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TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE r—m MSU Is An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution cMmMpma-o.‘ MOLECULAR STRUCTURE AND MATURATION OF HEVEIN, A CHITIN-BINDING PROTEIN IN RUBBER TREE LATEX BY Hyung-il Lee A DISSERTATION submitted to Mlchigan State University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Genetics Program and MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory 1992 ABSTRACT MOLECULAR STRUCTURE AND MATURATION OF HEVEIN, ' A CHlTlN-BINDING PROTEIN IN RUBBER TREE LATEX BY Hyung-il Lee A family of chitin-binding proteins has been isolated from a wide variety of plant species. A common structural motif of these proteins is the chitin-binding domain that consists of 30 to 43 amino acids and contains a high content of glycine and cysteine residues at conserved positions. A chitin-binding domain is often referred to as a "hevein" domain because hevein from the lutoid body (of vacuolar origin) enriched fraction of rubber tree latex possesses only a single chitin-binding domain of 43 amino acids. Although the exact physiological role of hevein in vivo is not understood, it has been shown by in vitro experiments that this protein inhibits the growth of several chitin-containing fungi. To understand structure and expression of hevein, a hevein cDNA clone (HEV1) was isolated and characterized. HEV1 encodes a putative signal sequence of 17 amino acids followed by a polypeptide of 187 amino acids: an amino-terminal domain corresponding to the 43 amino acids of mature hevein linked by a hinge region of 6 amino acids to an extensive carboxyl-terminal domain of 138 amino acids. The difference in polypeptide length between hevein and the HEV1-encoded polypeptide indicates that the formation of mature hevein may result from two proteolytic cleavages of the prohevein in vivo. To examine this possibility, domain- specific antibodies were generated. Western blot analysis of the biosynthesis of preprohevein both in vitro and in rubber tree latex has revealed that the signal sequence is cotranslationally removed and that the resulting prohevein is cleaved in a subsequent posttranslational processing step. To further understand the posttranslational processing and targeting of hevein, a cDNA construct was introduced into tomato plants. Northern and Western blot analyses showed that the cDNA-encoded proteins were expressed in transgenic tomato plants. Prohevein was posttranslationally processed in transgenic plants. However, only the C-terminal polypeptide was identified as a cleavage product. Intracellular localization of both proteins suggests that they are most likely localized in vacuoles of tomato plants. It was also found that growth of Trichoderma hamatum, a chitin-containing fungus, was retarded in transgenic tomato fruits. To My Parents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to deeply thank my advisor, Dr. Natasha Raikhel for her guidance and support. I extend my appreciation to the members of my guidance committee: Dr. Thomas Friedman, Dr. Pamela Green, Dr. Alexander Raikhel and Dr. Jan Zeevaart for their advice and suggestion. I also thank postdocs and graduate students in Natasha’s lab for their help with ideas, techniques, and critical reading during preparation of manuscript. I also express my gratitude to Dr. Willem Broekaert for his helpful discussion, technical assistance and encouragement. I am especially indebted to my wife, Yung Shin, and my children, Bowa and Jung Yo, for their love, encouragement and patience. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables ............................................... viii List of Figures .............................................. ix CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION: A Family of Chitin-Binding Proteins ........ 1 References ............................................ 12 CHAPTER 2: Wound-Induced Accumulation of mRNA Containing a Hevein Sequence in Laticifers of Rubber Tree (Hevea brasiliensis) ......... 19 Abstract .............................................. 20 Introduction ........................................... 21 Materials and Methods ................................... 22 Results ............................................... 25 Discussion ............................................ 39 References ........................................... 43 CHAPTER 3: Co- and Post-Translational Processing of the Hevein Preprotein of Latex of the Rubber Tree (Hevea brasi/iensis) ................ 48 Abstract .............................................. 49 Introduction ........................................... 50 Materials and Methods ................................... 51 Results ............................................... 56 vi Discussion ............................................ 73 References ........................................... 77 CHAPTER 4: Posttranslational Processing of HEV1-Encoded Proteins in Transgenic Tomato Plants ............................... 81 Abstract .............................................. 82 Introduction ........................................... 83 Materials and Methods ................................... 84 Results ............................................... 89 Discussion ........................................... 1 06 References .......................................... 1 10 CHAPTER 5: Summary and Prospects for Future Research . ............ 113 References ........................................... 1 18 vii UST OF TABLES Table 1.1 Summary of in vitro biocidal activities of chitin-binding proteins ........................... viii Figure 1.1 Figure 1.2 Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2 Figure 2.3 Figure 2.4 Figure 2.5 Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2. Figure 3.3 Figure 3.4 Figure 3.5 Figure 3.6 USTS OF FIGURES Aligned amino acid sequences of the chitin-binding domains of several chitin-binding proteins ............... The primary structure of chitin-binding family and related proteins ............................... Complete amino acid sequence of mature hevein and nucleotide sequences of the primers used in PCR ......... Nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence of hevein cDNA clone (HEV1) ........................ Northern blot analysis of total RNA from rubber tree latex .............................. Comparison of the amino acid sequences deduced from the cDNAs of HEV1 and WIN2 ................... Effect of stress treatments on the accumulation of hevein transcripts ............................... The construction of expression vectors encoding domain-specific fusion proteins ....................... Expression of domain specific fusion proteins .............. Processing of in vitro translation products ................. Immunoblot analysis of proteins in the lutoid body-enriched fraction using domain-specific antibodies ............... Chitin-binding properties of proteins in the lutoid body-enriched fraction .................... Affinity of the MBP-N fusion protein to chitin ................ 3 5 26 29 32 37 57 62 65 69 71 Figure 4.1 Hevein cDNA construct and RNA gel blot analysis of HEV1 transcript ................................ 90 Figure 4.2 Immunoblot analysis of HEV1-encoded proteins ............. 92 Figure 4.3 Two-D gel analysis of HEV1-encoded proteins .............. 95 Figure 4.4 Localization of HEV1-encoded proteins ................... 98 Figure 4.5 Chitin-binding properties of HEV1-encoded proteins ......... 101 Figure 4.6 Inhibitory effect on fungal growth in transgenic tomato fruits ......................... 104 Figure 4.7 Comparison of the C-terminal amino acid sequences of prohevein, win gene-encoded proteins, PR-4a/b and PR-P2 proteins ........................ 108 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION: A Family of Chitin-Binding Proteins 2 Plants synthesize a wide array of proteins that are able to bind reversibly to affinity matrices composed of chitin, a B—1,4-linked biopolymer of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc). All chitin-binding proteins for which the amino acid sequences are known contain a common structural motif of 30 to 43 amino acids with several cysteines and glycines at conserved positions (Figure 1). This polypeptide motif will henceforth be referred to as the chitin-binding domain. Although the term "chitin- binding proteins" is used to denote the family of proteins containing one or more chitin-binding domains, it must be emphasized that the binding affinity of these proteins is not restricted to chitin but may extend to various complex glycoconjugates containing GlcNAc or N-acetyl-D-neuraminic acid (NeuNAc) as building blocks. Since the natural ligand of chitin-binding proteins is not known with certainty, we can only speculate about their exact physiological role in the plant. Chitin-binding proteins can be divided into two groups: proteins containing only chitin-binding domain(s) and proteins containing one or two chitin-binding domains and an unrelated domain (Figure 2). The proteins that possess only chitin- binding domains are resistant to heat and proteases. Within this group, the best characterized protein is wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) which is composed of 36-kD homerdimers with four chitin-binding domains per monomer. Although dimerization is apparently required for formation of a functional saccharide binding pocket (Wright, 1984), recent high-resolution X-ray diffraction data indicate that saccharide binding can occur entirely within a single domain (Wright et al., 1991). Other Gramineae lectins (36-kD) isolated from rye (Seca/e cerea/e: Peumans et al., 1982b), barley (Hordeum vulgarer, Peumans et al., 1982b), rice (OIyza sativa, Tsuda, 1979), Figure 1. Aligned amino acid sequences of the chitin-binding domains of several chitin-binding proteins. The one-domain proteins are aligned with domain A of the four—domain protein WGA and the two-domain protein UDA is aligned with domain A and B of WGA. Only those residues that differ from the sequence top line are shown, and sequence identity is indicated by vertical line and conservative substitutions by two dots. Gaps introduced for optimal alignment are represented by dashes. Abbreviations and references: WGAA, WGAD, WGAB, wheat germ agglutinin isolectins (Ralkhel and Wilkins, 1987; Smith and Raikhel, 1989); BARL, barley lectin (Lerner and Raikhel, 1989); RICL, rice lectin (Wilkins and Raikhel, 1989); UDA, Unica dioica agglutinin or stinging nettle lectin (Beintema and Peumans, 1992); POTL, tryptic peptide from potato lectin (Broekaert, 1988); HEV, hevein (Walujono et al., 1975); WIN1, WIN2. wound induced proteins from potato (Stanford et al., 1989), BEAC, bean basic chitinase (Broglie et al., 1986), POTC, potato basic chitinase (Gaynor, 1988), TOBC, tobacco basic chitinase (Shinshi et al., 1987), POPC, poplar wound induced chitinase (win 8) (Parson et al., 1989), ARAC, Arabidopsis thaliana basic chitinase (Samac et al., 1990); RICC, rice basic chitinase (Zhu and Lamb, 1991); BEAC-PR4, bean acidic PR4 chitinase (Margis-Pinheiro et al., 1991); MAIC, maize seed chitinase A (Huynh et al., 1 992); Ac-AMP2, Amaranthus caudatus antimicrobial peptide (Broekaert et al., 1992). 