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This apparatus could handle considerable amounts of snowfall and was satisfactory when the precipitation did not have to be collected frequently. During 1958, precipitation samples were collected in special tin coated steel funnels. These were entirely unsatisfactory because they appeared to adsorb $02 from the air and gave unrealistically high figures on the amount of sulfur in the rainfall. The relative sulfur dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere were measured by a method developed in England and described by Meetham (1956). A standardized lead peroxide was obtained from the Fuel Re- search Station, Greenwich, S. E. 10, England, for this purpose. The results are reported in mg. of sulfur per 100 cm? of lead peroxide coated fabric. Laboratory Studies Samples of the plant material harvested from the replications of each treatment were composited. Hay, straw and leaf samples which were previously air dried were placed in a 65° C oven overnight, ground in a hammer mill and then quartered. Grain samples were air dried. po- tato tubers were diced and dried in a 650 C oven. The individual sam— ples after this preparation were then ground in a Wiley mill. Nitrogen was determined by the official A. O. A. C.(l950) Kjeldahl method and protein was calculated by multiplying the per cent nitrogen by 6.25. A new method recently proposed by Bethge (1956) was used for deter- mining the sulfur in plant materials. This procedure combines the ad— m; 21 vantages of perchloric acid digestion with a volumetric (Sulfate is re- duced to H28 which is trapped in an absorbent and then titrated with standardized iodine solution.) rather than gravimetric determination of sulfur. Two serious objections to sulfur determinations are overcome by this procedure, namely, loss of some sulfur as $02 by carrying out the perchloric digestion in open vessels, and the inherent inaccuracies involved in the gravimetric procedure because of coprecipitation of silicates, nitrates, chlorates, etc., with barium sulfate, (Pierce and Haenhxh, 1948). The precision of the method is superior to the gravi- metric procedure and also reduces the time required for analysis. The soil samples were taken at six inch intervals throughout the profile to a depth of 30 inches and were collected in the fall of 1960. Samples from the surface six inches were taken with a soil sampling tube. Fifteen cores per 14' x 50’l plot were composited into one sample. The deeper profile samples were taken with a bucket auger. At each experimental location, four of the unfertilized plots were sampled. Because there were no unfertilized plots at the Saginaw County location, the 0-45-0 treated plots were sampled. The total sulfur in soil was determined by refluxing a soil sample with nitric acid for one hour in a glass vessel with a water cooled condenser. The coarse silt and sand in the soil was then filtered off from the nitric acid solution on a mat of fibre glass. The coarse materials were removed in order to avoid bumping,during the perchloric acid digestion. Sample size was based on the type of soil being ana- lyzed, three grams of clay loam, five grams of loam or sandy loam and ten grams of loamy sand were used. To each of these samples ten ml. of nitric acid was added for the preliminary digestion. The soil residue 22 on the fibre glass mat was washed with three portions of nitric acid of three ml». each. The filtrate was then transferred to the flask used for the perchloric digestion and four mls of perchloric acid was added. From this point on the procedure followed was exactly the same as Bethge outlined. The soluble sulfur in the soils was extracted with ammonium acetate- acetic acid solution (39 g. ammonium acetate, 15 g. acetic acid per liter) as proposed by Bardsley and Lancaster (1960). A 20 gm. sample of soil was placed in a flask which contained 50 m1». of the extracting solution and this was shaken for 30 minutes. The solution was then filtered and a 25 ml. aliquot of the extract was taken and boiled to near dryness in the same flask that was used for perchloric acid digestion. The usual procedure for the sulfur determination was then carried out. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The Effect of Phosphorus Carriers and Gypsum on the Yield of Crops The soils in these experiments had been previously cropped and fertilized. The soil test data (Table 3) indicate that there was a considerable amount of residual phosphorus and potassium in these soils. In most cases statistically significant differences in yields were found between those from the unfertilized plots and those where fertilizer was applied. However, there are many cases where yields were not in- creased from the fertilizer applications. Table 4 shows that wheat was the only crop which gave a significant yield response to fertilizer applications at the Kalamazoo County loca- tion. The yields of red clover and of corn were not improved signifie, cantly by fertilizer applications. The droughts of 1958 and 1960 were the most severely limiting factors for crops at this location, and the lack of yield responses to fertilizer treatments under these circum- stances was to be expected. Oats and corn gave significant yield responses to fertilizer treat- ments at the Ingham County location (Table 5). Wheat failed to respond to fertilizer despite the favorable yield levels obtained. The yield of alfalfa was significantly less for the 0-20-0 fertilizer treatment than for all other treatments at the first cutting. This appears to be a chance event typical cf any biological data. Sweet corn usually gives a response to fertilizer on the muck soil in Clinton County. The yields in 1959 must be considered as atypical because the plots receiving no phosphorus outyielded the plots where 23 24 Table 4. The effect of phosphorus carriers and gypsum on the yield of crops grown on Kalamazoo sandy loam, Kalamazoo County, 1958-1960.