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RELATIONSHIP OF BODY FAT, INSULIN AND SELECTED BLOOD BORNE METABOLITES TO EXPRESSION OF POSTWEANING ESTRUS IN PRIMIPAROUS SONS By Lee Jay Johnston A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Animal Science 1988 ABSTRACT RELATIONSHIP OF BODY FAT, INSULIN AND SELECTED BLOOD BORNE METABOLITES TO EXPRESSION OF POSTNEANING ESTRUS IN PRIMIPAROUS SONS By Lee Jay Johnston Specific physiological factors which control expression of postweaning estrus have not been identified in sows. Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of body fat and handling- induced stress on expression of postweaning estrus. A third experiment was conducted to determine if exogenous insulin would shorten the postweaning interval to estrus in restricted—fed sows. In experiment I, 22 primiparous sows were used to determine if a minimal threshold of body fat exists below which return to estrus is delayed. During lactation, sows received 7, 9, 11 or 13 Mcal metabolizable energy (ME) daily to produce a range of sow body fatness at weaning. Body fat was estimated at weaning and at first postweaning estrus by deuterium oxide dilution. Percentage body fat at weaning (r2=.24) and at first postweaning estrus (r2=.03) accounted for a small portion of variation in interval from weaning to estrus. No minimal threshold of body fatness was detected. In experiment II, 14 primiparous sows received 7 Mcal ME daily during lactation to induce delayed return to postweaning estrus. Stress associated with daily restraint and sampling of blood during Lee Jay Johnston the postweaning period did not influence interval to estrus. In Experiment III, 26 primiparous sows consumed 7 Mcal ME daily during lactation which prolonged the weaning to estrus interval. During the postweaning period, treated sows received an intramuscular injection of .75 IU insulin per kg body weight once daily. Control sows were not injected. Exogenous insulin caused a 68% increase in concentration of insulin in serum and a 15% decrease in concentration of glucose in plasma of treated sows compared with control sows. Expression of estrus was delayed unexpectedly in insulin—treated sows compared with control sows. Concentration of insulin, glucose and urea nitrogen were not different between sows that diSplayed estrus and those that were anestrous. In contrast, sows that displayed estrus had a higher concentration of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) in plasma during the postweaning period than anestrous sows. I conclude that body fat does not control expression of postweaning estrus in primiparous sows. Furthermore, elevated levels of blood borne insulin, glucose and urea nitrogen do not influence positively return to postweaning estrus. Non—esterified fatty acids in blood or some factor related to NEFA appear to have a positive effect on expression of postweaning estrus. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS There were many people that helped me tremendously in my graduate studies. I would like to acknowledge the contributions of these people. My major professor, Dr. Elwyn Miller, was very patient with me and open-minded throughout my program. He permitted me to be involved in a variety of activities which at times distracted me from my research efforts but he recognized the educational value of these extra-curricular activities. I would also like to thank him for his undying interest in my academic development. The other members of my guidance committee, Drs. R.L. Fogwell, D.R. Romsos, D.E. Ullrey and N.K. Ames, played many different roles. They provided academic challenges which improved my research and were able to get things out of me that I did not know were in me. Thank you for your contributions of time and talent. Dr. M.G. Hogberg, Chairman of the Animal Science Department, provided administrative support for the Extension Assistant position I held for 18 months. This experience was truly one of the highlights of my education at MSU. Thank you, Dr. Hogberg, for this unique opportunity. I certainly appreciate Dr. P.K. Ku’s patience in helping me improve my techniques in the laboratory. I would like to thank P.D. Matzat, Swine Farm Manager, and R. Kromer, Farrowing House Manager, for feeding and care of sows involved my experiments. The graduate students of the swine group contributed to my ;earch by providing critical review of research projects, labor and nradery when nothing seemed to work. These students include Steve decki, Bill Weldon, Ormond MacDougald, Jose Menten, Jerry Shurson d Lora Foehr. Thank you. S.A. Zinn deserves particular mention for his patience and ~rsistence in helping me successfully measure insulin in blood of st. The speed and professionalism with which Ms. Judy Lentz typed iis thesis allowed me to concentrate on research. Thank you, Judy, )r your dedication to your work. I would like to thank my parents, Edward and A. Kathleen Johnston nd my sister, Linda Johnston, for their blind support of me in my raduate studies. Their words of encouragement buoyed me in times of ustration. They taught me at a young age that when you say, "I n’t do it" then you most likely won’t complete the task. This sson has served me well. Finally and most importantly, I would like to thank my wife, udy, for her love and understanding. Her unending patience, specially in the final stages of my program, restricted the anxieties f graduate study to those associated with academic pursuits not omestic pressures. Completion of this degree is more meaningful to e because we did it. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page T OF TABLES . . . . ...................... viii T OF FIGURES .......................... ix RODUCTION ........................... I ’IEN OF LITERATURE ....................... 5 elationships Between Body Fat and Expression of Estrus ..... 7 Body condition and expression of estrus in farm species. . . 7 Role of body fat in onset of puberty ............ 9 Women athletes and amenorrhea ................ 13 Anorexia nervosa and menstrual dysfunction ......... 19 Summary ........................... 21 Ffects of Restricted Feeding on Reproductive Performance . . . . 21 Restricted feed intake by breeding females ......... 21 Restricted feed intake by breeding sows ........... 23 Potential mechanisms for effects of restricted feeding on expression of estrus ................... 25 Metabolic effects of restricted feeding in sows ....... 34 Summary ........................... 36 ffects of Insulin on Reproductive Functions ........... 39 Diabetes as a model for effects of insulin on reproduction . 40 In vitro effects of insulin on HPO axis ........... 42 Effects of insulin on estrous cycles of farm animals . . . . 44 Summary ........................... 46 inclusions ........................... 47 IENT I Relationship Between Body Fat and Postweaning Interval . to Estrus in Primiparous Sows .............. 49 :Introduction .......................... 50 iMaterials and Methods ..................... 51 ‘ Animals and management ................... 51 Progesterone assay ..................... 54 Body fat .......................... 55 Statistical analysis .................... 56 Results ............................ 57 vi Discussion. . . . . ........... . . . . . ...... Conclusions . . . ............. . . ........ 73 ERIMENT II Effects of Stress After Lactation on Postweaning Interval to Estrus of Primiparous Sows ....... 74 Introduction ....................... . . . 75 Materials and Methods ..................... 76 Animals and management ................... 76 Statistical analysis .................... 78 Results ............................ 78 Discussion ........................... 80 Conclusions .......................... 83 PERIMENT III Effects of Exogenous Insulin After Lactation on Postweaning Interval to Estrus of Primiparous Sows ....................... 84 Introduction .......................... 85 Materials and Methods ..................... 87 Animals and management ................... 87 Hormone and metabolite assays ................ 89 Statistical analyses .................... 91 Results ............................ 93 3 Discussion ........................... 106 I Conclusions .......................... 116 HERAL DISCUSSION ........................ 117 MMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ...................... 124 ST 0F REFERENCES ........................ 126 \BLE \BLE \BLE \BLE \BLE IBLE IBLE .BLE BLE BLE BLE BLE LIST OF TABLES Page COMPOSITION AND CALCULATED ANALYSIS OF DIETS ...... 52 DAILY ALLOWANCE 0F FEED AND SELECTED NUTRIENTS FOR PRIMIPAROUS SONS DURING LACTATION ............ 53 EFFECT OF METABOLIZABLE ENERGY INTAKE ON SON WEIGHT, BACKFAT DEPTH AND PIG PERFORMANCE ............ 58 EFFECT OF DIETARY ENERGY INTAKE DURING LACTATION 0N SON BODY FAT AND NEANING TO ESTRUS INTERVAL ......... 59 ENERGY INTAKE AND PERFORMANCE OF PRIMIPAROUS SONS THAT DISPLAYED SHORT OR LONG INTERVALS TO ESTRUS ....... 64 LACTATIONAL PERFORMANCE OF SONS ASSIGNED T0 CONTROL 0R STRESSED TREATMENTS DURING THE POSTNEANING PERIOD. . . . 79 FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF NEANING TO ESTRUS INTERVAL AND OCCURRENCE OF ANESTRUS FOR PRIMIPAROUS SONS SUBJECTED TO DAILY STRESS ...................... 81 LACTATIONAL PERFORMANCE OF SONS ASSIGNED TO CONTROL OR INSULIN TREATMENTS ................... 94 EFFECT OF EXOGENOUS INSULIN 0N FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF NEANING TO ESTRUS INTERVAL AND OCCURRENCE OF ANESTRUS FOR PRIMIPAROUS SONS .................... 98 . CONCENTRATION OF INSULIN AND SELECTED METABOLITES IN BLOOD AT NEANING AND NEAR END OF EXPERIMENTAL PERIOD . .104 . MEAN CONCENTRATION OF INSULIN AND SELECTED METABOLITES IN BLOOD DURING THE POSTNEANING PERIOD ......... 105 . PERFORMANCE OF SONS DURING LACTATION CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO INSULIN TREATMENT AND OVARIAN STATUS. . . .107 viii gure 1. gure 2. gure 3. gure 4. Jure 5. lure 6. Iure 7. Jre 10. tre 11. LIST OF FIGURES Page Relationship between intake of dietary essentials and change in body condition as a potential controller of estrus expression .................. 8 Relationships among intake of dietary essentials, change in body composition and hormonal and metabolic mediators as potential controllers of estrus expression ....................... 22 Relationships among low intake of dietary essentials, body metabolism, change in body composition and incidence of anestrus. ................ 38 Relationship of maternal body fat of primiparous sows at weaning to interval from weaning to estrus ..... 60 Relationship of empty body fat of primiparous sows at first postweaning estrus to interval from weaning to estrus ......................... 62 Relationship between relative backfat loss during lactation (percentage loss of 24 h postpartum backfat) and interval from weaning to estrus .......... 63 Relationship between relative weight loss during lactation (percentage loss of 24 h postpartum weight) and interval from weaning to estrus .......... 65 Relationship between daily metabolizable energy (ME) intake during lactation and interval from weaning to estrus ......................... 66 Concentration of insulin in serum (panel A) and glucose in plasma (panel B) of control and insulin—treated sows during 24 h after injection .............. 95 Concentration of insulin in serum (panel A) and glucose in plasma (panel B) collected 24 h postinjection during postweaning period from control and insulin—treated sows .......................... 97 Concentration of insulin and glucose in blood of control-cyclic (panel A) and control-acyclic (panel B) sows during the postweaning period ........... 100 ix Figure 12. Figure 13. Figure 14. Figure 15. Concentration of insulin and glucose in blood of insulin-cyclic (panel A) and insulin-acyclic (panel B) sows during the postweaning period ........... 101 Concentration of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and urea nitrogen in plasma of control—cyclic (panel A) and control-acyclic (panel B) sows during the postweaning period ......................... 102 Concentration of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and urea nitrogen in plasma of insulin—cyclic (panel A) and insulin—acyclic (panel B) sows during the postweaning period ......................... 103 Relationships among low intake of dietary essentials, change in body composition, selected metabolites and incidence of anestrus ................. 119 INTRODUCTION The profitability of swine enterprises involved in farrow-to— finish or feeder pig production is due largely to the level of reproductive performance measured as pigs weaned per sow per year (PSY) achieved in the sow herd. Production and financial records from 310 swine farms in Iowa revealed that net profit per sow is related positively to PSY (Stevermer, personal communication). A way to naximize PSY is to decrease time required to produce a litter of pigs. The reproductive cycle of sows can be divided into three phases: aregnancy, lactation and rebreeding (postweaning phase). Theoretically, any or all of these phases could be shortened to increase PSY. In reality, gestation length cannot be shortened without a Eoncurrent reduction in number of live pigs at parturition. Reducing ength of lactation from 35 to 14 d has been estimated to increase PSY ty 5 to 7% (Britt, 1986). However, many producers have neither the igh level of management skills nor the high—cost nursery facilities yecessary to accommodate very young pigs at weaning. Consequently, hortening length of lactation may be applicable only to a small roportion of swine producers. Shortening interval from weaning to onception can have a positive impact on PSY. Delayed return to astweaning estrus is a problem in some herds. Less than 60% of sows isplay estrus by d 18 after weaning (Fahmy et al., 1979; English et 1., 1982). 2 Prompt expression of estrus postweaning and conception will Hnimize the number of days a sow is unproductive. Return to ostweaning estrus is complicated by many factors. Nutrition (Reese t al., 1982; King and Williams, 1984a), parity (Rasbeck, 1969; Clark t al., 1978), season (Hurtgen et al., 1980), breed (Dyck, 1971; Fahmy t al., 1979), length of lactation (Svajgr et al., 1974), suckling ntensity (Stevenson and Britt, 1981) and social interactions iemsworth et al., 1982) affect postweaning interval to estrus. )viously, the problem of delayed postweaning estrus cannot be :tributed to a single cause. Three factors have magnified the problem of delayed expression of Istweaning estrus in sows. First, producers with high fixed costs :sociated with confinement facilities cannot afford to retain Iproductive sows in their operation. Second, intensive production 'stems dictate strict scheduling of facilities. Often, sows splaying delayed postweaning estrus may not fit the production Ihedule. Third, many producers in an attempt to increase weight of gs at weaning have selected sows that produce large quantities of lk. Unfortunately, nutrient and energy demands for body functions 1 milk production exceed nutrient and energy intake by the sow. isequently, body tissues are mobilized to satisfy the demands of :tation resulting in thin condition of sows at weaning. Thin Idition at weaning is associated with a prolonged weaning to estrus :erval (MacLean, 1968; Reese et al., 1984). It has been suggested reseachers studying aberrant menstrual cycles of women that a imal threshold of body fat must be maintained for successful roduction (Frisch and McArthur, 1974). The first objective of this 1I 'esearch was to determine if a similar minimal threshold of body fat xists for sows below which interval from weaning to estrus is rolonged. A second objective was to characterize the relationship etween body fat at the end of lactation and interval from weaning to strus. Low intake of dietary essentials is related to increased ncidence of delayed postweaning estrus of sows (Reese et al., 1982; ing and Dunkin, 1986a). Low intake of dietary essentials (restricted eeding) causes changes in body metabolism (Kornegay et al., 1964; ahill et al., 1966; Nelssen et al., 1985). These metabolic ijustments occur concurrent with mobilization of body tissue. Some 1ctor(s) associated with metabolic adjustments induced by restricted aeding may influence interval from weaning to estrus. These factors 1y act independent of changes in body fat. Insulin is a hormone of antral importance to body metabolism (Etherton, 1982) which responds I the animal’s plane of nutrition (Cahill, 1966). Furthermore, sulin has gonadotrophic effects in females (Poretsky and Kalin, 87). Therefore, one may hypothesize that insulin could shorten the stweaning interval to estrus of sows displaying nutritionally— duced delayed return to estrus. The third objective of this search was to determine effects of exogenous insulin on postweaning terval to estrus in primiparous sows. Presently, clinical observations of the relationship among :tricted feeding, low body fat and interval from weaning to estrus edominate in the scientific literature. But, cause and effect ationships have not been established. The overall goal of this sertation is to increase understanding of nutritionally-induced ayed return to postweaning estrus in primiparous sows. 4 research was to determine if a similar minimal threshold of body fat exists for sows below which interval from weaning to estrus is prolonged. A second objective was to characterize the relationship between body fat at the end of lactation and interval from weaning to estrus. Low intake of dietary essentials is related to increased incidence of delayed postweaning estrus of sows (Reese et al., 1982; King and Dunkin, 1986a). Low intake of dietary essentials (restricted feeding) causes changes in body metabolism (Kornegay et al., 1964; Cahill et al., 1966; Nelssen et al., 1985). These metabolic adjustments occur concurrent with mobilization of body tissue. Some factor(s) associated with metabolic adjustments induced by restricted feeding may influence interval from weaning to estrus. These factors may act independent of changes in body fat. Insulin is a hormone of central importance to body metabolism (Etherton, 1982) which responds to the animal’s plane of nutrition (Cahill, 1966). Furthermore, insulin has gonadotrophic effects in females (Poretsky and Kalin, 1987). Therefore, one may hypothesize that insulin could shorten the postweaning interval to estrus of sows displaying nutritionally— induced delayed return to estrus. The third objective of this esearch was to determine effects of exogenous insulin on postweaning 'nterval to estrus in primiparous sows. Presently, clinical observations of the relationship among estricted feeding, low body fat and interval from weaning to