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DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE MSU IIN'I Nflmntivo ActioniEqml Opportunity Im W m1 MODIFYING THE SORPTION CAPACITY OF POLYETHYLENE FOR ORGANIC COMPOUNDS By Takashi.Urata A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE School of Packaging 1994 ABSTRACT MODIFYING THE SORPTION CAPACITY OF POLYETHYLENE FOR.ORGANIC COMPOUNDS By Takashi‘Urata Several concentrations of sorbents (activated carbon and Tenax) blended polyethylene fiLms were made to observe their sorption behavior against limonene, ethyl acetate, and toluene. .A gravimetric method was used to determine the sorption characteristics of the films. In addition, density and selected mechanical properties of the sample were measured. To obtain a close look of the distribution of sorbents in the polymer's matrix, sample were observed under an optical microscope. Activated carbon blended polyethylene films sorbed greater amounts of organic volatiles than polyethylene for all sorbates. Tenax blended polyethylene films showed good sorption behavior for ethyl acetate and toluene. However, very little sorption was observed for limonene. From the sorption study of several types of polyethylene samples (granular, thin, and thick films), the sorption characteristics seemed to be concentration dependent. But that was not confirmed in this study. Acknowledgements I would like to express sincere thanks and appreciation to my major advisor, Dr. R. Hernandez, for his inspiration, counsel, and encouragement during the time spent at Michigan State University. Appreciation is also extended to Drs. J. Giacin, J. Lucas, and P. Ng for serving as members of the guidance committee and for their very helpful comments and suggestions for the improvement of this thesis. In addition, I would like to thank.Mr. Mike Rich for his help and advice on extrusion process and optical observations at Composite Materials and Structures Center, Michigan State University. Special thanks are expressed to Toppan Printing Co. Ltd., who made this graduate work possible, for their continued support. Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to my family and all my friends for their help and encouragement. iii Table of Contents List of Tables ....................................... vi List of Figures ..................................... vii Nomenclature ......................................... ix I. Introduction ....................................... 1 II. Literature review ................................. 4 1. Product/Package Interactions .................. 4 2. Sorption of Organic Compounds by Sorbents ..... 6 2.1 Activated Carbon ....................... 12 2.2 Tenax .................................. 13 2.3 Clay ................................... 14 2.4 Plastic Packaging Materials ............ 15 3. Analytical Method of Determining Sorption Capacity .......................... 18 III. Materials and methods ........................... 20 1. Sorbent Blended with Polyethylene ............ 20 2. Determination of Density ..................... 21 3. Determination of Mechanical Properties ....... 22 4. Optical Microscope Observation Of sample Film OIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0.0... 23 5. Determination of Sorption Characteristics by Gravimetric Method ...................... 24 IV. Results and Discussion ........................... 28 1. Density of Samples ........................... 28 2. Mechanical Properties ........................ 34 3. Optical Microscope Observation Of sample Films oooooooooooooo ..... 000000000 40 iv V 4. Sorption Characteristics by Gravimetric Method ........................ v. sumaly 0.0... VI. Future Studies VII. Appendices Appendix A : Blending Sorbents into Polyethylene 1. Determination of Sampling Time .......... 2. Blending Tenax and LDPE ................. 3. Making Activated Carbon Blended.LDPE .... Appendix B : Procedure for Making Film.Samples .. Appendix C : Procedure for the Determination of Sorbate Calibration Curve by Gas Chromatography ..................... VIII. Bibliography 47 65 68 69 69 71 74 76 79 89 Table # 1 \IO‘U‘Ifi w on 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 List of Tables Title Some structural characteristics of activated carmnand Tenax ......OCOOOOOOOOIOOO Samples used to determine density ............. Samples used to determine mechanical properties and sorption characteristics ....... Density of activated carbon blended samples ... Density of Tenax blended samples .............. Mechanical properties of sample films Concentration of each sorbate for each vapor activity ................................ Results of sorption test for limonene Results of sorption test for ethyl acetate .... Results of sorption test for toluene Results of sorption test of several types of polyethylene samples for limonene Maximum.calculated sorption capacity for limnene ......OOOOOOOOOOOOOO......OOIOCOOOO... Maximum.calculated sorption capacity for ethYI acetate ......COCOOOOOOO......OOOOOOOO... Maximum.calculated sorption capacity for tOIuene The number of molecules of organic compound striking the surface of sorbents per 8 Data for calibration curve of limonene econd ... Data for calibration curve of ethyl acetate ... Data for calibration curve of toluene vi 10 20 21 31 31 35 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 53 84 84 85 List of Figures Types of sorption separations .................. carbon blended samples ........................ samples ....................................... Of activatedcarmn ..........OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCC Of Tenax activated carbon and elastic modulus .......... andelasticmdulus ......OOOIOOOOOOOOOO0...... and tensile strength .......................... (SWt%' x200) ......OOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOO00.0.00... (x400) ........................................ Figure #' Title 1 2 Shematic diagram.of electrobalance system. ..... .3 Calibration curve for density of activated 4 Calibration curve for density of Tenax blended 5 Relationship between density and concentration 6 Relationship between density and concentration '7 Relationship between concentration of 8 Relationship between concentration of Tenax 9 Relationship between concentration of sorbent 10 Relationship between concentration of sorbent and % elongation at break 11 .A particle of activated carbon (x200) ......... 12 A particle of Tenax (x200) 13 Surface of activated carbon blended film 14 Surface of Tenax blended film (3.9 wt%, x100) . 15 Cross sectional view of polyethylene film 16 Cross sectional view'of activated carbon blended film (5 wt%, x400) vii 8 26 29 30 32 33 36 37 38 39 42 42 43 43 44 44 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 viii Cross sectional view of Tenax blended film (3.9 m%, x400) ........ Cross sectional view of polyethylene film (x1000) ......O...’.00....OOIOOOOOO0...... Cross sectional view of activated carbon blended film.(5 wt%, x1000) ................... Cross sectional view of Tenax blended film (3.9 wt%, x1000) ....... Relationship between concentrationof activated carbon blended in a film and sorption coefficient of limonene ..... Relationship between concentrationof activated carbon blended in a film.and sorption coefficient of ethyl acetate Relationship between concentrationof activated carbon blended in a film and sorption coefficient of toluene ...... Relationship between sorption coefficient of limonene and type of polyethylene .......... Relationship between surface are per unit mass and type of polyethylene sample .......... Color gradient chart .......................... Relationship between extruding time and c010r gradient ...............O................ Shematic of the laboratory press .............. Calibration curve for limonene Calibration curve for ethyl acetate ........... Calibration curve for toluene 45 45 46 46 55 56 57 58 59 72 73 77 86 87 88 B C [caqleq [Cpleq Nomenclature activity of sorbent experimental constant in reciprocal pressure units which has limited practical application (Equation 2) penetrant driving force in units of concentration or pressure (Equation 5) experimental constant (Equation 3) equilibrium.concentration of aroma compound in aqueous solution (Equation 4) equilibrium.concentration of aroma compound in plastic film.(Equation 4) concentration of sorbate in sample film Boltzmann's constant equilibrium partition coefficients number of molecules striking each cm? of the surface every second (molecules/cmzlsec) (Equation 1) pressure of sorbent at test temperature saturated pressure of sorbent at test temperature molecular weight (Equation 1) weight of blended polyethylene (Equation 9) weight of blended sorbent (Equation 9) total amount (mass) of vapor absorbed by the polymer at equilibrium for a given temperature (Equation 5) number of molecules of solvent (Equation 7) ix 8x>'-r"‘ is hung in the hangdown tube of an electrobalance and a gas- phase vapor generating/dilution system is used to get constant vapor concentration. .A.constant concentration of penetrant vapor stream.is produced by bubbling nitrogen through liquid penetrant and dilution with untreated nitrogen, then passing it over the polymer. The polymer is continuously weighed by the electrobalance. This method can be used to accurately measure flavor sorption by plastic materials which have been surrounded with 19 a constant concentration of organic vapor. .A limitation is that it can analyze only one component or set of components at a time. The minimum weight to detected by the electrobalance is 1/10 pg. Materials and methods 1. Sorbent Blended with Polyethylene Table 2 shows samples which were used to determine the density of them. The procedure to make these samples are described in appendix A. Table 2. Samples used to determine density Type of resin concentration of sorbent (wt is) polyethylene 0 activated carbon blended polyethylene 0.135 1 5 Tenax blended polyethylene 1.6 2.8 3.9 Table 3 shows samples which were used to determine the mechanical properties and sorption characteristics of them. The procedure to make these samples are described in appendix B. 20 21 Table 3. Samples used to determine mechanical properties and sorption characteristics Type of film concentration of sorbent (wt %) polyethylene 0 activated carbon blended polyethylene 0.135 1 5 Tenax blended polyethylene 1 .6 2.8 3.9 \/ 2. Determination of Density Several polyethylene samples were blended with the indicated sorbents. The blended concentration was different for every sample. Therefore the density of these samples varied with type of blended sorbent and its concentration. To understand the relationship between density and sorbent, the density of each sample was measured. The procedure was based on ASTM D 1505-85. A density gradient column (Cole-Parmer Instrument Co. , Chicago, IL) was prepared using isopropanol and water. The density range