Tilllldlulfllmlllllllflllifll -~ #279 23‘ 7 \ $523333: mfimuuww[MM/nu dissertation entitled A COMPARISON OF THE EM AND DATA AUGMENTATION ALGORITHMS ON SIMULATED SMALL SAMPLE HIERARCHICAL DATA FROM RESEARCH ON EDUCATION presented by Randall Peter Fotiu has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for I I I P I. ’ /) e\ I ~ 7! A ' ' ‘ . I . If I'_ l ' V, ' ‘ ' L ‘ , ‘ [( ~“ In" '7 ' . - degree m 1 I t ~ . '- '- ; . i _ p" ‘- 1‘ Y ' I 1’ / ' ' 4/ ' ft IA 7 r t a ’ .4 / a \i 3 { . ‘- / X * v / 7/; / ' ‘7’? /. 2" /.I -' \L‘ /. u,’ ',""/-_V_,,--——~/ "7 1,;- " 4., ‘3' ‘x‘ '1 5;;L L ’ Major professor .. +7“; »1-..' "'1' Date ~" " m"7‘/ MS U is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution 0-12771 PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE or}. 893 11:58 JDW ‘ uNIS F: 26 DJ J [29m e04 {L sepgem/ 261 RB d (1' ”95.! MSU Is An Affirmative ActIorVEqueI Opportunity Institution A COMPARISON OF THE EM AND DATA AUGMENTATION ALGORITHMS ON SIMULATED SMALL SAMPLE HIERARCHICAL DATA FROM RESEARCH ON EDUCATION By Randall Peter Fotiu AN ABSTRACT OF A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education 1989 Mr: :2 j. .m/ 94) ABSTRACT A COMPARISON OF THE EM AND DATA AUGMENTATION ALGORITHMS ON SIMULATED SMALL SAMPLE HIERARCHICAL DATA FROM RESEARCH ON EDUCATION By Randall Peter Fotiu The hierarchical organization of our schools is reflected in the data collected in a natural school setting by educational researchers. It is common for researchers investigating the effects of an experimental treatment at the class level to obtain data from a small number of classes and an unequal number of students within each class. The statistical analysis of this type of data provides many challenges, especially when there is an interaction between a student level characteristic and the class level treatment. The parameters and notation of the specific hierarchical linear model are developed in detail. Two statistical procedures are evaluated on . simulated small sample hierarchical data. The empirical Bayes procedure using the EM algorithm is compared to the Bayesian procedure implemented with the data augmentation algorithm. Detailed explanations are provided that pertain to the application of these two statistical procedures and the algorithms used in their respective implementations. The data used to evaluate these two statistical procedures were simulated to represent a modest experimental design. This design included a measured student ii Randall Peter Fotiu outcome and an independent variable representing a student characteristic such as motivation, aptitude, or interest. Furthermore, students were nested within ten classes and these classes were randomly assigned to either a treatment or control group. The size of each class was randomly selected from a distribution of class size. This data was generated to reflect parameter values of the hierarchical linear model that might typically be obtained. The interaction effect between student and class level factors was evaluated at three effect sizes. For each level of the interaction effect, five hundred replications of an experiment were generated. The Bayesian approach using the data augmentation algorithm recovered the parameters of the hierarchical linear model as well or better than the empirical Bayes approach using the EM algorithm. In particular, the Bayesian approach was superior in recovering the between-class variance-covariance parameter matrix. In addition, the Bayesian approach using the data augmentation algorithm provided finite approximations to the posterior distributions of the parameters of the model. The empirical Bayes approach using the EM algorithm performed better in hypothesis testing of the between class effect parameters when a t-test was utilized. The empirical Bayes procedure using a z—test and this implementation of the Bayesian procedure tended to provide liberal hypothesis tests. The implementation of the Bayesian procedure using the data augmentation algorithm required considerable computer resources, whereas the implementation of the empirical Bayes procedure using the EM algorithm was well within practical limits for research on education. “ah “I .. ‘ V'\:‘ 9-,.“ \\ I iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank my dissertation director Stephen Raudenbush and dissertation committee members Andrew Porter, Richard Houang, Susan Melnick and James Stapleton, for their advice, insight and guidance throughout the process of writing this dissertation. I have been very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with this outstanding group of researchers and teachers throughout my graduate studies. My wife, Josie Wojtowicz, deserves special thanks for her support and understanding while I wrote this dissertation. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ...................................... vii LIST OF FIGURES ...................................... ix I. AN OVERVIEW OF THE STRUCTURE AND ANALYSIS OF HIERARCHICAL DATA IN EDUCATION ...................... 1 Introduction ........................................ 1 The Structure of Educational Data and Associated Problems ......... 3 The Hierarchical Organization of Educational Data ........... 3 The Unit of Analysis Debate and the Specification of the Hierarchical Model ............................... 4 The Problem of an Unbalanced Design ................. 10 Small Sample Problems ........................... 11 A Review of Estimation Procedures ........................ 12 The ANOVA Procedures .......................... 13 Maximum Likelihood Procedures ..................... 17 A Proposed Solution ................................. 21 II. NOTATION CONVENTIONS AND THE MODEL ................ 25 A Guide to the Matrix Notation .......................... 26 The Hierarchical Linear Model in Scalar Terms ................ 27 A Matrix Representation of the Hierarchical Linear Model ......... 30 Assumptions for the Two Statistical Procedures ................ 33 III. APPLICATION OF THE EM AND DATA AUGMENTATION ALGORITHMS TO THE HIERARCHICAL LINEAR MODEL WITH NORMAL ERRORS 36 The Empirical Bayes Estimation Procedure Using the EM Algorithm . . . 36 " The EM Algorithm and Covariance Estimation ................. 42 V The Data Augmentation Algorithm ........................ 46 / Initial Values ................................. 51 The Imputation Step ............................. 52 The Posterior Step .............................. 55 Some Additional Notes on the Data Augmentation Algorithm . . . 57 IV. METHOD ......................................... 59 Research Questions .................................. 59 Determining a Convergence Criterion .................. 59 Comparing the Accuracy of the Two Statistical Procedures ..... 59 The Error Rates ................................ 60 The Computational Efficiency of the Statistical Algorithms ..... 60 The Design and Sampling Plan for the Simulation ............... 61 Creating the Data ................................... 62 Parameters of the Model .......................... 63 The Parameter Values Selected ...................... 66 The Steps for the Data Generation Procedure ............. 68 Random Number Generation ........................ 71 Evaluating Convergence ............................... 72 Evaluating the Accuracy of the Two Statistical Procedures ......... 74 Evaluating Type I Error Rates and Power .................... 75 Evaluating the Implementation of the Data Augmentation Algorithm . . . 80 V. SIMULATION RESULTS ................................ 81 Convergence Criterion Results ........................... 81 Comparing the Results of the Two Statistical Procedures ........... 84 Type I Error Rate Results .............................. 87 Power Analysis Results ................................ 89 Computational Efficiency Results ......................... 93 VI. DISCUSSION ....................................... 95 Advantages and Disadvantages ........................... 95 Suggestions for Future Research .......................... 97 APPENDIX A ......................................... 101 Tables Containing Simulation Results ...................... 101 APPENDIX B ......................................... 116 Data Augmentation Algorithm FORTRAN Source Code .......... 116 Hierarchical Data Generation FORTRAN Source Code ........... 136 REFERENCES ........................................ 142 vi 4—1 4—2 4-3 4-4 5-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 LIST OF TABLES Class Size Frequency Distribution .......................... 62 The Design of the Experimental Conditions .................... 66 Parameter Values for the Three Experimental Conditions ............ 68 Data Table for Error Analysis ............................ 76 MSE Between DA Posterior Means and Population Values for y ....... 82 MSE Between DA Posterior Means and Population Values for o2 and T . 82 DA Posterior Means Resulting from Good and Poor Initial Values ..... 84 Performance Ranking of Hypothesis Testing Procedures ............ 88 Power of the Test of y“ for Experimental Conditions 2 and 3 ........ 90 Central Processing Unit Time ............................. 93 Average Number of Iterations of the EM Algorithm .............. 94 Posterior Estimates for y from Experimental Condition 1 ........... 101 Posterior Estimates for o“ and T from Experimental Condition 1 ..... 101 Posterior Estimates for y from Experimental Condition 2 ........... 102 Posterior Estimates for O'2 and T from Experimental Condition 2 ..... 102 Posterior Estimates for y from Experimental Condition 3 ........... 103 Posterior Estimates for o2 and T from Experimental Condition 3 ..... 103 MSE’s Relative to Population Values for y from Condition 1 ........ 104 MSE’s Relative to Population Values for y from Condition 2 ........ 104 vii A-9 MSE’S Relative to Population Values for y from Condition 3 ........ 105 A-10 MSE’s Relative to Population Values for O2 and T from Condition 1 . . . 105 A-11 MSE’s Relative to Population Values for O'2 and T from Condition 2 . . . 106 A-12 MSE’s Relative to Population Values for o" and T from Condition 3 . . . 106 A-13 Type I Error Rates for 700 from Experimental Condition 1 .......... 107 A-14 Type I Error Rates for yo, from Experimental Condition 1 .......... 107 A-15 Type I Error Rates for y” from Experimental Condition 1 .......... 108 A-l6 Type I Error Rates for 700 from Experimental Condition 2 .......... 108 A—17 Type I Error Rates for yo, from Experimental Condition 2 .......... 109 A-18 Type I Error Rates for 700 from Experimental Condition 3 .......... 109 A-19 Type I Error Rates for 70, from Experimental Condition 3 .......... 110 A-20 McNemar’s Statistics for Condition 1 Type I Errors with Nominal 0t=.01 110 A-21 McNemar’s Statistics for Condition 1 Type I Errors with Nominal 0t=.05 111 A-22 McNemar’s Statistics for Condition 1 Type I Errors with Nominal 0t=.10 111 A-23 McNemar’s Statistics for Condition 2 Type I Errors with Nominal 0t=.01 112 A-24 McNemar’s Statistics for Condition 2 Type I Errors with Nominal 0t=.05 112 A-25 McNemar’s Statistics for Condition 2 Type I Errors with Nominal 0t=.10 113 A-26 McNemar’s Statistics for Condition 3 Type I Errors with Nominal 0t=.01 113 A-27 McNemar’s Statistics for Condition 3 Type I Errors with Nominal 0t=.05 114 A-28 McNemar’s Statistics for Condition 3 Type I Errors with Nominal Ot=.10 114 A-29 Experimental Condition 2 Power Comparisons with DA for y” ....... 115 A-30 Experimental Condition 3 Power Comparisons with DA for y” ....... 115 viii LIST OF FIGURES 5-1 Scatterplot of Condition 3 ATI Effect ....................... 86 5-2 Scatterplot of 95% HPD Intervals for Condition ATI Effect ......... 92 ix CHAPTER I AN OVERVIEW OF THE STRUCTURE AND ANALYSIS OF HIERARCHICAL DATA IN EDUCATION Introduction Throughout history, scientific inquiry on a specific subject has often raised interesting questions in unexpected areas. Not only has science taken unexpected turns, it has fostered the continual improvement and advancement of its common methods and tools. Progress in statistics and experimental design has moved forward hand-in-hand with science. William Sealy Gosset was hired by the Arthur Guinness Sons & Company, Limited of Dublin in 1899 to help apply the scientific method to the brewing process. During his work at the brewery, it became evident that formal statistical analysis needed to be extended to small samples. Frequently, samples of eight to twelve were obtained at the brewery. This supplied Gosset with the motivation to develop the "Student’s t-test" to provide a statistical tool for small sample problems (Tankard, 1984). Sir Ronald Fisher’s work at the Rothamsted Experimental Station provided a substantive context for his work in the development of factorial designs and the analysis of variance method. In the preface of Fisher’s classic work, Statistical Methods for Research Workers (1936, p. vii), he stated, "Daily contact with the statistical problems which present themselves to the laboratory worker has stimulated the purely mathematical researches upon which are based the methods here presented." Research into the educational process as it 2 takes place in schools also provides a unique environment with many associated methodological challenges. Much of the research interest in education is focused on the effects of various experimental treatments applied in a natural school setting. Not only are the main effects directly attributable to the experimental treatments of interest, the interaction effects these treatments have with known student characteristics and attributes are also critical concerns of educators. This combination of experimental control of treatments, the natural school settings in which they are applied, the psychological characteristics of students, and the financial constraints of most educational research present many difficulties for statisticians involved in this area of research. The issues related to the social organization of schools and the structure of experimental data found in educational research are developed in the following sections of this chapter. Many statistical procedures have been formulated to cope with the problems presented by data generated in this type of research setting. A critical review of some of the most widespread statistical procedures applied in this research setting is also presented. The historical advancement of statistical methods used in experimental research in education leads naturally to a Bayesian formulation. The new data augmentation algorithm developed by Tanner and Wong (1987) shows promise as a practical implementation of a Bayesian solution and resolves many of the shortcomings found in prior statistical methods used in educational research. To illustrate its application in an educational research context, this new algorithm is implemented in a computer program and applied to simulated data sets that mimic the characteristics of educational data. And to evaluate the performance of this new 3 algorithm, it is compared to an alternative statistical estimation procedure, the empirical Bayes approach using the EM Algorithm developed by Dempster, Laird and Rubin (1977). The Structure of Educational Data and Associated Problems The majority of educational research takes place in a school setting. As a consequence, the hierarchical organization of our schools is reflected in the data collected in a natural school setting. The statistical analysis of this hierarchical data provides many challenges. This hierarchical data structure resulting from research in schools, the lengthy debate amongst educational researchers concerning the appropriate unit of analysis, the implications of unbalanced designs, and small sample problems are methodological issues encountered in research on education. The following sections address these important and related issues. The Hierarchical Organization of Educational Data Typically, the prominent interest of educational research is to investigate how characteristics of the school or classroom environment influence student learning (Good and Brophy, 1986; and Brophy and Good, 1986). In some cases, the characteristics of interest are an inherent part of the existing setting, and in others they are introduced and controlled by the experimenter. In educational studies, both naturally occurring and experimentally controlled factors are commonly found together. Since a primary goal of educational research is to apply promising positive results in an effort to improve student learning, it makes sense to study the educational process in a natural setting. On one hand, an inference is the most 4 generalizable when the research and the application settings are equivalent or closely approximate one another. However, conducting research in a natural setting limits experimental control. A feature of our formal education system and its social organization is its hierarchical (nested) structure. For example, students are grouped within classrooms, classrooms are grouped within schools, and schools are grouped within districts. This multilevel structure provides a conceptual framework for understanding the effects of schooling (Bidwell and Kasarda, 1980; and Barr and Dreeden, 1983). The resources available to a teacher, such as books, materials, and class size, have an influence on the instruction provided to students. The same instruction provided to students may have differential effects (Cronbach and Snow, 1977) and this differential response may cause the teacher to update and adjust their lesson plans. Thus, we have a model for schooling that is both hierarchical in structure and the levels of the hierarchy are interdependent. This conceptual model of schooling should be reflected in the statistical models used to evaluate and understand the effects of schooling (Burstein, 1980; Cooley, Bond and Mao, 1981; Raudenbush and Bryk, 1986; Goldstein, 1987). The Unit of Analysis Debat_e__ and the Specification of the Hierarchical Model This multilevel and interactive model of schooling has prompted a debate among researchers on the appropriate unit of analysis. Should educational research at the class level be evaluated strictly at the class level, the student level, or some combination? In addition, how can this model be specified to reflect the complexities of the hierarchical data collected from educational researt h .' These questions are discussed in this section. To exemplify the unit of analysis problem, let us construct a hypothetical research study. Suppose a sample of ten classes were drawn randomly from the population of interest and for illustrative purposes, each class contained 20 Students. Five of the classes are randomly assigned to an experimental condition and the remaining classes are assigned to a control group. Furthermore, the experimental group’s treatment is applied at the class level and differs from the control group only in the sequence in which the material is presented. The research question of interest is whether the new experimental sequencing of the educational material promotes higher levels of student achievement when compared to the existing order of presentation. When the unit of analysis is the individual student, then an ‘ independent group t-test with 198 degrees of freedom (practically equivalent to a 2- test) could be used to test for the effect of the experimental condition relative to the control condition. On the other hand, if the class is taken as the unit of analysis, a t-test with 8 degrees of freedom could be used to test for a treatment effect. Under the assumptions that the observations are independent and drawn from the same normally distributed population, the independent group t-test using student level data is substantially more powerful than the alternative t-test using class level data. Hence, for a researcher under pressure to find significant differences, the choice is clearly in favor of the more powerful t-test using student level data. But, are the assumptions for the independent t-test satisfied when comparing treatments that are presented at the class level? The assumption that individual students within a class are statistically independent may not be appropriate. Glass and Stanley (1970, pp. 505-506) make 6 the distinction between the "units of statistical analysis" and "experimental units" and provide the following two definitions. The units of statistical analysis are the data (the actual numbers) that we consider to be the outcomes of independent replications of our experiment. If you will, the units of statistical analysis are the numbers that we count when we count up degrees of freedom "within" or "for replication." The experimental units are the smallest division of the collection of experimental subjects that have been randomly assigned to the different conditions in the experiment and that have