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Binkley A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Agricultural Economics 2010 ABSTRACT THE ECONOMICS OF ANAEROBIC DIGESTION UNDER DIFFERENT UTILITY PURCHASE AGREEMENTS By David Binkley Anaerobic Digestion is receiving a great deal of attention as a viable alternative in supporting residuals management for livestock operations. In contrast to conventional liquid and slurry management systems, anaerobic digesters provide multiple environmental benefits such as odor control, improved air and water quality, improved nutrient management flexibility, and the opportunity to capture biogas for heat and electricity production. The digester system is a process which includes: collection and handling, anaerobic digestion, by-product recovery and effluent use, and biogas recovery and use. Although energy production alone has not been cited as the primary motivation for the installation of anaerobic digesters, state policies on distributed power pricing can greatly affect the economic viability of digesters. The model developed in this study incorporates a variety of system parameters to examine the economics of a digester system under three different electricity purchase agreements. The results suggest that making Specific changes to Michigan’s energy policy will improve digester return on investment over a range of herd sizes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my committee, namely Dr. Stephen Harsh, Dr. Steve Safferman and Dr. Chris Wolf for their guidance and support throughout this research. Special thanks go to Dr. Harsh, my major professor. His encouragement and advice during our weekly meetings have been invaluable over the course of this project. I would also like to thank all of the graduate students and faculty with whom I have worked with at Michigan State, and who have been so helpful and supportive. Specifically, Dana Kirk has been a tremendous help in putting together this research. He has always made himself available to answer any questions and provided valuable feedback. He also went out of his way to involve me with the Green Meadow Farms digester project which was key to improving my understanding of digester systems. Eric Wittenberg deserves special thanks as well for helping me obtain digester price information for Chapter 3. I also thank Nicole Olynk for her willingness to help and for being a good friend. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................... vii LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... ix Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................................... 1 Chapter 2: The Basics of Anaerobic Digestion ............................................................. 10 2.1 The Microbiological Process ................................................................................ 10 2.2 The Digester System ............................................................................................. 12 2.2.1 Collection and Handling .................................................................................. 13 2.2.2 Anaerobic Digestion ........................................................................................ 13 2. 2. 2A Complete Mix ............................................................................................. 14 2.2.3 By-Product Recovery and Effluent Use ........................................................... 16 2.2.4 Biogas Recovery .............................................................................................. 17 2.2.7 Biogas Use ....................................................................................................... 17 2. 2. 7A Electrical Generation ................................................................................ 18 2. 2. 73 Key Considerations ................................................................................... 19 2. 2. 7C Other Energy Uses .................................................................................... 21 2.8 Annual Operation and Maintenance Costs ........................................................ 22 2.9 Electricity Contracts ............................................................................................. 23 2.9.1 Surplus Sale ..................................................................................................... 23 2.9.2 Buy-All Sell-All ............................................................................................... 26 2.9.3 Net Metering .................................................................................................... 26 2.10 Renewable Energy Credits ................................................................................. 29 2.11 Carbon Credits .................................................................................................... 29 2.12 Co-digestion ......................................................................................................... 31 2.13 Non-Energy Benefits ........................................................................................... 34 Chapter 3: The Model .................................................................................................... 38 3.1 Default Value Investment ..................................................................................... 43 3.1.1 Capital Investment ............................................................................................. 43 3.1.2 Design Study and Engineering ..................................................................... 45 3.1.3 Excavation .................................................................................................... 45 3.1.4 Tanks ............................................................................................................ 45 3.1.4A Desired Tank Volume (Digester) ........................................................... 45 3.1.43 Tank Quantity (Digester) ....................................................................... 46 3.1.4C Tank Unit Cost ...................................................................................... 46 3. 1. 4D T anks-(Post Storage) ............................................................................. 47 3.1.4E Tanks-(Equalization) ............................................................................. 48 3.1.4F Roofs-(Digester) .................................................................................... 48 3.1.4G Insulation .............................................................................................. 48 3.1.5 Boiler ............................................................................................................ 49 iv 3.1.6 Heating ......................................................................................................... 49 3.1.7 Plumbing, Valves, Mixing and other Miscellaneous Components .............. 50 3.1.8 Water-to-Manure Heat Exchangers ............................................................. 50 3. l .9 Instrumentation ............................................................................................ 50 3.1.10 Contingency ............................................................................................... 50 3.1.11 Engine-Generator ....................................................................................... 51 3.1.12 Building ...................................................................................................... 51 3.1.13 Switchgear and Additional Engine Components ....................................... 51 3.1.14 Interconnection .......................................................................................... 52 3.1.15 Salvage Value ............................................................................................ 52 3.2 Operation and Maintenance Costs .................................................................... 53 3.2.1 Digester ............................................................................................................ 53 3.2.2 Engine-Generator ............................................................................................. 55 3.3 Depreciation ........................................................................................................... 57 3.4 Property Taxes ...................................................................................................... 57 3.5 Biogas Production ................................................................................................. 59 3.5.1 Influent Flow .................................................................................................... 59 3.5. IA Manure ...................................................................................................... 59 3.6 Utilization Analysis ............................................................................................... 63 3.6.1 Digester Heating .............................................................................................. 64 3.6.2 Co-digestion ..................................................................................................... 67 3. 6. 2A Feedstock Cost ........................................................................................... 67 3. 6. 23 Feedstock Revenue .................................................................................... 68 3. 6. 2C Amount of Feedstock Entering the Digester per Day ............................... 69 3. 6. 2D Feedstock Characteristics and Biogas Yield ............................................ 69 3.6.3 Energy Uses ..................................................................................................... 70 3. 6. 3A Propane Offsets ......................................................................................... 71 3. 6. 38 Electricity Generation ............................................................................... 72 3.7 Electricity Purchase Agreements ......................................................................... 73 3.7.1 Surplus Sale ..................................................................................................... 74 3.7.2 Buy-All Sell-All ............................................................................................... 76 3.7.3 Net Metering .................................................................................................... 77 3.8 Utility Meter Bills .................................................................................................. 78 3.9 Standby Charges ................................................................................................... 79 3.9.1 Power Supply Standby Charges ....................................................................... 80 3.9.2 Delivery Standby Charges ............................................................................... 80 3.10 Carbon Credits .................................................................................................... 82 3.10.1 Methane Combustion Method ........................................................................ 83 3.10.2 Ex-Ante Method ............................................................................................. 84 3.11 Financing Options ............................................................................................... 86 3.12 Capital Budgeting Analysis ................................................................................ 87 3.13 Verification of Model .......................................................................................... 90 3.13.1 Test Farm 1 .................................................................................................... 90 3.13.2 Test Farm2 .................................................................................................... 92 Chapter 4: Results and Analysis .................................................................................... 94 4.1 Section One - 1,000 cow Example ........................................................................ 95 4.1.1 Part I Price Sensitivity Analyses ...................................................................... 95 4.1.1A Retail Electricity ........................................................................................ 98 4.1.18 Value of Electricity Production ............................................................... 100 4.1.1C Carbon Credits ........................................................................................ 103 4.1.1D Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) ......................................................... 105 4.1.2 Part II Co-digestion of Ethanol Syrup ........................................................... 106 4.1.2A Scenario ................................................................................................... 107 4.3 Section Two - Engineering ................................................................................. 111 4.3.1 Total Solids Concentration ............................................................................ 111 4.3.2 Volatile Solids Loss ....................................................................................... 116 4.3.3 Online Time ................................................................................................... 119 4.4 Section Three - Policy ......................................................................................... 121 4.4.1 Part I - Current Policy .................................................................................... 121 4. 4. 1A Value of Odor Reduction ......................................................................... 125 4.4.2 Part II - Recommendations ............................................................................ 127 4. 4. 2A Standby Charges ...................................................................................... 127 4. 4. 23 “Net Metering Components ” .................................................................. 129 Chapter 5: Conclusions ................................................................................................ 135 5.1 Areas for Future Research ................................................................................. 139 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 140 vi LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Tank Quantity ..................................................................................................... 46 Table 2. Total Tank Volume ............................................................................................. 47 Table 3. Boiler Size Ranges .............................................................................................. 49 Table 4. Engine-Generator Costs ...................................................................................... 51 Table 5. Direct-Entry Operation and Maintenance Costs ................................................. 54 Table 6. 0&M Costs with Late Project Period Repair and Replacement ......................... 55 Table 7. Cost Weight Factor for 0&M Costs Based Upon Percentage of Total Capital Costs .......................................................................................................................... 56 Table 8. Operation and Maintenance Costs as a Percentage of Total Capital Costs ........ 57 Table 9. Manure Characteristics from the American Society for Biological Engineers .. 61 Table 10. Carbon Credit Summary ................................................................................... 85 Table 11. Assumptions for 1,000 Cow Example .............................................................. 88 Table 12. Sheland Farms Inc. Case Study Inputs ............................................................. 91 Table 13. Sheland Farms Inc. Case Study Outputs ........................................................... 91 Table 14. Model Assumptions for Test Farm 1 ................................................................ 91 Table 15. Penn England Farm (Mixed Loop) Case Study Inputs ..................................... 92 Table 16. Penn England Farm (Mixed Loop) Case Study Outputs .................................. 93 Table 17. Model Assumptions for Test Farm 2 ................................................................ 93 Table 18. Section One Assumptions - 1,000 Cow Dairy Sensitivity Analysis ................. 96 Table 19. Section I Electricity Purchase Agreement Assumptions .................................. 97 Table 20. Co-digestion Scenario Assumptions Summary .............................................. 108 Table 21. Co-digestion of Ethanol Syrup and Electricity Production (7 ton loads) ....... 109 Table 22. Section Two Assumptions - Engineering ....................................................... 111 vii Table 23. Section Three Assumptions- Policy ................................................................ 121 Table 24. Current Policy Summary ................................................................................ 122 Table 25. Scenario 1 Policy Summary ............................................................................ 130 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Simplified Process of Biogas Production .......................................................... 12 Figure 2. Digester System ................................................................................................. 15 Figure 3. Model Layout .................................................................................................... 41 Figure 4. Model Cost Estimation Compared with AgSTAR Cost Curve ......................... 44 Figure 5. Sensitivity of NPV to Retail Electricity Prices ................................................. 98 Figure 6. The Sensitivity of NPV to the Value of Electricity Produced ......................... 101 Figure 7. Sensitivity of NPV to Carbon Credit Prices .................................................... 104 Figure 8. Sensitivity of NPV to Renewable Energy Credit Prices ................................. 106 Figure 9. The Effect of Each Tuck Load (7 tons) of Ethanol Syrup on NPV ................. 110 Figure 10. Total Solids Concentration vs. Average Yearly Electricity Production ........ 113 Figure 11. The Effect of Total Solids Concentrations on NPV ...................................... 115 Figure 12. Volatile Solids Loss vs. Average Yearly Electricity Production .................. 117 Figure 13. NPV Compared to Herd Sizes (500 to 4,000 cows) ...................................... 125 Figure 14. The Cost per Cow/Day of a Digester Across a Range of Herd Sizes ............ 126 Figure 15. Estimated Engine-Generator Nameplate Capacities and Herd Size .............. 129 Figure 16. NPV vs Herd Size Using Net Metering Components ................................... 131 Figure 17. NPV vs Herd Size with Standby Charge Threshold of 400 kW .................... 132 Figure I8. NPV vs. Herd Size with Increased Standby Charge Threshold of 800 kW .. 133 Figure 19. “Modified” vs “True” Net Metering Across a Range of Herd Sizes ............. 134 ix MW Agricultural production in the United States annually discharges large amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus, some of which eventually end up in ground and surface waters. