THE KINETICS OF THE OXIDATION OF HYPOPHOSPHITE BY PERRUTHENATE m AQUEOUS ALKALI Thesis for the Degree of Ph. D. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY SAMUEL J. PATON 1972 “3 LIBRARY Michigan State University This is to certify that the thesis entitled THE KINETICS OF THE OXIDATION OF HYPOPHOSPHITE BY PERRUTHENATE IN AQUEOUS ALKALI presented by Samuel J. Paton has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Eh D degreein Chemistry Major professor Date October 13, 1972 0-7639 ’ swam in ‘é .3 HUN; a. sour 800K smuenv mu LIBRARY smosn m gummy.» .‘ "INT ‘m “ ABSTRACT THE KINETICS OF THE OXIDATION OF HYPOPHOSPHITE BY PERRUTHENATE IN AQUEOUS ALKALI The kinetics of the oxidation of hypophosphite by perruthenate was studied at various temperatures in 0.300 M KOH. The change in perruthenate concentration was followed spectrOphotometrically under pseudo first order (stOpped-flow) and second order conditions. Data were analyzed by a curve fitting computer program. The reaction is first order with respect to each anion and hydroxide with a rate constant of zue flfzscc'1 at 24.80. The rate decreases linearly with decreasing pH. The Arrhenius activation energy E8 is 2.h6 kcal/mole and the entropy of activation.ASq= = -hl.3 cu. Results are compared to published studies of hypOphosphorus acid in acidic solution and hypophosphite anion in-basic solution. The proposed mechanism involves an equilibrium with hydroxide ion and hypOphosphite. The activated complex is probably a hydroxide bridged species of hypOphOSphlte and perruthenatc. THE KINETICS OF THE OXIDATION OF HYPOPHOSPHITE BY PERRUTHENATE IN AQUEOUS ALKALI By I. {r Samuel erpaton A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Chemistry 1972 33 e. .Nflflnfii I... Tani-Hi . . ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author gratefully acknowledges the patience and understanding of Professor Carl H. Brubaker, Jr.. financial aid from National Defense Education act (Title IV) and Dow Chemical Company, and a little help from his friends. TABLE OF CONTENTS IntrOdIICtion o o o o o o o o o o o EXperimental . . .,. . . . . . . . . . . . A. Preparation and Analyses of Reagents E. Second Order Kinetics. . . . C. Pseudo-First Order Kinetics. D. Variation in Temperature . . E. Variation of pH. . . . . . . F. Products of the Reaction . . Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. The Rate Equation. . . . . . B. Activation Parameters. . . . C. pH Dependence. . . . . . . . Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix A . . . . . . . . . . . . AppendiXBoooooooooooo ii XV III IV VI VII VIII IX A - I A- II A-III A- IV A - V A- VI A-VII LIST OF TABLES Half-Life Values for Ruou' Reduction The Rate in 0.300 M KOH at 2u.8° . . The Rate in 0.300 m KOH at 2n.8° Modified . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Rate in 0.300 M KOH at u.3° . The Rate in 0.300 M KOH at 14.7° . The Rate in 0.300 M KOH at 34.3° . The Rate in 0.300 M KOH at u2.8° . Depepdence of the Rate on [OH-J at 2u08 C O C O C C C C O O O O O C 0 Representative St0pped - Flow Data Absorbance at lh.7°C, Experiment 1 Total Ru Concentration. Experiment Absorbance at lb.7°C, EXperiment 2 Total Ru Concentration, Experiment Absorbance at lh.7°C. EXperiment 3 Total Ru Concentration, EXperiment Extrapolated RuO ' Concentration att=0.0seC.......... iii 21 25 26 27 28 32 3? vii vii viii viii ix Figure II III IV A- II A-III LIST OF FIGURES Extent of Reaction gs Time, 21+.8o . Extent of Reaction gs Time, 24.8o , 2 Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . Plot of Arrhenium Activation Energy Function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dependence of the Rate of [OH-] . . Extent of Reaction gs Time, Hypothetical. o o o c o o o o o o o O Extent of Reaction gs Time, l#.7 . Extent of Reaction gg Time, 1a.7° , 2 Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . iv 23 30 3h iii xii xiv INTRODUCTION P. L. Dulong, in 1816, treated phosphides of alkaline earths with water, isolated hyponhosnhite salts, and proposed the name hypOphosphorous acid.1 Since then the mono protic acid and many of its salts have been studied. Detailed studies of the kinetics of reactions involving HBPO2 as a reducing agent began with Mitchell.2 He suggested an acid catalyzed equilibrium between HBPO2 and an active form of the acid H3P02(inactive) + H++>H3P02(active) + H+ which was immediately oxidized. K II H3P02(active) + 0X -----'>H3P03 + (reduced product) The general form of the rate law, _ d(H3P02) z k(H3P02)(H+) dt 1+LL1£L N k (0X) is obeyed for the following oxidants: 12, Brz, 012, 103', HCrOnI, Ce(IV), and Tl(III) (References 2 through 7, respectively). Evidence for complex formation between HBPO2 and the oxidant was presented in the latter two studies. Isotope exchange studies by Jenkins and Yost8 (T/H) and Fratiello and Anderson9 (D/H) further substantiated I 2 the inactive/active phenomena for H3P02' Other rate laws (involving complex formation as well as the inactive/active concept) were observed by Carroll and Thomas10 (Ce(IV)), Cooper et. a1.11 (V(V)), and Cooper12 (Cr(VI)). All of these studies were in acidic or neutral solutions. Studies of reactions of hypOphOSphite in basic solutions are limited. In 1912, Sieverts and Loessner13 studied the rate of the decomposition reaction at 910 and 1000 in 1-4 M NaOH solution. Their data conformed to the rate equation ' dt = k(H2P02')(0H‘)2 and they observed a "normal temperature dependence". Jenkins.and Yost8 mentioned decomposition problems in their work at high pH. Roper, Haas and Gillmanll+ published results of a proton nmr study on the base catalyzed hydrogen-deuterium exchange on hypophOSphite anion (discussed in detail under RESULTS). The authors suggest the rate of production of the reactive intermediate was .15 observed. Ben-Zv1 studied a free radical chain mechanism of oxidation by peroxydisulphate up to pH=1l. No other basic solution studies have been published. This study was intended to observe effects of a reactive intermediate of hypOphosphite in basic solution. It was necessary to use an oxidant known to gain electrons rapidly. Luoma16 demonstrated the extremely rapid exchange between Ruou- and RuOu= as well as a fast reaction between Ruou- and Mn0u=. Thus, the choice of KRuO“ as the oxidizing agent is reasonable. EXPERIMENTAL A. PREPARATION AND ANALYSIS OF REAGENTS KHZPOZ About 400 g of Baker and Adamson KHZPO2 was added to 300 ml of distilled water, and heated to 50) to facilitate dissolution. The warm solution darkened. The grey matter was removed by filtering through medium porosity filter paper. The clear solution was cooled to 70 in a refrigerator but no crystals appeared. The solution was transfered to a Rotovap ® and maintained at 300 by means of a water bath and the apparatus was evacuated to about 10 torr. Crystals of KHZPO2 formed suddenly and were removed by filtration on a coarse frit. After several washings with distilled water, the white crystals (200 g) were stored in a brown bottle. The supernatent was returned to the Rotovap ® evaporator for 14. second (50 g) and third (20 g) batches of crystals. The three samples of KHZPO2 were dried in vacuo over Drierite ® for several hours, then eXposed to the air overnight. Two samples from each of the three crystallizations were 17 The determined analyzed by the method of Ogawa. molecular weight ranged from 104.50 to 105.93 with an average of 105.05 g/mole (actual molecular weight = 104.09 g/mole). The three batches of the salt were crushed and thoroughly mixed. Four samples of about 0.1 g each were analyzed by the two part method of Jones and Swift.18 The first part, a sensitive analysis for phosphite (the most likely contaminant), showed none was present. From the second part, the oxidation of all P(I) and P(III) compounds to phosphate. the determined molecular weight was 105.07 1 10 g/mole. Galbraith Laboratories found 29.50% P which correSponds to 105.0 g/mole. Actual %P for KHZPO2 is 29.76%. The value of 105.06 for the molecular weight of KHZPO2 was used for all future calculations. The 0.9% difference was attributed to water adsorbed on the surface of the crystals. The assumed molecular weight was confirmed several times by the method of Jones and Swift during the course of the study. KRUOu Ruthenium metal powder (99.9%) from K&K Laboratories and anhydrous RuCl3 (99.9%) from Alfa Inorganics were the sources of ruthenium. The starting material KRuOu was prepared in the following manner. Tan g of sodium ‘ peroxide and three g of Ru powder were fused in a nickel crucible over a Meeker burner. After cooling, the fused mass was dissolved in 300 m1 of distilled water. The solution was carefully acidified with 6 M HCl, which caused the orange solution (mostly Ru04=) to turn black (due to the formation of hydrated Ru(IV) oxide). The pH was adjusted to 7 with NaHCOB. Hydrated oxide was removed by filtration on a medium frit. dried at 110°, and ground into a powder. (After each experiment Ru was precipitated as the oxide and recycled at this point.) The black powder was evaporated to dryness with concentrated HCl. The water soluble RuCl3 product (which contained a small amount of the hydrated oxide) was the starting material for the preparation of RuOu. The volatile tetraoxide was generated according to the recipe of Larsen and Ross.19 A typical preparation was carried out in a one liter, three neck (zu/uo) round 6 bottom flask. An overhead stirring assembly was placed in the central neck. A 7 mm glass tube for N2 flow in a 2h/25 Teflon ® adapter (RuO,+ reacts quickly with all st0pcock grease, and even discolors Teflon CD was placed in another neck. The third neck contained another 24/25 adapter which had a U-shaped tube (10 x 25 x 10 cm). This tube delivered Ruou (under slightly positive pressure of N2) into a 100 m1 flask equipped with a side arm. The receiving vessel was submerged in an isoprOpanol/dry-ice bath. Reagents used were 3.5 g of “RuClB”. 125 g NaBiOB. 500 ml 6N H280“, and 200 ml of distilled water. As the mixture was stirred, N2 was bubbled through at 3 to 5 bubbles per second. Heat was applied from a heating mantle to bring the mixture to a temperature near 90°. By this time bright yellow RuOu (as well as ice) was observed in the receiving flask. When RuOu no longer condensed in the delivery tube. the reaction was judged completed. The contents of the receiving vessel were quickly added to an equal volume of 0.3 M_KOH solution (total volume 80 ml) in a large weighing bottle. The t0p was replaced and the weighing bottle placed in a refrigerator at 70 for 3 days. At 12 7 hour intervals. 