"NH 1"!" & "-3.; C\ MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSHY OF AGR'QUUUVE 4&0 ARPLILD SCIENCE EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN PEWMWWBMW WWW AWE “urea-Mdmmam In... «finervi . ‘ t 1% ‘..’ I‘L‘S , mfnyuflawfl fikrmfw s 0.. fl ‘0... (‘1‘). .. 1.7.1! .o. 5mm ummummomm um.mx..oun.mm mmmm Winn-W. mmmmmtwmump mwnr.wm1-r.mmumnm WW s. /' a 1:; ‘ . , I '. __ ‘ , ”a“. l . .. . 5, I, _ '_L , . .. ‘ '-. Emma-m Aim ?:;§£¢E;Z'1‘léffi or 50213 saunas 3? W Gem-m Kauai-r 533 El T1133? Summit! to tha 8:27.001 01' Advamfl emu Emdiu at rwdgan Stats Univmity of Agriuzlmo and Applied 8:31am. in mm mm a: mo mama 1w 1.2.. degree d 13mm C? 222.35 33:! (gm of Chm-try law 1959 flown“ “M_,_.______,"mm... . mu .. M;§~'.m ..!".-»'L§R - WAC! A lumbar of ummywmmm mm pzaparm! by reacting boron um: with we cmmim; firiwmwbomm. Tm berm pm.- pu‘evi Van's trietg‘cqb, tri-n‘prmoryh. tri—n—butom, triage-buts}? trflodmto-r. trim-wow»; ,, hri-n-octmr. and trimdwwoxjr- hm. Excafi- rm- tri—w:‘~o:ec¢:fi~ermine mick: melted at 3‘30 Cu ha cmpouma ware liquid: at rem, t*’:‘-f€*'1fltufl. 131‘ tn bmzinm mama, Ill (anwoemi ug-on ems-$3.23 glut-illstion to nut 01”! Le con-ramming trul’rzafirbomw. 2‘. e waging. of we baa-ulna. were mum. iblmlsr rel; fawn-finale” at“: home: analyses umi the magma to have tn. triwric rm]: (3233);. Mmitim or en otmr comm-n of an mm» (aniline, p-ei‘loro- F mum, planning, p-uwmumo, militiamen new. p-tolnmm. am pom-:WOpLW) M on cream of trimot‘zpouqhoroxhto in one). comm at room Lbs-gnmmva pmfucm‘ I precipitate mick can be remnants! by Puncture I: an 03 D I / \ /’\ i} o O L L L i m/ \o/ \a/ \0/’/ \rm / I \v x I Wuumwbmmm m.m.m,m.m M.W.JWW39W ”pom-WWW. flmm mmmuum.wum, “mummmmw IMWMMMdWmmum ”1:898:04”. ummmdmmumm‘yuumm mummy-mum. Manama tum-flaw. , mm.m.mmwm¢mmmp bun-aumyuwmmummumcm. m— “awn-www.mmwamw WMWCISWM. Wagone- mmmwmmammmu mwam.m. Wyn-mum.” ww.ww.mm.ummu WMdmw. AWCWW «Mmmw.ummnnmd mama-um. Wuwwmtmmn mama-nulmmmdnwmw “I u’a‘lmmmW’ (MW “mm“.utnmmwmw. ”mdwuwmw W. mmw‘u'flm I m wwwmmeu-wg, mummmmmmwmuduu VMmmx-nm. WWW i WUOOOOOOIIOOOOO0.0...OOOOIODOOOOOOCOOOOOICDIO000.000.0000.. I. rum D rum 0! 50W? Wgautuoboooco Wot-couotocuno...nouvncocoooounouocoon. Woununuuu‘ouounun"cannon-noun. —‘ A - ‘ :‘ *‘ ‘“‘-::‘-::::‘:*“‘::“*::00000e0000600 11. W U m m m W‘ooaouooo’aoooo A“_‘A-_‘A‘ ._._A. n. ‘-‘A---‘-‘A‘ AAAAAAAAAAAAA W:ivfi.mc;vz no. a ‘00s 0 .0. o m ‘ Moooooo.oc.:¢:ooc::o:::::oao:o:ooo::o m ‘ so.to00-00060000000000'000000unconc- W or “(WW-on m d W at m m with m.&.