PLACE ll RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE MSU Is An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution A STUDY OF STATISTICAL EQUILIBRIUM IN A NUCLEAR SYSTEM AT LOW BOMBARDING ENERGIES BY Jeong Ho Lee A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Physics and Astronomy 1988 ABSTRACT A STUDY OF STATISTICAL EQUILIBRIUM IN A NUCLEAR SYSTEM AT LOW BOMBARDING ENERGIES BY Jeong Ho Lee We have studied a reaction of ”Ar + 12C at EI/A=8, 10, and 12 MeV. Fragments ranging from the lithium isotopes to the titaniums were detected at small forward angles (9211“). Gamma-rays in coincidence with these fragments were also observed. The analysis of source velocities and simultaneous events suggests a characterization of complex fragment emission as a binary-decay process of the compound nucleus. In order to investigate whether the composite system formed from the projectile and the target ever reaches statistical equilibrium, the new temperature measurement proposed by Morrissey et a1. has been applied to complex fragments including fragments of A>1O for the first time. Temperatures of 2-3 MeV, which roughly agree with those from the Fermi gas model under the assumption of thermal equilibrium, were obtained from the 7L1, “’Be, and ”B at E/A=8 and 10 MeV, however temperatures from the fragments of A>1O show a fluctuation from nucleus to nucleus and also from transition to transition in the same nucleus. In addition to this, temperatures for most fragments at E/A=12 MeV are lower than those at the lower beam energies. This discrepancy was taken as to be due to the effect of the preferential feeding from the higher—A nuclear unbound states rather than the non-equilibrium effects at this beam energy. For the heavy residual fragments, the observed relative populations of nuclear states are compared with those predicted by the CASCADE statistical model. The result suggests that heavy fragments with masses close to the total mass in the reaction are produced from the compound nucleus by the statistical emission of light particles, such as nucleons and alpha-particles. However, the relative populations of nuclear states for fragments of Z<2O show discrepancies between the observations and the predictions of the statistical model. To my mother iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS To my advisor, Dr. Walt Benenson, I owe my deepest gratitude for raj; guidance, encouragement, and supervision during my graduate career. As a civil engineer and a field—army artillery officer, I had never thought that the transformation to a nuclear physicist would even be possible. However, he made me believe that it was possible» euui encouraged me to work hard and finally to finish this work. His patience, depth of vision, sense of humor, and understanding have been greatly appreciated and are acknowledged. My special thanks go to Dr. David Morrissey fkn~lais continuous advice and comments on the work. His help, guidance, and deep knowledge of this field have made the completion of this work possible. In addition, I must thank Dr. Mitsuru Tohyama for his advice and numerous discussions, and Dr. Tetsuya Murakami for his instructions and fuuiitful discussions about the CASCADE model. There are also many more co- workers and contributors who I must mention for thanks; Drs. R. Blue, C. Bloch, E. Kashy, 0. McHarris, and R. Ronningen, and also Y.M. Chen, K. Hanold, M.F. Mohar, and H.M. Xu. Finally, I must offer special and sincere thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Imsuk Yang. Their interest in me and their care for me during tn“; last four years have been just like family love to me. I also love their kids, Yuree and Sungsang. There are many more names in my hear%:, and I thank all of you - "Yuruboon, gamsahamnidah!" LIST OF LIST OF Chapter I II III IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TABLES .................................................... Viii FIGURES ................................................... x Introduction .............................................. 1 I 1 Motivation ......................................... 1 1.2 Introduction ....................................... 2 Experimental .............................................. 11 11.1 Experimental Set-up ................................ 11 11.2 Electronics ....................... ' ................. 1“ 11.3 Calibration ........................................ 17 11.“ 8Be Contamination in the 7Li Singles Spectra ....... 22 Particle Singles .......................................... 27 111.1 Data Analysis ...................................... 27 111.2 Particle Singles Spectra ........................... 35 111.3 Slope Parameters ................................... 62 111.4 Fermi Gas Model .................................... 68 Population Distribution 1 (Complex Fragments) ............ 71 vi IV.1 Introduction ........................ IV.2 Data Analysis ....................... IV.3 Light Fragments ..................... IV.“ Intermediate Fragments .............. 1V.5 Errors ............................... V Population Distribution 11 (Heavy Residual v.1 Introduction ........................ V.2 Statistical Model ................... v.3 Population of Nuclear States ........ V1 Summary and Conclusions .................... LIST OF REFERENCES ................................. vii ............... 71 ............... 7A ............... 75 ............... 87 ............... 121 Fragments) ..... 12A ............... 13A ............... 165 ............... 173 TABLE 11.“.1 III.1.1 III.3.1 111.“.1 1V.3.1 1V.A.1 LIST OF TABLES Page Evaluation of contamination of the 8Be ground state in the 7Li singles spectra ................................. 26 Detection of fragments. 3) Energy ranges (units in MeV) .......................... 34 b) Predicted kinetic energies and energy losses at E/A:1O MeV, Glab=11° (units in MeV) ...................... 3“ Kinetic energy spectra fitting parameters for complex fragments .................................... 66 Nuclear temperatures in the Fermi Gas model (units in MeV) ........................................... 67 Deduced nuclear temperatures from 7L1, 7Be, and '°B ...... 83 Deduced temperatures from intermediate fragments. a) At E/A:8 MeV .......................................... 111 b) At E/A=1O MeV ......................................... 112 c) At E/A=12 MeV ......................................... 113 Input parameters for CASCADE calculation ................. 130 Relative intensities of gamma-rays at E/A:8 MeV. a) For “5T1 .............................................. 152 b) For HTi .............................................. 152 Relative intensities of gamma-rays at E/A=8 MeV. a) For ““80 .............................................. 153 b) For “58c .............................................. 153 Relative intensities of gamma-rays at E/Az8 MeV. a) For “’Ca .............................................. 15A b) For HCa .............................................. 155 Relative intensities of gamma-rays at E/A:8 MeV. a) For “°K ............................................... 156 b) For “‘K. .............................................. 157 c) For “’K ............................................... 158 Relative intensities of gamma-rays at E/A:8 MeV. a) For "Ar .............................................. 159 b) For ”Ar .............................................. 159 viii V.3.6 V.3.7 Relative intensities of gamma-rays at E/A:8 MeV. a) For "Cl .............................................. 160 b) For 37Cl .............................................. 160 Relative intensities of gamma-rays at E/A:8 MeV. a) For ’38 ............................................... 161 b) For “S ............................................... 161 ix FIGURE II.1.1 11.2.1 11.3.1 II.3.2 III.1.1 III.1.2 III.1.3 III.2.1 III.2.2 III.2.3 III.2.A III.2.5 111.2.6 LIST OF FIGURES Page Experimental set-up of detectors. a) Outside (NaI-detectors) ............................... 15 b) Inside (Si-telescopes and Ge—counters) ................ 15 Electronics Schematic .................................... 16 Schematic of Si-element calibration ...................... 2O Time—of-flight spectrum for gamma-rays in the NaI(Tl) detector at 9:20° in coincidence with ‘°B fragments in any telescopes, E/A:12 MeV ............................... 21 A1E+A2E vs E light fragment PID spectrum (Tel-2) ......... 29 A,E+A2E vs E intermediate fragment PID spectrum (Tel-2).. 3O A,E vs AZE PID spectra (Tel-A). a) At E/Az8 MeV .......................................... 31 b) At E/A:1O MeV ......................................... 32 c) At E/A=12 MeV ......................................... 33 Particle inclusive kinetic energy spectra (3§Z§11). a) At E/A=8 MeV..... .................. .. ................. 39 b) At E/A=1O MeV... ...................................... A0 0) At E/Az12 MeV ......................................... A1 Particle inclusive kinetic energy spectra (2212). a) At E/A=8 MeV..... ............... . ..................... A2 b) At E/A=1O MeV ......................................... A3 c) At E/Az12 MeV ......................................... AA Velocity Diagrams. a) At E/A=8 MeV .......................................... A5 b) At E/A:1O MeV ......................................... A6 c) At E/A:12 MeV ......................................... A7 Differences between the peak energies and the calculated Coulomb barriers in the center-of-mass frame ............. A8 Median velocities of the forward-scattering and the backward-scattering peaks for complex fragments .......... A9 Simultaneous events for 2,:7 between telescope-2 and X III.2.7 III.2.8 III.3.1 IV.3.1 IV.3.2 IV.3.3 IV.A.1 IV.A.2 telescope-3 (solid line) or telescope-A (dotted line).... 21 - Z2 correlation plot for simultaneous events between telescope-2 and telescope-3. Arrow drawn indicates the total charge (Ztot) of the system. a) At E/A=8 MeV .......................................... b) At E/A:1O MeV ......................................... c) At E/A:12 MeV ......................................... The Lorentz-invariant differential cross sections for heavy residual fragments. a) At E/A=8 MeV .......................................... b) At E/A=1O MeV ......................................... Slope parameters for complex fragments. Lines are drawn for the eye-guide ........................................ Doppler-shift corrected Y-ray energy spectra (NaI) in coincidence with light fragments. a) At E/A:8 MeV .......................................... b) At E/A:1O MeV ......................................... c) At E/A=12 MeV ......................................... Y-fractions. Dashed line represents the predicted Y-fractions with the Fermi gas model temperatures. Decay schemes are from Refs. Aj8A and A185. a) For 1Li ......... . ..................................... b) For 7Be ............................................... c) For ‘“B ............................................... The observed temperatures from the Y—ray transitions in the light fragments. See the text for the lines ......... Doppler-shift corrected Y-ray energy spectra (NaI) in coincidence with intermediate fragments. a) With “N .............................................. b) With "O .............................................. c) With ‘°O ............................. ' ................. d) With "F .............................................. e) With 2°Ne ............................................. f) With 2‘Ne ............................................. g) With 22Ne ............................................. h) With Z’Na ............................................. Y-fractions. Lines are the predicted Y-fractions with the Fermi gas model temperatures. Decay schemes are from Refs. AJ83 and A386. a) For “N ............................................... b) For 1"0 ............................................... c) For "O.. .......................................... ... d) For "F ............................................... e) For z°Ne .............................................. f) For "Ne .............................................. g) For 2"’Ne .............................................. 53 5A 55 56 6O 61 65 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 88 89 90 91 92 9A 95 IV.A.3 IV.A.A IV.A.5 IV.5.1 V.2.1 V.3.3 V.3.A V.3.5 V.3.6 V.3.7 VI.1.1 h) For 23Na .............................................. The observed temperatures from the Y—ray transitions of the intermediate fragments. Dashed line represents the predicted temperature in the Fermi gas model. a) At E/A:8 MeV .......................................... b) At E/A:1O MeV.... ..................................... c) At E/A:12 MeV ......................................... Y—fractions after the preferential feedings from heavier nuclei (dashed lines). The data points and the solid lines are same as in Figures IV.3.2 and IV.A.2. a) For light fragments ................................... b) For intermediate fragments ............................ Cross sections for complex fragments. Solid lines represent the predicted cross sections by the quantum statistical model [St83, Fi86] ...................... ..... An example of the Y—ray peak fittings for 2°Ne. See the text for detail ...................................... Predicted primary population density distribution by the CASCADE code [P877]. See the text for detail. a) For “’Ca .............................................. b) For 3aAr .............................................. Doppler-shift corrected Y-ray energy spectra (Ge) in coincidence with Titanium (Ti) ........................ Same as in Figure V.3.1 with Scandium (Sc) ............... Same as in Figure V.3.1 with Calcium (Ca) ................ Same as in Figure V.3.1 with Potassium (K) ............... Same as in Figure V.3.1 with Argon (Ar) .................. Same as in Figure V.3.1 with Chlorine (Cl) ............... Same as in Figure V.3.1 with Sulfur (S) ............. ..... Doppler-shift corrected Y-ray energy spectra (NaI) in coincidence with Potassium (K). a) At E/A=8 MeV. ......................................... b) At E/A=1O MeV ......................................... c) At E/A=12 MeV ........................ . ........... ..... Summary for the temperature measurements in the complex fragment region. See Figures IV.3.3 and IV.A.3(a-c) for detail....... ...... .. ......... ..... ..... . ................ 103 108 109 110 117 118 119 123 132 133 1A2 1A3 1AA 1A5 1A6 1A7 1A8 1A9 150 151 172 CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Motivation One of the main goals of intermediate energy heavy-ion physics is to create and study nuclear matter at high temperature and density. In order for this goal to be achieved, it must first be demonstrated that thermodynamic quantities, like temperature and density, are applicable and then that they are in fact measurable in nuclear reactitnus in this energy range. A key question, therefore, is whether thermal equilibrium is ever achieved in any part of the system. Another one is, if a hot— equilibrated system is produced in a reaction, how it decays into a cooler system. In order to study the above questions a new method for temperature determination and study of population distribution was proposed by Morrissey and collaborators [M08Aa, Mo85a, M086a]. This method was inspired by temperature measurements of stellar surfaces and is essentially a measurement of the production of complex fragments in excited states. In order to test whether the method is in fact applicable to nuclear systems, an experiment [Mo86a] was devised for a low energy compound nuclear system in which thermal equilibrium has been shown to exist, and for which the temperature is known from the Fermi gas model. The results at E/A=8 MeV were consistent with thermal equilibrium at the calculated temperature but included a large I-1 1-2 correction for the rotational energy of the system, which had to be calculated with a model [M086a]. In addition the results of this experiment were limited to a light compound system which emitted light fragments [M086a]. This thesis describes a more definitive test of the population method for temperature determination by the utilization of a heavier compound nucleus for which the rotational energy is a much smaller contribution. In addition, the use of reverse kinematics permitted the study of excited heavy complex fragments and also heavy residual fragments for the first time. The energy range covered ranges over the region in which there is a transition from the very well understood compound nucleus into the incomplete-fusion regime, which is much more complex and less well understood. 