UNDERSTANDING WORK WITH DATA IN SUMMER STEM PROGRAMS THROUGH AN EXPERIENCE SAMPLING METHOD APPROACH By Joshua M. Rosenberg A DISSERTATION Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements Submitted to for the degree of Educational Psychology and Educational Technology – Doctor of Philosophy 2018 ABSTRACT UNDERSTANDING WORK WITH DATA IN SUMMER STEM PROGRAMS THROUGH AN EXPERIENCE SAMPLING METHOD APPROACH By Joshua M. Rosenberg Data-rich activities provide an opportunity to develop core competencies in both science and mathematics identified in curricular standards. Perhaps even more importantly work with data puts learners in the position to use data to ask and answer questions, a potentially empowering capability. Research on work with data has focused on cognitive outcomes and the development of specific practices at the student and classroom levels, and yet, little research has considered learners’ engagement. The present study explores learners engagement in work with data in the context of summer STEM programs. The aspects of work with data that are the focus of this study are: asking questions, observing phenomena, constructing measures and generating data, data modeling, and interpreting findings. Data from measures of learners’ engagement was collected through the Experience Sampling Method (ESM) that involves asking learners at random intervals to answer short questions about their engagement to discover profiles of learners’ engagement. Data was collected from nine summer STEM programs over four weeks in the Northeastern United States. 203 learners reported 2,970 responses via short ESM surveys of how engaged they were (cognitively, behaviorally, and aectively, assessed through separate items) and of their perceptions of themselves (their competence) and the activity (its challenge). These data were used to examine five specific research questions: 1) What is the frequency and nature of opportunities for youth to engage in each of the five aspects of work with data in summer STEM programs? 2) What profiles of engagement emerge from data collected via ESM in the programs? 3) What are sources of variability for the profiles of engagement? 4) How do the five aspects of work with data relate to profiles of engagement? 5) How do youth characteristics relate to profiles of engagement? Findings show that aspects of work with data were fairly common overall, but that work with data was enacted out in varying ways, including some that were possibly highly engaging. Six profiles of youth engagement were identified, representing distinct configurations of the five indicators of engagement. Substantial variability in the profiles was present at the youth level, with less explained by the program youth were in or the nature of the particular instructional episode present at the times when youth were signaled. Relations between the profiles of engagement and each of the aspects of work with data were somewhat small: Notable exceptions were the generating data and data modeling were significantly associated with full engagement. Youth with higher pre-program interest in STEM were more likely to be engaged and competent but not challenged, though other youth characteristics were not highly related to the profiles. I discuss key findings as regards work with data in summer STEM programs and other informal learning environments, the nature of youths’ engagement, and what factors can predict engagement. The design and goals of summer STEM programs, which are not (necessarily) focused on activities related to work with data, as well as other limitations including the measures for work with data used and the analytic approach, are identified and described. The role of generating data and modeling data as well as attention to the specifics of how work with data are enacted are presented as implications for practice. I highlight aspects of the findings and the implications for practice with respect to work with data in general and to engagement in informal learning environments, such as summer STEM programs, in both cases with an emphasis on how work with data can serve as a promising context for learning in STEM subject areas. Copyright by JOSHUA M. ROSENBERG 2018 This dissertation is dedicated to Katie and to Jonah, who (mostly) happily slept through most of its writing. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to acknowledge Matthew Koehler and Jennifer Schmidt. I am fortunate to have learned how to become a scholar through Matt, who has been my advisor since I entered my Ph.D. program. I could not ask for a better advisor. Thanks, Matt! Matt and Jen provided support for me to pursue the study reported in this dissertation. They gracefully and skillfully co-directed my dissertation, and I am grateful for that. I am also grateful to Jen for not only as a co-director of my dissertation but also for being a mentor and a trusted source of advice related to my development as a scholar, especially during the process of my academic job search. Thank you, Jen! I would also like to acknowledge Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia and Christina Schwarz as members of my dissertation committee. In addition to serving as committee members, I am grateful for the opportunity to develop as a scholar through working and learning from both. Thank you to my mentors and peers in the Educational Psychology and Educational Technology program at MSU. Thank you to collaborators Lee Shumow and Neil Naftzger for their work on the STEM Interest and Engagement project (National Science Foundation DRL-1421198), of which this project is a secondary analysis. Thank you to participating youth activity leaders and youth. Please note that this material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DRL-1421198. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Understanding Work With Data in Summer STEM Programs Through An Ex- perience Sampling Method Approach is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- ShareAlike 4.0 International License. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.1 Defining Work with Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 2.2 The role of working with data in STEM learning environments . . . . . . . . 7 2.3 What is Known About How Youth Work with Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Engagement in General and in STEM Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.5 Youth characteristics that may aect their engagement . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.6 Challenges of Measuring Engagement as a Contextually-Dependent and Multidimensional Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7 Need for the Present Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Conceptual Framework and Research Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAPTER 3 METHOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Data Sources and Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.1 ESM measures of engagement for the profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.2 The five aspects of work with data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.3 Survey measures of pre-interest in STEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.4 Other youth characteristics 3.5 Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5.1 Preliminary analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5.2 Analysis for Research Question #1 (on the frequency and nature of 13 16 17 20 20 20 21 22 22 23 26 27 28 28 34 35 36 38 38 38 41 work with data) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 3.5.3 Analysis for Research Question #2 (what profiles of engagement emerge) 31 3.5.4 Analysis for Research Question #3 (sources of variability for the profiles) 32 3.5.5 Analysis for Research Question #4 (how work with data relates to engagement) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5.6 Analysis for Research Question #5 (how youth characteristics relate to engagement) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 Sensitivity Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAPTER 4 RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Descriptive statistics for the engagement measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Correlations among the study variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Results for Research Question #1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii 4.4 Results for Research Question #2: What profiles of youth engagement emerge from experiential data collected in the programs? . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Results for Research Question #3: What sources of variability were there for the profiles of engagement? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 4.6 Results for Research Question #4: Aspects of work with data and engagement 57 61 4.7 Results for Research Question #5: Youth characteristics and engagement . . CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 64 5.1 Key findings related to work with data in summer STEM programs . . . . . 5.2 Key findings related to engagement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 5.3 Key findings related to work with data and youth characteristics and their 41 42 42 43 43 44 45 46 69 73 79 81 82 86 90 93 95 4.3.1 Frequency of the aspects of work with data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.2 The nature of work with data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Asking questions or identifying problems . . . . . . . . . . . Making observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Generating data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Data modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interpreting and communicating findings . . . . . . . . . . . relations to engagement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Limitations to the present study and recommendations for research . . . . . 5.5 Implications for Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MODEL SPECIFICATION DETAILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . WORK WITH DATA BY PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALTERNATE PROFILE SOLUTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C APPENDIX D viii LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1: Demographic characteristics of youth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 3.2: ESM measures for profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 3.3: Coding Frame for the Aspects of Work with Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 3.4: Measure for pre-program interest in STEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 23 25 27 Table 3.5: Coding frame for the open-ended, qualitative coding of instructional episodes 30 Table 4.1: Descriptive statistics for study variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 4.2: Correlations among the continuous study variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 4.3: Proportion of signals for which each of the aspects of work with data was present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 4.4: Solutions for models that converged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 4.5: Raw variables values by profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 4.6: Intra-class correlation (ICC) values for each of the three levels . . . . . . . Table 4.7: Results of mixed eects models with the interactions between interest and other characactistics and the composite for work with data . . . . . . Table C.1: Proportion of instructional episodes for which each of the aspects of work with data was present by program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 40 41 47 52 55 60 91 ix LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1: A conceptual framework for this study and research questions . . . . . . Figure 4.1: The six profiles of engagement (with variable values standardized) . . . . Figure 4.2: The six profiles of engagement (with raw variable values) . . . . . . . . . Figure 4.3: Histogram of the proportion of responses for each youth in the profile they reported most . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure D.1: The seven profiles of engagement (with variable values standardized) Figure D.2: The seven profiles of engagement (with variable values standardized) . . . . 18 49 49 57 94 94 x CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Socializing, working, and even teaching and learning are increasingly impacted by data. These sources of data are created by us, for us, and about us. Work with data turns learners from consumers of knowledge to creating knowledge (Hancock, Kaput, & Goldsmith, 1992; Lehrer & Schauble, 2015; Lee & Wilkerson, 2018; Finzer, 2013). Practice with such work empowers learners to ask questions and to answer them with arguments and explanations that draw from data as evidence (McNeill & Krajcik, 2007). This work, then supports learners to create new knowledge in learning environments and classrooms which is an aim of recent reform eorts that cast a vision of learning that emphasizes participation in the practices of STEM disciplines (NGSS Lead States, 2013; National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Ocers, 2010). Work with data includes broad processes of collecting, creating, modeling data, and even asking questions that can be answered with data. This work, then, is more than just crunching numbers. It is also more than interpreting a figure created by someone else. Instead, work with data is about making sense of phenomena in the world–or solving problems in the world. This focus on phenomena is particularly relevant to those designing and enacting learning opportunities focused on work with data (Lee & Wilkerson, 2018; Singer, Hilton, & Schweingruber, 2006; Wild & Pfannkuch, 1999). Work with data provides a capability that can be used across content areas, particu- larly in advanced coursework. Aspects of work with data are recognized as core competencies across recent curricular documents for STEM subject area learning. They are found, for example, in the Next Generation Science Standards and the Common Core State Standards. These standards highlight the role of authentic work with data as part of engaging in scien- tific and engineering and mathematical practices, respectively. These capabilities may be particularly useful in STEM domains because advanced coursework in these domains often 1 involves demanding and abstract work with data, work that may be more accessible to more learners when they encounter it earlier in their education. Past research on work with data has mostly been set in mathematics contexts and has focused on mathematical practices, like generating measures of phenomena and creating data models (English, 2012; Lehrer & Romberg, 1996; Lesh, Middleton, Caylor, & Gupta, 2008). It has often focused on specific cognitive outcomes (e.g., Gelman & Markman, 1987), strategies to support work with data (Petrosino, Lehrer, & Schauble, 2003), and some opportunities and challenges facing both teachers and learners when working with data (e.g., Konold & Pollatsek, 2002; Finzer, 2013). There has been some research about work with data in science settings, too. However, scholarship has pointed out that what it means to work with data can vary greatly in actual classrooms and other learning environments (McNeill & Berland, 2017). Even so, this past research broadly suggests that engaging in work with data is powerful concerning learning both about and how to do mathematics and science (Lee & Wilkerson, 2018; Lehrer & Schauble, 2015). Lehrer and Schauble (2015), summarizing past research on the use of mathematical practices in science contexts, note that work with data “has an exceptionally high payo in terms of students’ scientific reasoning” (p. 696). To date, past research shows that using a framework from contemporary engagement theory to characterize students’ experiences has been informative both in research and to practicing educators. Work with data is similar to hands-on, laboratory work which research has shown to be engaging to students (Schmidt, Rosenberg, & Beymer, 2018). In addition, work with data is demanding and requires sustained eort and focus (Lehrer & Schauble, 2015; National Research Council, 2015), and past work has shown that when learners are more challenged (and competent), they are more likely to be engaged (Schneider et al., 2016; Sherno et al., 2016). Knowing more about how youth engage in work with data is valuable as engagement is a meaningful outcome for STEM learners in its own right (Sinatra, Heddy, & Lombardi, 2015). It may also be an antecedent of changes in other outcomes, such as their well-being, achievement, and the pursuit of an area of study or career (Wang, Chow, Hofkens, 2 & Salmela-Aro, 2015; Wang & Eccles, 2012). However, research has not examined engagement in work with data. Because engaging in work with data seems to be so potentially beneficial to learners, better understanding the nature of work with data and learners’ engagement in such practices is needed. The purpose of this study, then, is to examine youth engagement in a variety of learning activities that involve work with data. I explore youths’ engagement in the context of outside-of-school STEM enrichment programs carried out during the summer, and I consider work with data through the lens of specific aspects identified from past research, such as asking questions and generating and modeling data. Such settings (in outside-of-school programs) are an especially useful context for exploring work with data because they can be designed around youths’ interests (Lauer, Akiba, Wilkerson, Apthorp, Snow, & Martin-Glenn, 2006). One promise of work with data in outside-of-school settings is that relevant sources of data can be inherently interesting to learners. Such sources of data can be used as a context for learning about the world, allowing youth to ask and answer personally and socially meaningful questions, whereas many outside-of-school programs are focused around commercial aims, such as developing mobile device applications. Knowing more about how youth engage can also provide a foundation for subsequent work to explore how particular curricula and engaging experiences for youth spark their interest in work with data, including hobbies and occupations related to data science, but also in STEM domains in general. 3 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW In this review of the literature, I define work with data as a key practice, or learning-related activity, across STEM domains. I also define and justify a multi-dimensional framework for understanding engagement, and then review an approach to analyzing data that is ideal for capturing this multidimensionality. 2.1 Defining Work with Data Some scholars have focused on a few key pieces of data analysis, connected through the use of “data to solve real problems and to answer authentic questions” (Hancock et al., 1992, p. 337). This focus on solving real problems or answering authentic questions-rather than being taught and learned as isolated skills-is an essential part of work with data having the most educational benefits to learners (National Research Council, 2012; see Lehrer and Schauble [2012] for some examples of work with data being used in classroom settings). This approach has primarily been used by mathematics educators, as reflected in its role in statistics curriculum standards (Franklin et al., 2007). In science settings, where answering questions about phenomena serve as the focus of activities, it shares features of the process of engaging in scientific and engineering practices but has been less often studied. Work with data has been conceived in dierent ways (i.e., Hancock et al., 1992; Lehrer & Romberg, 1996; Wild & Pfannkuch, 1999). For instance, Wild and Pfannkuch (1999) consider the process in terms of identifying a problem, generating a measurement system and sampling plan, collecting and cleaning the data, exploring the data and carrying out planned analyses, and interpreting the findings from the analysis. Such a process is common in STEM content areas and is instantiated in standards for some (especially mathematics) curricula. Franklin et al.’s guidelines focus on the Framework for statistical problem solving: formulating questions, collecting data, analyzing data, and interpreting results (2007). The goals of this 4 framework and its components are similar to Hancock et al.’s (1992) description of data modeling, the process of “using data to solve real problems and to answer authentic questions” (p. 337). Hancock et al. (1992) focus in on two goals, data creation and analysis, arguing that the former (data creation) is under emphasized in classroom contexts. Scholars have subsequently expanded Hancock et al.’s definition of data modeling to include six components: asking questions, generating measures, collecting data, structuring data, visualizing data, and making inferences in light of variability (see Lehrer & Schauble, 2004, for using this conceptualization of data modeling applied to the task of understanding plant growth). The last of these components is crucial across all of the visions of data modeling reviewed here and distinguishes these processes from other aspects of data analysis: Accounting for variability (or uncertainty) is central to solving real-world problems with data and the process of data modeling. Because there is not an agreed-upon definition of work with data–particularly across subject area domains (i.e., across all of the STEM content areas)–I focus on the core aspects that scholars have most often included in their conceptualizations of work with data. These core components, synthesized from definitions across studies, are better for understanding work with data across STEM content areas–as in the present study–than the components from specific examples, which were developed for use in only one domain. The aspects of work with data that have been articulated in prior studies are distilled into five key aspects for use in this study. They are: • Asking questions: Generating questions that can be answered with empirical evidence • Making observations: Watching phenomena and noticing what is happening concerning the phenomena or problem being investigated • Generating data: The process of figuring out how or why to inscribe an observation as data about phenomena, as well as generating tools for measuring or categorizing • Data modeling: Activities involving the use of simple statistics, such as the mean and standard deviation, as well as more complicated models, such as linear models and 5 extensions of the linear model • Interpreting and communicating findings: Activities related to identifying a driving question regarding the phenomena that the question is about These five synthesized aspects of work with data are not stand-alone practices but are a part of a cycle. This process is a cycle is not only because each aspect follows that before it, but also because the overall process is iterative. For example, interpreting findings leads to new questions and subsequent engagement in work with data. Also, scholars have pointed out some key features of how work with data is carried out that impact their eectiveness as a pedagogical approach. These key features include an emphasis on making sense of real-world phenomena and iterative cycles of engaging in work with data and collaboration and dialogue, through which ideas and findings are critiqued and subject to critique, and revised over time (McNeill & Berland, 2017; Lee & Wilkerson, 2018). 