. .- q“..- f “ I.» '. lil'll'llllll gaRARIES \llllllllllllllllll This is to certify that the thesis entitled Prediction of Colloidal Suspension Stability for SiC/Si3N4 and FeAl/A1203 Using Material and System Parameters Fiber Systems presented by Brett Allen Wilson has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for ”’5’ degree in Wd/(JWCL Date W 2/9622. 0-7639 MS U is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution LEQBARY Michigan State University PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove thie checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES remrn on or before one due. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE l {Far 1 a 1998 ll f—Tl ] MSU le An Affirmetlve ActioNEquel Opportunity Institution cMMma-ptt Prediction of Colloidal Suspension Stability for SiC/Sifih and FeAl/Algh Fiber Systems Using Material and System Parameters. BY Brett Allen Wilson A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Materials Science and Mechanics 1992 ' V- / (J A‘ -- ABSTRACT Prediction of Colloidal Suspension Stability for SiC/Sifih and FeAl/Algh Fiber Systems Using Material and System Parameters. BY Brett Allen Wilson In this investigation a method to predict the stability of multicomponent colloidal suspensions at different pH values from system and material data such as particle size, volume fraction, electrolyte concentration, zeta potential verses pH, and Hamaker constant data was developed from an existing method. A computer program was written and used for a SiC/Sifih powder system. The predictions of stability ranges were found to be within a half a pH unit of actual stability ranges as found from sedimentation results, but was dependent upon accurate zeta potential data. The dependency of the program on temperature variations, relative component volume fraction variations, and the accuracy of the input Hamaker constants was examined. For a FeAl/Algh fiber composite, the method the predicted ideal processing conditions when the components were mixed at pH 5 followed by an increase to pH 8, which would prevent differential separation of the compbnents. DEDICATION To my Mom and Dad without whom, for me, none of this would have been possible. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT S First of all I would like to acknowledge my entire family for their encouragement, love, and support. I would also like to acknowledge Mr. J.W. Ertle for challenging me to think in high school chemistry, for as a result of this I realized that learning could be so much more than simple regurgitation and that I could actually enjoy learning. I would also like to acknowledge Dr. F. Edward Wall for bringing out the scholar in me, if you can call it that. I would like to thank Kelly Ann Therrien for reminding me why I came to graduate school at a time when I needed to hear it most. I would also like to thank Jim Stout and Sharon Thoma for helping me keep my perspective, and my sanity. I would like to acknowledge and thank Lonza Inc. for samples of their SiC powder. I must also acknowledge and thank Dr. M.J. Crimp, my advisor, for finding funding for my project and especially for her help and increased availability as my thesis work wound down. I also must thank Dr. M.A. Crimp for his intercession and help, despite his tried patience with me, along with thanks for use of his office, computer and printer for the completion of this manuscript. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES....... .................................. iv INTRODUCTION............................................ 1 LITERATURE REVIEW.... ................................... 5 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE .................................. 39 RESULTS.... ................. . ........................... 63 DISCUSSION.......... .......................... .......... 124 CONCLUSIONS................. ................. . ..... ..... 142 APPENDIX A..................... ..... ... ................. 145 APPENDIX B............ .................................. 147 APPENDIX C........... ................................... 214 BIBLIOGRAPHYOOOOOOOO0...... ..... O ..... I ....... 00.0.00... 239 iii Figure Figure Figure. Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 10 11 12 13 Lgsr or FIGURES Illustration of a) the attraction of counter-ions to the surface of particles and the effects of distance from the surface on b) ion concentration and c) potential (taken from(15)). Illustration of a) the double layer surrounding a colloidal particle and b) the change of potential with distance from the particle surface (taken from (15)). Computer flow diagram STABILITY PREDICTION. for the main program Computer flow diagram for subroutine FDATA INPUT. Computer flow diagram for subroutine CALCPZC. Computer flow diagram for subroutine CALCZP. Computer flow diagram for subroutine Computer flow diagram for subroutine WC. Computer flow diagram for subroutine SI. Computer flow diagram for subroutine WVFCN. flow for subroutine DATA Computer diagram STORAGE. Electrophoretic zeta potential measurents for SN-Elo Sign at varing electrolyte concentrations (M) (from (76)). Electrophoretic zeta potential measurents for UF-IO Sic at varing electrolyte concentrations (M) (from (76). iv 20 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 55 56 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Electrophoretic zeta potential measurents for UF-lO SiC at varing electrolyte concentrations (M) with regression analysis. SEM micrograph of sedimented FeAl powder. SEM micrograph of chopped alumina fiber. ESA zeta potential measurements for LS-5 SiC at an electrolyte concentration of 10'3 M KNO3. ESA zeta potential measurements for UF-lO SiC at an electrolyte concentration of 10'3 M KNo3 . ESA zeta potential measurements for UF-15 SiC at an electrolyte concentration of 10‘3 M I> 1), the equation to calculate the zeta potential is known as the Helmholtz-Smoluchowski equation (25): c: ”on [6] Gael where: 8.0 = permitivity in a vacuum a, = relative permitivity n = viscosity of liquid medium. The Helmholtz-Smoluchowski equation is generally valid for aqueous suspensions. For particle suspensions where the particle radius is much less than the double layer thickness (i.e. such that r/trt'1 << 1), the equation to calculate the zeta potential is known as the Hfickel equation (15): c.1531“. [7] £06! The Hfickel equation is generally valid for non-aqueous suspensions with low conductivity (15). 24 The potential at the plane of shear is often assumed to toe equal to the potential at the outer edge of the stern layer (15, 64). Lyklema (64) reports in his investigations that within experimental error the zeta potential equals the potential at the Stern layer. Other examples of electrokinetic phenomena are electroacoustic phenomena and are described in detail by O’ Brien and Oja (65-67). The first of the two electrokinetic phenomena results from the application of an alternating pressure field in a colloidal suspension in the form of an acoustic wave. As a result of the density difference between the particles and the liquid there is a relative motion between the particles and the liquid. An alternating dipole is formed at the frequency of the acoustic wave as a result of the relative displacement of the particles and the oppositely charged particles in the double layer caused by the relative motion. The formation of this alternating dipole is termed the Ultrasonic Vibration Potential (UVP), and is measured as voltage per amplitude velocity of the acoustic wave applied. The other electroacoustic phenomena results from the application of an alternating electric field to a colloidal suspension. An acoustic wave is generated by the particles as they move back and forth in the electric field due to their charge and a density difference between the particles and the liquid. The formation of this acoustic wave is 25 termed the Electrokinetic Sonic Amplitude (BSA) and is Ineasured as pressure amplitude per unit electric field applied. The dynamic mobility can be found for both these electroacoustic phenomena by using equations derived by O’ Brien (65, 66): "4“" 'W and M(U) Xe “4(0) ‘ W [9] where: pd = dynamic mobility to = angular frequency (b = volume fracture of particles Ap = density difference of particles and liquid c = velocity of sound in suspension ESA = pressure amplitude per unit electric field UVP = voltage per amplitude velocity of wave IC = high frequency conductivity correction. The zeta potential can be calculated using the mobility as in electrophoresis with the addition of a correction for the inertia of the particle in an alternating field since this reduces the velocity amplitude of particle motion. The equation to calculate the zeta potential was derived by O’ Brien using the Helmholtz-Smoluchowski equation (65, 66): C = L‘“ |G(a)’1| [10] £6: at |G(a)'1|-Jx’+Y’ [111 ———.—. the. RI.“ 26 3 9(2A3+2a+1) 2A23<1+A) [13] 9 (2A3+2A+1) = 2 [141 A z B=(3+2Ap2) [15] ”Gt—:22, [16] where: a = particle radius. The stability of a colloidal suspension refers to whether or not particles come together in clusters called agglomerates or whether particles stay as individual particles (25). Suspensions which are from agglomerates are said to have coagulated and are unstable. Suspensions which do not form agglomerates are said to be stable. It should be noted that contrary to popular usage in the literature the term flocculation refers to the formation of loose agglomerates formed as the result of polymers adsorbed onto particle surfaces and not just from normal coagulation (25). Therefore, in this thesis the term coagulation will be used to describe agglomeration and not flocculation since as mentioned before all suspension considered for this thesis will not contain polymers. 27 Colloidal suspensions, as Hunter points out (25), are t:hermodynamically metastable. This means that a stable suspension is only stable in a kinetic sense and that coagulation is a rate process. The study of colloidal stability predictions should therefore be more a study of the rate of these processes than the thermodynamics of them (33). Pioneering work in describing particle interactions of single component colloid systems was done by Derjaguin, Landau, Verwey, Overbeek (51, 52). The compilation of their .work is known as DLVO theory. DLVO theory describes the energy of interaction for identical particles in an electrolyte solution. In DLVO theory, the particles are treated as having a double layer of ions which surround them as described previously by Gouy and Chapman (48, 49). This double layer, as described earlier, consists of a diffuse layer in which ions are treated as paint charges which can be described by a Boltzmann distribution, and a rigidly held inner layer of essentially adsorbed ions. The interaction energy between two particles is described as a sum of the potential energy of attraction and repulsion energies: v, -- VnV. [171 where:VT = total energy , V, = attractive energy repulsive energy. 28 I The attraction energy is due to van' der Waals attraction and :is described by equations derived for two equal spheres by Hamaker (38): Aa Vz— — 18 . (123’ [ 1 where:H = interparticle separation distance a = particle radius A = Hamaker constant (from Equation [4]). The repulsive energy during particle interaction is caused by the overlapping of particles' double layers. This repulsive interaction is described by the Poisson-Boltzmann equation: = _ 1 O _ 216* 1 V? 50‘: $111216 exp( kT ) I 9] wherezv2 is the Laplacian operator w'= particle surface potential e°== permitivity in a vacuum 8., = 8.854E-12 (Cz/J m) s,== relative permitivity In = number of ions of type i 21 = valence of ion i e = electron charge e = 1.6023-19 (C) k = Boltzmann's constant k = 1.381E-23 (J/K) T = temperature (K). This equation is the combination of the Poisson equation which describes the flow of the electric field in a dielectric medium as detailed by Hunter (25): We = -—L - [20] ‘9‘! where:p = density of charges and the Boltzmann equation which described the distribution of charges in the diffuse double layer: 111 = nfexp(-—:-%) [21] wherem1 = number of ions of type i at the distance from the surface where the potential is‘v n1° = number of ions type i in the bulk or = work to bring ions from the bulk medium to this distance. .As an approximation an is assumed to be: 01 = 219* [22] so that the density of charges becomes P = 21710219 = gnfaxph-fg!) ' [23] which in combination with the Poisson equation results in the Poisson-Boltzmann equation [19] shown previously. In DLVO to get an expression for the energy of repulsion the Poisson-Boltzmann equation was solved using the Debye-Hfickel approximation. The Debye-Hfickel approximation assumes that (28): |ze¢lM| TH EN E LS E WCALC= AR EAT L= AREAN“ R0 AREAN RETU RN TO LOW=HIGH WKO. ETC. IF(5.:-~.. 2C1 e ‘EW* . _ _ \- 5. C3 $33.. . % Zeta Potential (mV) A Tb CD CD Figure 13 Electrophoretic zeta potential measurents for UF-lo Sic at varing electrolyte concentrations (M). 57 potential measurements were performed on all of the different types of SiC powders and on the Sign powder. The suspensions were all prepared in an electrolyte solution of concentration 0.001 M. The pH of the suspensions was initially decreased by addition of I-INO3 to pH 4.0 and the suspensions were dispersed by an ultrasonic probe before loading into the ESA testing equipment. Once testing began, the system automatically changed the pH up to pH 11 or back down to pH 4 with the titration of acid and base and also automatically measured the mobility and calculated the zeta potential. The Hamaker constants used for this system were found by Bleier (47) using the Lifshitz method. The values reported and used were 3.0E'19 J and 1.6E43 J for SiC and Sign, respectively. Extensive stability prediction program runs were performed for this system. Predictive program runs were performed for the three main two component systems of LS-S SiC/Sifih, UF-10 SiC/Sifih and UF-lS SiC/Sifih. Experimental verification of the predictive model was performed for these systems, but only at an electrolyte concentration of 10'3 M. verification consisted of sets of sedimentation experiments. Sedimentation experiments were performed for single component suspensions of each of the four powder types as well as for suspension of each of the three main two component systems listed above which were done with equal relative volume for each of the components. One more two 58 40 20 CD Zeta Potential (mV) 4; r'o o o H Figure 14 Electrophoretic zeta potential measurents for UF-lo SiC at varing electrolyte concentrations (M) with regression analysis. 59 component sedimentation experiment was performed for the UF- 10 SiC/Sifih system in which the relative volume fraction of SiC to Sign was 0.75 instead of 0.5. The sedimentation experiments were carried out by making a 500ml suspension in a 10'3 M electrolyte solution with a solid content of 0.5 volume percent. The suspensions were initially dispersed with an ultrasonic probe to break up agglomerates which were already formed, and then the pH was measured while the sample was stirred by a magnetic stir bar. The pH was then lowered to 4.0 by the addition of HNO3. The suspension was again dispersed with the ultrasonic probe and approximately 40 ml of the suspension being poured into a test tube labeled with the appropriate pH. The pH was then increased in increments of half of a pH unit with the suspension being sonicated and about 40 ml being poured into an appropriately labeled test tube. This procedure was performed until pH 11.0 was reached for a total of 15 specimens for each sedimentation experiment set. These samples were then set where they would not be disturbed and photographs were taken at varying time intervals in order to record the sedimentation. The other system of FeAl/Algh fiber was investigated in only a preliminary manner in order to predict the ideal pH for processing at which the individual components would be stable, but at which heterocoagulation occurs (i.e. where the powder and fiber are attracted to each other, but not to . 60 themselves). The FeAl powder used was AMDRY FeAl and was manufactured by Alloy Metals, Inc. The as received powder had a particle size range of 177 microns down to tenths of microns. The powder was sedimented down to a size range of 10 microns to tenths of microns through the efforts of Jeff Bajt and Chris Suydam. The average particle diameter was determined to be 7 microns, and a SEM micrograph of this sedimented powder can be seen in Figure 15. The Alfih fiber was manufactured by DuPont and is a continuous, pure alumina fiber of type Fiber PP. The average fiber diameter was reported by the manufacturer to be 25 to 30 microns which was confirmed by SEM observations. The fibers were chopped up and ground to smaller lengths with mortar and pestle. A SEM micrograph of the chopped fiber can be seen in Figure 16. This system was also suspended using a KNO, electrolyte solution in deionized water and pH changes were made with rank and KOH as with the previous system, but only a KN03 concentration of 10'3 M was used. The zeta potential data used for this system was collected in this investigation using the Matec ESA-8000 system. The Hamaker constant for the alumina fiber was calculated from refractive index data (78) using the Lifshitz method (Equation [3]) and found to be 1.1E"19 J. Since no refractive index or dielectric constant data could be found for the FeAl, the Hamaker constant used was a value for metals given by Shaw (15) to 61 __————-—_,—‘——I 11:”: .;.IIM ‘ Figure 15 SEM micrograph of sedimented FeAl powder. 62 I A " T. ., L/ " w. [77 ,- EH31? 25K 12*4NN- Figure 16 SEM micrograph of chopped A1203 fiber. 63 be 2.2E"19 J. Three different predictive program runs were performed for the FeAl/Algb fiber system. The first was performed using the particle size data mentioned earlier (i.e. particle diameters of 7 microns and 30 microns for the FeAl and alumina fiber, respectively). The other two predictive runs used increasing FeAl particle size to see if larger FeAL particle sizes would also be possible to get the ideal processing conditions of individual component stability coupled with heterocoagulation. RESULTS The results for the acouStophoresis (ESA) measurement data for LS-5 SiC, UF-lO SiC, UF-15 SiC and the SN-ElO Sign can be seen in Figures 17, 18 19, and 20, respectively. Predictive program runs were performed for the three main two component systems of LS-S SiC/Sifih, UF-10 SiC/Sifin, and UF-15 SiC/Sifih. The first of these experimental runs was performed using the constant potential repulsive equation and electrophoretic zeta potential data at a concentration of 10'3 M. The results of this data run are shown in Figure 21. Another of these experimental runs was performed using the constant potential repulsive equation along with ESA zeta potential data at a concentration of 10"3 M. The results of these data run are shown in Figure 22. The constant charge form of the repulsive potential equation was used along with electrophoretic data for an electrolyte concentration 10"3 M for the third run for these systems. These results are shown in Figure 23. The interparticle potential vs. interparticle separation distance for each pH of the first data run(i.e. Figure 21) is plotted in Figure 24. A fourth program run was performed which used the constant potential form for the repulsive potential equation 63b Zeta Potential (mV) 64 CD lb 0 4'; c Figure 17 ESA zeta potential measurements for LS-5 Sic at an electrolyte concentration of 10’3 M 3. 65 pH range tested ‘°' 4 To 11 + 11 To 4 Zeta Potential (mV) lb (3 4'; 0 Figure 18 ESA zeta potential measurements for UF-10 Sic at an electrolyte concentration of 10‘3 M KN03. 