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II DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE l:‘ l MSU is An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution emails-e: AN OXIDATION STATE ‘STUDY OF DESULFOVIBRIO VULGARIS FLAVODOXIN BY X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. By William Watt A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Chemistry 1990 V 7.4.“: 7 Ill/5' " " ___ ABSTRACT AN OXIDATION STATE STUDY OF DESULFOVIBFIIO VULGAFIIS FLAVODOXIN BY X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY BY William Watt The focus of this study has been to determine the conformation of the holoprotein - with the FMN in each of its three oxidation states - of recombinant flavodoxin from Desulfovibrio vulgaris. Crystals, in the oxidized state, of flavodoxin form yellow bipyramids from 3.2 M ammonium sulfate in 0.1 M Tris-HCl buffer at pH 7.0 with protein concentrations ranging from 0.7-0.9% by the standard hanging drop method. The reduced states of the crystals were achieved through the addition of sodium dithionite at pH 7.0 for the semiquinone (semi-reduced) and pH 9.0 for the hydroquinone (fully-reduced). The experiments were conducted at low temperature (450°C) in order to maintain the oxidation state of interest throughout the data collection. Data sets consisting of one room temperature (oxidized form) and three low temperature (each oxidation state) were collected on a Nicolet P3F/Xentronics area detector x-ray diffractometer system. Four structures were refined by Konnert & Hendrickson restrained parameter least squares ranging from 2.25A (hydroquinone) to 1.9A (all others) and crystallographic R values ranging from O.21(hydroquinone) to 0.17 (oxidized - room temperature). A single-electron reduction of the oxidized flavodoxin is accompanied by a change in the environment of the FMN. The conformation of residues TRP60-ASP61-ASP62-GLY63-SER64 is different in the oxidized and semiquinone forms; however, there doesn't appear to be any conformational differences between the semiquinone and hydroquinone forms. The orientation of N(5) of the isoalloxazine ring and the carbonyl oxygen of ASP61 is in good proximity for a hydrogen bond in the semiquinone and fully-reduced forms. The conformation of the flavin is nearly planar in all three oxidation states, but in the hydroquinone form it has a slight propeller-type twist. In this thesis, some structural comparisons of the four are made, with particular emphasis on the features that might be related to the low versus room temperature data collections and differences in oxidation state. For Nancy and Samuel, my family ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my appreciation to Dr. Alexander Tulinsky for allowing me to complete the majority of my research at my place of employment, the Upjohn Company. In addition, I would like to thank the Upjohn Company for allowing me to use their facilities for completing my research and to Dr. Edward C. Olson and Dr. David J. Duchamp for their assistance in obtaining permission from the Upjohn Company for allowing me to conduct my research in their laboratories. I am also grateful to the macromolecular laboratory personnel (Dr. Howard M. Einspahr, Dr. Barry C. Finzel, Stephen W. Muchmore, Debbie Ft. Holland, and Laura L. Clancy) for their assistance and helpful discussions on various aspects of macromolecular crystallography; a special thanks to Dr. Barry C. Finzel who seems to either know the answer to any question regarding refinement and for letting me use his library of programs for plotting or displaying crystallographic data in useful ways. Finally, I want to express my appreciation to Dr. Keith D. Watenpaugh whose interest and enthusiasm in flavodoxins has provided the incentive to completing this project. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER LIST OF TABLES. LIST OF FIGURES. I INTRODUCTION. A. Electron Transfer Proteins. B. Flavodoxlns. II DATA COLLECTION. A. Overview of Area Detection Methods. 1. Hardware and Principles. a. Steps In Data Collection. 2. Software. . . . . . a. Data Collection. b. Data Processing. III EXPERIMENTAL. A. Overview of Cryocrystallographlc Methods. 8. Method of Sample Handling. C. Crystallization. . . . D. Oxidation State Change Experiments. E. Data Collection. . . 1. Oxidized form. . a. Room Temperature. b. Low Temperature. 2. Semiqulnone form. 3. Hydroqulnone form. F. Data Processing. Iv REFINEMENT. . A. Overview of Refinement Techniques. 1. Fourier Methods. . 2. Real Space Refinement. 3. Least Squares Methods. vi PAGE . VIII .17 . 17 . .17 . 19 .23 . 23 . 24 . .37 . 41 . 41 . .47 . 47 . 47 . .48 . 49 . 51 .51 62 62 .62 .63 .65 CHAPTER 1 PAGE 4. Model rebuilding through interactive computer graphics:FRODO. . . . . . . . . . . . .76 V RESULTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 A. Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 B. Flavodoxln Refinement. . . . . . . . . . . 85 1. Oxidized form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 2. Semiqulnone form. . . . . . . . . . . . 93 3. Hydroqulnone form. . . . . . . . . . . . 96 C. Discussion. . . . 98 1. Comparison of the room-temperature and low temperature oxidized state. . . . 1 O7 2. Comparison of the oxidized and semiquinone states. . . . 118 3. Comparison of the oxidized and hydroquinone states. . . . . . . .125 4. Comparison of the semiquinone and hydroquinone states. . . . . . . . . . . 1 27 5. Electron transfer. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 32 LIST OF REFERENCES. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 34 vii TABLE 5a 5b 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 LIST OF TABLES Flavodoxin sequences. Homologies and Minimum Base Changes/Codon. Flavodoxin Internal Gene Duplication. Data Collection Parameters File. Data Collection Results for oxidized form. Data Collection Results for semiquinone and hydroquinone form. Summary of Data Collection Results. Data Collection Statistics for room temperature-oxidized form. Data Collection Statistics for low temperature-oxidized form. Data Collection Statistics for semiquinone form. Data Collection Statistics for hydroquinone form. Torsion Angles for B Turns ................. Refinement Summary of Oxidized State (RT) ......... Summary of Least Squares Refinement Parameters. Refinement Summary of Oxidized State (LT) ......... R-Statistics between Data Sets ............... Refinement Summary of Semiqulnone State. . . ...... viii PAGE 9 . 11 13 . 25 .50 .52 .53 . 57 . 59 60 .61 . .82 . .87 . 88 . .92 . .94 .95 TABLE 1 7 18 19 20 21 PAGE Refinement Summary of Hydroqulnone State .......... 97 Hydrogen Bonds between the FMN and the apoprotein or solvent for each oxidation state .................... 106 Crystal Data for D. vulgan's Flavodoxin ............. 1 12 Electropotentials of FMN ................... 124 Bending of lsoalloxazine Ring in Flavodoxin ......... . 131 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Flow Diagram of respiration in three stages. PAGE 2 FMN (flavin mononucleotide) and FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide). . 4 Evolutionary tree for flavodoxins. Proposed pathway for sulfate reduction in Desulfovibn'o vulgaris. Side view of detector assembly. Diagram of Nicolet P3/F/Area Detector System. Exploded view of detector assembly. Flow Chart of XENGEN Software System. Detector Face divided into eleven regions. Schematic of Crystal Mounting Device. Low Temperature Schematic for the diffractometer. Crystal Mounting Method for Low Temperature Data Collection. Photograph of the oxidized form of D. vulgan's flavodoxin. Photograph of the semiquinone form of D. vulgan's flavodoxin. Photograph of the hydroquinone form of D. vulgan's flavodoxin. Parameter refinement File. Line section through p(obs) - p(calc) synthesis showing error in position ........................ Diagonal matrix ...................... X 12 .16 18 20 21 26 . 28 38 39 . 40 . 42 . 44 . 46 .55 . .64 ..68 FIGURE 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Block-diagonal matrix with 9 x 9 blocks for three positional and six thermal parameters per atom ............... Ribbon diagram representation of D. vulgaris flavodoxin a-carbon backbone .................... PAGE . .70 ..81 Stereo representation of Type l/Type ll [5 turn along residues 42-46. 83 Schematic showing packing of molecules ........... Diagram showing hydrogen bonds between main chain atoms in OXRT .......................... Ball 8. stick representation showing polypeptide chain grouped into segmented bodies ................... Ramachandran plot of room temperature-oxidized form. . Ramachandran plot of low temperature-oxidized form. Ramachandran plot of semiquinone form ..... ' ...... Ramachandran plot of hydroquinone form .......... Environment of the flavin in the oxidized state of the D. vulgaris flavodoxin ......................... Three models of conformation of the semiquinone form. . Average deviation in residue position between room and low temperature models .................. Stereo representation of the conformation of ARGZ4 in the room temperature and low temperature oxidized form. Stereo representation of the conformation of LYSB? in the room temperature and low temperature oxidized form. Stereo representation of the conformation of GLU42 in the room temperature and low temperature oxidized form. . xi . .84 ..86 ..89 .99 . 100 . 101 . .102 . 103 . 104 . .108 .110 .111 .114 FIGURE PAGE 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Stereo representation of the conformation of GLU99 in the room temperature and low temperature oxidized form ......... 115 Difference in thermal parameter of the main chain between room and low temperature oxidized models ................ 116 Difference in thermal parameter of the side chain between room and low temperature oxidized models ................ 117 Average deviation in residue position between oxidized (LT) and semiquinone models ..................... 119 Stereo view of electron density corresponding to residues 60 to 63 in the FMN binding region in oxidized and semiquinone forms. . . . 120 Hydrogen bonding network around the FMN in the oxidized form at room temperature ...................... 121 Hydrogen bonding scheme of the ribityl and phosphate groups of the FMN............... .............. 122 Hydrogen bonding network around the FMN in the semiquinone form ............................. 123 Stereo representation of the conformation of ARGZ4 in the room temperature oxidized and semiquinone forms .......... 126 Average deviation in residue position between low temperature oxidized and hydroquinone models ............... 128 Average deviation in residue position between semiquinone and hydroquinone models ..................... 129 xii I INTRODUCTION Electron transport in mitochondria can be described as the flow of electrons from intermediates of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and other compounds down the respiratory chain to molecular oxygen, the final acceptor in respiration (Figure 1) [1]. There are other membrane systems, such as heterotrophic bacteria, that carry out electron transport. These organisms, which have no mitochondria, contain electron carriers such as flavoproteins, iron-sulfur proteins, and cytochromes. Mitochondrial, bacterial, and photosynthetic electron transport processes are accompanied by phosphorylation of ADP (adenosine diphosphate), as a means of conserving the energy of oxidation. There are some other electron transport processes associated with the reduction of oxygen without the accompaniment of phosphorylation. For example, oxygenases use oxygen to insert into a substrate, superoxide dismutase converts superoxide ions into hydrogen peroxide and oxygen to help remove the extremely 'reactive superoxide ion and prevent irreversible damage to various biomolecules, and catalase can remove an equivalently damaging hydrogen peroxide by converting it to water and oxygen. The redox enzymes associated with the electron transport process are more complex in structure and mechanism and less well understood than other classes of enzymes. Indeed, many of these enzymes are buried in cell membranes and are difficult to solubilize and purify. In addition, the mechanism of free-energy release occurring during electron transfer that is conserved and transformed into phosphate-bond energy during this process is still not well understood. Hence, for such reasons this group of proteins is still an exciting area of biochemical research. F Amino Glucose Fatty Acids acids ; Mobilization of acetyI-CoA< Pym“ 2H + 002 K AcetyI-CoA ( Citrate Oxaloacetate \ cis - Aconitate Kreb's cycle 4 lsocitrate Fumarate CO2 a-Keto utarate Succinate CO; L SuccinyLCoA NAD+ Flavoprotein } (ADP 1' Pi Cwntme 0 ATP ADP .L P, Electron Transport Cytochrome b C &oxidative < ATP phosphorylation 0803“” c } ADP + Pi Cytochrome as C ATP x I 2H* +1/202—v» H20 Figure 1. Flow Diagram of respiration in three stages. A. Electron Transfer Proteins There are four types of oxidation-reduction enzymes or electron-transport proteins involved in the transfer of electrons from organic substrates to molecular oxygen. They are: (1) pyridine-linked dehydrogenases, which require either NAD or NADP as a coenzyme, (2) flavin-linked dehydrogenases or oxidases, which contain FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide) and FMN (flavin mononucleotide) as a prosthetic group, (3) iron-sulfur proteins, such as ferredoxin, (4) cytochromes. which contain an iron-porphyrin prosthetic group. Finally, there is a fat-soluble enzyme, ubiquinone, which also functions in electron transport. The pyridine-linked dehydrogenases, 200 or more, function in different aspects of metabolism. They catalyze the following reaction: Reduced substrate 4- NAD(P)+ Oxidized substrate 4- NAD(P)H + H“ depending on the particular pyridine nucleotide. The process requires the direct transfer of a hydrogen from the reduced substrate to the NAD(P)+ moiety. The pyridine nucleotides are noncovalently bound to the dehydrogenase protein and hence are substrates or coenzymes, as opposed to fixed prosthetic groups, since they bind to, and dissociate from, the active site during catalysis. The flavin-linked enzymes contain a prosthetic group that is tightly bound; these flavin mononucleotide (FMN) or flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) groups use their isoalloxazine ring for the oxidation-reduction process (Figure 2). O N \ NH \/K T" ° R whereR= CH2 CHon CH20H a... clezoraoaz- FMN FAD Figure 2. FMN (flavin mononucleotide) and FAD (flavin adenine cfinucleotide). Some of the most important flavin-linked dehydrogenases in respiration and electron transport are: the NADH dehydrogenases, which catalyze the electron transfer from NADH to the next member to the electron-transport chain; succinate dehydrogenase, which is active in the Krebs cycle, dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase, which is in the pyruvate and a-ketoglutarate systems, acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, which catalyzes the first hydrogenation step during fatty acid oxidation, and other flavin-containing enzymes, not in the mainstream of electron transfer, e.g. xanthine oxidase, aldehyde oxidase and other oxidases. These dehydrogenases differ significantly from pyridine-linked dehydrogenases in that the FMN is tightly bound to the enzyme protein and thus functions as a prosthetic group rather than a coenzyme; the flavin does not leave the enzyme during or after the catalytic cycle. The flavin-linked redox enzymes can be classified as dehydrogenases and oxidases, according to their ability to react with electron acceptors. In dehydrogenases, there is a low tendency for the reduced flavin to be reoxidized by oxygen; the oxidases, on the other hand, can have their reduced flavin reoxidized by oxygen to yield hydrogen peroxide. Some flavoproteins can shuttle between fully oxidized and fully reduced forms by simultaneous two-electron transfers, while others transfer one electron at a time. The transfer of only one hydrogen atom or electron to a molecule of FAD or FMN leads to the semi-reduced, or semiquinone form of the flavin group; in the case of the flavodoxins the electron shuttles between the semiquinone and the hydroquinone forms. The iron-sulfur proteins, such as ferredoxin, contain iron and sulfur (usually donated by a cysteine) coordinated in tetrahedral arrangements. These iron-sulfur centered proteins undergo electron transfer through reversible Fe(ll)-Fe(lll) transitions. Based on electron spin resonance experiments, there are at least seven different iron-sulfur centers in the electron transport chain. Four are located in the NADH dehydrogenase complex, two associated with cytochrome b, and one with cytochrome c1. Although they are important in electron transport, their function is not well understood. Cytochromes are electron-transferring proteins containing iron-porphyrin groups; some are found in aerobic cells. Some of the cytochromes are buried deep in the inner mitochondrial membrane and appear to act in a concerted manner and transfer electrons from various dehydrogenase systems toward molecular oxygen. The cytochromes undergo Fe(II)-Fe(lll) changes during catalysis. Their reduced forms usually do not oxidize in the presence of molecular oxygen, except the terminal cytochrome of the respiratory chain, cytochrome a3, which contains a tightly bound copper. In animals. where the respiratory chain has been most thoroughly studied, five cytochromes have been identified in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. They are: cytochromes b, c1, c, a, and a3. In addition to the aforementioned electron-transport proteins, there is a fat-soluble electron-transfer coenzyme known as ubiquinone, or coenzyme Q._ This coenzyme has a reducible quinone with a long isoprenoid side chain. Coenzyme Q is the only electron carrier that is not tightly bound or covalently attached to a protein. B. Flavodoxins The complex electron-transfer mechanism associated with sulfate-reducing bacteria belonging to the genus Desulfovibrio has offered many opportunities to conduct research in the area of structure/function relationships that are part of the biochemical redox