variation in annual change of beech scale density. Changes in beech scale populations varied among regions (p = 0.008) (Table 3.5). Scale density changed more dramatically in the two regions in the Upper Peninsula than in the other regions. Interactions of regions and other variables were not used as independent variables due to the low number of samples per region. Initial scale abundance and the log transformation of beech tree basal area and mean DBH were not significant (Table 3.5). Basal area of all non-beech trees was explored as an independent variable but showed no relationship with change in beech scale density. A 55 new model was created without regions to focus on specific biological factors affecting change in beech scale densities. This model was significant (p = 0.04), explaining 41% of variation in annual change of beech scale density. The log transformation of beech basal area was the only significant variable (p = 0.01), while initial scale abundance and mean DBH of trees (log transformed) were not significant (p = 0.74 and p = 0.17, respectively). To reduce complexity, a final model was selected with beech basal area as the only significant variable (p = 0.01). The model explained 32% of variation in annual change of beech scale density (Table 3.5). Discussion Although our study design and sampling techniques differ from previous studies of beech scale dynamics, our results showed similar trends. Houston (1994) used a 40 point qualitative rank system to compare annual change of beech scale density in a stand of newly infested American beech trees (first decade of infestation) and a stand where scale populations were present for over 50 years. He found that the newly infested site generally increased in scale density annually over a ten year period, while the long-affected stand had scale densities that remained lower and fluctuated less than those in the newly infested stand. Our data shows similar results, where the more recently infested regions, Emmet, C.U.P., and E.U.P. showed large increases in scale density, while the other regions showed lower and more stable densities of beech scale (Table 2). Wainhouse and Gate (1988) used a 6 point qualitative rank system in their study of beech scale populations over a seven year period. Their results showed that beech scale populations on most European beech trees remained constant and those populations that did change showed a relatively small difference in density. Gora et al. 56 (1994) also looked at long term changes in beech scale densities using a qualiative five point ranking system (i.e. uninfested < very slight < slight < medium < severely). When control trees were observed, a decrease of 96% of trees classified as very slight, medium and no infestation occurred. A large increase in trees classified as slight infestations also occurred (127 %). Our qualitative assessments over a two year period also showed most populations of beech scale remained relatively constant from year to year. Also, similar to Gora et a1. (1994), our results showed a large percentage of trees that were uninfested or had a trace of scale in the first year increased in scale density in the second year. Houston et al. (1979) used a five point qualitative ranking system to estimate scale density over three years following the inoculation of 40 of 80 European beech trees in a plantation. Once infested, a majority of trees increased one ranking per year. Of the trees that did not increase in scale density, most retained a constant rank while one tree actually went flom a small infestation to being uninfested. The year to year results were similar to our findings; the trees in the Emmet, C.U.P. and E.U.P regions, all started with low beech scale densities. Scale density on most trees in these areas remained constant or increased one rank after one year. Also similar to Houston et al. (1979), only two of the 275 trees we sampled were initially infested and became uninfested after a year. This indicates that once infested with beech scale, a tree is likely to remain infested. Our sample design and sampling techniques allowed us to analyze with-in year population dynamics of beech scale. The patterns we observed (Figure 3.2) appear to be largely driven by beech scale reproduction. Adults lay eggs and then die in the early summer (Ehrlich 1934). Their offspring do not secrete waxy coats until becoming 2"d 57 instars in late summer to early fall. Scales remain dormant through winter until early summer, when they begin feeding again (Ehrlich 1934). These events should cause the amount of wax generated by actively feeding to decrease during late summer and increase during fall. Consistent with this, data flom our photos showed a slight decrease in scale density flom June to July and a general increase in density during October sampling (Figure 3.2). During the winter of 2007-2008, beech scale density estimated by wax abundance decreased, suggesting that mortality occurred. Mortality during these months is most likely flom exogenous stresses such as weather. From March 2008 to May 2008, a substantial increase in scale density occurred in the Emmet region. This trend is unexplained by scale biology, although this result may be influenced by scales losing wax during their dormant winter stage and replenishing wax in the spring after breaking dormancy. In addition to with-in year data, our technique of using digital photography to measure scale density allowed us to more precisely quantify beech scale densities rather than qualitative measures used in previous studies. Unlike visual assessments, digital photography provided a lasting record of beech scale which allowed for more precise comparisons of infestation over time. In addition, digital photography provided concrete and reproducible results, unlike the subjective results of visual assessments. These qualities allowed us to produce reliable with-in year estimates of scale density and investigate more subtle changes in beech scale densities. Our study is also the first to sample beech scale dynamics in several regions. Past studies have suggested beech scale dynamics are dependent on the stage of BBD (Shigo 1972; Houston 1994). These studies proposed that in early stages, when only 58 beech scale is present, the populations of scale can reach higher densities. Once the Neonectria fungus is established, the phloem dies and scale density decreases. Our results suggest this may have occurred in our study in one region. Ludington has been infested with scale and fungi since at least 2000 (O’Brien et al. 2001) and overall this region showed decreases in annual scale density. Our other sample regions were in areas where beech scale has more recently invaded (Schwalm 2009), and all of these populations demonstrated annual increases in density. Different regions also have different exogenous factors acting on scale populations. For example, weather patterns and populations of insect predators may differ between regions. Gora et a1. (1994) also suggested scale populations are sensitive to environmental conditions such as stand light and climate. The use of both qualitative and quantitative methods of estimating beech scale density was valuable for detecting change in beech scale populations over time. In most cases, the directionality of change in mean scale density of photos was similar to that of qualitative mean scale density (Table 3.2), although the October sample period in Cadillac showed a decrease in scale density with photos and an increase in scale density with qualitative ratings. This difference is likely caused by the different precisions of the two methods. The quantitative method was more precise so it detected changes in beech scale densities that were missed with qualitative sampling (Figure 3.3). As a result, the percentage of trees with constant beech scale density was higher when reviewing qualitative results than quantitative (Figure 3.3). In contrast, qualitative methods enabled us to sample the entire visible portion of the tree, increasing the 59 likelihood of detecting low densities or scattered scales, while photos sub-sampled only the truck and could fail to capture low densities of scale. Our data suggest that density dependence may occur in beech scale populations. In particular, general linear models showed initial scale abundance to be a significant predictor variable of change in beech scale density. Also, on several occasions the digital photographs yielded an overall decrease in population density flom Year 1, yet results flom the qualitative method showed scale density on the same tree increased. These situations show that the beech scale densities in specific locations of a tree may decrease even though the tree’s overall level of infestation increases. Such scenarios could be caused by density dependence, if crawlers move to areas of bark (not in the photograph) where scale density was lower. Another likely explanation for such scenarios involves Neonectria killing tree tissue in photographed areas, causing scale mortality. In addition, it is possible that disproportional predation of scale occurred on areas photographed and areas not photographed. Our study increased knowledge of beech scale population dynamics, but several questions still need to be addressed. A similar study conducted over a longer timeflarne would allow comparison of within year and annual trends of beech scale populations. Both qualitative and quantitative methods of estimating scale populations are usefirl to ensure trends on both individual trees and plots are captured. In addition, several plots within infested and uninfested areas of a single stand should be monitored over time to assess stand level dynamics of beech scale. 