m w . .w m M w .u m ,.. n”: run“... . T. n... .... .Eflmfis. .235. . :20: 2. .nr 1192.17,. . O . E?» w. r r u v F , .iwu... £74k. .3- I 5’an 1| . r gang... ~ .rlri 1‘ -,.v’~uflv I 8 ' 5. _ "N .1 .6 a." u g I» {4.1...‘ r. was“ ' "' ' .-. O“ Q... ‘. 9 \- ' ‘ 0 INJBD’J GATIOND‘ TO EWIE m PACE LI CONTENT OE STRAINS O)? 1.319}; «“33“,: IRTJJQ G’L‘IOLIJ ’20 AE'JJ."ZIL.'B TIE Iii-{Offline COL‘ITEIFT OE 5911111le 02‘ 1.1111.” 211de Thesis Respectfully submitted in partial fulfillment of the reguirements for the degree of Easter of Science at Hichigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science Bjarne‘gggggs 1937 IHEStS rl‘he author is grateful to Professor E. 3. Down and to Llr. H. LI. Brown for guidance throughout this problem and for a final review of it. Appreciation is also due to Professor J. E. Cox for the final review. rIhe author is indebted to Dr. A. J. Patten, Experiment Station chemist, for the assistance rendered in analyzing the wheat and to Llr. B. 3. Robinson for the machine used to determine breaking pressure of the wheat grains. 86040 I - 4.3qu gm; l-:".’.'.‘o.‘lL}nL‘lcl.'.J — - - - — - - — II - 3A37lube ILYgeilJnJlbne —— — - _ _ - _ _ III - Ere-.‘ucli'l‘ I-.“.’..e'.‘l&ai10;;c - - .- -. _ .. i _ _ 43.. LhteriLl Used — - — — - — .. .. .. .. 3.1.Lethods —--.————-_.._.._.. Breuning Technique - - - _ _ _ Chemic;l Analysis — — _ _ _ _ bed now Laterial — — — - - _ _ Kead n n Haterial - — — — _ _ - C. The Season — - — - _ _ _ _ - _ _ Breaking Iressure to The Rod Row Hateriul The Head Row Eateriel The Red Xuteriel — - Conclusions - — _ - _ _ . "T .-.‘ V ‘b‘ll‘l Old - - fl .— a. - .- cu- Q»: 1 ¢ I - ASAJUN A‘Cri IIWEJJlGAl‘IOlJJ Unite nheuts, us grown in Kichignn, have been found to contain “red" nernels in some years. fishy of these "red“ Kernels are much more vitrous and translucent then the general run of the variety. killers, supplying the demand for flour for the crscnsr and biscuit trade, consider that because these Kernels are hard in texture that they are higher in protein content than the vhite grain. Eor this reason such white sheets are given a lower grade than they would receive if there were no red Kernels in the lot. These red grains are usually of three ninds: (1) Those Known by their shape and size not to belong to the white variety. This type is usually due to impure seed or to mechanical mixture during threshing and so is not considered in this thesis. (2) Those which are red but have the same type of grain, as to shape and texture, as the variety. The question regarding these is, are these Kernels due to crossing, or are they due to environmental conditions? This question will be discussed in this thesis. (5) Those which are apparently red and have the shape of the nhite variety but they have a more vitrous texture than the cannon run of the variety. The questions with regard to these are, is the redness due to coloring or to a difference in translucency, or both? And, are tiese translucent grains harder '1 —~— in texture and so higher in protein content then the non-translucent white Kernels? These duestions are discussed in this thesis. The possibility of selecting strains of low protein content from among the white wheuts used in this investigution is also dis— cussed. To answer these uuestions three methods have been followed. The first was to mane plantings of the white chalky kernels and also of the apparently red Kernels and to exdmine the progenies for segregations in color as well as vitrousness. The second line of attack was to develOp a method of determining the hardness of the two types of Kernels by a breeding or crushing machine. The third phase of the morx was to muse chemical analyses of the various Kernel groups when classed according to the pressures needed to breag them. This thesis desls in major part with the last two phases mentioned. II - PlLlJVIOUd Ill ’35: GaTlOLI’d Roberts (1) tested the hardness of two struins of sheat by breaking samples containing 100, 150, 200, 250, and so on to 500 Kernels. He took random samples and found that 550 kernels gave so small a probable error that it could be considered accurate. The Kernels were broken by means of a machine which indicated the weight needed to crush each Kernel. He dried the grains seven days at 100°C and Kept them in s dessicetor during the york. He found that soft wheats had a breaxing pressure of about six -3- kilOgrnms, semi—hard of nine nilogrnns and hard of twelve Kilograms. He (2) further detennined the breaking pressure of ninety— four pure strains of wheat, but found no correlation between breah— ing pressure and protein content. Shaw and Gaumnitz (3) used an apparatus made of a pair of pincers. They counted out five samples of 100 kernels each and by using different weights found how many Kernels were crushed by each weight. They graded the nernels according to sise and found within the variety the larger grains were harder to crush. They did not find any correlation between hardness and protein content. Harper and Peters (4) devised a machine for cutting the grain by adding weights directly to a vertical piston and they considered this cutting method better than crushing. No correlation was found between breaking pressure and protein content. Bryan and Pressley (5) found in a pedigreed strain of Early Baart wheat some grains of extremely hard and glossy texture. From 19 planted grains they obtained ten plants with hard seed only while the others had either soft grains or a mixture. The texture of the grain was the only noticeably differing character, so neither crossing nor mechanical mixture was the cause for this difference. They thus obtained ten hard grained lines