estrus redominate in the scientific literature. But, cause and effect elationships have not been established. The overall goal of this issertation is to increase understanding of nutritionally—induced REVIEW OF LITERATURE mm A goal of swine producers is to maintain breeding sows that will efficiently produce large numbers of pigs on a regular schedule. In achieving such a goal, producers optimize opportunity for profit. Nutrition plays a major role in determining level of reproductive performance achieved by sows. Studying the relationship between nutrition and reproduction is similar to a trip through a labyrinth. One encounters many paths while traveling through a labyrinth: some lead to a wall while others move one closer to the exit. There are a multitude of factors related to nutrition alone which may adversely affect reproduction such as energy and amino acid content of the diet, level of nutrient intake, extent of body tissue mobilization, interaction between dietary energy and amino acids and others. Similarly, reproductive efficiency measured as number of live births ger breeding female per unit time can be influenced at several Iifferent points in the cascade of endocrine events which lead to estrus and ovulation. The cascade of events which result in estrus *nd ovulation involves endocrine functions of the hypothalamus, Interior pituitary and ovaries. The complex coordination of these Ihree endocrine organs alone provides a myriad of points where the ystem could malfunction resulting in impaired reproduction. Nhen tudying the interaction of nutrition and reproduction, one is quickly 6 overwhelmed by the complexity of the interaction and the myriad of factors which ultimately influence the end result, live births. Realizing that there are many variables that one can measure to assess reproductive function, this review will focus primarily on expression of estrus and some of the factors which directly influence this variable. An underlying assumption is that ovulation occurs associated with behavioral estrus. Nithout estrus and ovulation, the reproductive process is halted. This review will concentrate on three factors which may be involved in expression of estrus in postweaning sows. First, effects of body fat will be discussed with regard to expression of estrus. If the nutritional program is inadequate sows use body nutrient reserves to cover nutritional deficits. Body nutrient reserves may be viewed as an insurance policy against ‘nutritional inadequacies. However, the insurance policy has finite Ilimits of protection. If body reserves are relied upon too heavily, eventually performance of the sow will be reduced. This depression in sow performance may be manifested as reduced size and(or) weight of the litter at weaning, delayed return to estrus after weaning and anestrus. Unfortunately, appetite has not kept pace with the productive capabilities of genetically improved sows. Therefore, aroducers rely heavily upon body nutrient reserves which negatively affects reproductive function. This scenario suggests that body Iutrient stores may play an important role in maintaining sow >roductivity under suboptimal nutritional conditions. .Consequently, effects of fasting and restricted feeding on estrus will be discussed n the second section of this review. Finally, changes in body 7 composition and restricted feeding influence body metabolism. Therefore, some aspect(s) of body metabolism may influence estrus expression. In this review, potential effects of insulin on estrus will be discussed. Obviously, body fat, restricted nutrient intake and insulin are interrelated such that each can influence the others. But, for clarity of presentation, each will be discussed separately. Relationship Between Body Fat and Expression of Estrus This segment of the literature review will concentrate on the body reserves of energy, namely body fat. It has been suggested that females must maintain a minimal amount of body fat to ensure continued reproductive function. This suggests that body fat is a mediator or controller of estrus expression (Figure 1). Previous reports dealing with the relationship between body fat and reproductive function can be divided into four categories which include: 1. relationship between body condition of livestock species and expression of estrus, 2. role of body fat in onset of puberty in animals and women, 3. relationship between women athletes and occurrence of amenorrhea and 4. anorexia nervosa in women and menstrual dysfunction. These four areas have been cited by others as providing evidence that body fat may be a controller of estrus expression. Nhether or not these four areas support the hypothesis that body fat is a controller of estrus expression will be discussed. - Body condition and estrus expression in farm species. The relationship between body condition (body fat) and expression of estrus has been described for many farm species. MacLean (1968, Low intake of dietary essentials relative to reproductive needs LLoss of body fat] Clinical observation High incidence of anestrus “- Figure 1. Relationship between intake of dietary essentials and change in body condition as a potential controller of estrus expression. 9 1969) reported that sows in thin body condition after lactation displayed a prolonged interval to first postweaning estrus when compared with sows in moderate body condition. This observation caused the authors to coin the phrase "The Thin Sow Syndrome". Sows that lost excessive amounts of body weight and backfat during lactation experienced a delayed return to postweaning estrus (Reese et al., 1982; King and Williams, 1984; King and Dunkin, 1986). As body condition improved, a greater percentage of dairy cows displayed estrus by d 24 postpartum (Fulkerson, 1984). Beef cows that maintained body weight and condition had a shorter postpartum interval to estrus than cows that lost body condition (Cantrell et al., 1982; Rutter and Randel, 1984). Similarly, mares entering the breeding season in thin body condition displayed delayed onset of estrus compared with mares in moderate body condition (Henneke et al., 1984). From these studies, it would seem that body fat is related positively to expression of estrus. These studies provide clinical observations of the relationship between body fat and expression of estrus. They do not explain how body fat may influence estrus expression. Role of body fat in onset of pgperty. The physiological changes that occur at onset of puberty are very similar to physiological changes when ovarian activity is re— established after periods of lactational anestrus (Haresign et al., 1983). Consequently, initiation of puberty has been used as a model to study extended anestrus in farm livestock. Onset of puberty and associated first estrus or menarche occurs as the culmination of a complex series of biological events that take place during growth of 10 females. As females grow, absolute body weight and weight of body fat increase. Also, the relative proportion of body fat increases as growth proceeds (Hafez, 1969). Kirkwood and Aherne (1985) stated that, "puberty will occur only if the female has achieved a certain level of physiological maturation". Severe underfeeding which results in depressed growth rate delays onset of puberty in gilts (Kirkwood and Aherne, 1985), heifers (Short and Bellows, 1971), mice (Hansen et al., 1983), rats (Glass et al., 1979) and girls (Frisch, 1972). These observations imply that chronological age is not a primary controller of onset of puberty. Under ad libitum feeding conditions, rats fed a high fat diet displayed vaginal opening (Frisch et al., 1977; Kirtley and Maher, 1979) and first estrus (Frisch et al., 1975) at an earlier age and lighter weight than rats fed a low fat diet. Absolute weight of body fat was identical for rats receiving high fat and low fat diets; however, rats fed high fat diets had a greater percentage of body fat at first estrus (Frisch et al., 1977). One interpretation is that no critical threshold of relative fatness exists for expression of pubertal estrus or that if a minimal threshold exists it can be influenced by diet. Alternatively, the authors suggested that later maturing rats fed low fat diets gained the same amount of fat as earlier maturing rats to initiate first estrus. From this interpretation, they concluded that a minimal threshold of body fatness must be achieved before puberty will be initiated. In support of this hypothesis, percentage of body fat was not different between rats that displayed first estrus at a younger (35 d) compared with an 11 older age (46 d; Wilen and Naftolin, 1977). Likewise, estimated I fatness was not different at vaginal opening of early and late maturing rats (Kirtley and Maher, 1979). Restricted-fed rats experienced vaginal opening at an older age, lighter weight and lower percentage body fat than ad libitum—fed rats (Glass et al., 1979). In rats, body fatness was correlated positively to age at puberty (Wilen and Naftolin, 1977). In mice, neither body weight (Hansen et al., 1983) nor body fat (Hansen et al., 1983; Perrigo and Bronson, 1983) explained a significant portion of the variation in age at puberty. Onset of puberty in farm animals has been studied extensively. A detailed discussion of factors affecting onset of puberty in gilts is beyond the scope of this review. The reader is referred to recent reviews by Kirkwood and Aherne (1985) and Christenson (1986). It is not clear whether restriction of feed during the growing period hastens or delays onset of puberty in gilts (Kirkwood and Aherne, 1985). If a critical threshold of body weight or fatness were necessary to initiate puberty, one would expect restricted-fed gilts to be older at puberty. Lack of a consistent effect of restricted feeding on age at puberty would suggest that achievement of a minimal body weight or fat threshold is not necessary to trigger puberty in gilts. Den Hartog (1984) reported that estimated body fat at puberty ranged from 20.9 to 38.4%. Body weight at puberty followed a similar trend. These results do not support the hypothesis that gilts must reach a minimal threshold of body weight or fat to initiate puberty. Similarly, dietary manipulation of weight gain in heifers results in females that experience puberty at different ages and body weights 12 (Arije and Wiltbank, 1971; Short and Bellows, 1971; McCartor et al., 1979). Heifers, like gilts, do not seem to have a critical threshold of body weight which triggers onset of puberty. Undernutrition suppresses the normal adolescent growth surge in women (Frisch and Revelle, 1969) and delays menarche (Frisch, 1972). Menarche occurs when women reach an average critical body weight which represents a characteristic body composition (Frisch et al., 1973; Frisch, 1980). Frisch and McArthur (1974) suggested that girls must reach a minimal weight for height which represents a critical threshold of body fatness before menarche will occur. This hypothesis was based on estimates of body fatness derived from the relationship of body water to height and body weight (Edelman et al., 1952). Further support of this hypothesis is the observation that prepubertal ballet dancers possessed a lower percentage body fat and experienced delayed menarche compared with non—athletic girls of similar age (Warren, 1980; Cohen et al., 1982). A biological explanation for a given body fatness to trigger puberty is based on the close relationship between metabolic rate and body size. Basal metabolic rate per unit weight declines with increasing body weight (Brody, 1945). Since body size and fatness are related positively while body size and metabolic rate are related inversely, Kennedy and Mitra (1963a) proposed that metabolic rate may be the signal which triggers onset of puberty. The apparent critical threshold of body fatness may be an indication of the metabolic rate necessary to induce puberty. Consequently, body fat would not be a controller of the onset of puberty per se, but simply a tangential 13 change which indicates a specific metabolic rate. Billewicz et al. (1976) argued against the hypothesis of a critical body weight independent of age as the trigger for menarche. They observed that mean body weight at menarche was related positively to age at menarche. This observation would lead one to believe that body weight is not a controller of menarche. The effects of body fat on initiation of puberty are equivocal. Body fat does not seem to be the primary controller of the onset of puberty. Instead, body fat may be related to some other mediator which does control induction of puberty. Women athletes and amenorrhea. Studies of menstrual cycles in women athletes must be interpreted in light of the method of data collection. Questionnaires that rely on recall of the subject are used to collect data on menstrual cycles. Training intensity is reported by the subject and was not verified by researchers. Consequently, there is potential for inaccuracy in data collection which may influence final conclusions. In many studies researchers relate changes in body weight to characteristics of the menstrual cycle. These researchers make the assumption that changes in body fat parallel changes in body weight. This assumption may not be valid. Realizing these pitfalls do exist, one must use studies of women athletes and amenorrhea to serve as a guide for designing controlled studies in livestock species, not to draw definitive conclusions concerning relationship of body fat to reproductive cycles. Athletic women have a greater incidence of amenorrhea (lack of menstrual cycles) and oligomenorrhea (irregular menstrual cycles and(or) infrequent menstruation) than non-athletic 14 women (Feicht et al., 1978; Dale et al., 1979; Ronkainen et al., 1984). Body weight of women who ran more than 30 miles per week was less and these women had fewer menses per year than non—athletic women (Dale et al., 1979). Ballet dancers that experienced amenorrhea had lower body weight than eumenorrheic (regular menstrual cycles) dancers (Frisch et al., 1980; Cohen et al., 1982). Weight loss of the magnitude reported to cause amenorrhea would be composed primarily of adipose tissue loss (Frisch, 1988). Several authors have proposed that body fat plays a primary role in determining regularity of menstrual cycles (Frisch and McArthur, 1974; Dale et al., 1979; Frisch, 1980; Wentz, 1980). Frisch and McArthur (1974) reported that a minimal threshold of body fat (17%) must be maintained to ensure regularity of menstrual cycles. An underlying assumption is that athletic women are leaner than non—athletic women (Dale et al., 1979) and therefore suffer from a higher incidence of menstrual disorders compared with the general female population. If one considers only athletic women, body fat and occurrence of amenorrhea seem to be related negatively (Dale et al., 1979; Frisch et al., 1980; Sanborn et al., 1982; Glass et al., 1987). In contrast, no relationship between body fat and regularity of menstrual cycles was reported for athletic women by other researchers (Baker et al., 1981; Wakat et al., 1982). I The physiological importance of body fat in maintaining regular menstrual cycles has not been elucidated. From a long term perspective, Frisch (1988) suggested that control of menstrual cycles by body fat is an evolutionary adaptation. This adaptation ensures 15 that adequate energy reserves are available to maintain pregnancy and early lactation. Frisch (1988) suggests that this adaptation would guarantee survival of the species in times of low food supply. From a short term view, body fat can be a significant source of extragonadal estrogens. Body fat has been shown to aromatize circulating androgens to estrogens (Nimrod and Ryan, 1975). Estrogen participates in feedback mechanisms which influence release of gonadotropic hormones. Loss of body fat represents a loss of estrogen producing tissue. Amenorrheic athletes had less body fat and lower serum estradiol concentrations than eumenorrheic athletes in the follicular phase of their cycle (Glass et al., 1987). Female runners were leaner and had higher serum testosterone concentrations than non—active women (Dale et al., 1979). But, serum estradiol was not different between the two groups. This may suggest decreased extragonadal aromatization of androgens to estrogens. Kirkwood and Aherne (1985) suggested that anestrus in females with low body fat may be due to reduced extragonadal production of estrogens in adipose tissue resulting in reduced plasma estrogen concentration. The physiological relevance of this hypothesis has not been established. It is not clear if body fat contributes a significant portion of the total estrogens found in plasma. Secondly, ovarian compensation may occur when body fat is low to prevent reduction of plasma estrogen concentrations. Determination of body fat in human subjects is indirect and inaccurate. Many researchers have used the relationship between body weight and total body water (Frisch and McArthur, 1974; Wentz, 1980; Sanborn et al., 1982) to predict body fatness. Total body water and body fat are related inversely (Edelman et al., 1952). Equations were 16 developed from isotope dilution studies that estimate body water as a function of weight (Edelman et al., 1952) or weight and height (Mellits and Cheek, 1970). Other workers used skinfold thickness as a measure of body fat (Dale et al., 1979; Glass et al., 1987). Skinfold thickness is a non-invasive, easily obtainable measurement. Unfortunately, the skinfold technique may not be accurate enough for measurement of body fat in any one individual (Lutter and Cushman, 1982; Butte et al., 1985). Consequently, studies which predict body fatness from height and weight or skinfold thickness should be interpreted cautiously. A more accurate but difficult measurement of body fat can be obtained by underwater (hydrostatic) weighing (Behnke and Wilmore, 1974). Using hydrostatic weighing, Calberg et al. (1983) found that oligomenorrheic and amenorrheic athletes had 3% less body fat than eumenorrheic athletes. In contrast, no difference in body fat determined by underwater weighing was observed between amenorrheic and eumenorrheic distance runners (Sanborn et al., 1987). In addition to being lower in body weight and leaner, athletic women are more active than non-athletic women. Increased incidence of amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea observed in female athletes may be a direct effect of exercise. In such a scenario, changes in body weight and fat may not cause menstrual irregularity but may be results of exercise. In support of this hypothesis, incidence of amenorrhea is associated positively with number of miles run in training each week (Feicht et al., 1978; Lutter and Cushman, 1982; Sanborn et al., 1982). In other studies, number of training miles run each week did not influence incidence of menstrual dysfunction (Glass et al., 1979; l7 Shangold and Levine, 1982; Glass et al., 1987). Different responses to training mileage may be explained by different nutrient intakes of experimental subjects. Unfortunately, these researchers did not report daily intake of energy or nutrients. Professional ballet dancers have a higher incidence of menstrual dysfunction than sedentary women (Frisch et al., 1980; Warren, 1980; Cohen et al., 1982). Among ballet dancers, amenorrheic women are leaner than eumenorrheic women (Frisch et al., 1980). Low body weight was associated with amenorrhea (Frisch et al., 1980; Cohen et al., 1982) and delayed menarche (Warren, 1980) in ballet dancers. In amenorrheic women, regular menstrual cycles returned with gain of body weight (Frisch, 1980). This observation would suggest that body weight may control menstrual cycles in women. However, interruption of training in amenorrheic dancers resulted in regular menstrual cycles without gain in body weight or change in body fatness (Warren, 1980). Return to exercise resulted in reversion to amenorrhea without change in weight. Warren (1980) suggested that energy balance may play an important role in controlling menstrual cycles of ballet dancers. Exercise disrupted regular menstrual cycles in non—athletic women (Bullen et al., 1985). Furthermore, exercise-induced weight loss caused a greater incidence of delayed menses which worsened as exercise continued compared with women who maintained constant body weight during exercise. Female rats subjected to daily exercise experienced lower body weight gains and higher incidence of irregular estrous cycles than did non—exercised controls (Carlberg and Fregly, 1985). Forced swimming reduced body weight and body fat and disrupted estrous cycles of rats (Axelson, 1987). 