' _ DEVELOPMENT OF CRlTERIA FDR WARRANTS 0E PASSING RELIEF LANES 0N TWO-LANE A TWO- WAY HIGHWAYS ' Dissertation for the Degree of Ph. D MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY MUKESH KUMAR JATN‘ A 1990 w m. m“ m m D W m m m m m. Mm E a U mm D mm E m .m n om nm E M “a U H mm D .1». F R an E 0 EO A ”C C“ D TL no r... PT --[:: lT—TT MSU Is An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity lnsfltution . exit: pm .1 DEVELOPMENT OF CRITERIA.POR.HARRAETS OF’PASSINC RELIEF LAKES 0N TWO-LANE TUD4HKY'HIGHHKYS By Mukesh Kumar Jain A.DISSERIKIIOR Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 1990 .l Elsi Iv.|‘ll|\ {L 1 ac KIT 0P tin the and Stud ABSTRACT Development of Criteria for Uarrmts of Passing Reileif Lanes on hub-Lane Two-Way Highways BY Mukesh Kumar Jain There are some serious safety and operational problems with the design of two-lane two-way roads, especially with the rapid increase in the number of trucks on the road. The two-lane road in rolling and hilly topography may not provide sufficient passing zone length between crests of vertical curves. If a large portion of a road consists of no-passing zones, motorists may violate the established passing restriction thereby increasing the probability of an accident. The use of passing lanes can increase the passing opportunities and can alleviate safety and operational problems on two-lane highways in a more cost-effective manner. Different simulation models used to describe the phenomenon of the passing maneuver on two-lane two-way highways have been reviewed and a simulation model called "TWOPAS" was selected for use in this study. To calibrate this model, headway, speed and traffic ti CIT di! sen ‘for res; road III II (I A I composition data were collected on two selected two-lane two—way roads in Michigan. The simulation model output values for these variables were compared to the field values at different locations along the simulated roadway. It was found that the " TWOPAS" model can be calibrated to accurately depict different traffic and roadway conditions in Michigan. The calibrated.model was used to study the operational benefit gained by providing passing lanes on two-lane highways. Two parameters, delay and percentage vehicles in platoon were selected to study the operational benefits due to passing lanes. Simulation runs were made to obtain the operational benefits for different combinations of passing lane configurations, alignment of the roadway, percent grades and traffic volumes. The magnitude of the accident reduction potential of passing lanes were calculated.in.terms of dollars per year. The total delay benefits (dollars per year) were calculated by using a unit value of time established by AASHTO. The total benefit per year for different truck percentage and roadway conditions were plotted against different ADT values. These values were also used to determine the sensitivity of delay to different parameters. The construction cost for passing,lane(s) for different terrain were plotted on the respective graphs. The volume warrants for different traffic and roadway conditions were obtained. — h; > \f >. -\/f!\rfk ilk/1-. \Ia. \IIL/Iil‘l! \l \r: \I II . ‘1 I I. . n ‘1 \J \I Es.) \I x. ,- - T LrI‘ [( .. A .l \[l l DEDICATED TO: My Mother and Father, My wife ANJU My Brothers ARUN and HEMANT, and My sister MADHU for their love and encouragement iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to express my deepest appreciation and gratitude to professor William C. Taylor, my advisor and committee chairnuui, for his valuable assistance and encouragement in the conduction and completion of this dissertation, and financial support throughout my doctrol program. My appreciation and gratitude are also due to other members of my guidance committee, Drs. Richard W. Lyles, Thomas Maleck, Francis McKelvey and R.V. Erickson, for their useful suggestions and constructive comments. The partial financial support in collecting field data and getting other information was provided by Michigan Department of Transportation(MDOT). These contributions are gratefully acknowledged. I am also thankful to the staff of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering for being cooperative throughout the program. Finally, I thank my parents and my brother Arun for their encouragement and support and my wife Anju for her patience and cooperation. ft[.{f I[ [’ln‘rl‘.[[ [I [I [ .l LIST OF CONTENTS MB LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES .............................................. 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................ 2.1 PASSING MANEUVER ..................................... 2.1.1. Driver Characteristics ........................ 2.1.2. Vehicular Characteristics ..................... 2.1.3. Roadway Characteristics ....................... 2.1.4. Passing Practices ............................. 2.2 SAFETY AND OPERATIONAL PROBLEMS ...................... 2.3 ALLEVIATION OF SAFETY AND OPERATIONAL PROBLEMS ....... SIMULATION MODELS ........................................ 3.1 SIMULATION MODELS FOR TWO-LANE HIGHWAYS .............. 3.1.1. Franklin Institute Research Laboratories (FIRL) Model .................................. . North Carolina State University (NCSU) Model .. Simulation of Vehicular Traffic (SOVT) Model .. Roadsim Model ................................. Australian Road Research Board (TRARR) Model .. MRI/TWOWAF Model .............................. . . . TWOPAS Model ......; ........................... IMULATION MODEL SELECTION CRITERIA .................. EATURES OF SELECTED MODEL ........................... .3.1. Features of Input Variables ................... .3.2. Features of Output Variables .................. rahahuardra ~40~unb£»ro WU UN wwrrjmwwwwww APPROACH ................................................. DATA COLLECTION .......................................... 5.1 FIELD DATA REQUIREMENT ............................... 5.1.1. Traffic Data .................................. 5.1.2. Geometric Data ................................ 5.2 FIELD DATA COLLECTION ................................ 5.2.1. Site Selection ................................ 5.2.2. Data Collection ............................... 5.3 ACCIDENT DATA REQUIRED ............................... SIMULATION MODEL CALIBRATION ............................. 6.1 STUDY DESIGN ......................................... vi ll 17 17 18 20 21 24 A it‘lltllf‘fitrill‘f‘ll‘l vii 6.2 INPUT DATA REQUIRED .................................. 60 6.2.1. Entering Traffic Data ......................... 61 6.2.2. Geometric Data ................................ 61 6.2.3. Traffic Control Data .......................... 62 6.2.4. Vehicle Characteristics Data .................. 63 6.2.5. Driver Characteristics and Preferences ........ 64 6.3 DATA CODING .......................................... 66 6.4 MODEL CALIBRATION .................................... 68 6.5 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS ................................. 76 7.0 SIMULATION RUNS FOR THE STUDY ............................ 79 7.1 STUDY DESIGN ......................................... 79 7.2 DATA CODING .......................................... 84 7.2.1. Data Required ................................. 84 7.2.2. Data Coding ................................... 84 7.3 SIMULATION RUNS AND OUTPUT VALUES .................... 86 7.4 RESULT INTERPRETATION AND COMPILATION ................ 102 8.0 BENEFIT-COST ANALYSIS ...... - .............................. 108 8.1 OPERATING COST SAVINGS ............................... 109 8.1.1. Unit Value of Travel Time ..................... 110 8.1.2. Annual Delay Cost ............................. 110 8.2 CCIDENT COST SAVINGS ................................ 112 8.2.1. Average Reduction in Accidents ................ 112 8.2.2. Accident costs ................................ 116 Cost for Fatal Injury Accident ....... 123 8.2.3. Accident Cost Savings ......................... 125 8.3 BENEFIT-COST ANALYSIS ................................ 128 9.0 RESULTS AND INTERPRETATION ............................... 137 9.1 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS ................................. 137 9.2 WARRANTS FOR PASSING LANE(S) ......................... 139 9.3 INPUT PARAMETERS USED ................................ 149 9.4 CASE STUDIES ......................................... 150 10.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION ................................... 160 APPENDICS ..................................................... 163 A. FEATURES OF THE SIMULATION MODEL "TWOPAS" ............. 163 B. DATA FILES FOR SIMULATION RUN T0 CALIBRATE THE MODEL .. 169 C. VALUES OF TOTAL BENEFITS FOR DIFFERENT TRAFFIC AND ROADWAY CONDITIONS .................................... 188 D. GRAPHS SHOWING VOLUME WARRANTS FOR PASSING LANE(S) .... 194 LIST OF REFERENCES ............................................ 198 LIST OF TABLES . Effect of Passing Lanes on Percent Time Delay Over An Extended Road Length(2l) ........................... ..... . Comparison of Different Simulation Models Developed for Two-Lane Highways ....................................... . List of Passing Lanes in Michigan. ...................... . Vehicle Classified by VC1900 Machine Used for Data Collection. ............................................ . Traffic Data for Lake County Site. ..................... . Traffic Data for Clare County Site. .................... (a) Vertical Curve Data Collected by MARS Vehicle at Lake County Site. ........................................... (b) Horizontal Curve Data Collected by MARS Vehicle at Lake County Site. ...................................... (a) Vertical Curve Data Collected by MARS Vehicle at Clare County Site. ..................................... (b) Horizontal Curve Data Collected by MARS Vehicle at Clare County Site. ..................................... . Number of Accidents with Severity in Passing Lanes Area in Michigan. ‘ ........................................... viii 30 33 43 47 51 52 53 53 54 54 56 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. xi Accident Number and Rates by Severity on Two-Lane Rural Highways in Michigan. ............................. Percentage Platooning at Different Locations for Different Traffic Volumes (Site - Lake County). ......... Percentage Vehicle Speed >55 mph at Different Desired Speed and Volumes (Site - Lake County). ................ Percentage Platooning at Different Locations for Different Volumes (Site - Clare County). ............... Percentage Vehicles >55 MPH at Different Desired Speed and Volumes (Site-Clare County) .................... Percentage Vehicles Impeded at Various Locations for Different Traffic Volumes and Percentage Trucks (With One-PL, Grade-4%, Terrain Change @ l-MI and No-Passing Zone-50%). .................................. Percentage Vehicles Impeded at Various Locations for Different Traffic Volumes and Percentage Trucks (With One-PL, Grade-6%, Terrain Change @ l/2-MI and No-Passing Zone-50%). ................................. Percentage Vehicles Impeded at Various Locations for Different Traffic Volumes and Percentage Trucks (With One-PL, Grade—2%, Terrain Change @ l-MI and No-Passing Zone-50%). ................................. Percentage Vehicles Impeded at Various Locations for Different Traffic Volumes and Percentage Trucks (With Two-PLs, Grade-6%, Terrain Change @ 1-MI and No-Passing Zone-50%). ................................. 58 69 70 71 72 87 88 89 92 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. x Percentage Vehicles Impeded at Various Locations for Different Traffic Volumes and Percentage Trucks (With Two—PLs, Grade-4%, Terrain Change @ 1/2-MI and No-Passing Zone-50%). ................................. Percentage Vehicles Impeded at Various Locations for Different Traffic Volumes and Percentage Trucks (With Two—PLs, Grade-2%, Terrain Change @ 1-MI and No-Passing Zone-50%). ................................. Average Delay for Specified Sections of the Simulated Roadway (With One-PL, Grade-4%, Terrain Change @ l-MI and No-Passing Zone-50%). ............................. Average Delay for Specified Sections of the Simulated Roadway (With One-PL, Grade-6%, Terrain Change @ l/2-MI and No-Passing Zone-50%). ............................. Average Delay for Specified Sections of the Simulated Roadway (With One—PL, Grade-2%, Terrain Change @ l-MI and No-Passing Zone-50%). ............................. Average Delay for Specified Sections of the Simulated Roadway (With Two-PLs, Grade-6%, Terrain Change @ l-MI and No-Passing Zone-50%). ............................. Average Delay for Specified Sections of the Simulated Roadway (With Two-PLs, Grade-4%, Terrain Change @ 1/2 MI and No-Passing Zone-50%). ............................ Average Delay for Specified Sections of the Simulated Roadway (With Two-PLs, Grade-2%, Terrain Change @ l-MI and No-Passing Zone-50%). ............................ Delay Benefit for Different Volumes with 50 Percent No-Passing Zone and 4 Percent Grade. ................. 93 94 96 97 98 99 100 101 105 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. xi Delay Benefit for Different Volumes with 50 Percent No-Passing Zone and 6 Percent Grade. ................. Delay Benefit for Different Volumes with 50 Percent No-Passing Zone and 2 Percent Grade. ................. Accident Rates by Severity for Passing Lanes in Michigan. Average Accident Benefit (Per 100 MVMDue to Passing Lane. .......................................... Costs by MAIS Categories (1988 Dollars). ............... Injuries in Fatal Accidents, Percentage Cross-Classified by A-B-C and MAIS Severities, Based on NCSS Sample. Injuries in Injury Accidents, Percentage Cross- Classified by A-B-C and MAIS Severities, Based on NASS Sample. .......................................... Weights for Converting MAIS Costs to A-B-C Costs Per Injury. ............................................... Net Cost of A, B, and C Injuries in Fatal and Injury Accidents (1988 Dollars). ............................. Fatalities and Injuries Per Accident, Five States Combined. ............................................. Accident Proportions by Severity, Five States Combined.. Accident Costs by Area and Severity (1988 Dollars). ..... Average Accident Benefit (Acc./MI and $/MI) Due to Passing Lane. .......................................... Delay Benefits for Terrain Change @ 1 MI, 6% Grade and 50 Percent No-Passing Zones. ........................ Delay Benefits for Terrain Change @ 1/2 MI, 6% Grade and 50 Percent No-Passing Zones. ........................ 106 107 113 115 118 119 119 121 122 122 124 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. A1. B1. BZ. B3. B4. B5. B6. Cl. xii Delay Benefits for Terrain Change @ 1 MI, 4% Grade and 50 Percent No-Passing Zones. ........................ Delay Benefits for Terrain Change @ 1/2 MI, 4% Grade and 50 Percent No-Passing Zones. ........................ Delay Benefits for Terrain Change @ 1 MI, 2% Grade and 50 Percent No-Passing Zones. ........................ Delay Benefits for Terrain Change @ 1/2 MI, 2% Grade and 50 Percent No-Passing Zones. ........................ Warrants for Passing Lane(s) for Different Traffic Volumes, Truck Percentage and Grades .................... Cost Benefit Due to Passing Lane(s) for Typical Cases with Grade 4 Percent and Truck 10 Percent. .............. Cost Benefit Due to Passing Lane(s) for Typical Cases with Grade 2 percent and Truck 10 Percent. ............. Features of the Simulation Model "TWOPAS" ............... Data File for Simulation Run to Calibrate the Model (Lake County) .......................................... Date File for Simualtion Run to Calibrate the Model (Clare County) .......................................... Data File for Simulation Runs for One-PL, Grade-4%, Terrain Change @ l-Mile ................................. Data File for Simulation Runs for One-PL, Grade-4%, Terrain Change @ 1/2 Mile ............................... Data File for Simulation Runs for Two-PLs, Grade-4%, Terrain Change @ 1 Mile ................................. Data File for Simulation Runs for Two-PLs, Grade-4%, Terrain Change @ 1/2 Mile ............................... Delay and Total Benefits for One PL, Grade-6% and No-Passing Zone-50% ..................................... 147 172 174 177 181 184 188 C2. C3. C4. CS. C6. xiii Delay and Total Benefits for Two PLs, Grade-6% and No-Passing Zone-50% ..................................... Delay and Total Benefits for One PL, Grade-4% and No-Passing Zone-50% ..................................... Delay and Total Benefits for Two PLs, Grade-4% and No-Passing Zone-50% ..................................... Delay and Total Benefits for One PL, Grade-2% and No-Passing Zone-50% ..................................... Delay and Total Benefits for Two PLs, Grade-2% and No-Passing Zone-50% ..................................... 189 190 191 192 193 LIST OF FIGURES m 10. 11. 12. 13. . Passing Distance in Relation to Speed (Gordon and Mast Study)(6) ........................................ . Proposed Distance Elements and Terminology Defining Passing and No-Passing Zones on Two-Lane Highways(l4).. . Example of the Effect of a Passing Lane on Two-Lane Highway Traffic Operations(21) ........................ . Gradual Increase in Percentage of Vehicles Delayed in Platoons Downstream of Passing Lanes(21) .............. . Machine Set Up for Data Collection at Lake Site. ...... . Machine Set Up for Data Collection at Clare Site. ..... . Speed Distribution at 0.5 mile Upstream of Passing Lane. . Speed Reduction Curve for a 200-1b/hp Truck(HCM) ....... . Percentage Vehicles Impeded for Speed 92.4 ft/sec (Simulation v/s Field Values) .......................... Effect of Directional Traffic Split on Delay (With One Passing Lane in Direction One) ............... Sensitivity Analysis for Light Trucks .................. Passing Lane Configuration within Simulated Road. ...... Terrain change profile with one passing lane. ....... xiv 27 28 45 46 49 74 75 77 77 80 82 14. 15. 16. l7. l8. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. xv Terrain change profile with two passing lanes. ..... Percentage Vehicles Impeded for 6 Percent Grade, Terrain Change @ 1/2 mile with One Passing Lane. .............. Percentage Vehicles Impeded for 4 Percent Grade, Terrain Change @ 1 mile with One Passing Lane. ................ Percentage Vehicles Impeded for 6 Percent Grade, Terrain Change @ 1 mile with Two Passing Lanes. ................ Percentage Vehicles Impeded for 4 Percent Grade, Terrain Change @ 1/2 mile with Two Passing Lanes. .............. Percentage Vehicles Impeded for 4% Grade, Terrain Change @ l-MI with One Passing Lane .................... Ranked Hourly Volumes on Minnesota Highway (Source: Minnesota Department of Transportation 1980-1982)(HCM).. Cumulative Percent of Injuries by MAIS Versus Cumulative Percent by A-B-C Scale, Injuries in Fatal Accidents, NCSS Sample. .......................................... Cumulative Percent of Injuries by MAIS Versus Cumulative Percent by A-B-C Scale, Injuries in Injury Accidents, NASS Sample. .......................................... Total Accident Cost Saving ($/MI) for Different ADT (Taking Accident Cost Only) ............................ Total Accident Cost Saving ($/MI) for Different ADT (Taking Both Direct and Indirect Cost of Accident) ..... Sensitivity of Terrain Change with 50 Percent No-Passing Zones, 10 Percent Trucks and 4 Percent Grade. .......... Sensitivity of Percentage Grade with 50 Percent No-Passing Zones, 10 Percent Trucks and Terrain Change @ mile. ............................................... 83 91 91 95 95 103 111 120 120 127 127 138 138 27. 28. 29. 20. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. xvi Sensitivity of No-Passing Zones with 4 Percent Grade, 10 Percent Trucks and One Passing Lane. ............... Sensitivity of Percentage Trucks with 50 Percent No- Passing Zones, 4 Percent Grade and One Passing Lane. Total Cost Saving for 50 Percent No-Passing Zones, 6 Percent Grade and One Passing Lane. .................. Total Cost Saving for 50 Percent No-Passing Zones, 6 Percent Grade, and Two Passing Lanes. ................ Total Cost Saving for 50 Percent No—Passing Zones, 4 Percent Grade and One Passing Lane. .................. Total Cost Saving for 50 Percent No-Passing Zones, 4 Percent Grade and Two Passing Lanes. ................. Total Cost Saving for 50 Percent No-Passing Zones, 2 Percent Grade and One Passing Lane. .................. Total Cost Saving for 50 Percent No-Passing Zones, 2 Percent Grade and Two Passing Lanes. ................ Total Cost Saving for 4% Grade and One Passing Lane Considering Direct and Indirect Cost of an Accident .... Layout of the Roadway for a Typical Case Study with Two Passing Lanes One in Each Direction. .......... Layout of the Roadway for a Typical Case Study with one Passing Lane In Each Direction. .............. Total Saving for 4% Grade, 10% Trucks and for Average Trips on a Typical Road Profile - A Case Study ......... Total Saving for 2% Grade, 10% Trucks and for Average Trips on a Typical Road Profile - A Case Study ......... Volume Warrants for 4% Grade, 10% Trucks and for Work Trips on a Typical Road Profile - A Case Study ......... 140 140 142 142 144 144 145 145 148 151 152 157 157 158 41. D1. D2. D3. D4. D5. D6. D7. D8. xvii Volume Warrants for 2% Grade, 10% Trucks and for Work Trips on a Typical Road Profile - A Case Study ......... Total Cost Saving for 75 Percent No-Passing 6 Percent Grade and One Passing Lane .................... Total Cost Saving for 75 Percent No-Passing 6 Percent Grade and Two Passing Lanes .................. Total Cost Saving for 25 Percent No-Passing 6 Percent Grade and One Passing Lane ................... Total Cost Saving for 25 Percent No-Passing 6 Percent Grade and Two Passing Lanes .................. Total Cost Saving for 75 Percent No-Passing 4 Percent Grade and One Passing Lane ................... Total Cost Saving for 75 Percent No-Passing 4 Percent Grade and Two Passing Lanes .................. Total Cost Saving for 25 Percent No-Passing 4 Percent Grade and One Passing Lane ................... Total Cost Saving for 25 Percent No-Passing 4 Percent Grade and Two Passing Lanes .................. Zones, Zones, Zones, Zones, Zones, Zones, Zones, Zones, 158 194 194 195 195 196 196 197 197 CHAPTERI 1 . 0 INTRODUCTION There are more than 3 million miles of two-lane rural highways in the United States that comprise about 97 percent of the total rural system and 80 percent of all U.S. roadways. More than two thirds of the two-lane mileage is in mountainous or rolling terrain characterized by steep grades and sharp curves. Geometric design standards vary considerably between sub-systems of the rural system. An estimated 68 percent of rural travel and 30 percent of all travel occur on the rural two-lane system. Many of these roadways experience significant increases in traffic on weekends and during peak vacation periods. 