¥ LIBRARY Michigan State University fi PLACE N RETURN BOX to remov- thb Mom from your "card. TO AVOID FINES mum on or baton dd. duo. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE I ' .‘ ‘ —-——_—_—__— A SYSTEMATIC AND BIOGEOGRAPHIC STUDY OF THE BAT GENUS RHINOLOPHUS (CHIROPTERA: RHINOLOPHIDAE) By Yining Luo A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Zoology 1995 ABSTRACT A SYSTEMATIC AND BIOGEOGRAPHIC STUDY OF THE BAT GENUS RHINOLOPH US (CHIROPTERA: RHINOLOPHIDAE) By Yining Luo The phylogenetic relationships among the Old World horseshoe bats, genus Rhinolophus, are studied using morphometn'c and cladistic analyses. Twenty-seven skull features and 15 skin features were measured from 1120 skull and 668 skin specimens, representing 60 rhinolophid species. Principal components of both correlation matrix and covariance matrix of the data were analyzed using multivariate procedures. The pattern of species along principal components does not indicate the traditional views on the species groups, but displays a separation of species of Africa and west Eurasia from those of southeast Asia. Within species of southeast Asia, similarities exist among the members of the traditional arcuatus, philippinensis, and pusillus groups. the information contents and transformation series of 26 morphological characters of Rhinolophus were examined for cladistic analyses by Wagner parsimony using PAUP 3.1.1. The most parsimonious cladograms strongly suggest four monophyletic groups: the traditional philippinensis group, the traditional philippinensis group plus arcuatus group, all rhinolophids of southeast Asia, and three African members of the traditional fumigatus group. A monophyletic group consisting of southeast Asian members of the traditional pusillus group is weakly suggested. Based on these monophyletic groups, a subgenen'c taxonomy of Rhinolophus is proposed. A cladistic biogeographic study of Rhinolophus in southeast Asia suggests a progressive subdivision of the areas with distance from the continental Asia. The Australian realm, as defined by Huxley’s line and Webber’s line of fauna] balance, represents a monophyletic area group, whereas the Oriental realm represents a paraphyletic area group. Both the phylogeny and the historical distribution of Rhinolophus indicate an African origin of the genus. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank the following persons and institutions for providing the specimens used in this study: K. Koopman and American Museum of Natural History, D. A. Schlitter and Carnegie Museum of Natural History, B. Patterson and Field Museum of Natural History, M. Rutzmoser and Museum of Comparative Zoology, L. Gorden and National Museum of Natural History. I thank J. Smith and J. Jankins for their help in laboratory work. Particular thanks go to my major advisor, D. O. Straney. Without his enormous help, this work would not be completed as is. I would like to thank the members of my Committee, R. Snider, J. A. Holman, D. Hall, and G. Bush for their help and encouragement. iv CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ............................................ 1 MRPHOMETRIC AND PHYLOGENETIC STUDY OF RHINOLOPH US .................................. 19 Material and Methods ................................... 19 Results ............................................... 29 MORPHOMETRIC ANALYSIS ......................... 29 A. Pooled skull and Skin data ....................... 29 B. Skull data set ............................... 38 C. Skin data set ............................... 41 D. Remarks on the principal component analysis .......... 44 E. Canoical discriminant analysis ...................... 47 CHARACTER ANALYSIS ............................. 55 CLADISTIC ANALYSIS .............................. 86 Analysis of Weighted Characters, Character 1 Ordered ...... 88 Analysis of Weighted Characters, Character 1 Unordered ..... 96 Analysis of Unweighted Characters, Character 1 Ordered .. . .100 Analysis of Unweighted Characters, Character 1 Unordered . . 104 The status of the fumigatus group ................... 105 Comparisons Between the Analyses .................. 107 Taxonomic Summary ........................... 111 Discussions .......................................... 1 17 HISTORICAL BIOGEOGRAPHY OF THE SOUTHEAST ASIAN RHINOLOPH US .................................... 122 Introduction .................................. 122 Material and Methods ............................ 129 Results ..................................... 135 Discussion .................................... 139 APPENDIXCES ............................................ 145 BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................... 1 6O LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1. The diagnostic features for the species groups of Rhinolophus used by Corbet and Hill. (From Cortet and Hill, 1992). Symbols ‘+’, ‘-’ and ‘+/-’ indicate ‘present’, ‘absent’, and ‘may be present’ of the particular character state in the groups respectively. Table 2.1: The descriptions and abbreviations of the skin measurements. Table 2.2: Descriptions and abbreviations of the skull measurements. Numbers correspondent to the labels in illustrations inFigures 2.1 and 2.2. Table 3.1: The abbreviations and the traditional group identities of each species used in the display of their principal components. f: ferrumequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: wcuatus group; h: hipposideros group; 1: philippinensis (= Iuctus) group; m: fitmigatus (= macrotis) group. The species groups were originally defined by Anderson (1905b, 1918), and were modified by Tate and Archibold (1939), Koopman (1975), and Corbet and Hill (1992). Table 4.1. The character transformation series matrix used in the cladistic analysis. Numeric numbers 1, 2, are correspondent to the states a, b, in the section of character analysis respectively. Missing data are represented by ‘7’. Table 4.2. Summary of taxonomic conclusions based on the monophyletic groups in Figure 4.28. No paraphyletic groups is recognized in this taxonomy. Monophyletic groups of species are recognized at three different levels (supergroup, group, and subgroup). Those species that can not be placed into a monophyletic group are included as ‘status uncertain’ at the appropriate level. Table 4.3. Diagnostic characters for the infiageneric taxa of Rhinolophus based on the monophyletic groups illustrated in Figure 4.27. Species with phylogenetic relationships unclear are treated as status uncertain at appropriate levels. Table 4.4 : A comparison in the patterns of transformation between the weighted and unweighted analyses, character 1 unordered, for each character. In each analysis, one shortest cladogram, which has a topology identical to the majority consensus of that analysis, is summarized. Shading indicate the characters with lower occurrence of homoplasy ratio. Table 5.1. The distribution of Rhinolophus species in the 11 areas of the southeast Asia region. The abbreviations for the area names are: Cont = continental southeastern Asia including India, southern China, and the adjacent major islands including Taiwan; IndC = Indochina including Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos; Maly = the Malay Peninsula; Sumt = Sumatra; Bone = Borneo; Java = Java; SulT = Sulawesi and Timor, Mulk = the Maluku Islands; Phil = the Philippine Islands; NewG = New Guinea; Aust = Australia Table 5.2. Data matrix for rhinolophid distributions in the 11 areas of southeast Asia. Characters 1-24 are based on the distributional data of individual Species (listed in Table 5.1). Characters 25-36, listed below, are based on components of relationships from the majority consensus cladograms of all four cladistic analyses. All components that are common to at least two analyses and are not in conflict with other cladograrns were selected. vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1: The world distribution of the bat family Rhinolophidae (shaded area). (From Koopman, 1984.) Figure 1.2: The features of the rhinolophid head, with emphasis on the noseleaves. (Alter Lekagul and McNeely, 1977). Figure 1.3: The morphology of the rhinolophid skull (From Rosevear, 1965). Figure 1.4. the list of species groups proposed by Andersen (1905b, 1918). The group names that are renamed by later researchers are indicated in the parenthesis. Figure 1.5. The relationships among the species of the femmrequinum group proposed by Andersen. Species of Afiica are indicated by ‘*’. (From Andersen 1905a, p120.) Figure 1.6. The phylogenetic hypothesis proposed by Tate and Archibold (1939). The simplex group and luctus group are presently referred to as the ferrumequinum group and philrppinensis group respectively. Figure 1.7. The 11 species groups proposed by Bogdanowicz (1992). (From Bogdanowicz, 1992. The question marks indicate either that the species status is questionable or that the assignment of the species into species group is not conclusive.) Figure 1.8. The relationships among the 11 species groups proposed by Bogdanowicz (1992). (After Bogdanowicz, 1992.) Figure 2.1: Lateral views of cranium and lower jaw with the landmarks and the measurements illustrated. Labels for measurements correspond to the measurements and abbreviations listed in Table 2.1. Figure 2.2: Ventral view of cranium with the landmarks and the measurements illustrated. Labels for measurements correspond to the descriptions and abbreviations listed in Table 2.2. Figure 3.1. Displays of species on PCl and PC2 of the correlation matrix from the pooled skin and skull data. (a). The separation between the traditional species groups is not clear. Species are symbolized in species group identity: f: fen-umequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: arcuatus group; h: hipposideros group; I: philippinensis (= Iuctus) group; m: fumigatus (= macrotis) group. (b) There is a approximate separation of species associated to the geographic origins (dotted line). Species are symbolized in their distribution: ‘ ’ = southeast Asia, ‘F’ = Afiica, and ‘E’ = west Eurasia. viii Figure 3.2. The display of traditional ferrumequinum species group in PC2 and PC3, fi'om the correlation matrix of the pooled skin and skull data. There is extensive overlap between species of this group and other groups. Species group abbreviations: f: ferrumequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: arcuatus group; h: hipposideros group; I: philippr’nensis (= Iuctus) group; m: fitmigatus (= macrotis) group. Figure 3.3. The display of the traditional pusillus species group and arcuatus species group in PC2 and PC3 from the correlation matrix of the pooled skin and skull data. There is extensive overlap between species of the pusillus group and other groups, but only one species of the firmigatus group is inside the amuatus group. Species group abbreviations: f: femmrequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: ar'cuatus group; h: hipposideros group; I: philippinensis (= luctus) group; m: fumigatus (= macrotis) group. Figure 3.4. The display of traditional fitmigatus (= macrotis) group and philippinensis (= Iuctus) group in PC2 and PC3 from the correlation matrix of the pooled Skin and skull data. Extensive overlap exists between species of the fumigatus group and other groups. Species group abbreviations: f: fermmequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: arcuatus group; h: hipposideros group; 1: philippinensis (= luctus) group; m: fumigatus (= macrotis) group. Figure 3.5. Figure displays species on the PC2 and PC3 from the correlation matrix of pooled skin and skull data. There is a non-overlapping separation of species clusters associated with their geographic origins: one species cluster from Africa and west Eurasia, and the other from southeast Asia. Species are symbolized in their distribution ‘A’ = southeast Asia, ‘F’ = Africa, and ‘E’ = west Eurasia. Figure 3.6. Figure displays species on the PC2 and PC3 fiom the covariance matrix of pooled skin and skull data. Species of Africa and west Eurasian form a distinct cluster. Species are symbolized in their distribution ‘A’ = southeast Asia, ‘F’ = Afiica, and ‘E’ = west Eurasia. Figure 3.7. Figure displays species on the PC2 and PC3 from the correlation matrix of pooled skin and skull data. The traditional species groups are more distinct when only those fi'om southeast Asia region is considered. Species are symbolized in their taxonomoc group: f: ferrumequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: arcuatus group; h: hipposideros group; 1: philippinensis (= Iuctus) group; m: firmigatus (= macrotis) group. Figure 3.8. Figure displays species on PC2 and PC3 fi'om the correlation matrix of skull data. Species of Afiica and west Eurasia are separated from the species of southeast Asia. . Species are symbolized in their taxonomoc group: f: ferrumequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: arcuatus group; h: hipposideros group; I: philzppinensis (= Iuctus) group; m: fumigatus (= macrotis) group. Figure 3.9. Figure displays species on PC2 and PC3 from the covariance matrix of skull data. Species of Africa and west Eurasia are separated from the species of southeast Asia. ix ] ‘l’lu. s Two arrows indicate two misplaced species. Species are symbolized in their distribution: ‘A’ = southeast Asia, ‘F’ = Afiica, and ‘E’ = west Eurasia. Figure 3.10. Figure displays species on the PC2 and PC3 from the correlation matrix of skull data. Among the southeast Asian species, only members of the traditional mutants group are close to each other. . Species are symbolized in their taxonomoc groups: f: femmrequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: arcuatus group; h: hipposideros group; 1: philippinensis (= Iuctus) group; m: fitmigatus (= macrotis) group. Figure 3.11. Figure displays the first and second canonical variables (CAN 1 and CAN2) for the southeast Asian species. Traditional species groups are used as a priori class. Species are symbolized in their group identity: f: ferrumequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: arcuatus group; h: hipposideros group; I: philippinensis (= Iuctus) group; m: fianigatus (= macrotis) group. Figure 3.12. Figure displays the first and second canonical variables (CAN 1 and CAN2) for the southeast Asian species, Andersen’s macrotis group being merged with philippinensis group. Traditional species groups are identified as a priori class. Species are symbolized in their group identity: f: ferrumequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: arcuatus group; b: hipposideros group; 1: philippinensis (= Iuctus) group; m: fitmigatus (= macrotis) group. Figure 3.13. Figure displays the first, second and fifth canonical variables (CAN 1, CAN2 and CAN 5) for all species of Rhinolophus. Traditional species groups are used as a priori classes for southeast Asian species only, and all African and west Eurasian species are assigned to a new class labeled ‘W’. Southeast Asian species are symbolized in their group identity: f: fen'umequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: arcuatus group; h: hipposideros group; 1: philippinensis (= lucnts) group; m: fitmigatus (= macrotis) group. Figure 3.14. Figure displays of the third and fourth canonical variables (CAN 3 and CAN4) for all species of Rhinolophus. Traditional species groups are used as a priori class. Species are symbolized in their group identity: f: fenwnequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: arcuatus group; h: hipposideros group; 1: philippinensis (= Iuctus) group; m: fumigatus (= macrotis) group. Figure 3.15. Figure displays the first, third and fourth canonical variables (CAN 1, CAN 3 and CAN4) for all rhinolophids. The fermmequinum group and filmigatus group are separated on CAN 1 axis. Traditional species groups are used as a priori classes. Species are symbolized in their group identity: f: ferrumequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: arcuatus group; h: hipposideros group; I: philippinensis (= Iuctus) group; m: filmigatus (= macrotis) group. Figure 4.1: The Shape of the connecting process of the noseleaf (character 1) in lateral view, pointed by arrow. (a) state a, height moderate and round (R. aflinis); (b) state b, higher and shaper (R. macrotis); (c) state c, very low (R. Iuctus); (d) state d, hom- shaped (R. pusillus); (e) state e, anterior base reaches the tip of the sella (R pearsom‘). Figure 4.2. The shape of the sella (character 2), pointed by arrow "1“. (a) state a, narrow (R alcyone); (b) state b, broader (R funigatus); (c) state c, with lappet, pointed by arrow ‘¢‘ (R. maclaudi). (From Rosevear, 1965). Figure 4.3. Illistrations of the horseshoe (character 3). (a) state a, narrower (R cIivosus); (b) state b, broader (R filmigatus). (F rom Rosevear, 1965). Figure 4.4. Illustrations of the supplementary noseleaf (character 4). (a) state a, not present (R. luctus); (b) state b, less developed (R pusillus); (c) state c, both sides meet at the mid-line (R simulator). The dotted line indicates the horseshoe which usually covers most part of the supplementary noseleaf. Figure 4.5. Number of the lower lip grooves (character 5), pointed by arrow. (a). state a, one groove; (b). state b, three grooves. Figure 4.6. Illustrations of the front ear projection (character 6). (a) state a, not present; (b) state b, present. Figure 4.7. The shape of the lancet (character 7). (a) state a, hastate; (b) state b, nearly triangle. Long hair, shown in B, are frequently present in the lancet. (fi'om Rosevear, 1965) Figure 4.8. The insertion of the plagiopatatgium (character 10). (a) state a, at the ankle (R megaphillus); (b) state b, above the ankle (R rufiis); (c). state c, near the tarsal- metatarsal joint (R Iuctus). (After Rosevear, 1965). Figure 4.9. The status of P2 (character 11), pointed by arrow. (a) state a, in the toothrow (R ions) ; (b) state b, out of toothrow (R ferrumequinum); (c) state 0, absent (R fumigates). Figure 