SEJXSGNS 8F GAMING - .. AGE, MANAGEMENT, AND GENETIC QIFFERENCES FOR MILK ‘s‘hesis for the Degree of Ph. D. MiGHéGAE‘é STATE UNIVERSETY WELLEAM WA‘YME WUNBER 1967 ow uflmaflwm V-g 11111111 mmmmmmmnmnflr L * “am A 1 we“ 31 29 300998 6831 ‘ 4 ‘ q i “t :l'_'A-'\ ; Uni vs 3:312" . M}. This is to certify that the thesis entitled SEASONS OF CALVINGj-AGE, MANAGEMENT, AND GENETIC DIFFERENCES FOR MILK presented by WILLIAM WAYNE WUNDER has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Date 16 Jur. ( 0-169 \red‘m‘ awllditdl at. 11....Ida‘ ‘93.. ABSTRACT SEASONS OF CALVING--AGE, MANAGEMENT, AND GENETIC DIFFERENCES FOR MILK by William Wayne Wunder Maximum likelihood was used to study the effects of three ages Q32, 3,234 years), six seasons of calving (January-February, March-April, etc.), and their interac- tions on the 305 day-2x-ME milk of completed lactations of Holstein cows in Michigan DHIA. Maximum likelihood utilizes the probable producing ability of the cow and, therefore, should remove genetic differences between sea- sons from seasonal effects on lactational milk yield. Two values of repeatability, 0.4 and 0.55, made little differ- ence in the constants for age, season, and age x season interaction-effects. Data were 37,247 records in 198 herds on test con- tinuously at least from 1958 to 1964, 4195 records in 51 drylot herds, and 3651 records in 51 pasture herds. The drylot herds used no pasture during 1963-64 or 1962-64 and were paired with 51 pasture herds which used at least 85 days of pasture during the same years and were from the same counties. The drylot and pasture herds were matched as closely as possible for years on test, herd size, and William Wayne Wunder registered or grade cows. Yields were largest in the January-February season. After this they declined steadily, were least in July-August, and sharply improved again. Below average production ex- isted from May until October. The best and worst seasons differed by 776 lb milk. The magnitude of seasonal influ— ence did not change from 1958-60 to 1962—64. Comparisons were made between the pasture and drylot herds and between quartiles of the 198 herds ranked on the DHIA herd average of milk for 1960 to 1964. The drylot herds showed more variation with season than did the pasture herds. For 1958-60 the greatest seasonal variation occurred in the first quartile herds, whereas the least occurred in the fourth. During 1962-64 seasonal variation was largest in the first quartile herds, intermediate in the second, and least in the third and fourth. Seasonal effects differed some among the quartiles and between pasture and drylot herds. Interactions of age with season were present in that the total change associated with season was about 250 lb less for two-year-olds than for three-year-olds, while three-year-olds in turn varied 60 lb less than cows four years or older.. July-August was much more detrimental to yield of the two older groups than to two-year-olds, where- as March-April calvings were distinctly more favorable to the two older groups. Cows of all ages yielded least William Wayne Wunder following July-August calvings, while maximum yields were associated with January-February calvings for the three- year-olds and November-December calvings for the others. Although the seasonal pattern was similar, age x season interactions varied among the quartiles and between the pasture and drylot herds, indicating herd x age x season interactions may be an important source of variation. Age x season interactions seemed to be largest in the lower producing herds. Age constants varied widely among the sets of herds. For the 198 herds during 1958-64 the three-year-old constant was largest and the four years or older constant smallest. An analysis of variance within herd and year, with- in sire-season groups, between sire groups within season, between seasons within sire, and between different sires in different seasons was unable to partition seasonal dif- ferences into genetic and environmental components because of excessive variation among paternal sisters within season. Interactions of herds with age, season, and age x season appeared large enough to be.a source of errors in the ranking of bulls tested in a limited number of herds. SEASONS or CALVING—-AGE, MANAGEMENT, AND GENETIC DIFFERENCES FOR MILK by William Wayne Wunder A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Dairy 1967 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express my sincere appreciation to Dr. Lon D. McGilliard for his consistently sound advice during the formulation of the problem and the analysis of the data and for his encouragement and helpful suggestions during the writing of the thesis. Dr. John L. Gill is gratefully acknowledged for his superb teaching of statistics and for statistical help during this study. The encouragement and counsel of Dr. Clinton B. Meadows during the period of graduate study was appreciated. ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . . . LIST OF TABLES. . . . LIST OF FIGURES . . . INTRODUCTION. . .'. . REVIEW OF LITERATURE. TABLE Variation Due to Season No Seasonal Differences Breed Differences in the Effects of Season. Differences in Seasons Associated with Age. Environmental Influences on Lactations. . Genetic Differences Summary . . . . . SOURCE OF DATA. . . . METHODS O O O O O O 0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. OF CONTENTS Between Constants for Seasons Age by Season Interactions. Effects of Management on Seasonal Patterns of Seasonal Calving. Effects of Age. . Two-Year-Old 9 Seasons . . . . Genetic Variation Between Seasons Variation CONCLUSIONS AND APPLICATIONS OF RESULTS . . . . SUMMARY 0 O O O O O 0 LITERATURE CITED. . . iii 0 O O 0 O O Page ii 10 10 ll 14 15 l7 19 22 35 37 43 50 SO 58 64 69 72 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Variance used in generating records of dummy herds O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C O O O 21 2. Examples of best and poorest agreement between ML estimates of years, ages, and seasons plus age x season interactions when r = 0.4 and r = 0.55. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 3. Number of cows of three ages calving in each Season 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 51 4. Maximum likelihood estimates of age effects (in lb ME milk) 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 57 S. Constants (in 1b ME milk) for years 1958-64 from 198 herds. O O O O O O O O O O O I O O O 57 6. Variance components from genetic and environ- mental season analysis of DHIA data . . . . . 59 7. Variance components from genetic and environ- mental season analysis of dummy herd data . 6O 8. Ratios of variance components for sires, season, and residual. . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 iv LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Season constants from 198 herds 1958-60, 1962-64, and 1958-64 0 o o o o o o o o o o o 38 2. Constants for season plus age x season inter- action from 198 herds 1958-60, 1962—64, and 1958-640 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 40 3. Season constants for pasture and drylot herds. 44 4. Season plus age x season constants for pasture and drylot herds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 5. Season constants from herds in quartiles by yield of milk 1958-60, each quartile fitted separately . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 6. Season plus age x season constants for herds in quartiles by yield of milk 1958-60. . . . 47 7. Season constants from herds in quartiles by Yield Of milk 1962-640 0 o o o o o o o o o o 48 8. Season plus age x season constants for herds in quartiles by yield of milk 1962-64. . . . 49 INTRODUCTION The low reproductive rate, high percentage of in- voluntary losses, and long generation interval in dairy cattle make genetic progress from female selection very slow. Thus, almost all the genetic gain must come from the selection of sires. The rapid growth and acceptance of artificial insemination (AI) allows a greater selection differential among dairy Sires than was possible with nat- ural service and provides large enough breeding populations that progeny testing and using proven sires Should provide the most rapid genetic improvement. Because much of the variation among lactational records and progeny groups of Sires is environmental, de- viations of daughter records from herdmate averages have been widely used to remove the environmental effects of herds, years, and calving seasons from the differences between progeny groups. When sires have large numbers of daughters scattered over many herds, the environmental differences between sires usually are cancelled. However, in sampling young sires in AI there is usually a practical limit to how many matings should be made to young sires. This means either that sires may not have enough daughters to average out environmental differences between progeny groups, or that too few bulls will be sampled, limiting the selection differential. Thus, it is important to make the progeny test as accurate as possible with a minimal number of daughters, so that more Sires can be sampled. Recent research has shown the effects of season of calving may not be the same for two-year-olds as for older cows. Selection pressure varied between seasons in another study. Further research is needed to verify and determine the magnitude of these differences. If they are large enough, comparing cows with herdmates of the same age may increase the accuracy of progeny tests. The objectives of this study were to use an anal— ysis taking into account the probable producing abilities of the cows calving in each season to determine in what manner and how much seasonal variation differs between two- year-olds and older cows and what effect level of hard pro— duction and certain management practices have on seasonal variation. The final objective was to partition seasonal differences into genetic and environmental components. REVIEW OF LITERATURE The milk record of a cow is the result of her geno- type and environment acting