1.2 Introduction In low energy heavy-ion collisions, from the neighborhood of the Coulomb barrier up to bombarding energies of E/A=7-8 MeV, complete fusion (full-momentum transfer or formation of the compound nucleus) is a dominant process in the entrance channel. When the projectile energy increases but remains below a few tens of MeV/nucleon, the dominance of the complete-fusion process slowly fades out as the competition between complete and incomplete fusion (incomplete-momentum transfer or deep- inelastic scattering) becomes important. Thus, a multi-dimensional space in the entrance channel which includes the relative velocity [M08Ab, Ch83, He83, V182] and distance [Ba7A] between two colliding nuclei, the mass asymetry [Hi87, St85, Mo8Ab, Ch83, R083, V179, Ba7A], 1-3 and angular momentum [H187, Mo86b, 8186, M185, Hu83, V182, St77, Br76, Ba7A, Co7A, Kn60] is needed to characterize these processes. The decay mode of the composite system formed through complete fusion or incomplete fusion has been well characterized in this relatively low energy regime. Emission of nuclei with masses of four or less (especially emission of protons, neutrons, and alpha-particles) at; low beam energy is generally considered to arise from nuclear evaporation after energy thermalization. As the energy increases over the point at which incomplete fusion starts competing with complete fusion in the entrance channel, one can observe in addition light particles that evidently are emitted at an early stage of the reaction, prior to the formation of the composite system. This is known as pre- compound or pre-equilibrium product and is generally considered to be a forward-peaked high energy component [Mo85b]. Heavy residual fragment emission, which is connected to very light particle emission, is well characterized as the formation of evaporation residues and as the main decay mode of the compound nucleus with mass lighter than A=HM3 [Mo8Ab] in low energy reactions. For the higher projectile energies one must deal with the competition between the evaporation and the fission in the decay of the compound system because of the dramatic lowering of the fission barrier with increasing angular momentum [C07A, PI7A]. The production of evaporation residues at higher energies, therefore, is limited by angular-momentum-dependent fission competition. Incomplete fusion will commonly take place in a wide range of linear momentum transfers, hence the array of final states is expected to be doubly complicated by the combination of the entrance and exit channel effects. Since the two different processes for forming the I-A composite system, complete fusion and incomplete fusion, are often indistinguishable from each other, some difficulties in experimentally defining the complete fusion process for heavy residual fragment emission arise as the beam energy increases. The general difficulties in the measurement of evaporation residue velocities to determine the average linear momentum transfer to the composite system and in the measurement of the angular correlations between the emitted complex fragments (or fragments with masses intermediated between the alpha- particle and the symmetric-fission products) to provide the information about the possible fission mechanism have been nicely avoided by employing a reverse-kinematics reaction [Ch87a, H187, M086b, M185, M08Ab, SoBA] and by characterizing the emission of complex fragments as a binary-decay process of the composite system [Ch86a, M085, 8083]. Symmetric fission reactions which follow fusion processes and produce fragments close to one-half the mass of the composite system are traditionally observed in heavy systems. In light systems (A g 100), in which the fissility parameter is smaller than the so-called Businaro- Gallone limit [Bu55], the distribution of fission products will be governed mainly by the mass, charge, and angular momentum of‘tflua composite system. The dependence on the fissility parameter and the role of the Businaro-Gallone point have been studied in Refs. Gr8A and 808A. Different results from the two references may beixmtuned to propose that below the Businaro-Gallone point the expected yields monotonically decrease toward symmetry, while at larger angular momenta, which lowers the Businaro—Gallone limit below the fissility parameter, a peak in the yield is expected at symmetry. This indicates that in higher energy reactions, within the critical angular momentum, the yield 1-5 at symmetry will become larger than at lower energy [M087, M088]. One can also notice that production of the heavy complex fragments (especially close to the symmetric-fission products) via an incomplete- msion process is less likely than that via a complete-fusion process because the pre-equilibrium light particles, in general, carry away a great amount of the orbital angular momentum in the entrance channel. Hence, the composite system has a much lower fraction of the angular momentum and a lower excitation energy than the completely fused system [Mo86b, M185]. The angular momentum effect on the distribution of the fission products can be associated, in a somewhat different manner, with a statistical emission theory developed by Moretto [M075]. A model introduced in Ref. M075 predicts that complex fragments with masses between alpha-particles and symmetric fission fragments must be emitted, although with lower probability compared to the yields of the heavy residual fragments and the very light particles, by decay of the compound nucleus. The standard evaporation formalism and the fission decay formalism are nicely combined in this model to describe the transition from the very light-particle emission to the emission of a very sizable fragment of the mass of symmetric-fission products. Hence the light complex fragments (but still Z>2) can be produced by both the evaporation and the fission process of the compound nucleus. On the other hand, composite systems are often characterized as thermally equilibrated hot zones with a temperature (usually called "kinetic" temperature) which is obtained by fitting simple Maxwell- Boltzmann distributions to particle singles inclusive spectra. The concept of an equilibrated zone of nuclear matter has been also extended to the relativistic heavy-ion collisions by introduction of the 1-6 "fireball" model [We76, (3078]. Evidence of the existence of a common moving source has been presented in a measurement of intermediate- rapidity light fragments in the intermediate energy range [Ja83, (H3831. This broadly extended theory of the formation of a thermalized hot zone combined with the characterization of compound—nucleus emission of complex fragments [Ch86a, Mc85, 8083] in the heavyanMIreactions has been widely accepted in studies of statistical equilibrium of the nuclear system at various energies. One of the most relevant methods to obtain information concerning the statistical behavior of‘tflne nuclear rmatter, therefore, is to measure the particle singles inclusive spectra for the light fragments, which may be emitted at longer time evmxhition, hence giving information about space-time extent, velocity, and energy involvement of the highly excited nuclear systems (or moving sources). The moving source fit [We82, Ja83] has been commonly used for reactions at various energies [c.g. Ch86b, F186, P085, F18A, We8A], sun: evidence for more than one moving source, such as target-like slow moving source, intermediate-rapidity moving source, or projectile-like fast moving source, has been obtained as well. The temperatures deduced from this nmving source fit generally exhibit a systematic dependency on bombarding energy, as expected, but not on the fragment mass. A recently introduced nuclear temperature measurement by Morrissey et al. [M08Aa, Mo85a] has given another insight into the reaction mechanism. Initflns new technique, it is suggested that nuclear temperature also can be characterized by the relative population of bound states of light complex fragments (Li, Be) in nuclear reactions. The observed populations of the excited states at intermediate energy reactions, however, show that the deduced temperatures are significantly 1—7 lower than those obtained from the kinetic energy distributions of the fragments. This similar discrepancy has been shown by other authors [P085, Xu86, Ch87c], some of whom have extended this technique to the measurements of population of the particle unbound states in similar fragments [P085, Ch87c]. This surprising result may imply that equilibrium is never achieved in this energy range. More complicated, but not unambiguous, explanations for this discrepancy have been presented; for example, preferential feedings to certain states from the particle unbound states in the higher-A nuclei [M085a, Mo8Aa, St83, Ha87, Ha88] and final state interactions among the expanding nuclei and nucleons [808A]. However, the corrections on these possible effects are not well known experimentally. Morrissey et al. [Mo86a] has discussed the new temperature measurement more widely by the introduction of the average thermal temperature, which was calculated from the Fermi gas model and compared to the results obtained from reactions over a wider energy range (6.25 MeV < E/A < 25 MeV). Over this energy range, the major entrance channel process changes dramatically from complete fusion to incomplete fusion as the energy increases [Go8A, St77]. In this measurement, populations of nuclear states are found to be distributed according to the average thermal temperature, which is described in Ref. Mo86b, at bombarding energies up to around E/A=8 MeV. However the population distributions appear to be much lower than the calculated values at energies of E/A=12 MeV and higher. The agreement of the two temperatures (the observed and the calculated) below E/A=8 MeV implies the formation of an equilibrated system. However, a correction for the fraction of the average rotational energy to the total excitation energy in a nuclear reaction 1-8 must be made since it plays an important role in populating the light fragments. The latter can be studied further by comparing two different reactions, heavier and lighter systems, at similar energies, while the question on how the "kinetic" temperature is related with the population distribution of light fragments [Ch87c] remains as a complicated problem which is yet to be solved. In this thesis we report the results of measurements for the reaction ”Ar + ”C at E/Az8, 10, and 12 MeV. The present experiment was performed as a continuation of a study of the thermal population of nuclear states reported in Ref. M086a. A heavier system (relative to that in Ref. M086a) was employed in the present experiment to study the importance of the rotational energy fraction on the nuclear temperature. Reactions at E/A=8, 10, 12 MeV may show very rapid changes in reaction mechanism at early stages of the collision, and studies of the light particle emission can provide valuable information concerning statistical equilibrium. Inclusion of the measurement at E/A=1O MeV was necessary in order to complement the large difference in the characteristic of the relative populations of the excited states between E/A=8 and 12 MeV, which is presented in Ref. M086a. The use of reverse kinematics avoids, in general, the detection of projectile-like light fragments and direct-reaction products. This may be compared to the normal kinematics, in which there exists the favored detection of fast- moving quasi-elastic or inelastic scattering light fragments. In addition, reverse kinematics permitted the detection of a large number of complex fragments as well as the heavy residual fragments in the present experiment. The detection of the heavy residual fragments and the clear identification of these fragments by charge for this reaction 1-9 provided some advantages in studying the fusion process in this energy range. Gama-rays in coincidence with fragments ranging from lithiums to titaniums were detected at all the projectile energies. The detection of gamma-rays in coincidence with the individual intermediate fragments (12$A523) was possible owing to the excellent particle identification provided by the silicon surface barrier particle telescopes. Experimental details are given in Ch. 11. Particltz:singles inclusive spectra are presented in Ch. 111. Evidence of the statistical—binary decay of the complex fragments is given by presenting the "peak-velocity" diagrams and results from the simultaneous events. In Ch. IV, the results for the population distribution of nuclear states for the complex fragments (3§Z§11) are presented. The first attempt to apply the new nuclear temperature measurement to the much heavier fragments (A>10) is described in this chapter. Gamma-ray intensities measured in coincidence with heavy residual fragments are compared, for the first time, with the statistical model calculation in Ch V. Finally, summary and conclusions are presented in Ch. VI. Throughout this thesis, the "light fragments" refer to the fragments with masses between the alpha-particle and the target nucleus (‘2C). The "intermediate fragments" represent the fragments intermediate between the target nucleus and the projectile nucleus (”Ar). However, for the practical reason, isotopes of Ar, Cl, and S are referred as the "heavy residual fragments", which are defined as fragments that may be evaporation residues from the composite system. "Light fragments" and "intermediate fragments" are often referred as 1-10 "lighter complex fragments" and "heavier complex fragments", respectively, or the "complex fragments" altogether. CHAPTER II: EXPERIMENTAL 11.1 Experimental Set—up Mass fragments ranging from 2:3 to 2:22 were produced by the interaction of argon ions with a carbon target. Beams of 320 MeV “”Ar‘+ ions, A00 MeV “°Ar7+ ions, and A80 MeV “°Ar7+ ions were provided tn! the K500 cyclotron of the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory at Michigan State University. The cyclotron periods were 107.558 ns, 95.93A ns, and 87.712 ns, respectively. inuetarget was a self- supporting foil of '20, A90 ug/cm2 thick. The target was mounted irleui aluminum target ladder inside the scattering chamber with its plane at A5° relative to the beam. The chamber had 12 ports every 30° starting from 0° with the same vertical level. The beam entered through the open 180° port and exited through the open 0° port. The ports at.‘HN)° and ZNHJ° had 8.5cm x 19.5cm cylindrical aluminum cups with the center lines centered on the target, and the end of each aluminum cup was about (Scan away fwwnn the target (see Figure II.1.1b). The rest of the ports had either a clear Lucite window or a Lexan plate with high-vacuum electronic feed-throughs. An arm was located at about 2 cm above the table inside the chamber, and both could be rotated from the outside the chamber. The beam was stopped in a Faraday cup, which was approximately 3.2 m downstream and was surrounded by water and lead shielding. The beam intensity was generally between 5 and 10 nA. Such a low beam II-11 II-12 intensity maintained the count rates of the gamma-ray detectors below 20,000 per second and thereby avoided count-rate dependent gain shifts. Charged particles (Z>2) were detected in a set of three element silicon surface barrier telescopes each with a 50 mm2 area. The events with 2:1 and 2:2 were rejected in a Motorola 68000 based system [Va85] . Telescopes were located inside the chamber approximately at the azimuthal angles of 0: 111° relative to the beam and the polar angles of ¢= 1A° [(0,¢):(—11°,-A°), (-11°,A°), (11°,—A°), and (11°,A°) for Tel-1, 2, 3, and A, respectively]. This relatively small angle with respect to the beam line was used to optimize the count rate for the reverse kinematics while avoiding the detection of projectile fragments or direct reaction fragments by keeping the angles bigger than the classical grazing angle 0:6”. Two telescopes at the same azimuthal angle were in one aluminum mount, which had provisons for liquid cooling. Refrigerated alcohol was run through the mounts to cool the detectors approximately to -20°C throughout the experiment. The three elements ( A,E-A2E-E ) of each particle telescope were 30 um, 75 um, and 1000 um thick, respectively. Approximately 0.1 mg/cm2 thick gold cover foils were placed on the collimators of the particle telescopes to reduce the number of electrons hitting the silicon detector. All of the four particle telescopes were placed approximately 20.3 cm from the target. The effective solid angle of each particle telescope was approximately 870 usr. The particle identification of the particle telescopes was excellent for isotopes with charges up to 2:11, however only the Z-identification was possible for the heavier fragments (2)11). A set of eight NaI(Tl) scintillation detectors, 7.60m x 7.60m right cylinders, and a pair of Ge counters, A.71cm x A.36cm cylinders, were II-13 used to detect gamma-rays in coincidence with the particth Eight NaI(Tl) scintillation detectors are placed on the domed lid of the scattering chamber with the azimuthal angles, 0: 120°, 160°, 1120°, and i160°, and the same polar angle, ¢2A9°. Two Ge counters were placed at : t120° in a horizontal plane (020°). A schematic diagram of the experimental setup is shown in Figure 11.1.1. The Ge counters were cooled down by liquid nitrogen to approthuxfly -196°C throughout the experiment. The resolutions of NaI(‘1‘l) scintillation detectors were equal to 9.A% or less at EY:57O KeV, and those of Ge counters were about 0.A5% or less at the same gamma-ray energy. This good resolution for the germanium counters was necessary to identify the gamma-ray lines from the heavy residual fragments and to determine accurately the number of counts in those gamma-ray peaks. Since heavy residual fragments are slower moving sources (zO.1 c) than the complex fragments, the Doppler Shift corrections for these fragments are relathmfly small. Therefore, errors which arise from the D0ppler broadening due to the finite solid angles in the gama-ray detectors will be also small. The NaI(Tl) scintillation detectors provided sufficient statistics in the gamma-ray energy spectra for most of the complex fragments. Even though the relatively poor resolution for the NaI(Tl) scintillation detectors makes it difficult to separate closely spaced gamma-ray lines, the bigger total detecting efficiency as compared to the Ge counters (£=3.5% at EY=A30 KeV while Ge counter had a total efficiency of 0.A5% at the same gamma-ray energy) was essential in the detection of the gamma-rays in coincidence with complex fragments which have much lower yields than the heavy residual fragments. The gains of the gamma-ray amplifiers were set to observe a maximum gamma-ray energy of about 2.2 MeV. Il-1A 11.2 Electronics A schematic diagram of the basic electronics for the particle telescopes and the gamma-ray detectors is shown in the Figure 11.2.1. ORTEC AD811 analog-to—digital convertors (ADC's) were used to digitize the pulse heights of the signals for the silicon detectors and the NaI(Tl) scintillation detectors, and AOOMHz ADC Model 7A20/G's were used for the Ge counters. The time information was recorded for all the detectors by using LeCroy 2228A time-to-digital convertors (TDC's). A coincidence between A,E and AZE or AZE and E silicon elements was required to get a valid particle telescope event. The valid event for Ge counters and that for NaI(Tl) scintillation detectors were formed separately, and at least one of the each gamma-ray detector type was required to fire. The particle singles mode was triggered by the particle telescopes only. The particle-gamma coincidences modes were triggered by the simultaneous event of at least one of the four particle telescopes and at least one of the ten gamma-ray detectors. The gamma- gamma coincidence mode, which was employed in the efficiency calibration of the gamma-ray detectors, was triggered by the simultaneous event of at least one of the eight Na1(Tl) scintillation detectors and at least one of the two Ge counters. Selection of the mode was made between runs on a coincidence module. When this master gate coincidences mode was "true", and the computer signal "not busy" was present, the digitized pulse height, the time information, the integrated beam current signal, and the timing of the master gate against the cyclotron RF were recorded. A sealer buffer was made at every 3 minutes throughout the entire experiment. These II-16 .omm h_m mkm11, which leaves the identification within a given element unresolved for this heavy mass region. A spectrum of A,E+A,E vs. E T for the light fragments is shown T0 in Figure III.1.1, and that for the intermediate fragments is shown in FIBUPe III.1.2. Figures III.1.3(a-c) show two-dimensional spectra of A13 Vs. AZE at E/A:8, 10, and 12 MeV, respectively. Unfortunately, the 2‘separation of the heavy residual fragments is poorly displayed in these figures . III—27 III-28 Even though a relatively large range of masses was observed with good identification, 3 number of problems arose from the limited energy range allowed by the gains in the silicon elements and also ffiwnn their thicknesses. First, the total thickness of 1105um in the three silicon element telescope was enough to stop the relatively fast moving light fragments, such as lithium and beryllhunismnopes. As shown in Figure III.1.1, punch-through problems appear for some of the light fragments, and this limited the statistics for those fragments since the high energy part was missing. Secondly, the energy range in the AzE-detector was too low to detect majority of the slow-moving intermediate fragments and most of the fast-moving heavy residual fragments. The energy range: :hi the A,E-detector was set to cover the entire mass range. Meanwhile, the mathmienergy range set in the AzE-detector was far below that required to utilize most of the intermediate and heavy residual fragments detected in the present experiment, as shown in Table III.1.1. The energy ranges of each silicon element for the particle telescopes are given in the part a) of the table. Part b) of Table 111.