3 ml of saturated KC] solutirr were added. The shiny black crystals of KRuOu were removed from the orange supernatant on a coarse filter frit. After being washed four times with small amounts of distilled water the KRuOu (.3 g) was dried and stored over Drierite ® . (Calculated for KRuOu: Ru, h9.50. Found = 49.77) The actual Ruou' and Ruou= concentrations were calculated from absorbences at #65 and 383.5 nm by use of molar absorptivities given by Luoma.16 (Total Ru concentration was consistently 2-3% lower than the value calculated from the weighed amount of KRuOu.) £921 ‘ The reaction medium of 0.3 M KOH was prepared fresh for each experiment from Baker's Analyzed Reagent CD which contained less than 0.8% carbonate. Sufficient pellets to give slightly more than a 0.3 M solution were dissolved in distilled water (deionized water distilled from KMnOu and then from itself). From this solution exactly 100 ml were removed and used to titrate weighed samples of potassium hydrogen phthalate to the phenolphthalien endpoint. Distilled water was added to dilute the stock to exactly 0.300 M,in KOH. All other reagents met ACS standards and were used as taken from their containers. B. SECOND ORDER KINETICS When Ruou- and HZPOZI concentrations were similar and near 2 x 10'“ molar, the reaction time was of the order of minutes. A Cary Model 1h spectrOphotometer was used for monitoring the concentration of Ruou' or Ru04= as a function of time. A typical experiment began with the calibration of 5 cm cells made of Pyrex (silica seemed to affect the stability of Ruou') at both #65 nm and 383.5 nm (the adsorption maxima for RuOu= and Ruou', respectively). A stock solution of 0.300 M KOH was prepared as described previously. A 0.131 g sample of KHZPO2 was dissolved in the hydroxide and the solution diluted to 250 ml. From this solution, 25.0 ml was pipetted into another 250 m1 volumetric flask and again diluted to the mark with KOH. The resulting solution was 5.00 x 10-“ M’in KHZPOZ' A 500 ml volumetric flask was partially filled with 300 ml of the stock 0.300 M KOH. The stock solution of KRuOu was prepared by weighing 0.0h51 g of KRuOu into the flask and quickly swirling the contents. (It was found 9 that KRuOu crystals caught along the walls and rapidly decomposed to Ru04= unless quickly brought into solution.) The resulting solution was u.u2 x 10”+ M in KRuOu. The three stock solutions (KOH, KRuOu, and KHZPOZ) were stored in a controlled temperature water bath. (Water from this heat sink was pumped through the cooling passages of the cell compartments of the Cary 14). Aliquots (25.0 ml) of the hypophosphite and perruthenate were pipetted into separate 100 ml beakers which were held in the bath. The beakers were removed and the perruthenate solution was quickly poured into the hypOphOSphite solution. (This action was t = 0.0 sec and a timer was started.) The mixture was poured between the beakers four times, the sample cell was rinsed twice, filled. and placed in the sample chamber. The recording pen was actuated immediately (about t = 25 sec) and the chart paper started at t = 30 sec. The absorbance was recorded at #65 nm until at least 90% of the Ruou' was converted to Ru04=. Absorbance readings at 383.5 nm were recorded at several times during the course of the reaction. The experiment was repeated several times alternating hydroxide with hypOphOSphite. TREATMENT OF DATA Absorbance was read from the chart at minimum of 15 different times which were selected such that half were in the first quarter of the reaction (whereadA/At was greatest). An average value for total Ruon- + RuOu= concentration was determined from the absorbances at 383.5 and 465 mn. With this value and an absorbance, the perruthenate concentration at any time “t" could be calculated. A small correction factor (20) to account for oxidizable contaminants in the KOH pellets was applied to the value of RuOu' concentration. The value thus obtained represented the concentration of Ru0“' that had not yet reacted with HZPOZI. This variable was fitted to a rate law as described under “Results". C. PSEUDO FIRST ORDER KINETICS Two different stOpped-flow apparatus made it possible to study the reaction over a wide range of concentrations. One of the home-built instruments delivered about 15 ml of each reactant solution into a mixing chamber. The flow continued through 2 mm capillary tubing to a solenoid stop valve and then to a catch vessel. A beam of IO 11 light from a monochomator passed through the 2 mm tubing perpendicular to the flow of liquid and then into a photomultiplier. The amplified output voltage (directly proportional to %T) was logarithmically converted and stored on a recording oscilloscOpe. Voltage (now pr0portional to absorbance) versus time traces were photographed with Polaroid ® film. Treatment of these data is described later. The other st0pped-flow instrument21 was basically similar except for light path length. Each syringe pushed about 1 ml through a mixing chamber into an observation cell of 2 mm stainless steel tubing 2 cm long. Light traversed the length of the cell, thus giving a path length 10 times the system previously described. Although the two instruments exhibited major detailed differences, the principles of operation were identical. In a typical eXperiment (on either instrument), the oscilloscope recorded a trace representing zero absorbance (0.300 M KOH in each syringe) at #65 nm. The RuOn' solution was admitted to one syringe and the trace corresponding to the absorbance of RuOu' only was recorded. 