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I ”'5“: &‘ ~' ‘5 """ FIN": ‘33."; . . 4.8:]. 9|} ‘I‘ '):I I" . “I‘l'h :$"'.'-" ': I :‘-‘IJ.I1:.;E:‘“':ZI’:I‘IN‘:‘I ‘31:“; ._| ““ ,,,- NMIVM? .- I; I I I- .I . - - 5- ; I - af-fiiqu‘Ij-z-‘z-a‘gg‘. :L' ‘5-- 1'3 .; ' I I“ ‘-‘ v4 . ,. I}. L. Ii} -. W I}: :‘iu.!.' I" 'I,‘ ' ' In} I‘. llllllmlilllllfllllll 1» 1293 01066 0953 This is to certify that the thesis entitled A PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION OF A MODEL OF THE PROCESS OF SOCIAL INTERACTION IN THREE SITUATIONS presented by Jerome David Johnson has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph . D . degree inCommuni cation A // (gm 7/ flew, [M2 Major professor ‘—// Dam September 15. 1977 0-7 639 © 1978 JEROME DAVID JOHNSON ALL RI GHTS RESERVED A PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION OF A MODEL OF THE PROCESS OF SOCIAL INTERACTION IN THREE SITUATIONS BY Jerome David Johnson A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Communication 1978 l/K' -.. mmooomom oooo.m mamo. mmmm. mosm. mmme. mmom. homeomomo oooo.e mono. mamm. mmmm. memo. oaamhmoaoo . Mo .3803 oooo.e mmmm. meeo. mmmm. whomuoo Sflagca oooo.m emee. meom. oomuamoae oooo.m emom. oompaoo 884 ofiaomz 38 $9828 mmocomoau mfiwug 9638 combbmaom ucwucoo mama—mm: Icommmm Isa mo coHuom mmmoonm 1.85:8 southpaw Enema. 5 moanmmumkw comuomnmufi Hmm00m mg mcomumeHHoO cOmHmom m manna 45 Ruz oomo.e memo. memo. Homo. mmmo. meme. momm. mmmm. eomo. compose oooo.e mmmm. mmee. mooo. omom. momm. Reem. mmem. omom oooo.e emmo. omem. ooem. mmmm. mmme. omoo. mmoaoammaoommm oooo.e mmmm. momo. eemo. mmoe. ommo. mmoawooeu oooo.m moeo. emmm. mmmm. emom. oaammmoooo mo "“80on oooo.m mmoe. mmmm. mmom. maoeuoo coflmmHQSO oooo.m mmem. oeoo. aomoaouoe oooo.e oeee. uaooooo oooo.e ooaaomz c0305 mag mmmcmSmm mmocwmofiu momma? mcoHu& cowucmuufi ucwucov mg . Icommmm IGOU mo couflcm mmoooum lumpcoo cowumsumw acmmgwamn. 5 moanmmnmmw gggwucH Homoom mag wQOHuMHwHHOU comHmmm N. Canon. 46 0000 .H combed mm n z mome. oomm. emmo. mmoo. Homo. Smo. emeo. Zoe. 8395 884 mmee. oooo. emoo. mmmm. emmm. omme. Homo. 38 884 Boo. mooo. mmmo. ommo. momo. momo. moofiommooommm 884 oomo. mmmo. ammo. omme. eomm. 88808 884 mome. mmoo. memo. mmmm. mfimmmaaoo mo mmmoonm 884 mmmo. mmmm. mmmo. m838 coflowumpcoo 884 emme. mmoe. 83884 884 momo. pooped 884 mamoomz 0H8 mmocgom mmdfimoao 93.985 9538 8303mm ucoucoo 92.3mm: Icoouom :80 mo c033 980on L980 cooumouom 0.3mm cm mmanmoug coflbmmoufi Rocco 0:05 mcooumaomfioo comumom m manna. 47 multiple regressions will be used as indicators of the sig- nificance of individual paths in the models. They will also provide information about how much of the variability in the dependent variables in the model is explained by its assoc— iated independent variables. The OLS multiple regressions reported here will not be used to estimate values of para- meters contained in the models. LISREL, by controlling for many of the problems associated with estimation of parameters, is a much more appropriate technique for this purpose. The ordinary least square multiple regressions for paths containedin.Model I, in the TV situation are reported in Table 9. The multiple regressions for content, conversation options, interpretation, and selection are all significant at the .01 level. The process of conversing regression while approaching significance (.06) is not significant at the .05 level. Save for process of conversing these multiple re- gressions account for at least 20% of the variation in their dependent variables. The multiple regressions for the interpretation and selection dependent variables account for more than 50% of the variation in these variables. The alternative paths, discussed in Chapter I, in Model II for relationships between the content and emotion, and relationships and communication variables are reported in Table 10. All of these multiple regressions are significant at the .01 level and they account for at least 24% of the variation in their dependent variables. 48 mm u o .9335? mo. mm. mm. oe. compoumhououom mo. mm.o em. em. mm. Ammoow>mmooommmc om. mo.m mm. mm. em.u iomomv em. oo.e em. em. mm. immocooomoc oEmooflomom mm. mm. om. om. mo.- compose mo. mo. :oeoommom mo. om.o mm. mm. mm. Ammocm>mmooooomc mo. eo.o mm. om. om. Ammomc mo. mm. oe. om. Ammocwoomoc monocomuoemm em. om.m em. mm. em. compose mm. oo. compoumhohmoom eo. mo.e om. mm. om. aoeuoomoo mo. mm.e mm. oe. om. oomuaoo mo. om. locomooo cooumammwcoov c038; mm. om.m mo. mm.m mm. aomuoomom em. em. mm. mm. mm. oomoaoo mo . mm . m mo . 353958 No mmooonmv 83805.80 mm. mm. mm. mm. me. oomuoumuohouom 8 . we . om acoucoo 883388 mmBES mmoBBEEEo mad m 38 28R§ EQRS mmahooo . o ohmooooo oamooomooam autonomoo coflgumm PH. c..m H ammonia 5 mficm How mcoommwuomm maniac: m magma 49 mm u c .m>muomoaoo. mo. mm. mm. mm. momoooz oo. mo.m mm. em. mm. compose mm. om. oomucoo oo. om.m mm. mo. em. Ammooomomoc oo. mm. mm. mm. oo. phoneme mo. mm. mm. oe. Ammoom>mmgoomomo me. mo. om. om.a mo.u :omooomoo mm. em. 2. em.. 8.. 83: $838 Sou—mammfioov S. omem oe. coflmoofiEho mo. mo.o mm. mo.m om. Ammmowmomoc mo. mm. mm. mm.: oo.: powoooo mo. mm.o om. em.m mm. mmoomommcoommm om. mm. mm. oo.- mo.u coohoomom mo. mm.m om. mm.u Ammomc 3:399:00 mo mmcoommmv mo. mm.o em. 838558 methamomommm m metamoo mm moooommmommm momma m whom omnmmhm> omnmmum> 3890 a m 8885 €888€H ufiEHS scour-3mm >9 cum HH .3on 5 93mm gougmuz How 903% camouflage OH canoe 50 The OLS multiple regressions for the paths in Model I in the typical situation are contained in Table 11. The content regression is not significant and accounts for essen- tially none of its variance. Conversation options, while approaching significance (.07) is not significant at the .05 level. The regressions for the dependent variables of inter- pretation, selection and process of conversing are each sig- nificant at the .01 level. The variables in the equations for process of conversing and for conversation Options ac— count for small proportions of the variance in these variables. Substantial proportions of the variance in selection (33%) and interpretation (75%) are explained by their independent variables. The values of the alternative paths in Model II in the typical situation (Table 12) are all significant at the .01 level. The variables in the content equation account for a moderate amount of the variance (26%) in this variable. Substantial proportions of the variance in the process of conversing (65%) and the conversation options (87%) are ex- plained for by their independent variables. The ordinary least square multiple regressions for paths contained in Model II in the radio situation are pre- sented in Table 13. All of the multiple regressions for Model I are significant at the .01 level. All of these mul- tiple regressions account for substantial percentages of the variation in the dependent variables with a minimum of 30% 51 mm u a .33328. mo. om. 3. oo... 3.- m38ooU mm. om. oo. oo.- m3... mfi83 8 . mo . m S . mm . mm . "1883383 3. 83 mo. 3. om. 38 8. mm.o3 3. om. me. 8395 .8. om.m mm. genome?“ 8. S. 8.3 om. E38838 me. o. m3. m3. oo. 83838885 mo. om.m e3. em. mm. 39: 33.590333 om. o3. om. oo.. 8.. 839m mo. mm.oo om. 8333333 mo . mm . o mm . om . mm . 83633 3. $3 mm. mm... o3- 383:8 $838 coflmagcoov mm. oo.m 8. 8383888 8. m3.m 3. me. mm. 83633 mm. o3. o3. 3o. 8. 33:8 633380 mo mmooomnd 8. one 3. 83335580 mm . m3 . eo . o3 . eo . 8333333 mo. NH. oo. ucoucoo 3803383 m 3330 mm 883383 893 m 33 383.3, 383.3, 3330 a .3 33m 33335 38838 coflmsuom Havana. cum H Hmong 5” mfimm How 20333593 came»? .3 dance mm. H a .gflmdafiog 3. 33 3. 8... 3.- 8333335 . 8. 3.3 3. 3. mm. 8393 S 8.3 mm. 383:8 Hoe. hv.o¢ 33. on. mm. mmmcmefiu 8. mad 3. «a. mo. 83838 3. 33 3. 3. 8. 3393883 w mo. 36 3. mm... 3.- p.380 38. 3.3 S. 3. 3.. 30m Agog COHHMWHQGBV Ho . mm . mm 5 . 8330550 8. 8.8 8. 3. mm. 88888 S. 3. 3. mo. 8. 83838 8. 22mm 2. cm. 2. 333883 «m. 3. 3. mo... 8.- 8.83:8 8 . 8. mo. 8. 8. 38 333980 mo $8098 8. 3.3 mm. 83339528 85033.55 m H3390 mm mongflmgflm Mg m mumm $33.33, manmwbg 3396 h. .3 33m ”838883 38888 coflumsuflw Havana. 5 HH H89; 5 mfimm gaugwuz How scammmHmmm @3332 NH manna. 53 S u c .gflumgg 3. mm . 2. S. d . $89333“ mam. SA 2. S . I. mficmmz mm . 8 . 2 . .2 . 2 . wwwcmmod v3. 8. 2. mm. 8. .32 8o. 85 2. mm. mm. 8395 :5. Si 2‘. 838%.“ mm. cm. 2. 3. mo. Ammméflmcommmmv 8. mm.m~ S. S. E. Ammmawmodv 8 . fl . 3 2 . am . mm . ESE mmfinmcoflmaa mm. 8.. 2. 8.- 8... 839m 8. 8. 833855 8. £3 om. SA mp. coflfimflmm mm. 34 mm. 3.. 3... E380 A2035 coflmmugcav 8. 22mm 3. 5385550 8. 85 3. mm. om. 8302mm 8. 3.3 S. 3. mm . 23:8 Bfiflggoo mo mmmoonmv 8. Efi mm. 838% 8 . .2 . mm B . S. . «m . coflfimumumufi 8. 26m om. 23:8 mofioflflcmflm m 2896 m 8§oflflcmflm “Bum m 38 fining flange, H390 A m 3ng ucmccwmmofi E8598 coflmsuflm 04.6mm 5 H H894 5 mfimm How mCmemmHmmm mamwpadz m H manna 54 for content and a maximum of 60% for interpretation accounted for by their independent variables. The alternative paths for Model II in the radio situa- tion are contained in Table 14. All of these multiple re- gressions are significant at the .01 level. All of these paths account for 50% or more of the variation in their dependent variables. Introduction to Model Testing In the coming sections the models of social interaction developed in Chapter I will be tested and refined by path analysis (or more properly the estimation of the system of linear equations which the models represent). An integral part of path analysis is the post hoc refinement of a model (Land, 1969). "Path analysis . . . is a technique sometimes used to assess the direct contribution of one variable to another in a nonexperimental situation" (Joreskog, 1970, p. 248). Path analysis attempts to estimate by means of a number of possible statistical techniques, the parameters of a system of linear structural equations which represent the model of a process proposed by a researcher (Joreskog, 1970). In this paper the parameters in the model will be estimated by means of a maximum likelihood statistical technique contained in the computer program, LISREL, developed by Joreskog and Van Thillo (1972). One of the advantages of path analysis gucfififiEEP 55 Ho. mm.oa am. we.: mm.u ucmugpu Ho. om.m am. am. mm. mmmcmmoao mo. m>.¢ mm. mm. mm. mmwcm>flmcommmm Ho. om. m~.H mm. :ofiuomawm «m. ms.H ma. mm. HH. mama Amccauao :oflmagcav 8. 2.3 S. 838ng mo. ~m.¢ Ha. «m. mm. ucwugou Ho. qo.m~ mo. as. om. mmmcwmoao Ho. mm. NH. oo.- mo.- mmmcm>flmcoammm cm. mo.a mo. mo. mo. :oauomamm no. mm.m mo. ma. NH. mama Amcnmum>coo mo mmmoound 8. mm. 838% Ho. mo.¢m mo. we. om. acacmmz Ho. mo. mm. mm. seduces Ho. om. ucwucoo mogflm Hcmflm m HHMHgO NM GUfiMOHMHCDHm .HOHHM m 3mm wHQMHHMNV maflmflnflw Hamumpo . m cumcamum unaccwamucH ucmncwama coflumsuwm 0.6mm 5 HH H092 cw 93mm gflmfimug How mcoflmmmfimflm mama»? 3 manna 56 is that it compells the researcher to make his assumptions concerning causal structure explicit (Costner, 1971, and Kerlinger and Pedhazur, 1973). The use of path analysis to test the models proposed here is particularly appropriate since "path analysis is an important analytical tool for theory testing. Through its application one can determine whether or not a pattern of correlations for a set of obser- vations is consistent with a specific theoretical formulation" (Kerlinger and Pedhazur, 1973, p. 317). The values of the paths coefficients are the basis for a causal inference in path analysis. "Coefficients different from zero suggest the presence of causality and the size of the coefficient suggests the degree of causality" (Heise, 1970). Path an— alysis has been used in genetics, biometrics, and economics, and in the 1960's was introduced in a meaningful way to so- ciology and psychology (Costner, 1971). In this chapter path analysis will be used to develop the most appropriate model in the radio situation. This refined model will then be tested in the other situations. The radio situation was chosen for the initial analysis pri- marily because research has indicated that the effects of radio on social interaction lie somewhere in between the effects of television and a nonmedia situation (Johnson, 1976). 57 Advantages of LISREL over Multiple Regression Earlier in this chapter results from multiple regres- sions were used to assess the amount of variance accounted for and the significance level of individual paths in the models. It was said that LISREL would be used to test the model as a whole and to estimate individual parameters. LISREL is best suited for this purpose because it has the following advantages over multiple regression. One, LISREL estimates of parameters have minimum asymptotic sampling variability (Hauser and Goldberger, 1971, and Werts, Joreskog and Linn, 1973). Two, traditional multiple regres- sion estimates don't provide an estimate of the goodness of fit of the entire model to the data (Joreskog, 1973). Three, the various parameters in the model aren't estimated simul- taneously in traditional multiple regression estimates (Joreskog, 1970). Four, multiple regression was not devised especially for the analysis of causal relations (Wright, 1921, and Goldberger, 1973). Five, the use of multiple indi- cators for latent variables is not handled well by tradition- al multiple regression estimates (Werts and Linn, 1970). Six, in traditional multiple regression, when multiple indi- cators are present, no estimate can be obtained of the rela- tionships between latent variables. Seven, LISREL permits the simultaneous specification of theoretical and measurement relations (Fink, 1978). In sum, LISREL allows for the "parsimonious estimation and evaluation of complex theoretical 58 systems" (Fink, 1977, p. 13). Description of LISREL LISREL is a general computer program for estimating a linear structural equation system (such as those found in path analysis) involving multiple indicators of unmeasured variables. In general, LISREL divides the model to be tested into three parts: a simultaneous linear equation model re— lating true exogenous and endogenous variables: a measure- ment model relating observed exogenous indicators to true exogenous variables, and a measurement model relating ob- served endogenous indicators to true endogenous variables (Wiley, 1973). Here only a brief description, enough to acquaint the reader with the main logic of LISREL and its associated terminology will be given, several other sources (Joreskog and Van Thillo, 1972; Joreskog, 1973; and Stein, 1976) provide a more complete description of the mathematical underpinnings of the program and its general operation. The Operations of LISREL are based on several types of parameters which are used to construct eight matrices. Following Stein (1976) the various components of the matrices are listed below: True endogenous variables, eta (n), of which there are m. True exogenous variables, xi (c), of which there are n. Paths from xi to eta are gamma (y). 59 Paths from eta to eta are alpha (a),capital A.2* Paths from measured variables to or from latent (xi or eta) variables are lambda (A), capital A, and are called "scale factors" (Stein, 1976). Reflective indicators of eta are y. Reflective indicators of xi are x. Errors associated with measurement of y are epsilon (8). Errors associated with measurement of x are delta (5). Variances associated with eta, are zeta (C). These components are used to construct eight differ- ent matrices. The first of these matrices are Ax (lambda x) and Ay (lambda y). They are composed of the scale factors of the observed variables. 8 (Beta) is the matrix that contains the values of the paths (a) between endogenous true variables. I (Gamma) is the matrix that contains the values of the paths (Y) between the true endogenous (y) exogenous (n) variables. 60 @(Phi) is the variance-covariance matrix of the exogenous variables. w(Psi) is the variance-covariance matrix of the residuals of the true endogenous variables. 6 (Theta Delta) and O8 (Theta epsilon) are the 6 diagonal error standard deviations* of the x and y observed variables respectively. It is useful to classify these matrices by whether they are associated with exogenous or endogenous variables and whether the variables are observed or true and what their sources of errors are. Exogenous variables are those vari- ables which are not dependent for their variation upon another variable in the system. Endogenous variables are dependent upon other variables in the system for their vari- ation (Land, 1973, and Van de Geer, 1971). Error Error Observed True Observed True Variable Variable (Measurement) (Residual) Endogenous y n e ; Exogenous x g 6 - These matrices form the elements of the reconstructed variance—covariance matrix 2 which is used to assess the *Throughout the dissertation the standard deviations reported by LISREL are converted to variances. 61 goodness of fit of the model to the data. The parameters of these matrices can be "of three kinds (i) fixed parameters, that have been given assigned values, (ii) constrained para— meters that are unknown, but equal to one of the given para- meters,* and (iii) free parameters that are unknown and not constrained to be equal to any other parameter" (J6reskog and Van Thillo, 1972, p. 2). These matrices also serve as the elements of structural equations that compose the par- ticular model to be tested. Thus the equation for the de- pendent the variables in this system is: Bn==F-+g-+; The equations for y and x the observed variables are: y=u+AYn+s x==v + A g + o x The following assumptions are made by the LISREL program: (1) It is assumed that c is uncorrelated with g. (2) B is nonsingular. (3) The errors of measurement (2, 6) are uncorre- lated with the true variates (n, c) and with each other (Joreskog and Van Thillo, 1972, p. 2). * None of the parameters used here are of this type. 62 LISREL estimates the parameters in the matrices by minimization of the derivatives associated with the compon- ents of the model. This minimization is accomplished by the Davidon-Fletcher-Powell method by successive iterations of the relevant matrix (Joreskog and Van Thillo, 1972). This method is applied in successive iterations until a criterion is reached.* Meaning of the X2 Text for Goodness of Fit in LISREL One of the advantages of LISREL over traditional means of estimating path models is that it provides a test of the overall fit of the model to the data. This test in- volves a X2 statistic; the degrees of freedom of this x2 is equal to the degree of overidentification in the model (Werts, J6reskog, and Linn, 1973). "The X2 test is a test of the specified model against the most general alternative that z is any positive definite matrix" (Joreskog, 1974, p. 4). The probability level associated with the LISREL X2 test "is * There are two options in the program, accurate and approximate solutions. An accurate solution means that the program iterates until the magnitude of all the changes in derivatives is less than .00005. This solution is usually correct to three significant digits. For an approximate solution the iterations terminate when the decrease in func- tion values is less than 5%. The two different solutions can produce substantially different results (Joreskog and Van Thillo, 1972). All solutions reported here are accurate solutions. In addition all solutions come from the 1972 version of LISREL which has been followed by other more ele- gant versions that include, among other features, estimates of the standard errors associated with particular parameters. 