A STUDY OF THE REACTION OF DIMETHYL TERTiARY BUTYL CARBINOL WITH BENZENE AND ALUMINUM CHLORIDE Thesis {Or the Degree OF M. S. MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE Wayne Thomas Barrett 1942 '“:- f) q r) v ‘ ‘Ilkz'g !\ - Michigan State L1 'Umversity f" A STUQY g; 1.; ' -- 01: D HY W gum]. cmmxoz. T? Y) 2'? 9 “J." «Li 0"” 13:: Jill- & ‘3;le T '“hv'wrv Ev? by a... 13 mom 6 s Lamar: A.Tfi3313 Suhnittcd to tho Gradusto School of Elohigun State College of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfilment of tho requirement. for the degree of LASIER 0P SCIBHGE Department of Chamiatry 1942 The author wishes to thank Dr. R. C, Huston for his friendly criticism and advice. 331.607 TABLE OF COKTALTS Introduction------ -------------------------------- Fractionating Column Discussiono- ------- --g ----- g ----------- ------ Determination of Plate Value- --------------- ,- -Historical--c------------------------------------- Theoretical-------g---Q-----f ...... --- ..... --;--- Preparation of Dimethyl Tert.-buty1 Carbinol—----- Experimental - Part I ----~-------~--------------~ Condensatione-----—-------------------------- Fractionation----~ ------ --------------------- Identification of Fractiona--- ------- -----..- Condensatione----- -------- ------------------- Table of Reeulte-------~------ .......... ----- Discussion ---------- --------------- ...... - ........ Summary------------------- ------ --- ........... ---- Bibliography-- ---------------------------- - ------ - Page 1 (‘0 IETRODUC T 101‘; Tim. finalisation. of tertiary alcohpls with. benzene-1n the presence of aloninum.chlcride has been exteneively studied in this laboratorye_ In the cone of bighiy'bronchedolcobols, the yieldeof the expected_tertiary;elky1 benzene have been lot; many other products being formed. :fhe object of_ihie investigation is to eeparate and identify-come of these-pro- ducts. _In order to accompliehthie,_a fractionating-column with some epeeialpropcrtiee was eccential. so that more or lose precise aeparotione of the variety of compounds formed, could be made. THE FRACTIOEATIEG COLULH The design of any laboratory fractionating column- mnst necessarily depend upon the particular type of sep- station to be accomplished. Of course, it is desireable in any column to have as high a separating power,~that is plats value. as possible. Thus'with high plate values, a mixture of two closely boiling liquids can be separated quits completely by one distillation. .However, the type . of distillation, the character-of the liquidsto be separated, the amounts, and other practical considerations greatly ef- fect the type_of column to be chosen. From previous work it was known that the liquid to-be distilled consisted of a mixture of hydrocarbons. some un- saturated, and halogen containing-compounds. ~The amount of liquid to be distilled varied from ten to one hundred-»¢» milliliter8._ The boiling temperature ranged from 35 to well over 200 degrees. Vacuum fractionation was necessary since there was a good possibility that some of the compounds decomposed when distilled at atmospheric-pressure.- . From.ths above characteristics it was seen that-the; column should be built for batch distillation, that is the :; whole amount of the liguid.mixturc to be distilled'was placed in the still pot at one time, the mixture slowly changing composition as the more volatile componets were removed. to This is in contrast to the type column used industrially in which a mixture of definite composition is slowly fed into the column. It must be built for vacuum distillation and designed so that there will be no heat loss from.the column. Since semiousntitativc separations on small amoents of liquid are to be msde,the column should have an overall low holdup. The term holdup is defined as the number of cc of licuid retained in the column and head durino distillation. Finally the column should have a fairly high plate value. Before entering into a discussion of the more common type laboratory fractionating columns, some of the terms generally used will be defined. The term "plate Value" is frequently used in describ- ing the ability of a column to separate two liquids by means of their differences in vapor pressure. It is derived from.a consideration of a column which is composed of a series of theoretical plates each acting as a center of equilibrium distillation, the vapors passing from any plate to the plate above to be partially revaporized. This continuous redistillation and recondensation, termed rectif- ication, results in the concentration of the more volatile liquid in the upner portion of the column. Thus a theo- retical plate is a hypothetical apparatus which fulfills the requirement that the vapor rising from a plate is in equilibrium with the liquid leaving the plate. These considerations make it necessary that there be no heat loss. Many laboratory fractionsting columns are not composed of actual distinct plates, The column may be packed with; glass rings. spirals, ect., or it may be ebubble.csp~type,- or unpacked, e.g. the Vigereux column. All of these deviceej nerve as plates and the efficiency of the_column is therefore described in terms of the number of theoretical plates it contains. The expression H.E.T.P. is commonly used to indicate the relationship of the number of plates to the heightof' the column, the_height equivalent for a theoretical plate. The lower this value thermors efficient is the type of-pscking. A factor greatly affecting the separating power of any is the reflux ratio. iThie is defined as the moles of liquid returned to the column over the moles of liquid removed as product. With high reflux ratios the number of theoreticsl plates apparently increases but the time required to collect a definite quantity of liouid increases. A large number of laboratory fractionating-columns -- have been described in the literature. The bubble cap-and gauze plate type columns heveextremely low H.E.T.P.-but the holdup of this type culumn is very considerable and they are not suited for vacuum fractionation. Of the packed columns, the Podbielniak packing, a close . spiral extending the length of the column, is by far the best. The holdup on this type packing is not greats~;lt has been criticised for vscuum.work because of its tendency to from slugs of liquid in the column. The Vigereux type column has a low holdup and. if pro- perly constructed, does not tend to slug. however. the H.. 3.T.?. is rather high. It is ideal for micro-work. The column chosen for this work was of the spinning band type, similier to that described by lessons and loohte (1). Baker. Berkenbus end Roswell (2) have also described a column of this type. The column consists of a steel bend spinning rapidly in en insulated glass tube. The holdup per plate is the lowest of eny of the above types and the“ 4'3. .P. is also low, comparing favorably with the bubble cop type. For this work, the head designed by”¥hitmore (5) appeared ,to be the most satisfactory of the types that could be cone atructed with facility. The Hhitmore heed was modified to allow for the extension of the bend through it. This type heed contains a stopcock by which the reflux ratio can be regulated. The insulation of the column is quite as important as the packing. For vepor temperstures below 100 a silvered Vacuum Jacket is quite sufficient. For higher temperatures ordinary pipe COVcrlnL is used to supplement the vacuum jacket. However. for best results. it was found necessary to install a controlled electrical heating element the length of the column. The heating element is controlled by s.small transformer. Because of the extreme fragility of the head of the column. the take-off tube is supported by a motel connection to the upper part of the column proper (not shown in the aiaérau). The head is wrcpycc extensively with aabccioc card to a §cint two cu.abovc the entrance of the thermometer well. to incurc accurate thcrmoactcr rcucinga. incchutz thermometers are used The tau stopcocla throueh clich.thc organic liquids pace are lubricated with a.hydrocarbcn insolublo'atopcock arcccc. . The slang bearing at.ihc top of the hccd through which .the cad of the band was constructed very carefully. so as to allGW'thc band to be crivcn and at the same time main- taining a vacuum. %ith an ordinary glass hearing (A) A ~To ”107%" W \o -a6 E- -—C— k-(QJ L [Sound the rubber tube (3} which comgletea the vacuum seal is soon worn through Because of the hihh external pressure. Kowcver \ if the 51355 tube (i) 13 tcycred to the cxtcrncl aimmcicr 8-1 of the gluon tube from.thc hcna (C q A B 3. Li #C the ruhb;r lacta many times as long. The rubber to glass moving joint is lubricated with.vcry small amounts of a graphite suspension in glycerine. rr\ thermometer seal to motor A H Full site View of seal vacuum §JL V g? reciever J Spinning Band Fractionating Column Height of column ~ 80 cm Overall hei;ht - 135 cm Scale .5 mm I 1 mm The spinning band is made-of stainless steel and is-;--; 95 cm.long and 7 mm.wide. It is tapered to 3 mm at its upper end. _ .., .4 The distillation pot is filled with glass wool to :rrevent bumping. It is heated by a hot plate, the temp- erature of which is accurately controlled by a 5 amp. transformer.‘ The fraction cutter is designed so that-the reciever can be removed and replaced by-enother without disturbing the vacuum of the system. To accomplish this the systemxis evacuated‘vith.stopcocks C and D open and A and.B closed.