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Keeler, Jr. has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Doctoral dqfimgh, Education r7 '/ / / ’1 Date August 7, 1963 0-169 AN EXPLORATORY STUDY OF THE NEEDS FOR A PUBLIC COMMUNITY COLLEGE IN AN AREA OF TEN PUERTO RICAN MUNICIPALITIES By Richard F. Keeler, Jr. AN ABSTRACT Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements ' for the degree of DOCTOR OF EDUCATION College of Education 1963 RICHARD F. KEELER, JR. ' ABSTRACT PURPOSE 9}; THE STUDY As the result of an expanding economy, the desire of Puerto Ricans to acquire further education or training has increased significantly since 1947. In this light, two assumptions have been adopted: (1) That there is a demand for additional post- secondary educational Opportunities, and (2) that the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico will seek to meet the challenge. Specific purposes of this study are: (1) To identify various criteria for the establishment of public community colleges in the continental United States, (2) to determine and analyze the type and scope of post-secondary needs that might exist in an area of ten Puerto Rican municipalities (by applying these same criteria), and (3) to suggest recommendations based on findings. PROCEDURE A survey was made of the probable demand in the ten- 1 for post secondary educational facilities by municipality area researching population figures; elementary, secondary and college enrollments; and supply of and need for educated, trained man- power. Pertinent historical and factual data were also collected to show the origin and development of public and private institu- tions, together with their functions. Two questionnaires were employed to record the aspirations of 11th grade students and their parents toward further preparation. A third questionnaire was used to consult businessmen and industrialists on employment trends and requirements. Personal interviews with educational and governmental officials were also held. RICHARD F. KEELER, JR. ABSTRACT CONCLUSIONS The evidence presented in this study shows that the city of Humacao, within daily commuting distance of ten municipalities and iwith the greatest number of facilities, would be the proper loca- tion for a public community college. From 1930 to 1960, there were marked increases in population, in public and private school enrollments, the Humacao Extension Center was established, and there has been an ever-larger number of high school graduates. Close correlation was noted between the occupational and educational plans of parents for their children and those of their children or students for themselves. Students expressed a decided interest in acquiring more education and/or training beyond the high school level. Parents not only expressed a desire that their children continue their studies but they also had an interest in furthering their own schooling. RECOMMENDATIONS Although this study presents evidence for a post-secondary institution, further research is required in the following areas before a public community college can be recommended: (1) Atti— tudes of educational and governmental leaders, (2) present and future financial responsibilities of community and Commonwealth, (3) supply of and demand for teaching and administrative personnel, (4) college and university curriculums, including those of com- munity colleges, (5) home addresses (origins) of students enrolled in existing institutions, (6) continued research into the needs RICHARD F. KEELER, JR. ABSTRACT CONCLUSIONS The evidence presented in this study shows that the city of Humacao, within daily commuting distance of ten municipalities and with the greatest number of facilities, would be the proper loca- tion for a public community college. From 1930 to 1960, there were marked increases in pOpulation, in public and private school enrollments, the Humacao Extension Center was established, and there has been an ever-larger number of high school graduates. Close correlation was noted between the occupational and educational plans of parents for their children and those of their children or students for themselves. Students expressed a decided interest in acquiring more education and/or training beyond the high school level. Parents not only expressed a desire that their children continue their studies but they also had an interest in furthering their own schooling. RECOMMENDATIONS Although this study presents evidence for a post-secondary institution, further research is required in the following areas before a public community college can be recommended: (1) Atti- tudes of educational and governmental leaders, (2) present and future financial responsibilities of community and Commonwealth, (3) supply of and demand for teaching and administrative personnel, (H) college and university curriculums, including those of com— munity colleges, (5) home addresses (origins) of students enrolled in existing institutions, (6) continued research into the needs RICHARD F. KEELER, JR. ' ABSTRACT of business and industry, (7) a study of tuition and other costs related to enrollment, (8) availability of buildings and other facilities, (9) administrative structure in which the new institu- tion would operate, and (10) relationship between parents' income and the college-going pattern of youth. 1This comprises the municipalities of Ceiba, Fajardo, Gurabo, Humacao, Juncos, Las Piedras, Maunabo, Naguabo, San Lorenzo, and Yabucoa. ' AN EXPLORATORY STUDY OF THE NEEDS FOR A PUBLIC COMMUNITY COLLEGE IN AN AREA OF TEN PUERTO RICAN MUNICIPALITIES By Richard F. Keeler, Jr. A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF EDUCATION College of Education 1963 AN EXPLORATORY STUDY OF THE NEEDS FOR A PUBLIC COMMUNITY COLLEGE IN AN AREA OF TEN PUERTO RICAN MUNICIPALITIES By Richard F. Keeler, Jr. A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF EDUCATION College of Education 1963 QS‘o‘l 6&8 | l ale/:4 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS For their aid in overseeing this project from its birth as a research proposal to its acceptance as a dissertation, my thanks are extended to Dr. Max S. Smith, Chairman of my Guidance Committee, and to the remaining members, Dr. John L. Hazard and Dr. David G. Moore, of the Departments of Marketing and Personnel, College of Business, and to Dr. David Gottlieb, College of Education. In particular, I am cognizant of the cooperation provided by Puerto Rican friends, the llth grade students and their parents, in addition to that of authorities of the Department of Education, the University of Puerto Rico, and other governmental agencies. Special mention goes to Dean Hector Alvarez Silva, Miss Ana E. Irizarry, and Mr. Miguel A. Valencia, College of Business Administration, University of Puerto Rico, for their help in the translating, printing, and tabulating of questionnaires, to Dr. Demetrio Cartagena, former Assistant Secretary of General Affairs, Department of Education, for his generous offering of public school facilities, and, finally, to Mr. Aguedo Mojica, President, Committee of Instruction, Commonwealth House of Representatives, for his profound interest in the implications of my survey toward future advances in the development of higher education on the Island. ii CHAPTER I. II. III. IV. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 ii LIST OF TABLES O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 iv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii INTRODUCTION 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 1 Relevant Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Need for this Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Statement of the Problem. . . . . . . . . . . . H MethOd-Ology O C O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 5 Scope and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 CRITERIA FOR ESTABLISHING PUBLIC COMMUNITY COLLEGES O O O O O O O O O O C O O O O O O I 8 Review of the Literature. . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Enrollment as a Criterion . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Accessibility as a Criterion . . . . . . . . . 17 Interest and Need as a Criterion . . . . . . . 19 Financial Resources as a Criterion. . . . . . . 28 FINDINGS IN THE LIGHT OF THE CRITERIA ADOPTED . 37 Triunal Interaction of Births, Deaths, Migration O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 37 Supply of and Demand for Educated, Trained Manpower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #5 Trends in Public and Private School Enrollments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5” Ratio of H. S. Graduates to College Students . 69 Student Parent Occupational and Educational Expectations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Puerto Rican Institutions of Higher Education . lOl Factors in the Selection of a Logical Site... . 11a CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . . 118 conClUSionS O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 118 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 BIBLIOGRAPHY O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C O 123 O C O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 130 APPENDICES . . . . . . Appendix A: of Replies Appendix B: of Replies Appendix C: Sample Student Questionnaire-Tabulation Sample Parent Questionnaire-Tabulation Sample Business-Industry Questionnaire- Tabulation of Replies iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O 0 LIST OF TABLES O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 LIST OF CHAPTER I. II. III. Iv. ILLUSTRATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTRODUCTION 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 Relevant Information . . Need for this Study . . . Statement of the Problem. Methodology . . . . . . . Scope and Limitations . . CRITERIA FOR ESTABLISHING PUBLIC COMMUNITY COLLEGES O O O O O O O O C O O O O O O O 0 Review of the Literature. . . . . . Enrollment as a Criterion . . . . . Accessibility as a Criterion . . . Interest and Need as a Criterion . Financial Resources as a Criterion. O O O O O O 0 FINDINGS IN THE LIGHT OF THE CRITERIA ADOPTED Triunal Interaction of Births, Deaths, Migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supply of and Demand for Educated, Trained Manpower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trends in Public and Private School Enrollments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ratio of H. S. Graduates to College Students Student Parent Occupational and Educational Expectations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Puerto Rican Institutions of Higher Education Factors in the Selection of a Logical Site... CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BIBLIOGRAPHY O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O APPENDICES O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Page ii iv vii 0301er 8 12 17 19 28 37 37 us 54 69 84 101 114 118 118 122 123 130 Appendix A: Sample Student Questionnaire—Tabulation of Replies Appendix B: Sample Parent Questionnaire-Tabulation of Replies Appendix C: Sample Business-Industry Questionnaire- Tabulation of Replies iii TABLE 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. LIST OF TABLES Population Increase . . . . . . . . . . . . . Population Changes in the 10 Municipalities Under Study 1960, 1950, 1990, 1930. . . . . . Population by age, 1955-1975 (In Thousands) . Selected Indices of Social and Economic Progress: Fiscal Years 1939-40, 19u6-47 to 1959_600 o o o u a o o o . o o o o a I o 0 Indices of Educational Progress . . . . . . . Enrollment in Public and Accredited Private Schools of Puerto Rico, by School Levels, 1939-H'O to 1957-58. 0 o a n o a o a 0 c o c 0 Public and Private School Enrollments, First Semester. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holding Rates. Public and Private Accredited SChOOlS, 1958—59 'tO 1967—68 I a o o o o o o o Public School Enrollment, 1959-60 to 1971+-75 (In Thousands) o o a o o l a I o a I Increase or Decrease of Enrollments 1959’60 to 1967—68 0 o o o o o o o o I o o 0 Education Level of the Population, 1950-1975 (In ThousandS). o o o o o o o o o 0 Combined Enrollments, by Grades, in the Public Schools of the 10 Municipalities Under Study ‘ O C O I Q 0 I O I O O O O O O 0 12th Grade andl3th Grade (First-Year College) Enrollments, Including Only New Full-Time Students, 195H—61 . . . . . . . 12th Grade and 13th Grade (First-Year College) Enrollments, Including All Full-Time Students Enrolled, lQSu—Bl. . . . . iv Page 37 39 an 97 55 56 60 62 63 66 67 68 70 71 ' , - q - , . . ; . r , ‘ , . - , ,. 4 — . < -- a u ‘ ~ , r . . _ 7 , , . . o . , , , . , . , r, r - _ , - ‘ - - r. n « ., .. . . _ _ _ n a . . - . . . . _ A ,. _ - . < r » r. - , ~ 2 n i A . , , , . . , . - V . .. . - , ., ,, 1 ( - > r 7 r ’ . . - . - , , . _ I 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 13th Grade (First—Year College) Enrollments, lgsu-SS to 1972-73 (Estimate "A")o o c o o a o 0 13th Grade (First—Year College) Enrollments, 1962:63 to 1972—73 (Estimate HE"). . o o o u o a 13th Grade (First-Year College) Enrollments, 1954-55 'tO 1972-73 (Estimate "C")o o n c o o o 0 13th Grade (First-Year College) Enrollments, 1961-62 to 1972-73 (Basis: As an Increasing Proportion of Minimum Projected 12th Grade . . . Number of Persons Who Took Entrance Examination, Number of Applications Received, and Number of Applicants Admitted, Compared with First—Year Enrollments. . . . . . . . . . . Total and First—Time Enrollment of Resident and Extension Degree-Credit Students (Including Veterans) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Percentage Registrations, Fall 1958, in H Major Colleges Was of High School Graduates 1957-58 in Municipalities with College Opportunity and Adjacent Municipalities as Compared to Those without College Opportunity. . Number of Public High School Graduates in the 10 Municipalities by Single Year 1950-1961 . Enrollments, by Years, in Accredited Private _ Schools of Fajardo, Humacao, San Lorenzo . . . . Distribution of Respondents and Percentage of Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comparison of Parents' Occupations with Those Desired for Their Children . ... . . . . . . . . Comparison of Parents' Occupations with Those Deéred by Their Children . . . . . . . . . . . . Fathers' Occupations and Preparation Desired for Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comparison of Fathers' Preparation with That Desired for Children . . . . . . . . . . . Relevance of High School Programs Studied to Future Educational Plans . . . . . . . . . . . 72 74 75 77 78 80 83 85 86 87 90 90 91 92 93 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 13th Grade (First—Year College) Enrollments, 19514-55 to 1972-73 (Estimate "A")o u c o o o o a 13th Grade (First—Year College) Enrollments, 1962:63 to 1972-73 (Estimate "B"). . . . . . . . 13th Grade (First-Year College) Enrollments, 1954-55 to 1972-73 (Estimate 'lc")o o c o o o o 0 13th Grade (First-Year College) Enrollments, 1961-62 to 1972-73 (Basis: As an Increasing Proportion of Minimum Projected 12th Grade . . . Number of Persons Who Took Entrance Examination, Number of Applications Received, and Number of Applicants Admitted, Compared with First-Year Enrollments. . . . . . . . . . . Total and First-Time Enrollment of Resident and Extension Degree-Credit Students (Including Veterans) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Percentage Registrations, Fall 1958, in A Major Colleges Was of High School Graduates 1957-58 in Municipalities with College Opportunity and Adjacent Municipalities as Compared to Those without College Opportunity. . Number of Public High School Graduates in the 10 Municipalities by Single Year 1950-1961 . Enrollments, by Years, in Accredited Private Schools of Fajardo, Humacao, San Lorenzo . . . . Distribution of Respondents and Percentage of Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comparison of Parents' Occupations with Those Desired for Their Children . ... . . . . . . . . Comparison of Parents' Occupations with Those Dedred by Their Children . . . . . . . . . . . . Fathers' Occupations and Preparation Desired for Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comparison of Fathers' Preparation with That Desired for Children . . . . . . . . . . . Relevance of High School Programs Studied to Future Educational Plans . . . . . . . . . . . 