TE :TEELTSES 0F TEE BEETLE!) E’GE FOOD TE EGYPT Thesis T's 9 {Ta Dawes GT T3335! A TEin T6115: ST‘TE ' EKTT PRETTY ngaa " Haas-an 296'? {Hum This is to certify that the thesis entitled AN ANALYSIS OF THE DEMAND FOR FOOD IN EGYPT presented by Ragaa Abdel-Rassoul Hassan has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph.D. Agricultural degree in . Econom1cs :2; t, ,_ w m 027 (x '!.A-§_.o~.‘-K— L'sL. I- :(..'.t- s;'§'."' T K I;g;<¢,dz»x' L. ‘ C- , " I “ La'ilx but i Major professor Due 15 August 1969 0-169 TJHn...ry ¢L 3553’." ‘.‘*‘MO§J\ 0"," '~ 994‘ 3 _ _.___.!fi ABSTRACT AN ANALYSIS OF THE DEMAND FOR FOOD IN EGYPT By Ragaa A. Hassan ' The accumulating evidence of what seems to be a chronically precarious food situation in Egypt has, in recent years, increased the general concern about her food problem, and heightened the interest in carrying out this analytical inves- tigation. Much information is required, particularly for planning purposes, about the changing structure of the Egyptian food economy during the process of economic growth. Such information would facilitate the more efficient use of planning techniques in programming development projects in the country. This study has focused on estimating parameters determining the demand for food in Egypt. These estimates were used, along with estimates for the annual rate of growth in GNP, and the projected rates of population growth, to estimate the aggregate demand for food products in l975 and I985. To accomplish this, several types of data, cross-sectional and time-series, were utilized, and more than one model of analysis was introduced. However, it should be emphasized that, in a sense, the study was one-sided as it focused on the demand side of the food problem. Little attempt was made to analyze supply or to project it. Ragaa A. Hassan In the cross-sectional analysis, which was based on the published data of the household budget survey of 1958/59, the w demand for food was assumed to depend on income, size of the household, and location. Three alternative functional forms were considered: (l) logarithmic, (2) semi-logarithmic, and (3) log-inverse. Of these three functions, the logarithmic relationship seemed to provide the best fit. The results drawn from it were utilized in projecting demand. Throughout the cross-sectional analysis, estimates for income elasticity of demand for food groups and individual food items were calculated for both urban and rural areas, and a weighted average was introduced to provide an estimate for the entire population. The results of the cross-sectional analysis indicate that two-thirds of the total expenditures in rural areas were spent on food and beverages, compared to about one-half in urban areas. Using Lorenz curves, total expenditures and food expenditures were shown to be more equally distributed in rural areas than in urban areas. Two explanations were offered in this connection; First, that qualities and therefore prices paid differ much more in urban areas, and second, that incomes, occupations, and social status, and tastes vary greatly in urban areas. Ragaa A. Hassan The income elasticity of demand for food in Egypt was not as high as results from other countries' data suggested. The .67 elasticity coefficient for Egypt is intermediate rather than high in comparison with estimates for other countries. The relations between quantity and expenditure elasticity figures were as expected, expenditure elasticities being higher than quantity elasticities. High income elasticities for home-produced wheat, maize, and millet induced a detailed discussion of grain consumption patterns. This, in turn, resulted in the use of an indirect method to project the demand for wheat and maize. “ Although household size was expected to be an important factor in the demand for food, its significance failed to materialize when the effect of the household type, based on its size, was tested by the analysis of variance procedure. However, when the number of consumption units was included in the regression analysis, this variable produced a coefficient with a value that differed significantly from zero. Two methods were used for estimating price parameters. A combined model utilizing cross-sectional and time-series data was applied to six products for which sufficient time- series data were available. For other products, a newer mathematical approach based on several assumptions about the Ragaa A. Hassan relationship between income elasticities and price elasticities was utilized. The results of the combined model were not very satisfactory in terms of statistical significance. However, the mathematical model produced fairly reasonable results suggesting that further exploration of the technique might prove to be of a considerable value. Projections of food demand were undertaken in the usual manner. Two population projections were utilized based on different assumptions about fertility rates. Rates of growth in per capita income were estimated. Using these rates, together with the income elasticity coefficients obtained in this study, demand projections were made for 1975 and I985 for commodity groups and individual food items. Turning to the estimated percentage increase in total demand for commodity groups, it was shown that the highest projected increases were for fruit (about lOO percent in l975 and 260 percent in l985); meat, fish, and eggs (85 and 220 percent); milk and dairy products (80 and 200 percent); and tea, coffee, and other stimulants (85 and 2l6 percent). The lowest projected increases were for cereals and starches; dried legumes; and oils and fats. The last three groups were projected to increased by about 55 percent in I975 and about l30 percent in l985. This, however, still implies a very high increase in the demand for these products. Ragaa A. Hassan When these projections were made on per capita basis, an increase in most items was observed. It should be emphasized, however, that a part of this increase would be absorbed in a shift to higher quality products rather than higher quantities as per capita income rises. -« The study has shown that rather large increases in the .— demand for food products are to be expected. This demand has to be fulfilled through increasing food production, increasing food imports, or some combination of the two. Prospects for increasing productivity seem best for certain crops such as maize, vegetables, fruit, oil crops, sugar cane, and livestock products. There is little doubt that increased productivity can greatly aid in solving the food problem fim'one generation. Yet, it is hard to see how it could do so for a population that will almost double in about twenty-five years. The only feasible path, given the present state of technology, seems to be a drastic effort to decrease the rate of population growth. The findings of this study raise questions about the extent to which the nation would be able to provide its food supplies, and also the question of trade policy with regard to food products. It has been often argued that Egypt should stop producing wheat, and concentrate her land and water Ragaa A. Hassan resources in products for which she has greater comparative advantage such as cotton, rice, oil cr0ps, as well as sugar and vegetables. This would imply greater dependence on trade, but if imports were matched by exports of other cr0ps with higher value, there should be no cause for concern. However, for sounder decisions to be made in the area of trade policy, more analytical studies are needed particularly for grains for which shortages seem to be alarming. AN ANALYSIS OF THE DEMAND FOR FOOD IN EGYPT By Ragaa Abdel-Rassoul Hassan A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Agricultural Economics I969 ’loflp Q9(0C>- 2'70 a, DEDICATION To the memory of my father Abdel-Rassoul Hassan, to whom I owe my education and the delight in knowledge, and to my daughters: Mona and Susan. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS In writing this thesis, I am deeply indebted to several people who have given me both encouragement and help during the course of my study. Dr. Lester Manderscheid gave freely of his time and experience throughout the study. His consulting and valuable remarks contributed a great deal in its improvement. Thanks are due to Dr. Robert Stevens for his encouragement and help, not only during the course of this study but through- out my stay at Michigan State. His comments and remarks on the early drafts of this thesis were particularly appreciated. Dr. James Shaffer's suggestions and comments has resulted in many valuable additions, and I am deeply grateful to him. I am deeply indebted to my major professor, Dr. Harold Riley who supervised my study program and my thesis. His patient guidance and assistance throughout my doctoral program, and especially his constant encouragement and willingness to help enabled me to pursue my study at Michigan State University. Under the direction of Mrs. Arlene King, and later Miss Laura Robinson, the many calculations needed for the study have been programmed and performed efficiently. Special thanks are due to Mrs. Laura Flanders, Mrs. Irene Chow, and Miss Sue Tsai of the Computer Center. Mrs. Vranna Salender typed parts of the early drafts. The final copy was typed by Miss Patricia Riley. This has been very much appreciated. But the greatest debt is the most difficult to express. Such is my debt to my wife, Afaf, who made my troubles her own, and through her kindness and understanding helped easing most of them. Though the study has benefitted from the suggestions and comments of several scholars, colleagues, and friends, the responsibility of any errors or mistakes remains absolutely my own. Chapter I. Chapter II. Chapter III. Chapter IV. .u-o ——a-—I-—| o o o I w N-‘m TABLE OF CONTENTS PROBLEM. . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction. . . . . . The Relation Between Economic Development and Food Consumption. The Objectives and Basic Hypotheses. . . . . THE BASIC FEATURES OF THE EGYPTIAN ECONOMY. . . . . . . . . . . 2. I WN-‘Z 0‘me N O wwwn NNNN N 0 O 0 w J? 3.5 Introduction. . . Land Area and Agricultural Production. . . . . The Demographic Picture . . . The Trends of National Income . Aggregate Food Consumption. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . CEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AND TECHNIQUES. Source of Information . . . . Analytical Procedures . . The Cross-Sectional Models. . 3.3.I The Logarithmic Model. . . 3.3.2 The Semi-Iogarithmid Model 3.3.3 The Log-inverse Model. The Combined Model for Cross- sectional and Time-series Data. Estimating Price Parameters from Cross-sectional Information . ANALYSIS OF THE CROSS-SECTIONAL DATA . 4.I 4.2 Some Considerations Concerning the Utilization of Cross-sectional Information in Analytical Income- Consumption Studies . . . . Definition of the Variables . . 4.2. I 'The Household. . . . . 4.2.2 Total Expenditures . . 4.2.3 Consumption Expenditures 4.2.4 Food Expenditures. . 4.2.5 The Household Size . 4.2.6 The Consumption Unit . Page 61 64 64 65 66 68 69 69 Chapter V. Chapter VI. Chapter VII. 4.3 Results of the Analysis . 4.3.] 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.3.6 Introduction . . Food Consumption Patterns. Comparison of the Results of the Three Models. . . . Analysis of the Commodity Groups . . . Analysis of. Individual Food Items . . The Effect of Household Size . . 4.4 Summary . . . . . : Z Z : : ESTIMATING PRICE PARAMETERS. . . . 5. I Combined Analysis of Cross- sectional and Time- -series Data. . . 5. 1. Definition of the Variables. 5.I.2 Results of the Analysis. 5.2 Estimating Price Parameters from Cross-sectional 5.2.I 5.2.2 Information . . . Assumptions and Techniques Results of the Analysis. . ROJECTION OF THE DEMAND FOR FOOD. . . Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . P0pulation Projections. . . . . . . Income Projections. . . . . . . . Consumption Projections . . . . . . Detailed Results for Food Commodities . . . 6.5.I Grains . . . . . . . . Meat and Poultry . . . . . . Fish . . . . . . . . . Milk and Eggs. . . . . . . . A P 6. I 6.2 6. 3 6. 4 6.5 O\O\O\O\C\O\ O O‘C‘U‘I .ITUJN O UWU‘IU1U1U'IU‘I Potatoes and Onions. . Citrus and Other Fruit . Oils and Saturated Oils. SUMMARY AND CONCLUDING REMARKS BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . 134 I38 I44 I44 I46 ISI I56 I69 I7I I74 I76 I77 I79 I79 I80 I8l l88 I93 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 Plan income targets by sectors . . . . . . 3 2 Net value added and the size of the working force by sectors, in I959/6O and l964/65 . l4 Value of agriculture output, I960-I964 . . I6 4 Area, production, and value of total out- put for major crops in I964. . . . . . . . l9 5 Urban and rural populations in successive censuses from I927 to I960 . . . . . . . . 23 6 Projected size of total population . . . . 24 7 National income and national income indices in current prices and in constant I959/6O prices, I952/53 to I964/65 . . . . 27 8 Percentage shares of sectors in national income, l959/60 to I964/65 . . . . . . . . 28 9 Per capita food consumption in Egypt, l948/50 to l964/65 . .'. . . . . . . . . . 33 IO The size of the first household budget survey and its percentage of the popula- tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4I II Periods covered and the month of study in the I964/6S household budget survey. . . . 43 l2 Distribution of households according to their total expenditures brackets, 1958/59 and I964/65. . . . . . . . . . . . 67 I3 Consumption units scale. . . . . . . . . . 70 I4 Average number of consumption units per household for different household types. . 75 IS Percentage of items of total annual expen- ditures in rural and urban areas, based on the household budget survey, I958/59. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8I Table l6 l7 l8 I9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Percentage of items of food expenditures in urban and rural areas, based on the household budget survey, l958/59 . . . . . Values of R2 and S for the combined analysis of urban and rural areas. . . . . Values of'R-2 and S for urban areas . . . Values of R2 and S for rural areas . . . . Food consumption functions derived from logarithmic and log-inverse models . . . . Total expenditures elasticity of demand for commodity groups and total food, estimated from the logarithmic and the log-inverse models for urban and rural areas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total expenditures elasticity of demand for commodity groups and total food- weighted coefficients. . . . . . . . . . . Estimates for B33, from the logarithmic and the log-inverse models for commodity groups C O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 Quantity elasticity coefficients from the logarithmic and the log-inverse models in urban and rural areas. . . . . . . . . . . Expenditure elasticity coefficients from the log and the log-inverse models in urban and rural areas. . . . . . . . . . . Total expenditures elasticity of demand for the individual food items - weighted coeffiCients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total expenditures elasticity coefficients for wheat, maize and millet. . . . . . . Home produced wheat, maize and millet as percent of total expenditures for these products, related to household income levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii Page 82 87 88 89 9I 94 99 IOI IOZ l03 lO4 l08 Table Page 29 Percentage distribution of expenditures for cereals and starches in urban and rural areas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III 30 Total expenditures elasticity coefficients for households, classified by size, from the logarithmic and the log-inverse models in urban areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II6 3] Total expenditures elasticity coefficients for households, classified by size, from the logarithmic and the log-inverse models in rural areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll7 32 Average annual household expenditures for food in urban areas and the number of reporting households . . . . . . . . . . . I20 33 Analysis of variance for food expenditures in urban areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I2l 34 National disposable income, per capita income, cost of living index and the wholesale price index, l94S/46-I962/63 . . l28 35 Per capita consumption and prices for selected items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I29 36 Estimated relationships from the model Zit= BO + 8}; log Pjt/Pt . . . . . . . . . I33 37 Derived price elasticity for the commodity groups and their budget proportion . . . . l4l 38 Derived price elasticity for selected commodities and their budget proportions . I42 39 Price elasticity coefficients from derived mathematical model and from empirical data for onions and tomatoes . . . . . . . I43 40 Projected population in Egypt, l970-l985 . I47 4I Projected population in Egypt by age groups in I975, based on the constant fertility rate assumption. . . . . . . . . 150 ix Table Page 42 Population of Egypt according to location, and percentage of rural population in census years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I52 43 Projected population in I975 and I985 and the percentage change from I964. . . . I62 44 Projected annual rate of growth in national and per capita income and per- centage increase in per capita income, I964- I975 and I964- I985. . . . . . . . . . I62 45 Percentage change in demand for commodity groups from I96 to I975 and I985. . . . . I63 46 Consumption expenditures projections for commodity groups in I975 and I985 as compared to their I964 level . . . . . . I64 47 Percentage change in demand for selected commodities from I964 to I975 and I985 . . I65 48 Consumption projections of selected commodities in I975 and I985 as compared to their I964 level. . . . . . . . . . . . I66 49 Percentage distribution of annual total expenditures on food products in I958/59, I964/65, I975 projections and I985 projections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I67 50 Projected per capita consumption of selected commodities in I975 and I985 as compared to their I964 level. . . . . I68 5l Estimates of income elasticity of demand in several countries . . . . . . . . . . . I83 Figure LIST OF FIGURES Page Net food supply per capita I934/35- l963/64. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Lorenz curves for total expenditures and food expenditures in urban and rural areas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Lorenz curves for cereals and starches, and meat, fish and eggs, in urban and rural areas. 0 O O O I O I O O O O O O O 78 Lorenz curves for fruits, and milk and dairy products in urban and rural areas. I O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 79 A logarithmic and a log-inverse food expenditure functions. . . . . . . . . . 92 xi LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix Page A Some considerations in combining cross- sectional and time-series data in a single model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I94 B I Annual and per capita incomes and investment, in current prices and in constant I959/60 prices. . . . . . . . . . I98 B 2 Indices of national income, per capita income and investment in current prices and in constant l959/60 prices - I959/60 = 100. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ‘99 B 3 National income by sectors, I959/60 to I964/65 in constant l959/6O prices . . . . 200 B 4 National income indices by sectors, I952/53 to I964/65 - I959/60 = IOO . . . . 20I B 5 Average annual compound growth rates of aggregate output and its components in different periods. . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 B 6 Index numbers of agricultural output - major commodity groups . . . . . . . . . . 203 B 7 Export market value of the U.S. agri- cultural exports to the United Arab Republic under specified government- financed programs, I955-l963 . . . . . . . 204 B 8 Net food supply per capita (calories per day) l948/49 to l963/64. . . . . . . . . . 205 B 9 Estimated coefficients from the double logarithmic model for the commodity groups in urban areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 B IO Estimated coefficients from the double logarithmic model for the commodity groups in rural areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Appendix B II B l2 B l3 Page Estimated coefficients from the double logarithmic model for individual commodities in urban areas . . . . . . . . 209 Estimated coefficients from the double logarithmic model for individual commodities in rural areas . . . . . . . . 2I4 Annual consumption per household of major food products as related to income level (expressed in total expenditures) in urban areas - I958/59. . . . . . . . . . . 2I9 Annual consumption per household of major food products as related to income level (expressed in total expenditures) in rural areas - 1958/59. . . . . . . . . . . 220 XIII CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM l.l Introduction The annual income per capita in Egypt is about $I40 which places her among the poorer countries in the world. Where the per capita income is low, a high proportion of it has to be spent on agricultural products, since these are the first necessities of life, especially in tropical countries. Also, where the level of education is low, the productive capacity of the population is tied closely to the natural environment. A country with a low per capita income can spend very little on education and health care and its people cannot look far ahead, with the result that they tend to prefer activities and investments with immediate benefits. Egypt has shown a marked desire to develop economically. This desire has been expressed by the government, but nonthe- Iess is strongly felt by many different groups of the population. This in turn, has resulted in the adoption of the first five year plan that was put into operation in l960/I96I. The principal objective of the plan, which contains a broad ten- year plan composed of more specific five-year plans, was to double the national income over a period of ten years. This means an annual rate of growth of about 7.2 percent, which, given the Egyptian population growth rates, implies an annual growth rate in per capita income of about 4 to 4.5 percent. The striking characteristic of the first five-year plan was the major importance given to the industrial sector. The sector was programed to contribute more than half the planned increase in income (Table I). Together with agricul- ture, the two sectors were expected to provide nearly 75 percent of the planned increase in income over that period. The planned growth in services was relatively small. The net result was planned to be a structural transformation as the share of industry in national income could increase from 2l percent to 28 percent of total income. In the second five-year plan, services were to play a larger role with a relatively slow rate of expansion in both agriculture and industry as compared to the first five-year plan. By the end of the first five-year plan in I964/65, the achieved growth rate was actually about 6 percent which approaches the plan target. If this growth rate continued, the national income would double over a period of l2 years. I.2 The Relation Between Economic. Development anleSOd Consumption As the development process takes place, major changes occur in the structure of the demand for food which affect the flow Table I. Plan Income Targets by Sectors (In million LEl at constant l959/6O prices) National Flmplied AnnuaT Income Target Income Compound Growth Rates Sectors I959/6O I964/65 1959/60 1964/65 1969/70 to to z, I964/65 I969/70 Agriculture 400 5l2 627 5.I 4.I Industry 273 540 802 l4.6 8.2 Services2 609 743 Il35 4.4 8.9 Total I282 I795 2564 7.0 7.4 ILE stands for Eg ptian pound for which the official rate of exchange is LE I = 2.30 at the present time. 2Includes trade and finance, transportation, housing, education, health care, and other services. Source: UAR National Planning Committee, General Frame of the Five Year Plan for Economic and Social Development, Julyij960-June I965, Cairo, I960. of food products from farms to consumers' markets. As family income rhes, there will usually be an internal transfer from agricultural to non-agricultural employment. Labor and other production factors will migrate to industry. These changes may be slow due to psychological inhibitions, fewness of profitable opportunities for industries, and the associated costs of urbanization. They also may be slow in the economies where gross domestic product is growing only slightly faster then population. However slow, the important point remains that these transfers must be compatible with the rise in per capita consumption levels. It can be said that the most important of these structural changes are the increasing income per capita and the mass movement of labor and other factors of production from rural to urban areas.I The balancing problem is further aggravated in most less developed countries by the fact that the sharp decline in the death rates has not yet been followed by any significant change in the gross reproduction rate. The result is a "population explosion".2 Population growth alone can thus be estimated lRobert Stevens, ”Elasticity of Food Consumption Associated with Changes in Income in Developing Countries”, Foreign Agricultural Economic Report, No. 23, Economic Research Division, UO§YOD0K., 1965. 2United Nations, Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs, ”The Future Growth of World Population”, Population Studies No. 28, N.Y., I958. to require an increase in food production by as much as 3 percent annually to maintain present levels of food consump- tion. There is no doubt that the population increase can hamper the process of economic growth. It has been estimated that the developing countries as a group achieved a rate of increase in GNP of 4.4 percent a year during the period (l950-l960) as compared to a rate of 4.0 percent for the European Free Trade Area countries, yet the population grew in the former at an average annual rate of 2.0 percent, compared 1 The conclusion with to a rate of .5 percent for the latter. regard to the rate of growth of GNP per capita is quite obvious. It has long been observed that "economic development and population growth are related in mutual causation”.2 Egypt provides an interesting case study for those wishing to test theories about the interrelationship between the population and economic growth.1 A high p0pulation growth rate of about 2.5 percent, together with rapid social change contributed to the severe food shortages in certain commodities that the country has recently experienced. This trend is expected to continue as the interaction of economic deveIOpment and social factors culminates in an increased demand for food, thus food IH.J. Arnold, Aid for Development, the Bodley Head, London, I966, p. 24. 7 2Report of the Ad Hoc Committee of Experts on Long Range Program of Work in the Field of Population, Economic and Social Council, United Nations, Oct. I964, p. 6. production or food imports have to be increased greatly to meet the growing demand which will be intensified by the suspected high income elasticity of demand. The accumulating evidence of what seems to be a chronically precarious food situation in Egypt has in recent years increased the general concern about its food problems, and heightened the interest in carrying out this analytical investigation. 