&.....D...............0...O'COCCCUOOI0" W“ ‘ MOOOCIOO0000.00.0000000000000000.0000ot'oooaodooooo m. mm a W mOIOOOCIOOCO.DOIOOOOOOOOOOOOIOCOO -w‘ v-v'vvv Vv‘vvv' 'vv-uvv'vvw'v- Woooooooooaooooooooocgoooooocoooooooooouoooooooo Wat-00.30.0000... oooououoooo-o06.060.000.000... W d W W 00...... W ¢ m Add. w Nd. ‘ m m in mmaoooooooocoooo-acoocouse... Moot-cocoouoooooo-oooco000.000.ooooooooocooooooooo "o W000...noooooocooooooooooooooooo00000000 We...ooooooooooo-oaoooaoocococo-0000000000000... Woooooooo-ocooooooouooooat- meW h MOOOOCOIOOOOIOOOCCIOOOOIOOOOOOIIOOOCOOOOOOOO 3 333%83‘38‘8W8flfl'055'6555t3833w mam-W I’ll. at m mmww a MCCOIOOOOOO'00....IOOCOOOCOOOIOOOCICOOOOIOC '9 W W e: mm d m m to W: We...oouoooaooooooooooooocaoooooo 33 WW W Add. W Add II! M WQOOOGoooocooooooQCoo-Qioooooaooooo m «‘1 Wm W h 2M0...ucoo-Iotouoocotoooou‘oOQOOOOCoo-ooooooooo oucoocoooooouoocoOIIOGoouncooooooogoooooaoooooo Mon-coco”...unououqouuouuuuouuuunuucuuoq m m mC0.000‘OCO‘00600060000000.00000000000.. 338888 WOOfiCOOOOCOCOUOOOI.OOOOCUI.0.0...OOOO‘QCOOIOO0.00000000I warm 1- w w i w W0000000030000000000 iomW‘WMPm¢mm Id m PM ‘ m Wooooooooocoooooooooooo 3. many-- at a» W m tho scrub-mm. h. aar- may. and mm. mm. a: sh- mm... 5. my a: W 6. but: a: Wu"....................... 1. Dust at Wu“.................'..... o. mum: at W.. 9. nan-a7 at W........................... 10. my a: Mama-me n. mmmuummuzfcu u. m a m a: um- m m............. :3. sum- at W a: mmdamm 1h. am: a: Anthem at find-(Wm. 15. um mm. d’ Im(mw)m....... 11. m m......................................... mun-hummus- sumo” m. 3.0., an i 3&312‘5‘5‘55558333‘38 B w W W ‘ moo.oooooooooccoocooaosoo 3 wiwm-W m Put 19.2w.- awmopmngm wand» SMOOOOOOOOOOOI0.0.0.0000...COOOIOOOOOOOOCOOO0.00.00. m. m Ambu- d’ tho 3am Pho- m- m 8W 8W x m, m. m 3&OOOOIOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO n n.my¢wmo.mn.o.mwmsn “ m m0.000000CCOOCOCOOOOOOQOD.‘OOOCIIGOOOOCOOIIOOOOO n Human. mmmxmmmmmm «WMWWmmmxu-nh Wu ' nmumcsuw mmucmmww m.w¢ww lbw mummmumwmm- W. mum-mun. Mquthh’. mammmm. w.muadmcc WWW. mmmnmmmmwuw mummummmm mwmmumwum. smut” mm.mu.m.m,m.m.u mummammmummmm mmnummm(um. magnum-yon“ *MWNWMUWWU WhWIMMA-uwwc mag). hmw,Wuhm-Im ammmuawmuwm MWWM‘WL.L.MD.LWH LBW. WUMIanmud WWWG),M‘IWQWM m¢mwuwtahumuma mmummmumwmm. hWIMMWdeW ”I“. nummdmmuwu "WWW‘IWWM‘W m0 ' Amdmwdmmmn mamnuwmwdm “fin“. www.mgw, w.m,m.w.mmm. mum.m,wwa.mnm m,m,mmwuumuuwm Wummmm. mun Wumumwwmamamqu unnamummmmmm um“. mmmumcmmn mummmmuuwmm Wimmummem. mmmwzcmmummmm Mumunmmm-mm. an. fir flu mt- nt m In! W MIMI). (midtown). all (Gasman nu u I" “I: 951: o/'\q o/a\o o/B\o “LN/L. cargo/La. my)“. I n m uzmumwuum Wow. mun-mumm- maummuwmmmmm mmmmmwmmm anu- wmnwwmmdmw.w “mumamamummm “tumult. wwwummwmc mmm(w)umnaummm.ww mums-um. ”Wm-cum“. amwmmummam.umdtmw tot-mm, 0.... (M0,).d (w..