72 7M 75 77 78 80 83 85 86 87 90 90 91 92 93 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 13th Grade (First-Year College) Enrollments, lgsu-SS to 1972-73 (Estimate HA"). a o u o a a 0 13th Grade (First-Year College) Enrollments, 1962:63 to 1972-73 (Estimate "B"). I o o o c o a 13th Grade (First—Year College) Enrollments, 1954-55 to 1972-73 (Estimate HG"). o o o o o o 0 13th Grade (First-Year College) Enrollments, l96l—62 to 1972-73 (Basis: As an Increasing Proportion of Minimum Projected 12th Grade . . . Number of Persons Who Took Entrance Examination, Number of Applications Received, and Number of Applicants Admitted, Compared with First-Year Enrollments. . . . . . . . . . . Total and First-Time Enrollment of Resident and Extension Degree—Credit Students (Including Veterans) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Percentage Registrations, Fall 1958, in 4 Major Colleges Was of High School Graduates 1957-58 in Municipalities with College Opportunity and Adjacent Municipalities as Compared to Those without College Opportunity. . Number of Public High School Graduates in the 10 Municipalities by Single Year 1950—1961 . Enrollments, by Years, in Accredited Private _ Schools of Fajardo, Humacao, San Lorenzo . . . . Distribution of Respondents and Percentage of Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comparison of Parents' Occupations with Those Desired for Their Children . ... . . . . . . . . Comparison of Parents' Occupations with Those Deéred by Their Children . . . . . . . . . . . . Fathers' Occupations and Preparation Desired for Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comparison of Fathers' Preparation with That Desired for Children . . . . . . . . . . . Relevance of High School Programs Studied to Future Educational Plans . . . . . . . . . . . 72 74 75 77 78 80 83 85 86 87 90 90 91 92 93 30. 31. 32. 33. 3”. 35. 36. 37. vi Relevance of High School Programs Studied to Choice of Future Occupations . Comparison of Parents' Feelings About Children Enrolling in College with Their Enrolling in a Public Community College . . . Probability of Community College Attendance with Transferral to a Four—Year Institution Certainty of Parents and Children About the Enrollment of the Latter in a Public Community College . . . Influence of Parents' Education, College or Non-College, on Their Children's Desire to Attend College. . . Comparison of Parents' Educational Level with O 0 O Their Desire to Further Their Schooling . Additional Information Relevant to Institutions of Higher Education . . . . . Enrollment of Extension Degree-Credit and Non—Degree Credit Students 93 9M 96 97 98 99 105 109 FIGURE LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Puerto Rico and the Caribbean Area . . . . . . Puerto Rico, Municipios, Places of 25,000 Inhabitants or More, and Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Birth and Death Rates, 1938-1975 . . . . . . . Density of Business-Industry DeveIOpment in Puerto Rico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Locations of Puerto Rican Institutions of Higher Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eastern Sector of Puerto Rico . . . . . . . . Vii 42 53 102 115 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Relevant Information Dominated by the Spaniards for over 400 years, Puerto Rico (Figure l) was ceded to the United States in 1898 upon the termina- tion of the Spanish-American War. In fifty-odd years Puerto Rico's population has grown two and one-half times, recent industrialization has introduced new sources of income and new technologies, shifting educational requirements and stimulating new demands. Because of efforts of the Economic Development Administra- tion a government agency created for the purpose, 800 branch plants of U.S. industries located in the Commonwealth from 19H? to 1962. Through "Operation Bootstrap" factory work has now become a high status occupation to 6u,000 workers. Expectations geared toward obtaining a higher standard of living are more intense than ever. This unprecedented interest in further instruction, causing capacity-size enrollments in institutions of higher education, has led four of the six existing colleges and universities to develop extension-type programs throughout the Island. Because a greater desire now exists among college-age youth and adults to extend their formal education, one of every three 1 FIGURE 1 PUERTO RICO AND THE CARIBBEAN AREA a'o' 75° 70- 65° ”.4 L A N T I C ——/25-‘ 0 C E A N 8 _______-———ar ‘ La PUERTO .. Q "A-fiz‘fiflutb Rlco (5:32: 4 0:; 0 TWRGHQCT a ISLANDS‘ v5. 0 a: 1? B C A R I B B E A N s E A 0 0 7/,” 1:: ‘3 ~J _. saw .; “ . .23? \“N ¢ I: 'f\ 4‘4 yo L“ m ~ I' 2 U I L A ."l c O \‘1 .ézsuié.” Source: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (Office of Education). Resident Extension and Other Enrollments in Institutions of Higher Egg- cation, 1257-58, 1955, 1254. 1953- U.S. Government Printing Office, p. Washington: 53-2- persons attends some form of school. In fact, from one-fourth to one-third of the Commonwealth budget is destined for education. Need for this Study During the month of September, 1961, unusual attention was awarded in the Island's news media to the marches on La Fortaleza, the Governor's Palace, by citizens of several of the municipalities included in this survey.1 The tense situation brought to light several developments thought to be restricting the economic progress of the area. First, the principal sources of income were concentrated in two sugar-producing enterprises, both of which had begun to employ mechanized equipment. Second, because these same firms enjoyed a mon0poly on most of the land, the construction of new buildings near cities and towns was held to a minimum. Third, the Central Ejemplo (a sugar factory) had been closed with a loss to the city of Humacao, alone, of $60,000 in taxes uncollected since 1957; thousands of workers had been left jobless. Fourth, various government offices had been transferred from the region during the course of time, resulting in a loss of employment for still others. Fifth, the type of government-financed buildings set up by the Economic Development Administration for lease or sale to new industries was found inapprOpriate for the Operations of the smaller businessman. In public hearings set up by a Special commission of the House of Representatives, participants urged the initiation of lLarger cities and towns, including corresponding rural areas, are called municipios or municipalities. various projects for revitalizing the economy of the ten-municipality area. Among these were the construction of industrial plants to meet individual requirements, with a concern for reduction in size. It was recommended that if the beginning of the new Humacao-Caguas Expressway be accelerated, work could be found for some of those displaced in the cane fields. Aid to farmers of limited resources was also suggested. Urban renewal activities were planned and the development of recreational sites along the seashore envisioned. The reopening of governmental departments was declared a necessity. Although the municipalities covered in this study are only lightly industrialized, there is reason to assume that the intro- duction of occupational education and training on a post-high— school level would not only build up a semi—skilled labor supply but, simultaneously, would entice new industry and business and an emigration of people into the region. In fact, one of the proposals made by interested citizens for improving the position of the municipality of Humacao, particularly, stressed the need for expanding its high school programs and opportunities for vocational training and education. Statement of the Problem Two_general assumptions were adopted. One, that there is an increasing demand for educational opportunities beyond the 12th grade in Puerto Rico, and, two, that the Commonwealth will strive to meet this situation. Specifically, it was the purpose of this survey (1) to determine the type and scope of post-secondary needs in an area of ten municipalities, (2) to analyze possible needs so as to determine the extent to which are applicable the philosophies and procedures for the establishment of public community colleges on the mainland, and (3) to suggest recommendations in the light of findings. Methodology Besides a review of the criteria relevant to the organiza- tion of a public community college, this study contains sections based on such aspects as population trends (including births, deaths, and in and out-migration); manpower demands; elementary, secondary, and college and university enrollments and projections; and the aspirations of llth grade students and their parents toward further education and training. Three questionnaires were utilized. Two were applied to llth grade students and their parents with respect to determining future educational needs and wants.1 Students and parents were queried on plans for post-secondary education, the necessity for additional training, certainty of attendance at a public community college if available, vocational choices, and types of programs desired, to name only a few items. The third questionnaire (Appendix C) was an interview sent to seventy business and industrial leaders in the area, inquiring about such factors as employment trends, training requirements, labor supply, and the economic future of their specialty. The first two questionnaires mentioned are Spanish-language lSee Appendices A and B. versions of those used by the Steering Committee in its final report, The Three County College Study (Hillsdale, Jackson and Lenawee), published in July, 1961, and coordinated by the Office of Community College Cooperation, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Scope and Limitations Puerto Rico is divided into 76 municipalities, a number of these, in turn, comprising a political district. The Humacao District, in the eastern sector of the Island, consists of the following lu municipalities, as seen in Figure 2: Ceiba, Fajardo, Curabo, Humacao, Juncos, Las Piedras, Loiza, Luquillo, Naguabo, Rio Grande, San Lorenzo, Yabucoa, and the islands of Culebra and Vieques. Politically, culturally, economically, and almost geographically, the center of the Humacao District is the city of Humacao. Three of these municipalities, Loiza, Luquillo, and Rio Grande, have been excluded from the Humacao District, for the purposes of this survey, because of their geographical separation by the Cordillera Central, a mountain range which traverses the Island and over which passage is both difficult and time consuming. The islands of Culebra and Vieques were omitted because of lack of time for extending research to their shores. The municipality of Maunabo was added, however, because of its proximity to the city of Humacao and also since a new highway will eliminate its present access route over E1 Cerro de Pandura, a mountain with a narrow roadway and treacherous landslides. .mlmm .m .ooflmmo wnflpnfihm unmanho>ow .m.b "nopmsASmma .mmmH .vmmfl .mmma .mmlhmmd .Goapdoswm Hoflmafi Mo mQOfiPSPHquH :H mpsmaaaoncm Hmnpo can noamnmpxm pcmcfimom Imodcm mo ooammov onmmHm; can .zoapmosum .npammm mo uncapnmmon .m.D .Anonp "condom @— 2 n— on 2 1 m— N— : 2 m a n 08.2: :2: mm! 55> 3...: on n. o. a e n 80.00N O“ 8°.8~ It; 29: 5 8o.om~ 5:5 392 _8=m=2m 3:83:62 uhucflm I 953; 0% (GINA—3U a" 0— D 0— m— 1 Ma N— = 0— a m A o m as!!! 02mg: 0 m Q n . N — 80.3 0. Sofia .o .83 0 08.03 2 80.8 .0 moon—a o 29: .0 08.09 .0 mouse © v n N — mm o.m mmv.>m oam.mm v.m oam.mm www.mm seesaw» .oa ¢.mH m>¢.mm bmm.mm m.m www.mm m¢m.mm v.3: m¢m.mm omm.>m onflmhoq now .m m.m NHN.®H omH.mH m.m oma.ma mHo.Hm m.mH| mao.am mmH.>H Onmsmwz .m m.wH amo.m Nm>.oa o.a mm>.oa wm>.HH m.ml mm>.HH mmb.oa opmqscs .> m.mH bom.mH mmm.mH m.m www.md wom.md N.m mom.mH h¢o.>H mwhcmflm mom .0 ¢.HH mm¢.>H ¢m¢.ma m.HH ¢m¢.ma 4mm.am v.0: emm.am mm¢.am moonsa .m H.>H mm¢.mm www.mm m.ma mmm.mm mmm.¢m «.4: mmm.+m me.mm Occuanm .4 H.m moo.ma osm.mfl m.m osm.ma mom.ma m.H mam.ma mom.ma onmnsa .m o.mm Hmm.mH moa.om 4.m moa.om OHH.NN N.aau OHH.NN Hmm.ma cayenne .m m.n: mwm.u Hmo.> o.Hm Hmo.> mma.m m.HI mma.m mho.m mnfloo .H mmocHOnH soavsa soawwfi mmonosH nOHpmH meanwa OmcononH coavda moaned no Inmom Ismom HO Ismom Ismom HO Ifimom Ismom hpflawmfioaqna unoo pom omma oema pace Mom O¢ma 0mmH Paco Hem omma omma omma .oama .ommH .omma wfibam MMQZD mmHaHfideOHZDE OH mma zH mflGdeo ZOHB¢Im¢ma .ovlmmma mmwm Ofisosoom .oomM Ophozm mo Spammsnossoo ”condom Z<___.m .. mm MmamDQZHlmwmszDm mo NaHmzmm .v @69on II III I ........1||C..I| ... 54 mostly simple ones, were being performed by high school graduates or employees with less schooling. The following types Of training were considered Of most value to business and industry: factory management, secretarial and clerical practice, labor- management relations, and bookkeeping and accounting. Results also indicate that in 38 firms, or 81 per cent, two years of post-high-school preparation would be recognized by job advancement, while 17 (36 per cent) declared higher pay would be forthcoming. ‘ While most respondents answered that existing educational facilities for meeting training needs were either "Fair" or "Poor," still 26 businesses provided no on-the-job training program in comparison with 18 that did. Only three thought a two-year terminal—technical program in a public community college could supplement fully their own programs, with 16 answering it could in some respects only. Trends in Public and Private School Enrollments Article 11, section 5, of the Commonwealth Constitution, adopted on July 25, 1952, reads: Every person has the right to an education which shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. There shall be asystem of free and wholly non-sectarian public education, instruction in the elementary to the extent permitted by the facilities Of the state. Fifty-four years before, when U.S. troops disembarked in Puerto Rico, 79.5 per cent of the people were illiterate and Only 22,265 children, or ten per cent of the school-age population, 55 were attending 539 schools manned by 600 teachers. Yet, in 1958, there were over 700,000 children or adults studying in private or public schools, with a total Of 13,250 instructors. One of every three persons was in attendance. That the period 1940-1956, alone, was one of great educa- tional advance is noted in Table 5. TABLE 5 INDICES OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS 1940 1956 Enrollment 305,000 695,000 School Age Population In School (6-18 years) 57% 81% Classrooms 5,201 9,448 Literacy 69% 81.4% Expenditures (million dollars) 7.3 56 Source: Commonwealth Of Puerto Rico, Public School System 2: Puerto Rico (General Information), San Juan: Depart- ment of Education Press, 1957, p. 4. Table 6 presents total enrollments of public and accredited private day schools from 1939—40 to 1957-58. This ascended from 296,679 to 430,723, an increase of 134,044, or approxi- mately 45 per cent. From 1950-51 to 1957-58, enrollment reached 614,005, an increase of 183,282, or about 43 per cent. 5.6. TABLE 6 ENROLLMENT IN PUBLIC AND ACCREDITED PRIVATE SCHOOLS OF PUERTO RICO, BY SCHOOL LEVELS, 1939-40 to 1957-582/ Elementary (1-6) Junior High (7-9) School Year Public Private Total Public Private Total 1939-40 240,023 6,689 246,712 35,386 2,141 37,527 1940-41 234.971 7,114 242,085 35,558 2,491 38.049 1941-42 245,711 7,356 253,067 36,783 2,375 39,158 1942-43 249,499 7,114 256,613 41,600 2,163 43,763 1943—44 251.59? 