of this system is from 0.79 to 1.00 g/cm3. Distilled water and 2-propanol (100 %, J.T.Baker Inc. , Phillipsburg, NJ) was used. 22 Three standard glass beads (0.9282, 0.9342, and 0.9516 g/cm3) were used to make the calibration curve for density of samples. .After the column was filled with the gradient mixture, the three standard glass beads were put into the column. After their sinking stabilized, the height of each of the standard floats from the bottom of the column was measured by a ruler. From these data, density versus height was plotted. The plot was used as a calibration curve to determine the density of samples. The calibration curve was made separately for Tenax and activated carbon. All the samples were put into the same column as the standard glass beads, and their height from the bottom of the column were measured. Using the calibration curve, the density of each sample was determined with an approximation of 10.001 g/cm3 for activated carbon and $0.011 g/cm3 for Tenax, respectively. 3. Determination of. Mechanical Properties Several polyethylene samples were blended with the indicated sorbents. The blended concentration was different for every sample. Therefore the mechanical properties of these samples varied with type of blended sorbent and its concentration. To understand the relationship between mechanical properties and sorbent, tensile strength, % 23 elongation of at break, and elastic modulus of each sample was measured. The procedure was based on ASTM D 882. Sample films were cut by a JDC Precision sample cutter (model JDC25, Thwing-Albert Instrument Co., Philadelphia, PA) to get proper size for testing. The thickness of all specimens was measured by a micrometer (model 549, Testing Machines Inc., Amityville, NY) before the test. The specimen was placed in the grip of the Instron machine (model 4201, Instron Corporation, Liviona, MI), and the machine was started. The testing conditions were as follows: Width of specimen: 1 inch Grip separation: 2 inches Crosshead speed: 20 in/min. The result was charted, and stress, strain, and modulus of elasticity were calculated for each specimen. 4. Optical Microscope Observation of Sample Films It is extremely difficult to observe the distribution of sorbent in a film by the naked eye. In particular, observation of the cross sectional distribution of sorbent in a film is almost impossible. To know the distribution condition of sorbent is important to understand the sorption characteristics of the sorbent blended sample films. Such observations may help to explain the interactions between 24 polyethylene and sorbent. Optical observation can provide magnified images of film.samples, so it would be helpful in understanding the interactions between polyethylene and sorbent. Each sample film was cut about 1 cm.x 3 cm. To cut samples, a razor blade was used to obtain sharp edges. A small piece of sample film was put on a slide glass and set on the optical microscope (model BHS, Olympus Optical Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). First, the sample film was focused at a lOW'magnification (x100), then the magnification was changed to the desired setting. .An automatic photomicrographic system (model PM-lOADS, Olympus Optical Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) was attached to the microscope and magnified images of the sample film were taken at the desired magnification. The exposure time was automatically determined by this system. This optical microscope system is available at the Composite Materials and Structures Center, Michigan State University. 5. Determination of Sorption Characteristics by Gravimetric Method Theoretically, given sorbent sorbs sorbate up to its capacity. Therefore, it can be expected that the more sorbate sorbed into a sample film, the greater the weight of the tested sample. The gravimetric method is based on this 25 expectation. The degree of sorption of each sorbate was determined by the weight change of the sample. This system requires a very sensitive balance to detect the weight change of samples The schematic diagram of the electrobalance system.(Cahn Instruments Electrobalance model 2000, Cahn Instruments, Cerritos, CA) is shown as Figure 2. (R)-(+)-limonene, toluene, and ethyl acetate were studied as sorbates in this study. Nitrogen gas was used as the carrier gas for the Electrobalance system. The degree of absorption of each sorbate was determined by the weight change of the sample. To measure the absorption of the samples, the following techniques were applied: 1. The system was purged by nitrogen gas overnight to eliminate sorbate residues. In this phase, valve No.7 (V7) ‘was closed, three-way valve No.9 (V9) was turned to waste, and valve No.1 (V1) and valve No.8 (V8) were opened. 2. For a film.sample, the film was cut about 1 cm.x 2 cm and weighed precisely by a.Mettler.AE-160 balance (Mettler Instrument, Hightstown, NJ). .After weighing of sample, it was hung in the hangdown tube of the electrobalance and left until the balance stabilized. For a granular sample, the sample was put on a small aluminum pan and weighed using the same method used for a 26 oases Emumhn cocoaonoupomao mo Ecumowo owuoaocom .N enemas vuom ucaHmEum h> m> 32.: AIIIVATIII v> VAT ), o> avast AI auoa eucaxm.e mmo.o ~H.