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), these nutrients from crop and animal production are found in 50% of impaired lakes and 20% of impaired rivers in the US. (Kaplan et al., 2004). AS livestock operations continue to increase in Size, one of the most significant challenges that producers face iS managing manure and process water in a way that controls odors and protects environmental quality (U .3. EPA, 2002). In Michigan, state law limits the land application of manure based upon phosphorous levels and farms must find ways of handling the excess manure in order to avoid violations. In addition to the restrictions on the land application of manure, livestock producers are facing an increased risk of odor complaints as people move into rural areas (Safferman and Faivor, 2008). New residents are generally less tolerant of odors and the number of reported complaints has increased in recent years. In some cases, these actions may seek millions of dollars in damages and injunctions to close the operation (Miner, 1997). AS a result of these pressures, anaerobic digestion is receiving a great deal of attention as a viable alternative in supporting residuals management for livestock operations (MDA, 2009). The process itself involves the controlled breakdown of organic wastes by bacteria in the absence of oxygen (Lazarus and Rudstrom, 2007). In contrast to conventional liquid and Slurry management systems, anaerobic digesters provide multiple environmental benefits such as odor control, improved air and water quality, improved nutrient management flexibility, and the opportunity to capture biogas for heat and electricity production (US. EPA, 2002). When properly running, a digester has the potential to turn a waste liability into a profit center that generates annual revenues and diversifies farm income (Lusk, 1998). “Farmers have found that the returns provided from electricity and co-product sales from the digester, however limited, are preferred to the sunk-cost of conventional disposal that provides zero return on investment. In addition, without the environmental benefits provided by digester technology, some might be forced out of livestock production and a digester is sometimes the only technology that allows growth in the livestock production business” (Lusk,l998, p. 1-2). Anaerobic digestion, however, is not a new technology. During and immediately after the energy crisis caused by the oil embargo in 1973, many anaerobic systems were built to produce energy. At least 71 were installed on commercial livestock or poultry operations, but with lower energy prices many of these systems were abandoned. The limited long-term success in the United States can be attributed to poor system design, improper system installation, and unsatisfactory system management (Lusk, 1998). While interest in digesters was initially driven by energy concerns during the 1970’s oil crisis, they are fairly capital-intensive when viewed primarily as an energy source (Lazarus, 2008). The cost for digesters varies depending on the design, an estimated $500/cow to $750/cow on average (N RCSa, Undated). AS a result of this high capital investment, when considering the economics of anaerobic digestion, it is necessary to perform a thorough examination of potential revenue streams, system design and the extent to which it satisfies the objectives of the individual farm operator. Although energy production alone has not been cited as the primary motivation for the installation of anaerobic digesters, state policies on distributed power pricing and interconnection can greatly affect the economic viability of digesters (Lazarus, 2008). Contractual agreements with utility companies tend to be of three types: “buy all-sell all,” “surplus sale” and “net metering.” The type of utility contract utilized may have a Significant impact on digester economics and the specifics of each type of agreement vary depending on the utility company and state energy policy. According to a survey of 64 producers across the US. and 10 in California, negotiating these contracts were cited as the biggest challenge faced by the producer (Lazarus, 2008). In addition, some utilities impose “demand” or “standby” charges to pay for the availability of electricity to the farm when the digester system is not rtmning. In many cases, difficulties related to negotiating with utility companies discouraged farmers from installing digesters that had been planned (Lazarus, 2008). At the same time, the area of energy policy represents a significant opportunity to improve digester profitability. For example, Michigan has recently enacted a new Net Metering Law as part of Public Act 295 of 2008 which also specified a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) requiring the state to produce 10% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2015. Although this is a step in the right direction for encouraging digester installations, even more favorable energy policies for anaerobic digesters could improve their economic feasibility and increase their adoption among farmers. Nationally, AgSTAR estimates that around 7,000 large dairy and swine operations could operate profitable biogas systems with a generating potential of 722 megawatts—0.1 percent of total US. electrical generating capacity or enough to supply almost 1 million homes (Lazarus 2008; US. EPA, 2006). AS energy policy continues to develop, it is expected that the sale of Carbon Credits and Renewable Energy Credits will also increasingly contribute to digester revenues. The focus of this research was to develop a model to examine the economics of anaerobic digestion under different policy and system design scenarios using capital budgeting methods. Among the policy options evaluated were different electricity purchase agreements as well as the impact of renewable energy credits (RECS), carbon credits and the value of electricity produced by the digester. Additional elements analyzed include the impacts of propane offsets and the co-digestion of added feedstocks. Although non- energy benefits are Significant in the decision to install a digester, they have not been quantified in previous research and therefore are not included in this study. The concept of a model to examine digester economics, however, has been explored in several other studies. Dr. Brent Gloy from Cornell University developed a financial analysis model of anaerobic digestion systems on diary farms along with a corresponding paper (Gloy and Enahoro, 2008). This model was illustrated with two sources of data; a “base” case using parameters developed from a wide range of sources and direct comparison with values calculated from the F armWare 3.1 simulator]. The analysis includes many key digester parameters and examines the effects of financial incentives - offered under the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority’s Customer-Sited Tier Anaerobic Digester Gas-to-Electricity Program. Based upon ' Developed by the US. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) AgSTAR Program (US. EPA, Undated) estimates of the costs of a 1,000 cow dairy operation, the study found such a system to be only marginally profitable. A sensitivity analysis was then run under a variety of scenarios in which the profitability of the system was improved. In particular, increased biogas production and higher retail electricity prices resulted in a higher net present value (N PV) for the digester investment. Gloy’s model, however, does not account for potential seasonality in biogas production or other production related parameters such as: heat loss, parasitic energy requirements and variations in manure characteristics. It was also only programmed to consider profits under a “surplus sale” utility contract and ignores the cost of standby charges and other fees typically imposed by utility companies. In a study out of Pennsylvania State University (Leuer et al., 2008) another model was developed which also compared the profitability of several digester scenarios. Similar to the study from Cornell, the scenarios examine the application of benefits realized by digester systems. In contrast to the study by Gloy, however, this model focused on the effect of the Pennsylvania net metering law and examined the added benefit of solids separation and the resulting revenues from either compost sales or livestock bedding offsets. Here, a stochastic capital budgeting model was used which incorporated Monte Carlo Simulations to derive the probability of the NPV being either greater than or equal to zero. The study also tested digester profitability under three herd Sizes: 500, 1,000 and 2,000 cows. System income was valued in the form of electricity sales and offsets, bedding savings, separated solids sales, carbon credits and renewable energy credits. Non-energy benefits of the system, however, were not included. The work showed that larger dairy farms, in the range of 1,000 or 2,000 cows, have the most potential to be profitable with a digester system. In addition, a solids separator to produce digestate for bedding as well as new policies and regulations can further increase profitability. Items such as the sale of carbon credits and Pennsylvania net metering regulations also affected the project’s profitability but neither, by itself, turned an unprofitable scenario into a profitable one (Leuer et al., 2008). This study is valuable in its ability to illustrate the effects of state specific energy policy as well as a variety of system benefits and revenues. For example, it compared the revenues associated with the sale of digestate solids for compost and their possible use as a source of livestock bedding. On the other hand, it did not deal with the many variables affecting biogas production and examines only one type of electricity purchase agreement. Yet another model was developed by Lazarus (Lazarus, UM), which helps users make rough initial calculations of the annual costs and returns associated with owning an on- farm anaerobic digester. The main issues it intended to address were: herd Size, digester installation cost, amount and value of electricity produced, value of co-products and financing (e. g., grants). It does not, however, address engineering, design issues or expected biogas output. A separate paper by Lazarus (Lazarus, 2003) is a case study of the Haubenschild demonstration digester in Minnesota which has exhibited relatively high biogas production levels compared to similar digesters (Lazarus and Rudstrom, 2003). Here, Lazarus constructed a model in Microsoft Excel with two main objectives. The first was to document the economics of the case farm’s digester system utilizing actual data from the Haubenschild digester in Minnesota. The other objective was to compare the demonstration farm against future scenarios involving the installation of a digester. Scenarios for future digester installations included reduced biogas production, lower payments for electricity produced and decreased public funding when compared to the Haubenschild digester. Due to the detailed data recorded by the farm operator, an estimate of the various non-energy benefits was also examined including avoided pit pre- agitation, reduced herbicide costs and fertilizer benefits. The results highlighted the importance of non-energy benefits on digester profitability, particularly under scenarios with decreased production levels and reduced grant funding. The model in this study, however, was not developed as a decision support tool and did not predict monthly biogas production, capital costs or analyze different electricity purchase agreements. Instead, data recorded by the Haubenschild Dairy operator was input directly. A study by Mehta (Metha, 2002) did not develop a model, but did attempt to examine optimal energy use and sale to utility companies based upon various electricity pricing scenarios. In particular, it explored the economics and feasibility of electricity generation using digesters on small and mid-size dairy farms. Essentially, the paper concluded that if the electricity sale price was greater than or equal to the purchase price, then larger farms would be able to make a larger profit margin on each kWh of electricity sold. They would gain more of a competitive edge through the introduction of a digester than smaller farms. Conversely, if the sale price is less than the purchase price, then farms would utilize generated electricity to offset their own electric bills with smaller farms experiencing a relative competitive edge since they can utilize more energy on-farm. Due to a lack of data, however, only rough conclusions or recommendations could be drawn from the analysis. Although, several digester models have already been developed by various economists, the model developed in this research is unique in the following aspects. 0 Provides flexibility for either direct input of data or values can be calculated by the model. AS a result, analyses can be performed with minimal system details which increases its value as an outreach tool. 0 Models biogas production on a monthly basis while accounting for heat loss, parasitic energy requirements, variations in manure characteristics and the possibility of co-digestion (to be further discussed in Section 2.12). Through this method, digester electricity production and performance is more accurately represented. Estimations of digester output also help to decide which electricity purchase agreement is most favorable for a given farm. 0 Allows for evaluating engineering designs and changes in system parameters. This capability helps engineers to examine the effects of changes to on-farm operations. 0 Estimates the capital costs of a digester (complete mix) based upon herd Size. The ability to evaluate a range of herd Sizes increases its value as a research tool since the effects of policy changes can be examined for all farm Sizes that are potentially impacted. o Compares three different electricity purchase agreement policies based upon actual utility rates and rules. Proposed changes in Michigan Specific energy policy can then be evaluated. The hypothesis of this study is that under current Michigan energy policy, an anaerobic digester is unlikely to Show a positive return on investment based solely upon its energy benefits. On the other hand, it is expected that feasible scenarios exist in which the system could actually become a viable source of profit. The scenarios examined include changes in the prices of electricity, renewable energy credits and carbon credits as well as changes in digester performance parameters (e. g., operational online time, volatile solids loss, and total solids concentration). In addition, specific aspects of Michigan’s energy policy are analyzed in hypothetical situations over a range of herd sizes. Recommendations are then made based upon the results in order to make current energy policies more favorable for anaerobic digesters. Chapter 2: The Basics of Anaerobic Digestion The purpose of this chapter is to provide an overview of anaerobic digestion from the microbiological level to more specific engineering concepts and policy issues. Chapter 3, which describes the specifics of the model, builds upon the material covered in the following sections. 2.1 The Microbiological Process Anaerobic digestion is the breakdown of animal manure by bacteria in the absence of oxygen resulting in the production of biogas (Bracmort et al., 2008). “It tends to occur naturally wherever high concentrations of wet organic matter accumulate in the absence of dissolved oxygen. Most often, this is in the bottom sediments of lakes and ponds, swamps, peat bogs, intestines of animals, and in the anaerobic interiors of landfill sites” (Lusk, 1998, p. 2-1). As a technology, it has been around for centuries with anecdotal evidence indicating that biogas was used for heating bath water in Assyria during the 10th century BC. and in Persia during the 16th century BC (Lusk, 1998). The nation’s first farm-based digester, however, wasn’t initiated until 1972 and was constructed as a response to urban encroachment (Lusk, 1998). During the 1970’s, a number of digesters were constructed, but many failed due to poor system design, improper system installation and unsatisfactory system management. Since around 1984, however, digester designs have improved (Lusk, 1998). The need for odor control and residuals management combined with these improved designs has led to a recent resurgence of interest in anaerobic digester technology. According to the EPA AgSTAR program, there are currently 135 operational digesters in the US. 10 The biogas produced in anaerobic digestion is the result of microbial degradation of carbon-containing compounds. These compounds are present in all organic matter (all cells, living and dead) and are often measured as volatile solids (VS). VS is a standard measurable parameter that allows different types of organic substances to be compared for degradability. Higher levels of volatile solids indicate that the material has more organic carbon and may be more degradable. Therefore, the amount of biogas that can be produced is directly proportional to the amount of volatile solids in the feedstocks being digested (Crook and Gould, 2009). Another frequently used term is total solids (TS). In contrast to the VS measurement, it accounts for all solids including both the volatile and non-volatile compounds and elements. The anaerobic digestion process can occur at a wide temperature range, but generally occurs at either the mesophilic (95°-105°F) or thermophilic temperature ranges (125°- 135°F) (Lusk, 1998). First, the volatile solids in manure are broken down to produce a series of fatty acids. This step is called the acid-forming stage and is carried out by a group of bacteria called acid formers. In the second stage, a highly Specialized group of bacteria, called methane formers, convert the acids to biogas (Fulhage et al.,l993). “These bacteria are slower growing than acid-forrning bacteria and are extremely ph-sensitive (pH 6.8-7.4 optimum). The acid formers will grow rapidly if an excess of organic material is fed to a digester, producing V an excess of volatile acids. If this happens, the accumulated acids will lower the pH, inhibiting the methane bacteria and stopping gas production. To help buffer the system 11 against increases in acids, high alkalinity must be maintained. Lime can be added to digesters during start-up periods of slug loading to maintain pH control” (Fulhage et al., 1993, p. 1). In addition, a variety of materials such as salts, heavy metals, ammonia and antibiotics can become toxic to anaerobic bacteria and must also be carefully monitored (Fulhage et al., 1993). The resulting biogas is a combination of methane (60-70%), carbon dioxide (30-40%), water vapor and trace amounts of other gases such as hydrogen sulfide (H28) (US EPA, 2002). H28 is very corrosive and can cause damage to engines, boilers and other digester components. Only the methane component of biogas has energy value. Figure 1. Simplified Process of Biogas Production acid-forming methane-forming bacteria bacteria Protein Volatile Biogas Carbohydrates Organic _ (60-70% CH4, 30-40% Complex Organic ACldS * 7 C02, water vapor and Residuals other gases) 2.2 The Digester System The digester system is a process which includes collection and handling, anaerobic digestion, by-product recovery and effluent use, and biogas recovery and use. There is Significant variability in digesters from one farm to another and it is difficult to make generalizations and comparisons. 12 2.2.1 Collection and Handling The starting point for a digester system is manure collection and handling, with the key considerations in the system being the amount of water and inorganic solids mixing with the manure. With dairy farms, the manure is generally scrape collected from freestall barns two or three times a day. Following collection, the manure may undergo pretreatment prior to introduction into the digester. The pretreatment involved varies depending on the farm and the type of digester technology used and may consist of screening, sand and/or grit removal, mixing and/or flow equalization (Krich et al., 2005). Some forms of pretreatment (e. g., sand removal), however, may not be beneficial to energy production as a portion of the volatile solids which produce biogas are removed (Burke, 2001). At this point in the process, water from the milking parlor and other sources may be added in order to dilute the manure, but this varies from farm to farm and the solids requirements of the digester. “Dilution also reduces concentrations of nitrogen and sulfur which convert into ammonia and hydrogen sulfide during anaerobic digestion. Ammonia is inhibitory to the process and hydrogen sulfide is an undesirable component in biogas due to its highly corrosive characteristics” (Burke, 2001 ). 2.2.2 Anaerobic Digestion After pretreatment, the manure along with any added water is pumped into the digester. Manure characteristics and collection technique determine the type of anaerobic digester technology used. U.S. livestock operations currently use four types of anaerobic digester 13 technologies: plug-flow, complete-mix, fixed film and covered lagoons (Lusk, 1998). “However, the parameters of any waste management system are site-Specific and may vary significantly from one livestock operation to the next. Effective implementation of anaerobic digestion technology, therefore, demands that the digester be integrated with the existing or planned manure management system. This requires an understanding of the technology and of the impact that other site-Specific management practices can have on both the energy potential of the feedstock and the efficient operation of the digester unit” (Wilkie, 2005, p.311-312). For these reasons, few generalizations or comparisons can be made between digesters and each system must be evaluated on a case by case basis. In this study, the model is based on the use of a complete mix digester since they are the best suited for Michigan’s climate. Figure 2 is a representation of a typical complete digester system. 