‘|.1 shows the calculated energy losses in each silicon element for the predicted peak-velocity energies for both backward-scattering euui forward- scattering fragments (in the center-of-mass frame) at E/A:1O MeV. As predicted from the calculation, the saturation of signals in AZE amplifier for the fast-moving heavy residual fragments (especially for 2>12) are seen in Figures III.1.3(a-c). 'This means that tine recorded kinetic energies of those fragmentsrmn;represent the real energies lost in the detectors. The peak velocity of the backward-scattering fragments in the center-of-mass frame was not expected to be observed for most of the fragments because of the threshold set in the detectors. III-29 240 — A (ll .4.) 200 — orfi Cl :3 160 - "E (D 120 — ‘~—a’ Pi], 80 : <1 + m 40 — .vd <1 . . _ O l l I I J l 0 4O 80 120 160 200 240 ETOT (MeV) Figure III.1.1 A,E+A2E vs E light fragment PID spectrum (Tel-2). III-30 N 4; C) N (3 CD 03 CD CD CD A1E+A2E (arb. units) ETOT (MeV) Figure III.1.2 A,E+A,E vs E intermediate fragment PID spectrum (Tel-2). III-31 ..-. .¢-_~.-..-.~‘4‘I-.. -,..;..-...,.>._.-_~. ~ g...” urn-14.343152,“ g."--o‘~ ..-...-v~.~.‘I.-...-.,-....~' . l . , . DJ é.fl?1,.:) {1,4 if ‘31}- _ ,5?“ j _ , ‘eéuacbenu;¢g » 1 ‘ («w 93.417 ”ti/:1? - ‘ ’ if. ...;k "g. __ .7": -' 35;. ’ ‘_\ “-'L—,‘ 15.‘ , l fifin;é&¢xféfig§3kp Ru‘r an.” AIE (arb. units) AZE (arb. units) Figure III.1.3 A,E vs AZE PID spectra (Tel-A). a) At E/A=8 MeV. III-32 AZE (arb. units) Figure III.1.3 (cont'd.) b) At E/A:10 MeV. III-33 . .. .. . ... .3 . yr» .W,uww .fl? 1rd . m? _M. 4 .iwéfi .. x .«fl ..\ u 1 1.. 240 —j 200 a“ Amfin: 16C) 150 200 240 AZE (arb. units) 120 8C) :12 MeV. c) At E/A Figure III.1.3 (cont'd.) III-3A Table III.1.1 Detection of fragments. 3) Energy ranges (units in MeV). Telescope No. 94E gig E 1, 2, and 3 195 100 260 A 195 183 260 Table III.1.1 (cont'd.) b) Predicted kinetic energy and energy ltnss at E/A210 MeV, 0 :11° (units in MeV). lab Backward Scattering Forward Scattering Isotope Energy Loss Energy Loss ALE AAE‘ E Total Alg ALE E Total 7Li 5 5 0 0 5 107 2 A 8A 90 7Be 3 3 0 0 3 120 3 7 109 120 ‘°B 8 8 0 0 8 152 A 12 136 152 12C 11 11 0 0 11 175 7 17 151 175 1“N 15 15 0 0 15 195 10 25 160 195 ‘°O 20 20 0 O 20 213 13 35 165 213 ‘9F 30 30 0 0 30 23A 17 50 167 23A 2‘Ne 38 38 0 0 38 2A7 22 65 160 2A7 23N3 A7 A7 0 0 A7 258 26 75 157 258 stg 57 57 0 0 57 266 32 97 137 266 27Al 69 69 O 0 69 272 39 125 108 272 2’Si 83 83 O 0 83 276 A7 160 69 276 "P 99 96 3 0 99 277 56 202 19 277 3"S 126 106 20 0 126 276 67 209 0 276 36C1 151 112 39 0 151 268 79 189 0 268 3"Ar 18A 115 69 0 18A 252 95 157 0 252 “‘K 1) 233 11A 119 0 233 “3C3 2A5 12A 121 0 2A5 HSc 257 133 12A 0 257 “'Ti 268 1A3 125 0 268 5°V 285 152 133 0 285 1) Given value for the nucleus of “‘K or heavier represents the predicted average energy as an evaporation residue. See the text. l'.‘ .- 1.. on III-35 Data from the particle-singles runs with telescope-A, which had a larger energy range in AZE, were crucial in determining the peak velocities, and also better statistics were provided by the telescope-A for the coincidences runs. None of the heavy residual fragments reached the last silicon element (F) in the present reaction, and most of the useful heavy residual fragment data are of those scattered into the back- hemisphere, but the physics should not be altered by this. Techniques for the optimized selection of the thicknesses and the gain-settings in the silicon detectors could be improved in future experiments if one is to observe the complete mass region, however one has to deal with the resolution in the mass region of the most interest. The higher gain-settings established in the second SIIIIKHI elenmnits in the present experiment were necessary for the resolution of the light fragments. (hmenay use two amplifiers per each silicon element with different gain-settings in order to detect the entire mass region without losing significant statistics (for instance, higher gain for lighter fragments and lower gain for heavier fragments). 111.2 Particle Singles Spectra Particle-identification gates were drawn for each of the nuclei or isotopes in the different 2-dimensional spectra. Particle inclusive kinetic energy spectra for each of'those gates were obtained for each particle telescope from the singles runs. Figures III.2.1(a-c) show the typical particle inclusive kinetic energy spectra of light fragments and intermediate fragments at each beam energy, and those for heavier fragments are shown in Figures III.2.2(aec). The superimposed solid III-36 lines drawn in Figures 111.2.1(a-c) represent a Maxwell-Boltzmann equation fit in the center—of-mass frame. This will be discussed in the following section along with the slope parameters and the Coulomb corrections. An interesting feature in the particle inclusive kinetic energy spectra shown in the figures is the evolution of the shapes from Maxwellian-like for the very light particles to Gaussian-like for the heavier fragments as predicted by Moretto [M075], which supports the theoretical work concerning a continuous transition of the decay mode from the evaporation-dominant mass region to the fission competition region as the fragment gets massive. The dashed lines shown in Figures III.2.2(a-c) represent v c050 where 8 11° for all of the CM lab’ labz fragments. The change in the shape of the particle inclusive kinetic energy spectra in Figures 111.2.2(a-c) from the intermediate fragments to the heavy residual fragments is quite remarkable. One should notice that the two peaks in the kinetic energy spectra for fragments of Mg, Al, etc. (although many of them show only part of the peak because of the limited energy range) represent the backward-scattering fragments and the forward-scattering fragments in the center-of-mass frame. Peak velocities for some selected masses at every available angle were taken from the kinetic energy spectra to draw velocity diagrams at each bombarding energy. These are shown in Figures III.2.3(3-c). The calculated Coulomb barriers for "’Be, ”F, and 2"Al are drawn (in order of decreasing radius) centered around the head of the center-of—mass velocity vector in order to compare with the peak velocities. For the light evaporation particles, if a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of NanEe-E/KT represents the particle inclusive singles spectra in the III-37 center-of-mass frame, then the peak velocity (or the most probable velocity) should appear at the energy, E' = secul + KT , (111.1) where ECoul represents the Coulomb potential energy, and KT is the temperature. On the other hand, the average kinetic energy of fragments is expected to be ECOU1+2KT in the center-of-mass frame. In the calculation of the Coulomb potential energy, a temperature cfi‘iUT:3 MeV and the distance between two nuclei in the binary decay, 1/3 “-1/3 r : 1.2(A,- +A, ) + 2 (Fm) was assumed. As the shape in the kinetic energy spectra evolves from the Maxwellian-like for the very light evaporation particles to the Gaussian-like for the massive complex fragments, it is expected that the peak energies in the center—of—mass frame will appear at slightly higher values tfluui that given by Eq. 111.1, or around at the average kinetic energy (ECOU1+2KT). The differences between the peak energies and the (malculated Coulomb barriers for the complex fragments in the center-of- mass frame are shown in Figure III.2.A. The dashed lines represent tine average peak energies for the data at each beam energy after subtracting the calculated Coulomb energies. About 5 MeV is obtained from the data, and this value is closer to 2KT than KT of the Fermi gas model temperature for this nuclear reaction, which is about 3 MeV. Even though the limited data for the backward—scattering fragments made it difficult to observe the entire scattering shape of the III-38 fragments, clear evidence can be observed in Figures III.2.3(a-c) regarding the existence of the Coulomb velocities [Ch87a] in the moving source frame. First of all, the decreasing radius of the peak velocity with the increasing fragment mass (as required by the momentum conservation) and its rough agreement with the calculated Coulomb velocity indicate that the fragments are emitted with a velocity determined mainly by the Coulomb repulsion energy between the two decaying nuclei from composite system. This is strongly supported also by the larger velocity for 7Be than that for 7L1 in the center-of-mass frame. In addition, some of the intermediate fragments for which both peaks were observed show that the peaks for the same 2 species at every available angle lie roughly on a Coulomb circle centered on the origin of the center-of—mass frame. One should note that the existence of the Coulomb velocities for the complex fragments indicates that those fragments were produced mainly in a binary-decay process from a composite system which may have been formed in either complete-fusion reactions or incomplete-fusion reactions. Additional information concerning the characteristic of the complex-fragments decay was obtained by determining the median velocity between the backward-scattering peak and the forward-scattering peak. This method may be an advantage of the usage of the kinetic energy spectra since, for many cases, the median velocity can be determined even when only part of the kinetic energy spectrum with a saddle shape was observed as shown in Figures III.2.2(a-c) for some of the intermediate fragments. The Lorentz-invariant differential cross 2 section 9;, 303v (where v is the laboratory velocity of the fragment) should have a minimum value at the median velocity. Under the III-39 120(4"Ar,X), E/A=8 MeV, 110 1"13 160 C a a1" .. . r 1 .' E 1 ’ COUNTS PER MeV D I: . I -' " I- D . ' ’ I] .J..l.ii.l...ll....l....l........l....l....l....l..l..l... 40 00 80 100120140 100125150175200 125150175200225 K.E. (MeV) Figure III.2.1 Particle inclusive kinetic energy spectra (3525.11). 3) At E/A:8 MeV. III-A1 12C(40Ar,X), 153/.1212 MeV, 11° COUNTS PER MeV illll.ul..llli [unluulull .. ..l....l....l.l. l. 50 100 150 200 100 150 200 250 150 200 250 300 KE. (MeV) Figure III.2.1 (cont'd.) c) At E/A:12 MeV. III-A2 12C(40Ar,X), E/A-—-8 MeV, 110 COUNTS PER MeV Figure III.2.2 Particle in E/A=8 MeV. t T7 1 I ; Si I ~Cl I :Ca 1 | l . l I 1"". I *\ ’7‘ ... | ' I, f _ " I ' I‘VJFK". _ :/ I I b ’I' I ' L 1 A. l I . - I '. I _ I * I ' ...'.I...I.I....I..-. ..I....I.I...I....I-.I....I....JI....1.. 1 1 1 __I\I l _ E; l y-I( l l l ’ I I . .. C I 5 E. I l 1 s | ‘ WU I f" I - :— I ' I ' | __| l l | E I I ' I ' ...l.l.l..l....l.... .I. ..III.. I I .1....l.l.l.l. .I.. 'Mgl i P I . Ar I :7 : it : v'fl'fi ’ I : / I .' I J~\ : 1 i 'l :0 I hf 5.. ...-x I as I I I . | :- I I I I I ' — I '.|..I.I...I....I.... ...I..g13...1....1.‘.I....I..I..I....I'.. 50 100 150 200 100 150 200 250100 150 200 250 K13. (MeV) elusive kinetic energy spectra (2212). a) At III-A3 12C(40Ar,X), E/A=10 MeV, 110 . I I I - Si I E'Cl I FCa I w". I- }; , - ”A /W| E- _.' I " ~ I \ t g I E f. I .p N I I I - f | I > I- I I I: I, I :'_ .|. t I l I 3 | r III" : U Q) I E I ,. I I I 2 I I g I I - M I ' ...I....I.I..I....I ..I....I....I ...I. ...I.I....I...II.... I I 5 I Of. A1 I {S I 5 K I Ljil .— I : ,f’TTPTHIT P J/J~u I I I . I . r l ‘A 0.4 ”3'“ ' F 3’ E / . “I I I v, I ' I' I ’ IIIIIH : A, I : '1‘ I I-l I I" ' I I. ' U] I r I .— f I : ' E Z I I I . #1 I lLllLLLLlLLLLlLLLJl lllLLLllllgllllllll LLLJILLLAILIIJLLAL D . Mg I ’ P I g‘Ar I O '— l I W.“ t m I- I- / O ”(K I | .— ' | ' r "I I . I I", ; fr I ..x' I ’ \ If t I I I I' I _ MI] I t ' ' I t I I =— I’ I I I ' I =/I I I :- I ; I ...I....I.I...I.I... 100 150 200 250100 150 200 250 150 200 250 300 KB (MeV) Figure III.2.2 (cont'd.) b) At E/A:10 MeV. III-AA 12C(40Ar,X), E/Ale MeV, 110 : . I __ 7T : Si I E—Cl I Z-Ca I . ’/,w*"ry‘ I /gf1 I 'I : I ' I- H " I. I ”I I P "II {If I I :r ,I' II J, I > F , I E ,I' I :- II I I I‘ I " f I : I I E ’ 2 I I ; II ~ I I .J.I....|...,n....1|. ......... I....I...L L I E I Dd .Al I PS I 5 K I m , I,» 5 ~ I if“ I I //I F .I’I‘I D-I II I ’ 2" I I’ I i {I f I I I I I:- ," I 'I' II CO I . ' E4 I! I I I’ I. E III I ,I I 6 I Z I" I Z I F' i ' L IIHI..I....I.,I.I. I D _Mg I —P I {Ar 1 C) I /L. I .x-I . f . I > Mal 1' I I- ’I’ I ..l' / I F -' I I :- ,, I' .I I I: I" | t i I I- : I! ' ,. I I'll I I ‘ III I f I . I .I I I I #0 ' I r, I g I I I..I....I.I..I....II..I...iI.i..IlL..I. .I..I....I....II.L. 100 150 200 250100 150 200 250 150 200 250 300 KE. (MeV) Figure III.2.2 (cont'd.) 0) At E/A:12 MeV. Velocity Diagram, E/A=8 MeV Figure III.2.3 Velocity Diagrams. NB+ “(x +P III-45 Target >_I a) At E/A:8 MeV. ‘0 l3 -+ I! '% "LI 783 “‘3 “N "F + )( B N F III-N6 10 MeV Velocity Diagram, E/A Figure III.2.3 (cont'd.) b) At E/A=1O MeV. III-N7 J-> F.C. 12 MeV A ééfia 83500 Velocity Diagram, E/A 7Be "’3 “N o 1"o ”F Target F Figure III.2.3 (cont'd.) c) At E/A:12 MeV. III-48 a, , 7;. E/A=12 MeV.§ =_ o _: 6%----3__3.._ ____°._-0.____°_ ..2.... A 5.:- . . ‘. 4 :33 ‘4’} " ‘. 0' 0. I] ‘E 2 3i- v ’1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1‘ 8 :3 8 6 o... 0 O . E1] 5 ---------------- .-_'_.----.-.- ---— | 4 .° ° .0 3 a 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /\. '7 ‘. 13,/Il==E3 lie§VV I31 6 O o O V 5 _ __-_.___. ..--... ........ f.--.- O .— . 3 7Be 1°13 12c “N “’0 “F ”Ne GLi “Be 1 13 13C 16N 17o 10F “Ne “’11 “’Be 1‘0 1"N 1"o ”F ”Ne Figure 111.2.“ Differences between the peak energies and the calculated Coulomb barriers in the center-of—mass frame. III-49 014 TI I I I III II r J .. IL IL a 0.12 -— T ‘r — ________ I.-I_.l<._*_.*._._._.-: <1) > median 0.10 — I :- ------ LII-+41"? 0.08 — o E/A=12 MeV - " x E/A=10 MeV : <> E/A=8 MeV I 0.06 I 1 I I I I I I I I 6 3 1o 12 14 16 Z Figure III.2.5 Median velocities of the forward—scattering and the backward-scattering peaks for complex fragments. T“ C) E‘. III-50 assumption of complete fusion the median velocity must be equal to VCMcoselab’ processes with the preferential break-up of the target or the projectile and the deviation could come from the incomplete-fusion nucleus [MoBlIb]. The determined median velocities for the intermediate fragments are shown in Figure III.2.5 and compared to the velocity VCMcoselab' Masses used for the fragments with only Z-identification (2)11 in the present experiment) were determined from the results of the CASCADE code [P077] and the gamma-ray intensities relevant to each nucleus with the same 2 (Ch. VI). The possible errors caused in establishing which masses to use were checked by changing the masses by one mass unit in either direction and combined with the experimental uncertainties in all cases. Data at E/Azlo and 12 MeV were limited to only a few of the isotopes, however no major deviation in the median velocities from the predicted velocity V cosela was observed for the CM b entire range of beam energies, which suggests that the complex fragments with masses intermediate between the target nucleus and the projectile nucleus may be emitted from a moving source which coincides or nearly coincides with the center-of—mass frame. A reasonable number of simultaneous-multiple events, which means events with more than two telescopes firing at the same time, was recorded during the experiment. Those simultaneous events were mostly between telescope-1 and A or between telescope-2 and 3. As described in Ch. 11, this combination of telescopes defines two scattering planes which intersect along the beam line, and each telescope lies at polar angle 9z11° with an identical solid angle. Hence fewer simultaneous events between telescopes in the different scattering planes (e.g., between telescope-1 and 3 or between telescope-2 and ii) relative to III-51 those between telescopes in the same scattering plane can be taken as evidence of the dominance of the binary-decay process in the exit channel. Note that in a multi-fragmentation event, fragments may not generally decay into the same scattering plane, and this will result in making the chance of simultaneous events between any two telescopes equal except between telescope-1 and 2 and between telescope-3 and II, the planes of which are obviously too far away from the beam line. A typical example of this is shown in Figure 111.2.6 for the case of telescope-2 (22) with telescope-3 (2,) with 2,:7. The solid lines are the events for telescope-2 with telescope-3 and the dotted lines represent those for telescope-2 with telescope-4. No significant number of events for telescope-2 with telescope-1 was obtained as expected. An interesting tendency one can find in Figure III.2.6 is that the number of events for telescope-2 with telescope-ll becomes comparable relative to that with telescope-3 as 22 decreases, indicating that the fragments with the smaller value of Z,+Z2 than the total charge in the reaction, Z,+Z,_:21I, were formed from a composite system which was moving off the beam line. This may be explained in two different directions; (1) incomplete fusion is an important process in the entrance channel, which is supported by the fact that the composite system formed from an incomplete-fusion will not, in general, continue undeviated in the beam direction, and, (2) the composite system is formed from a complete- fusion reaction, and then goes through very light particle emission (such as neutrons, protons, or alpha—particles) before emitting the complex fragments through a binary-decay process. The 2,-22 correlation plots of the simultaneous events between two telescopes are shown in Figures III.2.7(a—c) for each beam energy. In Ill—52 the analysis of the simultaneous events, a gate was put on the forward- scattering fragments (2,) and it was found that most of the decay partners (2,) were observed with low velocities whilfll are if] the backward-scattering range, except the case of 2,22 (although most of the events with Z<3 were rejected electronically during the experiment, a large number of events with alpha—particles, which is due to the particle-particle coincidences, was still recorded) wherein the velocities of 22 were scattered all over the range. A dramatic change in the velocities of the decay partners at 2.22 may imply that alpha— particles were formed through many different channels, muflias pre- equilibrium evaporation, deep-inelastic scattering, or consecutive statistical emission from a compound nucleus. In Figures III.2.7(a-c) one should note that the data scale is somewhat arbitrary ownn one 2,- line to another because the number of forward-scattering Z,-fragments in the telescope-3 was limited by the energy range as shown in Figures III.1.2 and III.2.1(a—c) especially for 10§Z§12, which reduces the number of events;n1tmus intermediate fragment region. Nevertheless, the result shows that most of the events lie in a Z,+Z2 band which remains approximately constant with a wider width at EI/A:12 MeV and a narrower width at E/A:8 MeV. The average values of Z,+Z2 were roughly estimated by considering the data only for 7§Z,§12, and those are found to be approximately 23, 22, and 21 at E/Az8 MeV, 10 MeV, and 12 MeV, respectively. In a fission model [R0814], the excitation energy in the scission configuration (or presumably in the saddle-point configuration) can be written as E - E * -- _ - E ' E + Q ECoul Def Rot ’ SD CM HEP/HERVE rWFC QENHIV‘h INF/h III-53 400 E- i E E/A=12 Me ; 300. 