¢ memo.o msoo.o euoexe.m eeo.e ee.m eHMH.e emme.o memeseumsfioe mmameom Hmasccum Aaeuox\mxv sua>auoe .m\me. Amsvpeoems .ovueaa03_ lease m Homm> mu ommcmuocH HchHcH mmmchdne mmamfimm no seas 49 ucmHoHuuooo :oaumuom «m Edam mamemm on» ca cowumuucmocoo mucouom «no sIon~.m mec.o mH.o omoo.o mmmo.o n.m hioflxn.e mmc.o HH.c omoo.o mmmo.o >.m wm.m mecca sloaxm.e meo.o -.o omoo.o mmmo.c ~.e bloaxm.m emo.o no.9 mmoc.o mmmc.o ~.¢ wm hIonH.¢ omo.o -.o whoo.o memc.o ~.e Floaxw.m mmo.o oa.o emoo.o ommc.o ~.¢ wH snofixm.m meo.o mo.o mooo.o mmoo.o e.e nIonH.m emo.o mo.o ~moo.o ~mno.o e.e amma.o :onumo omuo>auom sioaxm.m meo.o No.0 mooo.o meeo.o m.m hioaxm.~ Hmo.o mo.c omoo.o emmo.o e.m mcwahcumaaom moamecm Edam mioaxo.e neo.o mm.~ ooHo.o meoo.o muofixm.h -o.o mm.H omoo.o meoo.o seems mIon~.e meo.o mo.- thH.c mmoo.o muoaxs.n emo.o eH.om mmHH.o mmoo.o cooumo odom>auom mIonm.m omo.o eo.o eooo.o amoo.o hioaxm.fi -o.o eo.o eooo.o Hmoo.o ocmaacumaaom mmHQEMm umaocmum Ammlmx\oxv >ua>fluom .m\oav Amsvucmwm3 .mvucmflm3 Aaflsv m Homm> mo ommmmuocH HospfloH mmmchflca mwamecm so some mpmuoom amend Ho“ and» coauQHOm no mpaommm .m manna ucmaowuumoo coaumuom um Ease wHQEMm on» as coflumuucmocoo mucouom «mo 50 moosaou HOH ummp coaeQHOm no measmmm .oH magma oioflxm.m ~mo.o eo.H mneo.o ommo.o m miofixa.m amo.o mm.o oomo.o eHmo.o m wm.m xmcwa enoaxm.m ~eo.o mm.H ommo.o memo.o enoaxm.s mmo.o ~m.o mefio.o emmo.o mm eIonH.m meo.o oe.H omeo.o mmmo.o wuoflxm.s mmo.o om.o omao.o mmac.o we mnoflxm.m meo.o mm.H «Heo.o oomo.o mioaxm.> omo.o em.o memo.o ~mmo.o wmmH.o conumo oopm>fluom ouoaxh.m meo.o mm.H emmo.o mmmo.o onofixm.s mmo.o om.o mmao.o mHNo.o mcoaanuwaaom moameom Edam mioaxe.~ evo.o hw.m ommo.o Hmoo.o mIoHNo.m NNo.o mH.~ mwoo.o Heoo.o NMGOB euoflxm.a eeo.o me.m~ omm~.o moHo.o euoaxm.m Hmo.o ms.- mmmo.o ~eoo.c :onumo ompm>fluom mloax~.> meo.o vo.H omoo.o whoo.o suede... Hmo.o me.o mooo.e aeoo.o mamaseeosaoa mdeEMm Hoascmum Aomnox\oxv >ua>fluom Am\mE. .msvpnmflmz onucoflws m Homm> mo oommmuocH HmeHcH mmmcx0flca endgame no mm>a 1 5 ucmflOfluumoo :oapmuom “m mums use: Hem mamecm no menu mocunom «axe mIonH.H e.onm No.0 wmme.o mmmo.o m.m mIono.H m.mmmnfi mo.o ~m~¢.o smmo.o e.m eueexe.m o.eemee ~e.e mome.o meeo.o e.m memeseeesaoa mmamecm EHHH eIonm.s e.mmee mo.o mmmo.o msco.o euofixn.m s.~mm> mo.o mHmH.o mmmo.o momamcuoaaom mmHQEMm unannoum Acmlmx\oxv Am\meev >9a>apom Amevpcmamz Amvvcmwmz AHdE. m m\4 Homm> ommmmuocH HMHuHcH mmwcxoaca meQEMm no wows mochEHH no“ mmHmEMm mcoamcumaaom no momma Hmum>wm mo pump cowumHOm mo muaommm .HH manna 52 toluene. .A similar relation exists for Tenax and activated carbon. Limonene, ethyl acetate and toluene sorbed better by activated carbon alone than by Tenax alone. A maximum calculated sorption.capacity (Smax) is described by Equation 9: Smax = MPESPE + M553 (9) where MPE = weight of blended polyethylene SPE = sorption coefficient of polyethylene 3 to II weight of blended sorbent sorption coefficient of sorbent U) I!) II Tables 12, 13, and 14 show'maximum.calculated sorption capacity for limonene, ethyl acetate, and toluene, respectively. Table 12. Maximum.calculated sorption capacity for limonene vapor activity 0.02 0.05 polyethylene 5.7x10'4 7.3x10’4 activated carbon blended 0.135% 6.3x10-4 7.6x10-4 1% 1.0x10-3 9.2x10-4 5% 2.9x10-3 1.7x10'3 Tenax blended 3.9% 6.7x10-4 7.7x10-4 53 Table 13. Maximum calculated sorption capacity for ethyl acetate vapor activity 0.02 0.05 polyethylene 1.9x10-7 8.3x10‘8 activated carbon blended 0.135% 2.9::10-7 1.4x10'7 1% 9.6x10'7 5.01110-7 5% 4.0x10'6 2.2x10‘6 Tenax.blended 3.9% 4.9x10'7 2.6x10'7 Table 14. Maximum.calculated sorption capacity for toluene vapor activity 0.02 0.05 polyethylene 1.7::10-6 7.2::10-6 activated carbon blended 0.135% 2.1::10-6 7.4x10‘6 1% 5.0::10"6 8.7x10"6 5% 1.8x10'5 1.5x10'5 Tenax.blended 3.9% 2.8x10‘6 7.9x10'6 54 The values of CS versus concentration of blended activated carbon in film.samples (wt%) and Smax are plotted in Figures 21, 22 and 23. Figures 24 and 25 show relationship between the sorption coefficient of limonene in polyethylene samples having different surface area per unit mass, and the values of the area per unit of mass for each sample, respectively. In Figure 21, it appears to reach the equilibrium at 5 ‘wt% of concentration of activated carbon at lower vapor activity. On the other hand, there is very little difference of sorption coefficient among 3 blended concentrations at higher vapor activity. This result suggests that limonene may saturate the 0.135 wt% of activated carbon. This shows that activated carbon is effective at low concentration of limonene by a factor of almost 2. To compare experimental data and Smax data of 0.135 wt% blended concentration, experimental data shows higher values than Smax° Most of other data are below the estimated Smax values. These results would suggest all activated carbon did not sorb limonene. When the sorbate is ethyl acetate, the graphs for both the lower and higher vapor activity levels showed the equilibrium.at 5 wt% of blended activated carbon, as shown in Figure 22. It means both lower and higher concentration of sorbate would be sorbed by 5 wt% of blended activated carbon. To compare experimental data and Smaxr almost same tendency as limonene is observed. These results would suggest all activated carbon did not sorb ethyl acetate. 