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"’ "3 \l H \. ‘ . "an... I , ‘ spxisnar ' vrvv ‘ l l ‘ . o H Imam“ ~ S..- 3’ ' ‘~ . .amfififl - .1,- -. m..- ‘a J“;.. ,. I“ a» u it‘: I ‘. ,L :ftv'n ‘ , . - '3' ‘.. . - . . ~ ,., “I.“ "4’ 4 ”1;“ 'ul A .4‘. 1 ' 1“.“ 31122,? 9', '7 z 2 . , . ‘. . ‘ t . E v. x .2 . *u- v ”VT-m» - 0.1-— "ml-""7"? . x 5. 2' Knish?” 2;“ ‘l '4 -4 '1'u .' v :3? 6'5”" , Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllallalllllalllllolllllllll 3 1293 00788 p. l . MMHMW l eMiCEiig an mat ~, Unttorasw l ) This is to certify that the dissertation entitled THE ULTRASTRUCTURE AND HISTOCHEMISTRY OF INFECTION BY COLLE'IUI‘RICHUM LAGENARIUM IN CUCUMBERS INDUCED FOR RESISTANCE presented by Barry David Stein has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph.D degree in Botany; and Plant Pathology l Major professor Date Febmag 7, 1991 MS U is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution 0-12771 PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. F——_————.—————_—_—.—__—-——W DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE JUL 0 5 1995‘] ____l| ' if? usu Is An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Inaitution I! THE ULTRASTRUCTURE AND HISTOCHEMISTRY OF INFECTION BY COLLETOTRICHUM LAGENARIUM IN CUCUMBERS INDUCED FOR RESISTANCE BY Barry David Stein A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Botany and Plant Pathology 1991 153363113: ABSTRACT THE ULTRASTRUCTURE AND HISTOCHEMISTRY OF INFECTION BY COLLETOTRICHUM LAGENARIUM IN CUCUHBERS INDUCED FOR RESISTANCE BY Barry David Stein Induced resistance in cucumbers seems to be a function of the epidermis. Since induced resistance is nonspecific, it has been hypothesized that the inhibition of penetration into cells is one of the primary mechanisms. Whether inhibition is a function of cell walls or cytoplasm is not known. To determine the possible location of induced resistance, cucumber plants induced for resistance by injection with gsggggmgngg gyringag pv syringe; were compared to control plants by electron microscopy, ultrastructural histochemistry, and energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis. Plants were also assayed for peroxidase, phenolics, and extensin in the petiolar epidermis and bulk petiole of induced and control cucumber plants. Leaves of induced plants, which were infected by leletotrichum lagenarium, were observed to have electron-dense modifications of the walls of infected cells. Energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDS) of these cell walls showed that silicon accumulation accounted for much of the electron-density. Silicon was found in cells prepared by standard glutaraldehyde/osmium tetroride fixation and by the bromine procedure for lignin localization. These cell wall areas also stained with potassium permanganate indicating the presence of lignin. The binding of potassium permanganate to the electron-dense areas was corroborated by EDS for Mn. Papillae developed where the fungus started to penetrate into epidermal cells. Papillae also stained with potassium permanganate; this was corroborated by EDS. Hydroxyproline, a component of the cell wall protein extensin, was not found to vary in concentration as a result of cucumber plants being induced for resistance. Peroxidase, which is thought to be responsible for polymerizing extensin and lignin, was found to occur in increased concentrations in the epidermis and bulk tissue of the petioles of induced cucumber plants. The epidermis of induced plants appeared to have higher concentrations of lignin than the petiole, a further indication that the epidermis is important in induced resistance. Carbazole staining of peroxidase for light microscopy also showed higher concentrations of peroxidase in induced cucumber leaves, though localization to a cell type was not possible. Diaminobenzidine staining for the electron microscopic localization of peroxidase suggested that peroxidase was concentrated between the electron-dense cell walls and the plasmalemma. ACKNOWLEGEMENTS I would like to thank the members of my Dissertation Committee Ray Hammerschmidt, Frank Ewers, Derek Lamport and, most especially, Karen Klomparens for their help during the the time that I have been at Michigan State University. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES...........................................vii LIST OF FIGURES................................. ........ viii CHAPTER I LITERATURE REVIEW.............................l Historic review of induced resistance..................2 Ultrastructure of fungal infection.....................9 Role of lignin and peroxidase in resistance...........10 Ultrastructural localization of lignin................12 Ultrastructural localization of silicon...............13 Ultrastructural localization of peroxidase............14 Resistance induced by heatshock of seedling cucumbers.14 Objectives............................................15 CHAPTER II ULTRASTRUCTURE AND HISTOCHEMISTRY OF THE INFECTION OF CUCUMBERS, INDUCED TO BE RESISTANT: BY QQLLETQIBIQHHM LAQENABIHMo-o-ool7 ABSTRACT..............................................18 INTRODUCTION..........................................20 METHODS AND MATERIALS.................................20 Plant Material....................................20 Electron Microscopy...............................21 Potassium Permanganate Staining...................22 Bromine Staining Procedure........................23 Energy Dispersive X-ray Microanalysis.............24 Diaminobenzidine Staining.........................24 RESULTS...............................................25 Inoculation of Plants.............................25 Ultrastructure of Appressoria.....................25 Effects of Fungus on Plant Cell Wall..............34 Necrotic Appressoria...................... ........ 41 Papillae..........................................41 Peroxidase Localization...........................44 Bromination of Pumpkin Hypocotyls.................49 DISCUSSION............................................50 Appressoria Ultrastructure........................50 Matrix Layer......................................51 Effects of Fungus on Plant Cell Wall..............51 Plant Cell Reactions to Fungus....................53 Papillae..........................................57 Peroxidase........................................58 Cell Wall Barriers to Infection...................58 CHAPTER III EFFECTS OF HEATSHOCK UPON THE CELL WALL THICKNESSES OF EPIDERMAL CELLS OF THE HYPOCOTYL OF CUCUMBER SEEDLINGS..............60 ABSTRACT.....................................61 INTRODUCTION..........................................62 METHODS AND TECHNIQUES................................62 Experiment 1......................................62 vi Experiment 2......................................63 Morphometry.......................................63 RESULTS...............................................64 Morphometry.......................................64 Electron Microscopy...............................70 DISCUSSION............................................73 CHAPTER IV EFFECTS OF INDUCED RESISTANCE ON PEROXIDASE, PHENOLICS AND EXTENSIN CONCENTRATIONS IN CUCUMBER LEAVES...........7S ABSTRACT..............................................76 INTRODUCTION..........................................77 METHODS AND TECHNIQUES................................78 Preparation of plant samples......................78 Bacteria Culture..................................79 Histochemistry and microscopy.....................79 Acetone Powders...................................79 Assay for Cell Wall Bound Phenolics...............80 Assay for Peroxidase..............................80 Assay for Hydroxyproline..........................81 RESULTS...............................................81 Microscopy........................................81 Cell Wall Bound Phenolics.........................84 Peroxidase........................................84 Hydroxyproline....................................85 DISCUSSION............................................87 CHAPTER V TECHNIQUES FOR THE ULTRASTRUCTURAL LOCALIZATION OF LIGNIN USING POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE AND BROMINE STAINING AND EDS.........................................89 ABSTRACT..............................................90 INTRODUCTION..........................................91 MATERIALS AND METHODS.................................91 RESULTS...............................................93 DISCUSSION............................................98 CHAPTER VI WORK ON THE IMMUNOCYTOCHEMICAL LOCALIZATION OF EXTENSIN AND PEROXIDASE IN THE LEAF OF CUCUMBERS INDUCED FOR RESISTANCE...........102 ABSTRACT.............................................103 INTRODUCTION................................... ...... 