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TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. _____________j DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE i _—_—_ll "i I l——ll l MSU In An Affirmative Amen/Equal Opportunity Institution owns-p1 AN EXPERT SYSTEM APPLICATION TO THE INSPECTION ANALYSIS OF PAPER PRINTING QUALITY IN A PACKAGE PRINTING COMPANY BY YOSHINORI UEDA A THESIS submitted to MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE School of Packaging 1991 a57—7ev/ ABSTRACT AN EXPERT SYSTEM APPLICATION TO THE INSPECTION ANALYSIS OF PAPER PRINTING QUALITY IN A PACKAGE PRINTING COMPANY BY Yoshinori Ueda The number of printing experts is gradually decreasing and the work imposed on experts inspecting printing quality is gradually increasing. These trends could lead to an increase in experts' careless mistakes, which, in turn, would decrease the overall quality of printed products. In this research project, an expert system tor inspecting overall print quality in a package printing company was built and evaluated as a substitute for the printing experts. The knowledge needed for building the expert system for evaluating overall print quality was acquired through discussions with two printing experts and from two literature sources. The expert system expressed overall print quality as a numerical value. The expert system and the visual evaluation agreed on the score for the printing quality. Copyright by YOSHINORI UEDA 1991 ACKMDWLEDGEIIENTS I would first like to take this opportunity of expressing my appreciation to my major professor, Dr. Harold A. Hughes whose helpful guidance and counsel, has been a constant source of inspiration. I would also like to thank my committee members, Dr. Hugh E. Lockhart, Dr. Vincent Bralts, and Dr. Omar Keith Helferich who have offered valuable suggestions and advice at crucial points in this research. My thanks go to Mr. Manabu Hirota, and Mr. Toshio Arita of Die Packaging Corporation who gave me opportunity to learn packaging. My thanks also go to Mr. Friedrich-Wemer Dossmann of Dossmann Printing Corporation, Mr. Masaki Ohno of Dainnipon Ink and Chemicals Corporation, and Mr. Hitoshi Isono of Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Corporation, and Mr. Katsumi Yamashita of Ueda Printing Corporation who provided me with a significant information and helme suggestions during my research project. I wish to extend my thanks to the many people who have contributed of their time and energy in the furtherance of this research. I also wish to extend my gratitude to the many people who have helped and influenced me during my stay at Michigan State University. Finally, I want to thank my parents. Yasuyuki and Shinko, and my brother, Hiroyuki and my grandfather, kenju Ueda who provided a tremendous support from Japan to help bring this study to a successful completion. iii —-—E-——-r TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES Vii LIST OF FIGURES viii 91169191 Page I. Introduction 1 A. Significance of the Paper Printing Industry in Japan 1 B. Why IS Quality Control of Paper Printing Needed 3 C. The Current Situation of Quality Control in Japan 4 D. The Expert System for Problem Solving (Need for the Expert System) 5 E. Problem Statement 6 F. Research Objective 7 ll. Literature Review 8 A. The Expert System Approach 8 1. What is an Expert System ? 8 2. Components of an Expert System 11 3. Knowledge Acquisition ‘ 13 4. Expert System Application in Packaging 14 B. Quality Control in Printing 16 1. Printing Process 16 2. Quality Scale for Color Printing 18 3. Color Reproduction 20 4. Evaluation Method for Color Reproduction 20 Ill. Method 24 A. Introduction 24 B. Expert System Tool Selection 24 1. Selection of LEVEL 5 24 2. Strength of LEVEL 5 26 iv Quanta; C. Knowledge Acquisition 1. Conversation and Discussion with Experts 1.1 Inspection Analysis of Ueda Printing Company 1.2 Computerized Quality Assurance System of Dossmann Printing Company Literature Review 2.1 Method of Evaluating Printing Quality 2.2 Information for Diagnosis of Printing Problems D. Evaluation of Expert System IV. Building The Expert System A. Introduction B. Knowledge Acquisition 1. 2. 9'?!” How Experts Inspect Printing Products 1.1 Check Lists Analysis of Quality Assurance 2.1 Color Reproduction 2.2 Printing Register 2.3 After Printing 2.4 Scum Building the Expert System Diagnosis of Printing Problems Evaluation of Color Reproduction 5.1 Measurement of Evaluation Items 5.2 Evaluation Weight and Point 5.3 Overall Score of Printing Quality C. Development of the Expert System 1. Diagram of the Expert System V. Evaluation of Expert System A. Introduction B. Limitation of the Data 27 28 28 3O 31 31 32 32 C. Evaluation Expert System for Color Reproduction 1. Individualized Outputs 2. Evaluation of EXpert System D. Evaluation by Printing Experts E. Comparison of the Expert System Results with Non-Expert Evaluations VI. Conclusions and Implications A. Conclusions 1. Summary 2. The Objective 3. Implications for Practical Application and Further Research AEEENQIX A. OVERALL QUALITY POINT BY EXPERT SYSTEM B. OVERALL QUALITY POINT BY EXPERTS' VISUAL EVALUATION C. 10 EVALUATION VARIABLES MEASURED BY DENCITOMEI’ ER AND IMAGE PROCESSING ANALYSIS INSTRUMENT D. GRAPH OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EXPERT SYSTEM EVALUATION AND EXPERTS' VISUAL EVALUATION E. VISUAL EVALUATION SOORE TAKEN FROM SAME PERSON AT MORNING AND AFTERNOON F. KNOWLEDGE BASE EXAMPLE RULES FEW v1 Rage 65 67 68 68 71 73 73 73 73 74 Base 76 77 81 91 97 130 LIST OF TABLES Iable 1.1 2.1 2.2 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Total Value Shipment for the Segments of the printing Industry, the Publishing, the Manufacturing Industry. The Tasks Approached by Expert System and Usage Number. Purpose of Expert System Development. Conversion Diagram for Measurement Data : Soild Density. A Set of Composite Variables. Abbreviation and Weight for Each Evaluation Item. Quality Ratings by the Expert System Data : Sample of Japanese Tea. Quality Ratings by the Expert System Data : Sample of Rice Cracker. Mean and Standard Deviation of Overall Quality Point by Experts' Visual Evaluation : Sample of Japanese Tea and Rice Cracker. Reliability of Printing Experts : Correlation Coefficient. Correlation Coefficient Obtained from Overall Quality Point between Expert System and a Printing Experts. vii Base 10 11 53 56 67 67 70 71 72 LIST OF FIGURES 391113 3.1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 5.1 Illustration of the Correlation between Evaluation Points from the Expert System and Printing Experts. Decision Rule Example: Printing Register. Decision Rule Example : Readability of Character. Decision Rule Example : Pinhole Problem. Cause and Effect Diagram for Doubling. Decision Rule Example : Diagnosis of Doubling Problem. Decision Rule Example : Relatively Contrast for Color Reproduction. Diagram of Expert System. Ten Variables for Color Reproduction. viii 35 43 45 47 49 57 60 66 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION f r ' ' In in n The paper printing industry in Japan is experiencing significant change. Two reasons for this change are : 1) the customer‘s consciousness of quality paper printing is rising, and 2) the paper printing industry, in general, is growing. Customer demand for high quality printing is rising. Customers pay attention not only to the products but also to the quality of the packages, including the print quality. It is easy to understand that print quality is a significant influence on daily life. Ueno et al, in Houso Gijutsu Binran, stated that print quality is a significant factor in improving purchasing power. (Ueno, et at. 1983) They also observed that beautiful printing and the product explanation on the outside surface of a package are useful in sales promotion and throughout the whole period of transportation, storage, and shop window display. Therefore, neat and beautifully printed products which are made of corrugated cardboard and other materials have been developed, and attention has been paid to each product’s inside and outside beauty. The economic scale of the printing industry in Japan is shown in Table 1.1 with comparison data for manufacturing, bookbinding, and publishing. The table also shows growth rates compared to 1989. 2 Table 1.1 Total Value Shipment for the segments of a printing industry, a publishing, and the manufacturing industry (1990) fidu Total amount of shi ment growth ratio (°/o) SW p ($) 1989 and 1990 Manufacture 1 ,710,612,720 0.5 (-) Paper 19,607,040 3.3 Newspaper 12,857,100 4.6 Publication 1 1 ,330,700 0.0 PRINTING 36,989,970 4.6 Plate Making 3,617,780 0.3 Bookbinder 1 ,438,990 1 .1 (-) Printing Ink 1,112,650 9.4 Pnnting Machine 4,193,610 5.2 Source: Printing Industry, Sugita Sumio, March 30, 1990 It can be seen that the printing, printing ink, and printing machine industries have had relatively high expansion rates in comparison with the other industries, including publication, bookbinding and manufacturing. The expansion in the printing industry has lead, in turn, to the expansion of printing machine capacity and printing ink production. Iizuka reports that some printing machines now employ computer systems and other electronic improvements to maintain the quality of printing products and thousands of inks with special characteristics are prepared to meet customer's demands. (Iizuka,1985) It is expected that the printing industry will continue to expand in the near future. New products with the high quality printing which customers demand are coming into existence everyday. However, in order to maintain the high quality of printed products, the paper box printing industry will have to make changes. (T akahata, 1987) 3 3 A '0-..1\ o o o '-_,u: ”013:0". The significance of the paper printing industry was discussed in the previous section. A primary reason for growth was shown to be the increased quality consciousness of the customer. Quality of the product and the package both have to be provided by the supplier to satisfy customer demands. The quality of printed products hashad a tendency to rise with the development of the packaging industry. This is a good trend, because high quality products sell well in comparison to inferior quality products. The print quality of a paper box has a direct bearing on the product image. The appearance of the package in which the product is packed must be of consistent high quality to appeal to customers. Suppliers avoid shipping products or packages which have defects because they lower customer confidence in the supplier. To get good quality products, the package manufacturer must use a quality control system. However, quality control of paper box printing is a complicated endeavor and dealing with quality control is not easy. (Matsuoka, 1987) Suppliers should avoid shipping products which have defects. In particular, food and drug products have necessarily strict quality controls. It is not enough that the letters printed on the drug container are fine enough that the label can be read. 01 course, it is impossible to get rid of all sub-standard products. It is important to take measures to eliminate situations that produce sub-standard products rather than having to discard sub-standard products. (Daimon, 1986) f ' I in n The present quality control system in Japan is based on market response (customer side). According to the book, Quality Control Terminology in JISZ 8101, that is the “Japanese Industrial Standard“, quality control is defined as a method which economically makes products or service matched to the customers' demands. (Ootsuki, 1990) The first issue addressed in the quality control system is to confirm that the machine plate, raw material, printing ink and so forth conform to the production specification and the original. These confirmations are the responsibility of the printing machine operator. The operator compares the original to the specifications and gets approval from the printing expert. After this process is completed, the actual printing operation begins. During operation, random samples are taken for checking register conditions, scum, color drop off and color reproduction. These inspections compare samples to the specifications. The checks are made by printing experts using visual inspection. In other words, the inspection depends on a printing expert's ability to see problems with the naked eye. However, the inspection done only by printing experts is not enough. There are many products produced every day and experts can't complete 100 % of the inspections. In spite of this situation, the supplier is expected to satisfy customer demands for all kinds of products. Thus, a quality control system which eliminates and prevents human error is needed. Detectors, sensors, and numerical control of color printing are examples of techniques for avoiding human error. (Matsuoka, 1987) 5 ram 1:1 cl’-'0_ol‘t'l our. 13150107 1,: in: Experts check printed products visually to evaluate printing quality. This creates problems because the printing experts are “only human" and may make careless mistakes when they get tired. (Mizuraku, 1987). Also some experts depend on intuition when performing their tasks. It is dangerous to only use expert visual inspection and intuition and this approach must be avoided. Computerized expert systems show potential for solving this problem. Expert systems should be able to judge the quality of printed products, diagnose printing trouble, and give suggestions using knowledge about printing inspections gathered from human beings (experts ) and literature. As a result, information about printing quality could be made available quickly and accurately without careless mistakes and fatigue. Akita et at. state that problems having the following characteristics are suitable for an expert system : (Akita, 1988) 1) Experienced knowledge and know how are clear. 