7,434 259,031 44.692 2.540 47.232 1944-45 263,153 8,837 271,990 50.741 2,631 53,372 1945-46 273,724 9,767 283.491 55.623 2,839 58,462 1946-47 283.570 10.583 294,153 58,879 3,569 52,448 1947-48 292,692 11,915 304,607 57,194 3,580 60,774 1948-49 300,163 12.870 313,033 57,837 3,541 61,378 1949-50 317.158 14.231 331.389 61,855 3.955 65,820 1950-51 340,047 15,356 355.403 58,418 4,129 72,547 1951-52 348,311 17,016 365,327 72,506 4,399 76,905 1952-53 3644031 20,723 384,754 78,092 5,336 834428 1953-54 387,128 22,683 409,811 81,951 5.938 87,889 1954-55 402,227 23,635 425,862 87,525 7,036 944561 1955-56 409,301 24,919 434,220 92,760 7,667 100,427 1956-57 407,797 26,777 434,574 100,041 8,326 108,367 1957-58 409,514 29,869 439,383 106,126 9,184 115,310 g/ As of the end of school year. p/ Taken from Age-Grade Distribution of Enrollment, 12th week of the second semester. Source: ecretar port. p‘ 90 Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, of Education, 195 Part 1, Department 0 7- 8 {-33 Annual Report of the . Sta istioa Re- ucation, Hato Rey, 57 TABLE 6 --Continued Senior High (10-12) Total Public and Private (1-12) Public Private Total Public Private Total 10,689 1.751 12,440 286,098 10,581%/ 296,679 11,062 1,987 15.049 281.591 11.5923/ 293.183 10,769 2,113 12,882 293.263 11,8443/ 505,107 11,707 1,950 13,657 302,806 11,227—/ 314.053 13.306 2,502 15,608 309,595 12,276 321,871 16,976 2,628 19,604 330,870 14,096 344.966 20.612 2.379 22.991 549.959 14.985 564.944 24.482 2.956 27.418 366,931 17,088 384.019 27.463 4.519 31.982 377.349 20’0142/ 597.363 28,229 4,551 32,780 386,229 20.962 407.191 29.115 4.399 55,514 408.128 22.595 430.723 31.222 4.041 35.263 439.687 23.526 463.213 31.820 4.084 55.904 452.637 25.499 478.156 53.501 4.743 58.244 475.624 30.802 506,426 36,072 5,946 42,018 505.151 34.565 539.718 39.474 8.298 47.772 529.226 58.969 568.195 43.134 10.166 55.300 545.195 42.752 587.947 45.845 9.844 55.689 555.683 44.947 598.630 48.803 10.509 59.312 564.445 49.562 614.005 58 Between 1990 and 1958, as shown in Table 6, there has been an increase of more than 169,000 pupils, or more than 70 per cent, at the elementary level. At the junior high school level, in 1958, the enrollment became twice that of 1990, while senior high enrollment was three and a half times as large. While the prOportion of enrollment in the elementary schools has descended from 82 per cent (in l993) to 73 per cent (in 1958), junior and senior high school enrollments have increased proportionally, representing in 1958 almost 19 per cent and nine per cent, respectively, of total public school enrollment. This is an indication of the increased holding power of the system. Even though enrollment was greater, the rate of expansion during the first half of the 1950's fell behind the rate of economic development. There were three reasons. Eiggt, the adult population had, on the average, only three years of schooling. Government planners, to produce the manpower required, recommended that the adult education program, which in 1957 had 32,000 in the first three grades and only 6,000 in grades four to six, should continue to enroll larger numbers in the early grades, retaining rapidly increasing numbers in the upper grades. This has not occurred. Actually, while enrollment in the upper 'grades descended slightly, that in the lower levels declined from 32,000 to 8,000. The Committee on Human Resources recommends the Depart- ment of Education encourage the expansion of enrollments in 59 adult education, by 1975, to almost 180,000 elementary school graduates, 100,000 junior high school graduates, and 60,000 high school graduates (29:89). In continuation, the Committee suggests: The government leaders of Puerto Rico should (1) inform the people... of the need for more manpower with at least six years of education, (2) encourage all of the people... to get as much education as possible, giving preference at higher levels to those with most ability and demonstrated personal motivation, and (3) provide educational facilities and incentives to children and adults to the greatest extent possible (29:95-96). Second, although almost every child was entering school, over half dropped out before completing elementary grades. The fact that 900,000 children who were in school in 1957, in excess of those in attendance in 1990, are from homes whose heads were almost illiterate, where there are no books, with limited access to the outside world, only made it more difficult to meet increased retention rates. A third reason for failure of the education system to keep pace was the fact that migrant workers, transferring to the States, had an average schooling of eight years as compared with less than four for the total population (62:5). Only a slower rate of growth and a lower rate of migration have kept Puerto Rican planners from failing to meet manpower goals completely. In Table 7, covering the span 1956-57 to 1960—61, it is noted the elementary school enrollment was at its maximum in 1957-58, but has been decreasing ever since, total loss being 6,803, or slightly more than 1.6 per cent. .8 .m .mom ovum .noapmosvm yo mama -89888n .moapmmp8pm no 8888 > n .H .82 napmaasm .aouomma .u8aoomm 88a n8aanm a8 Hwnfiahme Hm monpmoms wHSoHnPwE 8H ongom oaHoMqH .oowm ophosm Ho Meadosnoaaoo “condom 60 mmmfimm amiamm moséHw msméo msm.mmm mmm mm 88 mm HHH mm mmmume 088 88 Aa8paa8noo8uqoz 888 8888888864v 8p8>anm msa.o>m moa.smm smm.mmm me.>mm mom.88m oaansm H8889 88868 Hmm.mm m . mma.mm ms .mm m . m H8989 mmm 8 wmmum 888 0mm,“ smm_m 8p8>anm 888a889688 880.08 888.88 oee.mm mmm.me mem.ma oaansm manoa 888868 .aoonom amam 988888 wnphmmH mmm.oma 888. NH osm.maa amm. oa H8889 sma 80a mea em sm 888a88noo8uqoz 888>aam www.ma Hsm.aa mm8.m sm~.8 ema.m 8p8>anm 8888886884 ma8.mma 808.8HH 88H.NHH 888.8oa 088.88 oaanzm 8.8 888888 .Hooaom 88am 988888 pr.HmN mmm.mmw mam.mm8 088. me 888.888 H8889 mac N 88> H HHH m mmaum mm a a8pa88noo8uaoz 888>aam osm.mm mmm.an 8am.om «88.88 008.88 888>anm 8888889884 a88.88m omn.omm H88.8mm moa.eoe 8H8.ooe oaapsm amnomma 081mmma mmummma mmssmma smrmmma maa 888898 .a8>8m 888paoa8am mfiammfimm amMHm .mazmaflgomZQ HooMom ma<>Hmm 924 OHHMDR r mnmda 61 During the entire period, both the junior and senior high schools were affected by increases of 29,160, or 27.2 per cent, and 13,896, or 25.2 per cent, respectively. Increases in both schools reached their highest in 1958-59. Although it was recommended in 1957 that the over-all retention rate of the elementary school be increased to 85 by 1960, by 1958 the rate had jumped from 68 to only 73, dropped 7 to 70 in 1959, andagain in 1960 to 69. Table 8 gives the actual data on retention rates for 1958-59 and 1959-60, with projections from 1960-61 to 1966-67. A steady increase is registered for almost all grades. ’ Projections for 1959-60 to 1974-75, as shown in Table 9, assume the backlog will be exhausted, that the number of children entering 1st grade will approach the number born six years earlier. In his estimates, Beresford L. Hayward of the Department of Education sees the historical trend of declining retention between grades seven to nine reversed, due to: Decreasing average age of students Decreasing pressure of student enrollment after 1967 Increasing educational efficiency in elementary schools Increasing urban characteristics of students Increasing effectiveness of secondary schools (38:3). 014:me 00 For the 9th to 10th grades he sees an increasing proportion of students continuing to high schools. For the 10th to 12th grades, however, improvement for the 1960-75 period will be relatively slow (38:9). The peak in projections of senior high enrollments is not seen until 1969-65 (29:56-57, 125). 62 .mH magma .mmm opom .QOHPwodcm Ho pdoapnwmon mmma m moma .mon maom we swam onmbososaomm awopnmnmsamm 88H0n82 we movomwonm .ooam opnmsm mo npamoqusaoo “meadow 8.Hm H.Hm m.om m.om m.om m.m> s.m> m.m> ¢.m> NHIHH 8.Hw H.Hm m.om m.om 8.0w 8.0m m.ow m.ow m.ow HHIOH N.Hm m.om 8.0m 0.0m m.mm m.mm m.>m m.>n ¢.mm caum m.mm m.mw m.mm m.mm m.mm >.mm m.mm H.mm m.mw mum m.ow >.om m.ow m.ow m.om m.om m.om 8.0w 8.03 mus w.mw m.mm >.mm m.mm H.mw >.mm m.mm o.mm m.>m sum m.om m.mw m.mm m.mw N.mm m.sr m.>m m.>m m.mm mum m.mm «.mm m.¢m 0.8m ¢.mm m.mm m.mm m.wm m.am mle o.>m o.>m o.>m o.>m 0.0m m.mm m.mm 8.mm m.mm elm o.mm o.wm o.mm o.mm o.mm m.>m w.>m >.>m m.>m mum m.em 8.8m m.¢m 0.8m m.mm m.mm o.mm >.mm n.wm mud mmlwm «bmlmo ”mmsmm “mmuem “emlmo “mmumm ”mmuam “Honom «omlmm « mmn4mw swimmma "mmlmmma "mmlemma «emummma «mmlmmma «mmuamma “amnomma «oolmmma «mmnwmmau mnoapomnonm mowwpqmonom wean H85p04 mmibmmfl 0v mmlmmmH .mmoomom mmaHQflMOo< me<>Hmm 92¢ OHHMDM mma0m 80000 0mmmm 0H0mm mmdmm 00800 0mHHm vm0b¢ 00480 mawvoa m0NH mmma moa- mmoa 80m 00m 000 ¢m0 0mm N00 nPNH Hmma m¢0H >0mH Hmva HM¢H mmma 0>HH mNHH 000a m0NH ApHH 0080 H080 0000 8N®H 0HOH N0>H mafia >00H m>¢H orva APOH 000m N>0N CONN H080 0040 80mm N¢Hm Hmom Hm0a hmdm mp0 m>0¢ 000m ¢>vm memm 000m 0000 0800 00mm 4000 4000 mp0 00Hm 0000 0mm¢ mmme >m0¢ vm>m >m0m Smmm >080 Nm¢m mph H0>m 000m >000 OmHm 0800 0008 mmvw 00m¢ 0008 0008 MP0 0000 0000 0H>0 N>m0 00mm 0000 0000 maam vMOm mafim nvm >0>0 m0>0 m¢H> Hefiu >H0> 0m00 0000 0000 8000 H000 £98 0800 mach 00H> H0¢> 0HNO N>N0 om¢v hvmb 0000 Nmm> chm N000 8000 4500 >00b ommw 80H0 8000 M005 oowh 0000 cam mbeb 0000 mach 0005 0N>> Hmmh 0000 Haom 0mH0 08mm pmH 00Immma mml0mma 0mi>mma bml0mma 0mlmmmH mmlvmma emlmmma mmlmmma mmlamma Hmlomma moddnw Mmbam meZD mmHBHH .0 "009800 o.m8 smo.m m4H.NH 88Hpaa8aaoaess es Haa .n 8.8m Hmm.m Hma.8 488888 unomao 888aaoo psonpas 88HPHH8mHoH882 mm .o 8.44 moo.a 8m4.m Hpflaspaommo 888aaoo spas 88889 mafiaHoHsa Ha8p8ae8asH 88Hpaa8mflofiqsa 8H .m 8.84 8H8.H 8mm.m H8poa m.ms maa Hma 888688 88m H.m8 004 mHo.H monom, 8.mm 8mm H84 88888H8s 0.H8 00> m>0.H mwncmHm 0H0 spagspnommo 8m8HHoo 88H; 88Hpaa8maoaqsa 4 .8 mopMfl0mhw Ho mmOHHmHP ImHmmm pnmo Hmm mQOprnpmHmom mopmscmhw macaw mpHmeHOHqsa MBHZDBMOMMO mmeHoo BDOmEHa mmoma OB Qmm88 84H 88 88 o o 88 7 888 88 888 o 88:488H 888 88H 48 88 o o 88 0H8 88 888 o 88:888H 48> H8 88 m8 0 0 m8 808 88 888 o mmnmmmH 888 8HH 8s 88H 8 o 88 888 88 H88 8 88uH88H 888 84H 88 88 o o om 888 88 ,_ H48 8 H8uo8mH mom 88H 88 48 o o OHH 888 84 8H8 o o8um8mH 0890909 manomHm H8909 800598M 980 0985082 0989582 889 000958 0808850 098950 ounmnwm 09H00 H800 H00HI000H m¢mw mnwsz Mm mmHaHmdeOHZDE 0H awe 2H mmadbndmw Hoomom mem OHHmDm m0 mmmfibz mm mnmds M-.«- .---_..- ‘8'- --~- .Amm 098m .808p805cm mo p588pn8mmn .omlmmmH on Hmlomma .50898058m mo 88888808m may 80 mphomvm H8555< .oofim ophm5m M0 QPH883m0aaoo "moh5om \) PK 00 888 884 888 888 888 888 888 888 88H 88H 8888809 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 048 8H8 88H 0808558 848 888 884 848 884 H88 888 888 84H 8HH 8888888 omlmmmfi mmlmmma mmlwmma rmlmmma mmlmmma mm|8mma 4mlmmmH mmlmmma leammfl Hmlomma 8828888 288 .8888288 .8888888 88 8888888 888>Hmm 888H888888 2H .8888» 88 .mazmaqgomzm mm mqmda 87 Whether the latter might attend a public community college, the number who might transfer to a four-year institution, and the formal schooling of parents compared with their interest in ex- tending their own preparation were among other aspects investigated. Distribution of respondents, together with number and per- centage of return of questionnaires, is shown in Table 24. Be- cause of increases in enrollments, questionnaires completed by llth grade students of Ceiba and Gurabo exceeded in number figures submitted earlier by high school officials of those two towns.* TABLE 24 DISTRIBUTION OF RESPONDENTS AND PERCENTAGE OF RETURN Est'd Questionnaires Percentage . Enroll- Returned of Return City or Town High School ments Student Parent Stud. Parent Ceiba Santiago I. Pantin 63* 77* 43 122% 68% Fajardo Santiago V. Calzada 335 185 166 55% 49% Gurabo Gurabo High School 154* 166* 96 107% 62% Humacao Ana Roque 570 384 357 67% 62% Juncos Jose M. Gallardo 210 167 99 79% 47% Maunabo Maunabo High School 94' 81 70 86% 74% Naguabo Rafael Rocca 163 144 93 88% 57% San Lorenzo Luis Munoz Rivera 163 156 144 95% 88% Yabucoa Teodoro Aquilar Moraggg 193 141 74% 54% Totals 2010 1553 1209 *Evidently, estimates made by authorities did not take account of new students. 88 In comparing answers of students and parents, the total number of replies of each group was considered separately. HoWever, in comparing both students' and parents' answers, together, questionnaires were matched before chi-square (x2) was derived. Parents' Occupations Compared with Those Desired for and by Their Children Among fathers a wide range of occupations was represented, predominating agriculture, the building trades, community and government services, retailing, and positions of industrial foremen. Where mothers worked, community and government ser— vices, including nursing and teaching, were the most common types. Therefore, in checking occupations of parents against their educational and/or occupational aspirations for their children, together with those of their children for themselves, it was found convenient to group occupations into five subheads in the preparation of Tables 25, 26, and 27. As noted, the schooling parents wanted for their children is about the same as that students themselves desired. Fifty per cent of parents desired a profession or semi-professional occupation for children whereas 44 per cent of their children have the same aspiration, with 20 per cent of both parents and children desiring a professional career. Occupations students said they intended to enter on completion of formal training and education, in order of selection 89 and percentage, are these: Secretarial (11.2), nursing (7.5), accounting (4.7), ministry or education (4.5), beautician or barber (4.3), armed services (4), business administration (4), and engineering (4). Above any other level of schooling a greater number of the fathers reported in Table 27 preferred a college education for their children, with the exception of the unemployed or retired who gave high school as the ultimate level desired. On the other hand, about 25 per cent of all fathers wanted at least two years of college for their children, while almost 50 per cent would like their children to graduate from a four— year institution. 90 TABLE 25 Comparison of Parents' Occupations with those Desired for Their Children Occupations of Parents (lO-P) Plans for Children (8-P) Reported by Parents) Prof. Semi- Skilled, OtherfDon‘t Total Prof. Semi- know or skilled, Undecided unsk'ld. Professional or 52 67 34 7 36 196 semi-professional Skilled, semi- 48 49 41 6 42 186 skilled, unskilled Farmer 51 64 48 12 60 235 Retired 6 18 ‘ 8 1 10 43 Unemployed 16 47 30 3 73 169 Other 62 77 53 19 59 270 Not reported 16 38 20 4 33 . 111 X2262.92 p; 0.005 251 360 234 52 313 1210 TABLE 26 Comparison of Parents' Occupations with those Desired by Their Children Occupations of Parents (ll—S) Plans of Children (9-8) (Reported by Children)Prof.Semi- Skilled, Other Don‘t Total Prof. Semi- know or skilled, Undecided unsk'ld. Professional 12 13 18 5 9 57 Semi-Professional 63 54 41 15 43 216 Skilled, semi- Skilled, unskilled 59 61 77 18 55 . 270 Farmer 51 73 82 19 64 289 Unemployed or retired 36 73 61 28 56 254 Other 82 99 94 46 81 402 Don't know 5 10 20 5 32 72 X2=62.08 1340.005 Total 308 383 393 136 340 1560 91 TABLE 27 Fathers' Occupations and Preparation Desired for Children Occupations of Fathers (lo-P) Preparation Desired for Children (4-P) High 2 Yrs. College Poet Total School College Graduate or less Professional and/or semi-professional 35 4O 92 22 189 Skilled, semi-skilled, unskilled 46 43 71 14 174 Farmer 72 56 85 14 227 Unemployed or retired 89 30 68 11 198 Other 61 63 106 28 258 Not reported 21 19 48 7 95 X2=51.76 p< 0.005 Total 324 251 470 96 1141 Relationships Between Parents' Schooling and Preparation Desired for Children As shown in Table 28, only 40 per cent of fathers with less than eight years of school desired a college education for their children, whereas over 50 per cent of those with more than eight years wished the same amount for theirs. Fifty per cent, in turn, of all fathers interviewed wanted children to graduate from college, 20 per cent preferred two years of college, while 30 per cent would be satisfied if their children completed high school only. Cross-tabulation of mothers' education and occupation with the degree of schooling desired by parents for their children showed the same relationships contained in Tables 27 and 28. 92 TABLE 28 Comparison of Fathers' Preparation with that Desired for Children Preparation of Fathers (ll-P) Preparation Desired for Children (4-P) High High School College Post Total School and Grad- Specialized uate Training Less than 8th grade 229 151 258 50 688 8th grade 31 38 72 15 156 Some high school 18 ll 36 10 75 High school 5 11 22 3 41 Some college, college graduate, or post graduate 3 4 27 7 41 x2=44.52 p<0.005 286 215 415 85 1001 Concurrence of High School Programs Studied with Future Educational Plans and Occupational Choices Table 29 shows that the majority of students were studying programs that concurred with their future educational plans. The proportion of those who were planning to attend college was greater among students enrolled in the general program than that for either of the other two groups. Forty—seven per cent of all students taking general subjects were sure they would continue their studies, although almost the same number were still undecided. Thirty per cent of those studying commercial subjects were sure they, too, were going on to college, while only 14 per cent taking vocational courses were certain. On the other hand, students in this last group appeared 93 to be more conscious than the others about their intentions for the future. Similarly, programs of students are compared in Table 30 with the occupations they planned to enter on completion of their formal schooling. It is noted that 70 per cent had already made vocational choices. TABLE 29 Relevance of High School Programs Studied to Future Educational Plans High School Enrollment in Post—Secondary Programs (4-S) Institution (5-S) Yes No Undecided Total General 539 147 472 1158 Commercial 69 25 136 230 Vocational 17 54 50 121 X2=129.11 p<.0.005 ___ ___ .