ABSTRACT THE INFLUENCE OF SUPPLEMENTAL VITAMIN E AND ARSANILIC ACID ON DIETARY SELENIUM UTILIZATION BY SWINE BY John Paul Hitchcock Two areas of investigation were undertaken in this research. The first area of research was designed to investigate the effects of supplemental arsanilic acid, selenium (Se) and vitamin E on performance, deficiency signs, hematology, tissue selenium and selenium balance in growing-finishing pigs fed diets low in vitamin E and selenium. One feeding trial with growing-finishing pigs and two selenium balance experiments with young pigs were conducted to evaluate these effects. Yorkshire, Hampshire and crossbred pigs were maintained in a modern confinement management system in the feeding trial. Young pigs (5 weeks of age) for the balance experiments were housed, shortly after weaning, in stainless steel metabolism cages and received a constant, near ad Zibitum intake of experi- mental diet in three meal feedings daily. In the feeding trial, classic Se and/or vitamin E deficiency lesions were observed in four animals fed diets not supplemented with Se or vitamin E. Selenium supplemen- tation (0.1 ppm Se, as sodium selenite) increased (P<.01) John Paul Hitchcock liver, kidney and diaphragm muscle selenium concentrations. Arsanilic acid supplementation (99 ppm) increased (P<.OS) diaphragm muscle selenium concentrations. Vitamin E (22 IU/kg) supplements had no effect on tissue selenium levels. The two balance studies were concerned with Se absorp- tion and retention on diets supplemented with Se as sodium selenite or seleniferous corn and the effects of arsanilic acid (99 ppm) and vitamin E (22 IU/kg) on Se balance. Supplemental selenium (0.1 ppm) from seleniferous corn increased percent fecal Se excretion (as a percent of intake) and decreased percent urinary Se excretion as compared to Se from sodium selenite. Vitamin E supplemen- tation increased Se retention from seleniferous corn by decreasing urinary and fecal Se excretion. Arsanilic acid decreased Se excretion and increased Se retention in these experiments. The second area of research was designed to study the effects of 0.1 ppm supplemental selenium as sodium selenite and four dietary levels of vitamin E (d-a- tocopheryl acetate) supplementation on performance, hematology, tissue selenium and selenium balance in growing-finishing pigs fed diets low in vitamin E and selenium. Pigs were housed and maintained during one feeding trial and one selenium balance study as described for the previous experiments. There were no lesions John Paul Hitchcock indicative of vitamin E-selenium deficiency and no deaths due to the deficiency were observed in the feeding trial. Dietary supplements of Se or vitamin E had no significant effects on overall performance of pigs during the feeding trial. Selenium supplementation increased (P<.01) serum selenium concentrations, while vitamin E supplementation had no effect on serum selenium concentrations. Selenium supplementation increased (P<.01) rectus abdominus muscle, liver-and kidney Se concentrations on both a wet and dry basis. There was a significant (P<.05) interaction between selenium and vitamin E on muscle selenium concen- trations (wet basis). The addition of increasing levels of vitamin E to unsupplemented Se diets decreased muscle Se concentrations while on Se supplemented diets, muscle Se concentrations increased with increasing levels of vitamin E. Dietary level of vitamin B supplementation had no significant effect on tissue Se concentrations. The balance study was conducted to study Se absorp- tion and retention on a selenium supplemented basal diet (0.172 ppm Se) with dietary vitamin E added at levels of 0, S, 10 or 15 IU E/kg of diet. Supplemental levels of vitamin E had no significant effects on selenium excretion or retention, serum selenium or tissue selenium concentra- tions on either a wet or dry basis in this short-term selenium balance study. THE INFLUENCE OF SUPPLEMENTAL VITAMIN E AND ARSANILIC ACID ON DIETARY SELENIUM UTILIZATION BY SWINE BY John Paul Hitchcock A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Animal Husbandry and Institute of Nutrition 1975 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express his sincere appreciation to Dr. E. R. Miller and Dr. D. E. Ullrey for their guidance during the conduction of this research and for their con- structive review of this manuscript. The author wishes to express his grateful appreciation for the example pro- vided by his major professor, Dr. B. R. Miller, whose insights into research and competence in swine nutrition research have provided the author a constant inspiration for achievement. His encouragement and the associations during the course of this research will always be cherished. Appreciation is also expressed for the helpful guidance and interest of my other graduate committee members, Dr. K. K. Keahey, Dr. R. W.Luecke and Dr. W. T. Magee. The assistance of Dr. W. T. Magee with the statis- tical analysis of the data is gratefully appreciated. A special note of thanks is extended to Dr. A. L. Trapp for his participation on my guidance committee, contributions during my graduate program and for constructive review of this manuscript. The assistance of Dr. K. K. Keahey, Dr. A. L. Trapp, Dr. D. L. Whitenack and the staff of the Veterinary ii Diagnostic Laboratory during this research is gratefully acknowledged. The cooperation and support of Mr. Roger Hale and his associates at the Swine Research Center with regard to animal care and the mixing of experimental rations is sincerely appreciated. Sincere appreciation is expressed to Dr. R. H. Nelson and the Animal Husbandry Department for the use of facilities and animals and for financial support in the form of a graduate assistantship. The author also expresses sincere appreciation to Dr. J. W. Thomas and the N.I.H. Predoctoral Trainee program for financial support and research funds. Appreciation is extended to fellow graduate students, laboratory personnel and departmental secretaries for their assistance during the course of my research program. The assistance of Mrs. Rosemary Covert with laboratory procedures and the secretarial assistance of Mrs. Delores Calcatera are gratefully acknowledged. The author wishes to express sincere appreciation to Dr. A. Wayne Groce for his encouragement, instruction and training in the procedural steps of Se analysis. This research would not have been possible without his quanti- tative, scientific instruction and willingness to train the author for this difficult quantitative procedure. iii Special thanks are due Ms. Kim Miller, Ms. Janice Fuller, and Ms. Shirley Goodwin for their assistance in typing, organizing and printing this manuscript. The author is very grateful to his parents for their continual encouragement, support and interest during these ten years of college work. The author wishes to express sincere appreciation and gratefulness to Ms. Brenda Buzzell for her assistance, encouragement and sacrifices during the conduction of the research and preparation of this manuscript. iv John Paul Hitchcock Candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy DISSERTATION: The Influence of Supplemental Vitamin E and Arsanilic Acid on Dietary Selenium Utiliza— tion by Swine OUTLINE OF STUDIES: Main Area: Animal Nutrition, Department of Animal Husbandry and Institute of Nutrition Minor Areas: Biochemistry and Physiology BIOGRAPHICAL ITEMS: Born: April 13, 1945, Muscatine, Iowa Undergraduate Studies: Iowa State University 1964-1968 Graduate Studies: Pennsylvania State University 1968-1970 Michigan State University 1970-1975 Experience: Graduate Research Assistant Pennsylvania State University, 1968-1970 Graduate Research Assistant and National Institute of Health Predoctoral trainee Michigan State University, 1970-1975 MEMBER: American Society of Animal Science Alpha Zeta Phi Kappa Phi The Society of Sigma Xi AWARD: Recipient of the 1974, Michigan State University Sigma Xi, Graduate Student Award for Meritorious Research V I. II. III. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . REVIEW OF LITERATURE . Selenium and/or Vitamin E Deficiency in Farm Animals . . Experimental diet- induced deficien- cies. . . Poultry. . Cattle and sheep Swine. Occurrence of deficiencies under practical conditions. Cattle and sheep . Swine. Pathology of selenium and/or vitamin E deficiency in swine . Gross and microscopic changes. Clinical pathology of selenium and/or vitaminE Edeficiency of swine . . Selenium levels in swine blood and tissues . Selenium Balance in Swine. . . Interrelationships of Selenium with Sulfur, Vitamin E and Other Dietary Factors. Vitamin E . . . . . . Sulfur amino acids. Polyunsaturated fat Synthetic antioxidants. Iron . . . . Arsenic. . . . . . . . . Vitamin E Studies in Swine . . . . . . . . Page 13 16 22 22 23 27 27 EFFECT OF ARSANILIC ACID, SELENIUM AND VITAMIN E ON PRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE, TISSUE SELENIUM CONCENTRATIONS AND SELENIUM BALANCE IN GROWING- FINISHING SWINE. . . Introduction . . Experimental Procedure Experiment 1.. Experiment 2. vi IV. VI. VII. Page Experiment 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Experiment 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Experiment 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7] Experiment 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 EFFECT OF DIETARY VITAMIN E LEVEL ON PERFORM- ANCE, TISSUE SELENIUM AND SELENIUM BALANCE IN GROWING- FINISHING SWINE . . . . . . . . 84 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Experimental Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Experiment 1.. . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Experiment 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Experiment 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Experiment 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 APPENDIX A. FLUOROMETRIC SELENIUM ANALYSIS. 119 APPENDIX B. EFFECT OF ADDED DIETARY SELENIUM, VITAMIN E AND ARSANILIC ACID ON INITIAL AND INTERMEDIATE BLOOD PARAMETERS (EXPERIMENT 1) 133 vii Table 10 11 LIST OF TABLES Composition of basal diets (Experiment 1) Effect of dietary selenium, vitamin E and arsanilic acid supplementation upon pig performance and liver weight (Experiment 1). O O O 0 O O O O O 0 Effect of added dietary selenium, vitamin E and arsanilic acid on final blood parameters (Experiment 1) . . . Effect of added dietary selenium, vitamin E and arsanilic acid on tissue selenium, ppm (Experiment 1). Effect of added dietary selenium, vitamin E and arsanilic acid on selenium balance in the young pig (Experiment 2) Effect of added dietary selenium (selen- iferous corn), vitamin E and arsanilic acid on selenium balance in the young pig (Experiment 3). . . . . Composition of basal diet (Experiment 1). Effect of dietary selenium and vitamin E supplementation upon pig performance (Experiment 1). . . . . . . Effect of added dietary selenium and vitamin E on 10 week and final hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit (Experiment 1) Effect of added dietary selenium and vitamin E on serum Se levels (Experiment 1) Effect of added dietary selenium and vitamin E on tissue Se levels (Experiment 1) viii Page 56 64 67 69 72 76 87 91 92 94 95 Table 12 Effect of dietary vitamin E levels of supplementation on selenium balance (Experiment 2). . . . . . . . . . . 13 Effect of dietary vitamin E levels of supplementation on blood parameters (Experiment 2). . . . . . . 14 Effect of dietary supplemental level of vitamin E on serum enzyme activity (Experiment 2). . . . . . . . 