66 O Zeta Potential (mV) r'o O is. o . . . _ pH range tested -60 " j "'4To11 +11To4 +4T011 Figure 19 ESA zeta potential measurements for UF-15 SiC at an electrolyte concentration of 10" M KNOJe 67 . . -:~ ... VX‘F‘ ‘\ fig“. Zeta Potential (mV) pH range tested "'4To 11 +11 T04 *4To 11 Figure 20 ESA zeta potential measurements for SN-ElO Si3N, at an electrolyte concentration of 10‘3 M 3' 68 and used electrophoresis zeta potential data for an electrolyte concentration of 104 M. This data is plotted in Figure 25, while Figure 26 is plotted data for a similar program run which uses an electrolyte concentration of 10'5 M instead of 10"2 M. All of the previous mentioned program runs were done for relative volume fractions of 0.5. The effect of different relative volume fraction of components on the. total overall stability ratio is shown in Figure 27 for electrophoresis zeta potential data at concentration of 0.001 M. Since relative volume fraction only changes the total overall stability ratio and not the three different interaction stability ratios (i.e. Wu, Wu, and Wu) and since it is the calculation of these stability ratios which takes the vast majority of the program execution time another program called VARYN was written. This program simply uses the stability ratios calculated in the Stability Prediction program runs to calculate the total overall stability ratio for a number of different relative volume fractions. This program takes 2 to 3 seconds to execute five different relative volume fractions as opposed to the Stability Prediction program which takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours per different volume fraction. Predictive program runs were also performed to see the sensitivity of the programs to variations of the input data. The first of these program runs varied the temperature for 1 E30 Figure 21 Interactions "'SiC/SiC +SiC/Si3N‘ *5i,N,/ST,N. (a) Stability ratio data from the predictive program using the constant potential repulsive equation and electrophoretic zeta potential for a) LS-S SiC/SN-Elo SigN4, b)UF-lo SiC/SN-Elo SigN,, and c) UF—15 SiC/SN-Elo SigN, where: temperature is 25 °C, volume fraction of components is 0.5 and electrolyte concentration is 10'3 M KNOr 70 1E30 1E20 _ Interactions .. SIC/Sic W + SIC/SEN] are si,N,/ST,N. '5 Total 1E10 (b) Figure 21 cont. 71 IOI'IS iC/ SIC to. a r ms Mr 4 N 3 iC/S +S pH (c) Figure 21 Cont. 1 E20 Interactions .r SiC/SiC + SIC/SiaN, are sum/5w] * Total (a) Figure 22 Stability ratio data from the predictive program using the constant potential repulsive equation and ESA zeta potential for a) LS-S SiC/SN-ElO SiC/SN-Elo Sin, where: temperature is 25 °C, volume fraction of components is 0.5 and electrolyte concentration is 10'3 M KNOP 73 1E30 1E20 Interactions . . . . . -p-SiC/SiC W f I I - - .; +SiC/Si,N, it Si,N./SI,N, lElO 1 (b) Figure 22 Cont. 74 Interactions -r SiC/SiC W + SIC/Sim. at- Si,N./Si,N, " Total 1E10 (C) Figure 22 cont. 1E30 1E20 Interactions . . -r SiC/SiC ' w '-‘ ... _ + SIC/SEN] * Si,N./Si,N, 1E10 (a) Figure 23 Stability ratio data from the predictive program using the constant charge repulsive equation and ESA zeta potential for a) LS-S SiC/SN-Elo Sign, b) UF-lO SiC/SN-EIO Sign" and c) UF-15 SiC/SN-ElO Sign where: temperature is 25 °C, volume fraction of components is 0.5 and electrolyte concentration is 10'3 M KN03. 76 1E30 1E20 Interactions -r SiC/SiC W + SiC/Si,N, * Si,N./Si,N, 1E10 (b) Figure 23 Cont. 77 1E30 1E20 Interactions A _, -- srcxsrc vv .eh%&_ . I 3: _i: l '1 z '. ." T'SKHSEN4 it- Si3N4/Si, N, 1E10 1 (C) Figure 23 Cont. 78 Interactions .. SiC/SIC + SiC/SisN, * SIN/Sim, Potential Energy (kT) (Thousands) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 Separation Distance (nm) (a) pH=4.0 Figure 24 Interaction potential data from the predictive program using the constant potential repulsive equation and electrophoretic zeta potential for LS-S SiC/SN—Elo Sign where: temperature is 25%; volume fraction of components is 0.5 and electrolyte concentration is 10'3 M. 79 Interactions ... SiC/SiC + SIC/Sim. * Si,N,/Si,N. Potential Energy (kT) (Thousands) 0 1o 20 30 4o 50 60 7o 80 90100 Separation Distance (nm) (b) pH= 4.5 Figure 24 Cont. 80 (X was \‘WKNV‘N- z: 33> '1‘) ‘Q‘; Interactions .. SIC/SIC + SIC/Sim, * Si,N./ST,N. Potential Energy (kT) (Thousands) o 10 20 30 4o 50 60 7o 80 90100 Separation Distance (nm) (C) H= 5.0 Figure 24 Cont . p 81 Interactions ... SIC/SIC Potential Energy (kT) (Thousands) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100) Separation Distance (nm) (d) pH= 5.5 Figure 24 Cont. 82 Interactions -- SiC/SiC + SIC/SiaN, * Si,N,/Si,N, Potential Energy (kT) (Thousands) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Separation Distance (nm) (e) pH= 6.0 Figure 24 Cont. 83 ) Interactions .. SiC/SiC + SiC/Si,N. * Si,N,/SI,N, I “J 1 Energy (kT) (Thousands Potentia A 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 Separation Distance (nm) (f) pH= 6.5 Figure 24 Cont. 84 Interactions .. SiC/SiC + SIC/SEN, .- Si, N,/Si,N, 0 I i I “3 Potential Energy (kT) (Thousands) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 Separation Distance (nm) (9) pH= 7.0 Figure 24 Cont. A m ‘o C: (U U} a o I: t: 1’: Interactions x .4 SIC/SIC v g + SIC/SEN, a) * Si,N,/Si,N, F -1 LU Potentia ii: 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 Separation Distance (nm) (h) pH= 7.5 Figure 24 Cont. 86 _L Interactions .. SIC/SIC + SIC/Sim, CD I A l “D "5 ' «>519: .- .59;} \ tf‘x x. is , ta . _ '13»- Potential Energy (kT) (Thousands) 4% t. ’1‘. Iii-fl» \ x 0 10 20 30 40 50 60.70 80 90100 Separation Distance (nm) (i) pH= 8.0 Figure 24 Cont. 87 Interactions .. SIC/SIC + SIC/Sim, * Si,N./Si,N4 1 Potential Energy (kT) (Thousands) 0 1o 20 30 40 5o 60 7o 80 90100 Separation Distance (nm) (:1) pH= 8.5 Figure 24 Cont. 88 .h 00 DD Interactions .. SIC/SIC d A. .e tat? ERI‘YKR §=g>xs w. . “kg ‘:-. a:- "'4‘ (ESE ‘ Potential Energy (kT) (Thousands) o 10 20 30 4o 50 60 7o 80 90100 Separation Distance (nm) (k) pH= 9.5 Figure 24 Cont. 89 h) Interactions -- SiC/SiC + SIC/SIGN, * Si,N./SI,N, CD Potential Energy (kT) (Thousands) I h) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 Separation Distance (nm) (1) pH= 9.5 Figure 24 Cont. 90 5 4 7:? E to m 3 :1 o .r: I; 2 I: Interactions 5 1 .. SiC/SiC g + SiC/Si,N. o * ST,N./ST.N. r: UJ E ...o C:. a 1 4—0 a D. -2 s 'S O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 Separation Distance (nm (m) pH= 10.0 Figure 24 Cont. 91 00 RD .E: . V [s . . R I AW . ‘ I _ I 1...th s .‘ Interactions . . .2. . ' ' .ggw n-EhC/SKD + SIC/SEN] “Nils .- - a Sr, N./Sr3 N, A . . xix. ......e \k' . .~ 'x xx x -. §$\ r Potential Energy (kT) (Thousands) o 10 20 30 4o 50 60 7o 80 90 100 Separation Distance (nm) (n) pH= 10.5 Figure 24 Cont. 92 5 4 ’6? E to w 3 a 2 l- 2 I: Interactions x -.-SiC/SiC V 1 > +SiC/SiaN‘ E’ o "SiaNJSiaN. c 0 DJ .71? H CI- o 1 4—0 0 LL -2 0 1o 20 30 4o 50 60 7o 80 90100 Separation Distance (nm) (0) pH = 11.0 Figure 24 cont. 93 Interactions -- SiC/SiC + Ste/Sim. at SiaNJSiaN. * Total (a) Figure 25 Stability ratio data from the predictive program using the constant potential repulsive equation and electrophoretic zeta potential for a) LS-S SiC/SN—Elo Sign, b)UF-lO SiC/SN-Elo Sign, and C) UF-IS SiC/SN-Elo Sign where: temperature is 25 °C, volume fraction of components is 0.5 and electrolyte concentration is 10'2 M. 94 1 E30 1E20 Interactions -— SIC/SIC I " Es 3;.<*. -f ‘ _ ' W - --':g_ ..zgjw'f _ _. -' +SiC/Si,N, s * Si,N,/Si,N, cfig {is s . . ~- ~ . . Fess ..U ‘. . a ' g. \:'\x . .. _ :..-. -. I. . ‘ 5 Total I x 1E10 (b) Figure 25 Cont. 95 1an 1E20 ' Interactions .. SiC/SiC W + SiC/Si3N4 * Si,N4/Si,N. * Total 1E10 R 1 (C) Figure 25 Cont . 1 E30 1E20 1E10 96 Interactions .. SiC/SiC + Ste/Siam x- Si,N./Si,N. (a) Figure 26 Stability ratio data from the predictive program using the constant potential repulsive equation and electrophoretic zeta potential for a) LS-S UF-15 SiC/SN-Elo 819% where: temperature is 25 °C, volume fraction of components is 0.5 and electrolyte concentration is 10'5 M. 97 1 E20 Interactions .. SiC/SiC W 1 E10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (b) Figure 26 Cont. 98 1E30 1E20 Interactions --SiC/SiC W ' gig-x - at: . -; -. +SiC/Si,N. *sLNanN. 1510 1 (C) Figure 26 Cont. 1 E30 1E20 + 0.25 *050 - (a) Figure 27 Total stability ratio data from the program VARYN using data from the predictive program which used the constant potential repulsive equation and electrophoretic zeta potential for a) LS-5 SiC/ SN-Elo Sin4, b)UF-lo SiC/SN-Elo Sin4, and c) 03-15 SiC/SN-Elo Sin‘ where: temperature is 25 °C, volume fraction of components is varied and electrolyte concentration is 10'3 M. 100 {a}. sass mm w H (b) Figure 27 Cont. 101 1‘ .-.~§§\ ., a “.1:- ‘\ - . \ ~saafififias stsa-'~ s- ‘sa.a{% 1a saw X‘s . .%.Kx §sfl w- "3. . a" . ’ “A": Wat: (C) Figure 27 Cont. 102 the system with variations from room temperature of plus or minus 5 °C being shown in Figure 28a) and larger temperature changes being shown in Figure 28b). The Hamaker constant was another input of the system which was varied with the results shown in Figure 29. There were six different variations in the values where one or both of the input Hamaker constants was increased or decreased by 10% from their original input values of 3.0x10"19 and 1.6x10'19 J for Sic and Sign, respectively. The photographs showing the changes in sedimentation as a function of time for the four single component systems can be found in Figures 30 through 33 for LS-S SiC, UF-lO SiC, UF-15 SiC, and SN—ElO 519%, respectively. The sedimentation photographs for the three two component systems of LS-5 SiC/Sifih, UF-lO SiC/Sifih , and UF-lS SiC/Sifih with equal relative volume fractions can be found in Figures 34 through 36 and photographs for the sedimentation behavior of the one two component system with unequal relative component volume fraction can be found in Figure 37. The ESA zeta potential measurements for the FeAl/Alfih fiber system in an electrolyte solution of concentration equal to 10"3 M are shown in Figures 38 and 39. These data was used along with the constant potential solution for the repulsive interaction potential in stability prediction runs for the system. This data generated in these prediction 1 E30 (a) Figure 28 Stability ratio data from the predictive program using the constant potential repulsive equation and electrophoretic zeta potential for UF-15 SiC/SN-Elo Sign where: temperature is a) 20, 25, and 30 °C and b) 0, 25, 50, 75 °C volume fraction of components is 0.5 and electrolyte concentration is 104 M. 104 pH (b) Figure 28 Cont. 1 E20 , 3" M‘. f“- w .s -. §§v\“{i‘$§\“ (a) Figure 29 Stability ratio data from the predictive program using the constant potential repulsive equation and electrophoretic zeta potential for UF-15 SiC/SN—Elo SifiN. where: temperature is 25 °C volume fraction of components is 0.5, the electrolyte concentration is 10'3 M, and the Hamaker constants in units of 10'19 J are varied by +/- 10% to the values noted in a) and b). 106 1E20 (b) Figure 29 Cont. A(SiC).A(SLN.) + 3.0, 1.6 + 3.0, 1.4 * 3.3. 1.4 107 runs are plotted in Figure 40. (b) Figure 30 Sedimentation samples for a single component suspension of LS-S SiC with an electrolyte concentration of 10'3 M KNO3 after sedimentation for a) 21 hours, b) 21 hours, c) 21 hours, d) 73 hours, and e) 73 hours. 109 (d) Figure 30 Cont. 110 (e) Figure 30 Cont. 111 (a) (b) Figure 31 Sedimentation samples for a single component suspension of UF-lo SiC with an electrolyte concentration of 10'3 M KNO3 after sedimentation for a) 21 hours, and b) 119 hours. . 112 V l'|".;tv:'1(‘ { r ‘Imhw . o 1","! “(Nit t 'r ”jirvp (b) Figure 32 Sedimentation samples for a single component suspension of UF—15 Sic with an electrolyte concentration of 10"3 M after sedimentation for a) 20 hours, and b) 118 hours. 113 mm] . . "I“ i‘ O" I. H l . I “I, ['01. Man“ :r'l‘ " . ..'"“.'.'1." r 11%? r : lllt ' tuftl I ' ,‘ (a) ~. I'll-'1 . __ :IQKhfiEEéWw; .: ‘ 1 M): In)“: ‘. - .m' Mn '0.) .n m; :1", ~ .- 1., t "7' {t WIN?919114;!113111‘311111 11111 '1’111 (b) Figure 33 Sedimentation samples for a single component suspension of SN-Elo Sign with an electrolyte concentration of 10'3 M KNO3 after sedimentation for a)1.5 hours, b)24 hours, c)48 hours and d)l46 hours. 114 31'. ‘ .... v‘ y I Huh” 1. 1‘": J ‘ . . ‘1 13 um rrnmmlr 1:111 11.1l'iitl" Mn 1'” "’5‘“ “O h". ("'0 "”1"”! I”! (1 .fl). ‘0'I'J .1" . t O ' ‘ ‘1‘ ’ f! [1511? :7 cup 1: d) Figure 33 Cont. 115 to! ‘ - o. ‘ (n ' ’ (1.11 '1.."..I"“‘.m .‘1’u“.{.‘.;"y'll§“!0mm“) l ‘ It I "1" I t I ‘ I ' 1 . at”? . | ljyt.‘|‘, xl“§-!_I’on (b) Figure 34 Sedimentation samples for a two component suspension of 0.5 relative volume fraction of LS-S SiC and SN-ElO Sign with an electrolyte concentration of 10’3 M KNO3 after sedimentation for a) 0 hours, and b) 72 hours. 116 9‘23, )Htt (b) Figure 35 Sedimentation samples for a two component suspension of 0.5 relative volume fraction of UF-lO SiC and SN-Elo Sign with an electrolyte concentration of 10'3 M KNO3 after sedimentation for a) 29 hours, and b) 70 hours. 117 1 1 mt: . . 1" I . ‘1 ‘ 1 r ‘ ' 1‘ l 1 ‘0! "4h ‘1' .- 1‘14”"‘11‘f¥,0"1'09+.‘”\Jf8‘¢’L‘W/’u _ V . . 1 - ._ (a) (b) Figure 36 Sedimentation samples for a two component suspension of 0.5 relative volume fraction of UF-lS SiC and SN-Elo Sign with an electrolyte concentration of 10'3 M KNO3 after sedimentation for a) 23 hours, and b) 64 hours. 118 uneasy; gamma! 1, 1.111.111'11'"'111.~‘.o.u9m. 1‘11' ‘.|1'.uln't|n.. . 1 1:1. 'I‘.|1 1 1 . 111111113111 mm 1111*, .I’It“;..*1;l HI)! (b) Figure 37 Sedimentation samples for a two component suspension of 0.75 relative volume fraction of UF-lO SiC and SN—ElO Sifin with an electrolyte concentration of 10'3 M KNO3 after sedimentation for a) 22 hours, and b) 63 hours. 119 Zeta Potential (mV) rangetested "'4To 11 ‘1' 11 To 4 *4To 11 * 11 To 4 Figure 38 ESA zeta potential measurements for FeAl powder at an electrolyte concentration of 10"3 M 1010,. 120 100 :2. } "Ds . IC< s Zeta Potential (mV) N 0 pH range tested "‘ 4 To 11 + 11 To 4 Figure 39 ESA zeta potential measurements for A1203 fiber at an electrolyte concentration of 10'3 M 1010,. 1E20 . Interactions -.- FeAI/FeAI + FeAI/A1203 s * A1203/A1208 gags? * TOTAL (a) Figure 40 Stability ratio data from the predictive program using the constant potential repulsive equation and BSA zeta potential for FeAl and Algh radii of a) 3.5 and 15.0 microns, b)7.5 and 15.0 microns, and c) 12.5 and 15.0 microns respectively, where: temperature is 25 °C, volume fraction of components is 0.5 and electrolyte concentration is 10‘3 M KNOa. 122 1E10 (b) Figure 40 Cont. Interactions °'- FeAI/FeAI + FeAI/A1203 * A1203/A1208 "' TOTAL 123 1E20 Interactions "' FeAI/FeAl W + FeAl/A1203 * A1203/A1203 "' TOTAL 1 E10 (C) Figure 40 Cont. DISCUSSION The zeta potential data measured in the experimental portion of this investigation were acoustophoretic (ESA) measurements. The values for these measurements on the SiC/Sifih system are found in Figures 17 through 20. For some of the types of powder, the acoustophoretic ESA measurements compare well with the electrophoretic values shown in Figures 12 through 14 and for others there are major differences in the magnitudes of the values. A summary of values for each of the different powders at several pHs for the two different measurement techniques can be found in Table l. The acoustophoretic ESA data for the LS-S and UF-lO Sic are similar in magnitude to the electrophoresis data for pH values greater than 5, while the magnitude of the acoustophoretic ESA data at lower pHs are less. The magnitude of the acoustophoretic ESA data for UF— 15 SiC is much lower than the electrophoretic data for the UF-lO SiC. This discrepancy could be due to the powders not being of the same type, but the chemistry of the two different types of SiC powder is very similar according to the manufacturer and so surface charge generation and zeta potential values would be expected to be similar. Examination of the Sign acoustophoretic ESA data shows a similar behavior, with the magnitude of the acoustophoretic 124 125 Table 1 Zeta potential values at several pHs from acoustophoresis (BSA) and electrophoresis measurements.. pH ESA ESA ESA ESA Electro- Electro- Values LS—S UF-lO UF—lo SN-Elo phoresis. jphoresis UF-lO SN-ElO 4 -10 -14 -2.2 8.0 -34 44 5 -20 -26 -5.5 5.7 -44 29.4 7 -39 —38 -11 -3.5 -54 -24 8.5 -52 -47 —16 -5.8 -58 -38 10 -61 —52 -19 -7.8 -60 ~43 ESA zeta potential data being much lower in magnitude than the values of the electrophoresis data for the same type of Sign powder. Both the UF-15 81C and Sign powder are of a similar small size range. A similar discrepancy between measured acoustophoretic ESA data and electrophoresis data was discussed by James, Hunter, and 0' Brien (79) in testing several different types of alumina powders and UBE SN-ElO Sign. For Sign, these authors showed that if an effective radius was used for the average particle size to calculate the zeta potential with the acoustophoretic ESA technique, the results were found to approximately match the electrophoresis data. The reason was found in Equations [10] through [16]. Equation [10] calculated the zeta potential once the dynamic mobility was found using the measured ESA amplitude to solve Equation [8]. The term 6(a) was the inertial contribution to the dynamic mobility which was dependent upon both the frequency of the acoustic wave and the particle size and was found by solving Equations [11] through [16]. Generally, G(a) was an inverse function of the particle radius. If the radius was underestimated, the inertial contribution Gta) was overestimated, resulting in an underestimation of the zeta potential. James et al. showed calculations where the reported particle size was half of the true particle size, resulting in a 6(a) 1.75 times higher. This indicates that the zeta potential will be reported as 1.75 times smaller in magnitude than it 126 127 should be. Part of the problem in finding the correct particle size to calculate the acoustophoretic ESA zeta potential was that each method used will give different average particle sizes. For example for Sign, the manufacturer reports an average particle radius of 0.25 pm, Crimp reports a BET equivalent spherical radius of 0.06 um (76), James et al. (79) report a particle analyzer mass average radius of 0.275 um and a light scattering radius of 0.55 um. James et al. found the best results using photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS). A major factor responsible for the difference in the particle radius and need for use of an effective radius, was agglomeration of particles into larger sized particles during ESA testing (71). As will be discussed later and can be seen in Figures 30 through 32, SiC agglomerates at low pH values. These were the pH values where the acoustophoretic ESA measurements were slightly lower than the electrophoresis values for LS-S and UF-lO SiC. This agglomeration and the need for an effective particle radius would explain this behavior. Electrophoresis does not "see" the need for an effective particle radius for two reasons. The electrophoresis measurements are carried out at much lower particle volume percents of solids to liquids in the suspension and the electrophoresis values do not require particle size in the calculation of the zeta potential. Figure 21 is the first of the graphs of stability vs. 128 pH from data produced by the predictive program for the SiC/Sifih system. Figure 21(a) is the predictive data found using the constant potential repulsion equation along with electrophoresis data for the LS-S SiC/Sifih system with equal relative component volume fraction in an electrdlyte concentration of 10"3 M at room temperature (ZSWS). Figure 21(b) and (c) are for the same system conditions, but are for UF-lO SiC/Sifih and UF-15 SiC/Sifih, respectively. For all of the stability vs. pH plots, the maximum value plotted for the stability ratio is 1031 due to limitations of the available graphics software. Four different curves were plotted on each graph. The curves represent the different types of interactions which are possiblefor the system. SiC/SiC, SiC/Sifih, and Sigh/Sigh represent the interactions of Sic particles with themselves (Wu), SiC particles with Sign particles(W 12), and Sign particles with themselves (Wu), respectively. The curve for the total interaction represents the total overall particle interaction (WJ. The SiC/SiC curves in Figures 21(a), (b), and (c) are horizontal lines at a value of W equal to 10”. This means that the SiC particles are predicted to be stable with respect to themselves at all pH values from a pH of 4 to 11. the Sigh/Sigh curves for these plots begins at stability values of 1031 at pH 4 to 5, decreasing to lower values for pH 5.5 to 7, and increases to the maximum for pH 7.5 and above. The prediction is then that Sign is stable at low 129 pH values and high pH values, but is unstable for intermediate pH values with respect to itself. The SiC/Sifih curves differ in the three plots of Figure 21. In Figure 21(a) the curve is constant at stability values of about 103 from pH 4 to 8, decreases to a value of less than 1 at pH 8.5, and then increases to values above 10”. This means that the method predicts SiC and Sign particles will be attracted to one another to form agglomerates for pH less than 9 and so instability is predicted in this range. For pH 9 to 10 it is unclear if the stability ratio is large enough to predict stability or partial stability (i.e. where the particles will be stable but only for smaller time periods). The actual stability ratio values which delineate stability from instability or partial stability will have to be determined by application to a real system. For Figures 21(b) and (c), the SiC/Sifin curves are very similar with instability predicted for pH less than 7, partial stability for pH 7, and stability for pH values greater than pH 7. For the three curves plotted in Figure 21 the total stability is predicted to follow closely each of the SiC/Sifin interaction curves with only small shifts in stability values. This would indicate total system instability below pH 9, partial stability from 9 to 10 and stability above pH 10 for the 18-5 SiC/Sifin system and instability below pH 7 with stability above pH 7 for both the UF-lO and UF-lS/Sifih systems. Figure 22 contains 130 plots of computer predicted stability for the same three systems except that the ESA zeta potential data was used instead of the electrophoretic data. All three of the plots predict complete instability of the SiC/Sifih, Sigh/Sigh, and total interactions at all pH values. This is due to the smaller magnitudes reported for the Sign ESA zeta potential data compared to the electrophoresis. Figures 22 (a) and (b) predict instability for the SiC/SiC interactions at low pH values and stability at higher pH values, while Figure 22 (c) predicts instability at all pH values (again this