4.10. The shape of P2 (character 12), pointed by arrow. (a) state a, the length and breadth bout equal (R mehelyi); (b) state b, length greater than breadth (R. clivosus); (c) state c, length less than breadth (R ions). Figure 4.11. The status of P3 (character 13), pointed by arrow. (a) state a, in the toothrow (R macrotis); (b) state b, out of toothrow (R malayanus); (c) state c, absent (R fitmigates). Figure 4.12. The shapes of the stylarshelf in M3 (character 15). (a) state a (R qffinis); (b) state b, the posterior v-shaped ridges (pointed by arrow) greatly reduced (R filmigarus). Figure 4.13. Picture (R afiinis) illustrates character 13, the position of the posterior margin of the palate pointed by an arrow. Label 0 through 3 correspond to the states a through din the text. Figure 4.14. The position of the anterior margin of the palate (character 17), pointed by arrow, of R affinis. Label 0 through 2 correspond to the states a through c in the text. Figure 4.15. The position of the front margin of anterior nasal swelling (character 18), pointed by arrow, of R affinis. Label 0 through 2 correspond to the states a though c in the text. Figure 4.16. Pictures illustrate character 19, the length of median frontal nasal swellings. (a) state a, small (R ajfinis); (b) state b, larger (R luctus). Figure 4.17. The depth of the orbital constriction (charcter 20), pionted by arror. (a). state a, Shallow (R lepidus); (b). state b, deep (R creaghi). Figure 4.18. The shapes of the infraorbital canal and bar (character 21), pointed by arrows. (a) state a, Size moderate (R affinis); (b) state b, infraorbital bar elongated (R clivosus); (c) state c, canal lengthened and bar broader (R Iuctus). Figure 4.19: The strict consensus cladograrn for the 24 most parsimonious cladograms resulting from the weighted analysis, character I ordered. . The geographic location of the species is indicated by letters in parentheses: ‘A’ = southeast Asia, ‘F’ = Afiica, and ‘E’ = west Eurasia. Figure 4.20: The majority consensus cladograrn for the 1200 most parsimonious cladograms resulting from the weighted analysis, character I ordered. The geographic location of the species is indicated by letters in parentheses: ‘A’ = southeast Asia, ‘F’ = Africa, and ‘E’ = west Eurasia. The numbers indicate the percentage of cladograms in which this particular branching structure is present. Figure 4.21: The strict consensus cladograrn for the 1300 most parsimonious cladograms resulting from the weighted analysis, character 1 unordered. . The geographic location of the species is indicated by letters in parentheses: ‘A’ = southeast Asia, ‘F’ = Africa, and ‘E’ = west Eurasia. Figure 4.22: The majority consensus cladograrn for the 1200 most parsimonious cladograms resulting from the weighted analysis, character 1 unordered. The geographic location of the species is indicated by letters in parentheses: ‘A’ = southeast Asia, ‘F’ = Afiica, and ‘E’ = west Eurasia. The numbers indicate the percentage ‘ of cladograms in which this particular braching stucture is present. Figure 4.23: The strict consensus cladograrn for the 1300 most parsimonious cladograms resulting from the unweighted analysis, character 1 unordered. . The geographic location of the species is indicated by letters in parentheses: ‘A’ = southeast Asia, ‘F’ = Afiica, and ‘E’ = west Eurasia. xii Figure 4.24: The majority consensus cladograrn for the 1200 most parsimonious cladograms resulting from the unweighted analysis, character I ordered. The geographic location of the species is indicated by letters in parentheses: ‘A’ = southeast Asia, ‘F’ = Afiica, and ‘E’ = west Eurasia. The numbers indicate the percentage of cladograms in which this particular braching stucture is present. Figure 4.25: The strict consensus cladograrn for the 1300 most parsimonious cladograms resulting from the unweighted analysis, character 1 unordered. The geographic location of the species is indicated by letters in parentheses: ‘A’ = southeast Asia, ‘F’ = Africa, and ‘E’ = west Eurasia. Figure 4.26: The majority consensus cladograrn for the 1200 most parsimonious cladograms resulting from the weighted analysis, character I ordered. The geographic location of the species is indicated in the letters in parenthesis: ‘A’ = southeast Asia, ‘F’ = Africa, and ‘E’ = west Eurasia. The numbers indicate the percentage of cladograms in which this particular braching stucture is present. Figure 4.27. Cladograms illustrate the consensus between the results from the weighted and the unweighted analyses. (a) Results from the weighted analyses, African and west Eurasian species branch from the base of the cladograms; (b) Results from the unweighted analyses, Afiican and west Eurasian species constitute a monophyletic group; (c) In the consensus cladograrn for (a) and (b), Afiican and west Eurasian species as well as the monophyletic group of southeast Asian species branch from the multichotomous root. Figure 4.28. The phylogenetic relationships within the genus Rhinolophus based on the present study. The monophyletic groups (bold faced) strongly supported by my data set are indicated by solid lines. A dotted line represents a set of species branching from that point; relationships among these species are unresolved. Figure 5.1: Southeast Asia. (After Hutchinson, 1989). Figure 5.2. Fauna] boundaries suggested within the south-east Asia region. Line A, Huxley (1868); Line B, Wallace (1860); Line C, Pelseneer (1904, Weber's line of fauna] balance); Line D, Lydekker (1896); Line E, Gressitt (1956); Between line A and line D, Tate's (1946) 'Wallacean region'; Between line C and line E, Gressitt's (1956) 'Papuan region'. (After Holloway and Jardine, 1968). Figure 5.3: The dendrogram calculated fi'om the coefficients of faunal dissimilarities among the areas of southeast Asia for butterflies (After Holloway and Jardine, 1968). Figure 5.4: The dendrogram calculated fi'om the coefficients of faunal dissimilarities among the areas of southeast Asia for birds (After Holloway and Jardine, 1968). Figure 5.5: Dendrogram computed fi'om the coefficients of fauna] dissimilarities between the areas of southeast Asia for bats (After Holloway and Jardine, 1968). xiii Figure 5.6: The concensus dendrogram for the degrograrns based on the distributional data of birds, butterflies and bats for southeast Asia (After Holloway and Jardine, 1968). Figure 5.7. The two most parsimonious area cladograms computed fi'om the distributional data of Rhinolophus in southeast Asia. Figure 5.8. The consensus cladograrn for the two most parsimonious area cladograms computed from the distributional data of Rhinolophus in southeast Asia. Figure 5.9. One of the most parsimonious cladograms of southeast Asia based on rhinolophid distributional data (Figure 5.7 a). When unrooted, it supports both Huxley’s line and the Line of Fauna] Balance. xiv INTRODUCTION Bats of the genus Rhinolophus, the horseshoe bats, constitute the only living genus of the family Rhinolophidae (Marnmalia: Chiroptera). This genus contains about 60 species distributed throughout the Old World tropical and warm temperate areas, including Afiica, the southernEurasian confinerrttheislandsofsomheastAsiaNewGuineaandnonheI-nAustralia (Corbet and Hill, 1981 and 1992; Honacki et al, 1982; Koopman, 1992)(Figure 1.1). While some Species, such as R femimequinum and R cIivosus have transcontinental distribution, many species, especially those in southeast Asia, are known only from very limited areas. The Rhinolophidae is one of the oldest living bat families. R priscus is the earliest representative of the family, known [Tom the Upper Eocene in France where it co-occurs with bats of the families Hipposideridae, Vespertilionidae and Emballonuridae (Savage and Russell, 1983). Fewer than 20 species of fossil Rhinolophus have been described and their distribution in time and space is spotty. The oldest rhinolophid fossil from Australia dates fiom the Middle Mocene while the oldest fossil fiom Asia, the likely source of Australian species, is known only fi'om the Pliocene (Koopman and Jones, 1970; Hall, 1989). Due to their habitats of roosting in caves and hollow trees and foraging away fiom more common deposit sites such as streams and lakes, bats are much less likely to be preserved as fossils than most other mammals (Dawson and Krishtalda, 1984). Bats are the only mammalian order in which fewer fossil species than living species are described. Our understanding of rhinolophid fossil history is consequently very incomplete. Sea Seneca gene Asa @833 SEESE beam as 2e a Susana Es; 2:. a ._ 03mm 83b—30J >I‘u Bab—go 5". nguat ¢Oh<0lu1 53:80. 5 .2! Mn Hi and...“ g 89. w argon 20 wig 3 It is generally agreed that the genus Rhinolophus is a monophyletic group. Members of the genus Share a unique external feature, the horseshoe-shaped noseleaf (Figure 1.2). The noseleaf has three main parts. The anterior leaf, or horseshoe, is a horseshoe-shaped noseleaf covering the upper lip and surrounding the nostrils; the sella is a thick median projection dorsal to the nostrils; and the Lancet, or posterior leaf is the dorsal-most part of the noseleaf with a tapered tip and two or three paired lateral ridges. Between the lancet and the sella, there is a m m in the mid-sagitta] plane. Individual species display variations on this common ground plan. Some species have lateral extensions of the sella, called lappets. Behind the anterior leaf, some species have an additional piece of noseleafi the accessory leaf, that is usually completely covered by the anterior noseleaf The intemarial septum between the nostrils varies in size and shape. The skulls of Rhinolophus are readily distinguishable fi'om skulls of other families by their nasal swellings and basal region (Figure 1.3). The nasal swellings are inflated nasal bones giving support to the noseleaves. Four or six swellings are usually recognizable and the anterior swellings are ofien higher than the posterior ones. The basal region of Rhinolophus skulls is distinctive in the presence of a pair of large and exposed cochlea The auditory bulla attaches to the anterior-lateral side of the cochlea. Two pairs of upper incisors are present, but as both nasal and maxillary bones are deeply invaginated in the front, the premaxillary bones connect the maxillary only with a narrow bend of cartilage at their posterior end. Other features that define the genus include the absence of the tragus and the presence of large antitragus on the ears, absence of the postorbital process, and absence of the first phalanx in the second finger. Students of bat phylogeny agree that hipposiderids, the Old World leaf-nosed bats, are the closest living relatives of rhinolophids (Van Valen, 1979; Koopman, 1984). The .952 £820: 23 Ewing 53¢ $96033: ofi no magma». a?» 68: vflmofioflfi 23° «033m 2? “a.“ 35mm 8028305 .8230: 83:3 Figure 1.3: The morphology of the rhinolophid Skull (From Rosevear, 1965). 6 family Hipposideridae contains about 60 species of nine genera; all have complex leaflike outgrowths of skin on their muzzle. The noseleaves of the hipposiderids include an anterior leaf, sometimes one or more accessory leaflets, and an erect transverse leaf. Although the noseleaves of the two families are very different in shape, some researchers have homologized the anterior leaf and erect transverse leaf of hipposiderids to the horseshoe and the lancet of rhinolophids. Hipposiderids lack a sella The hipposiderids differ fi'om the rhinolophids also in having two, instead of three, phalanges in each toes, in lacking P3 and in details of the structures of the shoulder and girdles. There are disagreements about the taxonomic relationship of hipposiderids and rhinolophids. Some authors believe that Hipposideridae should be classified as a subfamily of Rhinolophidae (Corbel, 1978; Ellennan and Morrison-Scott, 1966; Koopman, 1970, 1984 and 1992); other workers maintain that the two are distinct families (Miller, 1907, Walker, 1964; Corbet and Hill, 1981 and 1992; Hayman and Hill, 1971). The debate is purely taxonomic and depends on each author’s family concept. Nomenclatorical controversy should not obscure a general agreement that hipposiderids are the sister group of rhinolophids. Since Rhinolophidae is a monotypic family, I will refer to rhinolophids as a genus when I discuss intrageneric phylogeny and as a family when I compare them with bats of other families. Previous studies on the systematics of rhinolophids Among the earliest systematic studies of the genus, Andersen's work (1905a, 1905b, 1905c, l905d, 1905c, 1918) was the most important and has been the foundation for all 7 subsequent work. Based primarily on the shapes of nose-leaves, premolar dentition, nasal- swellings, palate bridge of the cranium and the size of cochlea, be assigned the species to six species groups: simplex group (renamed to fen'wnequiman group by later researchers; indicated as ‘=ferrumequimmr ’ below), lepidus ( = pusillus) group, arcuatus group, macrotis (= fianigatus ) group, hnpposiderm group and luctus ( = philippinensis) group (Figure 1.4). With the exception of the arcuatus group, which is found only in southeast Asia, Andersen’s species groups contain species distributed in Asia, Europe and Africa Andersen identified the similarities between several Afiican and Asian species. He suggested that this resemblance evidenced a close relationship and, in some cases, parallel evolution between the corresponding species (Andersen, 1905a). Figure 1.5 displays Andersen’s view of relationships among species of his fermmequiman group. For this group, as in the others, he concluded that southeast Asian species almost always had more primitive features than species from Afiica. He concluded that all the Ethiopian species of the genus are of Oriental origin. In his studies, Andersen identified the following features in Rhinolophus as primitive conditions: connecting process low; mental grooves three; front nasal swellings low; sagitta] crest low; palatal bridge not shortened; P2 and P3 in the tooth row; basisphenoid not narrowed; ternpora] fossa narrow; metacarpals about equal in length; ratio of 2nd to lst phalanges of the third and the fourth fingers small. Unfortunately, Andersen did not indicate explicitly the relationships among his species groups (Andersen 1905a, 1905b, 1905d). Tate and Archbold (1939) revised the rhinolophid species of the Indo-Australian region (Figure. 1.6). Although they used most of Andersen's characters for their group and subgroup identification and their phylogenetic analysis, Tate and Archbold had reservations about the simplex (ferrumequinum) group simplex megaphyllus keyensis bomeensis celebensis malayanus Virgo nereis stheno simulator denti rouxi thomasi capensis affinis clivosus darlingr' ferrumequinum deckenii lepidus (pusillus) group lepidus acuminatus pusillus comutus gracilis subbadius monoceros blasii landeri euryale mehelyi midas (hipposideros) group hipposideros philippinensis (luctus) group philippinensis mitratus macloudi sedulus - - mfoliatus luclus macrotis (fumigatus) group macrotis hirsulus filmigatus eloquens hildebrandti pearsoni arcuatus group arcuatus submfils inops creaghi coelophyllus ewyotis Incertae sedis alcyone Figure 1.4. the list of species groups proposed by Andersen (l905b, 1918). The group names that are renamed by later researchers are indicated in the parenthesis. ferrumequinum darlingi * aflinis * a I omasr' capenSiS \ rouxi . * dentr malayanus nerer's /stlreno \ )/ simulator * v: r go bomensis megaphyllus \, I Slmp ex \ <57 pusillus group Figure 1.5. The relationships among the species of the ferrumequinum group proposed by Andersen. Species of Afiica are indicated by ‘*’. (From Andersen 1905a, p 120.) 10 pusillus group Connecting process poi «.. simplex group Connecting process of sella rounded. arcuatus group Horseshoe median groove broadened, nasal swelling enlarged. Generalized noseleaf, ear moderate, metacarpals sub- equal, palate not shortened, P and P present and in 2 toothrow. luctus group Sella with lappets, post. noseleaf and nasal swelling enlarged macrotis group Sella, post. noseleaf and ear greatly enlarged Figure 1.6. The phylogenetic hypothesis proposed by Tate and Archibold (193 9). The simplex group and luctus group are presently referred to as the ferrumequinum group and philippinensis group respectively. 11 grounds for Andersen’s philippinensis group and macrotis group. In addition, Tate and Archbold consider that the arcuatus group was closely related to the fermmequirmm and pusillus groups, because the arcuatus group seemed to be an early branch from the unspecialized forms of that complex. Among the characteristics Andersen utilized, Tate and Archbold considered that noseleaf structures, particularly the connecting process, were more reliable characters. They used this character as the primary basis of their subgeneric classification. Later, Tate (1943) merged the macrotis group with the philippinensis group. In their two review publications of the mammal collections from Paleoarctic and Indian region and from south Africa in the British Museum of Natural History, Ellennan and Morrison-Scott (1953, 1966) merged the arcuatus and philippinensis groups, recognizing a total of four species groups in the genus. They did not explain the reason for this merger, only claiming that this revision was in agreement with Tate’s conclusions. This is inaccurate; Tate and Archbold (193 9) clearly indicated that the philippinensis group, which branched early in generic evolution, was demonstrated by the coexistence of some primitive features, such as very long palatal bridge, and some highly specialized features, such as the large noseleaf and lappets, in this group. Working primarily on Afiican bat faunas, Koopman revised Andersen’s species groups of Rhinolophus in that region (1965, 1975, 1989). Although be retained all the traditional species groups, Koopmn’s studies contained detailed descriptions and discussions of the morphology and distribution of Rhinolophus in the region In his review on the biogeography of Rhinolophidae, Koopman (1970) concluded that either Afiica or southern Asia could be its region of origin. 