ENVIRONMENTAL STABILITY AND MORPHOGENETIC RELAXATION IN BRYOZOAN COLONIES FROM THE EDEN SHALE (ORDOVICIAN, OHIO VALLEY): A DEVELOPMENTAL EXPLANATION OF STABILITY- DIVERSITY - VARIATION HYPOTHESES Dissertation for the Degree of Ph. D. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY JOSEPH F. PACHUT. JR 1977 IIIIIIIII. “‘3! LIBRAR A'Eichiga; 3:233 Yw:v ‘3“ ."f - LMJVLSIJ (7’ _..._. ”Mai-gut" 5 This is to certify that the thesis entitled ENVIRONMENTAL STABILITY AND MORPHOGENETIC RELAXATION IN BRYOZOAN COLONIES FROM THE EDEN SHALE (ORDOVICIAN, OHIO VALLEY): A DEVELOPMENTAL EXPLANATION OF STABILITY—DIVERSITY-VARIATION HYPOTHESES presented by Joseph F. Pachut, Jr. has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for FA . D. degree in% MW Major professor J Date.%déig 271‘ /]Z7 0-7639 ABSTRACT ENVIRONIVENTAL STABEITY AND IVDRPHOGENETIC RELAXATICN IN BRYOZOAN CDLONIE‘S FFDM 'IHE BEEN SHALE (OHIDVICIAN, OHIO VAIIEY): A EEVELOPMENTAL EWLANATION OF STABIIITY-DIVERSITY—VARIATION HYPOTHESES By Joseph F. Pachut, Jr. Growth features that are morphogenetically regulated provide a developmental insight into the gerietic-mr'phologic paradox of stability- diversity-variation hypotheses. Morphogenetic systems within Ordovician bryozoan colonies are recog'lized through morphologic gradients that allometrically changed in "field potential" through astogeny. 'Ihis developmental regulaticn is additionally documented by means of newly recognized monarchic zooids at field centers, a test of position effect on zooidal differentiation, and a test of field induction and suppression as a distance effect. For each species, least squares regression analy- sis permits the measurement of the rates of field growth, and the residual variance from regression measures morphogenetic relaxation, a faculta— tive response to environmental differences. In four stratigraphically pervasive species in the Eden Shale the level of mrphogenetic relaxation is homogeneous within species, but varies significantly across taxa. The two species with the highest residual variability fit the concept of r—selected opportunistic species and are most abundant in cormrunities of lowest diversity. The other two species have much lower residual variance, fit the concept of K-selected equilibrium species, and are Joseph F. Pachut, Jr. most abundant in the communities of highest diversity. Within—colony variability is higher in the opportunistic rather than in the equilibrium species, indicating that the higher morphologic variability observed in unstable environments is non-genetic in nature and not the result of higher genetic polymorphism. Equilibrium species in stable environments have lower levels of morphologic deregulation whose relationship to genetic diversity could not be conclusively tested with the available data. However, several genetic mechanisms, such as maintenance of developmental homeostasis through heterozygosity, are available to explain the apparently negative correlation of genetic and morphologic variabil- ity. ENVIRONMENTAL STABILITY AND IVDRPHOCENETIC IEIAXATION IN BRYOZOAN COIDNIES FIDM 'IHE EIEN SHALE (ORIDVICIAN, OHIO VALLEY): A EVELOPIVENTAL EXPLANATION OF STABILITY-DIVERSITY—VARIATION HYPOTHESES By Joseph F. Pachut, Jr. A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of mCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Geology (I; I). 11 Th Betty and my Parents iii Acmowrsmmrs I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to Dr. Robert L. Anstey for guiding this research project, and to Dr. Dmcan F. Sibley, Dr. Thomas A. Vogel, Dr. John T. Wilband, Dr. Chilton E. Prouty, and Dr. J. Alan Holman for their constructive suggestions regarding study methods and manuscript improvements. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . V LIST OF FIGURES . . . . ....... . vi INTIDDUCTION . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . ..... l DDRPHOCENEI‘IC SYSIEIVB IN ORIDVICIAN BRYOZOAN COLDNIES 3 Introduction . . ..... . . . ................ 3 Monarchiccontrol........ ....... 5 Position effect within a field ..... . 11 Field growth . . . . ...... . 16 Field initiation and suppression . 18 Regeneration . 20 NEASUREMENT OF DEVELOPMENTAL RELAXATION ...... . 23 Genetic basis . . . ......... . 23 Measurements . ...... . ..... . . . . ......... 2“ Results and inferences . ............. . 25 COMPARISON OF EVEIDPMENTAL RELAXATION WITH DIVEFEITY . 27 Sampling and diversity indices . 27 Species dominance and opportunism . . . . . . ..... . 33 Taxonomic diversity . . . . . 37 Developmental relaxation and homeostasis ..... . ’40 Developmental relaxation and diversity . “I CONCLUSIONS ....... . 5A BIBLIOGRAPHY , ,,,,,, , 56 Table LIST OF TABLES Species growth rates, developmental relaxation, and intraspecific character variability ........... Relative species' biomass measured in cm3 . . ..... Diversity indices and weighted deve10pmental relaxation for Eden Shale sampling intervals .......... . Genetic variability in living benthic marine invertebrates tested at 15 or more genetic loci ....... Aspects of the major stability-diversity-variation models . . .26 .30 .3LI .143 .47 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 10. ll. Zooidal arrangement in the ancestrular and monticular regions of PraSOpora conoidea . . . .............. Monticular structure in tangential sectims in eigit genera of Ordovician trepostome bryozoans .......... Monticular structure in lmgitudinal sections of six genera of Paleozoic trepostome bryozoans . . . . . . . . . . Monticular structure in surficial views of Ordovician and Recent colonies ..................... Changes in zooecial outline of five zooecia from a monticule of Applexopora filiasa, NBUlOOl.II-1001.9, through six serial acetate peels cut a 0.5 mm intervals . Lateral displacement of a monticular zooid in Amplexopora filiasa, FBU1001.5-1001.9, througi five serial acetate peels (A—E) cut at 0.5 mm intervals ..... Correlation of the thickness of lamellar growth zones in Armlempora filiasa, MSUlOOl, with the mean radius of subcolonies at the top of each zone .......... Induction and suppression of mcnticular fields through five serial acetate peels cut at 0.5 mm intervals in @lexopora filiasa ........... . ......... Developmental regressions and variability in the four pervasive Eden trepostome species . ............. levels of species dominance across 6 sections of the Eden Shale ......................... Levels of species Opportunism (A) and taxonomic diversity (B) across 6 sections of the Eden Shale ........... Correlation of developmental relaxation within species and the percentage of total Eden biomass ...... . u 7 13 .15 17 .19 21 28 36 39 All 13. 114. 15. l6. 1?. vii LIST OF FIGURES (con't) Correlation of the average percent heterozygous and average diversity of inhabited associations for extant benthic marine invertebrates tested at 15 or more genetic loci .................. Correlations of the percentages of opportunistic and equilibrium species with taxonomic diversity ..... Correlations of the percentages of opportunistic and equilibrium species with species evenness . y ...... Correlation of weighted developmental relaxation and taxonomic diversity in 17 of the 21 Eden sampling intervals . Correlation of weighted developmental relaxation and species evenness in 17 of the 21 Eden sampling intervals “5 A9 .50 .52 .53 IN‘TFDIIJCTION Hypotheses concerning the relationship between environmental sta- bility, morphologic variability and genetic polymorphism have consider- able potential in providing more ecologically based explanations for many episodes in the history of life, as well as simplifying a great number of other paleontological problems. Stability-diversity-variation models (Ashton and Rowell, 1975) have predicted that communities in un- stable environments have low levels of taxonomic diversity and high mor- phological variation within species. Opinions have differed, however, as to the relationship of genetic variability within species to morpho- logic variability across stability gradients. Ievins (1968), in his "niche-variation" model, predicted on theoretical grounds that a popu- lation's genetic variation should be positively correlated with the degree of fluctuation of environmental parameters, so that species in- habiting unstable environments would be characterized by high levels of both genetic and morphologic variation, while low levels of both would be expected in stable habitats. Several other authors have supported this hypothesis, based upon the variability of morphologic features or protein polymorphism (Van Valen, 1965; Bretslqy and Lorenz, 1970; Powell, 1971; Burns and Johnson, 1971; Grassle, 1972; Grassle and Sanders, 1973; Levinton, 1973; Iorenz, 1973; ROthstein, 1973; Soulé et al., 1973; Johnson, 1973). The only previous assessment of stability-diversity- variation models in a paleontological context (Ashton and Rowell, 