'While high population growth rates are a major factor in the increasing demand for food, the high income elasticity of demand, urbanization, and rapid social changes will also have a great impact on the future food consumption patterns in the country. In addition to its apparent importance, food has a unique place in the economies of less developed countries, for it represents the major product of the rural sector or the so called ”subsistence sector”. It is possible with few assumptions about the structure of the economy to determine the outcome of the interacting prices and income elasticities of demand in the two sectors on the consumption of food and/or any other product, and see how the rural migration mechanism would operate.I ISee: Stephen Enke, Economics for Development, Prentice Hall, Inc., I965, pp. (127-139). l.3 The Objectives and Basic Hypotheses Economic planning requires much information about the changing structure of the Egyptian food economy during the process of economic growth. Such information would facilitate the more efficient and more economical use of planning techni- ques in programming development projects in the country. In this study, the objective was to estimate the income and price elasticities of demand for major food products, and then to use these estimates, along with estimates for the annual rate of growth in GNP, and the projected rates of population growth to estimate the future demand for food products. Specifically the objectives of this study are: (I) To investigate the determinants of the demand for food and their magnitude. (2) To estimate income and price elasticities of demand for food in general, for food commodity groups, and for basic food items. (3) To utilize this information in projecting future consumption levels for different commodity groups and specific food items in I975 and I985, and to relate these projections to the economic development plans and the long-run potentials of agriculture. The study therefore focused on estimating parameters determining the demand for food. To accomplish this, different types of and more 1. The (I) (2) (3) (4) data, time-series and cross-sectional, are utilized, than one model of analysis is introduced. underlying hypotheses for the study were as follows: The income elasticities of demand for food in general and for most individual food items, are relatively high in Egypt as compared to developed nations. Major differences in consumption patterns do exist between urban and rural areas, with urbanites con- suming more food in absolute terms, but spend relatively less of their incomes on it. The income expenditure elasticity differs signifi- cantly from the income quantity elasticity, at least for certain items such as meat, fish, and fruit, where qualitative differences exist. This is mainly because, other things equal, as income rises, a family tends to consume better qualities and thus expend more. Increasing per capita income is the most significant factor affecting the demand for food.I Further, the tion. for food. IThe term ”the demand for foodll deserves a word of explana- We recognize that there is no such things as a “demand“ Instead, there are demands for meat, wheat, eggs, potatoes, and other products that provide food. However, in this context, what is actually meant by the elasticity of demand for food is not the quantity elasticity but rather the expenditure elasticity based upon total food expenditures. demand for animal proteins and fruits and vegetables will rise faster as the income elasticity of demand for these products is expected to be relatively high. ”(5) With the present trend in production and the rate of population growth and unless some drastic measures are taken to increase local food production, increase food imports, or a combination of both; the country will face severe shortages in many food products by I975. The study starts by introducing the basic features of the Egyptian economy, which is believed to be very important as a background within which the nature and scope of the food problem can be evaluated. Chapter 3 discusses the concepts and techni- ques used in the analysis, and introduces the reader to the sources of information utilized in the study. Chapters 4 and 5, concentrate on the results of the statistical analysis. Each starts with an introductory section that explores the ideas of using the types of data used, its advantages and limitations. The two chapters are related to each other and in fact complementary. The income elasticity coefficients obtained and presented in chapter 4 are used in formulating the combined model in chapter 5. The price elasticities presented in section 5.I are used to estimate money flexibility and therefore to estimate price parameters ID for commodities for which reliable time series data were not available. Chapter VI presents an overall projection of the demand for food products in I975 and I985. This chapter is followed by a summary and conclusions. CHAPTER II THE BASIC FEATURES OF THE EGYPTIAN ECONOMY 2.l Introduction During the forties and early fifties, the Egyptian economy was based on private enterprise system with a very limited government role. Distribution of income and wealth were extremely unequal. The new regime that took over in I952 had, as its immediate purpose, the carrying out of land reforms I on the ownership of which placed a ceiling of 200 feddans land. The ceiling was subsequently lowered to IOO feddans. Land possessed by individuals in excess of that amount was expropriated and gradually redistributed. The Suez war of I956 carried with it the nationalization of British and French properties, which involved the main part of the banking and insurance system and other segments of large business and industries. These prOperties, which were managed by specially assigned governmental bodies, formed the foundation of what was to be known later as the public sector.2 An economic planning was begun on a large scale in l958/59, private enterprise was expected to play an important role in the IA feddan, the area unit in Egypt, is equivalent to l.038 acres, or 4,20I square meters. 2See: Bent Hansen and Girgis Marzouk, Develgpment and - Economic Policy in the U.A.R. (Egypt), North-HOlland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, I965. ll l2 implementation of the plan by fulfilling the savings and invest- ment targets laid down by the plan. Nevertheless, in I96l large-scale nationalization followed which involved all big industries and trade enterprises. The main economic justifi- cation for such a decision was to bring investment and savings under the direct control of the government. There were other political motives behind the nationalizations, for the role of private enterprises in the implementation of the plan had never been well defined. Nor was there on the part of govern- ment, any encouragement or incentives for private investors to participate effectively in the plan. These gradual and subsequent steps have in effect trans- formed the country's productive system from a private enter- prise market economy into an unique mixed system in which the most significant economic decisions concerning production and investment are taken by the state. 2.2 Land Area and Agricultural Production The area of Egypt is aboutcne million square kilometers, or nearly 238 million feddans, of which only about 5,967,000 feddans or about 2.5 percent, are cultivated. However, as the average rate of crOpping per feddan is I.68 crops 3 year, this gives the country an equivalent to IO,954,000 feddans of cropped l3 area. It is important, in this respect, to distinguish between the cultivated area and cropped area. The cultivated area is the number of feddans actually planted, whereas the cropped area, also expressed in feddans, is the cultivated area multiplied by the number of crops grown annually under the perennial irrigation where several crops can be planted in rotation in the same area. The area that can be cultivated depends entirely upon the elevation of the land in relation to the nearest water supply. The country's dependence on the agriculture sector can be emphasized by pointing out that not only over one-quarter of the national income and one-half of its employment is currently derived from agriculture, but also large portions of industry, commerce, finance, and transporation are centered around the agricultural sector.1 Despite the notable expansion in the industrial production and its concomitant impact on the economy, agriculture has continued to play a principal role in the country's economic Iifei' The agricultural sector in Egypt has made four major contri- butions to the process of economic deveIOpment: IGamal Eleish, “The Applicability and Utilization of the Input-Output Model in a Developing Economy: the Case of Egypt Examined”, a paper presented at the International V Conference on Input-Output Techniques, Geneva, September I96l. l4 Table 2. Net Value Added and the Size of the Working Force by Sectors in l959/6O and I964/65 Sector Net Value Added (LE mill.) Labor force (000) l959/6O I964/65* l959/6O I964/65 Agriculture 399.9 5ll.7 4220 4660 IngT26EKIETEy 273.4 540.3 632 846 Transport and communication 97.5 II7.5 2I9 226 Financial services l3.2 l8.6 2l 30 Others 593.5 725.6 I8ll 2098 Total I3775. l9l3.7 6903 7860 *plan targets Source: National Planning Committee, General Frame of the First Five-Year Plan, Cairo, I962. IS (I) It has stimulated the growth of basic agricultural inputs industries such as chemicals and farm machinery. The development of the fertilizers industry illustrates this point. The local production of fertilizers which started in I947 at a modest level of IS thousand tons increased in thirteen years to reach 443 thousand tons in I960.‘l (2) The implementation of many agricultural development schemes and the rise in net cash income of the farm population, provided a rising demand for many manufactured products. (3) The expansion and diversification of agricultural exports made available the foreign exchange needed to pay for the import of machinery and capital goods upon which economic growth depends. (4) Finally, the agricultural sector has carried the heavy burden of the provision of increased food supplies to meet the growing and more diversified demand for food. This is indeed a critical and major task. Failure to expand food supplies to meet the rising demand is bound to jeopardize economic grwoth since there is likely to be a notable rise in food prices which could add to the inflationary pressure. Though the country has had to supplement the locally produced food supplies by Imports, particularly wheat, the local production has managed to Ineet a good part of the food requirements. IUAR Ministry of Agriculture, Annuaire Statistigue, I964. Table 3. (in L.E. million) l6 Value of Agriculture Output I960-I964 Groups of products I960 l96l I962 I963 I964 field crops 380 326 397 405 453 vegetables 39 42 5l 60 67 fruits 26 24 29 32 33 animal products I05 IIO II6 l3l I63 Total 550 502 593 628 72l Source: UAR Ministry of Agriculture, The Monthly Bulletin of Agricultural Economics and Statjstics, Vol.7F7, July I966, pp. (55-56). I7 A variety of crops are grown in Egypt. With the exception of cotton, rice, and onions, they are grown mainly for domestic consumption. The index of agricultural output shows an average rate of increase in total production of about 6 percent during the last decade.I It is desirable, for the purpose of this study, to separate food and non-food products.” Over the period from I937 to I960, there were times when food output grew ahead of the population. However, over the whole period food production rose by 46 percent while the population increased by 64 percent, a divergence that resulted in a lO percent fall in per capita food supplied from domestic sources.2 The major field crops grown in Egypt are cotton, wheat, corn, rice, maize, clover, onions and sugar-cane. Of less importance are beans, nuts, sesame, and flax. The area put to field crops amounts to about 9,750,000 feddans annually, or about 94 percent of the crOpped area. To this group of farm products about 63 percent of the value of agricultural output is attributed.3 Cotton is the principal cash crop and the main source of foreign exchange from the agricultural sector. It makes up about I6 percent of the field crops cropped area and IDonald C. Mead, Growth and Structural Change in the Egyptian Economy, Richard Irwin, Inc., I967, P. 56. 2Donald c. Mead, lbid., p. 59. 3The figures refer to I964 data. l8 accounts for about 35 percent of the group's output value. Egypt is the main supplier of long-stable cotton to the world; it produces about 40 percent of the world's long varieties and nearly 50 percent of the extra long-stable cotton. About 30 percent of the total annual cotton production which amounts to around 450,000 tons is locally manufactured. Wheat normally occupies about l3.5 percent of the field crops area and makes up to l2 percent of its value. Rice is the second largest agricultural export commodity and is one of the crops that will be expanded in acreage after the completion of the Aswan High Dam. Onions form the third largest agri- cultural export as about 40 percent of the crOp, or about 260,000 tons are exported annually. Major legume crops include beans, lentils, and peas. The principal oil crops grown in Egypt include groundnuts and sesame. Vegetables and fruits together occupy nearly 7.I percent of the total cropped area and normally make up about I4 percent of the value of agricultural output. Livestock production represents an important segment of the agricultural production as it accounts for about 23 percent of the value of agricultural output of L.E. I68 millions. Table 4 shows the area, production and value for total output for major agricultural products. I9 Table 4. Area, Production, and Value of Total Output for Major Crops in I964 value of Percent of Area Production total output cropped value area of ag. output fEddans metric tons LTE. (000) (000) (000) A. Field Crops cotton I6Il 504 l57.083 l4.7 2l.8 wheat l295 l,499 53,959 ll.8 7.5 corn 1660 1,934 57,172 15.2 8.0 rice 962 2,036 40,098 8.8 5.6 beans 408 340 2I,58l 3.7 3.0 millet 494 740 I8,932 4.5 2.6 sugar-cane I34 5,l50 I2,389 I.2 I.7 onions* I34 647 6,923 I.2 .9 others 348I 84,486 3I.8 ll.7 Total field crops lO,l79 452,62l 92.9 62.8 B. Vegetables 608 4,278 67,303 5.6 3 C. Fruits I67 l,l44 33,223 I.5 6 D. LiEestock 8 aTry Products l67,763 23.3 Total 10,954 720,910 100 100 *Production and value of onions Source: U.A.R. Ministry of Agriculture, The Monthly Bulletin Agricultural Economics and StatistTCs, Vol. 17, July include interplanted crop. of I966. 20 Egypt's annual per capita income places her among the underdeveloped regions of the world. Despite this it is hard to say that the Egyptian agriculture is primitive and backward as is often the case for underdeveloped countries. According to the figures of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations for output per acre in I965/66, Egypt ranked fifth for cotton (nearly 30% above the United States), fourteenth for wheat, twelfth for maize, third for rice (ahead of Japan), first for chick-peas, lentils and millet. Japanese yields per acre are roughtly at the same level as in Egypt for all major cr0ps grown in both countries.I This is not to deny the possible scope for improvement and increases in agricultural output particularly through the use of better seeds with higher yields, but the point is that with the present level of technology and organization, the agri- cultural sector in Egypt stands close to intensive cultivation, and that the scope of simple improvement by applying better techniques would therefore seem limited. This might explain the fact that the problem of rural poverty in Egypt is much more difficult to eliminate than is 1Food and Agriculture 0r anization of the United Nations, Production Yearbook, I966, Vo . 20, Rome I967. “1:;— 2I the case for many less devel0ped countries. Poverty seems t0' beya result of ”unfortunate factor proportions and not merely of an inefficient agriculture.Ill After I970, the scheduled completion date for the Aswan High Dam, the cultivable land is to be increased by almost one- third. Yet, the high rate of the population growth is bound to outstrip any possible increase in the land area. Unless some economical method was to be found for desalting sea water for agricultural purposes,2 or the rate of population growth to decline rapidly, the land-man ratio is expected to fall still further.' 2.3 The Demographic Picture The Egyptian demographic picture represents an interesting case study of a rapidly growing population with almost constant age structure., Egypt was cited in the development literature as an example of the overpopulated areas in which the famous IDonald C. Mead, Growth and Structural Change in the Egyptian Economy, op. cit., p. 74. ZAt the present writing, there is a project under discussion by a special committee in the U.S. government to study the utili- zation of the nuclear power in desalting sea water. The U.A.R. government has expressed its interest in the project, but it is doubtful if any funds could be made available for the project. See: Dwight D. Eisenhower, “A Proposal for Our Time”, Reader's D’gest, June I968. 22 Arthur Lewis' type theories for economic development with ”unlimited” supply of labor is applicable.I Though these theories have been challenged on various grounds, the fact is that the population has continued to grow more rapidly than the cultivable area, and that despite the substantial expansion in employment opportunities outside agriculture, the land-man ratio for both total and agricultural popula- tions has continued to fall. The population of Egypt, according to the I960 census, had reached about 26 millions, and is estimated to be slightly less than 30 millions in I969. Of the total p0pulation, about 62 percent are rural. The annual compound rate of population growth based upon the period I947 - I960 is estimated to be about 2.4%.2 This high rate of population growth creates a very different problem for a country already believed to be overpopulated, as it makes it harder for the expansion of the so-called “modern sector” to match the increasing supply of labor. Despite the continuous efforts to apply a policy of population control, and the measures that have been taken ISee: W. Arthur Lewis, ”Economic DeveIOpment with Unlimited Supplies of Labor”, in: A. Agrawala and S. Singh (eds.), The Economics of Underdevelopment, Oxford Univ. Press, I963, pp, (40045497. 2The rate, r was estimated by applying Pn=Po (I+r)n 23 in the field of family planning this high rate of population growth is expected to continue, the reason being the sub- stantial decrease in the crude death rates which is estimated -to be I6 per thousand in recent years as compared to a rate of 3l.9 per thousand in I947/48.I Table 5. Urban and Rural Populations in Successive Censuses from I927 to I960 Year Urban Rural Total 000 000 000 I927 3,770 lO,707 I4,l77 I937 4,436 Il,484 I5,920 I947 6,262 I2,704 I8,966 I960 9,864 l6,l20 25,984 Source: U.A.R. Department of Statistics and Census, ngulation Census, I960, Cairo, I963, Vol. 2 The committee of experts which was formed in I962 by the government to study the population trends in the country IH. Abdel-Aty, "Life-Table Functions for Egypt”, The Mil-Bank Memorial Fund anrterly, Vol. 39, No. 2, April I96l, PP. (350-7). 24 made five different assumptions with regard to the future trends of the fertility rates for the period from I960 to I995.I Five projections were made based upon the five assumptions about the fertility rates. The projections are shown in Table 6, with the first projection considered the maximum or the upper limit and the last being the lower limit. Table 6. Projected Size of the Total Population (in millions) Assump- Estimated Population Compound Annual Rate of Increase tion I970 I985 I960;I970 I970%l985 l960%l985 ,I 34.5 52.5 2.8 2.8 2.8 2 34.0 48.3 2.7 2.4 2.5 3 34.5 48.4 2.8 2.3 2.5 4 33.4 43.6 2.5 I.8 2.l 5 3l.7 38.8 2.0 l.4 l.6 Source: U.A.R. Central Statistical Committee, Population Trends in the U.A.R., Cairo I962, p. 53. The fertility rates have major implications on the projected p0pulation size as well as on the age distribution. However, IThese assumptions are discussed in Ch. VI, Sec. 6.2. 25 we tend to believe that fertility rates are not likely to decline substantially within a period of one or two decades. Therefore, the Egyptian demographic picture in the coming twenty-five years is expected to be dominated by some decline in mortality, with fertility rates constant or falling very little. This would imply a further rise in the rate of population growth. It is thus reasonable and safe to assume that the growth rate will be in the range of 2.5 to 2.8 per year at least within the next fifteen years. 2.4 The Trends of National Income Over the period from I952/63 to I969/60, national income measured in current prices increased from L.E. 806 million to L. E. I285 million,with a total increase of 59.4 percent and an annual compound rate of annual increase of 6.9 percent. However, over that period the wholesale price index for all commodities increased by about l8 percent. In constant prices of I959/60, national income increased from 949 million to L.E. I285 million with 35.4 percent increase over the seven year period, and an average compound rate of annual increase of about 4.5 perCent. Over the First Five-Year Plan period, from l960/6I to I964/65, national income increased from its original level of L.E. l285 million in I959/6O to L.E. I905 million in 26 I964/65 in current prices or L.E. I762 million in constant prices of I959/60. The increase being about 48.2 percent in current prices and 37.l percent in constant prices, with an average compound rate of annual increase of 8.2 percent and 6.5 percent, reSpectively. If this trend is sustainable in the future, it would be considered a remarkable achievement. The original objective of the first Five-Year Plan was to increase national income in constant prices over the five- I The realized year period by L.E. 5IO million or 40 percent. increase over the plan period amounted to L.E. 477 million or 37.l percent comprising 94 percent of the planned increase in national income. I As can be shown in Tables 7 and 8, the increase in national income in l96l/62 was slight and as low as 2.4 percent in current prices and 3.3 percent in constant prices of l959/6O over the previous year. This was mainly due to the bad cotton crop in that year, and a resulting decline in agricultural income by about L.E. 30 million below I960/6l and l959/6O levels. Fluctuations in the cotton cr0p was responsible also for the relatively high increase in national income in l959/6O and for its decline in constant prices in l955/56. IU.A.R. National Planning Committee, 93. cit. 27 Table 7. National Income and National Income Indices in Current Prices and in Constant I959/6O Prices, I952/53 to I964/65 National Income NationaT’Ificome Indices L.E. million l959/6O = IOO Year current l959/6O current l959/60 prIces prIces prIces prIces l952/53 806 949 62.7 73.8 I953/54 847 l026 65.9 79.8 I954/55 920 I096 7I.6 85.3 l955/56 965 IO37 75.I 80.7 I956/57 I067 l057 83.0 82.3 l957/58 II26 ll29. 87.6 87.9 l958/59 Il57 II6O 77.8 90.3 I959/6O I285 l285 IO0.0 IO0.0 I960/6l I389 I364 IO8.5 lO6.l 1961/62 1422 1412 110.7 109.9 I962/63 l537 l533 ll9.6 II9.3 I963/64 I7I9 I648 l33.8 I28.2 I964/65 I905 I762 I48.2 l37.l Source: Calculated from Table Bl in the appendix. 28 Table 8. Percentage Shares of Sectors in National Income, I959/6O to I964/65 / I960] l96l7 T9627 I963/ I964] Sectors I968 l96l I962 I963 I964 I965 Agriculture 3l.5 29.5 26.4 27.8 27.5 26.7 Manufacture and Electricity 20.7 2l.9 23.I 22.7 23.5 23.5 Construction 3.7 3.2 5.2 5.4 5.8 5.3 Transport 7.2 7.5 8.3 8.3 8.7 8.6 Housing 5.7 5.4 5.4 5.I 4.8 4.6 Trade and Finance, 10.0 10.6 10.8 10.1 9.0 9.2 Other Services 2l.2 2l.9 20.8 20.6 20.6 22.l Total IOO I00 IOO IOO IOO IOO Source: Calculated from table 83 in the appendix. 29 All sectors of the economy contributed to the increase in national income, but the proportion of that contribution as well as the rate of growth varied from one sector to another. Thus, over the period from l952/53 to l959/60, income from agriculture increased by L.E. l53 million or about 6I percent. Income from manufacturing and electricity increased by L.E. l39 million or IO9 percent. Income derived from construction, transport, trade and finance together increased by L.E. ll8 million or 78 percent. Income from other services increased by L.E. 69 million or some 25 percent. Over the same period, I952/53 to l959/60, the share of agriculture in the national income remained around 32 percent. Manufacture and electricity increased from l5.8 percent to 20.7 percent. Trade and finance showed a slight increase, while construction and transportation remained around 3.5 percent and 6.5 percent, respectively. The share of other services declined from about 34 percent to 27 percent.‘ During the first Five-Year Plan income from agriculture increased by L.E. 65 million or about l6 percent. Income from 1See tables B3, B4, and BS in the appendix. 30 manufacturing and electricity increased by L.E. I48 million or 55.6 percent. Income from construction increased by L.E. 46 million or 98 percent. Transportation increased its contribution to national income by L.E. 59 million or about 63 percent. Trade and finance increased by L.E. 33 million or 25.6 percent. Income from other services increased by about 42 percent. Therefore, of the overall increase in national income, agriculture contributed l3.4 percent, manu- facture and electricity 3I.O percent, construction and transport contributed together 27.5 percent, while other services contributed 3I.7 percent. The low rate of growth in the agricultural sector as compared to that of manufacture and electricity reflects the emphasis placed on the later sectors in the allocation of investments of the five year plan. However, the rate of growth in agriculture is expected to increase over the second five-year plan period due to the completion of the Aswan High Dam, scheduled for I970, and other associated programs. Because other sectors of the economy expanded at a higher rate than agriculture during the first five-year plan, the share of agriculture in the national income declined from about 3I.5 percent in I959/6O to 26.7 percent in I964/65, while the share of manufacture and electricity increased from 20.7 per- cent to 23.5 percent. This trend is expected to continue over the years to come, because of the greater emphasis the planners PUt on industrialization and urbanization. 3l This expansion was accompanied by a growing deficit in the balance of payment. Economic theory indicates that such a deficit means either a higher level of consumption with the production level and the rate of investment constant, or an increase in capital formation with the consumption level constant, or some combination of the two. Needless to say, Egypt is not the only deveIOping nation with a balance of payment problem. Though aggregate consumption has increased, the apparent growing deficit in the balance of payments can ‘be mainly attributed to the planning efforts in recent years which increased investments share of national income from I3.3 percent in I959/6O to 2l.6 in I963/64. 2.5 Aggregate Food Consumption Food consumption plays an important role in the economies of less developed nations for several reaons. In addition of being the major product of the so-called l'subsistence sector”, the ratio of food expenditures to total income is a well known criterion to measure the well-being of an individual or of a nation. As Engel believed that "the poorer is a family, the greater is the proportion of the total outgo 32 ,which must be used for food".I This famous relation depicts the simple fact that the higher the proportion of income spent on food, the lower will be the expenditures on other items which, together with food, measures the individual's or the nation's prosperity. Food deficiency is a well known phenomenon in less developed areas. However, in this respect one should dis- tinguish between two different aspects of food deficiency. Quantitative deficiency as measured in terms of calorie intake is usually referred to as undernourishment, while qualitative deficiency, or the nutritional side as measured by the lack or adequacy of particular essential nutrients is known as malnutrition or malnourishment.2 In dealing with the quantitative aspects of the food problem in Egypt, we have to consider two sources of bias in the aggregate figures: (I) that information on actual consump- tion levels or the balance sheets is based upon several de- rivations and cavmwsions that are subject to certain errors, IAs quoted in C. C. Zimmerman, “Ernest Engle's Law of Expenditures for Food”, anrterly Journal of Economics, 1932-3, p. 80. 2George R. Allen, llThe World's Food Shortage: Nutritional Requirements and the Demand for Food”, Iowa State University Center for Agricultural and Economic Adjustment, Food--One Tool in International Economic Development, Ames, Iowa,7l965, pp. 32-59. 33 and (2) that the national averages do not reveal the dispari- ties in income distribution and food consumption. Table 9. Per CaBita Food Consumption in Egypt, l948/50 to I96 /65 Total Animal Years Calories Fat: Protein Protein number/day grams/day grams/day grams/day I948/50 2360 38.5 69.4 l2.5 I95l/53 2340 26.0 67.8 l0.7 I954/56 2470 37.0 7I.7 l2.2 l957/59 2530 39.5 73.5 ll.9 I960/62 2670 42.0 79.0 l2.2 I963/64 2890 47.8 85.5 I2.6 I964/65 2930 49.I 84.I l2.6 Source: Collected from: Food and Agriculture Organization Food consumption in Egypt, several volumes of the United Nations, Production Yearbook, in terms of calories, has shown some improvement over the last three decades as it is shown in figure I. The composition of calories sources has remained almost constant, with cereals, potatoes and other starchy roots constituting about 70 percent of the total calorie intake. 34 mtocuo mmK muozboca >L_mp 6cm x__e saw. mmmm w cm_m .umme mmw mm_nmuomo> a m6_atu haw m_mocou NM“ x_pcoaa< "mULJOm o t .4 2, 7. I. O 69 Ru 7. ,0 a, h. 25 9. I. no a; agnae 666 6655555555554639 //////////////////a 25 7. l 0 q, ‘8 7. ,o :5 h. 25 2 1. O a; no.8n4r 66665555555555hh33e mow mmwwmmmwwwwwwmwm 00m - ooo._ \ I \\ 1. . \ \\\\\\ ooo N \\ x x - I oom.N ____ _ _ __L_ _ _ a _ t .s ooo.m m mo_co m “>66 Ema m0_Lo_muV p\ . _ u ao\mmm_-mm\amm_ .ma_amo tom >_aa:m cook “62 ._ 6t:m_u 35 Calorie figures reveal the fact that the food situation in Egypt cannot be characterized as a case of undernourishment, as it is well above the calorie requirements in Egypt as estimated by the Food and Agriculture Organization. It would be rather a case of malnutrition. There is no clear-cut definition of the extent of malnutrition in a certain country, but it is a well-established criterion that if the ratio of ,calories derived from cereals, sugar, and starches to total calorie intake exceeds two-thirds, that is a clear evidence of serious malnutrition.l The pressure of population growth and rising incomes upon food supplies is increasing and will continue to increase. The present increases in p0pulation practically swallow up all increases in production and leave the general standards of living still very low. From I937 to I947 the population grew by about 20 percent, while food production seems to have risen by slightly less than that, with the result that food con- sumption per capita in I948 was somewhat around its prewar level. Therefore, with the decline in the rate of increase of food production combined with the p0pulation growth, Egypt 1Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Second World Food Survey, Rome I952, p. I3. 