SOME ASPECTS QP'EHE *DAMPlNG-OFF 0F BLACK PENE, PiNUS’ MGRA ARJN. Thais in: 5:213 Degm of M1. 5). MECHEGALN STAYE JNER’ERSVI'E'Y‘ bemefrios Symecn Kaiiidis 2959 mm This is to certify that the ,_... "". _'. “.0- '. thesis entitled Some aspects of the dampingqoffi of black pine, gyms nigra Arn. presented by Demetrios Symeon Kailidis has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for PhoDo degree in BOtagzy and Plant Pat-helow Major professor ‘1 Date May 22, 1959 0-169 LIBRARY Michigan State University PLACE N RETURN BOX to remove thle checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before dete due. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE SOME ASPECTS OF THE DAMPING—OFF OF BLACK PINE, PINUS NIGRA ARN. By Demetrios Symeon Kailidis AN ABSTRACT Sulnitted to the School for Advanced Graduate Stacie: of Michigan State University of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Botany and Plant Pathology 1959 QM <3 SW7 Demetrios Symeon Kailidis ABSTRACT The damping-off disease in Michigan nursery soil was studied. Black pine was used as the main host. The main pathogenic fungi iso- lated were: Rythium irregulare, E. ultimum, E. debaryanum, Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium solani, E. ogysporum, E. moniliforme, and Botgytis cinerea. Among Eythium the most common was 2. irregulare, E. ultimum was less common, and P. debaryanum was the least common. Among Fusaria the most common was F. oiysporum, F. solani was less common, and F. moniliforme was the least common. Pythium perniciosum was isolated and identified from soil; this report on this species is the second one in this country. This species was not pathogenic to black pine seedlings. Eythium grew in cultures better at pH 5.5, and in a temperature .between 200 and 30° C. Of Rhizoctonia solani four definite strains were isolated and studied. The different strains showed different pathogen- icity, and characteristic appearance in cultures. Rhizoctonia solani generally grew faster at pH b.5 to 6.5, and its growth at pH 8.0 was also satisfactory. This fungus grew also faster between 200 and 300 C., and at the lower temperature of 120 C. tested, it grew slower than Eythium. Fusaria proved to be "strong" species, since their growth in dif- ferent environmental conditions was influenced much less than the spec- ies of the genus Eythium and Rhizoctonia. Several characteristic prop- erties of FUsaria in cultures were also studied. Among other things it was found that several strains of Fusaria possess the ability to form zonation under all environments tested, and that at 120 C. constant temperature all pathogenic Fusaria formed zonation. Demetrios Symeon Kailidis ABSTRACT Several of the principal pathogenic damping—off fungi when grown in mixed cultures were found to possess antibiotic properties of which the stronger one seems to be possessed by Fusarium solani strain 3. In greenhouse and field isolation during a continuous 12 month study gythium was more prevalent during winter months in a closed humid well heated greenhouse, Fusarium was less prevalent, and Rhizoctonia least prevalent. During spring and autumn under a cooler environment Fusarium was more prevalent, Rhizoctonia less prevalent, and Eythium least prevalent. The same was true for summer in greenhouse and field. Eythium was not isolated at all in several cases during warm dry periods. Thus Fusarium was able to dominate the other pathogenic fungi under a variety of conditions, and it was proved to be the main cause of black pine damping-off in Michigan. Germination studies of black pine seed proved that for good germ— ination a medium moisture is necessary at the beginning, and after a few days good aeration proved to be the more critical factor. Thus finally better germination was obtained with the smaller quantity of moisture tested. In media (soil and plates) at pH h.5 germination of black pine was twice that at pH 8.5. At constant temperatures two optima of germ- ination appeared to be at 2&0 and 310 C. Alternating temperatures were generally favorable for seed germination. Thus under favorable moisture, pH, and temperature seeds of black pine germinated faster and gave sev- eral times higher total germination number. Thus in cases of optimum conditions germinated seeds have more possibilities to escape damping- off. Black pine seedlings became resistant to disease in 25 to 27 days after germination. Demetrios Symeon Kailidis ABSTRACT During warmer periods the preemergence damping-off was higher than during cooler periods. Under a medium soil fertility in which seedlings grew in a medium way damping-off was lighter, than in sand where seedlings grew faster but were probably too tender, or in muck soil where seedlings were heavier in dry organic matter but these seedlings grew too slowly. In cases in which seedlings of black pine were allowed to grow under favorable conditions in the field or greenhouse, and these seed- lings root-rotted, isolations proved that the main pathogenic fungus was Fusarium. All three species of Eusagia which were able to cause damping-off, were able also to cause root-rot. A modification of the older Cholodny and the modified Krinchkova soil slide technique found by the author was used, and it proved to possess advantages over the older ones. In nursery practice soil must be light, slightly acid, and of medium fertility. Watering after sowing must be medium during the first days, and quite light later. The time of sowing also must be tested for each locality and for each species used. SOME ASPECTS or THE DAMPING-OFF or BLACK PINE, PINUS NIGRA Ami. By Demetrios Symeon Kailidis A THESIS Submitted to the School for Advanced Graduate Studies of Michigan State University of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Botany and Plant Pathology 1959 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION LITERATURE REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MATERIALS AND METHODS Plantings and Soils . . . . . . . . . . . Isolation and Culture of Fungi Nematode Isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Modification of Modified Cholodny Soil Slide Technique. ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF SPECIES, THEIR IMPORTANCE AND PATHOGENICITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OBSERVATIONS ON CULTURAL APPEARANCE, GROWTH . Eythium . mlizoctonia O O O O O Q 0 O O O 0 I O I I O O I I O O O Fusarium Pigmentation of Fusaria . . . . . . . . Zonation of Fusaria . Sporodochia . Nematodes . SEASONAL DAMPING-OFF OF BLACK PINE . MODIFIED CHOLODNY SOIL SLIDE TECHNIQUE . . . . . . . . . . . BLACK PINE SEEDSpores: 12-20 mu in diamter, aplerotic, smooth, wall thinner, about l mu. Germination by germ tube. Aditflderidia: Monoclinous and diclinous. One to as many as 6 per oogonium, when monoclinous arising some distance below the oogonium. 17 Pythium ultimum Trow: This species was isolated from damped-off seedlings of black pine and from soil.. It is the most common of the Pythium species causing damping-off in the United States and is wide- spread all over the world; Middleton (51) gives a long list of plants and places throughout the world in which this fungus has occurred. Pythium debaryanum and Pythium ultimum are quite similar in their char- acteristics. Drechsler (16) considered and distinguished them as sep- arate species. Characteristics of the fungus (16, 50, 51). Hyphae: 1.7-6.5 mu in diameter, long and branched. Sporangia: 12-28 mu in diameter, spherical and terminal; or in some cases intercalary barrel-shaped lb-l? mu, to 22.9 by 27.8 mu. Sporangia act as conidia, germination only by a germ tube. Oogonia: 19.6-22.9 mu in diameter, smooth usually terminal spherical. OOspores: lh.7-18.3 mu in diameter, aplerotic, single spherical. Wall thickness 1.5 mu. Germination directly by germ tube. .Antheridia: usually 1 per oogonium, monoclinous, arising just below the oogonium. E. irregulare, P. debaryanum, and P. ultimum were isolated from 130th damped-off seedlings and from soil isolations in nursery beds and ggreenhouse flats throughout the year. Pythium irregulare appeared to be tide most common and probably the most highly pathogenic. Pythium ulti- EEEEE was found second most prevalent, and Pythium debaryanum was third ifIprevalence. Pathogenicity of these species was proved by many iso- léitLions from black pine and scotch pine seedlings grown in sterilized Soil which had been infested with these fungi. Ir“ ..._. - . n-r’; v ....v n J'; .1._ .— a u. .,.N ‘ 1 -~.. ,.. .,_, u o 5‘ .1 18 In addition to the above, another Pythium species was isolated dur- ing this study. However, it was proved to be non-pathogenic to black pine seedlings. Pythium perniciosum Serbinow: This species was first described in Russia by Serbinow in 1912 as a parasite of tobacco seedlings and sever- al other plants (50, 51). Drechsler (l7) doubted the existence of this species, and thought that Serbinow had not purified his culture. Gil- man (22) did not refer to this species, but Middleton (51) described its isolation from rotted Euphorbia pulcherima plant. The author isolated P. perniciosum from soil, and studied it in pure culture. It grows well in water cultures on hemp seed and carrot, where it produces abundant mycelium, sporangia, oogonia, and, in less numbers, catenulate spherical conidia, 3-5 in a chain. It grows and reproduced well in a number of the standard media, used for growing cultures of Pythium. Hyphae: 5-9.5 mu in diameter. ESporangia: filamentous-like hyphae or arising from sac-like structure of the hyphae, zoospores produced in a vesicle. Conidia- like catenulate bodies 3-5 in number in a series germinat- ing directly by germ tubes. Cflbgonia: 18.9-50.0 mu in diameter, smooth, spherical, terminal on A short mycelia branches. OOspores: l8.1-J2.5 mu in diameter, aplerotic single, Serbinow (50, 51), and Middleton (51) state that germination is unknown. In water cultures in hemp seed after 15 months in room en- vironment the author observed germination. This oospore germination was typically by a germ tube. l9 Antheridia: l to 2, usually one, per oogonium monoclinous or diclinous. The Genus Fusarium. The genus Fusarium is probably one of the most important in caus- ing damping-off and root rot in coniferous seedlings and other crops as well, all over the world (12, 32, 6h, 79, 80, 81, 85, 9}). A large number of Fusarium cultures were isolated from damped-off and root rot- ted seedlings of black pine. No soil isolations were used, because of the large number of species and strains, the parasitic and saprophytic nature of this genus, and the difficulties of species identification. Through single spore isolation (62) pure cultures of many were obtained. The following species were identified from the two nurseries, Bogue and Chittenden. Fusarium solani (Mart.) Snyder and Hansen. / Fusarium oxysporum (Schl.) Snyder and Hansen. Fusarium moniliforme (Sheld.) Snyder and Hansen. The Genus Rhizoctonia. Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn is also a fungus which causes severe losses to coniferous seedlings and other crops, causing both damping-off and rwoot rot (57, 6b, 65, 66, 85). Many isolations of Rhizoctonia solani unere made. After careful observation and study four distinct strains (31‘ the fungus were established on their pathogenicity, cultural appear- ance, growth and behavior (15, 116, 119). Iglegpctonia solani strain N=l, isolated from damped-off seedlings. .Ezligggctonia solani strain N=2, isolated from damped-off seedlings. -5:LEJESEE2212.