lHESlS A ; LlfifiARY :ichigan Qtate 5 University { l‘ / This is to certify that the dissertation entitled The Economics of Bas-Fond Rice Production in the Eastern Region of Upper Volta: A Whole Farm Approach. presented by Pascal Tagne Fotzo has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph.D. , Agricultural Economics degree in Major professor April 4, 1983 Date MSU i: an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution 0-12771 lllll Hlllll \lllllllllllllll 31 1293\ 01070 7853 1V1531_J RETURNING MATERIALS: Place in book drop to LJBRARJES remove this checkout from ”as. your record. FI.“__‘__ES_ will be charged if book is returned after the date stamped below. {98 new ~13 THE ECONOMICS OF BAS-FOND RICE PRODUCTION IN THE EASTERN REGION OF UPPER VOLTA: A WHOLE FARM APPROACH by Pascal Tagne Fotzo A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Agricultural Economics 1983 ABSTRACT THE ECONOMICS OF BAS-FOND RICE PRODUCTION IN THE EASTERN REGION OF UPPER VOLTA: A WHOLE FARM APPROACH By Pascal Tagne Fotzo Little is known about the costs and returns of current bas-fond (saucer swamp) rice production techniques in Eastern Upper Volta, and the possibilities for expanded production. This study gathered detailed input/output data on four major bas-fond rice production systems, dif- fering in degree of water control, in the Eastern Region of Upper Volta. The multiple-Visit activity approach was used; 116 farmers were inter- viewed from June, 1980, through February, 1981, at the end of each major field activity (land preparation, weeding, harvesting, etc.). . Financial enterprise budgets for all crops were prepared for each production system. Gross margins and returns to land, family labor and management were computed. Economic costs and returns to the rice enter- prises were also analyzed for each production system. In addition, a linear programming model was developed for one representative farm in each production system, to investigate whether and how rice cultivation could be expanded or intensified. The findings showed that the least cost (and economically profit- able) technique fbr producing rice is traditional cultivation in unim- ‘ proved swamps. Given current technologies and yield levels, production under improved water control results in negative economic returns. Using financial prices, rice entered the optimal solution in all LP Pascal Tagne Fotzo models, at acreage levels which held in each system under a wide range of gross margins per hectare. Seasonal family labor supply was found to be critical in determining the maximum level of total gross margins attainable by the farmer from cropping activities.' Although rice is the only feasible rainy-season crop on bas-fond land, this result implies that price policy alone may not stimulate expanded or intensified rice production. However, higher producer prices and a more productive tech- nological package for rice would increase yields and help justify further investment in water control. The policy recommendations of this study stress the need (1) to de-emphasize major investments in dam irrigation and to give priority to partial water control and rainfed agriculture, (2) to develop a package of improved rice production practices using the Farming Systems Research approach, and (3) to revise the producer price of paddy as an incentive to domestic rice farmers. In memory of my late Father, "SOUOP" TAGNE who taught us basic survival skills and to my Mom, NJIKE for her support and understanding. ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS My sincere thanks to the many individuals and institutions who have facilitated my graduate program at Michigan State University. I especially wish to express my deepest appreciation to Professor Carl K. Eicher, Chairman of my Guidance Comittee, for his inspiration and guidance throughout my graduate program and.for the positive role he played as my mentor. The guidance and helpful criticism of Dr. Eric w. Crawford, my thesis director, are gratefully acknowledged. In addition, I wish to thank the members of my guidance and thesis comnittees': Professors Lester V. Manderscheid, Carl Liedholm and Gerald Schwab. Financial support for my graduate program and this research project came from various sources. I am grateful to the Ford Foundation for Providing the financial assistance which enabled me to complete my Ph.D. coursework and comprehensive examinations and also to cover part of my dissertation typing and reproduction. Drs. Werner Kiene and Steven 31995, Ford Foundation Lagos, will be remembered for the understanding ' and flexibility they showed throughout my program. I am equally grate- ful to the Department of Agricultural Economics at Michigan State Uni- versity for their generous support for my data collection and processing work and the many travel opportunities they offered me throughout my graduate program. Professors Eicher and Manderscheid will be remembered for the role they played in this respect. I am also thankful for the One-year leave of absence that I was granted by the Ecole Nationale iii Superieure Agronomique (ENSA), University Centre of Dschang, even though one year was not enough to fulfill either part or all requirements for the degree of Ph.D. Dr. Jean Ongla, former head, Department of Rural Economy at ENSA, will always be remembered for his stimulation and sup- port during this painful undertaking. Turning to the field phase of this research project, I wish to express my inlnense gratitude to the farmers who willingly sacrificed their time to supply the data for this study. My thanks go also to all the four enumerators and two office assistants who worked to make this research project a successful one. Among my colleagues in the MSU research team in the EORD, a conmendation is due to Drs. David Wilcock _ and Gregory Lassiter and Kifle Negash for their encouragement and help in planning and carrying out this research. Thanks also to all the Upper Volta government officials in the study area and at the central level whose support and assistance was invaluable. Data processing and secretarial help came from a variety of sources. A conmendation is due to Paul Holberg and Chris Nolf for their extra efforts in moving my problem through the computer. My thanks go to Lucy Wells and Cindy Spiegel for typing the drafts of this dissertation, and to Lois Pierson for typing the final draft. Finally, loving thanks to my family and family friends for the many ways in which they facilitated the completion of my graduate work. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES ......................... ix LIST OF FIGURES ........................ xiv LIST OF MAPS .......................... xiv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ............... xv CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ................... l 1. THE COUNTRY ....................... l 1.1. General Description ................ l 1.2. The Eastern Region ................ 3 1.3. The Economy .................... 4 1.4. The Agricultural Sector .............. 5 2. PROBLEM SETTING AND NEED FOR THE STUDY ......... 9 3. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ................. 14 CHAPTER THO: RESEARCH APPROACH AND DATA COLLECTION METHODS . . 17 1. SCOPE OF THE STUDY ................... l7 2. RESEARCH APPROACH .................... 18 3. THE FIELD RESEARCH SITES ................ 19 4. SELECTION OF SAMPLE FARMERS .' .............. 22 5. INTERVIEW FREQUENCY ................... 24 6. ENUMERATOR TRAINING AND RESEARCH CALENDAR ........ 27 7. DATA PREPARATION AND ANALYSIS .............. 3O 8. DATA LIMITATIONS .................... 32 8.1. Cross-Sectional Analysis Problem ......... 33 8.2. Representativeness of the Rice Production Systems Studied ........... - ..... 33 8.3. Reliability of Sample Farmers' Responses ..... 34 8.4. Problem of Estimating Labor Time ......... 34 8.5. Problem of Estimating Quantities of Other Inputs and Outputs ............... 35 9. SUMMARY ......................... 36 CHAPTER THREE: DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF THE AGRICULTURAL 4. PRODUCTION SYSTEMS IN THE EASTERN REGION OF UPPER VOLTA ................. CROPS GROWN AND DEGREE OF MIXED CROPPING ........ SOME AGRICULTURAL CONSTRAINTS IN THE EASTERN REGION . . . 2.1. Land Tenure .................... Marketing and Processing ............. Water Control ................... Research and Technological Problems . . . ... . . . . . Extension Problems ................ PRODUCTION SYSTEMS STUDIED ............... 3.1. Definition of the Systems ............. 3.2. Descriptive Profile of Sample Farmers ....... 3.2.1. Land ................... 3.2.2. Labor ................... Size and Composition of the Household .......... Average Age of Heads of Households ........... 3.2.3. Importance of Non-Farm Activities ..... SUMMARY ......................... NNNN (31-th O . 0 CHAPTER FOUR: A FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE FOUR 1. 2. RICE-BASED PRODUCTION SYSTEMS IN THE EORD . . . . DISTINCTION BETWEEN FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS . . . DEFINITION OF CROP ENTERPRISES AND PROCEDURES USED TO SELECT CROP MIXTURES ............... CROP ENTERPRISE BUDGETS ................. 3.1. System 1: Production System Based on Farmers Growing Rice in Traditional Bas-Fonds ..... 3.1.1. Overview of the Enterprise Budgets in System 1 .............. 3.1.2. Comparison and Appraisal of the Six Major Enterprises in System 1 ..... Gross Margin (GM) ........ Net Margin (NM) ........ Net Returns to Land, Family Labor and Management (NRLFLM) (NRLFLM) ........... Returns to Land and Management (RLM) .............. Costs of Production ....... 3.2. System 2: Production System Based on Farmers Growing Rice on Semi-Traditional Bas-Fonds . . . 3.2.1. Overview of the Enterprise Budgets in System 2 ................. vi 58 58 59 61 63 63 71 71 73 74 76 76 76 4. 3.2.2. Comparison and Appraisal of the Seven Major Enterprises in System 2 ..... Gross Margin (GM) ..... - . . . Net Margin (NM) ......... Net Returns to Land, Family Labor and Management (NRLFLM) ........... “ Returns to Land and Management (RLM) ............ Cost of Production ....... 3.3. System 3: Production System Based on Farmers Growing Rice in Improved Bas-Fonds ....... 3.3.1. Overview of the Enterprise Budgets in System 3 ................ 3.3.2. Comparison and Appraisal of the Five Major Enterprises in System 3 ..... Gross Margin (GM) ........ Net Margin (NM) ......... Net Returns to Land, Family Labor and Management (NRLFLM) ........... Returns to Land and Management RLM ............. Costs of Production ....... 3.4. System 4: Production System Based on Farmers Growing Irrigated Paddies with Fertilizer 3.4.1. Overview of the Enterprise Budgets in System 4 .............. 3.4.2. Comparison and Appraisal of the Six ‘ Major Enterprises in System 4 ..... Gross Margin (GM) ........ Net Margin (NM) ......... Net Returns to Land, Family Labor and Management (NRLFLM) ........... Returns to Land and Management (RLM) ............ Costs of Production ....... 3.5. Comparison and Appraisal of the Rice Enterprises Across the Four Production Systems Studied . . . 3.6. Social Profitability of Rice Cultivation Under the Four Systems Studied ............ 3.6.1. Shadow Prices of Domestic Factors and Output ................. Fertilizer ........... Water Control Costs ....... Import Parity Price of Rice . . . SUMMARY ......................... vii 85 87 88 88 88 95 97 97 98 98 99 99 108 108 110 112 112 112 113 113 117 CHAPTER FIVE: RICE PRODUCTION VERSUS PRODUCTION OF OTHER MAJOR COMPETING CROPS: AN OVERVIEW OF THE ANALYTICAL MODEL ................ 1. THE ANALYTICAL MODEL .................. 1.1. Building the "Representative" Farm Model for Each Production System Studied ......... 1.2. Model Structure .................. 1.2.1. Resource Constraints Used ......... 1.2.2. Activities and Objective Function ..... l 2 3 Derivation of the Numerical Coefficients of the Model .............. 2. TABLEAUX FOR THE FOUR REPRESENTATIVE FARMS OF THE SYSTEMS STUDIED ................... CHAPTER SIX: EVALUATION OF THE BASIC MODEL, PRESENTATION OF RESULTS, AND SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS ........ 1. EVALUATION OF THE MODEL ................. 2. PRESENTATION OF THE RESULTS FROM THE AVERAGE MODEL 3. SENSITIVITY OF THE BASIC MODEL TO CHANGES IN SELECTED PARAMETER VALUES .............. 3.1. Comparison of Optimal Production Strategies Under Different Models (A, B, c, cl, 0, and E) . . . . 3.2. The Opportunity Cost of Scarce Resources and Constraints to Increased TGM .......... 4. SUMMARY ......................... CHAPTER SEVEN: SUMMARY, POLICY RECOMENDATIONS, AND FURTHER RESEARCH .................... 1. SUMMARY .......................... 2. POLICY IMPLICATIONS AND STRATEGY TO IMPROVE THE PERFORMANCE OF RICE PRODUCTION IN THE EORD ...... 2.1. Major Policy Issues and Reorientation ....... 2.2. Identification of an Appropriate Bottomland Rice Production Strategy in the EORD ...... 2.2.1. Small Scale Irrigation Using Dikes . 2.2.2. Improved Production Practices ....... 3. SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTHER STUDIES ............. APPENDIX A: SURVEY FORMS USED FOR THE STUDY ......... APPENDIX B: FIELD SPECIFIC FAMILY LABOR PROFILE FOR CROPS OTHER THAN RICE IN ALL THE FOUR PRODUCTION SYSTEMS STUDIED ................. BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................... viii 122 124 125 127 134 136 180 181 183 183 195 197 200 200 200 201 Table 1.1 2.