(m.n). mm)mmmmwnum ummummomwwm math-W MHIOM-vmo “Wmmmwsmmmmm Mustang-I3 gamma-pm. 0.3.x!» hummuMm-mwwmwc ummmw. amalgam-“mut- amwmmwwmmm “mum-Wm. Wwdmamyumwsmuw “(lutouMnup-ymamwx “man-mum“. amalgam mum-mea-hwmamm mumumw)mumcmmu mammwmmummuu With-Wm. ummcmmemmm unmuWM).mmewa-um- mummeswmhmmmum wmuww. momma-m j.muuM(wuwah-u). ummam-fimwmm‘m «mm. “mama-bun wwwmw0fluummam hoax-:- mmmmwwmcm ammcu).wmmmmcw)uw. ummwmmm.ummm. mummmowmfiomm,fln www.mmummm. mmmmmummwm. m.ummawmm.um new. ”MWMWWWW “www.mcmmm. m.m.m~m.m-wumm mum”. mmmmmo-uamm. mummmumumcm nus-WWW. hmdmtom mmwamx-mmumm mmwtan1mm-ua.wm m.mmmmmm.m,m mum. Without-induced!» mmwmuamd(mham an”. mm)qumws-m Mutant-mm. ”dummy-actu- “mum-mu. wnwuwwmm)umm mmmummwmmum awn-do“. Whammy-mm mun. ~ 11.141 . M - mmmmwmamuwsfi ummmuwmmx Wumwommwmm WWW. ommwmm W(mmm)wwmuam. mwmmwwmmn ”woman-75°. mwuamw,m “ohmm.mm. momma-I «mum-aw. umammwhmnam mmnwmmmmmm). mammuaumndwmm)” MWWha-W (m0)..- nor-u ma wmmmmu-tmw. and-hummu- mmmumuu-M(Wum» «mumm)mhmmmw umcmmmummudm ummcwwmmm. ans-mu mmuumm,m.mumu “human-«m ‘ Ammmuumumw mumumm)ummo~mm hf 5 _ ._ ’i'k ..‘ 'I .‘u, :4 t: :kt'éf , v . :13}, 'l ¢ 0 '39 é! 3'4" - A .mummmwmmm,um mm,mw,uhuu. mmmummmmwm hWWuflhanm l9 mwnmmmwc. umm.w umm.ummummwwmw “mumwuwom)¢wm. mou- mmwmumew-mmn man-u. munmmcmmfihm mm. mmmmumwmum m)mmmwwu—meu mwmcfiflp cila‘mi). " €38.50 " 53° ummmunwmwuma damn-mm,uummwuw baud“. manmm>mmmcm umtmwmw.cam.wmmm “ammunm WMMM) wwwmuwmmm vacuum-uummummmmw umhumwuch)” sum-name mumm)-Mmmmmmm. m.um.umm1M-uucw mwmctwmmmm-x Wham-mu. .0 a. L. .1 , km W L It‘ r... . v . e a, A i up . inn. .LMI I ‘ t v” Pm ‘ F... u rum. . H 1 , . 1 . ‘ ‘ t) ‘ I." Um. W.W.wmm(mmmw muuwmmnnmmu-w'u ”Wormhpmmr maximumflwwumamum mw.upwbmma.mmmmw, uwmmmmwmm. mm:- (as) WW *- Wu dzkwahwamm)» ”Hammad. an 2.s~cm.>.c.u.nmnm¢mmcsm thdWfiO-MM‘W mun-«mm- WG)MHWI¢I WM¢W~W. In“ Mdfilmm.lflmdw umwm.m.um(m. stunt-m dmwrmdmmw.m(25)mm umnmmcww.m.w.w. m.w.umw. 'M’~M¢WMW.M,NWW memmumm. “CWumt-mumflm instant-«W. nmwm,um¢mumm) uuumm.m.m.m W.W.W.m.dwo- W. um¢wumnm 21 “A a?) 9.4“, a ,2 ' 28 atthinfimtimu fiwprapmtimdtheather mummified. fiebdlmgpointuflmmmtntm mmndmobumehummadmmo 2. mamityafemh enummedmurmmaftemmm. Embmmm immunolnblemnmdargmioeolvmmdnamem, emu, gas-mm um, carbon WW, and chitin-aim 2mm www.6mdmnimcmwmmpmhmm, mmmmwum. mmmwmmw term, presumably, mm laid, muzecmim; alcohol. mmammmwamammmmm uolntlml at W ad mam yielded WWW) no visiblepndpitatum dammit-3mm Whoa-WWW. romw,fimmm,dWWa (50.0 3., 0.8m soles) and Mmbm (122.5 3., 0.81m 13013.) were mmmhaWWMkunmmmchfim wmmmmnwmmwmm. Timmxture ”mmmwammmumm. mat-.19 ammmmmmmwumammmrumm Briana. m-hhmnotheatimthedjbormmenppeamdto ummmm. mmmmmamueoatom mummmwmganmmmnm OWN. mmWmemmn-vfmm 1/) 89 «mmuwmscmmnmmmm. nemummmmumnumw mamwmuumumns WW. mm.mwwmuw. (n ”cummmmwm.) a... mummmwu—mmmnmm wummmmmmmm.m mmuummamumm» amumuwmamaahm(mm mrw(c.n‘mo)..15.z). mmm,m Whflumuum(mmm(c.aamo)v as). MWMnammuW-Ls‘ cammammuwhmm dmwmummmmmmmm umummum. sum-ppm mmmmwafic. “1111:“an MWWWMW(MMM m)u1ov‘c.,un¢uwnmm. an mammmamm’c..mnmnua outrun-«mm. manna-mam». “1.5OWMM(WWN(W).I. 7.1a. mwvdummmm‘c.uao.o°c.m mummy-damned“. now.- mmmwmmwum. mmmmwmmwmwammw mammalian. MWuwnnmn-k unhMMhMWl-MWWdW mum. ”www.mum' mamw,maum:o.z'o. mm tammWa-atmmmmnws. mmmmmmwamwmm o.o'c.weo.o°a.