together. For this reason it is difficult to evaluate the genetic ability of a cow to produce milk. The same problem is present in progeny test- ing bulls since the average production of the daughters represents the genetic contribution of the sire, a genetic contribution from the dam, and an environmental influence of unknown magnitude or Sign. Most sire proving work is concerned with eliminating or reducing the environmental contribution to daughter averages so that dairy sires may be ranked on some measure that is correlated as closely as possible with their genetic merit. In one of the early studies of sources of varia- tion among lactational fat records, Plum (1935) determined that differences between herds contributed 33% of the total variation. Van Vleck et al. (1961) reported herd differ- ences accounted for 30% of the variation in lactational milk and fat records and that interactions involving herds contributed an additional 8 to 17% of the total variation. A smaller component of variance for herds was calculated by Sundaresan and Freeman (1961). They found herds con— tributed 5 to 6% of the total variation whereas interac— tions involving herds accounted for approximately 12% of the total variation among lactational milk and fat records from 12 state-owned herds in Iowa. Because herds and in- teractions involving herds are major contributors to vari- ation among lactational milk and fat records, the influence of the herd should be considered in comparing the produc- tion records of animals in different herds. In current evaluation of sires and dams, removal of herd and other environmental influences is attempted by subtracting from the production of a cow the average production of all other non-paternally related cows of the same breed in the same herd that calved in the same month as the cow being evaluated or in the previous or succeed- ing two months (herdmates). In actual practice the herd- mate average is adjusted for finite numbers, and only 0.9 of the difference between the average of the herdmates and breed average is subtracted from the record of the cow be- ing evaluated. However, the principal of using the average of the herdmates to measure the environmental opportunity afforded the cow in question is still present. Identification and evaluation of sources of varia- tion among lactational records within a herd give some in- dication of what adjustments should be made on records and what combinations of available records might yield the best estimate of environmental opportunity. Some of the identifiable sources of variation among lactation records within a herd are the age of the cow, frequency of milking, length of the lactation, year the record was made, and the season in which initiated (season). Conversion factors for standardizing records to a mature age (ME) and a twice-a-day (2x) frequency of milk- ing are widely used and accepted in the United States. To standardize the length of lactation records, incomplete lactations are either excluded or extended to a 305 day equivalent while the production of only the first 305 days is used for longer lactations. Lactations shorter than 305 days and terminated by a normal drying-off are not ex— tended. Year to year fluctuations are circumvented by com- paring cows that calved within the same year or some other appropriately short time interval or are minimized by using deviations from yearly herd averages or from herdmate aver- ages. Variation Due to Season Many workers have observed variation in lactational milk and fat yields due to the month or season of the year in which the cow calved. Generally, in the United States, Canada, and countries of Northern Europe, lactations initi~ ated in the fall and winter months have a higher average yield than lactations begun at other times in the year. Lactational milk and fat yields differ little in the effect Iof season. In one of the early investigations of the influence of season on milk production, McDowell (1922) observed that the cows freshening in the fall produced 6689 lb of milk, while those freshening in the winter, summer, and spring produced 6439, 5941, and 5842 lb, respectively. Cows calving in November had the highest average yield (about 6% above the mean for both milk and fat) in a study by Cannon (1933) of 68,000 yearly records from Iowa cow testing associations for the years 1925-1930. Lacta- tions begun in the month of June had the lowest yearly milk production while May, June, and July were equally low months for yearly fat production. Cows freshening each month from November to June were lower in yearly milk production than the group freshening in the preceding month. From June until November the cows freshening in each month averaged more milk than those in the preceding month. Cows calving in November through January produced 13.6% more fat than cows calving in May through July in 5860 yearly records made by Guernsey, Jersey, or Holstein cows in Iowa between 1922 and 1932 (Plum, 1935). Annis et al. (1959) reported cows calving in March and April produced 5% more milk than cows calving in July and August. The data were 35,000 lactations by Guernsey, Holstein, and Jersey cows in Washington. Lactations were adjusted to 305 day-Zx—ME. Breeds differed little. Among 38,000 Holstein records from Iowa DHIA files, cows calving in the late fall and winter months yielded about 5% more milk than cows calving in the late spring and summer months (Bereskin and Freeman, 1965). November and December were equal for the calving month with highest lactation production while cows calving in August had the lowest lactational milk yield. Records were corrected to 305 day-2x—ME. In southeastern United States, Fosgate and Welch (1960) studied records from 15 Georgia DHIA herds of mixed breeds. Regression analysis indicated that cows calving in the spring (highest season) produced 990 lb more milk than cows calving in the summer (lowest season). In an- other study of Georgia DHIA cows of mixed breeds (Lee et al., 1961), the rank of the seasons in descending order was winter, spring, fall, and summer. Branton et al. (1958) reported that season had a highly Significant effect on 722 lactations made by 283 Holstein cows in Louisiana. Season had a Significant effect on the lactational milk yield made by Jersey cows at the Florida Agricultural Ex— periment Station (Wilcox et al., 1965). Variations with season in lactational production have been noted in northeast United States. Among 22,000 lactational records made by cows of mixed breeds in Connec- ticut DHIA herds, cows calving in January through March produced approximately 10% more than cows calving in June, July, or August (Frick et al., 1947). In 4000 New York state DHIA lactation milk records, September, October, November, and December were the most favorable calving months for high production while April, June, and July were the most unfavorable (Hickman and Henderson, 1955). Cows calving in December produced 17% more than cows calving in July, based on 305 day-2x-ME milk lactation records of 4% made by 4000 cows of mixed breeds (Morrow et al., 1945). In 49,000 Holstein HIR lactations from 35 states, cows freshening in the favorable part of the year (October through April) produced 5% more milk than cows freshening in the unfavorable part of the year (Tucker and Legates, 1965). Cows calving in the most favorable month, January, produced 8.7% more milk than those calving in July, the least favorable month. Woodward (1945) analyzed records of 15,000 cows in 12 states and concluded that October and November were the most favorable months for calving while July was the least favorable. Work in extending part records has shown that the extension factors vary with seasons (Lamb and McGilliard, 1960, and Aulerich, 1965). In addition, Aulerich (1965) found cows calving between August and March exhibited a more consistent lactation curve. Among Holstein ROP lactations in western Canada, cows calving in November produced 9% more milk than cows calving in July (Jarvis, 1960). Differences between the average milk production of cows calving in each of the 12 months of the year or in each of three seasons were significant (p (.01) . Records of dairy cows in Great Britain are also influenced by season. Hammond and Sanders (1923) reported that among 1410 lactational milk yields by cows of mixed breeds in four milk recording societies in England, cows calving in October and November produced 978 1b more milk per lactation than did cows calving in June and July. Later with a much larger sample of cows Sanders (1927) determined that cows calving in November through February produced 10% more milk per lactation than cows calving in May through August. In Scotland cows of the Ayrshire breed calving in winter produced about 10% more milk than those calving in summer (Mahadevan, 1951). Season of calving had pronounced influence on the lactational yield of dairy cattle in Denmark and Sweden with summer being the unfavorable season (Hofmeyr, 1955). Among Norwegian Red-and—White cows season accounted for 4% of the within herd variation in milk yield (Syrstad, 1965). Season affected milk yield equally in high and low level herds while its influence varied somewhat among three districts. Autumn and early winter months were the most favorable in all three districts. Dairying is seasonal in New Zealand with most cows calving in the spring months of July and August. Very few cows calve later than October and all cows are dried off in May. Season effects are due to weather, feed supplies, 10 and length of lactation. Among cows calving in August 93% milked until the eighth month (March), while only 72% of the cows calving in October milked until the eighth month (May) according to Searle (1961). No Seasonal Differences Insignificant differences between the lactational production of cows freshening in different months of the year were reported by Oloufa and Jones (1948). The data were first lactation, two-year-old records from 10 Willa- mette Valley counties in Oregon, a region with a monthly mean temperature range from 38°F to 