* Treatment Red Clover Wheat Corn 1958 1959 1960 Tons/acre Bu./acre Bu./acre lst 2nd Cutting Cutting Total 0120-0 1.12 0.75 1.87 44.5 40.9 0-45-0 1.03 0.60 1.62 44.3 39.8 0-45-0 + gypsum 1.02 0.66 1.68 42.8 36.5 21-53-0 1.08 0.62 1.70 44.0 37.7 21-53-0 + gypsum 1.00 0.68 1.68 43.2 43.3 0-62-0 0.94 0.67 1.61 43.7 40.6 No fertilizer 1.00 0.65 1.65 38.4 36.6 L.S.D. (5% level) N.S. N.S. -— 2.7 N.S. *The data in the table are the averages of 7 replications. 25 .moowueoaaaou unawo mo mowouo>o cum canoe sea a“ downs n.o I- .w.z m~.o .m.z N.o AHo>uH va .Q.m.q o.wm Ne.e nn.H mo.m o.mm m.~m Monefleuuom oz «.mm ou.e um.H mw.u ~.mm H.oo annouo ¢.ma om.e em.H om.~ a.mm m.wm Eamnaw enmm-HN e.Nm om.¢ am.H mm.u o.wm w.wm CummuHN o.~m om.e Hm.H mo.n c.mm e.nm sauna» enmeuo o.~a on.¢ mm.~ Ho.m n.wn H.mn enmeuo n.mm H¢.m Hm.~ oo.N n.wm m.nm enemau ouom\m:oa ouoa\.=m wcauuao wnfiuuso whoa\.sm ouuu\.sm mam uwH oooa mmafi mmmH mmmfi coco Heuoa uwHeuH< omens muoo uuoauooua «.ooaauhmma .muosoo Ewnmew .anH xzocom so asouw mmono mo madam one so seesaw use muoauuuo monogamone mo uoomwo any .n canny 26 0-45-0 was applied. Non uniformity in stands was probably the reason for the differences in yields that occurred. In 1960 uniform stands and high yields of corn were obtained. Sulfur in the form of gypsum was not apparently necessary to obtain the highest yield responses of sweet corn on muck soil (Table 6). The data show no significant yield differences between plots receiving the various phosphorus and gypsum treatments. Tables 7, 8, and 9 present the yield data obtained with the crops grown at the Saginaw County location. There were some significant differences in yield between plots where the different fertilizer treat- ments were applied. These responses were not consistent and were not attributable to a sulfur source in the fertilizer. The significant differences in the yield responses of corn (Table 7) to different ferti— lizer treatments appear to be unrelated to any particular fertilizer or the presence of gypsum in the fertilizer treatment. Some of the lowest yields observed were from the plots fertilized with 0-20-0. Significant yield responses (Table 8) between fertilizer treatments were obtained with wheat in 1959. These responses appear to be due to the 21-53-0 fertilizer source rather than to gypsum. The differences between first and second year wheat were largely due to disease and flooding in 1960. Soybeans showed no yield response to any particular fertilizer (Table 9). Applied sulfur did not result in any favorable yield response by any of the crops in this particular rotation on this soil. Significant differences which were difficult to interpret were ob- served in Antrim County. In 1958 there was a significant yield differ- ence between the plots where 21-53-0 was used and those receiving gypsum in addition to the 21-53-0 fertilizer. This might be interpreted as a sulfur response. However, the differences in yields the following two 27 Table 6. The effect of phosphorus carriers and gypsum on the yield of sweet corn grown on Houghton muck, Clinton County, 1957—1960.* 1957 1958 1959 1960 Treatment th./acre th./acre th./acre th./acre 0—20—0 106.5** 101.0 90.8 125.8 0-45-0 104.9 80.2 72.3 122.1 0-45-0 + gypsum 105.4 90.3 91.9 130.0 21-53-0 100.4 85.4 89.8 143.8 21-53-0 + gypsum 87.9 99.5 92.0 136.8 0-62-0 108.7 84.9 81.3 134.7 0-62-0 + gypsum 87.0 94.5 93.4 136.7 No phosphorus 79.9 66.2 79.5 102.0 No fertilizer 78.1 45.3 70.1 95.5 L.S.D. 5% level N.S. 21.8 17.6 15.0 *The data in the table are the averages of eight replications except in 1957 when there were four. **Yie1d is reported in weight of snapped ears. ————~V——fl _ . .7W77 7 28 Table 7. The effect of phosphorus carriers and gypsum on the yield of first and second year corn grown on Sims clay loam, Saginaw County, 1958-1960.* Bushels per acre 1958 1959 1960 Treatment (1)** (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) 0-20-0 75.0 60.1 98.4 66.2 95.3 48.2 0-45-0 85.3 67.2 102.5 64.7 89.0 62.2 0—45-0 i-gypsum 85.3 68.8 104.6 78.0 91.2 63.5 21-53-0 86.1 66.6 99.8 81.2 93.6 59.7 21-53-0 4-gypsum 85.6 71.2 98.4 77.5 91.4 64.3 L.S.D. (52 level) 5.0 N.S. N.S. 9.4 N.S. 7.1 *Data in the table are averages of four replications. **(1) refers to first year corn and (2) refers to second year corn. Table 8. 29 The effect of phosphorus carriers and gypsum on the yield of first and second year wheat grown on Sims clay loam, Saginaw County, 1958-1960.* Bushels per acre 1960 Treatment (l)** (2) (l) (2) (1) (2) 0-20-0 54.4 50.2 47.5 39.6 42.9 31.6 0-45-0 52.8 52.7 45.8 37.8 44.2 31.0 0-45-0 +-gypsum 51.2 51.8 47.8 38.8 42.7 28.8 21-53-0 57.2 55.1 52.8 47.4 45.8 29.6 21-53-0 i'gypsum 54.0 53.9 48.0 47.4 -42.4 29.6 L.S.D. (5% level) N.S. N.S. 4.0 6.0 N.S N.S. *Data in the table are averages of four replications. **(1) refers to first year wheat and (2) refers to second year wheat. 30 Table 9. The effect of phosphorus carriers and gypsum on the yield of soybeans grown on Sims clay loam, Saginaw County, 1958-1960.* Bushels per acre Treatment 1958 1959 1960 0-20-0 27.6 40.8 34.6 0-45-0 29.3 40.3 35.6 0-45-0 + gypsum 27.5 40.2 36.1 21-53-0 27.2 40.5 37.4 21-53-0 {-gypsum 26.5 39.5 34.6 L.S.D. (5% level) N.S. N.S. N.S. *Data in the table are averages of four replications. 31 years were higher from the plots receiving no gypsum than from those where gypsum was used. Due to these inconsistent results it is diffi- cult to assign the yield increase to sulfur additions (Table 10). The soil in Antrim County is probably the most infertile of any mineral soil studied and is influenced least by air pOIIUtion. There- fore, sulfur deficiencies might be expected to occur at this location. 