55 30 25‘ 20‘ Sorption coefficient (x10’4 kg/kg-Pa) Concentration of activated carbon (wt%) Figure 21. Relationship of activated and sorption a=0.02 a=0.05 Smax at a = 0.02 Smax at a = 0.05 between concentration carbon blended in a film coefficient of limonene 56 50 p - a 40 . g A ' (U U a ‘I‘ .. u. 3‘ 30- Q) \ .' O ox 0 x G5 .' ,’ o —l '0’ ” "'1 lo 20 '0’ ” 4., H a ’1 Q: N ,’ H ~v ,’ o '- ,I m 10‘ ox ,” fiFF;=flE:: a=0.02 a=0.05 0.02 0.05 Figure 22. Relationship between concentration of activated carbon blended in a film and sorption coefficient of ethyl acetate 57 20 ...: U1 1 \ H 0 ml J .1‘ . \ \ . \ Sorption coefficient (x10'6 kg/kg-Pa) U1 1 \ \ El a=0.02 0 a=0.05 .......... smax at a = 0.02 ..... Smax at a = 0.05 Figure 23. Relationship between concentration of activated carbon blended in a film and sorption coefficient of toluene Sorption coefficient (x10‘4 kg/kg-Pa) 58 12 11- E] 10- BK El a=0.02 9—i HE a=0.05 8.. 3K 7— 6—. E] E] 5 j l I granular thin thick Type of polyethylene sample Figure 24. Relationship between sorption coefficient of limonene and type of polyethylene sample 59 20000 El 3 36 m E :3 15000- a g C] 0 02 A a: O 8.13“ 1 3K a=0.05 8% 10000 D s . n H 8 2‘ ..I a g 5000 X H a 4i :0 o 0 I I I granular thin thick Type of polyethylene sample Figure 25. Relationship between surface area per unit mass and type of polyethylene sample 60 For toluene, Figure 23 shows very little sorption coefficient difference among 3 concentrations of blended activated carbon. It means 0.135 wt% of activated carbon can sorb such low concentration of toluene. .As contrasted with this result, the higher concentration of toluene (a=0.05) may need.more than 5 wt% of activated carbon to sorb. To compare experimental data and Smax data, almost same tendency as other sorbates is observed: for 0.135 wt% blended concentration, experimental data shows higher values than Smax' Most of other data are below the estimated Smax values. These results would suggest all activated carbon did not sorb toluene. It seems that all these results show the curvilinear sorption behavior in these blended concentration of this sorbate. The sorption of polyethylene would also happen on these samples, however, activated carbon may sorb more amounts of sorbate than polyethylene. But such an analysis is inconclusive given the small data set. Tenax blended film sorbed very little limonene. However, it sorbed more ethyl acetate and toluene than the activated carbon blended.filuh On the other hand, activated carbon blended film sorbed greater sorbate amounts overall than polyethylene film. So, it can be said activated carbon has more capacity but no selective sorption characteristics for these three organic substances. Tenax alone sorbed two times or more limonene than pure polyethylene. This may suggest some hindrance phenomena or the inacceptibity of Tenax in polyethylene to reach limonene. 61 From.the optical observations, some particles of Tenax are completely surrounded by polyethylene, that may support the latter presumption. .As shown in Table 1, Tenax has relatively large pores on its surface. Therefore, polyethylene would be packed more easily than activated carbon, and interrupt sorption of large molecules such as limonene. From Equation 1, the number of volatile molecules striking the surface every second, n, was calculated for each organic compound and vapor activity at test temperature. They are shown in Table 12. Table 15 shows limonene is able to be sorbed about half the number of molecules as the other two sorbates. This is due to its large molecular weight. Table 15. The number of molecules of organic compound striking the surface of sorbents per second (molecules/cmZ/sec) vapor activity 0.02 0.05 limonene 4.74x1017 1.19x1o18 ethyl acetate 9.11x1017 2.28x1018 toluene 8.52x1017 2.13x1018 The uptake by the sorbent is so low or below expected for both two sorbents. Two reasons may be considered to explain this question. First, the sorption process needs very long time to reach equilibrium. Therefore, the blended 62 sample films haven't reached the equilibrium. Secondly, there may be some problem at the interface between sorbents and polyethylene. If there is any interaction between them, it may interrupt the sorption behavior. These have not satisfactory answered.yet. From the results of comparison of sorption coefficient of several different polyethylene samples (Table 11, and Figures 24 and 25), two thin polyethylene films show completely different sorption coefficients even though their values of surface area per unit mass are very close. This appears to be dependent upon the concentration of sorbate, but such an analysis is inconclusive given the small data set . Possible sources of experimental errors are listed as follows: 1. Sensitivity of electrobalance. Since the electrobalance is very sensitive, it must be placed where external vibrations are minimized. External vibrations may cause fluctuation of the equipment sensitivity. 2. Gas flow regulator. Due to the sensitivity of the electrobalance and the tubing system, vapor concentration cannot be easily checked during the course of the experiment. Sometimes the gas flOW' regulator affected the results with noise generation. In 63 addition, a small change of vapor concentration can result in a large measured.weight increase for the sample film. Consequently, the flow regulators used must be accurate and precise to generate an identical flow rate during the test and between subsequent runs. Also, the nitrogen gas used to generate proper vapor concentration had to be checked to maintain constant pressure throughout the experiment. No action was taken during this study to minimize these effects. 