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DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE | MSU Is An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution emunG-od PINE ROOT PRODUCTION, DHNOGRAPHY AND TURNOVER IN NORTHERN HARDWOOD PORSSTS BY Ronald L. Hendrick A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan state University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OP PHILOSOPHY Department of forestry 1992 ABSTRACT PINE ROOT PRODUCTION, DENOGRAPHY AND TURNOVBR IN NORTHERN HARDWOOD PORESTS BY Ronald L. Hendrick Data were collected from two sugar maple (Age; m Marsh.) forests in 1989 and 1990. Direct observations of fine root production, development and mortality were used in conjunction with physical harvests of fine root biomass and nitrogen content to measure root growth and death, and to estimate the amount of carbon and nitrogen allocated to fine root production and subsequently returned to the soil via fine root turnover. Analyses of cumulative survival distributions of contemporaneous 1989 and 1990 cohorts revealed that roots at the northern site consistently lived longer on average than roots born during the same periods of time at the southern site. The longer lifespan of roots in the northern forest was due to significantly lower first-season mortality rates; new roots were lost 64% faster at the southern forest (0.41 vs. 0.25 %'day'1, p <.01.). Overwinter and second-year morality rates were not significantly different (p >0.5; 0.14 vs. 0.12 %°day'1) among the sites. Patterns of fine root mortality at each site were the same for roots produced at all times of the year, and our results suggest that te te mo Gr mi mo an le mi. 511 bot tlll Hit 72 N01 lit temporal differences in biomass "turnover" may be due to temporal variation in root production, not in root mortality. Greater than 50% of annual length production occurred before mid—summer in both ecosystems, while the period of greatest mortality was from late summer through winter. About 1/3 of annual fine root. production and. mortality’ occurred simultaneously, with little observable change in total root length. Total fine root length observable in the minirhizotrons peaked in mid-summer in both ecosystems. Annual production values of approximately 8000 and 7300 kg'ha’yr'l were calculated at the Southern and Northern sites, respectively, representing about 60% of total NPP in both forests. Corresponding biomass mortality (i.e. turnover) values were 6700 and 4800 kg'ha'yr‘l, and total nitrogen returns to the soil from fine root mortality were 72 kg’ha'yr’1 at the Southern site and 54 kg'ha'yr'1 at the Northern site. Fine roots dominated total biomass and N litter inputs to the soil in both ecosystems, accounting for over 55% of total biomass and nearly 50% of total N returns. In both ecosystems, roots <0.5 mm comprised the bulk of fine root biomass and N pools, and the contribution of these roots to northern hardwood ecosystem carbon and nitrogen budgets has probably been underestimated in the past. S. U CC 91 me to an ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Several individuals are responsible for helping me see this work through to completion. I owe a special debt of thanks to my major professor, Dr. Kurt Pregitzer, for his guidance the past six years. I would like to thank him for his advice, support and direction, as well as his willingness to engage me in meaningful discussions, scientific and otherwise, throughout my graduate program. Much of this dissertation is a result of the free exchange of ideas and criticisms that we have enjoyed the past several years. I am indebted to the other members of my guidance committee, Drs. Donald Dickmann, Robert Fogel, G. Philip Robertson and Alvin Smucker, for their continuing advice and assistance. Dr. Smucker was instrumental in exposing me to minirhizotron technology and applications, and Dr. Fogel taught me a great deal about roots and mycorrhizae while in the field and at the Soil Biotron. Dr. Carl Ramm willingly provided considerable statistical help and advice, for which I am grateful. Drs. Donald Hall and Katherine Gross helped guide me into the demography literature early in my studies, and I thank them both. I would also like to express my gratitude to my friend Dr. Phu Nguyen for his advice, encouragement and willingness to assist me whenever I asked. iv bl he HE Bl at di Fi th Melissa Moss deserves a special thanks for her tireless efforts while digitizing minirhizotron images and sorting root samples. .Andy Burton.‘was instrumental in helping collect minirhizotron images and root samples, and was responsible for much of the laboratory work getting done properly and in a timely fashion. Bill Enslin wrote the ROOTS program, and without ROOTS this work would not have been possible. Several undergraduate laboratory assistants helped in numerous ways, including Leslie Jagger, Lynn Hanninen, Lori Grimm, Chiu Kwan Yu, Beth Palik and Wendy Williams. I would also like to thank my colleagues Andy Burton, Zhijun Liu and Brian Palik for their friendship, advice and ability to carry on intellectually stimulating discussions over a wide range topics. Finally, I would like to thank my friends and family, especially my parents, for their support and encouragement throughout my studies. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLESOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00......0......OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.IViii LIST OF FIGURES O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O I I x1 INTRODUCTION. 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O I O O O O O O O O O O O O O ........ 1 CHAPTER I. THE DEMOGRAPHY OF FINE ROOTS IN A NORTHERN HARDWOOD FORESTOOOOOOO0.0.000000000000000000000lO Abstract.....................................10 Introduction.................................12 Methods......................................17 Study Site and Minirhizotrons..............17 Image Analysis.............................21 Fine Root Life History, Longevity and Dynamics..............................22 Results......................................24 Root Life History and Longevity............24 Root Production and Mortality (Turnover)...31 Discussion...................................37 Literature Cited.............................45 II. SPATIAL VARIATION IN TREE ROOT DISTRIBUTION AND GROWTH ASSOCIATED WITH MINIRHIZOTRONS......49 Abstract.....................................48 Introduction.................................51 Methods......................................53 Results......................................57 Discussion...................................62 Literature Cited.............................67 III. PATTERNS OF FINE ROOT MORTALITY IN TWO SUGAR MAPLE FORESTSOOOOOOOOCOOOCOOCOO0.00.0.000000000070 Abstract.....................................70 Introduction.................................71 Methods......................................72 Results and Discussion.......................75 Literature Cited.............................86 IV. THE DYNAMICS OF FINE ROOT LENGTH, BIOMASS AND NITROGEN CONTENT IN TWO NORTHERN HARDWOOD ECOSYSTEMSeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeee eeeoeeeeoggooeeeeesg Abstract........................... ....... ...89 Introduction.................................9l Methods......................................94 Site Description...........................94 Fine Root Length Dynamics..... ..... ........97 Stand Biomass and Productivity.............99 Predicting Root Biomass Production and Mortality............................103 Results.....................................104 Fine Root Length Dynamics.................104 Fine Root Biomass and Nitrogen Content....117 Production, Mortality and Standing Crop Predictions..... ............. ............121 Discussion ....... .... ............. ..........128 Conclusions...... ........................ ...147 Literature Cited............................150 vii Tab Tab TAbI lei Tub: Table 1.1 Table 1.2 Table 1.3 Table 1.4 Table 2.1 LIST OF TABLES Stand, soil and climatic characteristics of the study site. Values are averages across plots, with standard errors of the mean in parentheses where shown ..... ............ ....... ...........18 Transition probabilities for roots in various stages of development. P1, P2 and P are the probabilities of a white root remaining white, turning brown or dying during a given time interval, respectively. P4 and P refer to the probability of a brown root remaining alive and brown or dying, respectively. Stage transitions are depicted in Figure 1......................30 Periodic root length production and mortality for total, white and brown root length. Values are expressed as a percentage of the April 27, 1989 live root standing crop (plot mean) at both <30 and >30-cm depths. Standard deviations are given in parentheses..........................33 Initial root length standing crops, and the production and mortality of total, white and brown root length from April 27, 1989 to April 24, 1990 at <30 and >30 cm depths. Lengths are plot averages in cm, with standard errors of the mean in parentheses. (TOTAL length production and mortality includes roots that first appeared in a dead state, and thus the sum of WHITE and BROWN production and mortality does not always equal the TOTAL.).............................35 Analysis of initial root length, annual length production, and annual production rate (annual length production as a percentage of initial root length), under three experimental arrangements. Initial length and length productgon are expressed in mm of root length per cm' of minirhizotron viewing surface. Data shown are means, standard deviations and coefficients of variation.....................58 viii Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table 4.3 4.5 4.7 Stand, soil and climatic characteristics of the study sites. Values are averages across plots, with standard errors of the mean in parentheses where shown...................................73 Birth intervals and size of root cohortsobserved during the study........... ........ ...........74 Stand, soil and climatic characteristics of the study sites. Values are averages across plots, with standard errors of the mean in parentheses where shown...................................95 Site means (and standard errors) of initial root length density, annual length production and annual mortality (April 1989 to April 1990)........................................1oe Biomass and nitrogen content (kg'ha'l) of roots <0.5, 0.5 to 2.0 and 2.0 to 10.0 mm in diameter, as determined from soil cores. Plot means with standard errors in parentheses...............118 Nitrogen concentration (%) of roots <0.5, 0.5 to 2.0 and 2.0 to 10.0 mm in diameter. Plot means with standard errors in parentheses..........120 Comparison of measured and predicted total fine (0.0-2.0 mm) root biomass and nitrogen content standing crops, and predicted annual production and mortality. Values are in kg‘ha'l, with standard errors in parentheses...............122 Above- and belowground (less coarse roots >10 mm) April 1989 biomass, in kg'ha' . Plot means with standard errors in parentheses..........124 Above- and belowground net primary production (NPP), in kg'ha' 'yr- , for the period April 1989 through April 1990. Data are plot means, with percentage of total NPP in parentheses..................................126 Above and belowground litter biomass and N returns to the soil from April 1989 to April 1990. Data are expressed in units of kg’ha' , and as a percentage of total litterfall. Plot means with standard errors in parentheses....127 Comparison of fine root biomass and nitrogen standing crops and annual production in some North American deciduous forests. Biomass and N standing crop and production values are in units of kg'ha' and kg'ha' 'yr' , respectively....133 ix Table 4.10 Annual fine root production per unit leaf weight and leaf area in some temperate North American deciduous forests. Leaf biomass data were derived from published estimates of leaf litter production................... ........ ... ..... 143 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 1.1 1.2 1.4 LIST OF FIGURES Life cycle diagram for the fine roots of trees. Pi’s are the probabilities of a root following a particular path from one stage of development to another during some time interval t...... ...... 16 Diagram of the minirhizotron, scribing and camera system used to collect images. Components of the camera and image recording system are labelled. Item A is the minirhizotron itself, installed at a 45° angle to the soil surface. Component B is the camera, which records an image 1.8 cm wide by 1.2 cm in height. A blow-up of image frame 50 is depicted in C, showing a scribed longitudinal line along the left edge of the image and a small numbered cross-hatch on this line. When filming, the longitudinal line was aligned immediately adjacent to the left edge of the image (as seen in the monitor), and the cross hatch was centered in the image using a reference mark on the monitor........................................20 Initial distribution of root numbers among diameter classes for the <30 and >30 cm depth cohorts produced between April 27 and June 11, 1989.00.00.000000000000000.00.00.000...00......26 Initial root length distributions among diameter classes for the <30 and >30 cm depth cohorts produced between April 27 and June 11, 1989.00.00.00000000......OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0.0.0.27 Percent survival, with standard deviations, of original root cohorts at <30 and >30 cm depths. The proportion the remaining cohort comprised of white and brown surviving roots is also shown. The period of observation covers 346 days between June 11, 1989 and May 23, 1990.00.00..................00.0.0000000000000028 Average soil moisture (15 and 75 cm depths) and soil temperature (15 cm depth) during the 1989 and early 1900 growing seasons. Values are plot averages.......................................32 xi tigm 1.7 figure 2.1 Piquro 2.2 31911:: 3.1 ”M. 3.2 O'Hara-mm OCQWWH-EMMBCAD’UIQSU 13:0 9:3.0’21-‘0 s} It Wt Figure 1.7 Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2 Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Temporal changes in total, white and brown root lengths (cm) at <30 and >30 cm depth, summed across all plots. The period of observation covers 363 days, from April 27 ,1989 to April 24, 1990.......OOOOOOOO......OOOCOOOOOOO......OO0.036 Relationship between initial root length (27/4/89) in the upper 30-cm of soil and total production during the following year, as viewed with the minirhizotrons. Data shown are from 12 minirhizotrons, four within each of three replicate plots................................60 Plot means, sampling (outer, wide bars) and experimental (inner, narrow bars) error for initial root length, annual length growth and annual production as a percentage of initial length. Units for Y-axis are in parentheses below X-axis label for each estimate...........61 Root length survival curves for root cohorts during 1989 and 1990. Survival times were significantly greater at the northern site for all but the July (no difference) and October (southern site greater) 1989 cohorts. Cohorts were comprised of all new roots present on the minirhizotron surface that were produced between successive sample dates in the upper 30 cm of the soil. The data were pooled from the 12 minirhizotrons in each forest. Each root was identified and numbered by the ROOTS image analysis program we developed, and was remeasured and classified as live or dead at each sampling date. Significant differences in length survival were tested usigg a Gehan-Mantel test for censored data at an alpha of 0.05...........77 Regressions of length mortality data against the number of days a cohort had been under observation during it's first growing season, with line forced through the origin. The slope (mortality rate) of the southern site was significantly greater than the northern site. There were no site differences in over-winter and second-year mortality rates (regressions not shown). Data were pooled across all 1989 and 1990 cohorts. Differences among the two forests were tested by comparing regression slopes at an alpha of 0.05..................................79 xii Fit Pig Pigu. Pigu! Figure 3.3 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Weekly averages for soil temperature at 15 cm depth at both forests. Paired t-tests of site differences in average weekly temperatures (derived from the mean of three sensors at each site) showed that temperatures from 26/4/89 through 17/10/89 and 30/4/90 through 16/10/90 were significantly greater at the southern site (p <.001). Data were collected every 30 minutes with an Omnidata monitoring system (Omnidata International, Logan Utah, USA)................83 Total, white ang brown fine root length densities (mm root per cm minirhizotron surface) at the Southern and Northern sites from April 1989 through October 1990. Data are plot means with standard error bars...........................106 Percentage distribution of total growing season (April-October) fine root production and mortality occurring between minirhizotron sampling dates. April/May and May/June data in 1989 were calculated from April-early June and early June-late June data by interpolation, assuming that production and mortality were evenly distributed during the 6 week interval from late April to Early June at both sites...110 Percentage distribution of annual (April-April) fine root production and mortality occurring between minirhizotron sampling dates..........113 Cumulative (%) fine root production and mortality at the Southern and Northern study sites. The horizontal distance between the two curves at each site is a relative index of turnover time..........................................116 Cumulative diameter distribution of fine root length and numbers at both study sites on the July 1989 sampling date. Data represent values summed across all plots: 587 roots and 3262 mm of root at the Southern site, with corresponding values of 662 and 4059 at the Northern site...136 Unt fin ECO Eng r00' eco: fore 1975 et mycc seve Abe: Gowe Hend 1991 INTRODUCTION Until the late 1970’s, little was known about the role of fine roots in the carbon and nutrient economies of forest ecosystems. The paper of Harris et al. (1977) from a W W L. forest was probably the first English-language report that specifically addressed fine root production and mortality (i.e. turnover) in an ecosystem context. Subsequent papers, many from coniferous forests, soon followed (e.g. Cox et al. 1978, Fogel and Hunt 1979, Grier et al. 1981, Keyes and Grier 1981, McClaugherty et al. 1982, Persson 1978, 1979), and fine root and mycorrhizal production and turnover have now been studied in several deciduous and coniferous forests worldwide (e.g. Aber et al. 1985, Fogel and Hunt 1983, Gholz et al. 1986, Gower et al. 1992, Hendrick and Pregitzer 1992, Joslin and Henderson 1987, Nadelhoffer et al. 1985, Powell and Day 1991, Santantonio 1982, Vogt et al. 1982). A consensus has emerged from these and other studies that fine roots play a dominant role in the carbon and nutrient budgets of most forests. Greater than one-half of annual NPP is allocated belowground in many forests, and nutrient fluxes to the soil from fine root mortality can be greater than those from aboveground litterfall (Arthur and Fahey 1992, Cox et al. 1978, Fogel and Hunt 1979, Harris et al. 1977, Grier et al. 1981, Joslin and Henderson 1987, Keyes 1 e: 1: tc fi cc on at C0 th mo Sa 1‘0- 1110: int ant Val di: he, in in. dis and Grier 1981, Vogt et al. 1986). However, many aspects of fine root dynamics are still poorly understood. For example, we know very little about fine root longevity (or fine root life-history in general), even though measuring longevity is key to quantifying carbon and nutrient fluxes to and from fine roots. Given our poor understanding of fine root longevity, it is not surprising that there is considerable disagreement over the effects of soil resources on rates of fine root turnover (i.e. Aber et al. 1985, Gower et al. 1992, Reyes and Grier 1981, Nadelhoffer et a1. 