68°F. Differences in average lactational milk yield of Jersey cows calving in the four seasons at the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station were not significant (Arnold and Becker, 1935). In both of these studies, the authors felt that the mild weather of the area was the reason for no signif- icant variation due to season. Breed Differences in the Effects of Season Differences between breeds in response to season were noted among New Hampshire Ayrshire, Guernsey, Holstein, Jersey, and Milking Shorthorn cows (Morrow et al., 1945). Jersey cows freshening in June, July, August, and Septem- ber made above average lactational milk records while sum- mer freshenings resulted in below average production for 11 cows of the other four breeds. Also, the range between the highest and lowest month for lactational milk yield was least for the Jerseys. Wylie (1925) observed an atypical response to season by Jersey cows. Among 2900 ROM records, those lactations initiated in July had the highest average while lactations begun in April through June and August and September were the lowest. The general patterns of the association of month with lactational milk yield were similar for four breeds (Frick et al., 1947). The data were actual lactational records by 9000 Guernseys, 8000 Holsteins, 2000 Ayrshires, and 2000 Jerseys in Connecticut. Differences in Seasons Associated with Age Sundaresan and Freeman (1961) observed a difference in the percent of total variation caused by season for first records as compared with all records. The data were 12,623 completed records made by 4487 Holstein cows in 12 state-owned Iowa herds. The records were adjusted to 305 day-2x-ME and were made during 1940 to 1956. The vari- ance components for season are listed below as percentages of the total variance. Source All Records First Records 3 month season 1.5 0.2 6 month season 1.8 0.4 12 Variations in lactational milk yield due to month were smaller for two and three-year-old cows than for cows aged four to Six or over Six years among Guernsey, Holstein, and Jersey cows in Washington state (Annis et al., 1959). Of all four age groups three-year-olds showed the least variation due to month. The most unfavorable month among two—year-olds was June while for the three older groups of cows it was August. When two-year-olds were compared with all other cows, the younger cows showed less varia- tion in lactational milk production due to season. To study interactions between the influence of season and the herd management level, the herds were assigned to a high, medium, or low group according to the average fat production of the herd. A11 cows over two years of age were grouped together. With but two exceptions the influ- ence of season on milk yield was consistent at the three herd levels within ages. First, there was a slight reduc- tion in seasonal variation for cows over two years of age in the high herds. Second, among two-year-olds spring was the least favorable season in high herds, whereas summer was the least favorable for medium and low herds. For fat production of two-year-olds a distinct reduction occurred in the influence of season in high herds while the medium herds exhibited greater seasonal variation than low herds. The effect of season on lactational fat production of cows over two years of age was not influenced by the level of l3 herd production. No reasons were given to explain why, among two—year-old cows, high producing herds would show slightly greater variation in lactational milk production due to season than medium and low producing herds, while at the same time they show a sharply reduced variation in lactational fat production in comparison with the medium and low producing herds. Using the actual lactational yield of milk, Frick et al. (1947) noted that differences between the most favor- able and least favorable month became relatively greater as age increased. However, conVerting the records to a ME basis might remove these seasonal differences between the age groups. The investigation by Jarvis (1960) indicated the least favorable calving for two-year-old Holsteins in western Canada was in May, June, and July while for older cows it occurred most frequently in July and August. Seasonal differences in ME age correction factors were reported by McDaniel and Corley (1966) in 1,795,895 lactational milk and fat records of cows of all breeds and all areas of the United States. Separate factors developed for milk records by two-month seasons (January-February, etc.) and breed Showed the age correction factors for milk yield of two-year—old cows of all breeds were smallest for July—August and September-October. These results would indicate that calvings during July to October have a more l4 favorable effect or a smaller unfavorable effect on the lactational milk yield of two—year-olds than of mature cows. Analysis of variance of the age correction factors for Hol- steins and Guernseys indicated a significant effect of sea- sons on age correction factors. The results of this study represent the average condition over 14 years and may not accurately describe present conditions. Converse to the results of McDaniel and Corley (1966), Gravir and Hickman (1966) found no seasonal dif- ferences in the percentage increase in average level of production from first lactation to maturity in an analysis of 108,000 Holstein ROP lactational milk and fat records in Canada. Seasonal divisions were September through Feb— ruary and March through August and covered September, 1958, through August, 1960. The increase from second or third lactation to maturity was essentially the same for both seasons. However, they did find a significant difference in the slope of first-lactation yield-age regression curves for the two seasons. Environmental Influences on Two-Year-Old Lactations That cows calving at less than 36 months of age exhibit a more consistent lactation curve than do mature cows is well known. If, as suggested by Dr. Lon D. McGilliard, a more consistent lactation curve has greater resistance to environmental influences, then the lactation- al milk yield of two-year-old cows might be affected 15 differently or to a lesser degree by season than the milk yield of older cows. The results of a study by Allaire and Gaunt (1965) support this hypothesis. They found the linear regression of first lactation records on first lac- tation or all lactation contemporaries to be smaller than when a record representing any parity was regressed on contemporaries that included all lactations. The authors suggested that these results might be interpreted to mean that first lactation records are not as susceptible to prevailing environmental conditions as are later lactation records. This interpretation is strengthened by higher heritabilities for first lactations (Barker and Robertson, 1966, Freeman, 1960, and Rendel et al., 1957) and smaller variation among first lactations (Deaton and McGilliard, 1964). Genetic Differences Between Seasons In Michigan, as in many other states, certain months of the year have been designated as a base build- ing period for milk marketing purposes. During this time it is economically important to ship a maximum amount of milk to the processing plant. Consequently, it might be that cows due to calve during the base building period are subjected to less culling than cows due to calve dur- ing the other months of the year. If a differential cull— ing rate occurs throughout the year, inequalities may ex- ist in the average genetic value of cows calving during 16 the various seasons of the year. As most heifers calve in the fall in Michigan, culling occurs with each lacta— tion, and the average calving interval is 13 months; cows calving in the winter months may be a more selected group than those calving in the fall. In addition, any special effort by the dairyman to keep his better cows from calv- ing in the months least favorable for high lactational pro- duction might also result in genetic differences between groups of cows calving in different months or seasons of the year. In Holstein cows in New York, Allaire and Henderson (1966) found small differences in the percent of cows sur— viving to start another lactation when the calvings were divided into three seasons. For cows in the first through the fourth lactations, 77% of those calving in August through November, 73% of those calving in December through March, anda72% of those calving in April through July were saved. While these differences in culling are small, they do not preclude the possibility of seasonal differences in average genetic ability caused by an accumulation of differential culling over time and selection of the calv- ing season for cows of different producing abilities. The methods used to eliminate environmental dif- ferences between groups of offspring in progeny testing vary among countries. A review of these methods is given in Johansson (1961). The yield of daughters is compared 17 with that of their contemporaries in the same herd in Great Britain and Finland; in Sweden and New Zealand the daughters' average yield is compared with the yield at corresponding ages of daughters of other bulls in herds on the same pro— duction level; and New York and the USDA use herdmates calv- ing in the same year and season or in the same S-month-moving season as a basis of comparison. In Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Great Britain the progeny test is based on the first lactation of the daughters and age correction factors are avoided or are made to a standard age at first calving, whereas in the United States and New Zealand the individual records are corrected to a mature age. Season is ignored in Holland, Great Britain, Sweden, and Finland and is cir- cumvented by seasonal calving in New Zealand, Norway, and the Danish progeny testing stations. Fixed year-seasons are used by New York and rolling S-month-seasons are used by the USDA to remove seasonal influences. Such diversity in progeny testing methods implies that no one system is entirely correct and that continued