63 defined as the probability of getting a X2 value larger than that actually obtained, given that the hypothesized model is true" (J6reskog and Van Thillo, 1972, p. 32). One of the limitations of this test is that it assesses the general adequacy of the model, but that it doesn't test the model against any specific alternative (Mayer and Younger, 1975). Joreskog (1974) has cautioned that values of x2 should be interpreted cautiously for, when sufficiently large samples are obtained,* almost any hypothesized model is untenable. He asserts that the real usefulness of the x2 test comes in determining the number of parameters in a model that are necessary for a good fit of the model to the data. The im- portant thing, he asserts, is the differences in x2 values for the same model under different assumptions, not neces- sarily the absolute value of x2 itself. "In other words, the problem is to extract as much information as possible out of a sample of a given size without going so far that the re- sult is affected to a large extent by 'noise'" (Joreskog, 1974, p. 4). In testing a given model, especially in assessing whether a particular set of parameters should be included in the estimated model, the important consideration in adding or subtracting parameters is that the reduction of x2 that * The X2 test statistic reported is only approximately distributed x and approaches a true x distribution as n increases. 64 is obtained by adding the parameters be large relative to the degrees of freedom that are lost by estimating those para- meters. Thus if a parameter when estimated results in a sub- stantial drop in X2 relative to the degrees of freedom that are lost, that parameter is adding substantially to the amount of information needed to provide an adequate fit of that model to the data. This feature of LISREL will be used in the radio situation to compare several alternative versions of the model of social interaction presented in Chapter I. Operational Model Described in LISREL Terminology Figure 3*contains the Operational version of Model II developed in Chapter I with appropriate LISREL labels for the parameters. This model and all models tested in this disser— tation are recursive because "all the causal linkages run 'one way,‘ that is no two variables are reciprocally related * The following presentations of results relies mainly on figures. The actual structural equations are contained in Appendix E. The letters used to describe variables and paths in the figures follow the nomenclature for LISREL that was presented earlier in this chapter. The diagrams them— selves use several other conventions: exogenous variables are to the left and endogenous the right, straight lines be- between variables indicate a causal relationship with the arrow indicated the direction of causality. Curved lines indicate that two variables are associated, but no causal direction is specified between them. In addition to report- ing the values of the paths each diagram will conta'n the degrees of freedom associated with the model, its X value and its probability level. Appendix G presents the actual computer printouts associated with all tests of the model presented in this dis- sertation. These results are presented in matrix format which the appendix explains in some detail. 65 in such a way that each affects and depends on the other, and no variable 'feedback upon itself through any indirect concantenation of linkages, however circuitous'" (Duncan, 1975, p. 251). The two exogenous variables in the model are emotion (£1) and relationships (52). Emotion only has a single ob- served variable, x4. Relationship has three observed vari- ables: closeness, xl; responsiveness, x2; and role, x3. These ordinary indicators represent the scale factors of these variables. The true endogenous variables in the Figure 3 are content (n1). communication (n2), interpretation (n3), and selection (n4). There is only one observed indicator for content (yz), interpretation (yl) and selection (y3). Com- munication has two observed indicants; conversation options (y4) and process of conversation (ys). The basic model only estimates 4 of the 12 possible paths between endogenous true variables in this model. These paths are labeled a's in the model. The paths between the true exogenous variables and the true endogen- ous variables are labeled with y. 68 and 66’ represent the measurement error variance* of the * Elements of 6 reported in the body of the disserta- tion reflect variances, not standard deviations. 66 observed indicants.* Identification of the Models Each parameter of a model must be identified for the model to be identified. If a model is not identified the unique estimation of one or more parameters is impossible. "By identification we specifically mean that no two sets of distinct parameters should be able to produce the same 2 matrix" (Wheaton, e£_31., 1977, p. 107). The determination of identification for models that contain multiple indicators of true variables is particular- ly treacherous. Joreskog and others (e.g., Joreskog and Van Thillo, 1972) that work with systems of linear structural equations that involve multiple indicators of latent vari- ables discuss the issue of identification in terms that are much different from the traditional discussions of identi- fiability in economics where there is usually no distinction between observed and true variables.** One of the traditional conditions set forth for iden- tifiability is the rank condition (Duncan, 1975, and Koop- mans, 1949). The rank condition specifies that for each *The error variances for the single indicators of variables will not be estimated. The errors associated with these single indicators will be contained in the residuals of the single indicators true variables in the Psi matrix of the endogenous variables. If this procedure is not fol- lowed there are problems with the identification since one piece of information would be used to estimate two different parameters. ** See Koopmans, 1949, or Theil, 1971, for a more tra— ditional discussion of this issue. HH mexuzx. 836535 358 Mo $8on mfi no «882 afioflflmmo 2 .m 9:52 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 J m x58 mxmmmvEHmpommE memmfimod 68 equation in a model that the number of explanatory variables, those variables on which the dependent variable directly de- pends, must be less than or equal to the number of exogenous variables and variables that are predetermined with respect to that particular equation. This is a necessary condition for identification (Duncan, 1975), and it is satisfied for the relations between true variables in every model tested here. Another necessary but not sufficient condition sug- gested for identifiability in the case of LISREL is the so called "counting rule" (Stein, 1976). This rule simply states that when the number of observed variables multiplied by one more than that number and that product is divided by two the result must exceed the number of parameters to be estimated. This condition is met for every model tested here. Another definition of identifiability is suggested by Joreskog for models tested using LISREL. He asserts that "if a parameter has the same value in all equivalent struc- tures,* the parameter is said to be identified. If all para- meters of the model are identified, the whole model is said to be identified" (Joreskog and Van Thillo, 1972, p. 4). Models reported here have been subjected to this test. When That is cases where different start values are set for the various parameters in the matrices. 69 different structures are specified (in terms of substantially different intitial values) and then tested the values of para- meters of the models are identical. Development of Final Radio Model In this section the model proposed in Chapter I is going to be tested by means of LISREL in the radio situation, if the initial test results in a relatively high chi-square value and low associated probability level, additional para- meters will be added to the model to determine if they result in significant drops in x2 relative to the degrees of freedom, an indication that the alternative model provides a better fit to the data (Joreskog, 1974). Comparing alternative versions of the same model is not always a clear out process. Several factors must be taken into consideration in deciding which of several com- peting models is superior. The criteria that will be used in this section in selecting the model that will be tested in the television and typical situations are: 1. Parsimony. Only the minimum number of parameters should be estimated. 2. Consonance. The model should be as consonant as possible with the models and framework proposed in Chapter I. 3. The model should minimize the chi-square value relative to its degrees of freedom. A set of additional parameters should be added to the basic model only if they result in a considerable drop in the value of the chi-square 70 statistic. A small drop in the chi-square statistic when additional parameters are added indicates that these addi- tional parameters contribute very little new information to the model (Joreskog, 1974 and Schoenberg, 1972). 4. The model should minimize the residuals* remain- ing from subtracting the correlations generated by the model from the observed correlation matrix. After LISREL generates a solution it uses this solution to estimate the correlation matrix of the original variables given the estimates of the parameters and the structure of the tested model. The orig- inal correlation matrix is then subtracted from this matrix. The resulting residuals provide valuable indicators of weak- nesses in a proposed model (Joreskog and Van Thillo, 1972 and Schoenberg, 1972). High residuals can be used to indi- cate what paths should be added to a model and to indicate the general adequacy of a given model. A relatively high residual correlation would indicate that the model isn't predicting or accounting for the relationship between two observed variables (Costner and Schoenberg, 1973). In the next section a final model of social inter- action will be deve10ped through applying the preceding * The residuals are determined by subtracting the correlation matrix, R, inputed into the program from the reconstructed matrix. The resulting matrix will be called the residual matrix here and its elements will be called residuals. To prevent confusion the residuals associated with etas will be called zeta in the remainder of this disserta- tion. 71 criterion to alternative models. Results of Tests of Models in Radio Situation The results for Model Ia (the basic model proposed in Chapter I) with only the diagonal elements of the psi matrix estimated* are contained in Figure 4* and in Table 15. The ratio of the X2 value, 190.12, which reflects the overall goodness of the fit of the model to the data, to the degrees of freedom, 22, is 8.6 to l.** The residual matrix contained in Table 15 indicates that high residuals are associated with the content indicant, y2, and with the communication indi- cants, y4 and y5. This suggests that the addition of causal paths to these variables from the exogenous variables may reduce the size of these residuals and result in a significant drop in X2. Figure 5 contains the results of Model IIa with paths from emotion to content and from relationship to communica- tion. The substantive reasoning behind these paths was dis- cussed in Chapter I. Only the on diagonal elements of the psi matrix are estimated in this model. With the loss of 2 2 degrees of freedom there was a substantial drop in the X value, 79.11, relative to Model Ia. The ratio of degrees of * Models with only the on diagonal elements of the matrix estimated will be identified by an a after the number. ** A ratio of 5 to 1 usually indicates that a model with appropriate modifications can provide a good fit to the data (Wheaton, et al., 1977). mm Hooo. u Hm>mH auflaflnmnoua .mm n on .NH.oaH II II >< :oflumsfim 0.8mm 5 MH down: How magma ..v mun—mam 73 Table 15 Residual Matrix for Model Ia in Radio Situation Y1 y2 y3 y4 Y5 X1 x2 X3 x4 y1 -.000 y2 .000 .000 y3 -.000 -.249 -.000 y4 -.173 -.061 -.o22 -.018 y5 -.568 -.358 .009 -.o14 —.010 x1 -.046 -.057 .018 -.234 -.418 -.000 x2 .109 -.291 -.055 -.187 -.250 -.010 .000 x3 -.060 -.195 .040 -.094 -.337 -.023 .051 .000 x4 .000 -.406 -.000 -.121 -.202 .074 -.154 .067 -.000 n==88 freedom to the chi-squared value is 4 to 1. pected with such a substantial drop in the X2 As would be ex- value there is a significant improvement in the residuals contained in Table 16. However, again high residuals are associated with the content indicators and the communication indicators. Figure 6 contains the results of Model IIIa with paths from emotion to communication and from relationships to content. of two degrees of freedom from the previous model. the x2 value only drops by 4.3 to 74.82. The ratio of the X The addition of these two paths results in a loss However, 2 74 wmuc 88. u Hm>mH 333308 .8. n 8 HHS u N 4 .83 0m. 1100me 58...: Ba Ho 3:288 858848 05 panasoflmoHfieEoO cam. QEmsoUmHmm can usmucoo paw soHuQeH 20038 mfimm fl? 83856 088m 1: mHH H032 new 8.882 .m 0.563 4 m m w w H H. 3. mm. W. om. .@ 3.14 SH 962% m» ammoomm as mx .58 Nx mg; Hx mmmzmeU 84/ OH\ Hm. 4/8/31, A.“ mo V 65621128 A m m H m mHmmeoHefimm m H w \H . 1 S N: S .H H . n H: 75 Table 16 Residual Matrix for Model IIa in Radio Situation with Paths Between Relationship-Communication and Emotion- Content with Psi Matrix Elements Off-Diagonal Fixed at Zero y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 x1 X2 X3 X4 y1 -.000 y2 -.000 -.000 y3 -.000 -.O60 -.000 y4 .129 .097 -.130 .006 y5 -.123 -.112 .116 .007 .008 xl -.008 .090 .024 .002 -.035 .000 x2 .106 —.l82 -.077 -.001 .067 —.035 -.000 x3 -.034 -.077 .041 .097 -.024 -.019 .027 -.000 x.4 .000 -.000 -.000 —.011 .052 .041 -.214 .036 -.000 n==88 value to degrees of freedom is 4.16 to 1. While some of the residuals in the previous matrix decreased, some of the other residuals increased. Because of identification problems and theoretical con- straints, this is the extent of the changes that can be made in the paths between the true variables. However, there are still substantial residuals contained in the model, especially involving communication, content, and the exogenous variables. mm n" c 88. u Hm>mH 333886 .1: n H16 .8.: u mx k. H685 x8282 H66 66 38.88 8:688:80 05 cs... 60H8H8> 653865 6:8 883m 1.6%me mfimm 5H3 soHumsuHm oHUmm CH mHHH H891 How mustwm .m 0553 v m .1 1. :1 . 1 v» @4050 m» mmgm x 38 Nx meZMPHmHGmem Hx mwmzmg .. /\ ./...1\. N Null 1652822218 :7) EmzoESMm NH . I 1, N: 5... Ho. mv.H H Table 17 77 Residual Matrix for Model IIIa in Radio Situation with Paths Between Each of the Underlying and Surface Variables and Off-Diagonal Elements of Psi Fixed at Zero y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 x1 x2 X3 X4 yl .000 y2 -.000 -.000 y3 .000 -.017 -.000 y4 .134 .112 -.152 .001 y5 -.095 -.082 .111 .001 .001 x1 -.045 .127 .021 -.030 -.051 .000 .111 -.120 -.051 .002 .088 -.030 -.000 x3 -.057 -.040 .044 .076 -.030 -.040 .037 .000 X4 -.000 -.000 -.000 -.045 .031 .074 -.153 .069 -.000 n==88 It is possible that if the covariances of the true endogenous variables are allowed to vary in the psi matrix that these residuals will be reduced enough to produce a substantially better fit of the model to the data. Regrettably this step involves the loss of 8 degrees of freedom. Each of the pre— vious models will be reestimated with the only change being that all of the elements in the psi matrix will be estimated.* * These models will be identified with a b after the number. free to vary produces a not-positive definite matrix. 78 The LISREL run for Model Ib with the psi matrix left This means that there was either an identification problem or that the determinant of the sigma matrix was too low to allow the program to calculate a solution for the model. The results for Model IIb with the paths between emo- tion and content and relationships and communication and psi free are presented in Figure 7. 14 degrees of freedom. is 5.3 to 1. residuals, see Table 18, The x2 value is 74.07 with The ratio of X2 to degrees of freedom Again there is no clear improvement in the compared to the other models. Table 18 Residual Matrix for Model IIb in Radio Situation with Paths Between Relationship-—Communication and Emotion-Content with Psi Matrix Estimated :3 ll -.O4l .106 -.061 -.000 88 -.000 -.000 .113 -.077 .118 -.l35 -.053 -.000 y3 y4 y5 x1 x2 X3 X4 -.000 -.157 .000 .107 .000 -.000 .020 -.028 -.046 .000 -.058 —.004 .085 -.009 .000 .038 .072 -.032 -.021 .048 -.000 -.000 -.o47 .032 .075 -.159 .064 .000 mmnc H86. u H92 333886 .HH n H6 .8.: u mx. .Eumfiumm 1355.1 H66 00 38.86 88665.80 68 88838.80 H68 62.68038 65... 28:8 65... 8308 5058 £86 .33 8886.8 9.68 5 an H08: How muHsmmm .5 056: Vw mm 8.1. m1; SH 962% m» mmmuomm mm.1 NOIIIIVN>4||| E4 1 Hm. Hu 80 Table 19 contains the zeta covariances, only the one between content and meaning, .21, is substantial. Table 19 Psi Matrix for Model IIb in Radio Situation with Paths Between Relationship-Communication and Emotion-Content C1 2:2 C3 C4 51 .51 52 .21 .03 £3 -.04 .07 .22 £4 .04 -.08 .01 .55 Figure 8 contains the last possible model (since there are no theoretically or technically acceptable possibilities remaining) with paths between all the exogenous variables and all of the endogenous variables. The x2 value is 74.07 for Model IIIb with 12 degrees of freedom. The ratio of the x2 value to the degrees of freedom is 6.17 to 1. Again the zeta covariances, contained in Table 20, reveal no clear improvement over the models with additional paths. Comparison of the Radio Models It should be clear that the "best" radio model is Model IIa with paths between emotions and content and between relationships and communication where only the on diagonal elements of psi are estimated. Except for the Model Ia, this 81 mm " C 88. u Hm>0H 333880 .NH n 00 .8.: u x N a «888m 5.58: H8 05 08 8389.5 05... 053805 05 806.8 658 58 88801.10 088 5 an H082 00.4. 8808 .m 8:06 50 m0 ms N0 H0 N81. 2; 8.1. N1; 2.1. SH 908 mm 8808 5“. mx 88 Nx E888 Hx 082806 07 6H.H\ . mm. H64 8\\4 Nqulllv 856% A on . 82020348 0 I NC [IIIV M\A mm. \ ”ml/l 41‘ vC ON 7, [/8 m g 0H 2.- ,- . ./ I .m I. HNe Ho. 8558 . . \\ 17 / N N H: \ «NV 8.- ullv mall E 7? 3 N. 163.96 T 1. 1 Hm v 6 H0 x All 1. NN. Hw 82 Table 20 Residual Matrix for Model IIIb in Radio Situation with Paths Between Each Underlying Variable and Bach Surface Variable with Psi Matrix Estimated y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 x1 X2 X3 X4 yl -.000 y2 -.000 .000 y3 -.000 .000 -.000 y4 .134 .113 -.157 .000 y5 -.091 -.077 .107 .000 -.000 x1 -.o41 .118 .020 -.028 -.046 .000 x2 .106 -.135 -.058 -.004 .085 -.009 .000 x3 -.061 -.053 .038 .072 -.032 -.021 .048 -.000 x4 .000 .000 .000 -.047 .032 .075 -.159 .064 .000 n==88 Table 21 Psi Matrix for Model IIIb in Radio Situation with Paths Between Each Underlying Variable and Bach Surface Variable C1 C2 C3 C4 C1 .51 C2 -003 —001 :3 -.04 .06 .22 c .04 -.21 .01 .55 83 is the most parsimonious model. This model produces residu- als that are much lower than those of the Model Ia, and that are equivalent to the residual matrices of the other altern- atives. Model IIa also has the best ratio of the chi-square statistic to degrees of freedom. The differences between the chi-square values of dif- fering models can also be evaluated by a relatively simple statistic that allows us to determine which of two competing models is superior. The difference in the chi-square esti- mates for two competing models is asymptotically a chi- square whose degrees of freedom are equal to the corresponding differences in degrees of freedom (J6reskog, 1977, and Wheaton, et al., 1977). Table 22 presents the results of this test for both the differences between the Model Ia and alternative models, and Model IIa and alternative models. The differences between Model Ia and the other models are significant at the .01 level (xiO > 29.59 at .01 level). The differences between the Model IIa and the other models, aside from the Model Ia, are not significant at the .05 level x: .05 > 5.99, indicating that the additional parameters estimated by the program in these other models do not significantly improve the fit of the model to the data. Before Model IIa is tested in the other situations the estimates of its parameters in the radio situation will be discussed in more detail. For comparison the basic theoretical model (Model I) proposed in Chapter I will also be tested in 8 4 Table 22 Carparison of X2 Values for Radio lVbdels A) FIXEI; 1. Nbdel IIa with Paths Between Emotion and Content and Relationships and Carm- unication with Off-Diagonal Elements of Psi Fixed at Zero 2. lVbdel IIIa with Paths Between all of the Underlying and Surface Variables and Off-Diagonal Elements of Psi Matrix Fixed at Zero 3. Nbdel IIb with Paths Between Emotion and Content and Relationships and Com:- unication with Off-Diagonal Elements of Psi Matrix Estimated 4. Nbdel IIIb with Paths Between all of the Surface and Underlying Variables and Off-Diagonal Elenents of Psi Matrix Estimated B) 2 X22 190. 