___ Total 625 226 658 1509 TABLE 30 Relevance of High School Programs Studied to Choice of Future Occupations High School Programs (4~S) Occupations Desired (9-8) Profés— Semi? Skilled, Other Undeci- Total sional Profes- Semi- ded. sional skilled, Don't unskilled Know General 254 250 309 87 260 1160 Commercial 46 116 20 8 41 231 Vocational 7 12 39 35 29 122 X2=186.76 p< 0.005 Total 307 378 368 130 330 1513 94 More than 67 per cent of all students were enrolled in the general course. In turn, almost 50 per cent of these wanted to become professionals or semi-professionals, although the proportion who were studying a commercial program and intended to be professionals or semi—professionals was greater than that for either of the two groups. Comparison of Parents' Feeling on Four-Year and Community College Attendance for Children Besides revealing parents' feelings about four-year college attendance for their children, Table 31 indicates how sure the former are their children would attend a public community college. TABLE 31 Comparison of Parents' Feelings About Children Enrolling in College with Their Enrolling in a Public Community College Probable College Attendance Probable Community College Attendance Very Probably UT- Probany Total Certain Attend certain or cer- tainly not attend Very certain to attend 64 41 6 5 116 Probably attend 158 378 25 14 575 Uncertain 45 144 137 u 330 Probably or certainly not attend 15 60 34 45 154 x2=451.2 p‘<0.005 Total 282 623 202 68 1175 95 Of the total number of parents, 60 per cent were sure or probably sure their children would attend college, the percentage increasing to 75 in the event a public community college were founded, signifying a rise of 25 per cent in enrollment figures. This is accounted for by the fact that more than 50 per cent of those who expressed uncertainty about their children attending college later, or were sure they would not, at the same time stated they were very certain, or it was probable, that their children might attend a public community college. Probability of Attendance at a Community College Compared With that at a Four-Year College The probability of their attending a nearby public com- munity college, with transferral later to a four-year institution, is expressed by students in Table 32. Although the majority of those who would enroll in the two-year college would transfer later to a four—year one, Table 32 also points out the great degree of uncertainty that exists. For example, thirty per cent of those who would enroll first in a public community college were undecided about continuing studies. Only thirty-three per cent of the 1,560 students questioned were sure of their plans for the future; the remaining 67 per cent were uncertain. 96 TABLE 32 Probability of Community College Attendance with Transferral to a Four-Year Institution Community College Transferral to Four-Year Enrollment (14—8) Colleges (l8-S) Yes No Don't Know Total Yes 452 27 208 687 Probably, not definitely 93 22 217 332 Uncertain 38 19 204 261 Will go elsewhere 15 26 52 93 Will not attend 14 72 49 135 X22611.68 p< 0.005 Total 612 166 730 1508 In Table 33 a comparison is made of the various degree of certainty (or uncertainty) in both parents and children about the enrollment of the latter in a public community college. 97 TABLE 33 Certainty of Parents and Children About the Enrollment of the Latter in a Public Community College Degree of Certainty Degree of Certainty of Parents (9—P) of Children (14-8) Yes Pro- Uncer- W111 Will not Total bably tain Attend Attend Other College Place Very certain to attend 177 43 26 10 14 270 Probably attend 301 151 80 29 35 596 Uncertain 45 40 61 17 29 192 Probably or certain not to attend 9 8 9 12 25 63 X2=214.7l p< 0.005 ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ Total 532 242 176 68 103 1121 Seventy per cent of parents are certain or probably certain that their children would attend a community college whereas about 80 per cent of their children felt the same way. However, twice as many children were sure of their attendance as their parents, whereas twice as many parents as children thought the latter might attend. Influence of Parents' Education on Children (College or Non—College Attendance) From Table 34 it is apparent that 42 per cent of the students expressed a desire to a-tend college, while 43 per cent were un- decided. Among the former, the proportion of those whose father or mother (or both) had attended college previously was greater than for those whose parents had never studied beyond high school (65 per cent to 40 per cent). 98 TABLE 34 Influence of Parents‘ Education, College or Non—College, on Their Children's Desire to Attend College Number of Parents Who Attended College (Reported Probable Enrollment of Children by Children) (12-S) in College (S-S) Yes No Undecided Total One or both 79 8 35 122 None 557 226 624 1407 x2=30.02 p<0.005 Total 636 234 659 1529 Although only 5.7 per cent of students reported that one parent had attended college and 2.2 per cent reported both, 20.5 per cent of students declared that older brothers and/or sisters were now attending or had attended college at one time or another, indicating a decided change in the college—going pattern of youth. Desire of Parents for Further Education and/or Training for Themselves To single out the attitudes of parents toward further education and/or training for themselves, additional prepara- tion desired is compared in Table 35 with the level of formal schooling already obtained. More than 50 per cent of those with less than eight years of schooling stated they wanted to continue studying. 99 TABLE 35 Comparison of Parents' Educational Level with Their Desire To Further Their Schooling Preparation of Amount of Additional Preparation Parents (P-ll) Desired (12—P) Father Mother Some None Total Some None Total Less than 8th grade 409 266 675 321 249 570 Eighth grade 112 43 155 87 38 125 Some high school 44 23 67 30 3 33 High school 35 5 40 33 5 38 Some college, college graduate, or post graduate 31 6 37 17 4 21 X2=23.8 p< 0.005 x2=2u.7 p<0.005 Total 631 343 974 488 309 797 The degree expressed toward continuing education, as shown in Table 35, tends to increase in direct proportion to the educa— tional level achieved. Evidently, there was a nucleus of parents in the ten-municipality area who had already graduated from high school or who had had some college studies and who might enroll in post-high—school courses were these available. Men expressed greatest interest in courses to help them in their work or get better jobs, 33.0 per cent; help improve homes, 12.1; work on a college degree, 12.1; and, broaden themselves, 5.6 per cent. Women were equally interested in job improvement, 21.4 per cent; in improving their homes, 22.9; in working on a college degree, 10.0; and, in broadening themselves, 5.7 per cent. 100 In all cases the calculated value of chi-square was found highly significant which implies that the occupations and level of schooling desired by children is not independent of the occupation and preparation of their parents. That is, the desires of children are affected by the expectancies of their parents. The proportion of children planning to attend college is greater among those whose parents attended college than among those whose fathers or mothers never went beyond high school. 101 Puerto Rican Institutions of Higher Education General Description As shown in Figure 5, three of the facilities for higher learning are located within the metropolitan area (San Juan), with a population of 588,805. The University of Puerto Rico, founded in 1900, is the oldest, largest, and one of two Common- wealth—supported institutions in operation. Established at Rio Piedras, a city annexed to San Juan in 1951, it offers liberal arts and general programs. Together with its affiliate College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts at Mayaguez, the University of Puerto Rico offers a master's degree in public administration, history, social work, economics, Spanish, nuclear technology, mathematics, sanitary and natural sciences, philosophy, public health and public health education and a doctor's degree in Spanish. Whereas the branch at Mayaguez has separate divisions for agriculture, engineering, and natural sciences, the University of Puerto Rico has eight colleges, all located on the Rio Piedras campus. These are the Colleges of Business Administration, Education, General Studies, Humanities, Law, Natural Sciences, Pharmacy, and Social Sciences, the latter including the Schools of Social Work, Labor Relations, and Public Administration. On the San Juan campus, the University of Puerto Rico administers the Schools of Dentistry and of Medicine and Tropical Medicine. In Santurce, another sector of the capital, the College of the Sacred Heart, established in 1935 under the Roman 102 Atlantic Ocean ‘ O O 0 Rio Piedras Ilayaguez f‘ ““\ 0 San qe 11:13. Caribbean Sea 0 Private Four-Year {_Iniversity or College Private Junior College 0 Commonwealth-Supported University or College FIGURE 5 LOCATIONS OF PUERTO RICAN INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION 103 Catholic Church, offers liberal arts, general, terminal- occupational, and teacher-preparatory courses. Only the bachelor's degree is awarded. The only accredited two—year institution on the Island, the Puerto Rico Junior College, is still in the process of construction in Cupey Ward, Rio Piedras. It is the most recent addition to higher education in Puerto Rico and is under private control, offering a program similar to that provided by the College of the Sacred Heart but covering two to four years beyond the 12th grade level. Degrees offered are the A.A. and the A.S. The College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, organized in 1911 at Mayaguez, provides instruction similar to that of the University of Puerto Rico, with the exception of agri— cultural and engineering specializations. Hayaguez has a pOpulation of 83,850. The Inter American University of Puerto Rico, at San German, (pOpulation 27,667), south and east of Mayaguez, was founded in 1912 as the Polytechnic Institute. Related to the Presbyterian Church, it offers liberal arts, general, and teacher-preparatory curriculums leading to the B.A. and B.S. degrees. An A.A. diploma may also be obtained. Advanced degrees are offered by the School of Banking and Finance. A second Roman Catholic institution, the Catholic Uni— versity of Puerto Rico, was incorporated in 1948 in Ponce, the second city of importance on the Island, with a population of 145,586. It offers the B.A., B.S., and B.B.A. degrees for ..... 104 programs in liberal arts, general, terminal-occupational, and teacher—preparatory education. A two-year A.Ed. degree is also given. Both evening and Saturday sessions are operated. A College of Law was inaugurated on August 23, 1961. All institutions have been accepted as members of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools and are co-educational, with the exception of the College of the Sacred Heart. Table 36 provides additional data relevant to the six facilities, including enrollments for the first semester, 1960. 105 TABLE 36 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELEVANT TO INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION Name Teachersl Total Fees Degree-Credit Profes- Students3 sional Totall First-Time: Staff? University of $124 for Puerto Rico and freshmen College of Ag— and soph- riculture and omores; Mechanic Arts 1,505 2,545 $154 for 18,554 5,425 juniors & seniors. Summer-$5 -$6 per credit hr. Catholic $550 annu— University 126 155 ally. 5,020 1,079 Summer-$9 per credit hour. Inter American 3450 annu— 5 University 93 97 ally. 5,211 774 Summer- $lO.5O per credit hr. College of the $570 annu- Sacred Heart 28 58 ally. 212 71 Summer-$14 per or. hr. Puerto Rico 3250 per Junior College 40 semester 1,041 684 Totals 2,855 1,552 26,058 6,051 gFor 1958-59. In First Semester, 1957-1958. ZFor Fall, 1960 Figures for resident and extension students. Estimated by U.S. Office of Education. 5 Sources: 1. 106. TABLE 3 5--Continued American Universities and Colleges, American Council on Education, Eighth Edition, Wash- ington: 1960, pp. 955-958. Opening (Fall) Enrollment in Higher Educa- tion, 1960, Institutional Data, U.S. Depart- ment of Health, Education, and Welfare (Of— fice of Education). Washington: U.S. Gov- ernment Printing Office, 1960, p. 54. Faculty and Other Professional Staff in In- stitutions of Higher Learning (First Term 1257—582, U.S. Department of Health, Educa— tion, and Welfare (Office of Education), Washington: U.S. Government Printing Of- fice, 1959, p. 62. Benjamin Fine, Fine's American College Coun— selor and Guide. 1958—1959 Edition. Engle- wood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., June 1, 1959, PP. 190-191. 107 Extension Programs Decentralization of higher education by the institutions of the island is a recent trend, indicating a belief by educa- tional authorities that many more potential college-age and older adults can be reached. According to population estimates there are 443,500 persons in the 6 to 12 year group (corresponding to grades 1 to 6), 280,000 in the 13 to 18 year group (corresponding to grades 7 to 12), 131,500 in the 19 to 22 year group (corres- ponding to college level), and 1,037,000 in the 23 plus group (corresponding to adult education levels) (4:1-2). Since extension education exists to serve the needs of those no longer in school, it can be seen that potential enrollments in all extension programs could conceivably exceed enrollments within the formal educational pattern. A pioneer in the extramural movement, the University of Puerto Rico Operated four centers during 1961-62 at Arecibo, Humacao, Ponce, and Vega Baja, with a total enrollment of 1,688. The Inter American University has set up off-campus units, including evening sessions, at Aguadilla and Arecibo; Opened a Law School on August 28, 1961, at Hato Rey, a suburb of San Juan; and leased the former Baptist Academy at Barranquitas, a town in the interior, where night classes are also conducted. Courses are also offered at Bayamon, Fajardo, Guayama, Ponce, Cayey, Yauco, Isabela, Anasco, Mayaguez, Ciales, Adjuntas, Lares and Utuado. The Catholic University, in turn, offers extension courses at Aguadilla, Aibonito, Arecibo, Bayamon, Caguas, 108 Guayama, and Mayaguez. Table 37, indicating enrollments in extension courses, shows how interest in the movement has steadily increased over the years. Programs of study offered in extension centers are almost entirely related to the preparation and upgrading of teaching personnel, the bulk of students being instructors in the Common— wealth's public schools. For example, of the 2,973 students enrolled in classes sponsored by the University of Puerto Rico during the second semester of 1960-61, 1,035 were being taught by personnel of the College of General Studies, while another 1,036 were enrolled in courses given by the College of Educa- tion (3:Tab1e VI). . . . at least two-thirds of the over 3,000 students following the several extra-mural programs offered by the University of Puerto Rico, Inter American and Catholic Universities, are teachers in service completing requirements for an academic or a teaching credential, as are a large proportion of the 9,000 summer school students at the University (9:13 of Part 10). The Humacao Center, under the University of Puerto Rico, is the only one within daily commuting distance of every sector of the ten-municipality area under study. Enrollment has been rather stable since 1957-58 with 502 and 450 students matriculated (first and second semester, respectively), 473 and 423 for 1958—59, 467 and 403 for 1959—60, and 462 and 405 for 1960-61, the over-all average for the period reaching 448. Enrollments recorded for the first semester of 1961-62 were 458. 109 TABLE37, ENROLLMENT or EXTENSION DEGREE-CREDIT AND NON-DEGREE CREDIT STUDENTSI. Year and Name of Institution No. of Degree- No. of Non- Credit Stu— Degree Credit dents Students (Adult Education) 1258-52 University of Puerto Rico 2775 College of Sacred Heart 55 Inter American University 697 Catholic University 115 Total 3 38 1257-58 University of Puerto Rico 2217 College of Sacred Heart, ' Inter American University 52? Catholic University 102 433 Total 2546 433 12.5.2 _ University of Puerto Rico 2264 College of Sacred Heart 60 Polytechnic Institute2 Catholic University 88 Total 2524 88 122‘}. University of Puerto Rico 1860 127 College of Sacred Heart Polytechnic Institute? Catholic University Total 1860 127 .1222 University of Puerto Rico 1795 College of Sacred Heart Polytechnic Institute? Catholic University 85 Total 1793 83 lFigures do not include those matriculated in evening or 2summer school classes. The Polytechnic Institute of Puerto Rico became the Inter American University of Puerto Rico in 1956. Note: Figures are taken from the only issues for the available second source cited. Sources: 1. 