~mmuumwmm ndu-lm-omnt “find-WW. mwumvmm,m.mam. mmmm.wmmm. ham-chat WISWWMIUOMSEQOM. ammavmmxmmmuwm ummmmam,wm«~anm «mummmuwmmumw. smwummummmmm WWW! .——. 31 Tmmhmoftlda Mimhdmeed hmthSMimn, page hé. £41:- m." , ~n-b‘ Mann-811363- triad;- +3”. g ."" u ' 3' 1., 'N ." on“ "300: 0’7"” -Cl' The preparation at then elkmborm mum the procedure awrmmmmmvm maybe mum memo um eactian. Apeddleetimrm {mm tobamefficimt thmemamn etirrer. The «liberal: magma wpm to dissolve more reef-11y in the high" molecular awn. maybwmm, probably due to the higher boiling pdnte at these emulate. the trim-606mm wee e mite warlike tend at room temperature) mmm-wwmvm Weamm taper-eta“. me tripe-m, trim-haw, m-eeo-butw, and WWW m Inter-elm 11.de- (d‘mmch em propel-sumo at the tripe-Wee yielded 1 113m nude liquid). The trim- pmtw-ndtrkn-octmcmnmm mwtmmmm. Prolongedhmmzdtheymwcmmnde taxmtoemeflumtodukan. Upon distillation each at the hm deemed to split out I water umdmmatemdMemmmmhmbmomt. m. Wmmtwmmm tumult: «them (W 2) indicate thet the distillate: were the cone-pending Magy- bm. The “aperture at 16th each lamina amend and also the W a mm: the Wing dietillete command an m In table 2. In 111 «see the dacmnpositim mm (that of the Dam! in the flak) ere higmr than the "pm: tempos-ammo (at which the new). mwnumwmm Manhunt. mummy-.m.» mew-.uurz.., L: _;._Meeeeleu¢1.eeuthe Whomemeoml. mum-gunman mmmmaW,msmuur—nma mama-zfi. Attldapoint,themndbeouemte new. mmmwwwmuwwm-zs’ aqhtmefltelwmmflmmusocnet umuutheeolowdnmaedteyenwaph. axe-newton“ mummuwammpamm. mmwhmwmdww umuawmmdmmm,m MMImeaq—mt-121' ..,‘ ‘ . mtwunmm(mm1mm uwmmmn 1.11:“ fi‘ ; mmmmrwbmbymmmmmmm mammummwmwmm m,ummm,mummmuxomatx ands-mum). mmmmummmmot mmwuz-12“ WK. 4“ ,theeemm-m WHMWEWM,WMW,’“W mwMMMM£mhm,xfie-MW. The-W mmhmmwontm. “With “mummrwmmmmmmdbm W3 MMWEDDWMIMPMOIWW mmommmwm mean; rem W Point I 1- (no). «£43030» mg”). Megaw- my; 10' 110‘ 68" am 415 210 101-109 M ~28 265 111 I'm -63 295 21:0 too-nu -1o :16 201 ”‘01 ~13 258 lab-186 PM -50 31:0 Rho I'm ‘35 215/2 I! 190/2 3-. m 30 310/: .8 275/2 an. "m 16. ’nmnmuns'axm. m3 mmwummmmm ”MIMI! amm- Fecal a n (m). an n tu- (no). I m 750 M1 n-Praw: 5.83 5-75 I-lwl L60 IMO W MR 10.10 nee-hm 13.80 15.70 mm 15-05 3.98 range 8.66 2.11 W 2.02 1.91 Wit BM mm Al MBWRVJWIS W MW a in (m). % é! mm W aw W one-mm rm roan m 154 12.6 NJ 11.0 10.8 9.69 6-91 3-93 15.8 12-1 10.9 10.9 10:9 9-58 7.00 5.00 §§§§§§5§ grams“ 36 tmwwmvmmmtwmmm. (3330).. mmwwammmewmm amalgam-Wishes“. mmummm(mh) W that the can“: have the um rm. (1530).. mmuuuuhm,mo.o-ao.o° :2..de wmcmmWMMuummmw. The camoummmmé-m. mmowwmmw (www.mequtm D-nebtfleuflemw) "Wtarttwtbm. Mew,enithem¢ wumnzfc.aamwmmmmmm anon. memmmcflfleiithbmu, toluene, emether, “.mmwm momentum. mmmmx mobmmmmmmmmwmwcmm. Imammnfluwudfiwwumbmuuththam hm,ndmdddhmflyhyetirrm. RoutewtumbyfiAIerartomthebwmtm mm.utmm(5)mmmmmmmhmem. Wmmnmmmmmmwwmpmm ettheeolrut. 