60 E o m e o o A 88 95.. 2 o m m o o k 88 goes. 3 o m e o o a 88 .3900 S o m e o o k 88 2.... E o m e o o A 88 25.. E o m e o o s 88 was. 3 o m e o o k 88 8:: m o o e o o F 88 .5352. w o m o o o m 38 .3588 E o m e o o k 38 .398 E o n v o o A B8 22. . 33:8 50> 55.? E o m e o o 8 88-38 .398 8 N m e e e A 88-38 22. 2 o m m o o 8 88-88 seas. assessing. .38 8:00 8.9.53 .eEEm .aj .n_.= .880 22:80 Eammm 85 a 80% one 5.8:. =0>_m 05 E @3639. 03 32m we 03:5: 05 8 80%: 36:30 80% 55:» “0:13.30 em 3 .80.» 0:0 coca US$32 03 mac—a me 098:: 05 8 80m?— bmmeoe 13:5. .088.“ 0:5 wEEEsm :80 Mateo 5&2 :80 E BE.» $230 .3552 "fin 033. 61 mm 0 o.. wow... mum... oo >30 00...u00 mm m 9. wow». .. mew. .. om £0.05. 00.....00 0:30:00 0000.000 0000.0... 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F a x. «tom 23% m 30> «cut 038 ~ 36> .3552: 6 seem. a NN n F o N s 8 FF N o F. s m on o o N m 8 8 F F N m o A a A o NF 8 o F a m N 8 FmF F F a n o 0 NF 8 o w 1 o N No 8 c a 1 Ir U ‘ F a x. F o x. «cam 23% N Fug «cut 23% N .39 8:88 3 2.29: __< a £53225: ~98..— um we: 255225: 383 n N £53230: comb n _ .038 :82. o: n a 20:? Diana 23m .3 mac—:8 03:32.3: Gas—203 @8632 ca: @3on EEE some 5.3 $05 3:239: mo Fen—.5: was—.8952 .3052: own—Eu 3:52. 36 03.; 64 Table 3.5: General linear model results evaluating relationship between percentage change in beech scale at the plot level (n = 19), as measured by photographs. Model 1 was significant (p = 0.003) and explained approximately 81 % of variation in change of scale density. Model 2 was significant (p = 0.01) and explained approximately 32% of variation in change of scale density. Initial was the mean scale density measurements of each plot for Year 1 (calculated from photographs), other BA was the basal area of all trees except beech in Year 1, and beech BA was the basal area of all beech trees. The model also included the two—way interaction between initial scale and region. Five regions were included (i.e. Cadillac, Emmet, Ludington, C.U.P, and E.U.P.). Model 1 Degrees of Mean Source Freedom Coefficient Squares F Value Pr > F Model 652,922 8.02 0.0115 Error 1 1 81,384 Log(10) Beech Basal Area 1 -352.0 28214 0.81 0.388 Initial 1 0.24 0.2695 0.00 0.998 Logfl 0) DBH 1 315.0 28528 0.82 0.385 Locations 4 206462 5.92 0.009 Model 2 Degrees of Mean Source Freedom Coefficient Squares F Value Pr > F Model 1 652922 8.02 0.01 15 Error 17 81384 Log(10) Beech Basal Area 1 -1215.0 652922 8.02 0.0115 65 Revisited Sites . 0 Within Year Sites . Q A Annual Sites ' ' i 3’ P Regions 1. Central Upper Peninsula 2. Eastern Upper Peninsula 3. Emmet 4. Cadillac 5. Ludington 6. Benzie — I m J 0 35 70 140 210 Figure 3.1: Plot locations by region used for bimonthly and annual sampling of scale density. Bimonthly plots (n=14) were used to determine bimonthly and annual changes in scale density, while annual plots (n=12) were only used in annual analysis. 66 g l +—---+.~1o =.' §+—-—+\’\..‘. §\ ~ —- '5 —' 3 -“"=1—.‘ .‘—-‘fi 3 0.1 +¥x .’/’+- . in ,, ~‘-’ 4’ E N . 2 '. < 0.01 *1 \° -I-Cadillac G +Emmet - . - Ludington ooo1‘lLlllffflllll—lTTlTT yyfiwlr %s s as fish gag a 3°) 5° \ C? “Q. o ’0 \ ('3' 0 5° 0 Qw3tb$ $30030 0 g 30° Time Figure 3.2: Within year change in beech scale densities by region fi‘om July 2007 to June 2009. Percent area infested refers to average pencent of bark infested with scale per tree. Cadillac (n = 84 trees), Emmet (n = 36 trees), Ludington (n = 28 trees). 67 a l O 5 J 1: 3| o O o 4“ i g E 0* i l i i a O .E O 4 E“ i 5 '6 a z 3 E < -12 - w _, ——%——~ ‘~——--#-~ **~—— -3 -2 -1 o 1 2 3 Annual change in qualitative scale density Figure 3.3: Comparison of visual qualitative assessment and quantitative assessment of change in beech scale density per tree. Change in qualitative scale density was a difference of visual ranking from Year 1 to Year 2. Photos on each tree were averaged for each year and then the difference between Year 1 and Year 2 was used to represent quantitative scale density. 68 APPENDICES 69 APPENDIX A: Site Coordinates Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 1 1 7/1/2007 -86.51 18 43.639 Whitewashed OCEANA 25 8/8/2005 -86.4083 43.617 No Scale OCEANA 25 6/26/2007 -86.4083 43.617 Trace OCEANA 31 8/8/2005 -86.3826 43.6453 No Scale OCEANA 37 8/8/2005 -86.492 43.5413 No Scale OCEANA 40 8/8/2005 -86.4158 43.5448 No Scale OCEANA 43 8/8/2005 -86.4617 43.5312 No Scale OCEANA 44 7/10/2006 -86.4523 43.5449 Whitewashed OCEANA 49 8/8/2005 -86.3777 43.583 No Scale OCEANA 60 7/10/2006 -86.3745 43.7685 Trace OCEANA 76 8/9/2005 -86.3571 43.5101 No Scale OCEANA 76 7/10/2006 -86.3571 43.5101 No Scale OCEANA 83 8/9/2005 -86.3382 43.7979 No Scale OCEANA 83 7/10/2006 -86.3382 43.7979 No Scale OCEANA 115 5/30/2009 -85.7991 44.2012 No Scale WEXFORD 122 5/30/2009 -86.0143 44.0816 No Scale LAKE 123 6/19/2007 -86.1202 44.2697 No Scale MANISTEE 128 5/17/2005 -86.4127 43.6797 No Scale OCEANA 129 5/17/2005 -86.3694 43.6591 No Scale OCEANA 130 5/19/2005 -84.4771 42.7177 No Scale INGHAM 131 5/19/2005 -84.5112 42.6892 No Scale INGHAM 132 5/19/2005 -84.5912 42.6092 No Scale INGHAM 133 5/19/2005 -84.7582 42.5779 No Scale EATON 134 5/19/2005 -84.7598 42.7594 No Scale EATON 135 5/23/2005 -84.4714 42.5307 No Beech INGHAM 136 5/23/2005 -84.3637 42.5267 No Beech INGHAM 137 5/23/2005 -84.279 42.5964 No Beech INGHAM 138 5/23/2005 -84.3692 42.7054 No Scale INGHAM 139 5/23/2005 -84.4076 42.7552 No Beech INGHAM 140 5/23/2005 -84.3895 42.8125 No Beech CLINTON 141 5124/2005 -86.2667 43.1315 No Scale MUSKEGON 141 5/22/2008 -86.2667 43.1315 No Scale MUSKEGON 141 5/29/2009 -86.2667 43.1315 No Scale MUSKEGON 142 5/24/2005 -86.3586 43.2633 No Scale MUSKEGON 142 5/22/2008 -86.3586 43.2633 No Scale MUSKEGON 142 5/22/2008 -86.3586 43.2633 No Scale MUSKEGON 142 5/29/2009 -86.3586 43.2633 No Scale MUSKEGON 143 5/24/2005 -86.3961 43.3447 No Beech MUSKEGON 144 5/25/2005 -86.2662 43.4546 No Scale MUSKEGON 144 6/18/2007 -86.2653 43.4573 No Scale MUSKEGON 70 Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 145 5125/2005 -86.3595 43.4854 No Beech OCEANA 146 5125/2005 -86.4395 43.5306 No Beech OCEANA 147 5125/2005 -86.4377 43.5348 No Scale OCEANA 148 5125/2005 -86.3589 43.5438 No Scale OCEANA 148 7110/2006 -86.3589 43.5438 Trace OCEANA 149 5125/2005 -86.4311 43.615 No Scale OCEANA 150 5125/2005 -86.4683 43.6144 No Scale OCEANA 150 7110/2006 -86.4683 43.6144 No Scale OCEANA 151 5125/2005 -86.4971 43.6608 Trace OCEANA 152 5125/2005 -86.4981 43.649 No Scale OCEANA 152 7110/2006 -86.4981 43.649 Trace OCEANA 153 5125/2005 —86.483 43.6641 Patchy OCEANA 154 5/2512005 -86.4681 43.6676 Whitewashed OCEANA 155 5125/2005 -86.4544 43.6963 No Scale OCEANA 156 5125/2005 -86.4874 43.6915 No Scale OCEANA 157 5125/2005 -86.4713 43.7335 No Beech OCEANA 158 5126/2005 -86.4963 44.0401 Whitewashed MASON 159 5126/2005 -86.4632 43.9931 Whitewashed MASON 160 5126/2005 -86.4583 43.9713 Whitewashed MASON 161 5126/2005 -86.3985 43.9447 No Beech MASON 162 5126/2005 -86.2849 43.8906 No Beech MASON 163 5126/2005 -86.3317 43.8765 Whitewashed MASON 164 5126/2005 -86.3683 43.8767 Patchy MASON 165 5126/2005 -86.4 43.8688 Whitewashed MASON 166 5126/2005 -86.3928 43.6972 Patchy OCEANA 167 5126/2005 -86.3715 43.4958 No Scale OCEANA 168 5131/2005 -86.2143 43.7588 No Scale OCEANA 169 5131/2005 -86.1286 43.7721 No Scale OCEANA 169 6119/2007 -86.1286 43.7721 Patchy OCEANA 170 5131/2005 -86.0871 43.8027 No Scale OCEANA 170 6119/2007 .86.0871 43.8027 No Scale OCEANA 170 5125/2008 -86.0871 43.8027 Trace OCEANA 171 5131/2005 -86.0773 43.8481 No Beech MASON 172 5131/2005 -86.1025 43.8719 No Scale MASON 173 5131/2005 -86.1107 43.8741 No Scale MASON 173 7113/2006 -86.1107 43.8741 No Scale MASON 173 5125/2008 -86.1 1 07 43.8741 Patchy MASON 174 5131/2005 -86.135 