UBHARY Michigan State University PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this chockou! from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before dds duo. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE — A} \F ii? 4 MSU I. An Affirmative ActionlEquol Opponunlty Institution emannt NON-SHEAR COMPLIANCES AND ELASTIC CONSTANTS MEASURED FOR THE WOOD OF EIGHT HARDWOOD TREES BY TIMOTHY GRANT WEIGEL A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Forestry 1992 J ;: -’7’/\' '7 ’i,» 4/ ABSTRACT NON-SHEAR COMPLIANCES AND ELASTIC CONSTANTS DETERMINED FOR THE WOOD OF EIGHT HARDWOOD TREES BY Timothy Grant Weigel To determine if linear relationships existed between the non-shear compliances of the wood.of eight.hardwood.trees, the non-shear compliances were measured from short columns loaded in compression in the longitudinal, radial, and tangential directions. Significant. linear :relationships ‘were found between pairs of compliances with the exception of SLR and San, and.SLT.and STT, for a given direction of loading. Sij1relates the strain in the i direction to the applied stress in the j direction. To determine if the property Sij = Sji found in orthotropic materials holds true for wood, specimens from each tree were tested in the longitudinal, radial, and tangential direction. As predicted by the linear orthotropic elastic theory the compliances SM and STR were found to be equal. However, the measured values of the compliances SLR and SRL, and SLT and STL did not behave as predicted by linear orthotropic elastic theory. TO CAROL ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to acknowledge my appreciation to my major advisor Dr. Alan Sliker, for his guidance and assistance during this project. I would also like to thank the other members of my committee Drs. Gary Burgess, Henry Huber, and Otto Suchsland for their suggestions and guidance through out this project. Thanks also go to Ying Yu and the other graduate students of the department of forestry for their assistance on this project. I am also indebted to my parents Ted and Sarah. Without their support and understanding none of this would have been possible. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES ........................................ Vi LIST OF FIGURES ....................................... ix NOTATION .............................................. xi INTRODUCTION .......................................... l OBJECTIVES ......... ..... .............................. 12 METHODS ............................................... 13 RESULTS ............................................... 23 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ............................... 28 LIST OF REFERENCES 00.... ...... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 90 Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table 1. 2. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. LIST OF TABLES Page Oven dry specific gravities measured for specimens made from the eight trees tested.... 35 Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the compliance SLL............. 36 Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the compliance SRL........ ..... 37 Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the compliance STL............. 38 Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the modulus of elasticity EL... 39 Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the Poisson’s ratio ULR........ 40 Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the Poisson's ratio 0LT........ 41 Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the compliance SR3............. 42 Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the compliance STR............. 44 Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the modulus of elasticity ER.. 45 Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the Poisson’s ratio uRT....... 47 Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the compliance SLR............ 48 Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the Poisson’s ratio URL....... 49 Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the compliance STT ............ 50 vi Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. LIST OF TABLES CONTINUED Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the compliance SRT.......... Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the modulus of elasticity ET. Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the Poisson's ratio 0TB..... Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the compliance SLT.......... Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the Poisson’s ratio uTL..... Fisher's protected least significant difference test of the mean values of the compliances and modulus of elasticity for specimens loaded in the L direction......... Fisher’s protected least significant difference test of the mean values of the compliances, modulus of elasticity, and Page 52 53 55 56 57 58 Poisson's ratio for specimens loaded in the R direction and with the lateral strain measured in the T direction................. Fisher's protected least significant difference test of the mean values of the compliances, modulus of elasticity, and 59 Poisson’s ratio for specimens loaded in the R direction and with the lateral strain measured in the L direction................. Fisher's protected least significant difference test of the mean values of the compliances, modulus of elasticity, and 60 Poisson's ratio for specimens loaded in the T direction and with the lateral strain measured in the R direction......... ...... .. vii 61 Table Table Table Table Table Table 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. LIST OF TABLES CONTINUED PAGE Fisher’s protected least significant difference test of the mean values of the compliances, modulus of elasticity, and Poisson's ratio for specimens loaded in the R direction and with the lateral strain measured in the L direction................. 62 Analysis of variance and statistics of slope and intercept constants for the compliance equations........................ 63 Statistical analysis of the differences between the slopes of compliance equations developed in this study and those developed by Sliker (1985, 1988, 1989) and Yu (1990).. 66 Comparison of reciprocal compliances........ 68 Statistical analysis of the difference between the slope of the equation relating S and STT developed in this study and the equation developed by Sliker (1988)................... 69 Analysis of variance of regression equation relating reciprocal compliances, and t-test comparing equations determined in this study with their theoretical values............... 70 viii Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13. LIST OF FIGURES Page Compression samples........................... 73 Gage types and configurations................. 74 Gage arrangement for measuring strains when loading in the L1direction.................... 75 Gage arrangements for measuring strains when loading in the Rmdirection.................... 76 Gage arrangements for measuring strains when loading in theTdirectionOIOIOOOIOOOO00...... 77 Test specimen A in the compression cage. 8 is end block. C is end bearing block. D is centering guide. E is hole for metal dowel connection to universal joint. Ball bearing is centered between B and C at each end (Sliker 1989)O0.000.000.0000000000000COIOO0.0.0.000... 78 Compression cage connected to Instron crossheads for loading in the L direction..... 79 Compression cage mounted on steel frame for loading in the R and T directions............. 80 Compliance SRL plotted as a function of the compliance SLL for the eight trees tested. . . . . 81 Compliance STL plotted as a function of the compliance SLL for the eight trees tested. . . . 82 Compliance STijlotted as a function of the compliance SRR for the eight trees tested.... 83 Compliance SLijlotted as a function of the compliance SRR for the eight trees tested.... 84 Compliance SRijlotted as a function of the compliance S'r'r for the eight trees tested. . . . 85 ix Figure Figure Figure Figure 14. 15. 16. 17. LIST OF FIGURES CONTINUED Compliance compliance Compliance compliance Compliance compliance 8 Compliance compliance S SLT STT SLR SRL SLT TL SRT TR plotted for the plotted for the plotted for the plotted for the Page as a function of the eight trees tested.... 86 as a function of the eight trees tested.... 87 as a function of the eight trees tested.... 88 as a function of the eight trees tested.... 