18 Exercise alters reproductive cycles of humans and rats. Are the negative effects of exercise due to lower energy balance? Obviously, exercising women and rats that experience depressed weight gain are in reduced energy balance. Possibly, some factor(s) associated with energy balance controls the reproductive cycle. Weight loss, fat loss and reduced weight gain are caused by changes in energy balance and may not be related causally to irregularities of the reproductive cycle. Several researchers have investigated endocrine aspects of amenorrheic athletes and reported depressed circulating levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH; Dale et al., 1979; Warren, 1980) and(or) luteinizing hormone (LH; Dale et al., 1979; Warren, 1980; Baker et al., 1981; Bullen et al., 1985; Reizer, 1986) associated with athletic amenorrhea. In association with low circulating gonadotropins, serum estradiol was depressed in athletic women compared with controls (Dale et al., 1979; Ronkainen, 1985). Moderate exercise has been shown to suppress peak progesterone concentration in saliva during the luteal phase of the cycle (Ellison et al., 1985). Bullen et al. (1985) reported abnormal luteal function and loss of LH surge in exercising women. If exercising women lost weight, incidence of abnormal luteal function and loss of LH surge was associated with increased frequency of exercise. In amenorrheic ballet dancers, patterns of gonadotropin release resembled gonadotropic release of premenarchial women (Warren, 1980). Reduction of LH was more severe than reduction of FSH. Endurance runners displayed blunted LH response to exogenous gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) compared 19 with control women (Ronkainen, 1985). Similarly, interval to GnRH- induced peak concentration of LH was extended significantly by simple weight loss (Vigersky et al., 1977). Athletic amenorrhea seems to originate from the hypothalamic- pituitary axis rather than the ovary (Keizer, 1986). Exercise-induced depression of LH concentration wanes several hours after exercise and returns to normal (Keizer, 1986). If frequency or duration of exercise is high, normal follicular growth may be reduced resulting in aberrant menstrual cycles. Aberrant ovarian function cannot be ruled out but it would appear that athletic amenorrhea results at least in part from abnormal function of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Anorexia nervosa and menstrual dysfunction. Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a cachexic condition characterized by severe weight loss, hypothermia, constipation and amenorrhea (Warren and Vande Wiele, 1973). The cause of AN is thought to be psychological in nature. Nonetheless, AN has been used as a model to investigate the relationship between loss of body weight and amenorrhea. Severe weight loss caused by AN depressed concentrations of FSH and LH in plasma (Lundberg et al., 1972; Vigersky et al., 1977). Other researchers reported a depression of LH but normal FSH concentrations in AN patients (Danowski et al., 1972; Warren and Vande Wiele, 1973; Warren et al., 1975). Depressed concentration of gonadotropins in plasma seems responsible for amenorrhea in patients with AN. It is not clear what factor(s) is responsible for depressed gonadotropin concentrations. Depressed secretion of gonadotropins in response to exogenous GnRH has been demonstrated in AN patients (Warren et al., 1975). These findings indicate impairment in 20 synthesis and(or) release of gonadotropins by the anterior pituitary or reduced binding of LHRH by the anterior pituitary. In contrast, other workers found no aberration of pituitary function in women with AN (Lundberg et al., 1972; Wiegelmann and Sollack, 1972). Selective depression of concentration in plasma LH with no apparent affect on FSH suggests a different control mechanism for secretion of LH and FSH. Differential control of LH and FSH secretion has been demonstrated previously in humans (Rolland et al., 1975) and sows (Stevenson et al., 1981). Concentrations of gonadotropins in plasma rise and return to normal with weight gain in AN patients; however, amenorrhea persisted in 47% of cases (Warren and Vande Wiele, 1973). Similarly, gonadotropin secretion in response to exogenous GnRH improved with weight gain (Warren et al., 1975). These observations suggest that weight gain or some weight related factor is very important to elicit normal profiles of gonadotropins in women with AN. Although similarities exist between amenorrhea caused by AN and that caused by loss of weight and body fat, the AN model for amenorrhea may be confounded by psychological factors. In many instances, amenorrhea observed with AN precedes weight loss (Danowski et al., 1972; Lundberg et al., 1972; Warren and Vande Wiele, 1973). This would suggest that amenorrhea associated with AN is caused by factors other than body weight loss. In further support of this hypothesis, amenorrhea persisted after weight gain and the return to normal gonadotropin profiles in 47% of women recovering from AN (Warren and Vande Wiele, 1973). Possibly, psychological aspects of AN 21 play a very important role in controlling menstrual cycles and therefore limit the usefulness of AN as a model to study relationship of body fat and reproductive cycles. Mum:- Based on the four lines of evidence reviewed in this paper, one cannot state definitively that low body fat is a causative factor in amenorrhea or anestrus of reproducing females.‘ However, low body fat is associated with aberrant menstrual and estrous cycles. Since loss of body weight and body fat are reflective of changes in energy balance, one may hypothesize that hormonal and(or) metabolic factors associated with change in energy balance may be more central to control of menstrual and estrous cycles. Consequently, the simplified model of anestrus in livestock becomes more complicated by including other hormonal and metabolic factors related to loss of body fat which may influence return to estrus (Figure 2). Effects of Restricted Feeding on Reproductive Performance In the previous section of this review, it was suggested that changes in body fat are reflective of energy balance. One may easily hypothesize that nutrient balance directly influences hormonal or metabolic factors which ultimately influence return to estrus. In this scenario, changes in body fat would be tangential and may or may not be involved in controlling return to estrus (Figure 2). This section will focus on effects of restricted feeding on reproductive performance and body metabolism. Restricted feed intake by breeding females Dietary restriction depresses reproductive performance. Reduced 22 Low intake of dietary essentials relative to reproductive needs / \’ Loss of body fat ? ===> ——I Hormonal and metabolic mediators \/ High incidence of anestrus Clinical observation Figure 2. Relationships among intake of dietary essentials, change in body composition and hormonal and metabolic mediators as potential controllers of estrus expression. 23 reproductive performance is manifested primarily as a failure to express estrus and subsequently, a reduced pregnancy rate. A 50% reduction in intake of total digestible nutrients (TDN) during late gestation and lactation resulted in a 75% reduction in pregnancy rate of mature beef cows (Wiltbank et al., 1962; Wiltbank et al., 1964). This reduction in pregnancy rate was due to failure of energy- restricted cows to display estrus. Gauthier et al. (1983) reported that a 25% reduction in dietary energy and nitrogen intake decreased number of cows displaying estrus during the first 45 days of lactation. Severe to moderate restriction of dietary energy and protein blocked estrous cycles of beef heifers (Bond et al., 1958; Hill et al., 1970). Similarly, restriction of dietary energy intake during late gestation and lactation (Dunn et al., 1969) or during estrous cycles (Spitzer et al., 1978) lowered the proportion of females expressing estrus. Average energy balance during the first 20 days of lactation was related inversely to interval from parturition to first ovulation in Holstein cows (Butler et al., 1981). Restricted feed intake bv breeding sows. Feed intake of sows during lactation has a profound effect on postweaning expression of estrus. Lactational feed intake is related negatively to postweaning interval to estrus (Hughes and Calder, 1979; King and Williams, 1984a; King and Dunkin, 1986a). Implicit in these findings is that increased intake of energy and protein shortens postweaning interval to estrus. One may ask which dietary essentials are responsible for hastening return to estrus? Sows fed 8 Mcal metabolizable energy (ME) daily during lactation experienced delayed 24 return to estrus compared with sows fed 16 Mcal ME (Reese et al., 1982). No difference in percentage of sows that displayed estrus by day 14 postweaning was observed when lactational energy intake ranged from 10 to 14 Mcal ME per day (Nelssen et al., 1985). Several workers have reported that increasing dietary protein intake during lactation shortened intervals to postweaning estrus (O’Grady and Hanrahan, 1975; King and Williams, 1984b; Brendemuhl et al., 1987). King and Dunkin (1986b) found lactational ME intakes of 10 to 14.5 Mcal daily had no effect on interval to postweaning estrus but increasing protein intake from 508 g to 815 g daily reduced interval to estrus. These researchers suggested that there appears to be a critical energy level of 10 Mcal ME per day during lactation below which weaning to estrus interval is extended independent of protein intake. Above the critical energy level, protein intake seems to play a more important role in controlling postweaning interval to estrus. Restricting energy intake to 8 Meal ME daily during lactation had no significant effect on weaning to estrus interval; however, lactational protein intake was associated negatively with postweaning interval to estrus (Brendemuhl et al., 1987). Effects of feeding levels during the postweaning period on interval to estrus have been studied extensively. Increasing or decreasing feed intake during the postweaning period had no consistent effect on interval to first postweaning estrus (Aherne and Kirkwood, 1985). Evidently, nutritional and metabolic events that occur during lactation control the interval from weaning to estrus. 25 Potential mechanisms for effects of restricted feeding on expression of estrus. Moderate to severe restriction of dietary energy and(or) protein during lactation prolonged interval from weaning to estrus. But, the mechanism of this effect is not clear. Two possible hypotheses are presented below. First, body protein or fat may influence interval to estrus directly. Alternatively, restricted intake of dietary essentials may directly influence hormonal or metabolic factors which control return to estrus. In addressing the former hypothesis, numerous studies have demonstrated a negative relationship between energy and(or) protein intake during lactation and loss of body weight in sows (Hitchcock et al., 1971; Reese et al., 1982a, Nelssen et al., 1985; Johnston et al., 1986), rats (Glore and Layman, 1985), heifers (Spitzer et al., 1978) and ewes (Haresign, 1981). In many studies, there was a positive relationship between loss of body weight and interval to estrus (King and Williams, 1984a,b; Kirkwood et al., 1987a,b). Weight loss may not be as important as composition of weight loss when considering effects on interval to estrus. Sows restricted to 8 Mcal ME daily during lactation with adequate protein had less backfat and flank fat than sows fed 16 Mcal while loin eye area and various muscle weights were not affected by energy restriction (Roos et al., 1987). A 50% reduction in both energy and protein intake during lactation resulted in loss of adipose tissue and muscle mass of multiparous sows (Etienne et al., 1982). Both adipose and muscle tissue can be catabolized during lactation in the face of dietary restriction. Sows fed high 26 energy, low protein diets during lactation lost similar total body weight but less backfat than sows fed low energy, high protein diets (King and Williams, 1984b; Brendemuhl et al., 1987). Thus, composition of diet can influence relative proportion of fat and protein lost in a given amount of body weight. Bpgy protein. Researchers have questioned what aspect of body weight loss may be related to postweaning interval to estrus. Investigations have concentrated on loss of lipid (adipose tissue) and protein (muscle tissue) as possible controllers of interval from weaning to estrus. Effects of body fat on fertility and expression of estrus have been addressed in a previous section of this review. Absolute level of body protein after lactation or relative loss of body protein during lactation may control interval from weaning to estrus (King, 1987). Several lines of evidence support this hypothesis. Improved nitrogen balance due to increased protein intake during lactation shortened weaning to estrus intervals (King and Williams, 1984b; King and Dunkin, 1986b). King and Dunkin (1986b) reported that age and weight of primiparous sows at farrowing were related negatively to interval from weaning to estrus. Similarly, multiparous sows are heavier than primiparous sows and therefore have a greater mass of body tissue which can be mobilized to ensure prompt return to estrus. Multiparous sows have a shorter weaning to estrus interval than primiparous sows (Rasbeck, 1969; Hurtgen et al., 1980). Although older, heavier sows generally have a greater mass of body protein then younger, lighter sows, one can not conclude that the negative relationship between interval to estrus and age or body weight is due to body protein. Other factors associated with 27 increasing age or body weight that may influence interval to estrus. Furthermore, maternal body size and muscle mass of primiparous sows increase during pregnancy and lactation and therefore these sows may have a higher relative requirement for essential amino acids compared with multiparous females. Low lysine diets seem to have a greater negative effect on interval to estrus in primiparous sows compared with multiparous sows (O’Grady and Hanrahan, 1975). In a summary of eleven experiments, King (1987) reported that protein intake during lactation accounted for 68% of variation in interval from weaning to estrus. Estimated body protein at weaning or estimated loss of body protein during lactation explained 63% of variation in interval to estrus. Body protein had a more pronounced effect on interval to estrus than body weight or body fat. One must regard these findings cautiously because estimates of body composition were based on live weight and ultrasonically determined backfat depth (King et al., 1986). A direct test of effects of body protein on interval to estrus is necessary before definitive answers can be achieved. Hormonal and metabolic factors. Another hypothesis is that restricted intake of dietary essentials may directly influence hormonal or metabolic factors which control return to estrus. These direct effects of diet on hormonal or metabolic factors may be independent of changes in body composition. Before one can investigate any aberrations in the metabolic and(or) hormonal milieu which may be present in females with delayed return to estrus, one must understand the normal sequence of events that leads to 28 postweaning estrus. The reader is referred to recent reviews of postpartum endocrinology of the sow (Edwards, 1982; Britt et al., 1985). It is not the intent of this review to duplicate work done so skillfully by previous authors. However, a few aspects of the hormonal milieu in postpartum sows need to be highlighted to enhance the reader’s understanding of later discussions. The cascade of events which directly influence estrous cycles involves coordination among the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary and ovaries. Each of these structures synthesize and release hormones that coordinate events which result in follicular growth, estrus and ovulation. Briefly, the cascade of events is circular in nature but is conceptually thought of as beginning in the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus synthesizes and releases luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) into the hypophyseal portal circulation in a pulsatile fashion. This portal blood system carries LHRH to the anterior pituitary where LHRH stimulates synthesis and pulsatile release of FSH and LH. The gonadotropins (FSH and LH) are released into the systemic circulation to be transported to the ovaries. At the ovaries, FSH and LH stimulate growth of ovarian follicles. Growing ovarian follicles produce steroid hormones, primarily estradiol, which are released into peripheral blood thus reflecting follicular growth. Rising estradiol concentration