SYSTEMATICS OF THE GENUS RHAGOLETIS (DIPTERA: TEPHRITIDAE): NEW SPECIES, PHYLOGENY, AND JUSTIFICATIONS By Daniel Lloyd Hulbert A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Entomology—Doctor of Philosophy 2018 ABSTRACT SYSTEMATICS OF THE GENUS RHAGOLETIS (DIPTERA: TEPHRITIDAE): NEW SPECIES, PHYLOGENY, AND JUSTIFICATIONS By Daniel Lloyd Hulbert Flies of Rhagoletis (Diptera: Tephritidae) are economically important fruit pests (infesting specialty fruit crops including apples, blueberries and cherries), which also serve as models for studying modes of speciation and coevolutionary relationships with their hymenopteran parasitoids. There are new species within the genus which have not been previously formally described. One of these species is within the tabellaria species group. I describe the morphology of Rhagoletis bushi Hulbert & Smith, its geographic distribution, host association, phylogenetic relationships, and identify an associated species of parasitoid wasp. The new species infests the fruit of buffaloberry (Shepherdia argentea) in the Northern Great Plains of North America. There is a suite of morphological characters, and a unique host plant association, that are diagnostic of R. bushi. Further evidence for the validity of R. bushi and its placement within the tabellaria species group comes from DNA sequence data from multiple genetic loci. The phylogenetic relationships among Rhagoletis species groups remain unresolved despite analyses based on morphology, allozymes, and mitochondrial DNA. Most Nearctic Rhagoletis belong to one of five species groups (pomonella, tabellaria, cingulata, suavis, and ribicola groups), with two unplaced species (R. fausta and R. juniperina), all of which appear to be part of a larger monophyletic group that also includes some Palearctic taxa. Regarding the overall phylogeny of the genus, my goals were to 1) resolve phylogenetic relationships using mitochondrial (COI) and nuclear (28S, CAD, period, AATS) DNA sequences, and 2) to identify the monophyletic group containing these Nearctic species. Using Bayesian analysis of a combined dataset with 4399 aligned nucleotides, I inferred a well-supported monophyletic group containing the five Nearctic Rhagoletis species groups, plus R. fausta, R. juniperina, and two Palearctic species: R. batava and R. flavigenualis. Within this larger monophyletic assemblage, the five Nearctic species groups together are monophyletic as are four of the five individual species groups (not ribicola). Palearctic and Neotropical Rhagoletis were resolved into well- supported clades of taxa often sharing closely related host plants. A well-resolved phylogeny of Rhagoletis is a valuable tool for future work addressing questions pertaining to how history, geography and ecology have shaped the phylogenetic patterns we observe in the genus. It is often claimed that systematic biology is fundamental to all other areas of biology. I critically evaluate the acceptance of this claim by entomologists critically as it relates to the field of entomology. I also critically describe the justification and valuations for systematic biology using the framework of Boltanski and Thévenot’s realms of worth and the philosophical framework for justification using virtues, desserts and outcomes. In order to accomplish these purposes, I critically analyze and review relevant entomological literature and interview practitioners of entomology and insect systematic biology. I find justification for systematic biology overwhelming takes the form of appeals to utilitarianism (both internally and externally focused) and are most relevant in the Industrial World. Additionally, some justifications given also pertain to the Civic World and to virtue. Evaluation of justification in systematic biology is important, especially as our globe becomes increasingly ecologically and politically unstable. Dedicated to Jean Hulbert. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to acknowledge the C. S. Mott Predoctoral Fellowship in Sustainable Agriculture for funding a portion of my program. Thank you to Lyman Briggs College for providing consistent teaching assistant opportunities to help pay my stipend. I would also like to acknowledge the Michigan State University Dissertation Completion Fellowship for funding my final semester. I would like to thank our colleagues who assisted in insect collections including Amanda E. Nelson, Bernhard Merz, Dorie Bush, Daniel Frias, Guy Bush, Jorge Graziano, John Jenkins, J. P. Luz, James Smith, Martín Aluja, Meredith Doellman, Megan Frayer, Parita Shah, Rufus Isaacs, R. Pavia, Stewart Berlocher, Thomas Hoffmeister, Valery Korneyev, Wee Yee, Yue Ming, Peter Rausse and Scott Beck. I would like to thank Sydney Barosko, Morgan Potter, and Mitch Katkic for their help in the laboratory. Thank you to Severyn Korneyev for his taxonomic and morphological expertise. Thank you to my advisor, James J. Smith, for giving me the initial opportunity, and for his assistance and mentorship over the years of my program. I would like to thank the other members of my committee, Anthony Cognato, Ronald Debry, and Craig Harris for their guidance. Finally, I would like to thank all of the friends and family members who have supported me throughout the years of my program. Especially my parents, Nancy Scheer and Thomas Hulbert who, in so many ways, have supported me. v PREFACE My dissertation is likely somewhat unconventional when compared to others in entomology PhD programs and I would like to give an explanation before the main document. This dissertation has two chapters that would be considered typical entomology research where I detail my research on the systematics of the Rhagoletis (Diptera: Tephritidae). However, the third chapter addresses sociology of entomology and systematic biology. In that third chapter, I investigate and discuss the social dimensions of systematic biology. Why is that sociology chapter present in an otherwise conventional entomological dissertation of insect systematics? Early in my PhD program, I applied for and received the C. S. Mott Predoctoral Fellowship in Sustainable Agriculture. Part of the requirements of the fellowship included my participation in the Graduate Specialization in Ecological Food and Farming Systems (EFFS). The EFFS specialization “fosters understanding of interdisciplinary concepts critical to sustainable agriculture and food systems.” Functionally, the EFFS specialization is designed to give bio/geo/chemical scientists a stronger and formal background in the social sciences and vice versa. In fulfillment of my participation in the EFFS specialization, I have worked on a research project investigating the social justifications for systematic biologists given by entomologists. It may initially seem that the three major chapters of my dissertation make strange neighbors however, as I elaborate in chapter three, I believe considerations of justification and social context are very important things for natural scientists to include in their work. Additionally, the chapter of this dissertation titled “Description of a new species…” has already been published in the journal Insect Systematics and Diversity (Hulbert et al. 2018). As such, the chapter is not technically the nomenclatural act for the new species, although it does vi contain a description of it. To address this, the “Nomenclature” section of the chapter has been altered relative to the published work to reflect the fact that the present dissertation does not contain any official nomenclatural acts. Also, I have removed all instances of the text “n. sp.” from the chapter. I believe these actions I have taken are sufficient to avoid any taxonomic confusion and blunders, but my purpose of including these details in the dissertation overview is to make my actions and intensions explicit. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................ x LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................... xii INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 1 Why study systematics? ............................................................................................................ 1 Systematics defined ................................................................................................................. 1 Justification ............................................................................................................................. 2 Introduction to Rhagoletis ........................................................................................................ 4 Diversity of small organisms .................................................................................................. 4 Overview of the genus ............................................................................................................. 5 Previous phylogenetic analyses .............................................................................................. 7 Dissertation overview................................................................................................................ 9 CHAPTER 1: DESCRIPTION OF A NEW RHAGOLETIS (DIPTERA: TEPHRITIDAE) SPECIES IN THE TABELLARIA SPECIES GROUP ............................................................ 11 Abstract .................................................................................................................................... 11 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 11 Methods .................................................................................................................................... 22 Insect collections ................................................................................................................... 22 Insect rearing ........................................................................................................................ 23 Characterization of morphological features ......................................................................... 24 DNA isolation, PCR amplification and DNA sequence alignment ....................................... 24 Molecular phylogenetic analysis .......................................................................................... 26 Characterization of parasitoids ............................................................................................ 28 Nomenclature ........................................................................................................................ 29 Rhagoletis bushi Hulbert & Smith 2018 ................................................................................ 29 Diagnosis .............................................................................................................................. 32 Material examined ................................................................................................................ 36 Distribution ........................................................................................................................... 37 Etymology ............................................................................................................................. 37 Biology .................................................................................................................................. 38 Results ...................................................................................................................................... 39 Nucleotide alignments ........................................................................................................... 39 Phylogeny of the tabellaria species group ............................................................................. 39 Morphology ........................................................................................................................... 42 Revised key to the species group ........................................................................................... 42 Discussion................................................................................................................................. 43 Rhagoletis bushi: a new species ............................................................................................ 43 Phylogenetics and evolution of the tabellaria species group ................................................ 45 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 49 viii CHAPTER 2: MOLECULAR PHYLOGENY AND EVOLUTION OF RHAGOLETIS: RESOLUTION AND RELATIONSHIPS OF SPECIES GROUPS ...................................... 50 Abstract .................................................................................................................................... 50 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 51 Methods .................................................................................................................................... 59 Taxon sampling and rearing ................................................................................................. 59 DNA isolation, PCR amplification and DNA sequence alignment ....................................... 68 Phylogenetic analyses ........................................................................................................... 75 Results ...................................................................................................................................... 77 Nucleotide alignments ........................................................................................................... 77 Phylogeny of the genus ......................................................................................................... 79 Host plant use ....................................................................................................................... 81 Discussion................................................................................................................................. 84 Resolved relationships genus-wide ....................................................................................... 84 The Nearctic taxa .................................................................................................................. 86 Clades united by host plant associations .............................................................................. 87 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................... 90 CHAPTER 3: JUSTIFICATIONS FOR SYSTEMATIC BIOLOGY AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO ENTOMOLOGY .................................................................................. 92 Abstract .................................................................................................................................... 92 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 93 Systematic biology and Entomology ..................................................................................... 93 Overview ............................................................................................................................... 95 Justification and value .......................................................................................................... 95 Worlds of Worth .................................................................................................................... 96 Ethics................................................................................................................................... 100 Methods .................................................................................................................................. 102 Literature analysis .............................................................................................................. 102 Interviews ............................................................................................................................ 104 Results and Discussion .......................................................................................................... 106 Literature analysis .............................................................................................................. 106 Interviews ............................................................................................................................ 111 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 113 APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................... 116 Appendix A: Record of deposition of voucher specimens ................................................. 117 Appendix B: Supplementary material for chapter 1 ......................................................... 119 LITERATURE CITED ............................................................................................................ 132 ix LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1. Collection information for flies in the Rhagoletis tabellaria species group including the buffaloberry fly, R. bushi. ....................................................................................................... 17 Table 1.2. Morphological characters that define taxonomic classification of Rhagoletis tabellaria group flies (from Jenkins, 1996; terminology modified to conform with McAlpine et al. [1981] and White et al. [1999]). Morphologically, Jenkins (1996) character #29 serves as a synapomorphy for the tabellaria group within Rhagoletis. .......................................................... 33 Table 2.1. Specimen collection records. ...................................................................................... 60 Table 2.2. Primers and thermocycler conditions used to PCR amplify Rhagoletis DNA. All programs used a 30 second initial denaturation period at 95°C; followed by 35 cycles of 95°C for 30 seconds, the annealing temperature (below) for 30 seconds and 72°C for the extension time (below); followed by a final extension period of 10 minutes at 72°C (except when noted by *). 69 Table 2.3. Accession numbers of the DNA sequences used in and generated by the present chapter. .......................................................................................................................................... 71 Table 2.4. The partitioning scheme results of the MrBayes and RAxML PARTITIONFINDER analyses. The predefined partitions within the same subset were combined in the phylogenetic analysis of the concatenated alignment......................................................................................... 76 Table 2.5. Descriptive statistics for the nucleotide alignments used in this chapter. ................... 78 Table 3.1. Justifications given by the literature published by the EntSoc. Cells shaded in black have explicit justifications in the category while cells shaded in grey imply the respective justification. All articles contained internal utilitarian justifications, therefore only external utilitarian justifications are included in the table. ....................................................................... 107 Table B1. Primers and thermocycler conditions used to PCR amplify Rhagoletis DNA. All programs used a 30 second initial denaturation period at 95°C; followed by 35 cycles of 95°C for 30 seconds, the annealing temperature (below) for 30 seconds and 72°C for the extension time (below); followed by a final extension period of 10 minutes at 72°C (except when noted by *). ..................................................................................................................................................... 119 Table B2. Accession numbers of the DNA sequences used in and generated by the present study. Numbers in parentheses following taxon designations correspond to individual numbers used in Table 1 and Figure 4. .................................................................................................................. 120 Table B3. The partitioning scheme results of the MrBayes and RAxML PARTITIONFINDER analyses. The predefined partitions within the same subset were combined in the phylogenetic analysis of the concatenated alignment....................................................................................... 121 x Table B4. Autapomorphies for tabellaria group species based on the alignments we generated organized by locus. The position number represents the position within our alignment. Autapomorphies within the tabellaria group are highlighted in yellow..................................... 122 Table B5. Statistics for nucleotide alignments. PI = parsimony informative, Ts = transition rate, Tv = transversion rate, R(s/v) = ratio of transitions to transversions, MP = most parsimonious, CI = consistency index, RI = retention index. ................................................................................. 125 Table B6. Results of pairwise Incongruent Length Difference (ILD) tests performed on partitions. .................................................................................................................................... 126 xi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1. Map of collection locations (red diamonds) and approximate host plant ranges (shaded area) for the species included in this study (Little 1971, eFloras 2008): R. bushi infests Shepherdia argentea (A); R. tabellaria infests Cornus stolonifera (B); R. persimilis infests Prosartes hookeri (green) (C); R. electromorpha infests C. drummondii (green) C. racemosa (blue) and C. foemina (stricta) (light brown) (D). Individual map panels outlined in the same color as those associated with species in Figure 1.4. .................................................................... 15 Figure 1.2. External morphology of Rhagoletis bushi including the lateral (A), anterior (B) and posterior (C) views of the head; dorsal view of thorax (D); the dorsal (E) and lateral (F) habitus of a male; the dorsal view of the female abdomen (H); dorsal view of the wing including band names (G). Photographs by M. D. Jackson, montage by D. Hulbert. ........................................... 30 Figure 1.3. Genitalic morphology of Rhagoletis bushi. Lateral view of male genitalia including basiphallus (bph), distiphallus (dph), ejaculatory apodeme (ej a), epandrium (ep), phallic apodeme (p a), proctiger (prg), prensisetae (prs), sperm pump (sp p), and surstyli (ss). Insets showing the posterior view of the male genitalia (A), lateral view of the aedaegus (B) and spermathecae (C). Photographs by M. D. Jackson, montage by D. Hulbert. ............................... 31 Figure 1.4. Bayesian phylogeny of the tabellaria species group, pomonella species group and outgroup R. cingulata inferred from a concatenated alignment of 4270 bp of DNA sequences from five genes, COI (684 bp), CAD (990 bp), period (614 bp), AATS (623 bp), and 28S (1359 bp). Numbers next to branches represent Bayesian posterior probabilities and maximum likelihood bootstrap support respectively. Asterisks (*) over branches indicate a Bayesian posterior probability of 1.0 and 100% maximum likelihood bootstrap support for the clade. The numbers in parentheses following the taxon designations in the tabellaria group correspond to specific collections in Table 1.1. Vertical colored blocks mark species group and species with the same colors as in Figure 1.1. ......................................................................................................... 41 Figure 2.1. Summary of previous hypotheses of Rhagoletis phylogeny inferred from investigations by Bush (1966) based on morphology and cytology (A), by Berlocher and Bush (1982) based on allozymes (B), by Smith et al. (2005) based on mitochondrial (COII) DNA sequences (C), and by Hamerlinck et al. (2016) based on sequences from the genes COI, CAD and 28S (D). Only taxa that are also included on the present study are included in this figure. .. 56 Figure 2.2. Map of collection locations. Numbers correspond to specimen numbers found in Table 2.1. ...................................................................................................................................... 67 Figure 2.3. Genetic variation of gene fragments sequenced (uncorrected-p). Both adjacent (but not overlapping) fragments of 28S were combined for p-distance calculation. Among the fragments of genes sequenced, 28S varied the least variable while COI was the most variable. . 79 Figure 2.4. Phylogeny of the specimens included in our study inferred from DNA sequences xii from fragments of COI, CAD, period, AATS and 28S. The tree shown is the Bayesian consensus tree inferred using MrBayes with the models and partitioning scheme given by Partitionfinder. Asterisks (*) above branches indicate a Bayesian posterior probability of ≥0.99. Boxes and Roman numerals indicate groups of taxa discussed in the text and in Figure 2.5. ...................... 80 Figure 2.5. Cladogram inferred of the species included in this study in addition to their biogeographic information. All bipartitions with Bayesian posterior probability of ≤0.99 have been collapsed. Boxes and Roman numerals indicate groups of taxa discussed in the text and in Figure 2.4. Regions referred to are Neotropical (NT), Paleatctic (PA), and Nearctic (NA). Species groups are given as they are presented by Smith and Bush (2000). ................................ 83 Figure B1. Bayesian phylogeny of the tabellaria species group, pomonella species group and outgroup R. cingulata inferred from an alignment of 684 bp of COI using MrBayes. Numbers next to branches represent Bayesian posterior probabilities and maximum likelihood bootstrap support respectively. Asterisks (*) over branches indicate a Bayesian posterior probability of 1.0 and 100% bootstrap support for the clade. Bayesian and maximum likelihood topologies were identical. ...................................................................................................................................... 127 Figure B2. Bayesian phylogeny of the tabellaria species group, pomonella species group and outgroup R. cingulata inferred from an alignment of 990 bp of CAD using MrBayes. Numbers next to branches represent Bayesian posterior probabilities and maximum likelihood bootstrap support respectively. Asterisks (*) over branches indicate a Bayesian posterior probability of 1.0 and 100% bootstrap support for the clade. Bayesian and maximum likelihood topologies were identical. ...................................................................................................................................... 128 Figure B3. Bayesian phylogeny of the tabellaria species group, pomonella species group and outgroup R. cingulata inferred from an alignment of 614 bp of period using MrBayes. Numbers next to branches represent Bayesian posterior probabilities and maximum likelihood bootstrap support respectively. Asterisks (*) over branches indicate a Bayesian posterior probability of 1.0 and 100% bootstrap support for the clade. Bayesian and maximum likelihood topologies were identical. ...................................................................................................................................... 129 Figure B4. Bayesian phylogeny of the tabellaria species group, pomonella species group and outgroup R. cingulata inferred from an alignment of 623 bp of AATS using MrBayes. Numbers next to branches represent Bayesian posterior probabilities and maximum likelihood bootstrap support respectively. Asterisks (*) over branches indicate a Bayesian posterior probability of 1.0 and 100% bootstrap support for the clade. Bayesian and maximum likelihood topologies were identical. ...................................................................................................................................... 