89 NOTATION L, R, T = longitudinal, radial, and tangential. i = subscript L, R, or T. j = subscript L, R, or T. oi = stress in the i direction. (psi) to ll 1 strain in the i direction. (in/in) Ei = modulus of elasticity in the i direction = 01/31° (psi) Gij = shear modulus in the ij plane, i s j. (psi) Sij = compliance with strain in the i direction per unit tress in the j direction = ei/oj. (1/psi) v 1 = Poisson's ratio of strain in the i direction to that in tile j direction for loading in the j direction; i 1' j; = ei/ej. xi INTRODUCTION The increasing use of computer analysis to solve three- dimensional stress and strain problems encountered in structural design allows more efficient use of many construction materials. To solve three-dimensional stress and strain problems for wood members 12, elastic constants or their related compliances are required. Wood is a highly complex and variable material and an accurate knowledge of all of its elastic parameters is :needed for precise design analysis. "Engineers and designers are hesitant to use wood under complex loading in part because of the uncertainty of proper values of its elastic constants" (Gunnerson 1973). There are two general methods for obtaining values for the elastic constants of wood. The first is direct measurement of the constants, which involves extensive testing of each wood species. The second is to predict the elastic constants from a known physical property. Two of the better documented physical properties of wood are specific gravity, and the modulus of elasticity in the longitudinal direction. This study is part of a larger project, whose aim is to develop a set of equations relating the various non-shear compliances to the compliance SLL, the inverse of the modulus of elasticity in the L direction (EL). Efij relates the strain in the i direction to the applied stress in the j direction. Previously (Sliker 1985, 1988, 1989), specimens tested in the 2 longitudinal (L), radial (R), and tangential (T) directions were not matched with respect to tree or species. The objective of this study is to use matched samples to clarify the relationships found by Sliker (1985, 1988, 1989), and Yu (1990), and to test if the property Si]. = sji found in orthotropic materials holds true for wood. Wood is a cellular, biological material formed by the secondary thickening of woody plants such as trees, shrubs, and vines. Most of the commercially important woods used in the United States come from trees. The term wood as used in this thesis refers only to the wood produced by trees. Wood can be divided into two broad classifications hardwoods, and softwoods. Hardwoods being formed by deciduous trees (dicotyledons of the Angiosperms), and softwoods formed by coniferous trees (conifers of the Gymnosperms). This study deals with the properties of hardwoods. The wood of hardwoods is composed of four basic types of cells: vessels (or'pores), fibers, ray cells, and longitudinal parenchyma. The term pore refers to the appearance of the vessel element in cross-sectional view. The general size, number, and distribution of pores within the growth rings further categorizes hardwoods into two main groups: ring-porous hardwoods and diffuse-porous hardwoods. In ring- porous hardwoods the large pores are concentrated in the wood formed in the early part of the year (earlywood or springwood) while the pores in the wood formed later in the year (latewood 3 or summerwood) are‘generally’smaller and less numerous. IRing- porous hardwoods are characterized by distinctive figure on the tangential and radial surfaces. White oak and white ash are examples of ring-porous hardwoods. In other hardwoods the pores are evenly dispersed throughout the growth ring with little noticeable variation between earlywood and latewood; these woods are called diffuse-porous hardwoods. Basswood and cottonwood are two species which fit this category. Some hardwoods do not fit neatly in either the ring-porous or the diffuse-porous category. Black walnut for example tends to form larger pores early in the year with the size gradually tapering off as growth continues forming no definite zones of one size pores. Hardwoods such as black.walnut are said to be semi-ring-porous or semi-diffuse-porous. Variation in the relative proportions of different cell types and sizes is reflected.in the wide variation in physical and mechanical properties of the various hardwood species. Within a given species and even within a single tree there is also a wide variation in the cellular makeup of the wood. When trees are forced out of their normal erect growth pattern abnormal tissue is often formed. In hardwoods this tissue is called tension wood. Tension wood is generally found on the upper side of a leaning trunk or on the upper side of branches though it may also be irregularly distributed through out a tree. Tension wood differs significantly from normal wood in several ways. In tension wood all or part of 4 the secondary cell wall nearest the lumen is replaced by a gelatinous layer composed mainly of cellulose and is loosely attached to the other cell wall layers. The secondary cell wall restricts longitudinal shrinkage; as a result tension wood usually shows excessive longitudinal shrinkage. Mechanical properties can also be affected by tension wood. Tension wood has long ropey fiber bundles which gives the wood a woolly appearance when rough sawn. Another growth factor that can affect the physical and mechanical properties of wood is juvenile.wood, Juvenile wood is formed by immature cambial initial cells near the pith of the tree. The length of time that juvenile wood is formed varies from species to species but is generally between 5 and 20 years (Panshin, De Zeeuw 1980). Hardwood fiber cells formed by an immature cambium.are generally shorter and thinner walled then mature fiber cells. In addition the cellulose microfibrils of the $2 layer of the cell wall are formed at a angle to the main axis of cellular orientation, the L direction. All of these factors contribute to juvenile wood's generally lower strength and stability, when compared to wood formed later by mature cambial initials. The physical and mechanical properties of mature wood are most often recorded in tables for structural applications. Fiber cells provide much of the strength of wood, their distribution and number within a particular piece of wood will have an effect. on ‘that jpiece's physical and. mechanical properties. Growth rate can affect the distribution of fiber 5 cells and as a result the mechanical properties of ring-porous hardwoods. In ring-porous hardwoods the width of the earlywood, composed mainly of large vessel cells, does not vary much with growth rate. Consequently fast growing ring- porous hardwoods have a higher proportion of fibrous latewood and will be stronger then a piece of slow growth ring-porous hardwood composed mainly of earlywood which contains a higher proportion of weaker vessel cells. The normal growth pattern of a tree, upwards from the tips of branches and outward from the pith, forms wood in annual increments of cylindrical shells about the pith. This cylindrical symmetry' is reflected in ‘woods physical and mechanical properties. Conventionally wood is treated as having three mutually perpendicular axis of symmetry: one along the main axis of cell orientation called the longitudinal (L) direction, a second in the direction of the rays called the radial (R) direction, and a third tangent to the curvature of the growth rings called the tangential (T) direction. Wood can then be treated mathematically as an orthotropic material for stress analysis. To fully describe the stress strain relationship in an orthotropic material twelve elastic constants are required. The elastic constants are the modulus of elasticity in the L, R, and T directions, EL, ER, and ET; six Poisson's ratios vLR, VLT, vRT, vRL, vTR, and vTL; and three shear moduli GLR, GLT, and GET: A matrix equation describing the three dimensional 6 non—shear relationships of stress and strain in an orthotropic material can be described in terms of these elastic constants or their related compliances (Bodig and Jayne, 1982). .1. 'VRL “'11 .E I? .3 51. L R T or. 51.1. SLR 31.1 0L ”V "V £2 = LR ._1_ n 0: = Sm. S” Sn. 0,. (1) El Ek 5% S’ 5; S 51' 0,. TI' “1' —VLT "'er _1_ TL 112 EL ER 8,. Additionally the reciprocal relationship 815 = Sji, where i and j equal L, R, or T but i v j, should exist in orthotropic materials. If the nine non-shear compliances were known or could be accurately estimated and either the stress or strain was known then the other parameter could be solved for. 0f the elastic constants only one, EL, is well documented for the majority of commonly used woods (Sliker 1988). Electric resistance strain gages have had a long history of use for stress and strain analysis for wood. Radcliffe (1955) described the use of electric resistance strain gages on wood for the determination of elastic constants. Also given were special procedures to be followed in order to maintain the sensitivity and.accuracy of the strain.gages when used on wood. 7 Perry (1984) summarized some of the properties of electrical resistance strain gages and their effect on strain measurements. Among the properties which can effect the accuracy of stain measurements on wood are: reinforcement effects of the wire and backing material, transverse sensitivity of the gage, and thermal effects on the gage. When using strain gages on low modulus materials such as wood the relatively stiff backing material found on most commercial strain gages can act to reinforce the weaker substrate. The loops in the strain sensitive wire of many commercial gages can be effected by strains perpendicular to the main axis of measurement. This transverse sensitivity can cause large error in measurements because of the large Poisson effect in wood. While most gages are supplied with a transverse- sensitivity constant which can be used to correct for this, as the test conditions change from those used to calibrate the gage this constant becomes less accurate. Wood is a poor conductor of heat, as a result thermal drift can be a major problem when using electrical resistance strain gages. When used on wood, the gage must not only be compensated for changes in resistance due to temperature change but also for expansion of the wood due to heating and contraction of the wood due drying induced by the heating. Sliker (1967, and 1971) described the manufacture and use of free filament strain gages in order to overcome some of the problems inherent in commercial gages. He used widely spaced 8 strain sensitive wires bonded directly to the wood substrate with a low modulus nitrocellulose adhesive. The strain sensitive wires were widely spaced to reduce the heat concentration and the related shrinkage and swelling of the wood substrate. The gages were bonded directly to the wood substrate with a low modulus nitrocellulose adhesive without a backing material, which adds stiffness to many commercial gages. By doing this the reinforcing effect of the stiff backings is avoided. In 1970, Goodman and Bodig tested four wood species in compression and torsion. They obtained values for the orthotropic elastic parameters and compared them to theoretical values. They