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"”|Hlll 31 93 00563 6372 This is to certify that the thesis entitled Conservation Tillage Effects on Soil Properties and Corn Yields in Central Michigan presented by Michael James Staton has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Crop and Soil Master of Science degreein Sciences gym MW Majoé! @[Ofessor Date @MMv/é/L / ?X146 246-24 <24 ' PORE RADIUS INTERVALS (pm) 0.50 J [222! or :3 mp5 7.5-15 cm 0.401 - NT I I 0.50J ‘ ‘ 0.20- / LSD (.05) I % 0.10- 1 % am @1 fl 2 >146 146-24 <24 PORE RADIUS INTERVALS (pm) Figure 3. Tillage effects on the pore size distribution from 6/21/86. PORE VOLUME (cm’ cm") PORE VOLUME (cm’ cm") 0.50 36 [222! cr ‘ E NTP5 0-7.5 cm 0.40~ - NT I 0.50-I . . 7 0.20-1 % LSD (.05) 1 1 g 0.10- ‘ I 21 m 6 0'00 >146 146-24 <24 PORE RADIUS INTERVALS' (pm) 0.50 [222 CT ‘ E NTP5 7.5-15 cm 0.40- - NT I I 0.301 . fl 7 0.20- g 1 L80 .05 0.10~ ( ) I 3 Z + ‘ / 0'00 . >146 . 146-24 ' <2'4- PORE RADIUS INTERVALS (I...) Figure 4. Tillage effects on the pore size distribution from 9/16/86. PORE VOLUME (cm’ cm”) PORE VOLUME (cm’ cm") 0.50 37 j 153:: 07 0.40.1 E :1.ng O-7.5 cm I 4 1221 NT , 0.30% Q 0.20- _ § .~ LSD (.05) 1 I 0.00 W I K N A >146 146—24 <24 PORE RADIUS INTERVALS (pm) 0.50 . m or 0.40.. E 2:: 7.5-15 cm I . 1222: NT 0.304 Q A LSD (.05) I I § 0.10- § 0 00 M M \ / ° >146 146-24 <24 PORE RADIUS INTERVALS (1.4m) Figure 5. Tillage effects on the pore size distribution from 7/14/87. 38 The volume of water which drains at a given matric suction corresponds to the volume of soil occupied by pores with radii greater than those which will retain water by capillarity at that suction (Vomocil, 1965). In 1986, water retention curves were determined from intact soil cores at metric potentials of -1, -2, -3, -4, -6, -10, -33.3, and -100 kPa. The 6/21/86 data for the 0 to 7.5 cm and the 7.5 to 15 cm depths are presented in Figures 6 and 7 respectively. The 9/16/86 water retention curves for the 0 to 7.5 cm and the 7.5 to 15 cm depths are shown at the top of Figures 8 and 9 respectively. At both depths in 1986, the NTP5 and CT treatments had higher volumetric water contents at low metric suctions and lower volumetric water contents at high metric suctions than the NT treatment. In 1987, the water retention curves were determined at matric potentials of -1, -2, -4, -6, and -33.3 kPa. The water retention curves for the 0 to 7.5 cm depth and the 7.5 to 15 cm depth are presented at the top of Figures 10 and 11 respectively. The CT, NTP5, and NTP6 treatments had higher volumetric water contents at high matric potentials and lower volumetric water contents at low matric potentials than the NT treatment. The air-filled porosity (fa) of the soil is a function of the pore size distribution also. Pores whose radii are from 30 to 60 um will remain filled with water at the soil's field capacity which occurs at a metric potential from -5 to -10 kPa (Cannell and Jackson, 1981). Foth (1978) states that the field capacity for medium and coarse textured soils corresponds to a metric potential of -6 kPa. Therefore, particular attention will be focused on the air-filled porosity of the tillage treatments at -6 kPa of metric potential. 6 (cm3 cm") f. (cm3 cm") 39 0.55 0.50- 0.45- ‘ 0.40- 0.351 0.30- 0.251 0.20 UIUUI U r rTTT 0.30 0.25- Figure 6. The effects of tillage on moisture retention (3) and air-filled porosity (b) at the 0 to 7.5 cm depth from 6/21/86. 9 (cm3 cm") f. (cm3 cm”) 40 0.55 -_ I LSD (.05) ° 0 0.50- 0.45- I 0.404 .. I I 0.354 \\ 7“:====:\\ I I 0.50- ' - a—a NT ’ 0.25- H NTP5 0.20 H97. .., . L W...“ . . ....., 0.50 0—9 CT I) I H NTP5 0.25- H NT I 0A20-4 ‘ I 1: 1 0°15“ LSD (.05) I 0.10- 0.054 / 0.00 f I fit I I ‘0' t D t ti 5‘1] 0 I r U I 'TTr — 0.1 — 1.0 - 10.0 —100.0 Figure 7. The effects of tillage on moisture retention (a) and air-filled porosity (b) at the 7.5 to 15 cm depth from 6/21/86. 6 (cm3 cm“) f. (cm’ cm") 41 0.55 I LSD (.05) a 0050-: Ou45w- ‘ I 0.40- I < - I I I 0.55- - _ I I ?\\ I OJBOH- a—e NT 7 CLZEL- Ehda hflTflS e—o or 0.20 . . .m, . ......, e .. . ., 0.30 ehqa cn' b :I 0254 e—a NTP5 I . ° a—e NT I I I 0.20-I , = 0.15-1 0.1CL4 0.05- 0.00 . ...... . . new, - Inrm, -O.1 —l.0 -l0.0 —100.0 ‘Irm (kPa) Figure 8. The effects of tillage on moisture retention (a) and air-filled porosity (b) at the 0 to 7.5 cm depth from 9/16/86. 6 (cm’ cm") f. (cm3 cm”) 42 0.555 0.50-11 LSD (.05) 0.45- “ 0.40- _ 0335- ONSCL- OJ25- OJZO ONSC) OJZS-H OMZCL- 0.15- 0.10-4 OJJS-w CLCNJ -(DJI LSD (.05) I j = '* r rrth'I r I fUrIIUI I U YTTrUU —1.o —1o.o -1ob.o Figure 9. The effects of tillage on moisture retention (3) and air-filled porosity (b) at the 7.5 to 15 cm depth from 9/16/86. 6 (cm3 cm") fa (cm3 cm") 43 0.60 055-11 LSD (.05) a 0.50- 0.45- p I I 0.40— \\ I I 0435-- \\§§§ I 0.30- H NT ° A—A NTP5 025“ a—a NTP6 0.20 H 9 1 MT r r r I r u 0.30 a—a NTP6 0'25 a—a NTP5 I 020 H NT I / o -‘ I a/,: 0'15“ L50 (.05) I ‘ 0.10-‘ 0435- o.oo e e ,, T m, e r r m -O.1 -1.0 -10.0 -100.0 {rm (kPa) Figure 10. Tillage effects on moisture retention (a) and air- filled porosity (b) at the 0 to 7.5 cm depth from 7/14/87. 0 (cm’ cm") fCl (cm3 cm“) 44 0.60 0.55-I LSD (.05) ° 0.50- 0.45J I 0.40- :\ I I ‘\§i. I 0.35- \\ I :\ 0°30.— H NT \5\ H NTP5 . 3 025‘ a—a NTP6 0.20 H537. r. I , . n r 0.30 ¢}-6 (Tr I b a—a NTP6 W 11 : abet h“' g 0.20- I/ 0.15- LSD (.05) I ‘ 0.10- ' - 0.05- 0.00 1 hum, . ”WWW . mm, —0.1 —1.0 —10.0 —100.0 ‘Ifm (kPa) Figure 11. Tillage effects on moisture retention (a) and air- filled porosity (b) at the 7.5 to 15 cm depth from 7/14/87. 45 The air-filled porosity data is presented in figures 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11. On all dates and at all depths, plowing significantly increased the air-filled porosity over all matric potentials compared to the NT treatment. In 1987, after returning to no-till for one year, the NTP5 treatment had a higher percentage of air-filled pores than the NT treatment. At the 0 to 7.5 cm depth, the NTP5, NTP6, and CT treatments were not significantly different. At the 7.5 to 15 cm depth, the NTP5 treatment had a significantly lower percentage of air-filled pores than the NTP6 treatment. In 1986, the NT treatment contained fewer than 10 percent air-filled pores at both depths for the -6 kPa matric potential. When air-filled porosity is less than 10 percent, gas exchange and plant growth can be reduced (Vomocil and Flocker, 1961). The NTP5 treatment doubled the volume of air-filled pores at the -6 kPa matric potential over that of the NT treatment. This was true for both sampling depths. In 1987, the NT treatment contained fewer than 10 percent air-filled pores only at the 7.5 to 15 cm depth for the -6 kPa matric potential. The volume of air-filled pores at -6 kPa was increased in the NTP6 treatment by a factor of 1.8 at the 0 to 7.5 cm depth and by a factor of 2.5 at the 7.5 to 15 cm depth over that of the NT treatment. Plowing significantly increased the air-filled porosity over that of the continuous no-till (NT). But most importantly, it increased the volume of air-filled pores at the soil's field capacity. This would indicate that plowing may reduce the frequency and duration of aeration Stresses . 46 The total porosity data for 1986 and 1987 are presented in tables 2 and 3 respectively. In 1986, the NTP5 treatment contained significantly more total pore volume than the NT treatment at the 0 to 7.5 cm and the 7.5 to 15 cm depths. In 1987, the NTP6 treatment contained the highest percentage of pore space at both depths. However, at the 0 to 7.5 cm depth, the NTP6, NTP5, and CT treatments were similar and significantly higher than the NT treatment. At the 7.5 to 15 cm depth, NTP6 contained significantly more total pore volume than NTP5 and NT but not CT. However, NTP5 contained significantly more pore space than NT: .46 cm3 cm"3 and .42 cm3 cm.