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A,” ’.3 . . . 4 _ > M : :1. fn’:r"I'F q rem-1.. a... “in-...: y'— 21% ”I? 6590‘” LIBRARY 7" Michigan State University This is to certify that the thesis entitled The effect of Rolling on the Redistribution of SiCp Clusters and its Influence on the Mechanical Pr0perties of 10% SiCp/606l-A1 Composites presented by Jae-chul Lee has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Master's of Science degree in Material Science L(git/QMWW‘"W M‘ Date7/QS/8C/ O—7639 MS U is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution Ml CHI IGAN STATE III I II III III/IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 00605 0557 PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE P MSU Is An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution 'THE EFFECT OF ROLLING ON THE REDISTRIBUTION 0F SiCp CLUSTERS AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF 10 % SiCP/60619A1 COMPOSITES by Jae-Chul Lee A THESIS submitted.to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Metallurgy, Mechanics and Materials Science 1989 O r“ 51 6' ~ 40.5 u_ - - 4 I- “ 27.0 I L 2 309 — 13.5 DA Ii ' I .‘ I I I I I I 12.34.567.89 RECIPROCAL SUBGRAIN DIAMETER, d-I (pt-I Figure . 2 .K‘ 21 The grain sizes between the reinforced and the unreinforced Al alloy are compared in Fig.3). Therefore, due to above considerations, at least 89 MPa of theoretical increases in yield strength is expected with the incorporation of 10% SiCp. This gives the lower bound value for a theoretical yield strength of 324 MPa without including the strengthening due to small grain size (Hall- Petch relation). However, the measured yield strength of the 10%—SiCp/6061-Al composites was only 302 MPa in their longitudinal direction. The mismatch between the theoretical and measured yield strength seemed to be due to the following factors : 1) Random orientation of some of the SiCp with respect to the tensile direction 2) Pre-existing porosity (or void) in the matrix 3) Pre-existing debonding at the interface 4) Particulate free-zone that may results in big sub- grain 5) Particulate cracking from fabrication i.e during extrusion process 22 Figure 3. Metallograph illustrating the grain size of a) unreinforced aluminium alloy b) aluminium alloy reinforced with 10 % Sicp 22-A Figure . 3 23 3. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 3.1 Material 6061 aluminium alloy reinforced with 10 % (by volume) of SiCp, procured as an extruded cylinderical bar of diameter 64.3 mm from ALCAN, was used for this study. The matrix of the composites was characterized by using EDAX after solutionizing. The line intercept method and the grid analysis [56] were used to determine the volume fraction of the SiCP in the SiCp/Al composites. The schematic drawings illustrating these methods are shown in Fig.4-a) and Fig.4-b). The following relation was assumed for the line intercept method and the grid analysis [57]. where Vf = volume fraction of Sicp .............. l6) = average area fraction = ratio of the area which is covered by Sicp to the total area tested = average line fraction = ratio of the length of the line which is intercepted by SiCp to the total length of the test line 24 Figure 4. a) Grid analysis b) Line intercept method Figure . 4 25 = average point fraction = ratio of the number of points which lie in the siC to the total number of points in the P grid. In order to investigate the effect of warm rolling on the distribution of SiCp, the composites with a severely banded structure of SiCp clusters in the direction of extrusion were used for the tests. A three dimentional view of the as-extruded composites is shown in fig.5). The amount of the pre-existing porosity (Fig-6) was determined as 1-2 % from the grid analysis. The average particulate size was found to be 10 pm with the help of the line intercept method. d = L/(n.M) --------- 17) where d = the average particulate size L = the length of the test line n = the number of intersections with Sicp and test line which is drawn in the micrograph concerned, and M = the magnification. 26 Figure 5. Three dimentional View of as-extruded 10 % SiCp/606l-Al composite 26—A Figure . 5 27 Figure 6. Porosities of the as-extruded SiCp/Al composite viewed parallel to the extrusion direction 27—A Figure . 6 28 3.2 Specimen Preparation The stock material was cut out from a cylindrical bar which was obtained in the as-extruded (as-manufactured) state, and rolled unidirectionally into different percentages of reduction in a direction perpendicular to the extruded direction, namely, transverse direction. The reduction ratio (R) can be defined as the reduction in thickness from the assumption of plane strain condition. R= [ (Ao -Af )/A0 1x100 [as] = [ ( to - tf )/to ] x 100 [95] ---—----.. 