15 Effect on dietary supplemental level of vitamin E on tissue Se concentrations (Experiment 2). . . . . . . . . . APPENDIX 1 Effect of added dietary selenium, vitamin E and arsanilic acid on initial and inter- mediate blood parameters (Experiment 1) ix Page 99 100 101 103 133 INTRODUCTION The role of selenium in nutrition during the past 150 years has changed dramatically. Selenium was first recognized for its toxicity characteristics and was iden- tified as the toxic principle in "alkali disease in .horses." The concept of selenium as a toxic element was generally accepted as its only role in nutrition until, in 1957, Schwarz and Foltz (1957) showed that sodium selenite would prevent liver necrosis in rats fed torula yeast diets. Eggert et a2. (1957) and Grant and Thafvelin (1958) demonstrated a relationship between selenium deficiency and hepatosis dietetica in swine. Thompson and Scott (1970) demonstrated that chicks receiving crystalline amino acid diets containing high levels of vitamin E but less than 0.02 ppm selenium required selenium supplementation for proper pancreatic function. This research established that selenium is indeed an essential trace element. The discovery of a specific function of selenium as a component of gluta- thione peroxidase in animals has been described by Rotruck at al. (1973) and Hoekstra (1974). These researchers indicated that decreases in glutathione peroxidase appear 2 to explain partially the degenerative diseases induced by selenium deficiency. Naturally occurring selenium and/or vitamin E deficiency in ruminant farm animals has been recognized in certain areas of the United States for many years. Field cases of selenium and/or vitamin E deficiency were first observed in swine in this country in the late 1960's. Michel et a1. (1969) were the first to describe the occur— rence of the disease in commercial swine herds in Michigan on practical corn-soybean meal type diets. Trapp et al. ~(1970) suggested that the condition probably existed prior to the first observed cases in 1967. They observed that most herds in which selenium-vitamin E deficiency occurred were being fed corn-soybean meal diets supple- mented with arsanilic acid as a feed additive. Arsanilic acid has been demonstrated to counteract selenium toxicity in swine (Wahlstrom et al., 1955). Therefore, Trapp et a1. (1970) suggested that arsanilic acid may have been antagonistic to selenium and thus enhanced the occurrence of a natural selenium-vitamin E deficiency. Preliminary estimates of the dietary selenium require- ment for the pig have been reported by Groce et al. (1973b). These studies indicated that the dietary selenium requirement for the pig when supplemental vitamin E does not exceed 11 IU/kg is 0.15 ppm. These studies also indicated a need for further research on 3 the interrelationship of Se with vitamin E. The National Research Council (1973) suggests that 11 IU of vitamin E be added per kg of diet until more specific information is obtained on vitamin E and selenium requirements of swine. The studies presented in this dissertation were undertaken to define more clearly the effects of arsanilic acid, vitamin E and selenium supplementation in corn- soybean meal diets for swine. The studies on tissue selenium levels and selenium balance studies were under- taken to study the effects of arsanilic acid and vitamin E on the utilization of natural and supplemental selenium. Vitamin E supplementation of swine rations is relatively expensive and determination of an optimal dietary level of vitamin E in diets supplying required levels of selenium was deemed an important area for investigation. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Selenium and/or Vitamin E Deficiency in Farm Animals Experimental diet-induced deficiencies The early investigations with selenium were achieved with diets containing some selenium and usually substan- tial quantities of unsaturated fat. These studies revealed a relationship between vitamin E and selenium. To induce dietary selenium deficiency, semi-purified diets containing torula yeast as the major source of protein were often used. These diets contained a very low level of vitamin E and were deficient in sulfur con- taining amino acids but very high in unsaturated fatty acids. Poultry. In independent discoveries in 1957, selenium was identified as an integral part of Factor 3 active in preventing liver necrosis in rats by Schwarz and Foltz (1957) and was shown to prevent exudative diathesis in chicks fed a torula yeast diet low in vitamin E (Patterson et al., 1957). The latter authors reported that exudative diathesis in chicks fed torula yeast diets could be prevented by either selenium or 5 vitamin E additions to the diet. In these studies selenium levels of 0.1 ppm in the form of seleno- cystathionine or sodium selenite prevented exudative diathesis. Rahman et al. (1960) reported that vitamin E, dried brewers' yeast or selenium (0.05 or 0.1 ppm) prevented exudative diathesis in chicks fed a torula yeast diet. Corn distillers' dried solubles and con- densed fish solubles also prevented signs of exudative diathesis. In the absence of vitamin E, selenium pro- moted growth when fed at 0.05 or 0.1 ppm in the diet. In the presence of vitamin E no growth response was observed from selenium supplementation or dried brewers' yeast in the diet. Selenium, vitamin E, or the use of starch as a carbohydrate source completely prevented the development of exudative diathesis in turkey poults fed a torula yeast diet. Mathias and Hogue (1971) observed that selenium, vitamin E and ethoxyquin were effective in preventing exudative diathesis, and a significant interaction between selenium and vitamin E was observed in preventing mortality. This result was interpreted as support for a biological synergism between the two nutrients. They concluded that at relatively low levels of dietary and body stores of selenium and vitamin E, synthetic antioxidants are partially capable of prevent- ing or curing exudative diathesis but not eventual death of chicks fed torula yeast basal diets. Nesheim and 6 Scott (1961) stated that the most marked nutritional effect of dietary selenium in chickens and turkeys is its effectiveness in preventing exudative diathesis. Selenium is not completely effective in preventing muscu- lar dystrophy in chicks, and levels of selenium that partially prevent muscular dystrophy (1-5 ppm in the diet) are much higher than the levels effective against exudative diathesis. Selenium appeared to have growth promoting properties for chicks receiving diets contain- ing torula yeast and adequate in vitamin E. The major muscle lesions in chicks were muscular dystrophy of the pectoral and leg muscles while myopathy of the gizzard and myocardium were observed in turkey poults fed selenium and/or vitamin E deficient diets. Machlin and Shalkop (1956) observed that chickens fed casein-gelatin diets low in vitamin E and sulfur amino acids to four weeks of age developed a muscular degenera- tion manifested grossly as white striations of the breast and leg muscles and microscopically as a hyaline type degeneration. The addition of a-tocopheryl acetate, methionine, cystine or a high level of an antioxidant to the diets completely prevented muscular degeneration. Walter and Jensen (1963) reported that adding 1 ppm selenium (as selenious acid) or 20 IU/kg of a-tocopheryl acetate to torula yeast diets calculated to be slightly deficient in sulfur amino acids completely protected 7 turkey poults against gizzard and skeletal muscular dystrophy. Skeletal muscles were affected to a lesser extent than the gizzard musculature. Supplementation of the ration with cystine (0.15%), methionine (0.4%), low levels of ethoxyquin (0.025%) or selenium (0.01% or 0.1 ppm) proved ineffective in preventing the skeletal and gizzard muscular dystrophy. A high level of ethoxy- quin (0.3%) reduced the incidence but did not completely protect against the skeletal and gizzard muscular dystrophy. Selenium, vitamin E and the high level of ethoxyquin prevented anemia and reduced albumin-globulin ratios which is generally observed in cases of muscular dystrophy. Hintz and Hogue (1964b) added raw kidney beans to vitamin E supplemented torula yeast diets and increased the incidence of nutritional muscular dystrophy from 5-6% to 45-100%. This indicated to the authors that the beans contained an anti-vitamin E Factor. Two vitamin E antagonists were isolated and the authors indicated that an alcohol soluble antagonist was due to unsaturated fats present in the raw kidney bean. Hathcock and Scott (1966) fed chicks a casein-soy-torula yeast diet to study the role of cysteine as the functional compound in pre- vention of muscular dystrophy in chicks. Sodium selenite and ethoxyquin were included in the diet to prevent exudative diathesis and encephalomalacia while allowing production of muscular dystrophy. Their results 8 indicated that guanidoacetic acid accelerates the conver- sion of methionine to cysteine and reduces the severity of muscular dystrophy while creatinine, choline and betaine inhibit the conversion and accentuate the dystrophy. They concluded that cysteine, not methionine, was the metabolically active sulfur amino acid in the prevention of nutritional muscular dystrophy in vitamin E deficient chicks. Hathcock et al. (1968a) studied the effects of cysteine and several sulfhydryl compounds on nutritional muscular dystrophy in chicks. They concluded that cysteine is the functional sulfur compound in one of the pathways involved in the prevention of muscular dystrophy in the chick while vitamin B may be involved in another pathway. Hathcock (1968b) studied the role of cysteine in prevention of muscular dystrophy in the chicken with recognition that one of the normal metabolic fates of cysteine is oxidation and decarboxylation to taurine, and taurocholate is the only bile salt produced by the chicken. The rate of cysteine to taurine conver- sion and the incidence of muscular dystrophy were increased when cholic acid was added to the diet. Tauro- cholic acid and taurine additions decreased the rate of cysteine to taurine conversion and reduced the occurrence of muscular dystrophy. Vitamin E additions to the basal diet reduced the taurine excretion rate. Scott et al. (1967) formulated a practical type corn-soybean meal diet utilizing feedstuffs obtained from areas with known low 9 selenium soils and without vitamin or methionine additions to the diet. They concluded that selenium is the primary nutritional factor required to prevent myopathies in turkey poults while vitamin E was of less importance and sulfur amino acids were ineffective. They suggested that the selen- ium requirement of the poult on a practical type diet ranged from 0.18 ppm in the presence of vitamin E to 0.28 ppm of selenium in the absence of added vitamin E. The order of prominence of the "selenium-responsive" myopathies of the young poult appear to be first of the gizzard, second of the myocardium and third of the skeletal muscle. Thompson and Scott (1969), in an attempt to establish selenium as an essential element, reported that chicks fed semi-purified diets were protected against exudative diathesis by supplements of either 10 ppm d-a-tocopheryl acetate or 0.04 ppm selenium. Chicks given crystalline amino acid diets containing less than 0.005 ppm selenium had poor growth and high mortality even when the diet contained up to 200 ppm d-a-tocpheryl acetate. Higher levels of vitamin E prevented mortality, but, even with 1000 ppm, growth was inferior to that obtained with sup- plements of selenium and no added vitamin E. When diets contained 100 ppm vitamin E (d-a-tocopheryl acetate), the selenium requirement was less than 0.01 ppm, whereas with 10 ppm vitamin B it was 0.02 ppm, and with no added vitamin E it was approximately 0.05 ppm. Thompson and 10 Scott (1970) conducted further studies with crystalline amino acid diets, containing high levels of vitamin E but less than 0.02 ppm selenium. Selenium deficiency resulted in poor growth, poor feathering and atrophy of the pancreas which resulted in impaired fat hydrolysis and poor absorption of lipids, including vitamin E. They stated that selenium is, thus, an essential trace nutrient and one of its roles is in maintenance of the pancreas. The indirect effect of selenium deficiency on vitamin E absorption does not explain the ability of both selenium and vitamin E to prevent exudative diathesis since a more direct interrelationship is probably responsible for this effect. Noguchi et al. (1973a) studied selenium deficiency uncomplicated by vitamin E deficiency in chicks using a crystalline amino acid diet complete in all known nutrients except selenium. Gross signs of deficiency included growth retardation marked by particularly poor growth of muscle, liver, and pancreas. \Histochemical and biochemical studies throughout the entire experimental period showed no sign of lysosomal disruption in the acinar cells or in the invading fibroblasts and macro- phages, demonstrating that the function of selenium in protecting the pancreas from atrophy and fibrosis does not result from its protection of the lysosomal membranes Of the pancreatic cells. Noguchi et al. (1973b) continued their studies using a crystalline amino acid diet very 11 low in selenium and vitamin E and demonstrated that the glutathione peroxidase level of chick plasma is directly related to selenium level in the diet and to the effective- ness of selenium in prevention of exudative diathesis. They suggested that the plasma glutathione peroxidase present, when the diet contains adequate selenium, acts to prevent exudative diathesis by destroying peroxides that may form in the plasma and/or cytosol of the capil~ lary cell. Vitamin E appears to prevent