3 ummmwwww,mmmmor “mammmwum (If). t 0.1) e m.mn Wim 0-0 1-113 1.113 10.0 1.102 1.1m 10.0 1.091 1.091 30.0 1.080 1.090 1.0.0 1.070 1.069 50.0 1.09 1.053 60.0 mm 1.637 7°~° 1-038 1.036 50.0 1.025 1.025 fiszm-omt lode? 1.031 1.“? 1.01? low? 0.997 0-957 0:977 ‘n-xMr-oms m, mmfh mm‘ 0.0 1.091 1.090 10.0 1.08:. 1.061 20.0 1.071 1.072 30.0 1.063 1.063 no.0 1.052. 1.053: 50.0 1.0m 1.65 60.0 1.031 1.036 70.0 1.028 1.031 50.0 1.019 1.019 “name-0.000" WE mmwmmmm mm mm, msm 0.0 1.093 , 1.098 10.0 1.088 1.068 20.0 1.071 1.010 30.0 1.067 1.063 no.0 1.058 1.058 50.0 Low 1.01:8 60.0 1.039 1.038 10.0 1.030 1.m8 80.0 1.420 1.018 5.108.0ms W) Mfficfiu mma’ 0.0 1.095 1.096 10.0 1.555 ‘ 1.055 20.0 1.076 1.076 30.0 14:67 1.001 no.0 1.055 1.056 50.0 1.010 1.019 60.0 Ldyo mm 70.0 1.031 1.031 50.0 1.093 1.0!: ‘n-zm-omt m 10 W W m-IAOGTGXIBDROXM 0.0 0.931 0.930 10.0 0.930 0.909 20.0 0.922 0.922 30.0 0.915 0.915 1.0.0 0.900 0.900 50.0 0.9% 0-901 60.0 0.890 0.891: 70.0 0.881 0.887 30.0 0.881 0.880 *9.0335.0.m070 man mmmmmmug’c. " " ”625°C” “00000). warm-w (W) W cum-0.00229 1.21: am yum-0.00110 1.106 lbw D II 1.0337 - 0.0000 t 1.002 mm puma-0.0009 1.000 W n . 1.090 . 0.0010 0 ' um nee-um helm-OWt 1.0” mm yum-0.000" um M DIOMeOJAWIt 0.919 'mt hh memmwmmwmmwpm. (mmmwnmummm.mha) 2m mmamumflé)uwummq~, m.m,m.w.m macaw-um. warm Wm-anso°c..0nwwm mama-pm. «www.mw mwmwmmmmw. (00m. mmwmmwmmw mmmammwm.mwmmymm 100°:amcmwnss'mmwm. m unwamwm,dwwum.mww WaWW.W.W.Ws mw.mmmm,umtmmm mwmwmm’ummmmm «amwmmmmmamwm. ummmmmwmm. Lawn-H25) mrmwmmdwahmmm mmwummmmm 00mm. mwmzwwmwmmm. m.mmdmmwmmmm LES WWWWWmvam-omefmthamm. memmumwammmmmmwmm (2§)0a10 00130333006 that mmim new 720 and 735 an"‘ 1.0 d 3000 W m :00 W10 00%;? We). mmawmmiaarmbmmm Wmmmmmmm . mammwtm 000m 010115.00 602200000 with M00010: W flight. 2220 03% umtmmmmm W ”-- n-eobtmthotmmgo 00103100. . . 0W might Wow and boa-on 83033000 .0000: tlm mummmtmu, (3000).... mummzt mthodmotumbmmfiollor(M)fm-tflmflxmhmdm,m 10.00 a: 0010 (7) to:- mesa-0.1m an: tot-MW. 1.0:)pr (25) mammm armi‘raoticnfimt Wham, 00000000», WW. ”W. W: trmc‘r‘mw. “Wank-100010. II. mm 0 male b21333 um mmom Wm cameraman-atwmmum ummmmuumtmamm-wu ”mmammmwm. mmmw “(unmatmmmmwmuumw meutd. um.thenmemwmerbu mwamww. haloethurhdyetthe WCW(W,W.W: W.W,W,W,m m.uwm)mmmmm, m.rm,ww,m pummmmwungpwwuwu;mmmaum»m»unnumuurn- nunuaa ' muduehm¢themunmdthe mummummmam “WWI. 08 l /3\ /3\ /3.°-fl f 3-0-0 /0\ \ o o I /’ B '\\ x I M h? Comm offizintypohmoboonprcpmdtrmmflimmdom 302301100000 0011153300 and £1210 two amniotic 0mm . ‘Eflwm‘hhccv- mi ummm have boon mahogany used as e reagent, but trian- propm», WW5 Macao-mm, triisobutw, trkn-pmtmrr, thgr, end Wflwmw’mfim yield no motion prm‘ucte union: 15mm mum. Dime om bemoan; m climate motitutoe for tho other solvent in this moctims acetone on! carbon totmchlorido conbouood with some 103mm. Mame that the product has 0ch I may be vumriaad