18) where A0 = initial cross sectional area of the specimen Af = final cross sectional area of the specimen t0 = initial thickness of the specimen, and tf = final thickness of the specimen. In order to maximize matrix flow and therefore minimize the particulate cracking and the possible interface debonding, warm rolling was carried out at a temperature below 400°C. At the same time, a high reduction ratio, but less than 10% of reduction per each pass, was used to get homogeneous matrix flow, which was found to be effective in separating the SiCp clusters into separate particulates. After each pass of rolling, the specimens were annealed 0 for 5- 7 min. at 415 C in order to get rid of the 29 dislocations which were induced due to rolling process. This was checked by measuring the hardness, i.e, regardless of the reduction ratio the value of HRBZO was obtained after annealing. The rolled sheets which were reduced by different percentages of reduction, were cut into parallel (longitudinal) and perpendicular (transverse) to the extruded directions with a diamond sawing machine. The schematic drawing is shown in Fig.7). The sheet tensile specimens were made by hands with files. The specimens were polished with abrasive papers and rotating laps in order to remove the contact surface with rolls during rolling process. The final shape and dimensions of the tensile specimen is shown in Fig.8). Two kinds of heat treatments were used before testing the specimens, i.e, full annealing (T0) and artificial aging (T6). Especially for the full annealed specimen, the test was carried out within 30 min in order to prevent the precipitation from the matrix even at room temperature. Yhe heat treatment conditions used can be described as following: 1) Full annealing ( To temper ) -In order to get the softest codition, the specimens were heated at 415°C for 2 hours then quenched into cold water. 2) Artificial aging ( T6 Temper ) 3O 0 -solution treatment : 530 C for 70 min. (cold water quenching) 0 -room temperature aging : 24 C for 48 hours 0 —artificial aging : 200 C for 10 hours 31 Figure 7. a) Section of the extruded bar stock out out for specimen preparation Extrusion direction (Longitional direction) Rolling.direction (Transverse direction) Figure.7-a) 32 Figure 7. b) Schematic of procedure used for making specimens I % Figure.7-b) Cutting slices ——-———-> 33 Figure 8. Dimensions of sheet tensile specimen W = Width of the specimen ( 5 mm ) L = Gauge length ( 17 mm ) T = THickness ( 0.7 mm ) 34 3.3 Tensile Test The basic mechanical properties after various treatments of the specimen were measured using an Instron machine operated at a constant crosshead speed of 0.1 cm/min. The tests were carried out in a laboratory air enviornment at room temperature. In order to prevent the slipping of the specimen from the grip, slices of file with small grooves were attached to the grips as in Fig.9). 35 Figure 9. Details of the grips 35-A Senew- hate (on darnping Apeobnen F4191) Figure . 9 36 3.4 Fractographic and Metallographic Examination The fracture surface of tensile specimens were examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM). In addition, metallographically polished surface of a mounted specimen was prepared to examine the cracking of SiCp which can be caused due to compressive and tensile force. The redistribution of SiCp clusters due to rolling were examined with optical microscope. The standard method of surface preparation consisted of successive surface removal by 240, 400, and 600 grit Sic abrasive paper, first and second polishing on rotating laps with 5 pm and 1 pm alumina powder, and finally first and second stage polishing on rotating laps with 1 pm and 0.25 pm diamond powders. The Kellers Reagant was used for slight etching. Dilute HCl was used for deep etching of specimen surface. 37 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Microstructural Features One of the advantages of the discontinuously reinforced metal matrix composites is their formability into the net shapes by conventional mechanical working or by plastic deformation methods. Both cold and warm rolling were attempted on as-extruded (as-received status) composites along a direction perpendicular to the extrusion direction, until edge cracks were observed on the specimens. Although controlled cold rolling was carried out (i.e 1-2 % reduction in thickness per each pass), edge cracks and surface scuffings were formed before 40 % reduction was reached. Such edge cracks and surface scuffings appeared to be formed mainly due to the large clusters of Sicp which usually have micro-voids inside the clusters. The initiation and propagation of the edge cracks resulting from cold rolling can be observed in Fig.10). Once these cracks are formed, they tend to connect the SiCp clusters and grow larger. Some of the cracks were observed to propagate along the broken SiC and the initially debonded interfaces as in Fig.11). During cold rolling, the hardness of the composites increases very rapidly. For example, 30 % of reduction gives rise to an increase in hardness from HRBzo (T0 38 Figure 10. Micrograph illustrating the initiation (X) and propagation (Y) of edge cracks along the clustered masses of SiC during rolling process p 38—A Figure.10 39 Figure 11. Micrographs illustrating the crack propagation along the cracked particles (a) and debonded interfaces (b) during rolling process Figure.11 .I. ..r o s . . - .. , , '. ‘ . ‘n -r ‘ 7‘ J ... ‘ d .. ... “ CR 4 K .. 