responded independently of each other for the duration of the experiment. From these two definitions, it is apparent that if the assumption of statistical independence between students within a class is not appropriate then the unit of statistical analysis and the experimental units are clearly different. Most teachers have examples of classes with distinct collective personalities and would freely agree with the Gestalt idea that a class as a whole is more than the sum of its students. All educators are aware of situations where one or two disruptive students cause the teacher to spend a considerable amount of class time managing these students in lieu of instruction. Or for a positive example, a class might have a very cooperative and supportive group of students and as a result accomplished far more than expected. In the above two cases, it is obvious that an individual student does not respond independently and consequently, the a priori assumption that each student responds independently is not reasonable. Not only can student responses be dependent within classrooms, generally students are not randomly assigned to classes in the first place. The assignment of students to classes is a purposeful task performed by teachers and administrators and is not a haphazard or random activity. This deliberate assignment of students to classrooms fails to satisfy the definition presented earlier for students to be 7 considered the experimental units. In addition, Lumsdaine (1963) warns that even if students were assigned randomly to classes and treatments, important sources of error variation may not be accurately reflected in error estimates when the individual is used as the experimental unit. In a classical two-stage sampling design students are randomly assigned to classes and then classes are randomly assigned. to treatments. Thus, at the outset of an experiment under these conditions the intraclass correlation is equal to zero. But during the duration of the treatment the teacher and students have the opportunity to interact, and this has the effect of inducing the intraclass correlation to be greater than zero. A number of researchers have examined the unit of analysis question and its methodological implications. Lindquist (1953) advocated using the analysis of variance technique on the group means and has stimulated much subsequent research on the appropriate unit of analysis and associated statistical questions. Barcikowski (1981) extended Lindquist’s work and investigated statistical power when group means were used as the unit of analysis with the analysis of variance method. The robustness of the t-test to violations of the assumptions regarding the unit of analysis were investigated by Blair, Higgins, Topping and Mortimer (1983). They found that even small amounts of between-class variation caused inflation in the type I error rate of the t-test when an analysis was incorrectly carried out at the student level. Further work on the specification of the proper statistical model that identifies the random factor(s) explicitly in the linear model was examined by Peckman, Glass and Hopkins (1969), and Hopkins (1982). This literature has emphasized the fact that the effects of intact groups cannot be ignored a priori. But, is the unit of analysis the critical question for the educational researcher? 8 Education as it takes place in our schools is distinguished by the fact that learning, an essentially psychological activity, is cultivated in a social environment. It is not sufficient for the researcher to choose between the student and the class as the appropriate unit of analysis. The principal consideration is the interplay between the psychological and social elements in our educational system. Teachers are faced with the difficult task of mediating and balancing individual student concerns with those of the class. Determining the optimal point between individual and group instruction that produces the maximum educational benefits is an important challenge. This interplay between the individual and the group must also be reflected in educational research methodology. The differential responses of individuals to treatments is what Cronbach (1957) called "Aptitude X Treatment Interaction" (ATI). This differential effect a treatment has on individuals with different psychological characteristics depicts a frequent situation found in educational research. Educational research methods must be sensitive to the covariation between the psychological and social components of education and learning. Good estimates for the variance-covariance terms of the model are required to recognize important ATT effects. The intraclass correlation coefficient is another measure that reveals a type of relationship between individual and group information. The intraclass correlation is constructed from a partitioning of the total random or unexplained variance into two components, one for the within-group variation and the other for the between- group variation. The intraclass correlation coefficient is then defined by the ratio of the between-group variance relative to the total variance, and as a consequence, its value ranges from zero to one. For the special case when the intraclass correlation 9 is considered to be known, Blair and Higgins (1986) recommend a weighted least squares solution to the unit of analysis problem. The conclusions reached using this analysis strategy are somewhere between those obtained using the individual as the unit of analysis and the group mean depending on the specific value of the intraclass correlation coefficient. Except for the degrees of freedom used to find the tabled critical value, an intraclass correlation approaching zero would produce results comparable to those using individuals as the unit of analysis and an intraclass correlation approaching unity would produce results comparable to using the group as the unit of analysis. Blair and Higgins (1986) mention that the intraclass correlations found in classroom level educational research have a rather narrow range. However, the intraclass correlation is generally unknown in practice and this implies that the required variance components must be estimated from the data. Consequently, their proposed solution is incomplete. Not only are the variance components necessary for understanding the educational process under study, the covariance components also play an important part. In many problems in education, there are a number of variables that are of interest and these variables may be interdependent. Thus, a multivariate formulation is essential to model linear dependencies between variables and for joint probability statements about parameters that are linearly dependent. Raudenbush and Bryk (1988) provide an example where estimated parameter variance and covariance components enable a better understanding of school effects. In their example, they use the variance-covariance terms to construct the correlation coefficients between "excellence" (mean level of achievement) with "equity" as measured by the regression coefficients for minority status, social class, and academic background. 10 The Problem oLan Unbalanced Desiga Generally, the researcher has no control over the assignment of students to classes and there is nothing that prevents classes from varying in size. Not only does the number of students per class vary, there are other circumstances that contribute to an unbalanced design. If a research study is longitudinal in nature there is the problem of attrition. Students may be absent during the days designated for treatment or testing. In other cases, students and their families may move while a research project is in progress. Statistical techniques are available for the balanced design, for example when there is the same number of students per class (Kirk, 1968; Winer, 1971; and Searle, 1971). When intact groups like classes are fundamental to educational research, the probability of obtaining a balanced design is extremely small. The application of many ANOVA type estimation procedures to unbalanced designs do not produce consistent results and as a consequence, results may vary dependent on the statistical procedure used or the particular manner it is applied (Searle, 1971). There have been some recent advances in the application of statistical procedures to unbalanced designs. A number of researchers have successfully applied a variety of numerical maximum likelihood procedures to unbalanced hierarchical data found in educational research. The Fisher scoring method (Deleeuw and Kreft, 1986; and Longford, 1987), the iterative generalized least squares method (Goldstein, 1987) and the EM algorithm (Mason, Wong and Entwistle, 1984; Bryk, Raudenbush, Seltzer and Congdon, 1986) all produce maximum likelihood estimates with their desirable large sample properties. In particular, maximum likelihood estimators are asymptotically normal. Hence, for 11 large scale studies, maximum likelihood estimation provides a solution to the problems of unbalanced designs. But for small sample situations, the appropriateness of the large sample properties of maximum likelihood estimation is unclear. Small Sample Problems Along with the problems associated with intact groups, there are typically constraints placed on the resources available for educational research. Experimental research on education is expensive and compounds the problems associated with the hierarchical structure of educational data. For example, sampling considerations are more problematic in a hierarchical structure. Each level up the hierarchy represents a substantially smaller population. It is much easier to obtain the participation of twenty students than the same number of classes or even more difficult, to enlist the participation of twenty schools. This is especially true if the study requires the implementation of treatments. The recruitment and training of cooperating teachers, and the careful monitoring of the treatment delivery are very labor intensive activities. Also, most educational treatments are implemented over a period of time and the data collection phase requires considerable resources over the course of the study. Multiple observations, testing and test scoring are all standard tasks in educational research. The sum of these necessary research activities makes it often impractical to have large-scale individual experimental research studies on education. It is more likely that smaller scale projects will continue to be the norm. Small sample problems create additional demands for statistical procedures 12 not found with large samples. For example, the Central Limit Theorem states that the sampling distribution of the mean is approximately normal regardless of the population distribution. The only restrictions of this theorem is that the sample must be sufficiently large and the population variance must be finite. To evaluate the sampling distribution of a mean fi'om a small sample, however, it is necessary to make some assumptions about the population distribution. To make inferences about the distribution of the sample mean based on a small sample, Student’s t-test requires that the sample be drawn from a population with a normal distribution. Intuitively, it makes sense that the less information provided by the sample or data the more a researcher has to rely on prior knowledge and the validity of the assumptions. A Review of Estimation Procedures The hierarchical structure of educational data can be represented as a mixed- model, a subclass of linear models. A mixed-model conceptualization is appropriate because a combination of both fixed and random factors are included in the model. Fixed factors are factors in which all treatment levels or categories of interest are included in the experiment. Inferences about a fixed factor pertain only to the specific levels of the factor that have been included in the experiment. In research on education a fixed factor might be method of instruction, type of materials, or media used. Random factors have their associated treatment levels randomly sampled from the population of interest. Inferences about random factors are usually directed toward their population variances, and this information is often used to construct benchmarks to evaluate the relative size of fixed effects included in the 13 model. Students, classrooms, and schools are typical examples of random factors in educational research, and estimation of the variance and covariance components of these random factors is an important function in research on education. In the context of mixed models, statistical estimation is difficult for unbalanced hierarchical designs where the interaction effect of measured student characteristics by treatments is an important focus of the investigation. This difficulty is compounded in small sample situations. Many estimation procedures that have analytical solutions for balanced designs fail for the unbalanced case and numerical approximation techniques are required. Some of the estimation procedures that have been proposed as solutions to the estimation problems presented by the combination of a hierarchical data structure, the interaction of measured student level characteristics by class level treatments, an unbalanced design, and a small sample size are reviewed next. These estimation procedures are divided into two groups, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) type procedures and the maximum likelihood procedures. I shall discuss the advantages and identify the drawbacks with the estimation procedures within these two groups. The ANOVA Procedares The problem of estimation for unbalanced mixed-model designs has a long history. R. A. Fisher is generally credited with systematically developing factorial designs along with the analysis of variance method. This standard ANOVA procedure provides the starting point for critically examining some of the alternative procedures proposed in this framework to handle the unbalanced case. From his field work in animal science and the prevalence of unbalanced 14 experimental designs in this domain of research, Henderson (1953) proposed three methods for variance and covariance component estimation for this situation. The first method of estimation, referred to as Method 1, was essentially the conventional ANOVA method and is a starting point for comparisons. With this traditional ANOVA method, point estimates for the variance and covariance components in some situations can be calculated by equating the mean squares to their expected values. This set of equations can be solved for the unknown variance and covariance components in the balanced design case. In the unbalanced case, obtaining this solution is complicated by the increased complexity of the coefficients of each variance and covariance component. More importantly for unbalanced designs, Searle (1971, p. 41) states, "This is generally true; in mixed models, expected values of the S’s ("analogous" sum of squares) contain functions of the fixed effects that cannot be eliminated by considering linear combinations of the S’s." In this context, the S’s are computed with unbalanced data in an analogous manner to the sum on squares computed with balanced data, but they do not necessarily have the same properties. Searle (1971, p. 36) provides an example where an S term is a quadratic form that is not positive definite. In effect this means that in many cases the variance and covariance components cannot be extracted using the ANOVA method. Method 2 proposed by Henderson (1953) involves computing the least squares estimates for the fixed effects, correcting the data by subtracting the fixed effects, and then using Method 1 on the corrected data. Searle (1971) criticizes this method when used for mixed-model esfimation on the grounds that it is not uniquely defined and it does not apply whenever the model includes interactions 15 between the fixed effects and the random effects. These two concerns expressed by Searle illustrate the problems with this method for mixed-models. Therefore this strategy is inappropriate for investigating the interaction between student level and class level variables. The third method proposed by Henderson (1953), the fitting of constants method, also has some shortcomings. It uses reductions in the sums of squares due to fitting different submodels. These reduction terms are then set equal to their expected value and solved for the unknown variance and covariance components. This procedure does not produce a unique solution because the order in which the reduction terms are fitted may lead to different values for the associated mean squares. In most situations, there is no guiding principle for ordering the calculations of the reduction terms using this fitting of constants method, making this method unsatisfactory for the unbalanced mixed-model situation. There is nothing inherent in these three estimation methods in the mixed-model case that prevents negative estimates of variance components in either the balanced or unbalanced cases (Searle, 1971). If a given application of one of these three methods dOes produce a negative estimate for a variance component, a researcher could set the estimate to zero. But how much confidence can be placed in an estimate that is outside the parameter space? In the balanced case, the estimates of variance components are unbiased for the three methods (Searle, 1971) and also Method 3 produces unbiased estimates in the unbalanced case. Since these unbiased variance estimates may be negative, the criteria for unbiased variance estimation may not be of primary importance. Furthermore, Henderson (1953) states that in unbalanced design situations the 16 sampling variances of the estimates obtained by the three estimation methods are not known. As a result, hypotheses testing of the parameters in the model can not be evaluated with the same confidence as in a balanced design. This uncertainty about the sampling variances of the estimates also applies to statements concerning interval estimates. The introduction of covariates, such as student abilities, aptitudes, and interest, create additional problems. The AN OVA procedure has been extended to include covariates. The analysis of covariance, ANCOVA, requires the assumption that the within-class regression coefficients are homogeneous (Winer, 1971). This assumption may not be tenable in many research situations. For example, it is quite possible that the effect of a covariate measuring a student background characteristic may vary across schools. In this case, the assumptions underlying the traditional ANCOVA procedure would be violated. When the assumption of homogeneous regression coefficients is not appropriate, the obvious question is why are the effects different. An alternative approach proposed by Cronbach and Webb (1975) was to estimate separate regressions within each group, but they concluded that when the sample size for each group was small the resulting estimates were not stable. Thus, the ANCOVA and the estimation of separate regressions methods may not provide a satisfactory solution for the heterogeneity of regressions problem. In addition, the ANCOVA procedure does not provide a general solution for estimating the covariance of a random student level effect with a random class level effect. A general solution must estimate this important covariance when the variables are measured on a discrete or continuous scale and is applicable to both balanced and unbalanced design situations. 