§91321 Strain N=b, isolated from damped-off seedlings. Egligzggtonia solani strain N=87, isolated from root-rot seedlings. 20 Other Genera Botrytis cinerea Persoon, was isolated from damped-off seedlings and from soil. It is of much less importance in causing damping-off of pine than the above three genera. A number of other fungi and microorganisms were also isolated throughout the course of this study. These isolations were obtained from soil, through the modified contact soil slide technique or by dilution plates, and from plates in which diseased tissues of damped- off seedlings were planted. Saprophytes contaminants or secondary parasites isolated from dis- eased seedlings and identified as to species or to genera were as follows: Mucor sp., from seedlings and soil. Mucor hiemalis, from seedlings and soil. Rhizopus nigricans, from seedlings and soil. Alternaria sp., from seedlings and soil. Aspergillus sp., from seedlings and soil. .Penicillium sp., from seedlings and soil. jgygorhynchus sp., from soil. Sieotrichum sp., from soil. Bremia sp., from soil. Eligrospora sp., from soil. _§flptryotrichum sp., from soil. Tkartua.sp., from seedlings and soil. fisftinomyces sp., from soil. §i§fi§§ptomyces sp., from soil. 33Eicrteria, different species, from seedlings and soil. Ekanuatodes, different species, from seedlings and soil. 11512112222, different species, from soil. 21 These fungi which were isolated from both soil and from diseased plant tissues are generally considered to be saprophytes. In several cases various workers (82, 85, 98) have considered them as possible true parasites, however, although a number of organisms other than the accepted damping-off parasites were found growing on the tissue plant- ing plates it is probable that they were secondary. In some cases the pathogens may have been killed, when decayed tissues absorbed too much surface sterilizing chemicals, and thus allowed the appearance of the saprophytic fungi or bacteria more resistant to the surface steriliza- tion. In the favorable environment of the Petri plates bacteria or saprophytes multiplied abundantly and often covered the surviving path- ogens. The author tested one of the so-called saprophytes, Rhizopus nigricans, by infesting sterile soil in three pots. The pots kept well watered and covered with cellophane bags. Surface sterilized black pine seed were sowed in these pots. In a few days the pots were covered ‘with dense mycelium of this fungus. Complete killing of the seedlings (accurred, mainly as postemergence damping-off. In natural environments, luowever, these fungi must be considered saprophytes and only in condi- tLions very favorable for their development as weak parasites. ’A D «\s OBSERVATIONS ON CULTURAL APPEARANCE, GROWTH The fungi isolated during the course of this work were studied as to their growth at different pH levels and temperatures. The behavior of these fungi in different artifical environmental conditions is im- portant because it explains, in part, their differences in frequency and severity in natural environments. Bythium. It can be seen from inspection of the data in Tables I and II that the optimum temperatures for growth of the genus Pythium at a pH of 5.5 in potato dextrose agar are between 20 and 30° C. Roth and Riker (66) found that the optimum for Pythium irregulare, a Wisconsin strain, was 280 c. Middleton (51) found that in corn meal agar at pH 6 the best average growth in length over a 2b-hour period for P. debaryanum was at 28° C., for P. perniciosum at 31° C., and for P. ultimum at 28° C.. The different Pythium species generally produced their best growth between 20° and 30° C.. After further studies of their growth habits at lower temperature of 12° C. a great difference was noted; P. debaryanum started to grow by the second day, 2. irregulare by the third day but .E. perniciosum made no growth at all. According to several investigators (36, 6b, 66) working with pH relationships in the genus Pythium the minimum growth occurred between ij 3.1 and h.6 and pH 7.2 to 9.6 while maximum optimum growth took ‘pflace between pH 3.5 to 8.3. In.the present work species of Pythium .from Michigan were isolated and tested on potato dextrose agar at var- ‘ious pH levels adjusted with phosphate buffers. The cultures were grown Eat an optimum constant temperature of 2b° C. 23 Table 1. Growth of various fungi at different pH levels, in an incubator in the dark at 2b° C. Average growth of colonies in radius in mm., on Species pH , potato dextrose agar. 1 day 2 days 3 days b days 5 days 6 days 7 days Pythium 8.5 17 26 39 debaryanum 5.5 20 h5 A5 6.5 12 26 b2 8.0 O O O Pythium b.5 19 kt irregulare 5.5 17 b5 6.5 15 39 8.0 11 26 lb Pythium 8.5 23 AS ultimum 5.5 18 h5 6.5 13 26‘ 80 8.0 2 8 12 18 Pythium 8.5 20 h5 perniciosum 5.5 23 h5 6.5 18 37 8.0 11 32 AS Rhizoctonia h.5 15 35 b5+ solani No. l 5.5 13 3h b5+ "“"‘ 6.5 15 33 us 8.0 8 l8 hO Rhizoctonia 8.5 8 18 25 31 36 h3 solani No. A 5.5 11 3O bb 6.5 l 5 18 25 3b hS 8.0 O l 8 15 21 30 Rhizoctonia 8.5 23 b5 solani No. 87 5.5 lb h5 ""“' . 6.5 0 12 26 83 8.0 O O O O Fusarium h.5 6 10 15 22 28 3S bl solani No. 3 5.5 5 10 16 22 28 36 h2 6-5 6 10 17 23 30 37 83 8.0 h 10 16 21 27 33 39 Fusarium b.5 8 lb 20 28 3b bb solani No. 25 5.5 6 13 20 28 36 DD 6.5 8 lb 23 30 b0 AS 8.0 6 12 2O 27 3h 82 Fusarium b.5 7 1h 20 27 3b b2 moniliformeNo.2b 5.5 b 10 18 26 3h b2 b5 6.5 8 15 23 31 bl AS 8.0 h 12 18 26 33 bl Fusarium 8.5 5 10 17 26 32 hi 0 s orum No. 15 5.5 6 13 2O 29 36 bb 6.5 8 lb 22 30 39 h5+ 8.0 6 12 18 25 32 to L3 m m s o m a a m n m m a 0 pm me mm am as On a: 0m HH am ma mm as cm a: 4m mm am ma 4 6H J .62 Mamaom as d s m a m m a o o o o o 6 NH masopoonasm . m: an ma 5m +mn an ma 0n +ma an «a 4m ms ma as cm m4 an an mm ma NH 0 ea H .62 Hamfiom ma «a ma 6H s o m n N a a. o o 0 ma sacchuoumem o o o o o c an m4 0m 0m m: «N am ms Na a ma MM Ma oN a N @H 0.... Edmo o CLO o o o o o o o o S 523% o o o o o 0 an m: cm ma cm ms NH am as ea w o« ms am as o 0 6H damasmetsa mg on am am 4H m o 0. ma saasexm o o o o o o as as 0m en m: 6m 4m +mq ma 4H Om m4 mm @H m 0H Sacmxumbmo. m: ma am am ma m m 0 NH aswnoxm .06 ha ma NH as ea d w s e m 4 n m a seems mama uDoCH momoodm rm,cbws nmmm omOLSxmo cameo. CH as aw n soumlmsfipmm \ m.m ma om ummm omOhbxop oomuoq co xsmo cm mopsbmuoaeob Scopommfio ca Hmcsm msomhm> mo cpsopo .HH m4mc>~4~NUNUNCDCDr4—jxormCDCDcv—d—SEBCDCDr443()U\C>CDHUUNHqH3CD C) Nn HN 8 6H. NH Nm On HN ON 2 NH Nm 0n N 8 6H NH 9 HN 8 6H NH NH cm HHN ON 2 NH NH Om HN 8 NH Edomob EDHHmmam mH .oz EstoMmNmo esHpmmzm am.oz oELowHHHcoE EdHhmmzm mm .02 HcmHom ESHHMmDL fl .oz HcmHom ESHmezm Nw .oz HcmHOm mHCOHuouHcm 26 Optimum growth of the Pythium species took place between pH b.5 and 6.5 with the best growth at pH 5.5. At pH 8.0 Pythium debaryanum failed to grow, but the other three species grew satisfactorily (Table I). Rhizoctonia. Rhizoctonia solani Kfihn is a species found all over the world, which can cause damping-off to coniferous seedlings (1b, 20, 32, 39, 6b, 65), and is pathogenic on many other hosts (15, b5, 57). Strains of this fungus are known to have a wide range of pathogenicity on the many different hosts (l3, 15, 32, b5, 57, 65). There are many strains, and these strains have different cultural appearances and growth rates in different media and environmental conditions (15, b6, 57). Growth studies at different pH and temperatures were made of 5. 321321 cultures No. 1, 2, b, and 87 (Tables I, II). Potato dextrose agar was used as culture medium. Small pieces, one-half to one centi- meter in diameter, of inoculum were placed in the middle of each Petri dish. Growth measurements recorded were the average of the largest and smallest diameter of each colony. The general appearance of the strains isolated remained constant on the same medium at different pH levels and at room temperature; on same medium, same pH and at different temperatures; and at same pH, same temperature but different media. The characteristics in appearance of the strains isolated are shown in Table III. From an examination of Table II it is seen that the four different strains of Rhizoctonia solani differ in growth rates when grown on the same medium at the same pH of 5.5 but at different temperatures. These 27 TABLE III. Cultural characteristics of strains of Rhizoctonia solani One dayiold culture Seven day old culture Strains Mycelium Concentric Mycelium Concentric ‘ appearance growth Sclerotia appearance growth Sclerotia ~ in agar rings in agar rings plate plate No. 1 white none none white none present thin thin No. 2 white none none' white present none thick heavy thick No. b white to none none white to present none brown brown thick thick No. 87 white none none white none none quite " quite ' thin. thin results corroborate the findings of other owrkers (15, b6, 57). Rhizoc- tonia solani strain 87 grew rapidly at 16° C while strains 1 and b grew less rapidly than the Pythium species. At 12° C Rhizoctonia strain 87 grew rapidly but strains 1 and b produced quite small colonies and the total growth was less than the two pathogenic gythium species, B. debary- anum and P. irregulare. (This shows that the growth of strains 1 and b of Rhizoctonia is negligible at temperatures lower than 12° C as compared 'with the pathogenic species of Pythium.) Rhizoctonia solani, a species which has a large number of races, is expected to have a wide response to its environmental conditions, It has been shown that the lower limits of growth are between pH 2.5 to 3.8, Optimum growth between pH b.5 to 7.0, and its upper limits of growth from pH 6.7 to 9.1 (b6, 6b, 66). In our studies of the strains as causing diseases in plants. In coniferous seedlings they have been.reported to cause disease, reduction in yield, poor quality plants, and.that they are in a complex association with damping-off and root-rot disease in several nurseries (19, 28, 37, 38, b1, 92). During a year’s study of damping-off of black pine seedlings, and from.several thousand isolations the presence of nematodes in the 33 damped-off seedlings did not appear to be significant. Table VI shows the number of seedlings from which nematodes were isolated, and the period of the year when it occurred. Nematodes isolated from pieces of diseased tissues in plates, from soil, and by the contact slide technique, revealed that the most abundant nematodes were species of the Family Rhabditidae which are saprozooans. Another nematode which is parasitic was isolated from diseased seedlings but in less numbers. The presence of the characteristic stylet was observed in this nematode indicating that it was a parasitic. However, it did not possess a vascular medium esophageal bulb. No identification was made of any of these nematodes. In Table VI the time of year and the number of nematodes recovered is shown. Isolations from diseased seedlings were made from May, to October. The number of nematodes recovered from diseased seedlings was quite small. Thus in this case at Bogue Nursery nematodes seemed not to play any important role in the appearance and severity of damping- off. SEASONAL DAMPING-OFF OF BLACK PINE At the Bogue Nursery at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, damping-off disease has been common since its establishment. Strong (77) in 1952 published a report on control studies in this nursery. Isolation studies. Isolation from damped-off seedlings of black pine were made peri- odically by the technique described previously. Table VI shows the results of the isolations throughout the period of one year. In this Table the main pathogenic fungi isolated are listed individually. Mis- cellaneous fungi include many different fungi which normally are con- sidered to be saprophytes or molds: Mucor, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Alternaria, Geotrichum, Rhizopus and others. At the same time studies of the soil microflora and to some extent soil nlicrofauna were made. The dilution plate method was used. The contact slide technique of Cholodny (11) as modified by Krinchova (9b) sand the author was also used extensively. This study was repeated :several times throughout the year. At different periods the following 1Fungi and microorganisms were isolated: different species of bacteria, ill colonies or as single bacteria; Streptomyces sp., Pythium sp., E3c3tgztis sp., Rhizoctonia solani, Bremia sp., Fusarium sp., Nigrospora 31)., M3223 sp., Penicillium sp., Rhizopus nigricans, Actinomyces sp., m1; 119115323, W sp., Aspergillus sp., Geotrichum sp., m- tIfiichum sp., many non-sporulating colonies both with septate and non- seFVtate, hyaline and colored hyphae which could not be identified. Nematodes, adults, larvae and eggs and different protozoa were also found on the agar surface on the glass slides. 