1k. . \ r. 40 tempered state) to HRBSS. Such an increase in hardness makes further rolling impossible without an additional stress relief annealing. The rolled sheets of SiCp/Al composites were cut parallel to the rolling direction, and examined metallographically on the polished sections. Significant particulate crackings were observed from the polished sections of the cold rolled SiCp/Al composites. There is strong tendency for the crack planes to be parallel to the direction of compression (i.e rolling pressure) and to be perpendicular to the rolling direction(i.e feed direction). At the same time, it was found that the average size of the SiCp that breaks is generally larger than the average size of all SiCp in the composites. Such observations correspond to the results of Gurland [58] who had studied the fracture of cementite particles in a spherodized 1.05 carbon steel, deformed under various loading conditions. He observed that the cementite particles, that cracked under uniaxial compression, were bigger than the average particle size, and that the particle cracking occuredalong a direction parallel to the compressive force. Such formations of particulate cracking can cause decrease in strength and ductility of the composites. The substantial increase in rolling pressure during cold rolling, as compared to that of warm rolling, was found to be responsible for such crackings of the SiCpin the composites. This comparison is shown in Fig.12). o 6 41 On the other hand, in case of warm rolling, the specimen could be rolled down to as much as 85 % of reduction without any edge crackings or surface scuffings. .Although relatively large reduction ratio per each pass of rolling (about 6-7 %) was used, the first edge cracks made their appearence at about 85 % reduction. The results indicate that SiCp/Al composites possess an excellent warm formability. Another advantage of warm rolling is that particulate crackings and interface debondings can be minimized (Fig.12), since the flow stress decreases monotonically with increasing temperature for both the reinforced and unreinforced material [36]. Both cold and warm rolling were found to cause a significant change in the distribution and shape of the SiCp clusters. The most apparent difference in metallo- graphic features between the as-extruded and the rolled composites is the presence of banded structure of SiCp clusters. The microstructural features of the as-extruded and the warmed rolled composites with different reduction ratios are shown in Fig.13). There appear to be no significant differences in the microstructural features of the distribution of SiCp clusters between the cold and the warm rolled composites; however, it is evident from Fig.14) and Fig.15) that the cold rolled specimens exhibited the presence of larger voids and debonded interfaces as compared to the warm rolled specimens at the same reduction ratio (Fig.14). 42 Figure 12. a) Particulate cracking in 40 % cold rolled composite b) Abscence of particulate cracking in 60 % warm rolled composite 42—A Figure. 12 43 Figure 13. Micrograph exhibiting' a) the severely banded SiCp clusters of as-received composite b) the redistribution of SiC clusters P in 40 % warm rolled composite 43-A- 111 g ‘4‘, ‘3' 73".”4r47 ~' I 3". " ‘ ~ 2 . t‘ t. _ A .5' Figure 13. 44 (continued) Micrographs exhibiting the redistribution of SiCp clusters in c) 50 % warm rolled composite d) 60 % warm rolled composite 44-A ”if". “g“ 1155' Figure . 13 (continued) 45 Figure 13. (continued) Micrograph exhibiting the redistribution of SiCp clusters in e) 70 % warm rolled composite 45-A Figure . 13 (continued) 46 Figure 14. Growth of pores during cold rolling a) 70 % warm rolled b) 70 % cold rolled 46-A Figure. 14 47 Figure 15. The comparision of the pores size between a) as-received, and b) 70 % warmed roled composite 47-A Figure . 