109A TABLE 31--Continued American Universities and Colleges, American Council on Education, Eighth Edition, Wash— ington: 1960, pp. 955-958. Resident, Extension, and Other Enrollments in Institutions of Higher Education, 1957-58, 1955, 1954, 1355, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (Office of Education). Washington: U.S. Government Printing Of- fice. 109A TABLE 31—-Continued Sources: 1. American Universities and Colleges, American Council on Education, Eighth Edition, Wash— 2. Resident, Extension, and Other Enrollments in Institutions of Higher Education, 1957-58, 1255, 1954, 1255, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (Office of Education). Washington: U.S. Government Printing Of- fice. 110 Financial Support Support for public higher education in Puerto Rico comes from three sources: the Commonwealth Legislature, student fees and tuition; and the U.S. Government through various laws and acts. For 1960-1961, 84 per cent of all income received by the two state-supported institutions, or $19,088,400 out of a total of $22,647,046, was allocated by the Commonwealth Lawmakers through self-renewing budgets established by the statement of accounts required by the Commonwealth Auditor. However, Public Law No. 135 (the University Law) of May 7, 1942, not only stipulates that rents be imposed for maintenance of the University of Puerto Rico and its College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, but it also places the ad- ministration of all monies destined for educational purposes in the hands of the Superior Education Council, subject to the approval of the Treasurer of the University. In actual practice, the University Board, consisting of the Chancellor, Deans, and a representative of the Faculty, not only receives a model budget proposed by the Auditor, but it also fOrmulates its own projection of expenses accordingly. This is submitted to the Superior Education Council, which in turn, after approving globally its budget for all faculties, schools, and other dependencies, forwards its version to both Auditor and Legislature. A second source of income for the maintenance of the state institutions of higher learning are tuition and other 111 fees received from students which, in 1960-1961, amounted to $3,371,794, or 15 per cent of all income. The third and last source of revenues is a series of Federal laws and acts, accepted by the Legislature on May 15, 1938, and ratified by the University Law. These account for only one per cent of all income. In addition to the Second Morrill Act of 1890 and the Nelson Amendment, benefits of the Hatch, Adams, Purnell, Smith-Lever, and Capper-Ketcham Acts have been received since July 1, 1933. On August 28, 1936, Congress extended to the Island the provisions of Section 21 of the Bankhead-Jones Act, which allows for further development of cooperative agricultural extension work. To secure greater economic autonomy for the two state- owned institutions and to assure adequate means for fulfilling the growing demand for higher education a prOposed revision of Public Law No. 135 would allocate to these one and one-half per cent of the net national incomes of Puerto Rico for the preceding year. If this amount is insufficient the institutions could appeal to the Commonwealth Bureau of the Budget and Legis- lature for special emergency assignments. To support the Commonwealth budget for 1960-61 of $318 million the Legislature provided 31 per cent ($98 millions) for all education, an increase of 24.1 per cent over expenditures for the same concept in 1959-1960. The remaining assignments, in order of size, were 23 per cent to health and welfare, 11 per cent to industrial, agricultural, and business development; 10 per cent to general administration, 8 per cent to protection 112 of persons and property; and, 7 per cent to others (25:53). The following resources expected to finance the 1960-1961 budget, were taken from Budgetary Activity 32 Puerto Rico, Annual Report, 1959-60 (23:18). Taxes $187,200,000 or 58 per cent Federal support 34,300,000 or 11 per cent Customs and taxes 33,800,000 or 11 per cent Bond issue 25,000,000 or 8 per cent Previous funds 13,000,000 or 4 per cent Other income 24,800,000 or 8 per cent $318,272,776 or 100 per cent Together with the total budget of $318 million for 1960—1961, net Commonwealth income increased by 7.5 per cent, reaching the figure of $1,465 million. This rise is significant, considering the economic recession that lasted the greater part of that year on the mainland. In turn, general price level rose 1.7 per cent, leaving a balance of 5.9 per cent increase at stable price levels (25:11). Four factors are given as leading to this growth of economy: an increase in construction, expansion of manufacturing, a rise in the net income of the government, and continued agri— cultural growth. For 1961-1962 it was predicted net income would reach $1,595 million or $130 million more than for 1960-1961, an increase of 9 per cent (25:97). Based on interviews with various organizations, it was 113 predicted private and public works would exceed $300 million in value, or an increase of 12 per cent (25:91). In industry it was estimated 90 new branch plants of mainland firms would begin operations, compared with 72 for 1960-1961, resulting in a grand total of 750. Income from this source, alone, it was expected, would be $368 millions, or an increase of 15 per cent (25:94-95). Whereas net income generated in government rose 8.8 per cent in 1960-1961, reaching a total of $169 million, it was estimated in 1961-1962 that this same source of income would increase by 8.4 per cent (25:95). 114 FACTORS IN THE SELECTION OF A LOGICAL SITE Puerto Rico is divided, politically, into eight districts, each comprising a number of municipalities. A glance at a map of the Island, Figure 6, shows highways in the ten-municipality area converging toward the city of Humacao, the seat of govern- ment of the Humacao District. If a semi—circle be drawn from Fajardo, touching on Caguas, and then on down through Maunabo, one finds enclosed the following cities and towns, all within daily commuting distance of Humacao. City of Humacao to Caguas ------------ 16 miles Ceiba ------------- 17 miles Fajardo ----------- 23 miles Gurabo ------------ 14 miles Juncos ------------ 10 miles Las Piedras ------- 4 miles Maunabo ----------- 15 miles Naguabo ----------- 11 miles San Lorenzo ------- 11 miles Yabucca ----------- 9 miles Although 370 of the 11th grade students expressed their desire through the questionnaire to attend the University of Puerto Rico upon graduation, 24 the Puerto Rico Junior College, 3 the Inter American University, and 2 the Catholic University of Puerto Rico, many of these, might attend college in Humacao were one to be organized. If we use the ratio of 45 to 100 as the relationship of college enrollments to high school graduates, approximately 197 Humacao High School graduates, alone, would have been proceeding to college in 1961. Based on the almost stable enrollment of teachers in the University of Puerto Rico extramural classes, 140 of which in 1957—58 stated they would like to take courses throughout the 115 FIGURE 6 EASTERN SECTOR OF PUERTO RICO 1, , iiifi i , Juana Jfl/dnlnu Source: Official Road Map. Puerto Rico. Specially prepared for the Department of Tourism by the Shell Company (Puerto Rico), Ltd. 116 week, Humacao already has the nucleus of a community college. By fusing the functions of extramural classes into those re- lating to a community college, there would, not only be greater flexibility in organization and administration, but also greater variety in courses, programs, and instructors. While it can be assumed the majority of potential students would commute daily to and from the college, there are two small hotels located in Humacao, together with various rooming and boarding houses, for the convenience of students coming from the nearby islands of Vieques and Culebra. Were the college to convene with evening sessions, rooms and buildings occupied by public schools could be used temporarily. Teaching staff could be hired from personnel already residing in the community or from among those originally from Humacao but who are presently teaching at the University of Puerto Rico or at some other similar institution. Other students likely to matriculate would be those who could not attend extramural classes on Saturdays, students who could not be admitted to other institutions, and those who would prefer to live at home the first two years for economical reasons. Residents of Caguas, still within a reason- able travelling distance, might also enroll. Because of its extensive population, no doubt there would be a sizeable number of persons in the immediate com- munity of Humacao desirous of adding to their previous prepara- tion or of taking general education courses without credit. Other benefits to accrue to students commencing studies 117 at Humacao would be smaller classes, more and closer contacts with classmates and instructors, and greater opportunities to receive the advantages of counselling in adjusting to college study. In his annual report to Chancellor Jaime Benitez, Dr. Augusto Bobonis, Dean, College of Education, University of Puerto Rico, states that the enrollment in his college has risen to 6,779 students, the faculty to 185, including instruc- tors in the elementary, junior, and senior high schools of the University. He also relates that it is necessary to reduce class size by adding to both teaching and administrative personnel. A two-year branch at Humacao would certainly aid in solving enrollment and staffing difficulties such as these (41:1). Not only would instructional materials and equipment of the Humacao Center be available, but the city is also served by two public libraries. 3. CHAPTER IV CONCLUSIONS Total population in the ten-municipality area grew from 1930 to 1950, primarily as a result of natural increase. a. In 1930 the number of inhabitants was 167,222; in 1940, 192,019; in 1950, 211,260. But by 1960 the population had dropped to 201,635. The municipality of Humacaoregistered the greatest growth in number of residents from 1930 to 1950. Ninety—three per cent of parents interviewed stated they had lived in their present homes more than six years. Public school enrollments increased yearly since 1951-1952. The 1959-1960 figure was 8,777, or 18.3 per cent greater than that for 1951-1952. a. High school graduating classes increased from 858 in 1951-1952 to 1,368 in 1960-1961, a difference of 510. Assuming 45 per cent of graduates proceed to college and that a post-secondary facility existed in the locality, of 1,368 students who graduated in 1961 approximately 616 might have enrolled for further instruction. In three private school systems (Fajardo, Humacao, and San Lorenzo) enrollments grew steadily during 1950 to 1960, 118 119 showing increases of 430,290, and 232 students, respectively. From 1957 to 1960 average enrollments in extension courses at the Humacao Center reached 448. Of these, 140 expressed interest in 1957-1958 in pursuing additional studies through- out the week. The city of Humacao is not only the geographical and popula- tion center of the area, with the greatest number of facili- ties, but it is also within daily commuting distance of any sector. Student questionnaire findings indicated decided interest in acquiring more education and/or training. a. Forty-two per cent of students expressed a desire to attend college, while 43 per cent stated they were still undecided. Sixty-five per cent of the former had parents, one or both of whom had attended or graduated from college, while 40 per cent had parents who had never gone beyond high school. b. Sixty-seven per cent said they would or probably would attend a public community college were one available. c. Forty-six per cent said they would take advantage of one- or two-year programs in business, commercial, and technical areas, while 41 per cent said they would study the first two years of a four-year program. d. Forty-four per cent wanted to become professionals or semi-professionals (20 per cent desired a professional career; 24 per cent, a semi-professional one). 120 The majority of students had enrolled in programs that concurred with future educational plans. Forty-seven per cent of those taking general courses were sure they would continue studying; about the same percentage were undecided. Thirty per cent of students studying commercial courses were also certain they would go on to college. Only 14 per cent of those taking vocational courses, thought they might continue to college. Seventy per cent of students had already made voca- tional choices, ninety—four per cent of these remarking that training beyond high school was necessary. Parents not only expressed a desire that children continue studying but also an interest in furthering their own education and training. a. Fifty per cent desired their children become professionals or semi-professionals, that is, that they complete at least two years of college (20 per cent wanted a pro- fessional career, 30 per cent a semi-professional one). Approximately 50 per cent of fathers and mothers, when interviewed separately, wanted children to have four years of college, while 20-25 per cent desired that children complete at least two years of higher education. The wish that children obtain a college education was more intense among fathers and mothers with more than eight years of school than among those with less. Sixty per cent were sure or probably sure that children would attend college. This percentage increased to 75 121 when asked if children might attend a public community college. Fifty per cent of those expressing doubt about children proceeding to college (or said they would not be going) stated they were certain or it was probable they might attend a community college. More than 50 per cent of parents with less than eight years of schooling wanted to study further, the degree of interest toward continuing education increasing in direct proportion to the level of education already achieved. Although employment opportunities for college graduates (or those with some college) are limited among business and industry, having some education and training beyond the 12th grade was considered advantageous. a. Seventy-seven per cent of respondents stated there were opportunities for employment for people with two years of technical or semi-professional training. Fifty—seven per cent of organizations replied that employees having two years of training beyond high school could supplement college graduates now employed. In 81 per cent two years of post-secondary education or training would be recognized by job advancement, while in 36 per cent it would mean higher pay. In general, opportunities for on—the—job training were only "Fair" or "Poor." 122 RECOMMENDATIONS Although this study shows need for some type of post- secondary institution in the area surveyed, further research is required in the following aspects before a public community college can be recommended: 1. 2. 10. Attitudes of educational and governmental leaders. Present and future financial capabilities and responsi- bilities of community and Commonwealth. Supply of and demand for teaching and administrative personnel. College curriculums, including those of community colleges. Home addresses (origins) of students enrolled in institutions of higher education. Specific and detailed training needs of business and industry. A comparison of tuition and other costs related to college attendance. Availability of buildings and other facilities. Administrative structure in which the new institution would operate. Relationship between parents' income and the college- going pattern of youth. 10. ll. 12. BIBLIOGRAPHY American Universities and Colleges, American Council on Education, Eighth Edition, Washington, 1960. Annual Report 1959-1960. Extension Programs. University of Puerto Rico. Rio Piedras, June 30, 1960. Annual Report 1960-61. Statistical Supplementary, Vol. II, Extension Programs, University of Puerto Rico. Rio Piedras. Arbolino, Jack N. A Report on Extension Services at the University of Puerto Rico. Superior CounCil on Education, University of‘Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, September, 1959. Ashmore, Henry L. "Reaction to Some Basic Principles in Deve10ping and Operating Junior Colleges." Junior College Journal, Vol. 32, No. 4, December, 1961. Bogue, Jesse P. The Community College. New York: McGraw- Hill Book Co., Inc., 1950. Bogue, Jesse P. The Development of Community Colleges. American Association of Junior Colleges, Washington, 1957. Bogue, Jesse P. and Burns, Norman. "Legal and Extralegal Influences for Improving Colleges." The Public Junior College, Chapter XII. Fifty—fifth YearBook of the National Soc1ety for the Study of Education. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1956. Bowles, Frank H. Preliminary Report on Certain ASpects of the Study of Institutions of Higher Learning, Superior COuncil on Education, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, September, 1959. Brameld, Theodore. The Remaking of a Culture. New York: Harper 8 Brothers Publishers, 1959. Brown, Mrs. Rollin. Nations Schools: March, 1957. Brumbaugh, A. J., and Blee, Myron R. Higher Education and Florida's Future. Vol. 1. Gainesville: University of FIbrida Press, I956. 123 13. 14. 15. 16. l7.‘ l8. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 124 Caselmann, Christian; Borghi, Lomberto; and, Bredsdorff, Martin. The Educational System in Puerto Rico. Depart- ment of Education, San Juan, 1960. Colvert, C. C. "Professional Development of Junior College Instructors," Junior College Journal. Vol. 25, No. 8, April, 1955. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Annual Descriptive Report of the Commonwealth Board for VOcational Education, Divi- sion of Vocational Education, to the Governor of Puerto Rico and the U. S. Office of Education, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, June 30, 1958. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Annual Reports of the Secre- tary of Education, 1949-50 to 1960-61. Department of Education, Hato Rey. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Annual Report of the Secretarx of Education 1957-58. Statistical Report. Part 1. De- partment of Education, Hato Rey. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Committee on Human Resources. Unemploymem; Family Income, and Level of Living in Puerto RiCo. San Juan, November, 1959. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Economic Changes in Puerto Rico 1935-56. Planning Board. January, 1957. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Economic Report to the Governor 1957. Bureau of Economics and Statistics. Puerto Rico Planning Board. Office of the Governor. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Economic Report to the Governor 1959. Bureau of Economics and StatistiEs. Puerto Rico PIanning Board. San Juan. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Informe Sobre La Matricula v Maestros a1 Terminar e1 Primer Mes Escolar, 1960-61, Bulletin No. 1, Division of Statistics, Department of Education, Hato Rey. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Office of the Governor. Budgetary Activity in Puerto Rico, Annual Report, 1959-60. Bureau of the Budget. San Juan. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Office of the Governor. Puerto Rico: Selected Indices of Social and Economic Progress: Fiscal Years 1939-404,1946-47 to 1959-60. Puerto Rico Planning Board. Santurce. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Office of the Governor. 1961 Informe Economico a1 Gobernador. Planning Board, Economics and StatisticsAgency. Santurce. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 125 Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Prpposal for Beginning the Development of a Regional College Systemiin Puerto Rico in 1962-63. Department of Education, Hato Rey. April, 1962. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Proyectos de Mejoras Permanentes Decimonoveno Plan as Seis Anos, 1963 a 1968. Department ofEducation, Hato Rey. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Public School System of Puerto Rico (General Informationi. San Juan: Department of Education Press, 1957. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico's Manpower Needs and Supply. Committee on Human Resources. San Juan, November, 1957.' Community College Council. The Community Junior College in Florida's Future. Florida State Department of Educa- tion, Tallahassee, 1957. Davis, Kingsley. "Puerto Rico: A Crowded Island," The Annals, The American Academy of Political and Social Soiences, Philadelphia, 1953. Davis and Blake. "Birth Control and Public Policy," Commentary, February, 1960. Diverse, Ramon A. Preliminary Considerations Concerning Students Enrolled at the Extramural Center of Humacao. Office of Extension Programs. University of Puerto Rico. Rio Piedras, October 29, 1958. Dunne, Edward J. (Father). "Stepchild in the Caribbean," Commonweal, May 3, 1957. Fine, Benjamin. Fine's American College Counselor and Guide. 1958-1959 Edition. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., June I, 1959. Fink, Russell Foster. "Some Criteria for the Establishment of Community Colleges, with Special Reference to Michigan," Abstract, Doctors Dissertation, Michigan State University, East Lansing, 1952 (Unpublished). Good, Le Roy V. "State Criteria for the Establishment of 2-Year Colleges." State Directors of Junior Colleges and Coordinators of State Systems of 2—Year Colleges. U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education, Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1962. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 126 Heyward, Beresford L. Assumptions for Projection of School Enrollment. 1959-1960 to 1974-1975. Department of’Education. Hato Rey. Heyward, Beresford L. Toward Comprehensive Educational Planning in Puerto Rico. Report No. l to the Secretary of Education, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Department of Education, Hato Rey, August, 1958. Hillway, Tyrus. The American Two-Year College. New York: Harper 8 Brothers, Publishers, 1958. Homero, Alfaro. "Senala Urgencia Programas Graduandos de Pedagogia," El Mundo, San Juan, October 8, 1960. Jarvie, Lawrence L., and Klitgord, Otto. A Report and Recommendations Concerning Technicians Who A831st Eng1neers, Needs, Fac111t1es, Education. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, January, 1958. Johnson, B. Lamar. "An Emerging Concept Points to the Future," Junior College Journal, Vol. 25, No. 8, April, 1955. Johnson, Paul N. "A Proposal for a System of Public Junior Colleges for the State of Kansas." Unpublished doctoral dissertation. College of Education, University of Colorado, 1956. Koos, Leonard V. "Essentials in Statewide Community - College Planning." The School Review, Vol. 57, No. 7, September, 1949. Kraus, Albert L. "Puerto Rico Draws Blue-Chip Plants," The New York Times, Sunday, December 31, 1961. Lovejoy, Clarence E. Lovejoy's College Guide. Simon and Schuster, New York, 1959. Martorana S. V. "Consideration of 2-Year Colleges in Recent Statewide Studies of Higher Education: Part I." Hi her Education, Vol. 14: No. 2, October, 1957; and "Con51dera- tion of 2-Year Colleges in Recent Statewide Studies of Higher Education: Part II." Higher Education, Vol. 14, No. 3, November, 1957. Martorana, S. V. Extending Post-High School Education in Puerto Rico. Superior Counc1l on Education. Univer51ty of Puerto Rico. Rio Piedras, January, 1959. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 127 Martorana, S. V. The Community College in Michigan. Staff Study No. l. The Survey of Higher Education in Michigan. John Dale Russell, Director. Lansing, Michigan. The Michigan Legislative Study Committee on Higher Education, June, 1957. McGrath, Earl J. "Does the Community College Have a Future?" The Educational Forum, Vol.27, No. 1, November, 1962. Medsker, Leland L. The Junior College: A Powerful Motivating Force for Educational Advancement. American Association of Junior Colleges, Washington: 1961. Medsker, Leland L. The Junior College: Progress and PrOSpect. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1960. Michigan Legislation Study Committee on Higher Education. "The Community College Problem in Michigan." Chapter VI, 1957. ' Minnesota Commission on Higher Education. Tomorrow's Resources, 1949. Morrison, D. G. "Some Aspects of the Status of Junior Colleges in the United States," Junior College Journal, Vol. 24, No. 7, March, 1954. Morrison, D. G., and Martorana, S. V. Criteria for the Establishment of 2-Year Colleges. U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Bulletin 1961, No. 2, Washington: U. 8. Government Printing Office, 1960. Morrison, D. G. and Martorana, S. V. State Formulas for the Support of Public 2-Year Colleges. U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Bulletin 1962, No. 14, Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1962. Musgraves, B. W. "Financial Support for 2-Year Colleges" (See rest of No. 9) Price, Hugh G. "Planning for Public Junior College Develop- ment Through State and National Surveys." Junior College Journal, Vol. 20, No. 1, September, 1949. Reach, Damon D. "Statewide Planning Needed in Community College Development." Junior College Journal. Vol.32, No. 3, November, 1961. Reimer, Everett. Implications of Economic Develppment on Education. A Project of the Committee on Human Resources, San Juan, July 28, 1960. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 128 Reynolds, James W. "When to Build a Community College." School Executive, Vol. 69, No. 4, December, 1949. Rodgers, Jack. "Establishing a Junior College." Phi Delta Kappan, Vol. 38, No. 1, February, 1957. Semans, H. H. and Holy, T. C. A Study of the Need for Additional Centers of Higher Education in California. California State Department of Education, Sacramento, 1957. Starrak, James A., and Hughes, Raymond M. The Community College in the United States. Ames, Iowa: The Iowa State College Press, 1954. Starrak, James A., and Hughes, Raymond M. The New Junior College. Ames, Iowa: The Iowa State College Press, 1948. Stead, William H. Fomento--The Economic Development of Puerto Rico. Planning Pamphiet No. 103. National Planning Association, Washington, March, 1958. Taylor, Walter M. "State and Local Surveys of Need." State Directors of Junior Colleges and Coordinators of State’Systems of 2-Year COileges. Department of’Health, Education, and Welfare. Office of Education, Washington: U. 8. Government Printing Office, 1962. The American Academy of Political and Social Sciences. "Foreword," The Annals. Philadelphia, 1953. Thornton, James W., Jr. The Community Junior College. New York: John Wiley 8 Sons, Inc., 1960. U. S. Department of Commerce. U. S. Census of Population. 1950. Puerto Rico. Number of Inhabitants. Bureau of the Census. 1950. U. S. Department of Commerce. U. S. Census of Population. 1960. Puerto Rico. Number of Inhabitants. Bureau of the Census. U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (Office of Education). Educational Directory, 1960-1961, Part 3, Higher Education. Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1960. U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (Office of Education). Faculty and Other Professional Staff in Institutions of Higher Learnin (First Term 1957-58). Washington: U. S. Government rinting Office, 1959. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 129 U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (Office of Education). Opening (Fall) Enrollment in Higher Educa- tion, 1950, 1958, 1956,,1954, 1952, 1950. Institutional data, Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office. U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (Office of Education). Resident, Extension, and Other Enrollments in Institutions of Higher Education, 1957, 1958, 1955, 1954, 1953. Washington: U. 8. Government Printing Office. U. S. Office of Education. (Estimate of Research and Statistical Services Branch, January, 1959. Wattenbarger, James L. "Planning Facilities for Junior Colleges." Junior Collgge Journal, Vol. 30, No. 9, May, 1960. Wayles, Fred G. "Community Education in Puerto Rico," Education for Better Living-~Yearbook on Education Around The World (Washington: U. S. Department of’Health, Educa— tion, and Welfare, Office of Education, U. S. Government Printing Office, 1957). Young, Raymond J. "Survey of Junior College Possibilities: A State Responsibility." Junior College Journal, Vol. 29, No. 5, January, 1959. APPENDIX A 130 ‘I -I .. 131_ Nfim. CUESTIONARIO DEL ESTUDIANTE Introduccion Los ripidos cambios sociales, cientificos y tecnologicos han presentado muchos problemas para el individuo, 1a escuela y la comunidad. Uno de los problemas mas apremiantes es la necesidad cada vez mayor de instruccion y entrenamiento de nivel mAS alto que el de la escuela superior para poder as! alcanzar 1a suficiencia indi- vidual y vocacional del mundo actual. Este informe es parte de un estudio para determinar las necesidades de oportunidades educativas de nivel mas alto que el de escuela superior para j6venes y sdultos en diez mmnicipios en Puerto Rico. Usted puede ayudar en este estudio dando la informacion que este cuestionario re- quiere. Como aclaraciCn, un colegio regional de dos aflos generalmente ofrece los primeros dos afios de un curriculo de nivel universitario. Los cursos incluyen tanto educacidn general 0 pre-profesional como programas técnicos, vocacionales y de educacion de adultos. Normalmente, tales colegios se encuentran a una distancia relativamente accesible a los estudiantes que a ellos asisten, eliminando los gastos de hospedaje fuera del hogar. Direcciones No necesita escribir su nombre en esta hoja. Todas las contestaciones son estric- tamente confidenciales. Indique 1a contestacion mas apropiada para usted haciendo un circulo alrededor del nfimero correspondiente. l. zCuél es el nombre del municipio 5. aEsta usted planeando tomar entre- donde usted vive? namiento especializado o it a colegio después de que se gradue XZQQGEX thfixrdo 1 de escuela superior? Ceiba 2 Gurabo 3 SI 1 Humacao 4 No 2 Juncos 5 Indeciso 3 Las Piedras 6 Maunabo 7 6. Si la contestacion es ”Si”, aha Naguabo 8 decidido usted a qué colegio 0 San Lorenzo 9 escuela de entrenamiento especia- Yabucoa 10 lizado 1e gustaria ir? 2. LA qué escuela superior asiste Nombre 1 usted? Indeciso 2 Mi contestacidn anterior fué "No” 3 3' ZCUél es en sexo? 7. aQué pasos, si alguno, ha dado usted para lograr admision a la Varén 1 , institucion de su seleccxon? Mujer 2 4. LQué curso de estudio esta He solicitado admision a la siguiendo usted? institucion 1 Preparatorio de Colegio 1 He recibido 0 he solicitado General 2 informacion 2 Comercial 3 Me he puesto en contacto Vocacional 4 con un representante Otro (especifique) 5 del colegio 3 -1- Puede que vaya a colegio pero M58168 ‘ 37 no tengo planes defini- Enfermera 38 tivos todavia 4 Farmacia 39 No intento ir a colegio ni Radio Y televisién 40 tomar entrenamiento Detallista o ventas a1 especializado 5 pct mayor 41 Vendedor 42 8. Si usted no planea ir a Investigacion cientifica 43 colegio a1 graduarse, aqué Secretarial 44 planes tiene? Trabajo Social 45 Capataz Industrial 46 Indeciso 1 Veterinario 47 Casarme 2 Otros (especifique) Trabajar 3 48 Estudiar un curso comercial 4 10. aCuantos afios de entrenamiento Entrar en las Fuerzas después de la escuela superior Armadas 5 se requieren para la ocupacion Otro (especifique) 6 escogida por usted e indicada en la pregunta 9? 9. zEn qué ocupacion piensa usted entrar a1 terminar UHO 1 su instruccién? DOS 2 Tres 3 Indeciso 10 Cuatro 4 Contabilidad 11 Cinco 5 Agricultura 12 3513 .6 Arquitectura 13 Siete 7 'Fuerzas Armadas 14 Mas de siete 8 Arte o artes y oficios‘ 15 Mecanica de automoviles 11. $0551 es la ocupacion del Jefe y aviacidn 16 de 3“ hogar? Banca 17 Embellecedora o barbero l8 Desempleado 10 Construccidn (albafiil, Contabilidad 11 carpintero, electri- Agricultura 12 cista 19 Arquitectura 13 Administracidn Comercial 20 Fuerzas Armadas 14 Quimico 21 Arte o artes y oficios . 15 Servicios a la comunidad 22 I Mecénica de automdviles Técnico dental 23 Y aViaCién 16 deontologfa 24 Banca 17 Delineante 25 Embellecedora o barbero 18 Electronica 26 Trabajos de Construccion Ingenierfa 27 (albafiil, electricista, Serv. gubernamentales 28 carpintero) 19 Economia doméstica 29 Administracién comercial 20 Periodismo 30 QUimico 21 Técnico de laboratorio 31 Servicios a la comunidad 22 Leyes 32 Técnico dental 23 Tecnologia Médica 33 Odont°1°813 (dentista) 24 Medicina 34 Delineante 25 Trabajo en metales y Electronica 26 taller de maquinaria 35 Ingenierfa 27 Ministerio o educaci6n 36 Servicios gubernamentales 28 12. 13. Economia domestics Capataz industrial Periodismo Técnica de Laboratorio Leyes Tecnologia Médica Medicina Trabajo en metales y taller de maquinaria Ministerio o educacion religiosa no. ice Entermera Farmacia Radio y television Detailista o venta a1 por mayor Vendedor Investigacion cientifica Secretarial Trabajo Social Pedagogia (maestro) Veterinaria Retirado (o pensionado) Otros (especifique) zEstuvo uno o 103 dos de sus padres en colegio o universidad? Uno Ambos Ninguno LEn que instruccién adicional después de la escuela superior, esta usted personalmente in- teresado? Cursos para ayudarme en mi trabajo 0 para ayudarme a conseguir un empleo mejor Cursos que me ayuden a mejorar mi Vida en el hogar Cursos que me ilustren mas ampliamente Cursos de mejoramiento personal Curses para adelantar en mis pasatiempos Otros (especifique) 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4O 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 l 2 3 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Si se estableciera un colegio regional de-2 aflos complete- mente acreditado a una distancia o que usted 1e fuera facil 1a transportaciOn diaria que ofre- ciera los dos primeros anos de colegio y/o un programs do entre- namiento especial en el cual usted esta particularmente inte- resado, gasistiria usted a él? SI 1 Probablemente, pero no definitivamente 2 Inseguro 3 Planeo ir a otro sitio 4 No pienso asistir a colegio 5 gTiene usted hermanos y/o hermanas mayores? Si 1 No 2 aHa asistido o esta asistiendo uno o m53 de ellos a colegio o universidad? No 1 Si No tengo hermanos mayores 3 N Si la contestacidn es "Si" 2a qué colegios o universidades asisten o asistieron? Nombre Si hubiese un colegio regional a una distancia razonable que ofre- ciera los dos primeros anos de colegio, aplanearia Ud. tomar sus dos afios en 61 y transferirse luego a un colegio de 4 anos para terminar su carrera? SI 1 No 2 No sé 3 19. Si hubiese un colegio cercano que ofreciera programas de uno o dos aflos en campos tales como negocios, comercial y cursos técnicos, Ltendria usted interés en asistir a1 colegio para seguir uno de estos programas? Si 1 No 2 No sé 3 132 Results of Student Survey There were 2,010 grade students enrolled in high schools in nine of ten municipalities included in the survey (Las Piedras has no high school) at the beginning of the 1961—1962 school year. Completed questionnaires were returned by 1,553 students, or 72.2 per cent. Enrollment figures used were those submitted by high school officials at the beginning of the school year. Evidently, in certain instances, enrollments now exceed those reported earlier. Hence, the high rate of return for 11th grade students from the municipalities of Ceiba and Gurabo. The number and percentage return by schools and municipalities is as follows: llth Grade Responses Per Cent EnrolIment Received Return Ceiba Santiago I. Pantin 63 77 122.2 Fajardo Santiago V. Calzada 335 185 55.2 Gurabo Gurabo High School 154 166 107.8 Humacao Ana Roque 570 390 ' 68.4 Juncos Jose M. Gallardo 210 167 79.5 Maunabo Maunabo High School 94 ' 81 86.2 Naguabo Rafael Rocca 163 144 88.3 San Lorenzo Luis Munoz Rivera 163 156 95.7 Yabucoa Teodoro Aguilar Mora 258 193 74.8 Total 2,0I0 I,559 86.5 133 Question 1. What is the name of the municipality in which you live? Ceiba 82 5.3 Fajardo. 