43.8737 No Scale MASON 175 5131/2005 -86.1909 43.8747 No Scale MASON 176 5131/2005 -86.2315 43.8754 Patchy MASON 177 5131/2005 -86.2277 43.8743 Patchy MASON 178 5131/2005 -86.2298 43.8899 No Scale MASON 71 Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 179 5131/2005 -86.2278 43.89 Patchy MASON 180 5131/2005 -86.2185 43.9045 Patchy MASON 181 5131/2005 -86.1033 43.9754 Patchy MASON 182 611/2005 -85.8945 44.3473 No Scale MANISTEE 182 61112009 -85.8945 44.3473 Whitewashed MANISTEE 183 611/2005 -85.9973 44.4387 No Scale MANISTEE 183 61112009 -85.9973 44.4387 Trace MANISTEE 184 611/2005 -86.2434 44.4792 No Scale MANISTEE 185 611/2005 -86.2304 44.4306 No Scale MANISTEE 186 611/2005 -86.2259 44.4037 Trace MANISTEE 187 61112005 -86.2274 44.4009 Whitewashed MANISTEE 188 61112005 861965 44.389 Patchy MANISTEE 189 61112005 -86.1648 44.3885 Trace MANISTEE 190 611/2005 -86.1673 44.4031 No Scale MANISTEE 191 611/2005 -86.1944 44.4064 Trace MANISTEE 192 61112005 -86.1451 44.3589 No Scale MANISTEE 193 611/2005 -86.125 44.3876 No Scale MANISTEE 194 611/2005 -86.1224 44.3714 No Scale MANISTEE 195 611/2005 -86.1477 44.3298 No Scale MANISTEE 196 61112005 -86.1727 44.3091 Whitewashed MANISTEE 197 612/2005 -86.1677 44.3158 Patchy MANISTEE 198 612/2005 -86.1622 44.3401 No Scale MANISTEE 199 612/2005 -86.1558 44.3813 No Scale MANISTEE 200 7114/2005 -86.0096 46.666 Patchy ALGER 208 7125/2006 -86.5464 46.4193 No Scale ALGER 214 7117/2009 -86.7166 46.3078 No Scale ALGER 222 6128/2006 -86.2718 46.5025 Patchy SCHOOLCRAFT 223 6128/2006 -86.3618 46.4282 No Scale SCHOOLCRAFT 223 ‘7123/2007 -86.3618 46.4284 Whitewashed SCHOOLCRAFT 224 7126/2006 -86.2914 46.3717 Trace SCHOOLCRAFT 224 712/2007 —86.2914 46.3717 Trace SCHOOLCRAFT 228 7126/2006 -86.2595 46.2777 No Scale SCHOOLCRAFT 229 7126/2006 —86.2299 46.2206 No Scale SCHOOLCRAFT 231 7126/2006 -86.228 46.1251 No Scale SCHOOLCRAFT 231 713/2007 -86.228 46.1251 No Scale SCHOOLCRAFT 231 7117/2009 -86.228 46.1251 No Scale SCHOOLCRAFT 236 71312007 -86.0826 46.0431 No Scale SCHOOLCRAFT 236 7120/2008 -86.0826 46.0431 No Scale SCHOOLCRAFT 236 7/1 912009 -86.0826 46.0431 Trace SCHOOLCRAFT 245 6127/2006 -85.9283 46.1858 No Scale SCHOOLCRAFT 257 711 812009 -86.8372 46.1419 No Scale DELTA 500 612/2005 -86.172 44.3585 No Scale MANISTEE 72 Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site 7 Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 501 612/2005 -86.2025 44.3497 No Scale MANISTEE 502 612/2005 -86.1979 44.3315 Patchy MANISTEE 503 61212005 -86. 1879 44.3313 No Scale MANISTEE 504 612/2005 -86. 1921 44.3168 Whitewashed MAN I STEE 505 612/2005 -86.1816 44.2627 No Scale MANISTEE 506 612/2005 -86. 1773 44.2671 Trace MANISTEE 507 616/2005 -86. 3585 43.8165 Trace 00 EANA 508 616/2005 -86.2982 43.7984 No Beech OCEANA 509 61612 005 -86.2922 43. 7877 Trace 0C EANA 510 616/2005 -86.2689 43.8175 No Scale OCEANA 511 616/2005 -86.2482 43.8721 No Scale MASON 512 616/2005 -86.2014 43.8389 No Scale MASON 512 7/1 312006 -86.2014 43. 8389 Trace MASON 513 616/2005 -86.1755 43.8357 No Scale MASON 513 7113/2006 -86.1755 43.8357 Trace MASON 514 6/6/2005 -86.1617 43.837 Whitewashed MASON 515 616/2005 -86.1749 43.7907 No Scale OCEANA 515 7110/2006 -86.1749 43.7907 No Scale OCEANA 516 616/2005 -86.2449 43.7934 Trace OCEANA 517 617/2005 -86.1531 43.9113 No Beech MASON 518 617/2005 -86.1634 43.9141 Trace MASON 519 617/2005 -86.1907 43.9038 Trace MASON 520 617/2005 -86.1751 43.9021 Trace MASON 521 617/2005 -86.05 43.9376 No Scale MASON 521 512512008 -86.05 43.9376 No Scale MASON 522 617/2005 -86.0546 43.9848 No Scale MASON 522 5125/2008 -86.0546 43.9848 No Scale MASON 523 617/2005 -86.0801 44.0178 Trace MASON 524 617/2005 —86.1159 44.0163 Trace MASON 525 617/2005 -86.0772 44.0322 No Scale MASON 525 6/1 912007 -86.0772 44.0322 Whitewashed MASON 526 617/2005 -86. 1204 44.041 8 Whitewashed MASON 527 617 12 005 -86. 1 324 44.0663 Trace MASON 528 617/2005 -86.1254 44.1049 Trace MASON 529 617/2005 -86.2211 44.1457 Trace MASON 530 617/2005 -86.2007 44.2509 Patchy MANISTEE 531 617/2005 -86. 1033 44.1707 No Scale MANISTEE 531 6/1 912007 -86. 1033 44.1707 No Scale MANISTEE 531 5126/2008 -86. 1033 44.1707 No Scale MANISTEE 532 618/2005 -86.141 1 44.3129 Trace MANISTEE 533 618/2005 -86.1023 44.305 Trace MANISTEE 534 618/2005 -86.2683 44.345 Patchy MANISTEE 73 Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 535 61812005 -86.1054 44.5358 No Scale BENZIE 535 6127/2007 -86.1054 44.5358 No Scale BENZIE 535 611 812008 -86.1054 44.5358 No Scale BENZIE 535 611 112009 -86.1054 44.5358 Trace BENZIE 536 618/2005 -86.1024 44.5901 Trace BENZIE 537 618/2005 -86.1136 44.6833 No Scale BENZIE 538 618/2005 -86.0622 44.7207 No Scale BENZIE 538 6111/2009 -86.0622 44.7207 No Scale BENZIE 539 618/2005 -86.0746 44.764 No Scale BENZIE 539 6111/2009 -86.0746 44.764 No Scale BENZIE 540 618/2005 -86.0359 44.8459 No Scale LEELANAU 540 711712006 -86.0359 44.8459 No Scale LEELANAU 540 611 812008 -86.0359 44.8459 No Scale LEELANAU 540 611 112009 -86.0359 44.8459 No Scale LEELANAU 541 61812005 -86.021 44.897 No Scale LEELANAU 541 7/1 012007 -86.0198 44.897 No Scale LEELANAU 541 611 112009 -86.021 44.897 No Scale LEELANAU 542 618/2005 -85.9252 44.9354 No Scale LEELANAU 542 7117/2006 -85.9252 44.9354 No Scale LEELANAU 542 6111/2009 —85.9252 44.9354 No Scale LEELANAU 543 61812005 -85.9147 44.8771 No Scale LEELANAU 543 6126/2007 -85.9147 44.8771 No Scale LEELANAU 544 618/2005 -85.9698 44.8428 No Scale LEELANAU 545 619/2005 -85.9991 44.7575 No Scale BENZIE 545 6111/2009 -85.9991 44.7575 No Scale BENZIE 546 619/2005 -85.9572 44.8073 No Scale LEELANAU 547 619/2005 -85.8857 44.7182 No Scale BENZIE 548 619/2005 -85.9796 44.6449 No Scale BENZIE 548 6127/2007 -85.9796 44.6449 No Scale BENZIE 548 611 812008 -85.9796 44.6449 No Scale BENZIE 549 619/2005 -85.9579 44.6801 No Scale BENZIE 550 619/2005 -85.9091 44.6171 No Scale BENZIE 551 619/2005 -86.0463 44.6175 No Scale BENZIE 552 61912005 -86.2307 44.6958 No Scale BENZIE 553 619/2005 -86.13 44.531 Trace BENZIE 554 619/2005 -85.9588 44.5255 Patchy BENZIE 555 6113/2005 -84.356 44.5362 No Beech OSCODA 556 6113/2005 -84.5993 44.9391 No Scale OTSEGO 557 611 312005 -84.447 44.9712 No Scale OTSEGO 558 6113/2005 -84.5902 45.0157 No Scale OTSEGO 559 6113/2005 -84.3713 44.9602 No Scale MONTMORENCY 560 6/1 312005 -84.6779 44.8802 No Scale OTSEGO 74 Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 560 611212009 -84.6779 44.8802 Trace OTSEGO 561 6113/2005 -84.1987 44.8682 No Scale MONTMORENCY 562 6114/2005 -85.8552 44.8104 No Scale LEELANAU GRAND 563 6114/2005 -85.5197 44.5122 No Scale TRAVERSE GRAND 563 611212009 -85.5197 44.5122 No Scale TRAVERSE 564 6114/2005 —85.8537 44.8788 No Scale LEELANAU 565 6114/2005 -85.6081 44.4971 No Scale WEXFORD 566 6114/2005 -85.8644 44.922 No Scale LEELANAU 566 7117/2006 -85.8644 44.922 No Scale LEELANAU GRAND 567 6114/2005 —85.6775 44.5467 No Scale TRAVERSE 568 6114/2005 -85.7447 44.8916 No Scale LEELANAU 569 6114/2005 -85.8185 44.5473 No Scale BENZIE 570 6114/2005 -85.727 44.9822 No Scale LEELANAU GRAND 571 6114/2005 -85.7979 44.6045 No Scale TRAVERSE GRAND 571 611212009 -85.7979 44.6045 Trace TRAVERSE 572 6114/2005 -85.7599 44.9944 No Scale LEELANAU 573 6114/2005 -85.8419 44.6781 No Scale BENZIE 574 6114/2005 -85.7764 44.9805 No Scale LEELANAU 575 6114/2005 -85.8584 44.7399 No Scale BENZIE 575 611212009 -85.8584 44.7399 No Scale BENZIE 576 6114/2005 -85.7964 44.959 No Scale LEELANAU GRAND 577 6114/2005 -85.6759 44.6681 No Scale TRAVERSE 578 6114/2005 -85.6331 45.0063 No Scale LEELANAU GRAND 579 6114/2005 -85.599 44.6355 No Scale TRAVERSE 580 6114/2005 -85.6436 45.1028 No Scale LEELANAU GRAND 581 6114/2005 -85.5567 44.6278 No Scale TRAVERSE GRAND 581 611212009 -85.5567 44.6278 No Scale TRAVERSE 582 611 412005 -85.6745 44.8873 No Scale LEELANAU GRAND 583 6114/2005 -85.4943 44.7124 No Scale TRAVERSE 584 6114/2005 -85.6522 44.8025 No Scale LEELANAU 585 611 512005 -85.423 44.8818 No Scale ANTRlM GRAND 586 6/1512005 -85.4031 44.763 No Scale TRAVERSE 587 6/1 512005 -85.3532 44.8632 No Scale ANTRIM GRAND 588 6115/2005 -85.3457 44.5878 No Scale TRAVERSE 75 Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 589 611 512005 -85.1893 44.8577 No Scale KALKASKA 590 6115/2005 -85.3167 44.5267 No Scale KALKASKA 591 6115/2005 -85.1347 44.9898 No Scale ANTRIM 592 611 512005 -85.178 44.5839 No Scale KALKASKA 593 6115/2005 -85.0506 44.8394 No Scale KALKASKA 594 611 512005 -85. 