SUME EXPERIMENTAL PARAMETERS AFFECTING MEMANCN IN CONCEPT LEARNENG “west: {:60 fine Degree oi: M. A. MZC .EGAN STATE EIREVERZSETY Charles Ernest Kenoyer 13.967 LIBRARY Michigan State . University may ABSTRACT SOME EXPERIMENTAL PARAMETERS AFFECTING MEDIATION IN CONCEPT LEARNING by Charles Ernest Kenoyer If it is assumed that organisms are simultaneously capable of mediated learning and of unmediated learning, the Kendler association model leads to some new predictions. In particular, the assumption that relative difficulty of reversal and nonreversal shifts depends upon the num- ber of associations necessary in each mode of learning yields an experimentally verifiable hypothesis that the number of stimulus dimensions is an important parameter affecting the tendency of gs toward reversal or nonrever- sal shifts. A transfer design was used, in which 28 three-year- old.§s were given three concept tasks. The first task differed for the two shift groups in that the relevant dimension for the reversal group was size, and the rele- vant dimension for the nonreversal group was color. In the second concept task, half the stimuli were set aside so that the correct Option could be selected by either of two criteria: the opposite value on the initially relevant dimension, or a value on the initially irrelevant Charles Ernest Kenoyer dimension. In the third concept task, the full set of stimuli was again used; half the gs were required to choose on the basis of the initially irrelevant dimension (non- reversal task) and half were required to choose the oppos- ite value on the initially relevant dimension (reversal task). Stimuli varied on four dimensions. The prediction was confirmed that over half the §s would complete the second task by performing a reversal shift, as indicated by each.§fs first response on the third task. Confirmation was also obtained for the hypo- theses that §s in the reversal task group would complete the final task in fewer trials than the nonreversal group. The second major experimental variable was the effect on performance of telling §§ at the end of the first task that they had learned the "game" and inviting them to play another, similar game. Half the §s were given this treat- ment, while the other half received no indication of a change in procedure. The significance level for inter- action of the information variable with type of shift was .05 < p < .10. Analysis of variance on log trials to the last error yielded a significant F ratio for the shift task effect (p < .01) and for its interaction with informa- tion (p < .05). The prediction that number of errors per error trial (using the correction method) would be affected by information was not supported. It was concluded that gs in this sample had demon- Charles Ernest Kenoyer strated mediation, and therefore that the single-stage associative model was inadequate to describe their behav- ior. Implications of the results were discussed. SOME EXPERIMENTAL PARAMETERS AFFECTING MEDIATION IN CONCEPT LEARNING BY Charles Ernest Kenoyer A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS Department of Psychology 1967 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I want to express my sincere appreciation to several persons who made substantial contributions to the process of writing this thesis. I am indebted to Dr. Frank N. Marzocco, chairman of my thesis committee, for his encouragement and support during the planning and execution of the experiment and for his help in the development of the manuscript. I wish to thank Dr. John E. Hunter, a member of the committee, for his contributions to the planning of the experiment and suggestions for analysis of the data. Thanks are also due the other members of the committee, to Dr. Terrence M. Allen for his suggestions for the analysis of data, and to Dr. James L. Phillips for his critical reading of the manuscript. The valuable help of Lawrence H. Nitz in designing the experimental apparatus is gratefully acknowledged. Finally, I wish to express my gratitude to my wife Janice, not only for her encouragement and moral support, but for her tangible contribution to the work of transcribing data. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv LIST OF FIGURES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v LIST OF APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vi INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 DESIGN AND HYPOTHESES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 METHOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 APPARATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 SUBJECTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 MATERIALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 RESULTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 APPENDIX A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 APPENDIX B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 iii Table 1. LIST OF TABLES Frequencies for Groups Classified by Information and Inferred Shift . Trials to Last Error for the Three Concept Tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . Analysis of Variance on Phase 3 Trials to Last Error 0 O O O O O O O O 0 Trials to Last Error for SS Grouped by Information and Inferred Shift.. Log Trials to Last Error for the Three Concept Tasks. . . . . . . . . Analysis of Variance on Transformed Data . Number of Error Responses Per Error Trial. Frequencies for Groups Classified by Shift Task and Inferred Shift. iv Page 37 39 40 42 44 45 47 48 Figure LIST OF FIGURES Block Diagram of Experimental Apparatus. Apparatus-subject Interface. . . . . Experimenter's Switching Device. . . Apparatus Configuration (Plan View). Page 24 25 27 31 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix Page A. Stimulus Sequences for All Tasks . . . . . 57 B. Response Sequences for All Subjects. . . . 60 vi INTRODUCTION Several investigators in recent years have used the concept-learning experiment as a method of evaluating theories of mediation. In particular, the transfer design and modifications of it have been used extensively. A consistent conclusion has been that preschool children do not make use of mediation in learning concepts, but this conclusion is perhaps more general than is warranted by a set of experiments in which some parameters have been held constant across the whole set. The parameters in question are the number of stimulus dimensions (attri- butes) and the information, at the end of the initial task, that a new task is beginning. The use of binary dimensions limits the possible kinds of concept shifts to two: reversal and nonreversal shifts. In the reversal shift, §_is required in the training task to learn to classify stimuli according to their value on a single attribute, and in the test task to assign stimuli to opposite categories, using the same attribute as the classification criterion. For instance, size might be relevant, with large stimuli called correct in the training phase and small in the test phase. In the nonreversal shift task, §_is also required to learn a training task, but the second, or test, task requires an entirely different classification scheme. In this part of the transfer task.§_must classify stim— uli according to a new criterion, an attribute that either varied irrelevantly or was constant during the training phase. For example, stimuli could be classified by size in the training phase and by shape in the test phase. Simple concepts have typically been used in exper- iments on concept shifts. Although a defining characteris- tic of the concept learning experiment is that stimuli vary with respect to more than one attribute, a simple concept, as opposed to a conjunctive or disjunctive con- cept, is identified by only one of these attributes, the relevant one, and the remaining attributes are irrelevant. Size, for instance, might be the relevant attribute or dimension, while shape and color might vary, but in such a way as to provide no help to §_in his task of classify— ing stimuli. Some of the ways in which §s have been re— quired to indicate classification are by sorting stimuli into groups, stating whether individually presented stim— uli are or are not instances of a concept, and choosing the one of a simultaneously presented pair that is an instance of the concept. Buss compared the two kinds of transfer in 1953. His gs were adult humans, and the stimuli were wooden blocks, the same ones that Buss (1952) had described as similar to those of the Vygotsky test. The blocks varied with respect to height, color, tOp surface area, and shape; there were two values for height and three for each of the other dimensions. Classification was accomplished by sorting blocks into two groups. Buss found that the nonreversal shift required more trials to criterion than the reversal shift. He attributed this result to partial reinforcement of the nonreversal response during early trials of the test phase. Since gs performing a non- reversal shift performed correctly on half the trials of the test phase if they continued to classify stimuli exactly as in the training phase, Buss reasoned that the training phase response was not extinguished immediately and so interfered with acquisition of the correct test phase response. The gs performing a reversal shift, on the other hand, performed