12 These traces were photographed, and were the basis for all absorbance assignments. The other syringe was loaded with HZPOZI and the reaction trace was recorded and photographed. After a thorough rinsing, the entire procedure was repeated with solutions of different concentrations. Several reactions (traces) were recorded and photographed at each concentration. TREATMENT OF DATA The grid pattern of the photograph of the oscilloSCOpe was scaled for absorbance and time. Absorbance was con- verted to RuOu- concentration. The absorbance value at t = 0.0 see was scaled to 1.00 and all other concentrations divided by that value. Concentration versus time was plotted on semi-log paper, and the half—life for each reaction estimated from the graph. D. VARIATION IN TEMPERATURE A 100 L water bath equipped with circulating pump, tap water cooling coils, and thermostatically controlled heating blades provided a constant temperature of 21+.8o for the cell compartment of the Cary lb. The temperature of the solution in the 5 cm cell in the sample compartment 13 was always within 0.1° of that value. A 50 l.coolant bath unit manufactured by the Wilkens-Anderson Company was used to control temperature above or below ambient conditions. A thermometer was inserted into the 5 cm cell at the end of each reaction to measure the actual temperature. Data were treated as described previously. E. VARIATION OngH Potassium hydroxide pellets and K3POu were mixed in various proportions to vary the pH while maintaining the ionic strength (on a molar scale) at 0.30. A Corning Model 10 pH meter equipped with a general purpose glass electrode and a new referance electrode indicated the actual pH of the various solutions. Measurements before and after the reaction differed by less than 0.1 pH unit. Data were treated as described previously. F. PRODUCTS OF THE REACTION It was clear that perruthenate was converted to ruthenate and that the rate of reduction of RuOu— by Hzpo; was not significant at these concentrations and time scales. Indeed, knowledge of the total RuOu‘ + RuOL:= concentration was an integral part of the data analysis. In Inconclusive results were obtained from the several attempts to establish the nature of the product of the oxidation of hypOphosphite. A 50 m1 aliquot of 8 x 10"3 M RuOu' was allowed to react with a 5 ml aliquot of 5 x 10"2 M HZPOZI. When all ruthenium was in the +-6 state. the solution was carefully neutralized with 6 M HCl. A small amount of saturated NaHCO3 was added to adjust the pH. Hydrated Ru(IV) oxide precipitated as the solution approached neutrality. The solution was centrifuged, and the decanted portion filtered through a medium frit. The phOSphite and hypOphosphite were determined in the very pale yellow solution by the method of Jones and Swift.l8 Thin layer chromatography identified the only reaction product to be phosphite. The plates were Baker-Flex brand #0-h468 (cellulose). Seiler'szz recommendation for the solvent, a mixture of methanol concd ammonia-10% trichloro- acetic acid-water (50+15+5+30), gave excellent results. Substitution of sodium molybdate for ammonium molybdate caused no difficulty. The Rf value for HP03= (compared to H P02-) was 0.77 for reference and 0.76 for sample. 2 15 No paramagnetic species were observed in the frozen (liquid N2) reaction solution. Luoma16 also failed to observe an ear signal from RuOu-. The samples were run on a Varian model E-h at liquid N2 temperature and were scanned from 1500 to 6500 Gauss at 9.295 GHZ. RESULTS A. THE RATE EQUATION Extensive stepped-flow studies were designed to observe the effects of an equilibrium between inactive and active forms of H2P02-. Table I presents the half-lives for the disappearance of RuOu' under various psuedo first order conditions. The t% values are consistent and all plots are linear for at least two half-lives. Data from dilute solution studies were analyzed by a curve fitting computer program written by Dye and Nicely.23 The second order equation dx E = k2(Ru - x)(P - 325) (1) 16 Table I Half-Life Values for RuOu- Disappearance Initial Concentration (M x 10 ) RuOu [E332§:] t$(sec) 1000. .080* .089 .10 .13 500. .18 .17 250. .355 .39 .40 .QO .40 .48 125. .81 .88 50. 2.1 2.2 25. 0.25 0.3 12.5 8.3 8.7 5.0 20.5 19. * All values in sec. 1 10% 17 was integrated and rearranged to the form ykzt - -2 x = 2Ru(e l) y = 325.2 (2) Ru yth fi— e -2 where Ru and P represent initial concentrations of RuOu' and HZPOZI, k2 is the second order rate constant, t is time, and x is the extent of reaction (= the concentration of RuOh' converted to Ru0n= at any time t). The input data are x and time, and k is Optimized to give minimum residuals between the input and the calculated x. Results of these calculations appear in Table II. Figure I is a computer plot of the input variable and the u M calculated x Mg time for KHZPO = 2.5 x 10' 2 EXperimental points (input) are designated with x, 0 indicates a calculated point, and = means experimental and calculated points differ by less than the experimental uncertainty (usually less than 5%). The perruthenate concentration can be introduced as a second adjustable parameter in equation (2). The curve- fitting program will then optimize both parameters. Such calculations are listed in Table III and a representative u M computer plot is Figure II (for HZPOZI = 2.5 x 10' _). Table II The Rate of the Reaction in 0.300 M KOH