15 48 Moreover, these voids grow larger with increasing reduction ratio, as can be observer in Fig.15). Such features can b explained on the basis of enhanced plastic flow during warm rolling. Hence, in order to facilitate matrix flow and to minimize either fracture of the SiCp or debonding at the interface, plastic forming at higher temperature is recommended. Nevertheless, particulate cracking and interface debonding are observed even in the as-extruded SiCp/Al composites, although they are not significant as compared to those formed during cold working process. 49 4.2 Mechanical properties Some mechanical properties of the SiCp/Al composites in their longitudinal and transverse directions, were measured at room temperature in the as-received and the warmed rolled status, both after T0 and T6 heat treatments. Significant changes in mechanical properties compared with those of unreinforced Al-alloy, were observed for the 6061-Al alloy reinforced with 10 % of SiCp. For example, compared with the wrought alloy, the SiCp/Al composites revealed higher yield and ultimate strength, but lower fracture elongation. Also, compared with the T0 tempered SiCp/Al composites, the T6 tempered SiCp/Al composites were much higher in yield and ultimate strength but substantially lower in fracture elongation. From the tensile testing of the SiCp/Al composites in the longitudinal and transverse directions, it was observed that as-extruded composites exibited anisotropic mechanical properties, such as yield strength, ultimate strength, and fracture elongation, with respect to their longitudinal and transverse directions. It can be surmized from the Fig.10) that the microstructural inhomogeneity of the as-extruded composites may attribute to such anisotropic mechanical properties. On the contrary, the microstructure of the warm rolled composites becomes much more uniform (homogeneous) with increasing reduction ratio, which may result in more isotropic mechanical properties. 50 During tensile testing of the T0 tempered SiCp/606l-Al composites with a cross-head speed of 0.1 cm/min, a strong dynamic strain hardening was observed just beyond the yield point of the composites. The interaction between the impurity atoms and the dislocations is reported to cause such an aging phenomenon during deformation [59]. It is also reported that dynamic strain aging tends to occur over a wide range of temperature,which depends on the strain rate [60]. The typical plot of load vs. elongation obtained with the Instron testing machine is shown in Fig.16). However, such strain aging phenomenon did not occur in T6 tempered composites, since oversaturated solute atoms are precipitated out during artificial aging 0 procedure (T6) at 200 C for 10 hours. Although a significant redistribution of the SiCp clusters was achieved with increasing reduction ratio of warm rolling, the principal effects of the warm rolling on the mechanical properties are to decrease the yield and tensile strength as well as the fracture elongation in the longitudinal direction. Some mechanical properties obtained at room temperature are presented in Tables 2, 3, and 4. From the tables, it is evident that the as-extruded (as- received) composites have the largest ductility but the lowest strength, and the T6 tempered composites have the highest strength but the lowest ductility. _I-gdf..- . 51 Figure 16. Load-elongation plot exhibiting dynamic strain aging behavior LOAD ELONGATION Figure. 16 52 Specimen; T O T 6 R W L T L T 0 124.2 115.7 302.0 269.5 20 — - - - 30 _ - 288.7 281.6 40 — - - - 50 119.3 119.0 285.1 282.1 60 119.1 119.04 283.2 283.0 Table 2. Variation in yield strength (in MPa) with respect to the reduction ratio along the transverse and the longitudinal directions 53 Specimen T O T 6 R (°/o) L T L T 0 231.1 201.2 368.6 323.0 20 _ .. _ _ 3O - - 356.2 339.6 40 — - - — 50 222.2 222.4 351.5 342.0 60 220.6 1' 222.1 350.0 347.2 70 214.3 207.0 — - 80 209.0 207.0 — _ Table 3. Variation in tensile strength (in MPa) with respect to the reduction ratio along the transverse and the longitudinal directions 54 Table 4. Variation in fracture elongation (in %) with respect to the reduction ratio along the transverse and the longitudinal directions ...‘Iru k1"...:".: ' '56 Figure 17. a) Variation of the yield strength ‘ of T0 tempered composite with respect to reduction ratio YIELD STRENGTH [MP0] 320— 310— I 300— 290— 280— 2701 260~ 250 J 56—A 0 Transverse (T6) 0 Longitudinal (T6) I I r fir f I I I I I r I 'l 10 20 3O 4O 50 60 7O REDUCTION RATIO [z] Figure.17-a) 57 Figure 17. b) Variation of the yield strength of T6 tempered composite with respect to reduction ratio YIELD STRENGTH [MP6] 57—A 140] 130— ikl\\ 120‘ NT 9%” """ "” l 10— GF-O Transverse (TO) o—e Longitudial (TO) 100 I . I ' I ' l . I . I . l O 10 20 30 40 50 50 7O REDUCTION RATIO [z] Figure. 17-b) 58 Figure 18. a) Variation of the U.T.S. of T0 tempered composite with respect to reduction ratio U.T.S [MP6] 2005 240~ 2301 220— 210—1 190- 180 58-A 0 Transverse (T0) 0 Longitudinal (TO) I l I I I lrr‘l'lrl'l IO 20 30 4O 50 60 7O 80 REDUCTION RATIO [2;] Figure. 