is due to the lower ESA zeta potential values). Figure 23 contains plots of computer predicted stability for the same systems as Figure 21, but uses the constant charge repulsion equation instead of the constant potential equation. Figure 23 (a) predicts SiC/SiC interaction stability for all pH values and Sigh/Sigh stability for pH below 6 and above 6.5. The SiC/Sifih and total interactions are predicted to be unstable below pH 7. Figures 23 (b) and (c) are almost identical predicting SiC/SiC interaction stability for all pH values and Sigh/Sigh stability for pH below 6 and above 6.5. The SiC/Sifih and total interactions are predicted to be stable below pH 6.5. Figure 24 (a) through (0) are plots of the potential energy of interaction versus particle separation distance for each of the 15 pH values for which data was calculated 131 for the LS-5 SiC/Sifih system with equal relative component volume fraction in an electrolyte of concentration 10‘”3 at room temperature (corresponds to stability data in Figure 21 (a)). In the figures the higher the maximum repulsive peak, the larger the barrier to agglomeration, the higher the corresponding stability ratio will be in Figure 21 (a). An example of this can be seen for the Sigh/Sigh interaction. Figure 24 (f) shows the potential energy at pH 6.5 for this interaction. This curve is the middle curve of the three and is shown as barely reaching a positive potential value and corresponds to a low stability value in Figure 21 (a). Figure 24 (j) shows the potential energy at pH 8.5 for this interaction. This curve is the middle curve of the three and is shown as reaching a positive potential peak of approximately 100 kT or so and corresponds to a stability value in Figure 21 (a) which indicates stability. These figures illustrate an advantage of the stability prediction theory used in this investigation over methods which simply look at the interparticle potential curves. Instead of using one figure (e.g. Figure 21 (a)) to predict the system stability over a pH range, as in this theory, it would be necessary to look at a plot of potential verses separation for each pH in the pH range (e.g. the 15 plots in Figure 24) in order to use the interaction energy versus separation to predict stability. The plots in Figure 25 are for data from the predictive 132 program using the constant potential repulsion equation and electrophoresis data for the three main two-component systems with equal relative volume fraction as in Figure 21, but with an electrolyte concentration of 104 M. The curves predict instability for SiC/SiC interactions at pH below 7.5 and below 8.5 or 9 for Sigh/Sigh interactions. For the SiC/Sifin and total interactions instability is predicted for all pH values for the LS-S SiC/Sifih system and for pH below 10 and 9 for the UF-lo and UF-lS SiC/Sifih systems, respectively. The plots in Figure 26 are the same as in Figure 25, but with an electrolyte concentration of 10"5 M. For each of the three systems shown, stability is predicted for the SiC/SiC interaction for pH above 5 and for the Sign interaction stability is predicted for pH below 5.5 or above 7.5. The SiC/Sifih and total interactions are different for each of the three systems. For the LS-S SiC/Sifih system, the method predicts instability at all pHs. For the UF-lo SiC/Sifih system, instability is predicted for all pHs below 10.5, while for the UF-lS SiC/Sifih system, instability is predicted for all pHs below 8. The method predicts changes in stability behavior with changes in the electrolyte concentration. This is expected since variations in electrolyte concentration will change the size of the repulsive double layer as was discussed earlier. An increase in electrolyte concentration reduces the double 133 layer size since the ion concentration reaches the bulk value in a shorter distance from the particle surface. Increasing the electrolyte concentration fromlO"3 M to 10'2 M reduced the predicted stability behavior which is seen by comparing the plots of Figure 21 and Figure 25. The effect of variations in the relative volume fraction of components on the total overall stability is shown in Figure 27. The conditions chosen to show the variation were for systems in which there was the largest difference between the stability behavior for Sic and Sign. Therefore, the largest changes in the total stability should be seen for these systems. All three systems show that for these conditions the method does not predict much change in the total overall stability of each system for different relative volume fractions. The effect of temperature on the total overall stability is shown in Figure 28. Figure 28 (a) shows the total overall stability for room temperature and room temperature +/- 5W3. This figure shows that stability is predicted to barely change for the temperature range of normal laboratory temperature fluctuations. Figure 28 (b) shows the total overall stability for much larger temperature changes. Even the large variations in temperature show little change in predicted stability except at pH 7 where the stability might change from complete stability to partial stability for a temperature increase of 134 50°C. A plot of the log of the stability ratio versus pH shows all curves as being almost identical except for the (PC curve which is shifted to the left of the other curves by about a half a pH unit. This indicates that processing in an ice bath or similar low temperature environment, would allow for stability at a half a pH lower than if the processing was done at room temperature. This could be an important processing aid for systems in which components are soluble at high pH or have surface groups which are unstable at high pH as is the case for Sign (70). Figure 29 shows the effect on the predicted stability from variations in the input Hamaker constants of plus or minus 10% for SiC and/or 519%. This was done because the values for the Hamaker constants vary depending on the :method (i.e. microscopic method Equation [2] or macrosc0pic method of Equation [3]) used to calculate them. Figure 29 Jnittle change in the overall stability predicted even for ‘raariations as large as a 10% increase in one and a 10% ciaacrease in the other input Hamaker constant. This means that the predictions are not strongly sensitive to the a<'=curacy of the Hamaker constants input. To verify the stability predictions, sedimentation experiments were performed. With the small size and similar a'3'F>']g.'>earance of all the powders upon dispersion, it was not DQassible to identify any heterocoagulation between SiC and Esii~3N,. For future investigations the heterocoagulation I Ira“ Uni. . :':e u ._.... out a I‘~' bod e'u D‘l' :hn r, (f) b 5“ EV‘ In I’ I) s Q‘- ll t, A n 1 h 1 5". 135 predictions could be examined using SEM or TEM studies. In the current investigation, single component sedimentation experiments were performed along with the two component systems tested so that the each of the SiC/SiC and Sigh/Sigh interactions could be known experimentally along with the total overall stability for the two component systems. The sedimentation of each of these single and two component systems at varying time intervals can be seen in Figures 30 through 37. The reason sedimentation experiments indicate the agglomeration state and stability for a system results from the fact that as agglomerates form, the sizes of these agglomerates are larger than the single particle. The more agglomeration that takes place larger the agglomerates (The larger a particle or agglomerate becomes the become. ’ Factors Inore gravity affects it and the quicker it falls.' uthich indicate the degree of agglomeration are sedimentation sedimentation height and whether the liquid above the rate, If the sedimentation level is clear or cloudy (80). £3edimentation height is small, the system is strongly cOagulated. Larger sedimentation heights with clear liquid ak><3ve the sedimentation show a partially stable suspension and suspensions which remain cloudy above any sedimentation 11Qight show stable suspensions (70). Figure 30 shows the sedimentation behavior for LS-S SiC At a time of 21 hours, the suspension is by itself. 136 unstable below pH 5.5, partially stable at pH 6.0, and stable for all higher pH values. At 73 hours, the same stability is shown. Figure 31 shows the stability of UF-lO SiC. At 21 hours the UF—lO is unstable for pH values less than 6 and stable for values of 6 or greater. After 119 hours, the UFélo is unstable for pH less than 6, is partially stable for pH 6 and 6.5, and stable for higher pHs. Figure 32 shows the stability for UF-15 SiC. At 20 hours, the UF-lS is unstable for pHs less than 6, partially stable for pH 6, and stable for values of greater than 6. After 118 hours, the UF-lS is unstable for pH 6 or less, is partially stable for pH 6.5, and stable for higher pH values. Figure 33 shows the stability for SN-Elo Sign. At 24 hours, the SN-ElO is stable for pH less than 5, unstable for pH 5 to 8, partially stable for pH 8.5, and stable for thalues greater than 8.5. At 48 hours, the SN-Elo is stable for pH less than 5, unstable for a pH 5 to 8.5, partially stable for pH 9 and 9.5, and stable for values greater than £3 -5. At 146 hours, the SN-ElO is stable for pH less than 5, ‘tllfistable for a pH 5 to 9, partially stable for pH 9.5 and :1-C). and stable for values greater than 10.0. For the two component systems of LS-S SiC/Sigh in {63‘3Dual volume fractions Figure 34 shows the total stability. .ZK1:. 72 hours, the system is unstable for pH less than 7.5, I>a-zc'tially stable for pH 7.5 and 8, and stable for pH greater t:]blan 8. For the UF-10 SiC/Sifih in equal volume fractions, 137 Figure 35 shows the total stability. At 29 hours, the system is unstable for pH less than 7, partially stable for pH 7, and stable for pH greater than 7. At 70 hours, the system is unstable for pH less than 7, partially stable for pH 7 to 8.5, and stable for pH greater than 8.5. For the UF-lS SiC/Sifih in equal volume fractions, Figure 36 shows the total stability. At 23 hours, the system is unstable for pH less than 7, partially stable for pH 7 to 8, and stable for pH greater than 8. At 64 hours, the system is unstable for pH less than 7, partially stable for pH 7 to 8.5, and stable for pH greater than 8.5. For the 0.75 v% UF-lO SiC/0.25 v% Sign Figure 37 shows the total stability. At 22 hours, the system is unstable for pH less than 6, partially stable for pH 6 and 6.5, and stable for pH greater than 7. At 63 hours, the system is unstable for pH less than 6.5, partially stable for pH 6.5 to 7.5, and stable for F”! greater than 7.5. The prediction for LS-5 and UF-lO SiC using the a<=c>ustophoretic ESA data and the constant potential reF>ulsion equation predicts the change from partial stability to stability to occur for pH 5 to 5.5 and 5.5 to 6' respectively. The single component sedimentation e’"E>eriments for these powders at 21 hours show this transition to be at 5.5 to 6 for both of the powder types. The prediction for the SiaN, using the acoustophoretic ESA data and the constant potential equation predicts stability g 138 for pH less than 5.5 and greater than 7. The single component sedimentation experiment for Sign shows stability of less than 5 and greater than 8.5. This prediction is close for the lower pH range, but while the program did predict the second stability range, it was not very close as to where this range began. For the total overall stability of the LS-5 SiC/Sifih system with the constant potential repulsion equation and zeta potential data used for prediction, a stability prediction determines the suspension to be unstable below pH 9 and partially stable at 9 to 10 and stable for pH above 10. The sedimentation results after 72 hours for this system indicate a stable suspension below 8.5 and stable at 8.5 and above. For the total overall stability of the UF-lO SiC/Sifin system with the constant potential repulsion equation and zeta potential data used for prediction, a Stamfility prediction determines the suspension to be unstable below pH 7 and partially stable at 7 and stable for pH above 7. The sedimentation results after 29 hours for this system indicate a stable suspension below 7 and stlable at 7.5 and above. Some of the results can be seen as quite encouraging, butwith the acoustophoretic ESA data not being correct for SisN‘I or UF-15 SiC, much of the accuracy of the predictions is decreased. This points out how necessary accurate zeta potential measurements are. For future work with the 139 program, acoustophoretic ESA zeta potential data need to be taken using an effective particle radius. The FeAl zeta potential curves are shown in Figure 38. The zeta potential data curves are relatively flat over the pH range. Shaw (15) shows a zeta potential curve for latex particles-which is also fairly flat over the pH range. The flatness of the curve indicates one of two things. Either hydrogen and hydroxyl ions are not the potential determining ions for FeAl or there are competing charge generation mechanisms. The charge generation mechanism is unknown, but could be a variety of different mechanisms such as various corrosion reactions or hydroxylation reactions. This points to another advantage of this prediction method. From a purely processing standpoint, a prediction of the stability for this system can be made with accurate zeta potential data without knowing the charge mechanisms, although from a «scientific standpoint the it would be desirable to know the Charge mechanisms. The ESA zeta potential data for the alumina fibers are 53110wn in Figure 39. The magnitude of the values are similar t3<> values reported by James et al. (79) for alumina powder aind an i.e.p. that is similar to that shown by James et al. (779). However, the shapes of the curves differ. -This is probably due to the authors taking approximately ten data I>Chints and then drawing a best fit curve through them. The data scatter of the ESA zeta potential data is probably due 140 to the large distribution of fiber lengths as can be seen in the SEM photograph in Figure 61. To improve the acoustophoretic ESA data, a better method for shortening the fibers is needed. The stability prediction curves in Figure 40 show complete instability of FeAl. Observation of the FeAl suspensions made in this investigation show this not to be true. This poor prediction is due to the use of an inaccurate average particle radius in calculating the ESA zeta potential. An improved method for finding an effective particle radius is needed. If it is assumed that correct particle size would shift the stability up, it would follow that the FeAl would be stable for all pH values, although there might be instability above a pH of 9 where the acoustophoretic ESA curve dips slightly. The stability for alumina is predicted to be stable for PH under 6.5 to 7 or above 10.5 or 11. The FeAl/alumina irrteraction is shown to be stable for the whole pH range, 1311t if the FeAl stability curve were shifted up, the IEsau/alumina curve would be also. The curve is at a maximum Eit: pH 7 and drops off for higher and lower values of pH. ”Erie ideal pH for processing this composite system would be ‘Vllere the FeAl/FeAl and alumina/alumina interactions would IDG! stable, but the FeAl/alumina interaction would be unStable so that the matrix and fiber are attracted to each other. This would occur at pH 5 or 6. If after initial 141 mixing of the composite at pH 5 to allow for a uniform distribution of FeAl and alumina fibers the pH was increased to 8, in order to induce total coagulation of the system, so differential settling of the composite components could be reduced or eliminated. CONCLUSIONS Due to the importance of using both stable and agglomerated suspensions in ceramic processing along with the increasing use of ceramic processing for multicomponent and composite systems, a method for predicting the stability of multicomponent colloidal suspensions at different pH values was developed from a method originated by Hogg, Healy, and Fuerstenau (53). A computer program was written to perform the calculations required in using this method. Material and system data such as particle radii, relative volume fraction of components, monatomic electrolyte concentration, Hamaker constants, and zeta potential versus pH measurements were input into the computer program. The stability ratio versus pH data was output by the program into ASCII files for plotting using graphics software. The SiC/Sifih system was investigated in detail using tMJth electrophoresis and electroacoustic zeta potential data. The method was used to make general predictions to be <3C>rnpared with actual stability experiments, and to show the efzfect of relative volume fraction of components, tamperature and the accuracy of the Hamaker values on the IDImedicted stability. The regions of stability predicted by the method were found to be within a half a pH in some in3tances. However, the predictions were found to be strongly dependent‘upon the accuracy of the electroacoustic 142 143 zeta potential measurement data. Problems with these data were discovered and found to be the result of the particle sizetdarta which were used to calculate the electroacoustic zeta potential from the measured dynamic mobilities. Contrary to what was intuitively expected, the predicted total (sverall stability was found to be only slightly changeg<3 for different relative volume fractions of Components. This was also shown for actual stability in the sedimentation results for a SiC/Si3N, system with.0.75 relatlisve volume fraction of Sic. The prediction method was ShowTi .not to be dependent on the precision of the Hamaker constant values‘used for stability calculations nor upon the System temperature. The stability prediction method was also applied to a FeAl /A1203 fiber composite system. The method was used to determine the pH where the processing conditions would be idteal. The ideal composite processing would have the fiber COated by the matrix while having the fiber and the matrix ‘stable enough to form a uniform distribution of fiber within the matrix. This would occur at the pH where the fiber and Inatrix were attracted to each other and agglomerated tlogether while the fiber and the matrix were individually stable with respect to themselves. The method predicted t:llat the ideal pH where this would occur would be 5 and that ii subsequent increase to pH 8 would then prevent qifferential settling of the fiber and powder. 144 In general, future investigations should include: 1) electroacoustic ESA data collected using effective particle radius versus pH data, 2) should use the log of the Stability ratio to better indicate stability, 3) should have the heterocoagulation predictions investigated through SEM or TEM studies, and 4) should try to better determine at which values of the stability ratio suspensions become stable - For the FeAl/A1203 fiber system, future investigations should include 1) the general recommendations listed above, 2) a better method for shortening the fibers f°r the electroacoustic ESA measurements, and 3) determination of the surface chemistry of FeAl. APPEDIX A Derivatidn relating n.to particle radii and relative component volume fraction. 145 In the HHF method n is the overall number of particles of component 1 in the system. In other words n is the ratio of the total number of type 1 particles to the.total number of all particles in the system: 11g -——————w [A1] amn+1mg n: This was deemed as quite impracticle from an experimental viewpoint. In real experimental systems variables which are known include the particle radii (r3 and rs) and the relative volume fraction of component 1 (RVFCfi: IWQ ______.. [A2] QWQ+IW§ RVFC1= Since the method beibg used assumes spherically shaped particles and the particle radii are known, the volume of an individual particle i is: V1=-§1tr13. [A31 The total volume of all particles of type i is then: TV1=1N1V1=-§xm1r13. [A41 JEquation [A2] for component 1 then becomes: 4 ml '5- “El, ml-gnrlhma-‘ler,’ RVFC1= [A51 Trhis simplifies to: 146 133 RVFC =TN . 1 1 m1r13+m2r23 Now if Equation [A1] is solved for TN}, the result is: TN nth—1 —m1=m1(l -1) . n n Substituting Equation [A7] into [A6] results in: TTQLf m1r13+ [1156-1) ] :23 RVFq: which can be simplified to: flagrf . 7N1[r13+(%-1)r33] raw-'01: The equation then becomes: I 3 RVFC1= 1 113+(%-1)r,3 Solving this equation for n through simple algebra: 1 r13(1-RVFC1) +1 rzz‘RVFC1 [A6] [A7] [A8] [A9] [A10] [A11] APPENDIX B List files of the computer program STABILITY PREDICTION and its subroutines. 