exudative diathesis by acting within the lipid membrane where it neutralizes free radicals, thereby preventing a chain reaction autoxidation of the membrane lipids. Combs and Scott (1974a) determined the dietary requirements of chicks for vitamin E and selenium utilizing a semi- purified basal diet low in selenium and vitamin E. The results of this study showed that both selenium and vitamin B were required to completely protect hepatic microsome membranes from in vitro ascorbic acid-stimulated peroxidation. Vitamin E was required at 30 to 50 IU per kilogram diet for optimal growth and utilization of dietary vitamin E as plasma tocopherols in selenium- adequate chicks. Selenium was required at 0.06 ppm (as sodium selenite) for inhibition of peroxidation and for Optimal growth in vitamin E-adequate chicks. Combs and Scott (1974b) determined the effects of high-level anti- cxxidant feeding on selenium and vitamin E function in 12 vitamin E depleted chicks fed a semi-purified basal diet low in selenium and toc0pherols. Ethoxyquin, ascorbic acid and vitamin A reduced selenium requirements for growth and prevention of exudative diathesis and mortality in vitamin E deficient chicks. Ethoxyquin and ascorbic acid reduced the dietary vitamin E requirement for pre- vention of in vitro ascorbic acid stimulated peroxidation in hepatic microsomes in selenium adequate chicks. Vitamin A severely depressed the plasma concentra- tion of tocopherols and increased microsomal peroxidation without response to dietary vitamin E. The results of this study indicated that antioxidants increased the utilization of dietary selenium without severely affecting vitamin E antioxidant function, but vitamin A appeared to antagonize vitamin E absorption directly. Cantor et al. (1975a) studied the biological availa- bility of selenium in feedstuffs and selenium compounds for prevention of exudative diathesis in chicks using a casein-soy-torula yeast basal diet deficient in vitamin E and selenium. Protection against exudative diathesis was highly correlated with plasma glutathione peroxidase activity in chicks fed sodium selenite or selenomethionine, indicating that biological availability was determined by the ability of the chick to utilize the various forms of selenium for enzyme activity. Cantor et al. (1975b) evaluated the efficacy of dietary supplements of selenium 13 for prevention of pancreatic fibrosis in chicks fed a crystalline amino acid basal diet containing .012 ppm of naturally occurring selenium and 15 IU vitamin E/kg diet. Selenomethionine was four times as effective as either selenite or selenocystine in preventing pancreatic degen- eration and increasing the relative weight and selenium concentration of the pancreas. Studies on plasma and pancreatic glutathione peroxidase activities did not show any relationship between enzyme activity and preven- tion of pancreatic fibrosis. Cattle and sheep. Many experiments have been con- ducted to study methods of controlling or preventing 'muscular dystrophy or white muscle disease of young ruminant farm animals in many areas where soil selenium levels are low. A reason for the prevalence of-white muscle disease among cattle and sheep may be that, more than any other domestic species, they are likely to consume forages grown on low selenium soils as virtually their entire diet. Proctor et a2. (1958) fed a known dystrophogenic diet of raw cull kidney beans and mixed hay to ewes during gestation. Muscular dystrophy in the lambs born to these ewes was prevented by addition of 1 ppm selenium as sodium selenite to the diet or by feeding 100 IU a- tocopheryl acetate per head per day or 0.25 pounds linseed meal per head per day. The protection afforded by linseed l4 meal was possibly due to its high selenium content (1.18 ppm). Hogue et a1. (1959) utilized a similar hay and cull kidney bean basal diet and observed that providing lambs every other day with 100 mg a-tocopheryl acetate or 1 mg selenium would control muscular dystrophy. Vitamin E at the rate of 100 IU/ewe/day was adequate but not as effective as 1 ppm selenium in preventing muscular dystrophy of lambs. Welch et al. (1960) produced muscular dystrophy in lambs by feeding fish liver oil to ewes during pregnancy and lactation. The fish liver oil lowered ewe and lamb blood plasma vitamin E concentrations and increased the incidence of muscular dystrophy. Vitamin E administration to ewes was effective in prevent- ing and curing muscular dystrophy in lambs. Selenium decreased but did not eliminate the occurrence of muscular dystrophy in lambs. Hintz and Hogue (1964a) compared the addition of combinations of selenium and sulfur to the diet of the ewe and cystine and methionine when given to the lamb on the incidence of muscular dystrophy in the lambs. Selenium (0.17 ppm) given during lactation had no significant effect on clinical incidence of muscular dystrophy but did reduce the number of lambs with elevated SGOT values. Dietary sulfur (0.33%) increased the clinical incidence of muscular dystrophy and, when given in combi- nation with selenium, prevented any beneficial effect of Selenium. Administration of cystine or methionine to 15 lambs was not effective in preventing the nutritional muscular dystrophy. Ewan at al. (1964) fed lambs an artificial milk diet based on stripped lard and torula yeast. Selenium sig- nificantly improved total weight gains, rate of gain and survival time. The improvement in total weight gains and survival time due to vitamin E supplementation approached significance (P<0.l) but little effect was noted on rate of gain. No interaction between vitamin E and selenium was observed. Schubert et a1. (1961) produced white muscle disease in lambs and calves by feeding the dams during gestation on native hays from low selenium areas. The character- istic clinical symptoms of erratic locomotion, cardiac failure and gross and histopathological lesions of skeletal and cardiac muscle degeneration and calcifica- tion were observed in preweaning offspring. Supplementa- tion of the dam's ration during gestation through weaning with 0.1 ppm selenium as sodium selenite provided complete protection against the disease while vitamin E did not. Selenium and vitamin E therapy of lambs was effective in preventing grossly observable postmortem lesions but not those detectable microscopically. They suggested that sulfur antagonism could influence the biological availability of trace amounts of selenium which are required. Oldfield et al. (1963) reported that white 16 muscle disease produced in lambs by feeding their dams prenatally and through lactation on an alfalfa hay-oats diet containing less than .02 ppm selenium was prevented by raising the dietary selenium level to 0.06 ppm. Selenium provided in a single parenteral dose from a slow absorption carrier was effective in protecting against deficiency throughout pregnancy, but was less effective when a similar amount was given orally, as sodium selenite, in aqueous solution. Whole blood levels of 0.11 ppm selenium in the ewes and 0.12 ppm selenium in the lambs were compatible with prevention of white muscle disease in this study. Buchanan-Smith et a1. (1969) prevented selenium and/or vitamin E deficiency in sheep fed a purified diet containing urea as the sole nitrogen source by giving weekly injections of 5 mg selenium (sodium selenate) and/or a-tocopheryl acetate (700 IU vitamin E). Selenium delayed, but did not prevent, death. Growth was improved by selenium, but satisfactory reproductive performance was obtained only in ewes treated with a combination of vitamin E and selenium. Swing. Experimental diet-induced deficiencies of selenium and/or vitamin E in swine have generally been produced by feeding diets containing torula yeast as the PTOtein source or diets containing large quantities of unsaturated or rancid fat. l7 Adamstone et a1. (1949) first reported a study based on a wheat flour-casein diet with 10% added rancid lard or 50 mg d,l-a-tocopherol/head/day. Gilts fed the basal diet or the basal diet plus rancid lard had severely affected reproductive performance, and pigs born to sows on these diets exhibited wobbly gaits and incoordination of the hind legs. The livers of pigs and their dams contained large amounts of fat and exhibited fibrosis and accumulation of blood in some of the lobules. Vitamin E additions to the basal diet resulted in superior repro- ductive performance, and no clinical signs or histological lesions were observed in the pigs. Hove and Seibold (1955) utilized a 6% crude protein sucrose-soybean meal diet containing 6% lard and 2% cod liver oil or this diet supplemented with 0.01% d,l-a-toc0phery1 acetate to study vitamin E deficiency in pigs. They observed acute hemorrhagic necrosis of the liver in three pigs that died during the study on the vitamin E deficient diet. At slaughter two pigs on this diet exhibited post-necrotic cirrhosis. However, no muscle lesions were observed in any of the pigs. Reid et al. (1968) studied a combined protein-vitamin E deficiency syndrome, causing severe liver damage in the pig, by manipulating dietary levels of methionine, choline and selenium. Animals were fed a basal diet containing 3% isolated soy protein and 25% corn oil during the eight week trial. Liver damage was 18 completely preventable by supplementation with a- tocopherol, or selenium, or both. Choline supplementa- tion aggravated the liver damage while methionine gave partial or complete protection against necrosis and scarring but did not prevent the appearance of hyaline bodies in the hepatocytes. The methionine effect was not related to contamination of the supplemental methionine with selenium. Eggert et a1. (1957) utilized a torula yeast basal diet for two to three week old pigs and reported that 67% of the pigs on the basal diet died suddenly within 53 days, and typical lesions of liver necrosis and yellow fat were observed. Supplementation of the basal diet with 1.0 ppm selenium as sodium selenite or 40 ppm a- tocopheryl acetate prevented sudden deaths and gross lesions in animals when sacrificed. Wastell et al. (1968) and Ewan et al. (1969) studied the effects of selenium and/or vitamin E deficiency in young pigs fed torula yeast or isolated soy protein diets containing 5% fortified cod liver oil. Supplements of selenium or tocopherol or both to the semi-purified diets had no effect on growth rate but did reduce mortality from 54% to 7% and prevented lesions of selenium and/or vitamin E deficiency of pigs. Wastell et al. (1972) continued these studies by feeding growing finishing pigs the diets Previously described. Pigs fed a torula yeast diet 19 supplemented with both vitamin E and selenium gained sig- nificantly faster than with either vitamin E or selenium alone. Isolated soy protein diets supplemented with vitamin E or selenium alone or in combination had no effect on gain. Pigs fed the torula yeast diets sup- plemented with selenium alone had edema, hyalinization of skeletal muscles and a yellowish-brown discoloration of body fat and tissues. Pigs fed the torula yeast diets supplemented with both vitamin E and selenium showed liver fibrosis, hyalinized skeletal muscle fibers and degenerative heart myofibrils. No tissue changes were observed in pigs fed a torula yeast diet supplemented with vitamin E alone or in pigs fed the isolated soybean protein diets supplemented with vitamin E and selenium alone or in combination. Michel et al. (1969) fed young pigs a 6% crude protein torula yeast diet containing stripped lard. Dietary hepatic necrosis occurred consistently on the basal diet or this diet supplemented with methionine or low levels of vitamin E. Selenium, high levels of vitamin E or additional protein prevented dietary hepatic necrosis. However, microscopic lesions of nutritional myopathy were observed in some experimental pigs of all singly supple- rnented groups except those fed vitamin E or ethoxyquin. Selenium did not prevent the myopathy. Sharp et al. (1970) reported that torula yeast and high moisture corn 20 increased the occurrence of muscular dystrophy in young growing pigs. Vitamin E alone or in combination with selenium prevented death losses on deficient diets. Mahan et a1. (1974) fed a torula yeast semi-purified diet devoid of supplemental vitamin E and selenium to gilts. Sows fed the semi-purified diet exhibited very poor reproduction and had small litters. All piglets were fed a similar semi-purified diet from 21 to 56 days of age. Piglets from selenium supplemented sows did not exhibit clinical or histopathological deficiency signs by 56 days of age. Their results suggested that selenium fed to sows at the supplementary rate of 0.1 ppm effec- tively