incorrectly on all trials of the test phase if they maintained the established train- ing phase response, and so the old response was extin- guished without delay. Kendler and D'Amato (1955) offered an alternative explanation. They agreed that partial reinforcement had occurred in the nonreversal condition of the Buss exper- iment, but considered it to be of secondary importance in determining the results. They hypothesized that the reason for the relative facility of the reversal shift was that this condition, but not the other, required the same mediating response for both tasks. The crucial ex- periment required the elimination of partial reinforce- ment of the training phase response, and Kendler and D'Amato accomplished this by setting aside the stimuli that could be correctly assigned to the same category in both tasks, returning them to the stimulus set again only after §_had reached criterion on the reduced set. Since the attributes of the stimuli used in the Kendler-D'Amato study were complex, the following illus- tration is given in terms of simpler attributes. If all large stimuli belonged in category A for the training task, and all black stimuli belonged in category A for the test task of the nonreversal group, then Se in both the reversal and the nonreversal groups would be shown only large white and small black stimuli during the early test trials. After learning this task to criterion, groups then received different treatments, in that they were required to classify differently the stimuli returned to the set for the final task. under the modified procedure gs again learned the reversal task more easily than the nonreversal task. Kendler and D'Amato concluded that Buss's partial rein— forcement argument could not be applied to their eXper- iment and that the extant S-R model for learning in infra- human organisms (Spence, 1936) was insufficient to explain their data. They suggested a two-stage model in which the S-R association was mediated by a covert re3ponse specific to the relevant stimulus dimension. Buss was reluctant to abandon the simpler model; he argued that the Kendler-D'Amato procedure might still allow the occurrence of partial reinforcement. The partially reinforced response to which he referred, however, could only be construed as a covert mediating response. As H. H. Kendler stated in a note at the end of Buss's paper, Buss had apparently adopted a mediational model without being aware of doing so. The experimental results reported by Buss in the same paper confirmed those of Kendler and D'Amato; Harrow and Friedman (1958) again obtained con- firming data under somewhat different conditions. At about the same time this work was proceeding with human Se, Kelleher (1956) found that rats learned the nonreversal shift more quickly than the reversal under the conditions of his experiment. The contrast leads naturally to the hypothesis that phylogenetic differences are responsible for the discrepancy, but it must be recog- nized that the rat study involved pairs of stimuli that differed on only two dimensions, while the studies with adult humans employed more dimensions and, in some in- stances, more values per dimension. With the expectation that a transitional stage could be found in the human developmental process, Kendler and Kendler (1959) performed a learning experiment on kinder— garten children. The stimuli in that experiment were empty water tumblers of two heights, enameled either white or black. The classification task was to select the cor- rect tumbler, that which covered a reward. Pairs were presented simultaneously, the members of any pair differ- ing from each other on both dimensions. The possible combinations, therefore, were tall black with short white and tall white with short black. In a simple two-group comparison, there was no significant difference in number of trials to criterion. The gs were then separated into two categories on the basis of training task performance; the slow learners were found to perform the nonreversal shift more rapidly than the reversal shift while fast learners performed the reversal shift more quickly. The Kendlers concluded that the group studied was in transition from unmediated to mediated learning, with the slow learners still tending to learn through a single- stage S-R process while fast learners tended to mediate. Since the transition hypothesis refers to a developmental change, the conclusion does not follow from the data of the experiment; moreover, procedural differences as well as population differences distinguish the Kendlers' ex- periment from the previous studies with adults. As in Kelleher's rat study, the number of distinct pairs of stimuli presented to the Kendlers' gs was smaller than in any of the adult studies. The next step in attempting to establish the exist— ence of the transitional stage was to investigate shift behavior of preschool children (Kendler, Kendler, and Wells, 1960). The stimulus situation was similar to that of Kendler and Kendler (1959), but the stimuli were ena- meled cookie cutters and the nature of the transfer task was different. Stimuli for the training series differed with respect to one dimension only, for all gs. Tasks for the three experimental groups differed only in the test phase, a design (Andreas, 1960, p. 476) which happens to confound type of shift with type of test-phase task. Stimuli for the test phase varied on a new dimension as well as on the dimension that had been relevant through- out the training phase. For the training phase, 96 gs were evenly divided into four groups on the basis of the characteristic of the positive stimulus. For two groups, all stimuli were of medium height; black was positive for one group and white for the other. For the other two groups, all stimuli were red; tall positive for one group and short for the other. In the test phase, stimuli for the control and reversal gs varied both in height and in brightness. Pairs differed simultaneously on both dimen- sions, so that tall white and short black or tall black and short white cookie cutters were presented. For the nonreversal group, the positive training-phase cue did not appear in the test series; a nonreversal §_trained to white, for example, was presented with stimuli that differed in size and shape, but not color. Forms were circles, clubs, and spades; colors were white, red, and black; and heights were .5 in., l in., and 2 in., obtained by presenting cutters singly or in stacks. The control group reached criterion most quickly, followed by the nonreversal and reversal groups in that order. Next in the series of studies was a comparison of several age groups. Kendler, Kendler, and Learnard (1962) collected data on groups with mean ages of 43, 54, 77, 102, and 127 mo., and a maximum within-group range of 13 mo. Stimuli were black or white squares of two sizes on a mid-gray background. The design included three phases: the training phase; the early trials of the test series, in which the reduced set of stimuli was presented; and the later trials of the test phase, in which removed stim— uli were reintroduced. This design, now called the optional shift design, was identical to the transfer design with control for partial reinforcement (Kendler and D'Amato, 1956) throughout the first two phases. The third phase of the optional shift design, however, was distinguish— able by the following characteristics: (a) a fixed num- ber of trials, and (b) a change in the pattern of rein- forcement. The gs were rewarded independently of their choice response to reintroduced stimuli, while the reward contingency for the pairs that had been presented through— out Phase 2 remained the same as on Phase 2 trials. Those gs who made the same choice for at least 8 out of 10 of the presentations of the reintroduced stimuli were clas- sified as reversal or nonreversal, depending upon the choice reSponse, and those whose responses were split in any other way were classified as inconsistent. The propor- tion of gs in the reversal and inconsistent categories differed significantly over the age range tested, but the proportion of nonreversals did not differ significantly. The statistical test employed was not reported. Jeffrey (1965) conducted a follow-up study consist- ing of two experiments. Experiment I was concerned with the effect of pre-training on shift behavior; gs were 4-year-olds and lO-year-olds. Stimuli for the optional shift task were black or white circles of two sizes, .5 in. thick, and stimuli for the pre-training task were 20 pairs of small toys mounted on masonite squares so as to cover the reinforcement holes. The gs in the learning- set training group were trained to a criterion of 9 correct second-trial responses in 10 sets, then Phase 1 of the optional shift problem was initiated. gs in the control group began Phase 1 with no pre-training. Pre-training facilitated Phase 1 learning but had no significant effect on learning in Phase 2. Small sample size (eight 4-year- olds per group) made it necessary to pool inconsistent and nonreversal categories for a chi square comparison of Phase 3 performance. The differences in category fre- quencies were not significant for experimental groups pooled across age, but the age effect was significant. Jeffrey observed that the younger children tended to -10- verbalize values of both dimensions of the stimuli. He considered it likely that those §s would maintain the specific choice response learned in Phase 1 and so exhibit the nonreversal pattern. In Experiment II, Jeffrey replicated the design of Kendler, Kendler, and Learnard except for three changes: the ages of the gs, the kind of stimuli presented, and the changing of a stimulus characteristic between Phase 1 and Phase 2. The age groups in Experiment II included children 4, 6, and 8 years of age and a group of college students. The 4-year-old group had a mean age of 4.16 years and ranged from 46 to 54 months. The other groups' means and ranges were not reported. Stimuli like those employed in Experiment I were again presented, but included squares as well as circles. Circles were presented in the first phase and squares in Phases 2 and 3. By chang- ing the form of the stimuli after Phase 1 was completed, Jeffrey hoped to reduce the chance that the test-stimuli would be treated by the gs as the identical Phase 1 forms. Under the conditions of the Jeffrey study no significant differences were found among the proportions of gs in the three shift-type categories for the various age groups. The constancy is also remarkably apparent in Jeffrey's table of pr0portions. The discrepancy between Jeffrey's results and those of Kendler, Kendler, and Learnard may reasonably be -11- attributed to the changes introduced by Jeffrey and cited above. The difference between the stimulus sets used in the two studies is not striking, particularly in View of the considerable variation in stimuli among the previous studies, all of which found age differences. The age differences between the youngest groups of the two studies cannot be discounted: the graph presented by Kendler, Kendler, and Learnard shows that the most rapid perform- ance change occurs within the range of their two youngest groups, and Jeffrey's youngest group falls in that range. The fact that a change in stimulus form was introduced into the procedure seems an important departure from the procedures of all of the preceding studies of classifica- tion shifts. Jeffrey intended, of course, that the change have an effect on perfonmance and showed, by means of a chi square comparison, a significant difference between the performances of the 4-year-old groups in his two ex- periments. He concluded that the procedure of Experiment II had been successful in reducing the tendency to respond to all dimensions on which stimuli varied. Beginning with the Kendler-D'Amato experiment, the studies cited above have been concerned with experimental hypotheses derived from the model presented by Kendler and Kendler (1962). The Kendler model includes two alter— native processes: the single-unit process and the two- stage mediational process. The single—unit theory is the -12- S-R system of Spence (1956); the Kendlers argued that this theory predicts more rapid learning for the nonreversal than the reversal shift. The reason for this is that at the time of the shift the difference between the strength of the dominant incorrect habit and the to-be-correct habit is much greater for the reversal, as com- pared to the nonreversal shift. Consequently more training will be required to make the cor- rect habit dominant in a reversal shift. Accord- ing to the mediational theory the situation is entirely different. A reversal shift enables the subject to utilize the same mediated response. Only the overt response has to be changed. A nonreversal shift, on the other hand, requires the acquisition of a new mediated response, the cues of which have to be attached to a n§w_overt response. Because the old mediational sequence has to be discarded and a new one formed, the nonreversal shift should be executed more slowly than a reversal shift. (Kendler and Kendler, 1962, p. 7). A footnote pointed out that the superiority of the rever- sal shift may be explained either by the greater number of new associations necessary for a nonreversal shift or by the "possibility . . . that a mediating response is more difficult to extinguish than is an overt response" (p. 7). The two important parameters of the Kendlers' model, then, are the number of associations necessary for the acquisition of correct performance and the difficulty of extinguishing overt responses as opposed to mediating responses. In an investigation of developmental changes in the mediational process, it is important to take these parameters into consideration, particularly as they affect -13- the relative difficulty of acquisition through the two processes, single-stage and two-stage. Unless it is assumed that humans lose their ability to learn without mediating responses when they acquire the ability to learn with them, variations in these parameters may be expected to have an effect upon selection of the process (single-stage or two-stage) by which the task is learned. If the mediational sequence is more difficult for a given task than the set of single—stage associations, then ac— quisition of that task by the single-stage process should be completed more rapidly than by the two-stage process, and so the transfer characteristics of the learning would fit the single-unit theory. The Kendlers' diagram of their model made it clear that they consider a single-stage association to be formed for each stimulus pair. The number of associations to be formed in a two-stage sequence, then, is just one more than the number for a single-stage process, since the mediating response has to be associated with each stim- ulus and the stimulus component of the mediator must be associated with the overt response. Dre—experimental associations probably reduce the difficulty of the mediated solution, however. The other, and probably more important, source of difficulty in the mediational process is the difficulty of extinguishing irrelevant mediators. If, as the Kendlers' model implies by its notation (rsize), -14- a mediator correSponds to a stimulus dimension, then the difficulty of extinguishing the inappropriate mediating responses increases with the number of irrelevant dimen- sions. The ratio of the number of stimuli to the number of dimensions therefore seems a particularly important var— iable in concept-attainment experiments. Since the num- ber of stimulus objects or figures that can be constructed from N binary dimensions is 2N, the ratio is 2N/N, a strictly increasing function for positive N, and so may be manipulated by simply varying N. A more detailed quan- titative development of the relationship between difficulty of acquisition and the two parameters (number of associa- tions and difficulty of extinction) would make it possible to predict the number of dimensions at which the advantage switches from one mode of learning to the other. The research effort required for the collection of the data necessary to do the complete job, however, should not be spent if a rough test of the assumptions of the above model can be made more efficiently. In particular, it seems appropriate at this point to replicate previous studies with a larger value of N, since there is no evidence that young children actually behave differently from adults when N > 2. The model upon which this study is based, then, is a modified version of the Kendler model, which acknowledges -15- that gs may be able to select, consciously or otherwise, their mode of learning, and so an individual §_capable of performing as a two-stage learner under some conditions may also be capable of performing as a single-stage learner under other conditions. Considering the two Kendler models as representing alternative processes both available to the same organism makes it possible to derive from the assumptions of the Kendler model the conclusion that the mode of learning selected depends upon the number of stim- ulus dimensions. DESIGN AND HYPOTHESES Presenting stimuli with a larger number of dimensions than were used in the studies cited above should, accord- ing to the argument in the preceding section, increase the probability of mediation. Four binary dimensions were used to construct the figures of this study. The dimensions, and their values, were color, red and green; size, large and small; shape, square and circular; and border, present or absent. Figures were presented in pairs. Combinations were constrained as follows: members of the pair were alike in shape and in presence or absence of a border and differed both in size and in color. These constraints eliminate two dimensions, color and shape, as possible criteria by which §_could choose, and so serve to decrease the number of potential mediators. Both the increased number of dimensions and the constraints on pairs should increase the ratio of the number of stimuli to the number of potential mediators, and so increase the probability that an organism able to mediate will do so. The transfer design of the Kendler—D'Amato study was selected for this experiment. As compared to the Optional shift design (Kendler, Kendler, and Learnard, 1962), the transfer design has the advantage of giving more learning -16.. -17- data in that §s can be run to criterion or at least to many trials, rather than terminated at some small arbitrary number of trials. Information about the shift selected by the g during the trials with a reduced