0n the basis of yield response alone there is no satisfactory evidence to date that would indicate that sulfur is a limiting nutrient for crop production on this soil. Probably several more years research will be required to determine the sulfur needs of crops grown on this particular soil. The Effect of Phosphorus Carriers and Gypsum on the Sulfur and Protein Content of Crops There is a paucity of information regarding the sulfur content of crops. There havebeen more data published on the sulfur content of alfalfa than for most crop species; however, there are wide differences in the data reported. In general, 1a“ sulfur content of 0.30 to 0.40 per cent has come to be accepted as normal for alfalfa (Thomas,.g£ El. 1950). Powers (1923) reported that good alfalfa hay contained 0.204 per cent sulfur. Johansson (1959) found 0.20 per cent sulfur in air dry alfalfa at the indpient bloom stage and 0.18 per cent at the full bloom,stage. In addition to alfalfa, Powers analyzed several other crops for sulfur. His valuesfor the per cent sulfur in several crops were as follows: Corn (grain) 0.121; oats (grain) 0.140; potatoes (dry matter of tubers) 0.117; red clover (hay) 0.108; soybeans (seed) 0.281 and wheat (grain) 0.128. 32 Table 10. The effect of phosphorus carriers and gypsum on the yield of crops grown on Karlin loamy sand, Antrim County, 1957-1960.* fi' V fl +11 Potatoes Oats Red Clover Potatoes 1957 1958 1959 1960 Treatment th./acre Bu./acre Tons/acre th./acre 0-20-0 154 75.1 0.85 248 0-45-0 148 75.1 0.86 247 0-45-0+gypsum 154 78.7 0.88 239 21-53-0 152 68.9 0.91 240 21-53-0+gypsum 147 75.9 0.80 222 0-62-0 147 75.5 0.88 264 No fertilizer 111 64.0 0.75 131 L.S.D. (5% level) 30 6.9 0.09 35 *Data in the table are the averages of seven replications. 33 The use of hybrid corn and high yielding varieties of other crops has often been associated with lower protein contents in these crops. This reduction in protein is accompanied by lower sulfur contents in the grain. This should be kept in mind when comparisons are made with the older data that have been published. At the Antrim County location the sulfur contents of potatoes and red clover were increased where sulfur containing fertilizers were ap- plied. On the other hand the sulfur content of oats was not affected even though high yields were obtained (Table 19). The sulfur contents of the harvested portions of all crops from the Clinton, Ingham, Kalamazoo and Saginaw County locations were vari- able, but could not be correlated with sulfur applied to the soil (Tables 11 through 18). An interesting observation was made on the sulfur content of corn leaf samples. These samples were taken at the silking stage from all plots that were planted to corn in 1960. At the Kalamazoo County loca- tion there appears to be a definite relationship between the sulfur content of the leaf and a source of sulfur in the fertilizer applied to the plots in a particular treatment (Table 11). This relationship is still evident, although not as prominent, at the Saginaw County loca— tion and is almost obscured at the Ingham County location (Tables 14 and 12). The sulfur content of the leaf was not related to the sulfur content of the grain harvested from the respective plots. The sweet corn leaf samples collected at the Clinton County location were higher in sulfur content than leaf samples from any other location (Table 13). This may be due to a difference in characteristics between sweet corn and field corn, but it is more likely an indication of the abundant 34 Table 11. The effect of phosphorus carriers and gypsum on the sulfur content of crops grown on Kalamazoo sandy loam, Kalamazoo County, 1958- 1960.* Mgs. S/g. of dry tissue Red clover Wheat Corn 1958 1959 1960 lst 2nd Treatment Cutting Cutting Grain Straw Grain Leaf** 0-20-0 1.49 1.56 1.06 1.12 0.83 1.96 0-45-0 1.43 1.46 0.98 0.98 0.93 1.60 0-45-0 + gypsum 1.39 1.50 1.01 1.21 0.83 2.04 21-53-0 1.31 1.47 1.03 1.13 0.81 1.63 21-53-0 + gypsum 1.37 1.49 1.02 1.13 0.89 1.86 0-62—0 1.34 1.52 1.02 1.04 0.83 1.63 No fertilizer 1.39 1.44 1.03 1.23 0.93 1.62 *Composited samples from seven replications were used for analysis. **The leaf samples were taken at the silking stage. 35 Table 12. The effect of phosphorus carriers and gypsum on the sulfur content of crops grown on Hodunk loam, Ingham County, 1958-1960.* Mgs. S/g. of dry tissue Wheat Alfalfa hay Corn 1958 1959 1960 lst 2nd Treatment Grain Straw Cutting Cutting Grain Leaf** 0-20-0 0.86 1.02 1.41 1.76 0.74 1.86 0-45-0 0.89 0.86 1.51 1.92 0.73 1.77 0-45-0'+ gypsum 0.93 0.96 1.47 1.84 0.76 1.78 21-53-0 0.89 0.89 1.45 1.78 0.73 1.65 21-53-0 + gypsum 0.85 0.95 1.44 1.94 0.72 1.99 0-62-0 0.85 0.91 1.46 1.78 0.72 1.86 No fertilizer 0.90 0.87 1.33 1.78 0.78 1.73 *Composited samples from eight replications were used for analysis. **Leaf samples were taken at silking stage. 36 Table 13. The effect of phosphorus carriers and gypsum on the sulfur content of sweet corn grown on Houghton muck, Clinton County, 1958- 1960.* M33. S/g. of dry tissue 1958 1959 1960 1 Treatment Grain Leaf Grain Leaf Grain Leaf Leaf 0-20-0 1.09 2.43 1.31 2.52 0.98 2.62 2.82 0-45-0 0.94 2.39 1.37 2.51 1.05 2.55 3.06 0-45-0 + gypsum 1.00 2.98 1.20 2.75 1.10 2.75 2.80 21-53-0 0.85 2.62 1.24 2.50 1.06 2.65 2.74 21-53-0 +~gypsum 0.87 2.50 1.19 2.50 0.98 2.50 2.54 0-62-0 0.92 2.84 1.27 2.70 1.01 2.53 2.82 0-62-0 + gypsum 1.02 2.27 1.21 2.58 1.10 2.30 2.71 No phosphorus 0.99 2.65 1.28 2.60 1.08 2.42 2.77 No fertilizer 1.25 2.35 1.34 2.41 1.10 2.38 2.33 *Composited samples from eight replications were used for analysis. 1Leaf samples were taken 2Leaf samples were taken at harvest. at silking stage. 37 Table 14. The effect of phosphorus carriers and gypsum on the sulfur content of first year corn grown on Sims clay loam, Saginaw County, 1958-1960.* Mgs. S/g. of dry tissue 1958 1959 1960 Treatments Grain Grain Grain Leaf** 0-20-0 0.75 0.75 0.71 1.75 0s45-0 0.71 0.79 0.73 1.59 0-45-0 + gypsum 0.74 0.78 0.72 1.74 21-53-0 0.76 0.76 0.75 1.66 21-53-0 + gypsum 0.74 0.79 0.74 1.82 *Composited samples from four replications were used for analysis. **Leaf samples were taken at silking stage. 38 Table 15. The effect of phosphorus carriers and gypsum on the sulfur content of second year corn grown on Sims clay loam, Saginaw County, 1958-1960.* Mgs. S/g. of grain Treatment 1958 1959 1960 0-20-0 0.74 0.66 0.72 0-45-0 0.70 0.62 0.68 0-45-0 4-gypsum 0.69 0.68 0.68 21-53-0 0.66 0.69 0.67 21-53-0 + gypsum 0.70 0.70 0.72 *Composited samples from four replications were used for analysis. 39 Table 16. The effect of phosphorus carriers and gypsmm on the sulfur content of first year wheat grown on Sims clay loam, Saginaw County, 1958-1960.