‘3 respectively. Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) is a measure of the soil's ability to transmit water under saturated conditions. The 1986 data is presented in Table 2 and the 1987 data can be found in Table 3. The Ksat values were not significantly different between tillage treatments in the June 1986 sampling. However, plowing significantly increased the Ksat in the NTP5 treatment in September of 1986 over those of the NT and CT treatments at the 0 to 7.5 cm depth. In the 0 to 7.5 cm depth the Ksat values were 9.00 cm hr'1 for the NT treatment and 46.50 cm hr'1 for the NTP5 treatment. At the 7.5 to 15 cm depth, Ksat was 1.95 cm hr'1 and 9.60 cm hr'l for NT and NTP5 respectively. These were significantly different. In 1987, the NTP5 treatment had significantly higher Ksat values than the NT treatment at the Ofito 7.5 cm depth but' not at the 7.5 to 15 cm,depth. Ksat is correlated with the size of the soil pores. Large pores conduct more water under saturated conditions than small pores. Ksat is also a function of the continuity and tortuosity of the pores. 47 Table 2. Total porosity and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) from 6/21/86 and 9/16/86. Tillage Depth Total Porosity Ksat (cm) (cm3 cm'3) (cm hr’l) --------------------- 6/21/86 ---------------------- 0-7.5 CT .48 ab 3.93 a NTP5 .49 a 5.88 a NT .46 b 3.98 a LSD (.05) .03 2.36 7.5-15 CT .47 b 4.08 a NTP5 .50 a 8.26 a NT .42 c 8.70 a LSD (.05) .03 7.91 ---------------------- 9/16/86 ---------------------- 0-7.5 CT .48 a 20.85 b NTP5 .49 a 46.50 a NT .44 b 9.00 b LSD (.05) .02 17.10 7.5-15 CT .46 a 16.35 a NTP5 .46 a 9.60 a NT .39 b 1.95 b LSD (.05) .02 7.05 Means in each column which are not followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the indicated alpha level by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. 48 Table 3. Total porosity and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) from 7/14/87. Tillage Depth Total porosity Ksat (cm) (cm cm' ) (cm hr'l) 0-7.5 CT .48 a 26.2 ab NTP6 .50 a 32.0 a NTP5 .48 a 20.4 b NT .45 b 7.3 c LSD (.05) .03 8.4 7.5-15 CT .49 ab 30.7 a NTP6 .52 a 32.7 a NTP5 .46 b 17.0 ab NT .42 c 3.4 b LSD (.05) .033 16.3 Means in each column which are not followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the indicated alpha level by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. 49 During a rain or an irrigation event, the surface of the soil becomes saturated. The ability of water to infiltrate through this saturated soil layer is largely controlled by the Ksat of the soil. Plowing significantly increased the Ksat values compared to those of the continuous no-till. Tire Traffic Effects on Soil Physical Properties Wheel traffic significantly increased the bulk density of the plowed treatments at the 0 to 7.5 cm and the 7.5 to 15 cm depths (Figures 12 and 13). However, the bulk density of the NT treatment was not significantly affected by wheel traffic. Tire traffic increased Db in the plowed treatments by at least .15 g cm.3 at all sampling dates and depths, with the exception of the 7.5 to 15 cm depth on 9/16/86 where the increase was .07 g cm'3. Pore size distribution was significantly altered by wheel traffic in the CT and NTP5 treatments. The NT treatment was not significantly affected by wheel traffic at either depth or sampling time or for any pore class. These trends are demonstrated by Figures 14 through 17. The volume of soil occupied by pores with radii greater than 146 um was cut in half in the CT and the NTP5 treatments at all sampling times and for both sampling depths. With the exception of the 0 to 7.5 cm depth of the 9/16/86 sampling, the pore volume occupied by pores with radii in the range from 146 to 24 um was.significantly reduced in the CT and .NTPS treatments. 'This reduction was on the order of 25 percent. At both sampling depths, the volume of soil occupied by pores with radii less than 24 um was increased by wheel traffic in the CT and NTP5 treatments. Wheel traffic decreased the volume of soil occupied by pores larger than 24 um and increased the volume of soil occupied by Anucco 0v trcmzmo v33m ATEU 0» \rtmzuc v. :E BULK DENSITY (g cm") BULK DENSITY (g cm") 50 1.70 . 1:1 BETWEEN TIRES o 1.60“ 12221 TIRE TRACK L H 1'50“ LSD (.05) I . w ”"1 —% 1::1 4 “4 4 1:352:53? 14 b 4 ‘4 ‘4 4 4 If? 4 4 4 TILLAGE TREATMENT Figure 12. Tire traffic effects on bulk density at the 0 to 7.5 cm depth (a) and the 7.5 to 15 cm depth (b) from 6/21/86. BULK DENSITY (g cm") BULK DENSITY (g cm") 51 1.70 1.604 1.501 1.40: 1.2.01 1.20~ 1.10 . 1:] BETWEEN TIRES 12221 TIRE TRACK 1.70 LSD (.05) I I I , 4 ‘4 4 4 0% NTP5/A é TILLAGE TREATMENT 1.601 1.50; 1.40; 1.30- 1.20- 1.10 E BETWEEN TIRES m TIRE TRACK \ m 4 .. J + ”W NTP5 NT TILLAGE TREATMENT Figure 13. Tire traffic effects on bulk density at the 0 to 7.5 cm depth (a) and the 7.5 to 15 cm depth (b) from 9/16/86. FORE VOLUME (cm’ cm") 0.50 52 . E BETWEEN TIRES 0.40.. IZZZI TIRE TRACK >146 “ 0.30J 0.204 ' LSD (.05) 1: I 0.10"I ——W ‘— I 0.00 m m 0.50 I [:1 BETWEEN TIRES _ 0.40.4 [ZZZ] TIRE TRACK 14a 2‘ " 0.304 0.20- 0.10; LSD (.05) x x ‘ —T ' _-WI 1 0.00 W cm 0.50 . = 3013.213 » 0.40- m x a: x LSD (.05) 0.30~ ‘ y/ ‘ g/ 0.20- % % 0.10-1 4% % 0.00‘ //7 4 / CT NTP5 NT TILLAGE TREATMENT Figure 14. Tire traffic effects on the pore size distribution at the 0 to 7.5 cm depth from 6/21/86. PORE VOLUME (cm’ cm") 0.5CI 53 . C223 BETWEETITNRES 0.40- 1222 TIRE TRACK >146 " 0.30-1 0.20- ‘ LSD (.05) I I 0.1(1- » ‘—"1 I 1 —17m * 0.00 m 0.50 . I:I BETWEEN TIRES __ Q40- Izzz TIRE TRACK '46 24 " 0.304 1 0.204 010- LSD (.05) 1 , I I 000 m [—1772 0.50 . E:I BETWEEN TIRES 0.40- m TIRE TRACK <24 “ J I , I , , I LSD (.05) 0.30- ‘ /7 /?/ /% 0.20~ % ‘ % % 0.104 % / % 0.00 ‘ / j / CT NTP5 NT TILLAGE TREATMENT Figure 15. Tire traffic effects on the pore size distribution at the 7.5 to 15 cm depth from 6/21/86. FORE VOLUME (cm3 cm") 54 0.50 :3 BETWEEN TIRES 0.404 2221 TIRE TRACK >146 " 0.30- 0.20- LSD (.05) 3 a: 0.10- "'—‘ *—* x 0.00 m E Em 0.50 . I: BETWEEN TIRES _ 0.40- Izzz TIRE TRACK ”'6 24 " 0.30- .I 0.204 L LSD .05 I I 0.10fl ( ) , fl 4 I 0.00 W4 V/Z rm 0.50 . 1:1 BETWEEN TIRES <24 p 0.40. m TIRE TRACIK I I LSD (.05) 0.30- . % __/// y I / / 0.204 / / / 0.10- / / CT NTP5 NT TILLAGE TREATMENT Figure 16. Tire traffic effects on the pore size distribution at the 0 to 7.5 cm depth from 9/16/86. PORE VOLUME (cm: cm”) 0.50 55 E: BETWEEN TIRES 0.40; 12221 TIRE TRACK >146 " 0.30-I 0.20- ‘ LSD (.05) I I 0.10- .— .. _—I I 0.00 m m l m 0.50 0.4(W1 0.30.4 0.20- 0.10- 0.00 . 1:: BETWEEN TIRES TZZZI TIRE TRACK LSD (.05) : S 146-24 [3 0.50 0.401 .1 0.30‘ 0.20- 0.10- 1:: BETWEEN TIRES IZZZI TIRE TRACK I <24 3 \\\\\\\\\N 1 LSD (.05) 4 0.00 T§.\\\\\\\\N C NTP5 NT TILLAGE TREATMENT Figure 17. Tire traffic effects on the pore size distribution at the 7.5 to 15 cm depth from 9/16/86. 