2QIIIII WGA-A WGA-D WGA-B BARL RICL UDA POTL _ll|i|N.Q IIIII P.: lillanuaanunvG.lc. IIG.la.SnaiI|:lmMPna IISnuirA.Aill:I OTI ruLeuL. TruV._. R wfiA.Aannmm.AnnA .. G nuccG.uavG.lavG ._ W GnuacGnuaoG.uc.. _ mmmmmmmAmuuu RfinpgR.lcuS“Kcu_ _" mmmmmmmmmmmm E.IIIE.Iqunnqu:Qnu Aenv. 4 R 9. 4 D. 12CCCCCCCCM VnunuAmInuP ncATL. puITquOAunvmetpumnu uuWHWnup.T“r Rnb A Domain B QlllIA SIIooIoo G IIIII C IIIII miller nuB Hekoao coomxo WuwnwnuRnu Domain D WGA-B WGA-A WGA-D BARL RICL .Ammmr .6552; cam 5:20.; 59:00 805550 a 0:0 203 050800 050595550 05 .0555 _mcm_m 0 000080 «.200 562 05.0: @5055, .50E00 0005550 0cm 005303 5:90 0 050500 809 .50 Lo “9055.. ”can: 40 50 0.30% 00005550 __ 0050 50 080: @5009 c050 och. 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Effect of stress treatments on the accumulation of hevein transcripts. Total RNA (15 ug per lane) was isolated from leaves (LF), stems (ST) and latex (LT) of either untreated (-) or treated (+) rubber tree plants. (A) Treatment: wounding. Probe: coding region of HEV1. (B) Treatment: ethephon (0.1%). Probe: coding region of HEV1. (C) Treatment: 50 uM ABA. Probe: coding region of HEV1. (D) Treatment: 50 uM ABA. Probe: beta-ATPase cDNA. (These experiments were performed by Dr. Anil Kush.) 38 A Wounding LF ST LT l- +l I— +1 I— +l 1.0- a- ..g.‘ . B Ethephon LF ST LT l— +Il— +IF— +l 1o-.."' C ALBA LF sr LT l— +IF +IF +] 1.0- u... D ABA LF sr LT l— +IF +II— +l 2.1- .‘---.- 39 Chua, 1985) which is known to be constitutively expressed in plants (Kush et al., 1990). None of the treatments affected the level of beta ATPase mRNA in any tissue (Fig SD). No hevein mRNA could be detected in roots from intact, wounded or hormone treated plants (data not shown). DISCUSSION In this chapter, we present the amino acid sequence deduced from a hevein cDNA clone designated HEV1. The first 43 deduced amino acids are identical to the known hevein sequence as determined by direct amino acid sequencing (Walujono et al., 1975). However, the protein deduced from the HEV1 cDNA clone has a striking feature. The DNA sequence of HEV1 encodes a protein that extends 144 amino acids beyond the carboxyl terminus of the hevein protein. Northern blot analysis using the amino-terminal and carboxyl-terminal portions of the HEV1 cDNA clone as probes indicated that they hybridize to the same mRNA species. The results of the Northern analysis and the fact that amino acids deduced from the amino-terminal portion of HEV1 cDNA clone are identical to the known hevein sequence strongly indicate that the HEV1 cDNA clone encodes the hevein protein. The difference in polypeptide length between purified hevein and the hevein deduced from the cDNA clone may be the consequence of a post-translational modification. Thus, cleavage of the 187 amino acid pro-protein may lead to the 40 formation of a mature 43 amino acid hevein and a 144 amino acid carboxyl-terminal polypeptide. Alternatively, cleavage of the carboxyl-terminal portion may occur during the purification of hevein and the mature protein may actually contain the full coding region of the HEV1 clone. The amino-terminus of the protein encoded by HEV1 cDNA shows extensive homology to the N-acetyl glucosamine-oligomer-specific lectins from wheat (Raikhel and Wilkins, 1987), barley (Lerner and Raikhel, 1989), rice (Wilkins and Raikhel, 1989), and Urtica dioica (Chapot et al., 1986), to the amino-termini of basic chitinases (Broglie et al., 1986; Lucas at al., 1985; Shinshi et al., 1987) and polypeptides encoded by wound-induced genes (WIN1 and WIN2) of potato (Stanford et al., 1989). The carboxyl-terminal portion of the HEV1 encoded protein shows homology to the carboxyl-termini of proteins deduced from WIN1 and WIN2 genes, but not to those of chitinases nor to chitin-binding lectins. The carboxyl- terminus of HEV1 shows 74% similarity to the deduced amino acid sequences from the WIN1 gene and 79% to the WIN2 gene. The amino terminus (minus the putative signal sequence) has 72% and 74% similarity to WIN1 and WIN2, respectively. These levels of homology indicate that the carboxyl-terminal portion of these proteins serves a function as important as that of the amino terminus. The study of the role of both HEV1 domains and the relevance of the presumed post- translational cleavage is in progress in transgenic tobacco plants. Wheat germ agglutinin has been demonstrated to act as an anti-nutrient factor for insect larvae (Murdock et al., 1989). In addition, mature hevein (Van Parijs et al., 1990) as well as the stinging nettle lectin (Broekaert et al., 1989) and 41 chitinases (Schlumbaum et al., 1986; Broekaert et al., 1988) are known inhibitors of fungal growth in vitro. Hence, it appears that in a broad sense this class of related chitin-binding proteins may serve to protect plants from attack by a wide range of potential pathogens. For hevein, however, it remains to be demonstrated that the presumed post-translational cleavage between amino acids +43 and +44 occurs in vivo, and that the released amino-terminal hevein portion exerts antifungal activity in vivo. It is interesting to note that thionins, a group of hydrophobic defense-related proteins with antifungal properties are also synthesized as large precursors of which the amino-terminal portions correspond to mature thionins (Bohlmann et al., 1988). Our results indicate that wounding, or exogenous application of the stress- related hormones ABA and ethylene, lead to increased steady-state levels of hevein mRNA in leaves, stems and latex from tapped stems, although not in roots. We do not know at present whether the accumulation of hevein transcripts in leaves and stems is confined to the Iaticifers or whether other tissues are involved as well. The observed response may be systemic since transcripts accumulate in unwounded leaves upon wounding of the stems. Both wounding and exogenous application of ethylene have been shown to cause accumulation of mRNAs of defense-related proteins such as chitinases in beans (Broglie et al., 1986; Hedtick et al., 1988) and hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins in carrots (Ecker and Davis, 1987). Recently, ABA has been implicated in the wound-induced response of protease inhibitor II in potato and tomato (Pena-Cortes et al., 1989). In our experiments, both ethylene and ABA mimicked the wound-induced accumulation of hevein mRNAs in different rubber tree tissues. These data support the hypothesis that several separate signal 42 transduction pathways can lead to the activation of wound-induced and/or defense related genes in plants (Ecker and Davis, 1987; Henstrand and Handa, 1990). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and the United State Department of Energy to N.V.R. and Rockefeller Foundation to N.H.C. 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Biochemistry 23: 280-287 CHAPTER 3 Co- and Post-Translational Processing of the Hevein Preproprotein of Latex of the Rubber Tree (Hevea brasiIiensis) This chapter was originally published in: Hyung-il Lee, Willem F. Broekaert and Natasha V. Raikhel (1991). J. Biol. Chem. 24: 15944-15948 48 49 ABSTRACT Hevein is a chitin-binding protein of 43 amino acids found in the lutoid body- enriched fraction of rubber tree latex. A hevein cDNA clone (HEV1) [Broekaert, W., Lee, H.-l., Kush, A., Nam, C.-H., and Raikhel, N. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87, 7633-7637] encodes a putative signal sequence of 17 amino acids followed by a polypeptide of 187 amino acids. Interestingly, this polypeptide has two distinct domains: an amino-terminal domain of 43 amino acids corresponding to mature hevein and a carboxyl-terminal domain of 144 amino acids. To investigate the mechanisms involved in processing of the protein encoded by HEV1, three domain- specific antisera were raised against fusion proteins harboring the amino-terminal domain (N domain), carboxyl-terminal domain (C domain) and both domains (NC domain). Translocation experiments using an in vitro translation system show that the first 17 amino acid sequence encoded by the cDNA functions as a signal peptide. Immunoblot analysis of proteins extracted from lutoid bodies demonstrates that a 5-kDa protein comigrated with purified mature hevein and crossreacted with N domain and NC domain-specific antibodies. A 14-kDa protein was recognized by C domain and NC domain-specific antibodies. A 20ckDa protein was cross- reactive with all three antibodies. Microsequencing data further suggest that the 5- kDa (amino-terminal domain) and 14-kDa (carboxyl-terminal domain) proteins are posttranslational cleavage products of the 20-kDa polypeptide (both domains) which corresponds to the proprotein encoded by HEV1. In addition, it was found that the amino-terminal domain could provide chitin-binding properties to a fusion protein bearing it either amino-terminally or carboxyl-terminally. 