2. 2. 2A Complete Mix Complete-mix digesters can handle manures with TS concentrations of 2.5%-10%2, and generally can handle substantial manure volumes. “The reactor is a large, vertical, poured concrete or steel circular container and the manure is collected in a mixing pit by either a gravity-flow or pump system. If needed, the TS concentration can be diluted, and the manure preheated before it is introduced to the digester tank. Within the digester, the 2 (NRCSb, 2005) 14 Bow :8: 883 iiiiii 3cm mewomm . l . . l Soc 98qu 22m .: wEEBp coufiocowbfiwcm .0 zooms Begum .m x53 owecowmdmom .m x53 coamowa d 83 “5832on 0552 .O 8:8 32:: .m 9:3 :88on .< -----------------d—----------- l v 589$ .323»:— .N 0.5»:— I LV 15 manure is mixed creating a homogeneous mixture that prevents the formation of a surface crust and keeps solids in suspension. Mixing is important to ensure contact between the bacteria and the waste and also to help release gas out of the liquid. Complete-mix digesters can operate at either the mesophilic or thermophilic temperatures range with a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 10-20 days” (Lusk, 1998, p. 2-7). HRT refers to the average length of time that a particle of manure or other feedstock remains in the digester. “A fixed cover is placed over the complete-mix digester to maintain anaerobic conditions and to contain the biogas that is produced. The biogas produced is then removed from the digester, processed, and transported to the Site of end-use application. The most common application for methane produced by the digestion process is electricity generation using a modified internal combustion engine” (Lusk, 1998, p. 2-7). 2.2.3 By-Product Recovery and Effluent Use Once digestion is complete, it is possible to recover digested fiber from the effluent of some dairy manure digesters with the use of a solid/liquid separator. This material can then be used for livestock bedding, sold as a soil amendment or marketed for other uses. The effluent (either separated or non-separated) can also be used as a high value fertilizer. A further discussion on the benefits of digester effluent and separated solids is included in Section 2.13 “Non-Energy Benefits.” 16 2.2.4 Biogas Recovery “The composition and digestibility of the manure is the primary determinant of maximum methane yield (Wilkie, 2005, p.306 ).” “Biogas formed in the anaerobic digester bubbles to the surface, is collected (typically with plastic piping), and then directed to gas handling subsystems (Krich et al., 2005). “It is then pumped or compressed to the operating pressure required by specific applications and then metered to the gas use equipment” (Krich eta1.,2005, p. 30 ). 2.2.7 Biogas Use Recovered biogas can be used directly as fuel for heating, combusted in an engine to generate electricity, upgraded to natural gas or flared (Krich et al., 2005). Since biogas is only roughly 60-70% methane it has a lower energy content that either natural gas or propane. “With equipment modifications to account for its reduced energy potential and other constituent components, however, biogas can be used in all energy-consuming applications designed for natural gas or propane (Lusk, 1998, p. 2-11).” Sending biogas to a flare to be burned is considered the least attractive option for biogas since it does not generate energy revenues for the farm. Carbon credits may be possible, however, depending on the amount that is flared (Section 2.11). In general, flaring is limited to disposing excess biogas which cannot be used by the engine-generator as a result of downtime or overproduction. 17 2. 2. 7A Electrical Generation Most farm-based digesters use the biogas output to generate electricity (Lazarus, 2008). The most common electrical generator system used at farm biogas facilities today is a stationary internal combustion engine that has been modified to 1.) run on biogas, 2.) drive a generator and 3.) produce Single or three phase electrical power (Ciolkosz et al., 2009). An induction generator is generally used since it can run off the signal from the utility and will allow parallel hook up with the grid (Lazarus, 2008). In the process of electric production, the exhaust from internal combustion engines (waste heat) can be used to pre-heat and maintain the temperature of the manure. Since electricity production is only roughly 35% efficient, the remaining 65% could be characterized as “waste heat.” (Gebremedhin, 2006). “Usually, the equipment installed for capturing this waste heat consists of a heat exchanger and recirculating pump connected to a system of pipe lines immersed in hot water which deliver raw slurry or feedstocks to the digester. Another system of pipe lines then pick up slurry from the digester and return it to the heat exchanger to be recirculated” (Crook and Gould, 2009, p.45 ). Due to the high hydrogen sulfide (H28) content of biogas, engine-generators may require more frequent maintenance. Biogas from dairy manure typically contains 0.2-0.4% hydrogen sulfide H28 (Jones et al., 1980). “The sulfuric acid from the H28 can accumulate in the engine oil, resulting in accelerated corrosion and early failure of engine components. As a result, engine oil from biogas generators must be changed more often 18 which results in higher operation and maintenance costs. Some digester systems may even purchase an H28 scrubber to extend the life of the generator. An oil analysis can also be valuable tool for assessing the condition of the oil and can alert the operator to engine problems before they cause serious damage (Ciolkosz et al., 2009). Electrical generation equipment can be very expensive, however, and some operators who have installed digester systems are unable to recoup the installation and operation costs through the sale of electricity (Beddoes et al., 2007). An analysis of 38 existing U.S. manure anaerobic digestion systems indicates that 36% of the total cost of the system isattributed to the electrical equipment (Bracmort et al., 2008). Due to this high capital cost, digesters which produce electricity are generally only feasible on larger farm operations. Recent studies have shown that a herd size of around 800 cows to be the lower limit (Jewell et al., 1997). The EPA AgSTAR program estimates this number to be approximately 500 (US. EPA, 2002). 2. 2. 78 Key Considerations From an engineering perspective, there are also several key considerations that must be taken into account to determine the feasibility of installing an anaerobic digester. In terms of electricity production, the first element is calculating the energy demand of the digester. In order to accomplish this, there are two major energy requirements that must be analyzed: 1.) the amount of energy to bring the influent manure up to the digester operating temperature, and 2.) the amount of energy required to maintain the digester at the operating temperature. (Gebremedhin, 2006). The optimal temperature is maintained by using either waste-heat captured off the engine-generator or biogas which is used to 19 run a boiler. If heat loss exceeds the waste heat produced from the engine-generator, then biogas must be diverted from electricity production to the boiler. Two main performance parameters which affect the amount of biogas used in the boiler are the total solids concentration and the loss of volatile solids. A low total solids concentration means that higher amounts of water are present in the influent which increases the heat requirements to maintain the optimal digester temperature. In the case of volatile solids loss, the energy potential of the influent is reduced which decreases biogas production. Decreased biogas production results in leSS waste heat capture from the engine-generator and therefore increases the need to use a boiler to maintain the optimal digester temperature. The overall result in both Situations is that electricity production form the digester system decreases. Another key consideration is the type of animal bedding used. For example, with sand bedding, the sand-laden manure presents a problem for conventional digester designs. This is because the sand will settle out in the digester, reduce digester volume and create excessive wear on components. Over time, the HRT along with the biogas yield will be reduced (Wilkie, 2005). “Mechanical sand-manure separators, however, can extend the potential application of anaerobic digestion to scrape operations using sand bedding. During the sand-separation process, dilution water is added which produces a sand-free manure stream of low solids content more similar to flushed manure”(Wilkie, 2005, p.310). In addition to sand, other bedding materials have been identified as potentially 20 ‘fi. - "I. '~ ’.I troublesome to digester function such as large amounts of straw and wood Shavings (Steffen et al., 1998). 2. 2. 7C Other Energy Uses “Given the increase in natural gas prices over the past five years, the direct use of biogas as a replacement for natural gas or propane for on-Site heating purposes (e. g., heating water, heating animal housing, etc.) would provide economic benefits to animal producers with a consistent year-round requirement for the biogas. The direct use on the farm for biogas produced via a manure anaerobic digestion system appears to be economically feasible when the on-farm heating requirement are high enough to utilize the biogas produced by the system” (Bracmort et al., 2008, p.1). The energy utilized for the natural gas/propane offsets can come either from waste heat (if using electrical engine generator) or be taken directly from the biogas production once the digester heating requirements are met. In both cases, the energy is used to heat water which would typically be accomplished with either propane or natural gas in the absence of the digester. “AS with electrical engine generators, boilers are also adversely affected by the corrosive characteristics of biogas. One way around this problem is to operate the boiler continuously at a temperature above dew point” (Beddoes et al., 2007). This is because it prevents sulfuric acid (H2804) from forming which causes corrosion. If the boiler is only used on an “as needed” basis, however, this may not be an effective strategy. “It should also be noted that most farm heat requirements are seasonal and the problem of how to 21 best use the gas in the “off” season must be dealt with. Storage of the gas in large amounts is largely impractical because of the relatively low heat value of methane (compared to propane and other liquid fuels) and its difficulty to liquefy under reasonable pressures. Most storage applications would likely involve only short-term accumulations of methane (Fulhage et al., 1993, pp. 4, 7).” This is a main reason why biogas is generally consumed on-site continuously either for electricity production or for heating needs. Biogas can also be upgraded to biomethane for retail sale by processing it to remove moisture, H28 and CO2, none of which possess any energy value. In order to be economical, the cost of upgrading must be less than the incremental difference between the biogas and natural gas cost (Bracmort et al., 2008). Currently, this is not a routine practice on dairy farms and therefore biogas upgrading was not examined in this study. 2.8 Annual Operation and Maintenance Costs For digesters with electrical equipment, “Operation and Maintenance (0&M) costs include daily operator labor to pump the manure and perform routine maintenance; expenses for engine oil changes and minor repairs; and periodic major repairs and maintenance such as engine overhauls, Sludge removal, and flexible cover repair or replacement” (Bracmort, 2008, p.8 ). In addition, all digesters require some management and labor to control the process. Successful operation for a typical on-farm digester will require a minimum of 1-2 hours per day for monitoring, loading, unloading and 22 performing general maintenance (Jones et al., 1980). This estimate will vary depending on the digester design and may fluctuate in times of repair and overhaul. 2.9 Electricitv Com “Producing electricity is only part of the challenge with making an anaerobic digester cost effective. In particular, selecting a favorable electricity purchase agreement is vital and has a significant impact on the profitability of the digester system. In some cases, variables such as the number of different electricity meters may limit the farm’s ability to utilize electricity on-farm where it has the highest value. Specific requirements for insurance, demand charges for the use of electricity when the on—site generator is down”, and other rules may also make it difficult to deal with the utility company (Wright, 2001, p.10). Electricity contracts for anaerobic digesters are of three types: surplus sale, buy-all sell-all and net metering. While the specifics of each will vary depending of the power provider, the basic concept behind each agreement is the same. The EPA AgSTAR handbook also makes reference to these three agreements and provides sample contract language for reference. In this study, the purchase agreement specifics were taken from a Michigan utility which has been involved with several digester projects in the state. 2.9.1 Surplus Sale The concept of a surplus sale agreement is that only excess electricity production is sold back to the utility company. Under this agreement, the farm will first utilize their electricity on-Site where they have the ability to offset their usage at the retail rate. The amount of energy available for resale will then depend on the rate at which biogas can be 23 produced on a continuous basis as well as the amount and timing of electricity use for the farm’s dairy operation (the load curve) (Mehta, 2002). According to the Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Information Administration, the rate (commercial) at which electricity is offset is approximately $0.093 nationwide. Any electricity that is sold back to the utility, however, is valued at the hourly real-time locational marginal price (LMP) of the particular utility’s load node as determined by the Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator (M180). M180 manages one of the world’s largest energy markets using complex computer programs. The prices obtained from MISO represent the wholesale price of electricity and tend to be roughly half of the retail rate on average. Upon examination of historical prices, the LMP fluctuates with demand and can even be a negative value during certain periods. This is due to the fact that the utility cannot Shut down its operations in times of lower demand. Dming these periods, the farm would actually be paying the utility to put their electricity on the grid. In addition, depending on the particular rate plan for customer generation, some utilities will impose an administrative charge per kWh for the purchase of the electricity from the power provider as well as a system access charge. The administrative charge compensates the utility company for time and labor time associated with administering the agreement. Minimum and maximum monthly charge amounts are also stipulated in the purchase agreement and are adjusted for inflation based upon consumer price indexes from the US. Bureau of Labor and Statistics. The system access charge recovers the 3 This price does not include inflation. 24 costs of metering equipment, meter reading, billings and other customer-related operating COSIS. An interval data meter is usually required for the utility to monitor the customer’s generator and electricity flow. The company typically reads the meter electronically via telecommunication links or electronic data methods to obtain the information needed for billing. Generally, standby charges will also apply if the farm wishes to purchase electricity from the utility when their engine-generator is down. Standby charges have been cited as a significant obstacle when a farm attempts to offset their energy use with electricity produced from their engine-generator. The concept is that these charges are used to compensate the utility company for providing electricity when the digester engine- generator is not running. A typical digester engine-generator with “good” performance will generally be operational 90% of the time (US. EPA, Undated). This means that the farm will need energy from the utility the remaining 10% of the time or when peak demand exceeds digester output. The specifics of standby service will vary depending on the utility company, but generally are composed of two parts, power supply and delivery standby charges. Power supply refers to the cost of fuel and power producing investments. Delivery charges compensate the utility for transporting the electricity from the plant to the customer. 25 2.9.2 Buv-All Sell-All Under this agreement, all electricity produced by the digester is sold to the utility. The farm must then purchase all their electricity needs from the utility at the applicable retail rate. AS with the surplus sale, the rate of compensation by the utility is the hourly real- time LMP. At first, this may appear to be an inferior agreement when compared to the surplus sale. The tradeoff, however, is that standby charges do not apply since no on-farm energy usage is being offset by the digester system. On the other hand, any energy demand created by the digester system itself will need to be purchased from the utility and would represent an incremental project cost. As a result, this cost must be considered in the capital budgeting analysis and can have a potential impact on the economics of this agreement depending on the amount of energy used by the digester. In addition, the same guidelines for system access and administrative charges will apply as under the surplus sale agreement. 2.9.3 Net Metering With the passing of Michigan Public Act 295 in October of 2008, a new net metering law was approved by the state legislature. The concept of net metering is that the utility allows a customer to offset only their electrical “need” and receive credits for any energy produced which exceeds that need. When a customer is under a demand based rate system, the electrical need is usually established based upon the peak demand over a twelve month period. If that information is not available, an appropriate level is negotiated with the utility. This limits the engine-generator Size that can be used with a net metering agreement, Since a typical complete mix digester in Michigan is capable of 26 producing more electricity than the need of the farm. Without the use of net metering, a farm would normally use an engine-generator sized to match the full biogas production potential of the digester system. Another distinguishing aspect of net metering agreement is that fact that no actual payment is made for the electricity produced by the customer. The revenue is represented by the electricity purchases offset by self-generation and the credits which can be carried over from month to month. Most utilities, however, will put a cap on the period of time that credits can accumulate (e. g., one year). Net metering is not intended to be a profit making mechanism for the digester owner. Under Michigan law, net metering consists of four main categories based upon the nameplate capacity of the generator. For digester projects, only categories 2 through 4 will realistically apply. 