56 pores with radii less than 24 um in the plowed treatments. However, the NT treatment was not significantly affected by wheel traffic. Wheel traffic significantly reduced the total pore volume of the CT and the NTP5 treatments, but had no effect on the NT treatment (Tables 4 and 5). This was true for both sampling dates and both sampling depths. The reduction ranged from .03 cm3 cm.3 to .05 cm3 cm'3. Ksat was significantly affected by wheel traffic in the CT and NTP5 treatments, but not in the NT treatment (Tables 4 and 5). At the 0 to 7.5 cm depth, Ksat was significantly reduced by wheel traffic for the CT and NTP5 treatments. At the 7.5 to 15 cm depth, wheel traffic significantly reduced the Ksat values of the CT treatment from the 9/16/86 sampling only. Wheel traffic compaction decreased the Ksat values of the plowed treatments at the soil surface. This could cause reduced infiltration and increased surface runoff. Chemical Properties In 1986, no significant differences were found in nitrogen mineralization between tillage treatments (see Appendix Figure 1). However in 1987, tillage did significantly affect nitrogen mineralization in the spring as illustrated in Figure 18. At the 0 to 5 cm sampling depth, NTP5 consistantly had the lowest inorganic N content. This was in contrast to the N mineralization pattern observed in 1986 (see Appendix Figure 1). Plowing significantly increased the inorganic N content of the NTP6 treatment over that of the NT on the last four sampling dates. The difference between NTP6 and NT ranged from 6.6 ug g"1 on 4/17 to 13.2 ug g'1 on 4/30.. At the 5 to 10 cm . depth, the NTP6 treatment had the highest inorganic N content on all six sampling dates. NTP6 was significantly higher than NT on 4/17 and 57 Table 4. Total porosity and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) from 6/21/86 compared between tire tracks and non-tire tracks. Tillage Depth (cm) Between tires Tire track 0-7.5 Total porosity .......... cm3 cm-3 -------_-_ CT .48 a .45 b NTP5 .49 a 45 b NT .46 a 45 a 7 5-15 .......... cm3 cm’3 ---------- CT .47 a 43 b NTP5 .50 a 45 b NT .42 a 41 a 1Lsn (.05) .029 0-7.5 Ksat ----------- cm hr’1 ---------- CT 3.93 a 1.28 b NTP5 5.88 a .95 b NT 3.98 a 2.88 a 1LSD (.05) 2.63 7.5-15 ----------- cm hr"1 ---------- CT 4.08 a 3.38 a NTP5 8.26 a 2.70 a NT 8 70 a 5.03 a 1LSD (.05) 8.32 Means in each row which are followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the indicated alpha level by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. 1LSD for comparing two location means at the same level of tillage. 58 Table 5. Total porosity and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) from 9/16/86 compared between tire tracks and non-tire tracks. Tillage Depth (cm) Between tires Tire track 0-7.5 Total porosity .......... cm3 cm’3 -------_-- CT .48 a 45 b NTP5 .49 a 44 b NT .44 a 43 a 7.5-15 .......... cm3 cm'3 ---------- CT .46 a 41 b NTP5 .46 a 43 b NT .39 a 40 a 1LSD (.05) .014 0-7 5 Ksat ----------- cm hr"1 ---------- CT 20.85 a 5.40 b NTP5 46.50 a 5.55 b NT 9.00 a 5.70 a 1LSD (.05) 15.29 7.5-15 ----------- cm hr'1 ---------- CT 16.35 a 4.80 b NTP5 9.60 a 4.35 a NT 1.95 a 1.95 a 1LSD (.05) 8.32 Means in each row which are followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the indicated alpha level by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. 1LSD for comparing two location means at the same level of tillage. INORGANIC N (pg 9“) 59 e—o CT ' _ 35‘aII—IIINTFIB- , 95"“ - . I. 30- H NTP5 ‘ ’ I 25_ a—e NT 20‘ L80 (.05)I 15- 10- 5.. 0 l r’ l r r r l r l I 40 o—o CT _ ' 35- H NTP6 5 10 cm 30- H NTP5 25 H NT LSD (.05) I 20- 15- 10‘ 5.4 0 l . T r I l r I 40 35_ H CT 10—20 cm H NTP6 30- H NTP5 H NT :3‘ LSD (.05) I I 15- IO- 5- O f 4/ "lI/Ic'I' VII/153 fl U26 ' ' II/zé ' ' U36 ' ' 5/4 SAMPLING DATE Figure 18. Inorganic nitrogen content at three depths as affected by tillage from 1987. 60 4/23. The minimum difference was 6.5 ug g'l. At the 10 to 20 cm depth, the inorganic N content was the highest for the NTP6 treatment on the last five sampling dates. NTP6 was significantly higher than NT on 4/13, 4/17, 4/23, and 4/30. The difference between NTP6 and NT ranged from 2.7 ug g"1 on 4/13 to 8.15 ug g"1 on 4/23. No-tillage can reduce N mineralization by decreasing the availability of organic N (Phillips and Phillips, 1984). Plowing increases the soil-residue contact which increases the availability of organic N. Plowing increases the soil aeration which leads to an increase in the population of the aerobic nitrifiers. The bare surface of the plowed soil allows the temperature to increase more rapidly than on a no-till soil. This can cause higher N mineralization rates particularly in temperate climates. Therefore more N is mineralized from the soil reserves when no-till is plowed. This could potentially reduce the application rate of N fertilizer after plowing of a no-till field. The organic carbon contents of the tillage treatments were determined in the spring of 1987 and are presented in Figure 19. At the 0 to S cm sampling depth, NT had significantly more organic carbon than the other treatments. NT was 3 g kg'1 higher than NTP6 and 5 g kg'1 higher than CT. This agrees with other reports of organic carbon accumulations at the surface of no-till soils (Blevins et al., 1977; Juo and Lal, 1979; and Dick, 1983). Dick (1983) stated that the reduced soil-residue contact, reduced soil erosion, and reduced biological oxidation found in no-tillage soils led to this accumulation of organic carbon on the surface. At the 5 to 10 cm depth, no significant differences occurred. However, the NTP6 and NTP5 treatments had the highest organic carbon 61 .>m\oa\v Eoum mmmHHHu >3 cmuommwm mm msumwn “so“ no mucmucoo conumo oacmwuo .ma musmflm AEOV :Ema oz_._n§D I LSD (05) I \ 0.10- ' \ LIJ , 95 ‘ N / N o_ 0.00 \ ' 0.50 . m CHISEL PLow c 1:] NT 0'40‘ - RO-TILL - IZZZI PARATILL 1 0.30- 0.20- 0.10_ LSD (.05)_I ” p' I‘ 0.00 W k < A >146 146—24 <24 PORE RADIUS INTERVALS (pm) Figure 21. Immediate effects of tillage on pore size distribution at 0 to 7.5 cm (a), 7.5 to 15 cm (b), and 22.5 to 30 cm (c). 83 Zone tillage significantly affected the soil's pore size distribution at the 22.5 to 30 cm depth. The volume of pores with radii greater than 146 um for the PP76 treatment was double that of the NT treatment. Both the RT and the PP76 treatments increased the volume of pores with radii between 146 and 24 um over that of the NT treatment. The volume of pores with radii less than 24 um was not significantly different between the treatments. Zone tillage increased the volume of pores greater than 24 um at all depths. These are the pores which will drain at the soil's field capacity (Cannel and Jackson, 1981). This property, in turn, affects the volume of soil which will be filled with air at field capacity. Water retention data for the 0 to 7.5 cm depth are presented in Figure 22. The volumetric water contents at the 0 to 7.5 cm depth were lower for the CP, RT, and PT76 treatments than the NT treatment at matric potentials less than -6 kPa. At 7.5 to 15 cm (Figure 23), the RT and the PT76 treatments tended to have higher volumetric water contents at high matric potentials and lower volumetric water contents at low matric potentials than the CP and NT treatments. At the 22.5 to 30 cm depth (Figure 24), these same trends were exhibited. The importance of these properties is two-fold: the water holding capacity of the soil is reduced and the air-filled volume of the soil was increased by zone tillage. Tillage significantly affected the air-filled porosity of the soil. Air-filled porosity data for the 0 to 7.5 cm, 7.5 to 15 cm, and 22.5 to 30 cm depths are presented in Figures 22, 23, and 24 respectively. Foth (1978) stated that the field capacity of medium to coarse textured soils occurs at a matric potential of -6 kPa. Therefore, particular 0 (cm3 cm") I. (cm’ cm") 84 0.50 ..V» a 0.45- 0.40-1 035- LSD (.05) I \3\; I \i . D.30~ I \g = : H PARA‘I'ILL I \‘k . 0.25- H RO-TILL I I ' a—m NT I 0 20 o—o CHISEL PLOW I O T I I I I I I II I I r I I I I I r I I I TI fir 0.30 e—o CHISEL PLOW b _ e—e NT I 0'25 o—o RO-TILL I I H PARATILL I , ' 0.20-I I I -// 0.15- I 2 I 0.10- 0.05- 0000 I I I I I I I I TIT! I I I TI II -0.1 -1.0 -10.0 -100.0 ‘Irm (kPa) Figure 22. Immediate tillage effects on moisture retention (a) and air-filled porosity (b) at the 0 to 7.5 cm depth. 6 (cm’ cm“) f. (cm’ cm“) 85 0.50 0.30- 0.25- I LSD (.05) XIII PARATILL RO-TILL NT CHISEL PLOW 0.20 I ITIIrT I I I—rIIIrI I I I rrIfi 0.30 0.25- 0.20- 0.15- 0.10- 0.05- 0.00 -0. 