35 - 6H NH 1 N NH NH NH NH NH no eaHa NemHN emsoeeeeso teeasoeo 1 NH HH N mm mm mH m NA mm ocHQ HomHm mmsoccmoto topso>oz N H m u Hm mm HH mm mm ocHQ HomHm omsoncmmbo Honopoo - m NH - HN NN - HH NN NN esHa NemHN emaoecssao amassedem N - - N «a Nm - NN mm mm seHd sumHN eHeHN .Ns<-NHsN H u u 1 mm 00 m m mm 00 och HomHm mmsoncooto .m: MHmHN 36 Table VI shows the frequency of appearance of the principal patho- genic genera causing damping-off of black pine throughout the year. Pythium was more prevalent as the cause of damping-off, and domin- ated the other pathogenic species during warm and moist conditions of the heated greenhouse during the winter months. During this period the greenhousejizated and close, thus moisture was high, no evaporation of water from flats and pots where seedlings were grown took place. Thus this period must be considered the period when in flats and pots more water was present, and at the same time enough temperature was present too. Fusarium was more prevalent and dominated all other species under a wider range of environmental conditions. Thus under cooler environ- ment of spring and autumn, and under warmer and drier conditions of sum- mer Fusaria were the more prevalent species causing damping-off, with second the Rhizoctonia solani, and third Pythium. This was probably due to the fact that Fusaria as we mentioned previously are "strong" species which means that they can live and grow satisfactorily under a wider range of conditions of environment as compared with Pythium and Bhiégg- ‘tgnia, which are influenced more by their environment. These results agree in a general way with those of Beach (6 ) in Pennsylvania with several vegetable crops. In Table VI is shown that the Fusarium, and especially 5. splani (Schl.) Sny. and Han., E. oxysporum (Schl.) Sny. and Han., and E, moni- liforme (Sheld.) Sny. and Han., are the most important year-round cause of damping-off of black pine in Michigan, and possibly other conifers as well. Rhizoctonia solani (Kuhn), Pythium irregulare Buisman, Pythium ultimum Trow, and Pythium debaryanum Hesse, are only secondary in 37 importance. This is in contrast to the reports of Roth and Riker (65, 66, 67) who found that in Wisconsin nurseries Pythium irregulare and Rhizoctonia solani are the main cause of damping-off on red pine. With Fusarium, the most common year-round species was F. oxysporum, followed by F. solani, and the least common F. moniliforme. With Eythium generally throughout the year 5. irregulare was the most common, _F_. ultimum less common, and P. debaryanum least common. A number of questions have arisen during the process of this study. One of these was; do the isolated fungi studied show any ability and preference to attack seedlings from the time of emergence until they become resistant to damping-off some 3 to b weeks later? The above question is concerned with the postemergence damping-off of black pine. From several thousands of isolations throughout the year, no species of the three main pathogenic genera showed any Special ability to attack earlier than any other species.‘ The ratio of isolated species from the early time of damping-off to late time of damping-off was the same as the ratio of the most common species to less common and least common, which occurred at each period.~ Another question was; do pathogenic fungi which cause damping-off work together and cause damping-off in the same individual seedling, or do they avoid each other by competition or by some antibiotic means? From the discussion of isolated organisms from damped-off seedlings throughout the year and from Table VI we found that in many cases bac- teria and various other fungi (Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp., Mucor sp., etc.) were present. However, bacteria, Aspergillus sp., Penicil- lium sp., Mucor sp., etc. are saprophytes or weak parasites. Thus the presence of all of them in so many cases must be considered as an 38 excellent example of suppression and antibiosis of the main pathogenic fungi. It is probably easy for someone to say that the main pathogen was already dead or was killed by the sterilizing agent, why then were not the saprophytes or bacteria also dead or killed. From the work of others it has been found that Pythium can be supressed by bacteria (83); or that with the presence of eleven different saprophytes in sterilized soil Pythium caused less damping—off than Pythium alone (32). During this study it was found that bacteria and saprophytes in plate cultures could suppress the main parasites. There is a consider- able amount of literature on the subject of suppression, antibiosis, and parasitism of several pathogenic fungi by saprophytic ones (25, 26, b7, 59, 68, 69, 87, 88, 89, 90, 9b)- Our original question was whether the main parasitic fungi among Species of the same genus or among species of different genera were working together in an individual diseased seedling or avoiding each other by any means of competition or antibiosis etc., In order to give an answer to the above question many combinations of the main pathogenic fungi were planted in potato dextrose agar at pH 5.5 at room temperature in the dark. Three plates were used in each case. The results found are as follows: Fusarium solani strain 3 and F. gxysporum + Fusarium solani strain 3 and F. moniliforme strain 2b + Fusarium solani strain 3 and F. roseum + Fusarium roseum and F. moniliforme . , - Fusarium moniliforme and F. oxysporum - Fusarium roseum and P. debaryanum - Fusarium solani strain 3 and P. irregulare - 39 Fusarium solani strain 3 and P. ultimum - Fusarium solani strain 3 and R. solani strain 1 + Fusarium moniliforme and R. solani strain 1 - Fusarium moniliforme strain 2b and R. solani strain 87 + Fusarium moniliforme and P. debaryanum - Fusarium moniliforme and P. irregulare - Fusarium oxysporum strain 1 and R. solani strain 1 - Fusarium oxysporum strain 15 and P. ultimum j Rhizoctonia solani strain 1 and P. ultimum + Rhizoctonia solani strain 1 and P. debaryanum - Rhizoctonia solani strain 1 and P. irregulare '3 Pythium irregulare and P. ultimum - Pythium irregulare and P. debaryanum - PfiMmuummam3.@mem - In the above test - means no antibiosis apparent (fungi mixed), + means antibiosis apparent (a clean zone was formed between the fungi tested) and 1 means a slight antibiosis probably present, (a situation among the first two.) In this third case the hyphae tips of the two Opposite different fungi were approached by each other and probably mixed a little between them, but a lighter zone was apparent. From the above it was apparent that certain antibiosis was present. For instance F. solani strain 3 showed antibiosis with the three Fusaria tested, E. oxysEorum, E. roseum and F. moniliforme. The same fungus showed also an antibiosis with Rhizoctonia solani strain 1, but it does not Show any antibiosis with Pythium. (Gregory gt al (25) found also that a Streptomyces isolate produced an antibiotic which was active against some fungi but had low activity towards other fungi and bacteria). b0 The same was also true of several other fungi and combinations used in that test (Fig. 1). From the above it is clear that in pure cultures several of the main pathogenic fungi avoid each other, several do not. But the author, from the above results and his isolations from damped- off seedlings believes that in nature as a general rule only one species attacks and invades each individual damping-off seedling. In exception- ally few cases the author isolated from the same seedling more than one species of different genera; the same was found also by Brandt (8) who in soil infested with pure culture mixtures, only rarely reisolated Rhizoctonia and Fusarium together in the same diseased stem. Another question was; when did the peak loss of seedlings take place after emergence, and when was resistance attained? Roth and Riker (67) found in Wisconsin on red pine and with Pythium irregulare and Rhizoctonia solani that the highest percentage of damping-off occurred in seedlings 11 to 13 days old, and relative resistance occurred after about 1 month. Tint (80) by planting red pine seedlings of different ages found that seedlings from 1 to 7 days old had the highest percent- age of postemergence damping-off from Fusarium oxysporum and the re- duction in damping-off corresponded with the increasing age of the host. The data below (Table VII) illustrate a similar effect. Seedling emergence started at eight days during the warmer summer months, and under greenhouse heated cOnditions during winter months. During spring and autumn cool conditions emergence started after 10 days. It appears from this that, since the necessary moisture is available, temperature is the next most important factor for seed germination. At medium high temperatures germination is faster than at lower temperatures. In nature seed germination is influenced by fluctuating temperature, but Fig. 1. Upper half Rhizoctonia solani strain 87, lower Fusarium moniliforme, the two Species did not mix, a clear line is apparent between them. b1 b2 under experimental conditions, medium high temperatures are more favor- able for seed germination than lower ones (2, 27, 66, 81). TABLE VII. Time of emergence and highest damping-off percentage on black pine seedlings, as compared with the age of seedlings. Days to Highest percentage Seedlings developed Time period emergence postemergence resiStance damping-off 'Winter months 8 days 9 days after ' 25 days after Greenhouse heated emergence emergence ‘Spring months 10 days 11 days after 27 days after Greenhouse cool emergence emergence Summer months 8 days 8 days-after 25 days after Greenhouse-Field emergence emergence Autumn months 10 days 11—12 days after 27 days after Greenhouse cool emergence emergence Black pine seedlings become resistant to damping-off nearly one month after emergence (Table VII), the same as red pine in Wisconsin (67). In Wisconsin the highest percentage of post-emergence damping- off occurred at 11 to 13 days during summer months (67) but in Mich- igan with black pine seedlings the highest damping-off during summer was found to be.8 days after seedling emergence. This variance prob- ably was due to the different host, different pathogenic fungus, vary- ing soil type and pH, and finally