147 Microsoft FORTRAN Optimizing Compiler Version 5.00.03 Line# OQQOSU'IOMNH Source Line CCCCC ccccc ccccc ccccc ccccc ccccc ccccc ccccc ccccc ccccc ccccc ccccc ccccc ccccc ccccc ccccc ccccc ccccc ccccc ccccc ccccc ccccc cccCc ccccc ccccc ccccc ccccc ccccc ccccc ccccc PROGRAM STABILITY PREDICTION REV. 06-22-92 IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER CODE*6 CHARACTER ZPQ*1,FLDIR*7 INTEGER L,NZP1,NZP2 INTEGER*2 CDATE,STIME,FTIME DIMENSION CDATE (3) , STIME (4) , FTIME (4) REAL APR,PHCZI,N,AHP,PHSS,SPH,FPH,PH,AHM,TAH REAL ZPPHl,ZPDP1,ZPPH2,ZPDP2,CONCL,TEMP,V REAL*8 WOO,WOT,WTT,WT DIMENSION PHCZI(2), AHP(2), DIMENSION APR(2) DIMENSION ZPPH1(200), ZPDP1(200), DIMENSION ZPPH2(200), ZPDP2(200) DIMENSION WOO(200),WOT(200),WTT(200),TAH(2:4) WT(200), PH(200), N= OVERALL PROPORTION OF PARTICLES OF COMPONENT ONE IN SYSTEM V= VOLUME PERCENT OF COMPONENT ONE IN SYSTEM APR= ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS (ARRAY VARIABLE) PHCZI= PH OF ZERO-POINT-OF-CHARGE (ARRAY VARIABLE) HAMAKER CONSTANT OF PARTICLE ‘VARIABLE)(J) AHM= HAMAKER CONSTANT OF MEDIUM(J) TAH= TOTAL HAMAKER CONSTANT(J) TAH(2)=A131 TAH(3)=A132 TAH (4) =A232 TEMP=TEMPERATURE OF SYSTEM (deg. C) SPH= STARTING PH FPH FINISHING PH PHSS= PH STEP SIZE MSS= MINIMUM STEP SIZE FLNAME= NAME OF FILE DATA WILL BE STORED IN FLDIR=NAME OF DIRECTORY DATA FILE IS STORED IN CICS= CORRECT INPUT CHARACTER STRING CI= CORRECT INPUT ANSWER VARIABLE RICS= READ INPUT CHARACTER STRING WOO,WOT,WTT=INVERSE OF THE PROBABILITY THAT A GIVEN PARTICLE COLLISION LEADS TO ADHESION WT=OVERALL STABILITY RATIO PH=PH COORESPONDING TO AN OVERALL STABILITY RATIO VALUE AHP= (ARRAY 148 Source Line CCCCC ZPQ=ZETA POTENTIAL QUESTION VARIABLE CCCCC (’Z’=ZETA POTENTIAL DATA USED FOR CCCCC CALCULATIONS) CCCCC ('P’=POINT-OF-ZERO-CHARGE DATA USED FOR CCCCC CALCULATIONS) CCCCC NZP=NUMBER OF ZETA POTENTIAL DATA POINTS CCCCC ZPDP=ZETA.POTENTIAL DATA.POINT (ARRAY VARIABLE) CCCCC ZPPH=COORESPONDING ZETA POTENTIAL PH (ARRAY CCCCC VARIABLE) CCCCC CONCL=CONCENTRATION OF 1-1 ELECTROLYTE IN SYSTEM CCCCC (MOLE/L) CCCCC L=INTERGER USED AS A COUNTER FOR DO LOOPS CCCCC CDATE=CURRENT DATE CCCCC STIME=STARTIMG TIME OF RUN CCCCC FTIME=FINISHING TIME OF RUN 10 OPEN(14,FILE='FLEINPUT.DAT’,STATUS=’OLD’) CCC GETTING SYSTEM DATA PROM c FILE 20 CALL FDATA INPUT (v, APR, PHCZI, AHP, AHM, SPH, & FPH, PHSS, ZPQ, NZPl, NZP2,ZPPH1, ZPDPl, ZPPHZ, ZPDPZ, CONCL, FLDIR, TEMP) CC GETTING CURRENT DATE AND C PROGRAM RUN STARTING TIME--- 30 CALL GETDAT (CDATE(1),CDATE(2),CDATE(3)) 40 CALL GETTIM (STIME(l), STIME(Z), STIME(3), & STIME(4)) CCC CALCULATING TOTAL HAMAKER C CONSTANT 50 TAH(2)=(SQRT(AHP(1)) - SQRT(AHM)) * (SQRT(AHP(1)) — SQRT(AHM)) 60 TAH(3)=(SQRT(AHP(1)) - SQRT(AHM)) * (SQRT(AHP(2)) - SQRT(AHM)) 7o TAH(4)=(SQRT(AHP(2)) - SQRT(AHM)) * (SQRT(AHP(2)) - SQRT(AHM)) CCC INITIALIZING WT & PH VALUES TO C ZERO 80 DO 140 L=1,200,1 90 WT(L) = 0.0 100 PH(L) = 0.0 110 WOO(L)=0.0 120 WOT(L)=0.0 130 WTT(L)=0.0 140 CONTINUE 149 Source Line CALCULATING WT & PH VALUES FOR SPECIFIED PH RANGE & STEP SIZE ----- IF (ZPQ.EQ.’P’) THEN CALL CALCPZC(V, APR, PHCZI, TAH, SPH, FPH, & PHSS, WT, PH, CONCL, WOO, WOT, WTT, FLDIR, & TEMP) ELSE CALL CALCZP(V, APR, TAH, ZPDPl, ZPPHl, ZPPHZ, & ZPDPZ, SPH, FPH, PHSS, WT, PH, CONCL, NZPl, & NZPZ, WOO, WOT, WTT, FLDIR, TEMP) A END IF GETTING PROGRAM RUN FINISHING TIME CALL GETTIM (FTIME(1), FTIME(Z), FTIME(3), & FTIME(4)) STORING INPUT & CALCULATED DATA CALL DATA STORAGE (N, APR, ZPQ, AHM, AHP, PHCZI, & NZPl, NZPZ, ZPPHl, ZPDPl, ZPPHZ, ZPDPZ, WT, PH, & CONCL, WOO, WOT, WTT, CDATE, STIME, FTIME,TEMP) CLOSE(14) FORMATTING READ STATEMENTS---- Line# 83 CCC C 84 C 85 150 86 160 87 88 170 89 180 90 91 190 92 93 (x: C 94 200 95 96 CCC C 97 210 98 99 100 220 101 102 CCC 103 800 104 105 998 106 999 main Local Name PH. . . . . STIME . . . L . . . . . N . . . . . V . . . . . .AHM . . . . .AHP . . . . CODE. . . . 'TAH . . . . FPH . . . . CDATE . JAPR . FORMAT (A1) STOP END Symbols Class Type Size Offset . . . . local REAL*4 800 0000 . . . . . local INTEGER*2 8 0002 . . . . local INTEGER*4 4 000a . . . . . local REAL*4 4 000e . . . . . local REAL*4 4 0012 . . . . . . local REAL*4 4 0016 . . . . . local REAL*4 8 001a . . . . . . local CHAR*6 6 0022 . . . . . . local REAL*4 12 0028 . . . . . . . local REAL*4 4 0034 . . . local INTEGER*2 6 0038 . . . local REAL*4 8 003a . . . . local INTEGER*4 4 0046 150 main Local Symbols Name Class Type Size NZPZ. . . . . local INTEGER*4 4 SPH . . . . . local REAL*4 4 CONCL . . . . . local REAL*4 4 FLDIR . . . . local CHAR*7 7 FTIME . . . . local INTEGER*Z 8 TEMP. . . . . local REAL*4 4 ZPQ . . . . local CHAR*1 1 PHSS. . . . local REAL*4 4 PHCZI . . local REAL*4 8 WT. . . . local REAL*8 1600 ZPDPl . local REAL*4 800 ZPDPZ . local REAL*4 800 ZPPHI . local REAL*4 800 ZPPHZ . local REAL*4 800 WOO . local REAL*8 1600 WOT . local REAL*8 1600 WTT . local REAL*8 1600 Global Symbols Name Class Type Size CALCPZC . . . . extern *** *** CALCZP. . . . . . . . . . extern *** *** DATASTORAGE . . . . . . . extern *** *** FDATAINPUT. . . . . extern *** *** GETDAT. . . . . . . . . . extern *** *** GETTIM. . . . . . . . . . extern *** *** main. . . . . . . . . . . FSUBRT *** *** Code size = 044b (1099) Data size = 002b (43) Bss size = 0078 (120) No errors detected Offset 004a 004e 0052 0056 005e 0066 006a 006C 0070 0320 0960 0c80 0fa0 12c0 15e0 1c20 2260 Offset *** *** *** *** *** *** 0000 Line# \OGQQUMbw NH 151 Microsoft FORTRAN Optimizing Compiler Version 5.00.03 Source Line SUBROUTINE FDATA INPUT (N, APR, PHCZI, AHP, AHM, & SPH, FPH, PHSS, ZPQ, NZPl, NZPZ, ZPPHl, ZPDPl, ZPPHZ, & ZPDP2, CONCL, FLDIR, TEMP) SUBROUTINE TO READ IN SYSTEM DATA FROM A DATA FILE ----- REAL N,APR, PHCZI,AHP,AHM, SPH, FPH, PHSS,TEMP REAL ZPDPl , ZPPHl , ZPDP2, ZPPHZ, CONCL, SPHL, FPHL DIMENSION PHCZI (2) ,AHP (2) ,APR(2) , ZPDPl (200) DIMENSION , ZPPHl (200) , ZPPHZ (200) , ZPDPZ (200) DETERMINING PH RANGE FOR Z.P. DATA CCCCC REV. 05-03-92 CCC CC IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER ZPQ*1,FLDIR*7 INTEGER I,NZP1,NZP2 CCCCC MSS=MINIMUM STEP SIZE 10 READ (14,800)TEMP 20 READ (14,805)N 30 READ(14,810)CONCL 40 READ(14,815)APR(1) 50 READ(14,815)APR(2) 60 READ(14,820)ZPQ 70 IF (ZPQ.EQ.’P’)THEN 80 READ(14,825)PHCZI(1) 90 READ(14,825)PHCZI(2) 100 READ(14,830)SPH 110 READ(14,830)FPH 120 READ(14,835)PHSS 13o ELSE IF (ZPQ.EQ.’Z') THEN 14o READ(14,840)NZP1 150 D0 180 I=1,NZP1,1 160 READ(14,830)ZPPH1(I) 17o READ(14,845)ZPDP1(I) 180 CONTINUE 19o READ(14,840)NZP2 200 DO 230 I=1,NZP2,1 210 READ(14,830)ZPPH2(I) 22o READ(14,845)ZPDP2(I) 230 CONTINUE c C 240 IF (ZPPH1(1).LE.ZPPH2(1))THEN 250 SPHL=ZPPH2(1) 260 ELSE 27o SPHL=ZPPH1(1) FDATAINPUT Local Symbols Name TEMP. FLDIR . CONCL . ZPDPZ ZPPHZ . ZPDPl ZPPHl Source Line 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 CCC END IF IF (ZPPH1(NZP1).GE.ZPPH2(NZP2))THEN FPHL=ZPPH2(NZP2) ELSE 152 FPHL=ZPPH1(NZP1) END IF READ(14,830)SPH READ(14,830)FPH READ(14,835)PHSS END IF READ(14, 850)AHM READ(14, 850)AHP (1) READ(14, 850)AHP (2) IF (ZPQ.NE.’P'.AND.SPH.LT.SPHL)THEN SPH=SPHL ELSE IF (ZPQ.NE.’P’.AND.FPH.GT.FPHL)THEN FPH=FPHL END IF READ(14,855)FLDIR 800 805 810 815 820 825 830 835 840 845 850 855 998 999 FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT (F4. (F4 (F7 (F7. FORMAT (Al) FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT RETURN END (F5. (F5. (F5. (12) 1) .3) .5) 1) (F4.1) (E10.2) (A7) Class . param . param param param . param . param . param FORMAT ING READ STATEMENTS---- Type Size Offset 0006 000a 000e 0012 0016 001a 001e 153 FDATAINPUT Local Symbols Name Class Type Size Offset NZP2. . param 0022 NZPl. . param 0026 ZPQ . . . param 002a PHSS. . param 002e FPH . . . param 0032 SPH . . param 0036 AHM . . . param 003a AHP . . param 003e PHCZI param 0042 APR . param 0046 N . . . param 004a I . . local INTEGER*4 4 0002 FPHL. local REAL*4 4 0006 SPHL. local REAL*4 4 000a Global Symbols Name Class Type Size Offset FDATAINPUT . . FSUBRT *** *** 0000 Code size = 04a1 (1185) Data size = 00f7 (247) Bss size = 000e (14) No errors detected Linef HrAPJH Lunawwauaa) ~Joun¢>u> eova H b 15 154 Microsoft FORTRAN Optimizing Compiler Version 5.00.03 Source Line SUBROUTINE CALCPZC (V, APR, PHCZI, TAH, SPH, & FPH, PHSS, WT, PH, CONCL, WOO, WOT, WTT, FLDIR, & TEMP) CCCCC REV. 06-22-92 CCC SUBPROGRAM TO CALCULATE C OVERALL STABILITY RATIO USING C POINT-OF-ZERO-CHARGE DATA IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER FLDIR*7 INTEGER L, K, ONE, TWO, IPHC, IWIDTH MAL*8 WT, WOO, WOT, WTT, OOWL Az ,AZN,AZP REAL N, APR, PHCZI, SPH, FPH, PHSS, PH, CONCL, REAL HOA, HOR, APRC, TEMPK, v, OON REAL CPH, PSI, RPHC, DELTPH, TAH, KRL, TEMP, DIMENSION PH(200), WT(200), APR(2), PHCZI(2), DIMENSION PSI(2), APRC(2) DIMENSION WOO(200),WOT(200),WTT(200),TAH(2:4) CCCCC OOWT=ONE OVER WT CCCCC CPH=CURRENT PH CCCCC RPHC=REAL VARIABLE PH COUNTER(FOR DO LOOP) CCCCC IPHC=INTEGER VARIABLE PH COUNTER(FOR DO LOOP) CCCCC PSI=SURFACE POTENTIAL CALCULATED FROM CCCCC POINT-OF-ZERO-CHARGE (V) CCCCC HOA=MINIMUM PARTICLE SEPERATION FOR ATTRACTIVE CCCCC TERMS(M) CCCCC HOR=MINIMUM SEPERATION FOR REPULSIVE TERMS(M) CCCCC TEMPK=TEMPERATURE OF SYSTEM IN DEGREES KELVIN CCCCC IWIDTH=WIDTH OF INTERAGER K (1 DIGIT,2 DIGITS, CCCCC ETC.) CCCCC DELTPH=CHANGE IN PH FROM FINISHING PH AND CCCCC STARTING PH CCCCC KRL=REAL VARIABLE REPULSION OF VARIABLE K CCCCC K=INTEGER VARIABLE USED AS A COUNTER FOR DO LOOP CCCCC WHICH CALCULATES OVERALL STABILITY AT EACH CCCCC SPECIFIED PH CCCCC L=INTEGER USED AS COUNTER.FOR VARIOUS DO LOOPS CCCCC ONE=INTEGER VARIABLE EQUAL TO ONE CCCCC TWO=INTEGER VARIABLE EQUAL TO TWO CCCCC AZ=VARIABLE REPRESENTING ALMOST ZERO (1 . 0E-309) CCCCC AZP=POSITIVE VALUE OF AZ USED TO PREVENT AN CCCCC INVERSE FROM GOING TO INFINITY WHICH CAUSES CCCCC A MATH OVERFLOW ERROR RESULTING IN PROGRAM CCCCC TERMINATION CCCCC AZN=NEGATIVE VALUE OF AZ USED AS AZP IS 155 (PHCZI (L) 'CPH) CCCCC APRC=ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS CUBED CCCCC OON=ONE OVER N CCCCC WKO=SUBROUTINE TO CALCULATE W VALUES IF K IS 1 CCCCC DIGIT IN LENGTH CCCCC WKTW=SUBROUTINE CALCULATING W VALUES IF K IS 2 CCCCC DIGITS LONG CCCCC WKTH=SUBROUTINE CALCULATING W VALUES IF K IS 3 CCCCC DIGITS IN LENGTH 1 0 TEMPK=TEMP+273 . 2 20 ONE=1 30 TWO=2 CCC CALCULATING VALUES FOR C AZP,AZN 40 AZ=1 . 0E-25 50 DO 70 K=l,11,l 60 AZ=AZ/1 . 0E25 70 CONTINUE 80 AZP=AZ/l.0E9 90 AZN=-1 . 0 *AZP CC CONVERTING PH COUNTER TO C INTEGER VARIABLE 100 DELTPH = FPH-SPH 110 IF (PHSS.EQ.0.0 .OR. DELTPH.EQ.0.0)THEN 120 IPHC=1 130 ELSE 140 RPHC = (FPH-SPH) /PHSS 150 IPHC = NINT(RPHC) 160 IPHC = IPHC + 1 170 END IF CC CALCULATING N FROM V 180 APRC(1) = APR(1)**3 190 APRC(Z) = APR(2)**3 200 OON = ((APRC(1))-(V*APRC(1)))/(V*APRC(2)) 210 OON = OON + 1.00 220 N = 1.00/OON CC INITIALIZING CURRENT PH ------- 230 CPH = SPH CC CALCULATING OVERALL STABILITY C RATIO FOR SPECIFIED PH RANGE C & STEP SIZE 240 D0 530 K=1, IPHC,1 250 KRL=REAL(K) 260 IWIDTH=INT (LOG10 (KRL) +1) C CALCULATING POTENTIAL,PSI,FOR C THE TWO DIFFERENT PARTICES C FOR CURRENT PH 270 DO 290 L=1,2,1 280 PSI(L)=(8.6205E-5)*(TEMPK)*(2.3026)* 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 156 Source Line 29o CONTINUE C SETTING MINIMUM PARTICLE C SURFACE C SEPERATION FOR VA & VR C CALCULATIONS 300 HOR = 1.08-10 310 HOA = 0.0 CC FINDING VARIOUS (INVERSE) C PROBABILITIES OF PARTICLE C COLLISION & ADHESION FOR C COLLISION OF TWO PARTICLES C OF TYPE #1 320 IF(IWIDTH.EQ.1)THEN 330 CALL WKO(K, WOO, WOT, WTT, APR, TAH, PSI, & CONCL, HOA, HOR, CPH, FLDIR, TEMPK) 34o ELSE IF(IWIDTH.EQ.2)THEN 350 CALL WKTW(K, woo, WOT, WTT, APR, TAH, PSI, & CONCL, HOA, HOR, CPH, FLDIR, TEMPK) 360 ELSE IF(IWIDTH.EQ.3)THEN 37o CALL WKTH(K, WOO, WOT, WTT, APR, TAH, PSI, & CONCL, HOA, HOR, CPH, FLDIR, TEMPK) 380 END IF CC FINDING THE OVERALL STABILITY C RATIO AT CURRENT PH C MAKING SURE INVERSES WILL NOT C GO TO INFINITY so A.MATH C OVERFLOW ERROR DOES NOT c RESULT IN PROGRAM C TERMINATION 39o IF(WOO(K).LE.A2P .AND. WOO(K).GE.AZN)THEN 400 WT(K)=WOO(K) 410 ELSE IF(WOT(K).LE.AZP .AND. WOT(K).GE.AZN) THEN 420 WT(K)=WOT(K) 430 ELSE IF(WTT(K).LE.A2P .AND. WTT(K).GE.AZN) THEN ACTUALLY CALCULATING OVERALL STABILITY OOWT=OOWT+((1.0-N)*(1.0-N)/WTT(K)) OOWT=OOWT+(2.0*N*(1.0-N)/WOT(K)) 440 WT(K)=WTT(K) C C 450 ELSE 460 OOWT = (N*N/WOO(K)) 470 480 490 WT(K)=1.0/OOWT 500 END IF Line# 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 CALCPZC Name TEMP. FLDIR . WTT . WOT . WOO . . CONCL . PH. . WT. . PHSS. FPH . SPH . TAH . PHCZI APR . . V . . . TEMPK . DELTPH. OOWT. . IWIDTH. K . . L . N . HOA CPH AZ. ONE . IPHC. .APRC. . KRL . . HOR,, 157 Source Line CC SETTING COORESPONDING PH VALUE C FOR WT (K) 510 PH(K)=CPH CC SETTING NEW CURRENT PH C VALUE 520 CPH = CPH + PHSS 530 CONTINUE CC RETURNING WT & PH VALUES TO C MAIN PROGRAM ----- CCCCCCCC 998 RETURN 999 END Local Symbols Class Type Size Offset . . param 0006 . . param 000a . . param 000e . . . param 0012 . . . param 0016 . . param 001a . . param 001e . . param 0022 . . . . param 0026 . . . . param 002a . . . . param 002e . . . . param 0032 . . . . param 0036 . . . . param 003a . . . . param 003e . . . local REAL*4 4 0000 . . . local REAL*4 4 0004 . . . local REAL*8 8 0008 . . local INTEGER*4 4 0010 . . local INTEGER*4 4 0014 . . local INTEGER*4 4 0018 . . local REAL*4 4 001C . . local REAL*4 4 0020 . . local REAL*4 4 0024 . local REAL*8 8 0028 . local INTEGER*4 4 0030 . local INTEGER*4 4 0034 . local REAL*4 8 0038 . local REAL*4 4 0040 local REAL*4 4 0044 158 CALCPZC Local Symbols Name Class Type Size Offset AZN . . . . . . local REAL*8 8 0048 AZP . . . . . . local REAL*8 8 0050 OON . . . . . . . . . . . local REAL*4 4 0058 PSI . . . . . . . . . . . local REAL*4 8 005C RPHC. . . . . . local REAL*4 4 0064 TWO . . . . . . local INTEGER*4 4 0068 Global Symbols Name Class Type Size Offset CALCPZC. . . . . . . . . . FSUBRT *** *** 0000 WKO . . . . . . . . . . . extern *** *** *** WKTH. . . . . . . . . . . extern *** *** *** WKTW. . . . . . . . . . . extern *** *** *** Code size = 082d (2093) Data size = 003C (60) 853 size = 006C (108) No errors detected Line# 1 2 qmmpw 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 159 Microsoft FORTRAN Optimizing Compiler Version 5.00.03 Source Line & ZPPHZ, & NZPl, N2P2, woo, WOT, WTT, FLDIR, TEMP) SUBROUTINE CALCZP (V, APR, TAH, ZPDPl, ZPDP2, ZPPHl, SPH, FPH, PHSS, WT, PH, CONCL, ccccc REV. 06-22-92 CCC --------------------- SUBPROGRAM To CALCULATE c ------------------------- OVERALL STABILITY RATIO C---------------- --------- USING ZETA POTENTIAL DATA-- CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER FLDIR*7 INTEGER ONE,TWO,IPHC,IWIDTH REAL N, APR, ZPDPl, ZPPHl, ZPDP2, REAL FPH, PHSS, PH, TEMP, TEMPK REAL CPH, RPHC, DELTPH, TAH, KRL, POT, CONCL, REAL*8 WOO,WOT,WTT,OOWT,WT,AZ,AZP,AZN DIMENSION PH(200),APR(2),POT(2),TAH(2:4) DIMENSION WT(200),WOO(200),WOT(2oo),WTT(2oo) DIMENSION ZPDP1(200), ZPPH1(200), ZPDP2(200), DIMENSION ZPPH2(200) INTEGER K,NZP1,NZP2 REAL ZPD,APRC,V,OON REAL DELTA,HOA,HOR DIMENSION ZPD(2),APRC(2) DIMENSION DELTA(2) ZPPH2, SPH, OOWT=ONE OVER WT =REAL FCN. USED IN FCN. WOO,WOT,WTT CPH=CURRENT PH TEMPK=SYSTEM TEMPREATURE IN DEGREES KELVIN DELTA=DISTANCE FROM PARTICLE SURFACE To STERN LAYER(M) RPHC=REAL VARIABLE PH COUNTER(FOR Do LOOP) IPHC=INTEGER VARIABLE PH COUNTER(FOR Do LOOP) POT=ZETA POTENTIAL FOR PARTICLES AT CURRENT PH ZPD=ZETA POTENTIAL DATA AT CPH FOR PARTICLE(ARRAY VARIABLE) DELTPH=CHANGE IN PH FROM FINISHING PH To STARTING PH K=INTEGER VARIABLE USED AS COUNTER FOR LOOP To CALCULATE STABILITY RATIO FOR EACH SPECIFIED PH KRL=REAL REPRESENTATION OF VARIABLE K IWIDTH=WIDTH OF INTEGER K (EX: 1 DIGIT, 2 DIGITS,ETC.) SUBPROGRAM TO FIND Line# 39 4O 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 7O 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 160 Source Line CCCCC ONE=INTEGER VARIABLE EQUAL TO ONE CCCCC TWO=INTEGER VARIABLE EQUAL TO TWO CCCCC HOA=MINIMUM PARTICLE SEPERATION FOR ATTRACTIVE CCCCC TERM (M) CCCCC HOR=MINIMUM SEPARATION FOR REPULSIVE TERMS (M) CCCCC.AZ=VARIABLEIREPRESENTINGuALMOST ZERO (1.0E-309) CCCCC AZP=POSITIVE VALUE OF AZ USED TO PREVENT AN CCCCC INVERSE FROM GOING TO INFINITY WHICH WILL CCCCC CAUSE A MATH OVERFLOW ERROR RESULTING IN CCCCC PROGRAM TERMINATION CCCCC AZN=NEGATIVE VALUE OF AZ USED AS AZP IS USED CCCCC WKO=SUBROUTINE TO CALCULATE STABILITY IF K IS CCCCC ONE DIGIT WIDE CCCCC WKTW=SUBROUTINE TO CALCULATE STABILITY IF K IS CCCCC TWO DIGITS WIDE CCCCC WKTH=SUBROUTINE TO CALCULATE STABILITY IF K IS CCCCC THREE DIGITS 10 TEMPK=TEMP+273.2 20 DELTA(1)=0.50E-9 30 DELTA(2)=0.50E-9 40 ONE=1 50 TWO=2 CC — CALCULATING VALUES FOR AZP AND C ----- — -- ----- AZN — — 60 AZ=1.0E-25 70 Do 90 K=1,11,1 80 AZ=AZ/1.0E25 9O CONTINUE 100 AZP=AZ/1.0E9 110 AZN=-1.0*AZP CC ---------------------- CONVERTING PH COUNTER T0 C --------------------------- INTEGERVARIABLE --------- 120 DELTPH = FPH-SPH 130 IF (PHSS.EQ.0.0 .OR. DELTPH.EQ.0.0) THEN 140 IPHC=1 150 ELSE 160 RPHC = (FPH-SPH)/PHSS 170 IPHC = NINT(RPHC) 180 IPHC = IPHC+1 190 END IF CC --------------------- CALCULATING N FROM V ---------- 200 APRC(1) = APR(1)**3 210 APRC(Z) = APR(2)**3 220 OON = ((APRC(1))-(V*APRC(1)))/(V*APRC(2)) 230 OON - OON + 1.00 Line# 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 161 Source Line 240 N = 1.00/OON CC ---------------------- INITIALIZING CURRENT PH ------- 250 CPH = SPH CC ---------------------- CALCULATING OVERALL STABILITY C ------------------------- RATIO FOR SPECIFIED PH RANGE C & STEP SIZE 260 D0 550 K=1,IPHC,1 27o KRL=REAL(K) 280 IWIDTH=INT(LOG10(KRL)+1) C ----------------------- GETTING ZETA POTENTIAL VALUES C ---------------------------- FOR SPECIFIED PH VALUES-- 290 CALL INTERP(ZPDP1, ZPPHl, ZPPH2, ZPDP2, CPH, & NZPl, NZP2, ZPD) C ----------------------- CHANGING UNITS OF V FROM mV--- 300 POT(1)=ZPD(1)*1. 0E-3 310 POT(2)= ZPD(2)*1. OE- 3 320 HOA = DELTA(1)+DELTA(2) 330 HOR = 1.0E-10 CC ---------------------- FINDING VARIOUS (INVERSE) C ------------------------- PROBABILITIES OF PARTICLE C COLLISION & ADHESION -------- 34o IF(IWIDTH.EQ.1)THEN 350 CALL WKO(K, WOO, WOT, WTT, APR, TAH, POT, S: CONCL, HOA, HOR, CPH, FLDIR, TEMPK) 360 ELSE IF(IWIDTH.EQ.2)THEN 37o CALL WKTW(K, WOO, WOT, WTT, APR, TAH, POT, & CONCL, HOA, HOR, CPH, FLDIR, TEMPK) 380 ELSE IF(IWIDTH.EQ.3)THEN 390 CALL WKTH(K, WOO, WOT, WTT, APR, TAH, POT, & CONCL, HOA, HOR, CPH, FLDIR, TEMPK) 400 END IF CC ---------------------- FINDING THE INVERSE OF THE C ------------------------- OVERALL STABILITY RATIO AT C ------------------------- CURRENTPH ----------------- C ----------------------- ENSURING INVERSES WILL NOT GO C ------------------------- TO INFINITY, CAUSE A MATH C—- ------------ OVERFLOW ERROR, AND RESULT C ------------------------- IN IN PROGRAM TERMINATION-- 410 IF(WOO(K) .LE.AZP .AND. WOO(K) .GE.AZN)THEN 420 WT(K)=AZP 430 ELSE IF(WOT(K).LE.AZP .AND. WOT(K).GE.AZN)THEN 162 Line# Source Line 127 440 WT(K)=AZP 128 450 ELSE IF(WTT(K).LE.AZP .AND. WTT(K).GE.AZN)THEN 129 460 WT(K)=AZP 130 470 ELSE 131 480 OOWT = (N*N/WOO(K)) 132 490 OOWT = OOWT+((1.0-N)*(1.0-N)/WTT(K)) 133 500 OOWT = OOWT+(2.0*N*(1.0-N)/WOT(K)) 134 510 WT(K)=1.0/OOWT 135 520 END IF 136 137 CC ---------------------- SETTING COORESPONDING PH VALUE C -------------------------- FOR WT(I) ----- 138 530 PH(K)=CPH 139 140 CC ---------------------- SETTING NEW CURRENT PH VALUE-- 141 540 CPH = CPH + PHSS 142 550 CONTINUE 143 144 145 CC ---------------------- RETURNING WT & PH VALUES TO C -------------------------- MAINPROGRAM -------------- 146 998 RETURN 147 999 END CALCZP Local Symbols Name Class Type Offset TEMP. . . . . . . . . . . param 0006 FLDIR . . . . . . . . . . param 000a WTT . . . . . . . . . . . param OOOe WOT . . . . . . . . . . param 0012 WOO . . . . . . . . . . param 0016 NZPZ. . . . . . . . . . . param 001a NZP1. . . . . . . . . . . param 001e CONCL . . . . . . . . . . param 0022 PH. . . . . . . . . . . . param 0026 WT. . . . . . . . . . . . param 002a PHSS. . . . . . . . . . . param 002e FPH . . . . . . . . . . . param 0032 SPH . . . . . . . . . . . param 0036 ZPDPZ . . . . . . . . . . param 003a ZPPHZ . . . . . . . . . . param 003e ZPPHI . . . . . . . . . . param 0042 ZPDPl . . . . . . . . . . param 0046 TAH . . . . . . . . . . . param 004a APR . . . . . . . . . . . param 004e V’. . . . . . . . . . . . param 0052 TEMPK . . . . . . . . . . local REAL*4 0000 CALCZP Name DELTPH. OOWT. . IWIDTH. K . . . N . . . HOA . . AZ. . . CPH . . ONE . . IPHC. . APRC. . HOR . . AZN . . KRL . . DELTA . AZP . . OON . . RPHC. . ZPD . . POT . . TWO . . Local Symbols 163 Class local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local Type REAL*4 REAL*8 INTEGER*4 INTEGER*4 REAL*4 REAL*4 REAL*8 REAL*4 INTEGER*4 INTEGER*4 REAL*4 REAL*4 REAL*8 REAL*4 REAL*4 REAL*8 REAL*4 REAL*4 REAL*4 REAL*4 INTEGER*4 Size boomSP-oooobooc-oopbnoobpc-hmn Offset 0004 0008 0010 0014 0018 001C 0020 0028 002C 0030 0034 003C 0040 0048 004C 0054 005C 0060 0064 006C 0074 Line} 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 164 Source Line CCCCC & CPH, NZPl, SUBROUTINE INTERP(ZPDP1, NZP2, ZPD) ZPPHl, ZPPH2, ZPDP2, REV. 03-05-92 CCC --------------------- SUBPROGRAM TO CALCULATE C ------------------------- OVERALL STABILITY RATIO C ------------------------- USING ZETA POTENTIAL DATA--- CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC IMPLICIT NONE REAL ZPDP1,ZPPH1,ZPPH2,ZPDP2 REAL CPH DIMENSION ZPDP1(200), DIMENSION ZPPH2(200) INTEGER M,NZPI,NZP2 REAL ZPD, ZPDN, ZPDD, ZPGT, ZPLT, PHGT, PHLT REAL PZPGT, PZPLT, PGTDIF, PLTDIF, CGTDIF, CLTDIF REAL PPHGT, PPHLT DIMENSION ZPD(2) ZPPH1(200), ZPDP2(200), ZPDN=NUMERATOR TERM USED TO CALCULATE ZPD ZPDD=DENOMENATOR TERM USED TO CALCULATE ZPD PPHGT=PRESENT/PERMANENT PH VALUE GREATER THAN CPH (i.e.PH PRESENTLY NEAREST TO CPH, BUT STILL GREATER THAN CPH) PPHGT=PRESENTIPERMANENT PH VALUE LESS THAN CPH (i.e.PH PRESENTLY NEAREST TO CPH, BUT STILL LESS THAN CPH) PZPGT=PRESENTIPERMANENT ZETA POTENTIAL VALUE COORESPONDING TO PPHGT PZPLT=PRESENT/PERMANENT ZETA POTENTIAL VALUE COORESPONDING TO PPHLT CCCCC PGTDIF=PRESENT/ PERMANENT GREATER THAN DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PGTPH AND CPH PLTDIF=PRESENTIPERMANENT LESS THAN DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PLTPH AND CPH CCCCC CGTDIF=CURRENT ( i . e . THIS ITERATION) GREATER THAN CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CPH AND THE CURRENT ZPPH VALUE IF IT Is GREATER THAN CPH(THIS ITERATION) CLTDIF=CURRENT(i.e.THIS ITERATION) LESS THAN DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CPH AND THE CURRENT ZPPH VALUE IF IT IS LESS THAN CPH(THIS ITERATION) PHGT=PH GREATER THAN (CPH AND NEAREST To IT) PHLT=PH LESS THAN (CPH AND NEAREST To IT) CCCCC ZPGT=ZETA.POTENTIAL‘VALUE COORESPONDING TO PHGT Line# 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 165 Source Line CCCCC ZPLT=ZETA.POTENTIAL‘VALUE COORESPONDING'TO ZPLT CCCCC M=INTEGER VARIABLE USED AS COUNTER FOR VARIOUS CCCCC DO LOOPS CC ---------------------- INTERPOLATING Z.P. DATA To GET c -------------------------- VALUESFOR ---------------- C ------------------------ CURRENT PH (IF NEED BE) ----- 10 PLTDIF=2o.o 20 PGTDIF=2o.o 30 Do 220 M=1,NZP1,1 CC ---------------------- IF CPH= a ZPPH VALUE: CC ------------------------ RETURNING THAT ZPAS THE C DESIRED ZP VALUE 40 IF (ZPPH1(M) .EQ. CPH) THEN so ZPD(1) = ZPDP1(M) 60 GOTo 300 CC ---------------------- IF CPH.NE. a ZPPH VALUE:THEN cc ------------------------ MUST INTERPOLATE To GET A c ------------------------- ZPD FOR THIS CPH ----------- c ----------------------- TRYING To FIND THE NEAREST PH C ------------------------ To CPH THAT Is LESS THAN CPH- 70 ELSE IF (ZPPH1(M) .LT. CPH) THEN 30 CLTDIF = CPH-ZPPH1(M) 90 IF (CLTDIF .LT. PLTDIF) THEN 100 PPHLT = ZPPH1(M) 110 PLTDIF = CLTDIF 120 PZPLT = ZPDP1(M) 13o END IF C ----------------------- TRYING To FIND THE NEAREST PH c ------------------------- To CPH THAT IS GREATER THAN C —"PH 140 ELSE IF (ZPPH1(M) .GT. CPH) THEN 150 CGTDIF = ZPPH1(M) - CPH 160 IF (CGTDIF .LT. PGTDIF) THEN 17o PPHGT = ZPPH1(M) 180 PGTDIF = CGTDIF 190 PZPGT = ZPDP1(M) 200 END IF 210 END IF 220 CONTINUE c ----------------------- INTERPOLATING WITH NEAREST c ----------------------- VALUES 230 PHLT = PPHLT 24o ZPLT = PZPLT 250 PHGT PPHGT Line} 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 166 Source Line 260 ZPGT = PZPGT 27o ZPDN = ZPLT*(CPH-PHGT) + ZPGT*(PHLT-CPH) 280 ZPDD = PHLT - PHGT 290 ZPD(1) = ZPDN/ZPDD CC— -- ---------- INTERPOLATING Z.P. DATA TO GET C -------------------------- VALUESFOR ---------------- c ------------------------ CURRENT PH (IF NEED BE) ------ 300 PLTDIF=20 . 