1111 CHISEL PLOW :2-.. I I I I PARATILL LSD (.05) I 1 I r I IIIIIr I I I rr1ri r r —I.o -15.D .‘Irm (kPa) Figure 23. Immediate tillage effects on soil moisture retention (a) and air-filled porosity (b) at 7.5 to 15 cm depth. IITIIII - 100.0 the 6 (cm3 cm") f. (cm3 cm") . 0.25.4 H RO-TILL 86 0.50 I LSD (.05) 0.45- 0.40- 0.35— 0.3CWT H PARATILL a—aNT o—o CHISEL PLOW 0020 f I— T l' fl I I I I ffil’ I 0.30 G—o CHISEL PLOW o—o RO—TILL H PARATILL 0.2od I I I 0.15- LSD (.05) I 0.10- ..2/ 0.05q / 0.25_ a—a NT I 0000 I r r rIIIIl f I ITIITIr r —0.1 -1.0 —‘|0.0 Figure 24. Immediate tillage effects on soil moisture retention (a) and air-filled porosity (b) at the 22.5 to 30 cm depth. 87 attention will be given to the air-filled porosity which occurred at this matric potential. At the 0 to 7.5 cm depth, the CP, RT, and PT76 treatments contained significantly higher air-filled porosities than the NT treatment at all matric potentials. The air-filled porosity at the -6 kPa matric potential was 1.5 times higher for the CP, RT, and PT76 treatments than for the NT treatment. At the 7.5 to 15 cm depth, the volume of air-filled pores was significantly higher for the RT and the PT76 treatments when compared to the NT treatment at all matric potentials. The volume of air-filled pores in the CP treatment was intermediate between those of the zone tillage and NT treatments. The volumes of air-filled pores at a matric potential of -6 kPa for the RT and PT76 treatments were increased by a factor of 1.5 over the NT treatment. At the 22.5 to 30 cm depth, zone tillage significantly increased the volume of air-filled pores over both the NT and the CP treatments at matric potentials from -2 to -100 kPa. The volume of air-filled pores at a metric potential of -6 kPa was below 10 percent for the CP and NT treatments. These values were increased by a factor of 1.7 in the RT and PT76 treatments. The volume of air-filled pores in the PT76 and RT treatments were never significantly different. Zone tillage significantly increased the volume of air-filled pores at -6 kPa over that of the NT treatment to a depth of 30 cm. The volume of air-filled pores fell below 10 percent in the NT and CP treatments at the 22.5 to 30 cm depth. Vomocil and Flocker (1961) stated that no gas exchange occurs between the atmosphere and the soil when the volume of air-filled pores was around 10 percent. The lack of gaseous exchange can cause aeration stress to occur in plants when precipitation is significant. 88 Total porosity was significantly affected by tillage (Table 11). Total porosity was higher in the CP and PT76 treatments than in the NT treatment at the 0 to 7.5 cm depth. The total porosities ranged from .47 to .43 cm3 cm'3 for the PT76 and NT treatments respectively. At the 7.5 to 15 cm depth, the RT and PT76 treatments had significantly higher total pore volume than the NT treatment. The total porosity of the CP treatment was intermediate between the zone tillage and the NT treatments. Total porosity was significantly higher for the RT and PT76 treatments than for the CP and NT treatments at the 22.5 to 30 cm depth. The saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) was significantly affected by tillage (Table 11). At the 0 to 7.5 cm depth, the CP, RT, and PT76 treatments significantly increased the Ksat values over that of the NT treatment. The Ksat values ranged from 28.2 cm hr"1 to 7.0 cm hr'1 for the CP and NT treatments respectively. At the 7.5 to 15 cm depth, the RT and the PT treatments significantly increased the Ksat over that of the NT treatment. The CP treatment's Ksat was intermediate between the zone tillage and NT treatments. At the 22.5 to 30 cm depth, no significant differences occurred between the tillage treatments. The soils in the zone tillage treatments were very loose when intact cores were sampled. Some disturbance may have occurred when these treatments were sampled affecting Ksat by altering pore continuity and tortuosity. Zone tillage significantly increased the Ksat of the soil to a depth of 15 cm. The CP treatment significantly increased Ksat values to a depth of 7.5 cm. The CP treatment also demonstrated a trend to increase Ksat to a depth of 15 cm. However, Ksat at this depth for the 89 Table 11. Immediate effects of tillage on total porosity and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) from 1987. Tillage Depth Total porosity Ksat (cm) (cm3 ...-3) (cm H) 0-7.5 Chisel Plow .47 a 28.2 a NT .43 b 7.0 b Ro-Till .46 ab 25.7 a Paratill .47 a 23.6 a LSD (.05) .04 12.2 7.5-15 Chisel Plow .44 ab 15.8 ab NT .40 b 6.9 b Ro-Till .46 a 24.2 a Paratill .45 a 19.8 a LSD (.05) .04 11.1 22.5-30 Chisel Plow .39 b 6.3 a NT .38 b 5.3 a Ro-Till ' .44 a 6.1 a Paratill .43 a 4.6 a LSD (.05) .04 5.1 Means in each column which are followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the indicated alpha level by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. 90 CP treatment was not significantly different from the NT treatment at the five percent probability level. The strength of the soil was significantly reduced by tillage (Figure 25). The soil moisture contents at the time of sampling are shown in Appendix Table 2. The CP, RT, and PT76 treatments significantly reduced the cone index to a depth of 10 cm. From 10 to 30 cm, the cone index values of the RT and the PT76 treatments were significantly lower than those of the CP and the NT treatments. The cone index values at 30 cm ranged from 28.6 kPa to 2.6 kPa for the NT and PT76 treatments respectively. No significant differences were found between the cone index values of the RT and the PT76 treatments. When the cone index of the soil is high enough, root growth can be mechanically impeded (Taylor and Burnett 1964). Russell and Goss (1974) found that barley root elongation was reduced by 50 percent at pressures of 20 kPa. The cone index values at the 30 cm depth were 28.6 kPa, 3.2 kPa, and 2.6 kPa for the NT, RT and PT76 treatments respectively. Reduced root elongation could occur in the NT treatment. Residual Effects of Zone Tillage After one year, the bulk density of the RT treatment at the 7.5 to 15 cm depth was significantly lower than the NT treatment (Table 12). The bulk density values ranged from 1.41 g cm'3 to 1.53 g cm'3 for the RT and NT treatments respectively. The bulk density of the PP treatment was intermediate between the RT and the NT treatments. At the 22.5 to 30 cm depth, no significant differences occurred between the tillage treatments. However, there was a trend for the zone tillage treatments to have slightly lower bulk densities than the NT treatment. DEPTH (cm) 20~ 91 CONE INDEX (We) 20 30 l l CHISEL P LOW NT RO-Tl LL PARATI LL IIEI- l——-i F—l LSD (.05) 4O 2.5-l 30j| 35 Figure 25. Immediate tillage effects on cone index. 92 Table 12. Residual effects of zone tillage on bulk density after one year. Tillage Depth (cm) 7.5-15 22.5-30 Bulk density .......... 8 cm‘3 ---------- NT 1.53 a 1.54 a Ro-Till 1.41 b 1.52 a Paraplow 1.47 ab 1.49 a LSD (.05) .08 .06 Means in each column which are followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the indicated alpha level by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. 