chains. Although many redox carriers are known, the mechanism of electron transfer is still far from being completely clarified. This is in part due to a still incomplete understanding of the pathway for sulfate reduction. Sulfate-reducing bacteria are probably present day representatives of very ancient organisms. This renders the study of redox proteins extremely attractive, such as flavodoxins, rubredoxins, ferredoxins, and cytochrome c, that constitute families of homologous proteins. Of all the flavoenzymes, the most structural information available is of the flavodoxins [2]. From visible CD spectral studies [3], flavodoxins have been divided into two classes: "pasteurianum" and ”ruanm" types, where the positive CD band maxima reflect a red shift of the rubrum type relative to the pasteurianum type. The ”pasteurianum” type includes the bacteria Peptostreptococcus elsdenii, Clostridium pasteurianum, and Clostridium MP, whereas the "rubrum“ type includes the bacteria Rhodospirillum rubrum, Azotobacfer vine/andii, and Desulfo vibrio vulgaris. Flavodoxins contain one equivalent of FMN (riboflavin 5’-phosphate) which is their only known prosthetic group and they lack transition metals such as iron commonly found in ferredoxins. They are functionally equivalent to the ferredoxins via their redox potentials between the semiquinone and hydroquinone states (ca. -400 mV). It was first observed [3] that clostridial (nitrogen-fixing) flavodoxin is synthesized only in iron deficient media. In sulfate-reducing bacteria the picture is somewhat more complex, since the relative amounts of ferredoxin versus flavodoxin is dependent on the species and also according to growth conditions. As it turns out, D. vulgaris, strain Hildenborough, synthesizes large amounts of flavodoxin and only very little ferredoxin, even in high concentrations of iron [4]. Flavodoxins do not react directly with small molecules such as pyridine nucleotides and their only known ”substrates" are other redox proteins. For example, they are reduced by NADPH and the ability to couple NADPH oxidation to cytochrome 0 reduction using NADP-ferredoxin reductase as a catalyst. In addition, flavodoxin also takes part in the phosphoroclastic cleavage of pyruvate: 2H“ cyt. c3 ' Flavodoxin Pyruvate (red.) (ox1d.) H2889 H2 cyt. c3 Flavodoxin Acetyl phosphate (oxid.) (red.) 4- C02 Since these reactions are known to depend on ferredoxin, than flavodoxin, a small redox protein, must function similarly to ferredoxin [5]. A comparison of the published flavodoxin sequences is listed in Table 1. The alignment is based on sequence homology rather than structural similarity. Overall, there is between 30 and 40% identity between the proteins. Certain regions show greater homology than others. For example, the N-terminii have the greatest homology between the four bacterial (top four) types. The crystal structures of the oxidized form of flavoxdoxin from D. vulgaris at 2.0A [37], at 1.85A from C. MP [92] and at 2.0A from the A. nidulans [38] have shown that flavodoxins are a/[S proteins with a parallel )3 sheet at its core. There are five regions of the bacterial type flavodoxins that form fi-pleated sheet structure having 40-50% identity levels, depending whether the region is defined from comparing D. vulgaris or the C. MP protein. The p-pleated sheet stmcture for the D. vulgaris are residues 3-10, 32-38, 52-58, 87-93 and 118-126 and for the 0. MP are residues 1-6, 30-35, 48-55, 80-89, and 108-119. A similar comparison on the a-helical regions shows a 20-30% identity level. The a-helical structure for the D. vulgaris are residues 14-30, 71-83, 102-115, and 133-148 and for the 0. MP are residues 10-27, 66-74, 93-107, 124-138. It appears that the B—structure is the most invariant region between the different flavodoxins. om4 mN4 004 Mr om mm 44Q«OUo:m 4 :4 8:444 . 4mm. ”M2M40=4> 40000400on¢ 4 4mm. 40> 04¢ 04H 04H 04H :04 :04 Q49 Q49 Q49 4>9 0:0 0:0 0:0 0:0 0:0 040 04¢ >40 040 >40 :40 :04 «>4 :«¢ 04¢ 04¢ 040 >40 >40 >40 >40 s40 :04 04¢ «>4 :40 >40 .m\¢. «>4 :40 04¢ «>4 04¢ :40 04¢ 04¢ >40 4:4 4:4 x«¢ 4>9 4>9 4>9 4>9 408 040 040 040 :40 400 :«¢ :40 04¢ «>4 04¢ :40 04¢ 04¢ 04¢ >40 :04 04¢ >40 :40 x40 40m 40m 40m 40m :40 :40 :40 044 «>4 04¢ :04 0:0 044 04H 04H 04H 04H 04H 044 40> 40> 40m 40> 0:0 0:0 040 40> 40> :04 :0: 04¢ 40m :04 :40 :04 4:9 04¢ 044 40> 40> 40> 04H Q«¢ 40> :40 Q«¢ 0:0 Q«¢ Q«¢ :40 >40 «>4 «>4 «>4 :«¢ :40 :40 “OH.“ ”.>.‘ =«¢ 04¢ «>4 :«¢ 4:4 40> 440 >40 400 400 Q«¢ 40¢ Q«¢ Q«¢ Q«¢ >40 04¢ 04¢ 04¢ 04¢ 04¢ 04¢ «>4 :40 «>4 «4: 04¢ «>0 040 «>0 :40 Q«¢ :40 :40 :40 :40 40> 04H 04¢ 40> 40> so: 40: 40: 4:4 .«00:0:00« 508090.". 4 >40 >40 >40 04¢ >40 >40 >40 >40 >40 >40 >40 040 :04 04¢ «>4 :«¢ c«¢ :40 >40 «>4 04¢ 04¢ «>4 4>9 w 5 ”0M :40 «>4 m>0 Q«¢ 0:0 :40 044 044 Q«¢ 044 >40 40> 044 4:4 040 :40 4:4 MM“ 4>9 >40 :«¢ 00: >4 :04 c«¢ «>4 :04 « 0 0 :04 04¢ 40> «MM 0M0 :0: >40 40> «>4 0:0 :04 04¢ 40> «>4 0:0 «>0 040 40> « 0 400 40« 40> :4 “4M :04 :40 :40 “Wm 40 :04 40> :40 ¢ ”“0 044 400 Q«¢ Q«¢ 4:9 4:9 40« 40> 04¢ x«¢ “M0 04¢ Q«¢ 400 40> 04¢ 4:9 Q«¢ :40 0:0 «¢ 0> Q«¢ 40m 40> “«¢ M0> 40m c«¢ 04¢ :40 4:4 4:4 >40 >4m 04¢ 4:9 «>4 >40 4: dduiludHiqudlxdulunH :HuIIHAHIquIHHuIHnH :40 :40 Q«¢ :40 :40 :40 «>4 «>4 «>4 04¢ >40 >40 >40 >40 04¢ x«¢ :04 40> 044 04¢ Q«¢ :«¢ >40 400 >40 400 >40 400 4:4 400 040 :40 04¢ «>4 :40 :40 >40 >40 >40 >40 00: 402 40: Q49 40> :04 304 40m 4:9 40m 400 400 .0304 “000m "cameo 04¢ 04¢ 04¢ Q49 0:0 044 4:9 «>4 40m x40 40m 04¢ 044 4:4 «>4 04¢ «>4 :40 :«¢ Q«¢ >40 >40 Q49 Q49 Q49 >40 c«¢ :40 04¢ 04¢ Q«¢ 04¢ 40> :04 044 04¢ 040 040 40m 40m 044 Q«¢ 40> 40> 40> 40> 4>9 0:0 4>9 4>9 4>9 4>9 Q«¢ Q«¢ 04¢ Q«¢ 04¢ Q«¢ 044 «>4 «>4 >40 40m «>0 «>0 «>0 x«¢ 400 :40 Q«¢ Q«¢ :40 04H 0:0 044 40> 40> 40> O40 O40 O40 40: 40: 40> 40m 040 4:9 4:4 >40 >40 >40 >40 40> 002 04¢ 04¢ «>4 4>9 40> :04 04H 04H 04H 044 .40. Q2 anbw4umo4o :«0Q 0. «44004:: 04444>ou4 4m 00: :40 Q«¢ Q49 Q49 04¢ 40m 04¢ 40m x40 0:0 :04 so: :04 40> 4:4 >40 >40 >40 >40 4:4 >40 c«¢ :40 :04 :40 :«¢ >40 :40 «>4 >40 44> so: 044 440 04¢ :04 04H :04 «>4 x40 «>4 04¢ 400 04¢ 4:9 044 40> 40> 04¢ c«¢ =40 Q«¢ >40 >40 «>0 40> Q«¢ :40 :04 40> 044 :04 40> 04¢ Xm‘ :40 044 :40 :40 >40 «>4 «>4 «>4 «>4 40> 044 40m Q«¢ 0:0 Q«¢ 4:9 :40 40m 40> 40> 044 :04 x40 x«¢ :40 «>4 044 04¢ 04¢ 040 40> 044 04¢ >40 >40 :04 0:0 044 c«¢ Q«¢ Q«¢ Q«¢ Q«¢ :04 0:0 04¢ 40> 04H :04 402 402 402 40! "QZ.U u.>.D .Q.U .0.m m:.U .>.Q .Q.U .0.m m2.0 .>.Q erU .0.“ QE.U .>.D QQOU .0.“ QI.U .>.o .H.m .>.< .Q.U .O.m m:.0 .>.Q .4.m .>.< .Q.U .0.m m2.0 .>.0 10 Hence, one could say this is the nucleus of the molecule and must be important for the stabilization of the conformation of the protein. Some other observations indicate: (a) the most homologws regions correspond to the FMN-binding region; and (b) since the nucleus of the molecule is the most conserved, suggests that flavodoxin biosynthesis is dependent on FMN binding. Some evolutionary relationships of flavodoxins can be determined by examining the minimum base changes per codon (MBC/C) or the number of homologous positions (Table 2) [6]. From this table one can construct an evolutionary tree for the flavodoxins (Figure 3) and along With several other lines of evidence, it appears that D. vulgaris is of ancient age [7]. There is unfortunately very little evidence of homology when comparing flavodoxin and ferredoxin from the same organism. An interesting study of bacterial-type ferredoxins apparently shows evidence of internal gene duplication [8] from a primitive fragment of apparently one-half of the length of the contemporary protein. The plant-type ferredoxins show a second duplication to establish a 50% longer protein. An examination of bacterial flavodoxins can be carried out to see if the same duplication is present (Table 3). If one examines the FMN phosphate binding site of the bacterial flavodoxins, there appears to be a statistically significant homology for two regions of the protein. This holds true for three bacterial-type proteins except 0. vulgaris. Therefore, this suggests that this is an extra mutation lending to a longer period of evolution for the D. vulgaris [6]. The sulfate reduction system in which flavodoxin plays a role by shuttling electrons to a complex sulfite reductase system from cytochrome c3 [9] is given by: 11 00... «3 0.0 so... .440 0.0 40... 0.2.0 .45 0.2.0 .20 .8 0.2.0 .8 0.2.0 .3 0.002 8.0285: £220 :48. «a... «4... .23 8... 3... 2.0 .48 .43 .444 .440 .404. 2.0 8.. 8.. 8.0 8.. .>.< .444 .49 .440 .444 .>.< «m... 2... «4... 0.0 .48 .48 .49. 0.0 8.0 3.... 0.0 .44.. .44... 0.0 co... 0.2.0 .49. 0.2.0 .5 .8 .>.< 0.0 .o. 0 02.0 5.0 .>.< 0.0 .0. 0 0.2.0 .20 0.00.2 8.0228: «0:0.«0. mm 43 000000000020 0.000 84.8.52 0:0 «£02050... .0 0.000. 12 A.V. HJ‘. D-V- C.MP C.p. RB. gene doubfing I gene doubfing Figure 3. Evolutionary tree for flavodoxins (See Table 1 for abbrevations). 13 Eacuwuamuma 34.204.444.040 4.44.0 4.44.2443 42000004Q044404Q4m " 344.44 43 054444444040 4442.0 4.4440445 04.320444:me u.>.o 004 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 04 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 04 ...444 440 444 Hum 44a «am 044 444 444 444 444 44: 040 040 040 040 444 44> 040 444 440 442 444 040 man 440 «am 444 44> 444 044 444 .0.0 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 04 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 04 44 44 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 404 004 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 04 44 44 444 444 044 44> 444 440 440 4:0 444 :40 444 444 444 444 440 440 440 4:0 440 444 44> 444 04¢ 040 044 040 444 444 44¢ 44¢ 440 444 4:4 444 440 440 044 044 44> 044 044 4:0 .>.0 04 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 04 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 04 004 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 04 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 04 040 4:0 04¢ 44¢ 442 044 444 440 man .440 444 440 444 444 44a 4:0 044 444 44> 444 444 4:0 040 444 040 :40 044 44> 040 and .440 44: 444 444 440 44a 044 444 044 444 04¢ 040 02.0 44 44 44 44 44 44 04 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 04 44 44 44 44 404 004 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 04 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 444 444 444 _q44 44: 444 :40 440 nun .44u 444 440 444 444 44a 4:4 :44 440 444 444 444 44> 44> 444 044 040 044 :40 040 Hum .44u 442 444 o40 440 44a 044 :44 444 444 444 444 .4.0 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 04 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 04 44 44 44 40.06.0024: 5044 0.5.3 400.500. 44.244. 4.44 4.49455 00:40:04.0 4040 _4:..4E_ 0480024.“. .4 4.000. 14 $032“ H2 cytochrome c3 Flavodoxin (oxud.) (red.) Sulfite Hzase Reductase J System 2H” cytochrome c3 Flavodoxin V (red.) (oxid.) H28 The sulfite reductase system [10] was found to be composed of three reductases: sulfite reductase. trithionate reductase, and thiosulfate reductase. It was also found that trithionate was formed from extracts of D. vulgaris and the following cyclic process was proposed with trithionate and thiosulfate as intermediates linking the reduction of (bi)sulfite to sulfide: H H H 3032. "'——2"> $3032. fi’ 32032. i» H23 1 3032' 3032‘ The sulfite reductase [11] and thiosulfate reductase [12] systems have been studied. An experiment from the D. vulgaris shows that cytochrome c3 plays the role of an intermediary electron carrier in thiosulfate reduction. It also shows that direct electron transfer occurs via cytochrome c3 from hydrogenase without any other factors intervening. Finally, the experiment indicated that flavodoxin had no effect on the thiosulfate reduction; this is not surprising since flavodoxin does not accept electrons from hydrogenase [13]. From the use of natural electron carriers, the thiosulfate-forming pathway of D. vulgaris has been constructed. In order to reduce bisulfite to thiosulfate, flavodoxin and cytochrome c3 were necessarily present. 15 The reaction showed cytochrome c3 transferring electrons from hydrogenase to flavodoxin. Trithionate accumulates but is immediately used by the thiosulfate-forming reaction, to form thiosulfate. The thiosulfate reductase then can complete the pathway by forming sulfide (Figure 4). The foregoing summarizes the current scheme for the complete pathway of sulfate reduction to sulfide which is still not completely satisfactory. Since trithionate reductase activity has been observed with crude extracts, its role still remains a puzzle. Further studies on thiosulfate reductase and trithionate-reducing enzyme and on the reconstitution of the sulfite reducing system should help to elucidate the mechanism of sulfite reduction in D. vulgaris. 16 >4f< cytochrome Ca cytochrome Ga (OX1d.) (red) 2H+ H2 H2886 Flavodoxin Flavodoxln cytochrome c4. cytochrome (33 (red) (oxid-) (oxid.) (red.) 3HSOa' saoez' 5203' + 2H503' Blsulfite reductase Thiosulfate-forming HSQa' enzyme 2_ Thiosulfate 3203 + H2 > 9032' + H25 Reductase Figure 4. Proposed pathway for sulfate reduction in Desulfovibn'o vulgaris. ll DATA COLLECTION A. Overvlew of Area Detection Methods Since the amount of observational data for a stmcture determination of a macromolecule by x-ray diffraction techniques is in the thousands to hundreds of thousands of reflection intensities, the development of area detector diffractometers that use an image proportional counter coupled with a video display has been carried out in several laboratories in order to reduce data collection times [15, 16, 17, 18, 19]. Collection of reflections from crystals with large unit cells, either through conventional counting circuitry (diffractometer) or with film, is inefficient. The diffractometer has high counting efficiency but it only counts one reflection at a time; while film records many reflections simultaneously, it has low counting efficiency. In addition, these data collection methods require the crystals to undergo long exposure times throughout the entire data set which are likely to deteriorate in the x-ray beam. 1. Hardware and Prlnclples The multiwire area detector (MAD) diffractometer is capable of measuring more than 1000 reflections per hour. A small curved-window high-resolution multiwire detector, employing xenon at high pressure as the ionizable gas, using a capacitive readout of the photon events, has been developed by Fl. Burns and is available commercially (Nicolet-Xentronics (now Siemens), Madison, WI). The (Figure 5) curved front beryllium window of the detector has a diameter 11.5 cm and a radius of curvature of 24 cm. Data are received as a series of 512 x 512-pixel 16-bit frame images. The data quality, as determined from agreements among symmetry-related observations, is comparable to collimated counter diffractometry. 17 . ~ ~ \ _\ .‘4‘\‘ \ .-"\'. .\\ .\l I EKV\\ .- «(K 25 “"‘:}\:| ‘.\\\.\\\4\§\ 4b 0 ‘4 ‘ 3 \ Figure 5. Side view of detector assembly. I \‘ \\‘:;‘; ‘. ‘ t 19 The Nicolet Xentronics area detector/P3F set-up is shown in Figure 6. The rotation of the crystal occurs about a vertical spindle with the detector attached and moved through the 20 arm. Radiation (Cu Ka) is provided with a conventional sealed tube source and passed through a graphite monochromator; the choice of monochromatized radiation over Ni-filtered arises from an improved signal-to-noise ratio. The detector central 20 value is determined by the diffracting power of the crystal and the resolution of data the investigator wants to collect. For example, for a crystal with a 70A axis, one would place the detector distance at approximately 9 cm, and the central 20 value of 25° would place the beam slightly off the detector image. At this setting, data from 50-1.8A could be collected. Higher resolution data would obviously require the central 20 value to be moved beyond 25°. The theory of operation of area detectors has existed for a number of years in the scientific literature. When x-ray photons ionize the xenon gas the positive ions produced drift to a multiwire anode and are read on a set of finely spaced wires (cathodes), one set of wires in x and one set in y (Figure 7). These wire planes are read out capacitively, with the charge division being roughly one pixel at full width half maximum (ca. 0.2 mm). The spatial resolution is high in both xand ydirections because the electrons initially created diffuse in a drift space creating an ionization avalanche of thousands to a million ion pairs (depending on the potential applied to the anode wires). The distribution of the electrons is recorded on a number of wires from which the 'centroid' (and hence the photon position) can be calculated to a fraction of the actual wire spacing. a. Steps in Data Collection The first correction that is made before starting to collect data frames is a 20 Nicolet P3P Area Detector System ' Area Detector | Terminal PCS - Peripheral Computer Serial Une Nova 4/C 2'3'43§%"R< ‘. .'-.<¢: 341'- k” We *0 *4 , 2:1": 3,. ...: 34:45:4- 4444441i§t44§mh ..-... Remote Computing System Figure 6. Diagram of Nicolet P3P! Area Detector System. 6mm 2cm 2cm 24m 21 DETEC‘T”: FRONHI HINDOH ‘1 mm, B.) Dam sucraoo; 51M PINS ELECT‘R ODE / ANODC /////// + . m xv. CATHOD: Y putPut / ”£55m: VESSEL Methanerlo‘) Figure 7. Exploded view of detector assembly. 22 flood-field correction. This correction is carried out by mounting an iron-55 source on the goniostat and exposing the detector to the iron y-rays. This procedure is necessary because of the nonuniform sensitivity of the detector face; different parts of the detector face have different quantum efficiencies and hence scaling these different areas to a common mean value is required. The second correction is the calibration of the x-y positions on the detector face using a brass plate. The plate has many holes drilled at accurately placed positions; it is mounted on the front of the detector face and an iron-55 source or another diffracting source is used to lrradiate the detector face for approximately thirty minutes. The data from this image are employed to calibrate the detector addresses in pixel positions against the accurately placed holes of the brass plate. This brass plate image is repeated every time the crystal-to-detector distance is changed. The final correction is the adjustment of the beam stop. After reducing the current, the beam stop is carefully aligned by driving the detector out of the beam path and irradiating a fluorescent paddle. If the beam stop is improperly aligned, there will be a bright spot on the fluorescent paddle from the unblocked x-ray beam. The position of the beam stop can be adjusted until it appears centered. The detector can then be moved to 26 of 0° and a 30 sec exposure can be taken. From the video display, box cursor, and the cursor keys, one can make the necessary final adjustments of the beam stop. Since there is no accurate method to align the x-ray tube and monochromator with an area detector, the method followed at The Upjohn Company is to replace the area detector with a standard collimated scintillation detector. The standard alignment procedure provided by Nicolet is used and when completed the area detector is replaced. 