ill/WU!IllllllllllllWill/llllllllllllll 01049 0955 l This is to certify that the thesis entitled Murine Macrophage Activation After Cisplatin or Carboplatin Treatment presented by JoAnn Paulette Palma has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for M. S 0 degree in 200103)’ 55-h<-(¥:i§2?k""rjt4fi:‘ Major professor 0-7539 MS U is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution LIBRARY Michigan State University PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE 'l‘i 1.; Z1 '- ‘. at"? . N"! 25 '7 In“). K MSU I. An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution rump-now MURINE MACROPHAGE ACTIVATION AFTER CISPLATIN OR CARBOPLATIN TREATMENT By JoAnn Paulette Palma A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements ' for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Zoology 1992 ABSTRACT MURINE MACROPHAGE ACTIVATION AFTER ' CISPLATIN OR CARBOPLATIN TREATMENT By JoAnn Paulette Palma Peritoneal macrophages when treated with cisplatin [9 pg/mi] or carboplatin [50 rig/ml] for 2 h are stimulated to form cytoplasmic extensions which seek out tumor cells [8180] establishing contact. Over time these extensions shorten pulling the tumor cells towards the macrophages. No contact is established with normal cells. Confocal microscopy reveals an increase in the lysosomes and their transfer to the tumor cells via cytoplasmic extensions musing tumor cell lysis. Extension formation is inhibited by 2.5 mM EDTA. CaC12 [4 mM] in the medium by itself is able to induce extension formation but no contact formation develops with tumor cells. Studies using fluo-3 as the probe for calcium reveal that cisplatin and carboplatin induce opposite intracellular calcium changes. Calcium seems to be involved in the signalling of macrophage activation, however, cytosolic calcium does not seem to influence this process. Dedicated to the memories of my father, sister and brother. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Surinder Aggarwal, my research adviser, from whom I have learned a lot, both in science and non science related matters. His guidance, support, and patience including the many hours spent in the preparation of this thesis is greatly appreciated. I also wish to thank Drs. R. Neel Band and Stanley Flegler for having served as committee members and Dr. Mukhta Webber for her suggestions in the project. I extend my gratitude to Drs. John Sell and Joanne Whallon as well as Stuart Pankratz and Asmina Jiwa of Meridian Instruments for their technical assistance. Dr. Ajit Sodhi, whose name I wish to mention, as his work has instilled in me an interest in the subject of macrophage activation. 0 I would like to acknowledge all my friends who have certainly made graduate school more interesting and lastly, to my family whose support both spiritually and financially has enabled me to reach my goals. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................ vi INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 1 MATERIALS AND METHODS ............................................................. 3 Cell Cultures ............................................................................ 3 Cell Viability ............................................................................ 4 Macrophage-Tumor Cell Interaction ................................................ 4 Lysosomal Studies ..................................................................... 5 Calcium Studies ........................................................................ 5 RESULTS ................................................................................... ' ..... 8 Macrophage-Tumor Cell Interaction ............................................... 8 Lysosomal Studies ..................................................................... 9 Calcium Studies ........................................................................ 26 DISCUSSION ................................................................................... 43 LIST OF REFERENCES ...................................................................... 46 Figure l. ‘ Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13. Figure 14. Figure 15. LIST OF FIGURES Page Scanning electron micrographs [murine macrophages] ................. ll Scanning electron micrographs [murine macrophages] ................. 13 Scanning electron micrographs [murine macrophages] ................. 15 Confocal light micrographs [lysosomes] .................................. 