-;g The fraction is collected and allowed to run into the reciever by opening B. With E closed air is ellowed-to enter the reciever by adjusting D. She rceiever is replaced with another. C is closed and the reciever.evecuetcd by adjusting 3. until the proper pressure is attained. C is-then opened and in‘. this manner the distillation proceeds without interruption. mummy Several methods for-determining the plate value of -:3. fractionating columns have been described in the literature. The Thielc—HcCabc zrspnicsl method is one of-the simplest :- and.mmct commonly used. 'This method was derived for columns 'which are actually made up of a series of plates but itcan ‘be applied.to columns of thespinning~band type if we view»- the column as a series of segments each of which can be con- aidcred as a plate. Certain assumptions and conditions of distillation are necessary for the application of this method. First. the vapor possum; up the calm (V) on reaching the condenser mat be all condensed. one portion returned to the column as reflux or overflow (0) and the rest heirs: collected as product (29}. The letters V. 0, and F refer to moles per unit time. The column must be assumed to act adiabatically. so must also assume constant vaporization and constant overflow from any plate to the next. The column met operate at constant rate of distillation and constant reflux ratio. The composition of the mterial in the still pot and that of the product must remain constant. This assumption is only approached if the amourde of product are very smll as compared with the amount of residue. A diagram of a theoreticalcolmnn is shown below: v condenser P 1 2 Ir 3 x» V ha. :1 T The column is composed_of plate: 1.2, 3, n, and (n+1); o -; coneonser and reflux return._ The term x refers to the mole {routine of the more volatlle3componet in the liguid under consideretiou: and, the term.y refers to the mole fraction ofthe gore volatile conponet in the vapor-under consider. etion.‘rf.io the composition of the product,_ _‘ . . For any plate the material leaving will equal that entering it (1) . V 'MO‘+ P In tevme of the nmre valetile componet, for plate n (2.) Vym 3 o xn—i—P 1,. Eliminating V . . P (5) ynfl ‘ +63?) xn+ (W) xP and in terms of reflux retio.R h 0/? (“V y,“ a (if: 3 3E4? (ELI?) 3" :xm and It" are-the only'rerioblee-end so the equation (4);;- represents a etruight line of alope~(R/R+ij. this line boiné celled the operating line. Since the slope cap-bc~ottaiued fro-.the reflux ratio the line can be determined hy'eettbl- iehinz e point on the-line. h ‘ _, . w The 2- y equilibriun curve can be plotted from upe- rflmental late. I. O 7i )2 ................ --—--'n-- ---- D x x 2‘ 5..----_---- >( - -.._ .... V >< 10 The composition of the reflux coming to the first plate is the same as that of the product, x. = 1,. The papers rising from this plate has the composition y;. Therefore R (s) y. - (M) an 1—(fi—E—f) x, _- xp Since from.this equation y, 3 x4»the operating line must intersect the x I y line at (x,,y,). The operating line DC, is thus established. Since y. is known, 1. can be calculated from the equation of the operating line, and from.this we can obtain. y, , and from.this x¢,ect. This procedure may be accomplished graphically by merely drawing a series of horizontal and vertical lines:between the operating line and the x-y equi- librium curve, starting at.xp. Each of these steps represents one perfect distillation and so the total number of steps represents the number of perfect plates in the column. Thus, for the determination of plate value it is nec- essary to know the reflux ratio, the composition of the product-and the composition.cf the residues-- For this work, the binary system benzene-oarbon~tetra- chloride was used. The composition of these mixtures is readily established by-determining the refractive index.; The data for the x-y equilibrium curve and the refractive index-composition curve was that given by ZRWide1'(4)3" The liquids used were Baker's-C.-P.,-dried-and care- fully redistilled, a .1 degree fraction being used. ~The refractive indices were determined by means of an Abbe' ll refractometer at 25.2 C. The values determined on known mixtures checked well with the values given by Zawidzki. The x, values in the table_following refer to the com- position of the residue.. Samples of residue were removed during distillation by means of a capillary-extending into the still pot.> About .2 cc were collected as product. The minimum.ref1ux ratio was calculated from.the slope of the line intersecting the x l_y line at xp , and the x-y equilibrium curve at Xf. The actual reflux ratio was determined by comparing the rate at which the drops of product came off the takeeoff tube and the bottom of the column. The graph for the first determination is shown. Table I Trial _ l _ 2 Ref. Ind. 1.4950 1.4901 Ref. Ind.p 1.4719 1.4682 xp .642 .734 R 24:1 1831 min R 1931 2:1 Plate Value 25 24 ILEOTOPO 3.1 501 ' The holdup was determined by the method given by Tong- berg, Fenske, and Quiggle (5). A known volume of a solution of stearic acid in benzene of known concentration was refluxed in the still. A sample was withdrawn from the still pot and its composition determined. From.the change in con- centration the volume of benzene in the column and head- could be calculated. The stearic-acid-was assumed to-be- nonvolatile at 80 C. The concentration was determined by pipetting a two cc sample, evaporating_off the benzene and weighing the residual stearic acid. Table II p .e , .1 Before After After reflux reflux draining Weight stearic .0605 .0667 .0618 acid in 2 cc .0604 .0664 .0620 concentration .0602 .0332 .0310 volume of 23.0 20.6 22.6 liquid in stillepot ' ' Holdup ‘ 2.4 cc .5 Holdup/plats .1 cc The value: fetri fer holdup per plate agree well with those found by lesccne and Lothe. The K.fl.T.F.. however is somewhat hibher, probably because of the different type heed used. D'smaunm‘xox: or COLLPOSITIOI; FROLZ REFRACTIW-J 11m (Benzene and 0014) Refractive Index (t t 25.2) x 1. 494 ‘ ° ° \\ l. 492 3 \ N 10 490 k . 1 \\ Add these “‘r-q . values to 1°488 7 those read on the sbcisss 1. 485 \ xg: .e \ 1.468 '\ .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 Data 'Mols Fraction 0014 .0990 1.4936 .1579 1.4913 .2133 1.4891 .3061 1.4854 .4203 1.4808 .5131 1.4771 .6000 1.4736 .6831 1.4703 .7709 1.4667 DETERMINATION OF marshal}: Eble fraction 0014 in vapor .7 ' y .6 .5 .4 .3 .2__. 33 Ir .1 ix .1 Data for Equilibrium Curve (Bensene and 0014) | ix A L..— X .051 .117 .175 .253 .295 .396 .560 .674 .765 .2 y .069 .146 .211 .292 Q 337 .439 .586 .693 .779. .4 .5 .6 .7 Hole fraction 0014 in liquid - x Data for Operating Line Reflux ratio - 24:1 Slope - .963 If e 115 number of Plates - 25 ‘.Uf.i, w a m. 13 Historical The alhylaticn of arematic conpcunds with alcohols has beau accomplished hy‘various condensing agents. A short review of the use of aluminum chloride for this purpose will follow. The greater‘portion of the no 3 i n this field has been done by fluaton and coaeorhere. .fiuston and Friedmann cendensed benzyl alcohol {6), ~methyl, pheayl carbinol, ethyl, phezyl carbincl and hens- hydrol with benzene. In addition to the eipected nah? stituted benzene they found di- and tri-substituted ben- zenes and in the case of aryl-alkyl carbinols they found phenyl alkancs which were assumed to form by the splitting off of one of the phenyl groups of the main candensation product, the 1,1-diphenyl alkanes. They also found that the ratio of one mole alcohol, five moles benzene and one-half‘molc of aluminum chloride'pes op- timum for the production of the main cendensatien aroduct. . Inc aging the amounts of aluminum.chloridc did not increase she yields. higher temperatures gave acre of the by-products. Huston and Eager I?) attempted to condense 933‘ pri- mary alcohols at room temperxture and with one-half mole aluminum.chloride to one mole of alcohol. Under these VII .1 . vAnflll‘D A. ._ T 14 conditions, methyl, ethyl, propyl, isoproyyl, butyl, iso~ butyl, and isoamyl alcohols did not give the alkyl benzenes. Allyl alcohol did give the allyl benzene. Huston and Good- emoot (8) condensed three cycloalkyl carbinols (-hexyl, -pentyl, obutyl) and showed that the ease of condensation was related to the strain in the ring: the greater strain being more conducive to condensation. Huston and others (é) have condensed tort.-butyl, tert.-amyl, the three tert.-hexyl, the seven tert.—heyty1 and all of the tert.-octyl carbinols with benzene. From these condensations it has been found that the ratio of one mole of alcohol to one-half mole of aluminum chloride is optimum.for the production of the corresponding mono-alkyl benzene. As branching on the occarbon increases the yields of the expected alkyl benzene decrease and un— saturated compounds, halides and lower alkyl benzenes form. Condensation at lower temperatures decreases the amount of these side~products formed.' For example the condensation of dimethyan-butyl carbinol save a 4? % yield of z-methyl, 2-phenyl—hexane while condensation of dimethyl tert.-butyl carbinol gave only a 7 % yield of 2,3,3-trimethyl, 2-phenyl butane. CondenSation of dimethyl tert.-amyl carbinol gave, in addition to the expected alkyl benzene, a 9 W yield of tert.-butyl benzene. Dimethyl neo—amyl carbinol at 10 gave a 42 % yield of tert.