CONTRIBUTIONS TO STATISTICAL THEORY OF LIFE TESTING AND RELIABILITY Thesis for the Dogma of Pk. D. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Safya Deva Dubey E960 0-169 Date This is to certify that the thesis entitled CONTRIBUTIONS TO STATISTICAL THEORY OF LIFE TESTING AND RELIABILITY presented by Satya Deva Dubey has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph. 0. degree in Statistics Major professor ‘./ May 19, 1960 LIBRARY Michigan State University CONTRIBUTIONS TO STATISTICAL THEORY OF LIFE TESTING Am RELIABILITY - BY SATYA DEVA OUOEY A THESIS Sub-itted to the School of Graduate Studies of Hichigan State University of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfiliaant of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Depath of Statistics I960 Satya Deva Dubey Candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Final exenination, Hey ll, I960, 2:00 P.H., Physics-Mathematics Building Dissertation: Contributions to Statistical Theory of Life Test- lng'and Reliability Outline of Studies lIaJor subjects: Probability, ltathanatlcal and Applied Sta- tlstics Itinor subjects: Hethenatics . Biographical Itees Born, February l0, I930, Sahara Bazld, India Undergraduate Studies: Patna University, ISM-5i Graduate Studies: indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta ”SI-53; Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa., Fall, l956; Michigan State University, l957-60. Experience: Technical Assistant, Indian institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, l953-56: Graduate Assistant, Carna- gie institute of Technology, Fall l956; Tanporary Instructor (Feb. to June l957), Full-tine Research tiorlter (Si-er l957) and Teaching and Special Gradu- , ate Research Assistant 0957-60) Michigan State Uni- versity, Editorial Collaborator of the Journal of suggest Statistical Association (Dec. i957 s March l . Founder “or of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied ite- chanlcs, I955: ‘full member of Society of Sign Xi, nae-bar of Institute of Mtheutlcal Statistics. ACKMULEOGEHEIITS I wish to express ay deep gratitude to Professor Kenneth J. Arnold for his expert supervision, valuable criticisms and active interest throughout this investigation. I an also grateful to Profes- sor Leo hat: for his encouragement at an early stage of this work and to Professor Fritz Herzog of the Departunt of Hathenatlcs for helping ne in the proof of Theoren' 2 of Chapter ll. Hy sincere thanks are due to hrs. Jane Joyaux for the excellent typing of the nanuscript. Finally, I an indebted to the Office of National Science Foundation for financial support. D E O I C A T E O T 0 My Beloved Parents CONTRIBUTIONS TO STATISTICAL THEORY OF LIFE TESTING AND RELIABILITY BY SATYA DEVA DUBEY AN ABSTRACT Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Michigan State University of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Statistics i960 ' 7./ .‘fl, "I :'/:’,”. //' " Approved ”/1"! “I “(J/M {/1711' x/ 54 55 91 92 11b Line 7 3 (from below) 16 (nth from below) Errata Sheet Printed location 6‘ Student's t test ti and t3 Involing -1 1 “393765) 1 .1 3 are) with Read scale 6! n Student's t t1 and tr Invoking 531893-59 [i- r ]3 which C‘- SATYA OEVA OUBEY . ABSTRACT Several problems in testing hypotheses about and in estimating para- meters of Heibull distributions, particularly the exponential, are con- sidered. Some attention is given to the possibility that simple assump- tions about the intensity function will lead to classes of distributions of wide applicability in describing distributions of length of life. In the case of the exponential failure law with known location para- meter, the minim-variance-slngle-observation-unbiased estimator of the location parameter is Investigated. It is found that if the rth ob- servation in order of increasing time is the single observation on nhich this estimate is based and if we write r e "S" , then llm Snug-30.8 . n ---> (D Several tests of parameters are developed for the case in which no observations beyond the rth in order of magnitude are used. than the scale parameter is know, the likelihood ratio test that the location parameter is a given value is unifome most powerful against all altern- atives. then the scale parameter is unknown, the likelihood ratio test that the location parameter is a given value is uniformly most powerful unbiased. For the latter situation a simple test function based on the first and rth observation Is prOposed. This test function Is shown to be unbiased and for the left-sided alternatives the power of the like- lihood ratio test and of the simple test function is show: to be identical. SATYA OEVA OUBEY ABSTRACT For a simple hypothesis on the location and the scale parameters the test function derived by means of the layman-Pearson lemma is shown to be uniformly most powerful against alternatives confined to the south- west quadrant. A uniformly most powerful unbiased test for the scale parameter is derived for the case in which the location parameter is unknown and for the case in which it is known a similar test function of first r observations is suggested. The power functions for-these tests are expressed in terms of the Incomplete B‘s Function. Two slaple test functions for testing the hypothesis on the scale parameter than the location parameter is know and unknown respectively are pro? posed and their power functions are derived. Some results are extended to two sample problems. For the likeli- hood ratio test based on the first rI (s n') and r2 (5 n2) ob- servations to test the hypothesis on the equality of two location para- meters assuing the same but unknown scale parameter, the power function is derived and it is shout that the test is unbiased. The percentile estimators for the parameters of the exponential laws are derived for various situations. The choices of the cumulative prob- abilities are made so that we have minimum variance unbiased percentile estimators for the estimators. The asymptotic results are given for the sampling distributions, the means, the variances and the coverlance of the unbiased percentile estimators. SATYA OEVA OUBEY ABSTRACT The moment-recurrence formulas for the Heibull laws are established and the moment estimators of Heibull parameters are derived through them. The percentile and the modified percentile estimator for these parameters are derived explicitly and by using the reliability and the intensity functions other estimators are obtained. Starting from the intensity function, a large nunber of potentially useful failure laws are generated and the estimation of the parameters is considered. Finally the applications of some of these failure laws are pointed out. IV. V. VI. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SONE RESULTS RELEVANT TO EXPONENTIAL FAILURE LAN SONE TESTS ON PARAMETERS OF EXPONENTIAL FAILURE LAN PERCENTILE ESTIMATORS FOR PARAMETERS OF EXPONENTIAL FAILURE LAN NEIBULL FAILURE LAWS INTENSITY FUNCTION: GENERATOR OF FAILURE LABS BIBLIOGRAPHY 3O 73 II2 I20 I. INTRODUCTION 9% Epstein [23] has derived simle estimators of the parameters of exponential distributions those probability density functions (p.d.f.) are ( J: 9 \ JC96 percent) if :k :7: ,[ [>90 percent if ég... - 1‘“ J1 - [Y‘I ehen cowared with the best estimator 8r n more 1 LL! 9k lhlmbers in parentheses refer to the bibliography. ‘r; A. _ 23cm "I" (“f-hfifihm . ——_—.—_— ‘s-v— __—-e . . (*3. 7Z7“ )‘v (The reference [Ill] was not available to this author.) Here we have considered the problem of finding the most efficient single-observation estimator of O . The results concerning this have been investigated in Chapter II. those smary we give below. In the second chapter we show that the smallest sanle observation in case of the l-paramater exponential failure. law provides a worse as- timator (in the sense of minimum variance unbiased estimator) among single-observation estimators for average life than any one of the (n-l) remaining swle observations in a sale of size n . it fol lows from [23] that the largest samle observation, up to the eagle size five, provides the best estimator for average life in the same sense. llare we show that a single-observation unbiased estimator for average life based on the rig n) th statistic were Q1 1-“an with [513" gm 90 :2: 0. <3 possesses minim:- variance. It is about 66 percent efficient In com- parison with the minimum variance unbiased estimator based on all ob- servations in the sample. The saqle median has only '08 percent effi- ciency. The smallest sample observation ls—%9~ (n, sawle size) percent 1 efficient and the largest sanla observation has fiélin (*0) asmtotlc efficiency. Since the life test data are naturally ordered we have 9,; £29223 random variables to work with. in this connection we have fond -3- the product mount correlation coefficient to order (n e 2) 4 between any ith and jth (i <1) ordered sanle observations from exponen- tial population. This correlation is ‘J tJC- :— 'L(m‘!