the climatic conditions, since all of them influence not only the good growth of the seedlings, but the pathogenic fungi also. With lower temperatures in Spring and Autumn black pine showed the highest postemergence damping-off with seeds starting to emerge at 11 to 12 days respectively. From the data it is apparent that at higher temperatures in summer or in a heated greenhouse, seedlings b3 emerged earlier, more damping-off occurred earlier, and finally the resistance of seedlings was attained earlier, than at the lower temper- atures of Spring and Autumn. This is due probably to the better con- ditions of plant growth which allowed the seedlings to pass all the susceptible stages in a shorter time. The total damping-off (preemergence plus postemergence) was found to be quite high all year around under greenhouse conditions. this be- ing in agreement with others (77, 79). From Table VI one can see that preemergence damping-off is higher at the higher temperatures. Thus, in the heated greenhouse, and during Summer months in the nursery, the preemergence damping-off was higher than the postemergence damping-off, and preemergence damping-Off was also higher at warm periods of winter and summer than in cooler Spring and autumn} The preemergence and postemergence damping-off is the same disease expressed on the time and size Of seedling attacked. We can consider that preemergence damping-off is a more severe type than postemergence damping-off, since the same microorganisms cause both of them, but in the first case it happens very early just as the seed starts to germin- ate; in the postemergence damping-off it happens later, and after hypo- cotyles and roots of seedlings are exposed to the fungi attack for a longer period of time. From Table VI we found that the higher the temperature the higher the preemergence damping-off throughout the year, and this should natur- ally happen with postemergence damping-off. Tint (81) found also that the higher the temperature within limits the higher'the preemergence damping-off. Emergence of black pine seedlings was higher at warmer periods than in cooler ones (Table VII) and the pathogenic fungi isolated grew - 1*...- J. ‘ .A .1 bb better at temperatures between 200 and 30° C. than at lower temperatures they could not escape because the pathogens grow faster also. Leach (bb) has pointed out that the severity of damping-off in all combinations of host and pathogens was determined to a considerable de- gree and was most severe at temperatures that were relatively less fav- orable to the host than the pathogens as measured by the ratio of their growth rates. MODIFIED CHOLODNY SOIL SLIDE TECHNIQUE This method was discussed under the Materials and Methods section. The fungi found were reported in the chapter "Isolation and Identifica- tion of Species, their Importance and Pathogenicity." These main pathogenic fungi were always present in the soil. ‘Byt_- 13m Sp. were found to be abundant in the soil, by using the above technique, even in periods in which they were not isolated from damped- off seedlings. The other soil fungi and microorganisms were referred to in an earlier chapter. Data obtained in this study of soil microflora and microfauna by the slide technique were poorly correlated with the damping-off of black pine. The action of the main pathogenic fungi in this Study under greenhouse conditions, seems to be correlated with the health and growth of host and pathogens as they are influenced by the inorganic environ- ment rather than the organic environment. In the greenhouse the patho- genicity of damping-off fungi became greater than the competitive ability of secondary microorganisms of the soil flora and fauna. It has been pointed out in the literature, nevertheless, that the organic environ- ment under certain or special conditions can reduce or control damping- Off (25, 26, 32, b7, 87, 89). BLACK PINE SEED GERMINATION The damping-off disease occurs only from the time seed starts to germinate until about 5 weeks after sowing. Since seedlings become re- sistant in about 3 to b weeks, after emergence and since timing is a very important factor for damping-off, it is easy to understand that seed with a high germinative capacity and germination speed should have more possibility of escaping the disease. The different germination ability of seed depends upon its inherited capacity, the maturity of seed, and the treatment and care of seed from the time of collection 3 until the time of sowing. Many species of seeds are treated before they are sown in various ways in order to produce better germination (1). Even although quick seed germination is desirable, very little knowledge exists on the ef- fect of such presowing treatments on the health of germinated seed in relation to damping-off disease. One of these seed treatments, the pre- soaking of seeds after Roth and Riker (66), had no apparent ill effects on the seedlings. This is in contrast to one report (97) in the lit- erature where dormant seeds of conifers had lower losses than pre-germ- inated ones in Fusarium infested soil. The same was reported by Hansen .EE.§£ (29), that the soaking of the seed of white pine and Norway pine did not increase the rate of germination but increased injury from damping-Off. 7 Black Pine Seed Germination and Moisture. The first and most important factor in the germination of seed is probably free moisture. Since the presence of free moisture is neces- sary for seed germination, the next consideration must be the amount b? of water. The amount of water is important because it is inversely re— lated to seed aeration and that is also an important factor in seed germ- ination. (An experiment was designed to study these relationships. A series of Petri plates were used. One filter paper was put on the bot- tom of each plate, and one for seed covering. A series of plates con- tained various quantities of water ranging from minimum to excess of the required for normal germination. The results for the different moisture levels are given in Table VIII. All plates were held at room temperature (about 22° C.) and covered with Kraft paper in order to have dark environment. Part of the plates _g- .. _ fl ‘ were sealed with wide rubber bands in order to prevent evaporation, and L_. retain constant moisture. The treatments were replicated four times and-the experiment performed twice. Germination was considered com- plete when the radicle was at least 2 mm in length. Table VIII shows that seed required enough water quickly at the beginning of germination. Thus there was better germination up to the 8th day in series B, C, D, E, in which seed could absorb more water than in series A. With more water (seed 3/b or completely covered) there was less germination, since aeration was the critical factor (series F and G). Although enough free moisture is necessary to initiate germination, aeration seems to be the critical factor after 8 days, in this experi- mentH Series A, with the best aeration, had the best germination of all. Table VIII shows that with less water and better aeration the germina- tion was better while with more water and poor aeration the germination was reduced. The sudden gain in germination of seeds in Series D after 11 days TABLE VIII. Black pine seed germination in of water at room conditions in b8 different quantities darkness. Water per plate _— :- Percent germination in days Remarks 7 8 11 13 15 21 A. 5 cc. a b Seed and paper enough not sealed 16 28 76 96 100 100 moisture. In 13 days 2 cc. H20 was added. B. 5 cc. Seed and paper enough sea1ed 20 b0 72 8b 92 96 moistened, more than in A. C. 10 cc. Seed covered at least not sealed 20 b0 52 8b 92 96 1/2 with water. D. 10 cc. Same as C. but in 11 not sealed 20 b0 52C 92 96 96 day excess water was poured off. E. 10 cc. Seed covered at least sea1ed 20 36 b0 61 8b 92‘ 1/2 with water. F. 15 cc. Seed covered at least sealed 16 32 36 60 8b 92 3/b with water. G. 25 cc. Seed completely covered sealed 8 20 22 b0 60 92 with water. aSealedwith wide rubber band seal for dishes. bFilter paper started to dry, 2 cc. more water was added per plate. COn that day after counting the excess water was poured off. b9 can be attributed to the improved aeration from draining the excess water. Series C, where the water was not drained, showed less increase in germ- ination. This experiment indicates that free moisture is required for seed germination, but the necessary moisture is really quite low. Al- though we had a better germination at the beginning with medium moisture, after a few days it was evident that germination increased at the lower moisture content (better aeration) more than at medium moisture content, L and lowest germination occurred in the series with most water (less aeration). The above results apply to germination of black pine until the thirteenth and fifteenth day. At the end of the twenty-first day, it was found that coniferous seed like black pine could'give satisfactory germination (92 percent) even if the seed were completely covered with water as in series G. This germination would be considered satisfactory except for the fact that it required approximately half again as long as with less water (series A). This is an unfavorable condition since these poorly aerated germinating seeds would be exposed for a longer time to fungus attack. ' Germination of the same seed lot in greenhouse tests varied from 78 to 8b percent but in Petri dishes (Table VIII, A) it was 100 percent. Black Pine Seed Germination and Temperature. An experiment was designed to find the relationship of temperature and germination of black pine seed. Four plates each containing 50 seeds were used per treatment. Watering was optimum and the plates were held in incubators in dark at the designated temperatures. Part of the treatments were constant temperatures (Table IX, NOS. 1-8) and the remainder (No's. 9-17) were lb hours of a higher temperature and TABLE IX. Black pine seed germination at different temperatures in the 50 dark. No. Temperature Days 7 9 11 lb 16 19 1. 6°C (Constant) 0 b 12 16 28 32 2. 12°C (Constant) 0 b 12 16 28 32 3. 16°C (Constant) 0 12 2b b0 72 82 b. 20°C (Constant) b 20 32 56 80 8b 5. 2b°C (Constant) 16 36 56 80 92 92 6. 28°C (Constant) 12 28 bb 6O 72 8b 7. 31°C (Constant) 12 36 56 72 88 92 8. 37°C (Constant) 0 16 20 20 b0 bb 9. 2b°C(1b hrs), 16oc(10 hrs) 12 28 52 72 9b 96 10. 2b°C(1b hrs), 120c(10 hrs) 16 32 52 72 92 92 11. 2boc(1b hrs), 6°C(lO hrs) 12 20 36 60 8b 92 12. 370c(1b hrs), 16°C(1O hrs) b0 52 68 92 92 92 13. 37°C(lb hrs), 60c(10 hrS) 3b b6 60 80 8b 8b lb. 31°C(lb hrs), 16°C(10 hrs) 1b 20 b0 80 96 96 15. 310c(1b hrs), 60c(10 hrs) 16 2b b8 80 88 92 16. 280c(1b hrs), 160c(10 hrs) 8 16 2b 60 8b 88 17. 28°C(1b hrs), 6°C(10 hrs) 10 18 36 6b 8b 88 . 119?”... Q, a- . -- 51 10 hours of a lower temperature. The results (Table IX) Show that, in incubators with constant temperatures, there was better germination be- tween 16° and 31° C.. At the two lOwest temperatures (6° C. and 12° C.), the germination was identical and only reached 32 percent throughout the period. Only when the temperature reached 16° C. was the germination significantly increased to 82 percent. Two maxima, 2b° C. and 31° C., were obtained for constant temperature conditions. Other workers (b, 66) have reported optimum germination around 2b-26° C. for red pine and Haasis (27) found two optima at 2b° and 36° C. for red pine and for lodgepole pine two optima at 2b° and b0° C. as well. At 37° C. constant temperature there was another drop although still above that at 6° C. and 120 C.. At fluctuating temperatures we obtained the following results: The germination was more or less the same for 2b°-16° C., 2b°-12° C., 2b°-6° C. as at a constant 2b° C.. This indicates that if one tempera- ture was favorable for enough hours per day, the alternate temperature did not change the amount of germination. When a higher temperature of 37° C. (known to be unfavorable when constant) was combined.with alter- nating lower temperatures of 6° and 16° C. a favOrable germination con- dition was produced. 