17 Maximum Likelihood Procedures The problems encountered with the AN OVA and ANCOVA estimation methods have led to the investigation of other estimation procedures. The maximum likelihood procedure of estimation, with the availability and computational speed of computers, has received renewed interest. This approach to estimation has many desirable features. One feature of this method is that it constrains the variance components to be nonnegative. Maximum likelihood estimators are functions of every sufficient statistic, consistent, asymptotically normal, and efficient (Harville, 1977). These properties of maximum likelihood estimators provide a large sample solution to the problems resulting from an unbalanced design. Generally, the distribution of maximum likelihood estimators in small sample situations are unknown. Implementation of the maximum likelihood method is not always easily accomplished. In the unbalanced mixed-model situation with the variance-covariance components unknown, there is no general closed form or explicit analytic solution to the maximum likelihood equations (Searle, 1971). A numerical procedure must be used in this situation. One of the first numerical methods used for maximum likelihood estimation was the Newton-Raphson method. This method has the desirable property of quadratic convergence. The disadvantage of the Newton-Raphson method is that there is no guarantee that it will converge to the solutions of the maximum likelihood equations. It might converge to a local rather than the global solution (Harville, 1977). This method may depend on good initial approximations. In some cases, if the initial approximations are not sufficiently close to the actual roots of the likelihood equations, the Newton-Raphson’s method is“ may diverge (Harville, 1977; Burden, Faires and Reynolds, 1981). There are a number of alternative computational approaches to the Newton- Raphson method that produce maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters of a hierarchical linear model. The Fisher scoring method (DeLeeuw and Kreft, 1986; Longford, 1987), iterative generalized least squares (Goldstein, 1987), and the EM algorithm (Mason, Wong and Entwistle, 1984; Bryk, Raudenbush, Congdon and Seltzer, 1986) are examples of different computational approaches currently available to researchers that produce maximum likelihood estimates. The EM algorithm deveIOped by Dempster, Laird and Rubin (1977), and implemented with the HLM Computer Program (Bryk et al., 1986) was selected for use in this study. This estimation procedure has been applied to a variety of research problems in education with success. For examples of this algorithm used in educational research, see Dempster, Rubin and Tsutakawa (1981), Laird and Ware (1982), Strenio, Weisberg and Bryk (1983), and Raudenbush and Bryk (1985, 1986). This algorithm gets its name from the two basic iterative steps: the expectation step and the maximization step. Wu (1983) has shown that the EM algorithm will converge when the I . complete data are from a curved Vexponential family, and the expected log of the ... - 1. Generally, the EM algorithm has a slower rate of convergence than the h-H»- z»- ' “quvr... 5‘ _fi.u——pw Newton-Raphson method. Ewever, [FEE-M algorithmwill conver el when given well-def ' ' ' estimates of the parameters along with W Wndifions outlined above. The availability of this software package and its su erior conver e ro )were the primary reasons for selecting this method. 19 An advantage of maximum likelihood estimation is that it may be applied to the hierarchical linear model to produce\empirical Bayes estimates. The hierarchical model may be easily formulated to produce empirical Bayes estimates which are equivalent to restricted maximum likelihood estimates (Laird and Ware, 1982). Harville (1977) points out that one criticism of the standard maximum likelihood approach to estimation is that iflfi§fl¢f¥91m0.SESQPBEIhQfilQS‘SLin'dflgIEEEBE fr‘egdoflmythat results from ,csfimafipflggfihg, fgfifmfféqiGirlie/model. He points out Itathat inadequacies of this u'aditional maximum likelihood (ML) approach are overcome by restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimation because this approach does take into account the loss of degrees of freedom due to estimating fixed effects (Harville, 1977). Dempster, Rubin and Tsutakawa (1981) differentiate the MA and wLapproages\ by denoting the two likelihood functions by MLF and MLR,\where F stands for fixed and R for random.\ The empirical Bayes approach capitalizes :70 the strengths of the data. For example, in a two-level hierarchical linear model with student and class levels, regression coefficients representing the regression of an outcome variable on one or more student level independent variables may be expressed as a precision-weighted combination of the contributions for the entire data set and the individual class. This method uses the strengths of the data for estimation, because the more precisely a component of the model is measured the more weight it will receive in constructing an estimate. Thus, a regression equation for a particular classroom containing a small number of students may borrow information across classes to obtain an improved estimate. This estimation approach provides a method to resolve the problem of estimating individual regression equations from nested units 20 with small samples. The details of the precision-weighting scheme are presented in Chapter III. The empirical Bayes approach, in the context of the hierarchical linear model, is available to educational researchers with the “HLM computer program (Bryk, et al., 1986). This method of estimation is most/Suited}; EEWE. "problems. ‘ The distribution of the estimates resulting from the EM algorithm applied to a hierarchical model are generally not known in Small sample situations. For example, in a hierarchical model with students nested in classes, a sufficiently large sample of classes is required for trustworthy results. In addition, the standard errors for any fixed effectst at the class level fail to take into account the uncertainty associated with the estimation of the variance-covariance components, which is an important consideration in small sample problems. A basic strategy of the maximum likelihood methods is to calculate an estimate of the variance-covariance components and use this point estimate as if it were known. For small sample problems, variance-covariance estimates may be quite unstable. The small sample dispersion of maximum likelihood estimates that rely on variance-covariance estimates do not reflect the consequences of the variation that may result from other plausible variance-covariance component values. The empirical Bayes approach relies on point estimates of the variance-covariance components to construct weights and there has been some evidence (Bassiri, 1988) that small sample empirical Bayes estimates have standard errors that are two small and do not reflect the uncertainty associated with the estimation of the required variance-covariance components. 21 A Proposed Solution An alternative methodology that may be applied to this analysis problem is a Bayesian approach. The Bayesian method is not new and was initially brought into focus by Reverend Thomas Bayes (1763). The application of true Bayesian methods to hierarchical models has been impeded because the mathematics involved has been intractable. Lindley and Smith (1972) indicate that most reasonable distributions employed in a hierarchical model lead to integrals which cannot all be expressed in closed form. The Bayesian approach is faced with the problem that the required equations cannot always be expressed in closed form. The EM algorithm supplied an iterative solution to this problem for the maximum likelihood method. Tanner and Wong (1987) have developed a new data augmentation algorithm for the implementation of the Bayesian method. This method provides an innovative means for the computation of posterior distributions. The key advantage of the Bayesian approach is that it supplies the joint posterior distribution of the parameters of the model. The joint posterior distribution provides more information to the researcher than joint modal estimates for the parameters produced by the empirical Bayes approach. For example, it is possible for a researcher to calculate the mode, mean, median, and percentile points for any parameter of interest from the joint posterior distribution. In addition, small sample parameter estimates may be unstable and cause problems when they are considered known in empirical Bayes or other maximum likelihood methods. The Bayesian approach uses distributions rather than point estimates and the joint posterior distribution resulting from this approach reflects the uncertainty of our knowledge about the parameters in the model. For example, variance-covariance 22 parameters are assumed to have a distribution and their contribution to the joint posterior distribution is determined by including the probability of all possible values across their distribution. Hence, if different plausible values of the variance- covariance parameters result in different estimates from the empirical Bayes approach, this variability is reflected in the Bayesian approach. The empirical Bayes approach will have a tendency to underestimate this variability. Since many research projects in education are conducted with small to moderate sample sizes, especially when the data has a hierarchical structure, the Bayesian approach may provide a solution to small sample size problems that have not been resolved by the empirical Bayes approach. In this study, the Bayesian approach implemented with the data augmentation algorithm is applied to a common experimental design found in research on education. This design includes an independent variable measured at the student level. This independent variable could be a measured student characteristic such as motivation, aptitude, or interest. In addition, a simple experimental design representing an experimental group and a control group was defined at the classroom level. The specific details of this model are presented in the next chapter. Hierarchical data illustrating representative samples found in research on education at the class level are simulated with known properties. A number of distinct data sets are generated with different combinations of between-class effect parameters. The number of students per class is drawn randomly from a realistic distribution of class sizes that might be found at the elementary school level. The remainder of the parameters that are necessary to define the simulated data are set 23 to values typically obtained from research on education. Since the data augmentation algorithm is new, there are questions concerning the most effective implementation of the algorithm and the amount of computational resources it requires. The data augmentation method requires the generation of latent data that is added to the observed data, as its name implies. The amount of data generated is a variable of the algorithm and a technique for controlling this aspect must be determined before it can be implemented. A strategy must be developed to obtain an optimal balance between the amount of data generated and the computational resources required. Furthermore, this algorithm is an iterative procedure and stopping rules must be determined prior to programming it for the computer. The practicality of this algorithm in terms of the necessary computational resources needs to be evaluated due to the combination of data generation and iteration. This is an important consideration because in substantive educational research situations the data are analyzed a number of times using different models. Any data analysis procedure should be efficient enough to make this flexibility practical. The investigation of the performance of the implementation of the Bayesian statistical procedure is another important consideration. A practitioner must know the properties of a statistical procedure. In addition, researchers are interested in knowing which estimation method produces the best results relative to a set of possible methods currently available. To make a meaningful comparison the empirical Bayes approach using the EM algorithm was selected as an alternative estimation procedure. The performance of these methods under small sample conditions are investigated. A simulation study is unique because it provides 24 knowledge of the population parameters. A comparison of both methods can be made as to how accurately they recover the population parameters. In a hypothesis testing context, type I error rates are compared against the nominal level for the relevant between-class level parameters. In addition, the type I error rates produced by the two statistical methods will be compared. A related concern is the statistical power of the test. The power of the two methods is estimated and compared. CHAPTER II NOTATION CONVENTIONS AND THE MODEL This chapter provides a brief discussion of the matrix symbols and conventions employed in this study. Also, the specific hierarchical linear model used is first described in scalar terms and then extended to matrix notation. The basic assumptions for the empirical Bayes approach using the EM algorithm and the Bayesian approach using the data augmentation algorithm are presented. The educational context features students nested within classes for the first level of the hierarchy, the within-class level. Let the dependent variable be a measure of student achievement in a subject area and the independent variable be a measured psychological attribute, such as an aptitude. The dependent variable is regressed on the independent variable resulting in two regression coefficients for each class, a slope and an intercept. At the between-class level, classes are randomly assigned to either the experimental treatment or the control group. At this level, the within-class parameters are considered random outcomes and are modeled as functions of the fixed effects due to treatments. In this example, it is the researcher’s task to explain the variation among the outcomes of c.“ h class as a result of the between-class model’s experimental treatment. This hierarchical linear model is translated into an explicit mathematical presentation. 25 26 A Guide to the Matrix Notation Bold letters are used to represent matrices and vectors. Bold upper case letters are used to represent matrices and bold lower case letters are used to represent vectors. For example, X represents a matrix and x represents a vector. Furthermore, scalar values are represented by characters or numbers not in bold face type. The order of matrices and vectors is indicated by "(r x c)" to specify the number of rows and columns respectively. A matrix with r rows and c columns may be written as X (r x c) and displayed as X11 X12 ch X = X21 x22 X2: X” X4 Xv: An element of X in row i and column j is Xij. In a similar manner, the (r x 1) column vector y may be illustrated as Y: yr To help differentiate symbols, parameters are represented by Greek characters and Roman characters are used to represent observed values or known constants. Moreover, the superscript "-1" is used to indicate the inverse of a matrix, an H," apostrophe 27 is used to indicate the transpose of a matrix. The identity matrix is denoted by I. "Var" is the variance operator, "Cov" is the covariance operator, "D" indicates a dispersion mauix, "Tr" is the trace operator, and "E" is the expectation operator. The symbol "cc" indicates proportionality, and "~" can be read as, "is distributed." The following summarizes these conventions: A. A. I Var(x) Cov(x, y) D(y) Tr(2) EU) A cc cA y ~ N01. 6’) is a vector of parameters, is a matrix of fixed constants, is the inverse of matrix A, is the transpose of matrix A, is the identity matrix, is the variance of x, is the covariance matrix of x and y, is the dispersion of the vector y, is the trace of the matrix 2, is the expectation of the vector y, indicates the matrix A is proportional to cA, and indicates that y is distributed normally, with mean u and variance 0‘. The Hierarchical Linear Model in Scalar Terms At the first level, the within-class model specifies a model for the units of statistical analysis. For classroom level research in education, the first level involves students within a class. In this case, the within-class model includes two 28 parameters, an intercept and a slope. In other educational research situations this first level of the hierarchy might model classrooms nested within schools. Since two unique regression coefficients are determined for each class, the resulting set of regression parameters vary randomly across classes. The between-class model is developed to explain the random variation of these regression parameters. More specifically, the within-class model, is presented in scalar terms as follows: Yij = Bjo + lexijl + rij’ (2.01) where yij is the outcome response of the i‘” student in the j‘” class, [310 is the intercept (base) of the j"1 class, B,- is the regression slope for the jm class, m is i"I student’s predictor response, and rij is a random error for the i"1 student in the j"I class, for i = 1, 2, , nj with nj students in the j" class, and 1, 2, , k and k is equal to the number of classes. He II At the second level, the between-class level, we specify a model for the random parameters of the first level. The random parameters, the intercepts and the slopes, are now considered to be outcomes and are explained as functions of between-class differences. These between-class differences could be explained with a design on the classes that includes experimental treatments, naturally occurring 29 classification factors, measured attributes of the classes, or some combination of these different types of independent variables. The between-class design selected for this study differentiates classes into experimental treatment and control groups. The between-class model is presented in scalar terms as follows: %=m+m%+%. amm Bit = 7m + 711W,- + ujr. (2.02b) where 700 is the base of class intercepts, 70, is the main effect due to experimental treatment, u,-0 is a random error associated with the j"I class, ‘ym is the base of the within-class slopes, Y“ is the interaction effect (ATI), ujl is a random error associated with the j"’ class, and Wj is equal to 1 for classes in the experimental group, and is equal to -1 for the classes in the control group. Equations (2.01), (2.02a) and (2.02b) may be combined to form a more traditional representation of the hierarchical model. This equivalent representation of the model may be written as Yij = 700 + Yorwj + “03' + Yloxijl + Yrrwjxijr + uljxijl + rij° (2-03) This traditional representation obscures the hierarchical structure. The terms in the 30 model are the same as described previously. In many situations the unconditional model provides some valuable information. The unconditional model in this hierarchical context refers to the model without the inclusion of any between-class predictor variable(s), which in this case is the treatment indicator variable Wj. When both the unconditional and conditional models have been estimated the proportion of additional between-class variance accounted for by the inclusion of one or more predictors is available to the researcher to help assess the performance of the conditioning variable(s). The unconditional between-class model is presented in scalar terms below: Bjo = To + 1130’ (2.04a) m=u+nn amm where yo is the base of the class intercepts, u}.0 is a random error associated with the j‘“ class, y1 is the base of the within-class slopes, and u is a random error associated with the j‘” class. A Matrix Representation of the Hierarchical Linear Model The next step is to extend the scalar representation of the model into matrix terms. In general, the within-class model may contain random effects, fixed effects, or a combination of these two types of effects. In this specific model, the within- class slope and intercept parameters are considered as random variables. The within-class model is given in matrix terms as follows: y = XB + r, where 3’: y = 3'2 3'1: X1 X = 0 b with 1 Xj = 1 '1 B; l3 = 132 Br B1 = l B10 jl r1 r = r2 'r. with .Nxc ljl 2jl ><>< 31 (Znj x 1), 0 ’(y - XB") + £03 - BP)’X’X(I3 - 13") = (y - XB‘TO/ - X13”) + Tr[X’X Var(B - [301 = (y - XB’)’(y - X13”) + TrIX’X Var(B)]. with Var(B) = Var(W‘y) + Var(u) + Cov(Wy, u) + Cov(u, Wy) = APV" + (r - A’)S"(I - AP)’, where S = W{W’[(X’2§“X)‘l + T]"W}"W’. In a similar manner, the conditional expectation for T given y, and previous values for 2 and T is 45 E(2ujuj’) = E[Z(Bj - ij)(Bj - ij)’] (3.23) = Zu’ju’j’ + 2(A"J.V"j + APjSPjAPj’). The estimated expected statistics derived from (3.22) and (3.23) are passed to the maximization step to produce restricted maximum likelihood estimates for (3'2 and T respectively (Harville, 1976; and Laird and Ware, 1982). Let us define 2’ = Io" and T' to be the estimates that maximize the restricted likelihood. The empirical Bayes approach substitutes these variance-covariance components as if they were known constants. This strategy reduces the information from two distributions into point estimates. Hence, empirical Bayes inferences about 7 are based on the following joint posterior distribution: p(v l y. 2:21 T=T' ) = lp(y I B. 2:) p(B I y, r) as. (3.24) The empirical Bayes approach does not take into consideration the uncertainty of our knowledge of the unknown variance-covariance matrices Z and T. The estimates of T in a small sample situation may not be estimated with very much precision. The empirical Bayes approach underestimates the uncertainty associated with T and to a lesser extent 2 because the point estimates for these parameters do not provide any information about their precision. As a result, if other probable values for T produce substantially different values for y', then the dispersion of y' will be underestimated. The asymptotically normal properties of maximum likelihood estimators makes this concern less important in large sample problems or in situations where the most probable values of T do not substantially effect the 46 estimation of y'. The Data Augmentation Algorithm Wovides an alternative to the empirical Bayes M approach / and explicitly incomeretes. .theypesttainty. oppreeisien. of the variance- covariance components /n the model. The, essentialdifference in thesegtwow , approaches/Ts that the Bayesian approach specifies a prior distribution for the variance-covariance components’in the model, rather than summarizing this ‘ / information into a point estimate/ Hence, Bayesian inferences about 7 are base on My | y. z, T) = film I 13.2) p(B | 730951) 991:0) @98383625) This Bayesian approach provides more information about the precision of the standard error of the posterior distribution (Lindley, 1972) than is available with some form of point estimate substitution for the variance-covariance components. In iparticular, the Bayesian approach presented in (3.25) should provide standard errors ifor 7 that tend to be larger than those in (3.24). {This should be; especially. evident. in small sample situations}, The problem with the Bayesian solution to the hierarchical linear model is that even for reasonable priors it is exceptionally“ complicated io execute. The required integrationvis multidimensionalé the densities vare mathematically complex and [,Cannot all be expressed in closed form (Lindley, 1972). The data augmentation algorithm jls an alternative procedure for the implementation of the Bayesian approach I that can approximate (3.25)\vg}'_t_119_11.t~3§£§35511§tjflg,£h§..99mplexintegration.