1434 44.641 No Scale KALKASKA 595 611 512005 -85.1933 44.7925 No Scale KALKASKA 596 6115/2005 -85.1964 44.6549 No Scale KALKASKA 597 6115/2005 -85.2683 44.7829 No Scale KALKASKA 597 611212009 -85.2683 44.7829 No Scale KALKASKA 598 6115/2005 -85.1545 44.67 No Scale KALKASKA 599 611 512005 85.1347 44.9612 No Scale ANTRIM 600 6115/2005 -85.0738 44.6987 No Scale KALKASKA 601 6115/2005 -85.0714 44.7282 No Scale KALKASKA 602 611 512005 -85.2118 44.5726 No Scale KALKASKA 603 611 512005 -85.0727 44.7286 No Scale KALKASKA 604 6116/2005 -84.6458 44.8014 No Scale CRAWFORD 605 6116/2005 -84.6467 44.6805 No Beech CRAWFORD 606 6116/2005 -84.7067 44.9582 No Scale OTSEGO 606 611 312009 -84.7067 44.9582 No Scale OTSEGO 607 6116/2005 -84.7771 44.7539 No Scale CRAWFORD 608 6116/2005 -84.7767 44.9211 No Scale OTSEGO 609 6116/2005 -84.8845 44.7709 No Scale KALKASKA 609 611212009 -84.8845 44.7709 No Scale KALKASKA 610 611 612005 -84.7874 44.888 No Scale OTSEGO 611 611 612005 -84.976 44.7134 No Scale KALKASKA 61 1 612312008 -84.976 44.7134 No Scale KALKASKA 611 611212009 -84.976 44.7134 No Scale KALKASKA 612 6116/2005 -84.7811 44.7769 No Scale CRAWFORD 613 6116/2005 -84.9144 44.6353 No Scale KALKASKA 614 612012005 -84.7514 45.1867 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 615 6116/2005 -84.9558 44.5399 No Scale KALKASKA 616 612012005 84.9352 45.1467 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 617 6116/2005 -84.7657 44.5981 No Scale CRAWFORD 618 612012005 -84.9074 45.0646 No Scale ANTRIM 619 612012005 -84.5911 45.2052 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 620 612012005 -84.8164 45.113 No Scale OTSEGO 620 6/1 312009 -84.8164 45.113 No Scale OTSEGO 621 612012005 -84.6669 45.2444 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 621 6121/2008 -84.6669 45.2444 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 621 611 312009 -84.6669 45.2444 Trace CHEBOYGAN 622 612012005 -84.7556 45.0276 No Scale OTSEGO 76 Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 623 612012005 -84.9356 45.2778 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 624 612012005 -84.699 45.0996 No Scale OTSEGO 625 612012005 -84.8166 45.3524 No Scale EMMET 626 612012005 -84.6235 45.0618 No Scale OTSEGO 627 612012005 -84.7418 45.3263 No Scale EMMET 628 6121/2005 -84.5762 45.505 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 629 6121/2005 -84.7666 45.4417 No Scale EMMET 630 6121/2005 -84.7159 45.5509 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 630 612012008 -84.7159 45.5509 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 630 611412009 -84.71 59 45.5509 Patchy CHEBOYGAN 631 6121/2005 -84.762 45.5161 No Scale EMMET 632 6121/2005 -84.6316 45.5749 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 632 611412009 -84.6316 45.5749 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 633 6121/2005 -84.7925 45.6287 No Scale EMMET 633 6125/2007 -84.7925 45.6287 Patchy EMMET 634 6121/2005 -84.7282 45.6916 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 634 6125/2007 -84.7282 45.6916 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 634 612012008 —84.7282 45.6916 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 634 6115/2009 -84.7282 45.6916 Patchy CHEBOYGAN 635 6121/2005 -84.7728 45.7192 No Scale EMMET 635 712712006 -84.7728 45.7192 No Scale EMMET 635 6125/2007 -84.7728 45.7192 No Scale EMMET 635 611 512009 -84.7728 45.7192 No Scale EMMET 636 6121/2005 -84.6681 45.7463 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 636 712712006 -84.6681 45.7463 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 637 6121/2005 -84.7695 45.7668 Whitewashed EMMET 638 6121/2005 -84.6507 45.6832 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 638 611 512009 -84.6507 45.6832 Whitewashed CHEBOYGAN 640 6121/2005 —84.6386 45.6646 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 640 6115/2009 -84.6386 45.6646 Patchy CHEBOYGAN 641 6121/2005 -85.0146 45.6507 No Scale EMMET 641 6125/2007 -85.0146 45.6507 Trace EMMET 642 6121/2005 -84.3282 45.5795 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 642 611 512009 -84.3282 45.5795 Trace CHEBOYGAN 643 6121/2005 -85.0851 45.6066 No Scale EMMET 643 6125/2007 -85.0851 45.6066 Trace EMMET 644 6121/2005 -84.3963 45.5387 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 645 6121/2005 -85.0161 45.5511 No Scale EMMET 645 712712006 -85.0161 45.551 1 Trace EMMET 646 6121/2005 84.4542 45.5692 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 647 6121/2005 -84.9358 45.5503 No Scale EMMET 647 6125/2007 -84.9358 45.5503 No Scale EMMET 77 Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 648 6121/2005 -84.508 45.319 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 649 612112005 -84.9296 45.6138 No Scale EMMET 650 612112005 -84.4773 45.2542 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 650 611 512009 -84.4773 45.2542 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 651 612112005 -84.8495 45.6367 Trace EMMET 652 6122/2005 -85.1664 45.3495 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 653 612112005 -84.8457 45.5513 No Scale EMMET 654 6122/2005 -85.1781 45.3109 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 655 612112005 -84.8522 45.4711 No Scale EMMET 656 6122/2005 -85.0586 45.3123 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 657 612112005 -84.927 45.4568 No Scale EMMET 658 6122/2005 85.0429 45.2419 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 658 611 312009 -85.0429 45.2419 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 659 612112005 -84.7996 45.377 No Scale EMMET 660 6122/2005 -85.0933 45.2373 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 661 612112005 -84.9063 45.4078 No Scale EMMET 661 6125/2007 -84.9063 45.4078 Patchy EMMET 662 6122/2005 -85.131 45.1718 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 663 6122/2005 -85.2265 45.1685 No Scale ANTRIM 664 6122/2005 -85.0401 45.1282 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 665 6122/2005 -85.2017 45.2155 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 666 6122/2005 -85.154 45.0499 No Scale ANTRIM 666 6113/2009 -85.154 45.0499 No Scale ANTRIM 667 6122/2005 -85.2546 45.2793 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 668 6122/2005 —85.1387 45.0907 No Scale ANTRIM 669 6122/2005 -85.3218 45.2556 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 670 6122/2005 -84.5121 45.1591 No Scale OTSEGO 670 612112008 -84.5121 45.1591 No Scale OTSEGO 670 6115/2009 -84.5121 45.1591 No Scale OTSEGO 671 6122/2005 -85.3766 45.1822 No Scale ANTRIM 672 6123/2005 -84.4175 45. 1 562 No Scale OTSEGO 672 611 512009 -84.4175 45.1562 No Scale OTSEGO 673 6122/2005 -85.3612 45.0757 No Scale ANTRIM 674 6128/2005 -85.3596 44.2518 No Scale WEXFORD 675 6122/2005 -85.2998 45.1593 No Scale ANTRIM 676 6128/2005 -85.3245 44.1487 No Scale OSCEOLA 677 6122/2005 -85.2994 45.0487 No Scale ANTRIM 678 6128/2005 -85.3825 44.0734 No Scale OSCEOLA 678 5131/2009 -85.3825 44.0734 No Scale OSCEOLA 679 6122/2005 -85.2172 45.0297 No Scale ANTRIM 680 6128/2005 -85.1871 44.1 101 No Scale OSCEOLA 681 6122/2005 -85.1446 45.103 No Scale ANTRIM 78 Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 682 612912005 -85.5007 44.2179 No Scale WEXFORD 682 5131/2009 -85.5007 44.2179 Patchy WEXFORD 683 612312005 -84.4708 45.4356 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 684 612912005 -85.6039 44.2225 No Scale WEXFORD 684 815/2007 -85.6035 44.2227 Trace WEXFORD 685 612312005 -84.4319 45.3439 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 686 612912005 -85.7037 44.2464 No Scale WEXFORD 686 7112/2006 -85.7037 44.2464 Trace WEXFORD 687 612312005 -84.2249 45.4358 No Scale PRESQUE ISLE 687 611 512009 84.2249 45.4358 No Scale PRESQUE ISLE 688 612912005 -85.7081 44.1856 No Scale WEXFORD 689 612312005 -84.1525 45.3567 No Scale PRESQUE ISLE 690 612912005 -85.5945 44.1322 No Scale LAKE 690 611 712008 -85.5945 44.1322 No Scale LAKE 691 612312005 -84.3077 45.274 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 691 6115/2009 -84.3077 45.274 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 692 612912005 -85.5031 44.0558 No Scale OSCEOLA 693 6127/2005 -84.9725 44.4634 No Scale MISSAUKEE 694 612912005 -85.6089 44.2658 No Scale WEXFORD 695 6127/2005 -84.9941 44.3058 No Scale MISSAUKEE 696 612912005 -85.6197 44.2759 No Scale WEXFORD 696 7112/2006 -85.6197 44.2759 Trace WEXFORD 697 6127/2005 -84.8695 44.0693 No Scale CLARE 698 612912005 -85.6403 44.2807 Trace WEXFORD 699 6127/2005 -84.6929 44.1067 No Scale CLARE 700 612912005 -85.6415 44.2841 Trace WEXFORD 701 6128/2005 -85.4071 44.3305 No Scale WEXFORD 702 612912005 -85.6099 44.3291 Trace WEXFORD 703 6128/2005 -85.4121 44.454 No Scale WEXFORD 704 6130/2005 -84.147 44.4457 No Scale OGEMAW 705 6128/2005 -85.3733 44.4252 No Scale WEXFORD 705 611/2009 -85.3733 44.4252 No Scale WEXFORD 706 6130/2005 -84.3072 44.2722 No Scale OGEMAW 707 6128/2005 -85.2401 44.4542 No Scale MISSAUKEE 707 611/2009 -85.2401 44.4542 No Scale MISSAUKEE 708 715/2005 -86.4477 46.2917 No Scale SCHOOLCRAFT 708 7123/2007 -86.4482 46.2915 Trace