12 2 X22 190. 12 X3. 190. 12 2 x22 190. 12 Differences Between Nbdel IIa and Other Radio Nbdels STATISTICS 2 _ 2 X20 ‘ X2 79.11 = 111.01 2 _ 2 X18 ‘ X4 74.82 = 115.30 2 _ 2 X14 ‘ X8 74.07 = 116.05 2 _ 2 X12 ‘ X10 74.07 = 116.05 Differences Between Model IIa with Paths Between motion and Content and Relationships and Commmication with Off-Diagonal Elements of Psi Fixed at Zero and the Other Radio Nbdels REBEL 1. Nbdel IIIa with Paths Between all of the Underlying and Surface Variables and Off-Diagonal Elements of Psi Matrix Fixed at Zero 2. Nbdel IIb with Paths Between Emotion and Content and Relationships and Corm- munication with Off-Diagonal Elements of Psi Matrix Estimated 3. Nbdel IIIb with Paths Between all of the Surface and Underlying Variables and Off-Diagonal Elements of Psi Matrix Estimated Xi. 79.11 50 79. 11 5. 79.11 2 X18 74.82 x2 14 74.07 x2 12 74.07 N 4.29 5.04 5.04 85 the TV and typical situations. However, the results of these tests won't be discussed; instead they are presented in Appendix F. Results of Finally Chosen Radio Model Now that a final model has been selected, its results will be discussed in more detail. The results are reported in Figure 5 and in Table 16. All values of parameters re- ported here are based on the maximum likelihood solution re- ported by LISREL. The paths between true variables are all substantial in the model. One of the applications of path analysis is a process termed "theory trimming." In this pro- cess paths that are considered not to be meaningful are dropped from a model. Land (1969) recommends that paths less than .05 be treated as not meaningful. All of the paths here are greater than .1, so applying Land's criterion all of these paths are meaningful. However, three of the paths fall in the .10 to .15 range--emotion to selection, selection to commun- ication, and content to communication--and could be seen as only contributing marginally to the model. The remainder of the true paths in the model are apparently major determinants of their dependent variables. In all cases the variances of the errors in measure- ment are substantial with values ranging from .34 to .56. 86 The zeta variance for interpretation is .17; for con- tent .51; and for selection .51.* The zeta variance for communication is a -.12. The scale factors for the ordinary indicators are all greater than .82. The residual matrix for the radio model is contained in Table 16. As noted before substantial residuals are assoc- iated with the content indicant and the two communication indi- cants. One exception is the relatively high residual between responsiveness and emotion -.21. The probability level associated with this model is less than .0001.** In this dissertation probability levels less than .05 will be considered to indicate the model provides a (Horse fit of the model to the data than would be expected by chance. Thus the model does not provide a good fit to the data. The chi-square value of this model was 79.11 and the degrees of freedom were 20 for a ratio c>f about 4 to l. * These zeta variances include errors of measurement. Given the substantial errors in measurement associated with the multiple indicators it must be assumed that the zeta var- iances for these variables are higher than they would be if they had had multiple indicators. *Remember the probability level associated with the LISREL x value is the probability of getting a chi-square larger than the one generated by the model, given the hypoth- esis that the model is true. As a result probability levels approaching 1.0 are indicants of better fits of the model to the data for they indicate that the fit is better than chance given n cases (J6reskog and Van Thillo, 1972). 87 Results for the TV Model The results for Model IIa in the TV situation are con- tained in Figure 9 and Table 23. None of the substantive paths should be trimmed from this model, although the one between emotion and interpretation approaches Land's criteri- on. Four other paths appear to contribute only marginally in determining their dependent variables: emotion and content, .16; content and communication -.l6; selection and communica- tion -.19; and emotion and selection -.12. The rest of the paths between the true variables appear to contribute sub- stantially to the variance in their dependent variables. Table 23 Residual Matrix for Model IIa in TV Situation y1 y2 y3 y4 Y5 X1 X2 X3 X4 yl -.000 y2 -.000 -.000 y3 .000 -.270 -.000 y4 .013 -.088 .042 .027 y5 .104 -.065 .049 .018 .011 x1 .019 -.154 .004 -.035 .129 x2 .000 -.167 -.067 .029 .021 .063 -.000 x3 -.105 -.140 .108 .061 .334 .022 .024 -.000 x.4 -.000 -.000 -.000 .083 .244 .007 -.066 -.174 -.000 n==93 66 m... oo. 55 SH monEo m» wmmuomm w . oo.H v Hooo. u H93 338880 .8 n 8 .85 u x 88688 E. 5 6HH H86: .8... 8380 .m 05011.1 x 88 Nx mag/H9068 Hx .1 1...... 89 Except for conversation options,* all the variances of the errors of measurement are substantial ranging from .32 to .77. The zeta variances of the true variables that have only one indicator are all substantial ranging from .38 for interpretation to .81 for content. The zeta variance for communication is .36. The scale factors of the ordinary indicators range from .64 to .87. The residual matrix of the TV model is contained in Table 23. The high residuals are usually associated with the content and communication indicants. However, there is a high residual between role and interpretation (-.105) and between role and emotion (-.l74). The chi-square value for this model is 84.91, with 20 degrees of freedom. The ratio of chi-square to the degrees of freedom is 4.25 to 1. The probability level is less than .0001, indicating that Model IIa does not provide a good fit to the data in the TV situation. Results for Model IIa in the Typical Situation The determinent of the correlation matrix for the typical situation dictated some changes in Model IIa. The * Conversation option's measurement error variance had a value of .00. This is sometimes indicative of an estimation problem in the program. This model was run again with this value fixed at .0. This procedure produced identical estimates. 90 LISREL program will not function when a beta matrix or re- constructed E matrix is singular. If R (the correlation matrix) and the model reflect an approximately correct model and are nonsingular, then 2 will also tend to be nonsingular, thus one indicant of possible problems, when the model is correctly specified, is a singular correlation matrix (one that has a low determinant). A low determinant in a matrix is an indication of a high degree of linear dependence be- tween one or more variables. Another word for this linear dependence is multicollinearity. Now a certain amount of multicollinearity can be expected in a correlation matrix composed of variables in the same causal model, some of which may be indicants of the same true variable. However, in this instance, in all of the correlation matrices, there is almost perfect linear dependence among some subset of the variables. Table 24 contains the determinants for the corre- lation matrices, there is almost perfect linear dependence among some subset of the variables. Table 24 contains the determinants for the correlation matrices tested in this dissertation. The television situation correlation matrix has a determinant of .0080 and the radio situation has a de- terminant of .0023. While these determinants are very low they are sufficient for the LISREL program to function. The determinant for the correlation matrix in the typical situ- ation, however, is so low, .0004, that the program won't 91 Table 24 Determinants of Correlation Matrices Correlation Matrix Determinants Television Situation .0080 Radio Situation .0023 Typical Situation .0004 For Typical Situation with the Following Variables Deleted: Content .0006 Meaning .0022 Emotion .0010 Process of Conversation .0012 Conversation Options .0036 Selection .0008 Closeness .0028 Responsiveness .0010 Role .0019 Role, Responsiveness, and Closeness .0082 For the question with the Following Combin- ations of Variables, treated as indices in the correlation matrice: Closeness, Responsiveness, and Role .0047 Closeness and Responsiveness .0011 Role and Closeness .0016 Role and Responsiveness .0009 Process of Conversation and Conversation Options .0011 92 function* with it.** Two strategies exist for correcting this problem: (1) deletion of one or more true variables and (2) deletion of multiple indicants of a true variable. These strategies allow for the testing of the model, but they have the dis- advantage of limiting the comparability of models. The re- sults in Table 24 indicate the highest determinant resulted from converting the individual indicants of relationship into an index created by summing its three indicants. This corre- lation matrix is the one that will be used to test the model in the typical situation. Table 24 also contains the determinants that result from removing the single indicants of the other true variables. While all of these determinants were greater than the determ- inants for the complete correlation matrix, none was suffic- iently high to justify excluding a true variable from the model or was preferable to the relationship index. The problems with the determinant which necessitated the substitution of an index for the relationship indicants * One reason for the failure of the program in this case is the higher correlations between variables in this situation. A simple correlation greater than .80 has been deemed sufficient to produce an unacceptable degree of multi- collinearity (Rockwell, 1975). There are 5 simple correla- tions in the typical model that exceed .80. No simple corre- lation in the television matrix exceeds .80; and only one correlation in the radio matrix exceeds .80. *7: Most multiple regression estimates require inversion of a correlation or covariance matrix; a singular matrix (one with a low determinant) cannot be inverted (Rockwell, 1975). 93 produced some slight modifications of the lambda x matrix and of the theta delta matrix. These changes are reflected in Figure 10 which reports the results of the model and in Table 25 which contains the residual matrix. Following Land's criterion the path between content and communication should be dr0pped from this model. The paths between emotion and interpretation, —.09; interpreta- tion and content.-.l4; relationships and selection, -.14; and selection and communication, -.l6, also appear to contribute only marginally to this model. The rest of the paths all appear to contribute substantially to the variation in their dependent variables. The errors of measurement variances were .41 for the process of conversation and .14 for the conversation options indicants of communication. The zeta variances ranged from .13 for communication to .69 for content. The scale factor of process of conversation was .81. The residuals are substantial for content and conver- sation options, -.ll9; interpretation and selection -.ll9; process of conversation and interpretation, -.087; and selec- tion, -.101; and relationships and process of conversing, -.l94. The chi-square value for this model is 55.75 with 8 degrees of freedom. The ratio of chi-square to degrees of freedom is 7 to l. The probability level does not provide a good fit to the data. an 88. ... H82 323880 .m n 00 62mm II II I: 203808 H881? :H 8 HH H86: 08 888.1 .2 856E 95 Table 25 Residual Matrix for Model IIIa in Typical Situation .000 -.067 -.119 -.087 -.000 -.000 79 .000 -.119 .116 -.044 .036 .000 -.004 .033 -.101 .001 -.024 .019 .036 .012 .000 y5 x1 X2 .001 -.044 -.000 -.194 -.000 -.000 96 Comparison of the Results of the Tests of the Model The chi-square values (see Table 26) indicate that all three of the models have a similar fit to the data. The chi-square value for Model IIa in the typical situation is approximately the same as that for radio and TV when the loss of degrees of freedom for the relationships index is taken into consideration. The degrees of freedom ratios for the tests in all three situations indicate that the models, while none of them are significant at the .05 level, Model IIa could be at least approximately correct. While these tests are disappointing, in that they provide no con- clusive evidence that this model is a good fit to the data, this disappointment is ameliorated somewhat by the realiza- tion that J6reskog (1974) has indicated that the chi-square test is often misleading in this regard and is really better suited for comparing models. 97 Table 26 Goodness of Fit of Model IIa in the Three Situations+ Degrees of X Freedom Ratio Radio Situation 79.11 20 4.0 TV Situation 84.91 20 4.2 Typical Situation* 55.75 8 7.0 * Fewer degrees of freedom because of relationships index. +All of the tests of the model had a probability level less than .0000. Table 27 compares the values of the true paths between the exogenous true variables and the endogenous true vari- ables. There is not a great deal of similarity in the value of these paths from situation to situation. Only the y32, Y22' and 731 paths exhibit much stability. The y32 path be— tween relationships and interpretation is always greater than .89,* indicating that relationShips have a substantial effect on interpretations. The Y22 path between relationships * Following Fink and Mabee (1977) at least two inter- pretations of coefficients absolutely greater than 1 are possible. One, when sampling error is absent values greater than 1 indicate that the rank of the correlation matrix imposed by the model is too low for the empirical correla- tions. Thus solutions absolutely greater than 1 may indi— cate that there is specification error. Two, a state of disequilibrium could exist among variables in some cross- sectional units. 98 Table 27 Values of Paths Between Exogenous and Endogenous Variables in the Three Situations Radio TV Typical y31 -.33 .05 -.09 y4l .10 -.12 f .51 Y32 1.37 .92 .89 y42 1.17 .68 -.14 Yll .51 .16 .60 y22 90 1.19 .78 and communication is always greater than .78 indicating that relationships are powerful determinants of communication. The y31 path varies from -.33 for radio to .05 for TV. Table 28 compares the values of the paths between the endogenous variables across all of the models. between (1.21! content and communication, and 024, between selection and communication, have an absolute magnitude less than .2, which indicates a relatively low causal relationship between these variables. The 013 and 0 paths do not exhibit much 43 stability. The zeta variances are contained in Table 29. The greatest stability in zeta variances across all of the vari- ables is exhibited by interpretation (.17 to .38) and selection (.47 to .62). 99 Table 28 Values of Paths Between Endogenous Variables in the Three Situations Radio TV Typical 013 .31 .33 -.14 021 -.15 -.16 .02 024 .15 -.19 -.16 043 -.42 .28 -.72 Table 29 Zeta Variances for the True Variables in the Three Situations Radio TV Typical Endogenous Content .51 .81 .69 Communication -.12 .36 .13 Interpretation .17 .38 .28 Selection .51 .47 .62 The scale factors for the ordinary variables are con- tained in Table 30. The responsiveness value is the same in both the radio and TV situation, .87, the role scale factors differ moderately and the scale factors for process of conver- sation differ substantially. 100 Table 30 Scale Values for Ordinary Indicators in the Three Situations Radio TV Typical Process 1.10 .64 .81 Responsiveness .87 .87 * Role .82 .68 * *Note: No values because of index used for relationship variables. The measurement error variances associated with the multiple indicators are contained in Table 31. The measure- ment error variance of the relationship indicators range from .32 to .69. The measurement error variances of the commun- ication variables are more unstable ranging from .00 to .77. Table 31 Measurement Error Variances for Multiple Indicators in the Three Situations Radio TV Typical Process .46 .77 .41 Options .56 .00 .14 Closeness .34 .32 * Responsiveness .50 .47 * Role .55 .69 * * Note: No values because of index used for relationship variables. 101 Tables 16, 23, and 25 contain the residual matrices for the radio, TV, and the typical situations tests respec— tively. Arbitrarily it could be said that when the resid- uals for the simple correlations between two observed variables is greater than -.05 in all three situations the relationship between those two variables is not satisfactor- ily explained by the current model. This condition holds true only for the residual between selection and content.* Conclusion In this section the results of the tests of the models of the process of social interaction in three situations-- television, radio, and typical--were presented. First, the means, the standard deviations, and the correlation matrices were presented. Then, to assess the significance of and the variance accounted for by the effects of the respective independent variables on therespective dependent variables, OLS multiple regressions were used. The tests of the overall goodness of fit of the model was made by means of the LISREL computer program, which has a number of advantages over * This path was added to the TV model and tested. The x2 value, with 19 degrees of freedom, was 68.16. This path re— duces the residual to 0. The ratio of x to degrees of freedom was 3.6 to 1; an improvement over the 4.25 to 1 of the "best" model, but sti 1 far from the ratio that would result in a significant x , and not enough to warrant dis- turbing the theoretical symmetry of the model. The next chapter will suggest alternative, and probably superior, improvements in the model other than the addition of this path. 102 multiple regression. The radio situation was used to refine the model developed in Chapter I; this model was then tested in the television and typical situations. This chapter con- cluded with a comparison of the results of the models. In the following chapter the results of this model will be discussed on a substantive and methodological level. First, methodological explanations of the results which sug- get modifications in the LISREL model will be discussed. This modified model will be tested and then compared to the results presented here. The substantive explanations for the results of the models will then be discussed. The dis- sertation will conclude with Chapter V which will discuss the implications of the tests of the model and suggestions for future research. CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS AND TESTS OF A MODIFIED MODEL There are two primary kinds of explanations for the results presented in Chapter III: methodological explana- tions and substantive explanations. This chapter will focus primarily on the former, the latter will be discussed in some detail in Chapter V. There are three primary method- ological explanations of the results: the high zeta vari- ances of the true variates; the high levels of measurement error variances associated with the multiple indicators; and the high levels of multicollinearity. These explanations will be discussed in some detail initially in this chapter, then a new LISREL model will be pr0posed that ameliorates some of these problems. After the results of the tests of this model are reported for each of the situations they will be compared to each other and to the tests of Model IIa pre- sented in Chapter III. The chapter will conclude with a discussion of the role of unspecified factors in the results. Methodological Explanations of the Results The results reported in the previous chapter reveal that there is a moderately high level of measurement error variance associated with multiple indicators of true variables. 