which after four years growing under irrigation have Kept the hardness unchsnged. They are about two per cent higher in gluten and six per cent higher in absorption than the soft parent. Since Early Baart is considered .4- a pure strain for visible characters, this should mean that it would be possible to find different lines for certain characters within a variety alreadJ considered as a pure strain. Freeman (6) found that some varieties at the Arizona station maintained their hardness while others softened. Hardness was judged by sight, tmlt is, only translucent Kernels were termed hard. He thinks the change in varietal texture was due to a natural sorting out and discarding of the less adapted strains in impure varieties. Also, that varieties considered pure for some characters, in reality are not necessarily pure strains for certain other characters. According to the last two papers it also should be possible to find wheat strains of different hardness within.a variety even if the variety is considered to be pure for some characters. III — £33533? INJESTIGATION A4 Material‘Used. Three varieties of vhite wheat were chosen for this in- vestigation - Early Windsor, 0. A. C. 30. 104, and American Banner. Early Windsor, 0. A. 3. 30. 104, and one lot of American Banner were received from the Earm Crepe section of the local Experiment Station. Five smiples or the latter variety were obtained through the Eichigan Crop Improvement Association. The reasons for choos- ing these varieties are that they are the three best white theats grown at this station and that they are also considered to be pure strains, as Early Windsor and uncrican dunner are pure line selections made at this station and O. A. 6. 30. 104 is a pure line selection coming from a cross made at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Canada. American Banner is the only one of the three varieties grown commercially in this state. All lots of grain of the 19:5 crOp contained a varying amount of red and vitrous appearing kernels. Erom each of these samples 3000 of the most chalky and 3000 of the most vitrous kernels were picked for seed, breaking test and chemical analysis. The source of material, variety name, accession number, number of red grains per k1105ram of wheat, and the number of kernels used in the breaking test, are all shown in Table I. TABLE 1. Showing the source, variety name, accession number, number of red kernels per kilOgram, and number of soft and hard kernels brOken for analysis, for the bulk lots of grain, 1925 crOp. variety ‘Accession Io. of red No. of kernels Source name number kernels per broken for kilogram analysis boft Hard farm Crops Dept. Early Windsor 6 235 100 100 " " " O.A.C. No.104 407 $5 100 100 " " " American 408 91 100 100 Banner Clarence Heinline " " 487 45 100 100 " " " " 468 70 100 100 W. E. Eckerson " “ 489 120 100 100 Farley Bros. " " 490 56 100 100 Orval walker “ " 491 304 100 100 Individual head selections were also made from the station plats of the white varieties, in the winner of 1925, to determine whether strains of different protein content existed in these varieties. A sample of the 1926 crOp of Red Rock, a medium hard red wheat, was included in order to comisre the break ng pressure of a harder wheat with its protein content. These were threshed in such a say that the Kernels from toy, middle and base of the Spike were kept separate, to see if differences in the color mould appear within the spike. In some cases there was a tendency for more chalny kernels to apiear in tap and base, and the chalkier the apyearance the smaller the grain, but the differenies were too shall to be considered of any importance. This material is given in Table II. TAALE II. Giving for the material used in the head rov planting, the source; Variety name, number of heads threshed; numbers with red chaff, with red kernels; numbers and types of heads discarded; and the number of heads used in breaking test (five nernels per heudeere used in this test). 1935 crcp. _......'-—----"'"'-—--"--——--"-—-'-----"-""---'---" number of heads Source variety ——————————————————————— - ---------------------------- -— Esme Thresh- With red; Discarded for: Ihose ed chaff nernels poorly contain- kernels deveIOped ing less were Kernels than 25 broken kernels ho.104 n n n American 567 all 0 136 205 224 Banner Jindsor -7- In 0. a. J. Lo. 1041 here found n8 heads vith more reddish chaff than common but as there was no sharp distinction the difference was con- sidered to be due to more or less weathering. In American Banner and Early Uindsor sene heads mere found vith kernels which were whiter and more chalxy than common, while in Early Jindsor ten heads were found having red Kernels. B. Kethods. The methods of attacking this problem may be divided into two groups, laboratory and field. The laboratory methods involved the breaking of grain and then chemically analysing that grainfor its protein content. The field methods pertained to the rod row and to the head row materials. These methods will be discussed in the following order: Laboratory: 1. Breaking technique. 2. Chemical analysis. fileld: :5. Rod row planting. 