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 4.5.1, LIST OF TABLES Historical Evolution of the Rice Sector in Upper Volta . . Details of the Schedules Used for Colleting Agro- Economic Data in the EORD, 1980-81 ......... Hectares of Crops Grown and Percentage Grown as Sole Crops and in Different Crop Mixture Classes, 1980-81 Rainfall Data in mm in Fada-N'Gourma, by Period, 1975-80 . Average Number of Fields in Total and in the Bas-Fonds, per Household, 1980-81 ............... Average Area of Farms in Total and in the Bas-Fonds, 1980-81 ....................... Average Age of Household Heads by System, 1980-81 Relative Percentage of Household Heads with at Least One Non-Farm Activity per System, 1980-81 ...... Average Costs and Returns per Hectare for Rice, System 1, in the EORD, 1980 ............. Average Costs and Returns per Hectare for Sorghum/ Millet/Cowpeas, System 1, in the EORD, 1980 ..... Average Costs and Returns per Hectare for Maize, System 1, in the EORD, 1980 ............. Average Costs and Returns per Hectare for Groundnuts, System 1, in the EORD, 1980 ............. Average Costs and Returns per Hectare for Bambera Nuts, System 1, in the EORD, 1980 ............. Average Costs and Returns per Hectare for Soybeans, System 1, in the EORD, 1980 ............. Comparative Analysis of the Major Enterprises in .System 1, Based on Survey Data from 26 Households, 1980 ........................ ix Page 10 28 41 44 51 51 55 56 64 65 66 67 68 69 Table 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 Average Costs and Returns per Hectare for Rice, System 2, in the EORD, 1980 ............. Average Costs and Returns per Hectare for Sorghum/ Millet/Cowpeas, System 2, in the EORD, 1980 ..... Average Costs and Returns per Hectare for Maize, System 2, in the EORD, 1980 ............. Average Costs and Returns per Hectare for Groundnuts, System 2, in the EORD, 1980 ............. Average Costs and Returns per Hectare for Soybeans, System 2, in the EORD, 1980 ............. Average Costs and Returns per Hectare for Okra, System 2, in the EORD, 1980 ............. Average Costs and Returns per Hectare for Cotton, System 2, in the EORD, 1980 ............. A Comparative Analysis of the Major Enterprises in System 2, Based on Survey Data from 30 Households, 1980 ........................ Average Costs and Returns per Hectare for Rice, System 3, in the EORD, 1980‘ ............. Average Costs and Returns per Hectare for Sorghum/ Millet/Cowpeas, System 3, in the EORD, 1980 ..... Average Costs and Returns per Hectare for Maize, System 3, in the EORD, 1980 ............. Average-Costs and Returns per Hectare for Groundnuts/ Bambera Nuts, System 3, in the EORD, 1980 ...... Average Costs and Returns per Hectare for Soybeans, System 3, in the EORD, 1980 ............. A Comparative Analysis of the Major Enterprises in System 3, Based on Survey Data from 30 Households, 1980 ........................ Average Costs and Returns per Hectare far Rice, System 4, in the EORD, 1980 ............. Average Costs and Returns per Hectare for Sorghum/ Millet/Cowpeas, System 4, in the EORD, 1980 ..... Average Costs and Returns per Hectare for Maize, System 4, in the EORD, 1980 ............. Page 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 89 9O 91 92 93 100 101 102 Table 4.4.4 4.4.5 4.4.6 4.5.4 4.5.5 4.5.6 4.5.7 5.1 5.10 Page Average Costs and Returns per Hectare for Groundnuts, System 4, in the EORD, 1980 .............. 103 Average Costs and Returns per Hectare for Bambera Nuts, System 4, in the EORD, 1980 ........... 104 Average Costs and Returns per Hectare for Okra, System 4, in the EORD, 1980 .............. 105 A Comparative Analysis of the Major Enterprises in System 4, Based on Survey Data from 30 Households, ‘1980 ......................... 107 A Comparative Financial Analysis of the Four Major Rice Production Techniques in the EORD, Based on Survey Data from 116 Households, 1980-81 ....... 111 Import Parity Price of a Ton of Paddy Produced in the EORD, 1980 .................... 114 A Comparative Economic Analysis of the Four Major Rice Production Techniques in the EORD, 1980 ..... 116 Main Labor Periods and Activities Covered, System 1, 1980 ......................... 129 Main Labor Periods and Activities Covered, System 2, 1980 ......................... 130 Main Labor Periods and Activities Covered, System 3, 1980 ......................... 131 Main Labor Periods and Activities Covered, System 4, 1980 ......................... 132 1 Mean Percentage of Household Land Allocated to Each Crop Category, 1980 .................. 135 Average Number of Workers per Household in All the Four Production Systems Under Study in the EORD, 1980 . . . .‘ ..................... 138 Summary of Area and Proportion of Each Type of Land Farmed by Farm System, 1980 Survey .......... 141 Minimum Area Under Sorghum/Millet/Cowpeas for the Four Production Systems, 1980 ............. 142 Maximum Area that Can be Grown in Maize and Soybean for Four Production Systems, 1980 ........... 143 ‘ Basic EORD Farm Linear Program, System 1, 1980 ...... 145 xi Table .12 .13 010101 6.13 6.14 Page Basic EORD Farm Linear Program, System 2, 1980 ...... 146 Basic EORD Farm Linear Program, System 3, 1980 ...... 147 Basic EORD Farm Linear Program, System 4, 1980 ...... 148 Actual Versus Optimal Allocation of Land to Each Crop Category, by System, 1980 (percentages) ..... '. . . -150 Total Labor Use Under Actual Allocation Versus Total Labor Use Implied by the Model, by Crop Category and by System, 1980 .................. 152 Family Labor Profile for Selected Fields Belonging to the Rice Enterprise, System 1, 1980 .......... 153 Family Labor Profile for Selected Fields Belonging to the Rice Enterprise, System 2, 1980 .......... 154 Family Labor Profile for Selected Fields Belonging to the Rice Enterprise, System 3, 1980 .......... 155 Family Labor Profile for Selected Fields Belonging to the Rice Enterprise, System 4, 1980 .......... 156 Results from the Basic Model: Enterprises in the Optimal Solution for System 1 ............. 158 Results from the Basic Model: Enterprises in the Optimal Solution fur System 2 ............. 159 Results from the Basic Model: Enterprises in the Optimal Solution for System 3 ............. 160 Results from the Basic Model: Enterprises in the Optimal Solution for System 4 ............. 161 Shadow Prices of Resources and Constraints Used in the Model, by System, 1980 .............. 165 Summary of the Production Strategies which Maximize Total Gross Margins (TGM) Under Different Versions of the Basic Model, System 1, 1980 .......... 170 Summary of the Production Strategies which Maximize Total Gross Margins (TGM) Under Different Versions of the Basic Model, System 2, 1980 .......... 171 Summary of the Production Strategies which Maximize Total Gross Margins (TGM) Under Different Versions of the Basic Model, System 3, 1980 .......... 172 xii Table 6.15 6.16 6.18 6.19 Page Summary of the Production Strategies which Maximize Total Gross Margins (TGM) Under Different Versions of the Basic Model, System 4, 1980 .......... 173 Shadow Prices of Resources and Constraints Used in the Various Models, System 1, 1980 .......... 176 Shadow Prices of Resources and Constraints Used in the Various Models, System 2, 1980 .......... 177 Shadow Prices of Resources and Constraints Used in the Various Models, System 3, 1980 .......... 178 Shadow Prices of Resources and Constraints Used in the Various Models, System 4, 1980 .......... 179 xiii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3.1 Incorporation of the Time Dimension into Cropping Patterns Under Indigenous Conditions ........ 3.2.a Sketch of the Bas-Fond Improvement Structure, Type 1a: Opened Structure .................. 3.2.b Sketch of the Bas-Fond Improvement Structure, Type 1b: Semi-Opened Structure ................ 3.3 Sketch of the Bas-Fond Improvement Structure, Case of Dam Irrigation ................... 3;4 Different Categories of Farm Labor in the EORD, 1980-81 ....................... LIST OF MAPS Plan 1.1 Upper Volta International Boundaries .......... 1.2 Upper Volta Administrative Divisions .......... 2.1 Location of Research Sites ............... xiv .0 DJ a> no lg ARGMVl AVV BAEP CENATRIN CERCI COREMMA CSPPA DER EORD FAO FSR GDP GNP GOUV GM IITA IMF IRAT LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS Atelier Regional de Construction des Materiels Agricoles (Regignal plant for the manufacture of agricultural tools . Autorite des Amenagements des Vallées des Voltas (Volta bottom land Development Authority) Bureau Analyse Economique et Planification Centre National pour 1e Traitement de 1'Information (National Center for Data Processing) Centre d' Experimentation du Riz et des Cultures Irriguees (Research Center on Rice and Irrigated Crops) Cooperative Regionale de Montage de Materiels Agricoles Caisse de Stabilisation des Prix des Produits Agricoles Developpement des Entreprises Rurales Eastern ORD Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Farming Systems Research Gross Domestic Product Gross National Product Government of Upper Volta Gross Margin (gross income minus the variable expenses attributable to that enterprise) International Institute of Tropical Agriculture International Monetary Fund Institut de Recherches Agronomiques Tropicales et de Cultures Vivrieres (Research Institute on Tropical and Food Crops) XV TWNACER = Office National des Céréales (National Cereals Agency) 01131 = Office National des Barrages et de l'Irrigation (National Agency for Dams and Irrigation) 0RD = Office Regional de Development (Regional Development Office) SAED = Société Africaine d'Etudes et du Developpement (Private Research Consulting Firm) SATEC = Société d'Aide Technique et de Cooperation (French Rural Development Agency) S/M/C = Sorghum/millet/cowpeas SMIG = Salaire Minimum Interprofessional Guaranti SOVOLCOM = Sociéte Voltaique de Commercialisation (Voltaic Marketing Organization) TAC = Technical Advisory Comittee . TGM = Total Gross Margin USAID = United States Agency for International Development UV = Upper Volta .Note: Currency unit = CFA (Communauté Financiére Africaine) US $1 = 220 CFA (average exchange rate in 1980) Weights and Measures: Metric system was used in this study mm = millimeter ha = hectare kg = kilogram T = ton km = kilometer 0C = degree Celsius km2 =r square kilometer xvi CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION The objective of this chapter is three—fold. First, to describe the geographic and socio-economic characteristics of Upper Volta, parti- cularly the Eastern Region, for those who are not familiar with them. Second, to outline the salient features of agriculture in Upper Volta which are pertinent for understanding agricultural problems in the Eastern Region of the country. Third, to present the objectives of the study and the organization of the dissertation. 1. THE COUNTRY 1.1. General Description Upper Volta is one of the four landlocked Sahelian Countries in West Africa, the other three being Chad, Niger and Mali. Upper Volta is bounded along its northern and western borders by Mali. Niger forms the eastern boundary and the southern boundary is shared by Benin, Togo, Ghana and Ivory Coast(see Map 1.1). Official estimates indicate a total population of about 6.15 mil- lion in 1980, which makes Upper Volta the most densely populated country in the Sahel. The population is unevenly distributed, varying from a density of 10 persons/km2 in the Volta valleys to 40 persons/km2 in the AFRICA UPPER VOLTA A moo IVORY COAST MAP 1.1 UPPER VOLTA INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARIES Source: Adapted from Martin Greenwold Associates, Inc., "Maps on File", 1982. |\i all Mossi plateau in Central Upper Volta (IFAD, 1981). An important implication of this variation in population density is the variation in land use intensity throughout the country. 1.2. The Eastern Region Viewed as a whole, the Eastern Region of Upper Volta is a vast peneplain with the difference between the highest elevation and the low-‘ est elevation being only 101 m. The Eastern Region covers an area of 49,992 kmz which represents about 18 percent of the total area of the nation (Mehretu and Wilcock, 1979). Because of the flat topography, the drainage system in the Eastern Region is very poor resulting in a large number of saucer swamps,genera11y called bgsrjpggg, found along many of the permanent to semi-permanent rivers. TWO main categories of has-fonds can be distinguished: (1) improved bas-fonds and (ii) traditional has-fonds. According to Weldring (1979), 224 hectares of the first category and 379 hectares of the second are already under cultivation, but about 2,187 hectares could possibly be put under cultivation. Many organizations are involved in has-fond land development in the Eastern Region--they include the FAO, the C.T.S. (a Swedish project) and the D.E.R. project (Partnership for Productivity project). The dominant characteristics of the climate are sustained heat (average temperatures around 33°C can be expected in the hot season) and seasonal rainfall. The alternate north-south movement of the continental air masses, as they follow the annual migration of the sun, bring about Sharp periodic differences in rainfall. Two seasons can be distinguished: a short rainy season running from June to-September (rains are heaviest 0“ l\ to. o'- I V I o.- ... 01: 'c 5‘ h: in August) and a long dry season running from October to May. However, December, January and February are relatively cool because of the passage of the harmattan (a seasonal wind from the north). Rainfall varies between 1,000 mm in the southern part of the region to 600 mm in ,the northern part (Mehretu and Wilcock, 1979). Together with the vari- ation in population denSity, these climatic characteristics are import- ant determinants of the land use pattern in the Eastern Region. The population of the Eastern Region of Upper Volta is estimated at about 443,000, which represents only 7 percent of the national popula- tion. It is one of the least densely populated areas in the country. The population of the Eastern Region comprises the following ethnic groups: Gourmantché (64 percent), Mossi (28 percent), and Peuhls and Others (8 percent). These groups are differentiated by their traditions, customs, and languages. However, common to all these groups is the fact that they live in small villages made up of several compounds which con- tain members of a family or close relations (Swanson, 1975). 