study of ways to remove age, season, and other environmental influences is needed. Summary There is evidence in the literature that the lac- tational yield of two-year-old and possibly three-year-old cows is affected differently by season than is the lacta- tional yield of older cows. However, no reports were found of the effects of season on the lactational production of 18 cows of different ages taking into account possible differ- ences in the producing ability of cows calving at different times in the year. Many writers have expressed the opinion that the quantity and quality of feed available throughout the year may be contributing to the influence of season of calving. Estimates of seasonal effects for cows of different ages from records made in recent years at different levels of management should indicate the influence of management on seasonal effects. Such results could be useful in deter— mining what records to use as herdmates in evaluating rec- ords. To estimate genetic differences between the cows calving in different seasons would be of interest. If such differences exist, they need to be accounted for in eval- uating dairy animals. SOURCE OF DATA Two sets of data were from Michigan DHIA Holstein herds, while a third set was simulated data. For the first set the Michigan DHIA annual herd summary sheets were used to identify 51 herds that used no pasture during 1963 and 1964, and 1962 where possible. The 51 herds were located in 20 counties and will be referred to as "drylot" herds. For comparison with the drylot herds, 51 herds using at least 85 days of pasture during each of the same two or three years will be referred to as "pasture" herds. To make the drylot and pasture herds as much alike as pos- sible, the pasture herd chosen to pair with each drylot herd was from the same county, covered the same years, and was matched as closely as possible with respect to herd Size, number of years on DHIA testing, and whether the herd had registered or grade cows. The second set consisted of 198 Holstein herds from 14 counties in Michigan. The 14 counties represented each of four geographic areas of Michigan in the same ratio as if the entire Michigan DHIA population had been used. Rec- ords from herds in these counties that had been on test from at least 1958 to 1964 were obtained. Nine of the dry— lot herds and 10 of the pasture herds were also among the 198 herds. l9 20 In both sets of data only records of 305 days or those terminated by a dry date prior to the 305th day were used. All records were adjusted to 2x-ME using factors by Kendrick (1955). Each record was made by a Holstein cow whose sire and dam were Holsteins. The 4195 drylot records by 2719 cows averaged 14,921 lb milk, while 3566 pasture records by 2318 cows averaged 14,175 lb milk. The 37,247 records in the 198 herds were from 15,507 cows and averaged 13,868 lb milk. The third set of data, the Simulated data, was used to evaluate the analysis of genetic differences between cows calving in different seasons. The data had been de- veloped in a problem of improving milk production through breeding in an undergraduate course in dairy cattle breed- ing at Michigan State University. The simulated data (dummy herds) were generated with procedures and parameters devel- oped from populations of real cows. The parameters used in the dummy herds are listed in Table 1. At each class meeting the student received the rec- ords of his dummy herd for the current year and determined his own matings and culls. The genetic value of the off- spring was computed as the average genetic value of the sire and dam plus a chance factor of about one-half the genic variance. The chance factor served to restore genetic variation and to simulate the random part of inheritance contributed by segregation and recombination in Mendelian inheritance. 21 Table l. Variance used in generating records of dummy herds Standard Source Variance‘ Deviation Total 684 Between herds (environmental) 225 15 Within herds 459 21 Genic 121 11 Permanent environment 64 8 Between years 49 7 Residual 225 15 ‘Variances are in (100 1b milk)2, standard deviations in (100 1b milk) A total of 8874 records representing 15 herds and 19 years was available. METHODS If an estimate of the probable producing ability of the cows (Lush, 1949) is not used in estimating effects of season (influence of season of calving on lactational yield) and the averages of the abilities of cows calving in the different seasons differ, then confounding between effects of season and differences in average ability will result. Analysis by least squares does not utilize esti- mates of the ability of the cows. As Henderson (1949a) has pointed out, the least squares method may yield seri- ously biased estimates of some of the parameters because of the effects of culling. In populations where selection on the magnitude of performance has taken place, most of the cows surviving to make an additional record had favor- able environmental conditions for the earlier record. Since the temporary environmental effects are random from lacta- tion to lactation, the average of the temporary environ- mental influences for a group of later records is apt to be less favorable than for the earlier records and thus bias the estimates of years and other environmental effects downward. Henderson (1949a) and Henderson et a1. (1959) have shown that maximum likelihood techniques are appropriate 22 23 for estimation in situations where repeated observations are used and selection based on the magnitude of previous performance was practiced. The model employed in the pres- ent analysis was Yijklm = u + ti + a3 + 5k + (as)jk + hl + c1m + eijklm where Yijklm is the 305 day-2x-ME record of the mth cow in the 1th herd who calved at the jth age in year 1 during the kth season, u is the population mean of ME milk records, ti is the amount the conditions peculiar to the 1th year raise or lower its average production from the average of all years, aj is the amount records made by cows of the jth age group differ from the average of all ages, th s is the amount effects peculiar to the k season raise k or lower its average production from the average of all seasons, (as)jk is an interaction which causes the production of cows of age j calving in season k to differ from the sum of the effects of the jth age group and the kth season, hl is the amount conditions associated with the 1th herd cause the average of the 1th herd to differ from the average of all herds, th - th c1m is an amount the production of the l cow in the m herd is above or below the average of all cows in the mth herd, and 24 eijklm is a random deviation associated with the record th th of the m cow in the 1 th herd, who calved in the ith th year at the j age in the k season. The c are random variables normally and inde- 1m pendently distributed about a particular hl with zero means and variance C. The eijklm are normally and independently distributed random variables with zero means and variance E. The clm and eijklm are uncorrelated. Maximum likelihood estimation (ML) involves find- ing estimates which maximize the probability of obtaining the samples at hand. The likelihood is defined as the joint distribution of the sample and is written as l 2 1 - L = 'TT ~J2HE exp. 2E.(Yijklm-u-ti-aj-asjk-hl-clm) ijklm l-‘N .TT 1 exp - c 1m \| ENC 56'9- Estimates of the parameters in the ML model are obtained in a manner similar to least squares. The loga- rithm of the likelihood function is differentiated with respect to each of the parameters and the resulting equa- tions are set equal to zero. The ML equations obtained are of this form: 2 " z A z A z: n..... G+Ai n1....ti + jan...aj + + jkn.jk.. z . /\ _ (a8)jk +ln. . .1. £1 +§Iznn. . .lmclm - Y. . . . C (l) A A n1....{} + ni""ti +§n1j°”aj + Eni. 'k’°sk +§Enijk” A mAm (a8)jk ‘l' l M11...l 1 +12%. {11...}. = Yiooooe (2) 25 and analogous equations for the other years (i); A 2 A A A 22 n.j...u + inij"°ti + n.j...aj + + jkn'jk°° A A (as)jk + {4131.91 +2l§n.j.lmclm = y.j... <3) and analogous equations for the other ages (j); n.. ..G + Zhi. k..t.i +§n.jk ..aj + n..k..Q k jk.. A A (as)j +§nukl +%Zn°°klmc 1m = Y..k.. (4) and analogous equations for the other seasons (k); Zn. k * 3 A A i nijko::: + nojk jkoosk jk k + §n°jkl +§Lzrhjklmc 1m = Y'jk” (5) and analogous equations for the other age-seasons (j,k); A ..u+ +n. n Q+n jk j ..(é§)j A éniHl'ti + En'jfl .aj +En'°kl°ls\k + Egn'jkf A + nooolohl +2n-joolmé 1m = Yooolo (6) A. .u + n...l A (as)jk and analogous equations for the other herds (l); A u + n...lm in A A i win]. + :n'j°lmaj +§nnklmsk +§Erhjklm E A (as)jk + :"'1mfil + (n...1m + C)c1m = Y...1m (7) and analogous equations for the other cows (l,m). th th = 1 if the m cow in the l i°'lm in the ith year and = o if she did not make a record in the 1th year. A dot in the subscript denotes summation n herd made a record over that particular subscript. Two additional equations are obtained to be solved simultaneously with the others; a = 21?.32 n ‘§§ 1m and A A §=2ii§§(yijklm- u - £1 - aj — sk - asjk - hl - n..... The equations for the variance components C and E cannot be solved simultaneously with the other ML equations; how- ever, estimates of C and E are available in the literature and their use should allow valid estimates of the other parameters. The above set has an equation for each year, age, season, age x season combination, herd, and cow. Among the cow equations the coefficient for cows differs from that used in least squares analysis by the quantity E/C. This quantity is related to repeatability as defined by Lush (1949). In terms of repeatability r a C/(C+E) the coefficient for cows in the cow equation becomes n... + lm (l-r)/r. Solving equations (7) for the c1m yields no.- r 1m _ A A ./.\. .0. 6 1m ’ lm A A where t is the mean of the t associated with that partic— i ular cow, a is the mean of the 9 etc. The value of Q j’ lm is closely related to the probable producing ability of the cow as defined by Lush (1949) illustrating that an ap- proximation of the probable producing ability of the cow is used in finding estimates for the other elements in the model. The original application of ML to dairy cattle prob— lems was to estimate genetic and environmental changes. 