“ 47 he data u ' a1“ ' is amethod for Calculation/of the/posterior diiuibuuon of a model’s parameters vwithout integration“. The basic ideanehind this agofimm/gwpkmem the. observed data/{with some latent datal mltingin. an. _augmented datasei. In many cases: given this augmented data: thwahsis pr/oblemi which‘initially was. difficult. or..intractable, becomes relatively straightforward. Ingthe general hierarchical linear model, each successive level is more difficult /to sample /because the relevant populations become smaller. For example, it is easier to sample n students than to sample the same number of classes and as a result, the data at higher levels becomes sparse. For the specific hierarchical model under consideration, if large quantities of data were available pertinent to the between-class parameters 7 and T, the analysis would be much easier. The data augmentation algorithm developed by Tanner and Wong (1987) provides a strategy to generate the required latent data for the model’s between-class parameters to facilitate the statistical analysis. In order to develop this algorithm, further assumptions are required that were unnecessary for the empirical Bayes procedure. These additional assumptions /Specify prior distributions for the parameters O"2 and T./ These conjugate prior distributions are 62 7' Vooozqu/o), and T ~ W“(‘I’, u). v \/ These assumptions were presented previously in (2.12) and (2.13). One 48 “Conseqmnce of these assumptionsvis that thevuncertainty resulting Vfrom unknown variance-covariance components” is included (explicitly in the model. madataaaugmentation algorithmwusgsgythese assumptions- inadditionJo the data to generate a large set of latent or unobserved data by Monte Carlo sampling. If this set of augmented data, is sufficiently large, it_ can be used as a finite approximation to the true posterior distribution. This algorithm is iterative and each auooessiveiteration produces a__better approximation, until convergence, toAhe true. posteriordisuibution. The a priori knowledge assumed for the actual parameter values of . the prior distributions/are vague or noninformative in--their contribution to the posterior distribution.“ 7 It is the assumptions concerning the model, in conjunction (with the distribution of the data that determines the joint posterior disu'ibution. The joint distribution of the model is p(y, [3. E. y. T) = (3.26) PM ' B, 2) 13.2931 >3. 7. T) 133137;. T). This joint distribution can be rewritten in two alternative expressions (Morris, 1987) as qty) MB. 2 I y) Q30. T | [3. 2). (3.27) 01‘ “(3') 1'2“}, Z I y, Y, T) 5(7) T I Y)- (328) The above two alternative forms contain densities derived from the pi densities in 49 (3.26) and q1(y) = r,(y). The joint posterior density may be written as p(B. 2. 7. T | y) x p(y, B. 2. 7. T) / (My). (3.29) First, to calculate the joint posterior density presented in (3.29), the knowledge of q3 would result in the straightforward calculation of the joint posterior density given by r2 because the joint posterior density of y and T is known. Or, on the other hand, if r2 were known then the joint posterior density of q3 would follow directly because the joint posterior distribution of B and 2 is known. The dependency between q3 and r2, in terms of the joint posterior density of the parameters, suggests an iterative solution to this problem, since neither q3 or r2 is generally known. The data augmentation algorithm provides an ingenious procedure to overcome this dilemma. The data augmentation algorithm, as outlined by Tanner and Wong (1987), has two basic steps, the imputation and posterior steps. The qut step is the imputation step. This step generates latent data to augment the observed data. Initially, suppose parameters B and 2 from r2 were observed, then 7' can be calculated, where the asterisk (*) indicates an estimated mean. Next, given 7’ just calculated and a previously observed T, m new y’s are sampled by Monte Carlo methods from the posterior distribution of y. This is the point in the algorithm where latent data may be generated to augment the observed data. With the knowledge of the m 7’s, m T"s can be calculated and subsequently, m T’s are sampled from the posterior distribution of T using Monte Carlo methods. The result of the imputation step is m parameters 7 and T approximating a sampit- From q3. 50 The second step is the posterior step. This step uses the augmented data resulting from the previous imputation step to obtain a sample of m B’s and 2’s. Given m parameters 7 and T from q3 and a previously observed 2, m values for B‘ can be calculated and used as estimated means to sample m updated B’s by Monte Carlo methods. Subsequently, m 2”s can be calculated and then m 2’s can be sampled by Monte Carlo methods. The results from this step are m parameters B and Z approximating a sample from r2. Initially, the results from the two steps of the data augmentation algorithm produce rough approximations. To improve the approximations, the results from the posterior step can be considered as an intermediate approximation of r2 instead of a final one and recycled back to the imputation step to generate a new sample to update q,. The size of m may be increased in the imputation step during an iteration until it reaches some maximum value. At this point, the value for m may be held constant. This iterative process between the imputation and posterior steps has been shown by Tanner and Wong (1987) to converge in probability to the desired posterior distribution under mild regularity conditions. For large values of m, for example m = 2048, the mixture of the densities produced from the imputation and posterior steps can be considered a finite approximation to the desired joint posterior density presented in (3.29). One advantage of this algorithm is that not only are point estimates generated as a mixture of densities, but the results also include finite approximations to the true joint posterior distribution. For example, the calculated values for a parameter of interest can be sorted in order and then the or/2% tails of the distribution can be easily determined. This procedure results in a (l - 00% highest 51 posterior density (HPD) interval for the parameter. Thus, this approach provides an alternative to the sampling theory approach, which is especially useful when the analytically determined sampling distribution of an estimator is not known and the implementation of the appropriate conditional distributions such as r2 and q3 do not offer insurmountable problems. The details for the implementation of the data augmentation algorithm are presented in the following sections. This presentation will begin with a brief discussion concerning the calculation of initial values required to begin the data augmentation algorithm. Initial Values . v x V Initial values for B, E and T are required for the start of this algorithm. Parameter estimatesjnay be calculated by a variety of techniques. One method to calculate these parameter estimates is to use the empirical/Bayes procedure. The final estimates from the empirical Bayes procedure can be used to supply initial values Vto the Bayes approach using the data augmentatiomalgorithm. Since these two statistical procedures are compared in this study, the final estimates of the empirical Bayes procedure were not used to help minimize dependencies between methods. Least squares estimates of B \were used as initial starting values for this parameter. The first iteration results from the empirical Bayes procedure for Z and T were used as starting values because this method constrains estimates of these parameters to their respective parameter spaces. 52 The Impatation Step Given a set of m pairs (B, 2) from r2(B, 2’. l y, y, T), m new values for 'y' and T’ can be calculated. These posterior means are used to generate a sample of size m’ of the parameter pairs (7, T) from q,, where m S m’. The fu'st iteration of this step m = 1 and may be increase so that m’ = 2 at the completion of the imputation step. We note that y is from a normal disuibution given by 7‘" ~ Ntr‘”. (W’T‘W)"). (3.30) and q3 may be expressed in the following form: cm. T I B. 2) = cm I T. B. 2) (1.0). (3.31) where q,» represents the noninformative prior distribution of T. The calculation of 7‘ does not depend on T, because T is constant with respect to B. The m values for y' can be calculated as follows: 7“" = 2(Wj’Wj)‘ 2W; 5", (3.32) where i = 1, 2, ..., m, and j = 1, 2, ..., k. Once the y‘””s are calculated, a sample is drawn by Monte Carlo sampling from (3.30), the posterior distribution of 7. Let us denote the m T’s from the 53 previous iteration of the imputation step TS). Let A“) = [2(Wj’Té’HWJ-H". (3.33) for i = 1, 2, ..., m, where the A“”s provide the current approximation to the dispersion of y. The A“”s are factored such that A“) = Bti)B(i)’, (3.34) where B“) is a lower triangular Cholesky factor of A"). The matrix equation used to generate a new 7‘" is 7(1) = 7(1)— + Baku), (3.35) where i = 1, 2, ..., m, 1: l, 2, ..., m’ and m Sm’. The vector x‘” contains elements that are independently and identically distributed N(0, 1). The data may be augmented using (3.35). For example, let m’ = 2m. Two x vectors can be generated for each pair y‘"’ and 8‘”. Hence, two new 7 vectors may be generated. Once m’ new y’s have been generated, this information can be used to 54 update the posterior distribution of T. Let "1"” = (l/k) C"), (3.36) where C“) = 2(Bf" - W;y‘")(BJ-"’ - iji’Y, and now i = l, 2, ..., m’. If the i" sample covariance mauix is W”, where T")‘ has the Wishart distribution with parameters T and k, and T has the a priori inverse Wishart distribution W"(‘1’, u), then the conditional distribution of T (given T“”) is W"(T“" + ‘I’, k + D) (Anderson, 1984). Thus, if we assume the precision mauix ‘I’ approaches 0 and its degrees of freedom parameter 1) approaches zero to indicate a noninformative prior, then the posterior distribution of T is T ~ W"(T‘”°, k). (3.37) Jones (1985), and Smith and Hocking (1972) describe a method that uses Bartlett’s (1933) decomposition along with T‘"° to obtain a random sample from the distribution in (3.37). To obtain a sample of T“”s from the disuibution given in (3.37) we find the Cholesky factor of the T“”’s such that T‘”’ = D“’D"”, where D‘” is a lower triangular mauix. For E"), a lower triangular matrix, let F") = DmEmE’mD’m = (D"’E"’)(D‘°E"’)’. (3.38) 55 Furthermore, if eij is an element of E, and e2jj is an independent chi-square variable _. ...‘Iith ‘(k T j + 1) degrees of freedom and the wel’eri’ients below the diagonal are independently distributed N(0, 1), then F“) will have the required inverse Wishart distribution with parameters T“” and k (Jones, 1985; and Anderson, 1984). Now, for each T“” calculated in (3.36) an updated T“) is sampled from (3.37). This is accomplished by generating F“) from (3.38) using Monte Carlo methods and setting T“) = 1/k F“). These new values for ya) and T“) are passed to the posterior step to generate new updated values for B and E. The Posterior Step The data generated from q, by the execution of the I-Step consists of the pairs (7"), T‘”), for i = 1, 2, ..., m. These values are considered known during the execution of the P-Step. Given these data, the posterior step calculates m B"s and Y’s. This information is used to realize a sample of size m from r2. The desired posterior density r2 can be rewritten as r2(Bs Z I yr Y: T) = r2‘(B I yr 2! Yr T) r2"(z)° (339) We note that r," is the noninformative prior assumed for 2. Let 2“,” indicate the previous iterations sample from the posterior distribution of 2. New values for the B"s can be calculated with the following equation: 13;” = Alli? + (I - awn/i). (3.40) where 56 ATI) = (VEDJ + 'I‘(i)-l)-lVJ(i)-l’ and V?“ = (xjazélHXQ-l. A new set of B’s can be sampled from the following distribution: Bl" ~ N(B§"’. D(B§"). (3.41) where D(B§~") = (V?) + Tel)“. Samples are drawn from (3.41), an approximation of r2, in much the same manner as the W’s were sampled in the imputation step. First, the matrix D(B§”) is factored by the Cholesky method such that Bail") = Ll‘lLl‘”. (3.42) where Lg” is a lower triangular mauix. Next, the B}‘”s are sampled with the following equation: B?" = BE" + Li’xfi". (3.43) where x?) is a vector containing independent and identically distributed elements sampled from N(0, 1). After generating new B§"’s from (3.43), the 2“” = 0'2“”1 can be updated to 57 reflect these new values. Let 0'1“). = 1/N 20') ' XjBii))’(y)' " XjBii))i (3‘44) where N=zn,. It has been assumed that 62“" has a chi-square distribution and of, has an inverse chi-square prior distribution. This prior distribution of 0'}, is noninformative and may be considered a very small constant in its contribution to the posterior distribution of the o"”’s when the degrees of freedom for 0'}, approach 0 (Lindley, 1965b). The updated posterior values of 0"“) can be generated by Monte Carlo methods as follows: out) = No.20)- / 762%"), (3.45) where the xz‘"(v) are independent chi-square variates with the degrees of freedom parameter v = N. This simulated sample from r2 of m parameter pairs (B‘”, 2‘”) are passed back to the imputation step to begin a new iteration. Some Additional Notes on the Data Augmentation Algorithm. To begin the first iteration, there is only one estimate of B, y, and T available for the first iteration of the imputation step. The parameters 7 and T are augmented in this step of the algorithm. Each execution of the imputation step 58 produces twice as many samples from the posterior density as the number entering this step. This doubling of the latent data continues up to some predetermined maximum. The rate the data is augmented is a variable of the algorithm. Doubling the data in the imputation step was chosen as a slow linear rate so that the number of iterations required for convergence would not be as reliant on the initial values as they would if m was set at its maximum value right at the beginning. After this maximum value has been reached, it is held constant until a stopping criterion for the algorithm is reached. Traditionally, an iterative process can be said to converge when some function based on the difference between the previous and the current iteration values is less than some specified tolerance. The implementation of the data augmentation algorithm includes the inu'oduction of random elements, and as a result the convergence criterion for this algorithm will be quite different than the one used for the EM algorithm. The data augmentation algorithm will produce a stochastic trend across iterations rather than a strictly increasing monotonic function evaluated with the EM algorithm. Since this is a simulation study, the population values of all the parameters are known. These population values can be compared to the values obtained from the posterior distributions calculated with the data augmentation algorithm at selected iterations. This information obtained from a number of different iterations across experimental data sets will be examined to provide some insight into an appropriate number of iterations to provide the desired level of convergence. Determining convergence is a major unsolved problem of the data augmentation algorithm. CHAPTER IV METHOD Research Questions The primary questions of interest are introduced in this section. The specific methodological details for investigating these questions are presented in subsequent sections. Determining a Convergence Criterion The iterative data augmentation algorithm lacks a strategy for determining convergence. The convergence of this algorithm is dependent on a number of factors, such as, the model, the assumptions, the data, the number of augmented data sets that are generated, and the number of iterations. How do we know when this algorithm has converged? Comparing the Accuracv of the Two Statistical Procedures There is little known about the performance of the empirical Bayes approach using the EM algorithm in small sample hierarchical problems and the Bayesian approach using the data augmentation algorithm is virtually untested as an applied statistical technique. In many studies, the most important parameter is the 7 vector. In addition, the variance-covariance matrices Z and T are important parameters to 59 60 accurately recover because they provide information on the dispersion of B and y. Which of the two competing statistical procedures recover the parameters of the model from small sample hierarchical data with the greatest accuracy? The Error Rm There are two possible types of errors that can be committed when making an inference in a hypothesis testing situation. A type I error is made when the null hypothesis is rejected when it is in fact true. Traditionally, researchers have tried to control the type I error rate, or. The origins of the 0.05 level of statistical significance can be traced back to Sir Ronald Fisher in 1925 (Cowles and Davis, 1982) and a narrow range of values around the 0.05 level have persisted. Under the conditions of this simulation, are the observed type I error rates equivalent to the nominal error rates for the empirical Bayes and the Bayes statistical procedures? The other error that can be made is when the null hypothesis is not rejected when in fact the alternative is true. This is referred to as a type 11 error. The type 11 error rate, B, is used to define the statistical power of a test, (1 - B). This translates into a statement about the probability of detecting a true alternative hypothesis. Is the statistical power for both procedures equivalent? If the statistical power is different, which procedure is the most powerful? The Computational Efficiency of the Statistical Algorithms The computational resources required by the data augmentation algorithm are unknown. This procedure generates large quantitiesof data and it is also iterative. Consequently, it has the potential to consume substantial amounts of computer 61 resources. Are the computational resources required by the data augmentation algorithm within practical limits for the application of this method to substantive problems in education? How do the two statistical procedures compare in terms of the computer resources they require? The EM algorithm is also an iterative algorithm. How many iterations are required for convergence? Do the required number of iterations change when the EM algorithm is applied to data from different populations? In particular, does the number of iterations increase as the conditional variance of In decreases? The Design and Sampling Plan for the Simulation The primary design factor in this simulation study is the size of the between- class parameter 7”. The empirical Bayes approach using the EM algorithm and the Bayesian approach using the data augmentation algorithm are compared under three experimental conditions. The 7,, parameter varies across the three experimental conditions. The relative magnitude of this interaction (ATI) effect parameter is essentially determined by p,, the correlation of Bjl with Wj, where Wj is the between-class predictor. Five hundred replications of an experiment are generated for each experimental condition. This number was chosen as a compromise between the number of replications necessary to make an informed inference about the statistical results produced by the two procedures and the required computer processing time. Computer processing time is a concern because both algorithms are iterative and computation intensive. This is especially true for the data augmentation algorithm. The number of students assigned to each class in this simulation is drawn 62 randomly from a distribution of class size. This distribution models a plausible distribution of elementary school class size. The expected class size from this distribution is 24.03. Table 4-1 displays the distribution of class size. Table 4-1 Class Size Frequency Distribution Class Size Percentage 30 0.005 29 0.030 28 0.060 27 0.1 10 26 0.125 25 0.135 24 0.130 23 0.125 22 0.095 21 0.070 20 0.050 19 0.030 18 0.020 17 0.010 16 0.005 Creating the Data A number of issues must be addressed before the appropriate data can be generated. The parameters necessary to generate the data must be defined and then suitable values must be selected before the actual data sets can be constructed. Another consideration is the technique used to generate the required random numbers and transforming them to the appropriate distributions. These issues are covered next. 63 Pagameters of the Model For the specific hierarchical linear model investigated, the predictor variable, X1)“ at the within-class level and the error term, rij, are identically and independently distributed normally with means equal to zero and variances equal to one. Furthermore, the variables xm, r“, ujo, and uj, are mutually independent. Finally, T is assumed to be a block diagonal mauix with homogeneous diagonal submauices. This assumption permits generation of a common Tj matrix and as a consequence a pooled estimate of this variance-covariance matrix is appropriate. To generate data with the required distribution, we must define some additional parameters. The method used to generate the necessary standardized hierarchical data was developed by Bassiri (1988) and modified to fit this specific model. This special case based on standardized hierarchical data changes the location and scale but it does not affect generalization to other normal distribution parameter values. Let the pooled within-class parameters be defined in the following manner: 7, is the pooled slope, p” is the pooled within-class and within-treatment correlation of x with y, FL is the unconditional pooled variance of y, and .9. is the pooled variance of x. Recall that too and In are the diagonal elements of Tj corresponding to the Var(ujo) and Var(u)-1) respectively. Also, Cov(u,-o, u“) = 0 which implies that to, = t“, = 0. The following is a list of required definitions. 