130 Figure B5. Bayesian phylogeny of the tabellaria species group, pomonella species group and outgroup R. cingulata inferred from an alignment of 1359 bp of 28S using MrBayes. Numbers next to branches represent Bayesian posterior probabilities and maximum likelihood bootstrap support respectively. Asterisks (*) over branches indicate a Bayesian posterior probability of 1.0 and 100% bootstrap support for the clade. Bayesian and maximum likelihood topologies were identical. ...................................................................................................................................... 131 xiii INTRODUCTION Why study systematics? Systematics defined Systematic biology (systematics) may be defined as the study of the diversification of life and the relationships therein. There is sometimes confusion about the relationship between taxonomy and systematics. Taxonomy is best thought of as subfield within systematics. A concise definition of systematics accounting for taxonomy was written by Michener et al. (1970): Systematic biology (hereafter called simply systematics) is the field that (a) provides scientific names for organisms, (b) describes them, (c) preserves collections of them, (d) provides classifications for the organisms, keys for their identification, and data on their distributions, (e) investigates their evolutionary histories, and (f) considers their environmental adaptations. This is a field with a long history that in recent years has experienced a notable renaissance, principally with respect to theoretical content. Part of the theoretical material has to do with evolutionary areas (topics e and f above), the rest relates especially to the problem of classification. Taxonomy is that part of Systematics concerned with topics (a) to (d) above. There may be room for reasonable disagreement on some points of the definition of systematic biology by Michener et al. (1970), such as which parts are more important than others, however I believe it to be a very useful working definition of the discipline. Explicitly considering a definition of systematic biology is important for my dissertation because of the 1 third chapter investigating the justifications used by the scientists within and adjacent to the discipline. Justification How is systematic biology, as a human activity, justified? We can use philosophical and sociological frameworks to analyze this question. In my dissertation the two frameworks I use are 1) the “Worlds of worth” by Boltanski and Thévenot (1991) and 2) the framework of virtue theory, rights theory and utilitarianism. These frameworks and how they organize justification for systematic biology is discussed in chapter three. Broad areas of justification are discussed briefly here as possible areas of justification for systematic biology. Through analysis of texts which exemplify values certain domains of society, Boltanski and Thévenot (1991) infer and articulate what is considered “worthy” and valuable in these domains. The six domains they analyze are the Inspired world, the Domestic world, the world of Fame, the Market world, and the Industrial world. Justifications for systematics are most likely to draw from the Inspired, Industrial and Civic worlds. The Industrial world is defined by production, and value is conferred on the basis of functionality, reliability efficiency. Knowledge produced by systematic biology may contribute to the efficiency of agricultural production and the production of disease management measures. The Civic world is defined by the action and power of collectives for their benefit. Systematic biological knowledge may inform and provide evidence for certain legislation or other collective action around biodiversity (conservation). The Inspired world is defined by its value of enlightenment, worthy beings in this world are individuals able to reach inspired states. Knowledge production in systematics may be regarded 2 as a form of gaining enlightenment and scientists may use justifications relating to the Inspired World when talking about how they first became interested in their field. Utilitarian justifications for systematics rely on the outcomes gained from the knowledge generated. Systematics may provide information leading to the control and prevention of diseases and pests. For example investigations into Zika virus phylogenetics revealed how the virus was entering the United States, helping efforts to stop its spread (Grubaugh et al. 2017). A similar investigation was undertaken on emerald ash borer in order to determine the region of origin for the invasive insects (Bray et al. 2011). The diagnosis and discrimination of organisms from all others is a direct utilization of systematic biological knowledge. One of systematic biology’s primary goals is the definition and delineation of all organisms into a hierarchal organization. It is much easier to design diagnostic tools and tests for organisms that belong to well resolved areas of the phylogenetic tree of life. The ability to diagnose economically and epidemiologically significant organisms has obvious utilitarian benefit. Investigations into the production of reliable diagnostic methods are directly drawing upon existing systematic knowledge (and in some cases contributing to it) (Frey and Pfunder 2006, Dita et al. 2010, Frey et al. 2013). The conservation of biodiversity may also be invoked as a utilitarian justification for systematic biology. Engaging in systematics research may be justified through “virtue”. This justification states that the resolution of the tree of life is a good and virtuous scientific pursuit; it is an inherent good. This justification does seem open to criticisms (who decides what is a “good” thing to be working on), but that misses the point. The way scientists write and talk about systematic biology, they may invoke this justification whether meaning to or not. The Taxonomic Impediment refers to the problem of considerable gaps in the state of taxonomic 3 knowledge and insufficient resources (human, social, financial) to meaningfully address them. Addressing the taxonomic impediment may be presented as a justification for systematics, for providing more funding for the discipline. Fundamentally, this justification is a combination of a virtue justification (addressing the taxonomic impediment is an inherently good thing to do) and a utilitarian justification (increasing resource allocation to systematics will have the outcome of the taxonomic impediment being solved). Rights Theory may also be used to justify investigations by systematic biologists. Rights theory asks, what are the rights and responsibilities actors have? By completing all the education and training necessary to become a systematic biologist, do those individuals have certain rights and responsibilities to then work on addressing the Taxonomic Impediment? A systematic biologist may refer to a certain “duty” to work on resolving the evolutionary tree of life when invoking Rights Theory justifications. Introduction to Rhagoletis Diversity of small organisms Different patterns of biodiversity are observed in large animals compared to small animals. In larger animals (mostly vertebrates) sibling species are generally not in close physical proximity, while small animals (generally invertebrates) do occur in close geographic proximity to each other (Hutchinson 1959). The same environment looks very different to large and small animals. From the perspective of smaller animals there will be greater heterogeneity in the environment. This leads to many more niches to be exploited for smaller organisms (Hutchinson 1959). Additional niches to be exploited include plant resources: different plants and different parts of plants can be used to create niches by small insects in ways unavailable to larger ones. 4 These combination of factors (small size which leads to increased niche availability which is related to the reason for sibling species to be in close physical proximity) is why Rhagoletis has become such an important system for evolutionary biology research and for pest management (Bush 1993). Overview of the genus Rhagoletis is within the family Tephritidae (Ditpera), members of which are frugivorous and have highly specialized relationships with their host. There is (generally) a high level of fidelity for a species of Rhagoletis to its particular host plant’s fruit. Certain species are direct pests of high value specialty crops including apples, cherries, blueberries. Additionally, because of their close host plant association, the genus provides an opportunity for studying speciation and evolution. The life histories of Rhagoletis are closely associated with their host plant species. Courtship behavior and mating of adults takes place on the leaves and the fruit of their host plant (Bush 1966, Prokopy and Bush 1973, Boller and Prokopy 1976, Smith and Prokopy 1980). Larvae hatch from eggs (laid on the fruit) and burrow into the fruit where they feed on the flesh before dropping to the soil where they pupate and undergo diapause (in temperate climates). After diapause has been completed, the adults eclose and emerge from the soil. Timing (phenology) of the life history events in Rhagoletis are timed to correspond with their host. Bush (1966) produced a major revision of the genus in a seminal monograph. Bush did extensive life history, cytological and taxonomic research into the genus with a focus on North American taxa. One of the major results of the work was the organization of Rhagoletis into a number of “species groups”. Species groups, while not a formal taxonomic rank, were defined on 5 the basis of morphological similarity and common host plant use. The most well-known of these is the pomonella species group which has been a focus of research because of its economically important members and their patterns of speciation. Species of Rhagoletis may commonly form host races (Boller and Prokopy 1976), which is a principle reason for research interest in the genus from both applied and fundamental science perspectives. A host race is an informal taxonomic grouping lower than species in which certain populations of the same species have specialized on different host plant fruits. In North America, a host shift occurred in R. pomonella from its native host plant Crataegus (hawthorn) host to introduced commercial apples (Malus) in the last ~170 years (Illingworth 1912). Host shifts in Rhagoletis have led to the formation of host races apples and hawthorns respectively. Importantly, the two host races are not reproductively isolated; their hosts are sympatric with each other and there is a consistent level of geneflow between them (Feder et al. 1994). The apple and hawthorn host races are hypothesized to be in an initial stage of speciation and provide an opportunity to study the fundamental nature of population divergence and the formation of new species (Feder et al. 1994). Through extensive research, the Rhagoletis system has become a non-model textbook example of speciation in the presence of gene flow (Schluter 2000, Coyne and Orr 2004, Nosil 2012). Studying evolutionary patterns in Rhagoletis may provide insights into when and why phytophagous insect outbreaks occur. Rhagoletis differs from some other insect speciation systems in that the evolution of Rhagoletis does not follow patterns in plant chemistry. When R. pomonella shifted from hawthorn to apple, it did not shift to a plant phylogenetically or chemically close as might have been expected. This pattern is what is observed in other species groups across the genus like R. cerasi forming host races on Lonicera and Prunus (Boller et al. 1998). The opposing pattern is 6 also observed: closely related groups of species speciate in allopatry on very closely related host plants (the walnut flies for example). The results of my dissertation (chapter two) have implications for understanding how these patterns take place across Rhagoletis. Previous phylogenetic analyses There have been attempts to resolve evolutionary relationships between Rhagoletis species. Previous attempts to resolve the phylogeny have been based on patterns of host plant use, morphology, and limited DNA sequences. Past investigations have yielded important insights while also leaving some unanswered questions Bush (1966) made the first hierarchical classification of Rhagoletis was done, organizing the North American taxa into species groups. He proposed five species groups which together make up the majority of the North American taxa (pomonella, tabellaria, cingulata, suavis and ribicola). While phylogenetic resolution was not a goal of Bush’s monograph, he did include general hypotheses of evolutionary relationships. Bush focused on North American taxa and, with some adjustments, his classification scheme has been upheld by subsequent investigations including my own. Phylogenetic analyses of Rhagoletis subsequent to Bush’s (1966) monograph have used expanded taxonomic samples, morphological and molecular datasets to infer relationships. Berlocher and Bush (1982) used the signature of allozymes when electrophoresed on a gel to generate characters for use in phylogenetic inference. The allozyme-based phylogenies inferred generally resolved North American species groups, which were themselves part of a larger monophyletic group together. 7 Jenkins (1996) performed a massive taxonomic update of the genus by describing 247 morphological characters across 90 species (a subset was then used in a phylogenetic analysis). Morphological characters, especially unique wing banding patterns, are very useful for species- level identification. Jenkins (1996) identified and described 77 characters for use in a morphology-based phylogenetic analysis of Rhagoletis and found these characters to be generally uninformative. Smith and Bush (2000) reanalyzed the character-matrix generated by Jenkins using more liberal parameters (parsimony 50% majority rule consensus tree), but still did not infer species level relationships with confidence. In limited, narrow contexts morphological characters, especially male genitalia, may be phylogenetically informative (see the results and discussion in chapter one). The development and expansion of DNA sequencing technology allowed the production of a very large number of potentially phylogenetically informative characters. Phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial DNA sequences of the cytochrome oxisase II gene (COII) and 16S ribosomal RNA (16S) showed strong support for the monophyly of individual species groups originally described by (Bush 1966), but not for phylogenetic resolution of relationships between the species groups (McPheron and Han 1997, Smith and Bush 1997, Smith et al. 2005). Specifically, the investigation of Smith et al. (2005) found an interesting result: all the members of the five North American species groups form a monophyletic group which also (and unexpectedly) includes two Palearctic taxa (R. batava and R. flavigenualis). A major goal of my dissertation (chapter two) was to test the hypothesis of the inclusion of the two palearctic taxa in the larger North American clade. Hamerlinck et al. (2016) did the most recent phylogenetic analysis of Rhagoletis prior to my dissertation, using sequences from mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI), 28S ribosomal RNA (28S), and carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 2 aspartate 8 transcarbamylase and dihydroorotase (CAD) genes, however with a limited taxa sample. The phylogeny inferred from the three genes showed a sister relationship between the pomonella and tabellaria species groups which together were sister to a clade containing members of the cingulata, suavis and ribicola groups (Hamerlinck et al. 2016). Dissertation overview In chapter one I describe a new species of Rhagoletis in the tabellaria group and further analyze its parent species group. The previously undescribed species of Rhagoletis, infesting the fruits of buffaloberry (Shepherdia argentea), was first collected in 1982 by G. Bruce Neill and H. A. Worden near Indian Head Saskatchewan. Since it was first collected, the “buffaloberry fly” (R. bushi; described formally in a separate publication by myself: Hulbert et al. [2018]) has been part of several published analyses of Rhagoletis phylogeny and there is strong evidence that it belongs to the tabellaria species group (Jenkins 1996, Smith and Bush 1997, 2000, Smith et al. 2005). In chapter one of my dissertation, I present a description of R. bushi and provide three major lines of evidence supporting its status as a new species: 1) R. bushi uses a unique host plant among Rhagoletis. Host plant specialization is an important characteristic of the genus and there are no records of other Rhagoletis species infesting buffaloberry. 2) R. bushi has unique morphology. There is a set of easily observable diagnostic morphological characters to distinguish R. bushi from all other known species. No single morphological character is sufficient to diagnose R. bushi, but the suite of characters is a reliable means of diagnosis. 3) R. bushi has unique genetic sequences. There are unique genetic sequences for all individuals of R. bushi at all loci that I sequenced, and those individuals are resolved into a monophyletic group with high confidence when included in a phylogenetic analysis with its closest relatives. 9 In Chapter two I present a phylogenetic analysis of representatives from across the genus Rhagoletis. The analysis contains containing 86 individuals representing 37 species. I infer the phylogeny using alignments of genetic sequences from five different genes representing 4399 aligned states including: 1) mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI), 2) 28S ribosomal RNA (28S), 3) carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 2 aspartate transcarbamylase and dihydroorotase (CAD), 4) period, and 5) Alanyl-tRNA synthetase (AATS). This dataset was sufficient to resolve the relationships between the major species groups of Rhagoletis including the North American species groups. One of the more exciting results of this chapter is the resolution of major monophyletic groups in Rhagoletis which are united by their use of closely related host plants, which suggests that diversification after colonization of new host plant groups was an important factor in the evolution of the genus. In Chapter three, I present the results of an analysis into the role of systematics in entomology. It is often claimed that systematic biology is fundamental to all other areas of biology. I assess how entomologists think about the justifications, internal and external to science, for systematic biology. I also critically evaluate the societal justification for, and value of systematic biology using two major frameworks: 1) Boltanski and Thévenot’s realm’s of worth and 2) the framework of virtues, desserts and outcomes. In order to accomplish these purposes, I critically analyze and review relevant literature and interview practitioners of entomology and insect systematic biology. Overwhelmingly, I find utilitarianism and value to the Industrial World to be justifications given for systematic biology, but also some justifications given also pertain to the Civic World and to virtue. 10 CHAPTER 1: DESCRIPTION OF A NEW RHAGOLETIS (DIPTERA: TEPHRITIDAE) SPECIES IN THE TABELLARIA SPECIES GROUP Abstract Flies of Rhagoletis (Diptera: Tephritidae) are economically important fruit pests, which also serve as models for studying modes of speciation and coevolution with their hymenopteran parasitoids. We describe the morphology of Rhagoletis bushi, its geographic distribution, host association, phylogenetic relationships, and identify an associated species of parasitoid wasp. Rhagoletis bushi is in the tabellaria species group and infests the fruit of buffaloberry (Shepherdia argentea) in the Northern Great Plains of North America. There is a suite of morphological characters, and a unique host plant association, that are diagnostic of R. bushi Further evidence for the validity of R. bushi. and its placement within the tabellaria species group comes from a multilocus molecular phylogeny for representatives of species in the tabellaria, pomonella and cingulata groups inferred from five loci (COI, CAD, period, AATS and 28S) totaling. Additionally, we report a species of parasitoid, Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), attacking R. bushi. Introduction Tephritid fruit flies of Rhagoletis Loew are economically injurious pests of apples, cherries, blueberries and walnuts (Boller and Prokopy 1976). In addition, Rhagoletis has provided an important system for fundamental evolutionary biology research (Mather and Roitberg 1987, Feder et al. 1988, 2003, 2005, Filchak et al. 2000, Jiggins and Bridle 2004, Schwarz et al. 2005, Michel et al. 2007, Xie et al. 2007, Arcella et al. 2015, Hood et al. 2015). Species within the genus are specialized frugivores with narrow host ranges (typically a single 11 host species), and host plant fidelity and specialization are important aspects of Rhagoletis biology (Bush 1966). Therefore, studying the patterns of host use and host shifts in Rhagoletis is valuable from an economic perspective and for fundamental evolutionary research. Species of Rhagoletis have been documented to shift from their native host to economically important crops (Bush 1969). In North America, a host shift occurred in R. pomonella (Walsh) from its native host plant Crataegus Tourn ex. L. (hawthorn) to introduced commercial apples (Malus pumila Miller, 1768) in the last ~170 years (Walsh 1867). Host shifts in Rhagoletis have led to the formation of host races, the hypothesized initial stage of speciation- with-gene-flow, and have provided an opportunity to study the fundamental nature of population divergence and the formation of new species, especially in the R. pomonella species complex (Bush 1969, Feder et al. 1988, 2003, Drès and Mallet 2002, Xie et al. 2007, 2008, Schwarz et al. 2009, Hood et al. 2015, Doellman et al. 2018)which has become a textbook example of speciation in action (Schluter 2000, Coyne and Orr 2004, Nosil 2012). Rhagoletis, especially in the context of the pomonella species complex, is also a model system for studying coevolution and co-diversification with its numerous hymenopteran parasitoids. The ecological effects of host shifts in Rhagoletis extends through their associated parasitoid community and influence their diversification (Forbes et al. 2009, Hood et al. 2015, Hamerlinck et al. 2016). Thus, studying evolutionary patterns in Rhagoletis is important for understanding when and why Rhagoletis infestations occur. In North America, Rhagoletis is composed of 25 described taxa, is arranged both phylogenetically and taxonomically into species groups i.e., presumably monophyletic groupings without official taxonomic status on the basis of morphology and distinct host plant associations (Bush 1966, Berlocher and Bush 1982, Foote et al. 1993, Smith and Bush 1997, Smith et al. 12 2005, Glover et al. 2018). The tabellaria, pomonella, cingulata, suavis and ribicola groups comprise 21 of the North American described species and are part of a larger monophyletic group that includes the Nearctic R. juniperina Marcovitch, R. fausta (Osten-Sacken), and the Palearctic R. batava Hering and R. flavigenualis Hering (Smith et al. 2005, Hamerlinck et al. 2016). Here we document a new species of Rhagoletis in the tabellaria group using a combination of morphological and molecular analysis, and surveys of host plant associations. While morphological characters such as wing patterns and male genitalia have been useful for species-level identification in Rhagoletis, DNA sequences have proven to be more useful for phylogenetic studies (Bush 1966, Smith et al. 2005, Hood et al. 2012a). Jenkins (1996) identified and described 77 characters for use in a morphology-based phylogeny of Rhagoletis. However, these characters did not to resolve higher phylogenetic relationships in Rhagoletis. Analyses of mitochondrial COII and 16S ribosomal DNA showed strong support for the monophyly of species groups proposed by Bush (1966), but these data could not confidently resolve relationships among them (Han and McPheron 1997, Smith and Bush 1997, Smith et al. 2005). A Phylogeny of 15 North American Rhagoletis species inferred from the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI), 28S ribosomal RNA, and carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 2 aspartate transcarbamylase and dihydroorotase (CAD) genes gave better phylogenetic resolution of relationships between species groups (Hamerlinck et al. 2016) and provided evidence of a sister relationship between the pomonella and tabellaria species groups. The tabellaria species group is less-studied compared to the pomonella group likely due to lack of significant agricultural pests in the clade. The tabellaria species group provides a useful system for studying host plant use and diversification in a comparative context to the better-studied pomonella group 13 because the two groups have overlapping host ranges, similar biology and natural history, and may represent a comparison of modes of evolutionary processes. There are four described species in the tabellaria group: R. tabellaria (Fitch), R. electromorpha Berlocher, R. persimilis Bush, and R. ebbettsi Bush (Foote et al. 1993). Rhagoletis tabellaria primarily infests the fruit of Cornus stolonifera Michx. (red osier dogwood). There are also records in the state of Washington of R. tabellaria commonly infesting Vaccinium parvifolium Sm. and V. ovalifolium Sm. 1787 (Plank 1923, Bush 1966), rarely Prunus emarginata (Dougl. ex Hook.) Eaton 1836 (bitter cherry) and Maianthemum racemosum (L.) Link (false Solomon's seal) (Yee and Goughnour 2008). Red osier dogwood has a transcontinental distribution in North America and R. tabellaria has been collected from across that range, although primarily from red osier dogwood (Figure 1.1, Table 1.1) (Little 1971, Foote et al. 1993). 