0 Category 1- projects 520 kW 0 Category 2- projects >20 kW and 3150 kW 0 Category 3- projects >150 kW and 5550 kW 0 Category 4- projects >550 kW and S 2 MW 0 Category 5- projects > 2 MW While net metering is not a new concept, Public Act 295 made the agreement more favorable for category 1 projects such as small wind and solar. For projects in category 1, the utility will credit the customer for their excess generation at the retail rate, which is 27 referred to a “true” net metering. On the other hand, categories 2-5 receive “modified” net metering in which customer credits are valued at either the monthly average LMP (similar to the surplus sale agreement) or the power supply component4 of their electric bill. While the act signed into law gave utilities the choice between the two pricing schemes, recently published utility guidelines from the largest Michigan utilities indicate that they have chosen to compensate at the power supply component price. The power supply component of the customer’s bill is approximately $0.06 whereas the monthly average LMP is roughly $0.04. While not as favorable as “true net metering,” the higher value for electricity produced by the digester system represents an improvement on previous policies. There are also other benefits of the new net metering for digester projects. One benefit is a provision that category 2 projects do not pay standby charges. Additionally, category 3 projects do not pay standby charges unless the engine-generator used has a nameplate capacity greater than 150 kW. At the current time, however, the specifics of standby charges under the net metering law have yet to be established. In the absence of specific rates, standby charges are assumed to be the same as under the surplus sale agreement. Another benefit is that category 2 projects do not incur the cost of any additional metering equipment. Also, there is no mention of system access or administrative charges for projects in categories 2 or 3. In contrast, surplus sale and buy-all sell-all agreements are subject to these charges. 4 The power supply component refers the cost of fuel and power producing investments. 28 2.10 Renewable Energy Credits If a farm with a digester generates alternative energy, it can receive a Renewable Energy Credit (REC) for every megawatt hour (1,000 kWh) of energy it produces (Leuer et al., 2008). Farms in Michigan may sell these to utility companies, if allowable under contract, or sell them as carbon credits (as explained in section 2.11). A farm may still sell RECS to one utility and have a purchase agreement established with another. RECS are completely separate form electricity purchase agreements and represent different revenue sources. AS a result of the recent Renewable Portfolio Standard, PA 295, a number of Michigan utility companies are currently seeking RECS in order to comply with the new law. . Recent contracts from large Michigan utility companies indicate that RECS in the future will be purchased for $30 to $50 per credit (1,000 kWh). 2.11 Carbon Credits Carbon credits have the potential to be an essential revenue stream for an anaerobic digester system. This model is based upon the rules established by the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), which is North America’s only active voluntary, legally binding integrated trading system to reduce emissions of all six greenhouse gases (GHG’S) (CCXa, 2009). Credits are issued based upon an emission baseline calculation which calculates the amount of methane that would be emitted to the atmosphere during the crediting period in the absence of the anaerobic digester project (CCXa, 2009). 29 There are two methods to calculate the baseline methane emissions. The first is by the actual monitored amount of methane captured and destroyed by the project activity using existing CCX monitoring protocols and a global warming potential (GWP) for methane of 21. The GWP for a particular greenhouse gas is defined as the ratio of heat trapped by one unit mass of the greenhouse gas to that of one unit mass of carbon dioxide (CO2) over a specified time period. The second is calculated “Ex Ante” which refers to the amount of the animal manure that would decay anaerobically in the absence of the project activity. CCX calculates the amount of methane destroyed or avoided using the method which results in the lowest level of methane. Each credit traded represents a reduction of one metric ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) and the value of each credit fluctuates with the current market price. For example, in the summer of 2007, the price of a carbon credit was roughly $7.50. In contrast, the price dropped to only $0.25 in the summer of 2009. In order to receive carbon credits, certain guidelines also apply which place certain requirements on participants. The guidelines (CCXb, 2009) applicable to anaerobic digesters are highlighted below. 0 Only renewable energy systems activated on or after January 1, 2003 qualify. 0 Project proponents need to demonstrate clear ownership rights of the emission reductions from the destruction of methane. o All projects must be independently verified by a CCX-Approved Verifier. Specific guidelines on the equipment and record keeping required are Specified in the agricultural methane offset protocol. 30 A detailed description of the calculation of carbon credits is included in Chapter 3. 2.12 Co-digestion While livestock manure is the main feedstock for farm-based digesters, other feedstocks (e.g., crop residues, leaves, food processing waste, ethanol syrup) can be added to potentially increase biogas production (co-digestion). The goal of co-digestion is to maximize the amount of carbon in the mixture while staying within the correct C: N ratio. The overall nutrient ratio in waste materials is of major importance for the microbial biodegradation process (Steffen et al., 1998). Large amounts of agricultural raw materials are processed in the food industries. During processing, wastes and wastewater are produced which can often be co-digested in agricultural digesters (Steffen et al., 1998). Not every feedstock, however, is suitable for anaerobic digestion. They vary considerably in composition, homogeneity, fluid dynamics and biodegradability. When selecting wastes for digestion, the total solids content, the percentage of volatile solids, the C:N-ratio and the biodegradability have to be carefully considered (Steffen et al., 1998). For farm-based anaerobic digesters, mainly feedstocks that have characteristics (moisture content, total solids, etc.) similar to animal manure should be considered for anaerobic digestion (Scott and Ma, 2004). Due to the variability among digester systems, no established guideline exists for the best percentage of feedstock to mix. Some anaerobic digesters have been built to process 100% food waste and the perception is that it is possible to go as high as 75% (Scott and 31 Ma, 2004). In contrast, however, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs in Ontario, Canada recommends that a farm-based digester can only blend up to 10-25% non-farm source material and work effectively (Ontario, 2009). In general, gradual loading of the digester can give the system time to adjust to the new feedstock and prOper maintenance can help to prevent most problems associated with co-digestion (Scott and Ma, 2004). “Non-farm industries that have organic wastes to dispose of will sometimes pay tipping fees to a farm digester to accept the waste. For the digester enterprise, the tipping fees can be an important side benefit of accepting this feedstock, making the difference between profit and loss. A concern, however, is that on livestock farms with small land bases, the livestock manure alone may already have too much nitrogen and phosphorus for the cropland available. Imported non-farm organic wastes would contain additional nutrients, which could exacerbate the cropland nutrient imbalance. The tipping fees and added gas output need to be weighed against potentially greater manure disposal costs to take the effluent to more distant cropland” (Lazarus, 2008, p.15 ). The model in this study allows the user to account for this potential tradeoff between increased gas production and increased disposal costs. It may also be the case that a farm decides to purchase non-farm organic wastes (e. g., ethanol syrup), in which case no tipping fee is received. In this situation, the farm incurs the cost per unit for the feedstock purchase and possibly the hauling cost from the point of pickup to the farm. The final disposal cost will be a function of the amount of solids 32 remaining after digestion and the distance to the disposal site (either to a landfill or for land application). The benefits of increased biogas production, however, may justify the increased costs depending on the situation. With co-digestion, it is also important to be aware of any applicable state laws which may prohibit or place restrictions on the mixing of non-farm organic waste with livestock manure. In Michigan, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) has issued an “Organic Residuals Exemption” for on-farm anaerobic digestion. It only allows food processing residuals (as defined in Section 324.11503(9) of Part 115 in the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (NREPA)), syrup from ethanol production and fish wastes to be added. Any other materials used must receive written approval by the MDEQ. Per NREPA, "Food processing residuals" means any of the following: (a) Residuals of fruits, vegetables, aquatic plants, or field crops. (b) Otherwise unusable parts of links, vegetables, aquatic plants, or field crops from the processing thereof. (0) Otherwise unusable food products which do not meet size, quality, or other product specifications and which were intended for human or animal consumption. The approval, however, is limited to a maximum 20 percent substitution rate, by volume, of the material going into the digester unless an alternative substitution rate is approved in writing. Digester operators must also be approved by the MDA as a “Certified 33 Operator for Agricultural Anaerobic Digesters.” Other provisions and permit requirements under NREPA pertaining to air, water and hazardous waste are not exempt. Specifically in regard to land application, the digester effluent (digestate) may be land applied provided several conditions are met (MDEQ, 2009). 1.) “The owner/operator must ensure that the digestate is managed according to the Nutrient Utilization Generally Accepted Agricultural Management Practices (GAAMPS) or the Manure Management GAAMP developed under the Right to Farm Act.” 2.) “The operator of the farm must ensure that the concentration of contaminants in the soil, after land application, shall not cause the creation of a “facility” as defined by Part 201 , Environmental Remediation, of the NREPA.” 3.) “If the digestate is not used on the farm where it was generated, it must then be licensed with the MDA under Part 85, Fertilizers, of the NREPA.” This organic residuals exemption represents a recent change in the state’s previous policies regarding the co-digestion of waste for on-farm anaerobic digesters. 2.13 Non-Energy Benefits Benefits unrelated to the production of heat and electricity are present yet not always easily quantifiable. The process of digestion itself converts volatile organic compounds in manure to more stable forms that can be land-applied with fewer objectionable odors (Lazarus, 2008). For example, if the manure is spread on the operator’s own cropland, 34 the reduced odor potential may have economic value to the livestock operation by minimizing the chance of neighbors’ complaints or nuisance lawsuits. The reduced odor of the digestate itself may make it more marketable to crop farms (Lazarus, 2008). Quantifying this value has been notoriously difficult, however, since factors unique to an individual farm will determine the exact value of the odor reduction. In Kramer’s Anaerobic Digester (AD) casebook nearly all the system owners mentioned odor reduction as an important benefit of their AD system (Kramer, 2004). For new farms, some means of odor control is often either implicitly or explicitly required for the facility to be sited and built. Some owners of ongoing operations reported that the encroachment of residential developments near their farms have put increasing pressure on them over time (sometimes in the form of lawsuits) to reduce odor emissions (Kramer, 2004). Because digested manure (digestate) has much lower odor than raw manure, owners also have more flexibility in when and where they field-apply it (e. g., they do not have to wait until the wind is blowing the right way or avoid applying it on weekends) (Kramer, 2004) In addition to odor control, increased flexibility of nutrient management is also cited among the non-energy benefits of anaerobic digestion. “Nearly all animal manures are land applied, which means that some of their nutrient value is returned to the soil for plant growth. However, much of the nutrient value contained in manure can be lost before it is recycled or before the nutrients can be presented in a plant usable form” under traditional manure handling practices” (Lusk, 1998, p. 2-16). Since digestate is in a more stable form, crops are able to absorb more nutrients from the manure which increases its 35 value as a substitute for commercial fertilizer. The increase in uptake reduces the possibility of nutrient run-off into surface waters given proper land application (e.g., direct soil injection) (MDA FAQ, 2009). Pathogens in digested manure are also reduced by as much as 99.99% (Lusk, 1998). Further benefits are also possible through the use of mechanical solids separation. For example, the digestate solids (biofibers) can be utilized as a bedding material in dairy farm free-stall barns, sold as a soil amendment or used in other applications such as: the production of construction products (wall board), decking, and greenhouse pots (Safferman and Faivor, 2008). The solids separation is also made easier after the digestion process. Since separated solids have less volume, they can also be hauled to fertilize distant fields at less cost than hauling the original manure (Lazarus, 2008). The phosphorus portion of the manure is also primarily sequestered in the solids which aids in residuals management. In contrast, the liquid fraction (filtrate) is high in nitrogen and low in phosphorus thus enabling irrigation of fields that may be phosphorus limiting. The filtrate is also low in volatile fatty acids and therefore does not stick to the leaves and can be spread on growing plants (e.g., on corn as tall as 20 inches) with only minor risk of burning (Lusk, 1998). Studies which quantify the amount of these benefits are not presently available. 36 One concern about using digestate solids as bedding, however, is that pathogens might remain to cause increased mastitis problems (Lazarus and Rudstrom, 2007). Although, the Agricultural Biogas Casebook cites various examples of farms utilizing digestate solids without adverse effects, “the literature review suggests that more research is needed to clarify the impact of bedding type on mastitis, in the context of the many management factors on a typical dairy farm” (Lazarus, 2008, p. 16). Although solids separation is easier (e. g., reduced use of chemicals) with digestion, the benefits of solids separation can also be achieved without incorporating a digester in the system. For that reason, the AgSTAR digester protocol recommends setting boundary conditions for digester evaluations that leave out the separator part of the system (Martin, 2006). For these reason, the model developed for this study does not include the use of a solids separator or the use of digestate solids as livestock bedding. 37 Chapter 3: The Model The model developed in this study has two distinct functions. The first is its use as an outreach tool with a variety of modules allowing for the analysis of existing systems as well as those in the planning stage. In the absence of specific information, its default value modules allow the user to assume the initial cost of investment, operation and maintenance (O&M) costs as well as monthly biogas production. In order to construct the default value investment module, the budget from a large Michigan dairy farm was used as a reference. Component line items were estimated as either a percentage of total costs or sized based on related elements of the digester system. Other modules such as O&M costs and biogas production were based upon values from the published literature. If data is available from an operational system, these same values may be input directly. In terms of biogas production, a separate module is included for the addition of feedstocks which can increase output and improve digester profitability. Biogas production is then converted into revenue streams under surplus sale, buy-all sell-all and net metering electricity purchase agreements. RECS, carbon credits and potential propane offsets are also included as typical sources of income which may be available for on-farm digesters. Due to the high capital costs of an anaerobic digester, a separate module is used to account for the various financing options which generally come as a combination of grants, loans and equity. All revenues and expenses are then analyzed in a capital budgeting model using net present value, internal rate of return and simple payback 38 period methods. The user can then alter the various system parameters to examine performance under current and hypothetical circumstances. A second purpose for this model, and the primary focus of this study, is its use as a research tool to analyze energy policies as they relate to anaerobic digesters. Three different Michigan utility purchase agreements (surplus sale, buy-all sell-all and net metering) are examined in detail with rules and rates taken directly from one of the state’s largest utility companies. Of Special interest is the new net metering law and its effect on the economics of a typical digester in Michigan. While customers installing small wind and solar systems clearly benefit under this law, it is unclear how it compares to the other electricity purchase agreement options currently offered by utility companies. Also related to energy policy is the issue of standby charges. According to the literature, these charges are a major obstacle when using a digester to offset on—farm electricity use. Since the rules for standby charges are often rather complex, however, very little information is available which analyzes their impact on digester profits. The high cost of interconnection is also recognized as a barrier for digester owners, but an analysis of the details of interconnection is beyond the scope of this study. The primary research focus of this paper was a comparison of the three different electricity purchase agreements including standby charges under a variety of scenarios for a representative Michigan dairy farm. This chapter explains the details of the model using an example dairy farm with a lactating herd of 1,000 Holstein cows. The model also assumes the digester to be a 39 complete mix design with a total solids content of 8% and a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 20 days. Data related to on-farm energy usage and investment costs were taken from the Michigan case farm and scaled to match the needs of the 1,0005 cow example dairy farm for analysis. Examples are provided with each equation to illustrate the included formulas. Figure 3 illustrates the layout of the modeling process. 5 dry cows and young stock not included 40 m G O < r r r _ . : _ _ 32.: 03%: 526m 32: “swam: him 825 - - - - . 530: 2:33am 3582 32 =<-=om :23: 2% Beam scan. €285 K 3:9: AI 3:9: 3:9: 4 383:0 9:985": F: 3:582 82 =<-=om = ::3oQ 3:955 33: .m Paar: 41 inseam 33%: mix—SE 35033: 3:93 Cow—A B 30 01:an Hog—mm H rrrrrrrrrrr wflOEQ—Sm 0800:: £86 :85 < 8.55.58 :53 352 .m 2.9... 