stimulus set may also be recovered, as readily as in the optional shift design. It is true that selective reinforcement may be expected to change response probabilities in Phase 3, but the effects, in the optional shift design, Of uncon- ditional reinforcement of either choice response to half of the set of stimuli are not known either. The only uncontaminated measure of Ss' state at the end of Phase 2 (the phase in which half of the stimuli are removed) is the trial 1 response in the next part, Phase 3, and this measure may be used in the transfer design without the sacrifice Of information on gs who require many trials to reach criterion. Although the transfer design is used, it is convenient to describe the experiment in the terms coined for the Optional shift design. "Phase 1" refers to the training task, "Phase 2" to the early trials of the test task, in which half of the stimuli are set aside, and "Phase 3" to the latter part of the test task, in which the removed stimuli are returned to the active stimulus set. The stimulus conditions of this study, as explained above, lead to the expectation that more gs in the pre— sent experiment than in the Kendler-Kendler-Learnard study -18- will perform reversal shifts. Because of procedural dif- ferences, and particularly the difference between the dependent variables, such a direct comparison does not seem appropriate. A more conservative test of the model is to compare the obtained probability estimate with P(reversal) = .5. If gs are in the pre-mediational stage hypothesized by the Kendlers and their associates, less than half should perform reversal shifts. One prediction that follows from the assumption that P(reversal) > .5 in this study is that more §§ will make trial 1 responses in Phase 3 that are consistent with a reversal shift than will make trial 1 responses consistent with a nonreversal shift. Those gs in the reversal group who have performed a reversal shift in Phase 2 have no further learning to accomplish in Phase 3, while those in the nonreversal group who have performed a reversal shift then have to perform a nonreversal shift in Phase 3 in order to respond cor— rectly. If P(reversal) > .5, it follows that performance in Phase 3 will be facilitated for more gs in the rever- sal than in the nonreversal group, and so the prediction is that the reversal group gs require fewer trials to criterion than those in the nonreversal group. Another mediational theory relevant to this experi— ment is that of Mowrer (1960). Mowrer argues that learn- ing, even in rats, is accomplished through a mediating state which he calls expectation (p. 287). The importance -19- of the expectation construct to learning theory is not in acquisition, according to Mowrer, but in various forms of unlearning, including counter—conditioning, of which concept shifts are a species. This framework suggests the significance of one of the parameters of the Jeffrey (1965) study. Jeffrey's alteration of the Optional shift design in his Experiment II, in which he used circles as stimuli in Phase 1 and squares in Phases 2 and 3, had at least two separable effects: it added a new dimension of variation to the stimulus set for the whole experiment and it provided a procedural change at just the point where gs were required to unlearn one task and to learn a different set of response contingencies given the same dimensional variations of the old task. If §.continued, on trial 1 of Phase 2, to respond as in the original task, Mowrer's theory would lead us to expect a change in S's expectation, because of the close conjunction of §fs first error in several trials with a change in the stimulus situation. It is possible to manipulate dimension and signal, the two aspects Of Jeffrey's innovation, separately if information about task change is given verbally. Half the gs in each shift group were told at the end of Phase 1 that they had learned that "game" (the Phase 1 task) very well and were invited to play a similar game. For the other half Of the §s there was no pause or other break -20- in the procedure at the point of transition from Phase 1 to Phase 2. If this information changed.§fs expectation about the appropriate choice, then the unlearning task would be avoided (whether extinction, as the Kendlers regard it to be, or counter-conditioning) and learning would be facilitated for the informed group. Another dependent variable Observed in this exper— iment was §fs tendency to perseverate on a response after it failed to be reinforced. There is a good deal of empirical data demonstrating the tendency Of infrahuman organisms to emit intensified perseverative responses in operant-transfer situations (Brown, 1961; Mowrer, 1960). Mowrer discussed the affective aspect Of expectation, stating (p. 476), "If a rat is not sure whether a given trial is the one which is to result in reinforcement, he is not particularly frustrated (surprised, disappointed) if there is no reinforcement, but if, on a particular trial, reinforcement i§_confidently expected and does not materialize, then there will be maximum frustration and correspondingly greater counter-conditioning (extinction) of hope and habit strength." Elsewhere (p. 405 ff), Mowrer argues that the immediate result of this frustra- tion is anger, which leads to aggression aimed toward the frustrating Obstacle. If the information provided in this experiment changed §fs expectation concerning the stimulus consequences of -21- his responses, then Mowrer's theoretical treatment of expectation implies that the usual response pattern asso- ciated with cessation of reinforcement should be altered. A specific aspect of this response pattern that is described by Mowrer (1960) and Brown (1961) is the intensification of the previously reinforced response. Although the stress in both Mowrer's and Brown's discussions was on such measures as Speed or force of a response, it seems reasonable to extend Mowrer's explanation Of frustration behavior during extinction to include the occurrence of perseveration on the response that is no longer reinforced. Evidence of an increased response rate at the outset of extinction appears in data on children in the second year of life from a study by Weisberg and Fink (1966). The measure used in this study was the mean number of incor- rect responses averaged over trials on which at least one error occurred. Since the correction method was used, each trial consisted of a string Of incorrect responses followed by a correct response, where the length of the string of errors could be zero or greater. The effect typically fades quickly during extinction, and so the mean was computed over the first several trials only. Every g who made at least one error required at least nine trials, and so it was convenient to compute the measure over the first nine trials for each §_who made at least one error. The design of the experiment included two independent -22- variables; shift task and information, with two levels Of each. All Se in the reversal group were required to learn to select the small figure in Phase 1 and the large figure in Phase 3. Those in the nonreversal group were required to select the green figure in Phase 1 and the large figure in Phase 3. For Phase 2 all pairs were large red-small green combinations and all Se in both groups were required to select the large red figure on each trial. The only difference between the two tasks, then, was the Phase 1 discrimination. Dependent variables for testing predictions were number of trials to criterion on Phase 3 and proportion Of gs classified as having performed a reversal versus a nonreversal shift during Phase 2 for the shift type variable, and number of errors per error trial and number of trials to criterion in Phase 2 for the information variable. METHOD Apparatus A block diagram illustrating the components of the apparatus and communication among them appears in Fig. 1. Fig. 2 shows the machine-§_interface. Stimuli were dis- played by rear projection of 35 mm. slides on a screen of Opal glass. The screen was located 1/4 in. behind the window in the front of the cabinet shown in Fig. 2. The cabinet was constructed of Masonite and wood. The window consisted of three clear plastic panels 1/4 in. thick. A 4 x 4 in. square portion of each panel was visible through the 4 x 12 in. aperture in the front of the cabinet. The center panel, which was not used in this study, was blocked so as to be immovable. The left and right panels were suspended from hinges. The bottom of each panel was held in position against the front of the cabinet by the spring action of a.Microswitch. Pressure on either panel closed an electrical circuit which delivered a single pluse to the control apparatus. Subjects were instructed to press a panel to indicate selection Of the stimulus appearing on the screen directly behind the panel. Spa- tial separation of stimulus and re3ponse was thus mini- mized, a condition that has been found (Jeffrey and Cohen, -23- -24- E SWITCHING MACHINE-£7. DEVICE INTERFACE PROJECTOR CONTROL PROJECTOR A UNIT B DATA RECORDER (TAPE PUNCH) Figure 1. Block diagram of experimental apparatus. -25- R RESPONSE PANELS Figure 2. Apparatus-subject Interface. -26- 1964) to facilitate learning in children. Reinforcement contingencies were controlled by E. A switching