18 a) 59 Figure 18. b) Variation of the U.T.S. of T6 tempered composite with respect to reduction ratio U.T.S [MP6] 380— 370;, 360; 350; 340; 330— V c 3209 310— 59—A o transverse (T6) 300 0 Longitudinal (T6) T I l I I l I I I r 1 r 1 30 4O 50 60 7O 80 REDUCTION RATIO [2;] Figure. 18 b) 60 Figure 19. Variation of the fracture elongation of T0 and T6 tempered composites with respect to reduction ratio FRACTURE ELONGATION [73] —L —L l C) . l l 60-A 2_ 0 Transverse [T6] - I Longitudinal [T6] 1 -4 0 Transverse (TO) ' 0 Longitudinal (TO) 0 I T ' I T T ' I *T I ' I ' T ‘ O 10 20 3O 4O 50 60 7O 80 REDUCTION RATIO [7,] Figure.19 61 Figure 20. Optical micrograph illustrating debonded interfaces 61—A Figure. 20 62 Figure 21. Particulate cracking a) SEM micrograph b) optical micrograph. Note that the matrix is squeezed into the broken particulate in regions indicated by arrow. I 62—A - ‘ Rolling Direction . " .,..: ' ‘ - I ' - r, Figure. 21 Fin n'-- - 63 Figure 21. (continued) c) Particulate cracking in 40 % cold rolled composite Note the elongated grains in the rolling direction 63—A Figure . 2 1 (continued) 64 Figure 22. Grain size of a) as—received composite (T6) b) 30 % warm rolled composite (T6) 64-A I IJ'K/w K 0 tr . . h'g ./ ‘.y 4m thing “3\ I25 ImL| a Figure.22 65 Figure.22. (continued) c) 70 % warm rollde composite (T6) 65—A Figure. 22 66 Examination of the typical fracture surface of the SiCp/Al composites, shown in Fig.23), reveals a large amount of localized plastic flow in the matrix surrounding each Sicp. Particulate pull-out and interface debondings were rarely observed from the fracture surfaces of the tensile specimens. Such a result indicates that the bonding strength between sic and Al matrix is very strong. P According to the investigation on the measurement of the interfacial bonding strength of the SiCp/6061 Al - composites, the lower bound value of the interfacial bonding strength for the composites was determined as 1690 MPa [61], which is 30 times higher than the yield strength of T0 treated ( fully-annealed ) 6061 Al alloy and 7 times higher than the yield strength of T6 treated (artificially aged) 6061 Al alloy. Some particulate cracking, which is formed perpendicular to the direction of rolling, was observed from the fracture surface of tensile specimen prepared by cutting along longitudinal direction [Fig.24]. On the other hand, the strength and the elongation in the transverse direction were observed to increase after early stage of warm rolling (up to 50 - 60 % of reduction ) -and decrease afterward. Both the redistribution of the Sicp clusters and the formation of the preferential crack initiation sites (such as interface debonding, particulate cracking, and porosity) can be attributed to the changes in the mechanical 67 Figure 23. Tensile fracture surface exhibiting large amounts of locallized plastic deformation 67—A Figure . 23 Figure 24. 68 Fracture surface of the longitudinal specimen Particulate crackings are formed perpendicular to the rolling direction. Note : "A" particulate has no debonded interface. "B" particulate has debonded interface which seems to be formed due to rolling. 68-A Figure . 24 69 properties in the transverse direction. The redistribution of the Sicp clusters, which results in more uniform microstructure, appeared to be the main cause for the improvement in the strength and the elongation. But the formation of the preferential crack initiation sites is considered to be the dominant factor for the decrease in such mechanical properties. 70 4.3 Failure mechanism of the SiCp/Al composites under uniaxial tension The failure mechanism of the SiCp/Al composites under a uniaxial tensile load is analyzed in this section. From the results of the tensile test, it is clear that the addition of moderate amount of SiCp ( usually less than 30 % by volume) into Al matrix can result in significant increase in the strength, and presumably the elastic modulus, of the composites. However, the addition of SiCp into Al-alloy results in substantial decrease in the ductility, and consequently the fracture toughness of the composites, a main drawback for the wide use of most metal matrix composites reinforced with ceramic reinforcements, even at low volume fraction levels. Recently, several studies have been carried out to improve the ductility and the fracture toughness of ceramic reinforced metal matrix composites. Nevertheless, large differences in the properties of the matrix and reinforcement cause large differences between reinforced and unreinforced alloys. Such big discrepancies in the ductility and the fracture toughness are considered to be a consequence of the unique failure mechanism of the discontinuously reinforced metal matrix composites. Such a behavior is exactly opposite with the failure mechanism of ceramic matrix composites. 