93 After two years, the soil bulk density values were not significantly different between the tillage treatments at the 7.5 to 15 cm depth (Table 13). However, there was a trend for the zone tillage treatments to have lower bulk densities than the NT treatment. At the 22.5 to 30 cm depth, the bulk density values for the RT and PP treatments were significantly lower than the NT treatment after two years. The bulk density values ranged from 1.38 g cm”3 for the RT treatment to 1.57 g cm'3 for the NT treatment. At the 7.5 to 15 cm depth, the soil bulk density in the RT treatment was significantly lower than that of the NT treatment after one year, but after two years it was not. At the 22.5 to 30 cm depth, the soil bulk density of the tillage treatments were not significantly different after one year, however after two years the zone tillage treatments were significantly lower than the NT treatment. There are no apparent explanations for these observations. The soil's pore size distribution after one year (Figure 26) was significantly affected by tillage. At the 7.5 to 15 cm depth, no significant differences occurred between the tillage treatments for pores whose radii were greater than 24 um. However, the pore volume with radii less than 24 um was significantly increased in the zone tillage treatments. This would indicate that soil aggregates were fractured by zone tillage which led to a reduction in aggregate size, creating a reduction in pore size. At the 22.5 to 30 cm depth after one year, no significant differences occurred between tillage treatments for pore volumes with radii greater than 146 um. The pore volume with radii from 146 to 24 um was the highest for the NT treatment and lowest for the RT treatment. The PP treatment was 94 Table 13. Residual effects of zone tillage.on bulk density after two years. Tillage Depth (cm) 7.5-15 22.5-30 Bulk density ......... 8 cm'3 -----_---- NT 1.57 a 1.57 a Ro-Till 1.51 a 1.38 b Paraplow 1 51 a 1.40 b LSD (.05) .10 .10 Means in each column which are followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the indicated alpha level by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. PORE VOLUME (cm’ cm") PORE VOLUME (cm’ cm") ,OASC) 95 0.44)- 0.3CL- 0.2CL- 0.1()~ SEED NT 0 ‘ c: RO-TILL IIII PARIFWIDN LSD (.05) I I§::l 0.0C) 0u5C) >146 146-24 PORE RADIUS INTERVALS (:m) 0.4T}- 0.3CL- 0.2CL- 0.1Cf- (JJDO ‘ :3 RD-nLL IIII PARIFHIMN LSD (.DS) I Nil “4% >146 , 146- 24 ' PDRE RADIUS INTERVALS (:m) Figure 26. Residual effects of zone tillage after one year on soil pore size distribution at the 7.5 to 15 cm (a) and 22.5 to 30 cm (b) depths. 96 intermediate between the RT and the NT treatments. All the treatments were significantly different from each other at the five percent probability level. This would indicate that the PP treatment was less destructive to the soils structural units than the RT treatment. The pore volume with radii less than 24 um was significantly increased in the zone tillage treatments. Pore size distributions after two years are shown in Figure 27. No significant differences occurred between tillage treatments in the volume of pores with radii greater than 24 um. This was true at both depths. At the 7.5 to 15 cm depth, pore volumes with radii less than 24 um were significantly higher in the zone tillage treatments. At the 22.5 to 30 cm depth, the pore volume with radii less than 24 um was the highest in the RT treatment and the lowest in the NT treatment. These two treatments were significantly different at the five percent probability level. The reduction in pore size in the zone tillage treatments indicates increased consolidation with time due to fracture of soil aggregates. The water retention data for one year after subsoiling are presented in Figures 28 and 29. At the 7.5 to 15 cm depth, the RT had significantly higher volumetric water contents than the NT treatment at matric potentials from -.11 to -6 kPa. The PP treatment had significantly higher volumetric water contents than the NT treatment at matric potentials from -1 to -6 kPa. At 22.5 to 30 cm, the volumetric water content of the zone tillage treatments were significantly higher than the NT treatment at a matric potential of -6 kPa. The water retention data for two years after subsoiling are presented in Figures 30 and 31. At the 7.5 to 15 cm depth, the RT and the PP PORE VOLUME (cm’ cm") PORE VOLUME (cm’ cm") 97 0.5C) 0.4CL- (1304 OJZCLq (L10- (L00 5313 NT ‘ r::1 RO-TILL IIII FTTUUDLOMI LSD (.05) I (150 >146 §1 I W] 146-24 PORE RADIUS INTERVALS (pm) <324 j 0u40-‘ 0430- OJZCL- 0.1CL- 5329 h”' [:3 RO-TILL IIII FVGUMaLOMV LSD (.05) I W (3130 >146 146-24 PORE RADIUS INTERVALS (pm) Figure 27. Residual effects of zone tillage after two years on soil pore size distribution at the 7.5 to 15 cm (a) and 22.5 to 30 cm (b) depths. 0.50 I LSD (.05) a 0.454 3" I 'E 0.40-1 o .. 0.351 I E 0 V 0.30~ 0: 0.25.1 H PARAPLOW H RO-TILL 0.20 ”NT. 4 ...-..r . ..ee... 0.25 e—o NT 6 o—o RO-TILL 0.20- H PARAPLOW 1‘ I g 0.154 n E 0 V “-0 Figure 28. Residual effects of zone tillage after one year on soil moisture retention (a) and air-filled porosity (b) at the 7.5 to 15 cm depth. 0 (cm3 cm") f. (cm3 cm”) 99 0.50 a 0'45“ I LSD (.05) 0.40~ I 0.35-J I 0.30- 0257 H PARAPLOW H RO-TILL J 0.20 “NT. .-.”-.. . ......L 0.25 e—o NT H RO-TILL b 0.204 H PARAPLOW I 3:100 ‘Irm (kPa) Figure 29. Residual effects of zone tillage after one year on soil moisture retention (a) and air-filled porosity (b) at the 22.5 to 30 cm depth. 100 0.50 a 0°45‘ I LSD (.05) G“ 'E 0.40- I L) 0555-4 "E I (J V 0.30% C3 025... H PARAPLOW o—o RO-TILL 0.20 H "T. .r , W 0.25 - o—o NT b o—o RO-TILL 0.20“ H PARAPLOW ? I E L) n . E o v M”I! ' '-'1'0.0 Figure 30. Residual effects of zone tillage after two years on soil moisture retention (a) and air-filled porosity (b) at the 7.5 to 15 cm depth. 6 (cm’ cm") f. (cm’ cm") 101 0.50 I LSD (.05) 0.45- 0.40- 0.35- 0.30- H PARAPLOW o—o RO-TILL o—o NT 0.25- 0.20 r r r r T V U I 0.25 o—o NT H RO-TILL 0.2m PARAPLOW —10.0 Figure 31. Residual effects of zone tillage after two years on soil moisture retention (3) and air-filled porosity (b) at the 22.5 to 30 cm depth. 102 treatments had significantly higher volumetric water contents than the NT treatment at a matric potential of -6 kPa. At the 22.5 to 30 cm depth, the RT treatment had significantly higher volumetric water contents than the NT treatment at matric potentials from -.11 to -6 kPa. The PP treatment had higher volumetric water contents than the NT treatment at matric potentials from -.11 to -1 kPa. The air-filled porosity data are presented in Figures 28, 29, 30, and 31. At a matric potential of -6 kPa, the only significant differences in the volume of air-filled pores occurred at the 22.5 to 30 cm depth one year after subsoiling. The NT treatment had the largest volume of air-filled pores at this depth. The volume of air-filled pores was below 10 percent one year after subsoiling for the RT treatment at the 22.5 to 30 cm depth. Air-filled porosity was around 10 percent for both zone tillage treatments at the 7.5 to 15 cm depth after two years. Air-filled porosity is a function of the total porosity and the pore size distribution of the soil. The zone tillage treatments tended to have a larger volume of small pores which retain water at field capacity. This property caused the zone tillage treatments to have a smaller volume of air-filled pores at field capacity than the NT treatment. Total porosity after one year (Table 14) was significantly affected by tillage. At the 7.5 to 15 cm depth, the RT treatment had the largest total porosity and the NT had the lowest total porosity: .43 and .38 cm3 cm"3 respectively. At the 22.5 and 30 cm depth, no significant differences in total porosity were found between the tillage treatments. 103 Table 14. Residual effects of zone tillage on total porosity and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) after one year. Tillage Depth (cm) 7.5-15 22.5-30 Total porosity ........ cm3 cm'3 -------- NT .38 b .38 a Ro-Till .A3 a .39 a Paraplow .41 ab .40 a LSD (.05) .04 .04 Ksat ........ cm h'l ------_- NT 8.63 a 7.70 a Ro-Till 19.31 a 5.18 a Paraplow 16.27 a 10.98 a LSD (.05) 16.84 6.13 Means in each column which are followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the indicated alpha level by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. 