1975) failed to reveal any relationship, based upon the comparison of' l 2 coefficients of variability of eight cranidial features of seventeen Late Cambrian trilobite species across a diversity gradient. The authors viewed their failure to find any differences in variability as the result of a dearth of attributes capable of illuminating potential differences. The work of Ayala, valentine et al. (1975a, b, 0), based upon pro- tein polymorphism in extant benthic marine invertebrates, indicates a possible paradox; genetic variability within species was Observed to be positively correlated with taxonomic diversity and, presumably environ? mental stability, while the opposite trend.was Observed for’morphologic variability (Ebyle, 1971, 1972; SchOpf' and Gooch, 1971, 1972; Gooch and Schopf, 1973; Somero and Soulé, 197A; Valentine and Ayala, 197A). High genetic variability, therefore, appears to be characteristic of species exhibiting low levels of morphologic variation. Developmental deregulation possibly provides an explanation of this conflict: through greater complexity in regulatory rather than structural genes, species in unstable environments could facultatively deregulate development in all individuals , thereby conferring high morphologic variation within species in which the choice of developmental pathway would be ecophenotypically rather than genetically determined. Conversely, species in stable environments could have more canalized development and therefbre exhibit more constant withinrspecies morphology. Higher gene- tic polymorphism could be maintained within the latter species, either because the value of deregulated development in stable environments would be adaptively neutral, or because constant morphology is better achieved through the "greater ability of the heterozygote to stay within the norms of canalized development" (Ierner, 195A; Eldredge and Gould, 1972). The morphogenetic fields of Ordovician trepostome bryozoan colonies provide a test of this hypothesis in the fossil record. Their "ontogeny" 3 is not simply growth-related, but is developmentally regulated and has components of variation both within and among species. Very similar developmental fields or gradients in living organisms are known to be regulated by specific growth hormones. It is possible that these bryo- zoan fields give access to an important regulatory sector of the genome. Changes in "field potential" resulted from both colony growth and en— virmmental conditions. Separaticn of these two sources of variability and a comparison of the latter component with taxonomic diversity pro- vides a developmental insight into the nature of the genetic-morphologic paradox. It is the purpose of this paper to document the existence and characteristics of morphogenetic regulation in fossil bryozoan colonies from the Eden Shale (Ordovician, Ohio Valley), and to carpare levels of developmental deregulaticn with the taxonomic diversity, and by inference with the environmental stability, of the communities in which they lived. FDRPHOCENETIC SYS‘IEB IN ORIIJVICIAN BRYOZOAN CDLDNIES Introduction. - Gradients of substances are responsible for much cellular differentiation beginning during embryogenesis and continuing until maturity. Differentiation along a gradient can be a process of selective genetic expressim in response to changing concentratim levels of substances diffused away from the point of origin. The establish- ment of the existence of this type of regulation requires that polar points (field centers) and potential fields (zones of influence) be recognizable and testable. These criteria, and others as well, have been recogiized in the morphogenesis of both living and fossil cheilostare bryozoans (Bronstein, 1939; Dzik, 1975), for fossil trepostome bryo- zoans (Anstey and Pachut, 1976; Anstey et al. , 1976), hydroids (Burnett, 1966; Bravermen and Schrandt, 1966), graptolites (Urbanek, 1973 Figure]; 0.5 mm Zooidal arrangement in the ancestrular and monticular regions of Prasopora conoidea. A. Transverse section through the ancestrula (A), fit generation of zooids (1-3) and second generation (a-e). B. Transverse secticn through the same area as in A, but at a sligitly hiQ1er level. C. Trans- verse sectim througm the same area as in A and B, but at a level 1.5 mm higher in the zooarium; the structure of the primary zooids at this level is indistinguishable from a monticule. All figures redrawn from Cumings (1912): A, from Plate 19, Figure 5; from Plate 19, Figure 6; C, from Plate 21, Figure 31. 5 inter alia), fossil crinoid stems (Seilacher et a1. , 1968), mammalian molars (Van Valen, 1962; reviewed in Gould and Garwood, 1969), for the spacing of punctae in fossil brachiopods (Cowen, 1966), and for the morphogenesis of a variety of living animals and plants (reviewed by Bonner, 19714). rIhe recognition of morphogenetic fields in Paleozoic stenolaemate bryozoans has been centered around the structure and spatial arrangement of structures called monticules. These structures are surficially expressed as regularly arranged prominences of polymorphic zooecial chambers. Specialists have generally recogiized the polymorphic character of the zooids in these small clusters (Boardman and Cheetham, 1973, p. 156; Utgaard, 1973, p. 324; Astrova, 1973, P. 1I; Banta et al., 19714). However, utilizing detailed computer mapping around several monticules from a colony of Agplexgmra filiasa (D'Orbigiy), Anstey et a1. (1976) demonstrated, at least in the species studied, more or less radial gra- dients in zooecial morphology centered on the monticules. Computer mapping also showed that field boundaries could be obj ectively determined by the change in slope of the morphologic gradient going from one mon- ticule to another, and that a large number of brown bodies (preserved polypide degeneration remnants) were located along the field boundaries . They also showed, within four other species, that the fields gradually enlarged themselves with colony growth, and that the polar zooidal clus- ters, or monticules, grew larger as the polar points became more widely separated. In this paper the most critical evidence for polar regulation from previous work is restated, and new information is presented as well. Monarchic control. - The recognition of a Special monarchic zooid or pseudoancestrula within each monticule was caSLally made by Cummings Figure 2: Monticular structure in tangential sections in eight genera of Ordovician trepostome bryozoans. A. Hallopora nodulosa, IU8975.LI102II. B. Mglexogora septosa, IUF976. 17005. C. Heterotrypa ulrichi, 97 .25007. D. Peronopora vera, IU 897A.1001. E. Generalized zooid pattern, using the same symbols as Figure 1. F. Balticoporella whitfieldi, IU8975.38001. G. Batostoma Jamesi, IU897TI.100A. H. Stig— matella clavis, IU8972.3008. I. Eridotrypa mutabilis, IU8971I.100117 Monarchic zooids marked by stars. All thin sections are in the paleontological collections of Indiana University. 8 (1912, p. 366) and by no one else since; he observed the same arrange- ment of zooid types in both the zone of earliest colony development from the founding zooid or ancestrula, and within a monticule of the Ordovi- cian trepostome Prasopora conoidea (Figure l) . The structure within each monticule repeats, with some modification, the structure of the zone of early development , including a special zoom within the monticule that "mimics" or replicates the ancestrula. In several species examined for this study, including one of Prasomra and eight other genera from the Eden Shale, one large zooid within each monticule has been observed to be in the same spatial arrangement with respect to the other monticu- lar zooids as the ancestrula of the entire colony is positioned with respect to the first nine or so zooids that were budded from it (Figure 2). In very small disklike colonies (50-100 zooids) examined for this study, the ancestrula and its surromding ring of nine or so polymorphic zooids form, in essence, the first monticule of the colony. The zooids outside of the initial monticule display radial morphologic gradients, identical to those mapped in Amplexopora filiasa. Thus, the morphologic gradients in the zone of early astogeny are polarized on the ancestrula, Just as the gradients in the zcnes of later development (astogenetic repetition) are polarized on the monarchic zooid (pseudo- ancestrula) in each monticule (Anstey and Pachut, 1977). As zooidal arrangement in trepostome monticules may vary, the monarchic zooid can- not always be easily identified. Several recognition criteria, however, have been found to be useful in combination if not alone: 1) the monarchic zooid is usually larger in diameter than any other monticular zooid, 2) small zooids in the monticular center (frequently termed mesopores) are commonly smaller near the monarchic zooid and become Figure 3: Monticular structure in longitudinal sections of six genera