2) Rules are complicated but logic is easy. 3) It is difficult for human beings to inspect. 4) The system can be backed up by experts. The problems of printing quality control fit Akita's model and seem to be well suited to an expert system. Printing experts know how to inspect printing quality by evaluating visual impressions. Additionally, the knowledge necessary for judging the printing quality is so complicated that it is difficult for a non-expert to do inspections, but problems can be backed up by experts. 6 There are some specific tasks a computerized expert system for paper printing quality control could be used for : (Akita, 1988) 1) Judging the total quality of printed products 2) Diagnosing of printed products' quality defects 3) Giving possible reasons and suggestions for correcting the defects Computerized expert systems could evaluate the overall quality of printed products and also diagnose specific printing problems such as out of register, scum, and color reproduction. An expert system could also give suggestions about and reasons for printing problems. Many kinds of expert system applications could be created. LE_ELoblem_Statemem Suppliers must avoid shipping products which have defects in order to maintain product quality. Currently, only experts can visually check samples of paper printing. This situation is expected to cause problems in the near future for three reasons. The number of experts is gradually decreasing. The available experts can't take enough time to relax and rest because of heavy work schedules. Also, the experts have their own defects such as making careless mistakes, getting tired over time, and being lazy. These circumstances will lead to an increase in errors, which in turn will decrease the overall quality of the product. To avoid these problems, an alternative is needed to substitute for the experts in the paper printing industry. One approach is to apply an expert system. MW There are three main objectives of this research. 1) To identify, quantify, and classify the knowledge which is acquired from printing experts and literature for paper printing quality inspection. (This knowledge will be used for developing the knowledge base.) 2) To develop a prototype expert system for evaluating the overall quality of printing products. (A prototype expert system will be built for evaluating the overall quality of printed products, by expressing quality as a numerical figure, and for diagnosing the printed product's defects.) 3) To test and evaluate the expert system for paper printing quality control. (The goal will be to compare the evaluation obtained from the prototype expert system with those from experts at a paper printing company.) CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW W The purpose of this research was to develop an expert system for evaluating the overall quality of printed products. Five prototype expert systems related to the printing industry were developed according to Akita, but the prototypes have not yet reached practical use. (Akita, 1988) Expert systems, of course, are still a new approach, but it is anticipated that they will be practical for the printing industry. The first part of this chapter addresses expert systems in general and examines how expert systems are being used to address particular problems. The second part of this chapter examines quality control systems in the paper printing industry. W W Many books and publications have been written about expert systems. Currently, an expert system is defined as a computer program that assists a non-expert to deal with problems which need the interpretation of experts. The user is able to solve the problem without expert help by using a computerized expert system. The computerized expert system is a tool which has stored the knowledge acquired from experts as the knowledge base. (Akita, 1988) Many expert system applications have been reported. According to Akita et aI. problems in the field of law, finance, architecture, agriculture, medicine, and education can be solved well by 9 using computerized expert systems because the professional knowledge in these fields has been well established. It is predicted that hereafter the number of experts and workers will gradually decrease as the use of computerized expert systems increase. According to Expert System, ten kinds of tasks are well suited for an expert system: interpretation, prediction, diagnosis, debugging, repair, monitoring, control, planning, design, and instruction. (Waterrnann, 1987) 1) Interpretation: analyze the results of the experts' evaluation of particular problems. 2) Prediction: forecast the future situation based on the past as well as present models. 3) Diagnosis: find the faults in a system according to the interpretation of potentially noisy data. 4) Debugging: prescribe remedies for diagnosed malfunctions. 5) Repair: prescribe a plan to administer a remedy. 6) Monitoring: continuously interpret signals that set off alarms when intervention from outside is needed. 7) Control: interpret, predict, and monitor system behavior. 8) Planning: a series of actions intended to reach a target. 9) Design: method of creating an object which satisfies a specific task. 10) Instruction: diagnose, monitor, and control student behavior. 10 When developing an expert system, it is important to first decide what kinds of tasks the expert system will address. Table 2.1 shows the tasks addressed by expert systems and the number of systems in use in Japan. Table 2.1 The Tasks Approached by Expert System and Usage Number Characteristic Number Inte rotation 15 Pr iction ' 25 Diagnosis 64 Desrgn 44 Planning 35 Monitonng 9 Debugging 5 Repair 10 Instruction 18 Control 19 Others 8 Total 25? (Akita, 1988) Source : Y. Hirai ; “Current Status of Expert System Developments in Japan“ , ICOT JOURNAL, No. 15, 198 . As the table shows, the task of diagnosis is papular in the field of expert systems. The task of control, on the other hand, has only had 19 uses. Building an expert system dealing with control is difficult and there are few examples. On the other hand, many expert systems have been manufactured. These expert systems, of course, are being made for specific purposes. lCOT-JIPDEC Artificial Intelligence in Japan surveyed expert system development by six hundred computer users in the spring of 1986. Responses were received from 255 users. Table 2.2 shows the purposes for expert systems development. (Akita, 1988) 1 1 Table 2.2 PURPOSES OF EXPERT SYSTEMS FUR—ROSE Number 1. Reduction of ex rt's hea work 60 2. Education and iscipline o experts 26 3. Improvement and standardization 35 for customer service 4. Systematization of knowledge 36 5. Improvement of productivity 45 6. Understanding of expert system technology 50 7. Others 2 8. No answers 1 TOTAL 255 (Akita, 1988) Source : Y. Hirai ; “Current Status of Expert System Developments in Japan“ , ICOT JOURNAL, No. 15, 198 The survey of ICOT-JIPDEC AI center shows that the primary reason for expert system development was the reduction of experts' heavy work. The experts' heavy work loads and the lack of experts can be mitigated by using expert systems. W The concept of the expert system was briefly discussed in the previous section. An expert system is useful when non-experts encounter problems which need the interpretation of experts. A computerized expert system has a knowledge base developed from experts, so non-experts can draw the similar conclusions. The following section addresses expert system components. Akita et al point out that an expert system consists of seven components: (Akita, 1988) 12 1) Dialogue module 2) Knowledge acquisition function 3) Knowledge base and control module 4) Knowledge base and data base 5) Inference engine 6) Work memory 7) Inference process interpretation function. The dialogue module is a program which is prepared in question form for interacting with the expert system. (Akita, 1988) The user answers the questions presented by the expert system. The knowledge acquisition function is the most important and most difficult part of developing an expert system. Generally, the knowledge and know-how acquired from experts are not systematized, but the knowledge and know-how have to be put systematically into the computer. This is a key point in determining whether a system will be valuable . Currently, the knowledge engineer performs this job rather than the experts. The knowledge base and control module are parts of the program that supply knowledge to the inference engine. The knowledge base and data base are knowledge and data accumulators. The data is extracted when needed. 13 The inference engine is a computer program which uses knowledge and rules to reach inferences. Forward and backward chaining are examples of actions by the inference engine. Work memory is a memory area where the facts concerning inference are stored for a short time. The inference process interpretation function is the part of the program where the conclusions are reached by the inference engine. IIEE IS I | E "In Knowledge acquisition is the most difficult stage of the expert system development process. The success or failure of an expert system can depend on how effectively the knowledge is acquired from experts. The person who acquires information and knowledge from experts and literature is referred to as the knowledge engineer. The knowledge engineer interviews experts, extracts the main characteristics of specific problems, and constructs a trial system. A knowledge engineer needs to be familiar with expert system methodology. Sometimes the expert and the knowledge engineer are the same person. There are two types of expert knowledge; literature knowledge and heuristic knowledge. (Akita, 1988) Literature knowledge is the basic knowledge level required to be expert. (Badre, 1973) Literature knowledge is the most important information source‘for constructing an expert system. Heuristics, on the other hand, is an important form of knowledge which distinguishes experts from non-experts. Human experts offer detailed information concerning particular problems to the 14 knowledge engineer during interviews. Generally, the quantity and quality of heuristic knowledge is important in constructing practical expert systems. However, current prototype expert systems use less information from heuristic knowledge than literature knowledge. (Akita, 1 988) Finally, heuristic knowledge acquisition involves important difficulties. One of the most important is the disagreement in the forms of expression. The form of knowledge from human experts may differ from that expressed in the program. (Watennann, 1987) The other important difficulty is the inability of human experts to express themselves. Waterrnann pointed out that experts may not be good at expressing their knowledge. He also indicated that the human expert's knowledge often is inaccurate, incomplete, and untidy. Therefore, it is difficult to extract heuristic knowledge for use in an expert system. A knowledge engineer has to take these difficulties into consideration during knowledge acquisition. I 4 ' ' 'n P ' The number of expert system applications in packaging are limited. Packaging Expertise on a Disk, points out that expert system technology could be applied in packaging research and development applications and packaging management applications. (T wede, et, al. 1990) An application in packaging research and development is to design a package using data about product characteristics such as weight, shape, dimensions, and the sensitivity of product quality, in addition to data on logistical and marketing system characteristics such as customer needs, 15 dynamic force during transportation, and handling. Another application is to predict future events from packaging science. For example, it is possible to predict shelf life from permeability models, distribution damage from a damage boundary curve, and mass transport from diffusion models. Applications in package system management include: control of package purchasing, quality control of manufacturing operations, packaging machinery operation and maintenance, and monitoring a distribution system for damage causes. W The Federal-Mogul Corporation has created a logistics expert system by using a knowledge based technology in inventory management to provide advice on ordering, rescheduling, and packaging decisions plus elements of order entry and forecasting. (Keamey,1990) The main purpose of the expert system in inventory control application is to achieve desired availability with minimum inventory. The Federal-Mogul project started in April of 1988 with an outside facilitator experienced in expert systems and logistics and was completed in March of 1990. The first phase was to design a concept and project plan for using the expert system. It required three months. The second phase was to develop a prototype expert system. The system was constructed by using the Aion Development System Tool from the Aion Company. During this phase, the system was constructed, tested, and evaluated. Six months were required to complete the second phase. The last phase of the project was to make the system operational for inventory control. It was completed after 15 months. The system was 16 validated by checking the accuracy of knowledge in the knowledge base and the correctness of recommendations. Five benefits from this operational expert system for inventory control have been reported. Inventory trade-offs became easily identified by individual part number. The system allowed access to the total inventory