50 INTRODUCTION Latex of the rubber tree (Hevea brasiIiensis) is composed of the cytoplasmic fluid of specialized tube-like cells, called Iaticifers. These Iaticifer cells are known to form an anastomosing system in H. brasiIiensis. Upon wounding, damaged sites are sealed by coagulation of the outflowing latex. This coagulation process involves bursting of the lutoid bodies (vacuolar origin), followed by interaction of the released cationic proteins with the negatively charged rubber particles (d ’Auzac and Jacob, 1989) Hevein is one of the major proteins from the lutoid body-enriched fraction, which can be separated by ultracentrifugation (Archer et al., 1960). It is a small, single chain protein of 43 amino acids (Walujono at al., 1975) and is classified as a chitin-binding protein (Van Parijs et al., 1991). Although the exact physiological role of hevein in vivo is not understood, it has been shown by in vitro experiments that this protein inhibits the growth of several chitin containing fungi (Van Parijs et al., 1991). Recently, we have isolated and characterized a cDNA clone encoding hevein, designated HEV1 (Broekaert et al., 1990). From the deduced amino acid sequence, it appears that HEV1 encodes a polypeptide of 187 amino acids including a putative signal sequence of 17 amino acids. This polypeptide possesses two distinct domains: an amino-terminal domain corresponding to the 43 amino acids of mature hevein and an extensive carboxyl-terminal domain of 144 amino acids. The difference in polypeptide length between hevein and the HEV1- encoded polypeptide suggests that the formation of mature hevein may result from 51 two proteolytic cleavages of the hevein precursor in viva. The first cleavage would involve removal of the signal peptide, which is necessary for cotranslational translocation into the lumen of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). A subsequent posttranslational processing could give rise to the formation of the amino-terminal portion (hevein) and carboxyl-terminal portion. Alternatively, cleavage of the carboxyl-terminal extension may occur as an artifact during the purification of hevein. We are intereSted in understanding the mechanisms and the role of the post- translational modifications that occur during hevein biosynthesis. One approach to address these questions is to make use of domain-specific antibodies. In this report, we describe the production of domain-specific antibodies and present immunological evidence to show that the hevein signal sequence can be cleaved in vitro and posttranslational cleavage of the 187 amino acid polypeptide in vivo yields the hevein and carboxyl-terminal peptides. Moreover, we demonstrate that the amino-terminal domain can confer chitin-binding properties on polypeptides to which it is fused. MATERIALS AND METHODS Source Materials Freeze-dried bottom fraction of latex (lutoid body-enriched fraction) was a gift of Dr. Anil Kush from National Institute of Singapore, Kent Ridge, Singapore. Alternatively, 52 lutoid body-enriched factions were also prepared by a single step of ultracentrifugation (50,0009, 1h, 4° C) of latex (Moir, 1959; Martin, 1991) which was obtained from 2—3 year old H. brasiIiensis, grown in a greenhouse at Michigan State University. HPLC-purified hevein was kindly provided by Dr. J. J. Beintema, Rijksuniversiteit, Groningen, The Netherlands. Chitin was prepared by reacetylation of chitosan (Sigma, St. Louis, MD) as described by Molano et al. (1977). Site-directed Mutagenesls, Plasmid Construction, and Preparation of Fusion Proteins and Polyclonal Antibodies To facilitate subcloning of the amino-terminal (N), carboxyl-terminal (C) and both (NC) domains of HEV1, restriction enzyme sites and stop codons were introduced into desired DNA sequences of the wild type HEV1 clone by site-directed mutagenesis according to Kunkel et al. (1987). Two synthetic oligonucleotides, NR26 and NR27, were designed for mutagenesis. The NR26 (43mer) is 5’CuAG GTGTTGCAATTGCTWGG,AGCAATGTGGTCG743’ (underline: EcoRI and Smal sites) and delimits the 5’ end of the N domain. The NR27 (61 mer) is 5 ”G,7°CCAAAGCAATTGCAAAGAC,asTQATGAAQATCTAAGCTTGAflA,mGCG GCGAAGGTGTTGGZOG3’ (underline: stop codons, Bglll, Hinolll and EcoFil sites) and was used to mutagenize the junction between the N and C domains. Since the wild type HEV1 sequence has a Hindi" site located downstream of the natural stop codon, the 3’ end of the C domain was not altered. HEV1-containing pUC119 (pHEV1) was used to produce a single stranded uracil-containing DNA template in Escherichia coli strain CJ236 (dut, ung). Two mutant constructs were derived from 53 this template: HEVm1 contained both mutations introduced by NR26 and NR27, whereas HEVm2 only had the NR26 defined mutation. To confirm the identity of the mutagenized sequences, both constructs were sequenced by the dideoxy chain termination method (Sanger et al., 1977) using single stranded DNA obtained from phagemids in the E. coli strain MV1193. The DNA fragments encoding different domains were isolated as EcoRl-Hindlll fragments either from HEVm1 (for the N domain, 170 bp, and the C domain, 480 bp) or from HEVm2 (for the NC domain, 610 bp), and subsequently subcloned in frame into corresponding restriction sites of the E. coli expression vector le821 (New England Biolabs, Beverly, MA). This expression vector carries the MaIE gene lacking its signal sequence (Guan et al., 1987). Fusion proteins were expressed in E. coli strain MV1193 and were purified on a crosslinked amylose affinity column (New England Biolabs, Beverly, MA) according to manufacturer’s protocol. To produce polyclonal antibodies against specific domains, purified fusion proteins (100 pg per immunization) were injected into New Zealand white rabbits. In Vitro Transcription, In Vitrc Translation and Translocation For preparation of the hevein transcript, the Ecch-Hindlll DNA fragment from HEV1 cDNA was subcloned into pBS SK' (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA). RNA transcripts were generated from the p88 SK' construct using T3 polymerasezaccording to the manufacturer’s protocol. In vitro translation was performed with a wheat germ extract cell-free system (Promega, Madison, WI) according to the manufacturer's instructions. [”8] cysteine (1,200 mCi/mmol; NEN, Boston, MA) at the final 54 concentration of 0.5 mCi/ml was added into the reaction mixture because of high cysteine contents (fifteen residues) but low methionine contents (two residues at the position -17 and 181) in the HEV1-encoded protein (Broekaert et al., 1990). For cotranslational translocation experiments, the translation reaction mixture was supplemented with either canine pancreatic microsomes (Amersham, Arlington Heights, IL) or maize microsomes that were kindly provided by Dr. Jan Miernyk (USDA, Peoria, IL). For protease protection assays, Proteinase K (0.5 mg/ml) and 1% (v/v) Triton X-100 were added into the translation reaction mixture and were incubated on ice for 1 hour. After 1 hour incubation, 5 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) was added to inhibit further proteinase K activity. SDS-PAGE, Fluorography and lmmunoblotting In vitro translation products were immunoprecipitated with NC domain-specific antibodies (Anderson and Blobel, 1983) and were fractionated by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), followed by fluorography (Mansfield et al., 1988). SDS-PAGE was performed on 12 to 17.5% (w/v) polyacrylamide gels using the discontinuous buffer system of Laemmli (1970). Control experiments were conducted with pre-immune serum or maltose binding protein (MBP) antiserum. For immunoblotting analysis, proteins from the lutoid body-enriched fraction were separated by SDS-PAGE and were transferred on lmmobilon P (Millipore, Bedford, MA) using a semidry electroblotting apparatus (Millipore, Bedford, MA). The blots were probed with N, C or NC domain-specific antibodies and cross-reactive bands were visualized with alkaline 55 phosphatase-conjugated secondary antibodies (iGrkegaard and Perry Laboratories Inc., Gaithersburg, MD) as described by Black et al.(1984). N-terrnlnal Microsequencing Proteins from the lutoid body-enriched fraction were separated by SDS-PAGE and were electroblotted on lmmobilon P membranes according to Towbin et al. (1979) with the following modifications. The transblotting buffer was composed of 10mM CAPS and 10% methanol (pH11). Transfer proceeded for 60 min, Le, 15 min at each of the following settings: 50 mA, 100 mA, 150 mA and 200 mA. The desired protein bands were excised after visualization with Ponceau S. Alternatively, proteins from the lutoid body-enriched fraction were separated by two-dimensional PAGE as described elsewhere (0 'Farrell, 1975), transferred on to lmmobilon P membranes and then stained with Coomassie blue. After destaining, the desired spot was excised. Protein samples were analyzed on a 477A protein sequencer with an on-line model 120 PTH AA analyzer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) by the Macromolecular Structure, Sequencing and Synthesis Facility at Michigan State University. Chitin Binding Assay Samples were dissolved in either 50 mM sodium acetate buffer (pH 4, for fusion proteins) or 1X phosphate buffered saline (PBS, for lutoid body proteins) and loaded on a chitin micro-column (2.5 x 6 mm) equilibrated with either sodium acetate buffer or 1X PBS, respectively. The samples were recycled through the 56 column three times and the flow-through fractions were collected. After extensive washing with 1X PBS, the chitin binding proteins were eluted with 6 M Guanidine- HCI+ 0.1 M NaOH. Flow-through and elution fractions were dialyzed against double distilled water and lyophilized. The proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE and analyzed either directly by Coomassie blue staining or indirectly by immunoblotting as described above. RESULTS Expression of Domain-specific Polypeptides and Production of Domain-specific Antibodies To produce polyclonal antibodies specifically directed against the N domain, C domain and NC domain of the protein encoded by HEV1, the corresponding domain-specific polypeptides were expressed in E. coli. For this purpose, the wild type HEV1 cDNA was engineered by site-directed mutagenesis to create restriction sites and stop codons to delimit the different domains. The DNA fragments encoding each domain were subcloned into the E. coli expression vector le 821 so that their coding sequences were fused to the 3’ ends of the Ma/E gene coding for the maltose-binding protein (MBP) (Fig. 1). E. coli carrying each construct produced fusion proteins consisting of either N, C or NC domain fused at the carboxyl-terminal of MBP. The fusion proteins allowed for purification by amylose affinity chromatography and were used for immunization of rabbits. As shown by 57 .amxa gamma 9: co 858$ <20 9: memos; 9: 9.25 9:. ._>wI So 869 0992935 9: 9:39am: we: 55 9: 5.52888. .I can u 9 885.com 9m v.95 EDS: ocm .moom .8on 859% 3 omEmm9o9 2 new 5905 0:659 30sz m5 moooocm MES 85905 coma ozims. ocm Dims. .zde .2 9.68 59%. So 90:95:00 Am .859 968 gm: 92¢ 33 o__>> So coszEmQO 2 .FNmIE .909 86856 9.: 95 cocooosm :9: 995 90:96:00 8589855 9t .mEmEoo oz can 0 .z €58 9 98595:. 