17 Phase contrast, confocal light micrograph [murine macrophage and tumor cells] ..................................................................... 19 Confocal light micrographs [lysosomal transfer] ........................ 21 Confocal light micrographs [lysosomal transfer] ........................ 23 Confocal light micrographs [lysosomes] .................................. 25 Graph showing intracellular calcium levels .............................. 30 Electron micrographs [membrane bound calcium] ...................... 32 Light micrographs [extension formation] 34 Confocal light micrographs [lysosomes] .................................. 36 Confocal light micrographs [lysosomes] .................................. 38 Confocal light micrographs [lysosomes] .................................. 40 Confocal light micrographs [lysosomes] .................................. 42 vi INTRODUCTION Cisplatin a broad spectrum anticancer drug [39], is currently on the market for the treatment of testicular and ovarian cancers [5,17,49]. It is now being tested for the treatment of head, neck and lung cancers [18,23,36]. Although an effective anticancer drug, it has severe toxic side effects of which gastrointestinal and nephrotoxicity are the dose limiting factors [48]. In vivo, cisplatin is known to cause hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia [20,40,41]. Various calcium channel blockers like nifedipine cause an increase in induced cytotoxicity in cisplatin resistant cell lines [31]. Cisplatin has been shown to inhibit cell division in tumor cells by depolymerization of actin like filaments [43] known to be under the influence of calcium [35]. It seems evident that calcium plays apartin the mechanism of action of cisplatin, however, this is not yet very well understood. Cisplatin has recently been shown to activate murine peritoneal macrophages in vitro [42]. These activated macrophages selectively and efficiently seek out tumor cells through the formation of cytoplasmic extensions and lysosomal transfer to these target cells causing cell death. The role of the immune system in the regression of tumors has been widely accepted [7,12,19,29] and various activating agents as mm mm, calcium ionophore A23187 and lymphocyte mediators have been used to study macrophage activation [l,9,ll,33,37,45]. In addition to inhibition of DNA synthesis through interstrand or intrastrand crosslinking [24,38,44,51], 1 2 inhibition of transport enzymes [4] or inhibition of cytokinesis through depolymerization of microfilaments of the tumor cells [2,3,26], activation of macrophages by cisplatin may be one of the major mechanisms of action for tumor regression. Carboplatin, a second generation analogue of cisplatin has been demonstrated to be less toxic but just as effective an anticancer agent utilizing much higher dosages compared to cisplatin [14]. The prospect of a drug which is capable of enhancing the immune system with less severe toxic side effects is very appealing thus this investigation of carboplatin as a macrophage activator. In order to understand the mechanism of action of cisplatin and carboplatin, the role of calcium in macrophage activation was evaluated. MATERIALS AND METHODS 11 1 Swiss Webster mice [Charles River Laboratories, Mass] were sacrificed by cervical dislocation and peritoneal macrophages were isolated by injection of 5 ml chilled minimal essential medium [MEM] without serum containing penicillin G sodium [1000 U/ ml], streptomycin sulfate [10000 mcg] , and amphotericin B into the peritoneal cavity. After gently massaging the abdominal wall, cells were aspirated and seeded into modified 35 mm petri dishes made by boring a hole [10 mm] in the middle and gluing a clean coverglass with silicon glue [Dow] underneath. After 2 h of incubation at 37°C, cultures were washed vigorously to remove nonadherent cells leaving only macrophages. These cultures were washed three times and incubated in fresh culture medium with 10% heat inactivated fetal calf serum 3-5 days in a 5% CO2 incubator resulting in a well spread macrophage monolayer at a density of 2—4 x 10‘ cells/m1. Ascites sarcoma-180 [CCRFS-180II: American Type Culture Collection, Rockville, MD. 20852] were maintained by serial transplantation in Swiss Webster mice. Cells were obtained by sacrificing mice whenever needed. Such cells were washed with Hank’s balanced salt solution [HBSS]. After centrifugation [1000 g, 5 min] cells were resuspended in MEM at a concentration of 3 x 105 cells/ml of the medium. These cells