1.3. The Economy Upper Volta is recognized as one of the poorest countries in the world. Living standards are very low, as illustrated by an average life expectancy at birth of 39 years and an adult literacy rate of only 5 percent. The 1980 GNP per capita was 210 dollars (World Bank, 1982). Although heavily rural and agricultural, Upper Volta's agricultural pro- duction has been declining in real terms over the past decade, -1.2 per- cent between 1970 and 1979 (World Bank, 1982). According to the World Bank Development Report, 1981, the distribution of GDP in 1980 was as ’9 n1 1;) 11.. “ follows: 40 percent agriculture, 18 percent industry, 13 percent manufacture and 29 percent services. In 1980 the exports of agricul- tural products accounted for 87 percent of total export earnings. The same World Bank report indicates that capital equipment constituted 29 percent of total import bill while food made up 22 percent of the imports. The strong trading links between Upper Volta and France have con- tinued since independence. Together with Ivory Cost, France was still the main trading partner of Upper Volta in 1980. The economic bonds between Upper Volta and the other former French colonies in West Africa are very weak, despite a common heritage and common interests. The main exports of Upper Volta are livestock, oil seeds and cotton lint; and on the import side, major trade items include capital equipment, industrial raw materials, foodstuffs and chemicals. No national accounts have been published since 1975. However, according to IMF estimates, the share of commerce increased from 1975 to 1978 from 15 to 32 percent, while agriculture declined from 45 to 38 percent. Growth of GDP at constant prices has been estimated at 4 per- cent in 1978 after a 7 percent high in 1977 (World Bank, 1981). The rate of inflation measured on the basis of the price index for an African family in Ouagadougou was estimated at 32.9 percent in 1977 and 30.5 percent in 1980 (IFAD, 1981). 1.4. The Agricultural Sector Agriculture (including livestock) plays a commanding role in the daily life of the people of Upper Volta and is by far the main element in the country's economy. Although somewhat less than 33 percent of the entire land area is classified as arable, nearly 90 percent of the population is dependent on agriculture as a livelihood (IFAD, 1981). Upper Volta has a complex geographical structure and a wide variety of climate. Following an IFAD report (1981), Upper Volta can be divided into four regions in terms of its agricultural potential: (1) the southwest with relatively fertile soils, moderate population density and an average rainfall of 900nm; (ii) the Mossi plateau with poor soils and a highpopulation density (nearly 40'persons per kmz); (iii) the southeastern savannah zone with characteristics similar to those of the southwest zone, but poor road infrastructure; and (iv) the dry northern zone where livestock is the major activity. Upper Volta is currently in its third five-year development plan (1978-1982).1 The first priority cannon to all three development plans is rural development. The main objectives of the government's policy. for the rural sector include: (i) to develop rainfed agriculture by pro- "Pting improved farm practices, while integrating cropping and livestock “ti V1 ti es; (ii) to step-up migration from the densely populated and relatively infertile north-central plateau .to areas in the West and Southwest which have low population densities and a good agricultural potent1&1; (iii) gradually to intensify the development of swampland and WMgated agriculture, thus helping to protect the nation against the catastrophe caused by drought; and (iv) to ensure national self-sufficiency \ 1 o 1980 The third five-year plan was not yet officially released as of mid- ' HOwever. the plan's Avant Projet is generally used as the guide- line for- development programs. 7 in food crops, particularly by replacing rice imports (Third five-year Development Plan, .1978). These priorities are pursued by a variety of projects financed by external donors. The country is divided into eleven Regional Development Offices (ORDs), one for each pre'fecture except for the pre'fecture of the Hauts- Bassins in the Southwest which contains two ORDs (See Map 1.2). The ORDs, which were created in 1967, enjoy some autonomy with respect to project planning and implementation and use of resources within the broad policy guidance of the Plan. The objectives of the 0RD structures were defined as promotion of agricultural production, development of- rural infrastructure and equipment, and social development. Agricultural production practices in Upper Volta are characterized by extremely low yields, particularly for the food crops. About 90 per- cent of the cultivated land in Upper Volta is devoted to cereal crops. Yields achieved in Upper Volta are among the lowest in the world; grain c"PP .Yi e1 ds range from 300 to 800 kg/ha, and yields for cotton are about 500 kg! ha. However, research station cereal yields range upward from "000 kglha (IRAT, IRCT, 1979). For most food crops, field activities are al 1 done by hand. Chemicals and fertilizers are rarely used on food CY‘Ops. The fact that hi gh-yieldi 119 varieties of food crops have not been developed to any important degree is a reflection of the neglect of research in this area. The government still ddes not have an organized r"’i'i‘eal‘ch structure. Research responsibilities are still assumed by the F"ench‘style vertically organized crop-specific research institutions “RAT: IRCT, ORSTOM, etc). This applies to virtually all agronomic as well 35 1 ivestock research. More recently, international research Pecowumz macecamemowm paupumcm "ougsom monmH>Ha m>~h «mad: N.— a_umuwpe=ov 323.5. 93 “B 2...... 85 8.533 mismmunzm ... :o 8.5 5.93::er 33:3 .2 _ . magnum; one . ecospmm>cw .ucmeoewzamg sonny .xuoumm>s_ so on)» pace xuoumm>_4 .Np common pmezupauwcmm mewcau movuw>ppoe peapoe avocado; .mupocomso; opasem mo moonsoe Ppm com mono mo_uv>wpoa Eeeetcoz .FP so>e=m to new age p< ooze newsmesmeoe eoc< cop mmmFFP> swag» :_ msomm.~_> s5 umpuemcogu mam»? coo» comes so mpwepou our»; mxeu mptmp sgo>u cowpeELomcw mu_ca .m :o_uuem:eeu sum>m so ospm> use wasp emugoumm apnoea: museums mmpmm .w meme; uo—a an pope a co couscous oxeuueeo Pouch mzac «pun zgo>m mveoooe uma>cmz .5 so>g=m so use ecu mcpccwmmm muss» scouco>=w acmeopaew some .m pope an pope mpgpcoz mm: page? Lonmpucoz .m be: .3 so: :58: .252 323-52 .e memes uo—a an papa a co emeeouom auv>_uum upmpe sgo>o so; gonmp s__5em .m e—ogomso; oPQEam some as spasms comm usage mppmumo mono mamcmu upogmmsoz .N so>gam so new new mcpccvmmn as» a< oupeh agou=m>cs uo—a ._ mxcasom sucoacoee mama so masw —mnoma— .omOm mxh 2H uoogoemwo oo spoon opsoo moowowc_eoo moon» .czosm coco zoom on oo_goo eomco_ o oxoo see poem as use .Fpoecsoe ooo=o_oompo xppooomoom mo moose oo oo:_ecoo apweommooo: no: moo mooso opom .omeooo eo .omp< .ocomoeo on see mcwooooocooow oco mopocopo ueoocw noon to mucoEopo ocooxwe o o? czoeo moo moose woos so does» woos: open: mooco ago so m:_ooo_go>o osowpm on see woos» mosoooco opowo_:e co opoooo c? .oposoxo com .opopmmoo moo meeooooo ago to moopooweo> oco mooeoocwoeoo one» oooosooeooo omeooo so we om .cowooocomooo osoososom ovomw_oepm a we meghe p.593 5 3 no.5 :92! 9:26 totem - 0 menu a 4 m echo - O «u .553 o _ < n20 - X .53. 1 . . . 4 . u . q q q . 2.5 23:08 30k 9:39.... 28 XI] LX u: mono... c Xvi 9.2 .33....qu a s _ .1 id x .5380 v.53 cos-5:38 .3 .8358 QED :35:— ucssiuoucu 0 XI ilo 3 one» mean—93 £9.50 9 0 Xi Lea 30559.5. quou .uiosvcdw sci—no.3 no.3. mm;— .oEEhuafin—N 93.395 233:2 Till-4 OIIIIIIIIOvT X omzomhmozou maozwouozH mmcza mzmMPho>e=m "ooeoom m N p co. m._ mooomucoz ca co o.~ .Nmopoooomo> cop m. mam» ~.m m.¢m m.m o>ommeo memosh one mooom m.p ~.wm ¢.~_ mcooozom cop e.~ mooozou masomoo o. m.om m.m¢ ~.¢m moooocooeo mcpocw o.PF ~.om 5.5m n.mm oNVoz o. o.me o.me ~.e s.mm oo—~_z m.~ o.mp ~.m¢ ~.¢m o.mmp Aways: oeo ommv Eogmcom m. _.op P.mm o.~m more pomeou moo: so once moss» o3» moose opom ozogo pope on» mogouxpz oogu m ouooz co ooeu mmopo coco Foooh gone: so 982 CBOLG .o: Pouchm—O chugmm Pwuowmp .mmmm<4o umzthz memo hzmmmmuuo 2H oz< moomo meow m< zzomo moo=auoo om\¢m .oz usoooom .o< s_eoeez Amxoo goocopoo :PV moowcoa omumnop .oommwm >m . .~ e_m.m_ ..A.~e o...me one.m smm.e_ pon.o_ Nem.m. ueoue. omega .— ..e\< .n New. ..e. _m_. cue. ace. eem._ OAN. Rage on.“ oaetos< .~ 4 MN m. mm m~ oe oh numeo co . .— mueumvcouungogu _cco:ow .~ couaou ocxo mcuuazom mascvcaoca o~.~z u\z\m gov: ..eo».cu mom—sncuucu comp .moaozmmac: cm 2oz; (kc: >u>¢am 2o aumm z— mum—xmzuhzu acacx wzh no m_m>a~h<¢ uo-uab N DNAO 0. Labor input use 1. Pre-harvest activities 1. 1 Family labor 1.2 Social labor 1.3 Hired labor Lawmmui 2. Harvest activities 2.1 Family labor 2.2 Social labor 2.3 Hired labor 2.4 Sub-total 3. Total N N hrs rs hrs 0 106 (CFA/hr) 21 hrs 65 m 41‘" O n: no 86 ~a coco loin (3904040 hrs hrs 205 hrs 9 (CFA/hr) 0 hrs 205 hrs 270 #N o—J UU‘ION E. .Total variable costs . 1.733 F. Tools and equipment (depreciation on) 291 G. Total costs 2,024 OUTPUT A. Crop yields (kg/ha) 1. Shelled groundnuts 119 2. Shelled bambera nuts 6 8. Unit price (CFA/kg) 1. Shelled groundnuts 67.4 2. Shelled bambera nuts 35.8 C. Total value of output 8,235 PERFORMANCE MEASURES A. Gross income 8,235 Less: Total variable costs 1,733 8. Gross margin 6,502 Less: Total fixed costs 291 C. Net margin 6,211 Less: Opportunity cost of equity capital 8 lt/month [(1. 463 x 8) + (65 x 3)] (. 01) 119 0. Net returns to land. FL (family labor) and management 6.092 Less: Opportunity costs of FL: (480 hrs 8 55 CFA/hr) 26,400 E. Net returns to land and management -20,3OO F. Net returns per field-hour of family labor (6,092 4 480) 12.7 G. Output - Seed ratio 15/1 H. Costs of production (CFA/kg) (2.024 a 125) 16.2 1. Total costs of production (CFA/kg) (28,543 a 125) 228.3 93 TABLE 4.3.5 AVERAGE COSTS AND RETURNS PER HECTARE FOR SOYBEANS SYSTEM 3. IN THE EORD, 1980 CFA CFA 1. INPUT USE A. Basic data 1. d of cases 18 2. Average size (ha) .494 B. Non-labor input use 1. Seed rate (kg/ha) 25.0 9 (157.3 CFA/kg) 3,932 Total 3.932 C. Agronomic data 1. Percentage of area ploughed using: 1.1 Animal traction 58.4 1.2 Hand tools 2.6 1.3 Zero tillage 39.1 2. Percentage of area fertilized: 2.1 Chemically o 2.2 Organically o 0. Labor input use 1. Pre-harvest activities 1.1 Family labor 147.2 hrs 1.2 Social labor .9 hrs 56 1.3 Hired labor 0 hrs 0 1.4 Sub-total 148.1 hrs - 56 2. Harvest activities 2.1 Family labor 23.5 hrs 2.2 Social labor 1.5 hrs 0 2.3 Hired labor 2.5 hrs 0 106 (CFA/hr) 265 2.4 Sub-total 27.5 hrs 265 3. Total 175.6 hrs 321 _E. Total variable costs ' 4.253 F. Tools and equipment (depreciation on) 950 G. Total costs 4,348 11. Output A. Crop yields (kg/ha) 1. Soybeans 707 8. Unit price (CFA/kg) l. Soybeans 116.7 C. Total value Of output 82.507 111. PERFORMANCE MEASURES A. Gross income 82.507 Less: Total variable costs 4,253 8. Gross margin 78,254 Less: Total fixed costs 950 C. Net margin 77.304 Less: Opportunity cost of equity capital 9 lz/month [(3,932 x 8) + (56 x 3)] (.01) 316 0. Net returns to land, FL (family labor) and management 76.988 Less: Opportunity costs of FL: (171 hrs 6 55 CFA/hr) 9.405 E. Net returns to land and management 67,583 F. Net returns per field-hour of family labor (76,988 4 171) 450.2 G. Output - seed ratio 28.2 H. Costs of production (CFA/kg) (4.348 t 707) 6.1 ' 1. Total costs Of production (CFA/kg) (14.059 . 707) 19.9 94 system, 76 to 97 percent of the total labor input was family labor. FOr the rice enterprise, family labor accounted for 76 percent of total labor input while for maize, GN/BN or soybean enterprises, it accounted up to 97 percent Of total labor input per hectare. In this system of production, hired labor was used in all enterprises, its contribution to total labor input under all enterprises being less than 2 percent. But total non-family labor contribution to total labor input in this system varied between 3 percent and 24 percent. The relatively high dependence on non-family labor in this system gives us an idea of some employment Opportunities for the rural population existing within this production system. And at the same time, it lets us suspect that family labor may rapidly be becoming a constraint on production in this system, or that farmers in this system are beginning to substitute hired labor for family labor in order to free family labor for other purposes (e.g., leisure).' The mean expenditure per hectare for non-family labor in this system varied from 270 CFA for GN/BN enterprise to 2.353 CFA for S/M/C enterprise. Total'labor expenditures on non-family labor in the form of wages, food and drink varied from 7 percent of total farm expenditures (TFE) under the soybean enterprise to 39 percent of TFE under the S/M/C enterprise. The seed rates observed in this production system were quite Often far from the recommended rates. The mean quantity Of paddy seeds used by farmers here was 38 kg/ha which is only 47 percent Of the recommended rate Of 80 kg/ha. In the case of the maize enterprise, the mean quan- tity of seeds used was only 71 percent Of the recommended rate. Also, in the case of soybeans, the average seed rate Observed, 25 kg/ha was 95 only 62 percent of the recommended rate. In this production system, fertilizer was used only in maize but at a very low rate (1.3 kg/ha) which is only 1.3 percent Of the recOmmended rate. The average appli— cation rate of fertilizer is so low that it suggests only farmer experi- mentation on a small proportion of "fertilized" area. Crop yields were generally low, particularly for sorghum, ground- nuts and bambera nuts. However, it should be noted that yields Obtained under crop mixtures may understate the potential yields of those crops when grown in pure stands. A cowpea yield of 15 kg/ha represents only the average contribution of cowpeas to the grain production enterprise, taking into consideration that sometimes no cowpeas were harvested even though they were planted. While the yield so computed may understate the potential yield of cowpeas as an enterprise itself, it correctly measures its average importance or cOntribution to the grain production enterprise. However, it remains true that one of the major problems facing this production system is how to increase cereal yields from their ' present levels of ZOO-500 kg/ha. 3.3.2. Comparison and Appraisal of the Five Major Enterprises in System 3 A summary of general characteristics, costs and returns as well as performance measures for all five enterprises are provided in Table 14.5.3. The discussion will mainly concern the analysis of the perfor- rnance measures so as to identify the enterprises with the highest 'Financial return and lowest cost Of production. I 96 TABLE 4.5.3 A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE MAJOR ENTERPRISES IN SYSTEM 3. BASED ON SURVEY DATA FROM 30 HOUSEHOLDS. 