throughout multiple locations. Inventory balance was improved by repackaging for different customers. Inventory decisions became more consistent. As a result of this project, inventory productivity rose 10 or 15 percent. (Kearney, 1990) HE D II 5 Il' E'I' This section focuses on literature regarding the printing process and quality control in the paper printing industry. ".5 l E . l' E It is necessary to understand the elements of the printing process before understanding the entire quality control program of paper printing. Four points are examined for satisfying complete quality control of paper printing: registering, the pro-printing process, the printing process, and maintenance after the real printing process. (Japan Graphic Arts Technology, 1988) The first important point to consider is adjusting the printing register. The register is needed to print in the right position on the paper. This check is very important in ensuring printing quality because all printed products are defective when register is not correct. Therefore, adjusting 17 the printing register is the first stage of satisfying paper printing quality standards. There are three kinds of "out of register“ placement: left and right gap, up and down gap, and bending gap. (JAGAT, 1988) The reason for out of register can be very complicated. The cause has to be analyzed and the machine has to be adjusted accurately until the register matches before the printing process begins. Moving the plate, the cylinder, and the position of the paper are examples of adjustments. (JAGAT, 1988) After finishing the registering process, the pre-printing processes should be checked before proceeding to production. Character readability, odor, roughness of solid place, curling, doubling, scum, offsetting, motile, pinhole, and ghost are checked. (JAGAT, 1988) When defects are detected, printing experts analyze the cause and make adjustments. After satisfying the pre-printing process standards, production printing is started. Quality is checked by observation of the printed products, using random sampling inspection, and by monitoring changes in water and printing ink. (Offset, 1987) Random sampling inspection is required during the actual printing process because machine conditions do not stabilize in the early stage of the actual printing process and the amount of ink and water applied can change. After the machine conditions have been fixed, random sampling inspection is still needed to guarantee the quality. If the machine has to be stopped for any reason, ink and water conditions can change and cause the loss of a large amount of time. Frequent random sampling is preferable to avoid these defects. 18 The final stage of the quality control process is machine maintenance. Maintenance does not directly influence printing quality, but neglecting this last stage leads to lower quality of subsequent printed products because of the loss of machine accuracy. The following procedures are required after printing has been completed: treatment of the plate and washing of the ink roll, blanket, and impression cylinder. (JAGAT, 1988) The next section focuses on literature relating to quality control in the paper printing industry. To illustrate, three methods of quality control are introduced. IIEZ Q ms I I El E'l' Few studies in the literature deal with quality control applied to a color scale. However, this topic is becoming more popular because quality control in the printing industry is changing from inspection using printing experts' visual evaluation to inspection using instruments which produce numerical data. One of the main reasons for this trend is the low reliability of experts. (Akita, 1988) 3 -r-H A-lt~1=ill°:’-_ 0 rumor _; ‘lrua GAT F (Graphic Arts Technical Foundation) in the United States (Ito, 1990) researched methods of numerical quality control for printed products. “Starter Get”, a scale which expresses color reproduction numerical figure, was reported in 1961. (Ito, 1985) The system is being widely used. Starter Get is very effective for checking the thickness of dot, slur, and double during the printing process. (Ito, 1985) It is easy to inspect the conditions by watching the scale of enlarging Starter Get. Also, Starter 19 Get can calculate the resolving power of printing products. The formula is: Resolving power = 11.47 [the width of spread for center solid (Ito, 1985) Starter Get is accurate for judging the conditions of halftone dot, slur, and double but it is difficult to control printing using the system because it uses data from a visual inspection. W The dot gain scale was designed for control of dot reproductivity in printing by GATF in 1965. Dot control is very important for controlling color. The ideal dot is a complete circle. However, the dots produced by most printing machines are not complete circles. The disparity of the dot is evaluated by the dot gain scale which consists of three parts: dot gain scale, slur gauge, and starter get. The dot gain scale was designed for inspection and yields numerical data. (Ito, 1985) W The last example of printing quality color control is the compact color test strip designed by GATF. This system, a scale of color printing is controlled one, two or three piled up color. The following five checks can be performed: 1) the process ink, hue, and photographic density; 2) the hue of one or two colors and transparency of ink; 3) the thick or thin for halftone dot and slur and double; 4) the irregularity of dot reproductivity and the discrepancy of gray balance; 5) the uniformity of ink supply. (Ito, 1985) The compact test strip evaluation is expressed as a numerical 20 figure using data from a densitometer. By using the compact color test strip, quality control for color printing becomes easy. All three quality control scales are needed for reliable color matching. I I r A study by the technical committee of the Japanese Society of Printing Science and Technology evaluated the parameters and methods for quality control in the color reproduction process. (Isono, et al. 1989) The committee reported that several abstract impressions such as brightness, darkness, clearness, unclearness, softness, and hardness are used in the printing. These abstract impressions are ambiguous and have not been standardized. The technical committee members point out (Isono, et al. 1989) that only five abstract impressions are needed to evaluate color printing quality: 1) color 2) gradation 3) sharpness 4) uniformity 5) gloss. It is difficult to individually evaluate the abstract impressions by human visual observations. II,B,4 Evaluation Method M gala: BBQMUQI'QD MW Two methods have been reported to evaluate the color quality of printed products. (Isono, 1989) In one, hue error, degree for ash color, and efficiency are calculated for sample sheets. These measure evaluate the relative inferiority to the original. When comparing color between an original sheet and a printed product, the color of the printed product may be inferior to the original because of the following : 1) distortion in the spectrum characteristics of practical printing ink. 2) surface 21 characteristic of printing paper. 3) the operating condition of the printing machine. To measure the degree of inferiority, the three items are calculated by the following formula: Hue error = (M-L) I (H-L) * 100 °/o Ash degree: LIH * 100% Efficiency = {1 -(L+M) I 2 H } * 100 % (lsono,1989) where L: the lowest value of divided color density M: the middle value of divided color density H: the highest value of divided color density The ideal ink has hue error =0 %, ash degree = 0 %, and efficiency = 100 %. A second measurement evaluation for color is achieved by calculating trapping efficiency; how the ink is applied on the previous ink during repeated printing. The trapping efficiency is calculated by the following formula: Trapping efficiency = (D12)2 - (D1)2 I (Dz)2 * 100 % (Isono, 1989) where (D1)2 : divided color density for previous ink (Dz)2 : divided color density for next ink (D12)2 : divided color density for layered ink The ideal trapping efficiency is 100 %. WW Gradation is recognized as a second factor for controlling color. Gradation is used for controlling density from the highlight part, where color is bright and density is low, to the shadow part, where color is dark and 22 density is high. (Isono, et al 1989) Gradation is mainly controlled by the halftone dot. The important evaluation measurement item for the halftone dot is dot gain. (Isono, 1989) Dot gain is calculated by the following formula. Dot gain = ( Dot area ratio for printing products ) - ( Dot area ratio for plate or film ) (Isono, 1989) 4 r f The third factor for controlling printed color is sharpness. The shape coefficient is used to evaluate the dots outside reproduction and is calculated by the following formula: Shape coefficient = (the length of circumference )2] 2m ( area ) Usono,1989) If the shape coefficient is 1.0, the sharpness condition of the portrait is perfect. Measurement of Unjtqmmy The fourth approach to controlling printed color is to measure the uniformity of the printed products. There are two types of uniformity evaluation for printing portrait; micro-unifonnity and macro-uniformity. Micro-unifonnity is a measure of how the ink is applied, and macro-uniformity is a measure of the consumption patches of ink. (Isono, et al. 1989) The evaluation for uniformity of the printed products is 23 expressed by standard deviation of density trace measured by micro densitometer and change coefficient. Change coefficient = Standard deviation of density trace / average density * 100 % (Isono, 1989) iLBALMeasuLememotfiloss The last factor for controlling the printing portrait is gloss; expressed as the rate of bumish for printing products. The gloss is expressed as a numerical quantity by using the photometer, using the following formula: Gloss = The light quantity of positive reflection [the positive reflection light quantity of complete mirror * 100 %. These studies emphasize that objective evaluation is possible using numerical control and that an objective expression for printing quality may be very helpful in judging printing quality. CHAPTER III METHOD M21000 II ‘ mm .‘1I'l :n: .. OV:u:W Of! It 0 I 1:m The primary objective of this research project was to develop and test a prototype expert system for color reproduction. There have been prior investigations into the development of a small scale expert systems, but there are few situations where an expert system has been put into practical use in the printing industry. In this chapter, the procedure followed to develop the prototype expert system is explained. The steps included ; selection of the expert system tool, knowledge acquisition, and evaluation of the completed expert system for color reproduction |l|,B Expert System Tm! salmon W More than a dozen expert system shells or tools are now available in the field of artificial intelligence. The following are some key items to consider when selecting a particular tool. (Akita, 1988) 1. Price Since the expert system is still a new approach in the field of packaging there is constant revision, reformulation, and augmentation. It was not necessary to select the highest priced tool. 24 25 2. Ease of Ieaming Ease of Ieaming is important, especially if the author is neither a computer programmer nor computer expert. A highly developed expert system tool was not needed for this research. Therefore, the ease of Ieaming was an important consideration. 3. Previous uses of tool The extent of use was also an important factor in deciding on the optional tool. Widespread use of a tool indicates that the methods tend to need less debugging and fewer changes and that it is easy to get information about strengths and weaknesses. 4. Connection with other systems When selecting the tool, connection with other software, hardware, and networks must be considered because the prototype expert system may be a practical expert system in the near feature. Thus, it was important to consider this feature. 5. Language dependency It was important to recognize to what extent the tool itself depends on the computer language and how long the tool takes to interface, an important measure of the responsiveness of the expert system. Since the purpose of this research was to build a prototype expert system for paper printing quality, and since limited time was available, the most important factor in choosing the tool was easy of Ieaming. The tool selected was Level 5/Macintosh, a rule based tool, produced by lnfonnation Builders. 26 r , r I ' h Level 5 uses a versatile knowledge representation language called Production Rule Language (PRL) for development of the knowledge base. In PRL, knowledge is represented as IF...AND...OR...THEN...ELSE rules, which contain the factual lnfonnation comprising the domain of the expert system. (Level 5) Level 5 had the follows advantages: 1) It was lower-priced. 2) It was easy to learn. 3) It had flexible application. 4) It had linked knowledge base. The price of the expert system was an important factor in deciding on a tool or shell so the lower priced Level 5 was selected. Level 5IMacintosh was an adequate system for building the expert system in this research project. ' Level 5 offered simple rules with mathematical capabilities. In short, the ease of Ieaming was a strong factor because the research objective was to develop the prototype expert system in a short period of time. Level 5 is flexible and can suit many applications. In most expert systems, designers must choose between a forward or backward inference engine. However, Level 5 can use both backward chaining and forward chaining to reach an inference. 