SCHOOLCRAFT 709 6128/2005 -85.3112 44.3599 No Scale MISSAUKEE 709 6117/2008 -85.3112 44.3599 No Scale MISSAUKEE 709 611/2009 -85.3112 44.3599 Trace MISSAUKEE 710 71612005 86.4682 46.0681 No Scale SCHOOLCRAFT 711 6128/2005 -85.3362 44.2602 No Scale WEXFORD 79 Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 711 5131/2009 -85.3362 44.2602 No Scale WEXFORD 712 716/2005 -86.364 45.9671 No Scale SCHOOLCRAFT 712 7126/2006 -86.364 45.9671 No Scale SCHOOLCRAFT 713 612812005 -85.135 44.295 No Scale MISSAUKEE 714 716/2005 -86.5997 45.7672 No Scale DELTA 715 612812005 -85.0749 44.445 No Scale MISSAUKEE 715 611/2009 -85.0749 44.445 No Scale MISSAUKEE 716 716/2005 -86.6639 45.7006 No Scale DELTA 717 612812005 -85.1354 44.4518 No Scale MISSAUKEE 718 71612005 -86.4699 45.7857 No Scale DELTA 719 612812005 -85.2034 44.3674 No Scale MISSAUKEE 719 6/112009 -85.2034 44.3674 No Scale MISSAUKEE 720 716/2005 -86.3689 45.8402 No Scale SCHOOLCRAFT 721 612812005 -85.0349 44.3076 No Scale MISSAUKEE 721 5131/2009 -85.0349 44.3076 No Scale MISSAUKEE 722 716/2005 -86.1364 45.9813 No Scale SCHOOLCRAFT 722 7126/2006 -86.1364 45.9813 Whitewashed SCHOOLCRAFT 723 612912005 -85.4894 44.3035 No Scale WEXFORD 724 716/2005 -86.0585 46.0717 No Scale SCHOOLCRAFT 724 7126/2006 -86.0585 46.0717 No Scale SCHOOLCRAFT 725 612912005 -85.536 44.3781 No Scale WEXFORD 726 7112/2005 -85.6004 46.5893 Whitewashed LUCE 727 612912005 -85.6191 44.4065 No Scale WEXFORD 727 611/2009 -85.6191 44.4065 No Scale WEXFORD 728 7112/2005 —85.745 46.6517 Whitewashed LUCE 729 612912005 -85.6975 44.4436 No Scale WEXFORD 730 7112/2005 -85.8316 46.6697 Whitewashed LUCE 731 612912005 -85.771 44.4691 No Scale WEXFORD 731 611/2009 -85.771 44.4691 No Scale WEXFORD 732 7112/2005 -85.929 46.6552 Whitewashed ALGER 733 612912005 -85.7388 44.3525 No Scale WEXFORD 733 7/1 112006 -85.7388 44.3525 Trace WEXFORD 734 7112/2005 -85.9279 46.165 Patchy SCHOOLCRAFT 735 612912005 -85.661 44.2515 Patchy WEXFORD 736 7112/2005 -85.7829 46.1008 Whitewashed MACKINAC 737 612912005 -85.6997 44.2512 No Scale WEXFORD 737 7129/2007 -85.7007 44.2511 No Scale WEXFORD 738 7112/2005 -85.6968 46.0355 No Scale MACKINAC 738 7126/2006 -85.6968 46.0355 Patchy MACKINAC 739 612912005 -85.6446 44.2517 No Scale WEXFORD 739 7112/2006 -85.6446 44.2517 Patchy WEXFORD 740 7112/2005 -85.572 46.2224 Whitewashed MACKINAC 80 Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 741 6130/2005 -84.5205 44.0165 No Scale GLADWIN 742 7112/2005 -85.7831 46.3359 Whitewashed LUCE 743 716/2005 -86.5525 46.4673 No Scale ALGER 743 7125/2006 -86.5525 46.4673 No Scale ALGER 743 71212007 -86.5525 46.4673 No Scale ALGER 743 711 712008 —86.5525 46.4673 No Scale ALGER 744 7113/2005 -85.7073 46.4623 Whitewashed LUCE 745 71612005 -86.5744 46.4072 No Scale ALGER 746 7113/2005 -85.8014 46.4506 Whitewashed LUCE 747 71612005 -86.6157 46.3195 No Scale ALGER 749 716/2005 -86.6358 46.1574 No Scale DELTA 750 7114/2005 -86.3638 46.5573 No Scale ALGER 750 7124/2006 -86.3638 46.5573 Trace ALGER 751 716/2005 —86.5572 46.0739 No Scale DELTA 752 7112/2005 -85.9278 46.5641 Whitewashed ALGER 753 71612005 -86.8632 45.7883 No Scale DELTA 754 7112/2005 -84.254 42.5778 No Scale INGHAM 755 716/2005 -86.8571 46.036 No Scale DELTA 756 712012005 -87.3038 45.6258 No Scale DELTA 756 7118/2009 -87.3038 45.6258 No Scale DELTA 757 716/2005 -86.8376 46.1347 No Scale DELTA 757 7119/2008 -86.8376 46.1347 No Scale DELTA 758 712012005 -87.1111 45.8409 No Scale DELTA 758 7118/2009 -87.1111 45.8409 No Scale DELTA 759 716/2005 -87.3669 45.7718 No Scale MENOMINEE 759 7118/2009 -87.3669 45.7718 No Scale MENOMINEE 760 7125/2005 -86.7992 46.3333 No Scale ALGER 761 717/2005 -86.3635 46.5069 No Scale ALGER 761 7125/2006 -86.3635 46.5069 Trace ALGER 762 7126/2005 -85.5391 45.7479 Whitewashed CHARLEVOIX 763 717/2005 -86.2687 46.5208 Patchy ALGER 764 7126/2005 -85.5569 45.734 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 764 7118/2006 -85.5569 45.734 Trace CHARLEVOIX 765 717/2005 86.2525 46.5356 Whitewashed ALGER 766 7126/2005 -85.5643 45.7254 Whitewashed CHARLEVOIX 767 71712005 .86.1504 46.5524 No Scale ALGER 81 Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 767 7125/2006 -86.1504 46.5524 Whitewashed ALGER 768 7126/2005 -85.5591 45.688 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 768 7118/2006 -85.5591 45.688 Trace CHARLEVOIX 769 717/2005 -86.0626 46.5475 Trace ALGER 770 712712005 -85.4914 45.6467 Patchy CHARLEVOIX 770 7118/2006 -85.4914 45.6467 Whitewashed CHARLEVOIX 771 71712005 -86.1709 46.4591 Trace SCHOOLCRAFT 772 712712005 -85.4963 45.606 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 772 7118/2006 -85.4963 45.606 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 773 717/2005 -86.1575 46.4194 No Scale SCHOOLCRAFT 773 7125/2006 -86.1575 46.4194 Whitewashed SCHOOLCRAFT 774 712712005 -85.5706 45.5755 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 774 7118/2006 -85.5706 45.5755 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 775 7/1 112005 -85.076 46.4314 Whitewashed CHIPPEWA 776 712712005 -85.5537 45.6597 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 777 711 112005 -85.1 153 46.6344 Whitewashed CHIPPEWA 778 712712005 -85.5794 45.6593 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 778 711 812006 -85.5794 45.6593 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 779 711 112005 -85.2524 46.5779 Whitewashed LUCE 780 712712005 -85.5831 45.6473 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 780 7118/2006 -85.5831 45.6473 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 781 7/1 112005 -85.3701 46.5537 Whitewashed LUCE 782 712712005 -85.5924 45.6087 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 782 7118/2006 -85.5924 45.6087 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 783 711 112005 -85.3076 46.6656 Whitewashed LUCE 784 712712005 -85.5965 45.5846 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 784 7118/2006 -85.5965 45.5846 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 785 7/1 112005 -85.5337 46.6572 Patchy LUCE 786 81112005 -86.1343 45.0035 No Scale LEELANAU 787 711 112005 -85.5973 46.454 Whitewashed LUCE 788 81212005 -85.986 45.1082 No Scale LEELANAU 789 7112/2005 -85.4269 46.4948 Whitewashed LUCE 790 813/2005 -86.0538 45.1199 No Scale LEELANAU 791 711 212005 -85.6342 46.4144 Whitewashed LUCE 792 813/2005 -86.0474 45.1381 No Scale LEELANAU 793 7112/2005 -85.1447 46.3496 Whitewashed CHIPPEWA 794 81312005 -86.0197 45.1429 No Scale LEELANAU 795 7112/2005 -85.2394 46.477 Whitewashed LUCE 797 7112/2005 -85.0123 46.2614 Whitewashed CHIPPEWA 798 813/2005 -85.9896 45.1228 No Scale LEELANAU 799 7112/2005 -85.1849 46.1745 Whitewashed MACKINAC 800 811/2005 -86.1395 45.0028 No Scale LEELANAU 82 Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 801 7112/2005 85.4465 46.1105 Whitewashed MACKINAC 802 811/2005 86.113 45.0057 No Scale LEELANAU 803 711 212005 85.1 123 46.0393 Patchy MAC Kl NAC 804 814/2005 85.0694 45.508 No Scale EMM ET 805 7112/2005 84.6688 46.4622 Trace CHIPPEWA 806 81412005 85.0154 45.5891 Trace EMMET 807 7114/2005 84.9256 45.9883 Whitewashed MACKINAC 808 812/2005 85.9805 45.1167 No Scale LEELANAU 809 7114/2005 84.8069 45.8928 No Scale MACKINAC 809 7124/2006 84.8069 45.8928 Patchy MACKINAC 810 812/2005 86.0062 45.0979 No Scale LEELANAU 811 7114/2005 84.7614 45.9665 No Scale MACKINAC 811 712712006 84.7614 45.9665 No Scale MACKINAC 81 1 71112007 84.7614 45.9665 Trace MACKINAC 812 813/2005 86.0592 45.111 No Scale LEELANAU 813 7125/2005 85.6046 44.2088 No Scale WEXFORD 813 711 212006 85.6046 44.2088 No Scale WEXFORD 814 813/2005 86.0474 45.0989 No Scale LEELANAU 815 7125/2005 85.6575 44.2028 No Scale WEXFORD 815 7112/2006 85.6575 44.2028 No Scale WEXFORD 815 815/2007 85.658 44.2029 No Scale WEXFORD 816 813/2005 86.0296 45.0809 No Scale LEELANAU 817 7125/2005 85.6405 44.206 No Scale WEXFORD 817 7112/2006 85.6405 44.206 No Scale WEXFORD 818 813/2005 86.0073 45.0734 No Scale LEELANAU 819 7125/2005 85.6233 44.237 No Scale WEXFORD 819 814/2007 85.6224 44.2367 Whitewashed WEXFORD 820 813/2005 85.9896 45.08 No Scale LEELANAU 821 7125/2005 85.6478 44.2404 Whitewashed WEXFORD 822 813/2005 85.9898 45.0909 No Scale LEELANAU 823 7125/2005 85.7075 44.2772 No Scale WEXFORD 823 7112/2006 85.7075 44.2772 No Scale WEXFORD 824 81312005 85.9851 45.1034 No Scale LEELANAU 825 7125/2005 85.6759 44.344 No Scale WEXFORD 825 711 112006 85.6759 44.344 Whitewashed WEXFORD 826 814/2005 85.067 45.4581 No Scale EMMET 827 7125/2005 85.6756 44.3441 Trace WEXFORD 828 814/2005 84.8929 45.6803 No Scale EMMET 828 712712006 84.8929 45.6803 No Scale EMMET 828 6125/2007 84.8929 45.6803 Trace EMMET 829 7125/2005 85.6164 44.3813 No Scale WEXFORD 829 7113/2006 85.6164 44.3813 No Scale WEXFORD 83 Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 830 81412005 84.7741 45.6557 No Scale EMMET 831 7125/2005 85.567 44.3534 No Scale WEXFORD 831 6117/2008 85.567 44.3534 Trace WEXFORD 832 81812005 86.6256 41.8394 No Scale BERRIEN 833 7125/2005 85.5596 44.3035 No Scale WEXFORD 833 7112/2006 85.5596 44.3035 No Scale WEXFORD 834 818/2005 86.6018 41.9044 No Scale BERRIEN 835 8125/2005 85.6097 44.2227 Trace WEXFORD 836 81812005 86.3045 42.3306 No Scale VAN BUREN 837 81812005 86.3069 42.337 No Scale VAN BUREN 837 5128/2009 86.3069 42.337 No Scale VAN BUREN 838 818/2005 86.1972 42.703 No Scale ALLEGAN 838 5128/2009 86.1972 42.703 No Scale ALLEGAN 842 5129/2009 86.3573 43.5099 No Scale OCEANA 847 611/2005 86.2214 44.3962 No Scale MANISTEE 1000 51812006 84.5906 42.9144 No Beech CLINTON 1001 51812006 85.014 43.2902 No Scale MONTCALM 1002 51812006 85.0844 43.4275 No Scale MONTCALM 1003 51812006 85.4433 43.6048 No Scale MECOSTA 1004 51812006 85.2007 43.7035 No Scale MECOSTA 1005 51812006 85.2662 43.9706 No Scale OSCEOLA 1005 513112009 85.2662 43.9706 No Scale OSCEOLA 1006 51912006 85.7033 44.2468 No Scale WEXFORD 1007 51912006 85.6746 44.2481 Trace WEXFORD 1008 51912006 86.0371 44.1948 No Scale MANISTEE 1009 51912006 86.1783 44.2673 Whitewashed MANISTEE 1010 51912006 86.4185 44.1 1 18 Whitewashed MASON 101 1 51912006 86.4355 44.0855 Whitewashed MASON 1012 51912006 86.3872 44.0852 Whitewashed MASON 1013 51912006 86.3668 44.0921 Whitewashed MASON 1014 511 012006 86.4963 44.0425 Whitewashed MASON 1015 511 012006 86.4966 44.0447 Whitewashed MASON 1016 511 012006 86.5049 44.0378 Whitewashed MASON 1017 511 012006 86.5192 43.6482 Patchy OCEANA 1018 511 012006 86.3315 43.6301 Trace OCEANA 1019 511012006 86.2782 43.6147 Patchy OCEANA 1020 511012006 86.2664 43.5998 No Scale OCEANA 1020 611 812007 86.2664 43.5998 No Scale OCEANA 1020 5125/2008 86.2664 43.5998 No Scale OCEANA 1020 5129/2009 86.2664 43.5998 Trace OCEANA 1021 511 012006 86.1788 43.6206 Whitewashed OCEANA 1022 511 012006 86.1393 43.6728 No Scale OCEANA 84 Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 1022 611 812007 86.1393 43.6728 No Scale OCEANA 1023 511012006 85.9112 43.7793 No Beech NEWAYGO 1024 5110/2006 85.8247 43.8499 No Beech LAKE 1025 511012006 85.7641 43.923 No Beech LAKE 1026 5110/2006 85.6431 43.8153 No Scale NEWAYGO 1026 513012009 85.6431 43.8153 No Scale NEWAYGO 1027 511 012006 85.6275 43.6638 No Scale NEWAYGO 1028 512312006 85.0139 43.408 No Beech MONTCALM 1029 512312006 84.8865 43.4607 No Scale MONTCALM 1030 5123/2006 84.9093 43.4808 No Scale ISABELLA 1031 512312006 85.0472 43.5246 No Scale ISABELLA 1032 5123/2006 85.0099 43.8427 No Scale CLARE 1033 512312006 85.4338 43.8948 No Scale OSCEOLA 1033 5131/2009 85.4338 43.8948 No Scale OSCEOLA 1034 512412006 85.8705 44.1405 No Beech LAKE 1035 512412006 86.0812 44.0804 No Scale MASON 1036 5124/2006 86.0156 44.0322 No Scale LAKE 1037 5124/2006 85.9852 43.8877 No Scale LAKE 1038 512412006 85.9705 43.8233 No Beech LAKE 1039 5124/2006 86.0188 43.7421 No Scale NEWAYGO 1039 611912007 86.0188 43.7421 No Scale NEWAYGO 1039 5125/2008 86.0188 43.7421 Whitewashed NEWAYGO 1040 512412006 86.1672 43.7318 No Scale OCEANA 1040 611912007 86.1672 43.7318 Trace OCEANA 1041 512412006 86.1263 43.6255 No Scale OCEANA 1041 611812007 86.1263 43.6255 No Scale OCEANA 1041 512412008 86.1263 43.6255 No Scale OCEANA 1042 5124/2006 86.153 43.5877 No Scale OCEANA 1042 6118/2007 86.153 43.5877 No Scale OCEANA 1043 512412006 86.1136 43.5322 No Scale OCEANA 1043 611812007 86.1136 43.5322 No Scale OCEANA 1043 512312008 86.1136 43.5322 No Scale OCEANA 1044 5124/2006 85.9 43.5883 No Scale NEWAYGO 1045 512512006 85.89 43.6691 No Beech NEWAYGO 1046 5125/2006 85.8128 43.6992 No Beech NEWAYGO 1047 512512006 85.7611 43.6107 No Scale NEWAYGO 1047 512312008 85.7611 43.6107 No Scale NEWAYGO 1048 512512006 85.6621 43.5588 No Scale NEWAYGO 1049 512512006 85.5228 43.558 No Scale MECOSTA 1050 5125/2006 85.4027 43.5156 No Scale MECOSTA 1051 5125/2006 85.3436 43.4323 No Scale MONTCALM 1052 5125/2006 85.5821 43.4589 No Beech NEWAYGO 85 Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 1053 512512006 85.5353 43.3297 No Scale MONTCALM 1054 512512006 85.6973 43.2529 No Scale KENT 1055 5125/2006 85.7882 43.4802 No Scale NEWAYGO 1055 5123/2008 85.7882 43.4802 No Scale NEWAYGO 1056 5125/2006 86.0994 43.4318 No Scale MUSKEGON 1057 5125/2006 86.0823 43.3372 No Scale MUSKEGON 1058 512512006 86.189 43.3648 No Scale MUSKEGON 1058 5129/2009 86.189 43.3648 No Scale MUSKEGON 1059 512512006 86.0874 43.14 No Scale MUSKEGON 1059 5129/2009 86.0874 43.14 No Scale MUSKEGON 1060 5125/2006 86.1849 43.0019 No Scale OTTAWA 1061 5125/2006 86.1264 42.9355 No Scale OTTAWA 1062 512512006 86.1789 42.8752 No Scale OTTAWA 1063 5125/2006 85.8986 42.6472 No Beech ALLEGAN 1064 5125/2006 85.8988 42.636 No Scale ALLEGAN 1064 5128/2009 85.8988 42.636 No Scale ALLEGAN 1065 5126/2006 86.0105 42.4851 No Scale ALLEGAN 1066 5126/2006 85.9957 42.553 No Scale ALLEGAN 1067 512612006 85.4656 42.5947 No Scale BARRY 1068 512612006 85.4087 42.7855 No Beech KENT 1069 5126/2006 85.312 42.949 No Beech KENT 1070 5126/2006 85.4849 43.0436 No Beech KENT 1071 5126/2006 85.2832 43.1275 No Beech MONTCALM 1072 5126/2006 85.2558 43.2854 No Scale MONTCALM 1073 5129/2006 84.0553 45.3962 No Beech PRESQUE ISLE 1074 5129/2006 83.8863 45.4131 No Scale PRESQUE ISLE 1075 512912006 83.6219 45.2225 No Beech PRESQUE ISLE 1076 5129/2006 83.4835 45.2607 No Scale PRESQUE ISLE 1077 512912006 84.1211 45.1354 No Scale MONTMORENCY 1078 5129/2006 83.731 1 45.1762 No Scale ALPENA 1079 5129/2006 83.5633 45.0421 No Beech ALPENA 1080 5129/2006 83.617 44.9827 No Scale ALPENA 1081 5129/2006 83.6682 44.8986 No Beech ALPENA 1082 513012006 83.4451 44.8465 No Scale ALCONA 1083 513012006 83.404 44.7798 No Scale ALCONA 1084 513012006 83.4037 44.6838 No Scale ALCONA 1085 513012006 83.3682 44.5698 No Beech ALCONA 1086 513012006 83.592 44.5668 No Beech ALCONA 1087 513012006 83.666 44.6928 No Scale ALCONA 1088 513012006 83.7664 44.4563 No Beech IOSCO 1089 513012006 83.9449 44.4701 No Scale OGEMAW 1090 513012006 84.217 44.707 No Scale OSCODA 86 Aprgndix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 1091 513012006 84.1296 44.616 No Scale OSCODA 1092 513012006 83.9411 44.6323 No Beech OSCODA 1093 513012006 83.8321 44.7845 No Scale ALCONA 1094 513012006 84.0606 44.754 No Scale OSCODA 1095 513012006 84.0063 44.9572 No Beech MONTMORENCY 1096 513112006 84.738 45.2738 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 1097 513112006 84.7468 45.3132 No Scale EMMET 1098 513112006 84.8821 45.3103 No Scale EMMET 1099 5131/2006 84.8767 45.493 No Scale EMMET 1099 612012008 84.8767 45.493 Trace EMMET 1100 5131/2006 84.8559 45.5471 No Scale EMMET 1 101 615/2006 84.9134 45.9289 Whitewashed MAC KINAC 1102 61512006 84.9128 45.9286 No Scale MACKINAC 1 102 71112007 84.9128 45.9286 Patchy MACKINAC 1103 61512006 84.8983 45.9619 Patchy MACKINAC 1104 61512006 84.3697 46.086 No Scale MACKINAC 1105 61512006 84.1858 46.0036 No Scale CHIPPEWA 1106 61512006 84.0213 45.9618 No Scale CHIPPEWA 1106 712012009 84.0213 45.9618 Trace CHIPPEWA 1107 61612006 83.7247 46.0894 No Beech CHIPPEWA 1108 61612006 83.619 46.0724 No Beech CHIPPEWA 1109 61612006 83.6734 46.0312 No Scale CHIPPEWA 1110 61612006 83.7031 46.0131 No Scale CHIPPEWA 1110 7114/2008 83.7031 46.0131 No Scale CHIPPEWA 1110 712012009 83.7031 46.0131 Trace CHIPPEWA 1111 61612006 83.6675 45.9987 No Scale CHIPPEWA 1111 711412008 83.6675 45.9987 No Scale CHIPPEWA 1111 712012009 83.6675 45.9987 No Scale CHIPPEWA 1112 61612006 83.5455 45.9434 No Scale CHIPPEWA 1112 711412008 83.5455 45.9434 No Scale CHIPPEWA 1112 712012009 83.5455 45.9434 Trace CHIPPEWA 1113 61612006 83.5367 46.0024 No Scale CHIPPEWA 1113 711412008 83.5367 46.0024 No Scale CHIPPEWA 1113 712012009 83.5367 46.0024 No Scale CHIPPEWA 1114 61612006 83.6119 45.9599 No Scale CHIPPEWA 1114 711412008 83.6119 45.9599 Trace CHIPPEWA 1114 712012009 83.61 19 45.9599 Trace CHIPPEWA 1115 61612006 83.6973 45.9752 No Scale CHIPPEWA 1115 711412008 83.6973 45.9752 No Scale CHIPPEWA 1115 712012009 83.6973 45.9752 No Scale CHIPPEWA 1116 61612006 83.7876 45.9844 No Scale CHIPPEWA 1116 7114/2008 83.7876 45.9844 No Scale CHIPPEWA 87 Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 1116 712012009 83.7876 45.9844 No Scale CHIPPEWA 1117 61712006 84.0726 45.9946 No Scale CHIPPEWA 1117 712012009 84.0726 45.9946 No Scale CHIPPEWA 1118 61712006 84.1751 46.159 No Beech CHIPPEWA 1119 61712006 84.2713 46.2129 No Beech CHIPPEWA 1120 61712006 84.3535 46.3758 No Beech CHIPPEWA 1121 61712006 84.7391 46.4096 No Scale CHIPPEWA 1 121 7124/2007 84.739 46.4102 Whitewashed CHIPPEWA 1 122 617/2006 84.6976 46.4318 Patchy CHIPPEWA 1 123 617/2006 84.6773 46.4507 Trace CHIPPEWA 1 124 61712006 