1980 Enterprises Criteria Rice SIM/C Maize GN/BN Soybeans I. General Characteristics 1. I of cases 45 56 39 47 18 2. Average size (ha) .488 .707 .431 .582 .494 3. Average yield (kg/ha) 501 125/315/15 885 119/6 707 11. Financial Situation (CFA/ha) 1. Gross income 32.916 19,896 33,807 8,235 82.507 2. Variable costs 5,696 5,352 1.418 1,733 4.253 3. Total expenditures (including depreciation on tools and equipment) 5,930 6.013 1.597 2,024 4,348 4. Opportunity costs Of 4.1 Family labor 28,490 74.085 15.235 26.400 9.405 4.2 Equity capital 355 298 90 119 316 5. Total costs 34,775 80,396 16,922 28,543 14,069 111. Performance Measures 1. Gross margin (CFA/ha) (11.1 - 11.2) 27.220 14.544 32,389 6,502 78,254 2. Net margin (CFA/ha) (11.3) 26,986 13.883 32.210 6,211 77,304 3. Net returns to land. family labor a management (CFA/ha) (111.2 - 11.4.2) 26,631 13,585 32,120 6,092 76,988 4. Net returns to land a management (CFA/ha): (111.3 - 11.4.1) -l.859 -60,500 16.885 -20,300 67,583 5. Net returns per hour of - family labor (CFA/phr) (111.3 + Total FL) 51.4 10.1 116.0 12.7 450.2 6. Total costs of production (CFA/kg) 69.4 176.7 19.1 228.3 19.9 7. Output - seed ratio 13.2 6/14/2 49.7 15/1 28.2 97 Gross Margin (GM) Among the five major enterprises of System 3, the variation in gross margin ranged from 6,502 CFA/ha to 78,254 CFA/ha (Table 4.5.3). The soybean enterprise had the highest gross margin and the GN/BN enter- prise had the lowest gross margin. One thing interesting to note though is that the gross margins for all enterprises studied was positive and hence, all the enterprises are valid candidates to stay in the farm business organization according to the neg-classical economic theory. Net Margin (NM) Among the five major enterprises, the variation in the NM ranged from 6,211 CFA/ha to 77,304 CFA/ha. So far, the soybean enterprise appears to provide the highest returns per hectare of all crops under consideration in this system followed by maize (32,210 CFA/ha) and rice (26,986 CFA/ha) (Table 4.5.3). Net Returns to Land, Family Labor and Management (NRLFLM) The NRLFLM for the five enterprises ranged from 76,988 CFA/ha for soybean enterprise to 6,092 CFA/ha for the GN/BN enterprise (Table 4.5.3). In all enterprises, except for soybeans and maize, the return per field hour of family labor was less than the minimum wage rate paid to unskilled urban workers (i.e., 90 CFA/hr). This result suggests that there may be some financial gain in seeking employment in urban areas or other farms where the minimum Observed wage to hired labor is 45 CFA/hr (e.g., rice farms). In the case of soybean and maize enterprises where the returns are 450.2 CFA/hr and 116.0 CFA/hr, respectively, returns here are far above the minimum average agricultural wage rate and also have the SMIG. Thus there is no financial advantage of family members 98 seeking wage employment in other enterprises or in urban areas when they are needed on their soybean and maize fields. In the case of rice, there is some financial advantage of family members seeking wage employment in other enterprises or in urban areas since the returns are only 51.4 CFA/hr. But compared to returns under S/M/C enterprise, farmers are better Off working on their rice fields. The following shifts could be expected to take place: a) farmers will put more of their land and labor into soybeans and maize if the minimum sorghum needed for family consumption is attained; and b) low returns per hour of family labor in rice enterprise compared to the SMIG, may force farmers to abandon this crop since as a grain, it is not yet an important part Of the diet. Some incentive structure must be urgently found if rice growing is to survive in this system where some important investments in water control have already been made. Returns to Land and Management (RLM) All enterprises in this system, except soybeans and maize, realized a negative return to land and management (Table 4.5.3). The RLM for the five enterprises ranged from 67,583 CFA/ha for soybeans to —60,500 CFA/ha for the S/M/C enterprise. Costs of Production Taking into consideration only variable and fixed costs, maize showed the lowest cost of production (1.8 CFA/kg) and rice had the highest cost of production (11.8 CFA/kg of paddy) (Tables 4.3.l-4.3.5). The second type Of cost of production computed was Obtained by adding 99 the Opportunity cost of equity capital and family labor to total expenditures and the result was divided by the yield. Among the five enterprises, maize showed the lowest total costs of production (19.1 CFA/kg) and GN/BN had the highest total cost of production (228.3 CFA/kg). The second lowest total cost of production was found in soy- beans (l9.9 CFA/kg). The third lowest total cost Of production was found in rice (69.4 CFA/kg). 3.4. System 4: Production System Based on Farmers Growing Irrigated Paddies with Fertilizer In this production system, the most important enterprises in terms Of the objectives Of study, area cultivated, labor used, and income generated were: rice, sorghum/millet/cowpeas (SIM/C), maize, ground- nuts, bambera nuts and Okra. 3.4.1. Overview Of the Enterprise Budgets in System 4 Costs and returns to the six major enterprises in System 4, derived from the 1980 survey are shown in Tables 4.4.l-4.4.6. The average areas planted in rice, S/M/C, maize, groundnuts, bambera nuts and Okra were in hectares, .151, .766, .093, .118, .042 and .065, respectively. The mean labor utilization per hectare in all field activities ranged from 145.4 hours for the Okra enterprise to 3,054 hours for the rice enter- prise. In this system, 98 to 100 percent Of the total labor input per hectare was family labor. No hired labor was used in this system. The low dependence on non-family labor gives us an idea of the poor employ- ment Opportunities which exist in this production system. The mean expenditure per hectare for social labor in rice and S/M/C enterprises where it is used were 1,220 CFA and 41 CFA, respectively. 100 TABLE 4.4.1 AVERAGE COSTS AND RETURNS PER HECTARE FOR RICE SYSTEM 4, IN THE EORD, 1980 CFA CFA 1. INPUT USE A. Bésic data 1. a of cases 62 2. Average size (ha) .151 8. Non—labor input use 1. Seed rate (kg/ha) 57. 7 O (125 CFA/k ) 7,212 2. Fertilizer 18-35—0) (kg/ha) 12 20. 3 O (56 CFA/kg? 6,737 3. Pesticides kg/ha) 3. 3 O 196.1 CFA/kg) 647 Total 14,596 C. Agronomic data 1. Percentage of area ploughed using: 1.1 Animal traction 14.7 1.2 Hand tools 70.9 1.3 Zero tillage 14.4 2. Percentage of area fertilized: 2.1 Chemically 76.4 2.2 Organically O 0. Labor input use 1. Pre-harvest activities 1.1 Family labor 1.925 hrs 1.2 Social labor 22 hrs 301 1.3 Hired labor ' 0 hrs 0 1.4 Sub-total 1.947 hrs 301 2. Harvest activities 2.1 Family labor 1,051 hrs 2.2 Social labor 56.3 hrs 919 2.3 Hired labor , 0 hrs 0 2.4 Sub-total 1.107 hrs 919 3. Total 3.054 hrs 1.220 E. Total variable costs 15,816 F. Tools and equipment (depreciation on) 1.226 G. Total costs 17,042 11. OUTPUT A. Crop yields (kg/ha) 1. Paddy rice 1,736 8. Unit price (CFA/kg) l. Paddy rice 51.8 C. Total value of output 89,925 111. PERFORMANCE MEASURES A. Gross income 89,925 Less: Total variable costs 15,816 8. Gross margin 74,109 Less: Total fixed costs 1,226 C. Net margin 72,883 Less: Opportunity cost of equity capital 0 l%/month [(14,596 x 8) + (301 x 3)] (.01) 1,177 0. Net returns to land, FL (family labor) and management 71,706 Less: Opportunity costs of FL: 2,976 hrs 8 27 CFA/hr) 80,352 E. Net returns to land and management -8.646 F. Net returns per field-hour of family labor (71,706 4 2,976) 24.1 G. Output - seed ratio 30.2 H. Costs of production (CFA/kg) (17,042 + 1.736) 9.8 1. Total costs of production (CFA/kg) (98,571 a 1,736) 56.8 1(11 TABLE 4.4.2 AVERAGE COSTS AND RETURNS PER HECTARE FOR SORGHUM/MILLET/COHPEAS SYSTEM 4, IN THE EORD, 1980 CFA _ CFA III. INPUT USE A. Basic data 1. I Of cases 48 2. Average size (ha) .766 Non-labor input use 1. Seed rate (kg/ha) 1.1 Sorghum 7.9 O (93.2 CFA/kg) 736 1.2 Millet ’ 2.7 O (83.4 CFA/kg) 225 1.3 Cowpeas 3 2 O (93 0 CFA/kg) 298 Total 1.259 Agronomic data 1. Percentage of area ploughed using: 1.1 Animal traction O 1.2 Hand tools 98. 1.3 Zero tillage 2. Percentage of area fertilized: 2.1 Chemically 2.2 Organically (”N 00 Labor input use 1. Pre-harvest activities 1.1 Family labor - 1.233 hrs 1.2 Social labor .9 hrs 29 1.3 Hired labor 0 hrs 0 1.4 Sub-total 1.233 hrs 29 2. Harvest activities 2.1 Family labor 205.3 hrs 2.2 Social labor 2.2 hrs 12 2.3 Hired labor 0 hrs 0 2.4 Sub-total 207.5 hrs 12 3. Total 1.440 hrs 41 Total variable costs 1,300 Tools and equipment (depreciation on) » 4,919 Total costs 6.219 OUTPUT Crop yields (kg/ha) 1. Sorghum 401 2. Millet 20 3. Cowpeas 12 Unit price (CFA/kg) l. Sorghum/millet 33.9 2. Cowpeas 56. 9 Total value of output 14,955 PERFORMANCE MEASURES A. 10 Cross income ’ 14,955 Less: Total variable costs 1,300 Gross margin 13,655 Less: Total fixed costs 4,919 Net margin 8,736 Less: Opportunity cost of equity capital 0 lz/month [(1,259 x 8) + (29 x 3)] (.01) 102 Net returns to land, FL (family labor) and management 8,534 Less: Opportunity costs of FL: (1,417 hrs 8 27 CFA/hr) 38,259 Net returns to land and management -29.625 Net returns per field-hour of family labor (8,634 4 1,417) 6. Output - seed ratio . 51/7/4 Costs Of production (CFA/kg of grain) (6.219 t 433) ' 14.4 Total costs of production (CFA/kg of grain) (44,580 a 433) 103.0 102 TABLE 4.4.3 AVERAGE COSTS AND RETURNS PER HECTARE FOR MAIZE SYSTEM 4, IN THE EORD, 1980 CFA CFA 1. INPUT USE A. Basic data 1. I of cases 18 2. Average size (ha) .093 8. Non-labor input use 1. Seed rate (kg/ha) 24.6 8 (81.7 CFA/kg) 2,010 Total 2.010 C. Agronomic data 1. Percentage Of area ploughed using: 1.1 Animal traction 18.7 1.2 Hand tools 75.0 1.3 Zero tillage 7.3 2. Percentage Of area fertilized: 2.1 Chemically O 2.2 Organically 31.8 0. Labor input use 1. Pre-harvest activities ' 1.1 Family labor 601.2 hrs 1.2 Social labor 0 hrs 1.3 Hired labor 0 hrs 1.4 Sub-total 601.2 hrs 2. Harvest activities 2.1 Family labor 238.1 hrs 2.2 Social labor 0 hrs 2.3 Hired labor 0 hrs 2.4 Sub-total 238.1 hrs 3. Total 839.3 hrs 0 E. Total variable costs 2.010 F. Tools and equipment (depreciation on) . 211 G. Total costs I . 2.221 11. OUTPUT A. Crop yields (kg/ha) l. Shelled corn 2,197 8. Unit price (CFA/kg) l. Shelled corn 31.8 C. Total value of output 69,895 111. PERFORMANCE MEASURES A. Gross income ' 69.895 Less: Total variable costs 2,010 8. Gross margin 67,855 Less: Total fixed costs 211 C. Net margin 67.644 Less: Opportunity cost of equity capital 0 lzlmonth (2,010 x 8 x .01) 161 0. Net returns to land, FL (family labor) and management 67,483 Less: Opportunity costs of FL: (839 hrs 9 27 CFA/hr) 22,653 E. Net returns to land and management 44.830 F. Net returns per field-hour Of family labor (67,483 a 839) 80.4 G. Output - seed ratio 89.3 H. Costs Of production (CFA/kg) (2.221 a 2,197) 1.0 Total costs Of production (CFA/kg) (25.035 4 2,197) 11.4 103 TABLE 4.4.4 AVERAGE COSTS AND RETURNS PER HECTARE FOR GROUNDNUTS SYSTEM 4, IN THE EORD, 1980 ~ CFA CFA 1. INPUT USE A. Basic data 1. 4 of cases 20 2. Average size (ha) .118 B. Non-labor input use 1. Seed rate (kg/ha) 44.0 9 (80.8 CFA/kg) 3,555 Total 3.555 C. Agronomic data 1. Percentage of area ploughed using: 1.1 Animal traction 24.3 1.2 Hand tools 72.9 1.3 Zero tillage 2.8 2. Percentage Of area fertilized: 2.1 Chemically O 2.2 Organically 18.2 0. Labor input use 1. Pre-harvest activities 1.1 Family labor 355.6 hrs 1.2 Social labor 0 hrs 1.3 Hired labor 0 hrs 1.4 Sub-total 355.6 hrs 2. Harvest activities 2.1 Family labor 323.9 hrs 2.2 Social labor 0 hrs 2.3 Hired labor 0 hrs 2.4 Sub-total 323.9 hrs 3. Total 679.5 hrs 0 E. Total variable costs 3.555 F. Tools and equipment (depreciation on) 303 G. Total costs 3.858 11. OUTPUT A. Crop yields (kg/ha) 1. Shelled groundnuts 422 8. Unit price (CFA/kg) 1. Shelled groundnuts 41.2 C. Total value of output 17,386 111. PERFORMANCE MEASURES A. Gross income 17,386 Less: Total variable costs 3,555 8. Gross margin 13,831 Less: Total fixed costs 303 C. Net mar in 13.528 Less: pportunity cost Of equity capital 9 lz/month (3,555 x 3 x .01) 234 0. Net returns to land. FL (family labor) and management 13,244 Less: Opportunity costs of FL: (679 hrs 0 27 CFA/hr) 13,333 E. Net returns to land and management -5,039 Net returns per field-hour Of family labor (13,244 4 579) 19,5 G. Output - seed ratio 9.6 H. Costs of production (CFA/kg) (3,858 a 422) 9.1 1. Total costs Of production (CFA/kg) (22,475 a 422) 53.3 104 TABLE 4.4.5 AVERAGE COSTS AND RETURNS PER HECTARE FOR BAMBERA NUTS SYSTEM 4, IN THE EORD, 1980 CFA CFA 1. INPUT USE A. Basic data 1. a of cases 3 2. Average size (ha) .042 B. Non-labor input use 1. Seed rate (kg/ha) 79 9 (109.1 CFA/kg) 8,619 Total 8.619 C. Agronomic data 1. Percentage of area ploughed using: 1.1 Animal traction O 1.2 Hand tools 100 1.3 Zero tillage O 2. Percentage of area fertilized: 2.1 Chemically O 2.2 Organically O 0. Labor input use 1. Pre-harvest activities 1.1 Family labor 770 hrs 1.2 Social labor 0 hrs 1.3 Hired labor 0 hrs 1.4 Sub-total 770 hrs 2. Harvest activities 2.1 Family labor 750 hrs 2.2 Social labor 0 hrs 2.3 Hired labor 0 hrs 2.4 Sub-total 750 hrs 3. Total 1.520 hrs 0 E. Total variable costs ' 8,619 F. Tools and equipment (depreciation on) 130 G. Total costs 8,749 11. OUTPUT A. Crop yields (kg/ha) 1. Shelled bambera nuts 540 8. Unit price (CFA/kg) 1. Shelled bambera nuts 48.2 C. Total value of output 26,028 111. PERFORMANCE MEASURES A. Gross income 26.028 Less: Total variable costs 8.619 8. Gross margin 17,409 Less: Total fixed costs 130 C. Net nmrgin 17.279 Less: Opportunity cost of equity capital 9 lZ/month (8,619 x 8 x .01) 690 0. Net returns to land, FL (family labor) and mana ement 16.589 Less: Opportunity costs of FL: (1,530 hrs 0 7 CFA/hr) 41,310 E. Net returns to land and management -24.721 F. Net returns per field-hour of family labor (16.589 1 1.530) 10.8 G. Output - seed ratio 6.8 H. Costs of production (CFA/kg) (8.749 t 540) 16.2 1. Total costs of production (CFA/k9) (50,749 4 540) 94.0 105 TABLE 4.4.6 AVERAGE COSTS AND RETURNS PER HECTARE FOR OKRA SYSTEM 4, IN THE EORD, 1980 CFA CFA 1. INPUT USE A. Basic data 1. 