-butyl benzene. Most of above alcohols have also been condensed with phenol (10}. The reaction, in general, setters to proceed analeronsly. HoweVer two difi eren es axe to be noted. The condensation, itself, proceeds with the reru metiee of mere intense colors, and the yields of elk; l phenols are much hinher. In no 6989,.ha8 there been re- ported the formation of lower'moleeuler‘Weipnt elk 1 phenols. Huston and Jackson (11) condensed several nlhyl- diphenyi curbinols with phenol. l‘he primary elkyl~ diphenyl carbinols gave the expected products, the.sec- ondary alkyl diphenyl carbinels have p-benz :Jl fihenel and 'secondary alhyl benzenes in addition to the ernected Drew ducts. Tcrt.-butyl diphenvl cerbincl centensld t) Iive the rearranged prednct; ,p-hbdrOXVphee ls r-dgpnen Somethyl butane. flushes, (13) sendensi.* same diflxl Jl-ary'l c Hrb nils 'Uith benzene reverted the 1 grantinn of din sf the cer- resnendinr unsaturated products of the alcehels, in addi- tlon to the expected di 7nhen;ll alxI:m es. l’mye, Ian-ti stem-rs, (1(5) hive ccndcmsed Irma-'13; of the secondary alcahels with Inn‘s e. ihe e;1u 111); s n: d fer the condensation were seneuhut different fren these zeentiewed above. Fifty pr: 8 (0.5 xeole) of allt' in chloride'uere necded fir one-half male of alcohol. there almainnn ch] eride decrees?! tr- .e 31:31.5“ In? .uene-elifg'l benzene. ‘i‘no naiditlz'm of dry i101. thrmq‘hout t}: “it“:n of alcohol increased the “ields. The nicehol was added .41.?"1' . lit... 4 to the suspension of aluminum chloride and benzene in an ice bath. The mixture, in samo cases was refluxed for several hours. .In many cases rearranged alkyl benzene“ wore formed. Sovo a1 condensations of alcohols with obnor uro- mutic sobstoncoo have been reported f?0J this luhjrotory (14). Tookorvrmik Hawkommik 1:152 C'O-I?OZI’}IVI’S (13) have royortod the cofidonootion of some of the lower yrlmwry, secondary and tertiary alcohols mifih benzene and phenol. The ratio of aluminum.chlorido to alcohol used by thosO‘workors Hos varied. In gonoral, 1.5 to 2 UJIGS aluminum ch orido por mole of Drinmry alcohol; 033 ole aluminum chlorifia por.nolc of second ry alcohol; ugd, ono— hulf'molo oluninum.chloride per'uolo tortiary alcohol has boch used. inc mixturoo aftor tho midition of tro aluminum chloride have boon refluxed several hours before hydrolysis. filkonoa and alkyl halides havo boon isolutcd as byE?DGUCt9 in the condensation of tertiary alcohols with bouzone. Secondary alcohols gave no alkonos or alkyl halides. Several cyclic alcohols have also been condensed with benzene by lsukorvunlk and co-uorkora (10). The olkanos and alkyl halidos were again isolated as byproducts. “01511 and 91111320 (1'7) have condensed some tom-lary- aryl carbinols with benzene. They, also, report the formation of tho corresponding alkcne of the corbinols and their sat- unoted dimers. .. . IsA $1..» Ilw ‘ 17 3| Norris and co-workers (18) have condensed several *- primary alcohols under conditions similiar to those used by Tsukervanik. They report the formation of symmetri- cal trl-alkyl bonzenos. Ipatief and co-workers (19) have reported the con- densation of n-proyyl alcohol with several condensing agents. With aluminum chloride the unrearrangod product, n-propyl benzene, was obtained. Hoo-pentyl alcohol also gave the unrearrsngod alkyl benzene. 18 TlfliORILJT ICAL The discussion of the theoretical aspects of the alkyl- ation of benzene with alcohols must be closely related to its alkylation with alkenes and alkyl halides, since all act in a similiar manner to give the alkyl benzene. The alkylation reaction by any of the three above alkylating agents has been proposed to have a common ionic intermediate. Or, the reaction of alcohols has been proposed to involve slkenes and/or alkyl halides as intenmediates. Aluminum chloride complexes with either the aromatic substance or the alkylating agent have also been proposed as intermed- iates. The great activity of aluminum chloride with a wide variety of substances has given data to support all of the above types of mechanisms. The direct removal of water from the alcohol and ben- sens by the dehydrating agent, aluminum chloride, does not explain the reaction characteristics, color, ect,, and the rearranged products obtained. The formation of alkenee as intermediates has been assumed to explain the rearrangement of the alkyl groups of certain alcohols. Thus primary alcohols have given sec- ondary alkyl benzenes, and some ice-alcohols give tertiary alkyl benzenee, e.g. isobutyl alcohol gives tert.-butyl . l 1 9 ! benzene. The work of Kaye (13) with secondary alcohols. in this laboratory has shown, that in every case where un- saturation of the alcohol and subsequent addition of Hal or benzene would, by the Earkonikow rule, lead to rearranged products or mixtures of rearranged products, such products have been found. Thus, butanol-Z gives the expected 2-phenyl butane, while 2-methyl butanel-S gave the tertiary alkyl benzene, 2-methyl, 2-phenyl butane. Heptanol-S gave mixtures of the two secondary heptyl benzenes predicted by the above concept. KcKenna and Sowa, using boron triflouride as a catalyst have proposed such a.mechanism.on the basis of the above type rearrangements and the isolation of small amounts of the alkenes and their polymers from.the products of the reaction (20). R-CIIz-CHQOEE _B_F3., R-CH - 0112 R-CH = 0112 +0536 -—-> R-cn(cfir15)-C}53 _ Welsh and Drake (l7) condensing tert.-ary1 carbinols with phenol ahd benzene in the presence of alumunim chloride have found analogous results. They have proposed a mech- anism.similiar to that above. Enghes (12). in this labora- tory, has condensed some dialkylaryl carhinols with benzene and phenol and found, in addition to the expected diphenyl_ alkanes, dimers of the corresponding alkene of the alcohol. The reduction product of the alcohol, 3-phenyl pentane in the case of diethylphenyl carbinol was also obtained. Jackson (11), in this laboratory, condensing diaryl- Ellllilialill.|u U, . ti“.- .. al‘lJ‘.‘ 1,0 alkyl carbinols has also noted the formation of the reduc- tion product with some alcohols. These-reduction products~ might be explained by the addition of hydrogen to the alkene formed from the alcohol. Tsukervanik (Tzoukerwanik)(15) has preposed a mechanism of the following type for tertiary alcohols. t-C5H110H + AlCls—H t-C53110A1012 + 1301 t-CSHHOAlClz ——> 052110 + AlClZOH C5H10-+ HCl-—-—9t-05H11C1 tfcsfllicl‘t 06H5 ._Al§i3,. t'05311°6£5*t £01 The experimental evidence offered has been the isolation of alkenes and alkyl halides as byproducts. Tsukervanik sug- gests that the aluminum alcoholate is formed through the preliminary addition of aluminum chloride to the alcohol with the subsequentelimination of H01. Complex formation of alcohols and aluminum chloride has been investigated by several workers. Perrier and Pou- get (21) have proposed two types of solid complexes between primary alcohols and aluminum chloride. Thefirst, the - ”addition product“ is formed at lower temperatures with an excess of alcohol. The other, the ”substitution product“, is formed at higher temperatures with an excess of aluminum chloride and the elimination of H01 R-o-H R-O- l-Cl camel 1 01 addition product substitution product‘ This work has been repeated and extended by hpetse (22) who arrived at the same conclusions. The analytical data has shown that usually several molecules of alcohol are associated with one molecule of aluminum chloride. The ease of formation of an alcoholate would be pre- dicted to be primary} secondary)>tertiary, since the ease of replacement of the H of the alcoholic hydroxyl group is in this order. This is. of course, in the reverse order of the ease of condensation of alcohols. This criticism is only valid if it is assumed (1), that the alcoholatc for- mation is the rate determining step in the overall reaction and (2), that it is the 0 - h bond which is broken in the formation of the aluminate. That this. in the case of tert- iary alcohols, may not be so is illustrated below: 3-0-0 + A1013 —— n~c~o§31l301 H-C-E soc-sh.,IILiL'.Q.IL"=\. ' n n (2) addition complex R (1) HhC-OeAlCl stable aluminate of hie-H Cl primary or secondary alcohol H (2) R Cl R-C-O Al-Cl unstable aluminate of h-C tertiary alcohol The known stability of the complexes of tertiary alcohols as compared with those of primary alcohols agrees well with this hypothesis. The decomposition of prepared aluminates gives varied products. With primary alcohols the decomposition takes place at high temperatures giving the chloride. Ethers also have been reported as forming (22). Aluminates of tertiary alcohols decompose at room tuperature or slightly above giving alkones (23). The addition of H61 to olefins, catalysed by aluminum chloride is well known. It takes place rapidly even at - - very low temperatures (24). At this point, all of the sub- stances necessary for an ordinary Fricde1~Crafts reaction are present. Tsukervanik (15) again proposes an aluminate-as the intermediate in the condensation of secondary alcohols with . benzene. .ectROH + LlCl3 -—) ROA1012 + HCl R0A1012 + 65115 3394-35-1 3-05115 + Houclz He found no chlorides or alkenes as byproducts. - This mech- anisn would not explain the rearranged products found by Kaye. Tsukervanik (16) proposes the following mechanism for cyclic alcohols, on the basic of the isolation of the ole- fins and halides as byproducts, e.g. cyclohexanol‘ c6HnoH + A1013 ——) 061110 + AlClZOH +HC I 06H“, + 11:31 —-> 05111101 C6HlO + c6H6 ——-) 66H1166H5 A101 , 06H1101 +06H6 ——5—) C6Hllc6H5 + 1101 . Gustavson (25) has prepared crystalline ternary complexes at low temperatures, some containing a molecule of H01. These probably do not enter into thsFriedel-Crafts reaction a“; sinsethey do not appear to form at higher temperatures. Several ionic mechanisms have-been suggested.; The‘ three to be discussed all involve a catanoid attack on the :- benzene ring. Daugherty (26)-suggests_that the active agents are polarised or ionised_addition compounds between the hale:- ide and aluminum.chloride and the benzene and aluminum chloride which exist in small amounts with the ordinary molecules. cans + A1013: 06H5A1013—g (06H5A1613Y - H“ RX+ A1C13£=PAXA1013¢ R‘i- (M1013)— (06H5A1013) - H“ +R - (M1013):(CGH5A1013) - R + H - (was) (06115111015) - R:CGH5RA1013:’ C6H5R+ hm;5 H" - (m1c13);31m1013 :Hx + A1Cl3 . This theory is supported by the work of Prins (27) which indicates that benzene ionizes to give phenyl_and hydrogen ions under the influence of aluminum chloride. pnthe basis of the above mechanism Daugherty predicted and demonstratedx ’the transference of halogen from one-halide to another, e.g. the formation of ethylene chlorobromide from ethylene bromp ids and ethylene chloride under the action of aluminum chloride.