36 shifted from being a net food exporter in I947 to becoming a net food importer. These imports which accounted for L.E. 27 million in I950, and L.E. 35 million in I95l, have made it possible to maintain the level of food consumption. The failure of agricultural production to keep pace with the rapid growth of population was a major factor behind the launching of the planning schemes in l959/60. From I952 to I960, the situation changed drastically. Food production increased by more than 30 percent,1 while the population grew by about 22 percent. Net food imports decreased. Wheat imports decreased from over one million tons in I952 to only IO thousand in I954, and none was imported in I955. Maize imports declined substantially and rice exports rose. Since I960, food imports began to rise again mainly under U.S. Public Law 480, and there was a massive increase of net food imports reaching about L.E. 62 million in I963. The share of net imports to total domestic food supply rose from 2-3 percent in I960 to lO-l2 percent in I963. Egypt's agricultural imports from the United States under P.L. 480 increased from I2 million dollars worth of agricultural products to $782 million in I966.2 These were mainly food products of which wheat constituted a major part. ISee table B6 in the appendix. 2See table 87 in the appendix. 37 Of all food items, cereals stand as a major source of nourishment to the Egyptian population. Wheat, maize, and rice provide almost half of the calorie intake. Over the past two decades these cr0ps have continued to increase in production. Cereal crops as a group increased by about 40 percent over the last two decades. Fruits and vegetables almost doubled and livestock production increased by some 85 percent. Yet the population pressure allowed only a slight improvement in the levels of consumption, as measured by calories. 2.6 Summary The population of Egypt in I969 is estimated to be slightly less than 30,000,000. It is increasing at an annual rate of about 2.5 percent, a fact of major concern to the government, since the per capita income is extremely low and the amount of arable land is limited. More than 60 percent of this population is rural. The most notable feature of the geography of Egypt is the Nile river, in whose valley almost all of the pe0ple live. The completion of the Aswan High Dam, scheduled in I970, will not only increase the arable land by about one-third, but also will put the river and all water resources under full control for the first time in its long history. 38 The government of the UAR exercises substantial powers over the national economy. The second five-year plan is under way with full government control. Though efforts were directed toward industrialization in recent years, agriculture is still the basis of the national economy. The fertile Nile valley yields grains, cotton, fruits, and sugar cane, at levels. nearing the highest in the world. The serious challenge is one of fostering rapid progress in economic development, including production of more food to help feed the growing pOpulation and to meet the rising demand for higher quality diet. To achieve such a goal would require enormous efforts if the p0pulation continues to increase at the present rate and practically swallow up any increase in production and leave the general level of living still very low. CHAPTER III CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AND TECHNIQUES 3.l Source of Information This study depended heavily upon the information collected in two household budget surveys. The first was conducted during the period from October I958 to November I959 by the Egyptian Central Statistical Committee with technical assistance from the International Labor Office of the United Nations. The second survey was conducted over the period from April I964 to January I966 which was subdivided into four sub-periods during which information was collected. These surveys had, as a major purpose, the development of a representative picture of family living conditions by recording the amounts spent and the quantities consumed by a sample of household units and to evaluate the economic status of the households with regard to their total outlay and the changes in their assets and liabilities over time. Because of the difficulties of sample selection and data collection, household budget surveys are rarely designed to be completely representative of the entire population of a country. In addition, such inquiries often omit certain 39 40 elements such as family income, tax payments, or cash holdings, giving more emphasis to the consumption expenditures of the households. In order to approximate a near ”cetris paribus” situation, households were stratified into ”homogeneous groups“. This stratification is based on the location of the household, rural or urban,and household size. Households were grouped by total expenditure levels. The average expenditure by household groupings are the basic data used for fitting the consumption function. In the calculation of the regression coefficients these group averages were weighted by the number of the households in each group. The procedure used will be elaborated in section (3) of this chapter. The Central Statistical Committee of Egypt stated that the household surveys were conducted in order to permit the achievement of, among other things, the following two principal objectives: (I) To obtain data useful in the construction of a general cost-of-living index, and two sub-indices, one for urban and another for rural communities, and (2) to measure income elasticity of expenditures for various expenditure categories.I IInternational Labor Office, Reggrt to the Government of The United Arab Republic on Family Budget Survey and on the New Consumer PriceTTndices in theTSouthernTRegion of the U)A.R. (Egypt), Geneva I960, p. 9. 4l The reliability of information derived from such household surveys depends upon, among other factors, the representativeness of the sample. There were in fact two samples taken, one for urban households and another for rural households. Table lO shows the size of these two samples as compared to the total population. Total household consumption expenditures were measured during both a month and a year for different categories of goods. It was measured in both value and quantity for current consumption commodities, and in value only for durable and semi-durable goods, services, transfer payments and other outlays. Table ID. The Size of the First Household Budget Survey and Its Percentage of the Population Location Total number Total number Total % of House- of households of individuals population total holds In the sample in the sample (Jan.'60) population Urban 3,I45 I7,468 9,864,000 O.l8 Rural 3,037 l6,487 l6,l20,000 0.l8 Total 6,l82 33,955 25,984,000 0.l3 Source: UAR Central Statistical Committee, Household Budget Survey in the Egyptian Region, I958-59, Cairo, April l96l. (in Arabic). 42 The major methodological difference between the second survey of I964-I966 and that of I958-I959, is that it consists of four different data collecting rounds in which a stratified representative sample was drawn and each sample was studied in a specific month as shown in table II. The total number of the households studied in this second survey was I3,8l7, out of which 9,3l7 were living in urban areas and 4,500 were living in rural areas. The procedures were used for collecting information were as follows: (I) For some items, mainly food,information was obtained about the month preceding to the study month. (2) For other items, such as clothes, data were collected for the preceding three month period. (3) For durable goods, data were collected for the preceding year. The complete results of this second survey are not yet available. Some general information, together with the pre- liminary results of its first round, were published in Arabic in I967. These preliminary results were the principal source of information used in this study. 43 Table II. Periods Covered and the Month of Study in the I964-66 Household Budget Survey ~— Survey Period Covered Method of rounds from to Study First April I, I964 March 3I, I965 April I965 Second July I, I964 June 30, I965 July I965 Third October I, I964 September 30, I965 Oct. I965 Fourth January I, I965 December 3l, I965 Jan. I966 Total expenditures have been used in many studies as a fairly reliable estimate of the household income. The latter is usually recorded with less accuracy than the former which is equal to the sum of all expenditures on various items, food and non-food. Total consumption expenditures consists of the sum of actual consumption expenditures of the household plus the value, at the local retail prices of the home produced goods consumed by the household. It should be pointed out, in this regard, that the share of private gross disposable income in gross national income in Egypt has fallen since I960, while public net disposable income has risen. The household's control on the volume of present consumption deferred for the sake of higher future 44 consumption, in other words, on saving, is no longer signi- ficant. Although households are still free and are, in fact, encouraged by the government to save, their savings form only a small proportion of the total. Therefore, since savings are not likely to change greatly as a proportion of income, the eleasticity of demand based upon total expendi- tures is not expected to differ much from that based upon income. As it will be explained in section (4) of this chapter, time-series data will be used to supplement the cross-sectional information. It is assumed that prices and indeed other market variables are held constant in a single cross-section sample, thus the income parameters or, more precisely, the relationship between food consumption and total expenditures can be estimated efficiently using such data. Although time series data alone can be used to estimate both price parameters and income parameters, there are methodological reasons for pooling the two types of data that will be discussed later. Per capita consumption figures were derived through several conputations. The production, exports, imports, losses, seeds and population data were used for calculating per capita consumption for most products. With respect to meat, data are collected for all meat from the slaughter 45 houses together with imports of frozen meats. Local production data for milk and dairy products are for all sources of milk together with exports and imports data. Consumption figures are calculated for fresh milk, butter, ghee, and cheese. The source of the population projections is the findings of the research carried out by the committee of experts which was formed by the Egyptian government in I962 to study the population trends in the country.I 3.2 Analytical Procedures Increasingly, it is being realized that aggregate con- sumption functions derived from time-series data are not sufficient for forecasting consumption or for demand analysis. In addition to the difficulties involved in obtaining a homo- geneous sequence of data that covers a reasonable length of time, its enlargement in size by taking more frequent obser- vations will raise the question of the presence of serial correlation and the observations can no longer be considered independent. In such a situation three alternatives can be considered: (I) The use of cross-sectional data or as it is IUAR Central Statistical Committee, Population Trends in the U.A.R., Cairo, I962. 46 called the household surveys, (2) Pooling the two types of data, and (3) The utilization of mathematical relationships, based upon certain assumptions, to estimate the required parameters. The present study, moved in these three directions. Three models of analysis will hence be introduced: (I) A cross-sectional model of analysis, (2) A combined model for cross-sectional and time series data, any (3) A - model for estimating price parameters from cross-sectional information. In establishing this procedural framework, and in the analysis there were four assumptions: I. It is assumed that all other variables, not explicitly included in the analysis were constant. This applies mainly to institutional and political situations. 2. No substantial change in the price relationships among different products within the country. 3. That there are differences in the consumption patterns as between rural and urban areas to the extent that might justify our dealing with the two sectors separately in various occasions. 4. That a reasonable amount of homogeneity does exist in the data. This assumption applies to both types of data used 47 in this study. In time-series data it is assumed that periods of time are homogeneous except for the differences in the explicit variables, and for random effect. This seems likely in view of the relative shortness of the time period that the data covers. The assumption for cross-sectional information implies the homogenity of different households, except for the differences accounted for in the measured variables and a random error. This assumption cannot technically be proven but it is necessary. 3.3 The Cross-Sectional Model Calculations were performed on the original data to provide information about the average annual expenditures for food per household.I The households are classified according to their total annual expenditures and their size within rural and urban location categories. The task was to analyze the relationship between consump- tion (in terms of physical consumption or consumption expenditures), annual income (as indicated by annual total expenditures), location, and family size. The number of consumption units rather than the actual number of household members (also available), is used as a more meaningful indicator of the household size, in order to take account of the age variation. ISee Tables B l3 and B l4. 48 The economic model we assume to identify the relationship between these variables can be written symbolically as follows: Df = f (I, S, L) or that the demand for food Df, is a function of annual income I, household size, S, and location L. It is apparent that these variables are not the only ones that influence the demand for food. The price factor is the most important variable that we have omitted from the demand function.I This has been done purposely because of the nature of our cross-sectional sample which assumes a constant price at the time of data collecting. With the exception of price, the other major variables influencing the demand for food have been included. The choice of a function or a mathematical form to express this relation is a matter of great importance. The calculated Income elasticities will depend on the type of function that has been fitted. The criteria used in the selection of the proper function were: (I) statistical accuracy, (2) its economic relevance within the framework of the economic theory, and (3) simplicity of the computation. IDifferences between urban and rural price relatives may show up in the location variable. 49 Practical considerations limit the choice of the function to four types: linear, semi-logarithmic, the logarithmic and log-inverse functions. A linear function is apparently the simplest and was frequently used in the literature, but it is now generally regarded as unsuited for the analysis of income-food consump- tion relationships in particular. Its basic assumption is that the coefficient of elasticity tends toward unity as income increases indefinitely, which is not the logical relationship I For this reason the linear in the case of food consumption. function was not utilized in this study. The logarithmic function which takes the form: log Y = a + 8 log X + H has been extensively used in the literature. Its utilization has been popular for its known convenient advantage that the regression coefficient, B, is equal to the elasticity coefficient. It permits an easier introduction of the effects of the household size2 and is also considered satisfactory IAs an example of the use of a linear function in a consumption income relationships, see: R. G. Allen and A. L. Bowley, Family Expenditure, London, I935. 2See: S. J. Prais and H. S. Houthakker,The Analysis of Family Budgets, Cambridge (England), I955. 50 when “food consumption is expressed in terms of expenditures rather than in terms of quantities"I and when the income range Is sufficiently narrow. Like the linear function, the log- arithmic function does not allow for a ”saturation” level of food consumption as income grows toward infinity. This llsaturation level” or the hypothetical highest possible level of consumption is very high and approaches infinity. The semi-logarithmic function that takes the form: Y = 0+ 8 log X + u is also used very often, and is preferred when food consumption is expressed in terms of quantitites.2 It has been recommended to fit the consumption of food ”necessities” though it does not allow for a saturation level.3 The log inverse function with the general form: log Y =<2_..§ + H which has a saturation level seems to provide a better fit when ”food consumption is expressed in terms of quantities and when 1+ the data available covers a broad income range. I . L. M. Goreux, ”Income and Food ConsumptIon”, Monthl Bulletin of Agricultural Economics and Statistics, FAD, Vol. IX, No. IO, October I960, pp. (l-I3). 2L. M. Goreux, Ibid. 3S. J. Prais and H. S. Houthakker, op. cit. AL. M. Goreux, op. cit. 5I The analysis was confined to the last three functions, namely, the logarithmic, and semi-logarithmic, and the log inverse. The Logarithmic Model A logarithmic function is used to express the economic model as a statistical model. The function will take the form: log-ELI- : Bo, + I3Ii 16,314"-E + 82; log x1r+ 831 x2 + u. r r I xIr Where: Xri = the average household expenditures of the r-th total expenditures group, on the i-th commodity, measured in Egyptian Pounds. Xlr = the average number of consumption units per house- hold in the r-th total expenditures group. Yrt = the average households total expenditures in the r-th groups, measured in Egyptian Pounds, at time t. X2" = a variable that takes a value of zero for any observation from the rural households, and a value of one for any observation from the urban households. Boi’ Bli’ B23, B3i = parameters to be estimated ”i a disturbance term, assumed to satisfy the ordinary least squares assumptions. X2r’ the dummy variable, is introduced in order to take some account of locational and indeed social diffenances in consump- tion between rural and urban households. It permits the mean consumption to differ between them while the responses in income or household size is equal for each. It is expected that, in general, the coefficient B3; will be negative, partly 52 because urban households are expected to make less demand on physical energy, and partly because social and educational differences between rural and urban areas are likely to make, other things equal, for a higher non-food expenditures by the households of urban areas, with the consequent need for economy in food expenditures. The coefficient Bli represents the total expenditures elasticity estimate. The logarithmic relationship has the property of constant elasticity.l It will, ideally, represent the way a typical household would behave under different income situations, holding other variables constant. It is used as a criterion to classify items consumed as necessities or luxuries. Assumptions can be made as whether to consider this coefficient as fairly representative of the income elasticity of demand, or to reduce it by a certain factor related to the marginal propensity to consume, to give a better estimate of the income elasticity of demand. However, it can be argued that total expenditures, which is used here as an ITo prove this, assume a linear log relation for both quantity and income log q = a + b log I, applying the principles of differentiation we have I/q. dq/dl = b/I, or dq/dl. I/q = b. 53 indicator of income is a better explanatory factor because it is more closely related to the permanent economic status than income which is more likely to include transitory and unexpected elements.1 The coefficient BZi represents the extent to which house- holds consume more or less per consumption unit simply a because, other things equal, they contain a large or small number of consumption units. A positive value of B2i indicates that large households consume more per consumption unit than (7 do small ones for a given income per consumption unit. We may expect this factor not to be very important because the commodities are broadly defined, and because our data were not sufficiently detailed to permit the inclusion of such factors as the "size“ of the product in our analysis. This coefficient also may tell us something about the households' economies of scale. As the size of the household increases, its food outlay is expected to increase but at a lower rate than that of the increase in size. Having defined our model, a simple mathematical trans- formation can be performed on it in order to facilitate computation: ILawrence R. Klein, An Introduction to Econometrics, Prentice-Hall, Inc., I962, p. 58. 54 log Xrl = B . + Bll log Yrt + (1+ BZI -' Bll) log Xlr + BBIXZF 4' UI OI or log Xri Boi + Bli log Yrt + B'Zi log er + B3i X2r +1.1i where: B'Zi = l + 82: + B]; A final point should be considered. Since the data we are using are averages for groups of households with certain annual total expenditures rather than individual observations for each household, it is desirable to weigh each observation by the number of households on which it is based in order to take into account the sampling error affecting the estimated averages. Let Nr indicate the number of households in the r-th group, and let Zi and Zj any two variables in our original equations, then, ZN Z. - X N Z. Z N z. />3N I’I" II’ Y‘ I' II" I” r JI" 1" r Will be the weighted sum of products of Zi and Zj adjusted for means. This process should be performed before applying our model as well as any of the subsequent models. The Semi-Logarithmic Model The semi-logarithmic model as used in our analysis will take the following form: 55 Xri Y ——=B.+log rt+BZ-Iogx +B3iX2r+u- Ir OI YT: I lr I where: Xri = the average household's annual expenditures of the r-th total expenditure group, on the i-th commodity. xlr = the average number of consumption units per house- hold in the r-th total expenditure group. -< the average household's annual expenditures on all rt commodities in the r-th group, at time t. er = a variable that takes a value of zero for any observa- tion from the rural households and a value of one for any observation from the urban households. BOi' Bli’ 82,, 833 = parameters to be estimated. u; = a disturbance term, assumed to satisfy the ordinary least squares assumptions. X2r is a dummy variable introduced for the same purpose as in the logarithmic model, that is to take account of the locational and social differences in the consumption patterns as between rural and urban areas. The coefficient 8]: represents the sl0pe of the relation- ship curve that corresponds to each value of the ratio XrI/XIr' In this model we end up with a set of elasticities each corres- ponding to a total expenditure group and an average number of consumption units. The coefficient of income elasticity of demand, or more precisely the total expenditure elasticity for 56 the i-th commodity will be equal to B13. Xlr/Xri- Again, for the purpose of facilitating computations, the model can be expressed in the following convenient form: X'ri = BOI + BII I09 Yrt + 3'2i 109 Xlr + B3ix2r + U1 Where: X'ri = Xri/Xlr 3'21= 321- BIi The Log-Inverse Model The following function implies that the consumption of a particular item or group of items, expressed in log terms, is a function of the total annual expenditures expressed in log- inverse form, and the average number of consumption units expressed in log form. Therefore, except for the total annual expenditures,the function is similar to the double logarithmic function explained earlier in this chapter. Symbolically, the function can be written as follows: Xlr + BZI log Xlr + 33] er + U- Log-iil = BOI Bli I Xlr rt OI': log Xri = BOi Bli xIr/Yrt + 8'23 log Xlr + BBi X2r + “i as we define 8'2; l + 823 57 xri = the average household's annual expenditures of the r-th total expenditures groups, on the i-th commodity. xlr = the average number of consumption units per house- hold in the r-th total expenditures groups. the average household's annual expenditures on all .< fl ('1' ll commodities in the r-th group, at time t. a variable that takes a value of zero for any X N ‘1 II observation from the rural households and a value of one for any observation from the urban households. BOiI Bli» B23, BBi = parameters to be estimated. u; = a disturbance term, assumed to satisfy the ordinary least squares assumptions. The total expenditures elasticity coefficient for this function will be equal to Bli XI/Y. However, this coefficient is calculated on the assumption that the logarithms used in the function are Neperian logarithms. If decimal logarithms were used a correction factor would be necessary and the elasticity coefficient will be equal to 2.3026 B.X]/Y. 3.4 The Combined Model for Cross-Sectional and Time-Series Data In a single cross-section sample, it is assumed that prices and other market variables are held constant, thus the 58 net relationship of demand and income can be estimated using such data. The idea of pooling the cross-sectional and time- series data, as will be elaborated in chapter 5, implies the use of an independent estimate of demand parameters associated with income in estimating the demand parameters associated with prices. Our model will be, with few modifications, similar to that applied by Stone1 in his study to estimate the demand for a number of food products in the United Kingdom. The demand function for items of food products is assumed to take the following logarithmic form: log Xrt = 6+ 8 log Yrt + ylog Prt/Pt + ..g P A, c- . 59 The conSUmption unit scale was constructed in the way explained in the following chapter. As for the price index of the related products Pst’ this variable will be omitted for some equations, and will be expanded to include more than one related product for other equations, depending upon the nature of the product in question. Total expenditures, as mentioned earlier, will be used as an indicator of total income, a practice that has the effect of scaling down the computed elasticity by a constant factor. The pooling technique will be as follows: (a) An estimate of B, the expenditure elasticity of demand is to be obtained from the cross-sectional analysis as described earlier. This estimate will be sub- stituted directly into our new equation by forming a synthetic variable from aggregative time series data, call it 2t, A zit = log xit - B log Yt Where: ’\ . . . . B = an estImate of B, derIved from cross-sectIonal analySIs. Xit = the per capita consumption expenditures on product i, O in time period t. Yt = per capita income in time period t. The multiple regression equation can be estimated for that variable and the relative prices for the product in question and also for the related product or products. 6O Zit =°‘I + Bij (2) If a serial correlation, which is defined as the corre- Iog Pjt/Pt + ”i Iation between a series of observations and the time series lagged by one or more units, if found to be significant and positive, the systematic disturbance can be partially substracted by converting the variables entering the equation into the first differences of the actual observations. 3.5 A Model for Estimating Price Parameters from Cross-Sectional Infbrmation The idea behind Introducing this model is to estimate price elasticities for commodities or groups of commodities for which time series data are not available, by drawing conclusions about these parameters from the budget pr0portion spent on the commodity and the Engel elasticity. The model is based upon certain mathematical relationships and assumptions about the ”representative consumer”, and the want structure independence of certain groups of commodities. If these assumptions are accepted as reasonable it would be possible "to go very far in this direction”.I The model is applied for a number of commodities, and will be further elaborated in chapter V. IRagnar Frish, "A Complete Scheme for Computing All Direct and Cross Demand Elasticities in a Model with Many Sectors”, Econometrica, Vol. 27, April I959, p. I77. CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS OF THE CROSS-SECTIONAL DATA 4.I Some Considerations Concerning the Utilization of Cross-Sectional Data in Analytical‘Income-Consumption Studies The use of cross-sectional data has made a great contri- bution to econometrics that dates back to the days of Le Play and Engel. Engel used Belgian cross-sectional data to give empirical support to his famous assertion that the lower the family's money income, the greater the percentage of that income spent for food, and that the percentage of family income spent for food is, therefore, the best measure for determining the level of living. The term ”Engel curve" is still widely used to show the variations in food expenditures associated with the variations in the family income. In recent years, cross-sectional data have been commonly used in econometrics to form a basis for part of the macro- economic model structure. This tendency has been influenced to a great extent by the discontent about the nature of aggre- gate data. Though the practice has its associated complica- tions, household-to-household variation in expenditure, size, and other variables; estimates of income elasticity of demand and estimates of other parameters, can be calculated and used in constructing an oVeraIl macroeconomic model. 