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DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE m o 9 its?“ ‘94u1292 ‘ h.-‘."+iGiC 2‘: Hikes .. -M ‘ 00 4’13 F338 I j) ‘T I y“ MSU Is An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution c:\ckc\dledm.pm3~p.1 NATURAL REPRODUCTION OF PACIFIC SALMON IN A SOUTHERN MICHIGAN STREAM BY Holly Elizabeth Jennings A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Fisheries and Wildlife 1992 ABSTRACT NATURAL REPRODUCTION OF PACIFIC SALMON IN A SOUTHERN MICHIGAN STREAM by Holly Elizabeth Jennings During 1989 and 1990 in Prairie Creek, fall spawning by Pacific salmon was monitored by counting and measuring redds at predetermined sites. Water velocity, depth and temperature were measured; substrate type was estimated; and redd locations were noted. With the use of fyke nets, the number and timing of outmigrating smolts was observed in spring 1990. Thirty-two redds were counted in 16 100-m sites (7% of the stream) during Oct. 3 through Nov. 7, 1989; the number of redds in the stream was estimated to be 366. A dam on the creek may inhibit spawner migration. The mean size redd was 2.3 m in length and 1.4 m in width. No redds were found in fall 1990. Outmigration of smolts occurred from 5/28 through 6/30. A total of 66 smolts were captured. Water temperatures at night during outmigration were mainly 1 6°C and above . ACKNOWLEDGMENTS There are many people to whom I extend my deepest gratitude for all the advice and support they've given me over the course of my graduate studies. First of all, I thank the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station for financing my research. I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Niles Kevern for taking an interest in furthering my education and for persuading me to enter the masters program in fisheries. His positive attitude and words of encouragement always kept me working toward my goal, even when problems arose and my frustration with my studies became intense. I also appreciate all the help and suggestions I received from the other members of my committee, Dr. Tom Coon and Dr. Scott Witter. They gave me a new perspective on my research and thesis, and I found this very refreshing. A special thanks goes to Dr. Scott Winterstein for helping me design my sampling method and assisting me with the statistical analysis of my data. He has no idea how much I appreciate his input. In addition, I wish to thank my work study students, Mike Morgan and Joe Patterson for all the help they provided setting nets and collecting samples. I hope they learned iii something from the experience, but also enjoyed it. I also thank other graduate students who assisted me with data collection: Glenn Barner, Tim Watkins, Dave Zafft and Rob Elliot, among others. And to all the graduate students who participated with me in TGIF's and SAS meetings, thanks for helping me adjust my attitude and keep my sanity. Former employers Pam Tyning and Tony Groves have kept me laughing and prevented me from taking myself too seriously; thanks to the both of you. Of course, I thank my parents who always supported my decisions and taught me to be my own person. I thank Paul Hamelin for his friendship, love and deep understanding. But most of all I wish to thank Brian Peceny for his incredible support and consideration these past othree years. He helped me through some very difficult times and always reassured me when I was filled with doubt about my ability to succeed in school and in the professional world. His friendship and caring will stay with me forever. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES.. ..... . ........ ........ .......... . ........ Vi LIST OF FIGURES ..... ........... ........... . ............. Vii INTRODUCTION.............................. ................ 1 DESCRIPTION OF STUDY SITE AND METHODS USED.. .............. 8 RESULTS.... ....... .... .............. .... ................. 22 DISCUSSION I) Spawning returns: 1989................. .......... 29 II) Spawning returns: 1990............ .............. 31 III) Spawning habitat characteristics ............... 44 IV) Egg survival.......... .......................... 48 V) Fry and smolt migration .......................... 49 CONCLUSION.. ................................... . .......... 56 APPENDIX A .............................................. 59 LITERATURE CITED ........................................ 63 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Adult coho and Chinook returning to the Platte River weir, Michigan, 1979-1990 (Pecor1991)OIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... OOOOOOOOOOOOO 5 Table 2. Redd frequency in all sites, Prairie Creek, Michigan, fall 1989........ ............. 23 Table 3. Monthly high gage levels (in feet) of the Grand River at Ionia, Michigan during fall 1985-1989 (R. Moore, NOAA, unpublished data). ............. ............... 33 Table 4. Monthly high gage levels (in feet) of the Grand River at Ionia, Michigan during spring 1986, 1987, 1988, and 1990 (R. Moore, NCAA, unpublished data). ................ 