3. Distribution of sorbents. When sample films were made by a laboratory press, both activated carbon and Tenax tended to spread to the edge of the film with the flow of melted polyethylene. Therefore, there were some parts of the sample film which had different sorbent concentrations. For this sorption study, the test films were visually checked to ensure sorbent concentrations were as equal as possible. 4. Temperature of testing environment. Sorption is temperature dependent. Even though the laboratory is air conditioned, room.temperature changes easily due to weather, number of people in the room, and so on. Hence, the electrobalance system should be in a well- controlled, temperature-stabilized.chamber. 5. Static electricity in the hangdown tube. If static charge develops inside the hangdown tube, it attracts the wire of the electrobalance. If the wire 64 touches the wall of hangdown tube, the detected weight will differ greatly from actual weight. Therefore, it is important to minimize static electric buildup in the electrobalance system. Summary (1) Tenax showed a larger decrease in density than activated carbon when both were blended with polyethylene. Even the weight of blended Tenax film.samples is lower than that of blended activated carbon. This is caused by the density difference of these sorbents. (2) It was observed that the greater the concentration of blended sorbents, the poorer the mechanical properties of both materials. However, a linear relationship between concentration of Tenax and elastic modulus is observed. On the other hand, a logarithmic relationship is shown for activated carbon. This phenomena may be caused by the difference of size of sorbent particles. The particle size of activated carbon is much smaller than that of Tenax. Therefore, Tenax blended polyethylene could lose its flexibility easier than activated carbon blended samples. (3) It is observed by optical observation that some particles of sorbent are completely surrounded by polyethylene. There is less destruction of physical structure of Tenax than expected, even though the thickness of the sample film is almost half of the average diameter of Tenax . 65 66 (4) Tenax blended film.sorbed very little limonene. However, it showed more sorption than activated carbon blended film.for ethyl acetate (1.2 times) and toluene (1.1 times). On the other hand, activated carbon blended film sorbed greater amounts of all other sorbates than polyethylene (limonene: 1.1~1.4 times; ethyl acetate: 1.0~1.7 times; toluene: 1.0~1.1 times). Tenax can sorb limonene ‘when it is granular. This selective sorption characteristic may be caused by polyethylene which can be packed into the porous structure of Tenax. This is not confirmed on this study. (5) From the result of comparison of sorption coefficients of several types of polyethylene samples, two thin polyethylene films show completely different sorption characteristics, even though their values of surface area per unit mass are very close. This appears to be concentration dependent, but that is difficult to conclude from.these data. A.more extensive database would be required to resolve that issue. (6) The uptake by the sorbent is so low or below expected for both two sorbents. Two reasons may be considered to explain this question. First, the sorption process needs very long time to reach equilibrium. Therefore, the blended sample films haven't reached the equilibrium. Secondly, there may be some problem.at the interface between sorbents and polyethylene. If there is 67 any interaction between them, it may interrupt the sorption behavior. These have not satisfactory answered yet. Future Studies (1) To confirm the sorption characteristics of sorbent blended samples, electron microscopic observation of the specific case of sorbent which is completely enveloped in polyethylene would be helpful. This method would provide a visual representation of the surface of the sorbent, so the effect of polyethylene on the sorbent's porous structure would be clarified. (2) To give better sorption.characteristics, the blending of multiple sorbents into polyethylene could be considered. Multiple sorbents may provide more uniform. sorbent coverage of organic volatiles, by closing the gaps in coverage left by individual sorbents. 68 Appendix A Blending Sorbents into Polyethylene mils—A. Blending Sorbents into Polyethylene Materials: Low density polyethylene (LDPE, Dow Chemical U.S.A., Freeport, TX) Tenax-TA® (80/100 mesh, Alltech Associates, Inc., Deerfield, IL) Activated carbon (Norit® A, 100 mesh, Fisher Scientific, Fair Lawn, NJ) Baker-Perkins MP2030 Compounder (Baker-Perkins , Saginaw, MI) Extruder model KLB-100 (Killion Extruders Inc., Cedar Grove, NJ) Concentrations of 1.6, 2.8 and 3.9 % (w/w) Tenax, 0.135, 1 and 5 % (w/w) activated carbon in LDPE, respectively, were made for the sorption tests. 1. Determination of Sampling Time The determination of the residence time distribution in 69 70 an extruder was important to control the concentration of blended sorbents because the concentration of sorbents in LDPE increased gradually after putting them.into an extruder. Therefore, to determine the sampling time of blended.LDPE the residence time distribution was measured. Butler (1990) reported a study of the residence time distribution for processing because most polymers are heat sensitive. Butler's procedure was applied for the determination of sampling time. 1. Turn on the extruder (Baker-Perkins, Saginaw, MI) to preheat. The temperature and processing conditions of the extruder'were: Temperatures: section 1: 150 °C section 2: 150 °C section 3: 150 °C die: 150 °C Screw speed: 70 rpm Automatic LDPE feed rate: 4 % 2. The extruder was purged about 30 minutes using LDPE which was same grade as test samples. 