1.1. OBJECTIVES There are some serious safety and operational problems with the design of two-lane two-way roads, especially with the rapid increase in the number of trucks on the road. The two-lane road in rolling and hilly topography may not provide sufficient passing zone length between crests of vertical curves. Slow moving heavy trucks on two- 1ane roads create operational problems in terms of reduced level of service, delay and an increase in passing attempts as well as aborted passes and driver frustration. If a large portion of a road consists of no-passing zones, motorists may violate the established 1 2 passing restriction thereby increasing the probability of an accident. In these situations the use of passing lanes can increase the passing opportunities and can alleviate safety and operational problems. The passing opportunities on two—lane roads depend not only on the availability of passing sight distance, but also the availability of gaps in the opposing traffic stream. The lack of passing opportunities is increased by high traffic volumes that limit the frequency of adequate gaps in opposing traffic. This phenomenon leads to the formation of traffic platoons as faster vehicles catch up with slower ones and are unable to pass. The percentage of traffic flowing in platoons reflects the extent of delay to drivers caused by inadequate passing opportunities. This complex phenomenon of passing maneuver can be understood by using an appropriate simulation model. This research will analyze accidents and traffic.characteristics with and without passing lanes to provide information for determining the possible benefits of passing relief lanes under various traffic conditions. The objectives of the research are: 1. To determine the traffic and roadway geometric characteristics which effect the passing maneuver. 2. To review the procedures, assumptions and other details of models which simulate traffic operation on a two-lane two-way road and select the model best suited to study the behavior of traffic, including the passing maneuver, on two-lane highways . 3 3.'To calibrate the selected model for Michigan traffic conditions and define the distribution of desired speed of Michigan drivers in the Michigan roadway environment. 4. To develop information on travel time saving due to a passing lane for different traffic composition and roadway geometry and driver characteristics. 5. To obtain and analyse accident data for all two-lane two-way Michigan highways and for those sections having passing lanes to obtain the potential benefit in terms of fewer accidents. 6. To evaluate passing relief lanes on the basis of benefit—cost analyses for different combination of traffic composition and geometrics. The method of upgrading a two-lane rural highway is more often one of making selective improvements at spot locations to increase the frequency of passing zones rather than complete reconstruction. This is caused either by fund limitations or because future traffic volume will not be sufficiently large to warrant extensive reconstruction. The use of passing lanes can increase the passing opportunities and can alleviate safety and operational problems on two-lane highways in a more cost-effective manner. Different simulation models used to describe the phenomenon of the passing maneuver on two-lane two-way highways have been reviewed .and a simulation model called ”TWOPAS" was selected for use in this study. To calibrate this model, headway, speed and traffic composition data were collected on two selected two-lane two-way roads in Michigan. The simulation model output values for these 4 variables were compared to the field values at different locations along the simulated roadway. It was found that the " TWOPAS" model can be calibrated to accurately depict different traffic and roadway conditions in Michigan. The accident rate (per million vehicle miles) was calculated for sections of highway in Michigan where passing relief lanes exist. These rates were compared with the accident rates on.all other sections of rural two-lane roads in Michigan to estimate the magnitude of the accident reduction potential of passing lanes. Once calibrated, the selected simulation model was run with a wide variety of input values to obtain the average delay. These ‘values were used to determine the sensitivity of delay to different parameters. The cost of motorist delay and accidents were used to develop warrants for passing relief lane construction. CHAPTERZ 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW The successful execution of a passing maneuver depends on a complex interrelationship among the driver, vehicle and environment in which the passing maneuver takes place. Many aspects of the passing maneuver have been thoroughly investigated during previous research. These elements will be reviewed in some detail. Finally, safety and operational problems on two lane roads with passing relief lanes will be reviewed. 2.1. PASSING MANEUVER 2.1.1. DRIVER CHARACTERISTICS The passing maneuver is one of the most complex maneuvers a driver is required to perform. Performing a safe passing maneuver necessitates correct judgement of many variables. This judgement becomes more difficult with increased speed. Considerable research has been conducted to obtain an understanding of passing maneuvers. Several studies evaluated the driver's ability to estimate variables such as: available sight distance, closure speed between a passing vehicle, measured in distance or time under impedence conditions (either by an approaching vehicle or by available sight distance) and other judgement aspects of the passing maneuver [l,2,3,4,5]. 6 The research conducted by Garden and Mast, published in 1968[6] was concerned with the ability of drivers to judge the distance required to overtake and pass. The conclusions of this study are that drivers are unable to estimate overtaking and passing distance accurately when the car ahead is travelling at a high speed; and that drivers predict their overtaking performance better in their own cars than in an unfamiliar car. The authors analysed the passing maneuver and compared their data to those of Maston and Forbes [7], Prisk [8], and Crawford [9], authors of previous studies on overtaking and passing maneuvers. Performance results of Maston and Forbes, Prisk and Crawford are presented in Figure 1, for comparison. The performance curve indicates that as speed increases, passing distance also increases, but at an increasing rate. Although none of these researchers was concerned with passing zone length, the best fit curves clearly indicate the inadequacy of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) recommended minimum length of 400-ft (122-m) for a passing zone. Another research project was conducted by the Franklin Research Laboratories for the Bureau of Public Roads regarding driver judgement and the decision process for overtaking. Farber and Silver [10,11,12] defined the requirements for the overtaking and passing maneuvers. The major findings of the driver judgement and decision making studies were that drivers judged distance accurately in ‘passing situations, but their ability to estimate the time variable and time required to complete the pass is rather poor. Without supplemental information they could not discriminate between oncoming car speeds of 30 mph and 60 mph. FEET PASSING DISTANCE IZOO IIOO I000 900 800 700 600 300 ZOO IOO SPEED, MILES PER HOUR Figure l. Passing Distance in Relation to Speed (Gordon and Mast Study)(6) r— HATSON AND roasts DATA /[ b GOVERNHENT CAR own CAR ' [— A PRISK DATA / r- L— CRAWFORD DATA F— e a I 1 J 1 IO 20 so 40 so 8 "The previous research on human factors analysis of driver work load concluded that full driver concentration is considered necessary to accommodate 0.5 activities per second (1 activity per 2 secs). Work load in excess of this can be expected to produce load shedding to the degree that many activities of lower priority are ignored or accomplished to a lesser degree in conjunction with higher priority actions" [13]. ”The individual tasks that should be performed in the total passing maneuver were identified and categorized into four primary tasks and the average time per activity was computed based on observed times in which the task were accomplished for different distances as shown in Figure 2. Task 1 is performed during the (11 distance in which the driver determines that there is a need to pass, evaluates the relative safety and decides to attempt a passing maneuver. In task 2, the driver maneuvers the vehicle into the left lane, accelerates, re-evaluates the safety of the pass, counter steers to the right and brings the vehicle to a position centered in the left lane. In task 3, the driver continues to pass the slower vehicle and checks if clearance is sufficient. In task 4, the driver steers right to return to the right lane then left to center the vehicle in the right lane while checking clearance with the passed vehicle. The time per activity suggests that, during the passing maneuver, the driver is substantially over loaded during task 1 and task 2 and will have little time to search for traffic control information. During task 3, the work load is reduced slightly, providing a driver more time to search the visual field for traffic control information. Unfortunately, by this point, the driver is Avavm>mznmam wcmAI I038 :0 mmcoN usawmmmI Ioz Use wcammmm assasmmo >moHOCHEuwB paw mucwEmHm mocmumao pomomoud .m musmwm N N . .< .501 account 26...; I A a mxmv 3.635 LA A an: + 3 3.6.30 I 0530a .355 m god .6 5:2an0 and — 5:65... and flow 368.? o_uEu> 9.7630 ”262 O o e DWI/m DEI I I HIIDwE \%.w.ms. II/ III III. III. II EIIIIIIIAEUI _ /II_II..IIID..EI\ _ _ A .2323! [_ u... I 52:. I_ 8.23.. .85.... .~un\~u..paa<. I ~unx~ v.I ~on\.IIIv. A cu v I. up V A . wt v A .v IV I 3.620 3.6.» I I I I A~vn\~. 3.37.5 E293 262.5 05330 I 13:24.5 I 9.3.22 8:264 333:. . «2.63.0 . as: A ..I I I 92.229 aucoaaooo 2.0... :3 I333»: ocoN 0533-02 3. v3.62 .6323: ocoN 9.7.3.. 2 v3.3.2 .33ch v V A .3: .3 3.5.20 27.2.0qu 9:361 E:E.c=2 I kW — I r :3 2. . ~33. 3.335 :36 3.9.8 5:52.... I— . J + x. e ~u 13 35:5 23m 2.38 BE 10 fully committed to pass regardless of the traffic control requirements. This suggests that the information source should be translated upstream to the point of decision where the passing driver can receive it in a timely manner" [14] . The driver work load factor is also considered in passing maneuver logic in the selected simulation model TWOPAS, used for this research. Several of these studies were purely imperical and gave little attention to application of the results to current practice. 2.1.2. VEHICULAR CHARACTERISTICS The vehicle is an integral component in the passing maneuver. Performance characteristics dictate the minimum distance in which one vehicle can pass another. The primary vehicle characteristic of concern is acceleration capability of the passing vehicle which mainly affects the (11 phase of the maneuver. The results of Norman's study [15] indicated that drivers are now apparently more reluctant to attempt the passing maneuver on shorter sight distances (2400- 3300 ft) than they were in the past. Results indicated that over the study period there was a 5 percent reduction in time needed to complete the passing maneuvers but about a 19 percent increase in the distance traveled in the left lane. The second vehicle characteristic of concern is reduction of driver eye height. More recently, subcompact and compact passenger vehicles have assumed an increasingly larger share of the traffic mix. This trend toward smaller vehicles has resulted in a reduction of driver eye height and consequently a reduction in sight distance 11 in certain critical situations. Passing zone marking, standardized for passenger cars, may not be adequate for trucks. Trucks require 50 percent more distance than passenger cars to pass on two-lane roads. The driver eye height advantage does not fully compensate, even on crest vertical curves, for the passing time disadvantage. 2.1. 3. ROADWAY CHARACTERISTICS Human factor laboratory studies [16] were conducted regarding driver's opinion of the influence of certain roadway features on their decision to pass. Crest vertical curves ranked higher in importance than horizontal curves, with horizontal curves to the right being more influential in the passing decision than curves to the left. The greater importance associated with a right curve could be due in part to the reduced visibility caused by the relative alignment of the passing and passed vehicle. Shoulders were ranked high in importance by drivers meeting an opposing vehicle. Lane width, shoulder width and pavement quality are considered in the selected simulation model TWOPAS and the influence of these factors are used indirectly in determining the distribution of desired speed of the drivers. 2 . 1 .4. PASSING PRACTICES Several studies were conducted regarding the driver's ability to estimate variables such as available sight distance, closure speed between the passing vehicle and the passed or opposing 12 vehicle, required passing distance or time under various impedence conditions (either by an approaching vehicle or by available sight distance), and other judgement aspects of the passing maneuver. Research was conducted by Hostetler and Seguin [17,18] to determine the singular and combined effects of impedence distance, impedence speed and traffic volume upon the acceptance and rejection of passing opportunities where sight distance is restricted. It was found that.of all the variables studied, sight distance is the most important determinant of the probability that a driver will accept or reject a given passing opportunity. The lead car speed does not have any significant influence on the decision to pass. The reason 'may be that the final decision to accept or reject a passing opportunity will be based upon the physical evidence available (sight distance) rather than the driver's tolerance to impedence, which is more subjective in nature. 2.2. SAFETY ANDAOPERATIONAL PROBLDIS More passing zone length may be needed for larger trucks than the distance recommended in the MUTCD. Larger trucks generally exhibit low speeds on the rising portion of crest vertical curves and high acceleration rates on the downstream portion. The low speeds can produce a queue of vehicles that is required to adopt the slower truck operating speed and causes delay. The high acceleration rates on the downward portion inhibits passing where sufficient sight distance may be provided because of high relative speeds. Trucks also inhibit visibility of the trailing driver due to greater by wiI of frc man acc. tOtI susz load to 3 thESe Sight aPPIOT 2.3.,A 13 height, width, and lack of through vision capability. A recent study by Suguin et. al. [18] concluded that the truck size (length and width) appears to be an intimidating factor in the lateral placement of vehicles during passing, as well as longitudinal separation (gap) from the following vehicle. Vehicle acceleration performance is involved in the passing maneuver. For automobiles, the contribution of the initial acceleration part of the maneuver is approximately 15 percent of the total passing sight distance. However, some heavy trucks have sustained speeds on level ground of no more than 60 mph when fully loaded, and at speeds near 40 mph, distances on the order of 2,500 to 3,000 ft may be needed to accelerate to 50 mph. On the basis of these observations, the authors concluded that the AASHTO passing sight distance model used for automobiles does not appear to be appropriate for heavy trucks[19]. 2 . 3 . ALLEVIATION OF SAFETY AND OPERATIONAL PROBLDIS The use of passing lanes and short four-lane sections has been suggested as a means of alleviating safety and operational problems on two-lane highways. A passing lane is an added lane provided in one or both directions of travel on a conventional two-lane highway to improve passing opportunities. A recent study by Harwood et. a1. [20] attempted an operational and safety evaluation of passing lanes and short four-lane sections to improve traffic services on two-lane highways. Passing lanes and short four-lane sections were evaluated by using data collected at selected sites in 12 states that 12 se tre lane l4 participated in the study. A traffic operational evaluation was based on field data collected at 12 passing-lane and 3 short four- lane sites. A safety evaluation was based on 1 to 5 years of accident data for each of 66 passing-lane and 10 short four-lane sites. The authors concluded that passing lanes and short four-lane sections are likely to provide significant operational benefits on two—lane highways. Both types of added lanes. increase the passing rate in the direction of travel compared with a conventional two- lane highway. Passing rates in passing lanes and short four-lane sections can be predicted as a function of flow rate, length of treated section, and upstream percentage of vehicles platooned. A safety evaluation found that the installation of a passing lane on two-lane highways does not increase accident rates, in fact, they probably improve safety. No unusual safety problemSIwere found to be associated with either lane addition or lane drop transition areas. The rate of accidents involving vehicles traveling in opposite directions was found to be the same or lower on passing lane sections than on untreated two-lane highways at all severity levels, even for passing lanes where passing by opposing direction vehicles is permitted. A study [21] was conducted by D.W. Harwood et. a1. regarding effective use of passing lanes on two lane highways. It was concluded that passing lanes are effective in improving overall traffic operations on two-lane highways, and they provide a lower cost alternative to four-laning extended sections of highways. ei CI" 15 Further study is needed to know the configuration of passing lanes for different traffic composition and different terrain. It would be desirable to optimize the number, length and location of passing lanes, so that entire two-way two-lane systems can be cost- effective in terms of less delay, higher average speed and less travel time. CHAPTER3 3 .0 SIMULATION MODELS 3.1. SIMULATION MODELS FOR TED-LANE HIGHWAYS INTRODUCTION A review of mathematical models described in the literature indicated that a majority of these models described only a particular aspect of traffic flow and that in none of these was the passing maneuver of primary importance. Though highway engineers developed empirical relations based on real-world observations, even these relations provide only a general idea of the nature of traffic operations. They are not sensitive enough to detect either roadway traffic~flow interactions for any individual design alternative or the differences in these interactions between two or more alternative designs. Computer simulation, on the other hand, has the capability of describing traffic behavior on a vehicle-by-vehicle basis, and the technique lends itself to a sensitivity analysis that permits one to test both the effect of input variables over a wide range of values and their interaction upon the output statistics. Different simulation models used to describe the phenomenon of the passing maneuver on two-lane two-way highways are discussed in detail below. 16 IT mc si di he. bee rel 17 3.1.1. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE RESEARCH MBORATORIES (FIRL) MODEL One simulation model reviewed was developed at Franklin Institute Research Laboratories by Janoff and Cassel. "The FIRL model is a digital computer program written in FORTRAN IV that can simulate the movement of traffic along a two-lane roadway in both directions along with actual passing maneuvers. Vehicle speeds and headways are assigned to each individual vehicle after they have been generated according to a preset volume-speed and volume-headway relationship adopted from the Highway Capacity Manual (1965). The roadway configuration includes no-passing zones, sight distance restrictions, and grades for each traffic lane at any given location along the simulated roadway. Using roadway and traffic data as input, the model simulates traffic movement according to the conditions surrounding a particular vehicle. The initial assigned speed is treated as the desired speed and is used in all subsequent calculations as the speed at which the vehicle would travel if not impeded by traffic" [22]. 3.1.2. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY (NCSU) MODEL "Heimbach and others modified the FIRL model and developed the NCSU model for the purpose of investigating the no-passing zone configuration on rural two-lane highways in relation to throughput volume. Two subroutines, designated truck-on-grade and car exit, and one main routine, called speed-headway, were added to the Franklin Institute model. The truck-on-grade subroutine makes it possible to 18 duplicate the existing range of grades on two-lane primary roadways in North Carolina. The speed-headway program resulted from a need to generate speed and headway distributions for simulation that would match those found in the field. After comparing highway data in North Carolina with output data from calibrated headway distribution models such as the Negative Exponential, Pearson Type-III, Schuhl, Schuhl Pearson-III, Schuhl-Negative Exponential, and modified Schuhl models, they found the Schuhl model best fit the data collected from the field" [A]. The NCSU model contains some, but not all, of the required capabilities. In particular, only truck performance was included in the improved version. Driver use of performance capabilities was neglected, and the overtaking and following logic was over simplified. 3.1.3. SIHUIATION OF VEHICULAR TRAFFIC (SOVT) MODEL Another model was developed that simulates traffic flow on a general two-lane two-way roadway on a vehicle-by-vehicle basis. This SOVT model is written in FORTRAN. The model permits vehicles to follow each other in the same direction in an orderly fashion and also permits vehicles that are moving faster to overtake and pass slower-moving vehicles. In the latter case, the decision to pass is based on the oncoming traffic situation. The upper limit for simulated traffic volumes is a function of traffic density and roadway length. Any directional distribution of traffic volume is acceptable. Any percentage distribution of five l9 vehicle types is also acceptable. Acceleration and deceleration characteristics for these vehicles are defined by the user. Individual input speed distributions for each type of vehicle is also defined by the user. With respect to the simulation roadway, the model accepts roadway lengths of 2-12 km (l.25-7.5 miles). At any point along the roadway, the user is able to specify for each traffic lane the location of speed-restriction zones. These restrictions may be due to sharp horizontal curves. The user is also able to specify the magnitude of vertical gradients, both positive and negative, and no- passing zones. The user is also able to designate as many as eight minor stop- controlled crossroads along the simulation section. The user can specify the total volume and vehicle composition of all vehicles entering and leaving the roadway as well as the percentage of directional turning movements at each minor intersection. Within the simulation roadway, the user has the option of designating the locatjxnn of any climbing lane that permits traffic in one direction to operate over two traffic lanes in the same direction. Limitations of this model include the provision that only truck performance was included in the improved version, driver use of performance capabilities was neglected, and the overtaking and following logic was over simplified. This program accepts only five ‘vehicle types. This model can not evaluate the effects of inclusion of passing lanes on traffic operation [23, 2A]. 