mV'fi‘ffl’W, A "N 4 This is to certify that the dissertation entitled XENOGENOUS FERTILIZATI'ON OF CRYOPRESERVED GOLDEN HAMSTER AND SQUIRREL MONKEY OVA presented by FRANCESCO JOHN DeMAYO has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph.D. Physiology degree in w. R. Dukelow Major professor Date 7'29‘83 MSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution 0-12771 )V1531_J RETURNING MATERIALS: Place in book drop to LIBRARJES remove this checkout from - your record. FINES wiII be charged if book is returned after the date stamped beIow. 00 NW ”mum" ROOM USE ON“ /V/—~ alt/(>3 XENOGENOUS FERTILIZATION 0F CRYOPRESERVED GOLDEN HAMSTER AND SQUIRREL MONKEY OVA By Francesco John DeMayo A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partiai fquiIIment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Physioiogy 1983 ABSTRACT XENOGENOUS FERTILIZATION OF CRYOPRESERVED GOLDEN HAMSTER AND SQUIRREL MONKEY OVA by Francesco John DeMayo The fertilization of frozen hamster and squirrel monkey ova in the rabbit oviduct was the objective of this investigation. A total of 2,842 (87.0%) of the 3,267 hamster ova were judged viable by their ability to exclude trypan blue after cryopreservation. Analysis of the factors involved in the freezing of hamster ova showed that successful hamster ova cryopreservation can be accomplished using PBS or TC-l99 as the freezing medium, l.5 M or 2.0 M DMSO as the cryo- protectant, initial slow cooling to temperatures of -l0°C, -20°C, or —30°C, terminal slow cooling temperatures of -40°C to —80°C, and recovery of the stored ova by thawing at l-4°C/min or 92°C/min. Cryo- preserved hamster ova were fertilized at a significantly lower rate (ll%) than the nonfrozen controls (35.7%). Cryopreservation of squirrel monkey ova by the same procedure as hamster ova showed significantly lower viability. The viability of cryopreserved squirrel monkey ova was increased by adding DMSO at 20°C instead of at 0°C. However, viability of cryopreserved squirrel monkey ova was not affected by increasing the concentration of DMSO from l.5 M to 2.0 M or 3.0 M added at 20°C. Recovery of frozen Francesco John DeMayo squirrel monkey ova at rates of l-4°C/min, l7.6-27.6°C/min, or 96°C/ min did not alter the viability of these ova. Frozen—thawed squirrel monkey ova yielded xenogenous and jn_yitrg_fertilization rates similar to those of the nonfrozen controls. 45;; ._,_...v- ' To my grandmother, Katherine T. Weber ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Although the inscription under the title lists only one author, the efforts of many people are incorporated in its pages. I wish to express my gratitude to Dr. w. R. Dukelow, my advisor, for the gui- dance, and friendship given to me during my 4 years at the ERU. Gratitude is also due to those who served on my graduate committee, Drs. M. Ozaki, R. Bernard, S. Walsh, J. King, L. Ross and E. Convey. I am indebted to all those who worked with me at the ERU and made this work a real pleasure. ERU's deserving special mention for their help are: Philip Chan, Yutzke Yoruzu, Reinhold Hutz, and Bonnie Cleaves. I wish to thank Ms. Diane Hummel for her assistance in the typing of this manuscript. Finally, a special thanks is owed to my fiance, Janet Thomas. Her help and support were available when I needed it most. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES INTRODUCTI N LITERATURE REVIEH Cryopreservation A Historical Perspective Cooling and Thawing Rates Stages of Embryonic Development Freezing Medium Cryoprotectants Nucleation Temperature Assessment of Viability Xenogenous Fertilization MATERIALS AND METHODS Animal Care Cryopreservation Medium Ovum Collection Cryoprotectant Nucleation of the Medium Slow Cooling Thawing Removal of Cryoprotectant Assessment of Viability Xenogenous Fertilization Procedurw Ovum Collection Sperm Collection Rabbit Surgery Embryo Recovery Statistical Analysis Page vi TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) RESULTS DISCUSSI N SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES A. Publications by the Author B. Vita Page 38 54 59 6l Table lO ll l2 l3 LIST OF TABLES Page The cryopreservation of mouse ova and embryos at -196°C by slow cooling (eo meow- omzo z o.F _~mo m mkm_ mcwcmxcem Lewmceep gepwe cpgvn m>km ”DNKmP .Eecmcwppwzz cowuerquLme ocuw> c? geow- omzo z m._ e>o 11 11 cowuerFPmee oguw>.mfl omza mmmr .._e um eeoczmh AmoFocaLoE FeELoz oemm- 0» Doom- 2 o.m op z o._ e>o Lewmceep Loewe spews m>w4 eNmF .Eesmcwpuwcz wtzupzo Levee acmanFw>mo meow- omzo z m._ pmzoopme—m mmmr .wEEecge> ece LexeepweN Lewmcegp Levee eaten e>w4 omense m mm— .cwupwzz use EesmCTppwcz weep—so pree pcmEgopw>eo goo—F- omzo z o._ __eo m 11.11 oztnee emm— .._e we onwee mgzupzo Loewe pcesaopw>wo meooF- ow Doom- omzo z o.F Free w 0p N wmzoopmeFD NumF .ussflwz wezprzo Levee pewEeopw>eo oeomu omzo z o.N op Ffimo w e.omnm~ ..Hw mm Eecmcwuuwez Leemcecp Levee spews e>w4 Focmox_m z o.F pmzoopman mmmmp .._e pm Eezmceppezz weep—so cw acmEQoFe>eo oeow- omzo z m.~ op Free — weapegmaseh pcmEeo_m>wo Lopemwpme>cH Ape—wnew> to xemm< _ Fecwagmh uceuompoxeoxco mo mmeum — m4mo emaoz we cowue>gmmwgaoxgu we» .posew>o esp cw cowogmm .cemogwec weave? once mamm::_a ow Lowga empeCwELmu me: mew—coo ZOFW sows; we mesuegmaemp Feawpaop wezppso cw “cman_e>wm Near .mcecu ece mcecmxgee cowperquLwe oepv> cw Dem“- omzo z m._ e>o wnm— ”Num_ ec:p_:o Lmume spews e>w4 Fooxrw .vsmenwgmH wee opoEeawz we:u_:o Loewe “cmEQo_w>mo gems- mew—zgum z N._ __oo w mezpegmeEmh pCman_e>ma Lovemwpme>cH apWFwnew> mo >emm< — _e:wELw» pceuowpoeaoxeo mo emeum fleeseeeeoev _ memee ....mww4 .ceEeme: ece eeezez meewwso eewee wcwsqowe>eo oeoow- omZQ z o.N ewzeoz wweeex meow .msee< ewemceew eewee cwewn e>we oxense ece Eesmcwwwwez eeewwzo emwee wceseowe>eo ueoww- omzo z m._ wweo m ece e wweeem enm— eeemceew eewee xocecmwee .eeezez ece xcem mezwwso eewwe weeEeoww>eo meow- omzo z o._ oxenEm wweo w wwenem e>o emee eewozwwee 11.11. e:o~ ow mewecwn Eemem omzo Nmmw .._e we ccweo zmowoseeoe Feseoz meow- z o.m ow z m._ e>o eemeeI 11.111 meow .._e we mewmsewe zoo—ogeeoe weEeoz Doom- omzo 2 mm._ e>o eemeeI Kemp 11111.11 .mcego ece mcwcmxeee cowwerwwwee+ oeww> :. acme- omzo z o.w e>o emmee: I I 838528 95.; fl 0sz meme .._e ee eeoeeuw emeweeaeoe weeeez Dome- ow eeoe- z o.N ow z o.w e>o eeemEeI wesweeeaeew wcwEeowe>mo eowemwwme>cw xwwwwnew> we xemm< _ wecwEeeH wcewowwoegozeo mo emewm mmwoeam mew—coo zowm an oeom—t we mozensm use e>o wwanem use eemee: mo :owwe>eemweeo»eo wee AcwE\uooo_vv mcw3ecp 30pm uce AswE\Ue—vv N mgmoN .cwmoeww: ewecww ow:w mcwmczwe ow eowee eewecwEeww we: mcwwooo zowm gown: we wesweeeasww weewweoF ewzeoe Numw eeemceew eewee :wewn w>w4 ece .wwmo ow .mwmem nee evocsmh amowoceeos weEeoz meoowu omZQ z m._ .wweo w .