71 However, significant studies have not been carried out so far on the failure mechanism of the SiCp/Al composite system, or discontinuously reinforced metal matrix compositets. In 1986, Nutt and Duva [62] have carried out TEM studies on SiC whisker reinforced Al alloy. They observed that the void nucleated at the corner of the whisker ends and grew towards the centers of the whisker ends. They did not obseerved the void formation along the long sides of the whisker/matrix interface, which is parallel to the tensile direction. _ From the above experimental results, void nucleation at the Sij/Al interface (i.e interface debonding) was proposed as the failure mechanism of the Sij/Al composites and as a reason for the low ductility and toughness in such composites [62,63]. In this present experiment, some debonded SiCp/Al interface was observed at the side-surface of the specimen located just below the tensile fracture surface. Debonded interfaces, which are formed perpendicular to the tensile direction, can be seen in Fig.25). This micrograph was taken at the side-surface of the SiCp/Al tensile specimen just below the fracture surface. The direction of propagation of void due to debonded SiCp/Al interface is the same as that of the debonded Sij/Al interface observed by Nutt and Duva. 72 Figure 25. Debonded interface and particulate cracking of tensile fracture surface 72—A 'Figure.25 73 Figure 26. Stress concentration at the pole of the inclusion during uniaxial loading 74 Such a phenomenon of interface debonding can be explained with the help of a simple model of "a rigid spherical inclusion embedded in an elastic solid", shown in Fig.26). If a tensile stress (a ) is applied on the aPP system, the radial tension (arr i.e decohesion stress) at the "pole" of the spherical inclusion (i.e at the point A and A’) becomes intensified to a value of a = [ 2/(1+,,) + 1/(4-5,,) ]-a a ------ 19) rr pp in the direction of the externally applied tension (0 app) [64]. Substitution of v = 0.33 for the Al alloy gives arr = 1.93-0 app “ 2'” app in the direction of the applied tensile loading. Such stress concentration (radial tension) at the pole of the rigid inclusion (SiCp) can attribute to the debonding of the inclusion-matrix interface. Although the void nucleation mechanism is an evident operating mechanism for the failure of the SiCp/Al composites, this mechanism seems to be insufficient to explain such a large difference in the ductility between the reinforced and the unreinforced Al-alloy, since the interface debonding due to void nucleation is a very rare event as compared to the cracking of SiCp. The latter can be observed from the metallographis and fractographis observations provided in Figs.31) and 32). 75 Another failure mechanism was suggested in 1987 by You et a1 [65] who conducted an SEM examination on the tensile fracture surface of the SiCp/Al composites. In you's study, the numbers of the cracked particulates and the debonded interfaces were counted at the fracture surface. From the analysis, the number of the cracked particulate was found to be twice more than the number of the debonded interface. At the same time, intensive plastic deformation in the matrix between SiCp was also observed from the side-surface of the tensile specimen located just below the fracture surface. According to the above observation, the matrix failure was proposed as the dominant failure mechanism of the SiCp/Al composites, i.e the cracking of Sicp or debonding of SiCp/Al interface were attributed to the matrix failure. It is evident from Fig.27) that the crackings of Sicp always preceed the matrix failure, although severe plastic deformation can be observed in the matrix near the region of particulate cracking. Therefore, the matrix failure mechanism does not seem to be plausible for the failure of the SiCp/Al composites. In order to explain why the crackings of the SiCp preceed the matrix failure, the model of "a spherical inclusion embedded in the elastic material", which is under uniaxial tensile loading , can be introduced again. If an uniaxial tensile load (a ) is applied on such a composite app 76 Figure 27. Particulate cracking in a tensile specimen Note : Arrow mark indicates the initiation of crack propagation into matrix. 