6l 62 The popularity of using household expenditure surveys for a wide variety of purposes stems from two basic reasons. The first is the frequent occurence of collinearityI in time-series data, a problem that seems to be less severe in cross-section dataz. The second is the desire to construct more complicated behavioral models3. An argument can also be made that under the specific conditions of less developed countries, the estimation of the consumption levels can probably be obtained more efficiently and accurately through the household expenditure surveys. Under such conditions we usually lack consistent time-series samples over a reasonable length of time. Though the size of the sample can be enlarged by taking more frequent observations, say by months or weeks instead of years, the problem of serial correlation, or the interdependence between successive sample values, sets a limit to the enlarging process, and large sample theory can no longer be applicable. Cross-sectional surveys provide large samples of hundreds or thousands of observations, to which large sample theory is applicable, and useful estimates of the parameters can be obtained. ICollinearity is the tendency of many economic series to move together in the same trend over time. 2Edwin KUh, ”Validity of Cross-Sectionally Estimated Behavior Equations in Time-Series Applications“, Econometrica, v0] 0 279 I959. 3Edwin Kuh, Ibid. 63 Although prices paid, and qualities consumed by different households differ, and it is reasonable to expect that these differences are systematically related to income levels, it is assumed that over the given period of data collection, the whole sample faces the same ”market situation“. Prices paid, interest and wage rates, and other variables can be said to be held constant over that period of time.I Several problems that represent limitations in the use of aggregate time-series data can be easily handled through the use of such ”disaggregated information”. The study of the frequency distribution of estimated random disturbances, the study of the distributional effects, and the inclusion of demographic, attitudinal, and other variables in the behavior equations are examples of such pointsz. The data can be handled so as to yield the form of the functional relationships between dependent and explanatory variables. These advantages are best realized when data on indivi- dual households are available, but they can be captured to a considerable extent even if, as in our samples, households ILawrence Klein, An Introduction to Econometrics, op. cit. p. 550 2Lawrence Klein, "Estimating Patterns of Savings from Sample Survey Data”, Econometrica, Vol. I9, l95l. 64 are grouped by income levels or total expenditures brackets. Such groups of households are rendered nearly homogeneous by their cross classification on several characteristics simul- taneously. In calculating estimates for the parameters, these averages should be weighted by the number of house- holds in each bracket to take into account the sampling error affecting the estimated averages. Yet, these surveys have their own set of problems that include “the possibility of bias due to educating the reporting families, loss of randomness due to 'fall out', and some difficulty in keeping track of changing economic and social characteristics of the sample”]. 4.2 Definition of the Variables The Household The household unit is defined as comprising of persons sharing the same roof and making their expenses, at least for major items of the budget, out of a common fund. According to such definition, family budget surveys should be referred to as “household budget surveys". In addition to this general IMarguerite C. Burk, I'Some Analysis of Income-Food Relationships”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 53, I958. 65 definition, the Egyptian surveys retained as an additional criterion, that any person staying with the household for less than fifteen days during the preceding month of data collection should be treated as a visitor and not as a member of the household. Total Expenditures Total household expenditures were measured during both a month and a year. The expenditure schedules used in the budget make provisions for recording separately quantities and values of home-produced products or products taken from the household stocks that were consumed during the period in question. The imputed values of services paid for in kind were shown separately in the category of miscellaneous items and non- consumption outgo. No general measure was taken, however, to distinguish purchased consumption from consumption in kind so as to arrive at an estimate of the degree of monetisation for different categories of consumption items and various groups of consumers. As it will be shown later in this chapter, home- produced consumption of wheat, maize, and millets was distin- guished from purchased consumption. Expenditure categories include: (I) current consumption commodities, for which information on value and quantity Was obtained; (2) durable and semi-durable goods, which include 66 clothes, linen, furniture and household equipment, and other durables such as automobiles, appliances, etc.; (3) services that include medical expenses, education, sports, and cultural pursuits, transportation and other expenses; (4) other outlays which include rent and other related expenses, and other expenditures on goods and services; and (5) transfer payment such as gifts, donations, etc. Although data has been obtained with regard to personal savings and investment, and hence estimates for families' personal incomes were computed, for a number of reasons this information has never been published. Data were published for rural and urban areas, and the households were classified into thirteen groups based upon their total annual expenditures. The number of households within each group is shown in Table l2. Consumption Expenditures Consumption expenditures include all the items considered in total expenditures except for the transfer payments. Data were given during a year and a month for the consumption expenditures classified into twenty-two broad categories. These are: (I) cereals and starches, (2) dried legumes, (3) meat, fish, and eggs; (4) fats and oils; (5) milk and dairy products; (6) vegetables; (7) fruits; (8) sugar and 67 Table l2. Distribution of Households According to their Total Expenditures Brackets,l958/59 and I964/65 Expenditures Number of households E3;;%9;;es (in I958/59 survey I964/65 survey pounds) urban rural total urban rural total less than 25 6 '42 48 IO I8 28 25 65 279 344 IIO l23 233 50 I65 460 625 2II 2l8 429 75 25l 442 693 339 352 69l I00 602 748 I350 lll2 997 2l09 l50 5l2 443 955 I329 854 2l83 200 356 246 602 lI65 6l5 I780 250 269 I34 403 96l 420 l38l 300 377 l27 504 l4l9 469 I888 400 307 89 396 I356 290 I646 600 I3I I8 I49 588 85 673 800 45 4 49 277 23 300 IOOO and more 59 5 64 440 36 476 Total 3l45 3037 6l82 93l7 4500 l38l7 Source: For I958/59, U.A.R. Central Statistical Committee, Household Budget Survey in the Egyptian Region, Cairo, April I96l. (in Arabic) For I964/65, U.A.R. Administration of Public Mobilization, The Preliminary Results of the Household Budget SUrvey, I965, Cairo, May I967. (In Arabic). 68 sugaries; (9) other foodstuffs; (I) beverages and refreshments; (II) stimulants; (I2) fuel and lighting materials; (I3) cosmetics; (l4) domestic cleaning materials; (l5) clothes and linen; (I6) furniture and household equipment; (l7) other durable goods; (l8) educational, cultural and sports pursuits; (I9) medical expenses; (20) transportation; (2l) other services; (22) miscellaneous. Food Expenditures Though food expenditures were not specified as a single item, we consider food expenditures to include the first eleven expenditures categories. Further data for specified food items were made available both on a yearly and monthly basis, and in terms of quantity and value. Of these we will utilize information on the following items: (I) wheat (home-produced and purchased); (2) maize (home-produced and purchased); (3) millet (home- produced and purchased); (4) flour; (5) bread; (6) rice; (7) macaroni; (8) beans; (9) lentils; (IO) meat; (ll) poultry; (I2) fresh fish; (I3) eggs; (l4) oils; (l5) saturated oils; (I6) milk; (I7) white cheese; (I8) whey cheese; (l9) butter; (20)ghee; (2l) potatoes; (22) onions; (23) tomatoes; (24) citrus fruit; (25) dates; (26) sugar; (27) tea; and (28) coffee. 69 The Household Size Households, in both rural and urban areas, were classified generally to three groups, small, medium, and large. Small households are those with one to three members, medium with four to six, and large with seven members and more. Data were given for different expenditures brakcets for each group of households simultaneously. The Consumption Unit Consumption expenditures on specific commodities are usually experessed on a per capita or per household basis. It is an established argument that both are rather misleading concepts due to the differences in the age-sex composition from one household to another.1 One way to handle this problem is by constructing an age-sex equivalent scale in which each age-sex type is expressed as a proportion of some standard type.2 In the household budget surveys in Egypt, the adult male is assumed to be equivalent to one consumption unit. The classification is based on calorie requirements by age and sex groupings. The scale is shown in Table I3. 'H. Wold and L. Jureen, Demand Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, New York, N.Y., I953, p. 233. 2David William Price, Age-Sex Eguivalent Scales for United States Food Expenditures - Their Computation and AppTication, Ph.D. Thesis, MiEhigan State University, I963. 70 Table I3. Consumption Units Scale Age Sex Consumption units Less than I3 years male and female .6 l3 years to less than 50 male l.O female .7 50 years and older male .8 female .5 Source: Same as Table I2 Using a scale of this type would improve the data, and give a more meaningful comparison of food expenditure between two individual households, or groups of households with different age-sex composition. Therefore, in our analysis, the household size will be expressed not in terms of number of individuals, but rather in numbers of consumption units. With such age-sex variation accounted for, other different characteristics can be analyzed. 7l 4.3 Results of the Analysis 4.3.l Introduction The present section will deal with the results drawn from the analysis of the cross-sectional survey. It will start with a depiction of the food consumption patterns as revealed by the household budget survey. Then the results of the statistical analysis in which the relationships between the consumption expenditures for different food items, i's and total expenditure brackets, r's are discussed. Symbolically, xr; represents the average household's expenditures of the r-th total expenditures bracket on the i-th item. Variables xr] and xrlz represent the average household's annual expenditures on l2 commodity groups as follows: xr] : cereals and starches. sz : dried legumes. Xr3 : meat, fish, and eggs. xru : oils and fats. er : milk and dairy products. Xr6 : vegetables; Xr7 : fruits. xrg : sugar and sugaries. 72 xr9 : beverages. erO : tea, coffee, and other stimulants. xrll : other food stuff. xr12 total food. Variables from xr13 to xr46 stand for average household's expenditures on particular food items measured in Egyptian Pounds, while variables x'rl3 to x'r46 represent the quantities consumed of these items measured in kilograms. These food items are: . xr 13 and x'rl3 : wheat (home produced). xr 14 and x'rl4 : wheat (purchased). xr 15 and x'rlS : wheat (total). xr l6 and x'r16 : corn (home produced). x 17 and x'r17 : corn (purchased) x l8 and x'rl8 : total corn. xr 19 and X'r19 : millet (home produced) xr 20 and x'r20 : millet (purchased). xr 2] and x'r2] : total millet. xr 22 and x'r22 : flour. x 23 and x'r23 : bread. xr 24 and X'r24 : rice. XI. 25 and x'r25 : macaroni. xr 26 and x'r26 : beans. xr27 and x'r27 : lentils. xr 28 r 29 xr 30 Xr 3I "r 32 xr. 33 xr 34 xr 35 Xr 36 xr,’37 xr 38' Xr 39 xr 4O xr 4l xr 42 xr 43 xr 44 r 45 xr 46 and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and Variables x'r28 X'r29 x'r30 x'r3l x'r32 x'r33 xlr34 x'r35 XIr36 x'r37 x'r38 XIr39 XIr40 -x'r4l x'r42 x'r43 X'r44 x'r45 x'r46 73 meat (all kinds) poultry. fresh fish. eggs. (in numbers) oils. margarine and saturated oils. milk. white cheese. whey cheese. butter. ghee. potatoes. onions. tomatoes. citrus. dates. sugar. tea. coffee. from x]; and x13] stand for average household's annual categories, where r = I, 2, ..., l3. The value of this variable for any certain bracket differs between rural and urban areas and between different household types, as the actual average total annual expenditures is used in quanti- fying its value. 74 XII total annual expenditures less than L.E. 25. x23 total annual expenditures from L.E. 25 to less than L.E. 50. X3i total annual expenditures from L.E. 50 to less than L.E. 75. X41 total annual expenditures from L.E 75 to less than L.E. 100. F i x5i total annual expenditures from L.E IOO to E less than L.E. ISO. 1 | x6; total annual expenditures from L.E. ISO to less than L.E. 200. I x7i total annual expenditures from L.E. 200 to less than L.E. 250. X8i total annual expenditures from L.E. 250 to less than L.E. 300. x9; total annual ex enditures from L.E. 300 to less than L.E. OO. xlOi total annual expenditures from L.E. 400 to less than L.E. 600. x”i total annual expenditures from L.E. 600 to less than L.E. 800. Xl2i total annual expenditures from L.E. 800 to less than L.E. IOOO. x133 : total annual expenditures of L.E. IOOO and more. The impact of the household size is expressed in terms of consumption units Xlr: that is, the average number of consump- tion units per household in the r-th total expenditures brackets, where r = I, 2, ..., I3. The values that this variable take are shown in Table I4 for different types of households. 75 Table I4. Average Number of Consumption Units per Household for Different Household Types.* Annual total Urban Areas Rural Areas expendi- tures groups large medium small total large medium small total I - - .83 .83 - 2.00 .78 .8l 2 4.00 3.00 .95 I.2I 5.00 3.I2 I.27 1.57 3 4.80 3.42 I.4I 2.09 5.09 3.25 I.82 2.49 4 5.I4 3.35 I.72 2.78 5.2l 3.40 I.89 3.09 5 5.27 3.5l I.85 3.43 5.48 3.58 2.IO 3.76 6 5.52 3.6I I.82 3.78 5.96 3.84 2.03 4.64 7 5.55 3.74 2.l3 4.I5 6.39 3.93 I.89 5.46 8 5.84 3.84 l.92 4.46 6.99 3.94 2.33 6.07 9 6.Il 3.84 l.92 4.90 8.l4 3.96 2.50 7.I6 IO 6.67 3.8l 2.07 5.28 9.07 4.08 2.25 8.09 II 7.04 3.86 2.00 5.37 9.94 3.00 9.55 I2 7.27 3.67 2.40 5.29 I4.00 - l4.00 I3 7.50 3.95 2.00 5.98 l3.25 4.00 ll.4O *Small households are those with one to three members, medium with four to six, and large with seven and more. Source: Calculated from: UAR Central Statistical Committee, The Household Budget Survey, op. cit. 76 As indicated earlier in chapter 3, x2r is a dummy variable that takes a value of zero for any observation from the rural areas, and a value of one from any observation from the urban areas. 4.3.2 Food Consumption Patterns The household budget data reveals certain information about the equality or inequality in the distribution of total annual expenditures, which is considered as a meaningful indicator of income, in the distribution of food expenditures, as well as expenditures on specific individual items or groups of commodities. This distribution can best be shown by a collection of Lorenz curves. A Lorenz curve is a graphic device showing the cumulative percentage relationships between two variables. The diagonal line represents complete equality; that is IO percent of the spending units spend IO percent of the total expenditures. In figures 2, 3, and 4, cumulative percentages of consumption units is shown against cumulative percentages of expenditures. It is obvious that total expenditures and total food expenditures are more equally distributed in rural areas than in urban areas. Two explanations can be offered in this connection. First, qualities as well as prices paid, differ Percentage of annual expenditures (urban) 77 Figure 2. .Lorenz Curves for Total Annual Expenditures and Food Expenditures in Urban and Rural Areas Percentage of consumption units (rural) I00 90 80 7o 60 so _30 30 ' 20 10 o 90 _ Rural Areas ', I IO 80 * '1 20 2 3 L 70 I- ‘ 30 In 0 L 3 60 a « 40 .2 ' ‘D C so » 3 f 50 § 1+0 ‘I‘ -I 60 E . . c c m. 30 ~ . 70 u. o 0 20 r « 80 31 H c . O 3 '0 Urban Areas 3 9 E1 7 _L 1 l l L 1 l J . .J 0 lo 20 30 4O 50 6O 7O ‘80 90 . -IOO Percentage of consumption units (urban) Source: Calculated from UAR Central Statistical Committee, 22, cit. Percentage of total expenditures (urban) 78 Figure 3. Lorez Curves for Cereals and Starches, and Meat, Fish, and Eggs, in Urban and Rural Areas Percentage of consumption units (rural I00 90 80 7O 60 SO 40 30 20 IO 0 T r y y 1 w l I I 90 7 Rural Areas '0 80 _ . 20 70- '30 60*r 4 4O 50 - - 50 40I- 4 60 BOIP ‘ 7O 20 Urban Areas q 80 '01 d 90 0 ,. .0 20 30 40 30 60 70 750 90 100 Percentage of consumption units (urban) Source: See Figure 2. Percentage of total expenditures (rural) Percentage of annual expenditures (urban) 79 Figure 4. Lorenz Curves for Fruits, and Milk and Dairy ‘1 Products In Urban and Rural Areas Percentage of consumption units (rural) 100 29 89'. 20 60 SO" 40 30 20 lo 0 v 3 r 1 Ar r 1 900- I I '0 A . 7.: 30L Rural Areas 20 a . m 7o.a a 30 8 60°IP -II ‘50 g ' 3' 5°lr ~-so .3 3 “0-”- 1> 60 g o “5 30,1— _I. 70 0 m t . - 3 20 Urban Areas 4 '80 é L '0‘ -II 90 : J j J l 3 4 1 .! o 16 20‘ 50 do so so 70 60' 90‘ . 100 Percentage of consumption units (urban), Source: See Figure 2. 8O much more in urban areas; and second, incomes, occupations, social status, and tastes vary greatly in urban areas. Fruits and meat are the most unequally distributed in both rural and urban areas. Fifty-two percent of the consump- tion units share only 32 percent of the expenditures on meat, fish, and eggs; and 27 percent of the expenditures on fruits a in urban areas. The corresponding shares of expenditures on these items for 49 percent of consumption units in rural areas are 38 percent and 34 percent. This inequality in the distri- ,7 bution of expenditures on these ”expensive” items of the food budget, can be understood in the light of price and quality differentials, as they are not considered among the "basic" items, and therefore are not subject to price controls. The lower income groups do not necessarily consume relatively less quantities, but rather lower qualities. Expenditures on food and beverages account for about 50 percent of the total annual expenditures in urban areas, and more than 66 percent in rural areas, with an overall average of about 58 percent, a very high percentage as compared to 22 percent in the United States, 23 percent in Canada, 47 percent in Yugoslavia, and 52 percent in Ceylon.I IUnited Nations, Statistical Yearbook, New York, l96l, pp. (297-9). Table I5. Percentage of Items of Total Annual Expenditures in Rural and Urban Areas, Based on the Household Budget Survey, l953/59 Budget Items Urban Rural Weighted . ,fi average percent percent percent Food and beverages 50.l 64.4 58.2 Clothing and linen 8.2 7.8 8.0 Fuel and lighting material 3.5 3.5 3.5 Cosmetic and domestic cleaning materials 9.7 l.6 5.8 Education 3.6 l.0 2.0 Medical expenses 3.0 2.0 2.5 Transportation 3.9 1.8 2.9 Other expenses (inc. housing) l8.0 l5.9 l7.l Total 100 IOO lOO Source: Calculated from: UAR Central Statistical Committee, The Household Budget Survey, op. cit., pp. (355-6) 82 More'than one-third of the expenditures on food items goes to cereals and starches. In rural areas, the share of cereals and starches is as high as 42 percent. Meat, fish, and eggs, the sources of animal protein, account for about one-fifth. However, the distribution of total expenditures, as shown in Table I6, does not reveal the whole picture as the prices of most cereals and other ”basic'I items are usually controlled and/or subsidized, while other items, such as meat, fish, fruit are relatively more expensive, and out of reach for a considerable segment of the consumers. Table I6. Percenta e of Items of Food Expenditures in Urban and Rura? Areas, Based on the Household Budget Survey, 1958/ /59 Food items Urban Rural Weighted average .percent percent percent Cereals and starches 27.4 4l.8 34.5 Dried legumes 2.6 4.2 3.4 Meat, fish, and eggs 2l.2 l7.l l9.2 Oils and fats 3.8 2.4 3.1 Milk and dairy products l2.8 l2.6 l2.7 Vegetables 7.4 5.I 6.3 Fruit 6.4 3.0 4.7 Sugar and sugaries 6.4 6.5 6.4 Other food stuff 5.8 2.0 3.9 Beverages 6.2 5.3 5.8 Total IOO IOO lOO Source: Same as Table l5. 83 4.3.3. Comparisons of the Results of the Three Models The three single-equation models used in the cross- sectional analysis were: (I) A double logarithmic model: 5% log Xri/Xlr = BOi + Bli log Yr/Xlr + BZi log Xlr + BBI log er + Ui (2) A semi-logarithmic model: i Xri/Xlr = Bo: + BII log Yr/X]r + BZI log Xlr + BGI log X2: + Ul (3) A log-inverse model: ‘09 Xri/Xlr = 30: - B]: XIV/Yr + 823 log XIV + B3l log X2... 4' Ui These three models are further simplified to take the following more convenient forms: (I) log xri = BOi + Bli log Yr + B'ZI log Xlr + B3i log X2r + Ui where: B'Zi = 1 + BZi - Bli IFor definition of the variables and mathematical symbols, the reader is referred to Chapter 3. 84 (2) X'ri = 303 + Bli '09 Yr + B'zi ‘09 X'Ir + 53: '09 X2r + Ui where: X'ri = Xri/Xlr and B'Zi = BZI - Bli (3) '09 Xri = BOi ' Bli XIr/Yrt + B'Zi ‘09 Xlr,+ B3i er + Ui Where: B'Zi = I + BZI The purpose of this transformation was mainly to facilitate the computation process. Thus, the coefficients can be estimated as desired as long as there is a mathematical relationship between BZi and B'2i.] In presenting the results, the following format was used: The standard error of the estimated parameters were given in parenthesis below the estimates. The coefficient of determin- 2 ation , adjusted for the number of degrees of freedom, was 1Though the estimate b2: can easily be calculated there is a problem in calculating the standard error of the coefficient, 5b2i =I52bli + 52b2i - 2 COV- b1: ' b'zi However, (kaowingz that the2 upper limit of the quantity Cov. b]°, b'z; is (s bli - $2 b2i according to Cauchy- -Schwarz inequality, which in most cases was a very small value, an assumption was made that this covariance is equal to zero. This particular coefficient was not used in the combined model, nor does the calculation of its exact standard error affect the results in any way. 2R2 = l - (l-Rz) N-l/N-P-I, gives the exact split of the variance of the dependent variable into explained and unexplained variance. w“ .‘ ' "‘- ~r -.".W I 85 denoted by R2. The standard error of estimate (or the standard error of the residuals, i.e. the square root of the error sum of squares divided by the number of the degrees of freedom), was denoted by S - S is an estimate of how well the regression line fits the data or the "goodness of fit." The close examination of the results of the three models, particularly the value of R2 and S, reveals that the logarithmic function provided the best fit in terms of R2 and S, or the analysis of variance for overall regression. The log-inverse model provided a fit almost close to the logarithmic, while the semi-logarithmic function provided for the least satis- factory results in terms of the goodness of fit. It is for that reason that the emphasis in the analysis was put on the logarithmic and the log-inverse fittings. The estimated relationships for total food expenditures from the three models were as follows: The double logarithmic function: log Xri/Xlr = .3845 + .6428 log Yr/Xlr + .0259 log Xlr (.0169) (.0093) (.0141) + .0150 log er (.0040) R'2 = .994 S = .0124 86 The semi-logarithmic function: xri/xlr = -63.062l + 60.9745 log Yr/Xlr + 3.4556 log Xlr (4.2787) (2.2537) (3.9620) 'oLl‘283 log er (1.0152) .2 R = .9651 s = 3.1282 The log-inverse function: log Xri/Xlr = l.9824 + l6.l3l4 Xlr/Yr + .0698 log Xlr (.0576) (.8576) (.9296) - .OOIS log er (.0011) fi2 = .9873 s = .0437 The total expenditures elasticity coefficient for total food was .64 from the logarithmic model, .84 from the semi-log model, and .70 from the log-inverse function.1 The elasticity coefficient based upon the logarithmic function is constant over the range of the function. The log-inverse elasticity depends on the total expenditures level, and the above value was calculated at its mean. The semi-logarithmic elasticity IThough these values are considered here, there is a Iweighting problem involved and was discussed in the.next section. Table I7. Values of R2 of Urban and Rural Areas 87 and S for the Combined Analysis Semi} Log-inverse Commodity Logarithmic logarithmic ‘ Groups R'l' S RT 5 R" S Cereals 8 starches .9972 .0343 .7573 .9644 ..98l9 .044] Dried legumes .8943 .0609 .7702 .1796 .9645 .0650 Meat, fish, eggs .9967 .003I .934l .309] .9749 .0717 Oils 8 fats .9947 .0355 .9094 .l5l9 .9413 .0949 Milk and dairy products .9890 .0638 .9224 .7405 .983] .058l Vegetables .9907 .O49I .9225 .3366 .9559 .0809 Fruit .9934 .0555. .9133~ .5217 .9749 .0865 Sugar 8 sugaries .9929 .9425 .9245 .2882 .9785 .0546 Beverages .9922 .0466_ .9l54 .3I66 .9635 .9756 Tea, coffee, 8 other stimulants .9760 .lO66 .87I0 .8235 .9527 .I2l2 Other food stuff .9494 .lO98 .8769 .3465 .83l4 .l9OO Total food .9994 .Ol24 .965l 3.I282 .9873 .0437 88 Table 18. Values of'R—2 and S for Urban Areas Commodity Logarithmic Iongithmic Logzinverse 9"°”PS R" s R' s R",- s Cereals 8 starches .9992 .0142 .8281 .2959 .9980 .Ol3O Dried legumes .9877 .0626 .6585 .1068 .9826 .0394 Meat, fish eggs .9979 .0333 .9755 .Oll9 .9907 .0458 Oils and fats .9947 .0423 .8745 .l824 .9729 .9548 Milk and dairy products .9938 .0596 .9825 .4591 .9937 .0366 Vegetables .9974 .0325 .9726 .2424 .9877 .0431 Fruit .9940 .0655 .9834 .2892 .9948 .0395 Sugar and sugaries .9973 .0457 .9521 .262l .9877 .0402 Beverages .9940 .0503 .9447 .3121 .9814 .0519 Tea, coffee 8 other stimulants .9918 .0721 .9789 .5339 .9581 .1065 Other food stuff .9916 .0406 .8366 .2779 .9570 .0583 Total food .9996 .0117 .9738 3.2745 .9875 .0422 Table I9. 89 .2 Values of R and S for Rural Areas Commodity Logarithmic 109:??1hmic Log:inverse grows R" s R" 5 RT 5 Cereals 8 starches .9979 .0170 .9759 .3662 .9975 .Ol83 Dried legumes .9984 .0283 .9801 .0761 .9965 .0232 Meat, fish, eggs .9971 .0228 .9440 .7008 .9893 .044] Oils and fats .9828 .0476 .64l4 .0694 .9805 .0503 Milk and dairy products .9843 .0555 .9527 .3089 .9971 .0238 Vegetables .9934 .0275 .9ll6 .1456 .9860 .0402 Fruit .9965 .0293 .9653 .1324 .9930 .0415 Sugar and sugaries .9931 .0317 .8689 .3199 .9746 .0610 Beverages .9880 .0424 .8384 .2761 .9680 .0709 Tea, coffee 8 1 other stimulants .9884 .0994 .8l8l .9637 .9424 .l429 Other Food stuff .9124 .lOIl .0380 .1072 .9049 .1053 Total food .9993 .0106 .9655 2.2065 .9934 .0322 __ 90 /’ depends upon the level of food expenditures, and its value I In fact, the presented above was calculated as its mean.‘ log-inverse elasticity coefficient differs from l.8575 for a total expenditures level of L.E. 20 per consumption unit to .1061 for a total annual expenditures level of L.E. 350 per consumption unit.2 Two consumption functions for food were derived from estimated relationships between total annual expenditures and food expenditures from the logarithmic and the log-inverse fitting; they are shown in table 20 and in figure 5. The preceding discussion has focused merely on intro- ducing the results of the three models. However, a major point should be emphasized at this stage, that is the sample proportional representation of the urban and rural population. As the discussion of the results was pursued further, a "weighted” set of elasticity coefficients based upon the separate estimates for urban and rural areas was introduced, as elaborated in the following section. B IFor the semi-log model e = .4343 I ' Xlr 2For the log-inverse model e = 2.3026 (BI/Yr) - er 91 Table 20. Food Consumption Functions Derived From Logarithmic and Log-inverse Models Total Annual Expenditures per Cons. Unit Yr/xlr Food Consumption Functions A log function derived from: loghégi/Xlr - .384 + log Yr/ xIr + .0295 log x]r A log-inverse function derived from: log Xr;/ Xlr = 1.9824 + l .1314 XIr/Yr '1' .0698 log Xlr 12:84:29.8:- . 52.381.329.18: .5. L.E. 4[.E. L.E. 20 17.8 .64 12.8 1.86 50 32.0 .64 39.0 .74 100 50.0 .64 56.4 .37 ISO 64.7 .64 64.0 .24 200 77.9 .64 68.1 .18 250 90.1 .64 70.7 .14 300 101.4 .64 72.4 .12 250 111.9 .64 73.4 .11 *Elasticity coefficient for the log-inverse function was measured at the mean of the total annual expenditures (income). 