served as ‘ target cells for macrophages. Normal hepatocytes were obtained by mincing a small piece of the liver through a fine wire mesh, 105x105 pm in size ['I‘etko, Incorporated, Rolling Meadow, IL] and 4 mouse 3T3 fibroblasts [American Type Culture, Rockville, MD 20852] were maintained in culture for a short time as target cells for the macrophages. In all experiments an effector: target cell ratio of 1:10 was maintained. Viability of various cells after co-incubation with macrophages [both treated and untreated] was monitored by the trypan blue exclusion test [8]. Macrophagmmgr cell 111' when studies To study macrophage tumor cell interaction, macrophage monolayers were treated with either cisplatin [9 ug/ ml] or carboplatin [50 pg/ ml] for 2 h at 37°C. The medium was then replaced by normal medium and target cells were added. These cultures of macrophage and target cells were co-incubated for 10, 20, 30 min, 1, 2, 24, and 48 h. Sarcoma 180 cells and normal cells [hepatocytes or fibroblasts] were also treated with cisplatin [9 [Lg/I111] or carboplatin [50 ug/ml] for 2 h at 37°C and then presented to the untreated macr0phages for varying time intervals as stated above. Coverslips seeded with macrophages and target cells were fixed with 1.5 % glutaraldehyde in 0.05M phosphate buffer [pH 7.2] at room temperature for 30 min. Samples were dehydrated in a graded series of ethanol, critical point dried, sputter coated with gold [thickness ~200A; vacuum ~l x 10‘ Torr] using the EmscOpe sputter coater and viewed under the JEOL ISM 35CF Scanning electron microscope operated at 15 kv. Morphological criteria used for defining lymphocyte-mediated death of a target cell have already been established [21,22]. Lysosomal Smdies The quantitation of lysosomes before and after various treatments was achieved by exposing macrophage cultures to fresh medium containing acridine orange [5 rig/ml] for 30 min at 37°C in the dark [36]. After careful washing, these cultures were exposed to unlabelled tumor cells. As controls, tumor cells were incubated l h in medium from which labelled macrophages were cultured for l h. These macrophage-tumor cell cultures were examined under the ACAS 570 Interactive Laser Cytometer with a confocal outfit after 5, 10, 30, 60 min intervals. Results were analyzed using the ACAS 570 Workstation. In order to study the transfer of lysosomes and to demonstrate cytoplasmic continuity between the macrophage and tumor cell, confocal microscopy was used to obtain optical sections [0.3 pm intervals] at 0, 30, and 60 min intervals using the Zeiss Universal Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope [LSM 10]. Micrographs were prepared at 0, 30, and 60 min after co-incubat ion of macrophages and tumor cells using Kodak TMax film. i ie Macrophage monolayers were washed three times with HBSS for 5 min at room temperature. Fluo-3AM [27] and pluronic acid F—127 [32,34] [Molecular Probes, Inc. Eugene, OR 97402] were added at a final concentration of 4 uM each for 45min at 37 °C. This was achieved by mixing 1:1 fluo-3AM [0.002 g/ml DMSO] and pluronic acid F-l27 [0.0758 g/ml dH20], then adding 8 ul of this stock solution to 1 ml of H888. After loading, cells were washed thoroughly and examined under 6 the ACAS 470 Interactive Laser Cytometer [Meridian Instruments, Okemos, MI] in arbitrary units and percent differences were computed. Such cells already loaded with the fluo—3AM and pluronic acid were exposed to cisplatin [9 ug/ ml] or carboplatin [50 ug/ml]. This calcium indicator is nonfluorescent until hydrolyzed by nonspecific esterases within the cell [15]. An increase in fluorescence [40 fold] was observed as calcium binds. The optimal excitation wavelength used was 506 nm and the maximum emission wavelength after cytosolic calcium binding was 526 nm [47]. Fluorescent measurements were made before and after drug treatments preferably on the same cells for up to 2 h at 5 min intervals. A 10% neutral density filter was used to prevent excessive photobleaching which may occur during repeated and lengthy experiments. A discontinous strategy was applied to lengthy experiments deterring the effects of any pho tob 1 each i n g . A 100x oil immersion lens was used for all experiments. All data was analyzed using the ACAS 570 Workstation. Unlabelled macrophages ' were analyzed to check for autofluorescence. Membrane bound calcium was investigated by fixing macrophages (both control and treated macrophages) in 1% glutaraldehyde and 1% potassium