20 3.1.4. ROADSIH HODEL IRoadsim.is a traffic simulation model for two-lane rural roads developed in 1980 by FHWA. Roadsim is a reprogrammed version of an earlier model (TWOWAF) with modified routines and adaptations from other models [25]. TWOWAF, a microscopic traffic simulation model, was developed in 1978 as part of a National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) [26]. The model can move individual vehicles in accordance with several parameters specified by the user. The vehicles are advanced through successive l-sec intervals, and the roadway geometry, traffic control, driver preferences, vehicle type and performance characteristics, and passing opportunities based on the oncoming traffic are taken into account. Spot speed data, space data, vehicle interaction data, and the overall traffic data are accumulated and processed. Several statistical summaries are reported. "TWOWAF logic was modified to include logic elements from two other simulation models INTRAS and SOVT. INTRAS, a microscopic freeway simulation model developed in 1976 for FHWA, provided the basic car-following logic to TWOWAF. This logic is based on the ‘premise that a vehicle that is following another will always maintain a space headway relative to its lead vehicle that is linearly proportional to its speed. This premise was much simpler than the one used in TWOWAF and thus easier to calibrate. SOVT, a microscopic two-lane simulation model developed in 1980 at North Carolina State University, provided its vehicle generation logic to TWOWAF. This logic emits vehicles onto the simulated roadway at each 21 enui. For low volumes, the Schuhl distribution used in SOVT provides a realistic approximation of vehicles generated. However, for high ‘volumes where traffic density approaches queueing, a shifted exponential headway distribution is used" [23, 24]. "Roadsim requires a free flow speed to be specified for the entire roadway or by individual link. This is used to adjust the free-flow speed inputs of individual links to "force" the model mean speeds to be comparable with the observed mean speeds. Therefore, mean speed was a controlled variable. To compare the selected MOEs, a similar number of field vehicle trips and simulation vehicle trips was necessary. To compensate for this, the input volume trips were required to be adjusted by trial and error on several Roadsim runs until the number of vehicle trips was similar to the number of trips observed in the field. Therefore, traffic volume was the second controlled variable. Having the same mean speeds and same traffic volumes constraints the modeled speed distributions were found to approximate those observed in the field" [25]. As mentioned before Roadsim is a simplified version of the TWOWAF model. The main drawback of this model is that the program does not consider passing lanes and climbing lanes, and is thus not appropriate for the study of passing relief lane warrants. 3.1.5. AUSTRALIAN ROAD RESEARCH BOARD MODEL (TRARR) The TRARR model has been developed as a research tool for use in the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) rural traffic operation research program. TRARR requires fairly large amounts of 22 computer memory and process time. A typical run requires 27000 words memory, and the process time for one hour of traffic at 600 veh/hr over 9 km of two-lane road is approximately 480 s. The ratio of simulated time to process time varies from 50 to 2, depending on road length, traffic flow rate, and the ease of overtaking on the road. The input data requirements can be considered as two broad categories. The first specifies vehicle and driver characteristics, which should only be varied for particular purposes, such as simulation experiments designed to examine the effects of change in driver behavior or vehicle performance. The second provides details of road geometry, traffic flows, simulation time and observing requirements. A total of 52 vehicle driver characteristics may be specified in the input file for each of the 18 vehicle types. The use of 18 vehicle types in the model serves three purposes. First, it allows for a distribution of behavior characteristics over the vehicLe populatnnL Second, the model can respond to changes in traffic composition such as an increase in heavy trucks. Third, the vehicle type range allows special classes of vehicles to be added by the user. The traffic streams are generated by sampling from exponential headway distributions and a normal distribution of desired speed for each vehicle type. Initial platooning is achieved through the use of no-overtaking warm-up zones. The characteristics of the simulated road are provided as a list of measures of each unit road segment (typical length 100 m) for each direction of travel. These measures consist of sight 23 distance, overtaking barrier lines, auxillary lanes, speed limit indices, and grades (one direction only). To date, speed reduction factors are only provided for the effects of horizonta1m32mfl: wcwaozfi so mama mcflmmmm o no poouum on» no mamemxm .m musmflm 13:3 .08”. 952 82%.. o. o m m o n v m N _ o a _ _ _ _ _ _ d _ _ o All I! 9.2 mcmmmod mo imam. o>2omtw oco_ wagon Lo 59...: 3394.” 1 ON ‘3...) x . 1 o... 96— @532. its .33me 9.0.10): \ _ x0343; 95— :02: _oEcoZ|.\ I l ow oo— peuoomld 313301130 waxed Jodg 28 ICOr ] I ?OL ’ l l :0 "' NONE)! Two - 3.9M Higmv no... 2m - 400 veh/hr in Eaca Dinetion LO“— ?am'ng Lane Length (mi) PCICCHI 0' Vehicle-t Delayed in Humans [mi 8 |,.',-09Em l . g g o L ' ‘ O l 2 J 4 5 6 ‘1 03mm. from Beginning of Passing Leno (m') Normal , f2. 80 I- r'o' LON Highway Flow m. - 700 «V» in fed! Direction 1.5 23‘— Pouing Lam Ling“! (mi) Pusan! of Vohlclu Delayed In Ploloom 15 40 30- 201-\ lor- nae-Leon. o l 1 L L L l 0 I 2 3 4 5 '6 7 Ohm ha hinting of PM“! UN (0‘) Figure 4. Gradual Increase in Percentage of Vehicles Delayed in Platoons Downstream of Passing Lanes(21) 29 vary from 3 to 8 miles depending on passing lane length, traffic flow and composition, and downstream passing opportunities. From Figure 4 it is evident that the reduction in percent of vehicles delayed in platoons is not significant beyond 4-5 miles downstream of the beginning of a passing lane. Table 1 presents the estimated reductions in percent time delay for different effective lengths and for'ttifferent lengths of passing lanes. The effective length of the passing lane includes the downstream section of two-lane highways where platooning is lower than it would have been without the passing lane. To establish warrants for passing relief lanes, it will be necessary to define this effective length of the passing lane for different combinations of traffic flow and composition, passing lane length, geometry of the road and downstream passing opportunities. Further Study The chosen model will be run with a wide variety of input values, including cases where a passing lane is already in place. Traffic and geometric characteristics of the candidate passing lane sites will be input and model runs will be made using various traffic volume, traffic mix and geometric values so that the warrants which result from the model runs will be widely applicable. The motorist delay or cost figures which result from the model runs will be used to construct the basis for a warrant for passing lane construction. The net benefit to the motoring public from construction of a passing lane for a certain combination of traffic and geometric features will be determined. 30 TABLE 1 EFFECT OF PASSING LANES ON PERCENT TIME DELAY OVER AN EXTENDED ROAD LENGTH(21) EFFECTIVE PERCENT TIME DELAY LENGTH PASSING LANE LENGTH (MILE) (MILE) 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.50 2.00 ONE-WAY FLOW RATE - 100 VPH 3 33 30 20 17 17 17 17 5 33 31 25 22 19 17 17 8 33 32 28 26 24 22 20 ONE-WAY FLOW RATE - 200 VPH 3 50 39 29 25 25 25 25 5 50 44 37 31 29 25 25 8 50 46 42 38 37 33 30 ONE-WAY FLOW RATE - 400 VPH 3 70 67 57 49 43 35 35 5 70 68 62 57 54 49 38 8 70 69 65 62 60 57 50 ONE-WAY FLOW RATE - 700 VPH 3 82 79 69 63 55 45 41 5 82 80 74 71 66 60 52 8 82 81 77 75 72 68 63 31 3.2. SIMULATION MODEL SELECTION CRITERIA The use of simulation techniques appears to provide a means of assessing operational impacts (on delay, speed and passing maneuver) of increased truck traffic as well as altered roadway geometry (as reflected by various measures of no-passing zones). With the proper use of such simulation models it may be possible to quantify most of the operational effects. In selecting a computer simulation model for a two-lane highway, the following functional specifications are required: 1. Be capable of being understood well enough by the highway design practitioner that he or she would feel comfortable in using it to test design alternatives. 2. Permit user to locate speed restriction zones, no-passing zones, vertical grades, horizontal curves, minor side—road intersections, and passing lanes and climbing lanes at any point along the simulation route. 3. Be able to accomodate driver's characteristics during passing maneuver. 4. Be able to simulate maximum hourly traffic volumes and directional distribution by traffic lanes that are found in the field. 5. Be able to accomodate vehicle overtaking and passing maneuvers. 6. Be able to simulate a number of different types of passenger cars, trucks and recreational vehicles, each with different acceleration and deceleration capabilities, size and horse power. 32 7. Permit the user to input typical speed and headway distributions found in the field. 8. Provide for interaction between the vehicle acceleration and deceleration characteristics and the horizontal and vertical alignment and traffic control specified for the simulated roadway. 9. Provide real-time simulation that is efficient in terms of consumption of computer time. 10. Express throughput data characterizing simulation in statistics that are readily understood and usable by the roadway design practitioner in the evaluation of design alternatives. ll. Enable the user to output simulation data for a number of spot locations and user specified sub-sections throughout the simulation roadway. A comparison of the features of the main four models i.e., SOVT, TWOWAF, TRARR and TWOPAS are given in Table (2). TRARR and TWOPAS models seem to be better in comparison to the SOVT and TWOWAF models mainly because of added capability to simulate the operational effects of passing and climbing lanes. Most of the features are common in these two models. The TWOPAS model also considers the driver workload factor in passing maneuver logic. It also gives output data for a number of spot locations and subsections specified by users. The TWOPAS model has already been calibrated and used in a few projects while the reliability of the TRARR model in predicting acceleration, merging, gap-acceptance or slowing down on grades has not yet been fully tested. Thus, the best suited simulation model for this study is TWOPAS. 33 oucmumao unofim unfimmom unwacofia< Hmuco~fiuo= mucouoncsoo dwoum advancicaon ammum mocou comma accumuna ucoacmaac HoDCONuuo: acoacofiac HoucONfiuom cowuoauumom oomam macano> :o moumuonaa mmcmuouna mounuoann muowuum cwom mmsounw> uo amuse H44 mmdoficm> uo amass ~44 moan uo moauwafinodoo oomaw uo moaufiaanmnoo cocoa Iuwuouoauuno can :owumuoaooo< uOu can cofiuouoaoooa now mucoBHOuuom cmadono: saufioddoxm ooflsmoo: asusofiamxm vossmoo: adudofidaxm cwsdmco: sauuofiflnxm odoqno> osou asnaumz ocoN moneys: muoooum mafia >oapom= Hassom ocoa Qanfiumz mSHQ assume: Hassom >m3fiow= Hasnom >uucm axozua no Umauqooam mxosua uo noooouo m .uoaofino> on >ofi mod>a nomoouu m .mouodzo> nonnoao nouoodu donofiuoouoom .nuoo no~o«:w> ma 0» a: Assamuoouoom .muoo oaoano> o>um advano> moosmcuq zdzsmom zuqmu0>dca ououm onwaoumo pumom noncomom vanadumcH :uuoz ocfiuoonucm honoo¢ (smh pmom cofiaouuma< noncomox uuozu«: Ha>do no ucofiuuonoo enhanconnom mom can: Hose: Ahmvmw43ZUHx wztdlozfi “Oh DNQQQW>ND mamao: ZOHBo .ocficoouoam can m>o3coo= .mmoaoo cco ocooma .moEwB Ho>ou9 ao~o«co> uo :uocoq can aouwdwnomoo cooma can sawuouoaooo< cofiusn sauumao cooma couaaom x“: ofiuuoua .soouua ofiuuoua ocfiuoucu ad ocqcoouoam Owuuous .oaon vauuoua ocoq >uodadx9< oocoN mafixouuo>oloz mflfiuoum unoam ucoacofiat Housesauoz oafiuoum Hoofiuuo> ocoN mcdooom casuaa cofluoooq .ou:uo>u=o Hou:0n«uo= coouoam :« cofiufioom momma oocoumfim unofia can cannons usaoommo mow audauu nonoum oocoumooo< moo coHumssmcoo Mosh .mcacoouoam .ocfimuoz muouoa cco Dcaxouuo>o .moEAB Ho>ou9 .aaozcooz cco acooma uoma moowcnn sodomouood mosao> unvao3\uo3om o:0ausnwuumfio cooma coufimom Kw! Oquuoufi u3o~m ofiuuoua mocoq muofiuqxsc moses ocfixouuo>OIoz osauoum unoam ucoacmda< HouCONfiuoz ouauoum Hoowuuo> a:0auo:u«a osfixouuo>o ucououudo you ououoom sumunm owauaomam “0m: 20 memm aoasm ofiumwcfieuouoo cofiumauomoo ofiwa uo ucouocH cox«m .omqoz COwuouoHoooc .m:«muo: auouoa can aouom asaxouuo>o .oaoaoo cco cooma .uoEaa Ho>oua :Owuaafiuuawo cooma couwmoo XMZ Uduuuufi osoam Dauuoua monoN mcdxovuo>oloz «Hauoum unvam unoECOqad Hovc0uquo= oaauoum anewuuo> omou amused; magnumqa unoam can Owuuoua Osgoommo you suasanonoum oocoumoood moo aouom unaxouuo>o moaomu oocuso cooma amoacooz cco cooma uoma coeds Ho>oua :ofiusnauuowo cooma couuooo X“: UHHUQHB macaw usuuaue ocoom ocaa nasal mcfixouuo>010z .aocow :Ouuoquuoom cooma oafiuoum Houduuo> cannons mcwoommo cco.o:fixouuo>o o>auouoaooo< you suaaaaaaoum oosoumooo¢ moo ouoo usmuso coco unmCH oHo«:o> can uo>aum muse usmcm cauuuue noon usmcu auuoaoou cuom odooq ocaxouuo>o A.c.:oov N mqmHZDOO mv_<._ 46 m.:w mm<40 .—.< 20-h0m4400 <...._.ZDOO wm<._0 47 TABLE 4 VEHICLE CLASSIFIED BY VC-1900 MACHINE USED FOR DATA COLLECTION VEHICLE TYPE CLASSIFICATION NO. OF AXLES CATEGORY Motorcycle Car or Light Pickup Car + Trailer Car + 2 Axle Trailer Heavy Pickup Heavy Pickup + Trailer Heavy Pickup + 2 Axle Trailer Heavy Pickup + 3 Axle Trailer Bus 2 Axle Bus 3 Axle Truck 2 Axle Truck + 3 Axle Trailer Truck 3 Axle Truck 4 Axle (Triaxle) Truck Semi 281 Truck Semi 282 Truck Semi 381 Truck Semi 382 Truck Tandem + 2 Axle Trailer Truck + 3 Axle Trailer Truck (4 Axle) + 2 Axle Trailer 10 Truck Semi 383 10 Truck + Double Bottom 281-2 11 Truck + Double Bottom 381-2 12 Vehicle with 7 or more Axles l3 \OOOQQQNO‘WU‘PbWWU-DWNNNH \JO‘WMWU‘U‘U‘L‘bWDWLflNWNUIbWNbWNN 48 collect speed, headway and vehicle classification separately and the downstream machines were used to collect speed and headway data. Data were collected on Friday for six hours from 12:00 noon to 6:00 p.m. in one direction and on Sunday for the same six hours in the other direction. The same machine set up, timings and days of the week were used for both locations. Speed data were collected in different speed intervals to get the speed distribution and to calculate the percentage of vehicles with speed greater than 55 mph. This speed distribution also gives the mean and standard deviation of speed in the field. The speed distribution at 0.5 mile upstream of the passing lane for the SE direction of flow at the Clare county site is shown in Figure 7. The median speed is 58.0 mph (85.0 ft/sec) and the standard deviation is 6 mph (8.8 ft/sec). Vehicles having a headway less than 5 seconds were counted separately to get the percentage of vehicles in platoon. The VC-l900 machine uses the FHWA Scheme F Classification Algorithm in counting the number of axles on a vehicle and measuring the axle spacing to classify the vehicles in thirteen different categories. For a given number of axles the logic applies a series of tests to the axle spacings to determine which category the vehicle will be classified into. For the simulation run, trucks were divided into three categories. The trucks classified by the machine as 5, 6, 7, were taken as high performance trucks, trucks classified as 8, 9, 10, were taken as medium performance trucks and trucks classified as 11, 12, 13, were taken as low performance trucks for the simulation run. The model accepts three types of trucks and one 49 ..m LO 2 m: |¢l zQ> 00v Ix! ca> v©v Iml 50> Pwv + £Q> Nov III 50> 0N? lol ww2340>nguu w>;<..:.:230 thOmwm 0_mm(mh DZDOm mm Eon. mtm mm<40 Eon. 20-th.mhm_0 ONmmw 0 OP ON Om CV 00 00 0m 00 00 00? Ax.» a.» 50 type of bus. This machine does not distinguish recreational vehicles as a single category, but classifies theunas trucks with similar axle spacing. The machine classifies cars and pickup trucks separately. These two categories were taken as two high performance types of cars in the model. Overall three types of trucks, one type of bus, and two types of car/pickups were used to calibrate the model. Hourly volume, percentage vehicles having speed greater than 55 mph, percentage of the vehicles in platoon, and fraction of traffic mix are given in Tables 5 and 6, for the Lake and Clare county sites respectively. Geometric data were collected by using the Michigan Automated. Recording System (MARS) vehicle. This vehicle gives complete details of the alignment of the road. It measures location and different elements of vertical and horizontal curves as it moves along the road“ Geometric data collected by the MARS vehicle are given in Tables 7 and 8, for the Lake and Clare county sites respectively. The values of position coordinate, length and the percentage change in grade at the beginning and end of each grade region are given in these tables. The values of position coordinate where the horizontal curves begin, radius of curve, superelevation and degree of curves are also given in these tables. The location and length of passing zones and no-passing zones and passing lanes were noted from the photolog films of the roads for both directions. These no-passing zones along,the road for both the directions are shown in Figure 5, for the Lake county site and in Figure 6, for the Clare county site. 51 mocoq ms4mmom no Eoouumczoo ao44z m.4 mocoq 044mmom mo Eoouums3om mo442 m.o aocoq mcflmmom mo Eoouumma mo44z m.o In 004400040 .0 00400004. :4 00400004« 000.0 000.0 040.0 040.0 000.0 000.0 00 00 00 09 00 00 000 00.0-00.0 000.0 000.0 040.0 040.0 000.0 000.0 40 00 00 09 00 00 090 00.0-00.0 000.0 900.0 000.0 440.0 000.0 000.0 40 00 00 00 00 00 004 00.0:00.0 000.0 000.0 440.0 000.0 400.0 000.0 00 00 40 00 00 00 404 00.0-00.m 000.0 000.0 000.0 040.0 000.0 000.0 00 00 90 00 00 00 004 00.0:00.4 090.0 040.0 040.0 040.0 000.0 000.0 00 00 00 09 00 00 004 00.4-00.04 2900400v 0:204904040 000.0 000.0 900.0 900.0 040.0 000.0 . 40 00 00 u 00 000 00.0:00.0 000.0 090.0 000.0 000.0 040.0 000.0 n 00 00 09 n 40 000 00.0:00.0 000.0 090.0 000.0 040.0 000.0 000.0 . 00 00 00 a 00 000 00.0:00.0 040.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 I 40 00 00 u 00 ~90 00.0:00.~ 040.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 940.0 000.0 u 00 00 40 a 00 000 00.0:00.4 000.0 040.0 000.0 000.0 .040.0 000.0 . 00 00 09 a 00 ~00 00.4:00.04 49002000 4:204904040 m 4 0 N 4 0 m 4 0 0 4 000040 040 94044 204042 9><44 «020494004 94 0020490004 94 00> 04099 040 004 04099 40009 2009040 0 40200A0440m 42040> 4.2.00 442 0404009 24 0440444> 00 20490000 oommv9420<44 4009240040 94000: 004040 mIMQQCB mBHm MBZDOU Wfidfl mom 044 «020490004 90 «020490004 90 00> 04099 000 000 04009 40009 2009040 0 00400A04400 42040> 4.2.00 44: 0400009 24 0440404> 00 20490000 0000v9020040 4009240040 040000 004040 mBHm $92000 mmdflu mom ¢B<0 UHhhdMB mindmfla CAL can 331 (MILE) . 0F TIE 2?.13 V in p=t* 4.00 Em, F( ‘ ZOE-HAL C1 582666028 0 3 6 6 6 6 8 8 l l J“ 7! 0 7 0 .0 E :4 0’ O 3 IQ 0!. AJ 010 Q .3 1 2 2 0w. . . .Y 0 I4 .3 8 AU .\4 00.. CC 34 94.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . A u A. "A . . . . 0 . . . 0 1L .1. 0 .0 0 L 010 01. «J 3 1a ~44 s AN 0* 400 ..w N n r]; all; 0.1.4 0 0 0. s 9,0 0!; a“ -N 1d .14 ”tic 14d I‘d 10¢ 01 1d 1. -Id .‘J .1 0‘ Ii... .0 \‘J H45. ‘0' \Jv 01v Iv:- 414 01 0;... 53 TABLE 7 (a) VERTICAL CURVE DATA COLLECTED BY MARS VEHICLE AT LAKE COUNTY SITE BEG. OF THE END OF THE LENGTH OF THE GRADE IN THE GRADE IN THE REGION (MILE) REGION (MILE) REGION (FT) BEGINNING (%) END (%) 29.13 31.23 11088 0.00 0.00 31.23 31.26 158 0.37 1.54 31.26 31.33 370 1.54 0.21 31.44 31.53 475 0.21 0.84 31.53 31.67 739 0.84 -2.34 31.96 32.06 528 -O.61 2.21 32.06 32.14 422 2.21 0.12 32.36 32.46 528 1.52 -2.33 32.46 32.70 1267 -2.33 1.15 32.98 33.08 528 1.15 -2.00 33.08 33.11 158 -2.00 -1.28 33.21 33.26 264 -1.28 -2.41 33.41 33.54 686 —2.38 1.03 33.54 33.64 528 1.03 -O.98 34.17 34.20 158 -O.75 1.30 34.20 34.27 370 1.30 -O.23 34.27 35.77 7920 0.00 0.00 TABLE 7 (b) HORIZONTAL CURVE DATA COLLECTED BY MARS VEHICLE AT LAKE COUNTY SITE BEG. OF THE RADIUS OF THE SUPERELEVATION DEGREE OF CURVE (FT) CURVE (FT) THE CURVE 30.45 3784 0.091 1.5 30.58 5679 0.093 1.0 30.82 5142 0.087 1.1 31.06 2900 0.090 -2.0 31.56 2565 0.097 -2.2 31.66 5165 0.078 1.1 31.80 . 5521 0.081 1.0 34.32 7957 0.091 -0.7 34.88 5495 0.084 -1.0 ,mvvv‘ VERTICAL Chm; fi 355. OF THE E): 355105 (MILE) Rr.‘ ‘ 11.45 12.15 13.15 13.28 13.47 13.50 13.57 14.55 15.30 16.04 15.32 16.38 54 TABLE 8 (a) VERTICAL CURVE DATA COLLECTED BY MARS VEHICLE AT CLARE COUNTY SITE BEG. OF THE END OF THE LENGTH OF THE GRADE IN THE GRADE IN THE REGION (MILE) REGION (MILE) REGION (FT) BEGINNING (%) END (%) 11.45 12.15 3696 0.00 0.00 12.15 12.20 264 0.24 -0.58 13.15 13.28 686 -0.46 0.40 13.28 13.47 . 1003 0.40 -1.05 13.47 13.50 158 -1.05 1.42 13.50 13.57 370 1.42 1.05 13.57 13.64 370 1.05 -2.46 14.55 14.57 106 0.20 -0.81 15.30 15.34 211 0.01 -1.56 16.04 16.13 475 -0.17 -1.10 16.32 16.38 317 -1.10 -0.15 16.38 18.08 8976 0.00 0.00 TABLE 8 (b) HORIZONTAL CURVE DATA COLLECTED BY MARS VEHICLE AT CLARE COUNTY SITE BEG. OF THE RADIUS OF THE SUPERELEVATION DEGREE OF CURVE (MILE) CURVE (FT) THE CURVE 13.58 904 0.075 6.3 13.85 2689 0.040 2.1 16.03 5872 0.025 1.0 5.3. ACCIDENT I The acci of passing la' accidents on fro: the state two-lane highwa five years fro: of the accide: from 1983 to 1 rates and sev. lane roads 5'1: lane high-rays ADT levels i.e than 10000 . TF1 55 5.3. ACCIDENT DATA.REQUIRED The accident data is required to determine the effectiveness of passing lanes in reducing total accidents and severity of' accidents on two-lane highways. The accident data were separated from the state data file for those sections having passing lanes on two-lane highways throughout Michigan. These data were separated for five years from 1983 to 1987. The files contain types and severity of the accidents. The values of accidents by severity for each year from 1983 to 1987 are given in Table 9. To compare the accident rates and.severity of the accidents within the passing lane and two lane roads without passing lanes, the entire accident data on two- lane highways in Michigan were segregated on the basis of different ADT levels i.e., less than 5000, between 5000 to 10000 and greater than 10000. These accident data are given in Table 10. . illl I. ~ 5.6 cc «.6 v: a: fit cc mc CC HQ 55 c: ..ufi v: at he 63 mm Va HE NC 0% mac Qt Hm 5Q 0% mm Va HQ C.UC( .—<.—.CL. ...uC‘ O»: Cu.:::.2~ CZCHMZEL .UU< >~=:.2~ CE~::.2~ IZCQQEL .UU< QF~ZE>E¢ =.~.~3 FZECuUC’s LC EECIDZ EEQIEZ >EZDOU u <2-Uh = znlnh —-.~\~3 hu..~.zu.hn-thv< to -b~—~:\~z A. E.huhoc3Ho4~ «\ovswuavuno (In N H H gen r1chosmcnr4m\ouaHr4u>¢cubtn0\ncvetv o r4H H H [s m m¢Vr4e¢>vwnra u1n\ou>m n\orsmuov w H N H o nunoanodravrd Inoowcnram m «amcv i m H n H H O l3£9m n«vu3m¢nraw 1rb-v0\vcnoin on 'crav #40 H H a“ w cancav OriCUSN br~ch cv5«vorvo H8 H H H z n Duo mcvoao raccooen .menraH oc>oc>Nrdoc>¢ u::r4m O‘vazrdV 0 z::¢> o<3c>ocvr1Hc>O¢n ocvoaH named Hod Hrdm «an Nina) Hrdocahrdocantoramowm\orvocvocvoao e«z H H P40 F1NCDK’OI4C)OC3VI#F§OI¥O(DF‘H\DU)V¢D u film H c abmcn 0 $¢h¢> Ht:c>Hc00¢noaOoc>Hrqo<3N¢orsmr4Ncordmeomrdn 2 H on 3E3» °C30o~c>Nu5Mr4~e4nc>N<>o 3 no 0' C)2r~ 0 “an OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 4 urge a gain CDOCDOCDOCDOCDOCDOCDOCDOCDOrdOCDO g g In «'5 gco c:o(Docaocaocao::ocaocaocaocaocao : H O-v gco c>o<3c>o<>o¢3c>o¢3c>o¢3c>o¢3c>o<3c>o + wen u nun ocaocaocaocao<30udc>oc>o<3c>°c>Or4 5 h 0 a cc:c>o¢3c>ocao<3c>o<3c>o¢3c>cc3c>o<5 .8 m 0 6w OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOO < ()m - H (no OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 3 pic a gen o¢3c>o¢3c>o¢3c>o<3c>o¢3c>o<3c>o<3c>o a. ten n a.» cc:c>o¢3c>o¢3c>o¢3raocac>o<3c>OCDOHH u u m filmlanlfl:3 : ['4 ”(00555 D commencing Id 0 g atznsq.at:<¢zs:m¢znsmczn: In a U m:nn:o<>o<3:=Orar¢mrnnamzn §¢:31 ~H 8 El rqarmtanJm-cn.mce=»>:>>-> HuUCJE:xe«z:§;§:i§:§aaq:zz:z &) S filmtnul hJZIfl BEECJSIQ < it: 0 E43¢DC>O<>3¢t¢IBE4E¢BE# P1 :4 H Eta mvd hwnuam U5H¢4F1 h a m h«drahtnwdH.4u1H¢nrsnrvoamcvoam\coah +3 0 Mod! n IrdHrdvo4w¢ll ht‘h-hf\h~00fiu1 o H llmlmlllllmmmllllllltnlE-t I I:2:DI:D:EI:::BS:D:D:>=:EI:S:E!:=:D c l I I I: < c c c c II I. III! III! I . II II |.. I III I....Il I III I I I I I . |. he to mm o: p: 5: on m: we a: s: cc we v: .a he on no va am so on we on an no we no we a a.cu< ;<&c& .ob< 0:; :m::nz_ mzoazza .bt< >zafiz~ :x=:5z~ mzomzma .UU< a<fi< theta: zP~za>am :&~3 fizmchco< LC zmcz:z >52300 ><2=u~= .I III] III .IIr III ....I.I II «...:—CO» 9 B..:<.