8696.96 3 5m: BE 8089:: 99> mcoooo now new 8% co_8_=mmm .3205 coma oEooawcfiEoo 0:685 9209 c289on B 5:03.650 9.: .F 939". 58 k! 59 SDS-PAGE analysis (Fig. 2), the fusion proteins had the expected molecular weights of 45-kDa for MBP-N domain (lane 2), 55-kDa for MBP-C domain (lane 3) and 60- kDa for MBP-NC domain (lane 4). The endogenous 40-kDa maltose-binding proteins from E. coli were copurified in all cases along with the MBP-fusion proteins (Fig. 2, lanes 2-4). To assess the specificity of the domain-specific antibodies, HPLC-purified mature hevein (which corresponds to the N domain of HEV1) was used in immunoblotting experiments. The purified hevein cross-reacted with both the N domain and NC domain-specific antibodies, but not with the C domain- specific antibodies (data not shown). Processing of the HEV1 Signal Peptide upon In Wtro Translation An in vitro translation system was used to investigate whether the putative 17- residue peptide present in the HEV1 encoded protein can effectively function as an ER translocation signal. RNA corresponding to the HEV1 clone was transcribed in vitro using the T3-T7 polymerase promoter system and subsequently translated in vitro in a wheat germ extract cell-free system. As shown in Figure 3 (lane 1), two translation products of approximately 20.5- and 22-kDa were obtained. The 22-kDa product has the expected size of the primary HEV1 translation product (204 amino acids). The smaller protein probably is a degradation product of the 22-kDa protein. Both polypeptides were specifically immunoprecipitated by antibodies raised against the NC domain (Fig. 3, lane 2). Moreover, none of the translation products could be immunoprecipitated using either preimmune serum or MBP specific antibodies (data not shown). Upon addition of either canine pancreatic microsomes (Figure 60 Figure 2. Expresslon of domain specific fusion proteins. Fusion proteins were over-expressed in E. coli strain MV1193. purified by affinity chromatography on an amylose column and separated on an SDS gel. MBP-N (lane 2), MBP-C (lane 3) and MBP-NC (lane 4) proteins were visualized by Coommassie blue staining. Maltose binding protein (lane 1) was used as control. Endogenous maltose binding proteins are also seen in lanes 24. (Fusion proteins were prepared by Dr. Willem Broekaret.) kDa 97.4— 66.0— 45.0— 29.0— 21 .0— 1 4.04' 61 1234 62 $390903: new 99$-me >2 oo~>_mcm 9®>> 98.85 55339.? .5855 050QO 59:8 02 53> o9m:a_o9oocaEE_ 9¢>> 51w. mmcmc 853E 5589 on.» .3 mam: 09* :93... So 8585 m5 5 x ommc_99o Co .? mam; v. 0559.05 53> 8695 9¢>> 933E 8589 So 86:96 Baum 525655 05.3 S .93 .Amé mocmc mmEomofiE 2590ch 9:58 So 8:305 90 AN ocm F 3:3 083% 95 c_ 55990 meL mc_c_mEoo 8936 E50 “mos; 53> 39.239553 S 83 Etomcg _.>wI .floaooa comm—meg o5: S 8 058805 .m 9:9". 63 va I 5 Iwm \mv Io O lino an: 64 3, lanes 3-5) or maize microsomes (results not shown) to the in vitro translation system, most of the 22-kDa primary translation product was processed to a 20-kDa polypeptide (Fig. 3, lane 3). This processing event is consistent with the cleavage of the 17 amino acid signal sequence by a signal peptidase present in the microsomal membranes. The degradation product was also observed in Figure 3 (lane 3), which is slightly higher than the processing product of 20-kDa. Proteinase K digestion of the microsome translation mixture, followed by immunoprecipitation, confirmed that the 20-kDa polypeptide was located in the microsomes (Fig. 3, lane 4). Lysis of the microsomes by Triton X-100 in the presence of proteinase K resulted in complete proteinase-mediated degradation of the translocation products (Fig. 3, lane 5). Identification of Post-translationally Processed Products In Vrvo To identify whether the HEV1 encoded polypeptide is specifically cleaved in vivo to yield an amino-terminal (hevein) and a carboxyl-terminal polypeptide, proteins from a lutoid body-enriched fraction of latex were analyzed by immunoblotting using the domain-specific antibodies. From the lutoid body-enriched fraction, at least seven distinct bands were identified on SDS-PAGE stained with Coomassie blue (Fig. 4, lane 1). The HPLC-purified hevein migrated as a 5-kDa protein and was immunoreactive with the N domain (Fig. 4, lane 2) and NC domain-specific antibodies (data not shown). As shown in Figure 4 (lane 3), the N domain-specific antibody recognized two bands which migrated as 5— and 20-kDa proteins. C domain-specific antibody crossreacted with a 14- and a 20-kDa protein, but not with 65 ..N 000: 500550 050000-50E00 z 53> 0050_ooc:EE_ 00>> c_0>0c 00559040.: 55:00 0 0< .EmEoo Am 0:0: 02 .0 Av 0cm: 0 .8 0:0: 2 05 .9 050000 00500500 53> o0:o_ooc:EE_ .0 C 0:0: 020 0_000EEooo 53> 00590 .050 90>> 0590.0 >000 .092 00905005020 .05. .w00 090.0000 00>> 00500... 00:03:00,000 992 So... 0590.0 _99 .0 a: or >_90E_xo.00< 0200055 0500000200 9.0: 8.80.. 85:55.8 22:. 05 s 9.20.0 .o 09.05 85052.... .4 050.1. 66 Imv 00x 67 the 5-kDa protein (Fig. 4, lane 4). In addition, the NC domain-specific antibody detected all three proteins of 5-, 14- and 20-kDa (Fig. 4, lane 5). These data suggest that the 5-, 14- and 20-kDa bands correspond to mature hevein (amino- terminal domain), to the carboxyl-terminal domain, and to the proprotein containing both domains, respectively. To confirm the identity of the 14— and 20-kDa polypeptides, the primary amino acid sequence of the amino-terminus of each polypeptide was analyzed by microsequencing. The nine N-terminal amino acids of the 20-kDa protein are E-Q-X-G-R-Q-A-G-G (X: unidentified amino acid residue). These sequences are exactly matched to amino acids at position 1 through 9, deduced from HEV1 (Broekaert, 1990), except for the cysteine residue at position 3 which can not be determined by Edmann degradation. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the 14-kDa polypeptide is G-G-S—A-S-N-MM-L—A-T—Y which corresponds to amino acids 50 (G) to 60 (Y) of the HEV1-encoded protein with the exception of the methionine residue at position 56. This methionine residue is most likely due to isoforms which were observed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The N-terminal sequence analysis of the 14-kDa polypeptide indicates that post- translational cleavage in vivo occurs between amino acids 43 and 50 of the HEV1- encoded protein and that six amino acids, 44 to 49 (S-G-E-G-V-G), are lost during maturation. Chitin-binding Properties of Hevein and Hevein-containing Polypeptides Since hevein (N domain) is known to have chitin-binding properties (Van Parijs et al.,1990), we investigated whether the proprotein (NC domain) also had the ability 68 to bind chitin. The lutoid body-enriched fraction was subjected to affinity chromatography on chitin. The fraction was eluted with 6 M Guanidine-HCI containing 0.1 M NaOH and was subsequently analyzed by immunoblotting using NC domain-specific antibodies. In the chitin-unbound fraction, the 14—kDa protein (C domain) was recovered but both the 5-kDa protein (N domain) and the 20-kDa protein (NC domain) were almost completely depleted (Fig. 5, lane 2). After elution with 6 M Guanidine-HCI containing 0.1 M NaOH, both the 5- and the 20—kDa protein but not the 14-kDa protein were eluted from the chitin column as shown in Figure 5 (lane 3). Thus, it appears that the C domain polypeptide of 14-kDa, which has no affinity toward chitin, acquires chitin-binding properties when it is linked carboxyl- terminally to the hevein domain. It is interesting to note that the proportion of the 5-kDa to 20-kDa protein in chitin-bound fraction (Fig. 5, lane 3) is much higher than that in the lutoid body-enriched fraction (Fig. 4, lane 5). These results may reflect that hevein (5-kDa) has higher affinity to chitin than the 20-kDa protein. In order to investigate whether the hevein domain can also confer chitin-binding properties when it is linked at the carboxyl-terminus of an unrelated polypeptide, we analyzed the chitin-binding activity of the MBP-N domain fusion protein. Figure 6 (lane 2) shows that the amylose—purified MBP-N domain preparation contains the fusion protein as well as the MBP protein itself. Upon passage over the chitin column, the unbound preparation is relatively enriched in MBP and depleted in the MBP—N domain fusion protein (Fig. 6, lane 3). The MBP-N domain fusion protein could be desorbed from the column by 6 M guanidine-HCI containing 0.1 M NaOH (Fig. 6, lane 4). 69 Figure 5. Chitin-binding properties of proteins in the lutoid body-enriched fraction. Lutoid body proteins were passed through a chitin column. The flow-through fraction and fraction eluted with 6M guanidine-HCI+0.1N NaOH were analyzed by SDS-PAGE. The lutoid body proteins (lane 1) and the flow-through fraction (lane 2) were stained with Coomassie blue. The elution fraction was immunoblotted with NC domain-specific antibodies (lane 3). kDa 66—' 45/ 31— 21— 14— 70 ——--—'~- .——.’. ‘0. .