27 The fourth factor was that Level 5 could be linked to HyperCard or Excel. The linked knowledge bases can communicate with one another dynamically and update global facts with the engagement of each knowledge base. I r n Knowledge acquisition was the most important activity in the development of the expert system for printing quality control. To acquire knowledge it was necessary to analyze the knowledge and determine how to obtain it from experts and literature. An optimal method of knowledge acquisition has not been established, so the process for acquiring knowledge of a specific printing quality problem can be difficult. An expert's knowledge can be divided into two types of knowledge: literature knowledge and heuristic knowledge. (Akita, 1988) Literature knowledge is the minimum factual knowledge required to be an expert. Heuristics, on the other hand, includes the knowledge needed for distinguishing between experts and non-experts. Both kinds of knowledge were necessary to build the prototype expert system. Literature knowledge is more than 90 % of the total knowledge required for an expert system, (Akita, 1988) so it was important to ensure complete acquisition of this type of knowledge. The researcher, acting as knowledge engineer, obtained knowledge from two printing publications and from two printing experts. The knowledge which was obtained is described in a later section. 28 The following sources of knowledge were accessed. 1. Knowledge acquisition from heuristics 1) Inspection of Ueda Printing Company 2) Computerized quality assurance system of Dossmann Printing Company 2. Knowledge acquisition from literature 1) Printing quality evaluation method for color reproduction 2) Diagnosis of printing problems I v ' i ' ' h i P ' ' m The purpose of the knowledge acquisition in this section was to discover and collect information to describe how a printing expert checks the printed product samples during a quality inspection. The information was gathered through interviews with printing experts. A printing company in Japan was selected. This company, UEDA Printing 8 Paper Box Company, has an excellent printing expert who was interviewed for the purpose of acquiring detailed knowledge. There were three goals for this part of the knowledge base. The first goal was to discover the printing conditions. The printing conditions were the principal knowledge needed to understand the printing process, the beginning step for building a prototype expert system. In order to understand the conditions, questions were asked about four areas: 29 1) Product a. What kind of packages are printed 7 (food, confectionery, medicine, cosmetics, and other miscellaneous) b. Are there regulations that apply 7 c. Does the type of product influence the expert? 2) Material a. What kinds of materials are used 7 (paperboard, E-flute, thin paper, etc.) b. Is there a relationship between paper type and printing quality 7 c. Does material type influence procedures which are conducted before the actual printing process begins 7 3) Ink a. What kinds of printing inks are used 7 (carton ink, corrugated ink, or special ink.) b. Are there specific print quality checks that apply when dealing with aparticularmedical orfood product? 4) Equipment a. What kinds of printing machines are used 7 b. What features do the machines have 7 c. How does the coating system work 7 d. What does the expert observe when evaluating coating and printing quality 7 The second goal of the interview was to locate checldists for inspecting printing products and to determine the meaning of each check item. In most printing companies, only the expert checks printing samples visually to determine whether the sample is satisfactory. Printing 30 experts have the inspection knowledge in their brains. Thus, the second goal was to discover the inspection items and their meaning from the printing experts. The following questions were asked. a. What are the details of the checklists used by printing experts to examine quality 7 b. Are there more checklists 7 c. Which checklist does the printing expert use 7 e. What is the meaning of each checklist item 7 The third goal of the knowledge acquisition process was to determine how experts check the printed products. The printing experts do not check the printing samples by reference to inspection manuals. They have individualized knowledge and procedures for inspecting printed products. This part of the knowledge base was considered to be the most critical for the development of the expert system, and a large amount of time was committed to discover how the expert performs the inspection. The following questions were posed: a. Do printing experts actually inspect printing samples according to inspection checldists 7 Are there any experiments involved in the inspection process 7 What tests are used 7 Which checldists do printing experts use for the visual inspection 7 Which checldists are most important for evaluating printing quality. 99.0.6 A'l‘. .131. 3i. P -. It i... .1116 513M ' 13 '2' . ll.‘.ll E . I' Q The knowledge in this section was obtained from a discussion with Dr. 31 Friedrich Dossmann, president of the Dossmann Printing Company in West Germany. Dossmann has created several systems for improvement of quality and productivity including systems for quality assurance by computers. The knowledge acquired from Dossman has been included in the knowledge base of the program. (Dossmann, 1990) The following procedure was used to complete the knowledge acquisition. Determine the general procedure for quality assurance by computer. Examine the flow chart. Acquire the checklist for quality control. Determine the procedure used by the computer to promote quality control and quality assurance. PS‘N.‘ 5. The structure for basic data, including basic classification, quality classification, and defect classification. III C 2 | 'l | E . IIIQZI II II le | I’ E' I' Q I! The third method was knowledge acquisition from the publication OFFSET PRINTING MACHINE. (Isono, et al, 1989) The printing machine section personnel conducted on evaluation of printing quality. The results of the study are summarized briefly in the next section. The group established a mathematical formula for the evaluation of the overall quality of printing using the multivalent analysis method. Ten quality items are transformed in a single formula, expressing the overall quality of printed products as numerical values. (lsono et, al., 1989) 32 Evaluation for the overall quality of printed products were inspected by measuring ten evaluation items. The score for color reproduction was calculated from the numerical values for ten items. The score was a numerical value with a maximum 100 points. IIIQZZII l’ l I' . [E'I' E II This section of the knowledge base was set up to provide lnfonnation to assist in the diagnosis of printing problems such as out of register, scum, and curling. Generally, it is difficult to diagnose when printing problems happen in an offset printing machine. Offset printing machine problems result because the machine and the process are complicated. (T akayanagi, 1986) This problem was approached by using the cause and effect diagram. WELD The completed prototype expert system was tested to determine if the results agreed with the expert's evaluation. Only the section for color reproduction was evaluated because it relied most heavily on the printing expert. The method was comparison of the expert opinion with non-expert system result. Two cases, pictures of Japanese tea and rice crackers, were tested to determine whether the prototype expert system could be applied effectiVely. The correlation coefficient was calculated to measure the relationship between overall quality score obtained from the expert system and expert's visual evaluation score. 33 1) Sample Each sample was classified into five quality levels: highest quality, high quality, medium quality, low quality, and lowest quality. A total of 5 sample products were prepared by printing experts to be highest, high quality, etc from Japanese tea sample. The five rice cracker samples were prepared similarly. Data were recorded in tables, as shown below. A) Japanese Tea #1 Highest High Medium Low lowest quality quality quality quality quality Sample B) Rice Cracker #2 Highest High Medium Low lowest quality quality quality quality quality SamMe 2) Evaluation by Prototype Expert System Ten samples, 5 samples of Japanese tea and 5 samples of rice crackers, were evaluated using the prototype expert system and given an overall quality point rating for color reproduction. The score was 100 points as a maximum. 34 3) Evaluation by Printing Expert Fifty printing experts from five different printing companies; Ueda Printing & Paper Box Co., Ltd, Dainippon Ink & Chemical, Inc, Sumida Paper Industry, and Total Packaging Co., Ltd evaluated the same products. Printing experts checked the printing samples and rated the overall quality, with a maximum of 10 points. Based on the expert' scores and the score from the expert system, the correlation coefficient was calculated. The expert's reliability was also examined by having each person score two times in the same day (morning and altemoon). The correlation coefficient was calculated based on the scores. 4) Method The overall quality point ratings by the experts and the prototype expert system operated by a non-expert were compared. Based on this data, the correlation coefficient between these overall quality points was calculated in order to evaluate the developed expert system. The graph which follows is an example which illustrates the correlation between evaluation points from the expert system and printing experts. The statistically significant test (p<0.05) was applied to the correlation coefficient. 35 FIGURE 3.1 Illustration of the Correlation between Evaluation Points from the Expert System and Printing Experts. a) In the case of Japanese tea products 6 (printing pattern = food product) 5 evaluation by «pens 4 correlation 0.97 3 O correlation 0.923 2 O 1 20 40 60 80 100 evaluation point by expert system b) In the case of rice cracker products 6 5 evaluation by experts (printing pattern = miscellaneous product) correlation 0.912 correlation 0.812 20 40 60 80 100 evaluation point by expert system CHAPTER IV BUILDING THE EXPERT SYSTEM W W This chapter describes how the prototype expert system for printing quality was built using the knowledge acquired from printing experts and the literature. Level Five for Macintosh was used as the tool, as discussed previously. The expert system used knowledge from four sources, two printing experts, one from Japan and one from West Germany, and two literature sources. IIIB IE II E "l' IIIBIII E II IE'I' Ell The first knowledge base for building this prototype expert system was obtained from printing experts who work at the UEDA Printing 8 Paper Box Company in Japan. The researcher acting as knowledge engineer, interviewed printing experts to get knowledge which was needed for building the expert system. The main goal for the first stage was to find out what types of check lists exist for inspecting printing quality, what each check item means, and how the printing experts check printing products based on the check lists. W Currently, only printing experts can check samples visually to determine 36 37 whether the quality of the printing product is good or not, because the printing expert has these checklists stored in his or her memory. The following 11 check items for quality inspection were identified during the discussions with the printing experts. These items were the main categories in the knowledge base. Is the printing out of register 7 What is the condition of the character and picture on the surface 7 Is there a strange odor from the surface 7 How is the roughness of solid place 7 Is there a curling problem 7 Is there a doubling problem 7 Are there stains, spots, or blots on the printing surface 7 Is there an offsetting problem 7 PPNP’WPPNT‘ Is there a mottling problem 7 . Are there pinholes on the surface 7 . Is there a ghost image on the surface 7 cull—l do The overall printing quality inspection is based on these checklists. In the next section, each checklists is classified into the four categories which were gathered from the discussion with Mr. Dossmann. MW This section of the knowledge base was obtained from the discussion with Dr. Friedrich Dossmann who is a president of Dossmann Printing Company in West Germany. He has created numerous systems for 33 improving quality and productivity in paper printing companies. The main purpose of this discussion was to acquire lnfonnation about quality classification and defect classification according to the quality assurance system created by Dossmann. The knowledge base for quality classification of paper printing was divided into four categories. The knowledge in these four categories was acquired from the quality assurance system for paper printing through the discussion with Dossmann. The four categories were : 1) Color reproduction 2) Printing register 3) Overall quality immediately after printing operation 4) Scumming Each of these four categories are discussed in the following sections. W The first step in inspecting print quality was to check color reproduction. Color reproduction indicates how well the original color tone is reproduced. (Isono, 1989) To inspect color reproduction for paper printing quality, Dossmann arranged the following items into the quality assurance checking system: 1. Is the color of the printing surface bright or dark 7 2. Is there enough gloss 7 3. Is the color tone uniform 7 4. Is there any doubling phenomenon 7 These items were used when the answer was neither completely true nor completely false; however, it was difficult for the non-printing experts 39 to describe the color of the printed products. Inspecting color of the printed products is the most important phase of evaluating paper printing quality and it had to be done very well. After careful discussion with the printing expert, the method from the literature, a standardized mathematical formula for color reproduction, was selected, making it possible to evaluate color reproduction by one numerical value based on the measured data. Each inspection element for color reproduction consisted of the following ten individual measures: (Isono, 1989) 1) Relative contrast 2) Solid density 3) Saturation 4) Hue error 5) Three piled up color degree 6) Degree for ash color 7) Effective density in halftone dot 8) Environs scumming of halftone dot 9) Dot gain 10) Shape coefficient in halftone dot A more detailed discussion about color reproduction is included in a following section. IIIEZZ E' l' B 'l The second step in the evaluating of printing quality was to check the printing register. There are several kinds of out of register defects such as right and left, up and down, and bending out of register. If the out of register phenomenon occurs in the printing operation, it is necessary to adjust the machine using the results of the out of register inspection. 