of Paleozoic trepostome bryozoans. a, b. Amplexopora filiasa, IVBU1001. c. Peronopora vera, IU8976.19007. d. Heterot a urlichi, IU8976.21021I. e. HallOpora nodulosa, IU3975.15009. f. Generalized zooidal pattern, using same symbols as in Figure l. g. Atactoggrella variant, IU897LI.2001I. h. ___Ta_b_- ulepora penerudis, 0 .111b. Specimen illustrated in a and b is in the paleontological collection of Michigan State University; all others are in the paleontological collection of Indiana University. Horizontal bar in each illustration is 0.5 mm. 10 a . “in .. .wWWw ‘4 a... _ we... 1:... v “3y“ 3. as. %.u.. 11 larger away from it; the opposite size gradient has also been observed as well as a radial structure resembling the spokes of a wheel, 3) the monarchic zooid is usually offcenter in the monticule, althougn its position varies taxonomically, and A) monticules are generally bilat— erally symmetrical and fan-shaped, with the monarchic zooid at the fan apex; the very large zooids (termed by some authors megazooecia) around the margin of the central cluster are regularly arranged in symmetric pairs, one member on either side of the monticular axis, duplicating the pattern of early astogeny (Figure 3). rThese patterns can be illustrated in at least six families of Paleozoic bryozoans and possibly in a Recent heteroporid (Figures l-lI) . There is, therefore, a strong analogy between the function of the monarchic zooid of a trepostore monticule and that of the siculozooid of the graptolite morphoregulatory systems demonstra- ted so carefully by Urbanek (1973, summarizing a series of earlier papers) through "natwr'al experiments" provided by damaged and regenerated colonies. Position effect within a field. — Inferences have been made concern— ing the reproductive, feeding, and sanitation functions of the poly- morphic zooids within monticules (Banta et a1. , 197A, inter alia). 'llne control of reproductive differentiation by a morphogenetic field has been illustrated in the colonial hydroid Podocoryne (Braverman, 1963) in which the reproductive zooids form only in the center of the colony, and asexual feeding zooids occupy the periphery. As the colony grows marginally, the sexual center expands by the progressive differentiation of the asexual zooids caused by an increase in field strength (potential). Urbanek (1973) has postulated reproductive differentiation of graptolite zooids as a position effect along a morphogenetic gradient arising from Figure II: 12 Monticular structure in surficial views of Ordovician and Recent colonies. A. Peronopora vera, IU8976.30001. B. Agplexopora septosa, IU8976.30002. C. Heteropora sp., BMVHlBB9,l.l.G (Port Elizabeth). A and B are in the collection of Indiana University; 0 is from the British Museum (Natural History), photograph courtes of Paul D. Taylor, University of Dnrham. Above each photograph is a slightly enlarged diagrammatic drawing of the monticular pattern, using the same symbols as in Figure 1. Third generation zooids marked by an x. Small zooids in monticular center are shaded. Vertical bar in each photographic illus- tration is 1.0 mm. 114 the siculozooid. The position effect on polymorphic differentiation of zooids in a morphogenetic field can be tested only in bryozoans having monticular budding. In such colonies, the monticule functions as a meristem, and as new buds arise at the growth pole, older zooids are displaced outward in the field. The position effect on zooids can be tested directly by tracing the actual history of specific zooids through serial thin sections or peels. In the trepostome Amplex0pora filiasa, the vertical development of five zooids was traced through nine serial tangential peels cut at 0.5 mm intervals (Figure 5). All of these were monticular polymorphs at the lowest level (9) ; three (2, 3, 5) were the very small variety of polymorphs found in the monticular center, and two (1, A) were the very large polymorph characteristic of the monti- cular border. All three of the very small ones greatly increased in size through only one level , and all eventually became standard nonmonticular autozooids (above level 6). In the trepostomes, zooid migation takes place within morphogenetic fields as a consequence of zooidal budding within growth centers (monti- cules or branch tips). New zooids displace older ones outward in the field, producing a form of morphogenetic movement induced by growth at the polar point . To document the lateral movement away from a monticule during zooidal ontogeny, the spatial position of the five zooids of figure 5 were mapped througn the same nine levels; all originate in a monticule and are gradually displaced away from it (Figure 6), inducing the morphologic differences shown above. rIhese growth displacements are likewise observable in longitudinal section (Figure 3). Polymorphism may be induced by the displacements of zooids within a field, but also by displacement of the fields themselves, discussed below. This test Figure 5: 15 4 O Q O O O 35 0 O O O 0 if O O 0 <3 0 o o O o o 8 O O D <3 O 9Q o O D o 1 2 3 4 5 Changes in zooecial outline of five zooecia from a monticule of Amplexopora filiasa, IVBU1001.lI-1001.9, through six serial acetate peels cut at 0.5 mm intervals. Zooeciun 1, level A, is 0.20 mm in maximum diameter. 16 demonstrates that polymorphic differentiation is a function of position in a morphogenetic field. The newly budded individuals are initially very small, undergo a dramatic size increase, and then decrease in size thereafter as they migrate from the monticular pole toward the field's periphery. Preliminary observations indicate that the monarchic zooid is, at least in several species, the only zooid that is not displaced out of its original position, remaining in the same general location, even through successive lamellar growth zones of accretionary colonies (Anstey and Pachut, 1977) . This unique quality partially indicates its dominance over the morphogenetic field, and if the fields are maintained by the release and diffusion of a growth hormone (as, for example, in plant phyllotaxis) , then the monarchic zooid is the most likely source of that substance. In addition, it is the locus of zooidal budding within monticules in certain taxa (Figure 3), implying that asexual reproduction within a colony is also a function of this polymorph. Field gowth. - Morphogenetic field size (potential) in these colo— nies is not static; it changes allometrically during colony growth (astogeny). In a massive lamellar colony of Amplexopora filiasa (illustrated by Delmet and Anstey, 197A, Figure l), the thickness of each lamellar growth zone is very significantly correlated with the mean radius of the morphogenetic fields at the top of each zone (Figure 7). This colony, about 8 cm thick, experienced 17 cycles (probably seasonal) of growth, each of which added another layer of skeletal material to the massive zoarium. This correlation indicates that, after an exponential increase in field size within each growth zone, the fields deteriorated. Because the field strengths achieved at the end of each growth cycle are Figure 6: 17 C . 5...... '0 0...: ’ O A." .45 I a ‘4‘; 'A-Is Lateral displacement of a monticular zooid in W filiasa, NBUlOOl.5-1001.9, througn five serial acetate peels I“) cut at 0.5 mm intervals. Generalized displacement pattern illustrated at lower right; monticules marked as M. Shaded regions in A-E are monticules; displaced zooid centered within circle. Each illustration represents an area 3.7 mm by 5.0 mm. 18 completely non-monotonic through the zoarium, the fields must have dis- appeared at the end of each cycle, and their buildup begun _de [1933 at the onset of the next. This type of field growth suggests the diffusion of a morphoregulatory substance rather than other types of field maintenance. Monticules are absent in the lower part of each growth zone, and generally appear about 2 mm above the base of each zone. In the lower part of each layer (the immature zone or endozone) , the differentiating morphogen, by extrapolation from figure 7, is inferred to be present in concentrations below a critical level; differentiation of zooids into monticular polymorphs is concomitant with the appearance of the exozone (nature zme) and presumably reproductive maturity in the upper part of each layer. Field initiation and suppression. - One of the most conventional observations regarding monticules is that of their generally hexagonal spacing over a colony surface, an effective space-filling strategy with the morphogenetic implication of a distance effect. Cowen (1966) in- ferred regulation in the insertion of hexagonally spaced brachiOpod punctae, but could not test it because the fields remained static after insertion. Because the monticular fields grow within the colony, and the colony itself may not be able to expand uniformly in all directions, the fields locally interfere with one another, resulting in the suppression of some fields and the actual disappearance of a monticule. Local irreg- ularities in field arrangements develop, and new monticules actually appear in relatively empty areas (Figure 8). This suggests that thres- hold levels are required to induce new fields in interareas that have become too large, and likewise for field suppression in areas that have Figure 7: 19 .