104 METHODS AND TECHNIQUES...............................105 Cucumber Seedlings...............................105 Cucumber Plants..................................105 Immunocytochemistry..............................106 PBS Formula......................................107 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION...............................107 SUMMARY..................................................112 LIST OF REFERENCES.......................................115 vii LIST OF TABLES TABLE . Page 2.1. Occurrence and appearance of internal flanges observed in sections of appressoria................. ...... 31 2.2. The presence of electron-dense cell walls at the sites of infection caused by ggllgtgtgignum lagenarigm....35 3.1. Comparison of epidermal outer cell wall thickness of control and heat shocked hypocotyl 0, 24 and 48 hours after experimental hypocotyls were treated................65 3.2. The second comparison of epidermal outer cell wall thickness of control and heat shocked hypocotyl 0, 24 and 48 hours after experimental hypocotyls were treated.......66 3.3. A comparison of the epidermal outer cell wall thickness of hypocotyls of the cucumber cultivar Marketer which had been placed into water at various different temperatures..............................................67 4.1. Measurements of the concentrations of hydroxyproline in the tissues of bulked samples from the cucumber epidermises and petioles used in the assay for peroxidase.86 5.1. Comparison of techniques used in the fixation and staining of plant samples for the presence of lignin. ..... 99 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 2.1. First true leaf of Qgggmig gatiyg cv SMR 58 plant induced for resistance one week earlier by infection into the abaxial surface with Efiggggmgngs syringag pv syringgg. Necrotic lesions (N) are the result of bacteria injection.................................................27 2.2. Second leaf of injected cucumber plant, such as in Fig. 1, where the injection has resulted in a type of ChlorOSisO00.0.00...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... ..... O ......... 27 2.3. Injected SMR 58 cucumber plants are located on the left of rear bench next to uninjected controls on the right of rear bench. The controls (arrowhead) are larger in size than the injected plants..................................27 2.4. Scanning electron micrograph of germinated conidia (C) of Colletotrichum laggnarium with germination tube (GT) of variable length and appressoria (A) 24 hrs. after inoculation upon control leaves. Bar = 10 um ............. 29 2.5. Scanning electron micrograph of conidium (C) with appressorium (A) on control leaf 24 hours after inoculation with Q. lagenariun showing matrix layer (ML) around appressorium. Bar = 1 um..........................;......29 2.6. Scanning electron micrograph of germinated spore on induced leaf 24 hrs. after inoculation with Q. lagegagigmy showing matrix layer (ML) (arrows) around appressorium (A). Conidium (C) and Bacteria (B). Bar = 1 um................29 2.7. Transmission electron micrograph of ultrathin section of appressorium (A), portion of conidium (C), and plant cell wall (CW) from control plant 48 hrs. after inoculation with Q. laggngri_m. Section was uranyl acetate and lead citrate stained. Conidium wall appears less electron-dense than appressorium wall. The plant cell wall under the appressorium is indented (arrow). Internal flange (F), extracellular matrix layer (ML), and bacterium (B). Bar = 1 “m0...O..0.0..0...0..00...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0. 2.8. Appressorium on control plant, transmission electron micrograph of ultrathin section, 48 hrs. after inoculation with Q. la enar' , the infection peg (IF) has broken through plant epidermal cell wall (CW). Section stained ix with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. Cell wall next to infection peg is less electron-dense than surrounding wall. Wall under appressorium (A) appears indented towards the plant cell cytoplasm but rest of cell wall layers do not appear to be disturbed. Bar = 1 um.......................33 2.9. Appressorium from control plant. Transmission electron micrograph of the appressorial cell wall shows outer (O), and inner (I) layers. The internal