4 of cases 20 2. Average size (ha) .065 8. Non-labor input use 1. Seed rate (kg/ha) 12.3 9 (144 CFA/kg) 1,771 Total ° 1.771 C. Agronomic data 1. Percentage of area ploughed using: 1.1 Animal traction 2.3 1.2 Hand tools 92.3 1.3 Zero tillage 4.4 2. Percentage of area fertilized: 2.1 Chemically O 2.2 Organically 6.8 0. Labor input use 1. Pre-harvest activities 1.1 Family labor 120.8 hrs 1.2 Social labor 0 hrs 1.3 Hired labor 0 hrs 1.4 Sub-total 120.8 hrs 2. Harvest activities 2.1 Family labor 24.6 hrs 2.2 Social labor 0 hrs 2.3 Hired labor 0 hrs 2.4 Sub-total 24.6 hrs 3. Total 145.4 hrs 0 E. Total variable costs 1.771 F. Tools and equipment (depreciation on) 171 G. Total costs 1.942 11. OUTPUT A. Crop yields (kg/ha) 1. Fresh okra 370 8. Unit price (CFA/kg) . 1. Fresh okra 83.3 C. Total value of output 30.821 111. PERFORMANCE MEASURES A. Cross income 30,821 Less: Total variable costs 1,771 8. Gross margin 29.050 Less: Total fixed costs 171 C. Net margin 28.879 Less: Opportunity cost of equity capital 9 ltlmonth (1,771 x 8 x .01) 142 0. Net returns to land, FL (family labor) and management 28.737 Less: Opportunity costs of FL: (145 hrs 9 27 CFA/hr) 3.915 E. Net returns to land and management 24.822 F. Net returns per field-hour Of family labor (28,737 a 145) 198.2 G. Output - seed ratio 30.1 H. Costs of production (CFA/kg) (1.942 a 370) 5.2 1. Total costs of production-(CFA/kg) (5,999 . 370) 16.2 106 For the rice enterprise, 75 percent Of all expenditures were on harvest activities whereas under the SIM/C enterprise, 71 percent Of these expenditures were spent on pre-harvest activities (Tables 4.4.l-4.4.2). The seed rates observed in this production system were quite far from the recommended rates. The mean quantity of paddy rice seeds used by farmers of this system was 57.7 kg/ha which is about 72 percent of the recommended rate Of 80 kg/ha. For the groundnut enterprise, only 55 percent Of the recommended seed rate was applied, and for maize, the average seed rate observed (24.6 kg/ha) was very close to the recommended rate Of 25 kg/ha. Crop yields were generally low, but relative to other systems studied, yields were quite high. This certainly reflects certain general ecological conditions such as rainfall, humidity, soil type, etc., of the area where System 4 was located. In general, yields are higher with a higher rainfall and a better rain distribution. And as Baker and Lassiter (1980, pp. 48—49) pointed out, the higher rainfall and better distribution of rain in the Diapaga area goes with higher plant density, except for millet, which explains why, in general, we have higher yields in this system for all crops. It can also be observed that a large quantity of family labor input per hectare was used in this system of production. These Observations amply demonstrate that .yields in any system Of production is not the result of any single factor. 3.4.2. Comparison and Appraisal of the Six Major Enterprises in System 4 A summary Of general characteristics, costs and returns, as well as performance measures for all six enterprises are provided in Table 4.5.4. 107 TABLE 4.5.4 A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE MAJOR ENTERPRISES IN SYSTEM 4, BASED ON SURVEY DATA FROM 30 HOUSEHOLDS, 1980 Enterprises Criteria Ground- Bambera Rice S/M/C Maize nuts nuts Okra I. General Characteristics 1. 4 of cases 62 48 18 20 3 20 2. Average size (ha) .151 .766 .093 .118 .042 .065 3. Average yield (kg/ha) 1.736 401/20/12 2,197 422 540 370 11. Financial Situation (CFA/ha) 1. Gross income 89.925 14,955 69,895 17.386 26.028 30.821 2. Variable costs 15,816 1,300 2.010 3.555 8,619 1,771 3. Total expenditures (including depreciation on tools and equipment) 17,042 6,219 2,221 3,858 8,749 1,942 4. Opportunity costs of 4-1 F4811! 1490' 80.352 38.259 22.653 18.333 41.310 3.915 4.2 Equity capital 1,177 102 161 284 690 142 5. Total costs 98,571 44,580 25,035 22,475 50.749 5.999 111. Performance Measures 1. Gross margin (CFA/ha) (11.1 - 11.2) 74,109 13,655 67,855 13,831 17,409 29,050 2. Net margin (CFA/ha) (11.1 - 11.3) 72.883 8,736 67,644 13,528 17,279 28,879 3. Net returns to land, family labor and management (CFA/ha) (111.2 - 11.4.2) 71,706 8,634 67,483 13,244 16,589 28,737 4. Net returns to land 6 management (CFA/ha) (111.3- 11.4.1) -8.646 -29,625 44,830 -5,089 -24,721 24,822 5. Net returns per hour of family labor (CFA/phr) (III.3+ Total FL) 24.1 6.1 80.4 19.5 10.8 198.2 6. Total costs of production (CFA/kg) 56.8 103.0 11.4 53.3 94.0 _ 16.2 7. Output-seed ratio 30.2 51/7/4 89.3 9.6 6.8 30.1 108 The discussion will mainly concern the analysis of the performance measures so as to identify the enterprise with the highest financial return and lowest cost of production. Gross Margin (GM) Among the six major enterprises of System 4, the variation in gross margin ranged from 13,655 CFA/ha to 74,109 CFA/ha (Table 4.5.4). The rice enterprise had the highest gross margin and the S/M/C enterprise had the lowest gross margin, but all the GMs were positive. Net Margin (NM) Among the six major enterprises, the variation in NM ranged from 8,736 CFA/ha to 72,883 CFA/ha. Rice so far, appears to provide the highest return per hectare of all crops in this system. Net Returns to Land, Family Labor and Management (NRLFLM) The NRLFLM for the six enterprises ranged from 8,634 CFA/ha for the S/M/C enterprise to 71,706 CFA/ha for the rice enterprise (Table 4.5.4). In all enterprises, except for Okra the return per field hour of family labor was less than the minimum wage rate paid to unskilled urban workers, i.e., 90 CFA/hr. This result suggests that there may be some ‘financial_gain in seeking employment in urban areas. However, in the case of the Okra enterprise, the returns of 198 CFA/hr is far above the minimum wage rates. Thus, there is no financial advantage Of family members seeking wage employment when they are needed on their Okra fields. In the case of rice, the returns Of 24.1 CFA/hr of family labor is far smaller than the minimum wage rates. This may be enough to ini- tiate an exit process in this fragile industry. The following shifts 109 could be expected: a) farmers will put more of their land and labor under Okra, maize and groundnuts if the minimum sorghum needed for home consumption is attained; and b) low returns per hour of family labor in rice may force farmers to abandon this crop despite the government support of this crop. Returns to Land and Management (RLM) All enterprises, except okra and maize, realized a negative return to land and management (Table 4.5.4). The high negative RLM under S/M/C, bambera nuts and rice, was probably due to the large quantity of family labor input per hectare. Costs of Production Taking into consideration only variable and fixed costs, maize showed the lowest cost Of production (1.0 CFA/kg) and bambera nuts had the highest cost of production (16.2 CFA/kg) (Tables 4.4.l-4.4.6). The second type of cost of production computed was Obtained by adding the Opportunity costs of equity capital and family labor to total farm ex- penditures and the result was divided by the yield. Among the six lenterprises, maize still showed the lowest total cost of production (11.4 CFA/kg) and S/M/C had the highest total cost of production (103.0 CFA/kg). The second highest total cost Of production was found in bambera nuts (94.0 CFA/kg). Okra showed the second lowest total costs of production (16.2 CFA/kt), and rice showed the third lowest total costs of production (56.8 CFA/kg). 110 3.5. Comparison and Appraisal Of the Rice Enterprises Across the Four Production Systems Studied Four basic systems Of water control in rice farming were identified in the EORD. One relies on uncertain surface flooding (System 1) and attains a yield of less than 500 kg/ha (with no modern inputs). The other three provide partial or complete water control, with yields of .5 to 1.2 ton per hectare for improved swamps (Systems 2 and 3) and 1.7 tons per hectare for the dam syStem with fertilizer use. Table 4.5.5 summarizes the general characteristics, costs and returns as well as measures Of efficiency for all four rice production techniques in the EORD. The discussion will focus mainly on the private profitability measures. These measures are based on average costs and returns fOr existing methods of rice farming in the EORD. The NRLFLM at the farm level ranged from a high of about 71,706 CFA/ ha on irrigated paddies in System 4 to a low of 23,908 CFA/ha on tradi- tional bas-fonds in System 1. The greatest part of this difference is caused by variations in the method of water control which has a clear impact on yields. Rice cultivation is cheapest by a wide margin on traditional bas-fonds (System 1). Most expensive is the production on irrigated bas-fOnds (Table 4.5.5). Cost variations among the three systems with partial or complete water control are quite appreciable (cf. family labor use between Systems 2 and 3 or Systems 3 and 4). Part of the difference in labor requirements as we mentioned earlier is prob- ably due to the difference in the method Of land preparation, yield differences and/or intensity Of weeding. For instance, while in System 2, 100 percent Of rice fields were prepared using hand-tools, in System 3, zero tillage during the 1980 survey was used on almost 78 percent of 111 TABLE 4.5.5 A COMPARATIVE FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF THE FOUR MAJOR RICE PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES IN THE EORD. BASED ON SURVEY DATA FROM 116 HOUSEHOLDS, 1980-81 Production Techniques Traditional Semi- Improved Irrigated Criteria Bas-Fonds Traditional Bas-Fonds Bas-Fonds Bas-Fonds I 11 111 IV I. General Characteristics 1. i of cases 64 76 45 62 2. Average size (ha) .411 .270 .488 .151 3. Average yield (k /ha) 458.3 1,172 501 1.736 4. Seed rate (kg/ha? 23.6 50.8 38.0 57.7 11. Financial Situation (CFA/ha) 1. Gross income 27,773 48,872 32,916 89,925 2. Variable costs 2.858 6.161 5,696 15,816 3. Total expenditures (including depreciation on tools 3 equipment) 3,708 7,085 5,930 17,042 4. Opportunity costs of 4.1 Family labor 11,515 44,200 28.490 80.352 4.2 Equity capital 157 , 406 355 1,177 5. Total costs 15,380 51,691 34,775 98,571 111. Performance Measures 1. Gross margin (11.1 - 11.2) 24.915 42.711 27.220 74.109 2. Net margin (11.1 - 11.3) 24,065 41,787 26,986 72,883 3. Net returns to land, family labor a management (CFA/ha) (III-Z - 11-4-2) 23.908 41.381 26.631 71.706 4. Net returns to land 6 management (CFA/ha) (111.3 - 11.4.1) 12,393 -2,819 -l.859 -8,646 5. Net returns per hour of family labor (CFA/9hr) (111.3 + Total FL) 97.6 18.7_ 51.4 24.1 6. Total costs of production (CFA/k9) 33.6 44.1 59.4 55.3 112 rice fields; and in System 4, higher yields realized called for a higher level of family labor use. Other factors that may explain differences in labor requirements among the four systems include soil quality, field size and length of growing season. 3.6. Social Profitability Of Rice Cultivation Under the Four Systems Studied The objective Of this section is to determine the economic returns to the four alternative methods of rice cultivation in the absence of distorting government policies and imperfection in factor and product markets. Market imperfections due, for example, to economies Of scale or the existence Of externalities or monopoly elements in the economy, are difficult to measure and are probably not so quantitatively import- ant as the distortions introduced by government. Hence, emphasis here is placed on the effects Of government policies on the rice production. 3.6.1. Shadow Prices of Domestic Factors and Output The shadow price of a scarce factor will be adequately approximated by its market price if the imperfections and other distortions in the market are minor. These conditions are largely fulfilled for labor and seeds. SO the factor price distortions facing rice producers are mainly budget subsidies on inputs such as fertilizers and land improvement costs as well as on the average invested capital. Fertilizer Farmers in the EORD are in general paying low prices for urea and fertilizer (18-35-0). The price paid by farmers per kilo Of urea and 18-35-0 were 60 CFA and 56 CFA, respectively. Their true cost-prices 113 are estimated at 90 CFA and 80 CFA per kilo, which translate into 50 and 43 percent subsidy for urea and fertilizer (18-35-0), respectively.8 Thus an average of 44 percent subsidy weighted by the quantities of each fertilizer used was added to farmer's total expenditures on fertil- izer to approximate its true economic cost. Water Control Costs Part of or total cost of land improvement work and/or water control in the EORD is supported by government funds. These investment costs vary from 18,000 CFA/ha in System 2 to 68,000 CFA/ha in System 4.9 There is no fee charged to farmers using these newly developed areas. Thus, the annual investment costs borne by the government were added to farmers' total farm expenditure to approximate its true eoonomic cost. Import Parity Price Of Rice The world price is used to evaluate the profitability of domestic production of rice in the EORD since rice imports are the major alter- native tO increased rice output in the EORD. To determine the gross economic benefits from each alternative technique of rice cultivation, the import parity price of domestic pro- duction was computed as shown in Table 4.5.6. The import parity price of a kilogram Of paddy was determined to be 56.4 CFA (Table 4.5.6). SO in System 2, farmers were receiving a lower price for their output Of rice (41.7 CFA/kg Of paddy) comparatively to the world price 8The source of cost-price information is World Bank Report No. 3296-UV, September 1980. 