found agreement between the measured and theoretical values of longitudinal strains when loading at angles within a principle orthotropic plane. However no significant agreement was found for general loading. They concluded that the layered homogeneous structure of wood might lead to behavior not predicted by orthotropic elastic theory. Their results also could not substantiate the assumed symmetry of an orthotropic material. The error involved in measuring some of the smaller Poisson's ratios ‘might have partly accounted for this. In 1973, Bodig and Goodman reported additional information on estimating the elastic parameters of softwoods and hardwoods. Data used in their analysis came from a number of sources and test methods. Significant exponential 9 relationships were found between density and the various elastic parameters with the exception of Poisson’ 5 ratios which were considered to be a constants. Significant relationships were also found between EL and the other elastic constants with the exception of Poisson’s ratios. Using these equations, the ‘moduli of elasticity, and ‘the moduli of rigidity were predicted for most of the commercially important species grown in the United States. Bucur (1983) used ultrasound to measure the elastic constants of increment cores. The results of the ultrasonic measurements were then compared to measurements made on standard samples loaded. in static bending. Significant correlations were found between the elastic constants measured by the ultrasonic method and those determined by static bending test. He concluded that the ultrasonic method could provide a suitable non-destructive quality control test for wood. Guitard and Amri (1987) used the results of their own research along with bibliographical data to look at the relationship between the elastic and physical characteristics of hardwoods and softwoods. They found significant exponential relationships between specific gravity and the elastic properties hardwoods. As with Bodig and Goodman the data used came from a variety of sources and a variety of test methods. 10 Sliker (1985, 1988, and 1989) used a variety of softwood and hardwood species in compression test to obtain the non- shear compliances. His research resulted in the following relationships: EQUATION CORRELATION COEF 1. 3121. = 0.022810‘6 - 0.405 sLL R2 = 0.900 2. sTL = 0.021810"6 - 0.500 sLL R2 = 0.925 3. sTR = 1.260*10'6 - 0.887 S“ R2 = 0.911 4. SLR = 0.029810“5 - 0.0483 SR3 R2 = 0.539 (2) 5. SM = -0.659*10‘5 - 0.255 Sm. R2 = 0.980 6. sLT = -0.022*10‘6 - 0.274 Sm. R2 = 0.980 for woods tested at between 9% and 12% moisture content. Units for the compliances Sij are strain (inch per inch) per unit stress (psi). Sliker (1990) tested specimens at three moisture content levels to determine the affect of moisture content on the relationships between pairs of compliances. Results showed that moisture content has very little effect on the relationship between pairs of compliances. 11 In 1990, Yu tested matched specimens in compression in the L, R, and T directions with the following results: EQUATION CORRELATION COEF 1. sRL = -O.016*10'6 - 0.353 sLL R2 = 0.613 2. sTL = -0.062*10'6 - 0.360 sLL R? = 0.566 3. sTR = 1.224*10‘5 - 0.967 sRR R2 = 0.858 4. sLR = -0.210a\v10’6 - 0.0143 sRR R2 = 0.332 (3) 5. sRT = -0.309«:10'6 - 0.288 sTT R2 = 0.936 6. sLT = -0.266*10'6 - 0.00605 sTT R2 = 0.100 Units for the compliances Sij are strain (inch per inch) per unit stress (psi). With the exception of the relationship between SLT and ST.r the relationship between pairs of compliances did not differ significantly from those determined by Sliker (1985, 1988, 1989). While the reciprocal relationship STR = Sm. was close to its theoretical value, the relationships between SLR and SRL, and SLT and STL were not, possibly due to the difficulty in measuring SLR and SM, or to the different viscoelastic responses of wood when loading parallel and perpendicular to the grain. 12 OBJECTIVES The objectives of this research are: 1. To determine if linear relationships exist between the non-shear compliances of different hardwood species from loadings in the L, R, and T directions. 2. To test if the property Sij = Sji found in orthotropic materials holds true for wood through the use of matched specimens. 13 METHODS MAIEBIALé Material was obtained from eight trees representing six species: cottonwood (Populus deltoides §;), basswood (Till; americagg _I._.._)-two trees, white ash (anxinus species)-two trees, black cherry (Prunus serotina Eh;h,), hard maple (Age; species), and black walnut (Juglans nigga L.). A single log, having a diameter of over 30 inches, from each of these trees was sawn into 3.25 inch thick planks and kiln dried to between 8% and 14% moisture content. All moisture contents were calculated on an oven-dry basis. A slow drying schedule was chosen to minimize drying defects, no equalization or conditioning was preformed at the end drying schedule. After kiln drying, specimen blanks were cut, from the planks, slightly larger then finished specimen size and conditioned in a room kept at 68‘F and 65% relative humidity where they reached an equilibrium moisture content of between 10% and 12%. To avoid juvenile wood only portions of the planks 15 growth rings or more from the center of the tree were used to cut specimen blanks. Tension wood was very noticeable in the cottonwood and basswood samples. 14 §2§QIM§N_£BEEABAIIQE Three types of specimens were prepared from the blanks corresponding to the three loading directions (L, R, and T) (Figure 1). Space limitations and strain gage geometry allowed the strain in only one direction perpendicular to the load axis to be measured. when loading in the R. and T directions. 'Two separate samples were required to measure the two strains orthogonal to the load axis when loading in the R and T directions. The use of a special strain gage design to measure the small strains in the L direction when loading in the R and T directions made a total of five specimen strain gage types. Two matched specimens of each specimen strain gage type were prepared from each tree. A total of eighty specimens were prepared, 16 L type, 16 R type for each gage arrangement for a total of 32 R type, and 16 T type for each gage arrangement for a total of 32 T type specimens. In each case the specimens were carefully machined to closely approximate truly orthotropic surfaces. 0n planks where the L direction was difficult to determine a red dye in kerosene was applied and the major direction of flow was used to determine the L-direction (Yu 1990). Longitudinal specimens were 7 inches long by 1.25 inches by 1.25 inches. The 7 inch dimension was in the L direction and the 1.25 inch dimensions were in the R and T directions. Radial and tangential specimens were made by laminating five pieces measuring 1.5 inches by 1.25 inches by 12 inches as described by Sliker 15 (1985). The 12 inch dimension was in the L direction and the 1.25 inch dimension was in either the R or T direction, depending upon the specimen type to be made. The five pieces were then laminated with polyvinyl acetate adhesive into blanks measuring 1.5 inches by 6.25 inches by 12 inches. Laminates were then machined to a thickness of 1.25 inches, and specimens were made by cutting in the direction of the 6.25 inch dimension at 1.25 inch intervals in the L direction. The ends of the specimens were then squared giving the specimen a final length of about 6 inches. In addition, moisture content and specific gravity were determined for each set of test specimens, and matched samples were fabricated for use in monitoring moisture content during testing. Specific gravity information is listed in Table 1. Free-filament strain gages bonded to the specimens with nitrocellulose adhesive were used to measures strains during testing (Sliker 1985, 1988, 1989). The two gage types and three gage configurations used are shown in Figure 2. Type A gages were constructed by soldering 4 inch lengths of 1 mil constantan wire, having a resistance of 290 ohms per foot, to 12 mil leads, resulting in a gage resistance of approximately 97 ohms and.a gage factor of 2.05 (Sliker 1985). Type B gages were made by soldering 1 inch lengths of 1 mil constantan wire to 12 mil leads (Sliker 1989). 16 Specimens were prepared for gage attachment by lightly sanding the mounting area to provide a smooth mounting surface. The gage pattern was then drawn on the specimen. A thin coat of nitrocellulose adhesive was applied to the mounting area and allowed to cure for 24 hours, this was done to insure good adhesion of the gage to the porous wood surface. After curing, the mounting area was again lightly sanded. The gages were then placed on the specimens. Finally a second coat of adhesive was applied to attach the gage to the specimen. The gage arrangement for specimens to be loaded in the L direction is shown in Figure 3. A type A-l gage was used for measuring longitudinal strains. This U-shaped gage was formed by pivoting the center of a type A gage 180 degrees around a straight pin creating a gage length of 2 inches (Sliker 1967, 1985). Similarly, a type A-2 gage was used for measuring strains in the R and T directions. This gage was formed by making three 180 degree turns with a type A gage around straight pins creating a 1 inch gage length (Sliker 1985). When pivoting a gage around a straight pin, it is advantageous to give the straight pin a slight slant away from the direction in which the gage is laid out (Sliker 1967). This allows the strain gage wire to easily slide down the pin when tension is applied insuring close contact with the wood surface during adhesion. To compensate for any bending caused by eccentric loading of the specimens matching gages on l7 opposite faces were connected in series, any increase in strain due to bending on one side would be compensated for by a decrease in