pyroantimonate for 4 h at room temperature. Controls included fixing macrophages in 1% glutaraldehyde with EGTA [2.5 mM] 1 h before being treated with 1% potassium pyroantimonate. All cells were osmicated in 1% osmium tetroxide for 1 h before being processed for electron microscopy. Thin sections [700 A] stained with uranyl acetate, lead citrate were viewed under the Philips CM-lO transmission electron microscope operated at 80 kV. Calcium pyroantimonate granules associated with the membrane were counted and subjected to statistical analysis using the Student’s t—test [two tailed] [13]. To evaluate the effect(s) of calcium channel blockers and calmodulin antagonist on macrophage extension formation macrophage monolayers were treated with cisplatin [9 [Lg/ml], carboplatin [so rig/m1], verapamil [105 M], nifedipine [10" M], chlorpromazine [10‘ M], cisplatin plus verapamil, nifedipine or chlorpromazine, or carboplatin plus verapamil, nifedipine or chlorpromazine for 2 h. Cells were washed 3x and transferred to normal medium. Control cultures received the vehicle only. S180 cells were added after the various treatments. Cells were co-incubated for 4 days while moni toring the macrophages for cytoplasmic extensions and target cell cytolysis at regular intervals of 10 min up to 6 h and then 8 h intervals for up to 4 days. Cisplatin or carboplatin treated macrophages [2 h] were left in medium containing verapamil, for up to 4 days while monitoring extension formation. In order to study the effect of low or high calcium in the incubation medium, cisplatin or carboplatin treated macrophages [2 h] were incubated in medium containing either disodium ethylene tetraacetic acid [EDTA] at a concentration of 2.5 mM or CaCl2 at a concentration of 4 mM and monitored for extension formation through 4 days. In addition, CaCl2 and verapamil treated macrophages [with or without cisplatin or carboplatin treatment] were co-incubated with 8180 cells for 0, 30 min, I, 2, 6, 12, 24 and 48 h intervals and processed for scanning electron microscopy. These macrophages were also stained with acridine orange for lysosomes and examined under the ACAS 570 as previously described. RESULTS Macrophage-target Ell interaction Normal mun'ne peritoneal macrophages [Fig. 1A] when treated with cisplatin [9 ng/ ml] or carboplatin [50 pg/ ml] for 2 h at 37°C in culture developed cytoplasmic extensions within 10 min [Fig. 1B]. Untreated macrophages when cultured with tumor cells, did not show any evidence of extensions or contact formation for up to 24 h [Fig. 1C]. Carboplatin treated macrophages with long extensions developed contacts and cytoplasmic continuity with the tumor cells in the form of bridges within 30 min of co-incubation [Fig. 1D]. Often times a macrophage developed contact with many tumor cells. Within 1-2 h of co-incubation, cytoplasmic extensions were observed to shorten pulling the tumor cells towards the macrophages [Fig. 2A]. After 6-48 h of co-incubation, lysis of tumor cells occurred with eventual phagocytosis [Fig. 28]. Cisplatin or carboplatin treated macrophages seemed to discriminate between normal cells [hepatocytes and fibroblasts] and tumor cells, for no extensions or contacts were established with the hepatocytes or fibroblasts [Fig. 3A and B]. However, the treated macrophages developed close contact with the tumor cells [Fig. 3C] and excluding normal cells [hepatocytes] [Fig. 3D]. Untreated macrophages when co-cultured with tumor cells that had been exposed to either cisplatin [9 pg/ ml] or carboplatin [50 ug/ml] for 2 h did develop extensions. Within 1-2 h these macrophage extensions established contact with the tumor cells similar to the macrophages that had been stimulated by cisplatin or carboplatin directly. When exposed to hepatocytes or 9 fibroblasts and tumor cells simultaneously, cisplatin or carboplatin treated macrophages established contact only with the tumor cells. W Based on fluorescence measurements after acridine orange labelling, there was observed an increase of about 59% in the number of lysosomes in the macrophages after 2 h of cisplatin treatment while there was an 83% increase after 2 h of carboplatin treatment [Fig. 4]. Cytoplasmic bridges between the macrophages and the tumor cells were demonstrated with the confocal microscope in the phase contrast mode [Fig. 5]. Such cytoplasmic bridges were not evident when viewed in the fluorescence mode after acridine orange labeng because of low cytoplasmic fluorescence. A gradual transfer of lysosomes