- 7J 0 O U z I 2 3 .- u 5" u y < d 5: 6 *lo I I r I 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.3 FlllD RADIUS Correlation of the thickness of lamellar growth zones in Amplexgora filiasa, NSUlOOl, with the mean radius of subcolo- nies at the top of each zone. Means computed from N8 radii measured from the calculated center of gravity of each subcolony; layer means based on fran 2-21 subcolonies per thin section, and 2-14 thin sections per layer. Stars in- dicate growth zones within the zooarium, numbered in sequential order. 20 become too crowded. The histories of “1 specific fields were traced through five serial acetate peels in g, filiasa (Figure 8). The closest observed spacing between field centers in this interval was 1.2H~mmn and the largest 14.21% mm (mean, 2.27 mm). The close spacing of 1.21% mm was measured between fields 11 and 14 (Figure 8) at the 140 mmldepth, above which, between the 1.0 and 0.5 levels, field 11 was suppressed. The large spacing of n.2u.mm1was measured at the 0.5 level, between field 6 and an unnumbered field, above which a.new field was induced in the interarea which appeared at the 0.0 level. The cross-sections in figure 8 illustrate the induction of new fields (2, 10, 3, H, 8, 9) in empty interareas, and the suppression of an old field (11) in a crowded region. The budding of new zooids in the field centers of this colony caused lateral displacement of the monticules and their fields, so that some of the fields illustrated (5, 7) are displaced into and out of’the cross-secticnal planes. Field suppression and.induction imply that the zooids in the areas affected must be repolarized toward the new field arrangement. These patterns illustrate the inhibitory and polarizing effects of the field agent. It can be concluded that, in the absence of the inhibitor, any autozooid could become a monarchic zooid and in- stitute a field of’its own. Conversely, in the presence of too much inhibitor a monarchic zooid could produce a normal polypide and become a.normal autozooid.polarized.towards the nearest monticule. Therefbre, the morphogenetic agent could be considered either an.inhibitor with respect to monarchic zooids, or an inducer with respect to autozooids. Regeneration. - Anstey et al. (1976, Figures 8. 9) and Anstey and Pachut (1976) have shown that brown bodies, the residues of polypide degeneration, occurred.in.Amplexopora filiasa.mostly in zooecia near the Figure 8: 21 Induction and suppression of monticular fields through five serial acetate peels cut at 0.5 mm intervals in Alplexgpora filiasa. Center, plan view of 13 monticular fields at upper- most level. Cross sections along transect A—A' and B-B' shown above and below plan view, respectively. Monticular fields represented by stippled areas, the diameter estimated by the mean intermonticular spacing in all five peels. Areas of no data are vertically lined. Stars, loci of field induction; crosses, loci of field suppression; arrows, loci of field displacement. Cross sections are drawn without vertical exaggeration. 22 boundaries of the monticular fields. A few anomalous zones were observed wherein all the zooecia contained brown bodies except those in the man- ticules. Such zones provide further support for the fOrmer existence of these morphogenetic systems. They occur at random locaticns within the colony's repetitive growth layers and are thus unrelated to seasonal growth. They most likely resulted from external environmental pertur- bations (e.g. starvation) with the monticular zooids remaining unaffected, possibly because some kind of physiologic gradient ran parallel with the morphogenetic one, concentrating the colony's resources at the polar points. Therefore, the source of the morphogenetic substances would be unaffected, and.the gradient could be maintained. The Observed regeneration of the extramonticular zooids supports this contention: the size and shape of an individual skeletal chamber did not change after regeneration, and must have been dependent upon its position in the field polarized on the monticule (Anstey et al., 1976). The regenerated zooids adopted the form.(and.inferred fUnctions) of their defbnct pre- decessors in the same zooecium above several layers of’mass degeneration in A, filiasa, indicating that the gradients were stable enough.to be maintained, even though most of the colony's autozooids had experienced degeneration. In summary, evidence for the existence of a regulatory system in Ordovician bryozoan colonies includes: 1) radial morphologic gradients in zooecial morphology polarized on each monticule, 2) the presence of a monarchic zooid or pseudoancestrula.within each monticule that provides a specific point of origin fbr each morphogenetic field, 3) a position effect fOr polymorphic differentiation.with respect to the monarchic zooid, U) nonlinear (allometric) growth of fields, suggesting 23 diffusion as a likely cause of field.mamntenance, 5) a distance effect for the induction of new fields and suppression of old ones, illustrating the polarizing and inhibitory effects of the field agent, and 6) the maintenance of morphogenetic fields following an episode of mass degenera- tion not at the end of a normal growth cycle. MEASUREMENT OF DEVELOPMENTAL RELAXATION Genetic basis. - In.many organisms, gradient or field characteris- tics, including morphogen concentration, diffusion rate, threshold levels and so on, appear to be involved.in the localization of differentiated cells or body parts, and pattern formation in general. Therefore, envi— ronmentally or genetically induced changes in these characteristics could produce different phenotypes. Genetic alterations of the basic gradient or field pattern have the capacity to cause changes in the rates and amounts of growth, in the localization, degree of expression, or even the presence or absence of particular cellular (or intracolonial) differentiations (Child, l9fl1). Such quantitative alterations of basic gradient patterns may explain growth and form.differences in related species, its recognition thus assuming importance in phyletic reconstruc- tion (as, for example, in heterochrony). Underlying genetic changes need not be complex or extensive, however. It has been suggested (DeBeer, 1958, ch. 3; Gould, 1968, p. 92; Wilson, 1976) that general developmental rates may be regulated by simple genetic mechanisms, minor alterations potentially having substantial phenotypic effects. Valentine and Campbell (1975) have applied the concept of gene regulation to explain the major’advances in animal evolution, viewing evolutionary changes as expansions or repatternings of the regulatory portions of the 214 genome rather than changes in structural genes. It is plausible that similar controls may represent a measurable aspect of the regulatory phenotype on which natural selection has acted, a conclusion which Urbanek (1973, p. 1498) reached regarding graptolite phyletics. The morphogenetic field dynamics of bryozoans are capable of producing sigrlficant differences in colorw form, both within and among species. This study seeks to determine whether or not relaxation of these develop- mental systems is in any way correlated with environmental stability (as measured by taxonomic diversity). To test this hypothesis, the develop- mental variation of the bryozoan assemblages of the Eden Shale (Ordo- vician, Ohio Valley) will be compared with taxonomic diversity. Measurements. - A preliminary investigatim (Anstey et al. , 1976) illustrated significant correlations among field size, colony size, and monticular diameter in four species of Eden trepostorres. These relation- ships indicated that field dynamics were related to overall colony form and monticule size. Therefore different growth rates of the fields could produce colonies having different stature, erectness, and poly- morphic ratios. In each of the four stratigraphically pervasive Eden species (Heterotrypa ulrichi, Hallopora nodulosa, Amplexopora septosa, and Peronopora vera) twenty measures of monticular diameter and inter- monticular distance (i.e. field diameter) were obtained from each colony, allowing the calculation of colony means. These means were subsequently converted to natural logarithms to remove non-linear effects, as allo- metric field growth had been previously established. Colony size (branch diameter or frond thickness) measures were not utilized because of low reliability caused by differences in colony growth forms and multiple growth increments (as in Amplexopora) , thickness