21:7 ~ 1 200 100 l 50° ? E/A=10 MeV ‘ "1 400 :- z _7 ‘71, 300;- " -: 200;- 100:- 600 E/A=8 MeV 21:7 ‘. NUMh ER OF EVENTS 400 200 "T'rj'fi‘l'U 22 Figure III.2.6 Simultaneous events for 2,:7 between telescope-2 and telescope-3 (solid line) or telescope-fl (dotted line). III-54 “Ar + 120, E/A=8 MeV 25 - L. I- 20 I - L— o o I. . o o O I— o o O . O N _ . o . O O N 15 I—- o o I O O 10 r L. 55 I l l l l I ll 1 L1 I I ll 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 21 Figure III.2.7 Z, - Z, correlation plot for simultaneous events between telescope-2 and telescope-3. Arrow drawn indicates the total charge (ztot) of the system. a) At E/A=8 MeV. III-56 40Ar + 120, E/A=12 MeV 25: \ ; ssgs I fill 5:1llllllllllJ 10 12 O N 4; 03 CD Figure III.2.7 (cont'd.) c) At E/A:12 MeV. III-57 where ECM+Q consists of the excitation energy of the compound nucleus in the full-momentum transfer reaction, and E and E represent Coul’ EDef’ Rot the Coulomb potential, deformation energy, and rotational energy it] the scission configuration, respectively. The typical values of ECoul and (ERot) are 22 and 14 MeV, respectively, for the near-symmetric fissions, and the liquid-drop model predicts the deformation energy to be about 20 MeV [RoBM]. Therefore, the estimated average excitation energies in the scission configuration are about 38, 56, and 74 MeV at E/Az8, 10, and 12 MeV, respectively. If half the excitation energy is taken by each symmetric fission product, the average excitation energy of 19 MeV taken by one fission product at E/A:8 MeV may be large enough to emit 21.1ight particle. innis would be emission of a nucleon or alpha-particle depending on the excitation energy and the spin of the fission pnxmduct. The 18 MeV difference in the excitation energies between the neighboring beam energies which were employed in the present experiment may correspond to the elimination of approximately one charge (or about 2 mass-units in this mass region). This prediction is roughly consistent with the data, which implies that the lower average values of Z,+Z2 for the higher beam energies does not demonstrate the onset of incomplete fusion. The events with lighter fragments (smaller 2,) show a wider range of 22 with smaller values of Z,+Z,, and the range becomes narrower for heavier fragments (larger 2,) while the value of Z,+Z2 becomes larger. A lot of events with the total charge, 2:24, was observed at E/A28 MeV, especially for 2, close to half of the total charge, however the rnunber Iof such total charge events decreases dramatically relative to those of less than the total charge at E/A:1O MeV and 12 MeV. Efiuu events with III-58 the total charge are observed for Z,<6 at any beam energy, and this may be due to either the sequential evaporation decay of more light particles after binary decay from the compound nucleus or the direct binary-decay process after incomplete fusion. The population distribution of nuclear states by measurement of the gamma-ray intensities in coincidence with these complex fragments will be discussed in Chapter IV. In the case of incomplete-fusion reactions, because the participants from the projectile and the target to form a composite system are, in general, different from those for the complete-fusion reactions, the moving source does not coincide with the center-of-mass frame but deviates from it. This was checked by determining the centroids of the Lorentz-invariant differential cross section 3;, 303v o the heavy residual fragments and comparing these with the velocity f VCMcoselab' velocities for K and Ca are in good agreement with VCMcoselab; however that for Ti is significantly lower than expected while that for Sc Figure III.2.8a shows that at E/Az8 MeV, the centroid remains roughly in agreement. The solid lines represent the predicted velocity (v coselab) and the arrows indicate the centroids of the CM Lorentz-invariant differential cross sections. A similar result at E/A=10 MeV is shown in Figure III.2.8b. A general tendency one may observe in these two figures is that the centroid velocity decreases as the mass of the fragments increases. This can be considered as a strong indication of the tendency toward projectile break-up in incomplete fusion. A shift in the centroid velocity away from the predicted velocity may be used to estimate the fraction of the complete-fusion cross section to the total reaction cross section [H187, MoBlIb]. III-59 However this becomes less plausible under the circumstance of decreasing centroid velocity with increasing mass in the heavy residual fragments region. The possible errors caused by the use of one less or one more unit of mass could not explain the discrepancy, and this becomes a puzzle if one compares this result with that in Ref. M0811b. In this reference, Morgenstern et al. showed a preference for the breaking—up the lighter nucleus (target nucleus in this case) rather than the heavier nucleus during the incomplete-fusion process in a dinuclear reaction. This may be supported by an argument in the abrasion model, that the breaking-up of the smaller nucleus, rather than the larger nucleus, involves a smaller surface area in the process of shearing away the occluded volumes [018%]. The centroid velocity of residual fragments with mass A:II3 from the reaction ”Ar + ”C at E/A213 MeV in this reference is higher than the center-of—mass velocity at Glab=6°, which implies that the incomplete-fusion process is mainly due to the break-up of the target nucleus. Similar but more specific results are presented in Ref. M086b. The higher centroid velocities obtained in the the particle inclusive spectra for the heavy residual fragments from the reaction ”Ar + ”C at E/Az'l MeV have been regarded as being due to the massive cluster transfer in the entrance channel. Those heavy residual fragments were detected at O=2.5°, and this angle is much smaller than that employed in the present experiment. Nevertheless, disagreement between the data from Refs. MoBllb and M086b and the present experiment may not be explained without further information on the cross sections of evaporation residues with a wider mass range at the various angles. One of the most interesting features one can notice in the Figures from III.1.3a to III.1.3c is the change in the detected yield of heavy III—60 40Ar(12C,X), E/A=8 MeV, 11° I- I— . , . I. K T1 . t I —. 6III I— : ""1 l“, IE II L 1"“ I p :— : "WI," II, CD : L "'1'" " A . : I . m : » . c: +9 WI]l...11.11;.111l121m111111..l.'....1111.l.... (O a : E 5 “A!" ”C I I "I. m if L r ',. CD «1 - : "I " I- '— I I N 4&3 _ : '1' '1 “H _ " .'IOI " p a . E ' 'I \ <3 ....1....I...1....1....1....-.1.1.1 I I...1I....I.... v - ' F-I I L . , I C]. ,,,,,.,.-,.,.,, I C a .... I... , """"" ' "a. : : """ " I' II I" .- L T :..1.1..441...I....I....I‘....’1..I....-1...1....1'1".1..I.... 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.11 0.12 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.11 0.12 ”U / C Figure III.2.8 The Lorentz-invariant differential cross sections for heavy residual fragments. a) At E/Az8 MeV. III-61 40Ar(12C,X), E/Ale MeV, 110 5-01 ECa : I'I" *- h . fl 5 _ '1 I- . u . : ,u“ II H'. I N . I — I 1' 1 1‘. l. I l I I' l l l 11 1111 1LJ1 1111 llllll 1 1111 1111 1111 1111 1J_11 P (Arbitrary units) ,2 (1/v2)620/606v ’ "' 'I I 'I — 'I b ' l I. ,' l .. 'l ' I- 'I' I. _ ' I. I- . l .1 b I. D p . ' b ...I g I' 'l I I I ’ "‘I . . . I l I 111111111111111111111111 clogl 1 1111 111.1111 1111 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.11 0.12 0.09 0.1 0.11 0.12 0.13 Figure III.2.8 (cont'd.) b) At E/A=1O MeV. III—62 residual fragments close to the compound nucleus (52Cr), such as V, Ti, Sc, etc., which may indicate the increasing role of incomplete fusion with increasing beam energy. Further discussion of this may be obtained by comparing the data with the predicted kinetic energy spectra fkn~ the heavy residual fragments by a statistical model,1kn-example, LILITA [6081]. He omit this discussion in this thesis because c”? the latw<<3f the full-ranged spectra for the heavy residual fragments. 111.3 Slope Parameters iMoving source fits [He82, Ja83] for the complex fragments were not carried out for the current data because of the limited information about the angular distributions (measurements were carried out at angles only from 9 ~10° to Blabz17°). Instead, the results from the velocity lab diagrams [Figures III.2.3(a—c)] and the median velocities shown in Figure III.2.1! provided information on the relation between the moving source of complex fragments and the center-of-mass frame, i.e., they may coincide with each other, or they are very close to each other at least. Possible contributions in the emission of complex fragments from other sources, such as a target-like moving source or a projectile-like moving source, must be taken into consideration as the beam energy increases far above E/A=12 MeV. The kinetic energy spectra in the center-of—mass frame were fitted by a chi-squared minimization procedure using a Maxwell-Boltzmann function _ (E'-C) N(E') « (E'-C) e T , (111.2) Ill-63 where T is a slope parameter, and the parameter C is a Coulcmn) barrier correction. In order to fit the spectra with Eq.(111.2), the low kinetic energy part of the spectrum was cut off. This nmuhe the effect of the Coulomb barrier penetration on the slope parameter negligible. A transformation of the double differential cross secthmw from one frame to the other was carried out according to the equation [Jo75], 820'(E',Q') _ 820(E,Q) sinO BE'BO' ‘ asap sinO' ' (Ill-3) and the angle correlation was calculated classically as sin0 sin0' 28CM B . B 2 = C : 3‘- : SQRTI1+ [-% - COSO] , (111.1-I) where the primed and unprimed notations represent the center-of-mass and the laboratory frame, respectively. The velocity of the center-of-mass frame, B was given as 0.1010, 0.113c, and 0.1240 for E/A=8 MeV, 10 CM’ MeV, 12 MeV, respectively. The velocity of the fragment” [3, was classically given by 1/2 B : {—gE—-—] , (111.5) 931.5 A where E is the kinetic energy of the fragment in the laboratory frame and A is the mass number of the fragment. Under the assumption of an isotropic emission in the center-of—mass frame, the corresponding equation to Eq. 111.2 can be obtained for the kinetic energy the laboratory frame according to the above transformation as l N(E) a C (Ell;2 - C) e , (111.6) where C is the function of the laboratory kinetic energy E as defined in Eq. 111.“. Curves obtained by fitting Eq. 111.6 to the data are shown in Figures III.2.1(a-c). The fitting parameters for complex fragments with 332511 are shown in Figure ILIJLJ and are tabulated in Table III.3.1. In this table,i§ refers to the calculated Coulomb barrier in the Coul center-of—mass frame, and the values of E are presented to compare Coul with the fitted value C. A notable feature in Figure III.3.1 is the decreasing slope parameter as the mass of the fragments increases. Target-like fragments, which may have been produced via quasi-elastic scattering, inelastic scattering, or direct nuclear reactions in this reverse-kinematics reaction, are generally backward-scattering fragments in the center-of-mass frame, hence implying no significant role of these fragments on the larger slope parameters for the lighter fragments. One can note that this behavior is consistent with the time evolution of the temperature in a hot-equilibrated nuclear system studied by Boal.<3t al. [8086]. Boal et al. predicts a rapid change in temperature at the early stage. If most of light particles were emitted at the very early stage of the thermal equilibrium while massive fragments were emitted from the expanded nuclear system at a later stage, then the variation of the slope parameters as a functhxicn‘nmss (i.e., a smaller slope parameter for the lighter complex fragments and vise versa as shown in Figure III.3.1) becomes plausible. III-65 4.5 L - 4.0 r _ _ A * I’ j % _ . 3.5 ~ - 2 . ~ ~~../ [ ""1I~“'_,II : L21 * i [L 3.0 :- 0 ~ . fi : : 2.5 — , a : O E/A=12 MeV , . I E/A=10 MeV ‘6 3 2.0 f o E/A=8 MeV j '1 l l l 1 1 1 l l I 1 l l l 7Be 10B 12C MN 160 19F 21Ne 986 118 13C 15N 170 20F 23Na Figure III.3.1 Slope parameters for complex fragments. Lines are drawn for the eye-guide. III-66 Table III.3.1 Kinetic energy spectra fitting parameters for complex fragments. E15 _Is_o_t_o_.2e. 502111 __c_ 2222 (MeV) (MeV) (MeV) (MeV) 8 7Be 11.6 11.5 3.30:0.15 9Be 10.9 12.2 3.2910.20 ‘°Be 10.6 11.5 3.54:0.20 ‘°B 12.6 14.0 3.24:0.18 “B 12.2 14.0 3.28:0.16 ‘ZC 13.5 14.1 3.7110.32 "C 13.1 13.8 3.47:0.29 ‘“N 14.0 15.3 3.0510.10 ‘SN 13.6 14.3 3.19:0.39 “O 14.2 14.8 2.95:0.08 ‘70 13.8 14.5 2.97:0.15 ‘9F 13.6 14.3 2.68:0.14 2°F 13.2 13.7 2.71:0.18 Z‘Ne 13.2 14.9 2.09:0.31 10 9Be 10.9 11.4 3.77:0.47 ‘°B 12.6 13.3 3.98:0.28 “B 12.2 13.5 3.90:0.19 12C 13.5 13.7 4.1910.37 '3C 13.1 13.4 4.22:0.53 ‘“N 14.0 14.6 3.89:0.63 ‘5N 13.6 14.0 3.7010.57 1“0 14.2 14.1 3.49:0.35 ‘70 13.8 14.1 3.42:0.40 ‘9F 13.6 13.9 3.37:0.50 2°F 13.2 13.4 3.55:0.75 21Ne 13.2 14.4 2.65:0.39 Table III.3.1 (cont'd.) III-67 E15 Isotope (MeV) 12 ‘°B ZJNa M (MeV) 12. 12. 13. 13. 14. 13. 14. 13. 13. 13. 13. 12. -JU”11\.)O\ @NNO‘CDNO'NO _ m (MeV) (MeV) 13.5 4.04:0.18 13.1 4.32:0.58 13.2 4.47:0.41 13.2 4.44:0.38 14.1 4.43:0.35 13.2 4.35:0.52 12.9 4.0510.57 14.0 3.68:0.54 13.9 3.46:0.93 13.2 3.47:0.51 13.9 3.21:0.45 14.4 2.97:0.48 Table 111.4.1 Nuclear temperatures in the (units in MeV). Fermi gas model E/A E 8 94.2 10 112.7 12 131.1 KT 3.44 3.76 4.06 33. 36. 36. R 4 60.8 1 76.6 1 95.0 2.76 3.10 3.46 a) Average temperature with rotational energy taken into account. III-68 111.4 Fermi Gas Model The slope parameters obtained from the Maxwell-Boltznmun1 function in the center-of—mass frame were compared with the temperatures predicted by the Fermi gas model for this reaction. The relationship between the excitation energy, E*, and the temperature, KT, is given by E* = a(kT)2 , (111.7) where a is the level density parameter. The level density parameter has been defined by TSke et al. 11681] as a = TEEET(1+3.114a'1/3r2+5.6261‘2/3F3+...] (MeV-1) , (111.8) where A is the mass number of the compound nucleus and the quantities F2 and F3 are set to be unity under the assumption of a spherical shape. The calculated value of the level density for 52Cr from Eq. (111.13) was 6.53 (MeV-1). The average thermal excitation energy of the equilibrated compound nucleus with an average angular momentum, , is given in Ref. M086a as - *. - E (ER) , (111.9) hence the average nuclear temperature becomes (KT) = ( <1:t > / a )1/2, (111.10) h III-69 where (ER) is the average rotational energy of the rotating compound nucleus. The calculated average rotational energies and the average nuclear temperatures are given in Table 111.4.1. The predicted temperatures here are comparable to the slope parameters given in Table III.3.1, and these will be discussed further in Ch. IV in comparison with temperatures obtained from the population distribution of nuclear states. In order to calculate the average rotational energy in Eq. 111.9, the average angular momentum for the compound nucleus was calculated from the predicted critical angular momentum by means of the sharp cutoff approximation. 1n this approximation, 3 partial-wave cross section with an angular momentum 11 is given by 0Q«(2Q+1). The maximum angular momentum of the compound nucleus was calculated by assuming a 1/3 + A21/3). The result for 52Cr maximum impact parameter of 1.2(AI shows that Qmaxz39, 44, and 4919 at E/A28, 10, and 12 MeV, respectively. On the other hand, a critical angular momentum for the same nucleus, at which the shape loses stability against the tri-axial deformation mode, is predicted to be 21:32 h [Si86, C074]. Another critical angular momentum, at which the system loses stability to fission and beyond which no equilibrium shape exists, is predicted to be 211243 h [3186]. In Ref. 8186, inclusion of finite-range effects in the nuclear surface energy lowers the predicted Q for the light systems as compared to the II rotating liquid-drop model predictions [C074]. A value of 1211:52 11 is predicted for “Cr in the rotating liquid-drop model [C074]. In this thesis, ch=43 h is adopted [P1177] as the critical angular momentum for complete fusion to form 52Cr, and the maximum angular momenta calculated in Table 111.4.1 are limited by this value. III-70 Fusion reacthmusrmve been predicted to occur at distances well (NJtSide the point of contact between two colliding nuclei [Ba74, Wi73I, where the nuclear densities in the overlap region add up to saturation density of nuclear matter. This implies that the critical angular momentum for complete fusion of 52Cr may be larger than 43 h. Also, the 1/3+A21/3)+2 (fm) increases the use of a distance parameter of r:1.2(A, maximum angular momentum far above the adopted critdixil angular momentum, 43 h. 0n the other hand, some authors [M086b, Ni80] suggested that the critical angular momentum for complete fusion to fknun 52Cr be as 11nd as 32 h. From any point of view, the underlying physics is that the onset of incomplete fusion, therefore, may occur at beam energies much below E/A=8 MeV. Incomplete fusion will compete more strongly with complete fusion in peripheral collisions than central collisions. One should note that the maximum angular momentum of the compound nucleus calculated with the sharp cut-off radii of the nuclei is somewhat artificial. Also which maximum angular momenmnntx>use in the calculation of the corrected Fermi gas model temperatures is not very significant as the rotational energy in the heavier system changes little with the increasing or decreasing maximum angular momentum. CHAPTER IV: POPULATION DISTRIBUTION I (COMPLEX FRAGMENTS) IV.1 Introduction The primary population of a nuclear state in thermal equilibrium should depend only on the temperature of the system, the excitation energy of the state, and the spin of the state. The rathaiicfi‘the primary populations of two states in thermal equilibrium is written as __ (12.