27 Cows were nested in groups composed of animals born during a specified time period or perhaps sired by the same bull. These groups of cows served as fixed genetic points from which to estimate genetic and environmental changes. In the model used here cows belong to a herd which includes all animals that made a record in a three- or seven-year period. Consequently, there is no means of measuring gen- etic change over time. Herd effects must also be considered as fixed, which is contrary to normal usage. The outcome on the accuracy of the other estimates from using fixed herd ef- fects is not known. Miller et al. (1966), using a maximum likelihood model in which cows were nested in herds rather than birth year or sire groups, obtained estimates of age effects that were consistent with theoretical expectations. Inclusion of birth year groups in a model with age and year of record causes complications. As pointed out by Rendel and Robertson (1950), Henderson et al. (1959), and Miller et a1. (1966), if ages, year of birth, and year of record are in the model, the last birth year will be confounded with the youngest age and the last year of record and a unique solution to the ML equations will not be possible. Henderson et al. (1959) defined the repeatability used in the ML equations as intra-group rather than intra- herd since their model had cows nested within birth-year groups. In the present model, cows are nested within herds; 28 therefore, intra-herd repeatability was indicated. The appropriate value for intra-herd repeatability may range from 0.4 to 0.55 depending on whether or not the effects of year and season have been removed. The effect of errors in the repeatability used is not clear. Henderson (1958) reported on variation in environmental trends resulting from using different values for repeatability in a model estimating both yearly environmental and genetic trends. He observed that estimates of yearly environment were biased downward by 0.08 lb fat per cow per year for each 0.01 the value used for repeatability was above the true value. The effects of errors in repeatability in models where several parameters are being estimated is not appar- ent. To get indications of the effects on the estimates from different values for repeatability which might reason- ably bracket closely the correct value, 0.4 and 0.55 were used in the model. The interactions not fitted in the model such as herd x year, herd x season, year x age, year x season, and the three-way and four-way interactions may cause biases in the estimates of the parameters in the model. Cows were not permitted to have two records in the same year. When this occurred, the second of the two rec- ords was removed if both records were classified as normal. If unusual conditions such as abortion, etc., affected one of the records, it was removed. When unusual conditions 29 were listed for both records, the record appearing most nearly normal was retained. Multiple records by a cow at two or three years of age were prevented by assigning the record to the next highest age classification if the cow had a previous rec- ord at that age. Cows were permitted to have multiple records in the four years and older age class. Cows less than 24 months of age at calving were classified as two— year-olds. The parameters of interest in this model were the jk’ l and c1m were nui- sance parameters. To reduce the matrix to a manageable ti’ aj, Sk’ and the as whereas the h size, it was necessary to absorb the equations for cows and restrict the number of herds to approximately 50. Henderson (1949a, 1949b) explained and illustrated absorp— tion of cow equations into the rest of the ML equations. As shown above, equation (8), c can be expressed in terms lm of the other elements in the model, thus making it possible to subtract this new expression for c from the u, ti’ lm aj, sk, as. , and h equations and eliminate the cow rows 3k 1 and columns from the matrix (absorption). In his illustra- tion Henderson constructed the full matrix, including all cow equations, before starting absorption. Even with a large computer, constructing the full matrix places an im- practical limit on the number of cows that can be used in the analysis or makes the absorption of the cow equations 30 a formidable task. The absorption procedure used in the present study required a matrix only one row and column larger than the absorbed matrix. To reduce the required matrix size, the data were ordered so that all records of a cow appeared consecutively in the data. Then the sequence of steps used by Henderson for absorption was changed in that as soon as all the information on a cow was in the matrix, the cow equation was absorbed and set back to zero before data on the next cow were added to the matrix. This sequence of steps permits one row and column of the matrix to be used repeatedly for all the cows in the analysis. Since the cow equations are independent of each other the resulting absorbed matrix is the same whether all cow equa- tions are in the matrix before absorption begins or cow equations are incorporated and absorbed one at a time. This same procedure can be used to absorb herds and reduce the number of herd rows and columns in the matrix to one of each. The months of the year were grouped into six con- secutive two-month seasons to put more cows into each sea- son and still retain several points at which to measure seasonal change. Three ages (£2, 3, 29 years) were used since age correction factors show most of the increase to mature age production is reached by 48 months (Kendrick, 1955). Standard errors of the ML constants were not 31 calculated. The error mean square obtained using the ML constants is inflated compared to the least squares mean square. Therefore, standard errors for the ML constants should be calculated using the elements of the ML inverse matrix and the error mean square from least squares anal- ysis of the same data (Miller, 1967). Least squares anal- ysis of these data with cows nested within herds was not attempted because the herd equations disappear when the cow equations are absorbed. A second objective concerned estimating genetic differences between the cows calving in different seasons of the year. If selection pressure on cows differs with the season in which they calved or are due to calve, then variation may exist between seasons in the average genetic value of the cows. Interpretation of the variance compo- nents resulting from a statistical analysis of paternal and non-paternal sisters calving in the same and different seasons provided estimates of genetic and environmental differences between seasons. Analysis was within years within herds to avoid analyzing variation from these sources. Maternal sisters with records in the same year were withheld from the anal- ysis along with any cow whose sire was unknown. In addi- tion, all cows over 64 months of age were excluded to in— crease the average number of daughters per sire. Three seasonal divisions were used. The first was based on the 32 base milk period and compared January through June calvings with July through December. The second division was sug- gested by Michigan DHIA averages and compared October through April calvings with those of May through September. The final comparison was based on the maximum likelihood esti- mates and contrasted November to April calvings with May to October calvings. In the first mathematical model the 305 day-Zx—ME milk record of the kth th daughter of the i sire calving in the jth season is: Yijk = u + Si + mj + eijk where u is the yearly herd mean; 51 is the deviation of th the daughter average of the i sire from u; mj is the average differences between u and cows calving in the jth season; and eijk is the deviation of the record of the kth daughter of sire i from the average of the daughters of the ith sire calving in the jth season. u is a fixed quan- tity, the si, mj, and eijk are uncorrelated variables drawn from populations with zero means and with variances, S, M, and B, respectively. This model was used to analyze differences among daughters of the same sire in the same season, differences between groups of daughters by different sires in the same season, and differences between groups of daughters by dif- ferent sires calving in different seasons. The expected values of the mean squares obtained in these analyses are: 33 Within Sires Within Season B (1) Among Sires Within Season 8 + le (II) Among Sires in Different Seasons 8 + k S + k M (III) 2 3 The k's are the appropriate coefficients for the components of variance. One further analysis was made of differences among groups of daughters by the same sire but calving in differ- ent seasons. This analysis was according to a second model th in which the 305 day-2x-ME milk record of the k daughter of the ith sire which calved in the jth season is: Yijk = u + 51 + mij + eijk where u is the yearly herd mean; 51 is the deviation of the daughter average of the ith sire in the herd from u; mij is the average difference between daughters in the ijth sire-season group and the average of all the daughters of th the i sire in that herd and year; and eij is the devia- th k daughter in the ijth sire- tion of the record of the k season group from the average of the ijth group. In this model seasons are nested within sires. Again, u is a fixed quantity and the Si’ mij, and eijk are uncorrelated vari- ables drawn from populations with zero means and with the variances, S, M', and B, respectively. The expected value of the mean square from this analysis is: Between Seasons Within Sire E + k M' (IV) 4 Again k is the appropriate coefficient for the component 4 of variance. 