23 All data are collected as discrete ”frames” taken either with the crystal stationary or with it rotating about a fixed axis. In a modified version of the Electronic Stationary Method (ESP) method of data collection [19], one obtains reflection intensities from a series of electronic pictures, or subframes, each of which is exposed while the crystal is moving slightly. Each frame consists of a set of subframes of equal time. The crystal is rotated approximately 0.02° about a fixed axis (co) between subframes. Hence, if samplings are taken over a 020° range, than ten pictures would comprise a frame. This method is in contrast to standard film methods in which the crystal is oscillated by a couple of degrees during the time the detector is recording the diffraction pattern. One could compare this method with the step-scan method [20] used in conventional diffractometry except many reflections are measured simultaneously. The acquisition of the data and the movement of the crystal and detector are controlled by a PCS (Periphere Computer Systeme, GmbH) 9600 microcomputer with 1 MB of memory and many more MB of hard disk storage space on a VAX 11/750 (PACVAX). At Upjohn, the data are transferred over Ethernet from the PACVAX to THOR (VAX 8800) and processing takes place there (Figure 6). The software system for processing data (XENGEN [21]) has been written in C and runs under the UNIX operating system. 2. Software a. Data Collection The Harvard software package as modified by Nicolet was used to collect all the data for this project. The data collection software performs a number of complex, interrelated tasks: crystal alignment, crystal survey, data collection, background correction and other related operations. 24 The first step is to manually optically center the crystal with the microscope attached to the x circle. This is carried out with the aid of an optical alignment program, part of the standard programs supplied by Nicolet, which drives to the appropriate diffractometer angles to aid one in visually centering the crystal. The next task is to examine the crystal integrity and diffracting power. The programs ALlGN and CAMERA (subprogram of ALIGN) provide one the ability to move instrument angles, set the angles to a desired value, open or close the x-ray beam shutter, enable or disable the detector, make an image on the detector face, check peak profiles, and view the image. From these operations a single still 'photo' is taken, from which reciprocal space axis assignments can be made as well as examination of crystal integrity. The crystal alignment is only critical for knowing how to orient the crystal during the data collection to insure that a complete data set is being taken. The final task uses the program COLLECT. This routine accepts the necessary data collection instructions into a file and carries them out when instructed (Table 4). ' b. Data processing The XENGEN software package [21] was used for processing all data of the experiments for this project. A flowchart diagram (Figure 8) shows the steps for processing the frame image sets. The steps involved in data reduction are: (1) W: generate a "spline" file from a brass plate image; (2) EQBQEB : used to define the active pixels that make up the usable part of the detector face; (3) $3015: determine the centroids of a group of bright spots appearing in each frame; (4) W: index the reference reflections and obtain an estimate of the crystal orientation and refine the crystal and detector parameters; (5) W: compute the integrated intensities and estimated standard deviations; 25 Table 4. Data Collection Parameters File Harvard-Xentronics X-Ray Area Detector - Data Collection System PCS P3F 0.0 1. Date : Fri Jant 10200001990 2. Experimenter: WWatt 3.Nameofdataset: UX0123a 4. Crystal: Flavodoxin 5. Crystal Orientation: None 6. Directory (Data Frames): PACVAX::USER_DISK:[DATA} 7. X-Ray Set: 6. Power. 50kV 35mA 9.Phi : 30.00000 deg 10. Chi : 0.00000 deg 11.0mega(@ Frame 1) : -20.00000 deg 12. Two_theta: 20.00000 deg 13. Beam (@ 2theta - 0) : x 241 y 244 14. Camera length: 180m 15. Comments: Flavodoxin (LT) Fully-reduced form - Hydroquinone 16. Framesize (Omega Scan) : -0.20000 deg 17. Exposure: 120 s 18. First Frame: 1 19. Last Frame: 305 20. Options: (Off/On) tape disk view 20. View Parameters: 6 60 Reading save OOIIGCHOD parameters from UX0123.par Copyright 1985, President and Fellows of Haward College. All rights reserved. Reproduction without express permission is prohibited. Make changes? [y/n] CVTCAD Callb. Frame 26 CVTCAD D.ta Frames Caldata (-.brs) Frames(- .trm) Wmask(- .wms) Frames( frm) CALIBRATE I SPOTS tI BORDER l Centrolds(-.cen) l <— CENMERGE __. Uspline(-.uca) I EDWCEN Amask(-.ams) REFINE Uparams(-.upr) Wmask(-.wms) ”“1“”, fl INTEGRATE l:— MERGESHIFT MRMEFIGE i —’H7 SCALEI l-D Scaleout(-.so) ‘v-—> Deletions(-.del) —> Checkrefi(-.ckr) Scalein(-.si) l Mretout( .mrl) I , 3.__ warm-m.) <—_—-I STATS REJECT * A .[ MAKEMU '— » Mrefout(-.mrf) —> mum-m) Figure 6. Flow Chart of XENGEN Software System 27 (6) EEQLLQE: apply Lorentz and polarization corrections and calculate structure factor amplitudes; (7) MBMEBQE: merge together data from various orientations of one crystal; (8) SCALE]: determine a scale function to reduce systematic error in the data; (9) BEJEQI: eliminate outliers from data; (10) SIAISI calculate statistics on merged data including R...ym between frames sets; (11) MAKEMLL: compute scaled merged mean intensities or structure factor amplitudes for unique reflections in the data. The calibration ”spline" file is generated from the brass plate image by a program called Qalitzrate. It works by finding the center of the spots on the image and indexes them relative to one another. It uses a sophisticated Hermite spline to convert a pixels-to-centimeters map, and the same spline is used to help generate the necessary information to generate a centimeter-to-pixel map. Extrapolation to the plate edge is carried out from the pixel-to-centimeter map. flame; is used to define the active pixels that make up the usable part of the detector face. An 'active' pixel can be used in measuring intensities, whereas the 'inactive' pixel is outside the active area, or obscured by some object between the detector and crystal (e.g. beamstop). The output Annals file is written to a bit-mapped bitmask file. $0.015 generates a list of centroids of bright spots from reading in a set of frames. These spots are merged with spots from neighboring frames, since they are part of the same reflection. The program also checks to insure the centroid is well-behaved. In addition to finding centroids, $11915, generates a weighted mask (flmask), or model profile from a weighted sum of all bright areas found in the particular parts of the detector face. The detector is divided into eleven regions (Figure 9), so eleven weighted masks are generated. This is necessary since the [magma routine that determines intensities are regional and weighted masks for each region are needed. 28 Figure 9. Detector Face divided into eleven regions. 29 Once Spots has generated a list of centroids, the program Beflm, can be used to get an initial orientation. Eating, can describe the crystal and detector position by refining a set of parameters. if one wants to take advantage of the auto-indexing feature, the program prompts with two questions: fractional error in unit cell lengths allowed and fractional error in unit cell angles allowed. Once values are entered, a list of the first few hundred centroids is examined for difference vectors among themselves. The 'best' three noncoplanar difference vectors are removed from the list and used as a reference set. A set of trial (hkl) indices are then calculated from this reference set. This process is carried out for other reference sets and a list of these sets can be examined. The other criteria used for a 'good' reference set are checks on the error limits, integemess of the indexing, and reasonableness according to a least-squares residual test. From this list, a solution can be chosen. Because auto-indexing fails some of the time, different common troubleshooting techniques are available. For example, if the auto-indexing produces a good residual but the distribution of indices is poor when compared to actual reflections (poor integemess), the result is commonly an error in crystal-to-detector distance and other various detector parameters. Adjustments before refinement can lead to getting better integemess of the indices. Once indices have been assigned to the spots, the unit cell parameters, orientation of the crystal, the detector position, and the rocking-curve behavior of the crystal can be refined with 331mg. There are several modes of refinement available for these parameters. In addition to the modes of refinement, several parameters can be examined during the refinement stage. For example, there are detector parameters as well as crystal parameters which should refine to acceptable values based on some previous crystallographic knowledge. The most powerful method, albeit slowest, is the nonlinear refinement method. This method refines both the crystal and detector parameters, simultaneously; the residual contains both the integemess of the indices and errors in the detector parameters. 30 Hence, a high residual usually corresponds to poor integemess of the indices or incorrect detector/crystal parameters. The program [magnate performs a three-dimensional profile fit to each reflection, applying the previously calculated mask. The background correction uses an updating technique [22] where the background values are assigned to pixels in frames where the pixels do not correspond to reflections. These background values are obtained by averaging over many frames. The background value for each pixel is than updated after each frame (provided it still is not contained in a reflection). The new value is updated by a weighted average of the old and new values. Thus, the background is averaged over all of the frames and the mask is updated. All intensity profiles are corrected for exposure time and dead-time loss before being summed. In addition to these corrections, the profile-fitted and summed intensities are corrected for the Lorentz effect [23] and the polarization effect [24] and the small part of the profile lying outside of the summed area. During integration, in addition to background updating. mm are updated whenever bright spots occur. Since there are eleven areas of the detector face with each having its corresponding wmask. each bright spot contributes only to the mags]; in its area. Finally, at regular intervals (approximately every forty frames) the crystal and detector parameters are refined [25]. Integration compares the summed intensity to the profile-fitted intensity and is repeated if they disagree. If they agree, the mugs]; is then overlaid on the profile-fitted intensity. If they do not agree, the integration is repeated and tested again. Once [magma has completed the last frame, an output file mafia is made. 31 The next step in processing involves reformatting, sorting, and merging the integrated reflections. This is easily performed with the program Reduce. The routine is very flexible: different flags direct the program to do different operations. For example, "-5" flag uses the summed intensity instead of the profile-fitted intensity. In addition to the removal of space group forbidden reflections, the reflections are sorted in hkl order (khl - monoclinic) with the symmetry-related reflections grouped together and merging of multiple observations of the same reflection. The output file has the multiref format (0110- After reducing several frame sets, the program Mm is available to merge the data sets. The program reads the multiref file and the output file has the same format. The final steps of the data processing entail scaling, deleting outliers, statistical analysis, and writing out merged data. The program finale] examines the symmetry-related observations and scales the merged intensity data. The data are broken up into a variable-degree range scanning angle with each range split into two shifts corresponding to either the top or bottom part of the detector. The groups of crystallographic observations are scaled by a closed-form linear least-squares algorithm. The program alternates between scaling parameters and computing a scale factor until convergence. The scaling parameters per shift are either one, two, or three terms. That is, one parameter per shift is a linear scale factor, two parameters and three parameters follow the formulas: |cor = lraw * (9i ' Bi " 52) loor- law. (girAi*S+BpsZ) where gi, A] and Bi are refinable parameters for shift i and s = sine/7L for the reflection of interest. 32 After scaling the data, one can examine the results to determine which reflections are in need of deletion. The program Belem provides a way to delete errant observations. This menu-driven program reads a multiref file and the scale input and flags statistical outliers. One can examine the observations that are suspicious and delete the suspicious reflections if any are present, or one can select interactively a different reflection to delete. After the entire multiref file is read the program allows one to apply the deletions, print a list of deletions, or exit the program (with or without deleting reflections). The final analysis of the data is carried out with a program called Stats. This general statistical analysis program counts the number of data, determines the number of missing reflections, performs a Wilson-like statistic analysis of the data, and finally calculates agreement statistics and goodness of fit parameters based on resolution range. Stats can also be used to check the quality of data before Reject. Prior to examining the multiref files by 5.0.8191. Bejegtpr Stats, the Bijvoet reflections can be merged. The effects of one choice over the other can be pronounced; the scaling with Bijvoet reflections merged or unmerged makes a difference if there is good redundancy in the data. If there is poor redundancy, however, less than two observations for every Bijvoet-unmerged reflection, the scaling with the Bijvoet reflections merged will be necessary. This arises from the inability to find enough symmetry mates for computing scaling functions. The final program Makemu allows one to write out either intensities or stmcture factor amplitudes to an ascii file, entitled mulist. Ill EXPERIMENTAL A. Overview of Cryocrystallographic Methods The use of cryocrystallographic techniques is starting to be investigated for the collection of data for macromolecules. It is well-known that cooling crystals to around 0°C reduces the rate of radiation damage during data collection [26] and it can be assumed that cooling further would provide increased protection. Low et al. [27] have studied insulin crystals at low temperatures (below -150°C). The crystals, which contained no organic solvent and wiped clean of excess mother liquor, were mounted in a special cell with mylar windows (ca. 0.15 mil thickness). The cell contained a droplet of mother liquor some distance from the crystal. The cell was then dipped into liquid nitrogen and photographed while a stream of liquid nitrogen flowed over it. The diffraction pattern showed an increase in mosaicity on cooling which increased on rapid rewarming to room temperature, and increased more on rapid recooling. They believed the mosaic character of these crystals precluded their use for accurate data collection. This enhancement of mosaic character was a result of thermal strain on rapid cooling, not the formation of ice in the crystal. The conclusion of their study revealed that the insulin crystals could not be cooled below -16°C in their mother liquor without irreversible disordering. This problem was addressed by attempting to reduce the disorder through cross-linking lysozyme crystals with glutaraldehyde followed by transferring to a 50% glycerol solution [28]. A slightly different approach involved the addition of 3 M sucrose to a 2 M ammonium sulfate solution of lactate dehydrogenase to form a glass at low temperature [29]. 33 34 Lastly, the freezing of myoglobin crystals at a hydrostatic pressure of 2500 atm to form the ice lll phase, which has a smaller volume of water, was also investigated [30]. In each of these cases temperatures of -70°C and less were achieved. As a general rule, additional problems were encountered with the approaches. In the first case, the cross-linking of the lysozyme crystals would affect the activity of the enzyme by restricting substrate access to the active site and the cross-linking itself created disorder in the crystal. The next case has problems with sucrose causing an increased mosaicity to the crystals, and the formation of the glass makes substrate diffusion experiments impossible. Finally, the high pressure approach to the myoglobin crystals renders the same diffusion problems as the previous case and necessitates the use of expensive and complex equipment. A more recent approach to the collection of data at low temperature was developed by Petsko et al. [31] using salt-free aqueous/organic liquids of low freezing point. The basic feature to this technique was to replace the normal mother liquor with a cryo-protective salt-free aqueous/organic solvent mixture of high organic solvent concentration and low freezing point. One of the objectives of this approach was to determine a fluid medium that would not denature the protein or change its mechanism of catalytic action. This same philosophy would have to be extended to the stability of the enzyme at low temperature, as well. Douzou ef al. [32] have developed cryo-protective artificial mother liquors of mixed solvents where the organic solvent is high molecular weight (MPD: 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol, propanediol) and low volatility. These properties enable one to keep the protein out of solution and are easy to control. The crystals are then handled in the traditional manner by mounting in glass capillaries, then sealed, except the plugs of mother liquor at each end of the tube were avoided (due to problems with distillation from thermal gradients). Some of the results of this technique showed the effects of cooling on resolution and the effects of cooling on radiation damage. 