64 1. c = In / too and In = c1200. (4.01) 2. ti = Pi. 0‘? / 0i. (4.02) and 03 = Var(xajm + xmuj. + r.) (4.03) = yj + t11 + Var(r,j) = 73‘ + c100 + 1.0. The results of (4.03) are substituted into (4.02) and the expression for 7% can be rewritten as y? = pi,“ + c100 +1.0) (4.04) = (Pi, / (1-0 - Pi,» (0100 + 1.0). 3. d = too / (too + oi), (4.05) where d is the intraclass correlation. Next, the expression for the pooled within-class variance of y can be expressed in a new form by substituting (4.04) into (4.03) and 0'; = {(pi, / (1.0 — (31)) (ct:00 + 1.0)} + ct:00 + 1.0. (4.06) Substituting equation (4.06) for O? into equation (4.05) and solving for Too results in 1:00 = d/ ((1.0 - d)(1.0 - p2,) - Cd). (4.07) The values for c are constrained by 0 < c < (1 - piy)(l - d) / (1, so that the variance component too is greater than zero. Equation (4.07) implies that once values are selected for the parameters d, p”, and c, the value for the variance component too is determined. From the definition of c in (4.01), it can be seen that In is also determined. 65 Definitions for the conditional variances too and 1,, given W must be considered in addition to the corresponding unconditional variance terms defined previously. Let p() be the correlation between Bjo and Wj and p1 is the correlation between Bjl and W, for Wj as defined in (2.02a) and (2.02b). Let to. = pom)“. (4.08) and In = 910.1)“. (4.09) The conditional variances for too and 1,, given W are defined as follows, tmlw = 1:00 - 7’00 (4.10) = tm(1.0 - pi). and rm“, = 1,, - yi, (4.11) = t,,(1.0 - pf). The covariance terms “to, and 1,0 are set to zero. The two between-class parameters 701 and y“ are determined by the correlation coefficients p0 and p,. Since po is set to zero, yo, will also be equal to zero. In addition, 700 is equal to zero because this is the central value for a standardized hierarchical linear model. And finally, 7,0 reflects the base for the within-class slopes. 66 The Parameter Values Selected The number of classes was selected at ten to represent a small but realistic number of classes that might typically arise in an experimental research project at the class level. This small sample size of classes was selected because it is expected that the difference between the two statistical procedures will be greatest under this condition. The three levels of the correlation coefficient (31 determining the relative size of y” are 0.0, 0.3 and 0.6. The value 0.0 was selected for the type I error rate analysis. The other two values were selected to investigate the power of the test over a range of plausible values for the between-class correlation coefficient related to y”. Also, the two algorithms may recover T differentially as the correlation p1 increases in size. Table 4-2 illustrates the three experimental data conditions and the values selected for 1),. Table 4-2 The Design for the Experimental Conditions Experimental Conditions Correlations 1 2 3 p, 0.0 0.3 i 0.6 Many student characteristics such as motivation, aptitudes, and interest have a moderate linear relationship with achievement if the measures are chosen judiciously. Since there is only one independent variable at the within-class level, it 67 is assumed that this single independent measure was chosen with care. To reflect this situation, the actual value of the correlation coefficient for p,y was set at 0.60. The intraclass correlation, d, is generally small in educational research. Kish (1965) reports that most intraclass correlations are less than 0.15. Raudenbush and Bryk (1986) estimated the intraclass correlation to be 0.177 in a national high school educational research project. Blair and Higgins (1986) picked a value of 0.20 for the intraclass correlation used in their simulation study. There is some evidence that the inu'aclass correlation associated with educational data has a rather narrow range of values (Blair et al., 1983). The intraclass correlation for this simulation was selected to be 0.18. Research findings do not routinely report the value of c, the ratio tn / too. Thus, choosing a likely value for c is not as straightforward. There is some indication that the value of c in an educational context is rather small. Bryk and Raudenbush (1987) found values of c equal to 0.11 and 0.05, and Raudenbush and Bryk (1986) found a value of 0.10. A value of 0.10 was selected for this parameter. The results determined by these selected parameter values are summarized in Table 4-3. 68 Table 4-3 Parameter Values for the Three Experimental Conditions Experimental Conditions Parameters 1 2 3 pI 0.0 0.3 0.6 700 0.0 0.0 0.0 Yo: 0.0 0.0 0.0 710 0.7632 0.7632 0.7632 711 0.0000 0.0565 0.1 130 oJ 1.0 1.0 1.0 130on 0.3552 0.3552 0.3552 tll .w 0.0355 0.0323 0.0227 tom, = ‘51on 0.0 0.0 0.0 The Steps for the Dat_a Generation Procedure The basic strategy for data generation is to create sufficient statistics for each class and then collect k classes of sufficient statistics into a complete set of data simulating one experiment. There are a couple of reasons for this approach over the more traditional method of generating data specifically for each unit of statistical analysis. The first reason is that both the HLM computer program developed by Bryk et al. (1986) and the data augmentation program developed for this study Operate on a set of sufficient statistics as input. The other reason is to reduce the number of observations that must be created and manipulated. The following data generation procedure was originally presented by Bassiri (1988) with some modifications incorporated to fit the unique requirements of this study. Let i = 1, 2, ..., nj index students within the j"I class. The five sufficient statistics required for each class are 69 2 xi: 2 XI: 2 r19 2 Fit and 2 xiri° The within-class data, the xijl’s and r,j’s, are independently and identically distributed N(0, 1), which implies that the Cov(xijl, rij) = 0. The following steps are used to simulate the data for one class and k repetitions constitute one simulated experiment. These steps are repeated 500 times for each experimental condition depicted in Table 4-2. The only parameter value of the data that changed was pl. Let i = 1, 2, ..., 11,- indicate students within the j‘“ class and the required steps are listed next. 1. Generate a value for nj sampled randomly from the distribution of class size presented in Table 4-2. 2. Generate 2n~MQ@. Mn) 3. Generate 2 (xi - it.)2 ~ ICE-1), (4.13) and then use the results from step 2 to compute Z x? = 2 (xi - it.)2 + (Z x,)2 / nj. (4.14) 4. Generate 2n~Nwmn (4w) 5. Similar to step 3, generate Z (ri - I.)2 ~ X2014» (4.16) and then using the results from step 4 to compute 70 z r: = 2 (r. - r): + (2 r.)2 / n... (4.17) First generate 2 ~. N(0, 1) and then construct a t variable with (nj-2) degrees of freedom as follows: t = z / (70:11.2) / (nj — 2))1”, . (4.18) then compute the sample correlation coefficient R R = t / (t2 + nj - 2)”, (4.19) and Z X.r. = R(2 (X. - X.)2)"’ (Z (r. - if)“ + (2 XXX I‘D/n). (4.20) Half the classes are randomly assigned to the experimental condition and the remaining classes to the control group. Recall that 700 has been set to zero and 7,0 equals the pooled within- class regression coefficient. The correlation coefficient, p,, is set according to Table 4—2 and p0 equals zero. The conditional variance terms, 10on and 1?qu are calculated from (4.10) and (4.11) respectively. When yo, or y“ are set to zero, their conditional and unconditional variance terms are equivalent. Since the Cov(ujo, ujl) = 0, the elements of uj can be generated independently from the following distributions: uq ~ N(0, tmlw), (4.21) and ulj ~ N(0, Tum). (4.22) Recall from (2.02a) and (2.02b) that l3)o = 700 + 701W) + ujo. and 71 Bil = 710 + 701w) + up: where you is set to zero, 70, and y“ are determined from equations (4.08) and (4.09) respectively, and 7,0 is computed by taking the square root of equation (4.04). 10. The last step in the data generation procedure calculates 2 y,,-, 2 yfj, and 2 xmyij from the sufficient statistics already available and the values selected for the parameters. The three desired quantities are calculated as follows: E yij = Z (Bjo + jlxijl + r.) (4.23) = “ij ‘*’ [3112 xi)! + 2 r”. 2 Y1),- = 2 (Bjo 'i' lexijl + 11))2 (424) = njBio + Bil}: xi)! + 2 ti) + 2510 112 xiii + 23102 r”. + 23512 erij, and 2 xmyij = B102 xijl + B112 xfj, + 2 xmrij. (4.25) Random Nimrber Generation The random number generator was based on the linear congruential method. This method produces a sequence of random uniform values between 0 and 1. These uniform random values are then transformed from a uniform distribution to another distribution, for example a normal or chi-square distribution. The general form of the linear congruential sequence is given by: 72 XM = (aXi + b) mod m, for i 2 0, (4.26) where m is the modulus, a is the multiplier, b is the additive increment, and X0 is the initial value or seed. The two subroutines DRNNOR and DRNCHI from the International Mathematical and Statistical Library (IMSL), Version 10.0 were used to generate and transform random uniform values on the interval (0, 1) into random standard normal and chi- square variables respectively. The random standard normal deviates produced by the IMSL subroutine DRNNOR were transformed when necessary to another normal distribution with new location and scale parameter values using the following general transformation: Yi = u + o,x,, (4.27) where xi ~ N(0, 1), and Y. ~ N01. 0:). Evaluating Convergence To determine a convergence criterion, the first 100 experiments under the no effects condition for y“ are analyzed. The convergence of this algorithm is 73 investigated with the maximum number of augmented data sets set at 2048. The results from the data augmentation algorithm are evaluated at selected iterations relative to the pOpulation parameter values. The mean squared errors resulting from the discrepancy between the results from the data augmentation algorithm and the population parameter values are calculated at 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 and 60 iterations. The calculation of the mean squared errors provide a measure of how effectively the data augmentation algorithm recovers information from the data. The most important parameters to investigate are the variance—covariance components because they are used as weights to calculate the posterior B. In addition, these variance- covariance components are required for inferences about B and 7. Convergence in the context of the data augmentation algorithm is a stochastic process, since random sampling is an integral element of the algorithm. Thus, convergence must be evaluated over iterations for trends in addition to the usual convergence criterion that tests some function of successive values for inclusion in an arbitrarily small neighborhood. The necessary number of iterations is primarily determined from the stability of the mean squared error terms of O" and T from this first run of 100 experiments. Of course, the mean squared errors of the 7 elements are also examined. The required number of iterations is then used for subsequent data augmentation runs. This "empirical" procedure for determining convergence is used because the properties of the data are known whereas, little is known about the convergence properties of the data augmentation algorithm. This algorithm’s convergence is stochastic rather than absolute and this makes it more difficult to determine a criterion for convergence because any function measuring a difference between 74 iterations will contain random sampling fluctuations. A real time convergence criterion must take into consideration information generated by the algorithm on the parameters of the model over a number of iterations. Generalizing a real time convergence criterion is an important and complex problem that must be addressed in future studies before this method for implementing a Bayesian solution can be used by researchers. Another related concern is how dependent are the results of the data v _. augmentation algorithm to specific staring values. In this study, the data_ m‘-‘ componentsfrom- the EM algorithm» implmcntei-Mem computer program (Bryk, et al., 1986). Twotrial replications are run with both good and poor variance-covariance component starting values. The standard good starting values WQDW. T/ltemsgniggmiere dermhedixmuldpb/ERMMMWWW 2- The results fIQKL the .data,_.augmentation.algorithm, are. displayed for each of these conditions.) In addition, the results from the EM algorithm and the population values for these parameters are displayed. Evaluating the Accuracy of the Two Statistical Procedures Descriptive information is calculated and displayed for the important parameters. The parameters y, o’" and T are of principal interest. From the Bayesian approach the posterior distributions of y, 0", and T are available for analysis and their posterior means are easily determined. The empirical Bayes approach provides posterior modal estimates for y, 0", and T. The point estimates 75 , )/ for these parameters are collected from each procedure and averaged over the 500 replications in each experimental condition. In the unique circumstance of a simulation study, the value of each parameter in the model is known. Therefore, the performance of each statistical procedure may be evaluated with respect to the accuracy they recover the population parameters. The mean squared errors are calculated for each parameter estimate relative its associated population value. To evaluate the relative accuracy these procedures recover the population parameters, the ratio of mean squared errors of the data augmentation algorithm and the EM algorithm are compared for y, o", and T. These ratios produce F test statistics and are compared to a tabled value with the appropriate degrees of freedom. These tests are performed for each experimental data condition. Evaluating Type I Error Rates and Power The type I errors produced from standard two-tailed z-tests and t-tests from the empirical Bayes approach are tabulated for the no effect hypothesis tests for the three parameters you, 701 and 7,1. The investigation of type I errors for y“ are appropriate only under the first experimental condition. The data augmentation procedure produces a finite approximation to the posterior distribution of 7. An alternative test of a null hypothesis, available with the Bayesian approach, may be determined using the 0t/2 and (1 - 0t/2) percentiles of a parameters posterior distribution. Since the Bj,’s have been set significantly greater than zero, it is inappropriate to include 710 in the type I error analysis. The three tests are evaluated at three levels of significance, 0.01, 0.05 and 0.10. An observed type I 76 error rate, p, is compared to the nominal rate, p0, using a standard test for a binomial proportion. The standardized test statistic is Z = (P ‘ Po) / (Po (1 - po) / n)”2 (428) This is a large sample normal approximation to the binomial distribution. As a rule of thumb, (Johnson and Bhattacharyya, 1977, p. 203) this approximation is satisfactory when up is greater than 15. Thus, this approximation might be marginal for tests at or = 0.01, but it should be satisfactory for tests at the other two levels of significance. The type I error rates for each procedure are compared using McNemar’s test. The following details for McNemar’s test are from Fleiss (1981). The appropriate layout for the data is presented next in Table 4-4. Table 4-4 Data Table for Error Analysis Test 1 Test 2 Correct Decision Wrong Decision Total Correct Decision a b a + b Wrong Decision c d c + d Total a + c b + d n The entries in Table 4-4 represent the number of response pairs that fall into a particular cell. This test for matched pairs with a dichotomous outcome tests the 77 hypothesis that two proportions are equal. The proportion of test 1 results that correctly fail to reject the null hypothesis is P1 = (a + C) / n, (4.29) and the proportion of test 2 results that correctly fail to reject the null hypothesis is p2 = (a + b) / n. (4.30) The difference between the two proportions, p2 - pl, may be tested with the following statistic with correction for continuity developed by Edwards (1948): x’ = (lb - cl - 1)2 / (b + c). (4.31) The value of the x2 statistic is compared to the central chi-square distribution with one degree of freedom. A large value of the test statistic implies a difference in error rates. Guarding against type I errors is not the sole concern in hypothesis testing situations. Researchers are particularly interested in the power of a statistical test for a given set of experimental conditions. The more powerful a test for a given level of significance the more sensitive it is in detecting true experimental effects. Power is often measured over a range of possible effect sizes represented by true alternative hypotheses for a predetermined level of significance. In particular, the power of the tests for the true effects represented by yo, and y“ are investigated 78 with or = 0.05. The power of the test is evaluated in a manner similar to the type I error rate. The data are collected and tabulated in the format presented in Table 4- 4. The essential difference between type I error analysis and power analysis is in what hypothesis is me. For the type I error analysis the no effect null hypothesis is true and the correct decision is to not reject the null hypothesis. For a power analysis the alternative hypothesis is true and the correct decision is to reject the null hypothesis. The power of McNemar’s test under the conditions of this study is an important consideration. In general, statistical power is related to sample size. Even with the number of experiments set at 500 for each data condition the effective sample size is substantially less than this figure, because McNemar’s test statistic only uses the entries in the cells b and c from Table 4.4. The sum of these off diagonal elements represent the total number of divergent responses. An approximation of the power function for McNemar’s test can be used to estimate the power of this test. The following approximations to McNemar’s test without the continuity correction is from Miettinen (1968). The approximate power of McNemar’s test depends on a discrepancy parameter defined as 5 = 5(1):) - E(Pz)- (4.32) Also, the nuisance parameter Q is defined as C = E(p1) + E(p2). (4.33) 79 Miettinen (1968) suggests setting the nuisance parameter Q at the upper bound of the following expression: [5| S W 5- E(Pr) 7' E(p2) ’ 213031132). (434) For example, suppose E(p,) = 0.97 and E(p2) = 0.93, then plausible values for 5 and w from a type I error analysis between the Bayesian and empirical Bayes approaches with the nominal a = 0.05 are 5 = 0.97 - 0.93 = 0.04, (4.35) and ‘l’ = 0.97 + 0.93 - 2(0.97)(0.93) = 0.0958. (4.36) An approximation to the unconditional power function is (l - B) z (DH-pa,” + (nw)‘”l8l] / [\y’ - (0.25)8’(3 + w)]""}, (4.37) where um is the 100(1 - tit/2) percentile of the standard normal distribution, n is the total sample size, and (I) denotes the distribution function of a standard normal variate. Accordingly, the power of the test to differentiate between type I error rates of the two statistical procedures is approximately 0.84. This should provide satisfactory power if the results are similar to the those projected. 