84.9389 46.4037 Trace CHIPPEWA 1 125 61712006 84.9088 46.4229 Patchy CHIPPEWA 1126 61712006 84.8351 46.4135 Trace CHIPPEWA 1127 61712006 84.5917 46.3028 No Beech CHIPPEWA 1128 61712006 84.7871 46.1868 No Beech CHIPPEWA 1129 61812006 85.1466 46.0631 Whitewashed MACKINAC 1 130 61812006 85.0267 46.066 Trace MACKI NAC 1131 61812006 84.9189 46.0284 No Scale MACKINAC 1132 61812006 84.88 46.1023 No Scale MACKINAC 1133 61812006 84.7655 46.0736 No Scale MACKINAC 1 133 71112007 84.7655 46.0736 Trace MAC KINAC 1134 611212006 84.4092 43.2516 No Beech GRATIOT 1135 611212006 84.2099 43.9791 No Beech GLADWIN 1136 6113/2006 84.6053 45.8559 No Beech MACKINAC 1137 6113/2006 84.6241 45.8776 No Beech MACKINAC 1138 6113/2006 84.629 45.8795 No Scale MACKINAC 1 139 6113/2006 84.6242 45.871 1 Whitewashed MAC Kl NAC 1140 611 312006 84.6355 45.874 No Scale MACKINAC 1 141 6113/2006 84.6437 45.8729 Trace MAC KI NAC 1 142 611 312006 84.6453 45.8715 Patchy MAC KI NAC 1 143 611 312006 84.6462 45.8708 Whitewashed MAC KI NAC 1 144 6113/2006 84.645 45.8656 Whitewashed MAC KI NAC 1145 611312006 84.6376 45.8586 No Scale MACKINAC 1146 611312006 84.6335 45.8628 No Scale MACKINAC 1 147 611 312006 84.6254 45.8618 Patchy MAC KI NAC 1 148 611312006 84.61 45.8577 Trace MAC KINAC 1 149 611412006 84.571 45.809 Whitewashed MACKINAC 1 150 611412006 84.5364 45.7945 Trace MAC KINAC 1 151 611412006 84.5208 45.7906 Patchy MACKINAC 1 1 52 611412006 84.51 31 45.7707 Trace MAC KINAC 1153 611412006 84.4931 45.7524 No Scale MACKINAC 1154 611412006 84.3847 45.779 No Beech MACKINAC 88 Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 1 155 611412006 84.3859 45.7432 No Beech MAC Kl NAC 1 156 611412006 84.4244 45.7619 No Scale MACKINAC 1 157 611412006 84.4519 45.7728 No Scale MAC KI NAC 1158 612012006 86.1139 45.01 17 No Scale LEELANAU 1159 612012006 86.1138 45.0191 No Scale LEELANAU 1160 612012006 86.1 126 45.0327 No Scale LEELANAU 1 161 612012006 86.1 129 45.0342 No Beech LEELANAU 1162 612012006 86.1207 45.0255 No Scale LEELANAU 1 163 612112006 86.1399 44.9989 No Scale LEELANAU 1164 6122/2006 84.9847 45.5764 No Scale EMMET 1165 6122/2006 85.0572 45.5757 No Scale EMMET 1 165 6125/2007 85.0572 45.5757 No Scale EMM ET 1166 6126/2006 85.5945 46.0818 Patchy MACKINAC 1167 6126/2006 85.7001 45.9837 No Scale MACKINAC 1168 6127/2006 87.3756 45.4333 No Scale MENOMINEE 1169 6127/2006 87.7568 45.5153 No Beech MENOMINEE 1171 6127/2006 85.7952 46.1772 Whitewashed MACKINAC 1 172 612812006 86.6583 46.4368 No Scale ALGER 1 172 712/2007 86.6583 46.4368 No Scale ALGER 1 172 711 812008 86.6583 46.4368 Trace ALGER 1173 612812006 86.9282 46.396 No Scale ALGER 1 173 711 612009 86.9282 46.396 No Scale ALGER 1174 612812006 87.086 46.3813 No Scale ALGER 1174 711712009 87.086 46.3813 No Scale ALGER 1 175 71212 007 86.3618 46.4282 Whitewashed SCHOO LC RAFT 1 177 612812006 86.272 46.5022 Whitewashed SCHOOLC RAFT 1 178 612812006 86.2616 46.461 1 Whitewashed SCHOO LC RAFT 1 179 612812006 86.083 46.4267 No Beech SCHOOLCRAFT 1 180 612912006 84.8598 45.9459 Whitewashed MACKI NAC 1181 612912006 84.8413 45.6807 No Scale EMM ET 1 182 612912006 84.9101 45.7079 Trace EMMET 1 183 612912006 84.8683 45.7169 Patchy EMM ET 1 184 613012006 84.8905 44.2917 No Beech MISSAUKEE 1185 613012006 84.8722 44.205 No Beech MISSAUKEE 1186 612912006 84.9744 46.332 No Beech CHIPPEWA 1 187 71512006 84.9275 42.8204 No Beech IONIA 1 188 715/2006 85.1296 42.9363 No Scale IONIA 1189 71512006 85.7901 42.2984 No Scale VAN BUREN 1190 71512006 85.7695 41.9487 No Scale CASS 1 191 715/2006 85.3275 42.0861 No Beech KALAMAZOO 1192 71512006 84.4736 41.8333 No Beech HILLSDALE 1193 71612006 84.5867 43.6552 No Beech MIDLAND 89 Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 1194 71612006 83.9089 43.6686 No Beech BAY 1195 71612006 83.3659 43.4599 No Beech TUSCOLA 1196 71612006 83.3789 43.1668 No Scale LAPEER ‘ 1197 71612006 83.3462 42.9426 No Scale LAPEER 1198 71612006 83.5099 42.7943 No Scale OAKLAND 1199 71612006 83.5497 42.6447 No Scale OAKLAND 1200 71712006 83.5198 42.4317 No Scale WAYNE 1201 71712006 83.6958 41.8786 No Beech MONROE 1210 7110/2006 86.1789 43.7909 Trace OCEANA 121 1 711012006 86. 1 526 43.8253 Whitewashed MASON 1216 711 212006 85.6171 44.2372 Trace WEXFORD 1218 711212006 85.6227 44.2543 Patchy WEXFORD 1219 7112/2006 85.6035 44.2226 No Scale WEXFORD 1220 6117/2008 85.6046 44.2087 No Scale WEXFORD 1225 7112/2006 85.6878 44.2486 Trace WEXFORD 1226 711312006 85.8637 44.2841 No Scale MANISTEE 1226 612012007 85.8637 44.2841 No Scale MANISTEE 1226 5126/2008 85.8637 44.2841 No Scale MANISTEE 1227 711 312006 85.7065 44.3519 No Scale WEXFORD 1227 712812007 85.7064 44.3533 Whitewashed WEXFORD 1234 711 712006 85.8749 44.9176 No Scale LEELANAU 1234 611112009 85.8749 44.9176 No Scale LEELANAU 1236 711712006 85.3066 45.3077 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 1236 611912008 85.3066 45.3077 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 1237 711712006 85.31 1 1 45.3074 Whitewashed CHARLEVOIX 1237 611912008 85.31 1 1 45.3074 Trace CHARLEVOIX 1239 711812006 85.4914 45.6145 Whitewashed CHARLEVOIX 1247 711812006 85.539 45.7498 Whitewashed CHARLEVOIX 1249 711912006 85.5026 45.6942 No Beech CHARLEVOIX 1250 7119/2006 85.5138 45.6093 No Beech CHARLEVOIX 1251 7119/2006 85.5696 45.6339 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 1252 711912006 85.5279 45.6559 No Beech CHARLEVOIX 1257 7125/2006 86.4462 46.5399 Trace ALGER 1259 712512006 86.428 46.4745 No Scale ALGER 1259 711712008 86.428 46.4745 Trace ALGER 1260 7125/2006 86.1468 46.41 37 Whitewashed SCHOOLC RAFT 1262 712612006 86.2913 46.3716 No Scale SCHOOLCRAFT 1271 7126/2006 85.7492 45.9879 Patch; MACKINAC 1273 6115/2009 84.6704 45.7442 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 1277 712712006 85.083 45.6088 No Scale EMMET 2007011 611912007 86.1107 43.874 No Scale MASON 2007012 611912007 86.053 43.9868 No Scale MASON 9O Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 2007013 611912007 86.016 44.0325 No Scale LAKE 2007015 611912007 86.0811 44.0802 No Scale MASON 2007015 512612008 86.0811 44.0802 No Scale MASON 2007019 612012007 85.6956 44.2722 No Scale WEXFORD 2007020 612012007 85.6195 44.1866 No Scale WEXFORD 2007020 611612008 85.6195 44.1866 No Scale WEXFORD 2007020 513112009 85.6195 44.1866 Trace WEXFORD 2007022 612012008 84.7722 45.7197 No Scale EMMET 2007023 612512007 84.7122 45.7463 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 2007023 612012008 84.7122 45.7463 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 2007023 611512009 84.7122 45.7463 Whitewashed CHEBOYGAN 2007024 612512007 84.8434 45.6821 Patchy EMMET 2007029 612512007 84.9861 45.5768 Trace EMMET 2007030 612012008 84.9358 45.5506 No Scale EMMET 2007031 612512007 84.8536 45.55 Whitewashed EMMET 2007033 612512007 84.7162 45.5504 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 2007035 612612007 84.6877 45.4922 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 2007035 612012008 84.6877 45.4922 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 2007035 611412009 84.6877 45.4922 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 2007036 612612007 84.6502 45.3317 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 2007036 612012008 84.6502 45.3317 No Scale CHEBOYGAN 2007037 612612007 84.7427 45.3157 No Scale EMMET 2007038 612612007 85.3058 45.3073 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 2007039 612612007 85.8753 44.9171 No Scale LEELANAU 2007041 612612007 85.97 44.8426 No Scale LEELANAU 2007043 612612007 85.9683 44.6016 No Scale BENZIE 2007043 611812008 85.9683 44.6016 No Scale BENZIE 2007043 611 112009 85.9683 44.6016 No Scale BENZIE 2007044 612712007 86.0711 44.5735 No Scale BENZIE 2007046 612712007 85.9588 44.5288 No Scale BENZIE 2007046 611812008 85.9588 44.5288 No Scale BENZIE 2007051 71112007 84.7522 46.075 Trace MACKINAC 2007052 71112007 84.8799 46.1024 Trace MACKINAC 2007053 71112007 84.6966 46.0906 No Scale MACKINAC 2007053 711212008 84.6966 46.0906 Trace MACKINAC 2007054 71212007 86.4479 46.2918 No Scale SCHOOLCRAFT 2007057 71212007 86.4231 46.4762 No Scale ALGER 2007058 71212007 86.5503 46.4923 No Scale ALGER 2007059 71212007 86.5465 46.4736 No Scale ALGER 2007059 711 712008 86.5465 46.4736 No Scale ALGER 2007061 71212007 86.5871 46.4207 No Scale ALGER 2007062 71212007 86.5796 46.407 Trace ALGER 91 Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 2007064 71212007 86.7595 46.397 No Scale ALGER 2007064 711812008 86.7595 46.397 No Scale ALGER 2007064 711612009 86.7595 46.397 No Scale ALGER 2007065 71212007 86.6155 46.3194 Whitewashed ALGER 2007066 71212007 86.7125 46.3028 No Scale ALGER 2007066 71212007 86.712 46.3044 No Scale ALGER 2007066 711812008 86.7125 46.3028 No Scale ALGER 2007067 71212007 86.6241 