* Mgs. S/g. of dry tissue 1958 1959 1960 Treatment Grain Straw Grain Straw Grain Straw 0-20-0 0.88 0.96 1.07 1.02 1.04 1.00 0-45-0 0.76 0.95 0.95 1.04 0.71 0.97 0-45-0 + gypsum 0.85 0.99 1.01 1.05 0.99 1.02 21-53-0 0.92 0.94 0.93 0.95 0.98 1.01 21-53-0 +'gypsum 0.95 0.92 1.06 0.94 0.76 1.03 *Composited samples from four replications were used for analysis. 40 Table 17. The effect of phosphorus carriers and gypsum on the sulfur content of second year wheat grown on Sims clay loam, Saginaw County, 1958-1960.* Mgs. S/g. of dry tissue 1958 1959 1960 Treatment Grain Straw Grain Straw Grain Straw 0-20-0 0.86 1.04 0.97 1.29 0.91 1.23 0-45-0 0.79 1.02 0.88 1.12 .0.92 1.13 0-45-0 + gypsum 0.82 0.95 0.90 1.21 0.90 1.22 21-53-0 0.79 0.97 1.06 0.90 1.06 0.98 21-53-0 + gypsum 0.92 1.01 0.99 1.13 1.06 1.12 *Composited samples from four replications were used for analysis. 41 Table 18. The effect of phosphorus carriers and gypsum on the sulfur content of soybeans grown on Sims clay loam, Saginaw County, 1958-1960.* Mgs. S/g. of dry tissue 1958 1959 1960 Treatment Seed Seed Seed Leaf** 0-20-0 2.32 2.27 2.21 1.37 0-45-0 2.25 2.23 2.18 1.28 0-45-0 + gypsum 2.31 2.24 2.17 1.30 21-53-0 2.33 2.13 2.17 1.30 21-53-0 + gypsum 2.19 2.34 2.28 1.27 *Composited samples from four replications were used for analysis. **Leaf samples were collected in mid-August, about three weeks before plants matured. 42 Table 19. The effect of phosphorus carriers and gypsum on the sulfur content of crops grown on Karlin loamy sand, Antrim County, 1957-1960.* Mgs. S/g. of dry tissue Potato Oats Red clover Potato tubers ‘e .hay tubers 1957 1958 1959 1960 Treatment Grain Straw 0-20-0 ‘ 1.51 1.04 0.98 1.20 1.36 0-45-0 1.25 1.04 1.03 1.00 1.02 0-45-0 +-gypsum 1.63 0.98 1.08 1.25 1.30 21-53-0 1.13 1.05 0.98 1.05 0.99 21-53-0 +'gypsum 1.68 1.06 1.05 1.32 1.39 0-62-0 1.18 0.99 1.06 1.09 . 1.12 No fertilizer 1.25 0.99 1.03 1.08 1.28 j,“ *Composited samples from seven replications were used for analysis. 43 Table 20. Estimates of sulfur removal in the harvested portions of the craps grown on mineral soils. Location Antrim Ingham Kalamazoo Saginaw Year County County County County Crop and annual sulfur removal in pounds/acre 1958 Oats Wheat Red clover Wheat 2.4 3.6 4.9 3.0 Corn 3.8 Soybeans 3.8 1959 Red clover Alfalfa Wheat Wheat 1.2 14-15 2.8 2.7 Corn 3.7 Soybeans 5.4 1960 Potatoes Corn Corn Wheat 6-7 4.0 2.0 2.1 Corn 3.0 Soybeans 4.7 Three year average 3.5 7.3 3.2 3.7 44 sulfur supply in the organic soil. It should be noticed that there was little change in the sulfur content of the sweet corn leaf from silking stage to the time of harvest. The higher sulfur content of the sweet corn grain is likely the result of its being harvested in a more immature stage than field corn. Walker and Adams (1958) found that grasses absorb sulfur in luxury amounts in a manner similar to that which occurs with phosphorus when an abundance of available soil phosphorus is present. The variations ob- served in the sulfur content of these corn leaf samples were more likely a result of luxury consumption rather than any other factor. The yield of first cutting of alfalfa in Ingham County in 1959 was high and appeared to be of good quality. However, the average sulfur content of 1.4 mgs. S/g. and protein content of 13.0 per cent were very low for alfalfa (Tables 12 and 22). The crop was harvested at the half bloom stage and the samples for analysis were taken before wilting so that no leaf shatter occurred. Johansson (1959) did not find any large variation in the sulfur content of alfalfa from early bloom to the full bloom stage. Thus it seems unlikely that a late harvest date or poor sampling technique were the reasons for the low protein and sulfur values obtained. The inherent limitation of protein synthesis was the probable cause for this and it was not a matter of an inadequate supply of nutrients in the soil. Sulfur was not a limiting factor in this case as applications of sulfur were quite ineffective in increasing sulfur and protein content of this crop. An examination of Tables 21 through 27 indicates that no change in protein content can reasonably be ascribed to the presence of sulfur in the fertilizer. The only fact of particular interest is the large 45 Table 21. The effect of phosphorus carriers and gypsum on the protein content of crops grown Kalamazoo sandy loam, Kalamazoo County, 1958-1960.* Per cent protein in dry tissue Red clover hay ‘Wheat grain Corn grain 1958 1959 1960 lst 2nd Treatment Cutting Cutting 0-20-0 17.0 16.9 11.7 10.4 0-45-0 16.5 17.1 12.2 11.3 0-45-0 +-gypsum 18.3 17.6 12.2 11.8 21-53-0 16.7 16.7 11.9 11.4 21-53-0 + gypsum 17.4 16.9 11.8 11.4 No fertilizer 18.1 17.3 11.1 10.2 *Composited samples from seven replications were.used. 46 Table 22. The effect of phosphorus carriers and gypsum on the protein content of crops grown on Hodunk loam, Ingham County, 1958-1960.* Per cent protein in dry tissue Wheat grain Alfalfa hay Corn grain 1958 1959 1960 1st 2nd Treatment Cutting Cutting 0-20-0 11.7 12.8 18.2 9.42 0-45-0 12.3 13.0 18.2 9.24 0-45-0 + gypsum 12.3 14.1 18.1 9.54 21-53-0 11.9 12.6 18.0 9.23 21-53-0 + gypsum 11.8 13.3 17.5 9.32 0-62-0 12.1 14.0 18.2 9.35 No fertilizer 11.4 12.3 17.0 9.18 *Composited samples from eight replications were used for analysis. 47 Table 23. The effect of phosphorus carriers and gypsum on the protein content of sweet corn grain grown on Houghton muck, Clinton County, 1958-1960.* Per cent protein in grain Treatment 1958 1959 0-20-0 13.5 15.9 13.4 0-45-0 12.9 14.6 14.6 0-45-0 + gypsum 13.9 16.1 14.4 21-53-0 13.9 16.2 14.3 21-53-0 + gypsum 13.1 14.4 13.8 0-62-0 14.1 15.1 13.0 0-62-0 + gypsum 13.5 14.0 14.8 No phosphorus 13.8 17.7 13.0 No fertilizer 14.1 15.7 14.0 *Composited samples from eight replications were used for analysis. Table 24. The effect of phosphorus carriers and gypsum.on the protein content of first and second year corn grown on Sims clay loam, Saginaw County, 1958-1960.