at 2#.8°C [Hzpoz 1.50 1.00 0.500 Initial Concentrations (M'x 10h) [RuOu-] 1.72 1.66 |+ |+ [4- H- H- 19 O m.:m .oEHB MN Cowpomom ho peopxm H musmfim 20 own H opsmwa Aoomv mafia o: amOIIImlIIOVIIllmIlllmiltlmIIIImIIIImIIIImltllmtIllmllllmltltm | m m u m I mIUIIWIIIOVllllu m xm ~ OH n n u m a I ~ — H m K ~ 0 u u a m I n u n n I m u x n 0 ~ u x m 0 ~ ~ u ~ u 0 m x a I n n I u T I u C a o x a x u N m a a O m K ~ 0 m K a O n x ml n umIIIImIIICmIIIImOIltmllIIWIIOIWIIIIWIIIImIIIImoIllMlIllm llm M m Im M MI Ml w I Hue-ouch-mnunummmnvdmwuuumI-n—IwmuHunmnnuum—unumuumnmuuu Imam. OH x x Ion.a [H PO ' 2 2 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.500 ] The Rate in 0.300 M KOH at 24.8°0 21 Table III Initial Concentrations (M x 10h) Lied 1.72 1.73 1.69 1.69 1.66 calculated [R“°u-] 1.76 + 1.71 1 1.73 i 1.77 1 3.28 H- .01 .01 .01 .01 Avg* *Exclude last value H- H- |+ .3 .5 22 meoposmpmm N .oEHe MM coflpoMom mo enovxm HH oeamaa 213 ‘ .."‘ u'c' y”:| com HH ohsmfim Aoomv mews o: .m w w m u----m o w muuuuma-c-mu---m--uum----m----m-u--m----m----m--u-m--unmuuuna m am a a _ a _ a a a m m _ u a a a _ a a _ m u m _ a a _ a _ a x _ m o m a a a a _ u a a a m m _ x a _ o a a a. _ u a m m a a a n a _ a a. a a m m _ u a a a e a a a a m u m a O u _ x a a u a a u a m m _ a a a a u a _ a m u m e _ a u u ax _ .o _ amuutlm-t--mnu--m----m-tutm--u-mu--umun--m--u-mu.--m---um m m m m m p m m m u a umam. Ava on x IHh.H 2“ It was judged desirable to minimize machine manipulations of the data, so all results are calculated from equation (2) with k2 the only parameter. B. ACTIVATION PARAMETERS All temperature studies were carried out in 0.300 M KOH. Results from these reactions are listed in Tables IV, V, VI, and VII. The Arrhenius activation energy Ea’ calculated from = Ae-Eg/RT k3 is 2.“5 1 0.2 kcal/mole and the pre-exponential factor A = 1,63;x105M- sec-1 (see Figure III). Activation enthalpy (AHIU and entrOpy (ASTW are found from the equation where As‘F _ AH; k2 = %I e R e RT kr = rate of reaction k = Boltzman's constant h = Planck's constant R = gas constant T = temperature AH‘F = E - RT a The activation parameters are ART: = 1.86 1 02 kcal/mole and As:F = -41.3 1 7 cu. 25 Table IV The Rate of the Reaction in 0.300 M KOH at u.3° Initial Concentrations (M x 10“) k2 M2302:] [RuOu’] Mfl sec"1 2.09 1.70 43.9 I .n 1.25 1.77 45.5 i .6 2.u9 1.77 #5.3 1 .3 1.25 1.71 u3.3 1 1.2 Wino 26 Table V The Rate of the Reaction in 0.300 M KOH at 1n.7° Initial Concentrations (M x 10“) [RuOu-1 1.81 1.79 1.79 1.80 2 11-1 sec"1 148.5 1 .3 5n.1 1 .6 49.1 1 .u “5.1 1 .6 #9.2 + 1.0 27 Table VI 0 The Rate of the Reaction in 0.300 M KOH at 34.3 Initial Concentrations (M x 10“) 2 [Mg-1:03;] [RuOu’] M’l sec"1 2.53 1.57 ou.1 1 .7 1.90 1.56 70.0 _+_ .7 1.27 1.50 73.1 1 1.0 0.633 1.t+7 66.3 1 1.7 71.7; 1 2.0 28 Table VII The Rate of the Reaction in 0.300 M KOH at 42.80 Initial Concentrations (M x 10“) HZPOZ‘] [RuOu-l .m'l sec'l 2.53 1.65 73.7 .1 1.90 1.65 66.3 1 1.27 1.61 84.9 1 2.53 1.45 73-6 1 71:6: 29 coflpocsm amuocm Coapm>flpo< mSHCognu< mo Foam HHH ocamfia 3() .cam HHH ceases e. acoe .eem _m-uutmunuum-u--m-.uumnnuum-nuamunu-mu-u-m----mu-n.wuuuumu-n-mu--umu-uumnuu-muuuum-u--mu-n-mu-uuwna-aa Om K ~fi~~~m“HbCHmHHD—KU‘NHHO—‘mp—Hy—afi-u‘~H~~mHHH~mH~~~mHH~HmH~~~ A ”Hm“HHHVDflHM—mub—HHmeHO-om"HM—v.0-l0-‘Hh-ImHHHHmt-‘I-lhtb-mHD-‘U-IWU p- O ~x amuuuumuuu-m-utumnuuumtuuumtnuumuuuumutunmuttcmun.nmuuuumt 1m u w mnuu-m w w- mutunvuuuu ImoN: can 6.: H- _2V C. pH DEPENDENCE A positive hydroxide ion dependence for the rate constant was expected. Experiments showed a large effect, and therefore the reaction was studied over a wide range of hydroxide concentration. At the lowest pH (10.3), the reaction solution was turbid when removed from the Cary 14. It was obvious other reactions interfered at lower pH. Table VIII presents rate constant results from pH studies. A plot of k y§_(OH') has a sIOpe of 248 (See Figure IV), 2 which indicate" a positive OH- concentration dependence. DISCUSSION . , 14 R0per, Haas, and G111man 8 rate data for the exchange reaction in D20 HZPO2 —> HDPO2 —->02PO2 obeyed the rate law rate = k(00‘)(H2P02') (3) 1 with k = 3 x 10’3.M’lsec‘ at 25°C. They concluded 31 [HZPO2 2.64 3.08 2.58 3.49 2.53 32 Table VIII Dependence of the Rate on [OHi] at 24.80 Initial Concentration (M x 10 ) 1 [non [on-1 mole/liter. 0.0833 0.0158 0.00851 0.00363 0.000200 4 16.5 5-15 4.17 3.78 3.00 .l .09 .03 .07 .05 33 _HT:OH_ :0 3mm on». mo cocopCoaoQ >H oeamHa 311 >H ousmwu A room alsvx oo.r _m-u--m-u--m-uu-m----m--unwuuunmuontm----mn-uumu.u-m----m-u--m----mnu--m--u-m---um-u--m----m-uu-mu---_ xxm x on cc a u u x HHF‘U‘bib-IDI-HmhhuumHHb-IFQU‘MHO—O-mhflHHU—lrfiat-INFIm-‘Hfiflm—HU-‘fim—OHF-finm no a m _ a a _ m a a . a m a _ a a m a _ a a m a _ _ _ m a a a a m _ a a a m a _ _ _ m _ _ a . _m--u-mutcum-t--m .u---m . .. ~ u Mlm m .u u I“ In ll All-.. Iomooc. Immm. El :0 35 "....we believe it (the rate controlling step) to correspond to the removal of a hydrogen from the hypophosphite anion to foEm a triply connected phOphorous dianion, HP02 1 viz., H2P02‘ + OD‘-—>HP02’ + HDO. This reactive species then will pick up an additional hydrogen or deuterium atom from the solvent in a rapid step: HPOZ ' + DZO-d>HDP02’ + OD'. If this view is correct, the rate to which equation (3) refers is actually the rate of production of the reactive intermediate." If this reactive intermediate is the Species pr0posed by hitchell2 (i.e., the form that is readily oxidized), then it should be easily oxidized by the strong oxidant RuOu'. If the reactive intermediate concentration is substantially less than the inactive form (say 10%), the reaction should clearly deviate from pseudo-first order kinetics before the initial H2P02' to RuOu' ratio is below 20:1. The t5 values in Table I do not deviate from the expected pattern. Therefore, the reactive Species is at least 10% of (and quite likely equal to) the HZPOZ- concentration at all times during the reaction. when the ratio of Hzpoz’ to RuOu- is near unity, the reaction data conform to the second order eXpression d . 