THE ROLE OF ABSCISIC ACID ,_ ; :g -. 3 51,55:_-_;_.:; . IN THE DORMANCY 0F ' .‘APPLEWUS “walls-5593‘ ' V :TDEssertatTon for the Degree of Ph D, .7 7 E I ‘ ’ M'CHIGAN STATE UNWERSITY 5 A ORLANDO BALBOA ZAVALA _ ‘ 1975 _ WT: V HHHHHH 3129 HH H oTHH HI HHHHHH .3 p g This is to certify that the H, “9.5 'T - I thesis entitled 3 “T H The Role of Abscisic Acid in the Dormancy of Ap ." (Pzrus_____ malus L.) Seeds presented by Orlando Balboa Zavala has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph. D. degree in Horticulture jor professor Date June 23, 1975 : 0-7639 5: Wm j ‘\ ABSTRACT THE ROLE OF ABSCISIC ACID IN THE DORMANCY 0F APPLE (PYRUS MALUS L.) SEEDS By Orlando Balboa Zavala The main goal of this research was to contribute to an understand- ing of dormancy. Abscisic acid (ABA) was identified by gas-liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry in extracts of methylene chloride that has been partitioned against acidic methanolic extracts from dormant apple seeds of 'Mclntosh'. Both 'free' and hydrolysable ('bound') ABA were found in the water diffusate from the seeds, and in the methanolic extracts of seed coats, cotyledons and embryonic axes. The concentra- tion of 'free' ABA was highest in the embryonic axis, intermediate in the seed coat, and least in the cotyledons. Levels of both 'free' and 'bound' ABA of seeds declined during stratification at both 5° and 20°C. Increasing the temperature to 25°C for one week after 3 weeks at 5°C induced secondary dormancy, and nullified the effect of prior chilling on germination. This treatment also caused a marked reduction in 'free' and 'bound' ABA in the seeds within 2 days. During seed development within the fruit, two maxima occurred in the level of 'free' ABA in the embryo, one in July-August coincident with high germination capacity (62%) of excised embryos; the other at maturity in late September, when excised embryo failed to germinate. Orlando Balboa Zavala However, germination capcity had declined to nil 2 weeks prior to rise in the ABA content. Levels of 'bound' ABA remained relatively low until the approach of maturity and then rose slightly. Hand defoliation of branch units on July 30 - when embryos were nearly full size - reduced the concentration of both 'free' and 'bound' ABA in embryonic axes of seeds collected 5 weeks later, and favored the germination of excised embryos. Lesser effects of defoliation were noted at maturity 11 weeks after treatment, and germination of excised embryos occurred regardless of treatment. Drying the seeds on removal from the fruit increased their content (nanograms per gram fresh weight) of both 'free' and 'bound' ABA, the magnitude of the effect varying with time of harvest. Application of succinic acid-2,2-dimethylhydrazide to growing fruit lowered the ABA content of the embryo at harvest and reduced the germination capacity of the seeds slightly. Inclusion of inhibitors of gibberellin synthesis in the stratification and/or germination medium had no effect on stratification requirement of intact seed, provided the concentration used were not toxic. The results of these studies do not support the view that entrance to and release from dormancy in response to chilling are controlled by endogenous levels of ABA. THE ROLE OF ABSCISIC ACID IN THE DORMANCY OF APPLE (PYRUS MALUS L.) SEEDS By Orlando Balboa Zavala A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Horticulture 1975 DEDICATED TO MY WIFE, DAUGHTER, AND SON ii ACKNOWLEDGMENT My grateful thanks are due to Dr. F. G. Dennis for his guidance throughout this investigation and his helpful criticism during the course of writing this thesis. Special thanks are extended to Dr. M. J. Bukovac for his guidance, helpful advice and for the use of the gas-liquid chromato— graphy equipment, and to Dr. C. J. Pollard for his suggestions and kindness, and Dr. J. A. Flore for serving on the Guidance Committee. Special gratitude to Dr. E. A. Mielke for his assistance with the GC-MS equipment. Appreciation is extended to Dr. C. C. Sweeley for making the mass spectrometer facilities available and to Mr. J. E. Harten for his technical assistance in performing the analysis. A very special thanks is extended to my wife Lilianafor her love, encouragement, and understanding during this program of study. LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . LITERATURE REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . EXOGENOUS CONTROL OF DORMANCY IN APPLE AND PEAR SEEDS THE MECHANISM OF THE EFFECT OF CHILLING ON APPLE AND PEAR SEEDS TABLE OF CONTENTS IMPERMEABLE SEED COAT . . . . . MECHANICALLY RESISTANT SEED COAT. . . RUDIMENTARY EMBRYO . . . . . . IMMATURE EMBRYO OR MORPHOLOGICALLY MATURE PHYSIOLOGICALLY DORMANT EMBRYO . . . ENZYMES . . . . . . . . . GROWTH PROMOTERS. . . . . . . GROWTH INHIBITORS . . . . . . INTERACTION OF PROMOTERS AND INHIBITORS . METABOLISM OF ABA DURING CHILLING . . SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . iv Page vi 10 12 13 13 Page SECTION I: THE ROLE OF ABSCISIC ACID IN THE DORMANCY OF APPLE (Pyrus malus L.) SEEDS. I. ROLE OF ABSCISIC ACID DURING THE ONSET OF DORMANCY . . . . . . . . . . . 