1985). Compounding these problems has been our inability to measure the magnitude of concurrent fine root production and mortality (Joslin and Henderson 1987, Kurz and Kimmins 1987, Santantonio and Grace 1987). Because a physical sample of roots can be destructively assayed only once, production and mortality can be measured neither directly nor independently, but must be inferred from changes in live and/or dead fine root pool sizes. A high degree of spatial variability in fine root biomass further exacerbates the difficulties in measuring temporal variation in mass, and hence root production and mortality. Small temporal changes in root mass may be masked by random spatial variation introduced by the heterogeneous nature of fine root distribution, and the need to collect subsequent samples from different locations in the soil. t} fJ' Inc 19 pa mi St 61 co] Ei: Upc res mm 10m min; Close examination of these methodological difficulties leaves little doubt that the destructive, discontinuous methods typically used to study fine root dynamics are largely responsible for our inability to make significant new advances in our knowledge of fine roots (Fogel 1990, Hendrick and Pregitzer 1992, Santantonio and Grace 1987, Vogt et al. 1989). In contrast to traditional physical sampling schemes, minirhizotrons offer the ability to study fine roots ill-gig; in a non-destructive fashion. Because the same roots can be monitored over extended periods of time, spatial variability in fine root distribution becomes fixed, and temporal dynamics can be measured directly and more accurately (Atkinson 1985, Hendrick and Pregitzer 1992). The small size of minirhizotrons, and the portability of the video systems used to collect minirhizotron images, make them ideal tools for field studies in remote, natural ecosystems. minirhizotrons have already been used in several natural and managed plant communities (Beyrouty et al. 1987, Cheng et al. 1990, Eissenstat and Caldwell 1988, Hendrick and Pregitzer 1992, Upchurch and Ritchie 1983), and their continued use in root research seems likely. Hinirhizotrons, however, suffer from limitations of their own. The heterogeneous distribution of fine roots that has long plagued destructive approaches can also lead to high minirhizotron-to-minirhizotron variabil ity in root dis as and eff min COD: ana al. con‘ min Upcl dirt Sam] nut: The an lift of r00. rOOt distribution. Coefficients of variation range up to as much as several hundred percent (Merrill et al. 1987, Upchurch and Ritchie 1983, Upchurch 1987) , and can make treatment effects difficult to detect. Extracting data from minirhizotron images has historically been a laborious, time consuming process, although more automated methods of analyzing minirhizotrons images are forthcoming (Smucker et al. 1987). And, although there has been some success in converting root length densities measured with minirhizotrons to root biomass (Upchurch and Ritchie 1983, Upchurch 1987), it is doubtful that minirhizotrons or other direct observation techniques will replace destructive sampling as a means to measure standing root biomass or nutrient content. The research reported in this dissertation is the result of an attempt to: 1) more fully describe and quantify the life-history and development of fine roots from their time of birth until death, and 2) link direct observations of root birth, growth and death with physical measurements of root biomass and nutrient content to quantify carbon and nutrient allocation to fine roots, and C and N returns to the soil from fine root mortality. Secondary objectives of this project were to increase the efficacy of minirhizotrons as a means of measuring fine root dynamics, and to facilitate the extraction and analysis of data from minirhizotron images. The ma bir roo adv ace and bud clc anc‘ Vic' met The conceptual basis for this research lies in the premise that a better knowledge of fine root demography (i.e. the birth, development and death of individual fine roots and root cohorts) is needed before we can make significant advances in understanding the role of fine roots in ecosystem processes. Demographic studies of leaves (Bazzaz and Harper 1977, Hartnett and Bazzaz 1985, Maillette 1982a), buds (Maillette 1982b), meristems (Porter 1983a,b) and clonal ramets (Dickerman and Wetzel 1985) have proven useful in research on aboveground plant parts, but this approach has yet to be taken belowground, at least on a large scale. The overall goal of this research, then, was to study fine root demography at the ecosystem scale, and subsequently use this information to quantify the role of fine roots in the C and N cycles of Northern Hardwoods forests by linking modern video technology with traditional ecosystem science methodologies. 6 Literature cited Aber, J.D. J.M. Melillo, R.J. Nadelhoffer, C.A. McClaugherty and iJ. Pastor. 1985. Fine root turnover in forest ecosystems in relation to quantity and form of nitrogen availability: a comparison of two methods. Oecologia 66:317-321. Arthur, M.A. and T.J. Fahey. 1992. Biomass and nutrients in an Engelmann spruce - subalpine fir forest in north central Colorado: pools, annual production and internal cycling. Can. J. For. Res. 22:315-325. Atkinson, D. 1985. Spatial and temporal aspects of root distribution as indicated by the use of a root observation laboratory. Pages 43-65 In: A.H. Fitter, D. Atkinson, D.J. Read and M; USher, editors. 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Meier and R.L. Edmonds. 1982. Mycorrhizal role in net primary production and nutrient cycling in Abies amabilis ecosystems in western Washington. Ecology 63:370-380. Vogt. R.A, C.C. Grier and D.J Vogt. 1986. Production, turnover and nutritional dynamics of above- and belowground detritus of world forests. Adv. Ecol. Res. 15:303-307. Vogt. R.A, D.J’ Vogt, 3.3. Moore and D.C. Sprugel. 1989. Methodological considerations in measuring biomass, production, respiration and nutrient resorption for tree roots in natural ecosystems. pp 217-232. In: (J.G. Torrey and L.J. Winship, eds.) Applications of continuous and steady-state methods to root biology. Kluwer. Dordrecht, Netherlands. Upo; anai that aft: dec] aft: turr won] mor1 r001 annt init Proc the at I both rath Chapter I THE DENOGRAPHY OF FINE ROOTS IN A NORTHERN HARDWOOD FOREST Abstract The production, development and mortality of fine roots in a northern hardwood forest dominated by sugar maple (Age; 3921122931 Marsh.) was monitored for one year using minirhizotrons. Roots were divided into two strata based upon their depth in the soil, <30 cm and >30 cm. Cohort analyses of roots produced in the spring of 1989 revealed that while almost 50% of fine roots at both depths survived after 346 days, the number of white roots in each cohort declined very rapidly. Virtually all roots had turned brown after 346 days. The probability of a surviving white root turning brown was much greater than the probability that it would die at all times of the year, and the bulk of root mortality was accounted for by brown roots. Analysis of root length production and mortality showed that total annual length mortality at the <30 cm depth was 76% of the initial standing crop and 110% at >30 cm depth. Fine root production and mortality occurred simultaneously throughout the year, and production was slightly greater than mortality at both depths. Total root length peaked in the summer at both depths, and overwinter production and mortality was rather low. 10 11 Production of white and brown root length indicated that roots near the soil surface were undergoing much more rapid rates of browning than deep roots. Loss of root length between sampling dates was largely due to roots that died and rapidly decayed or otherwise disappeared. 12 Introduction We have learned much about the contribution of roots to the carbon and nutrient economy of forest ecosystems. For example, greater than one-half of annual net primary production is allocated belowground in some forests (Fogel 1985: Harris et al. 1977: Grier et al. 1981; Reyes and Grier 1981) . Fine (small diameter and/or non-woody) root mortality can represent a substantial carbon and nutrient input into the soil (Joslin and Henderson 1987: Cox et al. 1978) . The quantity of N added to the soil by root mortality is from 18 to 58% greater than that added by aboveground litterfall in some ecosystems (Vogt et al. 1986) . Mycorrhizae may also account for a substantial portion of total belowground production (Fogel 1985). The importance of understanding and quantifying the processes influencing fine root dynamics (production, longevity and mortality) has been recognized for some time (Joslin and Henderson 1982, 1987: Kurz and Kimmins 1987: McClaugherty et al. 1982: Nadelhoffer et al. 1985: Persson 1978) . Unfortunately, traditional sampling procedures do not permit the simultaneous measurement of fine root production, death and disappearance (Santantonio and Grace 1987: Kurz and Kimmins 1987) . Despite numerous computational approaches that have been devised to 13 compensate for this difficulty (McClaugherty et al. 1982: Joslin and Henderson 1982: Santantonio 1979), the destructive nature of repeated soil coring renders the direct measurement of these processes impossible. Additional problems with destructive sampling include differentiating between temporal differences in root standing crops and artifacts of sampling variability (Singh et al. 1984) , and separating live and dead roots (Fogel 1983, 1990). Our incomplete understanding of fine root turnover is due in part to our inability to quantify the demographic processes underlying root dynamics. For example, we have a poor understanding of fine root longevity, or how longevity is influenced by the soil environment. Estimates of fine root lifespans in forests range from less than one to greater than eight years, depending on the size, species and mycorrhizal status of the roots (Harris et al. 1977: Joslin and Henderson 1987: Grier et al. 1981: Reyes and Grier 1981: Persson 1978, 1979, 1980: Santantonio 1979: Trappe and Fogel 1977). A more complete knowledge of fine root demography could contribute to our understanding of several ecosystem processes. The proportion of white roots that brown before dying, versus those that die while still white, could affect the quality of litter returned to the soil via root 14 turnover. We have previously documented substantial differences in the N concentrations of white and brown fine roots in sugar maple (Age: mm L.) (Goldfarb et al. 1990) . In that study we found that the N concentration in brown roots averaged only about 60% that of white roots throughout the growing season. If white (often presumptuously called "unsuberized") roots are those most important in nutrient and water uptake (but see Atkinson 1983, 1985) , then the rate and extent that roots age and brown is also of considerable significance to canopy processes like photosynthesis and transpiration. Rhizotrons can be used to study root demography in 9.1131. and to measure rates of root production and mortality directly. This is more desirable than infering these rates from estimates of biomass change. If the same roots and soil space are monitored over time, temporal changes in root dynamics are not confounded by random spatial variability at each sampling date. Instead, spatial variability becomes more or less fixed (Atkinson 1985) . Minirhizotrons are useful for observational studies of roots in both natural and managed ecosystems because of their small size and accessibility. Several investigators have recently used minirhizotrons to study root turnover in a variety of agronomic and natural ecosystems (e.g. Beyrouty et al. 1987: Cheng et al. 1990: Eissenstat and Caldwell 1988: Upchurch and Ritchie 1983) . To our knowledge there are no 15 minirhizotron data from forests in the literature. The use of minirhizotrons to study fine root production, development and mortality (i.e. demography) should provide new insights into the cycling of carbon and nutrients belowground. The objectives of this research were to quantify several demographic and life history traits of fine roots in a deciduous forest, including their development and fate, as well as the production and decline of white and brown root length over time. For the purpose of this study, we arbitrarily defined a fine root as any root less than 2.0 mm in diameter. We were especially interested in the demography of non-woody roots less than 1.0 mm in diameter. Our belief is that a demographic approach to data collection and analysis, coupled with minirhizotrons, can be used to answer several simple but important questions. These include: how long do fine roots live? To what extent are root production and mortality continuous in time? What are the typical stages of development in fine roots from production to mortality? The conceptual framework on which our questions were formulated is presented in Figure l. 16 . P3 WHITE —p- DEAD BROWN » WOODY Figure 1.1 Life cycle diagram for the fine roots of trees. Pi's are the probabilities of a root following a particular path from one stage of development to another during some time interval t. 17 Methods Study site and Minirhizotrons Our study site is a hardwood forest located in the northern lower peninsula of Michigan (Manistee County, 40° 42’ N, 85° 43' W), USA. The forest is a second growth stand dominated by sugar maple (Age; sagggagum L., Table 1). The overstory species, including their basal and leaf areas, are listed in Table 1. Three 30 m by 30 m plots were established at the site in 1987, selected so that a maximum degree of homogeneity existed among them with respect to physiography, soils and vegetation (Burton et al.1992). The herbaceous community is depauperate, with an average cover value of less than 3%. There are virtually no shrubs. The soil is a Typic Haplorthod of the Blue Lake and Kalkaska series. A number of stand and environmental variables were monitored on each plot throughout the 1989 growing season. Percent canopy foliation was determined periodically from prior to bud break in the spring until after 100% leaf fall in the autumn. Gravimetric soil moisture content was determined monthly at 15 and 75 cm depths. Soil temperature at 15 cm was recorded weekly with an Omnidata Easylogger (Omnidata International, Logan UT). Table 1.1 study site. Stand, 18 soil and climatic characteristics of the Values are averages across plots, with standard errors of the mean in parentheses where shown. General Stand Characteristics Aboveground biomass (Mg'ha'l) 275 Overstory Age (yrs) 74 (11) Canopy Height (m) 28 (1) Budbreak (1989) May 9 100% Canopy Foliation (1989) May 23 50% Leaf Fall (1989) Oct 17 100% Leaf Fall (1989) Oct 30 Soil Variables (A+E Horizons) pH (1:1 Water) 4.66(.27) Bulk Density (g'Em'3) 1.27(.04) Nitrogen (kg'ha' ) 1125(398) Phosphorus (kg‘ha'l) 191(58) Organic Matter (Mg'ha'l) 45.7(13.6) Climatic Variables 30 Yr. Mean Annual Air Temperature (°C) 5.8 1989 Mean Annual Air temperature (°C) 4.7 Annual Precipitation (cm, 30 yr mean) 81 Growing degree Days (>5.6 C) 1944 Stand Composition Bagal Area % Total Leaf Agea % Total (m “ha" ) (m 'm ) Age; sacchagum 24.93 (0.50) 82.6 5.34 (0.34) 75.4 Age; rubrum 2.40 (0.74) 8.0 0.42 (0.13) 5.9 (Eruggs serotina 1.48 (1.07) 4.9 0.10 (0.05) 1.4 Quercus ggbra 1.35 (0.68) 4.5 0.95 (0.24) 13.4 .Eaggs grandifglia 0.03 (0.03) 0.1 0.14 (0.06) 2.0 {Total 30.19 (1.64) 100.0 7.08 (0.54) 100.0 19 In June 1988, 4 minirhizotrons (2 m long x 5.08 cm inside diameter) were permanently installed in each plot at a 45° angle to the soil surface, and to a depth of 165 cm along their length (= 110 cm in vertical depth). The portion of the minirhizotron extending above the soil surface was painted and capped with a rubber stopper to prevent light and rainfall from entering. Numbered image frames were scribed onto the exterior surface of each minirhizotron prior to installation so that we could return to the same location within the minirhizotrons at all sampling dates. A total of 130 frames were scribed, one every 1.2 cm (Figure 2). The image frames were oriented vertically during installation. All minirhizotron images were collected on VHS videotape with a Circon Microvideo 9011 Color Agricultural Camera (Circon Co., Santa Barbara CA). The camera is attached to a pole and jig assembly that is used to control the depth and orientation of the camera lens in the minirhizotron (Figure 2). Each minirhizotron was imaged throughout the 1989 growing season, and imaging was resumed in the spring of 1990 after snowmelt. The data presented in this report were collected on 4/27, 6/11, 6/22, 7/18, 8/18, 9/16 and 10/14 in 1989, and on 4/24 and 5/23 in 1990. 20 C .50 CONTROLLER J _ l _ “ I VCR MONITOR] I l ; \ I l I l I \ / (——A l I l I \I V B Figure 1.2 Diagram of the minirhizotron, scribing and camera system used to collect images. Components of the camera and image recording system are labelled. Item A is the minirhizotron itself, installed at a 45° angle to the soil surface. Component B is the camera, which records an image 1.8 cm wide by 1.2 cm in height. A blow-up of image frame 50 is depicted in C, showing a scribed longitudinal line along the left edge of the image and a small numbered cross-hatch on this line. When filming, the longitudinal line was aligned immediately adjacent to the left edge of the image (as seen in the monitor), and the cross hatch was centered in the image using a reference mark on the monitor. 21 Image Analysis An interactive PC-based software program (ROOTS) that we have developed was used to analyze the minirhizotron video images. A TARGA (Truevision Inc., Indianapolis IN) video board was used in conjunction with ROOTS to digitize the images from VHS tape, project them onto a computer monitor and temporarily save them on-screen for processing. The length and diameter of all roots present in each image was traced using a mouse, and the measurements were automatically calculated and written to a database file (dBASE III+, Ashton-Tate, Torrance, CA) by ROOTS. The tracings of each root were permanently saved by ROOTS on a separate disk file. An identification code was assigned to each root and written to the database. The code number was derived from the order in which a root was traced within an image (1, 2, 3, etc.): the frame (1-130), minirhizotron (l- 4) and plot (1-3) in which it was located: and the date on which it was imaged (A-I) . The same code (except for the collection date) was used for each root during the analysis of subsequent images. We were able to identify the same roots at subsequent dates by using ROOTS to recall and overlay' the tracings and identification. numbers from. an image at time t-l when analyzing time t images. Complete records were kept for each root throughout its development, even after it died and/or disappeared. 