4. Head row plantins. V l. The Breaking Technique. The breaking was done with a tensile testing machine which was kindly loaned by hr. 3. B. Robinson of the Office of Fibre Investigations, U. S. Department of Agriculture, and which he uses in -8- his worn on flax fiber. See gig. I. The testing of 1925 material before planting thnt fall was done by crushing the kernels between the blochs of iron having smooth crushing surfaces. The kernels were always put in the same position, with the crease down, by using a pair of forceps to place the kernels in position. By turning the wheel (a) the upper block is) was pulled down and pressed upon the lower block (f) which was connected with the weight (d) and Mith a hand which indicated the increasing pressure in Kilo;rens on the dial (b). hhen the Kernel brohe, the Operator instantly stepped the wheel (a). The latch (c) Kept this weight (d) in place and permitted reading the amount of pressure needed to crush the kernel. The latch had to be released by hand to put the scale in position for the next Operation. As seen in the figure a couple of chutes of stiff paper were attached to the machine so that the broken grains were easily gathered into the enveIOpe below, when pushed off the block. Kernels of as even size and shape as possible were selected for breaking because it was apparent from preliminary tests that differences in shape had a great deal to do with the pressure needed to crush the kernels. For the breaking done on the 1926 crOp the lower iron block was replaced by a wooden block and into the upper was inserted an AutostrOp safety razor blade tith the dull edge down, which cut the kernels instead of crushing them. It was found that if the sharp ~85— Fig. l. .‘Jhowing; the tensile testing; machine used for determining breaking pressure. -9- edge of the razor was used the pressure needed for cutting the majority of kernels was barely enought to cause any movement of the dial hand, while if the dull edge of the blsdswas used, the pressure was sufficient to be recorded. It was also found that the pressure needed for cutting by this latter method was considerably less than that required when the grain was crushed between the broad surfaces of the iron blocks as was done in the first part of the work, but it was felt that, even so, the results were much more accurate because the shuLe of the Kernel influences the crushin; pressure more greatly than it does the cutting pressure. Fer c nvenience the author has used the tenn breaking pressure for both crushing pressure and cutting; pressure. For breahing the bulk material before planting 1995, 100 kernels were counted out of the sample, eliminating kernels of odd shape and taking only those of even size. The size was only judged by sight. The sane kind of selection was made for the five grains broken fran the head samples. flhen broken, the grains were pushed off the block and gathered into the envelOpe below, and the break— ing pressure recorded for each grain. For breaking done in 1926 some of the muteriel was put in classes accordin; to breaking pressure. This was done by placing, with the aid of 3 pair of forceps, the crushed Kernels into envelOpes merged with the breaking pressur .for each class. The chutes were retwined so that, even if a hernel should fall piched up, it has collected in th off the bloc: before beinU envelOpe belch and could be put in its proper class. The breuning or this ngup H, pressures for the 3 2; le grxins mere not recorded of measureucnts out t..e number of grains in such class w-s noted. 2. Chemical Analysis. The chemicul snuLVsis of the l§h5 mnteriul mus done by the Experiment Station's Chemist while the analysis of the 1936 material has done by the suthor for thou space and usterinl res nude 3Vniluble in tle station's chemical lsboratory. The five grain su1ples tufen from the head ‘elections and the 100 grain sun 108 from the bulk seed in 1S451 \.ere ground in a mortsr by hand, a lung and tedious job, but all the Be, or more, grain smnples of 1926 crop were grsund on a mill olzer; ted by electricity. The 36 Kernels needed only n minute's grinding in this :hchile for all material to puss throujht he 1/301 inch sieve reguired for anulysis. “lysis of c. D- KJeluuhl's method was used for the chenicnl protein content of theuts. 3. Rod 4 m Lateriul. rlantings were nude in rod rOLs of the most chulxy Kernels and in adjacent runs of the most trunslucent Kernels from each of the lots of \hite mheuts listed in Table I. nee :15. 2. The roms were nade one foot p1rt and 61. hteen feet lonb with a two-foot alleywav 1t t.18 end of tie rO‘s. The Kernels were space planted tno inches spurt maxing 108 Kernels to a row. The rows -lOa.- Fig. 2.. Showing; part of the research field. The rows are rurmin; north to south. .11... were covered with a rune. The materiel was replicated four times, musing five rows of chalky and five rose of translucent selections. Every third row was a check. Each row was harvested and thrashed as a whole. 4. The Head don Eateriul. The msterial involved in this plunting were the remnants from the heads used in the breaking test end reported in lele 11. The revs were planted in sections three and one—half feet long with two and one—half foot nlleytays between sections. The grain was planted in rows One foot spurt, the Kernels being two inches apart in the row, making 20 kernels to the row. Every second rom was a check. 