104 Two years after subsoiling, the total porosity of the soil was significantly affected by tillage (Table 15). At the 7.5 to 15 cm depth, no significant differences were found. However, there was a trend for the zone tillage treatments to have larger total porosities than the NT treatment. At the 22.5 to 30 cm depth, the zone tillage treatments had significantly larger total pore volumes than the NT treatment. The total porosities at the 22.5 to 30 cm depth were .44 cm3 cm’3, .43 cm3 cm'3, and .37 cm3 cm'3 for the RT, PP, and NT treatments respectively. Saturated hydraulic conductivity was not significantly affected by tillage after one year (Table 14). However, at the 7.5 to 15 cm depth, the Ksat values for the zone tillage treatments were double that of the NT treatment. The saturated hydraulic conductivity was not significantly affected by tillage after two years (Table 15). Although at both depths, the Ksat values of the zone tillage treatments were double that of the NT treatment. Zone Tillage Effects on Soil Properties Compared over Time There was no interaction between time and tillage. Therefore, in all of the following results, the means were averaged across replication and tillage. The soil bulk densities of the zone tillage treatments were significantly affected by time (Table 16). At the 0 to 7.5 cm depth, the bulk density of the first year treatment was .11 g cm'3 lower than the bulk densities after one and two years. At the 7.5 to 15 cm depth, soil bulk density during the first year was .10 g cm'3 and .17 g cm-3 lower than the bulk densities after one and two years respectively. However, at the 22.5 to 30 cm depth, the bulk densities in the first 105 Table 15. Residual effects of zone tillage on total porosity and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) after two years. Tillage Depth (cm) 7.5-15 22.5-30 Total porosity ......... cm3 cm'3 --------- NT 38 a .37 b Ro-Till 40 a .44 a Paraplow 40 a .43 a LSD (.05) 04 .03 Ksat .......... cm h'l ---------_ NT 5.49 a 7.97 a Ro-Till 11.73 a 20.19 a Paraplow 11.65 a 28.39 a LSD (.05) 11.82 23.23 Means in each column which are followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the indicated alpha level by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. 106 Table 16. Residual effects of zone tillage on bulk density compared over time. Time Depth (cm) 0-7.5 7.5-15 22.5-30 Bulk density -------------- g cm‘3 ------------n- First year 1.31 b 1.34 b 1 36 b Second Year 1.42 a 1.44 a 1 50 a Third year 1 42 a 1.51 a 1 39 b LSD (.05) .05 .08 .06 The means are averaged across replication and tillage. Means in each column which are followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the indicated alpha level by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. 107 year and the third year were not significantly different. The bulk density one year after subsoiling was significantly higher than the first year or the third year. Water retention for the zone tillage treatments compared over time are presented in Figures 32, 33, and 34 for the 0 to 7.5 cm, 7.5 to 15 cm, and 22.5 to 30 cm depths respectively. Time did not significantly affect the volumetric water contents of the soil at matric potentials from -1 to -33.3 kPa. This was true at all sampling depths. The volume of air-filled pores in the zone tillage treatments was significantly affected by time. At the 0 to 7.5 cm depth (Figure 32), the volume of air-filled pores was significantly higher in the first year than in the second or third year at a matric potential of -6 kPa. The volume of air-filled pores was 1.6 times higher in the first year than for the second or third year. At the 7.5 to 15 cm depth (Figure 33), the volume of air-filled pores at -6 kPa was significantly higher for the first year than for the third year. The air-filled porosities at -6 kPa were .17 cm3 cm'3 and .10 cm3 cm'3 for the first and third years respectively. The volume of air-filled pores at the 22.5 to 30 cm depth (Figure 34) was similar for the first year and the third year at -6 kPa. The volume of air-filled pores in the second year was significantly lower than the first and third years. The air-filled porosity of the second year at -6 kPa was reduced by a factor of 1.4 in comparison with the other two years. The total porosity of the soil was significantly affected by time (Table 17). At the first two sampling depths, the total pore volume of the first year was significantly higher than that of the third year. At the 7.5 to 15 cm depth, the total pore volume of the second year was 0 (cm3 cm") f. (cm3 cm") 108 0.55 0 0.50-1 LSD (.05) 0.45- 0.40- 0.35- 0.30- 0 25_ H THIRD YEAR - a—a SECOND YEAR 0.20 H .“RgtYWm, . . . Wm, . , e. ... 0.30 o—o FIRST YEAR b H SECOND YEAR 0'25 H THIRD YEAR 1 I 0.20- I 0.15- LSD (.05) 1 0.104 0.05- 0.00 , , .7. r ...., - 0.1 -10 —10.0 —100.0 ’Figure 32. Zone tillage effects on soil moisture retention (a) and air-filled porosity (b) compared over time at the 0 to 7.5 cm depth. 0 (cm3 cm") f. (cm’ cm") 109 0.55 O 0.50- I LSD (.05) 0.45- 0.40- 0.35- 0.30- 0 25_ H THIRD YEAR ° a—e SECOND YEAR o—o FIRST YEAR 0020 r t fif U 00"] t r I I D—TTrl V U I ' trU‘IT 0.30 H FIRST YEAR b O 25_ a—a SECOND YEAR ' H THIRD YEAR 1 0.20-I I I . 0.15- I . ' LSD (.05) 1 0.10- 0.05- " 0.00 U I 17' I'l" ' I fifrr‘r'l I I I Ur'fll - 0.1 - 1.0 -10.0 — 100.0 \Irm (kPa) Figure 33. Zone tillage effects on soil moisture retention (a) and air-filled porosity (b) compared over time at the 7.5 to 15 cm depth. 6 (cm3 cm") f. (cm‘s cm“) 110 0.55 0 0.50- 0.45} LSD (.05) 0.40- 0.35- 0.30- 0 25_ H THIRD YEAR ° a—a SECOND YEAR 0.20 H.F'R§TTE.A'3..., . ......r . ....n, 0.30 o—o FIRSTYEAR b H SECOND YEAR 0'25 H THIRD YEAR 1 0.204 I 0,15-1 I LSD .05 0.10- ( ) I 0.05- 0.00 ... ... .....- --0.1 -1.0 -10.0 —100.0 Figure 34. Zone tillage effects on soil moisture retention (a) and air-filled porosity (b) compared over time at the 22.5 to 30 cm depth. 111 Table 17. Residual effects of zone tillage on total porosity and saturated hydraulic conductivity compared over time. Time Depth (cm) 0-7.5 7.5-15 22.5-30 Total porosity .............. cm3 cm'3 -------------- First Year .47 a .45 a .43 a Second Year .43 b .42 ab .40 b Third Year .43 b .40 b .44 a LSD (.05) .03 .04 .02 33.8.11. ................ cm h'l --------------- First Year 24.54 a 21.99 a 5.34 b Second Year 12.90 b 17.79 a 8.29 b Third Year 12.13 b 11.69 a 24.29 a LSD (.05) 8.69 10.62 9.08 The means are averaged across replication and tillage. Means in each column which are followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the indicated alpha level by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. 112 not significantly different than the first or the third year. The total porosity at the 22.5 to 30 cm depth was not significantly different between the first year and the third year. However, the total porosity of the second year was .03 cm3 cm'3 lower than the first year. This difference was significant at the five percent probability level. The saturated hydraulic conductivity at the 0 to 7.5 cm depth was significantly affected by time (Table 17). The Ksat mean of the first year was double that of the second or third year. The Ksat means at the second depth were not significantly different. However, the first year had the highest Ksat and the third year had the lowest Ksat. At the 22.5 to 30 cm depth, the Ksat of the third year was about three times higher than the first or second year. The low Ksat values of the first year can probably be attributed to disturbance during sampling. The soil was very loose and some rearrangement may have occurred which affected the Ksat by altering pore continuity and tortuosity. Soil strength, as indicated by cone index, increased with time (Figure 35). The first year of subsoiling had significantly lower cone index values than one and two years after subsoiling. However, the cone index after one and two years was still less than 10 kPa. Soil strengths in this range should not significantly inhibit root elongation (Russell and Goss, 1984). Plant Responses and Yields Seedling emergence was not affected by tillage in 1986 (Table 18). However, in 1987, tillage did significantly affect seedling emergence (Table 19). At 15 days after planting, the NT treatment had at least 12,000 fewer emerged seedlings per hectare than the CP and the RT DEPTH (cm) 113 CONE INDEX (kPo) 10 20 9—0 FIRST YEAR B—E: SECOND YEAR o—e THIRD YEAR I—I LSD (.05) 30 Is- ... - l-—I 20- .... 