14 Figure 1.1. Map of collection locations (red diamonds) and approximate host plant ranges (shaded area) for the species included in this study (Little 1971, eFloras 2008): R. bushi infests Shepherdia argentea (A); R. tabellaria infests Cornus stolonifera (B); R. persimilis infests Prosartes hookeri (green) (C); R. electromorpha infests C. drummondii (green) C. racemosa (blue) and C. foemina (stricta) (light brown) (D). Individual map panels outlined in the same color as those associated with species in Figure 1.4. Two species described by Bush (1966), R. persimilis and R. ebbettsi, are the least well- known members of the tabellaria species group. Adult R. persimilis were described and differentiated from R. tabellaria on the basis of male and female genitalia. The host plant of R. persimilis has now been established as Prosartes hookeri Torr. (Hooker’s fairy bells) by rearing adult flies directly from the fruit. (D. Hulbert, pers. observ.), not P. trachycarpum as reported by 15 Smith and Bush (1997). Prosartes hookeri can be found in North-Central and Western regions of North America (eFloras 2008), with collection records of R. persimilis from Bear Lake and Robson, British Columbia, Canada (Bush 1966), and Flathead Lake, Montana (pers. observ.; Figure 1.1, Table 1.1). Little is known about R. ebbettsi, which was described from a single damaged specimen collected near Ebbets Pass, California on the basis of a unique wing pattern: the medial and subapical crossbands are joined by another band (Bush 1966). No individuals have been collected since that time and the host plant association of R. ebbettsi remains unknown. Due to a lack of material, we exclude R. ebbettsi from further analysis. The most recent previously described species in the tabellaria group is R. electromorpha, whose morphology and life history parallel those of R. tabellaria (Berlocher 1984) described overlapping, comparative characters to distinguish between R. electromorpha and R. tabellaria, including differences in wing banding patten and body pigmentation, which are summarized by Foote et al. (1993). Rhagoletis electromorpha was first discovered and later described and named after its unique electrophoretic allozyme signature (Berlocher 1984). Three dogwood species are known to host R. electromorpha: Cornus drummondii (C. A. Mey.), C. racemosa Lam., and C. foemina Mill. (stricta Lam.) (Berlocher 1984, Smith and Bush 1997), which are distributed across the eastern United States (Little 1971). Despite the broad range of its hosts, R. electromorpha has only been reported from three locations in Michigan (Figure 1.1, Table 1.1) and four in Illinois (Berlocher 1984). 16 Table 1.1. Collection information for flies in the Rhagoletis tabellaria species group including the buffaloberry fly, R. bushi. State Locality (County/ Latitude Longitude Host plant Municipality) Collection date Collector No. fruits No. pupae No. adults No. wasps ND Mandan (Morton) 46.7636 -100.9013 S. argentea 10-Sep-95 GB/DB ND 6* 5 R. bushi 46.7631 46.7627 46.7677 -100.8441 S. argentea -100.8441 S. argentea -100.7664 S. argentea 12-Aug-14 DH 14-Aug-16 DH 13-Aug-14 DH 428 21 1900 49 23 399 1 21 17 46.6696 -100.7329 S. argentea 46.6695 -100.733 S. argentea DH 13-Aug-14 (9) 14-Aug-16 (7,8,10,11) 5-Sep-97 GB/DB DH 676 61 33 2100 123 48 881 2 2 WY W of Bighorn 44.6538 -107.0033 S. argentea SK (Bighorn) Indian Head (No. 156) 50.5091 -103.6856 S. argentea May-82 GN/HW ND ND 60 ON Zorra Twp 43.0447 -80.9244 C. stolonifera R. tabellaria 42.8393 -80.3041 C. stolonifera DS 30-Jul-97 (20) 31-Jul-97 DS ND 91 36 ND 30 22 Bismarck (Burleigh) (Oxford) Simcoe (Simcoe) Stony Brook (Suffolk) Lake Leelanau (Leelanau) NY MI 0 1 5 1 0 6 0 0 9 0 3 0 42.8431 40.8925 -80.3067 C. stolonifera -73.1158 C. stolonifera 31-Jul-97 DS 27-Jun-06 JLF 93 ND ND# ND# ND# 28 44.9803 -85.7173 C. stolonifera 26-Jul-14 JS 1440 313 80 23 44.9802 44.9815 -85.7185 C. stolonifera -85.7114 C. stolonifera 6-Aug-00 2-Aug-98 JS JS 1200 348 1138 61 15 22 0 8 17 Table 1.1 (cont’d) State Locality (County/ Latitude Longitude Host plant 44.9551 -85.8002 C. stolonifera Collection date 4-Aug-01 Collector No. JS fruits 667 No. pupae 51 No. adults 24 No. wasps 1 45.8466 -84.6191 C. stolonifera 18-Jul-98 JS 106 4 2 2 0 Municipality) Good Harbor Bay (Leelanau) Windemere Point (Mackinac) IA WI Iowa City (Johnson) Fish Creek (Door) 45.1123 41.6611 -91.5302 C. stolonifera -87.2255 C. stolonifera Mud Lake (Door) 45.1347 -87.112 C. stolonifera AN 11-Jul-11 (17) 5-Aug-95 (21) 5-Aug-95 GB GB ND ND 8 ND 106 27 32 ND 174 44 46 SD Crooks Tower (Lawrence) MT Yellow Bay 44.1346 -103.8603 C. stolonifera 11-Aug-14 DH 307 2 1 0 47.8764 -114.0313 C. stolonifera 22-Aug-95 GB/DB ND 53 16 10 ID (Lake) Libby (Lincoln) 48.5445 48.5639 -115.5308 C. stolonifera -115.563 C. stolonifera 48.5666 48.5664 Emida (Benewah) 47.1765 -115.5677 C. stolonifera -115.5677 C. stolonifera -116.4966 C. stolonifera 1 350 2100 20 10-Aug-16 DH 10-Aug-16 DH (22) 10-Aug-16 DH 400 24-Aug-95 GB/DB ND 25-Aug-95 GB/DB ND 1 5 3 OR hwy 395 (Lake) 42.4143 -120.2672 C. stolonifera 27-Aug-95 GB/DB ND 11 18 1 6 0 2 2 2 0 5 0 3 0 2 Table 1.1 (cont’d) State Locality (County/ Latitude Longitude Host plant Municipality) Collection date Collector No. fruits No. pupae No. adults No. wasps WA Burns (Harney) 43.6764 -118.999 C. stolonifera 4-Aug-14 DH 1200 2 0 0 Trout Lake (Klickitat) McLane (Thurston) 46.044 -121.5552 C. stolonifera 47.0021 -123.0084 V. parvifolium 30-Aug-95 (18,19) 25-Jul-96 RS GB/DB ND 71* 40 15 ND ND 62 5 WA Strawberry Mt 46.3509 -121.9741 V. parvifolium 31-Aug-95 GB/DB ND 47.0025 -123.0081 V. parvifolium 14-Aug-95 RS ND 18* 301 14 186 0 45 (Skamania) Hawk Meadow (Ingham) R. electromorpha 42.6658 -83.9315 C. foemina 25-Aug-14 (15,16) MD/JS 371 51 6 Okemos (Ingham) 42.7231 -84.3636 C. foemina 42.7231 -84.3636 C. foemina DH 13-Aug-12 (14) 24-Sep-08 PS/JS 850 18 2139 16 47.8763 Yellow Bay (Lake) Flathead Lake (Lake) Swan Lake (Lake) 47.9363 47.8761 R. persimilis -114.0318 P. hookeri@ -114.0299 P. hookeri -113.8568 P. hookeri Wayfarers St Pk (Flathead) 48.0539 -114.0814 P. hookeri 19 GB/DB ND 10* 22-Aug-95 (12) 9-Aug-16 DH DH 10-Aug-16 (13) 11-Aug-16 DH 400 2 151 18 112 1 2 0 2 1 4 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 1 Table 1.1 (cont’d) State Locality (County/ Latitude Longitude Host plant Municipality) MI East Lansing (Ingham) Fennville (Allegan) (Hennepin) MI Rose Lake (Clinton) pomonella group (R. pomonella, R. mendax and R. zephyria respectively) 42.7262 -84.4648 Crataegus mollis 42.595 -86.1557 Vaccinium sp. Collection date Collector No. fruits No. pupae No. adults No. wasps 23-Jun-09 (4) 14-Aug-08 (5) 3-Sept-13 (6) JS JS JS ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND MN Bloomington 44.86 -93.2903 Symphoricarpos sp. R. cingulata 44.0598 -85.3856 Prunus serotina 13-Jul-91 JS ND ND ND ND (1,2) Latitude and Longitude – Values in italics are approximations. Collection Date – Date of fruit collection; numbers in parentheses following some dates specify individuals used in the phylogenetic analysis (Figure 1.4). Fruits – number of fruits collected from host plants. Pupae – number of pupae recovered from host plant fruits. Adults – number of adults emerged. Collector – Initials: AN, A. E. Nelson; DB, Dorie Bush; DH, Dan Hulbert; DS, Dave Smitley; GB, Guy L. Bush; GN, G. Bruce Neill; HW, H. A. Worden; JLF, Jeff Feder; JS, Jim Smith; MD, Meredith Doellman; PS, Parita Shah; RS, Robert Sluss * Two pupae taken for DNA analysis prior to rearing. # Large collection made by Feder et al. with many adults reared in the greenhouse at the University of Notre Dame. @ Misidentified as Disporum trachycarpum by Smith & Bush 1997. 20 A fifth putative species believed to belong to the tabellaria species group and which infests Shepherdia argentea (Pursh) Nutt. (buffaloberry), a deciduous shrub native to the Northern Great Plains of North America (Little 1971) (Figure 1.1A, Table 1.1), has been discussed repeatedly in the literature, despite remaining undescribed. This has, in turn, created a confusing and inconsistent history throughout the literature, as the buffaloberry-infesting species of Rhagoletis has been referred to by several provisional identifiers in published works and collection history. This buffaloberry-infesting Rhagoletis has been collected at least two times prior to the present study and has been part of studies on the genus under different provisional names. Jenkins (1996) first included this fly (referred to as R. “nr. tabellaria”) in his morphological and phylogenetic analysis of the genus, and in doing so described diagnostic characters. Smith and Bush (1997) refer to it as R. “n. sp. B” in their molecular phylogenetic analysis and Smith and Bush (2000) included a specimen of the putative species as R. “nr. electromorpha” in their reanalysis of Jenkins’ (1996) characters. Finally, Smith et al. (2005) published a molecular phylogeny expanding the taxon set of Smith and Bush (1997) in which they refer to the buffaloberry-infesting specimen as R. “nr. tabellaria”; in both of these analyses the individual is shown to be genetically distinct from described Rhagoletis based on mtDNA. Formal description of this unique fly is appropriate given the evidence that it represents a full species lineage and not a host race or minor variant. Here, we provide new molecular and morphological features to support the status of Rhagoletis bushi, as a new species and describe its life history, parasitoids, phylogenetic relationships, and provide diagnostic characters. 21 Insect collections Methods We collected Rhagoletis bushi individuals for analysis in this study from three locations in and around Bismarck and Mandan, North Dakota and a single location near Bighorn, Wyoming (Table 1.1). We sampled at similar times and locations to those made by Bush in 1995 and at locations known to have large stands of buffaloberry (W. Duckwitz pers. com.) All insects were collected as larvae within infested fruit sampled from the plant and the ground beneath the plant. North Dakota collections of R. bushi were made from the “Sakakawea” variety of Shepherdia argentea. We collected 285 pupae, of which 127 eclosed as adults following a simulated overwinter (see Insect Rearing). Of the adults, 29 individuals (15 female, 14 male), were point-mounted for morphological analysis, and five individuals were used for DNA sequencing. All individuals used for morphological and molecular analysis were collected near Bismarck, ND in August 2014 and 2016, near the location of Bush’s 1995 collections. In addition, a series of specimens collected by G. Bruce Neill and H. A. Worden near Indian Head, Saskatchewan in 1982 and deposited in the Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes (CNCI) were included in the morphological examination. Specimens were deposited in the Albert J. Cook Arthropod Research Collection (MSUC) and the University of Guelph Insect Collection (DEBU). Over the course of the adult fly emergence, nine parasitoid wasps emerged. For comparative molecular phylogenetic analyses, we also collected individuals representing three of the four remaining tabellaria group species. We made 25 collections from 18 different locations of R. tabellaria individuals from both Cornus stolonifera (red osier dogwood) and Vaccinium parvifolium Sm. (red huckleberry) and used a subset of six individuals 22 for phylogenetic analysis (Table 1.1). We also included R. electromorpha from two locations in Ingham County, MI (collected from C. foemina), and R. persimilis collected from P. hookeri at four locations in Montana. We included three R. electromorpha and two R. persimilis individuals in the phylogenetic analyses (Table 1.1). We were not able to collect R. persimilis and R. electromorpha across their respective ranges because of difficulties finding infested plants at the proper time. Members of the pomonella and cingulata species groups were collected and used as outgroups to the tabellaria group (Table 1.1). Insect rearing We used standard Rhagoletis rearing conditions as described by Frayer et al. (2015). Individuals from all species were reared as larvae to adulthood in the laboratory from field collected infested fruit. Field-collected fruit from each site and host plant were transported back to the laboratory, placed on moist fine vermiculite and held at ambient temperature (23-28°C) in separate, site- and host-specific 22.86 cm × 22.86 cm (9” × 9”) plastic trays ("growers flats”) for three to four weeks. During this time, larvae emerged from rotting fruit and pupated in the vermiculite. We sifted vermiculite and quantified pupae and fruit (to determine % infestation) and placed the pupae in Petri dishes (100 mm  15mm) with a small amount of moist vermiculite to prevent desiccation. We then placed Petri dishes in a refrigerator (~4°C) for five months to simulate overwinter. Following overwinter, we placed closed Petri dishes at ambient temperature (23-28C) to monitored adult eclosion. Plates were checked for eclosed adult flies and wasps every 2-4 days until emergence ceased. Flies and wasps that emerged were placed in plastic cages (16 oz. “deli cups”) with water wicking and a paper tab impregnated with a solution of 23 sugar and yeast for approximately 48 hours (to allow exoskeletons to sclerotize) before being frozen at -20°C (with a subset pinned) for further analysis. Characterization of morphological features Morphological terminology follows Foote et al. (1993), while wing venation terminology follows the standard of (Cumming and Wood 2017). DNA isolation, PCR amplification and DNA sequence alignment We isolated DNA from adult whole-fly homogenates from individuals in the taxon set (Table 1.1) using the DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA). For phylogenetic analyses, we used five loci totaling 4,270 nucleotides in length that have been useful in systematic analyses of insects, especially tephritids (Table B1) (Han et al. 2002, Hebert et al. 2004, Moulton and Wiegmann 2004, Barr et al. 2005, Smith and Brown 2008, Hamerlinck et al. 2016). We PCR-amplified regions of the mitochondrial protein coding gene cytochrome oxidase I gene (COI) (684 bp), the nuclear protein coding carbamoyl-phosphate synthase (CPS) domain of carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 2, aspartate transcarbamylase and dihydroorotase gene (CAD) (990 bp), the large subunit of the nuclear ribosomal gene (28S) (1359 bp), the nuclear protein coding period gene (614 bp) and the nuclear protein coding alanyl t-RNA synthetase gene (AATS) (623 bp). Sequences from COI, 28S and CAD have been used previously in Rhagoletis phylogenetic research (Hamerlinck et al. 2016). We PCR amplified each gene separately in 25 μL reactions using GotaqFlexi (Promega, Madison, WI, USA) with the following reagents (and concentrations): reaction buffer (1X), MgCl2 (8 mM), dNTP (0.5 mM each), forward and reverse primers (0.5 mM each), DNA polymerase (2.5 u), DNA template 24 (~18 – 92 ng). Primers and thermocycler conditions used for each of the five genes amplified are listed in (Table B1). Amplifications of COI, period, and AATS employed a single primer pair. For 28S we used two primer pairs to amplify two non-overlapping fragments separated by 58 bp (1359 bp total). For CAD, we used two primer pairs to amplify two overlapping fragments (990 bp total). We developed new primers and a protocol for amplifying a region of the AATS gene in Rhagoletis. The primers were developed by using the predicted R. zephyria Snow alanine tRNA ligase cytoplasmic mRNA sequence (GenBank accession number: XM017616943) and Primer- BLAST as implemented by the NCBI website (Ye et al. 2012). We first selected primers that would amplify a DNA fragment of R. zephyria AATS similar to the one used by (Morita et al. 2016). We then compared potential primer sequences based on R. zephyria to those of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (accession number: XM020860749) and Bactrocera latifrons (Hendel) (accession number XM018939529) and found the sequences were conserved across three species of dipterans. Ceratitis capitata and Bactrocera latifrons sequences were chosen because they are the only other Tephritidae species for which AATS is entirely sequenced. These primers (AATSZ1F/AATSZ1R) were then used to amplify (and ultimately sequence) AATS using the conditions given in Table B1. Verification of successful amplification for all PCR products was confirmed electrophoretically using agarose gel (1% w/v) prior to purification of PCR products using a QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer’s specifications. Sanger sequencing was performed at the Michigan State University Research Technology Support Facility via BigDye Terminator Sequencing on an Applied Biosystems 3730xl DNA Analyzer (Foster City, CA, USA) using the PCR primers as sequencing primers (Table B1). 25 We edited all sequences manually by visual comparison of the automatic base calls to the original electropherogram traces using MEGA (version 7.0.14) (Tamura et al. 2011). All sequences were deposited in GenBank (accession numbers MG825190- MG825320) (Table B2). Alignments of DNA sequences were constructed and edited in MEGA. We used the default parameters in MUSCLE (Edgar 2004) as implemented in MEGA to align DNA sequences. Alignments for all loci were unambiguous. Molecular phylogenetic analysis We first calculated descriptive statistics for the alignments at each locus individually, and then concatenated the 4270 bp combined five locus alignment. Using MEGA, we calculated the average uncorrected pairwise p-distance for each gene (including distances for each codon positions of protein-coding genes), the concatenated alignment, and for all transition and transversion mutations. We also used MEGA to determine the nucleotide composition for each alignment. Using PAUP* (version 4.0a152) (Swofford 2003) we counted the number of variable sites in each alignment (including and excluding parsimony informative sites). We also calculated the number of most parsimonious trees for each alignment in PAUP* using the heuristic search option with 100 random sequence additions and TBR branch swapping. The same parsimony settings were used for pairwise incongruence length difference (ILD) tests (Farris et al. 1995) between each gene alignment. We used a maximum likelihood and Bayesian framework for our phylogenetic analyses of the five-locus alignment. We predefined the following biologically relevant partitions in the alignments per the recommendation of the PARTITIONFINDER software user-guide (Lanfear et al. 2017): 28S (fragments were concatenated and considered a single partition for phylogenetic 26 analysis), and separate partitions for each nucleotide position (1st, 2nd, 3rd codon position) for COI, CAD, period and AATS. Next, we used PARTITIONFINDER v2.1.1 (Lanfear et al. 2017) to determine combinability of partitions and nucleotide substitution models. We then ran PARTITIONFINDER implementing PhyML (Guindon et al. 2010) with the “greedy” algorithm (Lanfear et al. 2012) using the corrected Akaike Information Criterion (AICc) to assess model and partition quality. We conducted separate runs of PARTITIONFINDER, one restricted to MRBAYES models and the other for RAxML models. The resulting partitioning and model scheme for MRBAYES is shown in Table B3. Because RAxML only allows the specification of one model rate of heterogeneity for all partitions in a concatenated analysis, we ran PARTITIONFINDER three times while restricting each run to one model of rate heterogeneity (GTR, GTR+G, or GTR+G+I) and comparing the AICc of each run. The GTR+G model had the lowest AICc and was thus used for subsequent RAxML analyses. Partitioning schemes and substitution models for RAxML are found in Table B3. We inferred phylogenetic trees using RAxML (version 7.4.2) (Stamatakis 2014) as implemented by RAxMLGUI (version 1.31) (Silvestro and Michalak 2011) and MRBAYES (version 3.2.5) (Ronquist and Huelsenbeck 2003) using the model schemes described above (Table B3). For the maximum likelihood analysis, we ran RAxML for 1000 pseudoreplicates using the above partitioning scheme. The Bayesian analysis used four independent runs each with four Metropolis-coupled chains with default heating parameters (one cold and three heated) in MRBAYES. The chains were sampled once every thousand generations for 10 million generations and the first 25% of samples were discarded as burn-in. All analyses converged to an average standard deviation of split frequencies below 0.01 and all branch lengths and substitution model parameters had 27 potential scale reduction factors less than 1.01 (Ronquist et al. 2012). We used FigTree (version 1.4.2) to visualize the phylogenetic trees (Rambaut 2014). Characterization of parasitoids We used the taxonomic key of Wharton and Yoder (2016) to identify the two individuals of a hymenopteran parasitoid species attacking the buffaloberry fly. In addition, we complemented morphological taxonomy with molecular barcodes for two individuals by PCR amplifying and sequencing the ~600 bp region of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) barcoding gene commonly used in insect barcoding studies (Hood et al. 2015, Hamerlinck et al. 2016) using the universal primers developed by Simon et al. (1994) utilized for other Rhagoletis- attacking parasitoid species (Forbes et al. 2009, Hood et al. 2012b). See mtDNA amplification protocols by (Hood et al. 2015) for details of PCR amplification. Genomic DNA was extracted from whole adult body tissue for both individual parasitoids using Puregene extractions kits (Gentra Systems). Purified PCR products were DNA sequenced on an ABI 3700 sequencer with the ABI Prism BIGDYE Terminator v3.0 system (Applied Biosystems, Inc.) at the University of Notre Dame’s genomic core facility. The generated barcodes were queried using the “identification request” tool on the Barcode of Life Database (Ratnasingham and Hebert 2007) to identify similar sequences from previously identified taxa. Two sequences were deposited on GenBank (accession numbers MG831937and MG831938). 28 Nomenclature This chapter and the nomenclatural act(s) it contains were originally published in the journal Insect Systematics and Diversity (Hulbert et al. 2018) and was registered in Zoobank (, the official register of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. The LSID (Life Science Identifier) number of that publication is Rhagoletis bushi Hulbert & Smith 2018 (Figure 1.2, Figure 1.3) Rhagoletis “nr. tabellaria”: Jenkins (1996): 40. Rhagoletis “n. sp. B”: Smith and Bush (1997): 34. Rhagoletis “nr. electromorpha”: Smith and Bush (2000): 195. Rhagoletis “nr. tabellaria”: Smith et al. (2005): 322. 29 Figure 1.2. External morphology of Rhagoletis bushi including the lateral (A), anterior (B) and posterior (C) views of the head; dorsal view of thorax (D); the dorsal (E) and lateral (F) habitus of a male; the dorsal view of the female abdomen (H); dorsal view of the wing including band names (G). Photographs by M. D. Jackson, montage by D. Hulbert. 30 Figure 1.3. Genitalic morphology of Rhagoletis bushi. Lateral view of male genitalia including basiphallus (bph), distiphallus (dph), ejaculatory apodeme (ej a), epandrium (ep), phallic apodeme (p a), proctiger (prg), prensisetae (prs), sperm pump (sp p), and surstyli (ss). Insets showing the posterior view of the male genitalia (A), lateral view of the aedaegus (B) and spermathecae (C). Photographs by M. D. Jackson, montage by D. Hulbert. 31 Diagnosis Rhagoletis bushi is distinguished from other tabellaria group species by a suite of morphological characters, unique DNA sequences, and distinct host fruit association. Morphological characters that diagnose R. bushi are shown in Table 1.2; wing pattern with subbasal and discal bands separated, anterior apical band reaching wing margin in cell r4+5, the lateral scapular seta is not concolorous with the principle thoracic setae, tarsomere four and five are the same color as the rest of the tarsus, the midtibia does not have a distinct posterodorsal row of setae, in males, the basiphallic vesica is absent, the phallic apodeme is finger-like with a 90° bend anteriorly at the midpoint, the distiphallus has a unique triradiate appendage arising from the tip, while in females the oviscape has two pairs of subapical dorsal setae, and three spermathecae are present, one of which is definitively smaller than the other two. Additionally, DNA sequences from each of the genes used in the present analysis (COI, CAD, period, AATS, or 28S) will distinguish R. bushi from all other Rhagoletis. Within these genes there are autapomorphic nucleotides which diagnose R. bushi (Table B4). 32 Table 1.2. Morphological characters that define taxonomic classification of Rhagoletis tabellaria group flies (from Jenkins, 1996; terminology modified to conform with McAlpine et al. [1981] and White et al. [1999]). Morphologically, Jenkins (1996) character #29 serves as a synapomorphy for the tabellaria group within Rhagoletis. Jenkins (1996) character # Body part Character description and states R. States within R. R. R. persimilis bushi electromorpha tabellaria 18 28 29 37 46 63 74 Thorax Legs Legs Lateral scapular seta concolorous (0) or not concolorous (1) to principle thoracic setae (excluding presutural acrostichal, and proepisternal setae) Tarsomere 4 or 5 or both same color as rest of tarsus (usually yellowish) (0); or darker than basal segments (1) Midtibia with distinct posterodorsal row of setae (0); or midtibia without distinct posterodorsal row of setae (1) Genetalia Basiphallic vesica present (1); or basiphallic Abdomen vesica absent (0) Syntergosternum 7+8 with one or more setae (0); or syntergosternum 7+8 with only setulae or bare (1) Genetalia Total number of spermathecae three (0); total number of spermathecae two (1); or total number of spermathecae four (2) Genetalia One spermatheca definitely smaller than other(s) (1); or spermathecae nearly same size (0) 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 33 Head: Orange-ish yellow color; face slightly lighter and more yellow. Genal seta similar color as face, sometimes slightly darker; all other major setae black. Ocellar triangle darker (light brown) than vertex. Black horseshoe-shaped pattern covering occiput; 6-12 (mean: 8.61; SE: 0.29; n: 28) post-ocular setae (Figure 1.2 A-C). Thorax: Black dorsum; tomentum patterning: four well defined longitudinal stripes, outer pair broken by a tranverse groove (sulcus) that runs from the dorsocentral and presutual seta, inner stripes start at line drawn between the humeral seta, outer stripes start just posterior to where inner stripes begin, posterior end of outer stripes at line drawn between the acrostichal and intra- alar seta, posterior end of inner stripes at just anterior of outer stripes. Dorsocentral seta slightly anterior of anterior supraalar seta. Two pairs of scapular setae, both pairs slightly lighter and more yellow than other major setae (black); one or two anepisternal bristles. White notopleural stripe. White scutellar spot in shape of trapezoid; anterior limit of trapezoid limit even with pair of anterior scutellar setae, but lateral margin well separated from seta; posterior limit of trapezoid even with posterior scutellar setae, lateral margin encapsulating seta. Yellow to white halteres with the dorsal surface of the base of the bulb darkened (Figure 1.2 D-F). Wing: General pattern of bands is two vertical lines and a “V” pattern. The basal and medial bands do not coalesce although slight infuscation in the area where they would (end of CuA- +CuP and cell m4) may be present. Apical and subapical bands joined on costa. Subapical band lightened on vein dm-m. Apical band reaching wing margin in cell r4+5. Intercalary crossband absent (Figure 1.2 G). 