42 3.1 Default Value Investment The model has the option to utilize either a default value investment or directly entered investment information based upon the user’s own information. The flexibility allows the user to provide decision support in the absence of specific cost data. 3.1.1 Capital Investment Since digesters are often engineered to fit the individual needs of a particular farm, it is difficult to standardize the exact components included in each system. The task is further complicated by the fact that itemized budgets with each component (e.g., pumps, valves, mixers) separated out by cost are generally not publicly available. For example, the listed cost of a digester tank will generally aggregate the cost of the tank, roof, insulation, heating and related components together. The most valuable piece of data in cost determination, however, was the Michigan case farm budget which separated each component out by quantity and price. In order to design a default value investment module, component line items were estimated as either a percentage of total costs or sized based upon related elements of the digester system. The total project costs formulated in the model were then benchmarked against complete mix digester cost curves created by the EPA AgSTAR program (US. EPA, 2009). AgSTAR analyzed AD system cost data for 10 complete mix digesters on dairy farms for which itemized cost estimates were available. Using SAS 9.1, regression analyses were performed for the complete mix digester costs versus the number of dairy cows. Included in the cost of each system was the cost of the digester, the engine-generator set, 43 engineering design and installation. The analyzed systems did not include those designed for co-digestion and were based on quotes for systems in 2005-2008. In order to validate the default value investment module, the model was then run for herd sizes ranging from 500 to 4,000 cows and compared to the AgSTAR cost curves (Figure 4). Figure 4. Model Cost Estimation Compared with AgSTAR Cost Curve Model Cost Estimation vs AgSTAR Cost Curve ’s‘ 2 Model .35. * E ' ----- AgSTAR 8 O l- Herd Size When predicting the cost of the digester, the total solids content, hydraulic retention time (HRT) and amount of solids lost in collection are important in calculating the size of the tank and biogas production. For the model verification (Figure 4), the follow assumptions were made: scrape collected free stall barns, manure removed 3 times a day, Holstein cows (1,400 lbs.), parlor water added, a total solids (TS) content of 8%, a HRT of 20 days and a modest amount straw bedding. 44 3.1.2 Design Study and Engineering This is not a capital cost, but was included in a majority of case budgets examined. Engineering and design fees were assumed to be to be 8% of the total capital costs (State of Louisiana, 2007). 3.1.3 Excavation Excavation was estimated to be 4% of total capital costs and was taken from the case farm budget. 3.1.4 Tanks The cost of tanks represents a significant portion of the investment and must be Sized according to system parameters, as covered in sections 3.2.3A through 3.2.3 C. The post digestion storage, equalization tanks, roofs and insulation are sized and priced based upon the values determined for the digester tanks and are included in sections 3.2.3D through 3.2.3G. 3.1.4A Desired Tank Volume (Digester) The desired tank volume (DTV) in gallons was estimated based upon the average daily flow rate (gallons per day) and the hydraulic retention time (HRT). An additional volume of 10% was then added for freeboard to arrive at the desired tank volume. Freeboard Space is necessary to provide room for extra influent and gas storage in the case of a manure pump malfimction or engine-generator downtime. Equation 1 is the calculation for DTV. 45 DTV = (VAD x HRT) x (l + F8) (Equation 1) DTV : Desired tank volume of the digester tank (gallons) V A D : Average daily flow rate (gallons/day) HRT : Hydraulic retention time (days) F B : Freeboard space For E136: 658, 900 gallons = [29,950 gpdx 20 days] x (1.10) 31.48 Tank Ouantity (Digester) In order to determine the quantity of tanks needed, the assumption was made that 870,000 gallons would be the cut off point at which two digester tanks would be needed. This volume was selected based on an examination of all operational complete mix digesters listed on the EPA AgSTAR digester database (U .S. EPAb, 2009). For dairy farms utilizing more than one tank, the average tank volume was found to be approximately 870,000 gallons. Therefore, if the desired tank volume is less than 870,000 gallons, the assumption is made that one tank is used (Table 1). Table 1. Tank Quantity Desired Tank Volume Tank Quantity (gallons) 0 - 870,000 1 > 870,000 DTV / 870,000 gallon? 3.1.4C Tank Unit Cost To determine the unit cost of each digester tank, a similar methodology was used. Corrections are made, however, if the desired tank volume is greater than 870,000 ¥ 6 EF refers to a 1,000 cow example farm used to demonstrate the use of the model. Quantity rounded to the nearest whole number 46 gallons, but less than 1,000,000 gallons. For this specific interval, two 500,000 gallon tanks were utilized to avoid unnecessary capacity. Similarly, if the desired tank volume is greater than 1,000,000 gallons, but less than 1,400,000 gallons, then two 700,000 gallon tanks were used. The volume of the tank multiplied by a cost per gallon of $.20 becomes the unit cost (Equation 2). The tank quantity multiplied by the unit cost is the total digester tank cost (Equation 3). The value of $.20 was obtained from the case farm budget. Table 2 Shows the determination of the Total Tank Volume. Table 2. Total Tank Volume DTV(gallons) Selected Tank Total Tank Volume Tank Size Quantity (gallons) (gallons) 0 - 870,000 DTV 1 DTV 870,001 — 1,000,000 500,000 2 1,000,000 1,000,001 - 1,400,000 700,000 2 1,400,000 1,400,001 - 2,100,000 700,000 3 2,100,000 > 2,100,000 870,000 DTV/ 870,000 x Tank 870,000 Quantity gallons Unit Cost = Total Tank Volume (gallons) x Cost per Gallon (Equation 2) For EF: $131, 780 = 658, 900 gallons x $0.20 per gallon Total Digester Tank Cost = Tank Quantity x Unit C 0st (Equation 3) For EF.‘ $131,780 = I Tankx $131,780 3. 1. 4D Tanks- {Post Storage) Post digestion storage was obtained by first calculating the post storage tank volume from the case farm and comparing it to the volume of the digester tanks. The post digestion storage volume was found to be 20% of the digester tank volume for the case farm. This Size relationship was then used to estimate the post digestion storage volume for all 47 digester Sizes in the model. The storage volume was then multiplied by a cost per gallon of 8.30 which was also taken from the case farm budget (Equation 4). C Storage = (DTV x .20) x C P G (Equatron 4) C Storage : Cost of post-storage tanks C P G : Cost per gallon for post storage tanks ($/ gallon) For EF.‘ $39,534 = (658,900 gallons x .20) x $0.30 3. 1. 4E Tanks- (Equalization) Two equalization tanks are used to stabilize the inflow and outflow of manure and are assumed to be a fixed cost of $8,000 per tank. This value was obtained from the case farm budget. 3.1.4FRoofs-(Digester) The number of roofs needed is a function of the number of digester tanks and is assumed to be 60% of the cost of the digester tank. This value was obtained from the case farm budget. 3. 1. 4G Insulation The number of units of insulation needed is a ftmction of the number of digester tanks and is assumed to be 17% of the cost of the digester tank. This value was obtained from the case farm budget. 48 3.1.5 Boiler To estimate the cost of the boiler, the size needed was determined by the total heat input required for the coldest average ambient temperature of the year (Perssen etal., 1979). The heat input required is a function of the heat loss through the digester and varies depending on the dimensions of the digester and the insulation material used. Two different size boilers were priced and the model was programmed to Select the correct size based on the rated heat capacity (Btu/hr) of each boiler. The price of $90,000 was obtained from the case farm budget and the $45,000 was an estimate based on a boiler capacity need half the size of the case farm (Table 3). Table 3. Boiler Size Ranges Boiler Size Ranges Cost Boiler Size (300 MMBtu/hr to 2,000 MMBtu/hr) $45,000 Boiler Size (2,001 MMBtu/hr to 5,000 MMBtu/hr) $90,000 3.1.6 Heating Heating refers to the tubes within the floors and walls of the digester tanks which circulate water. This water is warmed by waste heat recovered from the engine-generator and helps raise the influent temperature to the (95°-105°F) necessary for optimal mesophilic digestion. The number of units of heating was assumed to be a function of the number of digester tanks and a value of 5.5% of the cost of the digester tank was taken from the case farm budget. 49 3.1.7 Plumbing. Valves, Mixing_and other Miscellaneous Components The cost of plumbing, valves, mixing units and miscellaneous items were combined and were assumed to be 14% of total capital costs. This value was obtained from the case farm budget. 3.1.8 Wager-to-Manure Heat Exchangers Water-to-manure heat exchangers capture heat from the exhaust of the engine-generator and were assumed to be 4.5% of the total capital costs. This percentage was taken from the case farm budget. For the purposes of this study, a water-to-manure heat exchanger was not considered a piece of equipment to be included with all complete mix digesters. The module was programmed to include this piece of equipment, however, if additional heating ability is needed in addition to a boiler. 3.1.9 Instrumentation Instrumentation refers to the cost of the computer equipment and flow meters to monitor the system and record the necessary information to receive carbon credits. This cost is assumed to be a fixed $28,000 and will not vary with herd Size. This value was taken from the case farm budget. 3.1.10 Contingency Contingency refers to funds set aside for unexpected budget overspends and increases in construction costs and were assumed to be 5% of total capital costs. 50 3.1 .l 1 Engine-Generator The cost of the generator was a function of the average yearly electricity output in kWh. A range of generator Sizes was established based on case farm data and other published case studies (Table 4). When the average yearly electricity output falls between a particular engine-generator Size range, the model selects the average cost associated with the corresponding generator. Table 4. Engine-Generator Costs Engine-Generator Size Range Average Cost 701 kW to 900 kW $400,000 501 kW to 700 kW $350,000 301 kW to 500 kW $300,000 201 kW to 300 kW $250,000 121 kW to 200 kW $200,000 50 kW to 120 kW $150,000 3.1.12 Buildigg The cost of the building was assumed to be a function of the generator Size and was estimated at 10% of the cost of the generator. The 10% was obtained from an actual itemized budget from a project developer. 3.1.13 Switchgear and Addition_al Engine Components The switchgear and additional engine components were assumed to be a function of the generator size and were estimated at 70% of the generator cost. The additional engine components also include items such as heat exchangers which capture heat from the exhaust of the engine-generator. The 70% was based upon an actual itemized component list from a project developer (Equation 5). . 51 C 0.70 (Equation 5) SC = CE — Generator x C S C : Cost of switchgear and components : Cost of the en ine- enerator E — Generator g g For EF.‘ $140,000 = $200,000 x 0. 70 3.1.14 Interconnection The process of interconnection involves connecting an electricity producing generator to the grid. The cost can vary greatly depending on the location of the farm and the size of the generator (U.S. EPAa, 2009). The EPA AgSTAR program has estimated this cost to be 7.9% of the total project capital costs on average. This percentage is also used in the model. 3.1.15 Salvage Val_u_e To determine the salvage value of the digester, the user must enter the value on each component that will remain at the end of the project period as a percentage of the purchase price. With both the direct-entry and the default value investment modules, the salvage value of the initial investment system components were not determined by the resulting book value under the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS). In this study, the engine-generator was assumed to be worth 10% of the purchase price and the digester tanks (heat, insulation, roofing, concrete) were valued at 2%. If the direct-entry investment module is being used, however, the book value (MACRS) of any repair and replacement parts purchased after the initial investment (year zero) are 52 included in the salvage value. In this module, the total salvage value then consists of the percentage of value on each component from the initial investment combined with the book value of the repair and replacement parts remaining at the end of the project period. The direct-entry of repair and replacement costs is explained in detail in Section 3.3 which describes the operation and maintenance costs module. 3.2 Operation and Maintenance Costs Operation and maintenance (O&M) costs were determined in the model by either directly entering Specific values or using the default value investment module. The default value module calculates costs as a percentage of total capital costs obtained from the published literature. The values used in case farm examples are from the default value investment module since actual 0&M data was not available. 3.2.1 Digester When the user is analyzing an already existing system, specific data may be entered in the model. The costs are separated apart between the digester and the engine-generator unit. For both the digester and generator maintenance, the labor costs were calculated as follows in Equation 6. LYC = L. Hr x L R x 52 weeks (Equation 6) LYC : Yearly labor costs ($) L m: Total hours to service and operate per week (hrs) L R : Rate of pay per hour ($/hr) 53 For EF: $3,276 = 3.5 hours x $18/hour x 52 weeks For repairs and replacements, the costs were estimated. The sum of the annual costs for the first 5 years were determined and weighted for the flow of expenditures (Table 5). Expenditures in years four and five were weighted progressively higher. After year five, the costs increased at a rate of 3%. This approach was taken from the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) in which downtime and reliability are calculated as a logarithmic cost function increasing with accumulated use and age. Table 5. Direct-Entry Operation and Maintenance Costs Cost for First 5 Years: $150,000 Rate Increase After Year 5: 3% Year 1 2 3 4 5 Cost Weight Factor: 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Repair and Replacement Cost: $15,000 $22,500 $30,000 $37,500 $45,000 In addition to estimated costs, the model has the flexibility for the user to enter Specific repair data for large purchases. Assets that are likely to need replacement or overhaul such as pumps and valves, mixing units, roofs and instrumentation are preprogrammed into the model. The model selects the higher value between the repair and replacement costs baseline estimation and the specific repair/replacement costs directly entered by the user. In the module, this is referred to the “adjusted digester repair and replacement cost.” Since the baseline costs are estimated based on the amount spent for the first five years, they do not completely capture the cost fluctuations associated with large repairs/replacements occurring later on in the project period (e. g., year 10). In some cases, they may exceed the originally estimated amount. By selecting the higher value of 54 the two, the model is not only accounting for the steady growth of O&M costs over time, but also incorporating the significant cost increases associated with large overhauls and major repairs in a given year. Table 6. O&M Costs with Late Project Period Repair and Replacement Year 6 7 8 9 10 Repair and Replacement Costs: $46,350 $47,741 $49,173 $50,648 $52,167 Adj. Repair and Replacement $46,350 $47,741 $79,000 $50,648 $100,000 Costs: The adjusted cost of $79,000 in year 8 is for roof repairs and the $100,000 in year 10 are for repairing pumps and valves. In both cases, these values exceed the amount originally estimated from the first five years of costs (Table 6). These repair and replacement costs may be so costly that they exceed the available net working capital and need to be externally financed. In this case, a loan amortization schedule is also calculated in the financing module. In addition, if the purchase includes . a depreciable asset, then the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) is applied according to the proper project life outlined in the IRS Publication 946. 3.2.2 Egine-Generator Labor costs were calculated the same as with the digester. The cost of oil, however, is Specific to the engine-generator and was calculated using the following equation. OYC = OGallons x O N X 0C / G (Equation 7) OYC: Yearly engine generator oil costs ($) OGallons: Oil required (gallons) 55 O C / G : Cost per gallon ($/gallon) O N : Number of times oil is changed (times/yr) For EF.‘ $462 = 22 gallons x 7 times/yr x $3 per gallon The frequency of oil changes can be directly entered by the user to account for varying concentrations of hydrogen sulfide in the biogas. With repairs and replacements, the costs were estimated the same as with the digester. The sum of the annual costs for the first 5 years is determined and weighted for the flow of expenditures. After year 5, the costs were increased at 3% each year until the end of the project period. Incidental repair, replacement and overhaul costs can also be directly entered and are depreciated in the same manner as with the digester. If the user is analyzing a system in the absence of Specific cost information, the 0&M costs for both the digester and engine-generator can also be calculated using a percentage of total capital costs. Based upon estimates from the literature, this percentage was estimated to be between 3% and 7% (Beddoes et al., 2007; Bracmort, 2008). Due to this wide variability, an average value of 5% was spread out over the first five years and weighted progressively higher in years four and five (Table 7). Table 7. Cost Weight Factor for O&M Costs Based Upon Percentage of Total Capital Costs Year 1 2 3 4 5 Cost Weight F actor: 45% 55% 65% 80% 100% The method of weighting the percentage of costs for the first five years was to account for the fact that digester and engine generator repair costs are likely to be minimal in the first several years of operation. After year five, however, the costs are increased at a rate 56 of 3% until the end of the project period. By year 15, the 0&M costs reach nearly seven percent of total capital costs which captures a balance between the range of values found in the literature. A steady growth of the O&M cost percentage will also help account for the large repair and replacement costs of the digester and engine-generator as they age. The total 0&M costs for years 1 through 5 are calculated for the 1,000 cow example digester in Table 8. Table 8. Operation and Maintenance Costs as a Percentage of Total Capital Costs Year 1 2 3 4 5 % of Total Capital Costs: 2.25% 2.75% 3.25% 4.00% 5.00% Total 0&M Cost: $18,700 $22,855 $27,011 $33,244 $41,555 3.3 Depreciation The depreciation schedule is calculated using the (MACRS) 150% Declining Balance Method (Half-Year Convention). The recovery periods used for digester components were assumed to be either 15 years (single purpose livestock structure), 20 years (farm building) or 7 years (Farm Machinery and Equipment). The corresponding depreciation schedules were taken from the IRS Publication 946. The IRS Section 179 direct expensing option, however, was not considered in this model. 3.4 Proper_ty Taxes In Michigan, on-farm anaerobic digester facilities (including the engine-generator) can be exempt from real and personal property taxes. In order to be eligible for the exemption, methane digester equipment must be certified by the Michigan Department of Agriculture (MDA) and the farm must be verified as compliant under the Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP). In addition, the facility owner must allow 57 "access for not more than 2 universities to collect information regarding the effectiveness of the methane digester and the methane digester electric generating system in generating electricity and processing animal waste and production area waste” (DSIRE, 2009). Currently, the Michigan Department of Treasury (MDT) has not dealt with the issue of how to properly value an anaerobic digester system for property tax purposes.8 The assumption was made that the six operating digesters in the state must be taking advantage of the tax exemption. Since little information was available in this area, certain assumptions regarding the taxable project cost and fair market value of a digester were used. For example, all fixed structures were considered to be real property (taxable) and the value of 25% (fair market value as percent of total taxable project cost) was a “best guess” estimation. Since the MDT has indicated that no farms are currently paying property taxes on their digester systems, none of the analyses in this study include this expense. FMV .-. (PFMV x TC) For EF: $207,774 = (0.25 x $831,097) (Equation 8) A V = (FMV x P A V) For EF: $103,887 = ($207, 774 x 0.50) (Equation 9) PT = (A V x TR) For EF: 8311 7 = ($103,887 x 0. 