__eo N wwneem g cm no >w eowemwwmw>2H zwwwwnew> eo zemm< wmflmmmflwefleh wcewomwoeeoxeu w ew emwwma mmwowam weezeeweeev N eeme- omze z m._ e>o Fooxwm meme .wemeeweme eee eweEeewz eezweee eewee weeEeowe>ee eoee- eeeeeewm z N._ wwee e wooxwm ecmwxcwm eemw .wemeeeeme eee eeeaeewz eeewwse eewee weeEeowe>ee eome- z m._ ow N._ wwee e 11.11. cowwer—wwewe oeww> dfl mewxooo memw .._e we wemee emowoeeeee weeeez eome- omze z m._ eeeee>o eeemceew eewee ewewn e>we weswwzo eewme weeEeo_e>mo wwmo m meow .Eeemewwwwez amoweeaeoe weeeez Doom- omze z m._ eee e.N eezweeeeewe weeEeowo>mo eowemwwme>CH Awwwwnew> mo Aemm< w wecwEeeH wcewomwoeeoxeu mo emewm meweeee zewm eeee< eoeme- m memo wem eo :owwe>eemeeqo>eo use lO .wweeee ee weeew>o ew eee:w_=eN .cemoeww: ewscww ow:w mcwmczwe ow eowee newecwEeew we: mcwwooo zowm sows: we mesweemaEew weewweoF 11.11 eumw ewemceew eewee ewewn e>w4 oxeeEe ..we we cemeewwwz eeewwzo Cw weesqo—m>eo ooomt ow Demo- osz z m._ w ow m zen eweem eezwweo ewwee wceseo—e>eo omzo wmxoowmewn eemw .eemeewwwz emoweeeeee weEeez eooe- ow em. 2 m._-o._ ow eewzeez aeeem meow omzo 2 N1_ wmxoowmewn .cowam use eeooz meswweo cw weeanwe>eo eewewm woc eo woewoxww z w ow meweeoz emezm 11.11. meow eeemceew emwee :wewe e>w4 mewseoe .._e we cemeewwwz Neezwwso eewee wceaaowe>ea comm- omzo z m._ ow wwmo N newem onmw eeemceew eewee cwewn e>w4 omzo z o.N eo .meooz use cow—we mezwwzo eewee wceaeowe>mo meow- woeeoxww z o._ eewzeoe weoo wesweeeeaee wcwan—e>mo eowemwwmw>cw aww—wnew> eo zemm< _ wecweewh wcewomwoeeozeu wo mmewm mmwoeem Acwe\ueoo_vv mewZezw zowm ece Acws\u°wvv mcwwoou zowm >2 moxenEm newcm ece weow we cowwe>emmeeeozeo wee v m4me cw eeeeeweem .semoewws uwscww owsw mswmssws ow eowea ueweswseew we: msw—ooo zo—m sows: we eezweeeaEew weEwweo _ 11.11. eeWmseew eewee swewn e>w4 wmxoowmews memw .._e we neeoEm eezwwzo sw wseEeowe>eo Doom- omzo z m._ ow eewseoz meme ..emwmmm.eemee__ez n.emmm— .._e we sowssoeh eemmseew eewme swews e>w4 meow .e>eew use semseu1ssee eezwwso sw wseEsoFe>eo geom- omZQ z m.w wmxoowmewm eeemseew eewee swewn e>ee woeeoxwm z o.w wmxoowme—s mmmw .eooz use sowwwm eezwweo sw wseEsowe>ea Demo—1 omzo z m.w ow eewseoz 11.11. eeemseew eewee sweep e>we mmmw .._e we wsewwz Neeuwwsu sw wseEsowe>eo goon- omzo z m._ wweo mwtw eeemseew eewee swewn e>w4 meow .somzom use wee—w: eezwwso sw wseEsowe>eo ueoe- omzo z o.m mwmzoowmewm eeemseew eewee xosesmees wmxoowmewn meow .sOmZom use wsewwz xmowosseoe weEeoz geoe- omzo z m.— ow wweo w eesweeesEee wsesaowe>eo eowemwwme>sw zwwwwsew> mo >emw< _ weswEeeH wsewoewoeaozeo eo emewm AswE\ero_vv mswzese gowm use Aswe\ue_vv mswwoou 30pm eewe< semoewwz uwzcwe sw mozesEm zoo mo sowwe>eemeeao>eu esh m m4m100°C/min) (Wood and Fairand, 1980). Since this discovery, mouse and hamster ova and embryos (Table 6), and sheep and cow ova and embryos (Table 7), have been frozen by the two-step method. The factors involved in cryopreservation of mammalian ova and embryos are the stage of embryonic development, the freezing medium, the cryoprotectant, the nucleation temperature, the cooling and thaw— ing process, and the assessment of viability after recovery (Leibo and Mazur, 1978; Whittingham, 1980). The principles of each of these factors will be discussed in the following sections. Because of its l3 .semoewws uwseww owsw mswmsuwa