- 71 Figure 6. Affinity of the MBP-N fusion protein to chitin. Amylose-purified fusion protein (lane 2) was subjected to chitin affinity chromatography. Flow-through fraction (lane 3) and elution fraction (lane 4) were separated on an SDS gel and stained with Coomassie blue. Pure maltose-binding protein is shown in lane 1. (This experiment was performed by Dr. Willem Broekaert.) kDa 97.4— 66.0— ' 45.0— 29.0- 21 .O-x. 14.0-' 72 Olsw If. 73 DISCUSSION In this chapter, we have examined the processing events that are involved in the formation of mature hevein. In vitro translocation experiments, in the presence of either canine pancreatic microsomes or maize microsomes, indicate that the preproprotein form of hevein is cotranslationally processed and translocated into the RER. This implies that the HEV1-encoded protein is one of the proteins that traverse the secretory pathway. After cleavage of the signal peptide, this protein (187 amino acids) undergoes further post-translational processing in vivo. Immunoblot analysis of proteins from the lutoid body fraction demonstrates that three distinct bands from this fraction crossreact with the domain-specific antibodies: a 5-kDa protein is detected by both the N domain and NC domain-specific antibodies, a 14-kDa protein crossreacts with C domain and NC domain-specific antibodies, and a 20-kDa protein is immunoreactive with all three types of antibodies. These results strongly suggest that the 5-, 14- and 20-kDa proteins are equivalent to the N domain, C domain and NC domain, respectively, of the protein deduced from HEV1. Also, the apparent molecular mass of each of the three immunoreactive proteins is in agreement with that predicted from the deduced amino acid sequence of N, C, or NC domains of HEV1. The identity of all three proteins was further confirmed by several lines of evidence. The 5-kDa protein comigrates upon SDS-PAGE with HPLC-purified hevein and has affinity to chitin as described for mature hevein (Van Parijs et al., 1991). The N-terminal amino acids of the 14-kDa protein correspond to the HEV1 amino acid sequence at position 50 74 to 60, which belongs to the C domain. The 20-kDa protein possesses chitin-binding ability and its eight N-terminal amino acids are identical to those of the N domain. Collectively, the data presented here demonstrate the identity of the 5-kDa protein as the N domain, the 14-kDa protein as the C domain and the 20-kDa protein as the proprotein (NC domain). The occurrence of N, C and NC domain proteins in the lutoid body fraction suggests that the 5- and 14-kDa proteins are proteolytic cleavage products of the 20-kDa protein. This cleavage may be either (incomplete) posttranslational processing or reflect an artifactual proteolysis during the isolation of the lutoid body fraction. The latter hypothesis, however, is not favored because preparation of the lutoid body only involves a single centrifugation step starting from freshly tapped latex. Moreover, lutoid bodies immediately dissolved and boiled in an SDS containing buffer produced the same SDS-PAGE pattern as lutoid bodies that had been dissolved in 1X phosphate buffered saline or 50mM MES buffer and incubated at 280 for 24 hr (data not shown). Surprisingly, In vivc cleavage occurs between amino acids at position 43 and 50, but not between amino acids at position 43 and 44 which are border sequences of hevein and the C domain. This result suggests that six amino acids between 44 to 49 of HEV1 may be cleaved off either at the same time during formation of hevein and the C domain polypeptide or by exopeptidases after cleavage either between amino acids 49 and 50 or between amino acids 43 and 44 of HEV1. A conserved 43 amino acid domain (chitin-binding domain) has been found in a variety of chitin-binding proteins including hevein, cereal lectins and several 75 basic chitinases (Chrispeels and Raikhel, 1991). Interestingly, the post-translational processing which occurs during hevein (chitin-binding domain) formation is unique in comparison to that of other chitin-binding proteins. The lectins from wheat (Raikhel and Wilkins, 1987), barley (Lerner and Raikhel, 1989), rice (Wilkins and Raikhel, 1989), which contain repetitive hevein-like domains, undergo posttranslational cleavage of the short glycosylated C-terminal portion. The nature of a short C-terminal portion (< 20 amino acids) seems to be distinguished from that of the long unglycosylated C domain (144 amino acids) encoded by HEV1. Basic chitinases (Broglie eta/., 1986; Laflamme and Roxby, 1989; Lucas at al., 1985; Parsons et al., 1989; Shinshi et al., 1987), another class of chitin-binding proteins, encode a single hevein-like domain at the N-terminus fused to an unrelated C- terminal domain. These proteins accumulate in vacuoles, but do not undergo post- translational processing to N- and C-termlnal polypeptides. Proteins highly homologous to HEV1 are encoded by the win genes in potato (Stanford et al., 1989). However, it has not been examined whether posttranslational processing occurs in the potato win gene-encoded proteins. Interestingly, a processing event similar but not identical to that found for HEV1 has been described for thionins, a Class of small 5—kDa cysteine-rich proteins with antifungal properties (Bohlmann et al., 1988). The thionin genes code for 15-kDa preproproteins that are co- and post- translationally processed to produce N-terminal portions corresponding to mature thionins and carboxyl-terminal polypeptides of 62 or 63 amino acids with unknown function (Bohlmann and Apel, 1987; Gausing, 1987). Similarly, the function and significance of the C-terminal domain of HEV1 is unknown. The 14—kDa C domain 76 protein does not bind chitin and may fulfill a function different from that of the N domain protein. It has been shown that hevein (the N domain protein) has chitin-binding properties. We have also found that the affinity to chitin is retained in the proprotein encoded by HEV1 as well as an MBP-fusion protein carrying the hevein domain at the C-terminus. These observations suggest that the hevein domain can provide chitin-binding properties when fused to either the N- or C-terminus of an unrelated polypeptide. Evolutionarily, this supports the idea that chitin-binding proteins, such as basic chitinases and proteins encoded by the potato win genes and HEV1, have evolved from fusion of a chitin-binding domain (hevein-like domain) with structurally and functionally unrelated polypeptides (Chrispeels and Raikhel, 1991). The resulting fusion proteins may adopt new properties such as the ability to bind chitin containing structures of fungi, insects or nematodes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was supported by grants from the United States Department of Energy (Contract No. DE-ACO2—76ERO-1338) and Research Excellence Fund at Michigan State University to N.V.R. and by a grant (# 880056) from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization for collaboration between N.V.R. and W. F.B. W.F.B. is a senior research assistant of the Belgium National Fund for Scientific Research. REFERENCES Anderson, D.J., Blobel, G. (1983). Immunoprecipitation of proteins from cell-free translations. Methods Enzymol. 96: 111-120 Archer, BL (1960). The proteins of Hevea brasiIiensis latex: Isolation and characterization of crystalline hevein. Biochem. J. 75: 236-240 d’Auzac, J., Jacob, J.L (1989). The composition of latex from Hevea brasiIiensis as a laticiferous cytoplasm. In Physiology of Rubber Tree Latex, eds. d’Auzac, J., Jacob, J.L. and Chrestin, H.(CRC, Boca Raton, FL), pp. 59-88 Black, M.S., Johnston, K.H., Russell-Jones, G.J., Gotshlich, EC. (1984). 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To investigate the processing mechanism and the sorting of prohevein, transgenic tomato plants were used as an experimental system. Immunoblot analysis showed that prohevein was partially cleaved to form the C-terminal polypeptide in these plants. However, mature hevein, the N-terminal cleavage form, was not found. Both prohevein and the C-terminal polypeptide were localized intracellularly in transgenic tomato plants. Prohevein retained affinity for chitin in these plants. Growth of Trichoderma hamatum was delayed in transgenic tomatoes constitutively expressing HEV1-encoded proteins. 83 INTRODUCTION Plants synthesize proteins de novo in response to wounding or invasion by pathogens. In particular, a group of these proteins can be classified as chitin- binding proteins by their affinity for chitin, a polymer of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine that is present in fungi, insects and nematodes, but is lacking in plants. A family of chitin-binding proteins has been found in monocot and dicot plants. The chitin- binding proteins studied possess the chitin-binding domains of 30-43 amino acids that are enriched in glycines and cysteines at conserved positions. The deduced amino acid sequences of all isolated cDNA clones contain a putative signal sequence, and most proteins studied in this family have been shown to be localized in the vacuole, indicating that chitin-binding proteins are secretory proteins. Hevein is a major protein in the lutoid body-enriched fraction from rubber tree latex (Archer et al., 1960). It is a small, monomeric polypeptide of 43 amino acids (Walujono et al., 1975) that possesses chitin-binding affinity. Thus, a chitin-binding domain is sometimes referred to as a hevein domain. This protein has been shown to inhibit the growth of several chitin-containing fungi in in vitro experiments (Van Parijs et al., 1991), suggesting the involvement of this protein in plant defense. A cDNA clone encoding hevein (HEV1) was isolated and characterized (Broekaert et al., 1990). From the deduced amino acid sequence, HEV1 encodes a putative signal sequence of 17 amino acids followed by a polypeptide of 187 amino acids. This polypeptide possesses two distinct domains: an amino-terminal domain corresponding to the 43 amino acids of mature hevein and an extensive carboxyl 34 terminal domain of 144 amino acids. The difference in polypeptide length between hevein and the HEV1-encoded polypeptide suggests that the formation of mature hevein may result from two proteolytic cleavages of the hevein precursor in vivo. In vitro translocation experiments showed that the first cleavage involves cotranslational removal of the signal peptide. Immunoblot analysis of proteins in the lutoid body-enriched fraction further demonstrated that subsequent posttranslational processing yields two cleavage products: mature hevein (5-kD) and the C-terminal polypeptide (14-kD) (Lee et al., 1991). We are interested in elucidating the mechanism of posttranslational processing that occurs during hevein maturation, and understanding the targeting