35 The resolution did not appear to be improved but there was areductlon in thermal disorder. The radiation damage appeared to be immeasurable on a crystal of ribonuclease A at -104°C for over 350 hours. The use of organic solvents can have a disastrous effect on the protein; however, if proper care is taken, such as monitoring the pH of the solvent and avoidance of sudden changes in dielectric constant, the use of mixed solvents can be very mild to the protein. Some of the advantages include the lack of need for special equipment, minimal disorder, and possibility of substrate diffusion if the viscosity is not too high. In addition, significant unit cell changes do not seem to occur at these low temperatures, probably because at these temperatures the values of the dielectric constant and pH are similar for the two mother liquors. One of the chief drawbacks of this technique is the necessity of finding the best cryo-protective mother liquor for the protein of interest. This step can be crucial, especially if there are only a small number of crystals available. Another problem is the effect of the mixed solvent on the protein conformation. Finally, the viscosity of the mixed solvent can be and is usually a huge obstacle to substrate diffusion. For some solvent systems where the viscosity is high at room temperature, the problem is impossible at low temperature. An extension of this method has been proposed by Dewan er al. [33]. They have studied ribonuclease A crystals mounted on glass fibers at 220K and below, by the use of a nitrogen-gas cold stream and a computer-controlled diffractometer. For all of their low temperature data collections, the ribonuclease crystals were gradually transferred to a 50% MPD:H20 cryo-solvent mixture. Their first data set was collected at 160K, using a conventional quartz capillary tube mount, with the capillary being bathed in a cold nitrogen stream. This crystal showed a 21% decay (probably due to the frost buildup) of the intensity standard reflections after 14 days. At this temperature, there were problems with a thin film of frost building up on the outside of the capillary resulting in spurious peaks. 36 The frosting problem was overcome by using a method developed for handling air/moisture sensitive compounds [34]. The crystals were in their cryo-solvent mixture and held at ~273K with an ice bath. The crystal mounting device consisted of a glass fiber glued into a brass pin which in turn was mounted on a standard goniometer head. On the tip of the fiber was a small bead of uncured epoxy (normal 1:1 ratio of resin and hardener not allowed to harden). The whole device was used to lift the crystal from its mother liquor. Once in place the entire crystal/goniometer head assembly was rapidly transferred to the diffractometer where the crystal was bathed in the nitrogen-gas cold stream. Data collections of 180, 160, 130 and 98K were collected; approximately 3% decay was observed for each of the data sets. A study at a higher temperature was also performed (220K); however, the crystal had to be coated with a silicone oil prior to being placed in the cold nitrogen-gas stream. This was carried out in order to prevent the crystal from drying out in the cold stream at the higher temperature. There was also no appreciable decay in this experiment over an 8 day period. The results of this study indicated that the reduction of deterioration was associated with a combination of the low temperature and the lack of a capillary tube enclosing the crystal. Some of the problems with the method are: there was a tendency to have the crystal mounted in an unknown orientation, and, should the cold nitrogen stream be interrupted during the data collection, the crystal would dry out and stop diffracting. Some of the positive aspects of this method are the elimination of slippage of the crystal which occurs during the standard capillary mounting methods, and the elimination of the frosting problem previously mentioned. Most recently, Hope [35] has developed a useful method for collecting data at cryogenic (near liquid N2) temperatures. In this method, the crystals are first transferred from their mother liquor to a hydrocarbon environment, then mounted on a glass fiber, and flash cooled in situ with a cold nitrogen stream on the diffractometer. This approach seems to prevent solvent from freezing and disrupting the crystalline lattice. 37 For hanging drop experiments, the coverslip holding the drop is placed with the drop facing up. The drop containing the crystal is then completely covered with a large drop (ca. 0.5 ml) of Paratone-N (Exxon) (mixed with mineral oil to attain suitable viscosity (ca. 25-50% mineral oil)). The crystal, with a small amount of mother liquor, ls moved from the mother liquor to the oil with the use of a pin or razor blade. The small amount of mother liquor adhering to the crystal is removed by use of a strip of dense filter paper out to a point. The transfer to the mounting fiber is carried as rapidly as possible. A standard small-molecule-type glass fiber of appropriate length and thickness, attached to a metal mounting pin, locked into a standard XYZ goniometer head, ls used to lift the crystal from the oil (Figure 10). The adhesive used is an ultra-pure high-vacuum grease (e.g. Teflon High Vacuum Grease - Distrib. by American Scientific Products, Division of American Hospital Supply Corporation, McGraw Park, IL 60085). The transfer into the cold stream is then carried out as quickly as possible. The best procedure is to temporarily deflect the cold stream while the crystal is being brought to its final position on the diffractometer. Once in place, the obstruction is removed in order to let the cold stream flow over the crystal (figure 11). 8. Method of Sample Handling The approach used in this work differs only in the transfer of the crystal to the hydrocarbon environment. in this experiment, the crystal is pipetted along with some mother liquor and transferred to a spot depression plate containing approximately two milliliters of Type A Cargille lens immersion oil (R. P. Cargille Laboratories, Inc, Cedar Grove, NJ 07009). For the reduced state flavodoxins, the lens immersion oil was previously purged with nitrogen for two days before use. The excess mother liquor is removed from the crystal by careful suction through a smaller capillary (ca. 0.2 mm) or a pointed filter paper strip. The remainder of the procedure is the same as previously mentioned (figure 12). 38 High vacuum grease \ I / 0.30 mm glass capillary / Tapered Brass Pin :5: ..... Standard Supper <— XYZ Goniometer Head Figure 10. Schematic of Crystal Mounting Device. 39 $582856 9: .2 28820...“ 229882 33 .2 059... Eur... we. w - . . C(BUO _ «2.. oSoSJW ruozaxoxu, 4 5.742 \IIIIIIII\II.|||II/ x00 JOCPZOU any ©o© Uoo CHJOOU a; 5.53:3: \ 2.2 e . . x. a . . «:3: \X 1:; # >53» agnnv ”(Omzum 5520.23 (trudge-.. a C h d:u\ , rlr : u>4<> c.0238 ~24 anti: C . 233m ouoo Jeane 32.2. 623.. z 53 r x 35.53: )\] uzammmze 8:23 mun-4h ¢<3uo cuumz<¢h AN. 30;: 940 N2 >10 40 Mother liquor Side view a? of depression spot plate Small glass capillary or Depression filter paper spot plate strip containing crystal and lens immersion - oil \Crystal mounting device with adhesive at end of tip 9.11 Figure 12. Crystal Mounting Method for Low Temperature Data Collection. 41 C. Crystallization The material used in this study was generously supplied by Professor R. P. Swanson; his relation to the work was to clone and nucleotide sequence the flavodoxin gene. Since the redox potential of the semiquinone/hydroquinone couple is one of the lowest of any known flavoprotein (ca. -450 mV vs. -175 mV for free FMN, pH 7) and the three-dimensional stmctures of flavodoxin from three sources (Closfn‘dium MP [36], Desulfo vibn'o vulgaris [37], and Anacysfis nidulans [38] are known, then with the aid of genetic engineering technology (in vitro site-specific mutagenesis) it should be possible to gain insights to the factors that effect the redox properties of these proteins. Flavodoxin, from D. vulgaris, was obtained through recombinant DNA methods [39] and it differs from the wild-type at the N-terminus (i.e. Wild type . PRO, Recombinant a ALA). The crystals are tetragonal, a,b = 51.96, c a 139.86, space group P43212 with one molecule per asymmetric unit. The material was provided at 9.98 mg/ml in 0.055 M Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.5), and 0.25 M NaCl. The crystals were grown by the standard hanging-drop method in 3.2 M ammonium sulfate in 0.1 M Tris-HCl buffer at pH 7.0 with protein concentrations ranging from 08-10%. After one to two weeks, small beautifully formed yellow tetragonal bipyramid crystals appeared in several wells. After about one month, the average size of the crystals was 1.0 x 0.7 x 0.5 mm (figure 13). D. Oxidation State Change Experiments The goal of this project was to examine each of the three oxidation states of the D. vulgaris flavodoxin by x-ray crystallography. 42 Figure 13. Photograph of recombinant D. vulgaris flavodoxin - oxidized form. 43 The reduction'to the semiquinone of the oxidized crystals (figure 13) was achieved as follows: a well holding some of the yellow crystals was selected, one was transferred from the coverslip to the well solution; a small amount of sodium dithionite (a few mg, perhaps) crystals were then carefully added to the well. After 15-20 minutes, the yellow flavodoxin crystals take on a red/purple color (Figure 14)(some of the smaller ones actually appear blue). It appears that the amount of sodium dithionite added affects the diffraction quality of the crystal. This observation was made when several reduction experiments on crystals with similar size (ca. 0.7 x 0.8 x 0.8mm), showing the expected red/purple color, gave poor diffraction spots during the crystal survey on the area detector video display. It was difficult to determine the cause of the loss in diffraction quality, one reason could be the addition of too much sodium dithionite. An experiment on optimizing the amount of sodium dithionite could be profitable, but it may not be necessary. During the first reduction experiments, it seemed that it might be necessary to provide an oxygen-free environment for the experiment because the amount of sodium dithionite added was dependent on the amount of oxygen present (dithionite scavenges oxygen before reacting with the oxidant) and because of the difficulty in maintaining the crystals in their reduced state. As it turned out, the amount of sodium dithionite needed was probably greater than in an oxygen-free environment, but it was not enough to damage the crystals during the reduction. It was proved possible to add just enough sodium dithionite crystals to reduce the protein and maintain quality diffraction. The reduction to the hydroquinone of the oxidized crystals was carried in a similar manner to the semiquinone experiment except the pH of the well solution was changed from 7.0 to 9.0 before the addition of sodium dithionite. This was necessary because the reducing power of sodium dithionite is pH-dependent and the crystals will not achieve the hydroquinone state at pH 7.0. 44 Figure 14. Photograph of recombinant D. vulgaris flavodoxin - semiquinone form. 45 The oxidized crystals were transferred from a coverslip to the well solution, and the pH of the well solution was then carefully adjusted to 9.0 by the addition of a few drops of 1.0 M NaOH. Once the pH was adjusted, a few mg of sodium dithionite was added to the well solution containing the oxidized protein crystals. The pH was monitored with pH paper as a rough estimate and the final pH was measured with a pH electrode. The final pH of the well solution was 9.0 for the fully reduced crystals. After 30-40 minutes, the yellow oxidized crystals take on the paler (straw) yellow color (Figure 15) of the hydroquinone state (some of the small ones appear colorless). Crystals at the higher pH never showed the characteristic red/purple semiquinone form color. The order of the procedure is somewhat critical because the reduction from the semiquinone to the hydroquinone, through the adjustment of pH after the addition of the sodium dithionite, seems to requires a longer time (a couple of hours). In addition, the longer time also seems to affect the diffraction quality of the hydroquinone crystals. Perhaps the simultaneous change in the pH and ionic strength of the crystals dramatically affects the protein conformation in its crystalline state while in the well. The crystals seem to be stable for a long period of time (several days) in the well solution in their oxidized state, if the pH has not been changed. In the semiquinone state, if the crystals are allowed to sit for several hours or more (9.9. overnight), they reoxidize. In the hydroquinone state, if the crystals are allowed to sit for just a few hours (three to four), they start reoxidizing to the semiquinone state and finally to the oxidized state in several hours. Furthermore, when reduced crystals sit for several hours, they deteriorate by taking on rough edges compared to the oxidized crystals that were originally reduced with the sodium dithionite. The same observation also occurs in the protein crystals at higher pH. I 46 Figure 15. Photograph of recombinant D. vulgaris flavodoxin - hydroquinone form. 47 E. Data Collection All data collections were obtained on a Nicolet P3F/Xentronics area detector x-ray diffractometer system using monochromatized Cu Kor radiation from a sealed tube source (35 mA, 50 W). The crystal-to-detector distance (18 cm for all data collections in this project) chosen is dependent on the shortest reciprocal axis and is thus set as close to the crystal as possible without producing overlapping reflections. The data collections consisted of a consecutive series of electronic pictures with co advancing by a pre-specified amount and each picture in the series (frame) taken at the same 1 and 4: setting and exposure time. For example, at x = 0°, data can be easily collected without obstruction of the detector by the x circle and thus an entire run could be obtained by setting (0 at 0° and stepping 4:. However, the data near the rotation axis would be poor and other runs at different 2; settings are needed for a complete data set. 1. Oxidized form a. Room temperature A clear, yellow, bipyramidal crystal of dimensions 1.2 x 0.8 x 0.6 mm, mounted in a quartz capillary, was used for the room temperature data collection (23°C). The entire data set consisted of eight frame sets or 2410 frames. The strategy for data collection consisted of recording 0.20° frames for various psettings at x = 0°, then adjusting x and collecting at another 4: setting. 48 Since the z circle would occasionally block the outer edge of the area detector causing errant observations. all of the co scan ranges were from 45 to 340° (i.e. ca. 60%» scan) or as close to those values as possible depending on the 1 setting. Each resulting frame set would consist of approximately 300 frames. The first three frame sets were collected at p =- 0, 60, and 120° at x :- 0°. The x and rpcircles were then each positioned at 90° for another frame set. These four frame sets were collected at 20 - 17° with an exposure time of 60 seconds per frame. The next four frame sets were collected ,7, :- 0° and at three 4: settings of 0, 55, and 115° and one setting of x and p at 90°. These four frame sets were collected at 26 = 30° with an exposure time of 120 seconds per frame (Table 5a). b. Low temperature A clear, yellow, pyramidal crystal of dimensions 0.6 x 0.6 x 0.7 mm, was selected for diffraction measurements and transferred to a depression spot plate containing approximately two milliliters of Type A Cargille lens immersion oil. The excess mother liquor adhering to the crystal was removed by careful suction into a 0.2 mm capillary tip. The crystal mounting device consists of a standard XYZ goniometer head holding a tapered brass pin with a standard 0.2 mm glass capillary attached to it. The glass capillary, meanwhile, holds a small amount of ultrapure high-vacuum grease at its tip. The whole device was used to lift the crystal from the oil. The microscope was set up with all of the necessary tools on the tabletop of the diffractometer in order to minimize transfer time. 49 As soon as the crystal was free from the immersion oil, it was rapidly transferred to the diffractometer. The cold stream was deflected by holding a stiff piece of plastic across the nozzle. The crystal was then mounted on the diffractometer and the plastic obstruction was removed to allow the cold stream to flow over the crystal. The crystal was cooled to -144°C and entire data set to 1.9A resolution consisted of eleven frame sets or 2630 frames. The strategy for data collection was similar to the room temperature set except the exposure times ranged from 60 to 180 seconds and settings for 4: were at 180, 225, and 0° and x settings were 45, 315 and 270°. The a) scan values ranged from 45 to 330° depending on the position of 1. Table 5a summarizes the settings for each frame set. 2. Semiqulnone form A large, red/purple crystal of dimensions 1.1 x 0.8 x 0.8mm was selected for diffraction measurements and transferred to a depression spot plate containing approximately two milliliters of Type A Cargille lens immersion oil by the same procedure as in the low temperature study of the oxidized form. The lens immersion oil was purged with nitrogen gas for several hours before use. Since the kinetics of reoxidation to the oxidized form is moderate. once the crystal was mounted on the end of the glass capillary, it was necessary to rapidly transfer the crystal to the diffractometer. There was a small amount of time (less than 10 seconds) to allow this due to the thin coating of oil on the crystal after removing it from the hydrocarbon environment. The entire data set was obtained from eight frame sets or 1963 frames. The frames sets were collected at x settings of 0 and 300°, 4: settings of 20, 50, 80, 200 and 260°, 0) ‘ scan ranges from 45 to 339° and 26 settings of 20 and 30°. All exposure times were at 120 seconds (Table 5b). 