38 Table 5. Redd dimensions (in meters), Prairie Creek, Michigan, fall 1989 ............................ 59 vi Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. LIST OF FIGURES Location of study area: Prairie Creek, MiChigan00.0. ..... 00000 0' 00000000000 9 Sites selected for study in Section 1 (shaded areas). Prairie Creek, Michigan, 1989-19900. 000000 11 Location of sample sites in Sections 2, 3, and 4. Prairie Creek, Michigan, 1989-1990 ..... 13 Selection of sites in Sections 2, 3, and 4. Prairie Creek, Michigan, 1989-1990 ........ 14 Design of fyke net used to capture salmon smolts in Prairie Creek, Michigan, spring 1990... ..... .......... ........................ 18 Placement of single fyke net to capture salmon smolts in Prairie Creek, Michigan, late April - early June, 1990......... ........ 19 Placement of two fyke nets to capture salmon smolts in Prairie Creek, Michigan, early June - early July, 1990 ................. 20 Migration of Chinook smolts, Prairie Creek, Michigan, spring 1990. (* No sampling on these dates; data estimated from previous and subsequent data points) ..... 25 Morning and evening temperatures during smolt migration sampling, Prairie Creek, Michigan, spring 1990.................. ....... 26 Length frequencies of Chinook smolts, Prairie Creek, Michigan, spring 1990 .......... 27 Redd frequency over a range of water velocities. Prairie Creek, Michigan, fall 1989.000... 0000000000000 6O vii Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 12. Redd frequency over a range of water depths. Prairie Creek, Michigan, fall 19890000000.000000000000000 00000000000000 6O 13. Sand as percent of total substrate associated with redds in Prairie Creek, Michigan, fall 1989..................... ....... 61 14. Fine gravel as percent of total substrate associated with redds in Prairie Creek, MiChigan' fall 1989.00.0’0000000000 0000000000000 61 15. Coarse gravel as percent of total substrate associated with redds in Prairie Creek, MiChigan’ fall 198900.000...OOOOOOOOOOOO’ 0000000 62 16. Cobble as percent of total substrate associated with redds in Prairie Creek, Michigan, fall 1989.. .......................... 62 viii INTRODUCTION The first successful introduction of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) into Lake Michigan occurred in 1966 and that of Chinook (Q. tshawytscha) in 1967 (Westers et al. 1990). Since then, yearly stocking of these species has been conducted by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR), along with other agencies in Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin (Westers et al. 1990). In 1988, 2.45 million juvenile Chinook and 1.7 million coho smolts were stocked into the Michigan waters of Lake Michigan. Originally, the salmon were introduced to help control the abundant alewife (Algga pseudoharengus) population and to provide further sport fishing opportunity. The alewife is a marine species that had invaded the Great Lakes probably via the St. Lawrence River (Christie 1974). The alewife was first observed in Lake Michigan in 1949 and by 1954, had been found in all the Great Lakes (Brown 1968; Christie 1974). Also during this time, the sea lamprey (Petromvzon marinus), a parasite of large piscivores such as lake trout and burbot, appeared in the Great Lakes and was observed in Lake Michigan as early as 1936 (Christie 1974). Christie (1974) suggests that because the lamprey prefer larger prey, they were non-lethal parasites until harvesting pressure on the 1 2 larger fish caused the lamprey to attack smaller, less- resistant fish. Consequently, lake trout populations in the Great Lakes collapsed due to overharvesting, low reproduction and predation by the lamprey (Christie 1974). Additionally, as the larger lake trout disappeared, the lamprey utilized other fish as prey, namely burbot and lake Whitefish (Christie 1974). With the demise of these large predators, the alewife population increased to great proportions, peaking in Lake Michigan in 1966 (Brown 1968). A massive die-off occurred in the spring of 1967 , and alewife carcasses littered the lakeshores (Brown 1968). Heavy mortalities of alewife in the Great Lakes during spawning runs in the spring is not unusual; these deaths have been attributed in part to the inability of the fish to adjust to severe temperature changes as they travel from their deep-water winter habitat to shallow spawning areas (Brown 1968; Christie 1974). However, the sheer numbers of alewife present in Lake Michigan created a nuisance, producing the extensive fishkills and clogging intake pipes during spawning runs (Christie 1974). The addition of predator species, such as the Pacific salmon, reduced the alewife populations and alleviated these problems. Besides controlling forage fish populations, the Pacific salmon in Lake Michigan have become a valuable fishery. Between 1843 and 1966, the commercial fishery (for species such as lake Whitefish, perch, walleye, lake trout 3 and chubs) had a greater impact biologically and economically than the sport fishery (Keller and Smith 1990a). In fact, Keller and Smith (1990a) assert that