34 M is a measure of the genetic variation between seasons (GS)plus the environmental variation between sea- sons (ES) while M' is a measure of iGS + ES. This can be shown by letting mij = gsij + esij where gsij is the aver- th age genetic merit of the daughters of the i sire in the jth sire-season group. Then season and esij is the environmental level of the ijth mij - mi'j’ = (gsij - gsi'j')+ (esij - esi'j') and E(M) = %E(mij - min.)2 = GS + as + 2Cov(GS)(ES) where sirei l sirei’ and seasonj £ seasonj’. The correlation between GS and BS is assumed to be zero so E(M) = GS + 83. Since seasons are always compared with- in sires in the second model, all comparisons are between groups of cows who received half their genes from the same I l sire. In this case mij = Egsij - esij. Then . . 1 mij - mij' = Elgsij - gsij') + (esij - esij:) and a r 2 l ij - mij’) = ZGS + ES + Cov(GS)(ES) Once more the correlation between GS and BS is assumed to be zero so that E(M') = iGS + ES. Equating the expectations of the four mean squares 3(M’) = %£(m to their actual results will yield estimates of E, S, ES, and GS. ES and GS were of primary interest while B and S were necessary to get solutions to the set of simultaneous equations. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Effects of season, age at calving, and their inter- actions on ME lactational milk yield were estimated by max- imum likelihood for six seasons of two months each (January- February, March-April, etc.) and three ages (5?, 3,.24 years). Because the exact repeatability of milk for these data was not known, 0.4.and 0.55 were chosen to bracket the range within which repeatability might fall. Examples of the best and worst agreement between the estimates of the ef- fects of season plus age x season interaction from using the two values are in Table 2. Even in the most divergent case the results for season plus age x season interaction differed little. Some of the changes in the constants for year and age from varying repeatability also can be seen in Table 2. Changing repeatability affected randomly the estimates for ages but affected the estimates for years in a consistent manner. When years were improving, 0.55 estimated a small- er amount of improvement, whereas the decline for deterior- ating yearly effects was larger than for 0.4. This is com- patible with earlier work (Henderson, 1958) in which values of repeatability larger than the true value produced a down— ward bias in yearly environment. In the present investiga— tion yearly effects were not partitioned into genetic and 35 36 Table 2. Examples of best and poorest agreement between ML estimates of years, ages, and season plus age x season interactions obtained using r a 0.4 and r = 0.55 2.3.512 Worst (3rd Quartile 1962-4) (Pasture 1962-4) r=0.4 r=0.55 r=0.4 r=0.55 1962 -306 -281 -338 -303 l963 125 121 98 93 1964 182 160 240 210 S 2 yrs. -l67 -l6l 23 12 3 yrs. 73 70 31 60 _>_ 4 yrs. 94 91 -54 -72 2 x 31 -120 -129 520 512 2 x 32 —681 -656 -85 -152 2 x S3 -159 —l7l -71 -89 2 x 34 —273 -274 -220 -222 2 x S5 -20 14 -72 ~101 2 x 56 251 250 66 124 3 x S1 198 187 -87 -6 3 x 52 492 491 188 259 3 x 33 -66 -63 379 477 3 x S4 -398 -397 -422 —415 3 x 35 6 0 285 254 3 x 36 206 202 -157 -209 4 x S1 276 293 296 268 4 x 52 534 503 320 334 4 x 53 3 -18 -191 -184 4 x 84 -610 -595 -714 -731 4 x S5 -46 -29 -69 -99 4 x 86 407 391 34 ~20 37 environmental components because of confounding between year of birth and age. Since effects of herd, year, and season were removed for estimating the producing ability of the cows (see equation 8 in Methods) and the results of using the two values differed little, only the results from 0.55 will be shown and discussed. Constants for Seasons The ML estimates of seasonal effects on lactational milk yield for cows in the 198 herds appear in Figure 1. Highest yield occurred for calvings in January—February. After this yield declined steadily through March-April, drastically deteriorated during May-June and again in July- August, and then sharply improved through December. Below average production existed from May until October. These results agree well with those of Tucker and Legates (1965). Since the magnitude of seasonal influences did not change from 1958-60 to 1962-64, changes in management of dairy herds during this time had little effect on seasonal vari— ation. Total farm labor requirements are usually least during the winter, and there is opportunity for dairymen to provide better management for their dairy herds. This period coincides with the most productive part of the lac- tation for cows calving during late fall and winter. In addition these same cows often get a boost in production from pasture in spring during the latter part of their 38 acmmmm .|.l $-33 IIIII vmlmmmd l omlmmma .oomu .oomu .ooeu .oomu qus 10.0 mg .oom .ooe .. oom .oom uman>02nm .uuouammum [ms3 mmaauumsv CH momma Eoum musmumcou commmm .5 de2 m4 omnfim 49 Figure 8. Season plus age x season constants for herds in quartiles by yield of milk 1962-64 First Quartile Second Quartile ‘ 1 600' 600 4 400« 400 200- 200 Lb 0.0. 0.0 -200. —200 Milk -400q -400 ' -600. -600 -800. -800 j a r I 1 IL I 1 i f | l 2 3 4 5 6 l 2 3 4”' 5 6 Season Season 52 yrs. 3 yrs."--“-- 24 yr5r----- Third Quartile Fourth Quartile 600‘ 400. 200 . Lb ' 0.0- Milk -200, -400. —600. ? 1 1 I I ‘ T f T _l l 2 3 4 5 6 l 2 3 4 5 6 Season Season “ 50 Patterns of Seasonal Calving Table 3 lists the number and percentage of cows calving in each season for the three ages. Most two-year— olds, about 55%, calve in July through October; but as they get older, the calving distribution becomes more uniform throughout the year. Differences in the seasonal calving distribution between the quartiles and pasture vs. drylot are small and inconsistent, indicating that establishing a favorable market for milk is the most important factor in deciding when the cows should calve. The age composi— tion of the herds varied slightly with about 2.5% more two- year-olds in the top two quartiles and about 5% more in the drylot herds. If older cows are better producers because of hav— ing survived more culling, then March-April with 13% more cows at least four years old includes animals of higher average ability than does July-August. Thus using herd- mates of all ages would be another source of bias in addi- tion to that caused by age x season interaction in compar- ing cows that freshened in March-April with those calving in July-August. Effects of Age Constants for ages in Table 4 show that in the 198 herds from 1958 to 1964 three-year-olds had the highest production with two-year-olds intermediate. The estimate for two-year-olds is 56 lb larger than the weighted average Number of cows of three ages calving in each Table 3. season. total. seasons. a. 198 herds, 1958—64 Age 1 2 _<_2 1057 828 (.25) (.21) 3 840 839 (.20) (.21) 24 2374 2367 (.55) (.58) Total 4271 4034 11% 11% b. 198 herds, 1958-60 Age 1 2 $2 410 242 (.26) (.17) 3 304 291 (.20) (.20) 24 844 906 (.54) (.63) Total 1558 1439 11% 10% c. 198 herds, 1962—64 Age 1 2 5? 512 461 (.25) (.23) 3 407 440 (.19) (.22) gfi 1178 1109 (.56) (.55) Total 2097 2010 12% 12% 3 875 (.26) 606 (.18) 1915 (.56) 3396 9% 251 (.22) 197 (.17) 693 (161) 1141 8% 3 507 (.28) 330 (.19) 950 (.53) 1787 10% 4 2724 (.31) 2105 (.24) 3919 (.45) 8748 24% 1065 (.32) 770 (.23) 1508 (.45) 3343 23% 4 1273 (.31) 993 (.25) 1787 (.44) 4053 24% 5 2668 (.27) 2395 (.24) 4805 (.49) 9868 26% 1038 (.27) 970 (.26) 1807 (.47) 3815 27% 5 1259 (.28) 1080 (.24) 2193 (.48) 4532 26% Number in parentheses is per cent of season Number with % is per cent of total over all 6 Total 1588 9740 (.23) 26% 1479 8264 (.21) 22% 3863 19243 (.56) 52% 6930 37247 19% 6 Total 709 3715 (.23) 26% 675 3207 (.22) 22% 1650 7408 (.55) 52% 3034 14330 21% 6 Total 636 4648 (.23) 27% 579 3829 (.21) 22% 1561 8778 (.56) 51% 2776 17255 16% Table 3, continued d. First Quartile 1958-1960 Age I 32 >4 Total 1 88 (.23) 84 (.22) 205 (.55) 377 10% 2 44 (.13) 67 (.19) 237 (.68) 348 9% 3 65 (.22) 52 (.17) 182 (.61) 299 8% e. First Quartile 1962-1964 Age 52 >4 Total 1 124 (.26) 96 (.20) 259 (.54) 479 11% 2 113 (.25) 103 (.23) 239 (.52) 455 11% 3 146 (.29) 97 (.19) 258 (.52) 501 12% f. Second Quartile 1958-1960 Age 5? 2% Total 1 117 (.26) 77 (.17) 252 (.57). 446 12% 2 70 (.18) 67 (.17) 259 (.65) 396 10% 3 49 (.20) 31 (.13) 161 (.67) 241 6% 52 4 338 (.35) 217 (.22) 416 (.43) 971 26% 366 (.36) 247 (.25) 390 (.39) 1003 23% 4 230 (.29) 181 (.22) 397 (.49) 808 21% 5 297 (.30) 267 (.27) 434 (.43) 998 27% 331 (.30) 272 (.24) 513 (.46) 1116 26% 5 311 (.29) 286 (.26) 491 (.45) 1088 29% 6 184 (.25) 169 (.23) 387 (.52) 740 20% 185 (.26) 163 (.23) 364 (.51) 712 17% 6 224 (.27) 173 (.21) 433 (.52) 830 22% Total 1016 27% 856 23% 1861 50% 3733 Total 1265 30% 978 23% 2023 47% 4266 Total 1001 26% 815 21% 1993 53% 3809 Table 3, continued g. Second Quartile 1962-1964 Age 1 2 3 S? 151 133 133 (.26) (.25) (.29) 3 105 105 84 (.18) (.19) (.19) zfi 325 298 233 (.56) (.56) (.52) Total 581 536 450 12% 12% 10% h. Third Quartile 1958-1960 Age 1 2 3 5? 87 70 67 (.24) (.19) (.21) 3 64 83 61 (.18) (.22) (.19) 24 208 221 189 (.58) (.59) (.60) Total 359 374 317 9% 9% 8% i. Third Quartile 1962-1964 Age 1 2 3 52 127 105 142 (.21) (.20) (.29) 3 115 114 83 (.20) (.22) (.17) 24 350 300 261 (.59) (.58) (.54) Total 592 519 486 12% 11% 10% 53 4 364 (.34) 264 (.24) 452 (.42) 1080 23% 318 (.34) 226 (.24) 394 (.42) 938 24% 4 355 (.29) 289 (.24) 571 (.47) 1215 25% 5 348 (.28) 297 (.23) 619 (.49) 1264 27% 5 279 (.26) 274 (.25) 530 (.49) 1983 28% 5 345 (.26) 324 (.25) 636 (.49) 1305 27% 6 168 (.22) 157 (.20) 444 (.58) 769 16% 173 (.20) 191 (.23) 480 (.57) 844 22% 6 137 (.18) 143 (.19) 467 (.63) 747 15% Total 1297 28% 1012 22% 2371 50% 4680 Total 994 25% 899 23% 2022 52% 3915 Total 1211 25% 1211 22% 2585 53% 4864 Table 3, continued j. Fourth Quartile 1958-1960 Age 52 >4 Total 1 127 (.29) 89 (.21) 215 (.50) 431 12% 2 65 (.17) 80 (.21) 239 (.62) 384 11% 3 81 (.24) 59 (.17) 199 (.59) 339 10% k. Fourth Quartile 1962-1964 Age _<_2 24 Total 1. Pasture Herds Age <2 >4 Total 1 129 (.24) 109 (.21) 294 (.55) 532 12% 1 109 (.22) 94 (.19) 294 (.59) 497 14% 2 141 (.23) 137 (.23) 326 (.54) 604 14% 2 91 (.19) 101 (.21) 285 (.60) 477 13% 3 128 (.27) 87 (.18) 258 (.55) 473 11% 3 96 (.25) 71 (.19) 210 (.56) 377 10% 54 4 246 (.30) 191 (.24) 376 (.46) 813 23% 271 (.27) 253 (.26) 464 (.47) 988 23% 4 332 (.37) 217 (.24) 3343 (.39) 892 24% 5 200 (.25) 188 (.23) 417 (.52) 805 23% 276 (.26) 240 (.22) 549 (.52) 1065 25% 5 272 (.28) 230 (.24) 466 (.48) 968 27% 6 169 (.23) 158 (.21) 411 (.56) 738 21% 166 (.25) 143 (.21) 361 (.54) 670 15% 6 101 (.23) 101 (.23) 238 (.54) 440 12% Total 888 25% 765 22% 1857' 53% 3510 Total 1111 26% 969 . 