2.2 The role of working with data in STEM learning environments Working with data can serve as an organizing set of practices for engaging in inquiry in STEM learning settings (Lehrer & Schauble, 2015). Data are both encountered and generated by learners, and so opportunities for learners to work with data provide many opportunities to leverage their curiosity because processes of inquiry can be grounded in phenomena that learners themselves can see and manipulate or phenomena that learners are interested in. Also important, becoming proficient in work with data can provide learners with an in-demand capability in society, owing to the number of occupations, from education to entrepreneurship, that demand or involve taking action based on data (Wilkerson & Fenwick, 2017). Furthermore, becoming proficient in work with data can be personally empowering because of the parts of our lives–from paying energy bills to interpreting news articles–that use data. Recent educational reform eorts emphasize work with data (i.e., the scientific and engineering practices in the NGSS and the standards for mathematical practice in the 6 Common Core State Standards). However, work with data is uncommon in many classroom settings, even classrooms emphasizing recent science education reform eorts; McNeill & Berland, 2017; Miller, Manz, Russ, Stroupe, & Berland, advance online publication). As a result, learning environments suited to engaging in work with data, but not explicitly designed to support it, may be valuable to study because they may serve as incubators of these rare and challenging learning activities. Outside-of-school programs, in particular, are a potentially valuable setting to explore engagement in work with data, because of the combined pedagogical and technical expertise of their sta and the open-ended nature of the activities that are possible to carry out during them. Sta or youth activity leaders for these programs include educators and scientists, engineers, and others with the technical experience. Additionally, the programs were designed to involve learners in the types of real-world practices experienced by experts in STEM disciplines. Attendance in such programs is associated with many benefits to learners (Green, Lee, Constance, & Hynes, 2013; see Lauer et al., 2006, for a review). These programs are also a good context for understanding work with data because little research has examined how data are part of the experiences of youth during them. 2.3 What is Known About How Youth Work with Data There is a good amount of past research on cognitive capabilities as outcomes from working with data. Much of this (laboratory-based) research has focused on how children develop the capability to inductively reason from observations (Gelman & Markman, 1987). Other research has focused on the development of causal, or mechanistic, reasoning, among young children (Gopnik & Sobel, 2000; Gopnik, Sobel, Schulz, & Glymour, 2001), often from a Piagetian, individual-development focused tradition (i.e., Piaget & Inhelder, 1969). A key outcome of engaging in work with data has to do with how learners account for variability (Lehrer, Kim, & Schauble, 2007; Petrosino et al., 2003; Lesh, Middleton, Caylor, & Gupta, 2008; Lee, Angotti, & Tarr, 2010), arguably the main goal of engaging in work with data 7 (Konold & Pollatsek, 2002). From this research, we know that learners can develop the capacity to reason about variability. Past research has also shown that there are strategies that can support work with data. These include the design of technological tools and the development of curricula. From this research, we know about specific strategies and learning progressions for learners to develop this capability. For example, past research has illustrated the role of measurement in exposing learners in a direct way to sources of variability (Petrosino et al., 2003) or the place of relevant phenomena, such as manufacturing processes, such as the size of metallic bolts, which can help learners to focus on “tracking a process by looking at its output” (Konold & Pollatsek, 2002, p. 282). Finally, past research has shown that dierent aspects of work with data pose unique opportunities and challenges. Asking empirical questions requires experience and ample time to ask a question that is both able to be answered with data and which is sustaining and worth investigating (Bielik, 2016; Hasson & Yarden, 2012). Making observations and generating data, such as of the height of the school’s flagpole, requires negotiation not only of what to measure, but how and how many times to measure it (Lehrer, Kim, & Schauble, 2007). Regarding modeling, not only teaching students about models, such as that of the mean, but also asking them to create them, are valuable and practical (Lehrer & Schauble, 2004; Lehrer, Kim, & Jones, 2011), but also time-intensive. Interpreting findings, especially in light of variability through models, and communicating answers to questions, means not only identifying error but understanding its sources, and can be supported through exploring models that deliberately represent the data poorly, but can be instructive for probing the benefits and weaknesses of models (Konold & Pollatsek, 2002; Lee & Hollebrands, 2008; Lehrer, Kim, & Schauble, 2007). Though very valuable past research that has been carried out, valuable insight into how learners and youth participate in dierent aspects of work with data through the lens of engagement has not been explored. This work can compliment past research by showing, for 8 instance, by showing how certain strategies of work with data or how enacting aspects of work with data in particular ways engage learners (two foci of past research). Consider the practice of modeling data, commonly described as a-or the-key part of many data analyses (Konold, Finzer, & Kreetong, 2017). When modeling data, learners may use data they generated and structured in a data set on their own or may model already-processed, or use already-plotted, data (McNeill & Berland, 2017). How challenging do students perceive the dierent enactments of these activities to be and how do learners perceive their competence regarding them? Importantly, how hard are learners working? How much do they feel they are learning? Knowing more about these beliefs, characteristics, and processes could help us to develop informed recommendations for teachers and designers intending to bring about opportunities for learners to engage in work with data in a better-supported way that is sustained over time. 2.4 Engagement in General and in STEM Domains In this section, the nature of engagement is discussed regarding general features that have been identified across content area domains, conditions that support engagement, and dierences between engagement in general and in STEM settings. This is followed by a discussion of two key features of engagement: its dynamic, or context-dependent, characteristics, and its multidimensional nature. Finally, I describe methods for capturing these two features empirically through an approach called the Experience Sampling Method, or ESM, and describe how multidimensional data, collected by ESM, can be analyzed. Engagement is defined in this study as active involvement, or investment, in activities (Fredricks, Blumenfeld, & Paris, 2004). Explaining how learners are involved in activities and tasks is especially important if we want to know about what aspects of work with data are most engaging (and in what ways), and therefore can serve as examples for others advancing work with data as well as those calling for greater support for engagement. Apart from being focused on involvement, engagement is often thought of as a meta-construct, that is, 9 one that is made up of other constructs (Skinner & Pitzer, 2012; Skinner, Kindermann, & Furrer, 2009). By defining engagement as a meta-construct, scholars characterize it in terms of cognitive, behavioral, and aective dimensions that are distinct yet interrelated (Fredricks, 2016). We know from past research that the cognitive, behavioral, and aective dimensions of engagement can be distinguished (Wang & Eccles, 2012; Wang & Holcombe, 2010) and that while there are long-standing concerns about the conceptual breadth of engagement (Fredricks et al., 2016), careful justification and thoughtful use of multidimensional engagement constructs and measures is warranted. Engagement is also considered to be changing in response to individual, situation or moment contextual factors, Skinner and Pitzer’s (2012) model of motivational dynamics, highlighting the community, school, classroom, and even learning activity, shows the context-dependent nature of engagement on the basis of the impacts of these factors on learners’ engagement. Engagement in STEM settings shares characteristics with engagement across disci- plines, yet there are some distinct aspects to it (Greene, 2015). While one type of engagement— behavioral—is associated with achievement-related outcomes, many STEM practices call for engagement in service of other outcomes, especially around epistemic and agency-related dimensions (Sinatra et al., 2015,). For example, many scholars have defined scientific and engineering practices as cognitive practices, which involve applying epistemic considerations around sources of evidence and the nature of explanatory processes (see Berland et al. 2016, Stroupe, 2014). The emphasis on developing new knowledge and capabilities by engaging in STEM practices must be reflected in how the cognitive dimension of engagement is measured. Because of the importance of constructing knowledge to engagement in STEM practices, then, I define cognitive engagement in terms of learning something new or getting better at something. While sometimes defined in terms of extra-curricular involvement or following directions, I define behavioral engagement in this study as working hard on learning-related 10 activities (Fredricks et al., 2004; Singh, Granville, & Dika, 2002). Finally, I define aective engagement as emotional responses to activities, such as being excited, angry, or relaxed (Pekrun & Linnenbrink-Garcia, 2012). Finally, some critical conditions facilitate engagement. Emergent Motivation Theory (EMT; Csikszentmihalyi, 1990), provides a useful lens for understanding these conditions. From EMT, a critical condition for engagement that can change dynamically, from moment to moment, is how dicult individuals perceive an activity to be, or its perceived challenge. Another critical condition is how good at an activity an individual perceives themselves to be, or their perceived competence. What is most important–and necessary concerning being engaged–is being both challenged by and good at a particular activity. Past research has supported this conjecture (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990). As one em- pirical example, Sherno et al. (2016) demonstrated that the interaction of challenge and competence was associated with positive forms of engagement. These findings suggest that learners’ perceptions of the challenge of the activity, and their perceptions of how skillful they are, are important conditions that co-occur with learners’ engagement. Conceptualizing perceptions of challenge and competence as conditions, rather than factors that influence engagement, is in recognition of their co-occurrence within individuals, in that youth experi- ence engagement and their perceptions of the activity (perceived challenge) and of themselves (perceive competence) together and at the same time. Thus, these two conditions (challenge and competence) are considered together with engagement in this study, as described in the section below on analyzing multidimensional data on engagement. 2.5 Youth characteristics that may aect their engagement Past research suggests learners or youths’ characteristics, such as their interest in the domain of study, impact their cognitive, behavioral, and aective engagement (Sherno et al., 2003; Sherno et al., 2016; Shumow, Schmidt, & Zaleski, 2013). These are both moment- to-moment, context-dependent conditions that support engagement (like those discussed 11 above, perceptions of challenge and competence) as well as youth-specific factors. These factors are at the level of individual dierences (i.e., youths’ more stable interest in STEM domains), and may impact engagement, as described in this section. A factor that can support engagement is how teachers support learning practices (Strati, Schmidt, & Maier, 2017). Particularly concerning work with data, which is demanding not only for learners but also teachers (Lehrer & Schauble, 2015; Wilkerson, Andrews, Shaban, Laina, & Gravel, 2016), sustained support from those leading youth activities is an essential component of learners being able to work with data. Thus, how youth activity leaders plan and enact activities related to work with data can have a large impact on students’ engagement. Furthermore, because of the importance of work with data across STEM domains, carrying out ambitious activities focused on work with data may plausibly have a substantial impact on the extent to which youth engage in summer STEM program settings. Consequently, this study considers work with data through the use of a coding frame that characterizes the extent to which teachers are supporting specific STEM practices in their instruction, including aspects of work with data. Other factors that impact youths’ engagement are individual characteristics and In recognition of dierences among learners in their tendency to engage in dierences. dierent (higher or lower) ways in specific activities based in part on individual dierences (Hidi & Renninger, 2006), learners’ interest in STEM before the start of the programs is also considered as a factor that can impact engagement. Knowing about whether and to what extent youths’ interest before participating in summer STEM programs explains their engagement during them is a key question in its own right. It is also important regarding properly understanding the eects of other factors, such as working with data, above and beyond the eect of pre-program interest. In addition to this interest, I also consider the gender and the racial and ethnic group of youth, as past research has indicated these as factors that influence engagement in STEM (Bystydzienski, Eisenhart, & Bruning, 2015; Sherno & Schmidt, 2008). To include the racial and ethnic group of students, I also include youth 12 being part of an under-represented minority (URM) group. To sum up, youths’ pre-program interest, gender, and URM group membership are considered as individual factors that may impact youths’ engagement. 2.6 Challenges of Measuring Engagement as a Contextually- Dependent and Multidimensional Construct Because of the way engagement has been thought of as having context-dependent characteristics and being multi-dimensional, it is challenging to use engagement (when conceptualized in such a way) in empirical studies. One methodological approach that has benefits concerning the context-dependent and multidimensional nature of engagement is the ESM. Some scholars have explored or extolled benefits to its use in their recent work (e.g., Strati et al., 2017; Turner & Meyer, 2000; Sinatra et al., 2015). This study employs the Experience Sampling Method (ESM; Hektner, Schmidt, & Csikszentmihalyi, 2007) where learners answer short questions about their experience when signaled. ESM involves asking (usually using a digital tool and occasionally a diary) participants short questions about their experiences. ESM is particularly well-suited to understanding the context-dependent nature of engagement because students answered brief surveys about their experience when they were signaled, minimally interrupting them from the activity they are engaged in and also seeking to collect measures about learners’ experience when signaled (Hektner et al., 2007). The ESM approach is both sensitive to changes in engagement over time, as well as between learners and allows us to understand engagement and how factors impact it in more nuanced and complex ways (Turner & Meyer, 2000). Though time-consuming to carry out, ESM can be a robust measure that leverages the benefits of both observational and self-report measures, allowing for some ecological validity and the use of closed-form questionnaires amenable to quantitative analysis (Csikszentmihalyi & Larson, 1987). Despite the logistic challenge of carrying out ESM in large studies, some scholars have referred to it as the gold standard for understanding individual’s subjective experience (Schwarz, Kahneman, & Xu, 13 2009). Research has shown us how the use of ESM can lead to distinct contributions to our understanding of learning and engagement. This work also suggests how ESM can be put to use in the present study. For example, Sherno, Csikszentmihalyi, Schneider, and Sherno (2003) examined engagement through the use of measures aligned with flow theory, namely, using measures of concentration, interest, and enjoyment (Csikszentmihalyi, 1997). In a study using the same measures of engagement, Sherno et al. (2016) used an observational measure of challenge and control (or environmental complexity) and found that it significantly predicted engagement, as well as self-esteem, intrinsic motivation, and academic intensity. Schneider et al. (2016) and Linnansaari et al. (2015) examined features of optimal learning moments or moments in which students report high levels of interest, skill, and challenge, as well as their antecedents and consequences. Similar to ESM in that through its use engagement can be studied in a more context-sensitive, still other scholars have used daily diary studies to examine engagement as a function of autonomy-supportive classroom practices (Patall, Vasquez, Steingut, Trimble, & Pituch, 2015; Patall, Steingut, Vasquez, Trimble, & Freeman, 2017). This past research that used ESM (or daily diary studies) to study engagement has shown that ESM can be used to understand fine-grained dierences in learning activities, such as the aspects of work with data that are the focus of this study. Other research shows us that there are newer approaches to analyzing ESM data that can contribute insights into the context-dependent nature of engagement in a more fine-grained way. For example, Strati et al. (2017) explored the relations between engagement to measures of teacher support, finding associations between instrumental support and engagement and powerfully demonstrating the capacity of ESM to understand some of the context-dependent nature of engagement. Similarly, Poysa et al. (2017) used a similar data analytic approach as Strati et al. (2017), that is, use of crossed eects models for variation within both students and time points, both within and between days. These studies establish the value of the use of ESM to understand the context-dependent nature of engagement and 14 that such an approach may be able to be used to understand engaging in work with data. Additionally, these recent studies (particularly the study by Strati and colleagues) show that how eects at dierent levels are treated, namely, how variability at these levels is accounted for through random eects as part of mixed eects models, is a key practical consideration for the analysis of ESM data. One powerful and increasingly widely used way to examine context-dependent constructs, such as engagement, is the use of profiles of, or groups of variables that are measured. This profile approach is especially important given the multidimensional nature of engagement. In past research, profiles are commonly used as part of what is described as person-oriented approaches (Bergman & Magnusson, 1997; Bergman, Magnusson, & El Khouri, 2003), those used to consider the way in which psychological constructs are experienced together and at once in the experiences of learners. Note that in the present study, ESM involves asking youth about to report on their experience at the time they were signaled (rather than, for example, before or after the program, which traditional surveys are well-suited for). In this study, profiles of engagement are used in the service of understanding how students engage in work with data in a more holistic way. There are some recent studies taking a profile approach to the study of engagement (i.e., Salmela-Aro, Moeller, Schneider, Spicer, & Lavonen, 2016a; Salmela-Aro, Muotka, Alho, Hakkarainen, & Lonka, 2016b; Van Rooij, Jansen, & van de Grift, 2017; Schmidt, Rosenberg, & Beymer, 2018), though none have done so to study youths’ engagement in work with data. The profile approach has an important implication for how we analyze data collected from ESM about youths’ engagement, in particular when we consider how to understand engagement as a multi-dimensional construct, and one with momentary, or instructional episode-specific, conditions (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990). We know from past research that engagement can be explained through dierent patterns among its components (Bergman & Magnusson, 1997; Bergman et al., 2003), in the present case its cognitive, behavioral, and aective components. Because learners’ engagement includes cognitive, behavioral, and 15 aective aspects experienced together at the same time, it can be experienced as a combined eect that is categorically distinct from the eects of the individual dimensions of engagement. This combined eect can be considered as profiles of engagement. Past studies have considered profiles of cognitive, behavioral, and aective aspects of engagement. For example, to account for the context-dependent nature of engagement, some past studies have used other measures to predict engagement, such as the use of in-the-moment resources and demands (Salmela-Aro et al., 2016b) and the use of instructional activities and choice (Schmidt et al., 2018). A potential way to extend this past research is to account for not only engagement (cognitive, behavioral, and aective), but also the intricately connected perceptions of challenge and competence. This analytic approach is especially important since a profile approach emphasizes the holistic nature of engagement and the impact of not only external but also intra-individual factors. Accordingly, youths’ perceptions of the challenge of the activity and their competence at it are used along with the measures of engagement to construct profiles of engagement. Thus, the profiles of engagement include youths’ responses to five ESM items for their cognitive, behavioral, and aective engagement and their perceptions of how challenging the activity they were doing is and of how competent at the activity they are. 2.7 Need for the Present Study While many scholars have argued that work with data can be understood in terms of the capabilities learners develop and the outcome learners achieve, there is a need to understand learners’ experiences working with data. The present study does this through the use of contemporary engagement theory and innovative methodological and analytic approaches. Doing this can help us to understand work with data in terms of learner’s experience, which we know from past research impacts what and how students learn (Sinatra et al., 2015). Knowing more about students’ engagement can help us to design activities and interventions focused around work with data. In addition to this need to study engagement 16 in work with data through the lens of engagement, no research has yet examined work with data in the context of summer STEM programs, though such settings are potentially rich with opportunities for highly engaged youth to analyze authentic data sources. 