186 11.9 Gurabo 163 10.4 Humacao 269 17.3 Juncos 163 10.4 Las Piedras 93 6.0 Maunabo 83 5.3 Naguabo 154 9.9 San Lorenzo 154 9.9 Yabucoa 212 13.6 Total 1,559 100.0 Question 2. What high school do you attend? Ceiba-Santiago I. Pantin 63 78 123.8 5.0 Fajardo—Santiago V. Calzada 335 186 55.5 12.0 Gurabo-Gurabo High School 154 166 107.8 10.7 Humacao-Ana Roque 570 385 67.5 24.7 Juncos-Jose M. Gallardo 210 167 79.5 10.7 Maunabo-Maunabo High School 94 82 87.2 5.3 Naguabo-Rafael Rocca 163 144 88.3 9.2 San Lorenzo-Luis Munoz Marin 163 156 95.7 10.0 Yabucoa-Teodoro Aguilar Mora 258 193 74.8 12.4 Total 2,010 1,557 86.7 100.0 No answer 2 Question 3. What is your sex? Number Per cent Male 683 44.0: Female 871 56.0 1,554 100.0 No answer 5 xPer cent of total responses from 9 municipalities contri— buted by each school. 134 Question 4. What is your present course of study? College preparatory 15 1.0 General 1,160 75.1 Commercial (Business) 231 15.0 Vocational 122 7.9 Other 15 1.0 Total 1,543 100.0 No answer 16 Question 5. Do you plancn taking specialized training or going to college after you graduate from high school? Yes 642 41.4 No 239 15.4 Undecided 671 43.2 Total 1,552 100.0 No answer Question 6. If “yes" above, have you decided which college or Specialized training school you would like to attend? Number Per Cent (Name) 489 34.5 Undecided 731 51.6 My answer to question 5 was "no" 197 13.9 Total 1,417 100.0 No answer 142 Breakdown on institutions named Per Cent Number of Choices Puerto Rican Public Colleges and Universities University of Puerto Rico 322 67.7 College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts 52 10.9 374 78.6 135 Puerto Rican Private Colleges and Universities Inter American University of 3 .6 Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Junior College 24 5.1 Catholic University of Puerto Rico 2 .4 29 6.1 Out-of-State Colleges and Universities 3 .6 3 .6 Other Nurse training 15 3.2 Specialized training in Puerto Rico 53 11.1 Specialized training outside of Puerto Rico 2 .4 70 14.7 Total 476 100.0 Question 7. What steps, if any, have you taken towards gaining admittance to the institution of your choice? Number Per Cent I have applied to the institution 26 1.9 I have received or written for information 173 12.6 I have contacted a representative of the school 48 3.5 I may go to college but have made no plans 963 70.1 I do not intend to take college work or specialized training 164 11.9 Total 1,374 100.0 No answer 185 136 Question 8. If you do not plan to go to college upon graduation, what do you plan to do? Number Per Cent Undecided 355 33.2 Get married 15 1.4 Go to work 396 37.1 Study a commercial course 177 16.6 Enter armed services 74 6.9 Other 51 4.8 Total 1,068 100.0 No answer 489 Question 9. What vocation do you plan to enter after you complete your education? Number Per Cent Undecided 292 19.2 Accounting 73 4.7 Agriculture 8 .5 Architecture 8 .5 Armed service 61 4.0 Art or arts and crafts 28 1.8 Auto and airplane mechanics 57 3.8 Banking 1 .1 Beautician or barber 65 4.3 Building trade (mason, electrician, carpenter, etc.) 21 1.4 Business administration 61 4.0 Chemist 1 .1 Community service 11 .7 Dental technology Dentistry 1 .1 Drafting 10 .7 Electronics 1 .1 Engineering 61 4.0 Government service 9 .6 Homemaking 28 1.8 Journalism 4 .3 Laboratory technician 10 .7 Law 34 2.3 Medical technology 6 .4 Medicine 36 2.4 Metal trades and machine shop 6 .4 Ministry or education 68 4.5 Music 12 .8 Nursing 113 7.5 137 Pharmacy 19 1.3 Radio-TV 28 1.9 Retailing or wholesale trades 6 .4 Salesmanship 17 1.1 Science research 7 .5 Secretarial 169 11.2 Social work 42 2.8 Industrial foreman Veterinary medicine 1 .1 Other (Specify) 136 9.0 Total 1,511 100.0 No answer 48 Question 10. How many years of training beyond high school are required for the vocational choice you checked in question 9? Number Per Cent One 158 13.7 Two 306 26.5 Three 162 14.0 Four 321 27.8 Five 109 9.4 Six 26 2.2 Seven 21 1.8 Over seven 53 4.6 Total 1,156 100.0 No answer 403 Question 11. What is the occupation of the head of your home? Number Per Cent Unemployed 216 14.5 Accounting 10 .7 Agriculture 288 19.3 Architecture 6 .4 Armed service 9 .6 Arts and crafts 3 .2 Auto and airplane mechanics 20 1.3 Banking Beautician or barber 23 1.3 Building trades (mason, carpenter, etc.) 160 10.7 Business administration 23 1.5 Chemist 3 .2 Community service 33 2.2 Dental technology 1 .1 Dentistry 138 Drafting 1 .1 Electronics 1 .1 Engineering 3 .2 Government service 40 2.7 Homemaking 19 1.3 Industrial foreman 29 1.9 Journalism Laboratory technician Law Medical technology 1 .1 ‘ Medicine 1 .1 Metal trades and machine shop 18 1.2 Ministry or religious education 7 .5 Music Nursing 6 .4 Pharmacy 3 .2 Radio-TV 2 .1 Retailing 35 2.3 Salesmanship 56 3.7 Science research Secretarial 9 .6 Social work 12 .8 Teaching 8 .5 Veterinary medicine 1 .l Retired 45 3.0 Other (Specify) 402 26.9 Total 1,494 100.0 No answer 65 Question 12. Did either or both of your parents attend college? Number Per Cent One 88 35.7 Both 33 2.2 Neither 1,410 92.1 Total 1,531 100.0 No answer 28 Question 13. In what additional education beyond high school are you personally interested? Number Per Cent Courses to help me in my job or me get a better one 764 52.2 Courses to help me improve my home life 344 23.5 139 Courses to broaden myself 194 13.3 Personal improvement courses 84 5.7 Courses to advance hobbies 42 2.9 Other 35 2.4 Total 1,463 100.0 No answer 96 Question 14. If a fully accredited community college were located within driving distance of your home and offered the first two years of college and/or a specialized training program in which you are particularly interested, would you attend it? Number Per Cent Yes 690 45.3 Probably, but not definitely 335 22.0 Uncertain 264 17.4 I plan to go elsewhere 97 6.4 I do not intend to attend college 136 8.9 Total 1,522 100.0 No answer 37 Question 15. Do you have older brothers and/or sisters? Number Per Cent Yes 1,207 79.1 No 319 _2249. Total 1,526 100.00 No answer 33 Question 16. Have one or more older brothers or sisters attended college or are they now attending? Number Per Cent Yes 313 20.5 No 973 63.9 No older brothers or sisters 238 15.6 Total} 1,524 100.0 No answer 35 140 Question 17. If "yes" above, what college or colleges did they attend or are they attending? Number Per Cent Puerto Rican Public Colleges and ’Universities University of Puerto Rico 178 60.1 College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts 25 8.5. Total 203 68.6 Puerto Rican Private Colleges and Universities Puerto Rico Junior College 18 6.1 Catholic University of Puerto Rico 6 2.0 Inter American University of Puerto Rico 17 5.7 Total 41 13.8 Out-of-state public colleges 4 1.4 Out-of-state private colleges 0 Total 4 1.4 Other Nurse training 6 2.0 Specialized training in Puerto Rico 42 14.2 48 16.2 Total 296 100.0 No answer 35 Question 18. With a community college within driving distance providing the first two years of college work, would you plan on taking your first two years there and transferring to a four year college for the upper division work? Number Per Cent Yes 620 40.6 No 167 10.9 Don't know 740 48.5 Total 1,527 100.00 No answer 32 141 Question 19. If a community college were available offering one and two year programs in such areas as business, commercial, and technical courses, would any of these programs interest you in attending the college? Number Per Cent Yes 672 45.5 No 256 17.3 Don't know 550 37.2 Total 1,478 100.0 No answer 81 APPENDIX B 142 143 a de septiembre de 1961 Estimados padres: Este cuestionario trata de 103 planes educativos que usted? pueda tener para sus hijos una vez ellos se hayan graduado de escuela superior. El'mismo ha sido autorizado por las autoridades eseolares. Hay muchos problemas apremiantes respecto a las oportunidades educativas para aquellas personas que interesan instruccidn adieional luego de graduarse de escuela superior. Este estudio determinsra las necesidades existentes y futuras de programas y facilidades para satisfacer los intereses de las personas mencio- nadas. No es necesario firmar este cuestionario. Agradeceré que conteste todas las preguntas del cuestionario y lo devuelva a la escuela con su hijo lo antes posible. Gracias por su cooperacidn. Sinceramente, . l . "l a .../Mini. £1 .21.) chard F. Keele Departamento de Inglés Comercial Facultad de Administracion Comercial Universidad de Puerto Rico mgms o r.-- 144 Nfim. CUESTIONARIO PARA PADRES Introduceién Los rapidos cambios sociales, cientificos y tecnologicos han presentado muchos problemas para el individuo, 1a escuela y la comunidad. Uno de los problems mas apremiantes es la necesidad cada vez mayor de instruccion y entrenamiento de nivel mas alto que el de la escuela superior para poder asi alcanzar la suficiencia indi- vidual y vocacional del mundo actual. Este informe es parte de un estudio para determinar las necesidades de Oportunidades educativas de nivel mas alto que el de escuela superior para jdvenes y adultos en diez municipios de Puerto Rico. Usted puede ayudar en este estudio dando 1a informacidn que este cuestionario requiere. Como aclaracion, un colegio regional de dos afios generalmente ofrece los primeros dos afios de un curriculo de nivel universitario. Los cursos incluyen tanto educa- cién general 0 pre-profesional como programas técnicos, vocacionales y de educacion de adultos. Normalmente, tales colegios se encuentran a una distancia relativa- mente accesible a los estudiantes que a ellos asisten, eliminando los gastos de hospedaje fuera del hogar. Direcciones Usted no tiene que escribir su nombre en esta hoja. Toda la informacion es estric- tamente confidencial. Indique 1a contestaeion mas apropiada para usted haciendo un circulo alrededor del nfimero correspondiente. 1. LCual es el nombre del municipio . Grados primero a1 sexto en que usted vive? Grados séptimo a1 duodécimo Graduados de escuela superior Gages-s- Fajardo l o fuera de la escuela ‘c—efba 2 Gurabo 3 4. En general, Lqué grado de Humacao 4 instruccion desea para su Juncos 5 hijo? Las Piedras 6 Maunabo 7 Terminar la escuela superior 1 Naguabo 8 Escuela superior mas entrena- San Lorenzo 9 miento técnico o comercial Yabucoa lO especializado 2 Terminar una carrera universi- 2. 5A qué escuela asiste su hijo? taria 3 Nombre Una carrera universitaria mas estudios de nivel graduado 4 3. gCuéntos hijos tiene usted en Otra (especifique) cada uno de los siguientes 5 grupos? 5. En general, ;a qué personas cree (Indique e1 numero de hijos en usted que debe permitirsele ir cada grupo segfin la edad) a colegio o universidad? Pre-escolar Solo aquellos con habilidad "Kinder” o escuela de superior 1 pérvulos Aquellos con habilidad y en buena condicion econémica 2 Todos los que puedan benefi- Embellecedora o barbero 18 ciarse del trabajo univer- Construccién (albafiil, electri- sitario sin importar su cista, carpintero, etc.) 19 condicion econdmica 3 Administraci6n Comercial 20 Otros (especifique) Quimico 21 4 Servicios a la comunidad 22 Técnica dental 23 6. zQué planes tiene usted a1 Odontologia 24 presente para que su hijo Delineante 25 continfie sus estudios una Electrénica 26 vez termine 1a escuela Ingenieria 27 superior? Servicios Gubernamentales 28 Economia Domestics 29 Ninguno actualmente 1 Capataz Industrial 30 L0 be dejado a discre- Periodismo 31 cion de mi hijo 2 Técnico de laboratorio 32 Ayudaré a mi hijo en sus Leyes 33 gastos escolares 3 Tecnologia Médica 34 Tengo un plan de ahorros Medicine 35 educativos 4 Trabajo en metal y taller de Espero que mi hijo maquinaria 36 obtenga una beca 5 Ministerio o educacion religiosa 37 Espero que el gobierno Musica 38 pague su carrera 6 Enfermera 39 Otros (especifique) Farmacia . 4O 7 Radio y television 41 Detallista o venta a1 por mayor 42 7. LCuan seguro esta usted de Vendedor 43 que su hijo pueda ir a Investigacidn cientifica 44 colegio? Secretarial 4S Trabajo social 46 Muy seguro de que 1:5 1 Pedagogia (maestro) 47 Probablemente 1:5 2 Veterinario 48 Inseguro 3 Otros (especifique) Probablemente no ira 4 49 Seguro de que no iré 5 9. Si hubiera un colegio regional de 2 8. Si usted cree que su hijo iré afios debidamente acreditado en el a colegio, gqué clase de area en que usted vive, Lcuén seguros programa espera usted que él estarian uno o mAS de sus hijos de siga? poder aaistir a este tipo de institucién? Indeciso lO Muy seguros de poder asistir 1 Contabilidad 11 Probablemente asistiran 2 Agriculture 12 Inseguros 3 Arquitectura 13 Probablemente no asistirén 4 Fuerzas Armadas 14 Seguros de no asistir S Arte o artes y oficios 15 Mecanica de automoviles y aviacién 16 Banca 17 10. LCual es la ocupacidn de los jefes de la casa? Desempleado Contabilidad Agricultura Arquitectura Fuerzas Armadas Arte o artes y oficios Mecénica de autombviles y de aviacion Banca Embellecedora o barbero Construccion (albafiil, carphuero, electricista, etc.) Administracion Comercial Quimico Servicios a la Comunidad Técnico Dental Odontologia Delineante Electronics Ingenieria Servicios Gubernamentales Economia Doméstica Capataz Industrial Periodismo Técnico de laboratorio Leyes Tecnologia Médica Medicine Trabajo en metal y taller de maquinaria Ministerio o educacion religiosa Musics Enfermera Farmacia Radio y television Detallista o ventas a1 por mayor Vendedor Investigacion cientifica _ Secretarial Trabajo social Pedagogia (maestro) Veterinario Jubilado o pensionado Otro (especifique) Esposo 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 O J 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 a U 29 3O 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4o 41 42 43 44 45 45 47 4;; 49 50 Esposa 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4O 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 46 49 SO 11. LQué clase de entrenamiento formal han tenido los jefes de la casa? Esposo Esposa No terminaron e1 octavo grado 1 1 Terminaron e1 octavo grado solamente 2 2 Unos anos de escuela superior 3 3 Terminaron 1a escuela superior 4 4 Alguna preparacidn universitaria S 5 Terminaron estudios universitarios 6 6 Escuela profesional o postgraduada 7 7 12. LEn qué preparacidn adicional estarian los jefes de la casa interesados? Ninguna l 1 Estudios hacia un grado académico 2 2 Cursos que me ayuden en mi trabajo o que me ayuden a conseguir un empleo mejor 3 3 Cursos que me ayuden a mejorar mi hogar 4 4 Cursos que me ilustren mas ampliamente S 5 Otros (especifique) 6 6 13. aCuénto tiempo ha vivido usted en este pueblo? Menos de un ano 1 l a 2 1/2 afios 2 3 a 5 1/2 anos 3 6 a 10 1/2 afios 4 11 a 20 anos 5 Mas de 20 aflos 6 Comentarios que usted desee anadir: 145 Results of Parent Survey Completed questionnaires were returned by the parents of 1,209, or 60.1 per cent of the 2,010 eleventh grade high school students enrolled in the 10-municipa1ity area. The number and percentage return by municipalities and schools is as follows: 11th Grade Responses Per Cent Enrollment Received Return Ceiba Santiago I. Pantin 63 43 68.2 Fajardo Santiago V. Calzada 335 166 49.5 Gurabo Gurabo High School 154 96 62.3 Humacao Ana Roque 570 357 62.6 Juncos Jose M. Gallardo 210 99 47.1 Maunabo Maunabo High School 94 70 74.4 Naguabo Rafael Rocca 163 93 57.0 San Lorenzo Luis Munoz Rivera 163 144 88.3 Yabucoa Teodoro Aguilar Mora 258 141 54.6 Total 2,010 1,209- 62.7 146 The questions, as stated on the questionnaires, have been c0pied below, together with the number and percentage of responses received. Question 1. What is the name of the municipality in which you live? Number Per Cent Ceiba 44 3.6 Fajardo 165 13.7 Gurabo 96 8.0 Humacao 242 20.0 Juncos 103 8.5 Las Piedras 84 7.0 Maunabo 