15 ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . lb EFFECT OF SEED DEVELOPMENT ON ABA CONTENT AND GERMINA- TION . . . . . . . . . . . . . l7 EFFECT OF DEFOLIATION . . . . . . . . . 22 EFFECT OF DRYING SEED . . . . . . . . . 22 LITERATURE CITED . . . . . . . . . . 25 SECTION II: THE ROLE OF ABSCISIC ACID IN THE DORMANCY OF APPLE (Pyrus malus L.) SEEDS. II. ABSCISIC ACID LEVELS DURING STRATIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . 26 MATERIALS AND METHODS . . . . . . . . . 27 RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 DISCUSSION. . . . . . . . . . . . 39 REFERENCES. . . . . . . . . . . . 41 APPENDIX: THE ROLE OF ABSCISIC ACID IN THE DORMANCY OF APPLE (gyrus malus L.) SEEDS. III. EFFECT OF GROWTH RETARDANTS ON SEED DORMANCY AND ABA . . . . . . . . . . 43 ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 EFFECT OF THE PRESENCE OF GROWTH RETARDANTS DURING STRATIFICATION ON GERMINATION . . . . . . . 45 EFFECT OF SPRAYS ON SADH ON GERMINATION AND ABA CONTENT 45 LITERATURE CITED . . . . . . . . . . 48 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . 49 BIBLIOGRAPHT............ 51 Table LIST OF TABLES Page Section One Effect of defoliation on July 30 on the level of 'free' (F) and 'bound' (H) ABA (ng/g fresh wt.) in apple seed cv. 'Golden Delicious'. Means for 2 samples of 25 seeds each. Effect Of drying, on the concentration of 'free' (F) and 'bound' (H) ABA (ng/g fresh wt.) in apple seed, cv. 'McIntosh'. Means for 2 samples of 25 seeds each. Section Two Effect of stratification time and temperature upon ABA content of 'McIntosh' apple seeds and the water diffusate from the seeds. Means for 2 replicates of 25 seeds each. Appendix Effect of tree sprays of SADH on germination (Z ) of intact seeds (I) or excised embryos (R) of apple after chilling either in the fruit or in moist sand. Values are means for 2 samples of 25 seeds each. Effect of SADH treatment of trees on the ABA content of apple seed cv. 'Jonathan'. Values are means for 2 samples of 25 seeds each. vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page Section One 'Free' and 'bound' ABA during development of embryo of apple seeds cv. 'McIntosh', in relation to their germination capacity. Values are means for 2 replicate samples of 100 embryos each. Section Two Flow diagram of procedure used for preparation of fractions containing 'free' and 'bound' ABA. Concentration of 'free' and 'bound' ABA in the water diffusate and in methanol extracts of seed coat, cotyledons and embryonic axis of apple seed during stratification at 5 i2 and 20 i2°C. Each bar represents the mean of at least 4 replicates of 25 seeds each. Per cent of germination is indicated in parenthesis above each treatment. Effect of inducing secondary dormancy with high temperature upon concentration of ABA of apple seeds cv 'McIntosh'. A. ABA content of seed during one week at 27 il°C after treatment in A. In B, 0 represents the day the seeds were returned to 5 i2°C as well as the day on which stratification of the control, continuous chilling began. Each value is the mean of at least 4 replicates of 25 seeds each. 'Bound' ABA (o 0), 'free' ABA (x x), germination under continuous chilling (x --- x); germination of seeds returned to 5 i2°C after one week at 27 il°C (o —-- o). vii Guidance Committee: The Paper-Format was adOpted for this dissertation in accordance with Departmental and University regulations. The dissertation body was separated into two sections and one appendix. The first section and the appendix were prepared for publication in HortScience. The second was styled for publication in Physiologia Plantarum. viii ABBREVIATIONS The following abbreviations will be used in this dissertation. Names given in parentheses are additional common or trade names. ABA abscisic acid Alar succinic acid-2,2-dimethylhydrazide (SADH, B-9, B-995) AMO-l6l8 4-hydroxy-5—iSOpropyl-Z-methylphenyltrimethylammonium chloride l-piperidine carboxylate BA N6-benzyladenine CCC (2-chloroethyl) trimethyl ammonium chloride (Cycocel, chlormequat) GA denotes the series of gibberellins -— use of a subscript denotes a specific gibberellin, as GAl GLC gas—liquid chromatography GC-MS combined gas—liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry IAA indoleacetic acid Zeatin 6-(4-hydroxy-3~methyl—2-butenylamino) purine ix INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION The rest period of seeds of temperate woody perennials allows these plants to endure low temperature stress. Knowledge of the ‘mechanism(s) underlying this phenomenon may lead to methods for more rapid seed germination, and the production of fruit crops in regions of insufficient chilling. The main goal of this research was to contribute to an understanding of dormancy. Apple seeds were chosen for this study because of their avail- ability and the considerable body of existing information on this species. Abscisic acid (ABA) and its glucose ester have been identified in apple seeds and ABA is known to inhibit their germ- ination. Furthermore, recent work has suggested that abscisic acid (ABA), an endogenous growth inhibitor present in a wide range of higher plants, is responsible for the rest period, and that chilling reduces the level of ABA in seed tissue, allowing germination to proceed. One of the advantages in studying ABA is that it can be measured by gas-liquid chromatography without recourse to bioassay. This study was designed to do the following: (a) to measure the levels and distribution of ABA in apple seeds during their entrance into dormancy and the breaking of dormancy by chilling; (b) to determine the effect of temperature on the decline of ABA during stratification; and (c) to determine the effect of raising the temperature prematurely during chilling, and thereby inducing dormancy, on the level of ABA. Preliminary experiments were conducted with inhibitors of gibberellin synthesis to test the role of gibberellin synthesis in the breaking of dormancy. LITERATURE REVIEW LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction This review will be concerned primarily with the literature relating to dormancy in apple and pear seeds. The seeds of many trees display some degree of dormancy (Kramer and Kozlowski, 1960), which can be either advantageous or disadvantageous. For the nurseryman it is disadvantageous, however, it may also be an advantage because the nurseryman can keep or store the seed source. However, seed dormancy is advantageous where survival is threatened by adverse conditions. Dormancy is usually separated into rest (also called constitutive dormancy, primary dormancy, innate dormancy, internal dormancy or endogenous dormancy) and quiescence (also called imposed dormancy, external dormancy, exogenous dormancy or false dormancy). Definitions: The following definitions will apply in this dessertation: Rest is defined as lack of germination capacity of the seed under adequate environmental conditions such as temperature, moisture, light, etc., and quiescence as dormancy imposed by the unfavorable levels of any of these factors. Dormancy is defined as suspended growth of the 8Bed and will include either rest or quiescence. Stratification will refer to the storage of the seeds in a moist environment, regardless of temperature, and chilling to stratification at temperatures between 0 to 10°C. The chilling requirement delays germination until after ‘winter, when conditions again become favorable for growth (Kozlowski, 1971). In hot, dry climates, dormancy permits survival during periods of moisture stress. Thus, dormancy serves a very useful function in nature (Wareing, 1963). Exogenous Control of Dormancy in Apple and Pear Seeds The seeds of many Rosaceous species exhibit rest at harvest and must undergo changes, usually called after—ripening, before germination can occur. Seeds of most temperate zone Py£u§_species which enter a state of dormancy can be made to germinate by continuous exposure to low temperature (1 — 10°C) in a moist medium for at least 6 to 12 weeks. These conditions resemble those which the seeds encounter in nature. If chilling is insufficient, dwarfed and stunted plants are produced (Flemion, 1934). Light appears to play a minor role in breaking the dormancy of apple seeds, although red light promotes the germination of isolated embryos of dormant seed (Smolenska and Lewak, 1971). Oxygen, on the other hand, may not be necessary, since embryos germinated more rapidly when the rest was broken by N2 than by chilling (Tissaoui and Come, 1973). Secondary dormancy, which is as deep or deeper than primary dOrmancy, may be induced in seeds partially after-ripened by exposure to low temperature and then transferred to temperatures of 25 to 30°C. Abbott (1955) showed that transferring excised embryos of apple to temperatures of 25 to 28°C after 3 weeks at 3°C induced such a secondary dormancy. The critical temperature lies between 18 and 21°C, higher