40 President Dossmann expressed the tolerance limit of printing register by numerical value in the quality assurance system for printing quality. Previously, the printing expert inspected the printing register phenomenon visually. The following tolerance limits for out of register have been included in the knowledge base of the program. 1) out of register is over 1 mm 2) out of register is between 0.3 mm and 1.0 mm 3) out of register is between 0.3 mm and 0.1 mm 4) out of register is less than 0.1 mm The decision rule for the printing register will be outlined and discussed in detail In the following section. Dossmann classified overall quality immediately after printing operation as the third classification for printing quality. Overall quality also required skilled printing experts to inspect the quality. The inspection items were : 1) to check readability of character 2) to check cleamess of picture 3) to check strange odor 4) to check roughness of solid place 5) to check curling condition 6) to check doubling condition Printing experts had a variety of ways to inspect the overall quality immediately after a printing operation. It depended on the printing 41 experts impression, whether these inspection items were accepted or rejected as measures of the printing quality. All the items were addressed in the knowledge base which is discussed the following section. These inspection items were not necessarily used at every printing company for maintaining paper printing quality. This classification was adopted in order to build the prototype expert system for printing quality. More efficient classifications are possible. NW9 The last classification measure for the quality assurance system created by Dossmann was to check the scumming. Scumming is a phenomenon which occurs either during the printing operation or alter the printing operation and happens during delivering, rubbing machine, and some other substances. Five inspection items for checking scumming were drawn from the discussion with the printing experts at Ueda printing company. The following scumming inspection items were considered: 1) check overall scumming (tinting, stable scumming, partial scumming, line plumps overall, and scumming in a vertical direction.) 2) check offsetting 3) check mottling condition of surface 4) pinhole problem 5) check ghost phenomenon Scumming could be quality controlled by inspecting the above items. This was, of course, not enough to perfectly control scumming; however, the overall scumming inspection was satisfied by inspecting these items. Printed products with scumming lose quality so serious inspections were necessary. The prototype expert system for overall quality of paper 42 printing was built by classifying : color reproduction, printing register, overall quality and scumming. Decision rules that needed to evaluate overall quality of paper printing are outlined and discussed in the next section. Mil—Wain As was described in previous sections, the prototype expert system evaluated four items color reproduction, printing register, overall quality immediately after the printing operation, and scumming. The following sections describe how the prototype expert system for printing quality was organized and developed. 1. Printing Register The out of printing register is the most serious printing problem. Out of register means that lines drawing for multi-color printing or repeated printing shift up and down or right and left. (T akayanagi, 1986) Printing experts usually check this shift by a magnifier The limits on out of register were obtained from printing experts. If the shift of printing register was over 1m, printing experts classified the product as out of register, and the product had to be diagnosed to understand the reasons. Therefore, the knowledge base automatically shifts to the diagnosis section. If the shift of printing register is less than 0.3mm, the product was defined to not be out of register and the knowledge base continue through the inspection process. 43 Figure 4.1 is a decision rule example for this section of the knowledge base. The knowledge base is written in the versatile knowledge representation language called Production Rule Language. In PRL, knowledge is represented as IF...AND...OR...THEN...ELSE rules. (Level 5) The first line is the name of the rule, in this case, “excellent register“. The second line is a condition. The knowledge base asks the user to state the size of the shilt in printing register. The operator measures the shift of the printing register and responds. In this case, the knowledge base draws the conclusion that the condition of the printing register is excellent. FIGURE 4.1 DECISION RULE EXAMPLE: PRINTING REGISTER RULE Excellent register IF Shift of printing register is less than 0.1 mm THEN The condition of printing register is excellent AND CHAIN readability of character 2. Readability of Character to Ghost Image Problem As mentioned in a previous section, many abstract expressions such as brightness, darkness, clearness, uncleamess, softness, and hardness are used to express the quality of printing. In inspection analysis of paper printing applications, decisions are often made on the basis of uncertain or unreliable information. Many check lists include abstract expressions, such as readability of character, cleamess of picture, strange odor, roughness of solid place, curling conditions, surface doubling, overall scum condition, offset condition, surface mottle, and ghost image problem. The answers to the above inspection items are neither completely true nor completely false but are believed with a greater or 44 lesser degree of confidence. A confidence factor of 100 indicates complete confidence that the statement is true, a confidence factor of 0 indicates complete confidence that the statement is false, and a confidence factor of 50 is interpreted as noncommittal, statement might be true or false. A confidence factor was applied to evaluate the abstract expressions, using a scale from 0 0/o to 100 0/o. The inspection items which were evaluated with confidence factors were: readability of character, cleamess of picture, strange odor problem, roughness of solid place, curling conditions, surface doubling, overall scum condition, offset condition, surface mottle, and ghost image problem. The minimum degree of confidence required for a fact to assumed to be true was set at 70 points. If the user expressed a confidence evaluation of over 70 points, the knowledge base assumed that the condition for the item was true and was directed to inspect the next item by the CHAIN command. On the other hand, if the user gave a confidence factor of less than 70 points, the knowledge base assumed that the condition for the item was false and automatically proceeded to the diagnosis section to find out the possible reasons for the condition and made suggestions for corrective actions for the printing trouble. A decision rule example for readability of character is shown in Figure 4.2 The tOp line is title, “Readability of character“. The item next to TITLE is a description of the knowledge base printed on the screen by the DISPLAY command. The next line is CONFIDENCE ON, a control statement that turns on confidence prompting for a knowledge base. The next line is THRESHOLD=70 which sets the minimum degree of confidence required 45 for a fact to be assumed to be true. The next line is a goal outline for the inference engine. In this case, “the condition of characters on the printing surface IS WHAT" is a goal outline. The following lines are rules for readability of character. TEXT express the declaration to be substituted for the name of a fact in query displays. The last line is END which defines the end of a knowledge base. FIGURE 4.2 DECISION RULE EXAMPLE : READABILITY OF CHARACTER TITLE Readability of Character DISPLAY *flflflflflflttfiflflflfiflIflflflflflttt*flifltfiflt.**.***fi********t***t* #2 SECOND CHECK POINT I READABILITY OF CHARACTER tit.***Ifltflfltttttflfitt*fi*.***fl*****Ctfitfilttttttfitttfittt THIS SECTION IS GOING TO CHECK THE CONDITION OF CHARACTER ON THE PRINTING SURFACE. “CONFIDENCE FACT OR“ IS USED FOR CHECKING THE CONDITION OF CHARACTER ON THE PRINTING SURFACE BECAUSE THE DECISIONS ARE OFTEN MADE ON THE BASIS OF UNCERTAIN OR UNRELIABLE INFORMATION. A “CONFIDENCE FACTOR" OF 100 MEANS THAT THE FACT IS TRUE. A “CONFIDENCE FACTOR” OF 0 MEANS THAT THE FACT IS FALSE. 3.....3.ti...*fliflfifltflfl.fiflflflfittfiififlfltfltttfltttii.flfltflfiflflfl PLEASE CLICK WHEN YOU ARE READY TO GO ON. THE PROCEDURE IS THE NEXT SECTION. comosuce ON THRESHOLD=7O 1. the condition of characters on the printing surface IS WHAT RULE readability of character IF readability of character THEN the condition of character in printing surface IS ok AND CHAIN cleamess of picture 46 Fig 4.2 (Con‘t) ELSE CHAIN diagnosis letter problem TEXT readability of character HOW MUCH CONFIDENCE DO YOU HAVE ABOUT READABILITY OF CHARACTER 7 PLEASE SHOW THE CONFIDENCE POINT BETWEEN 0 AND 100 POINTS, BY USING THE ABOVE SCALE. 0 50 100 CAN NOT READ MIDDLE CAN READ WELL END The knowledge base for the rest of the inspection items can be seen in Appendix E. 3. Pinhole Problem The following four classifications were used for pinholes. critical condition - the diameter of the pinhole is over 4 mm. major condition - the diameter of the pinhole is between 2 mm and 4 mm. minor condition - the diameter of the pinhole is between 1mm and 2 mm. excellent condition - the diameter of the pinhole is less than 1mm. The printing expert judges the condition of pinholes by using the classification system listed above. The diameter of pinhole can be measured by a magnifier. 47 If the pinhole diameter is over 4 mm, the quality of printing is greatly degraded. The knowledge base proceeds directly to the diagnosis section to find out the reasons for the critical pinhole condition. If the pinhole diameter is between 2 mm and 4 mm, it affects the printed quality of the product to a lesser extent. Products with pinhole diameter between 2 mm and 4 mm indicate that pinholes may become a critical condition later in the operation. The knowledge base assumes it should proceed to the diagnosis section to find out the reasons for the pinhole problem. If the diameter of the pinhole, is less than 1 mm, the pinhole condition is excellent and the knowledge base assumes that this product is good quality. As a result, the user goes to the next case to check the quality of paper printing. If the diameter of the pinhole is between 1 mm and 2 m, it will not affect printing quality too much. The knowledge base assumes that a diameter at this limit is ok and goes to the next section to check the printing condition. A decision rule example is shown in Figure 4.3. FIGURE 4.3 DECISION RULE EXAMPLE: PINHOLE PROBLEM RULE critical condition IF the pinhole diameter is over 4 mm THEN The pinhole condition is critical condition AND DISPLAY quality 48 Fig 4.3 (Con't) AND CHAIN diagnose pinhole problem DISPLAY quality The diameter of pinhole over 4 mm is a critical condition. The product affects printing quality seriously. It is necessary to investigate the reasons for this critical condition. P ' ' Pr This section of the knowledge base, taken from Offset Printing Machine, is used to diagnose printing trouble to find out the reasons for and make suggestions about printing problems such as out of register, scumming and doubling. (T akayanagi, et al, 1986) It is difficult to express the reasons for and suggestions for correcting printing trouble, because many elements, such as chemistry, physics, and machine mechanism are involved. (T akayanagi, 1986) The cause and effect diagram shown in Figure 4.4 was taken from Offset Printing Machine. (T akayanagi, 1986) 49 FIGURE 4.4 CAUSE AND EFFECT DIAGRAM FOR DOUBLING _ CYINDER ARRANGEMENT POOR NAIL ADJUSTMENT SHOCK BY MACHINERY ,_ HE _________, FORM OF BEARING DFFERENCE CRASH OF GEAR MOVEMENT NAIL SHAFT AT RIGHT AND LEFT RIGHT AND LEFT ‘— VIBRATION OF MACHINE MACHINE NOT AT HORIZONTAL ooueuuc__ mane lggm'gfgwsm m l POOR NAIL ADJUSTMENT POOR NAIL ADJUSTMENT — SHEET ONE POOR CYLINDER ADJUSTMENT R NAIL ENT ~-— EVERY moms?“ COUPLE OF SHEETS FLAPPING PAPER The cause and effect diagram was used to identify the reasons for problems. The cause and effect diagram for each printing quality item was included in the knowledge base of the program. The decision rule example for the doubling problem is shown below in figure 4.5. 