50 com com com com omN 0mm 0mm omN omw com com mom mom new com omm mom mom mom a: canon vendcwuo non uuaaoem aoauoednou oven ONH ONH om om cm on ONH ONH cud om ow ONH oNH can ONH om ow om ow chm chm chm chm mam mam mam mam mv mc mv 0° OOOGGOOO oma omH mNN omH mNN oma omH mNN oma mHH mm om om ONH om mmmrmm mmmrmm ommrom ommrom memrom ommro¢ mmmtmv mmmrmv wmmer ommrcm ommrom muzuouoaeeu vvmtmm v¢mtm¢ mcmro¢ ««mtov vmm1ov amniow mmmtc¢ annrom om om pH ha ha ha cm on om o o GGJUQIIICI-ALDmI-lbx 30H 1 Snow uwuwcwxo om cm cm on ha ha EH EH GIDUDEIIIHOI: ousuouomswu Eoou r Show kufiufixo udddulda nuasnom cowuooaaoo puma mo mumEEdm . an OHAQB am uuwldqdd 51 3. Hydroqulnone form A clear, pale yellow pyramidal crystal of dimensions 0.5 x 0.4 x 0.4 mm, mounted on a glass capillary - by the same method as the semiquinone form - was used for a low temperature data collection. After many painful attempts at trying to obtain a crystal suitable for x-ray analysis some comments are necessary: (1) since the kinetics of reoxidation to the semiquinone is fast, it was crucial to use freshly purged lens immersion oil and to work rapidly since the time allowed to transfer the mounted crystal from the oil to the diffractometer was 1-2 seconds; (2) the quality of the diffraction spots were strongly dependent on the amount of base added for pH change and the amount of sodium dithionite added to complete the reduction. The entire data set comprised of ten frame sets or 2816 frames. The frame sets were collected at x a 0, 30, 330, and 345°, 28 = 0, 20, and 30° and p settings of 0, 45, 50, 60, 100, 130, 175, 245 and 300°. The exposure times were either 90 or 120 seconds (depending on the position of the 28 arm). Table 5b summarizes the settings for each frame set. A summary of the data collections for each oxidation state is shown in Table 6. F. Data Processing The XENGEN data processing software [21] was used to evaluate and reduce the frame sets for each oxidation state of flavodoxin. The processing of the data for each oxidation state was carried out in a similar manner. Before using any of the frame data the format was changed from Harvard to XENGEN with the aid of the program mg; each frame occupies approximately 512 blocks of disk space in the Harvard format and after conversion occupies 52 Ohm 0mm mhm mam mam oHN com com mom mom MNN mha aha mom com mom mom mam dufidHNlNdlfdz ufiflqlidfifl .nfiuom 23825035: 65— encode—Ugo Mom ova—Sex aowuooaaoo even owa ONH oma ONH ONH ca ca cm ONH ONH ONH ONH ONH ONH ONH ONH ONH ONH com com com com COO com m¢N mha ooa m¢ cm oma om cm on ow om om omN com omN com Hmmlmo mmmta¢ mmmrov mmmlN¢ mmmtmv mmmrhm ovm10¢ o¢m10¢ H¢mlmv avMINv ommrmm olmm olmm mmmrmm mmmtmv ¢mmlmv mmmloe mmmto« nuaonom coauooaaoo puma mo aumEEdm mm cm on om om mN ow om ON on on on an ow ow (mUQthrtDZl-fb macawsvou0>m GmUDh‘lf-nwfl': macaw:VwEom .nn 03!... uudldqud Table 6. Summary of Data Collection Results Space Group 53 P43212 (tetragonal) Oxidation State W W Semis. Unit Cell Parameters a - b (A) 51.96 50.72 51.44 c (A) 139.86 139.04 139.62 Resolution Range oo-1.9A ”-1.9A ”—1.91; No. Possible Refl. 15,055 14,745 15,439 No. Refl. Measured 61,291 41,222 60,332 No. Unique Refl. 13,588 11,288 13,507 Collected Raym* 0.066 0.093 0.106 .N 2 2 | - Ihklil hkl 1-1 *Rsym = .N 2 2 Ihkli hkl 1-1 51.36 139.38 oo-Z .2511 9,614 53,148 9,313 0.068 where N is the number of symmetry related reflections. 54 approximately 520 blocks of disk space. Hence, in order to collect a single frame set of 300 frames, one needs at least 156,000 blocks of disk space. In order to begin processing the data a plate image determination was carried out with the aid of the program Qanntata. Once the calibration database (uspline) had been constructed, before processing the data, the program Basia; was used on the first thirty frames of the initial room temperature frame set to define the active pixels on the detector face. The program, Spats, was then used on the first forty frames of the same frame set to obtain a list of the bright spots (reflections) for refining the crystal and detector parameters. There were 225 well-behaved spots placed as the Centroids output on the disk. These centroids along with the spline file were used as input parameters for the program Eafina; the initial detector and crystal parameters were read from the uspline and centroids files. This information was then edited using the menu (Figure 16) which appeared on the screen during the refinement of the crystal and detector parameters. For example, the swing angle was changed to -17° which corresponds to the 17° position of the 28 arm. The cell parameters were auto-indexed with the fractional error on the unit cell lengths and angles set at 0.1. The parameters were refined with two cycles of closed-form refinement and several hundred cycles of nonlinear least squares (choices are 0-9: 9 was chosen) on the crystal and detector parameters, simultaneously. The output file, uparams, was generated containing the refined parameters. The refinement reached convergence when most (greater than 90%) of the reflections showed reasonable integemess (i.e. when most of the reflections had index errors less than 0.1). After refinement, the first sixty frames were integrated for intensities and their standard deviations with the program intagtata. The program read the two mask files, amask and wmask from flame: and Santa. respectively, as well as the uspline, uparams, and frame data; at regular intervals the crystal parameters were automatically refined and a new uparams file was constructed. After integration, the data were reduced with the program Baguaa using the flag -c; 55 Parameter refinement performed Mon Aug 21 16:09:39 1989 Refining? a:Y b:N c:Y alpha:N beta:N gamma:N omega:Y chi:Y phi:¥ Value: 51.712 51.712 140.144 90.000 90.000 90.000 92.534 -63.409 118.141 Shift: 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 p1ateD:Y XcenzY YcenzY tilt:Y swing:Y gam0:Y gam1:Y gam2:N Value: 18.2316 0.0384 -0.0533 -0.2224 -17.053 2.1961 -0.5491 0.0026 Shift: 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Max Errors Allowed in: Resolution Wave- Crystal Space Step index leix) Yipix) phi(fm) Min Max length System Group .size 0.2000 5.0000 5.0000 5.0000 20.0000 2.1477 1.5418 4 96 12 Alignment:a along X , b along Y c along .Mainbeam-58.378 265.331 Command(R,L,P,H,A,W,E,Q,S,C,U,0-9): U ( TYPE F1 TO DO IT, F2 FOR HELP } ----- Root-Mean-Squared Errors In: <#frms # of 9 of Index X Y phi Gamma Profile moved) refls indices 0.0453 0.8914 0.7120 0.6109 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 165 495 all 0.0449 0.8749 0.7141 0.4706 164 492 refined Shells:D> 7.62 D) 5.35 D> 4.54 D> 4.10 D> 3.78 D> 3.53 D> 3.31 D) 2.68 errlh) 0.0379 0.0472 0.0359 0.0414 0.0337 0.0481' 0.0433 0.0627 ind/ref 60/ 20 60/ 20 60/ 20 60/ 20 60/ 20 60/ 20 60/ 20 75/ 25 Index errlhl> 0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 0.350 0.400 0.450 h 159 5 1 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 k 149 15 l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l 84 56 22 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Commanle,L,P,H,A,W,E,Q,S,C,U,0-9): Meanings of the : next value : next line : down 1 line 2: go to top (LEFT): previous val $: : prev line “L: redraw menu ?: define param i: Commands R: refine rocking curve; L: linear lsq H: nonlinear ref on H; A: E: write params & exit; S: U: update statistics; 0-9: Figure 16. go to bottom f3: undo delta nonlinear ref,all vbls; W: specify hkls in file nonlinear ref: 0-P,9-H: R { TYPE F1 TO DO IT, F2 FOR HELP } Control Keys: f1: perform command @: restore orig- f2: print help inal value #: restore all f4: undo all deltas orig values redraw stats ,: erase previous character refinement: P: nonlinear ref on phi; write params: Q: quit: closed-form refinement; auto-index: M: remap C: I: Parameter Refinement rile 56 this created a new centroids file which was then used as input for another cycle of refinement with Bafina. This was carried out so that new, improved uparams ‘ and wmask files could be used for integrating the entire frame set. After integrating the full set of frames, the output file, urefls, was reduced with the program am. The flag -z was chosen so that misindexed reflections were deleted before generating the multiref file. Since the eleven different areas of the detector face must be scaled together, a group size of 5° scanning angle (default) was used. The program SaaLaj, was then used to perform least squares scaling of the different groups. The scaling was carried out with two parameters (-p2) and in twenty cycles (£20) or until convergence. The programs Qatjtzrata and 8.01031. were executed before and on the initial frame set because all of the frame sets were collected at 18 cm and because the active portion of the detector face only needed to be defined once; this same procedure was carried out for each of the eight frame sets of the room temperature-oxidized form data. After reducing all of the frame sets, the program Manama was used to merge the eight multiref files into one large multiref file. This multiref file was then scaled (with Ssalaj) and at this point, the final rms R-factor on intensity was about 0.20. The program Bajagt was used to examine outlying or suspicious data; approximately 480 reflections were deleted from the multiref file (about 3%). This left about 90% of the data between infinity and 1.9A which was examined with the program Stats (Table 7). There are 1074 reflections missing from the data set; 13558 out of 15055 possible reflections were collected. The overall R3,,“ is 6.7%. The same recipe was used for processing all of the data sets for the three low temperature flavodoxin structures. The program BQmaL was used at the beginning of each initial frame set for each structure. The remaining programs from Santa to Stats were executed as stated previously. £37 mm.m mm.mm mw.mm ho.mH om.mH mp.HH vw.h mm mv.v mm.NH cm.m vm.h wH.w mm.v H¢.N em HmNHw hamm Nth o mmmm o nmam o mmnh ooH vmmmH moo mvomw oon «no sauce 5 A mew o o o Hm mmm mmN h mcoHuo>udmno no ww.w vv.hH mm.MH vm.oH Nm.m wo.m m~.m mm mN.> oo.wH mo.~H HQ.OH 0H.OH am.m Ho.m mm N~.h mh.hH hm.vH co.HH mo.0H mm.m mv.m H“ 0mm 0 h 0N mHH owv mom m «UHumHumum ucoeuduOC .umuHque ecu cH unmade mcoHum>uomno cc 30Hns uOu mcoHuomHumm wom N mm mm wNN mNm mNN m on.wmm mH.v0H mh.mNH mm.wvH mo.mmH ow.NmN hm.mmn .h.o.U mmmH onH OMv vow awn emu vow v HQNHw whmn amen nmam mane vmmmH mwonN nno ‘ uncoHuooHuwm cchmHz .coHuooHuou o no mEOHum>uombo ooHoom HHm ecu auHmcmucH wcmuc>< x» .ooH « >uHmcoucH co uouomurm ozHo>rouaH0mnm mmquHmm "mm .OOH a m co Houomurm maHo>roboH0mnm councHoch "em .ooH a auHmcoucH co nouoourm oaHo>rdu=H0mbo counoHoch "mm .ooH a aanceucH co uouoourm pmumsvmrcouanwsca "mm .oOH a auHmcoucH co uouoourm couosvmrcouonoz "Hm omHN own NHw ovm ave 05H «m m oncw Now ebb Now on onH NM N NmoH vmm chm wmv vmv Hm oH H .02 co>Hu :uHs chHuooHucm no .02 who avm mmH mmH wuH mm m H .ooH . goueeauem usuruormmmcoooo “.a.o.o mmmMH «HmH mnNN hmww thN mmvN comm mmomH me.N mva ooo.~ anew HNH.~ 00cm oom.~ «new hmm.m hmnw vho.m mmww mmr.v OcHnqu oouueHHoo oHanmom Honda acoHuOdHumm oomum no amassz ”aHHonm an noHocopcapom coHuo>uombo uo >un5§=m ommMH vaH mnww thN hmww mmvw wmow numx a Honn mmo o H m ov mN «NH NmH Ham vooH MHv «mow me omA owv H QMHN Na nmN mwm how Hmv omH ovv omcom vaN whoH HovH wma vmw mvm mmv -m mHm Hem Non vmm mmm «av pom th com hon HmH o~H arm vnH hoH Hm noH me mm mm oNv oHv mv Nv ce>HU :H .xvmeonxx mmm hhH va 00H mm on pH 0 and: «coauomauom no bones: umHHucm an muouuourm one meHuHmceucH coHuoeHuom uo aucee=m .auou bewHuonrewaueuemleu noon won nuHueHueum dowuoeHHoo oven uszHBHZHhma umHMuOB Nth.H oweo.~ HmON.N NQN¢.N wmhh.N owom.m unoc<.uaeHa .m>< umsoq HHonm www.mv mn.~HOH "mHmuos -m.m m~.>m~ mm.H pen.oH oo.mmn mo.~ www.mH HH.vwv H~.~ paw.v~ wo.mmc mv.~ mow.am am.thH oh.~ mom.va ~m.~mv~ om.m >uHm .unoc< rcducH .uHEHA .xemam\» .com uozoq oomuo>< domud>< Hszm ..b .waaunr 58 Table 8 shows the distribution of data from Stats for the low temperature - oxidized form of flavodoxin. The data set consists of 11288 out of 14745 possible reflections from infinity to 1.9A without any data being deleted; 3240 reflections are missing (ca. 22%). The overall Ray,“ is 9.3%. Table 9 shows the distribution of data from Stats for the semiquinone form of flavodoxin. The data set consists of 13507 out of 15439 possible reflections; 1707 reflections are missing (about 11%). The overall R3,," is 10.6%. finally, Table 10 contains the data distribution from Stats for the hydroquinone form from infinity to 2.2511. The data set consists of 9313 out of 9614 possible reflections with 235 reflections being deleted from the data set by Bajast.; 301 reflections are missing (3%). The overall Rsym is 8.0% 56) wm.~H mN.Nm w¢.m~ om.v~ cw.mH 0N.mH hm.HH mm mv.m mm.HH mm.oH mm.m mo.w oo.m vv.v vm NNNHv mme mmNm vmwm mvmm NNNm ommow m o o o H m h mNH NN moH mno Houoa b A m~.m n~.wH mw.mH so.MH mm.HH No.oH H~.m mm mcoHuo>uonbo uo hm.oH Nw.oH wa.mH wNuvH om.NH n~.HH mo.0H Nm 5 mm.oH nm.oH wN.hH mv.mH nm.nH o~.~H mm.m Hm hmm o H w mm moH CNN w moHumHumuw uceeuwnoc «Hm H «H vw em NeH mhm m o>.mhm mm.vhH wm.wm~ mo.Hm~ ww.hmn mw.vmm No.waw nwm mm HOH anH vNH awn vow v Nwva mmoH nmwm vnwn ovum Nwwm ommow nbo o vohH mm Non hmm hnn mam mmw n Nmmm nvm ohm vvm new Nnm NmN w .02 co>Ho nuH: acoHuooHuom uo mmmm van Hmp mwh mam va #5 H .02 ovm ONH mvo mom mow 0mm we ochmHz pououHHou poHmmom Homom n H mmNH NooH hva nmmH vaH vmmw ommN H .a manna mew . mvwv mmnn ommm mmvm NNVN vaN vvww monthHmmo H mmw.~ "menace amm.H seam.fl HHH.~ wvmo.~ nm~.~ nHmH.m chm.~ m~H4.~ owo.m «Hop.~ nn~.v ~a~..n unoc<.uasaa acoHuooHuom vveum no amassz "nHHezm >9 moHuceccaoom coHum>uonno ooNHH NmOH fivhH nan vHoH vnww ammw «wax u mwmm onH N mH ow on on owH FMN Haw «VOH pom woow mmH ooA owv H ohmH boH HNM woe OHm Hoe HPH ovv occom nHmH Hnm va va mom HNN NoH owv co>HU HwNH hmw Hon wmw cmH ooH mm OHV HOOH nww on oHN HnH mv on mv no auoesam oav wnH mvH NOH Hm mm mH NV :5 lxemeoan\» £UH3 MCOHUUOHuflm HO H0963: umHHozm an nuouoourm 0cm «OHancoucH EOHDUoHuom uo auuee=m .o>< uozoq HHozm «mm mvp.ow mo.onH “mHmuoa we non.m -.n~m H¢.H ow th.vH mH.~vv mo.~ mm Hmo.o~ mn.-m mH.~ mw nmo.on mH.mmm Hv.~ mH coo.o> om.v~oH op.~ EH «no.va 0H.omo~ ov.n aan .umocc o rcOucH .UHEHA .».o«»\» .uom pesos ooouo>¢ coouo>¢ HHmnm .afiou UequHHOreusueuemaeu IOH non nuduedueum aoHuoeHHou even .0 .eHAfiUnr 6C) mm.hH 0H.oh mv.mv rm.Hm Nm.HN vh.vH mN.oH mm hp.h No.>N vm.hH Hm.NH ow.m wm.m mm.m vm Nmnoo moon mhmw vao thHH NvQVH ommmH mno Hmuoa vm.oH om.nm mm.mN wo.mH mH.vH o>.m vm.o mm meH vm awn are raw FA acoHum>uoano uo oo.mH mn.wm om.wN hw.ON no.mH cw.NH Hm.oH Na ohw Nm HmH voN HMN h mH.mH vh.>n ov.hN wm.HN oo.mH mv.NH wm.mH Hm one on va GON th omn w «UHunHumum ucoeuouot H mohH bN oNN th omn va ovm m .02 mn.Nmm o>.oMH ov.omH mN.oHN wm.¢mN Nw.mHv mo.mn0H .m.O.U Hth PNH Haw mow mHm oov cnm v Nnnom omen whom vam thHH NvovH ommmH «no 4 vaN mac mHo won wen va mNN n mmoN can New ans mmN and now N ce>Ho :uHI acoHuooHuom no mmNH Hev HoN ahH oNH co mMH H .oz For who HmN mmH NmH DOH NoH ocHunHz cuuoeHHoo anHmmom Homom H homm mmmH vaN MQMN nowN movN ammN H h mHnea wwm r WZOHHHthmo acoHuouHuom ooeum uo guess: unHchm an moHococcauom :oHuu>uemno uo >umEE=m homnH nomH vaN mmnN nevN movN mmmN mama Q hNon mno o o N mH NH mm mmH GEN ONoH mHv bomH ovN owA omv H nmaH owON mooH vva moHH wH OPH va NHo omv vNN ovv mocom mm MOv wHw hmm omN hnH ONv co>Ho hmH Nmm hon 0mm omH Nb oHv cH can 0H4 mam mom wen «am hem mwa no on me pm mv Nv lxeeeoam\» mmva mNo.~ unHouoa vovN omm.H Heom.H momN heo.N vnNo.N Nva omN.N pth.N mmmN vmm.N omam.N NmmN ono.n vap.N HopN own.e oowc.m umo:<.uHEHA .o>¢ Hosea HHunm has NHH.Nq NH.mmo "mHouoe anN HoH.n Hv.vw om.H mNN v0v.n 0N.MMH No.N NvH who.nH Hp.oHN mH.N op Hmo.nN mp.ann o«.~ mm coo.Hu vh.ope mp.N hN HNn.hHH mH.mmmH ov.m >uHm .uaoc< o rcuucH .uHEHA .».eqa\» .uom pesos emouo>¢ omouo>¢ HHezm :uHa acOHuooHuom uo Hogan: "aHHunm >n auouomMrm can moHuHmceucH coHuooHuom uo aum255m sfluom enoadnvdade wow eoaueaueum aOHuoeHHou seen .m__eHxaunv .h OHQMB 03m l mZOHBHszmo 61 mvam moMN moo thH eNOH NNvH equ MeNH mNN Hon mHmm «Hem Hvo.m umHouos mNNm NOH or NmN omH va owN NmN rm Hm swvH mva th.N oomN.N mHHH omH ooH mmN pmH mmN HnN omH an on mth vomH opv.N onn.N mHmo mow mOH mNN oHN NmN MNH NmH on on hHmH HhmH wmo.N wmnm.N Nmmm Nnm th MNN NHH HHN em mmH HN HN ommH oonH mHo.m ovno.N HmooH «em mvH mHH va NvN vNH mON HN m onH meH nom.n HmvN.m HmoHH ohm mNH th an mnH NON mmN Hm vm NomH mmpH ONm.m memo.v moo Hobos n A p w m e n N H Ochon couooHHoo oHnHmmom Henom unoc<.uHEHq mcoHuo>uombo we .02 co>HO :uHs nEOHuooHuom we .02 ecoHuocHuom madam uo Hanan: .o>¢ “are; HHocm "nHHonm >3 moHoccccspem coHum>uumno uo >ucEE=m m>.HH en.m No.m mv.m on.p ow.an ovam anm pmvH oooH mHHH mva oovH HNmH men oo~ oHN.Hn vo.an "mHouoe mv.vv HN.mH mp.mN mm.vN mn.nN mm.mHH mNNw pwvH o m we omH own Non owN Hm wnp.m pp.om mN.N mm.mm HH.mH on.HN no.0N om.HN pm.vNH nHHh mva H oH bHH «on an pHv NvH he mo~.o mm.noH mm.N Ho.vN ON.HH mm.mH No.mH om.wH cm.mMH meo pHmH mH mm mom nHv men va Ho «N ONN.vH mo.HmH om.N Nm.vH Hv.o vm.m Hv.m ep.oH N>.mvH Nmom ommH HMH MMN mom pmn omH Nm oN ON ONn.pN mn.mmN no.N om.m wm.m om.m om.m om.w wo.pwH HmooH onH mac van NNv me an on mH e me.mv ov.mwm mN.n mN.