+‘i_ I-— I J. “H {< H 3‘) Jézfln—LH) B Q(’Y\+Z) (”“84“ 'A'H‘ j It is asymptotically equal to j“ TUTTI)“. . )rC’fi-L‘l i)‘ Epstein and Sobel have derived the best test for the it: D e D l against A: 0 e 02 (< 0') based on the first r(§ n) observations out of a saamle of n draws from (i) in [i]. In the first part of Chapter III . we have considered tests for the hypotheses: i) ll: 0-00 against A: Odbo, C knot-m ll) it: 0-00 against A: 0400, 6 unknown. ill) ll: 6-60 against A: Cdfio, O luioam, and iv) ll: 6-60 against A: 6460, 0 unknown. Paulson [Ill and Lelvaann [2] have considered these hypotheses under the asswtion that all n senile observations are available. llare we have extended the results of Paulson and Lehman for all the cases. The ex- tension consists in the fact that our tests are based on only the first r(5 n) ordered observations from a sawle of size n . Furthermore we have also considered v) ll: 6‘ a 62 against A: C. d 62 and assuming the same but mimosa: scale parameter. Paulson [it] has consid- ered this hypothesis under the assuqtlon that all the sample ob- servations are available. Epstein and Teen [7] have derived the reduced likelihood ratio test when samples are ansored from the right. tiara following Paulson [II] we have derived the power function of this test and have shoe: that the test is unbiased. For the tests concerning the hypotheses i), ii), iii) and iv) we have derived the power functions and have investigated sue of their properties. Following Lehmann [2] we have obtained the miformly most powerful (W) unbiased test for the hypothesis ll) when sample is censored from the right. in the case of the hypothesis lil) we have shown that the likelihood ratio test is ll!i against all alternatives and for the hypothesis iv) we have show, by following Lehmaltn [2], that the corresponding likelihood ratio test is ID. unbiased test. Furthermore we have pointed out that the best test for the II: D - 0 against A: 0 e 02 (< 0') , considered by Ep- l stelnandSobel [l], lsll'for the li: 6-60 and 0-00 against A: C<¢o and D0)¢r / : ”é , (X 0 C {0, 00) 0 , otherwise. lie shall assnaae C to be known throughout this chapter and since we are concerned with life test data in time units we shall write t instead of X - C and reduce the above exponential probability law to the one- parameter exponential probability density function (p.d.f.) ndnose form is given by Wit (Jé‘fi 9 ,‘t70 -}(t)=<>[/ /' 0 , otherwise. liow we proceed to prove' the following slqnle theorem. Theorem i: For the above one-parameter exponential failure law, the max- lmn- of samle observations provides a more efficient estimator of average life than its minimum. PM: Let (t', t2, ..., tn) be a sample of size n . It does not matter it». ndnether they are ordered or not. Hanover, it is clear that in the life testing situations our observations will always appear order- ed. Let E emax(t', t2, ..., tn) and ”l eminitl, t2, ..., tn) . lbw the p.d.f. of g is given by -3 “E m—i §( I) x for I #0 =\ “QC - :2 CI“X) for 1’. if} \ , "0' . m 0" . I ‘ \ 3)-! Jpn ...1. ~ §§7W 1 *1 g— a llancethe lane is proved. ’Yl , m .\ Returning to E: :1 9 {—12 ,we see that §[ZJE~] is K=I K—I an unbiased estimator of O . its variance is found to be 2. z_l‘::l VINE) . An expression for Var (E?) is given in K=l ’ the fol lowing leu. Lane 2: If tr is the rth ordered sawie observation out of a random sale of size n(l f r 5 n) drawn frona the above one-parameter expo- nonetial law then the \thfit 9 22*: 7‘2 ' Proof: The p.d.f. of tr is given by _ _. I _, . t t —(’n—}z+t)—-7L , « ”‘- 91" mi, 9 __ ‘6‘ 0 flittiaiihwznn—afféfi (’ ”g ) Q7 0 , otherwise. For the sake of convenience we drop subscript r from t . The charac- teristic function of the above p.d.f. is given by no): Mm -= 1%me (1f . t ._, .. m] SOC —(/V!—?L'¢“+V'§ @i-Efaéfo (WWW-9 0 f To integrate out the above integral, wring: ?, then 00 Lil? MI -(rn—}L‘H"C‘l)yr d} 91.} Be :: ___..._-.-_--,....._.... g—e l—c J v . y _} Cit—DICTI-fi)! O C j (1* Let“; : 2 than I 0i ”I! ’n— )L—C‘L fi.‘ R 2W @371) z 0- 2) o 0 Since the real parts of (n-rel-iu) and r are positive, the above in- tegral is a late function whose argn-ants are n-Nl-iu and r respec- tively ([22], p. 2l2). Thus $1M): Egcu}:~ji.mm_ BC’l’l-hil-CLL)‘ it) -32- where any branch can be chosen. The rth cnuulant is given by kk: (4) 10% m / .... __ duh. ‘qu'O M _ OLZWMIOL) __ ~ . leT W“— [120 iéi-Mflz Vmght9 limb 2 ...,...— . TI'POTOI’O, VM tn :2. 9 \‘_‘ :Q‘h+g)z J- Q.E.O. 4M9}; (L) :Z’Lmlh-t I Tiling/3 E” incidentally K :1 (- U O I :_ E % wilt/Iv Err/vow Eli/L :: 9 [mt-)1? UTE , the maximnmn of sale observations is t" ndnen sawle observations m \ + Z are ordered, therefore, Veg-LE = V032, gm 2 8 m F‘ T incidentally, EE 2: {ft/71:9 Z—r“ which cheeks with the direct i“ i derivation of the expectation of the maxim. of sample observations. ,... new 975?- é 92' The p.d.f. of 0L, the minlmnm of sale observations is given by liance {501.1% OMOL Vanni: The unbiased estinator of 0 based on the nlninun saqile observation is n02- idiose variance is 02 . M £1 Thus we see that Ver5 Verb?) idiich l—adiately proves ' the theoran. The following lane is useful in deriving the p.d.f. of ”L fro. the joint p.d.f. of E and "Z . i ( Lane}: m\ a}: __i 9/)(“9 3"“ M ”WM _ :rr-o m i . 2.9.21: Hewite 0—1)!“ : Z (x; >908)”: 0060. 5r \ m . '. xy‘) . ’ \‘ 3’ 2’ “m 3’s 1" \-1 MAX: J... . (TV’V g1 (7sz ,° (‘91-'"3 ”JOQ ) m+i "dz/:0 0)) j 0 &;(cf/ fl hence the lei-la is proved. -31.- ”...,"...ffiwm >+Y+Om my .. l Suler's constant, we see that the unbiased estinetor of 0 based on the naxinin of senile observations has asynptotlc variance zero. liowavu the variance of the unbiased estiiaator of O besed on the nlnini- 2 , independent of sawle size n . Thus its 2 senile observation is O asywtotic variance is also 0 It is shown not: that in fact the unbiased estintor of O , based on the nininiae sample observation provides the worst estinator of O in the sense of nininun variance unbiased estimator in a class of single- observetion estinators. Proof: For the r(i 5 r 5 n) th ordered sane observation we have established that i Etch: "“7“? Cg VOW—t“); —ch: ,(m—h+g)7—' a”. r-l gives :_Et‘:E’YZ_-:%end Va, L|ZV:;L :: 9.1 ; m m fizrh gives Efm: EE: 92:;- end Vaktmzvahgz Biff; and for l < r < n we have the expressions for Etr‘ and liar t" given above. r; Y‘ 1 2 2 /‘ 73:}«2. / t lion Lam/MU: 9 7 e E1 k 1# 2 : V0-2 fit“ — , ' /,;’l \ é‘ * I' \ \ '\_ / Y‘z— +3 I: Z: m‘h+d. j $11 h 6 6—! for r > i , hence it is proved that the minimum sample observation provides the morst estimator of O in a class of single-observation estimators. Since ’ ”W T— l _ \..‘ *‘T \«w( E ‘\ ‘— 92 4 3’ ~ £ 52 m l —_ m 2 \ Z—aw 2M ‘ 9r . w and 2. .9... . I / ‘ VORKTTL \ :1 9 ”ii ’ Tfl§ei W —‘-_- \ ”...,—i. <7' 1 \ 1.. ’n-h-hgf W—“fiw' , \\&:\ \\ }:\ (I it is not clear at this stage anther the maximum sample observation pro- vides the best estimator of 9 among estimators based on a single ob- servation. luarical mutation ([23]; Table ii) shuts that the maxi- m:- sqle observation provides the best single-observation estimator of 0 so long as the swiesize does not exceed five. beyond five the -l6- mimi- of sample observations no longer provides the best single-obser- vation estimator of O . lie would like to know for which rth ordered saqle observation we obtain the best estimator of O . in other words we want to find an integer r , say ra (depending on n) such that F(n, r") is minimi- of flu, r) for fixed at do." 7 h. { ”Tl ! ’7‘“ 2 K1 E ,p J‘H‘ ..\2 .. -._ K“ ' a / KW“ x‘p‘ I \— J ‘ r 4— --.. "‘ f __-. a i“ (W- MH) K=M—h+\ K it shall answer this question for large n in this chapter. it is clear ' 7: that 0 < f(n, r) 5' . Let gm:.71. Iowwe shall shew that the limit ’71 inferior of Sn is larger than zero. First we prove the following lama. Lem-all: F(n, "2"; . ‘I f: Let us define a random variable X with the following probabil- ity distribution. '7 (”Eh”); r P[X:m-h+3’j: r"-i~-~-T~:.- §0)L {2 l3 2’. ”-71. (“n—Mn?- k 0 , otherwise. this gives % ' . ”(N—n+3, 1 9.; EX 1 * J; «Ind E X r: 7.. - ..L... ' _ Zffi'h‘hg)?‘ '=l (CA-fi+é'jz— iiow Var X 2 O iqiles Ha, r) 2%- . Q.£.D. A very simle upper estimate of fin, r) is computed as m J... 32. ° -~+\ 1K?- W2— L Hwy“ 4' J *m )“"‘ m L\t)zvl.“ ._‘:L— n/z—I— (-.-.- “W 2\ k ”NA“ “2 From F(n, r) 2%- and min F(n, r) (min m , wehave 2 ' z « J- 5 Nu, r n) < min " mich gives :1- < min n r" r “..-,...” r r(n-r+i) Therefore 5 >max ' n "I (l 4- 33¢”) " - r n 27 £- (l+%>(2+%)2 or :27(2+%)2 accordingas n-Z mod3, lmod3 and mod} respectively. llence n- inf 8:3" 57- : 0.11.8 . n i 2 A better upper estimate of E ‘2- sim I’Y “9;.“— k n-r-tl fol lows free the result of blom ([25], p. 80 equations 7.3." s 7.3.i3). Further using the fact that 'E is a strictly monotone nonincreaslng function, an upper estimate of F(n, r) is computed as « - ‘ ‘ ‘ZT}~ Umé‘f (3')" )L‘Tr 66w- fifr-tJj‘L m w?” j C! ..rr-fl‘? (0’)”) a. i. . I .1: ' \diich gives lim inf l 2 - 0.329 . ' v 6“ (Va! liow we proceed to prove the following Theorem. Theorem 2: Let ’Wvlm FM. )1\‘_-_-F/’Y}?z and g) : 32’“ nhere when") ‘3’" m m ’YN ‘2'” ‘l K2. \ ’f‘x-hH F< r“! h) : m ‘X'Z /7“*H . \\ ”fj'i“ / O The» I) 5mgo<+1g: 0; ”0. What) iii) converges to unity on the open 8 interval (0, l) as It tends to plus infinity were “(3(6): ( l- -§)PmQ- -3) in other words, f(n, r) is asymtoticaily equal to - n“ g) , and in particular F(n, r n) is asywtotically equal to ; ”Mg-,0) ; and mFWh) WW) as n tends to plus infinity, provided a is any constant satisfying / uniforoly in §(04g:z%éo()m unity O<0 F(n, n-l) . Proof: T\ ”h r- J ..., Let if; 1: m OWOL TIT Tl? T t?) ‘ T r.‘ n '3. A "J Then FT’MTYJ); 1m]. ) p(m)’7‘)—\>::; m\2 L’m (Tap) WW" WW‘J: ---~ [W J (got/:1 Wit/fly?“ +— (J ~29? x. /" . 11“.“ Tr“ ““11? —T-TT-——-—‘:~TTTT‘ /0 TjT/LT MgLTYT 1&va + 4 , a 5m Cw Fromnowonweassuae that lsrsn-l . Put 5.5T. Let H -- ST 0 O for 0 < 5; go there go is the positive root of the equation, 25+ [MU- g) . O, and it is <0 for So *me ii -20- z) m- 9(5).