variations along the 25 length of branching colonies' axes, and deformation resulting from sediment compaction. Additionally, the species Peronopora vera, which has a very thin endozone, would possess diameter measures varying totally with the realized stage of astogeny. Monticule and subcolony (field) sizes, on the other hand, are measurable irrespective of growth form and circumvent such problems. The developmental pattern of each species and the degree of deviation from a strictly canalized development (develOpmental relaxation) may be measured through least-squares regression analysis: the calculated regression line itself estimates the "stan " developmental pathway, and the residual variance from regression measures the degree of relaxa- tion from normal development. Additionally, the slope (allometric exponent) estimates the relative rates of growth, and the value of the Y-intercept provides the size of the monticules at a field diameter of 1 mm (the log of 1 mm is zero). Fiom the slope an indication of poly- morphic ratios and general colony form may be obtained. Samples from each of the four species listed above were subjected to regression analysis, yielding within—species statistics (Table 1). Developmental relaxation values (residual variances) were converted into standard deviations for comparative purposes. Results and inferences. - For each species (Table l) a significant correlation between monticule and subcolony size was obtained, confirm- ing the developmental character of field growth. Both the relative growth rate (allometric exponent or slope) and monticule size, at a field dia— meter of 1 mm (Y-intercept), differ among species so that different species have different overall growth forms. The scatter of points within a species represents the deviations from normal development 26 Table 1. Species growth rates, developmental relaxation, and intra- specific character variability. 4§pecies N R P AE YI DR IV Peronopora 38 .5990 .01 .7860 .6339 .11718 “.65 vera Amplexopora 55 . 571m . 01 . 7212 . 7052 . 121211 8 . 20 septosa Hallopora H3 .5782 .01 .H663 .8790 .152H1 5.78 nodulosa Heterotrypa 66 . 3963 . 01 . 6521 . 7836 . 21823 6 . 72 ulrichi N: number of specimens. R: correlation coefficient. P: significance level of correlation. AE: allometric exponent (log mm/ log mm) ; pro- portional to colony growth rate. YI: y—intercept ; proportional to monticular size at a field diameter of 1 mm. DR: developmental relaxation; square root of residual variance from.regression. IV: mean percent intraspecific variability of the 80 two-state characters used by Anstey and Perry (1973, Tables 2—5. pp. 17—20). 27 (Figure 9); those lying along the regression line are representative of the "normal" developmental pathway (astogeny) While deviations from this trend are inferred to reflect ecophenotypic deregulatim. Although these species overlap one another in the specific aspects of development being measured, each species is sufficiently distinct in terms of slope, intercept, and residual variance, implying that each displays a certain degree of developmental homostasis. The strength of the correlations suggests that these systems were functionally important; across the four species, a higrly significant correlation is obtained between monticule and field size (r = .70, p = .01). As these species represent four different families, such a developmental economy must have a big: degree of generality in des- cribing trepostome morphogenesis, and has implications in the areas of functional morphology, autecology, and phyletics that are undeveloped in this study . (DMPARISON OF EVEIDPMENTAL RELAXATION WITH DIVERSITY Samplirg and diversity indices. - Taxonomic diversity has been considered to be one of the more important aspects of community organi- zation and structure. Indices are reasonably sensitive to such ecologic parameters as the number of ways and how evenly the environment is partitioned among species and, therefore, how effectively it is being utilized by the community (Lorenz, 1973). Nargalef (1968) has further sted the implications of diversity measures as being an expression of the possibilities of constructing feedback mechanisms. Based upon these ideas, diversity should be proportional to food chain length, the degree of symbiosis, and the possibility of negative feedback control, 28 2.0K. . . o d} o z_m.. 2.11140 1.1.1 :1 .. (O 5% 1.0324» _1 D 8 g... 2 O 1‘2 1.405» 1. 1.174% c monol- ’ 4. 0 11.819 : + + J. : + + 4 : : J. t : : 1.3411 1.610 1.035 2.318 2.113 3.3211 3.915 4.15! HCNTICULRR SPRCING Figure 9: Developmental regressim and variability in' the four pervasive Eden trepostme species. The length of each regression line equals the range of values for the species. Circles, HU, Heterotrypa ulrichi; solid squares, HN, Hallopora nodulosa; asterisks, AS, Amplexopora septosa; open squares, PV, E911” onopora vera; all values are in mm. Values of the slope , intercept, and developmental variability are listed in Table l‘. 29 thus causing a reduction in oscillations and increasing stability when diversity is high (Odum, 1971). In order to assess diversity, the collections of Anstey and Perry (1973), utilized above, and additional unsectioned material in the paleontological collections of Michigan State University were censused. Locality data is listed and figured in Anstey and Perry (1973, Appendix 1, p. 77; Figure 1, p. 8); all measured sections included recognizable formational boundaries to exclude any "floating" sections. Samples were obtained from strictly in—place materials throughout the lateral extent of each collecting interval. The separation of specimens from matrix was accomplished through kerosene immersion and washing through nested sieves; materials that passed through the 2 mm sieve were discarded. External debris was removed ultrasonically and as the taxonomy of these materials had previously been worked out on a numerical basis by Anstey and Perry (1973), external identification was possible. The species involved have several externally observable diagnostic features. All materials (over 6000 colony f‘ragrents) were so identified using a dissect- ing microscope. The high degree of fragrantation of the resulting material would have led to systematic overestimation of diversity if simple numbers of colony fragments had been used. An additional size bias would also enter: of the dominant species present, Heterotrypa ulrichi and Hallopora nodulosa were considerably smaller in estimated living colony size than Mplexopora septosa and Peronopora vera. Tb circumvent these potential biases, species' skeletal volumes from each of 21 sampling intervals were determined by water displacement (Table 2) . This yielded a measure of relative skeletal biomass, presumably proportional to resource uptake in filterefeeding organisms and more closely approximating the actual 3%) a.nam «dd «.4» can 5.05 so“. “am mad as am sad o.oa n.~au ~.a: mam mm ~.Hea “.mn so: sad inn .1..." 1 nm on :m n n a N .n m 1 1 2. 0a. 1 :H w. n “A m ad «3205530 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 £3.75.“ 3:53.300 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 maummmmmmu.mmmmmmumw 1 - - - - - - - . - a - - - - - - - . - . a a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 n m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mmwummumqummnmmmmmmun 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A m 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 nu>Qfivmmmmmmmflmm saw 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a «a 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 «mmummmmmm.ummmmmmmmmmmmm 1 1 1 m a m a a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a o mumamwmflfimwm 1 3 a 1 1 a. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 n. n 1 1 «a a ha a N «N a on so mm m w o« m. m o 1 4H m a HH mm «w «an» ummmmmmmwm mo n - me e. do“ «a mm ma m Ha 1 ma a mod ca on a m 1 ma mummmuw mmmmmmmmumq m. a m. a o «a m a: a: as mm «a a m. on ma :4« mm mm mm a: mummmmmm_ummm1mmmm « on «u use «m an: .;m on ca a 1 4 an n mm mm m e mam awa oaa mmmmmmmuumnmmmmummm om1o m01w ad-» na1w «H10 ”~1w mo1n 4o1n mo1m HH1m no-3 “a-“ ~H1n H1a m~1n mnrn11,as1w, :41“ nH1~ no-” ward .oaovmmx ”abacus“ and“ I.» m . 