> mo.m pm.v om.v NN.w ov.omN HmoHH NomH mvo pom HHm mHH Hm FN «H v onH.op nv.ooo oo.v >an .unocc mm vm mm Na Hm .m.o.o mno e mama e omA owv cvv ONv oHv mv NV 0 rcoucH .uHaHH cocoa ce>HU cH AxooeoHaxw .xooana .uea Hosea «UHumHuoum ucoeoeuoc :uHa meoHuooHuox uo uonaaz coouo>< ooauo>¢ HHozm umHHonm >3 «Housewrm oco noHancoucH cOHuooHuom no huoeanm .33 303.63an now 836383 33338 33 .3 .333. IV REFINEMENT A. Overview of Refinement Techniques Once a three-dimensional model of a macromolecule has been constructed from its electron density map, refinement is carried out because the model is approximate. This is due in part to the relatively low resolution and inaccurate initial phases of average quality initial maps. The initial models are useful for showing gross features, such as folding, and outline of the molecule. In order to understand the chemistry of the molecules, it is necessary to refine the model parameters to the fullest extent. In the early 70's, Watenpaugh et al. [101] demonstrated that the quality of protein models could be improved by refinement methods similar to those commonly used to refine small molecule models. The term refinement refers to the adjustment of the positional parameters (x, y, 2}) and the thermal parameters (31') of the j atoms in the unit cell of the structure in order to improve the agreement between the observed structure factor amplitudes and calculated structure factor amplitudes from the model. The process is iterative, with calculated phases changing as the cycles progress. Convergence is obtained when the parameter changes are no longer significant. One problem that can arise is: if the parameters are too far away from the true solution convergence can be reached prematurely at a false minimum which can lead to an inaccurate solution. 1. Fourier Methods The easiest approach to refining a structure involves using the observed structure factors and the calculated phases with the use of a Fourier series. The resulting electron density map can be used to determine the peak maxima by means of graphical interpolation. 62 63 Some of the problems with the method are the difficulty to refine the scale and thermal parameters easily. The difference density, Ap, makes use of the coefficients AF, which are the differences between the observed and calculated structure factors, AF - Fo - Fc. If the observed and calculated electron densities are expressed in terms of F0 and Fc, po(x.y.z) = 1N 2 E 2 F0...” exp (~2rri(hx + ky + lz)) h k r and pc(x,y,z) = 1N 2‘, 2‘, X chk] exp (-2:ri(hx + ky + lz)) h k I then po - pc = UV 2 2 2 AFth exp (-21tl(hx + ky + '2» h k I Difference syntheses have the ability to show clearly the errors in the structure and can be used as a basis of refinement in improving parameters of the model. For instance, the errors in Ap resulting from the positional parameters is shown in Figure 17. The result is a gradient in the AF synthesis and a correction to a more positive region is in order. 2. Real Space Refinement The formidable size of the computing task for refinement of protein structures was the impetus for conceiving the Real Space Refinement method. The two principal characteristics of this method are: first, the minimization of “pobs - pmode,)2 dv for the observed and gaussian model densities and second, the manner of dealing with the stereochemical aspects of the problem 64 do :58 :_ .98 9.56% 2855...“ 8.83 - $83 .6325 8.83 6:... .2 65mm 8.83 - Amnooa / 65 through flexible chain techniques [45]. The first case considers refining p0. The method, hence, does not refine the phases and so it is appropriate at the early stages when the model is approximate and is being adjusted to an multiple isomorphous replacement map. After the early stages, processes which refine the phases are preferable. The second property of the minimization makes use of the weighting residual 1N 2 IAFIZ, so all the density is used with uniform weighting of the reflections. Another property associated with such a refinement is that, once p0 has been determined, the size of the computational task rises linearly (instead of quadratically as with reciprocal space data) with the number of atoms. Finally, it is easy to refine selected portions of the structure against data relating to that portion independent of the other regions. The stereochemical aspects of the problem consider treating the protein as a flexible chain. The method treats only the internal rotations of the chain as independent variables. Some advantages of this method deal with the handling of planar groups such that the out-of-plane displacements are small and large rotations about a bond; this method is discussed by Mandel et al. [46]. 3. Least Squares Methods The principle of least squares states that the best values for the parameters are those which minimize the sums of the squares of the differences between observed and calculated values of the function for all observational points. Thus, the following function is minimized: m 2 Wr (For ' Fc,r)2 r-1 66 where wr is the statistical weight of observation r, F0, is the observed value at r and Fa,r is the corresponding calculated value. In x-ray diffraction, the functional form of the structure factor is transcendental and so must be approximated by a truncated Taylor series. Thus, D = X thi (lFol - lkFcl)2 m where thr is the weight of the observation and Z is the summation over all observations. The scale factor k is applied to Fc because if it is applied to F0, least-squares will minimize by decreasing k and increasing the thermal parameters, thus minimizing D and arriving at an incorrect solution. Since the solution of D involves solving a system of equations, the use of matrix notation is convenient. The normal equations may be written as follows: a11x1+ 812 X2 + a13x3 + + 81")!" 3V1 821X1 + 322 X2 + 323X3 + + aZan = V2 an1x1+ 8.12 X2 4' an3X3 + ... + 8.1an 'Vn m where a: = prachrl/api achfl/Bpj x,=Ap, I-1 m "j = z Wr (AFr) a":crl/apj I-1 67 The matrix form would be written as follows: a11a12.........a1n X1 V1 821 822......"Qn X2 V2 3 a1“ 32".........ann Xn vn or, Ax = v Hence, if the normal equations have a solution, the following is true: A'1AX = A'1V x = A'1 v where A'1 is the Inverse matrix. The matrix of the normal equations always results in a square, that is, the number of rows is equal to the number of columns. The line from the upper left to the lower right in a square matrix is called the principal diagonal. Since the matrix is symmetric, that is a]; = aim the elements of this principal diagonal are the sums of the squares. The diagonal-least-squares approximation in which only the diagonal elements are nonzero is illustrated in Figure 18. The actual magnitude of the ijth coefficient depends on joint variation of |Fc| and the parameters off the diagonal. If the parameters are correlated, however, there will not be a random cancellation of these terms. One approach to circumventing this problem is the block-diagonal least-squares approximation. The block-diagonal approximation uses correlations between scale, thermal parameters and positional parameters for each atom. 68 oo o Figure 18. Diagonal Matrix 69 Thus, all atom blocks are a 4 x 4 matrix - each consisting of three positional and one (over-all isotropic) thermal parameter. In figure 19, a variation on the block-diagonal matrix least-squares approximation makes use of six thermal parameters per atom (each atom is individually anisotropic) in which a 9 x 9 matrix replaces the 4 x 4 matrix [47]. One technique for refining the structures of macromolecules is through increasing the number of observations by making use of restraining variances of the interatomic parameters (mean atomic positions and the thermal parameters). This is necessary since there is usually a paucity of diffraction data and the problem is severely underdetermined. Next, the sheer size of the computational problem is daunting. Finally, initial models of macromolecular structures are inaccurate. Despite these problems, the wealth of knowledge about the stereochemistry of macromolecular structures supplements the limited diffraction information and hence makes the refinement problem tractable. At the same time, these models that conform with known stereochemical features have inherent chemical reasonableness. These conditions on refinement against diffraction data serve to restrict models to a realistic range of possibilities. Thus, they are termed restraints as opposed to constraints, which confine to certain values. The ratio of observations can be increased by increasing the number of observations through restraints on bond lengths, bond angles, and torsion angles. The number of parameters can be reduced by imposing constraints on the same quantities. Whereas restraints introduce more observations by providing ideal values for the relevant quantities, constraints specify strict ’ relationships between the quantities, thus reducing the number of independent variables. Restraints act like springs pulling real atoms toward each other; constraints are like rigid rods between atoms, reducing their degrees of freedom. 70 Figure 19. Block-diagonal matrix with 9 x 9 blocks for three positional and six thermal parameters per atom. 71 Sussman etal. [50] have developed a program CORELS (Constrained - Restrained Least Squares) in order to increase the ratio of observations to parameters by constraining certain groups of atoms to a certain stereochemistry and then refining them as rigid groups. The principle of least squares states that the 'best' set of parameters are those which minimize the weighted sum, over all observations, of the squared residuals: 40‘) = 2 Wu [9°b3 - 9°“le where the appropriate weights wh are the inverses of the variances of the observations and g is an observed or calculated parameter. In this case there are several qualitatively different classes of observations. The grand function for minimization is m¢a Hvlhm .mmm H ml Hml oml ool M0. OXRT = Oxidized form - Room Temperature (Resolution used: 8.0-1.9A) OXLT = Oxidized form - Low Temperature ( (Resolution used: 8.0-1.9A) SQ = Semiqulnone form (Resolution used: 8.0-1.9A) HO a Hydroquinone form (Resolution used: 8.0-2.25A) 89 3536258930. 25 8956 520 3268on @5265 5295852 x26 w :3 .vN 35mm :35 85 520 59: co :3 BEE .... ........... 90 Two electron density maps were calculated (2Fo - Fc and F0 - F6), and the model was rebuilt as needed using FRODO, a computer-graphics molecule building program [55, 65]. The model was then refined with 8 cycles of CEDAR [60] with each cycle of CEDAR calculating ten cycles of energy minimization. Two electron density maps (2Fo - Fc and F0 - Fc) were'computed and the model was rebuilt as needed. Solvent water molecules were added to the model during the rebuilding session with much care taken to Insure good selection. In summary, a total of 45 waters were added to the model using good hydrogen bonding distances and discrete globular sections of positive difference density as criteria for solvent selection. After 32 cycles of CEDAR refinement, the R-value converged to 0.27 and appeared to reach a local minimum. Since CEDAR was undergoing development and thus not completely tested, it was decided to switch to PROLSQ [49], a restrained least squares program which minimizes differences between observed and calculated structure factors as well as a residual based on differences between idealized and observed geometry. The refinement began with this final CEDAR model minus the solvent atoms. This time, a smaller amount of data (8-2.8A) was used with an overall temperature factor of 20.0. After 20 cycles of least squares with PROLSO and two graphics rebuilding sessions, the R-value decreased to 0.24. The data were then extended to 2.5A and individual temperature factors were assigned. After 35 more cycles with PROLSO. three graphics rebuilding sessions and addition of 35 waters, the R-value decreased to 0.20. The remainder of the refinement was carried out in a similar manner. The final R-value Is 0.17, with data from 8-1.9A, and 130 waters. After several cycles of least squares refinement and the construction of the two aforementioned electron density maps, the first model rebuilding pass through the molecule was mostly to check for gross errors - such as misplaced 91 main or side chain atoms - that could 'easIly be corrected by the simple adjustment of torsion angles. The next pass was for checking the geometrical integrity of the molecular model such as proper main chain folding through verification by a Ramachandran plot (menu option - RAMA). While fitting the side chains to their corresponding density, low energy conformations were initially considered; 3.9. x, values should be -60°. 60°, i180°. This type of density fitting was achieved by Initially adjusting the torsion angles to low energy values; then if most of the side chain was lying out of the density, the following was carried out: first, one of the bonds was broken between the fragment lying outside the density and the rest of the molecule; second, FBRT was chosen from the menu and the fragment was selected; third, the fragment was rotated Into the density. This technique maintains the low energy torsion angle geometry and still places the fragment in the electron density. The refinement of the low temperature flavodoxin (oxidized) is summarized in Tables 13 and 14. The final room temperature model without the solvent atoms was used as a starting model for the low temperature data. The process began by refining the model as a rigid-body with data from s-3.5A for four cycles with CRYLSQ. The R-value decreased from 0.559 to 0.497. The next eight refinement cycles, using the same range of data was on the model partitioned into secondary structure groups. The or helices were each partitioned into groups, as were the [3 strands, and so forth. The R-value decreased from 0.497 to 0.400. The data were then extended to 2.8A and four cycles with CRYLSQ decreased the R-value to 0.361. An overall thermal parameter of 20A2 was held constant during the refinements with CRYLSQ. This model was then used as a starting model for PROLSO. The procedure for refinement is the same as that which was carried out for the room temperature model. The final model is based on 67 cycles of PROLSO. data ranging from 8 - 1.9A, 253 waters, and an R-value of 0.195. WWW 4 12 14 28 33 67 92 Table 14. Refinement Summary of Oxidized State (LT) 8.0-3.50A 8.0-2.80A 8.0-2.50A 8.0-2.25A 8.0-1.90A 0 89 257 R:mflms Commute 0.49 0.36 0.32 0.29 0.25 0.19 CRYLSQ, Rigid Body CRYLSQ, Sec. Struc. Groups PROLSQ, B-15.0, 1 Frodo session Ind. 8's, 2 Frodo sessions 1 Frodo session 3 Frodo sessions 93 2. Semiqulnone form From a similar structural study with Clostn'dium MP [36], It appeared that the molecular conformations must be the same for both oxidized and semi-reduced states, despite the large differences in diffraction intensifies (T able 15). The R-factor differences - for the low temperature studies - are probably due to differences in relative positions of the molecules In the unit cell rather than conformational changes in the molecules themselves. The coordinates from the low temperature oxidized model were employed to Interpret the electron density for the semiquinone form. The refinement of the semiquinone form of flavodoxin Is summarized in Table 13 and 16. The initial model was refined for four cycles with CRYLSQ as a rigid-body in the same manner as previously described for the low temperature oxidized state. The R-value decreased from 0.51 to 0.41. The next four cycles using CRYLSQ, with the model divided into groups of secondary structure, decreased the R-value t0 ' 0.331. This model was used for refinement with PROLSO for 5 cycles with data from 8-2.8A and an overall temperature factor of 20.0; the R-value decreased to 0.325. Electron density maps (2Fo - Fc and F0 - Fc) were calculated and the model was rebuilt according to the density. During the Interactive graphics session the region around the FMN, residues 61, 62, and 63, was in need of reconstruction. It appeared that a conformational change of the apoprotein had occurred around N(5) of the FMN, but the type of change was difficult to determine. It was apparent that this region of the protein should be deleted and then replaced later to prevent its Influence in biasing the phases for the new maps. Hence, thirty atoms (Residues 62-65) were deleted from the model and it was refined for four cycles using PROLSO, this time with an overall temperature factor of 15.0 - a temperature factor in better agreement with the low temperature oxidized model; the R-value decreased to 0.314. 94 Table 15. R-Statistics between Data Sets Data Sets* R Oxid. form (RT) vs. Oxid. form (LT) 0.35 Oxid. form (RT) vs. Semiquinone 0.39 Oxid. form (RT) vs. Hydroquinone 0.58 Oxid. form (LT) vs. Semiquinone 0.42 Oxid. form (LT) vs. Hydroquinone 0.57 Semiquinone vs. Hydroquinone 0.45 *Since the range of data for the hydroquinone form is only 2.25A, the R-value was only calculated to that resolution. R is a standard crystallographic R-value comparison between data sets based on their observed F's. 95 Table 16. Refinement Summary of Semiquinone State Shmanku. Rmuumtnul Salaam. Rzmuus Cmmmmta 4 8.0-3.5A 0 0.41 CRYLSQ, Rigid-body 8 8.0-2.8A " 0.33 CRYLSQ, Sec. Struc. . Groups 5 8.0-2.5A " 0.32 PROLSO, B-20.0, 1133 atoms, 1 Frodo session 8 " " 0.31 B-15.0, 1103 atoms, 1 Frodo session 12 " " 0.31 1114 atoms, 1 Frodo session 15 " " 0.31 1125 atoms, 1 Frodo session 26 " 1 0.28 1129 atoms, 2 Frodo sessions, Ind. 3'3 32 " " 0.27 1126 atoms, 1 Frodo session 47 " " 0.28 1128 atoms, 2 Frodo sessions 58 " 51 0.24 1179 atoms, 2 Frodo sessions 61 8.0-2.25A 129 0.24 1209 atoms, 1 Frodo session 69 " " 0.24 1232 atoms, 1 Frodo session 81 8.0-2.00A 140 0.23 1243 atoms, 1 Frodo session 128 ” 236 0.20 1369 atoms, 4 Frodo sessions 96 The two electron density maps were calculated and eleven atoms were restored at better positions, is. ASP62, 64C, 640, and 650A(I.e. Ca). Three refinement cycles of this newer model allowed better Interpretation of ILE65 and SER64. The only residue missing at this point was ASP63, due to 'poor phasing' for this region. In actuality, this final residue was built with help of the hydroquinone model. During the refinement and model rebuilding stages, It was difficult to determine the position of Ca despite all of the other atoms fitting the density well. Every time the atom was placed in its correct position, after further refinement, negative density would appear at its position suggesting either a higher temperature factor or an incorrect placement of the atom. Neither of these cases actually applied. After examining this region In the refined hydroquinone model, the conformation and placement of ASP63 showed good agreement with the semiquinone model. One possible explanation for this refinement problem could be the presence of both oxidized and semiquinone oxidation states in the crystal during the data collection (i.e. the reduction to the semiquinone was not totally complete). The refinement with PROLSO was completed in 128 cycles, data from 8-2.0A, 236 positions for water, and an R-value of 0.20. 