as ‘ $011005: 1. That the wiring]. {mm is contact has been 0000111131103 try mafia/sin of 0am 311113308 for boron, lyrh'ogon, mtmgym, 0rd mm (when pmmt) and 01233010 of proact- rm mum of tz'io'l'hmqhormdno with tho 00:30 mflm for boron 01m. $3000 whom 13:00 0.100 mm»: thot the product 1.0 a 'nmmor“ rower m e 003;,on 01' aniline am the boom. 2. That the harm is not balm doc-geld to the elig’lm'tho- borato, which in 1mm rot-3.04:3 with the milim, in 33mm by the foot that 00311210 0000 not fan: a precipitate with the ortho- hm. It we also show that than harm We is add-ad tomethoreohtimofanflino, :30th 00mm. 3. Mflmatmimianot altomd beyond 3.001113%me atom 002000 to the nitrogon 10 chain by the fact that hyurolyain «thematith hot mmwm Mime recovery of the «0.11:». . . . >3 ...0 1 .7 I. . .t , a. mmumcrmmumuwwmm demoemwz \30 BK/ \ I/ no / «1.. '\”/'\ ’ ’ ‘m‘ mmw.&)ummmmmm Minimum mqum-mbytho mum: 2W),¢Cm.—-¢ 102%!!! “mummmmmmum mmeumummwuummmu vacuum-«mm. rmmmmamm «amwmmamammnm w. mmmhmmdmuu mmmmunmmmum. mom-nun mammawummsmn. _ 943. 7 B a“ \f’ _3\o/|\ '// 7 1 \ L_ n .— ”mummnumdmhwm. mmmmwummmm. W W M,W.W,W.m w.mm.m.mq-.um Wmmwuammmwwnm) mumw,m¢mmm ummmm. nus-madam aumnumm(mx.m27). W smammmammmunmmby ammommuacmmumusdmmrmmgm mammmmwm°momwowmbm unflatmm. Mumscthuwmm mwmmwmmmm. 4m mmmmmaummu “0mm. “Wmmth-Sm,fln Wmumwmmummnwuwa mm. MWu-WMfi-nutham, WhCMd’mdwfirthlmddm. htWW9ml.(Omm)¢p-WWW hfiflofl“~dflh6.§6¢.(0.®flfi)dm Winsome“. mm3.5..(o.omm)ac unnumwma. own-Mama man. m ""3 nan-”£3113. th w ”(336%. mm 0.010 0.0088 0.0068 W 0.010 0.0060 0.0051 punt-uh- 04:10 0.0092 0.0071 W Add 0.010 0.0001 0.0060 p-umm 0.010 0.0033 .- o.m.o 0.00140 0.0m; mummwmcmmm)mh Mm.m.meh-mdwm m. nmummmmumumm mutant. WM mmWMmme-moaum ummdmwmwmm mmamummmmmmu Mic-km. Mam-uuuam. mm. mmmmuummmmrmaw «supmmxmahmm. mmumwwdm(&wu¢ amwmmumuumbmumwu mummsom. WWI-m mwmuammoflmfido Waffluun mmmthWmm-ucmww ammzwox. mcmm.uwmu.pnu mmumwuumumma- I“. ci‘. :5 '1 ,5 5-0." v Hasn‘t-3&9»?! A -' WKO¢pn¢fimpmmmmmw Wmmumlxm,mnwmm mammmmnmuompmm. 3 wuhmwwmxmazg. sunn- ”(mam-nommmmmw. mmmmmmmmmm. hm mmummuwowmm. mmm—mwwammxmxsu Sufifll(&). mmwnmmmamaw rmmwwmmum. mmrwmwummarm” WWMWW. manna-bum mammowmwmwmamwummm. mmmmmm,mmmummuxw mmwmmwbm. Whamuxamwww mmmmmuwommwlmdua Inflow. mummdummmm. am, mucwmwwmwmmm W. mu‘mmmmduw mud-hummus“. ~.--~ w" M, W, 30.1., 1., . ,3. ,3; nmumummmtmamm www.3mimomnn3031motmmm50md “mawuamosaamamwmmnma. cm. Rommm muml. 12me elm-chi. “132.813 RW’IS 01' xmxzousm 0? mmspmmomnwmm 2mm Holl- lama! Azznim 1:: W manly-ad bounced W 0.00:9 (LOWE W 0.00:: 0.002: was» 0.0018 0.0011; M Ania 0.0022; 0.0021. p-MW 0.0017 0.0038 W 0.0% 0.0012 ragga-3 0.001} 0.0010 o ‘. f‘ r! ‘I é . . < £1. .. t. 1H 4. v . . I 4 (7 r a r._dnu...n..ul»w..... ‘ ‘ 1‘ il _ {421:1:1...‘a£fl%?...:.a.l ,- i a W 1h W G mm W HM‘WWW W 11 «3° 11 .51 15.81) 15.07 16411 15.34! 