03) (Equation 10) TC : Total taxable project cost PFMV : Fair market value as percentage of total taxable project cost P A V : Assessed value as a percentage of fair market value A V : Assessed value F M V : Fair market value PT : Property tax TR : Tax rate 8 Conversations with Michigan Department of Treasury 58 3.5 Biogas Production Biogas production is estimated on a month to month basis over a period of one year. This allows aspects of seasonality (e. g., heat loss, manure freezing) to be accounted for which gives a more accurate view of digester performance. The biogas production modules of the model consist of three main elements: influent flow, digester heating and biogas and electricity production. The model is also set up to allow for the use of baseline or directly entered values when calculating monthly biogas production. For situations where a digester is not installed or daily influent values are unknown, biogas production can be calculated utilizing baseline values. Alternatively, if a pre—existing system is being evaluated, the user can enter more Site Specific data. In addition, hypothetical or existing situations with the co-digestion of additional feedstocks can also be modeled on a monthly basis. 3.5.1 Influent Flow Influent flow is defined as the amount of material (e. g., water, manure, food processing water) which enters the digester per period. It is often measured by the daily flow rate and has implications on digester Sizing, heating needs and biogas production. 3.5.1A Manure In order to calculate the amount of manure influent entering the digester on a monthly basis, the following steps (Equations 11-14) are used based upon the daily flow rate. This 59 rate includes the manure and any added dilution water from the milking parlor or other sources entering the digester. Step (1) QD =QC/DXH (Equationll) Q D : Daily flow rate (gallons per day) . 9 QC / D . Flow rate per cow/day (gallons) H : Herd Size (lactating and dry) For EF: 29, 950 gpd = 29. 95 gallons x 1, 000 lactating cows Step (2) V = Q D x LG (Equation 12) VD: Daily volume (ft3/day) LG : Liquid gallons per ft3 For EF: 4, 004 fi3/day = 29,950 gpd x 0. 1 33 680556 gallons per ft3 Step (3) MD = VD x MD (Equatron 13) MD: Daily mass (lb/d) MD: Manure density (lb/ft3) [0 For EF.‘ 249, 937 Ib/d = 4, 004 ft3/day x 62.4 Step (4) DMT = [HLC x DMLC/D]+[HDC x DMDC/D] (Equatron l4) 9 The most common values are 10 to 30 gallons of fresh water per milk cow (Burke, 2001). ‘° Manure Density= 62.4, (ASAE, 2005) 60 DM T : Total dry matter (lb/d) H L C : Number of lactatrng cows DM L C / D : Dry matter per lactatrng cow/day H D C : Number of dry cows DM D C / D : Dry matter per dry cow/day For EF.‘ 20, 000 lb/day = {1, 000 Lactating Cows x 20 lb/day/cow} + {0' 1 Dry Cows x 11 lb/day/cow} The amount of manure per animal varies by animal type and production grouping. For the 1,000 cow example, the assumption is that all dry cows are kept in a separate barn and do not contribute manure to the digester. Table 9 contains a listing of manure characteristics from the American Society for Biological Engineers (ASAE, 2005). In addition to the animal manure produced, dry matter also includes organic animal bedding incorporated in the influent stream. Table 9. Manure Characteristics from the American Society for Biological Engineers Animal Type and Production Grouping Total Solids (Dry Matter) (lbs/day/cow) Beef-Cow (Confinement) 15 Beef-Growing Calf (Confinement) 6 Dairy-Lactating Cow 20 Dairy-Dry Cow ll Swine-Gestating Sow (440 lb) 1.1 Swine-Lactating Sow (423 lb) 2.5 Once the daily dry matter per period has been determined, the percent of total solids (TS) is calculated by dividing the dry matter by the daily mass (lb/d) (Equation 15). The u The assumption is made that dry cows are kept in a separate barn and are not contributing manure to the digester. 61 percentage of total solids concentration is important to monitor since it affects the heating needs of the digester and the type of digester design which is selected. It is not a constant due to water spill, humidity and the type of manure handling (Gebremedhin, 2006). In contrast to the dry matter which consists of only solid material, daily mass includes solids as well as added dilution water from the milking parlor or other sources entering the digester. TS C = DM T / MD (Equatron 15) TS C : Total solids concentration (%) DM T : Total dry matter (lb/d) MD: Daily mass (lb/d) For CF: 8% = 20, 000 lb/d/249, 937 lb/d From the amount of collectable total solids (dry matter), the actual volatile solids content is calculated using baseline values from both the dry and lactating dairy cows. The volatile solids (V 8) content determines the amount of degradable solids which can produce biogas from manure or any other feedstock suitable for anaerobic digestion (Equation 16). Lost solids as a result of biodegradation during the pretreatment process are also accounted for in the equation, Since it can have a significant impact on biogas production (Equation 17). M VS = DM T x VS C (Equation 16) M VS : Volatile solids mass (lb/d) VS C : Volatile solids concentration (%)/2 ‘2 vs (%) = 35%, (Steffen et al., 1998) 62 For CF: 17,0001b/d = 20, 000 lb/d x 0.85 M M (Equation 17) VS(i) = VS(i) ’ (1 ' LVS) M VS (1.) : Volatile solids mass (lb/perrod I) LVS: Volatile solids loss (%) 1': Period of time (c. g. hour, day, month) For CF: 1 7, 000 lb/d = [1 7, 000 lb/d — (1 - 0%”)] 3.6 Utilization Analysis To calculate the biogas yield from either manure or additional feedstocks, Equation 18 is used. The result is multiplied by the biogas methane concentration to obtain the energy potential (Equation 19). The biogas production levels were assumed to be constant for the 15 year project period. YB“) = M VS (i) x BVS. (Equatron l8) . . . 3 . . Y B (1.) . Brogas yreld (ft / period 1) M VS (i) : Volatile solids entering the digester (lb/period i) BVS: Biogas produced per (ft3/lb of VS destroyed) For EF: 73,100ft3/d = 17, 000 lb/dx 4. 3 ft3/Ib” EADQ’) : YB(i) X MC (Equation 19) E A D : Energy produced by the system (Btu/period i) ‘3 The amount of solids lost depends on the system and a value of 0% was chosen in this example. '4 This value is an average taken from various literature sources (Steffen et al., 1998; Bracmort et al., 2008) 63 F 01 I'-” 116 C0 Iir C F 01‘ M C : Methane concentration (%) For EF: 43,860 = 73, 100 ftde 60%l5 3.6.1 Digester Heating In order to account for the amount of heat leaving the digester, the model was programmed to either calculate heat loss values based upon the Specific dimensions of the digester tank and construction material or assume heat loss as a percentage of energy potential. Regardless of the method, the first step iS to calculate the amount of heat needed to warm the influent (manure and feedstock) to the target temperature. For complete mix digesters operating in the mesophillic range, this is generally between 95°F and 105°F (Lusk, 1998). The same formula is applied to all influent entering the digester (including additional feedstocks) (Equation 20). Qi = me(To _ Ti) (Equation 20) Q1. : Energy needed to heat the digester to optimal temperature (Btu for period i) m :Mass flow rate (lbs/period i) To :Effluent temperature which is equal to the digester temperature (°F) Ti :Influent temperature for period i (°F )16 Cp: Specific heat of feedstock (assumed to be equal to that of water, 1 Btu/lb) i : Period of analysis (e.g. January) For EF: 759,183 Btu/hr = 10, 414 lb/hr x 1 Btu/lb x (95 °F — 22.1 °F’7 '5 55-65% (us. EPA, 2002) '6 Assumed to be ambient temperature '7 Average ambient temperature for the month of January in central Michigan (US. EPA, Undated) 64 When using Specific digester dimensions to calculate heat loss through the floor, walls and roof, Equation 21 was used (Persson et al., 1979). The thermal conductivity coefficient varies depending on the construction material. Increased insulation will decrease this value. When calculating surface area, a distinction is made between the portion of the wall buried in the soil and that which is exposed to ambient temperatures. The soil can provide some insulation in the winter months with temperatures assumed to be 55°F year-round at a depth of Six feet (NREL, 2009). The depth of digester (if buried at all) will be input by the user. Ambient temperatures from the FarmWare 3.1 simulator were used which obtains its data from the National Climate Data Center. 17 QH= 2 U .A .(t. —t(,) (Equation 21) j—l J J 1 Q H : Digester Heat Loss (Btu/hr) U : Thermal conductivity coefficient A : Surface Area (fiz) ti : Inside temperature (°F) to : Outside temperature (°F) i : Period of analysis j : Type of surface being insulated If digester heat loss is not being calculated based upon specific construction materials and surface area dimensions, it can also be determined based upon a percentage of the digester energy potential (Btu/hr) (Equation 22). A value of 5% was taken from the literature (Liu et al., 2008). Since specific digester tank data from a 1,000 cow dairy was not available, the analysis in this study uses the 5% estimate to determine heat loss. 65 F0. The less exha Waist recor digest Upon n QH = EAD x 5% (Equation 22) Q H : Digester Heat Loss (Btu/hr) E A D : Energy produced by the system (Btu/hr) For EF.‘ 91,375 Btu/hr = 1,827,500 Btu/hrx 5% The minimal energy needed for static warmth (E ,Btu/hr) then becomes the heat AD, Min needed to warm the influent to the target temperature plus digester heat loss (Btu/hr) (Equation 23). EAD, Min = mCP(To ‘ Ti) + Q x EAD (Equation 23) E A D, Min : Mrnrmum heat needed for static warmth (Btu/hr) E A D : Energy produced by the system (Btu/hr) Q: Heat loss (%) For EF: 850,558 Btu/hr = [10,414 lbs/hr x 1 Btu/lb x (95 °F — 22.1°F)] + (5% x 1,82 7,500 Btu/hr) The energy required from the boiler is the minimum energy required for static warmth less the energy captured from waste heat (Equation 24). Waste heat comes from both the exhaust of the engine-generator and the water-to-manure heat exchanger (if one is used). Waste heat captured from engine-generator is determined by multiplying the heat recovery efficiency]8 of the heat exchangers by the energy potential (Btu/period) of the digester. The amount of heat recovered from the water-to-manure heat exchanger is based upon manufacturing specifications and must be input directly. W EB = (EAD, Min — EG _ WManure ) / BEF (Equatron 24) ‘3 The industry standard of 40% was assumed in the model 66 E B : Energy required from boiler (Btu/hr)19 W E G : Waste heat captured from exhaust off the engine-generator (Btu/hr) : Waste heat captured from the water-to-manure heat exchanger (Btu/hr) B E F : The efficiency of the boiler (%) Manure For EF: 299,302 Btu/hr = [850,558 Btu/hr — 611,116 Btu/hr - 02” Btu/hr]/80% The net energy potential of the system is the energy produced by the digester reduced by the energy required to run the boiler (Equation 25). ENet = EAD _ EB (Equation 25) E Ne t : Net energy potential of the system (Btu/hr) For EF: 1,827,500 Btu/hr = 1,827,500 Btu/hr - 299,302 Btu/hr 3.6.2 Co-digestion The amount of additional feedstock influent is accounted for in a separate module. The co-digestion module accounts for the specific characteristics of each feedstock and then combines them with the biogas production from the manure. 3. 6. 2A Feedstock Cost The final cost of feedstock includes the cost of the feedstock itself, fuel, labor and disposal. Unless the amount of feedstock added is significant (e. g., 50% of total volume), the cost of disposal is not expected to be different than what is normally Spent on the disposal of manure without added feedstock. The user may enter a disposal cost figure if '9 Based upon the month of January 2° This example does not include a water-to-manure heat exchanger. 67 it is considered appropriate. The transportation fuel cost is influenced by the distance traveled, Speed, vehicle fuel efficiency and the cost of firel. The transportation labor cost is influenced by the duration of the trip and the hourly pay rate of the worker as described in Equation 25. CT = TD + T1. + TF + (FQ + CU) (Equation 25) F : Feedstock quantity (tons) IO C : Cost per unit ($) Q T : Transportation fuel costs ($) "1': T : Transportation labor costs ($) 1‘ T : Transportation cost for disposal ($) CT: Total feedstock cost per truck load ($/load) D For EF.‘ $129=$0+$61 +$33+ (7 tons x $5.00) 3. 6. 28 Feedstock Revenue The cost of transportation is not considered in this equation, since the farm generally will not incur the delivery cost when tipping fees are involved. Tipping fees are a payment to the farm from an outside entity (e.g., restaurant, food processor) for the ability to dispose of their organic waste in the digester. The feedstock revenue is the amount of feedstock delivered to the farm multiplied by the revenue per unit (Equation 26). The disposal cost is considered at the discretion of the user and will depend on the amount of feedstock added. R = F R — T ( x U) TD (Equation 26) RU: Revenue per unit ($) RT: Total feedstock revenue ($) 68 For EF.’ $400 = (10 tons x $40 per ton) - $0 3. 6.2C Amount of Feedstock Entering the Digestergper Day It is important to determine the amount of feedstock entering the digester in order to accurately determine the energy potential and, digester heating requirements. In addition, it is convenient in planning a digester to consider the amount of additional feedstock added when determining the digester tank size. The average percentage of feedstock added each day will depend on the management practices of the digester operator and it varies between systems. The model assumed that a constant percentage of each truck load was fed to the digester each day. In practice, however, this percentage will vary widely. 3. 6. 2D Feedstock Characteristics and Biogas Yield Due to the variability among different feedstocks, the energy potential of each must be calculated separately. Some agro-industrial wastes may contain less than 1% total solids (TS), while others contain high TS contents of more than 20% (Steffen et al., 1998). There is also wide variability in the content of V8 and resulting conversion to methane. Equations 27-30 Show an example of adding 7 tons of ethanol syrup three times per month throughout the year”. Mom) = FAD(,°) x ”or For EF: 3,1501b/d = 42, 000 lb/dx 15% (Eq. 27) VSF(,~) = Mot-(t) X VSCF For EF: 2, 698 lb/d = 3,150 lb/dx 85.66% (Eq. 28) YBF(1') = VSFU) X YBF For EF: 40,474 ftj/d = 2, 698 [Mix 15 ft3/lb of VS (Eq. 29) 2' Values pertaining the characteristics of ethanol syrup taken from (Rosentrater et al., 2006). 69 Era) = YBF(i) x M CF For EF: 29,951 ft3/d = 40,474 ftde 74% (Eq. 30) M D F (1.): Feedstock mass (lb/period I) F A D (i) : Feedstock added to the d1gester(lb/perrod 1) TS : Total solids concentration in feedstock (%) CF VS F (i) : Volatile solids (lb/period 1) VS C F : Volatile solids concentration in feedstock (%) YBFU)‘ Y B F : Biogas Yield (ft3/lb of VS F destroyed) E F( .) : Energy produced from added feedstock (ft3/period) r M C F : Methane concentration of feedstock (%) Biogas Yield per period (ft3/period) 3.6.3 Energy Uses The actual energy potential sent to the engine-generator must be not of any biogas that is used to offset the use of propane. Offsets achieved using waste heat from the engine generator (net of digester heating needs) will not have an effect on the actual energy potential. The user has the Option whether to include these offsets and which energy source will be used (biogas or waste heat). In addition, the actual energy potential (E A ) is adjusted for when the methane produced exceeds the capacity of the engine-generator (Equation 31). The excess methane is then sent to a flare where it is burned. In this circumstance, if E A exceeds the rated capacity of the engine-generator, the model will use the rated capacity as the adjusted actual energy potential. 70 A Net P (Equation 31) E A : Actual energy potential net of all other uses (Btu/period) E Ne t : Energy potential net of digester heating requirements (Btu/period) E P : Energy potential from biogas used as a propane offset (Btu/period) For EF: 1,82 7,500 Btu/hr = 1,82 7,500 Btu/hr — 0 Btu/hr” 3. 6. 3A Propane Offisets The user has the option whether to include propane offsets as a potential energy use. The energy required to replace propane can come either from waste heat or from biogas net of any boiler use to warm the digester. Since farm heating needs are seasonal, the model also gives the option to select which months are included. Assuming a value of 92,000 Btu’s per gallon, the energy available from the digester is converted to a gallon equivalent in Equations 32-33. The examples provided are for the month of January. PP = E Ne t /Btu’s per gallon (Equation 32) 1.23 gallons/hr = 113,351 Btu/hr / 92, 000 Btu/gallon 01' PP = Ewaste /Btu’s per gallon (Equation 33) 0 gallons/hr = 0 Btu/hr / 92, 000 Btu/gallon P P : Propane offset potential (gallons/period) E Ne t : Energy potential net of digester heating requirements (Btu/period) 22 - Thrs example assumes no propane offsets. 71 waste: Energy potential from waste heat (Btu/period) To estimate the on-farrn propane use, 11 gallons per cow/year was assumed (Lazarus, 2003). This is based upon the heating needs of the milking parlor and cow holding area. The actual on-farm propane offset is either the on-farrn need for the selected time period. (based upon 11 gallons per cow/year) or the propane offset potential produced by the digester. For example, if the pr0pane offset potential from the digester is less than the farm’s need, the actual propane offset becomes the energy potential produced from the digester and vice versa. The example provided is for the month of January and assumes waste heat as the energy source (Equation 34). P = min(E AP P ’ PFarm) (Equation 34) P A P : Actual propane offset (gallons/period) P Farm :On-farm propane need (gallons/period) E P : Energy potential available (per period) for propane offsets (either E Ne t or waste ) For EF.‘ 0 gallons/month: min (0 gallons/month, 91 7 gallons/month) It is important to note that excess waste heat may not always be available during the winter months when it is needed most. This is due to the fact that the majority of the waste heat will be used for digester heating requirements. 3. 6. 3B Electricifl Generation Electricity generation (E G ) is calculated by multiplying the actual energy potential by the recovery and engine efficiency of the generator (Equation 35). The generator is 72 assumed to be an internal combustion engine. The E value is also adjusted for the G parasitic energy load of the tank mixers. EG = [(EA x GRE x GEE) x (1 — P)]/3,412 Btu/kWh (Equation 35) E G : Electricity generation (kWh/hr) E A : Actual energy potential net of all other uses (Btu/period) G R E : Online time of the engine generator (%) G E E : Engine efficiency of the engine generator (%) P: Parasitic energy requirement (% of EC) For EF.°138 kWh/hr = [(1,528,198 Btu/hrx 90% x 0.35) x (1-0.02)]/3,412 Btu/kWh The parasitic energy requirement (P) refers to the amount of energy needed to power the tank mixers. From case farm data, this value was calculated to be 2% and is used as a constant in the model. To arrive at this value, Equation 36 was used: P=[(MERxMN)xMHr]/EG (Equation 36) M E R : Energy requirement per mixer (kW) MN : Number of mixers M Hr : Number of hours run per day (hrs) 3.7 Electricig Purchase Agreements Each sub-module has its own corresponding set of inputs (prices, profit retention, meters included and sales charges) which can be altered for scenario comparison purposes. Additionally, with all three agreements, the model is programmed for the user to select which electricity meters are to be included in the analysis. 