* Per cent protein in grain 1958 1959 1960 Treatment (1)** (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) 0-20-0 8.61 8.00 8.51 8.10 8.44 8.15 0-45-0 9.49 7.72 8.81 7.50 8.61 7.88 0-45-0 + gypsum 10.00 7.62 9.08 7.60 8.27 8.28 21-53-0 8.47 7.93 8.80 7.89 8.50 7.75 21-53-0 +-gypsum 9.42 7.63 9.02 7.25 8.27 7.72 *Composited samples from four replications were used for analysis. **(1) refers to first year corn and (2) refers to second year corn. Table 25. The effect of phosphorus carriers and gypsum on the protein content of first and second year wheat grown on Sims clay loam, Saginaw County, 1958—1960.* Per cent protein in grain 1958 1959 1960 Treatment (1)** (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) 0-20-0 10.8 12.0 10.3 11.5 10.2 11.7 0-45—0 10.7 11.9 10.6 11.7 10.7 11.7 0-45-0 +-gypsum 10.7 11.7 10.5 11.5 11.7 11.5 21-53-0 10.7 11.6 10.8 12.2 10.9 12.3 21-53—0 +'gypsum 10.6 11.9 10.4 11.7 10.4 11.5 *Composited samples from four replications were used for analysis. **(1) refers to first year wheat and (2) refers to second year wheat. 50 Table 26. The effect of phosphorus carriers and gypsum on the protein content of soybeans grown on Sims clay loam, Saginaw County, 1958-1960. :6- Per cent protein in seed Treatment 1958 1959 1960 0-20-0 38.9 39.5 38.5 0-45-0 38.1 39.1 38.4 0-45-0 + gypsum 38.2 38.7 38.8 21-53-0 38.1 38.6 38.5 21-53-0 +-gypsum 38.2 38.5 39.0 *Composited samples from four replications were used for analysis. Tl 51 Table 27. The effect of phosphate carriers and gypsum on the protein content of crops grown on Karlin loamy sand, Antrim County, 1957-1960.* Per cent protein in dry tissue Potato Oats Red clover Potato tubers grain hay tubers Treatment 1957 1958 1959 1960 0-20-0 12.4 9.05 13.9 9.32 0-45-0 11.9 9.15 14.9 8.62 0—45-0 + gypsum 12.7 9.30 14.9 9.36 21-53-0 11.7 9.08 13.9 9.43 21-53-0 + gypsum 12.8 9.18 14.4 9.48 0-62-0 11.7 9.11 14.1 9.48 No fertilizer 12.3 9.10 14.2 9.38 *Composited samples from seven replications were used for analysis. 52 differences in the protein content of the dry tissue from potato tubers from the Antrim.County location that were harvested in 1957 and 1960 (Table 27). Reference to protein is not strictly applicable since the nitrogen contained in the potato tuber is about evenly distributed be— tween free amino acids and protein, whereas in grain the nitrogen is predominantly in the form of protein. The yearly differences in the 'protein content of the tubers are probably due to the time difference involved in preparing the samples for analysis. The 1957 samples were stored until late the following_spring before they were prepared for analysis. During the long storage period a considerable amount of the carbohydrate reserves in the tubers were metabolized leaving a larger proportion of protein than was present in the tubers at harvest time. The 1960 samples:were prepared for analysis immediately after harvest. The second year wheat contained a higher amount of protein than first year wheat. An explanation for this is that the yields of second year wheat were lower than for first year wheat (Table 25). The pro- tein contents of first and second year corn were the opposite of wheat (Table 24). Second year corn.was reduced both in yield and in protein content from that of first year corn. Fertilizer treatments did not modify this at the Saginaw County location. The increased sulfur content of potatoes receiving supplemental sulfur in the fertilizer might be of some importance(Table 19). If this were to represent a reduced form (cystine or methionine) of sulfur that was of nutritional advantage to non-ruminants, sulfur fertilization would be of value for potatoes when grown under conditions similar to those in Antrim.County. Assays of the amino acids in these potato crops would be required to establish if such were the case. Such an 53 investigation was beyond the scope of the present work. The question of quality might also be raised in respect to the red clover crop from Antrim County in 1959. The red clover hay harvested from plots receiving sulfur in the fertilizer was higher in sulfur con- tent than that grown where no additional sulfur was applied. Unfortu— nately drought conditions so severely limited the yield that a true pic- ture of the effects of sulfur fertilization on this crop was not fully realized. Table 20 presents estimates of the sulfur removed by crops during the three year period (1958-1960) at all the different locations. These estimates are based on the average yields and average sulfur contents of crops. Estimates based on data obtained in the present study on the amount of sulfur removed in pounds per acre by good yields of crops are as follows: Alfalfa (4.5 tons) 14-15; Potatoes (250 cwt.) 6.0-7.0; Red clover (2.5 tons) 5.5-7.0; Soybeans (40 bu.) 4.5-5.0; Corn (100 bu.) 3.5-4.0; Wheat (60 bu.) 2.8-3.2; Oats (80 bu.) 2.3—2.5. The average annual removal of sulfur by crops is greatly modified where a rotation is followed. Continuous alfalfa at the Antrim County location could possibly deplete the reserves of sulfur in this soil because of the high sulfur requirement of the crop. The sulfur supply— ing power of some of the other soils might be exceeded by continuous alfalfa. The weather is another modifying influence in the removal of sulfur by crops. When weather conditions result in low yields less sulfur is removed by the crop. 54 The Sulfur Content of Precipitation and Relative Atmospheric Concentration of Sulfur Dioxide at the Various Locations This investigation disclosed that the amount of sulfur in the pre- cipitation in Michigan was low for an industrial State. This averaged 10.1 pounds and ranged from 8.0 to 12.5 pounds per acre annually which was similar to that reported from Kentucky (Seay, 1957) and Oklahoma (Harper, 1943). It was considerably less than the average of 27 pounds reported for Indiana (Bertramson, gt El. 1950). There were considerable differences in the amount of sulfur found in the precipitation at the various locations, the highest being approximately 50 per cent greater than the lowest. These differences were far less than the variation reported by Alway (1937). He found the rainfall at Minneapolis contained some 20 times more sulfur than did rainfall in the remote rural areas of Minnesota. Lutz (1957) fdfind the sulfur content of the precipitation at Norfolk, Virginia