strain on the opposite side (Sliker 1989). Gages for measuring strains when loading in the R and T directions were mounted only on the middle layer of the five layer laminate. One reason for doing this was to eliminate any differences which might exist between layers when measuring strains parallel and perpendicular to the load axis. In addition, gages should be mounted away from the ends of compression specimens as there is some horizontal shear between the specimen and the test apparatus. According to Goodman and Bodig (1970) this horizontal shear dissipates about one inch from the ends of the specimen. Specimen strain gage types used for loading in the R and T directions are shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5 respectively. Two types of strain gages were used to measure the strains in specimens loaded in the R and T directions. A type A-2 gage was used to measure the strains parallel to the load axis when loading in the R and T directions. A type A-2 gage was also used to measures strains in the R and T directions when loading in the T and R directions respectively. Type B-1 gages were used to measure the longitudinal strains when loading in the R and T directions. Type B-l gages are formed by mounting four type B gages parallel to each other on the specimen and then connecting them in series with 12 mil constantan wire. Type B-l gages were mounted so that all the 18 strain sensitive material was oriented in the L direction because of the small strains measured in the L direction (Sliker 1989). Strains perpendicular to the L axis might be picked up perpendicular to the gage axis by end loops in the other types of gages used, which could lead to large errors. Gages mounted on opposite faces were connected in series in order to compensate for any specimen bending which might occur during loading (Sliker 1989). T STING PROCEDURES All testing was performed in a room maintained at 68°F and 65% relative humidity where specimens reached an equilibrium at between 10% and 12% moisture content. Before testing a specimen, the cross sectional area of the specimen was measured, and the matched sample was weighed in order to determine the moisture content of the test specimen. Testing was done by loading specimens mounted in a compression cage (Figure 6). In order to maintain equal pressure on the end of the specimens, ball bearings were used to allow the top and bottom bearing blocks to rotate freely (Bodig and Goodman 1969). In addition, loose fitting guides were used to keep the specimen centered on the bearings (Sliker 1989). Loads were applied in the L direction by an Instron model 4206 testing machine with the crosshead speed set at .005 inches/minute (Figure 7). The compression cage was connected to the crossheads at the top and bottom by universal joints. 19 Strain measurements were made with a Measurements Group’s model 3800 Wide Range Strain Indicator for each pair of gages oriented in a given direction. Readings were taken of the load and the strains in the L, R, and T directions at intervals of 50 microstrain in the L direction to a maximum of 600 microstrain. When loading in the R and T directions, the compression cage was suspended from a steel frame by a universal joint and weights applied to a hanger suspended from the bottom of the cage through another universal joint (Figure 8). 'The load*was applied by placing 10 pound weights on the hanger in succession until 100 pounds had been loaded. The total time of loading was kept under 2 minutes in order to limit any effect creep might have on the strain. Time of loading was not considered. as critical for specimens loaded in. the longitudinal direction, as there is very little apparent relationship between strain rate and EL at the stress levels tested (Sliker 1973). To measure the small strains in the L direction when loading in the R and T directions, the sensitivity of the strain indicator was increased by setting the gage factor from 2.05 to 0.205, which allowed measurements of strain down to 0.1 microstrain. Shielded cables connected the gages in the L direction to the strain indicator in order to minimize the noise to signal ratio (Sliker 1989). Readings of the load and the strains parallel and perpendicular to the load were recorded at zero load and at 10 pound intervals 20 until a maximum load of 100 pounds was reached. ST ISTICAL ROCEDURES The compliance Sij can be calculated by multiplying the slope of the strain versus load line of a specimen by the cross-sectional area of the specimen. Least squares regression analysis of the strain and load data collected during testing was used to determine the slopes needed to calculate the compliances SLL, SRL, STL, SRR, STR, SLR, Sm, SLR, and SM. The moduli of elasticity EL, ER, and ET were calculated by regression analysis as the slope of the stress versus strain line, where the stress and strain are in the same direction. Poisson’s ratios were calculated as the slope of the strain.perpendicular to the load axis versus the strain parallel to the load axis line. To conform with more traditional practices the signs of the compliances and moduli of elasticity are reversed, ie SLL, Saar STT, EL, ER, and ET are shown as positive even though they were determined from compressive strains. While the elastic limits of wood differ significantly in tension and compression the moduli of elasticity are approximately equal (Kollmann and Cote 1968). If linear relationship are to be found between pairs of compliances it must first be determined if the compliances vary from tree to tree. .An analysis of variance was preformed on each compliance, modulus of elasticity, and Poisson's ratio in order to determine if they varied among the trees tested. 21 In addition a Fisher’s protected least significant difference (FPLSD) analysis was preformed on the compliances and elastic constants that were found to differ significantly from tree to tree. This procedure was used to determine if the trees tested could be divided into groups which did not significantly differ from each other in a particular compliance or constant tested. Once all the compliances were found to differ among the trees tested, regression analysis was used to determine the best fit linear equation describing the relationships between pairs of compliances for a given direction of loading (L, R, or T). An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was done on each equation in order to determine its significance. Additionally a t-test was preformed on the constant and slope coefficients in each equation to determine if they varied significantly from zero. For equations that were found to be significant and where the intercept coefficient is significant, predictive equations were obtained for Poisson’s ratio by dividing both sides of the equation by the compliance Sjj. Poisson’s ratio can be determined by the quotient of compliances Sij/Sjj. For non- significant equations and equations where the intercept did not differ significantly from zero this term would be a constant and the best estimate of Poisson's ratio would be the average value determined during testing. 22 T-tests were then performed to determine if the equations found to be significant in this study differed significantly from equation (2) developed by Sliker (1985, 1988, and 1989), and the equation (3) determined by Yu (1991). A t-test was also used to test if the reciprocal relationship Sij = 531 of orthotropic materials held true for the eight trees tested. Regression analysis was then used on the reciprocal relationships SLR and SRL, Sm. and Sn, and SM and Sm, in order to determine if linear relationships existed between the compliances. An ANOVA was preformed to determine the significance of the equation and a t-test preformed to determine if the constant and slopes varied significantly from their theoretical values. 23 RESULTS The compliances, moduli of elasticity, and Poisson's ratios calculated from test data are presented in Tables 2 through 19. Also listed in Tables 2 through 19 are the mean values and coefficients of variability (CV) for the measured values of the constants for each tree tested. The CV ranged from a low of 0.074 % for the compliance STL measured for BA2 to a high of 31.5 % for Poisson's ratio measured for WA2, with the average value being 4.75%. The analysis of variances between trees for each constant are also presented in Tables 2 through 19. The analysis of variance showed that the compliances SnL, SRL, Sn, Saar Sm, SLR, Sm, SM, and Sm. varied significantly between trees at the 99% level. The modulus of elasticity EL, ER, and ET along with the um, um, and uTL also showed significant variance between trees at the 99% level. um. varied between trees at the 95% level, and uLR and um. were not found to differ between the trees tested even at the 50% level. The results of the FPLSD analysis are presented in Tables 20 through 24. The FPLSD analysis of the compliance SLL showed the following groups of trees did not differ from each other at the 95% level: WAL and BCl, BCl and BA2, WAl WA2 BA1 and COT1, WA2 BA1 COT1 and HMl. Similar groupings were found for the other constants. 