50 FIGURE 4.5 DECISION RULE EXAMPLE : DIAGNOSIS OF DOUBLING PROBLEM RULE right and left for double IF printing product doubles at right and left THEN doubling problem for right and left IS ok AND DISPLAY light and left DISPLAY right and left Please check the following items for doubling: 1 move nail shalt at right and left 2 vibration of machine 3 machine not at horizontal level * Click Continue * The knowledge base for this doubling problem diagnosis asked the user about the doubling condition. The user chooses a condition from the selection menu : 1) printing product doubles with big difference 2) printing product doubles at right and left 3) printing product doubles at incline 4) printing product doubles at every one sheet 5) printing product doubles every couple of sheets Based on the user's answer, the knowledge base gave possible reasons and suggestions for the doubling problem. If the user chose big difference as near doubling condition, the knowledge base gave the following reasons and suggestions for the doubling problem by using the DISPLAY command. 5 1 Please check the following items for doubling : 1. cylinder arrangement 2. poor nail adjustment 3. machine part 4. form of bearing 5. gear The knowledge base for this section was taken from Offset Printing Machine (T akayanagi, 1986). Critical information for evaluating the overall quality of color reproduction on printed products is presented in Offset Printing Machine (T akayanagi, 1986). There are four stages in the evaluation of the overall quality of color reproduction: decide the measurement item for overall quality of color reproduction, get the conversion diagram which converts the measurement value for evaluation item to the evaluation point, decide the weight of each evaluation item, that is, the relative importance in relation to overall printing quality, and get the overall quality point according to each measurement value. The quality points for color reproduction were calculated by using the following formula. Y = ); WlPi (1) where Y : Total quality point (100 points as maximum) Wi : Weight of evaluation item i Pi : Evaluation point of evaluation item i 52 IV . I To define the quality of printed products, the evaluation items for color reproduction had to be measured. The following items, found to be valid and reliable measures (Takayanagi, 1986), were used for this study. 1. Relative Contrast (RC) 2. Solid density (D) 3. Saturation point (A) 4. Hue error . (I3) 5. Three color ('2) 6. Ash color degree (0) 7. Effective density in the halftone dot (DP) 8. Environs scumming of halftone dot (SD) 9. Dotgain (DG) 10. Shape coefficient in halftone dot (SF) These items do not have meaning individually, but each item is related to the others. HEB-52 E l l' E'l llll'll The measurement value for each item was not important in itself because the value didn‘t directly interpret the quality of the printed product. Therefore, the measured values were converted. IIEEEZI E I l' E'I The data were standardized and expressed on an eleven-point scale from 0 to 10 points. To find the value, a diagram for converting to the evaluation point from the measured value was used. The conversion diagram for solid density is presented in table 4.1. It can be seen that from 1.59 to 1.66, solid density was worth 9 points and from 53 1.06 to 1.13, solid density was worth 1 point. Each of the 10 items had its own conversion diagram and all 10 items were converted from the measured value to evaluation points. The evaluation points were used as data in the decision rule for overall quality of color reproduction. TABLE 4.1 CONVERSION DIAGRAM EXAMPLE: SOLID DENSITY Evaluation point Value for solid density If less than 1116 1 between 1.06 and 1.13 2 between 1.13 and 1.19 3 between 1.19 and 1.26 4 between 1.26 and 1.33 5 between 1.33 and 1.39 6 between 1.39 and 1.46 7 between 1.46 and 1.53 8 between 1.53 and 1.59 9 between 1.59 and 1.66 10 over 1.66 W The next step was to decide the weight of each evaluation item. The evaluation items were not equivalent but the ratios affected the total quality. (T akayanagi et. al, 1986) To estimate the weight of each item, multiple regression analysis was applied taking the ten evaluation items as independent variables and visual evaluation as a dependent variable. However, since the independent variables were highly correlated with each other, this process violated one of the assumptions of regression analysis. Therefore, in order to make these ten evaluation variables statistically independent, principal component analysis was employed to combine these variables into a smaller set of composite variables (statistically independent from each other). The result is shown in the Table 4.2 54 TABLE 4.2 A Set of Composite Variables P- F _ Z1 _ ._ 0.37 -0.31 -0.33 0.28 0.39 -0.12 -0.24 0.30 0.39 0.34 22 0.31 0.43 0.40 -0.31 0.06 -0.05 0.40 0.37 0.21 0.33 23 0.05 0.15 0.21 0.37 -0.06 0.84 -0.18 0.22 0.05 0.04 Each component was interpreted as follows; where 21 = reproduction for halftone dot shape 22 = low and high density at ink transition place of printing surface 23 = color difference at place where a repeated printing was taken Eighty-six percent of total variance was explained by these three components. Finally, multiple regression analysis was applied to the three components (lndependent variables) on the visual evaluation score (dependent variables) to assess reliability and validity of the evaluation items for color reproduction measurements. The third component (23) was not used because it was not a significant indicator of the dependent variable. (TE) (0) (A) ('3) ('2) (G) (DP) (SD) (DG) (SF) 55 The result follows: V = 0.183 21 + 0.247 22 - 0.095 (3) V : visual evaluation result In this case, the multiple regression coefficient was 0.970. (P<0.01) Weight of the evaluation was calculated using the following formula. Wi = 10 " (allli + a2l2i) l 2 (allll + a2l2l) (3) WI : weight of evaluation for each evaluation item i a1, a2 : coefficient of characteristics 21 and 22. Ill, I2i : coefficient is indicated in the relationship between evaluation item i and characteristics 21 and 22. Evaluation weight calculated by the above formula is indicated in Table 4.3. 56 TABLE 4.3 ABBREVIATION and WEIGHT for EACH EVALUATION ITEM Evaluation Item Sign Weight 1. Relative Contrast (RC) 1.7 2. She e Coefficient (SF) 1.7 in alftone Dot 3. Scumming of (SD) 1.6 Halftone Dot 4. Dot Gain (DG) 1.5 5. Three Piled up (l2) 1.0 Color Degree 6. Effective Density (DP) 0.6 in Halftone Dot 7. Solid Density (D) 0.6 8. Saturation (A) 0.5 Degree for (G) 0.5 Ash Color 10. Hue Error (l3) 0.3 W The overall quality point for color reproduction was expressed as a numerical value, calculated using the following formula, Y = Z wiPI (1) where Y : Total Quality Point Y = 0 .. 100 point Wi : Weight for evaluation item i )3 Wi = 10 Pi : Evaluation point for evaluation item i Pi = 0 .. 10 point n : The total number of evaluation items 57 The overall quality scale for color reproduction has a maximum of 100 points. If the number of overall quality points is high, the quality of the printed product is good. The next section describes the decision rule for overall quality of color reproduction. ' n I I r The last part of the knowledge base for the expert system of print quality was to check the color reproduction, introduced in the previous section. Color reproduction was expressed by one score based on measurement data. (Isono, 1987). Figure 4.6 is an example of a decision rule that determines overall quality points. The knowledge base asks the user to input the measured value for relative contrast, decides the evaluation point for relative contrast, and calculates the total score for the relative contrast. This procedure is followed each time so it takes place 10 times to get the overall quality rating for color reproduction. After examining these procedures, the knowledge base returns the overall quality rating value which becomes the index for color reproduction. FIGURE 4.6 DECISION RULE EXAMPLE : RELATIVE CONTRAST RULE for density < 0.17 IF have the facts AND relative contrast < 0.17 THEN #1 AND evaluation point for relative contrastz=0 58 Fig 4.6 (Con't) RULE for density >= 0.17 IF have the facts AND relative contrast >= 0.17 AND relative contrast < 0.21 THEN #1 AND evaluation point for relative contrast:=1 RULE for density >= 0.21 IF have the facts AND relative contrast >= 0.21 AND relative contrast < 0.25 THEN #1 AND evaluation point for relative contrast:=2 RULE for density >= 0.25 IF have the facts AND relative contrast >= 0.25 AND relative contrast < 0.29 THEN #1 AND evaluation point for relative contrast:=3 RULE for density >= 0.29 IF have the facts AND relative contrast >= 0.29 AND relative contrast < 0.33 THEN #1 AND evaluation point for relative contrast:=4 RULE for density >= 0.33 IF have the facts AND relative contrast >= 0.33 AND relative contrast < 0.37 THEN #1 AND evaluation point for relative contrast:=5 RUL-E for density >= 0.37 IF have the facts A'ND relative contrast >= 0.37 Fig 4.6 (Con't) AND relative contrast < 0.41 THEN #1 AND evaluation point for relative contrast:=6 RULE for density >= 0.41 IF have the facts AND relative contrast >= 0.41 AND relative contrast < 0.45 . THEN #1 AND evaluation point for relative contrast:=7 RULE for density >= 0.45 IF have the facts AND relative contrast >= 0.45 AND relative contrast < 0.49 THEN #1 AND evaluation point for relative contrast:=8 RULE for density >= 0.49 IF have the facts AND relative contrast >= 0.49 AND relative contrast < 0.53 THEN #1 AND evaluation point for relative contrast:=9 RULE for density >= 0.53 IF have the facts AND relative contrast >= 0.53 THEN #1 AND evaluation point for relative contrast:=10 RULE for getting score IF #1 THEN sub score is \ ok AND #2 AND 59 sub total score for density error:=1.7‘ evaluation point for relative contrast This section presents organization of the expert system. The diagram for overall quality consists of fourteen main parts which were discussed in previous sections. The knowledge base asks the user about the condition of the printing register. If the answer is satisfactory, the knowledge base continues on to the section for checking print quality. If not, the knowledge base goes to the diagnosis section to determine the reasons for being out of register. Once satisfied with the printing condition, the knowledge base checks the overall quality. The knowledge base asks the user six questions, and uses the confidence factors to express overall quality. Then the knowledge base goes to the next section which is inspecting the scum condition. The scum section consists of 5 questions. If the condition of scum is satisfied with a high enough confidence factor, the knowledge base continues on to the most important element of the which is checking the condition of color reproduction. The color reproduction item is important because a very skilled person is required to check the color in the printing operation. However, when using the expert system, the user only answers the ten questions concerning color reproduction, and the knowledge base gives the user the overall quality for color reproduction. Figure 4.7 is a diagram of this prototype expert system that is shown in the below. FIGURE 4.7 Diagram of Overall Quality for Paper Printing 61 FIGURE 4.7 Diagram of Overall Quality for Paper Printing Overall Quality of Printing 1 < START > Printing Register I l Readability of Character [ Diagnose Register poo, Problem M p I Cleamess of Picture I 00' j Diagnose Letter Problem Gm [Odor Problem * Poor am I Roughness of Solid Place I I Diagnose Odor Problem I Poor an! I Curling of Paper Diagnose Roughness * * poo.- Problem Diagnose Curling I Doubling of Surface ‘ Problem it... 62 h \I/ r \ ’ Diagnose Doubling I Overall Scumming Problem r“ POO! good \Ié Diagnose Scum l Offsettlng Problem and 4|. % °°°' \ | Surface Mottle I Diagnose Offset ’ poo, Problem M I Pinhole Problem I Diagnose Mottle poo, Problem M I Ghost Image Diagnose Pinhole - poor Problem Goal Diagnose Ghost Problem coma REPRODUCTION | < Input the Measurement Value > 3|; l 1) Relative Contrast J I 2) Solid Density I 3) Saturation l 4) Hue Error V 63 l 5) Degree for Ash Color I 6) Three Piled Up Color Degree I l 7) Effective Density in Halftone Dot l l 8) Environs Scum of Halftone Dot _i_ 9) Dot Gain I I 10) Shape Coefficient in Halftone Dot i V Overall Quality Point for Color Reproduction CHAPTER V EXPERT SYSTEM EVALUATION AND RESULTS Muslim The final objective was to evaluate the expert system for evaluating color reproduction, a component of the expert system for paper printing quality. The printing samples were prepared by Ueda Printing 81 Paper Box Co., Ltd. in Japan and the instruments were manufactured by Dainippon Ink and Chemicals, Inc. and Mitsubishi Heavy Industry. The samples prepared by Ueda Printing Company were normal products that can be seen at any food shop and super market in Japan. The samples were selected by the printing supervisor. The printed samples were measured at Dainippon Chemical and Mitsubishi Heavy Industry to get data needed for the expert system. The next step was for the printing experts to perform visual inspections. Fifty printing experts were chosen for the evaluation. The system was evaluated by comparing the results from the expert system operated by a non-expert and with the results developed by printing experts. E | . 