0f the two, 16° C. was superior to 6° C. germina- tion being 92 and 8b percent respectively (Table IX, No. 12 and 13). At constant temperature of 37° C., 16° C. and 6° C. the germination was bb, 82 and 32 percent respectively. At 31° C. higher temperature much the same results were obtained with 2b° C. (Table IX, NO'S. lb, 15, and 9, 10, 11). At 28° C., as higher alternating temperature, there also was better germination than at the constant temperatures 28° C., 16° C., or 60 C.. 52 Summarizing the influence of alternative temperatures on black pine seed germination, if one temperature of the alternative combination is favorable or optimum in the case of constant temperatures, the change of temperature had little influence and gave more less the same germ- ination number as the favorable constant temperature. On the contrary, if alternative temperatures are neither one favorable, the alternative temperature stimulated germinatinn above that at any constant tempera- ‘ .1 ture used. The Effect ofng on Black Pine Seed Germination. 1 Among other factors which may influence the germination of black pine seed is pH. A series of experiments were conducted in order to find any relationship of pH solutions and the germination of black pine seed. Seeds of black pine were put in Petri dishes with two layers of filter paper at the bottom in order to retain more uniform moisture; then seeds were covered with one filter paper. Four plates were used in each treatment and the experiment repeated twice. Buffers were made by using different combinations of 0.1 M phosphoric acid and 0.1 M sodium hydroxide (5). Watering was normal to give best aeration and germination. The plates were stored at room temperature. and covered with Kraft paper in order to provide a dark environment. The results of these germination tests are Shown in Table X. A soil test was also used to determine the influence of pH on the germination of black pine seeds. This experiment was conducted in the Plant Science Greenhouse. The soil used contained 3.3b percent humus, sand 86.00 percent, silt b.OO percent, and clay 6.66 percent (Type F, Table XVII). The soils were also buffered with 0.1 M phosphoric acid S3 and 0.1 M soidum hydroxide used in different proportions to give the desired pH. Soil was sterilized etc. as described in Materials and Methods. Four replicates were used for each pH value; 50 seeds were sown in each pot. The watering was normal. The germination of black pine seed in pot soil at different pH levels is shown in Table XI. During the course of the study germination of black pine seed was observed and also the influence of pH on the length of root and stem was measured. The results of these observations are shown in Table XII. By examination of Tables X and XI in which the germination of black pine seed is shown in Petri plates and pot soil at different pH; it can be seen that the pH of the solution strongly influenced total germina- tive capacity and the germination curve of black pine seed. The in- fluence of pH on earliness of germination is shown well in Table XI. This test in soil at different pH levels showed that seed started to germinate two days later at pH 7.0 than at pH b.5, and at pH 8.5 seed started to germinate two days later than at pH 7.0. The total germinative capacity of the same seed in Petri plates as compared with that in soil differs for each pH value. This is probably due to poorer aeration in pot soil. The germination capacity at each pH value was also generally different. Thus the germination capacity at pH b.5 in both Petri plates and soil was twice as large as that at Ifli 8.5; the germination at pH 7.0 was found to be intermediate. These findings are the opposite of those of Tint (80) who found a reduction in emergence of Pinus nigra var. austriaca in acid media. By comparing the two Tables X and XI it is found that the rate of germination differs considerably. In Petri plates seed was considered to have germinated when the radicle appeared. In pot soil, germination 5b TABLE X. Black pine seed germination at different pH values in Petri plates in dark at room temperature. Total number of seed germinated. percent by days 6 ' 7 9 11 12 13 16 b. 5 60 y 68 86 88 88 88 88 7.0 38 b2 5b 59 59 59 59 8.5 26 31. bh b8 7 b8 b8 b8 TABLE XI. Black pine seed germination at different pH values in pot soil in greenhouse. Total number Of seed germinated, percent in days pH 3 a :12 1b l6 19 21' 23 26 28 31 33 35 37 b.5 ll 15 31 50 56 68 72 7b 7b 78 78 78 7.0 -- 5 17 32 b2 ‘ b8 so -56 56 56 56 56 8.5 -- -- b 8 23 29 32 32 32 32 32 32 aTime seedling root and stem measurements were taken (data in Table XII). TABLE XII. Root and stem length of black pine seedlings at different pH values in pot soil in greenhouse. 19 days after sown 33 days after sown pH Root cm. Stem cm. Total Root cm. Stem cm. Total length cm. length gm. b.5 S.b5 3.25 8.70 6.50 3.b5 9.95' 7.0 3.90 2.60 6.50 V 5.80 3.20 9.00 8.5 3.30 2.50 5.80 5.00 3.20 8.20 55 whole germination process after seed started to germinate lasted only five days. In soil after germination of seed started. it continued for more than 15 days. The results of root and stem measurements of seedlings grown at the different pH levels is given in Table XII. Ten seedlings were collected at random 19 and 33 days after sowing from each of four pots. The nin— teenth day was the time of highest damping-off, and the thirtyieth was the time when the seedlings had passed their susceptible stage. In 19 days the length of roots at varying pH levels were different and were longest at pH b.5, shOrter at pH 7.0, and shortest at pH 8.5. Thus, at the time of highest damping-off and fungus activity the differu ences in root length were most striking for the various pH levels. The same trend was apparent at 33 days but there were smaller differences.l Stem lengths differed also but in less degree, at different pH levels on the 19th day. They were the same at 33 days at pH 7.0 as at 8.5 and only slightly longer at pH b.5. Jackson (b0) in liquid cultures at different pH found total length of Douglas fir was greater at pH 3.5 and 5.5, and in quartz sand and with liquids the total length of Douglas fir and Ponderosa pine were greater at pH b.5. Roth and Riker (66) in pot soil with different pH found that the optimum range for root growth of red pine extended from about pH b.7 to 6.0. From the above results one can see that the influence of acidity on root and total seedling growth is better at the acid side than at the alkaline side of the pH scale. Different species Show a varying ability to grow faster at the different levels on the acid side of the pH scale (b0, 66). DAMPING‘OFF OF BLACK PINE SEEDLINGS Relative Pathogenicity of Different Strains and Species. In an earlier section we have discussed the fungus species isolated from black pine damped-off seedlings. In order to determine if these isolated fungi were the real cause of the disease, experiments were conducted with pure cultures in soil. The soil used in this experiment was at pH 5.5, and contained humus 3.3b percent. Four or more pots were used for each treatment and the experiment repeated one or more times. The soil was sterilized and treated as described earlier. Cornmeal-vermiculite medium in Petri plates was used for growing inoculum. One fourth of a plate of inoculum was mixed into each b inch pot of soil in the first trial. Since this amount of inoculum was found to be too heavy, one eighth of a plate jper pot was used thereafter. Appropriate controls were uSed in each set of experimnts in order to compare the percentage of healtby germ- ination, and from this the percentage losses by damping-off. Watering of the pots was as usual. In order to have an accurate record of the temperature and relative lunnidity a hygrothermograph was placed among the pots. Table XIII pre- serflx; the record of temperature and relative humidity during this test. It can be seen that the minimum temperature was more or less con- staffl; throughout the period at about 22° C.; the higher temperatures were (infaxnarable for seed germination, but the alternation of temperature has beeni shown (Table IX) to reduce the unfavorable effects of high temper- atures. The relative humidity plays a considerable role to the maintenance of'snail.moisture, and has less influence on damping-Off. When a 100 57 .._~ .. .. .. i ,.’..44l.1¢l’l_sld.-.; .5 .uoumH Hos: m oopumum mm: coHuHquOu pcouom onN .mmmH HHuqd Ho Om on» O» nonmz mo mm on» Eoum ocoo mm: mHHN .csom mm: boom amp 03H OOHOOHNCOO NMO HmuHmm OH on 06 NH Hm NN Hm mm 6N ON Hm ON Nm sasHeHz NN No oN , om NN Ho ON Ho NN HN NN NN NN esstn: fiHoHasm .HnN H.HN H.HN H.HN N.NN N.NN o.oN N.NN N.NN N.NN N.NN N.NN N.NN N.NN assHeH: N.NN 6.6N N.NN H.NN N.NN N.NN N.NN N.NN H.HN N.NN H.HN N.NN asstos .Uo OHSHNNOQEON 0N mN HN MN NN HN ON mH @H NH 0H mH HH ulna“ mam-mu TH 1111 Ho OH NN ON ON No NH. Hm ON NN Om NN NN sasHeH: ,mN HN Ho NN HN Hm mm Nm HN mN mm Nw ow eastmz NuHoHssN .HnN N.NN H.NN N.NN N.NN N.HN N.HN N.HN N.HN N.NN N.NN N.NN H.NN N.NN . assHeHz N.NN N.NN N.HN H.HN N.NN H.HN N.HN H.HN N.NN N.NN N.NN . asstnz .Uo OCSHNCOQEON mH NH HH OH m m N o m . H m N H w .oOHmHONH mchth paw moHooam mo NuHoHcomocbmm o>HpmHou . Ho mcHHmop mcHtsp Omaoacooem OH» CH NuHoHasz o>HHmHOH paw OusbmuoaSop mo puoomm .HHHx mHmdN 58 percent relative humidity was obtained, however, in watered pots covered with cellophane bags, Rhizoctonia solani grew abundant aerial mycelial and could attack the above ground part of seedlings. This confirms. the observations by Roth and-Riker (67). In this type of covered pots the author got also complete postemergence damping-Off of black pine seedlings using the common black mold Rhizopus nigricans. Table XIV represents the relative pathogenicity of different Spec- ies and strains of pathogenic fungi isolated from black pine seedlings. Of the Pythium species the isolate of P. irregulare was the most path- ogenic. This Species was the commonest isolated from diseased seedlings and from soil from nursery and flats in the greenhouse. P. perniciosum, as was expected, did not cause any damping-off of black pine seedlings. The different strains of Rhizoctonia sOlani whose cultural and growth characteristics were described in Tables I, II, and III showed that they possess different pathogenic ability also. Even though all of them showed a high total damping-off, there were noticeable differ- ences in the preemergence and postemergence damping-off. Others have also'reported that strains of B. gelani have different pathogenic ability (13, 15, 32, 57, 65)- In the Fusaria the different species and strains showed also cer- tain differences in their total damping-off. Preemergence damping-off inas generally more severe than postemergence but strain differences in this respect could be seen as in 5. M strain 3 and 19 or 25. In tilis study only in Fusarium solani were distinct strains found. For time two other species 5. oxy5porum and F. moniliforme the many