103 104 This indicates that there is an imperfect association between the indicators chosen here and the true variables they repre- sent. This imperfect association is at least partially re- sponsible for the poor fit of the model to the data and perhaps related to the instability of parameters across situations. The zeta variances, especially those found in the tele- vision situation, and those for content and selection generally, indicate a considerable proportion of the variation in the true variables is caused by factors not included in Model IIa. Again this is probably related to the poor fit of the model to the data and the instability of parameters across situa- tions. The overall results of the models, which were quite con- sistent, and the quite different estimates of the parameters in the models, reveal a pattern similar to the recognized effects of multicollinearity.* That is multicollinearity * In general, while multicollinearity affects the esti- mates of particular variables, it doesn't have an effect on the overall level of significance or variance accounted for by all of the independent variables (Rockwell, 1975). When multicollinearity is present there is a very high standard error associated with the estimate of any one parameter in the model (Rockwell, 1975, and Klein and Nakamura, 1962). In effect when there is a high level of multicollinearity a researcher is unable to distinguish the effects of any partic- ular independent variable on a dependent variable (Theil, 1971, and Althauser, 1971). Wiley (1973) has indicated that a singular matrix in a LISREL model has many analogues to the problems of multi- collinearity in traditional multiple regression techniques. When 2 is singular the derivatives used to calculate the 105 usually doesn't affect the overall test of a model, but it does have a considerable effect on the precision with which any one parameter can be estimated. This coupled with the low determinants of the correlation matrices indicate that there is a very real possibility that multicollinearity may have affected the results. Modified LISREL Model In this section a modified LISREL model will be proposed that overcomes some of the methodological problems found in Model IIa tested in Chapter III. One of the unique advantages of LISREL is that it allows the researcher to assess the im- pact of an unobservable variable. This variable can be one for which there are no direct or unique indicants. In this case all of the observed variables will be made indicants of common, unobserved variables. As a result this model (Model IV) contains a new n and E that represent a common factor at both the exogenous and the endogenous levels. In effect all of the observed endogenous variables are, in addition to being determined by their associated true variables, determined by a common variable. Thus in lambdaX and lambday new para- meters are estimated for each observed variable to determine maximum likelihood function become suspect. The presence of collinearity between the exogenous variables, which is evi- denced by the high covariance between them, can cause special problems in the identification of parameters within the model (Wiley, 1973). As a result of possible problems with multi- collinearity the estimates of the values of parameters in the models tested in Chapter III must be viewed with extreme caution. 106 the effect of the common factors upon it.* There are no changes in the beta structure estimated in this new model, although a new row and column representing the common endogenous variable is added to the matrix. The common exogenous variable is said to cause the common endogenous variable, the path between them, y33, is fixed at one. The variance of the exogenous variable is fixed at one. The residual of the common endogenous variable is fixed at zero. The thetas remain as before. The effect of these changes in the model is to isolate those common sources of variation in the estimations of the parameters in the model and to allow for the true relation- ships between the other variables in the model to be estimated more accurately. This is done by allowing the observable variables to be determined by both their unique true variables, for which they are indicators, and to allow them to also be determined by another true variable, which they all share in . r v w 1.1 * Because of the unique nature of the common variable, causing as it does in this model all of the observed indicants; because the other observed indicators are often reference indicators of other true variables; because reference and ordinary indicators are usually associated with a clearly de- fined true variable with which they have a strong conceptual tie; and because of the arbitrariness (and unknown implica- tions) of choosing a reference indicator among the indicators of the common variable it was decided to make all of its indicators ordinary indicators. 107 common, which can represent the common sources of variation in the model. These changes should allow a more accurate assessment of the goodness of fit of the model by removing the "noise" attributable to common factors. Results of Model IV with the Common Variable in the TV Situation Since the only changes in the parameters to be estimated in the Model IV is in the lambda matrices, the presentation of results here will be in the same format as Chapter III. The lambda factors for the common values will be presented in column vectors in a separate table. Remember that there is a path with a fixed value of 1 between the common variables, and the phi and psi values of these two variables are fixed at 1.0 and 0 respectively in all the models. For simplicity these parameters and paths aren't included in the figures. The parameters for Model IV in the television situation are contained in Figure 11. The paths between the true vari— ables in this model are substantial, ranging from .34 for the path between interpretation and content to 2.79 for the path between relationships and communication. Except for conversation options (.00),* the variances of the errors of measurement of the multiple indicators are considerable with values ranging from .42 for closeness to .55 for role. *This value was fixed at .0 in another run which re- sulted in identical values for the other parameters. 108 NN u : NNoo. n Hm>0H 333880 .HH u H0 .NNNN u Nx. mHanHm> . «0 m0 CSEOU fiHz £030:un PH. 5 >H MHmfiQH How muHsmmm .HH wHDmHm H N v 8er mmm.1\ m mmoe mmmw/v H Nw. 1H 0.20 NH 8886 x 384/ Nx 81255688 mflvwamod Nm \1 N N.N.NJ1 8. w... 8. H 10 \ NU NN.- . zoflguuéaaox NNN 8,1898 7 Nwlluvm 1H NH NON- N: 1. .l. BEBE... N: N.H SH 55.08885 N: om... 1. 4. me. NN. 3 H 8H- N rmzx H: k .H. N . . 4. mm. ”e. 70% fl 1. No. 1. mm. H0 H0 mu v c X 109 The zeta variances range from .05 for interpretation to .57 for content. The scale factors of the ordinary indicators are all greater than .59. The scale factors for the common variables are pre- sented in Table 32. The scale values for the lambda y's range from -.35 for interpretation to .36 for process of conversation. The scale values for lambda x are all negative and range from —.07 for closeness to -.63 for emotion. Table 32 Scale Values for Common Variable in Model IV in TV Situation 5 1 -.35 2 .16 A = 3 . y 18 4 .23 5 .36 3 1 -.07 A _ 2 —.13 X- 3 -.36 110 The residual matrix is contained in Table 33. The greatest residual is a -.081 for content and role. Table 33 Residual Matrix for Model IV in TV Situation with Common Variable y1 y2 y3 y4 Y5 X1 x2 X3 X4 Y1 .000 y2 .000 .000 y3 -.000 .004 -.000 y4 -.001 -.009 -.003 .011 y5 -.015 .010 .041 .007 .004 x1 -.002 .007 .017 -.007 .095 .000 x2 .006 -.035 -.066 .041 -.031 -.017 .000 x3 -.010 -.O8l .059 .010 .209 -.022 .011 .000 x4 .000 .000 -.000 .001 .027 .008 -.022 .023 .000 n==93 The x2 value for this model is 28.49 with 11 degrees of freedom. The ratio of chi-square to degrees of freedom is 2.59 to l. The probability level for this model is .0027, which, while approaching .05, is still indicative of a poor fit of the model to the data. 111 Results for Model IV with Common Variable in the Typical Situation The results for the typical situation are contained in Figure 12. None of the paths should be trimmed from the model in this situation using Land's criterion. However, 4 paths--content and communication, .12; emotion and inter- pretation and selection, .lO--have absolute values between .09 and .14. The remainder of the paths are greater than .26. The measurement error variances for communication* indicants are moderate: .42 for process of conversation and .16 for conversation options. The zeta variance for the sole multiple indicator true variable, communication, is -.01. The other zeta var- iances range from .12 for interpretation to .57 for selection. The scale factor for the sole ordinary indicator, process of conversation, is 1.25. The scale factors for the common variable are pre- sented in Table 34. The scale factors for the lambda y's range from .90 for interpretation to -.27 for content. The scale values for the lambda x's are .24 for emotion and .74 for relationships. The x2 value for this model is 3.8798 with 1 degree of freedom. The probability level is .0489. The model * As in the typical model in Chapter II the relation- ship indicants were converted into an index. mhflc NNS. n H92 3338an .H u .6 .NNHNN n x N... «COHumHHuHm ASHES”. 9.3 :H 833.5, 5&8 2» fit. B H802 new 8.88m .NH «BEN H ww mw @U My NH. W N. H SH 99 o m» mmmuomm Hm Hx 731R . \ IHlonle 5562928 4 NN . . Emmzofl. ) 5mm .lllllYm. . Nc NH a/ < N 28.69% om. NH. NH. NN. onefimmmmEsz. NN. mm. a / H: 8 N N .2550 . 2059a 113 Table 34 Scale Values for Common Variables in Model IV in Typical Situation 5 l .90 2 -.27 Ay = 3 .03 4 .85 5 .63 3 Ax = l .74 2 .24 approximates a good fit to the data. No residual is greater than -.100, (see Table 35) Results of Model IV with Common Variable in Radio Situation There is a slight change in the parameters to be estimated in Model IV in the radio situation. The variances of the true exogenous variables in the phi matrix were set at a value of 1.00 instead of being estimated by the program. This was necessitated by the failure of the LISREL program to arrive at a solution for this model when these parameters were estimated.* *Three different sets of start values were used to attempt a solution to this model; all of them reached an 114 Table 35 Residuals for Model IV with Common Variable in the Typical Situation y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 x1 x2 y1 .ooo YZ .,000 -.000 y3 -.000 .000 .000 y4 -.002 -.000 .000 .000 y5 .007 -.000 -.000 .000 .000 x .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 x .000 -.000 .000 .021 -.077 .000 .000 unsuccessful conclusion after all of the models had iterated for more than 600 seconds of compter time. All of these attempts, which were supplied start values from previous runs, concluded there iterations with a message that IND = 2 fl IND = x is used by LISREL to indicate the kind of conclusion that a run has come to. A value of zero indicates a successful conclusion. The conclusion that all other runs reported here came to. A value of 4 indicates that the model hasn't arrived at a conclusion; values from this run can be resubmitted for continued iterations that may result in a value of O. A value of l, 2, or 3 indicates that a "serious problem" (un- specified as to type) has been encountered and the minimiza- tion function cannot continue (Joreskog and Van Thillo, 1972). In addition to merely feeding in the start values from previous runs attempts were made to "guess" at start values that would produce a conclusion. All such attempts ended in failure. Attempts were also made to estimate differing parameters among the error terms and the residuals, one of these was successful--when the whole psi matrix was estimated. However, the gain in the chi-squre value was not sufficient to overcome the loss in degrees of freedom when compared to the model presented in this section. 115 Table 36 Scale Values for Common Variables in Model IV in Radio Situation 5 1 .52 2 -.06 Ay 3 -.39 4 -.19 5 .30 3 1 .12 Ax 2 -.2o 3 .16 4 -.34 The results for the radio model with the common vari- able with the variances in the phi matrix fixed at 1.0 are presented in Figure 13. According to Land's criterion one path, that between emotion and interpretation (.04), should be trimmed from this model. Another path, that between con- tent and communication (-.l4), would appear to have only a moderate effect. The rest of the paths appear to have a substantial affect on their dependent variables. The variances of the errors of measurement for the mul- tiple indicators range from .32 for closeness to .55 for role. H08. u HN>NH 3233on .NH u H6 .83 u x N a 8333, 5:86 £3 coHNNBHN 088m 5. B 88: 8N $3.8m .NH was: N m N N NN NN HN NN. NN. «N NN.,” NN. NN. 3? NH 2850 NH 880% x 58 Nx mgmimmmm x wmmémod 6 277 8. H\ NH. NH NN. 8H 1 Nuo Ilolllw 2055238 A NN. @39ng N: 3.: N H: N N N Illw .NTII 923.50 8% E H v AIIIII v 117 The zeta variances for the single indicator variables are .08 for interpretation, .50 for content, and .17 for selection. For communication the zeta variance is -.06. The scale factors for the ordinary indicators are .73 for role, .87 for responsiveness, and 1.03 for process of conversing. The scale factors for the common variables range from -.06 for content to .52 for interpretation (absolute values) among the lambda y variables. The lambda x's range from .12 for closeness to -.34 for emotion. The residual matrix (Table 37) contains no consider- able residuals. Table 37 Residuals for Model IV with Common Variable in Radio Situation y1 y2 y3 Y4 y5 X1 x2 X3 X4 yl .157 y2 .122 .095 y3 .129 .095 .106 Y4 .168 .258 .104 .131 y5 .128 -.000 .133 .136 .140 X1 .238 .295 .174 .193 .182 .337 x2 .159 .014 .170 .220 .163 .230 .146 x3 .116 .020 .071 .166 .094 .184 .151 .103 X .136 .104 .112 .193 .066 .259 .078 .116 .113 118 The x2 value for this model is 40.32 with 13 degrees of freedom. The ratio is 3.10 to l. The probability level for this model is .0001, again indicating a poor fit of the model to the data. Comparison of the Tests of Model IV In this section the results of the three tests of Model IV will be compared. The following section will then compare this model to the results for Model IIa presented in Chapter III. The chi-square values presented in summary form in Table 38 indicate some slight differences, largely caused by the differences in the degrees of freedom of the models, in the goodness of fit of the model to the data. The fit in the three situations, while not significant, approaches sig- nificance. In general, when Joreskog's (1974) previously mentioned caution concerning the chi—square value is taken into consideration, and the demonstrable problems with meas- urement error variances and multicollinearity are noted, it would appear that Model IV provides a reasonable fit to the data. Table 38 Goodness of Fit of Model IV with the Common Variable in the Three Situations 2 Degrees Probability x of Freedom Ratio Level Radio 40.33 13 3.10 .0001 TV 28.49 11 2.59 .0027 Typical 3.88 l 3.88 .0489 119 Table 39 compares the values of the paths between the true exogenous variables and the true endogenous variables. All the values of the paths for the TV model save for Yll are much higher than the paths in the other two models. The only path that appears to be somewhat stable across models is Yll’ the path between emotion and content, which ranges in value from .30 for the typical situation to .55 for the TV situation. Table 39 Values of Paths Between Exogenous and Endogenous Variables for Model IV with the Common Variable in the Three Situations Radio TV Typical Y31 .04 -1.00 .09 Y41 -.21 1.64 .39 Y32 .87 1.88 .30 Y42 -.73 -2.08 .47 Yll .40 .55 .30 YZZ .68 2.79 .26 Table 40 compares the values of the paths between the true endogenous variables. Again there is little apparent stability across situations. Only the relative magnitudes of the -a13 paths for the radio and TV situation, the -a21 path for the radio and typical situation, and the —a43 path for the radio and the TV situation have any similarity. 120 Table 40 Values of Paths Between Endogenous Variables for Model IV with a Common Variable in the Three Situations Radio TV Typical -al3 .43 .34 1-55 -a21 —.14 -.60 .12 -a24 .32 -1.04 .14 —a43 1.82 1.67 .10 The zeta variances are presented in Table 41. The zeta variances for interpretation are veyr similar across all of the situations. The zeta variances for content and selection in the radio and TV situations are somewhat similar. Table 41 Zeta Variances for Model IV with the Common Variable in the Three Situations Radio TV Typical True Endogenous Variables Content .50 .57 .20 Communication -.06 -.49 -.01 Interpretation .08 .05 .ll~ Selection .17 .19 .57 The scale factors for the ordinary indicators are contained in Table 42. The responsiveness values for the radio and TV situations, .87 and .88 respectively, are 121 Table 42 Scale Values of Ordinary Indicators in Model IV with a Common Variable in the Three Situations Radio TV Typical Process of Conversing 1.03 .59 1.25 Responsiveness .87 .88 * Role .73 .68 * * No values because index used for relationship indicators. essentially the same. The role values for these two situa- tions are also quite similar: .73 for radio and .68 for TV. The process of conversation values reveal no clear similar- ities. Table 43 contains the scale values for the common var- iables. None of these scale values, although some are quite substantial, reveal a clear pattern. Table 44 contains the measurement error variances. Except for role, which has the same value in both the radio and TV situations and process of conversation, none of these values fit a discernable pattern. Tables 27, 33, and 35 contain the residual matrices for the radio, TV and typical situations respectively. The only noteworthy finding here is that there is no residual greater than -.100 in any of the matrices. 122 Table 43 Scale Values for Common Variables in the Three Situations Radio TV Typical yl .52 -.35 .90 y2 -.06 .16 -.27 Y3 -.39 .18 .03 Y4 -.19 .23 .85 y5 .30 .36 .63 x .12 -.07 .74+ 1 x2 -.20 -.13 * X3 .16 -.36 * x4 -.34 -.63 .24 * No values for these variables because relationship index used for these variables. +Scale value for index. Comparison of Model IIa and Model IV In this section Model IIa discussed in Chapter III and Model IV presented in this chapter will be compared. First, the tests for each of the situations will be dis- cussed, then an overall comparison of the models will be presented. 123 Table 44 Measurement Error Variances for the Multiple Indicators in Model IV with the Common Variables in the Three Situations Radio TV Typical Process of Conversing .36 .55 .42 Conversation Options .45 .00 .16 Closeness .32 .42 * Responsiveness .36 .53 * Role .55 .55 * * No values because index used for these variables in typical model. The paths between the true exogenous and the true endogenous variables are different for the two radio models; only the path Yll between emotion and content is similar: .51 in Model IIa and .40 in Model IV. The -a13 path has similar values, .31 and .43 respectively.* The paths be- tween content-communication, -.l4 and -.15, and selection- communication, .15 and .32, are also quite similar. The zeta variance for content, .51 and .50; and communiction * In this section the first reported value will be for Model IIa presented in Chapter III, the second value will be for Model IV presented in this chapter. 124 -.12 and -.06 and interpretation, .08 and .17, are all quite similar. The scale factors for ordinary indicators are also quite similar: 1.10 and 1.03 for process of conversing; .87 for both models for responsiveness; and .82 and .73 for the role variable. The measurement error variances are also quite similar with those for Model IVa being uniformly lower or equivalent to the values in Model IIa. Of the paths between the true variables in the tele- vision models only -cx has equivalent values, .33 and .34. 