3% = k2(Ru - x)(P - g) 36 with k = 58.5 m‘1 sec'1 at 25°C. Stopped flow data fitted to equation (2), treated as described previously, gives similar values for the second order rate constant k2 (see Table IX). In order to test for a contribution to the rate eXpression from a OH- concentration term, the equation %% = (R2 + k3(0H'))(Ru - X)(P ' I) was tested. A plot of k2 (the observed k) 11,(08') has a lepe of 248. 1 14. and an intercept of 0.2 1_1.8. The hydroxide ion dependence in the rate law must be first order, and k2 is zero within experimental error. The overall rate law is at: e k3(Ru - x)(P - §)(0H’) - -1 - with k3 = 248. 1,14 M 288C when.OH is in excess. A. G. Miroshnichenko and V. A. Luneok-Burmakinazu published the results of the oxidation of HBPO2 by H202 in acid solution. Although their conclusions appear self 180 studies) that contradictory, they do claim (from peroxide rather than water is the source of oxygen in the formation of phosphite. In this study, OH- or water must [H P0“ 2 2 1000. 500. 125. 25. ] 37 Table IX Representative StOpped - Flow Data Initial Concentration (M x 10h) calc RuOn] 12.6 6.03 4.56 4.58 4.86 H- .5 .2 .02 .04 \1 O\ C CD + O \7 38 be the source of oxygen, since the exchange of 0 between H20 and RuOu- is slow compared to the time scale of the present reaction.26 Ben-Zvils proposed the formation of a hypophOSphite radical in the oxidation by peroxydisulphate. He listed the activation energy of the formation of the radical as 6.6 kcal/mole. The rate equation is not simple and the _ _1 observed rate constant decreased to a plateau (about 10'3 M 2 sec-1) at pH = 11. Although a free radical chain mechanism for oxidation by RuOu- cannot be excluded, it could not be substantiated, and the data conform well to the second order rate law. R0per, Haas, and Gillmanlh report an Ea of about 19 kcal/mole which is similar to activation energies from other studies on the oxidation of hypOphosphite. The low Ea from this study (2.5 kcal/mole) and the large entr0py of activation (-41 eu) indicates the rate determining step is other than the inactive/active tautomerism. The data can be explained by a pre- equilibrium between H2P02 and OH‘ HPO- + 0H’=Hm'08’ 2 2 39 The large, negative activation entrepy indicates oxidation of H2P02 occurs by means of a bridged activated complex. The bridge probably involves-OH- ion. The rate expression indicates one BuO; ion is involved in the rate determining step. This suggests that a P(II) species may have a transient existence. BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHY l. J. W. Mellor, Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry, Wiley, (1956). 2. A. D. Mitchell, J. Chem Soc., 117, 1322(1920); q12,0, 1266(1921). 1.31. 1624(192’2‘); 332' 629(1923). 3. R. O. Griffith and A. McKeown, Trans. Faraday Soc., 43Q. 530(1934). 4. P. Haywood and D. M. Yost, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 71, 915(1949). - 5. K. Pan and S.-H. Lin, J. Chinese Chem. Soc., Z, 75(1960). 6. S. K. Mishra and Y. K. Gupta, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., @2. 1643(1967). 7. K. S. Gupta and Y. K. Gupta, J. Chem. Soc. (A), 1970’ 256. N'MA 8. W. A. Jenkins and D. M. Yost, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 11. 308(1959). 9. A. Fratiello and E. W. Anderson, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 23. 519(1963). 10. R. L. Carroll and L. B. Thomas, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., gg. 1376(1966). 11. J. N. C00per, H. L. Hort, C. W. Buffington, and C. A. Holmes, J. Phys. Chem., 75, 891(1971). 12. J. N. Cooper, J. Phys. Chem., 34, 955(1970). 13. A. Sieverts and F. Loessner, Z. Anorg. Chem., 33, 1(1912). 14. G. C. R0per, T. E. Haas, and H. D. Gillman, Inorg. Chem., 2. 1049(1970). 15. E. Ben-Zvi, Inorg. Chem.,.é, 1143(1967). l6. E.66. Luoma, Ph.D. Thesis, Michigan State University, 19 . 17. K. Ogawa, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jap., 42, 1449(1969). 