12 26.5: to? 3338325 ema— bo> 082er 38:88 >3ng mo Swee— 058 co m: .mfi: 32am vows—~98 =2on .. - .\+ E5835 Exam ”Beam =eEm 880on ems e=um 8:385 mmoooa weuooqeou . owe: he, + + + £2 aegis. I I\+ I + + + own: 30> mam um um Eel-3:5 managed .Iamea Swansea aw ea: aged 3 am 3% awn a: a .bozuooamou 330% 05 5 88m $8535 33$th «5.6 .2305 B as. e5 as? nausea. 283 1+. 2a ..+. ”38% ASE .am as eeoo EBB .Em use 3950 .3 wow: grade—45a? 8.5% 860% 05 com 853$ oumeememv 2F .2 03¢. 13 Corbet and Hill (1992) revised the rhinolophids of the Indo-Malayan region. Interestingly, except for adding some recently described species and moving R macrotr's from Anderson’s macrotis group to the philippinensis group, Corbel and Hill endorsed all the species groups initially proposed by Andersen (1905b). This is not surprising, since the characters used for identifying species groups by Corbel and Hill were virtually the same as used by Andersen (Table 1.1). Due to the morphological homogeneity of this genus and the relatively obvious nature of the traditional characters, it would be surprising if any new result would be considerably different without use of new characters or application of new methods. The phenetic analysis by Bogdanowicz and Owen (1992) and Bogdanowicz (1992) are based on quantitative characters. Multivariate morphometrics and quantitative character analyses have been applied in the systematics and ecology of other bat families since the early 1970's (e.g. Findley, 1972; Freeman, 1981). In both papers, principal components were calculated from quantitative (continuous) measurements of the skull and wings. Since the first principal component is generally regarded as variation due to size differences between species, which is not very informative about phylogenetic relationship, it was removed fi'om further analysis. Clusters were computed from the remaining principal components which are considered to represent the variation in Shape. Although there is much in common between the results by Bogdanowicz and Owen (1992) and by Bogdanowicz (1992), the latter is by far more interesting. In this second paper, Bogdanowicz noticed two major groups associated with two major geographical regions: one group associated with the Paleoarctic and Ethiopian regions and the other associated with the Australian and Oriental regions, although in his subgeneric classification of the genus into 11 species groups the mm'or geographic groups are not presented (Figure 1.7 and 1.8). 14 Table 4.2. Summary of taxonomic conclusions based on the monophyletic groups in Figure 4.28. No paraphyletic groups is recognized in this taxonomy. Monophyletic groups of species are recognized at three different levels (supergroup, group, and subgroup). Those species that can not be placed into a monophyletic group are included as ‘status uncertain’ at the appropriate level. GENUS RHINOLOPH US R aflinis qfi'im's subgenus R. nereis philippinensis supergroup R simplex philippinensrls group R stheno R luctus R selebensis R mfoliatus R megaphyllus R sedulus R malayanus R macrotis R rouxi R marshelli R bomeensis R rex R thomasi R paradoxolophus , R philippinensis subgenus status uncertain group status uncertain (All Afi'ican & west Eurasian species) R arcuatus fumigatus group R canuti R eloquens R creaghi R fumigatus R coelophyllus R hildebrandti R euryotis group status uncertain R inops R alcyone R rufils R denti R submfirs R euryale R pearsoni R mehelyi R ywrwrensis R landeri pusillus group R blassi R acuminatus R adami R pusillus R clivosus R 00an R ferrumequiman R imaizumii R darlingi R osgoodi R ccpensis R subbadius R swimryi R lepidus R simulator R monoceros R hipposideros group status uncertain (southeast Asian species subgenus status uncertain of the traditional R maclaudi fenumequinum group) 15 rouxi group egaphyllus group , illus group euryotis group firmigatus group \ ferrumequinum group capensis group ewyale group hippsideros group tnfliatus group philippinensis group Figure 1.8. The relationships among the 11 species groups proposed by Bogdanowicz (1992). (After Bogdanowicz, 1992.) l6 Phenetic similarities may be indicative of the true phylogeny when characters are carefirlly selected and the assumptions associated to the clustering methods are met. I find three reasons to doubt that Bogdanowicz’s studies are likely to reflect the phylogeny of the genus. First, his measurement set disregarded some potentially informative qualitative traits, such as noseleaf and dental morphology. The omission of such notable characters due to difiiculties of measuring them may produce an incomplete picture of the overall morphological similarity and difi‘e'ence among species. Second, because all variables are transformed to principal components before being converted into similarity or dissimilarity indices in the study, it is very diflicult to determine the specific morphological features that define or diagnose each cluster. This in turn makes any analysis of clmracter transformation and the pattern of evolution impossrble. Finally, the clustering algorithm Bogdanowicz used assumes that drift, rather than selection, is the cause of evolutionary change (Bogdanowicz and Owert 1992). It is not evident that this assumption is an appropriate one for Rhinolophus. The clusters resulting from the distance analysis probably does not indicate the ancestor-descendant relationship, because the joining points of the phenograrn only Show the relative degrees of similarity between morphological groups. Bogdanowicz used a single species of hipposiderid (Aselliscus trimspisatus) as an outgroup in his studies; the hipposiderids are a diverse family, and it is not clear this one species is an adequate outgroup. Genetic studies in the relationships of Rhinolophus species are limited. Chromosomal and electrophoretic studies have been carried out on 21 species of Rhinolophus (Dulic and Mutere, 1974; Zima, 1982; Ando et al, 1983; Harada et al, 1982; Harada et al, 1985; Qumsiyeh et a], 1988). Although these studies provide usefirl information about the evolution of the genus, which I will use later in this study, they cover too few Species and lack resolving tr: Pa 17 power to reconstruct the phylogeny of the genus on their own (Qurnsiyeh et aL 1988). Clearly, more molecular and cytogenetic study of the genus is needed. Study of the historical biogeography of Rhinolophus has advanced even less than the study of phylogeny since Andersen’s early work (Andersen, 1905a and 1905b). Although regionalbiogeographyofthegenushasbeendiscussedinanumberofareafaunal investigations (Hayman and Hill, 1971; Koopman, 1966, 1975 and 1989; Lekagul and Mmeely, 1977; Goodwin, 1979; DeBlase, 1980; Smithers, 1983; Heaney et a], 1987), biogeographic review over the entire distribution of genus had not been undertaken until Bogdanowicz and Owen (1992). Their biogeographic study focused only on the question of whee Rhinolophus originated, and they supported Andersen’s hypothesis that the Oriental region was the center of origin. No vacariance biogeographic study has been conducted on overall or regional distribution of the genus. In the present study, the search for the phylogeny of Rhinoloplms is taken in two steps. First, I have performed a morphometric analysis with carefirlly selected new measurements on skulls as well as the traditional ones in the skull and Skin. Emphasis is placed on the nasal region and the basal region of the skull where considerable Shape variation occurs. Principal component analysis and canonical discriminant analysis were conducted to find the pattern of clusters and discover the characters which are most responsible for the clusters. Second, traditional qualitative characters and new characters tested in the principal component analysis were selected and analyzed for their phylogenetic information content. Alter constructing transformation hypotheses for these characters, I performed cladistic analysis using Wagner parsimony to find the phylogenetic relationship among the species of the genus. A hypothesis 18 of Rhinolophid phylogeny is proposed, and the subgeneric classification of the genus is revised accordingly. Based on phylogenetic analysis, I review the historical biogeography of the genus. Emphasis is placed on southeast Asian species where great biogeographic interest exists. Following early studies of this region, the southeast Asia region was divided into 11 areas and a cladograrn of area relationships was computed using Rhinolophid distribution data. Finally, I suggest that Africa, rather than southeast Asia, might have been the center of origin of the genus. MATERIALS AND METHODS Morphological analysis I recorded data from skins and skulls of specimens in the following museum collections: Field Museum of Natural History (FMNH), National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), Carnegie Museum of Natural History (CMNH), and Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ). The specimens used are listed in Appendix 1. I measured skin dimensions of 608 specimens representing 60 species. Fifteen measurements were taken using digital calipers, except that car, tail and foot lengths were c0pied from the specimen label recorded by the collector when they were present. Table 2.1 lists of the Skin measurements and their abbreviations used in the morphometric analysis. Only the right side, if available, of the body was measured to the accuracy of one tenth of a millimeter. The skulls of 1,112 specimens representing 60 species were examined. I photographed each skull in three views: dorsal and ventral cranial views, and lateral cranial views of the cranium and mandible together. The specimens were placed on the top of a small piece of clay attached to a heavy metal base, and the horizontal level of the specimen was judged visually from camera and side view. For the dorsal and ventral cranial views of the cranium, the camera lens was centered at the middle of the Specimen which was adjusted to be bilaterally symmetrical in the view finder. For the lateral views of the cranium, the specimen was adjusted so that the tips of canines, last molars and auditory bulla of both sides of the cranium overlap under the camera view. 19 20 Table 2.1: The descriptions and abbreviations of the skin measurements. 5321:: 2Met 3Met 3M1P 3M2P 4Met 10. 4M1P 11. 4M2P 12. 5Met 13. SMIP l4. 5M2P 15. EAR 99°89‘V‘PP’N Length of forearm Tail length Length of foot Length of tibia Length of second metacarpal Length of third metacarpal Length of first phalanx of third metacarpal lentth of second phalanx of third metacarpal Length of fourth metacarpal Length of first phalanx of fourth metacarpal Length of second phalanx of fourth metacarpal Length of fifth metcarpal Length of first phalanx of fifth metacarpal Length of second phalanx of fifth metacarpal Length of ear 21 For the lateral view of the mandible, each specimen was adjusted so that the lower canines and coronoid processes of both sides overlap. Pictures were enlarged to 3 by 5 inches and printed. Only the pictures of ventral and lateral views were actually used for measurements, since some of the landmarks I planned to use on the dorsal view were too obscure on the prints. Fortunately, most of these landmarks were available from the other two views. Forty landmarks on the ventral view of the cranium and lateral views of the cranium and the mandible were selected. The landmarks were recorded as coordinates using a Summagraphics digitizer. Twenty-seven measurements, either between pairs of landmarks or fiom a landmark to a line defined by two other landmarks, were calculated using a BASIC program. These measurements include traditional ones, such as dental length and zygomatic arch width, as well as those that are very difficult to measure directly with calipers and had not been analyzed before for Rhinolophus, such as size and relative positions of cochlea and auditory bulla, or distance fiom a point to a line such as the anterior-posterior distance from palatal bridge posterior margin to M3. The landmarks selected and the measurements used in this study are illustrated in Figure 2.1 and 2.2. Descriptions and abbreviations for the measurements are listed in Table 2.2. I decomposed some traditionally used, overall distance variables into several regional distance variables to provide a more uniform coverage to the local structures (Strauss and Bookstein, 1982). I replaced the basal length of the cranium with a series of measurements including upper toothrow length, temporal fossa length, basal length from fossa to cochlea, cochlea length and post-cochlea length. Some traditional 22 Table 2.2: Descriptions and abbreviations of the skull measurements. Numbers correspondent to the labels in illustrations in Figures 2.1 and 2.2. Ventral view of cranium: 255328 Vertical length of P2 Length of palate bridge Distance between labial-most points of two M3 Width ofM’ length between two ptyrogoid processes Length of temporal fossa 7. LSHF Length of sphenoid fossa 8. WZA Width between two lateral most points of zygomatic arches 9. WAB Vlfrdth of auditory bullar 10. LAB Length of auditory bullar 11. BL Basal length between sphenoid fossa and fi'ont tip of the cochlea 12. BB Basal Breadth between cochlea 13. WCO Width of cochlea 14. PMP Distance from posterior margin of palate bridge to line defined by caudal end of both M3 15. VLC Vertical length of cochlea 16. VLAB Vertical length of auditory bullar 17. PB Posterior brain case length from mastoid process to end of cranium Lateral views of cranium and mandible: 18. DH Height of mandibular ramus at lower canine 19. DL Dental length 20. LINF Length of infraorbital foramen 21. LOR Length of orbit fiom top of infiaorbital fiamen to most restricted point of orbit region 22. HOR Height of orbit fi'om base of M3 to groove of orbit 23. P4M3 Length of upper cheek tooth row 24. LBR Length fiom end of M3 to condyle fossa 25. HNS Height of nasal swelling 26. HCR Height of cranium 27. HOCC Height of occipital region 23 AN 035. E vow: 828383.“ v5 3582885 05 8 383:8 8588385 Low 233 .3352: 3:052:32: 05 23 Stages 2: 55 3%. 530— 98 :BESo mo m32> 383 ”mu oSmE 24 Figure 2.2: Ventral view of cranium with the landmarks and the easurements illustrated. Labels for measurements correspond to the descriptions and abbreviations listed in Table 2.2. 25 measurements, such as mandibular toothrow length, are omitted due to redundancy. The three measurements between a point to a line, including the distance from posterior margin of palate to posterior end of M3' post-cochlea cranial length, height of nasal swelling, and nine measurements in the basal and auditory region covering detailed structures of this region were not measured by Bogdanowicz and Owen (1992) nor have they been analyzed before in any group of bats. The SAS statistical package (Luginbuhl and Schlotzhauer, 1987) was used in the morphometric analysis. For each species, specimen measurement means were calculated to represent that species. A principal-components analysis was used to (1) find the patterns of clusters based on morphological similarities; (2) find the variables that are most responsible for the formation of the clusters. Univariate analyses were conducted on measurements that showed high correlation coefficients with the informative principal components. Variables most responsible for differentiating clusters were selected for later cladistic analysis. The principal components were computed from both correlation and covariance matrices, since variables with high variance are more strongly associated to the first several components when a covariance matrix is analyzed (Luginbuhl and Schlotzhauer, 1987). To better detect importance of significant characters, Skin and skull data sets were analyzed separately as well as jointly. The SYSTAT software package (Wilkinson et al, 1992) was used to plot the principal components. A canonical discriminant analysis was performed to test the validity of traditional species groups as well as those clusters revealed in the principal component analysis. 