and possible function of the HEV1-encoded proteins. To approach these questions, a hevein cDNA construct was introduced into tomato plants, a biological system that is more convenient for experimentation than rubber tree. In this study, three distinct objectives were pursued: i) the analysis of posttranslational proteolytic processing of the hevein cDNA-encoded proteins in transgenic tomato plants; ii) their localization in transgenic tomato plants; iii) their plausible activity in transgenic tomato plants. Materials and Methods Plant Material Lycopersicon esculentum cv. UC82 (commercial tomato) plants and transgenic 85 tomato plants were grown in a growth chamber providing an 18 hour day at 26°C and an 8 hour night at 22° C. Site-directed Mutagenesls and Plasmid Construction For subcloning, a Bglll restriction enzyme site was introduced into the 3’ untranslated region of a hevein cDNA clone (HEV1) by site-directed mutagenesis as described (Kunkel et al., 1987). The Ecch/Hinolll fragment of the mutagenized cDNA was subcloned into pBluescript 8K to facilitate the introduction of a Xbal site from the polylinker region of the plasmid. The Xbal/Bglll fragment was subcloned into the plant expression vector pGA 643. Plant Transformation L ycopersicon esculentum cv. U082 cotyledons were used for transformation. Seeds of the tomato cultivar UC82 were surface-sterilized for 10 min in a 0.05% Sodium hypochlorite solution (commercial bleach), washed 3-4 times with sterile dd H20 and plated on medium containing Murashige and Skoog (MS) salt mix and 0.8% Bactoagar. Cotyledons grown for 7-10 days were cut and the middle section was preincubated with feeder plates for 24 hr at 25° C. Cotyledon sections were immersed for 30 min in 5 ml of a broth of Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LB4404 containing the HEV1 construct, blotted, and replaced onto the feeder plates. After a 2 day co-incubation, cotyledon segments were transferred to shoot regeneration medium (Shahin, 1985). Regenerated shoots were excised and transferred to MS rooting media (Horsch et al., 1988). 86 RNA Gel Blot Analysis Total RNA was isolated from leaves of untransformed and transgenic tomato plants according to Nagy eta/.(1988). Total RNA (40 pg) was separated on a 2% agarose gel containing 6% formaldehyde, transferred to nitrocellulose, and hybridized to hevein cDNA (HEV1; Broekaert et al. 1990) labeled with a-aeP-ATP by the random- primer method (Feinberg and Vogelstein, 1983) as described by Raikhel and Wilkins (1987). Filters were exposed to Kodak X-OMAT AR film at -70°C with intensifying screens. Protein Extraction and Preparation of Apoplastic Fluid Tomato leaves or fruits were homogenized with 50 mM MES buffer (pH 5.0) containing 1% polyvinyl pyrrolidone 40 (PVP-40). The extract was centrifuged at 5.0009 for 20 min to remove cellular debris and insoluble material. The supernatant was precipitated with ammonium sulfate and pelleted at 10,0009 for 10 min. Pellets were dissolved in 1x phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), dialyzed overnight, dried, and dissolved in 1x PBS (1/10 of original volume of plant extracts). Total protein in crude extracts was determined by the Bradford method (1976). Apoplastic fluid (extracellular fluid; ECF) was prepared by the method of De Wit and Spikman (1982) with the following modifications. Entire leaves were infiltrated with 50 mM MES buffer containing 10 mM NaCl solution in vacuo. Surface-dried leaves were centrifuged for 10 min at 3.0009. Extruded ECF was collected and the cell extract (intracellular fluid; ICF) from the ECF-depleted leaves 87 was prepared as described above. Marker Enzyme Assay Glucose-6—phosphate dehydrogenase was assayed by method described (Simcox et al., 1977). For the peroxidase assay, samples were incubated with 300 pl of 10% H202 and 1 ml of 4 mM 2,2-azino bis (3-ethy benzthiazoline sulfonic acid) diammonium salt (ABST). After 10 min, reactions were stopped with 1 ml of stop solution (0.04% Na4EDTA/ 0.06 N NaOH/ 1.7% HF). Peroxidase activity was measured at 410 nm. Chitin-binding Assay Chitin was prepared by reacetylation of chitosan (Sigma) as described by Molano at al. (1977). Protein samples in 1x PBS were applied to a chitin microcolumn. After an incubation of 15-30 min with gentle shaking, flow-through fractions containing unbound proteins were collected. The column was washed with 1x PBS and bound proteins were eluted with 6 M Guanidine-HCl/O.1 N NaOH. The fractions were dialyzed against double-distilled water and lyophilized. The samples were analyzed by immunoblotting as described below. SDS-PAGE, Two-D PAGE and lmmunoblotting Protein samples were separated on 15% polyacrylamide gels according to Laemmli (1970) or by two-dimensional PAGE as earlier described (0 ’Farrell, 1975). Proteins were transferred to lm’mobilon P (Millipore, Bedford, MA), and the blots were 88 blocked for 2 hr with TBS (5 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 136 mM NaCl and 26 mM KCI) containing 5% non-fat dry milk. The blots were probed with "domain-specific" antibodies (Lee et al., 1991) or potato chitinase antisera kindly provided by Dr. Erich Kombrink (Max-PIanck-lnstitutfijr Ziichtungsforschung, Cologne, Germany). Protein bands were visualized with alkaline phosphatase-conjugated secondary antibodies as described elsewhere (Black et al., 1984). Spore Preparation and Inoculation of Trichoderma hamatum 7'. hamatum was kindly provided by Ing. A. Vanachter (Laboratorium voor Plantenbescherming, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium) and was maintained on potato dextrose agar (Merck, Darmstadt, F.R.G.). Spores were collected from 8-day old potato dextrose agar culture by washing the agar surface with sterile dde. The suspension was filtered and filtrates were centrifuged at 10,0009 for 30 min. Pellets were resuspended in sterile ddHZO. For inoculation of fungal spores, tomato fruits were sliced in a sterile hood and each slice was transferred onto a separate petri dish (100mmx15mm). Aliquots of the appropriate density of fungal spores were spread on sliced tomatoes. 89 RESULTS Construction of pLHEV5 and its Expression in Transgenic Tomato Plants Tomato plants were used as a heterologous transgenic system to express the hevein cDNA. The hevein cDNA (HEV1) was inserted into the plant expression vector pGA643 under the control of the 358 Cauliflower Mosaic Virus promoter, and the resulting plasmid was designated pLHV5 (Figure 1A). Tomato plants were transformed by co-cultivating cotyledons of tomato plants with Agrobacterium strains harboring the pLHV5. Eighteen kanamycin-resistant plants were regenerated. Transgenic plants expressing hevein mRNA were examined by RNA gel blot analysis. Examination of nine individual kanamycin-resistant plants (Figure 1B, lanes 1 to 4) revealed similar levels of hevein mRNA accumulation. No hybridization was observed in mRNA isolated from untransformed control plants (Figure 1B, lane 5). Identification of Hevein Proprotein and its Cleavage Product in Transgenic Tomato Plants In rubber tree latex, the 20-kD hevein proprotein is posttranslationally processed to the 5-kD hevein and the 14-kD C-terminal polypeptide (Lee et al., 1991). Immunoblot analysis using the antibody against prohevein domain (Figure 2) revealed that leaves (lanes 2, 3, 4 and 5) and fruits (lane 7) from transgenic plants contain a 20—kD protein that comigrates with the 20-kD hevein proprotein from rubber tree lutoid bodies (lane 1 ). This protein was not detected in leaves and fruits 90 .02 05 S 09805 0.0 0.00000. 0.00090 0.50 005 d; 0000c 9050 900.9 5090_w0.-0_0>0.000x 000 Am 000; 0030:; 0.0.0 <20 _99 00 01 ow 059000 000. 000m. 8 20500000. .0960 005_ 59005.00 000 0000 5 02,000 0.0 050E00 _05E.9-o 000 5050 93000-2 00.- 060 000050 .5 090505 0_ 00003000 009m .000 <00 .900> 05009000 5050 00 050 £03.00? 05 95 00020030 00>> <200 50>00 05. 2 .0599 $0: .0 0.9.05 85 00 <20 20 02.98 <28 :05: .5 0.300 m 1.0.. I. I .l IE. I03 m 30 0* 0* :0 e. U m 300.0 I 2052. 503000; a m .0380... :5: 0mm hww 3‘ F 92 Figure 2. Immunoblot analysis of HEV1-encoded proteins. Proteins were prepared from lutoid body-enriched fractions (lane 1), leaves of wild- type (lane 6) or transgenic (lanes 2-5) plants, and fruit of wild-type (lane 8) or transgenic (lane 7) plants. After SDS-PAGE, protein bands were immunoblotted with antibodies against prohevein domain (Lee et al., 1991). 93 5‘ Leaves Fruits B _. _ 0 transgenic tomato g E .5 S E koa§#1#2#3#4o48 46_ . .. . . a 30— j _"- ' _ “‘ fi -' - - 19\-&' Fi'- ‘- 15’-~--» — 12345678 94 from an untransformed plant (lanes 6 and 8). In addition to the 20-kD band, transgenic plants (lanes 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7) also contain a 14-kD polypeptide that is identical in size to the 14-kD carboxyl-terminal cleavage product of the hevein proprotein from lutoid bodies (lane 1). However, the relative abundance of the 14- kD polypeptide in fruits (lane 7) is much lower than in leaves (lanes 2, 3, 4 and 5). Again, no corresponding protein was found in leaves and fruits of untransformed plants (lanes 6 and 8). Mature hevein (the 5-kD polypeptide), however, could not be detected on the immunoblots. It is possible that this protein is unstable in tomato plants. Endogenous cross-reactive bands were detected in transformed and untransformed plants, specifically in the leaves (lanes 2 to 6), but not in the fruits (lanes 7 and 8). Two-D Gel Analysis of Hevein-encoded Proteins in Transgenic Tomato Plants To determine whether HEV1-encoded proteins are modified in transgenic tomato plants, we investigated the correlation between protein isoelectric point (pl) profiles of prohevein and the C-terminal polypeptide in rubber tree and transgenic tomato plants. Lutoid body proteins from rubber tree and leaf extracts from transgenic and untransformed tomato plants were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and were subsequently immunoblotted using carboxyl domain-specific antibody (Figure 3). The 20-kD hevein proprotein in transgenic tomato plants (Figure 38, large arrow) is apparently identical in size and pi to that found in lutoid bodies (Figure 3C, large arrow). Based upon pi and molecular mass, the 14-kD C-terminal cleavage product detected in transgenic tomato plants (Figure SB, small arrow) 95 Figure 3. Two-D gel analysis of HEV1-encoded proteins. Protein extracts from lutoid body (C) and leaves of wild-type (A) and transgenic plants (B) were separated by two-D gel electrophoresis. After transfer, blots were probed with a domain-specific antibody against the C-terminus of prohevein (Lee et al., 1991). Large arrows indicate the 20-kD prohevein polypeptides. The 14-kD C-terminal polypeptides are indicated by small arrows. 