76—A «osmzo o:mn:o: Figure.27 77 system, the tensile hoop stress (000) is induced at the "equator" (i.e BCDB') in the same direction with the applied tension. The stess distribution around the inclusion is shown in Fig.28). The hoop stress (”96) at the equator is given by Goodier [64]. a = [ (27-15u)/(14-10v) ]-aa 90 """"" 20) PP Substitution of v = 0.33 for the Al alloy gives the tensile hoop stress at the equator as 006 = 2.1 aapp in the direction of the applied tension. However, according to the Saint—Venant’s principle, the change in the stress distribution is negligible at a distance larger than the radius of the inclusion (or SiCp). Therefore, it is evident from Eq.l9) and 29) that once the external loal is applied on such a composite system, an inclusion embedded in a matrix acts as a stress raiser. The Fig.29) shows photoelastic fringes developed around the circular cavity, which enable the visualization of the stress concentration near the cavity. It can be seen that the colored fringes disappear very rapidly as one moves far from the edge of the cavity. This pattern is in good agreement with the Goodier’s solution. This indicates that if elastic deformation is assumed for the SiCp and A1- matrix during the initial stage of tensile loading, the tensile hoop stress near the equatorial surface region of 78 Figure 28. Stress concentration at the equator of the inclusion during uniaxial tensile loading 79 Figure 29. Visualization of the stress concentration near the cavity under uniaxial tension Note that the stress state in-between the cavities (X) is higher than that of equatorial region indicated by "Y". 79-A Figure.29 80 the Sicp becomes at least tWice higher than that of the matrix far from the Sicp, while the stress in the matrix is the same as the applied tension (0 ). Such stress aPP concentration (tensile hoop stress) at the equator of the Sicp gives rise to the cracking of the SiCp. has a crack in it, the constraint for the plastic Once the SiCp deformation of the Al-matrix will disappear. Then Al- matrix near the SiCp can now easily undergo plastic deformation causing the opening-up of the cracked planes in the SiCp as can be seen in Fig.27). This situation can be considered to be same as the Al-alloy which has penny- shaped flaw (or crack) in it. If the external tensile stress is applied further, the penny—shaped crack will propagate into the Al matrix due to the stress concontration at the crack tip. This makes the matrix fail easily and thus the ductility of the composites will decrease substantially. Based on the present study, the failure mechanism of SiCp/Al composites can be summarized as follows: Once a tensile load is applied externally on the composite system, hoop stress and radial stress are generated on the Sicp in direction of the applied tension. Such stress concentration may cause cracking or interface debonding. As more load is_applied, the crack and debonded interface, which are formed already, are easily opened—up due to the plastic deformation of the matrix. New crack will be developed in the matrix at the tip of the opened-up l—__":“‘:—'Z£T“ . l ,, _1 , w r, ,, crack, propagate into matrix, be connected with nearby cracks, and finally form a large void. The whole steps for the failure mechanism is drawn schematically in Fig.30). The SEM investigation was carried out on the side- surface of the fractured tensile specimen to examine the proposed failure mechanism. Figs.31) and 32) are the micrographs of the side-surface of the tensile specimen located below the fracture surface. Extensive particulate cracking and debonded interface, formed under the applied uniaxial tension, can be seen in this tensile specimen. The cconnection of the near-by cracks into a large crack is illustrated in Fig.31-c). The void formation can be -observed in Fig.32-a). Therefore, particulate cracking in addition to interface debonding can be proposed as a major contributor to the failure of SiCp/Al composites. 82 Figure 30. The schematic diagram showing the failure mechanism of Sic /Al composites under uniaxial tension p a) 13) CI d) f) 9) g’) h) 3') Generation of tensile hoop stress (”00) at the equator of SiCp Formation of crack plane in the SiCp (Fig.27) Opening-up of crack plane due to plastic flow of Al-matrix (Fig.27) Equivalent diagram of Fig.30-c) Crack propagation inti Al-matrix due to stress concentration build up at the crack tip (Fig.27) Generation of tensile radial stress (a at the pole of Sicp Formation of debonded interface rr) Opening-up of debonded interface Equivalent diagram of Fig.30-g) Crack propagation into matrix Joining of cracks (Fig.31-c) Void formation (Fig.32) Particulate cracking ”app it I Gig _) l©l a I) ll ”app — Z c’ c 82—A __-_—._—--. ----—-_- —————- Interface debondingl ”app 1] T e ¢QT U “899 O Figure.30 83 Figure 31. SEM micrograph showing crack development on a tensile specimen (Etched with dilute HCl) 84 Figure 32. SEM micrograph showing void formation due to joining of cracks (arrow mark) 84-A Figure. 32 85 5 . CONCLUSIONS 5.1 Strengthening Mechanism of SiCp/Al composites 1. Some plausible strengthening mechanisms, such as Orowan strengthening, composite strengthening using the modified shear lag theory, thermal strain hardening due to enhanced dislocation density, and strengthening due to subgrain and smaller grain, contribute to the enhanced yield strength of SiCp/Al composites. 