0 310 PGTDIF=20 . 0 320 Do 510 M=1,NZP2,1 CC ---------------------- IF CPH= a ZPPH VALUE: CC ------------------------ RETURNING THAT ZP AS THE C ------------------------- DESIRED ZP VALUE ----------- 330 IF (ZPPH2(M) .EQ. CPH) THEN 34o ZPD(2) = ZPDP2(M) 350 GOTO 998 CC ---------------------- IF CPH.NE. a ZPPH VALUE: THEN CC ------------------------ MUST INTERPOLATE TO GET A C ------------------------- ZPD FOR THIS CPH ------------ C ----------------------- TRYING TO FIND THE NEAREST PH C ------------------------ TO CPH THAT IS LESS THAN CPH- 360 ELSE IF (ZPPH2(M) .LT. CPH) THEN 37o CLTDIF = CPH-ZPPH2(M) 380 IF (CLTDIF .LT. PLTDIF) THEN 390 PPHLT = ZPPH2 (M) 400 PLTDIF = CLTDIF 410 PZPLT = ZPDP2(M) 420 END IF C ----------------------- TRYING TO FIND THE NEAREST PH C -------------------------- TO CPH THAT IS GREATER THAN C —CPH 430 ELSE IF (ZPPH2 (M) .GT. CPH) THEN 440 CGTDIF = ZPPH2 (M) - CPH 450 IF (CGTDIF .LT. PGTDIF) THEN 460 PPHGT = ZPPH2(M) 470 PGTDIF = CGTDIF 480 PZPGT = ZPDP2(M) 490 END IF 500 END IF 510 CONTINUE C ----------------------- INTERPOLATING WITH NEAREST C -------------------------- VALUES 520 PHLT = PPHLT 530 ZPLT = PZPLT 540 PHGT = PPHGT "'91 .‘uv “I (I) I F-D k, B (I) (1‘ ’1) B I h.) (‘D D (\D '1‘" -$ A.» r...- 0‘ :a—t nq.‘ U 50.! | I"\A “5r‘l Vfiu‘ I V‘ ’ ‘0 .: MU. ~- 6‘ “H‘, V I 5‘..‘ 7"“... IV»: “R ‘41 .“" Iy‘ IA‘ “ 7‘R‘ B._‘ "‘"fi1 V'- o.)‘c I. -‘ n~‘~ 7"“! t. ;‘ ‘\~.T "in I“‘L fig, '- M.-‘ u . ‘T‘h 0“; ‘7\V [ Q 5. ~ on-“ hc‘b 7‘55 ,- “ U~ \u, Uh“? ”‘0. ho P?) )Yn‘ J“: I”, h ”J Hf)“ I 1.“: ‘ ,5“! Line} 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 INTERP Name ZPD . NZP2. NZP1. CPH . ZPDP2 ZPPH2 ZPPHl ZPDP1 PPHGT PLTDIF ZPGT. PPHLT ZPLT. M . . PZPGT PZPLT CGTDIF ZPDD. PHGT. CLTDIF PHLT. ZPDN. PGTDIF Global Symbols Name CALCZP INTERP. WKO . WKTH. WKTW. Source Line 550 ZPGT = PZPGT 560 ZPDN = ZPLT*(CPH-PHGT) + ZPGT*(PHLT-CPH) 570 ZPDD = PHLT - PHGT 580 ZPD(2) = ZPDN/ZPDD CC ---------------------- RETURNING WT & PH VALUES TO C -------------------------- MAIN PROGRAM ----- 998 RETURN 999 END Local Symbols Class Type Size Offset . . . . . . . . . param 0006 . . . . . . . . . param 000a . . . . . . . . . param 000e . . . . . . . . . param 0012 . . . . . . . . . param 0016 . . . . . . . . . param 001a . . . . . . . . param 001e . . . . . . . . . param 0022 . . . . . . . . . local REAL*4 4 0078 . . . . . . . . . local REAL*4 4 007c . . . . . . . . . local REAL*4 4 0080 . . . . . . . . . local REAL*4 4 0084 . . . . . . . . . local REAL*4 4 0088 . . . . . . . . . local INTEGER 4 008c . . . . . . . . . local REAL*4 4 0090 . . . . . . . . . local REAL*4 4 0094 . . . . . . . . . local REAL*4 4 0098 . . . . . . . . . local REAL*4 4 009C . . . . . . . . . local REAL*4 4 00a0 . . . . . . . . . local REAL*4 4 00a4 . . . . . . . . . local REAL*4 4 00a8 . . . . . . . . . local REAL*4 4 00ac . . . . . . . . . local REAL*4 4 00b0 Class Type Size Offset . . . . . . . . . FSUBRT *** *** 0000 . . . . . . . . . FSUBRT *** *** 079e . . . . . . . . . extern *** *** *** . . . . . . . . . extern *** *** *** . . . . . . . . . extern *** *** *** 167 168 Code size Data size Bss size 0ec7 (3783) 0044 (68) 00b4 (180) No errors detected Line# HOKDGQQU‘IAUNH H)- 169 Microsoft FORTRAN Optimizing Compiler Version 5.00.03 Source Line CCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC 10 20 30 CC---- C ..... C ..... C ..... C ..... 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 SUBROUTINE WKO(K, WOO, WOT, WTT, APR, TAH, & PSI, CONCL, HOA, HOR, CPH, FLDIR, TEMPK) REV. 05-04-92 IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER FLNME*28,FLDIR*7 INTEGER ONE,TWO,K,POS,KI,L REAL APR,TAH,PSI,CONCL,HOA,HOR,CPH,x,TEMPK REAL*8 WOO,WOT,WTT,WCALC,VOO,VOT,VTT DIMENSION X(250), VOO(250), VOT(250), DIMENSION VTT(250), TAH(2:4), APR(2), PSI(2) DIMENSION WOO(200), WOT(200), WTT(200) ONE=INTEGER VARIABLE EQUAL To 1 TWO=INTEGER VARIABLE EQUAL To 2 WCALC=CALCULATED W VALUE FROM SUBROUTINE WC KI=INTEGER VARIABLE REPRESENTATION OF K USED To MAKE A CHARACTER VARIABLE REPRESENTATION OF K FOR FILENAME =SEPARATION DISTANCE (ARRAY) (M) VOO,VOT,VTT=POTENTIAL FOR A GIVEN PARTICLE INTERACTION AT COORESPONDING SEPERATION DISTANCE x (ARRAY) ONE=1 TWO=2 KI=K .................. FINDING VARIOUS (INVERSE) -------------------- PROBABILITIES OF PARTICLE -------------------- COLLISION & ADHESION------ ------------------ FOR COLLISION OF TWO --------------------- PARTICLES OF TYPE #1----- FLNME(1:14)='C:\JK\LL\DATA\’ FLNME(15:21)=FLDIR FLNME(22:22)=’\’ FLNME(23:23)=’V' FLNME(24:24)=CHAR(MOD(KI,10)+ICHAR(’0’)) FLNME(25:28)=’.DAT’ CALL WC(WCALC, APR, TAH, PSI, ONE, ONE, CONCL, & HOA, HOR, CPH, voo,VOT,VTT, x, FLDIR, TEMPK) WOO(K)=WCALC 170 Line} Source Line 42 C ----------------------- FOR COLLISION OF PARTICLES 1 43 C ------------------------ a 2 ------------------------ 44 120 CALL WC(WCALC, APR, TAH, PSI, ONE, TWO, CONCL, 45 & HOA, HOR, CPH, voo,VOT,VTT, x, FLDIR, TEMPK) 46 130 WOT(K)=WCALC 47 80 c ----------------------- FOR COLLISION OF TWO 49 C ------------------------- PARTICLES OF TYPE #2 ----- 50 140 CALL WC(WCALC, APR, TAH, PSI, TWO, TWO, CONCL, 51 & HOA, HOR, CPH, voo,VOT,VTT, x, FLDIR, TEMPK) 52 150 WTT(K)=WCALC 53 54 CC ---------------------- WRITING V DATA To FILE ----- 55 160 OPEN(15,FILE=FLNME,STATUS='NEW’) 56 170 WRITE(15,*)'CPH,APR(1),APR(2)’ 57 180 WRITE(15,*)CPH,APR(1),APR(2) 58 190 WRITE(15,*)’PSI(1),PSI(2),CONCL,TAH’ 59 200 WRITE(15,*)PSI(1),PSI(2),CONCL,TAH 60 210 WRITE(15,900) 61 220 WRITE(15,910) 62 230 Do 300 L=1,240,1 63 240 IF(X(L).NE.0.0)THEN 64 250 WRITE(15,920)X(L),VOO(L),VOT(L),VTT(L) 65 260 END IF 66 270 CONTINUE 69 280 CLOSE(IS) 7o 71 CCC --------------------- FORMAT STATEMENTS ----------- 72 900 FORMAT (5X,’SEP’,12X,’V11',12X, 73 & 1X,’V12’,12X, 74 & 1X,’V22’) 75 910 FORMAT (5x,'---',12x,'---',12x, 76 & 1x,'---',12x, 77 & 1x,'---') 78 920 FORMAT (1X,E12.4,1X,’,’,1X,E12.4,1X,',', 79 & 1X,E12.4,1X,’,', so & 1X,E12.4,1X) 81 82 998 RETURN 83 999 END 84 Name TEMPK FLDIR CPH . HOR . HOA . CONCL PSI . TAH APR WTT WOT WOO K . X . L . KI. . ONE . WCALC POS . FLNME TWO . VOO . VOT . VTT . Local Symbols Global Symbols Name WC. . WKTW. Code size = Data size = Bss size = NO errors 0456 (1118) 0089 (137) 003e (60) detected 171 Class param param param param param param param param param param param param param local local local local local local local local local local local Class extern FSUBRT Type REAL*4 INTEGER*4 INTEGER*4 INTEGER*4 REAL*8 INTEGER*4 CHAR*29 INTEGER*4 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 Type *** *** Size Size *** *** Offset 0006 000a 000a 0012 0016 001a 001e 0022 0026 002a 002e 0032 0036 0000 0002 0006 000a 000e 0016 001a 0038 03e8 0bb8 1388 Offset *** 0000 Linef HOKOQQO‘UIhUNH H)- 172 Microsoft FORTRAN Optimizing Compiler Version 5.00.03 Source Line CCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC 10 20 30 CC---- C ..... C ----- C ..... C ..... 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 SUBROUTINE WKTW(K, WOO, WOT, WTT, APR, TAH, & PSI, CONCL, HOA, HOR, CPH, FLDIR, TEMPK) REV. 05-04-92 IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER FLNME*29,FLDIR*7 INTEGER ONE,TWO,K,POS,KI,L REAL APR,TAH,PSI,CONCL,HOA,HOR,CPH,X,TEMPK REAL*8 WOO,WOT,WTT,WCALC,V00,VOT,VTT DIMENSION X(250), VOO(250), VOT(250), DIMENSION VTT(250), TAH(2:4), APR(2), PSI(2) DIMENSION W00(200), WOT(200), WTT(200) ONE=INTEGER VARIABLE EQUAL TO 1 TWO=INTEGER VARIABLE EQUAL TO 2 WCALC=CALCULATED W VALUE FROM SUBROUTINE WC KI=INTEGER VARIABLE REPRESENTATION OF K USED TO MAKE A CHARACTER VARIABLE REPRESENTATION OF K FOR FILENAME X=SEPARATION DISTANCE (ARRAY) (M) VOO,VOT,VTT=POTENTIAL FOR A GIVEN PARTICLE INTERACTION AT COORESPONDING SEPERATION DISTANCE X (ARRAY) ONE=1 TWO=2 KI=K ------------------ FINDING VARIOUS (INVERSE) .................... PROBABILITIES OF PARTICLE -------------------- COLLISION & ADHESION------ ------------------ FOR COLLISION OF TWO --------------------- PARTICLES OF TYPE #1----- FLNME(1:14)=’C:\JK\LL\DATA\’ FLNME(15:21)=FLDIR FLNME(22:22)=’\' FLNME(23:23)=’V' Do 110 POS=25,24,-1 FLNME(POS:POS)=CHAR(MOD(KI,10)+ICHAR(’0')) KI=KI/10 CONTINUE FLNME(26:29)=’.DAT’ CALL WC(WCALC, APR, TAH, PSI, ONE, ONE, CONCL, & HOA, HOR, CPH, VOO,VOT,VTT, X, FLDIR, TEMPK) W00(K)=WCALC 173 Line! Source Line 45 C ----------------------- FOR COLLISION 0F PARTICLES 1 C ------------------------ & 2 ------------------------ 46 150 CALL WC(WCALC, APR, TAH, PSI, ONE, TWO, CONCL, 47 & HOA, HOR, CPH, VOO,VOT,VTT, x, FLDIR, TEMPK) 48 160 W0T(K)=WCALC 49 50 C ----------------------- FOR COLLISION OF TWO C ------------------------- PARTICLES OF TYPE #2 ----- 51 170 CALL WC(WCALC, APR, TAH, PSI, TWO, TWO, CONCL, 52 & HOA, HOR, CPH, VOO,VOT,VTT, x, FLDIR, TEMPK) 53 180 WTT(K)=WCALC 54 55 CC ---------------------- WRITING V DATA To FILE ----- 56 190 OPEN(15,FILE=FLNME,STATUS=’NEW') 57 200 WRITE(15,*)’CPH,APR(1),APR(2)’ 58 210 WRITE(15,*)CPH,APR(I),APR(2) 59 220 WRITE(15,*)'PSI(1),PSI(2),CONCL,TAH' 60 230 WRITE(15,*)PSI(1),PSI(2),CONCL,TAH 61 240 WRITE(15,900) 62 250 WRITE(15,910) 63 260 Do 300 L=1,240,1 64 270 IF(X(L).NE.0.0)THEN 65 280 WRITE(15,920)X(L),VOO(L),VOT(L),VTT(L) 66 290 END IF 67 300 CONTINUE 68 310 CLOSE(IS) 69 70 CCC --------------------- FORMAT STATEMENTS ----------- 71 900 FORMAT (SX,’SEP’,12X,’V11',12X, 72 & 1x,'v12',12x, 73 & 1X,'V22’) 74 910 FORMAT (5x,'---',12x,'---',12x, 75 & 1x,'---',12x, 76 a 1x,'---') 77 920 FORMAT (1X,E12.4,1X,’,',1X,E12.4,1X,',', 78 & 1X,E12.4,1X,’,', 79 & 1x,E12.4,IX) 80 81 998 RETURN 82 999 END 174 WKTW Local Symbols Name Class Type Size Offset TEMPK . . . . . . . . . param 0006 FLDIR . . . . . . . . . param 000a CPH . . . . . . . . . . param 000e HOR . . . . . . . . . . param 0012 HOA . . . . . . . . . . param 0016 CONCL . . . . . . . . . param 001a PSI . . . . . . . . . . param 001e TAH . . . . . . . . . . param 0022 APR . . . . . . . . . . param 0026 WTT . . . . . . . . . . param 002a WOT . . . . . . . . . . param 002e WOO . . . . . . . . . . param 0032 K . . . . . . . . . . . param 0036 X . . . . . . . . . . . local REAL*4 1000 0000 L . . . . . . . . . . . local INTEGER*4 4 0002 XI. . . . . . . . . . . local INTEGER*4 4 0006 ONE . . . . . . . . . . local INTEGER*4 4 000a WCALC . . . . . . . . . local REAL*8 8 000e POS . . . . . . . . . . local INTEGER*4 4 0016 FLNME . . . . . . . . . local CHAR*29 29 001a TWO . . . . . . . . . . local INTEGER*4 4 0038 V00 . . . . . . . . . . local REAL*8 2000 03e8 VOT . . . . . . . . . . local REAL*8 2000 0bb8 VTT . . . . . . . . . . local REAL*8 2000 1388 Global Symbols Name Class Type Size Offset WC. . . . . . . . . . . . extern *** *** *** WKTW. . . . . . . . . . . FSUBRT *** *** 0000 Code size 045a (1118) Data size = 0089 (137) 855 size = 003C (60) No errors detected Line! HODmQGMhUNl-I' Hra 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 175 Microsoft FORTRAN Optimizing Compiler Version 5.00.03 Source Line CCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC 10 20 30 CC---- C ..... C ..... C ..... C ..... 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 SUBROUTINE WKTH(K, woo, WOT, WTT, APR, TAH, 6 PSI, CONCL, HOA, HOR, CPH, FLDIR, TEMPK) REV. 05-04-92 IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER FLNME*30,FLDIR*7 INTEGER ONE,TWO,K,POS,KI,L REAL APR,TAH,PSI,CONCL,HOA,HOR,CPH,x,TEMPK REAL*8 W00,W0T,WTT,WCALC,V00,VOT,VTT DIMENSION VOO(250), VOT(250), VTT(250), X(250) DIMENSION TAH(2:4), APR(2), PSI(2) DIMENSION W00(200), WOT(200), WTT(200) ONE=INTEGER VARIABLE EQUAL TO 1 TWO=INTEGER VARIABLE EQUAL TO 2 WCALC=CALCULATED W VALUE FROM SUBROUTINE WC KI=INTEGER VARIABLE REPRESENTATION OF K USED TO MAKE A CHARACTER VARIABLE REPRESENTATION OF K FOR FILENAME X=SEPARATION DISTANCE (ARRAY) (M) VOO,VOT,VTT=POTENTIAL FOR A GIVEN PARTICLE INTERACTION AT COORESPONDING SEPERATION DISTANCE X (ARRAY) ONE=1 TWO=2 KI=K ------------------ FINDING VARIOUS (INVERSE) -------------------- pROBABILITIES OF PARTICLE -------------------- COLLISION 6 ADHESION------ ------------------ FOR COLLISION OF TWO -------------------- PARTICLES OF TYPE #1------ FLNME(1:14)=’C:\JK\LL\DATA\’ FLNME(15:21)=FLDIR FLNME(22:22)=’V’ FLNME(23:23)=’\’ D0 110 POS=26,24,-1 FLNME(POS:POS)=CHAR(MOD(KI,10)+ICHAR('O’)) KI=KI/10 CONTINUE FLNME(27:30)='.DAT’ CALL WC(WCALC, APR, TAH, PSI, ONE, ONE, CONCL, 6 HOA, HOR, CPH, VOO,VOT,VTT, x, FLDIR, TEMPK) W00(K)=WCALC 176 Line# Source Line 45 46 C ----------------------- FOR COLLISION OF PARTICLES 1 C ------------------------ 6 2 ------------------------ 47 150 CALL WC(WCALC, APR, TAH, PSI, ONE, TWO, CONCL, 48 6 HOA, HOR, CPH, VOO,VOT,VTT, x, FLDIR,TEMPK) 49 160 W0T(K)=WCALC 50 51 C ----------------------- FOR COLLISION OF TWO 0 ------------------------ PARTICLES OF TYPE #2 ------- 52 170 CALL WC(WCALC, APR, TAH, PSI, TWO, TWO, CONCL, 53 6 HOA, HOR, CPH, VOO,VOT,VTT, x, FLDIR, TEMPK) 54 180 WTT(K)=WCALC 55 56 CC ---------------------- WRITING v DATA TO FILE ------ 57 190 OPEN(15,FILE=FLNME,STATUS=’NEW’) 58 200 WRITE(15,*)’CPH,APR(1),APR(2)’ 59 210 WRITE(15,*)CPH,APR(1),APR(2) 60 220 WRITE(15,*)’PSI(1),PSI(2),CONCL,TAH’ 61 230 WRITE(15,*)PSI(1),PSI(2),CONCL,TAH 62 240 WRITE(15,900) 63 250 WRITE(15,910) 64 260 DO 300 L=1,240,1 65 270 IF(X(L).NE.0.0)THEN 66 280 WRITE(15,920)X(L),VOO(L),VOT(L),VTT(L) 67 290 END IF 68 300 CONTINUE 69 310 CLOSE(15) 70 71 CCC --------------------- FORMAT STATEMENTS ---------- 72 900 FORMAT (5X,'SEP’,12X,’V11’,12X, 73 6 1X,’V12’,12X, 74 6 1X,'V22’) 75 910 FORMAT (5x,'---',12x,'---',12x, 76 6 1x,'---',12x, 77 6 1x,'---') 78 920 FORMAT (1X,E12.4,1X,’,’,lX,E12.4,1X,’,’, 79 6 1X,E12.4,1X,',’, 80 6 1X,E12.4,1X) 81 82 998 RETURN 83 999 END WKTH Name TEMPK FLDIR CPH . HOR . HOA . CONCL PSI . TAH . APR WTT WOT WOO X . L . KI. . ONE . WCALC POS . FLNME TWO . VOO VOT VTT Local Symbols Global Symbols Name WC. 0 WKTH. Code size = Data size = Bss size = NO errors 045e (1118) 0089 (137) 0036 (60) detected 177 Class param param param param param param param param param param param param param local local local local local local local local local local local Class extern FSUBRT Type REAL*4 INTEGER*4 INTEGER*4 INTEGER*4 REAL*8 INTEGER*4 CHAR*30 INTEGER*4 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 Type *** *** Size 1000 bObmh-bh 2000 2000 2000 Size *** *** Offset 0006 000a 000e 0012 0016 001a 001e 0022 0026 002a 002e 0032 0036 0000 0002 0006 000a 000e 0016 001a 0038 03e8 0bb8 1388 Offset *** 0000 178 Microsoft FORTRAN Optimizing Compiler Version 5.00.03 Line# 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Source Line SUBROUTINE WC(WCALC, APR, TAH, PSI, I, J, & CONCL, HOA, HOR, CPH, VOO, VOT, VTT, X, 6 FLDIR, TEMPK) CCCCC REV. 05-04-92 CCC ----------- SUBPROGRAM TO INTEGRATE FROM CCC ------------- MINIMUM PARTICLE SEPARATION TO AN CCC ------------- INFINITE SEPARATION IN SEGMENTS SO CCC ------------- THAT WHEN AN AREA OF A SEGMENT ADDS CCC ------------- A SMALL ENOUGH AMOUNT TO THE TOTAL CCC ------------- AREA OF ALL THE SEGMENTS SO FAR THEN CCC ------------- CAN STOP INTEGRATING BEFORE GET TO CCC ------------- INFINITY ---------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER FLDIR*7 INTEGER I,J,XN REAL*8 AREAN,CONTRIB,DIFFN,SIMP,AREATL,TOL REAL*8 CONTMX,SUMARG,SUMMAX,SUMMIN,OOAT,SOC REAL HIGH,LOW,HIMAX,HIMIN,APR,TAH,PSI,CONCL REAL HOA,HOR,ROR,CPH,INTSIZE,LOWEST,X,TEMPK REAL*8 WCALC,VOO,VOT,VTT DIMENSION APR(2),PSI(2),TAH(2:4) DIMENSION X(250),VOO(250),VOT(250),VTT(250) CCCCC XN=COUNTER FOR TRACKING POSITION IN ARRAYS IN CCCCC SUBROUTINE SI FOR ENTIRE INTERVAL OF CCCCC INTEGRAL CCCCC I=FIRST PARTICLE TYPE OF INTERACTION CCCCC J=OTHER PARTICLE TYPE OF INTERACTION CCCCC HIGH=HIGH VALUE OF LIMITS OF INTEGRATION OF CCCCC CURRENT SEGMENT CCCCC LOW=LOW VALUE OF LIMITS OF INTEGRATION OF CCCCC CURRENT SEGMENT CCCCC INTSIZE=INTERVAL SIZE FOR EACH SEGMENT CCCCC LOWEST=LOWEST VALUE OF LOW VALUE OF LIMITS OF CCCCC INTEGRATION CCCCC =MINIMUM SEPARATION DISTANCE CCCCC TOL=TOLERANCE FOR A DIFFERENCE IN TOTAL AREA CCCCC UPON ADDITION OF AREA OF CURRENT SEGMENT CCCCC AT WHICH MAY RETURN A VALUE FOR COMPLETE CCCCC INTERVAL IF PASSED MIMIN CCCCC HIMIN=MINIMUM VALUE OF INTEGRATION LIMITS CCCCC BEFORE A VALUE FOR COMPLETE INTEGRAL MAY CCCCC BE RETURNED IF TOLERENCE IS MET CCCCC HIMAX=MAXIMUM VALUE OF INTEGRATION LIMITS AT Line! 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 179 Source Line CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CC---- C ..... 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 C ..... C ..... 