92 Figure 5. A Logarithmic and a Log Inverse Food Expenditure Functions 2.5 i 1 , 2.0).. A log inverse function '°5 “ double logarithmic function I, I ,L 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 I09 Yr/Xlr Source: Table 21 93 4.3.4 Analysis of the Commodity Groups Commodity groups analyzed in this study include: (I) cerealsgand starches, (2) dried legumes, (3) meat, fish, and eggs, (4) oils and fats, (5) milk and dairy products, (6) vegetables, (7) fruit, (8) sugar and sugaries, (9) beverages, (IO) tea, coffee, and other stimulants, and (11) other food stuff. Relationships were estimated for each of these groups for urban and rural areas separately and for the whole sample, with a dummy variable included for the locational difference. Estimates were also obtained for different household sizes within urban and rural areas. The estimated relationships from the double logarithmic function are shown in the Appendix]. The elasticity coefficients were derived from these relationships and are shown in table 21. Further consideration of the figures presented in these tables suggested that the estimated elasticity coefficient for the sample as a whole,when the two samples are combined in one model,cannot be considered as a reliable estimate for further analysis. The reason is that it is based on the total number of observations in the household budget sample. The ISee Tables B9 and BIO in the Appendix. 94 Table 21. Total Expenditures Elasticity of Demand for Commodity Groups and Total Food, Estimated from the Logarithmic and the Log-Inverse Models for Urban and Rural Areas Commodity groups logarithmic log-inverse* urban rural urban rural Cereals 8 starches .1035 .4081 .0757 .5083 Dried legumes .1752 .5790 .1104 .7281 Meat, fish, 8 eggs 1.0199 .9745 .7428 1.2000 Oils and fats .4387 .2912 .2974 .3530 Milk 8 dairy products .9409 .8194 .6792 1.0574 Vegetables .6845 .7292 .4880 .6420 Fruit 1.2395 1.2900 .9075 1.6032 Sugar and sugaries '.6323 .7206 .4498 .8558 Beverages .7120 .7005 .5001 .8219 Tea, coffee 8 other .7318 1.2866 .5133 1.5105 Other food stuff .3545 .5455 .2461 .4914 Total food .6331 .6887 .4533 .8446 *Estimates for elasticity coefficients are estimated at the mean of total annual expenditures for each region. 95 Table 22. Total Expenditures Elasticity of Demand for Commodity Groups and Total Food - Weighted Coefficients* Commodity groups logarithmic log-inverse function function** Cereals 8 starches .2923 .3429 Dried legumes .4255 .9934 Meat, fish 8 eggs .9917 1.0263 Oils and fats .3472 .3318 Milk and dairy products .8656 .9137 Vegetables .5882 .5835 Fruit 1.2708 1.3388 Sugar and sugaries .6870 .7012 Beverages .7049 .6996 Tea, coffee, 8 others .9758 1.1316 Other food stuff .4729 .3982 Total food .6676 .6959 *Based upon the separate estimates of elasticity coefficients in the two regions with the appropriate weight given to each. **The original estimates are calculated at the mean of total annual expenditures. 96 sample, though randomly selected within the urban and rural areas, is not a pr0portionate sample as only 48.5 percent of the individuals in the sample are rural while the correspond- ing rural percentage of the total population at the same time was about 62 percent. Another path through the complexity of the aggregation problem, though not necessarily an unerring one, is to calculate a set of ”weighted” coeffi- cients based upon the separate urban and rural estimated coefficients. Examination of these "weighted'| elasticities makes it possible to classify the studied commodity groups into three categories, according to the magnitude of their elasticity coefficients: (1) Commodity groups with a relatively low income elasticityl, which include cereals and starches, dried legumes or pulses, and oils and fats. (2) Commodity groups with intermediate income elasticity which include sugar and sugaries, vegetables, and beverages. (3) Commodity groups with a relatively higher income elasticity; this includes meat, fish and eggs, milk and dairy Products, fruit, tea, coffee and other stimulants. —‘ IUnless otherwise cited, the income elasticity and the total expenditures elasticity were used interchangeably. 97 _2 The coefficient of determination, R , was generally high. It has a value more than .95 for all commodity groups except for the logarithmic fitting of the dried legumes which was .89. 82 was exceptionally high for meat, fish, and eggs, oils and fats, and fruits. For total food, the logarithmic fitting provided a value for R2 as high as .9994. .The elasticity coefficients were the lowest for cereals and starches and were lower in urban than in rural areas. The low elasticity coefficient for the group in general was expected due to the inclusion of many items in the group and the wide range of substitutability involved. The lower coefficient for the urban areas can be attributed to the relatively low budget proportion spent on the group in urban areas as will be shown when the individual commodities are analyzed. For similar reasons, dried legumes elasticities vary significantly between urban and rural areas. It rises from around .15 in urban areas to about .60 in rural areas. Tea, coffee, and other stimulants which include cigarettes, tobacco, and liquor provide a significant variation between rural and urban areas. While the elasticity coefficient for this group was about .7 for urban areas, it reaches a high 1 level of about 1.3 in rural areas. With the lack of other recreational facilities in rural areas, as income rises 98 consumers tend to spend more time and money in the café, the only social institution available. The variation is also observed between the estimates of the logarithmic function and the log-inverse function. The basic differences between the two functions as to the constant coefficient in the log function, and the existence of a saturation level in the log-inverse function, are responsible for this discrepency. When urban and rural areas are combined in one model and a dummy variable that takes a value of one for any observation from urban areas and a value of zero for any observation from rural areas, was included, the coefficient B3; associated with that variable was generally negative. Except for oils and fats, vegetables, fruits, and beverages, this coefficient had a negative value. This result confirms the early expectations. Households in urban areas tend to make less demand on physical energy products as income rises. Further, environmental and social factors would encourage households, other things equal, to spend more on non-food items as income rises. Table 23 shows the values obtained for B33, the dummy variable coefficient. It should be mentioned here that despite the problem of the proportional representativeness of the sample, the values of that coefficient are not affected and are val id. 99 Table 23. Estimates for 83;, from the Logarithmic and the Log—inverse Modeksfor Commodity Groups Commodity Groups Logarithmic Log-inverse Model Model Cereals and starches - .0917 - .0055 Dried legumes - .1419 - .0079 Meat, fish, and eggs - .0302 - .0030 Oils and fats + .2003 + .0132 Milk and dairy products - .0667 - .0052 Vegetables + .0918 + .0064 Fruit + .0632 + .0041 Sugar and sugaries - .0306 - .0081 Beverages + .0183 + .0009 Tea, coffee, 8 others - .0588 - .0033 Other food stuff + .4720 + .0303 Total food - .0150 - .0015 100 4.3.5 Analysis of Individual Food Items Individual food items analyzed in this study include wheat, maize, millet, flour, bread, rice, macaroni, beans,. lentils, meat, poultry, fresh fish, eggs, oils, saturated 1 oils, milk, white cheese, whey cheese, butter, ghee, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, cirtrus, dates, sugar, tea, and coffee. Elasticity coefficients was computed for both quantities consumed and total expenditures. The results derived from both the double logarithmic and the log-inverse models are presented in Tables 24, 25, 27. Another set of ”weighted” elasticity coefficients was also calculated, with the proper weight given to the separate urban and rural estimates. These coefficients are presented in Table 26. It would be noted that, in general, the expenditure elasticity is higher than the quantity elasticity; in certain cases they were much higher. This is a result of the fact that households with higher income tend to consume superior quality items at higher prices in the same general line of product than do, other things equal, low income consumers. It is for that reason that the disagreement between the two elasticities was most apparent in commodities with a high level of quality differential, such as rice, macaroni, meat, poultry, fresh 101 Table 24. Quantity Elasticity Coefficients from the Logarithmic and the Log-Inverse Models in Urban and Rural Areas Logarithmic Model Log-inverse Mode1* Commodities Urban RuraT’ ‘UrEan Rural areas areas areas areas Flour -.6661 -2.3752 .5776 -2.7720 Bread .1961 -1.2429 .1872 1.3837 Rice .3308 .7311 .4594 .9141 ‘Macaroni .8457 2.3588 .9020 2.9104 Beans .1527 .5275 .1620 .6669 Lentils .1181 .2722 .1242 .3074 Meat .8160 .7464 .8321 .9011 Poultry 1.6439 1.8360 .7279 2.2331 Fresh fish .3934 .8128 .4268 1.0098 Eggs 1.1415 1.2966 .1872 1.5432 0115 .2018 .1633 .2041 .2162 Saturated oils .5361 .7643 .5486 .8904 Milk .8357 1.7240 .8563 2.1182 White cheese 1.1327 1.6163 .1610 1.9338 Whey cheese -.6336 - .7274 .6930 - .8487 Butter .8124 - .0644 .8531 .1478 Ghee .9573 .9479 .9907 1.1268 Potatoes .4852 .8988 .4841 1.1126 Onions .1506 .0298 .1370 .0366 Tomatoes .3743 .2183 .3908 .2768 Citrus 1.0175 1.4752 .0617 1.7901 Dates .3024 .4950 .3224 .6131 Sugar .2412 .4079 .2510 .4543 Tea .0248 .2864 .0399 .3030 Coffee 1.6002 2.1692 .6796 2.5144 *Calculated at the mean of total annual expenditures. Table 25. 102 Expenditure Elasticity Coefficients from the Log and the Log-inverse Models in Urban and Rural Areas Commodities Logarithmic Model Log-inverse Model Urban RuraT’ ’Urban TRural areas areas areas areas Flour - .5201 -2.3883 - .4319 -2.7917 Bread .1961 -1.2429 .1892 -1.3837 Rice .4042 1.1297 .4242 1.4014 Macaroni .9101 2.6782 .9634 3.2832 Beans .0205 .6150 .1636 .7612 Lentils .0716 .4196 .0809 .5043 Meat .9358 .7574 .9583 .9216 Poultry .7301 1.9251 .8150 2.3288 Fresh fish .7636 1.1527 .8069 1.4247 E9 5 .2351 1.3298 .2821 1.5917 0115 .2888 .3532 .2844 .4247 Saturated oils .2876 .7245 .6051 .8425 Milk .9897 1.7463 .0394 2.1509 White cheese .1884 1.9283 .2165 2.3495 Whey cheese .5368 - .5381 .5997 - .6277 Butter .9218 .0591 .9839 .0012 Ghee .0141 .9882 .0476 1.1750 Potatoes .5768 1.0234 .5765 1.2537 Onions .2348 .1273 .2175 .1408 Tomatoes .5452 .3633 .5619 .4537 Citrus .2126 1.5420 .2688 1.8727 Dates .4492 .7327 .4673 .9018 Sugar .3963 .5012 .4065 .5649 Tea .0973 .3286 .0753 .3606 Coffee .5889 2.1692 .6589 2.6740 J. 1.."1WN"AHUEPAM.U§1 FIVWIUSTII Ali ~ [11 103 Table 26. Total Expenditures Elasticity of Demand for the Individual Food Items, Weighted Coefficients* Commodities Double Log Function Log-inverse Function** Quantity Value Quantity Value Flour -1.7257 -1.6784 -1.9381 -1.8950 Bread - .6961 - .6961 - .7867 - .7867 Rice .5790 .8540 .7033 1.0300 Macaroni 1.7838 2.0063 2.1472 2.4017 Beans .3850 ..3891 .4750 .5341 Lentils .2136 .2874 .2377 .3434 Meat .7728 .8252 .8749 .9355 Poultry 1.7630 1.8510 2.0411 2.1335 Fresh fish .6534 1.0048 .7883 1.1899 Eggs 1.2377 1.2938 1.4079 1.4740 Oils .1779 .3287 .2116 .3714 Saturated oils .6776 .5585 .7607 .7523 Milk 1.3864 1.4588 1.6386 1.7285 White cheese 1.4325 1.6471 1.6401 1.9189 Whey cheese - .6917 - .5367 - .7895 - .6171 Butter .2680 .3888 .2325 .3746 Ghee .9515 .9980 1.0751 1.1266 Potatoes .7416 .8537 .8738 .9964 Onions .0757 .1681 .0747 .1699 Tomatoes .2772 .4324 .3201 .4948 Citrus 1.3013 1.4182 1.5132 1.6432 Dates .4218 .6250 .5026 .7367 Sugar .3445 .4613 .3770 .5047 Tea .1870 .2407 .2030 .2522 Coffee 1.9530 1.9487 2.1972 2.2883 *Based upon separate estimates of elasticity coefficients in rural and urban areas. **The original estimates are calculated at the mean of total annual expenditures. 104 .mmmcm .mczc ocm cone: Low wmumE_umo mumcmamm ozu cod: nmmmm44 .moczu_ocmaxm .mzccm _Mu0u ozu 80 some mcu um omum_:o_mo« .mHOu oommcocaa omoaooLaumEo; “um___z _mu0u oommzoeza nmozooLQImEo; ”oN_mz .muOh ommmsocaa boozpoLaImEo; "ummzz k_mm.- make. 6km6.- om_:.- mom_. oomm.- mass..- :mmm..- mkom._- Nem_._- :m__._- N_m_._- ooo~._ k6mo.~ mmm_.- smum.. 6:86.. m::~.- Nmmo.- 4.66. m6-.- “mo..- 6-o. m_m~.- o_:m.- mom_._- mamm.- 6__m.- :NNm.- m-6.- mumm._ omno.~ Nmmm. ~N_N._ .o:m.. ckmm. “Nam. mom~._ Name. mmko. Ammo._ mmmo. m_mm.- mmm6.- N_~m.- mm_:.- 646m.- .m~k~.- m_mm.~ :mN_.m mmm_._ m_mm._ mmmm.~ ~m~o.. 44666;m_63 .mtam 666.: 666;m_6z .mtam 666.: 4.0602 omcm>c_um04 _mpoz o_E;u_me04 >u_o_umm_u >u_ucm:o po___z ocm oN_mz .ummgz LOm mucm_o_mmmoo >u_o_umm_m moc:u_cchXm _mu0H .mm o_nmh .mmmLm —mL3L Ucm EGO—L: 1.0% mQUMEwumm GHMhNQMm 0r: COQD Ummmmyczn .mmL:u_ocmdxo .mzccm .muop ozu mo cmoE mcu um vmum_:o_mu« 105 :oom.- .moo.- ~:mm.- moum.- memo. nmmm.- , .muou JOOm._I mm:m._u 50mm..- m:o~._- mmo~._- m_ou._1 oommcuLaa :m~_._ .mmm._ Noo~.- mNQm. _~mm._ m_NN.- 66656666-6so; .66___z mam..- m_oo. nom~.- .zmo.- :NNO. m_m~.- .6000 “Noo._ .mm~._- mmmm.- zk~m.- mwmm.- mzkm.- nmmmzutsa nmm:._ nmoo.N :mmm. _m_~._ moow.. comm. omoapoLaumEo: “mN_mz mam“. m~o~u_ memo. m_mo. :_~m. omuo. .mHOu m_~w. ~mom.- om_m.1 Nmm:.u m_mm.u mmm~.1 oommcocna mmmfi.m mm~_.m Nmmo._ wmmm._ mom:.u m:m_._ omoaooLaneo; ”umocz 44666;m_62 .mtsx 6662: 666;m_63 _mtam cant: *_mooz mmcm>c_umou .0602 o_E;u_me04 >u_o_umm_m 0L:u_UCMQXm om:c_ucoo .NN m_nmh 106 fish, eggs, milk, cheese, ghee, citrus, dates, and coffee. A curious observation is that all of these products, perhaps with the exception of meat, are not subject to price control. Meat prices are officially fixed. However, these fixed prices are neither enforced by the government nor observed in the market. The studied commodities can be classified into four general categories: (1) Commodities that can be labeled ”inferior”, with negative income elasticity. These include flour, brea, and whey cheese. (2) Commodities with low positive income elasticity, below .5, which include beans, lentils, oils, butter, onions, tomatoes, sugar, and tea. (3) Commodities with moderate income elasticity between .5 and .7, which include saturated oils and dates. (4) Commodities with a relatively high income elasticity, that include rice, macaroni, meat, poultry, fresh fish, eggs, potatoes, milk, white cheese, ghee, citrus, and coffee. This classificationI gives a good idea of the general picture, yet it conceals many differences between urban and 1In this classification the coefficients of whole grain wheat, maize, and millet were not included, as they were further discussed in detail by the end of this section. 107 rural areas. Butter, for instance, has a high elasticity in urban areas, around .9, where refrigeration facilities are available, while in rural areas the elasticity coefficient is at a very low level, other major differences can be noted for rice and potatoes, both have a low elasticity coefficients in urban areas and a very high coefficients in rural areas. The analysis of wheat, maize, and millet, where data were available on home-produced and purchased consumption, produced some puzzling results. The inputed home-produced consumption expenditures as a percentage of total expenditures for these products are presented in Table 28 for the three grain items. For rural areas, the trend of this percentage in relation to income is generally upward. It is a reasonable generalization to assume that in rural areas where the major activity is agriculture, the higher the farmer's income, the higher the “volume” of the home-produced products. Households with high incomes in the rural areas are likely to be land- owners while low-income households are likely to be part or full time laborers whose products are in terms of wages rather than physical products. The relatively high percentage of ”home-produced" items in urban areas was surprising and may be attributed to the existence of many big land owners who prefer to dwell in cities. However, as Stevens noted, I'experience in the United States supports an increase in the per capita value 108 .u_o .mm .mmxmmm_ .co_mmm cm_uo>om mcu c_ >m>cnm ummoam o_o;mm:oz .oouu_EEou .mo_um_umum .mcucou .m.<.: Soc» boum_:o_mu "mULJOm .mmcsu_ocmaxo .muOu .maccm ommco>m oumo_oc_ >__m:uom mmcam_m 05h4 00— mm Nm o~.mom_ wN mm N: m_.m:m_ 00. mm _m Om.mom Om .m we o~._mm mm mm mm .o.uoN om :m m. mm.:mm we mm mm mm.muz 4m .0 m: ::.Nm: on OK No mo.mmm w. mm m. mm.::m mm on :0 mm._m~ m: nu mm o~.:m~ mm om mm mm._~u w. om _~ m~.:N~ A: m: o: mo.~u_ m. mN NN No.m~_ mm m: mm oo.m~_ :_ m_ m -mm.m~_ mm mm mm om.mm m. n m .m.mm @— NN m_ :_.mo 0— m m om.~m m m o 0:.mm m o. m um.o: N _ : um.o~ o o 0 N0.@. ucoocoa ucoocoa ucoocoa .m.4 ucoocma ucoocoa ucmocoa .m.u um___z oN_mz umocz *_o>mu 0500c. um___z mN_mz mums: *_m>ou 0500c. prosmmaoz n_ommm:or mmoc< .mL3m mmmc< can: m_m>mu mEOoc. o_o;om:oz Ou ovum—mm .muunboL¢ omozu L08 mmL:u_UCQQXm .mu0h mo ucouLoa mm um___z pcm .mN_mz .ummzz ooozooLanEOI .mN m_bmp 109 of home-produced food even at high income levels. It was not until after World War II that the farm value of home-produced foods per capita decreased”.I Examination of the elasticity coefficients shows that purchased wheat, maize, and millet all have a negative elas- ticity coefficients in urban and rural areas. Both the home- produced and purchased elasticity is higher in rural areas than in urban areas. In the two regions, the purchased products elasticity is higher for wheat, and is at its lowest level for millet where it becomes negative. R2 was high, about .90 for quantities of home-produced wheat and maize in both areas. The coefficient of determination was lower when the imputed values of these products was introduced for no obvious reason except the possibility of underestimating or overestimating these products when estimating its value by the households. This coefficient is lower for purchased wheat, or maize, and much lower (about .7) for millet. The apparent reason for this low coefficient for millet is its unique geo- graphical consumption patterns. It is mainly consumed in upper Egypt and is almost unknown in other parts of the country. The coefficient of determination would have improved signifi- cantly had this geographical information been available and included in the mOdel. IRobert Stevens, Elasticity of Food Consumption Associated with Changes in Income in Developing Countries , 22. cit., p. 3 110 It was not surprising, however, to have a negative value for B33, the dummy variable coefficient, for all fittings of wheat, maize or millet. This indicates the obvious fact that, other things equal, consumption of these products is higher per consumption units in rural areas than in urban areas. Further Considerations of the Results of Wheat and Maize The most puzzling results in these data are the high positive income elasticity for home-produced wheat and maize, and the negative income elasticity for purchases of these items. In examining these results, it should first be pointed out that for urban areas the percentage of expenditures for whole grain wheat and maizeI represents only 13 percent of cereals and starches expenditures, and less than one percent of total expenditures. The corresponding percentages for rural areas 2 reaCh about 66 percent and 27 percent, respectively. There are at least three possible explanations concerned with data, price relationships, and quality. IThese quantities of whole grain wheat and maize are usually custom-milled at small mills. 28ee Table 16 (Ch. IV), and Table 29. 111 Table 29. Percentage Distribution of Expenditures for Cereals and Starches in Urban and Rural Areas Items 3:882 836:; 33692§§d percent percent percent Wheat: home-produced 1.7 16.6 10.9 purchased 5,4 16.7 12.4 total 7.1 33.3 23.3 Maize: _ home-produced 1.6 15.9 10.5 purchased 4.3 16.4 11.8 total 5.9 32.3 22.3 Millet: home-produced .5 5.2 3.4 purchased 1.8 7.5 .5.3 total 2.3 12.7 8.7 Rice 9.8 11.2 10.7 Flour 19.8 6.7 11.7 Bread 49.1 2.1 20.0 Macaroni 4.1 .7 1.3 Others 2.0 1.0 123 Total cereals and starches 100 100 100 Source: Calculated from: U.A.R. Central Statistical Committee, The Household Budget Survey,gp. cit., pp. 210-241. 112 With regard to the first, a likely explanation is the possibility of data discrepancy that resulted in nfisclassi- fying a greater percentage of wheat or maize as home-produced than was actually the case. This could be due to a common Egyptian practice in which a landlord often gets his land rent or a part of it in kind. He may classify this portion of his wheat or maize consumption as "home produced”. Urban dwellers who have rural connections and receive quantities of wheat or maize directly from the farms for their domestic consumption may also refer to these quantities as "home-produced”, though they were provided to them as a compensation for their share in a common land-ownership, or for other services they rendered. Another factor that may influence data misclassification relates to the legal requirement for farmers to deliver a percentage of their produced wheat or maize to the government- owned Agricultural and Cooperative Bank. This requirement may encourage clandestine purchases to be reported by buyers as home produced. It is, however, unclear to what extent this would increase the reported home-produced wheat and maize. The previous line of argument suggests that reported data on home-produced wheat and maize may be unduely high, and offers a partial explanation of the unusual elasticities for home-produced and purchased. Two additional points may throw some light on that complex relationship: (1) The price 113 relationship. Wheat, for instance, is sold to the government at a fixed price which, in most cases, is lower than the market price. A partial delivery of the product is compulsory in repayment for advanced loans. Large farmers (or high- income households) can afford to repay their loans and keep large quantities of their product for their own consumption. Small farmers, (or low-income households), may find that selling their product to the government and purchasing the government-subsidized flour mix provides more income. (2) Quality differentials. Domestic varieties of wheat are usually regarded as having better baking qualities, and are particularly preferred for their high gloten contents.I Imported wheat or wheat flour are usually regarded as being of a lower or of uncertain quality. The conclusions drawn from the previous discussion and from reviewing elasticity estimates for cereals and starchy products can be summarized as follows: (1) In urban areas the percentage of home-produced grains of total expenditures for cereals and starches is less than 3 percent, and represents a very negligible portion of total IFawzy Refai, ”Importance of Testing Grain Varieties and New Lines for Quality”, a Lecture presented at the U.A.R. Agricultdral Training Center for Afro-Asian Countries, ATC 22, 1965. 114 income. As income rises, urbanites tend to consume less whole grain wheat and maize, less flour; but more bread,‘ more rice, and more macaroni. However, for that small proportion of whole-grain products consumed in urban areas, the percentage of ”home-produced” products increases as income rises. This is due to the fact that the higher the income, the higher the probability of having land-owners who dwell cities included in the sample. (2) In rural areas, the percentage of home-produced whole-grain consumption to total expenditures for cereals and starches is more than 37 percent. In these areas, as income rises, households tend to consume more of home-produced grains and purchase less flour and less bread. This extended consideration of whole grains consumption helps explain why flour has a negative income elasticity. This is believed to be a result of aggregating all types of flour in a single item, and due to the fact that the home-produced whole grain wheat is considered a "superior” source of carbo- hydrates in rural areas. Several types of flour are available in the market. The most important is the government-subsized IThe income elasticity for bread in urban areas is positive and equals about .2. _ 115 flour mix which is a mixture of wheat, maize, and other products. Certainly if the data were broken down to its components, several elasticities would have been obtained. This belief is supported by the fact that income elasticity for cereals and starches as a group is positive, and amounts to about .3. It would be reasonable to assume a positive income elasticity for wheat flour, and negative income elasticities for other mixed types.l 4.3.5 The Effect of Household Size Tables 30 and 31 show that in both urban and rural areas for certain ”basic“ commodities, the larger the household size the larger the elasticity coefficient. This applies to cereals and starches, dried legumes, meat, fish, and eggs, milk and dairy products, vegetables and fruit. This applies also to oils and fats, and sugar and sugaries in urban areas. The ' opposite is true for beverages, tea, coffee, tobacco and other. stimulants for the obvious reason that the adults' proportion in small households is greater. The household size is introduced in the original models to allow for variation in expenditures per consumption unit due to economies of size.“ The coefficient BZi indicates the Table 30. 116 Households, Classified by Size, from the Logarithmic and the Log-inverse Models in Urban Areas Total Expenditures Elasticity Coefficients for Commodity Group Logarithmic Model Log-inverse Model Small Medium Large Small Medium Large Cereals 8 starches -.O478 .1729 .1849 -.0236 .1375 .1490 Dried legumes .1838 .2175 .3547 .1517 .1710 .2599 Meat, fish 8 eggs .9109 .9586 .1450 .8191 .7542 .9018 Oils 8 fats .3939 .4509 .4939 .3453 .3627 .3459 Milk and dairy products .9599 .8847 .1066 .8541 .6989 .8244 Vegetables .7022 .7030 .8048 .6136 .5546 .6119 Fruit .2707 .2315 .3722 .1149 .9710 .0000' Sugar 8 sugaries .6080 .6403 .7461 .5424 .5030 .6017 Beverages .8698 .7647 .8332 .7469 .6016 .6631 Tea, coffee 8 other stimu- lants .2190 .8557 .6971 .0508 .6688 .5810 Other food stuff .6090 .3783 .4087 .5128 .2917 .3487 Total food .6907 .6342 .6948 .6016 .4988 .5467 Table 31. 117 Households, Classified by Size, from the Logarithmic and the Log-inverse Models in Rural Areas Total Expenditures Elasticity Coefficients for Commodity Groups Logarithmic Model Log-inverse Model Small Medium Large Small Medium Large Cereals 8 starches .4249 .4536 .4467 .5055 .4796 .3910 Dried legumes .7231 .5744 .7416 .8673 .6316 .6703 Meat, fish 8 eggs 1.0021 .0571 .0150 .1810 .0806 .9068 Oils 8 fats .6051 .5350 .5382 .7321 .5739 .4617 Milk and dairy products .9566 .0572 .9624 .1996 .0979 .8837 Vegetables .5944 .8701 .7586 .6984 .8649 .6878 Fruit 1.4115 .0361 .1547 .6685 .0749 .0108 Sugar 8 sugaries .9682 .8045 .7000 .1509 .7959 .6195 Beverages .9778 .8437 .7736 .0674 .8405 .6842 Tea, coffe 8 other stimu- lants 1.7123 .6148 .9817 .0471 .6513 .8716 Other food 9 stuff .7294 .3830 .3528 .6905 .4482 .3255 Total food .7952 .7608 .7180 .9343 .7771 .6374 118 extent to which households consume or Spend more or less per consumption unit because other things equal, they contain a larger or smaller number of consumption units. In urban areas, a positive value for 821 was obtained for dried legumes; meat, fish and eggs; milk and dairy products; vegetables; fruit; sugar and sugaries; beverages; stimulants and total food in general. In rural areas, fewer positive values of B2; were obtained, namely for dried legumes; meat, fish and eggs; milk and dairy products; fruit; beverages; stimulants; and total food. A positive value for that coeffi- cient for a given product indicates that, for a given income per consumption unit, large households spend more per consump- tion unit than do small ones. Although this coefficient was also obtained for households classified by size in rural and urban areas, its importance appears to be negligible due to two factors: first, the homogeneity of the classified observa- tions, and second, because the commodity groups themselves are broadly defined. In order to test for the significance of the household size effect, the analysis of variance procedure was applied to the urban sample. The rural sample is not included in the analysis because of the obvious correlation between the house- hold size and its income. The larger the family size, the greater the number of wage-earners, and consequently higher 119 income. The two-way classification of the sample was according to the income level, as indicated by the total annual expendi- tures, and the household type as defined earlier in Chapter 111. Since the number of reporting households vary greatly from one cell to another as shown in Table 32, the calculation of the analysis of variance was modified to allow for this fact.I The results of the analysis of variance are given in Table 33. The analysis indicates a significant income effect at both .05 and .01 levels of significance, while the household type effect was not statistically significant. It is possible to pursue this kind of analysis still further and test the hypothesis of additivity of income level and household type, or test the hypothesis of interaction between the two factors. However, it is felt that this problem, though interesting, is outside the major focus of the study. 4.4 Summary This Chapter presented the analysis of the cross-sectional data drawn from the first household budget survey. Three models of analysis were utilized, of which the logarithmic and the log-inverse functions provided better fits than did the semi-logarithmic model. IThe analysis of variance model applied here is explained in detail in: Vernon G. Leppitt, Determinants of Consumer Demand for Home Furnishings and Equipment,HarvardUniversity Press, 1959, pp. 19-35. 