2.8 Conceptual Framework and Research Questions To summarize this section, the present study is about how learning activities involving various aspects of work with data can be understood in terms of engagement. Its context is out-of-school-time STEM enrichment programs designed to meet guidelines for best practices. The conceptual framework in the present study is presented in Figure 2.1 and is laid out in the remainder of this section. There are five aspects of work with data synthesized from past research (i.e., Hancock et al., 1992; Lehrer & Romberg, 1996; Wild & Pfannkuch, 1999): 1. Asking questions or identifying problems 2. Making observations 3. Generating data 4. Data modeling 5. Interpreting and communicating findings In Figure 2.3, engagement in work with data is associated with dierent profiles of engagement. The theoretical framework for the profile approach suggests that engagement is a multi-dimensional construct consisting of cognitive, behavioral, and aective dimensions of engagement and perceptions of challenge and competence. Also, a pre-program measure of youths’ pre-program interest in STEM, along with youths’ gender and URM status, are hypothesized to be associated with the profiles and the relations of work with data and the profiles. Regarding research questions 2-5, the ESM responses that make up the profiles are associated with dierent “levels.” These levels, or groups, which may introduce dependencies that violate statistical assumptions of the independence of the responses, are commonly 17 Figure 2.1: A conceptual framework for this study and research questions considered in the Hierarchical Linear Modeling (also known as multi-level or mixed eects modeling) literature as random eects (Gelman & Hill, 2007; West, Welch, & Galecki, 2015). In this study, three levels that can be modeled as random eects to account for the dependencies they introduce: Youth, instructional episode (which are indicators for the moments–or segments–in which youth are asked to respond to the ESM signal), and the program. Thus, these are not predictor variables, but rather are the levels that are present given the approach to data collection and the sampling procedure. Interpreting their eects is not a goal of this study, but accounting for them in the models used, as in this study, is essential and is done through the use of random eects. Pre-program interest, gender, and URM status are predictor variables at the youth level. The aspects of work with data are predictor variables at the instructional episode level. There are no predictor variables at the program level, in part due to the small number of programs (and the resulting low statistical power of any variables added at this level). Pre-program interest, gender, and URM status, and the aspects of work with data are used as predictor variables, while the three levels (youth, instructional episode, and program) are 18 accounted for in the mixed eects modeling strategy. The five research questions, then, are: 1. What is the frequency and nature of opportunities for youth to engage in each of the five aspects of work with data in summer STEM programs? 2. What profiles of engagement emerge from data collected via ESM in the programs? 3. What are sources of variability for the profiles of engagement? 4. How do the five aspects of work with data relate to profiles of engagement? 5. How do youth characteristics relate to profiles of engagement? 19 CHAPTER 3 METHOD 3.1 Context The setting for the present study was nine out-of-school STEM programs during 2015 in the Northeast United States. Descriptions of the programs are provided in Appendix A. Two intermediary organizations which were contracted by the local school districts to administer the summer programs. The two intermediaries were responsible for soliciting and enrolling youth; establishing guidelines for the design of the programs, and the goals of the programs; and providing training and professional development for the sta, hereafter referred to as youth activity leaders. There was a dierence between the two intermediary organizations, namely, one separated academic and enrichment-related activities, whereas, in the other, the academic and enrichment components were more integrated, which may have program-related eects on youths’ engagement. Many of the programs aim to involve youth in work with data. These learning environments bring together youth activity leaders, educators, and those with technical expertise in STEM domains. Youth spent around three hours per day for four days per week for the approximately four-week programs, which were taught by youth activity leaders and scientists, engineers, and other community members with technical expertise. 3.2 Participants Participants consisted of 203 youth. Participants were from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds (see Table 3.1). The mean age of participants was around 13 years old (from youth whose age was available: M = 12.71, SD = 1.70, min. = 10.75, max. = 16.36). Detailed demographic characteristics of youth are presented in Table 3.1. 20 Table 3.1: Demographic characteristics of youth Youth Sex Male Female Race/Ethnicity Hispanic White Black Multi-racial Asian/Pacific Islander Parent Education High School or Below Graduated from College (B.A. or B.S.) Percentage 50 50 48 6 36 3 7 79 21 3.3 Procedure Before the start of the programs, youth completed a pre-survey that included questions about their experience in STEM, intention to pursue a STEM major or career, and other motivation and engagement-related measures; items about youths’ interest in STEM were the only items used from this survey in this study. At the beginning of the programs, youth were introduced to the study and the phones used for data collection related to the ESM. As indicated in the literature review, ESM is a method of data collection that involves asking youth to respond to short questions on phones (that were provided as part of the study). In particular, youth were signaled at random times (within intervals, so that the signals were not too near or far apart) in order to obtain a sample of their experience throughout the program. ESM data were collected two days each week, for three weeks (weeks 2-4 of the program). In all of the programs, about equal video-recording time was dedicated to classroom and field experiences. This detail is noteworthy because programs associated with one of the intermediaries rotated between classroom and field experience days, while the other used the first half of each day for one 21 and the second for the other. Each day, youth were signaled four times. These signals were at the same time for all of the youth within their program, but at dierent times between programs and between days within programs (with the constraint that no two signals could occur less than ten minutes apart). The programs were video-recorded by research team members on the days during which ESM data were collected. So that the measures relating the video-recording and ESM data can be matched, the videos included a signal from the person doing the video-recording that identified the ESM signal to which youth were signaled to respond. 3.4 Data Sources and Measures Data sources consist of ESM measures of engagement and youths’ perceptions of themselves and the activity, pre-survey measures of youths’ interest, youths’ demographic information, and the video-recordings of programs. 3.4.1 ESM measures of engagement for the profiles Measures for engagement were created from five ESM questions, three serving indicators for the experience of engagement and two for the conditions of engagement. The three indicators for engagement were for learning (for the cognitive engagement construct), working hard (for behavioral engagement), and enjoying (for aective engagement). The variables for the conditions are for perceived challenge and perceived competence. All five items were ultimately used to construct the profiles of engaged. Each of the ESM items consisted of the item text and the following four item response options, of which youth were directed to select one: Not at all (associated with the number 1 on the survey; 1), A little (2), Somewhat (3), and Very Much (4), as presented in Table 3.2. Note that because these items were measured using single-item indicators (which is common in studies using ESM; Hektner et al., 2007), information about the reliability and validity information for these measures is not included. 22 Table 3.2: ESM measures for profiles Item As you were signaled, were you learning anything or getting better at something? Construct Cognitive engagement Behavioral engagement As you were signaled, how hard were you working? Aective engagement Perceived challenge Perceived competence As you were signaled, did you enjoy what you are doing? As you were signaled, how challenging was the main activity? As you were signaled, were you good at the main activity? 3.4.2 The five aspects of work with data Dierent aspects of work with data were identified from video-recordings. Specifically, codes for work with data were generated on the basis of the activity that the youth activity leaders were facilitating. The activity youth activity leaders were facilitating were from the STEM-Program Quality Assessment (STEM-PQA; Forum for Youth Investment, 2012), an assessment of quality programming in after-school programs. I then identified the specific activities that corresponded to the five aspects of work with data, as defined here. While I chose to match the five aspects of work with data to the STEM-PQA code(s) that I interpreted as aligning most closely (in the cases of generating data and interpreting and communicating findings, choosing to use two STEM-PQA items as codes), there are other ways that these could be matched. For example, in the NGSS (NGSS Lead States, 2013), asking questions emphasizes coming up with questions that can be answered through an investigation, whereas the STEM-PQA code used to indicate asking questions emphasizes exploring possible solutions to problems and testing hypotheses. Here are the aspects of work with data (in bold) and the STEM-PQA code(s) to which I corresponded them. Asking questions: Predict, conjecture, or hypothesize (Sta support youth in using a simulation, experiment, or model to answer questions, explore solutions, or test hypotheses [e.g., Youth run a robotics program to determine whether it does what they expect it to; Youth try an alternate way to solve an equation and test their results against another example, etc.]) Making observations: Classify or abstract (Sta support youth in using classifi- 23 cation and abstraction, linking concrete examples to principles, laws, categories, and formulas [e.g., Mice, porcupines, and squirrels are all rodents, rodents are all mammals; The pool ball moved because for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction; etc.]) Generating data: Collect data or measure (Sta support youth in collecting data or measuring [e.g., Youth use rulers or yardsticks to measure length; Youth count the number of dierent species of birds observed in a specific location, etc.]) and Highlight precision and accuracy (Sta highlight value of precision and accuracy in measuring, observing, recording, or calculating [e.g., measurement error can impact an experiment or conclusion; measure twice, cut once; scientist always need to double-check their calculations before drawing conclusions; you must observe carefully to see the dierence between various species of sparrows, etc.]) Data modeling: Simulate, experiment, or model (Sta support youth in using a simulation, experiment, or model to answer questions, explore solutions, or test hypotheses [e.g., Youth run a robotics program to determine whether it does what they expect it to; Youth try an alternate way to solve an equation and test their results against another example, etc.]) Interpreting and communicating findings: Analyze (Sta support youth in analyzing data to draw conclusions (e.g., after an experiment, youth are asked to use results to make a generalization like “Your heartbeat increases when you exercise”, etc.)) and Use symbols or models (Sta support youth in conveying STEM concepts through symbols, models, or other nonverbal language (e,g, youth use diagrams, equations, flowcharts, outlines, mock-ups, design software, dioramas, physical models, prototypes, graphs, charts, tables, equations, etc.)) I then used these codes as part of the following coding frame, with the code names, possible values, code description, and examples from this study, as presented in Table 3.3. Note that this coding frame was not developed to assess work with data but rather was adapted for this purpose based on aligning dimensions of the STEM-PQA with the categories of the coding frame for work with data in this table. 24 Table 3.3: Coding Frame for the Aspects of Work with Data Code Name Asking questions Making observations 2 5 Generating data Data modeling Values 1: Present; 0: Not Present 1: Present; 0: Not Present 1: Present; 0: Not Present 1: Present; 0: Not Present Interpreting and communicating findings 1: Present; 0: Not Present Description Discussing and exploring topics to investigate and pose questions. Watching and noticing what is happening with respect to the phenomena or problem being investigated. Figuring out how or why to inscribe an observation as data and generating coding frames or measurement tools. Understanding and explaining phenomena using models of the data that account for variability or uncertainty. Discussing and sharing findings. Example Youth generated questions they investigated related to tide ponds in an estuary ecosystem. Youth observed the projectile motion of an object launched with a catapult. Youth wrote in a table the number of pieces of recyclables they collected in parts of local waterways. Youth calculated the average number of plant species found across a number of sites in the field. Youth presented the outcomes of an investigation or engineered design in light of a research question or problem. Raters contracted by American Institute of Research (AIR) were trained in the use of the Program Quality Assessment tool (PQA), the broader assessment tool for which the STEM-PQA is a supplement. Raters completed a four-hour online training module on the overall PQA tool and then attended an in-person two-day training led by a trainer from the David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality, the tool’s publisher, where they learned about the instrument, trained on its use, and then established inter-rater reliability with a master coder. For the STEM-PQA, three of the same raters contracted by AIR to code the (overall) PQA measure used the STEM-PQA supplement to score one video segment, for which there were no disagreements on scoring for any of the items. The programs were divided up among all of the raters, so raters coded some of the videos for all of the programs. When the raters encountered a situation that was dicult to score, they would discuss the issue by telephone or more often by email after viewing the video in question and reach a consensus on how to score the specific item. Note that these codes were unique to each signal to which youth responded (but were not unique to each youth, as the youth in the same program were signaled at the same time). Out of the 248 instructional episodes, 236 were code-able for work with data; for the 12 that were not codeable, issues with the video-recordings were the primary source of the missing data. These 236 responses were used for all of the analyses. 3.4.3 Survey measures of pre-interest in STEM Measures of youths’ pre-interest were used as youth-level characteristics that predict the profiles of engagement. In particular, three items adapted from Vandell, Hall, O’Cadiz, and Karsh (2012) were used, with directions for youth to rate their agreement with the items’ text using the same scale as the ESM items: Not at all (associated with the number 1 on the survey), A little (2), Somewhat (3), and Very Much (4). Reliability and validity information on this scale is presented in Vandell et al. (2008). This measure was constructed by taking the maximum value for the scales for the 26 Table 3.4: Measure for pre-program interest in STEM Construct Pre-program interest in STEM I am interested in science / mathematics / Item text engineering. At school, science / mathematics / engineering is fun I have always been fascinated by science / mathematics / engineering) dierent content areas (science, mathematics, and engineering)s so that the value for a youth whose response for the science scale was 2.5 and for the mathematics scale was 2.75 would be 2.75. See Beymer, Rosenberg, and Schmidt (2018) for more details on this (use of the maximum value) measurement approach. The items are presented in Table 3.4. Overall levels of this measure were high (M = 3.044 (SD = 0.901). The individual interest measure represented the mean of interest items across all relevant domains. Thus for some students, the mean was based on three items, while for others it was based on as many as nine items representing all three domains (with Cronbach – values ranging from .77 - .86 for each domain-specific interest scale). 3.4.4 Other youth characteristics In addition to the measures described in this section, demographic information for youths’ gender, and their racial and ethnic group are used to construct demographic variables for gender and membership in an under-represented (in STEM) group; membership in an under- represented group was identified on the basis of youths’ racial and ethnic group being Hispanic, African American, Asian or Pacific Islanders, or native American. 27 3.5 Data Analysis 3.5.1 Preliminary analyses Correlations (first-order Pearson) and the frequency, range, mean (M), and standard deviation (SD) are first presented for all variables. In addition, the frequency of the codes for aspects of work with data and the numbers of responses by youth, program, and instructional episode are presented. 