13 The zeta variances aren't similar. The scale factors of the ordinary indicators are remarkably similar; process of con- versation, .64 and .59; responsiveness, .87 and .88; and role, .68 in both models. The measurement error variances of the multiple indicators are similar, but they reveal no uniform pattern. The paths between exogenous and endogenous variables in the typical model are somewhat similar with Y3l having values of -.09 and .09 and Y41' 51 and .39. Only the -021 path, .02 and .12, and the -a24 path, -.16 and .14, have any similarity among the true endogenous paths. The zeta var- iances for communication and selection reveal some similari- ties in the two models. The scale values of the two models are dissimilar. The measurement error variances for process of conversations, .41 and .42, and for conversation options, .14 and .16, are very similar. 125 Across all the models, the y32 path, from relationship to interpretation and Y22 path between relationship and com- munication would appear to be particularly powerful determ- inants, with values never lower than .30 and .26 respectively. The -a21 path, between content and communication appears, except in the case of Model IV in the TV situation, (-.60), to be relatively weak with values ranging from -.16 to .15. The scale factors for responsiveness and role appear to be two of the most stable parameters across models. The measurement error variances for the relationship variables also appear to be relatively stable across models. These are the only apparent similarities in the values of parameters across the models. Relationships Among True Variables In this section the relationships between the true variables in the model will be discussed. The emphasis here will be on the identification of stable paths across the sit- uations and on the strengths and weaknesses of the model originally proposed in Chapter I. Using Land's criterion none of the paths proposed in the original model should be dropped. The results from both the LISREL runs and OLS regressions presented earlier support the addition of two paths to the model, paths between emotion- content and relationship-communication. In fact, the most stable path across all of the models is the one between 126 emotion and content. The paths between relationships and interpretation and between relationships and communication are also stable in the sense that their values are always substantial. The remainder of the paths between true variables in the model are unstable either switching sign or producing substantially different values across situations. This instability points to the possible effects of third factors, such as the situation, on the relationships between variables across models. The possible sources of the differing values of the paths between the true variables will be discussed in more detail in the next chapter. The addition of the path between the underlying and surface variables and their relative magnitude and stability call into question the assertion made in Chapter I that in- terpretation and selection act as mediators between the underlying and surface variables. The patterns and values of the paths across situations would suggest that this is not the case, although the model does suggest that these vari- ables are powerfully affected by relationships and are for the most part major determinants of the surface variables. Still their effects would appear not to come from their role as mediators. The strength of the relationships between the exogen- ous and endogenous variables would tend to support the argu- ment that emotion and relationships are the key underlying 127 factors in social interaction. In sum, there are relatively few stable paths between the true variables indicating that there are powerful situ- ational factors affecting these relationships. While the model results suggest that no path in the original model should be deleted, and that two should be added, it does not support the notion that the mediating variables are indeed mediators. Effect of Introduction of Common Variable What was the effect of the introduction of the common variable into the model of social interaction? The most noticable effect was a substantial reduction in level of x2 relative to the degrees of freedom (see Table 45). The introduction of the common variable didn't, however, produce common values for most of the paths between true variables. While this wasn't necessarily anticipated, it was hoped that a clarification of the measurement error variances and zeta variances would produce more stable parameters across the situations. The effect of the common variable on the values of the zeta variances was mixed. In the radio situation there was a slight reduction in the zeta variance for content, commun- ication, and interpretation; and a major reduction, from .51 to .17, for selection. In the TV situation there was a sub- stantial drop in the zeta variances of selection and inter- pretation, but there was a substantial increase for content, 128 Table 45 Differences Between Model IIa and Model IVa in the Three Situations Situation Model IIa Model IVa Differences . 2 2 _ 2 Radio x20 x13 - x7 79.11 40.33 = 38.78 TV 2 2 = 2 X20 X11 X9 84.91 28.49 = 56.42 T ical 2 YP X8 - X1 = X7 55.75 - 3.88 = 51.87 * x2 values greater than x2 = 24.32 and X3 = 27.87 respectively are significant at the .05 level. and a high negative variance for communication. In the typical situation there was a reduction in the zeta variance for con- tent, communication, selection and interpretation. The scale factors of the ordinary indicators remained stable, indicating that the scale factors of the common indi- cators values were drawn from other parameters. There was a drOp in the measurement error variance associated with the multiple indicators in the radio situa- tion. Two of the indicators in the TV situation dropped and 129 two of them increased, while the value of one remained the same. In the typical situation the measurement error var- iances are essentially the same for both models. The scale values for the common variables themselves reveal little in common, except the magnitude of the values for content are relatively low and the values for interpre- tation and process of conversation are relatively high across situations. Overall a comparison of the values of the other para- meters with the scale values reveals that process of conver- sations had :3 decrease in its level of measurement error variance in the radio and TV situations and the highest posi- tive scale values in the radio and TV situations. However, no other clear, discernable relationship between the scale values and the other parameters in the model is discernable. In sum, the introduction of the scale values reduced the level of the zeta variance; the scale values of the ordinary indicators remained the same; the value of the paths between true variables were still inconsistent across situ- ations, and there was a slight overall drop in the level of measurement error variance. The major contributors to the scale factors for the common variable, however, appears to be the residuals in the correlation matrix that weren't accounted for in the para— meters of Model IIa. While the common variable pooled some of the measurement error variance and zeta variance, the 130 improvement in the x2 value of Model IV appears to result from the reduction of the residuals in the correlation ma- trix. Therefore, the major source of improvement in Model IV is probably a result of the fact that the model is now accounting for the variance of a factor (or factors) that is determining to some extent all of the variables, but which wasn't included in the model. Methodological Explanations of the Results The problem of high measurement errors variances, high zeta variances and multicollinearity have all been dis- cussed in some detail in this chapter. To a certain extent the model with the common variable ameliorated these problems- However, they are still present, although to a lesser extent, in this model. It still must be noted that these flaws in the model have substantially contributed to the difficulty in finding stable parameters across situations and to the failure of the model to provide a good fit to the data. There is also a possibility that rather minor viola— tions of the assumptions of linearity, additivity, etc. ac- count for the rather small difference between the level of probability of the tests of the common variable model and the level of probability needed for a model that would provide a good fit to the data. To some extent the differences in parameters across models can be attributed to the changes in some of the models made necessary by technical problems in the LISREL program. 131 The conversion of the relationship indicants into an index in the typical situation is likely to have contributed to the differences in the parameters in this situation compared to other situations. The problems with the estimation of the variances of the exogenous variables in Model IV in the radio situation also probably contributed to the instability in the parameter estimates across situations. It has been the author's experience (and to some extent this is born out by the results contained in Appendix F and in the various tests of the models in the radio situation) that even minor differences in the parameters estimated in a model can re- sult in substantial differences in the values of the para- meters within even the same situation. Regrettably for Model IV the tests in each one of the situations was slightly different. Other technical problems exist with the measuring instrument itself. The same respondent answering contiguous questions probably contributes substantially to the level of multicollinearity in the data (Shoenberg, 1972). The wording of the questions probably also made the measurement of the variables more sensitive to situational effects than they otherwise might have been. The lack of multiple indicators for some of the variables probably contributed to their high zeta variances, and may have distorted the nature of the re- lationships among the true variables, because the indicators failed to cover the entire range of the true variable. On 132 the positive side most of the variation in the indicants, as reflected by the scale factors, appears to be attribut- able to their true variables. Finally, the scaling procedure probably contributed to the substantially high variances around most of the means. In sum, these various technical flaws by themselves may account for the slight difference between the manifested probability levels associated with Model IV and the level necessary for a good fit of the model to the data. In addi— tion they probably contributed substantially to the insta- bility in many parameters across situations. The Role of Unspecified Factors in the Results The high zeta variances and the behavior of the common variables point to the existence of factors that weren't specifically included in the model that may have affected the results. In this section the effects of these unspecified factors will be examined. In Chapter V the possible nature of the factors that produce these effects, and the possible role of these factors in an enlarged model of social inter- action, will be discussed. This section is primarily con- cerned with two questions. What is the nature of the effects of these factors? Are the effects uniform across variables and relationships, and how do they act on the model as a whole? The descriptive statistics reveal substantial differ- ences in the variables across situations. The simple correla- tions between the variables were extremely high in the 133 typical situation, somewhat lower in the radio situation and much lower in the television situation. This indicates that the relationships among the variables in the model of social interaction are substantially affected by situational factors that act to weaken the relationships in situations where media is present, Apparently the more intrusive the media, the more pronounced the effects. There are substantial differences in the levels of the zeta variances across situations.* The zeta variances for communication have the lowest values across situations, in most instances being zero or near zero in value, indicating that communication is primarily determined by its associated parameters in the model. Interpretation also has a low zeta value, again indicating that its primary determinants are specified in the model. On the other hand selection appears to be moderately determined and content appears to be sub- stantially determined by unspecified variables not included in the model. This pattern suggests that the elements of social interaction are differentially affected by unspeci- fied factors. * Only two of the true variables, communication and relationships, have multiple indicators. The variance of their errors of measurement are incorporated in the variances of their zetas. This should act to increase the level of the zeta variance for those variables with only one indicator. 134 The results for the common factor indicate that al- though the direction of the relationships is uncertain, inter- pretation and process of conversing are substantially affected 3 by it,* and that, save for conversation options in the typical situation, the other indicants of the true endogenous variables are relatively unaffected. There is no clear rela- tionship between the exogenous true variables and the common factors across situations, and it would appear that although the relationship and emotion indicants are somewhat affected by common factors, they are also affected by other unspecif fied factors separately. In sum, the common factor doesn't appear to account for all of the undetermined variation in the true variables and it would appear that some of the variables are determined by unique causes.** Further, the effects are not uniform across situations. * Remember that the common factor should include those factors, or that factor, which all of the endogenous indi- cants have in common. **The possibility remains that two of the endogenous variables may share a common cause. The only evidence that speaks of this, since the covariance of endogenous variables was not estimated in Model IV, is the covariance in Models IIb and IIIb in the radio situation. None of these covaria- tions were substantial, with only the covariation between content and communication (.21) in Model IIb and between selection and content (-.21) in Model IIIb being even moderately high. 135 The failure to specify these factors in the model accounts in some measure for the failure of the model to provide a good fit to the data and for the instability of parameters across situations. These results don't support the assertion made in Chapter I that situational differences might cause some slight differences in the values of para- meters, but that they wouldn't contribute to major differ- ences in the values of parameters or to differences in the direction of relationships across situations. Conclusion Model IIa tested in Chapter III suffered from serious problems with multicollinearity exacerbated by high measure— ment error variances and the high zeta variances. A modi- fied LISREL model was proposed to ameliorate these problems. Although this modified LISREL model was somewhat successful in this regard most of the substantial improvement in the fit of the model to the data appears to come from the reduc- tion of the residuals in the correlation matrices. The pattern of the results indicated that there are factors not: included in the original model that impinge substantially on the variables and the relationships in the process of social interaction. Given this, and the various technical problems associated with the tests and with the data, there would appear to be reason to be Optimistic that, with certain modi— fications in data collection procedures and with the model itself, the current framework can eventually provide the basis for an accurate model of the process of social interation. CHAPTER V IMPLICATIONS OF THE RESULTS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH In this concluding chapter the implications of the tests of the model will be discussed. First the general methodological implications will be discussed, then sug- gestions will be offered on how the methodological problems found here may be rectified in future research. Next the substantive implications of the results will be detailed. This chapter will conclude with preliminary suggestions on the form of future models of social interaction. Methodological Implications It would appear that a substantial part of the re- sults are attributable to methodological problems; e.g. multicollinearity, slight differences in the models tested in varying situations, measurement error, etc. These re- sults have some larger implications for the use of OLS multiple regression and LISREL in other settings. First, if only OLS multiple regression had been used the model would have been substantially supported, and the problems with measurement error and multicollinearity may have gone unnoticed. LISREL provided a means of detecting and then of analyzing these problems so that new directions 136 137 for future research could be identified. Second, there is a paradox in the use of LISREL with multiple indicators, the purpose for which LISREL was de- signed. Multiple indicators of the same process are going to be correlated, and hopefully highly correlated, but if they are correlated, then the determinant of the correlation matrix is going to be low. If the determinant is sufficient- ly low, and, if the model is correct, then the program won't function; if the determinant is slightly higher, then it will work but the estimates of parameters will be doubtful. The more successful you are in getting powerful, highly cor- related indicators, the more likely it will be that the re- sults of the program will be of little use in estimating particular parameters.* This paradox leads to the conclusion that LISREL may not be well suited for models of this type, where all of the variables are elements of the same process and where there is a high degree of correlation between indicators of these variables. LISREL is probably most successfully used when there is a low degree of correlation between the causes of a variable, and between indicators of a single true * In a curious way the low determinants of the correla- tion matrices, which have created so many problems in testing the model are actually very supportive of it. The determin- ants indicate, in essence, that there is an almost perfect linear dependence among some subset of the variables. Thus, the determinants indicate that these variables are closely bound together, exactly what would be expected for the elements of the same process. 138 variable. These conditions, however, would seem to be met in only a limited range of social phenomena. The results suggest several ways that future research could be used to clarify the issues discussed here. Perhaps the most important initially is to overcome methodological/ technical problems so that the substantive paths in the model can be clearly tested.* The first thing that could be done to provide a clear test of the model, is to attempt to create indicators that are as orthogonal as possible. This is a very difficult task when you are dealing with a model that seeks to explore the relationships between elements of the same process. But, to the extent possible, work should be done on developing indicators for the different true variables that are as dis- tinct as possible and that don't have correlated errors built in by the method of data collection. One of the ways to reduce multicollinearity is to insure that different methods are used to measure the var- iables. One solution to this problem is to test the model in a situation that allows for the systematic observation of the process of social interaction by differing coders. * The ultimate irony in the results is that the esti- mates of the error terms, zeta variances, and scale values reveal more stability and invariance across situations than the more substantively interesting values of the paths be- tween true variables. 