69 5.7 Naguabo 102 8.4 San Lorenzo 142 11.8 Yabucoa 161 13.3 Total 1,208 100.0 No answer 1 Question 2. What high school does your child attend? Enrollment Number PerCent Per Cent Return Return of Total Response Ceiba Santiago I. Pantin 63 42 66.7 3.5 Fajardo Santiago V. Calzada 335 165 49.3 13.7 Gurabo Gurabo High School 154 97 63.0 8.0 Humacao Ana Roque 570 357 62.6 29.6 Juncos Jose M. Gallardo 210 99 47.1 8.2 Maunabo Maunabo High School 94 69 73.4 5.7 Naguabo Rafael Rocca 163 93 57.1 7.7 147 San Lorenzo Luiz Munoz Rivera 163 144 88.3 11.9 Yabucoa Teodoro Aguilar Mora 258 141 54.7 11.7 Total 2,010 1,207 62.5 100.0 No answer 2 XPer cent of total responses from 9 municipalities contributed by parents of 11th graders in each school. Question 3. How many children do you have in each of the following groups? (Indicate number of children in each age group.) Number Per Cent Pre-School 224 4.8 Kindergarten 41 .9 Grades 1-6 1,163 25.0 Grades 7-12 1,904 40.8 Beyond grade 12 or out of school 1,325 28.5 4,657 100.0 Question 4. How far in school do you want your llth grade child to go? Number Per Cent Through high school 324 27.7 High school plus specialized technical or business training 251 21.4 Through college 470 40.1 College plus advanced degree 96 8.2 Other 30 2.6 Total 1,171 100.0 No answer 38 148 Question 5. In general, who do you feel should be permitted to go to college? Number Per Cent Those with superior ability only 122 10.5 Those with ability who have financial means 267 22.9 All who can profit from college work regardless of financial means 763 65.5 Other 13 1.1 1,165 100.0 No answer 44 Question 6. What plans do you now have for your 11th grade child to continue his or her education beyond high school? Number Per Cent None at present 172 14.5 Am leaving it up to child 233 19.7 Have a definite educational savings program 370 31.2 Will help child work his way 26 2.2 Expect child to win scholarship 235 19.8 Expect child to be trained at government expense 138 11.7 Other 11 .9 1,185 100.0 No answer 24 Question 7. How certain are you that your 11th grade child will attend college? Number Per Cent Very certain to attend 117 9.8 Probably attend 581 48.7 Uncertain 337 28.2 Probably not attend 96 8.0 Certain not to attend 62 5.3 1,193 100.0 No answer 16 149 Question 8. If you feel that your child will attend post high school education college, what type of educational program would you expect him or her to take? Number Per Centx Undecided 264 22.8 Accounting 59 5.1 Agriculture 3 .3 Architecture 6 .5 Armed service 17 1.5 Art or arts and crafts 24 2.1 Auto and airplane mechanics 44 3.8 Banking Beautician or barber 44 3.8 Building trade (mason, electrician, etc.) 11 .9 Business administration 68 5.9 Chemist Community service 7 .6 Dental technology 1 .1 Dentistry 2 .2 Drafting 7 .6 Electronics 5 .4 Engineering 57 4.9 Government service 4 .3 Homemaking 23 2.0 Industrial foreman Journalism 3 .3 Laboratory technician 12 1.0 Law 22 1.8 Medical technology 12 1.0 Medicine 23 2.0 Metal trades and machine shop Ministry or religious education 13 1.1 Music 9 .8 Nursing 78 6.7 Pharmacy 19 1.6 Radio-TV 12 1.0 Retailing or wholesale trades 2 .2 Salesmanship 2 .2 Science research 3 .3 Secretarial 131 11.3 Social work 36 3.1 Teaching 84 7.2 Veterinary medicine 1 .1 Other (Specify) 52 4.5 1,160 100.0 No answer 49 xTo nearest tenth per cent 150 Question 9. If there is or will be a fully accredited community college in your area, how certain would one or more of your children be to attend this institution? Number Per Cent Very certain to attend 285 24.2 Probably attend 623 52.9 Uncertain 202 17.1 Probably not attend 36 3.1 Certain not to attend 32 2.7 1,178 100.0 No answer 31 Question 10. What is the occupation of the heads of the household? Husband ' Wife N2; Per Cent N9; Per Cent Unemployed 169 15.4 319 36.8 Accounting 5 .5 3 .3 Agriculture 234 21.1 2 .2 Architecture 3 .3 Armed service 6 .5 l .1 Art or arts and crafts 1 .1 Auto and airplane mechanics 13 1.2 Banking 1 .1 1 .1 Beautician or barber 18 1.6 3 .3 Building trades (mason, elec- trician, etc.) 113 10.2 Business administration 13 1.2 3 .3 Chemist 1 .1 Community service 20 1.8 12 1.4 Dental technology Dentistry Drafting 2 .2 Electronics Engineering 3 .3 1 .1 'Government service 41 3.8 11 1.3 Homemaking 5 .5 104 12.0 Industrial foreman 19 1.7 1 .1 Journalism 1 .l 1 .1 Lab. technician Law 1 .1 Medical Technology 2 .2 Medicine 3 .3 Metal trades and machine shop 12 1.1 5 .6 Ministry or religious education 8 .8 1 .1 Music Nursing 2 .2 13 1.5 151 Pharmacy 1 .1 Radio—TV 2 .2 Retailing or wholesale trades 36 3.3 6 .7 Salesmanship 31 2.9 5 .6 Science research 2 .2 1 .1 Secretarial 3 .3 6 .7 Social work 1 .1 6 .7 Teaching 12 1.1 9 1.0 Veterinary medicine 1 .1 Retired 42 3.9 13 1.5 Other ‘ 270 24.4 341 39.3 1,108 100.0 869 100.0 No answer 111 340 Question 11. What formal training have the heads of the house- hold had? Husband Wife No. Per Cent No. Per Cent Did not complete 8th grade 718 68.6 723 72.5 Completed 8th grade only 165 15.8 157 15.7 Some high school 77 7.4 51 5.1 Complete high school 44 4.2 41 4.1 Some college 19 1.8 9 .9 Complete college 18 1.7 11 1.1 Professional or graduate school 5 .5 6 .6 1,046 100.0 998 100.0 No answer 163 211 Question 12. In what additional education, if any, would the heads of the household be interested? Husband Wife No. Per Cent No. Per Cent None 379 36.3 337 39.2 Work on college degree 126 12.1 86 10.0 Courses to help in my job or help me get a better job 348 33.3 183 21.4 Courses to help me improve my home 126 12.1 197 22.9 Courses to broaden myself 60 5.6 49 5.7 Other 6 .6 7 .8 1,045 100.0 859 100.0 NO answer 164 350 152 Question 13. How long have you lived in your present home? Number Per Cent Less than 1 year 14 1.2 1-2-1/2 years 35 3.0 3-5-1/2 years 32 2.8 6-10-1/2 years 82 7.0 11-20 years 158 13.5 More than 20 years 846 72.5 1,167 100.0 No answer 42 APPENDIX C 153 154 Department of Business English College of Business Administration University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico September 11, 1961 Dear Sir: The determination of the need for certain types of technical training for industry and business in a region comprising 10 municipalities in Puerto Rico is part of a study that I am making to complete the requirements for a doctorate at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Ruchigan.* The objective of this survey is to measure the demand for a public post-high school institution that would be available to all high school graduates in the 10 municipalities and which would provide a low-cost yet effective educational programs. The purpose of the institution would be to offer the first two years of regular collegiate work to those wanting to pursue a professional degree, in addition to a technical-terminal program for pre-training and on-the-job training for semi-skilled and semi-professiOnals for business and industry in this area. I would appreciate your answering the enclosed questionary at your earliest convenience, adding any comments you would like to make. ' Yburs very truly, Richard F. Keeler, Jr. Instructor RFK:gh Fajardo *The 10 municipalities are: -Caguas, Ceiba, Gurabo, Humacao, Juncos, Las Piedras, Maunabo, Naguabo, San Lorenzo, Yabucoa. 155 ___ de diciembre de 1961 Senores: A1 presente curso estudios para un doctorado en Administracion en esta institucion. Para mi tesis he escogido hacer un censo de las necesidades para establecer un colegio de dos anos en un area de 10 municipios de la Isla, comprendiendo Ceiba, Fajardo, Gurabo, Humacao, Juncos, Las Piedras, Maunabo, Naguabo, San Lorenzo, y Yabucoa. Hay muchos problemas apremiantes respecto a las oportunidades educativas para aquellas personas que interesan instruccion adicional luego de graduarse de escuela superior. Asi es que este estudio determinara las necesidades existentes y futures de programas y facilidades para satisfacer los intereses de las personas mencionadas. Por eso necesito de su ayuda a1 llenar e1 formulario que le envio, devolviendolo a mi direccion lo antes posible. Gracias por su cooperacion. Sinceramente, Richard F. Keeler, Jr. 1312 H, University Village Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 156 TECHNICAL EDUCATION PRELIMINARY SURVEY Name of Establishment or Firm Location Kind of Business Person Reporting 0000000 1. Would there be opportunities for employment, in your organization, for people with two years of technical or semi-professional training beyond high school? (Check one): 1. Yes , 2. No 2. If the answer is "Yes,“ would you check or name the types of training (in the list below) which, if offered by a community college, would be of value to your business or industry. 1. Drafting, & Blueprint Reading 27. Welding 2. Factory Management 28. Retailing 3. Labor—Management Relations 29. Plant Protection 4. Instrumentation & Plant Control 30. Secretarial Practice 5. Laboratory Technician 31. Clerical Practice 6. Metallurgy 32. Business Machines 7. Business Management 33. Merchandising 8. Dental Technician 34. Bookkeeping & Accounting 9. Sciences 35. Air Cond. & Refrigeration 10. Foreign Languages 36. Electronics, Radio & TV 11. Economics & Government 37. Electric Wiring & Motors 12. English & Speech 38. Automotive Shop Practice 13. Mathematics 39. Practical Nursing 14. Literature & History 40. Related Apprentice Training 15. Gardening 41. Music Appreciation 16. Interior Decorating 42. Diesel Mechanics 17. Play & Story Writing 18. Mental Hygiene Other: 19. Advertising 20. Product Design 21. Commercial Art 22. Dietetics Other: 23. Photography 24. Applied Science 25. Applied Mathematics 26. Machine Technology 3. Could employees having two years of training beyond high school supplement some of the college graduates in your organization? (Check one): 1. Yes 2. No 157 2 For what purpose would two years of post-high school training be recognized in your company or organization? (Check below all that apply): 1. Job Advancement 2. Higher Pay 3. Other (Write in): To what extent, in your opinion, do existing educational facilities in the area meet the on-the-job training needs of your company? (Check one): 1. Excellent 2. Fair 3. Poor Is there an organized training program in your company? (Check one): 1. Yes 2. No If "Yes,” list each type such as orientation, on—the-job promotion, apprenticeship, etc. If "Yes," would you expect that a two—year terminal-technical program in a community college could replace or supplement your program? (Check one): 1. Some 2. All 3. None Comments: 158 RESULTS OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION PRELIMINARY SURVEY Name of Establishment or Firm Location Kind of business Person Reporting 1. Would there be opportunities for employment, in your organiza- tion, for people with two years of technical or semi- professional training beyond high school? (Check one): 1. Yes 36 2. No 5 3. No answer 4 2. If the answer is "Yes," would you check or name the types of training (in the list below) which, if offered by a community college, would be of value to your business or industry. Drafting 8 Blueprint Reading Factory Management Labor-Management Relations Instrumentation 6 Plant Control Laboratory Technician Metallurgy Business Management Dental Technician Sciences Foreign Languages Economics 8 Government 12. English 8 Speech 13. Mathematics 14. Literature 8 History 15. Gardening 1 16. Interior Decorating 17. Play 6 Story Writing 18. Mental Hygiene 19. Advertising 20. Product Design 21. Co-mercial Art FJH HOLOGJQCDCD-FWNH l—‘N l—‘F" m-F-(DLDQQJC? l—‘U‘l 001-4 Other: Cutters Sewing Machine Mechanics Sewing Machine Operators Boning Physics Slaughtering Sugar Boiling Engineering l~k+Hraswade 159 22. Dietetics 23. Photography 24. Applied Science 2 25. Applied Mathematics 1 26. Machine Technology . 14 27. Welding 10 28. Retailing 2 29. Plant Protection 6 30. Secretarial Practice 21 31. Clerical Practice 20 32. Business Machines 8 33. Merchandising 2 34. Bookkeeping 8 Accounting 22 35. Air Cond. 8 Refrigeration 6 36. Electronics, Radio 8 TV 6 37. Electric Wiring 8 Motors 10 38. Automotive ShOp Practice 6 39. Practical Nursing 2 40. Related Apprentice Training 7 41. Music Appreciation 42. Diesel Mechanics 5 43. Pigments 1 Other: Basic 8 Adv. Electric Theory 1 Forge 8 Foundry 1 Machine Shop Practice 3 Mechanic Arts 1 Supervision l Evaporator Operator 1 Color Matching 1 Tool and Die 1 Industrial Sewing 1 Machine Mechanic 1 Pattern Making 1 Cutting of Goods 1 Could employees having two years of training beyond high school supplement some of the college graduates in your organization? (Check one): 1. Yes 27 2. No 15 3. No answer 5 For what purpose would two years of post-high—school training be recognized in your company or organization? (Check below all that apply): 1. Job Advancement 38 2. Higher Pay 17 3. Other (Write in): 4. —Nb Answer 9_ _" Replacing Semi—Skilled Leaders-Supervisory Positions- Self-Improvement Depending on Individual. Training would be a help in employing men needing less on-the-job training. 160 To what extent, in your opinion, do existing educational facilities in the area meet the on-the-job training needs of your company? (Check one): 1. Excellent 5 2. Fair 20 3. Poor 16 4. No Answer 5 * '_— Is there an organized training program in your company? (Check one): 1. Yes 18 2. No 26 3. No Answer 2 If "Yes," list each type such as orientation, on-the—job promotion, apprenticeship, etc. Orientation - 3, Apprenticeship - 8, On—the-Job Promotion - 5, Supervisory Instruction - 1, Progress Graphs - 1, Follow-Up - 1, Quantity and quality review -71, 6 Mos. Trainin (Each Dept. DiVided into 6 M6857 - l, EDA Schooling i Possible - 1, Learning Progpam - 1, Production Skills - l If "Yes," would you expect that a two-year terminal- technical program in a community college could replace or supplement your program? (Check one): 1. Some 16 2. All 3 3. None 3 4. No Answer 9 Comments: The medical-surgical instrument field is highly technical and of a specialized nature. Most courses confine themselves to general industry, and, as a result, most of our training is performed in our plant. Columbia Manufacturing Company is at the present time contemplating an organized technical-training session to be offered to employees free of charge. It would cover basic machine shop technology. Instructors would be shop management, and the course would be on the employee's own time. The problem as we see it here is the improvement of the educational system on the lower levels, and most students are not qualified to go on for post-high—school training. For example, we find that most of the high school graduates require help to fill out a simple form like the Withholding Tax Certificate. This includes a man with college training. We can find plenty of people with college training but what they lack is practical experience and that is the crying need here. Our business being such that it is, even college grads have to go thru our factory and first learn how to make the product and then begin to apply their knowledge to our business. Once a factory is organized and running prOperly, I feel that only occasionally would we call for this type of help. In 3 years in Puerto Rico our firm has called the University of Puerto Rico for one mechanical engineering graduate to be trained in our field. 161 This company employs people in the above-checked activities. At present, it is properly staffed and has no vacancies, but occasionally one may arrive. This is a very small operation and conditions here vary considerably from other places (other companies). There are only 18 people working when in full operation. My business is too small, and I feel I am not expert enough to fairly answer this questionnaire. I think your plan is a very good one for the industries of Puerto Rico. It will supplement our program without any doubt. I think additional educational facilities would be of benefit for industry in eastern Puerto Rico. Industry demands more skilled workers. The Langston Paper Bag Co. is an industry which deals with the manufacture of new burlap and cotton bags. We use sewing machines (6) and one big press for printing and cutting the bags. Most of the Operations are done by unskilled workers. Administrative and supervisoring personnel would be the only ones which require more education in the way of administration, marketing, manage— ment. The rest do not need this type of training. In general, local potential employees are not familiar with machinery or related fields. Most of our employees are graduates of our own apprenticeship or learner programs. A technical program certainly would provide its students with a basic knowledge, in fields related to business, which in turn would enable our internal training problems to be greatly reduced. All employees hired are trained for the specific jobs we have in the factory. We prefer people without experience as we find they can be trained more easily. R00“ '"F ONLY ROOM 8515 ONLY “41111111111111!“1111151111111111111155 3 1293 03083 1923