22 Each root was assigned a development stage code after it had been traced. Roots were classified as "new" if they first appeared in an image as white in color, and "white" at subsequent dates if they remained white or cream in color. Roots that turned, or first appeared as, tan to brown in color were classified as "brown". Those that turned black were classified as "dead". As roots decayed and disappeared, or disappeared without first moving into a "dead" state, they were classified as "missing". When all the images from a given date had been analyzed, the database records were compiled by minirhizotron and plot. After images from all dates had been processed, the records for the entire year were combined. The final database for each. plot was a time series of lengths, diameters and development stages for each root in all four minirhizotrons. Fine Root Life History, Longevity and Dynamics A cohort of roots produced between April 27 and June 11, 1989 was selected from each of two depths, (<30 cm, 194 roots and >30 cm, 140 roots), to study fine root development and life history. All roots (summed across plots) produced in this interval and still alive at the time of the June 11 observation were included in the cohorts. The mean root diameter for each cohort was determined, as were the frequency distributions (by diameter class) for root numbers 23 and root length. The development of the cohorts was followed for a period of 346 days (June 11, 1989 to May 23, 1990) . The number of white roots moving into the brown, dead or missing stages was determined for each time period, as was the number of brown roots moving into the dead, missing or woody stages. Brown roots were observed for evidence of secondary vascular or cork cambial growth when determining woody status. The total number of roots alive at the end of each interval was ‘used to icalculate percent. survival of' the original cohort. Means and standard deviations were derived using a formula (Cochran 1977) for estimating proportions from cluster samples (cohorts) with unequal numbers of elements (roots). Differences in final survival were tested using a simple t-test (alpha = .01, Steel and Torrie 1980). The probability of a root following any of the pathways depicted in Figure 2 (remaining in stage i or moving to stage j) was calculated by dividing the number of roots remaining in i or moving to j during t to t+1 by the number in state i at time t. To calculate periodic and annual root production and mortality, the white, brown and total (white + brown) root lengths present on April 27, 1989 (time t = 0) were summed for each plot by depth (<30 and >30 cm). Production and loss of root length was followed for the next 363 days, 24 until April 24, 1990. The production of new white and brown root length was calculated for the intervals t to t+1 by summing the lengths of white and brown roots present at time t+1 that were not present at time t, and adding the length growth of existing roots. (All roots are white when first produced, and brown root "production" during a given interval actually reflects the browning of new white roots during the same period). Mortality was calculated by summing the length of roots that moved into the dead or missing class during the same period, plus the length of any roots that first appeared in a dead state at time t+1. Percent production and mortality estimates for the interval t to t+1 were calculated by dividing the production and loss of white, brown and total root length during the interval by the initial (April 27, 1989) standing crop. The mean and standard deviation of each estimate was calculated using the method described above for percent survival (Cochran 1977). Results Root Life History and Longevity The average diameters of the <30 and >30 cm depth cohorts were 0.42 mm (£0.18) and 0.49 mm (10.21), respectively. The average diameter of the shallow cohort was less than that of 25 the deeper roots (t test alpha = .01), although the range of diameters was similar for both cohorts: 0.18 - 1.55 mm for the shallow cohort and 0.19 - 1.46 mm for the deep cohort. The distribution of root length and numbers among diameter classes was somewhat different between the cohorts (Figures 3 and 4). While 80% of root numbers and 76% of root length in the shallow cohort was comprised of roots less than 0.50 mm diameter, the corresponding values for deeper roots were only 64% and 56%. It is unlikely that many roots from herbaceous species were included in the cohorts, due to the very sparse ground layer in this stand (<3% total ground coverage). Given the preponderance of sugar maple in the overstory (83% BA and 75% of LAI), most of the roots we observed probably belonged to this species. The decline in numbers of live roots was greatest early in the year at both depths (Figure 5). The mean 346 day survival for roots at <30 cm depth was 47.4(16.8)%, greater than that of 40.0(1-5.5)% for roots >30 cm deep (t-test, alpha = .01). Most mortality was attributable to roots that became missing before appearing dead. Of the 103 roots in the shallow cohort that died, only one passed into a dead stage before decaying or otherwise disappearing. At >30 cm, eight of the 84 roots that died first occurred as dead, rather than missing, roots. 26 ‘ 0.5 0.3- 0.2- 0.1- 0.0 .: \\\\\\\\\\\\\ “ *\\\\\\\\\\\ *° :\\\\\\\\ p 4\\\\ . i 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.5 0.4. >30 cm DEPTH 0.3- RELATIVE FREQUENCY — COHORT ROOT NUMBERS O O O 0.2m 0.1- x\\\\\\ / ¢'// V $771771 fi I T l T l 10.6' IO.8' 110 1.2 1.4 ROOT DIAMETER (mm) Figure 1.3 Initial distribution of root numbers among diameter classes for the <30 and >30 cm depth cohorts produced between April 27 and June 11, 1989. 0.0 m T I I 0.0 0. [—7—1 I I .0 ‘\\\\\\\\\\\\\N " :\\\\\\\\ ‘ N .\\\\ 27 0.5 0.4J <30 cm DEPTH ‘f’ 0.3- 2% 5 0.2— %% 5 / ¢% 8? OJ- EEEEEEEEEV/' E ///27 10.1.zzzzxmawflm.flir 8 00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 | 23 0.5 E i 533 0... >30 cm DEPTH E Lg 0.3- t. < / -J / LL] e 0.2.. éé °* 6627 ‘ / 7 0.0 1777,/.///////// ./"?",E=.=F.73. . . err-T. . 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 ROOT DIAMETER (mm) Figure 1.4 Initial root length distributions among diameter classes for the <30 and >30 cm. depth cohorts produced between April 27 and June 11, 1989. 28 IE WHITE III BROWN H TOTAL L0 00- QSL <30 cm DEPTH 07- 06- / . W —— 0.5“ / 04— 03- 02— on- 0-0 -"'Tfi-"I"T'I""T""I""TTTT O 50 100 150 200 250 .300 \ v / L0 09- -t 0.8- >30 cm DEPTH 07- 0.: , 05; /"1 ,// 04: / 1,, 03; * 02: //// 0.13 / 00‘ .... 0 PROPORTION OF COHORT SURVIVING trllllllt sojtl T0071. T50 " 200 .. 250 300 DAYS AFTER FIRST OBSERVED Figure 1.5 Percent survival, with standard deviations, of original root cohorts at <30 and >30 cm depths. The proportion the remaining cohort comprised of white and brown surviving roots is also shown. The period of observation covers 346 days between June 11, 1989 and May 23, 1990. 29 The portion of the surviving cohort consisting of white and brown roots changed considerably over time. Initially, both cohorts were comprised primarily of white roots (128 of 194 roots <30 cm depth and 102 of 140 roots > 30 cm depth). However, the portion of the cohorts comprised of white roots dropped rather dramatically (Figure 5). By the end of summer (125 days after the first observation), roughly 10% of the roots were still white in both cohorts. After 346 days, no white roots remained in the deep cohort, while only one of the roots from the shallow cohort remained white in color. The stage transition probabilities presented in Table 2 show that white roots were most likely to remain in that state between observation periods, rather than move to some other stage. The chance of a white root dying (P3) was low throughout the entire Observation period. The probability of a white root turning brown (P2) was considerably greater than the probability of it dying (P3) during all time periods, regardless of depth. Browning probabilities were greater for shallow roots during most of the growing season (Table 2). Periods with high browning probabilities in the shallow roots generally correspond to periods of low soil moisture and high soil temperature at 15 cm (Figure 6). Brown root mortality probabilities (P5) were greater for deep roots during the summer, but were similar at both depths from fall through spring. Brown root mortality was Table 1.2 stages of development. of a white root remaining white, during a given time interval, respectively. 30 Transition probabilities for roots in various P2 and P3 are the probabilities turning brown or dying P4 and P5 refer to the probability of a brown root remaining alive and brown or dying, respectively. graphically in Figure 1. The stage transitions are depicted JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT APR JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT APR TIME PERIOD 11 - JUN 22 - JUL 18 - AUG 18 - SEP 16 - OCT 14 - APR 24 - MAY TIME PERIOD 11 - JUN 22 - JUL 18 - AUG 18 - SEP 16 - OCT 14 - APR 24 - MAY 22 18 16 16 14 24 23 22 18 16 16 14 24 23 0.76 0.58 0.68 0.66 0.68 0.12 0.50 0.84 0.74 0.77 0.63 0.52 0.19 0.00 0.17 0.39 0.32 0.32 0.28 0.82 0.50 >30 CM DEPTH 1’2 0.10 0.21 0.19 0.27 0.45 0.68 1.00 <30 CM DEPTH 0.07 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.00 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.03 0.13 0.00 0.95 0.95 0.92 0.95 0.81 0.74 0.93 0.97 0.88 0.88 0.90 0.81 0.66 0.91 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.06 0.19 0.26 0.07 0.03 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.19 0.34 0.09 31 greatest between Sept. 16 and Oct. 14 at both depths (Table 2), a period in which considerable leaf fall occurred (Table 1). The overwinter mortality probabilities were low for white and brown roots at both depths. We did not observe any roots in either cohort that developed obvious signs of secondary growth during the 346 days the two cohorts were followed. Root Production and Mortality (Turnover) Considerable root length was produced in the spring and early summer of 1989 at both depths (Table 3), but very little occurred from fall through. winter; Root length production at the <30 cm depth was about evenly distributed among white and brown roots from June 11 onward, except during the period from July 18 to August 18, when there was considerably more white root length produced. Soil moisture increased rather substantially during this period (Figure 6). White length production was high for deep roots until the end of summer, and then rapidly dropped off. There was a considerable increase in the production of white root length from July 18 to August 18 at >30 cm, just as there was in the shallow roots. However, there was not a corresponding increase in soil moisture at the 75 cm depth (Figure 6). Other than during the first time period, brown length production was spaced rather evenly throughout the year at >30 cm. The annual production of white root length 32 .mommuo>o uOHO one mosao> .mcomoom mcflsoum coma aduoo one mmmH on» ocfluso Anumoo so may ousumuomsou Hwom use Amaumon so ms use may ousuuaos Aflon ooouo>< .e shaman .._En_< era/52$. mmmoboo >43... Lin? m m m m o— . . . . b P . _ . p _ p n . 00.923569: 0959: oo . ow: Eu me Ill - . - O O t . w m\ chi - . ..A. E . 3W3 ..o.m l w I . m M . 0 mm. 0.0_ - W P . m M. E .09 N do H. 0.9.. 3 O L i \./ S . - Z t ( odm 0.9 33 Ans. «.moa Imus m.cs Home o.mn Isms e.ens .e.av e.mn Anny e.ooH Aaazza O>< A¢.mv «.nn Am.mv e.n~ In.~v o.m .H.nv m.» Am.H. m.m .m.ss m.~ vmxe i vexed A¢.es m.ss .e.mc m.ms AH.HV ~.~ A».HV m.m .m.ov e.H IG.HV q.¢ «H\os i maxm .mss e.m~ Am.¢c m.m Ans. H.ms A~.~v ¢.m Am.Hv e.s .m.~v e.m waxm i ma\m Am.oc «.5 .m.sc H.m Am.Hv ~.~ Emmy A.Hn Ae.sv o.¢ mew. H.e~ es\o t os\e AH.mc n.mH Am.vv ~.h A~.nc o.m Am.¢c m.- AH.HV ~.~ AH.¢V o.os msxs i m~\e Ae.mv n.e .m.¢v m.¢ Am.ov m.H .H.nv m.ma In.ac m.m .m.~v e.~s -\m i Ha\o Am.mv ~.m Am.oc m.H Ao.~v s.n Im.mv m.em .m.~v H.5H As.ov m.mn Hs\m i s~\e meanness: nauseason wanneamoz zoaaooooam onaosoosm onsoooomm census asses soon arose aces manna asses soon aroma soon manna mans means so oak Am.mc m.ms As.mv ~.Ho .e.ev e.¢ Am.ms m.eoa Im.ev m.He Ae.mv H.6e q< .o.mv v.m~ .~.nv n.m~ In.~v H.n Am.nc o.s In.~c m.¢ Am.av o.~ v~\e u ¢H\oa In.o. >.~H .m.ov o.~a A~.oc 5.6 Ae.H. o.¢ A>.ov G.H AH.HV e.~ «H\oa u es\m AH.~V e.m .H.Hc a.» Ao.sc e.~ A¢.Hv e.m .e.HV 6.3 Ae.as e.m esxm t max» Am.ov >.m Am.o. m.m .o.sv m.H Am.nv o.mH .m.HV ~.m Io.¢s m.~H ma\m a mH\e Am.oc m.n .o.oc o.n In.os «.6 .n.~v m.ns A~.~v o.m A¢.¢s m.m wax» u -\w .m.~v «.e Am.Hc e.~ .c.sv o.H Am.sv e.¢H Am.oc e.» .e.ac m.m mmxe i HH\G Io.~c m.» .n.ac e.¢ A¢.Hv m.n .m.~. o.o« .m.H. o.~H .~.Hv m.sm Haxe i e~\o reassess: vengeance sauscamo: zenaoooosm seaaooooum zenaosoosm acumen meson soon arose soon manna asses aces stoma aces mean: anus lhhfla IO onv .nonosumouem a“ one ncowusfi>oo ouocsnum .unumoo sononA one onv soon as Asses uoamv mono unwocsun noon 0>HH mmma .ha Hanna 0:» no ounucoouom o no pommoumxo one mooao> .sumsoa uoou nacho one sauna .Heuou you xufiaeuuoa one co«uosooum summed poop Deccauom n.u eunea 34 was about 50% greater than brown length production at <30 cm, but was more than twice brown length production at the greater depth (Table 4). As noted above (see Methods), all roots are white when first produced, and high rates of brown root "production" during a given interval actually reflect a rapid browning of new roots during the same period. The greater proportional production of white root length deeper in the soil thus reflects a less rapid rate of browning at greater depths. Total shallow root mortality was more evenly distributed throughout the year than was production, but increased gradually from summer through fall (Table 3). There was generally more total mortality at depths >30 cm, especially towards the end of the growing season. The majority of total root mortality at both depths was due to the loss of brown root length (Tables 3 and 4). Overwinter length loss was minimal at both depths (Table 3, Figure 7). Root length peaked on August 18, 111 days after the first observation. The decline from summer through fall was greater for deep roots than shallow roots (Figure 7). Annual production was greater than annual mortality at both depths (Table 4), resulting in a net increase in total root length. 35 Table 1.4 Initial root length standing crops, and the production and mortality of total, white and brown root length from April 27, 1989 to April 24, 1990 at <30 and >30 cm depths. Lengths are plot averages in cm, with standard errors of the mean in parentheses. (TOTAL length production and mortality includes roots that first appeared in a dead state, and thus the sum of WHITE and BROWN production and mortality does not always equal the TOTAL.) <30 CM DEPTH TOTAL WHITE BROWN Standing Crop 93.4 (6.0) 29.5 (9.9) 63.9 (5.8) production 106.4 (10.9) 61.6 (11.8) 43.1 (7.1) Mortality 76.5 (11.5) 12.1 (4.9) 62.6 (7.2) >30 CM DEPTH TOTAL WHITE BROWN Standing Crop 57.1 (6.2) 31.8 (15.2) 25.3 (2.7) Production 85.3 (10.3) 57.3 (13.6) 25.8 (3.2) Mortality 69.8 (19.3) 20.5 (9.2) 47.1 (10.7) 36 [23 WHITE E BROWN H TOTAL 480.0 q 400.0": <30 cm DEPTH 320.03 D .I 1 240.0- 160.09 , . : // 80.05 . q O~Oy"‘~‘l’"‘/l""|""l""l""l"" 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 .350 480.0 4100.0.- >30 cm DEPTH 320.01 .. 240.0j LIVE ROOT LENGTH (cm) — ALL PLOTS 160.0! 80.05 1 0,0 IIITIIIVIIIII liltilrllilillf 0 50 100 .160 ' ' 200 250 300 360 DAYS AFTER FIRST OBSERVED Figure 1.7 Temporal changes in total, white and brown root lengths (cm) at <30 and >30 cm depth, summed across all plots. The period of observation covers 363 days, from April 27 ,1989 to April 24, 1990. 37 Discussion The distribution of root numbers and lengths suggests that the shallow root system is, on average, comprised of thinner (possibly longer) roots than the deep root system. Silberbush and Barber (1983) suggested that a morphological strategy favoring long, thin roots may be more effective with respect to resource capture than one consisting of shorter, thicker roots. In both cohorts most roots were less than 0.5 mm in diameter, and most of the root length consisted of roots of similar size. White roots in the forest we studied are more likely to turn brown than die at all times of the year (Figure 4). The result is a rapid "loss" of white root length and numbers from the cohorts, while total length and numbers change more gradually. Our results also show that the fine roots of deciduous trees can remain white considerably longer than those of coniferous trees (Bartsch 1987). It is difficult to place any functional significance on these results because of our lack of understanding regarding physiological differences between white and brown roots. Cortical browning is temporally but not causally associated with the process of suberization, and roots may be partially suberized long before they turn brown (Richards and Considine 1981: Johnson-Flanagan and Owens 1985). The ability of "suberized" roots to absorb water to some extent 38 apparently exists (Kramer and Bullock 1966, Chung and Kramer 1975, Atkinson 1983, 1985), but. more sophisticated experiments are needed for a greater understanding of development and age associated changes in root function. Only then can we link root form and function to aboveground processes. The effects of root aging on carbon and nutrient cycling belowground also cannot be ignored. We have previously shown that sugar maple roots in this forest lose about 40% of their N concentration upon browning (Goldfarb et al. 1990). The fact that most fine root mortality is attributable to the loss of brown roots suggests that development-stage differences in root mortality probably have a significant impact on the quality of litter returned below ground. The cohort survival data show that fine roots are capable of relatively long-term survival. Few other estimates of root longevity in deciduous forests are available in the literature. However, if we assume that the lifespans of fine roots are normally distributed, then one half of the time required for the fine root pool to turnover once should roughly equal the mean fine root lifespan. Under these assumptions, the data of Nadlehoffer et al. (1985) yield a mean lifespan of slightly more than 6 months for roots <3.0 mm in a Wisconsin sugar maple stand (turnover time = 0.94 yr). Visual inspection of the data of McClaugherty et al. (1982) shows that the mass of roots <0.5. mm lost to 39 mortality each year in a mixed hardwood stand in Massachusetts was around 100% of the standing crOp, equal to an average fine root lifespan of about 6 months. Using data from our study, the 76% annual length mortality of roots <30 cm in depth equates with a mean lifespan of 0.65 years, or 8 months. The corresponding value for roots >30 cm in depth is 0.46 years, or 5.5 months. It appears from Figure 5 that the mean lifespan of roots produced in the spring is closer to 10 months (= time to 50% survival). Apparently there are differences in the :mean longevity' of roots. produced at different times of the year. To more accurately measure fine root longevity it will be necessary to follow