96 0 0 4 3 0 0. 4 3 O O 4 3 w m m M m m m M m m m M 5 - _ . 7 I . . x‘ \ . m. ‘0 ‘O 0 4.- A B c 0028; 000 0900; 000 2.8 was; 20Eo._. .9080 9005... 5009000... E05 000... 000030 97 corresponds to one of multiple 14-kD immunoreactive spots in rubber tree (Figure 30, small arrow). These results indicate that both prohevein and the C-terminal cleavage polypeptides in transgenic tomato plants and in rubber trees are likely to be structurally similar. Localization of Prohevein and the C-terminal Polypeptide in Transgenic Tomato Plants Hevein was isolated from the lutoid body-enriched fraction of rubber tree latex. Since the lutoid bodies are believed to be derived from vacuoles, hevein gene products might be localized in vacuoles of transgenic tomato plants. To identify their location, proteins were prepared from apoplastic fluid (extracellular fluid; ECF) and ECF-depleted leaf extracts (intracellular fluid; ICF) from transgenic tomato plants. Purity of the ECF and ICF was monitored by measurement of glucose-6- phosphate dehydrogenase activity and peroxidase activity, and by immunoblot analysis using potato chitinase antiserum (Figure 4, lanes 1 to 4). Thus, glucose-6- phosphate dehydrogenase was used as a cytoplasmic marker, basic chitinase as a vacuolar marker, and peroxidase served as an extracellular marker. Less than 5% of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity (nmol/min/mg protein) was detected in the ECF. In addition, the potato chitinase antisera reacted with protein bands cf the same molecular weight isolated from the ICF (lane 3) and total leaf extracts (lane 2) of transgenic tomato plants. Similar results were obtained from untransformed control plants (lane 1). Furthermore, greater than 95% of peroxidase activity (units /ug protein) was detected in the ECF. These data indicated that the ECF was 98 06:08 00 000: 000; 6 000 N 0000; 9003 5020000: Lo Am 000 F 0000: 09$ 0:; So: EH ”60008 06: 0800.5 0020 000_ 0_oz>> 3-0 0000: 050050.00 050000005000 50>009a Lo al. 0000; 05000000 0005500 9060 0 53> 0002000385 000 mo0 000000000 0002, 00>00_ 90009 2000000: E0: E 000 m 0000_ £0; 080008 :00 0o 8 000 v 0000. ”mom: 0:00.003. 05205 8085.30... 0 8005.83 .0 2:00 99 A»... “. AON first . «0.. mom ".0. .m.._. 0 m 30Eo.r ...... 2000000.... W 0.08% oz. 0< £25: ‘-'Aom ,, «0.. wow ".0. .m.._. 3 m oaanh 0.. 2000000.... w. m< 00003.00 203.“. 100 essentially uncontaminated with the ICF. Immunoblot analysis revealed that the hevein proprotein was detected in the ICF (lane 7) and total leaf extracts (lane 6), but not in the ECF (lane 8) and total untransformed leaf extracts (lane 5). These data demonstrated that the 20-kD and 14-kD hevein-derived proteins were localized intracellularly in tomato plants, presumably in vacuoles. These results are in agreement with localization of the 20-kD proprotein, 14—kD C-terminal polypeptide and 5—kD mature hevein in lutoid bodies of rubber trees. Chitin-binding Affinity of HEV1-encoded Proteins in Transgenic Tomato Plants It has been shown that mature hevein (5-kD) and prohevein (20-kD) of rubber tree have the ability to bind chitin (Lee et al., 1991). To determine whether or not HEV1- encoded proteins in transgenic tomato plants were also capable of binding to chitin. The C-terminal cleavage product (14-kD) was detected in the flow-through fraction containing unbound proteins from a chitin affinity column (Figure 5, lane 2). The prohevein (20-kD) was found in the fraction containing bound proteins after elution with 6 M guanidine-HCI/ 0.1 N NaOH (lane 4). This result was consistent with the chitin—binding ability of prohevein in rubber tree. Again, neither prohevein nor the C-terminal polypeptide was detected in flow-through (lane 1) and eluted (lane 3) fractions of untransformed plants. In addition, one of the endogenous immuno-reactive proteins (28-kD) was found only in the flow-through fractions (lanes 1 and 2). The other one (40-kD) was detected exclusively in the elution fractions (lanes 3 and 4). 101 Figure 5. Chitin-binding property of HEV1-encoded proteins. Proteins from untransformed (lanes 1 and 3) and transgenic (lanes 2 and 4) tomato plants were subjected to chitin column chromatography. Flow-through (lanes 1 and 2) and elution (lanes 3 and 4) fractions were separated by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted with NC domain-specific antibody. 102 00250.". .8020 00250.". 00:25-25."— kDa 43.0 \ 29.5 — ' H 19.5 ’ / 14.5 103 Activity of HEV1-encoded Polypeptides in Transgenic Tomato It has been reported that hevein (5-kD) and barley proteins homologous to the C- terminal polypeptide (14-kD) have an inhibitory effect on growth of several chitin- containing fungi in vitro Olan Parijs et al., 1991; Hejgaard et al., 1992). We also found that 5-kD (hevein) and 20-kD (proprotein) polypeptides have an ability to bind chitin (Lee et al., 1991). These data suggest that the HEV1-encoded polypeptides are possibly involved in the plant defense response. This possibility was examined by monitoring whether transgenic tomatoes expressing the HEV1-encoded polypeptides enhanced resistance to certain type(s) of chitin-containing fungi. Since our transgenic tomato plants express the HEV1-encoded polypeptides constitutively under the control of 358 promoter, it is possible to inoculate fungi on different types of tissues (Figure 6) at any stages. We chose Trichoderma hamatum, a saprophytic fungus. We tested tomato fruits rather than leaves, because tomato fruit (Figure 3, lanes 7 and 8) has no immuno-reactive bands (HEV1-related proteins) that were found in leaves (Figure 3, lanes 2 to 6). Approximately 105 spores of T. hamatum were inoculated on slices of transgenic and untransformed control tomatoes. After 3-4 days, fungal growth on transgenic tomatoes was reduced (Figure 6, D and F), compared to that on control tomato (Figure 6E). Wild-type and transgenic tomatoes treated with ddHZO (A, B and C) were not contaminated by other microorganisms. This result suggests that function of the HEV1-encoded polypeptides may relate to plant defense. 104 0030000009 Eco. 00 0.000 0.0 02 00000305 0002, 005.0 9089 00.? .m. 000 m. d. E20080: H 5.; 090.3005 0.0; 00 6 000 m .3 00:00 5.2, 000000 0003 0530 90009 A”. 000 o .0 .<. 50000000 000 m. 000 m. 0000900000: .o 005% .0530 90.02 50000000 5 5390 .0002 00 8000 09.0.00. .0 0.59". .- Control Transgenic Transgenic Tomato #1 Tomato (#2 Tomato 105 03H pp uuM tuetuteell #002021. '1 mm uonoeiUI 106 Discussion In this chapter, transgenic tomato plants have been used to develop an experimental system to study posttranslational processing, targeting and possible function of the HEV1-encoded proteins. Immunoblot analysis showed that all of the kanamycin—resistant plants expressed HEV1-encoded proteins at a comparable level. These results are consistent with RNA blot data showing that similar levels of hevein mRNA are detected in all transgenic plants. Together, these data suggested that the low level of protein expression observed is due to a positional effect of the hevein construct rather than to other control mechanisms such as posttranscriptional control. In transgenic tomato plants, prohevein is posttranslationally cleaved by processing mechanisms similar to those found in rubber tree, suggesting that the processing machinery is conserved among different plant species. The major difference between the two systems, however, is the absence of mature hevein in tomato which implies that a chitin-binding domain (mature hevein) alone is unstable after cleavage of prohevein. instability of one or more chitin—binding domains was also observed in a tobacco system expressing stinging nettle lectin (B. lseli and N. Raikhel, unpublished results). The chitin-binding proteins studied have been shown to be secretory proteins (Raikhel et al., 1993); most of them are vacuolar. ln rubber tree, hevein was also found in the lutoid body (of vacuolar origin). Moreover, localization of prohevein and the C-terminal polypeptide in the lutoid body was determined immunologically (Lee at al., 1991). To investigate the subcellular location of these proteins in 107 transgenic plants, immunohistochemistry and organellar fractionation studies were attempted but failed, presumably because of low abundance of these proteins in transgenic plants. However, immunoblot analysis of ICF and ECF proteins showed that the location of prohevein and the C-terminal polypeptide in transgenic tomato plants were intracellular (Figure 4). These results and localization of hevein-derived proteins in lutoid bodies of rubber tree suggest that prohevein and the C-terminal cleavage product are probably in the vacuoles of transgenic tomato plants. Vacuolar proteins possess special amino acid sequences for vacuolar localization. These amino acid sequences are not conserved and are located at different positions within the vacuolar proteins studied. The C-terminal propeptide (CTPP) of barley lectin has been shown to be necessary and sufficient for vacuolar targeting (Bednarek et al., 1990). The C-terminal extension of tobacco vacuolar chitinase is also required for localization to the vacuole, while an extracellular chitinase lacks a C-terminal extension. In the case of hevein and its related proteins, a sequence comparison (Figure 7) shows that the hevein proprotein and win2- encoded protein contain a C-terminal extension of >10 amino acids. The same sequence is not found in the C-terminal homologous proteins such as tobacco PR-4 and tomato P2, which are extracellular (Friedrich et al., 1991; Linthorst et al., 1991). As described above, a similar relationship was also found in vacuolar chitinase and its extracellular counterpart. It is interesting to note that two chitin-binding proteins, barley lectin and tobacco basic chitinase, possess vacuolar targeting signals at the C-terminal ends (Bednarek and Raikhel, 1991; Neuhaus et al., 1991). Based upon these data, we propose that the C—terminal extension sequence of prohevein is 108 location PROHEVEIN VNYQFVDCGDSFN-PLFSVM-KSSVIN (lutoid body) WIN2 llllllNlllNVlVIILllVDlE (unknown) w1N1 |ll||l||||N (unknown) PR-4a/b |||E||N|N| (extracellular) PR-PZ |||E||N| (extracellular) Figure 7. Comparison of the C-terminal amino acid sequences of prohevein. win gene-encoded proteins, PFl—4a/b and PR-P2 proteins. Amino acids identical to prohevein are denoted with a vertical line. Gaps in the aligned sequences are indicated by a dash. Partial amino acid sequences were derived from prohevein, residues 180-204 (Broekaert et al., 1990); winQ, residues 189-211, mm 190-200 (Stanford et al.,1989); PR-4a/b, residues 113—122, PR-P2, residues 113-120 (Friedrich et al., 1991; Linthorst et al.,1991). 