“ m n- «Sh-a. and 890 89\ iii) max g(g)-g':1,-( )>O . Therefore, 50, apositive root of 9(8) lies between T5 and l . it is obvious that there is no real root of 9(8) greater than one]. This means that “8) decreases "0. 4a) to “80) as 8 increases from 0 to 50 0M "8) (1) increases from M80) to to as Sincreases from SO to l. —7 [Son .797 , which gives "80) . L516]. An upper estimate of i-‘(n, r) is found as ’W 9L1 \ _L FTTTT 72.) J‘hj: -—- TT:.-T.TTT ' ””9“ l {.Jl,//'Q+)_,____\ J n 93%- “WW iiow we prove the following lens. Lane 5: if p is constant,00 . =-9<9+—'.-92+~~>+99999949999199 =Tfi(\5‘[31)+ (.9- 9) + +(;&;<9~9“)9’“+~ + >O~Q q.£.o. Hence, by virtue of the lea-a 5, 9(9).) 4 1992 “at???" )— 99919911 (2) Hit—1m" He may note that Tm (m) 1T9 W A | E—m—(mw) "‘ )W 9+1” \+_I_")‘ {11‘7—‘>|% Tl->+oo l , Similarly we find a lower estimate of F(n, r). fi+l x l ’ F< .1: h+i~ m—h“- '4‘" ’Y\ e"I. 7——— g: __.__.____,.,._ \L '2. T 99.99 9 9.9.1199 3 :r i \ ”99h 99—h / iTKfl __(‘) ?z. [/Y\2- {“Eéi;\ -~ .1}:L_Qélh.__t._...i.._32.u"9 “ :(mflhm 7L) 9 m ~ m 2+? \+_,__§—r V llowchoou a and a suchtlut gol as n-—§+O A}: "s 'l‘ HR.- O< Caull: a F(n,V r') than 9 - 32>“ and 5' ..filetg‘o , B] and n large . ihere is at least one such value of r' than n is large. llance F(n, r) does not asst-a its rainin- ( . inn 7:»- 5 >0 . That is, Ha, r) assues its niniwun, F(n, r”) , r M 83;" s Q.:.o. r “z m u. have here 5 _—_. -.fLJ OJ and in FY“ . F n §(_F\'J)([—€f;‘) ’ FM >7 K is}; W; 5.”)ror O<§ in“ where e’ . P (1’).“ 6:; (70) approachn zero as n tends to plus infinity. “” .3 m -‘ 0 ~: :F F F 4" 2F l"! r F...“ "7 ‘\ “1*- l/Slncs “WWW. W5)? F’F‘FU 1 ._. Vii) 2 1" 3” ~."‘*‘/’( ‘; ‘ \ ., bi <‘_.LI:..»J—: -1.-- -__ -_ ‘ b“; ‘ ._ / ..-- 7’ r l x ' " Y" *1} {F‘ ~--\ m} I / 1"] K. .. and, (J l , a" I —\ _‘ FF“ fr 7uii)..—!. 1:04.. KLQF‘\+__L (‘4‘ ...i w“.‘ )‘2 ( J, .7 -~ F. [p '7‘ fl". ’ I \T (Y! ‘*;7‘*§< n ( (...J \ F 01.)) f" 0 Z: 3 :ECX‘ ). / 5’“ K“ Ha proceed to show that :3” tends to do as n -->+ a . Let E> 0 hagiven. Mkwechoosag in (90 -€,} +6) such that 4m and “(30) «(S )li, (“VIM )< “#(SJEX‘ em)- “’1‘ (That this is possible follows from properties onwarated under (I). my" (>0) -->o, €;'(>o) ---->0 and "0513253. {we}. ) For lF-lee, liglzflgotél hence “la/F30 . /F «vi;- J-Fl—QQQ “if? (I—eF 4 rim/‘2) m 1599.)“ +5" m); PM Xi)” Y\ fiance fr“ (5). (7) and (8) it imadiately follows that for lg: SI >5, F(n, r) > F(n, r 2:) Thus we have F(n, r) > f’(n, r :) > F(n, r n') This iqlies that S" ”'33 lust "0 in (80 -€, 5.04%) . That is, Is" -5014 for n > ll Q.E.D. ('1 iii) Fro. (2) we have for 0 <0< I Q 1. FMQLM LF I F £}\([\J\ \ J x“. NHL-1‘ .5. This gives 1711(9)“ ll“; ---— ~ "119$ Fro- (3),wehave for 0 1 ~ r / Hence for every (2) in O + on . Further-ore, fro. the definition of asmtotic equivalence ([28],p p. l0) it follows that No, r) is asynptotically equal to -.(§) and in particular F(n, r u) is asymptotically equal to m8}. Q.E.D. iv) To prove the state-out iv) true we show that for every E > 0 , there exists an “depending on 6 and a) such that ...,-..n.312_\ é ‘ 1(11j 1 \‘ /7\F1m§/ for nail end ell 1gin (0, a] . That is, LEW» “11‘7“”! ("n +11) 0 K“ . for ell Q satisfying 0 <3 5 a < l . From 2) we get, for, . ,7. ‘ n . (“H F1 (1; 11,1 1‘ 11,11») 1 ’1 fl 0 < S; M t ’ g. < , ~""*"'“““'-‘ “1211“" e 17 ) \115) t 111131}: 8‘ p tends to zero as n tends to plus infinity. That is, for every E) O , a an We) such that Iéé'l < E for nail Fro-3),weget for O< 53a, 31E('W7‘:K27 W 5) 7”: win.“ where a; (> 0) tends to zero es n tends to plus Infinity. Thet ls, forevery €>0, 3 "(6,0) suchthetfor nzl, |5$|<€ Nouteke N-lergestof "(5) and IKE, a) . Thenfor nzl, m 32). w 8) every 5 In (0, the existence of \ . // T b- 0:]; end , ”A... e single I , for W m MF(:U)L)4 é‘ --}7—&glves W? '“ ...Lfimé/zo finch-sens m m , for every 8 In (0, a] . Hence (1 for every 5 in (0, a] . By virtue of the unlfore convergence ls established. 0.6.0. m: W 7) Ueclele thet ~- X" ~~ does not converge unlforuly to unity on the (o, I). ‘VK S) {hr( A , 2592:: Suppose thetw- $5 converges unlforely to unity on the (0, Then, for any sequence :ngwlth O < f“ < I , It uouId be true thet mevwv WUT‘.’ «- . n.3, 71—1 Iowchoose fn-L. 'l‘hen\q‘j’_'.. ..... :'_T-i--/«-;, I). This is e centrediction. Q.E.D. it seees interesting to point out, beyond the result of Theoree 2, the following fects. if we epproxieete m “A \f— \ A '* " 2 A '7 j :1 . 3.x" (1»... ' f H. I Le by A )n 3‘ {I )A; . 5 <: A . A .4. , A / ..._-.- _' 1 “~31 .- , end ...,. A" ”V , 3 J“ i /L i .' fr" ‘ l ’ f m . rm f k A A ......... :LAQ. -. i l.» " L/ "n- M! “A" 7% respectively then we can write 1-- e ..3 F / it); ' :4: 21.“. . m (A. A . A Let 0 - :- . Then this epproxieetion for F(n, r) reduces to nil-2- The ulnl; of nail gives the sea 5‘0 which hes been shone! in Theorem 2 to be the limit of ¢ n . This result can else be derived by means of the Euler's Sunstion Fomle. Following (Mil, [26] end [2719 we derive the expressions for the expectetion end the verience of the rth ordered semle observetion fro- one-perueter exponentiei lew up to order (n + 2)" . They ere: f," .. .. .-. f ‘5‘. 9, En: a L m-’-“—*~‘«-~‘ "2’ r‘r‘.~ 7% ~\ ‘5 end, '3 553.. \/w, 1 II" 5 t . ...,. ...m-‘v-e ‘ moo - O 1‘ As n increeses with fi fixed, the esmtotic distribution of tr ‘A ’ ‘. \, ‘ “ 1 H h.’ W hen, OET'" i\:\ , OM verience 9- ,. ‘ 4H \‘\ respective- .‘f‘;' [(3 '\ fl—y "v/I ly. This follows free the results in [2b]. lience the esyeptotlc veri- ence of the unbiesed estieetor, besed on the tr th stetistic, for 0 works out to be llow we went to detereine r so thet this verlence is einieue. Treeting the expression for the verlence es e function of r , teklng its first derivetive with respect to r end setting it equel to zero, we get, efter siqiificetion, C. . : A»: (v. {\ \ - ‘."‘,]"‘§:'A:‘T‘ {I} “l- X h A writing FIT - x , we reduce the ebove equetion to z‘nO-x) + 2x - 0 , O 0') is W test for the l codified ii: 05 0| egeinst A: O>O' , elthough in life testing problen, u: o 2 o, seees in generei to be of precticel interest. How- ever, there does not exist e I!" test for the ii: 0 - 0‘ egeinst A: .0 9i 0' . But if we restrict ourselves to e ciess of unblesed tests there does exist e ”if unblesed test for the ll: 0 . 0' egeinst A: 0 d 0' . Here we propose to consider testing stetistlcei hypotheses connected with the two-pereeeter exponentiel lew idiose probebility density function (p.d.f.) is given by ...- f \' r" . '1' ‘ -.- 5} xx. W 'Jf' /‘ , \ f" 'l ‘/ (6 fl 9 :‘f‘ :7 Lb E foflffiji- O c (_ 9/“ j’ \ {\s '33:; \. 1" ‘ i o ’ omw‘“, '\ where O is know es the scele pereeeter end 6 the iocetion pereeeter. G is identified es guerentee tine or einieue life in life testing situ- etlons. Since our life test dete refer to eeesureeent of tine it sees eppro- priete to denote the observetion vector by t insteed of x . in the 'sequel we shell use ‘I’ end t in the sense of rende— end observetion vector respectively. low, in feilure enelysis we generete dete by destructive tests end so free en eoonoeic point of view we consider e censoring scheee in vhich we use only the first r(§ n) ordered observetlons: 65:. ; , end .: \m‘ G '“ 1 i“ Ci, "i C\ .. \m 11 f1. ,_.....: 4; ,.‘«. Lfifl 1’, 96 4 respectively, where {[p,‘ q] is the incoqslete cue Function those veiues ere tebuleted in [5]. And fi'nelly the power functions corresponding to ll: 0 - 0° egeth -35- A: 09‘00 essuing 6 union-mend ll: 0-00 egeinst A: Odoo essuing 6 lmown ere expressed es . O ..‘ -1 i ‘ \‘3 P(B) \ “ T 2 ...l :‘L. E ..L- 0 I K a \ f h“. l K i , 9 z. t "p l , t) 1 we» '--I ...- end " '3 "‘1 a 1 1 PKG) 1:. K v“ T ‘ k» ...2' i “I" ‘11 g '3“ .. .. 1 / a u 3 e} l: 1 .. 1 / L j {I} '. “va Mr I "'- respectively. Eeriier we heve seen thet the test function 3 “L .:/{f1j"_t Go ‘4‘): L\ (:w :" 2 l , otherwise , a..- ,.. o/ i 4 .h. C l \ is I” for the ll: 0 2 00 egeinst A: O < 00, essmlng G to be blown, sey co . He shell show ieter on thet this test function is egeinllfl’for the li: 6-60 end 0-00 egeinst A: c<60 end 0 < .0 . For testing the ll: 6 - 60 egeinst A: 6 d 60 end 0 km, sey 00 the W test besed on the first r(5 n) ordered observetlons out of e rendou sale of size n fro. the two-pereneter exponentlel populetion is obteined by eeens of likelihood retlo. The likelihood retio, £3; Wt) :W’W— ’ where Q - {so , Gog end—(Lu- {6, 9025 gives in the present situ- etion - “30(437690) ‘e- if t. > 60 C )1: This inpiiss that the a - level likelihood retio t... is given by if “<60 . M vdiere A“ is deternined m- the integrei, Sam ax - a . “>9. 0 the p.d.f. of )\ under null hypothesis is e unifore distribution over unit intervel idiich inedieteiy gives A“ . a . An equivelent a - level test function is then given by 7 ” faz‘): 0 otherwise ii) :2: Go'- -le1~ 90 EYWN. Now we consider three ceses. Cese i: 6560 -39- CL f :31. IA -. .5. (555955 /. a»), idiich gives N60) Inca , a; expected. Ceseli: cases. . 00 .11. / W63): E(t.10(51..;--55(51w _ «1515.5 idilch gives "60) . (2 es expected. CO“ "I: 6?. , 936 CG .4- == MM = 3:5)“. . For 6330, {go (61" {3H)é ‘6' 4] 9 which iepiies 59(67): (_ (I MM) %(é’ -06)//q For Go<6 60) end 6 - 62 (< 60) for the null hypothesis 6 - ‘0 . For siqle hypothesis egeinst si¢le elternetive we find the a - level best test by the epplicetion of the lieyeen-l’eerson lone. llere hey-en- Peerson lens gives the following a - level best test function for the II: 6 - Go egeinst A: 6 - 6' (> 60) end elso egeinst A: 6 - 62k 60) o if ‘05‘15‘0‘;°o a lit)- ! 