26 Meters for cladistic am I selected 26 characters for phylogenetic analysis. They include both traditionally used characters, characters newly identified fiom alcoholic specimens, and those converted from the quantitative characters after morphometric analysis. I used four hipposiderid genera (Asellia, Aselliscus, C Ioeotis and Hipposideros) as outgroups for character analysis. In some cases, hipposiderids do not serve well as an outgroup due to their specialization of specific characters. For example, all hipposiderids have lost P3, which is a derived feature within bats (Van Valen 1979). For some other characters, evidence fiom other bat families is informative. For example, the number of caudal vertebrae is greater in hipposiderids than in Rhinolophids, and is even greater in the earliest known bats. The conditions in the earliest bats helps confirm the direction of character evolution. In these cases, more remotely related bat families were used as an additional outgroup. Identifying characters for cladistic analysis is a critical process. Because the subsequent cladistic analysis of characters is, by itself, only a summary of information contained within the data set (Neff, 1986; Bryant, 1989), characters selection largely determines quality and reliability of cladistic results. Character identification requires three steps: 1.) recognizing a morphological series of features between species that can be hypothesized to be homologous; 2.) determining hypotheses of the polarity and transformations among the states of a morphological series, utilizing the tools of outgroup analysis, paleontological analysis developmental biology, etc; 27 3.) establishing the distribution of character states and character state transformation among the taxa under study. Throughout the process of character selection, I attempted to determine as unambiguously as possible the order and polarity of each character. Recognition of homologous states and structural transformation series in Rhinolophus is relatively simple. The structures in different species of the genus usually have identical topology and similar position. However, parsing the morphological series into distinct states and proposing the transformation series demands more effort, since considerable intraspecific variation exists in most characters. Whenever possible, I determined the polarity and transformation matrix of the states for each character. For some characters, two hypotheses in polarity were made and both were used in the phylogenetic analysis. I used the outgroup distribution criterion and ingroup commonality criterion (Watrous and Wheeler, 1981; Maddison et al, 1984) to recognize primitive character states. The complex noseleaf of Rhinolophus is unique among bats with which no known homologous structures in any outgroups may be directly compared. I assumed that primitive states for characters on noseleaf are typically the smaller, less developed and less prominent states in a series. This assumption agrees with Hill’s descriptions on the primitive Hipposideros (Hill, 1963). I am convinced that all characters should not be weighted equally, Since some characters which are better studied, involve more evolutionary innovations, or are more likely to be synapomorphic than others (Hecht and Edwards, 1977; Netf, 1986). Hecht and Edwards' five weighting types were modified into four categories to fit the situation in Rhinolophus. Each character was assigned to one of the four weighting groups. The 28 characters of weighting group one contain character states where transformation involved simplification or reduction. This group was given the lowest weight. Weighting group two contains features that were not reductiona] but which had relatively high levels of intraspecific variation or where the boundaries between the states were, to some extent, arguable. This group was given the next lowest weight. Weighting group three contains characters that are relatively unique and innovative in nature, but where distinctions between character states can not be recognized are clearly as the last group, and the boundaries are still more or less arbitrarily determined. This group was given higher weight than the previous two groups. Weighting group four comprises characters that are evolutionary innovations where distinct states can be clearly recognized; these characters are likely to be genealogically most informative and were given the highest weight. PAUP3.1.1 (Swofi‘ord, 1993) was used to compute the most parsimonious trees for the genus, using the heuristic searching algorithm. It was assumed that the three types of transformations (innovative, reversal, and parallel changes) are of equal probability. When a character weighting scheme is applied, weighting group one receives a weight of one unit, weighting group two receives a weight of two units, and so on. Wagner parsimony was applied. The specimens examined for character analysis and cladistic analysis are listed in Appendix 1. RESULTS MORPHOMETRIC ANALYSIS I analyzed separately data from skin measurements, skull measurements and pooled data of skins and skulls for a better identification of individual measurements. The first five principal components (PC1-PC5) were computed fi'om each data set. In a preliminary examination I observed no pattern beyond the PCS, therefore, I chose the first five principal components for detailed analysis. My discussion will focus on the first three PCS, because PC4 and PCS account for relatively little variation. Two dimensional displays for various combinations of principal components were made to examine patterns of morphological Similarity among the species. I examined the correlation between the eigenvectors and the original variables to determine the contribution of each original measurement to the species distribution patterns. Finally, I conducted a canonical discriminant analysis to verify the suggested species groups. A The pooled skull and skin data set The first principal component (PC1)ofthe covariance matrix accounts for 85.5% of the total variation of the original variables, whereas in the correlation matrix it accounts for 77.2% of the total variation (Appendix 2.1 and 2.2). PC] has positive correlation coefficients with all the original variables. In such situations, PCl is commonly interpreted as a size component (Humphries et al, 1981). PC] is relatively more apparent as a size variable in the correlation matrix where almost all variables have similar (between 0.1 to 0.2) correlation coeflicients with PCl. PC] is less obvious a Size component in the covariance matrix, since some of the fi'equently used size indicators (e. g. DL, LBR in the skull, and FA, 2MET, 3MET, 29 Table 3.1: The abbreviations and the traditional group identities of each species used in the display of their principal components. f: ferrumequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: arcrmtus group; h: hipposideros group; 1: philippinensis (= Iuctus) group; m: fumigatus (= macrotis) group. The species groups were originally defined by Anderson (1905b, 1918), and were modified by Tate and Archibold (1939), Koopman (1975), and Corbet and Hill (1992). Abbr. ac ad af al ar bs bt b0 ca CP cv ce co cr da dk dt eq el et fe fu hl hr hp im in ke ld 1p lt Group species name l—I'U'Ur'hm'U’J'l-‘BBWW'US’UMMW'OOJHMDJM'U'UW'UMM'U acuminatus blythi bomensis canuti capemis clivosus coelophyllus comutus creaghi darlingi dekenii denti eloquens ewyale euryotis fenumequinum firmigatus hildebrandti 111'an hipposideros imaizumii inops keyensis landeri lepidus luctus Abbr. md mr ms my mg me 05 pa pe ph pu re ro ru rf se sh sm SP st sb sr sw th tf vi Group species name maclaudi macrotis marshellli malayanus megaphyllus mehelyi monoceros nereis osgoodi . paradoxorous pearsoni philtppinensis pusillus rex robinsoni rouxi mfi‘s sedulus shameli simulator simplex stheno subbadius submfiis swinnyi thomasi tnfoliatus virgo yrmanensis BHI—‘l-hl'hDJ'UHrl'hr'hQ’l—‘ml'ht'hl-‘UHBH'U r-h'o'omer—ar—a 31 4MET, and SMET in the wing) have relatively low correlation with PC 1. The other four PCS have both positive and negative correlation coefficients with the original variables, indicating that these PCS represent contrasts between sets of measurements. Generally such contrasts are interpreted as reflecting variation in shape (Humphries et al, 1981). In the covariance matrix, the four remaining PCs accounts for 7.7%, 2.3%, 1.7% and 1.1% of the total variance, respectively. In the correlation matrix, these same PCs accounts for 7.0%, 4.4%, 2.2% and 1.7% of the total variance. The variation not accounted for by the first five PCS is much greater for the correlation matrix (7.3%) than for the covariance matrix (1.6%), though the total variance represented in PC2 through PCS is also greater in the correlation matrix (15.3%) than in the covariance matrix (12.8%) (Appendix 2.1 and 2.2). Different original variables have high loadings on PC2 and PC3 in the two analyses. For the covariance matrix, the variables having high positive loadings on PC2 are LPF (.23), TEF (.21), HOC (.17) and 4MET (.10); those with high negative loadings are PAL (-.82), VLIB (-.23). PC2 of the correlation matrix has high positive loadings for P4M3 (.49), DH (.26) and 4MET (.20), and has high negative loadings for PAL (-.38), VLIB (-.23) and BB (- .22). PC3 of the covariance matrix has great positive loadings for VLIB (.63) and LFC (.18), and high negative loadings for WAB (-.59) and BB (-.39). For the correlation matrix those variables having high positive loadings are 2MET (.46) and 3M1P (.30), and those having high negative loadings are PB (-.30), LFC (-.28) and LIF (-.25). The highly loaded original variables are from both the skin and skull, and are relatively concentrated on the palate and basal regions of the skull. These variables include the length of palate (PAL), length of upper cheek toothrow (P4M3), the length of cochlea (VLIB), length of temporal fossa (TEF), basal breadth between the cochleae (BB), width of the auditory bulla 32 (W AB), the length from pterygoid fossa to cochlea, and length from mastoid process to the posterior end of the skull. However, they are not restricted to a few particular structures. No obvious pattern of species clustering can be found in the two-dimension plot of the PCI by PC2 for the covariance matrix. In the PCl by PC2 plot ofthe correlation matrix, there is an imperfect separation of species according to their geographic distribution: species fiom Afiica and west Eurasia make an exclusive convex group and occupy the lower half of the display (Figure 3.1). The separation is almost exclusively along the PC2 axis. No pattern of species distribution is evident along the PCI axis, suggesting that size is not a major difi‘erentiating factor in the subgeneric taxa of Rhinolophus. Because the length of the palate bridge has greater absolute correlation coefficient with PC2 (-.82) than any other measurements, three southeast Asian species of Andersen’s philippinensis group (R Iuctus, R rex, and R macrotis) which have the longest palate bridges, are located in the negative side of PC2 axis with the Afiican and west Eurasian species. Three Afiican and west Eurasian species R simulator, R landeri and R alcyone and one southeast Asian species R osgoodi are also misplaced. In the displays of species on the display of PC2 by PC3 for the correlation matrix, none of Andersen’s species groups can be clearly observed as distinct clusters, except that the species of Andersen’s arcuatus group are situated close to each other with only two species of Andersen’s ferrumequinum group distributed inside the arcuatus cluster. In Figures 3.2 to 3.4, the distribution of the species of each traditional group is indicated by a convex hull. However, the geographic pattern of taxa in these displays is more apparent than the species-groups patterns. For the correlation matrix, a line can be drawn which separates the genus into two ”V if T l I 5‘ .0 O . "T a .0 .o '0 O . O m .- O B I O l . S .0 g o '0 I o 1 _ so ‘0 o m —< 'o ,2 ’c'o '0 ”a, ti; ’— ’ o , _. [.53] To a ‘0 . ‘:_\l' 'o r0 Co .. o O o n l _ 1 2- to ”o _ '0 'o r no '0 ° 0 r p R o o o m —.‘7’“ L “J : r. M, a: ' ' "rxj; IL_ 0 ()I ’n _“J1> l»— o' —-+ ...§':3; '9 J 1 1 - 1 2 «as a; 1 .2 .2 to PC3 1 fix? ! T t l l .1 southeast Asran , , A _ " . A0 ° A n specres ,0 . 0 , , .1 ,‘ Hm. ;"_ ‘0 A O ’ __ l A” A0 A0 ‘0 ; O 1 7‘ ~°° 1’ O A '2 flo A a 0 ....... .2 Am . _________ «.v A .. ,2’ . ----------- _ (v .n ‘0 . (I ....... will; A0 '.; ........... CD A : ' A n .5.» """ r n- .1 ......... r. ,, — 1 Ir ..... ' ‘1‘ F n W o -‘ .i w n A 0 0 O W . WWI " n o F ., l.— ——< _ “S WI, 3 o ' ‘ Afrrcan and west ., . : _ Eurasran specres — .JL 4— -< Lu i” o A -5 l 1 1 r - 1 31; -2‘1 .21 1 2 ‘1‘! (Q) P@ 1 (a) (b) Figure 3.1. Displays of species on PCI and PC2 of the correlation matrix from the pooled skin and Skull data. (a). The separation between the traditional species groups is not clear. Species are symbolized in Species group identity: f: ferrumequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: arcuatus group; h: hipposideros group; 1: philippinensis (= Iuctus) group; m: fumigatus (= macrotis) group. (b) There is a approximate separation of species associated to the geographic origins (dotted line). Species are symbolized in their distribution: ‘A’ = Eurasia. southeast Asia, ‘F’ = Afiica, and ‘W’ = west 34 PR|N3 J. l -5 -4 -3 -2 *1 0 1 2 3 4 PRINZ Figure 3.2. The display of traditional ferrumequinum species group in PC2 and PC3, from the correlation matrix of the pooled skin and skull data. There is extensive overlap between species of this group and other groups. Species group abbreviations: f: ferrumequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: arcuatus group; h: hipposideros group; 1: philippinensis (= Iuctus) group; m: fumigatus (= macrotis) group. 35 PRIN3 I _5. l L l l l l I l -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 O 1 2 3 4 PRIN2 Figure 3.3. The display of the traditional pusillus species group and arcuatus species group in PC2 and PC3 from the correlation matrix of the pooled skin and skull data. There is extensive overlap between species of the pusillus group and other groups, but only one species of the filmigatus group is inside the arcuatus group. Species group abbreviations: f: ferrumequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: arcuatus group; h: hipposideros group; 1: philippinensis (= Iuctus) group; In: filmigatus (= macrotis) group. 36 PRIN3 Figure 3.4. The display of traditional fumigatus (= macrotis) group and philippinensis (= Iuctus) group in PC2 and PC3 from the correlation matrix of the pooled skin and skull data. Extensive overlap exists between species of the filmigatus group and other groups. Species group abbreviations: f: ferrumequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: arcuatus group; h: hipposideros group; 1: philippinensis (= Iuctus) group; m: filmigatus (= macrotis) group. 37 3 T I T l I l l l #460 We 2 ~ _ 3 WO F0 0 3:; 1 '— '0 '0 0‘ — African and west 1:: o 0 *— Eurasian species ‘ o A A ‘oo‘ oonozp‘ O‘OOA fl 0‘ ° 0 2 0A 0A _ —‘l -—— A 0A *1 m A°oA 0A a. -2 . southeast Asian species c ..A -3 g - -4 p E A. _5 1 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 E- -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 O 1 2 3 4 PRIN2 Figure 3.5. Figure displays species on the PC2 and PC3 from the correlation matrix of pooled skin and skull data. There is a non-overlapping separation of species clusters associated with their geographic origins: one species cluster from Africa and west Eurasia, and the other from southeast Asia. Species are symbolized in their distribution ‘A’ - southeast Asia, ‘F’ = Africa, and ‘E’ = west Eurasia. 3 8 groups according to their geographical origin without misplacement or overlap (Figure 3.5). Both PC2 and PC3 contribute to this separation. The PC2 axis shows that the African and west Eurasian species have relatively long palatal bridges and short upper cheek toothrows, and the PC3 axis indicates that these species have relatively long second metacarpals and long first phalanges of the third finger, and short posterior basal areas in the skull. In the display of PC2 and PC3 from the covariance matrix the genus also appears to form two groups. African and west Eurasian species (with the exception of R maclaudr) form a cluster in the negative sides of both axes, and the southeast Asian species are distributed in the positive side of both axes (Figure 3.6). PC3 in this analysis is the main distinguishing component along which the southeast Asian species show longer cochlea and shorter auditory bullae than Afiican and west Eurasian species. None of the displays containing PC4 or PCS show any additional patterns of clustering. The fermmequimon and pusillus species groups have species in both geographical clusters of Figures 3.5. The extent of these two species groups are evident in the plot of PC2 versus PC3. However, when only the southeast Asian members of each species group are examined, relative closeness between species of the same group becomes apparent in four traditional species groups as shown in Figure 3.7. This structure is not apparent among the African and west Eurasian species. The members of the traditional species groups in southeast Asia are noticeably more differentiated from each other than are their relatives in Africa and west Eurasia. The species in the latter two areas are more homogeneous in skull and wing shape variables summarized by PC2 and PC3 then are the southeast Asian species. B. The skull data set alone 39 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 A0 A0 6 1- _ ‘9 A A A0 ° ° ‘ A ‘0 . . 0 southeast Asran specres A o A 2 ~ ‘0 - A0 (‘0 10% A ° ‘° A A 0 ° ‘5» * ° 0. Q ° A o — 3» ° a“ r a A ._w o 2 A .. A w ._ n ‘ A0 0 ‘ Africa and west _ O 0 A Eruasian species -6 1 1 1 J 4 1 J -15 -1O -5 O 5 1O 15 20 Figure 3.6. Figure displays species on the PC2 and PC3 from the covariance matrix of pooled skin and skull data. Species of Africa and west Eurasian form a distinct cluster. Species are symbolized in their distribution ‘A’ = southeast Asia, ‘F’ = Africa, and ‘E"= west Eurasia. 4O 3 I I I I I I I I African and west 13., 2 Eurasian species 1 a. O — a 2 E '1 ” n. -2 _ a philippr’nenszk group _ southeast Asian species .—4 ~ ~ I _5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -5 -4 -i -2 -1 O 1 2 1 4 PRINZ Figure 3.7. Figure displays species on the PC2 and PC3 from the correlation matrix of pooled skin and skull data. The traditional species groups are more distinct when only those from southeast Asia region is considered. Species are symbolized in their taxonomoc group: f: ferrumequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: arcuatus group; b: hipposideros group; 1: philippinensis (= Iuctus) group; m: filmigatus (= macrotis) group. 41 PC] for the correlation matrix accounts for less total variation (71.6%) than PC] of the covariance matrix (.90). In the covariance matrix, the correlation coeficients of the original variables with PCI vary from 0.0 (PZ) to .62 (DL), but commonly used size measurements (eg. DL, WZA and LBR) are highly correlated with PC]. In the correlation matrix, the same correlation coefficients are nearly uniformly positive (Appendix 2). As was the case for the conrbineddataseLPCl fortheskulldatasetisasizefactor. The measurements PAL, BB, LAB and PB have high correlation with PC2 and PC3 as inthecombineddataset.ButtheskulldatasetshowsthatPMP,WZAandLIFaremajor shape variables as well. The displays of PC2 by PC3 for both correlation matrix and covariance matrix show a good separation between the African and west Eurasian species on the one hand and southeast Asian species on the other, although R hipposideros and R adami are misplaced in the covariance matrix and R hipposideros and R simulator are misplaced in the correlation matrix (Figure 3.8 and 3.9). For both matrices, separation occurs primarily along the PC3 axis, which indicates that Afiican and west Eurasian species have relatively broader zygorrmtic arches, shorter distance between the posterior margin and posterior end of M3, shorter mandible lengths, longer lengths fi'om pterygoid fossa to cochlea, and smaller P2. W PC] of both covariance matrix and correlation matrix account for about the same percent of total variation (86.1% and 85.5%). The high loadings of commonly used size measurements such as FA (.43), 3MET (.28), 4MET (.32) and MET (.34) on PCI for the covariance matrix, and uniform positive loadings on the same component in the correlation matrix suggest that PC] is a size component (Appendix 2). 