device, consisting Of four 5/8 in. doorbell pushbuttons installed in a l x l x 4 in. rectangular prism of plastic, was held in Efs hand. This device, shown in Fig. 3, delivered signals to the control unit. The E selection was entered in the corresponding memory unit Of the control device and consequently transmitted con— tinuously to the recording device until that memory unit was cleared. The memory unit could be cleared either by Efs selection of the complementary switch button or by §fs correct response. For instance, if E pressed the button specifying reinforcement Of selection Of the left panel, this selection by §_was cancelled if §_pressed the button for the right panel or if §_pressed the left panel. A correct response by §_also advanced the slide tray of the Carousel projector, bringing the next stimulus into position. The correction procedure, which has been shown in another situation to facilitate learning in children (Suppes and Ginsberg, 1962), was thus incorporated into the design of the apparatus. Presentation of the new stimulus required a new selection by'E as well as by‘g. Two slide projectors were used in order to provide the two sets of stimuli required for the experiment, the -27- PROJECTOR A ON, B OFF PROJECTOR B ON, A OFF LEFT-HAND PANEL CORRECT RIGHT-HAND PANEL CORREC! Figure 3. Experimenter's switching device. -28— full set and the set remaining after half of the slides were removed. A correct response advanced only the pro- jector that was on. Two Of the buttons on E's switching device enabled E to switch either projector on, but not both. The E's switching device was connected to the control unit by a 5-wire electrical cable, allowing the plastic cabinet containing the circuitry to be placed at some distance from S. Cues provided by relay noise were thus minimized. The data recording device was an 8-channel Teletype paper tape punch. The six data channels used were acti— vated by the control unit described above. Two channels indicated which projector lamp was on; two channels in— dicated E choice; and two, §_choice. Subjects Children between 37 and 48 months of age from Uhi— versity housing and from nursery schools in and near Lansing, Michigan1 served as gs. Twenty-three gs failed lParticipating schools in the Lansing area were Jack and Jill Playhouse, MSU Cooperative Nursery,‘Wesley Coopera— tive Nursery, Carol Lee Nursery, Miss Cheryl's Play Center, YWCA Meridian COOperative Nursery, and Pennway Cooperative Nursery. Eleven §s were procured from another nursery schOOl, but when only five of them were present on the day of the first experimental session (for the warm-up task), and only two Of these passed the warm-up task, research at that location was discontinued. -29- the warm-up task; 11 failed the Phase 1 task; five refused to participate in Phase 1, and one in Phase 2; five gs were lost due to apparatus malfunction; and four were lost due to experimenter errors. Twenty-eight gs survived beyond trial 1 Of Phase 3, and so were included in all analyses except that Of trials to criterion on Phase 3. One §_was excluded from the trials analysis due to experi— menter error during Phase 3, and one due to apparatus malfunction; 26 gs were therefore included in the trials analysis. Subjects were assigned to groups without regard to sex or age; the mean age for the 28 §s was 43.9 months. Materials All stimuli were presented by projecting 35 mm. slides on the screen of the interface apparatus. Stimuli for the initial discrimination task were photographs of pairs of animal pictures, which were clipped from a child's picture-story book. The pictures were lifelike rather than stylized drawings. Each pair consisted Of the correct Option, which was always the same picture of a dog, and the incorrect Option, which was either a rabbit, a squirrel, a parakeet, or a pony. The sequence of stimuli is listed in Appendix A. The concept task stimuli were pairs of geometric figures differing in both size and color. Figures were squares and circles colored either green or red. A large -30- green figure was always paired with a small red figure, and a small green figure with a large red figure. The two figures were always alike with respect to shape and presence or absence Of a border; borders were white and backgrounds were black. Concept stimuli were produced by photographing geometric forms cut from red and green construction paper. Although color-matched light and film were used, a color shift toward blue was apparent in the slides, making the reds pale, the greens bluish, and the backgrounds more nearly navy blue than black. Large squares were approximately 2 x 2 in. when projected under the constraints of the apparatus configuration (Fig. 4), and small squares were approximately 1 x l in. Circles were approximately 2-1/8 in. and l—l/l6 in. in diameter for large and small respectively. Procedure The‘g visited nursery school classrooms and homes of gs not enrolled in nursery school in order to estab- lish rapport. As soon as possible after the rapport session, usually 1—5 days, the first experimental session was held. For one nursery school, the first to partici- pate, repeated apparatus failure On scheduled experimental days extended the period between first contact and first experimental session, but the continued coming and going of‘E probably enhanced rapport. In the first experimental -31- Figure 4. Apparatus UNIT configuration (plan PRO— " JECTOR MACHINE» II SUBJECT CHAIR SUBJECT TABLE INTER- PR0- J FACE I” ’7 I JECTOR ‘UNcH \ L. _ .1 , I I CONTROI view). -32- session the discrimination task with the animal pictures was administered. Before presenting instructions and a demonstration, E offered each s a balloon and a piece of candy. These were then placed on the table beside the response device until completion of the game. The §_gave instructions and a demonstration from memory in order to facilitate communication with.§, While there was undoubtedly some variation a typical instruction ran approximately as follows: This is the game I've told you about. Here's how we play the game. YOu see we have two pictures here. The way we play the game is to try to pick the right one. we just push like this (pressing the correct panel, which was on the left), and if we pick the right picture, it changes. (The correct panel, again on the left, was again pressed.) See, every time we pick the right picture, it changes. If we pick the wrong one, we can tell we made a mistake (in a manner implying that the mistake is not at all serious) because nothing happens; (pressing the correct panel, again on the left) it only changes when we pick the right one. Sometimes the right pic- ture is here (pointing to right panel), so we don't pay any attention to where it is; we just look at the picture (pressing the correct panel, now on the right). Now let's push it with your hand (taking §fs hand and pressing the correct panel—-on the right--with it). Okay, now ygu may do it by yourself. The §_Operated the response device with no further instructions, except that.§ answered questions as noncom- mittally as possible, prompted S3 to continue responding whenever necessary, attempted to persuade gs to continue if they indicated a desire to stOp, and provided informa- tion, when necessary, to enable §s to operate the device -33- properly. Some gs attempted to press both panels simul- taneously at the outset of the first task, and so had to be instructed to press only one at a time. The first session was terminated when §_reached a criterion Of 8 consecutive correct responses, completed 80 trials, including the demonstration by E, without reach- ing the criterion, or refused to continue. A second warm- up session was administered for gs who terminated by reaching the 75-trial cutoff without reaching criterion. Any §_who failed to reach criterion on the second attempt was excluded from the classification task. After learning the warm—up task to criterion, gs were invited to partici- pate again in the final session. In the final session the warm-up task was administered again, just as in the warm-up session(s). After S reached criterion, E told S that he had learned that game very well and invited.§_to play the same kind of game "with _§hi§ kind of picture," switching to the projector loaded with the Phase 2 (reduced) stimulus set and pointing to the screen. After §_agreed, E asked §_to wait a moment while §_changed the tray on the other projector, loading it with the full set of stimuli used in Phases 1 and 3. As E resumed his seat beside s, he switched projectors again, so that the figures for the first trial of Phase 1 appeared on the screen. For the reversal group the Phase 1 task was to learn -34- to select the smaller figure; the nonreversal group was required to select the green figure. When §_reached a criterion of 8 consecutive correct responses, Phase 2, the transfer task with reduced stimuli, began. Any S who failed to reach criterion within 100 trials was ex— cluded from the remainder Of the experiment. Since it was impossible under the circumstances to keep an accurate trial count, §s were run beyond 100 trials, but a 100- trial cutoff was Observed in processing the data. When §.reached criterion on Phase 1, the treatment differed for the informed and uninformed groups. For gs in the informed group, E switched to the projector holding the reduced set Of stimuli used in Phase 2, informed'g that he had learned the game, and invited S to play another game with the same pictures, adding the qualification, "But this time we play it a little differently." For the uninformed group, §_proceeded immediately with Phase 2 without comment. Phase 2 was terminated when S reached the criterion Of 8 consecutive errorless trials, completed 80 trials without reaching criterion, or refused to con- tinue. For Phase 2, as for the initial discrimination task, the count Of 80 trials was kept accurately by leav- ing the 8lst slot in the slide tray empty. When §_reached criterion on Phase 2,.