was about three times higher than at Halifax, a ruaal community in the State. A possible explanation for the lack of such marked differences in the sulfur content of precipitation for the various experimental areas in Michigan was the distance from the source of air pollution.' The experimental fields closest to induotrial centers were approximately five miles from the magor'sources of air pollution. The pounds per egos of sulfur in the precipitation for the two year period from April 1959 through March 1961 are summarized in Table 28. The rainfall at the Clinton County location'in 1959-1960 apparently contained the greatest amount of sulfur. However, it is possible that an unknown source of contamination caused the unusually high values E 55 Table 28. The amount of;edemental.sulfur‘in pounds per acre in the precipitation collected at the experimental plots from April 1959 through March 1961. Location Kalamazoo Ingham Clinton Saginaw Antrim Sampling period County County County County County April 1, 1959 - March 31, 1960 Apr. — May 2.72 2.31 2.04 2.02 1.56 June - July 1.92 1.40 4.01 1.02 1.01 Aug. 1.03 1.32 1.09 0.60 0.53 Sept. 0.72 0.73 3.46 0.81 0.96 Oct. 0.91 0.94 1.04 0.70 0.70 Nov. - Dec. 1.59 1.48 1.50 X 1.49 1.09 Jan. - Mar. 2.54 3.77 1.79 2.45 1.60 Total 11.41 11.95 14.93* 9.09 7.45 (9.10) April 1, 1960 - March 31, 1961 Apr. 0.91 0.83 0.57 0.67 1.37 May 0.39 0.70 0.53 0.65 0.80 June 1.49 0.66 0.93 1.19 0.63 July 0.98 0.91 0.57 0.45 0.34 Aug. 0.55 0.88 0.44 0.45 0.30 Sept. 0.30 0.45 0.49 0.44 1.08 Oct. 0.85 0.67 0.49 0.40 0.63 Nov. - Dec. 1.96 2.50 2.60 2.30 1.54 Jan. - Mar. 5.26 5.49 2.71 2.15 1.90 Total 12.69 13 09 9 33 8.70 8.59 *This value too high due to contamination. 56 observed in the May - June and September sampling periods in 1959. Dis- regarding the unusual situation in Clinton County in 1958, the pounds of sulfur per acre annually in the precipitation averaged over the two year period were: Ingham County - 12.5, Kalamazoo County - 12.1, Clinton County - 9.2, Saginaw County - 8.9, Antrim County - 8.0. For these averages, the amount of sulfur in the precipitation for Clinton County in 1959 was estimated to beuabout the same as in Saginaw County. Workers dealing with air chemistry prefer to express sulfur in the precipitation as mg. sulfate ion (SOZ) per liter. Data in Table 29 are expressed in this manner to compare results from the present study with other published data. There was a rather large variation in the con- centration of so: in the precipitation samples collected. Winter pre- cipitation was higher in so: concentration than summer; however, the quantity of precipitation in any given period had a large influence on the 50: concentration. Junge (1960) reported an average concentration of 2.98 mg. 302 per liter for the precipitation collected at a point near Grand Rapids, Michigan in the period of July 1955 through June 1956. Year to year variations are likely, but this value is consider- ably less than the lowest value observed, 3.52 mg. SOZ per liter from Antrim County, in this investigation. Junge estimates that the precipi- tation in the Great Lakes region will average 3.0 mg. 305 per liter if no local air pollution occurs. These data tend to confirm the fact that the data in the present investigation are not unreasonably low. There was a large deficit in precipitation at most of the sampling stations during the time in which the data in Table 29 were gathered and for this reason they are not truly representative. It is also apparent that the highest concentration of so: in the precipitation was in the more popu- 57 Table 29. Concentration of sulfate ion in the precipitation collected at the experimental plots and the amount of precipitation from January 1960 through December 1960. Avg. so: Max. 3041' Min. 302: Inches Location mg./L. mg./L. mg./L.‘ precipitation Kalamazoo County 4.65 10.6 3.2 29.6 Ingham County 5.97 13.6 3.0 25.2 Clinton County 4.94 13.2 3.4 22.4 Saginaw County 5.08 10.1 2.5 23.3 Antrim County 3.52 4.8 2.7 31.2 58 lous areas of the State where air pollution was greater. The studies on the relative sulfur dioxide concentration in the atmosphere provide a better picture of air pollution at the various loca- tions than the data on sulfur in the precipitation (Table 30). The order of $02 concentration at the different locations is the same as that for sulfur in the precipitation. However, the differences are larger and more clearly defined. The values for $02 adsorption for May and June in 1960 were higher than for the May - June period of 1959. This was prob- ably due to the cool and unpleasant weather during this period of 1960 which caused people to continue heating their houses later in the season than usual. Use of the standardized lead peroxide in this method made it possible to compare the present data with data from England. The lowest value from England, reported by Meetham (1956), is many times greater than the high- est value obtained in Michigan, 5.60 vs. 1.35 mg. S per month per 100 cm.2 of lead peroxide coated fabric. This variation may be explained in part, in that the sampling areas in Michigan were not located in areas where there is a heavy concentration of population. There are several other factors that probably influence the reduction of SOZ in the atmosphere in Michigan. These are the change to fuels con- taining less sulfur, e. g., natural gas and oil, and the more stringent smoke control laws. This latter factor results in better dispersal of the 802 formed in combustion by eliminating the highly adsorptive carbon particles from smoke, resulting in less of the 302 being deposited near the source of fuel consumption. The contribution that the $02 in the air can make toward the sulfur requirement of the plant is a matter of speculation. Locations similar 59 Table 30. Sulfur adsorption in mg. per 100 cm.2 of lead peroxide coated fabric from the atmosphere at the experimental fields for the periods indicated. . Location Kalamazoo Ingham Clinton Saginaw Antrim Sampling period County County County County County May 1, 1959 through April 30, 1960 May - June 2.51 3.26 2.02 1.74 0.95 July - Aug. 1.60 1.86 1.07 0.92 0.89 Sept. - Oct. 2.76 2.41 1.30 1.44 0.99 Nov. - Dec. 3.67 5.35 4.16 4.00 4.26 Jan. - Feb. 4.78 7.02 4.60 4.84 3.08 Mar. - Apr. 3.65 5.14 3.32 1.74 2.02 Total 18.96 25.04 16.47 16.24 12.19 May 1, 1960 through March 31, 1961 May - June 3.27 4.12 2.58 1.99 2.50 July - Aug. 1.60 1.94 1.60 1.54 0.88 Sept. - Oct. 1.56 2.62 1.36 1.55 0.95 Nov. - Dec. 3.62 6.23 4.20 3.90 2.59 Jan. - Feb. 4.81 6.39 4.10 4.12 3.12 March 1.79 3.21 1.65 1.88 1.58 Total 16.65 24.51 15.49 14.98 11.62 60 to Antrim County are possible areas where the concentration of $02 is so low during the growing season that a sulfur deficiency might be expected. The relationship of the air supply of sulfur to the sulfur nutrition of plants under these conditions has not been established. Olsen (1957) found that healthy cotton plants growing in the vicini- ty of Washington, D. C. obtained 30 per cent of their sulfur from the atmosphere. The SOZ concentration in the atmosphere during the course 3 of his experiment was from 15 to 35 mmg. per M . This is probably five to ten times greater than the average concentration of $02 in the atmos— phere at the Antrim County location during the growing season. Recent work in Sweden (Johansson, 1959) on the absolute concentra- tion of $02 in an unpolluted atmosphere showed a range of two to six mmg. $02 per M3. These values are what might be reasonably expected at the Antrim County location during the summer months. Johansson concluded that the adsorption of 802 by the soil followed by oxidation.must supply a considerable amount of sulfur to plants. No actual studies under field conditions have been.nade of the mechanism of sulfur fixation by the soil. This could be a source of considerable sulfur under certain conditions, but it is uncertain that these conditions are met at locations where it might be an important supplemental factor, for example, in Antrim County. The Distribution of Sulfur in the Soil Profiles The predominant part of the insoluble sulfur in cultivated soils is combined with the soil organic matter (Starky, 1950). Therefore, the complete fusion of the soil minerals is not necessary in order to deter- mine total sulfur in soils. Several workers (Hart and Peterson, 1911; Johansson, 1959) found that a digestion that decomposed the organic 61 matter was satisfactory for the determination of total sulfur in soils. A modified perchloric digestion was employed for the total sulfur deter- mination of soils in the present investigation. The data in Table 31 reports the range of the analytical results from the four samples from each location. The mineral soils were much higher in total sulfur in the upper six inch horizon than in any other. Arranging the mineral soils according to the total sulfur content in pounds per acre provides the following array: Sims (Saginaw County), 430-460; Kalamazoo (Kalamazoo County), 170-275; Hodunk (Ingham County), 155-200; and Karlin (Antrim County), 120-135. The Sims soil, a Humic- Gley, contained the most organic matter and the highest amount of total sulfur. The Karlin soils was the most infertile of the mineral soils studied, and contained the least amount of organic matter and total sul- fur. The undesirable 1ack of uniformity in the surface soils of the experimental plots on the Kalamazoo and Hodunk soils was apparent in the wide range in the total sulfur content of the different samples. Most organic soils contain large amounts of sulfur and the Houghton muck from Clinton County is typical. It contained 950-1100 pounds of total sulfur per acre in the surface samples. In general, the total sulfur decreased as depth in the profile in- creased. This was most prnounced in the Karlin soil. There was an accumulation of sulfur in the deepest horizon sampled in the Hodunk soil, a zone of carbonate accumulation. Accumulation of sulfur occurred in the Sims soil in the lowest horizon sampled, a zone of poor aeration and imperfect drainage. Obviously very different mechanisms were responsible for the sulfur accumulations in these horizons. Deep rooted crops might benefit from some of the sulfur in this zone of the Hodunk loam, whereas 62 . GOHUN OOH SOQU um moacaom oflwwoua ouquonom noon scum wo>uomno ucoucoo Havana mo owaou onu can wanna use ca coop case ma hm : um we I mm mm u NN mm u mu :0 n :o usmazm oHAouoouuxo ououooa_as«aoaac u vaoo caucus ouoo you cocoon ow a ow owH u ONH ooH u OmH oqa u omH :om n :qm on u mm oHH - ooH ONHH u 0mm «NH u wHH ena u ONH :cm u :wH «N u ow omH n ONH omoH u omm NHH u noH omH u ONH :mH u :NH me a oe com a CNN oon u 0cm oefi n mma and a ONH :NH u :o mmH u ONH 00¢ a one ooHH c omm oou u mmH mun u 05H :0 u :o Hawfism aouou when you mucsom .oo awuua< .oo snowmom .ou couaaao .oo_aonwaH .oo conqawfium puma hfiooH caauou aaoH huge mawm 30:5 counwsom _EooH xasvom aaoH mason concauaqu .cowuoooH was easy Hwom souauom s.muoam Houcoawuoaxo Scum mHHOm mo enouguon uaouomuwv onu mo uaouaoo unwasm .am oHAcH 63 extensive root penetration would be unlikely in this region of the Sims soil. The increased clay content of the 12" - 18" and 18" - 24" horizons of the Kalamazoo soil was not associated with an increase in sulfur in these horizons. In this respect Michigan soils are unlike those of Florida. Neller (1959) found large increases in the sulfur content in the zones of clay accumulation in the profiles of Florida soils. The organic soil showed slight variation in the total sulfur present through- out the profile in spite of the more peaty nature of the lower horizons. The acetic acid-ammonium acetate extractant as proposed by Bardsley and Lancaster (1960) removes sulfur in the form of sulfate from the soil. A small amount of cystine or methionine or intermediates of these com- pounds may be present in this fraction.and the sulfur in these compounds would also be detected by the analytical procedure employed. Bardsley (1959) found such compounds were assimilated by plant roots just as well as the sulfate ion and for this reason all the sulfur removed by this extractant was considered "available" for plants. It is possible that the supplies of this form of "available" sul- fur