50 pH omnzmmms.mmm50fio .mofiooom m>HpmHom .m magma 31 community relationships (Lloyd and Ghelardi, 19611). Macrofossils other than bryozoans were very minor in abundance in the intervals sampled except for the brachiopod Onniella which was as common as any of the trepostome species, and in some intervals, fragrented crinoid columnals. In this study, Brillouin's equation, based upon information theory, is utilized as a measure of taxonomic diversity rather than the more widely used Shannon index. The reasons for this are: l) Brillouin values are determined, not estimated, with a standard error of zero; Shannon values are an approximation of Brillouin's, 2) Kaesler and Brondos (1975) have found that Shannon's index is a biased estimator of diversity, always resulting in overestimation, and suggested the use of Brillouin's equation for paleontological purposes, and 3) the Brillouin equation is ideally suited for studies such as the present one wherein collections may be treated as discrete entities and not as subsets of larger pOpulations (Pielou, 19711). The Brillouin equation measures the information content per symbol of a message composed of N symbols of 3 different kinds, of which NJ are of the 3th kind as follows (Pielou, 1969, p. 232): H l lpgN =11 (N12N22...............NS!) The base of the logarithm employed in this study is 2, H being expressed as bits per individual. This index, like Shannon's, confounds simple species diversity and species evenness, a measure of how equally (numerically) species are represented in a community (Pielou, 19711). A finite collection has maximum evenness and diversity when individuals are distributed among the species as evenly as possible. A separate measure of evenness, also 32 termed "dominance cmcentration" (Whittaker, 19614) and "equitability" (Lloyd and Ghelardi, 19611), is therefore desirable as communities of similar diversity may exhibit different patterns of species distribution. The ratio of observed diversity to the maxirmmn possible diversity for the same number of species was suggested by Pielou (1966) for this purpose: J = “max where, l N! H = —- log “33‘ N {EN/31!} S r{(D\1/s}+ our and, N = total of importance values (e.g. number, biomass, productivity) s = number of species [N/s] = integer portion of N/s N-s [N/SJ A related measure, inversely proporticnal to diversity, is eco- 1" logical dominance. Its importance as a separate index resides in the fact that not all of the organisms present in a community exert the same influence over the nature and fimction of the entire community (Odum, 1971). In general, a few species or groups of species disproportionately affect energy flow owing to their numbers, size, productivity, and other factors. Relative importance additionally tends to cross taxonomic lines, involving organisms belonging to widely differing groups. An index of dominance based upon relative resource utilizatim measures (i.e. biomass) may closely approximate the degree to which the energy flow of a commu- nity is controlled by one or several species. Such an index is defined by Odum (1971, p. 11111) as: 33 c = (mi/N)2 where, ni = importance value for each species (e.g. numbers, biomass, productivity), and N sum of importance values. Therefore, c is proportional to the sum of each species' importance to the community as a whole. Species dominance and ggportunism. - Examining these indices (Table 3) in more detail reveals several previously unobserved aspects of the Eden Shale communities. Species dominance measures indicated that domination was consistently attributable to three species: 1m- trypa ulrichi, Hallcpora nodulosa, and in a few instances to Balticom- rella whitfieldi (Pachut and Anstey, 1977). Intervals of lowered domi- nance (less than 50%) exhibited more equal abundances of up to ten addi- tional species (Table 2). ' The latter range of dominance values was subdivided into three statistically differing levels whose correlations across sections are shown in figure 10. The three "dominating" taxa exhibit several of the relative abtndances and distributional character- istics listed by Levinton (1970, p. 76) as useful in recognizing oppor- tunistic (r—selected) species: 1) random orientation and lack of size sorting in individual beds, but a tendency toward size-group agregations of the dominant species (see Waage, 1968, p. 162), 2) limited areal distribution, beyond which the horizon is unfossiliferous (Waage, 1968), 3) individual species aggregated into clusters (especially if sessile), 11) presence of species in thin but widespread isochronous horizons, indicative of a brief invasion, 5) species found abundantly in several otherwise distinct famal assemblages (eurytopic), 6) species appearing in great abundance in a facies with which it is not usually associated, 39 Table 3. Diversity indices and weighted developmental relaxaticn for Eden Shale sampling intervals. Uhit SP PO DIV EVN DOM WDR 1—01 27.85 75.6 1.57 0.71 0.38 0.15737 1—03 31.35 82.9 1.09 0.69 0.52 0.17591 2-13 28.20 90.6 0.71 0.39 0.75 0.18612 5-99 32.75 78.0 0.86 0.88 0.99 0.12028 5—91 35.80 85.3 0.67 0.99 0.69 0.19815 5-38 90.15 93.0 1.85 0.97 0.18 0.07376 5—23 55.05 29.3 0.92 0.66 0.58 0.13391 5-18 69.65 38.9 1.92 1.00 0.22 0.03019 5—17 65.90 19.2 1.00 0.65 0.52 0.01578 5-15 67.90 95.0 0.53 1.00 0.56 0.15731 9-01 85.95 29.8 1.29 0.70 0.91 0.02208 3—11 0.65 87.9 0.62 0.50 0.69 0.19887 3—09 5.80 75.9 0.92 0.81 0.97 0.19627 3-09 13.10 56.6 1.53 0.96 0.28 0.19261 3—03 19.30 97.9 1.97 0.79 0.35 0.15551 6-21 29.50 76.5 1.20 0.97 0.55 0.18593 6-19 31.20 82.0 0.95 0.65 0.52 0.16075 6-15 35.75 93.8 1.60 0.88 0.32 0.09389 6-ll 38.25 39.9 0.73 0.95 0.53 0.03010 6-09 90.25 27.7 1.57 0.86 0.28 0.02579 6—30 99.60 75.1 0.89 0.61 0.60 0.00802 Uhit: codes used by Anstey and Perry (1973). SP: stratigraphic position of sampling intervals in meters below Eden-Dillsboro contact. PO: percentage of opportunistic species. DIV; Brillouin Diversity index. EVN: species evenness. DOM: species dominance. WDR: weighted develop- mental relaxatim of species occurring in sampling interval. 35 7) a species numerically dominates an assemblage by 85-1001. Specific- ally, characteristics 1, 2, 3, and 7 apply to the species of HalloEra, Heterotrypa and Balticoporella in the Eden Shale. MacArthur (1960) distinguished between opportunistic (eurytopic) and equilibrium (stenotopic) species . Opportmists are generally small, mspecialized, r—selected species capable of rapid population expansion as a result of elevated birth rates, enhanced larval survival, short generation length and generality with respect to resource utilization. They are common in unpredictable environments and areas with unoccupied or newly opened niches, and are usually not constrained by density- dependent factors such as oxygen level, food supply or living space. Equilibrium species, or the other hand, are larger, more stable, K- selected taxa, inhabit more uniform or predictable enviromrents and maintain their numbers near the carrying capacity of the environment by producing the minimum number of offspring to ensure survival. Hallam (1972, Figures 9-8, p. 79) graphically illustrated the patterns of variation in the abundances of both opportmistic and equilibrium species: equilibrium species maintain small or moderate populaticn sizes while undergoing minor oscillations in abundance througr time ; conversely, opportunists are characterized by abrupt oscillations resulting either in very low or extremely high numbers of individuals in response to ecolo- gical opportunities hindering or favoring proliferation. Therefore, cm- sistent extreme dominaticn of comunities by the same taxa suggests that such species were opportunistic. This premise was tested by calculating the percentage of the total biorass of each sampling interval accounted for by the three possibly opportunistic species (Tables 2 and 3). Two statistically different 36 .m 0.33. CH 696.: mHmPHmufi mafiaosmm Hm oop.mo mosam> connedsoo ooxeop no coamfi>fioosm Hooapmfiawpm on» so oomph who mHm>oq .oonmomefi who mcofipmamnnoo .mamew doom one no mooapaom m mmopoo possessoo moaooom mo mam>oa "oa.msswam ’oJ 1. 0.0-00.350.6- OJ...” 37 (t = 10.25, p = .01) subsets of sampling intervals resulted: a group whose total biorasses were at least 75% made up of the three opportunists; and a subset wherein less than 57% of the biomass was attributable to the opportunists and which contained more equal abmdances of up to 8 addi- tional taxa (Table 2). This dichotomy bears out the presence of oppor- tunistic species in the Eden Shale. The subgroup of sampling intervals characterized by equilibrium species was further subdivided to yield a total of three levels of opportunism whose patterns across sectims are illustrated in figure 11A. It is proposed that the opportunists' ad- vantages could have been related to a greater physiologic tolerance of physical changes in the environment which greatly enhanced larval survival. Simply elevating birth rates would have had little direct influence on population bursts as average fecundity (hmdreds or thousands of repro— ductive individuals per colony) could easily have accounted for contin— ually large populatims if larval mortality had been sligrt (Levinton, 1970) . Taxonomic diversity. - In contrast to dominance and opportunism, Brillouin diversity shows a higmly mosaic pattern in the Eden Shale (Figure 11B) . Rollins and Donahue (1975) summarized community charac- teristics and recogrized three successional levels; opportunistic (immature), mature (equilibrium), and relict-mature communities. Through time, maturity and stability tend to increase (Valentire, 1969; Levinton, 1970). Sharp changes in stress conditions, however, would have the effect of producing a quantum change in stability, stenotopic taxa being rapidly winnowed, and thus reducing the probability of their being preserved. The general absence of monotonic gradients of increasing community stability (diversity) in the Eden (Figure 11B) suggests that Figure 11: 38 Levels of species opportmism (A) and taxonomic diversity (B) across 6 sections of the Eden Shale. Correlations are inferred. Levels in each instance are based upon the statistical subdivision of ranked values of opporttnism and diversity listed in Table 3. an Lana-o I". 