multiple cohorts of roots produced at various times of the year until all individuals have succumbed to mortality, an avenue we are continuing to pursue. In the shallow root system, most root production occurred prior to August 18. Virtually no new root length was produced from late fall through spring. White, brown and total root mortality was spread rather evenly throughout the year, other than a small peak between September 16 and October 14 (Table 3). The data show that deep root production was high through August, and declined considerably thereafter. Conversely, almost half of total root length was lost late in the year (Aug. 16 - Oct. 14), when leaf senescence and the majority of leaf fall took place (Table 1). The fall peak in shallow root mortality 40 also coincided with the period of greatest leaf senescence (Tables 1 and 3) . There is apparently some degree of temporal synchrony between leaf senescence and root mortality, although we have no physiological data to suggest a causal link between the two processes. While our data permit little more than speculation at this point, the possibility that fine root longevity is under strong endogenous control deserves further study. The seasonal trends in total live root length we observed are in general agreement with patterns of fine root biomass estimated from other North American deciduous forests. Joslin and Henderson (1987) and McClaugherty et al. (1982) measured late summer peaks for fine root biomass, as we did for root length (Figure 7). We observed a substantial loss of root length during late summer and autumn at both depths, but minor overwinter losses of root length and numbers. Joslin and Henderson (1987) and McClaugherty et al. (1982) also observed a substantial autumnal decline in fine root biomass. They and Nadelhoffer et al. (1985) all reported minimal losses of root biomass during the winter months as well. Considerable production occurred throughout the growing season at both depths (Table 2) . Likewise, substantial amounts of root length were lost at both depths from spring through late fall. These data confirm the statements of 41 others ( e.g. Fairley and Alexander 1985: Fogel 1985: Joslin and Henderson 1987: Persson 1979) that estimates of fine root production and turnover that do not accurately account for concurrent production and mortality are potentially in error. Substantial amounts of fine root production and turnover do occur simultaneously, at least in the system we studied, and temporal separation of these processes should not be assumed in other ecosystems. Had we calculated root length production based on the maximum difference in length standing crops (sensu the min-max method of McClaugherty et al. 1982) , our estimates for annual production would have been 53 and 90% of the April 27 shallow and deep root length standing crops, respectively. These numbers are considerably less than the corresponding values of 107 and 136% we derived from direct observations of length growth and production (Table 2). A rather unexpected finding was the apparent rapid decay of dead roots, as evidenced from the number and length of roots that passed into the missing stage without first becoming obviously dead. This phenomenon has been observed by others working with rhizotrons of various types (R. Fogel, personal communication) , and the mechanisms responsible need to be identified. Movement of the minirhizotrons between videotaping is unlikely because there should have been a simultaneous disappearance of substantial numbers of roots within a minirhizotron image, something we did not Observe. 42 The necessity that we use ROOTS to overlay the tracing of a root from time t-l on its image at time t for our cohort analyses revealed that temporal differences in camera placement were generally much less than 0.5 mm. Herbivory is an alternative explanation, but the available literature would suggest that it is unlikely. Although many groups of soil arthropods contain bacteria and fungal feeders (Anderson and Ineson 1983: Richards 1987), little importance has generally been ascribed to the invertebrate fauna of forest soils as major consumers of live root tissue (Ausmus et al. 1978: Fogel 1983, 1985: Magnussen and Schlenius 1980). We see very little evidence of herbivory in the form of partially eaten roots or fecal deposits on the minirhizotrons. It must be acknowledged, however, that knowledge of the composition and feeding biology of the soil fauna is rather incomplete in most forest ecosystems, including the one we studied. Rapid decomposition after death seems to be the most likely explanation for the disappearance of fine roots, although one somewhat difficult to defend if published estimates of root decomposition! are used as the benchmark, by which minirhizotron observations are to be compared (McClaugherty et al. 1984: Fahey et al. 1988: Joslin and Henderson 1987). Present estimates of decomposition rates are considerably slower than those we Observed in the minirhizotrons, and 43 resolving the two poses some difficulty. It is likely that litterbag studies underestimate rates of decay to some extent, as removing roots from the soil for washing, drying and. ‘weighing severely' disturbs the rhizosphere and rhizoplane communities. The effect of litterbag mesh size must be considered (Fogel 1990: McClaugherty et al. 1984), as small openings can restrict the entry of various detritus-feeding invertebrates. Most of the roots we observed were less than 0.50 mm in diameter, and the difficulty of recovering these small roots from the soil may result in litter samples that are biased towards larger, more recalcitrant roots. It is also possible that the readily available carbon supply (live and dead roots) on the minirhizotron surface might stimulate rates of root decay by attracting and supporting greater numbers of decomposers than are found in non-rhizotron soil. In any event, the rapid disappearance of roots from minirhizotrons deserves further study. It is necessary that the discrepancy between the rapid disappearance of roots from rhizotrons and the rather’ slow’ decomposition. rates reported. by those using buried bags be resolved. If the minirhizotrons give a more accurate picture of the process of root decomposition than buried bags, the ramifications for estimates of carbon and nutrient cycling rates are considerable. It is possible that the growth or development of the roots we Observed could have been altered in some way due to the 44 presence of the minirhizotrons. The minirhizotron is a rather inert surface, and may eliminate some biotic factor (either adverse or beneficial) with which roots must contend when growing through the soil. Ease of growth may also be facilitated along the minirhizotron surface. However, the general agreement of trends in our data with those derived from destructive harvests suggests that any effect of the minirhizotron is probably small. The fact that we were able to observe and quantify phenomena that were previously thought to occur (like the simultaneous production and mortality of fine roots) suggests that minirhizotrons can be of considerable use when addressing certain questions concerned ‘with root dynamics. By linking direct observations of fine root demography with simultaneous measurements of root biomass, nutrient content and the soil environment, a better understanding of the role of roots in ecosystem processes should be possible. 45 Literature Cited Andersen, D.C. and P. Ineson. 1983. 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Advances in Ecological Research 15:303-307. Chapter II SPATIAL VARIATION IN TREE ROOT DISTRIBUTION AND GROWTH ASSOCIATED WITH MINIRHIZOTRONS Abstract Four minirhizotrons were installed in each of three replicate plots in a deciduous forest dominated by Age: eeeehezgm Marsh. The length growth of tree roots along the surface of the minirhizotrons was measured for a period of one year, and the resulting data were analyzed in nested, averaged and pooled arrangements. The analyses of nested data showed that spatial variation in root growth and abundance among minirhizotrons within plots was greater than variation among plots. Averaging data from minirhizotrons within plots prior to analysis reduced variation about plot means, but extensive intraplot variation invalidates this approach on statistical grounds. Both nested and averaged data failed to account for the contribution of individual roots to the mean, and root production rates were consequently overestimated. Pooling the data from the four minirhizotrons reduced variation about the means, and resulted in a more representative estimate of root production rates. The analysis of composited data can be used to incorporate small scale variation into a single replicate sample in those circumstances where the activity 49 50 of the root systems of plant communities is the object of study. 51 Introduction Recent advances in microvideo technology have made minirhizotrons popular research tools in both agronomic (e.g. Cheng et al., 1990: Hansson and Andren, 1987: Keng, 1988: Upchurch and Ritchie 1983) and natural plant communities (e.g Eissenstat and Caldwell, 1988: Hendrick and Pregitzer 1992). During these and other research efforts, several analytical and statistical problems with minirhizotron data have been identified. High minirhizotron-to-minirhizotron (i.e. spatial) variability in root density and distribution has proven to be especially problematic. Coefficients of variation range to as high as several hundred percent (Merrill et al., 1987: Upchurch and Ritchie, 1983: Upchurch 1987), often making treatment effects (if any) difficult to Idetectn Quantifying and controlling spatial variation is necessary to properly execute minirhizotron experiments focused on root systems at the level of the plant community or ecosystem, but information on the extent of variation among minirhizotrons at various levels within the hierarchy of an experimental design is generally lacking. Individual minirhizotrons are often the sampling units upon which measurements of roots are made, and several minirhizotrons are typically nested within replicate experimental units, usually a field plot or greenhouse pot 52 (e.g. Beyrouty et al., 1987: Box and Johnson, 1987: Cheng et al. 1990). Alternatively, minirhizotrons are sometimes treated as experimental units, with measurements of root numbers or length made along several different transects (sampling units) within the minirhizotron (Eissenstat and Caldwell, 1988: Gregory, 1979: Meyer and Barrs, 1985: Sanders and Brown 1978) . Rarely, however, has the full extent of among-sampling unit and among-experimental unit variability in the data been reported. Instead, sampling unit averages are the typical data upon which statistical analyses are made. As an alternative to analyzing sampling unit averages as primary data, a few investigators have performed statistical analyses on composited data from multiple minirhizotrons (sampling units) within replicate experimental plots (Hendrick and Pregitzer 1992) or from multiple transects (sampling units) within replicate minirhizotrons (Hansson and Andren 1987). Pooling minirhizotron data incorporates spatial variation in root abundance and activity into a single aggregate sample. Multiple samples within experimental units are commonly pooled in studies of soil and plant characteristics, but the assumptions and implications of this practice in minirhizotron research have not been discussed. 53 Our objectives in this paper are: 1) to more fully describe the extent of spatial variation in tree root system attributes: 2) to discuss the impact of analyzing the same minirhizotron data under different experimental arrangements: and 3) to suggest some ways to better control spatial variability through analytical means. We have extensive minirhizotron data on individual tree roots from multiple ‘minirhizotrons (sample ‘units) within replicated plots (experimental units), and hence the ability to analyze minirhizotron data in a variety of experimental arrangements. Methods Our study site is a second growth northern hardwoods stand dominated by sugar maple (bee: W Marsh), and is located in the northern lower peninsula of Michigan (Manistee County, 40° 42' N, 85° 43' W), USA. The soil is a Typic IHaplorthod. of‘ the Blue Lake and. Kalkaska series. Three 30 m by 30 m analogous plots were established at the site in 1987 (Burton et al. 1991). In June of 1988, 4 randomly located minirhizotrons (2 m long x 5.08 cm inside diameter) were permanently installed in each plot at a 450 angle to the soil surface, and to a depth of 165 cm along their length (110 cm in vertical depth). The portion of the minirhizotron extending above the soil surface was painted and capped with a rubber stopper to prevent rainfall and 54 light from entering. Numbered image frames were scribed onto the exterior surface of each minirhizotron prior to installation so that we could return to the same location within the minirhizotrons at all sampling dates. A total of 130 frames were scribed, one every 1.2 cm. The image frames were oriented vertically during installation. Minirhizotron images were collected on VHS videotape with a Circon Microvideo 9011 Color Agricultural Camera (Circon Co., Santa Barbara CA). Each minirhizotron was imaged throughout the 1989 growing season, and imaging was resumed in the spring of 1990 after snowmelt. The data presented in this report were collected on 27/4, 11/6, 22/6, 18/7, 18/8, 16/9 and 14/10 in 1989, and on 24/4 and 23/5 in 1990. An interactive PC-based software program (ROOTS) that we have developed was used to analyze the minirhizotron video images. A TARGA (Truevision Inc., Indianapolis IN) video board was used in conjunction with ROOTS to digitize the images from VHS tape, project them onto a computer monitor and temporarily save them on-screen for processing. The length of all roots present in each image was traced using a mouse and written to a database file (dBASE III+, Ashton- Tate, Torrance, CA) by ROOTS. Individual roots are defined here as root segments present and visible within the minirhizotron images. The tracings of each root were permanently saved by ROOTS on a separate file. Each root was classified as live or dead based upon its appearance. 55 Dead roots were distinguished from live roots by one or more of the following characteristics: very dark brown or black color, partial decay of the existing root and/or the appearance and growth of fungal mycelia around the root. Roots that completely' decayed and. disappeared. were classified as "missing". An identification code was assigned to each root and written to the database. The code number was derived from the order in which a root was traced within an image: the frame, minirhizotron and plot in which it was located: and the date on which it was imaged. The same code (except for the collection date) was used for each root during the analysis of subsequent images. We were able to identify the same roots at successive dates by using ROOTS to recall and overlay' the tracings and identification. numbers from. an image at time t-1 when analyzing time t images. Complete records were kept for each root throughout its development, even after it died and/or disappeared. After the images from all sampling dates had been processed for each minirhizotron, the records for the entire year were combined. The final database for each minirhizotron was a time series of lengths and condition (live, dead or missing) for each root. Data presented here are from the upper 30-cm of the soil only. 56 To calculate root production, the total live root length present on the first imaging date (27/4/89, t -= 0) was summed for each minirhizotron. Root length production was followed for the next 363 days (24/4/90). The production of new root length was calculated for the intervals t to t+1 by summing the lengths of new live or dead roots present at time t+1 that were not present at time t, and then adding the length growth of existing roots. Root "production" thus includes both the growth of existing roots and the production of new roots for a given time interval. Annual root length production was calculated by summing the production values for each observation period. The annual production rate, expressed as a percentage of initial root length, was calculated by dividing total annual length production by the initial (27/4/89) root lengths. The data were analyzed under three different experimental arrangements: 1) a nested design with individual minirhizotrons as subsamples within replicate plots (s=4, r=3, n=12): 2) minirhizotrons as duplicates ‘within replicated plots, with averages of the duplicates treated as the primary data (n=3): and 3) data from each minirhizotron pooled within replicate plots (n=3). To determine the extent to which root length production rates were related to the initial amount of root length present in each minirhizotron, a correlation of total annual length production with initial root length was made (n=12). 57 Results A summary of the statistical analyses (Table 1) shows that the same data, analyzed under different experimental arrangements, can lead to different levels of variation around estimates of the mean. The mean initial root length densities (mm'cm'z) and root length production values (mm'cm’z'yr) are the same regardless of the manner in which the data were arranged prior to analysis. However, the variation around the mean differs widely among the three analyses. When data from individual minirhizotrons are treated as samples within the replicated plots, coefficients of variation (CV’s) for both initial root length density and annual root length production are around 50%. (The standard deviation in this arrangement was calculated from the experimental, i.e among' plot, error ‘mean square of the nested ANOVA: Steel and Torrie 1980.) Alternatively, when the data from each minirhizotron are averaged by plot and then analyzed, CV's for initial length and length production are 11 and 21%, respectively: a considerable reduction in variation” This improvement is not unexpected, as one source of variation (among minirhizotrons within plots) has been removed in this arrangement of the data. When minirhizotron data are pooled by plot prior to analysis, CV’s for initial length and annual production are the same as those where the data is averaged over the tubes in each 58 Table 1. Analysis of initial root length, annual length production, and annual production rate (annual length production as a percentage of initial root length), under three experimental arrangements. Initial length and l_e?gth production are expressed in mm of root length per cm minirhizotron viewing surface. Data shown are means, standard deviations and coefficients of variation. Minirhizotron Data as Subsamples within Plots (s=4, n=3) NEED 52 £23 Initial length (mm/cm'z) 3.57 2.02 56 Annual production (mm/cm- ) 3.83 1.83 48 Annual prodpction rate (%/yr' 131 76 58 Minirhizotron Data Averaged within Plots (n=3) Meag SQ CV§ Initial length (mm/cm'z) 3.57 0.40 11 Annual production (mm/cm- ) 3.83 0.80 21 Annual prodpction 131 38 29 rate (%/yr Minirhizotron Data Pooled within Plots (n=3) Mean SQ CV§ Initial length (mm/cm'z) 3.57 0.40 11 Annual production (mm/cm- ) 3.83 0.80 21 Annual prodgction 106 11 10 rate (%/yr 59 plot. Again, within-plot variation among minirhizotrons has been removed (combined into one sample) in this arrangement of the data. The means of percentage production rates differ among the three arrangements of the data (Table 1). The means for the nested and averaged data were the same. This was expected to be the case. The grand mean of n plot means, each derived from m minirhizotrons, will be the same as the overall mean of the nm minirhizotrons, provided that the number of minirhizotrons in each experimental plot is the same. The production rate derived from the pooled data (106%) is considerably lower than the rate derived via the other two arrangements of the data (131%) . There was no apparent relationship between the initial amount of root length present in a minirhizotron and the amount of root length produced along its surface (Figure 1). The Pearson product moment coefficient between initial root length and annual production was very low (0.008) and not significantly different from zero (alpha = 0.05). The results of the nested ANOVA of total root length, with minirhizotrons as subsamples, are shown graphically (Figure 2). Variation in initial root length among minirhizotrons within a plot (sampling error) was greater than the variation) among' plots (experimental error). These data suggest that the spatial distribution of tree roots in the 60 /~\ 500 2 e 3% e Z 9 400‘“ F. L) D e 8 300— r = .008 K ' a Q_ .I I ' e F— 200— I (D e E I ' _J I 2i] 100- . D Z Z < O ' I f T O 100 r 260 350 ‘ 4 D r 560 I 600 INITIAL ROOT LENGTH (MM) tigure 2.1 Relationship between initial root length (27/4/89) in the upper 30-cm of soil and total production during the following year, as viewed with the minirhizotrons. Data shown are from 12 minirhizotrons, four within each of three replicate plots. 