3.5.2 Analysis for Research Question #1 (on the frequency and nature of work with data) There were two primary steps taken to answer this question, one more quantitative in nature and one more qualitative. The quantitative aspect focused on the frequency of work with data, whereas the qualitative aspect focused on the specific nature of work with data. For the quantitative aspect, the codes for the aspects of work with data (described above in the section on the measures) were counted up and presented as a proportion of the number of code-able instructional episodes. As the signals represent a sample of youths’ experiences in the programs, results from this analysis provide insight into how often each of the aspects took place during the programs. Note that this coding frame focused on the degree of instructional support the activity leaders provided for youth to work with data, thus results from this analysis will show how often support for the dierent aspects of work with data was provided, though youth may engage in the aspects of work with data to varying degrees. The frequency of work with data, the focus of the quantitative analysis for this research question, will provide insight into how regular the aspects of work with data were, but not about the ways in which work with data was enacted. For example, qualitative dierences in how youth were asking questions will not be evident from the codes as they were used. In order to provide more detail in terms of the nature of work with data in summer 28 STEM segments, the data was coded with an open-ended, qualitative approach. Specifically, three research assistants were trained for approximately eight hours, over the course of four meetings. Then, each research assistant coded all of the segments associated with the videos for a particular. Two coders coded every segment, except for the segments for which the quantitative coding indicated no aspects of work with data were present; instead, for these segments, only one coder coded each segment. For all of the guiding questions, the coders also took note of who (the youth, youth activity leader, or someone else) was the focus of the aspect of work with data. For example, with respect to interpreting and communicating findings, denoted when youth were sharing the results from a hands-on investigation or when it was the youth activity leader doing so as a summary on the basis of the work youth recently completed. Table 3.5 summarizes the aims of the open-ended, qualitative coding, as well as example codes from this study. Note that these examples are dierent in nature than those for the coding frame for work with data (see Table 3.3), as these codes were written in an open-ended matter, whereas the codes for work with data were applied based on the coding frame (with only 0’s and 1’s as possible value for codes). 29 Table 3.5: Coding frame for the open-ended, qualitative coding of instructional episodes Topics Nature of activity Description Note the nature of what was happening in terms of the activity or activities youth were involved in. 3 0 Youth or youth activity leader Note the extent to which youth or the youth activity led the activity (or whether it was led by both the youth and youth activity leader). Work with data For each aspect of work with data determined to be present, note how youth were involved in working with data. Example of Codes Youth coming up with ideas for their final project, activity leader walking around giving them encouragement, helping students think of ideas. While youth are working, activity leader pulls up a website for a franchise, tells youth that’s the first step to working on their project, describes where to find the numbers they need, talks about what information a company’s website will include, encourages youth to look further into a company using other websites. Youth then take survey. Activity learner shows youth containers they will put specimens in so they can observe it and tools they can use to capture bugs. Activity leader describes chart that students were given outlining dierent symbols for dierent kinds of animals (e.g., leaf for producer), describing dierent methods to obtain specimens. Youth are counting in their districts how much plastic they gathered (from one of their field trip sites at the bay). They are asked to write down the amount of plastic each district gathered (generating data). They are then sharing their findings with each other based on calculations they did with the data. They were calculating how many pieces of plastic they collected together over four days (134 pieces) After coding all of the segments for each program, the coders and I met to discuss potential issues that emerged throughout the coding. The goal of the meetings was to address any problems encountered when using the guiding questions and to clarify how they applied the coding frame. After the coding was complete, I then read through all of the codes for all of the segments then made notes associated with each of the five aspects of work with data. I used these notes to write descriptions of the nature of work with data for each of the five aspects. After reading through the qualitative codes and my descriptions of the nature of work with data during each segment, I grouped the descriptions into themes, which I present in the results for this research question. I also used these themes to calculate proportions, which are also presented in the findings for this section. In summary, an open-ended, qualitative coding approach was used to create descriptions of the ways in which each of the aspects of work with data was enacted. This analysis is used to provide insights into the nature of work with data in summer STEM programs. 3.5.3 Analysis for Research Question #2 (what profiles of engagement emerge) Latent Profile Analysis (LPA; Harring & Hodis, 2016; Muthen, 2004) was used to identify profiles of engagement. LPA allows for capturing the multidimensional nature of engagement through profiles in terms of discovering groups of the ways in which youth experience engagement together and at once. A key benefit of the use of LPA, in addition to likelihood estimation-based fit indices, is probabilities of an observation being a member of a cluster (unlike in cluster analysis). These profiles make it possible to analyze the multivariate data collected on engagement in a way that balances the parsimony of a single model. For these analyses, five variables were included: the three indicators for the experi- ence of engagement (cognitive, behavioral, and aective) and the two necessary conditions for it (perceptions of challenge and competence). In addition, solutions with between two and ten profiles were considered. As part of LPA, the model type selection-where the type refers to which parameters are estimated–is a crucial topic. For the present study, six model 31 types were considered: 1. Varying means, equal variances, and covariances fixed to 0 2. Varying means, equal variances, and equal covariances 3. Varying means, varying variances, and covariances fixed to 0 4. Varying means, varying variances, and equal covariances 5. Varying means, equal variances, and varying covariances 6. Varying means, varying variances, and varying covariances The MPlus software (Muthen & Muthen, 1998-2017) was used to carry out LPA through open-source statistical software I developed and published to the Comprehensive R Archive Network, tidyLPA (Rosenberg, Schmidt, & Beymer, 2018). More specific details on LPA are included in Appendix B. To select a solution in terms of the model type and the number of profiles to be interpreted and used in subsequent analyses, a number of fit statistics and other considerations were taken into account. These include a range of information criteria (AIC, BIC, and sample adjusted BIC [SABIC]), statistics about the quality of the profile assignments (entropy, which represents the mean posterior probability), a statistical test (the bootstrapped LRT [BLRT]), and concerns of interpretability and parsimony. On the basis of these criteria, a particular solution was selected and used as part of subsequent analyses; as the model selection process is an integral part of providing an answer to this question, the model and number of profiles selected are described in the section for the results for this research question. 3.5.4 Analysis for Research Question #3 (sources of variability for the profiles) How youth are engaging was a function of who they are as an individual, what they happen to be doing during a particular instructional episode, and which youth program they are enrolled in, as well as random variation. This analysis seeks to identify how much of the variation was at each of these levels through using null models, or models only with the 32 indicators for the three levels (youth, instructional episode, and program). These models can show how much variability in the profiles was systematic at these dierent levels and was potentially attributable to each of these types of factors. These null models may also suggest something about where you might want to be looking to explain sources of youth’s engagement. Sources of variability in these profiles can be used as additional information in their own right for interpreting the profiles and in order to anticipate the eects of predictor variables at the youth, instructional episode, and program levels. First, the proportion of the variability at each of these levels was explored through the use of null, or variance components. These are models that only include grouping (i.e., the variable identifying which youth a response was from, what signal the response was associated with, and from which program the youth and signal were from) factors. These models provide insight into at which of these “levels” predictors may be able to explain the outcome. Variability in terms of the number (and proportion) of profiles each youth reports can also be considered. The breakdown of responses in each of the six profiles by youth was used to show the extent to which youth report their most reported profile. In addition, apart from this overall mean proportion of youths’ responses, the mean proportion for specific profiles (i.e., when youth report a particular profile the most, how often, on average, do they report it?) are also considered. The ICCs provide information about sources of variability in the profiles of engage- ment with respect to the same profile. One way to better understand the nature of variability across profiles is by examining how often youth reported the same profile: Whether youth exhibit stable or highly variables modes of engagement (i.e., are some youth always Fully engaged?) can provide a descriptive portrait of youths’ experiences the many instructional episodes they were involved in. To determine how stable youths’ engagement was, for each youth, the profile that youth reported most was identified, and then the proportion of their responses in that profile was calculated. These proportions are also presented in the results 33 for this question. 3.5.5 Analysis for Research Question #4 (how work with data relates to en- gagement) This question is focused on how work with data relates to the profiles of engagement. For the primary results for this question, mixed eects models that account for the cross-classification of the instructional episode (because of the dependencies of the responses associated with each of the 248 distinct ESM signals) and youth are used and for the “nesting” of both within each of the nine programs are used. The lme4 R package (Bates, Martin, Bolker, & Walker, 2015) was used. All of the models for this and the subsequent research question use random eects for youth, instructional episode, and program eects. Youth and the instructional episode can be considered to be crossed with both nested within the program. The probability of a response belonging to the profile was the dependent variable, and the aspects of work with data are the independent variables. There are six models, for each of the six profiles. Because the outcome from LPA is not a hard classification (i.e., an observation is in a profile—or not) but a probability, the dependent variable is treated as a continuous variable. First, null models with only the random parts (i.e., random youth, instructional episode, and program eects) were specified. Then, the five aspects of work with data were added as predictors to the model. The results will be interpreted on the basis of which of the statistical significance and the magnitude and direction of the coecients associated with these five predictors. For example, if the coecient for the eect of the asking questions aspect of work with data upon one of the profiles was 0.10, and is determined to be statistically significant, then this would indicate that when youth are engaged in this aspect of work with data, then they are ten percentage points more likely to report a response in that particular profile. For this question, models with the aspects of work with data both separate from 34 and together with the youth characteristics were fit. The models with both together were also used as part of research question #4, though they are presented here (and interpreted in the sections for both results). In specific, mixed eects models, predicting the probability of membership in each of the six profiles as the dependent variable–using the work with data codes as predictors–were specified. Because the results were found to be identical when the aspects of work with data and the youth characteristics were considered in separate and in the same model, the results from the two sets of variables being in the same model were used both to provide answers to both this and the next research question. Note that a composite for work with data (made as the sum of the individual aspects of work with data) was considered, but as it did only yield one (small) statistically significant result, the results for this analysis are not presented in the results. 3.5.6 Analysis for Research Question #5 (how youth characteristics relate to engagement) This question is focused on how the relationships of work with data dier on the basis of youth characteristics. In particular, their pre-program interest, gender, and URM status are used as predictor variables. The same (mixed eects) models (and statistical software) used for the previous research question are used for this research question. The dependent variable was again the probability of a response being in the profile. The three youth characteristics (pre-program interest in STEM, gender (entered s a dummy code with the value of “1” indicating female), and URM status (also entered as a dummy code, with “1” indicating a youth from a URM group) are added as predictors. Like for the previous research question, the statistical significance and the magnitude and direction of the coecients associated with each predictor are interpreted to answer this question. For example, and similar to the interpretation of the predictors associated with RQ #3, if the relationship between pre-program interest and a profile is 0.05, then for each 35 one-unit increase in pre-program interest, then youth are five percentage points more likely to report a response in a particular profile. Models with the youth characteristics separate from and together with the aspects of work with data were fit. Like for the results of the previous question, the models only with the youth characteristics yielded very similar results. Thus, the models presented in the previous section with both youth characteristics and the aspects of work are interpreted as part of answering this question. As described in the previous sub-section, because the results were very similar when the aspects of work with data and the youth characteristics were added in separate models compared to when they were included in the same model, the results for both sets of predictors in the same model are presented and interpreted. In addition, interactions between statistically significant aspects of work with data and all of the youth characteristics were examined, though because none of these interactions were found to be statistically significant, they were not included with the results. 3.6 Sensitivity Analysis For observational studies, such as the present study, it can be important to determine how robust an inference is to alternative explanations. One approach to addressing this is sensitivity analysis, which involves quantifying the amount of bias that would be needed to invalidate an inference. Using the approach described in Frank, Maroulis, Duong, and Kelcey (2013), I carried out a sensitivity analysis for inferences made relative to significant relations. I used the R package konfound (Rosenberg, Xu, & Frank, 2018). The result of the sensitivity analysis, and what was used to interpret and contextual- ize findings, is a numeric value, between 0 and 1, for each eect that indicates the proportion of the estimate that would have to be biased in order to invalidate the inference. A value close to 0 (such as .05) indicate that a tiny change in the size of the eect would change the inference made (i.e., a statistically significant result that is interpreted would no longer be 36 interpreted as an eect). Larger values, such as values around .50, indicate that a substantial amount of an eect could be due to bias (i.e., less than 50% of an eect could be due to bias in the sample), but even still, the same inference about a statistically significant could be made, suggesting that such an eect is more robust than one with a smaller value. I used sensitivity analysis to interpret and contextualize hypotheses about key relationships for research questions #4 and #5 for this study, for the relationships between the aspects of work with data and youth characteristics and the profiles of engagement. In particular, I carried out a sensitivity analysis for the coecients that were statistically significant in order to provide some insight into how robust the results are. In addition, I carried out a sensitivity analysis for coecients that were close to statistically significant but were not statistically significant, in order to better understand how little would need to change in order for an eect to be determined to be significant. Higher values from the analysis (i.e., values closer to 1) indicated more robust estimates in that the inferences would still hold even if there were substantial bias in the estimate and that were interpreted as robust findings, while lower values, when present, indicated less robust findings that I interpreted with more caution. 37 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS 4.1 Descriptive statistics for the engagement measures First, descriptive statistics for the five engagement variables that were used to estimate the profiles are presented in Table 4.1. These descriptive statistics show high overall levels of cognitive (M = 2.768, SD = 1.063), behavioral (M = 2.863, SD = 1.044) and aective (M = 2.831, SD = 1.051) engagement. These statistics also show high perceptions of competence (M = 3.000 (SD = 0.952)) and moderate perceptions of challenge (M = 2.270 (SD = 1.117)). There was a similar degree of (moderate) variability across the engagement measures (see the SDs): This variability may be due to the youth, instructional episode, program, and even for unexplained reasons. 4.2 Correlations among the study variables Correlations between the variables that were used to create the profiles of engagement and the one other variable which was continuous (rather than a code for groups, in particular youths’ gender and URM status), pre-program interest in STEM (Table 4.2), were specified. In addition, relations between these variables and those for the five aspects of work with data were identified. Note that because the five variables were dichotomous, Spearman (rather Table 4.1: Descriptive statistics for study variables Cog. eng. Beh. eng. A. eng. Challenge Competence n Mean 2.768 2.863 2.831 2.270 3.000 2969 2959 2970 2970 2970 SD 1.063 1.044 1.051 1.117 0.952 38 than Pearson) correlations were also specified but were nearly identical, and only the Pearson correlations are reported. The correlations among the variables used to create the profiles and pre-interest, which range from r = .08 through r = .60 (all statistically significant), represent low to moderate relations among these variables. The relations among the aspects of work with data, which ranged from r = .19 to r = .50 (also all statistically significant), also represented moderate relations among these variables. Relations between the variables used to create the profiles as well as pre-interest and the aspects of work with data were less noteworthy. For pre-interest and the aspects of work with data, the values ranged from r = -.10 to r = .11 (with only the r value of .11 being statistically significant) representing small relations. For the variables used to create the profiles and the aspects of work with data, the values ranged from r = -.06 to r = .03, with only a few of the negative relations (those with r values of -.05 and -.06) being statistically significant. 39 Table 4.2: Correlations among the continuous study variables Pre- interest Cog. eng. Beh. eng. A. eng. Chall. Comp. Ask. Obs. Gen. Mod. Com. 4 0 Pre-interest Cog. eng. Beh. eng. A. eng. Chall. Comp. Ask. Obs. Gen. Mod. Com. .14 .13 .12 .15 .06 -.18 .11 -.08 -.03 -.10 .60 .59 .30 .40 .02 .01 .02 .02 .00 .57 .27 .41 .01 .03 .02 .01 -.02 .27 .47 .01 -.01 -.03 .01 -.05 .08 -.01 -.02 -.01 .03 -.06 -.01 -.00 -.05 -.00 -.03 .38 .31 .42 .42 .30 .19 .20 .35 .38 .50 Table 4.3: Proportion of signals for which each of the aspects of work with data was present Aspect of Work with Data Proportion of Instructional Episodes 0.381 Asking Questions 0.242 Making Observations 0.432 Generating Data Data Modeling 0.288 0.436 Communicating Findings N 90 57 102 68 103 4.3 Results for Research Question #1 4.3.1 Frequency of the aspects of work with data Of the 236 instructional episodes used in the analysis, 170 (72%) were coded as involving one or more of the five aspects of work with data. As a reminder, the instructional episode refers to the ten-minute block of time immediately preceding an ESM signal. As presented in Table 4.3, the five aspects of work with data occurred regularly. Making observations was found to be the least frequent of the five aspects, occurring in 24% of instructional episodes. Data modeling was the next most frequent aspect, occurring in 29% of the episodes, followed by asking questions (38%), generating data (43%), and communicating findings (again 43%). As suggested by the proportions reported in Table 4.3, the dierent aspects of work with data often co-occurred within a single instructional episode. On average, there were 1.86 (SD = 1.61) aspects of work with data present during each instructional episode. This value indicates that, on average, youth were engaged in around two of aspects of the work with data during each instructional episode. There was a considerable amount of variation in the extent to which these types of work with data were supported in each program. The frequencies by the program are presented in Appendix B. 41 4.3.2 The nature of work with data The open-ended, qualitative approach used to understand the specific nature of youths’ work with data showed the variety of ways each of the five aspects was enacted in the context of the programs. Asking questions or identifying problems Among the instructional episodes that involved asking questions, qualitative descriptions revealed that around one-third (39/90, or 43%) involved youth working to understand the phenomenon or problem they were investigating. When doing so, youth were focused on actively constructing predictions and hypotheses about phenomena. For example, in an instructional episode during the Ecosphere program in which youth constructed inclined tables to study how water moved throughout the ecosystem, the youth activity leader prompted youth to generate hypotheses of what would happen when water was poured onto the table, before pouring the water. Other instructional episodes involved questions that were not focused on predicting or hypothesizing, but instead on asking a more general type of question (21/90; 23%), or involved the instructor (but not youth) posing questions or identifying problems (14/90; 15%). In the former case, youth were found to be asking more general questions about understanding the assignment, task, or even the phenomena. For instance, in the Marine Investigators program, youth visited a water treatment site and were provided opportunities to ask questions about what they observed: However, youths’ questions were not questions that could then be answered with empirical data, but were rather to clarify their understanding. In the latter, instructors were asking youth questions (i.e., questions to elicit youths’ conceptual understanding). The remaining (23/90; 25%) episodes represented themes that were not very common or systematic. 