delays the onset of vitamin E-selenium deficiency lesions in their progeny. Numerous studies have reported an induced selenium and/or vitamin E deficiency in swine fed large quantities of fish oils, fat or damaged grains. Obel (1953) observed that up to 14.5% of all diagnoses in her labora- tory from 1947 to 1951 were accounted for by a naturally occurring condition she designated hepatosis diaetetica in swine submitted for necropsy at the State Veterinary Medical Institute of Sweden. The condition was produced experimentally by feeding a starch-brewers' yeast diet containing 6% cod liver oil. She stated that vitamin E deficiency was the major problem even though Schwarz's Factor 3 might also be involved. Lannek et al. (1961) 21 fed 20-25 kg pigs a sucrose-casein-yeast basal diet with added fat. Nutritional muscular dystrophy in pigs was not observed on the vitamin E~stripped lard diet but did occur on a diet supplemented with cod liver oil which was rich in a-tocopherol. Further supplementation with a- tocopherol prevented nutritional muscular dystrophy and sodium selenite injections lowered plasma transaminase levels in deficient pigs. Orstadius et a2. (1963) indi- cated that intramuscular injections of sodium selenite or vitamin E reduced the occurrence of nutritional muscular dystrophy on grain diets containing heated cottonseed oil. They indicated that vitamin E and selenium were synergistic in curing the disease. Grant and Thafvelin (1958) fed weaned pigs 3 hepatonecrogenic soybean meal diet and observed the effect of supplementing this diet with sodium selenite. All pigs fed the basal diet died between the twenty-second and forty-fifth days of the experiment. The pigs had liver necrosis, massive transudations, degen- eration of skeletal and heart muscle, and deposits of ceroid pigment in the adipose tissue. Those supplemented with sodium selenite survived and had normal livers, but degeneration of skeletal muscle and deposits of ceroid in the fat did occur. Thafvelin (1960) and Swahn and Thafvelin (1962) stated that when hepatosis diaetetica and muscular degeneration were seen in pigs fed grain, the occurrence of the lesions was associated with the properties of the cereal fat. Heating the grains 22 increased the peroxide value and reduced the iodine number and vitamin E level in cereal fats. The heated grains or heated maize oil produced nutritional muscular dystrophy and hepatosis diaetetica with increased serum transaminase levels. They theorized that heating disrupted the natural antioxidative system of the cereal fat and per- mitted oxidation of the fatty acids. These changes occur gradually in ground grains stored under usual conditions. Sodium selenite and vitamin E prevented transudation and hepatosis diaetetica while selenite decreased muscular degeneration but did not completely prevent it. Lannek et al. (1960) studied the effect of moldy grain on selenium-vitamin E deficiency in pigs. Supplementation of the moldy grain diet with d,l-a-tocopheryl acetate (50 ppm) or 0.2 ppm selenium as sodium selenite prevented the occurrence of muscular dystrophy. Occurrence of deficiencies under practical conditions Cattle and sheep. A naturally occurring deficiency of selenium and/or vitamin E deficiency in young lambs and calves designated as white muscle disease has been recognized for many years. Muth (1955) described the occurrence of white muscle disease in Oregon and the etiological and pathological changes observed. Hartley and Grant (1961) described a congenital and a delayed white muscle disease in lambs and white muscle disease in 23 yearling sheep. Selenium treatments improved fertility and cured ill thrift of sheep and cattle. White muscle disease was also diagnosed in calves and foals in New Zealand. Blaxter (1963) reported that selenium deficiency was less severe in Scotland soils than in New Zealand or deficient areas of the United States. Selenium drenches or injections resulted in small improvements in weight gain in several Scottish flocks. Shirley et al. (1966) demonstrated that intramuscular injections of sodium selenite were ineffective in improving weaning weights of calves or rate of gain of lambs in Florida. No clinical signs of white muscle disease were observed in any of the cattle or lambs even though the selenium content of the pastures was low. Swing, Obel (1953) first observed and reported sudden death in pigs without evidence of illness. She referred to this condition as hepatosis diaetetica and a large proportion of the pig deaths in Sweden resulted from this condition. The incidence of the condition occurred most frequently in 6 week old pigs during the fall of the year. Thomke et al. (1965) reported that vitamin E and selenium supplementation of practical skim milk and barley diets for pigs from 20 to 90 kg had no effect on growth rate, feed conversion or carcass quality. Vitamin E additions did improve the stability of 24 subcutaneous fat depots. Lannek et al. (1960) and Lindberg and Siren (1965) diagnosed the nutritional muscular dystrophy condition on several farms. Hartley and Grant (1961) stated that hepatosis diaetetica was responsible for pig deaths on at least 20 swine farms in New Zealand. Most outbreaks occurred in areas where selenium-responsive diseases were diag- nosed in sheep. Outbreaks usually occurred at weaning time in pigs fed barley-skim milk diets with added cod liver oil. Removal of the cod liver oil from the diet and oral administration of inorganic selenium (5 mg) prevented the occurrence of hepatosis diaetetica. Losses have also been controlled by selenium administration when no cod liver oil was being fed. Michel et al. (1969) studied the nature and patho- genesis of dietary hepatic necrosis in pigs from seven Michigan swine herds. The diets on which deficiencies occurred were typical corn-soybean meal diets without added vitamin E. The a-tocOpherol and selenium levels of feed samples from two of the farms were extremely low. The analyzed values for a-tocopherol were 4.0 and 6.5 mg per kg diet and selenium concentrations were .04 and .057 ppm. Losses in all the herds ceased following sup- plementation of the diets with 22 IU vitamin E per kg of diet. Trapp et al. (1970) diagnosed a vitamin E-selenium deficiency in 97 pigs from 37 Michigan swine herds. In 25 most cases, the diets were corn-soybean meal diets sup- plemented with minerals and vitamins A and D and the water-soluble vitamins. In addition, arsanilic acid was used as a feed additive in most cases. The deficiency was characterized by sudden deaths in feeder pigs and lesions of hepatic necrosis, icterus, edema, hyaliniza- tion of arteriole walls and skeletal and cardiac muscular degeneration. Edema was present in most tissues examined, especially in the mesentery of the spiral colon, lungs, subcutaneous tissues and submucosa of the stomach. The acute death losses due to hepatic necrosis and muscular degeneration were prevented by supplementing diets with vitamin E, or injections of selenium-vitamin E, or both, in affected herds. Klein et al. (1970) utilized normal and opaque-2 corn to study the effects of added vitamin E and selenium upon weanling pigs. Supplementation of the diet with selenium and vitamin E alone or in combination had no effect on rate or efficiency of gain. Mahan et al. (1971), Cline et a1. (1973) and Mahan ét al. (1973) con- ducted two experiments to evaluate the efficacy of injecting selenium and/or a‘tocopherol in preventing vitamin E-selenium deficiency syndrome in young swine. Pigs were obtained from sows kept under confinement con- ditions and fed natural ingredients. Injections of vitamin E reduced death losses in young pigs while 26 injections of selenium or selenium plus vitamin E com- pletely prevented death losses. They suggested that selenium played a major role in preventing the deficiency syndrome in the progeny of sows fed natural ingredients. Groce et a1. (1971) conducted two feeding trials to study the effects of selenium supplementation of practical diets on swine health and prevention of selenium and/or vitamin E deficiency. Classical selenium and/or vitamin E deficiency lesions were observed in two animals which died when fed the unsupplemented corn-soybean meal basal ration. Lesions attributable to selenium and/or vitamin E deficiency were not observed in any of the groups receiving supplemental selenium and/or vitamin E in the diet. Groce et al. (1973b) conducted experiments to define the minimum dietary selenium requirement of swine fed corn-soybean meal diets which were low (0.05 ppm) in natural selenium and contained 4.2 mg d-a-tocopherol per kg. No difference in average daily gain or gain/feed could be attributed to the additions of selenium and/or vitamin E. No death losses recognized as being due to selenium-vitamin E deficiency occurred, nor were there gross or histological lesions attributable to dietary treatments. Ullrey (1973, 1974) reviewed the selenium deficiency problem in swine production and animal agriculture. He stated that the minimum practical level of selenium 27 supplementation from sodium selenite to prevent deficien- cies in confined growing-finishing swine is 0.1 ppm, resulting in a total selenium level in many Midwestern swine diets of about 0.15 ppm. This is 1/50 of the lowest continuously fed dietary selenium level shown to produce toxicity in swine. This level of supplementation appears to be a safe and scientifically sound nutritional practice. Mahan et a1. (1974) studied the efficacy of selenium additions to sow diets over two reproductive cycles in preventing selenium deficiency in their progeny. During the second parity, sows receiving the basal corn-soybean meal diet had significantly smaller litters than sows receiving the basal diet supplemented with 0.1 ppm selenium. The histopathologic evaluation of sow tissues obtained after they had weaned their second litters revealed no abnormalities on either the basal or selenium supplemented diets. Pathology of selenium and/or vitamin e 1c1ency in swine Gross and microscopic changes. There is considerable variation in the location and appearance of gross and microsc0pic lesions. The signs and lesions of vitamin E- selenium deficiency in swine, whether experimentally pro- duced or occurring naturally, have been reviewed by Andrews et a2. (1968), Green and Bunyan (1969), Obel 28 (1953), Rosenfield and Beath (1964), Michel et al. (1969), Trapp et a1. (1970) and Ullrey (1974). In swine, the syndrome includes hepatic necrosis, nutritional muscular dystrophy and mulberry heart disease. Pigs weighing 20 to 40 kg often die suddenly and exhibit a bilateral pale- ness of skeletal muscles. The skeletal muscles most affected are the gracilis, adductor, quadriceps femoris, psoas and Zongissimus muscles. Histologically, loss of striations, vacuolization, fragmentation and mineral depo- sition in muscle fibers is observed. The liver is often swollen and pale with focal lesions that give it a roughened appearance. Histological examination reveals lobules that have undergone marked degeneration and necrosis, while adjacent lobules may appear normal. Damaged lobules exhibit lysis of the hepatic cells and dilatation of sinusoids with blood which appears as extensive intralobular hemorrhage. Many of the pigs exhibit icterus and occasional mottling and dystrophy of the myocardium. Edema occurs in the mesentery of the spiral colon, lungs, subcutaneous tissues and submucosa of the stomach (Michel et al., 1969; Trapp et al., 1970) and are believed to be useful in diagnosing selenium and/or vitamin E deficiency in swine. The lesions of the deficiency in young pigs have been described in many of the trials discussed above when the deficiency occurred under experimental or natural conditions. 29 Groce et a1. (1971) described classical selenium and/or vitamin E deficiency lesions in two animals which died when fed an unsupplemented corn-soybean meal basal ration. Chronic fibrosis of the liver was observed in another pig from the basal group at slaughter. Mahan at al. (1973) reported that pigs from sows kept under confinement conditions and fed natural ingredients dis- played classical lesions of the vitamin E-selenium deficiency syndrome. Necropsy observations revealed a white pale striation in the skeletal muscle and in the heart muscle, a yellow discoloration in the body fat, degenerative and hobnail livers, enlarged hearts and a generalized edema of internal tissues. Mahan et al. (1974) described deficiency lesions in sows and their progeny over two reproductive cycles. Vitamin E-selenium deficiency lesions were observed in the skeletal muscle and gastric area of the stomach in sows fed semi-purified diets. Esophago-gastric ulcers and histopathologic deficiency lesions occurred in progeny of the sows by 56 days of age. The progeny of sows that died during the experiment exhibited white striations of the skeletal muscles, hepatosis diaetetica, enlarged flaccid hearts and a generalized edema of the internal tissues and organs. Histopathologic deficiency lesions were observed in the myocardium in most but not all animals. 