§ immediately switched again to the projector that was loaded with the stimuli for Phase 1 and 3, with no break in procedure. -35- Phase 3 was terminated when §_reached criterion (8 con- secutive errorless trials), completed 100 trials without reaching criterion, or refused to continue. As in Phase 1, it was impossible to count 100 trials accurately. RESULTS It was predicted from the model described above that more than half of the gs in this study would perform a reversal shift during the second phase of the experiment, in which either a reversal shift or a nonreversal shift would have led.§ to respond correctly. One of the experi- mental hypotheses derived from this prediction was that the first response in Phase 3 would be consistent with a reversal shift for more than half Of the gs. For the reversal task group, the first task was to select the small figure, and so gs in that group who selected the large green figure were classified as having reversed during Phase 2. For the nonreversal group, the first task was to select the green figure, and so §s who selected the small red figure were classified as having reversed during Phase 2. For purposes of this analysis, trial 1 Of Phase 3 was taken to be the first trial on which the stimulus was a large green-small red combination of figures after §_reached Phase 2 criterion. The apparatus used in this study provided no way of ensuring that the first figures di5p1ayed after switching to the full set of stimuli would be that combination. Some gs were given as many as three trials between the Phase 2 criterion trial and the first —36- -37- Phase 3 trial. Table 1 shows the group frequencies for gs classified by information level and type of inferred shift. Table l Frequencies for Groups Classified by Information and Inferred Shift Informed Uninformed Marginals Inferred 9 10 19 Reversal Inferred 5 4 9 Nonreversal Marginals l4 14 28 It is apparent that the frequencies are virtually identical for the two information levels. Since the single- stage Kendler model is consistent with any reversal-shift probability less than .5, the appropriate statistical analysis is a one-tail binomial test on the marginals for type of inferred shift. The probability of a frequency of 19 or more reversals in a binomial distribution with n = 28 and p = .5 is .044. The single-stage model was rejected, therefore, in favor of an alternative that leads to the prediction p > .5, such as the two-stage model. ~38— The second hypothesis from the modified Kendler model was that gs in the group assigned the reversal task would complete Phase 3 in fewer trials than those assigned the nonreversal task. Group means and standard deviations for trials to the last error on all tasks appear in Table 2. For this analysis, trials are numbered from the trials immediately following the Phase 2 criterion trial. Although this method Of counting trials exposes gs to unequal num- bers Of large green-small red figure combinations, it has the advantage of equalizing the lengths of the combined criterion runs for Phases 2 and 3. Unequal criterion runs would allow the probability Of criterion performance by chance to be greater for some §S than for others. In a two-choice task, the probability of such a spurious cri— terion run is pn, where p is the probability of a correct choice by chance and n is the number of trials to criter— ion. The 2 x 2 analysis of variance shown in Table 3 yielded a significant F ratio for type of shift. Both measures, then, confirm the hypothesis that the probabil- ity of a reversal shift in Phase 2 was greater than .5. Even though the majority of the gs apparently per— formed reversal shifts during Phase 2 (the Optional shift phase), it would be desirable to be able to explain those nonreversal shifts that did occur. Under the assumptions of the Kendler model, nonreversal shifts become more prob- able if §_fails to use mediating responses. There are Phase 1 Phase 2 Informed Uninformed Phase 3 Informed uninformed -39- Table 2 Trials to Last Error for the Three Concept Tasks Reversal Standard Deviation 10.85 8.46 1.95 Nonreversal Standard Mean Deviation 13.73 16.77 3.75 4.37 6.71 6.34 40.86 35.80 64.17 20.03 -40- Table 3 Analysis of Variance on Phase 3 Trials to Last Error Source df SS MS F Information (I) 1 411.19 411.19 < l Shift Type (S) 1 14696.76 14696.76 32.08** I x S l 1519 1519 3.32* Error 23 10079 438.22 ** p < .0005 *.05 < p < .10 three ways in which this failure might occur: if §_satis- fies the requirements of the task before he resorts to the use of the mediator, if the response is not in st repertoire, or if the response becomes temporarily inac- cessible for use as a mediator. Elimination Of the first of these conditions was a major purpose of constructing a set Of stimuli varying on four dimensions. The remaining two conditions lead to hypotheses easily tested with the data Of this experiment. In view of the two major results already presented above, the hypothesis that P(reversal) > .5 was strongly supported. The results were consistent, therefore, with the assumption that the experimental task -41- was constructed so as to be more difficult for Se who did not mediate than for those who did. Then if any g either lacked the mediating response or if it became inaccessible, that S should learn the tasks for both Phase 1 and Phase 2 more slowly than if he could use mediation. A EQEEHEQE hypothesis, then, was that gs who had performed nonrever- sal shifts in Phase 2 would require more trials to complete the earlier Phase 1 and Phase 2 tasks. The test of this hypothesis was a comparison of mean numbers Of trials to criterion in the two inferred shift groups. Those gs who were classified as having performed a nonreversal shift in Phase 2 should, under the above hypothesis, require more trials to criterion on the Phase 1 task and the Phase 2 task than those who were classified as having performed a reversal shift. Means and standard deviations for §s grouped by inferred shift and by informa- tion level appear in Table 4. The t test on the mean for the Phase 1 task yielded a t value less than 1, and the 2 x 2 analysis of variance (inferred shift by information) on the trial scores for Phase 2 yielded F ratios less than 1 for both main effects, information and inferred shift, and their interaction. Other experimental hypotheses dealt with the informa- tion variable. If information served to eliminate the unlearning trials immediately following a task shift, then transfer should have been facilitated for the informed -42- Table 4 Trials to Last Error for Se Grouped by Information and Inferred Shift Inferred Reversal Inferred Nonreversal Standard Standard Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Phase 1 17.32 65.23 20.00 36.58 Phase 2 Informed 12.40 24.17 15.25 30.23 Uninformed 17.44 1.85 12.40 5.93 Phase 3 Reversal Task Informed 8.75 8.50 .87 .347 uninformed 0 0 .70 O Nonreversal Task Informed 28.80 29.50 1.838 .184 Uninformed 60.25 16.00 1.846 .173 -43- group in Phase 2. If the experience of a shift without warning at the beginning Of Phase 2 led to expectation of a change of task immediately upon the occurrence of an error in Phase 3, then transfer should be facilitated for uninformed.§s in Phase 3. Means and standard devia- tions for trials to criterion in Phase 2 and 3 appear in Table 2, already referred to above. A 2 x 2 analysis Of variance for Phase 2 trials to criterion yielded an F ratio less than 1 for each main effect (shift task and information) as well as for their interaction. For Phase 3, however, the significance level Of the F ratio for the interaction was .05 < p < .10, as shown in Table 3. The data of Table 2 also show a result that requires further analysis of the data. The group means and the correSponding standard deviations are closely related, with only one such pair of quantities, the mean and stan- dard deviation for the uninformed nonreversal group in Phase 3, deviating appreciably from the pattern. The correlation with that pair excluded is .98, and with the pair included it is .72. The method usually suggested (e.g., Anderson and Bancroft, 1952, p. 222; Snedecor, 1956, p. 320) for correcting this particular kind Of heterogeneity of variance is the log transformation. The transformed data appear in Table 5, and the analysis appears in Table 6. The main effect due to type of shift task is signifi- cant at the .01 level, and its interaction with informa- tion is significant at the .05 level. -44- Table 5 Log Trials to Last Error for the Three Concept Tasks Phase 1 Phase 2 Informed Uninformed Phase 3 Informed Uninformed Mean .632 .627 .901 .714 .200 Reversal Standard Deviation .5413 .5167 .2623 .6013 .3995 Nonreversal Standard Mean Deviation .864 .5710 .554 .3410 .759 .3603 1.338 .6579 1.798 .1296 -45- Table 6 Analysis of Variance on Transformed Data Source df SS MS F Shift (S) 1 7.961 7.961 33.63** Information (I) 1 .047 .047 < l S x I 1 1.531 1.531 6.47* Error 22 5.208 .226 * p < .05 ** p < .01 Another important aspect of the strong relationship between the means and the standard deviations is the kind Of distribution suggested by this relationship. A well- known discrete probability distribution for which the mean and the standard deviation are closely related is the geometric distribution. The mean and variance for the distribution p. 28). For approximates for p = .05, is 19. This are %-and'%%E , respectively (Parzen, 1960, fairly small values Of p, the mean closely the standard deviation, _£%;§L.; for instance, the mean is 20 and the standard deviation distribution of trials to the last error is consistent with a model which assumes that the conditional -46- probability, p, Of mastering the acquisition task, given that mastery has not already occurred, is constant over trials. A development of the geometric distribution from such a sequence of Bernoulli trials is given by Feller (1950, p. 156) in more general terms. It was also predicted on the basis of a generaliza— tion from Mowrer's theory and Of data cited by Mowrer (1960), and Brown (1961), and data presented by‘Weisberg and Fink (1966) that information would affect gs' tendency to perseverate on incorrect responses that had been rein- forced On previous trials. The indicator selected for this tendency was the mean number of incorrect responses made on each error trial before §_terminated the trial with a correct re3ponse. In this experiment any §_who made one or more errors required at least nine trials to reach criterion. In order that the same number Of trials be used to compute the measure for each.§, the number Of incorrect reSponses in the first nine trials was divided by the number Of error trials for the first nine trials only and data for gs who made no errors was excluded from the analysis. Information group means and standard de- viations appear in Table 7. Differences were not sig- nificant by t test. The shift-task variable was confounded, in this study, with a difference between Phase 1 tasks. The relevant dimension for that task was size for one shift-task group -47- Table 7 Number of Error Responses Per Error Trial Informed Uninformed Standard Standard Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Phase 2 1.81 5.79 1.95 5.22 Phase 3 1.13 1.23 1.33 1.23 and color for the other. A comparison Of the two groups by t test showed that the difference was not significant, but p was less than .25. In view Of this difference it seems necessary to consider whether the 11 §s who failed to perform the Phase 1 task would have changed the major outcomes of this experiment if they had participated in the Phase 3 task. The comparisons Of the two inferred shift groups in terms of Phase 1 trials to criterion, discussed above, provides no evidence of a difference between the two groups. (The frequencies shown in Table 8 also fail to indicate any difference in inferred shift frequencies for the two shift-task groups. Another potential source of bias not controlled ex- perimentally was the possibility that gs selectively failed the discrimination task in such a way that the -48- Table 8 Frequencies for Groups Classified by Shift Task and Inferred Shift Reversal Nonreversal Marginals Task Task Inferred 9 10 19 Reversal Inferred 4 5 9 Nonreversal Marginals 13 15 28 major results of the study were affected. A t comparison between the two inferred shift groups, however, did not indicate any difference in the number of trials to criter- ion on the discrimination task. Some of E's informal observations during the exper- iment seem relevant to the problem of planning similar studies, and so are presented here. The design of the apparatus used in this study was such that §_was required to specify the reinforcement contingency at each trial and to switch from one projector to the other at the end of each phase of the concept task. If §_switched projectors quickly enough after the last trial of the criterion sequence, -49- the lamp of the projector just switched Off would fade out before the slide advance process was complete, but if Efs reaction was slow, the lamp would have a sufficiently bright afterglow to project an image, and § would see a double image for a half second or so. Double image pre- sentations could have distracted §_from the task, or particularly in the case of the uninformed group, could have provided a change-Of-procedure cue. Whenever E noted the occurrence of the double image, he therefore excluded the §_from the experiment, counting the loss of'§ as due to experimenter error. Another observation concerning the design of the apparatus was that some gs would press both right and left panels simultaneously. As reported in the procedure section, §_advised these gs not to press simultaneously, explaining that the machine would not work properly if they did so. The effect of such pressing behavior was intermittent occurrence of the slide advance Operation, and so it seemed advisable to eliminate the behavior if possible. The §_did not alter the pre—task instructions in an attempt to avoid such behavior, however, because he suSpected that expanding the set of instructions would result in a loss of Ss' interest in the "game." The simul- taneous pressing of the two panels was observed to occur only on the discrimination task, and Efs undocumented impression was that this response appeared only when S_ had been unsuccessful and had become restless. DISCUSSION The two hypotheses concerning proportions of Se per- forming each type Of shift during Phase 2 (the Optional shift phase) were supported unequivocally. Trials to the last error for the two shift tasks differed signifi- cantly (p < .0005), and the proportions of gs classified as having performed reversal and nonreversal shifts, re- spectively, differed significantly (p < .05). Both the frequency of classification as inferred reversal or non— reversal shift and trials to the last error supported the hypothesis that the probability of a reversal shift was greater than .5. Comparison Of these results with those of previous studies with children shows the importance of the number of stimulus dimensions used in determining the tendency to mediate. An important implication Of this finding is the necessity of taking the stimulus dimensions into account in the design and interpretation of concept- learning studies and other problems in which mediational processes are Of interest. The dependency of the media- tion tendency upon the number of dimensions is a relation— ship that can be represented as a quantitative function, P (reversal) = f(N), and so a reasonable next step in the -50- _51- investigation of the problem is the collection of data for several values of N, the number Of dimensions. The expectation that the §s classified in the rever— sal group would display superiority in the acquisition task of Phase 1 or in the Optional transfer task of Phase 2 was not confirmed by the data. The failure of this hypothesis, however, gives rise to further questions. It seems likely that the tendency to perform a reversal shift in the optional situation is due to some cause other than failure to employ mediation, but further confirma- tion Of this assumption is certainly desirable. Another question for further research is whether the tendency toward a reversal versus a nonreversal shift is a char- acteristic of individual gs or simply a parameter Of a stochastic process. More extensive data on individual gs is needed to answer this question. The effect of information, indicated by its inter- action with shift task in the analysis Of untransformed scores, was not statistically significant, and so could be attributed to sampling error. The analysis of the transformed data, however, showed a significant interaction between information and type of shift. The absence of any effect in Phase 2, immediately after the information was communicated, mitigates against the conclusion that information was generally facilitative or motivating. The kind of interaction found in Phase 3 provides a clue -52- to the nature of the underlying process. The effect of information was facilitative for the nonreversal group and detrimental for the reversal group. A possible inter- pretation of this result is that some gs understood the information that a new game was beginning to mean that the Old choice criterion should be abandoned, and so adopted a new criterial dimension; that is, they performed a nonreversal shift. But Table 1 does not support this assumption, and if all gs who were inferred to have per- formed a nonreversal shift are excluded from the analysis, the interaction pattern remains, as is apparent in Table 4. NO differences in repetition of error responses appeared in either Phase 2 or Phase 3. This negative result may be attributed to the absence of any effect of information on §§' tendency to become frustrated. It is also possible that the measure selected was not sufficiently sensitive, since it was an average over the first 9 trials and it did not take response intensity into