~. 57 ‘TOTAL ACC.* FNOHONOHNN nun 8 7 0 1 2 1 0 3 10 0 2 1 O 1 0 0 0 4 1 7 2 1 85 86 87 83 84 85 86 87 7 8 6 0 0 O O 0 0 0 O 0 O 1 1 O O O 2 I 0 O 1 2 4 2 0 1 6 3 7 7 1 3 3 2 0 0 3 0 2 1 1 PERSONS INJURED PDO ACC. 85 86 87 83 84 0 0 O 0 1 0 7 O 0 O O O O 0 O O O 0 O 1 O O 0 85 86 87 83 84 TABLE 9 (Con’d.) 2 2 O 0 0 O O O 1 4 0 0 0 O O 0 O O O O 0 0 0 000 1 NNOOHH HHOOOO O 1 0 0 0 0 NMOOHO OO O O 0 0 O 0 O O O O O O OOH O O 0 0 O 0 O O O O MHOOOH OH 2 NUMBER OF ACCIDENT WITH SEVERITY IN UPPER MICHIGAN PERSONS INJURED INJURY ACC. 83 84 85 86 87 83 84 OOOOOOO 00 00 0000000 00 CO 00 0000000 00 00 0000900 00 CO ATAL ACC. 3 84 85 86 87 F O O OOOOOOOOOO O O O O O 0 0 O O OOOOOOO OO 00 0000000060600 OOOOOOOOOOOOO 0000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O O O 0 0 O O 0 O O O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOO HIGHWAY COUNTY NUMBER US41 BARAGA M-26 HOUGHTON USl4 IRON 0514 IRON U814 IRON 1 11 3 4 1 0 O 0 0 11 8 3 12 11 6 12 14 10 3 2 O 0 O O 5 3 7 10 8 10 7 3 4 O 0 O O O O 1 O 0 O 0 2 1 O 0 0 0 1 O 0 0 O 0 0 O 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 O 1 O 0 O 0 O O O 0 O 3 0 5 1 O 0 0 O O O 0 M-45 ONTONAGON 0 O O O 0 O 0 0 O O 1 Fatal Accident + Injury Accident + PDO Accident 0 O O O 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 O 0 O O 0 0 0 O O 0 0 O O O 0 O O M-26 ONTONAGON 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 M-28 ALGER M-28 ALGER M-28 ALGER M-28 ALGER *Total Accident 1 crhh-nw~>nlm \dmm muflr~5<- Qz< mummy—Kn: EZMWQHUUE‘ Av I n‘aH-h ‘nb 58 moaaz oaoano> coaaaaz ooa uom mucmoaooa mouam ”meoz aa.aaa aama m.aaa o.aaa a.a o.a a.aaa m.am aama aa.ama aaaa m.aaa a.aam a.a a.a a.aaa m.mm aama aa.aa~ aaaa a.maa m.a~a a.a o.a a.aaa a.am mama ma.aaa mama p.maa a.aaa a.a a.a a.aaa «.moa aama aa.aaa aaoa m.aoa a.mma a.a m.a a.aaa a.aoa mama oooaauaoooa Baa mom aa.aa¢a aaam ~.oa~ m.aaa a.m a.a a.oaa a.aa aama aa.maaa aaom a.aaa a.oaa a.a m.a m.aaa o.aa aama am.aaaa amaa a.ama o.oa~ o.a a.a ~.maa o.ma mama aa.ooaa mama a.ama m.aaa a.a a.~ p.maa a.a> aama aa.amoa aaaa a.aaa a.maa a.a a.a a.~aa a.aa mama ooooanaoom Baa mom am.maaa aaoaa a.aaa a.maa a.a m.a a.am m.mm aama «a.aava aaaaa a.aaa a.ama a.a a.a a.am o.oa aama ma.amaa amaaa a.maa a.aaa m.a a.~ o.am ¢.oa mama aa.aaav maaaa o.aaa m.aa~ a.a a.~ a.am a.aa aama ma.¢maa aboaa a.aaa a.aoa a.a a.a a.mm o.aa mama oooaua Baa mom mana: .moo< meam mean mean meam oaom mo mmmzpz .oo< .oo< meam .oo< meam .oo< amazpz aaeoe aaeoe .o.o.m aaemm um mmfidm 02¢ “QQZDZ BZflDHUUd 6.0 SIHUIATIOR HO 5.1mm DESI“N The T'JOPAS validated for the to conduct this Iichigan driver's on Michigan tad performance par P‘atOOH. percent May at a partic Slfdlated roadway The Parame pertWage Vehic CHAPTER6 6.0 SIMUIATION MODEL CALIBRATION 6. 1 STUDY DESIGN The TWOPAS model selected for the study has previously been validated for the range of geometric and traffic parameters required to conduct this study. However, the model has to be calibrated for Michigan driver's and the speed at which they are willing to drive on Michigan two-lane roadways. To calibrate the model, driver performance parameters were varied, and the values of selected outputs given by the simulation model were compared to the field values. The model output includes the percentage of vehicles in platoon, percentage vehicles at or above the desired speed, average delay at a particular location and delay for a specified section of simulated roadway. The parameter selected to calibrate the model was the percentage vehicles in platoon at different locations. As mentioned before, these locations are taken as 0.5 mile upstream of the passing lane and 0.5 and 1.5 miles down stream of the passing lanes. Speed and headway data were collected at these three locations for each of the four passing lanes used in the calibration. The values of the percentage vehicles in platoon, percentage vehicles with speed greater than 55 mph and fraction of each type of vehicle in the traffic mix were given in Tables 5 and 6 (Chapter 5). 59 Simulatior aix collected simulation vali with the field v run the parame: aid car follow: Values of these 353611 the field ‘ these Parameter 61- INPUT DATA ; 6O Simulation runs were made using each hourly volume and traffic mix collected in the field for both directions of flow. The simulation values of percentage vehicles in platoon were compared with the field values at the same locations for each hour. In each run the parameters defining driver characteristics (desired speed and car following sensitivity factor values) were changed. The values of these parameters for which the simulation results best match the field values were determined. The calibrated model with these parameters was taken to represent drivers using the Michigan roadway environment and was used for further study. 6.2. INPUT DATA REQUIRED To run the simulation model, the following data are required. Most of these data were collected in the field as discussed before, although a few values were taken directly from the user's guide as default values. . Entering Traffic Data . Geometric Data . Traffic Control Data . Vehicle Characteristics . Driver Characteristics 6.2.1. ENTERING TRAFFIC DATA Flow Rates The program logic creates an entering traffic stream in response to a user specified flow rates for both directions. Platooninfi The pe {Gent for both direc ti Vehicle Mix The model recreational ve requires the fra directions of f of tn cks, one t; both locations. 6.2.2. CEQIL‘I'RIC Grades The Positi {EQ'Jired at the 6 l Platooning The percentage of the entering traffic in platoons are required for both directions. Vehicle Mix The model accepts four types of trucks/bus, four types of recreational vehicles (RV's) and five types of cars/pickup. It requires the fraction of each type of vehicle in the mix for both directions of flow. The traffic mix was classified into three types of trucks, one type of bus, and two types of car/pickup trucks for both locations. 6.2.2. GEOMETRIC DATA Grades The position coordinate and the percent grade values are required at the beginning and at the end of each grade region. The grade data are required only for direction No.1. Program logic supplies the data for direction No.2. Positive grades represent an upgrade and negative grades represent a downgrade. Horizontal curves The position coordinate where the curve begins for traffic in direction.No.l is required. Radius of the curve, superelevation and degree of the curve are also required. Program logic considers lane width, shoulder width and pavement quality indirectly through drive . Passing Sight DIS The position required at the region, expressed needs to be ente differs from the takes the minim: is less than the i t. The Position figui {Ed in the a] 62 distribution of the desired speed at which drivers are willing to drive . Passing Sight Distance The position coordinate and passing sight distance values are required at the beginning and at the end of each sight distance region, expressed in direction No.1 coordinates. Sight distance data needs to be entered only for the region where the sight distance differs from the nominal value, which was taken as 2,000 ft. It takes the minimum sight distance value whenever the sight distance is less than the nominal value. This minimum value was taken as 800 ft. Passing lane The position coordinate of the beginning of the passing lane is required in the appropriate direction of travel. 6.2.3. TRAFFIC CONTROL DATA Passing Zones and No-Passing Zones The position coordinate of the beginning of these zones is required in the appropriate direction of travel. The codes used to identify passing zones and no-passing zones were taken as l and -1 respectively. These values were noted from the photolog films of the roads. Program logic considers speed limit indirectly through the user specified distribution of desired speed. 5.2.4. mucu: C“ Acceleration and all vehicle for either din performance capab performance capab “tight/Net Horse The value 0 If" y a r -.O.I:ance truc limb/TE?) for h ' 63 6.2.4. VEHICLE CHARACTERISTICS DATA Acceleration and Speed Capabilities All vehicle types for which a fraction of the flow is specified for either direction of travel must be defined in terms of performance capabilities. The model takes the following factors as performance capabilities of trucks and bus. Weight/Net Horse Power Ratio(lb/NHP) The value of this factor was taken as 266(1b/NHP) for low performance trucks, 196(lb/NHP) for medium performance trucks, 128(lb/NHP) for high performance trucks and 72(lb/NHP) for a bus. Height/Projected Frontal Area The value of this factor was taken as 620(lb/ft2) for low performance trucks, 420(lb/ft2) for medium performance trucks, 284(lb/ft2) for high performance trucks and 158(1b/ft2) for a bus. The length of trucks and buses was taken as 65 ft and 30 ft. respectively. Factor Correcting Horsepower to Local Elevation The value of the factor correcting horse power to local elevation for all types of trucks and the bus was taken as 1.0 (the default value from the manual). Factor Correcting The value of tacks and the bu The performa of the following lain- Accelerat The value of 1' A 2 1.1 ft/sec for p. Lilitatiom 0n SUI “‘15 factor 4 4 PO'I'EI ”Strain: "1.36 Of the faCCC 29‘ , for this Stuc‘ Dashed sWed The MQan deg: are .- . equlred in a: ‘e‘e: “«C F' 64 Factor Correcting Aerodynamic Drag to Local Elevation The value of this factor was taken as 0.957 for all types of trucks and the bus (the default value from the manual). The performance capabilities of cars were considered in terms of the following factors. Maxi-u-.Acceleration.Using Maxi-um Available Horsepower The value of this factor was taken as 10.43 ft/seczfor cars and 11.2 ft/sec2for pickups. Limitations on Sustained Use of'Maxi-u- Horse Power This factor is to be used on maximum grade to account for horse power restraint. This value was taken as 0.90 for this study. The value of the factor to be used on maximum acceleration was taken as 0.81 for this study. 6.2.5. DRIVER CHARACTERISTICS AND PREFERENCES Desired Speed The mean desired speed and standard deviation of desired speed are required in the model. This speed distribution gives the speed at which drivers are willing to drive at given roadway conditions and indirectly represents the driver characteristics. Different car-following models were developed to explain how driver behaves in a traffic stream and most of them took the form: Response - function (sensitivity, stimuli) .e 3:5 ‘E‘ ~~~e , ‘ ‘0 Id be Leaf and c “ 1071 . ‘§0"“w~ ...e Sigma-1a“. 'Le respOi‘lS ie:e'.era:ion) 0 represented by ‘- 1 .: q... . 753.1119. the C SE:S‘.'C‘.‘-'lt‘~' fat :2 O :-1 3 ectstant Spe- ed Erzin r uCoUdEd d acg‘oklv‘s 56p - I‘D‘ $1” "cf: “4 by e‘o1e .. 31 v Ck R' 65 The response was always represented by acceleration (or deceleration) of the following vehicle, while stimuli was always represented by the relative velocity of the lead and following vehicle. The difference in the models was represented by the sensitivity factor. The first model assumed that the sensitivity term was constant and the model formulation is shown in the following equation: 32ml (t+At) - a [Rum-- in+1(t) 1 where: At - reaction time a - sensitivity parameter The stimuli term could be positive, negative or zero, which could cause the response to be an acceleration, deceleration or constant speed. Improved modelling resulted when the sensitivity term included distance headway and the speed of the following vehicle. The concept was that as the vehicles get closer and closer together, the sensitivity term becomes larger and larger, and as the speed of the traffic stream increases, the driver of the following vehicle would be more sensitive to the relative velocity between the lead and following vehicle. The simulation model used for this study takes 10 types of drivers defined in terms of risk taking characteristics and car following sensitivity factors. The values were taken directly from NCHRP Project Report 3-28 A(28). These suggested values are 0.43, 0.51, 0.57, 0.65, 0.76, 0.91, 1.13, 1.34, 1.58 and 2.12 and are defined as stochastic driver type factors. The car-following sensitivity factor was taken as 0.8. 6.3. DATA CODIN To run 1 pecifications us: be coded car the lengt coded as 60 r Elven in the respecfiv8 1‘ [Ff-II ..t,. Sec) We“ 66 6.3. DATA CODING To run the model, coding is done according to the specifications given in the manual [31] . The first 10 data cards must be coded in the order presented in the manual. In the first card the length of test period and length of review interval were coded as 60 minutes and 1 sec respectively for all the runs. The total length of simulated roadway was coded as 27456 ft in card 2. Traffic volume and percentage of entering traffic in platoon were coded for each hour for both the directions of flow in card 3. Fraction of vehicle mix was coded according to the classification given in the manual for direction 1 and direction 2 in cards 4 and 5 respectively. Mean desired speed (ft/sec) and standard deviation (ft/sec) were coded in card 6. The upper bound speed was coded as 150 (ft/sec) for each type of vehicle in card 7 and 8 for direction 1 and direction 2 respectively. All values coded in card 9 were taken as default values since fuel consumption is not being considered in this study. The values of the car following sensitivity factor and the factor for driver types were coded as previously discussed. The remaining cards can be coded in any order, except that the station location (SL) cards must appear last. The first optional card requires a speed for random number generation used to select entering headways and vehicle types in both directions. These values were taken as the default values given in the manual. Each GD card presents the vertical alignment for a specified length of roadway, referred to as grade region. Position coordinates of the begin: each region e Tables 7 am simulated ro. radius of t' as collected Each Y VEhicle. The type Of vehi Each PS passing ZOI‘ highway. The each type c and Clare Cc sight dist direction oi Sight dist; end °f the f” each or: static COllected equivalent I Spe upstreéim Passing 1am See 9 Ed ’ V0111 67 of the beginning and end of each region and percent grade values for each region were coded as collected in the field and are given in Tables 7 and 8. Each CV card describes one horizontal curve on the simulated roadway. Position coordinate of beginning of each curve, radius of the curve, superelevation and degree of curve were coded as collected in the field and are also given in Tables 7 and 8. Each VC card defines the characteristics of each type of vehicle. The values of the performance parameter and size of each type of vehicle were coded as discussed in the previous chapter. Each PS card defines the beginning of a passing zone, a no- passing zone or an added passing or climbing lane on the simulated highway. The values of the position coordinate of the beginning of each type of zone were coded as shown in Figures 5 and 6, for Lake and Clare County sites respectively. Each ST card defines passing sight distance for one sight distance region in a particular direction of travel. Position coordinate of the beginning and end of sight distance regions and passing sight distance at beginning and end of the sight distance region for each no-passing zone were coded for each direction of flow. Station location (SL) cards define the locations on the simulated roadway at which spot speed and platooning data are collected during the simulation run. The data obtained are equivalent to what is obtained in the field by using machines for volume, speed, and platooning. These points were coded as 0.5 mile upstream of passing lane and 0.5 and 1.5 miles down stream of passing lane. At the same locations field data were collected for speed, volume and platooning for both the sites. Other inp section. Input locations, one given in Append 6.4. HIDEL CAL] Subsequer, dESIIEd Speed 5h). 92.4 ft/E deviation Vere md 12.0 f t/se Nadya). and t Percentage veh Sreater than . Each av erage d. SubseqUEr 68 Other input parameters were taken as mentioned in the previous section. Input data coding for calibration of the model for two locations, one in Lake County and the other in Clare County are given in Appendix B. 6 .4. MODEL CALIBRATION Subsequent runs were made for different distributions of desired speed. Average desired speed were taken as 88 ft/sec(60 mph), 92.4 ft/sec(63 mph) and 95.4 ft/sec(65 mph) and the standard deviation were taken as 8.58 ft/sec(5.9 mph), 10.98 ft/sec(7.5 mph) and 12.0 ft/sec(8.2 mph) for different runs for the Lake County roadway and traffic conditions. The simulation and field values of percentage vehicles in platoon and percentage vehicles with speed greater than 55 mph are given in Tables 11 and 12 respectively, for each average desired speed and a standard deviation of 8.58 ft/sec. Subsequent runs were made using different values of the car following sensitivity factor with a desired speed of 92.4 ft/sec(63 mph) and standard deviation 8.58 ft/sec(5.9 mph) for Lake County. A value of the sensitivity factor of 0.5 brings the simulation values closest to the field values. The values of percentage vehicles in platoon and percentage vehicles with speed greater than 55 mph are given in Tables 11 and 12 respectively. For the same values of desired speed and car following sensitivity factor, different runs were made for each hourly volume for Clare County roadway conditions. The coding was done in the same way as was done for the Lake County site. The simulation and field ..ac<_ '—.< NI~—~»— or‘ .2a:s<> :;;.a. .m:z:tua "mu-z... — Fv> U h an... <~—,—. Isfhilt— all a v ><3;<;:c 22:. II. III... ..III 3.23:“.- ..— a. h a- .u...,.~:._ <5 2: . .I . ..~. En .I. IIIIIII... a>%z::; axfiaxzaat. :32- a..2n.a.~.<.:~; L.2E=EL.L:.— - u E.—:<.-. E< czazccs<4a Ec<§2kt:2& 69 .ooom ecu no new use unaccHoom may :H mosao> uo oomao>¢ oomao>< «a mama ochmom no Eooaumczoo mmHHz m.a a n :OHuoooa a 0:04 mchmam uo Eowuumcsoo moHH: m.o I N :OHuoqu e mend ochmom no Emouumna moHHz m.o I H :oHuoqu a ma «a an ac am am ma ma aa am aa aa aa aa aa a.am ma «a an ac am am av am am ha am am ac oa aa a.am ma am an ac am am ma ma ma am «a mm 54 aa oa o.aa apa\aaa aa aa aa av aa ma aa aa aa am ma aa as no mo a.mm ca ca aa aa aa ma av mm ea aw am am «4 aa aa a.~m ca ca aa aa aa ma ma aa aa aa aa aa aa «a co a.aa amaxaaa an am an an am am ma ma aa ha ha ha «a «a ma a.am an am ma an am am ma am am ma am am ac aa aa a.~m am am ma aa am am aa aa aa aa ma aa aa aa aa o.aa oaaxoaa om aa ac aa aa aa aa as ha «a ma aa we as no a.am om aa av aa aa oa mm aa oa pa aa aa am as aa a.am aa aa aa aa aa aa aa as aa aa on aa am an ca o.aa aaaxaaa on aa an an ca «a «a ma me me as ea av aa aa n.am aa aa an am am am ha aa am an «a «a ma aa aa v.~m an aa an an em aa aa aa aa as as ea «a am am o.aa amaxaaa aa aa av me am ma mm «a as am as am am «a ma a.am a. «a me ma aa ma am ha am am aa aa aa aa aa e.am aa «a ma ma aa aa mm as aa aa as ha am as .oa o.aa oa~\nao a a a a a a a a seem a a neon a a «an «an «azOHeaooa amzoaecooa man «an .o>¢ man can .o>< can can «amoaaa>< ea auaaa ea auaao «amoaau>¢ oaoa mo oza ea oaom mo .oaa ea ma: oaaxea a=m>c aaapa<> aaaaac aamaa<> zoaeaaszaac gamma aaaoxaaao amazooaa a v aazaamxc zooeaam za amaoa=a> aoaezaommm aaaaama uzaao> auezaoo axaaumeaav mmZDHO> UHhh<¢B BZNKNhhHQ mom wZOHfidooa qummthQ B4 UZHZOOdem NUdemummm HH mHm¢F IOIO IDIIIIH. :amlmemA 2-”.m.a..,a.m1_._._..mz $2402.24, ..a.a.a<..a..z,..auzme N magma: \ $5an \ 3:52:00 mx oz< amwam camamm: azazmkaao E< In: mmA Deana mmau~tm> mucszmommm N. H ..WWNHHANH. mama Osammmm mo Eooaumcsoo moaaz n.a In :OHuoooq e mama Unammom mo Emoaumcsoo moHaz m.o I~ coHumooq « mama veammmm uo Emoaumma moHHz m.o Ia coHuoooa « 70 as as aa ma am as am as ea as ma a.am as as aa ma am as am ms ma ms ma a.am as as ma ma aa as am am as ea ca o.aa asa\aaa aa «a oa mm as ea ma ms aa as no a.am aa aa oa mm as ea aa aa aa oa ma a.am aa aa oa mm as ea ma am me ma oa o.aa amaxasa sa ma aa sa «a as am ms ma as ma a.am sa aa aa sa «a as am oa aa ms mm «.mm sa aa aa sa «a as am am as ea ca o.aa oaaxoaa ss as am am as ea aa as ma as ma a.am ss as am oa as ea aa as as as am e.am ss as am am _ as oa aa aa aa as ea o.aa aaaxaaa sa aa as aa aa ma ma as «a ma ma a.am sa am as aa aa ma ma as aa as am e.~m sa aa as aa aa ma aa aa aa aa oa o.aa amaxaaa as as aa aa sa as am as as ma ma a.am as as aa aa sa as aa as ms as so e.am as as aa aa sa as aa aa am as ea o.aa os~\asa .o>« a a a .o>< a a «mzoaeaooa ea aazoaeaooa ea meoa a a «Izoaeommag aIzoaeoamag aoama>a mam mag mm: oaa\em a=m>c amgaa> gamam magaa> zoaeaagzam gamma amag\amag mm: aaA gamma sea: mmaoamm> moaezaomam gmmammg azgao> Asezgoo axaaumeamc auzgao> gza gamma gamaaag azaaamaag ea mm: mmA gamma aaaoamm> moaezmommm NH mdmflfi values for per with speed grea Tables 13 and 1' The vertiI almost flat as of the vertical Highway Capaci truck will not 1 length as sh stratifications model under thes To calibrat term as the n V Simulation vali Peatoon were p ‘ for v v' ii the Center line aEree men: wit 71 values for percentage vehicles in platoon and percentage vehicles with speed greater than 55 mph at different locations are given in Tables 13 and 14 respectively.- The vertical alignment of the road for both the sites are almost flat as no grade is greater than 2.5 percent and the segment of the vertical curve is not greater than 1000 ft. According to the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM)[29], the performance of any type of truck will not be affected at this mild vertical curve of small length as shown in Figure 8. Thus, the precise vehicle stratifications are not considered essential for the use of the model under these conditions. To calibrate the model the percentage vehicles in platoon was taken as the main variable to compare the field values to the simulation values. The field values of percentage vehicles in platoon were plotted against the values obtained by the simulation for various volumes for both the sites as shown in Figure 9. The field values are scattered closely to the simulation values along the center line, which indicates that field values are in good agreement with simulation values and the model is accurately simulating the Michigan roadway environment for the desired speed of 92.4 ft/sec (63.0 mph) with standard deviation of 8.58 ft/sec and a car following sensitivity factor of 0.5. The calibrated model with a desired speed of 92.4 ft/sec, a standard deviation of 8.58 ft/sec and a car following sensitivity factor of 0.5 were used to develop the warrants for passing lanes with different roadway and traffic conditions. I III! I I. I I ‘ .IIIIIIII-I I. I III Ii IIIII.I 3.25.5 azfircuasamc mn._r:..c> misfit... «ca mzcagktc; .szazaaamc m.< oz~zoos< mag mag .o>< mag mag moamm>< ea amag ea amag moamm>< gaom mo gzm e< omom mo .omm ea am: oma\em .mm>. .mmga<> gamamv ammaa<> zoaeaaazaa. gmmmm amag\amag .mgzooma av s43g momezmommm gmmaamg mzaao> Asezooo mmaaonmeamv angao> ezmmmmmag mom azoaeaooa ezmmmmmag em ozazooeaam momezmommm n H Bath. :L: UU/ aria—LC :.—.~3 yd..— —,~_:.._\~ .._r\<.—.:.._.~:.._; F a...:uvue.-: ~ .L-:ur\- s I | I ' -l, I if It! Illlil.|'ll1 .