0. A. C. No. 104 was used as a check throughout. Each plant in the head row was harvested and thrashed separately. .All the plants in the checms were harvested and thrashed tOg‘ether. After harvest,nhich toon place July Bard—24th, the wheat from the rod row and head row plats were hung up in the laboratory where the temperature was 50° - 52° C, so that it dried fairly fast both in the straw and after being thrashed thile kept in bags and envelOpes. The distribution of the different varieties is shovn in the figure on planting arrangement. ht the end of each section were planted seven edge rose except on the east side of section III where the number of then was eight unu the east side of section VIII where there was a. larger number. On the north was planted an extra section as a protection against birds because a large tree grew nearby. C. The Season. Before discussing the results of the various tests it seems advisable to give an outline of the growing season. The wheat was planted in 1935 on September 23rd. This did not germinate very well, Only about eighty per cent. However, the winter was favorable for the wheat on this plat, and only part of one section was covered with ice which lasted from the middle of December, 1935, until the snow went off during the middle of January, 1936. After that there was no more ice formed and only part of the most northern section was covered with snow. In the Spring, some water stood over the edge rows 0n the west side and killed out most of these and had sons affect on the nearest rows of the adjacent sections. The wheat began to head out about June 5th, 926, and to blossom about June 16th. There was much smut in the American Banner from the farmers and some in the three varieties from this station. All plants were heavily rusted. The harvesting; was done July 35rd and 34th, 19:36. The last part of the groving season was rather dry and warm, which was fortunate, for such conditions are favorable to develOping a crop of "red" translucent appearin; hernels and hence would aid in the selection of soft chalzy strains. - r _;J- D. Results. - Breanin; Pressure. It was assured,when tuning the first samples for the breun— in; tests, that weight of nernals would affect the breaning pressure. To prove this 200 kernels of O. A. 0. 30. 104 of the 1935 crOp were taken at random and placed in classes according to their braaxing pressure. The sage was done with 1000 kernels of C. A. C. No. 104 of the 1926 crOp. The results are given in Table III. TABLE 111. Showing classes for breaking pressure and number of grains, 1000 grain weight and per cent protein in each class for 200 Kernels of C. A. C. No. 104 of 1925 crOp and for 1000 kernels of the sage variety of the 1986 crap. -‘—-—- — 200 Kernels 0. A. C. To. 104 of 1925 crop thrown in 1000 Kernels of O..A. f‘ “T v o 1‘0 0 104 of 1926 crOp thrown in classes classes of l 33. difference of 1/2 kg. difference Classes -?or the class- Classes -Fbr the class— for for breaning Number of 1000 brea‘zcing Kimber 1000 Per pressure Kernels grain wt. pressure of grain wt. cent in gram Kernels in gram protein 200 - 2.09 12. 25 LOO " 20‘ :5 1905 14042 5.0 - 5.9 146 56 2.5 - 3.9 50 19.6 15.56 4.0 - 4.9 51 40 5.0 - 5.4 519 27.1 14.08 000 - 509 7 4:9 305 - 3.9 4’24 34:07 14.19 6.0 - 6.9 4 55 4.0 - 4.4 65 59.8 14.06 405 '- 4.9 ‘28 $405 13051 5.0 - 5.4 25 45.2 14.56 5.5 - 5.9 5 53.0 too sax-111 6.0 - 6.4 2 50.0 sanples for 6.5 — 6.9 1 50.0 accurate anilgsis -14- This table shows that there is suite a strong positive cor— relation between weight of Kernels and breaking pressure. hecuuse of this relationship it seemed advisable to use only kernels of a standard size (cross section) in the future more. In order to find such a size, one kilogram each of American Banner and Red Rock was screened. Red Rock was included in these preliminary tests because it is harder than the three white wheats used and it was considered desirable to compare the results fron a soft, tith those from a semi-hard “heat. Combinations of two kinds of screen were tried. First the grains were put through screens mith.meshes three-quarters of an inch long but of different widths. This was done easily and conveniently. The sizes of grains obtained in this wsy were then put through screens with round holes of different diameters, and vice versa. But screens with round holes did not work well because the individual grains had to be put through the holes in the screen by hand, as they would not screen through readily enough to give a uniform swnple. Table IV’gives the sizes of screens used in this test. The diameters of the round hole mesh were the same as the widths of the oblong holes. QABLE IV. Showing number and size of screens used to determine a standard size of kernels for analysis, and weight of kernels retained on each size out of 1000 grams of grain. All meshes were three—Quarters of an inch long. Left in Screen Width of —Jei5ht of kernels in grams- Ho. meshes in 64thiof an American Banner Red Rock inch 1 7H 16 48 2 7 150 206 4 6 69 84 5 solid 254 172 mostly bottom shriveled ice rnels In this screening test the screens were placed on ton of each other, the one with largest holes (Ho. 1) on ton and in order of decreasing size of meshes down to the solid bottom (No. 5). The screens were shaxen till no more nernels went through. dince screen Ho. 3 retained by far the largest number of kernels, this size was chosen as the standard and all later testing was done with kernels of that size. Kernels of poor appearance or of odd shape were omitted so that the breaking was always done nith unifonn looking Kernels. -15- mm.a~ oH.eH eu.mH seasons assesoa om.»op< mH.mH sn.mH a . . 6.. n .. .m mvm.w macsnox ooN mo was m mam m mtu w two w mum macaw a“ vgmfie3.asm . i. . . a o.HHs o.osc massage ooN so m mmb u Her m use m es osasmeum mufixuoep.E:m a m H 0.0 2 = m A» Am A“ m.m z a mm.an hfi.wfi o.w¢ HH «H.wn m.¢¢ b m2.¢fi $.0m NH Hn.mH w.wd an 0.0 = z Hm.mH mo.mn H.m¢ mm OO.mH b.¢¢ mm Nm.mu m.s¢ mm Hfi.mH m.m¢ mm No.mn ¢.m¢ ma m.¢ : = mm.mfi m¢.ca h.m¢ aw ¢H.mfi m.n¢ be mm.mH m.m¢ mm da.mH m.m¢ mm ¢H.mH o.md em o.¢ c = mm.mH wo.mH «.md mo ss.mfl “.mw mm mw.mH o.¢s Hm HH.mH m.¢¢ mm mo.mH m.m¢ om m.w z = m0.mH mm.¢H m.mn Hm mH.mH H.0fi ow HH.mH «.md em No.mH m.m¢ mm mm.mH m.H¢ em 0.0 = : mm.nH mm.mu m.>n ma m.m xoom com ms.NH w~.mH cm.na mm.mH mm.mH gaseous newness owssmsa m¢m.m smw.w Ohm.m Obw.w mem.w mNm.w mascuex 00m ho macaw cw oswwok gm m.