from the macrophages into the tumor cells was observed over a 60 min co-incubation period [Fig. 6A-C and 7A-H]. At times large accumulations of lysosomes could be observed at the distal ends of the macrophage extensions [Fig. 6C] during the process of transfer to the tumor cells. Lysosomes in 8180 cells appear to be very low [Fig. 8 A,C]. There was no leakage of acridine orange from the labelled macrophages. Incubation of tumor cells in culture medium in which acridine orange labelled normal macrophages were cultured for l h [Fig. 8 B and D] also did not show any uptake of acridine orange by the tumor cells demonstrating that any fluorescence of the tumor cells could only have come through a direct transfer from the macrophages via cytoplasmic connections. 10 Fig. 1 Scanning electron micrographs showing murine peritoneal macrophages before and after carboplatin [50 pg/ ml] treatment and co—culturing with S 180 cells: A. Normal macrophages showing no cytoplasmic extensions; B. Macrophages after carboplatin treatment [2 h]. Note the long cytoplasmic extensions [arrow]; C. Untreated macrophage [arrow] and S 180 cell after 24 h of co-incubation. Note the absence of contact between the two cells; and D. Carboplatin-treated macrophage co-incubated with S 180 cells for 30 min. Note the presence of long cytoplasmic extensions [arrow] in contact with 8180 cells. Final Mag. x 700 [A,B,D]; x 1300 [C] 12 Fig. 2 Seanning electron micrographs of macrophages treated with carboplatin [50 ug/ml] [m] for 2 h and co—incubated with 8180 cell[s]: A. Note the shortening of the cytoplasmic extensions after 1 h of co-incubation; and B. Lysis of 8180 cells [arrow] after 6 h of co-incubation. Final Mag. x 1300 [A]; x 700 [B] l3 14 Fig. 3 Scanning electron micrographs of macrophages treated with carboplatin- [50 ug/ ml] macrophages for 2 h and co-incubated for 24 h with A. normal hepatocytes [arrow]; B. fibroblasts [arrowhead]. Note the absence of contact formation; C. Note the association of tumor cells [arrowheads] and the treated macrophages [m] in comparison to; D. macrophages [m] incubated with normal hepatocytes [arrows] showing no contact formation. Final Mag. x 720 [A]; x 1300 [B]; x 480 [C and D]. 16 Fig. 4 Fluorescent images taken from the ACAS 570 of macrophages labelled with acridine orange [5 ng/ ml] showing cytoplasmic fluorescence and lysosomal fluorescence in the untreated [A and C] and carboplatin-treated [2h] macrophages [B and D]. Note the increase in lysosomal fluoresence after carboplatin treatment. Bar = 5 pm. 17 18 Fig. 5 Confoeal section of a carboplatin-treated [50 ug/ ml] macrophage [m] for 2 h and after 2 h of co-incubation with 8180 cells [5]. Note the cytoplasmic continuity [arrow] between the macrophage and tumor cells [5]. Final Mag. x 5800 l9 20 Fig. 6 Fluorescent images taken from the LSM 10 of macrophages [arrows] treated with carboplatin [50 ug/ ml] for 2 h and labelled with acridine orange [5 jig/ml] and co-incubated with unlabelled 8180 cells [S] for 0, 30, and 60 min. A. Note the S 180 cells are not visible at 0 min of co-incubation due to the lack of fluorescence; B. There is an increase in the number of lysosomes both in the macrophages and the tumor cells, however, no lysosomes are visible in the macrophage extensions; C. Lysosomes are clear in the cytoplasmic extensions caught in the process of transfer [arrowheads] to the tumor cells. Final Mag. x 400 Bar = 5pm. 21 22 Fig. 7 Fluorescent images taken from the ACAS 570 of macrophages [m] treated with carboplatin [50 pg/ ml] for 2 h and labelled with acridine orange [5 jig/ml] after co-incubation with 8180 cells [3] for 5, 30, 60, and 120 min. A-D represent images as seen with the green detector [cytoplasmic fluorescence] and corresponding images [E-H] as seen with the red detector [lysosomal fluorescence]. Note the absence of red fluorescence in the 8180 cell at 5 min of cooincubation [E]. There is a gradual increase in the number of lysosomes in the 8180 cells after 30 [F], 60 [G] and 120 [H] min of co-incubation. Arrows point to the lysosomes probably in the process of transfer from the macrophages to the tumor cells. Bar = 5 um. 23 24 Fig. 8 Fluorescent images of 8180 cells taken from the ACAS 570. Representing cytoplasmic fluorescence [A,B] and right panel micrographs representing lysosomal fluorescence [C,D] after acridine orange [5 [Lg/1111] staining. Note the low number of lysosomes [C]; B,D. 8180 cell 1 h after incubation in the medium in which acridine orange labelled macrophages were incubated for 1 h. Note the absence of any fluorescence indicating no leakage of the dye from the macrophages and that any fluorescence in the S180 cells could only be due to the transferred lysosomes from the macmphages. Bar = 5 pm. WW I "”1?ij .