30 Clinical pathology of selenium and/or vitamin E deficiency of swine. Plasma, serum and cellular hemato- logical measures have been studied in relation to selenium and/or vitamin E deficiency in swine as possible diag- nostic criteria. Rahman et al. (1960) observed that serum albumin to globulin ratios were lower in chicks with exudative diathesis. This depression was completely prevented by adding 0.05 ppm selenium to the diet. The severe edema and exudation observed in exudative diathesis suggests that one might expect a lower albumin to globulin ratio but it has not been consistently demonstrated. Klein et a1. (1970) reported that erythrocyte hemolysis tests, which have formed the basis for the biological assay of vitamin E in rats, was not an effective diagnostic cri- terion of selenium-vitamin E deficiency in swine. Michel et a1. (1969) and Trapp et al. (1970) indicated that standard hematological measures were of little use in diagnosing selenium-vitamin E deficiency in swine. Plasma or serum enzymes have commonly been used to assess the development and diagnosis of selenium-vitamin E deficiency in swine. Enzyme assays have been used extensively by research groups in Sweden as diagnostic criteria of selenium- vitamin E deficiency. Wretlind et al. (1959) reported that skeletal and heart muscle contained large amounts of glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) and glutamic- pyruvic transaminase (GPT) but were very low in ornithine 31 carbamyl transferase (OCT) while liver was very high in OCT. They suggested that these enzyme parameters might be useful in differentiating between muscle damage and liver damage in living animals. Orstadius et al. (1959) reported elevated plasma GOT, GPT and OCT values in cases of "liver dystrophy" of pigs. The elevations occurred early in the course of the disease and declined gradually with time. In cases of muscular dystrophy pigs exhibited elevated plasma GOT and GPT levels early in development of the deficiency with a gradual decrease with time as was observed in situations of "liver dystrophy." Michel et al. (1969) reported an increase in serum OCT levels in pigs with dietary hepatic necrosis. Lannek et a2. (1960), Augustinssen et a1. (1960) and Ewan and Wastell (1970) have reported similar changes of plasma GOT, GPT, and OCT enzymes. They suggested that plasma GOT and OCT were better indicators of selenium and/or vitamin E deficiency in swine since plasma GPT may be elevated in several other swine diseases. Lannek et aZ. (1961), Orstadius et al. (1963), Ewan and Wastell (1970), Groce et a1. (1971), Mahan et al. (1971), Wastell et al. (1972), Grace at al. (1973b), Mahan et al. (1973) and Mahan et al. (1974) have used serum or plasma GOT activity to assess the stage of development of selenium- vitamin E deficiency in swine. Ewan and Wastell (1970) and Wastell at al. (1972) reported elevated serum lactic 32 dehydrogenase (LDH) activity in dietary induced selenium and/or vitamin E deficiency in young pigs. They sug- gested that serum LDH activity may be useful in diagnosing nutritional muscular dystrophy in swine since Blincoe and Marble (1960) and Paulson et a2. (1968) have reported that elevated serum LDH activity is a sensitive indicator of subclinical nutritional muscular dystrophy in young lambs. The discovery of a specific function of selenium as a component of glutathione peroxidase in animals has been described by Rotruck et al. (1973) and Hoekstra (1974). Decreases in gluathione peroxidase appear to explain at least some of the degenerative diseases induced by selenium deficiency. The usefulness of this enzyme as a convenient indicator of selenium adequacy has been suggested by its relation to the prevention of exudative diathesis in chicks (Noguchi et aZ., 1973b) and by its relation to selenium status of rats (Chow and Tappel, 1974; Hafeman et aZ., 1974) and sheep (Oh et aZ., 1974). However, experiments with swine to determine the rela- tionship of tissue and blood glutathione peroxidase levels to selenium adequacy or as a diagnostic aid in selenium- vitamin E deficiency have not been reported. This enzyme may become a useful diagnostic criterion of selenium adequacy of swine in the future. 33 Selenium levels in swine blood and tissues In establishing the essentiality of selenium, it has been important not only to understand the metabolic role of selenium but also to assess the levels of selenium that occur in animal tissues. Lindberg and Siren (1963, 1965) reported kidney selenium concentrations for normal pigs (10.98 ppm), pigs with nutritional muscular dystrophy (3.40 ppm) and pigs with dietary hepatic necrosis (3.33 ppm) on a dry basis. Liver selenium concentrations of normal pigs ranged from 0.52 to 2.12 ppm while pigs with muscular dystrophy ranged from 0.13 to 0.28 ppm and pigs with liver dystrophy ranged from 0.13 to 0.24 ppm expressed on a dry basis. Lindberg (1968) observed similar tissue concentrations in later experiments. Lindberg and Lannek (1965) supplemented a commercial basal diet containing 0.126 ppm selenium with 1.2 ppm selenium as sodium selenite. Selenium supplementation for 78 days did not increase kidney selenium concentrations but did increase liver and muscle selenium concentrations over levels observed for pigs on the basal diet. Withdrawal of selenium for 14 days decreased muscle selenium levels back to control levels and liver selenium levels returned nearly back to control levels. Andrews et al. (1968) obtained liver and kidney selenium concentrations of 0.047 and 0.53 ppm, respectively, on a wet basis in necropsied pigs which had died of hepatosis diaetetica. 34 Sharp et a2. (1970) observed that tissue selenium levels in growing-finishing pigs were comparable to tissue levels in deficient and selenium supplemented pigs previously discussed. They reported that added vitamin E increased kidney selenium levels while decreasing liver, muscle and heart selenium levels. This tendency was observed on both unsupplemented and selenium sulfide supplemented diets. A liver selenium level of 0.2 ppm selenium on a dry basis was the minimum level compatible for protection against selenium responsive diseases and liver selenium levels were a more sensitive indicator of selenium status than kidney selenium levels were. Ewan (1971) studied the effects of vitamin E and selenium supplementation on tissue composition of young pigs fed torula yeast diets. Muscle and liver selenium concentrations of pigs receiving the deficient diet decreased significantly during the eight week feeding period. Muscle selenium concentrations were higher in pigs fed selenium supplemented diets than pigs on unSup— plemented diets but all diets resulted in lower concen- trations than the initial muscle selenium concentrations. Liver selenium levels followed a similar pattern. Kidney selenium concentrations were highest (7.50 ppm) in selenium fed animals. Vitamin E had no significant effect on the level of selenium in the tissues, but deficiency symptoms were completely prevented by supple- mentation with vitamin E. 35 Groce et a1. (1971) reported that selenium supple- mentation (1.0 ppm) of a basal corn-soybean meal diet significantly increased muscle selenium concentrations even though the levels on selenium supplemented diets were lower than levels reported for porcine muscle in selenium adequate areas. Muscle selenium levels did not decrease significantly in 30 days but did increase sig- nificantly by 65 days after the termination of selenium suppplementation. Ku at al. (1972) reported a significant linear cor- relation of 0.95 between dietary selenium level and the selenium concentration of Zongissimus muscle of pigs from each of 13 locations in the United States. The selenium values of the diets ranged from 0.027 ppm to 0.493 ppm on an air dry basis while selenium concentra- tions of the Zongissimus muscle ranged from 0.046 to 0.521 ppm on a fresh basis. No relationship was apparent between a-tocopherol concentration and tissue selenium concentration. Ku et al. (1973) studied the effects of supplementation of naturally high selenium swine diets with 0.1 ppm of selenium from sodium selenite. Sodium selenite additions to the naturally high selenium diets did not significantly increase Zongissimus muscle or kidney selenium concentrations and increased liver selenium concentrations only slightly. Tissue selenium levels resulting from adding 0.40 ppm of selenium from 36 sodium selenite to a naturally low selenium diet (0.04 ppm) were significantly lower than when a naturally high selenium diet (0.44 ppm) was fed. They concluded that the dietary level of naturally occurring organic selenium compounds is much more significant in influencing the tissue selenium concentration of the pig than is supple- mental selenium from sodium selenite. Groce et al. (1973a) observed that serum and whole blood selenium levels on seleniferous corn diets were significantly lower than on selenite selenium diets. Supplemental vitamin E had no significant effect on serum erythrocyte or whole blood selenium concentration. Groce et al. (1973b) conducted an experiment to define the minimum dietary selenium requirement of swine fed corn-soybean meal diets which were low (0.05 ppm) in natural selenium and contained 4.2 mg d-a-toc0pherol per kilogram. Selenium concentrations increased signifi- cantly in Zongissimus muscle and liver with increasing dietary selenium to the supplemental level of 0.1 ppm. Myocardium selenium was highest with 0.2 ppm supplemental selenium while kidney selenium did not increase above that resulting from 0.05 ppm supplemental selenium. Selenium in whole blood, erythrocytes and serum was sig- nificantly increased by selenium supplementation, but there were no differences between supplemental levels. Selenium withdrawal reduced selenium levels in all 37 tissues as compared to those from pigs fed selenium to slaughter. Vitamin E supplementation decreased erythro- cyte selenium concentration and increased kidney selenium concentrations. Selenium Balance in Swine There are many factors that affect the absorption and excretion of selenium. Lindberg and Lannek (1965) stated that studies with physiologically compatible levels of selenium indicated that animals will retain inorganic selenium in proportion to their physiological needs. Once these physiological stores are filled, the animal will excrete the remainder unless detoxification and excretory mechanisms are overwhelmed, in which case significant quantities of selenium will be retained and selenium intoxication may result. Groce (1972) has reviewed the literature on selenium balance in animals. Much of the work reported on absorption and tissue dis- tribution, excretion and secretion of selenium was cited in this review. The amount of research conducted on selenium balance in swine has been extremely limited. Grant et a1. (1961) reported that orally ingested inorganic selenium followed generally the same pattern of tissue distribution and excretion as parenterally- administered selenium materials. Wright and Bell (1966), using radioactive sodium selenite, found that selenium was resecreted into the first section of the small 38 intestine and then reabsorbed from succeeding sections of the small intestine to result in a net absorption of selenite selenium of 86%. Buescher et al. (1961) reported that excessive calcium levels in normal selenium diets did not alter 75Se in the excretion or tissue distribution of oral swine. The urinary route of excretion appears to be more important with inorganic forms than with naturally occur- ring selenium in food. Groce et a2. (1971) studied the influence of added dietary selenium upon selenium excretion and retention. Their results indicated that young pigs retained a decreasing percentage of dietary selenium as levels of supplemental selenium increased but the absolute daily retention of selenium was similar for both 0.1 and 0.5 ppm of added selenium. Urinary excretion of selenium increased markedly at the higher level of selenium sup- plementation. Groce et al. (1973a) conducted balance trials with young pigs to compare supplements (0.2 ppm Se) of natural selenium (from seleniferous corn) or supplements of selenite selenium and a supplement of 22 IU of vitamin E per kg of diet versus no E