9The source of information on investment costs is FDR, "Rapport technique," Campagne, 1977-78. , 114 TABLE 4.5.6 IMPORT PARITY PRICE OF A TON OF PADDY PRODUCED IN THE EORD, 1980 Item Value (CFA) 1. Cost C.I.F. Abidjan (CFA/mt) 97,000 plus port handling 1,870 plus transhipment to rail 1,000 plus rail transport Abidjan-Ouaga 9,500 plus road transport Ouaga-Fada 6,500 plus unloading Fada 300 2. Wholesale price Fada area (CFA/mt) 116,170 less milling costs 12,000 Sub-total 104,170 3. Paddy equivalenta 67,711 less transport to mill (in Fada) 2,100 less bag costs 3,000 less collection costs of paddy 6,200 4. Economic price of paddy (CFA/mt) 56,411 1979 SOURCE: Adapted from FAO trade year book and OFNACER's Report, aAt the average milling rate Of 65%. equivalent (56.4 CFA/kg). In Systems 1 and 3, farmers were receiving 60.6 CFA/kg and 65.7 CFA/kg, respectively, which were greater than the world price equivalent. In Systems 2 and 4, farmers were receiving a lower price for their output, i.e., 41.7 CFA/kg and 51.8 CFA/kg, respectively. 115 In comparison with the financial analysis (Table 4.5.5), the economic costs of production for the four techniques Of rice cultiva- tion were higher, varying from an increase Of 35 percent increase in System 1 to 132 percent increase in System 3 (see Table 4.5.7). These increases in costs are explained by the high rate of subsidy and the costs Of water control which were not taken into consideration in the financial analysis. Moreover, the variation in increases observed may be due to the mix Of subsidized resources in the different systems studied. The fact that System 3 showed the highest percentage increase in cost is mainly due to low yield achieved in this system. Table 4.5.7 shows that the least cost technique for producing rice even from an economic point of view remains the traditional cultivation on unimproved swamps. The introduction of water control to date does not compete effectively with this basic system, and total costs per kilo- gram of paddy rise in every case. The most efficient means of producing rice under "secure" water control appears to be by partial water control (System 2 where economic losses are only 4,798 CFA/ha). Production on irrigated bas-fonds with complete water control and fertilizer use is most expensive with economic losses averaging 70,966 CFA/ha. Neverthe- less, when considering whether rice production should be increased by promoting a particular technique of cultivation, it is possible to decide in general terms that only System 1 will be economically feasible. Despite the importance of water control in raising yields and expanding physical output of rice, the high capital costs of increasing water control are seldom offset by sufficiently higher yields, which means that net returns to land and labor dO not necessarily rise. 116 TABLE 4.5.7 A COMPARATIVE ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE FOUR MAJOR RICE PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES IN THE EORD, 1980 Production Techniques Criteria Traditional Semi-Traditional Improved Irrigated Bas-fonds (I) Bas-fonds (II) Bas-fonds (III) Bas-fonds (IV) 1. Total cost of labora (CFA/ha) 12.412 45.317 30.371 81.572 2. Seeds (CFA/ha) 1,961 4,613 3.815 7.212 3. Fertilizer (CFA/ha) -- -- -- 9.701 4. Interest on investment and depreciation on 1,970 2:969 653 2.391 farm tools (CFA/ha)” 5. Hater control costs (CFA/ha) -- 18.000 32.000 68,000 6. Total economic costs per hectare (CFA/ha) 16.343 70.899 66.839 168.876 7. Economic cost per kilo of paddy - 35.7 60.5 133.4 97.3 8. Gross economic value of production (CFA/ha) 25,848 66,101 28,256 97,910 9. Net economic returns (8 ' 6) (CFA/M) 9.505 '49798 ‘389583 '70.” ‘Non-famnly labor is valued at the market wage rate. and famnly labor at its opportunity cost. bInterest on investment - average invested value (AIV) x interest rate and AIV - £29!1§1§12!_E£E£ hssumnng a zero salvage value). A 35 percent money rate of interest was assumed, giving us a real rate of interest of 5 percent since the 1980 inflation rate was estimated at about 30 percent (IFAD, 1981). 117 4. SUMMARY It was found that in System 1, the gross margins ranged from 1,671 CFA/ha to 79,521 CFA/ha. The soybean enterprise had the highest gross margin and the groundnut and bambera nut enterprises had the lowest gross margin. For all the six enterprises, the returns per field hour of family labor varied from 97.6 CFA for rice to 13.9 CFA for bambera nuts. For the rice enterprise, the returns Of 97.6 CFA/hr of family labor suggest that there is no financial advantage of family members seeking wage employment in urban areas when they are needed on their rice fields (minimum guaranteed wage in urban areas is 90 CFA/hr). Among the six enterprises comprising System 1, maize showed the lowest total cost of production, 22.8 CFA/kg and bambera nuts had the highest cost Of production, 182.8 CFA/kg. Rice showed the second lowest total cost Of production, 33.6 CFA/kg Of paddy. Using 47 CFA/hr as the opportunity cost of family labpr. three enterprises in System 1 realized a negative RLM; they are S/M/C, bambera nuts and groundnuts. In System 2, the gross margin ranged from 2,119 CFA/ha to 42,711 CFA/ha. The rice enterprise had the highest gross margins and the. groundnut and cotton enterprises had the lowest gross margins; however, all enterprises in this system were able to cover their variable costs. Returns per field hour of family labor in this system ranged from 1.4 CFA for cotton to 45.5 CFA fOr soybeans. For the rice enterprise, the return per field hour of family labor was only 18.7 CFA. If the present costs and returns structure continues, the following shifts could be expected: 118 a) farmers will put more of their land and labor into soybeans, okra, S/M/C and rice in that order; and b) low returns per field hour of family labor for the cotton enterprise may force farmers to abandon this crop despite the heavy government support Of this export crop. The return per hour of family labor alone cannot determine the change in enterprise mix. Other factors include: (1) fixity of some inputs to some enterprises (e.g., lowland fields during the wet season can only be used to grow rice); (2) the family size and the division Of labor within the family; (3) the labor requirements of different crops as well as their market potentials(e.g., currently, the market potentials of soy— beans and Okra are very limited and their home consumption levels are very low); and (4) the relocating costs and the job search costs. Four enterprises (cotton, groundnuts, maize and rice) realized a negative return to land and management. Among the seven enterprises, S/M/C showed the lowest total cost of production, 27.8 CFA/kg, and cotton had the highest cost of production, 133.2 CFA/kg. The second highest total cost Of production was found for the groundnut enterprise, 93.1 CFA/kg, probably due to the low yield of groundnut (215 kg/ha) in this system. Rice showed the second lowest total costs of production, 44.1 CFA/kg of paddy. It was found that in System 3, gross margin ranged from 6,502 CFA/ha to 78,254 CFA/ha. The soybean enterprise had the highest GM and the groundnut/bambera nut mixture had the lowest GM. For all the five enter— prises comprising this system, except for soybeans and maize, the return per field hour of family labor was less than the minimum wage rate paid to unskilled urban workers, i.e., 90 CFA/hr. For the maize and soybean 119 enterprises, returns per field hour of family labor were 116.0 CFA and 450.2 CFA, respectively. For the rice enterprise, returns per field hour of family labor were 51.4 CFA. As'a result, if the present costs and returns structure persist, farmers will likely put more of their land and labor into soybeans and maize if the minimum sorghum needed for home consumption is attained; and low returns per hour of familylabor under rice may force farmers to abandon this crop since as a grain, it is not yet an important part Of the diet. Some incentive structure must be urgently found if rice growing is to survive in this system where some important investments in water control have already been made. Except for soybeans and maize, all enterprises in this system realized a negative return to land and management. Among the five enterprises, maize showed the lowest total costs of production (19.1 CFA/kg) and GN/BN had the highest total cost Of production (228.3 CFA/kg). In System 4, the variation in GM ranged from 13,655 CFA/ha to 74,109 CFA/ha. The rice enterprise had the highest gross margin the S/M/C enterprise had the lowest gross margin ; but all the GMs were positive. In all the six enterprises comprising System 4, except for Okra, the returns per field hour of family labor was less than the minimum wage rate paid to unskilled urban workers, i.e., 90 CFA/hr. For Okra, returns per field hour were 198.2 CFA, while for rice, it was only 24.1 CFA. These low returns per hour for rice may be enough to initiate the exit process from this fragile industry. All enterprises, except maize and Okra, realized a negative return to land and management. Among the six enterprises comprising System 4, maize showed the lowest total cost of production, 11.4 CFA/kg, and S/M/C had the highest total cost Of production, 103.0 CFA/kg. The second highest cost of production was 120 found in bambera nuts, 94.0 CFA/kg. Okra showed the second lowest total cost of production followed by rice (56.8 CFA/kg). The financial analysis of the different rice production techniques showed that System 4 yielded the highest gross margins per hectare (74,109 CFA) but the second lowest returns per field hour of family labor (24.1 CFA) due to the high labor requirement of this system (irrigated bas-fonds). The traditional bas-fond (System 1) yielded the lowest gross margins per hectare (24,915) but the highest returns per field hour Of . family labor (97.6 CFA). The most expensive way to grow rice was found in System 3 (69.4 CFA/kg of paddy), probably due to water costs coupled with low rice yields. The least expensive way Of producing rice was found in System 1 (traditional has-fonds), i.e., 33.6 CFA per kg of paddy. The economic analysis of the different rice enterprises from society's perspective showed that the least cost technique for producing rice remains traditional cultivation in unimproved swamps. The intro- duction of water control to date does not compete effectively with this basic system, and total costs per kilogram Of paddy rise in every case. The most efficient means Of producing rice under "secure" water control appears to be by partial water control (System 2). Production on irri- gated bas-fonds with complete water control and fertilizer use is the second most expensive with cost per kilogram Of paddy some 173 percent above the least expensive, traditional bas-fonds, and 96 percent above the more attractive improved alternative (System 2). When considering whether rice production in the EORD should be increased by promoting a particular technique of cultivation, only production in traditional bas- fonds will be economically justifiable under current technologies and yield levels. CHAPTER FIVE RICE PRODUCTION VERSUS PRODUCTION OF OTHER MAJOR COMPETING CROPS: ‘ AN OVERVIEW OF THE ANALYTICAL MODEL In Chapter Four, net margins per hectare or per hour of family labor for the different enterprises in each system were compared, with a pos- sible view to substituting enterprises with high net margins for those with low ones. Four important points have to be remembered, however. First, the different enterprises may be utilizing very different types Of land: there may be only a limited area of the farm suitable for growing rice, for example, and dryland crops may be using land totally unsuitable for rice production because of the rainfall. Secondly, dif- ferent enterprises Obviously have different requirements for the various "fixed" resources-~family labor and land. Thirdly, expansion Of an existing enterprise may necessitate a large increase in some resources, such as labor, land or even new machinery. And fourth, when based only on one cropping season data, net margin analysis, though a useful and widely-applicable tool in farm management, is known to be weak in iden- tifying optimum solutions under the economic and environment realities in operation. For all these reasons, a simple comparison Of net margins per hectare or per field hour of family labor has only a very limited use for farm planning and policy orientation, except perhaps as a rough initial guide. Hence, in order to make realistic evaluations of 121 122 existing cropping enterprises in the different systems under study, an approach is needed which will simultaneously take into account inter- relationships among all production processes through their dependence on common resources. The whole-farm modeling approach was considered adequate in this context. Such an approach could also be used to assess short— and long-run consequences of technologies in terms Of social costs and benefits and macro-level planning Objectives. 