-[ull'll- 32.2200 52.5-2.53 mEZDJO> CZ< Oman “w 2E2~$EC anmzmkk~0 .b< 2L2 mmA mBQUH2m> BUSHZHUZEQ Q n .24: (L. 73 mama vcwwmmm no Ewmuumc3oa mmafiz m.H In coaumooq * mama ocwmmmm mo Emmuumczoo wmafiz m.o IN newumooa « mama mewmmmm no Emwupmmo mmaflz m.o 1H :oflumooq « um mm mm Hm mm mm Hp mu mm mm ¢.~m omm\~m¢ mm mm mm om «m mm as up on mm «.mm nmn\mmv mm om «5 mm mm am mp no as no ¢.~m m>~\n¢e mm om mm no «m an mu «a 50 mm ¢.~m b¢~\aov mp mm mm om cm pm «5 mm mm mm «.mm mmm\mm¢ on an mp ¢m mm om an .om mu mm «.mm o~m\maq .u>< n H .u>< n a «monacuoq ac *monacuoq a< neon N a mmHo HmHo mwamm>< «Ha «Ha mm: omm\am A=m>v manu<> oqum mmsqa> onecqasz ommmm mmHn\HmHo mm: mmA ommmm meHz mmquxm> mocezmommm ommHmmo mzaqo> Awazaoo mmcqoumeHmv mmzaqo> 92¢ gamma ammHmma azmmmmmHo ac mm: mmA mmqu=m> mu . p b h MN Ga flu 7| n0 :9 A5 29 «C II A 0\° v WD :3‘. ‘4 .2nv.b(J:z.E nu\> a-.w&.h~ znunu.( ..s 2. C-- .C.....~> ..:<.z...tu~:k.h 75 .wmafis gm: w; 292.52%. owe: «do .3me no". 3032.33.13 mofizwommm .a mass: m®3®> DEE UDUDQE. mm_oE®> AND 20.73225. Omani. $40.23 55503.”. CO? 00 CG Om O© CG 0? Om“ ON I _ _ _ _ d _ _ ON 00 CV on Go On om Om ooh 53.5803255915 wwfizmfimwa 292.525 m; 3!“: 20053.. 2. $30.53 mofizmomma 6.5. SDWSITIVIT A sensitiv the directional light trucks in The anal): iistribution Sinlation runs Vith One passi valmes and dire tn the entire 76 6 . 5 . SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS A sensitivity analysis was conducted to determine the effect of the directional distribution of traffic volume and the percentage of light trucks in the traffic mix on average delay. The analysis included three values of the directional distribution of traffic volumes i.e. 70/30, 60/40 and 50/50. Simulation runs were made for a simulated roadway length 8 miles with one passing lane in direction one only for different traffic volumes and directional distributions. The value of average delay for the entire length of simulated roadway for both directions were obtained. These values were plotted for different volumes and directional splits in Figure 10. Figure 10 shows that there is no significant differences in average delay for different directional splits, although a 50/50 split gives slightly higher values of delay for low as well as for higher volumes. The directional split of 50/50 was taken for further study. The field data shows that the percentage of light trucks are quite low on the selected sites in comparison to the average percentage of light trucks on rural highways in Michigan. The sensitivity analysis was conducted to determine if there is any significant difference in average delay due to a variation in light trucks in the traffic mix. Three values of light trucks were taken for the study. In the first set the existing percentage of light trucks were considered. In the second set the percent of light trucks was increased to 6 percent, and in the third set to 11 percent. Simulation runs were made for the Lake county site 77 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS FOR DIRECTIONAL SPLIT OF TRAFFIC VOLUME AVERAGE DELAY (SEC/VEH-MII 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 VEHICLES PER HOUR BOTH DIRECTIONS VOIume DISIriDUtion —‘— SPLIT 70/30 “I" SPLIT 60/40 + SPLIT 550/50 FIGURE 10. EFFECT OF DIRECTIONAL TRAFFIC SPLIT ON DELAY (WITH ONE PASSING LANE IN DIRECTION ONE) SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS FOR LIGHT TRUCKS IN TRAFFIC MIX AVERAGE DELAY (SEC/VEH) 1 O ..._._._.-.._..._a...___..._..“._ - - .- . . --... ,- _ m.-. M-.. . _.. ...J...... - Aw“ -,..._., O l i 1 l 1 l O 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 VOLUME (VPH) ‘5 ngm Trucks *Light Trucks 1% +Ligm Trucks 6% +Ligm Trucks 11% FIGURE 11. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS FOR LIGHT TRUCKS geometric cot different t1 entire lengf Figure 11 sin a different 1 78 geometric conditions for 1, 6 and 11 percent light trucks and for different traffic volumes. The values of average delay for the entire length of simulated roadway length are plotted in Figure 11. Figure 11 shows that there is no significant difference in delay for a different percentage of light trucks in the traffic mix. 7.0 SDIUIATH 7.1. STUDY [)1 The imp simulation :1 chapter. Th5 b‘énefit gaine lain OUCput times and 06 Vehicles in the main Para highways I are Parameters we Passing 1anes considEred. the rOad and Show“ in F1. eCenomical tr long. The 1e: both cases . I m7 7.0 SDIULATION RUNS FOR THE STUDY 7.1. STUDY DESIGN The input data required, data coding and calibration of the simulation model has been discussed in detail in the previous chapter. This calibrated model was used to study the operational benefit gained by providing passing lanes on two-lane highways. 1}“: main output values given by the model are: space mean speed, travel times and delays, overall speed histograms and percentage of vehicles in platoon. According to the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) the main parameters which define the level of service on two-lane highways, are delay and percentage of vehicles in platoon. These two parameters were selected to study the operational benefits due to passing lanes. For this study two configurations of passing lanes were considered. In the first case a single passing lane was provided in the road and in the second case two passing lanes of equal length were provided at equal distances along the simulated road length as shown in Figure 12. Previous studies show that it may not be economical to provide passing lanes that are either too short or too long. The length of the passing lane used was taken as 1.0 mile for both cases. 79 // wZ(I— oz.mm(& W20 Ibts 20.b> wz<4 0259:. .Nw mmaoi « m2.) oszE . uzj oonE I L N 20.howc.a w 20:.Owc.o / \ ..................................... ww2<4 Oz_mmEm>m moz\/\/\/\/\/\ mZmw>w mOZmm>m wOZEW>W W02mw>w wOZmm>m NOZv mZOHECUQfl mDOHm4> 94 DWQWQZH mWAUHmN> mwflfizmvmmm GZDAO> “womImZON UZHmm OHmhde BZfimmhmHo mom mZOHfiduoq mDOHMd> B4 QMDNASH mMAOH=m> mwflfizmommm mH MAmv mZOHB¢UQQ BZfimmhth 84 DNGMQSH mflQUHmm> mwflfizmummm NZDQO> chmINZON UZHmm UHhmde azammhhHo mom mZOHB¢UQA mDOHm¢> Ed DNGNQSH wmAUHmm> m0v mZOHfiducfl BZNKNhhHD 84 DmnmmSH QMAUHam> MU4BZNUKNA MZQQO> ANOMIMZON UZHmmcmloz HZIH w HUZ¢SU 2H¢mmm8 lemcdmu qmlmzo :BHSV mXUDMB WONBZHUMNQ 924 mHZDQO> UHhhdflB Ezmmmmch mom mZOHedooQ mDOHm¢> Ed cmommSH mmAOHEH> fiUflEzmumflm bH Mdmfle 90 These values were plotted for different volumes and percent of trucks and are shown in Figures 15 and 16 for 6 and 4 percent grades respectively. Similarly, the percentage of vehicles in the platoon at various locations for the two-passing lanes configuration with 50 percent no-passing zones and a terrain change every 1 mile are given in Table 18 for a 6 percent grade. The percentage of vehicles in the platoon for terrain change every 1/2 mile and a 4 percent grade are given in Table 19. The percentage of vehicles in the platoon for a terrain change every 1 mile and a 2 percent grade are given in Table 20. These values were plotted for different volumes and percent of trucks and are shown in Figure 17 and 18 for 6 and 4 percent grades respectively. The average delay for different specified sections of the simulated roadway were noted. The average delay for different specified sections of the roadway for one passing lane configuration with 50 percent no-passing zones and a terrain change every 1 mile are given in Table 21 for a 4 percent grade. The average delay for a terrain change at every 1/2 mile and a 6 percent grade are given in Table 22. The average delay for a terrain change every 1 mile and a 2 percent grade are given in Table 23. Similarly, the average delay for the two passing lanes configuration with 50 percent no-passing zones and a terrain change every 1 mile are given in Table 24 for a 6 percent grade. The average delay for a terrain change every 1/2 mile and a 4 percent grade are given in Table 25. The average delay for a terrain change at every 1 mile and a 2 percent grade are given in Table 26. These values are given for different traffic volumes and truck percentages. Similar values were obtained for 75 and 25 Jercent no-passing zones also. 91 PERCENTAGE VEHICLES IMPEDED AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS FOR ONE-PL. GRAOE'Bfi. NO-PASS-SON. TERRAIN CHANGE O 1/2-MI PERCENT VEHICLES IMPEDED IOO 0 0.5115 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 DIFFERENT LOCATIONS (MILES) VOIume(vph), Truck % -‘— 1000.5 "4‘- 1400. 5 + 2000.5 ‘5'— 1000. 10 —*‘— 1400. 10 ‘9‘ 2000. 10 ‘9'. 1000.20 “'3‘ 2000.20 FIGURE 15. PERCENTAGE VEHICLES IMPEDED FOR 6‘ GRADE, TERRAIN CHANGE O 1/2-MI WITH ONE PASSING LANE PERCENTAGE VEHICLES IMPEOEO AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS FOR ONE-PL. GRADE-4%. NO-PASS-SO‘. TERRAIN CHANGE O I-MI PERCENT VEHICLES IMPEDED 80 7O 60 50 40 30 20 [ ~ _____._.____,._. 1 o —-—-—— O i l i L i l l L 4 l l I l l l l O 0.5 ‘I 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 DIFFERENT LOCATIONS (MILES) Volume(vph). Truck % —— 1000. 5 —+— 1400. 5 + 2000.5 -9- 1000.10 -—>‘— 1400. 10 + 2000.10 + 1000.20 + 2000.20 FIGURE 10. PERCENT VEHICLES IMPEDED FOR 4% GRADE. TERRAIN CHANGE O I-MI WITH ONE PASSING LANE 92 oo me an oo «o as oa nu mo oo ma oh on ooow as on mm no mo no ma Np «o oo aw op on oooa me on em om mo oo ma Ho mo Ho ma mo an ooea me oo EN vo ow av ma am ov me oa vo nu oooa aomuxoome be me an an mo «a pa an no oo «a on an oooN on on o~ me on mo ma NF oo oo ma an mm oooa on on am so no oo a” po mm am «a mo an ooea «e mo om «o ow ov «a om av «a ma no ow oooa «OHS—come Ho cm on me on oo ma on oo oo ma on ma ooom on he om ma mo oo oa oo mo so «a mo on com” on an on mo mm on ea oo oo oo Ha no on coca we we ow oo do me o «v «a bu o oo ow oooa uonoome ocom oaom oaom o.o a: o.e a: o.o m: o.o a: o.o a: o.o m: o.n m: o.~ a: o.a a: o.o a: oo\oo no mo mo wan zo mam zo mam zo mam mo Ham zo Ham zo Ham zo and mo Ham as am no auaao oza .oH: .oao H: c.N H: o.A H: o.o manna: H: o.a H: o.a H: o.o maooH: H: o.o omm .mHo NIZOHBUNKHO OZOHfic «IZOHHUNNHQ A=m>v Don moDHm4> ad omommmH mqumm> moaezmommm azaqc> Anon 02‘ 0> Dummcma 92m Nana 93 Ob mb ON b0 MO H0 ON mm O0 bm ON b0 OM cocN bb 0b ON b0 M0 cc MN «0 N0 mm 0H 00 ON cccH bb Hb vN H0 Nm Ov OH on mm be 0H M0 cM OOVH Hb O0 VN Om cm co OH ov OM mM MH mm NN oocH NONIMUDQB NO cm OM Mb M0 bm VN, Hb m0 H0 ON Hb OM cch HO Ob bN Hb O0 Om HN O0 H0 0m OH b0 ON cccH Ob Mb 0N m0 Om Nm OH NO Om 0v MH N0 OM cowH bb cb vN Mm Mo OM 0H Mm mv OM mH Mm 0N cocH «OHIXUDZB 00 N0 OM Hb M0 Om NN Nb 00 H0 ON Hb HM cch N0 Ob 0N Nb N0 0m HN 00 H0 vm OH NO ON occH HO Mb bN N0 Mm bv OH NO cm bv mH M0 OM covH bb Hb MN bm O0 Mv OH cm Hm Mv MH Mm mN ccoH «leODfiB Odom Odom Dv mZOHaduoq mDOHm<> 9‘ DNDQOZH mHQOH=N> NUCBZQUZNQ ”ZDQO> ANOMINZON qummdmICz HZIN\H o moz UHhhdflB BZQKthHO mom OZOHB B< DNDNOSH mmHUH=m> m0<fizm0mmm OH mdm<9 94 an op ow mo Ho mo ma Ho am so NH no m~ oooa on oo em no mo No a om mo no o oo an coca ma oo mm no on an as am we a. o Ho n~ oooa «owaoome ah AS AN op oo oo Ha oo mo em o so om oooa an mo om oo no 4. ca No om me AH no an ooea an oo SN mm so on m on mm o. oa no «N oooa «oaIxoome so me mm as Ho ho NA no no em oa So ow oooa Ho ~A em oo om a. o mo no me AA eo an oova an no om oo a. on a mm no no oa am om oooa aoIaoome oaoa oc oonaaooa mooam<> a< omoamzH mmaoH=m> moaezaommm ozoao> .«oquzou ozamm Dammame ezmmmamHo mom oonaaooa moomm¢>owm oze zaHx. mxoame mocezmommm cmcmmzH mchme> mo o.m H.o ooSH a.m o.o .H o.o o.m o.H oooH onIaoome c.NH ¢.HH N.oa >.HH H.m o.o ooom ¢.HH H.HH m.m H.o n.n o.o oooH e.oH N.o o.o o.> o.m o.a oooa o.o H.A N.o o.o a.~ H.H oooa aoIaoome o.o a: o.H a: o.o a: o.o a: .amc o.o o.n a: o9 oe oa o9 a: o9 oe oo\oo o.o a: o.o a: o.o a: o.o a: o.n a: o.o a: eHaao roam some some some some some .mHo mIonaommHo HIoneoamHo .mm>. .HzIam>\omm. ooneomo omHmHommo mom Hagan mo<¢m>< azoao> ANOOIWZON OZHOM‘NIOZ HSIH w WUZ¢3D¢Om QMB¢AD=Hm wmfi m0 mZOHBUmm cmHmHummm mom Ndflmc NU¢HH>¢ HN mnm<8 97 m.¢H N.oa E.¢H o.oH m.» m.HH ooom m.mH H.mH H.HH o.oH o.o H.HH oooH o.~H ~.mH o.HH o.~H H.o o.oH oooH H.HH o.o H.m N.oH o.e o.o oooH womuaooma o.nH S.HH .HH ~.~H H.o o.o ooom m.HH o.HH .oH m.HH o.o o.o oooH o.HH H.HH .m o.oH N.o o.o coca N.o N.o .H N.o o.m o.» oooH onIsooaa ~.~H H.~H .oH H.HH o.o o.o ooo~ o.HH m.HH .m N.o m.m o.o oooH o.oH m.oH .o «.5 o.n m.H coca o.o >.S .o o.o o.m c.b oooH «ousooma o.o a: o.o a: o.o oz o.o a: AAA. o.o o.n a: o9 oa oa o9 a: o9 o9 ooxoo o.o a: o.o a: o.o a: o.o a: o.m a: o.o a: eHamm some some some some some some .mHo «IonaommHo HIoneommHo .mm>o .HsImm>\omo. oonaomm oaHaHoamo mom wanna aoamm>< mzoao> .aooIazoo oszmamIoz H=I~\H o mozamo zHammaa «oIaoamo amIazo maHz. Hazoaom oaaaaozHo was no ooneoao omHaHoamo mom Hagan aoama>¢ NN mqmda 98 m.HH H.oH o.o o.o N.o m.o oooa ~.HH m.m o.H N.o ¢.m H.H oooa o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o H.o oooa womIsoome ¢.HH H.0H o.m o.p o.o o.o oooH o.oH N.o H.H o.o H.o n.> coca H.m N.o o.o o.o o.o o.o oooa onIaoome H.HH o.o o.o S.H «.o m.E oooH n.oH o.o >.H o.o a.o ~.H ooea o.o H.> o.o «.4 «.4 o.o oooH onxoome o.o a: o.o a: o.o a: o.o as .am. o.¢ o.m a: o9 o9 o9 o9 a: o9 o9 oo\oo o.o a: o.o a: o.o a: o.o a: o.m a: o.o a: eHamo some some some some moan some .mHo mIoneommHo HIonaommHo Amm>c mzoao> .HzImm>\oaov oonaomo omHmHommm mom Hanan moamm>¢ chmINZON UZHOOdfiIOz HZIH w WUZ4Hmn QU4MN>< MN flflmdfi 99 o.nm m.m~ H.o~ a oH o.om H.H~ o.H~ ooom m.a~ H.- H.o~ H.HH o.om n.4m o.oa oooH o.oa o.oH N.om e m o.om H.H~ N.oH oooa n.oa N.oH ~.ma o o H.H~ H.o~ o.EH oooH womuaooma H.>H o.oH o.mm a F o.om o.oa N.oH ooom n.oa o.oH n.o~ H H H.o~ H.HH «.SH oooH H.oH o.oH N.oa m.o o.oH m.~H ~.~H ooea o.~H m.~H c.NH o o o.oH ~.HH H.~H oooH «oHIsoome ¢.nH o.oa m.ma A.F N.oH o.oa o.o o.HA ooom m.HH o.nH m.~a o.o o.nH N.oH H.¢ m.HH oooH ¢.HH «.ma «.ma m.¢ n.~H N.o H.¢ o.o ooSH o.o o.oH o.o H.¢ o.o N.o H.¢ o.o oooH onxoome o.o a: o.o a: c.b as .mam. o.o a: o.o a: .Hamc c.N a: oe o9 oe o.o o9 o9 oe o.m oe o9 oo\oo o.o a: o.H a: o.o a: o.o a: o.o a: o.n a: c.N a: o.o a: eHaoo some some some some some some some some .mHo «IonaommHo HIonaommHo Amm>c .HzImm>\ommo oonaomm omHmHommm mom Hanan moamm>< mzoao> ANOOIHZON UZHOmdmIoz HSIH @ HUZ‘SU ZHNMMNB «Olmcdmu QOIO3B EBH3V wczbdom OHB< «N MAQ. .qumm>\oamc oonaomm omHmHoaam mom wagon aoamm>< mzouo> chmIWZON UZHmmdmloz H2IN\H w m02¢flo ZHNMMNB NvINONMU mHmIO3B SBH3V adzadom OHBQADZHO ho ZOHBUHO DNHmHOmmm 64 Ndflma mwflmm>¢ mN mflm<fi 101 S.~a o.o H.0H m.oa o.H o.> o.o c.b oooa c.NH H.o ¢.H o.o o.o m.o o.o o.o ooea o.oH n.o m.¢ H.H o.o N.o N.o o.o oooa womIsoome o.HH N.o o.n o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o oooa o.HH o.o o.o H.m m.» N.o o.o n.o oooa o.o N.o o.o o.o N.o o.o N.o N.o oooH onIxoome ¢.HH o.o ~.n H.o o.H N.o H.o m.o oooH o.oH o.» o.o o.o ~.H o.o N.o o.o oowa H.m o.o H.H o.m o.o ~.¢ m.¢ H.m oooH wmIaooma o.o a: o.o a: c.N a: .mam. o.o a: o.o a: .Ham. c.N a: o9 o9 oe o.o oe o9 o9 o.m o9 oe oo\oo o.o a: c.N a: o.o a: o.o m: o.o a: o.n a: o.~ a: o.o a: eHamm some some some some moan zoma some some .mHo NIoneoamHo HIoneommHo .mm>. .HzImm>\omo. monaomm omHmHommm mom wagon moamm>< mzoao> ANOOIWZON UZHmmdmloz HSIH 0 WUZNSO 2H¢mmma NNImcdmw mqmlozfi EBH3V wdzodom DWB¢QD=HO m0 ZOHBme cmeHowmm B4 ><flmc m0¢mm>¢ 0N HHQNB 102 7.4. RESULT INTERPRETATION AND CGIPIIATION Figures 15 and 16 show that the percentage of vehicles impeded before the passing lane reduces drastically within the passing lane, and the percentage of vehicles in platoon remains at a lower value for up to 3 miles beyond the passing lane. This indicates the benefit in terms of reducing platooning and delays exists for upto 3 miles downstream of a passing lane. The percentage of vehicles impeded increases as the volume increases. Similarly, Figure 17 and 18, shows that the percentage vehicles impeded before the passing lanes reduces drastically within the passing lane and reduces at a lower level after the passing lanes. In Figure 19 the percentage vehicles in platoon were plotted for a traffic volume of 2000 Vph and for 5 and 20 percent trucks to explain how the percent increase in trucks changes the percentage of other vehicles in platoon. This Figure shows that with 5 percent trucks, 79 percent of the cars are impeded (or 75 percent of all vehicles), while with 20 percent trucks 81 percent of the cars are impeded (or 65 percent of all vehicles) just before the passing lane. Similarly, at 3.5 miles downstream of the passing lane with 5 percent trucks, 84 percent of the cars are impeded while with 20 percent trucks 86 percent of the cars are impeded. The benefit in terms of less delay due to a passing lane were calculated. The delay benefit was calculated for each specified section of the simulated roadway in the direction provided with a passing lane in comparison to the delay in the direction without the passing lane. The summation of these values gives the total benefit 103 m m2(.. Oz.mm(& wzo 1.53.24. 0 mOz ...Zmomwn. .Op NEDOE ON .OOON Iml m .OOON lowl mt x03; .Eo>.oE3_o> 63:2. szZ waOmmn. .2I.. 0 m02<20 2.(cmwh .ichmw .—.( Omowlq‘. mm..0.1m> m0v @HHSIN\H w NUZ‘ZO ZHNMKMB HHHSIH o HUZNSU ZHdmmmB HZDQO> xw>\0wm BHmmzmm Ncflmc MANDO: Hadmw N0 Dz< UZHmmflmloz «cm EBHZ OHSDHO> BZHNHOEHQ “Oh BHhmzmm Ntflwa bN HQQNH 106 H.cM M.Hv O.HM ¢.bH m.cH H.NH och H.H~ m.nm H.mm S.Ha o.HH «.ma oooa o.~m o.om o.om N.oH >.o~ o.oH ooeH o.om H.o~ H.4m ~.mH o.nH m.ma oooH mmzaa oszmam oze meHz o.oa ~.o~ «.mm m.H m.n H.o ooom o.na o.oa m.- m.e o.nH o.o oooH H.ma E.H~ o.H~ 5.4 N.o N.oH ooqa o.HH o.oa H.H~ N.o o.n o.o oooa azaa oszmam mzo meHa «omIaooae «oHIxooma wouaooma «omIsoome on zooms wouaooma .mm>. maHzIaxH o mozamo zHammme aaH=IH o mozamo zHammae mzoao> .=m>\omo. aHmazmm Hagan Homoom mc BZHMNWhHO mom BHKWZHm NNHND 0N mqmdfi 107 O.bM H.H¢ N.Mv O.¢M c.oo c.OM OOOH N.OM O.Hv H.Nv b.bM 0.0V O.bM cO¢H c.OM c.OM b.Oo M.mM m.mM N.OM oocH mmz¢fl UZHmm. maHzI~\H o mozamo zHammme maH=IH o aozamo zHammma mzoao> .ma>\omo. eHmmzmo wagon Hanson MDNMU «N Gad OZHmwdmloz «cm ZBHR OHZDQO> BZflmmhhHo mom BHOHZWQ Ndflma ON wflmdfi CHAPTER 8 8.0 BENEFIT-COST ANALYSIS The benefits produced by a passing lane can be obtained in terms of reductions in delay and accidents. The road user cost saving associated with these benefits were evaluated over a range of traffic volumes and compared to the cost of cOnstructing and maintaining passing lanes. A description of the procedure used to evaluate each component of road user cost savings and the passing lane cost follows. 8.1. OPERATING COST SAVINGS The reduction in delay provided by a passing lane results in operational cost saving to the road users. In order to determine the effectiveness of a passing lane in reducing delay a series of simulation runs was conducted for different traffic and roadway conditions. For every cOmbination of volumes, truck percentages, and geometric conditions the effect of a passing lane on delay was computed as the differences between the average delay in the two directions of flow. These values are given in Tables 27, 28, 29, and were discussed in the previous chapter. The reduction in delay was used to compute the time cost savings. The hourly time cost savings were computed with the following equation. 108 109 TCS - (1.07) (1.54) (DT) (A) /3600 --------------- (1) TCS - time cost savings provided by a passing lane (dollars per hour), $ 1.07 - unit value of time (dollars per person-hour), 1.54 - average vehicle occupancy on two-lane highways in Michigan (persons per vehicle), DT - reduction in delay (seconds per vehicle), A - approach volume (vph), and 3600 - number of seconds per hour 8.1.1. UNIT VALUE OF TRAVEL.TIHE A value is placed on travel time savings by selecting a unit value of time, usually expressed in dollars per traveler or vehicle hour, and multiplying this unit value by the amount of (traveler or vehicle) time saved. Besides the need for updating such values to current price levels, travel time value is sensitive to trip purpose, travelers income levels and the amount of time saving per trip. According to AASHTO [32], the time saving is divided into three categories and can be expressed as a function of time saved in a trip and type of trip. 1. For low time saving (0 - 5 minutes): For work trips and average trips, the value of time per traveler hour are suggested as $0.48 (6.4% of average hourly family income) and $0.21 (2.8% of average hourly family income) respectively. 2. For medium time saving.(5 - 15 minutes): Fbr'work trips and average trips, the value of time per llO traveler hour are suggested as $2.40 (32.2% of average hourly family income) and $1.80 (24.2% of average hourly family income) respectively. 3. For high time saving (over 15 minutes): For work trips and average trips, the value of time per traveler hour is suggested as $3.90 (52.3% of average hourly family income). The unit value of time in equation 1 was that established by AASHTO [32] for the year 1975 and updated to the year 1988 on the basis of the change in the National Consumer Price Index [33, 34]. The unit value of travel time was $ 0.48 per traveler hour for low time savings for a work trip in 1975. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) was 161.2 and 360.3 in 1975 and 1988 respectively. The updated unit value of travel time (0.48 x 360.3/161.2 - 1.07 per person-hour) was chosen for this example analysis. Clearly, the appropriate choice of a value for travel time depends on the mix of work trips and recreation trips, and the percentage of no-passing zones encountered. The most appropriate value of travel time would be based on the total time savings per trip, not the time savings from a single passing lane. 8.1.2. ANNUAL DEIAY COST In converting daily cost to annual cost, the annual operational cost savings provided by passing lane(s) were computed by multiplying the hourly operational cost saving from equation-l by a factor of 10, and multiplying this sum by 365 days in a year. Figure 20 of the Highway Capacity Manual shows that the peak hour traffic lll AEUmVANmeIome :OHumuHOchoaB mo ucmfiuuommc muommccHz "moasom. m>o3£OHm muommccHz :O ODESHO> OHHOOO omxcom .om muson mm2:..0> mm........=0<3mw¢u J<.c<¢ z<3wwmu I.<....zmmw...2ccm.o 243”; I I I I 0 an I. whoom 45.3". 2.42 IIIIIII O0. 22 wbcom mmwoo< zo.bADT < 10000 ENTIRE MI 2.6 3.1 74.5 123.3 193.3 270.4 WITHIN PL 2.1 2.6 59.8 94.1 186.5 246.8 BENEFIT 0.5 0.5 14.7 29.2 6.8 23.6 ADT > 10000 ENTIRE MI 2.5 3.0 101.9 168.7 222.8 327.2 WITHIN PL 2.1 2.1 58.8 94.6 217.8 278.7 BENEFIT 0.4 0.9 43.1 74.1 5.0 48.5 116 8 . 2 . 