>mw o.m¢m o.mmm O.mHm o.mmm m.nmm ufiocuou OON Ho euzmmoum wcuxsoup 85m H ”N o.m : .. Ms em.mfl o.se n m.e g . oaonH o¢.N~ «.we ON m¢.mH o.m¢ oH >m.mn n.6d m em.ma n.H¢ NH >.o¢ w O.¢ : a mm.nH mO.mH «.mfl Hm ON.nH m.¢¢ db ow.mH d.n¢ #n mo.mH s.¢¢ Nd m~.na N.¢¢ om m.m z a 2.3 3.3 >.m¢ 83in v.3 Hm moss“ .73 SH 5.3 >.N¢ 3H 5.3 as“. 34 0:... z .. mn.m~ no.0H .H.Hw HH NH.HH m.mn HH mo.nfi. m.mn.ow. mm.mH w.mm 5H o¢.mH moan mm m.~ : z ‘ ..oe m o.m hocusm neoauosd he Seem? me newest message. he antenna hem 4......me we season... w 13. sesame. sesame. we gum n. as“ we we mu .. a.“ m em. set we. em. as u 3.3 .325 an? Havoc-m. S nuns?“ W. u?mn&r 9 an... mm. 8 an». mm. 8 mamas Towduobd 5 2.30m N .msd H 354 W H. ‘0 o s’ ‘4 Q” h H o 3’ ‘4 O s § 509.3 wcoaomhav co :83hg. cos: Am «30qu :0:qu mafia wastage mo Moom com «1.3 eo~%..o .< .0 mo onsnaoua wcaxooun.mo mommsao econommwv you afloaoum peso gen 33 aswaoh :wdam 002 .3053 me pone—E 95.39% .> 334—. -17- Table V shows samples broxen at different times to see if the time after harvesting would affect the breaking pressure. samples for this test were obtained from the regular varie y series which were harvested about the same time and dried out of doors. The samples were Kept in the laboratory during the work. It is seen that for both varieties the first date, August 10th, has the lowest breaking pressure, uhile the others although with con— siderable variation might be said to run about the same. This should suggest that by handling the material as done, breaking test for comparison could be started about three to four weeks after harvest. If artificial drying were resorted to, one might be able to start earlier. It should be noted that though breaking was done with standard sized kernels the protein content did not vary with the breaking pressure nor vith the date when broken. The large variations in the lowest and highest classes of breeding pressure are in all probability due to inaccuracy in analysing such small samples. The weights of the 200 Kernel samples, under each date, indicate that the method of screening gives quite an even sample as judged by weight. _-18— ms.¢~ os.ea ms.e~ s .m we.sfi guesses seepsoa mmmsoss o.smm m.owm m.m~s m.ems 0.0es .mg as 0.5393 wcwxscan 5m ohm.m mam.» mme.w s-.m omm.ofi maeehmx oom so 33% 5” 31. can H H m.m \. A *N 0.0 nc.mfl . e ms.mH e.¢m HH en.mH o.mm m m.m sm.m~ . A" A» NH.mH e.me s mm.mH m.nm m o~.mfl n.mm ea 0.» mm.mm .. 0 on s mw.eH m.sm o“ 0H.mfl H.ee mm we.mH m.om an ne.mH o.mm we m.e mH.JH Hm.efl n.en cm mm.efi w.s~ 5N mm.eH s.me He an.mH m.me on eH.mH «.mm He o.e mm efl as «H o.un we oo.sH H.sw as a .ma m.me em mm.eH m.me mm mm.mH m.mm no m.m Hw.eH wm.eH m.o» moH om.efi H.mn nofi mm.eH m.oe no No.mfl s.s¢ om wo.mH s.Hm we o.m Hm.efi No.eH o.mm mm mm.n~ e.en 0H m.sn m s.am m m.m scam com mm.NH es.mH em.ma mm.mfl ms.mH camsosa passswe ewssoss o.wsm o.mmc o.¢mo m.emm o.mso .wx ea shaman muuxdoua, 55w ose.m 0mm.s mwm.m 0mm.m wmm.o gametes com so macaw a.“ .pkgm 0.00 H mom : = 0.0m w Com = = mm.mH m.se m sm.mH m.0m ma mm.mH o.sm 0H m.e = = em.nH o.sm a sm.mH m.oe a“ efl.nH N.me mm mm.»fi s.Hm on am.ma ~.om pm o.e = = mm.nfl oe.HH m.mw ma mm.m~ s.sm an aw.nfi ”.me as w~.nH s.me Hm em.m~ m.se mm m.» = = eo.na Hm.mfl o.ws ONH em.mn s.mw mHH oN.mH m.He Hm mw.nfi m.se es Hm.nH e.ee mm o.» = a ea.mfl sm.mfl c.om mm mm.~a ¢.mn mm o.oe a o.oe e m.~ . = = . ma.ofi mm.OH w.mm 5H ”.mm m o.m. noncdm :dowaofid ,. v gimme meemmsm use mew mafimd mu eammm mm mwh mum/m.0u. Weds/m Om Ww/m.mwm W/Mlm On. 0&1 m.0u mic Rum wwswswfi mm at. Wm. m.” ems Wm. Wm swswo mm was?” Pw emu u... as ua. no.“ a an... 4: ud. 41:... 1.1. as us haste? “to.“ m. m. m. m... u m. ”me n “v n m fl um. .02 smoke» Ca paofl beam #060 mo «assunx oom coxoum m J . ...»a. basemasae so Moos eom ecu so” .oz m .o .4 .0 ho c.5305 mcflioap mo manage pcosomfio so.“ 5303 £60 .39 was .332» gnaw 000" .3223— .«o 98.5: wsakonm .§ 592. . V -19... Table VI shous how the breaking pressure decreases mith smaller size of kernels and shows, as in Table V, thnt there is a correlation between brennind pressure and the weight of Kernels with- in the sxne size group. It is seen tilt the larger kernels have the higher protein percentnge, but within the same size there is no cor- relation betmeen breaking pressure ana protein content. The average protein percentage is obtained by multiylying the single protein analysis with the number of analyzed kernels, add';3 these products and dividing the sum by the total number of Kernels. This applies to the averages within a size and the averages for each class of breaking pressure. The column on the right gives the average ger cent protein for each class of breaking pressure. The increase of average per cent protein with the increase of breaking pressure is due to the fsct that the loner classes of breaking pressure contain most of the smaller sized kernels and the higher classes, greater numbers of the larger sized Kernels, and only shows the same condition as does the average per cent grotein of lifferent kernel sizes. Gougere with Table V for which all nernels were of the sale size she in which no correlation is seen between breeding pressure and protein content. It is seen from these tests that the higher the lUUU grain weight of even sized nernels, the denser the kernels and, hence as might be expected, the higher is the breaking yressure but, contrary to common belief, the denser kernels do not contnin more protein than tne less dense. -30- The Rod now Zaterinl. Each lot of 8-06 4 ‘nas 01‘ ssified by sivht into three grougs, one ccrth nin; only the PL rdest trnnslucart ;erie 1:, the second containing the softest chnlxy Kernels nnu the thiru s11 the inter— gredes. One hunured kernels of each extrene class were broxen and analyzed for protein. The results are given in T able VII. Some of the remnant of each class were planted far progeny tests. '0 TASLA VII. bho;in~ the ennlvsis for the herd and soft groups for breLning pressure Lna protein content for parent 1925 material given in Table I and proqeny 1926. -- - — - I. — _ _ - — — - - —- ~ ~ — — — - - - - — — .n - — - - u. u— — -— I‘HS 0""P m is crop Ave. Per Diff. Diff. Average Average Ac— Type breahin; cent in in $ breaking per cent cess— pressure pro- breaking protein pressure protein ion per gratitein pressure between content E0. in has. between herd & hard & soft soft Windsor herd 7.18 15.50 4¢5.7 12.12 10.104 11 9.43 14.86 496.4 13.34 AlfieriCdll r. 3 7.17 13.48 1 49 , rv 40405 1.3054.