~ . ' ‘ .1 ‘ 7 p ‘h Thomas (28) suggests a proton theory in which the proton attacks the benzene. HC1+A1013(_ mm 4 m101“_ H + A1014 H H + “C zinc; H 'l— IIC CH —+E H" CH EC , . H HC , , ..CI{ . C." + . C . H H The hydrogenated benzene is new susceptible to subst-- itution by any compound having an unshared pairs: electrons (olefin, halide,_alcohol). Addition of the proton-to the;; alcohol or halide withsubsequent shifting to a more stable state is proposed to aecount;tor the isomerieation of the - slkylating agent. This proton theorijill explain the action of aluminum.chloride in effecting cracking of paraffine,;e dehydrogenation, isomerization,polymerization and alkylat- 1°n' _ , .. V. . , . . . .. . The last mechanisn.to be discussed is the catsnoid-theory proposed by Price (29). ”The reversibility-of the alkylation of benzene is well knoun. 'Dialkyl benzenes are readily con- verted to monoalkyl benzenee by refluxing them eith_bensene and aluminum chloride. ‘Ulich and Heyne (so) have found that the rate_ot alkylation of benzene_wae directly proportional to the concentration of the catalyst-aklyl halide complex_ shown below. Wertyporoch (31) has shown that this complex is ionic. H i ii c1—-2E H‘ (i ii 01)“ 1‘: O. .‘ : d. + .0.- .. .. .0 " Cl Cl H H s. C... Rs C." R"+ no ' on —-v EC ' ' en :50 .- ‘ ,CH 11c . .3le 'T.‘ :0 . + O Alcohols would react analogously. Olefins would associate ‘with aluminumtchloride to give a slightly different tpyc cation. 1; R-‘C +AlCl -—-) R-C II 3 ""‘ | II—C—H I—E-C—H + The sis-trans isomerization of olefins by aluminum.chloride is easily explained by this type complex ' R-fi-H + A1013 (1" R-C-H“ {— R-g- -H + A1013 R'C’H Re- -H He- OR 013 .The rearrangement of alkyl groups during 31ky18t193,;* primary to secondary, ect.,~is then due to the electron def- icient carbon atom in the cation. This is in accordance ; with theviews expressed by Whitmore in his article on mol- ecular rearrangements (32) HH 'HH CH3 CH3: 01:23 OH—>CH5: g3: d+—-—)013'c~c H . H} , . . . -The rearrangements observed by Kaye can be-easily explained in the above manner. .In the case of boron trig fluoride as a catalyst, the alkylatipn with alcohols must‘- be so rapid, in some cases-that isomerisation does not occur. For_example. d-sec.-butyl alcohol gives small_amounts of 19;. sec.-butyl benzene in addition to the d,l-eec.~butyl benzene. The asymmetric alkyl cation must have reacted simultaneously with.the process of its formation as that racemization was not complete. The inversion was due to the approach of the ring at the face of the asymmetric carbon opposite that be- ing vacated by the anion. 02H5 c2315 - / \ n - Q a): - “1:215 Odes 01:3 . . 113 Price has calculated from dipole moments and interatomic distances the‘charge on thccdlatcm of-various substituent " groups on the benzene ring. From.these he has calculated the polarizing force on the double bond of the ring. ~And; from.this_he obtains_the degree of meta orientation of the enteringgrcup on the basis of his catenoid theory. ~The calculated values agree very well with the observed meta orientationol _ . _ _ _ The formation of olefins and halides, therefore, in - the condensation of alcohols with benzene is a side reaction. 033 (”13' R -C-OH +A1013 ——‘ R~C+3+HOA1015 3 R CH3 CH3 CH 1 f H-Ici+?"—<_=%+01<__rR-§-01 and mm 53% R- c = 0112 In an earlier article Price_(33) has shown that with 333 as a catalyst, the conditions for the alkylation ef-j naphthalene nith cycloheranol are_nnch less vigorous than: those for the formation of cyclohexene from.the alcohol by the action of 3-3. . . In summary, and mechanism to be considered should be consistent with the observations made by Huston and oo-wcrkers that condensation is aided greatly by strain on thenoccarbon atom of the entering group.' In the case of saturated alie phatic alcohols the amount of strain is in direct relation- ship with the case of dehydration.‘ Koweyer, in considering other types of alcohols, it becomes apparent that some condense readily which cannot-dehydrate-easily, e.g.3benzyl alcohol, benzhydrol, and cyclybutyl carbinol. The relation- n 1,- 5.1!, 31.1.! 4 A ship of this strain to the formation of carbonium in not well established. ions ‘4 .-__. M ch Preparation of Dimethyl Tert.-butyl Carbinol. Butlerou first reported the synthesis of dinethyl tert.-bptyl carbinol in 1875 (54). He prepared it by the laborious reaction of zinc dimethyl on trimethyl acetyl chloride. He noted the striking property of the ease of formation of a solid hydrate and showed by analysis that it contained two molecules of carbinol per molecule or water. He prepared the corresponding chloride, iodide, and alkene from the alcohol by the usual methods. The cerbinol was prepared in 1881, with difficulty, by the action of zinc dimothyl on the acid chloride of trichlor-scetic acid (35). In the same year it was pre- pared by Kaschirsky from oCbromo isobutyryl brorfide and zinc d1methy1.(36) Henry (37) isolated the carbinol as the main product in the attempt to make the monochlorhydrin of pinscol by the action of methyl magnesium.bromide on ethyl chloro~isobutyrate. Henry suggested that the carbinol was formed in the following manner (38): (CH ) .. - -oc ,.+CH --Br-—)(CH)- .. -CH 3221 8.1311" 3mg 3231 high:- Jim, (035)2-c -fc (CH3)2 Cfingg ((315)343 .. 8.251%?)2 Henry (39) prepared the intermediates by separate synthesis and showed that both were converted into the f‘ n 0.; .7} carbinol on treatnent with crsrgnr. He also preparedthc carbincl from acetone and tert.-butyl magnesium chloride (40).. he obtained very good yields of the carbinol by the action of meth¢1_megnesium‘bromide on pinacolone (41), Several other nethods, very similiar to the above, have been described. All of the above mentioned workers have described the peculiar ease with.which the carbinol combines with*waterM to form a solid hydrate.. Edgar (42) and Whitmore (43) have also described this property. nhile_acverel other aliphatic alcohols form hydrates (tert.-butyl, isepropyl, eat.) the melting point of the hydrate in all cases, is lower than that-of the pure alcohol. Dry dimetnyl tert.-butyl carbirol forms a hydrate instantly on contact with meter or even moist air, which has a.melting point eistyufive degrees higher than-the carbinol.iteelfe; In this laboratory, all of the possible tert,-;emy1,-hexyl, heptyl and octyl and some of the higher secondary alcohols have been prepared. All are liquids at room temperature and with the above exception none form solid hydrates (none. has been reported an forming a liquid hydrate), -Thie unique case of the formation of a white crystalline hydrate by dimethyl tert.~butyl carbirol.glgg§ has not been satisfact- orily explained. Dutlerow and.3dgar reported that the hydrated'water could be removed by allowing the crystals to stand over ill 5-2.! 1.44 U) a) barium oxide. This worker, however, found that the anhy- drous form was not obtained by this method even after standing a dessicator over barium oxide for sever 1 months. The alcohol was readily dried by allowing an ether sol- ution to stand several days in the presence of metallic sodium, the latter at reduced pressure. The carbinol, itself, melts at 17 and boils at 128- 30. It has a camphor-like odor characteristic of the tertiary heptyl and octyl alcohols. The hydrate melts at 80 sublimes readily at roam temperature, and distills. over as the solid at about 120-5. Edgar (42) and Whitmore (43) have prepared the car— binol by the action or tert.-butyl magnesium.chloride on specially purified acetone. In this laboratory Binder (44) prepared the carbinol by the procedure of Whitmore obtaining yields 0 f 15-80 w. Hedrick (45) also in this laboratory prepared the carbinol from pinacolone and methyl magnesium bromide obtaining 70 % yields based on the pinacolone. ' Several methods were used by this worker. The prep- aration from pinacolone proved to be the most successful. Pinacolone was prepared by the reduction of acetone with magnesium and rearrangement of the resulting pinacol by means of the procedure given in Organic Synthesis (46). The carbinol was also prepared by the actibn oi two moles of methyl magnesium bromide on trimethyl acetyl- chloridc. The latter was prepared from the acid by nu. «+15%le -v.—.-. means of thionyl chloride. Trimethyl acetic acid wcs prepared from tert.