34 Legs: All coxae and femora mostly black with some yellow at margins. Trochanters, tibiae, and tarsi concolorous, mostly dull yellow. Tibiae have no shading at connection with femur. Row of setae present on posterodorsal of tibia II and III (Figure 1.2 F). Abdomen: Same as R. tabellaria description by Bush (1966): all segments brownish black with posterior margin of tergites II-V in female, and II-IV in males with pale gray to pale yellow band (Figure 1.2 E, F, H). Genitalia: Male: Epandrium black. Proctiger longer than epandrium, with significant dorsal squarish swelling at apex (Figure 1.3). Surstyli dark yellowish orange, widest at base with distinct narrowing distal to prensisetae, abruptly tapering to sharp point at apex; prensisetae proximal to midpoint of surstyli, longer than internal projections of surstyli, right prensisetae proximal to left prensisetae; internal surface with 2-3 small setae proximal to prensisetae, posterior surface with small setae over much of surface, becoming more concentrated at apex of surstyli (Figure 1.3 A). Phallic apodeme finger-like and arising dorsally, bent nearly 90° anteriorly at mid-point (Figure 1.3). Ejaculatory apodeme long and narrow, apical flange barely wider than sperm pump (Figure 1.3). No gland-like tubular sac present at junction of basiphallus and distiphallus. Distiphallus convoluted; tip bearing triradiate appendage longer than distiphallic vesica with lateral extensions forming sharply-pointed flaps and dorsal extension finger-like with rugose tip (Figure 1.3 B). 35 Female: Ovipositor sheath black with two pairs of subapical dorsal setae. Three globular spermathecae present, two paired; paired spermathecae different in size, larger paired spermathecae equal in size to third, individual spermatheca; all spermathecae with long scale- like papillae on surface (Figure 1.3 C). Material examined Holotype: 1♂ pinned, USA: N. DAKOTA: Morton CO. 3 mi. E. Ft. Abraham Lincoln St. Pk., st. rte. 6; 10-IX-1995, Guy L. Bush collector // REARED FROM FRUIT: Shepherdia argentea emer: 13-16-VI-1996 killed: 20-VI-1996 // Rhagoletis near tabellaria det. J. Jenkins 1996. Deposited in Albert J. Cook Arthropod Research Collection (MSUC) cat.# 177673. Paratypes: Same data as holotype (1♀, pinned, MSUC cat.# 177674); Reared from Shepherdia argentea USA: Bismarck, ND, Burleigh Co. USDA Plant Materials Lab N46°46.061' W100°45.982' 13 Aug., 2014 (Coll: D. Hulbert) (2♂ pinned, MSUC cat.# 177675, 177676; 3♂/5♀ pinned, DEBU); same data as paratypes from Bismarck except Morton Co. Ft. Lincoln State Park N46.7627 W100.8441' 14 Aug., 2016 (2♂/1♀, pinned, MSUC cat.# 177677-177679); same data as paratypes from Bismarck, ND except Morton Co. Ft. Lincoln State Park N46.7627 W100.8441' 14 Aug., 2016 (3♂/2♀, pinned, MSUC cat.# 177680-177684); same data as paratypes from Bismarck, ND except Burleigh Co. Kimball Bottoms Recreation Area N46°40.174' W100°43.976' 14 Aug., 2016 (2♂/4♀, pinned, MSUC cat.# 177685-177687, 177716-177718); Host: Buffaloberry seed BB-8 Emerged 23-VI-82 PFRA Tree Nursery Indian Head, Sask. H. A. Worden Rhagoletis nr. tabellaria det. J. Jenkins 1996 (2♂ pinned, CNCI); same data as paratypes from Indian Head, Sask. except BB-5 Emerged 18-VI-82 (1♀, pinned, 36 CNCI), BB-7 Emerged 18-VI-82 (1♂, pinned, CNCI); same data as paratypes from Indian Head, Sask. except BB-7 Emerged 19-21-VI-82 (1♀, pinned, CNCI); same data as paratypes from Indian Head, Sask. except BB-8 Emerged 18-21-VI-82 (1♀, pinned, CNCI); same data as paratypes from Indian Head, Sask. except BB-8 Emerged 21-VI-82 (1♂, pinned, CNCI); same data as paratypes from Indian Head, Sask. except BB-8 Emerged 16-VI-82 (1♂, pinned, CNCI); same data as paratypes from Indian Head, Sask. except BB-7 Emerged 24-VI-82 Rhagoletis n. sp. 82-1071 Det. J. F. McAlpine 1982 (1♀, pinned, CNCI); same data as paratypes from Indian Head, Sask. except BB-8 Emerged 25-VI-82 Rhagoletis n. sp. 82-1071 Det. J. F. McAlpine 1982 (1♂, pinned, CNCI); Indian Head Sask. PFRA tree nursery G. B. Neill Reared ex. Buffaloberry BB6 Coll. May 1982 em. 8-15 VI. 1982 Rhagoletis nr. tabellaria det. J. Jenkins 1996 (2♀, pinned, CNCI); Buffaloberry fly BB-5 emerged 10-VI-82 collected cocoons: May/ 82 PFRA Tree Nursery Indian Head, Sask G. Bruce Neill Rhagoletis n. sp. nr. juniperina 82-603 Det. J. F. McAlpine (1♀, pinned, CNCI). Distribution Rhagoletis bushi is currently only known from collections in the Bismarck area of North Dakota, a single collection site near Big Horn, Wyoming, and Indian Head, Saskatchewan (Table 1.1). The range of the host plant, S. argentea, is mainly in the Dakotas, Montana, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba with isolated locations throughout western states (Figure 1.1 A). Etymology Rhagoletis bushi is named after Guy L. Bush who, beginning with his 1966 monograph, laid the foundation for the development of Rhagoletis into an evolutionary biology model 37 system, particularly for the study of sympatric speciation. Bush was also a proponent of describing and studying insect biodiversity (Bush 1966, 1992, 1993). We propose “buffaloberry fly” as the common name for this species. Biology Host Plant: Rhagoletis bushi is the only species in the genus known to infest fruit from Sheperdia argentea. There are no records of Rhagoletis infestation of the fruit of other members of the genus Shepherdia. Parasitoids: We reared nine adult parasitoids from R. bushi. Morphological taxonomic identification suggested the wasps were Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae Rondani (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) a cosmopolitan idiobiont ectoparasitoid attacking the late pupal stage of its host, and developing on the pupa inside the host puparium (Van Alphen and Thunnissen 1982). The species typically parasitizes drosophilid hosts but has been reared from several Rhagoletis species including the eastern cherry fruit fly, R. cingulata (Loew) and R. fausta, and the western cherry fruit fly, R. indifferens Curran (Wang and Messing 2004, Wharton and Yoder 2016). The species has been used to help control non-Rhagoletis tephritid pests (Purcell 1998, Ovruski et al. 2000). We suggest that because P. vindemmiae were reared from R. bushi sampled from fruit as larvae or puparia these wasps likely oviposited directly on fly larvae. The two mtDNA sequences obtained from the wasps were 98.9% identical to each other. Cytochrome oxidase I DNA barcode sequences have not previously been reported or databased for this species. BLAST search against the NCBI nucleotide database, revealed the sequences to be 92.4% and 92.3% identical to an unidentified parasitoid in the family Eulophidae 38 (Hymenoptera), and ~92% identical to two existing Pteromalids barcoded from Ontario and Alberta, Canada respectively reared from unknown hosts. Nucleotide alignments Results We generated a five-locus dataset comprising 4270 aligned sites for 22 individuals across six species of Rhagoletis (Table 1.1). There were few insertions or deletions (indels) overall, with no indels observed in the COI, CAD, or AATS alignments. There was a single three- nucleotide insertion (TTA) in each R. bushi individual, starting at position 525 of the first 28S alignment (part “A”) (Table B4). There is a single nucleotide insertion shared by R. pomonella and R. mendax Curran and a single nucleotide insertion in the R. zephyria sequence (Table B4). Within the period gene, there is an in-frame deletion of nine nucleotides (Thr-Ala-Ala) for pomonella group individuals starting at position 443 of the alignment. In addition, starting at position 460 in the period alignment, there is an in-frame insertion of three nucleotides (Thr) in the R. tabellaria individuals. Descriptive statistics for each gene alignment and the concatenated alignment are reported in Table B5. Phylogeny of the tabellaria species group Using both the individual genes and the concatenated alignment, we inferred phylogenetic relationships using a Bayesian and maximum-likelihood (ML) framework for the tabellaria species group. Both the Bayesian and maximum likelihood phylogenies inferred from the concatenated alignment strongly supported the monophyly of R. bushi and the other species within the tabellaria group (ML bootstrap = 100%, Bayesian posterior probability [BPP] = 1; 39 Figure 1.4). However, neither the Bayesian or maximum likelihood analyses resolved species level relationships with high support; a monophyletic group containing R. tabellaria, R. electromorpha, and R. persimilis was recovered (ML bootstrap = 53, BPP = 0.83) (Figure 1.4). Likewise, the individual gene trees did not generally resolve species-level relationships within the tabellaria group with high support (Figure B1-Figure B5). The gene tree for the AATS alignment did, however, resolve species relationships with high support (≥ 98 ML bootstrap, ≥ 0.98 BPP) (Figure B4). The results of the incongruence length difference (ILD) tests did not give evidence of incongruence between gene alignments (Table B6). 40 Figure 1.4. Bayesian phylogeny of the tabellaria species group, pomonella species group and outgroup R. cingulata inferred from a concatenated alignment of 4270 bp of DNA sequences from five genes, COI (684 bp), CAD (990 bp), period (614 bp), AATS (623 bp), and 28S (1359 bp). Numbers next to branches represent Bayesian posterior probabilities and maximum likelihood bootstrap support respectively. Asterisks (*) over branches indicate a Bayesian posterior probability of 1.0 and 100% maximum likelihood bootstrap support for the clade. The numbers in parentheses following the taxon designations in the tabellaria group correspond to specific collections in Table 1.1. Vertical colored blocks mark species group and species with the same colors as in Figure 1.1. 41 Morphology Morphological characters in the tabellaria group, especially genitalia, support the results of the molecular phylogenetic analysis. The morphological characters of male and female genitalia support a close relationship between R. tabellaria:R. electromorpha and R. bushi:R. persimilis respectively. Both R. tabellaria and R. electromorpha have two spermathecae while R. bushi and R. persimilis have three (Table 1.2). Also, R. tabellaria and R. electromorpha both have basiphallic vesica, but this character is absent in R. bushi and R. persimilis (Table 1.2). The spermatheca of R. tabellaria are nearly the same size as each other, and this relative arrangement is the same in R. electromorpha. In contrast, the spermatheca are different sizes in R. bushi with one being larger than the other; this is also the case for R. persimilis (Table 1.2). Revised key to the species group Foote et al. (1993) published the most recent key to Rhagoletis. The key, while not phylogenetically informed, is based mostly on wing banding patterns and external morphology. Rhagoletis bushi keys out in the final couplet of Foote et al. (couplet #24) with R. ribicola Doane and R. juniperina, unlike the rest of the tabellaria species group which key to couplet #20. In order to distinguish R. bushi from R. juniperina and R. ribicola in Foote et al.’s key, we have rewritten the final couplet and added an additional couplet (figures referenced below are to Foote et al. [1993]): 24. Posterior surface of head with black horseshoe-shaped pattern (fig. 392); usually with one or two strong anepisternal bristles; cell cua not sharply pointed not (fig. 390, a); not infesting juniper cones (Juniperus spp.) ................................................................25 42 Posterior surface of head black only across upper 1/3; usually two or three strong anepisternal bristles; cell cua sharply pointed (fig. 391, a); wing pattern as in fig. 383; infesting juniper cones (Juniperus spp.) ............................. juniperina Marcovitch 25. Apical band reaching costa at or beyond vein M1, leaving extreme apex of cell r4+5 almost entirely hyaline, pattern as in fig. 382; usually with single strong anepisternal bristle (fig. 389, a); infesting currants and gooseberries (Ribes spp.) .......................................... ........................................................................................................... ribicola Doane Infesting buffaloberry (Shepherdia argentea) (ancillary character); apical band reaching costa within cell r4+5, anterior to vein M1, wing pattern as in (Figure 1.2 D in present chapter); usually one or two strong anepisternal bristles ........................................... ............................................................................................ bushi Hulbert & Smith Rhagoletis bushi: a new species Discussion The description of R. bushi represents a new North American Rhagoletis species. We present three lines of evidence to support the new species. First, R. bushi has unique and diagnostic morphological characters, second R. bushi infests the fruits of a unique host plant for Rhagoletis, and third R. bushi is genetically distinct from other species in the genus. Morphological characters can be used to diagnose R. bushi. A combination of wing patterning, head patterning, wing cell shape, and pleural setae characters not described by 43 Jenkins (1996) are useful for readily identifying R. bushi without resorting to genitalic characters (but see Diagnosis). Although, R. bushi may be mistaken for R. ribicola (Doane), R. berberis (Curran) or R. juniperia in the absence of genitalic characters or host plant data. The only known Rhagoletis species to infest Shepherdia argentea (buffaloberry) is R. bushi. The use of a particular host plant can be a proxy for species identification in Rhagoletis, although there are important but rare exceptions where host specific flies have been reared from “non-natal” hosts that likely do not represent established populations (Bush 1966, Yee and Goughnour 2008, Hood et al. 2012a, Yee et al. 2015). There are two other species in the genus Shepherdia: S. canadensis (L.) Nutt. (Canadian buffaloberry) and S. rotundifolia Parry (roundleaf buffaloberry), but it is unknown whether R. bushi or other Rhagoletis infest these species. Rhagoletis bushi is unlikely to infest S. rotundifolia as its range (Arizona and Utah) does not overlap with that of S. argentea and grows in a warmer, drier climate. The range of S. canadensis does overlap with S. argentea and the two species fruit at similar times (mid to late summer) (Soper and Heimburger 1982), thus S. canadensis may represent a viable host. However, Bush attempted to rear Rhagoletis from S. canadensis and did not find them infested (unpublished data). There are few published records of attempts to collect Rhagoletis from Shepherdia spp., and those that exist have either found S. argentea infested with R. bushi (Smith and Bush 1997) or with nothing (Glasgow 1933). There are few records of insects infesting the fruit of S. argentea, but buffaloberry is also a reported host plant of Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) and, possibly, other Drosophila (Agbaba 2017). Rhagoletis bushi is genetically distinct from other Rhagoletis. All of the gene sequences we used were able to discriminate R. bushi from other members of the genus. In phylogenetic analysis we found all loci to be reciprocally monophyletic with respect to R. bushi individuals. 44 Perhaps most useful for future genetic identification, the barcode region of COI is able to easily identify R. bushi. Similarly, the insertion in the 28S alignment for R. bushi may also serve as a useful diagnostic genetic character. Otherwise, we found a total of 17 autapomorphic positions for R. bushi across all gene alignments (three in COI, four in CAD, five in period, one in AATS, and four in 28S) (Table B4). The average sequence divergence (%) across all genes between R. bushi and R. electromorpha, R. persimilis, R. tabellaria, and R. pomonella was 1.46, 1.48, 1.43 and 2.89 respectively. Phylogenetics and evolution of the tabellaria species group The tabellaria species group is itself monophyletic and appears to be sister to the pomonella species group. The existence of Rhagoletis species groups has been reported by Bush (1966) and subsequent investigations have supported their existence (McPheron and Han 1997, Smith and Bush 1997, Smith et al. 2005). Hamerlinck et al. (2016) first reported evidence of a sister relationship between the tabellaria and pomonella groups based on DNA sequences of alleles at three loci (28S, CAD and COI), and this relationship has been further supported by the additional sequences presented here. Phylogenetic relationships within the genus are relatively unresolved beyond the tabellaria and pomonella groups. Within the North American species groups, there appears to be a close relationship between the cingulata, suavis, and ribicola groups (Hamerlinck et al. 2016). We hypothesize a sister relationship between R. tabellaria and R. electromorpha, and present evidence to support this based on nucleotide sequences and morphological characteristics. Based on the Bayesian phylogenetic analysis performed on concatenated gene sequences, we inferred a sister relationship between R. electromorpha and R. tabellaria, 45 however, with only moderate confidence (BPP = 0.76; Figure 1.4). The maximum likelihood analysis did not resolve tabellaria group species level relationships. Nucleotide sequences are relatively phylogenetically inconclusive in the absence of other data. Future research plans for the tabellaria group include the use of next-generation sequencing techniques to generate draft genomes to resolve phylogenetic relationships and address other systematic questions. Morphological data further support a sister relationship for R. tabellaria and R. electromorpha. Of the characters analyzed by Jenkins (1996) that are relevant to the tabellaria group, all the (male) genitalic characters support a R. tabellaria – R. electromorpha grouping. Specifically, both species have an aedeagus with a gland-like tubular sac (basiphallic vesica) which appears to be a derived character, shared by no other known Rhagoletis species. Another derived character shared by R. tabellaria and R. electromorpha is the presence of only two spermathecae (R. persimilis and R. bushi both have three) while possessing three spermathecal ducts. The spermathecal arrangement in R. tabellaria and R. electromorpha is consistent with the hypothesis that the common ancestor of the two species lost a spermatheca, but not the associated duct. It is worth noting that R. ebbettsi, which we did not include in our analysis because of lack of material, has the same pattern of spermathecae and spermathecal ducts as R. tabellaria and R. electromorpha (Bush 1966, Berlocher 1984). Collection and analysis of new R. ebbettsi individuals is necessary to have confidence in the species’ phylogenetic placement. Looking deeper, one of the defining characteristics of the pomonella group is the presence of three spermathecae (organized in a pair of unevenly sized spermathecae and a separated single spermatheca). The pomonella group arrangement of spermathecae is the same as in R. bushi and R. persimilis giving further evidence in support of the hypothesis that the loss of a single spermatheca in R. tabellaria and R. electromorpha is a derived character of sister species. 46 There is one (non-genitalic) morphological character relevant to the tabellaria group that does not support a R. tabellaria: R. electromorpha sister relationship: R. electromorpha has lateral scapular seta the same color as principle thoracic setae while they are different in R. tabellaria (Table 1.2) (Jenkins 1996). However, we hypothesize this character is homoplasious. Characters associated with male insect genitalia are under sexual selection (Eberhard 1985, 2001, Huber and Eberhard 1997, Arnqvist 1998, Córdoba‐Aguilar 2005, House and Simmons 2005, Arnqvist and Danielsson 2017) and evolve quickly relative to non-genitalic characters (Arnqvist 1997, Hosken and Stockley 2004, Méndez and Córdoba-Aguilar 2004) meaning these characters may have a better phylogenetic signal than non-genitalic characters for recently diverged taxa (Song and Bucheli 2010)such as those in the tabellaria group. While the loci we sequenced allowed us to easily diagnose members of the tabellaria group they were insufficient to resolve species-level relationships within the group. We found a panel of molecular autapomorphies for each species in the tabellaria group that may be useful for diagnostic applications (Table B4). Using DNA sequences for diagnosis is a useful alternative for members of the tabellaria group which can be potentially difficult to distinguish from each other on the basis of morphological data alone. However, more extensive sampling is needed to assess intraspecific variation and hidden diversity. Of the taxa we sampled, only R. tabellaria was sampled across its geographic range. The ranges of the other tabellaria species group members remain relatively unknown, although the ranges of their respective host plants are well characterized. For example, R. electromorpha is known to infest three species of dogwoods: C. drummondii, C. racemose and C. foemina (stricta) in the Eastern United States (Berlocher 1984, Smith and Bush 1997), and diversity between populations infesting different species has not been characterized. 47 Hybridization between species in the pomonella group is known to occur and may also happen in the tabellaria group. The true phylogenetic relationship between species in the tabellaria group may be obscured in the presence of hybridization. In the pomonella group, R. pomonella, R. mendax and R. zephyria are all known to hybridize with each other (Bush 1966, Feder et al. 1999, Schwarz et al. 2005). Hybridization may have detrimental effects on subsequent generations, but it may also allow beneficial alleles to enter a population as evidenced by the introgression of alleles from R. zephyria to R. pomonella in western United States populations possibly conferring increased desiccation resistance on the latter (Arcella et al. 2015). Every species in the tabellaria group has naturally occurring zones of sympatry with at least on other member (Figure 1.1), and Cornus is the host plant genus for both R. tabellaria and R. electromorpha potentially creating favorable conditions for hybridization. Dogwoods (Cornus) may represent the ancestral host plant genus of the tabellaria species group and the pomonella group. There are two species in the tabellaria group (R. tabellaria and R. electromorpha) and one in the pomonella group (R. cornivora) that infest dogwoods. The host dogwoods of the tabellaria and pomonella species are all in the subgenus Kraniopsis, and the hosts of R. tabellaria (C. stolonifera) and R. cornivora (C. amomum) are likely more closely related to each other than to the hosts of R. electromorpha (C. foemina, C. drummondii and C. racemosa) (Xiang et al. 1996, 2006). The flowering dogwood fly is an undescribed pomonella group species which attacks Cornus florida L., but we hypothesize that this represents an independent shift to a dogwood host because of the distant phylogenetic relationship between C. florida and the other dogwoods infested by Rhagoletis (Xiang et al. 1996, 2006). Dogwoods have a broad distribution throughout the northern hemisphere which overlaps with all members 48 of the tabellaria and pomonella species groups and would likely have been accessible to ancestral Rhagoletis populations. Conclusion We describe a new species of Rhagoletis, a classic non-model system for studying speciation and evolution. We also provide evidence for a hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships between R. bushi and its closest relatives. Members of Rhagoletis are closely associated with their host plants and often live in close physical proximity to their sister species; R. bushi is no exception. These qualities are very common in insects and are why Rhagoletis continues to be a rich area of research (Hutchinson 1959, Bush 1993). Well-studied systems like Rhagoletis still have new species yet to be described. Some of these new species may be members of the pomonella species complex (Payne and Berlocher 1995, Berlocher 1999) and, like the buffaloberry fly, have been informally recognized and studied for years, while others have yet to be discovered. 49 CHAPTER 2: MOLECULAR PHYLOGENY AND EVOLUTION OF RHAGOLETIS: RESOLUTION AND RELATIONSHIPS OF SPECIES GROUPS Abstract Flies of Rhagoletis (Diptera: Tephritidae) are economically important fruit pests (infesting specialty fruit crops including apples, blueberries and cherries), which also serve as models for studying modes of speciation and coevolutionary relationships with their hymenopteran parasitoids. The phylogenetic relationships among Rhagoletis species groups remain unresolved despite analyses based on morphology, allozymes, and mitochondrial DNA. Most Nearctic Rhagoletis belong to one of five species groups (pomonella, tabellaria, cingulata, suavis, and ribicola groups), with two unplaced species (R. fausta and R. juniperina). The main objectives of this study were 1) to circumscribe the monophyletic group containing these Nearctic species and 2) to resolve their phylogenetic relationships using a multilocus phylogeny based on mitochondrial (COI) and nuclear (28S, CAD, period, AATS) DNA sequences. Using Bayesian analysis of a combined dataset with 4399 aligned nucleotides, we inferred a well-supported monophyletic group containing the five Nearctic Rhagoletis species groups, plus R. fausta, R. juniperina, and two Palearctic species: R. batava and R. flavigenualis. Within this larger monophyletic assemblage, the five Nearctic species groups together are monophyletic as are four of the five individual species groups (not ribicola). Palearctic and Neotropical Rhagoletis were resolved into well-supported clades of taxa often sharing closely related host plants. A well- resolved phylogeny of Rhagoletis is a valuable tool for future work addressing questions pertaining to how history, geography and ecology have shaped the phylogenetic patterns we observe in the genus. 