supplementation. A higher proportion of selenium from seleniferous corn was excreted in the urine as compared to selenium from sodium selenite. Vitamin E supplementation significantly reduced fecal selenium excretion of pigs fed seleniferous 39 corn. Groce et al. (1973b) studied selenium absorption and retention on diets containing several levels (0, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2 ppm) of added selenium from sodium selenite. The effect of a supplement of 22 IU of vitamin E per kg of diet was also studied. Selenium retention was maximized at 0.1 ppm of supplemental selenium. Vitamin E supplementation appeared to increase urinary selenium excretion at the supplemental selenium level of 0.2 ppm. Therefore, based on tissue selenium levels and selenium retention and excretion patterns, 0.15 ppm selenium was required in a corn-soybean meal diet unsup- plemented with vitamin E. Serum selenium levels plateaued at the 0.1 ppm supplemental selenium level, indicating the possible existence of tissue and serum thresholds for selenium from sodium selenite in the pig. Interrelationships of Selenium with Sulfur, Vitamin E and Other Dietary Factors It is apparent from the literature already cited that the metabolic role of selenium in animals is linked with that of vitamin E, sulfur amino acids and other dietary factors. Vitamin E The literature discussed in previous sections indi- cates that some diseases associated with low concentra- tions of selenium in the diet (less than 0.1 ppm) are analogous to those of vitamin E deficiency and are 40 usually observed under conditions of low intakes of vitamin E. In some cases these syndromes respond fully to administration of vitamin E while in others selenium was substantially more effective or induced a further response. Many of the studies indicate that, although selenium cannot replace vitamin E in nutrition, it reduces the amount of tocopherol required and delays the onset of symptoms of deficiency. Sulfur amino acids Sulfur amino acids may also influence the need for vitamin E and selenium. Obel (1953) reported that sulfur- containing amino acids prevented liver dystrophy in pigs. However, many of Obel's studies that reported a protective effect of sulfur amino acids were questioned because the commercial L-cystine she used was usually contaminated with selenium. Schwarz (1965) used uncontaminated sulfur amino acids to show that sulfur amino acids delayed the onset of dietary necrotic liver degeneration in rats. He concluded that this effect was mediated by a sparing action of sulfur amino acids in the vitamin E requirement. Reid et al. (1968) reported that methionine partially prevented liver damage in pigs and that selenium contami- nation was not a significant factor in the protective action of methionine. On the other hand, sulfur amino acids do not appear to prevent the development of muscular dystrophy in lambs (Erwin et aZ., 1961). In general, 41 sulfur amino acids moderate the effects of feeding diets deficient in these nutrients but cannot substitute for them. The efficacy of these amino acids may be explained by their contribution to the antioxidant activity of tissues. Polyunsaturated fat The muscular dystrophy producing property of poly— unsaturated fatty acids has been experimentally demon- strated by several workers (Obel, 1953; Lannek et aZ., 1961; Lindberg and Orstadius, 1961; Orstadius et aZ., 1963). Thafvelin (1960) and Lannek et al. (1960) pro- duced nutritional muscular dystrophy experimentally in pigs fed grain obtained from areas where natural out- breaks of the disease had occurred. Thafvelin (1960) suggested that the fats of the grains were the cause of the deficiencies and that in grain causing nutritional muscular dystrophy, the vitamin E content was reduced. Swahn and Thafvelin (1962) demonstrated that in grain which had induced nutritional muscular dystrophy, the fat was unstable under oxidizing conditions. Oksanen (1967) indicated that the changes in fatty acid composi- tion, fat quality and vitamin E content of grain influence the occurrence of nutritional muscular dystrophy in pigs and that a low selenium concentration is a prerequisite for a spontaneous occurrence of nutritional muscular dystrophy. 42 Synthetic antioxidants Mertz and Schwarz (1958) reported that the synthetic antioxidant N,N'-diphenyl-p-phenylenediamine was highly active in preventing "respiratory decline" (indicative of liver necrosis) when administered intraportally to rats deficient in selenium and vitamin E. Machlin et a2. (1959) demonstrated that certain synthetic antioxidants are also capable of preventing exudates in chicks, even though they were significantly lower in efficacy than vitamin E. Hill (1963) reported that ethoxyquin, a synthetic antioxidant, protected the tissues of the pig from increased thiobarbituric acid test values and from increased hemolysis which are usually associated with low vitamin E status. Tollerz and Lannek (1964) reported that synthetic antioxidants restored resistance to iron toxicity under vitamin E deficiency situations. Iron. Lannek et al. (1962) produced iron hyper- sensitivity experimentally in piglets by feeding the sows a vitamin E deficient diet during pregnancy and lactation. The LDSO of iron preparations was reported to be greatly lowered in vitamin E deficient baby pigs. The resistance to iron toxicity may be restored by the administration of a-tocopherol (Lannek et aZ., 1962) and selenium (Arpi and Tollerz, 1965). Miller et al. (1973) reported that the administration of a second intramuscular injection of 100 mg of iron from iron dextran gave no evidence of iron 43 toxicity or anaphylaxis. Feeding of oral iron at levels up to 600 ppm in the diet showed no evidence of iron toxicity. An intramuscular injection of 1000 mg iron from iron dextran gave no evidence of iron toxicity. In these experiments, iron toxicity was not demonstrated in pigs having low vitamin E-selenium reserves, raised on diets low in vitamin E and selenium. Arsenic. Underwood (1971) stated that the beneficial effects of various organic arsenicals on the growth, health and feed efficiency of poultry and swine have been thoroughly established. These effects have been reviewed by Frost and his associates (Frost, 1953, 1967; Frost et aZ., 1955). Arsanilic acid, 4-nitrophenylarsonic acid, 3 nitro-4-hydroxyphenylarsonic acid and arsenobenzene are the four organic arsenic compounds which have been used and are of value in animal production. No clearly evident relationship exists between structure and the ability to promote growth. The arsonic acids are recognized as growth stimulants for pigs and poultry, but the phenyl- arsenoxides are more potent than the arsonic acids as coccidiostats. The action of arsonic acids closely resembles that of antibiotics and is partially comple- mentary to it, but the exact mechanism is not known. Frost et al. (1955) stated that the arsonic acids differ markedly in tolerance, in coccidiostatic power and in power to promote growth. In general, toxicity appears 44 to be related to the amount of arsenic that was deposited in the tissues. Hanson et al. (1955) studied the value of arsanilic acid as a growth stimulant for pigs and measured the arsenic retention in the tissues. Small amounts of arsenic were retained in the tissues and the amount retained was related to the level fed. Arsenic retention in the liver was 1.5 to 2.0 times as great as the storage in the kidneys. The amount retained in the muscle, fat or skin was low at all levels of arsanilic acid fed. Removal of arsanilic acid from the diet resulted in rapid excretion of arsenic from the liver and kidneys. The rate of excre- tion from muscle was less rapid. Mogareidge (1963) studied the differences in availa- bility to the growing rat of protein bound arsenic and the inorganic trivalent form. At 16 ppm of dietary arsenic, both sources gave rise to significant tissue storage although that from arsenic trioxide was somewhat higher. The protein bound source resulted in equal urinary and fecal excretions but with the inorganic source urinary was greater than 2 times the fecal excretion. Overby and Frost (1960) studied the rate of arsenic excretion of swine receiving arsanilic acid in the diet. Much more arsenic was excreted in the feces than in the urine. After the arsanilic acid was withdrawn from the 45 ration, the characteristic excretion level continued for 2 days and then decreased rapidly. This was in agreement with knowledge of the rate of disappearance of arsenic from tissues of animals fed arsanilic acid. Unchanged arsanilic acid was not detected in the urine, but was present in the feces in an amount representing about 5% of the arsanilic acid consumed. Thus it appears that toxic arsenic compounds are retained in the tissues in greater amounts and are excreted more slowly than the less toxic forms. The arsenic of organic compounds such as arsanilic acid is well absorbed and deposited in tissues of pigs and chicks in amounts proportional to the level fed. However, it rapidly disappears from the tissues upon withdrawal and most is excreted in the feces. Arsenic has been successfully used to alleviate selenium poisoning in cattle, dogs, chicks and swine for many years. A Moxon (1938) first demonstrated that 5 ppm As in the drinking water would completely prevent all signs of selenosis in rats. Moxon (1944) reported that 25 ppm as sodium arsenate when added to salt partially protected cattle on seleniferous ranges. Levander and Baumann (1966a,b) observed that the excretion of selenium into the gastrointestinal tract via the bile fluid was markedly increased and retention in 46 the liver, blood and carcass was greatly decreased, when subacute injections of arsenic were given with an injec- tion of selenium. I Ganther and Baumann (1962) reported that arsenic administration increased the excretion of an injected dose of selenium into the gastrointestinal tract within an hour. However, administration of the arsenic and selenium, more than one hour apart, would not show this effect (Palmer and Bonhorst, 1957). Levander and Argrett (1969) compared the effects of arsenic, mercury, thallium and lead on the metabolism of selenium. Arsenic inhibited the pulmonary excretion of volatile selenium compounds by rats injected with subacute doses of sodium selenate. The biliary excretion of selenium was stimulated sevenfold by the administration of arsenic. Arsenic improved the growth of rats chemically poisoned by selenium, largely prevented the liver damage caused by selenium and decreased the amount of selenium retained in the tissues. Urinary selenium excretion was not affected by As injection in these studies. With high levels of selenium, arsenic reduces the loss of selenium in expired air (Olson et aZ., 1963). Sodium arsenite and arsenate have been found to be equal in effectiveness of prevention of selenosis. The arsenic sulfides are not effective and various organic arsenic compounds have been found to provide only a 47 partial protection against selenosis (Hendricks et aZ., 1953; Kuttler and Marble, 1961; Wahlstrom et aZ., 1955; Wright, 1940). The beneficial effects of dietary arsenic additions in selenium toxicities produced by selenium salts or seleniferous grains have been demonstrated in swine by Wahlstrom et al. (1955, 1956), and Wahlstrom and Olson (l959a,b) and in poultry (Carlson et aZ., 1954; Carlson et aZ., 1962; Thapar et aZ., 1969). The mechanism by which arsenic provides protection against selenium toxicity is not yet well established. Muth et al. (1971) suggested that a selenium-arsenic complementary effect exists in selenium deficiency situa- tions. The feeding of 1.00 ppm arsenic in the form of sodium arsenate, when added to a low selenium ration for pregnant ewes, gave a significant marked protection against the myopathy commonly associated with selenium deficiency in lambs. Although arsenic may be beneficial at low levels, arsenic can be very toxic and requires proper handling and use at all times. Frost (1967) and Schroder and Balassa (1966) have reviewed the literature on arsenic toxicity. These reviews emphasize that arsenicals are non-carcinogenic and that wide differences in the toxicity of different chemical forms of arsenic exist. In general, inorganic arsenicals are more toxic than the organic forms. It seems that enzymes are far more susceptible to 48 trivalent than to pentavalent arsenicals and bind similar levels of As at the point of death. Arsenicals are not cumulative in most animal tissues. The differences in toxicity are related to their rate of excretion. Vitamin E Studies in Swine Although vitamin E is stored in the liver and other tissues, it is sometimes possible but often difficult to produce unmistakable deficiency signs by long periods of dietary vitamin E depletion. For many years it was con- sidered that swine fed diets composed mainly of corn or cereal grains had no danger of developing vitamin E deficiency, since high-quality green feeds, whole cereal grainsznuithe germ of cereal grains are good sources of vitamin E (tocopherols). The various tocopherols differ in their biological activity, with d-a-tocopherol being the most active. Cereal grains contain about equal amounts of a-tocopherol and other tocopherols and since vitamin E is easily oxidized, its concentration deteriorates in ground feeds. In recent years, many cases of vitamin E deficiency have been reported in swine fed diets composed of feed- stuffs grown over a wide geographic area. Specific infor— mation regarding the significance of vitamin E in farm- animal nutrition is especially limited and the dietary needs for various species are not well defined. 