1. THE ANALYTICAL MODEL The approach Of whole-farm modeling is primarily based on the fact that different production processes depend on common resources. It will therefore be appropriate to look at the farm as a system. Following the TAC (1978) report, I A farm system or whole-farm system is not simply a collection of crops and animals to which one can apply this input or that and expect immediate results. Rather it is a complicated interwoven mesh of soils, plants, animals, implements, workers, other inputs and environmental influence with the strands held and manipulated by a person called the farmer who, given his preferences and aspirations, attempts to produce output from the inputs and technology available to him. It is the farmer's awareness of his immediate environment both natural and socio- economic that results in his farm system. There exist a wide range of programming models that can be used to evaluate cropping systems.1 Following Ghodake and Hardaker (1981, pp. 8-9), methods of whole-farm modeling include, in approximate order of increasing complexity: 1For more details on these models and their applications, see Dillon and Hardaker, 1980; Barnard and Mix, 1973; Anderson, Dillon and Hardaker, 1977; Anderson, 1974; Hardaker, 1974; and Ghodake, 1981. 123 - whole-farm budgeting - simplified programming - linear programing - linear risk programming - quadratic risk programming - linear stochastic programming - non-linear stochastic programming 4 goal programming — Monte-Carlo programming - systems simulation The different models listed above will not be discussed here; however, it is useful to consider some criteria that are relevant to the choice of a particular method for use in cropping system evaluation. As Ghodake and Hardaker (1981, pp. 9—11) pointed out, a number Of criteria that are judged to be relevant include: a) the capacity to handle many constraints and variables, the need for which arises from the complexity Of agricultural‘ production; b) the capacity to incorporate risk in a realis- tic way; c) the capacity to incorporate the real goals and Objectives Of farmers; and d) the need to introduce a cri- terion of degree Of objectivity, for if the system evalua- tion performed is to be accepted by scientists, extension workers and policy makers, they should depend no more than is absolutely necessary on subjective judgements by the analyst using the method. Of course, complete Objectivity is not attainable, but methods do vary in the extent to which they depend on judgements by the analyst. Linear programming (LP) was considered adequate as a tool of analysis in this study; however, no contention is made here that farmers are always profit maximizers. Although linear programming is by no means a new technique in agricultural studies, Heyer (1971) has pointed out that "the large body 124 of literature that now exists on the use of LP in farm production analysis includes remarkably little about small-scale farmers in devel- oping countries." According to Hopkins (1975), This method of analysis seemed particularly appropriate to a changing situation where new crops and techniques would not only affect farmers’ incomes, but would also imply re- percussions in the pattern Of farming activities and resource allocations too complex to be analyzed by con- ventional budgeting or other farm planning methods. LP is therefore used in this study in order to help answer questions con- cerning: a) the Optimal combination of enterprises that will maximize total gross margins in light of existing constraints; b) the marginal value product of each resource and/or constraint; c) the cost of forcing in non-Optimal activities (or enterprises); and d) the ranges of the gross margins of different enterprises in the basis for which the Opti- mal plan remains constant, ceteris paribus. 1.1. Building the "Representative" Farm Model for Each Production System Studied Following Collinson (1972), five elements are important to analysis and planning using the representative farm technique in traditional agriculture: a) cropping pattern; b) labor profile and supply levels; c) scale of operation and output; and d) ethnic characteristics and technology used. In constructing the initial representative farm for each production system, labor requirements and supply levels per period, farm sizes, and 2 gross margins per enterprise were averaged across the sampled households and all activities in the model were defined on a per hectare basis. 2Later on in Section 3 of Chapter Six, average labor coefficients for each production system were replaced with field specific labor coefficients. 125 The problem with this procedure is that the mean computed for most characteriStics may not necessarily typify the whole sample Of farms due to considerable inherent variation among farms. However, it is not usually possible to obtain a close match between the circumstances assumed for the representative farm and the circumstances Of any large proportion of actual farms for each single characteristic. Rather, following Dillon and Hardaker (1980, pp. 50-51), the representative farm approach was used here to derive technical coefficients in an attempt to identify general guidelines about the economical use of farm resources for farms of a particular type in a given area. 1.2. Model Structure This section is devoted to a description of the main structural elements Of the model and the derivation of the numerical coefficients which it comprises. According to Heady (1971), there is a homogeneity in the agricul- tural planning environment among regions and countries in that all farms have: (1) plans or goals, (2) limited physical resources such as land, labor, capital and water which restrain the range of plans or programs which are feasible, (3) institutional or subjective restraints which restrict the range of feasible plans considered or put into actual operation, (4) an Ob- jective function of some type to be maximized or goal to be approached, (5) weights which must exist to evaluate or express the contribution of alternative feasible plans toward objective function maximization or goal attainment, and (6) enterprises, technologies or activities which are competitive in the use of resources. The model, therefore, is comprised Of an Objective function and a set of inequalities in which the right-hand side represents a vector of resource supplies or other constraints. The left-hand side Of the 126 inequalities contains technical coefficients of requirements for these resources multiplied by variables representing the levels Of enterprises to be produced. These inequalities define the technologies to be used. In matrix notation, the model for each production system has.the fOllow- ing familiar form: n . Maximize 2 C.X., j=1,2...7 i=lJ Subject to n < ._ .E Aijxj 3 bi’ 1-l,2...23 j-l .> XJ __0 where Cj is the return per unit of quantity j allocated, Xj is the number of units of quantity j allocated, Aij is the use Of resource i per unit Of quantity j allocated, bi is the endowment Of resource i. The resource constraints considered in the model are land and family labor. Borrowing from Delgado (1979), other resources such as capital are not dealt with explicitly for three main reasons. First, the capital cost associated with the cultivation techniques and the animal traction is minimal since most farmers use hand-tools. Further- more, sample farmers used virtually no purchased inputs and cash is only needed for marketing activities of some crops (e.g., soybeans). Second, the maximum production constraints serve the same purpose as a capital constraint in cases relating to specific activities (e.g., soybean enterprise). The MAXSOY constraint effectively limits production Of soybeans to the area that can be sustained by actual techniques and cash 127 available. If marketing soybeans in distant markets becomes an Option fOr the farmer, both in terms of financial affordability and physical availability, then this assumption may have to be revised. Third, the production factors (land and labor) considered in the model are those common to all the farmers in the EORD, although the magnitude of use differs within and between the production systems studied. In any case, the assumptions made are consistent with the technology and resources currently available to farmers. 1.2.1. Resource Constraints Used a) Land Constraints Following Norman (1973, pp. 5-6), a basic distinction can be made between lowland and upland. Lowland is usually centered around rainy season watercourses or swampy areas with poor drainage between mid-July and mid-September. It supports relatively labor intensive crops such . as rice, fruits, vegetables and tubers. Since the survey only covered the rainy season, only rice will be considered as a possible crop to be planted on lowland fields. Upland can be further divided into two cate- gories depending on its proximity to human habitation: housefields (HF) and bushfields (BF). This division of land into three categories allows us to include constraints on areas of particular crops or crop mixtures, reflecting, for eXample, water, distance or fertility considerations. Although all farmers in the survey area indicated that more land can be Obtained just by clearing, this statement can only apply to the bushfield category. However, even in this category, distance and labor requirements mean that bushfields are not freely available. So, in our models, the bush- field category Of land was considered as a constraint. 128 b) Labor Constraints An understanding of the demand and supply of labor is an important pre-condition in the design of improvements Of small-holder agriculture in the EORD and other areas in developing countries. Generally, sea- sonal labor profiles are based on division of the year or cropping season into planning periods that may be chosen either conventionally, such as calendar weeks or months, or to correspond with the biological timetalbe of field activities (e.g., land preparation, planting, weed- ing, harvesting). Although the latter approach was used in collecting the survey data, conventional planning periods were used in the linear programming mOdel. Seventeen labor periods for the model were defined (Tables 5.1- 5.4). The length of each labor period was established by analyzing the crops' cycles as reported by Lassiter (1981, p. 20), and labor profiles for the main crops and crop mixtures found in each production system during the survey. Because the LP solution alogrithm treats the entire time period as a single point in time, making no distinction between the beginning and the end of the period, as Crawford (1980) pointed out, it was necessary not to allow labor needed in one period to be drawn from a different period. For example, if labor is needed in the first two weeks of June for planting, the program should not be allowed to draw from labor available in the second part of June. This was accom- plished by narrowing down the labor period to two-week periods around the most critical field activities for the major crops considered under each system of production. 129 TABLE 5.1 MAIN LABOR PERIODS AND ACTIVITIES COVERED, SYSTEM 1. 1980 Labor Heeks Oates ’ a Period Covered Covered. 1980 Principal Field Activities 1 1-18 Jan. l-Mey 4 Land preparation/grains (sorghumlmillet and maize) 2 19-20 May 5-May 18 Land preparation] rain (sorghumeillet and rice) planting/grain sorghumlmilleta and rice) 3 21-22 May 19-June 1 Land preparation and planting/groundnuts + activities in period 2 4 23-24 June 2-June 15 Activities in period 3 oont'd 5 25-26 June 16—June 29 Activities in period 4 cont‘d + planting/bambera nuts 6 27-28 June JO-July 13 Handing/grain (sorghumwmillet and rice). planting] maize and seybeens 7 29-30 July l4-July 27 Needing/grain. weeding/soybeans 8 31-32 July ZC-Aug. 10‘ Planting/cowpeas. weeding/grains 9 33-34 Aug. 11-Aug. 24 Heading/grain, weeding/groundnuts, fertilization/ soybeans 10 35-35 Aug. 25-Sept. 7 Relative slack, weeding/grains 11 37-38 Sept. O-Sept. 21 Activities in period 10 cont‘d 12 39.40 Sept. 22-Oct. 5 Harvest/grains (rice + maize). further weeding] wmeu.Mwuuwmeu 13 41-42 Oct. 6-Oct. 19 Harvest/grains + cowpeas, harvest/Mara nuts. harvest/soybeans 14 43-44 Oct. ZO-Nov. 2 Harvest/grains a cowpeas 15 46-46 Nov. 3-Nov. 16 Harvest/grains + nuts 16 47-48 How. 17-Nov. 30 Harvest/grains 17 49-53 Dec. l-Oec. 31 Slack. harvest/grains t 'Note that most field activities run across more than one period even though they are not always repeated in the table. 130 TABLE 5.2 MAIN LABOR PERIODS AND ACTIVITIES COVERED, SYSTEM 2. 1980 m; ' m ' «"23?an Principal Field Activities. 1 1-18 Jan. Hey 4 51:2)1and preparation/grains (sorghum/millet and 2 19-20 my 5-May 18 Planting/grains 3 21-22 nay is.»- 1 Planting/grains. lane preparation/maize 4 23-24 June 2-June 15 Heading/grains. planting/size and cowpeas 5 25-25 Jame 15-Jime 29 Planting/groundnuts and okra, land preparation] . m '6 27-25 June n-July 13 Heading/grains. planting/groundnuts. planting/cotton 7 ‘25-! July 14-July 27 ‘ meg/grains. planting/(soybeans. cotton. bauera a 31.3: July za-Aua. 10 Activities in period 7 oont'd ‘ 9 33034 M. ll-Aug. 24 WHO/Mt: 10 35.36 Aug. ZS-Sept. 7 Needing/soybeans and cotton 11 ai-sa sapt. O—Sept. 21 Harvest maize. weeding oont'd. harvest/cowpeas 12 39-40 Sept. 22-Oct. 5 Further weeding a relative slack 13 41-42 Oct. 5-Oct. 19 Harvest/Ilse. harvest/sorgh- 14 43-44 ' . Oct. ZO-Nov. 2 Harvest/grains. harvest/okra 15 45-46 Nov. 3-Nov. 16 Harvest/grains and cotton 16 47-48 lbv. l7-Nov. 30 Harvest/grains and nuts 17 49-53 Dec. l-Oec. 31 Slack. harvest/grains and cotton ‘llote that most field activities run across more than one period even though they are not always repeated in the table. 131 TABLE 5.3 MAIN LABOR PERIODS AND ACTIVITIES COVERED. SYSTEM 3, 1980 35°; .23.