73 3.7.1 Surplus Sale Since a surplus sale agreement involves the offsetting of on-farm energy needs, a power usage index23 is used which specifies the amount of electricity used per hour for each month. This is necessary because a farm can only offset the amount of energy they are using at any given moment. Once power usage flows are established, the amount of I electricity that is available for sale to the utility can be determined. The example provided in Equation 37 is for 7 am in the month of January. K =U> ' . ‘ n. , +3 -All Sell- 2 , _ , _ , “Y -$600,000 , All $800 000 4 +Net Metering -$1,000,000 .' -$1,200,000 4*”:- 01234567891011121314 TruckLoads Given the assumptions made, the system will require 7 truck loads of ethanol syrup per month with a surplus sale agreement and 8 loads per month with a buy-all sell-all agreement in order to reach a positive NPV. The difference in the number of truck loads is attributed to a slight advantage with the surplus agreement given the retail electricity prices and the value of electricity produced assumed in the model. Since a net metering agreement prevents a farm from realizing increased electricity production from co- digestion, adding ethanol syrup actually decreases the return on investment. This is because the farm would be incru'ring feedstock related costs without increasing revenues. When comparing the results of this analysis to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) organics residuals exemption discussed in Chapter 2, the hypothetical farm operation could have a profitable investment and still be in compliance with state laws. Note that at 8 truck loads per month, the ethanol syrup entering the digester each day comprises roughly 18% of the total mixture (manure, parlor/dilution water and ethanol syrup). This fits within the 20% limit stated in the MDEQ exemption. 110 4.3 Section Two - Engineering The next section demonstrates the model’s use as a tool for engineers to analyze and predict digester performance. While a variety of parameters can be tested with this model, three key variables (total solids concentration, volatile solids loss, and online time) were chosen which can Significantly affect digester performance. This will help provide insight into how system performance directly relates to profitability. All examples in Section Two involve a herd of 1,000 lactating cows and many of the same assumptions as Section One (Table 18). In this section, however, a larger engine- generator was selected for analysis in order to more effectively demonstrate the use of the model when other assumptions are changed. A list of assumptions is presented in Table 22. 4.3.1 Total Solids Concentration Table 22. Section Two Assumptions - Engineering Influent Herd Size: 1,000 Daily Flow Rate (gpd) 29,950 Biogas Production Methane concentration (%) 6O Biogas Yield (113/lb V8) 4.3 Electricity Generation Online Time (%) 90 Engine Efficiency (%) 35 Engine Generator Size (kW) Surplus Sale and Buy-A ll Sell-All 180 Net Metering 95 Heat Recovery Efficiency (%) 40 Parasitic Energy Requirement (%) 2 111 Table 22. Section Two Assumptions - Engineering (Continued) Digester Tank and Heating Heat Loss (%) 5 Volatile Solids Loss (%) 0 Total Solids (%) Base Case Variable Design Temp (°F) 95 Hydraulic Retention Time (days) 20 Boiler Efficiency (%) 80 Pricing Carbon credits ($) 2 REC's ($) 26.5 Propane gas ($/gallon) 2.31 Retail Electricity ($/kWh) 0.0988 Financial Inputs Return on Equity (%) 10 Tax Rate (%) 33.45 180 kW Engine-Generator Total Project Cost $1 ,038,040 USDA REAP Funding Total Principal Term APR Percent of Investment Loan Guarantee $519,020 15 6% 50% Amount Duration (yr) Percent of Investment Grants $259,510 1 25% 105 kW Engine-Generator Total Project Cost $909,893 USDA REAP Funding Total Principal Term APR Percent of Investment Loan Guarantee $454,946 15 6% 50% Amount Duration (yr) Percent of Investment Grants $227,473 1 25% Figure 10 shows the relationship between the total solids concentration of digester influent and average yearly electricity production. AS mentioned in Chapter 2, the total solids concentration decreases as water (parlor, rain) are mixed with the manure. In Michigan’s climate, more liquid in the influent mixture increases the heating requirements of the digester and can decrease electricity production. In addition, 112 investment costs increase due to the need for larger tanks and more related components. The following scenario analyzes this relationship between the total solids concentration of digester influent and electricity production. Figure 10. Total Solids Concentration vs. Average Yearly Electricity Production Total Solids Concentration vs Average Yearly Electricity Production 180 160 - 140 - 120 - + 180 kW Generator '5 100 $— _ _ _ Average Yearly 2 80 3 Production 5 60 - (kWh/hr) 40 -. “t“- 105 kW Generator Average Yearly 20 _ Production 0 I I I I I I I I T I I I I If (kWh/hr) ‘5 b4: ‘3' ‘0' ’\' ‘b' 0." Total Solids Concentration (%) In Figure 10, average yearly electricity production with the 180 kW engine-generator represents the surplus sale and buy-all sell-all agreements. A 105 kW engine generator is assumed with net metering. Note that the average yearly production from the 180 kW engine generator increases with the total solids (TS) concentration. Specifically, between T8 concentrations of 2.5% and 5.5%, every 1% increase in T8 concentration raises the average yearly electricity production (kWh/hr) by an average of 30 kWh/hr. For TS concentrations greater than 5.50%, an increase in the TS concentration has a decreasing effect on the average yearly electricity production. This is because at higher TS concentrations, less biogas is required to run the boiler allowing more biogas to be sent to the engine-generator. 113 With the 105 kW engine-generator, at T8 concentrations between 2.5% and 4.0%, every % increase in the TS concentration increases the average yearly electricity production by 20 kWh/hr. In this range, the digester system will experience significant waste heat deficits and the boiler will need to be used a minimum of 8 months out of the year. Beyond a concentration of 4.0%, electricity production is a constant 93 kWh/hr for T8 concentrations ranging from 5.00% to 10%. This is because at T8 concentrations above 5.00%, extra biogas can be burned in the boiler to meet digester heating needs without diverting biogas from the engine-generator. The extra biogas exists because the engine- generator is undersized for the biogas production of a 1,000 cow herd. While Figure 10 only considers the effect of TS on average yearly electricity production, Figure 11 considers the entire digester investment. For example, at lower TS concentrations, higher quantities of water are present in the digester influent which requires a larger tank size and more related components. In addition to the higher investment costs, lower electricity production levels due to heat deficiencies also contribute to lower returns on investment at lower TS concentrations. 114 Figure 11. The Effect of Total Solids Concentrations on NPV NPV vs. Total Solids Content (°/o) $0 I I I i 1 I r -$500, 000 - -$1 .000, 000 r “f“ Surplus Sale —I— Buy-All Sell—A ll —0— Net Metering -$1.500,000 - NPV -$2, 000, 000 . -$2,500,000 4 —$3,000,000 --./ -$3,500,000 3 50% 4 00% 4 50% 5 00% 5 50% 6 00% 6 50% 7.00% 7 50% 8 00% 8 50% 9 00% 9 50% 10 00% Across the levels tested, a buy-all sell-all agreement Shows higher returns at lower total solids concentrations (2.50% to 6.0%) than the surplus sale agreement. This is because as the digester electrical output decreases with lower TS concentrations, the system is offsetting less on-farm electricity. On—farm electricity is valued at the commercial retail rate of $00988 which is roughly double the average monthly LMP which ranges from $0.037 to $0.052 in the model. AS a result, standby charges, which are determined by the farm’s peak usage, represent a larger percentage of the electricity revenues. Therefore, the cash flows at lower TS levels are Significantly reduced. For example, at a T8 concentration of 4%, the standby charge will use up 81% of electricity revenue44 generated by the digester. At this level, a buy-all sell-all agreement would be preferable to offsetting on-farm electricity with a surplus sale agreement. Buy-all sell-all agreements are not subject to these charges. ‘4 Revenue is defined as offsets and sales 115 Despite the lower electricity production under the net metering, it produces higher returns than the other two agreements. This is due to the policy benefits mentioned in previous sections. It is important to keep in mind, however, that the results of this analyze are specific to a 1,000 cow milking herd and Should not be used to make generalizations across a range of herd sizes. An analysis of each purchase agreement across a range of herd Sizes is covered later in Section Three. 4.3.2 Volatile Solids Loss The loss of volatile solids (VS) can often be attributed to manure pretreatment in which certain processes (e. g., mechanical separation, sand removal) can cause the loss of these solids. Since volatile solids are the energy producing portion of the manure or any other added substrate, their loss has a direct effect on the performance of the digester. The issues are similar to that experienced with low total solids concentrations, except that volatile solids losses will not increase the capital costs of the system. All assumptions from Table 22 are held constant expect that the total solids concentration is no longer the tested variable and is assumed to be 8%. Figure 12 shows the relationship between volatile solids loss and average yearly electricity production. 116 Figure 12. Volatile Solids Loss vs. Average Yearly Electricity Production Volatile Solids Loss vs Average Yearly Electricity Production 180 ’ “I 160 - ._ "I 140 ~» _ 120 ~ -- _ _._.ul "' 100 --. -__ A —- — —— _ a: _- MEI +180kWGenerator S aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasash-autos; Asian-A9. AverageYearly E 80 -,-._ , ______ __ i F T. “'1‘ Production 60. H _ _ __ - - h a _. W... _. (kWh/hr) 40-«'- e , , 7.. - .- -2, ,L,,,, pg? “105kWGenerator I AverageYearly 20 l ” 'T T '" " ” " * ‘ ' ' ‘" ‘ r ’ *7 - 7 v -: Production I i (kWh/hr) 0 w I I I W I T r l I I I I I i o o\° o_ .— a Volatile Solids Loss (%) Note that with the 105 kW engine-generator, average yearly electricity production is not affected by volatile solids loss throughout the ranges tested. This is because since a 105 kW engine-generator is under sized for a 1,000 cow milking heard, the system can lose a minimum of 35% of its V8 and still run the generator at its maximum capacity. With a 180 kW engine-generator Size, electricity production is more sensitive to losses in VS. Specifically, between the entire range of 0% to 35%, every 1% decrease in VS results in a 2.07% decrease in electricity production on average. Slightly larger decreases were observed at V8 losses above 21%. Figure 13 examines the effect of VS losses on the NPV of the digester investment. On average, a 1% increase in VS loss decreases the NPV of the digester by 1.23% with a surplus sale agreement and 1.00% with a buy-all sell-all agreement. Net metering remains unaffected since extra biogas is available to achieve digester heating requirements without decreasing electricity production. Unlike the situation with TS concentrations, the capital investment does not change which 117 explains a more linear trend in NPV across the range of solids losses tested. Even at a V8 loss level of 0%, the net metering agreement still shows higher returns. This is explained by policy advantages outlined in section one of this chapter. Figure 13. The Effect of Volatile Solids Loss on NPV NPV vs Volatile Solids Loss -5400_000__-_- “—9— W.” --__a---._.-:-_- M-.- -. a; t Surplus Sale E '$600'000 “T. _- —* #7” TE 7-7”” “FT—'TTT'" “T774” "'7” “T ”" ' ' I +Buy-All Sell-All , I +Net Metering -$800.000 -- , -$1,000,000 * -$1.200,000 J~~——--— -— ___,_.‘ -——--—--——— Q o\o o\o o\o o\o o\o o\o o\o o\o o\0 o\° o\o Volatile Solids Loss (%) As with the analysis of TS concentrations, a buy-all sell-all agreement shows slightly higher returns than a surplus sale agreement at higher levels of VS loss. The explanation is the same in that as electricity production decreases under a surplus sale agreement, standby charges represent a larger percentage of electricity revenues. For example, with a V8 loss of 30%, the standby charge uses up 65% of the electricity revenues generated by the digester. This suggests that a system with a potential for large losses in volatile solids would be not be well suited for a surplus sale agreement. 118 4.3.3 Online Time The third key variable in the engineering section of the analysis deals with the operational online time of the engine generator. While 90% is considered as “good” performance by EPA AgSTAR’s Farmware simulator, actual digester systems may experience a range of online times depending on the condition of the engine-generator and quality of the maintenance by farm operators. All assumptions from Table 23 are held constant expect that the total solids concentration is no longer the tested variable and is assumed to be 8%. Figure 14 shows the relationship between online time and average yearly electricity production. Figure 14. Online Time vs Average Yearly Electricity Production Online Time vs Ave rage Yearly Electricity Production + 180 kW Generator h Average Yearly g Production (kWh/hr) 3 a: --—A.~—- 105 kW Generator Average Yearly Production (kWh/hr) l 111 T lfl ll 1 gasasaeeesseesaaa Online Time (%) In Figure 14, there is a linear decrease in the average yearly electricity production for both the 180 kW and 105 kW engine-generators. Every 10% decrease in online time, decreases the average yearly electricity production by 18 kWh/hr and 10 kWh/hr, respectively. 119 In Figure 15, note that the buy-all sell-all agreement shows higher returns than the surplus sale agreement for online times up to 60%. As with section 4.3.1 Total Solids Concentration, this is because as the digester electrical output decreases, the system is offsetting less on-farm electricity. Figure 15. The Effect of Online Time on NPV NPV vs Online Time $0 -$200,000 +~ , w W J - ~ ., , ..-._-_.fi_._,__._______ , *,__ $400,000 --_ ——-~~—« or, , w av ~ , 77 g .7- _,_ -. _,-__, , $600,000 «u—r-rm :k‘fi ~ —-‘—~— - — e—k————~v e~ *m— +smpius Sale «$800,000 . $1,000,000 ~ —-— Buy-All Sell-All NPV 4w Net Metering -$1,200,000 - -$1,400,000 ~ -$1,600,000 .99 9° <29 «Q «9 «.9 v9 (5° '9 Online Time (%) On-farm electricity is valued at the commercial retail rate which is roughly double the average monthly LMP. in addition, standby charges, which are a constant and determined by the farms peak usage, represent an increasing percentage of the electricity revenues. For example, at an online time of 80%, the associated standby charges use up 45% of the electricity revenue on average with a surplus sale contract. If this level decreases to 40%, standby charges use up 78% of the electricity revenues. At a level of 40%, a buy-all sell- all agreement would be preferable to offsetting on-farm electricity with a surplus sale agreement. At a level above 60%, however, the reverse is true. On average, every 1% 120 increase in online time, increases the return on investment by $8,5 55 with a surplus sale agreement, $6,591 with a buy-all sell-all agreement and $6,227 under net metering. Lastly, net metering would be the preferred agreement throughout the range of online times tested. As mentioned in previous analyses, this benefit is specific to a 1,000 cow dairy and should not be taken out of context. 4.4 Section Three - Policy 4.4.1 Part I - Current Policy The third component of this chapter analyzes how Michigan energy policy affects the return on investment of anaerobic digesters over a range of herd sizes. While the previous two sections dealt specifically with a 1,000 cow dairy, examining a range of herd sizes more effectively highlights the differences between the three electricity purchase agreements. Unless otherwise indicated, assumptions used in all sensitivity analyses performed in this section are listed in Tables 23-24. Table 23. Section Three Assumptions- Policy lnfluent Herd Size: 1,000 Daily Flow Rate (gpd) 29,950 Biogas Production Methane concentration (%) 60 Biogas Yield (ft3/lb VS) 4.3 Electricity Generation Online Time (%) 9o Engine Efficiency (%) 35 Engine Generator Size (kW) Surplus Sale and Buy-A ll Sell-All 180 Net Metering 95 Heat Recovery Efficiency (%) ' 4O Parasitic Energy Requirement (%) 2 121 Table 23. Section Three Assgptions- Policy (Continued Digester Tank and Heating Heat Loss (%) 5 Volatile Solids Loss (%) 0 Total Solids (%) Base Case Variable Design Temp (°F) 95 Hydraulic Retention Time (days) 20 Boiler Efficiency (%) 80 Pricing Carbon credits ($) 2 REC's ($) 26.5 Propane gas (S/gallon) 2.31 Retail Electricity (S/kWh) 0.0988 Financial Inputs Return on Equity (%) 10 Tax Rate (%) 33.45 180 kW Engine-Generator Total Project Cost $1,038,040 USDA REAP Funding Total Principal Term APR Percent of Investment Loan Guarantee $519,020 15 6% 50% Amount Duration (yr) Percent of Investment Grants $259,510 1 25% 105 kW Engine-Generator Total Project Cost $909,893 USDA REAP Funding Total Principal Term APR Percent of Investment Loan Guarantee $454,946 15 6% 50% Amount Duration (yr) Percent of Investment Grants $227,473 1 25% Table 24. Current Policy Summary Policy Summary Surplus Buy-All Net Sale Sell-All Metering Standby Charge Threshold (kW) 100 100 150 Average Monthly Value of Excess Electricity ($/kWh) 0.0435 0.0435 0.0612 AdministrativeCharges (S/kWh purchased)“ 0.0010 0.0010 N/A System Access Charge 100 100 N/A ‘5 Details on administrative charges included in Chapter 3 122 Figure 13 shows the NPV for digester investments with herd sizes ranging from 500 to 4,000 lactating cows“. The “saw tooth” effect observed in the graph comes from the fact that investment costs only come in discreet units. In particular, larger components such as digester tanks and engine-generators are primarily responsible for the variation. Since this scenario is based upon current policies, it is also used as a baseline of comparison for other analyses in Section Three. Clear economies of scale are present under the surplus sale and buy-all sell-all agreements with larger herd sizes exhibiting greater returns on investment. Despite the significant differences in business models between the surplus sale and buy-all sell-all agreements, their returns on investment over the range of herd sizes are extremely close. Buy-all sell-all agreements do not offset on-farm retail rate electricity, but instead receive compensation at the LMP which is less than half of the retail rate. In contrast, surplus sale agreements offset on-farm electricity use at the higher retail rate and only sell the excess to the utility at the LMP. While common intuition would suggest a surplus sale agreement to be the superior choice, standby charges paid under a surplus sale agreement reduce net revenues from electricity offsets and sales by 42% on average. This makes the NPV of both electricity purchase agreements almost equal. This would suggest that a farmer may need to rely on other factors to make a decision between electricity purchase agreements. One factor may be the anticipation of higher retail electricity prices. As depicted in Figure 5 from the 1,000 cow example, higher retail ‘6 The assumption was made that dry cows are kept in separate barns and do not contribute manure to the digester. 123 electricity prices make a surplus sale agreement more favorable. Another factor could be the involvement of a third party (e.g., energy project developer) who negotiates the electricity purchase agreements on behalf of the farm. For example, a third party47 energy project developer may have a financial interest in the electricity sales and may not realize a benefit from offsetting the farm’s electricity use. If this is the case, the farm may select a buy-all sell-all agreement. A net metering agreement shows higher returns for herd sizes ranging from 700 to 1,450 cows. As mentioned in the previous two sections, there are three main reasons for this result. First, under category three net metering, customers only pay standby charges if their engine-generator has a nameplate capacity greater than 150 kW. Second, they receive the power supply component of the utility bill (average of $0.0612/kWh) for electricity produced. The other two agreements receive the LMP which is a lower value (average of $0.043 5/ kWh). Lastly, they do not pay administrative charges or system access charges. The other two agreements must pay both of these charges (see Table 23). Also note, however, that for herd sizes from 500-600 cows, surplus sale is clearly the preferable agreement. This is because these farms sizes would not be subject to standby charges under either a surplus sale agreement or net metering. Since a surplus sale agreement involves a larger engine-generator and increased electricity production, however, the return on investment is greater. For herd sizes greater than 1,450 cows, however, net metering exhibits the lowest returns of the three agreements. This is due primarily to reduced electricity revenues from the ‘7 Third party is defined as an entity that is not the farm or the utility company. 