120 Table 32. Average Annual Household Expenditures for Food in Urban Areas and the Number of Reporting Households* Average . Total Annual Fam'1Y TYPe ExpendItures Large Medium Small 40 25 L.E. 34 L. . 29 (I) (7) (57) (5) (47) (113) 88 69 65 61 (21) (119) (111) 125 92 88 30 (131) (304) (167) 173 121 112 99 (135) (282) (95) 224 I46 134 122 (130) (I71) (55) 274 172 156 136 (108) (136) (25) 345 200 180 156 (209) (130) (38) 487 261 219 191 (175) (104) (28) 684 332 272 241 (69) (50) (12) 871 400 31] 277 (22) (18) (5) 1547 577 410 472 (36) (19) (4) Source: *Figures in parentheses indicate number of reporting households. UAR Central Statistical Committee, Household Budget Survey in the Egyptian Region, 92, 121 mm om:.mmm.- .6668 moo.m:m NN m_~._o~._ co_uomtmuc_ 6~.N _~.¢ ___.mm~.~ __ m-.om~.m~ Anmumamumv 0500c. moo.~o_._ Aomumsmomcsv mN_m U_ocom:ox ::.m m~.~ oom.o-._ N _o~.mm:.~ Avmumsaumv mN_m o_ocom:o: omo.mmm.m~ Avmumzmnmcav 0800c. _N.N NA.m ~A_.0mo.N m. _m~.Nmm.6~ 6~_m 6_osmmso; new 6800:. Amo.v o_umc Eooomcm co_um_cm> u u motmnum com: 80 mocmzdm 80 Sam mo ooLJOm ovum—nopmu mmmcmoo mmmc< can: :_ mocsu_ocoQXu boom Low mocm_cm> mo m_m>_mc< .mm o_nmh 122 Elasticity coefficients based upon expenditures were estimated for commodity groups. The, elasticity coefficients based on both quantity and value were estimated for selected individual items. All of these coefficients were estimated for urban and rural areas, and then, a weighted average was intro- duced to provide a general view for the entire population. The examination of the estimated relationships indicates: (I) That the food consumption patterns differ significantly as between urban and rural areas. (2) That there are differences between quantity and expenditures elasticity, and that in general, expenditure elasticities are higher than the quantity elasticities. (3) That although the household size seems to be an important factor in the demand for food, its significance failed to materialize when analyzed after adjusting for income effects. However, when the number of consumption units was included in the regression analysis, the variable produced a coefficient with a value that differs significantly from zero. The estimated income elasticity coefficients, or more precisely, total expenditures elasticity coefficients have been taken as a fairly reliable indicator of income elasticity of demand. Some investigators in similar studies chose to reduce the total expenditures elasticity by 10 percent so that they 123 would approximate the income elasticity of demand more closely. This practice is based on several assumptions regarding the relationship between total income and total expenditures. However, it is felt that this practice of arbitrarily scaling down all elasticities by a constant percent would not be a significant improvement where the marginal propensity to save is relatively small. CHAPTER V ESTIMATING PRICE PARAMETERS This chapter is devided into two distinct sections. The first deals with estimating price elasticities for some food items based on analysis of time-series data for prices and consumption, adjusted for income effect, for certain items for which reasonable data were available. The second, attempts to utilize the mathematical relationships between income and price parameters to estimate price elasticities for most commodity groups and individual items dealt with in this study. 5.1 Combined Analysis of Cross-sectional and Time-series Data 5.1.1 Definition of the Variables The objective of the analysis in this section is to intro- duce the price factor in the food consumption analysis. This is done by combining the income elasticity coefficients estimated in the previous chapter together with the ”price” as a new element in the analysis.I ISee Appendix A. 124 125 Recent price data in Egypt are suspect due to the existence of governmental price controls over a wide range of products, and the use of these prices in published sources as the actual, going prices. However, over the periods used in the analysis we find no reason to seriously question the price data, at least through 1963. The variables introduced in the analysis include: (1) Per capita consumption in terms of quantity. (2) Per capita income. (3) Income elasticity of demand. (4) Prices or price indices for different products. (5) Certain deflators: the cost-of-living index, and the wholesale price index. Though data about per capita consumption are available over a wide range of commodities and groups of commodities, the price data represented a limiting factor for extending the analysis to include all the commodities that were included in the cross- sectional analysis. Data are either unavailable, or subject to various limitations and not quite comparable. After a thorough investigation of that matter, it was necessary to limit the analysis to few products. However, the elasticity coefficients obtained are utilized in the following section to determine the money flexibility and thus to compute the price elasticities for all the other items. 126 Six products were included in the analysis. These are: wheat, millet, onions, oils, tomatoes, and total food. The data of annual per capita consumption are the official estimates published by the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture. They are based on total production, net trade, storage, losses, and use for other purposes. The analysis covers different periods of time for each commodity. From 1945-46 to 1962-63 for wheat, from 1946-47 to 1958-59 for maize and millet, from 1946-47 to 1962-63 for onions, from 1949-50 to 1962-63 for tomatoes, and from 1948-49 to 1962-63 for oils and total food. Prices used are wholesale prices except for oils and total food where the wholesale price indices were used; there was no specific reason for using the latter except its availability. These prices are deflated by the wholesale price index for all commodities. Per capita incomes were calculated through the use of the figures on private disposable income and population data. These per capita income figures were deflated by the cost of living index. The unfortunate limitation of price data was an obstacle in extending the analysis to deal with rural and urban areas, separately. The nature of the price and per capita income 127 data as overall averages for the whole country necessitated use of an overall income elasticity coefficients. The co- efficients used are weighted averages of the urban and rural coefficients. Because the combined model is a logarithmic model, it was logical and justifiable to use the coefficients derived from the logarithmic model. However, there were not much divergence between the logarithmic model coefficients and those of the log-inverse model. The goodness of fit for both of them was similar and at a satisfactory level. The use of a single equation model, in other words the inclusion of only one endogeneous variable in the model, is justifiable. Domestic consumption is considered the major single outlet for the items dealt with in the analysis. The share of exports is very small and storage outlet cannot be considered of any major importance. In addition, under price control policies, the world market price for food can hardly be related to local prices or the expenditure decisions in Egypt. Had this not been the case, price would have been regarded as a function of local production and world prices, then consumption would have been made a function of local prices and income. It is believed, therefore, that a single equation model with domestic consumption as the only endogeneous variable can depict the nature of demand for these products. Table 34. 128 National Disposable Income, Per Capita Income, Index, and the Wholesale Price Cost of Living Index, 1945/4 to 1962/63 NatTOnal Cost-of- Wholesale Price Disposable Living Index All Year Income Per Capita Index Commodities (current Income 1953-54 (1939 = 100) price) = 100 L.E.million L.E. 45/46 470 25.5 99 321 46/47 450 23.9 97 304 47/48 499 26.2 94 330 48/49 613 21.4 95 311 49/50 700 35.2 94 344 50/51 770 37.9 99 383 51/52 816 39.1 108 372 52/53 754 35.1 107 355 53/54 801 36.4 100 345 54/55 846 37.5 96 351 55/56 860 37.3 96 389 56/57 924 39.1 98 422 57/58 943 39.0 102 417 58/59 1003 40.5 102 417 59/60 1107 43.7 103 418 60/61 1194 45.9 103 425 61/62 1280 47.9 103 421 62/63 1359 49.6 100 419 Source: Donald Mead, Growth and Structural Change in the Egyptian EconOm , Homewood, 111., 1967), Table VI-F-l, pp. 400-401. (RicharafD. Irwin, Inc. 129 .m0E:.o> .mc0>0m .0oo.um.umum 0L.m:cc< .momc0o ocm mo.um.u0um mo uc0EuLma0o «<2 "co.umELOmc. 0o.cm .m0E:.o> .0L0>0m .mo_um.umum ocm m0.EOcoum .mLou.:o_Lm< mo c_u0..:m >.;ucoz 05h .0c:u.:o.cm< mo >Lum.c.z mu.uc0:o "00L30m .o.9\mtmumm_a .m00_ta ..mumt .mmoumEOH to. ..oo. u :m\mmm.v mmu_oc_ 00.66 0—mm0.o;3 ooo. .muOu ocm m._o Lo. ..m.x\me0umm.a m0o.co 0.0m0.o;3 .0N.mE ocm mco.co .u0...E .um053 co. "m .mEmLmo..x :. .co_uoE:mcoo .moccm mu_omo L0o no om.~ .J..m om. :.m:: No. m.o :.~ :.om w... m.o. mm.~ m.... mm\Nmm. om.~ ...mo Nu. ~.:o: :o. m.: m.. m.n~ m... m.m ~m.~ m.m.. ~o\.mm. om.~ 5:.mm NN. m.mo: No. ~.m m.. m.- o~.. m.m ~m.~ ~.om .o\oom. om.~ .m.~m m.. :.:o: .0. m.: 3.. o.m~ mo.. o.m ~m.~ o..o. oo\mmm. mm.~ .m.mw 4.. o.mwm no. w.: m.. o.:~ mm.. 5.x m.~ :.m. .m.~ m.mo. mm\mmm. mm.~ .m.wm m.. m..mm mo. o.m m.. N..~ oo.. n.m m.N m.m. .m.~ o.mm mm\mmm. om.~ mu.~m m.. ..Nmm mo. m.: m.. m.o~ m... m.: :.~ ..NN .m.~ o.nm mm\mmm. ~..~ mN.mw 0.. 0.0m: oo. m.m N.~ m.o~ ow. “.0 m.~ :.m. .m.~ m.mn mm\mmm. ...N .o.mm .o. o.o.: .m m.m n.. m.m. om. m.m m.. N.o~ mn.~ m.mw mm\:mm. u... mw.:m mm m.mo: .m m.m m.. m.m. om.. m.: 5.. o.- mo.m n..m :m\mmm. .N.. ow._o oo. N.o~m oo. m.m m._ m.- .m.. m.m n._ :.o. mm.~ m.mm mm\~mm. om.. o~.~m mm m.oum no. o.m m.~ m.m. N... m.u 0.. :.NN m..~ ~.~m ~m\.mm. .m.. Nm.om .o. m..~m m.. m.m o.~ m.~. ow. m.o n.— N.- m..~ m.~m .m\omm. on.. mm.mm mm ~.mmm mm m.m m.. N.@. mm. ~.m m.. m.m~ m..~ o.mm om\m:m. .m.. mm.:n om m.mmm um m.m m~._ 8.: m.. o.mN m..~ m.mn m:\m:m. .m.. ~o.mo on. o.m m.. o.m~ m..~ m.:m m:\N:m. .m.. oo.uo om.— m.m m._ m.m. .mdm o.mm N:\o:m. mm.~ m.mo o:\m:m. 6 o n. o a o n. o 6 o n. o n. o 0~.mz 6000 .0008 m..o m00umEOF mco.co 00...: 000:3 mLm0> m0o.Lm ocm co.uoE:mcou mu_omo L00 .mm 0.30» 130 5.1.2 Results of the Analysis It was apparent from the previous discussion that the price data, and to some extent consumption data, represent a restriction on the extension of the analysis to the desired dimensions. It is true enough that the results of any study can be no better than the data used in the analysis. Under such circumstances, we attempted to extend the price analysis as far as possible, bearing in mind all the difficulties involved. The combined model was applied to nine products. The results were less satisfactory in terms of statistical signi- ficance, than hoped for. Several explanations can be cited for the failure of the time-series analysis to provide significant results: (1) The reliability of the data. In most cases, data for prices represent the official fixed prices rather than the actual prices. In many instances, these were underestimated indicators of real prices. (2) The problem of aggregation, as the data represented averages for different types and qualities with a wide range of substitutability, price data were assumed to be a weighted average that reflected the change in price level over the studied period. Yet, the quantities consumed are simple averages that do not show quality differences. The aggregation 131 problem is of a particular importance when logs are used, as the sum of the logs is not equal to the log of the sum. (3) The locational differences that have been overlooked in the time-series analysis. While the cross-sectional analysis Showed basic differences that exist in the consumption patterns of the two sectors, in terms of income levels, income elas- ticities, and budget proportions spent on different items. A weighted elasticity Coefficient was used to adjust location effect, while price data were not weighted. Table 36 shows the estimated relationships between per capita consumption adjusted for income and deflated prices for wheat, maize, millet, onions, tomatoes, oil, and total food. The results show a price elasticity coefficients, which are equal to the estimate 331’ of -.6 for wheat, -.01 for maize, -.4 for millet, -.25 for onions, -.6 for tomatoes, -.8 for oils, and -.1 for total food. The values of R, R2 and ‘R2 for all the commodities included in the analysis were extremely low with the exception of tomatoes which has a value of R of about .7. When testing the hypOthesis 811 = 0 against the alternative hypothesis 311 f O, the nul hypothesis was rejected for all the products, which indicate that the estimated values for B]; differ significantly from zero. 132 Yet the analysis of the overall regression produced signi- ficant values of f ratio at a level of significance .05 for only wheat, millet, tomatoes and oils. The overall regression for the other products was not statistically significant at that significance level .05. It is an obvious conclusion that the results of this analysis was not statistically satisfactory, and should be looked at with caution. However, when discussiong the commodity projection, an assumption was made with regard to the stability of price relationship, and hence the results of the present analysis were not in fact utilized in the projections. When testing for serial correlation, the results showed values of d' (Durbin Watson statistic) higher than dU (Durbin- Watson upper limit), which implies acceptance of the hypothesis of random disturbance. The inclusion of the prices of substitutes, in the case of wheat, maize, and millet did not significantly improve the results. 133 Table 36. Estimated Relationships from the Model Zit = BC + 811 log Pjt/Pt _____===L_;================================================== Estimated Coefficients, Z; = Commodities Eeriodd BO 8] R S overe Wheat .8100 -.6353 .4734 .0645 1945/46 .0577 .2956 I962/63 Maize 1.9161 -.Ol37 .0106 .0471 1945/46 .0924 .3327 I962/63 .Millet .8533 -.4230 .3919 .0615 1946/47 ,6859 .2994 1958/59 Onions .0675 -.2527 .2787 .1254 1946/47 ' (.5635) (.2248) I962/63 Tomatoes -1.4529 -.5658 .6830 .0613 1949/50 (.4054) (.1747) I962/63 Oils .0556 -.8340 .3946 .0633 1948/49 (.0211) (.5386) 1962/63 Total food 1.5389 -.1016 .0272 .0495 1948/49 (.0134) (1.0366) I962/63 134 5.2 Estimating Price Parameters from ' Cross-sectional Information 5.2.1 Assumptions and Techniques It is usually easier to obtain cross-sectional data on budget proportions and estimates for income elasticity than to obtain estimates for price elasticities. In the present study, reliable price data over a reasonable length of time were either unavailable or unreliable for several items. This short- coming compelled the use of mathematical relationships among elasticities to avoid the data obstacle. The model used here,1 is based upon certain basic mathe- matical relationships, these are: (l) The Homogenity Condition, which implies that the demand function is homogeneous of degree zero in money income and absolute prices. It follows that the sum of price elasticity, income elasticity, and cross elasticity is equal to zero, or in mathematical notations: e-- = - Ei for all i IUnless otherwise cited, this portion depends heavily upon the work of Lester Manderscheid, "Price and Income Elasticities, Relative Growth rates: Some Implications for Understanding Agriculture's Terms of Trade”, a Paper Presented at the Agricultural Development Council Seminar, Stanford University, February 1966. 135 where: eij = price elasticity for good i with respect to the price of good j, all other prices constant. Zeu- indicates that sum of i-th own price elasticity and its cross price elasticity with respect to changes of other goods taken one at a time. E: = income elasticity for good i. (2) The_Symetry Condition, which indicates that the cross elasticities of two commodities, each with respect to the change in the price of the other, are approximately equal with the budget proportions spent on them are equal and the income elasticities equal, or: Ei+eij/Wj=Ej+eJ°i/Wi where w; = budget proportion spent on good i. From this relation we can derive: eij=wj/wiej1-W_I(E1-E,l)forallland-1' (3) Igtgl Expenditure Condition, which specifies that the summation of the product of income elasticity and the budget pr0portion, for all commodities is equal to one, or: Z:vq E; = 1 this relation includes saving as a commodity or excludes it from income. 136 (4) Cournot Aggregation, which implies that the summation of price elasticities of all goods with respect to changes in the price of one commodity j, is equal to j's proportion of expenditures with sign reversed, or: {w; eij = - w; for all j In addition, to make the model workable we will accept, as a reasonable assumption, Wold and Jureen's argument that the fundamental relations involving income elasticity will not strictly hold unless sector incomes vary proportionately. In addition, the relation is based on the "typical consumer” with a stable preference field and non-decreasing satisfaction associated with increased quantities of each good consumed and continuous derivatives everywhere. This assumes that ”the behavior of the market can be described by the behavior of a 'representative individual' in much the same way as Alfred Marshall spoke of a representative firm."l If Frish's notion of “want structure independence” which means that the quantity of good i influences only the marginal utility of good i and no other marginal utility is accepted, all direct and cross elasticities can be calculated from knowledge of income elasticity and the money flexibility. IRagnar Frish, “A Complete Scheme for Computing All Direct and Cross Demand Elasticities in a Model with Many Sectors“, Econometrica, Vol. 27, April 1959, pp. 177-196. 137 Though the want independence is a strong assumption, it might be more acceptable if products are aggregated in some broad fashion. Money flexibility can be defined as: W' = 53m . a 363 m where: m = marginal utility of money a = money income. The knowledge of money flexibility is a basic assumption in Frisohfis formulas for computing direct and cross price elasticities: Kk (l) E;k=-E; Wk(1 +W' ) (2) e.. = -E. w. - (1 'WI 51) 11 I I W' where: e;k = cross price elasticity for good i with respect to k . e;; = i's own price elasticity . i E; = i's income elasticity. W1 WI budget proportion spent on i . money flexibility , Because W' is not known, it can be estimated from knowledge 0F the income elasticities and one or more price elasticities 138 by inserting these estimates in the previous two equations, or, WI = !k Ek E-k eik+ Ei wk = E; (l - W; E. ) W' I e.. + W. E. 11 1 I W' can be estimated from several sets of elasticities, then an average of these estimates can be used. 6.2 Results of the Analysis The analysis started with knowledge of few price elasti- city coefficients, namely, for wheat, maize, millet, oils, onions, tomatoes, and total food. The first step in the analysis was to estimate money flexibility, or the relative change in the marginal utility of money associated with change in money income. As indicated before, money flexibility can be estimated indirectly through the knowledge of price elasticity, income elasticity, and the budget proportion of the commodity in question. It was unfortunate that the few price elasticity coeffi- cients obtained from the combined analysis of section 1, were 1:Or the population as a whole, while it was apparent that major differences do exist between the consumption patterns and behavior, and consequently the spending decisions in urban and rural areas. 139 In estimating money flexibility, several Options were open: (1) To calculate money flexibility through the empirical price elasticity coefficients and using a weighted income elasticity coefficient for the entire population. (2) To calculate money flexibility in rural and urban areas separately using the estimates of income elasticity for each, and assuming that there was no difference between the two areas with regard to price elasticity. (3) To use a set of values for money flexibility suggested by Frisch as a useful first approximation until further data and estimates become available. Frisch's suggested set is:I -10 for an extremely poor and apathetic part of the population; -4 for the slightly better off but still poor part of the population who want to become better off; -2 for the median part of the population; -.7 for the better off part of the population; -.1 for the rich with ambitions toward conspicuous consumption. ISee, Lester Manderscheid, 92. cit., p. 7. 140 The calculations of money flexibility for the entire popu- lation based upon weighted income elasticity coefficients and weighted budget proportions produced an average of -.85 with a wide discrepency between an estimate of -.49 based on price elasticity calculated from oil, and -l.32 derived from the tomatoes elasticity. When urban and rural areas were dealt with simultaneously, two different sets of estimates resulted with a wide margin in between. However, for rural areas money flexibility was higher, in absolute terms, and around -2.5, while it was a little lower in urban areas. In view of the inaccurate nature of price coefficients and of the assumption of homogeneous price elasticity in both areas, it was decided to use an approximate value of -2 for urban areas, and -4 for rural areas, the two values suggested by Frisch and not far from the calculated averages of money flexibility. With these values of money flexibility and previous estimates of income elasticity coefficients (based upon total expenditures) available, price elasticity coefficients were calculated for all commodity groups and individual items. Table 37 shows these derived estimates for commodity groups in urban and rural areas. Similar calculations for individual commodities are shown in Table 38. It should be kept in mind, however, that although these calculated coefficients are useful as approximations, they 141 Table 37. Derived Price Elasticity for the Commodity Groups and Their Budget Pr0portions 'Urban Areas RUral Areas Commodity money flexib. = :2 money flexib. = -4 groups budget derived budget derived— proportion elasticity proportion elasticity percent percent Cereals and starches 13.70 - 1.40 27.78 -10.28 Dried legumes 1.31 - .30 2.80 - 1.53 Meat, fish 8 eggs 10.65 - 4.81 11.38 - 8.64 Oils and fats 1.89 - .85 1.60 - .50 Milk and dairy 6.09 - 3.70 8.36 - 5.65 Vegetables 3.71 - 2.01 3.43 - 2.22 Fruit 3.18 - 4.09 2.04 - 2.10 Sugar and sugaries 3.24 - 1.72 4.29 - 2.72 Beverages 3.08 - 1.42 3.49 - 2.19 Tea, coffee and others 5.60 - 2.96 6.74 - 6.21 Other food stuff 2.89 - 1.02 1.26 - .73 Source: For budget proportions data, UAR Central Statistical Committee, The Household Budget Survey, op. cit., pp. 344-6. 142 Table 38. Derived Price Elasticity for Selected Commodities and Their Budget Proportions W Commodities money flexib. = -2 money flexib. = -4 —budget HerTVeET' budget derived propoation elasticity pr0p0%tion elasticity Rice 1.34 - .63 3.11 - 2.80 Macaroni .55 - .73 .19 - .83 Beans .45 - .05 1.02 - .68 Lentils .50 - .17 .92 - .45 Meat 6.57 - 3.74 7.75 - 4.49 Poultry 1.53 - 1.23 1.78 - 2.25 Fresh fish 1.58 - 1.13 1.08 - 1.17 Eggs .68 - .94 .52 - .80 Milk 1.93 - .97 3.85 - 3.87 White cheese .79 - .97 .09 - .58 Butter .67 - .80 1.14 - .08 Ghee 2.30 - 1.66 2.04 - 1.77 Potatoes .56 - .52 .63 - .74 Onions .34 - .19 .60 - .ll Tomatoes .83 - .60 .82 - .36 Citrus .75 - .96 .43 - .79 Dates .34 - .34 .62 - .60 Sugar 2.11 - .87 3.36 - 1.60 Tea 1.68 - .20 2.90 - .96 Coffee .47 - .94 .32 - .87 Source: For budget proportions data, UAR Central Statistical Committee, The Household Budget Survey, op. cit., pp. 355-6. 143 are based upon certain unverified assumptions. These assumptions and conditions may fit the commodity groups rather than the individual items. The “want independence” notion may be better applicable to them. For individual items, the want independence notion may seem to be a rather heroic assumption as it is hard to accept the idea flat quantity consumed of meat, for instance, does not have any influence on the marginal utility of poultry or fish. Despite these shortcomings, these calculated coeffi- cients are accepted as an approximation until more information is made available. It is interesting in this context to compare the estimated price elasticity coefficients for onions and tomatoes with the derived coefficients. As can be shown from Table 39, there is not much divergence between the two sets, which might support the usefulness of the derived coefficients. Table 39. Price Elasticity Coefficients from Derived Mathematical Model and from Empirical Data for Onions and Tomatoes 4_ e;; derived from mathematical model Calculated Commodity eii Urban Rural Weighted Onions -.1878 -.1056 -.1368 -.2527 Tomatoes -.5997 -.3633 -.4531 -.5653 CHAPTER VI PROJECTION OF THE DEMAND FOR FOOD 6.1 Introduction The elasticities and coefficients presented in the previous chapters represent an intermediate step toward increasing our ability to project the future demand for food products. Two projections were made. A medium range projection for 1975, and a long range projection for 1985. 1975 was selected for several reasons, by that year the majority of the effects of the Aswan High Dam and other development projects will have been realized. The 1985 projection was designed as a long-term forecast. The first step in demand prOjection was to project popu- lation, the second, to project income, the third, to proceed to commodity projections.I To estimate the increase in potential per capita demand, it is necessary to select the in- come elasticity coefficients referring to the base year used ‘ . ISee: L. M. Goreux, ”Economic Growth and Commodity Projec-‘ tIons”, Monthly Bulletin of Agricultural Economics and Statistics, Vol. 10,3uly/Augustil96TT’p.1-T7. 144 145 projection. From the value of the per capita demand estimated for the target year, the level of the total demand can easily be derived by multiplying the per capita demand by the size of the population projected for the target year. In projecting consumption, several underlying assumptions should be made clear: (1) that income is the independent variable while consumption is a dependent variable determined by income level, household size, and location. The elasticity coefficients estimated earlier in this study can be used to forecast demand assuming that such coefficients would remain constant over time, and that consumers would behave in the same way, if any of the independent variables change. (2) that no substantial change in relative prices within the country or in the world market would take place during the projection period. (3) policitical stability. (4) no major inflation that involve drastic changes in the purchasing power of money. It would be unrealistic to assume no inflationary pressure which, together with the balance-of—payment difficulties are most typical among "distrubances" that affect underdeveloped countries.I ISee: Albert 0. Hirschman, The Strategy of Economic Develop- EEHLE, Yale University Press, 1964, p. 1956-166. 146 6.2 Population Projections Population is the single largest factor which decides the trend of most economic activities. During the process of economic development, changes in population are a cause, an effect, and an indicator of economic change.l F As indicated in Chapter II, the Committee of Experts which was formed by the Egyptian Government in 1962 to study the pop- 1 ulation trends of the country, made five different projections each based on different assumption with regard to the fertility rate:2 I. Fertility rates will remain constant from 1960 to 1985 at the actual 1960 level of 190.0 per thousand. II. Fertility rate will decline by one percent of the 1960 rate each year up to 1985, with a total decline of 25 percent over the period. 111. Fertility rates will remain at the 1960 level for 15 years and decline thereafter by 5 percent each year for 10 years. IV. Fertility rates will decline by 2 percent of the 1960 rates each year during the projection period, with a total decline of 50 percent. IJ. J. Spengler, "Population: Cause, Effect, Indicator”, .ESQnonfic;Deve109ment and Cultural Change, April 1961. 2Fertility rates are calcultaed in terms of births per thOusand females at the age group 15-49 in a given period. 147 V. Fertility rates will decline by 5 percent of the 1960 rate for 10 years and remain constant thereafter. Mortality rates up to age 45 are assumed to decline exponen- tially over the projection period toward certain ultimate values obtained from a study of the minimum relevant mortality rates in various countries. For ages 45 and over, mortality rates were assumed to remain constant at their 1960 level. Projections based on the first assumption were considered as an upprt limit, while those based on the IaSt assumption were considered as a lower limit. The projected population was calculated by following the base population at each age group and the expected births according to the relevant fertility rate. The application of the appropriate survivorship probability to each age group, including the new borns, at a certain date would provide an estimate of the population at that date. Table 40. Projected Po ulation in Egypt, 1970-1985 (in millions Fertility rate assumptions* Years I II IFF 1V V’ 1970 34.5 34.0 34.5 33.4 31.7 1975 39.7 38.5 39.7 37.1 33.8 1985 52.2 48.3 48.4 43.6 38.8 *Assumptions 1 to V as stated in the present section. Source: UAR Central Statistical Committee, Population Trends in the U.A.R., 92, cit., p. 53. 