differ- erfi; isolations studied proved to be culturally and pathogenically ident- ical. 59 TABLE XIV. Relative pathogenicity in the greenhouse of strains and species of isolated fungi on black pine seedlings. .9 Number Damping-off percent Healthy Species P815 Preem. Postem. Total I183; Pythium irregulare b 83 11 9b 6 Pythium ultimum b 59 26 85 15 Pythium debaryanum b b9 33 82 18 Pythium perniciosum 'b O O O 100 Rhizoctonia solani strain 1 b 55 b0 95 5 Rhizoctonia solani strain b b 85 13 98 2 Rhizoctonia 221321 strain 87 b 70 18 88 12 Fusarium £91221 strain 3 b b9 39 88 12 Fusarium £21321 strain 25 b 85 10 95 5 Fusarium 521321 strain 19 b 68 6 7b 26 Fusarium oxysporum strain l5 16 7b 11 85 15 Fusarium moniliforme strain 2b 12 76 16 92 8 6O Damping-off of Black Pine Seedlings and_pH. It has been known for many years that acid soils reduced damping- off losses, and in alkaline soil damping-off losses were heavy (32, b0, 6b, 66, 78, 80). This seems inconsistent with the present work Since it was found that the pathogenic damping-off fungi really thrive in acid environment, and in alkaline environment they grow less vigorously. It is further assumed that in natural acid soil the antagonistic bac- teria should compete with fungi better than in alkaline soil. As was discussed earlier, when media with pH 5.5 were used for isolation of pathogeniC‘fungi from damped-off seedlings, bacteria almost always covered the entire tissue sections. It was necessary to put 2-3 drops per plate of a 25 percent lactic acid solution in order to have a med- ium with pH b to b.5, and in that medium only were the undesirable bac- teria avoided. ' Although the pathogenic fungi thrive in acid media, and the com- petitive bacteria in alkaline media, coniferous seedlings avoid damping- Off better in acid media (soils). The reason for this is easy to find, in that the seedlings themselves are favored by acid soils and grow in a healthier condition. In the slightly acid soils minerals are easier available to plants, and thus plants live in a healthier condition, grow faster, and mature earlier (Table XV). Black pine seed were sowed again in the same soil which was used earlier. The pH of the soil was adjusted with buffers, and the soil ‘was sterilized as usual, and seeds were sterilized with l:lOOO mercuric chloride. Fifty seeds were sowed per each b inch pot. Two fUngi, Fusarium moniliforme and Rhizoctonia solani, were grown in Petri plates _i in cornmeal and vermiculite. One eighth of plate inoculum was used per 1... o ooH -1 OOH - 11 1- - 11 - - 1- 11 H .62 HcmHom .m. m.N O OOH - OOH - -1 -- 1- - l 1- - - H 62 HaoHom .N. O.N ON ON mH mo NH NH 3 NH 2 HH N H HH H .oz 238 .N. NH 6 62 H cm H H H. H H H H NH oscoHHHaoa .H N E N HH HN HH HH HH HH NH H «H ossoOHHHcos .M O.N NH mm HN NH HN HN ON NH N m m HH 862285 .M NH . man N>HH< HSOH .EOOmOnH .SOOLQ Mm. Om wN mm fiN Hm ON NH CONT.“ EWH @ a - c u . .Co @5953 EH $855ng oocomposgmoa om c 1 1N5 . m o m MHO>OH 3Q Hawk; . . S wULQnH IELNO . CH WOCHHUNNW mama xum . [I’ll/ll Hb HO HHO 1mcHgswo 1 o . i. .f‘r‘ll ON HH mm NH NH ON ON Nn Om mm HH NN NN .mm NN aschHz mN HN ON mO NO OO NO mm mm mm ON Om OH OO OH asaHxnz .ssN .HeN N.HN H.HN N.HN ©.mN H.HN N.HN H.HN H.©H m.mH H.HN N.NN N.HN 0.0N N.HN H.HN ESEHCHE N.Nn N.Nm N.©m H.0m m.wN H.mN H.HN 0.0m N.Hm H.Hm N.Nm N.NN Edstmz dMHMH Hm ON NN NN NN ON .mN HN NN NN HN ON . .NH NH NH mama .csom Ooomm NN ON- NN OH NH ON NN Om Nm OH OH NH OH mH NH ON aschHz mH OH Hm om mm pm No mm mm mm HO NO ON om Ow mm sastmz .EH: .Hmm N.HN N.NN N.HN N.HN N.HN N.NN N.HN N.HN N.NN o.NN o.HN m.HN N.HN O.HN o.NN H.HN enchHz 0.0m N.NN .m.NN H.Hm N.Nm N.Nm 0.0m N.Nm N.Hm N.NN asstmz 1 as H OH mH HH NH NH HH OH m nxwom N o m H m N NH Fig. 2. Black pine damping-off at different pH levels of the soil. Left pots with pH b.5 less damping-off occurred, than at pH 7.0 center, or pH 8.5 right. 63 6b b inch pot. Four pots were used, repeated twice, for each pH value; watering was as usual. Temperatures and humidity during the course of this study were measured and are shown in Table xva. Table XV gives the results of this experiment.— At pH b.5 the preemergence damping-off and especially the total damping-off was smaller than at pH 7.0 and pH 8.5. This is the case especially for Fusarium moniliforme (Fig. 2). In Rhizoctonia solani strain No. b we had a total number of damping-off of 80, alive 20, at pH b.5 and 100 percent damping-off at pH 7.0 and pH 8.5. Fusarium moniliforme was less pathogenic in general than B. £21221 strain No. b at the two lower pH levels but equally severe at pH 8.5. In general with both fungi we had less damping-off in acid soil than in alkaline soil, this being in agreement with others (32, b0, 6b, 66, 78, 80). Measurements of length of roots and stems at different pH of soil were Shown in Table XII. Thus it was found that the root lengths gen- erally were greater at pH b.5, less at pH 7.0, and least at pH 8.5; this being in agreement with the work of others (b0, 66). Stern and total length were less clearly affected. Table X shows the influence of pH on seed germination. Thus at pH 14d; seeds started to germinate two days earlier than at pH 7.0, or b diYE? earlier than at pH 8.5. But in acid soils not only germination StaI‘lted earlier but it was approximately twice that in alkaline soils (Table x1). Thus it is clear from all the above that in acid soils 1953‘ damping-off occurs not only because seedlings are grown better, but sneeds also germinate earlier, faster, and in a total germination twice: that of alkaline soils. Thus seedlings in this condition have 65 more possibilities to escape damping-off, and reach the maturity stage earlier. Black Pine Dampingeoff and Soil Quality. It was referred earlier that temperature, moisture, aeration, pH are some of the environmental factors which influence the germination, the emergence, and the good and fast growth of seedlings, but at the same time the growth condition and health of the pathogens. It was also accepted that the main factor generally which determines the quantity of damping-off is the growth condition and vigor of the seedlings, rather than that of the pathogens. Under good growth conditions vigor of the seedlings is influenced not only by the quantitative and qualitative expression of environmental factors such as temperature, moisture, aeration, pH, but also by the quality (fertility etc.) of the medium (soil) in which seedlings are grown. In nature the medium used is the soil and its type influences the health and balanced growth of the seedlings, the pathogens, or both of them, to affect the amount and kind of damping-off. In order to find what relationships exist between soil quality and damping-off, soil of different types was used. The origin and composi— tion of soils was discussed under Materials and Methods. Composition of the soils is given further in Table XVII. All soils, before sterilization, were equalized at pH 6.0, by using different proportions of phosphoric acid and'sodium hydroxide buffers. After sterilization the pH was checked and corrected if necessany. In- oculum was supplied from Petri dish cultures of vermiculite and corn- meal. Two types of inoculations were made: "heavy" (Table XVI) in which one third of a Petri dish culture was used per b inch pot, and "light" 66 -- -- ooa -- NH mm -- o: oo -- -- ooH .. 0 am xoaz .2 mm oz om 0m cm a: 0m mm m: -- -- ooa m m am Haom .m mm NH we ma NH ON ON am om -- 4 mm a m mm Haom .m 4H a: ma 0H ma we ma mm a: -- -- 00H 4 NH am Haom .o ha Na mp -- a 4m -- -- ooa . -- -- ooH -- -- ooa amma + acmm .mm a Na mm -- ma. .mm -- -- ooa -- -- ooa -- 4 cm coaaaaom aamaaaaz + acmm .mm mm mm we a am as 0 NH mm -- -- 00H m 0 mm ocmm .«m .3 “mm m. -aa mm M”. aha “mm “m. .5... hm hm. uHmo: upmom umtm mmoamcwaemo mmoumcwdemo mmoumcmdemo mwoumcwasmo mmoumcquwm III .. am .02 I mm .02 I I a x5 :8 mm .02 HcmHOm .m oEpommHHcos .m succumxmo .m 4 .oz mcmHOm .m mpmasmoupfi .m I 1‘ .esflsoocw >>woz .omsozcootm on» CH 0.0 ma om momma HHOm pconommHv cw Macaw Hmom>mm zn mafia xoman mo Hmonmcfiasmo m>wpwtmasou .H>x mqmdb .mmcfiaoomm oHo amo.oa o» vmtcmmou mpmo mmonhm oo.m m~.oN mm.a swao o -- -- -- -- -- -- m am as we mmao.o acm.o Ha.m mm.oa mo.m mm.m mm mo .0: mm -- -- -- 00.04 xoss.z mSoo momo 4m.m 2.: «mi oz.» mm 3 mm 8 3.0 00.: 00.3 amé 20mm Haao.o moN.o mz.m mm.a mo.s m: mm NH on mm.m wa.m 40.N Haom a Apcmfinpnc . anonpfi3v aaao.o mmN.o ww.m ca.wa om.4 0w.a mm me an mm o 0 00a 0 acmm m .wm .tm .um panama mam Eoum ”in... mm am“ an“ so. am. we... hm. . 0 on. m... a a. m. m. E a “amass aaaaaaam aamaaa mmaaaaaam -amam moo-maaaemo acmaaou Haom \II .eaaaooaa aamaa .omaoncootm on» CM .o.© ma pm Hwom mo moaxu pampommwo cw mm cwmppm HomHOm Edwhmmsm xn pomsmo Hmonmcwaemo mamaoomm mafia xomfim .HH>X mqde 68 pm mHHOm moomnw> no mama» amenmcwqamo omdoncomcm mcfiunp S a a 2 .3 2 3 3 B .2 3 2 2 a 3 an 3 5552 o» me am mm mm to He «o 00 mm am am oh mm No mm am eaaaxmz .sam .Hmm H.0N ®.Nm sagas“: N.Na N.Na. 0.0m 0.0m N.Hm N.Nm 0.0m N.Hm N.Nn 0.0m N.Nm H.Ha aaaaxmz ammmm mm am mm mm am On mm mm pm om mm 4m mm mm Hm cm ma made 2 3 mm on m4 m3 3 on ma an an an an mm a? mm mm 4m 5355: Ho mm an mm mm No om mm mm a: mm mm mm ma cm mm ac ma aasaxmz .eam .Hmm N.NN ®.NN @.NN n.nm H.HN eaeaaaz N.Nm N.Nn m.®m m.~« o.oa H.0a H.Ha H.0n n.®m ®.Nm m.®m «.mm eaeaxmz .mEmH ma NH on . ma . an Ma Na Ha on m m a o m a m N a mhmo .O.© ma . auaaaesa maaamaat use aaaamtaasma mo matoumm .mHH>x mbmap 69 inoculum (Table XVII) in which one eighth of a Petri dish culture was used per b inch pot. Eight pots were used for each soil type and path- ogen. Water was as usual. Temperature and relative humidity noted during the progress of this test is given in Table XVIIa. On comparing the damping-off for the various pathogens and soils under two rates of inoculum it can be seen that the heavy type of in— oculation (Table.XVI) was more severe than the light inoculation used later (Table XVII). In pure sand (series SA) there was less damping-off than in SS or SP sands containing a fungus nutrient solution or peat (Table XVI). In soils D, B, F with various percentages of humus, sand, silt, and clay (c.f. Table XVII) we had less damping-off. It was lowest in ser- ies F containing humus (3.3b percent) which probably represented a bet- ter balanced fertilizer condition. In muck soil which contained b6.6O percent humus, we had most damping-off. Rhizoctonia solani strain b caused heavy losses in all types of soils (Table‘XVI). Eythium irregulare gave heavier losses with muck soil and in sand with fungus nutrient solution or with peat, and less with D, E, F kind of soils. Even in the latter soils, however, the total losses must be considered heavy. Eythium sp. are predominant in soils with high humus content, and Rhizoctonia solani in soils with low humus con- tent (32, 65). In the case of Bythium the present work gave more or‘ less the same results. With Rhizoctonia solani, however, in pure culture inoculations there were heavy losses in all kinds of soils. These losses were probably due in part to heavier amounts of inoculum and the favor- able greenhouse environment. With Fusaria, again, there were heavy losses on muck soil and sand plus nutrient fungus solution, sand plus peat, and less damping-off with soil type F. £31.31 was 70 In Table XVII it can be seen that a light inoculum with Fusarium isglani produced most losses in clay soil, next most in the muck soil and sand, less with soil D and least in soil F. From the above it is clear that the type of soil is an important factor in the