2 . ACCIDENT COSTS The literature contains many articles on techniques for developing accident costs. One of the most recent such studies by Miller et.al. for the Federal Highway Administration [35] evaluated various approaches to accident cost estimation. The principal shortcoming of this study is its failure to express accident costs in a form that can be directly used in benefit-cost calculations. Costs are expressed on a per victim and per-vehicle basis rather than on a per accident basis, and are presented in terms of the Maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale (MAIS). However, benefit cost. analysis often are based on accident data, which typically consists of numbers of accidents per year at various accident locations, with injury severities coded on the A-B-C scale (incapacitating, non incapacitating and possible injury respectively) rather than the MAIS (0, no injury; 1 to 5, least to most severe non fatal injury; 6, fatality). Hence, costs such as those presented by Miller et.al. [35] could not be directly applied to our data. Based on the values presented by Miller [35] , the accident costs were calculated by using methods previously developed in a study for FHWA [36, 37]. The direct, indirect, and total costs used to determine accident costs were taken from the study by Miller et.a1. [35] . Since these costs are given in 1980 dollars, the costs were updated by applying cost indices to the direct and indirect costs. For updating the accident costs to 1988, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for all items (equal to 246.8 in 1980 and 360.3 in 1988) and the Index of Average Hourly Earning (IAHE) (equal to 127.3 in 1980 and 117 179.8 in 1988) were used. The update factors are 1.46 and 1.4 respectively. These updated costs (1988 dollars) by MAIS categories are given in Table 32. A method was devised for relating the percentage distribution of MAIS severities to that of A-B-C severities. This was done by using the National Crash Severity Study (NCSS) and the National Accident Sampling System (NASS) data on injury severities cross classified by the MAIS and A-B-C scales. Tables 33 and 34 give the percentage distribution by the two scales for injuries in fatal accident and injuries in non-fatal injury accidents respectively. The data in Tables 33 and 34were used in developing Figures 21 and 22. These figures were used to relate MAIS severities to A-B-C severities. For each MAIS category, the percentage of A, B, and C severities were obtained. The percentage for A, B, and C severities for Michigan data are given in Table 35. Net direct, indirect and total cost per injury were calculated for fatal and injury accidents. The updated values (1988 dollars) for net direct, indirect and total costs per injury are given in Table 36, for A, B, and C injuries. 0081' FOR NONFATAL INJURY ACCIDENT The indirect cost per injury accidents was estimated by multiplying the indirect costs of A, B, and C injuries from Table 36 by the corresponding number of injuries per injury accident from Table 37. The net direct cost per injury accident was calculated by summing the net direct costs of A, B, and C injuries from Table 36, 118 TABLE 32 COSTS BY (MAIS) CATEGORIES (1988 DOLLARS) COST PER VICTIM (MAIS Categories) TYPE 0 1 2 3 a 5 6 OF (PDQ)a (FATALITY) cost ($) ($) DIRECTb 1045 2337 5025 11810 26962 202478 26709 INDIRECTc 184 962 1625 3093 45427 171441 1010297 TOTAL 1229 3299 6650 14903 72389 373919 1037006 a. Costs per vehicle in reported property-damage-only (PDO) accidents. b. Direct costs include property damage, medical, legal, and funeral costs. c. Indirect costs include administrative costs, human capital costs (lost productivity) for injuries, and for a fatality, human capital costs adjusted for individuals' willingness-to-pay to reduce their risk of death or injury. 119 TABLE 33 INJURIES IN FATAL ACCIDENTS, PERCENTAGE CROSS-CLASSIFIED BY A-B-C AND MAIS SEVERITIES, BASED ON NCSS SAMPLE A-B-C SCALE C B A TOTAL MAIS (%) (%) (%) (%) 0 0.30 0.30 0.00 0.60 1 5.86 17.90 14.99 38.75 2 0.75 5.86 13.51 20.12 3 0.60 3.90 19.21 23.71 4 0.30 1.05 9.16 10.51 5 0.00 0.15 5.86 6.01 6 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.30 TOTAL 7.81 29.16 63.03 100.00 TABLE 34 INJURIES IN INJURY ACCIDENTS, PERCENTAGES CROSS-CLASSIFIED BY A—B-C AND MAIS SEVERITIES, BASED ON NASS SAMPLE A-B-C SCALE C B A TOTAL MAIS ‘(%) (%) (%) (%) 0 2.84 0.46 0.07 3.37 1 32.45 30.38 6.08 68.91 2 2.97 7.36 6.67 17.00 3 0.82 2.94 4.70 8.46 4 0.04 0.36 1.25 1.65 5 0.00 0.16 0.42 0.58 6 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 TOTAL 39.12 41.66 19.22 100.00 120 4O UAIS‘I 4 mus-/ /MS-J . / 20’ CUMULATIVE PERCENT OF INJURIES UV MAIS O 20 40 60 80 100 CUHULATIVE PERCENT OF INJURIES IY A-I-C SCALE FIGURE 21. CUMULATIVE PERCENT OF INJURIES BY MAIS VERSUS CUMULATIVE PERCENT BY A-B-C SCALE, INJURIES IN FATAL ACCIDENTS, NCSS SAMPLE. HAIS- 1 ‘1 nus-o CUMULATIVE PERCENT OF INJURIEI IV “AIR 5.: _flAI3-O o 20 40 so so 100 CUIUUTIVE PERCENT OE INJURIES I? A-I-C SCALE FIGURE 22. CUMULATIVE PERCENT OF INJURIES BY MAIS VERSUS CUMULATIVE PERCENT BY A-B-C SCALE. INJURIES IN INJURY ACCIDENTS, NASS SAMPLE. 121 N0.nv 00.0 00.0 no.0 ¢m.0 mm.m wh.mm N0.N U mm.mm 00.0 0H.0 H¢.0 HN.m Ah.h @0.0N 0¢.0 m m0.hH no.0 0¢.0 0H.H Hm.¢ ¢m.m HH.m m0.0 d BZHQHUU< VMDbZH 00.¢H 00.0 00.0 w¢.0 v~.H 00.H 00.0H N¢.0 U ¢H.¢n 00.0 mm.0 eb.H 00.0 05.5 V0.0H 0H.0 m 00.0m 0m.0 Nm.m 0N.0 mm.0H N0.0H mh.m 00.0 < BZHQHUU< Qdfidh 44808 0 m ¢ m N H 0 MBHmm>mm BZWDHUU< 02¢ AmBmUHWSV m0<82m0mmm mH<= WmOUmBGU Ulmld mm mqmdfi mebZH mam mBmOU Ulmld OB mBmOU mH<= UZHBmfl>ZOU mom mBmUHfiz 122 TABLE 36 NET COST OF A, B, AND C INJURIES IN FATAL AND INJURY ACCIDENTS (1988 DOLLARS) ACCIDENT SEVERITY COST PER INJURY AND TYPE OF COST A($) B($) C($) FATAL DIRECTa 29364 6282 2685 INDIRECT 33764 5700 2617 TOTAL 63128 14982 5302 INJURY DIRECTa 9903 3231 1419 INDIRECT 10619 2476 1048 TOTAL8 20522 5707 2467 a. Net of direct property damage costs TABLE 37 FATALITIES AND INJURIES PER ACCIDENT, FIVE STATES (36) ACCIDENT NUMBER PER ACCIDENT SEVERITY AND AREA FATALITIES A INJURIES B INJURIES C INJURIES FATAL RURAL 1.1516 0.5315 0.3173 0.1396 URBAN 1.0862 0.3528 0.3015 0.1298 ALL 1.1272 0.4648 0.3114 0.1359 INJURY RURAL - 0.3457 0.5770 0.6027 URBAN - 0.1883 0.5990 0.6575 ALL - 0.2516 0.5902 0.6355 Note: Alabama, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, and Texas are combined. 123 times the corresponding numbers of A, B and C injuries per injury accident from Table 37. The direct cost per injury accident was calculated by summing the net direct cost and property damage per injury accident. The total cost per nonfatal injury accident is equal to the sum of the direct cost and indirect cost. The updated costs (1988 dollars) of non fatal injury accident are given in Table 39. COST PER FATAL INJURY ACCIDENT The indirect cost per fatal accident was obtained by multiplying the indirect cost per fatality in Table 32, and the indirect cost of A, B, and C injuries in Table 36, by the number of fatalities and A, B, and C injuries per fatal accident in Table 37. The direct cost per fatal accident was estimated as the sum of the net direct costs per fatality and per A, B, and C injury in Table 36, times the corresponding average numbers of fatalities and A, B, and C injuries per fatal accident from Table 37. The total cost per fatal accident is equal to the sum of the direct and indirect costs. The updated costs (1988 dollars) of fatal accidents are given in Table‘39. Direct, indirect and total costs per fatal, injury, and PDO accident in rural and urban areas are summarized in Table 39. Accident proportions by severity from Table 38, were used to obtain the average cost per rural accident. These accident costs were used to calculate the accident benefits for a passing lane(s). 124 TABLE 38 ACCIDENT PROPORTIONS BY SEVERITY, FIVE STATES COMBINED ACCIDENT SEVERITY AREA FATAL INJURY PDO RURAL 0.0160 0.3497 0.6343 URBAN 0.0045 0.2458 0.7497 Note: Alabama, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, and Texas are combined (37). TABLE 39 ACCIDENT COSTS BY AREA AND SEVERITY (1988 Dollars) ACCIDENT COST BY SEVERITY AREA AND TYPE OF COST FATAL($) INJURY($) PDO($) AVERAGE($) RURAL DIRECT 50654 9542 1600 5424 INDIRECT 1183580 5731 282 21356 TOTAL 1234234 15273 1882 26780 URBAN DIRECT 44071 8403 1872 3768 INDIRECT 1111355 4172 330 6364 TOTAL 1155426 12575 2202 10132 125 8.2.3. ACCIDENT COST SAVINGS The accident cost saving provided by passing lane(s) were computed with the following equation. acs - (AC) (365) (ARF) (ADT) 10'8 ----------- 2 where: ACS - Annual accident cost saving provided by a one mile long passing lane (dollars per year per mile) AC - Average cost of accidents by severity (values taken from Table 39) ARF - Average reduction in accident by severities for different ADT values (per 100 MVM) E Average Daily Traffic (vehicles per day) The average reduction in accidents (perlnile) by severity f0r different ADT values were calculated and are given in Table 40. Equation 2 was used to compute the safety benefits of a passing lane on rural two-lane highways in Michigan. In equation 2 the values of the average cost of an accident were taken as the total rural accident cost for fatal, injury and PDO accidents from Table 39. The accident cost benefits for different ADT were calculated by considering only direct costs as well as by considering both the direct and.indirect cost of an accident. The computed values for a few values of ADT are given in Table 40. These values were plotted fOr different ADT levels in Figure 23 for case one, taking only direct costs of an accident, and extrapolated for lower ADT levels. Similarly, the values were plotted in Figure 24 for case two, taking 126 edema 6mm mma.o Nessa ~6.H vamma mao.o omNoH mmmem mmv mm~.o mmoom Ho.~ om¢n~ mac.o onnmd mmaoo «we >m~.o mmsnn H~.~ maamm HNo.o oso¢a «momc Hum sma.o vommm o>.H mesmfl mao.o ammoa mamoo eommHazH 924 sommHo oszmonzoo mamma Hon mma.o mmema ~6.H ooh mao.o owwoa «snow mum nm~.o msama Ho.~ mom mac.o ossma nommm Haw sm~.o omoam H~.~ «Goa H~o.o oboefl menus mam sma.o H-6H 66.4 can eao.o ommoa sazo amoo sommHo oszmaHmzoo Am0+A~0+AHV Anv Amy Adv AHzxmv eHmmzmm Hs\m H=\oo¢ H=\m H=\oo< Hz\m H=\oo< Ammmav .ooa A¢eoa .ooa oom .oo< umpnzH .ooc qaecm ea< stm ozc Hz\oo< summzmm azmoHoo< moamm>< mz¢fl UZHmmdm OB EDD ANAHZ\0 924 HS\.UU¢ 0¢ mflmfla 127 ACCIDENT COST SAVINGS (THOUSANDS S/MI) 25 1 I I 1 I I I I I I» d D O .0 I 20 1 5 P- .. -m...” _ .. ”My- .- . 1.-.,._t...._......-_.. -...... .I. 2.4%.”-.. -... ..._.. . . _.__...... ._.. -._. ---h 1 O .- ._.__-. 1...-.. If. -5 ..1 11.-.- _ _.._ ”1...-.. . . .._. ... -. .. . _ -. ._--._. , __ J“... —._.—4 ,_.. —— ,,-_ -~——-—-—< 5 ”WT”-- _____ GOO-O I _~ O L l 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1O 11 12 13 14 AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (THOUSANDS) FIGURE 23. TOTAL ACCIDENT COST SAVING (SIMI) FOR DIFFERENT ADT (TAKING ACCIDENT DIRECT COST ONLY) ACCIDENT COST SAvINGS (THOUSANDS S/Ml) 15 ‘70 60”--“ 1.... 1-..- "—1 5C)""‘”’"T““*“7 4C) ‘- 7 34000 I 30 ' . 29600 T ’7 ‘ I 26000 1 20600 - 13500 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 5 6 7 8 9 1O 11 12 18 14 AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (THOUSANDS) Accident Cost (S/Ml) Accident Cost Saving FIGURE 24. TOTAL ACCIDENT COST WING (Sim) FOR DIFFERENT ADT (TAKING BOTH DIRECT AND INDIRECT COST OF ACCIDENT) 15 128 both direct and indirect Costs of an accident, and extrapolated for lower ADT levels. For this study only the direct cost of an accident was considered in calculating total benefit as suggested by AASHTO (32) for this type of projects. 8 .4. BENEFIT-COST ANALYSIS The delay benefits in terms of seconds per mile were computed for different traffic and roadway conditions as discussed in the previous chapter. The annual delay cost saving provided by passing lane(s) were computed by using equation 1 as discussed before in this chapter. These values are given in Tables 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 and 46 for different percentage of trucks and traffic volumes, for terrain change @ l-mile and @ 1/2-mi1e and for one passing lane and two passing lanes within the simulated roadway. These values are given only for the 50 percent no-passing zone case. The delay benefits were also computed for 75 and 25 percent no-passing zones. These values were plotted to get the delay benefits for lower ADT by extrapolation. The annual accident benefits for different ADT groups were added to these delay benefits to get the total benefit resulting from a 1.0 mile long passing lane. These values for different traffic volumes and geometric conditions are given in Appendix C. The construction and maintenance cost for a one mile long passing lane including right of way cost were obtained from the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT). The construction cost was taken as $270,000 per mile for a passing lane in hilly terrain 129 mnomm m.mH «.6H oeomn m.m m.oH mamoS m.oa H.NH oooo~ oanem e.m ¢.HH oommm 6.8H m.sa onmsn N.ofl ¢.~H cocoa mmamm m.6 N.oa mSmmv n.mH s.o~ mwmsm n.oH o.oa oooca omflmn w.m «.ma oomam o.o o.mH oaamn m.m n.mH cocoa mmzaq oszm\omm m\m m:\m mm>\omm m\m xxx» =m>xomm anco womeooma onIxosms «muxoama mo¢mm>< m\omm m\omm m\omm quco «cmuxooma woauxooma «muxosma mommm>< Mdmw mmm BHhmzmm wédmo mQZON UZHmmdmloz «cm a WG‘MU *0 .HAHZ «\H @ HUZ\omm m\omm admu\m mm\m =m>xomm uqHaa «omeooma onIxooma «mnxoame mo¢mm>¢ m¢m> 200 BHhmzmm ><000 m02ON 02Hmm¢mloz «cm 02¢ 00¢MU ww .HQHZIH w NU2¢20 2H¢MMHB “Oh mEHmW2mm Ndflfi0 me 000¢H 132 00H¢NH 0.¢m H.5m 0Nm¢MH 0.0m N.oe mmm5¢H m.0¢ N.¢¢ 0000N owmooa N.0N ¢.mn m5m¢HH m.Hm N.0m mmnmdfl 5.Nm 5.0m 0000a momma 5.0m 0.5m mmwmm m.v~ N.0n onwmm N.om 0.0v 000vH mcwmm n.mH ¢.nm 0nv00 N.0H 5.0m mmmoo m.0H H.0n 0000a 002\m mm\m mm>\omm m\m mmxw mm>\oum mmms\m mm\m mm>\omm snuca «omeooma «oHIxoame «mnxosme mocmu>4 m¢m> 200 BHmmzmm >¢Am0 mW2ON 02Hmm¢ml02 won a 00¢MU av .HAHZ N\H a 002¢2U 2H¢mmmfi mom 08H00200 >¢Qm0 ¢¢ 000¢B 133 666666 6.66 6.66 666666 6.66 6.66 666666 6.66 6.66 66666 66666 6.66 6.66 66666 6.66 6.66 66666 6.66 6.66 66666 66666 6.66 6.66 66666 6.66 6.66 66666 6.66 6.66 66666 66246 6266666 639 :66: 66666 6.66 6.66 66666 6.66 6.66 66666 6.66 6.66 66666 66666 6.66 6.66 66666 6.66 6.66 66666 6.66 6.66 66666 66666 6.66 6.66 66666 6.66 6.66 66666 6.66 6.66 66666 6246 6266666 626 :66: 6666666 6606\6 66\6 mm>\omm 6466\6 66\6 =m>xomm 6666\6 maxm =w>xomm 66666 666Ixoama 666Ixonma 66-66666 00¢20>¢ 2¢0> 200 BHmmzmm >¢Afi0 m¢ 000¢B 134 000nHH 0HOH0 00000 00050 0¢Hn0 00000 N.Hm H.0N 0.0a 0.v~ 0.5H ¢.NH 0.50 0.00 0.00 H.0N 0.5m 0.5m 005MNH 00000 00000 0n0H0 00050 000n¢ 0.00 0.00 0.5a N.NN 0.0M 0.NH H.H¢ O.Hw 0.00 0.50 0.00 n.0N 005HMH H.0n 00000 0.50 00050 0.0a 0.n¢ 0000A H.N¢ 000¢H 5.00 0000a mmzdfl 02H00¢0 03B 28H3 00H00 5.¢N 0.00 0000a 0¢Hn0 0.5a 0.5m 000¢H 0H05v H.0H 5.0m 0000a 0240 02H00¢0 020 :BH3 6466\6 66\6 ommxmu> 6666\6 usxw omm\mm> #00l20029 wofllxobma m¢fl> 200 BHhflzmm $0400 6666\6 mmxm mm>\omm 00I20029 UHhhdMB >0H¢0 00¢20>¢ 0020N 02H00¢0102 000 a 00¢20 ”N .HAHZ N\H w 002¢EU 2H¢mmmfi mom 09Hhfi200 >¢Qm0 00 000¢B 135 (6 percent grade), $150,000 per mile for a passing lane in moderately hilly terrain (4 percent grade) and plain terrain (2 percent grade). The annual maintenance cost was taken as $2000 per mile. The following equation was used to calculate Equivalent Uniform Annual Cost of construction and maintenace. EUAC - I ( CRin) + K ........................... (3) Where: EUAC Equivalent Uniform Annual Cost ($) I - Initial Construction Cost ($) 1 - Interest Rate (%) Estimated Service Life of the Road (Yr) :3 I 7< I Net Uniform Annual Cost of Maintenance ($/Yr) CRin - Capital Recovery Factor for n years at discount rate i I(1+1)“/(1+1)“-1 CRi n The interest rate of 8-12 percent is common for economic studies of public projects and a 10 percent discount rate is used for most federal projects [32]. For this study the discount rate was taken as 10 percent. The life of the road was taken as 15 years. For n - 15 years and i - 10 the value of the capital recovery factor was calculated as 0.1315. Equivalent uniform annual cost (EUAC) were calculated.for one passing lane of length 1.0 mile and also for two passing lanes each of length 1.0 mile. The following values were obtained. 136 For one passing lane and: Grade 2 and 4 percent I - $150,000 K - $2000 EUAC - $22,000 Grade 6 percent I - $270,000 K - $2000 EUAC - $37,500 For two passing lanes and: Grade 2 and 4 percent I - $300,000 K - $4000 EUAC - $43,500 Grade 6 Percent I - $540,000 K - $4000 EUAC - $75,000 To illustrate the benefit-cost analysis, the total benefit per year for different truck percentages and roadway conditions were plotted against different ADT values. The construction cost for one passing lane and for two passing lanes for different terrains were also plotted on the respective graphs. The total benefits and cost for a road with 50 percent no-passing zones with one passing lane and two passing lanes with different traffic and road conditions were plotted and are given in the next chapter. Similar graphs were plotted for different traffic and roadway conditions fOr 75 and 25 percent no-passing zone conditions and are given in Appendix D. These graphs were used to determine the warrants for passing lanes for different traffic and roadway conditions. A similar graph was plotted considering direct and indirect costs of an accident for 10 percent trucks and one passing lane with 4 percent grade and terrain change @ l-mile. This graph is also given in the next chapter. CHAPTER9 9.0 RESULTS AND INTERPRETATION 9.1. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS RESULTS Graphs were prepared to illustrate the total cost savings for all combinations of the variables tested. This was done to illustrate in total cost savings. Figure 25 shows the total cost savings for a road section with 50 percent no passing zones, 10 percent trucks and a 4 percent grade. The top two lines are the benefits for 2 passing lanes, and the bottom two lines are for one passing lane. The fTequency of vertical curves (1 mile and 1/2 mile spacing) do not effect the cost savings significantly for these set of conditions. As expected, the cost savings for each alternative increase with increased volume. Figure 26 shows the sensitivity of total cost savings to the grade for the same combination of variables used in Figure 25. Cost: savings are slightly higher when there is a 2 percent grade, while the benefits for a 6 percent grade are much lower than either the 2 percent or 4 percent case. For example, at a volume of 15000 ADT, the benefits are 72000, 59000 and 23000 respectively for 2, (IIand 6 percent grades and one passing lane. The benefits show a similar pattern for 2, 4 and 6 percent grades with two passing lanes. 137 1 38 COST SWING FOR 601. NO-PASSING ZONES. 10$ TRUCK AND 41. GRADE DELAY COST SWING 1000 S/YEAR O 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ANNUAL NERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (THOUSANDS) TERRAIN, PL. GRADE % —'— o I-MI,1-PL,496 -I— O1/2-Ml.1-PL.4% + o 1—MI.2-PLS,496 -9- o 1/2-Ml.2-PLS.4% FIGURE 25. SENSITIVITY OF TERRAIN CHANGE WITH 50 PERCENT NO-PASSING ZONES. 10$ TRUCKS AND 4‘ GRADE COST SAVING FOR 50‘ NO-PASSING ZONE. 10$ TRUCK, TERRAIN 1-MI DELAY COST SWING 1000 S/YEAR O IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ANNUAL NERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (THOUSANDS) PASSING LANE. %GRADE -'- O1-PL. 695 -I-- O1-PL. 4% + O1-PL.2% -B- o 2-PL, 895 + o 2-PL. 4% + o 2-PL, 2% FIGURE 20. SENSITIVITY OF PERCENTAGE GRADE WITH 60 PERCENT NO-PASSING ZONES. 10$ TRUCKS AND TERRAIN CHANGE 0 MI 139 Figure 27 shows the sensitivity of the total cost savings to percentage no-passing zones for 10 percent trucks and a 4 percent grade with one passing lane. The top three lines are the benefits for vertical curve spacing at 1/2 mile and the bottom three lines are for 1 mile spacing. The percentage of no-passing zones does not effect the cost savings significantly for either case of vertical curve spacings. Figure 28 shows the sensitivity of the total cost saving to the truck percentage for the same combination of the variables used in Figure 25. For a vertical curve spacing of 1/2 mile, the difference in total cost savings for 5, 10 and 20 percent trucks are not significant at lower volumes, but they vary considerably at higher volumes. For a vertical curve spacing of 1 mile the total cost saving is much lower for 20 percent trucks than either 5 or 10 percent. It is clear from these figures that when there are steep grades in the undulating pattern modeled in this study, passing lanes do not provide a significant reduction in delay. The truck speeds on the downhill side of the vertical curves equal that of automobiles, and no passing is accomplished in this segment of the passing lane. The total cost saving is relatively insensitive to the percentage of no-passing zones for these geometric conditions. This phenomenon is even more pronounced with a higher percentage of trucks. 9.2. VOLUME WARRANTS FOR PASSING IANE(S) Graphs were plotted for total benefit due to passing lanes for different traffic and roadway conditions for one passing lane and 1 4 0 COST SAVING FOR 41. GRADE, 10!. TRUCKS AND ONE PASSING LANE Deny Cost Saving 1000 Snow 1 10 100 90 80 7O 60 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Annual Average ‘Daily Tramc (Thousands) TERRAIN. NO-PASS % —— D I-MI, 75% —+- 01-MI. 50% + e 1-Ml. 25% -B- o 1/2-Ml 75% -*- o I/2-MI 50% -0- o 1/2-Ml 25% FIGURE 27. SENSITIVITY OP NO-PASSING ZONES WITH 4 PERCENT GRADE, 10 PERCENT TRUCKS AND ONE PASSING LANE TOTAL COST SNING FOR 41. GRADEAND ONE PASSING LANE DELAY COST SA/ING 1000 S/YEAR 120 1 10 100 90 80 7O 60 50 4O 30 20 1O 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1.7 18 19 2O ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (THOUSANDS) TERRAIN CHANGE.TRUCK -T- 6 MM. 5% -+- o I-Ml. 10% + o 1-Ml. 20% -9- o 1/2-MI 5% -*- 0.1/2-Ml 10% + o 1/2-MI 20% FIGURE 28. SENSITIVITY OF PERCENTAGE TRUCKS WITH 60 PERCENT NO-PASSING ZONES. 4 PERCENT GRADE AND ONE PASSING LANE 141 for two-passing lane configurations. These plots show that there is no significant difference in total benefits with percentage no- passing zones as discussed before. The 50 percent no-passing zones case for different truck percentages and roadway conditions were considered for further discussion. The plot for 75 an 25 percentage no-passing zones are given in Appendix C. For 6 percent grade the values of total benefits were plotted for 5, 10 and 20 percent trucks for 1 mile and 1/2 mile terrain change and the values are given in Figures 29 and 30, for one passing lane and two passing lanes respectively. Figure 29 shows that it is economical to provide one passing lane for 5, 10 and 20 percent trucks if the volume is at least 1400, 1500 and 1650 vph respectively, for 1 mile spacing between the curves. Figure 30 shows that it is economical to provide two passing lanes for 5, 10 and 20 percent trucks if the volume is at least 1500 vph, for 1 mile spacing between the curves. These volumes are quite high and the reason may be that the truck speed on the downhill side of the vertical curves are quite high and no passing is accomplished in this segment of the passing lane. For the 1/2 mile terrain change case it is economical to provide one passing lane for 5, 10 and 20 percent trucks if the volume is at least 800 vph. For the 1/2 mile terrain change case it is economical to provide two passing lanes if the volume is at least 800 vph for 5 and 20 percent trucks. For 10 percent trucks it is not economical to provide two passing lanes until the volume is at least 950 vph. For 4 percent grade the values of total benefits were plotted for 5, 10 and 20 percent trucks for 1 mile and 1/2 mile terrain 142 TOTAL COST SAVING FOR 61. GRADE AND ONE PASSING LANE TOTAL COST SAVING 1000 S/YEAR 1 10 100 90 80 7O 60 50 4O 30 20 IO 1234557891011121314151617181920 ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (THOUSANDS) TERRAIN CHANGE.TFIUCK ----- a ‘l-Ml. 5% '4” @1-Ml, 10% "1"- o I-MI. 20% '9' @ I/Z-MI 5% -*- 01/2-Ml 10% -°- 01/2-MI 20% + COST FOR ONE PL FIGURE 29. TOTAL COST SAVING FOR 50 PERCENT NO-PASSING ZONES S PERCENT GRADE AND ONE PASSING LANE TDATL COST SAVING WITH 6% GRADE AND Two PASSING LANES TOTAL COST SNING 1000 S/YEAR 200 I 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 4o 20 o ...... 