3. Set the screw speed and confirulthe rate of extrusion. To confirm.the rate of extrusion, the weight of extruded LDPE per minute was measured. 71 4. After enough purging and stabilized extruding, 0.02 grams of activated carbon were added from the hopper every two minutes for a total of eight times during the extrusion of LDPE. This activated carbon worked as a pigment and was used as a controlling variable. 5. The extruded LDPE were sampled every one minute, and their colors were determined by comparing to a color gradient chart. The color gradient chart is shown as Figure 43. 6. The color gradient vs. extruding time was plotted to determine time when the stable concentration of sample was obtained. This plot is shown as Figure 44. In Figure 44, the times carbon were added are represented as symbol V7. From Figure 44, a sampling time from the extruder of 17 to 26 minutes was selected after the sorbent was admitted. 2. Blending Tenax and LDPE Tenax blended LDPE pellets were made using a Baker- Perkins MP2030 Compounder. The procedure was as follows: 1. Turn on the extruder to preheat. The temperature and processing conditions of the extruder were: Temperatures: section 1: 150 °C 72 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Figure 26. Color gradient chart 73 ucwflocum HoHoo one was“ mcfloouuxm :wm3umn mflcmcofluoamm .hm whomflm Amocoommv mafia coma coca com o p _ C DDDDD >% IoH ImH 10103 74 section 2: 150 °C section 3: 150 °C die: 150 °C Screw speed: 70 rpm Automatic LDPE feed rate: 4 % 2. The extruder was purged about 30 minutes using LDPE which was of the same grade as the test samples. 3. Set the screw speed and confirm the rate of extrusion. To confirm the rate of extrusion, the weight of extruded LDPE per minute was measured. 4. After sufficient purging and stabilized extruding, certain amounts of Tenax were added from the hopper while extruding LDPE. The amount of Tenax was determined by the rate of extrusion. For example, when the rate of extrusion was 6 grams per minute, Tenax was added 0.3 grams per minutes for 5 % (w/W). 5. Using a pair of nippers, the blended polymer was pelletized. The pelletized blended resins were stored far from any organic substances to avoid contamination. 3. Making Activated Carbon Blended LDPE Activated carbon blended LDPE pellets were made using an 75 extruder (model KLB-lOO, Killion Extruders, Inc., Cedar Grove, NJ). The procedure was as follows: 1. Turn on the extruder to preheat. The temperature and processing conditions of the extruder were: Temperatures: section 1: 270 °F (132 °C) section 2: 350 °F (177 °C) section 3: 365 °F (185 °C) die: 320 °F (160 °C) Screw speed: 10 rpm 2. The extruder was purged about 30 minutes using LDPE which was the same grade as the test samples. 3. Set the screw speed and confirm.the rate of extrusion. To confirm.the rate of extrusion, the weight of extruded LDPE per minute was measured. 4. After sufficient purging and stabilization of extrusion, LDPE resins mixed with certain amounts of activated carbon were added from.the hopper. The amounts of activated carbon were determined by weight basis. For example, 0.5 grams of activated carbon were mixed to 9.5 grams of LDPE to make 5 % (w/W) concentration. 5. Using a pair of nippers, the blended polymer was pelletized. The pelletized blended resins were stored far from.any organic substances to avoid contamination. end' B Procedure for Making Film Samples Appendix B Procedure for Making Film Samples Materials: Low density polyethylene (LDPE, DuPont Chemical Co.) Tenax-TA® blended LDPE pellets Activated carbon blended LDPE pellets Carver Laboratory Press (Model M, Fred 5. Carver Inc.) PET sheets Procedure: All concentrations of Tenax and carbon blended LDPE pellets were processed to film for sorption tests. 1. The laboratory press was preheated prior to resin set up. The temperature condition for both platens was 150 W2. 2. When 150 °C was reached, the sample resins were set on the bottom.platen and covered with two sheets of PET as shown as Figure 45. 3. 30000 psi of pressure was applied 10 minutes to make a 76 77 «Upper Platen I l-'.- .2-‘.:-'.1-i1-'.1-'.1-'.°.-'.;- .l- 33* 1? PET f :1. 1m I \ ( Lower Platen \ Polymer resins (——Oil pressured jack Figure 28. Schematic of laboratory press 78 thin layer of blended polymers. 4. After 10 minutes of applied pressure, these platens were cooled to 70 °C by water. During this cooling period, 30000 psi of pressure was applied. 