24 Since all the compliances significantly differed between the trees tested, the following linear equations were developed describing the relationship between pairs of compliances: EQUATION CORRELATION COEF 1. SRL = 0.0299440“6 - 0.429 sLL R2 = 0.928 2. sTL = 0.0152*10‘5 - 0.461 sLL R2 = 0.921 3. sTR = 1.79*10’5 - 1.15 sRR R2 = 0.962 4. sLR = -0.247*10’5 - 0.00767 S” R2 = 0.124 (4) 5. SM. = O.089*10'6 - 0.338 Sm. R2 = 0.971 6. sLT = -0.291*10“5 - 0.00648 sTT R2 = 0.359 Units for the compliances Sij are strain (inch per inch) per unit stress (psi). Plots of the regression lines and compliances are given in Figures 9 through 14. The analysis of variance and the results of the t-test of the constants for the above equations are shown in Table 25. Equations 1, 2, 3, and 5 in Table 25 were found to be significant at the 99% level. Equation 6 of Table 25 was significant at the 75% level and equation 4 of Table 25 was not found to be significant at the 75% level. The slopes of the equations 1, 2, 3, and 5 Table 25 were found to be significant at the 99% level. The slope of the equation 6 Table 25 was significant at the 80% level and the slope of the equation 4 Table 25 was significant at the 40% level. Intercept coefficients of 25 equations 4, and 6 Table 25 were found to be significant at the 99% level. The intercept of the equation 3 Table 25 was significant at the 98% level. The intercepts of equations 1, 2, and 5 Table 25 were not found to be significant at the 90% level. As Poissons’s ratio can be written as the ratio of compliances, the significance of intercepts in the equations 3, 4, and 6 Table 25 allows the use of these equations to create predictive equations for um, um, and on. By dividing both sides of equation 3 Table 25 by SRR it becomes: STR/SRR = 1.79810‘5/5RR - 1.15 = 03.1.. Equations 4 and 6 were found to be non-significant as a result the validity of this procedure on these equations is questionable. A better estimate of on and on would be their average values of 0.597 and 0.0375 respectively. The intercepts of the equations 1, 2 and 5 in Table 25 were not found to be significant. The best estimation of the 0L3, our, and uTR would then be their average values of 0.376, 0.438, and 0.332 respectively. The results of the t-test comparing the equations found in this study with those developed by Sliker (1985, 1988, and 1989) and Yu (1990), are shown in Table 26. Only equation 3 in Table 26 STR = f(san) was found to differ at the 80% level from the equations developed by Sliker. The other equations 26 did not differ significantly from Sliker’s at. the 90 % level. Similarly equation 3 in Table 26 was the only equation found to differ from those found by Yu (1990) at the 80% level. The t-test (Table 27) of the reciprocal compliances found that the compliances Sm. and STR did not differ significantly from each other. Since the compliances SRT and STR do not differ significantly from each other equations 3 and 5 of equation (3) can be combined to form a an equation relating compliance SRR to the compliance STT. The resulting equation is: _ -6 sRR — 1.479*10 + 0.294 8.1.1. The results of the t-test comparing the slope of this equation to the slope of the equation developed by Sliker (1988) are found in Table 28. No significant difference was found between the slopes of the two equations. The compliances SLR and SR1. differed from each other at the 99% level, the compliances SLT and STL also differed from each other at the 99% level. The results of the regression analysis of the reciprocal compliances Sij = f(Sji) are as follows: Equation Coefficient of corr. _ -6 2 _ 1. sLR — -0.0866*10 + 0.912 SRL R — 0.565 _ -6 2 _ 2. sLT — -0.285*10 + 0.329 sTL R — 0.051 (5) - -6 2 3. sRT — -0.279*10 + 0.895 sTR R 0.952 27 Plots of the regression line and the compliances along with the theoretical line are shown in Figures 15 through 17. The results of the ANOVA (Table 29) show that equations 1 and 3 of equation (5) are significant at the 95% level. Equation 2 was not significant at the 75% level. The results of the t-test (Table 29) of the regression coefficients show that the constants in equations 1 and 3 of equation (4) do not differ significantly from the theoretical value of 0. The constant of equation 2 does differ from the theoretical value at the 90% level. In addition the slope of equation 1 does not differ significantly for the predicted value of 1. The slopes of equations 2 and 3 do differ from the predicted values at the 50% level. 28 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Matched specimens taken from eight trees representing six hardwood species were tested in compression in the L, R, and T directions. All testing was done in a room maintained at 68°F and 60% relative humidity, where the specimens had equalized at between 10% and 12% moisture content. Strains parallel and perpendicular to the load axis were recorded. The non-shear compliances were calculated from the strain readings parallel and perpendicular to the load axis per unit stress in the loading direction (L, R, or T). From this information the following conclusions were made. 1. The CV of the measured values of the constants and compliances varied from 0.074% to 31.5% with the average being 4.75%. WA2 samples tended to have a higher CV then the other samples tested. White ash being a ring-porous hardwood has a less homogenous cross-sectional structure then the other, diffuse-porous or semi-diffuse-porous, species tested. The differing properties of the earlywood and latewood of white ash may partly explain the large CV observed. 29 2. The wood from the eight trees examined differed significantly in their measured compliances and moduli of elasticity, but not in their Poissons ratio's, when specimens were loaded in the L direction. The woods examined also differed significantly in their compliances, moduli of elasticity, and.Poissons ratio’s when specimens were loaded in the R and T directions. The relationship between creep and the rate of loading in the R, and T directions may partly explain the significant differences between the Poisson's ratios when loading in the R and T directions. 3. Linear equations relating pairs of compliances were developed. The equations are as follows: EQUATION CORRELATION COEF 1. sRL = 0.0299410'6 - 0.429 sLL R2 = 0.928 2. sTL = 0.0152410‘6 - 0.461 sLL R2 = 0.921 3. sTR = 1.79810‘6 - 1.15 sRR R2 = 0.962 4. sLR = -0.247vk10‘6 - 0.00767 SRR R2 = 0.124 5. sRT = 0.089*10'6 - 0.338 sTT R2 = 0.971 6. SLT = -0.291=v:10‘6 - 0.00648 sTT R2 = 0.359 The equations relating SRL and SLL, STL and SLL, STR and $33, and SRT and STT, were significant at the 90% level, however, the equations relating SLR and SRR, and SLT and STT were not. The difficulty in measuring the smaller compliances, SLR and 30 SLT may have partly contributed to the lack of significance in these equations. The effect of loading rate on the viscoelastic behavior in the R and T directions may also have contributed to the lack of linear relationships. Because of the small number of samples used more testing may be required to clarify these relationships. 4. The intercept of the linear equations relating SLR and San, SLT and STT, and STR and SRR were significant. Poisson’s ratio can be written as the ratio of compliances following predictive equations were developed: _ -6 2. vRL = -0.00767*1O'6 / sRR - 0.247 3. mm = -0.00648*10'6 / Sm. - 0.291 The intercepts of the equations relating SRL and SLL, STL and SLL, and SRT and ST.r were not significant. Thus the ratio between the compliances becomes a constant. The best estimate of VLR, vLT, and vTR would be their average values of 0.376, 0.438, and 0.332 respectively. 5. The equations relating the compliances SRL and SLL, STL and SLL, SLR and SRR, Sm. and SM, and SLT and Sm. did not differ significantly from those developed by Sliker (1985, 1988, 1989), and Yu (1990). This suggests that the 31 relationships between pairs of compliances found in this study may exist for a broader range of species then tested. 6. As predicted by orthotropic theory the compliances Sm. and STR were found not to differ from each other. The equations relating SRT and SR3, and STR and 8.”, can be combined and a predictive equation relating SRR and Sm. can be produced: _ -6 sRR — 1.479*10 + 0.294 s.rT This equation is not significantly different from the equation found by Sliker ( 1988) . The compliances STL and SM, and SRL and SLR were found to differ from each other. The difficulty in measuring the smaller compliances may partially explain this difference. The different viscoelastic behavior of wood in the L, R, and T direction, and the effect of rate of loading on the viscoelastic behavior in the R and T directions may lead to behavior not predicted by linear orthotropic elastic theory. 32 7. Linear equations were developed relating the compliances SLR and SRL, 8LT and STL, and SRT and STE. 1. sLR = -O.886*10'6 + 0.917 sRL 2. SLT = -0.285*10‘6 + 0.329 sTL _ -6 3. sRT — -0.277*10 + 0.895 sTR Equations 1 and 3 were found to be significant. Equation 2 was not found to be significant at the 90% level. The intercept and slope of the equation relating SLR and SRL did not differ significantly from those predicted by linear orthotropic elastic theory. The intercept of the equation relating SM. and STR also did not differ significantly from its theoretical value. However, the slope of the equation did differ significantly from its predicted value. The highly linear relationship between these two compliances may partly explain the significance of this difference. Both the intercept and the slope of the equation relating SLT and STL differed significantly from the values predicted by orthotropic elastic theory. 8. The existence of linear relationships between compliances can provide engineers and designers with an easier method of applying orthotropic theory in the design of wood structures. 33 9. Several sources of potential error were present in the manufacturing and testing of specimens and need to be taken into account when interpreting the results. During the manufacturing of specimens tension wood was observed in the cottonwood and.both of the basswood logs“ The extent to which this tension wood affected the strain measurements is unknown, and it should be considered as a possible error source. Human error in mounting the gages on the specimens may have allowed some of the gages to be mounted slightly off axis. This would result in transverse sensitivity errors in the strain readings. The different viscoelastic properties of wood in the L, R, and T directions would introduce varying degrees of error based on variations in the loading rate. The alternating current used in the lighting and other electrical equipment in the testing laboratory can cause an interference in the electrical signals passing through the cables connecting the specimen and the strain indicators. Human error must also be considered as various people were involved in the loading of test specimens and the recording of strain levels. ‘While in most cases these error were negligible, some of the smaller measurements, such as those used to determine SLR and SM, the error involved would be proportionally larger. 