-butyl magnesium chloride and carbon dioxide. Another method of preparation was again by use of methyl magnesium bromide, this time five moles reacting with one mole of the ethyl ester of tricholo-acetic acid. ihe ester was prepared from the acid chloride, the latter being prepared from the acid by means of phosphorous pentachloride. Preparation of Pinacolone Pinacol hydrate was prepared from acetone and mag- nesium by the procedure civen in Organic Synthesis (46). The pinaeol hydrate wis converted into pinacolone by dis- tilling from.6 N sulfuric acid (Org. Syn.). The pinacolone was dried and fractionated. The fraction boiling at 103-? was collected. Yields, based on magnesium, are from 30-35 %. In all about 1800 grams (20 runs) were prepared. Preparation of Methyl magnesium Bromide The Grignard reagent was made by passing gaBOOus methyl bromide into magnesium turnings suspended in ether in a three—necked flask fitted with a reflux condenser, motor stirrer, and inlet tube for the gas. Enough methyl bromide for five moles of Grignard reagent was generated by heating (sand bath) 320 g methyl alcohol, 750 g cone. “I -4. sulfuric acid, 50 cc water, and 1050 g sodium.bromide in a three liter round-bottomed flask. The methyl bromide was passed through a wash train consisting of three bottles of 40 %JNaOfl and three bottles of cone. sulfuric acid with three saftey bottles. Five and one half moles of magmesium.and three liters of anhydrous ether were used in a five liter three necked flask. The methyl bromide was passed in until the magnesium had all disappeared. Reaction of’methyl Grignard Reagent. The pinacolone, or trimethyl acetyl chloride (see below),‘was slowly dropped in, substituting the inlet tube with a dropping funnel, and the mixture stirred for several hours after the carbonyl compound had been‘ added. Sometimes, it was necessary to add more anhydrous ether. The mixture was hydrolized on ice and enough hydro- chloric acid to dissolve the magnesium.hydroxide. The ether layer was separated and the water layer extracted five or six times,'with ether, to remove the hydrate, which is fairly soluble in water. The ether extracts were washed with water and dried first with anhydrous sodium sulfate and then with metallic sodium.for several days. The alcohol was distilled from the sodium under reduced pressure, the fraction boiling at 48-51 (20 mm) was collected. About ten moles of carbinol were prepared 33 from Pin80010ne by this method, the yields being 70-75 %. Preparation of Terethyl Acetyl Chloride. Tert.~butyl magnesium chloride was prepared accord- ing to the excellent procedure given by Uhitnore (43 . Details will not be given here. Carbon dioxide was passed into 2.5 moles of the Grignard reaeent accordina to the directions given in Organic Synthesis (4'7). Trimethyl acetic acid G3 P 164, ‘ H.P 35) was obtained in 53 % yield. The acid chloride was obtained by addina 60 g thi- onyl chloride to the acid in a 250 cc Vigereux column. lhe mixture was slowly distilled, flCl, 602 and excess thionyl chloride coming off first. The acid chloride was collected at 116, 80 g were obtained (69 % yield). Preparation of Ethy Ester of Trichlor-Acetic Acid. One hundred and eighty grams of P015 were slowly added to 200 g trichlor~acetic acid (commercial product) in a 500 cc Vinereux column. The acid chloride, alone with some phosphorous oxychloride were slowly distilled off (B P 115-20). The distillate was immediately placed in a 500 cc round-bottomed flask fitted with a reflux condenser. To the mixture was added 100 cc absolute ethyl alcohol with cooling. The mixture was then refluxed for two hours until the evolution of hCl ceased. The ester was then distilled (BtP 168) and 170 g were obtained. The percent yield of ester, based on the acid was 73 b. 34 15.3 ester was added dropwise with stirring: to five . moles of methyl mrlpniesium bromide, prepared as above. When the reaction had subsided the ether had evaporated off and two liters of anhydrous toluene added. The mix- ture was refluxed for eight hours and allowed to stand over night. It was then hydrolized, extracted, dried, and distilled in the manner described above. Twenty-three g of alcohol were obtained (20 $5 yield). 55 LAPLRILEKTAL Several preliminary oondensations were run to deter- mine the conditions and amount of A1015 to be used. jThe‘ following procedure was used with slight modifications for all condensationa. The reaction was carried out_in n three-necked flask fitted with a mechanical. glycerine stirrer, a reflux cond- enser and a dropping funnel. Thiophene free benzene,_dried over sodium.was used. The aluminum chloride was Baker's Q C. P. anhydrous resublimed. The aluminum chloride was added to the benzene, the mixture stirred for two or three hours, and the alcohol slowly added dropwise with stirring.-;After all the alcohol was added the mixture was stirred several- hours more and then allowed to stand-overnight. The mixture, was hydrolized on ice and small amounts of hydrochloric acid. The benzene layer was separated and the water layer extracted several times with ether. The combined layers were washed with dilute sodium carbonate and then dried with anhydrous sodium.sulfate. The ether and benzene were-distilled off and the residue fractionated under reduced pressure. 'For the first five condensations a Vigereux column was used. - Thc products of the remaining condensatione were fractionated with the spinning band column. to O} Condensation I Alcohol % mole (51 a; A1313 i/e ' 44 g Benzene 2% “ 270 cc) The hydrated form of the carbinol was used. Slightly larger amounts of A1013 were used to take up the water. The alcohol was dissolved in half of the benzene and the eolution added dropriae to the mixture. The reaction temperature was 0. Only small amounts of product were formed. finndeunniicn 11 Alcohol 1 mole (125 .) A101 % ' 70 a? Benzene 5 I 390 E) The anhydrous alcohol was added to the mixture of ben- zene and aluminum.chloride. The reaction temperature was 0. The following fractions were obtained. The'weighte listed are not to be taken as those of pure fractions since no precise separation could be made. 1 48-51 2“ mm - 25 g 2 (SC-71 20 mm '- 1 g 3 71-74 20 ran - 4 g 4 75-104 2~ mm - 3 g 5 104-109 SC- mm - 23:: g 6 115-130 20 mm - 5 g 7 above 130 20 mm. - 4 3 Fraction 1 consisted mostly of the alcohol, as solid hydrate. Fraction 3 was id ntified as tert.-butyl benzene.’ Condensation III Alcohol 1 mole 115 .) A1C13 % ” 68 3% Benzene 5 ' (390 g) The anhydrous alcohol was used. The temperature was 40-45. The reaction mixture turned very dark. ‘The follow- ing fractions_were obtained. Again the separations are not very accurate. 43-55 20 mm 1 - 7 g 2 55-70 20 mm - 2 g 3 70-78 20 mm - 6 g 4 78-83 20 mm #- 1 8 5 83-93' 20 mm - 1 8 6 93-102 20 mm - 2 g 7 102-108 20 mm - 20 g 8 108-150' 20 mm - 7 g 9 108-155 ‘ 11 mm - 4 g 10 above 155 11 mm - 6 g Fraction 1 consisted mostly of the alcohol, Fractions 5 and 7 were identified as tert.-butyl and tert.-heptyl benzenes, res- pcctively.* Gondcnaaiinn IV Alcohol 1 mole (130 g A1C13 1 ” 133 g Benzene 5 ” 390 g The reaction temperature was 10-15. The mixture turned very dark. The fractiona~werez p O . 43-50 20 mm 1 - ‘ a 2 50-62 20 mm - 3 3 5 64-70 20 mm - 12.8 4 70-78 20 mm - 4 3 5 78-83 20 an - 2 E 6 83-93 20 mm - 1 g 7 95-102 20 mm - -7 8 8 105-107 20 mm - 8 g 9 107-111 20 mm - 11 g 10 111-150 20 mm - 6 g 11 108-140 11 mm - 9 s 12 above 140 11 mm - 4 g ' Fractions 5 and 4 were identified as tert.-buty1 benzene. Fraction 8 was identified as tert.-hepty1 benzene. 37 ‘ Table III fl Condensation recovered t.-butyl intermediate t.-hentyl > alcohol benzene Eel. Wt. 150 benzene I 3055 1:6 1;: 1 II 20» 4'26 222$ 14 III 5» 5:5 4214 '12 IV 7% 8:3 7;; 6 From the results above it can be seen that the hydrated fern.o£ the alcdhol is not very active in condensations. Low temperatures give relatively higher amount. of the tert.- heptylbenzene while higher temperatures give more of thc‘ lower alkyl benzenes and also more of the very high boiling compounds. Larger-quantities-or aluminum chloride at about room temperatures appear to have little efcet on the products. Accordingly a larger amount of the alcohol was con--» densed atle-lfi using one mole of alcohol per half mole of aluminum.chloride. WV Alcohol 4 moles 460 g A1013 2 " 264 g Benzene ‘ 20 1' A.- 1500 cc). The reaction temperature was 10-15. _An 18 inch Viger- eux column was used for the first fractionation.t Large~- quantities of HCl were given off during the first part of :- the distillation. The fractions below were subject to care- ful refractionation using the special column built for this purpose. 80-110 760 mm ‘ 1 - 88 g éHCl off 2 110-130 760 mm - 93g "Cl off 3 50-64 20 mm - 9 g 4 64-69 20 mm - 17 a 5 69-83 20 mm - 32 g 6 83-93 20 mm - 7 g 7 93-102 20 mm. - 40 g 8 103-106 20 mm - 14 g 9 106-111 20 mm - 45 g 10 111-130 20 mm - ‘ 6 g 11 121-180 S’mm - 60 g 12 above 180 8 mm - 3 g Fractions 1, 2, and 3 consisted of a mixture of ben-.: sens, the solid hydrate and other compounds. -Ihis mixture could not be fractionated with the spinning band column‘ because of the solids. Accordingly a vacuum.3acketed 20- inch Vigereux column with a large bore sidearm (10 mm)'vas used. An ordinary Wurtz flask nae used as a reciever.‘-It ‘was cooled with a stream of water. By this_nethod of free- tionation three compounds were isolated. ~0ne, boiling at 70-74 was identified as 2,3,3-trimethyl butane-1. Another was the tnnzene. boiling at 80-82. . The third, boiling at 110-130 was the solid hydrate of the alcohol.