49 Bratzler et al. (1950) mantained 5 barrows on a vitamin E-low, purified ration for 75 days. Three of the animals received a supplement of a concentrate of mixed tocopherols at levels of 2.87, 55.12 and 110.2 mg daily per kg liveweight. Tocopherol supplementation increased significantly the total tocopherol content in all organs and tissues studied. The increases were most marked in the case of liver and body fat. The gamma-plus delta- tocopherol content increased significantly only in the case of whole blood. Tocopherol supplementation markedly affected the fatty acid composition of the body fats by increasing the percentage of oleic acid at the expense of the saturated fatty acids. Hove and Seibold (1955) reported that 0.01% dl-a-tocopheryl acetate (150 mg of tocopherol per day) added to a synthetic semi- purified diet had no effect on the growth rate of pigs. Fatal liver necrosis was observed in growing pigs fed the basal diet but pigs receiving diets supplemented with a-tocopheryl acetate failed to show appreciable liver damage at slaughter. Rousseau et al. (1957) fed graded levels of tocopherol 0, 1.0, 3.0 and 9.0 mg per lb of liveweight daily added to basal rations of calves, lambs and pigs for 12 weeks. Plasma tocopherol was found to increase at diminishing rates with tocopherol intake whereas liver tocopherol increased at constant rates with tocopherol intake. 50 Tocopherol intake was found to have no measurable effect on level of daily gain. Eggert et a1. (1957) fed a puri- »fied-type, torula yeast diet or the basal diet supplemented with 40 ppm tocopheryl acetate. Four pigs receiving the basal diet died within 53 days and showed a marked necrosis of the liver. No deaths occurred among the pigs receiving vitamin E and no marked difference in growth rate was noted in favor of vitamin E supplementation. Forbes and Draper (1958) utilized 37 baby pigs to produce and study a deficiency of vitamin E. Only under the conditions of a stress provided by at least 5% cod liver oil in the diet was an unmistakable deficiency produced. The deficiency was not accompanied by changes in EKG or by ability of dialuric acid to hemolyze red blood cells. Supplementa- tion of vitamin E (10 mg of dl-a-tocopherol acetate per 100 grams dry matter) prevented the appearance of vitamin E deficiency symptoms. Garton et al. (1958) reared wean- ling pigs to about 130 pound liveweight on a basal diet supplemented with 5 or 10 mg tocopheryl acetate/kg body weight/day. The animals given tocopherol did not exhibit changes in serum levels of the vitamin and no liver lesions were observed in any of the pigs. The serum tocopherol levels were lower in pigs slaughtered at 200 pounds live- weight. Johnson and Alaupovic (1960) administered alpha tocopherol intraperitoneally to 175 pound pigs. They 51 isolated two metabolites of tocopherol from liver. Neither metabolite was identical with alpha tocopheryl metabolites commonly found in urine. Duncan et al. (1960) fed wean- ling pigs for 8-10 weeks on a basal low-fat, low-tocopherol diet or a similar diet containing lard (5%) and each diet was given with or without supplementary dl-a-tocopheryl acetate. The supplemented pigs received 20 mg tocopheryl acetate per kg bodyweight per day. At slaughter, the plasma tocopherol values of the pigs given supplementary tocopherol were significantly higher than those of unsup- plemented animals. The effect of tocopherol supplementa- tion did not depend on whether or not lard was included in the diet. Thus the absorption of the dietary tocopherol was not dependent on the simultaneous digestion and absorption of fat. Histological examination of the livers of animals, not given supplementary tocopherol, showed no significant signs of deficiency. Leat (1961a) investigated the role of tocopherol in the nutrition of the pig reared from weaning to slaughter on a low-fat, low-tocopherol diet or this diet supplemented with 5 or 10 mg per 100 g diet of a-tocopheryl succinate. There was no difference in growth rate between the groups and no abnormality in any organs or carcasses at slaughter. Plasma-tocopherol levels were two to thirteen times higher in the animals given tocopherol than in the controls. ’There was no difference between groups in the content of 52 unsaturated fatty acids of back fat, plasma, liver or heart. The peroxide levels in the back fat and liver lipids of the control animals were four to fifty times greater than that found in the animals given tocopherol. He concluded that the major function of tocopherol in the pig is to protect body lipids from oxidation. Leat (1961b) reported that supplementation of a basal diet with 10 mg a-tocopheryl succinate per 100 grams diet significantly decreased the peroxide content of the body lipids. He suggested that although the pig does not require dietary tocopherol for optimum growth up to 200 pounds, its presence will lessen the susceptibility of body fats to oxidative rancidity. EFFECT OF ARSANILIC ACID, SELENIUM AND VITAMIN E ON PRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE, TISSUE SELENIUM CONCENTRATIONS AND SELENIUM BALANCE IN GROWING-FINISHING SWINE Introduction Selenium-vitamin E deficiency in swine has been recognized as a practical field problem in confinement- reared swine in Michigan and other Midwestern states. The problem has been described by Michel et al. (1969), Trapp et a2. (1970), Groce et al. (1971, 1973b), and Mahan at al. (1971, 1973, 1974). Many pigs are being raised in complete confinement without access to pasture. Corn and soybean meal are the primary ingredients used in formulating swine feeds in the midwestern United States. Swine diets made of corn and soybean meal have resulted in low intakes of a-tocopherol. The selenium content of feedstuffs varies widely in different geo- graphical areas of the United States (Patrias and Olson, 1969; Ku et aZ., 1972). Groce et al. (1971) demonstrated the efficacy of low levels of supplementary selenium from sodium selenite in preventing death losses and clinical Signs or lesions of selenium-vitamin E deficiency in the growing pig. Groce et al. (1973b) attempted to define the minimum dietary selenium requirements of 53 54 growing-finishing swine fed corn-soybean meal diets. They concluded that the minimum practical level of selenium supplementation from sodium selenite to prevent deficien- cies in confined growing-finishing swine is 0.1 ppm, resulting in a total selenium level in many midwestern swine diets of about 0.15 ppm. Trapp et al. (1970) observed natural selenium- vitamin E deficiency cases in swine and reported that most herds involved were feeding corn-soybean meal diets supplemented with arsanilic acid as a feed additive. Arsanilic acid has been demonstrated to counteract selenium toxicity in swine (Wahlstrom et aZ., 1955). Trapp et al. (1970) suggested that arsanilic acid may have been binding selenium and thus enhanced the occur- rence of a natural selenium-vitamin E deficiency. The purpose of this investigation was to study the effects of supplemental arsanilic acid, selenium and vitamin E on productive performance, deficiency symptoms, hematology, tissue selenium and selenium balance in growing-finishing pigs fed diets low in vitamin E and selenium. Experimental Procedure Three experiments were conducted in this investiga- tion. Experiment 1 was designed to study the response of growing pigs to added dietary selenium (Se), vitamin E and arsanilic acid. Experiments 2 and 3 were selenium 55 balance studies conducted with young pigs (5 weeks of age) to study the effects of added vitamin E and arsanilic acid on the retention and excretion of selenium. Experiment 1 Eighty Yorkshire, Hampshire and Yorkshire x Hampshire barrows and gilts weighing an average of 8.4 kg were randomly allotted to eight dietary treatments and housed 10 per pen in a completely enclosed, slotted floor, environmentally controlled building. The pigs utilized in this study were offspring of sows which had received no supplemental vitamin E or selenium during gestation or lactation. The basal diet (Table l) was a 16% crude pro— tein fortified corn-soybean meal diet which analyzed 0.036 ppm Se and contained no supplemental vitamin E, selenium or antibiotics. The following diets were fed ad Zibitum: (l) basal (Table 1) (0.036 ppm Se); (2) basal + 0.1 ppm Se as sodium selenite;1 (3) basal + 22 IU E2 per kilogram of diet; (4) basal + 99 ppm arsanilic acid; (5) basal + 0.1 ppm Se + 22 IU E per kilogram; (6) basal + 0.1 ppm Se + 99 ppm arsanilic acid; (7) basal + 22 IU E per kilogram + 99 ppm arsanilic acid; and (8) basal + 0.1 ppm Se + 22 IU E per kilogram + 99 ppm 1Alfa Inorganics, Ventron Corporation, Beverly, Massachusetts. 2Myvamix-Type 125. Vitamin E as d-a-tocopheryl acetate with dextrin. Distillation Products Industries, Rochester, New York. 56 TABLE 1. COMPOSITION OF BASAL DIETS (EXPERIMENT 1) International d Ingredient ref. no. Grower Finisher Corn, dent yellow, 4-02-931 79.2 86.7 grain, gr 2 US mn 54 wt (4) Soybean, seed wo 5-04-612 17.9 10.4 hulls, solv-extd grnd, mx 3 fbr (5) (soybean meal) Calcium phosphate, 6-01-080 1.0 1.1 dibasic, comm(6) Limestone, grnd, mn 6-02-632 0.9 0.8 33 Ca (6) Salt, plain white 0.5 0.5 Vitamin-trace mineral 0.5 0.5 premixa 100.0 100.0 Crude protein, %b 16.0 13.0 Calcium, %b 0.64 0.60 Phosphorus, %b 0.50 0.50 Se, ppm as fedC 0.036 0.040 3Provided the following per kilogram of diet: vitamin A, 3,300 IU; vitamin D, 660 IU; riboflavin, 3.3 mg; nicotinic acid, 17.6 mg; d-pantothenic acid, 13.2 mg; choline chloride, 110 mg; vitamin 812, 19.8 pg; zinc, 74.8 mg; manganese, 37.4 mg; iodine, 2.7 mg; copper, 9.9 mg; iron, 59.4 milligrams. bCalculated CBy analysis dBasal diet for experiments 2 and 3 also S7 arsanilic acid. After 12 weeks, the pigs weighed an average of 52 kg and the basal diet was changed to the 13% crude protein corn-soybean meal diet shown in Table l. Selenium was withdrawn from diets being supplemented at the end of 12 weeks of the trial since the Food and Drug Administration of the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare had specified a 60-day minimum withdrawal period before carcasses of those pigs fed supplemental Se could be utilized for human consumption. Arsanilic acid was withdrawn from diets being supplemented 8 days prior to slaughter. The pigs were weighed and feed consumption determined at biweekly intervals. Tap water (1 part per billion [ppb] Se) was offered ad Zibitum. All animals were observed closely for clinical signs of selenium-vitamin E deficiency throughout the course of the experiment. Blood samples were collected from the anterior vena cava from two pigs from each of the 8 treatment groups initially, at two weeks and 8 weeks and from all pigs two days prior to slaughter. Hemoglobin (Crosby et aZ., 1954) and microhematocrit (McGovern et aZ., 1955) determinations were made on heparinized whole blood. Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) (Sigma Technical Bulletin, 1964) was determined on all serum samples collected. Whole blood and serum samples were stored at -20 C until Se analyses could be performed. S8 Liver, kidney and diaphragm muscle samples were obtained from all pigs at slaughter, placed in plastic bags and frozen at -20 C until analyzed for Se. Diaphragm muscle was homogenized with twice its weight of deionized, distilled water to facilitate uniform sampling and pipetting. Liver and kidney were homogenized with three and five times their weight of water, respectively. Homo- genates were stored at -20 C until analyzed for Se. The diets were ground twice through a stainless steel screen with 2 mm diameter openings in a Wiley mill3 and stored at -20 C until analyzed for Se. Selenium analyses of blood, serum, tissues and diets were conducted fluoro- metrically according to the method of Hoffman et al. (1968) with the following modifications described by Groce et al. (1971). The glassware used for Se analyses was segregated and used only for this procedure. Upon completing a set of analyses, the glassware was rinsed several times in flowing distilled water, rinsed with a 1:1 mixture of concentrated nitric and sulfuric acids, rinsed 3 or 4 times with flowing deionized distilled water, and then inverted for drying in a 37 C forced air warm room. The digestion was carried out in 100 ml semi- micro Kjeldahl flasks4 as described by Hoffman et al. 3Thomas-Wiley Mill, Model 50-5. Arthur H. Thomas Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 4Aminco No. 4-1874, American Instrument Company, Silver Spring, Maryland. 