15.01 15.21; 15-”; 15.16 “.36 lino? itfi 3.85 3-99 t3 ho”? n.25 13.01 15-05 he: 14.13 In“ 15-?! fig Eé fig §§ EE E5 17-23; 35-79 15-91 35-143 15.1.10 15-50 16.61 3.10. 3.16 3-35 6.55 3-10 3-53 Wm flfiulfim Wumaaxmmmw ‘.“ mag :5 902m mam or mas-anmzntzemmmmfi _. ‘__._ A A ll _.___ A n-— “tA—fl 4..“ A *“fl . ILL; SLR“ ¥JA ' A F; v v T. __ . A . _‘ A . _ u. . _ _ v T w m mu».— -.. ‘g. A T—J 3 -v- vv w p-Amsmim E? EE ES p-A: .inoaoathhm 13 '53 :gi’, p-Azumbma‘m Acid 13 .62 15 15 ' 13 13 1h 1h 13 3.3 13 13 3}; 1h p-rommme 1h .53 (a? £32: ,o \O—I\ * a /°—.\/°‘C>.: maka—43: mun mm 3 8!: x Jim; 8 In“ men mm . ‘3"?2 3 6:2). m... ' 12.11;, 17.02 .65. 6.60 hm. 3.81 m... m; In”. m...— 15.10 16.15 m: 3.76 .20. 3.91 ,03 (I on ,0—3\ n—o\ ,0—3\ \0 3,0 (,1! 0 3-03 ”to 3/0 h \ __ '— a _ \ _. _ H\:~/:H -,O.'*R\o\ /\ /-U. ‘0—3: 111 m- a u- mm mm mm mm 8 17 .98 13.” . fig $.59 w .37 w h. M I- 58 machnmm1umcbmwm.mmmm (and. WWMmmwwm. nmmmammmmm ommdwmnsoa.cm~muamdom mummusommcm. ”WWW. murmuwwmmumnam W. maeumu-«mmmwuuum m. mwummflysmumm ammum,mwmw~m Whoa“... mmmmtmammmwm, Wm.umm,unmmmm . mummmmwmdmdmm hmmmumm. Ammummumnum. wummmmdmum m. I W¢o&g.¢mmmmmw Mum-mazl.m.m “wumdmwmmoan.” din-am (mun. 0.096 3.). 59 m mmmu.mmm,m M(WI)QWMH’ (mmhéuahs) mum. WWWMhm-l'hmh mwmmu'mmm. m Wan-M. nthWHfinM-mmy “meyummuwmm m. “mummmwm wmmamum. ummhmmcMMm 'Mmmwmumw ”MhdeM. MMMWMdfln—bm. .mmmwammmmumw mmamwmdtvmm. ammuumumwuuamm hum-amwmmwmmmm an“. umawmwuwmm mammthmem-h mmmmmmumnhwmm 1m. III 0 DEEXJZ'ZHHCEE OF OLE?” 43.3110 ACID Introvhfifi...» 213 m “harm mm," union mxmfiaa qmfi‘iod, refers to armo- barir: acid, £3303. M in than nan-fl arm with 'orthd' aside, 31ch acid 13 the most high Eth and my We a We of mm to form numeric acid, 15393.- A survey of the ummm mask that m 11mm :1le 100" c. madmm min! may ice-a3 water, clmglng to mtabm'ic mm ('66 . At rum tmmmma all the mm 15 last. ma mm bum: trimmio, 3303, mats . . film: tin @Mer litmtm (67) We a pyrdaoric (Wad-“6501i” 895d. 11:34.09, X-z‘sy am tmimuatrio Miss (633) have 1mm fiat file £503:me Ema I30, tr: 3,0; in a canttums pm: withmt the fmfim :6 my ittmwifizzwa . Pkg-2M studies (50,60) cf 13.15 mwtma 3353303130 also show that tm on]: stable 3:33th at the cam-Ia to in 1.2.3 1-1:,n3rete (333-03) and the 3-113'11‘531313 (133333). Franck, Emmy, and liamdn (59) attained a phase magma far the 33121113: 83034130, band an mmlty obmdmd by heating mm in smelt-yd mm. may rams! the mag salad phaml to ba ice, mad-maria mm, ma time wmmtims of mat-flame acid: thatbic 130,1 Macaw, 2.336; mp... 235° 0. mm mean émmity, 2.03310 3.9., 2003" C. momma imam dwity, 1.73; 3.15., 176.0" c. mmag..no.1°c.)umuuumw mmammuww.unm deWtowwmmdm wzwmwwmum. nun-tau mummumpmmwnmwmu nu. mwummwmwm‘u mu. nmmmmmeum. mawwwmmmmw mmmummw Amara-om- mudmm.mw.umma awcm-Wmm. ‘ WW ;m¢n.e.. (03m)¢mwumm¢ mummmmnmmammm. mammmdmmwummn S-h‘n- (mmmwmvw.5&n.nn.o). an “awhmumw.mmwm an.uh¢mmumwmumw. but“ mmmanmwummmm titanium-Ilium“. ummflflI—Iht “banana-umaummmm, mmdmmmrumamuw.mmo, I‘M)- thMMfig. (inc-Haw fl.dwmm12hmtoylfldmuh(1mh)otnfimdhhg. um)auunm.r.,m¢uhamuuumrp Amman: :.y1w2h.mn. a... mud umwmwmm mnofluuumwmwmwxmn no.7"). uwmawmm‘mmwu dalzyinfilWflflhyWozrhmJSaS g.