‘t 2 6 i m die Using fluo-3AM as the probe there was observed a sudden increase in the intracellular calcium levels within 5 min of exposure to carboplatin by the macrophages [Fig. 9]. This increase gradually returned to near baseline levels after 60 min and remained so for up to 120 min when observations ceased. However, cisplatin-treated macrophages demonstrated a decline in intracellular calcium levels reaching about 20% of the normal levels after 60 min with a steady increasing trend thereafter. These intracellular calcium levels were only 25 % of the normal levels by 120 min when observations ceased. Untreated macrophages did not show any signifieant fluctuations in intracellular calcium levels. Loss of fluorescence due to photobleaching was less than 10 % and there was no autofluorescence observed. Using potassium pyroantimonate technique to measure membrane bound calcium under the electron microscope there was observed a decrease in macrophage membrane bound calcium after cisplatin [9 pg/ ml] or earboplatin [50 pg] ml] treatment of 2 h compared to untreated macrophages [Fig 10]. Calcium pyroantimonate granule counts on the membrane of normal macrophages was 14.8 i 2.8 per cell vs. 3.7 i 1.64 and 4.8 i 1.93 for cisplatin and carboplatin treated cells respectively. This was found to be statistically significant compared to controls [p < 0.05]. No membrane bound calcium antimonate granules were observed in macrophages incubated in EGTA [2.5mM]. The typical morphology of normal macrophages is depicted in Figure 10A. The mitochondria appear dense, normal Golgi and rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum. However, after cisplatin treatment mitochondria appeared swollen, endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi membranes bloated and prominent 27 vesiculation from the outer nuclear envelope [Fig. 108]. Similarly, carboplatin induced swelling of the endoplasmic reticulum and the vesiculation from the outer nuclear membrane, however, the mitochondria did not show marked swelling [Fig. 10C]. Normal macrophages when cultured in normal culture medium did not show any significant extension formations for up to 4 days [Fig. 11A]. Macrophages when treated with cisplatin [9 rig/ml] or carboplatin [50 jig/ml] for 2 h and placed in normal medium developed prominent extensions [Fig. 11B]. Macrophages treated with verapamil for 2 h and placed in normal medium, demonstrated no extensions for up to 2 days. However, such cells demonstrated extensive extension formation soon after through 4 days [Fig. 11C]. Macrophages treated with cisplatin or carboplatin plus verapamil [2 h] also did not demonstrate extension formation for up to 2 days, but did develop extensions after 2 days [Fig. 11D]. Results after verapamil treatment could also be duplicated with other calcium channel blockers like nifedipine or calmodulin antagonist chlorpromazine at similar concentrations. Cisplatin or carboplatin treated [2 h] macrophages when left in MEM + EDTA [a calcium chelator at a concentration of 2.5 mM] extension formation was completely inhibited for up to 4 days when the observations ceased. When macrophages were exposed to medium containing CaCl2 [4 mM] these did develop extensions but only after 2 days of exposure. When CaC12 and verapamil treated macrophages were stained with acridine orange for lysosomes, no apparent increase in the lysosomes were seen, though extension formation was observed [Fig. 12]. However, when these macrophages were treated with either cisplatin or carboplatin, an increase in the 28 lysosomes and their transfer to 8180 cells was observed [Fig. 13]. Interestingly, EDTA treated macrophages, even when treated with cisplatin or carboplatin did not show any lysosomal increase and transfer to 8180 cells [Fig. 14 and 15]. 29 Fig. 9 Graph showing the effects of cisplatin [9 pig/m1] and carboplatin [50 ug/ ml] treatment on intracellular levels of calcium in macrophages as measured with the dye Fluo-3AM [4 uM] using the ACAS 470 Interactive Laser Cytometer. Results are mean of twelve cells per treatment expressed as fluorescence intensities in arbitrary units. There is an abrupt 40% increase after carboplatin treatment [+] within 5 min reaching normal levels after 60 min. In cisplatin treated cells [I] there is a steady decline through 60 min after treatment with an upward trend thereafter. Normal cells did not show any significant changes [0 ]. 