80 Evaluating the Implementation of the Data Augmentation Algorithm The amount of computer resources used by the data augmentation is an important consideration for its application to substantive problems. The amount of central processing unit time will be collected and a mean processing time will be determined for this statistical procedure for each of the simulation conditions. This will provide a per job estimate for solving similar problems on an IBM 3090-180. The EM algorithm implemented in the HLM computer program (Bryk, et al., 1986) has been used extensively in applied research and the amount of computer resources it requires is well within practical limits set for most applied research. The central processing unit time required by the HLM computer program is collected to provide a relative measure of computational efficiency. The EM algorithm is an iterative statistical procedure and it is of interest to tabulate the number of iterations required for convergence. The number of iterations required to obtain the convergence criterion for each experimental data condition are tabulated to investigate the question of whether of not the parameter values of the data sets effect the number of iterations necessary. CHAPTER V SIMULATION RESULTS The results from the simulation are presented in this chapter in the same order the questions were stated in the preceding chapter. Abbreviations are used in some instances to indicate the statistical procedures. "DA" indicates the Bayesian approach using the data augmentation algorithm and "EM" indicates the empirical Bayes approach using the EM algorithm. Convergence Criterion Results A stopping rule was necessary to effectively implement the data augmentation algorithm. This algorithm was developed with the maximum number of augmented data sets fixed at m = 2048. It required eleven iterations to reach this number of augmented data sets. The tests for convergence were carried out on one hundred replications of the first experimental condition. The only element of y b A A'— set different than zero was 710. Th rim used to evaluate convergen05___ fl. _ _ a“---~,_. { was to investigate the mean squared errors-Between the results of the data I __-, r” __ .. . . - .. ~-““" 7 “ "I augmentation algorithm )Lanflthe population values of tin; parameters. The mean 9“" - «m—urw~---MW”“M""” r N) \ ) squared error terms were calculated (at a selected number of iteratigpsjp/Lthe. ...,...7, m...“ 7 «Egyflfil‘ 8.--.Ofinl61f95}. These results are presented next in Table 5-1 and Table 5-2. 81 82 Table 5-1 MSE Between DA Posterior Means and Population Values for y Parameters Number of Iterations 700 701 710 711 20 0.035461. 0.036.138 0.909957 , 0.007949 25 0.035394 0.036193 0.009592 0.007926 30 0.035258 0.036327 0.009579 0.007950 40 0.03531 1 0.036220 0.009620 0.007976 50 0.035852 0.036180 0.009539 0.008101 60 0.035460 0.036082 0.009559 0.008017 "Based on 100 replications. Table 5-2 MSE Between [DA Posterior Meansand Population Values for 0" and .T I Parameters Number of Iterations G"2 1:00 to, 1:u 20 9011246“ 0.036207 0.003193 0.001 158 25 0.0.1 1269 ' 0.036035 0.003127 0.001 143 30 ”0.011 150 0.036734 0.003128 0.001 169 40 0.01 1219 0.036201 0.003135 0.001145 50 0.011141. 0.035999 0.003099 0.001 1 13 60 0.011 17.4 0.036785 0.003166 0.001 170 Based on 100 replications. It was expected that the data augmentation algorithm would. exhibit .. .-1 "’ ‘1' ~.--.....- r..- . -~ .. . . - conversant; We; 21.99.1123. tires! point. {rennet-349.9... 3.9,. iter. adop- If the algorithm did not converge for a given augmented data set size there would be . 83 V ‘9" \r" a trendjnxhe~mean~squared~error terms in the two tables” with these terms generally 1 _‘ ...- ..- decreasing aspire iterations increased. Inspection omese table; prvidemsmno finenemigeneralflecreannwganmnd-rememmmnntespvetthe - 39113134. -.iESfinBES' These tables provide no indication that one value for the number of iterations was superior to another. Since the data augmentation algorithm is very computationally intensive, a smaller number of iterations is desirable. In addition, the initial values for the variance-covariance components for the data augmentation algorithm were the results from the first iteration of the EM algorithm. These initial estimates should provide good starting values. The number of iterations was selected at 25. This was a slightly more conservative criterion than the minimum number of iterations tested, which was 20. T. p examine the influence of different initial yalues, the data augmentation I method was [up using good and then oor initi for the “finance-covariance 1’4 K cgmponents. [339 trials were musing ..bgth. gokoflpnipmunifialkvahres. The W“. ”4‘ -- w- number of iterations for the data augmentation algorithm was set at, 69. Table 5-3 presents the results of these two trials. 84 T99l9.,.§:3_... DA Posterior, MQaQSResulting from Good and Poor Initial Values Parameters 6’ too to. tn Trial A Good Starters (GS) ’ 1913A 0.34972 -0.10295 0.03916 Poor Starters (PS) V 0.5.0139. 0.69944 -0.20590 0.07832 DA Using GS L936}; 0.32456 -0.10815 0.04721 DA Using PS 1.0368; 0.35223 -0.ll799 0.05420 EM gpw 0.35021 -0.13314 0.06238 Trial B Good Starters (GS) 1.03876 ' 9.05190... 0.10172 Poor Starters (PS) 0.51938 0.41332» 0.10380 ' 0.20344 DA Using GS v v1.10300, " 0.15031 0.03918 0.07381 DA Using PS v x- LLQQQE v 0.16144 0.04336 0.08022 EM 1.03702 v 0.20970 0.04367 ,, 0.10950 Population Values 1.00000 0.35517 0.00000 0.03552 DA results based on 60 iterations. ”‘ Table 5-3 provides evidence that the data augmerTTation algorithm was rpbust with , ‘- W. The results from good and poor initial values were very similar. Comparing the Results of the Two Statistical Procedures The three experimental conditions reflect changes in the interaction effect of a student level characteristic and the experimental treatment applied at the class level. The population value of 7,, increases from condition 1 to 3 while the conditional variance of 1,, decreases. The remaining parameters did not vary across experimental conditions. The results pertinent for evaluating how well these 85 procedures recover the parameters of interest across these three experimental conditions are summarized in this section. Ratios of the mean squared errors were used for inferences about the relative accuracy of the two statistical procedures over the 500 experimental replications. These ratios formed F test statistics to test for the equality of the mean squared errors versus the alternative that they were not equal. These F statistics were compared to the tabled P value with 500 degrees of freedom associated with the numerator and the denominator parameters of this central F distribution. Tables A-l, A-3 and A-5 in Appendix A display the means for 7 obtained from each experimental condition and the population values for y are provided for reference. The mean values for 7 were calculated from the 500 replications of each experimental condition. The values calculated for y from the empirical Bayes approach using the EM algorithm and the Bayesian approach using the data augmentation algorithm were very similar. The ratio of mean squared errors for 7 obtained from the two procedures relative to the population parameter values are presented in tables A-7, A-8, and A-9 in Appendix A. All of the F statistics formed by these ratios were not significant at the 0.05 level. Therefore, the estimates of the 7 vector obtained by the two statistical procedures were not significantly different at the 0.05 level. To illustrate how close the Bayes and empirical Bayes estimates were, Figure 5-1 displays a scatterplot of the estimates for the experimental condition 3 ATI effect parameter 7“ for the two procedures. The correlation between the estimates from the two procedures was 0.992. 86 Ov.o mn.o on.o mN.o .ON.O noouum H94 n coduapco afluaEduna achflm HQOANOQED no.0 - md.0 OH.O . p . t r. I To meswa 00.0 NO DOHQuouumom roH.o) .mo.oa 100.0 vmo.o 10H.o rmH.o JON.o rmN.C ton.o 1mm.o nov.o mnaon mnudsnuon 87 The mean values for the variance-covariance components calculated from the 500 replications of each experimental condition are presented in Appendix A in tables A-2, A-4 and A-6. The population values are provided in these three tables for reference. The mean squared errors of both statistical procedures relative to the values of the population parameters were calculated for O'2 and T over the 500 replications and displayed for the three experimental conditions in tables A-10, A-11 and A-12 in Appendix A. The F tests comparing the Bayesian and empirical Bayes point estimates indicated that there was a statistical difference (p < 0.01) between the two methods in their ability to recover the t“ variance component for all three experimental conditions. The evidence suggests that the Bayesian approach using the data augmentation algorithm obtained posterior mean estimates of 1:11 that were closer to the population value. In addition, the Bayesian approach obtained posterior mean estimates under condition 3 of the covariance term To) that were closer to the population value with a significance probability less than 0.05. Type I Error Rate Results The actual type I error rates were compared to the nominal rates at three levels of significance, 0.01, 0.05 and 0.10. The Bayesian approach consn'ucts a test from the upper and lower 01/2 percentile points of the posterior distribution of y. The empirical Bayes approach provided standard z-tests and t-tests. There were three parameters, you, 70, and 71,, that had population values of zero for experimental condition 1. The parameters 700 and yo, have population values equal to zero for experimental conditions 2 and 3. Thus, for the three experimental conditions there were seven parameters to be tested at three nominal levels of 88 significance. This resulted in a total of twenty-one tests for each hypothesis testing procedure. To provide an index for ranking the relative performance, the number of times a test procedure obtained a type I error rate that was not significantly different from the nominal rate with or = 0.05 was tabulated. Thus, an index value of 21 for a given procedure indicates that all comparisons showed no significant statistical difference between the obtained and the nominal type I error rates. This index was tabulated from tables A-13 through A-19 listed in Appendix A. In Table 5-4 the performance of the hypothesis testing methods are ranked according to this index. Table 5-4 Performance Ranking of Hypothesis Testing Procedures Procedure Rank Index EM t-test 1 19 EM z-test 2 6 DA 3 4 According to the index rankings presented in Table 5-4, the empirical Bayes approach using a t-test to test the 7 parameters that had a population value of zero provides evidence that this testing method produces an observed type I error rate that was much closer to the nominal rate than the other two testing procedures. The Bayes procedure and the empirical Bayes procedure using the z-test appear to be similar in terms of there index values listed in Table 5-4. Both of these tests were liberal and they tended to reject the null hypothesis more often than expected. 89 The type I error rates may also be compared with McNemar’s test. A chi- square statistic is produced by McNemar’s test that can be compared to the central chi-square value with one degree of freedom and or = 0.05. The critical value for this test is 3.84. The results from twenty-one McNemar’s tests are presented in tables A-20 through A-28. The Bayesian approach was statistically different from the empirical Bayes approach using the t-test with p < 0.05 in 18 out of the 21 tests. The Bayesian approach was different from the empirical Bayes approach using the z-test in 6 out of the 21 tests. These six tests that indicated a statistical difference were for tests of type I error rates with the nominal error rate set at 0.10. Power Analysis Results There are two elements of 7 that had true effects in this simulation study. The first element, 7,0, represented the intercept or base of the le’s. This effect was detected with or = 0.05 by the three testing procedures for all replications of the three experimental conditions. As expected, this effect was detected with 100% power by all three testing procedures. The other parameter of interest in this power analysis was 7“. The observed power of each test for y“ with a = 0.05 was calculated for the two experimental conditions that had true effects. The power of the empirical Bayes approach using both the z-test and the t-test were compared to the power of the Bayesian approach. The correlation between Bjl and Wj was set at 0.30 for experimental condition 2 and this produced a relatively small value for y". This correlation was increased to 0.60 for experimental condition 3 and as a result, the power to detect 7,, was 90 expected to be greater. In both cases, the power of the test was expected to be relatively weak, since the proportion of correct decisions was expected to be small. The following table displays the observed power of the statistical tests for experimental conditions 2 and 3. Table 5-5 Power of the Test of y“ for Experimental Conditions 2 and 3 Condition Method 2 3 DA 0.124 0.298 EM z-test 0.120 0.298 EM t-test 0.066 0.202 Power based on 500 replications. Table 5-5 illustrates the weak power these tests have for the small sample conditions of this study. This weak power was expected. In both experimental conditions, the Bayes approach using the data augmentation algorithm and the empirical Bayes approach using the EM algorithm and the z-test appeared to be slightly more powerful in detecting a true effect when compared to the empirical Bayes approach using the t-test. As noted earlier, these two more powerful testing procedures had observed type I error rates that were generally greater than the nominal rate. They appear more powerful because they were liberal tests. From McNemar’s tests presented in tables A-29 and A-30 in Appendix A, the Bayesian approach and the empirical Bayes approach using the t-test were 91 statistically different with significance probability p < 0.01 for both experimental conditions. When the Bayesian approach was compared to the empirical Bayes approach using the z-test, there was no significant difference between these procedures at ct = 0.05 for both experimental conditions. To help illustrate the relationship between the Bayesian and empirical Bayes t-test hypothesis testing procedures, the 95% HPD intervals about the ATI effect parameter 7,, for experimental condition 3 are presented in Figure 5-2. The correlation between the intervals produced by these two methods was 0.923, which was based on 500 replications of this condition. 92 mh.o Oh.o nIuU now: u I aao>uoucH nahom docuhomfiu mw.o ow.o mn.o — - on.o mv.o o¢.o mn.o - n p — > h uOOuuH HF< n COquUCOU DOM ndm>HODCH Om: Omm H0 UOHQhOuuaUm mlm. Sana ram.o tow.o raw-o moaon HCUON>DHD 93 Computational Efficiency Results The amount of computer resources required by the data augmentation algorithm is an important consideration for the application of this method to substantive problems in education. The following table presents the central processing unit time on an IBM 3090-180 mainframe computer utilized by the data augmentation algorithm and the EM algorithm. Table 5-6 Central Processing Unit Time CPU Seconds Experimental Conditions Replications DA EM 1 400 9136 78 2 500 18676 95 3 500 14180 123 Totals 1400 41992 296 Average 29.99 0.21 The EM algorithm implemented in the HLM computer program (Bryk et al., 1986) has been available to researchers for three years and it has been applied to many hierarchical data sets. It can be seen clearly from Table 5-6 that the processing time required by the EM algorithm is well within the practical limits for everyday use by researchers, whereas the data augmentation algorithm requires substantial computer resources and may be rather expensive to run repeatedly. One point of interest was whether variations in the parameters affected the number of iterations that the EM algorithm requires to converge. In particular, does 94 decreasing the conditional value of T increase the number of iterations necessary to attain convergence? The average number of iterations required for the EM algorithm to converge for the three experimental conditions are presented in the following table. Table 5-7 The Average Number of Iterations of the EM Algorithm Experimental Average Condition Iterations 1 41.346 2 40.790 3 53.678 500 replications per condition. There appeared to be a increase in the number of iterations required for convergence for experimental condition 3. This may have been due to the fact that the conditional variance of 1,, was the smallest in experimental condition 3 and it is closest to the boundary point of a variance component’s parameter space. This may have caused some instability estimating this variance parameter and as a consequence, the EM algorithm required more iterations to converge. CHAPTER VI DISCUSSION The results presented in the previous chapter are discussed and summarized in this chapter. The following section discusses some of the advantages and disadvantages of the Bayesian and empirical Bayes implementations. And finally, some unanswered questions and suggestions for future research are presented. Advantages and Disadvantages The fundamental question of this simulation study was whether or not the Bayesian approach implemented with the data augmentation algorithm would recover the parameters of the hierarchical model more accurately than the empirical Bayes approach using the EM algorithm. The performance of these two statistical methodologies was primarily evaluated in terms of their mean squared errors relative to the population parameter values. In all experimental conditions investigated there was no statistical difference between point estimates produced by the Bayesian procedure using the data augmentation algorithm and the empirical Bayes procedure using the EM algorithm in terms of recovering y and 0". The Bayesian approach did produce posterior mean estimates for some elements of T that were substantially closer to their population values than the empirical Bayes approach. The T mauix was estimated from a small sample and the Bayesian approach was superior in 95 recovering this variance-covariance mauix. Therefore, we may conclude that the Bayes approach implemented with the data augmentation algorithm recovered the parameters of the model under investigation as well or better than the empirical Bayes approach using the EM algorithm. Another advantage of the Bayesian approach implemented with the data augmentation algorithm is that it produces a finite approximation to the posterior distribution. The information supplied by the complete posterior distribution provides the researcher with a number of options. A variety of measures from a posterior distribution may be easily determined, for example, the mean, median, mode and percentile points. In addition, it is possible to graph an entire posterior distribution of a parameter. The empirical Bayes procedure using a t-test was clearly superior for hypothesis tests of the elements of 7 that had population values of zero. The observed type I error rates from this procedure were very close to the nominal rates. The Bayesian procedure as implemented in this study and the empirical Bayes approach using the z-test were liberal and tended to reject the null hypothesis more often then the expected nominal rate. The Bayesian procedure using the data augmentation algorithm may produce a type I