-E.) R = g-gfl—Be “T , (IV.1) where J1 and E1 represent the spin and excitation energy of the state 1, respectively, and k'I‘ is the nuclear temperature. The fraction of the total population fn in a given state can be deduced from Eq. (IV.1) as -E /KT (2Jn+1) e fn - -E./KT ’ (IV'2) {(2ji+1) e l where the denominator is a partition function, and the summation over'i includes all the states of the nuclear system. In general, the half-lives of the gamma-ray emitting excited states IV-71 IV-72 are so short that the nucleus is in its ground state when it reaches a particle detector. The population of the excited states can be measured with a new technique employed by Morrissey et al. [M084a, M085a, M086a]. In this new temperature measurement, the relative populations of excited states were measured by observing gamma-ray intensities in coincidence with light fragments, such as “Li, "’Li, “Li, 7Be, and ”B. The gamma- ray detectors measure the excited state populations which include the feedings from the higher-lying states, while the particle telescopes detect bothithe ground and excited states of nuclei. A gamma—fraction, the fraction of the fragments that emit a specific gamma-ray by a transition from one state to the other in a nuclear system, can be determined experimentally in a particle-gamma coincidence run as NY BIC.LIVE(singles) eY NP BIC.L1VE(coincidences) ’ (IV-3) FY: where NY is the total number of counts in a specific gamma-ray, e is the efficiency of the gamma-ray detector, N Y P is the number of inclusive fragments detected during the particle-singles runs, and the term "BIC.LIVE" refers the integrated beam current during the measurement runs. In the limit that feeding from particle unstable states in higher-A nuclei is unimportant, then the fraction of nuclei that.£flnit the specific gamma-rays by a transition from a state m to another state 11 can be formulated as IV—73 — Em/KT [(2jm+1)e + Mm] m,Q - E./KT ' [(2Ji+1)e 1 (IV.4) and the feeding from the higher-lying states to the state m, Mm, it) the same nucleus is defined by E - Eq/KT M : a [(2j +1)e + M ] , (IV.5) m q:m+1 q,m Q Q where (11 J is the branching rathacfi‘the gamma-ray transition from the 7 state i to the state 3, and the feeding Mq must be repeated up to the highest lying state that decays through gamma-ray emission. The effects of feedings by sequential decay of higher-A nuclei is discussed later. Eq. IV.4 may contain somewhat large uncertaintnfisii‘the information regarding energy and spin of the levels and the gamma-branching ratios is iruxnnplete or ambiguous. Nevertheless, by simply equating Eqs. IV.4 to IV.3 one can determine the temperature KT, which is the only unknown parameter in those two equations. In the simplest case of a nucleus which has only one bound excited state, for example, 7lj.auui 7Be, Eq. IV.4 can be simplified as - E,/KT F : (2j1+1)€ (111.6) 1'0 1(2J.+1) + (21.+1)e‘ E‘/KTJ where j. and J, are the spin of the ground and the excited state, and E, is the energy of the only bound excited state. IV-74 IV.2 Data Analysis The essential key to this measurement is a clear identification of the ixuiividual nucleus in the complex fragment region. Doppler shift corrected histograms of gamma-ray energy spectra were generated for each particle-gamma coincidence combination. The Doppler shift corrections are in the range of 3 ~ 13%, depending on which paii~<1f particle telescopes and gamma-ray detectors was chosen. The estimated geometrical error due to the finite solid angle of the Ge counter, which is based on the average kinetic energy =0.19 c of the light fragments, was roughly 2.4 ~ 4.2%, depending on the angle between the Ge counter and the particle telescope. Since this value hsrmuflilarger than the resolution of the Ge counter, the gamma-ray energy spectra of the NaI(Tl) scintillation detectors were much more useful for light fragments and intermediate fragments (the geometrical shape of the NaI(Tl) detector was not an important factor due to the large distance from the target and its large resolution). A random coincidence histogram of the gamma-rays was subtracted from a real coincidence histogram of the gamma-rays for the same combination of the particle telescope and the ganma-ray detector, however the ganma-ray count in the random coincidence histogram is very small as compared to that in the real coincidence histogram (typically less than 5%), as mentioned in Ch. 11. To improve statistics in obtaining the number of counts of the specified gamma-rays for further calculations, all the histograms from the NaI(Tl) detectors were summed together after having been corrected for random coincidences. IV-75 IV.3 Light Fragments Doppler shift corrected gamma-ray energy spectra in coincidence with light fragments are shown in Figures IV.3.1(a-c) for the respective beam energies. The peaks of E :478 Kev for 7Li, EY:429 Kev for 7Be, and Y EY:718 Kev for ‘°B are clearly seen at all the beam energitns. The 414 KeV and 1022 Kev gamma-rays from '°anwzrelatively weak gamma-lines, and are not clearly observed in the present experiment. No prominent gamma—ray peaks for 6Li, 9Be, and “B were observed in the present detection range as expected from the level structure [A384, Aj85]. 'The 511 KeV positron annihilation gamma-rays were widely spread after the Doppler shift corrections and were negligible quantitatively in most cases. The majority of the coincidence gamma-rays observed in the present experiment consisted of continuum gamma—rays with an exponential tail at the high energy region. This was interpreted as being due to one broadly defined moving source of the continuum gamma-rays, and the underlying statistical transitions are extended over the entire range of the data. The gamma-ray peaks under consideration were fitted with a Gaussian function to obtain the number of counts in each peak. The gamma- fractions determined by Eq. IV.3 are compared with those calculated with Eq. IV.4 with temperatures predicted by the Fermi gas model, and the results are shown in Figures IV.3.2(a-c) for 7Li, 7Be, ‘°B, respectively. The solid curves drawn in Figures IV.3.2(a-c) represent the gamma-fractions predicted by the Fermi gas model. The decay schemes of the particle bound states for each nucleus are drawn in these figures. As discussed in Sec. 11.4, the contamination of the 7Li IV-76 12C(40Ar,7X), E/A=8 MeV 200 I 50 0 80 60 40 20 0 400 300 200 100 COUNTS PER CHANNEL Figure IV.3.1 150i 100' 1 _ 10B _ 0.718->G.S. _ / - ' 1 . . 1 1 : , . . . . , . . , 3 L A/ 0.429->G.S. j E '7 3 3- Be -: : l . . . 1 1 1 . . I I , I ' ' ' ' 1 ' 1 . :- / 0.478-rG.S. “I L '7 . .3 E L1 3 . . l . 1 . 1 l . . . I . . ‘ 50 100 150 CHANNEL coincidence with light fragments. a) At E/A=8 MeV. Doppler-shift corrected Y-ray energy spectra (NaI) COUNTS PER CHANNEL 150 100 50 0 100 80 60 40 20 0’ 200: 150 100 50 IV-77 12C(4OAI‘,7X), I f fi— E/A=10 / l A A 4A 1 0.718->G.S. MeV 10' B -1 _ - IITY'YI'UVV'VVVV ~1- ‘— A l A A 50 A A I ' I W V V U 0.429 G.S. / -) A A A A l A A I V I V V l V .4/ 0.478-»G.s. . 1 . . 100 CHANNEL Figure IV.3.1 (cont'd.) b) At E/Az10 MeV. ‘— IV—78 12C(40Ar,7/X), E/A=12 MeV l 500 C 400 g— 300 f. / 0.718-»G.S. 200 100 200 0.429403. 4 / L 7 .. 150E I363 100:- -§ 50 g— ‘ O _ . : t t . . . : 250g 3, 0.478408. ~; 2003— 7 . -f 1 L1 2 150; 7 100;- -‘ 50 g- ' O : . 1 1 . l 1 I . 1 1 . . . 50 100 CHANNEL 7' I 10E; A A A A A A l A A A U I V I I V l v ' -_ AAA AAA A L l A A A A I V l r U r ‘r —1— .11— COUNTS PER CHANNEL l A 150 Figure IV.3.1 (cont'd.) 0) At E/Az12 MeV. IV-79 0.4 s,....,....,....,....,. -— —_-—_ ’-——- .0 00 1 1 I 1 1 l CD 00 l ..{p.. 1 (“*0 1/2‘ 0.470 y—FRACTION P H I l 3/2' G.S. 0.0.11....1....1....1....1.l 6 8 IO 12 14 E/A (MeV) Figure IV.3.2 Y-fractions. Dashed line represents the predicted Y— fractions with the Fermi gas model temperatures. Decay schemes are from Refs. Aj84 and A185. a) For 7Li. 1V-80 0.4 I I l I U I I l I U I I l l I I I I U U I I l I 03: ------- "‘“ ‘ 7—FRACTION —o— 0.1 ‘ ‘ 0.0 .1....1....1....1....1.. 6 8 10 12 14 E/A (MeV) Figure IV.3.2 (cont'd.) b) For 7Be. IV-81 V V 0.5 l I I U I' I V U U T I V I I I l U I U U l I D l 1 ’ ‘ ‘l - fl ’ ’ “ I ’ ’ ’ ’ I —’ fl ‘ fl ’ " 04 0 ’ d 0 1—1 ' B 0.3 — — an: 2. _(g) (on) (a) «1 5.1“ , IT. 02 _ 2., (u) (m (to) 3.58,, _ 5 1., I, (is) (1m (81) 2.51 4 _ g 0" (m) 1.740 . 0-1 _" 1* I’ mo) 0.710 " 3* 1' 0.3. 10 1 . B . 0.0 1 . I . . I . I 1 . . . I . . . 1 I . . . I I . I 6 8 10 12 14 E/A (MeV) Figure IV.3.2 (cont'd.) c) For ‘°B. IV-82 10.0 1 l r I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 T 1 1 I 1 r 1- d h- -1 h d I- d 5.0 - - IcT (MeV) . ‘1 1 I I I e 1 .9— 1.0 :— __J 0.5 - _ _ 0 "Li(0.478->G.s.) _ >< 7Be(0.429->G.S.) D 1°B(0.718->G.S.) ().1 1 I .L,1 1 l I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 L 1 I 1 1 6 8 10 12 14 E/A (MeV) Figure IV.3.3 The observed temperatures from the Y-ray transitions in the light fragments. See the text for the lines. IV-83 Table IV.3.1 Deduced nuclear temperatures from 7L1, 7Be, and ‘°B. E/A Isotope EY Decay rca) NY 1 (MeV) (KeV) 8 ’11 978 0.H8+g.s. 0.296 12201100 0.28710.02u 7Be M29 0.u3+g.s 0.300 220130 0.27910.038 ‘°B 718 O.72+g.s. 0.397 M73180 0.31710.05u 10 7L1 H78 0.u8+g.s 0.300 230130 0.29110.038 738 M29 0.93»g.s 0.303 260130 0.29010.03u ‘°B 718 O.72+g.s. 0.912 599190 0.u0610.062 12 7L1 H78 0.98»g.s 0.303 670150 0.20u10.016 7Be 929 O.N3*g.s 0.306 550150 0.23810.022 ‘°B 718 O.72+g.s 0.129 15721190 0.37u10.0u6 KT (MeV) +2. -0. +9. -0. +0. '6 -O. :UWGDOQUO +20 -1. +7. -0. O‘O‘OON -0. +0.11 -0.10 +0.29 .91_0. +0.“ -O.3 .72 3) Predicted gamma-fraction. See the text for detail. IV-BU singles inclusive spectra by the ground state of 8Be [14072, 8186] is taken into account in determining the gamma-fraction fkn~ 7Li. Ifiar the nucleus ‘°B, there are a few unbound states above the particle threshold energy (11.116 MeV) which decay partially by gamma-ray emission [F066, Ne70, Re72, AJBH]. However, only the 5.1614 MeV state has a comparable ganma-width relative to the total decay-width (FY/P2871 for the 5.164 MeV while PY/F<1% for the other unbound states hi ”T3[AJ8H]). Since the half-life of the 0.718 MeV state in ‘°B is about 1.02 ns, which corresponds to a 5 cm flight distance on the average at E/A=10 MeV, errors which may be caused from the change in geometrical efficiencies of the gamma-ray detectors and also from the wrong Doppler shift corrections must be included. Although the estimation of the change in the geometrical efficiency of the gamma-ray detector becomes a formidable calculation because of the cylindrical shape of the crystal, a rough estimate gave a possible error of 10% from these sources, and this was combined with the statistical uncertainties for ”B. As one may see in Figures IV.3.2(a-c) and as Morrissey et al. pointed out [M08‘4a, M085a], the small energy level spacings of these nuclei limit the sensitivity of their population distributions to temperatures of a few MeV or less, especially for 7L1 and 7Be. This indicates that a fknv percent change due to statistical fluctuations in the gamma-fraction at a few MeV temperature, for example, KT=3 MeV, can make the upper limit of the deduced temperature infinity. In terms of this sensitivity problem, ‘°B is a better probe of statistical equilibrium than the other two nuclei under consideration because it has a wider level spacing, and also feeding from the higher-lying bound states to 0.72 MeV state improve the sensitivity of the gamma-fraction to temperatures. IV-85 Deduced temperatures for light fragments are plotted as a flnuztion of the beam energy in Figure IV.3.3. The solid curve drawn in Figure IV.3.3 represents the predicted temperatures in the Fermi gas model without correction for the rotational energy, and the dashed curve represents those in the Fermi gas model with subtracting the rotational energy from the excitation energy (as described in Section 111.14). The overall results, which are tabulated in Table IV.3.1, include the gamma— ray counts (NY)’ the gamma-fractions (f), and the deduced temperatures (KT) for light fragments. Errors in the temperature are asymmetric due to the logarithmic form of the gamma-fraction. The statistical errors and systematic errors in evaluating the gamma-ray counts dominated the other sources of error. This will be discussed further in Sec. IV.5. Temperatures at E/A28 MeV and 10 MeV agree well with those predicted, and this is consistent with the result nifkfih M086a. In this reference, where the population distribution of states in light nuclei was studied in a reaction of '2C + 1“N at beam energies including E/Az8 MeV and 12 MeV, the deduced temperatures at up to E/A=8 MeV, but not above E/A=12 MeV, agree with the calculated temperatures with the rotational energy taken into consideration in the Fermi gas model, hence indicating consistency with the simple thermal equilibrium at beam energies below E/Az8 MeV. Measurements at E/A=10 MeV are run; included in this reference; however data in the present experiment indicate that simple thermal equilibrium may prevail at this energy, too. As shown in Figure 3 in Ref. Mo86a, subtraction of the average rotational energy from the excitation energy lowers the calculated temperatures significantly especially at bombarding energies below E/Az12 MeV. In contrast, since the bigger compound nuclear system in the present IV-86 experiment has a larger moment of inertia.than the smaller system in Ref. M086a, this reduces the fraction of the average rotatitnuil energy in the excitation energy [e.g., in Ref. M086a, the calculated temperatures with and without subtracting the rotational energy at E/A=8 MeV are 3.0 and 1.A MeV, respectively, unfile in the present reaction they are 3.11 and 2.8 MeV]. Figure 3 in Ref. M086a and Figure IV.3.3 show a fair agreement with this argument, except that the temperature of 2.3 MeV from ”B at E/Az12 MeV in this measurement roughly agrees with the prediction while those from nuclei of A:7 are significantly lower than that predicted under the assumption of simple thermal (unlilibrium (in ref. Mo86a, it is shown that the temperatures are independent of the nucleus at the same energy; this argument agrees with our data atLEi/A:8 and 10 MeV, however it is not true at E/A:12 MeV). This discrepancy may be due, among other reasons, to the effect of preferential feedilu; from higher-A nuclear system on the population distribution of complex fragments, rather than being due to the non—equilibrium effects at E/A=12 MeV, and this will be discussed further in the following section (Sec. IV.“) after considering the population distribution of intermediate fragnmnts. Nevertheless, it was indicated that the population distributnn1cfi‘nuclear states in light fragments is dominated by the excitation energy (or temperature) of the equilibrated composite system in low energy reactions. However the results also show that the correction made by subtraction of the average rotational energy from the excitation energy must be taken into account. 0n the other hand, the temperatures given in Figure IV.3.3 show a self—consistency between a pair of mirror nuclei, 7Li and 7Be. As shown in Figures IV.3.2(a-b), both the nuclei have only one bound-excited IV-87 + state each with the same spin of % , very close excitation energies of 0.478 MeV and 0.1129 MeV, respectively, and the ground state with the same spin of 3:. Should the preferential feeding of any level by the decay of unbound higher mass nuclei [112387, M085a, M0811a, St83] play an important role in populating the light nuclei, it appears to be negligible at E/A:8 and 10 MeV at least for 7L1 and "Be in the present reaction. However, one should not exclude the possibility that the amount of feeding to the excited states and the ground state were accidentally proportional to the original populations in each state, although this is not expected from the energetics and penetrability of these decays. IV.“ Intermediate Fragments By virtue of the individual particle identification for intermediate fragments (up to 23Na) and relatively well known information for the spin, the excitation energy, and the gamma-branching ratio of each bound state in this mass region, the temperature measurement [M086a, M0853, M0811a] based on the population distribution of nuclear states was applied in the intermediate fragment regime for the first time. Gamma-rays in coincidence with these fragments were detected in the NaI(Tl) detectors. Analysis of these data followed a similar track as that for light fragments. Figures IV.4.1(a-h) show the Doppler shift corrected gamma-rays in coincidence with 1"N, ”0, ”O, 1"F, “Ne, 2‘Ne. 22Ne, and 23Na, respectively. The gamma-fraction for each peak was determined according to Eq. IV.3, and is shown in Figures IV-88 12C (4OAF 7 16N) 80; ([0. 297(3 )->G..S (2’)] E 605- E/A 12 M V; : = e 1 Z ‘wr i Z 20;- —f at: 0: 1 I - . ' ' 1 K I o 305. 1 _ ES 20;- E/A=10 MeV-i m w? 4 (2‘) () E . 1 , , 1 , , . 1, 1 .1-1i£ullJii.iHIdJstJL : E-1 i . 2 :ME 1 € ' g 20;- l E/A=8 MeV j 0 10} - O: .. . . 1 . 1 . . I11 . 41 . III 50 100 150 CHANNEL Figure IV. A. 1 Doppler- shift corrected Y— -ray energy spectra (NaI) in coincidence with intermediate fragments. a) With “N. IV-89 12C (40Ar 7’170) I— [0. 871(1/2*)-»o. s. (5/2*)] _ 200_ 150 100.- 50 I 1 E/A= 12 MeV-j 6°, , E/A=10 MeV": 40E- ~I I 9 20f O : . : ¢ : § : 1 : : § : : 1 : 1' : : t c I‘ 607 , E/A=8 MeV ‘ 40_ -j COUNTS PER CHANNEL Oi...1...-11.1.1...41_i 40 60 80 100 CHANNEL Figure IV.A.1 (cont'd.) b) With ‘70. Ir'Lllr!I.I‘l ‘ I'll-It {[[l (II-Ir ‘IIPIF<( COUNTS PER CHANNEL 12C (40A? , 7 180) ." ""l#"'1"'fir' 125 @- [3.653(4*)-11.982(2*) 10°: E/A=12 MeV I " 75 :- ‘ 50 g- 25 E- 0 :fii : § : c c : IL : : : : TL? : : : } . : : t I : ‘ ‘ ‘ - 40 _— [1.982(2*) -3 E/A=10 MeV 198-10213 30 1 1 " 20 -': 10 '1 O : : : § : t : : § 2 c : : § : : : : : : : ; : § : ‘ 2 40 1 1 E/A=8 MeV 1 3 30 ‘1 20 1 10 f O - 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 L 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ‘ 40 60 80 100 120 CHANNEL Figure IV.A.1 (cont'd.) 0) With "0. 200 ' 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 COUNTS PER CHANNEL IV-91 12C (40Ar , 7 19F) 150 . 100C 50 Z- ; EB//!1==2123 104(3‘] 011%. 1 1— [1.346(5/2')-10.110(1/2')] '3 1 l I A A A A l A A A A l A 1A A v r v v v l U I V r I V I I V I q 1 q 1 E/A=10 MeV « 1 ’ - b I h h - I b b b D D I I . V l V I V I V V V V l U V V V I V V T‘ 1 b q : 1 E/A=8 MeV : b 1 4 q 1 D - i : b h D D b b - I 1 b 4 I J J l A A A A l A A 0' 40 6O 80 100 120 CHANNEL Figure IV.A.1 (cont'd.) d) With "F. 200 - 150 100 50 20 20 COUNTS PER CHANNEL 10 Figure Iv.u.1 40: 30' 10. 253 15. IV-92 12C (4OAI‘ 7 ZONe) E/A=12 MeV [1. .634(2;)-DG. ..3 (0+)]:: V V V V V I V V - qb A I A A A V r V V E/A=10 MeV 1 -i V V V V V I V V V l j 1‘ A A l A V I V V V V I r V V V l V 1 E/A=8 MeV I b D - I b b ’4 A l A L A A l L A A A l A A A A L L A L J 40 60 80 100 120 CHANNEL (cont'd.) e) With 2°Ne. IV-93 12C (40Ar 7 ZlNe) 800 ' '1‘ [0. 351(5/2+)-’G,S.