4O 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 41 R. T. Jones and E. H. Swift, Anal. Chem., 35, 1272(1953). R. P. Larsen and L. E. Ross, Anal. Chem., 31, 177(1959). See Appendix 1 P. M. Beckwith and S. R. Crouch, Anal. Chem., 44, 221(1972). N E. Stahl. Thin-Layer Chromatography, Academic Press, New York, 1965, p. 482. J. L. Dye and V. A. Nicely, J. Chem. Educ., 48, 443(1971) A. G. Miroshnichenko and V. A. Lunenok-Burmakina, Russ. J. lggrg. Chem, 15, 1345(1970). P. R. Bevington, Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences, McGraw-Hill. New York, 1970. R. K. Murmann, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 92, 4184(1971). APPENDIX A APPENDIX A Consider the rate equation % == k2(Ru - x)( - g) (l) where Ru and P represent initial concentrations of RuOu' and H2P02-, respectively. The variable x corre3ponds to the decrease in RuOu' concentration (or increase in RuOl,= con- centration) due to the reaction with H2P02-. Data are Ruou' concentration and time. Blank eXperiments (without H2P02-) indicate reduction of RuOu' (attributed to contamination of KOH pellets). Thus, when HZPOZI is added to RuOu- solution, the production of RuOL,= is from two sources, and x in equation (1) cannot be identified as the observed increase in RuOL,= concentration. Clearly, x must be a value slightly less than the observed increase in Ru0u= concentration at each time t. In Figure AAL curve 1 is the case when RuOu' is not reduced in a blank experiment and curve 2 represents reduction of RuOu- in a blank. Curve 5 is the observed reduction of RuOu' due to HZPOZ- and contamination. Curve 3 is curve 5 plus curve 2. The reduction of RuOu' due to HZPOZI is represented by curve 4, which must lie between curves 3 and 5. The variable x at any time t is the value of curve 4 minus the value of curve 1. The problem is how to calculate curve 4. i ii 33.85.0331 .959 MM sogooom mo Psopxm H-< mesmea INITAI. [Ruo'i [Ru 0;] ARBITRARY UNITS iii ] 2 \ _ §>:;__3 5 TIME (ARBITRARY UNIT) FIGURE A-l APPENDIX A (cont'd) Ideally, the reduction of RuOu' due to the contamina- tion would be treated as a concurrent reaction and the individual rate expressions combined into a comprehensive rate law. Without knowledge of the nature of the contamina- tion or its concentration, such a mathematical eXpression is difficult to justify (i.e., the stoichiometry). It is reasonable to assume that, in curve 5, the contribution due to contamination can be related to curve 2. If, at time t, the blank eXperiment reveals that 5% of the initial RuOu' has been reduced to Ru0u=, then 5% of the observed decrease in RuOu' concentration in curve 5 is due to the contamination. Thus, dividing the observed RuOu- on curve 5 by 0.95 produces a new RuOu' concentration at time t. Substracting this RuOu' concentration from curve 1 (the initial RuOu' concentration) gives the change in Ruou' concentration due to the reaction with HZPOZI. This value is x in equation (1). The data were selected from eXperiments at 14.7. in 0.300 M KOH with Hzpoz' concentration of 2.49 x 10“ M (Table V). In the first experiment 20.0 ml of RuOu' solution was added to 20.0 ml of 0.300 M KOH (Table A-l). iv Time (sec) 30 40 50 80 90 100 120 140 160 180 200 250 300 350 400 500 600 Time 120 250 tion 510 4110 Table A-1 Absorbance at 14.7°C, Experiment 1 Abgorbance [RuOqu 3 3.5 nm 1465.0 nm M x 10 0.502 1.724 0.506 1.718 0.522 1.697 (1.950) 1.667 (1.938) 1.649 0.550 1.659 0.554 1.653 (1.930) 1.637 0.563 1.641 0.566 1.637 0.568 1.634 0.570 1.632 (1.910) 1.606 0.598 1.594 0.600 1.591 (1.900) 1.591 0.630 1.551 Table A-2 [RuOQi/l .806 0.955 .951 .940 .923 .913 .919 .915 .906 .909 .906 .905 .904 .889 .883 .881 .881 .875 .859 TOTAL Ru Concentration, EXperiment 1 Absorbance 383.5 nm 465.0 nm . 1.929 0.560 1.910 0.580 1.000 0.600 1.893 0.615 1.890 0.621 1.639 1.610 l.<91 1.577 1.571 4 M,x 10 , RUOu-I 0.399 0.426 0.452 0.471 Q.h79 2 2.038 2.036 2.043 2.049 9.050 ‘2 [043' 1 .006 APPENDIX A (cont'd) Next, the eXperiment was repeated with 20.0 m1 of 2.49 x 10’“ M "7P02- in place of +he KOH solution (Table A3). The first experiment was then repeated (Table A5). In succeeding eXperiments the two solutions were alternated in the described manner. The total RuOu' + Ru04= concen- tration was calculated from absorbances in each eXperiment by means of absorptivities given by Luomal6 (Tables A2, A4, and A6). Plots of RuOu' concentration Mg time made from data in Tables A1 and A5 indicate reduction of RuOu- to Ru0u=. This was always observed, never eliminated, and was independent of care in cleaning vessels or care in prepara- tion of reagents. The extent of the reduction decreased with decreasing concentration of KOH as in eXperiments performed to determine pH dependence. It is reasonable to conclude the KOH pellets contained a trace of oxidizable matter. The initial [Ruou'] (at mixing) is obtained by extrapolation of the smoothed curve of [huO4I] Mg time from blank eXperiments. (A computer program written for inter- polation and extrapolation25 was used for this purpose. Results are listed in Table A7.) This extrapolated value was the basis for calculating the fraction of [Ruou-J vi Table A93 Absorbance at 14.7°C, Experiment 2 M x 10“ Time) Abgorbance [11qu [Ruou'] g = _ sec 3 3.5 nm 1. 07- [1in ] 465.0 nm Factor 4 30 0.890 1.243 1.293 0.514 40 0.990 1.108 1.159 0.648 60 1.158 0.881 0.947 0.860 70 1.223 0.793 0.854 0.953 80 1.282 0.713 0.775 1.032 90 1.320 0.662 0.720 1.087 100 1.365 0.601 0.657 1.150 120 (1.186) 0.477 0.526 1.181 140 1.514 0.399 0.441 1.366 160 1.563 0.333 0.369 1.438 180 1.602 0.281 0.312 1.495 200 1.637 0.233 0.259 1.548 250 (0.967) 0.143 0.162 1.645 300 (0.932) 0.089 0.101 1.706 50 1.769 0.0 5 0.063 1.794 00 1.780 0.0 0 0.046 1.761 500 1.805 0.006 0.007 1.800 600 1.816 0 0 1.807 Table .A-4 TOTAL Ru Concentration, EXperiment l M x 10“ Absorbance - Time 383.5 nm 465.0 nm lRuOu'I RuOu- Z 140 1.139 1.515 0.403 1.681 2.084 230 0.981 1.680 0.168 1.906 2.074 320 0.921 1.756 0.072 2.008 2.080 480 0.882 1.802 0.012 2.070 2.082 550 0.864 1.810 0.014 2.092 2.078 vii 2.080 1 .006 Table A-5 Absorbance at 14.7°C, EXperiment 3 Time Absorbance [Ruou'l [111104.] Mean col 4 (sec) (383.5 mm) M x 10 1 809 Tables 11 465.0 nm ' ___&5___and 0 0.512 1.751 0.968 '0.961 0 0.522 1.738 0.961 .956 50 0.545 1.707 .944 .942 60 (1.985) 1.698 .939 .930 70 (1.980) 1.690 .934 .929 80 (1.972) 1.678 .928 .920 90 (1.964) 1.666 .921 .920 100 (1.955) 1.652 .913 .914 120 0.594 1.640 .907 .907 140 0.600 1.632 .902 .905 160 (1.940) 1.629 .901 .903 180 (1.936) 1.623 .897 .901 200 (1.933) 1.619 .895 .899 250 0.630 1.592 .880 .885 300 (1.915) 1.591 .880 .881 350 (1.912) 1.587 .877 .879 400 0.646 1.570 .868 .874 500 (1.900) 1.568 .867 .871 600 (1.893) 1.558 .861 .845 Table A-6 TOTAL Ru Concentration, EXperiment 3 4 Absorbance M_x 10 .