46.217 No Scale ALGER 2007067 711812008 86.6241 46.217 No Scale ALGER 2007069 71312007 86.3644 45.967 No Scale SCHOOLCRAFT 2007069 711812008 86.3644 45.967 Patchy SCHOOLCRAFT 2007070 711812008 86.0738 46.0434 No Scale SCHOOLCRAFT 2007073 612012007 85.701 44.2708 Patchy WEXFORD 2007083 711012007 84.7386 45.3126 Whitewashed EMMET 2007083 612512009 84.7386 45.3126 Whitewashed EMMET 2007084 711012007 84.7497 45.199 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 2007085 711012007 86.0365 44.8482 No Scale LEELANAU 2007086 711012007 86.101 44.6229 Trace BENZIE 2007088 711012007 85.9487 44.9347 No Scale LEELANAU 2007090 711612007 86.2075 44.7027 Patchy BENZIE 2007091 711612007 86.2091 44.7009 No Scale BENZIE 2007091 611812008 86.2091 44.7009 No Scale BENZIE 2007100 712212007 84.9752 45.9896 Whitewashed MACKINAC 2007108 712712007 86.1203 44.2701 Patchy MANISTEE 2007109 712712007 86.0356 44.2617 Patchy MANISTEE 2007114 71712008 85.7007 44.2511 No Scale WEXFORD 2007114 612512009 85.7007 44.2511 No Scale WEXFORD 20071 16 81312007 85.6857 44.2789 Trace WEXFORD 2007127 81612007 86.6445 46.3467 Trace ALGER 2007128 81612007 86.7854 46.4264 Trace ALGER 2008032 513012009 86.2664 43.5998 No Scale OCEANA 2008033 513012009 85.7879 43.4802 No Scale NEWAYGO 2008034 512312008 86.2124 43.4745 No Scale OCEANA 2008035 512912009 86.1132 43.5324 No Scale OCEANA 2008035 512912009 86.1132 43.5324 No Scale OCEANA 2008036 512312008 86.1194 43.5799 No Scale OCEANA 2008036 512912009 86.1194 43.5799 No Scale OCEANA 2008037 512912009 86.1263 43.6255 No Scale OCEANA 2008042 512512008 86.1299 43.7866 Trace OCEANA 2008044 512512008 86.0983 43.845 No Scale MASON 2008044 513012009 86.0983 43.845 No Scale MASON 2008046 513012009 86.05 43.9377 No Scale MASON 92 Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 2008049 513012009 86.1033 44.1707 No Scale MANISTEE 2008052 513012009 85.8637 44.2849 Trace MANISTEE 2008057 512212008 86.4027 43.3443 No Scale MUSKEGON 2008057 511112009 86.4027 43.3443 No Scale MUSKEGON 2008100 513112009 85.658 44.2029 Trace WEXFORD 2008107 513112009 85.6046 44.2082 Trace WEXFORD 2008108 513112009 85.5953 44.1326 No Scale LAKE 2008111 611712008 85.795 44.4262 No Scale WEXFORD 20081 11 611/2009 85.795 44.4262 Patchy WEXFORD 2008118 611812008 86.0644 44.7128 No Scale BENZIE 2008120 611812008 85.9754 44.8452 No Scale LEELANAU 2008120 611 112009 85.9754 44.8452 No Scale LEELANAU 2008121 611412009 85.3066 45.3077 No Scale CHARLEVOIX 2008123 611912008 84.8465 45.2926 No Scale EMMET 2008123 611312009 84.8465 45.2926 No Scale EMMET 20081 32 612012008 84.714 45.2997 Trace CHEBOYGAN 2008135 81312008 87.011 46.4954 No Scale ALGER 2008302 711 312008 84.6914 46.061 1 Whitewashed MACKINAC 2008303 711312008 84.4354 46.0715 Whitewashed MACKINAC 2008304 711312008 84.441 46.0392 Whitewashed MACKINAC 2008309 711412008 83.6996 45.9813 No Scale CHIPPEWA 2008309 712012009 83.6996 45.9813 No Scale CHIPPEWA 2008312 711412008 83.6864 45.9955 Whitewashed CHIPPEWA 2008327 711812008 86.636 46.1465 Trace DELTA 2008328 711812008 86.6412 46.0725 No Scale DELTA 2008328 711 712009 86.6412 46.0725 Trace DELTA 2008330 711912008 86.8611 46.0307 No Scale DELTA 2008330 711812009 86.8611 46.0307 No Scale DELTA 2008338 711 512008 84.0919 46.0526 No Scale CHIPPEWA 2008339 711812008 86.719 46.358 No Scale ALGER 2009016 511 112009 85.78 43.025 No Scale KENT 2009017 512812009 84.73 42.8 No Scale CLINTON 2009018 512812009 86.1688 42.7054 No Beech ALLEGAN 2009022 512812009 86.1854 42.9775 No Scale OTTAWA 2009029 512912009 86.2862 43.5704 No Scale OCEANA 2009046 513112009 85.7126 44.1644 No Scale LAKE 2009050 513112009 85.3523 43.8845 No Scale OSCEOLA 2009053 513112009 85.3048 44.1314 No Scale OSCEOLA 2009061 61112009 85.56 44.3927 No Scale WEXFORD 2009067 61212009 85.2541 44.3612 No Scale MISSAUKEE 2009073 611 112009 86.0458 44.7991 No Scale LEELANAU 2009079 611 112009 85.9974 44.5291 Trace BENZIE 93 Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale CounL 2009080 611212009 85.1574 44.7856 Trace KALKASKA GRAND 2009086 611212009 85.3739 44.7322 NO Scale TRAVERSE 2009090 611212009 84.7867 44.7657 Trace CRAWFORD 2009092 611212009 84.7059 44.752 NO Scale CRAWFORD 2009093 611312009 84.6699 44.8877 NO Scale OTSEGO 2009096 611 312009 84.9392 45.0854 No Scale ANTRIM 2009101 611412009 85.3418 45.2835 NO Scale CHARLEVOIX 2009105 611412009 84.6863 45.5556 Whitewashed CHEBOYGAN 2009106 611412009 84.6418 45.5719 Trace CHEBOYGAN 2009114 611512009 84.5778 45.6921 No Beech CHARLEVOIX 2009117 611512009 84.0562 45.3951 No Scale PRESQUE ISLE 2009119 611 512009 84.4082 45.2462 NO Scale CHEBOYGAN 2009122 611512009 84.4723 45.2255 NO Scale CHEBOYGAN 2009124 611612009 84.6897 45.1069 NO Scale OTSEGO 2009137 612512009 85.6882 44.2485 Patchy WEXFORD 2009139 612612009 84.7578 44.5148 NO Beech CRAWFORD 2009140 612612009 84.675 44.423 No Beech ROSCOMMON 2009141 711612009 84.705 44.6124 No Beech CRAWFORD 2009144 711612009 86.7895 46.3419 No Scale ALGER 2009145 711612009 86.8658 46.3127 No Beech ALGER 2009147 711612009 86.931 46.4553 NO Scale ALGER 2009148 711712009 87.2215 46.4651 No Beech MARQUETTE 2009149 711712009 87.0428 46.3117 NO Scale ALGER 2009150 711712009 87.4077 46.3626 No Beech MARQUETTE 2009151 711712009 87.3613 46.2842 NO Beech MARQUETI'E 2009157 711812009 86.7304 46.1733 NO Beech ALGER 2009160 711812009 87.0764 45.7977 Whitewashed DELTA 2009161 711812009 87.1831 45.805 NO Beech DELTA 2009163 711812009 87.3667 45.7054 NO Beech MENOMINEE 2009164 711812009 87.3647 45.3952 No Scale MENOMINEE 2009165 711812009 87.5968 45.4059 NO Beech MENOMINEE 2009166 711812009 87.5238 45.6583 NO Beech MENOMINEE 2009167 711812009 87.603 45.7155 Trace MENOMINEE 2009168 711812009 87.8391 45.7762 No Beech DICKINSON 2009169 711812009 87.8746 45.7844 Patchy DICKINSON 2009170 711812009 87.9787 45.8061 No Beech DICKINSON 2009171 711812009 88.0385 45.9585 NO Beech DICKINSON 2009172 711912009 88.247 46.0844 No Beech IRON 2009173 711912009 88.4671 46.3042 No Beech IRON 2009174 711 912009 88.5329 46.5373 No Beech BARAGA 2009175 711912009 88.34 46.5751 No Beech BARAGA 2009176 711 912009 87.9571 46.5082 No Beech MARQUETTE 94 Appendix A : Site Coordinates Site Date Longitude Latitude Scale County 2009177 711912009 87.6273 46.5088 No Beech MARQUE‘I‘I’E 2009178 711912009 87.4615 46.565 NO Beech MARQUE‘I‘I’E 2009179 711912009 87.675 46.6602 No Scale MARQUETI'E 2009180 711912009 87.5481 46.3864 NO Beech MARQUE‘I‘I’E 2009181 711912009 87.2989 46.2553 No Beech MARQUE‘ITE 2009182 711912009 87.1993 46.1162 No Beech DELTA 2009183 711912009 87.0862 45.9783 No Beech DELTA 2009184 711912009 86.8913 45.8975 NO Beech DELTA 2009197 71312009 83.2702 44.7065 No Beech ALCONA 2009198 81112009 84.0075 43.3841 NO Beech SAGINAW 2009199 81112009 84.1036 43.4139 NO Scale SAGINAW 2009200 81412009 84.7555 42.348 NO Beech CALHOUN 2009201 81412009 84.2443 42.3194 NO Scale JACKSON 2009202 81412009 84.1982 42.3277 NO Beech JACKSON 2009203 81412009 84.0445 42.4187 No Beech WASHTENAW 2009204 81412009 83.9614 42.4071 NO Beech WASHTENAW 2009205 81412009 83.8643 42.506 NO Beech LIVINGSTON 2009206 811712009 82.7945 44.0182 No Scale HURON 2009207 811712009 82.5271 43.2692 No Beech SANILAC 2009208 811 712009 82.61 43.7166 No Beech HURON 2009209 811712009 82.4883 43.1078 NO Scale ST. CLAIR 2009210 811812009 84.3646 42.8071 No Scale CLINTON 2009211 811 812009 84.3563 42.8086 No Scale SHIAWASSEE 95 Appendix B: Image] Photo Analysis Protocol Opening / Setting Up Program 1) Open a picture a. Select File => Open 2) Setting the Scale by selecting Analyze => Set Scale 8. Set Distance in Pixels to 267.01 b. Set Known Distance to 1 -note must recalculate if new stabilizer is used (different distance from the tree) 0. Change Unit of Length t0: Inch (1. Check the Global Option Analyzing Photos / Data Collection 1) Open Photo 2) Record Sampling Event, Tag Number and Photo Aspect 3) Visually asses photo for location of beech scale. 4) Select Image => Type => 8-bit 5) Select Image => Adjust => Threshold Adjust the Threshold using the top bar (be sure the bottom bar is set to 255) *Note: do not hit apply“ 6) If needed apply paint to increase contrast of scale from remaining photo (Reapply Threshold) 7) Use polygon selection tool to select the tree 8) Select Analyze => Measure (Record Calculated Area) 9) Select Analyze => Analyze Particles (Uncheck Show results) (Record Total Pixel Area) 10) Make notes if needed (e. g. used paint and cropped tree) 11) Save Changes Of new copy of photo 12) Repeat process *Note: To minimize extra pixels when little scale is present, paint is usually needed. 96 97 a c..— 35:95 a 3.. 33:95 a 35 38:95 9.0an $82 832 6.7: 9:825 6.6 958.5 6.7: 9:525 298: 32: see: 32... 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