could be depleted rather quickly by intensive cropping of the Kar- lin soil in Antrim County because it contained only 15 pounds per acre of this form of sulfur in the surface horizon. According to Bardsley and Lancaster (1960), from two to three per cent of the insoluble sul- fur in soils is mineralized to "available" form annually. This would provide another two or three pounds of "available" sulfur. Thus the supply of "available" sulfur in this soil is 17 or 18 pounds per acre. The average annual removal of sulfur in the harvested portions of crops grown is much less than this (Table 20). However, crops of over four tons per acre of alfalfa have been obtained in other parts of this 64 experimental field when the supply of moisture was adequate. Such a crop would remove about 15 pounds of sulfur. If alfalfa were grown continu- ously it seems doubtful that the supply of sulfur in this soil would re- main adequate for maximum yields. The supplies of sulfur from the atmos- phere might alleviate this situation to some extent. The supply of "available" sulfur in the soils in Ingham (Hodunk) and Kalamazoo (Kalamazoo) Counties is much higher than in Antrim County (Table 31). Moreover, the precipitation and air provide more sulfur. Here again it would probably take very intensive crapping to deplete the "available" sulfur to a deficiency level. However, this is.a distinCt possibility with certain vegetable crops such as cabbage, rutabagas or similar species. The possibility of a sulfur deficiency occurring on the Sims soil in Saginaw County or on any organic soil seems to be very slight. 0n the other hand, a small amount of phosphorus in a starter fertilizer very often increases early growth of plants under conditions of high residual soil levels of this element. A similar situation might exist in regard to sulfur. SUMMARY Field studies were conducted from 1957 through 1960 on one organic soil located in Clinton County and four mineral soils located in Antrim, Ingham, Kalamazoo, and Saginaw Counties to determine the role of sulfur in soil fertility problems in Michigan. The treatments employed in this study were the comparison of three of the highly concentrated phosphorus carriers (0-45-0, 21-53-0, 0-62-0) with ordinary superphosphate (0-20—0) as the source of phosphorus in a basic fertilizer. These concentrated phosphorus carriers are practically free of sulfur. Additional treat- ments with gypsum as a source of sulfur added to the sulfur free phos- phorus carriers were also used to determine the effect of sulfur on crop response. The effect of these various fertilizer treatments was determined by observing the appearance and yield of crops grown on plots treated with these fertilizers. In addition, the sulfur and protein content of these crops were determined. The sulfur in the precipitation was esti- mated by collecting samples of it at each location during the period from April 1959 through March 1961 and aaflyzing them for sulfur by A. 0. A. C. (1950) methods. The lead peroxide method was used to deter- mine the relative concentration of 802 in the atmosphere at the locations of the experimental plots from May 1959 through March 1961. The data may be summarized as follows: (1) Sulfur did not significantly increase the yields of crops at any of the locations during the period in which these investigations were conducted. In some instances it might be inferred that there was an apparent increase in yield from sulfur in the fertilizer, e.g., cats 65 66 in Antrim County in 1958, sweet corn in Clinton County in 1959. However, this apparent response was not reproducible during the other years. (2) Where supplemental sulfur was added to the fertilizer, an in- crease in sulfur uptake was noted only with red clover hay and potatoes grown on the Karlin soil in Antrim County. (3) Sulfur did not affect the protein content of the harvested portions of crops. (4) The amount of total sulfur in pounds per acre in the surface six inches of the soils used in this investigation was as follows: Houghton muck, Clinton County, 950-1100; Sims clay loam, Saginaw County, 430-460; Kalamazoo sandy loam, Kalamazoo County, 170-275; Hodunk loam, Ingham County, 155-200; Karlin loamy sand, Antrim County, 120-135. (5) The amount of "available" sulfur in the surface six inches of these soils was as follows: Houghton, 58-68; Sims 32—37; Kalamazoo, 28-29; Hodunk, 22-25; Karlin, 15. (6) The quantity of sulfur brought down in the precipitation in pounds per acre annually amounted to the following: Ingham County, 12. 52; Kalamazoo County, 12.05; Clinton County, 9.22; Saginaw County, 8.90; Antrim County, 8.02. (7) Estimates based on the data obtained in the present study on the amount of sulfur removed in pounds per acre by good yields of crops are as follows: Alfalfa (4.5 tons) 14-15; Corn grain (100 bu.) 3.5-4.0; Oats (80 bu.) 2.3-2.5; Potatoes (250 cwt.) 6.0-7.0; Red clover (2.5 tons) 5.5-7.0; Soybeans (40 bu.) 4.5-5.0; Wheat (60 bu.) 2.8-3.2. (8) The actual amount of sulfur removed by crops from Michigan soils is governed to a very large extent by crop rotations and the limitations of climate. However, the amount of ”available" sulfur in the Karlin soil 67 might not be adequate for continuous alfalfa and crops such as cabbage or rutabagas might deplete the ”available" sulfur supplies in the Hodunk and Kalamazoo soils if grown continuously. (9) The relative concentration of 802 in the atmosphere was ap- parently more closely related to areas of industrial activity than the sulfur contained in the precipitation. The amount of sulfur adsorbed from May 1959 through April 1960 in mg. per 100 cm.2 of lead peroxide coated fabric was found to be 25.04 in Ingham County, 18.96 in Kalamazoo County, 16.47 in Clinton County, 16.24 in Saginaw County and 12.19 in Antrim County. (10) Corn plants appear to absorb luxury amounts of sulfur as evidenced by leaf analysis. This observation may lead to a useful method of studying the sulfur supplying capacity of soils. (11) The only visual symptoms of nutrient deficiency were noticed on the organic soil. 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