60 cc---- 65' WHICH TIME THE PRESENT VALUE FOR THE COMPLETE INTEGRAL WILL BE RETURNED EVEN IF TOLERENCE HAS NOT BEEN MET SO THAT THE PROGRAM DOES NOT RUN FOREVER OR CAUSE A MATH OVERFLOW ERROR AND PROGRAM TERMINATION SUMMAX=MAXIMUM POSITVE VALUE FOR A REAL VARIABLE BEFORE A MATH OVERFLOW ERROR OCCURS AND CAUSES PROGRAM TERMINATION SUMMARG=ARGUMENT USED TO CALCULATE SUMMAX SUMMIN=MINIMUM POSITVE VALUE FOR A REAL VARIABLE BEFORE A MATHOVERFLOW ERROR OCCURS AND CAUSES PROGRAM TERMINATION SIMP=VALUE OF SEGMENT INTEGRAL CALCULATED BY SUBROUTINE SI CONTRIB=CONTRIBUTION BY AREA OF CURRENT SGMENT TO TOTAL AREA CONTMX=MAXIMUM CONTRIBUTION TO TOTAL AREA BEFORE A MATH OVERFLOW ERROR CAUSES PROGRAM TERMINATION AREATL=TOTAL AREA OF ALL PREVIOUS SEGMENTS OF INTEGRAL AREAN=NEW AREA WITH ADDITION OF CURRENT SEGMENT AREA TO AREATL DIFFN=DIFFERENCE IN AREA CONTRIBUTED TO TOTAL AREA WITH TOTAL AREA OOAT=ONE OVER AREA TOTAL SOC=SUMMAX OVER CONTRIB ------------------ SETTING VARIOUS INITIAL ---------------------- VALUES------------------ XN=1 SUMARG=663.0 SUMMAX=EXP(SUMARG) SUMMAX=SUMMAX*1.0E+20 SUMMIN=1.0/SUMMAX HIMIN=100.0E-9 TOL=1.0E-5 HIMAX=APR(I)+APR(J)+HOA HIGH=HOR LOWEST=HOR INTSIZE=1.0E-9 ------------------ SENDING PROGRAM PROGRESS -------------------- MESSAGE TO SCREEN--------- WRITE(*,900)FLDIR,CPH,I,J ------------------ BEGIN ITERATION LOOP-------- IF (HIGH.LT.HIMAX) THEN 180 Line# Source Line 80 70 LOW=HIGH 81 75 HIGH=LOW+INTSIZE 82 83 CC ---------------------- CALCULATING AREA OF CURRENT c ------------------------- SEGMENT ------------------- 84' 80 CALL SI(SIMP, LOW, HIGH, APR, TAH, PSI, I, 85 6 J, CONCL, HOA, CPH, VOO,VOT,VTT, x, 6 XN, TEMPK) 86 85 CONTRIB=SIMP 87 88 CC ---------------------- CALCULATING VARIABLES To 89 c ------------------------- PREVENT MATH OVERFLOW c ------------------------- ERRORS AND PROGRAM C ------------------------- TERMINATION --------------- 90 90 CONTMX=SUMMAX-AREATL 91 95 IF (CONTRIB.GE.1.0)THEN 92 100 SOC=SUMMAX/CONTRIB 93 105 IF (AREATL.LT.SUMMIN)THEN 94 110 OOAT=SUMMAX 95 115 ELSE 96 120 OOAT=1.0/AREATL 97 125 END IF 98 130 ELSE 99 135 SOC=1.0 100 140 OOAT=0.0 101 145 END IF 102 103 CC ---------------------- CALCULATING AREAN AND 104 C -------------------------- PREVENTING MATH OVERFLOW c -------------------------- ERRORS AND PROGRAM C -------------------------- TERMINATION -------------- 105 150 IF (LOW.EQ.LOWEST)THEN 106 155 AREAN=CONTRIB 107 160 AREATL=AREAN*2 108 165 ELSE IF (CONTRIB.GE.CONTMX)THEN 109 170 AREAN=SUMMAX 110 175 ELSE 111 180 AREAN=AREATL+CONTRIB 112 185 END IF 113 114 CC ---------------------- CALCULATING DIFFN AND 115 C -------------------------- PREVENTING MATH OVERFLOW C -------------------------- ERRORS AND PROGRAM c -------------------------- TERMINATION -------------- 116 190 IF (AREATL.EQ.0.0)THEN 117 195 DIFFN=0.0 118 200 ELSE IF (AREAN.EQ.SUMMAX) THEN 119 205 DIFFN=0.0 120 210 ELSE IF (OOAT .GE. SOC)THEN 121 215 DIFFN=0.0 Line# 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 181 Source Line 220 ELSE 225 DIFFN=(ABS((AREATL-AREAN)/AREATL)) 230 END IF cc ---------------------- RETURNING AREA VALUE IF C ------------------------- DIFFERANCE BETWEEN c ------------------------- SUCCESSIVE ITERATIONS IS c ------------------------- WITHIN TOLERENCE AND c ------------------------- SEPERATION IS MORE THAN C ------------------------- MINIMUM ------------------- 235 IF (DIFFN.LT.TOL .AND. HIGH.GE.HIMIN) THEN 240 ROR=HOA+((APR(I)+APR(J))/l.0E+9) 245 WCALC=ROR*AREAN 250 RETURN c ---------------------- RESETTING AREATL IF NOT ------ 255 ELSE 260 AREATL=AREAN 265 IF (AREATL.LT.SUMMIN)AREATL=SUMMIN 270 END IF CC ---------------------- RETURNING AREA VALUE SINCE C ------------------------- UPPER INTEGRATION LIMIT IS C ------------------------- TOO LARGE ----------------- 275 ELSE IF(HIGH.GE.HIMAX)THEN 280 WRITE(*,*)’ I 285 WRITE(*,*)’WHILE INTEGRATING INTERACTION' 290 WRITE(*,*)’BETWEEN PARTICLES’,I,J 295 WRITE(*,*)'UPPER INTEGRATION LIMIT’, 6 'EXCEEDED’, HIMAX,’nm’ 300 ROR=HOA+((APR(I)+APR(J))/1.0E+9) 305 WCALC=AREAN*ROR 310 RETURN 315 END IF CC ---------------------- SINCE DIFFERENCE IS NOT C ------------------------- WITHIN TOLERANCE THEN c ------------------------- PREPARE FOR ANOTHER C ------------------------- ITERATION ----------------- c ----------------------- INCREASING INTSIZE AS 0 ------------------------- SEPARATION INCREASES ------ 320 IF(HIGH.GT.5.0E-9 .AND. HIGH.LE.25.0E-9) THEN 325 INTSIZE=2.5E-9 330 ELSE IF(HIGH.GT.25.0E-9 .AND. & HIGH.LE.85.0E-9) THEN 335 INTSIZE=5.0E-9 340 ELSE IF(HIGH.GT.85.0E-9 .AND. & HIGH.LE.170.0E-9) THEN 345 INTSIZE=10.0E-9 350 ELSE IF(HIGH.GT.170.0E-9 .AND. 182 Line# Source Line & HIGH.LE.500.0E-9) THEN 161 355 INTSIZE=100.0E-9 162 360 ELSE IF(HIGH.GT.500.0E-9) THEN 163 365 INTSIZE=1000.0E-9 164 370 END IF 165 375 GOTO 65 166 167 CCC --------------------- MESSAGE REPORTING CURRENT 168 CC ------------------------ FILE, CURRENT INTERACTIONS 169 CC ------------------------ BEING CALCULATED AND THAT cc ------------------------ THE COMPUTER Is RUNNING A cc ------------------------ LONG PROGRAM ------------- 170 900 F0RMAT(/:/:/:/./7/,/711X: 58(’C’)/, 171 & 11X,’C’,4X,’This computer is currently’, 6 26X,’C’/, 172 & 11X,’C’,4X,’running a program’,35X,’C’/, 173 & 11X,’C’,4X,’which has many lengthy’,30X,’C’/, 174 & 11X,’C’,4X,’calculations.’,39x,’C’/, 175 6 11X,’C’,56X,’C’/, 176 & 11X,’C’,4X,’PLEASE DO NOT INTERUPT THE’, 6 ’PROGRAM!!’,16X,’C’/, - 177 & 11X,’C’,56X,’C’/, 178 & 11X,’C’,4X,’If there is a problem’, & ’contact’,23X,’C’/, 179 & 11X,’C’,4X,5X,’Brett Wilson: Office’, 6 ’A234’,22X,’C’/, 180 & 11X,’C’,56X,'C’/, 181 6 11X,58(’C’)/, 182 6 11X,’C',28X,A7,21X,'C’/, 183 & 11X,’C’,28X,’CURRENT PH: ’,F5.2,11X,'C'/, 184 & 11X,’C',28X,’INTERACTIONS BETWEEN: ', 6 Il,’,’,Il,3X,’C’/, 185 & 11X758(’C')7/././,/,/./) 186 187 188 189 190 CCC --------------------- RETURNING TO CACLUL cc ------------------------ SUBPROGRAM ---------------- 191 999 END - WC Local Symbols Name Class Type Size Offset TEMPK . . . . . . . . . . param 0006 FLDIR . . . . . . . . . . param 000a X . . . . . . . . . . . . param 000e VTT . . . . . . . . . . . param 0012 WC Local Name VOT . VOO . CPH . HOR . HOA . CONCL . . J . I . PSI . . . TAH . . . APR . . . WCALC . . SUMARG. . CONTRIB . SUMMIN. . CONTMX. . SUMMAX. . LOWEST. . HIGH. . . SOC . . . INTSIZE . XN. . . . DIFFN . . AREAN . . TOL . . LOW . . . ROR . OOAT. HIMIN . HIMAX . AREATL. . SIMP. . . Symbols Global Symbols Name SI. 0 O 0 WC. . . . Code size Data size Bss size No errors 0643 (1603) = 00dd (221) = 0082 (130) detected 183 Class param param param param param param param param param param param param local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local Class extern FSUBRT Type REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*4 REAL*4 REAL*8 REAL*4 INTEGER*4 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*4 REAL*4 REAL*8 REAL*4 REAL*4 REAL*8 REAL*8 Type *** *** Size mmhhoobhmooooohmbboooooooooo Size *** *** Offset 0016 001a 001e 0022 0026 002a 002e 0032 0036 003a 003e 0042 0002 000a 0012 001a 0022 002a 002e 0032 003a 003e 0042 004a 0052 005a 005e 0062 006a 006e 0072 007a Offset *** 0000 Linef HomooqmmAuNI-a H)- 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 184 Microsoft FORTRAN Optimizing Compiler Version 5.00.03 Source Line CCCCC CCC--- C ..... CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC SUBROUTINE SI(SIMP, A, B, APR, TAH, PSI, I, J, 6 CONCL, HOA, CPH, VOO,VOT,VTT, x, XN, TEMPK) REV. 05-04-92 ------- SUBPROGRAM TO INTEGRATE A GIVEN SEGMENT ---------- OF AN INTEGRAL USING SIMPSON’S RULE- IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER I,J,L,NSECTS,NMAX,XN,VN REAL A, B, Dx, APR, TAH, PSI, HOA, SEP, CPH, REAL CONCL, x, xv, TEMPK REAL*8 ODDS,EVENS,DIFFT,FA,FB,AREAO,CONTMX REAL*8 AREAN,DIFFN,VFCN,WFCN,SUMARG,SUMMAX REAL*8 SIMP,V,VOO,VOT,VTT DIMENSION APR(2),PSI(2),X(250) DIMENSION VOO(250),VOT(250),VTT(250) DIMENSION V(140),XV(140),TAH(2:4) NSECTS=NUMBER OF SECTIONS INTERVALL TO BE DIVIDED INTO DIFFT=TOLERABLE DIFFERANCE BETWEEN SUCCESSIVE ITERATIONS =MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SECTIONS TO BE TAKEN A=LOWER LIMIT OF INTEGRATION =UPPER LIMIT OF INTEGRATION WFCN=STABILITY CALCULATED BY SUBROUTINE WVFCN VFCN=POTENTIAL CALCULATED BY SUBROUTINE WVFCN FA=FUNCTION VALUE AT A FB=FUNCTION VALUE AT B DX=WIDTH OF SECTIONS ODDS=SUM OF FUCTION VALUES AT ODD SECTIONS EVENS=SUM OF FUCTION VALUES AT EVEN SECTIONS AREAO=AREA CALCULATED IN PREVIOUS ITERATION AREAN=AREA CALCULATED IN PRESENT ITERATION DIFFN=DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PRESENT AND PREVIOUS ITERATION CONTMX=MAXIMUM CONTRIBUTION TO TOTAL AREA BEFORE A MATH OVERFLOW ERROR CAUSES PROGRAM TERMINATION SUMMAX=MAXIMUM POSITVE VALUE FOR A REAL VARIABLE BEFORE A MATH OVERFLOW ERROR OCCURS AND CAUSES PROGRAM TERMINATION SUMMARG=ARGUMENT USED TO CALCULATE SUMMAX SUMMIN=MINIMUM POSITVE VALUE FOR A REAL VARIABLE BEFORE A MATH OVERFLOW ERROR OCCURS AND CAUSES PROGRAM TERMINATION V=INTERPARTICLE POTENTIAL AT A COORESPONDING Line# 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 185 Source Line ccccc DISTANCE XV(ARRAY) CCCCC XV=INTERPARTICLE SEPARATION DISTANCE (ARRAY) CCCCC VN=COUNTER FOR TRACKING POSITION IN V AND xv CCCCC ARRAYS CCCCC XN=COUNTER FOR SAVING v AND xv IN VOO,VOT,VTT ccccc AND K ARRAYS CC ---------------------- INTIALIZE AREAO TO ZERO--—- 05 AREAO=0.0 CC ---------------------- SET DIFF,NSECTS,6 NMAX c ------------------------- VALUES -------------------- 10 DIFFT = 0.0001 15 NSECTS=64 20 NMAX=2.0E+6 25 SUMARG=663.0 30 SUMMAX=EXP(SUMARG) 35 SUMMAX=SUMMAX*1.0E+20 CC ---------------------- EVALUATE FUNCTION AT UPPER & C ------------------------- LOWER BOUND --------------- 40 CALL WVFCN(WFCN, VFCN, A, APR, TAH, PSI, I, J, & CONCL, HOA, TEMPK) 45 FA=WFCN 50 XV(1)=A 55 V(1)=VFCN 60 CALL WVFCN(WFCN, VFCN, B, APR, TAH, PSI, I, J, 6 CONCL, HOA, TEMPK) 65 FB=WFCN 70 XV(130)=B 75 V(130)=VFCN CC ---------------------- BEGIN ITERATION LOOP -------- 80 IF (NSECTS .LE. NMAX) THEN CC ---------------------- CALCULATE WIDTH 0F SECTIONS- 85 Dx = (B-A)/REAL(NSECTS) cc ---------------------- RE-INITIALIZE ODDS 6 EVENS c ------------------------- TO ZERO ------------------- 90 ODDS = 0.0 95 EVENS = 0.0 100 VN=1 CC ---------------------- CALCULATING SUM OF ALL ODD C ------------------------- FUNCTION VALUES ----------- 105 D0 170 L=1,NSECTS-1,2 110 SEP = A+(L*DX) 115 CALL WVFCN(WFCN, VFCN, SEP, APR, TAH, PSI, Linef 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 186 Source Line 6 I, J, CONCL, HOA, TEMPK) 120 CONTMX=SUMMAX-ODDS 125 IF (WFCN.GE.CONTMX)THEN 130 ODDS=SUMMAx 135 ELSE 140 ODDS=ODDS + WFCN 145 END IF 150 IF(NSECTS.EQ.128)THEN 155 XV(VN+L)=SEP 160 V(VN+L)=VFCN 165 END IF 170 CONTINUE cc ---------------------- CALCULATING SUM OF ALL EVEN c ------------------------- FUNCTION VALUES ----------- 175 D0 240 L=2,NSECTS-2,2 180 SEP = A+(L*DX) 185 CALL WVFCN(WFCN, VFCN, SEP, APR, TAH, PSI, 6 I, J, CONCL, HOA, TEMPK) 190 CONTMX=SUMMAX-EVENS 195 IF(WFCN.GE.CONTMX)THEN 200 EVENS=SUMMAx 205 ELSE 210 EVENS=EVENS + WFCN 215 END IF 220 IF(NSECTS.EQ.128)THEN 225 XV(VN+L)=SEP 230 V(VN+L)=VFCN 235 END IF 240 CONTINUE cc ---------------------- SAVING V DATA FOR WRITING TO 0 ------------------------- FILE ---------------------- 245 IF (NSECTS.EQ.128 .AND. B.LT.300.0E-9)THEN C ----------------------- FOR INTERACTION OF PARTICLE c ------------------------- ONE WITH ONE -------------- 250 IF (I+J.EQ.2)THEN 255 VOO(XN)=V(1) 260 X(XN)=XV(1) 265 XN=XN+1 270 D0 290 L=20,100,20 275 VOO(XN)=V(L) 280 X(XN)=XV(L) 285 =XN+1 290 CONTINUE 295 VOO(XN)=V(130) 300 X(XN)=XV(130) 305 XN=XN+1 c ----------------------- FOR INTERACTION OF PARTICLE c ------------------------- ONE WITH TWO -------------- 187 Line} Source Line 126 310 ELSE IF (I+J.EQ.3)THEN 127 315 VOT(XN)=V(1) 128 320 XN=XN+1 129 325 D0 340 L=20,100,20 130 330 VOT(XN)=V(L) 131 335 XN=XN+1 132 340 CONTINUE 133 345 VOT(XN)=V(130) 134 350 XN=XN+1 135 c ----------------------- FOR INTERACTION OF PARTICLE c ------------------------- TWO WITH TWO-- ------------ 136 355 ELSE IF (I+J.EQ.4)THEN 137 360 VTT(XN)=V(1) 138 365 XN=XN+1 139 370 D0 385 L=20,100,20 140 375 VTT(XN)=V(L) 141 380 XN=XN+1 142 385 CONTINUE 143 390 VTT(XN)=V(130) 144 395 XN=XN+1 145 400 END IF 146 405 END IF 147 148 cc ---------------------- ADDING ALL FUNCTION VALUES 149 C ------------------------- THIS TO FIND AREA OF C ------------------------- ITERATION ----------------- 150 410 IF (ODDS.GE.SUMMAx .OR. 6 EVENS.GE.SUMMAX)THEN 151 415 AREAN=SUMMAX 152 420 ELSE 153 425 AREAN = (DX/3.0)* 6 (FA+FB+4.0*ODDS+2.0*EVENS) 154 430 END IF 155 156 cc ---------------------- RETURNING AREA VALUE IF 157 c ------------------------- DIFFERANCE BETWEEN c ------------------------- SUCCESSIVE ITERATIONS IS c ------------------------- TOLERABLE ----------------- 158 435 IF (AREAN.EQ.0.0)THEN 159 440 DIFFN=0.0 160 445 ELSE 161 450 DIFFN = ABS( (AREAN-AREAO) / AREAN) 162 455 END IF 163 460 IF (DIFFN.LT.DIFFT)THEN 164 465 SIMP = AREAN 165 470 RETURN 166 167 CC ---------------------- SINCE DIFFERENCE IS NOT 168 C ------------------------- WITHIN TOLERANCE THEN c ------------------------- PREPARE FOR ANOTHER 188 Line# Source Line C ------------------------- ITERATION ----------------- 169 475 ELSE 170 480 AREAO = AREAN 171 485 NSECTS = NSECTS*2 172 490 ENDIF 173 495 GOTO 80 174 175 CC ---------------------- RETURNING AREA VALUE SINCE C ------------------------- NSECTS Too LARGE ---------- 176 500 ELSE 177 505 SIMP=AREAN 178 510 WRITE(*,*)’NSECTS TOO LARGE IN SIMPSONS’, & 'INTEGRATION,’ 179 515 WRITE(*,*)’RETURNING AREA(LOW,HIGH) FOR’, & ’PH:’ 180 520 WRITE(*,*)’(’,A,’,’,B,’)’,’FOR:’,CPH 181 525 PAUSE 182 530 ENDIF 183 184 CCC --------------------- RETURNING TO WCALC C ------------------------- SUBPROGRAM ---------------- 185 998 RETURN 186 999 END SI Local Symbols Name Class Type Size Offset TEMPK . . . . param 0006 XN. . . . . . param 000a X . . . . . . param 000e VTT . . . . . param 0012 VOT . . . . . param 0016 V00 . . . . . param 001a CPH . . . . . param 001e HOA . . . . . param 0022 CONCL . . . . param 0026 J . . . . . . param 002a I . . . . . . param 002e PSI . . . . . param 0032 TAH . . . . . param 0036 APR . . . . . param 003a B . . . . . . param 003e A . . . . . . param 0042 SIMP. . . . . param 0046 V . . . . . . local REAL*8 1120 0000 EVENS . . . . local REAL*8 8 0002 FA. . . . . . local REAL*8 8 000a FB. . . . . . local REAL*8 8 0012 SI Local Name L . . . SUMARG. NSECTS. CONTMX. SUMMAX. DX. . . . VN. . . . DIFFN . . AREAN . . AREAO . . SEP . . ODDS. . VFCN. . . DIFFT WFCN. NMAX. . . XV. . . . Symbols Global Symbols Name SI. . . . WVFCN . . Code size Data size Bss size No errors 0a5e (2654) 00a7 (167) 0082 (130) detected 189 Class local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local Class FSUBRT extern Type INTEGER*4 REAL*8 INTEGER*4 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*4 INTEGER*4 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*4 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 INTEGER*4 REAL*4 Type *** *** Size oncommoohooooooc-Sooovooh U1 0‘ Size *** *** Offset 001a 001e 0026 002a 0032 003a 003e 0042 004a 0052 005a 005e 0066 006e 0076 007e 0460 Offset 0000 *** 190 Microsoft FORTRAN Optimizing Compiler Version 5.00.03 Line# Source Line GUIPUNH Dad 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 CCCCC CCC--- CC--- CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC SUBROUTINE WVFCN(WFCN, VFCN, SSEP, APR, TAH, & PSI, I, J, CONCL, HOA, TEMPK) REV. 05-04-92 ------------------ EVALUATING THE FCN.S W AND V -------------------- AT GIVEN SEPERATIONs------ IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER I,J REAL EC, BOC, SSEP, PIE, CONCL, CONCM, NA REAL APRM, DIEL, PSEP REAL APR,TAH,PSI,HOA,RSEP,RSEPSD,TEMPK REAL*8 EARGMX,EARGMN,EXARG,EXAMAX,X,Y REAL*8 TTWKT,TTH,FR,FV,KAP REAL*8 DIELM,DIELV,EXW,WFCN,VFCN REAL*8 TTWN,TTWNKT,TTWD,SI,SE,VRKT,FRE,FVNE REAL*8 TTHN,TTHD,FRN,FRD,FVN,VTKT REAL*8 VAKT,VANKT,VAD,KAPN,KAPD,KAPS DIMENSION APR(2),PSI(2),APRM(2),TAH(2:4). EC=ELECTRON CHARGE (COUL) PIE=NUMERIC VALUE OF PIE (UNITLESS) DIELM=RELATIVE DIELECTRIC CONSTANT OF MEDIUM (@25 C)(DIMENSIONLESS) DIELV=DIELECTRIC CONSTANT OF VACUUM (C‘2/JM) DIEL=DIELECTRIC CONSTANT OF MEDIUM (C‘2/JM) BOC=BOLTZMAN CONSTANT (J/ATOM K) NA=AVAGADRO’S CONSTANT (ATOMS/MOLE) CONCL=CONCENTRATION OF ELECTROLYTE (MOLE/L) CONCM=CONCENTRATION OF ELECTROLYTE (MOLE/M‘3) APR=ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS (NM) APRM=ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS (M) SSEP=SEPERATION DISTANCE [BETWEEN STERN SURFACES] (M) PSEP=SEPERATION DISTANCE [BETWEEN PARTICLE SURFACES] (M) RSEP=SEPERATION DISTANCE [BETWEEN CENTERS] (M) RSEPSD=RSEP SQUARED (M‘2) TAH=TOTAL HAMAKER CONSTANT (J) HOA=MINIMUM SURFACE SEPERATION FOR VAN DER WAALS ATTRACTION (M) HOR=MINIMUM SURFACE SEPERATION FOR REPULSION (M) VTKT=T0TAL INTERACTION POTENTIAL IN UNITS OF KT VAKT=ATTRACTION INTERACTION POTENTIAL IN UNITS OF KT VRKT=REPULSION INTERACTION POTENTIAL IN UNITS Line# 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 191 Source Line OF KT CCCCC KAP=KAPPA THE DEBYE-HUCKEL PARAMETER (1/M) CCCCC X,Y,VAN,VAD=VARIABLES USED TO BREAK DOWN CCCC EQUATION FOR THE ATTRACTION CCCC INTERACTION POTENTIAL SO IT MAY BE CCCC SOLVED IN FORTRAN CODE WITH CCCC LIMITED LINE LENGTH CCCCC TTWKT,TTWNKT,TTWN,TTWD,TTH,TTHN,TTHD,FR,FRN CCCC 6 FRD,FRE,FV,FVN, SI,SE,KAP,KAPN,KAPD,KAPS CCC = VARIABLES USED TO BREAK DOWN CCC LARGE EQUATION FOR THE REPULSION CCC INTERACTION POTENTIAL 80 IT MAY CCC BE SOLVED IN FORTRAN CODE WITH CCC LIMITED LINE LENGTH CC ---------------------- INITIALIZING THE CONSTANTS- 10 CONCM = CONCL*1.0E+3 20 EC = 1.602E-19 30 NA = 6.02E+23 40 PIE = 3.1416 50 DIELM = 78.54 60 DIELV = 8.8542E-12 70 DIEL = DIELM*DIELV 80 BOC = 1.381E-23 90 APRM(I) = APR(I)/1.0E+9 100 APRM(J) = APR(J)/1.0E+9 110 PSEP=SSEP+HOA 120 EARGMx=709.0 130 EARGMN=-745.0 CC ---------------------- EVALUATING FCN. BY BREAKING c ------------------------- INTO SMALLER TERMS 6 c ------------------------- RECOMBING THEM ------------ cc ---------------------- CALCULATING VA -------------- 140 x=PSEP/(APRM(I)+APRM(J)) 150 Y=APRM(I)/APRM(J) 160 VANKT=0.0-(TAH(I+J)/(12.0*BOC*TEMPK)) 170 VAD=(Y/(X**2+(X*Y)+X))+(Y/(X**2+(X*Y)+X+Y)) 180 VAD=VAD+(2.0*LOG(X**2+(X*Y)+X) / 6 (X**2+(X*Y)+X+Y)) 190 VAKT=VANKT*VAD CC ---------------------- CALCULATING VR TERMS -------- 200 TTWN=PIE*DIEL*APRM(I)*APRM(J) * 6 (PSI(I)**2+PSI(J)**2) 210 TTWNKT=TTWN/(BOC*TEMPK) 220 TTWD=(APRM(I)+APRM(J)) 230 TTWKT=TTWNKT/TTWD 83 85 86 S7 88 '89 90 91 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 194 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 123 192 Line} Source Line 83 84 240 IF (PSI(l).EQ.0.0 .OR. PSI(2).EQ.0.0)THEN 85 250 TTH = 0.0 86 260 ELSE 87 270 TTHN = 2*PSI(I)*PSI(J) 88 280 TTHD = PSI(I)**2+PSI(J)**2 89 290 TTH = TTHN/TTHD 90 300 END IF 91 92 310 KAPN = 2.0*CONCM*EC**2*NA 93 320 KAPD = DIEL*BOC*TEMPK 94 330 KAPS = KAPN/KAPD 95 340 KAP = SQRT(KAPS) 96 97 350 FRE = 0.0 -(KAP*SSEP) 98 360 IF (FRE.LT.EARGMN) THEN 99 370 FRE=EARGMN 100 C ----------------------- PREVENTING MATH OVERFLOW c ------------------------- ERROR --------------------- 101 380 ELSE IF (FRE.LT.1.0E-4 .AND. 6 FRE.GT.-1.0E-4)THEN 102 390 IF (FRE.GE.0.0)THEN 103 400 FRE=1.0E-4 104 410 ELSE 105 420 FRE=-1.0E-4 106 430 END IF 107 440 END IF 108 450 FRN = 1.0 + EXP(FRE) 109 460 FRD = 1.0 - EXP(FRE) 110 470 FR = LOG(FRN/FRD) 111 112 480 FVNE =(0.0-(2.0*KAP*SSEP)) 113 490 IF (FVNE.LT.EARGMN)THEN 114 500 FVNE=EARGMN 115 C ----------------------- PREVENTING MATH OVERFLOW C ------------------------- ERROR --------------------- 116 510 ELSE IF (FVNE.GT.-1.0E-16)THEN 117 520 FVNE=-1.0E-16 118 530 END IF 119 540 FVN = 1.0 - EXP(FVNE) 120 550 FV = LOG(FVN) 121 122 560 SI=TTH*FR 123 124 570 SE=SI+FV 125 126 CC ---------------------- RECOMBINING TERMS TO c ------------------------------ CALCULATE VR -------- 127 580 VRKT=TTWKT*SE 128 Line# 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 193 Source Line CC ---------------------- CALCULATING VT FROM VA 6 VR- 590 VTKT = VAKT+VRKT 600 VFCN=VTKT cc ---------------------- CALCULATING VT OVER KT AND C -------------------------- PREVENTING MATH OVERFLOW C -------------------------- ERRORS ------------------- 610 IF (VTKT.GT.EARGMX)THEN 620 EXW=EARGMX 630 ELSE IF (VTKT.LT.EARGMN)THEN 640 EXW=EARGMN 650 ELSE 660 EXW=VTKT 670 END IF 680 EXARG=EXP(EXW) cc ---------------------- CALCULATING WFCN ------------ 690 RSEP = PSEP+APRM(I)+APRM(J) 700 RSEPSD=RSEP**2 710 EXAMAX=EXP(EARGMX)*RSEPSD 720 IF (EXARG.GT.EXAMAX)THEN 730 WFCN=EXP(EARGMX) 740 ELSE 750 WFCN=EXP(EXW)/RSEPSD 760 END IF cc ---------------------- RETURNING FUNCTION To c ------------------------- SUBPROGRAM ---------------- 998 RETURN 999 END WVFCN Local Symbols Name TEMPK HOA . CONCL J . . I . . PSI . TAH . APR . SSEP. VFCN. WFCN. Class Type Size Offset . . . . . . . . . param 0006 . . . . . param 000a . . . . . param 000e . . . . . param 0012 . . . . . param 0016 . . . . . param 001a . . . . . param 001e . . . . . param 0022 . . . . . param 0026 . . . . . param 002a . . . . . param '002e O I)... 1‘}. .h- ......” ll ..--.0 '9- I .VI 0 ‘l' “‘14. ‘1' hann‘t l'). (‘1'). o . ~32 “-5.4' MA I. -~\- I h. u '4.) . r. I .K. . U I ll . . I . , 57‘“ “1U ‘ I:( a...) . no \ UA- . 9 .3 1.,“ . 7! .I. . ‘h N» ‘M. . - .. uh“. \v :9 "~én '1'- ! ‘n 0‘ . '6“. [MD I“ . 21' ‘45‘ . )1 \r " A). f‘ h'JIVVI) ‘44! )3: mp WVFCN Local Symbols Name TTWD. VANKT EXAMAX. EARGMX. VRKT. EC. . VTKT. TTWN. NA. . RSEPS BOC . SE. . FR. . X . . Y . . VAD . FRD . SI. . KAP . FV. . FRE . TTWKT DIEL. PIE . KAPD. FRN . O O I O O O O 194 Class local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local Type REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*4 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*4 REAL*4 REAL*4 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*4 REAL*4 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*4 REAL*4 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*4 REAL*8 REAL*4 REAL*8 (D (...). N (D 00.6-00500000000006-000000000000000000006-a0000000000000000000000bphoneme-0000000000 Offset 0000 0008 0010 0018 0020 0028 002C 0034 003e 0040 0044 0048 0050 0058 0060 0068 0070 0078 0080 0088 0090 0098 00a0 00a4 00a8 00b0 00b8 00c0 00c8 00d0 00d8 00e0 00e8 00f0 00f8 00fc 0104 010C 0114 011C 0124 0128 0130 0134 195 Global Symbols Name WVFCN . . Code size Data size Bss size No errors Class Type . . . . . . . . FSUBRT .