__________ _ ,___1:__ Time 383.5 nm 465.0 nm lRuOu I 111110,+ Z 160 1.940 0.604 1. 2 0.451 2.079 290 1.915 0.631 1.591 0.488 2.079 520 1.879 0.653 1.565 0.503 2.068 600 1.893 0.662 1.554 0.529 2. 083 750 1.885 0.671 1.542 0.541 2.083 2.078 1 .006 viii Table .A-7 Extrapolated Ruou- Concentration at t = 0.0 sec. Data from Table 0 _30 40 50 Al 1.806* 1.731 1.710 1.691 A1 1.809 1.752 1.733 1.714 [Ruou'] M x 10 ix APPENDIX A (cont'd) remaining at each time t (column 4 of Tables A1 and A5 for eXperiments preceeding and following the H2P02' reaction. These values were averaged (Table A5, column 5) and divided into the observed [RuO4-] for the HZPOZ- reaction (Table A3, column 4). The input variable x is obtained by subtracting the corrected Eiuou'] (Table A3. column4) from the average of the extrapolated initial [éuou'] (Table A7). Figure A2 is a computer plot of x (input and calculated from equa- tion (2)) Kg time for data in Table A3 with initial {Ruouj = 1.807 x 10'“ m. If the initial [Ruou'] is allowed to be an adjustable parameter, the calculated value is usually within 3% of the extrapolated value (Figure A3). In this case, the values of Em04-J and k2 L; which minimize the residuals are 1.829 x 10' M_and 47.3 mil sec-1. respectively, as Opposed to 1.807 x 10'“ M and 48.5 M81 sec-l. xi mafia MM :oHVOMmm mo vampxm mu< mpzmfim X1 .08 . «13.836 383 6.5.9 6.3 (.l‘ - _muin-mnuu-mu-uumu-unmuioum----munuum----muu--mu-u.muuuumuun-mu-u-m--u-m----m-uu-mnu-uv----m---uwnuuna m — a ~ ~ m u u a u a u m H a a n _ m a u a u a u m _ x a c ~ ~ n m u u u o u x m u u u ~ ~ c m x H c a x ~ o a x m u u n H u o m o x u o x u x no u S. amiuiumcu-smuuunmuioomusn-muauumuunumuuc-musuamuu--mnunumu-:umuuu-muuuumau-umuunumuuiauuauuwsn--m.-u- HHO—IHMmI—HI—iuflmhit—cI-thHHO-‘Hmt-QHHHmt-‘O-‘HHmHHHHmHO—HHmHHKHmHI-‘HH ...H6. 0‘” K e; IHm.H xiii 8328.53 N .652. MM soflbdmm mo pcmfinm m-< musmnm itiv' .oom mu< £8me 33: we: - om .m--n-muuu-m-c--m----m-u-am--uumuua-m-u--m--uum-cu-:---umn-uum--uum----miuuumu---m--u-mu---m-u--v--u-_ um W“~~Hu.HHt-aHmHHHHm—QHHHmmmuumHHMHMHHHo-ymuHH—mhHummus-awed XC HMfiHHMH—Humut—unmnnuumnonhuman-mumunnumuuuum—Hp—umn—mum m----m----m----m----m---um----m---um--u-m----m----m----m----mu---m----m----m----m----u----w----m---- lull cduux c‘ IH®.H APPENDIX B OTHER EXPERIMENTAL WORK APPENDIX B OTHER EXPERIMENTAL WORK The reduction of Tl(III) by hypoPhosphorus acid in perchloric acid was the first project undertaken. All reagents were purified and stock solutions prepared. Before experiments were begun, the published results of Gupta and Gupta7 were received. The project was abandoned and efforts were redirected along other lines. It was noted that white crystals were obtained from concentrated solutions of Tl(III) and H3P02. These crystals decomposed to a yellow colored substance with a phosphine smell when they were dried. The oxygen necessary to convert P(I) to P(III) usually originates in the solvent water. If the oxident also has oxygen, from which source would the oxygen come? The second project was directed to this question. The search for a reducible (by hypOphOSphite at a measurable rate) oxocation included the following Species: URANYL ION No change was observed in the proton nmr of H3P02 after three days in a solution 0.2 M in H3P02 and U02+. XV APPENDIX B (cont'd) The solution was brought to boiling and C12 gas (from reduction of C104“) was liberated. Substituting N03' for 010“- and heating produced lower oxides of nitrogen. Finally, peroxouranyl (U04) was dissolved in HCL solution. and heated to form 0022*. After adding HBPOZ, the solution was purged of oxygen and allowed to reflux overnight. Again, no change in H31302 concentration was observed in the proton nmr. Yellow plates precipitated from concentrated (about 2+ and H 1 M) solutions of U02 3 P02. VANADYL ION A color change (blue to green) was observed when 2+ and H3P02 were mixed. COOper12 reported solutions of V0 this to be a complex formation rather than a redox reaction. PEROXOTITANYL This yellow colored oxocation (Ti022+) was not noticably reduced in 24 hours at room temperature. The study was not thorough and should be reinvestigated. SODIUM PERRUTHENATE A substantial amount of data.were collected with the sodium salts of hypophosphite and perruthenate. These data were seldom reproducible. It is likely the problem originated xvi APPENDIX B (cont'd) in the preparation of NaRuOu. When RuOu is generated from NaRiO and RuClq, 01' is also oxidized to 01?. 3 When this dissolves in alkali hypochlorite, 001-, is produced. This powerful oxident oxidizes RuOu= to RuOu- and RuOu. (In at least one experiment RuOu' was reduced by H2P02- to RuOu= which was oxidized back to RuOu', all within 20 minutes.) Several attempts to crystallize NaRuOu were unsuccessful. xvii