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920 ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (THOUSANDS) TERRAIN CHANGEJ’RUCK a ‘l-MI, 5% °-+-- 01-Ml, 10% "1"- C1-MI. 20% -9- O1/2-MI 5% -*- o 1/2—MI 10% + o 1/2-Ml 20% + COST FOR TWO PLS FIGURE 30. TOTAL COST SWING FOR 50 PERCENT NO-PASSING ZONES S PERCENT GRADE AND TWO PASSING LANES 143 changes and the values are shown in Figures 31 and 32 for one Rpassing lane and two passing lanes respectively. Figure 31 Shows that it is economical to provide one passing lane for the 1 mile terrain change case if the volume is at least 400, 500 and 450 vph for 5, 10 and 20 percent trucks respectively. For the 1/2 mile terrain change case it is economical to provide one passing lane if the volume is at least 500, 400 and 350 Vph for 5, 10 and 20 percent trucks respectively. Figure 32 shows that it is economical to provide two passing lanes for the 1 mile terrain change case if the volume is at least 400 vph for 5 percent trucks and 500 Vph for 10 and 20 percent trucks. For the 1/2 mile terrain change case it is economical to provide two passing lanes if the volume is at least 400 vph for 10 percent trucks and 500 Vph for S and 20 percent trucks. For 2 percent grade the value of total benefits were plotted for a 1 mile and 1/2 mile terrain change for 5, 10 and 20 percent trucks and the values are given in Figures 33 and 34 for one passing lane and two passing lanes respectively. Figures 33 shows that it is economical to provide one passing lane if the volume is at least 500 vph for 5, 10 and 20 percent trucks for 1 mile terrain change and if the volume is at least 350 Vph for 10 percent trucks and 400 Vph for 5 and 20 percent trucks for 1/2 mile terrain change. Figure 34 shows that it is economical to provide two passing lanes if the volume is at least 400 vph for 20 percent trucks and 500 vph for S and 10 percent trucks for 1 mile terrain change and if the volume is at least 450 vph for 5, 10 and 20 percent trucks for terrain change at every 1/2 mile. 1 TOTAL COST SWING FOR 41. GRADE AND ONE PASSING LANE TOTAL COST SWING 1000 S/YEAR 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920 ANNUAL NERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (THOUSANDS) TERRAIN CHANGE.TRUCK 01-MI.5% --I—- o1-MI.10% "1*“ o 1-MI. 20% -B- 01/2-MI 5% + 01/2-MI 10% -°- 0 I/2-MI 20% + COST FOR ONE PL FIGURE 31. TOTAL COST SAVING FOR 60 PERCENT NO-PASSING ZONES 4 PERCENT GRADE AND ONE PASSING LANE TOTAL COST SNING FOR 4S GRADE AND TWO PASSING LANES TOTAL COST SNING 1000 S/YEAR O 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920 ANNUAL NERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (THOUSANDS) TERRAIN CHANGE.TRUCK ---°- 0 MM. 5% -+' 01-MI. 10% "1*“ o I-MI. 20% -9- o 1/2-MI 5% + o 1/2-Ml 10% '9‘ o 1/2-Ml 20% + COST FOR TWO PLS noun: :2. TOTAL cos'r sumo son so PERCENT ND-maame zones A PERCENT GRADE AND TWO PASSING LANES 145 TOTAL COST SAVING FOR 2} GRADE AND ONE PASSING LANE TOTAL COST SWING IOOD S/YEAR 1 10 100 90 80 7O 60 50 4O 30 123456789101112131415161718 ANNUAL WERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (THOUSANDS) TERRAIN CHANG_E.TRUCK o 1-Ml. 5% --I-‘ 01-Ml.10% -*-- a I-Ml. 20% -B- 01/2-Ml 5% -X- o 1/2-MI 10% -9- a 1/2-Ml 20% -‘- COST FOR ONE PL FIGURE 33. TOTAL COST SWING FOR 50 PERCENT NO-PASSING ZONES 2 PERCENT GRADE AND ONE PASSING LANE TDTAL c03T SAVING son 21. GRADE AND Two msswa LANES TOTAL COST SA/ING 1000 SIYEAR O 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 123456789101112131415161718 ANNUAL NERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (THOUSANDS) TERRAIN CHANGE.TRUCK a I-MI. 5% --I-' o 1-Ml. 10% -*- 01-MI.20% -9- 01/2-MI 5% + o 1/2-Ml 10% + o 1/2-Ml 20% 4*" COST FOR TWO PLS FIGURE 84. TOTAL COST SNING FOR 50 PERCENT NO-PASSING ZONES 2 PERCENT GRADE AND TWO PASSING LANES 146 The traffic volumes warranting passing lane(s) for different traffic and roadway conditions are given in Table 47. These values show that for 2 percent grade, it is economical to provide passing lane(s) if the volume is approximately 500 Vph for the one mile spacing and 400 vph for the 1/2 mile spacing for S, 10 and 20 percent trucks. For 4 percent grade, it is economical to provide one passing lane if the volume is approximately 500 Vph and two passing Lanes if the volume is approximately 400 vph for S, 10 and 20 percent trucks for 1 mile as well as for 1/2 mile terrain change. It is economical to provide passing lane(s) for the terrain change every 1 mile and grade 6 percent if the volume is approximately 1500 vph for 5, 10 1nd 20 percent trucks. It is economical to provide passing lane(s) for a terrain change every 1/2 mile and grade 6 percent if the volume is approximately 800 Vph for 55 10 and 20 percent trucks. These values show that there is no significant variation in total cost saving with percent no-passing zones. For miLd grades (2 to 4 percent) terrain change does not significantly affect the value of total cost savings for different percent trucks and the warrants for passing lane(s) varies from 350 Vph to 500 vph. For steep grades, the terrain change affects the values of total cost savings for different percent of trucks and warrants for passing lane(s) are quite high. It varies from 800 to 950 vph for terrain change every 1/2 mile and varies from 1400 to 1650 vph for terrain change every 1 mile. Figure 35 shows a typical case considering both direct and indirect costs of an accident. The passing lane is warranted at a lower volume if indirect accident costs are considered. 147 TABLE 47 WARRANTS FOR PASSING LANE(S) FOR DIFFERENT TRAFFIC VOLUMES TRUCK PERCENTAGE AND GRADES PASSING GRADE 6% GRADE 4% GRADE 2% LANE(S) TRUCK PERCENTAGE TRUCK PERCENTAGE TRUCK PERCENTAGE 5 10 20 5 10 20 5 10 20 FOR NO-PASSING ZONES-75% FOR TERRAIN CHANGE @ 1 MILE ONE 1500 1500 1900 400 500 500 TWO 1400 1500 1400 300 500 500 FOR TERRAIN CHANGE @ 1/2 MILE ONE 700 800 700 500 500 300 TWO 850 900 800 550 500 400 FOR NO-PASSING ZONES-50% FOR TERRAIN CHANGE @ 1 MILE ONE 1400 1500 1650 400 500 450 500 500 500 TWO 1500 1500 1500 400 500 500 500 500 400 FOR TERRAIN CHANGE @ 1/2 MILE ONE 800 800 800 500 400 350 400 350 400 TWO 800 950 800 500 400 500 450 450 450 FOR NO-PASSING ZONES-25% FOR TERRAIN CHANGE @ 1 MILE ONE 1600 1400 1750 500 600 600 TWO 1300 1300 1300 450 500 400 FOR TERRAIN CHANGE @ 1/2 MILE ONE 800 800 800 300 500 500 TWO 900 900 800 500 500 500 148 bzmo_00< Z( “.0 hmOO how—":02. oz< hOmma OZEmDaZOO m2.:< 4xa COOP OZ_>03hw mw<0 4h < 10“. ><>>O03hm mm<0 Jh < m0». ><>>Omuu ou vasouuu AHA; mOHDA:O> I zauoouao ..u:m:« Rom: umzuo canons». Docmumfic unmam ocfimman DODUDH has I >AuoouwucH .unvfiu may on wusum>u=o ou zomouamo :H moocoumoooc huwcauuoano onwmmen wosoou AHA; I aauoouqo .HHDED Naucodofiuusn Gum cofiue>oHouoaam Dan DDHODH uw somounnn mu“ can D>H=D cw Dodowzo> an vouwmwv nuooam Duncan awe I >Huoouqo .mmocmumfin unvum acwmmon on» OOEDDHMCA .u:nc« HOD: Rozuo nmsounuv aauoofiuucn .mOONRODSOO vocqcumzm nooum co mxosuu uOu moooam Hanan ocu>oun “Hanna Rom: Rozuo nosounuv auuoouaccn .uxusuu can .n.>m .nueo no moduaawnemmo Docecoucdofi Osman use cofigmumaoooe Bazaxes on» uoouue >Huoouqo .mnoomm confimoc uo :ofiuznfiuumdu cmfiudomem Iuom: cmsouzu aauooufivcH .Docuzo ucoscmaac no moouooc use scauo>oHouonzw .maqvmm .DEOAUDOD cmduaomnm Iumms ca :0auwmon no mcoduocsu Ramsaq ueHama0 Aauos one medofizo> ODODQEA I anaconda .OcoN unanmma may no new on» unacczuuo>o Oudaficwe Ho cwo>u ou unsouuo Haas uo>auu on» .mnen D Dumameoo Du wouuwesoo ma uo>wuc can: .c:uuo>o on HA“: ocoN ecu uo 6:0 0:» pan» moumoaocd anon on» u« Oouuonu on Haw: mama Gnu .nmnn o DUDHQEOO ou couUMEEoU uoc ma uo>wun on» coc3 I >Huoouuo .unOAD nu ma aumvcaoa unzu ma DEON DcfinmenIoc Gnu ouca ucouxo Add: uezu Omen O Osauoduacu Dfio>o ou asovuu >028 .mocoN mcammmnIoc c“ Gammon unbum uo: on muw>auo I >Huowuwo .moocoau0uuom use nodumfiuouomunno uo>wua Hons: Sodas Omnauomoc nonnono wand ucosvwmnsm .mmcwxuefi Oce Dawuuosowo HDDOH xn vouo>su used no uowuuo use .OOOOO DONADDO .>u«~«ncaso DDEDEMOuROQ .ADOQEDE coouodn .HOODOH :oouemn .OHDA:O> wouuv Guava .auoooumo OHOHzO> .Omone Ouuumuu "co comma DHDH2O> Utauouco come no Obaozo Dana Hmfiuficfi I aauowuao .ngfim easy“: ma a“ u“ aaco mcon«DOO uuonc\mmum muomuum can :coom: ma ocoN mcdmmnn n no one BOODUDESOU 0:» I >Huoouao .ooccumau “swam ocqmmmn Docwuov adamooa on» cunuw3 uu auco Deoduaoou uuone omen one ocummen Gnu uowuum one :coom: one Dodowcm> ocfieooco I aduoouwa .Ho>ouu uo cOAuDoqu >n Deco» uo DEOAUODOH vmfiuwownm .QOHD OEDH can coduwoco OEDH mo mofiuuoeowo Dwfiufiownm .Qouv Dana use c0auavoo once no DEOAuDDoH Dwuwoomm .m:0auowm newuwoomquwm: cw noduwmom uo Racquoczu unocaa me acuuoouwo coco cw aaououemom >43=UH= m24AIOZB A<20H82m>200 < 20 mQZON UZHmm mcfimmmn on» .NOOOQE« cw ocfimmma Ca I Nauooufio .DDOOGE« an no unmu ecu :SOHHOM: madcazo> I aauoouwo .vc«mmon :4 umwumucfi mouncaawao >uwaanonmu Omwam no :OHunuoHOOOD Duosmounu a no xona I >Huooufin .noaoouso Hausa One DRD>DOEDE ocqmmmn uo coduoofloun 0:» no Hung on ya on: can >uwaqnmamo Danaco> no uQchOD ouofifixounmu no D>mz mum>auu I >Huoouwa .ucqmuumcoo mafiuaEau >Hamwucwuom a D>D3Ho ma xuwaanoawo woman can c0aucuOHOODm EDEANNE I aauuouwo .ooeum Heood use oa>u OHchO> co mcconon >ufiafinwawo DODGE can cofiueuwaooow EDEANDE I aduomufio .Uuw .nunfi3 Gama Dom .DuOAHucoD Hafiucouon an mama mcfiEooco Ronuwo cw moaofise> mcamommo Dom >028 .o>one mm mucnauumoo seem as» O>uomno muo>auc I aauoouao .mmm>u OHO«:D> ma uo some OOH Ounmcuummd mzeozmq .Amxosuu unofia\muoo O>Au can n.>m uzou .mxosuu MDOHV mwa>u OaOH£O> .mmHBHAHm¢mfiucn ona .ocoam Oeufimoc no coduanwuumwu Omauwoonquwmz on» canons» I aauoouwvcH EHIHA ommmm uzaq oszquo mo oznmmcm < oe onaommHo oszommo was 2H .coAuomuac can mmzoN uzumm euesveve mmemmom use .meaouce> maueooco veneeao .ecoN maummma e neueuce .ueceQEu :e cexeuue>o umuuu e>ec >ecu cec: >~co mesa ou Deue>quE eEODec one neuuuaucuueoa mauemna eEMmee meHOuce> ceneOEH I >Huoeuuo .eeuecmwmec on new: ad .uezon Esaaxee no Awo> xaaesesv :0uuoeuu e >Hco em: Haas m.>m use eueo .DOOAReQ venueuesm Now .ue>eso= .Ueeam neuumec e Duezou acuueueaeooe ROH no ween e cu oeuusveu uu eucmEMOHNen uezoa EDEHNDE em: AHAS meuouce> I aauoeuuo .c0uuesuum Duuueuu ecu co ucenceaec mu new: COMueueHeDeU ecu .Deeaw Dehumeu eceeoxe fleece uceuuzo uH I >Huoeuua .eneemm Deuqmec one uceuuao Huecu ceezuec eoceueuuun ecu co ucevceneu >Huuen eue uecu ecouueueueooe ens Deanace> Loecueuumeu emasuecuo needs: I >Huoeuuo .mmea Du uecuec: nevqmcoo one :30naOu: HANS eHche> Deceafiu co 30c ecufiueueo maaec uecu uouomu eco mu Deena ueveafiw Oce Deemm Oeuwnev :ee3uec eoceueuuuc ecu I >Huoeuuo .eue>:ece§ Daumeen ocuuzu eeHOuce> OOH Deemeuocu Du ueene ceuwmeu ecu I aauoeuuo .eeceuuc30c co Amxozuu ROuv use me>u=o HeucoNuuoc nu ceuueueua en >eE uecu mueemm neoaoeu onucweueuec NOu Damon ecu Dede mu uH .Oeene Deuueev mu“ ue He>euu ou euneeuuo euowce> come I auuoeuuo Anzac wzo aqzo :HH: qm>¢ma mo oneommHo 2H .Huuuunenoud maoH=m>. mmHeHaH Oewuuerquee: mafia DumoH Eeuooum .OuooH Eeuooua use u:ac« >c oeaaouucoo mu m.>x can name uo u0u>ecem .meOH Eeuooun Cu Deueuonuoocu .co«umu>ec numeceue ace cmeE Oeuuuoeqe Iuee: cud3 coduscuuueuc guano: Oeueocauu e Eouu addendumecooum vecuweec ImHmmOm Uszmdm LO ZOHB<2HSm4 20HfiH¢O ..D.ucooca< mqmce 2167 eceH uc0wu ac Eueu use: ecu :« Oeaeaec ec uoc Hafiz >ecu :ec: mecca He:Ouuoeuucuc= ozu uo ecou ucmau ecu ou e>oa ou oeue>wuoa aaocumeeu0:« eue mue>uuo .Gouc ecea e um ecea OemoHD ecu Eu ceameuu ocuec uo eceH ucmau ecu :« eHOuce> ocquQEu cu ocwcec veaneuu ocuec vuo>e ou unaeuue use ucmumeuOu em: mue>uun .mecmH Ueuueueum uo uceacmumme >ueuuucue o: eue euecB .EOAueueHeooe Deuusua auco em: Ada: Deeeen mcuec eHOAce> e .Decueuumcoo euos emuzuecuo meeaca .cuuuea aueuee eEuu Oeuoenoun :o Deeec caumuoeo Ouumecooum use .uenenau uxe: uO ucouu cu Geo .emea eueHQEoo ou eEMu Oeuuenoum .uenemfia uxe: Ou eoceumwu co ucenceaeu I xauoeuua .mmdneu auuaunenoua one acumfioen Duuencooum :o cemec eoceuceooe .emuzuecuo .ueneQEu uo ucouu aw Ono uceuuuuusmcu uo .ocoH oou ec ou Oeuoenoun eEuu ue>aecea Omen .uOuHucoo eosnoua awe uocu Amevmmmm cu AeyueaoHAOu .uecemau eaem no mean ocuuuoce neceeu .uecenau acumeem aceeuae eueuuea uecuo osu .ueoenau acummem xceeuae xosuu .Hamae oou cuouea >ueume eauu veuoenoun “mu Deuoeheu one meuuucsuuoamo ocummem I hauoeuuo .Uuooq Emuooum cu neumuonuoocH .Oumoa Emuooum ca DeuDROQNODCH .OHuOH Eeuooun ca OeueuonuoocH .ecoN vcfimmen cucufi3 cowueDoH use .eusue>u=o HeucoNuuoc .coouean :u coHuumon Aucvum ca eHDuce> ocuEOD Ico no eoceumuc uc0um ..e.uv ucueuumcoo no euseeefi one .eaau .Deenm Deemed co uceuceaen eue eeuuuaucmcoun eoceuneo Iooe uo meaceu aquHusm mZOHBUmm $244 UZHQZHQO DZC qummdm 2H KOH><=mm .mzv Dummflm UZHWQ NAH=3 KOH><=mm haze; uzo aazo zeH: am>v mm Iomszu aconeHa Ia< oe mmmmoomm 2H mmcm ozmexm Anzac uzo aazo 29H: qm>¢ze no oneommHa 2H maoH=m>. mmHeHzaa Imomeo qummecu :ec3 meo:muu:e ue Demons“ eue mEDEHNDE DeuuaerquemD .u:eE:o«He Eeeuuems neuuuoeme Iuees 6:0 .Oeene Dehumeo ue>uuc .eocefiuouuea eHO«ce> uo mueec ecu :o >Haeofioom :emoco mueneea :ooueHa cDucs .esae> OeuuuDeQquem: use: mu Eeeuue Duuueuu ocuueu:e :« cecoouean Ouuueuu uo emeu:eouem .:o«u=c«uue«n ceauuoeaquem: use: :u Eeeuum Duuueuu o:uueu:e :u xua e~o«ce> .e:~e> Oewuuoeme Iuem: Ree: mu Eeeuum Ouuumuu m:«ueu:e :u eueu 30am .eco: e>ec Dune O:e Dean uemmea e e>ec n.>m .e:n~ ucmuu ecu ou e>oa ou Deeeuc >aucouflm euo exosua .meHOuce> uecuo m:uveOE« eue aecu :ec3 vce .zoae ea Deena uqecu cce e>uunoe: uo Haese mu auuuuceneo :DAueueHeooe Huecu :ecz .DeHOuce> .ea>u eHDHce> come Row :OAuDeuwD ac mneemw euceuuce Esauxms OeuqueQquema .Oefiuou m:oouean cowcz :u u:eE Icmuae Eeeuumns ecu O:e .:o«uoeuuc >c Oe:ooue~Q Ouuueuu uo eoeu:eo Iuea Deuuuoemquem: ou mo:onmeu Duooa Eeuooum .:o«uoeu«c Ac menau eHOwce> Hezou>uocq uo coduuoa Iona Deuuuoeaquees ou mn:oneeu DuooH Eeuvoum .eueu 30AM Oeuuuoeae Iuem: ou emcoameu :u Eeeuue Duuueuu o:uueu:e meueeuo Owooa Eeuooum BZNSZUHA‘ defifimmb BB mmfi<¢ 30am UHhh‘flB OZHKNHZN :.D.ucoova< mamas APPENDIX B DATA FILES FOR SIMULATION RUN TO CALIBRATE THE MODEL 1 69 TABLE Bl DATA FILE FOR SIMULATION RUN TO CALIBRATE THE MODEL (LAKE COUNTY) 1 3600 1 5.0 60.0 1.0 5.0 -1. 2 27456. 8. 10. 800. 2000. 0.2 3 473. 65. 1 270. 50. 1 41.0023 .0184 .0069 .0023 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 .675 52.008 .0488 .0122 .0162 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 .622 6 92.4 8.58 -1.5 -2.2 O..6293 1.6293 .81 .90 71 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 82 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 9 1985 1 5 3 4 50 0 10 0.5 0.43 0.51 0.57 0.65 0.76 0.91 1.13 1.34 1.58 2.12 VC 1 266. 620. 65. 1.0 .957 V6 2 196. 420. 65. 1.0 .957 V0 3 128. 284. 65. 1.0 .957 V0 4 72. 158. 30. 1.0 .957 VC 5 8.22 78.7 36. VC 6 8.64 89.7 28. VC 7 8.75 96.0 21. VC 8 8.76 97.5 32. VC 9 9.277 109.14 13. V6 10 9.766 114.89 14. VC 11 10.089 118.69 16. VC 12 10.429 122.69 17. VC 13 11.201 131.78 18. CV 9 1 3376. 3784. 0.091 1.5 CV 9 2 4062. 5679. 0.093 1.0 CV 9 3 5330. 5142. 0.087 1.1 CV 9 4 6597. 2900. 0.090 ~2.0 CV 9 5 9237. 2565. 0.097 -2.2 CV 9 6 9765. 5165. 0.078 1.1 CV 9 7 10504. 5521. 0.081 1.0 CV 9 8 23810. 7957. 0.091 -0.7 CV 9 9 26766. 5495. 0.084 -l.0 ST 1 5 5 1 3218. 800. 800. 4274 ST 1 5 5 2 5200. 800. 800. 6700 ST 1 5 5 3 8800. 800. 800. 9700 ST 1 S 5 4 19058. 800. 800. 19902 ST 1 5 5 5 23100. 800. 800. 23400 ST 2 5 5 1 23500. 800. 800. 23300 ST 2 5 5 2 14306. 800. 800. 13144 ST 2 5 5 3 9750. 800. 800. 8650 ST 2 5 5 4 6900. 800. 800. 5500. ST 2 5 5 5 4960. 1000. 1000. 2900. lBASE CONDITION - ROLLING TERRAIN FOR LAKE COUNTY SITE RUN NO. 1 USING 473/270 AS THE FLOW RATE AND NEW PS/SL CARDS 93742469. 99230755. 1120379. 41724931. 81500573. .294 .292 150. 150. TABLE 81(Con'd) 170 OQNGM5‘UNH h3h>hbk‘F‘F‘P‘F‘F‘P‘F‘F‘F‘h‘h‘h‘h‘ 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 QWN¢M§WNH 7525. 7978. 8022. 8603. 8698. 9273. 9818. 11349. 11463. 12277. 12299. 13461. 13669. 14837. 15256. 16734. 16927. 17358. 17421. 17949. 18041. 18213. 19005. 19484. 19962. 20219. 23018. 23076. 23546. 3218. 4274. 5200. 6700. 8800. 9700. 12299. 18266. 19058. 19902. 20906. 23100. 23400. 27456. 23500. 23300. -1. -2. -2. -0. -1. -2. -2. -0. .54 .21 .21 .84 .34 .61 .12 .52 .15 .15 .28 28 41 38 98 .75 .30 7525. 7978. 8022. 8603. 8698. 9273. 9818. 11349. 11463. 12277. 12299. 13461. 13669. 14837. 15256. 16734. 16927. 17358. 17421. 17949. 18041. 18213. 19005. 19484. 19962. 20219. 23018. 23076. 23546. 27456. 171 TABLE 81(Con'd) NNNNNNNNNNN ..o b NNNNNNNNNNHHHHHHHH OOOUONNOHOCWONNOH 20906. 14886. 14306. 13144. 12299. 9750. 8650. 6900. 5500. 4960. 2901. 500. 1000. 10715. 12299. 17632. 18266. 20906. 26186. 26956. 26186. 23546. 20906. 15678. 14886. 12246. 6066. 1000. 500. 500 FT UPSTREAM OF MP 0.0 (SB) MP 0.0 BEG OF TEST ROAD MP .84 FIRST STATION UPST 0.3 MI .14 BEG 0F PASSING LANE 15 .27 END OF PASSING LANE .77 0.5 MI DOWNST OF PASS LANE .77 - 1.5 MI DOWNST 0F PASS LANE 0 FT UPSTREAM OF MP 4.77 (N8) .77 (N8) .27 - 0.5 MI UPST OF PASS LANE .77 BEG OF PASSING LANE .78 .63 END OF PASSING LANE .13 - 0.5 MI DOWNST 0F PASS LANE .13 - 1.5 MI DOWNST OF PASS LANE 0.0 END OF TEST ROAD 0 FT DOWNSTREAM 0F MP 0.0 (NB) bwuuNt-I Sfiifififififiififlfifififiifi 1'72 TABLE B2 DATA FILE FOR SIMULATION RUN T0 CALIBRATE THE MODEL (CLARE COUNTY) 1 3600 1 5.0 60.0 1.0 5.0 -1. 2 28400. 9. 11. 800. 2000. 0.2 3 415. 1 226. 32. 1 41.003 .02 .01 .007 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .712 52.018 .062 .013 .007 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .610 6 92.4 8.58 -1.0 -2.2 0..6293 1.6293 .81 .90 71 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 82 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 9 1985 5 3 4 50 0 10 0.5 0.43 0.51 0.57 0.65 0.76 0.91 1.13 1.34 1.58 2.12 vc 1 266. 620. 65. 1.0 .957 vc 2 196. 420. 65. 1.0 .957 vc 3 128. 284. 65. 1.0 .957 vc 4 72. 158. 30. 1.0 .957 vc 5 8.22 78.7 36. vc 6 8.64 89.7 28. vc 7 8.75 96.0 21. vc 8 8.76 97.5 32. vc 9 9.277 109.14 13. vc 10 9.766 114.89 14. vc 11 10.089 118.69 16. vc 12 10.429 122 69 17. vc 13 11.201 131.78 18. cv 3 1 9342. 904. 0.075 6.3 cv 3 2 10768. 2689. 0.040 2.1 cv 3 3 22278. 5872. 0 025 1.0 51 1 3 3 1 9000. 800. 800. 9800. $1 1 3 3 2 10200. 800. 800. 11200. 51 1 3 3 3 22000. 800. ' 800. 23000. 51 2 3 3 1 26500. 800. 800. 25500. 51 2 3 3 2 11200. 800. 800. 10200. St 2 3 3 3 9800. 800. 800. 9000. RN 93742469. 99230755. 1120379. 41724931. 81500573. 00 1 22 0. 0. o. 1792. 00 2 22 1792. 0.24 0.24 1869. 00 3 22 1869. -0.58 -0.58 2056. 00 4 22 2056. 0. 0. 7072. an 5 22 7072. -0.46 -0.46 7685. 00 6 22 7685. 0.40 0.40 8035. an 7 22 8035. -1.05 -1.05 8828. an 8 22 8828. 1.42 1.42 9132. 00 9 22 9132. 1.05 1.05 9400. 00 10 22 9400. -2.46 -2.46 9659. 00 11 22 9659. 0. 0. 14464. CD 12 22 14464. 0.20 0.20 14485. an 13 22 14485. -0.81 -o.81 14570. 00 14 22 14570. 0. 0. 18425. 00 15 22 18425. -1.56 -1.56 18636. lBASE CONDITION - ROLLING TERRAIN - CLARE COUNTY SITE RUN N0. 1 USING 415/226 AS THE FLOW RATE AND NEW PS/SL CARDS .248 .290 150. 150. 173 TABLE 82(Con'd.) H EDNDNDBDh3838353h)NJF‘F‘F‘P‘F‘h‘P‘P‘P‘P‘ C>C>C>C‘UJC>N)NJC>F‘C>C>C‘UJCDNJNJCDF‘C>C>¢303\JO\U\C‘UJBJF‘C>W>GD\JO\U‘C‘h’fl)?‘ HOOGVO‘U‘kHNH‘DQNO‘U‘J-‘UNH NNNNNNNNNNNHHHHHHHHH F‘h‘ 18636. 0. 0. 22331. 22331. -0.17 -0.17 22395. 22395. -1.10 -1.10 22806. 22806. 0. 0. 23810. 23810. -1.10 -1.10 24089. 24089. -0 15 -0.15 24127. 24127. 0. 0. 28400. 0. 1. 9000. -1. 9800. 1. 10200. -1. 11200. 1. 11560. 2. 2. 16154. -1. 18688. 1. 22000. -1. 23000. 1. 28400. 1. 26500. -1. 25500. 1. 18688. 2. 2. 12986. -1. 11560. 1. 11200. -1. 10200. 1. 9800. -1. 9000. 1. 500. 500 FT UPSTREAM OF MP 0.0 (SE) 1000. MP 0.0 BEG OF THE ROAD 8920. MP 1.50 FIRST STATION UPST 0.5 MI 11560. MP 2.0 BEG OF PASSING LANE 1 13883. MP 2.44 MIDDLE 0F PASSING LANE 1 16154. MP 2.87 END OF PASSING LANE 1 18794. MP 3.37 0.5 MI DOWNST 0F PL 1 21434. MP 3.87 1.0 MI DOWNST 0F PL 1 26714. MP 4.87 2.0 MI DOWNST 0F PL 1 27900. 1186 FT UPST 0F MP 4.87 26714. MP 4.87 (NE) 21328. MP 3.85 STATION 0.5 MI UPST PL2 18688. MP 3.35 BEG 0F PASSING LANE 2 15784. MP 2.8 MIDDLE 0F PL 2 12986. MP 2.27 END OF PASSING LANE 2 10346. MP 1.77 - 0.5 MI DOWNST 0F PL 2 7706. MP 1.27 - 1.0 MI DOWNST 0F PL 2 5066. MP 0.77 - 1.5 MI DOWNST 0F PL 2 1000. MP 0.0 END OF THE ROAD 500. 500 FT DOWNSTREAM 0F MP 0.0 (NE) 174 TABLE 83 DATA FILE FOR SIMULATION RUNS FOR ONE-PL. GRADE-4t AND TERRAIN CHANGE @ 1-MILE lBASE COND - ROLLING EVERY l-MILE WITH ONE-PL GRADE-4! NO-PASS-50§ RUN NO. 1 USING 500/500 AS THE FLOW RATE AND TRUCK-5% FILE-LAKEE 1 3600 1 5.0 30.0 1.0 5.0 -1. 2 44240. 11. 5. 800. 2000. 0.2 3 500. 50. 1 500. 50. 1 41.0055 .0285 .008 .008 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .65 .30 52.0055 .0285 .008 .008 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .65 .30 6 92.4 8.58 -1.0 -2.2 0..6293 1.6293 .81 .90 71 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 82 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 9 1985 1 5 3 4 50 0 10 0.5 0.43 0.51 0.57 0.65 0.76 0.91 1.13 1.34 1.58 2.12 VC 1 266. 620. 65. 1.0 .957 VC 2 196. 420. 65. 1.0 .957 VC 3 128. 284. 65. 1.0 .957 VC 4 72. 158. 30. 1.0 .957 VC 5 8.22 78.7 36. VC 6 8.64 89.7 28. VC 7 8.75 96.0 21. VC 8 8.76 97.5 32. VC 9 9.277 109.14 13. V0 10 9.766 114.89 14. VC 11 10.089 118.69 16. VC 12 10.429 122.69 17. VC 13 11.201 131.78 18. ST 1 6 7 1 4655. 600. 600. 7905. ST 1 6 7 2 9935. 600. 600. 13185. ST 1 6 7 3 15215. 600. 600. 18465. ST 1 6 7 4 25775. 600. 600. 29025. ST 1 6 7 5 31055. 600. 600. 34305. ST 1 6 7 6 36335. 600. 600. 39585. ST 2 6 7 1 39585. 600. 600. 36335. ST 2 6 7 2 34205. 600. 600. 31055. ST 2 6 7 3 29025. 600. 600. 25775. ST 2 6 7 4 23745. 600. 600. 20495. ST 2 6 7 5 18465. 600. 600. 15215. ST 2 6 7 6 13185. 600. 600. 9935. ST 2 6 7 7 7905. 600. 600. 4655. RN 93742469. 99230755. 1120379. 41724931. 81500573. GD 1 16 0. 0. 0. 3640. GD 2 16 3640. 4.0 4.0 6280. GD 3 16 6280. -4.0 .4.0 8920. GD 4 16 8920. 4.0 4.0 11560. 175 TABLE B3(Con'd.) h)h)h)h)h)h>h)h)h)k)h383h3535353N)P‘F‘P‘P‘F‘P‘P‘P‘P‘P‘F‘P‘F‘F‘F‘ P‘P‘P‘ F‘P‘P‘P‘F‘P‘ NJF‘C3¢>GD\JO\U!9‘h3h3P‘U!C‘UJN)P‘C)¢)G>\JO\U1P‘h’th‘ 11560. 14200. 16840. 19480. 22120. 24760. 27400. 30040. 32680. 35320. 37960. 40600. 4655. 7905. 9935. 13185. 15215. 18465. 19480. 24760. 25775. 29025. 31055. 34305. 36335. 39585. 44240. 39585. 36335. 34305. 31055. 29025. 25775. 24760. 23745. 20495. 19480. 18465. 15215. 13185. 9935. 7905. 4655. -4. -4, -4. -4. -4. -4 00000000000 -4, .4. -a_ -4. .4. -4. 00000000000 14200. 16840. 19480. 22120. 24760. 27400. 30040. 32680. 35320. 37960. 40600. 44240. 176 TABLE B3(Con'd) SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL HH mwaHHOOQNO‘MC-‘HNH k)h)NJKJNDF‘F‘P‘P‘F‘P‘F‘F‘P‘F‘P‘ OOHHOOOU‘L‘MU’NNOHO 500. 1000. 18424. 19480. 22120. 24760. 25816. 30040. 35320. 40600. 43240. 43740. 43240. 22120. 1000. 500. O UPSTREAM OF MP 0.0 (D1) BEG 0F ROAD 0.2 MI UPST 0F PL BEG 0F PL MIDDLE OF PL END OF PL DNST OF PL 1.0 MI DNST OF PL 2.0 MI DNST 0F PL 3.0 MI DNST 0F PL END OF THE ROAD UPST 0F MP 8.00 (D2) . 0 (D2) MIDDLE OF THE ROAD (02) DNST OF MP 0.0 (D2) mwmu‘bbbwuo Sfifififififififififig E O Obm CO 35%: 0 I3 177 TABLE B4 DATA FILE FOR SIMULATION RUNS FOR ONE-PL, GRADE-4%, TERRAIN CHANGE @ 1/2-MILE 1BASE COND - ROLLING EVERY 1/2 MILE WITH ONE-PL GRADE-4% NO-PASS-50% RUN NO. 1 USING 500/500 AS THE FLOW RATE AND TRUCK-5% FILE-LAKEL 1 3600 1 5.0 30.0 1.0 5.0 -1. 2 44240. 11. 5. 800. 2000. 0.2 3 500. 50. 1 500. 50. 1 41.0055 .0285 .008 .008 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .650 .30 52.0055 .0285 .008 .008 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .650 .30 6 92.4 8.58 -1.0 -2.2 0..6293 1.6293 .81 .90 71 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 82 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 9 1985 1 5 3 4 50 0 10 0.5 0.43 0.51 0.57 0.65 0.76 0.91 1.13 1.34 1.58 2.12 VC 1 266. 620. 65. 1.0 .957 VC 2 196. 420. 65. 1.0 .957 V0 3 128. 284. 65. 1.0 .957 V0 4 72. 158. 30. 1.0 .957 VC 5 8.22 78.7 36. VC 6 8.64 89.7 28. VC 7 8.75 96.0 21. VC 8 8.76 97.5 32. VC 9 9.277 109.14 13. V0 10 9.766 114.89 14. V0 11 10.089 118.69 16. V6 12 10.429 122.69 17. V0 13 11.201 131.78 18. ST 1 12 14 1 4160. 600. 600. 5760. ST 1 12 14 2 6800. 600. 600. 8400. ST 1 12 14 3 9440. 600. 600. 11040. ST 1 12 14 4 12080. 600. 600. 13680. ST 1 12 14 5 14720. 600. 600. 16320. ST 1 12 14 6 17360. 600. 600. 18960. ST 1 12 14 7 25280. 600. 600. 26880. ST 1 12 14 8 27920. 600. 600. 29520. ST 1 12 14 9 30560. 600. 600. 32160. ST 1 12 14 10 33200. 600. 600. 34800. ST 1 12 14 11 35840. 600. 600. 37440. ST 1 12 14 12 38480. 600. 600. 40080. ST 2 12 14 1 40080. 600. 600. 38480. ST 2 12 14 2 37440. 