90 fluctuaticns in limiting factors may have been quite sudden. Therefore, monotonic trends in both species dominance and the percentage of opportunists are observable within the Eden, and the latter trend is especially distinct. Althougi Brillouin diversity is signifi- cantly (negatively) correlated with both quantities, its levels show a pronounced mosaic pattern probably owing to abrupt changes in stress conditions. In contrast, the monotonic trends in dominance and opportun- ism most likely persist because those measures are less sensitive to low level environmental fluctuations . Developmental relaxation and homeostasis. - If such a dichotomy in their adaptive strategies existed, differences might be predicted in the developmental strategies of the opportunists and equilibrists. Opportunists, adapted to Instable environments, should display less canalized development than the equilibrists. To ascertain if statis- tically significant differences existed among the four pervasive species, a homogeneity of variance test was performed. Sigificant inhomogeneity (Fmax = 3.97, p = .05) was present, indicative of differing degrees of developmental relaxation in these taxa. Examining each species' value of developmental relaxation (Table 1), one finds that Peronopora vera and Amplexgmra septosa have the lower values, whereas Hallopora nodulosa and Heterotrypa ulrichi have higher values. This accords well with qualitative observations of the morphology of Peronopora, which is the least variable in overall form (bilaminate, frondescent) . These values are independent (r = .13, p = .93) of the average intra- specific variability of the 80 two-state characters (Table l) examined by Anstey and Perry (1973, Tables 2-5, pp. 17-20). Relaxation of 91 HU 35.800 1 q ,u 18 PERCENTRGE 0F TOTRL BIOMRSS '7 .40 4e 1 i 1 111700 114000 116300 118600 120900 SPECIES DEVELOPMENTRL RELRXRTION Figure 12: Correlation of developmental relaxation within species and the percentage of total Eden biorass. HN, Hallopgra nodulosa; HU, Heterotrypa ulrichi; AS, A_mp1exopora septosa; PV, Peronopora vera. 92 morphoregulatory restraints, therefore, does not appear to be genetically linked to these phenetic traits, although these traits were successfully used by Anstey and Perry in the taxonomic discrimination of a diverse group of trepostomes. Developmental homeostasis is, therefore, present to varying degrees in these taxa. It apparently ftnctioned by canalizing development, buffering the bryozoans against deviations in astogeny which could have eventually resulted in reduced overall fitness. It is by definition, inversely proportional to the degee of developmental relaxation, being higest in Peronopora vera and lowest in Heterotrypa ulrichi. Both Heterotrypa ulrichi and Hallopora nodulosa have been considered to be Opportunistic, while Agplexopora septosa and Peronopora vera have the attributes of equilibrium taxa. Levels of developmental relaxation support these assertions (Table 1): Heterotrypa and Hallopora possess the mguest levels with correspondingly lower homeostasis. In particular, Heterotrypa ulrichi, which has the highest range of variability and the lowest level of homeostasis of any of the four, must have been capable of withstanding extremes in environmental conditions through substantial developmental deregulatim. Further evidence for opportunism is obtained through an evaluation of allometric exponents (or slopes), and Y-inter- cepts (Table 1). The opportunists are characterized by a lower field growth rate and have proportionately larger monticules (and more of them) than the equilibrium species . If hypotheses concerning the presence of reproductive individuals in the monticules are valid, then opportunistic colonies would have had a higher ratio of reproducers to feeders. Equil- ibrists, on the other hand, would have a much lower ratio of reproducers to feeders, in accord with their being attuned to effective resource 93 Table 9. Genetic variability in living benthic marine invertebrates tested at 15 or more genetic loci *. NUmber Average Species Percent of Loci Source Heterozygpsity_ 1. Asterias vulgaris 26 1.1 Schopf & Murphy, verrill 1973 2. Cancer magister 29 1.9 Hedgecock & Nelson, Dana unpublished 3. Asterias forbesi 27 2.1 Schopf & Murphy, (Desor) 1973 9. Liothyrella notorcadensis 39 3.9 Ayala et al., 1975 Jackson 5. Homarus americanus 37 3.9 Hedgecock & Nelson, NilneeEdwards unpublished 6. Crangpn negricata 30 9.9 Ibid. (Stimpson) 7. meulus polyphemus 25 5.7 Selander et. al., (Linne) 1970 8. Upggebia pugettensis 39 6.5 Hedgecock & Nelson, Dana unpublished 9. Callianassa califbrniensis 38 8.2 Ibid. Dana 10. Phoronopsis viridis 39 9.9 Ayala et. al., 1979 Hilton 11. Crassostrea virginica 32 12.0 W. W. Anderson, (Gmelin) unpublished 12. Asteroidea, four deep-sea 29 16.9 Ayala et. al., 1975 species 13. Frieleia halli 18 16.9 valentine & Ayala, Dell 1979 19. Qphiomusium.lymani 15 17.0 Ayala & valentine, Thompson 1979 15. Tridacna.maxnma 37 21.6 Ayala et. al., 1973; Roding Campbell et. al., 1975 * After valentine (1976, p. 86) 99 utilizaticn rather than reproduction. If such inferences are correct, the estimated productivity of the Opportunists should be higher than that of the equilibrists. Figure 12 indicates that this appears to be so; the opportunists account for a proportionately higher percentage of the Eden's skeletal biomass in spite of being the two smallest taxa in terms of individual colony size, an additional attribute of opportunistic species (Rollins and Donahue, 1975; Schoener, 1969). Developmental relaxation and diversity. - Ayala et al., (1975a) noted that the recent brachiOpod Liothyrella notorcadensis is rather variable morphologically while exhibiting low genetic polymorphism. In contrast, the deep-sea brachiopod Frieleia halli is quite variable genetically but possesses little morphologic diversity. A paradox thus becomes apparent; phenotypic and genotypic variability may be inversely related. In living populations, genetic variability may be directly assessed througl an analysis of enzyme polymorphism utilizing the tech- nique of starch-gel electrophoresis (see Ayala et a1. , 1972 for methodol- ogy). Table 9 summarizes the available data in genetic variation in extant benthic marine invertebrates, expressed as the percentage of loci at which an average individual is heterozygous where 15 or more loci were examined. As correlative data on resource stability is as yet un- available, diversity measures have been employed as first-order approxi- mations (Valentine, 1971, 1972, 1976). A highly siglificant positive correlation (Figure 13) between average heterozygosity and the average diversity of associations in which the species ranges today results (see Valentine, 1976, pp. 89-90) , indicatirg a trend of increasing genetic variability with increasing stability. Such a relationship (Table 5) is contrary to the expectations of the Bretsky-Iorenz model, but RVERRGE PERCENT HETEROZYGOUS Fugue 13: 18.700 14.300 9.900 95 T T .5001 10 i!— 4, ; :7 2.000 2.800 3.600 4.400 51200 RVERRGE DIVERSITY Correlation of the average percent heterozygous and average diversity of inhabited associations fer extant benthic marine invertebrates tested at 15 or more genetic loci. Numbers refer to the species listed in Table 5. 