139 Observation of interactants could also serve to con- trol for some of the extraneous sources of variation in social interaction present in the data used here. That is the people that answered questionnaires engaged in inter- action with members of differing sexes, with differing numbers of people, in different physical surroundings, with differing preceding events, and watched or listened to dif- ferent media presentations. All of these factors serve to increase the random error present in the measurement of these variables. The model should also be tested in a situation that allows for the observation of social interaction over time. The model tested here was static since it was felt that it would be inappropriate to test a dynamic model of social interaction with cross sectional data. Further it is un- likely that any variable, at the same point in time, in this model feeds back on a variable that causes it. It is more likely that one variable causes another at time 1, say emo- tion causing interpretation, and interpretation at time 2 causes a certain emotional level at time 3. Development of a truly dynamic model and the test of the model over time, not with cross-sectional data, is needed. In many ways it is surprising that the model provided as good a fit as it did, since it wasn't dynamic.* * A test of the model over time would probably also be more sensitive to the effects of the situation, since studies 140 Substantive Implications In this section the general substantive significance of the paths between true variables in the model will be ex- plored. The reader is cautioned that the results of the tests of the model will be treated here as if they weren't subject to the methodological problems that probably con- tributed strongly to to the instability of the various paths across models. The covariance between emotion and relationships is strongest in the radio situation, somewhat weaker in the TV situation, and weakest in typical situation. Research (Johnson, 1976) has indicated that radio often acts to set a mood between interactants. As a result it might be ex- pected that radio could result in a greater consonance be- tween emotion and relationships. On the other hand the weaker relationship between these two variables in the typ- ical situation suggests that in the absence of competing or mood enhancing stimuli emotions and relationships are less related to each other. The results suggest that emotion is a substantial direct cause of content in all situations. This suggests, given the manner in which these variables were operational- ized, that the higher a person's level of emotional arousal the more the content of their interaction changes. (Johnson, 1976) have indicated that a television situation has a dramatic impact on the continuity of social interaction. 141 In the television situation there is a strong neg- ative causal influence from emotion to interpretation, while in the typical situation there is a minimal positive influence, and in the radio situation there is essentially no causal influence. This suggests that a person's level of emotional arousal has little bearing on his interpreta- tion of the interaction when there is no strong competing stimulus in the environment. However, in the presence of a strong competing stimulus, TV for instance, the more emo- tional someone becomes the lower is his interpretation. Thus the more emotional a person is the less likely he is to possess the capacity to sort out all of the conflicting stimuli in a complex situation. In each of the situations there is at least a moder- ately strong positive causal relationship between relation— ships and interpretation. This suggests that the closer to others, the more responsive to others, the greater the indi- vidual's interactants are knowledgeable of whom they are. the more able they are to interpret the interaction. This causal path is stronger in the presence of competing stimuli in the environment suggesting that they act to narrow the number of factors an individual depends upon for his inter- pretations. As this happens relationships apparently be- come more important in an individual's interpretations. The path between relationships and communication is strongest in the TV situation and weakest in the typical 142 situation. This indicates that the more involving the situ- ation, the greater is the influence of relationships on communication patterns. The relationships of the exogenous variables to selec- tion are interesting. The patterns suggest that relation- ships are strongly negatively associated with selection in the media situations and moderately positively related in the typical situation, while emotion is increasingly posi- tively related to selection from the typical to the media situations. Emotions apparently act, expecially in the pre- sence of involving stimuli, to increase the level of an in- dividual's concentration. Relationships on the other hand, in the presence of strong stimuli, act to decrease the level of attention individuals pay to any one thing. Thus a high level of relationships compels individuals to split atten- tion between other interactants and the media. On the other hand a high level of emotion appears to cause an individual to focus his attention on one element of the environment. Contrary to expectations relationships are a very powerful predictor of other variables in these situations. Thus either they are more clear cut in media situations than originally anticipated or relationships are even a'more powerful predictor than first assumed. Suggested Model for the Process of Social Interaction The results reported here suggest several changes in the model originally proposed in Chapter I. Naturally the 143 suggestions made here are tentative, and are at times based on fragmentary evidence in the tests of the models of social interaction presented in Chapters III and IV. It appears that the current categories of social interaction should be reduced. Emotion and relationship* should be retained in any model of social interaction that is developed, since both of these variables appear to be the primary determinants of the other categories of social inter- action. The reduction of the number of true variables that lies within the proceSs of social interaction will come at the mediating and surface levels. The results clearly call into question the suggested mediating role of the interpre- tation and selection variables. It would appear that the underlying variables act directly on the surface variables. If these variables aren't mediating variables, then what are they? An argument could be made that the * The incorporation of other "true" exogenous vari- ables should also reduce some of the technical problems caused by these variables now. While in the current model these variables are exogenous in the sense they are not caused by other variables in the system, they are not exo- genous in the sense of lying outside the system described in the model--rather they are intimately associated with other elements of the process. In fact this intimate asso- ciation, as a result of the high degree of covariation be- tween emotion and relationship, contributed substantially to the problems of multicollinearity present in the tests of the model. The addition of other true exogenous vari- ables to the model should remove the major flaw in these two variables. 144 distinction between the surface and the mediating variables is really artificial, that these two classes of variables are really manifestations of the same underlying process. This is especially true for interpretation and content, which are intimately associated with each other. Conceptu- ally in fact it could be suggested that content is the ob- servable manifestation of the underlying true variable of interpretation. Thus, these two variables should be reduced into one true variable called interpretation. Similar reasoning holds for communication and selec- tion. Selection could be viewed as just another manifesta- tion of the processes by which substance is transferred from one interactant to another. That is who an interactant selects to talk to and how much attention he/she pays are really just another observable manifestation of communica- tion processes. Thus these two variables should be merged into a new variable labeled communication. The reconstituted model of social interaction is pre- sented in Figure 14. The relationships between variables in this model are essentially the same as before. In the next section this model will be expanded to include other true exogenous variables that represent the effects of situation- al factors on the model. 145 INTERPRETATION 4—3’COMMUNICATION EMOTION RELATIONSHIPS V Figure 14. Suggested Modifications in Model of the Process of Social Inter- action. Outside Factors in New Model The results point to the existence of outside factors that affect the variables in the model. The failure to specify these outside factors in the original model probably contributed to the poor overall fit of the model to the data and the instability of parameters across models, for as Watzlawick, et_al. (1967, p. 20) point out, "a phenomenon remains unexplainable as long as the range of observation is not wide enough to include the context in which the phenome- non occurs." The results also suggest that the effects of. outside influences are not uniform across variables and in fact some isolated factors may be major determinants of single variables within the model. "It is obvious, however, that the environment is not an undifferentiated medium in which people are immersed; it clearly involves a variety of active processes which selectively spur, guide and restrain behavior" (Barker, 1963, p. 42). 146 In this section a new model will be proposed that contains some preliminary thoughts on the nature of environmental influences identified in Chapter I: individual character- istics, rules, context, and situational factors. One element of rules that apparently impinges upon interaction in these situations is the topics that can be discussed. These rules govern the kinds of substance that can be made manifest in an interaction. The literature de- scribed in Chapter I suggests that in television situations in particular there are rules that set the agenda of tOpics that can be discussed.* These rules related to agenda set- ting probably account for the substantial variances of the residuals for content that weren't related to the common factors or to the covariance of content with other variables, especially in the radio and TV situations. For the moment there are two element of context that would appear to impinge upon the variables within the model of social interaction. The first of these is the purpose for which interactants come to an interaction. It was noted earlier that one of the primary purposes interactants come to the television situation for is sociability. This factor * Agenda setting and some of the other concepts dis- cussed in this section are not traditionally considered to be variables, but they can be operationalized in variable terms. For example, the range or number of tOpics discussed are two ways of quantifying agenda setting. 147 could be seen as primarily affecting the emotion and rela- tionship variables within the interaction, and it might ac- count for some of the manifested covariation between these two variables, especially in relation to the responsiveness and closeness indicants of relationships. The second contextual element that could be seen to have an effect on the variables within the model is the short term historical pattern of the interaction. The his- torical pattern of the interaction should primarily affect he interpretation variable, and to a lesser extent affect emotions and relationships. Individual characteristics can also be seen as affect- ing the variables in each of these models. However, the nature of these characteristics and their relationship to variables in the model is too complex an issue to deal with at this preliminary stage of modeling. HOpefully the effects of these factors can be treated as random error that cancels out over a large n. Two situational factors are probably important for the process of social interaction. One is the extent to which there are compelling outside stimuli present. If any- thing represents the common factor in the models of social interaction tested in Chapter IV it is probably the extent of sensory involvement of the interactants with stimuli other than the other interactants. This variable can be viewed as having a determinant effect on the reconstituted 148 variable of communication which includes selection, and somewhat less of an effect on all of the other elements of the model. The setting in which the interaction occurs, that is the physical nature of the surroundings, probably also has an effect on the relationships between variables in any one interaction situation, especially upon emotions. The reconstituted model of social interaction is con- tained in Figure 15. This model is suggested by the results and it represents the preliminary thinking on what a modi- fied model, based on the current evidence, would look like. RU ES \ INTERPRETATION ; COMMUNICATION EMOTION R LATIONSHIPS CONTEXT SITUATION Figure 15. A Suggested Expanded Model of the Process of Social Interaction.* . The variables within the box are the categories of the process of social interaction. The variables outside the box represent exogenous variables that effect the process of social interaction. Arrows pointing to the box, instead of to one of the variables, are meant to indicate that an exogenous variable effects all of the elements of the process social interaction. 149 Conclusion In this dissertation several categories of the process of social interaction were isolated; these categories were then used to construct a model of the process of social interaction. A means of testing the model was described in Chapter II. The model was tested in Chapter III. OLS mul- tiple regressions of the individual dependent variables in the model revealed that their respective independent vari- ables accounted for quite substantial proportions of their variation. However, the overall tests of the model by means of LISREL revealed that the overall model provided a dis- appointing fit to the data. A revised model designed to correct some of the methodological flaws in the original model and to account for common sources of variation in the true variables was proposed and tested in Chapter IV. This model produced a substantially better fit, although still not a good fit, to the data. Given the low ratio of degrees of freedom to chi-square exhibited by this model there is every reason to believe that a test of the reconstituted model proposed in this chapter will produce a successful fit of the model to new data. APPENDIX A Category Schemes for Social Interaction 150 APPENDIX A CATEGORY SCHEMES FOR SOCIAL INTERACTION This appendix reviews thirty category schemes for social interaction. It is organized by the categories of social interaction used here. The categories are identi- fied along with their authors and the purpose that the scheme was designed to serve. Regrettably none of the category schemes reviewed here have been used to construct or to test a model of social interaction. 151 INTERPRETATION Author/Scheme/Purpose Categories Amidon and Hunter (1966) The verbal Interaction Category System (VICS) System For Analyzing Interaction In Classroom Settings 1. Gives Information Or Opinion 2. Gives Direction 3. Asks Narrow Question 4. Asks Broad Question 5. Accepts 6. Rejects 7. Responds To Teacher 8. Responds To Another Pupil 9. Confusion Auld and White (1959) Analysis Of Psychotherapy Patient's Sentences Anxiety Dependence Hostility Love Mild Agreement Resistance Sex Social Mobility Therapist's Utterances Demand Interpretation Reward 152 Author/Scheme/Purpose Categories Bales (1950) Interaction Process Analysis Description Of Interaction In Groups \OCDQO‘U‘uwaH H P6 H N +4 o O O 0 Shows Solidarity Shows Tension Release Agrees Gives Suggestion Gives Opinion Gives Orientation Asks For Orientation Asks For Opinion Asks For Suggestion Disagrees Shows Tension Shows Antagonism Borgatta, E. F. (1965) Analysis of Patterns Of Social Interaction (Especially In Groups) Common Social Acknowledgment Shows Solidarity Through Raising The Status Of Others Shows Tension Release, Laughs Acknowledges, Under- stands, Recognizes Shows Agreement, Con- currence, Compliance Gives A Procedural Suggestion Suggest Solution Gives Opinion, Evalua- tion, Analysis: Ex- presses Feeling 0r Wish Self-Analysis And Self- Questioning Behavior Author/Scheme/Purpose 153 Categories 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Reference To The Extern- al Questioning Behavior Gives Orientation, In- formation, Passes Com- munication Draws Attention, Repeats, Clarifies Asks For Opinion, Eval- uation, Analysis, Ex- pression Of Feeling Disagrees, Maintains A Contrary Position Shows Tension, Asks For Help By Virtue Of Personal Inadequacy Shows Tension Increase Shows Antagonism, Hos- tility, Is Demanding Ego Defensiveness Carter et al., (1951) Analysis Of Group Interaction Particularly As It Pertains To Leadership Proposes And Initiates Action Disagrees And Argues With A Somewhat Neg- ative Connotation Leader Roles In Carry- ing Out Action Follower And 'Worker' Roles In Carrying Out Action Abortive Or Non pro- ductive Behavior Or Problem Miscellaneous 154 Author/Scheme/Purpose Categories Crowell and Schiedell (1961) Development Of Ideas In Discussion Group Assertion Information Inference Substantive Procedural Volunteered Requested Initiation Restatement Clarification Substantiation Extension Simple Response To Request Pro Modification (Revision Of Prior Idea) Con Modification (Revision Of Prior Idea) Stated Acceptance Summary Imperative Question Judgment Synthesis Delayed Relationship (To Idea) Delayed Self Relationship (To Speaker's Idea) Flanders (1967) System For Analyzing Interaction In Classroom Setting 1. Accepts Feeling 2. Praises Or Encourages 3. Accepts Or Uses Ideas Of Students 4. Asks Questions 5. Lecturing Author/Scheme/Purpose 155 Categories 8. 9. 