42 2 I I I I I ‘0 A . 1 _ “° ' southeast Asian species ~ 67 (0 Ci} 0 Q _ 1 _ F African and west w 0 w' 0 Eurasian species W 0 w . -2 1 1 L 1 _2 - 1 O 1 2 I 4 PC2 Figure 3.8. Figure displays species on PC2 and PC3 from the correlation matrix of skull data. Species of Africa and west Eurasia are separated from the species of southeast Asia. . Species are symbolized in their taxonomoc group: f: ferrumequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: arcuatus group; h: hipposideros group; I: philippinensis (= Iuctus) group; m: fumigatus (= macrotis) group. 43 *0 Ac 2 *— An A0A T“ A0 ‘33 ‘0 0A A, M‘: 1 1— ‘ A90 _ A”AC A: 0 “a . . ~» southeast Asran specres Q, fi) (111 l-- Zn '1 1 : w“ -2 l r, 1 African and west 1 w , Eurasian species l W _; ' 1 l 1 1 ‘4 "2 2 4 “ 1 G 5 Figure 3.9. Figure displays species on PC2 and PC3 from the covariance matrix of skull data. Species of Africa and west Eurasia are separated from the species of southeast Asia. Two arrows indicate two misplaced species. Species are symbolized in their distribution: ‘A’ = southeast Asia, ‘F’ = Africa, and ‘W’ = west Eurasia. 44 The display of species in PC2 by PC3 for the covariance matrix shows a geographic pattern where Afiican and west Eurasian species are separated from southeast Asian species, with only three species misplaced. This pattern of separation is move evident in the similar display of PC2 by PC3 for the correlation matrix where only one species is misplaced. The species plot of PC2 by PC3 for the correlation matrix also shows some pattern of traditional species groups among southeast Asian species: the species ofthe arcuatus group and most species of the pusillus group are close to each other, but both groups are overiapped with the femanequimmr group which is more scattered (Figure 3.10). PC2 and PC3 of the skin data reveal several important morphological features which are not disclosed in the pooled data set. The high correlation of these origirml variables with PC2 and PC3 shows that the Afiican and west Eurasian species have longer tails, longer second phalanges of the fourth finger but shorter first phalanges of the fourth finger, longer second phalanges of the third finger but shorter third metacarpals, and smaller ears (Appendix 2). D. Remarks on the Principal Commnent Mses Among the traditional species groups, only the arcuatus group is distinct in these analyses. The species of the philippinensis group span a broader range but do not have extensive overlap with other groups. All other four species groups are not completely distinguishable in any of the three analyses. However, there is a pattern of species separation associated with the two major geographic regions: the Afiica and west Eurasian region and the southeast Asian region. When only the southeast Asian species are considered, two additional traditional species groups, the pusillus group and the ferrumequinum group become distinguishable. The arcuatus group is distinct because it contains only southeast Asian species. 45 2 I 1 F 1 . I 1 e a I. southeast $1. on 0') E 11.3) F a a: n. "'7 p. -1 ._ W l 1 Africa and west Eurasian species -2 l 1 1 1 -3 -2 -1 In 1 2 Figure 3.10. Figure displays species on the PC2 and PC3 from the correlation matrix of skull data. Among the southeast Asian species, only members of the traditional arcuatus group are close to each other. . Species are symbolized in their taxonomoc groups: f: ferrumequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: arcuatus group; h: hipposideros group; 1: philippinensis (= Iuctus) group; m: firmigatus (= macrotr's) group. 46 Considering that all of the species groups recognized have some overlap with other groups and gaps between these groups are small or nonexistent, these analyses indicate that the traditional species groups are only weakly differentiated. Inalldatasetsandanalysesofbothcorrelationandcovariancematrices, PCl canbe interpretedasasizecomponent. ItisonlyonthePC3 andPC2 axesthatsomepatternsof clusters are seen No patterns of distribution are found on PC4 and subsequent PCs. In all principal components on these axes species distributions are rather continuous. Considering that the morphometric data do not contain characters from the noseleaf which is the most important basis for establishing traditioml species groups, the relative distinctiveness of these groups within the southeast Asia region is significant. It is also significantthatthesarnepattemismanifestedindependentlyintheskullmeasurementsandin external measurements as well as overall morphology. Based on the principal component analysis, there is not enough evidence to decide whether the traditional hipposideros species group, which contains R hipposideros only, should be considered as a distinct group. Although observations shows that R hipposideras has proportionally larger cochlea, the major shape components do not demonstrate that the difference between R hipposideros and other species with this feature constitutes an important part of overall generic morphological variation of the genus. The traditional fen-umequinum group is recognizable in the correlation matrix of pooled skin and skull data set, but in the displays of other analyses, it has more extensive overlap with the arcuatus and pusillus species. Both Andersen (1905a) and Tate (1939) observed that the fen-umequinum group has less specialized features than other groups (e.g., 47 modest-sized ear, cochlea and nasal swellings). VVrthout characters from the noseleaf, skull and skin measurements do not provide enough evidence to unite the species of this group. Andersen’s macrotis group originally contained four Afiican species and three southeast Asian species. This group was merged with the phildvpinensis group by Tate (1939) and reinstated by Corbet and Hill (1992). Corbet and Hill renamed it the fianigarus group since R macrotis had been moved to the philippinem'is group. Species of this traditional group are scattered on the PC2 and PC3 in all analyses and, therefore, this group is not confirmed. Based on the correlation coefiiciencies of original variables with PC2 and PC3 of the three analyses, the measurements contributing most to observed clusters are: length of palate bridge (PAL), position of posterior margin of the palate bridge (PMP), length of upper cheek tooth row (P4M3) and width between zygomatic arches (ZAW) in skull measurements; and the tail length (TL), ear size (EAR), length of second phalanx of the third finger (3M2P), length of first and second phalanges of the fourth finger (4M1P, 4M2P) in the skin measurements. The genus Rhinolophus is well known for its homogeneity in morphology. The results of this study confirms this. There is little structure to the phenetic similarity Rhinolophus species. Consequently, morphometric data used in this study seem insufiicient for reconstructing the phylogeny of this genus. More phylogenetically informative qualitative characters are necessary for this purpose. E. The Canonical Discriminant Analyses: A canonical discriminant analysis was used to test the validity of the traditional species groups and the species clusters revealed in the principal component analysis of the pooled skin and skull data set. Three separate tests were conducted. In the first, the traditional species 48 4 l l l l M M . 3 — a 2 _ a g (£3 1 F 4 Q 9 L . .~ .. LL '1’: PR? ., L, 3" I) >- F . P ° .H F , at???" _ 1 ._ A AA “ a A :A . -2 . 1 1 1 -2 -1 <01 1 2 I (322318431 Figure 3.11. Figure displays the first and second canonical variables (CAN 1 and CAN2) for the southeast Asian species. Traditional species groups are used as a priori class. Species are symbolized in their group identities: f: ferrumequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: arcuatus group; h: hipposideros group; 1: philippinensis (= Iuctus) group; m: firmigatus (= macrotis) group. 49 2 l l ”a... L . L 41,, 1 Ir r l 1 ”3. 1» g] . 9": '5 (“E KO) T T (Q) . f Ii. . 85.?” _ 1 it ; M ,. T A“ ‘A . 1 ! 1 _ 2 i 1 1 -2 - 1 13> 1 2 @A N 1 Figure 3.12. Figure displays the first and second canonical variables (CAN 1 and CAN2) for the southeast Asian species, Andersen’s macrotis group being merged with philippinensis group. Traditional species groups are identified as a priori class. Species are symbolized in their group identities: f: ferrumequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: arcuatus group; h: hipposideros group; 1: phierpinensis (= Iuctus) group; m: firmigatus (= macrotis) group. 50 groups were identified as a priori classes and the canonical discriminant analysis was done within the southeast Asian species. The display of the first two canonical variables shows five very distinctive species groups and the separation between the five species groups is perfect (Figure 3.11). I then merged the macrotis with the philippinemz‘s group as Tate (1939) suggested. The distinctiveness of the four species groups are equally apparent in this analysis (Figure 3.12). The test strongly confirmed the existence of these groups. Inthesecondarralysis,IassignedallthespeciesofAfiicaandwestEurasiatoanewa priori class, and the species of the southeast Asia remained in their traditional species groups. Figure 3.13 and 14 shows five distinct clusters on the CANl by CAN2 plot, and the fernanequimm group and pusillus group are well separated in CANS (Figure 3.13). The display not only shows an unequivocal separations between groups, but it also shows a larger gap between the species group of Afiican and west Eurasian species and species groups of southeast Asian than among species groups of the southeast Asian region. In the final test, the traditional species groups were use as a priori classes for the entire genus and five canonical variables are computed. Figure 3.14 and 3.15 show six non- overlapping species groups, though the species of individual species group are not as concentrated as the species groups including the southeast Asian species only. It seems that the traditional species groups may be confirmed by this analysis. Canonical discriminant analysis of the pooled skin and skull data set is able to distinguish species grouped in all of the analyses. While this analysis did confirm that southeast Asian species groups can be distinguished with these data, this fornr of analysis also readily distinguished between groups whose distinctness was not apparent in the principal component analysis. 51 1:4} 5:372 i; r 1 ~‘ I \v 1 1 r r \r a 1 v o ‘1 Q ll 11412) ‘2. ‘ <3 (,5 U .11 I 41:; y 259 ' ‘ l .4 1 1 ‘ § 1 I BE , 4? ° 1 ' ry~ ‘ . . ((1; 4') ’ 1 «I ,1 r I l \— i I I}: Q ‘ " p? ‘ l (:17, v ‘ 'r P l p 1 1 ‘ ' v 1 L ‘7' 1 v- l N: v ‘1 l , 1r ‘ l 15:1. " C4?) ? Tl ‘ Figure 3.13. Figure displays the first, second and fifth canonical variables (CAN 1, CAN2 and CAN 5) for all species of Rhinolophus. Traditional species groups are used as a priori classes for southeast Asian species only, and all Afiican and west Eurasian species are assigned to a new class labeled ‘W’. Southeast Asian species are symbolized in their group identity: f: fiarrumequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: arcuatus group; h: hipposideros group; 1: philippinensis (= Iuctus) group; m: fumigatus (= macroris) group. 52 1 (Q I I I . H _ F .. 5 — _. F . F ~ F 9 F5. f . . . . F , F. ”F. u . 9 FE V . L z W M “FE: ” EL (ll *—- A _, . L L __4 1‘15?) A» L ' A . A A P . . p P am PP P o P . P , P n3 .. P P _. _ . P _, _ 1 ((3’) L_ a 1 1 l - 1 £11.!) -7 17.11 5:: 11:11 "(a A c. n 43> I'LI‘ J1 \)) \1'5’ um m K; Figure 3.14. Figure displays of the third and fourth canonical variables (CAN3 and CAN4) for all species of Rhinolophus. Traditional species groups are used as a priori class. Species are symbolized in their group identity: f: ferrumequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: arcuatus group; b: hipposideros group; I: philippinensis (= Iuctus) group; m: firmigatus (= macrotis) group. 53 1 199 ’ .. r ” \- » fin; 1 .» [2.2, “ H «J, 9 L- I 1 l ’ p.‘ 1 I Q r #1» 's I '~ ”W q ( V, K l 1?" / 1? ; ax ” L ' . .{J ' gas 1 1:745) 1 l * ‘ '1‘: A! J < I [-3) 9 ! i ‘* 1* Q , Q l ‘ " l ' 1 L 9‘ , if \( 4‘) \. ' i \\ l 1537,. \. y . , --—" a“ .2. (Q . ~ (73‘, .._—L/' ‘ ”I x J :;,_ \~\ ( :1) 1' 3, "x _ ),_,..« ) , / CZ ' .4 ’11 ~ (It. /\ d) I E Figure 3.15. Figure displays the first, third and fourth canonical variables (CANl , CAN3 and CAN4) for all rhinolophids. The ferrumequinum group and firmigatus group are separated on CAN 1 axis. Traditional species groups are used as a priori classes. Species are symbolized in their group identity: f: ferrumequinum group; p: pusillus group; a: arcuatus group; h: hipposideros group; 1: philippinensis (= Iuctus) group; m: firmigatus (= macrotis) group. 54 I conclude that, while canonical discriminant analysis does confirm the results from principal components, the ability of this technique to difi‘erentiate among groups not distinguishable in the principal component analysis makes this result suspect. In canonical discriminant analysis, the number of observations should be at least five times as large as the number of the variables to receive an unbiased and consistent result (Kalayeh and Landgrebe, 1983). When the observation/variable ratio is small, arbitrary separations between a priori groups can be nrade (Ness, 1979; Dubes and Jain, 1991). In my data the observation/variable ratio is less than two. My results suggest this form of analysis is overly powerful at discriminating groups in my data, and is unlikely to be trustworthy for exploring the taxonomic structure in Rhinolophus. CHARACTER ANALYSIS The transformation series of states for each character were determined by methods described which follow. In general, I first considered the states that have been commonly recognized in systematic studies of this genus, and used outgroup analysis to determine polarity. When the outgroup criteria did not provide sufficient evidence, in-group commonality criteria (Eldredge, 1979) was applied to determine polarity. In some cases, boundaries are not clear between character states previous identified. This usually occurred for regional Rhinolophus fauna but not the entire genus. I combined those states that were ambiguous so tlrattherernainingstateswerereasonablydistinct. Incaseswheretherewasdisagreementin evolutionary direction changes between states, I either took a position when there was enough evidence to do so, or left the states as unordered. I placed each character in one of the four weighting groups described in the Material and Methods section, with group one receiving the lowest weight and group four the highest 1. Shape of the Connecting Process of Sell_a_ (ConPr). I recognized 5 states for this character (Figure 4.1): a, moderate height and rounded, anterior base not reaching the summit of the sella (e. g. R fenwnequinum and R climsus); b, higher and sharper, anterior base not reaching summit of the sella, as represented by R macrotis; c. very low, the anterior base distant fi'om the summit of the sella (e.g. R luctus and R mfoliatus); d dorsal edge with a slmrp angle or hom-shaped, the anterior edge forming a notch where it connects to the sella (e. g R acuminatus and R comutus); and e. dorsal edge low and round, anterior base reaching the tip of the sella (e. g. R pearsoni and R arcuatus). State e was described by 55 (a) E (c) - (e) @ (b) / Figure 4.1: The shape of the connecting process of the noseleaf (character 1) in lateral view, pointed by arrow. (a) state a, height moderate and round (R aflinis); (b) state b, higher and shaper (R. macrotis); (c) state c, very low (R Iuctus); ((1) state d, hom-shaped (R pusillus); (e) state e, anterior base reaches the tip of the sella (R pearsoni). 