30 FLUORESCENCE EMISSION 0F FLUO-SAM iN MURINE PERITONEAL MACROPHAGES 2 A 1.8 ~ :5 .4 i 1.6 - Z .. 12 14> E} ’ m - 91; 1.2 4 z c: “3.2 1" 85 J l 25 0 a] a: . 8 . g 0.6 1 q S 0.41 a: - ~ —- 0.2 - 0 I I I I I I I 0 5 10 15 30 45 60 90 105 120 MINUTES AFTER TREATMENT I CDDP 1' CBDCA 0 N0 DRUG 31 Fig. 10 Electron micrographs showing the distribution pattern of calcium pyroantimonate granules on the plasma membrane of: A. untreated macrophage; B. cisplatin treated [9 [lg/[Ill] macrophage after 2 h; and C. earboplatin treated [50 jig/mi] macrophage atier 2 h. Note the decreased number of granules [arrows] in treated macrophages as compared to the controls. The bloating of mitochondria [>], swelling of the nuclear membrane [v] and endoplasmic reticulum [*] is prominent in the cisplatin treated macrophage. Some of the mitochondria although swollen, the momhology of the nuclear membrane and the endoplasmic reticulum after carboplatin seems closer to normal. Final Mag. x 10500. Bar= 2 pm. 32 33 Fig. 11 Light micrographs showing macrophages at 4 days in normal medium after: A. no treatment; B. cisplatin [9 jig/ml] for 2 h; C. verapamil [105 M] for 2 h; and D. cisplatin [9 jig/ml] plus verapamil [105 M] for 2 h. Note the extension formation after cisplatin, verapamil or cisplatin plus verapamil treatments. Final Mag. x 300. Bar=30 um. 34 . . t 7\ 1;: 33 e i c e e. e. \ p \‘ . . . t {a}... . .. . . 3A haw...“ \ b \ \adm.v.\\xtvw ls \\ .. . I DAG 35 Fig. 12 Fluorescentimages taken from the ACAS 570 of macrophages cultured in 4mM CaClz for 4 days and stained with acridine orange [5 ug/ ml]. Left panel pictures [A and B] represent cytoplasmic fluorescence and right panel pictures represent lysosomal fluorescence [C and D]. A and C. Untreated macrophage; B and D. Carboplatin treated [50 jig/m1] macrophage for 2 h. Note the increase in lysosomal fluorescence in the carboplatin treated macrophage. Bar = 5 um. 37 Fig. 13 Fluorescent images taken from the ACAS 570 of macrophages [M] cultured in CaCl, for 4 days, treated with carboplatin [50 jig/ml] for 2 h, labelled with acridine orange [5 ug/ml] and co-incubated with 8180 cells [S] for 15, 30 and 60 min. Left panel micrographs [A—C] represent cytoplasmic fluorescence and right panel micrographs [D-F] represent lysosomal fluorescence. Note the absence of red fluorescence in the 8180 cell at 15 min of co-incubation [A and D.] and increasing red fluorescence in the 8180 cell after 30 [B and E] and 60 [C and F] min ofco- incubation. Bar = 5 pm. 38 39 Fig. 14 Fluorescent images taken from the ACAS 570 of macrophages cultured in EDTA for 4 days and stained with acridine orange [5 ng/ ml]. Left panel micrographs [A and B] represent cytoplasmic fluorescence and right panel micrographs [C and D] represent lysosomal fluorescence. A and C. Untreated macrophage; B and D. Carboplatin treated macrophages [50 rig/ml] for 2 h. Note that there is no apparent increase in the lysosomes after carboplatin treatment. Bar = 5 um. 41 Fig. 15 Fluorescent images of macrophages cultured in EDTA for 4 days, treated with carboplatin [50 ug/ ml] for 2 h, stained with acridine orange [5 rig/ml] and co-incubated with 8180 cells [not visible] for 30 [A and C] and 60 min [C and D]. Left panel pictures [A and B] represent cytoplasmic fluorescence and right panel pictures [C and D] represent lysosomal fluorescence. Note that S 180 cells are not visible due to lack of fluorescence and that there is very low lysosomal number in the macrophages even after carboplatin treatment. Bar. = 5 pm. DISCUSSION Macrophages have been shown to mediate cell cytotoxic mechanisms in the destruction of tumor cells [1,7,9,11,28,29,33,37,45]. Macrophages are most often first activated with a biological response modifier or activator. Cisplatin is able to activate peritoneal macrophages [42] in vitro and cause lysis of the tumor cells. Carboplatin, a second generation analogue of cisplatin, also has this capability to activate macrophages in vitro. This was demonstrated by contact formations established with tumor cells in much less time than when untreated macrophages are co-incubated with tumor cells. Extensions develop after cisplatin or carboplatin treatment even in the absence of tumor cells which suggests that their presence is not a prerequisite in the development of such extensions. However, the