(3/2+)] I Y _: A I A 600 E/A=12 MeV ¢ ¢ j m x 6 3 Z 400 € Z 200 ' < O : : % t : : : % : c 4 t % : c : : § 2: ; ; I ‘ m 200 6 [2.366(9/2*)-»1.746(7/2")] C.) 3 DZ. 15° E/A=10 MeV * x 5 ‘3 m 100 " D-I 50 :- ‘ m 1; ¢ § j : : : } : : : ‘ } ¢ : : : } : : : . _‘ E—' 15% E o [1.746(7/2“) ‘ Z 100; \L +0.351(5/2*)]‘: :3 75 :- E/A=8 MeV 6 *1 I X 4 : 8 50 g + ‘3 25 :- I O : L ‘ l . . ‘ A l _ , , . l . . . . . . . . 50 100 150 200 250 CHANNEL Figure IV.H.1 (cont'd.) f) With 2‘Ne. IV-9l-l 12C (40A? 7 22Ne) zoo;- E/A= 12 MeV [1.2-my) S 150 :_ { -)G.S.(O+)] - Z 100 E ‘ Z 50 g- ' g 0 : f c r : % : ; t = % ¢ ¢ ‘ 3 § : ° ° ° % . 60'- “L o ; E/A=10 MeV : m 40} '5 El 20: 3 0-4 L 1 m 0 : i 4 : ' ' ' l A g E . E2 30} E/A=8 MeV 4 D 20} l € 0 g 3 C.) 10 7 € 0 ' 4 ' 4 L ‘ L ' 50 100 150 200 CHANNEL Figure IV.H.1 (cont'd.) 3) With 22Ne. IV-95 12C (40A? , 7 23Na) E r . v I ' ' V ' I I r fi 500 L \ [O.440(5/2+)-»G.S.(3/2+)] - l-—] E .— EIJ 400 I— p r‘ _: z I Q g : Z mm? %§ € <1: E E/A=12 MeV S v: : :3: 2007 EL ? % b + O 100 - W m 0 : : ‘fi; # } ¢ : : : § ; : : : : .L : + ; i : ; ; L: Lil $ D" 50 1 [2.704(9/2*)+2.076(7/2+)] -‘ m : E ; :3 v E /A= 10 MeV : O l : O < 100 150 200 CHANNEL Figure 1v.u.1 (cont'd.) h) With 23Na. IV-96 , **r*r ' l ' I r] ' r r ‘ (L6 _ - (297 + 276) 7—FRACTION 4 (L2 - NO'GI‘ 0.0 A A I PL A A l A A A A A A A A A A 6 8 10 12 14 E/A (MeV Figure IV.1I.2 Y-fractions. Lines are the predicted Y-f‘ractions with the Fermi gas model temperatures. Decay schemes are from Refs. A383 and A186. a) For “N. 7—FRACTION Figure IV.4.2 (cont'd.) ' I r T I I l r T .1 o 5 ' 4.1436 1"0 + n _‘ . _ (100) . 5/2 3.341 _ (100) 1/2 I 3.055 - 0'4 _ 1/2“ (100) 0.371 _ 5/2” G.S. 4 17 1 . O . 0.3 ‘ (341) ______ 0.2 " — - .4 0.1 . + ‘ O O b l A . l . A l . L A l . l . 1 6 8 10 12 14 IV-97 b) For ‘70. E/A (MeV IV-98 U l V T V I I I I I I l T U V U I I I V I l I _ 18O o 1.982->G.S. 1.25 - 0 3553-4982 2 O 1.00 : ________________________ ,_, . B L (<31) I 0.75 - 0: LT 50.50 - I ‘ o (L - I 2% O’DobL1....1....1....1....1.. 6 8 10 12 14 E/A (MeV) Figure IV.N.2 (cont'd.) c) For ‘°O. 0.3 0.2 7—FRACTION 0.1 0.0 IV—99 ——-——‘ '— 19F (1.346»0.110) L I l 1 l J l J l 1 A I L l 1 1 I L j 1 l 6 8 10 12 E/A (MeV Figure IV.H.2 (cont'd.) d) For ‘9F. 14 IV-100 1.0 I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I 7—FRACTION (l4 - 1+ _ 0.2 '-— 20 _ - Ne (1.634»G.S.) - (10 b .1 .. . .l .1 l. l .. .. l. . .. I. 6 6 10 12 14 E/A (MeV Figure IV.H.2 (cont'd.) e) For 2°Ne. IV-101 I l I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I 1.0 __ ZlNe o O.351—>G.S. ' o 1.746->O.351 I 2.866->1.746 0.8 - 0.6 — ~ ¢ 0.4 — J) 7—FRACTION A l l l 1 l l 1 L l I 1 1 l l l l l 0.0 ' Figure IV.H.2 (cont'd.) f) For 2‘Ne. IV-102 1.00 '— z """"" F .2 0 <2 { + Dd LTl-I 0.50 — A 0.253- ' 2ZNe (1.275->G.S.) I. 6 8 10 12 14 E/A (MeV Figure IV.4.2 (cont'd.) 3) For 22Ne. IV-103 I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0.440->G.S. O 207640.440 0 270462.076 0.8 '- + 0.6 - 7—FRACTION 0.2 '- D O O 1 I 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 a Figure IV.4.2 (cont'd.) h) For 23Na. IV-1014 IV.4.2(a-h). The superimposed curves drawn in Figures IV.4.2(a-h) are the predicted gamma-fractions for the observed gamma-lines by means of Eq. IV.4 with temperatures predicted in the Fermi gas model. Errors included in these figures are mainly due to the statistical uncertainties and the systematic uncertainties, which will be discussed in Sec. IV.5. The possible errors in the level information were ignored. The characteristic of each nucleus regarding the information about the level and gamma-branching ratios and the observed gama-rays is as follows: a) :91. There are 3 excited states below the neutron-threshold energy, 2.1491 MeV, as shown in Figure IV.ll.2a. No state above this threshold decays through the emission of gamma-rays [A186]. A gamma-ray peak of EY=297 Kev [0.297(3-) + 0(2')] in Figure IV.1l.1a was not separated from EY=276 Kev [0.398(1’) + 0.120(0‘)], and the contribution from EY2276 KeV was taken into account in the gamma-fraction of E :29? Kev. Y b) ‘_7_Q. As shown in Figure IV.4.2b, 3 bound excited states decay by the emission of gamma-rays. There are a number of excited states above the neutron-threshold energy, H.1N36 MeV, which decay partially by gamma-ray emission; however the gamma-widths of those states were much smaller than the decay-widths (smaller than 11) [A386, $1086]. Only EY=871 Kev was in the detection range of the NaI(Tl) detectors. c) ”O. A number of levels above the alpha—particle threshold energy, 6.2279 MeV, still decay in full by gamma emission [A183]. Only the IV-105 state of 7.117 MeV (H+) among those which decay partially through gamma- ray emission has a comparable gamma-width to the particle decay-width (FY/ra=0.9:0.1) [A383]. Contamination from EY=1650 Kev [3.632(0“) + 1.982(2+)] to EY:1571 KeV [3.553(4+) + 1.982(2+)] and that fr00111Y21937 KeV [3.919(2+) + 1.982(2+)] to EY:1982 KeV [1.982(2+) + O(O+)] was taken into account in the determination of the gamma-fractions. d) ‘9F. Excited states up to E:u.6u8 MeV decay in full by the emission of gamma-rays. The alpha-particle threshold energy is “.0138 MeV LAJ83]. uamma—decays from the states above “.648 MeV are negligible, and a gamma-fraction.fim¢E3:1236 keV [1.346(g ) + 0.110(% )] was Y determined in this nucleus. e) :jflg. A number of excited states above the alpha-particle threshold energy, l1.7309 MeV [Aj83], decay in full via gamma-ray emission. There are also a number of unbound excited states which decay partially into lower states through gamma-ray emission, however only the state of 5.621(3-) has a comparable ratio of P /Pz7 1. The transition from Y 1.63u(2+) to O(O+) is the most prominent one in this nucleus. The uncertainty in the spin assignments for those states which decay through gamma-ray emission becomes a problem for this nucleus and the heavier ones. However for this nucleus the only states with uncertain spin assignments are 10.69, 11.53, and 11.56 MeV [AJ83], and therefore the error caused from the uncertain spin assignments would be negligible as compared to the statistical uncertainty. 1V-106 + + f) 2‘Ne. Gamma-rays of EY:351 KeV [0.351(3 ) + O(% H, 1120 KeV + + + + [2.866% ) » 1.7116(-;_- )1, and 1395 Kev 11.7116“; ) + 0.351(3)] are detected in coincidence with fragments of this nucleus. Gamma—branching ratios of excited states below the neutron-threshold energy, 6.76 MeV, are relatively well known, however the spin assignment for many of those states is given as a range of possibilities [En78, Na81]. In such a case, a median value of the spins was used in the calculation of the pred icted gama-fraction . g) 2313. The spin of each state below 7.11 MeV is well known experimentally, while the alpha-particle threshold energy is 9.67 MeV [En78]. For the states, for which the spins are completely unknown, a spin assignment for each state was made by assuming an E1 or M1 transition. Although the application of the new temperature measurement to this nucleus and the heavier ones is less plausible because of the limited information about the spin assignments for the high-excited states, one must note that the feeding from those highly excited states would not be as important as that from relatively low-lying excited states if the population of each state was distributed according to Eq. IV.1, and the temperature is close to the predicted value (~3 MeV). This means that the uncertainty arising from the poorly known spin assignments for the high-lying states may not bring a major shift in the predicted gamma-fraction. Hence the comparison of gamma-fractions between the measured and the predicted still remains an interesting topic. A prominent peak of EY=1275 Kev [1.275(2+) + O(O+)] was observed in this case. IV—107 + + h) “Na. Each gamma-fraction for EYleO KeV [0.4110(3 ) ~> 00:23— )], 628 + + + 9 + Kev [2.7011(5 ) + 2.076% )1, and 1636 KeV [2.076% ) + 0.110% )1 was compared to that predicted by the Fermi gas model. (kwmamination of + EY=177N KeV [3.850(37) + 2.076(%-)] was taken into consideratixni. The proton-threshold energy is 8.79 MeV [En78], and even though the gama- branching ratio of each bound state is reasonably well known, the situation in the level information regarding the spin assignments is no better than that for 22Ne [V084, En78], which may imply a larger uncertainty in the determination of the predicted gamma-fraction and the temperature. Statistics at E/Az8 MeV were not sufficient,znui those at E/A=10 MeV were limited to only two peaks. Gamma-rays.h12°F (656, 823, and 1001 KeV) were not included in this analysis because of the small amount of information known about the states [F085, Aj83, B175]. The temperatures deduced from the intermediate fragments are displayed in Figures IV.4.3(a-c) for each beam energy. For a nucleus with more than one gamma-ray peak, the temperature from the lowest energy gamma—line is drawn in the left side, that from the highest one is in right side, and so on. Since the gamma- fracticni for this mass region is, in general, not very sensitive to the change in temperature as shown Figures IV.11.2(a-h), the statistical uncertainty due to the number of counts for each peak becomes exaggerated when the temperature is around one MeV. This leads to un upper limit of the temperature for some nuclei extending to infinity. Table IV.4.1 shows the tabulated values for Figures IV.H.2(a-h) and IV.N.3(a-c). IV-108 IIITIII E/A=82MeV 10—1 1 1 1 1 l i. 1 l 16N 170 180 19F ZONe ZlNe ZZNe 23Na Figure IV.A.3 The observed temperatures from the Y-ray transitions of the intermediate fragments. Dashed line represents the predicted temperature in the Fermi gas model. a) At E/A:8 MeV. IV—109 101 _ —----—--- 100 T + IcT (MeV) """""""" 1F 1 + * + o ‘3 _ + 133/A: 10 MeV 4 10—1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16N 170 180 19F ZONe ZlNe 22Ne 23Na Figure IV.A.3 (cont'd.) b) At E/A=1O MeV. 10"1 Figure IV.A.3 IV-110 _ 0 a o __ o b ._ E + ’ 3 C o 2 _ E/A=12 MeV ‘ .1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 11111] MN 170 180 19F zoNe ZlNe zzNe zaNa‘ (cont'd.) c) At E/A=12 MeV. Table IV.A.1 a) At E/Az8 MeV. V-111 Deduced nuclear temperatures from intermediate fragments. 8) E/A Isotope EY __Degay__ C NY f KT (MeV) (KeV) (MeV) 8 ‘°N 276 0.10»0.12 +297 0.30+g.s. .551 92:23 .389:0.097 0.36:8 fig '70 871 0.87~g.s. .221 61:26 .091:0.010 0.72:3:gg '80 1650 3.63:1.98 +1571 3.55+1.98 .307 63:31 .371:0.183 1.2 TL(€x’ ’ (“‘3’ S:[J2-sx[ L:[J,-S[ where ex represents the kinetic energy of particle x (equal to EVE,- separation energy), pi (i=1,2) is the level density, 3x and L are the spin and the orbital angular momentum of particle x, respectively, and the channel spin 8 = Jz+sx. Again, the sunmation over L is limited by the parity selection rule, and the transmission coefficients T: are obtained from the optical model. An analytical form of the Fermi gas level density is applied in the very high excitation energy region (liquid-drop region), innile in the low energy region, either the experimentally known levels or the V-128 analytical formulas can be used. The yrast line is calculated as [P077] J(J+1)h2 E (J) : 21 rot + A , (V.u) where Ixmmwesents the moment of inertia, and A is a pairing energy which determines the zero point of the effective excitation energy. The appropriate input of the moment of inertia comprises a crucial gnaint of‘ the calculation for the population near the yrast line. A careful study of the experimentally known high-spin states was carried out in the current calculation to obtain a proper shape of the yrast line for each nucleus. The density parameter (a), pairing energy (A) in Eq. V311, and tin; fraction of the moment of inertia relative to the rigid body (I/Io) used as Unainput parameters for the calculation are given in Table V.2.1. In the evaluation of the gamma-ray intensities, the experimentally' known level information, including the ganIna-branching ratios, has been used for the low-lying states. For the very high-lying states about bfl1ich little is known, the model calculates the gamma-decay rate RYde:Y from a state (excitation E,, spin J,, parity 1:.) to another state (E2, J2, n2) according to a formula [P077], _ 9(E22J21flz) rY(eY) - 2flp(E"J"fl1) E gLfL(eY) , (v.5) wherwa‘J represent the density of states, L denotes the multipolarity of the ganma-ray, and gLfL(€Y) are energy dependent strengths. Only E1, M1, and E2 transitions are considered in this model. V-129 The maximum angular momentum Qmaxz39 h, which is obtained with rmax .: 1.2(A1/3+A21’T3) fm, is used in the CASCADE code calculation in order to reproduce the mass distribution spectra better than with ch=32 h “d180, M086b]. Although the proper use of the maximum angular momentum is critical in the mass distribution spectra, it was found that the relative gamma-ray intensities for the transition along near the yrast line are not very sensitive to Qmax' As a matter of fact, it was found that the broad shape of the predicted primary population distribution (kn-the relative population densities of nuclear states) in a spin- excitation energy space depends mainly on the function of the excitation energy range in the decay array, even though the yrast line concentration prevails in most cases. A couple of examples of the calculation are shown in Figures V.2.1(a-b) for ”Ca and 3"Ar. Thick solid line represents the yrast line. Competition between nucleons, alpha-particle, and gamma-ray are also shown in the figures (upper dotted line denote partial nucleon decay width of 50% and lower line denote partial gamma-ray decay width of 50%). Thin solid lines drawn in the figures represent the shape of the primary population distributions. mb MeVoh’ divide the spin-excitation energy space into the gamma-ray decaying The unit used in the population-density grid is Dotted lines region, alpha-particle decaying region, and nucleon decaying region according to the decay probabilities as in Eqs. V.3 and v.5. Yrast-line dominance in the population distribution can be seen in the figure for both the nuclei. However, one should note that the population along the yrast line is rather sensitive to the moment of inertia, as mentioned earlier. V-13O Input parameters for CASCADE calculation Table V.2.1 Mass Charge 11111 111111111111 1111111111111111 01100110101000000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Table V.2.1 (cont'd.) V—131 Charge 18 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 14 1” \DOOOGQQOQGDOQGJGDO .52 .70 .86 .03 .02 .86 .03 .02 .01 .01 .02 .01 .01 .01 .00 -0 -1 —1 -1 -1 -2 -1 -2 -1 .55 .99 -2. .06 -2. .0“ .57 .08 .10 .10 .U2 .10 .45 .11 .23 39 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO L: V-132 12C(4°Ar,2a2n7)42Ca, E/A=8 MeV I f I V V V V l V V V V I Y V V V i 1 f V 1 I " (I‘N+I‘,)/I‘ > 0.5 so - . .- 20 P ~a=§ lmb E“ (MeV) 1()" ........ "".. n . lf 7 0'6 a= 10mb o AAAAJ LALLIALAAIIALAIAAALIL O 5 10 15 20 25 Figure V.2.1 Predicted primary population density distribution by the CASCADE code [P077]. See the text for detail. a) For “’Ca. V-133 12C(40Ar,30<2n7)38Ar, E/A=8 MeV _ I . . - . I . . . . I . r , 20 - (rn+r,)/r > 0.5 049 - . 1 . AS ' a g F .' -1 15 - — Q) . .1 2 P a= 0.01.1nb ‘ =11: . = lmb _ Efl = 10mb - O l l L i l L 4 i . L . L i i L . l 0 5 10 15 J (h) Figure V.3.1 (cont'd.) b) For 3"Ar. V-13’4 V.3 Population of Nuclear States Figures from V.3.1 to V.3.7 show the Doppler shift corrected gamma- ray spectra.for the Ge counters in coincidence with isotopes of Ti, Sc, Ca, K, Ar, Cl, and 3, respectively, at E/A:8 MeV. Gamma-ray peaks with sufficient statistics are labeled with their energies in units of Kev in these figures, where the number before the colon(:) in each label represents the mass number. Statistics at E/Az10 and 12 MeV are limited because of the limited energy range set in the AzE-silicon detector. The identification of the gamma-ray peaks was carried out in a manner which was based on the experimentally known spin and excitation energy of each state and the gamma-branching ratios. Even though broad features of the gamma-ray peaks can be obtained with the NaI(Tl) scintillation detectors [Figures V.3.8(a-c) are shown as an example for K at each beam enerSY], one can use only the Ge counters to determine the separate gamma—ray intensities. Peaks at low gamma-ray energy appeared with a relatively good resolution, however the Doppler broadening which mainly comes from the finite geometrical shape of the gamma-ray detectors have widened the widths of peaks at higher gamma-ray energies, which makes the separation of the closely located gamma-ray peaks difficult or impossible. Tables from V.3.1 to V.3.7 show the observed gamma-ray intensities (IY) at E/A=8 MeV/A. Comparison with those predicted by either the CASCADE code [P077], which is described in the following section, and/or the Boltzmann thermal distribution with a temperature of KT=2.76 MeV, whitni is calculated for E/A:8 MeV by the Fermi gas model, is also given in the tables. The calculation of the Boltzmann distribution was V-135 carried out for some of the less heavy fragments (e.g.,EL Cl), for which the statistical model [P077] predicts little populatitnus, and it was done only for those nuclei which have relatively well known level information. Errors included in these tables represent the statistical uncertainties which are due to the least-square fitting procedure of the Gaussian function plus background, as discussed in Sec. 1V.5. Since the total cross section of each 2 is not available for the heavy residual fragments in the present experiment, and since the limited energy range also disables the determination of the relative population ratios between isotopes by means of the gamma-ray intensities (because the energy range for each isotope’with the same 2 will differ), the comparison of the observed cross sections with those predicted is not practical for these fragments. A future experiment designed specifically for heavy fragments would be very useful. The observed strong transitions for each isotope are described in the following subsections: V.3.1 Titanium (Ti) The strongest gamma transition for 2:22 in the present reactitni is along 6.214(10”) + 11.9O(8+) . 3.30(6+) » 2.0mm“) + 0.89(2*) ~ 0(0“) . , . 17‘ 15‘ [Ra82, P081] with “ T1. Gamma-rays along 3.60(-§ + 3.02(-§- + ll- 1. .5.- .3.- .3.