2. Composite strengthening, thermal strain hardening, and strengthening due to subgrain were found to be major contributors to the strengthening of SiCp/Al composites. 3. On the other hand, it is considered that the effect of the Orowan strengthening is too small as compared to the substantial increase in the yield strength observed in such composites. 86 5.2 Microstructural Features 1. As-extruded composites (10 % SiCp/6061-Al)_exhibited severely banded structure of SiCp clusters. Significant redistribution of the SiCp clusters , which resulted in the uniform distribution of such clusters, was achieved with increasing reduction ratio by both warm and cold rolling. Banded structure of SiCp clusters totally disappeared beyond 60 % reduction. 2. The cold rolled composites exhibited the presence of larger voids and debonded interfaces as compared to those of the warm rolled composites. Such voids grew larger with increasing reduction ratio. 3. In case of warm rolling, the composites could be rolled down to as much as 85 % of reduction without forming any edge crackings or surface scuffings. On the other hand, in case of cold rolling, edge cracks and surface scuffings were formed before 40 % reduction. 4. Both particulate cracking and interface debonding were observed after rolling; Such features were more predominant in case of cold rolling rather than in warm rolling. There is strong tendency for the crack planes in the particulate to be formed parallel to the direction of rolling pressure, and perpendicular to the rolling direction. 87 5.3 Mechanical Properties 1. As-extruded composites exhibited anisotropic mechanical properties in their longitudinal and transverse direction. Such anisotropic mechanical properties result from the microstructural inhomogeneity of the as-extruded composites. Mechanical properties become more isotropic with increasing reduction ratio; at about 50-60 % reduction longitudinal and transverse directions possess the same properties 2. Although a significant redistribution of SiCp clusters was achieved after warm rolling, the principal effect of the warm rolling on the mechanical properties was to decrease the yield and tensile strength as well as the fracture elongation in the longitudinal direction with increasing reduction ratio. However, such properties in the transverse direction were found to increase with increasing reduction ratio up to 60 % and decrease afterwards. 3. The decrease in the mechanical properties in the longitudinal direction can be attributed to the growth of pores, the interface debonding, the particulate cracking, and the grain growth of the matrix during stress relief annealing. On the other hand, the improvement in the mechanical properties in the transverse direction may be due to the redistribution of the Sicp clusters, which results in more uniform microstructure. 5.4 Failure mechanism of the SiCp/Al composites under uniaxial tension 1. Interface dedonding due to void formation at the composites interface, which was proposed as a failure mechanism of Sij/Al composites by Nutt and Duva, was also observed near the pole of SiCp. Such an interface debonding is considered to be formed due to the radial tension induced at the pole of Sicp; the magnitude of this radial tension is almost twice that of the applied tension. 2. The matrix failure mechanism proposed by You gt_a; does not seem to be plausible for the failure of the SiCp/Al composites, since the crackings of SiCp were found to always preceed the matrix failure. 3. Tensile hoop stress induced at the equator of Sicp appears to be responsible for the cracking of Sicp. The magnitude of the hoop stress was found to be at least twice as large than that in the matrix. 4. Once cracking of SiCp and debonded interface are formed by the applied tensiOn, such cracks can easily be opened up, connected with each other, and at last make a large void under further applied stress. 5. Particulate cracking under uniaxial tension appears to be a more dominant failure mechanism of the SiCp/Al composites rather than the void nucleation mechanism at the interface, since the number of cracked Sicp was observed to be more than that of debonded interface. 10. 11. 89 6. REFERENCES I.Ahmad, V.P.Greco and J.M.Barranco "Reinforcement of nickel with some high strength filament", J. Composite Materials, 1, 19 (1967) E. G. Wolff "Hydrodynamic Alignment of discontinuous Fibers in a Matrix" Fiber Science and Technology, Elsevier publishing co. Essex. England (1969) N. Tsangarakis, B.O.Andrews and C.Cavallaro "Mechanical properties of some silicon carbide reinforced aluminium composite", J. 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