- The hydrated toms of the alcohol, even when carefully purified, does not boil sharply, small crystals first appearing on the sides of the reciever at about 110. The majority of this third‘ fraction boiled at 124-128. Small amounts of chloride were found mixed with it. Fractions 4, 5, and 6 were fractionated under reduced pressure with the spinning band column. Small amounts of 40 the lower boiling compounds, above, were found. The greatest portion boiled constantly at 52-52.5.(11 mm), This portionf. was identified as tert.-butyl benzene. The residue was mixed ‘with fractions 7, 8, and 9. The separation of the-compounds mixed in 7, 8, and 9 ;; was accomplished only by carefull adJustment of the different variables of the column. With the column set at total reflux, the temperature of the heater for the still_pot use adjusted so as to allow very gentle reflux. The Jacket temperature was adjusted to the temperature of the~refluxing-vapor(1ns- chutz readings). Too slow refluxing caused the vapor_temp- erature to fluctuate and be markedly low. Too-rapid reflux-~ ing again caused too low temperature readings and also-caused slugs of liquid to pass up and down the column._ The large volume of vapor rising into the reflux condenser gave rise to appreciable amounts of cold liquid which were returned to the column. This relatively cold liquid lowered thev temperature readings and, in addition, condensed more of the vapor - which is at equilibrium temperature. This formed a mass of liquid in the upper portion of the column com- pletely upsetting the equilibrium conditions. After the lowest, constant, temperature readings, with refluxing, were obtained, the stopcock a was partially opened to allow the distillate to collect. The reflux ratio was set at about 10:1 or 15:1. If the temperature varied more- than one-half degree, the stopcock was closed and the column 'was operated at reflux until the temperature came back to 41 normal. The distillate was then collected as before. When most of the lower boiling compound had been removed the temperature readings were not constant. For example, in the separation of tert.-buty1 benzene from the next higher boiling compound, tert.-amyl benzene (B. P. 69 -;11 mm), when only small amounts of tert.-buty1 benzene were left the temp- erature sould drop. The heat input at the bottom of the col- umn, uhich.was Just sufficient to drive the tert.-hutyl ben- zene vapor to the head of the column, was not quite suf— I ficient to drive the tert.-amy1_benzene vapor to the head in sufficient quantities to give accurate temperature read- ings. This difficulty was remediedby increasing slightly the heat input at the bottom.of the column. _As the amount of tert.-butyl benzene in the vapor bee some very small the temperature readings rose rapidly.: She column was then operated_at total reflux until the temper? ature readings dropped to the‘boiling-point of tert.rbutyl; benzene (55 a 11 mm). The stopcock was then opened and dis- tillate collected, at a high reflux ratio, until the readings again rose. By using this procedure repeatedly a rather precise separation could be made. Only a few drops‘were. collected between the boiling ranges of tert.-butyl and tort.- amyl bensenes. The tert.-amyl benzene was separated from the higher boiling compounds by this same-prooedure.~ The separation of highly boiling compounds by fraction- ation under reduced pressure hacomes more difficult as the 42 boiling point increases. With~ths above compounds the boiling points of the pure compounds under reduced pressure were very simply determined. However, the distillation of fractions 7, 8 and 9 gave no sharp boiling temperatures,' ranging from 75 to 95 (ll mm) depending upon the_oonditions of distillation. These variations in vapor temperatures were due to; first, the inherent difficulties found in;; fractionating high boiling compounds and; second, the fact that three or more rather closely boiling compounds were present in the vapor. The boiling point of the first was known, 69 (11 mm) - the tert.-amyl benzene. .The highest boiling compound W33; the tert.-hepty1 benzene. Its boiling range was approximately known, 10:5. (12 mm). The boiling point of the compound comprising the middle portion of this fraction was,_of course, unknown. For a . good separation it was, however,necessary to know its boil- ing point. This intermediate compound showed-positive tests for unsaturation. A series of fractions of this intermediate-. compound differing in boiling point by about one degree were out. Micro-iodine numbers were run on each. -The fraction having the highest iodine number was assumed-to have the---- boiling point of the pure unsaturated-compound.~ The results are shown in the graph-below.“ They indicate that 81 (11 mm) is the boiling point of this compound. 43 iodine J /\ 79 80 81 82 83 B. P. 11 mm Continued fractionation gave a fairly large portion boiling at 80~83 (11 mm). ~This unsaturated fraction prob- ably still contained some amounts of tert.-amyl and tert.r; heptyl benzene. however, it was sufficiently pure for iden- tification. . Since relatively largeamounts of tert.-heptyl benzene were formed its boiling point was readily determined. ‘The separation of the tert.bheptyl benzene pas attended with no. special difficulties. ‘Its boiling range was 103-106o(llmm). .The rather large amount of material boiling above-the; tert.-hepty1 benzene was not redistilled. The distillation with the Vigereux column had indicated no sharp fractions, the temperature readings rising steadily as‘t c distillation proceeded. Wflmt one- The fractionation of the lower boiling portions of-; later condensations has shown the existence-of three more-; byproducts in addition to-those mentioned-above.- The proof of structure of these compounds will be discussed here. 129212211 thgride. The identification of this com- pound is based on the following facts: Eoilin oint * . ; ‘ Y0 sérgng Beilstein test 55 6 mei¥in6 Paint of the anilide 107-8 44 The only possible halogen present is chloride. The isopropyl chloride was mixed with the ether (used in the extraction} frmn'vhich it is very difficult to separate. The difference in boiling point is two degrees. The spinning band column was used to obtain the chloride in sufficient concentration so that identification was possible. The anilidc was made by the procedure given in Shriner and Pusan (48) except that no more other was needed as a solvent. .2a§a§:IIIE££BEleHL2£§:lp This compound was idegtified by passing in dry 5C1 which converted it to the chloride of dimethyl tert.~butyl carbinol. This chloride has a charact- eristic odor and melting point. Boiling point 77-8 ' halting point of derivative 125-7 'relting point of known 126-7 Kixed melting point 124-? Details for the preparation of the known are given on page The phenomenon observed during the distillation of this portion of the condensation products would indicate that this unsaturated compound had arisen from.thc chloride. During the distillation of the be nzene (used in excess in the condensation) no $01 is given off. When the boiling point reaches about 82, instead of rising fur her, it suddenly drops to about 67. During the collection of this portion. of the distillate the temperature ranges between 67 and 70 and large quantities of 331 are evolved. This portion, when washed with dilute sodium carbonate solution. dried and dis- tilled. boils at 770. These facts are interpreted to mean 45 that after the benzene is removed, the chloride - the next higher boiling compound - is decomposing and coming over as the slkene and HCl, the mixture of which boils lower than the alkene alone. W W. This compound was identified by means of its melting point, 125—3. Only. small amounts are left from.the distillation at stmospheric pressure, above. The solid chloride and the hydrate of; the alcohol distill over together.- The mixture can be sep- arated by recrystallization from warm 70 fi alcohol. The chloride sublimee very readily. Zaxig:;nixllfignz2a§. This compound was identified by its acetamino derivative. “ Boiling point . ~ 165-6 gmi- mm) . 54 (11 Helting point of derivative 169-70 helting point of known . 169-70 Mixed.melting point 169-70 The acetamdno derivatives were also used for the identifi-: cation of the other alkyl benzenes_found as byproducts.~ The method used for their. preparation was that given by Ipstieff and Schmerling (49) with slight noditicetions. The nitro compound was prepared‘byosrefully treating 3-5 cc of the alkyl benzene with 5-lO-cc of a-ltl mixture---- of concentrated sulfuric and nitric acids. -When the reaction mixture had cooled down it was poured onto cracked ice and»- extracted several times with ether. The extracts were washed 3b a) 'with water and the other evaporated, The nitro compound was dissolved in a few cc of alcohol and 5 grams mosey tin added. About 5 cc concentrated nel- ‘wac added dropwise,_with shaking. The reaction mixture was allowed to stand 25-30 minutes. The liquid was decanted on, to water and the tin hydrochloride complex salt of-the amine extracted with ether.- The other was evaporated Off and 50 % sodium.hydroxide was added to free the amine. Vith_larger‘ amounts the amine vac steam distilled at-thie point. :0ther71 'wiec it was extracted with ether. -It was eometimee necessary to centrifuge to break the emulsions of ether and sodium : hrdroxide solution. The ether extracts were washed and dried with potassium carbonate‘~‘l After the ether vac evaporated off the acetyl derivative was made by adding two cc of acetic anhydride to the amino; compound. The exceee anhydride was then‘hydroliaed.by'warnp ing with 30 cc water. The solution was then cooled and the impure solid filtered off and washed free of acetic acid. It was then recrystallized from 30-50 % alcohol. W Jame. This eonpound was identified by means of its acetamino derivative. Boiling point - -- -- 190 (740 mm) " 79-80 (11 mm) Eelting point of derivative 137-8 Melting point of known 138-9 hired melting point - - 137-9 Tert.