42 Making observations In the instructional episodes when the STEM-PQA revealed that youth were making obser- vations, the vast majority (53/57, 86%) of these were focused on observing phenomena in the field, or, in the case of engineering-focused programs, noticing what was going on with a particular design. For instance, in the Building Mania program, youth constructed Rube Goldberg machines. During this activity, youth were prompted by activity leaders to notice how changes in their design, which they recorded, led to dierences in how far objects were launched or rolled. In a small number of cases making observations were focused on making observations not of phenomena, but of something more general (10/57; 18%). For example, in the Adventures in Mathematics program, youth observed other youth or the activity leader working through a mathematics problem, but not one that youth identified or discussed. The remaining (17/57; 30%) new uncommon or unsystematic. Generating data In less than half (40/102; 39%) of the episodes that involved generating data, youth were writing down their observations of a phenomenon, recording information from experiments, or recording the results of a trial (in engineering contexts). For example, in the Marine Investigators program, youth collected pieces of recyclable plastic, bringing them back to the classroom and counting them for each location they were collected. In a minimal number of cases (2/102; 2%), youth collected but did not write down data. For instance, again in Marine Investigators, youth used nets to collect saltwater organisms, which they then transported in buckets back to the classroom setting for subsequent analysis. Very often, and in the other half of episodes (60; 59%) related to this aspect of work with data, how youth generated data were not very systematic or identifiable. This code was present when youth point out the relations between points in a scatter plot figure (which the instructor then translated into an equation) during the Uptown Architecture program. In 43 another instructional episode during the Zoology Partners program, this code was present as youth solved riddles while traveling on a bus to a community site. Data modeling A majority (37/68, 54%) of the instructional episodes identified as data modeling were focused on youths’ uses and development of statistical and mathematical models. For example, in the Comunidad de Aprendizaje program, youth accessed nationally-representative data and were tasked to solve problems, like finding out what percentage of people engage in particular activities, like donating to charity. In another example, in the Marine Investigators, youth participated in activities designed to help them understand water quality in their ecosystem. Youth collected trash from sites around their community (in dierent “districts”) and then brought the trash and recyclable plastic back into the classroom. Then, the youth activity leaders involved youth in an ambitious data modeling activity. The aim was to figure out how much plastic enters local waterways. As a part of this activity, youth activity leaders asked youth not only to determine the quantity of trash that entered the waterways but asked youth about why youth thought about and used math in particular ways. For example, youth activity leaders pressed youth to consider how the quantity of trash collected could be extrapolated across the entire city over the course of the year). For example, during Marine Investigators, the youth activity leader. Other times (4/68; 6%), data modeling occurred through solving equations provided by the youth activity leader, even when related to real-life (as in buying groceries, how money is spent, and how to budget, in Comunidad de Apendizaje). This type of work with data diers from descriptions of data modeling as the equations provided to youth did not often involve modeling variability, a key component of work with data (see section 2.1). Instead, when youth solved equations, there was one often correct answer that the activity leader sought to guide youth to. Additionally, using equations diered from definitions of data modeling because learners were not developing statistical models themselves, a key part 44 of data modeling (Hancock et al., 1992; Lehrer, Kim, & Schauble, 2007; Lehrer, Kim, & Jones, 2011). Using already-created equations may be less engaging than activities that challenge youth to use and develop data models from scratch, work which may be more engaging, especially when youth perceive themselves to be good at such activities (Schneider et al., 2016; Sherno et al., 2016). During some episodes (6/68; 9%), data modeling involved reasoning about a model based on data with ambiguous origins. In many of these cases, the model was a physical model, such as during the Crazy Machines program, in which youth saw how changes to their Rube Goldberg machine worked or did not work. Such uses were similar to those in which the youth activity leader, rather than the youth (3/68; 4%) used the model (to convey ideas to youth). For instance, in the Marine Investigators program, a youth activity leader used a plush toy seal designed to teach youth about anatomy and the dangers of aquatic mammals consuming trash and recyclables. The remaining data modeling-related episodes (18/68; 26%) were not systematic or very common. Interpreting and communicating findings In less than one-half (39/103, 38%) of the instructional episodes in which youth were interpreting and communicating findings, youth were sharing what they found from an investigation or the results of using the product they designed. For instance, in the Comunidad de Aprendizaje program, youth participated in an activity designed to support their thinking about creating a product to bring to market; the youth activity leaders described this as being akin to the television show the Shark Tank. In one instructional episode, the youth activity leader asks youth to think of an idea that would make an investor willing to invest in. In this episode, youth shared their ideas, describing what their ideas was, why it was a good idea, how much they could sell it for, and what their profit would be (all while fielding questions from youth activity leaders and their peers). Interpreting and communicating findings was also commonly present in instructional episodes in which youth were debating the findings of an investigation, such as the results of calculations for the number of recyclables entering 45 waterways (in Marine Investigators). In the other instructional episodes that were not focused on youth sharing what they found from an investigation, youth were most commonly communicating about topics other than the results of an investigation or design process (3/103, 3%). For example, during these episodes, youth tried to find out the answer to a discrete question posed by the youth activity leader or the youth activity leader. In other, episodes focused on interpreting and communicating findings (4/103, 4%), the youth activity leader, and not youth, were communicating the findings of an investigation. For instance, during the Building Mania program, the youth activity leader noted youth struggled to find a business’ profit and loss, and so worked through and shared the results of his problem-solving. In this type of interpreting and communicating findings (the youth activity leader doing the interpreting and communicating), youth commonly engaged in other aspects of work with data (i.e., generating data), but the youth activity leader compiled, modeled, and then interpreted the data that the youth generated, rather than youth doing such activities themselves. The remaining episodes focused on communicating findings (57/103, 55%) were not very systematic or common. 4.4 Results for Research Question #2: What profiles of youth engagement emerge from experiential data collected in the programs? On the basis of fit statistics and statistical tests (see Table 4.4) and concerns of interpretability and parsimony, a solution with six profiles of engagement was selected. Note that only models associated with the varying means, equal variances, and covariances fixed to 0 specification (referred to as the “model 1 type”) and the varying means, equal variances, and equal covariances (referred to as the “model 2 type”) converged, and so only solutions associated with these two model specifications were considered. 46 Number of Profiles Model 1 3 4 5 6 7 4 7 -19453.38 -19196.33 -18817.93 -18648.78 -18407.23 39082.59 38616.44 37907.60 37617.26 37182.11 39012.69 38527.47 37799.57 37490.17 37035.95 Model 2 3 4 5 -18897.06 -18659.68 -18474.83 38049.88 37623.06 37301.33 37948.20 37502.32 37161.52 Table 4.4: Solutions for models that converged AIC BIC SABIC Entropy BLRT Profile Sizes 0.794 0.811 0.913 0.888 0.886 0.880 0.922 0.901 881.519 (0) 514.107 (0) 756.788 (0) 338.296 (0) 523.141 (0) 773, 897, 1288 415, 427, 920, 1288 345, 375, 643, 667, 928 345, 370, 450, 488, 638, 667 181, 222, 317, 450, 568, 569, 651 421.343 (0) 474.773 (0) 304.938 (0) 763, 954, 1241 135, 688, 1029, 1106 130, 271, 573, 871, 1113 For solutions associated with model 1, the decrease (indicating a preferred model) in the information criteria (AIC, BIC, SABIC) becomes smaller as the number of profiles increases from 5 to 6 and 6 to 7. The BLRT suggests that, until the log-likelihood is not replicated, every more complex model be selected. The six and seven profile solutions are compelling because both show profiles that are distinguished by dimensions of engagement and its conditions (challenge and competence) and have lower values on the information criteria than the solutions with fewer profiles. For solutions associated with model 2, only those associated with 2-5 profile solutions were associated with log-likelihoods that were replicated. For these four models, the log-likelihood decreased in a mostly consistent way, such that changes in the decrease are not as evident as those associated with model 1. The BLRT suggest that the more complex model be selected and so did not provide clear information about which solutions are to be preferred. Taken this information into consideration, either a model one type, six profile solution or a model one type, seven profile solution was found to be most reasonable. The seven profile solution, described in Appendix D, was used for the analyses for research questions 4 and 5. The results from these analyses were comparable to those for the six profile solution, and so the six profile solution was chosen on the basis of parsimony and its greater interpretability. The result of this model selection process was the estimation of six distinct profiles identified from the data, as presented in Figures 4.1 and 4.2. Figure 4.1 shows the profiles with variables that were centered to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. Thus, the y-axis for this plot is labeled “Z-score”). Figure 4.2 shows the profiles with the raw data (not transformed). Thus, the y-axis for this plot is labeled “Value.” This solution represents the profiles of engagement identified to answer this research question and for use in subsequent analyses. The two plots are presented because they provide a dierent view into the com- position of the profiles: Those with the centered variables highlights positive and negative departures from the mean value for each variable, making dierences between the profiles 48 e r o c s − Z 1.0 0.5 0.0 −0.5 −1.0 Universally low (n = 667) Only behavioral (n = 370) Only affective (n = 345) All moderate (n = 638) Eng. and comp. but not chall. (n = 450) Enjoying Working Hard Learning New Challenge Competence Full (n = 488) Figure 4.1: The six profiles of engagement (with variable values standardized) e u l a V 4 3 2 1 Universally low (n = 667) Only behavioral (n = 370) Only affective (n = 345) All moderate (n = 638) Eng. and comp. but not chall. (n = 450) Enjoying Working Hard Learning New Challenge Competence Full (n = 488) Figure 4.2: The six profiles of engagement (with raw variable values) 49 distinct. The plot with the raw data instead highlights the reported values of the variables, emphasizing the values of the variables in the profiles in the same units that youth were asked to consider when they responded (and potentially highlighting similarities that may seem very dierent in the plot with the centered data). The six profiles are characterized by both varying levels on both the indicators of engagement (cognitive, behavioral, and aective) and perceptions of challenge and competence. Also, the number of observations across the profiles is relatively balanced (with no profiles associated with a very large or small number of observations). The universally low profile was associated with the most substantial number of observations (n = 667), followed by the all moderate profile (n = 638); each of the other four profiles was associated with 300 to 400 observations. The results for research questions 3-5 use this solution and the six profiles in subsequent analyses. A MANOVA was carried out to determine whether the values of variables dier across the profiles, with multiple ANOVAs used to determine which variables (and for which profiles) there were dierences. Note that for the profiles (and their presentation in Figures 4.2 and 4.3 and Table 4.5), each response is associated with the probability of profile membership at a particular moment. Because, across all responses, the highest probability for each response was on average quite high (the entropy statistic was .888), the probability was appropriate to use to classify each response into one profile. These classifications were subsequently used to calculate the number and percentage of responses in each profile. They were also used for the analyses comparing the mean levels of each variable across profiles (with a MANOVA and with the follow-up ANOVAs). The MANOVA was statistically significant (Pillai-Bartlett = 0.633, p < .001). The table with the raw values, with subscripts indicating values the mean values that were not statistically significantly dierent is presented in Table 4.5. Note that the F-test associated each ANOVA was also statistically significant. Descriptions of each the profiles taking account of their size (in terms of the number of responses for which the profile was most likely), their 50 variable values, and what the profiles suggest about youth engagement follow. 51 Table 4.5: Raw variables values by profile 5 2 Profile Universally low Only behavioral Only aective All moderate Eng. and comp. but not chall. Full Working Hard Learning New Enjoying Challenge Competence 2.327 2.7785 2.9545 2.9535 3.6046 3.6316 1.538 1.641 3.330 3.110 3.8223 3.8813 1.775 2.1324 2.1914 2.489 1.276 3.742 1.550 3.292 1.670 3.060 3.9091 3.9591 1.766 2.4842 2.5162 2.826 3.487 3.801 Note. The subscripts indicate the mean values subscripts indicating values that were not statistically significantly dierent on the basis of the ANOVA analyses. A universally low profile consisted of a substantial proportion of responses (22.55%) was identified. This profile was characterized by low levels of working hard, learning something new, and enjoying the activity, and perceptions challenge and competence. For responses in this profile, mean values were lower than their values in every other profile for every variable except challenge, which was even lower in the *engaged and competent but not challenged profile. Note that concerning their raw values and not only their levels relative to the levels of the variables for the other profiles, youth report very low levels (below two on the one-four scale used) of all of the variables. In all, this profile reflects very low levels of youth engagement during the specific instructional episodes during which youth were signaled to respond. An only behaviorally engaged profile with a small proportion of responses (12.51%) was identified. This profile was characterized by moderate levels of working hard, very low enjoyment of the activity, and moderate levels of learning something new and challenge and competence. The levels of reporting learning something new, challenge, and competence were not distinguishable from those found in the responses that make up the only aectively engaged profiles. Levels of working hard, an indicator of behavioral engagement, was higher than in every profile except fully engaged and engaged and competent but not challenged. These responses suggest that youth perceive themselves to be working hard, but to not be enjoying what they were doing and to not report learning something new, nor to be particularly challenged or good at what they were doing when signaled. An only aectively engaged profile with a small proportion of responses (11.66%) was identified. This profile was characterized by moderate levels of enjoyment, low levels of hard work, and moderate levels of learning something new, challenge, and competence. Levels of competence were the same as in the all moderate profile. Youths’ reports of enjoying what they were doing at the time they were signaled, an indicator of aective engagement, was higher than in every profile except fully engaged and engaged and competent but not challenged. When youth report this response, they enjoy what they were doing, but were not 53 working hard or learning something new, nor do youth report being challenged by or good at the activity they were doing. An all moderate profile with a large proportion of responses (21.57%) was identified. This profile was characterized by moderate levels of the three indicators of working hard, learning something new, enjoying the activity, challenge, and competence. Levels of all of the variables were, on average, lower for the responses that make up this profile than among the responses associated with the engaged and competent but not challenged nor the full engagement but were still quite high on the one-four scale used. In sum, for youth reporting all moderate engagement were engaged, but may have the potential to be more highly engaged (and challenged by and good at the activity). An engaged and competent but not challenged profile with a modest proportion of responses was identified (15.21%). This profile was characterized by high levels of working hard, learning something new, enjoying the activity, and competence, but low levels of challenge. Levels of competence, enjoying, and working hard were identical between the responses associated with this profile and the responses associated with the fully engaged profile, while levels of challenge were very low: levels of challenge for these responses were lower than those for every other profile. Levels of learning something new were slightly lower than those in the responses that make up the fully engaged profile but were higher than their levels in the other four profiles. This profile suggests youth can be highly engaged, while not being challenged by the activity they were involved in at the time they were signaled. A full profile with a modest proportion of responses (16.50%) was identified. This profile was characterized by high levels of working hard, learning something new, enjoying the activity, challenge, and competence. These responses reflect a very high level of engagement, both relative to the other profiles and in absolute terms: All of the mean levels were above 3.50, and, for working hard, youths’ responses averaged 3.96 on a one-four scale. Thus, when youth report engagement in ways that were associated with this profile, they report being challenged and good at what they were doing and, on the basis of these variables and the 54 Table 4.6: Intra-class correlation (ICC) values for each of the three levels Profile Universally low (n = 667) Only behavioral (n = 370) Only aective (n = 345) All moderate (n = 638) Engaged and competent but not challenged (n = 450) Full (n = 488) indicators of engagement, youth very highly engaged. Instructional Episode 0.006 0.006 0.004 0.015 0.009 0.031 Youth Program 0.267 0.093 0.262 0.310 0.100 0.432 0.023 0.009 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.019 4.5 Results for Research Question #3: What sources of variability were there for the profiles of engagement? For all six profiles, the ICCs (for the model with only the youth, instructional episode, and program levels themselves, but not variables at the levels) represent the systematic variability (the proportion of variance explained) associated with each of the levels for each profile. Thus, the dierent levels can have dierent proportions of variance explained for dierent profiles, as presented in Table 4.6. The systematic variability at the youth level, for example, could be .10 for the Full profile and .025 