2. Hydroqulnone form The coordinates from the semiquinone model were used to Interpret the electron density for the hydroquinone form. The refinement of the hydroquinone form of flavodoxin is summarized in Tables 13 and 17. The initial model was divided Into groups of secondary structure in the same manner as previously described for the semiquinone species. It was refined for eight cycles with CRYLSQ and the R-value decreased to 0.34. This model was then refined with PROLSO for 5 cycles with data from 8-2.8A and an overall temperature factor of 15.0; the R-value decreased to 0.325. Electron density maps (2Fo - F6 and F0 - Fc) were calculated and the model was rebuilt according to the density. 97 Table 17. Refinement Summary of Hydroquinone State QxQULnnl Basdhudan Sdhmmt R:mflms Cmmmmms 8 8.0-2.8A " 0.34 CRYLSQ, Sec. Struc. Groups 5 " " 0.32 PROLSO, 8-15.0, 1 Frodo session 13 8.0-2.50A 24 0.28 Ind. B's, 1 Frodo session 19 " 49 0.26 1 Frodo session 26 " 68 0.25 1 Frodo session 35 8.0-2.25A 78 0.27 1 Frodo session 40 " 118 0.26 1 Frodo session 47 " 167 0.24 1 Frodo session 53 " 182 0.23 1 Frodo session 59 " 215 0.22 1 Frodo session 64 " 236 0.22 1 Frodo session 72 " 244 0.21 1 Frodo session 98 The data were extended to 2.5A, individual temperature factors were assigned, 26 cycles of refinement, and a couple of graphics rebuilding sessions (mostly for adding 68 water molecules) decreased the R-value to 0.25. The remainder of the refinement was carried out in a similar manner with a final R-value of 0.21 and 244 sites for water. C. Discussion In assessing the final models of the four aforementioned structures, some general comments are needed. One interesting point to note is the Ramachandran plot [100] of the two oxidized stmctures. In each case, the main chain dihedral angles conform to the 'allowed' regions of the plot except the values for ASP62 (¢=80°, wan-70°)(Figures 25 and 26) despite the good fit of the side chain to the electron density. The same plots of the semiquinone and hydroquinone shows ASP62 having moved into the 'allowed' region (can-110°, w=-63°)(figures 27 and 28). Since there were significant differences in the diffraction data between the oxidized and semiquinone states, as Indicated from the calculated R-value between the two data sets, three models (Figure 30) [66] of conformational changes between these states were proposed a few years ago. One of the goals of this study was to confirm which of these models is correct. The environment around the flavin In the oxidized state is shown in figure 29. The flavin lies between the two aromatic residues TRP60 and TYR98 and Is nearly coplanar with TYR98. The distances between 0(2) of the flavin and N(95) and N(102) are 3.14 and 2.95, respectively; 0(2) hydrogen bonds to N(95) and N(102). The flavin hydrogen bonds from M3) to O(100) with a distance of 3.13.4. 180 120 60 -60 -120 -180 99 vs“... .7 ‘ '1 , ---.... \\ ‘4. - ~ : .- - I- "O—e-" ‘ " \ ' . . . + \\ 1‘ ‘n . .0 . : ' i- 1’ «l- + \ l ‘-l '2‘. : - ~ i '-~ ~“ ----- T + + 4 Q " l "'1 = : '1 ‘- K ‘ \ 1. .r ‘ J+ ‘. “\ '-. ‘t. I. I .‘ E E P +- 1‘ + + “ ‘1!” 1 v '- ' ‘. 'r . - -. ... I s = = '- b + .‘. + ’9' a," + + E ‘1 ‘7 2 .’ '\ - '\ . ' ‘P ' '\ ' .’ i '. l fl‘un-‘nn 1 r \L al- 3; 1 \ 'x {\+ fit 1 L I" ++ \‘ ) \\ I S I e‘ I- - ... + | 1+ l” 'v ‘. /\ 1 ‘ 1 I" ‘\ /---"""":.-J ' 3 ': I I h , . .- ......... 2 ‘ = , .-/ ‘3 ’1” ' ' / \. I 5’ L ./ ' s ‘ 1 : ‘l : /" ," a” -/ .N ' ‘ ' ;' ' ’.—- -' '_ I . l- /.’ + I."/../ I :- ,..-.‘ “ a, ‘| \. I a .' . .- . I ’ ' : . 1 —- " ,',’z/ 5' i ‘: : . r v ..u . 1 - . . . t m; 1 . : : ' m L. A. 0‘ . . 1 ”If ‘ 7‘. .v ;' . '. 1 s I‘ 7’ 541' \'\‘ i 1 5 "-. ‘- ‘- . ~‘. I'M" “‘I s". s \ i. 's t. \ - .- 'f m i r l s‘ _/ - - ,u 4‘ J 1 . . ~, '- ' a. - \, I I " \\- 1 g \ \ \ x ‘7’ ' ': b \ ' ' . 4 ’- .\ "5.,H1 .0 .'; \‘*.’ : I {\.\ \\‘ f :1 ... \Q 5 2 ' ~ -‘ :: . 7 s \.‘ at! ..\ + + g ,. \nl-s , r \ u. 8‘ . e 1 . a -.‘ x ‘ _ ¢ _. 3 1 ‘l I b “- \ ‘1 . 4. I ~. 1. \. .J \_ N ‘\ r s _"x_ 'L \ y \A a 9 \ \ V" \.f-.. ———.—r K -. . )- \.‘ K, + ;! fix“, ; |' I." + ’\ "\‘ ' 1 . + + f‘.--'---. - /' I " ’ "en.‘ ........... .— , . .5. .I --------------------- ' 3; fi 1 "3+- ".x‘ -° / I ‘. ' .‘ r -....-‘ 1' 9 __l 3‘“ : 2 P. r .y , + . \ : : . - "l . \ k .\ 0‘ ++ / . \- ._ . f s s. .-., - \‘ L - V. ...... f k .‘i ’. ‘ _. \' ,. o“..“. ' : ‘ ‘\. r. ..... 4]", ,........x + him i, ~~ ...................... ‘1 """"""""" ‘r”. '5 r _, ...... . q \‘s- """""""""""""""" p ....................... I. h I- L ................ . ................. .. . '- ‘ .~.“~_~-/ ‘ I’.\ ’ 1 1"“.1 ..... ‘ """"" I. “1 " " -/ ,_ ‘ ................ ' v - I I I 4 ...... J \ g \ e .1 ) ,..-- ......... ...... ,- \\. - . , - . " """f ------------- -a‘ "‘\ \ " :_\\ \ '1 I / ...... + 1 4“ | \. . \ I ’- ‘l 4 1' ~44 n 41 1 r r 1 1.1 1 1 1 1 L 1 r J ‘ .4 L 1 1 A Figure 25. Ramachandran plot of room temperature - oxidized form (The boxes correspond to GLY residues). 180 120 60 -120 '180 100 we-..- “..‘M‘ \\ \‘.\ ‘ v :v ' f. " -..""“”¥"m \ V‘ \_ 1 r : ; + \ \ '\\. '. ‘1 | 1 st- ‘- n t : B ' ‘ - l . 4, + 4'“ \ \‘ ‘1“ 1‘. r I ‘. 1‘ \ :. ‘ --. ... r 1' ‘i K: 1“ I: .1 It ‘.\ + ‘3". J ‘- \i. t. .' .‘ : '4 f- + ' I I, ‘.‘l l v ... 3 K 7' ‘ I o- ' ‘ ‘\ \ . . . '.. + + 4? .- W .. t 1‘1‘ ,1 ,1 g ‘. r- ‘. f 4' 33’ .‘r ... '- \\ ‘ I, E ‘. 'h ....... +* A I LA 2 'l l L + +' 4- + *\ IT- ) \_\ 'v : g I + ’o‘ \ ' \ ‘4 F ' ‘ -’ ' a f. .I + + t, .- ...... ,1 , . ,‘ \ / ... .......... .r . .' ' I 1. ‘1- 1 ’4'" / '. l _ /" : ;‘,-’/ -. 3 . + I! I! l ..0 ‘4» .- l :1 " I /' 7 .f' / "_ t. .3 / + l’.’/ (I. ’0- .‘. v ‘. " )- ': 3r": ;' i ‘ . i f". ‘ . 0 ' 2 ”9f \‘ a r" \\ . ' "x. 3;". \4‘ g .1 5 3 D . fl 1. '- . ,A‘ 'if,‘ “\1 ’1 ; I 'l ‘5 ' '5 ‘1‘ ; " / , r! ‘- -\ ‘ 1' . f \ . --. / \..- :4 ‘: x .1 = s “- i. \ ~~‘. “A ...! \ ‘u . : : \ R"‘\ ‘.‘ ', .l. \‘u. 5 : N « \- 5:: § : .' ‘ O 0' p .~‘\ “‘§ ‘.‘:5 + ,. :3 "I.”3 I! ’~'\ “\_ ‘ + s. .0 .‘ I l b \ -\ 51 l ._ + t, 0“" K”! \ \I ’u, \\ I ' . :r A L. I K $5" \f. ,. \\ ‘-. 2‘4“”. ‘ ‘- ‘1? «aunt‘- ’ 2 . \ a -- I ’ " 3'4 * +1b;\\ P """""""""" r z/ " + + ‘\H .I "s. P ........ ~ ........ fi’ ." + ‘P ‘,\' -' I, r. ' """ ‘ " 1' *‘“\ 5 l . h “‘ ; 4" : " i. '\ l' '\ \ ‘ ... + '4' 2‘ 3 ‘ 4 1.4‘ .4°* ‘L -‘ fl \' i ssssss 0" ‘ ‘ .-*~~.._) '. ‘ \ '4 ..--4” .......... J +- we \5 - j ..................................... """ 0" .- - .......... ‘IV” I ..... ‘.‘ A‘\\ ........................... b ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ h P )- )- "oo .............................. I ‘ p ‘ .... ‘-ee-'/. ‘ ,.\ ,- I: .............. \‘ ' "x a l o ........... h ......... ,e. . I . 1 ....... a \ I. 1 K I (I "" ............. e - ' .e .t I I ...... _. ”"‘~--~-. ./ \_ \. ... . .' F I """" ' "4R\ ‘ \ WK \ I, ,‘ 'L.-1-‘.3 ‘I—1 l l 1 1 1 1 L 1 1 4 1 L 1 ‘4 ‘ at ‘L 1 L r t 1 I ‘ . ‘ Figure 26. Ramachandran plot of low tem rature - oxidized form (The boxes correspond to GL residues). 101 . § : _ ; '. =. '. \ ' I ' '._ ‘. e, '- ‘ s I " . 1 . I. A 3 .' : \\ IN ' r' \' j ‘l I \ I \ ... ‘ / 1 ' e s ..--""" 1‘4". i ' .f’ ,.“ ' ..Inh' '- a ' " ‘0 I l \ A”. : t ‘7. XV : ,- t . \\ E 1 : 5 ._ \\'- fl 3 ' ‘ \"\ I.) : : \ ~ \\‘J' E 5 '\ i I U K I I ‘1 I I‘\ I".-‘ 0" .1 CI .3 fl .1 32‘. -\ is \ \\ \‘i I D -120 -. A ......... “h“... /’ .....C... ‘o- ~ 3 («fix 1\ .. ...... 0-..... \\ . 18° "'1 1 "TWA—l 1 L 4 1 N I x , .~ ' A. I _I '2 {"~4K\ 1 \h 1 L 1 1 \ I -120 -60 O Figure 27. Ramachandran plot oi semiquinone form (The boxes correspond to GLY residues). '0 P. -180 102 + $.. '1 ........ .v-OQ \Q‘ ‘ ‘A\ '1‘ 2‘5 ‘ z 1'. ' I.. b ........ f ‘. ‘ \ ‘ . : : 2 \ .‘ *‘x \‘ f ; g. z‘ 1- + 1 “. I f | e ‘ n + 'P + \ s \ ". ; z : '.. ‘ ... * I ‘.“ 1 ‘. .' ' a .\ ‘- ‘ '1 ,_ no—~“ + ’ m + , \ .. ‘ 1 ,. 3 ‘- " p \ # 4.“ 7” e ‘. \“\‘ l ..v; . . ‘1 ’, ‘- \ + 1 "+ ' -. ‘ 3 3 X + . + + / 4 ‘2 \\ ‘ 9' ; z I‘ u . b .‘ g Q “ + ¢ + \ + ‘ + + \\". ‘ I '- ‘: ““ on - \L \ '1 1‘ Z I 120 I 1!- +\ a \\ 1' '. 1 I! t ‘ ,r \ '\ : x )- / + \ 4, .‘° 1. I\ : Ii .' I.- + + '\ / _.---"';“:.o4’ A" \\ E E P + ‘5 f '1 .- / ‘ E I L ./. u: ! ’/ ,‘I ‘b 5 a: /' xw’ -.." ..u= e a '- h. ‘. a" ' '. .' : / ’14:" o"! ------- ' I. \X : 3 h f. 1? III [I i a, ‘g E I 5:” .\'\ : g .A 1 '0 . 'n 1 ' 6° ‘\ i5" Ii \ ‘ "i :I 1 I: . ‘.. ‘ Mr’ ‘1 ‘- '. ‘. \\ / I'f’l: \‘0‘\‘ €\ : \‘ \ . ‘-. ' .‘ \ .' 2 . h - \s ' as. \ ._ . .‘_‘ / + \ r‘ ' U a \é.‘ 3 1’ a \. \ Na \_ \‘ng' + !;: *$~..r : ' ,_ -. \\ ‘ :' . = Z .- \> x.‘ ‘\5_ g‘ g. “\‘s j : ’- \\ ‘\ ~ \\ : .‘g N“. t ‘N " \ .\\ ’ '1 I. \ \, .' 1‘ ‘ B b ‘5 \. r h‘s + f ‘. \ ‘1‘ 0 L‘\ t. 1, ‘ "x \ V» + .. \‘N P ‘1‘ \‘ '\ : 1 ' r ‘i' I E + f: 4" ' \ "‘" ------- ’ . /i '9, + J.- .\\ /" “.....-“ """ ,/ [a + *5 . \\+ I .- ,"m . -. ........... .. . ++ _, a z: ....... f 4’ L). ‘. z ' "a v.- \‘,‘- + (‘ + 4* 4* + E-k‘s‘ E g : n \ ‘ \t . * €L“+’ \‘ z, ‘1 W - 60 1.. -..r _— ‘1‘ + t"""--- '. - J 1 .. i)- ------------ M? ’ , “' """" d \ -- - -------------- t' I \.\ C m ........ . ------ 0'0“". N h- '120 h 1- ’ ac- '''''''''' ..._— 0" _‘ i- a w‘- .”—/ \ ’P'\. / t'.‘.’ .................. .-. ‘ V I I. end-oooun..‘-.- '1 \ N. I ' I" """""""""""" ‘ \ \ . I I L .......... V . """"" "' \JK‘ \ \t' . :0]; ‘1' 1 -‘T‘m1 1 L 1 1 1 u 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 '\ 1 k 1 1 1 11 L Figure 28. Ramachandran plot of hydroquinone form (The boxes correspond to GLY residues). 103 al." £10 0' Figure 29. Environment of the flavin in the oxidized state of D. vulgaris flavodoxin. 6:05:98?“ 2: so cozmctecoo 8 £89: 8.5. .8 2:9“. EUOE EB... . .muoE ccoomw .238 “9.1.. O .... :2 OJ N.. .2. 0.2 :25 , . 0 I 0 05032.: n O O :9... ..u. 105 The distances of 0(4) of the flavin to N(62) and to WAT(155) are 3.36 and 2.58A, respectively and it also forms a hydrogen bond to N(62) and to WAT(155). Finally, WAT(155) hydrogen bonding distances to C(62) and N(100) are 2.64 and 3.02A (Table 18). Now, if a hydrogen were added to N(5) the distance from N(5) of the flavin to N(62) would decrease from 3.39A to 2.39A causing an unfavorable contact. Thus, a conformational change of the polypeptide chain is necessary to relieve the unfavorable contact as well as electrostatic interactions. After examining difference maps between the oxidized and semiquinone states, there appeared to be significant changes around the region of residue 62. Since reduction of the flavin to the semiquinone form places a hydrogen at N(5), the first model, which actually is the correct one, proposed that peptide 62 rotates along the Ca(61)- Ca(62) vector to form a hydrogen bond between C(61) and N(5). This model removes the unfavorable hydrogen-hydrogen contact through the conformational change. The second model proposed the same peptide rotated to form a hydrogen bond between C(61) and M64), but the hydrogen bond to N(5) is not formed. Finally, a third model has the peptide bond rotated to form a hydrogen bond between N(62) and C(64) again the absence of the hydrogen bond to N(5). The final part of the study was to examine the fully-reduced (hydroquinone) state of the FMN. In this case, if a hydrogen is placed on the N(1) position of the semi-reduced flavin, a similar conformational change would be expected to occur along the peptide chain of residues 94-96; however Ludwig et al. [67] have not observed any conformational change between the semiquinone and hydroquinone states of the Clostridium MP flavodoxin. There has been some speculation that a single electron transfer occurs between these two states and so there is no hydrogen present to cause packing rearrangements. 106 Ucon Umumousmflms mo.~ Sim mm.~ S.~ Sflso 8 SA $.N med mh.m 3:2 8 :6 $4” mim $.N 8:3 8 86 Sim .. . 3:2 8 2.~ $.N mm.~ 22m as; 8 I 36 $4 «fin 3:2 8 $.N mm.~ $4.. om.~ 85:0 mo «fin mm.~ mm.~ mad 8:5 so -.m .. I .. 332 so mod $.N mod Ed 822 no i $.N mm.~ Sam Siaz «so om.m Sum mo . m S.N 33m: «so u .. om.~ 36 83¢: mac n .. and $.m «3.23 meo «flu $.N $.m $.N 830 who 36 56 8d m~.m .832 Hz e~.~ S.~ $.m om.~ 83.2 No eH.m mm.m HH.m mH.m .Ammvz No 36 86 was... .26 835 m2 1 i and i 832 so mm.~ om.~ Sum mm.~ 83$. 3 l aim .. 1 22.5.. «o 86 mm.~ .. u :80 m2 am cm 5.58 958 ucmfioflfieuoumomm 22m Afivoocmumfla .ououo coaudUduo none new unabdou no odououmomo 0:3 and ZZH can doosaon boson aooouuhn .au canes 107 Another reason for studying the hydroquinone form was to’ examine the planarity of the isoalloxazine ring. From Dreiding model studies, the isoalloxazine ring has a butterfly bend along the N(5)/N(10) line. This bend was the topic of much discussion [68, 69] several years ago. Unfortunately, the crystallographic model at 2.25A resolution does not provide any conclusive evidence regarding this bend. The overall shape appears to be planar, however, the atoms deviate slightly out of the ring plane to such an extent that its conformation appears to be a slightly twisted chair. 1. Comparison of the room-temperature and low-temperature oxidized state The principal reasons for examining the oxidized form at low temperature were to determine if the protein crystals can survive the sudden change in temperature and still maintain quality diffraction and to decide if it is beneficial to collect data at cryogenic temperatures. In order to assess the merit of collecting data at low temperature, one needs to compare room and low temperature structures and examine places where low temperature data collection has improved the quality or clarity of the electron density maps. In the room temperature model some of the side chain conformations were difficult to determine; however, in the low temperature model, these same side chains appear to be better ordered. Some examples of this observation are discussed below. A plot [70] of the average deviation (main chain is 0.3A; side chain is 0.5A) in position between the room temperature and low temperature models as a function of residue for both the main and side chains is shown in Figure 31. The number of waters nearly doubled as the temperature was lowered. The positions of the side chain of HiSf42 appears to be better ordered in the low temperature model over the room temperature model. Similarly, many of the long floppy side chains, such as LYS3, GLU79, GLUBO, ARGZ4, and others, appear to be in a more rigid conformation in the low temperature model. 108 .389: 229qu2 26. EB Eco. 5223 5:58 3ng E conflict 39m}. .8 2:9”. m:c_mmm Egzaazsaaaégs31:3§§§§E§§§§aEafisasééutéémsasaigfi5.532324% a: am“ aw. s: 83 ac am 3. am am 8... am am E c_o;o c_mz c_m£o os_m S u011180d U! .—0 N .s.w.a eaueqaggio 109 The greatest deviation between the two models occurs at ARGZ4. in the room temperature model, the side chain extends outward and then curls slightly back toward the main chain. The conformation of the side chain is stabilized through a hydrogen bond network with NH1 and N; with 051 of ASP28, and NH1 with WAT162. The low temperature model has the side chain extending straight out with hydrogen bonds stabilizing it through Ne with 051 and 052 of ASP28, NH1 with WAT374, and NH2 with 052 of ASP62 (related through symmetry). Another example of different conformation for the two models occurs in LYSB7. The room temperature model has the side chain extending straight out into the solvent channel with the formation of a salt bridge between "C and 021 and 082 of GLU118, whereas in the low temperature model the side chain curls slightly back toward the main chain with the formation of a salt bridge between N; and the C terminus. The conformational differences are shown'in Figures 32-33. As the temperature was decreased, an adjustment in packing of the molecules resulted in a change in the cell parameters as well as changes in the diffraction intensities (Table 15). in addition, as the temperature was lowered, the crystal volume decreased by approximately 5% (Table 19). The corresponding decrease in the molecular volume was about 3%. The molecular volume calculation was based on the volume of the molecular envelope from a Connolly dot surface calculation [71]. Since the crystals contain approximately 60% solvent, the change in solvent volume from cooling is then almost 7%. 110 4 ~‘Wati62 ‘éwmtsz Figure 32. Stereo representation of the conformation of ARG24 in the room temperature (top) and low temperature (bottom) oxidized form. 111 Figure 33. Stereo representation of the conformation of LYSB? in the room temperature (top) and low temperature (bottom) oxidized form. 112 £28528 oomtam on 2.850 m E9. oocfiao ooo_o>=o 8.38.9: 9.. So: 88.3.8 m. 95.2, 8.39....22.~ .5385 «.85 8. SE P5988. €2.85 2:832 58.888 «.888 8.388 5.8.885 .&.oe=.o> Euro 5.88.2 v8.» :32 5.38.: 22.8.3". .0 .oz <88 <3 <3 8.5.83. 8.8. 8.8. 