25- ~ ._. 30 Figure 35. Residual tillage effects on cone index. 114 Table 18. Immediate tillage effects on seedling emergence from 1986. Tillage Days after planting 16 18 21 Seedling emergence ----------- Plants ha'1 ----------- Chisel Plow 58,100 a 58,369 a 58,369 a NT 59,983 a 60,790 a 60,790 a ParaplowSl 58.907 a 59,445 a 59,445 a Ro-Till 51,645 a 52,183 a 52,183 a Paraplow76 55,948 a 56,217 a 56,217 a LSD (.05) 5,986 5,839 5,839 Means in each column which are followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the indicated alpha level by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. Table 19. Immediate tillage effects on seedling emergence in 1987. Tillage Days After Planting 15 17 19 21 Seedling emergence -------------- Plants ha.1 ------------- Chisel Plow 44,113 a 53,797 a 55,410 a 56,755 a NT 25,284 c 41,961 b 49,762 b 52,990 a Ro-Till 37,927 ab 53,527 a 56,486 a 56,755 a Paratill 28,512 bc 44,382 b 50,569 b 53,797 a LSD (.05) 9,660 6,310 4,198 ' 3,872 Means in each column which are followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the indicated alpha level by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. 115 treatments. Seedling emergence in the PT76 treatment was significantly lower than the CP treatment. At 17 days after planting, the NT and PT76 treatments had at least 9,000 fewer emerged plants per hectare than the CP and RT treatments. Seedling emergence at 19 days after planting continued to be significantly reduced in the NT and PT76 treatments. However, at 21 days after planting, no significant differences occurred between tillage treatments. The 1986 plant tissue nitrogen contents are presented in Table 20. Tillage significantly affected the tissue nitrogen contents of the ear leaf, stover, and grain. The NT treatment had the highest nitrogen content in the ear leaf tissue and the PP76 treatment had the lowest level. The nitrogen content of the grain was significantly higher in the RT treatment than for the PP76 treatment. The nitrogen contents of the grain were 11.2 g lcg'1 and 9.8 g lcg’1 for the RT and PP76 respectively. The NT and RT treatments had significantly higher stover nitrogen contents than the PP76 treatment. The stover nitrogen contents were 6.5 g kg'l, 6.9 g kg'l, and 5.3 g lcg'1 for the NT, RT, and PP76 treatments respectively. The 1986 yield data are shown in Table 21. Grain moisture, plant populations, grain yield, and stover yield were not significantly affected by tillage in 1986. This was true for plots that were subsoiled in 1986 and those that were subsoiled in 1985. The 1987 yield data are shown in Table 22. In the first year of subsoiling, the PT76 treatment had a significantly lower plant population than the NT and RT treatments. However, no significant differences occurred between tillage treatments for grain moisture, grain yield, and stover yield. One year after subsoiling, grain 116 Table 20. Plant tissue nitrogen contents from 1986. Tillage Earleaf Grain Stover N content N content N content (3 kg‘l) (g kg'l) (g kg‘l) First year of subsoiling Chisel Plow 25.1 ab 10.4 ab 6.4 NT 25.7 a 10.5 ab 6.5 ParaplowSl 24.6 ab 11.0 ab 6.1 Ro-Till 25.3 ab 11.2 a 6.9 Paraplow76 23.3 b 9.8 b 5.3 LSD (.05) 1.8 1.1 5.3 One year after subsoiling Chisel Plow 24.4 a 11.5 a 7.0 NT 25.9 a 11.5 a 6.6 Ro-Till 25.4 a 11.3 a 7.1 Paraplow 25.5 a 11.4 a 7.0 LSD (.05) 2.6 7 9 0,0103 O‘ 0‘ 0‘0, “3030,03 Means in each column which are followed by the not significantly different at the indicated Duncan's Multiple Range Test. same letter are alpha level by 117 Table 21. Yield data from 1986. Tillage Grain Plant Grain Stover moisture population yield yield (Z) (plants ha'l) (Mg ha'l) (Mg ha'l) First year of subsoiling Chisel Plow 25.9 a 56,847 a 9.0 a 4.5 a NT 26.4 a 56,309 a 9.2 a 4.9 a ParaplowSl 26.9 a 52.543 a 9.1 a 4.0 a Ro-Till 26.6 a 56,847 a 9.0 a 4.5 a Paraplow76 26.2 a 57,565 a 9.1 a 4.6 a LSD (.05) 1.1 5,715 1.3 6 One year after subsoiling Chisel Plow 27.7 a 53,799 a 9.1 a 3.7 a NT 27.3 a 56,130 a 8.9 a 4.8 a Ro-Till 28.0 a 53,619 a 9.0 a 4.8 a Paraplow 28.1 a 55,950 a 9.3 a 4.3 a LSD (.05) 1.4 5,202 8 1.3 Means in each column which are followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the indicated alpha level by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. 118 Table 22. Yield data from 1987. Tillage Grain Plant Grain Stover moisture population yield yield (Z) (plants ha'l) (Mg ha'l) (Mg ha‘l) First year of subsoiling Chisel Plow 17.0 a 55,413 ab 8.2 a 4.6 a NT 17.7 a 58,999 a 9.1 a 4.5 a Ro-Till 16.9 a 57,744 a 9.0 a 4.5 a Paratill 17.3 a 50,929 b 8.4 a 4.8 a LSD (.05) 1.1 5,001 1.2 1.0 One year after subsoiling Chisel Plow 16.6 a 56,309 a 8.0 a 4.0 a NT 16.5 a 55,592 a 8.1 a 4.5 a ParaplowSl 16.9 a 52,723 a 8.5 a 4.4 a Ro-Till 17.1 a 50,929 a 8.6 a 4.3 a Paraplow76 17.3 a 50,929 a 7.2 a 4.3 a LSD (.05) 1.2 5,785 1.5 .7 Two years after subsoiling Chisel Plow 17.7 b 56,847 a 8.3 a 4.4 a NT 19.3 a 54,876 a 8.5 a 4.4 a Ro-Till 18.7 ab 54,516 a 7.9 a 4.1 a Paraplow 19.1 ab 53,799 a 8.1 a 4.0 a LSD (.05) 1.2 5,125 7 1.1 Means in each cOlumn which are followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the indicated alpha level by Duncan's MultipleaRange Test. 119 moisture, grain yield, plant population, and stover yield were not significantly affected by tillage. Two years after subsoiling, grain moisture was similar for the NT, RT and PT76 treatments. However, the CP treatment had significantly lower grain moisture than the NT treatment. Plant populations, grain yield, and stover yield were not affected by tillage two years after subsoiling. CONCLUSIONS Zone tillage performed in the spring significantly improved the physical condition of the Riddles sandy loam soil. The volume of pores which were air-filled at the soil's field capacity was increased by zone tillage. This could decrease the frequency and duration of aeration stress under high precipitation. The saturated hydraulic conductivities at the 0 to 7.5 cm depth were improved by zone tillage. When the soil is saturated, infiltration rates are dependent on the Ksat of the soil. Ksat was increased under the zone tillage treatments, suggesting that infiltration would also be increased. The soil strength, as indicated by cone index, for the NT treatment was at a level where root growth has been shown to be impeded (Russell and Goss, 1974). Zone tillage significantly reduced the soil strength. Some residual effects of the zone tillage treatments persisted for one or two years after the original subsoiling operations were performed. The soil bulk density was decreased in the two zone tillage treatments at the 22.5 to 30 cm depth. After one year, the total porosity at the 7.5 to 15 cm depth for the RT treatment was still significantly higher than the NT treatment. After two years, the total porosities at the 22.5 to 30 cm depth for the zone tillage treatments were higher than for the NT treatment. Cone index values increased 120 with time. However, the values after two years were below 10 kPa and should not significantly impede root growth. Tillage did not significantly affect seedling emergence in 1986. However, in 1987, tillage did significantly affect seedling emergence. In the NT and PT76 treatments, seedling emergence was significantly delayed by as much as a week. 1986 plant tissue nitrogen contents in the first year of subsoiling were the lowest for the PP76 treatment. One year after subsoiling, there was no effect of tillage on the plant tissue nitrogen contents. Grain and stover yields were not significantly affected by tillage in 1986 or 1987. Zone tillage performed in the spring improved the physical condition of the Riddles soil. Some of the beneficial effects of zone tillage persisted for two years. However, corn yields were not affected by zone tillage. LIST OF REFERENCES Box, J.E. Jr., and G.W. Langdale. 