in peripheral blood feeds back on the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary to control release of LHRH and gonadotropins. Eventually, estradiol levels rise to a peak concentration which is associated with signs of behavioral estrus and the preovulatory surge in LH release (Hansel and Convey, 1983). Ovulation occurs 29 approximately 24 to 48 h after peak LH concentrations. This brief overview outlines events that occur in sows with a short interval to estrus. These events begin with elevated gonadotropin concentrations in peripheral blood in late lactation and culminate with estrus and ovulation about five to seven days postweaning. When investigating the problem of delayed return to postweaning estrus, one can identify several points where hormonal and(or) metabolic factors may impair the hypothalamic—pituitary—ovarian (HPO) axis. Impaired release of hormones or decreased responsiveness of organs at any level in the HPO axis may delay return to estrus or cause complete anestrus. One may theorize that ovaries of anestrous sows are not responsive to stimulation by gonadotropins. Administration of pregnant mares’ serum gonadotropin (PMSG) to anestrous gilts and primiparous sows resulted in estrus and ovulation (den Hartog and van der Steen, 1981; King et al., 1982; Britt et al., 1986). Administration of PMSG on the day of weaning hastened the return to estrus especially during summer when interval to estrus is prolonged (Hurtgen and Leman, 1979). Evidently, ovaries of anestrous sows are responsive to gonadotropin and capable of follicular growth and steroid production. Impaired release of gonadotropic hormones from the anterior pituitary may cause the anestrous condition. Failure of the pituitary to function properly may result from inadequate synthesis of gonadotropic hormones, depressed pituitary responsiveness to LHRH, inadequate stimulation of the pituitary from LHRH, or inability of the pituitary to release gonadotropins. Any combination of these potential aberrations in pituitary function could 30 be responsible for delayed return to estrus. Pituitary function has been tested in yiyp via GnRH challenge. Primiparous sows anestrous for more than 40 days postweaning displayed estrus after 55 h of estradiol benzoate treatment with a single bolus injection of GnRH (Cox et al., 1983). Similarly, anestrous primiparous sows expressed estrus within four days of initiation of hourly pulses of exogenous GnRH (Armstrong and Britt, 1985). Injection of estradiol benzoate in long—term anestrous sows increased LH concentration in serum (Cox et al., 1983). From these experiments, it appears that the anterior pituitary is responsive to GnRH stimulation and positive feedback from ovarian steriods. However, one must recognize that in yiyp challenge studies may not yield results representative of normal physiological conditions. Quantification of normal concentrations of LHRH in the hypophyseal portal blood is difficult. Consequently, one does not know if doses of GnRH administered in previous studies were physiological or pharmacological doses. Pharmacological doses of GnRH may result in a response of the pituitary which is not indicative of the pituitary’s physiological responsiveness to LHRH stimulation. If ovaries are responsive to stimulation by gonadotropic hormones and pituitary is responsive to GnRH stimulation then one concludes that the aberration in function of the HPO axis in sows that display prolonged interval to estrus may be at the hypothalamus. One may hypothesize that some metabolite, catabolic end product, metabolic hormone or combination of these factors affects the hypothalamus to inhibit the release of LHRH. Suppression of LHRH would effectively arrest the cascade of events in the HPO axis. This unidentified 31 factor(s) or messenger which inhibits LHRH release must also be associated with the conditions of extensive body tissue catabolism and depressed intake of dietary essentials consistently observed in sows with prolonged interval to postweaning estrus. Researchers have observed a consistent relationship between undernutrition and reproductive failure of breeding females. Reproductive failure is manifested primarily as cessation of estrous cycles. Anestrus resulting from restricted feeding seems to be caused by reduced concentrations of gonadotropins in serum. Restricted intake of calories and protein lowered concentration of LH in serum of rats (Howland, 1971, 1972; Ibrahim and Howland, 1972; Howland and Ibrahim, 1973), sheep (Haresign, 1981; Foster and Olster, 1985), cattle (Apgar et al., 1975; Gauthier et al., 1983; Imakawa et al., 1986a,b), humans (Fichter and Pirke, 1984) and swine (Kirkwood et al., 1977). In contrast, other researchers have reported that restricting intake of calories and protein to between 85 and 90% of recommended levels had no effect on LH secretion in beef cattle (Hill et al., 1970; Rutter and Randel, 1984). However, cows that lost body condition postpartum had lower basal LH concentration than cows that maintained body condition (Rutter and Randel, 1984). Evidently, dietary restriction to 90% of recommended levels was not severe enough to be below each cow’s individual requirements for energy and protein. Restricting dietary energy to 33% of recommended levels with adequate protein did not influence serum LH concentrations in beef heifers (Spitzer et al., 1978). This study may suggest that the suppression of LH secretion observed in dietary restriction may be specific to 32 dietary protein. Gombe and Hansel (1973) fed Holstein heifers 62% of recommended TDN allowances and reported that basal LH concentration in plasma progressively increased while progesterone concentration in plasma decreased over three estrous cycles compared with heifers fed 100% of recommended TDN allowance. The authors suggested that ovaries of restricted—fed heifers became refractory to stimulation by LH. It is not clear why LH concentration in plasma increased in response to dietary restriction. Contrary to the reduction of LH, FSH secretion seems to be unaffected by dietary restriction (Howland, 1971; Campbell et al., 1977, Piacsek, 1987). Therefore, the anestrous condition caused by dietary restriction seems specific to reduced secretion of LH. This differential effect of restricted feeding on LH and FSH is consistent with the observation that secretion of LH and FSH is subject to different control mechanisms (Stevenson et al., 1981). Ovariectomized cows restricted in energy intake such that they lost body weight responded to GnRH challenge with higher serum LH concentration than ovariectomized cows that were gaining weight. Depressed circulating LH concentration is not due to decreased sensitivity of the anterior pituitary to GnRH (Beal et al., 1978). Rutter and Randel (1984) found a trend toward higher GnRH induced LH release in intact cows that maintained body condition compared with intact cows that lost body condition postpartum. The apparent discrepancy in LH response to GnRH between these two studies may be explained by presence or absence of ovarian steroids. The specific mechanism(s) responsible for depressed LH secretion during restricted feeding is not clear. Recent work has demonstrated that starvation—induced suppression of serum LH can be reversed by 33 administration of an opioid antagonist, naltrexone (Briski et al., 1984). Possibly, restricted feeding suppresses circulating LH by stimulating release of endogenous opioids from the hypothalamus which inhibit LH secretion from the anterior pituitary. Campbell et al. (1977) concluded that decreased release of gonadotropins during starvation is due to reduced hypothalamic stimulation of the anterior pituitary rather than the inability of the pituitary to secrete hormones. Pulsatile secretion of LH seems to be an important factor in stimulating follicular development and estrus expression (Haresign et al., 1983). Increased frequency of LH pulses occur at the onset of puberty, during the follicular phase of the estrous cycle and during transition from periods of anestrous to estrous conditions (Haresign et al., 1983). It would seem that increased frequency of LH pulses is a prerequisite for resumption of estrous cycles. Frequency of LH pulses in ovariectomized, restricted—fed heifers was less than that of ovariectomized, adequately-fed heifers (Imakawa et al., 1987). These authors concluded that feed restriction has a direct action on the hypothalamic—pituitary axis to decrease frequency of LH pulses. Restricting food intake of young female rats such that weight gain was halted resulted in elimination of pulsatile LH secretion (Bronson, 1987). Refeeding returned LH pulses within 48 hours. Furthermore, food restriction did not affect hypothalamic LHRH content, LH content of the pituitary or response of the pituitary to GnRH challenge. These results further support the suggestion that restricted intake of feed directly suppresses LHRH release from the hypothalamus. 34 Metabolic effects of restricted feeding in sows. The frequent observation that prolonged intervals to estrus are associated with excessive loss of body weight indicates that sows were underfed relative to their nutritional requirements. Therefore, restricted feeding with accompanying delayed return to estrus can be used to study prolonged intervals to estrus. Many researchers have conducted experiments which demonstrate the relationships among intake of dietary essentials, changes in body weight and body condition and interval from weaning to estrus. These studies were discussed earlier in this review. Unfortunately, very few investigators have undertaken controlled experiments which explain the mechanism by which these clinical observations are related. The metabolic adjustments made by a sow that is fed below nutritional requirements most certainly plays a role in controlling the postweaning interval to estrus. A reduction in dietary energy and protein of 90 and 67% respectively, increased free fatty acid concentrations in serum but did not consistently affect plasma insulin, glucose and urea nitrogen compared with full-fed controls (Armstrong and Britt, 1987). Armstrong et al. (1986) restricted dietary energy intake to 67% of ad libitum intake for primiparous sows during lactation. There were no consistent differences between feeding levels for preprandial serum concentrations of insulin, glucose, free fatty acid or urea nitrogen. Lack of a difference in blood borne metabolites may be explained by the greater daily protein intake of restricted fed sows. But, sows which displayed a short (< 8 d; estrous) or extended (> 23 d; anestrous) interval to estrus ingested similar quantities of energy and protein. No differences in body weight or backfat losses, litter 35 size at weaning or litter weight gain were observed for estrous and anestrous sows. But, preprandial plasma glucose concentration was higher and free fatty acid concentration was lower on days 12 and 20 of lactation for anestrous compared with estrous sows. From these data, the authors concluded that some aberration in energy metabolism which prevented a shift to spare glucose during lactation predisposed sows to the occurrence of delayed postweaning estrus. Cyclic sows exhibited greater frequency of LH release during the last 18 h of lactation compared with anestrous females (Armstrong et al., 1986). Similarly, Shaw and Foxcroft (1985) reported a negative relationship between LH concentration before weaning and interval to estrus. The ratio of FSH to LH was related positively to weaning to estrus interval (Shaw and Foxcroft, 1985). FSH rises during late lactation (Stevenson et al., 1981) and stays constant or rises slowly during the postweaning period (Aherne et al., 1976; Shaw and Foxcroft, 1985). Therefore, a decrease in FSH/LH ratio which would be associated with a shortened interval to estrus is due mainly to an increase in LH concentration. Low level feeding during lactation depressed postweaning LH concentration in blood and extended interval to mating (Kirkwood et al., 1987). No difference in LH release elicited by exogenous GnRH could be detected when restricted-fed and full—fed sows were compared. From this experiment one may conclude that the anterior pituitary of nutritionally anestrous sows is responsive to hypothalamic stimulation. Armstrong and Britt (1987) reported a series of experiments in 36 which gilts were made anestrus by severe feed restriction. Restricted-fed gilts had lower insulin and higher free fatty acid concentrations in blood while glucose and urea nitrogen concentrations were not different from full- fed controls. Mean LH and FSH concentrations were not affected by feeding level but frequency of LH release was lower and amplitude of release was higher in restricted- fed gilts compared with full-fed gilts. In both groups, FSH secretion showed no episodic release. Release of LH and FSH in response to exogenous GnRH was not affected by feeding level indicating that the anterior pituitary of restricted-fed gilts was responsive to hypothalamic stimulation. Upon realimentation, LH pulse frequency increased in restricted-fed gilts. In a second experiment, nutritionally anestrous gilts received hourly intravenous pulses of saline, GnRH or LH for 144 h. GnRH or LH decreased, six—fold, the number of small follicles (1 to 3 mm) and increased ten-fold, the number of large follicles (>7 mm diameter) indicating that ovaries of nutritionally anestrous gilts are responsive to stimulation. Summary. Restricted feeding results in cessation of estrous cycles in postpubertal females or prolongs anestrus postpartum. Furthermore, restricted feeding is associated with depressed LH secretion while resumption of estrous cycles is related to increased frequency of LH secretion. Researchers have tested the anterior pituitary and ovaries of nutritionally anestrous sows and gilts 1p yiyp and found them to be functional and responsive to their appropriate hormonal stimuli. This would suggest a lack of LHRH release from the hypothalamus associated with restricted feeding is a major cause of nutritionally induced anestrus in swine. Restricted feeding causes catabolism of adipose and muscle tissue. Catabolism of body tissue is related intimately to changes in body metabolism. Considering this close interrelationship among restricted nutrient intake, loss of body tissue and alterations in body metabolism, the once simple model of anestrus in livestock becomes increasingly complex (Figure 3). Low intake of dietary nutrients results in simultaneous loss of body tissue and alterations in body metabolism. Loss of body tissue may act directly to suppress estrus or may act through a metabolite, hormone or catabolic end product to suppress activity of HPO axis and suppress estrus. Alternatively, loss of body tissue may be a tangential change resulting from reduced nutrient intake and have no effect on estrus expression. On the other hand, restricted nutrient intake could affect the hormonal and metabolic milieu of the body directly resulting in suppressed activity of the HPO axis and anestrus. Although restricted feeding suppressed all levels of the HPO axis, most evidence is that central inhibition of hypothalamic LHRH release is a major cause of nutritionally induced anestrus. The next obvious question is what facet(s) of the hormonal and metabolic milieu associated with restricted feeding is responsible for inhibition of activity of the HPO axis? More specifically, what messenger mediates the effects of restricted feeding on cessation of estrous cycles? % _ 38 relative to reproductive needs / \_ ? Loss of body :29 Hormonal and tissue metabolic mediators ? ‘ Low Low ( Hypothalamus -———-> Anterior —-———+- LHBH pituitary LH.FSH \ _ Unlikely \ pathway Pow intake of dietary essentials] Lovv estroge Clinical observation High incidence of anestrus l.-——__I Figure 3. Relationships among low intake of dietary essentials, body metabolism, change in body composition and incidence of anestrus. '39 Effect of Insulin on Reproductive Function Insulin is a peptide hormone of central importance to homeostatic regulation of metabolism in mammalian organisms. Insulin has a wide variety of metabolic effects which include but are not limited to enhanced glucose and amino acid transport, decreased mobilization of adipose tissue, increased protein synthesis and inhibition of protein degradation (Etherton, 1982). One of insulin’s first recognized and primary roles is control of the movement of metabolic fuels, primarily glucose. In the "fed" state, blood glucose concentration rises stimulating release of insulin from the pancreas I to facilitate transport of glucose out of blood and into body tissues. Conversely, low blood glucose concentration characteristic of fasted animals results in depression of serum insulin concentration. Consequently, high levels of circulating insulin signal the "fed" state (Cahill, 1971). Since insulin has many actions and plays a primary role in controlling metabolism, it is reasonable to speculate that insulin may play a part in controlling reproductive processes. In previous sections of this review, the positive relationship between restriction of dietary nutrient intake and the occurrence of anestrus has been established. Furthermore, under fasting conditions, there is a consistent depression in insulin concentration in blood (Cahill et al., 1966; Cahill, 1971; Kasuga et al., 1977; Wangsness et al., 1981; Armstrong and Britt, 1987). In a cursory analysis of these observations, one may hypothesize that the occurrence of anestrus caused by depressed nutrient intake may be mediated through depressed 4O systemic insulin concentration. In a more detailed investigation of the relationship between insulin and reproductive function one finds several lines of evidence that suggest insulin can influence reproductive processes. Diabetes as a model for effects of insulin on reproduction. Juvenile onset diabetes is characterized by impaired release of insulin from the pancreas in response to blood glucose. This aberration in carbohydrate metabolism results in hypoinsulinemia, hyperglucosemia and hyperglucosuria (Mayes, 1983). In addition, insulinopenia has been associated with primary amenorrhea, anovulation and low pregnancy rate in women (Poretsky and Kalin, 1987) and prolonged estrous cycles, anestrus and anovulation in rats (Liu et al., 1972; Kirchick et al., 1978). So, it seems that diabetes would be a useful model for investigating the relationship between insulin and reproductive function. Alloxan or streptozotocin are used routinely to create a diabetic state in experimental animals (Anonymous, 1976). Both act by destroying insulin-releasing B cells of the pancreas. Immature alloxan diabetic rats experienced ovarian and uterine atrophy and