for the Universally Low profile. At the program level, the ICCs were found to be small, with values ranging from 0.00 to 0.023, suggesting that little variability can be explained by the program. For the instructional episode level, the ICCs were also small, ranging from 0.004 to 0.01. Finally, at the youth level, the ICCs ranged from .093 to .432. In terms of ICCs at youth level across the six profiles, the value for the youth-level ICC was highest for the Full profile (ICC = .432), suggesting that some youth have a strong tendency to be fully engaged (possibly due to their initial interest or other individual characteristics and dierences). The other profile characterized by a consistent pattern across all of the variables–the Universally low profile–had a modest value for the ICC at the youth level (ICC = .267). Finally, a significant amount of variability is associated with the residual 55 (variance that was not associated with the program, instructional episode, or youth levels). This suggests that there is wide variation in youths’ responses that may not be readily explained or predicted by variables at one level alone. Remaining unexplained variability was captured by the residual term. Some youth from particular programs may engage during some episode instructional episodes in very high or low ways that were not captured by modeling the variability at each of these levels alone. The ICCs lend insight into the sources of variability for a specific profile; within- youth stability in terms of how frequently they reported particular profiles could lend further insight by considering variability across profiles. This analysis can be particularly useful for understanding variability at the youth level, which the ICCs show to be associated with the most systematic variability. Each youth has a most-frequently reported profile. Results show that for some youth, the profile was very dominant, occurring in a substantial proportion of youths’ responses; for others, it occurs not that frequently, meaning that youth report a variety of dierent profiles. As presented in Figure 4.3, the mean proportion of responses for each youth in the profile they reported most varied widely across youth. Specifically, on average, youth reported their most-reported profile in .540 (SD = .194, min = .182, max = 1.00) of their responses. There was a small number of youth who reported the same profile in all of their responses, but for most youth, the profile they reported most made up only a portion of all of their responses. For most youth, the most common profile was observed just over 50% of the time. Instructional episodes that involved work with data were compared to those without work with data. Like for the other models, these models were specified with the dependent variable as the probability of a response being associated with a profile for each of the six profiles. However, there was no dierence in terms of the regression (—) coecients associated with this variable for any of the six profiles. In sum, these findings show that there was substantial variability in the profiles present at the youth level. Less variability was explained by either the program youth were in 56 h t u o Y f o r e b m u N 20 15 10 5 0 0.25 Proportion of responses for each youth in the profile they reported most 0.75 0.50 1.00 Figure 4.3: Histogram of the proportion of responses for each youth in the profile they reported most or the nature of the particular instructional episode present when youth were signaled. These results set the stage for those for the next two research questions, on the relations between the aspects of work with data (for research question #4) and the youth characteristics (for research question #5) and the profiles of engagement. 4.6 Results for Research Question #4: Aspects of work with data and engagement To understand how aspects of work with data were related to engagement, six analytic models were specified – one for each engagement profile. In each model, the dependent variable was the probability of a response being classified in a particular profile (for example fully engaged), as determined by the Latent Profile Analysis. The five aspects of work with data were the predictor (or independent) variables. Various aspects of work with data tended to co-occur and so simultaneously entering indicators for all five aspects served to isolate the association for any single aspect while controlling on the presence of the others. All models also include some youth characteristics which will be used to answer 57 research question five below. Associations between the five aspects of work with data and the six engagement profiles are presented in the bottom half of Table 4.7. In this table, each column represents the output from one of the six dierent models. As an example, the first column reports the coecients for the associations between the predictor variables and the Only behavioral profile. Because the outcome was in the form of a probability (ranging from 0.00 to 1.00), it can be interpreted as the change in the probability of a response being associated with each profile. Note that the p-values were calculated using the most conservative and recommended by recent research Kenward-Rogers approximation (Halekoh & Hojsgaard, 2014). The only engagement profile that was significantly associated with any aspects of work with data was the Full profile (see the column with the column name Full for these results). When program activities involved modeling data, youth were around 3% more likely to be fully engaged (— = 0.034 (0.017), p = .020; partial R2 = .002). In other words, when program activities included modeling data, youth were more likely to report working harder, learning more, enjoying themselves more, and feeling more competent and challenged. Youth were also more likely to be in the Full engagement profile when program activities included generating data (— = 0.027 (0.015), p = .033; partial R2 = .002). These particular program activities increased the probability of full engagement by around 3%. To sum up these two findings, modeling data and generating data were associated with a (very) positive form of engagement, that exhibited by the Full profile. However, the eect sizes indicate quite small eects in substantive terms. Note that interactions between the individual aspects of work with data and youth characteristics were also specified. However, none of these interactions were found to be statistically significant. Sensitivity analysis was carried out for the statistically significant two eects was carried out to determine just how robust they were. This follow-up analysis revealed that the eect of modeling data on Full engagement much more robust than that for generating data: 9.835% of this eect (of data modeling) would have to be due to bias to invalidate the 58 inference about its eect. For generating data, only 1.884% of the eect of generating data would need to be due to bias to invalidate the inference about its eect. These values were not minuscule but were also not very large (Frank, 2003). So, while statistically significant, the eect of data modeling seems to be a more robust eect than the eect of generating data, which does not seem to be a very robust (and should, therefore, be interpreted with some caution). 59 Table 4.7: Results of mixed eects models with the interactions between interest and other characactistics and the composite for work with data Profile Universally low —(SE) Only behavioral —(SE) Only aective —(SE) Eng. and comp., not chall. —(SE) All moderate —(SE) Full —(SE) Youth characteristics -0.047 (0.022) -0.013 (0.012) -0.012 (0.019) 0.039 (0.016)* 0.007 (0.01) 0.018 (0.021) Gender- 0.06 (0.037)+ 0.019 (0.019) -0.038 (0.033) 0.025 (0.028) -0.02 (0.018) -0.035 (0.037) -0.01 (0.052) 0.031 (0.026) 6 0 status Aspects of Work With Data -0.015 (0.018) 0.003 (0.018) 0.015 (0.015) 0.013 (0.015) -0.076 (0.046) -0.012 (0.04) 0.018 (0.025) 0.043 (0.053) 0.023 (0.017)+ 0.007 (0.017) -0.011 (0.015) 0.009 (0.015) 0.004 (0.014) -0.017 (0.014) -0.019 (0.016) -0.025 (0.016) -0.014 (0.017) 0.014 (0.014) 0.012 (0.016) -0.014 (0.014) -0.02 (0.013) 0.027 (0.015)* 0.004 (0.019) -0.023 (0.016) -0.004 (0.018) 0 (0.015) -0.012 (0.015) 0.034 (0.017)* 0.002 (0.018) 0.018 (0.015) -0.011 (0.017) 0.004 (0.015) 0.016 (0.014) -0.027 (0.016) Pre- interest Female URM Asking Observing Generating Modeling Commu- nicating Note. *: p <.05; +: p < .10 4.7 Results for Research Question #5: Youth characteristics and engagement Associations between youth characteristics and the six profiles are reported in the top half of Table 4.7. Youth who enter the program with higher levels of interest (in STEM) were more likely to report being in the engaged and competent but not challenged profile (— = 0.039, p = .009; partial R2 = .001). In other words, youth who were more interested at the outset of the program report working harder, learning more, enjoying themselves more, and feeling more competent when they were involved in program activities, though they also report lower levels of challenge. For this eect, 17.879% would be needed to invalidate the inference, suggesting a moderately robust eect. In terms of youths’ pre-program interest, these analyses show that youth who enter the program with higher levels of interest (in STEM) were more likely to report being in the Engaged and competent but not challenged profile (— = 0.039, p = .009; partial R2 = .001). For each one-unit increase in pre-program interest in STEM, youth were around 4% more likely to report this profile. In other words, youth who were more interested at the outset of the program report working harder, learning more, enjoying themselves more, and feeling more competent when they were involved in a program’s activities, though they also report lower levels of challenge. For this eect, 17.879% would be needed to invalidate the inference, a slightly larger value for the follow-up sensitivity analysis than those found for the (statistically significant) relations involving the aspects of work with data, suggesting a moderately robust eect. There were not any statistically significant eects of youths’ URM status. This lack of relations between URM status and youth engagement may be a function of the large proportion of youth from under-represented (in STEM) racial and ethnic groups. Hispanic (48%), African American or Black (36%), and youth who identify as being from multiple racial and ethnic groups (3%) made up 87% of the youth in the programs, so there were not many youth not from under-represented groups in the sample, suggesting that the absence 61 of findings may be due to this small sample (and low statistical power). Nevertheless, no relations between URM status and youths’ engagement were found, indicating that there is at least no evidence that youth from such backgrounds do engage in dierent ways. These (somewhat minimal) findings for the youth characteristics were more surprising than those observed for the aspects of work with data. The results of research question #3, on the sources of variability for the profiles of engagement, suggested that there was much systematic variability at the level of the youth (there were large ICCs at the youth level, with smaller ICCs at the instructional episode level). Because pre-interest, gender, and URM status were variables at this level, it could be expected that they would have meaningful relations with the profiles of engagement. However, it appears that the particular youth characteristics considered were not useful at explaining much of this variability; possible reasons why are discussed in the next section. 62 CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION Each of the disciplines that contribute to STEM learning - science, technology and computer science, engineering, and mathematics - involve work with data. In this study, engagement was used as a lens to understand the experience of youth working with data during summer STEM programs. In particular, five aspects of work with data, a) asking questions, b) observing phenomena, c) constructing measures and generating data, d) data modeling, and e) interpreting and communicating findings, were occurred regularly in the programs. There were some examples of ambitious activities centered on working with real-world data as well as some that highlight substantial heterogeneity in how work with data was enacted. I identified six profiles of engagement using LPA. These profiles represented dierent configurations of how youth were working hard, learning, enjoying themselves, and feeling challenged and competent at the time they were signaled as part of the ESM approach. Relations of the five aspects of work with data and youth characteristics (pre-program interest in STEM and youths’ gender and status in terms of being a member of under-represented groups in STEM) were, overall, not strongly related with the profiles of engagement, though some key findings were identified. Generating and modeling data were both related to the most potentially beneficial profile (full engagement), one characterized by high levels of all five of the engagement variables. This study suggests that work with data and contemporary engagement theory as interpreted in this study can serve as a frame to understand what youth do in summer STEM programs. These findings also show the value of an innovative method, ESM, and an analytic approach designed to identify engagement holistically, LPA, that together to provide some access to youths’ experience in-the-moment of the activities they were involved in during the program. Data, and how youth and students in K-12 settings can themselves work with data, is an important, yet perhaps under-emphasized part of STEM learning. In the remainder of 63 this section, I discuss key findings with respect to a) work with data, b) youths’ engagement, and c) what relates to youths’ engagement. Also, some limitations and recommendations for future research as well as implications for practice are identified and described. 5.1 Key findings related to work with data in summer STEM programs Results showed that work with data was common in the summer STEM programs. There was variability in which aspects of work with data was present: Making observations, in some form, occurred during 24% of the program’s time, for example, while generating data and communicating findings both occurred more frequently, during 43% of the instructional episodes. These findings, broadly, suggest that work with data occurred enough that we might expect to see dierences in youths’ engagement. They align with what may be expected given past research: Such programs are designed to engage youth in the practices, including and as I argued earlier especially those relating to work with data, of STEM domains (Dabney et al., 2012; Elam et al., 2012). Even still, these are the first results of this kind (in terms of the proportion of the time spent in the programs). Using video-recording data and a sampling strategy that can provide insight into the amount of overall time spent was an important component of achieving these findings. While there are no other results of this particular kind, a related, an area of related work concerns other studies that have used the PQA measure. Some research reports call for greater use of measures (such as the PQA) in the study (and evaluation) of summer and outside-of-school STEM programs (e.g., Yohalem et al., 2005). As one example of such a study that used the PQA (but one that is not focused on STEM), Smith et al. (2012) reported findings from a continuous improvement intervention, finding that the intervention positively impacted the quality of instruction in the programs. In addition to work with data being common, I found it was highly varied in how it was enacted. In the course of the four-week summer STEM programs, youth engaged in what can be described as ambitious, specific, and potentially highly engaging ways of being 64 involved in work with data. For example, when generating data, many times (in 47% of the episodes that involved this aspect) youth recorded their observations; when modeling data, youth were involved (in 72% of the episodes) in the use of statistical and mathematical models of real-world phenomena. When interpreting and communicating findings, youth regularly (during 48% of episodes) had opportunities to share (with other youth in the program) what they found or created as a result of their earlier investigations or work. What occurred during the rest of the program’s time was also notable. When youths’ questions, for example, were not focused on predicting or hypothesizing about what they were exploring, the type of question was more general, or was instructor-led, rather than driven by youth. These instructor-driven forms of work with data were not aligned with recent reform eorts (i.e., National Research Council, 2012; NGSS Lead States, 2013; National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Ocers, 2010), but could be expected given past research pointing out variability in what evidence and data mean, especially in science education settings (McNeill and Berland, 2017; Lehrer & Schauble, 2015). Also of note was the frequency of these three aspects of work with data overall: They occurred much more frequently than the two (making observations and data modeling) for which a larger proportion of their enactment was more in-line with policy and curricular standards. The type of activities that may be the most demanding for youth was still common (and may spark youths’ engagement) but was not quite as common as the overall frequencies presented for the quantitative would suggest. Past research does point out a heterogeneity in how work with data was enacted in education similar to that found in this study. For example, Hancock et al. highlight the use of “data to solve real problems and to ask authentic questions” ( p. 337). Research on generating data emphasized an aspect not very much the focus of the present research, namely, structuring data into spreadsheets (Konold, Finzer, & Kreetong, 2017; Lehrer & Kim, 2009). This suggests a reason why youth were able to ask questions and ideas for how they might do so more: Make activities in summer STEM program youth-centered, rather than 65 instructor-centered. Research on the data modeling aspect of work with data highlights the use of statistical models much more than the physical models which were sometimes found to be a way in which youth engaged in data modeling (Petrosino, Lehrer, & Schauble, 2003; Lesh, Middleton, Caylor, & Gupta, 2008; Lee, Angotti, & Tarr, 2010). Nevertheless, many of the ways youth engaged in data modeling aligned with this past research, particularly when the goal of the activity was to model variability. This past research that encouraging youth to consider summaries of data, such as the mean and standard deviation, may be a promising way for them to engage more deeply in data modeling (Lehrer, Kim, & Schauble, 2007; Lehrer & Schauble, 2004). In this way, some (but not all) of the aspects work with data aligned with past research; when they align, they are encouraging, and when they do not, I present some ideas for how to involve youth in more engaging aspects of work with data. 5.2 Key findings related to engagement Six profiles of engagement were found using a rigorous model selection approach. It is important to note that LPA is an exploratory approach: The number and nature of the profiles identified were found through a rigorous and systematic approach, but this is not a guarantee that the same number and make-up of profiles would emerge in other samples and other contexts: These profiles should be considered as initial evidence, and not as proof that these are the six profiles of engagement that will exist in all settings. The number of profiles found is broadly similar to that found in past research. Six is the same number of profiles of engagement identified in recent, past research and the similar number provides further information about the nature of engagement in educational contexts: Schmidt et al. (2018) found six profiles of engagement. Their profiles were constructed on the basis of the indicators (cognitive, behavioral, and aective) of engagement, and not perceptions of challenge and competence. As Schmidt et al.