50 Introduction Rhagoletis (Diptera: Tephritidae) is notable for its economic significance (Boller and Prokopy 1976, Foote 1981, Foote et al. 1993) and its use as an evolutionary model system (Bush 1966, Feder et al. 1988, Forbes et al. 2009, Hood et al. 2015). The genus is distributed through the Nearctic and Palearctic, and in the Neotropical regions. There are several species that are direct pests of high-value specialty crops such as R. pomonella (Walsh), which infests apples, R. mendax (Curran) which infest blueberries, and R. cingulata (Lowe) which infests cherries (Boller and Prokopy 1976). Pest species within Rhagoletis cause considerable damage in their respective host plants. For example, if not managed, apple orchards may lose 30-70% of their crop due to R. pomonella infestation, in part due to premature fruit drop caused by infestation (Howitt 1993). Additionally, the recent spread of R. pomonella in the Pacific Northwest threatens valuable apple production (Ali Niazee et al. 1981, McPheron 1990, Zhao et al. 2007, Green et al. 2013). As an injurious pest, the life history of Rhagoletis is closely intertwined with that of their host plant – a key reason why the genus has become such an important system to the field of evolutionary biology. The host shift that R. pomonella underwent from hawthorn to apples has provided a classic case study of ecological speciation and a model for studying speciation in the presence of gene flow. Bush’s (1966) seminal work modernizing the systematics of Rhagoletis also contained discussion of the phenomena of “host races” in R. pomonella, inspiring much research on the topic. Apples are an introduced crop to North America arriving in the 17th century and by the early 20th apple growers were reporting infestation of fruit by R. pomonella (Walsh 1864, 1867). A population of R. pomonella had shifted host from hawthorn to apples sometime during that time and formed what is referred to as a “host race” (Mayr 1963, Bush 1969). The two host 51 races (apple and hawthorn) of R. pomonella do have subtle differences in ovipositor length, phenologies (e.g. eclosion timing), and olfactory responses which more closely match their respective hosts (Bush 1969, Feder et al. 1993, Linn et al. 2003). Importantly, hawthorn and apple plants exist in sympatry making the possibility of gene flow between these populations likely and has been measured at about 6% per generation (Feder et al. 1994). The study of genetic differences between the hawthorn and apple host races of R. pomonella shows how speciation happens in early stages in the presence of gene flow. There are differences in allele frequencies in the different host race populations and widespread polymorphisms across the genomes of individuals from the respective host races (Bush 1969, Feder et al. 1988, 2003, Drès and Mallet 2002, Michel et al. 2007, Xie et al. 2008, Schwarz et al. 2009, Hood et al. 2015, Doellman et al. 2018). Study of the R. pomonella species complex has led to the hypothesis that the host races are in the initial stage of speciation with gene flow and has provided an opportunity to study the fundamental nature of population divergence and the formation of new species. Studying these evolutionary patterns provides important clues for understanding how, when and why outbreaks of phytophagous insects occur. Rhagoletis, especially in the context of the pomonella species complex, is also a model system for studying coevolution and co-diversification with its numerous hymenopteran parasitoids (Feder and Forbes 2010). Host shifts that occur in Rhagoletis have effects across trophic level in their wasp parasitoids (Forbes et al. 2009). While wasps spend part of their life cycle as obligate parasitoids they also have a free-living period where they must search for hosts, which likely has implications for their evolution. This is in contrast to other studied systems in which the parasite does not have a free-living period (Hafner and Nadler 1988, Hughes et al. 2007, Urban and Cryan 2012). Wasps (Hymenoptera) of Diachasma (late-instar larval 52 parasitoid) infest members of the R. pomonella species group including both host races of R. pomonella. There are genetic differences between the population of Diachasma infesting the haw-R. pomonella and the apple-R. pomonella based on evidence from allozymes, mitochondrial DNA sequences, microsatellites and eclosion timing (Forbes et al. 2009, 2010). These differences appear to make the populations of Diachasma better adapted to their respective host race in a similar manner to the apple and haw Rhagoletis host races to their host plant. The trophic cascading effect of host-shifting has also been observed in Utetes (egg and early-instar parasitoid) and Diachasmimorpha (late-instar larval parasitoid), and these examples are illustrative of how biodiversity begets biodiversity (Hood et al. 2015). At higher taxonomic levels, cophylogenetic analysis of Rhagoletis and three genera of wasp parasitoids (Coptera, Utetes, and Diachasma) showed that the current patterns of diversification in the groups were most explained by ancient cospeciation events rather than parasitoid shifts to unrelated host lineages (Hamerlinck et al. 2016). The over 70 described species of Rhagoletis have been organized into species groups, informal groupings of taxa based on morphology and host plant associations (Bush 1966, Berlocher and Bush 1982, Foote et al. 1993, Smith and Bush 1997, Smith et al. 2005). The majority of North American taxa belong to one of species groups: tabellaria, pomonella, cingulata, suavis and ribicola first described by Bush (1966). Investigations by Berlocher and Bush (1982), Han and McPheron (1997), and Smith and Bush 1997 all support the existence of the original species groups proposed by Bush (1966) with some minor modifications. Specifically, R. juniperina Marcovitch was not found to be a member of the tabellaria group, and the ribicola group has either low support (Smith and Bush 1997) or is not recovered (Berlocher and Bush 1982). There are several other species that make up the North American 53 taxa: R. fausta (Osten Sacken) which has never been placed in a species group, R. basiola (Osten Saken) which is a member of the alternata group (all other members of which have a Palearctic distribution), R. striatella Wulp which is the eponymous member of its species group (all other members of which have a Neotropical distribution), and R. acuticornis (Steyskal) which infests Lycium berlanderi (Solanaceae) in the southwest USA and is not yet placed in a species group (Norrbom, A. L. 1989, Hernandez-Ortiz and Frías 1999, Smith and Bush 2000). There are also a large number of species in the Palearctic and Neotropical regions all within their own species groups. There are at least 46 described species in nine different species groups outside of North America. In Central and South America are the ferruginea, nova, psalida and striatella groups, all the members of which infest plants in Solanaceae (Foote 1981, Hernandez-Ortiz and Frías 1999, Frías 2002). In the Palearctic region there are the alternata, cerasi, flavicincta, meigenii, and zeryni groups (Smith and Bush 2000, Korneyev et al. 2017). The most economically impactful of the Palearctic species is R. cerasi (L.), which is a pest of cherries in Europe (Daniel et al. 2012). Previous investigations into the phylogeny of Rhagoletis have converged on some common conclusions while leaving some questions unanswered. Bush (1966) gave the first classification of Rhagoletis by the sorting of (mostly North American) taxa into species groups but did not include a hypothesis of phylogenetic relationship between these groups (Figure 2.1A). Electrophoresing allozymes (homologous proteins with different amino acid sequences) proved to be an effective way to distinguish between species (Berlocher 1980) and later this method was used to generate phylogenetically informative characters (Berlocher and Bush 1982). Phylogenetic analyses based on allozymes supported the existence of a monophyletic 54 clade of North American taxa, however relationships within this clade varied depending on the tree inference method used (Berlocher and Bush 1982) (Figure 2.1B). Similarly, a modern cladistic treatment described many useful morphological diagnostic characters for most Rhagoletis species (Jenkins 1996). Unfortunately, many morphological characters were not phylogenetically informative (Jenkins 1996, Smith and Bush 2000, Smith et al. 2005). 55 Figure 2.1. Summary of previous hypotheses of Rhagoletis phylogeny inferred from investigations by Bush (1966) based on morphology and cytology (A), by Berlocher and Bush (1982) based on allozymes (B), by Smith et al. (2005) based on mitochondrial (COII) DNA sequences (C), and by Hamerlinck et al. (2016) based on sequences from the genes COI, CAD and 28S (D). Only taxa that are also included on the present study are included in this figure. 56 As genetic tools for investigating systematics became more accessible, they were used to address phylogenetic questions in Rhagoletis. For example, mitochondrial DNA sequences of the genes 16S and COII were used (separately) to infer phylogenies of Rhaogletis which improved resolution: species groups were well supported, giving independent evidence of their existence, additionally these analyses supported the existence of a monophyletic clade containing the North American species groups (Han and McPheron 1997, Smith and Bush 1997). Unexpectedly, the clade containing the North American species groups also contained two Palearctic species, R. flavigenualis Hering and R. batava Hering when they were included in an analysis of COII sequences (Smith et al. 2005) (Figure 2.1C). The inclusion of these palearctic taxa in the aforementioned North American clade leads to some questions about global Rhagoletis phylogeography: are there other Palearctic taxa in this clade? What is the geographic origin of this clade? When did the members of this clade move to or from the Narctic and Palearctic? Later, phylogenetic relationships of a subset of Rhagoletis species were inferred as part of an investigation into coevolution with hymenopteran parasitoids (see above) and was the first to use sequences from nuclear loci (CAD and 28S) in addition to mitochondrial COI (Hamerlinck et al. 2016). The subset of taxa included members of the five North American species groups (pomonella, tabellaria, cingulata, suavis and ribicola), R. juniperina, R. fausta and R. basiola. The phylogeny inferred from sequences of the three loci supported a monophyletic group containing representatives of the five North American species groups defined by Bush (1966) (Figure 2.1D). Also, the three-locus analysis generally supports two major sibling-clades within the five species groups: one including the pomonella and tabellaria groups and the other containing the cingulata, suavis and ribicola species groups (Figure 2.1D). The results of previous attempts to resolve Rhagoletis phylogeny are summarized in Figure 2.1. 57 Previous investigations into Rhagoletis systematics have converged on some common conclusions while still leaving important collective gaps in knowledge. There is strong support for the existence of each of the five North American species groups originally defined by Bush (1966) (with the exception of R. juniperina, see above) (Han and McPheron 1997, Smith and Bush 1997, Smith et al. 2005). These groups appear to be part of a larger monophyletic group containing at least R. fausta, R. juniperina, R. batava and R. flavigenualis (Figure 2.1C) (Smith et al. 2005). There is moderate support for a close relationship between the tabellaria and pomonella groups, and between the cingulata, suavis and ribicola groups, however with moderate support (Hamerlinck et al. 2016) (Figure 2.1D). It is unknown which, if any, other species are part of the clade containing the five North American species groups, R. juniperina, R. fausta, R. batava, and R. flavigenualis. The rose-infesting alternata group has been recovered by previous analyses (Smith and Bush 1997, Smith et al. 2005). Similarly, the Solanaceae-infesting species have shown an affinity for each-other in previous analyses, though with low confidence (Smith and Bush 1997, Smith et al. 2005). There have been few analyses that have investigated Rhagoletis phylogenetics of taxa outside North America (Ramírez et al. 2008). Finally, it has not been possible to analyze robustly the evolution of host plant use and coevolution with parasitoids across Rhagoletis without a resolved phylogeny of Rhagoletis. Rhagoletis is consequential because of its importance to pest management and evolutionary biology. In spite of previous investigations into Rhagoletis phylogeny, there are still unanswered questions about relationships within the genus. In this paper, using a multilocus approach, we resolve the phylogenetic relationships of major species groups within Rhagoletis. The sequences used in our analysis have an established history of being successfully used in phylogenetic investigations of Diptera and especially Tephritidae (Wiegmann et al. 2000, 58 Moulton and Wiegmann 2004, Barr et al. 2005, Hamerlinck et al. 2016, Morita et al. 2016). Our analysis is the largest to date in terms of number of characters (aligned DNA states) of Rhagoletis. We analyze 86 individuals representing 36 species by sequencing five loci representing a mix of a mitochondrial gene (COI), nuclear ribosomal gene (28S), and nuclear protein coding genes (period, CAD, AATS) to infer phylogenetic relationships. Taxon sampling and rearing Methods Collections were made by either sweep-netting or by collecting fruit infested with Rhagoletis larva by either the authors or our collaborators. The collected flies in our analysis comprise 86 individuals representing 37 species from four continents including three outgroup species on four continents (Table 2.1, Figure 2.2).There is at least one known host plant per species of Rhagoletis and these host relations are well established (Smith and Bush 2000). Sweeping for adult flies was done in the vicinity of, and on known Rhagoletis hosts. The collected flies were visually examined, and their species determined prior to further analysis. All fruit collections were made by collecting fruit from the known host plant species and directly beneath the plant. Infested fruit was brought back to the laboratory so that adults could be reared and identified. We used standard Rhagoletis rearing conditions similar to Frayer et al. (2015) and Hulbert et al. (2018). 59 Species group Outgroup alterata 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. R_alternata_Ger_A2 R_alternata_Kyrg_A1 R_alternata_Kyrg_A2 R_basiola_WA_A5 R_turanica_X050699_7 10. R_turanica_X050699_8 11. R_turanica_X051799_12 flavicincta 12. R_flavicincta_X040599_1 13. R_flavicincta_X040599_2 Kazakhstan Table 2.1. Specimen collection records. Num. Species/ taxon designation Anastrepha_ludens_GJ_006 Euphranta_canadensis_1 Carpomya_schineri_X083199_3 Boom, Kyrgyzstan Carpomya_schineri_X083199_5 Kashka-Suu, Locality (County), State, Country El Jarro, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Ebbetts Pass, CA, USA Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Kiel, Germany Kashka-Suu, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Kashka-Suu, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Clinton county, MI, USA Kashka-Suu, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Kashka-Suu, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Kashka-Suu, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Kazakhstan HP Family: Genus species Rutaceae: Casimoroa greggii Grossulariaceae: Ribes sp. Rosaceae: Rosa sp. Rosaceae: Rosa sp. Date Collector 7-Mar-05 MA GB /DB 19-Aug- 97 22-Jun-98 VK 7-Aug-98 VK Rosaceae: Rosa rugosa Rosaceae: Rosa sp. unknown TH 8-Jul-98 VK Rosaceae: Rosa sp. 8-Jul-98 VK Rosaceae: Rosa sp. Oct-93 JS Rosaceae: Rosa sp. 7-Aug-98 VK Rosaceae: Rosa sp. 7-Aug-98 VK Rosaceae: Rosa sp. 7-Aug-98 VK Caprifoliaceae: Lonicera sp. Caprifoliaceae: Lonicera sp. 23-Feb-98 VK 23-Feb-98 VK 14. R_almatensis_X051799_13 Chatkal, Kyrgyzstan Caprifoliaceae: 2-Jul-98 VK Lonicera stenatha 15. R_almatensis_X051799_14 Chatkal, Kyrgyzstan Caprifoliaceae: 2-Jul-98 VK 60 Lonicera stenatha Table 2.1 (cont’d) Num. Species/ taxon designation Species group 16. R_almatensis_X052899_7 Locality (County), State, Country Chatkal, Kyrgyzstan Caprifoliaceae: HP Family: Genus species cerasi 17. R_cerasi_Por_1 18. R_cerasi_Por_2 19. R_cerasi_012194_1 Castello Branco, Portugal Castello Branco, Portugal Hungary Date Collector 2-Jul-98 VK unknown JL/ RP unknown JL/ RP unknown SB/ GB unknown DF unknown DF GB/ DF GB/ DF 11-Nov- 96 11-Nov- 96 unknown DF unknown DF GB/ DB GB/ DB GB/ DB 23-Aug- 90 23-Aug- 90 23-Aug- 90 19-Jul-91 BM 19-Jul-91 BM Lonicera stenatha Rosaceae: Prunus avium Rosaceae: Prunus avium Rosaceae: Prunus avium Solanaceae: Solanum sp. Solanaceae: Solanum sp. Solanaceae: Solanum nigrum Solanaceae: Solanum nigrum Solanaceae: Solanum sp. Solanaceae: Solanum sp. Solanaceae: Physalis heterophylla Solanaceae: Physalis heterophylla Solanaceae: Physalis heterophylla Berberidaceae: Berberis vulgaris Berberidaceae: Berberis vulgaris nova 20. R_nova_1 Central Chile 21. R_nova_2 Central Chile 22. R_conversa_5 Las Cruces, Chile 23. R_conversa_6 Las Cruces, Chile ferruginea 24. R_ferruginea_1 striatella cerasi* 25. R_ferruginea_2 26. R_striatella_A5 27. R_striatella_A2 28. R_striatella_A4 29. R_berberidis_101194_4 30. R_berberidis_A1 Brasil Brasil Fish Creek (Fish Creek), WI, USA Fish Creek (Fish Creek), WI, USA Fish Creek (Fish Creek), WI, USA Betten-Talstation, Switzerland Betten Talstation, Switzerland 61 Num. Species/ taxon designation Table 2.1 (cont’d) Species group meigenii 31. R_meigenii_101194_6 32. R_meigenii_A4 33. R_chumsanica_X050699_12 34. R_chumsanica_X050699_13 35. R_magniterebra_X050499_11 Locality (County), State, Country Rüdlingen, Switzerland Visperterminen, Switzerland Chatkal, Kyrgyzstan Berberidaceae: HP Family: Genus species Berberidaceae: Berberis sp. Berberidaceae: Berberis sp. Surmatash, Kyrgyzstan Boom, Kyrgyzstan Berberis sp. Berberidaceae: Berberis sp. Berberidaceae: Berberis heteropoda Berberidaceae: Berberis heteropoda Berberidaceae: Berberis heteropoda Rosaceae: Prunus emarginata Date Collector 2-Jul-91 BM 9-Jul-91 BM 2-Jul-98 VK 5-Jul-98 VK 22-Jun-98 VK 13-Jul-98 VK 13-Jul-98 VK 19-Aug- 97 GB /DB Rosaceae: Prunus emarginata 19-Aug- 97 GB /DB Rosaceae: Prunus emarginata 19-Aug- 97 GB /DB Cupressaceae: Juniperus grandis Cupressaceae: Juniperus virginiana Cupressaceae: Juniperus virginiana 14-Aug AF 9-Sep-10 MF 7-Aug-12 JS unplaced 36. R_magniterebra_X051799_4 Naryn, Kyrgyzstan 37. R_magniterebra_X051799_5 Naryn, Kyrgyzstan 38. R_fausta_CA_A1 39. R_fausta_CA_A2 40. R_fausta_CA_B2 41. R_juniperina_CA_A1 42. R_juniperina_MI_A4 43. R_juniperina_NC_A1 Cottage Springs (Calaveras), CA, USA Cottage Springs (Calaveras), CA, USA Cottage Springs (Calaveras), CA, USA Donner Pass county, CA, USA East Lansing (Ingham), MI, USA Durham county, NC, USA 62 Num. Species/ taxon designation Table 2.1 (cont’d) Species group zernyi 44. R_flavigenualis_A1 unplaced ribicola 45. R_flavigenualis_X040599_7 46. R_flavigenualis_2 47. R_batava_X040599_5 48. R_batava_X040599_6 49. R_batava_X052899_5 50. R_ribicola_OR_A2 51. R_ribicola_WA_A1 52. R_ribicola_WA_A2 53. R_berberis_WA_A2 54. R_berberis_OR_A1 Locality (County), State, Country Kashka-Suu, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Kashka-Suu, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Kashka-Suu, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Kara-Kol, Kyrgyzstan Kara-Kol, Kyrgyzstan Kara-Kol, Kyrgyzstan Burns (Harney), OR, USA Cle Elum county, WA, USA Cle Elum county, WA, USA Cle Elum county, WA, USA Oregon, USA 55. R_berberis_OR_A2 Oregon, USA cingulata 56. R_indifferens_WA_A1 Woodland (Cowlitz), WA, USA 63 HP Family: Genus species Cupressaceae: Juniperus sp. Cupressaceae: Juniperus sp. Cupressaceae: Juniperus sp. Elaeagnaceae: Hippophae rhamnoides Elaeagnaceae: Hippophae rhamnoides Elaeagnaceae: Hippophae rhamnoides Grossulariaceae: Ribes sp. Grossulariaceae: Ribes sp. Grossulariaceae: Ribes sp. Berberidaceae: Mahonia sp. Berberidaceae: Mahonia sp. Berberidaceae: Mahonia sp. Rosaceae: Prunus cerasus Date Collector 7-Aug-98 VK 7-Aug-98 VK 7-Aug-98 VK 13-Aug- 98 13-Aug- 98 13-Aug- 98 14-Aug- 14 Aug-13 VK VK VK DH WY Aug-13 WY 6-Sep-95 GB /DB Sep-14 WY Sep-14 WY Jun-11 WY Table 2.1 (cont’d) Species group Num. Species/ taxon designation suavis tabellaria 57. R_indifferens_WA_B1 58. R_cingulata_MI_E1 59. R_cingulata_MI_E2 60. R_completa_OR_A1 61. R_completa_OR_A4 62. R_suavis_IA_B3 63. R_suavis_MI_A4 64. Buffaloberry_fly_101716_1 65. Buffaloberry_fly_101716_2 66. Buffaloberry_fly_101716_3 67. R_tabellaria_IA_A4 68. R_tabellaria_100995_5 69. R_tabellaria_v_051316_20 70. R_persimilis_100995_3 Locality (County), State, Country Woodland (Cowlitz), WA, USA Rose Lake (Clinton), MI, USA Rose Lake (Clinton), MI, USA Grand Junction county, CO, USA Grand Junction county, CO, USA Iowa City (Johnson), IA, USA East Lansing (Ingham), MI, USA Mandan (Morton), ND, USA Mandan (Morton), ND, USA Bismarck (Burleigh), ND, USA Iowa City (Johnson), IA, USA Trout Lake (Klickitat), WA, USA Stawberry Mt (Lewis), WA, USA Yellow Bay (Lake), MT, USA HP Family: Genus species Rosaceae: Prunus avium Rosaceae: Prunus serotina Rosaceae: Prunus serotina Juglandaceae: Juglans regina Juglandaceae: Juglans regina Juglandaceae: Juglans nigra Juglandaceae: Juglans nigra Eleagnaceae: Shepherdia argentea Eleagnaceae: Shepherdia argentea Eleagnaceae: Shepherdia argentea Cornaceae: Cornus stolonifera Rosaceae: Cornus stolonifera Rosaceae: Vaccinium ovalifolium Lilacaceae: Prosartes hookeri Date Collector Jun-11 WY 13-Jul-91 YM 13-Jul-91 YM Sep-88 Sep-88 JJ JJ 11-Sep AF 11-Sep JS DH DH 14-Aug- 16 14-Aug- 16 13-Aug- 14 11-Jul-11 AN DH 30-Aug- 95 31-Aug- 95 GB/ DB GB/ DB Aug-95 GB 64 Table 2.1 (cont’d) Species group Num. Species/ taxon designation 71. R_persimilis_102416_2 72. R_electromorpha_MI_A2 73. R_electromorpha_MI_C1 74. R_electromorpha_MI_C2 Locality (County), State, Country Swan Lake (Lake), MT, USA Hawk Meadow (Ingham), USA Okemos (Ingham), USA Okemos (Ingham), USA pomonella 75. R_pomonella_mex_3 R_pomonella_mex_7 R_cornivora_14_Shollow_051816_1 Sleepy Hollow prk (Clinton), MI, USA R_cornivora_14_Shollow_051816_2 Sleepy Hollow prk (Clinton), MI, USA Coajomulco, Morelos, Mexico Coajomulco, Morelos, Mexico East Lansing (Ingham), MI, USA Staples (Todd), MN, USA Fennville (Allegan), MI, USA R_pomonella_MN_19 R_mendax_090517_1 R_pomonella_MI_A3 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. R_mendax_090517_2 83. R_mendax_090517_3 Fennville (Allegan), MI, USA Fennville (Allegan), MI, USA 65 HP Family: Genus species Lilacaceae: Prosartes hookeri Cornaceae: Cornus foemina Cornaceae: Cornus foemina Cornaceae: Cornus foemina Cornaceae: Cornus obliqua Cornaceae: Cornus obliqua Rosaceae: Crategus mexicana Rosaceae: Crategus mexicana Rosaceae: Crataegus mollis Rosaceae: Crataegus mollis Rosaceae: Vaccinium corymbosum Rosaceae: Vaccinium corymbosum Rosaceae: Vaccinium corymbosum Date Collector MD/ JS DH 10-Aug- 16 25-Aug- 14 13-Aug- 12 24-Sep-08 PS/ JS DH Aug-14 Aug-14 Oct-95 Oct-95 JS JS JG JG 23-Jun-09 JS 5-Sep-94 GB/ DB Aug-14 RI Aug-14 RI Aug-14 RI Table 2.1 (cont’d) Species group Num. Species/ taxon designation 84. R_zephyria_ID_9 85. R_zephyria_MN_A4 86. R_zephyria_MN_7 Locality (County), State, Country Elmira (Bonner), ID, USA Bloomington (Hennepin), MN, USA Bloomington (Hennepin), MN, USA HP Family: Genus species Caprifoliaceae: Symphoricarpos sp. Caprifoliaceae: Symphoricarpos sp. Date 24-Aug- 97 3-Sep-13 Collector GB/ DB JS Caprifoliaceae: Symphoricarpos sp. 3-Sep-13 JS Species group: Follows designations by Smith and Bush (2000). Collector – Initials: AN = A. E. Nelson, BM = Bernhard Merz, DB = Dorie Bush, DF = Daniel Frias, DH = Daniel Hulbert, GB = Guy Bush, JG = Jorge Graziano, JJ = John Jenkins, JL = J. P. Luz, JS = James Smith, MA = Martín Aluja, MD = Meredith Doellman, MF = Megan Frayer, PS = Parita Shah, RI = Rufus Isaacs, RP = R. Pavia, SB = Stewart Berlocher, TH = Thomas Hoffmeister, VK = Valery Korneyev, WY = Wee Yee, YM = Yue Ming 66 Figure 2.2. Map of collection locations. Numbers correspond to specimen numbers found in Table 2.1. 67 DNA isolation, PCR amplification and DNA sequence alignment We isolated DNA from adult whole-fly homogenates from individuals in the taxon set (Table 2.1) using the DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA). For phylogenetic analyses, we chose five loci that have been useful in systematic analyses of insects, especially tephritids: COI, CAD, period, AATS, and 28S (Han et al. 2002, Hebert et al. 2004, Moulton and Wiegmann 2004, Barr et al. 2005, Smith and Brown 2008, Hamerlinck et al. 2016). We PCR-amplified regions of the mitochondrial protein coding gene cytochrome oxidase I gene (COI) (685 bp), three nuclear protein coding genes: period (623 bp), CAD (1003 bp), and AATS (643 bp), and the gene encoding the large nuclear ribosomal subunit (28S) (1445 bp). We PCR- amplified each gene separately in 25 μL reactions using GotaqFlexi (Promega, Madison, WI, USA) with the following reagents (and final concentrations): reaction buffer (1X), MgCl2 (8 mM), dNTP (0.5 mM each), forward and reverse primers (0.5 mM each), DNA polymerase (2.5 u), DNA template (~18 – 92 ng). Primers and thermocycler conditions used for each of the five genes amplified are listed in Table 2.2. Amplifications of COI, period, and AATS employed a single primer pair. For 28S we used two primer pairs to amplify two non-overlapping fragments separated by 58 bp (1445 bp total). For CAD, we used two primer pairs to amplify two overlapping fragments (1003 bp total). 68 Table 2.2. Primers and thermocycler conditions used to PCR amplify Rhagoletis DNA. All programs used a 30 second initial denaturation period at 95°C; followed by 35 cycles of 95°C for 30 seconds, the annealing temperature (below) for 30 seconds and 72°C for the extension time (below); followed by a final extension period of 10 minutes at 72°C (except when noted by *). 5'-ATTCAACCAATCATAAAGATAT-3' 5'-TAAACTTCTGGATGTCCAAAAA-3' 5'-CAACGACGAAATGGAGAAATTC-3' Barr and McPheron 2006 57 5'-AABGACATGGGTTGGTACATC-3' Reference Hebert et al. 2004 Hebert et al. 2004 Primer pair Primer sequence** LepF1 LepR1 Per2476F Per3105R Locus COI Period AATS AATSZ1F 5'-GGCACGGCTGATCCBAATAG-3' AATSZ1R 5'-TCWGRTGCACCTGTACCCTC-3' 28SrDNA match F 28SrDNA match R 28S (A) 5'-GTAAACAAGTACCGTGAGGG-3' Annealing temp. (°C) 46 62 Extension time 2:00 1:00 1:00 54 65 58-45 (touchdown)** 58-45 (touchdown)** 1:00 1:30 1:00 1:00 Barr et al. 2005 Hulbert et al. 2018 Hulbert et al. 2018 modified from Smith and Brown 2008 modified from Smith and Brown 2008 Han et al. 2002 Han et al. 2002 Moulton and Wiegmann 2004 Hamerlinck et al. 2016 Moulton and Wiegmann 2004 5'-TAGTTCACCATCTTTCGGGTCAC-3' 5'-GTGCAAATCGATTGTCAGAA-3' 5'-TGGAACCGTATTCCCTTTCG-3' 5'-GTNGTNTTYCARACNGGNATGGT-3' 5’-AAACCACAATCGATCGCACAAAT-3’ 28S (B) S28C A28F CAD 54F 414R 405R 392F 5'-GCNGTRTGYTCNGGRTGRAAYTG-3' 5’-ATTTGTGCGATCGATTGTGGTTT-3’ Hamerlinck et al. 2016 *The touchdown program, originally used in (Condon et al. 2008), employs an initial denaturation at 92°C for 2 minutes; followed by 12 cycles of 92°C for 10 seconds, 58-46°C (decreasing 1°C/ cycle) for 10 seconds, and 72°C for one minute; followed by 27 cycles of 92°C for 10 seconds, 45°C for 10 seconds, and 72°C for 1:30 minutes; followed by 72°C for 10 minutes. **Nucleotides (including degenerate bases) follow the IUPAC naming conventions. 