96 consistent with the predictions of Ayala et al. (1975a, b, c) and Valentine and Ayala (1979) . Additional supportive data is available from pelagic organisms; Sorero and Soulé (1979) found diversity and heterozygosity to be posi— tively associated in 13 species of marine teleosts, while Ayala et al. (19750) and Valentine and Ayala (in press) noted that, in three species of krill (Egphausia) , average heterozygosity was negatively correlated with trophic resource seasonality. Doyle (1971, 1972) found considerable variability in three species of ophiuroids from the deep-sea considering only 9 to 6 loci, and Schopf and Gooch (1971, 1972) and Gooch and SchOpf (1973), also examining deep-sea populations, found genetic polymorphism to be significantly higl at 9 to 15 loci in small populatiols of eight species. As colonial organisms, bryozoans offer the possibility of partitioning their morphologic variability into withinecolony (ecologic, polymorphic, or developmental) and between-colony (genetic) components of variance (Schopf 1976). Schopf and Dutton (1976), for the recent cheilostome SchiZOporella errata, and Farmer and Rowell (1973) , for the Paleozoic crystoporate Fistulipora decora, found within-colony variance to be greater than between-colony variance. Schopf (1976) attributed this to gradients in environmental stability; forms in variable environments exhibited variation assignable to ecophenotypic rather than genetic causes, while the reverse appeared to be true for stable habitats. For the bryozoans of the Eden Shale , the relationship between developmental relaxation and taxonoric diversity (stability) may be assessed in two ways: 1) through an examination of opportunistic and equilibrium species abundances, and 2) through a weighted average value 117 $35 magenta, .3 .o .33: do to Some 1 1 Sea £8: 823 one esteem 1 A _ m Em ngm 1&0m 30d . 33 _ maampms w W . mm 1 a _ l a. .8 3832 183mm swam 1 BE “133m 1. i 33 8on 188% SE m SE 3885 m. we r w 1 i. w 3 1o. 55 3952 198m 33 13 38% _ 50:359. 83388 8am one; afiaoomomeom 83938 528858 sofiflnoflms ofloooo panama 38: £88 83118138981333.1118 some one no Boooaa .m 389 98 of developmental relaxatiol for each sampling interval. It was shown above that the opportunistic species (Heterotrypa ulrichi and Hallogra nodulosa) exhibited higler levels of develOpmental relaxation than the equilibrium species (Amplex0pora septosa and Peronopora vera) . There- fore, high percentages of opportunists should represent environments favoring greater developmental relaxation (variability), whereas a preponderance of equilibrium species would be indicative of developmental restraint (canalization). A weighted average of developmental relaxation, based upon relative biomass contributios of the above four taxa follows similar logic. However, inasmuch as the biomass of an interval may have substantial contributios from up to nine other taxa having the characteristics of equilibrium species, but whose levels of developmental relaxation were not measurable due to small sample sizes, corrections were made to count— eract a consistent overestimation of the overall developmental relaxation. To accomplish this, the developmental relaxatiol value of each of the four measurable taxa was multiplied by their biomasses, summed, and divided by the total biomass of the sampling interval (Table 3) . This has the effect of lowering the weighted value of intervals containing substantial numbers of equilibrists while leaving the values for highly dominated intervals unchanged. Four intervals were deleted: 5-18, 6-30, and 5-17, 6-11, dotinated by Balticqiorella and undifferentiated ceramoporoids respectively, which appear to have been opportunists but whose developmental relaxation values have not been calculated. Figures 19 and 15 illustrate siglificant correlations between the percentages of opportunistic and equilibrium species in each sampling interval and species diversity and evenness of distribution, respectively, PERCENTRGE 0F BIOHRSS Figure 19: 99 x 11 11 a» 3" m an: a: {ll * El X a 60+ 9 1:: *1; 1111 44"- “ m x :11 2‘1’ an. m 7 m m m m m a: m .500 .600 1.100 1.100 1.700 SPECIES DIVERSITY Correlatios of the percentages of opportunistic and equili- brium species with taxonoric diversity. Asterisks denote opportunists (r = -50, p = .01); squares, equilibrists (r = .98, p = .01). PERCENTRGE 0F BIOHRSS Figure 15: 50 :x :x a *5 ‘3 fi *1 a: 2x 111 as a)" 6+~ “1 a] III E) 11 4 41- 3* gym 1! 241- m [D X U E! 1!] 11.1 M E] I! ll 1 t. : 1 : 1“ .340 .490 .840 .790 .940 SPECIES EVENNESS Correlations of the percentages of opportmistic and equili- brium species with species evenness . Asterisks , denote wmmmmm(r=-1W1P=.09;mmmme®flmm$s (r = 37. p = .015) 51 while figures 16 and 17 indicate similar relationships between taxonomic diversity and evenness, and weiglted developmental relaxation throughout the Eden Shale. Through their wider ranges of developmental responses, opportunists characterize the lower diversity (more unstable) habitats where they dominate biomass. Conversely, higcer diversity (more stable) regimes favor a more even distribution of taxa and greater niche subdi- vision by equilibrium species. Developmental relaxatiol is, therefore, negatively associated with diversity and, presumably, stability. The genetic-morphologic paradox remains to be explained. For the two extant species so corpared to date (the brachiopods Liothyrella notorcadensis and Frieleia halli) , genotypic and phenotypic variability were inversely related. In the Eden Shale bryozoans, the values of developmental relaxatio: measure departures between-colonies from "normal" development. The variability 113112. colonies provides a test of the genetics of deregulation. The intra- colonial variability is not of a genetic nature because each colony is a clone, and every zooid is genetically identical to all the others; it must be attributable to developmental deregulation at the subcolony level. Within—coloy variability was estimated for each species by calcu- lating an average coefficient of variability based on 10 to 15 colonies, and 20 measures of monticular spacing from each zoarium. Measured colonies were the same as those utilized for the calculatim of between- colony developmental relaxation; the within-colony variances employed are normalized for astogeny because all fields on each colony were measured at the same astogenetic stage. 52 .16200 RELRXRTION .12700 .09200 W T .05700 11220 1 ‘ # 1 * ‘ .500 .800 1.100 1.400 1.700 WEIGHTED DEVELOPMENTRL SPECIES DIVERSITY Figure 16: Correlation of weighted developmental relaxation and taxonomic diversity in 17 of the 21 Eden sampling intervals. Intervals 5-17, 5-18, 6-11, 6-30, possibly dominated by additional opportunists, ommited as their developmental relaxation values could not be calculated. 53 .162001 .12700' WEIGHTED UEVELOPHENTHL RELRXRTION .09200- rz—Js "‘ a1: p=.03 .06700» .0220 1 4. 111 1 " J. .340 .490 .640 .790 .940 SPECIES EVENNESS Figure 17: Correlation of weighted developmental relaxation and species evenness in 17 of the 21 Eden sampling intervals. Omitted intervals are the same as those in Figure 16. 59 The opportunistic species, Heterotrypa ulrichi (CV = 19.25) and Ha110pora nodulosa (CV - 19.99), have higner within-colony variability than the equilibrium species, Amplexopora septosa (CV - 16.61) and Peronopora vera (CV - 16.01) . This result indicates that developmental deregulation is correlated with the non-genetic variability within colonies; therefore, the higher morphological variability observed in unstable environments is concluded to be non-genetic in nature and not the result of higher genetic polymorphism. Conversely, stable habitats favored the development of communities of equilibrium species having lower levels of morphologic deregulation. Whether species in stable environments have higher levels of genetic polymorphism cannot be con- clusively tested with the available data. However, several genetic mechanisms , such as the maintenance of developmental homeostasis through heterozygosity, are available to explain the apparently negative corre- lation of genetic and morphologic variability. CONCLUSICNS 1) Evidence for the existence of developmental regulation in Ordovician bryozoan coloies includes: a) radial morphologic gradients in zooecial morpholog polarized on each monticule, b) the presence of a monarchic zooid or pseudoancestrula within each monticule that provides a specific point origin of each morphogenetic field, c) a position effect for polymorphic differentiation with respect to the monarchic zooid, d) nonlinear (alloretric) growth fields, suggesting diffusion as the likely cause of field maintenance, e) a distance effect for the induction of new fields and suppressim of old ones, illustrating the polarizing and inhibitory effects of 2) 3) 9) 5) 55 the field agent, and f) the maintenance of morphogenetic fields following an episode of mass degereration not at the end of a normal growth cycle. For each of the four stratigraphically pervasive Eden species, colony growth rates and the proportion of monticular to extra- monticular zooids differs, resulting in different overall growth forms. Additionally, the degree of developmental relaxation is homogeneous within species but varies significantly across taxa. The two species with the highest levels of developmental relaxat ion (Heterotrypa ulrichi and Hallopora nocmlosa) fit the concept of r-selected, opportunistic species, and are most abmdant in the communities of lower diversity and evenness. The other two species (Amplexopora septosa and Peronopora vera) have much lower levels of developmental relaxation, fit the concept of K—selected equilibrium species, and are most abundant in the cormnities of higner diversity and species evenness. 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