3.8. o 8. B 3.6 8.8 .5. one - - 8.8. o - - 8.5 pm. gum acoficoEE .80 28.3693... o:o:.:o_Eom 859.5 5.3.83: «.39.: .o .2 58 Euro .2 each 113 The other aspect of this study was to determine the utility of cryogenic data collections. Since there was no increase in diffraction as a result of freezing the crystals and the deterioration was minimized as discussed previously, perhaps some of the disordered side chains in the room temperature model might become ordered as a result of the cooling. This appears to be the case in the following examples: in the room temperature model, GLU42 extends out into the solvent channel with no apparent density (at to contour level) beyond Ca and there are no hydrogen bonds to this side chain. Since this side chain is disordered in the room temperature model and hence the conformation is difficult to determine, perhaps at low temperature, the thermal parameters would be a little lower and allow easier interpretation of the density. Indeed, in the low temperature model, the side chain becomes slightly more ordered with density covering the carboxyl group and a hydrogen bond between 081 and WAT389 and WAT406 to help stabilize the conformation. In a similar case to GLU42, the side chain conformation is better defined (albeit different) for GLU99 in the low temperature model versus the room temperature model. That is, there is density in both models but the low temperature model is improved with a hydrogen bond between 032 and WAT221 and WAT308 and 021 with WAT279 for support. The conformation of the side chains and the improved fit to the electron density are shown in Figures 34-35. These are just two examples of an improvement in density fitting as a result of cooling the crystals to cryogenic temperatures. Most of the structure is well ordered at room temperature and so the cooling did not cause a significant improvement in fitting the model to density. A plot (Figures 36 and 37) of AB as a function of residue [86] between the two different models shows the expected trend of decreasing thermal parameter value as a result of the lowering the temperature, i.e. the average AB of the main chain between the low and room temperature model is 2.09; the average AB of the side chain between the low and room temperature is 2.02. 114 03-” 0‘1 0; fi 021 h. 5., - 451‘? {y ‘ s“. - ' : ’9" ¢ “: s : ‘ ’ ;§: 1- J" “" 5'? 3““:7’??? “ 1‘- ‘ - ‘“ . .1 :31"? 4' I 7- ‘ ’l’ ‘W’ “2. .‘.‘ ‘, " q . - 4‘ . r.“_ ‘ I C ~ 6*... - g -" No! 406 Wof 406 {‘1‘\ l2 ‘ ‘5‘, - VI [‘3' .43; war 339 E‘- .41“ Viol 389 ‘o L 0 . . if ‘ 322'“) f, 'pcz GP 9’ "fi'r'fflfr\ t . J ”5‘5!” ”’35 ”1‘ , “ I: l ’ —- ’ ‘~ - ' 1 11ut-:/." U.“ 1“ ’, ‘ I I," x'.. 5"" .I' &$. -1 1 - 5 ‘ ”:‘L’ 05‘th ‘* " “£\ "QJ. .8 Q ~ I .- 3; 43 *3; . .22- .~ t-wl 43 mi?“ '2: r- .. II" * 1“ 1- + 2* \ '1“: ' ‘ I’_H? - “ g..." ' 5"..- ‘3 w" yam: =’ ' “5:“ fl.~.9 0": u, N, Figure 34. Stereo representation of the conformation of GLU42 in the room temperature (top) and low temperature (bottom) oxidized form. 115 f éwlcl A l’; )-.c1 '1 1‘: ~ 4“ & r1 '1‘?” ~ 'f.)“ d * " "ch 'gk‘ ‘W ’P‘. t‘ogz hf. f.‘ J: t @‘ __ ’ . ’Q ‘I I " a": e.” . a“; r 305 ”Ml 305 v r ‘-I . .- .f 2 {3127 fig, ‘3 of 221 ‘3'; J ' I l ‘ a: 7 . 7 f, a, I f ‘*’ .2 "u my}... [{‘._ r, -'.«5p/S’ '0’ *‘V‘. \ S ’7. 9 o r ' ”In" 9 8 Figure 35. Stereo representation of the conformation of GLU99 in the room temperature (top) and low temperature (bottom) oxidized form. 116 £80.: 852.8 2292.89 26. van Eco. 5922.. Sago 59: 9.. .o .29:qu RES... c. 85550 .8 2:9“. m:u_mmm o3 cm; 3. o: 2: cm on as cm on 3 on cm a. _ — p r _ _ k _ — p _ — p — ”Pl 1:- .ml . > > 71} > c I .m .2 m— =_e.o c.02 <8>-<8> 117 on— om— am— e.— n 6&— .mo:o.mo. >40 2 9.83:8 8:55.885 8.89: 852.8 23.9382 26. new Eco. 52%.: 59.0 38 on. .o 38:53 .959: c. 85850 Km 239“. cm oaommom on ms cm on OV p h n on ON 0— n - I‘ll nus .our . “Fl r OPI I I I ll .o— .m— .ON c.o;o ou_m nu <8>-<8> 118 2. Comparlson of the oxldlzed and semiquinone states The most obvious differences between the oxidized and semiquinone structures occur at the peptide linking GLY61 and ASP62. The orientation of this peptide, the central unit in a 6 turn, is changed significantly as a consequence of reduction of the FMN by sodium dithionite (Figure 38). The shape of the density of TRP60-GLY61-ASP62-ASP63 in the oxidized and semiquinone forms is shown in Figure 39; the carbonyl group of GLY61 points away from N(5) in the oxidized flavodoxin whereas the carbonyl appears to point in the opposite direction (toward) with respect to N(5) in the semiquinone form. The geometry at C(61) and the isoalloxazine N(5) favors a hydrogen bond involving the proton at N(5) of the semiquinone form; the O to N distance is 2.99A and the O...H-N atoms form an angle of 166°. The hydrogen bonding network along this peptide in the two states is different. Figures 40 and 41 show the hydrogen bonding schemes to the isoalloxazine ring and ribityl and phosphate sections of the FMN for the room temperature model, respectively. This hydrogen bonding network is very similar to that which was proposed by Watenpaugh [37]. This same network seems to remain present in each of the low temperature structures; the only difference is the presence of some additional waters near the ribityl oxygens. This is a result of the water structure ordering as a result of cooling. The hydrogen bonding scheme to the isoalloxazine ring in the semiquinone form is shown in Figure 42. Smith et al. [36] have carried out a similar study of the CI. MP flavodoxin and they have observed a similar conformational change in the polypeptide chain near N(5) with the carbonyl group flipping to make the hydrogen bond. The folding around the FMN of the D. vulgaris and CI. MP flavodoxins is different for each case. The structural variability in this region, and the dependence of the redox potential on the particular species raises the possibility that flavodoxins have developed slightly different mechanisms for modulating redox potential (Table 20) [101]. 119 .952 385.283 Em A... “33.2.8 5223 5:88 2689 c. 5.83% @0992 .8 2:9“. m:v.wmm .¢§§3,.a§§_«gygaéfiééfigaggmgg53.552533858322222:2:§:a:=§ 3: am. am. a: as. aw so E. 8 sm av am am a. c.m;o c.mz c.0go oe.m '— S uolqlsod u; N 'S'w'a aoueuegggg 120 .z- ‘1 ”'- ‘ 53-“ -_. h K- $3"- - 's‘n T211 5? ‘ .1, «=2 . «an. ' (‘a‘r’R' pl v J 3:31N‘f”? $191121“ 5.: ' “ . § . . _ , + 1w..- tfl . ~ . ‘5' E 'zw'. 1; -. .‘ 11‘ ~" 1. o ‘ v ’ - “ u‘ 3 - 13m 1 . , ‘5 ..x £52: may . “a . Trp6o"- '~1;.‘:‘(, \ '_ ‘i x . 3 1? 4., ‘5‘» ma ‘5’ ~‘ ' ' ~- ‘3. '3 ‘ ' ' . . vu- K”‘33- - . . \ ‘ I ‘t- 95"?"3 1335:: ix 4’3}; V12: *3." at,’ ,1",- I‘ - .' " . .M"... :, (F41 ‘J'W - w, 5 . 1" " ‘91"? _v, (_ ..~-‘ . 21:11:} “3‘33“ .341. “f' : :31; . ..- " ' '11 45 ‘ ‘ . Jig:- » . . V 'f’ 4 ' 1:, '5 -. 1 I I I #3 ’ - : Il‘ _. \‘.§ "‘5 \M.": I J. (3" 50,, . fly ”on 1 hi9 m. ...-g. ”N at ‘ . ””3 ~ ~ D ‘ ‘ '31 '33-. $31 $3.. 1.. * 818152.35 .\ l.". l. .2 I. . ’ 3 _ ‘ 3'3““. ‘ I. -' 5;“ ‘» . '93:? 51335356 $13.33: -. évzrg . ‘ - 1': : is“? yi‘ ~ ‘7 "15' {231‘ ‘Efii'i’w ‘it- ,t n a. 3 afi‘} .‘ . '2 Figure 39. Stereo view of electron density corresponding to residues 60 to 63 in the FMN binding region of the oxidized (top) and semiquinone (bottom) forms. 121 Figure 40. Hydrogen bonding network around the FMN in the oxidized form at room temperature. Open circles indicate oxygen atoms, darkened circles are nitrogens. Hydrogen bonds are indicated as dashed lines. 122 .85. banana 3 85.065 2m 3:3 536»: .239? 2m 8.2.0 8:956 .285 .8958 285:. 8.2.0 :30 .22... m5 .0 8:20 2938.3 cam 25: on. .o 2:28 5528 59.2: .3 9:9“. :3: 2:6 . N . s . s u .. “—5.: \\\ . u “S 2:: :2... ‘ Sufi. . .iiit ' lllll s s. ...:5/ .... _ .3 A. ...0. \(p \~ 00 .M% \\ or. \ :3. 3.3 «at: 123 . 8...: 2m 8.2.0 8:228 .mEofi .85 58 mm 8.855 2m 8:3 895»: m8 . . 828 286:. waffle :80 .88. 2.2.5388 2: E 2.2“. 2: 2396 £228 0528 c8231 9. 2:9”. 3.... 2.: 124 Table 20. Electropotentials of FMN Species éox/sq fisq/hq Conditions Free FMNa -238 -l72 pH 6.95/20”: D. vulgarisb -149 -480 pH 7.78/25”: A. nidulansc -221 -447 pH 7.0/30%: c1. MPd -92 '-399 pH 7.0/20°C a[102] b[103] c[104] d[105] 125 Some other differences in the structure are a result of different conformations in the side- chains. One very interesting example is ARGZ4: the semiquinone model is conformationally similar to the room temperature model and if one examines the cell parameters (Table 19) between these two models, ‘they are very similar. The interpretation of the side chain for each model was carried out independently of one another and is shown in Figure 43. The result associated with this side chain raises an interesting question regarding interpretation of the density during the refinement stages. According to Figure 43, the conformation of the side chain in the room temperature model could easily be fitted to the semiquinone density; however the torsion angle, x3, is different for each case. In the room temperature model, the torsion angle was adjusted to a value of -70° in order to fit the density. In the semiquinone model, the torsion angle was -20° with a hydrogen bond to WAT162 (the solvent atom was used to account for the difference density). Which conformation is correct? One would believe that at high resolution (e.g 1.9A), misinterpretation of density at the latter stages of refinement would be minimal, however, this example shows that interpretation of the density was different for each model. This again raises the question as to whether different refinement paths lead to different interpretation of atomic positions in poorly determined regions of a structure. 3. Comparlson of the oxidized and hydroquinone states The comparison between these two oxidation states is a little more difficult because of the lower resolution data set obtained for the hydroquinone refinement. The majority of differences between the oxidized and hydroquinone states are not much different than the differences between the oxidized and semiquinone states. For example, the large conformational change observed at GLY61 in the semiquinone was also observed in the hydroquinone and so the differences with respect to the oxidized form are 126~ a . "i ‘35 - ‘ a 5:1; ’ . 3 “$9.:Ey ‘ " .:‘\ r \ H1 H1 fr. 5 0 fl“ «3 " ,AWArisz . ‘ ~ .WAT'GZ \ “‘$(12 3” v" ‘ 's 3 7 ‘\ ' ,Q &‘ ‘ “gt“ “.6.“ ’j' *4 st. : $ " ’ . (”1% pie ' 3 ;'. for ..., ~' ”5: . v f ‘- - A’s.» flfi‘“ A“ ... u T} ”4”" -| Figure 43. Stereo representation of the conformation of A8624 in the room temperature oxidized (top) and semiquinone (bottom) forms. 127 small (See Figure 44). There are some main chain differences observed throughout the structure as well; however, it is difficult to determine if these differences are a result of differences in resolution of the data sets. 4. Comparison of the semiquinone and hydroquinone states The differences between the semiquinone and hydroquinone structures appear to be too subtle to observe crystallographically (at least at the 2.25A resolution of the hydroquinone structure). The majority of differences between these two structures are slight main chain differences that propagate themselves into side chain differences which could be related to differences in resolution of data used in the refinement. A plot of the average deviation ln position as a function of residue for both the main and side chains is shown in Figure 45. The two principal reasons for examining the hydroquinone state were to determine if a hydrogen was present at N(1) and to examine the planarity of the isoalloxazine ring and to provide an accurate model to do theoretical calculations on those factors that effect the redox potentials. The results of crystal structure analyses of several N(1) and N(5)-substituted 1,5 dihydroisoalloxazines demonstrate that the isoalloxazine ring adopts a butterfly conformation with the outer rings having 30° normals [68]. Even spectroscopic measurements [69] suggest that the ring is nonplanar at room temperature. A comparative ‘30, 15N, and 31P NMR study on flavodoxins from Clostn'dium MP, Megasphaera elsdenii, and Azotobacfer vine/andii [72] and a study with flavodoxin from Desulfovibn‘o vulgaris have been repeated [73,74]. The study was in part to try and determine the interaction between the FMN and apoflavodoxin and the different contributions to redox potential. For example, it is believed [75] that the bend along the N(5)-N(10) axis of the flavin molecule is associated with regulation of redox potential. .2an Sosa—86>: new 3538 2283.23 So. 5223 Samoa 338. E 5:926 399% .3. 2:9“. mzv_mmm giggsgmaéqgsafiéfigfisaagiggsaE3§§§2és§e§§2§§§§§E.§ a: sf em. s: 35 sc am am so am aw am am E c_mco c_mz u01aisOd U! aoueuegggo 'S'ul'a 128 N c_mco ¢a_m 129 £59 80:50.83 new 2052593; .8223 Samoa 323. E :2333 3992. .9 2:9“. m:n_mmm _s§a§_a§a§as:gasgésegfizgfigfiégEaggéafiggggg39.2525 83 am.— sm_ 8: SE ac so 3. am am av am am E c_mgo c_mz c_m;o me_m S uolqlsod u! —I N 'S'w'a eaueuegggg 130 That is, the energy barrier associated with the transition from the bent conformation to the planar conformation is related to the redox potential of the flavin bound to the protein. This is supported from crystallographic studies in the Closfn'dium MP [36.76], A. nidulans [38] and D. vulgaris flavodoxin by observing a reduced isoalloxazine ring with a bending angle ranging from a few degrees to 8.8°. Ludwig et al. [67] have examined the CI. MP flavodoxin in the hydroquinone state with a focus to determine the shape of the dihydroisoalloxazine ring. In their study, they found the ring to be bent along the N(5)/N(10) line, with the atoms on each side of the line being in the same plane, by as much as 8.6°. This is much less than the 30-35° found for most substituted dihydroflavins [68,77] and is in good agreement with the 9.1 ° found in 5-diethyl-3,7,8,10-tetramethyl-1,5-dihydroisoalloxazine [78].. In the D. vulgaris structure, the overall shape appears to be planar (Table 21); a bending angle (angle between the plane normals) of 16.7° was obtained from the restrained least squares refinement in thehydroquinone form, however, some of the pyrimidine moiety atoms moved out of the plane. An experiment to determine the planarity of the flavin was carried out subsequent to the last cycle of least squares. The planar moieties of the flavin were kept planar and refined separately as rigid bodies. The resulting angle (twist or bend) was 3.4°. Finally, the ring seems to remain nearly planar in all three oxidation states and the bending or twisting that occurs appears to be within the experimental error of the atomic positions. 13C and 15N NMR spectra of fully-reduced flavodoxin has led to an upfield shift of the 13C and 1‘5N resonances except C(10a). which is shifted downfield as compared to the oxidized form. A comparison of the chemical shifts from the C(10a) and 0(2) in fully-reduced tetraacetylriboflavin, FMNH', and flavodoxin shows that the protein-bound FMN is ionized. Since there appears to be a hydrogen bond in the oxidized and semiquinone states between N(95) and N(1), it appears that there is no hydrogen present at N(1) in the hydroquinone state. 131 Table 21. Bending of lsoalloxazine Ring in Flavodoxin Oxidation State R Resolution Bending (A) angle(°) Oxidized - RT 0.17 8.0-1.90 4.02 Oxidized - LT 0.19 8.0-1.90 1.72 Semiquinone 0.20 8.0-1.90 6.33 Hydroquinone 0.21 8.0-2.25 16.68 Hydroquinone 0.21 8.0-2.25 3.36 (after rigid-body refinement) 132 This is supported by the N(95)-N(1) distance of 3.2A in the hydroquinone state; a hydrogen on N(1) would cause a unfavorable contact with the peptide hydrogen. 5. Electron Transfer Since flavodoxin transfers electrons'to other flavoproteins, such as heme proteins like cytochrome c3 and because the redox potential for the semiquinone/hydroquinone couple is approximately that of ferrodoxins, it is believed that flavodoxins alternate between their two lower oxidation states in vivo [79]. According to Moonen er al. [80] a strong hydrogen bond on O(2a) influences the n electron density on C(8), C(6). N(5), C(9a), and C(10a) through conjugative effects. in order to stabilize this mesomeric structure. a solvent of high permittivity is needed. This is observed in the 130 NMR spectrum from observed shifts of C(8), C(8a). and C(6) and the crystallographic results of the three oxidation states. From these results, the FMN is most polarized in the direction from C(8), C(6). N(5), C(9a), C(10a), to C(Za). The stabilization of the mesomeric stmcture is a combined effect of hydrogen bonding with. C(Za) and a high permittivity at the dimethylbenzene edge of the protein-bound flavin. The chemical shifts of N(1) of FMN bound to all of the apoflavodoxins are very similar to that of FMNH'. This already indicates that the prosthetic group in reduced flavodoxins is ionized; this has already been mentioned for A. vinelandii [81] and M. elsdenii [69] by other methods. Access to the flavin ring with solvent or electron donors is somewhat restricted by the surrounding protein atoms in all three oxidation states. in order to make contact with the isoalloxazine ring, the incoming ”substrate“ would need to interact with the FMN methyl groups at C(7) and 0(8). 133 The remainder of the FMN is buried below the protein surface and access to the flavin ring is not significantly different in any of the three oxidation states. It seems apparent that these crystallographic results suggest that a different electron transfer mechanism in which the electrons are transferred through the dimethylbenzene portion of the FMN [82] rather than the "direct" electron transfer mechanism at N(5) or 0(4) found in model flavin radical chelates as discussed by Hemmerich et al. [83]. Computer modelling studies [84, 85] have shown that interprosthetic group distances, favoring complementary salt linkages, play an important role in stabilizing orientation and position for electron transfer over the protein-protein interface. These calculations are based on electrostatic fields and NMR experiments. In order to gain a better understanding of the mechanism of electron transfer in this class of proteins a few different experiments might be useful. For example, point mutagenesis along the reverse turn (residues 60-63) could be helpful in examining the role of hydrogen bonds in the mechanism. Another experiment would be to purify and crystallize the flavodoxin-”substrate" complex. This problem is being examined indirectly by Karplus et al.[87] who have data on the spinach ferrodoxin-reductase enzyme complex and are currently examining medium resolution maps. ' REFERENCES 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. LIST OF REFERENCES Lehninger, A. L. (1970). Biochemistry, Worth Publishers, lnc., New York. Fox, J. L., Smith, SS. and Brown, J.Fi. (1972). Z' Naturfarsch 27b, 1096-1100. D'Anna, J. A. Jr. and Tollin, G. (1972). Biochem. 11, 1073-1080. LeGall, J., DerVartanian, D. V. and Peck, H. D. Jr. (1979). Curr. Topics in Bioener. 9, 238-265. ‘ Akagi, J. M. (1967). J. Biol. Chem. 242, 2478-2483. Fax, J. L. (1976). in: Fiavins and Flavoprateins (T .P. Singer, ed.) Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co. pps. 439-446, Elsevier, Netherlands, Peck. H. 0. Jr. (1974). Symp. Sac. Gen. Microbiol. (London) Evolution in the Microbiological World 24, 241-262. Eck, R. V. and Dayhoff, M. O. (1966). 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