ow eowes ueweswseew we; mswwooo zowm sows: we eesweeeeeew weewweoP eemw .wemee eeemeeew eeeee eeewe e>we . e -wsmw use oonezez eeswwzo sw wseEeowe>eo goon- eo Na 2 e.o wwee m emsoz 11.11. eeemseew eewee swewn e>we omzo ommw ..we we wemex eeswweo sw wseseowe>eo mooN- z N ow z m._ eewseoz emzoz owmw eeemseew eewee swewn e>we wmxoowmepe .weeeeee use uooz eeswwso eewee wseseowe>eo good- ow oeoN- omzo z m.w ow wweo w emsoz .1..1. meme eeemeeee eeeee ewewe e>ws waxeeemewe .._e we Eesmswwwwsz eeswwzo sm wseEeowe>eo oeom- ow 00mm- omzo z m._ use wweo w emzoz e>o eeee 11 11. esoN ow mswuswn Eeeam omzo wwmw ..we we sswzo amoPOseeoE Peeeoz meow- z m._ e>o eemee: ee: e es no e>e eowemwwme>sw Awwwwaew> eo >ewm< _ wemwmeefiew wsewoewoeeoxeu wsww ewewmo mewoesm momenEm use e>o eewmae: use emzoz mo sowwe>eemeeaozeu aewm 03w esk o m4meew use semseutssee anm_ .srmmxp1use :ommxaom meme meemw .._e ee cemeee-eeee eooe- 0e econ- weeeeewe s e._ see weeeezwe z o._ oemw .eemeee-eeee eooe- oe eeom- ee omse z m.w see oeme .eemermlemm wwseew meme ..we ee seemes eoee- omss s e.e gee eeemw . eemeewewz eoem- ee eooe- omss s e._ 300 Neew .eemeewwws eoee- ow eoem- omzs s e._ seeem eesweeeeEeH eowemwwme>sw N wesweee» wsewoewoeaoxeu mewoeam Fwmxeowmewm use eewseoz zoo use seesm eo sowwe>eemeeso>eu aewmtozw es» n mem

wF use hosesmeee mo sowwosuoea esw eo\use eeswwzo sw sowe>eu ow zwwwwee esw me uemusw eeez mozease uezeswtseNoee esw eo ewVFeEeos eswF Ace omv omsoneoeeeeee z e._ weeeesee s em._ Nmmw ..Hmzmm semuwm 00mm- wooxpw esewxswm z m.w zoo eesweeeeeew eowemwwme>sw N weswEeew wsewoewoeeozeu mewoeam Auessmwcoov N m4mooee eewee awewewueeew .mm—oelomzo z m.w eo mmstomzo z m._ sw sowwe>eemeeso>eo eewme e>o eemees mo zww—wsew> ese .N eeumwe Sues. mENeeeu. mar 0h wma late okay—auamom 7/4 95:32.. E 40 Thawing of hamster ova at 1-2°C/min or 92°C/min had no signifi- cant effect on the viability of cryopreserved hamster ova (t2 = 1.56) and no difference was observed after the culture of the ova for 3 hrs (t2 = 3.79). These results are shown in Figure 3. Increasing the concentration of DMSO from 1.5 M to 2.0 M had no significant effect on the viability of cryopreserved hamster ova immediately after thawing (t8 = 1.32). No difference in viability was observed with these two treatments after a 3 hour culture of the ova (t8 = 1.60). These results are shown in Figure 4. The temperature range for which hamster ova must be slow cooled, to yield maximum viability, was investigated. Hamster ova were rapidly cooled to -10°C, -20°C or -30°C after the seeding of the ampules. The ampules were then slow cooled to -40°C, -50°C, -60°C, -70°C or -80°C before they were plunged into liquid nitrogen. The results of this 3x5 factorial experiment are shown in Figure 5. The analysis of variance of this data, as shown in Table 11, shows no significant effect caused by the temperature at which slow cooling is initiated and no significant effect caused by the temperature at which slow cooling is terminated. There was no interaction between the two main effects. Squirrel monkey ova were cooled slowly to -80°C in 1.5 M DMSO- TC-l99 and stored in liquid nitrogen. Survival upon thawing was significantly decreased when compared to nonfrozen controls (x3 = 70.6) as shown in Figure 6. When the concentration of DMSO was increased to 2 M there was a significant increase in the viability of 2 squirrel monkey ova when compared to ova frozen in 1.5 M DMSO (x2 = 10.1), as is shown in Figure 6. S QQQQQQ °°°°° " d3 3 75' I— e .m m V D. V | I I O O a I Q l- (DMSO) 43 —2o“c —3o°c %% D—10°c 4l_ll._ll_||._||_ o. 0 mo .0. 