61 400 3504: “— 300€ 250{ . 200? 150% 100‘ INITIAL LENGTH ANNUAL LENGTH ANNUAL LENGTH (MM) PRODUGTK»I(MM) PRODUCHON (7. INITIAL LENGTH) rig. 2.2 Plot means, sampling (outer, wide bars) and experimental (inner, narrow bars) error for initial root length, annual length growth and and annual production as a percentage of initial length. Units for Y-axis are in parentheses below X-axis label for each estimate. 62 forest is highly variable over quite small areas; distances between minirhizotrons within plots vary from one to several meters, while plots are up to several 10’s of meters apart. Length production and production rates show different spatial patterns. Large scale (among plot) variation in these variables is of approximately the same magnitude as small scale (within plot) variation. Discussion There is no one right way to analyze all types of minirhizotron data. Different experimental designs dictate different statistical analyses, as do the hypotheses and questions being addressed. However, general statistical principles should guide the process of analyzing data from an experiment in which the data are arranged in a nested or hierarchical fashion. For example, if more than one minirhizotron is sampled within each replicate experimental unit, or if more than one transect is sampled in each minirhizotron, the data should not be averaged prior to analysis. Averaging data from transects within minirhizotrons or minirhizotrons within plots is undesirable unless variability among the sampling units is effectively zero. However, our data (Figure 2) show that variability among the minirhizotrons within our plots is considerable, greater in fact than variation among plots. We suspect that this may be true in other studies and experimental scenarios 63 as well. The loss of information on among-sampling unit variability resulting from the analysis of averaged data leads to a more conservative estimate of experimental error and a greater risk of making a Type I error. Instead of averaging, statistical analyses should be performed on either nested or pooled data; perhaps both. A nested ANOVA should always be performed first to ascertain the extent of variation at both the experimental and sampling unit levels. If sample unit variation is low relative to variation among experimental units, only a nested ANOVA should be performed; compositing or pooling the data will have little effect on estimates of means and variation. In these circumstances, the contribution of each minirhizotron should be weighted by the number of roots or amount of root length growing along its surface. If sampling' error’ is large relative: to experimental error, other options are available. It is possible to reduce intraplot variation by computational means (without increased replication) through an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) in a nested design if root abundance and activity are related in a systematic fashion. However, abundance and growth are rather uncoupled in the root system we studied (Figure 1). Increased replication or an adjustment in the number of sampling units can also be employed. When sampling error is 64 greater than experimental error, standard analyses of design efficiency are precluded and determining the proper number of experimental units and the allocation of sampling units among them can be difficult. It is apparent from our data that little gain in precision would be made by increasing the number of minirhizotrons within plots without a concomitant increase in the number of plots. The formulas presented by Sokal and Rolf (1981, pp 309-310) indicate that to achieve a mean standard error of 20% for length growth at our study site, a minimum of 5 replicate plots, each with 10 minirhizotrons, is required. This number is not excessively high from a logistical standpoint, but might be financially prohibitive if the cost of establishing replicate plots is high (as was our experience) or if a large number of experimental treatments are to be applied. If deemed appropriate, data from multiple subsamples can be pooled prior to analysis to reduce variation among experimental units. Data should not be pooled as a matter of standard practice. Since small scale variability is incorporated into the estimate when compositing data, this approach is not appropriate if quantifying the extent of spatial variation in root distribution and activity is of interest. However, when the root systems of plant communities are the object of study, it is probably best to have as much of the root system as possible in each replicate sample. One tha' amo: pr0< wit: is 1 min: dist man} or c and soil or nI roots PrOpc mini: lengt 1). and a. minir} exhibi the Ye “0111 0 reflect 0r ne 65 One of the primary advantages of analyzing pooled data is that the effects of heterogeneous distributions of roots among minirhizotrons are removed from estimates of production and other means. We feel that a serious problem with analyses of both averaged and non-weighted nested data is the failure to consider the relative contribution of each minirhizotron to the overall mean. Heterogeneous distributions of roots among minirhizotrons can result from many causes, including chance; various physical, biological or chemical soil factors; differences in species abundance and root morphology; inconsistencies in the minirhizotron- soil interface: and possibly others. In analyses of pooled or nested data, the result is that minirhizotrons with few roots or little root length present contribute proportionately more information to an estimate than do minirhizotrons with a greater number of roots or root length. This can be seen in our root production data (Table 1). The higher production rates associated with the nested and averaged data resulted from the presence of at least one minirhizotron per plot with a low initial root length exhibiting a large relative amount of root production during the year. The lower estimate of annual production derived from the pooled data is likely to be a more representative reflection of actual root system activity than the averaged or nested estimates, since each root is given full consideration in the pooled analysis. objec expel acqu: the quesI 66 In summary, it is important that. we keep in. mind the object(s) of interest when planning minirhizotron experiments and subsequently analyzing the data. It is the acquisition of better information on the average root, not the average minirhizotron, that will help us answer our questions about roots and root systems. 67 Literature Cited Beyrouty, C.A., 8.1!. Wells, R.J. Norman, J.M. Marvel and J.A. Pillow Jr. 1987. 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American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI. PAT The suc: (Pg Anal that than prin. life Year exam temp of r insi fore Of 9 Chapter III PATTERNS OF FINE ROOT MORTALITY IN TWO SUGAR MAPLE FORESTS Abstract The survival of contemporaneous root cohorts produced during succesive intervals of time was followed in two sugar maple (Age; saccharum Marsh.) forests for a period of two years. Analyses of the survival distributions of the cohorts showed that roots in the northern forest consistently lived longer than those in the southern forest. Differences were due principally to much greater rates of mortality early in the life of roots at the southern site; overwinter and second- year mortality rates were the same at both forests. An examination of site factors suggests that warmer soil temperatures seem to be associated with the more rapid rates of root death at the southern site. The results provide new insights into fine root dynamics in ‘temperate deciduous forests, and have important implications for future studies of ecosystem productivity and carbon and nutrient cycling. 7O 71 Introduction A large proportion of the carbon assimilated by plants is allocated to fine root production (Gower et al. 1992, Grier et al. 1981, Keyes and Grier 1981, Harris et al. 1977, Fogel 1985), and the flux of carbon and nutrients to the soil from fine root mortality is as much or greater than that returned via leaf litter in many forests (Cox et al. 1978, Joslin and Henderson 1987, Raich and Nadelhoffer 1989, Vogt et al. 1986). However, our knowledge of the demographic processes underlying the dynamic nature of fine roots is incomplete, in large part because of limitations inherent in traditional methods of studying root systems. Given the importance of roots in ecosystem carbon and nutrient budgets, a better understanding of fine root mortality would improve our attempts to quantify broad-scale carbon budgets and model plant ecosystem processes (Raich and Nadelhoffer 1989, Vogt et al. 1986, Ewel and Gholz 1991, Landsberg et al. 1991). Here we present the results of an observational study utilizing recent advances in microvideo technology (Hendrick and Pregitzer 1992a, Upchurch and Ritchie 1983) in which we followed the mortality of fine root cohorts in two similar sugar maple (Age; gagghgzum Marsh.) forests during 1989 and 1990. In (nix forI The] mat1 nit: 1992 cont lea: 1985 1991 of 1 72 Methods In June 1988 we installed 12 clear, 5-cm diameter tubes (minirhizotrons) in each of two closely matched sugar maple forests (Table 1) located 80 km apart from north to south. There are no appreciable site differences in soil organic matter content, cation exchange capacity/saturation, total nitrogen (N), exchangeable Ca Mg, Al or K (MacDonald et al. 1991), N mineralization or growing season soil moisture content, and there were no significant differences in canopy leaf area, litterfall production or litterfall N in either 1989 or 1990 (Burton et al. 1991, Pregitzer and Burton 1991). We used a microvideo camera to record monthly images of fine root cohorts growing in the top 30 cm of the soil along a 1.8-cm-wide transect on the minirhizotron surface during the 1989 and 1990 growing seasons. Cohorts were comprised of all living fine roots 1.5 mm in diameter or less, pooled across the 12 minirhizotrons (Hendrick and Pregitzer 1992b), that were produced during the intervals between sampling dates (Table 2). We used a microcomputer software program (ROOTS, Atkinson 1992, Hendrick and Pregitzer 1992a) to identify and. measure the length of individual roots within contemporaneous cohorts at each site, and subsequently follow their fate by repeatedly measuring the same roots at each sampling date. TablI stud: stanI Lati Long Abov Over Basa Suga Cano Leaf Mean Mean Grow Mean 73 Table 3.1 study sites. across Stand, soil and climatic characteristics of the Values are averages plots, with standard errors of the mean in parentheses where shown. Latitude Longitude Aboveground biomass (Mg'ha'l) Overstory Age (yrs) Basal Area (m 'ha'l) Sugar Maple Basal Area (%) Canopy Height (m) Leaf Area Index (mz/mz) 1989 1990 Mean Annual Air Temperature (°C) Mean Annual Precipitation 6mm) Growing degree Days (>5.6 C) Mean Spring - Fall Soil Temperature (°C at 15 cm) 26/4/89 - 17/10/89 (3.5) 30/4/90 - 16/10/90 Va les A+ o ' 0 pH (1:1 Water) Bulk Density (g'im'3) Nitrogen (kg'ha' ) N Mineralization (Tg°kg'1'yr'l) Phosphorus (kg'ha- ) Organic Matter (Mg'ha'l) Southern EQ£§§§ 43°40' 86°09’ 234 78 (5) 30 (2.0) 75 (13) 24 (1) 9 (0.3) .7 (0.4) 5 0 14.2 (4.3) 14.6 (3.3) 4.66(.46) 1.27(.07) 1408(100) 134.4 156(18) 41.7(3.3) Northern Forest 44°23' 85°50’ 275 74 (11) 30 (2.8) 83 (5) 28 (1) 12.9 (3.2) 4.66(.27) 1.27(.04) 1125(398) 100.8 191(58) 45.7(13.6) 1989 25/4 7/6 21/6 18/7 16/8 16/9 1990 14/1 25/ 24/ 18/ 21/ 18/ 18/ 74 Table 3.2 Birth intervals and size (numbers and length in mm) of root cohorts observed during the study. Southern Forest Northern Forest Birth Birth Interga; fi’s Length Integya; fi's Length 1989: 1989: 25/4 - 7/6 152 793 29/4 - 11/6 196 1074 7/6 21/6 87 342 11/6 22/6 78 398 21/6 18/7 105 357 22/6 18/7 85 390 18/7 16/8 70 274 18/7 16/8 108 493 16/8 16/9 97 376 16/8 16/9 64 262 16/9 - 14/10 56 223 16/9 - 14/10 26 103 1990: 1990: 14/10 - 25/4 55 211 14/10 - 24/4 31 185 25/4 - 24/5 97 363 24/4 - 23/5 30 183 24/5 - 18/6 88 318 23/5 - 19/6 245 1135 18/6 - 21/7 102 421 19/6 - 22/7 58 225 21/7 - 18/8 95 307 22/7 - 19/8 61 285 18/8 - 18/9 57 170 19/8 - 19/9 56 305 18/9 - 16/10 56 217 19/9 - 26/10 61 298 Our 0b mortali hypothe similar charact root lj Mantel distrit reveals longer time a excepti and Se; l°nger Signifj Regres days 8: were 1 %°day‘ rates 0.12 % I The 9. Simil. (P180 75 Results and Discussion Our objectives were to quantify patterns of fine root mortality in these two closely matched ecosystems. We hypothesized that fine root length would be lost at a similar rate in both forests because of the similar site characteristics. However, we found large differences in root lifespans between the two forests (Figure 1).. Gehan- Mantel (Pyke and Thompson 1986) tests of cumulative survival distributions of contemporaneous 1989 and 1990 cohorts revealed that roots at the northern site consistently lived longer on average than roots born during the same periods of time at the southern site (alpha = 0.05). The only exceptions were two 1989 cohorts; July (no site differences) and September (greater longevity at the southern site). The longer lifespan of roots in the northern forest was due to significantly lower first-season mortality rates (Figure 2). Regressions of root length survival against the number of days since a cohort was first observed showed that new roots were lost 64% faster at the southern forest (0.41 vs. 0.25 %'day'1, p <.01.). Overwinter' and second-year' morality rates were not significantly different (p >0.5: 0.14 vs. 0.12 %‘day'1). The good fit of both sets of regressions was due to very similar patterns of mortality for all cohorts at each site (Figure 1). These results were unexpected because, although 76 Figure 3.1 Root length survival curves for root cohorts during 1989 and 1990. Survival times were significantly greater at the northern site for all but the July (no difference) and October (southern site greater) 1989 cohorts. Cohorts were comprised of all new roots present on the minirhizotron surface that were produced between successive sample dates in the upper 30 cm of the soil. The data were pooled from the 12 minirhizotrons in each forest. Each root was identified and numbered by the ROOTS image analysis program we developed, and was remeasured and classified as live or dead at each sampling date. Significant differences in length survival were tested using a Gehan-Mantel test for censored data 9 at an alpha of 0.05. ._—_,.v _/_A.; _._I___r\.lu LIP.!\ .IEl. CZ_>_>333 .10. .00 4 a ‘ "“0 . _’._J D . . \\ b \\\ .- \\\ I- HIE D \a- - \ _ — CI Q3" \\ _ mm D H. O - 22 ‘e‘ - (rm \\ - LIJLIJ I \“ — I I (“ C. I—I— a .. “ C! Dm L-‘; It .L' 00 'T‘ L (DZ \ L\\\\ '- \ IIIIIIUTTITTTTjilITITIITITTIIITIITTTIIIIIIrllillI O O O O O O O O O O O? (D I\ LO LO V I") (\I ‘- 180 200 4D 60 80 100 120 I40 160 20 DAYS AFTER FIRST OBSERVED there mortal year, r00t and/o: Keyes 1979) refle that simil bioma produ hard: grgw Grow may Dart f011. Seco 80 there have been no prior studies of differences in the mortality rates of roots produced at different times of the year, several studies have shown seasonal variation in fine root turnover as calculated from temporal changes in live and/or dead root biomass (Fogel 1983, Grier et al. 1981, Keyes and Grier 1981, McClaugherty et al. 1982, Persson 1979). This variation is often believed to partially reflect variable root mortality rates. However, assuming that. the dynamics of root length and root biomass are similar, our results suggest that temporal differences in biomass "turnover" may be due to temporal variation in root production, not in root mortality, at least in northern hardwood ecosystems like the ones we studied. Mortality rates of the 1989 cohorts were significantly less during the winter and second growing season than during the first growing season in both forests (Figures 1,2). Low overwinter mortality rates might be explained by lower root maintenance respiration rates under colder soil temperatures (Amthor 1984, Lawrence et al. 1983, Marshall and Waring 1985), but it is unclear why roots produced in the 1989 growing season should die at a slower rate during the 1990 growing season as well. Some of the longer surviving roots may undergo secondary growth and become a more permanent part of the root system, but of the 2216 roots that we followed in this study, only’ 1 developed any signs of secondary growth. Survival of these roots may have been enhance cortice resourc answer invest: 81 enhanced by greater lignification and/or suberization of cortical or epidermal cells, or perhaps they were located in resource-rich microsites. Our study was not designed to answer these questions, but they deserve further investigation. The causal factors responsible for the large differences in fine root mortality rates between these two forests are not readily apparent. Both forests are of similar age, structure and composition (Table 1), and there are no substantial differences in leaf area, fertility, soil moisture holding capacity or other site factors (MacDonald et al. 1991, Burton et al. 1991, Pregitzer and Burton 1991) that can be invoked as obvious explanations for the differences in root mortality. rates and survival distributions. It is possible that warmer soil temperatures contribute in part to greater fine root mortality rates in the southern forest (Table 1, Figure 3). Late-spring and summer soil temperatures at 15 cm depth were 2-4 oC warmer at the southern site in both 1989 and 1990. Soil temperatures were significantly warmer at the southern site from late April through mid-October during both years (paired t-test; p <.001) by an average of about 1.5 C’C. Soil temperature was not controlled in our study, and so the evidence linking' temperature and root. mortality is circumstantial. However, previous studies have demonstrated increased root respiration rates and shorter root turnover 82 Figure 3.3 Weekly averages for soil temperature at 15 cm depth at both forests. Paired t-tests of site differences in average weekly temperatures (derived from the mean of three sensors at each site) showed that temperatures from 26/4/89 through 17/10/89 and 30/4/90 through 16/10/90 were significantly greater at the southern site (p <.001). Data were collected every 30 minutes with an Omnidata monitoring system (Omnidata International, Logan Utah, USA). 