many of the changes in fish composition within the Great Lakes and the associated decline or extinction of certain populations were mainly due to poor management and overharvesting by commercial fleets. In 1966, the MDNR decided to improve its fisheries resources and to shift its management focus from commercial to sport fishing; the coho and the Chinook salmon were to become the base of this new fishery (Keller and Smith 1990a). By 1986, the number of Michigan charterboats, the majority of which are on Lake Michigan, had increased to approximately 1,000 (Jamsen 1990). About $850 million are spent by anglers each year while pursuing recreational fishing opportunities in Michigan (Robertson 1990). The MDNR has estimated that the sport fishery contributes $1.4 billion annually to Michigan's economy (Robertson 1990). Throughout the 25 years since its inception, this fishery has generated ‘tremendous response from anglers. After the initial introduction of coho salmon into Lake Michigan, 17,000 adults were planted by the MDNR in fall 1967 into tributaries of lakes Michigan and Huron (Rybicki et al. 1990). Since then any natural reproduction that occurred was thought of as a bonus but was not managed (A. Hilt, MDNR, personal communication). The MDNR has inhibited 4 spawning of Chinook on certain streams where they were thought to compete with native salmonids (Rakoczy and Nelson 1990). Otherwise, natural reproduction of Chinook was neither encouraged nor discouraged and has been documented to have occurred in Michigan streams as early as 1973 (Rybicki 1973 and Taube 1974). However, few studies quantifying actual production have been conducted. Therefore, agencies are repeatedly stocking salmon into the Great Lakes with little knowledge of natural recruitment. Continuous hatchery-rearing and stocking of fish can be a very expensive endeavor and may not provide the diversity within populations that natural reproduction can. But the ability of Michigan streams to support extensive salmon natural reproduction is questionable. Studies of Pacific salmon in northern lower Michigan conducted by Carl (1982) in Baldwin Creek and by Seelbach (1985) in the Little Manistee River report the occurrence of successful spawning. Natural reproduction data for southern lower Michigan streams, though, is severely lacking. According to Rakoczy and Nelson (1990), the average size of coho and Chinook harvested and the number returning to spawn have declined in recent years. These lower returns can be seen in recent data from the Platte River, Michigan (Table 1). Patriarche (1980) reported a significant decrease in mean lengths and weights of adult coho during his two- year study (1978 and 1979). Female Lake Michigan coho seen 5 Table 1. Adult coho and Chinook returning to the Platte River weir, Michigan, 1979-1990 (Pecor 1991). XEAB gong CHINOOK 1979 36,404 4,702 1980 123,113 4,435 1981 168,049 3,563 1982 129,363 2,999 1983 156,358 6,114 1984 142,102 5,924 1985 80,354 4,865 1986 52,770 5,147 1987 55,144 7,787 1988 26,118 4,646 1989 49,793 1,899 1990 32,821 1,761 6 in fall 1979 had an average size smaller than female Pacific Coast coho (Patriarche 1980). The MDNR hypothesized that this drop in size and numbers returning was due to a dwindling forage base, and it has decreased stocking efforts in order to restore the prey populations and promote better utilization of prey by individual fish (Rakoczy and NelSon 1990). Apparently, this reduction in stocking has worked. The year class of 1984, the year of peak stocking, has produced below average returns, whereas the 1985 and 1986 year classes, stocked in much lower numbers, have produced above average returns (Rakoczy and Nelson 1990). As stated previously, the Pacific salmon returns in the Great Lakes have been fluctuating recently, as well as the forage base on which they depend. Also, few studies of natural reproduction of these salmon have been conducted in southern lower Michigan. Therefore, the goal of this study was to quantify this production in a particular southern Michigan stream and provide these data as further evidence of the present condition of these salmon populations. The Grand River, located in southern lower Michigan, is among those tributaries of Lake Michigan that are consistently stocked with Chinook and coho salmon. Natural reproduction probably occurs in this river but has not been described or quantified to any great extent. To study reproduction throughout the entire Grand River system seemed impractical; therefore, this study concentrated on one 7 tributary of the Grand where salmon have spawned. Prairie Creek was selected for this study for four main reasons: early visual observations indicated potential spawning habitat; anglers have observed salmon spawning in the creek for years past; the Creek is assumed to be fairly representative of 10 to 20 other Grand River tributaries that have good water quality and suitable gravel and that support similar fish assemblages; and the creek is easily accessible. The proposed objectives for this study included: estimating the number of Pacific salmon nests, or redds, produced in Prairie Creek during fall 1989 and 1990; describing spawning habitat characteristics associated with each redd; and estimating the recruitment of juvenile salmon from Prairie Creek to the Grand River during spring 1990. By accomplishing these objectives, I hoped to measure the extent of Pacific salmon natural reproduction in this creek and compare the measured habitat variables to data from other studies conducted in Michigan and on the Pacific coast. 