-amyl benzene was synthesized by condensing tert.-amyl chloride with.benzene in the presence of aluminum chloride. 47 About 80 % yields were obtained. .Ihe acetanino derivatives ‘vere prepared by the method described above. {Iriscthxl.fltxzene. The identification was made-by scans of the acetamino derivative of the hydrogenated compound. Boiling point ' ‘ 88-90 (11 mm) Kelting point of derivative 159-40 Lelting point of known 140-41 -Kixed melting point - '139~41_H The oxidation of the unsaturated alkyl benzene gives acetophenone, identified by its_semioarbazone. Boiling point (oxidized product) 200-215 Iolting point of eemicarbazone 192-4 Eelting point of known 193-4 Mixed.melting point -192-4 The semicarbazone has made by the procedure given in Shriner and Fuson (50). .It was purified-only with repeated recrys- tsllisation. The fact that oxidation gave acetophenone very strongly indicated that the unsaturation was on the carbon of the alky1.benzene.-~ , ‘ __‘ Trimcthyl styrene vas made by Grignard synthesis. rhenyl magnesium.bromide was treated with methyl,ieopropyl ketcne to give, on hydrolysis, methyl,isopropyl.phenyl carbinol. This alcohol was distilled from anhydrous oxalic acid to form the alkenc,‘13. 1575-8 .(12. mm.)..T Another unsaturated alkyl. benzene-which night‘torm- in- the condensation, and which gives acetophenone-on oxidation:~ is octert.-butyl styrene (51).»~This compound nae synthesized in a manner similiar to that above except that pinacolone was used as the ketone, B. P. 88-92 (15 mm ) The two above known_compounds along vith_the unknown fraction sere hydrogenated-using the procedurcgiven by;--- Kaye (13). The resulting alkyl benzenes (secondary isoamyl benzene, pinacolyl benzene and the unknown) were converted to the acetamino derivatives. The derivative of pinacolvl benzene came down as an oil. the other two as crystalline Plateao. . Procedures Onehalf mole bromsbensene was added dropwiee to 12 3 magnesium turnings in 200 cc anhydrous ether in a three- necked flask. The reaction mixture wasstirred and the halide added at such a rats as to reflux the mixture gently. The‘ was added slowly to the Grignard reagent with stirring. The mixture'vas hydrolized, extracted and dried in the usual man- ner. The ether was distilled off and the carbinol placed in a small Vigereux.column. asboutrlo g anhydrous oxalic.; acid was added and the-mixture distilled under-reduced pres- sure. The alkene was then redistilled. The yields were '20-30 :23. . ‘ _ _ p The alkenes were dissolved in do cc absolute ethyl 1~ alcohol and pieces of sodium added at intervals... About: 12 grams was used .for. each. . The mixture-was kept at gentle reflux for five hours. -The alcohol solutions were~then a. poured on a large volume of.water-and-extracted-several times with other. The ether extracts sore washed free of alcohol ‘sith concentrated CaClg solution. -The ether-was then evap- orated of! and the resulting product shaken with cold 49 saturated.hhn04 solution to remove the unredueed alhenes. The excess Khho4 was destroyed with sodium.bieulfite andg the mixture again ether extracted.. After the ether has~been extracted the resulting alkyl benzenes were used-without further purification for the preparation of the acetamino derivatives. The acetamino derivative of the unknown was purified only with great difficulty. v . _ . . The range in atmospheric boiling point (190-9) and the necessity for repeated recrystallization show the lack of purity of this fraction. The atmospheric boiling points recorded in Beilstein's handbook are only slightly above those given for tert.9emyl benzene. 'Any fraction conteining the former compound.must also contain sons of_the'latter.- The tert.-amy1 benzene fraction fraction, however. did not show a positive-test for_unssturation.e-- The fact tLat the unsaturated fraction boils much-higher then the tert.~anyl benzene fraction-(st reduced pressure) certainly indicates that it must.contsin-compounds boiling higher than trimethyl styrene. This again indicates the presence of another unsaturated compound e.g.1$:tert.—butyl styrene. This compound which has raised the boiling point of the trhmethyl styrene fraction must also be unsaturated, it cannot be the tert.eheptyl benzene alone,-since the-boil- ing point was determined by determining the maximum unsatur- ation. 50 ‘2.§.§.:2:£m£3311.22h£nx1‘Bntang.. Thisis the expected condensation product of the alcohol and benzene. vIt has identified by means of its nitro compound which has been previously prepared by Rodrick (45). Of the pure parasg: nitro alkyl benzencs which have been prepared in this lab? oratory, which includes all of the tert.éaliphaticbenzenes up to the octyl group, this is the only one that is solid at room temperature. Boiling point ' I 103-5 (12 mm; 220-5 halting point of_derivative ; '108 ; , . This compound has only been syntheeided by Friodel- Crafts or related reactions. However, dimethyl tert.e- butyl carbinol. its chloride and its unsaturated derivative all gave this same product. This alkyl_benzene converted to the p-hydroxy compound is identical nith the compound obtained by the condensation of the above carbinol with N phenol. These facts leave little doubt as to its identity. . Thr reaction characteristics of a typical condensation are described below. The temperature of the condensation has a marked effect. Aluminum.chloride in benzene has-a pale yellow-color. if refluxed or allowed to stand several-daye-it-becomes darker yellow. The addition of the alcohol immediately gives a orange compound. During the-addition of-the first-half of the alcohol (ratio of alcohol to aluminum chloride-is , 2:1).Hgl is given off and more of this colored compound 19‘. formed. This compound at ~10 is solid and becomes-dark red. At 25-30 it is liquid and is also dark red, three layers are therefore present: benzene, unreacted aluminum chloride, and 51 the above compound. During the addition of the second half of_the alcohol at ~10 there is no more HCl evolved, and.more of the~tarry;. red solid forms, making stirring difficult. Petroleum ether is added_to keep the benzene from freezing. .At 39-40 HCl is evolved throughout the addition of the alcohol. ‘At the end of the condensation (at 55) two layers-are present.-the. lower layer having formed at the expense of the A1013 layer. ‘Qiecussion.. The reaction characteristics agree sell uith the mech- anism.prcposed.by Tsukervanik. The large quantities of HCl evolved during the addition of the first half of the alcohol ‘would be due to the formation of the alcoholatc which is , stable at -10. During the addition of the last half of the alcohol, the alcoholate, for some reason; is broken down and the resulting alkene takes up the H61 as fast as-it is formed by the addition of morealcohol. Therefore, at low temper- atures, no 301 is evolved during the latter portion of the reaction. At higher temperatures, the alcoholate is decomposed as soon as it is formed,-the series of reactions proceeding to the formation of the alkyl benzene and, consequently H01 is liberated throughout the addition of the alcohol. . The Tsukorvanik mechanism, of course, does not explain the mechanism.of the actual formation of the alkyl benzene from.the halide. 52 m1. - I’Aiil‘ II Some further condensations_wcre run to investigate the possibilities of the Tankervanik mechanism and to attempt to explain the origin of the byproducts formed.. The alcohol was condensed et-~lO and at 40. The alkene formed by the dehydration of the alcohol was condensed with and without the presence of large quantities of £01.. The chloride of the alcohol was also condensed.l Some aluminumf chloride complexes oftert.-butyl alcohol were also invest- igated. The results of these condensations are listed below. gondensation V1 Alcohol % mole (58 g A1013 5 i ~ " (33 g Benzene 1* " (80 5 Temperature ~10 Pet. ether~ .- 65 g- The reaction flask and contents were weighed.beforez and after the condensation. The loss in weight was ll 3.- About .15 moles no; (5.53) were evolvedeuring thereaction. Another gas was given off which decolorized 5 fi'bromine in carbon tetrachlroide. ’ . . _ A dark red, tarry mass formed in the flask.» The liquid and solid portions of the condensation products were hydrol- izcd and distilled separately. 53 The liquid portion gave: 35-40 740 mm 1 - 5 g 2 60-80 740 mm - 60 g 3 125-50 740 mm - .5 g 4 above 130 740 mm - 7 g 740 mm The solid portion gave: 5 55-43 740 mm - 5 g 6 67-70 740 mm - 2.5 g 7 125-30 740 mm - lgvg The higher boiling portions were combined and fractionation gave: 8 51 ' 11 mm - 2 g 9 69 11 mm - l g 10 88-93 ‘ 11 mm - 4 g 11 98-103 11 mm - 10 g 12 above 103 11 mm - 7 g Condensation VII Alcohol i mole (59 Q2 A1C13 ' g “ (35 as Benzene 1 " (79 3 Temperature 40 The reaction flask and contents were weighed before and after condensation. The loss in weight was lfl_g. Again a gas that decolorized bromine was evolved. At the end_of the reaction two layers were apparent. Hydrolysis and frac- tionation gave: 55-40 740 mm 1 - 10 g' 2 - 740 mm - 16 g 3 igozgo 740 mm' ‘ 8 5‘ 4 53 11 mm 0 2 g 6 88-91 ~ 11 mm - 1. 