10. Giving Directions Criticizing Or Justi- fying Authority Student Talk-Response Student Talk-Initiation Silence Or Confusion Gouran and Baird (1972) Comparison Of Problem Solving And Informal Group Discussions Initiates And Develops Theme Agrees With Expressed Position Disagrees With Express- ed Position Gives Information Asks For Information Lewis et al., (1961) Analysis Of Student-Teacher Pupil Interaction Asks For Information Seeks Or Accepts Direc- tion Asks For opinion Or Analysis Gives Information Gives Suggestion Gives Direction Gives Opinion Gives Analysis Shows Positive Feeling Shows Negative Feeling Perfunctory Agreement Or Disagreement 156 Author/Scheme/Purpose Categories Longabaugh (1966) Uncovering Structure Underlying Interpersonal Behavior (Particularly Observation Of Children's Behavior) 1. Gives Help 2. Suggests Responsibility 3. Reprimands 4. Attempts To Dominate 5. Acts Sociable 6. Calls Attention To One's Self 7. Gives Support 8. Physically Contacts 9. Is Succorant 10. Assaults Sociably ll. Assaults 12. Symbolic Aggression McGuire and Lorch (1968) Rules Governing Natural Language Conversational Modes Associational Orientation (Casual Conversation) Problem Solving (Convey- ance Of Factual Knowledge) Interrogation Clarification Of Misunder- standing - Schiedell and Crowell (1966) Group Discussion Behavior Substantive Themes Procedural Themes Irrelevant Themes Snyder (1945) Description Of Non-directive Psychotherapy Therapist's Responses Restating Content Clarifying Feeling Author/Scheme/Purpose 157 Categories Interpreting Structuring Leading Suggesting Questioning Persuading Accepting Reassuring Approving Disapproving Client's Responses Problems Simple Responses Insight Planning Steinzor (1949) Activate And Originate Structure And Delimit Diagnose By Labeling Evaluate Analyze And Explore Express And Give Informa- tion Seek Information To Learn Defend Offer Solution Conciliate Understand And Reflect Give Support Oppose And Attack Show Deference Seek Support 158 Author/Scheme/Purpose Categories Conform Entertain Miscellaneous Clarify Confusion Strupp (1960) Analysis Of Psychotherapy \lO‘U‘lbWN Facilitating Communica- tion Exploratory Operations Clarification Interpretive Operations Structuring Direct Guidance Activity Not Clearly Relevant To The Task Of Therapy Unclassifiable Weintraub and Aronson (1962) Verbal Analysis Of Defense Mechanisms \lO‘LflbWN 0 Direct References (Setting Of Experiment) Evaluators Non-personal References Shift To Past Tense Negators Qualifiers Retractors (Detracts From Previous State- ment) 159 Author/Scheme/Purpose Categories Watzlawick et al., (1967) Content Examination Interactional Patterns 160 CONTENT Author/Scheme/Purpose Categories Argyle (1969) Description Of The Ways Coordination Is Important In Social Interaction Content Bjerg (1968) Interplay Analysis Topic Agons (What Is Said Or Done) Hare (1958) Paradigm For The Analysis Of Interaction Content Hawes (1973) Elements Of A Model For Communication Processes Content Watson (1958) Description Of Formal Characteristics Of Inter- action In Three Situations Conversational Resources (Topics Of Conversation) 161 Author/Scheme/Purpose Categories Hare (1958) Social Emotional Behavior A Paradigm For The Analysis A. Control B. Affection Of Interaction Longabaugh (1966) Socioemotional Dimension Structure Underlying Interpersonal Behavior Reusch and Prestwood (1949) Emotional Reactions (in- ternal facet) Structural Components Of Interaction Taylor (1954) 1) Public Dimension Emotional Dimensionality 2) Dyadic Dimens1on 3) Autistic Dimension Of Groups Weintraub and Aronson (1962) Expression Of Feeling Verbal Analysis Of Defense Mechanisms 162 EMOT I ON Author/Scheme/Purpose Categories Argyle (1969) Emotional Tone Description Of The Ways In Which Coordination Is Necessary For Social Interaction Bjerg (1968) Instinctual Agons (Love, Interplay Analysis esteem, etc.) Sessional Agons (i.e., damage, agon, agon of pleasing, etc.) Carter et al., (1951) Shows A Personal Feeling Analysis Of Group Interaction, Particularly As It Pertains To Leadership 163 COMMUNICATION Author/Scheme/Purpose Categories Amidon and Hunter (1966) Initiates Talk To Teacher The verbal Interaction Initiates Talk To Another Pupil Category System (VICS) Silence Analyzing Teacher-Student Interaction Argyle (1969) Timing Of Speech Some Of The Ways Coordination Appears To Be Necessary For Interaction Bjerg (1968) Conversational Agons Interplay Analysis Bostrom (1970) 1 to l Sends Analysis Of Patterns Of Centrality l to Group Sends Communicative Interaction . l to l Receives In Small Groups Receive Sent Ratio 164 Author/Scheme/Purpose Categories Hare (1958) A Paradigm For The Analysis Of Interaction Communication Network Interaction Rate Jaffe and Feldstein (1970) Rhythms Of Dialogue Vocalization Pause Switching Pause Speaker Switch Simultaneous Speech Lewis et a1. (1961) Analysis Of Student-Teacher Interaction Inhibits Communication No Communication McGinnies and Altman (1958) Group Discussion Behavior (Attitude Change) Verbal Output Participation Rate Of Response Recruitment (time entered discussion) Spontaneity Pope and Siegman (1972) Description Of Psychoanalytic Interview Informational Exchange 1) Hesitation 2) Fluency 3) Verbalization 165 Author/Scheme/Purpose Categories Watson (1958) Description Of Formal Characteristics Of Interaction In Three Situations Conversational Style Weintraub and Aronson (1962) Verbal Analysis Of Defense Mechanisms Quantity Of Speech Long Pauses Rate Of Speech 166 SELECTION Author/Scheme/Purpose Categories Argyle (1969) Important Elements Of Interaction Where Coordination Is Necessary Nonverbal Responsiveness (Signals From One Interactant To Another Of Attentiveness) Bostrom (1970) Analysis Of Group Discussion Statements Selectivity (Relative Concentration) Goffman (1957) Description Of Forms Of Alienation From Interaction External Preoccupation Self-Consciousness Interaction-Conscious- ness Other Consciousness Lewis eta1.(l96l) Analysis Of Student-Teacher- Pupil Interaction Listens 167 RELATIONSHIPS Author/Scheme/Purpose Categories Argyle (1969) Important Elements Of Interaction Where Coordination Is Necessary Dimensions 0f Relation- ships I. Role Relations II. Intimacy III. Dominance Bjerg (1968) Interplay Analysis Implicational Agons (Why Things Said Or Done) 1) Instinctional Agons (Power) 2) Sessional Agons (Superiority) Hare (1958) Socioemotional Behavior A Paradigm For The Analysis A. Control Of Interaction Hawes (1973) Relationships Elements Of A Model For Communication Processes 168 Author/Scheme/Purpose Categories Pope and Siegman (1972) Description Of Psycho- analytic Interview Attraction To Interviewer Interviewer Warmth Interviewer Status Spier (1973) Membership Category Invariant Features Of Devices Interactions Watzlawick et a1. (1967) Relationship Examination of Interactional Patterns 169 EXOGENOUS VARIABLES Author/Scheme/Purpose Categories Bjerg (1968) Interplay Analysis Problem Agons (Salient Problem) Service Agons (Exchange Of Services) Agons Of Material Goods (Exchange Of Material Goods) Hare (1958 Paradigm For The Analysis Of Interactions Task Behavior Longabaugh (1966) Uncovering Structure Under- lying Interpersonal Behavior Task Dimension Social Activity Spier (1973) Invariant Features Of Interactional Elements Main Activities Local Setting Temporal Orientations Spatial Orientations 170 SEQUENCING, RULES Author/Scheme/Purpose Categories Argyle (1969) Sequences of Behavior Important Elements Of Interaction Where Coordination Is Necessary Bjerg (1968) Meta Agons (Bargaining About Which Agons To Be Activated) Interplay Analysis APPENDIX B Inclusion of Elements of Social Interaction in Previous Category Schemes 171 .coHuumumucH HMHoom mo mucmgomuoo mo mQOHDQHHommo .mumcunmmmmu m50H>muQ on Homo“ on mam: mHmmooH com: mH mewzum muomoumu k. x x x x 6mm: 98: x Ammmd EH3 mam. GMHDOO x Ahmad Ema x Ahmad Wampum-Hm x :63: HvamHfiom USN. HHOBDHU x x AHmNHV .Hm um uwfimo x x 8;: 858m x 88: 3838 x x x x ANNNHV 9.8.8 x Hommd mmem x Emmi mug 0cm 63¢ x x Good NONE—Hm 9.8 £8.33 x x x x x ANNNHV NH? mmHmwonBE 205m 76Haoum CH coHuomumucH HmHoom mo mucmeme mo cOHmsHocH m XHDszmé 172 ANNNHV 8802 HEN 885563 .Hm um gogHNumz 8mm: comumz SNNHV NoHNmH. 88: 83% Eva: HONckum ANS: SEN Gem: 83% Goad HHDBOHU can HHmmvafiUm ANHNHV 8988a as... 888 1N8: 583m 8cm 88 8mm: nuns mono wHHHGUZ Ammmd 525.2 can meSHHUQH AHNNHV 888:3 HHmmHV .Hm um mHBQH 8th Gkummvam HEM mmmmb x x 350.3 gm mmngfiag Egan—Mm 753.3qu SHE van—Hana; Hag Esau. E836 APPENDIX C Instructions Given Telephone Solicitors 173 APPENDIX C Instructions Given Telephone Solicitors TELEPHONE APPEAL Hello, is this (Resgondent's Name) . I'm (Your Name) from the Department of Communication at Michigan State Uni- versity. We are looking into the ways in which TV and radio affect how peOple communicate with each other. This research is supported by the National Association of Broadcasters, whose professional code is subscribed to by CBS, NBC and ABC and most of the television and radio stations across the country. We need your c00peration and the c00peration of others like you in our efforts. Your participation may lead to valuable information on the effects of television and radio on American life. We would like your permission to mail you a questionnaire concerning this topic that you can complete at your leisure in your own home. Would you be willing to answer the questions and help us out? ...... IF YES, THEN: Thank you very much. We appreciate your co- operation. You can expect to receive a c0py of the questions in a couple of days. Its been very nice talking to you (Respondent's Name) - GOOd bye. IF NO, THEN: Is there someone else in your household who might be interested in answering the questions? (IF YES, THEN ask if they are home and if they can come to the phone, then repeat the above appeal to them. If the other person is not at home, then mail out questionnaire addressed to the person that the respondent says will be willing to fill out the questionnaire, and tell subject to tell other person to expect a letter in a couple of days.) IF STILL NO THEN: Thank you for your time. 174 STEPS TO FOLLOW WHEN MAKING PHONE CALLS. 1. Get card. (See attached sheet for information on how to read the card.) 2. To dial phone number first dial 174, listen for dial tone, then dial phone number that is on the card. 3. Read the telephone appeal to respondent. 4. Follow the following procedures depending upon their response. A. IF RESPONDENT DOESN'T AGREE TO ACCEPT THE QUESTION- NAIRE, THEN write refused, time, date, and initials below the address on the front of the card. B. IF THERE IS NO ANSWER, THEN write no answer, time, date, and your initial below the address on the front of the card. C. IF THE NUMBER IS OUT OF SERVICE, THEN write out of service, time, date, and your initials below the address on the front of the card. D. IF THE RESPONDENT AGREES TO RECEIVE THE QUESTIONNAIRE, THEN FOLLOW THESE STEPS: 1. Write their subject number in the space on page 8 - the back of the questionnaire - that says questionnaire number. 2. Write the respondent's name after Dear on the front page of the questionnaire. 3. Address the envelOpe to the respondent. 4. Fold up the return envelope and place it in the envelope. 5. Fold up the questionnaire and put it in the envelope. 6. Write down mailed questionnaire, date, and your initials below the address on the front of the card. 5. Go to next card. 175 HOW TO READ THE CARD NAME - Found on the left hand corner. PHONE NUMBER - Found on right hand corner. ADDRESS - Second line, middle. If just a street address mail to Grand Rapids. If another city is named after the street address, then address the envelope to that city. SUBJECT NUMBER - Right hand lower corner in red. HELPFUL HINTS Remember be polite, be considerate, be helpful, but also be firm in getting a commitment from the respondent to receive and fill out the questionnaire. Sell them on the idea of receiving and filling out the questionnaire. If the respondent is in a hurry make an appointment to call back at a more convenient time. ANSWERS TO SOME QUESTIONS ABOUT STUDY TIME - It takes about 30 - 40 minutes for most people to fill out the questionnaire. WHY SHOULD I DO THIS? Repeat appeals in the letter. Say that I need this for my dissertation. For school. 176 TELEPHONE CALLBACKS Hello, is this (Respondent's Name) . I'm (Your Name) from the Department of Communication at Michigan State Uni- versity. Remember we called you a couple of weeks ago and asked your permission to send some questions to you about how television effects how you talk to other people. We haven't received this questionnaire from you yet and we were wondering if you had any questions about how to fill it out? POSSIBLE RESPONSES If they have't returned the questionnaire because they don't understand it explain to them how to fill it out. If angry at us for any reason try to pacify them and say that you regret any inconvenience that we may have caused them. If the respondent just hasn't gotten around to filling it out yet, try to get commitment from them to fill it out soon. If they haven't received a questionnaire yet say we will mail them another one. Be sure to get their correct address. STEPS TO FOLLOW WHEN MAKING PHONE CALLS 1. Get card. 2. To dial phone number first dial 174 then listen for dial tone, then dial phone number that is on the card. 3. Read the above statement to the respondent. 4. On the back of the card write the respondenthsreply, any action you took, the date and your initials. If you can't reach the respondent write down why (e.g., no answer), the date and your initials. 5. Go to the next card. APPENDIX D Mailed Questionnaire MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 177 College of Carmunication Arts EAST LANSING -. MICHIGAN - 48824 quutmanzof<1mnunflxnion Dear Recently you received a phone call from the Department of Communication at Michigan State University. In this phone call we asked your help in finding out the ways that tele— vision and radio affect how people communicate with each other. Our study is supported by the National Association of Broadcasters whose professional code is subscribed to by CBS, NBC, ABC, and the majority of the television and radio sta- tions across the country. Your participation may lead to valuable information on the impact of television and radio on American life. In addition, the questionnaire may help you learn something about yourself and stimulate you to have some fresh insights into the situations that may be included. We really appreciate your agreeing to take some of your valuable time to help us. Please read the following instructions carefully. Some of the questions that follow are difficult. They are difficult because they ask you to think about situations in novel ways. We would appreciate it if you would make every effort to an- swer the questions. If a question is confusing to you, then save the questionnaire and we will call you soon and give you assistance in answering the question. But please make every effort to answer the questions. When you finish place the questionnaire in the enclosed envelope and mail it to us at your earliest convenience. If you would like a report of the results of the study, write your name and address on the upper left hand corner of the envelope. Again we would like to thank you for your willingness to take part in this effort. We believe your answers will be of great help in the continuing efforts to understand and solve im- portant issues relating to the effects of television and radio on our society. Sincerely, J. David Johnson Edward L. Fink Sherrie L. Mazingo 178 In general do you like talking with others while you are watching television? Yes No What do you like about talking with others when you are watching television? What do you dislike about talking with others when you are watching television? In general do you like talking with others while you are listening to the radio? Yes - No In general, on a scale of l (hurts a lot) to 10 (helps a lot), how would you rate the effect of television on your conversations with other peOple? In general, on a scale of l (hurts a lot) to 10 (helps a lot), how would you rate the effect of radio on your conversations with other people? Can you recall any habits that you have developed when you talk to others when viewing television? Can you recall any habits that you have developed when you talk to others when listening to the radio? 179 A nurber of the questions that follow use a method for rating things with nunbers that you may not be fanu'liar with. This method may be difficult at first, but nest people get the hang of it after answering a few ques- tions. Here we will provide you with an exanple of how this method is used. In this exanple we will rate how comfortable people feel in differ- ent situations. If zero (0) is a couplete lack of canfort and _1_.__00 is a typical artmmt of comfort , then how canfortable are you in the follmring situations? For this exanple we will use the feelings of a hypothetical Person X who will rate his degree of comfort in these situations. SITUATIONS ONTHEJOB GIVINGASPEEGI ATHOMEWITHFAMILY ANDLNT Person x likes his job. Person Xmas never Person X gets along OF He has been at it a long given a speech. He well with his fami- CDMFORI‘ time. He feels a nearly doesn't like large 1y. He feels very average anount of com- crowds. He is shy. happy and secure fort in this situation. So he rates this with them. He rates) So he rates it as a 1_12 situation as an 8 this situation as a in atromt of comfort. for axrount of 342 for amount of canfort. canfort. In answering these questions we will be just interested in the nurber you use to rate the situation. You don't have to provide verbal explanations. You can use any numerjou wish. In surmary, this is the way you should answer these questicns. First think of a typical anount (100) of and the absence of (0) what you are rating. Then ccupare the situation you are rating with the absence (0) and the typical anount (100). Then rate it (give it a nmber) based on this comparison. 9. If zero (0) is a ccnplete absence of attention and 100 is how much a__t- tenticn you pay to things on the averag, then what number would you use to __describe your level of attention to each of the elements in the situations listed from left to right on the next page. Renenber, 1’22 can use any nunber you wish. 180 aggg BémMHBEQE .x .3 .> .D ..H. g .m .m .0 .m .0 73¢ :58 on.» :H munch [no .3988 no.5 2H mad 8% wZHEm gunman mum. .z .2 ..H .M .b _ .0 /// a 89% NE. 1.: ./ U. 0H om.m . .//. .../ ‘ ., ./_/ . 4 28mg NE. Smomm ~5th .m .D .0 .m .HH wzbwsm mH WEE 92m: PH. 20 meemz PH. 20 E mHGHBéHm m0 g CHER mo OHan OH. IZHEHzm 23mg lag >9. 9H zmmz 22ntqu OHQdm OF E EHH monBSFHm ZOHBdDHHw .mO WE DH. EHEHAN mo 82% 181 mcoflmduflm «5. an 33.5. no: mums 90% :95 9533»? 8&5 mo 58 fi 85%: umfi mafia... ”Bonn madam» xwmz umma 98mm sow U3 muse: wan: 30m .ma Ammflufifiuom mo .3955 mmcoflmsuwm 8% mo comm an" 5 vmmmm new wad—83>» so» am. 703 .mcfiummu .mfiuswm "mung Hows mafia $30M Hgo ham: 30m .NH mgflmfiflm mfizodom m5 .6 8mm 5 wfimm 5% 3c 832 acme .6: x83 #3 .2 mmcoflumsuflm 3% 5 now 5.5 3.33%”. man. a Hmfio >58 30: .3 75 mH CHER CHE mm? 75 PH. PH. 8 @650 OHQmmmO EZOMRHZ Egg; 75E 25H. PHEZHZSJH OBUZHZMFWHH.Q DHGZHzflamHH.U UZHE.m IEQE£ .mfiflgfim 158:: fi 98%: “E? SE» “938 .23 2.. mo amp: in: “.23 xfifi £803 .850 :H .8336 Bu 5 Ema ma ”ES 5? 85.398 €58 Ea .39 5958 qu= 55% mun H0393 3 2mm: ms “was .mcoflmsuflm 05.8%.? $0 manna—mama $9.65 swamo mcoflmmzv mmmfi on mumzmam “may @5385 Q: .Goflmsuflm 3393 m ca .3me magma 053033 may mo “895a < .cowumsuwm 50mm Hem cowummsv m Hmzmcm B Hung: 96 Human mm: .wmmm m5 m0 mounm can: “so? may :0 963 Imsfim m5 mo 68 How :85» H965 cm? can mama mg no mam USE puma m5 :0 meoUmmfiv «5 0mm“ mmmwam meOflumsufim wmmnu CH mgowummnmficoo ca AOflcmn ccw_>so maume ms» no.905 mum Hmow luauu 3mm..AHMOHUdHo:: Nmm>v.bH on AHMOfluwHU Nmmz H m0 0.30m m 5 .5 meOHumsuflm mmmnu mo nvmm cw mGOfluwmumpcou H50» mumu som_uasoz 3mmv.AmH >Oncmc5 a £8 33m .5 v a «0 mamom m :0 .ma 182 .smw3,soxfluwnaac mum mm:» mmgofiu nmsuam mama» mo numw cw mHm so>_om>ao>cw so: mmfiuommc .882» ”.23 85 .839»? Hmomgu m 5 $3 so» unmaw>ao>cw mo unscem mmmumpm may mw_mmm. can. agape: mo x03 38. m 282 83 fl .3 mmumnuo ou mucmaaoo mxma 0» “canny new cadmw> Imamuv MHGME may :O_Hmm£ Ho wow so» mmcflnu may 3 End—aim uo 8x9 .mmmqsoa mum H50: HMO .35 m g 5&0 so: .3 ZO mH Oflomm OHnmm HEB ZO kPB >B_ZD mZOHBmMDO Ofiomm.m0 mmfi ZO mzmz BZMZZHafimmBzm ZO mZBZ BZHZZHdHMMH ‘>B Dz 2m 3v.m 09.02PZMHEHAIHD 09.02H2EHmHA .U UZHZBH> .m 12m 02H3mH> 91 183 mmgHumnuHm wwmfi CH «5% sum», mum. 033 SE .350 93 no so» mum H8330 Smofldscs Nmmfi bH B AHmUHUHHU NW5 m3 Hm mo mHmom m 8 .mH EmH OHngo PH 8 E .m 0H2 3520952 QUEEN—”Ad OHQdm 275 8mg .0 ug .m >975 gums .zME .m mag I‘W 184 000000002000 00 0000 0:0 5:030300005 50300003805 000300 5000300308 00 £592 "020ng .8 E0 .0 000003000 03..» :0 00050 8 0:330 0o 820 080 30> 523 3 8.68 9:. “$0600.20 000.0000 .0 >8 30> 023 B 90.30003 >HH00000 000 >00 30> 30:3 0.0 9.00000 3050 080 99> .02: 8 $080 9:. “Eng .0 .000 .83002000 :3 .0000 .0>0H 00 £030 .005 $000 Hmcoflofi 00 7.53 03> "SHE .U .0005 0:0 >00 :0 00000080000 30> :02: 30: "60006.5( .0 1.5000 50» 30> 005 005.5 05. "020.38 .4 0.80.0: 0.005.020 080008068 200.040.0300 < .8 0020 0.600 0 500000300. < . «800000000000 00005 000005 0 :0 30> 00 0 :0 00000 0005 00 2000 00000 00. .00 £000 000 "00 00:0000m 05.: 00 >00 30> 00 5.040050 0:000 . 30: .8300 Nm 0008mm 830000350 0000003 m830000>80 £030: 30: 00050 00 00 n00>:00 05 3 00330008 0 030> 00 00000 05 000 :02: 30: 00003 0 5 000050 ”$000 30> :05 5300002000 040 >05 :02: 30: .00 00:0. .205 :00: 000303000 05 :0 00:05 0005 .00 £000 on £02: 30: 00 00000 0600 00 0000:0000 .00:0000n€0 0005 0.0 0:0 “.0 0.000000 05 00 0030000 0mc050 .050 00>0 $0050 :03 000: >00 >05 30> 000000 000000 00000 00 :00 :03 :0000 00300000600 0 00 3000 .3 n0000>c00 0 00 00000 .3. 002000 H0203 0 :0 .2 100002000 0 00 00.000 .3 Gun—<0 Dz< >0. 00 m2; ”550 H0250 SHELZ 258$ Eganmog 022.550 .0003 8» «00,32 02¢ 08 26 300 .3 $.00 .030 :05 5.0000095. 00 30:05 >H000: 00 0000 0 00 .9: :300 .030 00:0 500000002000 0 00 .0000 H0000>u 05 m0 0:00.805. 00 0003.0 >100: 0H ~000.0000 >00 .0000 0003000000 0 H000 30> f. .3958 000 .