'I l' I II D | Two printing samples were evaluated for this expert system. The ideal approach to this evaluation would have been to use as many printing experts as possible and for each person to perform the evaluation in the morning and afternoon or on different days to judge the reliability of the experts. However, because of time limitations and the heavy work 64 65 loads, only 10 printing experts participated in this portion of the comparison. If the correlation was high, the prototype expert system for color reproduction might see practical use in the near future. If the correlation was low, other factors besides the ten selected measurement items might be considered. I r r The printing samples measured for evaluation were picture patterns depicting Japanese tea and rice crackers. Printed products which can be seen at super markets and food Shops were selected to make the evaluation realistic. Each sample was determined to be “the highest quality', "high quality', ”medium quality', “low quality', and “the lowest quality' by a printing expert. For each sample, the ten different variables that are illustrated in the figure 5.1. were measured by the densitometer and picture processing analysis instrument. The data can be found in Appendix C. Each item measured by the instrument was input to the expert system when requested by the knowledge base for color reproduction, and then overall printing quality point for color reproduction was calculated. This knowledge base was made up of 124 decision rules and 65. To evaluate the prototype expert system, the ten samples were further evaluated by the printing experts. Fifty printing experts participated in the evaluation giving each evaluation a maximum often points. The 66 evaluation of printing quality for color reproduction took place in two stages: the comparison between the printing experts' scores and the expert system's scores, and the correlation coefficient between scores from the expert system and printing experts. FIGURE 5.1 TEN VARIABLES FOR COLOR REPRODUCTION 1) Relative Contrast - evaluates how closely the printed product resembles the proof sheet. ‘ 2) Solid Density - checks the highest density in the printed product. 3) Saturation - evaluates the degree of color inferiority for the printed product. The color of the printed product is usually inferior to the proof sheet. 4) Hue Error - evaluates the degree of color inferiority for the printed product, similar saturation. 5) Degree for Ash Color - evaluates the degree of color impurity in comparison to the proof sheet. 6) Three Layered Color Degree - evaluates the degree of color inferiority for the printed product. 7) Effective Density of halftone Dot - evaluates the halftone dot's inside density reproduction. The halftone dot’s density profile is distorted in comparison to the ideal. 8) Environs Scum of Halftone Dot - evaluates the halftone dot's circumference density reproduction. 9) Dot Gain - evaluates the degree of halftone dot's area in comparison to the proof. The area of the printed product's dot is larger than the proofs. 1 0) Shape Coefficient in Halftone Dot - evaluates the degree of halftone dot's outline reproduction. MMW Table 5.1 and 5.2 present the measurement data for each sample. Any 67 item with over 70 points satisfies the minimum quality standard. TABLE 5.1 QUALITY RATINGS BY THE EXPERT SYSTEM SAMPLE : JAPANESE TEA #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Relative Contrast 0.396 0.348 0.376 0.376 0.388 Solid Density 1.207 1.13 1.093 1.18 1.137 Saturation 0.96 0.95 0.85 0.95 0.92 Hue Error 0.207 0.204 0.212 0.208 0.212 Three Piled u 0.24 0.52 0.42 0.46 0.48 Ash Color of ree 14.87% 12.85% 13.57% 14.50% 14.63% Effective Density 21.83 20.78 20.62 21.97 22.38 Environs Scumming 0 4.22 5.48 2.95 4.29 Dot Gain -1.53 .083 -3.67 -1 .67 -3.17 Shape Coefficient 1.366 1.468 1.327 1.501 .406 TOTAL POINT 78.5 69.1 72.2 72.3 70.7 TABLE 5.2 QUALITY RATINGS BY THE EXPERT SYSTEM SAMPLE : RICE CRACKER #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Relative Contrast 0.318 0.326 0.243 0.236 0.306 Solid Density 1.127 1.037 1.287 1.43 1.48 Saturation 0.93 0.92 1 .05 1 .14 1 .19 Hue Error 0.199 0.206 0.194 0.192 0.198 Three Piled u 0.21 0.35 0.12 0.23 0.2 Ash Color of ree 13.42% 13.09% 13.46% 13.44% 13.86% Effective Density 22.15 23.24 21.94 21.21 21.87 Environs Scumming 0 2.67 6.52 5.92 12.25 Dot Gain -3.53 1.07 6 13.03 16.97 Shape Coefficient 1.434 1.655 2.574 2.2 1.946 TOTAL POINT 73.8 65.5 56.9 58.1 57.5 68 Table 5.1 and 5.2 present the scores for color reproduction obtained from two sets of samples. As the table shows, in sample #1 there was little variation in the overall score between samples. The difference between the highest quality and the lowest quality was only 9.4 points (the score of the highest quality is 78.5 and the lowest score is 69.1). Additionally, the overall score between quality level #2 and quality level #5 was only 3.2. Sample #2, on the other hand, shows larger differences between samples. The score difference between the highest quality and the lowest quality was 16.9. These results indicate that sample #2 would be evaluated more easily by the experts' visual inspections than sample #1 because of the overall score differences. It also indicates that the correlation coefficient would be higher for sample #2 than for sample #1 because of the easy inspection. Four items, quality level #1, #3, #4, and #5 from the sample #1 had more than 70 points, the minimum acceptable quality standard, so the overall quality of these four items was good. On the other hand, only one printing item, quality level #1 from sample #2, satisfied the quality standard so the overall quality of the rest of the items, quality level from #2 to #5, were not good. IIDEII'IE'I' E | As discussed in the previous section, the correlation coefficient was calculated based on the points obtained from the printing experts and the expert system to evaluate the expert system for color reproduction. The score obtained from the expert system was explained in the 69 previous section. The next thing to do is to examine the visual evaluation. There were two goals for the visual evaluation. The first was to collect data needed to calculate the correlation coefficient between the visual evaluation and the expert system. The printing experts rated the overall quality of each of the ten samples by comparing them to the standard printed sample. The score of the visual evaluation was a maximum of 10 points. The other task was to examine the reliability of the printing experts. As previously discussed, the reliability of the printing experts was examined by having the same individuals the ten printed samples twice in the same day. Fifty people contributed data for calculating the correlation coefficient between the visual evaluation and the expert system. Ten of the fifty participated in examining the reliability of the printing experts. The printing experts who participated in this evaluation were gathered from the Ueda Printing Paper Box Co., Ltd., Dainippon Ink 8: Chemical, Inc, Sumida Paper Industry, and Total Packaging. W Table 5.3 presents the summary of the visual evaluation points obtained from the fifty printing experts. As the table shows, the mean and standard deviation were calculated based on the visual evaluation ratings shown in Appendix 8. Many printing experts gave few high visual points for sample #1 in comparison to sample #2. In fact, the average rating of each sample 70 was 6.596 for sample #1 and 5.6 for sample #2: In other words, the overall quality of sample #1 was higher than sample #2. The expert system and the visual evaluation agreed on the score for this inspection point. Most of the printing experts felt that sample #2 was easier to inspect than sample #1. This may have been because sample #2 had a greater differences in quality. The data in table 5.3, show that there was more visual difference between each item in sample #2 than in sample #1. In summary, the printing experts found quality differences between the #2 samples similar to the differences shown by the expert system. Table 5.3 OVERALL QUALITY POINT BY EXPERTS’ VISUAL EVALUATION : SAMPLE OF JAPANESE TEA AND RICE CRACKER SAMPLE #1 SAMPLE #2 EEVEIT MW W MEAN SD #1 7.92 1 .482 7.78 1 .682 #2 7.02 1.879 6.9 1.344 #3 5.3 1 .555 4.66 1 .479 #4 6.58 1.642 5.1 1.619 #5 6.16 1.754 3.56 1.643 Average 6.596 1362 5.6T 1.5% IIDZ Blil'I'l [II E'l' E | The second purpose of the \n'sual evaluation experiment was to examine the reliability of the printing experts. This was accomplished by asking each expert to evaluate the ten printed samples two times in the same day (morning and afternoon). Table 5.4 presents the results. The visual evaluation point difference between morning and afternoon can 71 be seen Appendix E. It was important to examine the reliability of the printing experts before calculating the correlation coefficient between the expert system and the printing experts. If the reliability of the printing experts was low, the correlation coefficient between expert system and the printing experts would have also been expected to be low. From table 5.4, the reliability of the experts when evaluating sample #1 was 0.519. For sample #2, the reliability was 0.457 and for sample #1 plus sample #2, it was 0.490. The data shows that the reliability of the printing experts was relatively low. In other words, to some extent, the visual inspection was not very accurate. It should be emphasized that there were only ten individuals used to examine the reliability of the printing experts. So, the estimation of the reliability may be inaccurate because of the small sample size. Table 5.4 RELIABILITY OF PRINTING EXPERTS CORRELATION COEFFICIENT Sample Reliability Sampfih 03—19— Sample #2 0.457 Sample #1 + #2 0.490 The overall quality of color reproduction was evaluated by the expert system and the printing experts and the data were discussed in the previous section. The correlation coefficient was calculated using those data. Table 5.5 shows the correlation coefficient between the expert system and the actual printing experts. 72 Table 5.5. CORRELATION COEFFICIENT OBTAINED FROM OVERALL QUALITY POINT BETWEEN THE EXPERT SYSTEM AND THE PRINTING EXPERT Correlation Coefficient Sample? 0.258 Sample #2 0.652 Sample #1 + #2 0.525 As the table Shows, the correlation coefficient of sample #1 was low in comparison to sample #2 and sample #1 plus #2. The following reasons are possible. First, the reliability of the printing experts was found to be relatively low. Vlsual inspection skill is not highly reliable. Second, there were no only small quality differences between samples #1, as shown Table 5.1 and Table 5.3. It is difficult for the printing reliably identify differences inspecting samples without big quality differences. Third, the overall quality of sample #1 was relatively higher than sample #2. Four items of sample #1 exceeded the quality standard of 70 points. The printing experts have good ability for inspecting defective samples. However, it is difficult for them to evaluate satisfactory quality samples. The correlation coefficient for sample #2 was relatively high: in other words, the printing exports has the ability to ascertain differences between low quality samples. It appears that the expert system may be able to replace printing experts for inspecting the paper printing quality by setting the quality threshold of the expert system at 70 points. The printing experts gave a higher rating to the samples having the overall quality points at 70. The expert system can be used for inspecting paper printing quality. CHAPTER VI CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS WM Wt! In the paper printing industry, the number of experts is gradually decreasing and the heavy work imposed on experts for inspecting paper printing quality is gradually increasing. An alternate to the printing expert is required to reduce the experts' heavy work load. An expert system was built as to substitute for the printing experts. The expert system evaluated color reproduction of the printed products by calculating and expressing a single number. The expert system examined many inspection points to evaluate product quality. The expert system diagnosed printing problems and made suggestions for solutions. By using the expert system, an unskilled worker can evaluate printed paper quality as well as a printing expert. The expert system reduces the experts' heavy work. IEIEZ II QI' |' One objective of this research was to identify, quantify, and classify the knowledge which could be used to evaluate paper printing quality. This procedure, knowledge acquisition, required detailed preparation, a lot of time, and much investigation to succeed. The person who acquires knowledge must identify, quantify, and classify the lnfonnation. The lnfonnation becomes the center of the knowledge base and key factor for achieving the research. 73 The sr evalu lniorr 0000 I93; 74 The second objective was to develop a prototype expert system for evaluating the overall quality of the printed products based on the lnfonnation obtained from knowledge acquisition. The following conclusions were drawn. 1. The expert system may substitute for the printing experts. 2. The expert system will reach the same conclusion as the experts. 3. The expert system can evaluate color reproduction of printed products by express the evaluation as a numerical figure. 4. The expert system can examine subjective inspection items, using the confidence factor that expresses the user confidence in the fact. 5. The expert system can diagnose printing trouble so that the possible reasons and suggestions for the printing trouble are expressed. The third objective was to evaluate the expert system for inspecting paper printing quality. Due to time and budget constraints, only the color reproduction section was evaluated. However, color reproduction requires the most expert knowledge. The following conclusions reached. 1. The reliability of the printing experts was relatively low. 2. It is difficult for printing experts to inspect printed products with small quality differences. 