error rate closer to the nominal rate if the maximum number of augmented data sets (m) was increased. The tail sections of a posterior distribution might be approximated more accurately with a larger number of augmented data sets. The power to detect y,,, the interaction effect between the student level independent measure and the between-class treatment, was weak for both experimental conditions that had a true effect associated with this parameter. Since 97 there were only ten classes, the power of this test was expected to be weak. The observed power for the Bayes and empirical Bayes procedure using the z-test were approximately equivalent and they were more powerful than the empirical Bayes procedure using a t-test. The two procedures that appeared more powerful achieved this power at the expense of controlling type 1 errors. Their type I error rates were higher than the expected nominal rate. The primary disadvantage of the data augmentation algorithm was the large amount of computer resources it requires. Each replication took an average of about 30 seconds to analyze on an IBM 3090-180 mainframe computer. This computer is a relatively fast general purpose mainframe computer. The empirical Bayes approach using the EM algorithm was much more efficient in terms of its computer resource requirements. The HLM computer program (Bryk et al., 1986) required on the average only 0.21 seconds to converge. One unresolved problem with the data augmentation algorithm is that there is no general strategy for determining convergence. This makes it less appealing to researchers working on substantive problems in education. Also, the implementation of the data augmentation algorithm created for this study was very specific in nature. It was designed for the one model studied in this simulation and it is not generally available for use by researchers in education. Suggestions for Future Research This simulation study attempted to model conditions that might be obtained in an education research project focused on student by class level treatment interaction effects. Consequently, the parameters for the experimental data sets were 98 selected to reflect typical data that might be observed. The class size was selected to model the class size distribution of elementary schools. This distribution of class size was not that variable and as a result the overall sampling design was only moderately unbalanced. It is plausible that as the sampling distribution of class size becomes more variable, the results between the two statistical procedures will increasingly diverge. The disuibution of class size was not a variable in this study. Investigation of the influence different class size distributions have may provide insight into situations that capitalize on the strengths of the Bayesian method. Since the data augmentation algorithm provides a new tool for a true Bayesian approach to data analysis, additional experience in a wide variety of situations is important to fully evaluate its usefulness. It would be extremely informative to know under what general conditions the data augmentation algorithm is clearly superior and under what conditions other statistical procedures are adequate. This is a concern given the large amount of computer resources required by the data augmentation algorithm. There are a number of different ways that the data augmentation algorithm can be implemented. The number of augmented data sets and how they are increased is a variable of the algorithm that may effect the rate of convergence. The number of augmented data sets (m) was doubled until it reached a maximum of 2048. The number of data sets and the rate at which they are increased could be varied and investigated to determine an optimal strategy for controlling the augmentation of data sets. In addition, if the maximum number of augmented data sets is increased, will the observed type I error rate become closer to the nominal error rate? This algorithm may require a large number of augmented data sets to ' 99 accurately reflect the tail areas of a posterior distribution. Developing a general stopping rule for the data augmentation algorithm is an important and challenging issue for future investigation. Since this was a simulation study and the population parameters were known, a stopping rule was developed empirically. This approach is not much help in applied situations where the parameter values are unknown and the conditions of the data analysis project are not similar to the conditions investigated in this simulation study. A stopping criterion must consider convergence approaching some finite stochastic limit within some tolerance and at the same time investigate trends across iterations. / This is a much more difficult task than traditional stopping rules that examine some function of differences/between iterations; for a value lesslthan some predetermined criterion. The cost for computer resources required by the data augmentation algorithm will decrease in the future because computers are getting faster and more inexpensive. In addition, the specific implementation of the data augmentation procedure could be optimized to run faster by rewriting sections of the computer code. Since this was the first implementation of this method for the hierarchical model under investigation, many parts of the code were developed to clearly and accurately reflect the algorithm, and optimization was a secondary concern. Future simulation studies investigating properties of the data augmentation algorithm could be implemented on a parallel processing computer. Simulation studies like this one are suitable for parallel processing computers because every replication is independent and may be processed separately. For the educational researcher considering methods to analyze experimental data that are expected to be similar to the data investigated in this simulation study, 100 the empirical Bayes procedure implemented with the EM algorithm and using a t- test for the 7 effects is recommended at this time. This method is recommended because there are computer programs available that can analyze a large variety of models, the cost for the required computer resources is substantially less, and it appears to perform well for hypotheses tests. Possibly, for other analysis situations the Bayesian procedure implemented with the data augmentation algorithm will prove to be clearly superior. It would be interesting to evaluate the performance of the Bayesian approach using the data augmentation algorithm in a situation with larger variability in group (class) size. In the past, the Bayesian approach has been held back because there were no practical means for its implementation. Now with the data augmentation algorithm as a practical means for implementing this approach researchers can begin to acquire some experience. And with this experience, researchers will become more aware of the advantages and disadvantages of these two statistical approaches. APPENDICES APPENDIX A TABLES CONTAINING SIMULATION RESULTS Table A-1 Posterior Estimates for y from Experimental Condition 1 Parameters MethOd 700 701 710 711 DA Mean 0.00992 0.00183 0.75767 0.00401 EM Mean 0.00984 0.00201 0.75713 0.00389 DA Sd of Mean 0.19627 0.20402 0.08926 0.08639 EM Sd of Mean 0.19609 0.20366 0.08974 0.08670 Corr between DA and EM 0.99948 0.99951 0.99474 0.99332 Population Values 0.00000 0.00000 0.76320 0.00000 Estimates based on 500 replications. Table A-2 Posterior Estimates for 0" and T from Experimental Condition 1 Parameters Method (5‘2 too to, 1,, DA 1.02767 0.34374 0.00060 0.03171 EM 0.99654 0.36984 0.00000 0.04172 Population Values 1.00000 0.35517 0.00000 0.03552 Estimates based on 500 replications. 101 102 Table A-3 Posterior Estimates for y from Experimental Condition 2 Parameters Method 700 701 710 711 DA Mean -0.00160 -0.00653 0.75381 0.06044 EM Mean -0.00142 ~0.00646 0.75422 0.06007 DA Sd of Mean 0.19503 0.21104 0.08737 0.08861 EM Sd of Mean 0.19482 0.21058 0.08695 0.08847 Corr between DA and EM 0.99948 0.99952 0.99309 0.99124 Population Values 0.00000 0.00000 0.76320 0.05654 Estimates based on 500 replications. Table A-4 Posterior Estimates for 0" and T from Experimental Condition 2 Parameters Method 0’ 1:00 To, 1,, DA 1.02972 0.32566 -0.00271 0.02828 EM 0.99875 0.35238 -0.00248 0.03731 Population Values 1.00000 0.35517 0.00000 0.03232 Estimates based on 500 replications. Posterior Estimates for y from Experimental Condition 3 103 Table A-5 Parameters MethOd You 701 710 711 DA Mean -0.00969 0.00138 0.75950 0.11602 EM Mean -0.00945 0.00111 0.75990 0.11616 DA Sd of Mean 0.20464 0.19215 0.08609 0.08335 EM Sd of Mean 0.20452 0.19232 0.08463 0.08256 Corr between DA and EM 0.99960 0.99957 0.99116 0.99199 Population Values 0.00000 0.00000 0.76320 0.11308 Estimates based on 500 replications. Table A-6 Posterior Estimates for 0" and T from Experimental Condition 3 Parameters Method 0" 1:0,, to, 11, DA 1.01760 0.34005 0.00064 0.02353 EM 0.98989 0.36513 0.00041 0.02971 Population Values 1.00000 0.35517 0.00000 0.02273 Estimates based on 500 replications. 104 Table A-7 MSE’s Relative to Population Values for y from Condition 1 Parameters Method You 7m 710 In DA 0.03 854299 0.04154461 0.00798253 0.00746498 EM 0.03847160 0.04139983 0.00807444 0.00751721 Ratio DA/EM 1.0019 1.0035 0.9886 0.9931 Note. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 (two-tailed test significance levels). Based on 500 replications. Table A-8 MSE’s Relative to Population Values for y from Condition 2 Parameters Method yo, 70, y,,, 7,, DA 0.03796498 0.0444921 1 0.00770650 0.007 85097 EM 0.03788249 0.044297 31 0.007 62598 0.0078237 8 Ratio DA/EM 1.0022 1.0044 1.0106 1.0035 Note. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 (two—tailed test significance levels). Based on 500 replications. 105 Table A-9 MSE’s Relative to Population Values for y from Condition 3 Parameters Method You 701 710 In DA 0.04188586 0.036851 1 1 0.00740986 0.00694154 EM 0.04183597 0.03691413 0.00715952 0.00681267 Ratio DA/EM 1.0012 0.9983 1.0350 1.0189 Note. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 (two-tailed test significance levels). Based on 500 replications. Table A-10 MSE’s Relative to Population Values for 0" and T from Condition 1 Parameters Method 62 to, to, t,, DA 0.01048149 0.04103996 0.00361215 0.00077421 EM 0.00929093 0.04051690 0.00424074 0.00147059 Ratio DA/EM 1.1281 1.0129 0.8518 0.5265 ** Note. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 (two-tailed test significance levels). Based on 500 replications. 106 Table A-ll MSE’s Relative to Population Values for o“ and T from Condition 2 Parameters Method 0" too to, 1,, DA 0.01034900 0.03917907 0.00304788 0.00061088 EM 0.008 85991 0.03749094 0.00350264 0.00129564 Ratio DA/EM 1.1691 1.0450 0.8702 0.4715 ** Note. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 (two-tailed test significance levels). Based on 500 replications. Table A-12 MSE’s Relative to Population Values for (52 and T from Condition 3 Parameters Method 02 Too “rm 1 11 DA 0.00977 809 0.0395 87 72 0.00257984 0.00046431 EM 0.00881106 0.03869871 0.00314165 0.00106294 Ratio DA/EM 1.1098 1.0230 0.8212 * 0.4368 ** Note. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 (two-tailed test significance levels). Based on 500 replications. 107 Table A- 13 Type I Error Rates for 70,, from Experimental Condition 1 or = 0.01 or = 0.05 or = 0.10 Method Rate 2 Rate 2 Rate 2 DA 0.018 1.798 0.096 4.720 ** 0.152 3.876 ** EM z-test 0.020 2.247 * 0.086 3.694 ** 0.134 2.534 * EM t-test 0.006 -0.899 0.040 -1.026 0.096 -0.298 Note. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 (two-tailed test significance levels). Based on 500 replications. Table A- 14 Type I Error Rates for yo, from Experimental Condition 1 or = 0.01 or = 0.05 or = 0.10 Method Rate z Rate 2 Rate 2 DA 0.032 4.944 ** 0.082 3.283 ** 0.140 2.981 ** EM z-test 0.028 4.045 ** 0.080 3.078 ** 0.122 1.640 EM t-test 0.014 0.899 0.046 -0.410 0.090 -0.745 Note. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 (two-tailed test significance levels). Based on 500 replications. 108 Table A- 15 Type I Error Rates for 7,, from Experimental Condition 1 or = 0.01 or = 0.05 or = 0.10 Method Rate 2 Rate 2 Rate 2 DA 0.008 -0.450 0.046 -0.410 0.098 -0.149 EM z-test 0.012 0.450 0.054 0.410 0.104 0.298 EM t-test 0.004 -1.348 0.022 -2.873 ** 0.072 -2.087 * Note. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 (two-tailed test significance levels). Based on 500 replications. Table A- 16 Type I Error Rates for 7,0 from Experimental Condition 2 or = 0.01 or = 0.05 or = 0.10 Method Rate 2 Rate 2 Rate 2 DA 0.034 5.394 ** 0.088 3.899 ** 0.138 2.832 ** EM z-test 0.032 4.944 ** 0.076 2.668 ** 0.120 1.491 EM t-test 0.006 -0.899 0.048 -0.205 0.100 0.000 Note. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 (two-tailed test significance levels). Based on 500 replications. 109 Table A- 17 Type I Error Rates for 70, from Experimental Condition 2 a = 0.01 or = 0.05 or = 0.10 Method Rate 2 Rate z Rate z DA 0.036 5.843 ** 0.112 6.361 ** 0.180 5.963 ** EM z-test 0.038 6.293 ** 0.110 6.156 ** 0.162 4.621 ** EM t-test 0.014 0.899 0.060 1.026 0.124 1.789 Note. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 (two-tailed test significance levels). Based on 500 replications. Table A- 18 Type I Error Rates for 70,, from Experimental Condition 3 or = 0.01 or = 0.05 or = 0.10 Method Rate 2 Rate 2 Rate 2 DA 0.028 4.045 ** 0.086 3.694 ** 0.144 3.280 ** EM z-test 0.034 5.394 ** 0.086 3.694 ** 0.128 2.087 * EM t-test 0.018 1.798 0.036 -1.436 0.098 -0.149 Note. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 (two-tailed test significance levels). Based on 500 replications. 110 Table A-l9 Type I Error Rates for 70, from Experimental Condition 3 or = 0.01 or = 0.05 or = 0.10 Method Rate 2 Rate 2 Rate 2 DA 0.022 2.697 ** 0.084 3.488 ** 0.140 2.981 ** EM z-test 0.026 3.596 ** 0.080 3.078 ** 0.118 1.342 EM t-test 0.004 -1.348 0.038 -1.231 0.088 -0.894 Note. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 (two-tailed test significance levels). Based on 500 replications. Table A-20 McNemar’s Statistics for Condition 1 Type I Errors with Nominal 0t = 0.01 Parameters DA vs. MethOd 700 To: 711 EM z-test 0.000 0.500 0.500 EM t-test 4.167 * 7.111 ** 0.500 Note. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 for one degree of freedom test. Based on 500 replications. 111 Table A-21 McNemar’s Statistics for Condition 1 Type I Errors with Nominal or = 0.05 Parameters DA vs. Method You 701 711 EM z-test 3.200 0.000 0.643 EM t-test 26.036 ** 16.056 ** 8.643 ** Note. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 for one degree of freedom test. Based on 500 replications. Table A-22 McNemar’s Statistics for Condition 1 Type I Errors with Nominal or = 0.10 Parameters DA vs. Method Yon Yo. 7“ EM z-test 5.818 * 7.111 ** 0.308 EM t-test 26.056 ** 23.040 ** 8.471 Note. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 for one degree of freedom test. Based on 500 replications. 112 Table A-23 McNemar’s Statistics for Condition 2 Type I Errors with Nominal or = 0.01 Parameters DA vs. MethOd 700 701 EM z-test 0.000 0.000 EM t-test 12.071 ** 9.091 ** Note. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 for one degree of freedom test. Based on 500 replications. Table A-24 McNemar’s Statistics for Condition 2 Type I Errors with Nominal or = 0.05 Parameters DA vs. Method You Yo) EM z-test 3.125 0.000 EM t-test 18.050 ** 24.039 ** Note. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 for one degree of freedom test. Based on 500 replications. 113 Table A-25 McNemar’s Statistics for Condition 2 Type I Errors with Nominal or = 0.10 Parameters DA vs. MCUlOd Yoo Yor EM z-test 7.111 ** 5.818 * EM t-test 17.053 ** 26.036 ** Note. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 for one degree of freedom test. Based on 500 replications. Table A-26 McNemar’s Statistics for Condition 3 Type I Errors with Nominal or = 0.01 Parameters DA vs. Method You Yo: EM z-test 1.333 0.167 EM t-test 3.200 7.111 ** Note. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 for one degree of freedom test. Based on 500 replications. 114 Table A-27 McNemar’s Statistics for Condition 3 Type I Errors with Nominal or = 0.05 Parameters DA vs. Method 700 701 EM z-test 0.250 0.500 EM t-test 23.040 ** 21.044 ** Note. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 for one degree of freedom test. Based on 500 replications. Table A-28 McNemar’s Statistics for Condition 3 Type I Errors with Nominal or = 0.10 Parameters DA vs. MOII'IOd Yoo YO! EM z-test 6.125 * 7.692 ** EM t-test 21.044 ** 24.039 ** Note. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 for one degree of freedom test. Based on 500 replications. 115 Table A-29 Experimental Condition 2 Power Comparisons with DA for 7,, Method )8 EM z-test 0.071 EM t-test 25.290 ** Note. ** p < 0.01 for one degree of freedom test. Based on 500 replications. Table A-30 Experimental Condition 3 Power Comparisons with DA for 7,, Method )6 EM z-test 0.033 EM t-test 46.021 ** Note. ** p < 0.01 for one degree of freedom test. Based on 500 replications. APPENDIX B SOURCE CODE FOR COMPUTER PROGRAMS Data Augmentation Algorithm FORTRAN Source Code PROGRAM DAUG ***********************************************************‘k************ * This program calculates the posterior distribution of the * between-group regression coefficients for a two level * hierarchical model using the data augmentation algorithm. PARAMETER (MXAUG=2048, Mxrr=25, MXK=10) INTEGER ISEED, IT, MPT, NEXP, NGEN, NK, NT, NTOT LOGICAL DONE REAL B(2,MXK,MXAUG), BLS(2,MXK), DWWIN(4) REAL G(4,MXAUG), GAMMA(4), ID2(2,2), POW, 91w, SIG(MXAUG), SIGMAZ REAL SXY(2,MXK), srthxx), TAU(3), TIN(2,2,MXAUG), th3), WC(2,4) REAL WE(2,4), wrthx), XX(2,2,MXK), XXIN(2,2,MXK) COMMON /BCOM/ B /GCOM/ G /SIGCOM/ SIG /TINCOM/ TIN OPEN(10, FILEI’SSM’, FORM='UNFORMATTED') OPEN(20, FILEt’INIT') OPEN(25, FILE=’VARS') OPEN(30, FILE=’OUT1’) OPEN(40, FILE=’LAST') OPEN(50, FILE=’SEED’) OPEN(60, FILE=’KNOW’) * Prepare IMSL random number generators. CALL RNOPT(3) ISEED = 123457 CALL RNSET(ISEED) NTOT - 0 NR = 10 READ(20,201) NEXP, POW, PlW CALL DESIGN(DWWIN, IDZ, NK, WC, WE) DO 20 N = 1, NEXP CALL READER(BLS, NK, NT, SXY, 5Y2, TZ, WI, XX, XXIN) CALL KNOWN(BLS, GAMMA, POW, PlW, SIGMAZ, TAU, WI, XXIN) IT = 1 MPT = 1 DONE = .FALSE. * Begin DO-WHILE loop. 111 CONTINUE 116 888 20 201 501 117 IF (DONE) GOTO 888 CALL GSTAR(DWWIN, IT, MPT, NK, WC, WE, WI) IF (2 * MPT .LE. MXAUG) THEN NGEN = 2 CALL SIMG(IT, MPT, NGEN, NK) MPT = 2 * MPT ELSE NGEN = 1 CALL SIMG(IT, MPT, NGEN, NK) END IF CALL TSTAR(IT, MPT, NGEN, NK, WC, WE, WI) CALL SIMT(IT, MPT, NK, TZ) CALL BETA(BLS, IDZ, MPT, NGEN, NK, WC, WE, WI, XX) CALL SSTARIIT, MPT, NK, NT, SXY, 3Y2, XX) CALL SIMS(IT, MPT, NT) Update loop control. IF (IT .EQ. MXIT) THEN DONE = .TRUE. ELSE IT = IT + 1 END IF GOTO 111 CONTINUE End DO-WHILE loop. Sum the total number of experimental units for all experiments. NTOT = NTOT + NT CONTINUE CALL NTAVE(NEXP, NTOT) CALL RNGET(ISEED) WRITE(50,501) ISEED FORMAT(I5,2FS.2) FORMATlIlO) END 118 SUBROUTINE DESIGN(DWWIN, ID2, NK, WC, WE) *1:*********************************************************************** ”k * * 10 Construct IDZ and the diagonal matrix W’W inverse. Also, construct the two between-group design matrices. WC indicates the control and WE indicates the experimental conditions. INTEGER NK REAL DWWINM), ID2(2,2), WC(2,4), WE(2,4) DO 10 I = 1 DWWIN(I) CONTINUE ll‘ 4 1.0 / NK ID2(1,1) IDZ(2,1) ID2(1,2) ID2(2,2) fl F1C>C>H OOOO WC(1,1) WC(2,1) WC(1,2) WC(2,2) WC(1,3) WC(Z, 3) WC(1,4) WC(2,4) lllllllllllllil l Hc>kac>w o<3c>o<3<3c>o WE(1,1) WE(2,1) WE(1,2) WE(2,2) WE(1,3) WE(2,3) WE(1,4) WE(2,4) HOHOOHOH OOOOOOOO RETURN END 119 SUBROUTINE READER(BLS, NK, NT, SXY, 8Y2, TZ, WI, XX, XXIN) *‘k‘k********************************************************************* * ‘k * k 10 20 30 40 Read sufficient sum of squares statistics from logical unit 10 and the initial estimates for Beta, Sigma_2, and Tau from logical unit 20. Calculate Y’Y and Inv(Tau). Construct for each group X’Y, Inv(X’X) and XX. PARAMETER (MXAUG=2048, MXK=10) INTEGER NJ(MXK), NK, NT REAL B(2,MXK,MXAUG), BLS(2,MXK), DET, FS, FT(2,2), SIG(MXAUG) REAL SX(MXK), SXY(2,MXK), SX2(MXK), SY(MXK), SY2(MXK), T(2,2) REAL TIN(2,2,MXAUG), TZ(3), WI(MXK), XX(2,2,MXK), XXIN(2,2,MXK) DOUBLE PRECISION DSX, DSXY, DSXZ, DSY, DSYZ, DWI CHARACTER *12 ID COMMON /BCOM/ B /SIGCOM/ SIG /TINCOM/ TIN SSM data file must be converted from DOUBLE to SINGLE PRECISION. DO 10 K = l, NK READ(20,201) (BLS(I,K), I = l, 2) CONTINUE READ(20,202) SIG(1) DO 20 I ' 1, 2 READ(20,203) (T(I,J), J = l, 2) CONTINUE TZ(Z) a T(2,l) Reading final EM estimates for Sigma_2 and Tau. READ(20,204) FS DO 30 I a 1, 2 READ(20,203) (FT(I,J), J CONTINUE READ(20,205) 1, 2) Calculate TIN = Inv(Tau). DET = T(1,1) * T(2,2) - T(2,1) * T(1,2) TIN(1,1,1) = T(2,2) / DET TIN(2,1,1) - -1.o * T(2,1) / DET TIN(1,2,1) = TIN(2,1,1) TIN(2,2,1) a T(1,1) / DET DO 40 M 8 1, 3 READ(10) CONTINUE NT = 0.0 DO 50 K 8 1, NR READ (10) NJ(K) NT = NT + NJ(K) READ(10) DSY, DSX SY(K) I SNGL(DSY) * NJ(K) SX(K) = SNGL(DSX) * NJ(K) SXY(1,K) = SY(K) READ(10) DSYZ, DSXY, DSXZ DSYZ = DSYZ + NJ(K) * DSY * DSY DSXY = DSXY + NJ(K) * DSY * DSX DSXZ 8 DSXZ + NJ(K) * DSX * DSX 120 SY2(K) - SNGL(DSYZ) SXY(2,K) = SNGL(DSXY) SX2(K) = SNGL(DSXZ) READ(10) ID, DWI WI(K) = SNGL(DWI) * Construct (X’X) for each group. XX(1,1,K) = NJ(K) XX(2,1,K) = SX(K) XX(1,2,K) = SX(K) XX(2,2,K) = SX2(K) * Calculate Inv(X’X) DET = XX(1,1,K) * XX(2,2,K) - XX(2,1,K) * XX(1,2,K) XXIN(1,1,K) XX(2,2,K) / DET XXIN(2,1,K) -1.0 * XX(2,1,K) / DET XXIN(1,2,K) XXIN(2,1,K) XXIN(2,2,K) XX(1,1,K) / DET * Initialize B in BCOM common block. DO 60 I = l, 2 B(I,K,1) = BLS(I,K) 60 CONTINUE 50 CONTINUE 201 FORMAT(30X,2F12.5) 202 FORMAT(5(/),16X,E13.6/) 203 FORMAT(8X,2F12.5) 204 FORMAT(/16X,E13.6/) 205 FORMAT(7(/)) RETURN END 121 SUBROUTINE KNOWN(BLS, GAMMA, POW, P1W, SIGMAZ, TAU, WI, XXIN) 'k**************************************‘k‘k******************************* * * 10 30 SO 40 Calculate Gamma and D(Gamma) from the knowledge of the complete data. PARAMETER(MXK=10) REAL BLS(2,MXK), REAL GAMMAM), REAL WI(MXK), D(2,2), DINB(2): POW, PlW, SIGMAZ, XXIN(2,2,MXK) DET, DIN(2,2), DIS(4,4) SWDINB(4), T(2,2), TAU(3) READ(25,201) SIGMAZ READ(25,202) (TAU(J), T(1,1) = TAU(1) T(2,1) = TAU(2) T(1,2) = TAU(2) T(2,2) = TAU(3) DO 10 J - 1, 4 SWDINB(J) = 0.0 DO 10 I = 1 DIS(I,J) CONTINUE J = l, 3) , 4 = 0.0 DO 20 K = 1, MXK Calculate DIN = Inv(D) DO 30 J = 1, 2 DO 30 I = l, 2 = Inv(T + V) for each group. D(I,J) - T(I,J) + XXIN(I,J,K) * SIGMAZ CONTINUE DET a D(1,1) * D(2,2) - D(1,2) * D(2,1) DIN(1,1) = D(2,2) / DET DIN(2,1) - -1.0 * D(2,1) / DET DIN(1,2) = DIN(2,1) DIN(2,2) = D(l,l) / DET Calculate Sum(DIS) - Sum(W'Inv(D)W) across groups. DIS(1,1) - DIS(1,1) + DIN(1,1) DIS(2,1) = DIS(2,1) + WI(K) * DIN(I,1) DIS(3,1) = DIS(3,1) + DIN(2,1) DIS(4,1) a DIS(4,1) + WI(K) * DIN(2,1) DIS(1,2) - DIS(1,2) + WI(K) * DIN(1,1) DIS(2,2) - DIS(2,2) + DIN(1,1) DIS(3,2) - DIS(3,2) + WI(K) * DIN(2,1) DIS(4,2) a DIS(4,2) + DIN(2,1) DIS(1,3) - DIS(1,3) + DIN(1,2) DIS(2,3) = DIS(2,3) + WI(K) * DIN(1,2) DIS(3,3) - DIS(3,3) + DIN(2,2) DIS(4,3) = DIS(4,3) + WI(K) * DIN(2,2) DIS(1,4) - DIS(1,4) + WI(K) * DIN(1,2) DIS(2,4) = DIS(2,4) + DIN(1,2) DIS(3,4) a DIS(3,4) + WI(K) * DIN(2,2) DIS(4,4) = DIS(4,4) + DIN(2,2) Calculate SWDINB = Sum(W’Inv(D)BLS) DO 40 I = l, 2 DINB(I) = 0.0 DO 50 J = 1, 2 DINB(I) = DINB(I) + DIN(I,J) * BLS(J,K) CONTINUE CONTINUE 20 70 60 80 201 202 601 122 SWDINB(l) = SWDINB(l) + DINB(1) SWDINB(Z) = SWDINB(Z) + WI(K) * DINB(1) SWDINB(3) - SWDINB(3) + DINB(2) SWDINB(4) '3 SWDINB(4) + WI(K) * DINB(2) CONTINUE Calculate DIS = Inv(Sum(W’Inv(D)W)) CALL LINRG(4, DIS, 4, DIS, 4) DO 60 I = 1, 4 GAMMA(I) = 0.0 DO 70 J = 1, 4 GAMMA(I) == GAMMA(I) + DIS(I,J) * SWDINB(J) CONTINUE CONTINUE WRITE(60,601) (GAMMA(I), I = l, 4) DO 80 I = 1, 4 WRITE(60,601) (DIS(I,J), J = 1, 4) CONTINUE FORMAT (F11 . 