>u000000 005 000 000000090000 05 00 0000 5000 0000 :05 00300000350 0:00: 0 :H Emma 005 Nwmmmmmum “09m 00 003% 000090 00 ammw 05 00 a 0:0 $000000 00 .050 .850 00:50 5000:0000 00:00.59: 6.0. gm 0030020 00 00.00000 00.0.? 05 m0 2: 0000 00 600000030 0005 0:000:05 :05: 0030300 00 230:0 20300000 0:030:00 05. .0000 £000 000 530030 .0000 00305... 8003 .000—0 0:... 00 000 0:0 00 0030 000 00000 0005 05.500050 08.30030 .0000 05 no 0000 0:0: 003 0:... :0 0000: 000 00300003000 0 .00 0&00 0000000 3300 000.0 05 :H £0000 00 .523 503 0:0 .00 :00»: 00 00:3 3.0000 00 :05 .500: 00 :05. "mag 55% .x 5:30:05 .00 0:000 000 30> 00:3 03000 0:955 000 30 0:0 .30> 00 00000000 m0>0 :0 5000:0000 00 000.00 0:0 0.8 30> .023 B 0:000 "Egg .0 185 400000 00 3.0.5005 .5550 0:000 00 0000000 00. 0300000000 00 £0500 0050000 00505080 00 80003000 0.5 0:038 05. “Egon .H .000 003000 .0050: 0:050 00.: .2022 00 053 5 ea 2080 050 0:0 30> 0:3 00 00000305. “g .= .0000 3 00:3 mo 050.000.0005 50> .0050 00 050500005 Hao> £05 03000 05 .00 05500005 “30> 6sz0$. .0 88328. < "00 g0 00 Em . . .ZH Sham—>020 70.0003 .HN . . .BSHEER 70.05. .ON . . .hogb—OQLH 70.050 .mH ”SHE 70.050 83% < 00 W920 186 'me following questicms ask for your ideas about the relationships between parts of conversations . For a acre catplete description of these parts refer to the preceding section. We are particularly interested in whether a change in one part of a conversation causes a change in another Ert of a conversation. For instance, does a change in enotion produce a change in closeness? Now if zero (0) indicates that a change in one thing doesn't produce a change in' another and fl is a moderate amount of chan in one thing produced by another (for example, in an increase in strength of the wind may came a noderate degree of change in tenper— ature) , then indicate the amount of change that each of the following parts of conversation cause. You can use any number you wish. Please answer each blank in each coltmn. 23. A change in EMJI‘ION causes what degree of change in: A. PKEESS OF CQWEIBING (anount, ease of conversation, etc.) B. MEANING (understanding what is said, the situation, etc.) C. CINVERSATIQV OPTIONS (when to listen, when to speak, etc.) D. CINI'E‘N'I‘ (the things you talk about) E. IDLES (knowledge of who people are in terms of labels) F. CLOSENESS (How distant you feel from others) G. FORMALITY (degree of constraint or predictabiltiy) H. ATTENTION (how much you concentrate on any one thing) 24. A change in (INTENT causes what 25. A change in MEANING causes degree of change in: what degree of change in: A. MEANING A. (IDNVERSATIW B. WICN OPTIONS OPTIONS C. PHDCESS OF (DNVERSING B. PIOCESS OF cou- ’ D. IDLES VEISING E. CLOSENESS C. EDI-ES F. mm D. CILBENESS G. ATI'ENI'ICN E. FURMALITY F. A'I'IEN'I'ICN 26. A change in CINVERSATION OPTIQIS 27. A change in PROCESS OF C(11- causes what degree of change in: VEFBING causes what degree of change in: A. PIOCESS OF CINVEIBING B. EDIE; A. IDLES C. CLOSENESS B. CLOSENESS D. FOIMALITY C. WWITY E. A'I'I'ENI‘IQI D. A'ITEN'I‘IW 28. AchangeinmIEScauseswhat 29. AchangeinCIDSENESScauses degree of change in: what degree of change in: A. CLOSENESS A. FORMALITY B. EDWIN C. A'ITENI'ICN 30. 187 Achangeinl‘OHflLITYcauseswhat degreeofdnngein: A. ATTENTION QUESTICNNAIRE NUMBER Now please answer the following questions about yourself. The answers to these questions will be kept strictly confidential and will be used only for statistical purposes. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. How old are you? _YEAIB Are you: MAI..E___ FW___ Are you: AN ONLY CHILD__ THE FIRST BORN____ IATER Bom— Are you : SINGIE____ MARRIED___ WIDOWED__ DIVORCED___ How many peeple are you living with? ___NU1VBER OF PEOPLE Indicate if you are the head of the household, or how you are related to the head of the household. How many radios are there in your household? How many televisions are there in your household? Who do you usually watch television with? (For example, son, father, etc.) Do you normally view television on a color set? YES NO Approximately how many hours during the last week did you spend talking with other people informally when neither the radio nor televisicn was on? HOURS Would you call yourself a nenber of the: UPPER CLASS mRKING CLASS MIDDLE CLASS LINER CLASS What is your race? WHITE BLACK (NEGRD) ORIENTAL O'H-IER (PLEASE SPECIFY CHICANO (NEXICRN AMERIOXN) NATIVE AMERICAN (AMERIOW INDIAN) 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 188 What is your occupation? What is your annual incare? Are you currently exployed? YES NO How many hours a week do you typically work? (including housework) __HOURS How many years of schooling have you completed? __YEARS Howmanyhoursof freetimedoyouhave duringatypicalweek? HCIIIS THANK YOU APPENDIX E Structural Equations for the Models in Matrix Form 189 APPENDIX E Structural Equations for the Models in Matrix Form I. Equations relating observed and true variables in the simple model (Model I). A. The observed endogenous equations for all models. yl U 0 0 1 81 n 0 1 l . I yz U2 1 0 O 0 n2 0 y3 = u3 + O 0 0 1 n3 + 0 \Y41 1141 'o .1 o 0 V4] \84 A y5 5 _D 1 0 0-1 as} B. The observed exogenous in the radio and TV situations. rxl‘ ’\3\ {O l 51 61 X2 = V2 + 0 *2 52 + 52 X3 V3 0 A3 63 \X‘” \v41 \1 o 0 l C. The observed exogenous in the typical situation. 1 1 E1 = + + E2 190 II. Equations for true endogenous variables in simple model. A. Basic theoretical model (Model I). P1 0 -a 0781 % 0.11?1 1c 13 1 1 ,1 ‘021 1 0 ‘“24 n2 = 52 + C2 0 0 1 0 n3 Y31 Y32 Z;3 L° ° 1 :41 142111 Km B. Model with paths between emotion and content and between relationships and communication (Model II). h 0 ”“13 ° ”1\ 1Y11 0 51 11A "“21 1 0 “24 n2 = 0 Y22 g2 + 12 V 0 1 0 n3 Y31 Y32 \53 0 0 ‘a43 1 ”41 L:41 Y4EJ C41 C. Model with paths between all of the underlying and surface variables (Model III). '1 0 ’“13 ° 1 P1) Y11 Y12 g1 19d '“21 1 ° ”“24 n2 = Y21 Y22 g2 1+ C2 0 ° 1 0 n3 Y31 Y32 C3 1 0 0 ’“43 1 11n41 Y41 Y42 1C4! — .4 191 III. Equations relating observed and true variables in model with common variable. A. Observed endogenous equations for all models. y (“1 {o o 1 o 11\ (n1 ,0 yz “2 1 o o o 12 n2\ 0 Y3 = H3 + o o o 1 A3 n3 + o y4 u4 o 1 o 0 A4 n4 e4 |~< -L_ I: \i O >J U1 0 O >3 m \ U1 ‘_ ('7 _J9 B. The observed exogenous in the radio and TV situations. T I . X11 V1 0 1 17 151 (51\ v 0 A A E 6 X2 = 2 + 8 9 2 + 2 X3 V3 0 A10 111 f3 63 41 V41 0 A12} 1’ I C. The observed exogenous variables in the typical situation. x V 0 l A g \ O l = l + 7 1 + x2 V2 1 0 A8 52 0 31 192 IV. Equations for true endogenous variables for all models with common variable. P— —' 1 0 -a13 o 0 n1 ,yll o o (:1 {;l '“21 1 0 ’“24 0 n2 0 Y22 0 E32 + C2 0 0 ”“43 1 0 n3 = Y31 Y32 0 E3 53 APPENDIX F Results of Tests of Model I in Typical and TV Situation 88. v m .mm u “6 .852 u New acoflmnfiflm PH. CA. H Hmong How mugmmm H an m b: $ng m me e 8. mm. 8. me._ me. e U a» 28.50 m» 8893 m m H 0% 0 v mm. mm Illlv Mk 3 V m m 8. 4 szfiEBeoo 1 a Ho. Cl 47 mm. 88. v d .3 n me $92: u x N .. ..coflmfinm Hmong E H Eco: now 338m f mm mm magma He 8 I? mm 9 — v» @6550 mm mmmoomm sag ow/ no . J fl me am - 953% 4 9 l 0 mo on. \\ . . I Nu llllvms 1528 28.5% H mm . m m . H .HH Ml VX V0 APPENDIX G Maximum Likelihood Solutions for Models Tested in Dissertation 195 Appendix G Maximum Likelihood Solutions for Models Tested in Dissertation Introduction In this appendix the computer printouts of the var— ious tests of the models will be presented. Before the printouts are presented each of the matrices contained in them will be briefly explained. This appendix presents the results of the LISREL tests reported elsewhere in the dis- sertation in a slightly different format. Figure 3 (in text) contains the operational version of the model developed in Chapter I with appropriate LISREL labels for the parameters. The two exogenous variables in the model are emotion (:1) and relationships (52). The observed variables that are indicants of the true exogenous variables were described in detail in Chapter II. Emotion only has a single observed indicant, x Relationship has 4. three observed indicants: closeness, x1; responsiveness, x2; and role, x This information is used to construct the ma- 3. trix lambda x of observed exogenous indicants which will be the same in every television and radio model, I through III. Lambda x is presented below: 196 The 0's in all of the matrices represent zero's or parameters that aren't estimated by the program. A6 and A9 in this model are reference indicators for relationships and for emotion respectively. Their values are always fixed at 1. A7 and AB are ordinary indicators that are free to vary and thus will be estimated by the program (Schoenberg, 1972). These ordinary indicators represent the scale factors of these variables. The true endogenous variables in Figure 3 are content (n1), communication (n2), interpretation (n3),and selection (n4). There is only one observed indicator for content (y2), interpretation (yl) and selection (y3). Communication has two observed indicants: conversation options (y4) and process of conversation (ys). The matrix lambda y which contains the indicators of the true variables follows: r— __. O 0 Al 0 12 0 0 0 Ay = 0 0 0 l3 0 A4 0 0 .2 AS 0 g— In all the models Al to A4 have a fixed value of l. 15 is the only parameter in A y that is estimated. The A(Beta in printout) matrix contains the paths be- tween the true endogenous variables. The diagonal element 197 of each row of this matrix has a value of l. The basic model only estimates 4 of the 12 possible paths between endogenous true variables in this model. These paths are labeled a's in the matrix. The actual A matrix is: 1- 1 0 a13 O a l 0 d A = 21 24 0 0 l 0 .3 0 0‘43 1 ._ The gamma matrix contains the paths between the true exogenous variables and the true endogenous variables. These paths are labeled with y. In Model I there are only 4 paths between true exogenous and endogenous variables; al- though in some models that will be tested additional paths will be added to this matrix. All of the paths in this model will be estimated by LISREL. The gamma matrix is: o o o o I": Y31 Y32 Y41 Y42 L. .. Phi (o) is the variance-covariance matrix of the ex- ogenous variables. The on-diagonal elements of the matrix represent the variances and the off—diagonal elements 198 the covariances. All of these parameters will be estimated by LISREL where possible. Psi (w) is the variance-covariance matrix of the resid- uals, zeta (C), of the endogenous variables. In one set of models (labeled a) only the variances of the residuals will be estimated by means of LISREL. In the other set of models (labeled b) all of the parameters within this matrix will be estimated. _' '7 02 C1 0 02 12 W = 2 0 0 0C 3 o o o o: 4 L... .. The last two matrices, 68 and 65, represent the di- agonals of the measurement error standard deviations of the observed indicators. This feature builds into LISREL the assumption of uncorrelated errors of measurement (Joreskog and Van Thillo, 1972). The measurement error standard devia— tions for the single indicators of variables will not be estimated in this matrix in any of the models tested. The measurement errors associated with these single indicators will be contained in the residuals of the single indicators true variables in the psi matrix. If this procedure is not followed there are problems with identification, since one piece of information would be used to estimate two different 199 parameters. The error of measurements standard deviations estimated by LISREL for the observed endogenous indicators will be the same in every model. Thus 68 will assume the following form: The errors of measurement standard deviations associated with the exogenous observed variables will be the same for the television and radio models and 66 will assume the following form: 66 = [06 06 06 0] 200 APPENDIX G Table 1G Maximum Likelihood Solution for Model Ia in Radio Situation with @ff-Diagonal Elements of PSI Matrix Fixed at Zero book)!“ buNl—J :5me Ul-bWNH NH hWNH LAMBDA Y 1 2 3 4 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 .763 0.000 0.000 LAMBDA X l 2 0.000 1.000 0.000 .919 0.000 .831 1.000 0.000 BETA l 2 3 4 1.000 0.000 -.536 0.000 -.054 1.000 0.000 -.656 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 .201 1.000 GAMMA 1 2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -.408 1.420 .131 .895 PHI 1 2 1.000 .606 .654 PSI 1 2 3 4 .713 0.000 .167 0.000 0.000 .218 0.000 0.000 0.000 .546 201 Table 16 (cont'd.) THETA EPS 1 2 3 4 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 .603 .794 THETA DELTA 1 2 3 4 .589 .669 .741 0.000 202 Table 2G Maximum Likelihood Solution for Model IIa with Paths Between Emotion and Content and Relationship and Communication with Off-Diagonal Elements of PSI Matrix Fixed at Zero in Radio Situation ubUJNH ubWNH (neuter—I ubUJNH bWNH LAMBDA Y 1 2 3 4 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.099 0.000 0.000 LAMBDA X 1 2 0.000 1.000 0.000 .867 0.000 .824 1.000 0.000 BETA l 2 3 4 1.000 0.000 -.305 0.000 .192 1.000 0.000 -.146 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 .418 1.000 GAMMA 1 2 .510 0.000 0.000 .906 -.331 1.368 .103 1.166 PHI 1 2 1.000 .572 .664 PSI 1 2 3 4 .505 0.000 -.122 0.000 0.000 .166 0.000 0.000 0.000 .513 203 Table 2G (cont'd.) THETA EPS 1 2 3 4 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 .747 .683 THETA DELTA 1 2 3 4 .580 .708 .741 0.000 204 Table 3G Maximum Likelihood Solution For Model IIb with Paths Between Emotion and Content and Relationship and Communication with Off-Diagonal Elements of PSI Matrix Free in the Radio Situation thNI" bWNH U'lubWNl-J ubWNI-J waH LAMBDA Y 1 2 3 4 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.140 0.000 0.000 LAMBDA X l 2 0.000 1.000 0.000 .910 0.000 .825 1.000 0.000 BETA 1 2 3 4 1.000 0.000 -.357 0.000 .591 1.000 0.000 -.373 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 .246 1.000 GAMMA 1 2 .487 0.000 0.000 1.047 -.399 1.402 .119 .945 PHI 1 2 1.000 .687 .661 PSI 1 2 3 4 .507 .207 .033 -.041 .067 .220 .039 -.081 .012 .548 205 Table 3G (cont'd.) THETA EPS l 2 3 4 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 .758 .668 THETA DELTA 1 2 3 4 .582 .673 .742 0.000 206 Table 4G Maximum Likelihood Solution for Model IIIa with Paths Between Underlying and Surface Variables with Off-Diagonal Elements of PSI Matrix Fixed at Zero in Radio Situation bWNl-J .5me UI-hUJND-J ubbJNH ubbJNH LAMBDA Y 1 2 3 4 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.135 0.000 0.000 LAMBDA X 1 2 0.000 1.000 0.000 .922 0.000 .834 1.000 0.000 BETA 1 2 3 4 1.000 0.000 -.007 0.000 .170 1.000 0.000 -.138 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 .432 1.000 GAMMA 1 2 .293 .582 -.156 1.085 -.486 1.549 -.037 1.344 PHI 1 2 1.000 .605 .630 PSI l 2 3 4 .487 0.000 -.123 0.000 0.000 .164 0.000 0.000 0.000 .511 207 Table 4G (cont'd.) THETA EPS 1 2 3 4 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 .757 .670 THETA DELTA 1 2 3 4 .608 .682 .749 0.000 208 Table 5G Maximum Likelihood Solution for Model IIIb with Paths Between Underlying and Surface Variables with Off-Diagonal Elements of PSI Matrix Free in Radio Situation NH :33me thH waH UlobWNi-J hWNH LAMBDA Y 1 2 3 4 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.140 0.000 0.000 LAMBDA X 1 2 0.000 1.000 0.000 .910 0.000 .825 1.000 0.000 BETA 1 2 3 4 1.000 0.000 -.353 0.000 .135 1.000 0.000 -.571 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 .242 1.000 GAMMA 1 2 .486 .005 -.206 .700 -.399 1.402 .121 .941 PH I 1 2 1.000 .607 .661 PSI 1 2 3 4 .507 -.027 -.005 -.040 .059 .220 .039 -.209 .011 .548 209 Table SG (cont'd.) THETA EPS l 2 3 4 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 .758 .668 THETA DELTA 1 2 3 4 .582 .673 .742 0.000 210 Table 66 Maximum Likelihood Solution for Model II in Typical Situation UluwaH DWNH nwaF-J ubbJNl-J LAMBDA Y 1 2 3 4 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 .806 0.000 0.000 LAMBDA X 1 2 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 BETA 1 2 3 4 1.000 0.000 .144 0.000 -.016 1.000 0.000 .157 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 .716 1.000 GAMMA 1 2 .598 0.000 0.000 .781 -.087 .892 .506 -.138 PHI 1 2 1.000 .567 1.000 PSI 1 2 3 4 .694 0.000 .129 0.000 0.000 .284 0.000 0.000 0.000 .618 THETA EPS 1 O . 000 THETA DELTA l 0 . 000 211 Table 66 (cont'd.) 2 3 4 5 0.000 0.000 .369 .654 2 0.000 2l2 Table 7G Maximum Likelihood Solution for Model II in TV Situation waH .5me U'lubWNH mel—J wal-J LAMBDA Y 1 2 3 4 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 .640 0.000 0.000 LAMBDA X 1 2 0.000 1.000 0.000 .874 0.000 .681 1.000 0.000 BETA 1 2 3 4 1.000 0.000 -.328 0.000 .157 1.000 0.000 .192 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -.277 1.000 GAMMA 1 2 .162 0.000 0.000 1.187 .045 .921 -.118 {676 PHI 1 2 1.000 .533 .682 PSI 1 2 3 4 .809 0.000 .364 0.000 0.000 .376 0.000 0.000 0.000 .473 213 Table 7G (cont'd.) THETA EPS 1 2 3 4 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 .000 .768 THETA DELTA 1 2 3 4 .564 .692 .827 0.000 214 Table 83 Maximum Likelihood Solution for Model IV with Common Variable in Radio Situation mwaH ubUJNH U'lnwaH thbJNH 111.5me LAMBDA Y 1 2 3 4 5 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 .518 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -.062 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 -.385 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 -.185 0.000 1.034 0.000 0.000 .296 LAMBDA X 1 2 3 0.000 1.000 .124 0.000 .866 -.202 0.000 .729 .164 1.000 0.000 -.337 BETA 1 2 3 4 5 1.000 0.000 -.431 0.000 0.000 .138 1.000 0.000 -.320 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -1.819 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 GAMMA 1 2 3 .403 0.000 0.000 0.000 .681 0.000 .039 .868 0.000 -.212 -.733 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 PHI 1 2 3 1.000 .832 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 PSI l 2 3 4 5 .498 0.000 -.061 0.000 0.000 .077 0.000 0.000 0.000 .165 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 215 Table 8G (cont'd.) THETA EPS 1 2 3 4 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 .666 .595 THETA DELTA 1 2 3 4 .568 .596 .738 0.000 216 Table 9G Maximum Likelihood Solution for Model IV with Common Variable in Typical Situation LAMBDA Y 00000 0 500000 500001 5 0 _ 0 7 O 4 0 3 0 7 00000 01000 50 O O O O O I I O 0 400100 400010 4 00 . 0 45 9 01 0 0 5 0 43 4 00 0 0 1 00000 72 50010 00000 0 100 O O O O O O O I I O O O O O O O O O I 310000 300 310100 300001 3 l 3 000 _ _ 03 0 0 040 7 l 05 AU 0 607 4 1 00002 00 00000 02340 4.0 0000 O O O O O O O O I O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O 0 200011 210 201000 200000 2 00 2 0000 . 0 0 01 6 43 53 4 0 0 02 9 99 49 0 00000 00 01000 20030 930 20000 I O O I O I O I O O O O O O I O O O O I 101000 101 110000 100000 1000 100000 . X A D P A m T I I E H S L B G P P 123.45 12 12345 12345 123 12345 217 Table 96 (cont'd.) THETA EPS l 2 3 4 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.410 0.652 THETA DELTA l 2 WNH U'IthNI-J WQWNH waH UlanNH woman—- LAMBDA Y LAMBDA X BETA GAMMA PHI PSI 1 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 .602 0.000 0.000 0.000 1 .546 0.000 -.995 1.640 0.000 .606 .487 0.000 .573 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 218 Table 106 2 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 .588 1.000 .877 .682 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2 0.000 2.788 1.883 -2.077 0.000 .578 0.000 -.492 0.000 0.000 0.000 3 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -.074 -.l30 -.363 -.627 -.343 0.000 1.000 -1.666 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 .051 0.000 0.000 4 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.043 0.000 1.000 0.000 .193 0.000 Maximum Likelihood Solution for Model IV with Common Variable in TV Situation 5 -.353 .161 .184 .229 .362 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 219 Table 10G (cont'd.) THETA BPS 1 2 3 4 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 .000 .736 THETA DELTA l 2 3 4 .645 .734 .774 0.000 REFERENCES 220 REFERENCES Adams, B.N. 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