8 DESCRIPTION OF STUDY SITE AND METHODS USED Prairie Creek is located in Ionia County, in central lower Michigan (Figure 1). It is approximately 25 km long and no more than 23 m at its widest point during low water. It flows south, entering the Grand River just southeast of the town of Ionia. The watershed of Prairie Creek consists of gently to steeply sloped hills with well—drained loamy soils overlaying sand and gravel, where agriculture is the main land use (Threlkeld 1967). The creek is fairly well- buffered by a strip of upland forest containing hardwoods such as oak, maple and beech; some reaches of the creek, though, are immediately adjacent to residential and industrial property in the downstream section, and to some cropland and pastures farther upstream. Prairie Creek is a marginal trout stream because it retains fairly high temperatures throughout the summer in some sections (C. Bay, MDNR, unpublished data; R. Moore, National Oceanic and Atmosperic Administration, unpublished data; Trimberger 1988; A. Hilt, MDNR, personal communication). However, it does have better water quality than many of the other marginal trout streams tributary to the Grand River (Seelbach, 1991, MDNR, interoffice communication). The river contains resident populations of brown trout and juvenile steelhead (A. Hilt, MDNR, personal communication). Rotenone treatments have been administered STUDY SECTION NUMBER DAM STUDY SECTION BOUNDARY :Z MILES 1 2 I I I I I 1 2 3 KILOMETEFIS O—-—-° Figure 1. Location of study area: Prairie Creek, Michigan. 10 in Prairie Creek on three separate occasions: once in 1966, again in 1975 and recently in 1991 (A. Hilt, MDNR, personal communication). The brown trout and steelhead have been stocked into the creek periodically since 1966, especially after each chemical treatment (A. Hilt, MDNR, personal communication). A dam with a fish ladder is located less than a mile upstream from the mouth. The dam, located at its present site for many years past, was refurbished and elevated in 1972 to prevent the passage of "rough fish" (i.e. non-game species thought to compete with the salmonids) from the Grand River (Weaver, 1981, MDNR, interoffice communication). In this way, the MDNR hoped to reduce the number of chemical treatments needed to control these unwanted species (Weaver, 1981, MDNR, interoffice communication). Spawning Chinook and coho salmon have been observed upstream of this site; therefore, they have been able to utilize the fish ladder or swim over the dam. To choose sites for fall sampling, I divided the river into four sections (Figure 1). The smaller tributaries of Prairie Creek were not included in this study because often they were very narrow, intermittent or had a high proportion of silt. I assumed spawning would not occur in these due to insufficient habitat. The southernmost section is situated between a dam and the mouth of the stream (Figure 2). The first 50 m 11 .ommaummma .cmmflnoflz .xwmuo ofluflmum .Ammmum Umcmnmv H cofluoom :fl >csum now couomaom wmufim .N wusvflm AI >>O.._u_ E_>O.E S_ouQ Eouu coumfiflumo mumc “mount omega :0 @cflHmEmm 02 av .omma mcflumm .cmmflnoflz .xomuo mfluwmum .muHOEm xoocflco Mo coaumuwflz m._.030 VELOCITY (m/s) Redd frequency over a range of water velocities. Prairie Creek, Michigan, fall 1989. 0-0.19 02600.31 0.38-0.43 0.50-0.55 0.62-0.67 0.74-0.79 0.20-0.25 0.32-0.37 0.44-0.49 0.56-0.61 0.68-0.73 >0.79 WATER DEPTH (m) Redd frequency over a range of water depths. Prairie Creek, Michigan, fall 1989. APPENDIX A. Supplemental data. NUMBER OF REDDS Figure 13. NUMBER OF REDDS Figure 14. 25- 20— No 11-20 ”'30 31-40 “'50 51-60 61'" 71-80 “1'90 91-100 % SAND Sand as per cent of total substrate associated with redds in Prairie Creek, Michigan, fall 1989. °'1° 11-20 ”'30 31-40 “'50 51-60 61'" 71-80 a1"9091-100 % FINE GRAVEL Fine gravel as per cent total substrate associated with redds in Prairie Creek, Michigan, fall 1989. APPENDIX A. Supplemental data. 12 10- NUMBER OF REDDS OI I I I I I 0-1 0 21 -30 41 -50 61 -70 81 -90 11-20 31 -40 51 -60 71 -80 91-100 % COARSE GRAVEL Figure 15. Coarse gravel as per cent of total substrate associated with redds in Prairie Creek, Michigan, fall 1989. 25 20- 15— 10- NUMBER OF REDDS I I l l ‘- I I I 0-1 0 21 -30 41 -50 61 -70 81 -90 11-20 31 -40 51 -60 71-80 91 -1 00 % COBBLE Figure 16. Cobble as per cent total substrate associated with redds in Prairie Creek, Michigan, fall 1989. LITERATURE CITED 63 LITERATURE CITED Banks, J.W. 1969. A review of the literature on the upstream migration of adult salmonids. J. 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