had elevated serum FSH concentrations but normal LH profiles compared with normal controls. None of the alloxan treated rats experienced vaginal opening. Insulin administration to alloxan diabetic rats increased ovarian and uterine weights, depressed FSH to normal concentration and caused vaginal opening in 90% of the rats (Liu et al., 1972). In contrast, there was no difference in ovarian weight or estradiol production between diabetic and normal immature rats that 41 were primed with PMSG (Kirchick et al., 1978). This suggests that ovarian responsiveness to gonadotrophic stimulation is not depressed in diabetic animals. Treatment of diabetic rats with insulin or human chorionic gonadotropin resulted in ovulation in 90% of the animals. Non-ovulatory diabetic rats displayed no LH surge (Kirchick et al., 1978). This indicates that the pituitary and(or) hypothalamus are limiting reproductive function in diabetic animals. Depletion of hypothalamic LHRH determined by serial slaughter technique was similar between diabetic and normal rats after time of expected LH surge. Similarly, hypothalamic content of LHRH was not different between the two groups (Kirchick et al., 1979). A single injection of GnRH resulted in a three- to four-fold greater release of LH in control rats than diabetic rats. Furthermore, exogenous GnRH did not reduce LH concentration of pituitary in diabetic rats (Kirchick et al., 1979). Evidently, the pituitary is not responsive to GnRH stimulation in the diabetic rat. Depressed responsiveness of the pituitary seems to be insulin—dependent because insulin replacement in diabetic rats re-established the preovulatory surge of LH (Kirchick et al., 1978) and ovulation (Kirchick et al., 1982) in immature rats. Insulin treatment of diabetic rats prevents hypothalamic lesions and atrophy of the pituitary normally observed in diabetic rats (Bestetti et al., 1987). In a recent review, Poretsky and Kalin (1987) discussed the effects of diabetes on human reproduction. Normal ovarian activity returns with administration of insulin to diabetic women. They suggested that insulin has a gonadotrophic effect. However, the authors warned that id vivo effects of insulin in humans must be 42 interpreted cautiously because one cannot determine which metabolic aberration of uncontrolled diabetes causes the abnormalities in ovarian function. Hyperglycemia, insufficient body weight, insulin deficiency, gonadotropin deficiency or any combination of these factors could disrupt normal ovarian function. In vitro effects of insulin on HPO axis. Since there are numerous potentially confounding factors present when studying 1p vivo effects of insulin, effects of insulin in vitro have been examined extensively. I vitro effects of insulin have been demonstrated at all three endocrine glands of the HPO axis. Insulin has direct effects on ovarian tissues. Specific binding sites for insulin have been demonstrated on porcine granulosal cells (Rein and Schomberg, 1982; Otani et al., 1985). Hammond and English (1987) showed that insulin is a potent stimulator of DNA synthesis in porcine granulosal cells. Insulin prevented decline in basal secretion of progesterone normally observed in granulosal cells (May and Schomberg, 1981). Furthermore, maturation of immature granulosal cells (May and Schomberg, 1981) and luteinization of granulosal cells (Channing et al., 1976; Otani et al., 1985) is stimulated by insulin in culture media. Follicle stimulating hormone caused a dose related increase in FSH binding to granulosal cells only when insulin was present in the culture medium (May et al., 1980). Insulin is required for development of optimal steroidogenic potential of granulosal cells (May et al., 1980; Lino et al., 1985) and acts synergistically with FSH (Maruo et al., 1988). A major function of granulosal cells is 43 steroidogenesis during follicular phase of the estrous cycle. Insulin synergizes with gonadotropins to promoting steroidogenesis. In addition to ovaries, insulin has direct effects on the pituitary. Receptors for insulin have been demonstrated in the pituitary (Havrankova et al., 1978a). Anterior pituitary cells from ovariectomized adult rats responded to insulin treatment with increased basal and GnRH stimulated release of LH and FSH (Adashi et al., 1981). The blood—brain barrier is a mechanism by which the brain is protected from radical shifts in body metabolism. It was believed that the blood-brain barrier was impermeable to insulin. However, recent experiments have shown that insulin rapidly enters the cerebrospinal fluid and enters neural tissue (Baskin et al., 1987). Havrankova et al. (1978b) reported that the hypothalamus of rat brain had the highest concentration of insulin among six regions of the brain. Receptors for insulin have been demonstrated in the hypothalamus (van Houten et al., 1979; Landau et al., 1983). Access of insulin to the hypothalamus may provide direct interaction between the control centers of the brain and body metabolism (van Houten et al., 1983; Melnyk and Martin, 1984a). Recent evidence indicates that plasma insulin acts as a satiety signal to control feed intake and body weight (Woods et al., 1985) thus supporting the role of insulin as a messenger between body metabolism and the brain. Prolonged food restriction did not affect hypothalamic insulin concentration but reduced binding of insulin to receptors in rat hypothalami (Melnyk and Martin, 1984a). Presumably, reduced binding of insulin to receptors decreases release of LHRH. If 44 this is true, one may hypothesize that effects of feed restriction resulting in anestrus are mediated by reduced insulin binding in hypothalamus. Apparently, there is maximal binding of insulin in hypothalamus because hyperinsulinemia did not increase hypothalamic binding of insulin (Melnyk and Martin, 1984b). Effects of insulin on estrous cycles of farm animals. The relationship among insulin, HPO axis and expression of estrus is a new area of investigation in farm animals. Relatively few 1p yiyd studies have been reported. Fasted heifers had lower plasma insulin and glucose concentrations compared with ad libitum-fed heifers (McCann and Hansel, 1986). Associated with depressed insulin and glucose concentrations was decreased mean concentration of LH in plasma. Upon refeeding of fasted heifers, increased plasma insulin concentration preceeded increased LH concentration. In sows with short intervals from weaning to estrus, terminating lactation by weaning of pigs results in a rapid rise in insulin while glucose concentrations were unchanged during the first four days postweaning (Eriksson et al., 1987). Concurrently, there is an increase in mean concentration of gonadotropins, pulse frequency of LH, and follicular growth which ultimately results in behavioral estrus and ovulation (Stevenson et al., 1981; Shaw and Foxcroft, 1985). These temporal relationships between insulin and LH secretion indicate that insulin may stimulate the hypothalamic-pituitary axis to resume normal activity. If insulin does have a role in stimulating activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis then administration of insulin to 45 restricted-fed females may increase secretion of gonadotropins and restore expression of estrus. Short term (4h) infusion of insulin did not affect pattern of LH release in ovariectomized heifers (Harrison and Randel, 1985). Restricting energy intake of heifers for 45 d caused weight loss, decreased postprandial insulin concentration and decreased ovulation rate (Harrison and Randel, 1986). Daily injections of insulin had no effect on mean LH concentration or patterns of LH secretion; however, exogenous insulin increased ovulation rate and secretion of progesterone in restricted-fed heifers. Evidently, exogenous insulin mimicked the metabolic state of adequately-fed heifers and restored ovulation rate of restricted-fed heifers to near normal levels. Lack of an effect of insulin on LH secretion would indicate that effects of insulin are localized at the ovaries. Similar to effects in heifers, Cox et al. (1987) reported that exogenous insulin increased ovulation rate of gilts consuming moderate and high energy rations. Effect of insulin on ovulation rate in gilts consuming moderate energy rations was greater than in gilts consuming high energy rations. Increasing ovulation rate due to administration of insulin occurred independent of changes in pulsatile release of LH. Presently, it is not possible to determine if 1p yiyd effects of insulin are direct or indirect resulting from insulin-elicited changes in concentration of glucose. Some researchers have pr0posed that glucose concentration in plasma rather than insulin may be the signal which stimulates the HPO axis (Short and Adams, 1988). Phlorizin- induced hypoglycemia decreased LH pulse amplitude and the number of medium amplitude (>2 ng/ml) LH pulses (Rutter and Manns, 1988). 46 Despite changes in LH release, phlorizin did not affect the number of cows ovulating within 24 days of treatment (Rutter and Manns, 1987). But, phlorizin-induced hypoglycemia was confounded by hypoinsulinemia. A metabolic inhibitor of glucose metabolism (2-deoxy-D-glucose) blocked estrus and ovulation in beef cows (McClure et al., 1978) suggesting that glucose independent of insulin is necessary for expression of estrus. A goal of this dissertation is to elucidate in part the factors responsible for anestrus in highly productive sows. There have not been comprehensive studies which directly compare the metabolic status of sows with short or extended intervals to estrus. Consequently, it is not known if anestrous sows have depressed concentrations of insulin in plasma compared with regularly cycling sows. However, based on the preponderance of evidence that insulin does influence function of the HPO axis, a hypothesis to test is that insulin may affect estrus expression positively in nutritionally anestrous sows. Summary. Exogenous insulin in diabetic animals normalizes aberrant functions of the HPO axis and elicits normal estrous cycles. From ip yitpd observations, insulin influences positively function of the hypothalamus, pituitary and ovaries. Exogenous insulin increased ovulation rate in heifers and gilts. From this evidence, one may speculate that insulin has a positive effect on HPO axis and that exogenous insulin may have beneficial effects on nutritionally induced anestrous in sows. 47 mm The relationship among low intake of dietary nutrients, body composition and body metabolism and extended interval from weaning to estrus is complex and can be visualized by referring to Figure 3. Low intake of nutrients causes simultaneous changes in body composition and body metabolism. Loss of body tissue below a minimal threshold of specific tissues (e.g., fat or muscle) may cause anestrus directly. Another possibility is that changes in body composition alter hormones or metabolites which depress activity of the HPO axis and result in anestrus. Clinical observations of women and farm livestock indicate that body fat and occurrence of regular menstrual or estrous cycles are related positively. But, this relationhip has not been tested adequately. The first objective of this research was to determine if a minimal threshold of body fat exists below which interval from weaning to estrus is delayed in primiparous sows. A second objective was to determine the relationship between body fat and postweaning interval to estrus. Independent of changes in body composition, low dietary intake of nutrients could alter body metabolism such that normal functions of the HPO axis are depressed resulting in anestrus. There are numerous changes in body metabolism caused by restricted intake of dietary essentials. Consequently, many different hormones or metabolites may be responsible for nutritionally induced anestrus. Insulin is a metabolic hormone of central importance in regulating homeostasis. Insulin responds to intake of dietary essentials. Previous researchers have established that insulin has positive 48 effects at all levels of the HPO axis. Therefore, insulin is a hormone related to body metabolism which may influence expression of estrus. Effects of exogenous insulin on interval from weaning to estrus in sows have not been tested. The third objective of this research was to determine effects of exogenous insulin on interval to postweaning estrus in restricted-fed primiparous sows. Experiment I Relationship Between Body Fat and Postweaning Interval to Estrus in Primiparous Sows 49 50 Introduction —I- Extended intervals from weaning to estrus (210 d) are common n highly productive maternal—line sows. Delayed postweaning estrus and associated delayed rebreeding of sows decreases reproductive efficiency and increases costs of production. MacLean (1968, 1969) observed that in lean sows delayed postweaning estrus occurred more frequently than in moderately fat sows. Large losses of body weight and fat during lactation were correlated positively with delayed postweaning estrus (Reese et al., 1982; King and Williams, 1984; King and Dunkin, 1986). Similarly, postpartum beef cows that lost body weight during lactation displayed estrus later than cows that did not lose body weight (Cantrell et al., 1982; Rutter and Randel, 1984). The percentage of dairy cows that displayed estrus by d 24 postpartum increased linearly as body condition improved (Fulkerson, 1984). Previous researchers have hypothesized that a minimal threshold of body fat is necessary in women for menarche and sustained menstrual cycles (Frisch and McArthur, 1974; Frisch, 1984). Several workers have reported irregularity and(or) cessation of menstrual cycles in female athletes with lower body fat than that of regularly cycling women (Dale et al., 1979; Carlberg et al., 1983; Glass et al., 1987). In contrast, Sanborn et al. (1987) found no relationship between body fat and amenorrhea in women athletes. The objective of this experiment was to determine if a minimal threshold of body fat exists below which postweaning estrus is delayed. A second objective was to examine the relationship between body fat and interval from weaning to estrus in primiparous sows. 51 Materials and Methods Animals and Management. On d 109 of gestation, twenty-two primiparous Yorkshire sows were moved to farrowing crates in an environmentally controlled room. From d 109 of gestation until parturition, all sows received 1.82 kg/d of a corn—soybean meal gestation diet (Table 1). Sows were allotted, based on weight at d 109 of gestation and ancestry, to receive one of four diets starting at parturition (Table 1). Diets were formulated and feed intake of lactating sows was controlled to provide 7 (VL), 9 (L), 11 (M) or 13 (H) Mcal of metabolizable energy (ME) daily to produce different degrees of body fatness at weaning. The diet which provided 13 Mcal ME was considered marginally adequate in energy for primiparous sows nursing ten pigs. The remaining diets (VL, L, M) represented varying degrees of energy restriction. These diets were used to produce thin sows with extended intervals to postweaning estrus. Calculated intake of all dietary essentials except ME met or exceeded NRC (1979) recommendations for lactating sows consuming 4 kg of feed daily (Table 2). During lactation, sows received half of their daily feed allotment at 0730 h and at 1530 h. Orts were weighed and recorded daily for each sow to determine daily intake of dietary essentials. Litter size for all sows was adjusted to ten pigs by d 3 postpartum. Body weights of sows were recorded on d 109 of gestation, 24 h postpartum and 28 d postpartum (weaning). In addition, backfat depth was determined ultrasonically5 at a point 60 mm lateral to the dorsal midline opposite the last rib on d 109 of gestation and at weaning. Individual pig weights were recorded at 24 h and 21 d postpartum. 52 TABLE 1. COMPOSITION AND CALCULATED ANALYSIS OF DIETS PDiets Ingredient Very Low Low Medium High Gestation (VL) (L) (M) (H) ................... %---------------_---_--- Corn 44.35 56.35 67.20 62.05 70.45 Soybean meal 38.60 26.60 24.50 23.50 14.50 Wheat bran 10.00 Solka gioca 11.15 12.25 Tallow 3 50 10.00 Mono—dicalcium phosphate 2.30 1.75 1 70 1.50 2 00 Calcium carbonate 1.75 1.50 1.55 1.40 1.30 Salt .60 .50 .50 .50 .50 Vit.-trace mineral gixC .60 .50 .50 .50 .60 Vit. E-selenium mix .60 .50 .50 .50 50 Aureomycin-Soe .05 .05 .05 .05 Choline chloride, 50% ' .15 100 00 100 00 100.00 100 00 100 00 Calculated analysis Metabolizable energy (ME), kcal/kg 2612 2654 3243 3578 2996 Crude protein, % 20.8 16.6 16.6 15.8 14.0 Lysine, % 1.22 .90 .87 .82 .64 Calcium, % 1.23 1.00 1.00 .91 .92 Phosphorus, % .86 .70 .69 .64 .80 dPowdered cellulose; James River Corporation, Berlin, NH 03570. bRENDO White Beef fat; Michigan Shortening Co., Detroit, MI 48207. CComposition was vitamin A, 661,380 IU; vitamin D , 132,276 1U; menadione, .66 g; riboflavin, .66 g; niacin, 3.5 g; D-pantothenic acid, 2.64 g; choline 88.18 g; vitamin 812, 3.96 mg; Zn, 7.5 9; Mn, 7.5 g; I, .11 9; Cu, 2.0 9; Fe, 12.0 g/kg premix. Composition was vitamin E, 3310 IU/kg premix and selenium, 19.8 mg/kg premix. eProvided 110.23 9 chlortetracycline per kg premix. d 53 TABLE 2. DAILY ALLOWANCE 0F FEED AND SELECTEDa NUTRIENTS FOR PRIMIPAROUS SOWS DURING LACTATIONa Dietary energy levels Nutrient VL L M H Total feed, kg/g 2.73 3.41 3.41 3.64 Energy, Mcal ME /d 7.11 9.03 11.03 12.98 Crude protein, g/d 568 568 568 573 Lysine, g/d 33.2 30.7 29.5 29.9 Calcium, g/d 33.6 34.0 34.4 33.0 Phosphorus, g/d 23.3 23.7 23.5 23. 3 dCalculated values. Metabolizable energy. 