59 (1968) after a 12 to 14 hour predigestion in the complete digestion acid mixture as described by Olson (1969). This predigestion period reduces charring problems during sub- sequent digestion. The Z,3-diamino-naphtha1ene solution and all succeeding preparations containing it were handled in dim or yellow light and produced a more stable preparation. In the complexing step the various reagents were combined in a 250 ml Phillips beaker and swirled by hand. After the one hour incubation period, the reaction mixture was extracted with 6 ml of cyclohexane in a 125 ml separatory funnel for 15 minutes. The fluorescence was read using an Aminco-Bowman SpectrophotofluorometerS with an excitation monochromator setting of 372 mu and an emission monochromator setting of 516 millimicrons. Standards were prepared from Se metal6 dissolved in a minimal quantity of redistilled concentrated nitric acid and made up to volume with 0.1 N sulfuric acid. The fluorometer was zeroed against a reagent blank carried through the entire procedure. This method resulted in a linear standard curve up to 0.5 ug Se which consistently passed through the origin. A more thorough and complete description of the selenium analytical procedure is reproduced in Appendix A. The SAmerican Instrument Co., Inc., Silver Spring, Maryland. 6Alfa Inorganics, Inc., Beverly, Massachusetts. 60 percent of dry matter was determined on diets and tissue homogenates by drying for 15 hr at 60 C with a vacuum of 740 millimeters. Experiment 2 Six male and six female crossbred and Yorkshire pigs whose dams had received no supplemental Se or vitamin E during gestation and lactation were used to study the effect of added dietary selenium as sodium selenite, vitamin E as d-a-tocopheryl acetate and arsanilic acid upon Se excretion and retention. The basal diet was the 16% crude protein corn-soybean meal diet (Table 1) which analyzed 0.036 and 0.040 ppm Se for phase 1 and 2, reSpectively, of this balance study. The pigs were randomly allotted to the following treatments: (1) basal (Table l); (2) basal + 0.1 ppm Se; (3) basal + 99 ppm arsanilic acid; (4) basal + 0.1 ppm Se + 99 ppm arsanilic acid.” The pigs weighed an average of 8.3 kg initially and 8.7 kg at the beginning of phase 2. The pigs were housed in stainless steel metabolism cages for an 11 day adjustment period and a subsequent 3 day collection period when consuming a constant, near ad Zibitum intake of feed offered as a gruel with deionized water in three meals per day. Phase 2 began immediately upon ending of the first collection period. At this time, 22 IU of E were added per kilogram of all diets and the dietary treatments were identical as in phase 1. A 6 day 61 adjustment period to the diets was followed by a second 3 day collection of urine and feces. Urine was collected in 6 N hydrochloric acid separate from the feces. The feces were air dried on trays and were ground before analysis. Blood and serum were collected initially and at the end of the first and second collections and stored at -20 C until analyzed for Se and SGOT. The feces, urine, whole blood, serum and diets were analyzed for Se content as described in experiment 1. Experiment 3 Four male and eight female crossbred and Hampshire pigs whose dams had received no supplemental Se or vitamin E during gestation and lactation were used to study the effects of added dietary selenium as selenifer- ous corn, vitamin E as d-a-tocopheryl acetate and arsanilic acid upon Se excretion and retention. The basal diet was the 16% crude protein corn-soybean meal diet (Table l) which analyzed 0.054 and 0.056 ppm Se, respectively, for phase 1 and 2 of this experiment. The pigs were assigned to one of four dietary treatments: (1) basal (Table 1); (2) basal + 99 ppm arsanilic acid; (3) basal + 0.1 ppm Se from seleniferous corn; and (4) basal + 0.1 ppm Se from seleniferous corn + 99 ppm arsanilic acid. The seleniferous corn was provided by Dr. Oscar Olson, Department of Agricultural Chemistry, South Dakota State University, Brookings, and had been 62 harvested in 1960 in a seleniferous area of that state. Selenium analysis indicated that this corn contained 24.8 ppm Se which agreed well with the values reported for this corn by Groce et al. (1973a). The seleniferous corn was finely ground and substituted for 0.4% of the basal diet to provide the supplemental Se in diets 3 and 4. The pigs weighed an average of 7.6 kg initially and 8.1 kg at the beginning of phase 2. The pigs were housed in stainless steel metabolism cages for a 10 day adjustment period followed by a 3 day collection of excreta. The diets were finely ground and fed three times daily in near ad Zibitum quantities with deionized water to form a gruel. Phase 2 began upon completion of the first collection period. All diets were supplemented with 22 IU E per kilogram and the dietary treatments remained the same as in phase 1. An adjustment period to the diets of 4 days was followed by a second 3 day collection of excreta. Urine was collected in 6 N hydrochloric acid separate from the feces. The feces were air dried on trays and were ground before analysis. Blood and serum were collected initially and at the end of the first and second collections. Hemoglobin and microhematocrits were determined on heparinized whole blood as described in experiment 1. Serum samples were sstored at -20 C until analyses for Se could be conducted. 53elenium analyses of diets, feces, urine and serum 63 samples were conducted fluorometrically according to the method described in experiment 1. Statistical analyses were conducted utilizing least squares analysis of variance and two-way and three-way analysis of variance as outlined by Steel and Torrie (1960). Results and Discussion Experiment 1 The performance of pigs in experiment 1 is summar— ized in Table 2. No significant differences in final weight, average daily gain or feed conversion could be attributed to the dietary treatments in this experiment. Similar results were obtained by Groce et a1. (1971, 1973b). Arsanilic acid supplementation increased final weights and average daily gains in pigs in these treat- ments but the main effect was not significant. During the course of this experiment two male pigs on the basal + 99 ppm arsanilic acid treatment died suddenly during the 8th week of the experiment exhibiting symptoms of selenium-vitamin E deficiency. In addition, after 12 weeks on experiment, one male and one female pig on the basal diet (0.036 ppm Se) died suddenly with lesions of selenium-vitamin E deficiency. The lesions observed in t:hese pigs will be discussed briefly. The gross lesions <>bserved upon necropsy of these pigs were a paleness and 64 woucmEoHQmsmcs :o Moxoa nmo.vmv Saucmofimflcmwm “swam: m>wH mo w ..u3 um>fiq .cofluompoucfi m :HEmufl> x Enacoaom Amo.vdu acmowmficmfim m paw muoww enwcoHom m nasaaa> :H NN p pfiom ewfificmmnm Edd moo 9 mm and H.om pcwwmz o>HH aw wm.a mm.H Nm.H oa.a ov.H av.a om.a am.a a ..82 aosaa ma.a mm.H ma.a mv.H 44.H a¢.H Hm.H mm.H ma ..u3 ao>aa mm.o sm.o mm.o om.o am.o am.o am.o am.o momm\aaao ca.a oa.a om.a om.H ma.H oo.a mo.H Ha.a ma .emmm saaaa Ho.o mm.o mm.o mm.o mm.o am.o am.o am.o ma .aaaw saaam ”.ma m.mw N.om H.cw o.mm a.om o.am o.mm ma ..uz Haaaa a.w a.m m.» a.w q.m m.w 4.x m.a ma ..83 HaaaaaH OH OH a OH w m CH m mafia mo .02 m.m<+ m.m<+ m.m<+ m+ m.m<+ m + mmm+ Human EouH m+ m+ om+ om+ Hammm H mam Hammm mm+ Hmmmm Hammm Hmmmm Hummm mucosumouh xumuofia ma ezmszmaxmv emuHmz mm>HS nz< moz .ZDHzmAmm >mom Hooo. oao. oso. aao. oao. wmo. ammo. saa .om enamm a.moa a.mm o.mm a.om a.wm m.mm N.mm He\maaca a-m .aoom an am mm mm am am mafia mo .02 «.mm o.mm ea.oa a.am m.om m.am H.0m a .aaauouasom m.a m.NH um.mH a.~H N.ma m.mH a.~H as ooa\m .aaaoamoemm Hm mm an mN am am mmaa mo .02 amZm mm b. mwnphlwwllnmmpu H.o av aoaa 5mm anwum ofifiwcmmu< m amazoEoH am 8mm .mm HmucQEonmzm fia azmszmaxmw mamamz .zaazmamm smaamao amaa< mo Humaam . m:moH asflcmamm oHomse Emmpsmmwmo .mpmflv woucoEmHmdsm Esflcofiom co magma: fifio.vmv xfipcmofiwfi:MHm who: wmnxfimcm moammwu Haw pom mHo>ofl Esficonmn ohmscm came noupo HHmHo>om NNOO. aaN.o amom.o mNN.o mmm.o aam.o aaaa.o aha Hooo. 000.0 ammo.o Noo.o moo.o wao.o amao.o am: mHomse Ewmpnmmfim ma ON ma ma NN 0H mafia mo .02 H4H¢.H Nam.m amm.m mmm.m amm.m Haa.o ammo.a Aam mmao. RHN.H NmN.H sHN.H mm~.a awm.a amoo.H um: Raceam «moo. mom.o aom.o me.o amm.o amo.o awoa.o aaa mooo. oaa.o Noa.o moa.o aoa.o ama.o qu.o “a: a pm>fiq mm am am Nm Nm am mmaa mo .02 amZm mm o wx\:H NN o H.o c amaH 5mm .mfiom ofiaficmmu< m Hmpcmsmdmmsm 5mm .om Hmucosoammsm ma :Lzmzammaxmv Zaa .zDHZmamm mammHa zo aHu< quHz zaHzmamm >m ooooa oz - H omaoo o o o o mmHa Ho .02 a.m.m oo [pm H.o o sooH emm,.efium owaficmmu< Ema .om HmucmEonmsm Am bzmszmmxmv uHm 0230» Mme ZH muz .ZDHzmqmm >m oH NN - N omaoa m.o o.o o.o o.o oo.HH aaaaHao H.m m.oo m.oo o.No N.om Haooa oxmpcm mo » .coHumhuxm om m.o N.mH UH.HH m.oH Um.m sao\ma .aoHoaoaoa om o.N N.oo o.No N.om om.om «HaoaH H0 m .aOHaaoaoa mm N.m N.NN m.mN N.om oN.oH aao\Ma .oxapaH om m .uH> ooooa oa - H omaoo o o o o mama Ho .02 a.m.m oo, .o H.o o1 smoH sum «poem omfimcmmu< Ema .om HancoEofimmsm mm Hzmszmmxmv on 0230» m:& 2H muz .Hzmou mooomonmHmmo onzmHmm >mxe .omuuxoo sum: oumuoom meogdooou-o-om mm.o Nm.o om.o om.o mm.o om.o mm.o Hm.o oooo\aHao mumN.H No.H Ho.H mm.H NN.H Ho.H mo.H oo.H ox .oooo mHHao Nm.o oo.o mo.o mo.o om.o No.o oo.o om.o MH .aHam NHHao N.Ho N.oo N.moH N.ooH m.oo H.oo m.ooH o.Hm mH ..oz HaaHa m.HH m.HH o.NH o.HH H.NH m.HH H.NH m.oH mm ..oa HaHoHaH o o o o N o o o mmHa Ho .02 mH oH .m «o mH \oH mm o. amx\oH .m aHEaaH> H.o o and .EsH:oHom HH ozmszmaxmo moz oz< onzmHmm mooH zoom :0 pooEumoHu Hod mmHm m oon poHo mm o p ohmscm come HoHHo HHmHo>om m.om O.mm o.He m.He mama: m.ON 0.0m 0.0v o.mm H.Ho o.Hv H.O H.Om e.mm m.om o.He O.He O Hmch H.mm O.mm «.mm m.om coo: m.m O.em O.qm m.mm o.em O.mm H.O m.mm m.om O.em m.om m.om O H003 OH pm wquooumEom m.OH m.OH O.mH O.NH Onmoz w.~ H.NH O.~H m.OH N.MH O.~H H.O o.HH m.O 0.0H O.~H H.NH O Hmch 0.0H m.HH m.HH o.HH :moz m.H 0.0H H.OH H.HH m.HH H.HH H.O oO.HH o.HH H.NH m.HH O.~H O xoo: OH oHe ooH\ml.aHoonoaom am2m coo: mH oH m o eaa .om soaH .MM\:Hldm :HEmuH> HmucoEoHdnam mH Hzmszmmxmv hHmUOH Qz< ZDHzmHmm >moH om Esmom HmchO mHoHO HoodoEoHQQSm om co HHO.vOO HogmH: mHo>oH om Esmom Moo: OHo oEHu sumo um :oHuoucoEoHQQSm om mo Ho>oH zoom :0 ucoEuooHp Hod mmHm m Oono ohmscm come Hopmo HHmHo>om 94 mOOO. mOH. mOO. NOO. OHH. coo: OOH. mNH. OOH. NOH. ONH. H.O OOOO. OOO. OOO. NNO. OOO. O HmcHO mOOO. OOO. ONO. ONO. mOO. coo: ONH. NNH. NNH. ONH. NOH. H.O oOHO. NHO. NHO. OHO. ONO. O mxooz OH mOOOO. ONO. NNO. NNO. ONO. coo: ONO. ONO. NNO. ONO. ONO. H.O mNO. ONO. ONO. ONO. ONO. O HmeHcH pend .om eamom am2m aaoz mH OH or om, sag .om oeHo 1wH\:H4m :HEOHH> Hmuaosonmsm mcHHmEmm HH ozmszmome mHm>mH om zoomm 20 m sz oz< onzmHmm >mwq oHoo. on. on. OHm. Omm. cam: Nmo. omo. omo. oHO. mmO. H.o HmNN. NoH. mHN. oHN. mNN. o Oaao Hooo. Noo. Hoo. mNo. omo. cam: ooH. OHH. ooH. ooH. ooH. H.o momo. moo. mmo. Omo. oNo. o 0pm: mnemmv om osmmHH OHUOSE ozstowao manomm mzm cam: mH, .oH mm, o Ema .om oammHm a mHNOH .m oHeaaHs HagaoEoHaaam HH Hzmszmaxmo mHm>mH am mOmmHH zo m sz oz< onzmHmm maOmmHo omoo< mo Homamm .HH mHHOH 96 coozmon HmO.vOO conommoueH mmmoHO OomcoEoHodsmos :o HHO.vOO moon om oHomSZo mHmmn moumme me e co om and ommscm zoos mommo HHmmo>om mHmmO xmn Ocm Ho: m noon :0 muoHO om OomcoEondsmcs co HHO.vOO moon om HochH Ono om mo>HHm mmoHO om OomcoEoHQQSmns co HHO.vOO moon om oHumsz m cHEmmH> Ono EchoHom mHmon oommHm smomm o co om some Ho>oH EchoHom zoom :0 ucoEmmomm mom mmHn m Eomm mngEOm onmmHh ONON. OH0.0 Omm.O OOH.N OOm.N coo: ONH.O HmH.O mOm.O Omm.O NO0.0 H.O ammo.o mom.O NOm.O ooo.o HHo.m o mao OmNO. OOO.H OOO.H HOm.H mmN.H coo: HmO.N OOO.H OHO.H mOO.N OON.N H.O mONO.H OO0.0 OHO.H OmO.H ONN.H O mo: Noawa amzm cam: mH om m o Ema .om oammHm wm\:H «m cHEmuH> HomeoEonmsm Homoszzooo HH mHm .zaHzmqmm >m