69 Verification of successful amplification for all PCR products was confirmed electrophoretically using agarose gels (1% w/v) prior to purification of PCR products using a QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA) according to the manufacturer’s specifications. Sanger sequencing was performed at the Michigan State University Research Technology Support Facility via BigDye Terminator Sequencing on an Applied Biosystems 3730xl DNA Analyzer (Foster City, CA, USA) using the PCR primers as sequencing primers (Table 2.2). We edited and aligned all sense and antisense strands manually by visual comparison of the automatic base calls to the original electropherogram traces using MEGA (version 7.0.14) (Tamura et al. 2011). All sequences were deposited in GenBank with accession numbers MH998667-MH999138 (Table 2.3). Alignments of DNA sequences were constructed and edited in MEGA. We used the default parameters in MUSCLE (Edgar 2004) as implemented in MEGA to align DNA sequences for all loci except 28S. For the 28S alignment, we used MAFFT with default parameters (Katoh et al. 2002). The alignment is available as a supplementary file. 70 Table 2.3. Accession numbers of the DNA sequences used in and generated by the present chapter. Taxon designation COI CAD period 28S part A 28S part B AATS MH998894 MH998667 MH998825 MH998895 MH998668 MH998979 MH999061 Anastrepha_ludens_GJ_006 Euphranta_canadensis_1 MH998752 MH998980 MH999062 Carpomya_schineri_X083199_3 MH998896 MH998669 MH998826 MH998753 MH998981 MH999063 Carpomya_schineri_X083199_5 MH998897 MH998670 MH998827 MH998754 MH998982 MH999064 MH998902 MH998675 MH998832 MH998759 MH998987 MH999068 R_alternata_Ger_A2 MH998903 MH998676 MH998833 MH998760 MH998988 MH999069 R_alternata_Kyrg_A1 R_alternata_Kyrg_A2 MH998904 MH998677 MH998834 MH998761 MH998989 MH999070 MH998901 MH998674 MH998831 MH998758 MH998986 MH999067 R_basiola_WA_A5 MH998671 MH998828 MH998755 MH998983 MH999065 R_turanica_X050699_7 R_turanica_X050699_8 MH998672 MH998829 MH998756 MH998984 MH999066 R_turanica_X051799_12 MH998673 MH998830 MH998757 MH998985 R_flavicincta_X040599_1 R_flavicincta_X040599_2 R_almatensis_X051799_13 R_almatensis_X051799_14 R_almatensis_X052899_7 R_cerasi_Por_1 R_cerasi_Por_2 R_cerasi_012194_1 R_nova_1 R_nova_2 R_conversa_5 R_conversa_6 R_ferruginea_1 R_ferruginea_2 R_striatella_A5 R_striatella_A2 MH998765 MH998993 MH999072 MH998766 MH998994 MH999073 MH998762 MH998990 MH998763 MH998991 MH998764 MH998992 MH999071 MH998767 MH998995 MH999074 MH998996 MH999075 MH998768 MH998997 MH999076 MH998917 MH998691 MH998839 MH998771 MH999003 MH999082 MH998918 MH998692 MH998840 MH998772 MH999004 MH999083 MH998919 MH998693 MH998841 MH998773 MH999005 MH999084 MH998920 MH998694 MH998842 MH998774 MH999006 MH999085 MH998915 MH998689 MH998838 MH998770 MH999001 MH999080 MH999002 MH999081 MH998916 MH998690 MH998914 MH998686 MH998835 MH999000 MH999079 MH998998 MH999077 MH998912 MH998687 MH998836 MH998908 MH998681 MH998909 MH998682 MH998905 MH998678 MH998906 MH998679 MH998907 MH998680 MH998910 MH998683 MH998911 MH998684 MH998685 71 Table 2.3 (cont’d) Taxon designation COI CAD period AATS 28S part A 28S part B MH998913 MH998688 MH998837 MH998769 MH998999 MH999078 R_striatella_A4 MH998921 MH998695 MH998775 MH999007 MH999086 R_berberidis_101194_4 MH998922 MH998696 MH998843 MH998776 MH999008 MH999087 R_berberidis_A1 MH998923 MH998697 MH998844 MH998777 MH999088 R_meigenii_101194_6 R_meigenii_A4 MH998924 MH998698 MH998845 MH998778 MH999009 MH999089 R_chumsanica_X050699_12 MH998925 MH998699 MH998846 MH998779 MH999010 MH999090 R_chumsanica_X050699_13 MH998926 MH998700 MH998847 MH998780 MH999011 MH999091 R_magniterebra_X050499_11 MH998927 MH998701 MH998848 MH998781 MH999012 MH999092 R_magniterebra_X051799_4 MH998928 MH998702 MH998849 MH998782 MH999013 MH999093 R_magniterebra_X051799_5 MH998929 MH998703 MH998850 MH998783 MH999014 MH999094 MH998933 MH998707 MH998854 MH998787 MH999018 MH999098 R_fausta_CA_A1 MH999019 MH999099 MH998934 MH998708 MH998855 R_fausta_CA_A2 R_fausta_CA_B2 MH998935 MH998709 MH998856 MH999020 MH999100 MH998936 MH998710 R_juniperina_CA_A1 MH999021 MH999101 MH998788 MH999022 MH999102 MH998937 MH998711 R_juniperina_MI_A4 R_juniperina_NC_A1 MH998938 MH998712 MH998857 MH999023 MH999103 MH998939 MH998713 R_flavigenualis_A1 MH998789 MH999024 MH999104 MH998940 MH998714 MH998858 MH998790 MH999025 MH999105 R_flavigenualis_X040599_7 R_flavigenualis_2 MH998941 MH998715 MH998859 MH998791 MH999026 MH999106 MH998930 MH998704 MH998851 MH998784 MH999015 MH999095 R_batava_X040599_5 MH998931 MH998705 MH998852 MH998785 MH999016 MH999096 R_batava_X040599_6 R_batava_X052899_5 MH998932 MH998706 MH998853 MH998786 MH999017 MH999097 MH998795 MH999030 MH999109 MH998945 MH998719 R_ribicola_OR_A2 MH999031 MH999110 MH998946 MH998720 MH998863 R_ribicola_WA_A1 MH998947 MH998721 MH998864 R_ribicola_WA_A2 MH999032 MH999111 R_berberis_WA_A2 MH998944 MH998716 MH998862 MH998794 MH999029 MH998942 MH998717 MH998860 MH998792 MH999027 MH999107 R_berberis_OR_A1 72 Table 2.3 (cont’d) Taxon designation COI CAD period AATS 28S part A 28S part B R_berberis_OR_A2 MH998943 MH998718 MH998861 MH998793 MH999028 MH999108 MH999114 MH999035 MH998950 MH998724 R_indifferens_WA_A1 MH998951 MH998725 R_indifferens_WA_B1 MH998948 MH998722 MH998865 MH998796 MH999033 MH999112 R_cingulata_MI_E1 MH998949 MH998723 MH998866 MH998797 MH999034 MH999113 R_cingulata_MI_E2 MH998952 MH998726 MH998867 MH998798 MH999036 R_completa_OR_A1 MH998953 MH998727 MH998868 MH998799 MH999037 R_completa_OR_A4 MH998954 MH998728 MH998869 MH998800 MH999038 MH999115 R_suavis_IA_B3 MH998955 MH998729 MH998870 MH998801 MH999039 R_suavis_MI_A4 MH998968 MH998742 MH998883 MH998814 MH999050 MH999128 Buffaloberry_fly_101716_1 MH998969 MH998743 MH998884 MH998815 MH999051 MH999129 Buffaloberry_fly_101716_2 MH998970 MH998744 MH998885 MH998816 MH999052 MH999130 Buffaloberry_fly_101716_3 MH998976 MH998750 MH998891 MH998822 MH999058 MH999136 R_tabellaria_IA_A4 MH998977 MH998751 MH998892 MH998823 MH999059 MH999137 R_tabellaria_100995_5 MH998978 MH998893 MH998824 MH999060 MH999138 R_tabellaria_v_051316_20 MH998974 MH998748 MH998889 MH998820 MH999056 MH999134 R_persimilis_100995_3 MH998975 MH998749 MH998890 MH998821 MH999057 MH999135 R_persimilis_102416_2 MH998971 MH998745 MH998886 MH998817 MH999053 MH999131 R_electromorpha_MI_A2 MH998972 MH998746 MH998887 MH998818 MH999054 MH999132 R_electromorpha_MI_C1 R_electromorpha_MI_C2 MH998973 MH998747 MH998888 MH998819 MH999055 MH999133 R_cornivora_14_Shollow_051816_1 MH998956 MH998730 MH998871 MH998802 MH999040 MH999116 R_cornivora_14_Shollow_051816_2 MH998957 MH998731 MH998872 MH998803 MH999117 MH998961 MH998735 MH998876 MH998807 MH999044 MH999121 R_pomonella_mex_3 MH998962 MH998736 MH998877 MH998808 MH999045 MH999122 R_pomonella_mex_7 MH998963 MH998737 MH998878 MH998809 MH999046 MH999123 R_pomonella_MI_A3 R_pomonella_MN_19 MH998964 MH998738 MH998879 MH998810 MH999047 MH999124 73 Table 2.3 (cont’d) Taxon designation COI CAD period AATS 28S part A 28S part B R_mendax_090517_1 R_mendax_090517_2 R_mendax_090517_3 R_zephyria_ID_9 R_zephyria_MN_A4 R_zephyria_MN_7 MH998958 MH998732 MH998873 MH998804 MH999041 MH999118 MH998959 MH998733 MH998874 MH998805 MH999042 MH999119 MH998960 MH998734 MH998875 MH998806 MH999043 MH999120 MH998966 MH998739 MH998881 MH998812 MH999126 MH998965 MH998740 MH998880 MH998811 MH999048 MH999125 MH998967 MH998741 MH998882 MH998813 MH999049 MH999127 74 Phylogenetic analyses We calculated descriptive statistics for the alignments at each locus individually, and also for the concatenated five locus alignment. Using MEGA, we calculated the average uncorrected pairwise p-distance for each gene (including distances for each codon position of protein-coding genes), the concatenated alignment, and for all transition and transversion mutations. We also used MEGA to determine the nucleotide composition for each alignment. Using PAUP* (version 4.0a163) (Swofford 2003) we counted the number of variable sites in each alignment (including and excluding parsimony informative sites). We used a maximum likelihood and Bayesian framework for our phylogenetic analyses of the five-locus alignment. When running PARTITIONFINDER, we predefined and used 13 biologically relevant partitions in the alignments following recommendations of the software user-guide (Lanfear et al. 2017): 28S (the two fragments were concatenated and considered a single partition for phylogenetic analysis), and separate partitions for each nucleotide position (1st, 2nd, 3rd codon position) for COI, CAD, period and AATS. We used PARTITIONFINDER v2.1.1 (Lanfear et al. 2017) to determine combinability of partitions and nucleotide substitution models. We then ran PARTITIONFINDER implementing PhyML (Guindon et al. 2010) with the “greedy” algorithm (Lanfear et al. 2012) using the corrected Akaike Information Criterion (AICc) to assess model and partition quality. We conducted separate runs of PARTITIONFINDER, one restricted to MRBAYES (Ronquist et al. 2012) models and the other for RAxML (Stamatakis 2014) models. The resulting partitioning and model scheme for MRBAYES is shown in Table 2.4. Because RAxML only allows the specification of one model rate of heterogeneity for all partitions in a concatenated analysis, we ran PARTITIONFINDER three times while restricting each run to one model of rate heterogeneity (GTR, GTR+G, or 75 GTR+G+I) and compared the AICc of each run. The GTR+G model had the lowest AICc and was thus used for subsequent RAxML analyses. Partitioning schemes and substitution models for RAxML are shown in Table 2.4. Table 2.4. The partitioning scheme results of the MrBayes and RAxML PARTITIONFINDER analyses. The predefined partitions within the same subset were combined in the phylogenetic analysis of the concatenated alignment. Subset number Model Predefined Partition 1 GTR+I+G AATS position 3 period position 3 CAD position 3 COI position 1 2 GTR+I+G AATS position 1 period position 2 28S AATS position 2 period position 1 CAD position 1 CAD position 2 COI position 2 3 GTR+I+G COI position 3 CAD non-coding We inferred phylogenetic trees using RAxML (version 7.4.2) (Stamatakis 2014) as implemented by RAxMLGUI (version 1.31) (Silvestro and Michalak 2011) and MRBAYES version 3.2.5 (Ronquist et al. 2012) using the model schemes described above (Table 2.4). For the maximum likelihood analysis, we ran RAxML for 1000 pseudoreplicates using the partitioning scheme described above. The Bayesian analysis used two independent runs each with four Metropolis-coupled chains with default heating parameters (one cold and three heated) in MRBAYES. The chains 76 were sampled once every thousand generations for 50 million generations and the first 25% of samples was discarded as burn-in. All analyses converged to an average standard deviation of split frequencies below 0.001 and all branch lengths and substitution model parameters had potential scale reduction factors less than 1.003 (Ronquist et al. 2012). We used FigTree (version 1.4.2) (Rambaut 2014) and Mesquite (version 3.5 build 888) (Maddison and Maddison 2011) to visualize the phylogenetic trees. Nucleotide alignments Results We generated a five-locus dataset comprising 4399 aligned sites for 86 individuals representing 33 species of Rhagoletis and three outgroup species (Table 2.5). The complete alignment containing all five loci is found in the supplemental nexus file. The COI alignment had no insertions or deletions and few differences in amino acid sequence. The AATS alignment also had no insertions or deletions and few differences in amino acid sequence The CAD alignment had an inserted codon starting at position 352 in most taxa except for some Rhagoletis and the outgroups. Also, in the CAD alignment there was a stop codon or possibly an alternate reading frame starting at position 892 (Moulton and Wiegmann 2004). In the period alignment from position 445-471 there was a variable number of codons (coding for alanine and occasionally serine or threonine) ranging from zero to nine. The 28S alignment had several length variable regions in various taxa. 77 Table 2.5. Descriptive statistics for the nucleotide alignments used in this chapter. Genetic marker Total sites No. variable sites (PU) No. PI sites % PI sites % missing data p-distance ± SE (%) 1 pos. 2 pos. 3 pos. total Ts Tv R(s/v) G+C% COI 685 27 231 33.72 5.50 CAD 1003 79 357 35.59 17.30 period AATS 623 33 228 36.60 26.40 643 42 151 23.48 21.10 28S 1445 55 270 18.69 12.00 4.47 ± (0.03) 4.58 ± (0.05) 4.18 ± (0.04) 2.32 ± (0.03) NA 0.40 ± (0.01) 3.23 ± (0.04) 2.77 ± (0.03) 0.77 ± (0.01) NA 22.77 ± (0.12) 18.54 ± (0.17) 14.87 ± (0.18) 11.98 ± (0.14) NA Concatenated 4399 236 1237 28.12 15.60 NA NA NA 9.20 ± (0.05) 8.77 ± (0.08) 7.29 ± (0.08) 2.09 ± (0.02) 2.25 ± (0.02) 6.28 ± (0.05) 5.71 ± (0.03) 5.27 ± (0.05) 4.57 ± (0.05) 3.25 ± (0.03) 0.94 ± (0.01) 3.68 ± (0.02) 3.49 ± (0.03) 3.50 ± (0.04) 2.73 ± (0.03) 1.75 ± (0.03) 1.31 ± (0.12) 2.60 ± (0.02) 2.13 ± (0.04) 1.72 ± (0.02) 1.81 ± (0.02) 2.09 ± (0.02) 1.38 ± (0.03) 1.61 ± (0.01) 32.9 47.5 53.0 42.0 34.2 40.4 PU = Parsimony uninformative PI = Parsimony informative Ts = Transition rate Tv = Transversion rate R(s/v) = rate of transitions to transversions 78 Descriptive statistics of each gene alignment and the concatenated alignment is reported in Table 2.5. The 28S gene had the lowest variation among the taxa we sequenced followed by AATS, period, CAD and COI respectively (Figure 2.3, Table 2.5). The gene period had the highest percentage of parsimony informative sites (36.6%), while CAD had the absolute largest number of parsimony informative sites (357). Figure 2.3. Genetic variation of gene fragments sequenced (uncorrected-p). Both adjacent (but not overlapping) fragments of 28S were combined for p-distance calculation. Among the fragments of genes sequenced, 28S varied the least variable while COI was the most variable. Phylogeny of the genus We inferred phylogenetic relationships among Rhagoletis species using the nucleotide alignments in a Bayesian and maximum likelihood framework and both methods gave the same topology (Figure 2.4). In order to facilitate the reporting and discussion of results, we have assigned numbers to certain clades of note in the inferred phylogeny (Figure 2.4). Some of the numbered clades represent species groups, while others represent higher level monophyletic groups of interest (themselves containing numbered species group clades). Some of the clades we define correspond to species groups previously identified by others (these include the alternata [I], cingulata [VIII], suavis [IX], tabellaria [X], and pomonella [XI] groups), while others are newly hypothesized relationships (reported and discussed below). We define clades I- XI which together contain all the Rhagoletis taxa included in our analysis. 79 Figure 2.4. Phylogeny of the specimens included in our study inferred from DNA sequences from fragments of COI, CAD, period, AATS and 28S. The tree shown is the Bayesian consensus tree inferred using MrBayes with the models and partitioning scheme given by Partitionfinder. Asterisks (*) above branches indicate a Bayesian posterior probability of ≥0.99. Boxes and Roman numerals indicate groups of taxa discussed in the text and in Figure 2.5. 80 All members of Rhagoletis form a monophyletic group to the exclusion of the outgroups, Anastrepha ludens (Loew), Euphranta canadensis (Loew), and Carpomya schineri (Loew). The oldest division within Rhagoletis places clade I (members of the alternata group) and II (members of the cerasi group plus R. flavicincta (Loew)) together to the exclusion of all other Rhagoletis (Figure 2.4). Next, clade III (which includes members of nova, striatella, and ferruginea groups) is sister to clades IV-XI. Clade IV, which includes R. berberidis Jermy (previously thought to be a members of the cerasi group [Smith and Bush 2000]), meigenii group members, and R. magniterebra Rohdendorf (a previously unplaced species) is sister to clade V (mostly North American taxa and species groups, including clades VI-XI). Within clade V, R. fausta is sister to the remaining taxa, followed by clade VI (containing R. juniperina and R. flavigenualis) and R. batava respectively which are sibling to clade VII (containing clades VIII- XI, North American species groups). Clade VII contains members of the five North American species groups first defined by Bush (1966). Within this clade, there are two main divisions, one containing members of the cingulata (clade VIII), suavis (IX) and ribicola (no clade) groups, and the other containing the tabellaria (clade X) and pomonella (clade XI) groups. Within the first division (clade) R. ribicola is sister to the remainder, and clade VIII is sister to a clade containing R. berberis Curran and clade IX. It is important to note that the ribicola group, as previously defined (Smith and Bush 2000), is not resolved as a monophyletic group in our analysis. Host plant use Several of the clades mentioned above contain taxa that all infest closely related host plants (Figure 2.5). Clade I contains the alternata group, all of which infest fruit of Rosa (rose 81 hips) in either the Nearctic (R. basiola) or Palearctic regions (R. alternata Fallén and R. turanica Rohdendorf). Species in clade II all infest Lonicera (honeysuckle) fruit in the Palearctic, although notable is R. cerasi, which also infests cherries and is therefore a considerable pest. Clade III contains species from three different species groups (striatella, ferruinea, and nova), but they all infest the fruit of Solanaceae in the Nearctic and Neotropical regions. Members of clade IV all infest Palearctic Berberis (barberry) fruit. Both species in clade VI infest cones of Juniperus (juniper) in either the Nearctic (R. juniperina) or Palearctic (R. flavigenualis). Clade IX contains species that have been previously sorted into the suavis species group (Bush, 1966) and all infest the drupes of Juglans (walnuts) in the Nearctic region. Clade VIII (members of the cingulata group) cannot be described as all infesting cherries, because other members of the cingulata group not included in our sampling (R. osmanthi Bush, R. chionanthi Bush, and R. turpiniae Hernández-Ortiz) infest non-Prunus hosts (Osmanthus americana, Chionanthus virginicus, and Turpinia spp. respectively). 82 Figure 2.5. Cladogram inferred of the species included in this study in addition to their biogeographic information. All bipartitions with Bayesian posterior probability of ≤0.99 have been collapsed. Boxes and Roman numerals indicate groups of taxa discussed in the text and in Figure 2.4. Regions referred to are Neotropical (NT), Paleatctic (PA), and Nearctic (NA). Species groups are given as they are presented by Smith and Bush (2000). 83 Resolved relationships genus-wide Discussion Our analysis represents the first phylogenetic investigation into Rhagoletis phylogenetics that confidently resolves relationships between the major clades of the genus. A longstanding goal in Rhagoletis systematics research has been to resolve the relationships between the five North American species groups first defined by Bush (1966) (pomonella, tabellaria, cingulata, suavis, ribicola). We provide a hypothesis of species-group relationships that is highly supported by DNA sequence data. We infer resolved relationships within the clade containing the North American species groups (pomonella, tabellaria, cingulata, suavis and ribicola group members) plus R. juniperina, R. flavigenualis, and R. batava (Clade V; Figure 2.4, Figure 2.5). Outside Clade V, we resolve relationships of the Neotropical taxa (Clade III) and the other (mostly) palearctic taxa (clades I, II, and IV). Our analysis provides improved resolution and is largely consistent with previous investigations into Rhagoletis phylogeny. Previous work generally supported the existence of Rhagoletis species groups and few other major clades (e. g. the pomonella, suavis, cingulata groups etc.), but did not resolve relationships between them. Morphological data, while very useful for species level diagnosis, is generally not a good source for broadly phylogenetically informative characters (Jenkins 1996, Smith and Bush 2000). However, consideration and analysis of morphological genitalic characters in the tabellaria group provided evidence for a hypothesis of species-level relationships that are unresolved based on molecular data collected by Hulbert et al. (2018) and also included in the present paper. Previous investigations based on mitochondrial sequences supported the existence of major species groups and some higher level clades (Han and McPheron 1997, Smith and Bush 84 1997, Smith et al. 2005). One of the more interesting results to come out of these mtDNA analyses was the inclusion of two Palearctic Rhagoletis species (R. batava, and R. flavigenualis) in a larger monophyletic group containing most North American taxa (including the five North American species groups, R. juniperina and R. fausta). Our analysis provides further support for inclusion of R. batava and R. flavigenualis within the otherwise North American clade (clade V, Figure 2.4, Figure 2.5). Outside clade V, previous analyses (Smith et al. 2005) have supported monophyly of several species groups (cerasi, alternata, meigenii and one comprising (all of the?) Neotropical species, but not their relationship to other taxa. Our analysis here provides additional support for all the groups mentioned above in addition to a well-supported hypothesis of their relationships to each other (Figure 2.4, Figure 2.5). There are, however, some important inconsistencies between our analysis and previous investigations. First, we inferred that R. berberidis was part of a clade that includes members of the meigenii species group (and R. magniterebra) (Figure 2.5). Previously, R. berberidis was thought to be part of the cerasi group and R. magniterebra was not officially thought to be part of any species group (Smith and Bush 2000), although the analysis by Smith et al. (2005) places R. magniterebra as sister to R. meigenii. Second, we place R. flavicincta in a clade containing R. cerasi and R. almatensis. The former was previously thought to be part of an eponymous species group and the latter two are part of the cerasi group. Our analysis supports placement of R. flavicincta with the other two cerasi group species that was originally reported by Smith et al. (2005). Finally, we do not recover the ribicola species group as monophyletic. The ribicola species group was proposed (as “tentative”) by Bush (1996) on the basis of genitalic morphology. Later, R. berberis and R. ribicola were inferred to be sister species based on mitochondrial COII sequences, however this relationship had very low support (Smith and Bush 85 1997a) and subsequent re-analyses of those data do not support this relationship (Smith and Bush 2000, Smith et al. 2005). Therefore, given previous analyses and the data we collected, we are confident in our hypothesis that the ribicola species group, as previously conceived, does not exist. The Nearctic taxa A major goal of the present analysis was to determine the relationships of the members of the clade including the North American species groups (pomonella, tabellaria, cingulata, suavis and “ribicola”), R. batava, R. flavigenualis, R. fausta, and R. juniperina. The aforementioned taxa form a monophyletic group, an unexpected result, in previous analysis (Smith et al. 2005). Our analysis strongly supports the existence of this clade and further resolves relationships within it. We infer a monophyletic group composed of members of the North American species groups (clade VII; Figure 2.4, Figure 2.5) to the exclusion of R. fausta, R. juniperina, R. flavigenualis, and R. batava. Within clade VII, we infer strongly supported clades which make up each of the North American species groups, with the exception of the ribicola group (discussed above), in addition to relationships between the groups: the pomonella and tabellaria groups are sister to each other and the two together are sister to a clade containing the suavis, cingulata, and (former) ribicola group members. In previous analyses, there was support for the close relationship of the tabellaria and pomonella groups, and low support for a clade containing members of the suavis, cingulata, and (former) ribicola group (Hamerlinck et al. 2016, Hulbert et al. 2018). We do not include all members of each species groups mentioned above in our analysis, however, the unincluded taxa have been included in previous analyses which strongly 86 support their inclusion in their respective species groups (McPheron and Han 1997, Smith and Bush 1997, 2000, Rull et al. 2013, Glover et al. 2018). From our analysis, we include R. fausta, R. juniperina, R. flavigenualis, and R. batava in a larger monophyletic group (clade V) that also includes clade VII, and this is consistent with previous analysis (Smith et al. 2005). Our analysis improves resolution: we find strong support for: R. batava as sister to all of clade VII; a sister-group relationship between R. juniperina and R. flavigenualis; tose two as sister to R. batava plus clade VII; and R. fausta as sister to the remainder of clade V. It is unknown whether any other species of Rhagoletis occupy this phylogenetic space (outside clade VII, but inside clade V), but there are several candidates. Specifically, there is a Siberian fly that infests sea-buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) and may be a sub species (or possibly sister species) to R. batava (Stalažs and Balalaikins 2017). Also, R. bagheera Richter & Kandybina appears to be closely related to either R. batava or R. flavigenualis (Korneyev et al. 2017). Finally, there are at least two juniper-infesting Rhagoletis species not included in the present analysis that may be closely related to R. juniperina and R. flavigenualis: R. mongolica Kandybina and R. zeryni Hendel (Smith and Bush 2000) (discussed below). Clades united by host plant associations Our phylogenetic analysis of Rhagoletis revealed several well supported clades consisting solely of species that are united by their use of closely related host plant taxa. In each of these clades, the Rhagoletis species all infest the fruit of host plants in the same genus (or family, in the case of clade III). Host plant taxa infested by the above groups are also generally restricted to their respective clade. Additionally, these clades sometimes include both Nearctic and Palearctic 87 taxa. The existence of such clades united by close host plant relationships (in contrast to other clades containing Rhagoletis species infesting broader host species range) may be explained by the toxicity of the hosts, where genera (or families) of toxic hosts support clades of closely related Rhagoletis (while non-toxic hosts may host a more diverse, non-monophyletic group of species). We inferred six clades united by closely related host plant species: I II, III, IV, VI and IX (Figure 2.4, Figure 2.5). Clade II contains palearctic Lonicera-infesting taxa and has been resolved in previous analysis (Smith et al. 2005) Included in clade II is R. cerasi which, while infesting Lonicera, is better known for also being a pest of cherries in Europe. Clade III contains Solanaceae-infesting species generally found in the Neotropical and Nearctic regions, these species may be pests of various nightshade family crops, including tomatillos. Clade III contains representatives from three species groups (striatella, ferruginea, and nova) and ours is the first analysis to confidently place them together in a monophyletic group. Given the close relationship of the Solanaceae-infesting species included in our analysis, we believe it likely that R. acuticornis (a previously unplaced species found in the Southwest United States and infesting Solanaceae: Lycium berlandieri) is a member of this clade. Clade IV contains palearctic Berberis-infesting (barberry-infesting) taxa and these species are not generally considered pests. Ours is the first analysis to confidently place all the berberis-infesting species in a clade, although it has been previously speculated that they formed a monophyletic group (Smith et al. 2005). Clade VIII contains the North American suavis species group. The existence of the suavis group has been well supported by previous investigations (Smith et al. 2005, Rull et al. 2013, Glover et al. 2018). All members of the suavis species group infest walnuts (Juglans). The rose- infesting species, R. basiola, R. alternata, and R. turanica are in clade I, with only R. basiola 88 found in North America. Recently, R. emiliae Richter (a previously unplaced species) was collected from roses in Tajikistan (unpublished data) and bears loose physical resemblance to alternata-group flies (Korneyev and Merz 1997), leading us to hypothesize that it is part of the alternata species group. The juniper-infesting species in our analysis, R. flavigenualis and R. juniperina, are found in clade VI and are native to the Palearctic and Nearctic respectively. Ours is the first analysis to show a sister relationship between R. juniperina and R. flavigenualis and, we believe, suggests that they may be part of a larger clade that includes the other juniper-infesting Rhagoletis (which were not included in the present analysis because specimens were not able to be obtained). The other known juniper-infesting species include R. zeryni (found in Western Europe) and R. mongolica (found in central Asia). Rhagoletis zeryni and R. flavigenualis have both previously been placed in the zeryni species group and we believe it likely that all the juniper-infesting species belong in that group. Additionally, there is preliminary evidence that what is currently defined as R. juniperina may include at least three cryptic species. We found genetic differences between the R. juniperina individuals collected from Juniperus grandis and J. virginiana (Table 2.1, Figure 2.4). Similarly, R. juniperina individuals have been collected from J. horozontalis in the Bruce Peninsula of Ontario and analysis has revealed them to also be genetically distinct from individuals collected from J. virginiana (Frayer et al. 2015). Preliminary examination has also revealed morphological differences between individuals infesting J. horozontalis and J. virginiana (unpublished data). The diversity of the North American juniper-infesting Rhagoletis will be the subject of forthcoming manuscripts. There are two main patterns observed in the major clades of Rhagoletis (Clades I, II, III, IV, VI, VIII, IX, X and XI) in relation to host plant use: clades that are united by use of closely 89 related host plants (clades I II, III, IV, VI and IX), and clades which are not (VIII, X and XI). One hypothesis is that host plants with more toxic fruit were colonized by Rhagoletis only once in evolutionary history and the specialization needed to survive on the toxic substrate is connected to an inability to shift on to other hosts (Bush 1966, 1969, Berlocher and Bush 1982). The most prominent examples of this phenomena are seen in the Solanaceae-infesting (clade VI), and walnut-infesting (clade IX) species. In both of these clades, the host plants have relatively toxic fruit and all known members of these respective groups feed only on nightshade fruits or walnut drupes respectively. At the other extreme, are the pomonella (XI), cingulata (VIII) and tabellaria (X) groups. Each of these groups have member species which infest less (or completely non) toxic fruit from across a wider taxonomic range (Smith and Bush 2000). The toxicity of host plants may, with further investigation, be able to explain diversification of Rhagoletis within its major clades, including when and why Rhagoletis pest outbreaks due to host shifts occur. Conclusions A resolved phylogeny for a genus as consequential as Rhagoletis will be an important tool. Resolving even a small portion of the genus previously facilitated research on coevolution between Rhagoletis and hymenopteran parasitoids (Hamerlinck et al. 2016). Future genus-wide investigations of Rhagoletis should explicitly address the origins of modern host plant and geographic distributions. There are relatively few Rhagoletis species that have truly unknown placement in any species group or clade discussed above, but they should be collected and analyzed; these species include R. acuticornis, R. bezziana Hendel, and R. mongolica. In North America, there is a need for Rhagoletis specimens from different species of juniper to test cryptic 90 species hypotheses. Rhagoletis continues to be an important and fruitful area of research in entomology and evolutionary biology, and our study on resolving phylogenetic relationships in the genus will be beneficial to future investigations. 