1,. i if “<60 or t'>60-;Oo a. This test function is identicel with the equivalent a - level test function besed on the likelihood retio test end further-ore it is inde- pendent of 6' end 62 end hence of every elternetive for the hypothesis 6 - 6° ; so cleerly the likelihood retio test is W. lhls property is elso the subject of Leheenn's problen l3.2 (i) of pege llo. [1]. 4n- For testing the ll: 6 - Go egeinst A: 6 d 60 then the scele pan-wt» o is unluioen, the likelihood retio )\ besed on the first r(5 n) ordered observetlons out of e rende- semle of size n is given by /\=- 2* / (L;- 35% WW X51569) L which cen be written es 5* L «(tr-Go) Y §\+ L. _L Frau-[i 1 end [l9] it follows thet %m (t... 67 > (HAUL $3 (5 5) 5 (5—5)(5: 5 Ff] are independently distributed es chi- -squeres with 2 end 2r-2 degrees 75. [2(5 m5 M55555 5) i ad ,__ 555-55—- 5) 5*‘(515)+(55)(545) 402- hes the well-known F distribution with 2 end 2r-2 degrees of freedoe. The stetistic Z is cleerly equivelent to the above likeli- hood retlo test. Thus the a - level test function for the eforeeention- ed hypothesis is: (53(5) {00 i 0.2le otherwise 3 where b is detereined from the F - teble. The use of this test func- tion is equivalent to the decision rule: eccept ii that 60 < t. < 60 + £9— , there :65 -L)5 (mafia-t) KL: a-“ H... ...5-< -..,. . , m def- '3 9"." by ?L*\ 55-5 - -——1—- 75—5 LL CR" M71256 9( ) 559-:- e — (5—3)? end p.d.ff. of t' is given by '11 _. 95—5 ,LQG O , elsetdiere. 5(5): lie eey note here thet t' end u are independently distributed so thet f(t', u) :- f(t') f(u) . The power function is derived now. 4.3- Thereietions 65606 . 00 G55 5% m5-5-(5-55) '- 63 . —_—. ”655%“; )1[ ng a) O<£%l(G*G+ o1) 1PM ”M 75-10 HOE: 59] So ') x. F-‘l__ were iIPixln Uzi) _ 3C. fl xOle [(19) _ flb5fl441 4.1.- thich is the fore in which the lncowlete cal-ea Function hes been tabu- lated [5]. llaving derived the power function we show now that the likelihood ratio test is m_L_iam. 5m) 1A0 E 9» i For 6560 (3(3)::- \(I- o<)*€_ 7/05". For 6260 , wewrite .590 I J70+- Eli” 5-5-52.) 6. (\9 -- 5~\:5"r5((§- (“SEQ-$5] ":2: \ 5 g [5:6 ~— LLfiW“ ELG‘ifl-Gb) Differentiating ,9“) with respect to c, # (>0 55(5— <5 )— ~55] W) = 95‘ 857%) H5955 6:6,. 4.5- Recalling that 6 2 Go , the integral expression for P'(G) is clearly positive which ieplies that HG) is a monotone non-decreasing function of 6 for 6 2 so and we have shown earlier that for 6 < ‘0 , HS) 20 hence it follows that for any 6 , HG) 2a and so the like-- lihood ratio test is unbiased. The likelihood ratio test for the alternative 6 d 60 , 0 unknown, is not W. But when we restrict ourselves to a class of unbiased tests there does exist a llil’ unbiased test. Such W unbiased test function is derived by leaking use of the hint given in Leheenn ([2], Problem i2 ii), page 202). This is LIL 0/ /Y(( )(L: 6,) " ww‘h’“ rm~ \ ((5):? L ELL L/‘L “LL L) f I, otherwise K where as shown earlier 2 has F distribution with 2. and 2r-2 de- (rf\ { b ) grees of freedom. it any be noted that our W unbiased test function and our unbiased likelihood ratio test function for the ll: 6 - 60 versus A: G d 60 are identical. For testingthe ll: 6-60 and 0-0 versus A: 6 ‘zi writing 2 - _ , ' "2(‘2i " ‘ii’ “L tzi > tii we have £3- - which gives the acceptance region for the null IA GIN hypothesis as: O (Law-3 -- %~ '“je :3 CL 7 0 ~ 0 , otherwise. Zsc'u , idierethep.d.f. of u isgivenby 4.9- The p.d.f. of Z is derived by observing that the probability that .2 lies in any interval is the sin of the probabilities that nz(tz‘ - t") and n‘(t” - tz') lie in that interval end by then using standard methods for finding the distribution of the difference of tee rando- variables. for the case ll - 62 - 6' z 0 , the p.d.f. of Z is _. 3‘: m: __ ..Z 9 M19 3 a] 5%: ‘;—_ r 91H NM] 0 g 2473; K 1;“ t + {TL} 19.. J -2 L T L?) “‘ "‘7‘"‘T'.A”s . f: 97 w L i' is, [22:3 : LLZL‘é—Z éw Likewise for the case ll 5 0 , the p.d.f. of Z is , M2» it. '1} L §LL(2)——:E..: .--........ mfimiv—f Ni” C”. 2:]? 4*(329‘) ’ (MM 9611. ’ J L 1.8” M. P d”) £12535)“ LL W1C + ’Ywfi T iLLi’J”"‘“ (M HALL) 9 ,‘i’ilhé'/ .. {00 The power function, P01) , for the case ii 2 0 , is (Djri-J A ”it“ "h ‘9. PW):— Li“ SAMSDCIREU) “LE“ [4% 5;(?)7/{L:i3013 O O 0 CU (X) (j ILL. .~.' < + ‘LLLS j 14) ELL/”LL 1’1.“ rm Upon integrating out and s‘iqiiifying, the power function becoees Yup» FL I...— __.__ ’5: ' L?" . 1/ j , “,ab H1 wi/ * L K .L m 2 US ..._‘ . LYL'ML' Ll / L— J Live w '1 a 2 :LIL'ULQ] O< (g \ ‘....1 /L ) (\9 ml ““2. -1 - “L m 9112‘ ' H @5151: -115 ‘5 /. 1--) 1W; "' axe ; and“; K4“; vhf /' '_ _' The pouer function for the cese H«5 0 is 41H 71%.": —-)1.H WK) \{ngf WWW: UM KL 5-,¥(2)f("> 0 than H i 0 , It I: sufflclant to than: that tho darlvativa p'(fl) > 0 HI.“ I! > o and P'Oi) < 0 M ll< O . 0f coursa P0! - o) a a . For II > o , ua write POI) aftar lutagrat- lug w.r.t. Z a: Mfi'ml L 6'“ fig "' TS em M f. ..é - ‘ _:;~" ‘ .. S: 1...; -..,-...... 3M1; )E‘e’ s/ flujam ’M‘fiML 4442\4 than [£00]: - m) - Ha) . Upon dlffarantlatlng and slwlifying neat M H LT Ml ”MCI“ _€9(A ’ ‘\‘ WHEWLw-m “a I 99.96.4919: .42, fivflk PM: (“W )90 M H ‘— Both integrals are cieariy positive, so P'(ii) > 0 then H > O . Sin- iiariy we can show that P'(ii) < 0 men ii < o . Therefore, it follows that the test is unbiased. Part 2. In Part L we have shown that for testing the ii: 6 - 60 against A: 6 i 60 asses-ing O unknom, an equivalent likelihood ratio test function is: o if 0525» “0-5 ; i , otherwise \. there fiXfi G?) x Z "'0; t) (Swat) hasan F distribution: with 2 and 2r-2 degrees of freedom This test is W unhiasad. how we propose a new statistic denoted by 'r,n which is aneiogous to Carlson' s statistic h: [8] to test the above hypothesis. This statistic is defined by -51.- {—6)}, ; r ‘ , or for convenience in writing/>_ — TL" ...39' J» 2m K'N'h h tfi‘LN‘ - g 19. p ’97)?“ J: A great advantage in choosing this statistic stems from the fact that it requires only two observations naeely, the first and the rth one to test the hypothesis. Hoover, reconnendation regarding the use of this new statistic depends eainly on its possessing satisfactory properties of a good test function. Superficiaily, this statistic has properties sieiiar to Student's t test in that it is homogeneous of degree zero in the variable (t' - 6°) , and the nuserator and denominator are in- dependently distributed. In the present discussion we hope to derive l) the p.d.f. and c.d.f. of st," , ii) the expectation of sf,“ , iii) Two fluent-Recurrence formulas to cospute variance etc. iv) the power function for this test function, and v) soee properties of this test function. hherever we shall consider it necessary to use sr n to avoid aw- ) biguity we shall use it, otherwise we shall write s for sr n . incl- ’ dentaiiy, it is easy to see that if we were to replace t2, t3, ..., tr-l by tr in z , it would reduce to 1* NN’ SNf (0‘6) In H,“ a ‘ m‘m--- -.-——~-—— " ._ (m\){th~{\] 7—34 AIW 0n the basis of our new statistic s , an a - levei test function for the ii: 6 - 60 versus A: G d to , assuming 0 unknown is de- fined as (0 if ossSc Nth”) ‘ i if s>c , - K. -55- so were c is determined fro- the relation jfls) ds - a ; f(s) 8. being the p d f. of s under null hypothesis nhlch we proceed to derive We Thejoint p.d.f. of x. and xj(i U? jNX‘: Replacing x by t as we are dealing with tine neasurewent and writing 1 I I, I j - r we get the following joint distribution of t‘ and t1 under the null hypothesis. w 537% Q>4N%}+/7§ *Go)‘ l a.) ———- -—— e QM.) (T @191 96 £16.39): ' 0 , otherwise. linking the transforeations, u -.t' - so and v . tr - t' , we get the following joint p.d.f. of u and v. \ r: ”... -‘N m} —g[flk+(/NIH)V-] _. ..... “Maw, _............ ‘C 0 mm N (w)! 91 fi— ( W N ‘2' - - ..{NL N, —- LL, 0 70 J -’ . “ «(h-{:96 ) / g 9 k 0 , otherwise. 9‘ Clearly we have here f(u, v) - f(u) f(v) with ranges for u and v independent of each other, hence it inediately follows that u and v are independently distributed, an observation wade in the beginning of the 2nd part of this chapter. .../32 9‘90- LL 9;... “Chi, r/NN - ‘ m ("M-“73‘6— u~ - ° W :\ )1M’fij 9 -—5 fi‘l II’I * 4‘99 I 7 23070 910, otherwise. I This finally gives the p.d.f. of s under null hypothesis as DO ~~~C’VN/3+m )HN—J ‘9' __ U“ 71"2 5'“): ”@ij ”-9132 0139 . .(‘N‘mt ’5)0IU“ I O mlch after integration can be written as 26.9.2692. I): \ :for s>0 3%): C: w W 4/ , I Ighhwhexzy - ‘\ O , otherwise. incidentally, f(s) ds - l proves the following interesting lemna. O -. 32-2 / ‘ r~.__ \ r. .-.“ 1"“ \ N M3 (’\Y\~l>(M A I/ 1!, [9‘2 ILfld/ N, _ . / ha?! I . ’9 J ",‘i ‘7'.“f fi 9 \ q A “ u When r - n , f(s) reduces to which agrees with Carlson‘s [8] expression (2.5) where O 't-‘i \ * v cw" , and f(s) - 9“ (ha) . To compute a percentage points of sr n we derive an expression 5 for F(s), the c.d.f. of s, so that for given no we have the rela- tion, l - a0 . F(so) from which we determine so . C-XO U‘ ‘ I3 U- “ (M4) I. ( -"é (Ill ’m)‘ —5(YN,$+”VN~I2+) 1_ *(Ibl)! {my}; 50— I : S; "5‘9 0M :I‘OI/ _ ”-..—..-. . " Qv-l) N. (ENE; .79 0 (MIN ' “NI: 1—2 -(YN~IN*‘ I9: in»: 9 . (Ir—£9 *8 (”I 9W“ Emma—71H, 92—4) is (FN—h—N—N, 77:1) I I where B(p, q) - [x94 (l-xlq-I dx is know as a Beta-function. Again r e n , gives 0. F(s) - l - (n-l) Mnse l, n-l) , which agrees :N— s . 