600. 600. 35840. ST 2 12 14 3 34800. 600. 600. 33200. ST 2 12 14 4 32160. 600. 600. 30560. ST 2 12 14 5 29520. 600. 600. 27920. ST 2 12 14 6 26880. 600. 600. 25280. ST 2 12 14 7 24400. 600. 600. 22480. 178 TABLE B4(Con'd) NNNNNNN \DONO‘Ukri-l F‘P‘P‘F‘F‘F‘F‘F‘r‘ 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 xoooumunbwror- 21760. 18960. 16320. 13680. 11040. 8400. 5760. 93742469. 0. 3640. 4960. 6280. 7600. 8920. 10240. 11560. 12880. 14200. 15520. 16840. 18160. 19480. 20800. 22120. 23440. 24760. 26080. 27400. 28720. 30040. 31360. 32680. 34000. 35320. 36640. 37960. 39280. 40600. 0. 4160. 5760. 6800. 8400. 9440. 11040. 12080. 13680. c>c>c>c>c>c>c>c>c>c>c>c>c>c:C>E>E>E>E>E>E>E>E>E>E>E>E>h> 600. 600. 600. 600. 600. 600. 600. 99230755. 0. 600. 19840. 600. 17360. 600. 14720. 600. 12080. 600. 9440. 600. 6800. 600. 4160. 1120379. 41724931. 0. 3640. 4.0 4960. -4.0 6280. 4.0 7600. -4.0 8920. 4.0 10240. -4.0 11560. 4.0 12880. -4.0 14200. 4.0 15520. -4.0 16840. 4.0 18160. -4.0 19480. 4.0 20800. -4.0 22120. 4.0 23440. -4.0 24760. 4.0 26080. -4.0 27400. 4.0 28720. -4.0 30040. 4.0 31360. -4.0 32680. 4.0 34000. -4.0 35320. 4.0 36640. -4.0 37960. 4.0 39280. -4.0 40600. 0. 44240. 81500573. 179 TABLE B4(Con'd.) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHHHHHHD—‘HHHHHHHHHHH 14720. 16320. 17360. 18960. 19480. 24760. 25280. 26880. 27920. 29520. 30560. 32160. 33200. 34800. 35840. 37440. 38480. 40080. 44240. 40080. 38480. 37440. 35840. 34800. 33200. 32160. 30560. 29520. 27920. 26880. 25280. 24760. 24400. 22480. 21760. 19840. 19480. 18960. 180 TABLE B4(Con'd.) NNNNNNNNNNN UlbWNt-‘HO‘OQNO‘U§UNH BJNDN)NJNDP‘F‘F‘P‘F‘F‘F‘F‘F‘F‘P‘ 17360. 16320. 14720. 13680. 12080. 11040. 9440. 8400. 6800. 5760. 4160. 500. 1000. 18480. 19480. 22120. 24760. 25816. 30040. 35320. 40600. 43240. 43740. 43240. 22120. 1000. 500. 500 MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP 500 FT 2] mummbbbuuo C>UIU!Uv\JU1C>uauaC> MP 0.0 UPSTREAM 0F MP 0.0 (D1) BEG OF 0.2 MI BEG OF MIDDLE END OF 0.2 MI 1.0 MI 2.0 MI 3.0 MI END OF ROAD UPST OF PL PL 0F PL PL DNST 0F PL DNST OF PL DNST 0F PL DNST 0F PL THE ROAD UPST 0F MP 8.00 (D2) MP 8.00 (02) MP 4.0 MIDDLE OF THE ROAD (D?) 500 FT DNST 0F MP 0.0 (D2) 181 TABLE BS DATA FILE FOR SIMULATION RUNS FOR TWO-PLS, GRADE-4%, TERRAIN CHANGE @ l-MILE 1 3600 1 5.0 30.0 1.0 5.0 -1. 2 44240. 15. 5. 800. 2000. 0.2 3 500. 1 500. 50. 1 41.0055 .0285 .008 .008 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. .650 52.0055 .0285 .008 .008 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. .650 6 92.4 8.58 -1.0 ~2.2 0..6293 1.6293 .81 .90 71 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 82 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 9 1985 5 3 4 50 0 10 0.5 0.43 0.51 0.57 0.65 0.76 0.91 1.13 1.34 1.58 2.12 VC 1 266. 620. 65. 1.0 .957 V0 2 196. 420. 65. 1.0 .957 VC 3 128. 284. 65. 1.0 .957 V6 4 72. 158. 30. 1.0 .957 V6 5 8.22 78.7 36. VC 6 8.64 89.7 28. VC 7 8.75 96.0 21. VC 8 8.76 97.5 32. VC 9 9.277 109.14 13. V6 10 9.766 114.89 14. VC 11 10.089 118.69 16. VC 12 10.429 122.69 17. V0 13 11.201 131.78 18. ST 1 6 8 1 2140. 600. 600. 5140. ST 1 6 8 2 7420. 600. 600. 10420. ST 1 6 8 3 17980. 600. 600. 20980. ST 1 6 8 4 23260. 600. 600. 26260. ST 1 6 8 5 33820. 600. 600. 36820. ST 1 6 8 6 39100. 600. 600. 42100. ST 2 6 8 1 42100. 600. 600. 39100. ST 2 6 8 2 36820. 600. 600. 33820. ST 2 6 8 3 31600. 600. 600. 28480. ST 2 6 8 4 26260. 600. 600. 23260. ST 2 6 8 5 20980. 600. 600. 17980. ST 2 6 8 6 15760. 600. 600. 12640 ST 2 6 8 7 10420. 600. 600. 7420. ST 2 6 8 8 5140. 600. 600. 2140. RN 93742469. 99230755. 1120379. 41724931. 81500573. GD 1 18 0. 0. 0. 1000. GD 2 18 1000. 4.0 4.0 3640. GD 3 18 3640. -4.0 -4.0 6280. GD 4 18 6280. 4.0 4.0 8920. GD 5 18 8920. -4.0 -4.0 11560. IBASE COND - ROLLING EVERY-1 MILE WITH TWO-PL GRADE-4i NO-PASS-50% RUN N0. 1 USING 500/500 AS THE FLOW RATE AND TRUCK-58 FILE-LAKEO .30 .30 150. 150. 182 TABLE B5(Con'd) hJNDNDNDNDh)h)h)h)k>h)h)h)h)BJP‘F‘F‘F‘P‘P‘F‘P‘P‘P‘F‘h‘h‘F‘h‘h‘h‘ \OGVO\U!§UJNH 11560. 14200. 16840. 19480. 22120. 24760. 27400. 30040. 32680. 35320. 37960. 40600. 43240. 2140. 5140. 7420. 10420. 11560. 16840. 17980. 20980. 23260. 26260. 27400. 32680. 33820. 36820. 39100. 42100. 44240. 42100. 39100. 36820. 33820. 32680. 31600. 28480. 27400. 26260. 23260. 20980. 17980. 16840. 15760. 14200. 16840. 19480. 22120. 24760. 27400. 30040. 32680. 35320. 37960. 40600. 43240. 44240. 183 TABLE 85(Con'd.) NNNNNN NIB)k3hJNDP‘P‘F‘P‘P‘P‘F‘F‘P‘r‘F‘P‘h‘h‘h‘ NDP‘F‘P‘P‘ c><>a3\30\ N OOHHOONO‘GU'IU'ObU-JUNNOHOH 12640. 11560. 10420. 7420. 5140. 2140. 500. 1000. 8920. 11560. 14200. 16840. 19480. 22120. 24760. 27400. 30040. 32680. 35320. 37960. 43240. 43740. 43240. 22120. 1000. 500. 0 8666668666666668' 888% UPSTREAM 0F MP 0.0 (D1) BEG 0F ROAD 0.5 MI UPST OF PL 1 BEG 0F PL 1 MIDDLE OF PL 1 END OF PL 1 0.5 MI DNST OF PL 1.0 MI DNST OF PL 1.5 MI DNST OF PL BEG 0F PL 2 MIDDLE 0F PL 2 END OF PL 2 0.5 MI DNST OF P 1.0 MI DNST OF P 2.0 MI DNST OF P FT UPST 0F MP 8.00 (D ) 0 0 QVOOSMU§§UUNNHO COMOU‘OU‘OUCUCU‘OE L 2 L 2 L 2 2 .0 (D2) FT DNST 0F MP 0.0 (D2) 184 TABLE B6 DATA FILE FOR SIMULATION RUNS FOR TWO-PLS. GRADE-4%, TERRAIN CHANGE @ 1/2 MI lBASE COND - ROLLING EVERY-1/2 MI WITH TWO-PL GRADE-4t N0-PASS-50% RUN N0. 1 USING 500/500 AS THE FLOW RATE AND TRUCK-5% FILE-LAKER 1 3600 1 5.0 30.0 1.0 2 44240. 15. 5. 3 500. 50. 1 500. 1 41.0055 .0285 .008 .008 0.0 0 0.0 52.0055 .0285 .008 .008 0.0 0 0.0 6 92.4 8.58 -1.0 -2.2 0..6293 1.6293 71 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 82 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 9 1985 1 5 3 50 0 10 0.5 0.43 0.51 0.57 0.65 0.76 0.91 VC 1 266. 620. VC 2 196. 420. VC 3 128. 284. VC 4 72. 158. VC 5 8.22 78.7 VC 6 8.64 89.7 VC 7 8.75 96.0 VC 8 8.76 97.5 VC 9 9.277 109.14 VC 10 9.766 114.89 VC 11 10.089 118.69 V0 12 10.429 122.69 VC 13 11.201 131.78 ST 1 10 14 1 4080. 600. ST 1 10 14 2 6720. 600. ST 1 10 14 3 9360. 600. ST 1 10 14 4 17280. 600. ST 1 10 14 5 19920. 600. ST 1 10 14 6 22560. 600. ST 1 10 14 7 25200. 600. ST 1 10 14 8 33120. 600. ST 1 10 14 9 35760. 600. ST 1 10 14 10 38400. 600. ST 2 10 14 1 40160. 600. ST 2 10 14 2 37520. 600. ST 2 10 14 3 34880. 600. ST 2 10 14 4 32240. 600. ST 2 10 14 5 29600. 600. ST 2 10 14 6 26960. 600. ST 2 10 14 7 24320. 600. ST 2 10 14 8 21680. 600. ST 2 10 14 9 19040. 600. ST 2 10 14 10 16400. 600. 5.0 800. .0 .0 .81 150. 150. 1.13 65. 600. 600. 600. 600. 600. 600. 0.0 0. 0.0 0. -1. 2000. 0.2 0 0.0 .650 0 0.0 .650 .90 150. 150. 150. 150. 1.34 1.58 2.12 .957 .957 .957 .957 P‘F‘h‘h‘ 0000 150. 150. 150. 150. 5840. 8480. 11120. 19040. 21680. 24320. 26960. 34880. 37520. 40160. 38400. 35760. 33120. 30480. 27840. 25200. 22560. 19920. 17280. 14640. .30 .30 150. 150. TABLE B6(Con'd.) 185 NNNN OGVOM§UNH P‘P‘F‘P‘F‘F‘F‘P‘P‘P‘ 14 14 14 11 13 14 OOON‘hUbUNH H 13760. 11120. 8480. 5840. 93742469. 0. 3640. 4960. 6280. 7600. 8920. 10240. 11560. 12880. 14200. 15520. 16840. 18160. 19480. 20800. 22120. 23440. 24760. 26080. 27400. 28720. 30040. 31360. 32680. 34000. 35320. 36640. 37960. 39280. 40600. 0. 4080. 5840. 6720. 8480. 9360. 11120. 11560. 16840. 17280. 60 60 60 60 9923075 0. 0. 0. 0. 5. 0. 600. 12000. 600. 9360. 600. 6720. 600. 4080. 1120379. 41724931. 0. 3640. 4.0 4960. -4.0 6280. 4.0 7600. -4.0 8920. 4.0 10240. -4.0 11560. 4.0 12880. -4.0 14200. 4.0 15520. -4.0 16840. 4.0 18160. -4.0 19480. 4.0 20800. o4.0 22120. 4.0 23440. o4.0 24760. 4.0 26080. -4.0 27400. 4.0 28720. -4.0 30040. 4.0 31360. -4.0 32680. 4.0 34000. -4.0 35320. 4.0 36640. -4.0 37960. 4.0 39280. -4.0 40600. 0. 44240. 2. 81500573. 186 TABLE B6(Con'd.) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHHHHHHHHHD—‘HHHHH 19040. 19920. 21680. 22560. 24320. 25200. 26960. 27400. 32680. 33120. 34880. 35760. 37520. 38400. 40160. 44240. 40160. 38400. 37520. 35760. 34880. 33120. 32680. 32240. 30480. 29600. 27840. 27400. 26960. 25200. 24320. 22560. 21680. 19920. 19040. 17280. 16840. 16400. 14640. 13760. 12000. 11560. 11120. 9360. 8480. 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 2 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1. 1. 0 -1 0 -1 0 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 0 -1 0 -1 0 1 -1. 1. -1. 187 TABLE B6(Con'd.) PS 2 PS 2 PS 2 SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL 33 33 u: h3h3h3h3hih‘P‘P‘H‘F‘P‘P‘F‘P‘P‘P‘h‘h‘h‘h‘h’ WWW WNH OOHHOOVGOUUO§UWNNHHO 6720. 5840. 4080. 500. 1000. 8920. 11560. 14200. 16840. 19480. 22120. 24760. 27400. 30040. 32680. 35320. 37960. 43240. 43740. 43240. 22120. 1000. 500. 500 FT MP 0.0 MP 1.5 MP 2.0 MP 2.5 MP 3.0 MP 3.5 MP 4.0 MP 4.5 MP 5.0 MP 5.5 MP 6.0 MP 6.5 MP 7.0 MP 8.0 500 FT MP 0.0 UPSTREAM 0F MP 0.0 (D1) BEG OF 0.5 MI BEG OF MIDDLE END OF 0.5 MI 1.0 MI 1.5 MI BEG OF MIDDLE END OF 0.5 MI 1.0 MI 2.0 MI ROAD , UPST OF PL 1 PL 1 0? PL 1 PL 1 DNST OF PL DNST 0P PL DNST 0P PL PL 2 OF PL 2 PL 2 DNST 0P PL 2 DNST OF PL 2 DNST 0F PL 2 UPST OF MP 8.00 (D2) MP 8.00 (D2) MP 4.0 MIDDLE OF THE ROAD (D2) 500 FT DNST 0F MP 0.0 (D2) APPENDIX C VALUES OF TOTAL BENEFITS FOR DIFFERENT TRAFFIC AND ROADWAY CONDITIONS 188 TABLE Cl DELAY AND TOTAL BENEFITS FOR ONE PL, GRADE-6% & NO-PASSING ZONE-50% ADT DELAY AND TOTAL BENEFITS FOR ONE PL ($/YEAR) TRUCK-5% TRUCK-10% TRUCK-20% TE. CH. l-MI 1/2-MI l-MI 1/2MI 1-MI 1/2-MI 1000 D 8500 0 0 0 0 12000 T 13500 5000 5000 5000 5000 17000 2000 D 9000 2000 0 0 0 14000 T 14000 7000 5000 5000 5000 19000 3000 D 9500 6000 0 0 0 16000 T 14500 11000. 5000 5000 5000 21000 4000 D 10000 10000 0 4000 0 18000 T 15000 15000 5000 9000 5000 23000 5000 D 11000 14000 0 9000 0 20000 T 16000 19000 5000 14000 5000 25000 6000 D 12000 18000 2000 13000 0 22000 T 24900 30900 14900 25900 12900 34900 7000 D 13000 22000 4000 18000 0 23500 T 25900 34900 16900 30900 12900 36400 8000 D 14000 27000 6000 23000 0 26000 T 26900 39900 18900 35900 12900 38900 9000 D 14500 31000 8000 28000 0 27500 T 27400 43900 20900 40900 12900 40400 10000 D 15500 34000 9000 32000 2000 29000 T 28400 46900 21900 44900 14900 41900 11000 D 16000 39000 10000 37000 4000 31000 T 36800 59800 30800 57800 24800 51800 12000 D 17000 43000 12000 41000 6000 33000 T 37800 63800 32800 61800 26800 53800 13000 D 18000 47000 14000 45000 8000 35000 T 38800 67800 34800 65800 28800 55800 14000 D 19000 51000 16000 50000 12000 36500 T 39800 71800 36800 70800 32800 57300 15000 D 19500 55000 18000 55000 14000 38500 T 40300 39800 38800 75800 34800 59300 16000 D 20000 59000 20000 60000 16000 40000 T 40800 79800 40800 80800 36800 60800 17000 D 21000 63000 21000 64000 18500 42000 T 41800 83800 41800 84800 39300 62800 218000 D 22000 68000 23000 '68000 20500 44000 T 42800 88800 43800 88800 41300 64800 219000 D 23000 72000 25000 73000 23500 46000 T 43800 92800 45800 93800 44300 66800 20000 D 24000 75000 26000 78000 26500 48000 T 44800 95800 46800 98800 47300 68800 189 TABLE 02 DELAY AND TOTAL BENEFITS FOR TWO PLS, GRADE-6% & NO-PASSING ZONE-50% ADT DELAY AND TOTAL BENEFITS FOR TWO PLS ($/YEAR) TRUCK-5% TRUCK-10% TRUCK-20% TER.CH. 1-MI 1/2-MI 1-MI 1/2-MI l-MI 1/2-MI 1000 D 26000 21500 18000 0 5000 22000 T 36000 31500 28000 10000 15000 32000 2000 D 27000 26000 19000 0 6000 27000 T 37000 36000 29000 10000 16000 37000 3000 D 28000 30000 20000 0 8000 31000 T 38000 40000 30000 10000 18000 41000 4000 D 29000 34000 21000 0 12000 34000 T 39000 44000 31000 10000 22000 44000 5000 D 30000 38000 22000 2000 14000 38000 T 40000 48000 32000 12000 24000 48000 6000 D 30500 42000 24000 15000 16000 42000 T 56300 67800 49800 40800 41800 67800 7000 D 31000 46000 26000 20000 18000 46000 T 56800 71800 51800 45800 43800 71800 8000 D 31500 50000 27500 28000 20000 50000 T 57300 75800 53300 53800 45800 75800 9000 D 32000 55000 28500 36000 23000 54000 T 57800 80800 54300 61800 48800 79800 10000 D 32500 60000 30000 46000 25000 58000 T 58300 85800 55800 71800 50800 83800 11000 D 33500 65000 31500 54000 28000 62000 T 75100 106600 73100 95600 69600 103600 12000 D 34500 70000 33000 63000 30000 65000 T 76100 111600 74600 104600 71600 106600 13000 D 35500 75000 35000 71000 32000 70000 T 77100 116600 76600 112600 73600 111600 14000 D 36500 80000 36500 80000 34000 73000 , T 78100 121600 78100 121600 75600 114600 15000 D 37500 86000 38000 88000 36000 77500 T 79100 127600 79600 129600 77600 119100 16000 D 38000 90000 40000 96000 38000 82000 T 79600 131600 81600 137600 79600 123600 17000 D 38500 95000 41500 106000 40000 86000 T 80600 136600 83100 147600 81600 127600 18000 D 39000 100000 43000 113000 43000 88000 T 81100 141600 84600 154600 84600 129600 19000 D 39500 105000 44500 123000 44500 92000 T 81100 146600 86100 164600 86100 133600 20000 D 40000 110000 46000 130000 46000 96000 T 81600 151600 87600 171600 87600 137600 190 TABLE C3 DELAY AND TOTAL BENEFITS FOR ONE PL, GRADE-4% & NO-PASSING ZONE-50% ADT DELAY AND TOTAL BENEFITS FOR ONE PL ($/YEAR) TRUCK-5% TRUCK-10% TRUCK-20% TER.CH. 1-u1 1/2-u1 1-u1 1/2-MI l-MI l/2-MI 1000 0 2000 0 0 0 5000 4000 T 7000 5000 5000 5000 10000 9000 2000 0 6000 0 0 4000 7000 8000 T 11000 5000 5000 9000 12000 13000 3000 0 10000 0 0 8000 10000 12000 T 15000 5000 5000 13000 15000 17000 4000 0 14000 1000 5000 13000 11000 16000 T 19000 6000 10000 18000 16000 21000 5000 0 18000 8000 10000 18000 14000 20000 T 23000 13000 15000 23000 19000 25000 6000 0 22000 14000 15000 23000 16000 24000 T 34900 26900 27900 35900 28900 36900 7000 0 26000 20000 20000 28000 18000 28000 T 38900 32900 32900 40900 30900 40900 8000 0 30000 26000 26000 32000 20000 32000 T 42900 38900 38900 44900 32900 44900 9000 0 34000 34000 30000 38000 22000 36000 T 46900 46900 42900 50900 34900 48900 10000 0 37000 40000 35000 43000 24000 40000 T 49900 52900 47900 55900 36900 52900 11000 0 41000 46000 40000 47000 26000 43000 T 61800 66800 60800 67800 46800 63800 12000 0 45000 52000 44000 52000 29000 47000 T 65800 72800 64800 72800 49800 67800 13000 0 49000 58000 49000 57000 31000 52000 T 69800 78800 69800 77800 51800 72800 14000 0 52000 66000 53000 62000 33000 55000 T 72800 86800 73800 82800 53800 75800 15000 0 57000 70000 59000 66000 35000 60000 T 77800 90800 79800 86800 55800 80800 16000 0 60000 77000 64000 71000 37000 63000 T 80800 97800 84800 91800 57800 83800 17000 0 64000 83000 69000 76000 40000 67000 T 84800 103800 89800 96800 60800 87800 18000 0 68000 90000 73000 81000 42000 71000 T 88800 110800 93800 101800 62800 91800 19000 0 72000 96000 78000 86000 44000 75000 T 92800 116800 98800 106800 64800 95800 20000 0 75000 102000 84000 90000 46000 79000 T 95800 122800 104800 110800 66800 99800 191 TABLE C4 DELAY AND TOTAL BENEFITS FOR TWO PLS, GRADE-4% & NO-PASSING ZONE-50% ADT DELAY AND TOTAL BENEFITS FOR Two PLS ($/YEAR) TRUCK-5% TRUCK-10% TRUCK-20% TER.CB.'1-MI 1/2-MI 1-MI 1/2-MI l-MI 1/2-MI 1000 D 8000 0 0 6000 12000 0 T 18000 10000 10000 16000 22000 10000 2000 D 12000 0 1000 12000 16000 6000 T 22000 10000 11000 22000 26000 16000 3000 D 19000 3000 8000 18000 19000 12000 T 29000 13000 18000 28000 29000 22000 4000 D 26000 10000 . 14000 26000 21000 18000 T 36000 20000 24000 36000 31000 28000 5000 D 32000 19000 21000 32000 26000 24000 T 42000 29000 31000 42000 36000 34000 6000 D 36000 28000 28000 38000 28000 30000 T 61800 53800 53800 63800 53800 55800 7000 D 44000 34000 37000 46000 32000 37000 T 69800 59800 62800 71800 57800 62800 8000 D 50000 44000 40000 50000 34000 43000 T 75800 69800 65800 75800 59800 68800 9000 D 54000 52000 48000 58000 37000 50000 T 79800 77800 73800 83800 62800 75800 10000 D 60000 60000 52000 66000 40000 57000 T 85800 85800 77800 91800 65800 82800 11000 D 68000 68000 60000 72000 44000 63000 T 109600 109600 101600 113600 85600 104600 12000 D 72000 74000 68000 78000 46000 70000 T 113600 115600 109600 119600 87600 111600 13000 D 80000 86000 74000 86000 50000 77000 T 121600 127600 115600 127600 91600 118600 14000 D 86000 93000 80000 90000 52000 83000 T 127600 134600 121600 131600 93600 124600 15000 D 90000 102000 86000 98000 56000 90000 T 131600 143600 127600 139600 97600 131600 16000 D 96000 111000 94000 106000 60000 97000 T 137600 152600 135600 147600 101600 138600 17000 D 102000 118000 100000 112000 63000 103000 T 143600 159600 141600 153600 104600 144600 18000 D 110000 128000 106000 128000 68000 110000 T 151600 169600 147600 169600 109600 151600 19000 D 114000 134000 112000 134000 70000 117000 T 155600 175600 153600 175600 111600 158600 20000 D 120000 144000 120000 143000 72000 124000 T 161600 185600 161600 184600 161600 165600 192 TABLE C5 DELAY AND TOTAL BENEFITS FOR ONE PL, GRADE-2% & NO-PASSING ZONE-50% ADT DELAY AND TOTAL BENEFITS FOR ONE PL ($/YEAR) TRUCK-5% TRUCK-10% TRUCK-20% TER.CH. 1-MI 1/2-MI 1-MI 1/2-MI 1-MI 1/2-MI 1000 D 0 0 0 4000 0 0 T 5000 5000 5000 9000 5000 5000 2000 D 0 3000 0 8000 0 2000 T 5000 8000 5000 13000 5000 7000 3000 D 0 9000 0 13000 3500 7000 T 5000 14000 5000 18000 8500 3000 4000 D 5000 14000 5000 18000 8000 3000 T 10000 19000 10000 23000 13000 18000 5000 D 10000 20000 10000 22000 13000 17000 T 15000 25000 15000 27000 18000 22000 6000 D 16000 25000 16000 27000 17500 23000 T 28900 37900 28900 39900 30400 35900 7000 D 21000 30000 22000 32000 22000 28000 T 33900 42900 34900 44900 34900 40900 8000 D 27000 35000 29000 37000 26500 33000 T 39900 47900 41900 49900 39400 45900 9000 D 32000 40000 35000 40000 31000 39000 T 44900 52900 47900 52900 43900 51900 10000 D 38000 46000 43000 45000 35000 44000 T 50900 58900 55900 57900 47900 56900 11000 D 44000 51000 47000 50000 40000 50000 T 64800 71800 67800 70800 60800 70800 12000 D 49000 56000 54000 55000 44000 55000 T 69800 76800 74800 75800 64800 75800 13000 D 55000 62000 60000 60000 49000 60000 T 75800 82800 80800 80800 69800 80800 14000 D 60000 67000 66000 64000 53500 65000 T 80800 87800 86800 84800 74300 85800 15000 D 65000 73000 73000 69000 58000 70000 T 85800 93800 93800 89800 78800 90800 16000 D 71000 77000 78000 73000 63000 76000 T 91800 97800 98800 93800 83800 96800 17000 D 76000 83000 85000 78000 67000 81000 T 96800 103800 105800 98800 87800 101800 18000 D 83000 86000 91000 83000 72000 87000 T 103800 106800 111800 103800 92800 107800 193 TABLE C6 DELAY AND TOTAL BENEFITS FOR TWO PLS, GRADE-2% 6: NO-PASSING ZONE-50% ADT DELAY (D) AND TOTAL (T) BENEFITS FOR Two PLS ($/YEAR) TRUCK-5% TRUCK-10% TRUCK-20% TER.CH. l-MI 1/2-MI l-MI l/Z-MI 1-MI 1/2-MI 1000 D 0 O 0 0 10000 0 T 10000 10000 10000 10000 20000 10000 2000 D 3000 3000 0 7000 15000 7000 T 13000 13000 10000 17000 25000 17000 3000 D 10000 12000 7000 15000 20000 15000 T 20000 22000 17000 25000 30000 25000 4000 D 18000 20000 15000 22000 27000 22000 T 28000 30000 25000 32000 37000 32000 5000 D 25000 27000 21000 30000 32000 30000 T 35000 37000 31000 40000 42000 40000 6000 D 32000 35000 30000 35000 38000 35000 T 57800 60800 55800 60800 63800 60800 7000 D 39000 44000 37000 43000 43000 43000 T 64800 69800 62800 68800 68800 68800 8000 D 46500 52000 45000 51000 50000 49000 T 72300 77800 70800 76800 75800 74800 9000 D 53000 60000 53000 59000 55000 55000 T 78800 85800 78800 84800 80800 80800 10000 D 60000 67000 60000 65000 62000 62000 T 85800 92800 85800 90800 87800 87800 11000 D 68000 75000 68000 73000 67000 69000 T 109600 116600 109600 114600 108600 110600 12000 D 74000 84000 76000 80000 72000 75000 T 115600 125600 117600 121600 113600 116600 13000 D 82000 92000 83000 88000 78000 82000 T 123600 133600 124600 129600 119600 123600 14000 D 88000 100000 92000 95000 85000 89000 T 129600 141600 133600 136600 126600 130600 15000 D 95000 107000 100000 102000 90000 95000 T 136600 148600 141600 143600 131600 136600 16000 D 103000 115000 107000 110000 96000 102000 T 144600 156600 148600 151600 137600 143600 17000 D 110000 123000 115000 117000 102000 110000 T 151600 164600 156600 158600 143600 151600 18000 D 117000 131000 121000 123000 107000 115000 T 158600 172600 162600 164600 148600 156600 APPENDIX D GRAPHS SHOWING VOLUME WARRANTS FOR PASSING LANE(S) 194 TOTAL COST SAVING FOR 61. GRADE AND ONE PASSING LANE TOTAL COST SAVING 1000 s/YEAR 1 IO _ w , . . 1 00 FM-..“ .. . ...- . _ . . ,-.._- -1..-“ -1... ._-, 1----.- -.. 1..-- ,. 1-....-1 i ‘.\ 80 7O 60 50 40) .0.---.--.;; ; ‘ : i . i; 4 0%”? L I I l 1 1 1 1 I I l 1 I L I 1234567891011121314151617181920 ANNUAL NERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (THOUSANDS) TERRAIN CHANGE.TRUCK ----- O 1-M|.5% '+- 0 1-MI, 10%. --*-- o 1-Ml. 20% -9- 0 1/2-Ml 5% -*- O 1/2-MI 10% -0- 01/2-MI 20% + COST FOR ONE PL FIGURE DI. TOTAL COST SAVING FOR 76 PERCENT NO-PASSING ZONES E PERCENT GRADE AND ONE PASSING LANE TOATL cOST sumo mm 89. GRADE AND Two PASSING LANES TOTAL COST SA/ING 1000 S/vEAR ‘ 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 4O 20 - O 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920 ANNUAL NERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (THOUSANDS) TERRAIN CHANGETRUCK “°“ 0 I-Ml. 5% "+" O 1-MI. 10% '*‘ O ‘I-Ml. 20% “9" O 1/2-Ml 5% + O 1/2-Ml 10% “'9— . 1/2-Ml 20% + COST FOR TWO PLS FIGURE D2. TOTAL COST WING FOR 78 PERCENT NO'PASGING ZONES 0 PERCENT GRADE AND TWO PASSING LANED 195 TOTAL COST SAVING FOR 8‘ GRADE AND ONE PASSING LANE TOTAL COST SNING IOOO S/YEAR 1 10 IOO 90 80 7O 60 50 4O 30 . ‘ 20 ' ,3 """"" . O 0"; o":.‘-' .. 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920 ANNUAL NERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (THOUSANDS) TERRAIN CHANGETFIUCK a I-MI. 5% "I" 0 MM, 10% "I"- o ‘l-MI, 20% -9- 01/2-MI 595 -*- 01/2-MI 10% -9- 01/2-MI 2096 + COST FOR ONE PL FIGURE DS. TOTAL COST SAVING FOR 25 PERCENT NO-PASSING ZONES 0 PERCENT GRADE AND ONE PASSING LANE TOATL COST SUING WITH 85 GRADE AND TWO PASSING LANES TOTAL COST SMNC 1000 S/YEAR 180 . , 160 140 120 100 80 60 4O 20 O I 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920 ANNUAL NERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (THOUSANDS) TERRAIN CHANGETRUCK 0 MM. 5% --+-- 0 MM. 10% °*' 0 Pk“. 20% -3- o 1/2-MI 5% + O 1/2-MI 10% + o 1/2-MI 20% “5' COST FOR TWO PLS PIGURE D4. TOTAL COST SNING FOR 26 PERCENT NO-PASSING ZONES S PERCENT GRADE AND TWO PASSING LANES l 9 6 TOTAL COST SN/ING POR 41. GRADE AND ONE PASSING LANE TOTAL COST SA/ING 1000 S/YEAFI 1 10 100 90 80 7O 60 50 4O 30 1 O 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920 ANNUAL NERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (THOUSANDS) TERRAIN CHANGE.TFIUCK 01-MI.5% --+-‘ o I-MI. 10% "1*" 01-MI,20% -B— 01/2-MI 5% -*- 01/2-MI 10% -9- o 1/2-MI 20% + COST FOR ONE PL FIGURE DE. TOTAL COST SAVING FOR 75 PERCENT NO-PASSING ZONES 4 PERCENT GRADE AND ONE PASSING LANE TOTAL COST SAVING FOR «I GRADE AND Two PASSING LANES TOTAL COST SAIING 1000 S/YEAR 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 60 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920 ANNUAL NERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (THOUSANDS) TERRAIN CHANGETRUCK 01-Ml.5% --I-- P I-MI. 10% '4‘“ o I-MI. 20% -9- 01/2-Ml 5% 4" o 1/2-MI 10% "9' O 1/2-MI 20% + COST FOR TWO PLS FIGURE DS. TOTAL COST SWING FOR TE PERCENT NO-PASSING ZONES 4 PERCENT GRADE AND TWO PASSING LANES 197 TOTAL COST SWING FOR 47. GRADE AND ONE PASSING LANE TOTAL COST SWING IOOO S/YEAR O 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121814151617181920 ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (THOUSANDS) TERRAIN CHANGE.TRUCK O ‘I-MI, 5% "I" o I-MI, 10% "*2 01-MI. 20% -9- 01/2-MI 5% ->(— O 1/2-MI 10% + e 1/2-MI 20% + COST FOR ONE PL FIGURE 07. TOTAL COST SNING FOR 25 PERCENT NO-PASSING ZONES 4 PERCENT GRADE AND ONE PASSING LANE TOTAL COST SWING FOR 4'5 GRADE AND TWO PASSING LANES TOTAL COST SAVING 1000 S/YEAR O 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 20. 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920 ANNUAL NERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (THOUSANDS) TERRAIN CHANGE.TRUCK 01-MI.5% -+- o I-Ml. 10% '4‘“ o1-MI. 20% + 01/2-MI 5% + O 1/2-MI 10% '9‘ o 1/2-MI 20% + COST FOR TWO PLS FIGURE DE. TOTAL COST WING FOR 25 PERCENT NO-PASSING ZONES 4 PERCENT GRADE AND TWO PASSING LANES LIST OF REFERENCES 10. 11. 12. 13. W Forbes, T.W., and Maston, T.M.," Driver Judgement on Passing on the Highways," Journal of Psychology, Vol.8, July 1939, pp 1-11. 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