91 CHAPTER 3: JUSTIFICATIONS FOR SYSTEMATIC BIOLOGY AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO ENTOMOLOGY Abstract Systematics is a subfield of biology that is broadly concerned with organisms and their naming, description, collection, classification, identification, distribution, evolutionary histories, environmental adaptations. The purpose of systematic biology is to create an orderly structure of the evolutionary relationships of organisms to each other and to their environment. It is often claimed that systematic biology is fundamental to all other areas of biology. The first purpose of this chapter is to evaluate the acceptance of this claim by entomologists critically as it relates to the field of entomology. The second purpose of this chapter is to critically describe the justification and valuations for systematic biology using the framework of Boltanski and Thévenot’s realms of worth and the philosophical framework for justification using virtues, desserts and outcomes. In order to accomplish these purposes, we critically analyze and review relevant entomological literature and interview practitioners of entomology and insect systematic biology. We find justification for systematic biology overwhelming takes the form of appeals to utilitarianism (both internally and externally focused) and are most relevant in the Industrial World. Additionally, some justifications given also pertain to the Civic World and to virtue. Evaluation of justification in systematic biology is important, especially as our globe becomes increasingly ecologically and politically unstable. 92 Systematic biology and Entomology Introduction Systematics is the study of biodiversity and diversification of life. Taxonomy, the field concerned with the naming and describing of organisms, is a subfield of systematics.. Michener et al. (1970) articulate a useful working definition of systematics: Systematic biology (hereafter called simply systematics) is the field that (a) provides scientific names for organisms, (b) describes them, (c) preserves collections of them, (d) provides classifications for the organisms, keys for their identification, and data on their distributions, (e) investigates their evolutionary histories, and (f) considers their environmental adaptations. This is a field with a long history that in recent years has experienced a notable renaissance, principally with respect to theoretical content. Part of the theoretical material has to do with evolutionary areas (topics e and f above), the rest relates especially to the problem of classification. Taxonomy is that part of Systematics concerned with topics (a) to (d) above. (Michener et al. 1970) It is sometimes claimed by practitioners of systematic biology is that the field is fundamental to all other areas of biology (Cotterill 1995, Simpson and Cracraft 1995). Said another way, systematic biology is the foundation on which other areas biology are constructed. We will be assessing how entomologists think about the justifications, internal and external to science, for systematic biology. Entomology is a broad discipline which is concerned with the study of insects. Insects are a class of arthropods which are the most diverse and among the most wide-spread group of 93 animals on earth. Entomologists study a range of basic and applied topics related to insects. Humans have been studying insects since prehistory especially in the context of apiculture and pest control (Dams and Dams 1977, Levinson and Levinson 2009, Roffet-Salque et al. 2016). The discipline developed in the 19th and 20th centuries and insects became important systems to study evolution, ecology and genetics. A series of statutes in the United States established land grant universities (Morrill Land Grant Acts 1862, 1890; Land Grant Colleges 1994), agricultural experiment stations (Hatch Act, 1887) and university extension services (Smith-Lever Act 1914). Entomological research (in the context of pest management) was an important component to the mission of the land grant universities. The modern academic discipline of entomology in the United States has its origins in the land grant institution. However, the discipline has earlier origins in Europe during periods of colonial expansion which caused an influx of exotic insect specimens that were collected and curated by members of especially the British upper class. The “canonical” history of the modern discipline of Entomology is Eurocentric and especially Anglocentric. The Entomological Society of America (EntSoc) is the largest scientific society for entomologists and the society defines the following four broad subject areas within entomology: 1) Medical, urban and veterinary entomology (MUVE); 2) Insect physiology, biochemistry and toxicology (PBT); 3) Plant-insect ecosystems (PIE); 4) Systematics, evolution and biodiversity of insects (SYSEB) (“ESA Sections | Entomological Society of America” 2018). Insects play a foundational role in the development of modern systematic biology. Willi Hennig is considered to be the father of modern systematics because of his development of a conceptual and methodological framework for inferring phylogenetic relationships between organisms based on their scorable traits (characters) (Hennig 1966). Hennig’s specific system 94 would be refined and later be called “cladistics”. Hennig designed cladistics while studying the evolutionary relationships between groups of flies (Diptera), a very diverse order of insects with a complex and an evolutionary history that is difficult to decipher (Wiegmann et al. 2011). Insects as a whole present a unique challenge to scientists concerned with their classification and evolution because of their extreme diversity, many cryptic taxa, and ambiguous or conflicting characters. Overview The primary questions this chapter addresses are: 1) How is systematic biology justified? 2) What is the value of systematic biology to other parts of biology? Due to the broadness of biology as a discipline we narrow our focus to the justification and value of systematic biology within an entomological context. Additionally, answering these questions in any absolute way is far beyond the scope of this chapter, therefore we evaluate the justification and value of systematic biology in entomology using interviews with systematic and non-systematic entomologists, statements made by systematic and nonsystematic-entomological scientific publications. To analyze the printed and spoken claims about justification and value, we use sociological paradigms on realms of value and a philosophical paradigm on justice. Justification and value How are human activities justified? Scholars have addressed the question using two different frameworks: 1) Scholars discuss what is important and represents the values of different groups and used the information to develop a framework for determining worth (an inductive approach) (Boltanski and Thévenot 1991) and 2) philosophers have discussed ethics and 95 identified main areas of justification (a deductive approach). As noted above, assessing absolute justification for systematic biology is well beyond the scope of this chapter so we use philosophical frameworks and the claims and perceptions of those involved with systematics to evaluate its worth. Worlds of Worth Boltanski and Thévenot (1991) analyze canonical texts from political philosophy to determine how different domains of society value and justify activities. Based on their review of literature, they identify six “Worlds” and what is considered of value or “worthy” within these Worlds. They identify what are worthy values and worthy “beings” in each of the worlds. The Six Worlds identified and analyzed are the Inspired World, The Domestic World, The World of Fame, The Civic World, The Market World, and The Industrial World. Human activities can be justified, according to Boltanski and Thévenot, by their contributions to one or more of these Worlds. In each of the worlds, discussed below, there are activities, qualities and entities that define what is valued. It is important to note that the entities within these worlds can take many forms, they may be individual people or collectives (individual people, corporations, NGOs) acting in certain ways, exemplifying the values of a particular world. In all worlds of worth, all types of social actors have various worth and the framework of Boltanski and Thévenot is asking, how (and in what social “realms” or “worlds”) do these social actors get to be recognized as outstanding? What follows is a brief description of each of the Six Worlds described by Boltanski and Thévenot. The Inspired world (St. Augustine): Concerned with gaining inspiration and enlightenment. Worthy beings are those that bring themselves to experience true inspiration. An 96 inspired state may be achieved by freeing oneself of internal and external mental and physical restraints (e.g., scientific revolutions). Those in an inspired state are able to do and see things that would appear beyond themselves. The path to inspiration may involve the rejection of worthy attributes from other Worlds; for example, rejection of the rational, wealth, structure, or efficiency among other things is valued if it helps achieve inspiration. The path towards inspiration is characterized as a voyage with ill-defined landmarks towards the creation of a masterpiece. The Domestic World (Bossuet): This world is primarily concerned with interpersonal relationships and their dynamics. An especially important aspect of these relationships in the Domestic World is the hierarchical nature of them. This constrains the nature of engagement a person has with their relations and establishes what is “worthy” in a particular context. As the name suggests, these relationships may exist within a family unit, but the Domestic World is concerned with hierarchical aspects of interpersonal relationships in all areas of society. Deference and loyalty is valued when interacting with superiors, whereas authority and consideration is valued with interacting with subordinates. One’s rank is crucially important in the Domestic world as it defines what is worthy for a particular context. The World of Fame (Hobbes): This world exists in the realm of celebrity. Principally, Fame establishes worth here. Worth of people in this world is based on how well-known they are, and the worth of activities is based upon how they help achieve fame. The world of Fame exists on a short timeline, moments are fleeting (short memory, “15 minutes of fame”). As in the other worlds, worthy “beings” in the World of Fame may not be actual human individuals, they may be recognizable brands, companies, entities etc. 97 The Civic World (Rosseau): The most important unit in the Civic World is the collective. As such, organization is sacrosanct. Generally individual people are of little worth, but they may have increased value insofar as they help public collectives. However, these people become part of something very worthy if they are able to organize into a collective with power to enact a common will. A worthy collective is able to organize, break down the isolation of the individual members and wield collective power. Through collectives, worth is gained by sacrificing the particular short-term self-interests in favor of transcendent collective interests. Industrial World (Saint-Simon): Primarily concerned with production. Objects, beings, scientific methods are all valued insofar as they are able to contribute to production. Functionality, efficiency, standardization and performance all confer the most worth in the Industrial World. Worthy beings are judged operationally, how well are they characterized by the above descriptors. Objects in the Industrial World are instruments, means mobilized for production. Human individuals may be worthy in the Industrial Realm if they can efficiently and accurately, they perform production tasks and work for long periods of time, their ability to produce quality product quickly, efficiently, accurately. An individual person may be part of a larger production unit (assembly line) or not, but whichever mode of production is more efficient is more worthy in the Industrial World. The Market World (Adam Smith): The Market world has a close symbiotic relationship with the Industrial World and World of Fame. The Market World is concerned with the coordination of the marketplace. The nature of relationships in the Market world are transactional. A worthy object is one that is desirable, salable and marketable (in contrast to worth objects in the Industrial World which are efficient and functional). Worthy beings (individuals and organizations) are those that are rich; they own what others want. Entities in the 98 Market World are detached from one another and use the marketplace to facilitate transactions. The Marketplace strives to formalize transactions, moving from non-explicit exchanges to explicit exchanges as the market develops (the market is dis-embedded from social relations). Systematic biology seems to be mostly justified in the Inspired World, Industrial World and Civic World. The fundamental nature of some systematic biology that motivates research may be seen as a desire for enlightenment. Systematic biology researchers may use the language and justifications of the Inspired World to describe why they chose their professions. In the Industrial World, knowledge produced by systematics may be used to make various forms of production more efficient. Especially in the areas of agriculture and medicine does systematic biology hold the most promise to increase production. In the Civic World, knowledge produced by Systematic Biologists may be useful for those that want to organize around causes such as the conservation of biodiversity. Recently, there has been a precipitous decline in insect populations (Shortall et al. 2009, Hallmann et al. 2017) and this has been publicized in the popular press (Guarino 2018, Jarvis 2018, McKie 2018). It may be that as the public’s knowledge of anthropogenic biodiversity decline increases, justifications for systematic biology that explicitly invoke the Civic World will increase. Some of the other Worlds of Worth may have some relevance to characterizing all of systematic biology, however are not relevant for evaluating the justifications for the discipline. For example, interpersonal relationships in an academic laboratory setting are accurately characterized and explained by the Domestic World: understanding the close hierarchical interpersonal relationships found in the lab is an important aspect of the academic “ecosystem” in the natural sciences, but do not explain the overall justifications. Similarly, laboratory units engage with and consider the Market Worlds in their operation, but it is probably not important for justification either. Finally, while it is possible that 99 certain individual systematic biologists may have some of their personal motivations come from the World of Fame, but, again, it is not a justification for the discipline as a whole. Ethics An alternative to the inductive framework for assessing justification by Boltanski and Thévenot are deductive philosophical frameworks for ethics. Philosophical ethics may be thought of as a discipline for “asking better questions” and developing framework for thinking and perceiving ethical reasoning (Thompson 2015). An “agent” is an important piece of an ethical framework. An “agent” is an individual or entity that is capable of taking actions. These actions are constrained to varying degrees by technology, laws, and customs. The actions by an agent (conduct) will have some sort of consequence. Taken in aggregate, the effects of all consequences on all affected is the outcome. Three main theories we will be considering are 1) Utilitarianism, 2) Rights Theory, and 3) Virtue Theory, each of which are briefly described below with thoughts on how they relate to systematic biology. Utilitarianism: Consequences and outcomes are most important in the Utilitarian school of thought. Other considerations are reducible to harm and benefit. Actions can be considered ethically “right” when for example they lead to the greatest good for the greatest number of people. In the context of systematic biology (especially entomological), a utilitarian justification is likely to fall into one of three categories: 1) Medical and pest, for example ZIKV phylogenetics revealed how the virus was entering the United States, helping efforts to stop its spread. (Grubaugh et al. 2017); emerald ash borer phylogenetic investigation determined what parts of Asia were the origin of the invasive species (Bray et al. 2011). 2) Diagnosis and discrimination of organisms. One of systematic biology’s primary goals is the definition and 100 delineation of all organisms into a hierarchal organization. Organisms for which this organization is known may be diagnosed relatively easily. Being able to diagnose economically, epidemiologically, and forensically significant organisms has obvious utilitarian benefit (quickly diagnosing disease agents, vectors, pest organisms etc.). 3) Conservation of biodiversity: A motivating factor for the preservation of biodiversity is that a more biodiverse biome is more beneficial to humanity than a less diverse one. Part of the benefit of increased biodiversity comes from organisms with directly useful properties to human activity. Systematic biology would be fundamental to any research effort to exploring and discovering the beneficial organisms. The argument is different than one advocating for the preservation of natural areas because they provide ecosystem services. Rights Theory: Rights theory asks how actions are based upon the actor’s rights and constrained by the rights of others. Social interactions are a set of (sometimes) implicit promises, duties and rights: what are they? What is the social contract? When someone is in a particular position, what special rights are afforded to them and what are their duties? Rights theory examines these relationships and provides a framework for justifying activities. Justifications for systematic biology may be based on the framework of Rights Theory. These justifications would invoke the “dues” paid by systematic biologists for them to be where they are now, so they now have the right to be doing their research. These dues are likely in the form of formal education in undergraduate and graduate school, mentors they have learned from, and research projects they have been involved with. The case that resources are justly allotted to them for their research is made in presenting this history and these accomplishments. Because the systematic biologist has the right to do their studies, what duties and rights do they have to other parts of society? According to Rights Theory, they have a responsibility do all the parts of systematic biology. 101 Virtue Theory: Virtue Theory examines what is virtuous and vicious. This framework focuses on the individual, asking what a particular person’s disposition or character is like when acting. The framework may also focus on the broader society that shapes norms and determines what is virtuous. The framework of virtue theory does not necessarily tell what is “good” to do in a prescriptive sense, rather it allows the exploration of what and how actions are always seen as “good to do”. It is often stated, implicitly and explicitly, that the resolution of the evolutionary tree of all life, past and present, is a goal of systematic biology. Resolving the evolutionary tree of life may be seen as an inherently “virtuous” activity. Literature analysis Methods Since it is impossible to determine in this chapter an absolute justification for systematic biology, we instead use tools to determine what are justifications given by those familiar with the science. One method to be used is interviewing those knowledgeable in the subject (discussed below), and another is a review of relevant literature. By reviewing scientific literature by systematic biologists and non-systematic biologists (who mention systematic biology in their work) we can examine how the authors write about justification. For practicality and to concentrate the scope of this project, we limited our analysis to the most recent literature published by the Entomological Society of America (Entsoc). We reviewed literature published by the EntSoc to examine how authors discussed justification for systematic biology. We had two major categories for literature: 1) Systematic biology articles, and 2) articles published in the non-systematic biology journals (discussed further below). There are nine journals published by the EntSoc: American Entomologist, Annals 102 of the Entomological Society of America (AESA), Arthropod Management Tests, Environmental Entomology, Insect Systematics and Diversity (ISD), Journal of Economic Entomology (JEE), Journal of Insect Science, Journal of Integrated Pest Management, and Journal of Medical Entomology. In order to find the most recent articles that dealt with explicitly systematic biology, we first chose the most recent articles published in Insect Systematics and Diversity (ISD). Because it is a very new journal, as of the time of writing the present chapter, there were 23 articles published in ISD. Prior to the establishment of ISD, systematic biology articles were published by EntSoc in the Annals of the Entomological Society of America (AESA), specifically in its “Systematics” section. Therefore, in addition to the most recent ISD articles, we also selected the most recent 24 articles from AESA in its Systematics section. These 47 articles were read and scored for the justifications they expressed. The justifications were scored in two broad categories: 1) the framework of worlds of worth given by Boltanski and Thévenot (1991) and , 2) the framework of utilitarianism, rights theory, and virtue theory. A parallel sample of articles from the EntSoc journals with a more “industrial” focus was selected, these journals included the Journal of Economic Entomology (JEE), Journal of Integrated Pest Management (JIPM), and Journal of Medical Entomology (JME). In order to find articles that discussed systematic biology, we searched the journals with the keyword “systematics” and sorted the resulting articles by most recently published. Because versions of the word “systematics” may have meaning in certain contexts other than “systematic biology”, we did not evaluate articles that used the word “systematics” in some other way. The sample of articles from the “industrial” journals was smaller than the sample from the “systematic biology” journals (ISD and AESA) because of the smaller number of articles (5 from JEE, 3 from JIPM, 5 103 from JME) found meeting the above requirements and the lack of diversity in the assessments. We felt that it was better to keep the same time frame across the two groups of journals than to obtain more industrial journal articles over a much greater time frame. Interviews As stated above, it is impossible to determine an absolute justification for systematic biology, we must use tools to determine what are justifications given by those familiar with the science. Other than reviewing the literature, conducted in-depth semi-structured interviews with science practitioners. Through interviews, we can probe scientists’ opinions and feelings about the justifications for systematic biology. Like in the literature review and evaluation section above, we focus our sample on all entomologists, some of whom study systematic biology (in insects) and others who study other areas of entomology (such as MUVE, PBT, and PIE). We compared these two groups on their responses. The interviews discussed here are the first of a larger sample that will be conducted. Conducted in-depth semi-structured interviews with PhD level scientists of entomology departments around the United States. All interviewees fall into one of two categories: 1) entomologists who primarily research systematic biology in insects, and 2) entomologists who primarily study something other than systematic biology. Those entomologists who do not study systematics have study areas that include agricultural production, toxicology, aquatic entomology, medical entomology, and ecology. All interviewees are PhD-level scientists in the United States. For the full sample of interviewees we will make an effort to compose our sample such that it is representative of gender, stage of career (early, middle or late), and (in the case of non-systematic entomologists) subject area. 104 We conducted in-depth semi-structured interviews with the interviewees on the value and justification of systematic biology. We gave the same questions in the same order to both the systematic entomologists and non-systematic entomologists with only minor alterations (explained below). The interviews consisted of five main sections with questions around a particular theme. The first section consisted of asking about their background in entomology, how they first got interested in the subject, and their current area of study in the discipline. The second part dealt with establishing what the interviewee understands systematic biology to be asking them to define the subject. If the interviewees left out important pieces in their definition, we asked them whether they feel those unincluded parts are within the scope of systematic biology. In general, the definition of systematic biology we used is the one given by Michener et al. (1970) (described above). In the third part we asked about how the interviewees relate to systematic biology in their own work. Do the interviewees consider any part of their research to be systematic biology (this specific question may be omitted for the systematic entomologists)? Does the interviewee feel that they use knowledge generated by systematic biology to inform their own research? In the fourth section, we asked the interviewees most directly about what they feel are the justifications for systematic biology. We asked what the interviewees feel is the justification for systematic biology in academic science, outside of academe, within industry, within broader society. The fifth and final section we asked about the interviewees previous experience and education in systematic biology. Has the interviewee had any formal education in systematic biology? Do the interviewees collaborate with any (other) systematic biologists, how? From the interviews that we will score the responses into the realms of worth and justice frameworks for justification described above. 