83 mmo< >I_vm_m>> cam: 8% amm— HmDOD/x ><§ >m5.6 C) Mean Spring - Fall Soil Temperature (°C at 15 cm) 26/4/89 - 17/10/89 (3.5) 30/4/90 - 16/10/90 V + ' o 5 pH (1:1 Water) Bulk Density (g'fm-3) Nitrogen (kg'ha’ ) N Mineralization (kg'ha'l'yr'l) Phosphorus (kg'ha' ) Organic Matter (Mg'ha'l) Southern EQIGSE 43°40' 86°09’ 78 (5) 30 (2.0) 75 (13) 24 (1) 0.3) 0.4) AA 14.2 (4.3) 14.6 (3.3) 4.66(.46) 1.27(.07) 1408(100) 171 156(18) 41.7(3.3) Northern forest 44°23' 85°50’ 74 (11) 30 (2.8) 83 (5) 28 (1) 7.1 (0.9) 7.8 (0.5) 5.8 810 1944 12.9 12.9 (3.2) 4.66(.27) 1.27(.04) 1125(398) 128 191(58) 45.7(13.6) 96 American beech (Eagug grandifolia Ehrh.), and black cherry (Ezgnng ggrgtina Ehrh.). The herbaceous community is depauperate in both forests, with an average cover value of less than 3%, and there are virtually no shrubs. The soils at the Northern site are Alfic and Typic Haplorthods, while those at the Southern site are Entic Haplorthods. Further site and soil descriptions can be found in Hendrick and Pregitzer (1992a), MacDonald et a1. (1991), Burton et al. (1991b) and Pregitzer and Burton (1991). Three 30 m by 30 m plots were established at each site in 1987, selected so that a maximum degree of homogeneity existed among them with respect to physiography, soils and vegetation (Burton et al. 1991a). In June of 1988, four minirhizotrons (2 m long x 5.08-cm inside diameter) were permanently installed in each plot at a 45° angle to the soil surface to a depth of 165 on along their length (a 110 cm in vertical depth) at both sites. The portion of the minirhizotrons extending above the soil surface was painted and capped with a rubber stopper to prevent rainfall and light from entering. Numbered image frames were scribed every 1.2 cm onto the exterior surface of each minirhizotron prior to installation so that we could return to the same location within the minirhizotrons at all sampling dates. The scribed image frames were oriented vertically during minirhizotron installation. Only data from the upper 35 frames (= 30 cm vertical depth) are presented here. All 97 minirhizotron images were collected on VHS videotape with a Circon Microvideo 9011 Color Agricultural Camera (Circon Co., Santa Barbara CA). Each minirhizotron was imaged at approximately 1 month intervals throughout the 1989 and 1990 growing seasons. The data presented in this paper were collected at the Northern site on 4/27, 6/11, 6/22, 7/18, 8/18, 9/16 and 10/14 in 1989, and on 4/24, 5/23, 6/19, 7/22, 8/19, 9/19 and 10/26 in 1990. The corresponding sampling dates at the Southern site were 4/25, 6/7, 6/21, 7/18, 8/16, 9/16 and 10/14 in 1989 and 4/25, 5/24, 6/18, 7/21, 8/18, 9/18, and 10/16 in 1990. Fine Root Length Dynamics An interactive PC-based software program (ROOTS) that we have developed was used to analyze the minirhizotron video images (Hendrick and Pregitzer 1992a, Atkinson 1992). Beginning with images from the first sampling date at each site, the length and diameter of all roots present in each frame were traced using a mouse, and the measurements (in mm) were calculated and written to a database file (dBASE III+, Ashton-Tate, Torrance, CA) by ROOTS. The tracings of each root were permanently saved by ROOTS on a separate disk file. An identification code was assigned to each root and written to the database. The code was derived from the order in which a root was traced within an image; the frame, minirhizotron and plot in which it was located: and the date 98 on which it was imaged. The same code (except for the collection date) was used for each root during the analysis of subsequent images. We were able to identify the same roots at later dates by using ROOTS to recall and overlay the tracings and identification code from an image at time t-1 when analyzing time t images. Complete records were kept for each root throughout its development, even after it died and/or disappeared. Each root was assigned a development stage code after it had been traced and measured. Roots were classified as "new" if they first appeared in an image as white in color, and "white" at subsequent dates if they remained white or cream in color. Roots that turned, or first appeared as, tan to brown in color were classified as "brown". Those that turned very dark grey or black were classified as "dead". As roots decayed and disappeared, or disappeared without first moving into a "dead" state, they were classified as "missing". When all the images from a given date had been analyzed, the database records from the four minirhizotrons on each plot were composited into one database per plot (Hendrick and Pregitzer 1992b). After the images from all dates had been processed, the records for the entire year were combined. The final database for each replicate plot at each site was a time series of lengths, diameters and development stages for each root. 99 To calculate monthly and annual root length production and mortality for 1989, the white, brown and total (white + brown) root lengths present on the April, 1989 (time t = 0) sampling dates were summed separately for each plot. Root length production and loss was followed until April 24, 1990. The production of new root length was calculated for the intervals t to t+1 by summing the lengths of roots present at time t+1 that were not present at time t, and adding the length growth of existing roots. Mortality was calculated by summing the length of roots that moved into the dead or missing class during the same period, plus the length of any roots that were dead when they first appeared at time t+1. Percent production and mortality estimates for the intervals between sampling dates (relative to initial root lengths) were calculated by dividing the production and loss of white, brown and, total root length. during the interval by the initial (April 27, 1989) length standing crop. Production and mortality rates for 1990 were calculated likewise using the April 1990 length standing crops at each site. The length data were standardized in a length density format (mm'cm'z). Stand Biomass and Productivity Abgyggrgund: Tree bole and branch biomass were calculated indirectly from measurements of diameter at breast height (DBH) and tree height and published allometric equations for 100 each species (Monteith and Jacobs 1979, Crow and Erdmann 1983). Measurements of each tree >5 cm DBH on all plots were made at each site in the fall of 1988 and 1989 after at least 50% leaf fall. Net biomass increment was calculated for the 1989 growing season as the difference between the fall 1989 and fall 1988 living biomass. Aboveground litterfall was measured from eight 0.5 m2 litter traps randomly located on each plot. Material was collected on a monthly basis from spring through late summer, and weekly during leaf fall in the autumn. Litter samples were air dried at 70 0C for 48 hours and weighed after they had been sorted into foliage, reproductive (seeds, flowers, etc.), woody and insect frass components. Litter was composited across sampling dates on a plot basis and analyzed for Kjeldahl N following sulfuric acid digestion (Technicon Industrial Systems 1977). Nitrogen content was calculated by multiplying the N concentration of each litter component by its biomass. Canopy leaf area index (LAI) was calculated at each site by multiplying leaf biomass by specific leaf area (SLA). On each litter sampling date, the area and mass of all the leaves from one-half of each trap was determined before drying and weighing. Species-specific LAI's were calculated by multiplying a species litter weight by its SLA, and canopy leaf area was then calculated by summing LAI's across 101 all species. IAI's were corroborated by allometric equations derived from destructive harvests at each site, as well as canopy light transmittance: further details can be found in Burton et al. (1991). Belowgrggng: Root biomass and nutrient content was determined from soil cores collected on the April and October 1989 image sampling dates at each site. Eight cylindrical 5.08 x 30 cm biomass cores were randomly collected from a 10 m wide border strip surrounding each plot, and one additional core was collected within 0.5 m of each of two randomly selected biomass core samples on each plot for determination of root nitrogen concentrations. Soil cores were transported on ice to the Michigan State University campus. Roots were recovered from the soil using an automated root washer (hydropneumatic root elutriator, Smucker et al. 1982). The elutriator uses air bubbles to transport organic material through a water/soil/root-filled tube onto a 0.42 mm screen. Recovery of roots from a washed soil sample is >99% (Smucker et al. 1987). After washing, roots were stored at 2-3 °C in a 20% methanol solution until they could be sorted into 3 size classes: 0.0-0.5 and 0.5- 2.0 mm (collectively termed "fine roots") and 2.0-10.0 mm. Roots in the two largest size classes were dried at 70 °C for 48 hrs, and weighed. 102 The biomass of roots <0.5 mm was determined indirectly. First, total root length per sample was calculated using Newman’s line intercept method (Newman 1966) after all roots >0.5 mm had been removed. The grid array used for length determination was calibrated with segments of monofilament fishing line cut into segments ranging from 0.2-5.0 cm in length, and in amounts proportional to those in actual root samples. Estimated monofilament length was compared with actual length in increments of 5.0 m, from 5.0 to 25.0 m. The presence of many short roots/segments a few millimeters in length resulted in a systematic underestimation of true length, and it was necessary to multiply our initial root length estimates by a factor of 1.59. Next, random segments of roots 0.5 mm in diameter, totaling 50 cm in length, were collected from each core sample after length determination. These samples were dried as above, weighed to the nearest 0.0001 g, and average root length density (g'cm'l) ratios for roots 0.5 mm were calculated. The <0.5 mm root length of each sample was converted to biomass by multiplying the length of each sample by the mean specific root length of all 8 samples from each plot for a given date and site. Sample biomass of both size classes was converted to units of kg'ha'l. Root N content at each date and site was determined by multiplying, the N concentration of each size class (determined as for aboveground litter) by its biomass. Biomass and N content 103 means at each site were determined from plot values derived from the average of the 8 cores sampled on each plot. Predicting Root Biomass Production and Mortality Annual total fine (<2.0 mm) root production (April 1989 to April 1990) at each site was calculated by multiplying the initial (April 1989) biomass by the ratio of annual length production to initial length density along the minirhizotrons. Total biomass mortality (turnover) was calculated similarly by multiplying initial root biomass by the ratio of annual length mortality to initial root length density. The amount of N allocated to new root production, and the N lost to the soil through root death, were calculated by multiplying initial root N content by the length production and mortality ratios, respectively. (These two ratios express annual production and mortality in terms of initial conditions, and represent the proportion of original length, biomass or N that was gained and lost during the year.) To check the accuracy of our estimates of root biomass and N production and turnover, we compared the October 1989 fine root biomass and N content data measured at each site with predicted standing crops derived from the minirhizotron data. Predictions of October biomass (and N content) at each site were made by determining the amount of biomass and 104 N allocated to new roots from April to October based upon the production of root length, and subtracting from this value the biomass and N lost due to turnover (determined from root length mortality) during the same period of time. Root biomass (and N) production and mortality from April through October were calculated in the same manner as annual production and mortality, except April-October root length density production and mortality values were used when computing ratios of length production and mortality to initial length density values. Final N content data were adjusted to reflect the actual October N concentrations of each size class. Results Fine Root Length Dynamics Along the Minirhizotrons Fine root length density along the minirhizotrons exhibited a unimodal pattern of increase and subsequent decline at both sites during the 1989 and 1990 growing seasons (Figure 1) , although there were some differences among sites and years in the timing of maximum root ‘ length densities. At the Southern site, root length density peaked in late June in 1989, but not until mid-July in 1990. The April-June 1989 increase was rather abrupt, and length loss was minimal during the fall and over winter. In 1990, the increase and decrease were both gradual. Root length densities in the 105 Figure 4.1 Total, white and brown fine root length densities (mm root per cm minirhizotron surface) at the Southern and Northern sites from April 1989 through October 1990. Data are plot means with standard error bars. 106 _ T .8 n 8M8” I p06 .8888 A .88888 888888 I ..«unnuuuwuuuuu m. 888888888 . 8888888888 I m v888888888.v88 A 288888888 8888888888888 I /.888888888888 m /o?8888888888 0 88888888888 I E v88888888888 0 '88888888888 ...«wwwuuuuuu» I /. 8888888888 2 08888888 - I. [88888888888 A [88888888888 88888888888 I 8 ”88888888888 6 as»- lwusussussssssm sums” 158888888...M $8..”qu , Wuunnuuuu... o Wuevuuwuwue [888888888 .0. //»»»m.m§um /..ss»..m»4.. I ./..,«s§s m .888888I E . v888888 8 . 0 7888888 __ 3 V888888I N .0. '888888 R . . 4 '888888 We . 888888. T x 0. “mm 8888 W 5 mm 8888. .. m m .8888888 ._ T@ 88888888888 0. u v8888888 7 v8888888 I v8888888 .v 888888 «8888888 I «wanna». o. «8.88. 0 0 >0. 0. 2 E T v, 0. a / m m m a. U . T 5 O A fi\u AIHAHN a 6 _ .0. 7 m o o A 5 m z o c I a m z _m A > V 2 \2 o as. m o o c 5 m z o A I o m z _m e > V 2 2 o\ 2 Am IRE: 'Ober O 9 9 _1 8c 9 8 9 I D _ E V R BSE O E T A D 107 Northern forest followed a different pattern of developmentmaximum root length density occurred in August 1989 and mid-June in 1990. The increase and decrease in length densities were gradual in 1989, but there was an abrupt increase in 1990, with minimal loss through October. Root production was greater than mortality for the one year period from April 1989 to April 1990 at both sites (Table 2), resulting in net increases inApril 1990 length (Figure 1). At the Southern site, relatively greater mortality during 1990 resulted in October 1990 length densities that were not significantly different from April 1990 values (t- test, alpha = .05) ). However, length density at the Northern site continued to increase during 1990 as well. The composition of root length, with respect to white and brown roots, was greatly different among the sites (Figure 1). In the Southern forest, white roots comprised 32 to 55% of total root length throughout the study period, but only 10 to 41% of total root length at the Northern site. The difference in length composition is due to site differences in mortality rates of the newer white and older brown roots. Equal amounts of white and brown root length contributed to total mortality at the Southern site (Table 2), while nearly 3/4 of root length mortality in the Northern forest was due to the death of brown roots. White roots were most abundant in the late spring and early summer at both sites during 1989 and 1990 (Figure 1). 108 Table 4.2 Site means (and standard errors) of initial root length density, annual length production and annual mortality (April 1989 to April 1990). Southern Site Northern Site Initial Length Density (mm'cm’z) 3.34 (.08) 3.60 (.26) Total Annual Length Eroduftion (mm'cm' 'yr' ) 3.38 (.61) 3.83 (.50) Total Annual Length Mortality (mm'cm' ‘yr' ) 2.82 (.38) 2.56 (.57) White Length Mortality (% Total) 50.5 (13) 25.4 (3) Brown Length Mortality (% Total) 49.5 (13) 74.6 (3) 109 Figure 4.2 Percentage distribution of total growing season (April-October) fine root production and mortality occurring between minirhizotron sampling dates. April/May and May/June data in 1989 were calculated from April-early June and early June-late June data by interpolation, assuming that production and mortality were evenly distributed during the 6 week interval from late April to Early June at both sites. "(III ‘HIIIII {_IU I / SUU II I '89 .0]31,11m1-11- I--- 110 53.3 $303 02);. 5222. 22522 ézxma,‘ Om. 1:102 00. £30m o 0— ON on 0v on 'IVlOl dO 1N3 383d ‘IVlOJ. _-IO .LNBOBECI 83.1mm $533 6932. 5122. 2:32: 5.23%. o 0— ON on 9. C.A(meE NU mm. ImeZ Zocoaooma Q on an. IHDOm T710]. :10 1N3 383d ‘IVlOi :IO 1N3383d There produ seasc Althc morta grow. mid-‘ simi site 1990 sudd in: of t The sum] som. Off at tot any) ove amc 3) the the IQ] 111 There were distinct seasonal patterns of root length production and mortality during the 1989 and 1990 growing seasons (April - October) at both sites (Figure 2). Although a significant amount of both production and mortality occurred simultaneously, more than 50% of total growing-season production took place between late April and mid-to-late July. Patterns of length production were similar both years at the Southern site, at the Northern site but there was a distinct peak in production during the 1990 May/June interval (Figure 2). The effect of this sudden burst of production is evident as an abrupt increase in root length density at this site during the same period of time (Figure 1). The greatest amount of root mortality occurred after mid- summer, although relative amounts of root mortality varied somewhat within and between years. There was a large die- off of root length during the August/September 1990 interval at the Southern site, the effects of which are manifested in total root length density (Figure 1) . Expressed on an annual basis (April 1989 to April 1990) it is apparent that over winter losses of root length contribute a much greater amount to total root mortality at the Northern site (Figure 3). Only 25% of total annual root mortality occurred during the six month interval from October 1989 to April 1990 at the Southern site, but nearly 40% of total annual root length mortality took place during the same period of time 112 Figure 4.3 Percentage distribution of annual (April 1989 - April 1990) fine root production and mortality occurring between minirhizotron sampling dates. 113 50 . SOUTHERN SITE 40~ _l < i.