flange (F) and the extension (E) differ in electron density from each other. Bar = 0.2 um......................................33 2.10. Transmission electron micrograph of ultrathin section of appressorium (A) and plant epidermal cell wall (CW) from control plant 48 hrs. after inoculation with Q. laggnari_m. Section was not stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. Bar = 1 pm......................................33 2.11. Transmission electron micrograph of ultrathin section, stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate, of appressorium (A) on protected tissue at 48 hrs after infection with Q. lagenarium. Cell wall (CW) of plant under appressorium is electron-dense (D) with electron-dense granules (GR) between host cell wall and plasmalemma (PL). Bar:1“m0.000000000000000000000.0.0.0000... 2.12. Transmission electron microscopy ultrathin section, stained with KMnOU of appressorium (A) on induced plant inoculated 48 hrs previously with g. laggnazium. Appressorial walls (AW) are heavily stained by 10an4 due to the presence of melanin. The region of the plant cell wall between the arrowheads and proximal to the appressorium is electron-dense. Bar = 1 um...............................38 2.13. Unstained serial section of specimen in Fig. 12. Region of plant cell wall between the arrowheads corresponds with that of Fig. 12. Appressorium (A). Bar = 1 um......38 2.14. EDS dot map from a serial section of specimen in Fig. 12 indicating the localization of manganese. The electron- dense cell wall (marked by arrowheads in Fig. 12) of the plant under the appressorium is more heavily stained than surrounding areas of the plant cell wall. Appressorium (A).......................................................38 2.15. EDS dot map of Si in Fig. 13. The arrowheads correspond in position to those found in Figs. 12, 13, and 14......OOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOCOOOOOOO 0000000000000 38 2.16. Transmission electron microscopy ultrathin section of brominated mature cucumber leaf that was fixed 48 hours after inoculation with Q. lagenazium. Plant cell wall (CW) X proximal to appressorium (A) is electron-dense (marked by arrowneadS). Bar:1“mOOOOOOCOOIOOOOOOOOOOO0.0.00.00000040 2.17. Br EDS dot map of Fig. 16. arrowheads below appressorium (A) correspond to the plant cell wall (CW) similarly marked in Fig. 2.18. Si EDS dot map of Fig. 16 with arrowheads in the same position as those in the thin section.....................40 2.19. Transmission electron micrograph of ultrathin section of tissue, from protected plant at 48 hrs after inoculation with Q. lagenarium. Section was stained with KMnO,. ZPlant cell wall under appressorium (A) is more electron—dense than surrounding wall. Appressorium is misshapened and appears necrotic. Bar = 1 um.....................................40 2.20. Transmission electron micrograph of ultrathin section of necrotic appressoria on induced tissue 48 hrs. after inoculation with Q. lagenarium. Pockets of unsuccessful penetrations, as well as successful ones, often occurred. Papilla (P). Bar = 10 um.................................43 2.21. Transmission electron micrograph of ultrathin section, stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate, of papilla of protected plant at 48 hrs after inoculation with Q. lagenarium. Papilla (P) with granular material. Plasmalemma of plant cell (arrowhead) surrounds papilla. Bar:1“m0.0000000COOOCOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC0. 2.22. Transmission electron micrograph of ultrathin section of primary hypha (PH), 72 hrs., showing successful penetration of Q. laggnarium into protected plant. Section was stained with KMnO4. Material between hypha and plasmalemma appears more fine grained than at 48 hrs. (Fig. 21). The material surrounding the hypha, adjacent to the plant cell wall (arrow), is stained with KMnO4 indicating the presence of lignin. Bar = 1 um.......................43 2.23. Transmission electron micrograph at 48 hours after inoculation of induced leaf with Q. lagenazium. Section was stained with KMnO,. Primary hypha (PH) has elongated into plant cell and is surrounded by papilla (P). Bar = 1 um..43 2.24. Transmission electron micrograph of ultrathin section of hypha (H) with papilla (P), on a protected plant inoculated 48 hrs. previously with Q. lagepazium. Section was stained with I