7* 148 These projections imply a compound annual rate of popula- tion growth between 2.8 (for the upper limit) and 1.6 (for the lower limit), over the projection period. Without being pessimistic, it is unlikely that the population growth rate would drop to a rate as low as 1.6 within twenty-five years. The most probable rate would lie between 2.5 and 2.8. Though the population growth rate reached high levels in the past, higher than 2.8, it is believed, based upon examination of consecutive pOpulation data that it was a temporary phenomenon attributed to other factors.I For the purpose of this study, the projections under the first and the second assumptions were utilized. It is believed that these assumptions are consistent with the conditions in most less developed nations where the fertility rates remain stable while expectation of life at birth increases. For practical purposes ”the influence of likely changes in the age structure on average nutritional requirements can be disregarded in most low income countries, particularly in the case of popu- lations with stable fertility rates“.2 ‘See: Bent Hansen and Girgis Marzouk, Development and .Economic Policy in the U.A.R., _2, cit-. PP- 27‘45- 2L. M. Goreux, op. cit., p. 6. 149 The impact of population growth on the demand for food is very great and may outrank the effects of income growth. However, it is believed thatin a rapidly developing economy with a relatively high income elasticity of demand for food "any decline in the rate of population gorwh may be accompanied in a few decades by an accelerated increase in the demand for food, or at any rate will not be accompanied by a corresponding lower demand for food”.1 The population projections were made for the population as a whole, and were based on the demographic factors without including other geographic or economic factors. Projection by location was not made by the Committee. But it has been shown from the previous chapters that major distributional and characteristic differences do exist between urban and rural areas to the extent that they should be dealt with separately. Table 42 shows the declining percentage of the rural population to the total due to migration. During the 1950's rural popu- lation grew at about 1.9 percent, while growth in urban areas was much greater, about 4.3 percent. This trend is expected to continue and has, in fact, been pushed in that direction by the implementation of the two five-year plans. More than one- third of the planned investment was allocated to projects 1R. P. Sinha, Food in India, Oxford University Press, 1961, pp. 63-64. 150 Table 41. Projected Population in Egypt by Age Groups in 1975, Based on the Constant Fertility Rate Assumption (in thousands) Age 1960 census 1975 projection Groups male female total male female total 0 - 4 '2209 1909 3118 3627 3069 6696 5-- 9 1979 1834 3813 2953 2468 5421 10 - 14 1658 1534 3192 2484 2094 4579 15 - 19 1118 1044 2162 1997 1715 3712 20 - 24 925 878 1805 1925 1800 3725 25 - 29 864 1058 1921 1609 1505 3114 30 - 34 810 847 1657 1079 1020 2099 35 - 39 851 883 1734 884 852 1736 40 - 44 663 617 2180 819 1018 1827 45 - 49 569 575 1144 747 800 1547 50 - 54 496 506 1002 759 824 1563 55 - 59 324 317 641 563 563 1126 60 - 64 322 555 677 884 569 957 65 and over 420 486 906 703 907 1610 Total 13207 12847 26054 20592 19149 39741 Source: UAR Central Statistical Committee, Population Trends in the U.A.R., 93. cit. 151 associated with the Aswan High Dam. Cairo and Alexandria, along with their suburbs were slated to receive more than one-half of the remaining planned investment. Another sizable portion of the investments was allocated to the extractive industries along the Red Sea, far from the settled rural population of the country. With the exception of a few textile and food processing industries, the rural areas and even small cities were to receive little attention as potential sites for industry.I This allocation was affected by the lack of trans- portation facilities and other infrastructure in rural areas. It would be, therefore, a reasonable conclusion to assume that the percentage of rural population will drop to about 57 percent in 1975, and 54 percent in 1985. Accordingly, of the upper limit projected population of 39.7 millions in 1975, about 22.5 millions are rural, and of the 52.5 millions projected for 1985, about 28.3 millions are rural. 6.3 Income Projections The information on Egypt's national and per capita income are very scanty. However, the available data were reexamined 1Janet L. Abu-Lughod, ”Urbanization in Egypt: Present State and Future Prospects", Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 13, No. 3, April T965. 152 Table 42. Population of Egypt According to Location, and Percentage of Rural Population in Census Years (in thousands) Years Population Percentage Urban rural total Of rural ypopulation 1917 2,640 10,030 12,670 79.1 1927 3,770 10,407 14,178 73.4 1937 4,436 11,485 15,921 72.1 1947 6,262 12,704 18,967 67.0 1957* 8,223 14,773 22,996 64.2 1960 9,864 16,120 25,984 62.0 1975** 45.687 57.0 1985** 52.533 54.0 *Estimates. **Projections for total population, based on assumption 1. Source: UAR Central Statistical Committee, Population Trends in the U.A.R., .2: cit. 153 and evaluated by Hansen.] He estimated that from 1952/53 to 1960/61, the national income of Egypt rose from LE 972 million to LE 1341 million in 1960/61, or at approximately 4.3 percent compound annual rate. Later, he and Marzouk estimated that from 1952/53 to I962/63 the real gross national income rose at about 5.2 percent compound annual rate, and at about 6 percent during the last six years of the same period.2 The principal objective of the general Ten-Year Plan was to double the national income over a period of ten years.3 This means an average annual rate of growth of 7.2 percent. For the first Five-Year Plan a 40 percent increase was planned, corresponding to a growth rate of 7 percent annuall. This implies an annual growth rate in income per capita of about 4.0 to 4.5 percent. Recent estimates show that national income has increased to LE 1905 million in 1964/65 in current prices (or LE 1762 million in constant 1959/60 prices).l'1 That makes for an annual compound rate of growth around 7 percent. lBent Hansen, ”The National Income of UAR (Egypt)", Memo No. 355, Institute of National Planning, Cairo, 1963. 2Bent Hansen and Girgis Marzouk, 92,cit., p. 320. 3Recently, and in view of the circumstances of the Middle East conflict, the plan period was extended to 1972 instead of 1970. “See Table 7, Ch.11. 154 It can be concluded therefore that the national income has increased at a rate near 6.5 percent during the last decade, and is expected to grow at a level near that rate or slightly higher. The agricultural sector has contributed around 13 percent of the overall increase in the national income during the plan period, while industry contributed more than 31 percent. This reveals the emphasis put on the industry in the investment plans. Over one-third of the total investment in the first Five-Year Plan was directed to industry and electricity, the share of agriculture and irrigation in the investment program was no more than one-fourth and a good part of it was for the I It followed that the construction of the Aswan High Dam. agricultural sector grew at a rate around 3 to 3.5 percent during the last decade. This indicates that other sectors of the economy should have grown at a rate from 7 to 8 percent. All the previous figures on national income refer to gross national product. It is realized that the private disposable gross income may be more relevant when projecting demand is concerned, however, the difference between the two INational Bank of Egypt, "Egypt's Economic Growth, 1952- 1963", Economic Bulletin, Vol. 17, No. 1, 1964, p. 50. 155 terms is the total public net income, which grew nearly proportionately with the GNP,‘I this means that the previous rates can still be valid for disposable income. It is not quite true that the rural income coincides with the agricultural income, a part of the income drawn from the agricultural activities goes to non-rural residents and vice versa. Of the estimated labor force of 7.8 millions in 1960, 4.4 millions or about 56 percent were involved in agriculture or related activities. It is thus a reasonable approximation that during the plan years the annual rate of increase in income in rural areas was about 3.5 to 4 percent, while in urban areas was about 7 to 8 percent. In arriving at consumption projections it was assumed that these rates would be sustained up to 1975, namely about 4 percent for rural areas and 8 percent for urban areas. For 1985 projections a rate of 4.5 percent in rural areas and 8.5 percent in urban areas was used. Considering the trend of the agricultural sector's share in national income over the past, these rates would imply a growth rate of national income of 6.5 percent over the period 1964-1975 and of about 7 percent over the period 1964-1985. IThis is true for a long series of data with the exception of few years in the early sixties, as a result of the major structural changes in the economy. See Chapter 11, sec. 2.4. 156 6.4 Consumption Projections In projecting consumption, three basic variables are involved: (1) rate of growth in per capita income, (2) the rate of population growth, and (3) income elasticity of demand. The relationships between these variables and food consumption were expressed mathematically by OhkawaI as follows: d = p + gn + pgn where d = percentage change in national demand for food in a given period p = percentage change in population g = percentage change in per capita income n = income elasticity of demand Ohkawa dropped in the last term of the formulation Pgn reasoning that it is of small importance. Using this formula to estimate the percentage change in demand does not require knowledge of the actual per capita income or the actual size of the population either in the base year or in the target year. If the compound rate of growth for each is known,the percentage chan be derived by applying _ IAs cited by Robert Stevens, Elasticity of Food'ConSumption Associated with Changes in Income in DeveIOping Countries, *23. cit., p. 4. ‘ “ 157 the compound rate formula From Yn = Yo (1+r)n where Yn is the size of the population or income in the target year, Yo the size of the population or income in the base year, n the number of years between the two dates, and r the compound rate of growth,it follows that Yn -0Yo = (1 - r)" - 1 In projecting the percentage change in national demand for food products, the study faces a difficult choice: (I) to estimate the percentage change in demand for the country as a whole using weighted elasticity co- efficients for rural and urban areas. In so doing one might question the accuracy of the weighting procedure under the apparent dynamic condition. In declining percentage of rural population has already been discussed and assumed to continue though at a slower rate. (2) to estimate the percentage change in demand for urban and rural areas separately using the appropriate rates of change in population and per capita income, and thus arrive at the volume of total demand in the target year. This procedure would have been preferred had information been available on the actual consumption 158 level in both areas in the base year. The figures are available on national level, and any attempt to break them down would at best be some kind of judgment. None of the two paths is absolutely unerring. However, the problem involved in estimating the national consumption is the expected decline in the percentage of rural population from about 60 percent in the base year to an estimated percen- tage of about 54 in 1985. The difference, over a period of 21 years would not be of a substantial size that makes for a signi- ficant change in the weighted elasticity coefficients, and therefore can be disregarded. This can further be justified that though rural laborers migrate to cities and urban centers, it is doubted that their consumption behavior and decisions would drastically change. It is most probable that they keep their rural consumption patterns under slum living condition at least for an adjustment period.I The percentage change in population was calculated based on population projections under the first two assumptions. These percentages are shown in Table 43. From the projected compound rates of change in national income, the implied rate of change in per capita income can IArthur Lewis, ”Unemployment in Developing Country", Lecture to Midwest Research Conference, USA, Oct. 1964. 159 be calculated based on population projections. Therefore, the percentage change in per capita income can be estimated throughout the projection period. The estimates of total expenditure elasticity of demand calculated in Chapter IV using the logarithmic model were utilized. Elasticities used in projecting the demand for commodity groups (in money terms based on 1964 prices); are expenditure elasticities, while those used in projecting the demand for selected individual products are quantity elasticities. In projecting the demand for wheat and maize, the study faces a difficult choice. These two products are demanded by the consumers in several forms: whole grain, flour, and bread. The last two forms are basically mixtures of several products as discussed earlier in Chapter IV. Three possible alternatives can be explored in order to project the aggregate demand for the two products: (1) Project the demand for each form of the two products separately, then add them up after being converted to uniform units. This would be valid if the interrelationships between these different forms remain constant over the projection period. These projections, however, require knowledge of the level of consumption of each form separately in the base year and its elasticity coefficient. These data are unfortunately not available. 160 (2) Convert all forms of consumption of each product to the grain form, and utilize an “adjusted" income elasticity for each product to project its aggregate demand. However, we lack a solid base to adjust the whole grain elasticity for the two products due to the complex relations that exist in the consumption patterns of the two products. (3) Project the demand for wheat and mazie indirectly. This is done by projecting the increase in demand for cereals and starches as a group. Subtract from it the projected increase in demand in rice and millet for which separate pro- jections could be made. The rest, as was shown earlier in Table 29, is largely wheat and maize in different forms. This procedure was chosen.1 IThe calculations were performed as follows: (1) Projections were made for the percentage increased in total expenditures for cereals and starches using the projections of population and income growth together with the estimate for elasticity of demand for the group. (2) Separate quantity projections were made for rice and millet, which were then multiplied by the base year prices of the two products. These total values were then subtracted from the projected total expenditures for cereals and starches. (3) Assuming that the pr0portion of wheat to maize in the diet will change slightly in favor of wheat in the target years. It was assumed that wheat's share will increase from 51 percent in 1964 to 60 percent in 1975 and to 65 percent in 1985. 161 For commodity groups the highest projected increase in demand was for fruit (about 100 percent increase is projected for 1975 and about 260 percent for 1985). High rates of increase were also projected for meat, fish and eggs; milk and dairy products; tea, coffee and other stimulants. The lowest projected rates were for cereals and starches; dried legumes; and oils and fats. The three groups have a projected percentage of increase of around 55 percent for 1975 and around 130 percent for I985. The percentage increase in demand for selected commodities are projected for 1975 and 1985 under the two popu1ation hypotheses.I 1 High increases were projected for poultry, eggs, milk, citrus, meat, and to some extent potatoes.2 The lowest projection was for millet, mainly because of its negative income elasticity of demand. Wheat was projected to increase by about 100 percent by 1975 and 220 percent by 1985. Rice was projected to increase at a slower rate. Other products show reasonable increase between 50-60 percent for 1975 and IOO-125 percent for 1985. INamely hypothesis 1 and hypothesis II as were defined in section 6.2. 2The high rise in the demand for potatoes is mainly due to the high income elasticity of demand for that product in rural areas. 162 Table 43. Projected Population in 1975 and 1985 and the Percentage Change from 1964 (Base year) Year Assumption* Population Efggeggggnggfinge million percent 1964 28.6 1975 | 39.7 38.8 11 38.5 34.6 1985 | 52.5 83.6 11 48.3 68.9 *See Section 6.2 Source: Calculated based on: Committee, op. cit. UAR Central Statistical Table 44. Projected Annual Rate of Growth in National and Per Capita Income, and Percentage Increase in Per Capita Income 1964-1975 and 1964-1985 (Base Year: 1964) Population Projection 1975- 1985- Assumption Compound annual rate of growth in national income 6.5 7.0 Implied annual rate | 3.7 4.2 of growth in per capita income 11 3.8 4.5 Percentage increase I 48.8 136.4 in per capita income 11 50 3 15] 3 163 Table 45. Percentage Change in Demand for Commodity Groups from 196 to 1975 and 1985 Target Year: 1975 1985 Population I II I ;; assumptIon: Cereals and starches S3 49 123 113 Dried legumes 6O 56 142 133 Meat, fish, and eggs 87 84 219 219 Oils and fats 52 52 131 121 Milk and dairy products 81 78 202 200 Vegetables 67 64 164 158 Fruit 101 98 257 261 Sugar and sugaries 72 69 177 173 Beverages 73 70 180 175 Tea, coffee, and other stimulants 86 84 217 216 Other food stuff 62 58 148 140 Total food 71 68 175 170 164 .0 >0>c3m u0mozm 0.0;0mooz 0gp mo mu.:m0m >c0c_E..0cm 0; .3385 .39 :16... dom— .eo_66~___eoz .mmesm_c mo\:om_ toe o..oom mo co.u0Lum.c.Eo< .m.<.: "Eccw 0000.30.00 ”00L30m ~o~.m:o.~ omm.moo.~ :om..mo._ mNm.moo._ ~mm.mom om.:m 666. .666. omm.__~ oom.m_~ oo:.mm_ .mm.~:_ ooN.oo m_.m 00:66 6660 Lasso Nmm.ko~ m:..mo~ mmm.ko_ o~¢.mo_ ooo._m m~.m memeuo 0,000.00 008 omm.o_~ _NN.:_~ .mm.om_ mmo.~m_ 608.6“ N..N mmmmtm>6m mo~.mo_ www.mm_ mmm.:m Nmm.mo :_m.m: A... mm_emmsm a tmmam oom.mm_ mom._m_ me_.m. mm~.:. Nem.om _m._ e_ste _::.om_ o_o._o~ oko.:~_ :m_.k~_ o:_.ok ok.~ mm_emummm> :o_.:NN .mm.mk~ mmo.~o_ okm.mo_ mom._m 6N.m .6686 >t_me a x__z :oo.om omm.mm ~m_.mm mok.oo o_m.mm mm._ meme 6:6 m__o Noo.k~o Noo.k~o mmo._om 6mm.mom :mm.om_ No.6 6666 w ;m_c .6662 m:~.:. o__.kk __~.me oom.om mom._m m... 662566. 66_to .:~.ko: Nom.o~e Nmm.:m~ omm.~mN om_._m_ ok.o 6656.666 0:0 m.00c0u --mmcmmoo;u .m..wi .Mmu ,0m0c0>0 monotm __ . _ __ _. .muOF o0u:m_03 >u.ooeeoo co.umE:mmn 00.000 L06 mom. m~m_ mom—\aom. mcmm> .0>04 :wm. c.0sh Ou 00L00EOQ m0 mmm. 0:0 mum. c. monotu >u.ooeeoo Low mco.uo0aoLm m0cou.oc0axM co_u Eamcou .0: 0.00p 165 Table 47. Percenta e Change in Demand for Selected Commodities from 196 to 1975 and 1985 Target 1975 1985, Year: Population I II I II assumption: Wheat 111 105. 229 217 Maize 42 41 85 78 Millet 23 18 40 20 Rice 67 64 153 156 Beans 58 54 136 127 Lentils 49 45 103 101 Meat 76 73 189 186 Poultry 125 123 324 335 Fresh fish 71 67 173 168 Eggs 99 97 252 256 Oils 47 43 108 96 Saturated oils 72 69 176 171 Milk 106 104 273 279 Potatoes 75 72 185 181 Onions 42 38 94 8O Citrus 102 100 261 266 Dates 59 56 141 133 Sugar 56 52 131 121 166 Table 48. Consumption Projections of Selected Commodities in 1975 and 1985 as Compared to Their 1964 level (in thousands of metric tons) Efiifiiiiion 1964 I975 assumption 1 1| 1 11 Wheat 1880 3968 3862 6201 5958 Maize 1806 2644 2574 3343 3212 Millet 614 755 724 859 737 Rice 889 1485 1458 2338 2275 Beans I62 256 249 382 368 Lentils 22 33 32 47 44 Meat 227 399 393 656 649 Poultry 69 155 154 292 300 Fresh fish 139 238 232 379 372 Eggs 36 72 71 127 128 Oils 167 259 252 366 345 Saturated oils 30 51 51 83 81 Milk 1278 2633 2607 4767 4844 Potatoes 241 422 414 687 677 Onions 366 520 505 710 659 Citrus 274 553 548 989 1003 Dates 239 380 373 576 557 sugar 402 627 611 929 888 Source: For 1964 consumption figures, UAR Ministry of Agri- culture, “Food Balance Sheet, 1964”, MonthlygBulletin of Agricultural Economics and Statistics, July T965. 167 Table 49. Percentage Distribution of Annual Total Expenditures on FOOd Products in I958/59, 1964/65, 1975 Projections and 1985 Projections 1975 7T985 Commodity l958/ 1964/ pgpjections projections groups 592 65 I II I II 21.8 19. 19.4 17.7 17.3 Cereals 8 starches 34.5 5 Dried legumes 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.2 3.2 2 5 Meat, fish 8 eggs 19. 22.4 24. 24.6 26.1 26.6 Oils 8 fats 3.1 4.4 4.1 4.0 3.7 3.6 Siéfiuitia‘ry 12.7 10.4 11.0 11.1 11.5 11.6 Vegetables 6.3 8.7 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.3 Fruit 4.7 4.2 4.9 5.0 5.5 5.7 Sugar 8 sugaries 6.4 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.8 5.8 Beverages 3.9 8.7 8.8 8.8 8.9 8.9 Other food stuff1 6.8 10.1 9.6 9.5 9.1 9.0 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 IExcludes tea, coffee, liquor and other stimulants. 2Weighted average for rural and urban areas. ures: Table 17 Ch. IV. Source: l9 19 75, and 1985: Calculated from Table 49. 9 f’ 5 \OLQ 168 Their 1964 level (in kilograms) Year and 1985 population 1964 assumption I II I 11 Wheat 66.7 99.9 100.3 118.7 123.3 Maize 64.0 66.6 66.8 64.0 66.5 Millet 21.8 19.0 18.8 16.4 15.2 Rice 31.5 37.4 37.9 44.5 47.1 Beans 5.7 6.4 6.5 7.3 7.6 Lentils 1.1 9 .8 .9 .9 Meat 8.0 10.0 10.2 12.5 13.4 Poultry 2.4 3.9 4.0 5.5 6.2 Fresh fish 4.9 6.0 6.0 7.2 7.7 Eggs 1.3 1.8 1.8 2.4 2.6 Oils 5.7 6.5 6.5 6.9 7.1 Saturated oils 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.6 1.7 Milk 45.4 66.3 67.7 90.8 100.3 Potatoes 8.5 10.6 10.7 13.1 14.5 Onions 13.0 13.1 13.1 1.35 13.6 Citrus 9.4 13.9 13.2 18.8 20.8 Dates 9.4 13.9 14.2 18.8 20.8 Dates 8.5 9.6 9.7 11.0 11.5 Sugar 14.2 15.8 15.9 17.7 18.4 Source: Calculated from Table 48. 169 These projections assumed no major changes in relative prices not only for domestically produced products but also for imports and exports as well. These prices, are subject to world supply and demand and also other exogenous factors, and their stability depends to a great extent on the stability and direction of movement of these factors. Aside from these economic factors, the Egyptian market is influenced by political considerations. Under such conditions, the country may decide or be obligated to Shift from one course of action to another. These frequent moves might imply a revision of the 1 The main whole cost structure of the production sector. point is that changes in relative prices or other politically inspired changes are likely to occur and their frequency is higher than in other countries with a relatively stable market economy. 6.5 Detailed Results for Food Commodities The projections made earlier in this study were based on the assumption of stable relative prices. How valid was this assumption and how valid are the projections themselves? IAn example is the drastic change in cost structure as a result of the U.S. Government decision to stop its sales of surplus food products to Egypt under P.L. 480 at mid 1967.' In. 170 The Egyptian agricultural policy is incorporated in, and is, an integral part of the country's overall plan to double the gross national product within the present decade. The basic aim of this policy is to increase the degree of self- sufficiency. In view of the rapidly growing demand for food, price and production policies of food products and the direction of trade policies need to be re-evaluated. Without introducing any exogeneous factors, there are certainly factors that would affect the projections from within. This increase in demand has to be fulfilled by a corresponding increase in local production, in imports, or some combination of the two. Unless this is done, excess demand is more likely to put pressure on prices. Whether the government policies would allow the price mechanism to function for all products is yet to be seen. The present section examines the implications of such structural changes of demand, and discusses the future prospects of the Egyptian food economy.I . ISource of information on production levels: U.A.R. Ministry of Agriculture, The Monthly Bulletin of Agricultural Egonomics and Statistics, Several issues. 171 6.5.1 Grains In this group, wheat and rice were projected to have the highest increase in demand. Wheat would increase by some 90 percent of its 1964 level in 1975, and by about 200 percent by 1985. This implies that wheat consumption levels would increase from its 1964 level of 1.9 million tons to some 3.6 and 5.6 million t)ns in 1975 and 1985, respectively. These figures refer to the demand at the consumers' level. When converted to the farm level, using the same rates of extractions, loss, and other uses, as in 1964, we end up with about 4.1 million tons of wheat in 1975 and 6.8 million tons for 1985. Average wheat production for 1960-1964 was about 1.5 million tons. If local production continues to grow at the same rate of growth as it was during the last two decades, large imports are required in order to fulfill the projected increase in demand. It has been argued that wheat productivity in Egypt can be increased by as much as 140 percent if a prOper "package approach" of techniques, varieties, improved drainage, was applied.1 However, a more likely path is an ISee: Bushra Abdel-Sayed, ”The Potential Use of Fertilizers for Intensification and Development of Agriculture in the United Arab Republic", Ph. D. Thesis, Michigan State University, 1969. 172 increase in the administered prices by as much as 40-50 percent, which would lower the volume of demand by about 25 to 30 percent. If the local wheat production follow the present trend, it will reach a level between 1.8 and 2.0 million tons by 1975, and this would leave about one to one and half million tons to be imported by that year. Wheat competes with cotton in the crop rotation, and farmers are required, by law, to plant one-third of their total crop acreage to wheat each year. If over the next two or three decades, world cotton prices declined drastically, wheat may be grown instead. If that happens, agricultural and , national incomes in Egypt will be affected and the whole demand structure would change. Demand for maize shows an increase of about 60 and 100 percent in 1975 and 1985, respectively. Taken by itself, local production is capable of fulfilling that demand particularly with the recent trend of increasing productivity. The average yield per feddan of maize has increased from .92 ton in 1954 to 1.17 tons in 1964, or some 25 percent within ten years. Yet, there is a great potential of increasing Iaroductivity by introducing hybrids and proper fertilization. It is feasible to double the average yield per feddan in two decades period. If this can be realized it would be of [Maramount importance for: (l) substituting wheat, to certain 173 extent, particularly in rural areas, and (2) increasing live- stock production. It Should be emphasized here that the projections of both wheat and maize were made indirectly as described earlier in Chapter VI. The hatio of wheat to maize in the national diet in the target years was arbitrarly estimated. Millet demand was projected to show the lowest increase. The projected demand in 1975 and 1985 can be easily fulfilled. The demand for rice was projected to increase by about 65 percent in 1975 and by 160 percent in 1985, reaching a volume of about 1.5 and 2.3 million tons, respectively. Local production, with a level of more than two million tons in 1964, is expected to increase after the completion of the Aswan High Dam to a level as high as 3 million tons.I However, rice is a major export commodity, and It is the country's policy to give priority to the foreign demand. Rice exports fluctuates around an average of half million ton a year and have a good market potential. IThe Aswan High Dam Reservoir of water would make it possible to expand rice acreage to around 1.2 million feddans. See: M. El-Kateb, ”Agriculture Production after the High Dam", in U.A.R. Ministry of Agriculture, The Monthly Bulletin of A ricultural Economics and Statistics,TVol. 16, Dec. 1965, pp. 7-T18. 174 6.5.2 Meat and Poultry Meat was projected to increase over its 1964 level by about 75 percent in 1975 and by about 187 percent in 1985, reaching about 400 and 650 tons, respectively. Of the 227,000 tons of different types of meat consumed in 1964, 30,000 tons were imported to supplement local production. In recent years, the country has experienced severe shortages in meat to the extent that the government, after a long, unsuccessful experience in controlling meat prices, finally admitted that the price mechanism should function to clear the market. Certain days only were allowed for selling meat in an effort to surpress demand in a country where day-to-day shopping is the common practice. 