5 g 7 98-103 11 mm - 8 g 8 above 105 11 mm ' 10 g 54 Condensation VIII Alkene é mole (39 g A1C13 g " $34 g Benzene 1 ” 80 g Temperature 25-50- 2,3,5-trimethyl butene-l was prepared by the method used by Edgar (42). Fifty-five g of the alcohol and lgg iodine were placed in a Vigereux column and the mixture distilled slowly, the temperature of the vapor being maintained at 68-70. The distillate was washed wit Ea23205 solution, water, and dried over CaClg. The product was distilled, the maJor portion coming over 77-79. Yield - 39 g (80 fl . The fractions obtained from the condensation. 1 155-40 740 mm - 5 g .. 2 53 11 ms; - n g 4 80 11 mm - 2 .5: 5 94-97 - 11 mm - 1 g 6 100-103 11 mm - 2.5 g x 7 above 103 - 5 g Condensation IX Alkene l/S mole 54 g A1013 1/6 “ 34 g Benzene 8/3 " (52 g 301 31; " Temperature 25-50 The alkene was prepared as above. The dry hydr0gen chloride was made from sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid and was passed in slowly throughout the addition of the alkene. 1 5-40 740 mm - ‘5 g‘V 2 53 -- 11 pm - .5 g 3 69' ‘- 11mm - .15-g.— 4 87-90 -- 11 mm - ; l g 5 100-103 11 mm - 2.5 3* 6 above 103 ,11 mm - 8 g 55 Condensation 2i Chloride 2'; mole (50 g A101 1/6 " (23 g Benzgne l “v ’ (80 g Temperature 25-30 2,3.3-trimethyl,2-ohloro butane was prepare-:1 from the alcohol by treating with thionyl chloride and distilling. It was also prepared by passing dry 1101 into the alkene. The chloride prepared by each method was a solid. It was dissolved in half the benzene for this condensation. The fractions were: 1 35-40 74C m - 5 S a 2 5:5 11 mm - .5 g 3 90-92 11 m - 4.5 5 4 100-103 11 em - 7 g 5 above 103 11 mm - 5 g Condensation XI Tert.-heptyl benzene 3 mole 42 g .uc13 e a 15 g Benzene l ' 80 g Temperature 25 The tert.-hepty1 benzene obtained from previous con- densations was added in the usual manner to the benzene and aluminum chloride: The mixture turned dark. The fractions were: 1 35-40 740 mm - 5 a 2 48-50 11 mm - 1 g; A: 100-103 11 mm - 54 g; c" above 163 11 ms: 3 g Condensation‘XII Complex of tert.-butyl alcohol and A1013 3 g Benzene go 6 Temperature 25-30 Both the addition and the substitution complexes as reported by Ferrier and Fouget (21) were prepared. Lech was mixed with benzene and stirred several hours. A dark red terry mane formed, in each once, which on hydrolysis gave high boiling aliphatic comp undo. T40 substitfition complex was eloo added to benzene while passing in SCI. However. in no case was there any tert.-butyl benzene found as a product. The addition complex was prenorod by adding 24 g A1013 slowly to 30 g tert.-butyl alcohol in 100 cc 033. Little HCl woe evolved. A red tarry mane separated and the carbon dieulfide was decanted off and file conrlex dried in a vacuum desiccator. It was then ground to a rod powder. The substitution comnlcx one prepared in tEe some manner except that 38 ; A1015 were used for 20 g alcohol and the mixture refluxed. Large quantities of 131 were given off. The results of theoe condensetionn are summarized in taLle 1V3 It muot be kept in mind that the results are quantitative in only a rough sense. TEe per cent yieldo are calculated on the assumption that one mole alcohol theoret- ically forms one mole of tbo nroduct. to figures are given for ieogropyl chlorid and 2.3,3-triwetlyl butane-l since ' ~ ,. ., ._,_... .- 1 A, these compounds boil so near to ether and bonscre. ron,ective43. 57 there the alkene 13 liated 33 being formed it may be taken that 2,3,3-trigcthy1 2-chloro butane was also formed. The per cent 116169 of tert.-butyl bnnzene and tart.- Legtyl bcrzcne are lower than £30 values reported in the preliminary ccnaahsgtiona &ue to the fact tLat more of these substance: are lost during he fractionation. 58 OH m.“ I!) OH vow%wu acwvflad AEEHHV NOH m>opw Hopocmm HhuSDI.» Spay Ilct III! unis mcofl till IIIII Nmenvoo HHN mammcmn mp m wze: m one: manna Hmuuo:|.p AN ma ma wco: m can: canon mcgpoamo x m.v m w m.% mcnc flaws“ Aaumv omwmaa NH m mu m. M 0:03 wczom mmeHm HHH> 0') ,_4 n.a m vzacm carom onv accocam HH> LO 0 H ._o a J 0 LP: .0 .H m nunn% vzgcm Aoa-v Hoscofig H> mflwmeCmucoo mwwmwy umao Mug mamazmn msouzun mmomcca Humqouzp Havana; 32.0%an T6,.“ H35; H.950: 0351.126 aaubmu Humuaaugu n.pu u a.ugmu wggqm.m.u Managuuma mm UodwfiunonH Aswaav Aaaaflv m-ooa om-pm AEEHHV mm AseHHv mm op->w ovum“ sawgompm :T I). DI SCUSS 10.7.; The condensation of dimethyl tert.fbutyl carbincl at at higher temperatures leads to larger quantities of split products than at lower temperatures, as is to be expected. The condensation of the dehydration product of this alcohol is greatly aided by the presence of large quantities of HCl. However, condensation of the alkene does not give the chloride of the alcohol as a product iso- lated at the end of the reaction, as is the case with-the condensation of the alcohol itself. This would indicate that the mechanism suggested by Tsukervanik is not correct.' His mechanism is based on the formation of the chloride (and alkenc) as byproducts in the condensation of the alcohol‘ and would, of course, predict the isolation of the chloride in the condensation of the alkene. The fact that aluminum chloride complexes with tert.-butyl alcohol give no tert.é butyl benzene when mixed with benzene is another criticism of this mechanisnu The formation of the split products by mixing tart.- heptyl benzene with aluminum chloride indicates-the rever- sibility of the alkylation-reaction.o This reversibility of alkylation, especially with tertiary alkyl groups has been demonstrated by other workers (52), This is.strongl.n evidence in favor of an ionic mechanism. This reversibility would not be expected if as unsaturaticn mechanism is to be taken as correct. 0n the basis of the fries theory it would appear t“. at the carbonium ion is formed either from he alcohol, the chloride, the alkene, or the tert.-heptyl benzene. This cation partially fragmentates as a result of th a weakening of the 0-6 bonds. 0K3 CH-+ ca * “0:15 nrotcn C: -n .- 3 I7. —-'—.—i———-—}C n- 7r- . 3 :73 31 —) C 3.077 + n1? 811 ft “-C‘ CH3 (-41.3 Cuts C‘*3 VA -33 The tert.-butyl cation then attacks benzene to form.tert.- butyl benzene. 116 propcne adds on hCl to form isoprcpyl chloride. lie reason why the isopropyl chloride does not form cumene in the presence of benzene is not clear. Gen- erally, however, secondary groups require more aluminum chloride than tertiary for the alkylation of benzene. The results of table IV'would also indicate that the tert.-amyl group is formed from the tert.-heptyl cation of the alkene, which is somewhat different from that formed directly from the alcohol. the chloride or the alkyl benzene. Since the alcohol gives small quantities of the tert.-amyl group it might be scanned t21at the alcohol rm 3 partially dehydrated to give the intermediate alhere which subsequently forms the ionic substance with aluminum chloride. It would appear that the trimcthyl styrene (found in all condensaticns) is formed non-ionically from.the tert.~ heptyl benzene. The lcs s of an alkyl group from the carbon Cl atom of highly branched alkyl‘benzenes has been observed by other yorkers (6).| lhere is no reason to suppose that ; :5 , 6 5 :5 The chloride of the alcohol then arises-from the action of Cl on the tert.-heptyl cation. The unsaturated gasses evolved during the reaction may come from the methylene groups liberated, the propene, or isobutene. “ ._' at by An explanation of the facts on the basis of the theories * of Thomas or Daugherty would be similiar to that suggested above since in both the alkyl group is converted into a pos- itive ion. The system of equations above was evolved to explain the facts observed. Its only value lies in its ability to accomplish this end. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 64 SM “ "a A spinning band fractionating column designed for vacuum distillation has been constructed The plate value of this column has been determined to be 25, and the holdup per plate to be .1 oc._ Dimethyl tert.-butyl carbinol has been prepared and condensed with benzene. The products which have been isolated and identified from.this condensation are:_isopropyl chloride; 2,2,5- trimethyl butane-l}2,2,3ftrimethyl Zeohloro butane;- tert.-butyl_benzene;_tert.-amyl benzene; trimethyl sty- rene; and 2,2.3-trimethyl 2-phenyl butane. All of these products and their derivatives have been synthesized. The dehydration product and the chloride of the above alcohol have been condensed and some of the products identified. Dimethyl tert.-butyl phenyl methane has been mixed with benzene and aluminum chloride to give some of the products also isolated in the condensation of the alcohol. 1o 2. 3o 4.. 5o 6. 79 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 65 monocmpn Lessons and Lochte, J. Ind. Eng. Anal. Ed..-12. 450 (1938) Baker, Barkenbus and Roswell, ibid., 13. 468 (1940) Whitmore and lux, J. Am. Chem. Soc.. £33~5448 (1932) Zawidzki. Z. fur Phys. Chem.. 25, 129 (1990) Tongberg, Fenske and Quiggle, J. Ind. Ens. Chem., go. ' 1215 (1954) . Huston and Friedmann J. Am. Chem. Soc,,‘§§, 2527 (1916) lbid., 39. 785 (1918) Huston and Sager, ibid.. fig, 1955 (1926) Huston and Goodemoot, ibid., go, 2432 (1934) Huston and Hsieh, ibid., 59, 439 (1936) - Huston, Fox. and Binder. T? Org. Chem..'§, 251 (1938) Huston. Guile, Schulati and Wesson, ibid., g, 252 (1941) Huston, J. Am. Chem. eoc.. 46, 2775 (1924) Huston. 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