1984. The effects of in-row subsoil tillage and soil water on corn yields in the southeastern coastal plain of the United States. Soil & Tillage Research. 4:57-78. Busscher, W.J., R.E. Sojka, and C.W. Doty. 1986. Residual effects of tillage on coastal plain soil strength. Soil Science. 141:144-149. Campbell, R.B., D.C. Reicosky, and C.W. Doty. 1974. Physical properties and tillage of paleudalts in the southeastern coastal plains. J. of Soil and Water Conservation. 29:220-224. Cannell, R.Q., and M.B. Jackson. 1981. Alleviating Aeration Stresses. p. 141-192. In G.F. Arkin and H.M. Taylor (ed.) Modifying the root environment to reduce crop stress. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng., St. Joseph, MI. Chaudhary, M.R., P.R. Gajri, S.S. Prihar, and Romesh Khera. 1985. Effect of deep tillage on soil physical properties and maize yields on coarse textured soils. Soil & Tillage Research. 6:31-44. Cohron, G.T. 1971. Forces causing compaction. p. 107-121. In K.K. Barnes et al. Compaction of agricultural soils. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng., St. Joseph, MI. Foth, H.D. 1978. Fundamentals of soil science. John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY. Klute, A. 1965. Laboratory measurement of hydraulic conductivity of saturated soil. p. 210-221. In Black C.A. (ed.) Methods of soil analysis part 1. Am. Soc. Agron., .Madison, WI. . . Léamer, R.W., and 8. Shaw. 1941.- A simple apparatus for measuring non-capillary porosity on an extensive scale. J. Am. Soc. Agron. 33:1003-1008. Mukhtar, S., J.L. Baker, R. Horton, D.C. Erbach. 1985. Soil water infiltration as affected by the use of the Paraplow. Trans. ASAE 28:1811-1816. 121 122 Richards, L.A. 1965. Physical condition of water in soil. p. 128- 152. In Black C.A. (ed.) Methods of soil analysis part 1. Am. Soc. Agron., Madison, WI. Russell, R.S. and M.J. Goss. 1974. Physical aspects of soil fertility--the response of roots to mechanical impedance. Neth. J. Agric. Sci. 22:305-318. Spoor, G., R.J. Godwin. 1978. An experimental investigation into the deep loosening of soil by rigid tines. J. Agric. Eng. Res. 23:243-258. Taylor, H.M., and E. Burnett. 1964. Influence of soil strength on the root-growth habits of plants. Soil Sci. 98:174-180. Trouse, A.B.Jr. 1983. Observations on under-the-row subsoiling after conventional tillage. Soil & Tillage Research. 3:67- 81. Vomocil, J.A., and W.J. Flocker. 1961. Effect of soil compaction storage and movement of soil air and water. Trans. ASAE. 4:242-246. Vomocil, J.A. 1965. Porosity. p. 299-314. In Black C.A. (ed.) Methods of soil analysis part 1. Am. Soc. Agron., Madison, WI. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS No-tillage cropping systems cause a unique soil environment to form. Some of these altered soil properties create unfavorable conditions for crop growth. Periodic plowing of the Conover loam soil improved these soil physical and chemical conditions. Plowing the no-tilled Conover loam soil created soil physical properties similar to a continuously plowed soil. Plowing lowered soil bulk density and altered the soil's pore size distribution. The volume of soil occupied by large pores was increased and the volume of soil occupied by small pores was decreased by plowing. Plowing also increased the total porosity and the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the no-till soil. Soil chemical properties were improved by plowing. Nitrogen mineralization was increased after plowing. No-till soil surface layers, having low pH values and high organic carbon, P, and K contents were mixed throughout the plow layer. In 1987, seedling emergence was delayed by as much as a week in the no-tillage treatments. This may have caused the higher grain moisture contents of the no-tilled treatments at harvest. Soil compaction occurring below the normal depth of plowing can be alleviated by subsoiling. Subsoiling only under the crop row (zone tillage) ensures that the crop roots will explore the loosened soil. Zone tillage performed in the spring improved the physical condition of the Riddles loam soil. Soil bulk density was decreased, total 123 124 porosity was increased, and saturated hydraulic conductivities were increased by zone tillage. Zone tillage significantly lowered the strength of the Riddles soil, alleviating mechanical impedance to root growth. Water availability to plants could be increased by zone tillage due to two mechanisms: the increased saturated hydraulic conductivity would indicate that the soil water recharge could be increased and the lowered soil strength would allow for increased root growth. Some residual effects of the zone tillage treatments persisted for two years after the original subsoiling operations were performed. The total porosity and soil bulk density effects of zone tillage were still present after two years. Also, the soil strength remained at a level where mechanical impedance to root growth would be minimal. Zone tillage did not affect corn yields. This would indicate that adequate moisture was available to the plants in all treatments. In 1987, corn seedling emergence was significantly delayed in the no-till and the Paratill treatments. Recommendations If it is suspected that soil physical or chemical properties in no- till are inhibiting crop growth, periodic plowing could be performed. Periodic plowing alleviated soil physical and chemical limitations to crop growth. When soil compaction occurs below the normal depth of plowing, the soil should be subsoiled. Soil physical properties were significantly improved by subsoiling. Subsoiling in the row combined with controlled traffic will increase the probability that the loosened zone will persist for more than one growing season. The benefits of zone tillage 125 will most likely be realized during a dry year in soils that have an impermeable layer. APPENDIX FIGURES INORGANIC N (pg 9“) O rrUrIlT'IIrU—rUlflUIIUTrfiIUIrT 40 :55q H CT 15-30 cm H NTP5 30- H NT 2.54 15- I LSD (.05) I 10- 5_. O 4 16 “II/15' ' U26 Wifzsr TEL/30' E's); 7'75 SAMPLING DATE Figure 1. Inorganic nitrogen contents at three depths as affected by tillage from 1986. APPENDIX TABLES 127 Table 1. Soil volumetric moisture contents at the time of subsoiling from 1986 and 1987. Year Depth (cm) 1986 .15 .18 1987 .17 .17 128 Table 2. Soil volumetric moisture contents at the time of penetrometer sampling of tillage treatments implemented in 1985, 1986, and 1987. Tillage Depth (cm) 0-10 10-20 20-30 1985 ............. cm3 cm'3 ----_---_--__ Ro-Till .20 .21 .19 Paraplow .19 .20 .19 1986 ------------- m3 cm-3 -----—------- Ro-Till .19 .19 .22 Paraplow .20 .20 .20 m1 ............. cm3 cm‘3 ------------_ Chisel Plow .18 .20 .21 NT .22 .22 .23 Ro-Till .19 .20 .21 Paratill .19 .20 .20