“.1. mgr,” principal Field Activities' 1 1-18 Jan. 1-May 4 Slack, land preparation/(SINK) and rice 2 19.20 my Sony 18 Planting/grains 3 21-22 May 19-June 1 Planting/grains and cowpeas 4 23-24 June 2-June 15 Planting/groundnuts, maize, weeding/grains 5 25-26 June l6-leie 29 Needing/grains. planting/soybeans 6 27-28 June 30-July 13 Needing/grains and groundnuts. planting/We nuts 7 29-fl July l4-July 27 Needing/grains a ' 31-32 July za-m. lo ' Activities in period 7-oont'd 9 33-34 Aug. ll-Aug: 24 ' Relative slack a further weeding 10 35-36 Aug. 2.5-Sept. 7 Needing/grains. hanesting/groiwldnuts 11 37-38 Sept. O-Sept. 21 Harvesting/min. 4' further weeding 12 39—40 Sept. 22-Oct. 5 Harvest/maize 4- groundnuts 13 41-42 Oct. 6-Oct. 19 Harvest/(Mere nuts + cowpeas r grains) 14 43-44 Oct. 2041». 2 Harvest/(grains + soybeans) 15 45-46 Nov. 3-Nov. 16 Harvest/grains (rice. sorghu. millet), harvest/nuts 16 47-48 Nov. 17-Nov. 30 Harvest/grains 17 49-53 Dec. 1-Oec. 31 Slack. harvest/grains and nuts ________——————=—-————————————___————————————— 'llote that most field activities mm across more than one period even though they are not always repeated in the table. 132 . TABLE 5.4 MAIN LABOR PERIODS AND ACTIVITIES COVERED. SYSTEM 4, 1980 3:; cm“; “wafflm Principal Field Activities. 1 1-18 Jan. 1-May 4 Slack. land preparation/grains 2 19-20 May 5-May 18 Planting/grains 3 21-22 May l9-June 1 Planting/cowpeas. planting/grains and okra 4 23-24 June 2-June 15 Planting/(maize r groundnuts). weeding/sorghu-millet 5 25-26 June 164m 29 Planting/9W 4 activities in period 4 cont'd 6 27-28 June SO-July l3 Planting/bambera nuts. weeding/grains and groundnuts 7 29-30 July 14-July 27 Heading/soybeans; weeding/grains and okra, - fertilization/rice . 6 31-32 July ZB-Aug. 10 Activities in period 7 oomt'd 9 33-34 Aug. ll-Aug. 24 Needing/grains. fertilization/rice lO as-as Aug. 254.». 1 Further weeding/grains 11 37-38 Sept. 8-Sept. 21 Harvest/maize. weeding/grains 12 39-40 Sept. 22-Oct. 5 Harvest/groundnuts + maize 13 41—42 Oct. 6-Oct. 19 Harvest/okra + groundnuts, harvest/grains 14 43-44 Oct. 20-Nov. 2 Harvest/grains. harvest/Mara nuts 15 45-46 Nov. 3-Nov. 16 Harvest/grains r nuts 16 47—48 Nov. 17-Nov. 30 Harvest/grains 9 relative slack 17 49-53 Oec. 1-Oec. 31 Harvest/grains. slack ‘lbte that most field activities run across more than one period even though they are not always repeated in the table. 133 c) Production Constraints In addition to the limits imposed on output by resource supplies, the model incorporates some direct constraints on the level of certain enterprises like sorghum/millet, maize, okra and soybeans. The minimum and maximum output levels serve to express limitations other than those Of the basic land and labor constraints; indirectly, they represent scarce resources which are relevant to the sorghum/millet, maize, soy- bean, and Okra enterprises. Farms in the EORD are generally characterized by a strong subsis- tence orientation. Commonly, a significant proportion of family food needs is produced on the farm. Thus, the general level Of health and welfare Of the members Of the household is strongly dependent on the degree Of success achieved in farm food production. SO, despite the fact that the main purpose Of an LP model Of farm behavior is to identify pro- duction strategies which maximize net farm revenue,or total gross margins, the model also needs to be realistic by incorporating other important household Objectives. This is why the minimum food grain constraint was introduced here; sample farmers typically will not rely upon the market for their supply Of the food staple, sorghum/millet. This objective was specified in terms of the minimum foodcrop area farmers are comfortable with, as opposed to the area necessary to feed the family in an average season. The problem is to specify this level correctly, in order that the model may give realistic results. Maximum production constraints ensure that the Optimal program only includes levels of activities that are plausible in the real world. However, we want to keep these production constraints to a minimum in order to allow some flexibility to the model to choose freely from 134 existing alternatives, given the real resource constraints. The limit on maize takes into consideration special soil characteristics required by this crop which are not found on all housefields. Maize is typically planted immediately outside the house. This is the most fertile soil Of the farmer's land holdings which has been receiving the manure since the establishment of the household compound. Without the production constraint, MAXMAI, the program would be free to allocate the entire supply of housefields to maize, ceteris paribus, even though in practice farmers will not do so. Here again, the principal problem is to know the correct level to specify the maximum. The remaining ceiling applies to the soybean enterprise. In the real world, soybean production is limited by processing facilities and marketing outlets not included directly in the model. 1.2.2. Activities and Objective Function The objective function Of the model used for each production system involves maximization of total gross margins subject to resource use 1 constraints and production constraints. The choice of possible crop activities is limited to mixtures which are typically grown in the survey area as was discussed in Chapters Three and Four. There are nine major crop categories. These are rice, sorghum/millet/cowpeas, maize, groundnuts, bambera nuts, soybeans, cotton, okra, and groundnuts with bambera nuts. Survey data on the allocation of land to different crop activities is shown in Table 5.5. The high proportion of land put under S/M/C appears to reflect a concern with assuring an on-farm supply of staple foods. This allocation of land to different crop activities, besides its intrinsic interest for agricultural 135 TABLE 5.5 MEAN PERCENTAGE OF HOUSEHOLD LAND ALLOCATED TO EACH CROP CATEGORY, 1980 Mean Household Percentage Cro Categgry System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4 Rice (LF only) 31.4 54.3 16.0 32.2 S/M/C (HF+BF) 39.3 37.1 45.2 57.5 Maize (HF only) 14.1 3.4 12.3 3.1 Groundnuts (HF+BF) 8.0 2.2 - 4.1 Bambera Nuts (HF+BF) 5.1 - - 5 Soybeans (8F only) 2 O 1.6 6 5 - Cotton (BF only) - l.l - - Okra (HF only) - 3 - 2.5 GN/BN (HF+BF) - - 19.9 - 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 LF stands for lowland fields HF stands for housefields BF stands for bush-fields S/M/C stands for sorghum/millet/cowpeas GN/BN stands for mixture groundnut/bambera nuts 136 planning, will also be useful for comparing the actual allocation portrayed in Table 5.5 with the Optimal allocations suggested by the LP model later on. 1.2.3. Derivation of the Numerical Coefficients Of the Model a) Labor Coefficients and Restriction Levels The calculation of the numerical coefficients for the different enterprises is a crucial process in the design Of any linear programming model. "As with the formulation of representative farm types, a major issue here is whether to calculate average coefficients, or to use actual coefficients from representative enterprise types, or to devise synthetic coefficients based on subjective evaluation Of the data." (Crawford, 1980).. Another approach suggested by Balcet and Chandler (1981) would be to estimate crop yields and labor requirements for the different enterprises by using multiple regression techniques. This latter method was ruled out because it was not possible to measure the area planted to different crops within a mixture type Of each field. As a result, labor input per hectare could not be associated with specific crops within the mixture. Hence, the initial approach used in this study was to compute averages3 per hectare for each enterprise type. The total number of 3The problem with this procedure, as Collinson (1972, p. 134) poinuxi out, is that "interfarm differences in timing create different peak re- quirements on particular farms, which are damaged when averaged--and peaks on one farm are Offset by relatively slack periods on another, so the whole labor profile is flattened." The effect Of smoothing labor peaks is to reduce the incidence and size of seasonal labor bottlenecks. The implication of using figures for a mean household, then, is to lower the opportunity cost of rice in terms of foregone production of other crops. This is because this cost is incurred only as a result of the realloca- tion of labor during peak periods from other crops to rice. As peak labor requirements for crops are reduced, so is the opportunity cost Of grow- ing rice. 137 hours allocated by each household to each major crop category was calculated by period for the 17 periods defined above.) The figures for each household were divided by the total household land area in hectares devoted to the crop category in question. The ratio Obtained for each period, household and crop category was averaged over households to give the mean total household hours allocated to each major crop category by period. Accordingly, the basic model employed enterprises defined in terms Of these averages. Comparisons of crop yields and total labor requirements for these enterprises with the figures reported from similar geographical areas by Lassiter (1981) indicated general con- sistency. A comparison of the results from the basic model with results from an alternative model incorporating labor coefficients based on individual fields will be discussed in Chapter Six. Now, turning to the supply of family labor, in principle, estimating this supply is quite straighthrward. The total labor time available in any period is found by adding for each available worker the time he or she can allocate to cropping activities in that period. In practice, however, while it is usually easy to determine the number of workers- available, estimating the available labor time of each can present some difficulties.4 The average size of the family labor force in the areas surveyed was fairly variable, ranging from 5.3 to 7.6 workers per house- hold for all the systems studied (Table 5.6). 4It should be kept in mind that total household labor availability can be broken into five sectors: crop, livestock, domestic, non- agricultural work and social activity. This study focuses just on crop labor use. The labor available for each period for cropping activities is constrained in the model by the number Of work days and the number Of people in the household available to help on the farms. Five working days per week is assumed to be the available number of work days for cropping activities. A seven-hour day of 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. and l p.m. to 4 p.m. (Systems 1, 2, 3) or of 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. (System 4) as reported by the farmers defines the available hours of labor per day. 138 .apo>wuumammg .e was m .N .p msmumaw c? m~wm upozomso; any we ucmucwg om ucm acmugma mu .ucmugma mm .ucmocma mm usonm umuzupumcou mgmasms upozmmzo; mcwxgozucoc ugh .mugow Loam, »__smm as» :_ umnapocp ac: ago; Adam mo «com» me gm>ov cos upo new Ammo mo memo» cm>om cusp mmwpv coca—Pgo Ppmsm .mogom Lona. xpwsam us» do mNPm on» ecu upogmmso; on“ co mem use cmwzumn mums mm: cowuocppmrc a .cm>mzo= .apo>ppumqmmc .e ucm m .N ._ msoumaw :_ m.~ new N.“ .m.~ .m.op mm: m~_m upogmmzo;_mmmcm>m on» .vFozmmao; as» we cowupmoasou mg» so new m~pm ms» co mucmgmu mgmxgoz mo conga: wmmcm>m wshp . . . . mcmxcoz we 3 . mm 2 a 3 2 _ em 2 m ..Z is; $23 xm: .cpz com: .xmz .cpz can: .xc: .=.z cum: .xmz .cwz cam: >~ HHH _H H copaozuosa mo msmumam ommp .am0m mzp z~ >o=hm macz: m2uhm>m zonhusooma «so; mzh 44< zH ogozmmzo: mum mmmxmoz mo ammzaz mw< o.m m4m-uu~ ——w .t<¢ua¢s ¢ms a... u—aocpoaac asepxae ammuEOov .....mmmumc ac: epac: ....ucm span: mpg. can. muugacmo. .o :o—uuuc—puo. mum—2566 as. g..z .Amuacucaogm a... om.ea.uu:o cu...uuam 6:» mo oguuuu; oco cog. use: seem a. .852.» on. a:.u.om .=o..:.om us. 82:. mm..a.oucu =o>—a as» mo mgouuog ago m=.u.o. so umou as. 38;. has» .cc..:pom pue.uao newscau on» cases. vague —pusm . so. apco u.—o> we. .uaauao a. ugoecuum as» .8 ago: as. :u.;: .mu.=m.. umogp. .<.u 8...... . as... e6..ue=. 8......86 ....e...: "8.62 o...... .... a... .... m.=z ....e.. .. a.m.... .... a... .... m.=e.e=a.u .. o...m.. ... ...... mm... ... ......gmamv .\=\m .. o...m..ea a.m.... ..ma. ... meaeaaem .. o...... . .... a... ..z. ”.52 ..aee.. .m 8...... .... a... ..z. m.=eue=a.e .. o...oo.o. 8...... ...o. o.. ....x .. a.m.... ... ...... mm... a... ......mmeazv 8.2.. .. a.m....e. 9.. 8.... o... a... .. Aau . .238 6:... .65 32.. .2: o m=.m..z mmogw mo moacox p subm>m «cm zo—~:.om 4m. a... «Famcwauao Eaewxme mmmmgomu xpwcmmmmum: no: u.=o3 .....cm upaoz mpg» was. mmugaomm. .o copumucppom. mumpaeou mg. gap: .Amuacucaogm a.m. wmwgagmucm um_m_umam .w.o mpnmh mam .co..=.om Pmswuao .cmgcau ms. 8:38.. mace. —mem a so. xpco nwpm> we. .uanuao a. ugmocmum us. we a.ma mg. cope: .mmgsaww awash. on. .o a.m.uo; «no can. egos saga o. .mEme on. mcwugom .<.o .....o. u as... ea..ae=. 5......86 .8..e.xaz "6.62 m.... o... oo.c .... m.=eee=aew .m m.o-oe a.m.oop moms. moan. a.m. u\z\m .m a.m...mmm m.am¢o~ msmnm op. m.xo .. mummm m——~ oo.o :oaaou .o ~.mee_m came. mmunm moon. mcmmnzom .m m.~e~ owe. oo.o Aux. muzcccaocw .e oepmm .mmm— oo.o o...: .m ..mmow. ....m. an... em. ..=. o\z\m .. ...m.o_. m.~mmm~ ...Ne ope~._ 86.x .. Amwv mumpgaempcm a. m:_u.o. .o .mou Ao m=2mgoz mmogw .o mmmcmm N Zuhm>m mom zomhzaom 4 covuucs$ m>_»umnno umNPspxmz "muoz m._ooo_ a.momo memo momm. Aumv muzz «Luggam \muscucaogw .n n.9momm m.¢¢c_P «ewe. _moe._ Aumv Q\z\m .o o.¢m~m~om ¢.a_m~ emNmu come. mcmmaaom .m a.momo ~.m~__ Nomm -e_.F Amxv muzz mgmnsmm \mazcuczogu .q a.mmmumom «.Nooe ammum comm. mN_mz .m ¢¢m¢_ oc.o Amzv U\z\m .N c.o--om o.pm_m ONNNN coco.P mow; .P Am4 cw mcwugou mo “mag Ao mcpmgmz mmogu fie mmmcam m zmhm>m mom zouha40m 4 govuu==$ «>Paummao om~.e_xmz "mpoz co. moo“. co. Ammv musz mgmnsmm .m ¢O¢NP Aev .mwm_ _mmmp ammo. Anny mpacuczoga .m Aev mmom_ “Koo. mmom_ «Na. Aumv Q\z\m .N omoamoa ¢.mo~mp omomm cc. mgxo .m m.moeom Pawn. moe~_ eoou. Ally muzz mgmnsmm .m oco. .mmmP co. Amxv mpzcucsogu .e a.mmmsmom Pumm. mmmso we. m~Pm= .m «mus. flew mmom. mmmmp ammo. 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