22% 2252 52% 4332 Total 1001 28% 814 22% 1836 50% 3651 55 Table 3, continued m. Drylot Herds Age 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total 5; 153 141 152 409 382 135 1372 (.26) (.29) (.38) (.38) (.34) (.24) 33% 3 131 107 32 277 273 119 989 (.23) (.22) (.20) (.26) (.25) (.22) 23% 24 296 244 170 380 449 295 1834 (.51) ((.49) (.42) (.36) (.41) (.54) 44% Total 580 492 404 1066 1104 549 4195 14% 12% 10% 25% 26% 13% of the three- and four-year-olds. Most studies, Allaire and Gaunt (1965), Robertson and Barker (1966), Tucker et al. (1960), and Tucker and Legates (1962) have shown the average production of older cows exceeds the average of two-year-olds. The discrepancy between the results of this study and other research may be due to variations in the age-yield relationship among herds (Castle, 1953; Hickman and Henderson, 1955; and Searle and Henderson, 1959) and geographic areas (Miller, 1964; Tucker and Legates, 1962; Fairchild et al., 1966) or to differences between ML age estimates and observed means of age groups. The age con- stants for the 198 herds from 1962-64 agree better with the literature. Extensive variation exists among the age con— stants listed in Table 4 indicating variation in the age- yield relationship among herds or groups of herds in this study and a lack of correspondence between level of herd 56 production and age-yield relationships. Since age constants and age x season interactions varied from one set of herds to another and seasonal vari- ation was only mildly related to level of herd production, interactions of herds with age, season, and age x season are probably important sources of variation, or the number of cows within herds was too small to estimate the true herd effect for age and season. Differences from herd to herd in the way calves are raised and how heifers are fed before freshening and during lactation could cause differ- ences in changes of production with age. Since only com- pleted records were used in this investigation, extreme variations in culling rates between age groups from herd to herd could also contribute to herd x age interactions. Unusual season or age x season effects between herds could arise from fluctuations in management due to competition or lack of competition for the dairyman's time from other enterprises or from his response to changes in temperature or length of daylight hours. Other causes might be modi- fications of the way dry cows and/or springing heifers are handled or variations in the length of the dry or open periods of cows throughout the year. Estimates of year effects in Table 5 infer that yearly environment and/or genetic values declined from 1958 to 1960 and then improved from 1960 to 1964. The decline in production during the early years apparently was not 57 Table 4. Maximum likelihood estimates of age effects (in 1b ME milk) 4 yrs. or Data Years 2 yrs. 3 yrs. older 198 Herds 1958-64 +28 +92 ~120 198 Herds 1958-60 -54 +93 -39 198 Herds 1962-64 -44 +24 +20 First Quartile 1958-60 -78 +79 -1 Second Quartile " -171 +104 +67 Third Quartile " +8 +158 -l66 Fourth Quartile " -55 —33 +88 First Quartile 1962-64 -77 +90 -13 Second Quartile " +241 -94 -147 Third Quartile " -l67 +73 +94 Fourth Quartile " -202 +56 +146 Drylot " +131 +17 ~148 Pasture " +23 +31 -54 Table 5. Constants (in lb of ME Milk) for years 1958-64 from 198 herds Year Constant No. Records 1958 —436 4304 1959 -515 4693 1960 ~602 5332 1961 -179 5662 1962 +241 5687 1963 +673 5973 1964 +818 5595 58 due to expanding herd size since herds expanded in size during both the increasing and decreasing production phases. With the number of herds and cows involved, it would be unusual for year to year variations in genetic values to be as large as the changes shown in Table 5. In late 1960 dairy scientists at Michigan State University suggested feeding more grain to dairy cows could be a profitable practice, but the idea did not get much emphasis from ex- tension personnel until late 1961. Therefore, feeding more grain to dairy cows could explain some or most of the in- creases in yearly effects since 1960, but without informa- tion about feeding of grain for the herds this is only spec— ulation. Genetic Variation Between Seasons Evidence (Allaire and Henderson, 1966) and suspic- ions of unequal culling rates throughout the year suggest genetic differences could contribute to differences ob- served between seasons. The results of the analyses for genetic differences are shown in Table 6. The three seasonal groupings chosen were defined in Methods. In addition, two-year-olds and older cows were analyzed separately in one seasonal group- ing to determine the effects of selection on the statis- tical model. All differences between seasons were genetic in seasonal grouping A. But in groupings B and C a solu- tion was impossible because mean square for variance between 59 seasons within sire (equation IV, page 33) became negative when the expected component of residual variance was re- moved. Equation IV was negative again when two-year-olds and older cows were analyzed separately using seasonal grouping A. Table 6. Variance components from genetic and environ- mental season analysis of DHIA data Components of variance(a) Season Classification E S GS ES SEAS Jan-June vs. Jul-Dec A 4576 397 239 —30 sp-yr-olds A2 4287 233 147 gfi—yr-olds A3 4857 286 78 Oct-Apr vs. May-Sept B 4487 455 317 Nov-Apr vs. May-Oct C 4503 456 425 (a) E-residual, S-sires, GS-genetic season, ES-environmental season, SEAS-season variance component from mean square for diffegent sires in different seasons with GS=0. Variances x 10“ . Because of the unexpected difficulties concerning equation IV, the dummy herd data were analyzed to evaluate the statistical model. Results of these analyses (Table 7) were variable and differed from expectation. GS and “ ES were expected to be zero when data (a), (b), and (c) were analyzed, whereas the expectations of GS and ES were 60 zero and 1250, respectively, when data (d) and (e) were analyzed. Negative components in (c) developed when re— sults for seasons within sires and different sires in dif- ferent seasons were both negative after component of resid— ual variance was removed. In none of the analyses did the results suggest that all of the seasonal differences were genetic. Table 7. Variance components from genetic and environ- mental season analysis of dummy herd data Components of variance No. Data Records E S GS ES Season = 0 (a) all 6126 356 25 ~13 13 (b) 2~yr~olds 2392 355 34 17 11 (c) 2 3 years 3734 350 23 ~17 ~10 Season = 50 (d) 2~yr~olds 2392 355 34 ~148 1276 (e) 2.3 years 3734 350 23 ~16 1270 The results in Table 7 do not explain the diffi- culties with equation IV so perhaps residual and sire vari- ances estimated from variance within sire within season and variance among sires in the same season are too large. Ratios of the components of variance for sires, seasons, and residual were compared with the reports of other work- ers (Table 8) to determine whether the components for sires and residual variance might be the source of the difficulties 61 in solving equation IV. Minor differences exist between the present study and the others in Table 8 in that the investigators studied fat yield, and their components of variance for seasons measure variation among seasons among years. The ratios from A and B and those of C except sea- sons/sires agree with the other studies. Therefore, since error could not be located in the expected mean square for equation IV, unusual relationships were suspected within the sire groups which made paternal sisters in seasons B and C more alike than paternal sisters within the same season 0 Table 8. Ratios of variance components for sires, seasons, and residual Source §£§. SEAS/E SEAS/S Barr (1962) .08 .04 .54 Bereskin (1963) .11 .03 .26 Henderson (1956) .13 .09 .71 Van Vleck et a1. (1961) .11 .04 .39 Table 6 A .11 .05 .53 A2 .05 .03 .63 A3 .06 .02 .27 B .09 .07 .70 C .10 .09 .93 62 Table 8 shows the ratios of the components for sires or seasons to residual are smaller in A2 and A3 than in the others. The values shown in Table 6 confirm that the components for sires and seasons from A2 and A3 are unusually small. It seems unlikely that the sire component from two-year-olds and from cows three years or older should be smaller than the sire component from all ages together. The sire component among two-year-olds might be expected to be largest since selection tends to leave only good cows in each progeny group, thus removing some of the differences between progeny groups. According to the results of the maximum likelihood analyses the component of variance for seasons among the two—year-olds should be smaller than the component obtained from the older cows. Evidently, unusual relationships exist among sires and seasons within the age groups in these data. A negative correlation between the genetic value of the cows calving within a season and the environmental effect of a season would cause Cov(GS)(ES) to be negative. This negative covariance would make the result for equation IV smaller and more apt to be negative after the residual variance component was removed. The results from analyzing both the actual and the dummy herd data for genetic differences between seasons were inconclusive. Although about 8,000 of the 18,500 records in the actual data were in single daughter sire- 63 season groups, it is doubtful whether eliminating the single daughter progeny groups would make the analysis any more useful. CONCLUSIONS AND APPLICATIONS OF RESULTS Variation in milk yield with season of calving is smaller for two-year-olds than for older cows and slightly less for three-year-olds than for cows four years