occurrence of damping—off. The quality of soil influences, along with the environmental conditions, both fungus growth, and the balanced growth and vigor of the host. Thus it is apparent that the physical, chemical and fertility properties of the soil are important factors in damping-off. The experimental work confirms, in part the results of Tint (80). In Table XVII one can see that the root length and total length of black pine seedlings 16 days old were greater in sand (no humus at all) than in muck soil (humus b6.6O percent). Stems were shorter than roots in all the soils tested, but in the case of muck soil the root-stem ratio was smallest. The longer length of roots in sand is probably due to better aeration which also influences seed germination. The increased root lengths found in lower moisture, better aerated soils confirms a report by Roth and Riker (61) on red pine. The length and weight of green and dry seedlings are also shown in Table XVII. Thirty three seedlings 16 days old were collected at random from pots of each soil type. The average dry weight per centimeter of seedling length was calculated also, since the length of seedlings varied with the soil type. There was no correlation between dry weight per centimeter and severity of damping-off. The less damping-off, or the greater number_of healthy seedlings occurred in soil of series F and D. This probably was due to a balanced condition of soil fertility in which seedlings were grown neither so 71 fast, nor so slow. In case of sand seedlings grew too fast, and tissues were too tender and attacked easier by pathogens. In muck soil seed- lings grew too slow, thus they were exposed to fungus attack for a pro- longed period. Probably seedlings in soil of series F and D possessed a medium condition of growth between sand and muck, and thus less damp- ing-off occurred. Relationship of Dampingeoff and Root-rot of Black Pine Seedlings. In many cases seedlings in flats in natural infected soil, or in pots of pure cultures, or in the nursery, escaped damping—off and were allowed to remain for more than a year. In a number of these cases, especially in the favorable environment of the greenhouse, root-rot sooner or later developed. Isolations were made from representative root-rotted seedlings taken from natural infected soil in greenhouse and nursery. In all cases Fusaria were found to be the primary cause of root-rot. In a few cases Rhizoctonia solani was isolated also, but it was doubtful that it was the root-rot agent since FUsarium was also isolated from the same root section. In several cases the phenomenon of weak parasitism, as pointed out by Tint (79), was also observed. Black pine seedlings that escaped damping-off in natural infected soil, started to show dryness of their lower needles after several months. Root isolations proved that Fusaria were present. If these seedlings were retained for one half to two years they continued to be alive, even though their lower needles were dried and even though Fusaria were living in their roots. .5. solani, F. oxysporum and F. moniliforme strains from the Chit— tenden nursery, and strains of the same species from the Bogue nursery caused both damping-off and root-rot on black pine seedlings in pure 72 cultures in pot soil. The same Chittenden strains can cause a root-rot complex with nematodes on white pine at the same nursery (61). No Pythium or Rhizoctonia alone were isolated from root-rot seed- lings of black pine in the greenhouse or in the nursery. These results were similar to those of Riffle (61) with white pine. DISCUSSION Black pine damping-off was examined in natural infections in Mich- igan nurseries and research was done mainLy in the greenhouse. During the summer field experiments were also made in the nursery. Under greenhouse conditions damping-off was heavier than in the field, this being in accordance with work of others (77, 79, 82). It was found also that if the same infested soil, either natural or inoc- ulated, was used repeatedly the damping-off became more severe. This means that under greenhouse conditions the main pathogens predominate against their competitive microflora and microfauna. In Michigan soil the following damping-off fungi pathogenic to black pine were isolated: Pythium irregulare Buismann, E.u1timum Trow, P. debaryanum Hesse, Fusarium solani (Mart-.) Snyder and Hansen, E} oxysporum (Schl.) Sny. andHan., E. moniliforme (Sheld.) Sny. and Iflar1., Rhizoctonia £21221 Kflhn, and Botrytis cinerea Persoon. Of the atmyve several Fusarium sp. were the most important pathogens causing damping-off of black pine under a wide range of conditions, and second- aryr in importance were Rhizoctonia and Pythium. In the genus Fusarium the most common species isolated under a wide range of conditions was 5* gxy5porum, and in fitbium it was _P. irregulare. Pythium perniciosum was isolated from soil, and was of interest be- Cause this is the second time in which this Pythium was reported in the thitxed States (SO, 51). In this fungus oogonium germination was un- lu‘Cfivri (SO, 51), but the author observed germination in two cases in ”atual‘ cultures. These occurred on hemp seed held in this culture for I; InOnths in room environment. Germination was by a germ tube which had 7b a branch about bO mu from its base. This species showed no pathogen- icity to black pine seedlings. The principal pathogenic species and strains isolated showed dif- ferences in culture appearance, growth, and pathogenicity. Growth studies of these fungi were done in different environments. Pythium grew satisfactoriLy from pH b.5 to 8.0, with pH 5.5 being the most favorable, this agrees with the work of others (36, b0, 6b, 66). Byt_— ium also grew better in potato dextrose agar at pH 5.5 between 20° C. and 30° C., this also being in a general agreement with the work of others (51, 66). From Rhizoctonia solani four different strains were isolated; these were found to have stable cultural appearance in different environments, different growth, and pathogenicity. Rhizoctonia solani grew faster be- tween 200 c. and 300 c. generally for all strains. At 12° c. the dif- ferent strains grew in different ways, and two strains of it slower than Bythium at the same temperature. The growth of Rhizoctonia in different pH varied. Best growth generally occurred in the slight acid media, and its growth in alkaline media was less, this being in agreement with others (b6, b9, 6b, 66). In the case of the Fusaria growth rates were smaller than Pythium and Rhizoctonia but as a whole the different species and strains tested showed less differences under the varying environments used. This means inlat Fusaria are less influenced by the changes of their environments shad that they are really "strong" fungi. The above probably explains ‘why Fusaria predominate under a variety of conditions throughout the year. Others have found that Fusaria are widely adapted, and generally can.cause severe losses in higher temperatures (6b, 81, 93). Pigmentation 75 in Fusaria was found to be more abundant under dark, and it is influenced also by the media used, this being in agreement with others (10, 72, 96). The results of this study showed that pH of the medium is net an import- ant factor for zonation. And further it was found that all the damp-‘ ing-off Fusaria formed zonation in the lowest constant temperature of 12° C.. This is not in agreement with the work of others (72, 96); that zonation in Fusaria is influenced onLy by fluctuating temperature or light. It was also found that several strains of different species can form zonation under a wide range of environmental conditions. Sporodochium formation was proved to occur more abundantty in light than in dark, this being in agreement with others (30, 72, 96). Media influenced also sporodochia formation. Isolations from damped-off seedlings of different fungi throughout the year proved that species of the main pathogenic genera Fusarium, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, and their importance in different seasons of the year are the same in Michigan with black pine as in Pennsylvania with several vegetable plants (6). Pythium was more prevalent under the warm and moderately humid con- ditions of closed heated greenhouses during winter months. Pythium is responsive to moisture and caused more severe damping-off of seedlings and predominated more over the other main pathogens the more the soil was saturated. Pythium causes negligible losses in dry soils (6, 61). During the warmer and drier summer months, Pythium losses were neglig- ible in open, well aerated greenhouses or in the field. Other patho- genic genera predominated over Pythium at that time. The above means that, in a natural infested soil at medium high temperatures in which flzthium lives together with other pathogenic damping-off fungi and with I 70 a great number of other competitive microorganisms, Pythium predominar tion depends mostly on moisture. The higher the soil moisture content for a prolonged period of time the higher the losses from damping-off of Pythium on black pine seedlings. In drier conditions the other path- ogenic fungi were predominant. Fusaria were predominant under a variety of conditions throughout the year. 'As was mentioned earlier, Fusaria are less influenced by environment than Pythium or Rhizoctonia which are influenced by more limited conditions. Fusaria are "strong" species while Rhizoctonia become secondary in importance in many periods of the year. The pres- ent work also confirms that of Roth and Riker (66) who pointed out that Rhizoctonia was influenced less by environment than Pythium. From several thousands of isolations throughout the year in natural infected soil the main damping-off causing fungi did not show any spec- ial ability to attack black pine seedlings earlier than did other spec- :ies. The rate of isolation of different species of fungi was accord- ing to the final percentage ratio per each pathogenic genus for each set of seedlings. When the main pathogenic fungi were allowed to interfere with each other in culture media it was found that several of them possessed a Strong antibiotic property. Gregory gt. _a_l_ (25) found an antibiotic FHVDduced by a Streptomyces which was active against some fungi, but had lfinw activity towards other fungi and bacteria. The earlier results of true author's work and from his isolation studies, showed that in natural filfected soil in which damping—off occurs, individual damping-off seed- 111195 can be attacked and invaded by one only and in very few cases by more than one pathogenic fungus. 77 Black pine seeds germinated two days earlier in warm than in cool- er periods, and black pine seedlings developed resistance to damping- off after 25 and 27 days after emergence respectivery. During warmer periods both the preemergence damping-off and postemergence damping- off of black pine was higher than during cooler periods. This confirms the results of others (32, b3, bb, 66), who found that conifer damping» off was generally more severe in the warmer soils and that seedlings were better able to escape the disease under cool conditions. The author's modification of the older contact-slide technique for the study of soil microflora (11, 9b) was used. The advantages of the new modified technique was that it was faster, and more accurate for the identification of soil fungi. Seed germination is an important factor in damping-off disease. since it is evident that in case of slow germination, pathogenic fungi have more opportunities to attack and cause severe types of preemergence damping-off.