105 Literature analysis Results and Discussion A total of 47 articles were evaluated from the EntSoc “systematic” journals (Table 3.1). Within Boltanski and Thévenot’s “worlds of worth” framework, the most common appeals were made to either the Industrial world (15) or the Civic world (15). Within the deductive framework for justification, the 47 systematic articles all made appeals to utilitarianism, especially in the form of their usefulness to science or other scientists in the field. Appeals to utilitarianism other than usefulness to science were also made by some authors (20). Additionally, the authors of the systematic biology articles made appeals to virtue (22). We evaluated a total of 13 articles within the inductive and deductive frameworks described above. The authors of all these articles appealed only to the industrial world and to utilitarianism. 106 Table 3.1. Justifications given by the literature published by the EntSoc. Cells shaded in black have explicit justifications in the category while cells shaded in grey imply the respective justification. All articles contained internal utilitarian justifications, therefore only external utilitarian justifications are included in the table. Discipline Citation World of Worth Ethics Civic Industrial Utilitarianism Rights Virtues Systematic biology (Leubner et al. 2017) (Ortiz-Acevedo et al. 2017) (Dietrich et al. 2017) (Barden and Ware 2017) (Caterino et al. 2017) (Moreau and Wray 2017) (Johnson et al. 2017) (Jenkins et al. 2018) (Chien and Heraty 2018) (Dew et al. 2018) (Schachat and Goldstein 2018) (Huang 2018) (Skvarla et al. 2018) (Glover et al. 2018) (Cognato et al. 2018) (Théry et al. 2018) (Brown et al. 2018) (Song et al. 2018) (Mugleston et al. 2018) (Moulton et al. 2018) (Burks et al. 2018) (Anderson 2018) (Blaimer et al. 2018) (Catanach and Dietrich 2018) 107 Table 3.1 (cont’d). Worlds of Worth Ethics Discipline Citation Civic Industrial Utilitarianism Rights Virtues Other Entomology (Ide et al. 2018) (Liang et al. 2017) (Powell et al. 2017) (Song et al. 2017) (Dolan et al. 2017) (Shirai et al. 2017) (Przybyłowicz and Ochse 2017) (Wilson et al. 2016) (Liao et al. 2016) (Ide and Abe 2016) (Liang and Li 2016) (Sohn 2016) (Hosoishi and Ogata 2016) (Gagliardi and Wagner 2016) (Lagos-Kutz et al. 2016) (Morgulis et al. 2016) (Yao et al. 2016) (González et al. 2016) (Kadej and Háva 2016) (Cole and Chiang 2016) (Tan et al. 2016) (Randrianandrasana et al. 2016) (Wang et al. 2016) (Shadmany et al. 2018) (Wang et al. 2018) (San Jose et al. 2018) 108 Table 3.1 (cont’d). Worlds of Worth Ethics Discipline Citation Civic Industrial Utilitarianism Rights Virtues (Adachi-Hagimori et al. 2018) (Liu 2018) (Schowalter and Ring 2017) (Tofangsazi et al. 2014) (Kho et al. 2018) (Ciminera et al. 2018) (Shang et al. 2018) (Lam-Phua et al. 2018) (Giordani et al. 2018) 109 By far the most common justification for systematic biology given in the published articles was a utilitarian one. A utilitarian justification was given by authors of every article in the “systematic” journals and the “industrial” journals. Most utilitarian justifications took the form of describing how the author’s work was useful to science and to other scientists, especially systematic biologists (internal utilitarianism). It is perhaps unsurprising that all the articles evaluated had this as a justification, it is a ubiquitous practice in scientific articles to describe how the work fits into a broader scientific context and how the results are expanding the boundary of knowledge. The other utilitarian justifications for systematic biology found in the articles mainly sought to describe how the work would be beneficial for pest management and medicine or, less commonly, how the work would be beneficial to conservation efforts (external utilitarianism). A few examples will illustrate how the systematic biology published literature uses different justifications. Take, for instance, the opening sentence of the article by Moreau and Wray: Inferring the evolutionary relationships among the diversity of organisms on the planet has implications outside of systematics alone and includes fields as diverse as evolutionary biology, ecology, conservation science, food and crop security, and human health. (Moreau and Wray 2017) In the above quote, there is an explicit acknowledgement that systematic biology has internal utilitarian benefit in addition to external utilitarian benefit (to ecology, conservation, crop production and medicine). Also, Moreau and Wray (2017) are stating that systematic biology has 110 value to the Industrial World by mentioning its benefit to crop production and medicine. Next, consider this quote from the end of an article by Shirai et al.: Knowing more about brassoline natural history also provides relevant knowledge for agricultural applications and for educational purposes, since their large size and beautiful wings are charismatic examples of ecology and evolution in action. Finally, in this study, we presented a framework that could be applied to the study of other insect groups by integrating traditional and modern methods of field and lab work, along with morphology and molecular biology. (Shirai et al. 2017) For context, brassolines are colorful group of neotropical butterflies. In the quote above by Shirai et al. (2017), utilitarian justifications (internal and external) are given, but also an implicit appeal to virtue is made; studying charismatic insects is a good thing to do. It is worth noting that the appeal to virtue is weak and possibly debatable as it is embedded within a more obvious utilitarian justification. Interviews The interviews discussed here are the first of a larger sample that will be conducted. We interviewed three entomologists at research institutions in the United States. All of the interviewees (entomologists studying systematic biology, and those who did not) stated that they thought systematic biology was fundamental to other areas of biology. However, the entomologists who did not do systematic biology would not go so far to say whether they 111 thought systematic biology was fundamental to all other areas of biology, only that it was fundamental to their area. All interviewees gave internal utilitarian justifications for systematic biology. For example, one ecological entomologist stated that systematic biology was necessary for their work because “the “operational units” that ecology studies are meaningless without systematic biology to study what makes up those units and gives names to the units”. The systematic biologists interviewed gave similar examples relating to ecology. When explaining how the systematic biologists first got interested in entomology, all gave responses that were consistent with the Inspired World. Given were examples of how they had first enjoyed spending time in outside and the sense of fascination with the natural world. Interviewees recount how these experiences began them on their current career trajectory and is one of the reasons they like their current jobs. The systematic biologists both discussed insect collections and museums as important institutions of entomology and systematic biology. They gave internal utilitarian justifications for collection’s existences, but also described them in terms of their civic and external utilitarian value. One example that was given multiple times was that of the emerald ash borer (EAB) invasion of North America. For context, in 2002, EAB was first discovered near Detroit, Michigan (it is native to northeast Asia). According to the systematic biologist interviewees, collected specimens of EAB were initially a mystery to local entomologists, but were able to be identified by working with local insect collections; this information was critical to the tracking and management of the invasion. Another example given for the civic and external utilitarian benefit of systematic biology was the study of climate change. One way to assess the effects of climate change is by studying 112 how organisms are affected by changing temperatures and weather in different places on the planet. Climate change is causing the range of many organisms to shift, and in order to study this phenomenon, there must be good systematic knowledge of exactly what organisms are native to a particular area at a particular time. Conclusions The majority of the justifications given for systematic biology from both literature and interviews took the form of internal utilitarian justification. This is probably unsurprising given the academic context of the interviews and literature and the explicit need to justify one’s scientific work in that environment, however other, external justifications were also given. It is important for various biological disciplines to be reflexive about their relationship to other parts of science and society. In the interest of being reflexive, I will examine my own relationship to the present chapter. As a student practitioner of systematic biology, I am hardly an unbiased actor when it comes to investigating its social and scientific justifications. Prior to becoming a systematic biologist, I was an undergraduate student at a private liberal arts college and majored in biology generally. I began graduate school working on a master’s degree in the Entomology Department at Michigan State University (MSU) with a research project investigating how rainfall effects the efficacy of insecticides. After graduating from the master’s program, I began my PhD research studying the evolution and systematics of Rhagoletis (Diptera: Tephritidae). Shortly after beginning my PhD studies, I applied for and received the C.S. Mott predoctoral fellowship in Sustainable Agriculture. The fellowship funds a portion of my program and requires me to pursue the Ecological Food and Farming Systems (EFFS) specialization as part of my PhD 113 program. The EFFS specialization is designed for students who are interested in sustainable agriculture broadly. Specifically, the EFFS program gives natural science students (like me) courses and research opportunities in the social sciences and vice versa. I have completed the departmental requirements for a PhD and for the EFFS specialization at MSU thus far. The academic experiences and my own research and advocacy interests do not make me an unbiased individual when it comes to the subjects I am considering in the present chapter. However, I believe this does not impede my ability to investigate the topic and produce insights. What are my own justifications given for the systematic biology research that I present in my other two data chapters? In the chapter describing a new species of Rhagoletis, I invoke internal utilitarianism (the lack of any formal previous description of R. bushi has caused “a confusing and inconsistent history throughout the literature”), and imply rights theory, that I have a responsibility to describe the new species. Similarly, I feel that the description of new species is inherently a good thing to do, a “virtuous” behavior, but whether or not this comes through in a strict reading of the chapter’s text is debatable. In the first and second data chapters where I discuss why phylogenic investigations of Rhagoletis are justified, I make explicit appeals to external utilitarianism and the Industrial World (“…studying evolutionary patterns in Rhagoletis is important for understanding when and why Rhagoletis infestations occur” / “[patterns of host plant use may] explain diversification of Rhagoletis within its major clades, including when and why Rhagoletis pest outbreaks due to host shifts occur”). Examination of a researcher’s relationship to a discipline and that discipline’s relationship to other parts of society is important to consider and investigate. Without this kind of consideration and investigations, the academic science risks becoming too internally focused and perceived, rightly, as being at best irrelevant to the lives of laypeople. Lack of external focus can 114 lead to scientism as well. Briefly, scientism is the belief that modern western (nominally) academic science is the only valid way of producing knowledge and that its process should be applied to address all problems, social and political, in society. The ideas of scientism are articulated favorably by Sir Francis Bacon, “Workers, and managers, housewives and students, farmers and government officials would be subordinated to the scientifically organized industrial system” (Busch 2000). Contemporary popular scientists (and those in the recent past), who may be regarded as role models for young scientistsm publicly express opinions that are consistent with scientism (Burnett 2018). Reflexivity in systematic biology helps the discipline keep from being too internally focused, prevent it from being characterized as scientism, and improve its relationships with other parts of society. 115 APPENDICES 116 Appendix A: Record of deposition of voucher specimens Genus-species The specimens listed below have been deposited in the named museum (or their DNA sequences are deposited on NCBI GenBank) as samples of those species or other taxa, which were used in this research. Voucher recognition labels bearing the voucher number have been attached or included in fluid preserved specimens. Voucher Number: _2018-6____________ Author and Title of thesis: Daniel Hulbert: Molecular systematics of the genus Rhagoletis (Diptera: Tephritidae). Museum(s) where deposited: Albert J. Cook Arthropod Research Collection, Michigan State University (MSU) Specimens: Family Tephritidae Anastrepha ludens Tephritidae Euphranta canadensis Tephritidae Carpomya schineri Tephritidae Rhagoletis alternata Tephritidae R. basiola Tephritidae R. turanica Tephritidae R. cerasi Tephritidae R. flavicincta Tephritidae R. almatensis Tephritidae R. striatella Tephritidae R. ferruginea Tephritidae R. chumsanica Tephritidae R. magniterebra Tephritidae R. fausta Tephritidae R. juniperina Tephritidae R. batava Tephritidae R. ribicola Tephritidae R. berberis Tephritidae R. indifferens Tephritidae R. cingulata Tephritidae R. suavis Tephritidae R. completa Tephritidae R. bushi Tephritidae R. tabellaria Tephritidae R. persimilis Tephritidae R. mendax Tephritidae R. zephyria Tephritidae R. cornivora (continues on next page) Preservation pinned pinned pinned pinned pinned pinned pinned pinned pinned pinned pinned pinned pinned pinned pinned pinned pinned pinned pinned pinned pinned pinned pinned pinned pinned pinned pinned pinned Life stage adult adult adult adult adult adult adult adult adult adult adult adult adult adult adult adult adult adult adult adult adult adult adult adult adult adult adult adult Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 117 Life stage Genus-species (continued from previous page) Family Tephritidae R. pomonella DNA-only specimens deposited on NCBI Genbank: Family Tephritidae R. nova Genus-species adult Quantity Preservation 1 pinned Tephritidae R. conversa Tephritidae R. berberidis Tephritidae R. meigenii Tephritidae R. flavigenualis Accession numbers MH998917, MH998691, MH998839, MH998771, MH999003, MH999082 MH998919, MH998693, MH998841, MH998773, MH999005, MH999084 MH998922, MH998696, MH998843, MH998776, MH999008, MH999087 MH998924, MH998698, MH998845, MH998778, MH999009, MH999089 MH998940, MH998714, MH998858, MH998790, MH999025, MH999105 Tephritidae R. electromorpha MH998971, MH998745, MH998886, MH998817, MH999053, MH999131 118 Appendix B: Supplementary material for chapter 1 Table B1. Primers and thermocycler conditions used to PCR amplify Rhagoletis DNA. All programs used a 30 second initial denaturation period at 95°C; followed by 35 cycles of 95°C for 30 seconds, the annealing temperature (below) for 30 seconds and 72°C for the extension time (below); followed by a final extension period of 10 minutes at 72°C (except when noted by *). Locus Primer pair Primer sequence** COI LepF1 LepR1 Period Per2476F Per3105R AATS AATSZ1F AATSZ1R 5'-ATTCAACCAATCATAAAGATAT-3' 5'-TAAACTTCTGGATGTCCAAAAA-3' 5'-CAACGACGAAATGGAGAAATTC-3' 5'-AABGACATGGGTTGGTACATC-3' 5'-GGCACGGCTGATCCBAATAG-3' 5'-TCWGRTGCACCTGTACCCTC-3' 28S (A) 28SrDNA match F 5'-GTAAACAAGTACCGTGAGGG-3' 28SrDNA match R 28S (B) S28C A28F CAD 54F 414R 405R 392F 5'-TAGTTCACCATCTTTCGGGTCAC-3' 5'-GTGCAAATCGATTGTCAGAA-3' 5'-TGGAACCGTATTCCCTTTCG-3' 5'-GTNGTNTTYCARACNGGNATGGT-3' 5’-AAACCACAATCGATCGCACAAAT-3’ 5'-GCNGTRTGYTCNGGRTGRAAYTG-3' Reference Hebert et al. 2004 Hebert et al. 2004 Barr and McPheron 2006 Barr et al. 2005 This study This study modified from Smith and Brown 2008 modified from Smith and Brown 2008 Han et al. 2002 Han et al. 2002 Moulton and Wiegmann 2004 Hamerlinck et al. 2016 Moulton and Wiegmann 2004 Annealing (°C) 46 57 62 54 65 58-45 (touchdown)* 58-45 (touchdown)* Ext. (min:sec) 2:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:30 1:00 1:00 5’-ATTTGTGCGATCGATTGTGGTTT-3’ Hamerlinck et al. 2016 *The touchdown program, originally used in (Condon et al. 2008), employs an initial denaturation at 92°C for 2 minutes; followed by 12 cycles of 92°C for 10 seconds, 58-46°C (decreasing 1°C/ cycle) for 10 seconds, and 72°C for one minute; followed by 27 cycles of 92°C for 10 seconds, 45°C for 10 seconds, and 72°C for 1:30 minutes; followed by 72°C for 10 minutes. **Nucleotides (including degenerate bases) follow the IUPAC naming conventions. 119 Table B2. Accession numbers of the DNA sequences used in and generated by the present study. Numbers in parentheses following taxon designations correspond to individual numbers used in Table 1 and Figure 4. Taxon designation COI CAD period AATS 28S part A 28S part B MG825300 MG825278 MG825190 MG825212 MG825234 MG825256 R_bushi_101716_1 (7) MG825301 MG825279 MG825191 MG825213 MG825235 MG825257 R_bushi_101716_2 (8) MG825302 MG825280 MG825192 MG825214 MG825236 MG825258 R_bushi_101716_3 (10) MG825303 MG825281 MG825193 MG825215 MG825237 MG825259 R_bushi_101716_4 (11) MG825304 MG825282 MG825194 MG825216 MG825238 MG825260 R_bushi_C2 (9) MG825305 MG825283 MG825195 MG825217 MG825239 MG825261 R_mendax_MI_A4 (5) MG825306 MG825284 MG825196 MG825218 MG825240 MG825262 R_pomonella_MI_A3 (4) MG825307 MG825285 MG825197 MG825219 MG825241 MG825263 R_cingulata_MI_E1 (1) MG825308 MG825286 MG825198 MG825220 MG825242 MG825264 R_cingulata_MI_E2 (2) MG825309 MG825287 MG825199 MG825221 MG825243 MG825265 R_electromorpha_MI_A2 (14) KU511166 MG825288 MG825200 MG825222 MG825244 MG825266 R_electromorpha_MI_C1 (15) MG825310 MG825289 MG825201 MG825223 MG825245 MG825267 R_electromorpha_MI_C2 (16) MG825311 MG825290 MG825202 MG825224 MG825246 MG825268 R_persimilis_100995_3 (12) MG825312 MG825291 MG825203 MG825225 MG825247 MG825269 R_persimilis_102416_2 (13) R_tabellaria_10_ON_051316_1 (20) MG825313 MG825292 MG825204 MG825226 MG825248 MG825270 MG825314 MG825293 MG825205 MG825227 MG825249 MG825271 R_tabellaria_95_2_051316_5 (21) R_tabellaria_100995_5 (18) MG825315 MG825294 MG825206 MG825228 MG825250 MG825272 MG825316 MG825295 MG825207 MG825229 MG825251 MG825273 R_tabellaria_100995_6 (19) MG825317 MG825296 MG825208 MG825230 MG825252 MG825274 R_tabellaria_102416_3 (22) R_tabellaria_IA_A4 (17) MG825318 MG825297 MG825209 MG825231 MG825253 MG825275 R_zephyria_MN_A4 (6) MG825319 MG825298 MG825210 MG825232 MG825254 MG825276 R_cornivora_14_Shollow_051816_1 (3) MG825320 MG825299 MG825211 MG825233 MG825255 MG825277 120 Table B3. The partitioning scheme results of the MrBayes and RAxML PARTITIONFINDER analyses. The predefined partitions within the same subset were combined in the phylogenetic analysis of the concatenated alignment. Program Subset number Model Predefined Partition MrBayes 1 GTR+I+G COI position 1 2 RAxML* 1 3 4 HKY+G GTR K80+G GTR+G CAD position 1 AATS position 1 period position 1 AATS position 2 AATS position 3 period position 2 CAD position 2 28S COI position 2 COI position 3 CAD position 3 period position 3 2 3 4 GTR+G COI position 1 CAD position 1 AATS position 1 period position 1 AATS position 2 AATS position 3 period position 2 CAD position 2 28S COI position 2 COI position 3 CAD position 3 period position 3 *RAxML only allows the specification of one model rate of heterogeneity for all partitions. The GTR+G model had the lowest AICc (16820.04); AICc for GTR = 16870.73 ; AICc for GTR+I+G = 16852.22. GTR+G GTR+G 121 Table B4. Autapomorphies for tabellaria group species based on the alignments we generated organized by locus. The position number represents the position within our alignment. Autapomorphies within the tabellaria group are highlighted in yellow. Position R. bushi R. tabellaria R. electromorpha R. persimilis R. zephyria R. pomonella R. mendax R. cornivora R. cingulata Position COI 27 69 96 105 171 214 312 420 441 471 495 538 621 T T C G T T T A T T T A C G A A T T A A T T A A N N A A N T G A N T A T T T T C T T T T T T T T C T T T T T T T C T T A T A A T G A T C T T A G A A A T A T A T T A A A T T T T T A A A A A A A A A A T T C T T T T T T G A A A T T T T A 156 417 489 645 650 735 741 823 844 856 857 876 896 945 CAD R. bushi C R. tabellaria A R. electromorpha C R. persimilis C G/A G G T G G T A A G G A G G A G R. zephyria R. pomonella R. mendax R. cornivora R. cingulata N G C A A C G C C G G A G G A G N A G G A G G A G C T T T T T T T T C C T C C C C C C C A C C C C C C C A A A A A C C A T A C C C C C C C A A A A A N A N A A G G G A T C G G A A G C G G A G G A G G A G G A G G A 122 Table B4 (cont’d). Position 35 36 49 141 153 177 251 288 306 342 444 456 460 461 462 489 507 520 528 period R. bushi C A G C R. tabellaria C A G T R. electromorpha C T G C R. persimilis T A A C G A A T G T A G T T T T G A T C T C C T R. zephyria R. pomonella R. mendax R. cornivora R. cingulata C A G C C A G C C A G C C A G C C A G C G N G G G T T T T T T T T T T C C C C C T T T T T C C C T C C C C C A T A A - - - - - T A T T T T T T T - A - - - - - - - - C - - - - - - - T G - A G G G - C - G G - - - - - G G G G G G G G G G G A C A G A G C G A G A G A G A G A Position AATS 67 247 248 454 472 R. bushi C G G G A R. tabellaria C A A A A R. electromorpha C G G A A R. persimilis T G G A G R. zephyria R. pomonella R. mendax R. cornivora R. cingulata C G G A A C G G A A C G G A A C G G A A C G G A A 123 Table B4 (cont’d). Position 28SA 28SB 98 115 143 305 316 546 547 548 50 56 115 434 435 464 R. bushi A C R. tabellaria G C R. electromorpha A T R. persimilis A C T T A G A A A G G A A T R. zephyria R. pomonella R. mendax R. cornivora R. cingulata A C A C A C A C A C A A N A A T T T T T A A A A A T - - - - - - - - T - - - - - - - - A A T C A G T - A T C - - C T C T A C T A G A T C G A A - - - - - T T C T T C T T C T T C T T C A A A A A C C C C C T T T T T 124 Table B5. Statistics for nucleotide alignments. PI = parsimony informative, Ts = transition rate, Tv = transversion rate, R(s/v) = ratio of transitions to transversions, MP = most parsimonious, CI = consistency index, RI = retention index. Genetic marker Total sites No. variable sites (excluding PI) No. PI sites % PI sites Average p-distance ± SE (%) COI 684 13 86 12.57 CAD 990 42 58 5.86 period AATS 614 21 44 7.17 623 12 17 2.73 2.03 ± (0.10) 2.01 ± (0.06) 1.43 ± (0.08) 1.07 ± (0.04) 0.19 ± (0.02) 1.16 ± (0.04) 0.95 ± (0.05) 0.59 ± (0.03) 11.35 ± (0.48) 4.13 ± (0.14) 4.46 ± (0.17) 1.84 ± (0.14) 28S 1359 10 27 1.99 NA NA NA Combined 4276 98 235 5.5 NA NA NA 1 pos. 2 pos. 3 pos. total Ts Tv R (s/v) G+C% No. MP trees MP tree length CI CI (PI sites only) RI 4.52 ± (0.20) 2.42 ± (0.07) 2.28 ± (0.09) 1.16 ± (0.06) 0.75 ± (0.03) 2.03 ± (0.07) 3.36 ± (0.14) 1.26 ± (0.04) 1.36 ± (0.07) 0.92 ± (0.04) 0.53 ± (0.02) 1.34 ± (0.05) 1.16 ± (0.07) 1.16 ± (0.03) 0.92 ± (0.03) 0.24 ± (0.02) 0.22 ± (0.01) 0.69 ± (0.02) 5.07 ± (0.27) 1.17± (0.04) 1.79 ± (0.12) 2.89 ± (0.11) 2.62 ± (0.11) 1.92 ± (0.05) 52.9 11 71 0.93 0.9 0.95 42.5 8 30 0.97 0.94 0.99 34.7 2475 44 0.91 0.88 0.95 41 495 421 0.85 0.8 0.91 32.1 4 142 0.81 0.79 0.91 48.4 191 120 0.87 0.79 0.91 125 Table B6. Results of pairwise Incongruent Length Difference (ILD) tests performed on partitions. Alignment COI - 0.36 0.13 0.76 0.75 COI CAD period AATS 28S CAD - 0.22 0.57 0.53 period - 0.66 0.65 AATS - 1.00 28S - 126 Figure B1. Bayesian phylogeny of the tabellaria species group, pomonella species group and outgroup R. cingulata inferred from an alignment of 684 bp of COI using MrBayes. Numbers next to branches represent Bayesian posterior probabilities and maximum likelihood bootstrap support respectively. Asterisks (*) over branches indicate a Bayesian posterior probability of 1.0 and 100% bootstrap support for the clade. Bayesian and maximum likelihood topologies were identical. 127 Figure B2. Bayesian phylogeny of the tabellaria species group, pomonella species group and outgroup R. cingulata inferred from an alignment of 990 bp of CAD using MrBayes. Numbers next to branches represent Bayesian posterior probabilities and maximum likelihood bootstrap support respectively. 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