‘s study is the only other to examine engagement profiles, another point of comparison is other outcomes that are dierent from but related to engagement, 66 such as youths’ (and students’) achievement goals (see Wormington and Linnenbrink-Garcia, 2017, for a review in educational settings). Wormington and Linnenbrink-Garcia (2017) report that, usually, a smaller number, with only two of the 22 studies reviewed finding six profiles of goals. This suggests, on the basis of this study and Schmidt et al.’s (2018) study, that there may be a greater variety of types of engagement exhibited than, for example, types of achievement goals. However, in addition to the dierent construct, the engagement profiles were constructed on the basis of data collected via ESM, while the achievement goal profiles were constructed on the basis of self-report surveys and not via ESM. Knowing the number of profiles found when profiles are used to explore various constructs is potentially helpful, additional information about how engagement was experienced by youth. In addition, the greater number of groups may suggest that engagement, explored through ESM, may demonstrate more variability in terms of how its constituent parts are experienced together and at once. Exploring whether this greater variability was due to the method of data collection (ESM or self-report), the construct (engagement or achievement goals), or some other reason. In terms of comparing the make-up of the specific profiles to other, past research, little work has examined profiles of engagement. Schmidt et al. (2018) did examine profiles of engagement, which were constructed from indicators cognitive, behavioral, and aective engagement (but not perceptions of challenge and competence, as in this study). Schmidt et al. (2018) found six profiles, some of which partially overlap with those found in the present study. In particular, on the basis of the items shared between the studies, a Universally low, All moderate, and Full profile were found in both studies. However, as these profiles are characterized by the (uniform) level across all of the variables, this is only limited evidence for the presence of these profiles in the larger population of youth engaged in science and STEM-related learning activities. The six profiles lend insight into how youth engage during summer STEM programs. In particular, the Only behavioral, Only aective, and Engaged and competent but not 67 challenged profiles were found in the present study, but not in Schmidt et al.’s (2018) study. Youth were highly engaged (as may be anticipated given the goals and design of such programs), but perceive a misalignment between their (high) competence and how (not very) challenged they were. According to past theory (e.g., Csikszentmihalyi, 1997) and some research (e.g., Sherno et al., 2016), such a profile would be unexpected, as high levels of engagement are expected to be associated with high levels of both challenge and competence. In this study, a profile characterized by high competence but (very) low challenge was associated with very high engagement. This profile, Engaged and competent but not challenged, then, seems to suggest a type of engagement that may be unique and common to summer STEM programs. Perhaps such a profile may be expected given the lower stakes (compared to formal educational settings) of summer STEM programs (and other informal learning environments) and the degree of competence that youth–many of whom have chosen to attend the particular program (Beymer et al., 2018)–perceive during them. In addition to suggesting a profile of engagement that is distinct to summer STEM program, this profile and the other two not found in past research have some implications for youth activity leaders. In particular, they suggest that lower challenge may not, as would be anticipated given theory and past research, be associated with lower engagement. Because of this, it may be recommended that activities that are not challenging but have other possible benefits to youth (i.e., benefits from activities designed to support youths’ social skills), can be integrated into programs, along with other, more challenging activities that are also highly engaging to youth. These profiles have some implications for the study of engagement. They also have some implications for the analysis of multidimensional data on engagement. First, they suggest that perceptions of challenge and competence be considered in future research. This is because some of the profiles were distinguished on their basis. This approach also may be more parsimonious than including perceptions of challenge and competence as separate predictors (i.e., Sherno et al., 2003). In addition to these empirical reasons, past research on 68 engagement (i.e., Csikszentmihalyi, 1990) and on the profile approach (Bergman & Magnusson, 1997) suggest that they are theoretically inseparable from engagement, another reason for modeling them as they were modeled in the present study. These implications, then, are specific to the study of engagement but also highlight some of the potential of the profile approach, as well. 5.3 Key findings related to work with data and youth character- istics and their relations to engagement In line with what the sources of variability would suggest, relations between work with data were minimal, though some small, statistically significant relations were identified. The question of whether and how work with data relates to engagement has not been the focus of past research on work with data. This past research has focused more on very specific cognitive outcomes, designs (often from design-based research) for work with data, and the challenges teachers and learners may anticipate when they are involved with particular aspects of work with data, particularly data modeling (and accounting for variability in data). Given the absence of research from an engagement perspective, these are new findings that suggest, in this context, that work with data may not be strongly related to engagement in educational contexts. Why might these relations be so minimal? First, and foremost, the little variability at the instructional episode level was noteworthy because it means that few relations between variables at the instructional episode were expected. In particular, there were small ICCs at the instructional episode level for all six profiles. This suggests that there was very little systematic variability at the particular level that a variable for work with data was at. Additionally, the ICC values found in this study were smaller than those found in the one other past study that employed the same analytic approach (Strati et al., 2017). The relative absence of variability at the instructional episode level may be due to the summer STEM setting: Perhaps youth are less likely to engage dierently from instructional episode 69 to instructional episode (compared to in K-12 educational settings) because there is less variability in what took place across the episodes or because youth perceive there to be lower stakes for the programs’ activities and therefore do not perceive the changes in the instructional episode as a salient factor in terms of their engagement. This consideration is described in greater detail in the limitations section. There are other possible reasons, though, too, for the minimal relations. One may be that work with data is not, as carried out in these summer STEM programs- very engaging, even accounting for the small amount of variability at the instructional episode level. The comparison between the five individual aspects of work with data and not working with data as well as the comparison of instructional episodes that involved any of the aspects of work with data and those that contained none showed minimal relations. This suggests that work with data is not more engaging than other activities carried out in summer STEM programs. Another noteworthy possibility is that the novel analytic approach or the measures used also had impacts; but, again, the small variability at the instructional episode level is likely a greater factor than these, and a review of the correlations between the aspects of work with data and the variables used to create the profiles showed minimal relations. This and the previous potential explanation are explored even further in the next section, on limitations to the present study and recommendations for future research. Taken together, it seems that the major reason for limited relations between work with data and youth engagement is that youth simply did not engage very dierently from instructional episode to instructional episode. Even so, there were some noteworthy findings that could be anticipated on the basis of the importance of the two aspects of work with data that were found to relate positively to youths’ engagement. In particular, both generating and modeling data were found to be positively (and statistically significantly) related to the Full profile, suggesting that when youth were involved in these practices, then they were more likely to be highly engaged. In particular, given the makeup of this profile, this suggests that when youth were 70 involved in these aspects of work with data, they were more likely to report high levels of cognitive, behavioral, and aective engagement, and high perceptions of competence and challenge. Generating and modeling data may have such relations because they were particularly important aspects of work with data. As Lehrer and Schauble (2006) explain, inscriptions serve commitments: Choosing to record an observation or an idea as data involves the process of identifying something that is worth recording and then recording the parts that are of interest. Thus, generating data may be fully engaging to youth because it is, generally, demanding and important with respect to work with data. Modeling, too, is an important practice. It has been described as the central scientific and engineering practice (Lehrer & Schauble, 2015; Weisberg, 2012), and its relations with full engagement provides some actionable evidence for its importance in the context of summer STEM programs. Modeling may be especially engaging to youth because such work positions learners as the creators of new information, in addition to using models created by others to learn about authoritative sources of information. This is one of the aordances of modeling in teaching and learning contexts (Berland et al., 2016; Schwarz et al., 2009). Moreover, when learners create new knowledge through activities such as modeling, they can begin to shape the process of constructing new knowledge in a domain, a challenge in science education contexts (Miller et al., 2016) and likely in other STEM content areas, we well. The null findings for the relations of asking questions, making observations, and interpreting and communicating findings were noteworthy, too. They suggest that their eects were not large enough to be detected They may not be able to be detected for a number of reasons: simply because they were very small given all of the other factors that impact youths’ engagement, because the aspects of work with data were enacted in a myriad of ways which may be more or less engaging, and because they simply were not as engaging. Nevertheless, future research may seek to understand why these aspects did not relate to engagement. As there is no research on how work with data relates to youths’ engagement, the 71 findings associated with this research question provide some initial evidence for how some aspects of work with data relate to youths’ engagement. These findings suggest that these activities may not be more engaging per se. Instead, it may be the way that youth engage in them that matters, in alignment with past research (Berland et al., 2017). While the findings for this question were somewhat minimal, there are key findings from both the important relationships that were found to be statistically significant (between generating data and data modeling and Full engagement) and from those that were not. Other samples, other enactments of work with data, and, possibly, other analytic approaches can build on this work to further substantiate what is known about how work with data engages youth and other learners. Why were there such limited findings in terms of relations between youths’ charac- teristics and youths’ engagement? There was a lot of variability in the profiles of engagement at the youth level, but there were not many relations in terms of youths’ gender, URM status, or pre-program interest. Given past theory and research have suggested that learners’ gender, URM status, and individual or pre-program interest can predict engagement (Bystydzienski, Eisenhart, & Bruning, 2015; Hidi & Renninger, 2006; Sherno & Schmidt, 2008). Despite these surprising findings, youth with higher pre-program interest were found to be more likely to be Engaged and competent but not challenged. This suggests that youth with a higher interest in STEM were inclined to be highly engaged and good at what they were doing, but were not challenged by the activities they experience. This finding is in line with past research suggesting a relationship (direct or as a moderator) between youth characteristics (including interest) and their engagement (Sherno et al., 2003; Sherno et al., 2016; Strati et al., 2017). More specifically, this finding suggests that for youth who were particularly interested (and those who choose to attend) summer STEM programs, what they were involved in may not challenge them very highly. This finding has implications for past research that shows youth who choose to attend summer STEM programs were more engaged (but that does not speak to their degree of challenge; Beymer, Rosenberg, Schmidt, & Naftzger, 2018). 72 While the findings for this research question, like those for the relations between the aspects of work with data and youths’ engagement, they provide some information about how these characteristics relate to youths’ engagement. Knowing that youth who were more interested before the beginning of the summer STEM programs were more likely to be working hard, learning something new, and enjoying what they were learning, and perceive themselves to be good at what they were doing but not challenged, is novel. Moreover, the null findings suggest that other characteristics, including those measured but not included for this analysis (such as youths’ pre-program perceptions of their competence) as well as those not measured at all, may be considered in follow-up studies and future research. While the programs that were involved in the study have many aordances for work with data and for being highly engaging for youth, they have some limitations, too, particularly with respect to support work with data. Importantly, these were not programs explicitly designed to support work with data; while such contexts are being developed, they are not yet widespread. Moreover, youth may perceive the programs to have lower stakes in terms of their future. This may mean that the individual activities that youth engage in were less connected to their engagement: Youth instead engage in typical (to each youth) ways, rather than in ways that were much more sensitive to changes in their context. Another possible explanation for these limited findings may be that youth were not very challenged or were not very supported. A profile with low challenge but high competence and cognitive, behavioral, and aective engagement was found, suggesting that youth may be engaged and good at what they were doing, but were not challenged: Greater challenge may be found to be associated with more full engagement, for example. 5.4 Limitations to the present study and recommendations for research To summarize the previous sections, work with data was frequent but varied in how it was enacted and profiles of engagement representing dierent and interpretable 73 configurations of five engagement-related variables were found, but work with data and youths’ characteristics were not found to be very strongly related to any of the profiles. Some limitations to the study that may provide insight into why such minimal relations to the profiles were found and into other findings are detailed in this section. First, the programs participating in this study were not designed especially to support youth in work with data. Instead, the programs were designed around best practices for summer STEM programs to support youth to engage in a wide variety of STEM-related practices–and in other activities, such as those intended to build a sense of camaraderie among the youth in the programs. In this study, aspects of work with data were identified and were found to be common, but some of the heterogeneity in the nature of working with data may be due to this reason: Planning and instruction for the programs did not aim to foster rich work with data any more than the other activities (STEM and otherwise) that made up their programming. In addition to the varied ways in which youth worked with data, some of the relations of the variables for the five aspects of work with data to youths’ engagement may be due to the ways that the variables for work with data indicated, in fact, many dierent ways of working with data. Some of these aspects of working with data, particularly those that were highly-specific with respect to how the data was involved and to how focused and sustained the work with data-related activity was, may be more engaging to youth than the others, such as those that were more general, instructor-focused, or brief. These two types of working with data were considered the same in the variables used to predict youths’ engagement. Future research can aim to understand youths’ engagement in outside-of-school data science programs and K-12 units, for example, that are focused more on work with data to understand better how work with data engages youth. Nevertheless, this study does provide insight into how work with data took place during model (i.e., designed around best practices for such programs) summer STEM programs and how such work relates to youths’ engagement. In a related point, it is important to point out that while outside-of-school STEM 74 programs have aordances, they also have some distinct features as well as some limitations. One feature is the substantial, but still limited period of time, which was around four weeks. Another feature concerns the nature and quality of the teaching and learning that is aorded. The contexts (including in field settings) in which youth were engaged could spark their engagement and could support work with data better than some K-12 classrooms. They also have limitations, such as the chance that youth considered their time in them to be fun and to be social, rather than educational, in nature. Of course, this is not unreasonable or unexpected on the part of youth, but it may mean that the ways that youth engaged in the programs as documented in this study could be unique to outside-of-school STEM programs. In particular, engagement as reflected in the engaged and competent but not challenged profile may be unique to the experiences of youth in summer STEM programs: It may not be common in K-12 classrooms. This limitation is in addition to and in the context of those documented in earlier parts of this section, particularly, that the limited variability at the instructional episode level may also be due to the lower stakes that learners in these contexts may perceive. Learning environments that deliberately support work with data over an extended period may demonstrate dierent patterns of engagement. One key reason why this may be is the importance of work with data being part of a cycle (and how this cycle often did not take place in these outside-of-school STEM programs). Nevertheless, in addition to illustrating the nature and frequency of work with data, the open-ended, qualitative coding carried out for research question #1 also provided a lens into how work with data was (or was not) sequenced. There were instances of youth activity leaders linking earlier to later activities. For instance, the mathematics-focused programs, such as the Adventures in Mathematics program, the youth activity leaders, recognizing that youth had diculty solving equations, used duct tape–and building on an earlier activity in which youth considered what constituted a rate–asked youth to count how many “hops” it would take someone to move from one end of a line of duct tape to the other. The youth activity leader than asked youth to consider 75 how far they could move in one hop and to consider how they could find out many hops it would take, using a mathematical equation. In this activity, youth were supported in their attempts to approach mathematics problem-solving by linking data modeling to an earlier activity that involved generating data about the number of hops. Other instructional episodes evidenced fewer connections between earlier and later activities and also the opportunity for more sustained involvement in work with data. For example, during some instructional episodes, youth-generated data, but they did not use the data they generated in subsequent activities. In the engineering-focused programs (Uptown Architecture, Crazy Machines, and Dorchester House particularly, youth often generated data that resulted from their engineering designs (and communicated and interpreted their findings,) but did not model this data as a regular part of their activities. In one particular example, in the Ecosphere program, youth collected water samples in the field. They then brought these samples to the classroom and tested the water, involving youth in both collecting and, to a degree, generating data (by noting the pH levels of the water). However, later in the day, youth created a small-scale model (with inclined trays of dirt, rocks, and plants) of an ecosystem, in which they added food coloring to determine the impacts of chemicals and acid rain. Youth then interpreted and discussed these findings, but did not connect the discussion to the water samples youth collected and tested earlier. While these specimens were collected to serve as data for future activity, there was no generating data observed during the episode. In other instances, youth were involved in observing phenomena but were not ever asked to use those data in subsequent activities. How this sequencing of work with data may impact youths’ engagement was not considered in this study, though past research suggests that this factor may make work with data more (or less) engaging and impactful to learners. As McNeill and Berland (2017) argue, it is not just engaging in these practices by rote, but about integrating them, as they overlap and interconnect. They argue that a view of work with data focused on “making sense of” data generated from real-world phenomena, as well as sustained engagement in work with data involving the revision of 76 earlier, intermediate ideas, are important considerations regarding the enactment of work with data. In addition to limitations related to the focus of the programs and how work with data was enacted as part of a cycle, there were also some general measurement-related limitations. Work with data can be dicult to measure because, as the qualitative analysis revealed, there were a variety of ways in which youth can be involved in work with data. McNeill and Berland (2017) describe a similar type of disagreement across science education settings: While a limitation, the coding frame did represent agreement across a range of studies across STEM contexts for the aspects of work with data. In terms of the alignment of the measure with the conceptual framework for work with data, the dimensions of the STEM-PQA measure aligned closely with the aspects of work with data. However, there were some divergences that may have had an impact upon some of the findings. For example, for the interpreting and communicating findings code, the STEM-PQA codes for Analyze (“Sta support youth in analyzing data to draw conclusions”) and Use symbols or