- 1.147( 2 ) * 0(2 ) [F078] and 0.71102 ) + 0.33(2 ) -> 0.0M2 ) [K3811] are observed with “5T1. Some of the low—lying transitions in ““Ti and ““Ti [Wa86a] can be also seen in Figure V.3.1, however the statistics are limited. V-136 'Dable V.3.1 shows the observed gamma-ray intensities in “5Ti and “Ti, respectively, at E/A=8 MeV. According the CASCADE calculation [P077], most of the bound states in “Ti are produced by decays of two protons and four neutrons (2PAN) from the compound nucleus, 52Cr, bfliile the residual fragments of HTi are formed through decays of an alpha- particle and three neutrons (aBN). Since the excitation-energy range of tine primary population of “°Ti extends only over the low energy region, the gamma-ray transitions between high-spin states depends mainly on the shape of the yrast line. On the other hand, the primary population distribution of “5T1 will be scattered widely over the excitation energy regitnl, which means that the gamma-ray intensities are sensitive to the shape of the yrast line. This is supported by the observed data; the gamma-ray intensities along the yrast line in ”Ti are roughly constant (high-spin states above 5.42 MeV are not well known experimentally [Ka8u1), while the transition of 6.2u(1o*) » A.90(8+) is apparently weaker than those between low-lying states. V.3.2 Scandium (Sc) Transitions of 3.570?) + 2.67(9+) + o.97(7*) + O.27(6+) in “So [En78] and 3.694%.) + 2.110%.) + 1.211(l-g) + mg.) in ”So [Le78] are observed. The state of 0.27(6*) MeV in “"Sc is an isomeric state with 11/2=2.1111 days, hence the transition of this state to the ground state could not be observed in the present experiment. Fragments of ”Sc are predicted to be produced by decays of aP2N from the compound nucleus and “So by decays of aP3N according to the V-137 statistical model [P077]. The excitation range for both the nuclei extends over from the low energy to the intermediate energy region. The observed gamma-ray intensities for these nuclei are shown in Table V.3.2. Data for ”So indicate a fair agreement with the prediction, although the prediction shows no enhancement for the population of the 1.2“ (1%5) MeV state while a larger population of this state or-zi large feeding to this state from states inside the yrast line is indicated by the data. The isomeric (or high-spin) character of the 3.57(11+) MeV state in “Sc leads to the prediction of a large population for this state. Although the uncertain spin assignments for the 11.11 and 3.98 MeV states limit the comparison to only the knwdying transitions, a rough agreement between the predicted and the observed gamma-ray intensities is provided for ““Sc. V.3.3 Calcium (Ca) The strongest transition line of those observed for 2:20 is along 7.75(11')+ 7.37(1o‘) » 6.55(9‘) + 5.711(7’) ~> n.10(5‘) + 3.19(6+) + 2.75M’) + 1.52(2*) + em”) in ”Ca [En78, Eg78b, Ke80, He81]. A sequence of the E2 transitions along 11.72(6+) + 3.25(11+) + 1.52(2+) is . . . 15' 11‘ also observed with (.a. The tranSltlon of 2.75(—§ * 1.68(—‘2 ) + 0(‘3‘ ) is the main one in ”Ca and also that along 5.930% ) -9 5.16(-1-% + 439(33- ) [En78, Be78, Be79] which flows down inside the yrast line is observed. The observed gamma-ray intensities for ”Ca and ”Ca are compared with those predicted by the CASCADE code in Table V.3.3. Data for ”Ca V-138 and ”Ca show a major disagreement with the CASCADE code prediction for the transitions between states inside the yrast line, for example, EY=776 and 761 KeV in ”Ca and EY:11162 and 1729 Kev in ”Ca. The observed gamma-ray intensities for these transitions are comparable to those for yrast line transitions, while the predicted values are nearly negligible compared to the latter. It is also obvious that the model fails to predict the relative populations for the yrast-line states, especially in the low-lying transitions in ”Ca. The model predicts larger populations than observed for the high-lying states, or smaller populations for the low-lying states. One has to remember that both the predicted and the observed gamma-ray intensities are normalized to a certain transition, hence the terms "larger" and "smaller" are relative. Gamma-ray intensities under the assumption of a Boltzmann thermal distribution with xT=2.76 MeV are calculated by virtue of the relatively well known level information and compared with those observed for “’Ca in Table V.3.3. Since the 3.19 MeV is a long-lived state with 1' =5.” 1/2 ns, a substantial decrease in the observed ganma-ray intensities from decay of that state is expected. Nevertheless, the Boltzmann distribution calculation predicts smaller populations than those observed for the high-lying states, and larger populations for the low- lying states. A rough agreement for the transitions inside the yrast line is quite remarkable. These results seem to show that statistical emission is still an important process in the population of this nucleus, however there exists a possibility that a Boltzmann distribution may also play an important role in the population of the low-lying states. 1.1-139 V.3.N Potassium (K) Gamma-rays along 2.511(7+) + 0.89(5—) * 0(14_) [En78] are observed with ”K. “‘K have two strong transition lines; 11.99(% ) .. 11.28(1—g s + + + - - + 2.764% ) -> 1.290;- ) and 3.9001; ) + 2.770% ) + 2.53(l% ) * 1.680% ) * ... 0(% ) [En78, Eg78a, Li78, St86]. The transition of the 1.29 MeV state to the ground state could not be observed because of the long half-life of =7.2 ns. The transition of A.60(9) » 3.56(8) + 1.95(7+) + 11/2 1.38(6+) - 0.6705-) + 0.26(‘4_) * 0.11(3-) + 0(2-) [En78, Wa75] is the strongest one for “2K. Fragments of these isotopes are at least three light particles less than the compound nucleus. For ”K, decay of 2a1P3N from the compound nucleus of 52Cr with the excitation energy 92 MeV will cool down the residual fragment significantly. The predicted excitation energy range of the primary population distribution for ”K is from 0 to 8 MeV only, which means that the population of fragments for this nucleus will be concentrated in the very low-lying states. However the observed gamma- ray intensities for ”K, which are given in Table 11.3.11 along for “K and ”K, show that the CASCADE prediction underestimates substantially the populations at high excitation energy region in ”K. This can be interpreted to mean that the evaporation process of the compound nucleus may not be the main exit channel to produce ”K. In Table V.3.ll, one may also note that the CASCADE calculation overestimates the population of high-lying states and underestimates it for states inside the yrast line for the case of “K. Data for ”K show a rough agreement, however the long half-life, T =1.1 ns, of the 0.68 MeV state complicates the 1/2 V-1NO overall comparison for this nucleus. V.3.5 Argon (Ar) Gamma-rays along 6.A1(6+) * A.59(5-) + 9.48(A-) * 3.81(3-) +3 2.17(2+) + 0(0+) [En78, Aa79] in 36Ar are from the nain transition, . ,, . . 17" 15+ while Ar also had a strong tran31tlon of 5.55(—§ ) + H.5N(—§ ) » 3.99(l%+) + 2.65(l%-) + 0(%-) [En78, Ha87]. Gamma-rays in “°Ar are relatively weak (EYz1u61 Kev will be the strongest transition for “‘Ar), and this indicates that the quasi-elastic scattering of the projectile (“°Ar) is not an important process in the production of these fragments. Data for 38Ar and 39Ar are given in Table V.3.5. Level information including spin, energy, and gamma-branching ratio of each state is relatively well known for 3"Ar, which encourages a thermal calculation for gamma-ray intensities. The rough agreement between the prediction of the CASCADE code and the observations for 3"Ar is somewhat surprising, while the thermal calculation with the Boltzmann distribution overestimates the populations at knrdying states. For 39Ar, the statistical prediction overestimates the populatixni<3f high- lying states. V.3.6 Chlorine (Cl) Transitions along 2.52(5-) + 0.79(3+) * 0(2+)1U13°Cl [En78] and those along 5.274% ) + u.55(1% ) . thong ) . 3.1m; ) + or;- ) in “c1 [En78] are observed. Also, gamma-ray of 638 Kev [1.31(11-) + O.67(5-)] v—m and 755 KeV [0.76(3’) . 0(2‘)] were observed with ”Cl, while the isomeric state, 0.67 MeV, has the half—life, T =715 ms [En78]. 1/2 Since the CASCADE calculation predicts little cross section for the nucleus with charge equal to 17 or smaller while the experimental cross sections for those nuclei are comparable to 2:18, 19, or 20, a comparison of it with the observed values becomes less plausible. In particular, the negligible cross section predicted by the model for 36C1 disagrees with the data directly, and this encourages a calculation of the thermal population distribution. This could be done because of the large amount of information on the levels and ganma-branching ratios that exist for this nucleus. The calculated gamma-ray intensities from the CASCADE code are compared with those observed for HCl. The results are shown in Table V.3.6. The same argument made for ”Ca can be applied to these nuclei; there is an overestimation of the populations at high-lying states by the CASCADE code calculation and an underestimation by the Boltzmann thermal calculation. V.3.7 Sulfur (S) + 1+ Transitions of 1.9702- ) + 0(%+) and 0.811(-2- ) + 0(%+) are observed with 33S [En78, Ra85]. 5.69(5-) .. l1.6.2(3.) * 3.30(2+) «r 2.13(2+) * 0(0+) in 3“S [En78, Ra85] is the strongest gauma-ray sequence in this isotope. Table V.3.7 shows results for 33S and 3"S. A comparison with the thermal calculation is carried out for both nuclei in this table. Even though there exist uncertainties which arise from the limited level 1.1-1112 120 (40Ar, 7T1), E/A-—-8 MeV 80 :r E 3 3 13° i~' ff ‘3' s a ‘ so; ' a 9 2 Z 2 I 9 ‘1 Z 3‘ '10 <13 m: i O ll...l.L..J.... is] i . i l l l . l . L. O \ so 100 150 200 U) a, E-1 E. g Z s " § ‘3 D i if ‘9‘ o “i '3 U 0 . . L L . . i l . 250 300 350 CHANNEL Figure V.3.1 Doppler-shift corrected Y-ray energy spectra (Ge) in coincidence with Titanium (Ti). V—1113 12C (40Ar, 780), E/A=8 MeV 100’ [s so 'I §. § § 3; : 3 .. r. -- 3 :9 8 so 3 Q o 1-—.] $ -- .. m 6°? 3 3 Z i 2 4°? a O 0 i l l l L . l i . l L l i i l i l i \ 507 100 150 200 250 40— '3 z r “i I 8 3 D 307 ,“3 3 O : 9 i o 201' I l 10:— 0 ’. . LL,l . Ll . L, 1 . L, . . 1 . . . l, 1 . 300 350 400 450 CHANNEL Figure V.3.2 Same as in Figure V.3.1 with Scandium (Sc). 12C (4OAI‘, 7Ca), 1.1-1‘11] E /A=8 MeV [ - 1250 N 3 o 4 3000 — § 3 333 ° 8 I L ... ”g g + - .. ...; .. " ... a _ 1000 S 1- 3+ 3 E E g j ' ._J - a a t. 9 2 ‘ m 2000 - :2 ‘3 a} 750 z i i 8 g 3 z I g 9i 500 <3 1000 L 6, i L in . CI: 250 U 0 LLLLLlLLLLlLLLL Ll L L L L l L L L L l L L L L l L 0 \ _2o 40 60 80 100 150 200 250 U) : as E“ 400E- 9 «,3 Z - s i 2 D 300 ' 7- § § 8 .. O : ,9} 3 ' 8 E 3 100:- '¢ g l L L l L L L L l L L L L l L L L l L L A 300 350 400 450 500 550 Figure V.3.3 Same as in Figure V.3.1 with Calcium (Ca). CHANNEL V-11-15 120 (40Ar, 7K), E/A=8 MeV 500 450 400 300 m m m m o 8 6 4. 2 1 L _ 4 4 _ L 1 _ q . L 0 :3 ”3 1 % «an ”3 So i. 0 l 0 2 2:. "me 2.8 .3+ 95 ”we 82 "3 26+ one Luv L O 1 5 ms: Luv «S ”3 L 1 «E L So 6+ 30383 ”3 9153 "we L 0 so: ”3 l 0 1 Sn ”an on”: 6.3 w 33 .8 L...\N L L SN 3* ILL O LN L 6 33:8" ”9 a a: "av lL 0 L 4 on: a? fur L as: "3+ 2: "no 1. m «a: ”9 Lr._ ._....L+. L .LL .1..._. 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1.. 4 3 2 1 amzzsmgmszgo 350 CHANNEL Same as in Figure Figure V.3.1 with Potassium (K). Figure V.3.A V-1116 120 (40Ar, 7Ar), E/A=8 MeV 10000 L” J 1250 3000 L” —: 1000 1—] o N R’ [fl 6000 r it 8 3 1 750 Z 5 s as; Z 4000 _- 1 500 :I'. 2000 :— -: 250 U LILLLLILLLLlLLLL L l L L L L i L L L L l L L L L 1 LL: 0 \ 20 40 so so 100 150 200 250 Cf) E—u 500 g . O 300 .. .. g C.) 5 g 3 ‘3’. 200 a a; .L § 8 n H i a L, 100 3' L l L L L L l L L L l L L L l L L L L l L L L L 300 350 400 450 500 550 CHANNEL Figure V.3.5 Same as in Figure Figure V.3.1 with Argon (Ar). v-1A7 120 (40Ar, 701), E/A=8 MeV 600'- 37:534 1' V 400 1, 511 38 638 37:726 38 755 - 36:788 37:90? 2001- 100 150 200 250 125. 100 1' 75 L i = 1' COUNTS/CHANNEL 50L 38:1165 36:1730 35:1783 25 _ o J A A l a L A I l L n 1 1 l L 1 1 A I 300 350 400 450 CHANNEL Figure V.3.6 Same as in Figure Figure V.3.1 with Chlorine (Cl). COUNTS/CHANNEL Figure V.3.7 12C V-1A8 (“Ar 78), E/A=8 MeV 2 200 i :0 3 m ... :0 "l' ‘ N C 8 o O 0 F u 3 2 150' j I 8 g 8 " a: E [ I I: 3 {'3 3 ' 1 ML! ' I 'NL 1. f [ 100:- . '1' : '_'[ [[7 J E [ 1 511 [i " ‘ [ 50 - 0 ' 1 i L 1 1 L 1 C 100 150 200 250 300 IOOE- b ' 3 : [ 1 “’ I W [‘ [1L1 “ 1[ [v J :3 60 3 ‘ 1 [ 1‘ 1 [ 1 [ [[ I : a ; i’ : 3 ‘ 4O 7 t [g : 3 "' 20E- 8 0 : L l L L L L I L L L . 1 L L L LL: L 350 400 450 500 550 CHANNEL Same as in Figure Figure V.3.1 with Sulfur (S). V-1’49 r V l r V V V I I' V V V l’ V T I 15000:- 12C (40Ar’ 7K) ‘ % E/A=8 MeV M CD 10000 - - \ 1 U) E" Z :3 O 5000 - U . 0 0 Figure V.3.8 Doppler-shift corrected Y-ray energy spectra coincidence with Potassium (K). a) At E/A=8 MeV. (NaI) in V-150 C 12 40 1000 - C ( A1", 7K) - [E , E / A: 10 MeV L M 800 - - CD \ 600:- Q m ’ ’ B p g 400 - - O o _ . 200 ~ -— 0 b . j . . I . . . i l L . i L l . . J A I 0 500 1000 1500 2000 » E7 (KeV) Figure V.3.8 (cont'd.) b) At E/A=10 MeV. V-151 400 ' .1 ' 1 12C (“An 7K) 3 ' E /A= 12 MeV M 300 ' - co 1 \ h ‘ m 200 "' i - E—a . Z :9 O b L U 100 _ - 00 L ‘ A A560 ‘ j + ‘10230‘ L L .1580. I A éOOO E7 (KeV) Figure V.3.8 (cont'd.) c) At E/A=12 MeV. V-152 Table V.3.1 Relative gamma-ray intensities at E/Az8 MeV. a) For “5T1. EY Decay B.R. N1 err. IY (KeV) (1) (1) observed‘ CASC.2 15‘ 13’ 585 3.60(-§')*3.02(-§ ) 82 45:20 0.322 1ui6 15 15‘ 11‘ 15M? 3.02(—§-)+1.N7(-§-) 80 24:12 0.128 1919 17 1M69 1.N7(l%-)+ O(% ) 100 25:10 0.135 19:7 19 ‘ Total number of gamma rays emitted during the entire runs through Mn angle (unit: 1000 counts). 2 Predictions by the CASCADE code [P077] (normalized to EY:1469 KeV). Table V.3.1 (cont'd.) b) For “°Ti. EY Decay B.R. NY Eff. IY (KeV) (1) (1) observed‘ CASC.2 13u5 6.2u(10*)»u.90(8*) 100 25:11 0.1u7 17:8 16 1289 3.30(6*) +2.01(u*) 100 58:29 0.159 38:16 28 1121 2.01(u*) +0.89(2+) 100 57:15 0.176 33:8 33 889 0.89(2*) » 0(0‘) 100 68:29 0.217 31:13 35 ‘,2 Same as in Part a) except for a normalization to E :1121 Kev. Y V-153 Table V.3.2 Relative gamma-ray intensities at E/A:8 MeV. a) For ““Sc. I Y Decay B.R. Y Eff. Y (KeV) (1) (1) observed‘ Efl§9:2 5A6’ H.111 ? ):3.57(11*) 100 85:23 0.396 25:7 1083 3.98( 7 )+3.57(11*) 100 92:25 0.180 19:5 895 3.57(11*)+2.67(9‘) 100 139:45 0.216 57:21 51 1709 2.67(9+) +0.97(7+) 100 72:26 0.117 62:22 59 697 0.97(7+) +0.27(6*) 100 175:27 0.270 65:10 65 350* 0.35(u‘) » 0(2‘) 100 101:50 0.573 18:9 1 ‘,2 Same as in Table V.3.1 except for a normalization to EY:697 KeV. 3 a. 11/2(O.35 MeV):3.1 ns Uncertain spin assignment (no predicted value is given). Table V.3.2 (cont'd.) b) For “580. EY Decay B.R. NY err. IY (KeV) (1) (7) observed‘ 01130.2 19' 15' 1586 3.69(—§-)+2.111—§ ) 100 52:20 0.125 50:17 59 870 2.1111; +1.2uclg ) 100 182:61 0.221 87:28 87 1237 1.2u(1%-)+ 0(%-) 100 203:30 0.160 127:19 95 ‘,2 Same as in Table V.3.1 except for a normalization to EY:87O Kev. V-15N Table V.3.3 Relative gamma-ray intensities at E/A:8 MeV. a) For “ZCa. EY Decay B R NY Eff. IY (KeV) (1) (1) observed‘ CASC.2 ther. 382 7.75(11')+7.37(10‘) 100 867:200 0.518 167:39 310 87 815 7.37(10‘)»6.55(9’) 100 +810 6.55(9') :5.79(7') 72 2338:130 0.235 995:55 960 810 195 6.55(9‘) +6.91(8’) 28 1697:115 0.997 179:12 179 179 916 6.91(8’) +5.99(6’) 72 +909 9.10(5') +3.19(6‘) 67 1700:390 0.211 806:185 907 1180 1699 5.7917') ~9.10(5’) 59 585:280 0.121 983:231 279 399 939“ 3.19(6+) +2.75(9*1 100 2785:300 0.991 632:68 595 3610 1227 2.75(9+) +1.52(2*) 99 2359:350 0.161 1965:217 710 5530 1529 1.52(2*) + 0(0‘) 100 2090:185 0.130 1608:192 716 8710 1962 9.72(6+) ~3.25(9*) 95 510:210 0.135 378:156 18 362 1729 3.25(9*) +1.52(2*) 55 577:290 0.115 502:209 13 600 ‘,2 Same as in Table V.3.1 except for a normalization to E Y=1L15 KeV. 3 Predictions of thermal distribution with KT:2.76 MeV (normalized to EY:195 KeV). 71/2(3.19 MeV):5.N ns. V-155 Table V.3.3 (cont'd.) b) For “‘Ca. EY Decay B.R. NY Eff. IY (KeV) ‘ (1) (1) observed‘ CASC.2 776 5.93113- )+5.16(-]% 1 100 17" 15' +761 5.16(*§ )+H.39(—§ ) 64 “851115 0.247 196:“? 6“ 1076 2.75133 )»1.68(-%) 100 816:130 0.183 996:71 996 1678 1.681% 1» 017 373 0.371% ) + 01 100 963:990 0.118 7311295 692 ) 100 227:100 0.532 ”3:19 123 ‘,2 Same as in Table V.3.1 except for a normalization to E Y 21076 KeV. Table V.3.“ Relative gamma-ray intensities at E/Az8 MeV. V-156 a) For “°K. 7 Decay B.R. Y (KeV) (1) 1350 6.23(10’)»9.88<9+) 100 270:120 510 9.88(9*) +9.37(8*) 36 359:80 16513 2.59(7+) +0.89(5') 89 392:160 892 0.8915’) ~ 019') 100 1699:220 Eff. (%) 0.176 0.372 0.120 0.216 I Y observed‘ CASC.2 185:82 90 95:21 39 2852133 321 787:102 787 ‘,2 Same as in Table V.3.1 except for a normalization to EY=892 KeV. 3 ‘1/2 (2.5“ MeV):1.1 ns V-157 Table V.3.“ (cont'd.) b) For “‘K. EY Decay B.R. NY Eff. IY (KeV) (7) (1) observed‘ CASC.2 13+ 11+ 296 2.77(—§ )~2.53(—§ ) 100 3503:155 0.838 “18:19 611 11+ 7+ 851 2.53(-§-)+1.68(§ ) 100 1215:180 0.225 590:80 719 7+ 3+ 1677 1.68(§ ) + 0(5 ) 100 9281135 0.118 7863115 786 709 9.991% 192811-31 100 1918:90 0.266 533:39 960 - + 1502 9.281131 12.7711; ) 20 +1515 9.28113- )+2.76(l-;-) 80 856:190 0.131 653:195 593 1967 2.7601;- 14.29%) 100 1067:180 0.135 790:133 535 3 1‘ 3" 1299 1.29(2 ) + 0(2 ) 100 ',2 Same as in Table V.3.1 except for a normalization to E :1677 KeV. 3 T1/2 (1.29 KeV):7.2 ns. Y Table V.3.9 (cont'd.) c) For “2K. V-158 I Y Decay B.R. Y Eff. Y (KeV) (1) (1) observed‘ §fl§9:2 1093 9.60(9) +3.56(8) 100 115150 0.188 198:86 198 1612 3.56(8) +1.95(7*1 100 537:225 0.123 937:182 211 572 1.95(7+) +1.38(6+) 100 1123:95 0.329 391:29 260 678’ 1.38(6*) +0.70(5’) 90 760:165 0.278 273:60 300 990 0.70(5') +0.26(9‘) 96 1539:290 0.990 399:55 399 151 0.26(9‘) +0.11(3‘) 100 2556:190 0.919 278:21 372 107 0.11(3') : 0(2') 100 3191:380 0.970 329:39 902 ‘,2 Same as in Table V.3.1 except for a normalization to E :990 KeV. 3 ‘1/2 (1.38 KeV):1.1 ns. Y V-159 Table V.3.5 Relative gamma-ray intensities at E/A:8 MeV. a) For ‘°Ar. I Y Decay B.R. Y Eff. Y (KeV) (1) (7) observed‘ CASC.2 ther.’ 1822 6.91(6*) +9.59(5’) 100 8321250 0.109 763:229 971 223 106 9.59(5') ~9.98(9‘) 90 8500:1600 0.970 876:165 1210 936 776 9.59(5’) +3.81(3") 10 5851105 0.295 239193 135 109 670 9.9819“) +3.81(3’) 100 36901190 0.281 1310170 1310 1310 1692 3.81(3') +2.17(2*) 100 20671265 0.121 17101220 1570 1855 2168 2.17(2*) + 0(0*) 100 5201160 0.0321 1630:500 1760 2701 ‘,2 Same as in Table V.3.1 except for a normalization to EY=670 KeV. 3 Predictions of thermal distribution with xT=2.76 MeV (normalized to EY :670 KeV). “ Limited detection efficiency. Table V.3.5 (cont'd.) b) For 39Ar. Ev Decay B.R. N7 Eff. 17 (KeV) (1) (1) observed‘ CASC.2 17+ 15+ 992 5.59(-§ )+9.59(—§ ) 100 7361155 0.197 379179 569 15* 13* 551 9.59(-§-)+3.99(-§ ) 100 19961280 0.393 582182 699 13* 11' 1391 3.99(—§ )+2.65(-§-) 100 12711215 0.197 8651196 865 ‘,2 Same as in Table V.3.1 except for a normalization to E =1391 KeV. Y V-160 Table V.3.6 Relative gamma-ray intensities at E/Az8 MeV. a) For 3"Cl. E:Y Decay B.R. NY Eff. IY (KeV) (1) (1) observed‘ ther.2 292 2.8116‘) +2.5215') 39 988151 0.701 70:7 28 17303 2.52(5*) ~0.79(3*) 96 250150 0.115 217193 173 788 0.79(3+) + 0(2*) 100 8701220 0.291 361191 361 1165 1.17(1*) + 0(2*) 100 198160 0.170 87:35 151 ‘ Total number of gamma rays emitted during the entire runs through 99 angle (unit: 1000 counts). 2 Predictions of thermal distribution with KT:2.76 MeV (normalized to EY:788 KeV). (2.52 MeV):1.6 ns 3 ‘1/2 Table V.3.6 (cont'd.) b) For “Cl. E7 Decay B.R. N7 Eff. 11 (KeV) (1) (1) observed‘ CASC.2 726 5.2711; )+9.55(1%-) 100 270190 0.260 109115 288 539 9.55(l% )+9.01(% ) 100 12901260 0.359 350173 390 907 9.011% ) +3.10(% 1 69 613176 0.213 288136 288 ‘,2 Same as in Table V.3.1 except for a normalization to EY=907 KeV. V-161 Table V.3.7 Relative gamma-ray intensities at E/A:8 MeV. a) For 33S. E1 Decay B.R. NY err. IY (KeV) (1) (1) observed‘ ther.2 5* 3* 1966 1.97(§ ) 1 0(5 ) 100 270:60 0.101 267159 210 891 0.89(% ) + 0(% ) 100 213:50 0.228 93:22 93 ‘ Total number of gamma rays emitted during the entire runs through 9n angle (unit: 1000 counts). 