4% ‘K with Carlson s expression (2.6) where s h" and F(s) .1 61. (hu) . iiow we derive the expression for expected value of s . This is obtained as . , -’— 9(7‘I+’NNN~I>+N) NI‘ N~ M- rfli I 'sJ H --_J. \\ ...... __ 9 N‘ t K . . T" , Ejhm —_Q1’1)I.l and k+lKH K“\ L SKJ‘] — ”"1"". ""‘"" ""‘” ' I e ... ’Y‘ K\—-) \ m 21”")WI —//T-C)’Y\J _i’____roof:K CO 0.0 g f . , .er- r‘ ,L—Z E )3 ”IL ...-— K '\ /K{‘%(WHL)§/Ii/I-fi)AMI fiIVI:\h“1—)TW"}L 61) J J \ ‘9 o k.“ 90 ~1- ~°Kz+ _I It). 04} K1?) R f GUM )L\_~c 9) 009 ..-...» __..»...m‘m-” ”WM” (MNICMImKJO ’J‘ lberevar convenient we shall denote integral of the following typ. <30 -—-L"YI‘J‘ U: 9 h . f gfi wfl<\_ _f‘ 9/) .H. S(AA)X} 3-K " 03/ O liow integrating by parts the integral 5(n-r + I, r-2; k) under the ~62- assmtionof k>l and k+iJL§L ”(CL 9.< L hfi L P/ L ‘“ SQVLA 32:“) h 2 KMK/J1Lrnij9L/L19hbz E/‘fifli 9 we finally get after simliflcation, E L K KLKY‘VLH‘L LE K4 Lg 1K4 L . 2m “ m0“) Ail—L” 7L "" 7W ' Toshowanother relationship between (k-l)th end kth counts of s, .. ..9 L'L-}~+1‘ U’ - l L’YL—f’L‘H) U— __ ..U: ‘\ t \ 9 uewrite ‘96, UK / :% [L‘Q-‘t 9)] in the integrend of S(n-r+2, r-3; it-l) which gives K—Z Lm—9L' K‘ 9 V" Efib ...—.-.. LLfi. )SLWL }»+Lh“3 K)— ")(h‘l )‘LLT UL?” L.“ ‘ m L S/YL- )L-i-yL Ll'z.‘ t"L< L ilotlng thet C ) <99: /‘ end ($7 ~2) ! (imam)! '7“- "’ K-‘J «2mm J-J J= “fir; :er Em we flnelly got efter slmllflcetlon, Q.E.D. Thls lnvestlgetlon polnts out e sllp ln Cerlson's lease ([8], p. 52). The correct expresslon of hls le-e ls found to he EL: “' MTV”) 1 ;(’T;\{/KF EX“ \—- E V K— 00:) ' ‘] [fl—l ln eddltlon to thls, hls Table 2. does not seen to record correct m-erl- cel velues. ln pertlculer, the correct velue of Eh: z . o.l96 egelnst the recorded velue 0.l3l . Further work shows thet nuerlcel error ls not due to the typogrephlcel error In the fondle. Illustration: co-put. Es: 5 by two formles estebllshed ln tho 1 above lens end check thee by dlrect eveluetlon of Es: 5 froe lntegre- I tlon. The flrst formle glvos 2. 4"- - ' l' r'; :-—- i f; *x -- E1; p\ [”9453 S L.“/"§,5' “/Q,:_; "l . ' * ‘1. ’ “:2. ELLE-5(erl—JxJJJB)” t/Z’m3 rim/:1), 5 5 ~' l l N)'i\ O‘HDG F” (- v~ 7 * The second fomle glves » "J fl» 5* Z r- : r. Y ‘ E a) ,, w: W: I “'92.“: [3,- , ..- 1: //J/ .. ‘1J5 ? 7 .fiJ‘? ‘JD-J ; 8 ‘ ’«J (' ’3 ff fl h - ' A f; «\T =——»--.- :3!an «- ..r law—w JJ' 5 L.“ T; K ‘ ’ 7 ‘ ‘4 : églgiM2v~J£mjl° The dlrect conutetlon glves VJ"? be. P I l p L\ Q) L/D r J h \J 2 l,\ :%,§,£-'h2——317/h3!' t! r.—~.J-—J0 COOL fit it 0/“ MC, ,. gm“ C”) (00 (\_-p 9 \L—(ujctn : "" Jo /J x _ | fleJLfiTa-LG-QJ L8 (m hJ thflm DH4~JP+J~ M J) .* {Ya—2gifTwfiji VJ. 'r— % ‘\. "' (“(l—&*C~a(m Co) . when .41 Q1 I‘L’i O<"‘ BIJDCJJQJL S 7“ (Pi / . “‘“" v' +CJ‘GJ WC»): 1Q» { “f. 9 )LIJJJ kL J J _ JL 61-69 __E..._. which is positive for 6 2 60 end N60) ea , hence NS) 20 for 626 endeerllerweheweseenthetfor 656°, Haze so, it 0 i—edletely follows thet the sleple test is unblesed. it eey be eon- tioned thet the lmiete lete function cen be expressed es couletiwe binoelel probebilities. ...; that we have shown thet the mm. as: function is unblesed; it my be interesting to mute suiteble power function tebies end grephs to point out differences between the slqle test function end the likelihood retio test. in life testing situetions, ll: 6 2 6° egeinst A: B < 6 is of interest end for this situetion it ls'cieer thet both 0 the likelihood retio test end the siqie test function ere equelly good in terms of the power and the unblesedncss of the test. Beceuse the likelihood retio provides “0 unblesed test it follows thet in the ciess of unblesed mu the pownr of the likelihood retio m: is miforeiy better then thet of the single test. for counting the eo-eets end especielly the verience of this siqle test function we heve estebllshed two recurrence foreules eerller. lie need not estebllsh such recurrence foreules for coeputlng eo-ents of the iilaeiiheod retio stetistic, 2, since it hes e well-known f distribu- tion with 2 end 2r-2 degrees of freedoe. ilotlng thet Z70 f(z): (:2 hi?) )h ) , otherwise we heve, Elk - (r-l)” I(r-k-l, k-o-l) , weild for r > low: , wdwich cen be further slqpllfled to {_C’I) w) “\ E2 1—1} , where (h\‘“‘/ is e Ilnoelei coefficient. ( < J mm)?" This gives E2 - Ei- : E Z: -,__‘; r ‘ j end fax/JUVB) jib—9% J '.'(z) . _,,, _, , .. ...- “__..-.-._.—.-———--—- --—--- N w "'" l 2. Z... My J J J_ JR) wdwich is independent of sewie size n . fro- the woeent recurrence foreuies for the slqie test function it eppeers thet its verience is not Independent of can-pl. size, n . -69- iiow we propose two siepie test functions for testing the ii: 0 e co egeinst A: 0 d 00 es'st-ing 6 to he know end unknown respectiveiy end derive their power functions. For 6 low, sey Go , we define e simle test function es / .o if c'ftr-G 5: o 2 9m Iii i , otherwise; end for 6 «alum we define enother siQie test function es fl) 0 if c'Str-t'sc2 (- i , otherwise. Thep.d.f. of tr forthecesewhen 6 is innate, is givenhy mi fwé‘thm"? (t)? 6Q 3% )2 @Jhw‘f _JJJZJ \J-J h x([_.t a h m)) 0, otherwise. t 7G Letting tr - Go - x we get 71 o m I “{5W-fi“) I .... 2‘; J 9H ...,...LH -.-,“... , __ J fix): wmhnefl < * “a 13,? ,7 0 , otherwise. ‘ 7 ‘ thder nuii hypothesis we have -70- ......fl?‘ % (“Ev/x ... x. W! ( Qi \(MJ UI§J€ ." \~__€ 90 7(1): C1, 0, otherwise. /J Letting-C 0:}, weget n1 UCQQZ- CLfl‘M-fi) .2910“ We?) M'jf/(l 0, otherwise. \ liedeternine cI end c2 frontheeouetion Ci r‘e “67° 4 01 :_ J J [v 3’ (5) __ CL *6 9'0 __5: “‘9 [ we. in conjunction with \2‘ q 8% é’)0(& 1O ”-2- (6) 09 J 6 -€/ E; _J 69::3 9o The reietion (6) yields ~(m—3JH) .. 9- §i~l Q0 6‘ —€. 1-— ‘C c “< "’ in conjunction with —- —— {“‘fi (f, “2! I J r J. ’ ,Egé} \ :T'< qv) (J'J : -::- C) (S3) L J -32. —.,’ 5: 5.0 The relation (8) gives ~€ 9 a! 97.. ”—2. J. ~(2—W‘2: - 95—; J" l {2%) :2: _ a: l are :\_1 Cl‘mh-rljhldfii-ggL L) ‘1 L' 1‘: ~63; iV. PERCENTILE ESTIMATORS FOR PARAMETERS 0F EXPOiiEilTiAL FAILURE LAN The problem of obtaining percentile estinators for parameters of ex- ponential failure laws and investigating some of their properties is taken up in this chapter. A percentile estieetOr for the shape paraneter of the Heibuil law’is derived in the next chapter. its expression being unwieldy, it has been thought useful to take up soeewhat exhaustive in- vestigation'on percentile estimators of exponential laws first. He write p.d.f. of exponential failure law as “left—6, . $.09: ‘éflc 9‘ ))JC\/Gé(‘00/Q&)£ 56(0/29) 0 , otherwise. For a given cunulative probability p, the percentile flip is obtained frm Tb J‘s : G fit) all? W1): Gr- 61~x<1~kfl7 $602)). 1- i Khulna,” -- 7. -—- -74- Corresponding to population percentile 7“? , we denote samle percentile by t p and obtain the following percentile estieators for the paraneters of the above failure law. Case i. if 0 . 00 is know», a percentile estl-ator for 6, denoted by g , is given by w. t%+9021m(l—U 3Com? 2400. Case ii. if G - Go is known, a percentile estieator for O , denoted by x , is givenby 1 :2. (GO—ft) l: LAU- bJJ-nlgvhmg {36051}. Case iii. than both 6 and O are unknown, percentile estieators for B and O can be derived fro. the equations tP] . 6 ‘ °L(I'Pl) 9 tPZ " 5 " OE‘U'PZ) a where p, and p2 both belong to unit open interval and are chosen in such a manner that r)... . [np'] <‘L2 - [npzl ; n being the size of randow seeple dram fron the above exponential population and [np] , as usual neans the largest integer in up . Clearly F. < ti: would nean pI < p2 . The above two equations give the following percentile estiea- tors for O and G . x- a(t - t ) where a - [gnu-p) - anU-p )1" >0 and p2 pi I 2 -bt +i-bt where b--a£nl- >0. 9 p' ( ’92 (92) lumen G - 0 , the above failure law reduces to the con-only used om-paraeeter exponential failure law in which case the percentile esti- eator for G boils down to :1 ~— JEXDEJJmUflaflfl—I {at J>E(OJ1). iieeay note that for 05p‘w / m +92.“ which gives E23C1+E7SLMNN )+9§”(N*L w. .. 2: ,_ >13 6° @Wf’ Hence an unbiased estieator of 6 based on percentile estleator g is H, ' l T l 4&1“ 6Lo [rffl—lu-kt V -77- Recalling that t/k - [np] - np-q where O < q 0 Finally, K1 K H K m‘symxw K£( _L\ EX: 7‘17 (”A {UK-l)! (C6) -_,__ ‘v )(‘DQqFtHyK-H This gives M - E1 Site ZT/‘H‘ii and Var ...;ng i (n-rbi‘. ”‘2- L10 L20 --1 Therefore, it is clear that I [a is an unbiased “‘Wl L30 estlwator of O with variance equal to Pk -2. 9 L:QMML)1E. c— th relating to i'YLV‘VC and § _ l t = o ’ (:6 Q? “+91, Using asmtotic results -79- recalling that c - - Luau-p) we see that expectation of x , a percentile estieator of O , approaches 9 and its variance approaches 02 .AndlkiC"Theo 10,.353 n(|-:)L:q_- (l-p) nvo ng raeers ran ([ l p 9) t follows that unbiased percentile estisator of 9 has asyeptoticaily nomal distribution with seen 0 and variance 2 lei-5%,,- [m 2(i-p) . He nay now atteept to choose p such that the variance of unbiased percentile estleator of 0 is nlnieun. Con- sidering expression for such variance as a function of p , and setting its first derivative with respect to p equal to zero we find the equa- tion, 2p +£‘h(i-p) - O . ilow p0 , the solution of this equation would insure elnieue variance of unbiased percentile estleator of O . by iterative procedure we obtain p0 - 0.797 . Hence ll,- [npo] gives the appropriate ordered seeple observation which we should take to fore unbiased percentile estleator of O in order to have an assurance of elnleua variance. For Case Ill., percentile estieators of O and 6 have been de- rived earlier. They are x - a(t - tp ) with P2 l 4 l a . I'ljn-l 1;:J- > 0 and g - M” + (i-b) tpz with [Ml-pl) 1 [3" “(1.?2) l W" P' 6(oa i) : P26(oa i) : (UH . [np'] < [an) fikz (I-plylns p, < 92) ~ "0"“9 "m hi .30- and 2 are integers, for convenience, we replace ‘ by i and by j , satisfying i (j . The Joint distribution of order stat stics t. and tj(i641:- , after expressing t' in terns of x and t1 . Thus, we get -8l- 1 K: o fm—o (21“ m:_. (Tin 1.1+), 1 (me-L+) \\ 0 , otherwise 17 0. ""3 gives rth eoeant of x as ‘ ‘ .... __ ...1 . E11“- W‘ 721087;” {:1 k 1“‘Va+‘). (1“)![1‘1’91m291 Kzo ’Mzo \ K A W K‘W‘ __ j” 19:) (M'WV‘; L"1+)_fl:*) (max-H)” ’11 -l "’1 where a - an 7:;— . Since x is a linear function of ti 2 it is clear that we can obtain eoeents of x in terns of joint wants of tI and tJ. . Thus r K_ K r. \E K K \< L—ymEtT“ 719W El .0. :(1k—tcj ,QWZO(M> K. (1 By this foreuie we get .32- ?" \ r} k.