- Banner 4J9 ii 6.66 14.83 R.” 469.5 12.56 " S 9.x9 8.49 . 443.7 1° 5° 4 1.49 3.17 “'”~ " s 9.17 7.92 .3 449 5 1D 7” 488 1.35 1.4" " “° “ 11 10.43 9.35 " 454.6” 2.71“ " s 8.88 6.78 n 45’ 6 12 54 4o - 1043 2050 k. . “‘9 h 10.31 11.29 458.0 12.53 " 490 s 7.90 9.92 1.07 1.42 455.5 12.43 h 8.97 11.04 451.0 12.51 " s 8.94 '3.65 454 2 12 53 4 , 1.06 1.66 ° ' 91 h 10.00 14.31 46‘.2 13.53 Average 3 8003".- 10059 0" 9 45503 12 52 , ‘ loo-a ~01? . h 9.4 1.3.76 460.3 12.46 severege of only four The chalky kernels in all cases had the lower breaking pres- sure and protein content. One hundred kernels of standard size and of the two extrene classes of texture were taken from each row of the progeny, and were analyzed for breaking pressure and protein content. The average of these tests are also given in Table VII. It is seen that the brash- ing pressure and per cent protein of herd and soft classes of kernels are practically ecual. Th 5 indicates that this character is in— fluenced to a very great extent by environmental CLuses, and that the selection of chalgy-or trnnslucent—looning kernels does not necessarily determine the texture of the resulting progeny. The coefficient of correlation between breaning pressure and protein content was calculated on the check material,thich was planted every third row, and was found to be r - .129 i .105; shoving tth no relationship exists between these characters. There was a considerable Variation in the protein content throughout the field as is shown by the coefficient of variability of the checks, it being 5.40 * .407fl. This ndicutes that the growing conditions to a large extent determine the protein content. The coefficient of variability for the bresnin; pressure, 5.96 1 .299fl,'wns much lower than that for the protein content and gives further proof that one of these pregerties can not be used as an indication for the other, even tithin a variety. The grsphs of the check and soft Lnd herd selections of the 19:6 progeny are given in b g. 5. The fluctuations in the soft and hard selections follow the curves of the check. The Head Row heterinl. The head selections given in Table II were divided into classes according to their brenning pressure. fifty hands with uni- fonnly high and fifty sith uniformly low breaking pressure were selected fron.anericsn Banner and Early Windsor varieties. The same was done pith O. A. 0. No. 104 and in addition fifty heads with medium breaking pressure were selected,zxsning 150 in all from this variety. The larger number was tsnen from O. A. C. No. 104 because it was devGIOped from a cross and it sealed to offer the greatest possibility for selection of strains with different protein content. The range for the brenning pressure for the selected heads is given 1n.Thble VIII. TABLE VIII. Shosing range of breaking pressure of head selections used for seed 1925. five nernels per head Were broken and the remnants were planted. variety Range of total breaking pressure in kilogrsns for five nernels- soft medium hard 0. A. 0. KO. 104 55.6 — 45.8 48.0 - 53.6 55.1 — 67.0 American Banner 5?.5 - 46.0 55.1 - 66.9 Early \findsor 35.6 - 4:106 5107 - 63.4 Because of the size of the en pies (five kernels) the protein content could not be accurately determined but it should serve as an indication of the protein content. No correlntion was foanh between breaking pressure and protein content as sncun by the following coefficients of correlation: 0. A. 0. 30. 104 hard r = .180 t .17 O. A. J. 30. 104 soft r z .067 3 .18 American Banner hard r 3-5027 1 .15 Americdn Banner soft r =-.058 * .15 Further analysis of this material Was discontinued. In examining the 1936 material by sight there were found some plants with partly chnlky kernels but no plant was found with only chalky kernels. In mapping these plnnts it use found thbt the chalky kernels only appeared on certsin spots in the field, see rig. 4, and just as much in the hnrd as in the soft selections. Two heads with extra chalky kernels were selected from the 1925 or0p of Early Windsor and one from American Banner were planted, but these progenies had no chalky grsins, only those with a trans— L lucent hypedrunce. These fucts seened to indicate thlt the Variation in the soil, to a large extent, is responsible for the variation in grain texture. There proved to be such a largelmlss ofinsteriul that the work had to be limited, and the series of 0. A. C. No. 104 were chosen because this variety came from u or es and it has thought there might be more chances for segregation and thus for finding :1'7 —‘;{~‘— Fig. 4. Lap of the research field. The numbers to the right are numbers of the different sections. The edge rows are not given on this Lisp. The red lines are the rows where chnllqr imrnels appeared. a constant soft shite line. Twenty-five kernels from each sample were used in the break— ing test, and in order to get enough for u one—grun sample for protein analysis about ten kernels were added from the same plant. brom each head row was taken one sample - single plant - for breaking test of the common translucent appearance and this use analysed for protein. 