34 The results of this testing can not substantiate the symmetry condition of an.orthotropiC‘materialJ ‘While this may partially be explained by the difficulty in measuring the compliances SLR and SLT, and the different viscoelastic behaviors of wood in the L, R, and T directions may lead to behavior not predicted by linear orthotropic elastic theory. The small number of sample tested in this study make firm conclusions about the orthotropic behavior of wood difficult. In order to clarify the relationships between compliances additional testing on a broader range of species needs to be undertaken. Additionally, testing needs to be done on the viscoelastic behavior of wood and its effect on the relationship between compliances. 35 Table 1. Oven dry specific gravities measured for specimens made from the eight trees tested. SPECIES* Specific gravity at 0 %HMC COTTONWOOD (Populus deltoides Sp) 0.48 (COT2) BASSWOOD (Tilia americana L;) 0.49 (BA1) BASSWOOD (Tilia americana L;) 0.42 (BA2) WHITE ASH (Fraxinus species) 0.63 (WAl) WHITE ASH (Fraxinus species) ‘ 0.61 (WA2) BLACK CHERRY (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) 0.65 (BCl) HARD MAPLE (Acer species) 0.75 (ml) BLACK WALNUT (Juglans nigra LL) 0.54 (WAL) * The number after the abbreviation of the species designates the log from which specimens were taken. 36 Table 2. Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the compliance SLL. SPECIMEN sLL MEAN STANDARD CV % MC% # DEVIATION COT2-Ll 0.5431"10'6 0.520 0.0314 5.783 10.89 COT2-L2 0.498 10.93 BA1-L1 0.526 0.522 0.0060 1.139 10.20 BA1-L2 0.518 10.20 BA2-Ll 0.676 0.674 0.0028 0.409 10.11 BA2-L2 0.672 10.05 WAl-Ll 0.519 0.545 0.0376 7.250 11.67 WAl-LZ 0.572 11.67 WA2-Ll 0.487 0.540 0.0752 15.454 11.08 WA2-L2 0.593 11.09 BCl-Ll 0.722 0.702 0.0276 3.829 11.33 BCl-L3 0.683 11.33 HMl-Ll 0.461 0.462 0.0016 0.339 11.91 HMl-LZ 0.463 11.91 WAL-L1 0.756 0.756 0.0001 0.020 10.68 WAL-L2 0.755 10.68 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE SOURCE DF SS MS F P m TREES 7 0.1548 0.0221 20.02 <.001 ERROR 8 0.0088 0.0011 TOTAL 15 0.1636 37 Table 3. Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the compliance SRL. SPECIMEN SRL MEAN STANDARD CV % MC% # DEVIATION (1/p81) COTZ-Ll -0.186*10'6 -0.181 0.0064 3.518 10.89 COT2-L2 -0.177 10.93 BA1-Ll -0.174 -0.189 0.0211 11.158 10.20 BA1-L2 -0.204 10.20 BA2-Ll -0.261 -0.244 0.0246 10.079 10.11 BA2-L2 -0.226 10.05 WAl-Ll -0.168 -0.186 0.0252 13.542 11.67 WAl-LZ -0.204 11.67 WA2-L2 -0.185 -0.218 0.0460 21.103 11.08 WA2-L2 -0.250 11.09 BCl-Ll -0.293 —0.276 0.0239 8.664 11.33 BCl-L3 -0.259 11.33 HMl-Ll -0.176 -0.185 0.0119 6.445 11.91 HMl-LZ -0.193 11.91 WAL-L1 -0.293 -0.298 0.0073 2.448 10.68 WAL-L2 —0.303 10.68 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE w SOURCE DF SS MS F m TREES 7 0.02921 0.004173 7.20 <.005 ERROR 8 0.00464 0.000580 TOTAL 15 0.03385 38 Table 4. Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the compliance STL. SPECIMEN MEAN STL # DEVIATION . (1/P31) COT2“L1 “0.209""10”6 “0.213 0.0067 3.143 10.89 COT2“L2 “0.218 10.93 BA1“L1 “0.245 “0.207 0.0547 2.457 10.20 BA1“L2 “0.168 10.20 BA2“L1 “0.279 “0.280 0.0008 0.296 10.11 BA2“L2 “0.280 10.05 WA1“L1 “0.221 “0.233 0.0168 7.188 11.67 WA1“L2 “0.245 11.67 WA2“L2 “0.229 “0.244 0.0217 8.869 11.08 WA2“L2 “0.259 11.09 BCl“L1 “0.320 “0.301 0.0273 9.067 11.33 BCI“L3 “0.282 11.33 HM1“L1 “0.218 “0.220 0.0029 1.334 11.91 HM1“L2 “0.222 11.91 WAL“L1 “0.339 “0.346 0.0110 3.168 10.68 WAL“L2 “0.354 10.68 m ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE SOURCE OF SS MS F P m TREES 7 0.03398 0.004855 8.47 < 0.005 ERROR 8 0.00459 0.000573 TOTAL 15 0.03857 39 Table 5. Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the modulus of elasticity EL. SPECIMEN EL MEAN STANDARD CV % MC% # (psi) DEVIATION m COT2“L1 1843000 1924500 115258 5.989 10.89 COT2“L2 2006000 10.93 BA1-L1 1899000 1933500 48790 2.523 10.20 BA1-L2 1968000 10.20 BA2-L1 1479000 1483500 6364 0.429 10.11 BA2-L2 1488000 10.05 WAl-Ll 1923000 1836000 123037 6.701 11.67 WA1“L2 1749000 11.67 WA2-L2 2055000 1870500 260922 13.949 11.08 WA2-L2 1686000 11.09 BC1-L1 1385000 1424500 55861 3.921 11.33 BCl-L3 1464000 11.33 HMl-Ll 2170000 2164500 7778 0.359 11.91 HMl-LZ 2159000 11.91 WAL-L1 1323000 1323500 707 0.053 10.68 TREES 7 1.233*1012 1.762*1011 13.8 < 0.001 ERROR 8 1.021*1011 1.276*101° TOTAL," 15 1.335*1012 40 Table 6. Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the Poisson's ratio uLR. SPECIMEN ”LR MEAN STANDARD CV % MC % # DEVIATION m COT2-L1 0.303 0.329 0.0368 11.200 10.89 COT2-L2 0.355 10.93 BA1-L1 0.331 0.367 0.0501 13.663 10.20 BA1-L2 0.402 10.20 BA2-L1 0.386 0.362 0.0350 9.665 10.11 BA2-L2 0.337 10.05 WAl-Ll 0.324 0.340 0.0226 6.658 11.67 WA1-L2 0.356 11.67 WA2-L2 0.381 0.402 0.0292 7.276 11.08 WA2-L2 0.422 11.09 BCl-Ll 0.405 0.392 0.0186 4.739 11.33 BCl-L3 0.379 11.33 HMl-Ll 0.383 0.400 0.0244 6.103 11.91 HM1-L2 0.417 11.91 WAL-L1 0.387 0.394 0.0097 2.472 10.68 WAL-L2 0.401 10.68 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE = w SOURCE DF SS MS F P m TREES 7 0.008260 0.001180 1.53 > 0.25 ERROR 8 0.006159 0.000770 "TOTAL 15 0.014420 41 Table 7. Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the Poisson's ratio 0LT COT2-L1 0.385 0.442 0.0799 18.100 10.89 COT2-L2 0.498 10.93 BA1-L1 0.466 0.398 0.0956 24.008 10.20 BA1-L2 0.331 10.20 BA2-L1 0.413 0.415 0.0029 0.702 10.11 BA2-L2 0.417 10.05 WAl-Ll 0.426 0.427 0.0013 0.301 11.67 WA1-L2 0.428 11.67 WA2-L2 0.470 0.454 0.0231 5.099 11.08 WA2-L2 0.438 11.09 BCl-L1 0.444 0.428 0.0220 5.140 11.33 BC1-L3 0.413 11.33 HMl-Ll 0.473 0.476 0.0044 0.922 11.91 HM1-L2 0.479 11.91 WAL-L1 0.448 0.459 0.0146 3.192 10.68 WAL-L2 0.469 10.68 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE SOURCE DF_ 88 MS F P TREES 7 0.00886 0.00127 0.60 > 0.25 ERROR 8 0.01674 0.00209 TOTAL_ 15 0.02560 42 Table 8. Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the compliance SRR. SPECIMEN SRR MEAN # DEVIATION (1/psi) COT2-R1 5.831810"6 5.739 0.166 2.892 10.99 COTz-Rz 5.907 10.99 COTZ-R3 5.689 10.99 COT2-R4 5.530 10.99 BA1-R1 8.132 8.068 0.125 1.549 10.32 BA1-R2 7.882 10.21 BA1-R3 8.143 10.26 BA1-R4 8.115 10.28 BA2-R1 9.639 10.006 0.628 6.276 10.14 BA2-R2 9.340 10.15 BA2-R3 10.334 10.17 BA2-R4 10.711 10.17 WAl-Rl 3.842 4.118 0.239 5.804 11.72 WAl-RZ 3.995 11.72 WA1-R3 4.293 11.72 WA1-R4 4.341 11.74 WA2-R1 3.413 4.675 0.873 18.674 11.19 WA2-R2 5.024 11.12 WA2-R3 4.853 11.15 WA2-R4 5.409 11.15 BCl-Rl 3.464 3.558 0.065 1.827 11.38 BCl-R2 3.565 11.38 BCl-R3 3.609 11.39 BCl-R4 3.593 11.39 HMl-Rl 3.233 3.266 0.039 1.194 11.97 HMl-RZ 3.232 11.97 HM1-R3 3.303 11.98 HMl-R4 3.295 11.98 WAL-R3 3.902 3.776 0.091 2.410 10.66 WAL-R4 3.773 10.60 WAL-R1 3.687 10.67 WAL-R2 3.743 10.67 W 43 Table 8 (cont’d) SOURCE DF SS MS F P TREES 7 164.817 23.545 148.28 < .001 ERROR 24 3.811 0.159 TOTAL 31 168.628 44 Table 9. Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the compliance STR. SPECIMEN STR MEAN STANDARD CV % MC% # DEVIATION (1/951) COT2-R1 -5.365*10‘6 -5.344 0.0303 0.567 10.99 COT2-R2 -5.322 10.99 BA1-R1 -6.333 -6.387 0.0764 1.195 10.32 BA1-R2 -6.441 10.32 BA2-R1 -9.592 -9.745 0.2171 2.228 10.14 BA2-R2 -9.899 10.15 WA1-R1 -2.336 -2.428 0.1297 5.345 11.72 WA1-R2 -2.519 11.72 WA2-R1 -3.118 -3.018 0.1416 4.690 11.19 WA2-R2 -2.918 11.12 BCl-Rl -2.369 -2.443 0.1045 4.277 11.38 BCl-RZ -2.516 11.38 HMl-Rl -2.275 -2.293 0.0264 1.152 11.97 HMl-RZ -2.312 11.97 WAL-R3 -2.272 -2.285 0.0183 0.800 10.66 WAL-R4 -2.298 10.60 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE SOURCE DF SS MS F P m TREES 7 103.4366 14.7767 1198.08 < 0.001 ERROR 8 0.0987 0.0123 TOTAL 15 103.5353 45 Table 10. Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the modulus of elasticity ER. COT2-R1 171000 174250 5377 3.086 10.99 COT2-R2 169000 10.99 COT2-R3 176000 10.99 COT2-R4 181000 10.99 BA1-R1 123000 124000 2000 1.613 10.32 BA1-R2 127000 10.21 BA1-R3 123000 10.26 BA1-R4 123000 10.28 BA2-R1 104000 100250 6397 6.381 10.14 BA2-R2 107000 10.15 BA2-R3 97000 10.17 BA2-R4 93000 10.17 WAl-Rl 260000 243250 14221 5.846 11.72 WA1-R2 250000 11.72 WAl-R3 233000 11.72 WAl-R4 230000 11.74 WA2-R1 293000 220500 49197 22.311 11.19 WA2-R2 199000 11.12 WA2-R3 206000 11.15 WA2-R4 184000 11.15 BCl-Rl 287000 280500 4509 1.607 11.38 8C1-R2 280000 11.38 BCl-R3 277000 11.39 BCl-R4 278000 11.39 HMl-Rl 309000 306000 3464 1.132 11.97 HMl-RZ 309000 11.97 HMl-R3 303000 11.98 HMl-R4 303000 11.98 WAL-R3 256000 264750 6344 2.396 10.66 WAL—R4 265000 10.60 WAL-R1 271000 10.67 WAL-R2 267000 10.67 46 Table 10 (cont’d) ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE SOURCE OF SS Ms F p m TREES 7 1.559*1011 2.227*101° 64.35 < .001 ERROR 24 8.307*109 3.461*108 TOTAL 31 1.642*1011 47 Table 11. Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the Poisson's ratio uRT. SPECIMEN “RT MEAN STANDARD CV % MC% COT2-R1 0.920 0.911 0.0135 1.487 10.99 COT2-R2 0.901 10.99 BA1-R1 0.779 0.798 0.0274 3.435 10.32 BA1-R2 0.818 10.21 BA2-R1 0.995 1.027 0.0457 4.451 10.14 BA2-R2 1.060 10.15 WA1-R1 0.614 0.622 0.0119 1.917 11.72 WA1-R2 0.631 11.72 WA2-R1 0.914 0.747 0.2355 31.510 11.19 WA2-R2 0.581 11.12 BC1-R1 0.684 0.695 0.0156 2.245 11.38 BC1-R2 0.706 11.38 HMl-Rl 0.704 0.709 0.0080 1.135 11.97 HMl-R2 0.715 11.97 WAL-R3 0.582 0.596 0.0189 3.166 10.66 0.29700 0.05931 0.00741 48 Table 12. Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the compliance SLR. SPECIMEN SLR MEAN STANDARD CV % MC% # DEVIATION COT2-R3 —0.2331|*10"6 -0.245 0.0168 6.831 10.99 COT2-R4 -0.257 10.99 BA1-R3 -0.260 -0.264 0.0056 2.113 10.26 BA1-R4 -0.268 10.28 BA2-R3 -0.353 -0.361 0.0106 2.936 10.17 BA2-R4 -0.368 10.17 WA1-R3 -0.218 -0.219 0.0010 0.472 11.72 WA1-R4 -0.219 11.74 WA2-R3 -0.339 -0.344 0.0075 2.187 11.15 WA2-R4 —0.349 11.15 BC1-R3 -0.340 -0.310 0.0419 13.505 11.39 BC1-R4 -0.281 11.39 HM1-R3 -0.230 -0.234 0.0051 2.199 11.98 HM1-R4 -0.237 11.98 WAL-R1 -0.341 -0.337 0.0062 1.836 10.67 WAL-R2 -0.333 10.67 ==================================E============flfl=é;l-fl-I TREES 7 0.04303 0.006147 21.57 < 0.001 ERROR 8 0.00228 0.000285 TOTAL 15 0.04531 49 Table 13. Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the Poisson's ratio URL. SPECIMEN “RL MEAN STANDARD CV % MC % .“__t______________1___1__ __DEVIATION _W _ _ 3 COT2-R3 0.0410 0.044 0.0039 8.810 10.99 COT2-R4 0.0465 10.99 BA1-R3 0.0320 0.033 0.0008 2.370 10.26 BA1-R4 0.0331 10.28 BA2-R3 0.0341 0.035 0.0019 5.224 10.17 BA2-R4 0.0368 10.17 WA1-R3 0.0508 0.051 0.0002 0.321 11.72 WA1-R4 0.0506 11.74 WA2-R3 0.0698 0.067 0.0039 5.835 11.15 WA2-R4 0.0643 11.15 BC1-R3 0.0942 0.086 0.0114 13.195 11.39 BC1-R4 0.0781 11.39 HM1-R3 0.0697 0.071 0.0017 2.365 11.98 HM1-R4 0.0721 11.98 WAL-R1 0.0926 0.091 0.0026 2.914 10.67 WAL-R2 0.0889 10.65 TREES 7 0.007181 0.001026 48.56 < 0.001 ERROR 8 0.000169 0.000021 TOTAL 15 0.007350 50 Table 14. Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the compliance STT. — 5 ~~~ :- um SPECIMEN STT MEAN STANDARD CV % MC% # DEVIATION COT2-T1 17.217410"6 17.836 0.507 2.842 10.99 COT2-T2 17.636 11.00 COT2-T3 18.321 10.89 C0T2-T4 18.171 10.98 BA1-T1 21.213 20.853 0.861 4.129 10.16 BA1-T2 21.787 10.16 BA1-T3 20.648 10.24 BA1-T4 19.765 10.21 BA2-T3 23.062 22.323 1.355 6.070 10.14 BA2-T4 23.840 10.14 BA2-T1 21.434 10.11 BA2-T2 20.956 10.08 WAl-Tl 6.278 6.438 0.113 1.755 11.72 WA1-T2 6.439 11.72 WA1-T3 6.522 11.65 WA1-T4 6.515 11.70 WA2-T1 7.186 7.137 0.169 2.638 11.14 WA2-T2 7.163 11.20 WA2-T3 6.900 11.10 WA2-T4 7.297 11.10 BCl-Tl 8.282 8.156 0.202 2.477 11.42 BC1-T2 8.245 11.42 BC1-T4 7.854 11.30 BC1-T8 8.243 11.30 HMl-Tl 5.934 6.109 0.143 2.341 12.00 HMl-TZ 6.215 11.96 HM1-T3 6.235 11.88 HMl-T4 6.051 11.88 WAL-T3 8.107 8.353 0.216 2.586 10.65 WAL-T4 8.292 10.65 WAL-Tl 8.627 10.59 WAL-T2 8.388 10.59 51 Table 14 (cont'd) TREES 7 1344.760 192.109 515.23 < .001 ERROR 24 8.949 0.373 52 86.9541 4713.00 Table 15. Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the compliance SET. SPECIMEN SRT MEAN STANDARD CV % MC % f DEVIATION __ WW _ COTZ-Tl --5.0441"10'6 -5.031 0.0183 0.365 10.99 COT2-T2 -5.018 11.00 BA1-T1 -7.l47 -7.182 0.0502 0.699 10.16 BA1-T2 -7.218 10.16 BA2-T3 -8.386 -8.390 0.0063 0.074 10.14 BA2-T4 -8.395 10.14 WAl-Tl -2.152 -2.168 0.0231 1.066 11.72 WAl-TZ -2.184 11.72 WA2-T1 -2.722 -2.729 0.0102 0.375 11.14 WA2-T2 -2.736 11.20 BCl-Tl -2.341 -2.330 0.0166 0.711 11.42 BC1-T2 -2.318 11.42 HMl-Tl -2.069 -2.153 0.1193 5.541 12.00 HMl-TZ -2.237 11.96 WAL-T3 -2.668 -2.628 0.0564 2.147 10.65 TREES 7 12.4220 ERROR 8 0.0211 0.0026 TOTAL 15 ° 86.9752 53 Table 16. Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the modulus of elasticity ET. SPECIMEN ET MEAN STANDARD CV % MC % # (psi) DEVIATION COT2-T1 57900 56050 1533 2.735 10.99 COT2-T2 56700 11.00 COT2-T3 54600 10.89 COT2-T4 55000 10.98 BA1-T1 47100 48000 2012 4.192 10.16 BA1-T2 45900 10.16 BA1-T3 48400 10.24 BA1-T4 50600 10.21 BA2-T3 43400 44900 2707 6.029 10.14 BA2-T4 41900 10.14 BA2-T1 46600 10.11 BA2-T2 47700 10.08 WA1-T1 159300 155350 2783 1.791 11.72 WA1-T2 155300 11.72 WA1-T3 153300 11.65 WA1-T4 153500 11.70 WA2-T1 139200 140175 3351 2.391 11.14 WA2-T2 139600 11.20 WA2-T3 144900 11.10 WA2-T4 137000 11.10 BC1-T1 120700 122650 3113 2.538 11.42 BC1-T2 121300 11.42 BC1-T4 127300 11.30 BC1-T8 121300 11.30 HM1-T1 168500 163725 3860 2.358 12.00 HM1-T2 160900 11.96 HM1-T3 160300 11.88 HM1-T4 165200 11.88 WAL-T3 123300 119750 3080 2.572 10.65 WAL-T4 120600 10.65 WAL-T1 115900 10.59 WAL-T2 119200 10.59 54 Table 16 (cont'd) ERROR 24 2.003*108 8.345*106 TOTAL 31 6.817*101° 55 Table 17. Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the Poisson’s ratio UTR. SPECIMEN uTR MEAN STANDARD CV % MC % _# DEVIATION COT2-T1 0.292 0.288 0.0053 1 837 10.99 COT2-T2 0.285 11.00 BA1-T1 0.337 0.334 0.0040 1 185 10.16 BA1-T2 0.331 10.16 BA2-T3 0.364 0.358 0.0081 2 270 10.14 BA2-T4 0.352 10.14 WA1-T1 0.343 0.341 0.0025 0 730 11.72 WA1-T2 0.339 11.72 WA2-T1 0.379 0.380 0.0023 0 606 11.14 WA2-T2 0.382 11.20 BC1-T1 0.283 0.282 0.0011 0.389 11.42 BC1-T2 0.281 11.42 HMl-Tl 0.349 0.354 0.0080 2.267 12.00 HM1-T2 0.360 11.96 WAL-T3 0.329 0.321 0.0120 3.734 10.65 WAL-T4 0.312 10.65 E ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE SOURCE DF SS MS F P ======== TREES 7 0.01629 0.002327 55.73 < 0.001 ERROR 8 0.00033 0.000042 TOTAL 15 0.01662 56 Table 18. Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the compliance SLT. SPECIMEN 8LT # DEVIATION (1/P81) C0T2-T3 -0.3221Ir1o'6 -0.343 0.0286 8.343 10.89 COT2-T4 -0.363 10.98 BA1-T3 -0.420 -0.411 0.0135 3.289 10.24 BA1-T4 -0.401 10.21 BA2-T1 -0.487 -0.486 0.0008 0.170 10.11 BA2-T2 -0.486 10.08 WAl-T3 -0.422 -0.413 0.0137 3.323 11.65 WAl-T4 -0.403 11.70 WA2-T3 -0.266 -0.281 0.0204 7.254 11.10 WA2-T4 -0.295 11.10 BCl-T4 -0.377 -0.384 0.0091 2.380 11.30 BC1-T8 -0.390 11.30 HM1-T3 -0.284 -0.270 0.0195 7.202 11.88 HM1-T4 -0.257 11.88 WAL-T1 -0.360 -0.363 0.0045 1.235 10.59 WAL-T2 -0.367 10.59 m ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE M SOURCE DF SS MS F P m TREES 7 0.071795 0.010256 39.15 < 0.001 ERROR 8 0.002096 0.000262 TOTAL 15 0.073891 w 57 Table 19. Estimate of variability between individual measurements of the Poisson's ratio UTL. SPECIMEN UTL MEAN # __ DEVIATION COT2-T3 0.0176 0.019 0.0017 8.961 10.89 COT2-T4 0.0200 10.98 BA1-T3 0.0203 0.020 0.0000 0.174 10.24 BA1-T4 0.0203 10.21 BA2-T1 0.0227 0.023 0.0003 1.449 10.11 BA2-T2 0.0232 10.08 WA1-T3 0.0647 0.063 0.0021 3.240 11.65 WA1-T4 0.0618 11.70 WA2-T3 0.0386 0.040 0.0013 3.273 11.10 WA2-T4 0.0405 11.10 BC1-T4 0.0480 0.048 0.0005 1.008 11.30 BC1-T8 0.0474 11.30 HM1-T3 0.0456 0.044 0.0022 5.063 11.88 HM1-T4 0.0424 11.88 WAL-T1 0.0417 0.043 0.0014 3.244 10.59 WAL-T2 0.0437 10.59 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE SOURCE DF SS MS F P w TREES 7 0.0034224 0.0004889 223.51 < 0.001 ERROR 8 0.0000175 0.0000022 TOTAL 15 0.0034399 . 58 Table 20. Fisher's protected least significant difference test of the mean values of the compliances and modulus of elasticity for specimens loaded in the L direction. TREE SLL TREE EL (llpsi) (psi) WAL 0.7555*10’6 .A * HM 1 2164500 A BC 1 0.7025 AB BA 1 1933500 AB BA 2 0.6740 B COT 1 1924500 AB WA 1 0.5455 C WA 2 1870500 B WA 2 0.5400 CD WA 1 1836000 B BA 1 0.5220 CD BA 2 1483500 C COT 1 0.5205 CD BC 1 1424500 C HM 1 0.4620 D WAL 1323500 C FPLSD = 0.0707 FPLSD = 240718 = 1 m TREE SRL TREE STL (1/psi) (1/P_1________A _ _ COT 1 -0.18151"10'6 A. BA 1 "0.2065410"6 A HM 1 -0.1845 A COT 1 -0.2135 A WA 1 -0.1860 A HM 1 -0.2200 A BA 1 -0.1890 A WA 1 -0.2330 AB WA 2 -0.2175 AB WA 2 -0.2440 AB BA 2 -0.2435 BC BA 2 -0.2795 BC BC 1 -0.2760 CD BA 1 -0.3010 BCD WAL -0.2980 D WAL -0.3465 D FPLSD = 0.0513 FPLSD = 0.0510 mm * means with the same letter within the same column are not significantly different from each other at the 95% probability level. 59 Table 21. Fisher’s protected least significant difference test of the mean values of the compliances, modulus of elasticity, and Poisson’s ratio for specimens loaded in the R direction and with the lateral strain measured in the T direction. 1 __1PS____*___ -__3_ __1_A. _ _ BA 2 9.4900810”6 .A * HM 1 309000 A BA 1 8.0070 B BC 1 284500 AB COT 1 5.8690 c WAL 260500 AB WA 2 4.2190 D WA 1 255000 B WA 1 3.9180 DE WA 2 246000 8 WAL 3.8380 DE COT 1 170000 C BC 1 3.5150 DE BA 1 125000 CD HM 1 3.2330 E BA 2 105500 D FPLSD = 0.8915 FPLSD = 50896 TREE STR TREE om. WAL -2.2850*10‘5 .A BA 2 1.0275 A HM 1 -2.2935 A COT 1 0.9105 AB WA 1 -2.4385 A BA 1 0.7985 BC BC 1 -2.4425 A WA 2 0.7475 BCD WA 2 -3.0180 B HM 1 0.7095 CD COT 1 -5.3435 C BC 1 0.6950 CD BA 1 -6.3870 D WA 1 0.6225 CD BA 2 -9.7455 E WAL 0.5955 D FPLSD = 0.2363 FPLSD = 0.1834 m * means with the same letter within the same column are not significantly different from each other at the 95% probability level. 60 Table 22. Fisher's protected least significant difference test of the mean values of the compliances, modulus of elasticity, and Poisson’s ratio for specimens loaded in the R direction and with the lateral strain measured in the L direction. TREE BA 2 10.5230"‘10'6 .A * HM 1 303000 A BA 1 8.1290 B BC 1 277500 B COT 1 5.6090 C WAL 269000 B WA 2 5.1310 D WA 1 231500 C WA 1 4.3170 E WA 2 195000 D WAL 3.7150 FG COT 1 178500 E BC 1 3.6010 GH BA 1 123000 F HM 1 3.2990 H BA 2 95000 G FPLSD = 0.3703 FPLSD = 12505 I TREE SLR TREE uRL (1/psi) WA 1 -0.2185*10'6 .A WAL 0.0910 A HM 1 -0.2335 AB BC 1 0.0860 A COT 1 -0.2450 AB HM 1 0.0710 B BA 1 -0.2640 B WA 2 0.0670 B BC 1 -0.3105 C WA 1 0.0510 C WAL -0.3370 CD COT 1 0.0435 CD WA 2 -0.3440 CD BA 2 0.0340 DE BA 2 -0.3605 D BA 1 0.0325 E FPLSD = 0.0360 FPLSD = 0.0098 * means with the same letter within the same column are not significantly different from each other at the 95% probability level. 61 Fisher’s protected least significant difference test of the mean values of the compliances, modulus of elasticity, and Poisson’s ratio for specimens loaded in the T direction and with the lateral strain measured in the R direction. Table 23. TREE STT ___1___J}£B§£L_L_ BA2 23.4510*10‘6 BA 1 21.5000 COT 1 17.4260 BC 1 8.2640 WAL 8.2000 WA 2 7.1740 WA 1 6.3590 HM 1 6.0750 MMMUUOCD HM 1 WA 1 WA 2 WAL BC 1 COT 1 BA 1 BA 2 E.r XPS£11._C_ 164700 157300 139400 121950 121000 57300 46500 42650 "d'IJMUDOwV FPLSD = 0.5959 FPLSD = 4961 TREE sRT (l/psi) HM 1 --2.1530=Ir10"6 .A WA 2 0.3805 A WA 1 -2.1680 A BA 2 0.3580 B 8C 1 -2.3295 B HM 1 0.3545 BC WAL -2.6280 C WA 1 0.3410 CD WA 2 -2.7290 c BA 1 0.3340 DE COT 1 -5.0310 D WAL 0.3205 E BA 1 -7.1825 E COT 1 0.2885 F BA 2 -8.3905 G BC 1 0.2820 F FPLSD = 0.1095 FPLSD = 0.0138 * means with the same letter within the same column are not significantly different from each other at the 95% probability level. 