2 Predictions of thermal distribution with KT:2.76 MeV (normalized to EY:891 KeV). Table V.3.7 (cont'd.) b) For 3“S. EY Decay B.R. NY Eff. IY (KeV) (1) (1) observed‘ ther.2 1001 5.69(5') +9.69(9*) 52 375172 0.195 192137 136 1066 5.69(5') +9.62(3’) 98 300159 0.189 163129 126 1320 9.62(3‘) +3.30(2*) 76 376196 0.150 251131 252 1176 3.30(2*) +2.13(2*) 56 213198 0.168 127129 127 2127 2.13(2*) + 0(0*) 100 377180 0.0973 8021170 1390 I 2 , Same as in Part a) except for a normalization to E :1176 KeV. Y 3 Limited detection efficiency. V-162 information for these nuclei, and also the calculation again predicts a little larger populations at low-lying states, a calculation of the Boltzmann thermal distribution shows only minor disagreement with the observed data. The comparable magnitude of the observed cross sections for Si and P, as well as S and Cl, represent a major disagreement with the mass spectra calculated by CASCADE code. As shown in Ch. 111, although it is understood that the production of complex fragments with masses lighter than half the compound nucleus is mainly due to the binary-decay process of the composite system [Ch86a, M085, 8083], the origin of heavy fragments (masses between the symmetric-fission product and the projectile nucleus, e.g., Si, P, S, C1) is somewhat ambiguous; they could be the binary-decay reaction partners of the complex fragments or residual fragments of the composite system in the incomplete fusion rather than in the complete fusion. Perhaps both processes are responsible for the production of these fragments [M185]. This is supported by the large yields of these fragments (Si, P, S, Cl, etc.) in comparison with those for the complex fragments (Li, Be, 8, etc.). If the binary-decay process was the main channel to populate these less heavy residual fragments, the yields for these fragments should have been comparable to those for the complex fragments. Massive cluster transfer reactions with distinct Q-values and high, but less than ch, angular momenta in the entrance channel have been introduced by Morgenstern et al. [M086b] in order to obtain a new insight into the reaction mechanism of incomplete-fusion events. However, without much detailed knowledge of the incomplete-fusion mechanism, for example, V-163 break-up of the target nucleus or the projectile nucleus, any attempt to estimate the contribution from the incomplete-fusion process may not be plausible. In Ch. 111, the average velocity for the heavy residual fragments at a small angle (026° in Ref. M089b, 0=2.5° in Ref. M086b, and 0:11° in the present experiment) seem to differ from one to another, and this complicates the determination of the average momentum transfer. Most gamma-ray peaks observed in coincidence with heavy residual fragments turned out to belong to the transitions between high-spin states, especially along the yrast-lines, which agrees with the basic assumption of the statistical model. However the transitions from the lower-spin states to the higher-spin states become observable as the mass of the heavy fragments decreases. Predictions by the CASCADE code [P1177] seem to agree roughly with the experimental data for the population distribution of the high-spin states in isotopes of Ti and So. Disagreement arises for some isotopes with Z < 21. In this less heavy residual fragment region, the statistical model [P077] predicts, in general, larger populations for higher—lying states or smaller ones for lower-lying states. A thermal calculation, which is based on the assumption of the Boltzmann distribution with KT=2.76 MeV, which is predicted for E/Az8 MeV in the Fermi gas model, generally predicts the opposite way; smaller populations for high-lying states or larger ones for lower-lying states. Uncertainties in the level information do not seem to explain the discrepancy for the latter case. However, the rough agreement of the data with the thermal calculation for sulfur isotopes may imply that the binary-decay process becomes more important in the fragment forming channel as the mass gets lighter in this heavy residual fragment region. The surprising result for 3aAr, which shows a rough V-169 agreement between the CASCADE code prediction and the observed data, may be interpreted to mean that the compound-nucleus decay dominates in the production of fragments of this nucleus. This may be also supported tn! the larger gamma-ray intensities for 3“Ar than for 39Ar, which is consistent with the CASCADE code calculation. In conclusion, the CASCADE statistical model calculation predicts the population distributions of the nuclear states in the heavy residual fragments with masses close to the maximum mass in the reaction. This indicates that the statistical emission of the very light particles from the complete-fusion product (compound nucleus) is a dominant process in the production of those heavier residual fragments. However neither the CASCADE code alone nor the Boltzmann thermal distribution with the Fermi gas model temperature alone shows major agreement with the data fkn' fragments of Z<21. Perhaps the incomplete-fusion process may contribute significantly to the production of these less heavy residual fragments [Mi85]. Alternatively, as no attempt has ever been made before to apply the CASCADE code to predict the population distributions of nuclear states in the heavy residual fragments, one may suspect the credibility of the predictions for the population distributions of nuclear states by the model. Nonetheless, an indication of the resemblance of the population distributions among the low-lying states in the less heavy residual fragments to the Boltzmann thermal distribution and a rough agreement between the data and thermal calculation for sulfku~ isotopes may tn; taken to imply that the binary-decay process of compound nucleus also plays an appreciable role in the production of the heavy residual fragments, and possibly a major role as the mass gets lighter. CHAPTER VI: SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS In continuation of a study of the statistical equilibrium in the nuclear system [M086a], the reaction of ”Ar + ”C at E/A=8, 10, and 12 MeV was studied. Gamma-ray energy spectra were obtained for ganIna-rays in coincidence with complex fragments and heavy residual fragments. Particle singles inclusive spectra for the entire mass region (332522) were also obtained owing to the excellent particle identification of the silicon surface barrier particle telescopes. The use of the reverse kinematics in the present experiment enabled the detection of the heavy residual fragments. Population distributions of nuclear states in complex fragments up to the symetric-fission limit and also those in heavy residual fragments are investigated for the first time by the measurement of the gamma—ray intensities. Diagrams of the observed peak velocities for complex fragments indicate the existence of a Coulomb velocity which is determined mainly by the Coulomb repulsion energy in the binary decay process. The rough coincidence between the center of the Coulomb velocities and the origin of center-of—mass frame is taken as evidence that the complex fragments are produced mainly from the compound nuclei via binary-decay processes. A rough agreement between the median velocity of the backward-scattering and forward-scattering peaks and the calculated value of VCMcoselab enhances the characterization of compound-nucleus emission for complex fragments. No major differences in the velocity diagrams or the VI-165 Vl-166 comparison of median velocities are observed between different beam energies. Analysis of the simultaneous events for complex fragments in the particle singles runs provides another dimension in a study of the origin of these fragments. These events belong mostly to either between telescope-1 and 9 or between telescope-2 and 3, which define two scattering planes that intersect along the beam line. Very few simultaneous events of complex fragments with large values of Z,+Z2 were observed in the combinations of telescopes which define planes out of the beam line. This indicates that the moving source of the complex fragments must proceed in the beam direction. For the events with smaller Z,+Z2, comparatively large contribution from the "out-of-plane" combinations is observed, which may be due to the incomplete fusion or continuous light particle emission after binary decay from the compound nucleus; in both cases, the simultaneous events are not necessarily confined to the "in-plane" combinations. A large number of events with total charge (2:29) were observed at E/A=8 MeV for intermediate fragments (Z>6), while few were observed at E/A=10 and 12 MeV. The estimated average values of Z,+Z2 (about 23, 22, and 21 at E/A=8, 10, and 12 MeV, respectively) are roughly consistent with the prediction basing on the complete-fusion reaction. The shift in the centroid velocity of heavy residual fragments away from vCMcoselab is usually considered to be due to incomplete fusion in the entrance channel [H187, M089b]. At 01ab=11°, the measured centroid velocities for various fragments deviate from the predicted values. An obvious trend is that, as the mass increases, the centroid velocity decreases with respect to the predicted velocity of v coselab, which CM V1-167 indicates a tendency of the projectile break-up in the incomplete fusion. This result disagrees with the abrasion model [Ch87a] and also vdth the resulUspwesented in Ref. M089b, in which a tendency of the target break-up in the reverse kinematics is exhibited. Hopefully, further measurements of the cross sections of evaporation residues with a wider mass range at various angles will help to solve this puzzle. As an alternative to the moving source fits [We82, Ja83] for the complex fragments, the kinetic energy spectra in the center-of-mass frame were fitted by a Maxwell-Boltzmann function in order to check the internal consistency of the slope parameters between complex fragments. 'Hmzrangecfl‘values was 2.7MeV-3.7Mev at E/A:8MeV, 3.9MeV-9.2MeV at E/A:10MeV, and 3.5MeV-9.5Mev at E/A:12MeV, which shows the higher slope parameter for the higher beam energy. A general trend that the slope parameter decreases as the mass of the complex fragments gets heavier at the same beam energy, which implies the lower temperatures for the heavier complex fragments, are understood by the time evolution of the temperature in a hot—equilibrated nuclear system [8086]. Nevert1ualess, the slope parameters are very comparable to the predicted temperatures by the Fermi Gas model, which are 2.8, 3.1, and 3.5 MeV at E/A=8, 10, 12 MeV, respectively, after taking the rotational energy into account. The Coulomb shift parameter from the fitting is in a rough agreement with the calculated Coulomb barrier potential for each isotope. The relative population distribution of nuclear states among the bound states were studied by the measurement of the gamma-ray intensities in coincidence with the complex fragments. The deduced temperatures, which reflect the relative populations of nuclear states under the assumption of a simple Boltzmann distribution, are shown for a Vl-168 summary in Figure VI.1.1 for the entire complex fragment region. For ‘Li, 7Be, and “’13, the deduced temperatures show a good agreement with the pnwuiicted temperatures under the statistical equilibrium and also with the slope parameters up to E/A:10 MeV. Comparison cfl‘tniis result with a earlier study by Morrissey et al. [M086a] shows that these fragments are produced from the equilibrated compound system, however a correction must be made in the predicted temperatures in the Fermi gas model by the subtraction of the rotational energy from the maximum possible excitation energy in the full-momentum transfer reaction. At E/A:12 MeV, while the temperature from ‘°B roughly agrees with that predicted, those from 7Li and 7Be are significantly lower than predicted. This is consistent in part with the result in Ref. Mo86a, in which Morrissey et al. observed low temperatures from population distributions at E/A=12 MeV and higher beam energies, however in the present data t1u2.light fragments (7Li, 7Be, and ‘°B) did not give the same temperature at E/A:12 MeV. This discrepancy is understood as to be due to the effect of preferential feeding from higher-A nuclear systems on the population distributions of these fragments. In the determinatitn1<3f the 7Li gamma-fraction, contamination of the primary population of 8Be ground state to the 7Li singles inclusive spectra has been taken into account by means of a statistical theory [T088, Ha87] and a Monte-Carlo simulation [8186], and it has been estimated to be 10% at E/Az8 MeV, 9% at E/A:10 MeV, and negligible at E/A212 MeV. This study has been extended more broadly in the present experiment by the observation of the relative population of nuclear states in the intermediate fragments (A>12). Temperatures extracted from the gamma-— ray intensities in coincidence with H'N, "’0, “‘0, ”F, ”Ne, 2‘Ne, VI-169 22Ne, and 23Na show a fluctuation ranging from 0.2 MeV to infinity. No significant difference is observed between different beam energies, which implies that the fluctuation may be due to some other physical effect; in this thesis, a qualitative investigation regarding the effect of the preferential feeding to certain states from the higher-A nuclear unbound states [Ha88, Ha87, M085a, M089a, St83] on the measured temperature has been carried out. The quantum statistical model [Fi87, St83] looks successful in explaining this. Especially, as shown in Figure 17.9.9b, the low gamma-fraction predicted by the quantum + + statistical model for ”0 [0.891(5- ) 1 0(3 )] agrees remarkably well with the data, while the predicted gamma-fraction from the primary distribution is much higher than the experimental result. Low temperatures from 7Li and 7Be at E/A:12 MeV may also be due to the preferential feedings to the ground states of these mirror nuclei. However, the model appears to overestimate the preferential feedings to certain states in certain nuclei. In conclusion, the observed relative population distributions of nuclear states in the complex fragment region indicate that these fragments are produced from the equilibrated compound system, however the preferential feedings from the higher-A nuclear systems may have to be taken into account in the determination of the nuclear temperatures. Finally, the observed relative population distributions of bound states in the heavy residual fragments are compared with the CASCADE code calculation [P077]. The predicted yrast-line dominance of the gamma-ray transitions agrees roughly with the data for the nuclei close to the compound nucleus, which indicates that those fragments are formed VI-170 from the compound nuclei in the full-momentum transfer reactions through the statistical emission of the very light particles. The enhancement of the states inside the yrast line and also of the low—lying states are indicated only for nuclei far lighter than the compound nucleus. One does not see any radical change between any neighboring isotopes, however, one does see a notable trend of changing from the yrast-line dominant population distributions to the Boltzmann distributions. The Boltzmann distribution could be accidentally just a combination of the population distributions from the compound nuclei in the complete fusion and from the composite systems in the incomplete fusion with various momentum transfers [M086b]. No further and more specific conclusions regarding the production of the heavy residual fragments, for instance, the fraction of the incomplete-fusion reaction with a certain type of cluster transfer, the fraction of fission products, and the overall contribution from the complete—fusion process, have been drawn in the present measurement. It is strongly hoped in this thesis that this new challenging measurement of the relative population distributions of nuclear states in the heavy residual fragments by the detection of the gamma-rays in coincidence with these fragments will help future understanding in this field. In conclusion, for the low energy reactions up to 12 MeV/nucleon in the present experiment, the complex fragments are mainly produced from the compound nuclei through a binary-decay process. The rough agreement of the measured temperatures with those predicted after taking the rotational energy and the preferential feedings into account indicates that the compound system reaches thermal equilibrium before it starts emitting complex fragments. Heavy residual fragments with masses near VI-171 the cxnnpound nucleus are formed mainly from the compound nuclei via the statistical emission of the light particles. However, as the mass of the residual fragnmnts decreases away from the compound nucleus, contributions from the decay of the composite systems in the incomplete- fusicui reactions and also from the binary-decay process of the compound rumdei may be more responsible for the production of the less heavy residual fragments. In addition, it appears that the new nuclear temperature measurement works roughly for fragments of A>10, too, however in this region, the nuclear structure is too complicated for a simple thermal model. Future improved measurements of this type will help to understand the physics of statistical equilibrium of hot nuclear matter and its decay modes. VI-172 ().1 7 l I l l l l l A [ :> 10 4 [ <1) 3 1 ....................... \../ 1 + . 1+ '. ¢ .’ E + E/A=10 MeV ().1 l: l l l l l l I I l 10 + A E/A=8 MeV 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 7Li 7Be 10B 16N 1'70 180 19F 20NeZINezzNegaNa Figure VI.1.1 Summary for the temperature measurements in the complex fragment region. See Figures IV.3.3 and IV.9.3(a-c) for detail. Aa79 Aj83 Aj89 Aj85 Aj86 Ba79 Be78 Be79 8175 B186 8089 8086 Br76 Bu55 Ch83 LIST OF REFERENCES H.J.M. Aarts, G.A.P. Engelbertink, H.H. Eggenhuisen, and L.P. Ekstrém, Nucl. Phys. A321, 515 (1979) F. Ajzenberg-Selove, Nucl. Phys. A392, 1 (1983), and references therein F. Ajzenberg—Selove, Nucl. Phys. A913, 1 (1989), and references therein F. Ajzenberg-Selove, Nucl. Phys. A933, 1 (1985) ; Errtum Nucl. Phys. A999, 155 (1986), and references therein F. Ajzenberg-Selove, Nucl. Phys. A960, 1 (1986), and references therein R. Bass, Nucl. Phys. A231, 95 (1979 ) A.H. Behbehani, A.H. Al-Naser, C.J. Lister, P.J. Nolan, and J.F. Sharpey—Schafer, Phys. Lett. 79B, 219 (1978) A.H. Behbehani, A.H. Al-Naser, A.J. Brown, L.L. Green, A.N. James, C.J. Lister, N.R.F. Rammo, J.F. Sharpey-Shafer, L.H. Zybert, R. Zybert, and P.J. Nolan, J. Phys. (London) E 5, 1117 (1979) J.N. Bishop and H.T. Fortune, Phys. Rev. Lett. 39, 1350 (1975) C. Bloch, H. Benenson, E. 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