- " _ E1. 2 a(fij1‘ Etc):a'91:Y\I-31+K—Z“C+R 1 i g1<:.o (:0 ,J prl :: 03—1:\/0)Ltc+ Vai‘w—121— 2601/ (t0 t&)1 ., where VwfiCL. = and so Var t can be written “(M (+97— 9 J “1:, 1\/1.—. by replacing i by j in the expression for variance of ti ; and b _ 1 1 * $110311 9 gQfl‘H‘iJL which also follows from Sarhan [ll]. Asymptotically expectation of x approaches 9 and its variance approaches 7% (1 13.11%) 1% (“-1”) The above asymtotic results follow directly from the expressions given for expectation and variance of x . Alternatively these results could have been derived frola lira-Jr's results ([iO], pp. 369). Furthemore, Craee’r's result would iwly that x , percentile estleator of O , has L m: I: "7"“ m WU Ln (PT-*7} An unbiased percentile estieator of O is clearly seen to be X My. w Egg—- may] :(t— 4%: Tfi— —Z—-—~—]' those variance can be written as 91 [iTm— _CP {92— L-wvljx X [:m—k’i—Q‘K "Zm—— c-x-K L. K10 Again invoking cn-ér's Theore- ([lO], pp. 369 m the following is true: This unbiased percentile estleator of 0 has asyeptotically the sane noreal distribution as the biased estleator x . An appropriate expression for percentile estieator of 6 in terns of ith and jth order statistic is: g - btI + (l-b) tJ mere . .31.- XMU‘l‘L ”'D‘W) waking the transforaation g - htI 4- (Ha) tj , tJ - tJ and integrat- ] >0 and l :b‘ . This gives iqf &—L\ -1 , (lew LQ-L‘Ly‘ (r )LLQKZOWO 1% 0;} :gm SJKJM‘C §[(—:———+J,+C-W A? 9] WT M“ (KM-W) 276.. ‘L Since 9 is a linear function of ti and tj , the foreula for the rth eoeent of g is given by E? :EEL’C +(Wt1 :;(ULLL L») MEL t:, where product Ila-ants of t' and t] of various orders can be ceeputed. Thus E}: LoEt +LL L) FELL 1G+9{b:%“’rK '34 "UK :owlx- FF] .35- and, VOL} ;__.. S- M L. LL~L)"VMLK+2Lo-L)Whig) _L),+( IMO—’92) 0n the basis of expectation of 9 it is clear that L‘, of“ 9 [b 20 m—L.+\<+ (“‘9 :WT‘iJ J is an unbiased percentile estieator of 6 , if 0 is idiom. in case 0 is unknown we need to replace 0 by the unbiased percentile esti-a- tor of O . For 0 lam, by use of eradr’s moore- again 9 has asymptotically noreal distribution with mean 6 and variance :37 [3:1 + M" Mm W‘L‘L-iEDLHMLH‘JWM (‘”F'JL*'FL) ' ‘ . i'tf‘Ifl which is tha sauna as giwn oariiar except that b has boon axprossod in torus of p' and '2 . lion ua prooood to dorivo joint distribution of x and g from joint distribution of t, and t1 . Tho porcontiia astinators, x - a(tj - t.) and g - be. 4» 04:) t1 for o and e rospoctivaiy can ba convoniantly axprassod as I x-(t ~U£fi4 (:4 . '“d -1 "P g - [t.£fl('-Pz) ‘ tJLW(I‘P')]J/n (T79?) Making the abova transofrnations wa got tho following joint distribution of x and g from joint distribution of t and t1 . mew(E—$3 __X ( G)‘.Q -L¥-\)'(M6)*61 a f-‘gbr IMO (VU’ _Q+(m FR} GIN-1&6 ”-6181 __.L .. ,— .. C" X [use 933,150 962]] 3L (1);): -—J L-L—l _%[?—1M\—h}-GJ fih’WOfi-CJT , Nah: -- —Q I” “$761+it (MUWZIVW K 0 , othorwiso. 1-22‘3-Er -87- . Frol- tho joint distribution of x and 9 it does not soon convaniont to obtain oxprassion for covariance betuaan x and g . Houavar, sinca both 2: and g are linaar functions of ti and tJ vacanconputo covarianca of x and 9 byknouing covarianca of t' and t Thus, 1 . CMxyfi) —.:. Cw [Mtg—t), Etc-\- (1—4,]th : (10%)) Vault? —- OLA/om JUL. + 0 (LL—ny/(tkfij) , ilotlng that in tho prosont case axprassion for Cov(t‘, tj) - Var tI , the above axprassion reduces to cm (x) 3) 2 cm») UM”. - Vent} ’L. F} U L 0 which is asymtoticaily equal to L b.- I £“(“%’w)/ml(%>% [Tibfika-X. Z V. UEIBULL FAILURE LAUS The probability density function (p.d.f.) of the 3-parameter licibull failure law is given by i I -i - - (t-G) salt-g). . 9 , t 2 G€('¢h m) s90e(0, m) . f(t) - j 0 , otherwise where 6 is the location parameter, imam as guarantee tine, O , the scale paraneter and m the shape parenter. lhen e e l , the 3-para- eeter Heibull law reduces to the Z-paraeeter exponential law. when G is known we have the Z-parameter Helbull law and when both 6 and O are blown we have the l-paraneter iieibull law. Even here the shape para- eeter, e , being unknown, presents rather a difficult problem of esti- nation. in the present investigation we shall work with the 3-paraueter liaibuil law. The results will, of course, rewain valid for special cases of this law. it will also be possible to obtain some more interesting results in special cases. The rth noeent of the 3-paraneter Heibuil law is given by A +\~ (’1’ fr (hf-K L4. ‘?7. \-.-- TL , w K H. : LU 6‘ 9 V7? :0 -89- _ fir“: +‘J‘4V(%+;JW J KM *JFW J3r J“... ' {N -———-\ --X‘ {HQ} where ‘62,}5 aarndV,“ esthe econd, thidandthefouthcent i We nay note that the variance of the 3-paralaeter Heibuli randoe ~90- variabie (r.v.) is a function of O and e and its B. and 82 func- tions of a . Recalling that B' and 62 are neasures relating to the shape of a frequency curve it see-s appropriate to call u the shape para-eter of Heibuil law. The following relationship between the rth went and the rth power of the first accent can be of use in investigat- ing properties of the 3-paraeeter Heibuli law 8 (51-9 (3 Mewréi*);) Lani: if P.(J-j)- o , otherwise in f(%+9 __ '75- Et 2J3 .. _t B [fig-“+9 C J __.Ethz i“ (EJGWJBgJ—(éw -9]- Pros the above recurrence relationship, we have the following inter- esting results. / (3” F 7.; \J For r-i, EB VJ ‘ -i ‘ l 754") 3’'?‘ (‘,“..\-1 writing FEE; )* 7%:(6; an; YKTY-..~‘)_1 a; f ($)we get, ”hm“ .. for r-i, E immijffi _m. in general, for any r>i, B VIKLA‘ " \va x’W 22.3 — w —' .21.“--- _____ , were \ 1 "" . «(... +) H 1 J— “ 3: B \"JI'f‘w \ 3(a, b) - git." (i-x)b-' dx for a > O , b > O , O is a Beta function. Proof: ‘ ‘i \t ‘ . ‘ .‘w‘, _L.‘ 3:. -1. (.5. .. ti. .. 3H1“; Mm) w w m». H -— M, 3‘0“ 8(0, b) - m . Writing F7. Et : EB§38(%51§) fifift} ‘ -93‘ The quantities B. and 82 can be expressed in teres of Beta function 5' -<&,a-)[s-=-u<§.&)+uga-.s) -(§..1-.)]’ «(m-w» M 82 _° “bl-XE“ - ”.2 a (My ungasw -:-;'- iJJ II: °<&-:L’:->E~(-'v%>]’ (Ll-w] W" HJJ For the Z-paraweter iieibuli law uhose p.d.f. is given by "N.—\ __ Lt“ w 1? *6 9 , t 70 (Q 6)“ 50/va 0 , otherwise wehave r aha: fig...) This gives an: ((5.0, .... Whig—(31H) -t" 3.9] in this case the recurrence relation between ments is. relatively simple. in fact, war-ms“)-o*r'<%*'>-3f;1.)”33229-«0'. This is a special case of Lane l . liere we define I if j I r P(J - j) a O , otherwise. The above recurrence forlauia yields the following identities- °r'-__. W J ’7— Mm :s EtL-z: 7““ :(‘JQ' J H (W J few-tag)“ rh m) V iiow without loss of generality, assueing G - 0 and O a i , the p.d.f. of i-paraeeter Heibull law is given by l vat-lg“) 'F2(&*') . 11» recurrence formula gr?“ uh - M 2:339 Rh": VCR? +9 : rh(;) T (5“) — “(7%? which is identical with the recurrence fornula established earlier in (El/h case of the Z-paraneter lleibull law. This recurrence fornula is also a special case of Lane l with degenerate probability law at J - r . liow we proceed to discuss the problen of the estinatlon of the para- neters of Ueibull laws. It is clear fron the functional representation of Heibull laws that if e , the shape parameter of lieibull laws is lam, the transfornetion, u - (t-G)' reduces the 3-paraneter Heibull law to l-paraneter eXponential law. with 6 also know, the above trans- foreation being a parameter free transforeatlon causes no difficulty in getting the naxlnun likelihood estlnator (n.l.e.) of 0 , the scale -95- parameter of the Ueibull law, based on the first r(§ n) ordered observa- tions out of a random senile of size n . in fact, such m.l.e. of O is found tobe r E: (c, - e)” + (n-r) (z, - a)" lull o> r,n r it possesses all desirable properties of a good estimator, namely, con- sistency, unbiasedness, sufficiency, coqleteness and asymptotic normal- ity. The proofs are exactly the same as given by Epstein and Sobel [l] and [l9]. in case 6 isunknoenbut m innownwesuggest that c be estimated by the smallest sanpie observation (m.l.e.) which in life test- ing case is the first saqale observation. The m.l.e. of O is now found to be r Z (t' - t')" + (n-r) (tr - t')" I’ it nay be added that the m.l.e. of. O in case of the scale parameter lieibull law is a unique minimu- variance mbiased estimator which follows from a theorem of Lainenn and Scheffe ([3], p. 6i). in this case a single-observation minimum variance unbiased percentile estimator of O can be obtained in exactly the same manner as has been explained in Chapter iii. of this work. then m . l and 6 0- Go , the l-parameter Heibull law can be i—ediately reduced to the l-parameter exponential law. in this case the parameter of the Helbull law can be estimated most ef- ficiently by the maximum likelihood method. And a single-observation minimum variance unbiased percentile estimator of the parameter has been the subject matter of discussion in Chapter iv. then m’ - l and C mluaoima, the 3-parameter Heibull law becomes the Z-parameter exponential law. The most efficient estimators for the parameters of the Z-parameter exponential m based on the first r(5 n) ‘ observations have been found by Epstein and Sobel [l9]. but again if we wish to derive estimators of C and 0 based on only two observations, percentile unbiased estimators for them have been obtained in Chapter iv. and we can insure minimi- variance for this type of estimation by proper choice of caulative probabilities. However then m , the shape parameter, is mluaovm and we are interested in getting good estimators for all the 3-parameters of lialbull law we face several difficulties. The likelihood equations to obtain m.l.e. for C, O and m fail to provide explicit solutions for { them. no [l2], assuming 6 - o , proceeds to derive m.l.e. for O and m on the basis of the first r(5 n) ordered observations .fm a random saaple of size n . His likelihood equations, namely, I' A i E G ’3. 