models (“Sta support youth in conveying STEM concepts through symbols, models, or other nonverbal language”) were used. In the case of the latter STEM-PQA code, conveying STEM concepts through symbols, models, or other nonverbal language could have reflected instructional episodes in which youth used, for example, mathematical equations or formulas, but did not do so as part of modeling data of a phenomena in the world: They could have simply been using an equation outside of the context of any particular phenomena. Future research may consider the usefulness of coding for this aspect of work with data (and this aspect of science curricular standards in particular; see NGSS Lead States, 2013). As another example of this limitation related to how work with data was measured, generating data was an aspect of work with data that the open-ended qualitative analysis revealed to be less associated with less systematic groups of practices, or themes, than the other aspects. The STEM-PQA codes corresponding to this aspect of work with data were Collect data or measure (“Sta support youth in collecting data or measuring”) and 77 Highlight precision and accuracy (“Sta highlight value of precision and accuracy in measuring, observing, recording, or calculating”). Particularly in the case of the latter code, the emphasis on precision and accuracy may have been outside of activities focused on recording data or creating coding frames. Future research may consider a coding frame that is (more) focused on generating data, though considerations of precision and accuracy are key aspects of doing so, and so perhaps separating the act of generating data from considerations that are important to keep in mind while doing it may be a promising direction for future research. While these divergences in measures were not large, they suggest that the coding frame for work with data is a limitation of the present study. It is possible that the somewhat minimal findings are, in part, a result of the analytic approach. A similar mixed eects modeling approach has only been used in one other study (Strati et al., 2017), and that approach did not use profiles (as in this study) as the outcome. In this study, little variability at the instructional episode level was found, and so minimal relations between factors at this (instructional episode) level and the profiles of engagement was expected. Might profiles, but not the variables used to create them, be less variable at the instructional episode level? One way to consider such an alternate explanation is to use the data used in this study as part of correlational analyses, other analyses that use the variables used to create profiles of engagement but do not use the profiles themselves. An analysis in this spirit was reflected in the correlations including the aspects of work with data (presented in Table 4.2). These indicated very modest relations with engagement, indicating that work with data and the individual variables used to create the profiles are not related. Because of this, it is not surprising that the (more complex) mixed eects models used to explore the relations between work with data and engagement showed minimal relations. Related to pursuing a dierent approach to the data analysis, other outcomes from working with data may also show dierent (and more strongly positive or negative) relations. Such outcomes may be at the instructional episode level, like engagement, or may be longer-term, like youths’ future goals and plans after the conclusion of programs. 78 5.5 Implications for Practice A few implications for practice can be drawn from this study, though these are somewhat restricted given the minimal findings. First, generating data and modeling data, in particular, may be beneficial in terms of engaging youth. Youth activity leaders (in summer STEM and other STEM enrichment contexts) and teachers (in formal learning environments) can best include the beneficial practices of generating and modeling data not in isolation, but rather through involving youth and learners in complete cycles of an investigation. This aligns with both foundational and contemporary research on work with data in education (Berland et al., 2018; McNeill & Berland, 2017; Hancock et al., 1992; Lee & Wilkerson, 2018). Another implication concerns how work with data was enacted. As found in this study, work with data (and even specific aspects of work with data, such as asking questions) does not involve activities that are enacted in a universal way. An instructor instead of youth interpreting and communicating findings, for example, or learners asking general, conceptual questions about work with data, as another, are dierent from youth working to interpret findings and figuring out how to ask a question that can be answered with data, respectively. This heterogeneity suggests to those involved in planning and enacting engaging activities that involve data to consider who works with data carefully, how they do so, and how much time and sustained focus is required for such activities to be carried out. This implication aligns with recent curricular reform eorts, some of which suggest that involving work in STEM-related practices is most eective when it involves learner-driven (but instructor-supported) iterative processes of identifying a question or problem, marshaling sources of data that can be used to figure out what is happening, and developing model-based explanations that are shared with the learning community (National Governors Association, 2013; National Research Council, 2012; NGSS Lead States, 2013). While just two implications, youth activity leaders and teachers and those designing data-rich activities and evaluating the impacts of instruction based on such activities can use the findings from this study as a starting point to consider how engaging in work with data may also prepare learners to think 79 of, understand, and take action based on data in education and in other areas of their lives. 80 APPENDICES 81 APPENDIX A PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS Island Explorers: A science-focused program that aims to help youth develop expertise on one species found in the local ecosystem by reading and writing about related content for up to an hour per day; undertaking data collection and analysis tasks to learn about the local ecosystem and how to communicate scientific data; developing vocabulary about the local ecosystem; using art to learn and communicate information; and publishing a book illustrating important elements of the species being studied. Located in both the classroom and local ecosystem. 27 students who are rising 6th graders. Youth spend the morning in more academically-oriented sessions in a classroom setting, while afternoon sessions involved STEM-oriented enrichment sessions taking place outside (the program was associated with Outward Bound) with an emphasis on exploration of the local ecosystem. The Ecosphere: A science-focused program that aims to help youth to explore the marine life of Narragansett Bay. Eorts were undertaken to build youth content knowledge in the areas of ecosystem preservation, marine biology, and water quality, and related skills, such as questioning, showing initiative, data collection, measuring, maintaining an ecosystem, and analyzing water samples. Located in a classroom setting, shoreline, and science education center. 27 youth who are rising 6th to 9th graders. Youth attended programming in a classroom at an area middle school and in a field-based setting on alternating days. Field- based settings included a science education center at a community-based organization and field trips to sites in the community related to the program’s focus. Zoology Partners: A science-focused program that aims to support youth’s develop- ment of content knowledge related to the issue of endangered species, including how species become endangered, processes for monitoring ecosystem viability and population levels, solu- tions to prevent species from becoming endangered, and approaches to reviving populations that are currently endangered. Located in the classroom as well as zoos, parks, and other 82 natural areas. 25 youth who are rising 6th to 9th graders. Youth attended programming in a classroom at an area middle school and in a field-based setting on alternating days. Field-based settings included a local zoo and field trips to sites in the community related to the program’s focus. Marine Investigators: A science-focused program that aims to provide youth with opportunities to learn about and experience Narragansett Bay; examine human impacts on the local ecosystem, including how the geography of the Bay helped influence human history and how the history of humans along the shoreline has impacted the Bay, and begin the process of cultivating a sense of stewardship among participating youth for caring for and protecting the Bay in the future. Located in the classroom, shoreline along the bay, ship on the bay, and various field locations associated with bay health. 19 youth who are rising 7th to 9th graders. Youth attended programming in a classroom at an area middle school and in a field-based setting on alternating days. Field-based settings included the local bay shoreline, a voyage on a marine education ship researching in the Bay, and field trips to sites in the community related to the program’s focus. During the span of the program, youth had the opportunity to participate in both a water quality research study. Comunidad de Aprendizaje: A STEM-focused program that aims to help youth improve basic skills in mathematics and develop an interest in STEM content and entrepreneur- ship. Primarily in the classroom setting. 33 students who are rising 5th to 8th graders. Morning sessions are characterized by direct instruction in mathematics for individual grade levels and mixed grade level afternoon enrichment sessions in either robotics or dance. The direct instruction component of the programs was organized around a theme of promoting entrepreneurship with the goal of helping participating youth better see the relevance of mathematics to future career goals and opportunities. Jeerson House: A STEM-focused program that aims to support youth’s devel- opment of basic math skills, the program was primarily focused on helping youth develop problem solving, self-improvement, and critical thinking skills. Located in a classroom. 11 83 youth who are rising 7th graders. The youth spent the morning in more academically-oriented sessions in a classroom setting focusing on basic skill development, while afternoon sessions involved STEM-oriented enrichment sessions involving media, art, and nutrition. Enrichment oerings varied by day, with math sessions occurring twice per week, alternating with aca- demically oriented sessions in the am that were oriented at supporting skill development in English/language arts. Uptown Architecture: An engineering-focused program that aims to support youth’s participation in a process to design and build an outdoor learning space for use at the middle school where the program was housed. A key focus of the program was to provide youth with the opportunity to use design thinking as a problem-solving tool and have the experience of aecting their community positively through the design/build process. Located in a classroom, building shop, and various field locations. 18 youth who were rising 6th to 9th graders. Youth attended programming in a classroom at an area middle school and in a building shop located at a community-based organization on alternating days, while also taking field trips to locations associated with the program’s overall theme. Building Mania: An engineering-focused program that aims to provide youth with the opportunity to experiment with designing and using simple machines. A goal of the program is to have youth engage in the engineering design process by determining a need, brainstorming possible designs, selecting a design, planning and drawing out the design, creating and testing and revising it, and producing a final machine. Located in the classroom, design labs, and other local locations. 24 youth who are rising 6th to 9th graders. Youth attended programming in a classroom at an area middle school and a field-based setting on alternating days. Field-based settings included a design lab at a community-based organization and field trips to sites in the community related to the program’s focus. Adventures in Mathematics: A mathematics-focused program that aims to help youth to develop the basic math skills and prevent summer learning loss among participating youth through direct instruction and participation in math-related games. Located primarily 84 in the classroom. 20 youth who are rising 8th to 10th graders. Youth participated in direct instructions in mathematics and math-related games in small groups. Program content was aligned with the state’s standards in mathematics. ) 85 APPENDIX B MODEL SPECIFICATION DETAILS Here, the six models that can possibly be specified in LPA are described in terms of how the variables used to create the profiles are estimated. Note that p represents dierent profiles and each parameterization is represented by a 4 x 4 covariance matrix and therefore would represent the parameterization for a four-profile solution. In all of the models, the means are estimated freely in the dierent profiles. Imagine that each row and column represents a dierent variable, i.e., the first row (and column) represents broad interest, the second enjoyment, the third self-ecacy, and the fourth another variable, i.e., future goals and plans. Models 1 and 3 meet the assumption of independence, that is, that, after accounting for their relations with the profile, the variables used to estimate the profiles are independent (Collins & Lanza, 2010). They estimate variable variances but do not estimate covariances (i.e., as can be seen, the covariance matrices are “diagonal,” without any o-diagonal parameters that are estimated). These models are estimated by default in MPlus, although these assumptions can be relaxed (Muthen & Muthen, 2017). Importantly, this does not mean the variables used to create the profile are assumed to be not related; as Collins and Lanza (2010) explain: The local independence assumption refers only to conditioning on the latent variable. It does not imply that in a data set that is to be analyzed, the observed variables are independent. In fact, it is the relations among the observed variables that are explained by the latent classes. An observed data set is a mixture of all the latent classes. Independence is assumed to hold only within each latent class, which is why it is called “local”. Despite the assumption of independence, as Collins and Lanza (2010), Muthen and Muthen (2017), and others (i.e., Pastor et al., 2007; Vermunt & Magidson, 2002) note, it can 86 be lifted to improve model fit, though these models without the assumption of independence may be better described as general or Gaussian mixture models (Fraley et al., 2017). B.0.1 Varying means, equal variances, and covariances fixed to 0 (model 1) In this model, which corresponds to the mclust model wit the name “EEI”, the variances are estimated to be equal across profiles, indicated by the absence of a p subscript for any of the diagonal elements of the matrix. The covariances are constrained to be zero, as indicated by the 0’s between every combination of the variables. Thus, this model is highly constrained but also parsimonious: the profiles are estimated in such a way that the variables’ variances are identical for each of the profiles, and the relationships between the variables are not estimated. In this way, less degrees of freedom are taken used to explain the observations that make up the data. However, estimating more parameters–as in the other models–may better explain the data, justifying the addition in complexity that their addition involves (and their reduction in degrees of freedom). ‡2 0 0 0 1 0 ‡2 0 0 2 0 ‡2 0 0 3 0 ‡2 0 0 4 SWWWWWWWWWWU TXXXXXXXXXXV B.0.2 Varying means, equal variances, and equal covariances (model 2) This model corresponds to the mclust model “EEE”. In this model, the variances are still constrained to be the same across the profiles, although now the covariances are estimated (but like the variances, are constrained to be the same across profiles). Thus, this model is the first to estimate the covariance (or correlations) of the variables used to create the profiles, thus adding more information that can be used to better understand the characteristics of the profiles (and, potentially, better explain the data). 87 ‡2 1 ‡21 ‡31 ‡41 ‡12 ‡2 2 ‡23 ‡24 ‡13 ‡12 ‡2 3 ‡33 ‡14 ‡12 ‡12 ‡2 4 SWWWWWWWWWWU TXXXXXXXXXXV B.0.3 Varying means, varying variances, and covariances fixed to 0 (model 3) This model corresponds to the mclust model “VVI” and allows for the variances to be freely estimated across profiles. The covariances are constrained to zero. Thus, it is more flexible (and less parsimonious) than model 1, but in terms of the covariances, is more constrained than model 2. ‡2 1p 0 0 0 SWWWWWWWWWWU 0 ‡2 2p 0 0 0 0 ‡2 3p 0 0 0 0 ‡2 4p TXXXXXXXXXXV B.0.4 Varying means, varying variances, and equal covariances (model 4) This model, which specifies for the variances to be freely estimated across the profiles and for the covariances to be estimated to be equal across profiles, extends model 3. Unfortunately, this model cannot be specified with mclust, though it can be with MPlus; this model can be used with the functions to interface to MPlus described below. ‡2 1p ‡21 ‡31 ‡41 ‡12 ‡2 2p ‡23 ‡24 ‡13 ‡12 ‡2 3p ‡33 ‡14 ‡12 ‡12 ‡2 4p SWWWWWWWWWWU TXXXXXXXXXXV 88 B.0.5 Varying means, equal variances, and varying covariances (model 5) This model specifies the variances to be equal across the profiles, but allows the covariances to be freely estimated across the profiles. Like model 4, this model cannot be specified with mclust, though it can be with MPlus. Again, this model can be used with the functions to interface to MPlus described below. ‡2 1 ‡12p SWWWWWWWWWWU ‡21p ‡31p ‡41p ‡2 2 ‡23p ‡24p ‡2 3 ‡33p ‡2 4 ‡13p ‡12p ‡14p ‡12p ‡12p TXXXXXXXXXXV B.0.6 Varying means, varying variances, and varying covariances (model 6) This model corresponds to the mclust model “VVV”. It allows the variances and the covariances to be freely estimated across profiles. Thus, it is the most complex model, with the potential to allow for understanding many aspects of the variables that are used to estimate the profiles and how they are related. However, it is less parsimonious than all of the other models, and the added parameters should be considered in light of how preferred this model is relative to those with more simple specifications. ‡2 1p ‡21p ‡31p ‡41p ‡12p ‡2 2p ‡23p ‡24p ‡13p ‡12p ‡2 3p ‡33p ‡14p ‡12p ‡12p ‡2 4p SWWWWWWWWWWU TXXXXXXXXXXV 89 APPENDIX C WORK WITH DATA BY PROGRAM This table contains the proportion of the five aspects of work with data during by program. 90 Table C.1: Proportion of instructional episodes for which each of the aspects of work with data was present by program 9 1 Variable Island Explorers The Ecosphere Zoology Partners Marine Investigators Comunidad de Aprendizaje Jeerson House Uptown Architecture Building Mania Adventures in Mathematics Asking Observing Generating Modeling Communicating Total Segments 16 0.312 24 0.625 0.250 24 24 0.458 55 0.327 0.167 24 24 0.375 24 0.333 0.583 24 0.250 0.292 0.167 0.375 0.273 0.458 0.167 0.333 0.458 0.375 0.500 0.208 0.542 0.327 0.750 0.292 0.500 0.750 0.375 0.417 0.167 0.333 0.182 0.083 0.208 0.208 0.292 0.438 0.500 0.125 0.250 0.400 0.542 0.708 0.375 0.542 APPENDIX D ALTERNATE PROFILE SOLUTION This solution is characterized by: • A full profile, profile 7 • A universally low profile, profile 1 • A competent but not engaged or challenged profile, profile 2, characterized by high competence and moderate (low) or low levels of engagement and challenge • A moderately low profile, profile 3, characterized by moderately low levels of all of the variables • A challenged profile, profile 4, characterized by high challenge, moderate (high) levels of engagement, and moderate (low) levels of competence • A highly challenged profile, profile 5, characterized by patterns similar to those of the challenged profile, but with higher challenge and with low levels of both engagement and challenge • A challenged but not engaged or competent profile, profile 6, characterized by low levels of challenge, and high levels of engagement and competence The number of observations associated with each of the profiles is not very balanced, with few (n = 181) observations associated with the universally low profile and few (n = 222) observations associated with the highly challenged profile. The number of observations associated with the other profiles ranged from 317 to 651. Distinct from other solutions, none of the other five profiles were found in the other model 1 solutions. Two pairs of the profiles–challenged and highly challenged and universally low and moderately low–exhibited similar patterns among the variables that were distinguished by dierent mean levels. Taken together, this solution raises questions about whether it may be too complex, possibly suggesting preference for model one five and six profile solutions. 93 1 0 −1 e r o c s − Z −2 Universally low (n = 181) Moderately low (n = 651) Competent but not engaged or challenged (n = 317) Challenged (n = 569) Highly challenged (n = 222) Engaged and competent but not challenged (n = 568) Affective Behavioral Cognitive Challenge Competence Full (n = 450) Figure D.1: The seven profiles of engagement (with variable values standardized) l e u a V 4 3 2 1 0 Affective Behavioral Cognitive Challenge Competence Full (n = 450) Universally low (n = 181) Moderately low (n = 651) Competent but not engaged or challenged (n = 317) Challenged (n = 569) Highly challenged (n = 222) Engaged and competent but not challenged (n = 568) Figure D.2: The seven profiles of engagement (with variable values standardized) 94 BIBLIOGRAPHY 95 Franklin, C., Kader, G., Mewborn, D., Moreno, J., Peck, R., Perry, M., & Scheaer, R. 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