*** 086a (2158) 0074 (116) 0130 (316) detected Size *** Offset 0000 196 Microsoft FORTRAN Optimizing Compiler Version 5.00.03 Linef Source Line 1 ounc- OON OMQ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 CCCCC- CCCCC CCC--- CC--- CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC SUBROUTINE WVFCN(WFCN, VFCN, SSEP, APR, TAH, 6 PSI, I, J, CONCL, HOA, TEMPK) -------- CONSTANT CHARGE CALCULATIONS---------- REV. 05-04-92 ------------------ EVALUATING THE FCN.S W AND V -------------------- AT GIVEN SEPERATIONS------ IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER I,J REAL EC, BOC, SSEP, PIE, CONCL, CONCM, NA REAL APRM, DIEL, PSEP REAL APR,TAH,PSI,HOA,RSEP,RSEPSD,TEMPK REAL*8 EARGMX,EARGMN,EXARG,EXAMAX,X,Y REAL*8 TTWKT,TTH,FR,FV,KAP REAL*8 DIELM, DIELV, Exw, WFCN, VFCN REAL*8 TTWN, TTWNKT, TTWD, SI, SE, VRKT, FRE, FVNE REAL*8 TTHN, TTHD, FRN, FRD, FVN, VTKT REAL*8 VAKT, VANKT, VAD, KAPN, KAPL KAPS DIMENSION APR(2),PSI(2),APRM(2),TAH(2:4) EC=ELECTRON CHARGE (COUL) PIE=NUMERIC VALUE OF PIE (UNITLESS) DIELM=RELATIVE DIELECTRIC CONSTANT OF MEDIUM (@25 C)(DIMENSIONLESS) DIELV=DIELECTRIC CONSTANT OF VACUUM (C‘Z/JM) DIEL=DIELECTRIC CONSTANT OF MEDIUM (C‘Z/JM) BOC=BOLTZMAN CONSTANT (J/ATOM K) NA=AVAGADRO’S CONSTANT (ATOMS/MOLE) CONCL=CONCENTRATION OF ELECTROLYTE (MOLE/L) CONCM=CONCENTRATION OF ELECTROLYTE (MOLE/M‘B) APR=ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS (NM) APRM=ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS (M) SSEP=SEPERATION DISTANCE [BETWEEN STERN SURFACES] (M) PSEP=SEPERATION DISTANCE [BETWEEN PARTICLE SURFACES] (M) RSEP=SEPERATION DISTANCE [BETWEEN CENTERS] (M) RSEPSD=RSEP SQUARED (M‘Z) TAH=TOTAL HAMAKER CONSTANT (J) HOA=MINIMUM SURFACE SEPERATION FOR VAN DER WAALS ATTRACTION (M) HOR=MINIMUM SURFACE SEPERATION FOR REPULSION (M) VTKT=TOTAL INTERACTION POTENTIAL IN UNITS OF KT VAKT= ATTRACTION INTERACTION POTENTIAL IN UNITS Line# 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 197 Source Line OF KT CCCCC VRKT=REPULSION INTERACTION POTENTIAL IN UNITS OF KT CCCCC KAP=KAPPA THE DEBYE-HUCKEL PARAMETER (1/M) ccccc x,Y,VAN,VAD=VARIABLES USED To BREAK DOWN CCCC EQUATION FOR THE ATTRACTION CCCC INTERACTION POTENTIAL SO IT MAY BE CCCC SOLVED IN FORTRAN CODE WITH CCCC LIMITED LINE LENGTH CCCCC TTWKT,TTWNKT,TTWN,TTWD,TTH,TTHN,TTHD,FR,FRN CCCC & FRD,FRE,FV,FVN, SI,SE,KAP,KAPN,KAPD,KAPS CCC = VARIABLES USED TO BREAK DOWN CCC LARGE EQUATION FOR THE REPULSION CCC INTERACTION POTENTIAL SO IT MAY CCC BE SOLVED IN FORTRAN CODE WITH CCC LIMITED LINE LENGTH CC ---------------------- INITIALIZING THE CONSTANTS- 10 CONCM = CONCL*1.0E+3 20 EC = 1.602E-19 30 NA = 6.02E+23 40 PIE = 3.1416 50 DIELM = 78.54 60 DIELV = 8.8542E-12 70 DIEL = DIELM*DIELV 80 BOC = 1.381E-23 90 APRM(I) = APR(I)/l.0E+9‘ 100 APRM(J) = APR(J)/l.0E+9 110 PSEP=SSEP+HOA 120 EARGMX=709.0 130 EARGMN=-745.0 cc ---------------------- EVALUATING FCN. BY BREAKING C ------------------------- INTO SMALLER TERMS 6 c ------------------------- RECOMBING THEM ------------ CC ———— ---------- CALCULATING VA -------------- 140 x=PSEP/(APRM(I)+APRM(J)) 150 Y=APRM(I)/APRM(J) 160 VANKT=0.0-(TAH(I+J)/(12.0*BOC*TEMPK)) 170 VAD=(Y/(X**2+(X*Y)+X))+(Y/(X**2+(X*Y)+X+Y)) 180 VAD=VAD+(2.0*LOG(X**2+(X*Y)+X) / 6 (X**2+(X*Y)+X+Y)) 190 VAKT=VANKT*VAD CC ---------------------- CALCULATING VR TERMS -------- 200 =PIE*DIEL*APRM(I)*APRM(J) * 6 (PSI(I)**2+PSI(J)**2) 210 TTWNKT=TTWN/(BOC*TEMPK) 198 Line! Source Line 81 220 TTWD=(APRM(I)+APRM(J)) 82 230 TTWKT=TTWNKT/TTWD 83 84 240 IF (PSI(l).EQ.0.0 .OR. PSI(2).EQ.0.0)THEN 85 250 TTH = 0.0 86 260 ELSE 87 270 TTHN = 2*PSI(I)*PSI(J) 88 280 TTHD = PSI(I)**2+PSI(J)**2 89 290 TTH = TTHN/TTHD 90 300 END IF 91 92 310 KAPN = 2.0*CONCM*EC**2*NA 93 320 KAPD = DIEL*BOC*TEMPK 94 330 KAPS = KAPN/KAPD 95 340 KAP = SQRT(KAPS) 96 97 350 FRE = 0.0 -(KAP*SSEP) 98 360 IF (FRE.LT.EARGMN) THEN 99 370 FRE=EARGMN 100 c ----------------------- PREVENTING MATH OVERFLOW C ------------------------- ERROR --------------------- 101 380 ELSE IF (FRE. LT. 1. 0E-4 .AND. 6 FRE.GT.-1.0E-4)THEN 102 390 IF (FRE.GE.0.0)THEN 103 400 FRE=1.0E-4 104 410 ELSE 105 420 FRE=-1.0E-4 106 430 END IF 107 440 END IF 108 450 FRN = 1.0 + EXP(FRE) 109 460 FRD = 1.0 - EXP(FRE) 110 470 FR = LOG(FRN/FRD) 111 112 480 FVNE =(0.0-(2.0*KAP*SSEP)) 113 490 IF (FVNE.LT.EARGMN)THEN 114 500 FVNE=EARGMN 115 C ----------------------- PREVENTING MATH OVERFLOW C ------------------------- ERROR --------------------- 116 510 ELSE IF (FVNE.GT.-1.0E-16)THEN 117 520 FVNE=-1.0E-16 118 530 END IF 119 540 FVN = 1.0 - EXP(FVNE) 120 550 FV = LOG(FVN) 121 122 560 SI=TTH*FR 123 124 570 SE=SI-FV 125 126 CC ---------------------- RECOMBINING TERMS TO c ------------------------------ CALCULATE VR -------- Line# 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 199 Source Line 580 VRKT=TTWKT*SE cc ---------------------- CALCULATING VT FROM VA 6 VR- 590 VTKT = VAKT+VRKT 600 VFCN=VTKT cc ---------------------- CALCULATING VT OVER KT AND C -------------------------- PREVENTING MATH OVERFLOW C -------------------------- ERRORS ------------------- 610 IF (VTKT.GT.EARGMX)THEN 620 EXW=EARGMX 630 ELSE IF (VTKT.LT.EARGMN)THEN 640 EXW=EARGMN 650 ELSE 660 EXW=VTKT 670 END IF 680 EXARG=EXP(EXW) cc ---------------------- CALCULATING WFCN ------------ 690 RSEP = PSEP+APRM(I)+APRM(J) , 700 RSEPSD=RSEP**2 710 EXAMAX=EXP(EARGMX)*RSEPSD 720 IF (EXARG.GT.EXAMAX)THEN 730 WFCN=EXP(EARGMX) 740 ELSE 750 WFCN=EXP(EXW)/RSEPSD 760 END IF CC ---------------------- RETURNING FUNCTION TO - C ------------------------- SUBPROGRAM ---------------- 998 RETURN 999 END WVFCN Local Symbols Name TEMPK HOA . CONCL J . . I . . PSI . TAH . APR . SSEP. VFCN. WFCN. Class Type Size Offset . . . . . . . . . param 0006 . . . . . . . . . param 000a . . . . . . . . . param 000e . . . . . . . . . param 0012 . . . . . . . . . param 0016 . . . . . . . . . param 001a . . . . . . . . param 001e . . . . . . . . . param 0022 . . . . . . . . . param 0026 . . . . . . . . . param 002a . O O C O O O O O param 002e WVFCN Local Symbols Name NA. . RSEPSD BOC . SE. FR. X . Y . VAD FRD SI. KAP FV. FRE 5 DIEL. PIE . KAPD. KAPN. FVN . DIELM TTWNKT KAPS. FVNE. TTH . APRM. CONCM TTHD. EXW . DIELV VAKT. EXARG PSEP. EARGMN. RSEP. TTHN. 200 Class local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local Type REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*4 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*4 REAL*4 REAL*4 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*4 REAL*4 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*4 REAL*4 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*4 REAL*8 REAL*4 REAL*8 U) ..a. N (D 00h004>00000000004>000000000000000000me00000000000000000000004>AJ>0000440000000000 Offset 0000 0008 0010 0018 0020 0028 002c 0034 003c 0040 0044 0048 0050 0058 0060 0068 0070 0078 0080 0088 0090 0098 00a0 00a4 00a8 00b0 00b8 00c0 00c8 00d0 00d8 00e0 00e8 00f0 00f8 00fc 0104 010c 0114 011c 0124 0128 0130 0134 201 Global Symbols Name WVFCN . . Code size Data size Bss size NO errors Class Type . . . . . . . . FSUBRT *** 086e (2158) 0074 (116) 013c (316) detected Size *** Offset 0000 202 Microsoft FORTRAN Optimizing Compiler Version 5.00.03 Linef Source Line 1 SUBROUTINE DATA STORAGE(V, APR, ZPQ, AHM, AHP, 2 6 PHCZI, NZPl, NZP2, ZPPHl, ZPDP1, ZPPH2, 3 6 ZPDP2, WT, PH, CONCL, WOO, WOT, WTT,CDATE, 6 STIME, FTIME, TEMP) 4 5 CCCCC REV. 06-22-92 6 7 ccc --------------------- SUBPROGRAM TO STORE INPUT 6 cc ----------------------- CALCULATED DATA ------------ 8 9 IMPLICIT NONE 10 CHARACTER IFLNM*17,FLDSC*100,ZPQ*1,FLNME*20 CHARACTER FLXT*4,TEMPC*34,AHMC*33,CONCC*42 11 CHARACTER APRC*35,PHCZIC*28,RICS*16,AHPC*33 12 CHARACTER TFLNME*34 13 INTEGER K,L,NZP1,NZP2 14 INTEGER*Z CDATE,STIME,FTIME 15 DIMENSION CDATE(3),STIME(4),FTIME(4) 16 REAL PH,APR,PHCZI,AHP,AHM,ZPPH1,ZPDP1,CONCL 17 REAL ZPPH2,ZPDP2,TEMP,V 18 REAL*8 WT,WOO,WOT,WTT,WMAx 19 DIMENSION WT(200),PH(200),APR(2),AHP(2), DIMENSION PHCZI(2), ZPPH1(200),ZPDP1(200) 20 DIMENSION ZPPH2(200), ZPDP2(200) 21 DIMENSION WOO(200),WOT(200),WTT(200) 22 23 CCCCC IFLNM=INPUT FILE NAME FOR DATA STORAGE 24 CCCCC FLXT=FILE EXTENSION FOR DATA STORAGE FILE 25 CCCCC FLNME=COMPLETE FILE NAME (I.E. FILE NAME & CCCCC EXTENSION) 26 CCCCC TFLNME=TOTAL FILE NAME FOR DATA STORAGE CCCCC (INCLUDES DIRECTORY) 27 CCCCC FLDSC=DESCRIPTION OF FILE 28 CCCCC WMAX=MAXIMUM W VALUE ALLOWABLE FOR PLOTTING ccccc PROGRAMS 29 30 CCC --------------------- ASSIGNING CHARACTER cc ------------------------ VARIABLES ----------------- 31 05 APRC = ’ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS OF COMPONENT’ 32 10 PHCZIC ’POINT-OF-ZERO-CHARGE OF COMPONENT’ 33 15 RICS = ’VALUE(S) INPUT :' 34 20 AHPC ’HAMAKER CONSTANT OF COMPONENT’ 35 25 AHMC ’HAMAKER CONSTANT OF MEDIUM =' 36 30 CONCC = ’CONCENTRATION OF 1-1 ELECTROLYTE IN' 6 ’SYSTEM’ 37 35 TEMPC = ’TEMPERATURE OF SYSTEM (IN DEG. C.)’ 38 39 ccc --------------------- COLLECTING A FILE NAME AND 203 Source Line C ------------------------- SYSTEM DESCRIPTION FOR THE C ------------------------- DATA FILE TO STORE c ------------------------- INFORMATION IN ------------ 40 READ(14,800)FLDSC 45 READ(14,810)IFLNM 50 TFLNME(1:14)=’C:\JK\LL\DATA\’ CCC --------------------- WRITING DATA To A PRINTABLE CC ------------------------ DATA FILE ----------------- 55 FLXT = ’.PDF’ 60 FLNME(1:16)=IFLNM(2:17) 65 FLNME(17:20)=FLXT(1:4) 70 TFLNME(15:34)=FLNME(1:20) 75 OPEN(4,FILE=TFLNME,STATUS=’UNKNOWN’) 80 WRITE(4,875) 85 WRITE(4,880) 90 WRITE(4,885) 95 WRITE(4,890)FLNME,FLDSC 100 WRITE(4,895)CDATE(2),CDATE(3),CDATE(1) 105 WRITE(4,900)STIME(1),STIME(2),STIME(3), 6 STIME(4) - 110 WRITE(4,905)FTIME(1),FTIME(2),FTIME(3), 6 FTIME(4) 115 WRITE(4,910)V,CONCC,CONCL,APRC,APR(1), 6 APRC,APR(2) 120 WRITE(4,915)TEMPC,TEMP 125 WRITE(4,930)AHMC,AHM,AHPC,AHP(1),AHPC,AHP(2) 130 IF (ZPQ.EQ.’P’)THEN 135 WRITE(4,920) 140 WRITE(4,925)PHCZIC,PHCZI(1),PHCZIC, 6 PHCZI(2) 145 ELSE 150' WRITE(4,935) 155 WRITE(4,940)1 160 D0 170 K=1,NZP1,1 165 WRITE(4,945)ZPDP1(K),ZPPH1(K) 170 CONTINUE 175 WRITE(4,940)2 180 D0 190 K=1,NZP2,1 185 WRITE(4,945)ZPDP2(K),ZPPH2(K) 190 CONTINUE 195 END IF 200 WRITE(4,955) 205 D0 225 K=1,200,1 210 IF (PH(K).NE.0.0) THEN 215 WRITE(4,960)WOO(K),WOT(K), 6 WTT(K) ,WT(K) ,PH(K) 220 END IF 225 CONTINUE 230 CLOSE(4) 204 Source Line CCC --------------------- WRITING DATA TO DATA FILE CC ------------------------ FOR PLOTTING -------------- cc ---------------------- WRITING DATA FILE WITH ALL W C ------------------------- VALUES -------------------- 235 FLXT = ’.DAT' 240 TFLNME(31:34)=FLXT 245 OPEN(3,FILE=TFLNME,STATUS=’UNKNOWN’) 250 WRITE(3,850)FLNME,FLDSC 255 D0 275 L=1,200,1 260 IF (PH(L).NE.0.0)THEN 265 WRITE(3,860)PH(L),WOO(L),WOT(L),WTT(L), 6 WT(L) 270 END IF 275 CONTINUE 280 CLOSE(3) cc ---------------------- WRITING DATA To FILE WITH c ---------------------------- ALL W VALUES WITH A C ---------------------------- MAXIMUM OF WMAx--- ----- 285 FLXT=’.DAM’ 290 TFLNME(31:34)=FLXT 295 OPEN(3,FILE=TFLNME,STATUS=’UNKNOWN’) 300 WRITE(3,850)FLNME,FLDSC 305 WMAX=9.9999E+30 310 D0 350 L=1,200,1 315 IF (PH(L).NE.0.0)THEN 320 IF(WOO(L).GT.WMAX)WOO(L)=WMAX 325 IF(WOT(L).GT.WMAX)WOT(L)=WMAX 330 IF(WTT(L).GT.WMAX)WTT(L)=WMAX 335 IF(WT(L).GT.WMAX)WT(L)=WMAX 340 WRITE(3,860)PH(L),WOO(L),WOT(L),WTT(L), WT(L) 345 END IF 350 CONTINUE 355 CLOSE(3) CC ---------------------- WRITING DATA FILE WITH ONLY c ------------------------- WT VALUES ----------------- 360 FLXT=’.DWT’ 365 TFLNME(31:34)=FLXT 37o OPEN(3,FILE=TFLNME,STATUS=’UNKNOWN’) 375 WRITE(3,850)FLNME,FLDSC 380 D0 400 L=1,200,1 385 IF (PH(L).NE.0.0)THEN 390 WRITE(3,860)PH(L),WT(L) 395 END IF 400 CONTINUE Lixaeai 126 127 128 129 :1:3<> :12311 :1332 :1233 1:344 1:325 1:345 1:3‘7 1:363 :LEIS 1A4.0 141:1 111,2 zi<1r3 111.4 141:5 114166 141/7 14113 JquQ 150 151 152 153 154 155 15565 157 155a; 1555; 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 205 Source Line 405 CLOSE(3) cc ---------------------- WRITING DATA FILE WITH ONLY c ---------------------------- WT VALUESWITH A MAXIMUM c ---------------------------- OF WMAX ---------------- 410 FLXT = ’.DWM’ 415 TFLNME(31:34)=FLXT 420 OPEN(3,FILE=TFLNME,STATUS=’UNKNOWN’) 425 WRITE(3,850)FLNME,FLDSC 430 D0 455 L=1,200,1 435 IF (PH(L).NE.0.0)THEN 440 IF(WT(L).GT.WMAX)WT(L)=WMAX 445 WRITE(3,860)PH(L),WT(L) 450 END IF 455 CONTINUE 460 CLOSE(3) CCC --------------------- FORMATTING READ STATEMENTS-- 800 FORMAT(A70) 810 FORMAT(A17) CCC --------------------- FORMATTING WRITE STATEMENTS- 850 FORMAT(IX,A70) 855 FORMAT(lX,24(/), 6 1X,’TYPE IN A NAME FOR A FILE To STORE DATA’, 6 ’IN.’/, 6 1X,’(MUST BE 8 CHARACTERS IN LENGTH WITH NO’, 6 ’SPACES.)’,15(/)) 860 FORMAT(IX,F5.2,1X,’,’,1X,E12.4,1X,’,',1X, 6 E12.4,1X,’,’,1X, 6 E12.4, 1X,’,’,1X,E12.4) 865 FORMAT(lX,24(/), 6 lX,’DO YOU WANT A PRINTED COPY OF DATA?(Y’, & ’Or N)’,15(/)) 870 FORMAT(IX,24(/), 6 1X,’READY PRINTER FOR PRINTING.’/, 6 1X,’WHEN PRINTER IS READY FOR PRINTING’, 6 ’TYPE: "Y"’/, 6 1X,’IF PRINTER IS IN-OPERABLE TYPE:’, & IflNfll’13(/)) C ----------------------- FORMATTING TITLE BLOCK ------ 875 F0RMAT(/7/././:/:/,/.11X. 58(’C’)/. mmmmmmmm 11X,’C’,40X,’Rev. 06-22-92’,3X,’C’/, 11X,’C',4X,’MASTERS THESIS RESEARCH’, 29x,'c'/, 11X,'C’,4X,’BRETT A. WILSON’,37X,’C’/, 11X,’C',4X,’MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY’, 27x,'c'/, 11X,’C’,4X,’COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING',30X,’C’/, 11X,’C’,4X,’DEPARTMENT OF METALLURGY,’, 6 (MECHANICS, (,16x,(C(/, 167 6 11x,(C(,4x,5x,(AND MATERIAL SCIENCE', 6 27x,(C(/, 168 6 11X,’C’,56X,’C’/, 169 8‘ 11x158(’c’)I/I/I/I/I/I/) 1'7 0 C ----------------------- FORMATTING PROGRAM C ------------------------ DESCRIPTION ---------------- 1'71 880 FORMAT(/,/,llX,58(’C’)/, 1'72 6 11x,(C(,56x,(C(/, 1.73 6 11x,(C(,4x,(THIS PROGRAM USES MEASURABLE’, 6 (MATERIAL DATA TO( , 1‘74 6 7x,(C(/, 1'75 6 11x,(C(,4x,(CREATE INFORMATION WHICH SHOULD(, (PREDICT THE(,9x,(C(/ 1'76 6 11X,’C’,4X,'FLOCCULATION STATE OF TWO’, 6 (COMPONENT COLLOIDAL(, 1'77 6 7x,(C(/, 178 6 11X,’C’,4X,’SUSPENSIONS.’,40X,’C'/, 1‘7 9 6 11x,(C(,56x,(C(/, 18 o 6 11x,(C(,4x,(THE PROGRAM RELIES ON A METHOD(, 6 ’WHICH IS A MOD-(, . 13 l 6 6x,(C(/, 182 6 11x,(C(,4x,(IFICATION OF THE H.H.F. METHOD,(, (WHICH IS BASED ON(, 13 3 6 3x,(C(/, 18 4 6 11x,(C(,4x, ’THE DEBYE-HUCKEL APPROXIMATION’, (FOR THE REPULSION(, 185 6 4x,(C(/, 18 6 6 11X,’C’,4X,’BETWEEN TWO PLATES OF CONSTANT(, ’POTENTIAL.’,11X,’C’/, 187 6 11x,(C(,56x,(C() 188 885 FORMAT(llX,’C’,4X,’MODIFICATIONS INCLUDE:(, 6 30x,(C(/, 189 6 11x,(C(,5x,(-USING AN EFFECTIVE HAMAKER(, 6 (CONSTANT FOR TWO(,7x,(C( 190 6 11x,(C(,6x,(PARTICLES IN A DISPERSING(, 6 ’MEDIUM.’,18X,’C’/, 191 6 11X,’C’,5X,’-USING ZETA POTENTIAL DATA(, 6 (INSTEAD OF CALCULAT-’, 192 & 4X’ICII’ 193 6 11x,(C(,6x,(ING THE SURFACE POTNTIAL FROM(, 6 (POINT-OF-ZERO-(,6x,(C( 194 6 11x,(C(,6x,(CHARGE DATA.’,38X,’C’/, 195 6 11x,(C(,56x,(C(/, 196 6 11x,58((C(),/) 197 890 FORMAT(1X,(FILE NAME:(,A12/, 198 6 1x,(FILE DESCRIPTION:(/, 199 6 1x,A70) 200 895 FORMAT(lX, (THIS DATA WAS AQUIRED ON:(, 201 6 1x,12.2,(/(,Iz.2,(/(,I4.4) Line} Source 206 Line 207 Line! Source Line 202 900 FORMAT(lx, ’AQUISITION BY THE PROGRAM STARTED’, 6 (AT...(, 203 6 1X,IZ.2,’:’,I2.2,’:’,IZ.2,’:’,12.2) 204 905 FORMAT(lX,21X,’AND FINISHED AT...(, 205 6 1X,IZ.2,’:’,IZ.2,’:’,IZ.2,’:’,IZ.2) 2 O 6 910 FORMAT(lX, ’OVERALL PROPORTION OF COMPONENT 1’ , 6 (IN SYSTEM =(, 207 6 F4.3/, 208 6 1x,A42,1x,(=(,1x,F7.5/, 209 6 1x,A35,1x,(1(,1x,(=(,1x,F7.1/, 21.0 6 1X,A35,1X,'2’,1X,’=’,1X,F7.l) 211 915 FORMAT(IX,A34,1X,’=’,1X,F4.1) 212 920 FORMAT(IX,(ZERO-POINT-OF-CHARGE DATA WAS(, 6 (USED(, 213 6 ( FOR CALCULATIONS.() 21.4 925 FORMAT(lX,A33,lX,’l’,1X,’=’,1X,F5.2/, 215 6 1X,A33,1X,’2’,1X,’=’,1X,F5.2) 216 930 FORMAT(lX,A28,1X,E10.2/, 217 6 lX,A29,1X,’l =’,1X,E10.2/, 218 6 1X,A29,1X,’2 =’,1X,E10.2) 219 935 FORMAT(lX, (ZETA POTENTIAL DATA WAS USED FOR(, 22 0 6 ( CALCULATIONS.() 22 1 940 FORMAT(Ix, (ZETA POTENTIAL DATA FOR PARTICLE(, 6 lX,Il,’:’/, 22 2 6 1x, (ZETA POTENTIAL VALUES: ( ,10x, 6 (CORESPONDING PH VALUES:’) 223 945 FORMAT(23X,F5.1,29X,F5.1) 22 4 950 FORMAT(IX, (CALCULATED OVERALL STABILITY( , 6 (RATIO DATA:(/, 22 5 & 1X, ’OVERALL STABILITY RATIO: ’ , 28X, 8 ’ CORESPONDING PH’ , / , 22 6 & 1X’ (W11,W12,W22,WT)’,44X,’VALUES:’) 227 955 FORMAT(Ix,/,/,/,/,/,/,(CALCULATED OVERALL(, 6 (STABILITY RATIO(, 228 6 1x,(DATA:(/, 229 6 1x,(0VERALL STABILITY RATIO:(,28x, 6 (CORESPONDING PH(,/, 230 6 1X’(W11,W12,W22,WT)’,44X,’VALUES:’) 231 960 FORMAT(lX,E12.4,’, (,E12.4,(, (,E12.4,(, (, 6 E12.4,8x,F5.2) 232 233 CCC --------------------- RETURNING TO MAIN PROGRAM--- 234 998 RETURN 235 999 END DATASTORAGE Name TEMP. FTIME STIME CDATE WTT . . WOT . . . woo . . . CONCL . . PH. . . . WT. . ZPDP2 ZPPH2 ZPDP1 ZPPHI NZP2. NZPL PHCZI AHP . Arm . ZPQ . . APR . . V . . . PHCZIC. TFLNME. K . . . L . . . AIiDMC. . AHPC. . CONCC . APRC. . FLDSC . RICS. . FLNME . . . IFINM . . . TJEEMPC . . . FLXT. . . . Local Symbols Gl obal Symbols Nfiinua DA'I'ASTORAGE C°de size 0C65 (3173) gate, size = 0311 (785) 8 size = 01a2 (418) errors detected 208 Class param param param param param param param param param param param param param param param param param param param param param param local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local Class FSUBRT Type CHAR*28 CHAR*34 INTEGER*4 INTEGER*4 CHAR*33 CHAR*33 CHAR*42 CHAR*35 CHAR*100 CHAR*16 CHAR*20 CHAR*17 CHAR*34 REAL*8 CHAR*4 Type *** Size 28 34 4 4 33 33 42 35 100 16 20 17 34 8 4 Size *** Offset 0006 000a 000e 0012 0016 001a 001e 0022 0026 002a 002e 0032 0036 003a 003e 0042 0046 004a 004e 0052 0056 005a 0002 001e 0040 0044 0048 006a 008c 00b6 00da 013e 014e 0162 0174 0196 019e Offset 0000 Line} 209 Microsoft FORTRAN Optimizing Compiler Version 5.00.03 CCCCC C ..... C ..... 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 CCCCC CCCCC 19 CCCCC 20 CCCCC 21 CCCCC 22 CCCCC CCCCC CCCCC 24 CCCCC 25 CCCCC CCCCC 26 CCCCC 27 CCCCC CCCCC 28 CCCCC 29 CCCCC CCCCC 30 CCCCC CCCCC 31 CCCCC CCCCC 32 CCCCC 33 CCCCC 34 CCCCC CCCCC 35 CCCCC 36 CCCCC 37 CCCCC 38 CCCCC 1 2 3 4 5 CCC--- 6 7 8 9 Source Line PROGRAM VARYN REV. 07-07-92 ------- PROGRAM TO CALCULATE OVERALL STABILITY --------- RATIO FOR VARYING VALUES OF V USING --------- DATA FROM PROGRAM RUNS WITH V=0.5---- IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER NDIRNAME*7,NWFLNAME*34,TNFLNAME*34 CHARACTER A*70,B*70,PSC*1 INTEGER L,K,NFLS,I,J REAL*8 WT,WOO,WOT,WTT,OOWT,WTN,AZP,AZN,AZ,WMAX REAL N,PH,V,PR,OON,PRC DIMENSION PH(200),WT(200),WTN(5),V(5) DIMENSION N(5),PR(2),PRC(2) DIMENSION W00(200),WOT(200),WTT(200) N=OVERALL PROPORTION OF PARTICLES OF COMPONENT ONE IN SYSTEM V=VOLUME PERCENT OF COMPONENT ONE IN SYSTEM WT=OVERALL STABILTY RATIO OOWT=ONE OVER WT WOO,WOT,WTT=INVERSE OF THE PROBABILITY THAT A GIVEN PARTICLE COLLISION LEADS TO ADHESION NFLS=NUMBER OF FILES TO RUN PROGRAM ON NDIRNAME=NEW DIRECTORY NAME WHERE WILL FIND DATA FILE NWFLNAME=NEW FILE NAME TNFLNAME=TOTAL NEW FILE NAME INCLUDING DRIVE AND PATH K=INTEGER VARIABLE USED AS A COUNTER FOR DO LOOP WHICH CALCULATES OVERALL STABILITY AT EACH SPECIFIED PH L,I,J=INTEGERS USED AS COUNTER FOR VARIOUS DO LOOPS AZ=VARIABLE REPRESENTING ALMOST ZERO =(1.0E-309) AZP=POSITIVE VALUE OF AZ USED TO PREVENT AN INVERSE FROM GOING TO INFINITY WHICH CAUSES A MATH OVERFLOW ERROR RESULTING IN PROGRAM TERMINATION AZN=NEGATIVE VALUE OF AZ USED AS AZP IS PR=PARTICLE RADIUS PRC=PARTICLE RADIUS CUBED OON=ONE OVER N Line# 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 210 Source Line CCCCC PSC=PARTICLE SIZE CHARACTER WHICH INDICATES CCCCC PARTICLE SIZE CCCCC WTN=NEW WT VALUES CALCULATED FOR DIFFERENT CCCCC VALUES OF N (OR V) ‘ CCCCC WMAX=MAXIMUM W VALUE ALLOWED BY PLOTTING CCCCC PROGRAM CC ---------------------- CALCULATING VALUES FOR C ------------------------- AZP,AZN ------------------- 10 A2 = 1.0E-25 20 DO 40 K=1,1l,l 30 AZ = AZ/l.0E+25 40 CONTINUE 50 AZP = AZ/1.E9 60 AZN = -1.0*AZP 70 WMAX=9.9999E+30 CC ---------------------- INITIALIZING DRIVE AND PATH C ------------------------- FOR TNFLNAME -------------- 80 TNFLNAME(1:14) = (C:\JK\LL\DATA\( 90 TNFLNAME(22:23) = ’\B’ 100 TNFLNAME(31:34) = ’.DAT’ CC ---------------------- INITIALIZING VALUES OF V FOR C ------------------------- CALCULATIONS -------------- 110 V(l) = 0.001 120 V(2) = 0.25 130 V(3) = 0.5 140 V(4) = 0.75 150 V(5) = 0.999 CC ---------------------- READING DATA FILE WITH LIST C ------------------------- OF FILES ------------------ 160 OPEN(14,FILE=’C:\JK\LL\DATA\FILELST’, STATUS=(OLD() 170 READ(14,800)NFLS CC ---------------------- RUNNING CALCULATIONS FOR C ------------------------- EACH FILE ----------------- 180 D0 670 I=1,NFLS,1 C ----------------------- READING NEW DIRECTORY NAME-- 190 READ(14,810)NDIRNAME 200 TNFLNAME(15:21) = NDIRNAME 210 TNFLNAME(24:30) = NDIRNAME 220 NWFLNAME = TNFLNAME 230 NWFLNAME(20:21)=’VN’ 235 NWFLNAME(29:30)=’VN’ Line# 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 211 Source Line c ----------------------- DETERMINING PARTICLE SIZE c ------------------------ FROM DIRECTORY NAME -------- 240 PSC = NDIRNAME(4:4) 250 PR(2) = 250 260 IF(PSC.EQ.(1()PR(1)=2750 270 IF(PSC.EQ.’2’)PR(1)=900 280 IF(PSC.EQ.