0-? t'+(n-I’) tr III and g_ i :wfiwtc + (W86: Lit/x __ w ___ an . ‘ . .- ‘IL‘IZ‘. m. “1::- + 2k”: L' "M Cr; clearly reveal the need for use of the successive approximation method. Of course, the similar situation will arise in case of the 3-parameter Helbull law. liere we shall first estimate 6 by the smallest sqle observation which is the m.l.e. for C and then the m.l.e. for O and m can be obtained in the above manner. Duggan [i3] has worked out the moment estimators for G, O and m of the Helbull law. Again so do not have explicit solutions for 6, O and m . iloumver his table seems to be convenient for cosputing such moment estimators. iiis nmerical examle based on the data pertaining to life of 310 automobile batteries provides negative estimate for 6 . The recurrence formulas for moments of weibull laws established earlier appear to throw more light on obtaining mnt estimators for the parameters of iielbull laws. in case of the l-parameter lieibull law our recurrence formula is: h: I: \ :hwlflflm ‘E‘kh: ____ H“ W”) Wig) U EBWM Equating population moments to sale moments we get, for r . l , n Hun-unhi- [(1) For r-z, - 2 ii) 3—; (saqle estimate) - -—2;'-TE—-T:: 2W five-33)., f“ M ?e-:'- Zt' and Zuni-:3 , andsoon. (1‘ L:\ Thus for every r we have an equation in m which provides moment as- timator for m , the shape parameter of the I-parameter lieibull law. This raises a problem of investigating the effect of properties of mo- ment estimator with respect to (w.r.t.) r , the order of moment an in- vestigation which we do not intend to take up at the present time. while investigating this problem it seems fruitful to consider the consequences of directly comuting moment estimator for the shape parameter from the expression of the rth moment since Et' :- [(5" l) -£- [(5) . For instance, if the 2nd moment is found to provide a better estimator for the shape parameter than the lst moment, in that case the moment estimator should be oowuted from the equation, ? 2 - £- WE) relatively simler expression to handle than lil) mentioned above. From the p.d.f. of the 3-perameter Heibuli law we obtain the F‘ __...? x -100- following expressions for median and mode. . l A(median)-6+O; (1/172) , and (6+O;(l-:-u1a' W ., .3...) This gives the following expressions for median and mode for the l-para- td'ien m>l meter Helbull law. l L A'(flfll2). and -l. 0 anymm Equating population median to senile median we get i tmed (mle median) - (EAZ) " idlich gives 3 - b/QJ’WZ t med This is indeed a simle estimator for m whose exhaustive investigation should be taken up on a subsequent occasion. Equating population mode to sample mode does not provide such an explicit estimator for m as we have with the median. iiere we have t“. (whistle). (l-;): . Since the recurrence formula for the moments of the 2-parameter lieibuli law is identical with that of the l-parameter lieibull law we shall obtain the moment estimator of its shape parameter in a similar -l0|- fashion and then proceed to derive moment estimator of its scale para- meter. As for instance, if m is the moment estimator of its shape parameter then one moment estimator of the scale parameter, derived from the expression of its first moment, is found to be A .... m~ t__ “_- 4.. ti: ’3 (moment estimator) I \ -- Va _L__ NET *9 F < ~4: ) in case of the 2-parameter Veibull law, l l Ahedian) I 0 3 ( fill 2) i- ‘ and .5 ("5);- .. .... "\ (node) - . 0 , otherwise. Equating population median and mode to senile median and mode we get 2—3. W) This gives, m ‘2’“.«1 - 1%.“) - MEET) -an - o . /\ Solving the above equation for m we have 0 I . From the relation (i) it is clear that the median and the mode of the liaibull law are quite apart provided m is less than two and away from -|02- one. in this situation it seems reasonable to use sample median and seepie mode to estiaate the parameters, 0' and m of the lieibull law. llien m is large it is not desirable to obtain estimators from seaple median and mode for the parameters of iieibuii law. because in that case median and mode are very close to each other. Recognizing the fact that the moment estimators are usually not as - good as maximi- likelihood estimators and furthermere realizing that both moment and maximum likelihood estimators have failed to provide equations explicitly solvable for the estimators of the parameters of lieibull laws, we proceed to present some other estimators for the parameters of lieibull laws in formula form so that it may be possible to improve these estima- tors by following the technique of generating Mil estimators from them. in Chapter "A, we have talnen up the problem of deriving percentile esti- mators for the parameters of the exponential law and have investigated their properties. There we have mentioned that the subject matter of Chapter iv. has been the consequence of getting percentile estimator of the shape parameter of Heibull laws. iiere we give such percentile esti- mators of the parameters of lieibull laws. Corresponding to the given cumulative probability p , the popula- tion percentile (YD for the 3-parameter Heibull law is found to be i l 'YP-G+0'[£.M(I-p)"l' . in case of the l-parameter lieibuil lawwhere 6-0 and 0- l , we have I 403- TP-£m£(l-p)-l-Qm£ (11;) . Equating population percentile to sample percentile we have a - tp (sawle percentile) e by“ (‘L) which gives A m (percentile estimator) - lie may note that p '% «runs to sale median in which case we have shove: earlier that In. 2 , finch follows from the t mad above percentile estimator than we put p . % . The l-perameter Veibull law achits any positive known value of scale parameter. if scale parameter is luiown 00 , the percentile es- timator of the shape parameter is given by [MONIZMM' . 3... hi . P iiere 00 e l reduces this ’3 to the former C. which provides a check on the accuracy of the expression. In case of the Z-parameter Heibuli law we have population percentile ”(P given by I I ’i’ab‘M;<'> . p . 7:; To obtain percentile estimators of 0 and m we choose two cumulative -10“- [an1 < [092] where n is the probabilities p. and p2 such that nuer of sawle observations. When papulation percentiles TIP and i ’T’ are equated to sample percentiles t and t we get I’2 ‘ Pi 92 WM my.) “9 ‘ '9 A , - A I 2 and ’éIt.,£m'(—'—>. P. / "P m I r Mt... - M52 in case of the 3-parameter Heibull law let us pick up three cumula- tive probabilities, namely, p' , p2 and p3 such that [09‘] < [npz] < [”3] . Equating population percentiles to samle per- centiles we get the following equations, ' l tp - G + 0 . [ 13110-904] ' l i l t -6+O'[/f/V\(l-p)"l’ P: 2 l. t -°+°'(£N\(l-r3)"l . '3 These equations give t - -i P! ‘92 . I Jtn"'92ll LEW-pp") l - [Mn-92W] " l - I ,EN.(l-p,)"l " -105; which provides estimator for m by the successive approximation procedure. Nae i l A /‘ I.) -l ‘3' -l i; “' 0- ($3 - tpz) i JAM-93) - ibii-pzl j . and l l .. ’3 - :9. ~13 El (hm-p941 9' . it is clear that the above percentile estimator of m can be ob- tained by successive approximations. This may not be convenient in many instances. but, we'can derive a modification of the percentile estimator for m in formula form if we use an indirect satisfactory estimator for 6 . The smallest sample observation is the sufficient statistic for 6 and can be used as its estimator. Denoting a satis- factory estimator for c by c“ , modified percentile estimators for m and O are A {EMU-9,)" - QMQ/vc-(l-pz)" a . Rap. - 6*) - flit/\(tpz - 6*) and > 'o 0 I ' Imil-p'rrw -105- respectively with t"' and tp2 as senile percentiles corresponding to predetermined ciaaulative probabilities p' and p2 satisfying [09'] < [092] ' iiow we present some other estimators for the parameters of lieibuli laws. in case of the 3-parameter iieibull law, the expression for the ci-ulative density function (c.d.f.) is found to be I flat) I l - e. 5 (x-C). vdiich gives I LOVE) 'XNW "‘ .QMQIAU-Hx) )4 . ilotlng that, l - F(x) is the probability that an item will survive beyond x , we call l - i-‘(x) - a(x) , the reliability of the item. The equation, QMQN» 840‘) - m XMix-G) - M0 is a linear function of (x-C) . it is known that any sepia distribu- tion function of a continuous random variable obeys the uniform law on the unit interval. For the sake of convenience, we denote Mullah) by y . 0n the basis of saqale observations: t. < tz < ... < t" , we define -l07- i! sin. 0. 