temperature reducing and lower temperature increasing the germination of the seeds (Visser, 1956b). Exogenous application of several growth promoters stimulates the germination of excised embryos and partially after-ripened seeds of apple and pear. Badizadegan and Carlson (1967) reported that BA alone stimulated germination of excised embryos of dormant apple seeds. Kaminski and Pieniazek (1968) also reported that BA, GAB’ and GA4+7, singly or jointly, greatly enhanced the germination of dormant or partially stratified embryos. Lewak g£_a1_ (1970) showed that BA, IAA, and GA3 stimulated the germination of excised embryos, the effect being light independent. The stimulating effect of GA included in the stratification medium varies directly with the concentration and inversely with the duration of cold stratification (Come and Durand, 1970). Westwood and Bjornstad (1968) observed an increase in germination of pear seeds when GA3 was included in the stratification medium, but not when seeds were treated after stratification. ABA counteracts the effects of GA3, CA or BA on both dormant 4+7 and partially stratified apple embryos (Rudnicki SE Ei" 1971). In both dormant and nondormant pear embryos ABA inhibits the incorporation Of 32? into several RNA fractions (Khan and Heit, 1969). GA is more effective than BA in counteracting this inhibition, although the Pattern of labeling of RNA varies depending on the promoter used. Eflgogenous Control of Dormancy in Apple and Pear Seeds A classification of types of dormancy was proposed by Crocker (1916). He attributed dormancy to: (a) immaturity of the embryo; (b) impermeability of the seed coat to water, (c) mechanical resistance of the seed coat to embryo growth, (d) low permeability of the seed coat to gases; (e) dormancy resulting from a metabolic block within the embryo itself, (f) a combination of the above, or (g) secondary dormancy. Kozlowski (1971) reclassified these into five groups: (a) impermeable seed coat, (b) mechanically resistant seed coat; (c) immature embryo, (d) rudimentary embryo; (e) morphologically mature but physiologically dormant embryo. Impermeable seed coat. When the seed coat is removed from dormant apple seeds, some of the embryos germinate but the seedlings are dwarfed (Flemion, 1934). The effects of low temperature stratification appear to be cumulative, since partially stratified seeds give rise to semidwarfed seedlings, whereas fully stratified seeds give rise to normal plants (Flemion, 1934). Visser (1954, 1956b) found that the seed coverings are barriers, not to water, but to oxygen uptake, since in partially stratified apple seeds, the seed coverings, parti— cularly the endosperm, reduced gas exchange to and from the embryo. Removal of a small portion of the endosperm increased the respiratory activity 3-fold. According to Visser, the barrier is more pronounced at higher temperatures. Visser's work was substantiated by the observation of Nikolaeva and Knape (1974) that the seed coat decreased oxygen absorption by 90% and the endosperm alone by 70% in apple seeds, regardless of the state of dormancy. However, Tissaoui and Come (1973) were able to break rest by holding apple embryos in pure nitrogen and concluded that oxygen was not required. From the above, one can conclude that the seed coat in apple is permeable to water but may not be readily permeable to oxygen. However, if oxygen is not required to break rest and if permeability to oxygen does not change during chilling, then one must look elsewhere for the controlling factor in dormancy. Mechanically resistant seed coat. Removal of the seed coat of non-stratified apple seeds permits a low rate of germination (up to 20%) (Flemion, 1934, Smolenska and Lewak, 1971) suggesting that mechanical resistance of the seed coat may be involved in dormancy. However, radicle elongation is slow and the major site of dormancy must lie within the embryo. Thus the seed coat apparently acts as a physical barrier to the germination of the dormant embryo. Once embryo dormancy has been overcome by chilling, the radicle is capable of penetrating the seed coat and germination occurs. Rudimentary embryo. Pyrus embryos are fully developed and mature and stratification does not result in any gross morphogical change. Immature embryo or morphogically mature but physiologically dormant embryo. The differences between anatomical and physiological immaturity are subtle. However, several species have embryos which are wall differentiated when the seed is diapersed, but which must be imbibed in water to permit further growrh before germination can occur (Villiers, 1972). This might be considered as either the final step in seed development or the initial stage of germination. Pyrus seeds typify physiological dormancy, for chilling affects only the ability to germinate, rather than morphological changes. The Mechanism of the Effect of Chilling on Apple and Pear Seeds. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain embryo dormancy, some involving the activity of enzymes, others synthesis and/or degradation of hormones. Activity of enzymes such as peroxidase, succinic Eanes . dehydrogenase, lipase and proteases increased during cold stratification 0f excised embryos of apple, var. Antonowka, but remained unchanged in non-chilled embryos (Nikolaeva and Yankelevich, 1974). 'Free' and 'bound' peroxidase increased during cold stratification in both intact Seeds and isolated embryos of apple (Rychter and SZpakowics, 1974), While phosphatase showed two peaks of activity (Rychter 35 31., 1971). when isolated embryos were held in darkness at 25°C after different Petiods of low-temperature stratification, GA3 and GA7 stimulated ph03phatase activity between 10 and 50 days and 0A4 after 30 days of ABA inhibited phosphatase activity but had little af ter-ripening . effect on its appearance. Changes in enzyme activity during cold Stratification may be a result, however, rather than the cause of the breaking of dormancy. GrOWth promoters. Several gibberellins have been reported to occur :1 1:1 immature Pyrus seeds, including CA4 and GA7 in apple (Dennis and N its ch, 1966) and GA45 in pear (Bearder 9.2 21., 1975). GA4, GA7 and k GA9 have been identified in mature apple seeds (Sinska g 31., 1973). The participation of these compounds in seed dormancy is far from clear however. 6A4 and GA7 are present in negligible amounts in dormant seeds (Sinska and Lewak, 1970). However, GA4 increased 40,000-fold after 30 days of cold stratification only to fall to its initial level before the seeds were capable of germination, while GA7 remained-low during the entire process of stratification Thus, the observed increase in (Sinska and Lewak, 1970, 1973). 0A4 also 3A4 may or may not be a prerequisite for germination. increases when isolated embryos are exposed to red light; in this case a correlation was reported between the increase and germination (Smolenska and Lewak, 1971). Excised embryos of stratified seeds incorporated l4C—mevalonate into GA), and into GA7 if seeds were allowed to dry (Sinska and Lewak, 1974). Letham and Williams (1969) identified 3 cytokinins in the flesh One resembled zeatin, a second zeatin and seeds of apple fruitlets. ri“beside and the third zeatin ribotide. Dorman apple seeds also Q0l’ltain 'free' and 'bound' cytokinins with the bound forms reaching the higher levels after 5 weeks of cold stratification. (Borkowska and Rudnicki, 1974). Luckwill (1948) found a promoter of tomato ovary enlargement in e3‘Kt‘racts of immature apple seeds but only traces in dry seeds. Following alkaline hydrolysis, or after stratification at 5°C, the D resence of an auxin (called auxin 2) could be demonstrated (Luckwill, l 957). Kawase (1958) also reported an increase in a promoter of m g coleoptile elongation in the seed coat, endosperm and embryo of 10 apple seeds during after—ripening. Growth inhibitors. A marked decrease in endogenous growth inhibitors has been observed during cold stratification of both apple (Luckwill, 1952; Kawase, 1958; Rudnicki, 1969) and pear seeds (Strausz, 1970). Luckwill (1952) reported that dormant seeds contained an inhibitor of Avena coleoptile section elongation Which declined during after—ripening. The endosperm contained the highest concentration of the inhibitor while the tests and embryo contained progressively less, in the ratio 30:13:1. Later Luckwill (1957) reported the presence of two inhibitors in immature apple Seeds, Inhibitor l was shown to be toxic and therefore not biologi- Cally important. 0n the other hand, inhibitor 2 was active over a wide concentration range and reached the highest level at stage 3 of Seed development (seed fully mature). In the seed coat of dormant apple seed, Kawase (1958) found a strong inhibitor of Avena coleoptile elongation which declined to its lowest level during St:I‘atification at 5°C. Phloridzin, a phenolic compound, is abundant in apple tissues (Hutchinson et a1., 1959), and retards root growth of apple seedlings in Water culture at a concentration of 10‘4M (Borner, 1959). Woodcock ( 1947) isolated phloridzin from apple seeds, and found that it decreased from 8% of the fresh weight to 1% within 8 weeks after petal fall and after 18 weeks it completely disappeared from the seed. However, P.ZLeniazek and Grochowska (1967) demonstrated that phloridzin, phloretin ”— u-l our ... v" to. - o