or older. In five of the six two—month seasons the effect for season plus age x season interaction was closer to zero for young cows than was the effect for the older cows. Therefore, comparing two-year-olds with contemporaries in any lacta- tion is likely to underestimate the environmental oppor- tunity during the most unfavorable season Of the year (July and August) and overestimate the environmental opportunity during the favorable season (November to April). Biases could result from a comparison between sires whose two—year- old daughters do not have the same calving distribution through the year. A less likely source of bias among sires might occur where the age composition of the herdmates for the daughters differs markedly between sires. This bias is not likely because age composition of groups of herds in this study varied only slightly. Any differences between herds in age composition would probably be temporary because of the biological dynamics of age. Large age x season interactions occurred frequently, but their statistical significance is unknown. First quar- tile herds had the smallest interactions and fourth quartile 64 65 herds the largest, which suggests that better management may reduce age x season interactions or that genetic dif- ferences may exist between the best and poorest herds which cause different age x season interactions. When all 198 herds for 1958-1964 were analyzed, age x season interactions caused differences as much as 200 lb milk between age groups in certain seasons. If these age x season interactions are real and not due to sampling, cows should be compared with herdmates of their own age to measure accurately the envi~ ronmental opportunity. On the other hand, if age x season interactions are sampling variation, then larger herdmate groups are preferred, i.e., herdmates in any lactation. Age x season interactions varied widely from one set of herds to another indicating herd x age x season in- teractions. Correction factors for age for different sea- sons have been studied and are now being used (McDaniel and Corley, 1966). However, their usefulness is question- able if herd x age x season interaction is as prevalent as appears in this study. With an interaction of this sort the general correction factors would be in error frequently, and a sire would have to have his daughters distributed in an appropriate set of herds to avoid incorporating bias. The need to have daughters in a set of herds whose average age x season interaction effects were the same as the pop~ ulation from which the factors were derived would be true whether ages were corrected by the old factors of Kendrick 66 (1955) or the new factors of McDaniel and Corley. For evaluating females within a single herd, apply- ing the new age-season factors when herd x age x season interaction exists will seldom be appropriate and may in- crease occasionally the bias due to season, since only a small percentage of the herds fits the average situation. In general, with herd x age x season interaction the reduc— tion in age-season bias from using age-season factors will be small compared to the total bias from this source. The most satisfactory way of dealing with herd x age x season interactions is to compare cows within herd-season-age groups. Variation from one group of herds to another in effects of age suggests a herd x age interaction. The overall effect was for three-year-olds to have the highest production. No relationship was evident between the age effects and the level of herd production. The two-year— old age constant should be largest in the low production level herds and smallest in the high herds according to Searle and Henderson (1959). Biases arising from herd x age interactions could be minimized by comparing cows with herdmates of the same age or by correcting first lactations to a standard age at first calving (Johansson, 1961). McDaniel and Corley (1966) reported a region x age interaction, and Michigan was in a region in which the old age-correction factors for two-year-olds (Kendrick, 67 1955) were too large. The age constants from the 198 herds for 1958-64 agree with their work, but the results from all the analyses suggest a larger error occurs because the factors for three-year-olds are too large. The analysis for genetic differences between sea~ sons did not function adequately, leaving the question un- answered. However, if genetic differences between seasons did exist, they could be minimized most easily by using only two—year-old cows compared with two-year-old herdmates, because they are relatively unselected and selection would be the primary source of genetic differences between seasons. This study indicates a need for further research in several areas. Firstly, a measure of the three-way in- teraction between herds, ages, and seasons is needed to determine the appropriateness of age-season correction fac- tors. If the variation due to age x season interaction 'is significantly larger than that due to herd x age x sea- son interaction, then the reduction in bias by using age- season factors will be worthwhile. Also, if some method could be found of classifying herds into groups with like age x season interactions, the use of age-season correction factors would be fitting. ‘Developing a suitable method of correcting for age—season effects would allow the use of cows in any lactation as herdmates, thereby permitting larger herdmate groups and reducing chance variation. Secondly, since the production of two—year-olds seems to 68 deviate less from the yearly herd average in most of the seasons than does the production of older cows, an evalu- ation of averages of herdmates in any lactation that are regressed toward the yearly herd average should be examined for use in evaluating two-year-old records. In the USDA system the adjusted herdmate average is calculated as: breed season average + [n/(n+l)] (herdmate average-breed season average). This method does not always move the ad- justed herdmate average toward the yearly herd average. Lastly, further study should be made concerning genetic differences between seasons. This is a challenging prob~ lem because of the confounding between genetic and environ- mental influences of seasons. SUMMARY Maximum likelihood was used to study the effects of three ages (52, 3, 24 years), six seasons of calving (January-February, March-April, etc.), and their interac- tions on the 305 day-2x-ME milk of completed lactations of Holstein cows in Michigan DHIA. Maximum likelihood utilizes the probable producing ability of the cow and, therefore, should remove genetic differences between sea- sons from seasonal effects on lactational milk yield. Two values of repeatability, 0.4 and 0.55, made little differ-. ence in the constants for age, season, and age x season interaction effects. Data were 37,247 records in 198 herds on test con~ tinuously at least from 1958 to 1964, 4195 records in 51 drylot herds, and 3651 records in 51 pasture herds. The drylot herds used no pasture during 1963-64 or 1962-64 and were paired with 51 pasture herds which used at least 85 days of pasture during the same years and were from the same counties. The drylot and pasture herds were matched as closely as possible for years on test, herd size, and registered or grade cows. Yields were largest in the January-February season. After this they declined steadily, were least in July~ August, and sharply improved again. Below average 69 70 production existed from May until October. The best and worst seasons differed by 776 lb milk. The magnitude of seasonal influence did not change from 1958-60 to 1962-64. Comparisons were made between the pasture and drylot herds and between quartiles of the 198 herds ranked on the DHIA herd average of milk for 1960 to 1964. The drylot herds showed more variation with season than did the pasture herds. For 1958-60 the greatest seasonal variation occurred in the first quartile herds, whereas the least occurred in the fourth. During 1962-64 seasonal variation was largest in the first quartile herds, intermediate in the second, and least in the third and fourth. Seasonal effects dif- fered some among the quartiles and between pasture and dry- lot herds. Interactions of age with season were present in that the total change associated with season was about 250 1b less for two-year~olds than for three-year-olds, while three-year-olds in turn varied 60 lb less than cows four years or older. July-August was much more detrimental to yield of the two older groups than to two-year-olds, whereas March-April calvings were distinctly more favorable to the two older groups. Cows of all ages yielded least follow~ ing July-August calvings, while maximum yields were asso- ciated with January-February calvings for the three-year— olds and November-December calvings for the others. Al— though the seasonal pattern was similar, age x season 71 interactions varied among the quartiles and between the pasture and drylot herds, indicating herd x age x season interactions may be an important source of variation. Age x season interactions seemed to be largest in the lower producing herds. Age constants varied widely among the sets of herds. For the 198 herds during 1958-64 the three-year-old constant was largest and the four years or older constant smallest. An analysis of variance within herd and year, within sire-season groups, between sire groups within season, be- tween seasons within sire, and between different sires in different seasons was unable to partition seasonal differ- ences into genetic and environmental components because of excessive variation among paternal sisters within sea- son. Interactions of herds with age, season, and age x season appeared large enough to be a source of errors in the ranking of bulls tested in a limited number of herds. LITERATURE CITED ALLAIRE, F. R., and GAUNT, S. N. 1965. First Lactation Contemporary Comparisons as Indicators of Environ- mental Influences on Daughter Records Used for Sire Evaluation. J. Dairy Sc . 48:454. ALLAIRE, F. 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