62 Table 24. Fisher's protected least significant difference test of the mean values of the compliances, modulus of elasticity, and Poisson's ratio for specimens loaded in the R direction and with the lateral strain measured in the L direction. BA 2 21.1950*10’5 .A * HM 1 162750 A BA 1 20.2070 B WA 1 153400 B COT 1 18.2460 C WA 2 140950 c WAL 8.5070 D BC 1 124300 D BC 1 8.0490 D WAL 117550 F WA 2 7.0990 E COT 1 54800 G WA 1 6.5180 EF BA 1 49500 GH HM 1 6.1440 F BA 2 47150 H FPLSD = 0.6375 FPLSD = 6294 TREE SLT TREE an ____1_1__11_1_111___111 _ 1 1 1 1 1 HM 1 -0.2705*10‘5 .A WA 1 0.0635 A WA 2 -0.2805 A BC 1 0.0475 B COT 1 -0.3425 B HM 1 0.0440 C WAL -0.3635 BC WAL 0.0430 c BC 1 -0.3835 CD WA 2 0.0395 D BA 1 -0.4105 DE BA 2 0.0230 E WA 1 -0.4125 E BA 1 0.0200 EF BA 2 -0.4865 F COT 1 0.0190 F FPLSD = 0.0345 FPLSD = 0.0032 * means with the same letter within the same column are not significantly different from each other at the 95% probability level. 63 Table 25. Analysis of variance and statistics of slope and intercept constants for the compliance equations. _ -6 EQUATION #1 SRL .- 0.0299*10 - 0.429 SLL PREDICTOR COEF ST DEV T-RATIO P m CONSTANT 0.0299410"6 0.0291410‘6 1.03 < 0.4 SLOPE -0.429 0.04896 —8.77 < 0.002 “WIS 01'" VARLCE _ 1 SOURCE DF SS MS F P REGRESSION 1 10.013549 0.013549 76.98 < 0.001 ERROR 6 0.001057 0.000176 TOTAL 7 0.014606 w EQUATION #2 STL = 0.0152*10‘5 - 0.461 SLL m PREDICTOR COEF ST DEV T-RATIO P a CONSTANT 0.0152410‘6 0.03285*10'6 0.46 < 0.6 SLOPE _f0.461 0.05523 -8.35 < 0.002 SOURCE DF SS MS F P w REGRESSION 1 0.015645 0.015645 69.84 < 0.001 ERROR 6 0.001346 0.000224 TOTAL 7 0.016991 * Units for the compliances Sij are strain (inch/inch) per unit stress (psi). 64 Table 25 (cont’d) EQUATION #3 sTR := 1.79410"6 - 1.15 SRR PREDICTOR COEF ST DEV _ T-RATIO P CONSTANT 1.79810“6 0.5287*10'6 3.38 < 0.02 SOURCE DF SS MS F‘_ P REGRESSION 1 49.766 49.766 152.19 < 0.001 ERROR 6 1.959 0.327 EQUATION #4 SLR = -0.247*10'6 - 0.00767 SRR CONSTANT “0.24714076 0.05021"'10-6 -4.91 < 0.001 0.00262 0.00262 0.85 > 0.25 REGRESSION 1 ERROR 6 0.018852 0.003142 TOTAL 7 0.021515 * Units for the compliances Sij are strain (inch/inch) per unit stress (psi). 65 Table 25 (cont’d) EQUATION #5 SRT == 0.089*10‘5 - 0.338 ST.r PREDICTOR COEF ST DEV T-RATIO P m CONSTANT 0.089*10'6 0.3332410‘6 0.27 < 0.8 SLOPE -0.338 0.02371 -14.27 _§ 0.001, ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE SOURCE DF SS MS F P m REGRESSION 1 42.233 42.233 204.02 < 0.001 ERROR 6 1.244 0.207 TOTAL 7 43.477 EQUATION #6 5LT = -0.291*10‘5 - 0.00648 STT E _ PREDICTOR COEF ST DEV T-RATIO P w CONSTANT -0.291*10’5 0.04771810‘6 -6.10 < 0.001 SOURCE DF SS MS F P m REGRESSION 1 0.012889 0.012889 3.36 < 0.25 ERROR 6 0.023009 0.003835 TOTAL 7 0.035897 * Units for the compliances Sij are strain (inch/inch) per unit stress (psi). 66 Table 26. Statistical analysis of the differences between the slopes of compliance equations developed in this study and those developed by Sliker, and Yu. EQUATION #1 SRL = f(SLL) SLOPE T DF T 80% T 90% ==============================I=fl====E=======E======I=E===IEII WEIGEL “0.429 SLIKER “0.429 “0.193 22 1.321 1.717 YU “0.353 “0.551 13 1.350 1.771 EQUATION #2 STL = f(SLL) SLOPE T DF T 80% T 90% m WEIGEL -0.461 SLIKER -0.500 0.402 22 1.321 1.717 YU -0.360 0.889 13 1.350 1.771 EQUATION #3 STR = f(SRR) 4. SLOPE T DF T 80% T 90% =========================================================HII WEIGEL “1.150 SLIKER “0.887 2.414 15 1.341 1.753 YU -0.967 1.613 13 1.350 1.771 67 Table 26 (cont'd) EQUATION #4 SRT = f(STT) SLOPE T DF T 80% T 90% w WEIGEL “0.338 SLIKER “0.255 0.526 13 1.350 1.771 YU -0.288 0.332 13_ _1.350- _ 1.771 68 Table 27. Comparison of the reciprocal compliances. Ho SBI = 813 COMPLIANCE n MEAN ST DEV w SBI 16 -0.222*10‘5 0.0475410'6 SH 16 -0.2891*10'6 0.055410"6 t = 3.70 DF = 29.4 P = 0.0009 COMPLIANCE n MEAN ST DEV STL 16 -0.2555410"6 0.0507410”6 - * ‘5 t ’5 SE: 16 0.3688 10 0.0702 10 69 Table 28. Statistical analysis of the difference between the slope of the equation relating SRR and STT developed in this study and the equat1on developed by Sliker (1988). WEIGEL 0.293 SLIKER 0.291 -0.066 _13 1.350 1.77} 70 Table 29. Analysis of variance of the regression equation relating reciprocal compliances and t-test comparing equations determined in this study with their theoretical values. * Equation 1. sLR := -0.886*10'6 + 0.917 SRL Analysis of Variance Source DF SS MS F P Regression 1 0.012156 0.012156 7.792 < 0.05 Error 6 0.009359 0.00156 Total 7 0.021515 t- test comparing predicted values and theoretical values Predictor Coef Theoretical T 1525 T.1 value Constant 0.0886*10'6 0 -1.1721 0.718 1.440 Slope 0.917 1 -0.268 0.718 1.440 71 Table 29 (cont’d) Equation 2. SLT = -0.285*10’6 + 0.329 sTL Source DF “_ SS MS F __ P Regression 1 0.001842 0.001842 0.325 > 0.25 Error 6 0.034055 0.005676 Total 7 0.035897 Predictor Coef Theoretical T 1125 T 1 Constant -0.285*10'6 0 -1.8968 0.718 1.440 * Units for the compliances Sijrare strain (inch/inch) per unit stress (psi). 72 Table 29 (cont’d) Equation 3. SM = -0.279vlr10‘6 + 0.895 STR Analysis of Variance Source DF SS MS F P L 41.402 41.402 119.659 < 0.001 Regression 1 Error 6 2.075 0.08177 Total 7 43.477 t- test comparing predicted values and theoretical values Predictor Coef Theoretical T 1125 T.1 value _»_ f _ Constant -0.279avc10‘6 0 -0.7037 0.718 1.440 Slope 0.895 1 -1.298 0.718 1.440 E = —=—====-.—_-=—— * Units for the compliances Sij are strain (inch/inch) per unit stress (psi). 73 L type specimen used for loading in the L direction R 1.25" /L:‘ 1.25" R type specimen used for T type specimen used for loading in the R direction loading in the T direction Figure 1. Compression samples. Type B strain gage / 1: 2: Type A-l gage used when loading in the Type A-2 gage used directions. Type 8-2 gage used when loading in the Figure 2. 74 4" Type A strain gage [— ""1 2 l-mil constantan Wire lZ-mil constantan leads C. 25" ‘T ““Tn u_1 11 / / \ for measuring strains in the L direction L direction. the R and T for measuring strains in for measuring strains in the L direction R and T directions. Gage types and configurations. 75 , v. 4‘ \ 3.5" 2" / 1: Type A-l gage 2: Type A-Z gage Figure 3. Gage arrangement for measuring strains when loading in the L direction. 76 l I Y x i R \HJ :‘ W‘: L, __‘_/ ’1 / r :1..\ / .L‘A A B 1: Type A-2 gage 2: Type B-l gage A: Used to measure strains in the R and T directions when loading in the R direction. 8: Used to measure strains in the R and L directions when loading in the R direction. Figure 4. Gage arrangements for measuring strains when loading in the R direction. 77 1: Type A—Z gage 2: Type B—l gage A: Used to measure strains in the T and R directions when loading in the T direction. 8: Used to measure strains in the T and L directions when loading in the T direction. Figure 5. Gage arrangements for measuring strains when loading in the T direction. 78 Figure 6. Test specimen A in the compression cage. B is end block. C is end bearing block. D is centering guide. E is hole for metal dowel connection to universal joint. Ball bearing is centered between B and C at each end (Sliker 1989). 79 .cofiuoouflo A on» :H mcflcooH mom mommsmmouo couumcH ou pouomccoo omoo sawmmmudeou .h musafim 80 Compression cage mounted on steel frame for loading the R and T directions Figure 8. 81 .ooumou noon» usage on» you .sm oocoaaaaoo can no noduossu o no couu0adn.am oucmfiaaaoo .m Tasman .nsos«00dn convene one no usoeousnmos monsoon on» unannoudou usaoo Comm cmni 5 jm msv sac one n51 451 Awlowv ..tou IN.OII mde H Umeoadmlm imU.O.I jm onto .. on E x 88.0 n .Em lion Aolopv OSd/L) 73$ 82 .ooumou noon» usage on» you .sm oucowamaoo on» no :Oauocsu o no vouuoHdH.:m oocmfiamaoo .OH ousmfim .ECOEAUOQM cosUums 03» mo ucosousmmoe umouo>m one musumouoou assoc Comm cma\_v 55m md 50 md who 1.4.0 . A0105 _ _ p _ . s _‘ OI .IN.OII s 1.10! wmmd H potosomlm O .. jm 84.0 I on? x 85.0 n #m 4.01 holowv (lSd/L) "Us 60900» 000.3 usmqo 0a.... no...~ Sm 00.33980 0:» no sowuoczu o no 60»...on Em 00.53980 .3 9:5?“ .msosuuoon magnum: oeu mo Oceanusnmoe ommuoom osu mucououdou usuoa Comm 83 oma\_v mam o. m , 4 m o Amlorv _ . _ . L _ O [INII in! 1o! «mod n 6616841 rml mum on. I Aonos x a: u Em - OFI 6105 038/47 ais 84 60.60» 000...» 9.3«0 0.3 “1.0.... Sm 00.82950 0..» OO sawuocsu 0 no o0uuoHd 5m 00.53950 .3 0.90: .ns0su00on concume osu mo us0s0usum0e 000L050 0:» nuc0noud0u usuoo somu ema\.v mam N. o. m m I. m o Aolopv . _ . _ . h . _ r _ . m _. .0l 0 0 o laws... 0 O r. O 0 . II 6 1mm o 49.0 n Bangle mam $80.0 .. 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O O mono n 005: nlm 1mm..0.| Lamas... + .oIoc x 88.? n 5m - Aolopv 058/ L) 373 88 60000» 000...... 0.530 0.3 now dm 00.53950 0..» no c03u0csu 0 00 009903.“ Sm 00.53950 .03 0mg: .nsosao0dm 00s0u06 on» no 0:050950003 000L0>0 0s» nuc0u0uo0u ucdoo Comm 3.31 .:m .vdl Md! Nd] _..Ol AQIOC . _ L h _ N.O|.. 0s~0> 3003u0uo0na I I I I \\\. IM.OI 11V.nYl O 0 300.0 fl woeozcmlm #m ammo + .mIoc x .3de I 5m s O 0.01 .965 (lSd/ I) i"S 89 60000... 000.5 9.330 0...» now Em 00.53950 0..» no 20390....“ 0 00 009.53.. :0 00.53950 .3 0u53m .ns0330000 conuuad 0:» mo «:050u5000s 0mmu0>0 osu nuc000uoou ucdoo £000 ema\ 3 Em 2.. m... I... .1. A... o 6...: . . _ . \ o . 0:30> 3003u0ho0na I I I I INII I.V| To! a Nmmd fl potoacmlm Iml O \ Em nmmd + .oIos x aRoI I. 5m .. \ o .l Awlo C ass/I) 135 90 REFERENCES Bodig, J. and J. R. Goodman. 1969. A new apparatus for compression testing of wood. Wood and Fiber, 1(2):146- 153. . 1973. Prediction of elastic parameters for wood. Wood Science, 5(4):249-264. Bodig, J. and B. 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