57 Andersen (1905d) for the arcuatus groups as “strongly arcuate, almost semicircular in outline and starting from the very summit of the sella”. However, few subsequent researchers have utilized this as a character state. The connecting process shape of the sella is one of the characters used for group idmtification in this genus. It is the primary distinguishing feature for the pusillus group (Corbet and Hill, 1992). Both Anderson (1905a) and Tate (1939) indicated that the connecting process of ancestral rhinolophids was most likely generalized, being low and not pointed. But since the horseshoe of all living species are beyond this hypothetical primitive stage, identifying this primitive state does little to resolve transformations among the observed character states. Andersen and Tate’s presumed primitive condition does not include the relationship between the anterior base of the connecting process and the sella. In state e the tip of the sella is continuous with the connecting process. In states a - d the connecting process is distinctly separate from the tip of the sella. State e may be the result of an anterior and dorsal extension of the connecting process, in which case it is likely derived; or it may be the result of a relatively short sella, in which case it could be primitive. In both cases, this distinction between state e and other states may indicate a departure of state e from all other states. The states of this character were treated in two ways; both assume that none of the observed states fi'om a to e are primitive. The first treatment assumed that transformations among the states were indeterminable and treated the states as unordered. This avoided incorrect ordering at the expense of abandoning some usefirl information. The second approach adopted Tate's view (1939) of transformations indicated in his phylogenetic hypothesis of the genus, assuming an additional primitive state p, with an order illustrated in the following diagram: 58 Tate's view (193 9) of transformations indicated in his phylogenetic hypothesis of the genus, assuring an additional primitive state p, with an order illustrated in the following diagram: P Tate’s view of the transformation series for character 1, indicated in his phylogenetic hypothesis of the genus (Tate and Archibald, 1939). Because this portion of the noseleaf is innovative in nature and is unique to rhinolophids, this character was placed in weighting group four. 2. Sella Sham (Sella). The shape of the sella exhibits three states (Figure 4.2): a, narrow, without a lateral process (lappet) (e. g. R pusillus and R rouxr); b. broad without a lappet (e. g. R macrotis and R inops); c. broad with a lappet (e. g. R Iuctus and R maclaucb). This character has also been used previously for species group identification. While the existence of a lappet is readily distinguishable, some sella shape differences between species are difficult to characterize or assign to a transformation series. I have chosen to ignore subtle sella shape difi’erences and focus on obvious differences. Because the sella is a structure unique to rhinolophids, this character was placed in weighting group four. I assumed the sella arose in a simple, narrow form which broadened and gained a lappet later in evolution. This hypothesized sequences fiom simple to complex yields a transformation series for the three states of a->b- >c, with state 0 representing the primitive condition. 59 Figure 4.2. The shape of the sella (character 2), pointed by arrow ‘IO‘. (a) state a, narrow (R alcyone); (b) state b, broader (R jimigatus); (c) state c, with lappet, pointed by arrow ‘-=0‘ (R maclaudi). (From Rosevear, 1965). Figure 4.3. Illistrations of the horseshoe (character 3). (a) state a, narrower (R clivosus); (b) state b, broader (R firmigams). (From Rosevear, 1965). 6O Figure 4.4. Illustrations of the supplemartary noseleaf (character 4). (a) state a, not present (R Iuctus); (b) state b, less developed (R pusillus); (c) state c, both sides meet at the mid- line (R simulator). The dotted line indicates the horseshoe which usually covers most part of the supplementary noselea£ Figure 4.5. Number of the lower lip grooves (character 5), pointed by arrow. (a). state a, one groove; (b). state b, three grooves. 61 \ . (a) (b) 9 Figure 4.6. Illustrations of the fiont ear projection (character 6). (a) state a, not present; (b) state b, present. (a) (b) Figure 4.7. The shape of the lancet (character 7). (a) state a, hastate; (b) state b, nearly triangle. Long hair, shown in B, are frequently present in the lancet. (from Rosevear, 1965). 62 3. Shim of Anterior Nose-leaf or Ho_rsgsh_oe (ANL). I recognized three states for this character (Figure 4.3): a, narrow (e. g R euryale and R simulate); b. expanded in one direction, either laterally (e. g. R afiinis) or ventrally (e. g. R filmigatus); c. significantly expanded in both lateral and ventral directions (e. g. R Iuctus). State b possibly represents a mixture of stages in the noseleaf development; it may not be uniquely intermediate between states a and c. I could not unambiguously subdivide state b or advance a reliable argument for the sequence between character states. States of this character were treated as unordered. Given the possible heterogeneous nature of states b, and variation within and between species in more subtle details of horseshoe shape, I placed this character in weighting group two. Horseshoe size has been used in previous taxonomic studies of this genus. Recent studies demonstrate a correlation between horseshoe size and fiequencies of ultrasonic pulses bats emit during echolocation (Bogdanowicz, 1992). Some of the variation in horseshoe size between species probably is based in differences in echolocation firnction and may not reflect phylogenetic relationships. Until we can distinguish how echolocation behavior has evolved in this genus, it will be difficult to interpret horseshoe size as phylogenetic information. I did not atterrrpted to analyze horseshoe size here. 4. Supplementary Leaflet Beneath the Horseshoe (SupLeaf) (Figure 4.4). The supplementary noselea£ located beneath the horseshoe, displays three states: a, not present or not easily identifiable (e. g. R mfoliatus and R dentr); b, distinct but with a wide median gap between the two pieces (e. g. R macrotis and R makomus); 0. pieces of both sides meet or almost meet at rnidventral line (e.g. R comutus and R stheno). This character has been used in previous studies for distinguishing species of particular geographic regions but not species 63 groups. Vlfrthin each state, differences exist in breadth of the supplementary noseleaf, although previous workers appear to have ignored this variation It is likely that additional states could be recognized, but at present I am not confident ofthe criteria that would be used. Hill (1963) argues that the outgroup genus HWros, with lateral leaflets that are positionally identical to the Rhinoloplms supplementary noseleaf, lacked lateral leaflets in its primitive condition. It therefore seems reasonable to identify state a as primitive. Although state c seems more advanced. thereisnoevidencethatstatebisanecessaryintermediate stage. No ordercanbe determined, except that state a is primitive. I placed this character in weighting group three for the reason that it is part of the noseleaf, an innovative complex structure. 5. Number of Mental Grooves or Lower Lip Grooves (LLG). There are two states (Figure 4.5): a, one median groove (e.g. R hildebramlti and R firmigatus); b, three grooves (e.g. R arcuatus and R mops). Previous studies of this genus have considered this to be a good character because it is unique and invariant within species. For these reasons, I assigned it to weighting group four. Although this character was described and discussed by Andersen (l905a) and used in regional keys, it was never used to diagnose species groups. Probably because the distribution states of this character is not in conformity with other characters previous taxonomists treated as fundamental (e.g. the noseleat). Contrary to Andersen's (1905a, p.107) view, outgroup examination indicates that only Rhinolophus displays three lower lip grooves. It is most reasonable to consider a as a primitive state within this genus. 6. Front Ear Projection (EarPr) (Figure 4.6). There are two character states: a, not present (e.g. R maclaudi and R landeri); and b, present (e. g R malayanus and R clear subbadz'us). Although generally very small, this projection is identifiable when present. It is not 64 whether this projection, located at the basal, rostral-proximal side of the pinna in Rhinolophus, is homologous to the tragus of other bat fanrilies. No such projection has been found in closely related bat families (e. g. Hipposideridae and Nycteridae), and I hypothesize that this feature is an innovation and unique to rhinolophids. Considering that some variation exists in some species (e. g. 20% absent and 80% present in R lepicbas), this character is assigned to weighting group three. The primitive state is a. 7. Shim of the Lancet (Lancet) (Figure 4.7). The shape of the lancet encompasses two broad categories: a, hastate, abruptly narrowed in its distal half (e.g. R lepidw and R clivums); and b, not hastate, triangular in shape, distal end blunt (e.g. R thamasi and R philippinensis). Despite its frequent usage in regional keys, this character more or less forms a continuum among the entire genus. Intraspecific variation is also present. This character is therefore assigned to weighting group two. I can not establish unambiguously the primitive state of this character. A new state p is introduced as a hypothetical primitive state and its relationship with a and b is unordered. 8. Number of Ear Ridges (Eang). The ears of Rhinolophus posses ridges parallel to ear width I have partitionw variation in this character into two states: a, 10 or more ridges (e.g. R blassi and R clivosus); b, 9 or fewer (R lepirbls and R euryotr's). This character has not been used in earlier work. The character state in each species was determined by examining as many specimens as possrble, usually 10 or more. The most frequent number of ear ridges among the specimens examined was used to assign each species to a character state. Division of states is arbitrary and there is some intraspecific variations. In addition, outgroup 65 testing does not provide evidence for determining the ancestor state, since both states are present in Hipposideridae, the assumed sister group of Rhinolophus. For these reasons, the character is assigned to weighting group one and treated as unordered. 9. Number of Free TaiVertebrae (Tail). Tail length has been a frequently used character in regional studies of Rhinolophus species. The variation in tail length is made more discretebycountingthenumberofvertebraeinthetailwhicharefieefromthesacrum. The number of caudal vertebrae has not been used in previous systematic studies of the genus. Perhaps there is irrtraspecific variations in counts and ambiguity due to vertebrae that are reduced in size or partly attached to the sacrum. To recognize variation present in caudal vertebrae counts, I have recognized only two states: a, five or six caudal vertebrae (eg R fermmequiman and R. erayale); b, fewer than five caudal vertebrae (R inops and R subbadius). The state for each species was determined as the most common count found in examining as many specimens as possible (usually 10 or more). Vertebrae that were greatly reduced in size, or partly connected to the sacrum were counted as 0.5 vertebrae. Outgroup analysis supported the hypothesis that five to six caudal vertebrae is the primitive condition in Rhinolophus. The eight species in four genera examined as outgroups possessed five or six caudal vertebrae. The earliest-known fossil bat ( Icaronycteris index, Jepsen, 1970) had seven tail vertebrae. I hypothesized that state a is primitive (contrary to Andersen’s views [1905a, p. 107]), and that evolution within the genus has resulted in a numbers, and likely pattern of reduction of vertebral numbers over time, I considered this reduction of caudal vertebrae number. Because there is intraspecific variation in vertebral character to be in weighting class two. 66 10. Insertion of Plagiopatagium (1' ailMem). The wing membrane inserts at three difl’erent points along the leg in species of Rhinolophus: (Figure 4.8): a, at the ankle (e.g. R megaphillus, R bomensis and most other species); b, along the lower leg, 5 mm or more above ankle (e.g. R. creaghi and R rufirs); and c, at or close to the tarsal-metatarsal joint (R luclus and R maclardr). Character states of this may be related to body size or feeding habits (Straney, 1984) and in Rhinolophus may display homoplasy. Consequently, I placed this character in weighting group two. All three states appear in other bat families; with state a by far the most common in outgroups. Parsimoniously, I assume state a is primitive and the other two state are independemly derived: c<- a -> b. 11. Anterior Upfl Premolar (P2)(Figure 4.9). P2 in bats displays a common set of character states: a, in the toothrow, b, small and displaced out of the toothrow; and 6, absent. It is generally agreed (Slaughter, 1970) and confirmed by outgroup tests, that state a is primitive and c is most derived. Intraspecific variation is common. Even within the same individual, it sometimes happens that the two P2 are in different states. The character state for each species was decided by majority rule afler examining many specimens, the technique used by Andersen and other researchers. Because I hypothesize P2 has become reduced and lost over time, and intraspecific variability is present. My criterion placed this character in weighting group one. 12. Shap_e of the Anterior Lower Premolar (P2)(Figure 4.10). Variation in the shape of P2 falls into three categories: a, length (rostral-caudal distance) about equal to width (labial- lingual distance) (e. g. R macrotis and R Iuctus); b, length conspicuously greater (20% or more) than width (R arcuatus and R inops); and c, width conspicuously greater than length 67 WI ' .113" ll. ; , v‘ Lil/1 mil... “5.5! §‘¥¢,’ - (C) Figure 4.8. The insertion of the plagiopatatgium (character 10). (a) state a, at the ankle (R megaphr‘llus); (b) state b, above the ankle (R rufils); (c). state c, near the tarsal-metatarsal joint (R. Iuctus). (After Rosevear, 1965). 68 (a) ' ’ (b) Figure 4.9. The status of P2 (character 11), pointed by arrow. (a) state a, in the toothrow (R ions) ; (b) state b, out of toothrow (R fenwnequr'num); (c) state 6, absent (R firmigates). Figure 4.10. The shape of P2 (character 12), pointed by arrow. (a) state a, the length and breadth bout equal (R meheri); (b) state b, length greater than breadth (R cIivosus); (c) state c, length less than breadth (R ions). 69 (R euryale and R fianigarus). The shape of P2 has sometimes been referred to in species descriptions, but has not been used in previous systematic analyses of Rhinolophus. In fact, there is much less intraspecific variation in this feature than in the frequently-used position of P2 (see above). Considering the conservative nature of rhinolophid dental morphology, distinct shape modifications in P2 justifiably places this character in weighting group four. Although there seems to be some relationship between the shape of P2 and compressedness of the cheek toothrow (which is considered a derived feature by Andersen [l905a] ), gaps sometimes are found at one or both ends of shortened P2 Thus, a compressed cheektooth row and short P2 are not necessarily functionally related. All four genera and eight species of hipposiderids examined as outgroup displays a square shape of P2. I hypothesize that state a is primitive and statesb andcare independently derived: b <-a-> c. 13. Middle Lower Premolar (P3) (Figure 4.11). This tooth displays three states: a, in the toothrow, b, small and displaced out of the toothrow; 6, absent. The discussion for character 11 applies to this one. The states are ordered as a -> b -> c, with state a primitive. I placed this character in weighting group one. 14. Cingpla of Lower Molars (Mm). The cingula of the lower molars displays two levels of development: a, wealdy developed. as in most species; and b, strongly developed (e. g. R fianigatus and R yrmrmem'is). Because molar morphology is homogeneous in Rhinolophus, the distinction made by this feature is significant. State a is by far most fiequent in both ingroup and outgroup species; it is reasonable to hypothesize state a as primitive. The boundary between the two states is sometimes ambiguous and I have placed this character in weighting group two. 15. Sglarshelf Shelf of M3 : The size of the stylar shelf (the posterior V—shaped triangle 70 Figure 4.11. The status of P3 (character 13), pointed by arrow. (a) state a, in the toothrow (R macrotis); (b) state b, out of toothrow (R malayanus); (0) state 0, absent (R firmigates). 71 of the W-shaped outer shelf) in the last upper molar (M3) varies among species of Rhinoloplms, it is described by two states (Figure 4.12): a, moderately reduced. as in most species; b, greatly reduced, with the anterior ridge of the posterior V less than 2/3 the length of the posterior ridge of the anterior V (R ccpensis and R WW3). It is generally agreed (Slaughter, 1970) that the reduction of styleshelf is a derived feature within bats and I hypothesizethat stateaisprimitive. Becausethischaracterrepresentsareduction ofM3 and it isacommontrendinotherfarrriliesofbats,thischaracterwasassignedtoweightinggroup one. 16. Posterior Edge of Pa_lpt_e_:: The length of the palate is a character widely used in previous taxonomic studies of Rhinolophus. The palate varies in length largely due to the depth of the median ernargination of its edge. Two species can have the same average palate length, but differ in location of posterior and anterior ernargination edges. I recognized two characters that capture the details of palatal morphology in Rhinolophus: position, relative to the toothrow, of the posterior edge of the palate (this character), and position of the anterior edge of the palatal ernargination (character 17). The posterior edge of palate displays four character states (Figure 4.13): the posterior edge lies a, next to the metastyle of M2; b, between metastyle and metacone of M2; 0, between metacone and mesostyle of M2; and d anterior to mesostyle of M2. Outgroup analysis indicated that longer, shallowly emarginated palates (state a) are primitive within Rhinolophus. Consequently, I hypothesized that state a is primitive and that the four states were connected in a linear transfonnational sequence: a -> b -> c -> (1 Some intraspecific variation is present for both this character and character 17. I assigned states to species afler examining as many specimens as possible (usually 10 or more) 72 (b) Figure 4.12. The shapes of the stylarshelf in M3 (character 15). (a) state a (R a mis); (b) state b, the posterior v-shaped ridges (pointed by arrow) greatly reduced (R fumigatus). 