54 Pigs did not receive creep feed. Beginning one day after weaning, all sows received gestation diet (Table 1) in an amount based on their metabolic body weight (kg BW'75). Each sow received .037 kg feed (110 kcal ME)/kg BW'75/d to satisfy maintenance energy requirements plus an additional .45 kg feed (1,359 kcal ME) for body weight gain. The amount of feed offered was adjusted each day based on sow weight. From d 3 to d 65 postweaning, sows were checked daily for signs of estrus using a mature boar. Estrus was recorded when sows stood to be mounted by a boar and days from weaning to first estrus were recorded. Blood was sampled via puncture of the vena cava (Carle and Dewhirst, 1942) from all sows that did not exhibit estrus by 14 d postweaning. Subsequent blood samples were obtained biweekly until estrus was detected. Plasma was harvested by centrifugation at 5°C and stored at —20°C until assayed for progesterone. Progesterone Assay. The radioimmunoassay for progesterone (Louis et al., 1973) was validated for porcine plasma. First, extraction efficiency at various volumes of plasma was determined. Ten microliters of tritiated progesterone were added to 16 x 100 mm extraction tubes and the methanol diluent evaporated. To each tube, different volumes of plasma (100, 200, 500 or 1000 ul) were added and vortexed for 10 s. Progesterone was extracted using 2 ml of fresh toluene:hexane (1:2) and 30 s of vortexing. Mean efficiency of extraction declined as the volume of plasma increased. Maximal extraction efficiency (92%) was achieved with 100 ul of plasma. Extraction efficiency at various concentrations of progesterone was 55 determined by adding 19,500, 28,800 or 38,200 cpm of tritiated progesterone to 100 ul of plasma. Extraction proceeded as described previously. The percentage of progesterone recovered was constant regardless of the amount of progesterone present. Accuracy was determined by adding 0, .25, .50 or 1.0 ng progesterone to 100 ul of plasma. Each sample was extracted as described previously and assayed by the procedure of Louis et al. (1973). After correction for endogenous progesterone in plasma, content of progesterone measured in each tube did not differ from exogenous progesterone. Intra-assay coefficient of variation was 7.0% for both high and low standard sera. Concentration of progesterone in . the standard high and low sera was 2.32 i .16 and .25 i .02 ng/ml, respectively. There was no inter-assay coefficient of variation because all samples were analyzed in one assay. Presence of functional corpora lutea was assumed when plasma progesterone concentration was > 1 ng/ml. Since blood was sampled only from sows not detected in estrus, elevated plasma progesterone would have indicated ovulation in the absence of behavioral estrus. Body Fat. 0n the day before weaning and the day of first postweaning estrus, body fat of sows was estimated by dilution of deuterium oxide (D20). Each sow received .24 g of D201 per kg of body weight. Sodium chloride was added to pure D20 to create a physiological saline solution (.85% NaCl). Exact amount of physiological DZO injected was determined from the pre- and post- injection syringe weight. Injection of D20 was via polyethylene m 199.8% pure DZO obtained from Cambridge Isotope Lab, Woburn, MA. 56 catheter in the anterior vena cava. Catheters were flushed immediately with 10 ml of heparinized saline to assure that all 020 was in the vascular system. Blood was sampled (10 ml) in EDTA-treated syringes before D20 infusion and 2 and 3 h after infusion of 020. Blood was stored at 2°C until completion of sampling for a day, then all samples were frozen in sealed tubes and stored at -20°C until recovery of blood water. Blood samples were lyophilized according to the procedures of Byers (1979). Water extracted from blood was stored in sealed tubes at 2°C until quantification of 020 by infrared absorbance2 (Byers, 1979). Estimates of maternal body (ingesta-free sow body minus uterus and mammary tissue and their contents) fat at weaning were calculated using equations of Shields et al. (1984). Empty body (ingesta—free sow body) fat content at first postweaning estrus was estimated using equations of Knudson et al. (1985). Statistical Analysis. A hypothesis is that low body fat at weaning may extend the anovulatory interval. To test this hypothesis, regression analyses (first and second order) were used to examine the relationship between body fat, the independent variable, and interval from weaning to estrus (Gill, 1978). Based on previous reports (Reese et al., 1982; Nelssen et al., 1985), sows fed M and H diets were expected to have short weaning to estrus intervals. Therefore, fewer 2Infrared absorbance measured by a Wilks Scientific Miran 1 Fixed Filter Infrared Analyzer with a Gilford Model 410 digital unit. 57 sows were assigned to M (n=4) and H (n=2) than to VL (n=8) and L (n=8). This unbalanced approach was planned to improve the estimate of the interval from weaning to estrus of lean sows. Since replication was not equal, simple linear regression was used (Gill, 1978) to analyze the relationship of dietary ME allowance with each of the following dependent variables: daily ME intake, body weight and backfat depth of sows, litter performance and interval from weaning to estrus. Student’s t statistic was used to contrast the performance of sows that displayed short (5 10 d) and long (> 10 d) intervals to estrus. Results As expected, a positive linear effect (P<.01) of dietary ME allowance on average daily ME intake was observed (Table 3). At 24 h postpartum, body weight was not different among diets. But, body weight of sows at 28 d postpartum increased linearly (P<.05) with amount of dietary ME offered. Backfat depth 24 h postpartum declined linearly (P<.05) as daily ME allowance increased. In contrast, backfat depth at weaning was not affected by ME allowance. Dietary energy allowance did not affect litter size on d 21 of lactation. Similarly, litter weights on d 21 of lactation were not different among dietary energy levels. Loss of body weight and backfat during lactation was related inversely (P<.01) to ME intake (Table 4). Increasing ME intake during lactation increased (P<.01) body fat at weaning and was related negatively (P<.OI) to postweaning interval to estrus. Body fat at weaning ranged from 14.5 to 30.8% (Figure 4). There -L_ 58 TABLE 3. EFFECT OF METABOLIZABLE ENERGY INTAKE 0N SON WEIGHT, BACKFAT DEPTH AND PIG PERFORMANCE Trait VL L M H Sy’xa Pb No. of observations 8 8 4 2 Avg energy intake, Mcal ME /d 6.88 8.72 11.03 12.93 .26 .01 Sow wt, kg: d 24 h postpartum 168.6 175.5 173.4 180.1 21.1 NS Weaning 131.1 140.6 143.9 159.9 21.7 .05 Sow backfat depth, mm: 24 h postpartum 23.3 23.18 21.5 18.1 2.95 .05 Weaning 11.3 13.7e 14.8 13.5 2.89 NS 21 d litter size 9.0 9.5 9.5 9.0 .9 NS 21 d litter wt, kg 48.9 51.6 47.4 47.8 9.9 NS EStandard error of the estimate. Probability level. gMetabolizable energy. Not significant (P>.05). Means represent 7 observations. 59 TABLE 4. EFFECT OF DIETARY ENERGY INTAKE DURING LACTATION ON SON BODY FAT AND NEANING TO ESTRUS INTERVAL Dietary energy levels Trait VL L M H Sy'xa Pb No. of observations 8 8 Avg energy intake, Mcal ME /d 6.88 8.72 Lactational wt loss, kg 37.5 34.9 Lactational backfat loss, mm 12.0 9.4d Maternal body fat at weaning, 2.9 18.3 21.4 Weaning to estrus interval, d 30.1 12.9 11.03 12.93 .26 .01 29.5 20.2 11.0 .01 6.8 4.5 3.0 .01 25.9 30.8 3.4 .01 5.2 4.5 11.6 .01 “Standard error of the estimate. Probability level. CMetabolizable energy. Mean represents 7 observations. eMeans represent 7, 7, 3 and 1 observations levels, respectively. for VL, L, M and H energy L I w 60— O 55—- 50—- 45 - o Y=52.5l- l.59X 4O __ r2=o.24 (p<.05) 35~ 0 so— 25»- 20- is» Postweoning lniervol to Estrus (d) 5r- _10221 I_ l I I I I I I I4 18 22 26 3O Moternol Body Fot oi Weoning (°/o) Figure 4. Relationship of maternal body fat of primiparous sows at weaning to interval from weaning to estrus. Data from four sows were deleted from the analysis due to technical problems with D20 dilutions (n=18). 61 was a linear (r2=.24; P<.05) association between body fat at weaning and interval from weaning to estrus. Body fat at estrus ranged from 26.6 to 36.0%, but there were no significant linear (r2=.03) or quadratic (r2=.03) relationships between body fat at first postweaning estrus and interval from weaning to estrus (Figure 5). Percentage of backfat present at 24 h postpartum that was lost during lactation ranged from 16.6 to 66.6% (Figure 6). A linear (r2=.24; P<.05) relationship between relative backfat loss during lactation and weaning to estrus interval was observed. Independent of body fat, sows either displayed estrus by d 10 postweaning or resumption of ovarian activity was delayed until after d 21. Thus, distribution of postweaning estrus was bimodal as reported previously (Armstrong et al., 1986; Johnston et al., 1987). Low dietary energy intake during lactation was associated with an extended interval to postweaning estrus (Table 5). Furthermore, sows with delayed return to estrus experienced greater loss of weight and backfat (P<.05) compared with sows that exhibited estrus promptly. Litter weight at d 21 of lactation did not differ between sows that displayed short or extended intervals from weaning to estrus. Percentage of body weight at 24 h postpartum lost during lactation ranged from 10.8 to 30.6% (Figure 7). Percentage loss of body weight explained a greater proportion of the variation (r2=.32; P<.05) in interval to estrus than any measure of body fat (Figure 4, 5). Metabolizable energy intake during lactation accounted for the largest portion of the variation (r2=.48; P<.01) in interval from weaning to estrus (Figure 8). 62 60r O 55—- 3 50L— U? - _. 2 45__ Y-44.55 0.92x ; r2=oos “é 40" (p>.50) '3: 35— 9 3:3 30- C: '— 25"“ CD 0 c» S? 20.. O O S I. G) 5 I5 m TOF- a a o o O 5“ o 000 l l l L l l —-// O 26 28 30 32 34 36 Empty Body Fat oi Estrus (°/o) Figure 5. Relationship of empty body fat of primiparous sows at first postweaning estrus to interval from weaning to estrus. Data from five sows were deleted from the analysis due to technical problems with 020 dilutions (n=17). 63 soI O 55—- 3 50— U) f; 45— - Y=-4.70+O.53X o 11"] 40- r2=o.24 +9 (p<.05) [)3 35'— O .32 soL / .E I? 25— O O o/0 o 5 20* O V O) E l5~ 8 0. IO— 000 o o 0 50 o oo o illliltltltllliltltlil 20 30 4O 50 60 70 Loss of Bockfoi During Locioiion (°/o) Figure 6. Relationship between backfat loss during lactation (percentage loss of 24 h postpartum backfat) and interval from weaning to estrus (n=21). 64 TABLE 5. ENERGY INTAKE AND PERFORMANCE OF PRIMIPAROUS SONS THAT DISPLAYED SHORT OR LONG INTERVALS TO ESTRUS Interval to estrus Item 5 10 d SEMd > 10 d SEM No. of observations 12 10 Lactational energy intake, Mcal MEb/dC 10.08 .54 7.39 .28 Lactational wt loss, kgd 29.8 2.8 38.0 1.3 Relative wt loss, %de 17.6 1.7 21.9 .9 Lactational backfat loss, mmd 7.7 1.0 11.3 1.2 Relative backfat loss, %df 35.5 3.8 47.7 4.3 Litter wt d 21 of lactation, kg 49.2 2.2 49.9 1.7 “Standard error of the mean. Metabolizable energy. CMeans within a row differ (P<.01). Means within a row differ (P<.05). ePercentage of 24 h postpartum wt lost during lactation. . Percentage of 24 h postpartum backfat depth lost during lactation. 65 GOI' O 55— % Y=——63.59+7'.45x—o.lsx2 v so~ 2 U) r =O.3O 53 45 - (p<.05) O if) m 40— .9 a 35‘ o i f‘.’ .50—- E 25— o o (3‘ E 20 _ OO \ 8 l5 5 ‘” IO— CE? (3 (JCIC) () C) 5 ”‘ 80’ Q) C) 7//tl .//I I I l I I I I l 1 IO I4 I8 22 26 30 Relative Weight Loss During Locioiion (°/o) Figure 7. Relationship between relative weight loss during lactation (percentage loss of 24 h postpartum weight) and interval from weaning to estrus (n=22). l 55 50 _. y:l43.l7—23.24x+o.97x2 r2=o48 45 _ O (p<.Ol) 4o — Postweaning interval to) Estrus (d) 35? O 30— 25* 20- 15.- lot- 0 5“ o ‘3) O_//lllllilJ 67 8 9|OI|I2I3 Dolly ME lm‘oke During Lociotion (Mcol) Figure 8. Relationship between daily metabolizable energy (ME) intake during lactation and interval from weaning to estrus. 67 Discussion A positive linear effect of dietary ME intake on body weight of sows at weaning and a negative relationship between lactational energy intake and loss of body weight were not unexpected. Similar decreases in loss of body weight as daily intake of energy increased have been reported (Reese et al., 1982; King and Williams, 1984; Nelssen et al., 1985; Armstrong et al., 1986). In contrast, a linear decline in backfat depth 24 h postpartum as lactational ME allowance increased was unexpected. Dietary energy levels imposed at parturition would not be expected to have a biological effect on backfat depth 24 h postpartum. A more plausible explanation is that two rather lean sows were assigned randomly to the highest level of dietary energy (H) which resulted in a statistically significant difference among lactational energy levels. Due to the lean sows assigned to the highest energy level, backfat depth at weaning was not affected by lactational energy intake. Litter size and weight on d 21 of lactation were not influenced by lactational energy allowance. One would not expect litter size to be affected by energy allowance because all litters were adjusted to ten pigs by d 3 postpartum. Restricting ME intake by primiparous sows to 10 Mcal/d reduced litter weight at d 28 postpartum compared with sows receiving 12 or 14 Mcal/d (Nelssen et al., 1985). Reese et al. (1982) reported that restricted intake of ME by primiparous sows (8 Mcal/d) did not reduce pig weaning weight compared with litters from sows receiving 16 Mcal ME/d. Evidently in the study reported herein, sows receiving restricted amounts of ME mobilized enough body reserves 68 to satisfy the energy demands of lactation. Body weight and backfat losses were related negatively to ME intake during lactation. This negative relationship yielded a positive relationship between ME intake and body fat at weaning. There was an inverse relationship between body fat at weaning and the interval from weaning to estrus. Short intervals from weaning to estrus have been associated with minimal loss of body fat (Reese et al., 1982; King and Williams, 1984b; Nelssen et al., 1985). Similarly, MacLean (1968, 1969) reported that sows weaned in thin body condition displayed extended intervals to first postweaning estrus. But, in these and all previous studies and the analysis presented in Table 4, dietary energy and body fat were confounded. Dietary energy intake during lactation was manipulated to produce sows of different body fatness at weaning. Therefore, one cannot determine if changes in the interval to estrus were due to dietary energy intake or body fat. A hypothesis is that low body fat at weaning may extend the anovulatory interval. To test this hypothesis, body fat and interval to estrus were regressed without regard to intake of ME during lactation. Creation of a prolonged interval from weaning to estrus and sows with low fat were prerequisites for an appropriate test of this hypothesis. Low dietary ME offered during lactation prolonged interval to estrus and lowered body fat of sows. Relationship between total body fat of sows and interval to estrus have not been reported previously. Sows with less than 13.1% body fat as estimated from carcass fat content displayed a delayed return to estrus. Percentage body fat reported in the present study was higher than that reported “MI 69 by Reese et al. (1984) probably because estimates of body fat using D20 dilution accounted for internal body fat stores. Although the coefficients of determination for relationships between body fat and interval to estrus were significant (Figures 4,6) body fat or backfat loss accounted for less than 25% of the variation in interval from weaning to estrus (Figures 4, 5, 6). Low coefficients of determination (<.25) suggest that body fat may not be a primary controller of the interval from weaning to estrus. In addition, one cannot predict with accuracy the weaning to estrus interval using body fat of restricted-fed primiparous sows as the independent variable. Neither backfat depth (average of 3 sites) nor visually determined condition score measured during lactation were correlated to the percentage of sows displaying estrus by d 12 postweaning (Esbenshade et al., 1986). Lack of a relationship between body fatness and regularity of menstrual cycles in women has been reported previously (Baker et al., 1981; Sanborn et al., 1987). A bimodal distribution of postweaning interval to estrus has been observed by others (Armstrong et al., 1986; Johnston et al., 1987). Delayed postweaning estrus was not due to ovulation without detected estrus since progesterone in plasma was below 1 ng/ml in all sows with extended (>10 d) weaning to estrus intervals. It has been suggested that negative energy balance may be an important causative factor of amenorrhea in athletic women (Warren, 1980). One may hypothesize that sows with a delayed return to estrus (>10 d) experienced greater negative energy balance during lactation due to higher milk production than sows that experienced a short interval to estrus. Milk 70 production was not measured directly. However, litter weight is correlated positively with milk production (Ai et al., 1973; Lewis et al., 1978) and can be used as an indicator of milk production. Litter weight at d 21 of lactation did not differ for estrous and anestrous sows. Similar weight gain of litters nursing sows that displayed short or extended intervals from weaning to estrus has been reported previously (Reese et al., 1984; Armstrong et al., 1986). Evidently, volume of milk produced was similar between estrous and anestrous sows which would suggest that energy demands of lactation were similar for these two groups of sows. Sows with extended intervals to estrus lost a greater percentage of weight and backfat during lactation than sows with short intervals to estrus. Furthermore, daily ME intake during lactation was lower for sows with a long interval to estrus than sows that displayed a short weaning to estrus interval. Low daily intake of ME during lactation forced sows to mobilize large quantities of body tissue to meet energy demands of milk production. Ultimately, energy deficit during lactation resulted in delayed return to postweaning estrus. Loss of body weight during lactation explained more of the variation in interval to estrus than either measure of body fat or loss of backfat. Sows that lost the most weight during lactation had extended anovulatory intervals (Reese et al., 1982). Loss of body weight includes losses in body tissues other than fat. Therefore, body tissues other than adipose may play a role in controlling interval to estrus. In this experiment, lactational ME intake was the most accurate predictor of interval to estrus. Lactational ME intake has been 71 related inversely to length of the interval from weaning to estrus (Hughes and Calder, 1979; Reese et al., 1982; King and Dunkin, 1986a). It is clear that daily ME intake during lactation accounted for the greatest portion of the variation in postweaning interval to estrus. It is not clear how the effects of dietary ME influence interval from weaning to estrus. Body fat, irrespective of dietary ME intake, has a small effect on the postweaning interval to estrus which indicates that body fat of primiparous sows is a minor controller of the interval from weaning to estrus. However, loss of body weight during lactation accounted for a greater proportion of the variation in interval from weaning to estrus than body fat. Thus, effects of dietary ME on postweaning interval to estrus may be mediated through changes in body composition other than body fat. Dietary ME appears to control changes in body weight and composition (O’Grady et al., 1975; Reese et al., 1984). King (1987) postulated that absolute body protein mass at weaning or relative body protein loss during lactation determines the postweaning interval to estrus. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) has been used as a measure of protein catabolism. Under equalized intake of dietary protein, BUN has been used to assess magnitude of muscle catabolism among sows (Reese et al., 1982; Nelssen et al., 1985). Sows with restricted dietary energy had delayed postweaning estrus and elevated BUN concentrations throughout lactation indicating greater muscle catabolism compared with adequately—fed sows. Sows fed high energy, low protein diets during lactation lost similar total body weight but less backfat than sows fed low energy, high protein diets (King and Williams, 1984b; 72 Brendemuhl et al., 1987). Thus, composition of weight loss may vary depending on which dietary essential, energy or protein, is deficient and which tissue, adipose or muscle is mobilized. Consequently changes in body composition other than body fat do occur and may influence the postweaning interval to estrus. An alternate hypothesis is that dietary ME exerts a direct effect on postweaning interval to estrus independent of body composition. There is a negative relationship between lactational energy intake and length of the anovulatory interval (Figure 8; Reese et al., 1982; King and Williams, 1984a; King and Dunkin, 1986a). Restricting ME intake below 10 Mcal/d during lactation resulted in delayed return to postweaning estrus (King and Dunkin, 1986b). Restricted feeding results in a myriad of changes in body metabolism. In the adequately- fed animal, energy is derived from a balanced mixture of dietary nutrients and body tissues. However, in the restricted-fed animal, the balance shifts away from dietary nutrients and toward body tissues as the primary source of energy. This shift in metabolism causes alterations in circulating concentrations of many metabolites and hormones such as glucose, ketones, non—esterified fatty acids, BUN, insulin and growth hormone in humans (Cahill et al., 1966). Concurrent with these changes in body metabolism, there is a decline in gonadotropin secretion in rats (Campbell et al., 1977), cattle (Rutter and Randel, 1984) and swine (Kirkwood et al., 1987) and reduction of normal activity in the HPO axis which results in prolonged interval to estrus or anestrus in sows (Armstrong et al., 1987). One may hypothesize that some hormone, metabolite or catabolic end product related to the change in body metabolism may affect the 73 interval to estrus. Under this scenario, body composition would have no direct effect on interval to estrus. Conclusions Timing of postweaning estrus in primiparous sows is not dependent on a minimal threshold of body fat. Furthermore, effects of lactational ME intake on the interval to estrus are more pronounced than the effects of body fat. The mechanism by which ME intake influences postweaning interval to estrus remains to be elucidated. Experiment 11 Effect of Stress After Lactation on Postweaning Interval to Estrus of Primiparous Sows 74 Introduction In experiment I, restricting daily ME intake to 7 Mcal during a 28 d lactation caused 87% of sows to display a postweaning interval to estrus greater than 20 d (Figure 8). In a preliminary experiment investigating effects of exogenous insulin on postweaning interval to estrus, sows received a lactational diet identical to the VL diet (7 Mcal ME/d) used in experiment I to create extended intervals to postweaning estrus in all females. After lactation, sows were injected daily from weaning until estrus with either insulin or buffered water (diluent) used to solubilize insulin. All sows were restrained daily during the treatment period using a hog snare to obtain blood samples via jugular puncture. The hypothesis was that exogenous insulin would ameliorate detrimental effects of low lactational energy intake on interval to postweaning estrus. But, a large percentage of sows (64%), regardless of postweaning treatment, displayed a short interval (< 10 d) to estrus indicating either lactational energy intake was not low enough to create extended intervals to estrus or some factor imposed in this preliminary experiment which was not present in experiment 1 induced a prompt return to estrus. Lactational loss of body weight and backfat of sows, and litter size and weight at weaning in the preliminary experiment were similar in magnitude to these same traits in experiment 1. Genetic background of sows was similar in both experiments. 76 Therefore, some factor specific to the preliminary experiment may have caused short intervals to estrus. Two factors were identified as being present only in the preliminary experiment. First, sows received daily injections of diluent or diluent containing insulin. There was no evidence from previous investigations that the diluent would induce expression of estrus. The second factor specific to the preliminary experiment was that sows were snared daily for sampling of blood. This method of handling for sampling of blood represents a transient, acute stress to pigs (Hemsworth et al., 1981). Withdrawal of feed and water for 24 h postweaning shortened interval from weaning to estrus in sows (MacLean, 1969). Mixing gilts from different social groups and transporting to a new location increased the proportion of females that display estrus within 4 to 5 d of arrival (Signoret, 1972; Zimmerman, 1976). Braden and Moule (1964) reported transporting ewes via truck or train induced ovulation. The effects of fasting and transportation on estrus expression have been attributed to stress resulting from these activities (Signoret, 1972). The stress to sows associated with daily snaring and sampling of blood may have caused an early return to estrus in sows that consumed 7 Mcal ME daily during lactation. The objective of the present experiment was to determine effects of restraint on interval to postweaning estrus in primiparous sows. Materials and Methods Animals and Management. Fourteen primiparous sows were moved to farrowing crates in an environmentally-controlled room about 7 d 77 before parturition. Before parturition, all sows received 1.82 kg daily of a corn-soybean meal gestation diet (Table 1). Beginning at parturition, all sows were offered 2.73 kg of'a corn-soybean meal— solka floc diet (VL diet; Table 1) which provided 7 Mcal ME daily throughout a 38 i 1.8 d lactation. Calculated intake of all dietary essentials except ME met or exceeded NRC (1979) recommendations for lactating sows consuming 4 kg of feed daily (Table 2). This feeding regimen has been associated with extended intervals to postweaning estrus in primiparous sows (Experiment I). Feed intake, body weight and backfat depth of sows were recorded during lactation as described in experiment I. Litter size for all sows was adjusted to ten pigs by d 3 postpartum and individual pig weights were recorded 24 h postpartum and at weaning. Litters did not receive creep feed. 0n the day of weaning, sows were moved to individual stalls (51 cm x 198 cm) in an environmentally-controlled breeding facility. Individual sow stalls were connected to an open pen measuring 3.3 m x 3.0 m which housed a mature boar. The boar had continuous fence-line contact with the genital area of all sows. Beginning one day after weaning, all sows received gestation diet (Table 1) in an amount based on their metabolic body weight (kg BW'75) as described in experiment I. Sows were assigned based on body weight to one of two postweaning treatments. Sows assigned to the non-stressed (control) treatment were backed into the connected boar pen and the boar was permitted to court sows for 3 to 5 min. After estrus detection was completed, sows 78 were weighed and returned to their stalls. Sows assigned to the stressed treatment were handled similar to control sows except that they were restrained using a hog snare3 and 10 ml of blood was obtained via jugular puncture. Duration of restraint and sampling of blood was about one minute. Treatments were imposed daily beginning one day after weaning until d 35 postweaning. Estrus was recorded when sows stood to be mounted by a boar and days from weaning to first estrus were recorded. Statistical Analysis. Measures of lactational performance of sows assigned to control and stressed treatments were compared using least-square analysis of covariance (Gill, 1978) using the procedure of General Linear Models (SAS, 1982). Body weight and backfat depth of sows 24 h postpartum were used as covariates for analysis of weight and backfat depth of sows at weaning, respectively. Covariates accounted for a meaningful portion (P<.001) of the variation in response variables. Intervals from weaning to estrus were categorized into three groups: 510 d in length, > 10 d in length or anestrus to d 35 postweaning. Categories for interval to estrus were cross- classified with treatments and minimum chi-square was used to determine degree of independence (Quade and Salama, 1975). Results Metabolizable energy intake, body weight and backfat depth of sows during lactation were not different between control and stressed sows (Table 6). Similarly, there were no significant differences in 3Ring-o-matic hog catcher; Nasco, Fort Atkinson, WI. TABLE 6. LACTATIONAL PERFORMANCE OF SONS ASSIGNED TO CONTROL OR STRESSED TREATMENTS DURING THE POSTNEANING PERIOD 79 Item Control Stressed SEM“ No. of observations 7 7 Lactational metabolizable energy intake, Mcal ME/d 6.93 i .09 7.08 + 01 Body wt of sows, kg: 24 h pogtpartum 159.0 161.0 7.16 Weaning 124.3 122.3 1.20 Lactational loss 34.7 38.7 1.20 Backfat depth of sows, mm: 24 h postpartum 19.1 19.1 1.75 Weaning 8.7 8.9 .34 Lactational loss 10.4 10.2 34 Litter size at weaning 10.0 9.7 .20 Litter wt at weaning, kg 68.6 69.4 4.29 Weaning to estrus interval, d 14.2 23.0 5.00 “Pooled standard error of the mean. Length of lactation was 38 i 1.8 d. gig—— 80 size or weight of litters that suckled control or stressed sows. Sows that were snared daily to sample blood displayed intervals to first postweaning estrus similar to non-snared sows (Table 6). Frequency distribution of weaning to estrus intervals (Table 7) demonstrated a similar percentage of sows displayed an extended interval to estrus or were anestrus in control and stressed treatments (4/7 vs 6/7, respectively). Discussion Lack of significant differences in lactational performance of sows was expected because all sows were fed and managed similarly throughout lactation. Therefore, a group of sows that were homogeneous with regard to body weight and backfat depth, previous nutritional history and intensity of milk production were available for assignment to postweaning treatments. Body weight and backfat depth of sows at weaning in this experiment were similar to sows fed VL diet in experiment I (Table 3). Litter weight on d 21 of lactation averaged 49.2 kg which is similar to 48.9 kg reported for litters nursing sows fed VL diet in experiment I. Fasting sows for 24 h immediately postweaning can shorten postweaning interval to estrus (MacLean, 1969). The management practice of mixing gilts from different social groups, transporting, and relocating to a new pen increases synchrony of estrus expression (Signoret, 1972; Zimmerman, 1976). Similar effects of transport on ovulation in ewes has been reported (Braden and Moule, 1964). It has been generally accepted that stress associated with these management practices causes the prompt expression of estrus. But, this 81 TABLE 7. FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF NEANING TO ESTRUS INTERVAL AND OCCURRENCE OF ANESTRUS FOR PRIMIPAROUS SONS SUBJECTED TO DAILY STRESS Handling treatment Category Control Stressed Total 5 10 days postweaning 3a 1 4 > 10 days postweaning 1 3 4 Anestrusb 3 3 6 Total 7 7 14 gNumber of sows. . Estrus detection lasted 35 d postweaning. 82 mechanism has not been elucidated. In the present experiment, daily restraint of sows by snaring did not hasten or delay return to estrus compared with sows that were not snared. One may conclude that stress imposed by daily snaring of sows had no effect on interval to estrus. Stress associated with fasting for 24 to 48 h (King, 1974; Allrich et al., 1979; Tribble and Orr, 1982) or mixing unacquainted sows and moving them to a new pen (Fahmy and Dufour, 1976) had no effect on interval to estrus. Stress associated with surgery or illness delayed onset of estrus in gilts (Hennessy and Williamson, 1983). Delay in onset of estrus can be reproduced by administration of corticosteroids (Liptrap, 1970) or adrenocorticotrophin (Liptrap, 1970; Hennessy and Williamson, 1983) to non-stressed gilts indicating that delayed estrus may be due to elevated concentrations of stress responsive hormones. In contrast, unpleasant handling of gilts increased concentrations of corticosteroids in plasma but had no effect on expression of estrus (Hemsworth et al., 1986). The inconsistent effects of stress on expression of estrus may be explained by our limited understanding of effects of stress on livestock. There has been no correlation between hormonal or behavioral changes and adverse effects on animal productivity (Moberg, 1987). Another explanation for inconsistent effects of stress is that stress is not generic. The stress associated with fasting may be different from that associated with transportation or physical restraint. From this, one may hypothesize that response to different stressors may be heterogeneous (Gibbs, 1985). One cannot be certain 83 that treatments designed to stress sows achieved their goal. In the present study, corticosteroid concentrations in plasma were not quantified to determine if physical restraint by snaring elicited a stress response in sows. But, the stressed treatment mimicked conditions of the preliminary experiment in which snared sows displayed an unexpected short interval to estrus. Conclusions Stress induced by daily snaring and sampling of blood during the postweaning period did not influence interval to estrus. Thus, the uncharacteristic short intervals to estrus of sows in the preliminary insulin experiment were probably not caused by the daily routine of collecting blood. Experiment 111 Effects of Exogenous Insulin After Lactation on Postweaning Interval to Estrus of Primiparous Sows 84 85 Introduction Severe feed restriction causes cessation of normal estrous cycles in female livestock (Imakawa et al., 1986a; Armstrong and Britt, 1987). Restricted feeding elicits alterations in concentration of blood borne metabolites (Cahill et al., 1966; Wangsness et al., 1981; Reese et al., 1982) which presumably reflect adjustments in body metabolism. However, the relationship between nutritionally-induced changes in body metabolism and expression of estrus has not been elucidated. Insulin is a hormone of central importance to homeostatic regulation of metabolism in mammalian organisms. Restricted feeding depresses concentration of insulin in blood (Kasuga et al., 1977; Wangsness et al., 1981; Armstrong and Britt, 1987) while realimentation increases concentration of insulin in blood to levels indicative of the "fed" state (Cahill, 1971; Armstrong and Britt, 1987). Low concentration of insulin in blood associated with restricted feeding may be responsible for cessation of estrous cycles in restricted-fed females. Depressed concentration of insulin in blood of insulin-dependent diabetics is associated with primary amenorrhea and anovulation in women (Poretsky and Kalin, 1987) and prolonged estrous cycles, anestrus and anovulation in rats (Liu et .al., 1972; Kirchick et al., 1978). Exogenous insulin restores normal reproductive functions in diabetic females (Poretsky and Kalin, 1987). Insulin positively affects endocrine glands of the HPO axis. 86 Insulin increased basal and GnRH-stimulated release of LH and FSH from cultured anterior pituitary cells (Adashi et al., 1981). Furthermore, insulin is necessary for development of optimal steroidogenic potential of granulosal cells (May et al., 1980; Lino et al., 1985). Exogenous insulin increased ovulation rate of gilts (Cox et al., 1987) and heifers that were in negative energy balance (Harrison and Randel, 1986) indicating that insulin has gonadotropic effects. The mechanism responsible for the insulin-induced increases in ovulation rate has not been determined. One possibility is that insulin increases secretion of gonadotropic hormones which stimulate follicular growth. Several workers have reported that exogenous insulin increases mean concentration of LH in serum of beef cows (Earnest et al., 1988) and pulsatile release of LH in gilts (Cox et al., 1987; Britt et al., 1988). However, the LH response to exogenous insulin is inconsistent (Cox et al., 1987). Frequency of LH pulses increases after weaning in sows (Shaw and Foxcroft, 1985; Foxcroft et al., 1987). Increased frequency of LH pulses seem to be the signal which stimulates estrus expression after an extended anestrous period (Haresign et al., 1983). One may hypothesize that low concentrations of insulin in blood associated with restricted feeding do not stimulate the HPO axis adequately to elicit resumption of ovarian cyclicity after lactation in sows. Therefore, the main objective of this experiment was to determine if exogenous insulin would hasten return to postweaning estrus in restricted-fed sows. A secondary objective was to examine the relationship of selected blood-borne metabolites to occurrence of postweaning estrus. 