- E 30— 8 T I. / a 95 T7 é é Io~ / / / 5 / ’/ ? Z Z Z / / / / ¢ ? ¢ ¢ / V O 50 E PRODUCTION - NORTHERN SITE 2) MORTALITY 1989' rriII‘I _ u 2):] 40 :l' 8 3 I'— 30- / LI. / o / / I— / E 20- Z 6:) / ? Lu T ‘T / / o- / ? ¢ ¢ " ¢ 5 T / / / é / / O APR/MAY MAY/JUN JUN/JUL JUL/AUG AUG/SEP SEP/OCT OCT/APR in t Fall tota to Sept proc amOI the canI in I The rat pro bet whi occ nor rel Sea mo]: at liv roc Sh: at 114 in the more northern forest. Fall and over winter root production contributed little to total annual production at either site (Figure 3). From 85 to 90% of all root length ‘was produced prior to mid- September at both sites (Figure 4), and over winter production contributed only 7% to the total. The greatest amount of production occurred from late April to June, also the period in which budburst occurs (early-to-mid May) and canopy leaf expansion reaches 100% (late May to early June) in both forests (unpublished data). The asynchrony of maximum relative root birth and death rates results in a distinct lag between cumulative length production and mortality (Figure 4) . The two-week period between the mid and late-June 1989 observations was that in which the most rapid divergence of production and mortality occurred at both sites. The lag between production and mortality was greatest at the Northern site, due to relatively less root length mortality during the growing season. The greater lag between the production and mortality curves, and the lower annual root length mortality at the Northern site (Table 2) suggest that fine roots are living longer in this forest. Indeed, survival analyses of root cohorts born during the intervals between observations show that fine roots in the Southern forest consistently die at rate 64% greater ‘than roots in the Northern forest 115 Figure 4.4 Cumulative (%) fine root production and mortality at the Southern and Northern study sites. The horizontal distance between the two curves at each site is a relative index of turnover time. A"! /"u (TJMlH/\HVI 0’ O CUMULATIVE CUMULATIVE % 116 I SOUTHERN K/EI” o . . , . . I . e I . . T 25 24 22 20 20 APRIL JULY OCTOBER JANUARY APRIL 100 I NORTHERN 80— I 60- 40— 20— ‘ "MORTALITY 0 ‘ e—e PRODUCTION . fl , , . I I I I 27 26 24 22 22 APRIL JULY OCTOBER JANUARY APRIL DATE OBSERVED — 1989 86 I990 ma ('1 ir or ir. in (t th th Th th We 117 (unpublished data). Pin. Root Biomass and Nitrogen Content Patterns of biomass distribution among the three size classes of roots were similar at both sites and on both sampling dates (Table 3). There was a considerable amount of mass in the smallest class of roots (<0.5 mm): about 6,000 kg'ha'1 at the Southern site and 5,500 kg'ha'1 at the Northern site. In fact, the April <0.5 mm fine root biomass was nearly equal in magnitude to the combined mass of the two other size classes. However, there was a considerable (though not statistically significant) biomass increase in the largest size class (2.0-10.0 mm) by October, so that the masses of the smallest and largest classes were nearly equal (Table 3). The least amount of biomass was in the intermediate (0.5-2.0 mm) class of roots at both sites and on both sampling dates; about 1/3 that of the smallest roots in the spring and about 1/2 the mass of the smallest roots in the fall. The intermediate class increased significantly (t-test, alpha 8 0.5) in biomass from April to October, but there were virtually no seasonal differences in the mass of the smallest roots. The biomass of the smallest roots (<0.5 mm) was greatest at the Southern site on both dates, but differences among sites were statistically significant only in April (t-test, alpha 2» my 20 mo mo 118 Table 4.3 Biomass and nitrogen content (kg'ha'l) of roots <0.5, 0.5 to 2.0 and 2.0 to 10.0 mm in diameter, as determined from soil cores. Plot means with standard errors in parentheses. Southern site <0.5 0.5 - 2.0 2.0 - 10.0 April 1989 Biomass 6110 (97) 1791 (84) 5389 (599) April 1989 N Content 70 (2) 15 (l) 28 (5) October 1989 Biomass 6249 (352) 3281 (153) 6550 (662) October 1989 N Content 73 (7) 26 (1) 27 (5) Northern Bite (0.5 935 - 200 200 - 4000 April 1989 Biomass 5413 (46) 1474 (79) 3377 (103) April 1989 N Content 72 (1) 13 (1) 17 (1) October 1989 Biomass 5553 (422) 2414 (78) 5392 (1442) October 1989 N Content 52 (4) 16 (1) 29 (8) CO on th 0C SID kg th Pa bi in Di C1 (ii A: Sc R C: Cc nc 119 = 0.05). The mass of the other size classes was consistently greater at the Southern site as well, but the only statistically significant difference in addition to that described above was for the 0.5-2.0 size class in October. The combined April and October biomass of the two smallest classes of roots was, respectively, 7901 and 9530 kg'ha-1 at the Southern site and 6913 and 7967 kg'ha'1 at the Northern site. Patterns of root N content were similar to those for biomass. At each site, the greatest amount of N was found in roots <0.5 mm in diameter on both sampling dates. Differences in N content between the two largest size classes tended to be less pronounced than biomass differences because of higher N concentrations in the 0.5- 2.0 mm roots (Table 4). There was no difference between the April and October N content of smallest roots at the Southern site. However, there was a substantial drop in the N content of these roots at the Northern site, due to a 25% decrease in N concentration (Table 4). Among the two largest size classes, only the N content of 0.5-2.0 mm roots at the Southern site changed significantly (t-test, alpha = 0.05) from April to October. In contrast to the smallest roots at the Northern site, the temporal difference in the N content of this class was due to a change in biomass, not concentration (Table 4) . There was a substantial, though not statistically significant (alpha = .05), increase in the 120 Table 4.4 Nitrogen concentration (%) of roots <0.5, 0.5 to 2.0 and 2.0 to 10.0 mm in diameter. Plot means with standard errors in parentheses. southern site <0. gsfi-zgg . - . April 1989 1.15 0.84 0.51 October 1989 1.16 0.79 0.41 Northern site (0:: 905-239 - .0 April 1989 1.33 0.88 0.51 October 1989 0.93 0.66 0.54 0: a9 TI 121 October N content of the largest roots at the Northern site, again due to a change in biomass and not N concentration. There were no consistent site differences in N contents of the two largest classes of roots, but they tended to be higher at the Southern site. At the April sampling date, only the N content of the largest roots was significantly different (t-test, alpha = 0.05) among the sites, while in October both the smallest (alpha = .10) and intermediate (alpha = 0.05) size classes at the Southern site had more N. Root Production, Mortality and standing Crop Predictions At both sites, predicted fine (<2.0 mm) root production for the period April 1989 to April 1990 was greater than predicted mortality (Table 5) . Predicted production and mortality at the Southern site were approximately 8,000 and 6,700 kg'ha-l'yr'l, respectively. The corresponding values at the Northern site were 7,300 and 4,800 kg'ha'l'yr'l. Total N allocated to new roots (i.e. production) was nearly the same at both sites (85 and 86 kg'ha'l'yr'l) despite the nearly 800 kg'ha"1 ' yr'l difference in biomass production. This was due largely to the higher N concentration of roots in April at the Northern site (Table 4). Total N returns to the soil via root mortality were estimated 72 and 54 kg'ha' 1'yr'1 at the Southern and Northern sites, respectively. 122 Table 4.5 Comparison of measured and predicted 1989 total fine (0.0-2.0 mm) root biomass and nitrogen content standing crops, and predicted annual (April 1989 - April 1990) production (and. mortality; ‘Values are in. kg'ha' , with standard errors in parentheses. Southern site Northern Bite mm W 2133195 April Biomass 7901 (76) 6887 (192) Annual Biomass Production 8081 (1619) 7302 (663) Annual Biomass Mortality 6682 (892) 4843 (929) October Biomass 9530 (555) 10299 (757) 7968 (866) 10708 (514) April N Content 86 (1) 85 (2) Annual N Production 87 (17) 88 (8) Annual N Mortality 72 (9) 54 (9) October N Content 99 (7) 106 (7) 68 (8) 91 (4) 123 Our predictions of October fine root biomass and N standing crops (i.e. measured April standing crops + estimated April to October production less estimated April to October mortality) varied among the two sites in their accuracy. Our estimate of an October biomass standing crop of 10,299 kg'ha'l at the Southern site was 8.1% greater than the measured standing crop of 9530 kg‘ha"1 (Table 5), but the two values were not significantly different (alpha = 0.05). Similarly, the estimate of an October N content of 106 kg'ha'l was 7.1 % greater than the measured value of 99 kg'ha'l, and. again. not statistically' different (alpha, = 0.05) . However the predicted and measured biomass and N standing crops were substantially different at the Northern site. The predicted October biomass standing crop was 34.4% greater than the measured value (10,708 gs. 7,968 kg'ha'l), and the predicted N content of the roots was 33.8 % greater than the measured value (91 gs; 68 kg'ha‘l). Both differences were statistically significant (t-test, alpha = 0.05)‘ Above- and Belowground Standing Crops, Production and Litterfall Aboveground woody biomass was greatest at the Northern site (Table 6); 277,300 kg'ha'1 gs. 236,200 kg'ha'1 at the Southern site. Foliage biomass was just over 4,000 kg'ha'1 at both sites, and not significantly different among the 124 Table 4.6 Above- and belowground (less coarse roots >10 mm) April 1989 biomass, in kg'ha' . errors in parentheses. Plot means with standard Southern_§its Aboveground Woody 236,200 (17,300) Foliage 4,225 (412) Roots (in mm) 2.0-10.0 5,389 (599) 0.5-2.0 1,791 (84) 0.0-0.5 6,110 (97) Total 253,715 Northern_§ite 277,300 (17,600) 4,068 (357) 3,377 (103) 1,474 (79) 5,413 (46) 291,632 sites 13,2! the stan both folf Sou‘ sit ref for trx To‘ in at di We 125 sites (Burton 1991b). Total biomass of roots <10.0 mm was 13,290 kg'ha"1 at the Southern site and 10,264 kg'ha"l at the Northern site. Expressed as a percentage of total standing crop, biomass distribution was nearly the same at both sites. Aboveground woody biomass accounted for 93.1%, foliage 1.7% and roots 5.2% of total standing crop at the Southern site. The corresponding values at the Northern site were 95.1, 1.4 and 3.5%. Of course these values do not reflect the actual total distribution of biomass in these forests, as the mass of roots >10.0 mm (often roughly 20% of true total standing crop) was not determined. Total above and belowground NPP (less the coarse root increment) was nearly equal at both sites (Table 7), with about 7% more production at the Southern site. The distribution of NPP among the three components we measured was also the same at both sites. Only about 10% of NPP was allocated to the production of bolewood and branches (1,222 and 1,233 kg'ha‘yr'l at the Southern and Northern sites, respectively). Foliage production accounted for 30% of NPP, while about 60% was allocated belowground to roots <2.0 mm. Leaf litterfall and fine (<2.0 mm) root turnover dominated carbon and N inputs to the forest floor and soil (Table 8). Leaf litter accounted for 35% of total above- and belowground litter biomass at the Southern site, and just over 40% at the Northern site. Most of the remaining litter (NF Apr NPE Fo Ro T0 126 Table 4.7 Abovi- an? belowground net primary production (NPP), in kg'ha- 'yr' , for the period April 1989 through April 1990. Data are plot means, with percentage of total NPP in parentheses. Seutbsrn.§its Herthsrn_§it§ Aboveground Woody 1,222 (9) 1,233 (10) Foliage 4,225 (31) 4,068 (32) Roots <2.0 8,081 (60) 7,302 (58) Total 13,528 12,603 127 Table 4.8 Above- and belowground litter biomass and N returns to the soil from Apral 1989 to April 1990. Data are expressed in units of kg'ha' , and as a percentage of total litterfall. Plot means with standard errors in parentheses. Southern Site Bi9msss 1.19191 11119999 1.19191 Foliage 4225 (412) 35.1 36.7 (5.7) 29.5 Reproductive 622 (115) 5.1 12.6 (3.7) 10.1 Woody 514 (101) 4.3 2.9 (0.5) 2.3 Root <2.0mm 6682 (892) 55.5 72.3 (9.3) 58.1 Total 12,043 124.5 Northern Site Bi9msss 1.19191 N11r9ssn 1.19191 Foliage 4068 (357) 40.8 38.7 (1.8) 35.2 Reproductive 715 (181) 7.2 15.9 (4.1) 14.5 Woody 348 (126) 3.5 2.3 (0.7) 2.1 Root (2.0mm 4843 (929) 48.6 53.1 (8.6) 48.3 Total 9,974 110.0 in; 505 brz re f o k9 I'E 128 input at both sites was due to fine root turnover (around 50%) . The total contribution of reproductive and small branch litter was about 10% at both sites. Patterns of N return were similar, although reproductive litter accounted for over 10% of total N returns by itself (12.6 and 15.9 kg'ha'yr"1 at the Southern and Northern sites, respectively). The amount of N in leaf litter was 36.7 kg'ha'yr'l at the Southern site and 38.7 kg'ha'yr'l at the Northern site. The corresponding values for root N inputs were 72.3 and 53.1 kg'ha'yr'l. Discussion We observed a unimodal seasonal pattern of fine root length densities during 1989 at both sites, and there appears to be a large degree of both temporal and spatial consistency in the cycles of fine root length gains and losses in these northern hardwood ecosystems. This pattern of root length increase and decline may be linked to phenological and physiological events in the canopy. There is a substantial increase in root length as the canopy flushes in late spring, and maximum amounts of root length occur in mid- summer when evaporative demand is high and soil water is typically at relatively low levels in these forests. Fine root length subsequently declines around the onset of canopy senescence and leafall. The summer maximum in root length that we observed is in general agreement with the trends bio 198 198 Sea lit mor eff dis pea pro Kur 198 def bio Per Nev bio dif Cal Kim Pro Una. tHr: in . bet‘ 129 biomass data from some other deciduous (Joslin and Henderson 1987, McClaugherty et al. 1982) and coniferous (Gholz et a1. 1986, Nadelhoffer et al. 1985) forests in eastern North America. Seasonal patterns of fine root length densities reveal little about the dynamics of fine root production and mortality, as changes in root length reflect only the net effect of these two processes. There has been much discussion in the literature regarding the need to identify peaks and troughs in seasonal fine root biomass so that production and turnover can be accurately measured (e.g. Kurz and Kimmins 1987, McClaugherty et al. 1982, Vogt et al. 1989, and there has been even more discussion as to the definition of "real" temporal increments and decrements in biomass (Fairley and Alexander 1985, Laurenroth et al. 1986, Persson 1978, Singh et al. 1984, Vogt et al. 1986). Nevertheless, neither the identification of fine root biomass minima and maxima, nor significant temporal differences in standing crops, is sufficient to accurately calculate fine root production and mortality. Kurz and Kimmins (1987) demonstrated that calculating fine root production from changes in root biomass can result in large underestimates of actual belowground productivity and turnover if root production and mortality are co-occurring in time. And, the greater the degree of temporal synchrony between production and 'mortality, the greater the 130 underestimation of either process. The fine root minirhizotron data obtained from our study sites consistently show a large amount of concurrent production and mortality; much more than could be calculated solely from changes in live or dead root mass. Although the majority of fine root production occurs in the spring, and the bulk of mortality in the fall and winter (Figures 2 and 3), both processes are nearly equal in magnitude during the summer. Total fine root length changes relatively little during this time (Figure 1), but over 1/3 of annual production occurs between June and September at both sites, and approximately 40% and 30% of annual mortality occurs during the same period of time at the Southern and Northern sites, respectively. Clearly, any physical sampling scheme or accounting procedure that relies solely on changes in root biomass (live or dead) to calculate production and turnover will result in considerable underestimates of true values in these forests. The measurement of fine root decay rates should increase the accuracy of root production and turnover estimates if live and dead roots can be separated consistently. However, we have shown that fine roots in these forests generally disappear much more rapidly than buried-bag decomposition data would suggest (Hendrick and Pregitzer 1992a). Fine roots are no longer visible in the minirhizotrons within a month or so after death, similar to the disappearance rates observed by Rogers (1939) for apple r0 rc tr 1:: 131 roots. The absence of an accumulating pool of dead roots or root-derived detritus in these and other forests suggests that current estimates of fine root decomposition rates are too low (Fahey 1992), and in need of further study. A notable difference between the two forests we studied is in the balance of white and brown root length observed throughout ‘the year, and the contribution of 'these two classes of roots to total root turnover (Table 2). Although all roots are white when first produced, there is always a higher proportion of brown' root length visible in the minirhizotrons at the Northern site. We have previously shown that white roots in this forest are consistently more likely to turn brown rather than die throughout the year (Hendrick and Pregitzer, 1992a). Conversely, white roots at the Southern site are equally (or more) likely to die than to turn brown from one sampling date to the next (unpublished data). As the mortality data from this study show (Table 2) , a much higher proportion of total root length mortality is comprised of white roots at the Southern site, with white and brown roots contributing equally to total length turnover. A lower proportion of standing white root length at the Northern forest may have important implications for nutrient uptake capacity, as the brown roots probably lose much of their ability to actively take up nutrients via symplastic pathways once the living tissue of their cortex is shed. The fal br= 1e 10 pr to (G a\ a} a4 132 The autumnal decline in the N concentrations of roots <2.0 mm at the Northern site is partially a result of spring vs. fall differences in the relative abundance of white and brown roots (Figure 3). While roughly 1/3 of all root length was white in color in April 1989, only a little over 10% was white in October of the same year. We have previously shown that the white roots of sugar maple in this forest lose about 40% of their N as they turn brown (Goldfarb et al. 1990), and we attribute the October drop in average N concentration from 1.33 to 0.93% to the greater abundance of brown roots in the fall. The fact that the proportions of white and brown roots remained fairly stable at the Southern site is probably responsible for the constant N concentration in fine roots at this site. Our estimates of total fine (<2.0 mm) root biomass are generally greater than those reported from other North American deciduous forests (Table 9). Our values are reasonably close to Powell and Day’s (1991) estimate of 7430 kg'ha'1 for roots <2.0 mm in a mixed hardwood forest in the Great Dismal Swamp, and to Cox et al.’s (1978) report of 8500 kg'ha'lfor roots <5.0 mm in a “1192111913211 W stand. There are fewer N content data for comparison but again, with the exception of Cox et al. (1978) our estimates are considerably higher than other published values. Fine roots <0.5 mm accounted for the bulk of the <2.0 mm root ReI Su 133 Table 4.9 Comparison of fine root biomass and nitrogen standing crops and annual production in some North American deciduous forests. Biomass and N standing crap and production values are in units of kg'ha' and kg'ha ‘yr' , respectively. Standing Crop Production 191991.129; 1.191199 1! 