(o.25 mama-wo- mwummzaoqubm 03.9., 80.2). Ana-12 . hm,finmdwmdmmuhén.(w («33803—933150iip, LS an). mm «m 03,) n- W hmmmuh—Ih. nmmnmunmu wamma..um)dmmmhmu.d m.«ywm.lg.¢aumucn.). monument-am 'mgomauso'c. mwn.mmmunntnur.. mmmnun.m&&mu.mmwo mmmcmwmrnr.nyun,m mwmmwum-mumm. nu mmwuns'.us°.us‘.um°. mar-1v. 2:- mmmcmognum‘nrc. ummwmmmmm mw,nau.(o.2nm)otmmwumhm duwmmn.dmwzooa.¢bm. m. ”Mmmnwmwmm 72m. nmmmmmcwm,3.6n. (0.1m)hdhnmlflvG-8hm. macaw-um mamma$xwm65ssacaam run-mo, 214.693), far wmmmmmmmwm,w. M2 Waltd3175°(n.p.af 13333:,176"). mammuawmmmnqmfimmmwm rmwmnég.(oam)dmwmm maximum-mm. mevcmuaatmmm‘lfifi. nammemwmmnmuamun. (W fwfia‘l’m .2751?”- Otimrnmsuabgrmuflnuw mam hmm28&o,t940,w29.52fibm. manna-mm mmwmmnwawmwuamm. nmw,ng.(o.zsm)ocmmwu mammnmmbWr-umammha 1m). mammmmvwn. x-deuttmwdfiaimdfuMafl,” mw.mmmumm~wmm Sauna mmwmummmmmm sawmmm. mama-“mama.- tow-.mnmsmmsum. mums-am mnnmnnpmmmnAo-"m fli- wumummmmwmmw mmumumum banana-upload. mmmutmw. mwmrcéma JSfluMquml-am mmmmmmmmmmga) magma-«mummmam mammpfiu¢an u. Xylene Dehygration Product of £3863 Figure l. anay'Porger Diagrams for EJBQS, E302, 3203: and Xylene Dehydration PFOLUCt of RBBQB. mm mmx-mrmma 3 m mmmmnmr 033%.“ '6' "h. “if B 6.05 III SEQ. 2 I 3.30 I 2 II IMO I 2 I M21 I 2.10 I 1.05 II 2.0!. II 3.92 III 1.98 III 3415 III 1.95 III 349 III 1.90 III 3.“ I 1:3 III 23: II 1 III 2 II 1.59 I 2-85 I 1.51 III 2.13 III 1.1;? III 2.66 I 1.1.0 III 2.57 I 1.36 III 2.50 I 1.115 III 2.29 I 6.05 II 2.19 I hi: II 2.16 I I. II 2.01 III 13.1! I am III hm . 1096 C 3.82 I 1.86 I 3.70 I 1.79 II 3415 II 1. III 3-19 II 1 I 3.12 III 1.66 II I.” I 1.60 III 2.91 III 1.56 I 2.70 I 1.3!. III .fi I 1.188 III 2 I 1.112 III 2.30 I 1.15 I 2.25 I 5? 3'3: E ‘3.‘3: g 35333 "‘I""33‘333""II‘ S ‘3333333'33“3‘i"13 333‘ ‘ . (1,. 6'! mxmwmummmamnm cammmwmmmdmw amaummmMsm¢Mum emu-mummmuam-Wa mmm.ummmmmduwmwhm mgnum(6s.69).ummm-dmummx-w mm. mwmcmwmmuamtomfi AWWWIWHIIIIHWM In“. MMIIImme. m. mmuuwmdmwwm. umumm~m.mumw. mmmvmdmmmw.mmm mumwmmmwm. Schumann-d wamw,dflnmmmaIvmmto museum-AW. mmunumwsobmu MIWmnu-W,WMIUM2NI mmw.xmmwmumun wwuasmtomw. mammal-mm- mammummmmnMIw mwammummwamm. mun(asusom)mmmtomm “um. www.mmmmmum mum,w.mham¢wucumm . . I ‘J I >~ \ ’ Il‘ - )‘ -. ‘ l . ‘ E 5 ‘ ' a madmmtam. mummmwmtmm ingrmlu di- g 0 406:3. VIVPW. t... q-chfizuom dam - mm of mo comm h-Wdficwmm may. Isl-1.341; at 12)- .am p1... «1mm swam ham , w-mde Wmmfiummmmmwwmmn m (13:82.) Ill hm (human). Tm denim (glee) am 3,, 1.71; 3.. 1.781 2;, 1.18; 2.. 1.77. m the my Wm- m we. um I» man value at 1.78 m mum) (m. mam-comma relativo IMues of orthoboric acid, m.mmmn.muW