attraction of activated macrophages seems to be specific for the tumor cells only, as no contact formation was seen when normal cells [hepatocytes or fibroblasts] were co—incubated with untreated or treated macrophages. Discrimination between non-neoplastic and neoplastic cells is typical of activated macrophages [28,33,42,43]. In the study of macrophage activation, lysosomes have been suggested to take part in the process of tumor cell death [6,16]. In cisplatin activated macrophages, an increase in the number and their transfer to the tumor cells via the extensions have been documented. Tumor cell lysis has been proven to be due to these transferred lysosomes [42]. CarbOplatin induces an increase of lysosomes in the macrophages that are transferred to the tumor cells through the extensions after contact has been 43 44 established. Activation of macrophages seems to be a multi-step process. There is the development of cytoplasmic extensions, an increase in the lysosomes, recognition of tumor cells leading to contact formation, a transfer of the lysosomes from the macrophage to the tumor cells through these extensions and finally tumor cell lysis leading to tumor cell death. Calcium has been demonstrated to have an important role in macrophage activation [42.50]. The use of calcium channel blockers or calmodulin antagonist inhibited extension formation in cisplatin or carboplatin treated macrophages for 2 days, however, extensions developed soon after. CaC12 [4 mM] by itself is able to induce extension formation in the macrophages while 2.5 mM EDTA inhibits such extension formations even when used with cisplatin or carboplatin. These results seem to indicate the role of calcium in macmphage activation, speci f i cal ly in extension formation. There does not seem to be any relationship between intracellular ‘ calcium and extension formation as both drugs induce extension formation in macrophages and diagonally opposite changes in the intracellular calcium levels. MacrOphages incubated in CaCl, or EDTA seem to suggest that extension formation may be regulated by calcium specifically. When CaClz incubated macrophages are co- cultured with tumor cells, no contact formation occurs nor any lysosomal increase or their transfer to the tumor cells can be demonstrated. EDTA inhibits all extension formations. Further, CaCl2 incubated macrophages when treated with either cisplatin or carboplatin, not only establish contact formation with the tumor cells, but also cause an increase in the lysosomes and their transfer to the tumor cells. EDTA inhibits all extension formation, lysososmal increase and transfer in the cisplatin or 45 carboplatin treated macrophages. Calcium therefore seems to be regulating the process of extension formation only. It may be possible that calcium is acting as a priming signal for macrophage activation [30,46] by cisplatin or carboplatin. Although both cisplatin and carboplatin induce depletion of membrane bound calcium in macrophages to a different degree yet both induce activation of the macrophages and its involvement in the process is not clear. Cisplatin and earboplatin induce murine macrophage activation resulting in the expedition of tumor cell recognition through the development of cytoplasmic extensions establishing contact only with tumor cells. An increase in lysosomal content in the activated macrophages and the eventual transfer of these lysosomes via the extensions to tumor cells seem to be responsible for tumor cell death. Although calcium is involved in the formation of extensions, our studies seem to demonstrate that intracellular calcium may not be playing any major role in the macrophage activation process. It is possible that calcium acts as a priming signal and that actin may be affected. Our study suggests the enhancement of the immune system through the activation of macrophages as one of the probable mechanism(s) of action of the antitumor agents cisplatin and carboplatin. LIST OF REFMES 10. 11. REFERENCES Adams, D., and Snyderman, R. (1979) Do macrophages destroy nascent tumors? J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 62:1341. Aggarwal, S. (1974) Inhibition of cytokinesis in mammalian cells by cis- diamminedichloroplatinum (II). Cytobiologie 8:395. Aggarwal, S. (1979) Effects of cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) on the microfilaments and inhibition of cytokinesis. J Cell Biol 83:327a. Batzer, M. and Aggarwal, S. 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