5) FORMAT (3 (F11 . 5)) FORMAT (45'11 . 5) RETURN END 123 SUBROUTINE GSTAR(DWWIN, IT, MPT, NK, WC, WE, WI) ******************************************************************‘k‘k*‘kir'k * * * 20 50 40 70 60 30 80 10 301 Calculating MPT vectors of Gamma_Star, where MPT is the pointer that indicates the number of Beta vectors in the current augmented data set. PARAMETER (MXAUG=2048, MXK=10) INTEGER IT, MPT, NK, UN REAL B(2,MXK,MXAUG), DWWIN(4), GK4,MXAUG) REAL SWB(4), WC(2,4), WE(2,4), WI (MXK) COMMON /BCOM/ B /GCOM/ G DO 10 N = 1, MPT DO 20 I a 1, 4 SWB(I) = 0.0 CONTINUE DO 30 K = 1, NK IF (WI(K) .GT. 0.0) THEN DO 40 J = 1, 4 DO 50 I = l, 2 SWB(J) = SWB(J) + WE(I,J) * B(I,K,N) CONTINUE CONTINUE ELSE DO 60 J = 1, 4 DO 70 I = 1, 2 SWB(J) 8 SWB(J) + WC(I,J) * B(I,K,N) CONTINUE CONTINUE END IF CONTINUE Calculate the Nth Gamma vector and store it in the GCOM block. DO 80 I = 1, 4 G(I,N) - DWWIN(I) * SWB(I) CONTINUE CONTINUE FORMAT(4 (F11. 5) ) RETURN END 124 SUBROUTINE SIMG(IT, MPT, NGEN, NK) *‘k‘k‘k*************************‘k‘k'k‘k‘k‘k‘k*********‘k************************** * * ‘k 20 10 30 9O Generate random Gamma vectors. If the current number of Gamma vectors is less than MXAUG then the number of Gamma vectors will be increased by 2. PARAMETER (MXAUG=2048, MXK=10) INTEGER GPT, IRANK, IT, LOOPS, MPT, NGEN, NK, NR, RPT, UN REAL DET, G(4,MXAUG), GBAR(4), GVAR(4), GT(4,MXAUG), R(4*MXAUG) REAL 3(3), SIN(3), TIN(2,2,MXAUG), U(3) COMMON /GCOM/ G /TINCOM/ TIN Get the required i.i.d. standard normals. NR = 4 * NGEN * MPT CALL RNNOR(NR, R) GPT = 1 RPT = 1 DO 10 N = 1, MPT Calculate Sum(WTINW) = S for the three values other than zero. 8(1) = NK * TIN(1,1,N) 3(2) = NK * TIN(1,2,N) 5(3) = NK * TIN(2,2,N) Calculate Inverse(S) = SIN DET = 8(1) * 8(3) - 5(2) * 8(2) SIN(l) = 8(3) / DET SIN(2) - -1.0 * 8(2) / DET SIN(3) = 8(1) / DET Calculate the Cholesky factor. U(l) = SQRT(SIN(1)) U(2) = SIN(2) / U(l) U(3) = SQRT(SIN(3) - U(2) * U(2)) Generate Gamma from Gamma_Star, the mean of the distribution. DO 20 I - 1, NGEN GT(1,GPT) = G(I,N) + U(l) * R(RPT) GT(2,GPT) = G(2,N) + U(l) * R(RPT+1) GT(3,GPT) = G(3,N) + U(2) * R(RPT) + U(3) * R(RPT+2) GT(4,GPT) a G(4,N) + U(2) * R(RPT+1) + U(3) * R(RPT+3) RPT - RPT + 4 GPT = GPT + 1 CONTINUE CONTINUE LAST = NGEN * MPT DO 30 I = 1, 4 DO 30 N = 1, LAST G(I,N) 3 GT(I,N) CONTINUE Calculate the mean and dispersion of Gamma. IF (IT .EQ. 25) THEN UN = 30 DO 90 I = 1, 4 GBAR(I) = 0. GVAR(I) = 0. CONTINUE O O 125 D0 100 I - 1, 4 DO 100 N a 1, MXAUG GBAR(I) - GBAR(I) + G(I,N) GVAR(I) = GVAR(I) + G(I,N) * G(I,N) 100 CONTINUE DO 110 I - 1, 4 GBAR(I) = GEAR(I) / REAL(MXAUG) GVAR(I) = GVAR(I) / REAL(MXAUG) - GBAR(I) * GBAR(I) 110 CONTINUE WRITE(UN,301) (GBAR(I), I = 1, 4) WRITE(UN,301) (GVAR(I), I = 1, 4) CALL TAILS(IT, UN) END IF 301 FORMAT(4(F11.5)) RETURN END 126 SUBROUTINE TSTAR(IT, MPT, NGEN, NK, WC, WE, WI) **‘k*******************************‘k************************************* * TSTR = Sum(Tau_Star) / NK for each gamma vector in the augmented * data set. Store these in the TINCOM block. PARAMETER (MXAUG=2048, MXK=10) INTEGER IT, MPT, NGEN, NK, PPT, UN REAL B(2,MXK,MXAUG), G(4,MXAUG), ST(Z), TBAR(3), TIN(2,2,MXAUG) REAL TSTR(2,2), WC(2,4), WCG(2), WE(2,4), WEG(2), WI(MXK) COMMON /BCOM/ s /GCOM/ G /TINCOM/ TIN PPT - 1 DO 10 N = 1, MPT DO 20 J = l, 2 DO 30 I = l, 2 TSTR(I,J) = 0.0 30 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE DO 40 I = 1, 2 WCG(I) = 0.0 WEG(I) = 0.0 DO 50 J = 1, 4 WCG(I) 8 WCG(I) + WC(I,J) * G(J,N) WEG(I) 8 WEG(I) + WE(I,J) * G(J,N) 50 CONTINUE 4O CONTINUE * Calculate the vector sum of (B - WG) over groups. DO 60 K = 1, NK IF(WI(K) .LT. 0.0) THEN DO 70 I = 1, 2 ST(I) a B(I,K,PPT) - WCG(I) 70 CONTINUE ELSE DO 80 I = 1, 2 ST(I) = B(I,K,PPT) - WEG(I) 80 CONTINUE END IF * Let TSTR - Sum(B - WG)(B - WG)’ over groups. DO 90 J = 1, 2 DO 100 I = l, 2 TSTR(I,J) = TSTR(I,J) + ST(I) * ST(J) 100 CONTINUE 90 CONTINUE 60 CONTINUE * Store TSTR / NK in TIN DO 110 J = 1, 2 DO 110 I = 1, 2 TIN(I,J,N) = TSTR(I,J) / 10.0 110 CONTINUE IF (NGEN .EQ. 2 .AND. MOD(N,2) .EQ. 0) THEN PPT = PPT + 1 ELSE IF (NGEN .EQ. 1) THEN PPT = PPT + 1 END IF 10 CONTINUE * Calculate point estimate of TSTAR and write it out. 120 130 140 301 127 IF (IT .EQ. 25) THEN UN = 30 DO 120 I 3 1, 3 TBAR(I) = 0.0 CONTINUE DO 130 N = 1, MXAUG TBAR(I) = TBAR(l) + TIN(1,1,N) TBAR(Z) = TBAR(Z) + TIN(2,1,N) TBAR(3) = TBAR(3) + TIN(2,2,N) CONTINUE DO 140 I 3 1, 3 TBAR(I) = TBAR(I) / REAL(MXAUG) CONTINUE WRITE(UN,301) (TBAR(J), J = 1, 3) END IF FORMAT (3 (F11 . 5)) RETURN END 128 SUBROUTINE SIMT(IT, MPT, NK, TZ) ********************************************************‘k*************** * * * 111 222 The Tau_Star matrices currently in TINCOM are factored and are used to generate new Tau inverse matrices. These new matrices are stored in the TINCOM. PARAMETER (MXAUG32048) INTEGER IT, MPT, NK, UN LOGICAL AGAIN REAL 8(3), CHIA(MXAUG), CHIB(MXAUG), CHIl, CHI2, DET, DFl, DF2 REAL L(3), LB(2,2), LBL(3), R(MXAUG), RX, TBAR(3) REAL TIN(2,2,MXAUG), TZ(3) COMMON /TINCOM/ TIN N 3 1 DFl 3 REAL(NK) DF2 3 REAL(NK) CALL RNCHI(MPT, DFl, CHIA) CALL RNCHI(MPT, DF2, CHIB) CALL RNNOR(MPT,R) Begin DO WHILE loop CONTINUE IF (N .GT. MPT) GOTO 999 Begin REPEAT UNTIL loop continue Calculate L, the lower Cholesky factor, note TIN = Tau_Star. L(1) = SQRT(TIN(1,1,N)) L(2) 3 TIN(2,1,N) / L(1) L(3) 3 SQRT(TIN(2,2,N) - L(2) * L(2)) Set up B = AA’, for A a Bartlett decomposition. B(1) 3 CHIA(N) 8(2) 3 R(N) * SQRT(CHIA(N)) 8(3) 3 CHIB(N) + R(N) * R(N) Calculate a new Tau - LBL / NK L8(1,1) = L(1) * 8(1) LB(1,2) a L(1) * 8(2) L8(2,1) - L(2) * 8(1) + L(3) * 8(2) LB(2,2) = L(2) * 8(2) + L(3) * 8(3) L8L(1) = L8(1,1) * L(1) / 10.0 LBL(2) = (L8(1,1) * L(2) + LB(1,2) * L(3)) / 10.0 LBL(3) = (LB(2,1) * L(2) + LB(2,2) * L(3)) / 10.0 Calculate TIN = Inverse(Tau) DET = LBL(l) * LBL(3) - LBL(2) * LBL(2) IF (DET .LT. 0.00001) THEN CALL RNCHI(1, DFl, CHIl) CALL RNCHI(1, DF2, CHIZ) CALL RNNOR(1,RX) CHIA(N) = CHIl CHIB(N) = CHIZ R(N) - Rx TIN(1,1,N) - TZ(l) TIN(2,1,N) = TZ(2) TIN(2,2,N) = TZ(3) AGAIN - .TRUE. ELSE AGAIN = .FALSE. END IF 999 10 20 30 301 IF (AGAIN) End REPEAT TIN(1,1,N) TIN(2,1,N) TIN(1,2,N) TIN(2,2,N) N 3 N + 1 GOTO 111 CONTINUE End DO WHILE Calculate po IF (IT .EQ. UN = 30 DO 10 I 3 TBAR(I) CONTINUE DO 20 N 3 129 GOTO 222 UNTIL loop LBL(3) / DET -1.0 * LBL(2) / DET TIN(2,1,N) -LBL(1) / DET loop int estimate of T and write it out. 25) THEN 1, 3 3 0.0 1, MXAUG DET 3 TIN(1,1,N) * TIN(2,2,N) - TIN(1,2,N) * TIN(1,2,N) TBAR(l) TBAR(2) TBAR(3) CONTINUE DO 30 I 3 TBAR(I) CONTINUE WRITE(UN,3 END IF FORMAT(3(F11 RETURN END 3 TBAR(l) + (TIN(2,2,N) / DET) 3 TBAR(2) + (-1.0 * TIN(1,2,N) / DET) 3 TBAR(3) + (TIN(1,1,N) / DET) 1, 3 3 TBAR(I) / REAL(MXAUG) 01) (TBAR(J), J 3 1, 3) .5)) 130 SUBROUTINE BETA(BLS, ID2, MPT, NGEN, NK, WC, WE, WI, XX) *'k********************************************************************** * * 30 40 50 60 Calculate Beta_Star and then simulate the posterior distribution of Beta. PARAMETER (MXAUG32048, MXK=10) INTEGER MPT, NGEN, NK, NR, Ns, RPT REAL B(2,MXK,MXAUG), BLS(2,MXK), BSTR(2), D(2,2), DET REAL DIN(2,2), G(4,MXAUG), ID2(2,2), ILAM(2,2), ILAMW(2,4) REAL ILAMWG(2), LAM(2,2), LF(3), R(20), SIG(MXAUG) REAL TIN(2,2,MXAUG), WC(2,4), WE(2,4), WI(MXK), XX(2,2,MXK) COMMON /8COM/ 8 /GCOM/ G /SIGCOM/ SIG /TINCOM/ TIN NR = NK * 2 NS 3 1 DO 10 N 3 1, MPT Get a set of random numbers. CALL RNNOR(NR, R) RPT 3 1 DO 20 K 3 1, NK Calculate DIN = Inv(Inv(V) + Inv(T)) for a group. DO 30 I 3 l, 2 DO 30 J 3 1, 2 D(I,J) 3 TIN(I,J,N) + XX(I,J,K) / SIG(NS) CONTINUE DET 3 D(1,1) * D(2,2) - D(1,2) * D(2,1) DIN(1,1) 3 D(2,2) / DET DIN(1,2) 3 -D(1,2) / DET DIN(2,1) 3 DIN(1,2) DIN(2,2) = D(1,1) / DET Factor DIN 3 LF * LF' for generating a new Beta. LF(l) 3 SQRT(DIN(1,1)) LF(2) 3 DIN(1,2) / LF(l) LF(3) 3 SQRT(DIN(2,2) - LF(2) * LF(2)) Calculate LAM = DIN * Inv(V) DO 40 J'- 1, 2 DO 40 I = 1, 2 LAM(I,J) = 0.0 DO 40 L = 1, 2 LAM(I,J) = LAM(I,J) + DIN(I,L) * XX(L,J,K) / SIG(NS) CONTINUE Calculate first part of Beta_Star = BSTR = LAM * BLS DO 50 I 3 1, 2 BSTR(I) 3 0.0 DO 50 J 3 1, 2 BSTR(I) 3 BSTR(I) + LAM(I,J) * BLS(J,K) CONTINUE DO 60 J 3 1, 2 DO 60 I 3 1, 2 ILAM(I,J)3 ID2(I,J) - LAM(I,J) CONTINUE Calculate the second part of Beta_Star = (I - LAM) * W * G. 70 80 90 100 20 10 131 IF (WI(K) .GT. 0.0) THEN DO 70 J 3 1, 4 DO 70 I 3 l, 2 ILAMW(I,J) 3 0 DO 70 L 3 1, 2 ILA.MW(I,J) 3 CONTINUE ELSE DO 80 J 3 1, 4 DO 80 I 3 1, 2 ILAMW(I,J) 3 DO 80 L 3 1, ILAMW(I,J) CONTINUE END IF .0 ILAMW(I,J) + ILAM(I,L) * WE(L,J) .0 NO ILAMW(I,J) + ILAM(I,L) * WC(L,J) DO 90 I 3 1, 2 ILAMWG(I) 3 0.0 DO 90 J 3 l, 4 ILAMWG(I) 3 ILAMWG(I) + ILAMW(I,J) * G(J,N) CONTINUE Complete Beta_Star calculations. DO 100 I 3 1, 2 BSTR(I) 3 BSTR(I) + ILAMWG(I) CONTINUE Determine pointer value and generate new B’s. B(1,K,N) 3 BSTR(I) + LF(l) * R(RPT) B(2,K,N) 3 BSTR(2) + LF(2) * R(RPT) + LF(3) * R(RPT+1) RPT 3 RPT + 2 CONTINUE Update pointer for Sigma_Z. IF (NGEN .EQ. 2 .AND. MOD(N,2) .EQ. 0) THEN NS 3 NS + 1 ELSE IF (NGEN .EQ. 1) THEN NS 3 N END IF CONTINUE RETURN END 132 SUBROUTINE SSTAR(IT, MPT, NK, NT, SXY, 3Y2, XX) *‘k'k**‘k‘k'k**************************************************************** * Calculate the sum of squares for Sigma_2_Star for each data set. PARAMETER (MXAUG32048, MXK310) INTEGER IT, MPT, NK, NT, UN REAL B(2,MXK,MXAUG), BXXB, SBAR, SCP, SIG(MXAUG), ss, SXY(2,MXK) REAL SY2(MXK), XX(2,2,MXK), xxs(2) COMMON /8COM/ 8 /SIGCOM/ SIG DO 10 N 3 1, MPT SS 3 0.0 DO 20 K 3 1, NK DO 30 I 3 1, 2 XXB(I) 3 0.0 DO 40 J 3 1, 2 XXB(I) 3 XXB(I) + XX(I,J,K) * B(J,K,N) 40 CONTINUE 30 CONTINUE BXXB 3 0.0 SCP = 0.0 DO 50 I 3 1, 2 BXXB 3 BXXB + B(I,K,N) * XXB(I) SCP 3 SCP + B(I,K,N) * SXY(I,K) 50 CONTINUE SS 3 SS + SY2(K) - 2.0 * SCP + BXXB 20 CONTINUE * SIG contains the sum of squares and has not been averaged. SIG(N) 3 SS 10 CONTINUE IF (IT .EQ. 25) THEN UN 3 30 SBAR 3 0.0 DO 60 N 3 1, MXAUG SBAR 3 SBAR + SIG(N) / REAL(NT) 60 CONTINUE SBAR 3 SBAR / REAL(MXAUG) WRITE(UN,301) SBAR END IF 301 FORMAT(F11.5) RETURN END 133 SUBROUTINE SIMS(IT, MPT, NT) **********************************************************************‘k* * Simulate Sigma_Z. The vector SIG contains sum of squares for the * Sigma_2_Star's and these values are replaced with Sigma_Z’s. PARAMETER (MXAUG32048) INTEGER IT, MPT, NT, UN REAL CHI(MXAUG), DF, SBAR, SIG(MXAUG) COMMON /SIGCOM/ SIG DF 3 REAL(NT) CALL RNCHI(MPT, DF, CHI) DO 10 N 3 1, MPT SIG(N) 3 SIG(N) / CHI(N) 10 CONTINUE IF (IT .EQ. 25) THEN UN 3 30 SBAR 3 0.0 DO 20 N 3 l, MXAUG SBAR 3 SBAR + SIG(N) 20 CONTINUE SBAR 3 SBAR / REAL(MXAUG) WRITE(UN,301) SBAR END IF 301 FORMAT(F11.5) RETURN END 134 SUBROUTINE TAILS(IT, UN) ************************************************‘k‘k‘k********************* * 'k k 20 10 301 This subroutine calculates the median, upper and lower percentile points of the posterior distribution of gamma for (alpha / 2) = 0.005, 0.025, 0.050. TAILS is called by GSTAR. PARAMETER (MXAUG32048) INTEGER IN, IT, MID, UN REAL G(4,MXAUG), GVEC(MXAUG), P(7) COMMON /GCOM/ G Calculate the percentiles of the posterior distribution of Gamma. MID 3 MXAUG / 2 DO 10 I a 1, 4 DO 20 N 3 1, MXAUG GVEC(N) 3 G(I,N) CONTINUE CALL SVRGN(MXAUG, GVEC, GVEC) P(l) (GVEC(MID) + GVEC(MID+1)) / 2.0 P(Z) 3 GVEC(10) * 0.76 + GVEC(ll) * 0.24 P(3) 3 GVEC(2037) * 0.24 + GVEC(2038) * 0.76 P(4) 3 GVEC(51) * 0.80 + GVEC(52) * 0.20 P(5) 3 GVEC(1996) * 0.20 + GVEC(1997) * 0.80 P(6) 3 GVEC(102) * 0.60 + GVEC(103) * 0.40 P(7) 3 GVEC(1945) * 0.40 + GVEC(1946) * 0.60 WRITE(UN,301) (P(J), J 3 1, 7) CONTINUE FORMAT (7 (F11.5)) RETURN END 135 SUBROUTINE NTAVE(NEXP, NTOT) ***********************‘k************************************************ * Calculate the average NT per experiment. INTEGER NEXP, NTOT REAL AVNT AVNT 3 REAL(NTOT) / REAL(NEXP) WRITE(40,401) AVNT 401 FORMAT(’ Average N per experiment 3 ’,F8.3) RETURN END 136 Hierarchical Data Generation FORTRAN Source Code Listing PROGRAM HLMDAT ***'k******************************************************************* *X’l’fl'l‘l’fl’l’ 10 101 HLMDAT generates replications of an experiment. The following parameters must be set before each run. NK - the number of Classes NEXP - the number of experiments POW - the correlation between BOj and Wj PIW - the correlation between B1j and Wj RNOPT(5) - initialization for IMSL number generator RNSET(ISEED) - set the seed after the first run PARAMETER (MAX322, NEXP3500) INTEGER ISEED, NJ(MAX), NK DOUBLE PRECISION G(4), POW, P1W, SX(MAX), SXY(MAX), SX2(MAX) DOUBLE PRECISION SY(MAX), SY2(MAX),TOO, TOOW, T11W, W(MAX) OPEN(10, FILE3’SEED’) OPEN(ZO, FILE3’VARS') OPEN(30, FILE3’DATA’, FORM3'UNFORMATTED’) Seed set for data set 3 with POW - 0.0 and le = 0.6 CALL RNOPT(5) ISEED = 1461009557 CALL RNSET(ISEED) NK 3 10 POW 3 0.0 PlW 3 0.6 CALL TGSET(G, POW, P1W, T00, TOOW, T11W) DO 10 K 3 1, NEXP CALL CLSIZE (NJ, NK) CALL GEN(G, NJ, NK, SX, SXY, SX2, SY, 8Y2, TOOW, T11W, W) CALL RITE(NEXP, NJ, NK, SX, SXY, SX2, SY, 8Y2, W) CONTINUE CALL RNGET(ISEED) WRITE(10,101) ISEED FORMAT(I10) END 137 SUBROUTINE TGSET(G, POW, P1W, TOO, TOOW, T11W) *******‘k*************************************************************** 1% Set the between subject parameters Tau and Gamma. PARAMETER (C3O.10D+0, D3O.18D+0, PXY=O.60D+0) DOUBLE PRECISION G(4), POW, P1W, SIGZY, Sl DOUBLE PRECISION T00, TOOW, T11, T11W Calculate the unconditional and conditional variance terms T00 - D / ((1.0 - D) * (1.0 - PXY**2) - C * D) T11 3 C * T00 TOOW - T00 * (1.0 - POW**2) T11W 3 T11 * (1.0 - P1W**2) The pooled unconditional variance of Y 81 - C * T00 + 1.0 SIGZY 3 51 + (PXY**2 / (1.0 - PXY**2)) * (C * T00 + 1.0) Calculate the Gamma vector G 3 {G00, G01, G10, Gll} G(l) 0.0 6(2) 3 POW * SQRT(TOO) G(3) 3 SQRT((PXY**2 / (1 3 PXY**2)) * (C * T00 + 1.0)) G(4) 3 P1W * SQRT(Tll) RETURN END 138 SUBROUTINE CLSIZE (NJ, NK) *‘k*‘k‘k***************‘k************************************************** * Randomly draw a vector of class sizes from a distribution. PARAMETER (MAX 3 22) INTEGER NJ(MAX), NK, CPT DOUBLE PRECISION R(MAX) CALL DRNUN(NK, DO 10 I 3 1, NK R) 10 CPT 3 NINT(1000 * R(I)) IF (CPT NJ(I) ELSE IF NJ(I) ELSE IF NJ(I) ELSE IF NJ(I) ELSE IF NJ(I) ELSE IF NJ(I) ELSE IF NJ(I) ELSE IF NJ(I) ELSE IF NJ(I) ELSE IF NJ(I) ELSE IF NJ(I) ELSE IF NJ(I) ELSE IF NJ(I) ELSE IF NJ(I) ELSE NJ(I) END IF .GT. 3 30 (CPT 3 29 (CPT 3 28 (CPT 3 27 (CPT 3 26 (CPT 3 25 (CPT 3 24 (CPT 3 23 (CPT 3 22 (CPT 3 21 (CPT 3 20 (CPT 3 l9 (CPT 3 18 (CPT 3 17 3 16 995 .GT. .GT. .GT. .GT. .GT. .GT. .GT. .GT. .GT. .GT. .GT. .GT. .GT. .AND. 965 905 795 670 535 405 280 185 115 065 035 015 005 CPT .AND. .AND. .LE. CPT CPT CPT CPT CPT CPT CPT CPT CPT CPT CPT CPT CPT 1000) .LE. .LE. .LE. .LE. .LE. .LE. .LE. .LE. .LE. .LE. .LE. .LE. .LE. THEN 995) 965) 905) 795) 670) 535) 405) 280) 185) 115) 065) 035) 015) THEN THEN THEN THEN THEN THEN THEN THEN THEN THEN THEN THEN THEN CONTINUE RETURN END 139 SUBROUTINE GEN(G, NJ, NK, SX, SXY, SX2, SY, 5Y2, TOOW, T11W, W) *********************************************************************** * Generate data for one replication of an experiment. PARAMETER (MAX322, MXR361, MXU344) INTEGER NJ(MAX), NK, NR, NT DOUBLE PRECISION BO(MAX), Bl(MAX), CHI(2), DFl, DF2, G(4) DOUBLE PRECISION R(MXR), SIG, SR(MAX), SR2(MAX), SX(MAX) DOUBLE PRECISION SXR(MAX), SXSR(MAX), SXY(MAX), SX2(MAX), SY(MAX) DOUBLE PRECISION SY2(MAX), TAU(3),TCHI, TMPl, TMP2, TMP3, TOOW DOUBLE PRECISION T11W, U(MXU), U0, U1, W(MAX) NT 3 0 SIG 3 0.0 DO 10 I 3 1, 3 TAU(I) 3 0.0 10 CONTINUE DO 20 J = 1, NK NR = 2 * NJ(J) CALL DRNNOR(NR+1, R) NT = NT + NJ(J) SX(J) 0.0 SR(J) 0.0 SXR(J) = 0.0 DO 30 I = 1, NR, 2 SX(J) = SX(J) + R(I) SR(J) - SR(J) + R(I+1) 30 CONTINUE SXSR(J) = SX(J) * SR(J) DFl - NJ(J) - 1 CALL DRNCHI(2, DFl, CHI) SX2(J) = CHI(l) + SX(J)**2 / NJ(J) SR2(J) = CHI(2) + SR(J)**2 / NJ(J) SIG = SIG + SR2(J) DF2 = NJ(J) - 2 CALL DRNCHI(1, DF2, TCHI) T = R(NR + 1) / SQRT(TCHI / DF2) P = T / SQRT(T**2 + DF2) SXR(J) = P * SQRT(CHI(1)) * SQRT(CHI(2)) + SXSR(J) / NJ(J) 20 CONTINUE CALL DRNNOR(NK*2, U) DO 40 K = 1, NR IF (K .LE. NK/2) THEN W(K) 3 1.0 ELSE W(K) 3 -1.0 END IF U0 3 SQRT(TOOW) * U(K) U1 3 SQRT(T11W) * U(K+NK) TAU(l) 3 TAU(l) + U0 * U0 TAU(2) 3 TAU(2) + U0 * U1 TAU(3) 3 TAU(3) + 01 * Ul BO(K) 3 G(1) + G(2) * W(K) + U0 Bl(K) 3 G(3) + G(4) * W(K) + Ul SY(K) 3 NJ(K) * BO(K) + Bl(K) * SX(K) + SR(K) TMPl 3 NJ(K) * BO(K)**2 + B1(K)**2 * SX2(K) + SR2(K) 40 50 201 202 TMP2 3 SY2(K) SXY(K) CONTINUE SIG 3 SIG / NT DO 50 I 3 1, 3 TAU(I) 3 TAU(I) / NK CONTINUE WRITE(20,201) SIG WRITE(20,202) FORMAT(F11.5) FORMAT(3F11.5) RETURN END (TAU(I), I 3 1, 140 2.0 * BO(K) * Bl(K) * SX(K) TMP3 3 2.0 * Bl(K) * SXR(K) 3 TMP1 + TMP2 + TMP3 3 BO(K) 3) + 2.0 * BO(K) * SX(K) + Bl(K) * SX2(K) + SXR(K) * SR(K) 141 SUBROUTINE RITE(NEXP, NJ, NK, SX, SXY, SX2, SY, 3Y2, W) **‘k******************************************************************** * 10 One replication of an experiment is written to a file. PARAMETER (MAX=22) CHARACTER *12 ID, LABEL1(0:2), LA8EL2(0:1) CHARACTER *44 STRING INTEGER M1, M2, N8R5, NEXP, NJ(MAX), NK, NVAR, QMAX, T, VNUM DOUBLE PRECISION SX(MAX), SXY(MAX), SX2(MAX), SY(MAX) DOUBLE PRECISION 322(MAX), W(MAX), 8AR(2) DATA STRING / '01020304050607080910111213141516171819202122’/ NVAR 3 2 NBRS 3 0 QMAX 3 1 VNUM 3 O LABEL1(0) 3 ’ BASE' LABEL1(1) 3 'DEPY' LABEL1 (2) 3 ' INDX’ LABEL2(0) 3 ' BASE’ LABEL2(1) 3 ’INDW’ WRITE(30) NVAR, N8R5, QMAX, NK, VNUM WRITE(30) (LABEL1(I), I - o, NVAR) WRITE(30) (LABEL2(1), I = 0, QMAX) M1 = 1 M2 = 2 DO 10 I31, NK T = NJ(I) WRITE(30) T 8AR(1) 3 32(1) / T 8AR(2) = SX(I) / T 322(1) = 522(1) - T * BAR(1) * BAR(1) sx2(I) = sx2(I) - T * 8AR(1) * 8AR(2) SX2(I) = SX2(I) - T * 8AR(2) * 8AR(2) WRITE(30) (BAR(K), K = 1, 2) WRITE(30) 322(1), sx2(I), sx2(I) ID - STRING(M1:M2) WRITE(BO) ID, W(I) M1 = M1 + 2 M2 = M2 + 2 CONTINUE RETURN END REFERENCES Anderson, T.W. (1984). An introduction to multivariate statistical analysis. 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