21911919 1 19:91:19.9 Sugar maple 4280 50 4020 47 Nadelhoffer et al. 1985 Red oak/maple 5100 57 4900 73 McClaugherty 9900 184 et a1. 1982 Sugar maple 3230 6500 Aber et al. 1060 1985 White oak 4120 48 850 10 Joslin and Henderson 1987 Tulip poplar 8500 96 6750 76 Cox et al. 1978 Oak, gum, 7430 9890 Powell and maple 3450 Day 1991 Sugar maple 7901 85 8081 87 This study 6887 85 7302 88 mass than are and <0.5 thar root film to ove bic our the We 1a re 11: III 134 mass and nutrient content in the forests we studied (greater than 70% of root mass and total‘N is in these roots), and are largely responsible for the disparity between our data and other reports. In fact, the biomass and N values of the <0.5 mm roots in our forests (Table 3) are equal or greater than most other investigator’s estimates of the mass for all roots <2.0 or 3.0 mm. We estimated the mass of roots <0.5 mm indirectly (by converting length to mass), and there is always a degree of uncertainty when using an indirect method to estimate an ecosystem component. It is possible that we overestimated total root length before converting to biomass, but we believe not. We incrementally calibrated our procedure against known lengths of monofilament line that bracketed the lengths estimated from our core samples. We believe that a better recovery of the very fine roots, largely due to the mechanical root washing system we used, is responsible for most of the differences between our results and those of other investigators. The hydropneumatic elutriation system (Smucker et a1. 1982) uses air bubbles and water to separate roots from soil, and to subsequently gently deposit the roots on a 0.4 mm mesh screen. In other studies (e.g. Joslin and Henderson 1987, Nadelhoffer et al. 1985, Powell and Day 1991), fine roots have been recovered by washing soil samples through fine screens with mesh openings equal to or greater than 0.5 mm (as much as 2.0 mm) in size, or by a combination of hand 135 Figure 4.5 Cumulative diameter distribution of fine root length and numbers at both study sites on the July 1989 sampling date. Data represent values summed across all plots: 587 roots and 3262 mm of root at the Southern site, with corresponding values of 662 and 4059 at the Northern site. HI IMHTR“, (“I lMl II A I I\_/I' CUMULAHVEINUMBERS CU MULATIVE LENGTH 136 1.0 0.8— 0.65 0.4-3 0.2— 0.0- 0.0 0.1 ———-‘ GI." / --— NORTHERN / -—— SOUTHERN ”WW“..- -....-W, r 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0:8 019 1.0 ROOT DIAMETER (IN MM) 137 sorting and sieving (McClaugherty et a1. 1982). Our minirhizotron data indicate that at least 80% of all roots at our study sites are <0.5 mm in diameter (Hendrick and Pregitzer 1992a, Figure 5), and it is likely that we would have missed many of these roots if we had washed our samples by hand through a larger screen. Although some of these very small roots may remain attached to larger roots during hand washing, in our elutriated samples almost all roots of this size are detached. The number of these small, delicate roots in a soil core sample is staggering, and they would be virtually impossible to recover by hand. The fact that the percentages of total root length (80%) and numbers (ca. 85%) comprised of roots 70%) accounted for by roots <0.5 mm in diameter gives us further confidence that our biomass estimates are reasonably accurate. Visual inspection of the graphical data of’ McClaugherty et. a1. (1982), who hand sorted their roots into size classes, shows that the mass of roots <0.5 represented about 1/2 to 2/3 of the total mass of all roots <3.0 mm in the organic layer of the soil. These proportions are not greatly different from ours, given the wider diameter class they used, although their data for mineral soil horizons indicates a more equal distribution of biomass among the size classes. It is our belief that the contribution of the very finest roots (ca. <0.5 mm) to total root system biomass and nutrient content has probably been 138 underestimated to some extent in some past studies. This might be especially true in forests dominated by deciduous trees, where fine non-woody roots generally have small average diameters (Fahey et al. 1988, Goldfarb et a1. 1990, Pregitzer et al 1990) and where many species (like sugar maple) form ‘vesicular-arbuscular' mycorrhizal (VAM) roots that. are more easily' broken. during handling than ectomycorrhizal roots. We observed a substantial (although not statistically significant) April-to-October increase in the biomass of roots >2.0. mm at both sites (Table 3) that may be have been due to an autumnal loading of storage carbohydrates, rather than an increase in structural biomass. Starch levels in sugar maple roots reach minimal levels in late spring after budbreak (Wargo 1979), begin increasing in July, and reach a maximum in late fall (Wargo 1971). Carbon is allocated preferentially to storage carbohydrates, rather than to radial growth in the coarse roots of sugar maple, and little growth occurs until after leaf fall (Wargo 1979). Similar patterns of carbohydrate deposition in roots have been shown for other deciduous species including red (Q. Ma) and white (Q. alga) oak (Wargo 1976), hybrid poplar (Nguyen et al. 1990), and turkey (Q. 1mg Walt.) and bluejack (Q. inggng Bartr.) oak (Woods et al. 1959). ‘ 139 As was true for standing crops, our estimates of fine root biomass and N production and turnover (Tables 5 and 9) are greater than many published values. However, relative to initial or average standing crops, our estimates are in general agreement with many others. Annual (April-April) biomass and N allocation to fine root production was just slightly greater than the April standing crops, and Cox et al. (1978), McClaugherty et al. (1982), Nadelhoffer et al. (1985) and Powell and Day (1991) also report annual production estimates that are very similar to standing crop values. The annual production data of Aber et al. (1985) from a sugar maple stand in Wisconsin range from about 33 to 200% of standing crop, depending on the method of calculation used, while Joslin and Henderson (1987) estimated that annual production Of roots <2.0 mm is only about 20% of standing“ cropv (Table 9). 'The similarity between our production data (expressed as a percentage of initial standing crop) and those of other investigators leads us to believe that the absolute differences in production, like standing crop, are again due to a greater amount of very fine (ca. <0.5 mm) roots measured in our forests than in other ecosystems. With respect to total (above- and belwoground) stand biomass, fine roots ((2.0 mm) represented a relatively small proportion in both of the forests we studied: 3.1% of total biomass (less coarse roots >10.0 mm) at the Southern site 140 and 2.4% at the Northern site (Table 6). Similar values have been found by numerous other researchers in a wide array of forests types (Arthur and Fahey 1991, Fogel and Hunt 1979, Gower et al. 1992, Grier et al. 1981, Keyes and Grier 1981). However, as has also been observed in a number of forest types, a substantial proportion of annual net primary production, about 60%, is allocated to fine roots in the ecosystems we examined. Fine root production is roughly twice foliage production, and six times bole and branch production, in both forests. Fine root ((2.0 mm) turnover also dominated carbon and nutrient inputs to the soil, accounting for approximately 56 and 49% of total) C, and 58 and 48% of N cycled annually at the Southern and Northern sites, respectively. Our estimates of the contribution of fine roots to stand NPP (Table 8) are considerably higher than those of Nadelhoffer et al. (30%, 1985) and Aber et al. (41%, 1985) for sugar maple forests in Wisconsin. It should be noted, however, that our estimates of aboveground standing crop and leaf area are also greater than these Wisconsin forests. Nadelhoffer and Raich (1992) have recently suggested that fine root production may be positively correlated with aboveground productivity. Greater total stand biomass and productivity in the forests we studied may also reflect a longer growing season or more moderate climate on the leeward side of Lake Michigan. Our fine root data are 141 comparable to those of Cox et al. (1978), who estimated that fine root death and decay accounted for 67% of biomass litter production and about 60% of N cycled via detritus in a tulip poplar stand. And, although higher than the estimates of Reyes and Grier (1981), Gower et al. (1992) and Arthur and Fahey (1992), our production and turnover values are similar to some of the data from western coniferous forests. Grier et al. (1981) estimated that 55% of total ecosystem NPP was allocated to fine roots in a 23 year old Pacific silver fir stand in Washington, while the corresponding value from a 180 year old site was nearly 69%. Fogel and Hunt (1983) estimated that about 73% of NPP is allocated to fine roots and mycorrhizae, and that fine root and mycorrhizal turnover was responsible for about 85% of all detrital N inputs, in an Oregon Douglas-fir forest. One of the reasons that the 1989 fine root allocation and litter return percentages in our forests were so high was because stem and branch production was quite low relative to other years. Annual bole and branch biomass production was just over 1,200 kg'ha'1°yr'1 in both forests during 1989, while 1990 production was 6,000 and 5,500 kg’ha":"°yr'1 in 1990 at the Southern and Northern sites, respectively. We suspect that the low amount of aboveground production in 1989 may have been a residual effect from the 1988 drought. Also, fine root growth is inhibited and turnover rates are accelerated at low levels of soil moisture availability 142 (e.g. Bartsch 1987, Kuhns et al. 1985, Rogers 1939, Santantonio 1982), and it is likely that a large amount of root production occurred in 1989 as absorbing area was re- established in these forests. The effects of substantial root production on total ecosystem productivity would be likely to show up as reduced stemwood production, since fine roots are a higher C allocation priority (Waring and Pitman 1985) . Pregitzer and Burton (1991) demonstrated a direct tradeoff between the production of foliage and reproductive litter in the forests, and similar tradeoffs in whole-tree carbon allocation may be occurring with respect to fine root and bolewood production. In the forests we studied, more C and N was cycled via fine root turnover than abovegroundi litterfall. The same phenomenon has been observed in a number of forests worldwide (Vogt et al. 1986a) , and comparative data from other studies suggests that fine root production surpasses foliage production in most deciduous forests of the eastern 0.8. (Table 10). The ratio of root production to total foliage biomass at both of our study sites is close to the value of 1.92 derived by Raich and Nadelhoffer (1989) for the ratio of aboveground litterfall carbon to total root carbon allocation, although they included root respiration in addition to biomass production. Our data fall somewhere in the middle of the range of values we derived from other ecosystem studies, including the sugar maple stands studied 143 Table 4.10 Annual fine root production per unit leaf weight and leaf area in some temperate North American deciduous forests. Leaf biomass data were derived from published estimates of leaf litter production. kg Root/ k Root/ W 131.1511: _Leaf Reference Sugar Maple 1.40a ---- Nadelhoffer et al. 1985 F“ Sugar Maple 3.10a ---- Pastor et al. 1984, Aber et al. 1985 Oak-Red Maple 1.23b ---- McClaugherty et al. 1982 White Oak 0.26c ---- Joslin & Henderson 1987 Tulip poplar 2.04d 0.095 Cannell 1982, Cox et al. 1978 Sugar Maple 1.91 0.10 This Study (Southern) Sugar Maple 1.79 0.10 This Study (Northern) a production calculated by difference using nitrogen budgeting technique b production calculated as difference of minimum and maximum annual root mass c production calculated by balancing production, mortality and decomposition d production calculated as root death/decay data 144 by Nadelhoffer et al. (1985) and Aber et al. (1985). Our data are quite similar to the value of 2.04 for the tulip poplar stand of Cox et al. (1978). Perhaps of even more functional significance is the relationship between leaf area and fine root production. Even though there were some site differences in both leaf area (Table l) and root production (Table 5), the ratio of root mass production to leaf area was the same in both forests. Unfortunately, there are ‘very’ few other' published data from. deciduous forests for comparison, but our estimates are again nearly the same as to that derived from the data of Cox et al. (1978) and Cannell (1982). The validity of our estimates of the role of fine roots in ecosystem processes in these forests is dependant upon the accuracy of our estimates of root production and mortality. We calculated April 1989 to April 1990, and April-October 1989, production as being greater than concurrent mortality during the corresponding periods of time in both forests. Consequently, we predicted that the October 1989 standing crops should be greater than the April values. Encouragingly, the October 1989 increase in biomass standing crops (Table 5) indicates that the increases in root length that we observed with the minirhizotrons during the growing season were real and reflected corresponding changes in biomass. However, the accuracy with which we were able to predict fine root production and mortality, and changes in 145 standing crops, from the biomass and minirhizotron data are somewhat mixed. Based upon the close agreement (not significantly different at alpha = .05) between actual and predicted October biomass and N standing crops, we appear to have predicted biomass and N production and mortality fairly closely at the Southern site, and we have a high degree of confidence in our estimates for this site. However, we overestimated October biomass and N content at the Northern site by about 34%, indicating that either our production estimates for this site are too high, our estimates of April or October fine root biomass are incorect, or our mortality estimates are too low. It is our opinion, that the discrepancy between the actual and predicted October 1989 biomass values at the Northern site is due primarily to an underestimate of root mortality, and to a lesser degree an overestimate of root production. The reasoning for this statement lies in our belief that root length and age distributions had probably not equilibrated along the minirhizotron surface when we began imaging in 1989. These forests experienced a 50 yr drought in 1988. Because root growth is inhibited (Deans 1979, Kaufmann 1977, Kuhns et al. 1985, Taylor and Davies 1990, Teskey and Hinckley 1981) and root aging (i.e. "suberization") and turnover rates are accelerated (Bartsch 1987, Kuhns et al. 1985, Rogers 1939, Santantonio 1982) at low soil moisture potentials, new root growth was probably E 146 comparatively low during most of the 1988 growing season and root mortality rates may have been rather high. As a result, the initial root length densities along the minirhizotron surface may have been somewhat lower than they would have been had we had normal amounts of precipitation in 1988, and age distributions would have been skewed towards younger roots. Because production and mortality rates were derived as a proportion of initial root length densities, actual production would have been overestimated, and root mortality underestimated. A bias towards younger roots would result in a systematic underestimate of root mortality, since roots (especially young ones) are always more likely to live rather than ¢die. Because of the tendency for roots to live longer at the Northern site, with lower overall production, attainment of "equilibirium! length densities and age distributions would take longer than at the Southern site. This may be why there seemed to be little or no "recolonization" effect at the Southern site, and why our predictions were so accurate. If we computationally’ adjust (April-October 1989 production and mortality at the Northern site to reflect the ratio of 1990 mortality and 1990 production to the April 1990 standing crop (and assuming that equilibrium root length densities had been attained by April 1990) , we obtain a predicted October 1989 biomass value of 8440 kg'ha‘l’ a value only 6% greater than the measured value of 7968. 147 Conclusions 1. Although the major pulses of fine root birth and death are separated in time in these forests, there is a large amount of concurrent production and mortality throughout the growing season. Failure to account for the simultaneity of these two processes leads to substantial underestimates of total annual belowground biomass and nutrient production and turnover. 2. Our data offer further empirical support to the generally accepted view that the processes of fine root production and turnover play an important, sometimes dominant, role in the carbon and N economies of forests. Roughly 60% of ecosystem NPP is allocated to fine (<2.0 mm root production) in the two sugar maple forests that we studied, and fine root turnover is responsible for approximately 1/2 of carbon and N returned to the soil via plant litter inputs. 3. Surprisingly, roots <0.5 mm account for a large proportion of the carbon and nutrients in fine root standing crops, as well as fine root production and mortality. These roots play a major role in the carbon and nutrient cycles of northern hardwood forests, and care should be taken to fully recover very fine roots in future studies. 148 4. There may to be a consistent relationship between leaf area and fine root biomass in these forests, probably reflecting the functional interdependence of the absorbing and transpiring surface areas of plants. Further investigations in other forest types and under varying environmental conditions may reveal differences in patterns of carbon allocation that are attributable to differential absorbing/transpiring efficiencies among species, or to changes in resource allocation elicited in response to varying environmental factors within a forest type. 5. Given low aboveground productivity during 1989 relative to other years, and large relative amounts of fine root production during the same period of time, our observations support the premise that fine roots and foliage receive high-priority during resource allocation. Our minirhizotron and biomass data suggest that fine root dieback probably occurred during the record 1988 drought, and that fine root absorbing area was re-established in 1989 at the expense of bolewood production. 6. Based upon our original predictions for the Southern site, and our adjusted predictions for the Northern site, it would appear that root length dynamics measured with minirhizotrons (once root length densities have stabilized) closely parallel changes in root biomass, and provide an index of belowground carbon and nutrient production and 149 turnover. 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