3. The printing experts are more effective when working on products The expert system was shown to be a possible replacement for printing experts. From the perspective of practical applications and further research, the following points are considered. 75 1. The threshold of the overall quality point for color reproduction was set at over 70 points. 2. To reduce the time to measure each evaluation item, the densitometer and the picture processing analysis instrument may be installed in the printing machine so that data is automatically measured. 3. Because of the time and budget constraints, the researcher could not classify the subjective items such as cleamess of picture, surface mottling, and scum problem of the printed product. More work is needed to classify the subjective items as objective items. Since expert system development is still a new area, many applications of expert systems have not been developed. The expert system for printing quality control has not reached the level of practical application. Further knowledge acquisition and other development must continue for the system to reach the level of practical application. APPENDIX A OVERALL QUALITY POINT BY EXPERT SYSTEM SAMPLE #1 JAPANESE TEA #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Relative Contrast 0.396 0.348 0.376 0.376 0.388 Solid Density 1.207 1.13 1.093 1.18 1.137 Saturation 0.96 0.95 0.85 0.95 0.92 Hue Error 0.207 0.204 0.212 0.208 0.212 Three Piled up 0.24 0.52 0.42 0.46 0.48 Ash Color of Degree 14.87% 12.85% 13.57% 14.50% 14.63% Effective Density 21.83 20.78 20.62 21.97 22.38 Environs Scumming 0 4.22 5.48 2.95 4.29 Dot Gain -1.53 -0.83 -3.67 -1.67 -3.17 Shape Coefficient 1.366 1.468 1.327 1.501 1.406 Overall Point 78.5 69.1 72.2 72.3 70.7 SAMPLE #2 RICECRACKER #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Relative Contrast 0.318 0.326 0.243 0.236 0.306 Solid Density 1.127 1.037 1.287 1.43 1.48 Saturation 0.93 0.92 1.05 1.14 1.19 Hue Error 0.199 0.206 0.194 0.192 0.198 Three Piled up 0.21 0.35 0.12 0.23 0.2 Ash Color of Degree 13.42% 13.09% 13.46% 13.44% 13.86% Effective Density 22.15 23.24 21.94 21.21 21.87 Environs Scumming 0 2.67 6.52 5.92 12.25 Dot Gain -3.53 1.07 6 13.03 16.97 Shape Coefficient 1.434 1.655 2.574 2.2 1.946 Overall Point 73.8 65.5 56.9 58.1 57.5 76 APPENDIX B OVERALL QUALITY POINT BY EXPERTS' VISUAL EVALUATION SAMPLE #1 JAPANESE TEA EXPERTS #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #001 6 7 5 4 6 #002 7 4 5 9 6 #003 7 8 6 7 8 #004 7 8 5 7 5 #005 7 9 6 8 9 #006 9 9 6 7 8 #007 9 8 4 6 7 #008 10 9 5 7 4 #009 9 8 6 8 7 #010 6 9 5 8 4 #011 6 8 10 4 2 #012 9 7 4 7 6 #013 8 9 7 6 5 #014 10 9 6 8 7 #015 4 5 8 6 2 #016 8 9 6 5 7 #017 9 8 5 4 6 #018 6 6 5 8 7 #019 9 8 5 4 3 #020 8 9 6 7 5 #021 9 5 4 7 8 #022 9 7 5 6 8 #023 7 8 6 9 5 #024 8 6 5 9 7 #025 8 9 7 5 6 #026 9 8 6 7 5 #027 8 6 7 5 9 #028 10 4 2 6 8 #029 8 9 6 7 5 #030 8 9 5 6 7 #031 5 7 6 4 8 #032 9 5 4 7 8 #033 5 8 3 3 5 #034 8 3 2 4 6 #035 7 8 6 9 5 #036 9 7 5 6 8 #037 9 7 6 8 5 #038 8 6 5 9 7 #039 9 6 6 8 7 #040 9 10 6 8 7 77 SAME NE #04 #04 #04 #04 #04 104 #04 104 504 #05 78 SAMPLE #1 JAPANESE TEA EXPERTS #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #041 9 5 5 8 6 #042 7 8 3 6 4 #043 7 4 5 9 6 #044 9 5 5 8 6 #045 9 6 6 8 7 #046 9 10 5 6 6 #047 10 4 2 6 8 #048 8 3 2 4 6 #049 4 5 8 6 2 #050 8 6 7 5 9 79 OVERALL QUALITY POINT BY EXPERTS' VISUAL EVALUATION SAMPLE #2 RICE CRACKER QUEENS 3". #2 at (A) =11: A =11: 01 #001 #002 #003 #004 #005 #006 #007 #008 1 #009 #010 #011 1 #012 #013 #014 1 #015 #016 #017 #018 #019 #020 #021 #022 #023 #024 #025 #026 #027 #028 #029 #030 #031 1 #032 #033 #034 #035 1 #036 #037 #038 #039 #040 VGh(DOCVm03°NOOOOO‘DCVQQOOOOmoonmGO$wao#10 00!VOGOQ§¢DN¢DVGNVNVGONOV¢OVVVMV¢O¢DQVOQGVO«h roars-oralhumamamwammmarehhmwwmmmmmawummmmwmuw 10¢»hOGMGWQQUIOUIMGQOUIUIONUIOOUIO’hOOUImNQQrbNUI#O)¢DNO) mwwtnSObNSarwt-NM-etse-hummdmdewmheoamwhmmammm 80 SAMPLE #2 RICE CRACKER ENHENS =1: .41 #2 =It: (0 =1: .h :it: 0! #041 #042 #043 #044 #045 #046 #047 #048 #049 #050 caato~4¢>mrooo¢im cporm-qtsxlmtnslu d mmmmwmwarmm hQCJIPO’VCJt-Rmm wmthm-‘whh APPENDIX C 10 EVALUATION VARIABLES MEASURED BY DENCITOMETER AND IMAGE PROCESSING ANALYSIS INSTRUMENT 1. RELATIVELY CONTRAST SAMPLE #1 JAPANESE TEA #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Wall 0.404 0.339 0.311 0.396 0.373 Magenta 0.411 0.354 0.358 0.391 0.411 Yellow 0.379 0.35 0.362 0.367 0.363 Block 0.366 0.349 0.3338 0.351 0.365 Mean 0.3955 0.348 0.376 0.376 0.366 SAMPLE #2 GERBER SENBEI #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Cyan 0.267 0.302 0.301 0.262 0.355 Magenta 0.366 0.324 0.174 0.276 0.274 Yellow 0.226 0.221 0.245 0.221 0.229 Block 0.392 0.457 0.252 0.163 0.366 Mean 0.316 0.326 0.243 0.236 0.306 81 2. SOLID DENSITY 82 SAMPLE #1 JAPANESE TEA #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Cyan 1.14 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.02 Magenta 1.24 1.13 1.06 1.28 1.24 Yellow 1.24 1.2 1.16 1.2 1.15 Mean 1.207 1.13 1.093 1.18 1.137 SAMPLE #2 GERBER SENBEI #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Cyan 1.16 0.96 1.43 1.41 1.41 Magenta 1.29 1.11 1.49 1.52 1.64 Yellow 0.93 1.04 0.94 1.36 1.4 Mean 1.127 1.037 1.287 1.43 1.48 83 3. SATURATION SAMPLE #1 JAPANESE TEA #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 0.96 0.95 0.85 0.95 0.92 SAMPLE #2 GERBER SENBEI #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 0.93 0.92 1.05 1.14 1.19 84 4. HUE ERROR SAMPLE #1 JAPANESE TEA #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Cyan 0.168 0.177 0.171 0.166 0.176 Magenta 0.427 0.412 0.438 0.432 0.422 Yellow 0.0258 0.024 0.0258 0.027 0.0377 Mean 0.2069 0.2043 0.2116 0.2083 0.2119 SAMPLE #2 GERBER SEIiBEl #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Cyan 0.18 0.176 0.16 0.158 0.174 Magenta 0.398 0.412 0.402 0.402 0.397 Yellow 0.0212 0.0285 0.0212 0.015 0.0222 Mean 0.1997 0.2055 0.1944 0.1917 0.1977 85 5. THREE PILED UP COLOR DEGREE SAMPLE #1 JAPANESE TEA #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 l-l-L 0.28 0.59 0.48 0.53 0.51 M-L 0.16 0.34 0.25 0.34 0.41 Length 1.2 cm 2.6 cm 2.1 cm 2.3 cm 2.4 cm Three Pilec 0.24 0.52 0.42 0.46 0.48 up Color Degree SAMPLE #2 GERBER SENBEI #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 l-I-L 0.24 0.4 0.04 0.21 0.23 M-L 0.11 0.22 0.03 0.01 0.12 Length 1.05 cm 1.75 cm 0.6 cm 1.15 cm 1.0 cm Three Pilec 0.21 0.35 0.12 0.23 0.2 up Color Degree 86 6. DEGREE FOR ASH COLOR SAMPLE #1 JAPANESE TEA #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Cyan 12.04 10.23 11.63 11.76 12.37 Magenta 2.36 2.68 2 1.57 3.15 Yellow 0.854 0.72 0.776 0.811 0.849 Red 2.174 1.399 0.758 1.418 2.21 Green 26.613 19.12 20.97 25 24.17 Blue 45.16 42.98 45.28 46.46 45.04 Mean 14.87% 12.85% 13.57% 14.50% 14.63% SAMPLE #2 GERBER SENBEI #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Cyan 8.257 8.602 8.09 8.696 8.696 Magenta 2.38 0.869 2.79 2.041 1.887 Yellow 0.957 0.857 0.957 0.677 0.667 Red 1.515 2.19 1.43 1.852 2.47 Green 24.55 24.32 26.47 25.36 25.9 Blue 42.86 41.74 41.04 42.03 43.54 Mean 13.42% 13.09% 13.46% 13.44% 13.86% 7. EFFECTIVE DENSITY OF HALFTONE DOT SAMPLE #1 JAPANESE TEA #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Cyan 25.97 26.91 25.95 26.83 27.1 Magenta 21.4 21.51 22.86 23.79 23.96 Yellow 24.15 22.84 22.67 25.67 23.99 Block 15.8 11.85 11 11.6 14.38 Mean 21 .83 20.78 20.62 21 .97 22.38 SAMPLE #2 GERBER SEINBEI #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Clan 24.19 24.88 25.51 27.63 26.52 Magenta 22.39 22.87 22.17 20.45 25.92 Yellow 25.66 25.29 26.84 22.12 22.29 Block 18.34 19.93 13.24 14.63 12.74 Mean 22.15 23.24 21.94 21 .21 21 .87 88 8. ENVIRONS SCLMMING OF HALFI' ONE DOT SAMPLE #1 JAPANESE TEA #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 0 4.22 5.48 2.95 4.29 SAMPLE #2 GERBER SENBEI #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 0 2.67 6.52 5.92 12.25 9. DOT GAIN SAMPLE #1 JAPANESETEA #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Cyan -3.7 -8.7 -9.9 -7.5 ~6.8 Magenta -0.7 1.7 -3.6 -1.5 -3.5 Yellow -0.2 4.5 2.5 4.2 0.8 Mean -1.53 -0.83 -3.67 -1.67 -3.17 SAMPLE #2 GERBER SEINBEI #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Cyan -6.3 -6.2 -3.3 0.4 -3.4 Magenta -3.4 1.7 13.7 11.7 25.3 Yellow -0.9 7.7 7.5 27 29 Mean -3.53 1.07 6 13.03 16.97 10. SHAPE COEFFICIENT OF HALFTONE DOT SAMPLE #1 JAPANESE TEA #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Cyan 1.332 1.196 1.208 1.34 1.296 Magenta 1.229 1.476 1.285 1.36 1.299 Yellow 1.537 1.733 1.488 1.802 1.623 Mean 1.366 1.468 1.327 1.501 1.406 SAMPLE #2 GERBER SEINBEI #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Cyan 1.409 1.292 1.518 2.074 1.638 Magenta 1.333 1.506 3.184 2.977 2.036 Yellow 1.561 2.167 3.021 1.55 2.163 Mean 1.434 1.655 2.574 2.2 1.946 GRAPH OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EXPERT SYSTEM APPENDIX D EVALUATION AND EXPERTS' VISUAL EVALUATION Insual Evaluation Point Sample #1 Japanese Tea 16 2 1 - E - - . . i- 9. o e . 6 o e ‘7 ‘ V " e 0 * 6. 8 O r . O O ’ . - 41 0 9 v ° 1 I 3'1 o e O I' . l 24 O O . 11 . 0 r f . . . . . f 68 70 72 76 78 80 74 Score from Expert System 91 Vlsual Evaluation Point 92 Sample #2 Rice Cracker 1n - L - - I A L A t I d I 9" . . P 1 t al 0 O b O f T t 1+ 0 1 O » 0 v I v I I I I I f I v I 1 r I I fi 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 Score from Expert System Wsual Evaluation Point Sample: Japanese Tea and Rice Cracker ' 56 I 58 60 62 64 I T I ' I ' I ' I 66 i 66 ' {b ' 72 74 76 7a ' so SamaMmuBmutanmm Afternoon Visual Evaluation Point 94 Reliability of Printing Experts Sample #1 Japanese Tea O perfect correlation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 i I I fir v f I I I l T q 0+ 10 Morning Visual Evaluation Point Attamoon Visual Evaluation Point 95 Reliability of Printing Experts Sample #2 Rice Cracker 10 ~ . A L A A . : , 1 i 9. o O o it 84 o o o O . L o C) O O - 6- o o 5‘ o o 0 ~ 4‘ O O o o o o b 34 O o r 21 L . perfect correlation . 14 . 1 l o I I I I I I T T I I I I f T I I I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Morning Visual Evaluation Point Ailemoon Visual Evaluation Point 96 Reliability of Printing Experts Sample: Japanese Tea and Rice Cracker 10 A A A A A A A A A o 9. o O O 0 CL . i 8‘ O o O O Q i- 7: o C) C) ’ 6. O O O O 0 5‘ o o O o r- 4: O 0 o O o o L 3} C) () C) o t 2: o L U perfect correlation L 0 . 1 . . r . . . f . . . ' O 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 4 methkmfl Evaluation Point APPENDIX E VISUAL EVALUATION SCORE TAKEN FROM SAME PERSON AT MORNING AND AFTERNOON SAMPLE #1 JAPANESE TEA EVALUATED BY MORNING EXPERTS #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #001 6 7 5 4 6 #002 7 4 5 9 6 #003 7 8 6 7 8 #004 7 8 5 7 5 #005 7 9 6 8 9 #006 9 9 6 7 8 #007 9 8 4 6 7 #008 10 9 5 7 4 #009 9 8 6 8 7 #010 6 9 5 8 4 EVALUATEDBYAFTERI‘DON EXPERTS #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #001 5 7 6 4 8 #002 5 8 3 3 5 #003 7 8 6 9 5 #004 9 7 6 8 5 #005 9 6 6 8 7 #006 9 10 6 8 7 #007 8 3 2 4 6 #008 9 10 5 6 6 #009 9 5 5 8 6 #010 7 8 3 6 4 97 98 SAMPLE #2 RICE CRACKER EWMLMWEDENIMNNWNG ennsns #1 =It: N =It: 00 it .5 #001 #002 #003 #004 #005 #006 #007 #008 #009 #010 d m¢hc3#-N¢D¢D¢i#¢o airpoouoooooowouts wammmmwmww EWMAMWEDEWVWWERNOON ennsns #1 4!: N it (A, GO#NUI#QODMOD RI: A =11: 0| hUIOO#O)UI#UImN :3: 0| #001 #002 #003 #004 #005 #006 #007 #008 #009 #010 QVO#\I#VOOG DOOVOUIVVUIN h‘lUlthOOUIOOO, wmmhomhqhm ###QOOQOIOD# APPENDIX F KNOWLEDGE BASE EXAMPLE RULES lgaag¢§gggca Egagvlua Lia-again hggg‘gga ggzgeiga dog assign!!! iglgeggi ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo .gl‘aggaia 8583(ggggii ggggggi .glia Fading-38:851. 32.53! xo-ulaguniuoauuiuiuouiil 8338.803 luau-Ea gagglguoaziuiuoulgié 1348.31: .Usgilglagvaflua igogc‘gfl.‘ lanai-.8368. 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I'll. .8.§805880§8.8i Baggiggua‘igigi 2. .1.“ Baggagagli! apple-IE is. 9.. 8.00.308 i. 8.8 0.8086 28... .38.? .8008 I 8.3!...- .3888...‘ 388.888.831.888883 8.033.. E .86. .388... 30...... 0. .05 8.8 3% 0.! n no a»... 3.0. no. ouch-so 08.3.. 1' 30.8 a bid. ill. .880 8.8.8 .4» I. 0.8. 8.»! u. .80.. In... 3.0. a .50.! Ill. 80...! 8:00.! .00... all." m... . 8.888 2.888.... 8.8.. .58....50..85.8.883.5..83..8.3£.83.8. .0. .83-35588338888338... 3.83.8... 3.83.818 8.03.81... “8“. n..d8u .83-.888 60.18%.80 .EESIualvsqu .. \zigs Ma 0 u 0» 0.8.000...» on... {.8800 5.5.5... .u I! 3803 .883...- 3 .83.: II!!! 83.8.»...- 3 30...; i 8.850.838... .8 III-Ia. 2.0. agioigoooguoag gigiggxgoaa.I§%I-uuag .83083-33.‘ 88.888!!!.888|a.58.¢ 85... 6.58.9380 58.888.82.88 .58... 0.88.... moi-0.88.51... 0.5800301 it I. I.o.0.§u0.oo.n 3.0....» ”8.380% 889.588.! 30.5% .8398588588'3835 annual-anogaiigschSIg 3. .53!!! Easgllgglig ........... .8.8u..88 8a....lo!.8.588.83.9.88 88.8.8. .3. 3.98 .83888 85... .iaufllo 8.8.8.. 3.0... 8.8 0.... . .8.8I.I.I0.885388..93.8Iu 8. 8.83.! 8.80.! 003 ii $831.-..38'8 838585.80 a. «53.809.580.338... .gaiaala .303;”‘583'28'.’ 3. .: filial-Elbgglfli! 129 .04 3 ‘33! a! .0353 ‘3"! 3 as a an .‘ul 3 0.3. o \n.i!u«0 ‘ n In. I '38! i. .08 you '3 is II Julia 3‘23 i Gala. in: «Dun-lo launch. an Fidi. 3% we .93. 08 .333 a on .338.- I'll. on; «833‘ 30.8-- is. .035 Q's-ll . £38. Bull-a. :3 .553 56.0.: 38 o. in: no no... 055" you 3»!- II yuan-n [33‘ I5 can: In. .38 6.3. 3.3-lo [asl- 33.3% as 3303 g . 83. .83! 33C. \ .iganguorllui... till»: .anfi'sghuul 83.33.883.818 saloon-5!...- REFEFENCES 1.) Akita, K., 1988 mum Electric Study Publishing. 2.) Daimon, T., “Automatic Inspection at Carton Box Manufacture” MM June 1986 3.) Diana, T., 1990 W, Michigan State University School of Packaging, Lansing, Michigan 4.) Frederick, Hayes, R., Donald A. W., Douglas B. L., 1986 W. 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