6) - Ziy, - aim/fire) 41M”: (2) New. 11-0 . Iéj-o . %§-0 (3) "we yield 3 equations, . in if)”: (We) - £61m :Elfltrfi) . 3y, LN?" C“ CH L‘ri mZWh 4) - name - in (1‘! M :2!“ )‘MTi "’ E i ’i -/(M/0 3:76- ' i EFF Lil (ii i.:\ iiere it is easy to get expressions for m and O in terms of 6 . The real difficulty is in obtaining estimator for C . lie can overcome this difficulty if we use an indirect satisfactory estimator for 6 . One such estimator for C has been pointed out earlier. by means of the equations (2) and (3) we derive estimators for the parameters of iieibuli laws under various situations. i) ii) and, -103- l-parameter Heibull law: a) Special Case: 6-0 and O-i . n E.— ’i Mt. b) General: 6-60 and 0-00 . A :- v, filmy-60) + 1m 00 :TX/Mtrco) 2: iv: (‘i'Go’ 2-parameter Heibuli law: a) Special Case: I A :(y,-)1;A\: it «Mr. WW _ 409- when n n Zn, - ‘) 1m“, - ‘o’ A iIl Z [Mia-60) - bait-60)]: and, iii) 3-parameter Heibull law: iiere using 6* as a satisfactory indirect estimator for G , we have Z (r, - a (mu, - a") lIl Z [Wig-6*) - Wit-6*”: i-i and, «410- in case of the zoparameter liaibull law we can derive estimators for m and O in forlmlla form from another consideration as well. in the field of life testing, the concept of intensity function, }\(t) (also called force of mortality or hazard rate) plays a very useful role. This is defined as 2“ ) f t probability density at t of a failure time ramda variable . 4+ - ii t reliability function at time t of the item under consider- t."- 7 mt... iiow for the Z-parameter lieibuli law with c .. o , )\(t) - e . This gives M“) I Mb) + (m-l) QM; - INC idlich is a linear function in t . lie can convert sample observations to the data on in- tensity function by fol lowing Lomax [l8]. Let us denote QMKR) by z . 0n the basis of sale observations: t' < t2 < ... < t" , we de- fine ll hie. oi - Z (2, - Mia) - (I-l) Mt, + 9m»? . iiere %% I0 and %—% IO yield 2 (2, - 5) Mt, II 2 (QM‘i 'W’2 A mIl+ lm.’ ' “‘ "WP-A - ~ll2- VI. lITEliSlTY FWTIOI: GEKRATOR 0F FAlLlIE LAHS The statistical analysis of data pertaining to life, death or failure time of inanimate and animate objects (e..g. i. length of life of elec- tric bulbs, electron tubes etc. which are specimens of industrial produc- tion and, ii. reaction time observed while determining the effect of drugs on mice, rats etc.) and also fatigue of men, machines etc. can be successfully conducted only mien we correctly know the probability density function (p.d.f.) of the random variable (r.v.) concerned. The problem of actual determination of the p.d.f. of a r.v. arising in the field of life testing has not yet received due attention from the statisticians. on the basis of eapirlcel evidence of Davis [l5], the exponential lair lms taken as a good first approximation to the distribution of length of life. Epstein, Sobei' and others have made useful statistical contributions idlich are valid under the assintion of exponential'ity. Realizing the limitations of this asswtion, some work has been done with the lieibull law [l2]. The ergo-ants put forward in favor of the use of the lieibull ' law appear in observing that the intensity function, defined in chapter V. of the r.v. representing length of life can change with time in con- trast to the exponential law wdlose intensity function is constant in time. Since several industrial products show aging effect, it becomes . apparent that the intensity function of such r.v. must essentially be a function of time. The matter does not seem to end here. The intensity -113- function, as a matter of fact, appears to be a very useful tool in gen- erating a large nmaber of p.d.f.'s appropriate to life testing data. The term, intensity function, is due to Ml [l7]. itwis synony- mous to hazard rate or force of mortality in actuarial statistics. For the sake of convenience to the readers we restate the definition of the intensity function, )qt) . ft ft Ami-77%;) - 5-H- , provided t>c , where f(t) is the p.d.f. of a r.v. representing length of life of an item and a(t) I l-F(t) is the reliability function of the item which is the probability that an item will survive beyond a given time, t . before we proceed further, it may be proper to list some of its siqlle properties. i) Alt) 3 f(t) since 0 5 F(t) 5 l . . This ilmllies that K“) is always non-negative. ii) The reciprocal of the intensity function is called llills' ratio. it has been studied by lillls, Gordon, birnbaua, Des Raj etc. in different colulections. iii) A“) .ybelndependent of t; itmayincrease with t without limit; it may converge toward a constant. iv) A“) I {-13- with t > 6 , gives -l "i- a) f(t) I A“) e and b) f(t) . - il'(t) where t >‘c . The proofs for a) and b) are inediate and hence we omit them. Unless otherwise specified 6 will, for convenience, generally be taken .as zero in the following. The intensity function of the 3-paramater lieibuli law whose p.d.f. is ..i - -'- (t-ci' ISC'G.) . O , t>G€(' O, m) ‘ O,IE(os 0) ' f(t) I 0, otherwise is found to be >\(t) - m , illen m . l, )\(t) .g. idlich is the intensity function for the 2-para- meter exponential law. The sinlicity of the intensity function for these failure laws, idlich have been found to agree well with wirical data in many cases, and the appeal of the idea that the intensity function, an instantaneous propensity to failure in an object with has survived to time t, should be a siqle function of t, suggests that forms derived from other siqlle assumtions about the behavior of the intensity func- tion may find application in a wider class of cases than those covered by ~ll5- the Ueibull distributions. One naturally considers using a polynomial in t for the intensity function. if p )6” - E a! t' then iIO p .i ti'l'i P _ he 'i t' e ' 1 " ' , t > o iIO O , otherwise. Unless the polynomial is restricted, we have the trouble of too many parameters to be able to tell without a large ni-aer of data whether the fit is good because of the appropriateness of the form or because of the Mr of parameters. In some applications it is reasonable to assume that the intensity function is a decreasing function of time. Ltmax US] has pointed out that >\(t) I 5-1-1 appears to be more appropriate for the data relating to retail, craft and service groups in business failure and Mg) . . .- bt for manufacturing trades. Corresponding to A“) I 5%? we get - l § (u ), t>o 0 , otherwise, f(t) I and corresponding to A“) I a a- in we have '1 I»: at— -ll6- -[~~: (' --"")] ae , t>0 f(t) I 0 , otherwise. b t it is clear that m I . «l- . is a linear function of t . be noting X'Tt) by z we obtain sons estimators for a and b on the basis of sale observations: t' < t2 < ... < tn in the following mannen In! m re 0 and M I 0 yield two equations whose solutions are Z; -Z: -‘l7- there 'z-m-l- Z 2' . Similarly from )Ut) Iae- M iIi we get/(MAR) I he - bt which is a linear function of t . iiere n let h(a, b) I Z“, mgMa «l- bt,)2 , where y I fiMXh) ‘ iIi and t t t are l ob 7" l’ 2, , n salmle servations. iiow "1—; I0 and r) T I 0 yield two equations whose solutions are 3’ b _. A- Q'ey‘ibt ’ and n E (t‘ " I) (V. 'y) Ab . iIi n :5” - 't") z iIi where t and 'y' are arithmetic means. Finally we generate failure law from the consideration of growth cruves. iiere A“) I _ (a 1i) , which is known as . l -l- e a logistic function, gives 1.l +fi%: ’ (l + s““* at) f(t) - o , otherwise. F rthermore, .' ..45‘51... I ia‘+ bt “ Jr“! mm) t . Hence letting n Na. bl-E in, «ax-ing2 Hhere u I J)Y\ ijt) and l- Nt) observations, :;%%E ..(l and r\ _. A.. a:- u - D t , and 0 Eu -t)(uI w) A in) ' -li8- t>0 is a linear function of -119- where t and 'u' are arithmetic means. t The transformation u I _S . >\(x) dx is helpful in reduc- o , ing unwieldy expressions of failure laws to relatively slqle forms pro- vided the parameters involved in the intensity function are known. in particular, with extreme value distributions which have possibility of applications in life testing problems the above transformation may prove of linense value. ~i20- liBLimlfl [l] benjamin Epstein and Hilton Sobel, ”Life Testing," Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. #80953), pp. - . [2] 35;. Lehmann, Testing Statistical Hygtheses, John liliey and Sons, [3] O. A. S. Fraser, mramatrlc iiethods in Statistics, John liiley and Sons, l957. [ll] Edward Paulson, 'bn Certain Likelihood-Ratio Tests Associated with the Exponential distribution,” Annals of Mathematical Statistics, VO'O '2’ 09‘“), ”a 30'-3we [5] ii. Pearson (Editor), Tables of the l lete cease function biometric Laboratory, 533, i511. [6] J. lieyman and E. S. Pearson, ”Sufficient Statistics and Uniformly ilost Powerful Tests of Statistical Hypotheses,” Statistical ile- search iiemoirs, Vol. l(l936), pp. ll3-l37. [7] benjamin Epstein and Chia Kuei Tsao, ”Some Tests based on Ordered Observations from Two Exponential Populations," Annals of llathema- tical Statistics, Vol. zii(i953), pp. #58466. [8] Phillip b. Carlson, "Tests of Hypothesis on the Exponential Lower Limit,” Skandinavisk Aktuarietidskrift, l958- lieft l-z (pp. 10-90. [9] b. O. Peirce, A Short Table of lnte rais Ginn and Co., l929 (page 65, formula Sis), 3d rev. :3. (lo) ilarald (truer, llathematical lieth of Statistics, Princeton Uni- versity Press, '37. ‘ [ii] A. E. Sarhan, "Estimation of the ilean and Standard Deviation by Order Stagstics,” Annals of Mathematical Statistics, Vol. 250990, "a 3'7'3 e [l2] John ii. K. 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