87 Materials and Methods Animals and Management. About 7 d before parturition, twenty six primiparous sows were moved to farrowing crates in an environmentally controlled room. Before parturition, all sows received 1.82 kg daily of a corn-soybean meal based gestation diet (Table 1). Beginning at parturition, all sows received 2.73 kg of a corn—soybean meal—solka floc diet (VL diet; Table 1) which provided 7 Mcal ME daily throughout lactation. Mean length of lactation was 34.8 i 1.3 d. Calculated daily intake of all dietary essentials except ME met or exceeded NRC (1979) recommendations for lactating sows consuming 4 kg of feed daily (Table 2). This feeding regimen provided 58% of recommended daily ME intake and has been associated with extended intervals to postweaning estrus in primiparous sows (Experiment I). Feed intake, body weight and backfat depth of sows were recorded during lactation as described in experiment I. Litter size was adjusted to ten pigs by d 3 postpartum and individual pig weights were recorded 24 h postpartum and at weaning. Pigs did not receive creep feed and access to the sow’s feed was minimal. On the day of weaning, sows were moved to individual stalls in an environmentally—controlled breeding facility and assigned to one of two postweaning treatments. Beginning with the first sow to be separated from her litter, every second sow was assigned to the control group (n=13) while remaining sows were allotted to the experimental group (n=13). This schedule ensured that control and experimental sows were distributed equally throughout the entire experiment which began on March 5, 1988 and concluded on September 20, 1988. Sows assigned to the experimental group received a daily intramuscular injection of .75 IU insulin4 per kg body weight at about 0900 h. Control sows were not injected. Treatment with insulin began the day after weaning and continued until estrus or d 30 postweaning, whichever occurred earlier. Beginning the day after weaning, all sows received gestation diet (Table 1) in an amount based on their metabolic body weight (kg BW°75) as described in experiment I. Sows were weighed daily to determine their daily allotment of feed. Feed was offered once daily at 1600 h. Estrus detection using a mature boar was performed daily at 0900 h from the day after weaning until d 30 postweaning. Sows were considered to be in estrus when they stood for mating. Days from weaning to first estrus were recorded. Blood was sampled twice weekly via jugular puncture beginning the day of weaning and continuing until estrus was detected or d 30 postweaning whichever occurred earlier. Collection of blood during the postweaning period occurred at 0900 h immediately before injection of insulin. Therefore, blood was sampled 24 h after the previous injection of insulin and about 18 h postprandial. Once during the postweaning period, blood was collected from five control and six insulin treated sows at 2 h intervals for 24 h to characterize insulin and glucose concentrations. Sows selected for characterization of diurnal insulin and glucose concentrations had either expressed estrus ——:—-—=—__ 4Protamine, zinc and Iletin 1, derived from beef and pork pancreas. Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis. 89 (one control and one insulin-treated sow) or had been separated from their litters at least 15 d (range 16 to 41 d) and had not expressed estrus. Sows were maintained on their respective treatment regimens until intensive blood sampling was completed. At each sampling, three milliliters of blood were collected in evacuated tubes containing anticoagulant (potassium oxalate) and glycolytic inhibitor (sodium fluoride) and plasma was separated by centrifugation within 3 h of collection. An additional ten milliliters of blood were allowed to clot for 24 h at 4°C; then serum was harvested by centrifugation. Serum and plasma were stored at -20°C until hormone or metabolite assays were performed. Hormone and Metabolite Assays. Porcine insulin in serum was quantified using a heterologous double antibody radioimmunoassay with methods similar to Villa-Godoy (1987). In this assay, antisera (first antibody) to bovine insulin5 (lot GP23) were produced in guinea pigs and anti—guinea pig gamma globulin (second antibody) was produced in sheep (Tucker, 1971). Radioiodination of bovine insulin6 was as described by Villa-Godoy (1987). Dilution of antisera to l:30,000 in guinea pig control sera7 (1:400 in .05 M EDTA—phosphate buffered saline; pH 7.0) at a volume of 200 ul per tube provided approximately 25% specific binding of 125I-insulin and was used in assay and validation procedures. Specificity of the antisera to bovine insulin was determined by testing degree of cross-reactivity with bovine growth hormone (purified, 15825-AJP-152)8, bovine luteinizing hormone zMiles Scientific, Naperville, IL. 7Novo Biolabs, Wilton, CT. 8Gibco, Grand Island, NY. The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, MI. 90 (NIH 88), bovine follicle stimulating hormone (USDA 8P3), bovine thyroid stimulating hormone (NIH BS), bovine prolactin (NIH B4) or bovine-porcine glucagon9 in amounts up to 50 ng/tube. Cross- reactivity was less than 1% for each hormone. Standard curves contained .025, .05, .10, .15, .20, .30, .40, .50, .60, 1.00, 2.00, 3.00 and 4.00 ng porcine insulin per tube. Standard curves, calculated from multiple regression equations with linear, quadratic and cubic components, had coefficients of determination ranging from .990 to .997. Porcine serum was supplemented with 2.5 and 5.0 ng porcine insulin9 per tube (10 replications each) and assayed according to methods of Villa-Godoy (1987) to determine accuracy. After correction for endogenous insulin in serum, content of insulin measured in each tube did not differ from exogenous insulin. The dilution response curve (40, 60, 80 and 100 ul/tube) was parallel to the porcine insulin standard curve. All samples were quantified in a single assay. The intra-assay coefficient of variation was 7.0% for a serum sample containing .323i.007 ng insulin/ml and 17% for a serum sample containing 1.8151.319 ng insulin/ml. Lower limit of sensitivity was .09 ng porcine insulin/ml. Exogenous bovine and porcine insulin stimulates production of endogenous antibodies against insulin in humans (Berhanu and Olefsky, 1985). These endogenous antibodies may interfere with binding of first antibody to insulin in the radioimmunoassay. To determine if insulin-treated sows produced antibodies against exogenous insulin, 9Sigma Chemical Company, St. Louis, MO. 91 200 ul of serum from each insulin-treated sow was used in place of first antibody. Second antibody was anti-porcine gamma globulin10 (200 ul; diluted 1:5) produced in rabbits. Binding of radioiodinated insulin was less than 5% indicating serum from insulin-treated sows contained no endogenously produced antibodies to exogenous insulin. Progesterone concentrations were determined in one plasma sample per week per sow by radioimmunoassay (Experiment I). Intra-assay and inter-assay coefficient of variation was 7% and 3%, respectively for standard sera containing .31 i .04 ng progesterone/ml.‘ Presence of functional corpora lutea was assumed when concentration of progesterone in plasma was >1 ng/ml. Blood was sampled only from sows not detected in estrus, therefore elevated plasma progesterone indicated ovulation in the absence of behavioral estrus. Enzymatic colorimetric procedures were used to quantify 11, urea nitrogen12 (UN) and non—esterified concentrations of glucose fatty acids13 (NEFA) in plasma. Statistical Analyses. Measures of lactational performance of sows assigned to control and insulin treatments were compared using the General Linear Models procedure (SAS, 1982) for least-squares analysis of covariance (Gill, 1978a). Body weight and backfat depth of sows 24 h postpartum were used as covariates for analysis of weight and backfat depth of sows at weaning, respectively. Covariates accounted for a meaningful portion (P<.001) of the variation in 10 11ICN Immunobiologicals, Lisle, IL. Glucose (Trinder), procedure no. 315, Sigma Chemical Company., St. Louis. 12Urea nitrogen, procedure no. 535, Sigma Chemical Company, St. ouis. 1 NEFA C, Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd., Osaka, Japan. 92 response variables. Intervals from weaning t0 estrus were categorized into three groups as described in experiment 11. Categories of interval to estrus were cross-classified with insulin treatments and minimum chi-square was used to determine degree of independence (Quade and Salama, 1975). The experimental period began the day after weaning and ended when sows displayed estrus or 30 d postweaning whichever occurred earlier. Consequently, the duration of treatment for each sow represented 2 to 10 blood samples under a twice weekly schedule of sampling. A regression line containing linear, quadratic and cubic components was fitted to data on insulin concentration in blood for each sow to address the unbalanced nature of these data. To determine effects of exogenous insulin on concentration of insulin in serum, multivariate analysis of variance was performed on components of the polynomial regressions (SAS, 1982). Five sows (2 control and 3 insulin-treated) expressed estrus by d 7 postweaning which allowed collection of 5 3 blood samples from these sows. The small number of samples did not permit calculation of a cubic polynomial for these sows. Therefore, data from 21 sows were used in multivariate analysis of variance procedures. This multivariate procedure was repeated to determine effects of exogenous insulin on concentration of glucose, UN and NEFA in plasma. Concentrations of insulin and glucose in blood samples collected every 2 h for 24 h were analyzed as a split-plot experiment with repeated measurements in time (Gill, 1978b). To further understand the relationship among blood-borne insulin and metabolites and expression of estrus, sows were divided into four 93 groups: 1. control sows that displayed estrus by d 30 postweaning (control—cyclic), 2. control sows that were anestrous through d 30 postweaning (control-acyclic), 3. insulin-treated sows that displayed estrus (insulin-cyclic), and 4. insulin-treated sows that were anestrous (insulin—acyclic). Concentrations of insulin, glucose, UN and NEFA in blood collected at weaning and at the last sampling time (53 d before estrus or d 30 postweaning) were compared using least- squares analysis of variance. The statistical model for this analysis contained the main effects of insulin treatment (control or insulin), ovarian status (cyclic or acyclic) and the interaction of main effects. In all statistical analyses, sow was considered the experimental unit. All reported means are least squares means. Results Metabolizable energy intake during lactation, body weight and backfat depth 24 h postpartum and at weaning, litter size and litter weight at weaning were not different between control and insulin- treated sows (Table 8). Concentrations of insulin in serum of one insulin-treated sow, that was determined to be an outlier (P<.01) by the procedures of Gill (1978a), were removed from the mean profile of insulin concentrations during 24 h post-injection. Sows injected once daily with .75 IU insulin per kg body weight had greater (P<.05) concentrations of insulin in serum throughout the ensuing 24 h compared with non-injected sows (Figure 9). Concentration of insulin in serum rose steadily after injection until it reached a peak at 1800 h. Elevated concentration of insulin depressed (P<.05) concentrations of glucose during 24 h post-injection in plasma of insulin—treated i I‘d}, T '- TABLE 8. LACTATIONAL PERFORMANCE OF SONS ASSIGNED TO CONTROL OR INSULIN TREATMENTS Insulin Item Control treated SEMa N0. of observations 13 13 Lactational metabolizable energy intake, Mcal ME/d 7.01 7.04 .04 Body wt of sows, kg: 24 h postpartum 167.1 173.4 4.27 Weaning 133.5 133.2 1.57 Backfat depth of sows, mm: 24 h postpartum 19.6 21.5 .80 Weaning 10.2 10.4 .47 Litter size at weaning 9.7 9.4 .21 Litter wt at weaning, kg 69.4 69.0 2.64 “Pooled standard error of the mean. Length of lactation was 34.8 i 1.3 d. Figure 9. Serum insulin log/ml) 2.0 1.5 1.0 951 J L I I I l L J #1 I (10 BO Plasma glucose img/dll 70 " * I *§ § 60- A I 50 40*- Trt (P < .05l 30)- l t L _I_ __I_ ’I I I J__ L I 21* 20 3* 1000 1400 1800 2200 200 600 Time of day --- Control -+- insulin treated Concentration of insulin in serum (panel A) and glucose in plasma (panel B) of control and insulin-treated sows during 24 h after injection of insulin. Vertical arrows in panel B designate time of injection (1005 h) and feeding (1605 h). Asterisks designate significant differences between treatments within time of sampling (*P<.O5; **P<.01). 96 sows compared with control sows. Following injection of insulin at 1005 h, plasma glucose declined to nadir at 1600 h. Sows were offered their daily meal at 1605 h which elicited a postprandial rise in glucose concentration observed at 1800 h. By 2000 h, plasma glucose concentration of insulin—treated sows was lower (P<.05) than control sows and slowly increased throughout the remainder of the sampling period. Insulin-treated sows had higher (P<.05) concentrations of insulin. in serum collected 24 h after injection throughout the postweaning period compared with control sows (Figure 10). Elevated serum insulin was associated with lower (P<.02) concentration of glucose in plasma collected 24 h post-injection from insulin-treated sows compared with controls. Based on data presented in Figures 9 and 10, intramuscular injection of insulin chronically elevated serum insulin and depressed plasma glucose concentrations. Therefore, an evaluation of effects of exogenous insulin on postweaning expression of estrus was possible. Concentration of NEFA or UN in plasma collected 24 h after injection of insulin was not different between insulin-treated and control sows (data not shown). Exogenous insulin delayed (P<.05) postweaning estrus in primiparous sows (Minimum chi—square = 7.23; Table 9). A greater proportion of insulin-treated sows were anestrous 30 d postweaning compared with control sows. Concentration of progesterone in plasma samples collected weekly from sows that failed to display estrus by d 30 postweaning did not exceed 1 ng/ml. Therefore, corpora lutea were not present in anestrous sows indicating that these females were 97 Serum insulin (rig/mil A\ 1.5 - _ 1.0 *- 05 - Ti‘t (P < .05) ’ 0.0 l J I L I L _.I I Plasma glucose img/dil 80 70 F B 1 l 50i' 50 .— 40 .- 30 *- Trt (:3 < .02) 20 4 1 i— 1 1 L I L Weaning 3 7 10 i4 17 21 24 28 31 Time after weaning (d) -*- Control —+— insulin treated Figure 10. Concentration of insulin in serum (panel A) and glucose in plasma (panel B) collected 24 h postinjection during the postweaning period from control and insulin-treated sows. 98 TABLE 9. EFFECT OF EXOGENOUS INSULIN 0N FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF NEANING T0 ESTRUS INTERVAL AND OCCURRENCE OF ANESTRUS FOR PRIMIPAROUS SOWS Category Control Insulin treated Total 5 10 d postweaning 2a 3 5 > 10 d postweaning 6 0 6 Anestrusb 5 10 15 Total 13 13 26 gNumber 0f sows. Estrus detection lasted 30 d postweaning. 99 anovulatory. Sows were divided by insulin treatment and ovarian status into four groups to investigate the relationship between body metabolism and expression of estrus. Mean interval to estrus for all cyclic sows was 13.9:8.9 d. Graphic characterization of insulin and metabolite concentration in blood of sows during the postweaning period is presented in Figures 11 to 14. Endpoint of this experiment was day of estrus expression or d 30 postweaning whichever occurred earlier; consequently, the number of observations at each day after weaning in panel A of Figures 11 to 14 progressively declined as sows expressed estrus and were removed from the experiment. There were no interactions between insulin treatments and ovarian status for concentration of insulin or metabolites in blood, so only main effects will be discussed. Concentrations of insulin, glucose (Figures 11 and 12) or UN (Figures 13 and 14) in blood on the day of weaning or at the end of the experiment was not affected by insulin treatment or ovarian status (Table 10). However, the concentration of NEFA on the day of weaning (P<.06) and at the end of the experiment (P<.01) was greater in cyclic sows than in acyclic sows (Table 10). Insulin treatment had no effect on concentration of NEFA at weaning or at termination of the experiment. Mean concentration of insulin in serum during the postweaning period was not different between insulin—treated and control sows (Table 11). Mean concentration of glucose during the postweaning period tended (P<.09) to be lower in insulin-treated sows than in control sows (Table 11). Ovarian status had no effect on mean concentration of insulin or glucose during the postweaning period. 100 Serum insulin log/mil Plasma Glucose img/dli 2'0 , 70 W A ~ 60 1.5 n=8 7 6 6 e 5 3 2 - 50 10- ~40 ~ 30 0.5 i‘ ‘20 91—0" 1 *1 I I I I I IL 10 2.0 70 AW "60 1-5 5 n = 5 B “'50 LOF- ~40 i J 30 0.5 _ D "20 0.0 I L I_ _L J Jfi _I l 10 Weaning a 7 1o 14 17 21 24 28 31 Time after weaning id) -°- insulin -+- Glucose Figure 11. Concentration of insulin and glucose in blood of control- cyclic (panel A) and control-acyclic (panel B) sows during the postweaning period. 101 Serum insulin hg/mll Plasma Glucose img/dli 2!) 70 n<3 £3 1 i\ A - so 1£5r -\\\\ ~50 1-0 ' - 4o 1 d m OISE "20 0° . IT 1 1 L $— 1 1 J 10 2.0+ 70 n -10 B _ 60 L 50 4o 30 "20 0.0 J 1 A“ L L ._1w_ 1— _! 1° Naming 3 7 1o 14 17 21 24 as 31 Time after weaning (d) '**-lnsuun '“F-Eflucose Figure 12. Concentration of insulin and glucose in blood of insulin- cyclic (panel A) and insulin-acyclic (panel B) sows during the postweaning period. 102 400 NifA “139/" Urea nitmgen img/dll 7 a 5 a 5 3 2 5° 350 /\ 300 " _ 40 250- 200- \t - so 150- 100 ‘ 1 ' I l L 1 I 20 400 50 350* [1.5 B 300 — _ 40 250- /Ax\ «“/T‘\~ , \‘ __ ‘7‘ P§\‘ _,,4(’ ”+—” ~4(// 200 - \t—fii/ - 30 150- 100 I I l L I I I l Waning 3 7 1o 14 17 21 24 as 31 Time after weaning id) H~ NEFA ~+~ Urea nitrogen Figure 13. Concentration of non—esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and urea nitrogen in plasma of control—cyclic (panel A) and control- acyclic (panel B) sows during the postweaning period. 103 NEFA iueq/ll Urea nitrogen [mg/d!) 50 400 ms 3 1 A § 88 350’ n-iO , B Waning 3 7 10 14 17 21 Time after weaning (d) H- NEFA -+- Urea nitrogen Figure 14. Concentration of non—esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and urea nitrogen in plasma of insulin-cyclic (panel A) and insulin- acyclic (panel B) sows during the postweaning period. 104 .Loccm ucmvcmum H.cmm2m “Ho.vav meoepm ces2e>o Hfium omfi ON.H mom mH.H mHH NH.H OGH ._\emnv o Hm.” HNN mm.w omm NN.H emfi Rm.w Nwm A_\emnv gmmao mo .02 as_oso< o__osu o__osu< os_osu wpc_oaesmz pomeem _mowpmwpmpm Lo mcosco: empowcp CeyzmcH _ocpcou scamma 4o MAmo.vav =w_=mcH as H. sea om H. wmm ma.“ emH ma H. ewfi A_\ea:v o i. i. .1 .I ”Aoo.vav :s_=mcH H.H .H m.w~ o.m .H o.eN m.N .H w.Nm w.H .H w.w~ Ape\mev camoepw: was: “mo.vav ew_=meH m.m + m.m + ©.e + N.H© o.m + o.~m A_e\mev mmoo=_u ma..fl mm. mm. “.mm. mm. “.mm. om. “.mm. A_s\mev =__=mcH OH m m w mcowpm>meno 05 .oz pomeem _mowpmwpmpm o_Foxo< UPFUxo ow_o>o< ow_o>o mpPFOQmumz Lo wcoELo: umummcp :__:mcH —oepcou oonma wsz_m:m mpmwcm>oo An Espcmapmoq ; em spawn umexoma com umpmswcm cog; pcmcowmwv go: mcomzo .mem»_ece mpe_ee>oo as Esoteapmoa 2 em o2m_az seen toe emomzhee cmcz pcmcmuwwu pa: mcmmzn .coccm ugmucmpm H.cmwzm m.N H.N.©m e.m N.e H.N.we m.m.u H.oe me .mcwceaz we a; capped a. m o.HH m.H mme.m a. Hm m.w m. “w N.HH mmo_ _eeowseooed Amo.vav meoepm G. .H m.ofi N.H.H G.NH m. .H m.w A. .H H.0H emerges: cewcw>o .:__:mcH m. + m.HN m.H + o.NN H.H + N.KH o.H + m.HN Esuceapmoa ; am NEE .mZOm yo spams pmwxomm N.N m mam 3 m 3; 3 w. mam 3 m is 32 285303 “mo.vav meoepm o.m H.o.NmH ©.© H.N.meH H.m H.m.¢- o.e.H m.mmH am:_eem2 cewee>o .c__=meH m.e + m.wGH m.e + m.omH H.m + m.oGH N.m + m.HNH Esoeeapmoa 2 am ”ax .mzom co #3 zuom so. .H mo.“ we. .H “0.x mo. .H mm.e emo. .H No.4 e\_eoz .aeepew m: _eeo_peooes OH m m w meo_pe>2wmno so .02 pummww Fmowumvpmpm ow~o>o< or_ozu ow—oxo< ow—oxo EmpH umpmwcp cv_=mcH _ocp:ou m2Ho oz< hzmzh