73 Figure 4.13. Picture (R affinis) illustrates character 13, the position of the posterior margin of the palate pointed by an arrow. Label 0 through 3 correspond to the states a through d in the text. 74 and using the state most common within a species. Because of this variation, and the arbitrary nature of the landmarks chosen to recognize character states, I placed this character in weighting group two. 17. A_nterior Mggin ofPalate (AMP) (Figure 4.14). This character has been used in a key to Afiican Rhinolophus by Koopman (1975) in which he recognized two states. For species of the entire genus I recognized three states for this character: anterior nrargin of palate emargination located a, anterior to the protocone of P‘; b, between protocone of P‘ and mesostyle of M‘; and c, at or posterior to the mesostyle of M'. As discussed in character 16, this character is assigned to weighting group two and state a is assumed to be primitive, with transformation series a->b->c. 18. Front Margin of Anterior Nasal Swelling (FMNS) (Figure 4.15). The anterior margin of the anterior nasal swelling lies at three different positions relative to the toothrow in Rhinolophus: a, at or anterior to the parastyle of M‘; b, between parastyle and mesostyle of M'; and c, at or posterior to mesostyle of M'. This character has not been utilized in previous systematic research within the genus. It becomes obvious once photographs of lateral views of the skills are examined. There appears to be some correlation between position of the front margin of this nasal swelling and that of the palate bridge. I do not believe this possible correlation is important for two reasons: first, I know of no functional explanation for such a correlation; second, while it is reasonable to assume that a shallower palatal emargination is a primitive state, it is not at all evident that the relative anterior position of this nasal swelling is primitive. Because no clear homologous structure is present in other closely related bat families, I applied the in-group commonality rule (W atrous and Wheeler, 1981) and 75 Figure 4.14. The position of the anterior margin of the palate (character 17), pointed by arrow, of R. aflim's. Label 0 through 2 correspond to the states a through c in the text. Figure 4.15. The position of the front margin of anterior nasal swelling (character 18), pointed by arrow, of R. ajfim‘s. Label 0 through 2 correspond to the states a though c in the text. 76 hypothesized that state a is the primitive state: a -> b -> c. The arbitrary boundary between states placed this character in weighting group two. 19. ngth of Medi_an Frontal Nasal Swellings (LNS) (Figure 4.16). The length of the median fi'ontal nasal swelling varies between species of Rhinoloplrus. A convenient way to characterize this variation is with the following two character states: a, small or less than the combined length of M1 and M2 located beneath it in lateral view, as is the case of most species; andb, largewithlengthgreaterthanthecombinedlengthofMl ansz (e.g R IuctusandR sedulus). Except for a few species with intermediate size (e. g. R clivosus), most species fit relatively easily into these two size categories. The landmarks defining states of this character are arbitrarily chosen for convenience. This character appears to be positively correlated with noseleaf size, although firnctional reasons for this are unclear. For these reasons, I assigred this character to weighting group two. State a is assumed to be primitive for two reasons: first, it is the state found in most species; second, the nasal swelling is a feature unique to Rhinolophas and it is parsimonious to assume it arose as a small feature. 20. Depth of Orbital Constriction (OrbC) (Figure 4.17). Variation in the orbital constriction displays two states: a, shallow as in most species; and b, very deep, the depth greater than half of the front nasal swelling height (e. g. R blassi and R creaghr). State a is assumed to be primitive on the basis of its frequency of occurrence both within and outside of the genus. The arbitrary state boundary placed this character in weighting group two. 21. Infiaorbital Canal and Ba_r (InfOrb) (Figure 4.18). The shape of infraorbital canal and bar vary together and fall into three categories: a, canal nearly round and infiaorbital bar short and narrow (e.g. R rouxi and R bomensis); b, canal heightened, bar elongated and thin (e. g. R clivosus and R eloquens); and c, canal round but moved anteriorly with the bar 77 Figure 4.16. Pictures illustrate character 19, the length of median frontal nasal swellings. (a) state a, small (R. affinis); (b) state b, larger (R. Iuctus). 78 (b) Figure 4.17. The depth of the orbital constriction (charcter 20), pionted by arror. (a). state a, shallow (R. lepidus); (b). state b, deep (R creaghr'). 79 Figure 4.18. The shapes of the infraorbital canal and bar (character 21), pointed by arrows. (a) state a, size moderate (R. aflim's); (b) state b, infraorbital bar elongated (R. clivosus); (c) state c, canal lengthened and bar broader (R Iuctus). 80 greatly broadened (e. g. R Iuctus and R mfoliatus). It is not entirely clear which is the primitive state. Because it is most common in both ingroup and outgroup, state a is most likely to be the primitive state with an order ofb <- a -> c. Except for a few species (e.g. R inops andR erayon's), mostcanbeassignedastatewithoutdificulty.1hischaracterwasplaced in weighting group three. 22. Shape of Intemairal Region (IntNa). Two states were identified: a, not expanded, (e.g. R pusillus and R afinis); and b, expanded (e.g. R m’folratus and R WW). This character is used traditionally to separate the otherwise similar arcuatus group from the firmigams group of species. I recognize such separation of two character states despite the somewhat arbitraryboundarybetween states. Forthesarnereasonsldiscrrssed incharactersl through 4 on noseleaves (noseleaf structures are highly informative, and small feature size is prinritive), I hypothesized, that state a is primitive, and assigned this character to weighting group three. Continuous characters Characters 23 to 26 are external measurements of specimens, adjusted by body size. These continuous characters are coded into discrete states using gap-coding (Michevich and Johnson, 1976). The means and standard deviations of each variable (a ratio in this case) for each species were calculated. The pooled standard deviation (Sd) for each variable was also computed. For each variable, species means were sorted and gaps greater than (Sd * C) were identified between successive species. Species on the two sides of these gaps belong to two distinct character states. C was chosen to set the overlap between species on different sides of the gap to a predetermined level. When C = 0.25, the percent of overlap between two species 81 separated by a gap is 45%; when C = 0.5, the overlap is 40.1%; when C = 1, the overlap is 30.9% and when C = 2, the overlap is 15.9% (Archie, 1985). Thismethod, thediscrete-statecodingmethodsingeneraLisassociatedwithaweak assumption that gaps stand for significant evolutionary steps that occur less often than evolutionary changes between gaps. (Felsenstein, 1988). There is no a pn'ori reason to believe this assumption models correctly the pattern of rhinolophid evolution The gap-coding method alsohasthedisadvantagethatgapsterrdtobecomelessnumerouswhenthenumberofspecies involved becomes larger. The present study contains a large enough number of species to suspect that gaps used here are conservative estimates of the true, ‘evolutionary’ gaps. Since I chose C between 0.1 and 0.25, which was necessary to recognize 4 or 5 distinct states for each character, overlapbetween speciesseparatedbyagapmaybemorethan50%. Iutilizedgap coding to transform continuous variables, viewed by previous workers as important indicators of species difl’erences, into discrete states that can be compared and analyzed with previously described characters. I am more concerned with the comparability gap coding transform makes possible than with special assumptions about the way continuous character evolve in Rhinolophw. Due to the significant overlap evolution in between species separated by gaps, I placed character 23 - 26 in weighting group two. 23. BMW Ear Size [Ear/Fa). Ear size was adjusted using forearm length as an estimator of the body size. Wrth C = 0.15, four states were identified among Rhinolophus species, state a representing the smallest ratio. This character was used because relatively larger ears (and antitragus) have been used by previous taxonomists to distinguish the philippinensis and arcuatus groups. While it is generally accepted (and confirmed by outgroup comparison) that relatively larger ears is a derived feature in rhinolophids, it is doubtfirl whether the smallest 82 ratio is the primitive state within the genus. I hypothesized that (by far) the most common state, state b, isprimitive, yieldingapolarity ofa <- b-> c-> d 24. Relative Phalangeal Length of Digit 3 (1/2F3). The relative lengths of the third digit first and second phalanges have been widely used in previous studies of Rhinolophus. VVrth C = 0.11, four states were identified with state a representing the smallest ratio. Both ingroup and outgroup examinations demonstrated that b is the most common state. I hypothesize that state bisprirrritive, andthepolarityisa<-b-> c-> d Bothareductioninsecond phalanx length and an elongation of the third resulted in an increase of this ratio. 25. Relative Phalangeal length of Digit 4 (1/2F4). The relative lengths of the fourth digit first and second phalanges has been used in regional keys for Rhimlophus, and is a diagnostic character for several species (e. g. R mehelyi and R ewyale). Variation in the relative phalangeal length of the fourth digit is greater than that of the third digit due to a more remarkable reduction in the first phalanx. “nth C = 0.25, five states were recognized with state a representing the smallest ratio. Because state b was the most common state both in this genus and in outgroup, I hypothesized that state b is primitive and the order was assumed a <- b -> c -> d -> e. 26. ReLative Length of the Third and Forth Metamal (M3/M4). The ratio of the third and the forth metacarpal has been used in regional species diagnosis of Rhinolophus and in recognizing relationships within species groups. VVrth C = 0.1, four states were recognized, state a representing the smallest ratio. It is generally agreed that state d (two metacarpals being about equal in length) is the primitive state, and that the decrease of this ratio is due primarily to a shortening of the third metacarpal (Andersen, l905a). The present data also showed that 83 state dis the most common in the genus. For these reasons, I hypothesized a polarity of a <- b <- c <- d for this character. Table 4.1 summarizes the distribution of the character states described above. The cladistic analysis is based on this character analysis. 84 Table 4.1. The character transformation series matrix used in the cladistic analysis. in the section of character are correspondent to the states a, b, Numeric numbers I, 2, analysis respectively. Missing data are represented by ‘?’. 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819202122 23242526 Spp. \ character# 412220111202100121001202224 224?1027721720702000002252 Racunrimrtus Radami Raflinis R alcyon 1332111111210031100102224 41431111120010002100102352 l 1031001012224 5233211112021 41311010120010002100002243 R arcuatus R blassi 100002223 1001012224 1322121120210021 52432121111021 1 110100201 1 l R bomensis 13 10102200102243 R canuti l l I l R. capensis 100002224 1 1021002 120012200102232 1321111 R celebensis R. clivosus 1 131010021 101012224 100002224 1 1 11021102 1 524321101101 52322121 R. coelophyllus R. comutus R. creaghi R. darlingi R. denti 1020002 132121 1 4 1001012224 103 1.0012100002242 4l312010020010012200102242 1 10101211 113 1 10102443 1 2 242102102212011 l 4 R. eloqens R. euryale R. eruyotis 12010010010002200002453 1 52421121 1 001111224 1 l 103 11021 13111002110001 100102232 R ferrumequinum l 1 10102343 120121 131020020010012000002242 123210100211 1 R. hildebrandti R. hipposideros R. inops 1 1001112224 103 1010020010012100102252 1021 524321211 1 1321 33411111 4 l l l 4 4 R. landeri R. lepisus R luctus 100002224 10021 111200 I 121322 100002224 13001002001 13210012021002] 1 R. irnaizumii 11214233 1 1 3342102103000100 R maclaudi 10213224 224221211200000001 R. macrotis 1222111120110031001102224 334?2?20?30000000010213224 l R malayanus Rmarshalli 101102224 13212112001002] 41112010021010102201102554 l I R megaphyllus R. mehelyi 1100002224 1112001002 1321 1232121 1 4 Rmonoceros Rnereis 1000002222 1021003 I l 85 Figure 4.1. (Continued) 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920212223242526 Spp. \ character# R osgoodi 100002224 132120010200001 1 Rparadoxolophus32472720770210000010212224 4 120201020100102222 52421121 R.pearsoni 32422120120200010011013224 R philippinensis R. pusillus R rex R rouxi 1020200021100002224 33412120130200000011212224 12201 4 1 1120110122100002224 1 1 13221 524121 1 11212214 1 1 123 1021 1 1 1 l 1 l R. rufus 1001012224 1 0 2 1 1 0 2 1 2 0 2 1 0 0 3 1 3 0 2 1 0 0 3 5243212 333 R. shameli R. sedulus 12221 1 1 1 0 1000202224 1 111 3211 1 l 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 4 R. simplex 100102242 1032201002224 10001 3321200200 R. simulator R.stheno 13211111021 1321111 52422121 1 100002223 0 1 1 1020003 R. subbadius ‘ R. subrufus R. swinny 4 1 1 102252 120210022100001224 13001 1012 103 1 12021 13321101210101 100 1 3 122121 1 1 R. thomasi 1212221 101001 1 1 1 13212102021003 1 3341 R trifliatus R. vergo 1000002223 1 1 524 1 111102223 12112021012 1000020000000000002224 1 1 1 R. yunanensis 1 1 0 0018er CLADISTIC ANALYSIS I performed a cladistic analysis of the characters described above for 56 species of Rhinolophus. This analysis was based on characters that were, for the most part, ordered into transformation series that could be weighted for thdr likely content of phylogenetic information Several characters, though, were assigned transformation series that were uncertain Character 1, in particular, was assigned a transformation series based more on traditional arguments than on compelling evidence. I believed the this was one of the most informative characters. Since the manner of relating its character states was likely to influence the structure of a phylogenetic hypothesis based on them, I performed the cladistic analysis in two ways: treating character 1 as unordered; and as ordered into the transformation series described in the previous section. Additionally, the use of character weights in phylogenetic analysis is controversial (Sneath and Socal, 1973; Sharkey, 1989). To judge the effect of weighting characters on the resulting cladograms, I performed the analysis both with and without character weighting. In all, four sets of analyses were performed: (a) characters weighted and character I ordered into a transformation series; (b) characters weighted and character 1 unordered; (c) characters unweighted and character I ordered; and ((1) characters unweighted and character 1 unordered. A monophyletic group present in all analyses represents a phylogenetic hypothesis better supported by the data than those present only in some, but not all, analyses (Straney, 1981). The outgroup used is a hypothetical organism with the primitive state for all characters except for characters whose polarities are unclear, where an additional hypothetical primitive state is assigned to it. 86 87 ForeachsetofanalyseslusedthePAUP 3.1.1 program, asdescrrbedintheMaterials and Methods section above. This program calculates the shortest cladograrn for a set of input data, cladograrn length being measured by the total number of evolutionary steps required by a particular hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships‘. Because of the relatively large number of species examined in this study (56 species), the practical limitations of the programs required use of the heuristic search procedure to search for the shortest cladogram or cladograms for that data setz. Some of my analyses resulted in thousands of cladograms of equivalent shortest length Available computer memory limited the number of cladograms that could be stored to about 1300. Consequently, only the first 1300 shortest cladograms identified by the program could be saved and analyzed. This limitation introduces a possible source of inaccuracy, as the heuristic search procedure is sensitive to the order of samples in the input data matrix (Geske, 1992). To minimize the effect of this limitation I repeated the computer analysis for the same data set and each time rearranged the species positions in the data matrix. The number ofsteps in the shortest cladograms derived from differently rearranged data matrices was invariable. I firrther computed strict consensus cladograms (Swofford and Begle, 1993) for each set of 1,300 shortest cladograms. The discrepancies between these strict consensus cladograms were very small and insignificant. To show variation among the shortest cladograms I also computed the consensus cladograrn under mm'ority rule for each set. Particular relationship was preserved if it was common to fifty percent or more of the shortest cladograms. 1Whenthrechar'aetersarreweighted, however, thetransformationsoocurring indifferentcharactersare themselves weighted For example, ifone transfomration occurred in a character having a weight oftwo, then that change aooomrts for 2 units of length 2The algorithm for exhaustive search of shortest tree is computationally intractable. Such searching algorithms are not practical for large data sets regardless of the computer system and the program (Garey and Johnson. 