1 Where one or more plnnts of a progeny contnined chslky kernels one of these, too, was brOken and analyzed. for some rows, the thole proaeny was broken and analyzed. The coefficient of correlation betmeen breaking pressure and protein content was calculated upon the check rows of this material and was found to be r . .010 t .054. Correlations on the breaking pressure of parents, 1925, with that of pregeny, 1926, of the 20 hardest and 30 softest selections were found to be - for soft selection, r _ -.101 1 .155 for hard selection, r _ -.092 i .014 Similar correlations of per cent protein of parents, 1925, with that of prOgeny, 1926, gave - for the soft selection, r _ -.002 3 .19 for the hard selection, r .015 t .18 These values show that there is no correlation either in breaking pressure or protein content between parents and progeny. The graphs of the breaking pressure and protein content from the progeny of the check as well as he soft medium and hard selections are given in Fig. 5. Summing up breaking pressure arfi protein content from the ‘- proseny of all soft, medium and hard selections,this use found. Average breaking average per cent pressure protein 50ft 113.4 12."- Ledium 114.8 12.5” Hard 111.6 12.21 The values for r between breaking pressure for 1925 (parent) and breaking pressure for 1826 (progeny) are as follows. 80ft selection r : .070 t .091 Eedium selection r = .050 1 .095 Hard selection r = .11: t .094 Between the breaking pressure 19L5 (parent) and protein percentage 1936 (progeny); soft selection r = -.145 t .095 Kecium selection r = -.055 t .092 Hard selection r : -.040 i .094 Be ween branding pressure and per cent of protein of prOg ny: Soft selection r z .050 1 .095 Ledium selection r : -.015 i .095 Hard SQlQCtion r - "0062 t 0092 These values show that the selection of hard, medium and soft kernels did not bring about any change in the proseny, and that there is no correlation whatsoever between breaking pressure of -26.. parent 1925 and pregeny 1926 or between breaking pressure 1925 and protein 1926 or between breaking pressure and protein of progeny (1926). Table I& gives a comparison of 1936 plant selections, made by aight,fron muong the same progenies. In the first column, the 1925 classification according to the breaking pressure of the mother selection is given. In all cases the chalky appearing plants have the lower protein content. However, there is no relationship be— tween the hard and soft selections of 1925 and the classifications of hard and soft made in 1926. Table 3 gives the results on the breaking pressure and protein content of three typical progenies out of the nine of which 25 kernels from each plnnt in the prOgeny were tested. Idants not having enough seed for testing and a remnant for future planting were discarded from the pregeny. There is no correlation between breaking pressure and protein content. -37- TABLS 14. Showing plant number, total breukin; pressure and per cent protein from one translucent and one chalky phat of the prOUeny from a head row. The 1955 classification of the head 13 given. Head Proveny i§86 selections Translucent Chalky classified appearing plant alpearing plant by - — - — - - — - — - — - — — - — — — — — — — - — — - — — breaking Plant Total Per cent Plant Total Per cent pressure 30. brenKiIU protein 30. breaking protein ___1925 pressure pressure , hard 660103 105.0 15.28 881108 111.4 9.86 soft 85501 105.0 13.65 85514 131.5 10.08 hard 85781 105.3 15.54 85713 142.3 9.29 soft 85901 185.6 15.91 85910 155.8 11.59 medium 84101 106.4 15.e5 8e107 107.6 11.46 hard 90901 148.0 11.25 90906 151.5 10.49 medium 91501 118.1 15.46 91502 150.6 10.85 hard 95501 116.5 ~.54}. E5509 104.1 ..5 soft 95503 111.1 11.15 95505 115.1 10.15 medium 95703 108.5 15.85 95704 106.6 11.91 soft 94101 150.3 11.65 94101 159.5 9.52 medium 04501 157.7 12.03 9e505 106.1 9.06 hard 94501 155.1 12.65 9450s 97.6 6.75 medium 105701 110.4 15.4~ 105715 156.8 9.75 hard 105901 118.7 10.55 105904 108.5 9.29 soft 104101 117.5 15.51 104110 111.7 9.75 hard 104501 151.: 11.96 104508 105.9 10.85 soft 104701 10%.: 10.15 184705 117.5 10.05 medium 104901 150.1 11.51 104908 117.4 9.55 Head lro;elé,1§;6 se lecti ons- Translucent 310.112! classified appearing plant appearing plant b.'r — -. — — _ — - - - ‘- "- _ _ ‘- - — — — - — _ - _ - — — - _ breanlng Elant Total Per cent Plant Total Per cent pressure 10. breanind protein 10. brennin; :rgtoin 1915 pressxre pressure hard 105101 117.6 9.05 105111 103.5 8.95 medium 105301 1~8.7 10.49 105505 110.1 9.35 medium 105701 1L5.‘ 11.51 1L5710 114.1 9.52 hard 105901 33.3 11.74 10:.qu m 1 o,;.e Average soft,7 plants 116.0 13.04 1 9.1 10.05 average Hediun,8 plnnts 119.2 1d.”3 115.7 10.15 Average hard,9 plants 118.7 11.76 111.4 9,”? Av:rabe of 311,54 plants 118.1 12.03 115.5 9.94 II h II in saw. « moo.l mam. fl an. u a me. « th. ow. a wH.HH u>.n « H.mmH u.fi mm. « om.ma mH.N « m.oHH ".5 moo. a Om.mH mm.a a mad n a m>.oH m.nHfl ma mm.mH ¢.mHH #H mm.Hfi 5.0mH ma wm.mH m.bHH ma mm.HH >.moH HH mm.HH w.mmH 0H 0... . . 3.3 5.03 we am we NH v n¢a #H Hm.mH m.HH~ mo ¢m.ma m.¢HH mo em.HH w.moH ma mo.HH o.mHH so mo.ma h.HHH so mm.a m.m¢a NH m¢.mH m.¢oH mo mm.mH o.HmH mo «m.ma N.¢NH 0H ¢fi.mH n.00H mo .¢H.NH m.moH mo HH.nH o.w~H so ¢>.HH m.mon $0 mw.NH w.¢HH v0 Hm.HH o.mHH mo w~.wH n.ooH no m¢.ma m.oHH no ¢m.mfi m.n¢H mo ¢>.na m.>Ha No db.HH o.mHH mo #m.m~ N.noH Hobnmm mo.