124 smaller engine-generator which is sized based upon the farm’s average yearly electricity usage. At the same time, standby charges do not decrease since they are based upon peak on-farm energy usage measured in kilowatts (kW) and are unrelated to the average yearly electricity usage which is measured in kilowatt hours (kWh). Therefore, standby charges comprise a larger portion of the farm’s electricity revenues under net metering. For example, at a herd size of 2,000 lactating cows, standby charges represent 60% of electricity revenues. For the same herd size under a surplus sale agreement, however, standby charges represent 42% of electricity revenues. As a result, the NPV of a 2,000 cow farm under net metering is 37% less than it would be with a surplus sale agreement. Figure 13. NPV Compared to Herd Sizes (500 to 4,000 cows) NPV vs Held Size " ______ . V' . -w __ - - z +Surplus Sale + Buy-All Sell-All ”M - -- ____ ~— —O—Net Metering Herd Size 4. 4. 1A Value of Odor Reduction While Figure 13 shows negative NPV’s for herd sizes ranging from 500 to 4,000 cows, a farm may still wish to install a digester for the odor reduction benefits that it provides. In 125 order to quantify of the value of the digester’s odor reducing benefits in more meaningful units, the NPV of the investment was broken down into a cost/cow per day with the results diSplayed in Figure 14. The assumption was that the difference between a negative net present value and zero represents the value of the odor to the farmer. Throughout the range of 500 to 4,000 cows, the value of odor control was valued at $0.10 per cow/day with a surplus sale agreement, $0.11 per cow/day with a buy-all sell-all agreement and $0.12 per cow/day with net metering. If examining only the larger dairies with herds over 2,000 cows, the cost/cow per day decreases to an average of $0.08 per cow/day due to economies of scale. When put in these terms, it would appear plausible that a farmer would still invest in an anaerobic digester despite a having a negative net present value. Figure 14. The Cost per Cow/Day of a Digester Across a Range of Herd Sizes Herd Size vs Cost per Cow/Day $0.00 11171 ~$0.05~~~ ~ 2» —~ -- . ,C '30-10 T ‘ +Surplus Sale —l—- Buy-A11 Sell-A ll - __ #2.. - _- . e - -v .. .. .. -O—NetMetering Cost -$0.15 — -3020» » ~ , we» -$0.25 Herd Size 126 4.4.2 Part II - Recommendations This section brings together the results of the previous analyses in this chapter and uses that insight to make recommendations for energy policy which is more favorable to anaerobic digesters. The most recent purchase agreement option for digester owners is net metering which was finalized in July, 2009. In Figure 13 of this chapter, the model results showed that net metering only showed an advantage over the other existing agreements for herd sizes ranging from 500 to 1,450 cows. From a previous analysis in Section One, it was determined that this advantage was due in part to the higher threshold for standby charges (150 kW), the lack of administrative and system access charges and a higher value ($/kWh) for excess electricity produced by the system (power supply component of customer’s electric bill). Since these elements were identified to be beneficial aspects of the new metering law, a series of sensitivity analyses were run to determine the effect of applying these specific policy elements to the other two agreements. An additional policy scenario was tested in which the current net metering policy for digesters was compared to “true” net metering which is currently only offered to small wind and solar technologies. 4. 4. 2A Standby C harge_S In order to better understand how the standby charge threshold relates to herd size, Figure 15 shows the average yearly electricity production (kWh/hr) for a range of sizes.48 For example, under a surplus sale agreement with a standby charge threshold of 100 kW, a 1,200 cow dairy would be subject to charges. This is because based upon the average ‘8 As with section one, the average yearly electricity production is used to predict the appropriate nameplate capacity of the engine generator. 127 yearly electrical output potential of the 1,200 cow dairy, a digester would require an engine-generator nameplate capacity of approximately 195 kW. Since 195 kW is greater than 100 kW, the farm would be subject to standby charges if they wished to received service form the utility company when the digester engine-generator is down. The same size dairy with a net metering agreement and a threshold of 150 kW”, however, would be limited to a nameplate capacity less than 125 kW. In this circumstance, the farm would not be subject to standby charges. Figure 15 can also be used to measure the effect of either raising or lowering the standby charge threshold on digesters with a range of herd sizes. For example, consider an 800 cow farm with an estimated engine-generator size of 130 kW and a standby charge threshold of 100 kW. In this scenario, the farm would likely be subject to standby charges since the digester would require an engine-generator with a nameplate capacity greater than 100 kW. If a herd size of 500 cows was considered, then standby charges would not be required.50 The suggested nameplate capacities used here are considered close approximations, but in reality a farmer will be limited by the engine-generator offerings which are commercially available. In addition, a farm may wish to install a larger size generator than needed if planning to add additional feedstock or may decide on a smaller size to save costs and simply flare the extra biogas. The estimated engine-generator nameplate capacities in 49 Category three net metering sets the standby charge threshold at 150 kW. A farm is not required to purchase standby service, but during generator downtime the utility is not obligated to provide service. 128 Figure 15 incorporate a 10% down time51 and a 2% parasitic energy re uirement and q therefore are considered to be a realistic estimation of the appropriate size needed. Figure 15. Estimated Engine-Generator Nameplate Capacities and Herd Size Estimated Engine-Generator Nameplate Capacities vs Herd Size + Surplus Sale and Buy-All Sell-All FJigine-Generator Size (kW) ~+- Net Metering Engine- Generator Size (kW) Nameplate Capacities (kW, OITIIIIIIIITTIIITTTTITITIIFITPfiTIHIII o o o o o o o o o o o No 6° 6 6 6° 0° Op o ,9 o Herd Size 4. 4. 28 “Net Metering Components ” Scenario 1 In Figure 16, all beneficial components of the net metering law (a standby charge threshold of 150 kW, produced electricity valued at power supply component of the customer’s bill, and no administrative or system access charges) were applied to the other two electricity purchase agreements. Since this scenario does not include any changes to the current net metering policy, the results for the net metering agreement will not change from Figure 13. Table 25 summarizes the purchase agreement assumptions used in this analysis. 5| - . . . . . . This implies an operational online time assumption of 90%. 129 The model shows that the returns achieved through both the buy-all sell-all and surplus sales agreements are affected by herd size. For example, between a range of 500 to 950 cows, the surplus sale is clearly the preferred agreement. In this range, the beneficial components of net metering increases the NPV of the digester by 30.5% with a surplus sale agreement compared to 20.0% with a buy-all sell-all agreement. This is because a farm with a herd size under 950 cows would not be subject to standby charges. The buy- all sell-all agreement does not pay standby charges under any circumstance, since it does not involve offsetting on-farm electricity use. For herd sizes over 950 cows, however, a buy-all sell-all agreement becomes the preferred agreement. In this range, the digester NPV increases by an average of 34% compared to 18% with a surplus sale agreement. These values represent increases from the current policy depicted in Figure 13. Despite the increase in returns from the proposed scenario in Figure 16 “NPV vs Herd Size (Net Metering Components)”, the digester does not achieve a positive NPV for the herd sizes tested. Table 25. Scenario 1 Policy Summary Policy Summary Surplus Buy-All Net Sale Sell-All Metering_ Standby Charge Threshold (kW) 150' 150 150 Average Value of Excess Electricity ($/kWh) 0.0612 0.0612 0.0612 Administrative Charges ($/kWh) N/A N/A N/A System Access Charge N/A N/A N/A 130 Figure 16. NPV vs Herd Size Using Net Metering Components NPV vs Herd Size (Net Metering Components) $0 lIlTlTj—fillllllIIITTIIIITTIIIIIII -$20,000 _, — — —— — '———~;——w 1- l i 11' .l \ I: -$40.000 _--_._..-_ l; -— , - —~-— > -$60,000 TN ‘1‘- - I:_~___H___ ‘ - - _ +Surplus Sale A. u —I-— Buy-All Sell-All 2 '$80'000 "’ EL 7 _- “'T—_‘ ”a“ flhw” ' i —O—Net Metering -$100,000 “ii/T” — * ———— ———— ~ —~ — — — 4 ~—— -s120,000j ——— — — — —~~ — ——~ ~— ——— -$140,000 0 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q o e e o o 6 6° 6 9° 9» c tr (1 $439.5.» ,9 ,2» 4:9,?» HerdSize The next two scenarios maintain the same assumptions from Table 25, but increase the standby charge threshold to 400 kW (Figure 17) and 800 kW (Figure 18). As discussed in Part One (Figure 15), increasing the standby charge threshold essentially exempts larger farms from paying charges for standby service from the utility company. Scenario 2 In Figure 17, the standby charge threshold was raised from 150 kW to 400 kW. Under this scenario, the buy-all sell-all agreement shows the same results as in Figure 16 and is unaffected by the threshold increase. With the surplus sale agreement, the only difference pertains to the range of herd sizes that are able to benefit from not paying standby charges. In this scenario, herd sizes ranging from 500 to 2,500 would benefit from this sort of policy change compared to only up to 950 in Figure 16. The NPV increases by 56% with a surplus sale agreement and 28% with a buy-all sell-all agreement on average for herd sizes ranging from 500 to 2,500 cows. Between this range, the surplus sale is 131 clearly the preferred purchase agreement. By not being subject to standby charges, the farm is able to reduce expenses and increase cash flows. Figure 17. NPV vs Herd Size with Standby Charge Threshold of 400 kW NPV vs Herd Size (400 kW Threshold) $0 -$20,000 - -$40,000 a > -$60 000 -, _ +Surplus Sale 2 ' -I—- Buy-All Sell-All $80900 ‘ —O—Net Metering -3100000 -3120000 . -$140, 000 We§@@§§§§§§ ’1; W '1’ ‘L “or" (5’? W6 HerdSize For herd sizes ranging from 2,600 to 4,000 cows, the NPV remains unchanged from the scenario in Figure 16 under a surplus sale agreement. In this range, a buy-all sell-all option becomes the preferred purchase agreement. For net metering, however, raising the threshold to 400 kW essentially eliminates standby charges for almost all herd sizes tested. Only dairies with a herd greater than 3,900 would still be subject to the charges. When compared to the current policy (Figure 13), the NPV increases by an average of 28% across herd sizes ranging from 500 to 3,800 cows. Despite the increase, however, it is the least favorable of the three agreements. 132 529113.093 Figure 18. NPV vs. Herd Size with Increased Standby Charge Threshold of 800 kW NPV vs Herd Size (800 kW Threshold) $20,000 $0 IIIIIIIITIrrrfFfrrrrIII'W -szo,ooo -—~— ___4,__-___ -- I. 3 i.“ .‘ ‘34°'°°° ' ” $7 '- + Surplus Sale -$60,000 — a - E l ., -‘—fl—————-i«——--—- +Buy-AllSell-All -$80,000 q 7 , ____...-4_____. _4m ## #7 m _fi_ ,__“-- —0—Net Metering -$100.000 - A*—fi- ,__-_-_.___ r" *‘W’ rw __.. -$120,000 a _-__-_.___ - ~- —*— ' *-- W’ _#____ A -$140,000 Q \N63 0 63 § Q or e° 39,3 W§Wr§w§ (ff 699$ Herd Size In Figure 18, the higher standby charge threshold essentially eliminates the charges for the entire range of herd sizes. In addition, for farms with more than 2,600 cows, the returns start to become positive under a surplus sale agreement. On average, the NPV of the surplus sale agreement increases by 60% across the herd sizes tested. This scenario points out the fact that a digester investment could be a marginally profitable investment for surplus sale agreements with an increase in the standby charge threshold from 100 kW to 800 kW. 4. 4. 2C Modified Net Metering vs. “T rue ” Net Meterilg The final scenario in this chapter addresses the question of whether “true” net metering would be beneficial for anaerobic digesters. “True” net metering means that a customer receives payment for their electricity at the same price at which they purchase from the 133 utility company. Currently, only small wind and solar systems with nameplate capacities less than or equal to 20 kW can benefit from this policy. In Figure 19, all assumptions from Tables 22 and 23 are the same expect for the value of the electricity produced, which was assumed to be the same as the retail value ($0.0988/ kWh). Figure 19. “Modified” vs “True” Net Metering Across a Range of Herd Sizes NPV of Modified vs "True" Net Metering -*—A-“ Modified Net Metering NPV 3 .0 o o o —l— True Net Metering -$100,000 1 $120,000 J -$140,000 0 ° 0° 0° c9 0° «5° «9 .5 a .1 ,§,2§9,@°°,9P°,29°.,29°,e HerdSize The results show that “true” net metering would not produce a significant increase in the return on investment of a digester system. This is because the smaller sized generator produces less excess electricity to be credited at the higher price. Therefore, an increase in the price credited has little effect on the overall returns from the system. This result suggests that pursuing “true” net metering for digester systems would not be worthwhile. 134 Chapter 5: Conclusions Anaerobic Digestion is receiving a great deal of attention as a viable alternative in supporting residuals management for livestock operations. In contrast to conventional liquid and slurry management systems, anaerobic digesters provide multiple environmental benefits such as odor control, improved air and water quality, improved nutrient management flexibility and the opportunity to capture biogas for heat and electricity production. (US. EPA, 2002). “Without the environmental benefits provided by AD technology, some farmers might be forced out of livestock production and a digester is sometimes the only technology that allows growth in the livestock production business” (Lusk, 1998, p.1-2). The digester system is a process which includes collection and handling, anaerobic digestion, by-product recovery and effluent use, biogas recovery and biogas use. There is significant variability in digesters from one farm to another and it is difficult to make generalizations and comparisons. Proper maintenance and monitoring of equipment and the microbiological conditions inside the tank itself are crucial to the success of the digester. Although energy production alone has not been cited as the primary motivation for the installation of anaerobic digesters, state polices on distributed power pricing can greatly affect the economic viability of digesters (Lazarus, 2008). In order to analysis the situation, a multi-purpose model was developed with the capability to research the economic effects of the three electricity purchase agreements available to digester owners 135 in Michigan. In addition to a research tool, the model can be used for outreach purposes to examine specific systems and assist engineers in making design decisions. In Chapter 4, a series of analyses were performed to demonstrate its use and flexibility. In order to effectively summarize the key findings of this research, conclusions have been broken down by section. Section One In section one, the results suggest that the business model of each electricity purchase agreement will determine its response to price increases. For example, although all three agreements show an increased return on investment from higher retail electricity prices, a surplus sale agreement benefits the most. This is because it is based primarily upon offsetting on-farm electricity at the retail rate and only selling the excess production at the locational marginal price. In addition, future energy legislation such as feed-in-tariffs would have the most significant effect on a buy-all sell-all agreement although lesser benefits were also observed with the other two agreements. With the 1,000 cow example, net metering was shown to be the most preferable agreement under the analyses tested given the prices assumed in the model. This is due to the fact that the farm would not pay standby, administrative or system access charges based upon the engine-generator nameplate capacity required from predicted average yearly electricity production. As the prices were increased, however, net metering was shown to be an inferior agreement compared to the other two options. 136 Overall, the breakeven prices calculated by the model appear to be feasible given the trend for higher electricity prices, pending cap and trade legislation and a demand for utility companies to comply with Renewable Portfolio Standards. Furthermore, it is likely that increases in prices will occur simultaneously which would lower the breakeven prices calculated in the model. Section Two High levels of VS loss and low TS concentrations both lead to digester heating deficits and decreased electricity production. According to the model, however, low total solids concentrations have a more significant impact of the NPV of the system. This is primarily due to the fact that lower TS concentrations increase the capital costs of the digester system with higher levels of water in the digester influent requiring larger digester tanks and more heat. With net metering, the smaller 105 kW engine-generator made the digester system less sensitive to these changes. This is because the extra biogas allows the engine generator to run at full capacity despite decreases in biogas production. In terms of online time, it was shown to have a linear relationship with average yearly electricity production. For example, every 1% increase in online time increased the NPV by $8,555 with a surplus sale agreement. In general, the information from this section will allow an engineer to more effectively predict digester performance and quantify the effects of engineering design decisions. 137 Section Three Over a range of heard sizes, a digester investment does not achieve a positive NPV under the current policies and assumptions. When the costs are considered on a per cow/day basis, however, the costs appear to be low enough to justify the investment for certain farmers. It is assumed that this cost represents the value of odor reduction to the farm OWI'ICI'. When considering policy recommendations, the model suggests that applying the beneficial components of net metering to the other two purchase agreements would not be sufficient to produce a positive after-tax NPV. Subsequent scenarios, however, show an increasing benefit to larger dairy farms (with surplus sale and net metering agreements) as the standby charge threshold is increased to 400 kW and 800 kW. At a threshold of 800 kW, a digester system begins to show positive returns on investment. This suggests that a change in the standby charge policy of the major utility company examined would produce significant results for digester owners under a surplus sale or net metering agreements. An additional policy recommendation would be to pursue “true” net metering for digester systems which currently operate under “modified” net metering arrangements. The model shows, however, that this effort would not be worthwhile as only slight increases in NPV are achieved through this policy change. 138 5.1 Areas for Future Research Since multiple levels of detail are built into this model, future analysis could center on further exploring tradeoffs between engineering design decisions, energy uses and additional feedstocks. To achieve this purpose, new components to the model could also be added. For example, programming the model to predict biogas production outside of the target temperature range would be a valuable tool for engineers. In terms of financing, new mechanisms could be explored (e. g., federal investment tax credits) and the model could be used to evaluate their effect on digester systems. 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