~ Black pine seed germinated under different free moisture conditions showed that a medium amount of moisture is necessary at the beginning for a good start, but within a few days about the time the new radicle started to appear, aeration became the most important fac- tor for black pine seed germination. In other words germination was favored by medium moisture initially and a reduction in moisture after the process had begun. The above is of importance in nurseries practice, because it is clear that a few days moderate watering is necessary after sowing and then watering must be much lighter thereafter. In the lower moisture content test and in good aeration 100 percent germination re- sulted with the same seed lot which in the practice gave 78 to 8b per- cent germination. The reason for this difference must be probably due 78 to the poorer aeration of seed in soil, as compared with the better aeration in low moisture content in Petri plates in the above experiment. At constant temperature with normal moisture black pine germination showed a double peak curve with its optima at 2b° C. and 31° C.. The same was found for other species by Haasis (27). Alternating medium temperatures showed good germination as well (Table IX). Alternating a low temperature with an unfavorably high temperature produced favor- able germinatibn conditions.- At different pH levels of b.5, 7.0 and 8.5, in Petri plates and soil there was better germination at the lower pH b.5 and successively . poorer at the more alkaline. Lower pH also induced earlier germination. Here again'there was better germination in Petri plates than in soil at each pH level, probably due also to the poorer aeration in soil. Aera- tion also is probably the reason that germination was completed in S to 6 days, in plates after it had started, while in soil the same pro- cess required about 20 days. - * From all the above it is apparent that germination is a very im- portant factor in connection with damping-off disease, since under special environments germination takes place quickly, and a high total germination number occurs, thus seedlings more readily escape the disease. Under other environments on the contrary, germination starts later, continues for a longer time, and gives finally a lower germin- ation number. All these conditions are favorable for the development of severe damping-off. Black pine damping-off was lighter in soil with pH b.5 than in soils with pH 7.0 or pH 8.5; this being in agreement with the work of others (32, b0, 6b, 66, 78, 80). Black pine was found to grow better at pH 79 b.5 than at pH 7.0 and pH 8.5; this was also in agreement with the work of others (b0, 66) on red pine. This is probably one explanation for the lower damping-off in medium acid soil; plants grew faster and were in a nutritional equilibrium of minerals made possible by the soil acidity. But this is not the only explanation-of the less occurrence of damping-off in acid soils, because it was found by the author that in acid soils germination of black pine seeds started earlier, the speed was greater, and the total germination number twice as much as that in alkaline soils, and hence the seedlings reach the maturity stage earlier, when they become resistant to damping—off. Soil type and fertility influence plant growth, the pathogens, and the soil microorganisms. Less damping-off of black pine occurred in soils of medium fertility and in conditions in which black pine grew well on the average than in sand, muck, or in more clayey soil. Black pine grew larger seedlings in sand soils, and plants with heavier unit of dry weight perilength in muck soil. It is postulated that, under a medium type of soil condition and fertility, seedlings did not grow so fast as to become excessively tender and susceptible to pathogenic fungi as they did on sandy soil. Neither did they grow so slowly as to be exposed to fungus attack for long periods as was the case on muck soil. In several reports (75, 78, 79), less damping-off occurred with coniferous seedlings in coarse sand cultures or in cases in which coarse sand.was used as seed cover. In our case a fine sand less than 1 mm. in diameter particle was used in the greenhouse. In Table XVII it was found that neither the longer seedling length in sand soil nor the heavier seedlings in muck soil were correlated with a lower incidence of damping-off. 80 Seedlings of black pine escaping damping-off in greenhouse flats with natural infected soil; in pots in pure cultures; or in nursery beds were allowed to continue growth. The root-rot was heavier in greenhouse (77, 79, 82) probably due to more favorable environment for the patho- genic organisms and the tenderness of seedlings than in the nursery. In seedlings of one or more years, weak parasitism was found to be as- sociated with FUSarium Sp.. These seedlings grew satisfactorily and only their lower needles started to dry, these seedlings in the opinion of the author were good stock for planting. From the results of this study weak parasitism seems to depend on the age in which the host was attacked and also to the environmental conditions. Tint (79) wrote that weak parasitism and virulence of Fusaria was dependent to the species and the nature of their nutrition prior to inoculation and the conditions under which the experiments took place. 'SUMMARY The causal agents of damping-off of black pine in Michigan forest nursery soils proved to be Pythium irregulare, P. ultimum, P. debaryanum, Rhizoctohia solani, Fusarium solani, F. oxysporum, E. moniliforme, and Botrytis cinerea. Culture and soil isolations proved that prevalence of,gythium'was; Pythium irregulare first, 2. ultimum second, 2. debary- anum third. Among Fusaria, F. oxysEorum isolations were more common, .5' solani was second, and F. moniliforme was third. From soil isolations Pythium perniciosum was identified, this re- port being the second in this country, but when tested proved to be non-pathogenic to black pine seedlings. In culture studies Pythium generally grew better at pH 5.5, and in a temperature between 20° and 30° C. Four definite strains of £31322- £2313 solani were isolated with characteristic cultural appearances and different pathogenicity. The strains showed also differences in growth in different temperatures and pH of medium. Rhizoctonia in cultures generally grew faster between‘2Oo and 30° C., and at the lowest temper ature tested 120 C. was slower than Pythium. Rhizoctonia generally grew well at pH b.5, 5.5 and 6.5, and its growth at Ph 8.0 was satis— factory. Fusaria grew slower than Pythium and Rhizoctonia, but the differences among species and strains used in different environments were less than those of Bythium.and Rhizoctonia. Pig- mentation in Fusaria was more abundant under dark, and was influenced by the medium used” Zonation in Fusaria was not influenced by the pH of the medium; it was influenced by diurnal light; and at the lowest temperature tested 12° C. all pathogenic Fusaria formed zonation. It 82 was also found that several strains of Fusaria possess the ability to form zonation despite their enviornmental conditions. Antibiotic properties were found when the main pathogenic fungi were grown together to interfere with each other. Thus Fusarium solani strain 3 proved to possess considerable antibiotic ability when it was allowed to grow with several other of the pathogenic fungi; several of the other fungi proved also to possess antibiotic ability in less degree than F. solani, these fungi are Rhizoctonia solani strain 1, FUSarium moniliforme, anle. oxysporum. From isolations of damping-off seedlings and the above antibiosis of several fungi, it was concluded that in natural infected soil, gen- erally only one of the pathogenic genera attack and invade each seed- ling; more than one genera were isolated from the same seedling only in a few cases. Nematodes saprophytic and parasitic species were isolated from black pine damped-off seedlings, but due to the small number of cases, they cannot be considered important factors in the occurrence of damp- ing-off. Isolations from greenhouse and field around a year showed that Pythium was more prevalent during winter months in a closed heated green- house, with Fusarium second in importance and Rhizoctonia third. In spring in a greenhouse which was open and cooler Fusarium became the more prevalent species with Rhizoctonia second, and Pythium third in importance. During summer months in greenhouse and field Fusarium was the more prevalent, Rhizoctonia was second in importance, and gythium was third. In several cases during summer Pythium did not appear at all in isolations. In fall again in greenhouse which was cooler, 83 Fusarium was most prevalent, Rhizoctonia was less prevalent and Pythium was least prevalent. From the above it is clear that Fusarium is the main cause of damping—off in Michigan soils, and that Fusarium is really a "strong" species since in a natural infected soil and under a wide variety of conditions it dominated in many cases the other pathogenic fungi. During warmer periods the preemergence damping-off was higher than during cooler periods. The same was true for postemergence damping-off and consequently for total damping off. Studies on black pine seed germination showed that at the begin- ning a medium quantity of moisture, and not too much moisture, is neces- sary for initiation of seed germination. After a few days aeration be- came the critical factor, and total germination proved best at the lower moisture content tested. At constant temperature black pine seed germination showed two optima at 2bO C. and 31° C.. Alternating temper- atures resulted in the same or better germination than constant temper- atures. As to the relation of black pine and germination and pH of the medium, it was proved that at pH b.5 total germination number was approximately twice that at pH 8.5, and it occurred in much less time. From the above it is clear that pH, moisture, and temperature, are very important factors for the rapid and better germination of black pine seeds, and this of course is corellated to the occurrence of damping- off disease since rapidly germinating seed and fast growing seedlings reach their resistant stage sonner. Black pine seedlings reached matur- ity 25 to 27 days after emergence, and seeds germinated under favorable environments reach this stage earlier, and can escape damping-off. The soil type and fertility influence also the growth of plants, 8'; of pathogens, and the soil microorganisms generally. Thus less damping- off occurred in black pine seedlings in a soil of medium fertility where seedlings did not grow so fast as in the case of sand, or so slow as in the case of muck soil. It was found that the larger seed- lings grew in sand but were probably tender, while the seedlings in muck soil were heavier in dry organic matter, but they grew too slowly and were proved to be attacked more severely by damping-off fungi. For the study of soil microflora and microfauna a modification of the older Cholodny and Krinchkova soil slide technique was used. This modification proved useful since less time and more accurate ident- ification of soil fungi were obtained. The practical applications of this study are that in forest nurser- ies in order to avoid as much as possible damping-off, the soil must be light, slightly acid, and of medium fertility. 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