account. The tests for effects due to selective attrition were all negative, but there remains the possibility that those gs who failed the discrimination task were qualita- tively different from those who passed, although the per— formance Of the latter gs was unrelated to their tendency toward one or the other type of shift. A developmental variable Of some kind may well be involved in the selection Of gs on this task or understanding of behavior appropriate -53- to a game. The only kind of difference that would be relevant to this test of the Kendler model, however, would be in Ss' tendency to mediate. The discrimination task, requiring only that‘g consistently select Qgg_picture (the picture of a dog), should be easily learned through the single-stage associative process. Selection on the Phase 1 task is less easily dis- missed. If the task was very difficult for gs who did not use mediators and relatively easy for those who did, then the taSk would select for the ability to mediate. This assumption is double-edged, however, and implies that gs who succeeded probably did so through mediation. The large proportion of gs who succeeded (29 out of 40) then indicates that gs in the population who survived the discrimination task use mediation with high probability. The strong relationship between group means and their associated standard deviations was an unanticipated result, but the evidence that the probability function is geometric, provided by this relationship, is of considerable import- ance. One set Of assumptions from which the geometric distribution can be derived is that the sequence of trials is a sequence Of Bernoulli random variables, in which the probability, p, of success is constant over trials. The result is consistent with an all-or-none learning model, then, in which the probability of solution is constant for all trials. Confirmation of the assumption of inde- -54- pendent Bernoulli trials can be Obtained from other sta- tistics of the data, but generally requires fairly large samples. Development of this argument is therefore left for further research. The major outcomes of this study, then, indicated the effectiveness of both Of the manipulated variables, since the main effect for type of shift and its interaction with information were both significant. The hypothesis that most SS in the sample employed mediation in the solu- tion Of the problem was supported. The contrast between these results and those of the previous studies already cited has several important implications. For researchers, there is a demonstration of the danger of stereotypy of method and at least a suggestion that underestimation of gs' abilities can be detrimental to the design of an ex- periment. TO the extent that the experimental situation resembled 'real-life' learning situations, the implica- tion is that even three-year-Old children may use simpli- fying principles to enhance learning when it is to their advantage to do so, and the process, even at this low level of linguistic sophistication, may be altered by instructions. REFERENCES Andreas, B. G. Experimental Psychology. New York: Wiley, 1960. Brown, J. S. The Motivation of Behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1961. Buss, A. H. Some determinants of rigidity in discrimina- tion-reversal learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1962, 44, 222—227. . Rigidity as a function of reversal and nonrever— sal shifts in the learning of successive discrim- ination. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1953, 45, 75-81. . Reversal and nonreversal shifts in concept formation with partial reinforcement eliminated. Journal of Experimental PsychologX, 1956, 53, 162-166. Feller, W. An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications. New YOrk: Wiley, 1950. Harrow, M., & Friedman, G. B. Comparing reversal and nonreversal shifts in concept formation with par— tial reinforcement controlled. Journal of Experi- mental Psychology, 1958, 55, 592-597. Jeffrey, W. E. Variables affecting reversal-shifts in young children. American Journal Of Psychology, 1965..§Z, 577-580. Kelleher, R. T. Discrimination learning as a function of reversal and nonreversal shifts. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1956, 5;, 379-384. Kendler, H. H., & D'Amato, M. F. A comparison of reversal shifts and nonreversal shifts in human concept formation behavior. 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Columns 1 and 2: subject identification. 2. Columns 3 and 4: task identification. a. Dn denotes the discrimination task, nth attempt for that subject. W denotes the warmup task (column 3 only). Pl denotes the phase 1 task. P2 denotes the phase 2 task. P3 denotes the phase 3 task. 3. Column 5: card sequence number within subject and task. 4. Columns 6-80: response description. a. L denotes left choice before reinforcement was specified.* R denotes right choice before reinforcement was specified.* 1 denotes correct left response. 2 denotes incorrect right response. 3 denotes incorrect left response. 4 denotes correct right response. *L and R codes indicate that the subject responded before the experimenter could press the button to specify the correct response. -60- -6l- cc-¢-v_-c~¢-ccccooJ-c.c_n_nc¢-~uon c-cc-comccoa-nmm-vum-ovcmn-moc-—n_<_mmnccemc¢~cc-cmmomma—cmcmmawm mocJ-__c_ zoo «J.J_cc-_-nc.n_.own cemvmv..J-v-.vmecon-cocummumc—J-aaqoc-commam-vccwnamn mammcm-vm-mnnomcccm-vm-m4onc-ncvmmmm-JJccmmocm._¢ccmcm-v:mmm-ncc-¢~NN~_J.namn c._c_¢mmcwwummcm-maun .cmomcmccm_-amn mec.-_c_ 3mm c_-¢¢._.c~_nm_omm mocwmmmcem-c-n¢cN-occ_v-onmcvoccwc-nnaa< «Noncmnmmmeccmmmcmmomen—meow-monoconcmmmoccmcv.n¢¢_m~.nvcccmm«nocmmmncwmn_¢~naz¢ q¢_-n¢cmm-mamm—coco-nmcocmc-m.cmmcmmmmc.mommm-nccvcococo—nonmcmcco-ncm-n.n¢_naa< m¢_¢—_¢¢c-_~aa< cq-mcmmccm--ncv-..c-mnvvmmvwmoccccumncmm-m-nc~_nvc~_-nz< _¢¢_-.c~ 3&4 Amoco—.mcmm-oz< mz-cmommnmmomomn-v_n-c-¢chcoqm¢u-nmoo:mnmcoqmvmnoc¢vmnccmmnaa< mocmqmov-nmmmncncce-amnvmmcmamcomcvmmmvmcoom-n-ncmua-ncm-:m¢c:-c¢u-omc~¢_.mnaa< «¢mmn¢¢v:_nmc_¢vmmccmmomaa< came—.mo-mcwcmmmaa< .mcq._mcmnn 3A4 m_¢¢< «coc-m-ccccmqocoom-moncmvc-ccmm-cmnvmvm-mmmcccmqmm-cc~¢mc-c~¢~_o-nccme_mcoonaz< .mcqcvo-ccmmemmmocm-Na24 «me—mmcmcmcwmma24 .e¢___c. 3:4 __c¢__-¢.__oz< .mmnao< ¢_¢c__cm-nccm-ne¢_¢mmm_cco~cmcmcu_.ncvqocmm.c-nvccmn-.mnccvocommec¢c~_n::_mnno< c-.cmcmocuccvmmummumumwmmao<¢c~w¢..mane—cmc-~muo< -m¢¢¢o_.~4 3o< mac_-¢_c-macammnccvmovmmonccmmcc~_._¢_nnm.004 cacao 44ozu>uozoz ousaouz. .m.m>4<2< or» z. ammo mam: qpqo moor; whouooom -62- camocccc-mmcmmnomo-qmammmmmmmmazo vomco-C_J_nmvmem_.-azo .ovm-mtm 32o Ace—ecc—.nn¢_¢¢~.vmmmmmuvmnummumummc_moo—.maso mmcoemcoocmqo-J__¢u¢_¢.m¢u:¢a¢4mc¢J--¢cmn14o -mc¢e4_¢o:mm_¢:o_inocqc¢~mncoqo.vauN-NQJO :omccmc_-n-_¢__-14o -¢¢_m.¢- 34o .vc-Jomoomuo4o cmo¢¢u_v_cvmomcvmm-.jn¢¢oq:oq¢c-n¢v-_nn¢_m_34o ncocecmmmmonnccwmmocc—mono.«NM—mnmneemoonoewnmcuoonncm_ntqu-mna¢¢~N-__nvonn_«OJO -¢¢_-¢__nauz ouszomzoza vcacv-cvmm-n¢cmomwazo comm¢_¢_mmeemmvazo ccmcmmocmnvcmmamo .cc__.c. zoo «cocoo¢mccumm-¢¢.~_omumo_mozo J-vc-mnaon mmccmnmcmnncmmnccacmnocmvoonoqonccmmcc_n_ncmmmovwvo.nvme-3mnn.mcc¢ucov-cm-nmnaom -63- €-~¢~¢¢-QIU uQCm-Q~ BIU ¢¢~moan—mvmumfiflfiflfimmmmfltu ~3~¢Q-¢¢M~QNDQ>< umm«mo¢¢c_M¢—Q~A¢CNN¢N«WQM~mfiflvmmnvNNVV—mmCONN~3MN~MN~¢¢¢¢VN491NU¢-~D¢N¢numflQ>< Om"one“~303MNUNNNVNNNNNN—NQ>< C¢~¢-~¢~O¢N-Q>< €-¢¢-~¢Nn 3>< Q¢¢-¢~¢¢N~J~¢¢J~Jm«Cdumfimflfiflflfiflfl-3>< mmafluvmnflaid ~¢¢N¢N¢N¢~fl~vmv~fl~mvawmcmcmflvmmnchvmV~¢~M~D~D~D~vanvm¢V¢~0¢M~0¢M¢¢M-0¢~¢fl03< mCCNmflunmovmnmnmvuaflCNVNCCNmHQNOVNcmomfimfimQNmCMquuocmnmV~¢~3~fl~0¢~¢fl¢~¢umflm003< Q—"QCNQ—Q—quum"mun—QNC—vamvuvmmmcmdmunmm¢Nmmflvvwm-M¢¢m~8~O¢M-D¢Q¢N~¢U¢¢Nflfli< VuflQuflnfluQ—Cmcccmu¢¢——M~HCN_€¢—M~manQQCmcmmmvm¢¢M-fl~¢NQ~¢~"OCCCCNCNC—nmflv¢_fla3< v~¢~uv€~nfl¢¢¢¢-flfl¢~¢~a1¢~NQ3< ¢Q¢¢—¢m-m¢~fl¢M¢N~«QB< ~€¢-m¢~ 334 ~¢¢-~€-M03< C3-¢~¢¢mflmfl¢¢mqn¢-~03< H-Q¢¢nmvumflflflflflfln~flafid ~¢~¢~«Q¢«NQO< vmmmfia€cnaafid "CC—mm?" 33< —QQ~——Q~—~OO< QDOHO JmQZOZ DMZQORZ—ZD ~¢m~¢€¢€~¢¢~fl~fln¢N~naflo 3am¢¢€¢-MQ~MM¢-MQQNN~NQQD ~6Q—CV—QN~—fl—Q€-~QQO «ovmmuQ— 3&0 nCng~¢-~OQO ¢¢-~Q€~qcunfllhu ¢¢¢~n¢~¢~flnm¢N€N~NQHU €n¢m-€€~flnmflku ~¢¢-~¢~ 3P0 m¢Q¢~q¢~¢M¢HMCQme—m—MQNNN-~OPU ¢¢¢~Qv_~—QQ~MQEU -64- mammmcmommuum mcvmmmom sun «com—mommmoum cav_¢_mmmvvm_vmmmmam< covvqmmcmcmmvcummmnand m¢mmmacmmman< mcommmom 3nd mommdq-qoqu-mJ-cadmmtomnomnvdonmmonq QDOQO JIth>u1 Suzaouzm moocvmvcmnmmmcammommmmvvmcocwmocutmanmnoumoNNQso cmovmmmvmnvaqummoccmmommmmm¢¢uocomommcmmm«vmcmmoonmvmficuoummm¢¢u~¢ummocmumcmnaso commemommmcmmmmaao mmoomovvmnoooowumqummmcmooummmmuso moo—mmcm 330 «commomqvu-mm¢¢m_ovmmm030 flamnomnmqocqmwna>3 mmomsmmcmmmaJsmqmvmmmmmmmccmchmoJ-nqmanquuoua-omnm¢uuuujo¢u¢m3~fimsu¢um¢wmna>3 «Commo-oonmcoumeuu>o mmocommvuum«Castmlovtuomtmnmmomoqumml>3 moo—mmvm 3): ¢¢mmmvmvam0m¢u¢mn¢¢¢mooumtuvmfimcuommmvmm~O>O :—mnnsomm-Iqmocmcimmoumcmfiaka mmvmvmmocmmwaho «momocqmqmmqmommmmmmmaho commcmmvmommonommcmmmmqm-chmmnmmommvmwmnmJomqmnmqqmoovmquvcuovmommmcmnvmvmmmaho moon—mom 3pc ¢¢m¢Nm0ho sommmaommmccvqcmme-m¢v-m~cqmmmmnncovmummmmqv-mcoucm”annousummqvmmmnmvummmmmmoho vecomcmaonmvccmvmmmc-mqommmmmaso woos—vomvmvmmmvaoa mmcvmmmoommmocmHucooumocoqvmouqnmfimnomouomm«130 moon—mom 300 mvmvvmnocmmmmmmmcmmmoco somoomvmmmuru mnmnvwcvmcmmvmmcmmmmomovmmqmmommmommcmmmmocmmmvmmmocmvvumommcmmmcomnmvmmmnmmnaru «commvmomn-mmvomwmmaru ...65.. 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