8 6 4 2 100 %Tp— o 5 _ o 4 Plunging Temperature ('c) The viability of hamster ova rapidly cooled to -lO°C, Figure 5. -20°C, or -30°C and slow cooled to -40°C, -50°C, -60°C, -70°C or -80°C before plunging into liquid nitrogen. plished by rapid thawing at =92°C/min. Recovery was accom- 44 m.—NN— mN pewOP m.mmm mw wesuwmem Ne._ a me es m.oe m.eoe e eewweeeewew wn.o u m_ we m.NN N.w__ e eesweeessek mswmszws em.N u m_ Ne N eezweeeeaeh wewwwsw eoeem meeesom Eoueeee owwmwwewm e eeesom see: mo 53m we meeemeo eoeem eo eoezom e>o eemee: ue2esh seNoee eo xwwwwsew> esw so eezweeeaeeh mswwooo sowm weswe esw use eesweeessek mcwwooo sowm wewwwsw esw we mwoeewm esw eo eosewee> wo mwmzwes< esk PP m4mo ueee>ooee eee e>o hexsoe ewnew> we eesszs esw meweowusw wees eweu esw sw eenass ese .eezw—zo sw mes m eewee use >ee>ooee see: aweweeuessw .mmwueuomzo z o.N eo mmwoptomZQ z m._ sw ue>eemeeao>eo e>o xeesoe weeewzom mo xww—wsew> es? .e eezmwe H855”— A. .223 seize—3: see sew . Sod ll om In. sq o +o ueee>eoee eee e>o eweew> we eeeszs esw eweewusw wees eweu esw e>oee msewweeew esw .m—ewew we eeeE3s esw meweewusw ween eweu esw sw eesE:s esw .e>o esw we zee>eeee see: x—ewewuessw ueswEeeweu me: zww—weew> esw .e>o weeses weeewzem ue>eemeee -exee we xwwwweew> esw so omzo we sewwwuue esw we eezweeeeeew esw we woewwe esw .n eeemwe _ow2e_ . EON :mw III oN ll. ea +o ueee>eeee eee e>o eweew> we eee53s esw eweewusw meee eweu esw e>oee mseww -oeew esw .mwewew we eeeE:s esw meweewusw meee eweu esw sw eee53s esw .mes m eew ueeewweo eeez e>o ueee>eeee esw eewwe ueswEeeweu we; zwwwweew> esw .e>o xeeseE weeewsem ue>eemeee -exee we Awwwweew> esw :e omze we sewwwuue esw we eeeweeeeEew esw we weewwe esw .w eeemwe 5min: +o ueee>eeee eee e>o ewsew> we eee53s esw eweewusw ween eweu esw e>eee msewwoeew esw .mwewew we eee53: esw meweewusw meee eweu esw sw eeeE:s esw .mes m eew ueeswwso eeez e>o ueee>eeee esw eewwe use ueee>eeee eeez e>o esw eewwe awewewueeew ueswEeeweu we: awwwweew> .e>o zexsee weeeweem ue>eemeeeezeo we xwwwweew> esw so omze we sowweewseesee esw we weewwe esw .m eesmwe new 2E Soto. Em; om ov e. «REX ow om 33...". 76.. W”, 23.39... D SO .e>o ueee>eeee eee e>o eweew> we eesazs esw eweewusw meee eweu esw e>oee msewwoeew esw .mwewew we eeeaes esw meweewusw meee eweu esw sw eeeE3s esw .mes m eew eezwwze sw uwes eeez e>o esw eewwe use emeeewm Eeew >ee>eeee eewwe ewewewueeew ueswEeeweu me: xwwwweew> .e>o xexsea weeewsem ue>eemeeee>ee we zwwwweew> esw so ewee mswzesw we weewwe esw .ow eeemwe AEEGOV ewem @532... Nm mNN l9: clr +o ueee>eeee esw we emewseoeee e wsemeeeee memeswseeee sw eeemws .ueee>eeee e>o we emewseeeee esw mwsemeeeee memeswseeee sw eesmwe N _ ee.me_ ee.emve ee.NeeaN ee ow eeneee seeees weeewaem o em.meeme ee.emvee ea ow weeweee seeeez weeewaem e ee.__ee ee.eeeee eew e eaeaee eewweax we.evww we.eee_e ea.mevme_ mew e weeweee eeeWEeI ue>eewu uerwwweee ueee>eoem uewwmeeee wwweeem N e>o N e>o w e>o e>o we eeeE:z wseEweeew meweeem e>o messez weeewzem use eemee: seNeee we sewweewwwweee NF m4mo e>o e>o we eeeE:z wseEweeew e>o zexsoz weeeweem ue>eemeeee>eo we sowwerwwweee eeww>.mm mw m4m