(3()PR(1)=400 290 PRC(1) = PR(1)**3 300 PRC(2) = PR(2)**3 C ----------------------- READING DATA FROM N=0.5 DATA 310 OPEN(15,FILE=TNFLNAME,STATUS=(OLD() 320 READ(15,820)A 330 READ(15,820)B 340 OPEN(16,FILE=NWFLNAME,STATUS=(NEW() 350 NWFLNAME(31:34)=(.DAM( 360 OPEN(17,FILE=NWFLNAME,STATUS=(NEW() 370 WRITE(16,900)A,B 380 D0 630 K=1,15,1 390 READ(15,830)PH(K),WOO(K),WOT(K),WTT(K) C ----------------------- CALCULATING N VALUES FROM V c ------------------------- VALUES -------------------- 400 D0 570 L=1,5,1 410 OON = ((PRC(1))-(V(L)*PRC(1))) / 6 (V(L)*PRC(2)) 420 OON = OON + 1.00 430 N(L) = 1.00/(OON) cc ---------------------- FINDING THE OVERALL c ------------------------- STABILITY RATIO AT CURRENT c ------------------------- PH ------------------------ c ------------------------ PREVENTING MATH OVERFLOW c --------------------------- ERRORS AND PROGRAM 0 --------------------------- TERMINATION ------------- 440 IF(WOO(K).LE.AZP .AND. 6 WOO(K).GE.AZN)THEN 450 WT(K)=WOO(K) 460 ELSE IF(WOT(K).LE.AZP .AND. 6 WOT(K).GE.AZN)THEN 470 WT(K)=WOT(K) 480 ELSE IF(WTT(K).LE.AZP .AND. 6 WTT(K).GE.AZN)THEN 490 WT(K)=WTT(K) 500 ELSE 510 OOWT = (N(L)*N(L)/WOO(K)) 520 OOWT=OOWT+ 6 ((1.0-N(L))*(1.0-N(L))/WTT(K)) 530 OOWT=OOWT+ 212 Line! Source Line 6 (2.0*N(L)*(l.0-N(L))/WOT(K)) 121 540 WT(K)=1.0/OOWT 122 550 END IF 123 560 WTN(L) = WT(K) 124 570 CONTINUE 125 126 CCC --------------------- WRITING NEW DATA TO A CC ------------------------ STORAGE FILE -------------- 127 580 WRITE(16,910)PH(K),WTN(1),WTN(2),WTN(3), & WTN(4),WTN(5) 128 590 DO 610 J= 1, 5, 1 129 600 IF(WTN(J). GT. WMAX)WTN(J)=WMAX 130 610 CONTINUE 131 620 WRITE(17,910)PH(K),WTN(1),WTN(2),WTN(3), 6 WTN(4),WTN(5) 132 630 CONTINUE 133 640 CLOSE(17) 134 650 CLOSE(16) 135 660 CLOSE(IS) 136 670 CONTINUE 137 680 CLOSE(14) 138 139 800 FORMAT(IZ) 140 810 FORMAT(A7) 141 820 FORMAT(A70) 142 830 FORMAT(lX,F5.2,3X,E12.4,3X,E12.4,3X,E12.4) 143 144 900 FORMAT(IX,A70,/,1X,A70) 145 910 FORMAT(IX,F5.2, (,E12.4, ’,E12.4,’ 146 & E12.4,’ ’,E12.4, ’,E12.4) 147 148 999 END main Local Symbols Name Class Type Size Offset PH. . . . . . . . . . . . local REAL*4 800 0000 A . . . . . . . . . . . . local CHAR*70 70 0002 B . . . . . . . . . . . . local CHAR*70 70 0048 OOWT. . . . . . . . . . . local REAL*8 8 008e I . . . . . . . . . . . . local INTEGER*4 4 0096 J . . . . . . . . . . . . local INTEGER*4 4 009a K . . . . . . . . . . . . local INTEGER*4 4 009e L . . . . . . . . . . . . local INTEGER*4 4 00a2 N . . . . . . . . . . local REAL*4 20 00a6 NDIRNAME. . . . . . . . . local CHAR*7 7 00ba TNFLNAME. . . . . . . . . local CHAR*34 34 00c2 V . . . . . . . . . . . . local REAL*4 20 00e4 main Local Symbols Name NWFLNAME. AZ. . PR. . PRC . PSC . AZN . AZP . OON . NFLS. WTN . WMAX. WT. . WOO . WOT . WTT . Global Symbols Name main. Code size Data size Bss size No errors 06ef (1775) 016d (365) 017a (380) detected 213 Class local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local Class FSUBRT Type CHAR*34 REAL*8 REAL*4 REAL*4 CHAR*1 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*4 INTEGER*4 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 REAL*8 Type *** Size to) b wowspoooopoooomb 1600 1600 1600 1600 Size *** Offset 00f8 011a 0122 012a 0132 0134 0130 0144 0148 014c 0174 0320 0960 0fa0 15e0 Offset 0000 FILE NAME:SSZl3SD\BSSZl3SD FILE DESCRIPTION: RUN USING BMTHFWVB.EXE. THIS DATA WAS AQUIRED ON: AQUISITION BY THE PROGRAM STARTED AT... AND FINISHED AT... 214 07 /08/1992 00:21:33:16 01:17:26:97 VOLUME FRACTION OF COMPONENT 1 IN SYSTEM =.500 CONCENTRATION OF 1-1 ELECTROLYTE IN SYSTEM = ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS OF COMPONENT l = ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS OF COMPONENT 2 = TEMPERATURE OF SYSTEM (IN DEG. C.) = HAMAKER CONSTANT OF MEDIUM = HAMAKER CONSTANT OF COMPONENT 1 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF COMPONENT 2 ZETA POTENTIAL VALUES: 5.8 -2.2 -15.0 -26.0 -34.0 -40.0 -44.0 -48.0 -51.0 -53.0 -54.0 -56.0 -57.0 -58.0 -59.0 -60.0 -60.0 -61.0 -61.0 25.0 45E-19 250.0 .30E-18 .16E-18 ZETA POTENTIAL DATA WAS USED FOR CALCULATIONS. ZETA POTENTIAL DATA FOR PARTICLE 1: ZETA POTENTIAL DATA FOR PARTICLE 2: ZETA POTENTIAL VALUES: 44.0 38.9 29.4 9.1 -24.0 -33.0 -43.0 -43.0 -45.0 CORESPONDING PH VALUES: CORESPONDING PH VALUES: .00100 2750.0 HHHDOmeQO‘mUIUIabhwb-iww r-c>o- O ocnc> ' WOUIOUIOWOU'IOWOUIOWO HmeQmmbN 000000 OOHHOOW Pao- c>o 215 CALCULATED OVERALL STABILITY RATIO DATA: OVERALL STABILITY RATIO: CORESPONDING PH (W11,W12,W22,WT) VALUES: .1819+248, .2738E+00, .1105E+77, .1825E+03 4.00 .4761+303, .2738E+00, .1257E+55, .1825E+03 4.50 .4761+303, .2738E+00, .4842E+36, .1825E+03 5.00 .4761+303, .2738E+00, .9557E+09, .1825E+03 5.50 .4761+303, .2738E+00, .5053E+00, .5047E+00 6.00 .4761+303, .2738E+00, .4998E+00, .4992E+00 6.50 .4761+303, .2738E+00, .4468E+13, .1825E+03 7.00 .4761+303, .2738E+00, .4563E+31, .1825E+03 7.50 .4761+303, .2738E+00, .7460E+49, .1825E+03 8.00 .4761+303, .3677E-04, .6029E+72, .2451E-01 8.50 .4761+303, .8836E+18, .6955E+99, .5889E+21 9.00 .4761+303, .8792E+22, .3959+101, .5860E+25 9.50 .4761+303, .8792E+22, .3959+101, .5860E+25 10.00 .4761+303, .2195E+30, .4755+107, .1463E+33 10.50 .4761+303, .1257E+35, .8488+113, .8378E+37 11.00 216 FILE NAME:SSZl3ES\BSSZl3ES FILE DESCRIPTION: RUN USING BMTHFWVB.EXE. THIS DATA WAS AQUIRED ON: 07/08/1992 AQUISITION BY THE PROGRAM STARTED AT... 14:43:32:87 AND FINISHED AT... 16:38:15:92 VOLUME FRACTION OF COMPONENT 1 IN SYSTEM =.500 CONCENTRATION OF 1-1 ELECTROLYTE IN SYSTEM = .00100 ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS OF COMPONENT l = 2750.0 ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS OF COMPONENT 2 = 250.0 TEMPERATURE OF SYSTEM (IN DEG. C.) = 25.0 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF MEDIUM = .45E-19 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF COMPONENT 1 = .30E-18 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF COMPONENT 2 = .16E-18 ZETA POTENTIAL DATA WAS USED FOR CALCULATIONS. ZETA POTENTIAL DATA FOR PARTICLE 1: ZETA POTENTIAL VALUES: CORESPONDING PH VALUES: -13.0 -14.0 -15.0 -16.0 -18.0 -19.0 -20.0 -21.0 -23.0 -23.0 -23.0 -25.0 -26.0 -27.0 -28.0 -28.0 -30.0 -31.0 -32.0 -33.0 -34.0 -35.0 -35.0 -36.0 -37.0 -38.0 -38.0 -39.0 -40.0 -40.0 -41.0 -41.0 -42.0 -42.0 -44.0 -45.0 0000x)qqqqqqqmmmmmmmmmmmmmmbbhbbbbbpppu 00......CO.........OCOOCOICOOOOOOO UFO@QO‘bUNOWQm-bNI-‘m\IGDUNHO‘meflGmbUNHOW -47.0 -48.0 -48.0 -48.0 -49.0 -49.0 -49.0 -50.0 -50.0 -50.0 -50.0 -51.0 -51.0 -51.0 -52.0 -52.0 -52.0 -53.0 -53.0 -54.0 -55.0 -56.0 -57.0 -59.0 -61.0 217 ZETA POTENTIAL DATA FOR PARTICLE 2: ZETA POTENTIAL VALUES: quorum-IqumppmupmqpbmmOAmoooo Hmwwupbbmmmmmmmmqqqqmm 00000 CORESPONDING PH VALUES: HH ooommommmmmmmmmmm 0 Nomooqmmhuur-(oxooommk 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.7 10.8 10.9 11.1 11.2 0.000 0000 O‘bUNHDQQMhUNHO-‘O‘qumhUNI-‘06 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-uhbnhbhbpu 218 J8902358nw24678990123456789912345678901 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Aw66777778888888899999999999000600000011 11111111111 539504.82357902255790113557700156994670 1.2234445555566666667777777788888889990 ......................................fi. 219 CALCULATED OVERALL STABILITY RATIO DATA: OVERALL STABILITY RATIO: CORESPONDING PH (W11,W12,W22,WT) VALUES: .2269E+00, .2738E+00, .5009E+00, .5003E+00 4.00 .2269E+00, .2738E+00, .5004E+00, .4998E+00 4.50 .5914E+21, .2738E+00, .5000E+00, .4994E+00 5.00 .7792+134, .2738E+00, .4997E+00, .4991E+00 5.50 .1725+236, .2738E+00, .4994E+00, .4988E+00 6.00 .4761+303, .2738E+00, .4993E+00, .4987E+00 6.50 .4761+303, .2738E+00, .4996E+00, .4989E+00 7.00 .4761+303, .2738E+00, .4998E+00, .4992E+00 7.50 .4761+303, .2738E+00, .4999E+00, .4993E+00 8.00 .4761+303, .2738E+00, .5000E+00, .4994E+00 8.50 .4761+303, .2738E+00, .5003E+00, .4996E+00 9.00 .4761+303, .2738E+00, .5005E+00, .4999E+00 9.50 .4761+303, .2738E+00, .5009E+00, .5002E+00 10.00 .4761+303, .2738E+00, .5014E+00, .5008E+00 10.50 .4761+303, .2738E+00, .5027E+00, .5020E+00 11.00 220 FILE NAME:88213CC\BSS213CC FILE DESCRIPTION: RUN USING BMTHFWVB.EXE. THIS DATA WAS AQUIRED ON: 07/08/1992 AQUISITION BY THE PROGRAM STARTED AT... 11:04:37:77 AND FINISHED AT... 11:51:44:57 VOLUME FRACTION OF COMPONENT 1 IN SYSTEM =.500 CONCENTRATION OF 1-1 ELECTROLYTE IN SYSTEM = .00100 ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS OF COMPONENT 1 = 2750.0 ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS OF COMPONENT 2 = 250.0 TEMPERATURE OF SYSTEM (IN DEG. C.) = 25.0 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF MEDIUM = .45E-19 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF COMPONENT 1 ’ .30E-18 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF COMPONENT 2 .16E-18 ZETA POTENTIAL DATA WAS USED FOR CALCULATIONS. ZETA POTENTIAL DATA FOR PARTICLE 1: ZETA POTENTIAL VALUES: CORESPONDING PH VALUES: 5.8 -2.2 -15.0 -26.0 -34.0 -40.0 -44.0 -48.0 -51.0 -53.0 -54.0 -56.0 -57.0 -58.0 -59.0 -60.0 -60.0 -61.0 -61.0 ZETA POTENTIAL DATA FOR PARTICLE 2: ZETA POTENTIAL VALUES: CORESPONDING PH VALUES: ' 44.0 38.9 29.4 9.1 -24.0 -33.0 -43.0 -43.0 -45.0 OU‘OU’IOWOUIOUIOUIOUIOUIOUIO Hoommmmqqmmmmbhuumw HHH OOOOHHOOD HOOQQQU’IhN HH 221 CALCULATED OVERALL STABILITY RATIO DATA: OVERALL STABILITY RATIO: CORESPONDING PH (W11,W12,W22,WT) VALUES: .4761+303, .2738E+00, .4336+302, .1825E+03 4.00 .4761+303, .2738E+00, .4336+302, .1825E+03 4.50 .4761+303, .2738E+00, .4336+302, .1825E+03 5.00 .4761+303, .2738E+00, .7502+l44, .1825E+03 5.50 .4761+303, .2738E+00, .6674E+00, .6660E+00 6.00 .4761+303, .2738E+00, .4998E+00, .4992E+00 6.50 .4761+303, .9751E-07, .5189+181, .6499E-04 7.00 .4761+303, .2597+303, .4336+302, .4341+302 7.50 .4761+303, .2597+303, .4336+302, .4341+302 8.00 .4761+303, .2597+303, .4336+302, .4341+302 8.50 .4761+303, .2597+303, .4336+302, .4341+302 9.00 .4761+303, .2597+303, .4336+302, .4341+302 9.50 .4761+303, .2597+303, .4336+302, .4341+302 10.00 .4761+303, .2597+303, .4336+302, .4341+302 10.50 .4761+303, .2597+303, .4336+302, .4341+302 11.00 222 FILE NAME:SS223SD\Bsszz3SD FILE DESCRIPTION: RUN USING BNHTFWVB.EXE. THIS DATA WAS AQUIRED ON: 07/08/1992 AQUISITION BY THE PROGRAM STARTED AT... 01:17:28:56 AND FINISHED AT... 01:48:04:33 VOLUME FRACTION OF COMPONENT 1 IN SYSTEM =.500 CONCENTRATION OF 1-1 ELECTROLYTE IN SYSTEM = .00100 ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS OF COMPONENT 1 = 900.0 ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS OF COMPONENT 2 = 250.0 TEMPERATURE OF SYSTEM (IN DEG. C.) = 25.0 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF MEDIUM = .45E-19 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF COMPONENT 1 - .30E-18 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF COMPONENT 2 .16E-18 ZETA POTENTIAL DATA WAS USED FOR CALCULATIONS. ZETA POTENTIAL DATA FOR PARTICLE 1: ZETA POTENTIAL VALUES: CORESPONDING PH VALUES: 5.8 -2.2 -15.0 -26.0 -34.0 -40.0 -44.0 -48.0 -51.0 -53.0 -54.0 -56.0 -57.0 -58.0 -59.0 -60.0 -60.0 -61.0 -61.0 ZETA POTENTIAL DATA FOR PARTICLE 2: ZETA POTENTIAL VALUES: CORESPONDING PH VALUES: 44.0 38.9 29.4 9.1 -24.0 -33.0 -43.0 -43.0 -45.0 HOO‘ODWQQQO‘O‘U‘U‘b-fiUUNN 000000000 OUIOUIOU'IOUIOU'IOUIOUIOUIOUIO HHH HODNQO‘UPN OOOOHHOOD HP 223 CALCULATED OVERALL STABILITY RATIO DATA: OVERALL STABILITY RATIO: CORESPONDING PH (W11,W12,W22,WT) VALUES: .1185E+85, .2926E+00, .1105E+77, .7121E+01 4.00 .1126+168, .2926E+00, .1257E+55, .7121E+01 4.50 .7627+235, .2926E+00, .4842E+36, .7121E+01 5.00 .1559+303, .2926E+00, .9557E+09, .7121E+01 5.50 .1559+303, .2926E+00, .5053E+00, .4909E+00 6.00 .1559+303, .2926E+00, .4998E+00, .4859E+00 6.50 .1559+303, .1057E+12, .4468E+13, .1658E+13 7.00 .1559+303, .1524E+39, .4563E+31, .4760E+31 7.50 .1559+303, .4540E+63, .7460E+49, .7783E+49 8.00 .1559+303, .9818E+91, .6029E+72, .6290E+72 8.50 .1559+303, .7745+122, .6955E+99, .7257E+99 9.00 .1559+303, .4593+127, .3959+101, .4131+101 9.50 .1559+303, .4593+127, .3959+101, .4131+101 10.00 .1559+303, .7530+136, .4755+107, .4961+107 10.50 .1559+303, .1342+143, .8488+113, .8855+113 11.00 224 FILE NAME:SSZ23ES\B88223eS FILE DESCRIPTION: RUN USING BNHTFWVB.EXE. THIS DATA WAS AQUIRED ON: 07/08/1992 AQUISITION BY THE PROGRAM STARTED AT... 16:38:17:89 AND FINISHED AT... 18:02:57:18 OVERALL PROPORTION OF COMPONENT 1 IN SYSTEM =.500 CONCENTRATION OF 1-1 ELECTROLYTE IN SYSTEM = .00100 ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS OF COMPONENT 1 = 900.0 ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS OF COMPONENT 2 = 250.0 TEMPERATURE OF SYSTEM (IN DEG. C.) = 25.0 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF MEDIUM = .45E-19 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF COMPONENT 1 ’ .30E-18 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF COMPONENT 2 .16E-18 ZETA POTENTIAL DATA WAS USED FOR CALCULATIONS. ZETA POTENTIAL DATA FOR PARTICLE 1: ZETA POTENTIAL VALUES: CORESPONDING PH VALUES: -10.0 -11.0 -12.0 -13.0 -l4.0 -15.0 -16.0 -17.0 -18.0 -19.0 -20.0 -21.0 -22.0 -22.0 -23.0 -24.0 -25.0 -25.0 -27.0 -29.0 -30.0 -31.0 -32.0 -33.0 -35.0 -36.0 -36.0 -37.0 -38.0 -39.0 -39.0 -40.0 -41.0 -42.0 -43.0 -43.0 qqqdustummmmmmammmmmmmmwmmm-AbéAha-44:44.6.4: 00000000.0000000000000000... -44.0 -45.0 -47.0 -48.0 -49.0 -49.0 -51.0 -50.0 -51.0 -52.0 -53.0 -53.0 -55.0 -54.0 -55.0 -55.0 -55.0 -56.0 -57.0 -57.0 -57.0 -59.0 -59.0 -59.0 -61.0 -61.0 -62.0 -63.0 -63.0 -64.0 -65.0 -68.0 -70.0 -70.0 225 ZETA POTENTIAL DATA FOR PARTICLE 2: ZETA POTENTIAL VALUES: Amwpmxn-(hmooOAmoooo Sammuunmmmmmxquqoooo 0 CORESPONDING PH VALUES: ommwommmmmmmmmmmmmmmooooxxqu (.3 O HommmmuuHHommmqmmhbuwr-Ioxaooq uhUNHHO‘OQQO‘hUNi-‘C‘D mmmmmmhoSobc-nhhu 226 5789123467890.2358nw24678990.12345‘w7.80~917u34..5678901 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 555566666666—h—h—M—h—h88 888889999999ngangommmooooo11 11111111111 1....8371582753950482357902255790113557700156994670 L33221 .12234445555566666667777777788888889990 .......-................_............d. CALCULATED OVERALL STABILITY RATIO DATA: OVERALL STABILITY RATIO: (W11,W12,W22,WT) .2285E+00, .2926E+00, .2285E+00, .2926E+00, .2285E+00, .2926E+00, .1357E+02, .2926E+00, .1510E+46, .2926E+00, .8030+108, .2926E+00, .4518+152, .2926E+00, .3056+214, .2926E+00, .1559+303, .2926E+00, .1559+303, .2926E+00, .1559+303, .2926E+00, .1559+303, .2926E+00, .1559+303, .2926E+00, .1559+303, .2926E+00, .1559+303, .2926E+00, 227 .5009E+00, .5004E+00, .5000E+00, .4997E+00, .4994E+00, .4993E+00, .4996E+00, .4998E+00, .4999E+00, .5000E+00, .5003E+00, .5005E+00, .5009E+00, .5014E+00, .5027E+00, CORESPONDING PH .4865E+00 .4860E+00 .4856E+00 .4858E+00 .4856E+00 .4855E+00 .4857E+00 .4859E+00 .4860E+00 .4861E+00 .4863E+00 .4865E+00 .4868E+00 .4873E+00 .4885E+00 VALUES: 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 228 FILE NAME:88223CC\BSSZZZ3CC FILE DESCRIPTION: RUN USING BNHTFWVB.EXE. THIS DATA WAS AQUIRED ON: 07/08/1992 AQUISITION BY THE PROGRAM STARTED AT... 11:51:46:16 AND FINISHED AT... 12:22:28:47 VOLUME FRACTION OF COMPONENT 1 IN SYSTEM =.500 CONCENTRATION OF 1-1 ELECTROLYTE IN SYSTEM = .00100 ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS OF COMPONENT 1 = 900.0 ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS OF COMPONENT 2 = 250.0 TEMPERATURE OF SYSTEM (IN DEG. C.) = 25.0 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF MEDIUM = .45E-l9 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF COMPONENT 1 * .30E-18 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF COMPONENT 2 .16E-18 ZETA POTENTIAL DATA WAS USED FOR CALCULATIONS. ZETA POTENTIAL DATA FOR PARTICLE 1: ZETA POTENTIAL VALUES: CORESPONDING PH VALUES: 5.8 -2.2 -15.0 -26.0 -34.0 -40.0 -44.0 -48.0 -51.0 -53.0 -54.0 -56.0 -57.0 -58.0 -59.0 -60.0 -60.0 -61.0 -61.0 ZETA POTENTIAL DATA FOR PARTICLE 2: ZETA POTENTIAL VALUES: CORESPONDING PH VALUES: 44.0 38.9 29.4 9.1 -24.0 -33.0 -43.0 -43.0 -45.0 “cowomeQmmmmfihwUNN o 0 o 0 o o PHI-4 omomomomomomomomomo HOUmQO‘UIaP-N 000000.00 OOOOHHOOO HP 229 CALCULATED OVERALL STABILITY RATIO DATA: OVERALL STABILITY RATIO: CORESPONDING PH (W11,W12,W22,WT) VALUES: .1559+303, .2926E+00, .4336+302, .7121E+01 4.00 .1559+303, .2926E+00, .4336+302, .7121E+01 4.50 .1559+303, .2926E+00, .4336+302, .7121E+01 5.00 .1559+303, .2926E+00, .7502+144, .7121E+01 5.50 .1559+303, .2926E+00, .6674E+00, .6343E+00 6.00 .1559+303, .2450+16l, .4998E+00, .5215E+00 6.50 .1559+303, .9961+302, .5189+181, .5414+181 7.00 .1559+303, .9961+302, .4336+302, .4440+302 7.50 .1559+303, .9961+302, .4336+302, .4440+302 8.00 .1559+303, .9961+302, .4336+302, .4440+302 8.50 .1559+303, .9961+302, .4336+302, .4440+302 9.00 .1559+303, .9961+302, .4336+302, .4440+302 9.50 .1559+303, .9961+302, .4336+302, .4440+302 10.00 .1559+303, .9961+302, .4336+302, .4440+302 10.50 .1559+303, .9961+302, .4336+302, .4440+302 11.00 230 FILE NAME:SSZ33SD\BSSZB3SD FILE DESCRIPTION: RUN USING BMTHFWVB.EXE. THIS DATA WAS AQUIRED ON: 07/08/1992 AQUISITION BY THE PROGRAM STARTED AT... 01:48:06:04 AND FINISHED AT... 02:12:19:64 VOLUME FRACTION OF COMPONENT 1 IN SYSTEM =.500 CONCENTRATION OF 1-1 ELECTROLYTE IN SYSTEM = .00100 ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS OF COMPONENT 1 = 400.0 ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS OF COMPONENT 2 = 250.0 TEMPERATURE OF SYSTEM (IN DEG. C.) = 25.0 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF MEDIUM = .45E-19 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF COMPONENT 1 = .30E-18 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF COMPONENT 2 = .16E-18 ZETA POTENTIAL DATA WAS USED FOR CALCULATIONS. ZETA POTENTIAL DATA FOR PARTICLE 1: ZETA POTENTIAL VALUES: CORESPONDING PH VALUES: 5.8 -2.2 -15.0 -26.0 -34.0 -40.0 -44.0 -48.0 -51.0 -53.0 -54.0 -56.0 -57.0 -58.0 "-59.0 -60.0 -60.0 -61.0 -61.0 ZETA POTENTIAL DATA FOR PARTICLE 2: ZETA POTENTIAL VALUES: CORESPONDING PH VALUES: 44.0 38.9 29.4 9.1 -24.0 -33.0 -43.0 -43.0 -45.0 OUIOUIOUIOUIOUIOUIOUIOUIOUIO HOODWQNQQGGU‘IUIthUNN HHH Howmqmmpw 000000000 000 OOOOHHOO‘D Hr- 231 CALCULATED OVERALL STABILITY RATIO DATA: OVERALL STABILITY RATIO: CORESPONDING PH (W11,W12,W22,WT) VALUES: .1765E+40, .3193E+00, .1105E+77, .1012E+01 4.00 .1920E+77, .3193E+00, .1257E+55, .1012E+01 4.50 .3301+107, .3193E+00, .4842E+36, .1012E+01 5.00 .1497+142, .3193E+00, .9557E+09, .1012E+Ol 5.50 .1161+17l, .3193E+00, .5053E+00, .4412E+00 6.00 .5052+191, .3194E+00, .4998E+00, .4385E+00 6.50 .2729+202, .1514E+29, .4468E+13, .6917E+13 7.00 .5347+224, .7590E+55, .4563E+31, .7062E+31 7.50 .1938+236, .1654E+79, .7460E+49, .1155E+50 8.00 .1324+248, .4834+105, .6029E+72, .9332E+72 8.50 .1707+260, .1116+134, .6955E+99, .1077+100 9.00 .4147+272, .1254+138, .3959+101, .6128+101 9.50 .4147+272, .1254+138, .3959+101, .6128+101 10.00 .1900+285, .1611+l46, .4755+107, .7360+107 10.50 .1900+285, .8486+151, .8488+113, .1314+114 11.00 232 FILE NAME:SSZB3ES\BSSZ33ES FILE DESCRIPTION: RUN USING BMTHFWVB.EXE. THIS DATA WAS AQUIRED ON: 07/08/1992 AQUISITION BY THE PROGRAM STARTED AT... 09:27:50:39 AND FINISHED AT... 11:04:35:90 VOLUME FRACTION OF COMPONENT 1 IN SYSTEM =.500 CONCENTRATION OF 1-1 ELECTROLYTE IN SYSTEM = .00100 ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS OF COMPONENT 1 = 400.0 ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS OF COMPONENT 2 = 250.0 TEMPERATURE OF SYSTEM (IN DEG. C.) = 25.0 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF MEDIUM = .45E-19 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF COMPONENT 1 = .30E-18 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF COMPONENT 2 = .16E-18 ZETA POTENTIAL DATA WAS USED FOR CALCULATIONS. ZETA POTENTIAL DATA FOR PARTICLE 1: ZETA POTENTIAL VALUES: CORESPONDING PH VALUES: -2.2 -2.6 -2.9 -3.2 -3.6 -3.9 -4.5 -4.7 -5.0 -5.3 -5.5 -6.0 -6.3 -6.4 -6.6 -6.9 -7.2 -7.3 -7.4 -7.7 -8.0 -8.1 -8.2 -8.6 -8.8 -8.9 -9.1 -9.3 -9.5 -9.8 -10.0 -10.0 -10.0 -11.0 -11.0 -11.0 0‘mmmmO‘OiO‘O‘GGQO‘UIMUIUIUIUIUIUIUIUIU)UlUIuhcfiuhuhub-hhfink-b (00000qmmbuuNHHowmmqmmmhuuwpoomqmmhumpo -11.0 -12.0 -12.0 -12.0 -12.0 -13.0 -13.0 -13.0 -13.0 -14.0 -14.0 -14.0 -14.0 -15.0 -15.0 -15.0 -15.0 -15.0 -15.0 -15.0 -16.0 -l6.0 -16.0 -16.0 -16.0 -17.0 -17.0 -17.0 -17.0 -17.0 -17.0 -17.0 -18.0 -18.0 -18.0 -18.0 -18.0 -19.0 -19.0 -19.0 -19.0 -20.0 -20.0 -21.0 -21.0 -21.0 -21.0 233 HHH - ooow\onsoxoxooosotomooooooooooooooooooooooooooqqqqqqqqqqqqqq [.3 O motor-(ommummbuwt-(ommqmmpuuwpwoommm\lmmmbbuwwpo H O 10.6 10.7 10.9 11.0 11.1 234 CORESPONDING PH VALUES ZETA POTENTIAL DATA FOR PARTICLE 2 ZETA POTENTIAL VALUES 90123467890112345789123467890235809.467899012345678 34444444445555555555666666667777788888888999999999 0.nw854..nu.8641754“284..183715827 5395 88~I.~I.nI.—I.666655554..4..4..33221 ..flanafl...” -4.0 -4.4 -4.8 -5.2 -5.3 -5.5 -5.7 -5.9 -6.0 -6.2 -6.2 -6.5 -6.5 -6.7 -6.9 -7.0 -7.1 -7.1 -7.3 -7.5 -7.5 235 9912345678901 9900000000011 11111111111 7700156994670 7788888889990 ..............m.. CALCULATED OVERALL STABILITY RATIO DATA: OVERALL STABILITY RATIO: (W11,W12,W22,WT) .2293E+00, .3193E+00, .2293E+00, .3193E+00, .2293E+00, .3193E+00, .2293E+00, .3193E+00, .2293E+00, .3193E+00, .2293E+00, .3193E+00, .2293E+00, .3193E+00, .2293E+00, .3193E+00, .2293E+00, .3193E+00, .2293E+00, .3193E+00, .2293E+00, .3193E+00, .2293E+00, .3193E+00, .2293E+00, .3193E+00, .2293E+00, .3193E+00, .2293E+00, .3193E+00, 236 .5009E+00, .5004E+00, .5000E+00, .4997E+00, .4994E+00, .4993E+00, .4996E+00, .4998E+00, .4999E+00, .5000E+00, .5003E+00, .5005E+00, .5009E+00, .5014E+00, .5027E+00, CORESPONDING PH VALUES: .4089E+00 4.00 .4087E+00 4.50 .4085E+00 5.00 .4084E+00 5.50 .4083E+00 6.00 .4082E+00 6.50 .4083E+00 ' 7.00 .4084E+00 7.50 .4085E+00 8.00 .4085E+00 8.50 .4086E+00 9.00 .4088E+00 9.50 .4089E+00 10.00 .4091E+00 10.50 .4097E+00 11.00 237 FILE NAME:SS233CC\BSSZ33CC FILE DESCRIPTION: RUN USING BMTHFWVB.EXE. THIS DATA WAS AQUIRED ON: 07/08/1992 AQUISITION BY THE PROGRAM STARTED AT... 12:22:30:01 AND FINISHED AT... 12:49:50:91 VOLUME FRACTION OF COMPONENT 1 IN SYSTEM =.500 CONCENTRATION OF 1-1 ELECTROLYTE IN SYSTEM = .00100 ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS OF COMPONENT 1 = 400.0 ATOMIC PARTICLE RADIUS OF COMPONENT 2 = 250.0 TEMPERATURE OF SYSTEM (IN DEG. C.) = 25.0 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF MEDIUM = .45E-19 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF COMPONENT 1 = .30E-18 HAMAKER CONSTANT OF COMPONENT 2 = .16E-18 ZETA POTENTIAL DATA WAS USED FOR CALCULATIONS. ZETA POTENTIAL DATA FOR PARTICLE 1: ZETA POTENTIAL VALUES: CORESPONDING PH VALUES: 5.8 -2.2 -15.0 -26.0 -34.0 -40.0 -44.0 -48.0 -51.0 -53.0 -54.0 -56.0 -57.0 -58.0 -59.0 -60.0 -60.0 -61.0 -61.0 ZETA POTENTIAL DATA FOR PARTICLE 2: ZETA POTENTIAL VALUES: CORESPONDING PH VALUES: 44.0 38.9 29.4 9.1 -24.0 -33.0 -43.0 -43.0 -45.0 Hoommmmqummmmnpuuuu OUOU‘OWOUIOUIOWOUIOUIOUIO PHI- 0 HO‘OQOm-bw OOOOHHOOU’ HP 238 CALCULATED OVERALL STABILITY RATIO DATA: OVERALL STABILITY RATIO: CORESPONDING PH (W11,W12,W22,WT) VALUES: .6932+302, .3193E+00, .4336+302, .1012E+01 4.00 .6932+302, .3193E+00, .4336+302, .1012E+01 4.50 .6932+302, .3193E+00, .4336+302, .1012E+01 5.00 .6932+302, .3193E+00, .7502+144, .1012E+01 5.50 .6932+302, .3193E+00, .6674E+00, .5113E+00 6.00 .6932+302, .2417+283, .4998E+00, .7737E+00 6.50 .6932+302, .5634+302, .5189+181, .8032+181 7.00 .6932+302, .5634+302, .4336+302, .4750+302 7.50 .6932+302, .5634+302, .4336+302, .4750+302 8.00 .6932+302, .5634+302, .4336+302, .4750+302 8.50 .6932+302, .5634+302, .4336+302, .4750+302 9.00 .6932+302, .5634+302, .4336+302, .4750+302 9.50 .6932+302, .5634+302, .4336+302, .4750+302 10.00 .6932+302, .5634+302, .4336+302, .4750+302 10.50 .6932+302, .5634+302, .4336+302, .4750+302 11.00 References H.K. 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