5. When the temperature reached 70 °C, the pressure was released from the platens and the sample film was collected. All sample films were stored far from any organic substances to avoid contamination . Anaemia—2 Procedure for the Determination of Absorbate Calibration Curve by Gas Chromatography Passed—134 Procedure for the Determination of Sorbate Calibration Curve by Gas Chromatography Materials: Four 25 m0 volumetric flasks with stoppers and two 50 ml volumetric flasks with stoppers were used to prepare standard solutions. A 10 pl liquid sampling syringe was used to inject samples into the gas chromatograph. A 10 ml pipette and four 1 ml pipettes were used to adjust the concentrations in the preparation of standard solutions. A Hewlett Packard HP5890A gas chromatograph with flame ionization detector (FID) was used to quantify the sorbates in the standard solutions (Hewlett-Packard, Avondale, PA). (R)-(+)-limonene (97%) was obtained from Aldrich Chemical Company (Milwaukee, WI). Toluene (99.9%) was obtained from Mallinckrodt Inc. (Paris, KY), and ethyl acetate (100%) was secured from J. T. Baker Chemical Company (Phillipsburg, NJ). They were used as sorbates in this study. Dichloromethane (DCM, 99.5%) and.o-dichlorobenzene (DCB, 98%) were obtained from EM Science (Gibbstown, NJ). DCM.was 79 80 used as a solvent for limonene and toluene, and DCB was used as a solvent for ethyl acetate. Concentrations of 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 ppm (v/v) of sorbate in solvent were prepared to make the calibration 01113738 . Procedure: The standard curves of the injected sorbate quantities vs. responded area units for all the sorbates were constructed using standard solutions of known concentrations. The standard solutions were prepared by dissolution of known quantities of both limonene and toluene in dichloromethane and ethyl acetate in dichlorobenzene. To prepare the calibration curves, the following steps were applied: 1. The flasks and the syringe were heated overnight in an oven at 80 °C to remove or reduce any residual organic compounds that could be adsorbed on the flasks"walls prior to use. The flasks were then left covered at room temperature prior to utilization. 2. The purity of the solvents, DCM and DCB, were tested on the gas chromatograph to verify the existence of interfering peaks near the solvents' retention times. 1 pl of pure solvent was injected into each of the solvents, and no interfering peak was observed on either solvent. 81 3. The standard solutions were prepared by the following dilution steps: a) b) One 50 ml volumetric flask was partially filled with solvent using a 10 ml pipette. 0.5 ml of sorbate was added into the 50 ml flask. c) A stopper was set and the flask was slightly swirled d) to mix. The flask was filled to volumetric line with the solvent. e) A stopper was set and the flask's contents were mixed completely. The procedure shown above provided the 10000 ppm stock solution. From this stock solution, the other concentrations of standard solutions were obtained by following dilution steps: a) b) C) One 50 ml volumetric flask was partially filled*with solvent using a 10 ml pipette. The flask of stock solution was swirled to ensure proper mixing. 0.5 ma of stock solution was added into the partially filled flask. d).A stopper was set and the flask was slightly swirled e) to mix. The flask was filled to volumetric line with the solvent. f) A stopper was set and the flask's contents were mixed 82 completely. The procedure shown above provided the 100 ppm standard solution. The other concentrations were obtained by similar procedures. 4. The analyzing conditions of the gas chromatograph were set as shown below. Column: SUPELCOWAX' 10 Fused Silica Capillary Column 60 m, 0.25 mm I.D., 0.25 pm film thickness Analysis Conditions: Initial temperature 75 °C Initial time 8.0 min. Rate 4.0 °C/min. Final temperature 200 °C Final time 4.0 min. Injection temperature 200 °C Detector temperature 250 °C Helium.gas flow 30 ml/min. 5. A 1 pl sample was injected directly into the gas chromatograph and the corresponding area units were recorded for each concentration of sorbates. 83 6. The corresponding area units (A.U.) of the gas chromatograph versus the quantities of injected sorbates were plotted and a linear relationship was observed for each sorbate. The slope of this curve equals the calibration factor. The data and standard curves were shown in Table 11 ~ 13 and Figure 40 ~ 42 for all sorbates, respectively. In addition, the calibration factors (C.F.) were determined from the slope of calibration curves. 3.47 x 10'12 g/A.U. C.F. for limonene 1.19 x 10‘11 g/A.U. C.F. for ethyl acetate C.F. for toluene = 2.53 x 10‘12 g/A.U. 84 Table 16. Data for calibration curve of limonene Concentration Volume Area Unit* (ppm) injected(9) 5 4.20x10"9 942 10 8.40x10‘9 2399 20 1.68x10‘8 3895 50 4.20::10"8 13644 100 8.40x10'8 23299 * retention time = 11.6 min. Table 17. Data for calibration curve of ethyl acetate Concentration Volume Area Unit* (ppm) injected(g) 5 4.47x10’9 354 10 8.93x10‘9 751 20 1.79::10‘8 1485 50 4.47::10-8 3728 100 8.93x10-3 7472 * retention time = 4.8 min. 85 Table 18. Data for calibration curve of toluene Concentration Volume .Area Unit* (PPm) injected ( 9 I 5 4.34x10'9 2285 10 8.67x10'9 3811 20 1.73::10‘8 8142 50 4.34::10'8 19456 100 8.67x10‘8 34033 * retention time = 6.8 min. 86 100 3 a. 75— b H 31 8 u 50- 8 oh D G H 0) E 25- PI 0 :> 0"" I I I l 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Area Unit (x104) Volume Injected = 3.47x10'12xA.U.+3.68x10'10 r2 = 0.990 Figure 29. Calibration Curve for Limonene 87 100 3 m 75" bi H 1‘. 'U 3 50- U 0) 'I" G H (I) E '3 25‘ O > .1. , . j, 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 Area Unit (x101) Volume Injected = 1.19x1011xAJU,+3,52x10-11 r2 = 1.000 Figure 30. Calibration Curve for Ethyl Acetate 88 100 3 m 75- bi H x o 3 50— 8 ..., [II c H g 25— .-I o > 0",- I I T 0 1 3 4 Area Unit (x104) Volume Injected = 2.53x1012xA.U.-1.77x10-9 r2 = 0.995 Figure 31. Calibration Curve for Toluene Bibliography Bibliography Baner, A.L., R.J.Hernandez, R.Jayaraman, and J.R.Giacin. 1986. Current technology in flexible packaging. ASTM STP 912:49 Bentley, D.J.Jr., 1988. 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