¢H >.¢NH Homnww Hm.MH m.mmH Hoammm Gwovoum ouduooum “mass: swvapm ouanuoum. hogan: camaoum ou5muoum gonad: accouom wcmdehm cowpooaom ocooaom wcfixaopm coavooaom peachom wzwxcohm scavooawm 32 53023 2% mg” 53.38 53% 32 53038 $8 .donhadcu 0&9! .ooo» pnoao«Mqu wafl>an .nvcdam cuo£3_mo Had mach cam: mougv mo nowcowoua oga you uanhddcu adopoum wad ousoumua wufixumun .aonadn :oavomamm wswaogm .N Quads -3 O.- dince tJBbB heud selection: fdiled to trunsxit either their hardness, chulny cgtenrnnce or grotein content, the expression of these characters any not be considered to be due grimnrily to hereditury differences because this variety r“s een grown so long thut, even if it consisted of severul strdins, the sinble plnnts should represent pure lines. The differences uithin the proseny from a single head, '3 seen from the table, can, at present, only be attributed to environ— mental differences. However, it is possible that segregations or mutations might have taken place, u27 so it any be worth while to plant the low protein selections for further investigation. The ded haterial. V ’| Table I shone that all tue lots 01 seed used centnined a number of nernels that mere classified as red. The rod mith have been due to mechanical mixture of red nernels among the mhite, to crosses, or to the results of environmental conditions causing the soft starch to become herd thereby giving the Kernel u red urgenrunce. Twenty red-nygesrind nernels were planted from each scarce of seed. The results from these Kernels are shown in Table hl-a. The germination was low and varied considerably. The number of plants classified is given in the last column. This table shows that 36 of the 108 red-appearing Kernels produced white offsPring, indicating that many of the red-agpearing Kernels, having the same general shape and size as the variety in which hey appeured, were the result of -3 1- environmental conditions. This percentage will Vary with the variety. In the Early Hindsor head selections, it nus p‘ssible to find ten hands having red Kernels. The feur best ssmples were planted. The other six did not have enough well develOped Kernels for one row each and so were discsrded. Three of the prOgenies segregated for besrded and heard— 1ess heads, and one of these for red and white nernels, showing that they were the result of crosses. This shows the possibility thnt sows of the red Kernels ap-enring in white sheets are the result of crosses. TnnufithI—u. Showing name, accession number and classification of the progeny, of the red kernels from the bdld and shite grained varieties 0. A. 0. H0. 104, American Banner and Early Windsor. The two latter having red chnff, the first white. (w is white grains, r is red grains.) B i ~ . ,T . _ number Name of Accession earned not besrded__ of variety Number white red white red plants chaff chaff chaff chaff har- r w r w r V: 1: yestgg Early Hindsor 6 3 2 3 4 ll 0. A. C. 30.104 407 3 2 9 14 American Banner 408 3 l 1 7 12 " " 4e? 2 2 ' 4 7 15 " " 488 3 3 2 10 l? " " 489 3 2 6 5 16 " " 490 4 4 o " " 491 _ _ __ __ __J; 1.. ___‘4 15 Total 2 2 13 5 13 51 44 108 Teens hI-b. chewing selection number of heads with red kernels from Early Hindsor and the segregation of the pregeny; Early Windsor being a beardless white wheat with red Olhffo bearded Hot bearded Selection Accession Red chaff Red Chnff number of Number Number w r w r plants harvested 146701—11 6 11 ll 148901-30 6 6 14 20 ldSlOl—ho s l 6 l 12 20 149501-15 6 7 6 15 V - CUJJLUoIGNS i. There is a close positive relationship between brenning pressure, size (cross section) and 1000 grain weight of the kernels. 2. Breaking pressure and protein content are not correlated, so breaxing pressure, as obtained by the method employed, can not be used as a means of determining protein content. 3. The kernels of lower protein content could be picked out by their more chnlhy appearance. 4. So far as can be seen new, textural appea‘azce is due to environ- mental conditions and not to hereditary preperties. 5. The tto classes of red Kernels used in this investigation proved -33- to be due to three causes. 1. Environmentnl conditions. These Kernels ere trans— lucent but this condition is not transmitted to the offszring. 2m Kixture of'zed vhedt. These will continue to breed true for red Kernels. S. Crossing of white sheets with red. The F1 of such a cross is red. The heteééygous red kernels will continue to segregate. 6. This investigation has not proceeded far enough to determine the possibility of selecting strains of white mheats with lower protein content than the present varieties. l. 2. 4. 5. 6. -3154 linema— Roberts, H. E. 1910. A Quantitative Ketnod for the Ibtermina— tion of Hardness in Wheat. thsas fi‘r. EX). eta. ‘La Bul. 167. Roberts, H. E. 1921. Relation of Hardness and Other rhetors to Protein Content Lheat. Jour. Agr. Aesearch 21:507-523. ohaw, G. W. and Ganmnitz, A. J. 1911. Galifornia Unite Wheats. dalifornia agr. Exp. dta. Bul. 21:. Harper, J. N. and Peters, A. L. 1904. studies on helationship between Certain PhJSlCul Characters of the JhEat Kernel anu its Chemical Comoosition, and a Pronosed Iethoe of Imoroving Wheat by the selection of Seed. dentucxy agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 115. Bryan, N. E. and Pressley, H. h. 1955. Head Grain Texture as a Basis of selection for Improving the duality of Early Baart wheat. Jour. Amer. doc. Aaron. 17: 440—43. Freeman, G. E. 1918. A Kechnnical Explanation of Pregressive Changes in the Proportions of Hard and Soft Kernels in sheet. Jour. Amer. Uoc. AQTOM. 10:23-28. .. .1 IIIIIIIIIIII- IIII == sums; mini-1W. i: l "'TITJ'IWLI‘INLIIJMWflfijlflffl'fljiflflfljlflfflfifufi'“