109 involved in sorting to the vacuole. Our growth inhibition studies showed that transgenic plants expressing HEV1-encoded proteins exhibit enhanced resistance to 7'. hamatum, a chitin- containing fungus. It is unknown whether growth of T. hamatum was inhibited by HEV1-encoded proteins alone. We also tested other chitin-containing fungi, Botrytis cinerea and Rhizoctonia so/ani. However, no inhibitory effect on growth of these fungi was observed in transgenic tomato fruits. It is possible that the amount of HEV1-encoded proteins expressed in transgenic tomato plants is not sufficient to inhibit growth of these fungi. In a broad sense, these results reflect the idea that individual pathogenesis-related proteins may possess differential inhibitory effects on growth of different fungi. Together, our studies have raised the possibility that the overexpression of HEV1-encoded proteins in transgenic plants may contribute to enhancing resistance to particular fungal pathogens. 1 10 REFERENCES Archer, B.L (1960). The proteins of Hevea brasiIiensis latex: Isolation and characterization of crystalline hevein. Biochem. J. 75: 236-240 Bednarek, S.Y., Raikhel. N.V. (1991). The barley lectin carboxyl-terminal propeptide is a vacuolar protein sorting determinant in plants. Plant Cell 3: 1195-1206 Bednarek. S.Y., Wilkins, T.W.. Dombrowskl, J.E., Raikhel. N.V. (1990). A carboxyl- terminal propeptide is necessary for proper sorting of barley lectin to vacuoles of tobacco. Plant Cell 2: 1 145-1 155 Black, M.S., Johnston, K.H., Russell-Jones. G.J., Gotshllch, EC. (1984). 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Planta 183: 258-264 Walujuno, K., Scholma, RA, Beintema, J.J., Marlono A., Hahn, AM. (1975). Amino acid sequence of hevein. In Proc. Int. Rubber Conf. Vol. 2, pp. 518-531 CHAPTER 5 SUMMARY AND PROSPECTS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH 113 114 The data presented in this dissertation have demonstrated how mature hevein is formed through the secretory pathway. In vitro translocation experiments showed that the hevein signal peptide is cotranslationally removed. Immunoblot analysis indicated that prohevein and cleavage products (hevein and the C-terminal polypeptide) are present in the lutoid body; and in transgenic tomato plants, prohevein and the C-terminal polypeptide are localized intracellularly. Based upon these data, we can predict the fate of these proteins in Iaticifer cells of rubber tree and in transgenic tomato plants at the cellular level. Preprohevein (22-kD) is synthesized on rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). cotranslationally processed, and translocated into the lumen of ER. Then, prohevein (20-kD) is passed through the Golgi apparatus. After or during translocation of prohevein to the lutoid bodies, this protein is partially processed to form mature hevein and a C-terminal polypeptide lacking a hinge region of 6 amino acids in the lutoid bodies. Alternatively, when targeted to the vacuole, prohevein is partially processed to yield only the C-terminal polypeptide. The incomplete processing involved in hevein formation is unique among the known posttranslational modifications occurring in other chitin-binding proteins (Raikhel eta/., 1993). First, this ’partial’ processing has not been identified in other chitin-binding proteins. Second, the precursor form (prohevein) as well as the cleavage products may have their own biological activities, as discussed below. This raises the question as to what mechanism regulates this posttranslational processing. One approach will be to isolate and characterize the respective protease genes involved in hevein biosynthesis. Initially, proteases can be purified from the fraction containing protease activity by 115 conventional chromatography. Oligonucleotide probes or PCR primers designed from partial peptide sequence of purified protease then can be used to screen a cDNA or genomic library derived from rubber tree latex. Most chitin-binding proteins are localized in the vacuole or a vacuole-like organelle such as the lutoid body. Studies of sorting signals in barley lectin and tobacco class I chitinase indicate that a C-terminal extension sequence (15 or 7 amino acids, respectively) is necessary and sufficient for vacuolar targeting (Bednarek et al., 1990; Neuhaus et al., 1991). These studies demonstrated that the vacuolar sorting signals in chitin-binding proteins are located at the end of their C- termini. Amino acid comparisons between prohevein and PR-4/P2 (Friedrich at al., 1991; Linthorst et al., 1991) revealed a 17 amino acid extension at the C-terminus of prohevein, suggesting that these sequences are required for vacuolar targeting. Analysis of transgenic plants expressing a hevein construct in the presence or absence of this sequence will answer this question. It has been proposed that hevein is involved in plant defense, since hevein displays the property of chitin-binding and exhibits in vitro antifungal activity (Van Parijs et al., 1991). The data presented here and others’ studies (Friedrich et al., 1991; Linthorst et al., 1991; Hejgaard et al., 1992) not only support this hypothesis, but also suggest that prohevein and two cleavage products, mature hevein and the C-terminal polypeptide, are biologically active in vivo. First, hevein mRNA was induced by wounding and plant stress hormones such as ABA and ethylene. Second, homology between the C-terminus of prohevein and the pathogenesis- related proteins (PR) such as PR-4 and PFl-P2 (Friedrich eta/., 1991; Linthorst et al., 116 1991) suggests that the C-terminal polypeptide has its own biological activity. Microsequencing showed that the ’mature form’ of the C-terminal polypeptide lacks a 6 amino acid hinge region as well as a chitin-binding domain (hevein), indicating that the structure of the C-terminal polypeptide is similar to those of PR-4 and P2 proteins. Most importantly, in vitro antifungal activity was demonstrated for the PR proteins from barley whose partial peptide sequences shared the homology with the proteins homologous to the C-terminal domain of prohevein (Hejgaard et al., 1992). Third, not only hevein but also prohevein retained chitin-binding affinity. Furthermore, in a family of chitin-binding proteins, the presence of proteins containing the chitin-binding domain and a number of structurally unrelated domains shows that these fusion proteins acquire novel properties. In this respect, it is interesting to note that class I chitinases from tobacco have higher specific chitinolytic activities than their class II counterparts (Legrand et al., 1987). The presence of the combination of prohevein, hevein and the C-terminal polypeptide may provide stronger protection of plants against pathogens, assuming that all forms are active. As discussed above, class I chitinase, a natural fusion protein, has been proven to have higher chitolytic activity than class ll chitinase that contains only a chitolytic domain. I have also shown that an artificial fusion protein consisting of the 43-residue hevein domain and a bacterial maltose-binding protein exhibits affinity toward chitin, but not toward the maltose-binding protein itself. In addition, both fusion proteins and the maltose-binding protein alone retained the ability to bind maltose. These observations raise the possibility that crop protection against 117 specific pathogens can be achieved by the design and manipulation of artificial proteins that combine one or more chitin-binding domains with a protein of novel activity. 1 18 REFERENCES Bednarek, S.Y., Wilkins, T.A., Dombrowskl, J.E., Raikhel, N.V. (1990). A carboxyl- terminal propeptide is necessary for proper sorting of barley lectin to vacuoles of tobacco. Plant Cell 2: 1145-1155 Friedrich. L, Moyer, M., Ward, E., Ryals, J. (1991). Pathogenesis-related protein 4 is structurally homologous to the carboxy-terminal domains of hevein, Win-1 and Win-2. Mol. Gen. Genet. 230: 113-119 Hejgaard, J., Jacobsen, S., Bjorn, S.E., Kragh. KM. (1992). Antifungal activity of Chitin-binding PFi-4 type proteins grain barley grain and stressed leaf. FEBS Lett. 307: 389-392 Legrand, M., Kauffman, S., Geoffroy, F., Fritlg, B. (1987). Biological function of pathogenesis-related proteins: four tobacco pathogenesis-related proteins are chitinases. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84: 6750-6754 Unthorst, H.J.M., Danhash, N.. Brederode, F.T., Van Kan, J.A.L, De Wit, P.J. G.M.. Bol, J.F. (1991). Tobacco and tomato PR proteins homologous to win and pro- hevein lack the "hevein" domain. Mol. PIant-Micr. Interact. 4: 586-592 Neuhaus. J.M., Sticher, L, Meins. F. Jr., Boller. T. (1991). A short C-terminal sequence is necessary and sufficient for the targeting of chitinases to the plant vacuole. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88: 10362-10366 Raikhel, N.V., Broekaert, W.F., Lee, H.-l. (1993). Structure and function of chitin- binding proteins. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 44: In Press Van Parijs, J., Broekaert, W.F. Goldstein, I.J., Peumans, W.J. (1991). Hevein: an 119 antifungal protein from rubber-tree (Hevea brasiIiensis) latex. Planta183: 258-264 - . , / lllllllllllllJill/lllllllilllllllllllllllll