1964 figures Show a total population of livestock of about 1.6 million head of cattle, 1.5 million head of buffaloes, 1.7 million head of sheep, and about one million goats. Camels total about 200,000 and pigs around 19,000. Large numbers of cattle, sheep, and in some years camels are imported mainly for slaughtering purposes from Libya and Sudan. Forage production in Egypt is a limiting factor in expanding the livestock population. Bersim (Egyptian clover) is the only forage crop grown in the country. However, possibfle imporvement lies in replacing native cattle which 175 has no distinct breed by adapted highly productive breeds. If livestock production is to rise, better and well balanced rations must be made available. The problem is that livestock has been always regarded as a by-product, or at least given a second priority after crop production, and this in turn, has resulted in meat shortages in the past few years. Poultry consumption was projected to Show the highest increase of about 125 percent from its 1964 level in 1975, and more than 325 percent in 1985. This increase is mainly attributed to the high income elasticity of demand and implies a projected consumption level of about 150,000 tons for 1975 and about 300,000 tons for 1985. Though large amounts of slaughtered chicken imports were received during the late 1960's from the U.S. under P.L. 480, it is believed that these imports were a by-product of the whole P.L. 480 package. The local production in 1964 made up more than 98 percent of national consumption of poultry. However, it is doubtful that local production can be more than doubled by 1975 and tripled by 1985. More likely, prices would increase by as much as 40-80 percent by 1975, which would reduce demand by as much as 50 to 100 percent from its projected level of 1975, in 'view of the high price elasticity. If this happens, the demand would be at a more manageable level. For 1985, it is hard to predict a certain path. In such a period, long 176 enough to give more attention to poultry production and to substantially increase it, it is more likely that production would increase partly in response to higher prices (if left uncontrolled), or that some combination of local production and imports may fulfill consumption requirements. At any rate, meat and poultry situation is expected to be critical in the future for three reasons: (1) the high income elasticity of demand for these products; (2) the present shortages, particularly in meat; (3) the low level of animal protein in the national diet, and the need to improve its pr0portion if the diet is to be balanced. 6.5.3 Fish Consumption of fresh fish is expected to increase by as much as 70 percent in 1975 and around 170 percent in 1985. Yet, this increase is not an alarming one for a country with a long coast of more than 1,500 miles on the Mediterranean to the north and the Red Sea to the east, more than 26,000 miles of the river Nile and its connected network of canals, and the huge lakes of Manzala, Borolus, Mariut, Idko, and Qarun. 177 Navigation is possible all year round. Fish production which totalled around 155,000 tons in 1963,I can be tripled if sufficient investment is directed to provide modern fishing equipment. A great potential lies in this area and its expansion would release some pressure on meat and poultry, and help in balancing present diets. 6.5.4 Milk and Eggs Milk and eggs are associated with livestock production. Demand for milk is expected to double its 1964 level by 1975 and to triple it by 1985. Unless production and marketing facilities improve significantly, milk is likely to be in short supply. Prices have risen in the past few years and such a trend is likely to continue. Milk yields at the present time are very low, between 1,000 and 3,000 lbs. per year. Demand for eggs was projected to increase almost 100 percent by 1975 and around 250 percent by 1985. Egg prices have increased and would continue to increase unless poultry production is given prompt attention. The present average egg production is small, between IOO-120 eggs per year per hen. 'Ibid., Dec. 1965, p. 95. 178 With the exception of two native breeds the majority of chickens in the country can scarcely be recognized as a particular breed. For both milk and eggs, it is difficult to predict future trends. However, few points seem to be in order: (1) Introduction of improved livestock and poultry breeds are bound to raise productivity to a great extent. Several livestock breeds, mainly the Holstein-Freisian and Herford have been introduced as specialized milk and meat cattle, respectively. Also imported standard chicken breeds are now being raised in massive numbers on experimental farms for breeding and crossing purposes. (2) Expansion in maize production would increase live- stock production substantially, as the availability of year- round forage crops is a major limitation on expanding live- stock production. (3) Pricing policies of the past have had a discouraging effect on production. Indeed, under the unrealistic price controls, farmers lacked the incentive to pay much attention to milk and eggs and other products with unfavorable cost-price relationships. (4) Particularly for milk and eggs, refrigeration and' other improved marketing facilities are of a vital importance. 179 6.5.5 Potatoes and Onions These two “products have two common characteristics, (1) both are major export products, and, (2) their projected increase in demand seem to be reasonable. Domestic production can certainly fulfill the projected increase in the demand for both of them if the price and cost relationships for each of them remain constant. The choice, therefore, would be between the export market and the domestic market, and would depend to a great extent on the relative prices between the two markets. 6.5.6 Citrus and Other Fruits A substantial increase in the demand for citrus and most likely for other fruits seems to be a natural course, in the light of its high income elasticity. A rapid expansion of about 60 percent in fruit acreage, particularly citrus, was made during the past decade. This expansion made it possible for sizable quantities of citrus to be exported annually. This acreage increase will be reflected in a continued expansion in production in the coming decade as new orchards reach their full production stage. 180 Citrus production in 1964 was about 475,000 tons, and is expected to reach more than 600,000 tons by 1975. However, it is again the choice between exports or domestic consumption depending on the foreign markets' capacity and prices in relation to local markets, that would determine the future path for fruit consumption. 6.5.7 Oils and Saturated Oils Oilseed production in Egypt centers mainly around cotton- seed and to some extent peanuts and flax. In the last few years, local production, which is a by-product of cotton industry, fell short of consumption requirements. Increased quantities of either processed oils or cottonseeds were imported. In view of the projected increase in the demand for oils by about 50 percent in 1975 and about 100 percent in 1985, imports must continue at an increasing rate. These projections may underestimate the actual demand as oils and saturated oils may substitute for butter and ghee if their prices rise significantly, which is likely to happen. CHAPTER VII SUMMARY AND CONCLUDING REMARKS This study has focused on estimating parameters deter- mining the demand for food in Egypt. These estimates were used, along with estimates for the annual rate of growth in GNP and the projected rates of pOpulation growth, to estimate the aggregate demand for food products in 1975 and 1985. To accomplish this, several types of data, cross-sectional and time-series, were utilized, and more than one model of analysis was introduced. However, it should be emphasized that, in a sense, the study was one-sided as it focused on the demand side of the food problem. Little attempt was made to analyze supply or to project it. In the cross-sectional analysis, which was based on the published data of the household budget survey of I958/59, the demand for food was assumed to depend on income, size of the household, and location. Three alternative functional forms were considered: (1) logarithmic, (2) semi-logarithmic, and (3) log-inverse. Of these three functions, the logarithmic relationship seemed to provide the best fit. The results drawn from it were utilized in projecting demand. 181 182 Throughout the cross-sectional analysis, estimates for income elasticity of demand for food groups and individual food items were calculated for both urban and rural areas, and a weighted average was introduced to provide an estimate for the entire population. The results of the cross-sectional analysis has indica- ted that two-thirds of the total expenditures in rural areas were spent on food and beverages, compared to about one-half in urban areas. Using Lorenz curves, total expenditures and food expenditures were shown to be more equally distributed in rural areas than in urban areas. Two explanations were offered in this connection: First, that qualities and therefore prices paid differ much more in urban areas, and second, that incomes, occupations, social status, and tastes vary greatly in urban areas. The income elasticity of demand for food in Egypt was not as high as results from other countries' data suggested. The .67 elasticity coefficient for Egypt is intermediate rather than high in comparison with estimates for other countries (Table 51). The relations between quantity and expenditure elasticity figures were as expected, expenditure elasticities being higher than quantity elasticities. 183 Table 51. Estimates of the Income Elasticity of Demand for Food in Several CountriesI .‘—_ Country Date of estimate Income Elasticity United States2 1955 .25 Japan2 1955-56 .52 1ta1y3 1952-53 .62 Panama2 1952-53 .63 Egypt[-1 1960 .67 Greece2 1957-58 .70 YugosIavia2 1955 .72 Brazil3 1953 .79 Libya3 1950 .80 Puerto Rico2 1952 .80 Ghana2 1954-55 .81 Ceylon3 1953 .81 India, Punjab3 1950 .81 'All these estimates were derived from budget analysis studies. 2Robert Stevens, Elasticitygof Food Consumption Associated With Changes in Income inDDeveloping Countries, 22. cit., p. 16. 3H. S. Houthakker, ”An International Comparison of Households' Expenditure Patterns", Econometrica, Vol. 25, Oct. 1957, pp. 532-5]. uWeighted average for rural and urban areas, see Ch. IV. 184 High income elasticities for home-produced wheat, maize, and millet induced a detailed discussion of grain consumption patterns. This, in turn, resulted in the use of an indirect method to project the demand for wheat and maize. Although household Size was expected to be an important factor in the demand for food, its significance failed to materialize when the effect of the household type, based on its size, was tested by the analysis of variance procedure. However, when the number of consumption units was included in the regression analysis, this variable produced a coefficient with a value that differed Significantly from zero. Two methods were used for estimating price parameters. A combined model utilizing cross-sectional and time-series data was applied to six products for which sufficient time-series data were available. For other products, a newer mathematical approach based on several assumptions about the relationship between income elasticities and price elasticities was utilized. The results of the combined model were not very satisfactory in terms of statistical significance. However, the mathematical model produced fairly reasonable results suggesting that further exploration of the technique might prove to be of a considerable value. 185 Projections of food demand were undertaken in the usual manner. Two population projections were utilized based on 1 Rates of growth different assumptions about fertility rates. in per capita income were estimated.2 Using these rates, together with the income elasticity coefficients obtained in this study, demand projections were made for 1975 and 1985 for commodity groups and individual food items. Turning to the estimated percentage increase in total demand for commodity groups, it was shown that the highest projected increases were for fruit (about 100 percent in 1975 and 260 percent in 1985); meat, fish, and eggs (85 and 200 percent); milk and dairy products (80 and 200 percent); and tea, coffee, and other stimulants (85 and 216 percent). The lowest projected increases were for cereals and starches; dried legumes; and oils and fats. The last three groups were projected to increase by about 55 percent in 1975 and about 130 percent in 1985. This, however, still implies a very high increase in the demand for these products. IThe two projections imply a compound annual rate of growth of about 2.8 and 2.5, respectively. 2These rates depend on the chosen population projection. They range from 3.7 to 4.5 per year. 186 When these projections were made on per capita basis, an increase in most items was observed. It should be emphasized, however, that a part of this increase would be absorbed in a shift to higher quality products rather than higher quantities as per capita income rises. The study has shown that rather large increases in the demand for food products are to be expected. This demand has to be fulfilled through increasing food production, increasing food imports, or some combination of the two. Prospects for increasing productivity seem beSt for certain crops such as maize, vegetables, fruit, oil crops, sugar cane, and livestock products. ,There is little doubt that increased productivity can greatly aid in solving the food problem for one generation. Yet, it is hard to see how it could do so for a population that will almost double in about twenty-five years. The only feasible path, given the present state of technology, seems to be a drastic effort to decrease the rate of population growth. The findings of this study raise questions about the extent to which the nation would be able to provide its food supplies, and also the question of trade policy with regard to food products. It has been often argued that Egypt should stop producing wheat, and concentrate her land and water resources in products for which she has greater comparative 187 advantage such as cotton, rice, oil crops, as well as sugar I This would imply greater dependence on and vegetables. trade, but if imports were matched by exports of other crops with higher value, there should be no cause for concern. However, for sounder decisions to be made in the area of trade policy, more analytical studies are needed particularly for grains for which shortages seem to be alarming. Finally, it Should be mentioned that in several stages of this study, insufficient or unreliable data set a limit on pursuing the analysis in the desired directions. 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APPENDICES Appendix A SOME CONSIDERATIONS IN COMBINING CROSS- SECTIONAL AND TIME-SERIES DATA IN A SINGLE MODEL -In a demand function the two major sets of parameters, namely, the price parameters and the income parameters, can be obtained jointly from a set of time series data. Though it can be argued that there is a tendency to estimate short- run parameters from time-series samples, and long-run parameters from cross-sections, this need not be true in all cases. Nevertheless, there are serious reasons that suggest the pooling of the two types of samples. These reasons include:I (l) multicollinearity. (2) the effects of income distribution. (3) the problem of identification. (4) the least square bias. Furthermore, it is apparent that the pooling technique will enable us to get in close contact with the decision-making unit, the household, at the microeconomic level through the cross-section sample, and also to look over the aggregates at the macro-economic level through a set of time-series data. IFor an explanation of these mathematical terms, see: Lawrence R. Klein, pp. cit., pp. 62-69. 194 195 A simple formulation of the standard technique in pooling the two types of data can be presented as follows: An estimate of income elasticity is to be obtained from cross-sectional data, where other variables such as location, size of families, are considered. This estimate is to be substituted directly or after certain adjustments in the time-series model, such as the following single-equation model: log Qt = BO + Bl log Pt + B2 log Yt where Q is the quantity consumed, P the price, and Y the income. log 0 can be adjusted to the income estimates by taking: log 0% = log Qt - Bi log Yt and thus estimating the relation: log Q; = BC + Bl log Pt The practice of combining the two sets of information has been applied in a number of studies in the last few years. HildrethI emphasized the idea of pooling time-series and cross- sections in his two unpublished papers. Sparks used one of the several Statistical models suggested by Hildreth to combine the two types of data in his study to estimate the demand for food from consumer panel data. His combined analysis estimates a IClifford Hildreth, ”Preliminary Considerations Regarding Time Series and/or Cross Section Studies”, Cowles Commission Discussion Paper, No. 333, July 1949. (unpubTiShedT. anH; ”Combining Cross-Section Data and Time-Series Data”, Cowles Commission Discussion Peper, No. 347, May 1950, (unpuEIished). 196 parameter for each family that is constant over time but varies among families. He viewed these parameters as measuring ”the effect of unobservable characteristics that were particular to a family over time”. When these family constants were estimated, the coefficient of determination was thirty-five percent greater than the coefficient obtained from the relationship that did not estimate these constants.l Stone2 used the pooling technique in estimating the demand for a large number of food products in the United Kingdom. He estimated the income elasticity from the Engel curves and substituted it directly in a Single equation model. In estimating income elasticity from cross-sectional information, he took the family size (expressed in equivalent adult scale) and social class as Separate variables. Another example of the utilization of the pooling techni- que can be found in Hoch's estimation of production function parameters,3 which is based on Hildreth's unpublished papaers. He suggested a pooling procedure by combining a cross-sectional sample, and data of a set of firms over a period of years, and using the analysis of covariance which is a generalized regre- ssion procedure utilizing aspects of the analysis of variance. IWillard R. Sparks, ”Estimates of the Demand for Food from Consumer Panel Data”, Ph.D. Thesis, Michigan State University, 1961. 2Richard Stone (and others), 9p. cit. 3Irving Hoch, ”Estimates of Production Function Parameters Combining Time-series, and Cross-Section Data", Econometrica, Vol. 30, January 1962, pp. 34-53. 197 When combined data are used, it usually allows a wide choice of models available to the investigator. But other problems arise that are not generally encountered when either type of data is used separately. Among diese problems is the selection of variables in making cross-sectional estimates of income elasticity. In addition to the family's income and I size, region, occupation, education, price expectations, and T 0 other variables may be important. The inclusion of such variables usually adds a burden of additional analysis. A second problem is the implied assumption of constant elasticity between households and over time which is hard to substantiate but, nevertheless, should be made. Other problems include the assumptions of homoscedasticity and of serial correlation. Further, though the equations of a logarithmic model are expressed as linear in logarithms, there is a problem of aggregation involved, as the log of a sum is not equal to the sum of the logs. Most values in the time series part of the pooling are sums. If we assume that prices are the same in a certain time period for all consumers, which is hard to sub- stantiate, income cannot be the same, and certain assumptions have to be made with regard to income distribution in the time series data. Further investigations may encounter other aggre- gation problems and may eventually lead to improved aggregation theories and procedures. 198 .emiam .ee ..moma ”chemo. aomflimmma .mpppmaaozH Heoapaaaaem .moflpmfip0pm 0cm coap0uflafipoz oHHbsm go moc0w¢ H0LQC00 "Eopm o0p0azoa0o "0ohsom 0.8mm o.mom m.mm m.ao moea mama mo\aoma o.emm a.mem m.>m m.Ho mama maea no\moma m.mmm o.mmm :.mm o.mm mmma emma mo\mooa a.mam m.amm m.mm o.mm mHaH mmaa mo\aomfi m.amm m.mmm H.mm m.mm :mma mmma Hm\omma H.38H :.H>H H.om H.om mmma mmma om\mmma wnama :.Hma :.m: m.m: omHH anH mm\mmma m.mmH :.mma m.m: m.m: mmaa mmaa mm\>mma o.maa o.HmH m.aa 0.6: emoa oaofl am\omma m.aoa H.mea m.aa a.Ha emoa mom om\mmma H.3pfl m.m:a o.m: H.o: mmoa omm mm\:mma :.oma :.NMH m.mz H.mm mmoa New :m\mmma o.mmH o.mHH e.m: H.8m mam mom mm\mmoa COfiHHHE .m .q . . . . .m .q . . . . QOHHHHE .m .q mmofipo m0oHpo wmofiho m0oHaQ m0oflpo moofipo pampmcoo 0:09030 pampmcoo pc09030 pompmcoo 0:00030 2H CH QH CH ca CH 000% pc0Epm0>cH meoocw mpfiomo e00 0Eoocfi H0C0Hpmz .m0ofimo om\mmma pcmpmcoo ma oc0 m0oapd pC0LpSo ca .pc0Epmm>cH 0:0 mmEoocH mpfiamo 900 new H05QCH m.:>H m.oaa o.HHH m.mHH w.mHH mm\mmma m.m:a m.m:a m.:oa z.moa m.moa p.0HH mw\amma m.m:H m.oza m.:oa m.moa H.mOH m.moa Hm\ommH o.ooH o.ooa o.ooH o.ooH o.ooa o.ooa om\mmma H.6oa o.moa a.mm m.mm m.om o.ee mm\omma e.om m.om m.mm o.mm m.em o.em mm\emma m.em H.@@ H.@@ m.mm m.mm o.mm em\omma m.woa :.ooa >.mm m.mm n.om H.m> mm\mmma m.aoa m.mm m.mm m.om m.mm m.a~ mm\:mma o.mm m.~e o.mm m.me m.me o.mo am\mmma m.Hm m.mo H.em m.ma w.ma e.mo mm\mmma w0oapo m0ofipo m0oflpa m0ofieo m0oape m0ofiee pcopmcoo 0:00030 ucmpmcoo 0:00050 pompmcoo 0:00050 Ga Ga ca Ga 0H CH 000% pc0Epm0>cH 0Eoocfi 00H00o 00m 0Eoocfi H0cofipmz .OOH u oo\amafiiiaaaaee ooxmmma peeppeoa ca 626 mmaaee 0:00030 CH pc0Epm0>cH 0:0 0Eoocfl 0pfiomo L00 .0EoocH H020Hpmc go m0oflocHII.m m mqmchm .HmQPO moa mad ama mma maa ama mpemeao 0:0 00009 Hm me we we a» me wcamsom mma aaa ama BAH moa ma 666666609 mm mm aw aw as ea eoapasepmcoo 2H: mom mam 0mm mom 00m moaoaepopam 000 00300005002 05: mm: om: mem mo: mos meaaaaaapma . . . . . . . . . eoaaaae .0 .o . . . . . . . . . . . . mo\aoma ao\moma mo\moma mo\aoma Hoxooma oo\mmma 6666660 .mmeaee ooxmmaa passages ea mo\aoma pp oo\mmma .mpppaam so agoaea Hmeoa66211.m m mamae 201 .m m 0H009 Eoem 0000H30H0o "0ohsom H.5MH m.mmH m.mHH m.QOH H.ooH o.OOH H0668 mnmmm mummm 0.0HH H.00H mummm o.ooH 666H>eam paepo o.mmH a.aHH a.aHH 0.8HH a.mHH o.OOH aoeaeHe 000 00009 o.HHH m.oOH m.oOH H.aOH a.HOH o.OOH weraom a.moH m.amH m.omH m.mmH 8.60H o.ooH peoememse a.aaH m.aom 0.05H m.emH o.mm o.OOH COHpeaeameoo o.mmH m.maH m.omH m.mmH o.mHH o.OOH aeamaocH 000 00300003202 o.oHH m.HHH m.moH H.mm m.mm 0.00H meapHaaHewa mo\eomH ao\momH moxmomH mo\HomH Ho\ooaH ooxmmmH 6660660 .Aooa u ow\mmmav molawma on mm\mmma .mLOpo0m an 000H0CH 0E00QH H0C0Hu0211.: m mqm 00:0:00 w:H 0000 :000 I MWWMH 00: do H0:0000z H0:0000z 1000 0:0 Imsmm 16:009 10:00o:oo 0 0:0 m IHWW< 0000000 00000 00000 00:00 00008800 t r z00m:0:H .0000000 0:0000000 :H 00:0:00800 00H 0:0 030000 000000000 00 00000 :0300w.0:500500 H05::0 0w000>¢11.m m mqm 00000 000 r00000 0000000 000000 00000 .0000um0000 000000 000008800 00008 "000000 000000000000 00 0000800 x0000ll.0 0 00009 20“ ‘1. .qmma .mcsm .mm .02 mmm .Apazmmy OHHnsqmm pma< cmufica on mocmpmflmm¢ oHEocoom mmapo cum ow: 3mg oaansm .00H>nmm copmmmmm OHEocoom nme Eopm umpmdnnm poz* 5mmgomm mom.:oa :om.oa mmm.mmm mpo.aa oow.mm Ham.om www.man Hmpoe m::.m:a mmo.:m *qu mmm”:mfi mm mm:.mfi mamfim 5mm.moa mmma mom.ama mam H mmm.oma HOH.N Hod.mfl mmm.ma :mmnmma mmmfl mmmaHOH :moaza mam“fi mam.om .. mmo.ma u: mm:.>m Hmma Ham.mm Hmm.o mmm.m mq:amm :Hm opfi.m mma mm>.o> coma omm.mm oo~.m .. ommnmm mm mmm.: .. Hom.om mmma mmm.ma mpm.oa I- mmo.a mm: omH.H .. I- mmmfl Hmmnmfi omo.ma I- mom mzm mm: . -u .. Nmma mmm.mm mmH.:H :mo.m :mfi.mm mam.~ HmN.HH .. pmo.pfi mmma 30>.Nm mpm.aa I- Hmm.ma mmm moo.ma .. I- mmmfi . . . . . . . . . . . . mamafloc unmmsosp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mmfiamm mocmghso mpmoaxm Hmpoe pmppwm mCOHpmcom mocmmpmem cwfimmom amps» hmcuo Emmmopm om mcsw uH50fipm< HH¢ zpfipsomm HHH mapfia HH mfipfle H mapfie mcfincm Hmpoe manpsz mew ow: .A .m Qmm< Umpflsb ms» on mpgoaxm amasuHSOprm .mmmanmmma .mempmoma Umocmqfimnpcmscnm>om Umflwaomgm mmcc: oaanzamm .m .2 map mo msfim> pmxgme pnoaxmuu.u m mqm mad moa NOH NOH NHH NOH NNH :NH mass can mommm .mmHSm :5H :5H mod 35H Nod mma 53H mmfi mmfipmwsm cam pawsm 0H om NH NH om ma am am uoog anopmpm hmspo dam mmOpwpom wowa Gama Bmma mama woma mooa mmmfl :oma mammpmo mm\mmma mm\:mma :mxmmma mm\mmma mm\HmmH Hm\omma omxmzma mzxmzma mmopsom .:m\mmma on mz\m:ma Ammc pmm mmfipoamov mpaamo 9mg magnum voom pm2||.m m mqm Hapm>mm «goonmmmw soaposuopm «macapmz cmpHCD map.mo coaummficmwpo HandeSoHaw¢ 6cm ooom "meadow ommm ommm ommm ommm mmzm ommm 02mm mmmm 4¢Boe 55H mma moa mma moa mHH wma moa mpmm 6cm mHHo mod moa Boa MOH moa OOH moa moa mposcopa zpfimc cam xafiz ma ma ma om ma ma mm om swam m m m m m z m m wwwm :m om mm b: m: mm mm mm ummz 00H mm paupm wma HNH mma HHH mma mma we a: mmanmpmwm> moa mHH on mHH mm moa oma :m mus: vcm mummm .mmasm ”NH wma Nma mqa NNH moa mod NNH mofipmmsm new pawsm om :m mm mm mm 0H mm mm @009 mcohwpm mmcpo cam mmOpmuom mmom Hmom Hmma mwufi mmma mmwa omma mmwa mammpmo :©\mmma mm\mmma mm\amma Hm\ommH oo\mmma mm\mmma mm\wmma mm\mmma mmopsom UmSQHpCOOII.w m mqm51 2.0489 .0608 -.2621 .8285 .1183 (.3028) (.1598) (.2476) Xél .2981 .1303 -.2216 .8394 .1208 (.3091) (.1631) (.2527) x22 3.2859 —2.3752 .8796 .9598 .1534 (.6711) (.2373) (.2757) XéZ 1.7871 -2.3883 .9357 .9574 .1605 (.7018) (.2482) (.2884) x23 3.0114 —1.2429 -.3882 .6315 .2437 (1.0658) (.3769) (.4379) x53 2.0114 —1.2429 -.3882 .6315 .2437 (1.0658) (.3769) (.3479) X214 -.6701 .7311 .5449 .9776 .0674 (.2946) (.1042) (.1210) X24 -2.5937 1.1297 .4633 .9498 .0744 (.3256) (1.1297) (.3337) x25 -5.0560 2.3588 1.7077 .9456 .1238 (.5415) (.1915) (.2225) Xés —7.3296 2.6782 .9926 .9532 .1309 (.5724) (.2024) (.2352) - x26 -.3368 .5275 .2126 .8993 .0811. (.3548) (.1255) (.1458) ‘ x§6 —1.7410 .6150 .1821 .9759 .0380 (.1660) (.6150) (.1825) x27 .6104 .2722 —.2112 .9838 .0287 (.1257) (.0445) (.0517) x57 -1.0794 .4196 -.0290 .9942 .0149 (.0654) (.0231) (.0269) TABLE B l2.--Cont1nued 216 Dependent —2 variable B0 Bl B2 R 3 x28 -.0925 .7464 -.0315 .9940 .0168 (.0734) (.0259) (.0301) X28 -.6684 .7574 -.0386 .9954 .0262 (.0671) (.0354) (.0419) X29 -3.5039 1.8360 .5593 .9802 .0603 (.02636) 9.0932) (.1083) x29 -4.2374 1.9251 .5137 .9883 .0473 (.2068) (.0731) (.0850) x30 -1.3979 .8128 .3782 .9681 .0520 (.2274) (.0804) (.0934) Xéo —3.0084 1.1527 .4271 .0656 .0604 (.2642 (.0934) (.1086) x31 -.4255 1.2966 -.0605 .9938 .0224 (.0982) (.0347) (.0403) X31 —2.8609 1.3298 -.0173 .9951 .0208 («0912) (-0323) (.0375) x32 .2103 .1633 -.0551 .9822 .0287 (.1255) (.0444) (.0516) XéZ -.9500 .3532 0.9418 .9874 .0217 (.0950) (.0336) (~0390) x33 -1.7284 .7643 -.0298 .8364 .0956 (.4182) (.1479) (.1718) x§3 -2.3409 .7245 -.0123 .8739 .0810 (.3544) (.1253) (.1456) x3“ -3.6501 1.7240 -1.2917 .9643 .0969 (.4239) (.1499) (.1742) X34 -5.1805 1.7463 1.3478 .9587 .1068 (.4670) (.1652) (.1919) x35 -3.7268 1.6163 .3077 .8414 .1566 (.6848 (.2422) (.2814) TABLE B 12.--Continued 217 Dependent —2 variable B0 B1 B2 R S x§5 -4.5824 1.9283 .0154 .9361 .1042 (.4557) (.1612) (.1873) x36 2.0800 -.7274 -.0070 .9810 .0422 (.1846) (.0653) (.0758) X36 .5264 -.5381 -.0970 .9687 .0460 (.2011) (.0711) (.0826) x37 .3965 -.0644 -.1008 .6170 .1464 (.6403) (.2265) (.2631) Xé7 -.2864 .0591 -.1109 .5993 .1427 (.6239) (.2206) (.2564) x38 -1.2497 .9479 -.0023 .9776 .0364 (.1592) (.0563) (.0063) x§8 -1.6580 .9882 -.0176 .9765 .0378 (.1655) (.0585) (.0680) x39 4.9102 .8988 .2430 .9644 .0519 (.2270) (.0803) (.0933) x§9 -2.6580 1.0234 .2148 .9766 .0431 (.1882) (.0665) (.0773) Xuo 1.2772 .0298 -.1387 .9921 .0162 (.0709) (.0251) (.0291) X50 -.4917 .1263 -.1997 .9836 .0211 (.0923) (.0326) (.0379) Xul .8070 .2183 .0015 .9810 .0282 (.1233) (.0436) (.0506) x51 -1.1046 —.3633 .0050 .9791 .0295 (.1290) (.0456) (.0530) qu —1.9499 1.4752 .1641 .9896 .0341 (.1492) (.0528) (.0613) Xfi2 -3.5721 1.5420 .1715 .9894 .0355 (.1552) (.0549) (.0638) x43 -.0064 .4950 .0411 .9531 .0467 (.2043) (.0722) (.0839) TABLE B 12.--Continued _1 218 Dependent —2 variable B0 B1 B2 R 3 x53 -2.0658 .7327 .1458 .9740 .0396 (.1731) (.0612) .0711) X44 .8917 .4079 .2130 .9152 .0487 (.2129) (.0753) .0875) x5“ -.3242 .5012 .3030 .9088 .0527 (.2305) (.0815) .0947) . XLl5 -.2385 .2864 .1313 .8788 .0639 (.2796) (.0989) .1149) x55 -.3083 .3286 .1028 .9130 .0551 (.2412) (.0853) .0991) x46 —4.0971 2.0423 .0206 .9459 .1003 (.4385) (.1551) .1809) x56 —4.6442 2.1692 .1250 .9437 .1094 (.4786) (.1693) .1967) AOHOmaav 2:19 .AmsmuonHx ch mm\wmmHnnmmmLm coop: ca Hood Hvao< .opHmp .conmmlcmHAmmmm on» :« mowpsm powvzm UHocomsox .moupHEEoo HmoHumHuMum Hmpucmo m< mH.~:mH om.H~m mm.amm 33.nm: mm.:zm om.:>m mm.:mm mo.m~H mm.mmH Hm.mm om.mo >m.o: ww.wH A.m.qv mmLSpHocoaxm , Hmsccm Hmpou mwwnm>< quemw who pzonm :oHumELomcH m.m m.o o.m m.m o.m H.H o.H o. a. m. H. H. .. mouuoo m.m m.O m.m O.m ~.: O.a 3.: O.m m.m O.m O.m O.H m. «we m.O:H m.moH m.HoH s.mm m.m~ m.m~ m.om o.ms m.:: m.om m.mm m.mH o.» pmwjm m.mm m.mm :.mm H.2m o.Hm :.sm m.mm :.mH ~.mH m.HH s.m o.o H.m mmumo O.mmm 0.0~H 0.0mH 0.00H m.ma H.mO 0.00 m.mm O.mm m.:H m.O m.O H.m waspHO A.Omm m.OOH m.m~H m.OOH :.HmH H.OOH 0.00 o.oa m.:O m.Oa m.Om H.Om m.OH mmOpmsoe m.moH m.zm m.ms O.~w m.mw o.H: w.mm m.m: H.o: :.mm o.om o.mH H.~ mCOHco m.maH O.HHH m.moH m.mw m.ms m.m: :.mm o.o: m.mm m.mm m.OH H.m o.H mmOmeom m.:m m.mm m.mm m.=m m.~H m.oH m.HH ~.m o.o m.m :.m o.H .. mono m.sH o.mH m.HH m.m m.o H.m m.a m.m m.H :.H m.H m.H m. 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