1991). ’ 88 The use of heuristic search and consensus cladograms has become a standard approach to cladistic analysis of large data sets (Swofl‘ord and Begle, 1993; Maddison and Maddison, 1992). Three additional considerations justify the use of heuristic search and consensusmethodsinthepresent study. First, adatasetwithmorethanZOtaxa(morethan20 species in the present case) can not be analyzed using exhaustive search procedure (Swofl‘ord and Begle, 1993). The computational feasibility of heuristic search procedure with more than 20taxaisachievedattheexpenseofoptimal results. Thereisnoguarantee, whentheheuristic algorithm is used, that the true, most parsimonious cladograrn is included in the set of shortest cladograms. As a result, in many cases the phylogenetic relationship for a relatively large group is computationally an approximation Second, as the sample set of the shortest cladograms taken from all possible shortest cladograms was quite large (1300). The possibility that this sample set is unrepresentative of the total set should be relatively small. Indeed, the 1300 shortest cladograms produced by repeated analyses of the (same) reordered data matrix show very little, and often no, discrepancy in the topology of the consensus cladograms they entail. Finally, because strict consensus, extracts only the relationships common to all shortest cladograms produced by a given analysis, it provides a very conservative estimate of relationships. Analysis of Weighted Characters, Character 1 Ordered The strict consensus and majority consensus cladograms for this analysis are presented in Figure 4.19 and 4.20, respectively. The species names are followed by symbols for their geographic distribution in parenthesis (A = ‘southeast Asia’, F = ‘Afiica’, E = ‘western Eurasia and Afiica’). The species’ identity in the traditional species groups is the same as in Table 3.1. 89 outgroup acuminatus(A) pusillus( (AA cornutus( ) imaizumiAA) os oodi( adius(A) Iepidus(A) monoceros(A) aflinis(A) arcuatuAs(A) canuti(A ) creaghi(A? coelloph lus(A) euryotiszA) inops(A) Iuctus(A) tritoliatus(A) sedulus 4A2) maclau macrotis(A) marshalli(A) paraJoxolophusM) philippinensis(A) pearsoni(A ) unanensisA ¥ufus(A) ( ) shameli(A) subrufus(Al borneensrs A) celebensis(A) nereis(A) virgo(A) simplex(A) stheno(A thomaSI( ) aphyllus sA) ma ayanus(A rouxi(A) swinnyi(F) simulator(EF) terrumequinum(EFA) capensis?) clivosus( F) loquens( 2 mm atus hilde ran tiZF) darlingi(F) hipposideros(EF) alcyone(F) denti(F) muemalqEF elyiE ) landerI ’éF) F) blasii(F) adF)amr( Figure 4.19: The strict consensus cladograrn for the 24 most parsimonious cladograms resulting from the weighted analysis, character I ordered. . The geographic location of the species is indicated by letters in parentheses: ‘A’ = southeast Asia, ‘F’ = Africa, and ‘E’ = west Eurasia. 90 outgroup acurninaxrsM) SI us grnutug(A) imaizumii(A) osgoodi(A) subbadius(A) lepIdus(A) monoceros(A) arcuatus(A) canuti(_A creaghr( I coellophy lus(A) euryotis(A) pearsoni(A) yunanensrs(A) Inops(A) rutus(A) subruiusXA) shameII( ) luctus(A) triioliatus(A) sedulus}? maclau I( 1 macrotis(A marshalli(A) raw?) para oxolophus(A) ggilippinensisM) rneensis(A) thomaSI(A) attinis(A) nereis(A) virgo(A) srmplex(A) stheno(A) celebegsif(A)A m a us mglzaygnjirsms ) rouxi(A) swinnyi(F) simulator(EF) ferrumequrnum(EFA) alo uens(F turn atus 2 hiide ran ti F) capensis'(:F) clivosus ) darlingi( ) hipposideros(EF) alcyone(F) denti(lF)(E eu ae merhelyiéER landerI( F) blasii(EF) adamI(F) Figure 4.20: The majority consensus cladograrn for the 1200 most parsimonious cladograms resulting from the weighted analysis, character I ordered. The geographic location of the species is indicated by letters in parentheses: ‘A’ = southeast Asia, ‘F’ = Africa, and ‘E’ = west Eurasia. The numbers indicate the percentage of cladograms in which this particular branching structure is present. Mr denti fem” group of thr (19051 by Sir recon; osgoa; traditio which i monOpl Mach”), sFifties o sPatties in R ”10001 91 One of the most obvious patterns present in this cladograrn is the species branching fi'om Afiica and western Eurasia near the root of the cladograrn While all species distributed in southeast Asia plus one Afiican species (R mackmdr) constitute a monophyletic group (synapomorphies in characters 8, 16, 24, 25), as a sister group of the Afiican species R wimryi. Among Afiican and western Eurasian rhinolophids, seven species, R alcyone, R denti,R. euryale, R mehelyi, R. landeri, R blassi, andR adamr'formagroupthatisseparated basally fi'om the remaining species. Except for R. adami which has been placed in the femlmequimmr group, all these species are members of the traditional pusillus group. This group of seven species is defined by synapomorphies in characters 1, 3 and 24. Another group of three species, R eloquens, R fianigatus and R hildebrandti, recognized by Andersen (1905b) as African members of the firmigatus group, also form a monophyletic group defined by synapomorphies in characters 2, 4, 19, 24 and 26. The remaining Afiican and western Eruasian species are resolved into a series of dichotomous relationships. Two major monophyletic groups are apparent within the southeast Asian clade in this reconstruction. The first includes R. acraninarus, R pusillus, R cornutus, R. imaizumii, R oagoodi, R subbadius, R Iepidw, and R monoceros, all southeast Asian members of the traditional pusillus group. The only synapomorphies for these species is state d in character 1, which has been the primary feature defining the traditional pusillus group. The second major monophyletic group of southeast Asian species includes R Iuctus, R trifoliams, R sedulus, R maclaudi, R macrotis, R marshalli, R rex, R paradoxolophus, and R philippinensis, all species of the traditional philippinensis group. In this clade, R macrotis differs from all other species in its higher and relatively more acute connecting process (character 1). Three species, R macrotis, R paradoxolophus, and R philippinensis are more primitive by absence of sella 92 lappets (character 2). The synapomorphies invariably present in all species of this clade are enlargednasal swellings (statecincharacters 19) and expended sella(statec in character 2). It isveryinterestingthatthiscladealsoincludesR maclaudi, theonlyAfiican speciesfoundin this monophyletic group of an otherwise exclusively southeast Asian species group. R maclaudi clearly presents character states in characters 1, 2, 19 which are synapomorphies for thisclade. Apparently,theseremarkable similaritiesbetweenR maclaudiandthesoutheast Asian species of the traditional philippinensis group placed this Afiican species with the southeast Asian species, even though R maclaudi does not possess derived states in character 5 and 9 which are synapomorphies for all southeast Asian rhinolophids. Eleven other species join the philippinends group to form a larger monophyletic unit. Phylogenetic relationships among these species were not resolved in the consensus cladograrn. Nine of these species, constituting the traditional arcuatus species group, are R arcuatus, R canuti, R creaghi, R coelophyllus, R erawtr’s, R mops, R 110515, R shameli, and R submfils. The other two species , R pearsom' and R yuncmensis, are Asian members ofthe traditional firmigatus group. The phylogenetic reconstruction implied by Figure 4.19 indicates that the hypothetical ancestor of this larger monophyletic group had synapomorphies in characters 2, 3, 20, and 22. The remaining southeast Asian species, which together constitute the southeast Asian members of the traditional ferrumequinum group, are situated at the base of the southeast Asian clade. Relationships among these 11 species are not resolved in the consensus cladograrn. Under this reconstruction, even the southeast Asian members of the femrmequirmm group are paraphyletic. \Vrthout additional shared derived characters, the shared shape of the connecting process alone (the state used traditionally to define this species 93 group) did not provide sufficient evidence to unite these species. Their shared shape in connecting process is not a true synapomorphy. The synapomorphies defining the clade of all southeast Asian species are characters 5, 8, 9, and 16. In general, then, the strict consensus of this data set yields a phylogenetic hypothesis that recognizes six major monophyletic groups: (a) southeast Asian species of the traditional pusillus group; (b) Afiican and western Eurasian species of the pusillus group; (c) species of the traditional philippinensis group; ((1) species of the traditional philippinensis and arcuatus groups; (e) all species from southeast Asia plus R maclaudi from Afiica; and (t) Afiican species of the traditional fiam’gatus group. The majority consensus cladograrn (Figure 4.20) indicates that two additional monophyletic groups are supported by a majority of, but not all, shortest cladograms in the analysis. The majority consensus recognizes the traditional arcuatus group as a monophyletic group, and groups several species of the traditional femrmequimmr group together as a monophyletic group. The presence of these two monophyletic groups in the majority consensus, but not in the strict consensus, suggests that the data provide weaker support for a phylogenetic hypothesis that recognizes these as monophyletic. The shortest cladograms have a consistency index (the ratio of the length of innovative transformation length to total length of transformation) of 0.228. This means that on average there are nearly 3 .5 convergence or reversals after each original character transformation. This low consistency index indicates that a considerable number characters used in this analysis are relatively unstable. Each of the characters 3, 7, 9, 15, 20 and 21, in particular have homoplasy ratio of six or greater. The phylogenetic relationships based on these characters should be carefirlly examined. 94 outgroup acuminatus(A) pusil.lus(A) aflInIs(A) arcuatus(A) canuti(A) cceealgpih Aline“) euryotisA inops(A)) luctus(A) maclaudI(F macrotis(A philippinensis(A) rex A) para oxolo hus(A) marshalli(A A1> triioliatus((A) sedulus( (A) yunanensrs(A) pearsoni(A) \ rutus(A) ‘ shameli( (AA subrulus( ) borneensis(A) celebensis(A) cornutus A) Iepidus(A imaizumii(A) osgoodi(A) monoceros(A) nereis A) virgo() simp plexgk) stheno() subbadius(A) thomasi(A) maiaranusM) rouxrA megaphyllus(A) simulator(EF) swinnyi(F) alcy IcyoneF) blasii(E) landeri(EF) denti(F) eurKaIe(EF me alyi(E ) capensisg) clIvosus elo quens( tum atus( ) hilde randti(F) terrlumequinuMEFA) dar "19:51) EF) hippos eros( adami(F) Figure 4.21: The strict consensus cladograrn for the 1300 most parsimonious cladograms resulting fi'om the weighted analysis, character 1 unordered. . The geographic location of the species is indicated by letters in parentheses: ‘A’ = southeast Asia, ‘F’ = Afiica, and ‘E’ = west Eurasia. 95 outgroup acuminatus(A) pusillus( (AA cornutus( ) imaizumii(A) osgoodi(A) subbadius(A) 1m 1: 1 2E 78 I d A —_1: :Ighggérgs(A) 13% ’ZE'E aiiinisiA 1 nereIs A virgo() simplex(A) stheno(A) celebensrsSA) arcuatus(A canuti(A) creaghi(A euryotis( ) 90 "“I’ps‘r’ ru us( ) 88 —£ subruius(A) shameli(Afl coellophy us(A) luctus(A) maclaudI(F) macrotis(A) phiIippinensis(A) rex(A para hoxolophusM) marshal IIA triioliaIus(A) sedulus(A) yunanensis(A) pearsoni(A) borneensis(A) tmhomasi(A) h "us A misfiaygniism ) 1CD 18 1m F13 rouxi(A) simulator(EF) LandiagSEF) [— enti 100 \Q:e mugrzaleiEF eri(E ) capensis?) clivosus() ierrumequinum(EFA) eloquens(F) ‘00 l___Ium atus( l-—-hi|de randti()F) darlingi(F) EF hipposideros( ) adami(F) Figure 4.22: The majority consensus cladograrn for the 1200 most parsimonious cladograms resulting from the weighted analysis, character 1 unordered. The geographic location of the species is indicated by letters in parentheses: ‘A’ = southeast Asia, ‘F’ = Africa, and ‘E’ = west Eurasia. The numbers indicate the percentage of cladograms in which this particular braching stucture is present. 96 Analysis of Weighted Characters, Character 1 Unordered This analysis differs from the preceding one by removing the transformation series for character 1 and treating this character as unordered. The strict and majority consensus cladograms fi'om this analysis are presented in Figures 4.21 and 4.22, respectively. The topologies of these consensus cladograms difi’er fi'om those of the previous analysis in important ways, indicating the important role of character 1 in delineating monophyletic groups within the genus. The monophyletic group containing the traditional philippinensis and wcuarus groups Previously analyzed remains in the consensus cladograrn for the present study. \Vrthin this group, two species (R pearsoni and R yunanensr's) are placed with the traditional philippinensis group species rather than the arcuatus group. More markedly, the traditional pusillus group, clearly monophyletic in the previous analysis, is less consistently present in the cladograms produced by the present analysis. This group is not present in the strict consensus cladograrn of Figure 4.22, although it is present in the majority consensus (Figure 4.22). This outcome is likely due to the decreased number of steps needed to change between certain states of character 1 fi'om multiple to single step. A change between state c (e.g. R philippinensis) and state d (e. g. R pusillus) of character 1 in an ordered analysis adds a length of 16 units to the cladograrn. An unordered analysis adds only four units to the cladogram, which makes a group primarily defined by character 1 less stable. As shown in the previous analysis, only two synapomorphies for the southeast Asian member of pusillus group were characters 1 and 7, in which character 7 is in the second lowest weighting group. The features 97 of the traditional pusillus group are otherwise relatively primitive. A small clade, including three species of fen-unrequimrm group (R nereis, R Virgo and R simplex), is present. Both consensus cladograms for this analysis indicated a more dichotomous pattern of relationship for Afiican and western Eurasian species than did the previous analysis. This was primarily due to the disintegration of the clade consisting of the Afiican and west Eurasian members of the traditional pusillus group. This clade, defined by synapomorphies in characters 1, 3, 9 and 25 and containing 7 species in Figure 4.19, was reduced to a much smaller clade of only 3 species in the present analysis. When the hypothesized transformation series for character 1 was applied (ordered), a transformation from state a (represented by ferrumequinum group) to state d (represented by pusillus group) required two steps; when no particular transformation series for character 1 was assumed or unordered, the same transformation is achieved in one step. The species of the traditional pusillus group have moved from the base of the cladograrn to more derived positions among the African and west Eurasian species in which a reversal of character 1 occurred. Three species of the traditional firmigatus group, R eloquens, R fumigatus and R hildebrwrdtr', form a monophyletic group as they did in the previous analysis. No monophyletic groups that were identified in this analysis were not found in the previous analysis. The characters responsible for this dichotomous branching pattern near the base of the cladograrn in the present analysis include characters 1, 4, 7, 11, 12, 16, 18, 21, and 25. Overall the unordered analysis resulted in less resolved consensus cladograms than the ordered analysis. The strict consensus identifies three major monophyletic groups: a clade for all members of the traditional philippinensis group, a clade for all members of the traditional wcuatus and philippinensis groups, and a clade for all southeast Asian species plus R 98 outgroup megaphyllus(A) nereis A) virgo( ) simplex(A pearsonI( ) pehilippinensism) luctus(A) maclaudILF; macrotIs A sedulus( ) triioliatus(A) paradoxo hus(A) marshaIIi A —— arcuatus A canuti(A) inops(A) ruius(A) subruius A) shameli( 3 coellophy Ius(A) creag hi( (AA euryotis( ) yunanensis(A) rou'xi(A) A maa anu ailinigm)“ ) borneensis(A) celebensis(A) stheno(A) thomasi(A) monoceros(A) lepidus(A) pusillus(A) acuminatus(A) imaizumii(A) subbadius(A) cornutusXA os oodiE (é): me 91Yi(EF eu ae alcVone(( ) capensis clivosus( hiIdebrandti(F) eloq unens(2 IumIgatus( ) hipposideros(EF) adami I( simulator(EF) swinnyi( F darlingi(F) ferrdumeguinum(EFA) land on denti((F blasii( F) Figure 4.23: The strict consensus cladograrn for the 1300 most parsimonious cladograms resulting from the unweighted analysis, character 1 unordered. . The geographic location of the species is indicated by letters in parentheses: ‘A’ = southeast Asia, ‘F’ = Afiica, and ‘E’ = west Eurasia. 99 59 muetgaph'; "us(A) pearsonI(A) 95 yunanensis(A) philip inenSIs(A) rex(A luctus(A sedulus A) triloliatus A) maclaudi ) marshalli A) paradoxo phus(A) 81 Is 1w 97 81 LE macrotis(A) arcuatus(A) area h AA) canu i() 84 .— inops(A) '—- euryotis(A) Ioo rufus(A) subrulusAA) shameli( ooellophyllus(A) rouxi A) malayanus(A) l——borneensis(A) 1‘33: 100 100 92 100 E thomasi(A) nereisAA) VIrgo( simplex)(A) alfinis(A stheno( celebenSIs(A) monoceros(A) Iepidus(A) pusillus(A) acuminatus(A) imaizumii(A) corn utus(A) subbadius(A) 100 Figure 4.24: The majority consensus cladograrn for the 1200 most parsimonious cladograms resulting from the unweighted analysis, character I ordered. The geographic location of the species is indicated by letters in parentheses: ‘A’ Africa, and ‘E’ = west Eurasia. The numbers indicate the percentage of cladograms in osgoodi(A mehelyi(E ) ewaled?) a on Ianderi(éF§ denti(F) capensis?) clivosus simulator( F) swinnyi(F) lerrumequinumLEFA) hipposideros(E adami( darlingi( ) hildebrandti(F) eloquens(F turmgatus( ) which this particular braching stucture is present. blasiI(EF) = southeast Asia, ‘F’ = 100 maclaudi. The majority consensus cladograrn identified two additional monophyletic groups, one for eight species ofthetraditional southeast Asianmemberofthepusr’llusgroup andthe other for six species of the traditional southeast Asian member of the fenumequiman group. The synapomorphies for both clades were the same as those in consensus cladograms from weighted and ordered analysis. The consistency index for the most parsimonious cladograms of this analysis was 0.23, slightlyhigherthanthatinthepreviousanalysis. Analysis of Unweighted Characters, Character 1 Ordered The strict and majority consensus cladograms from this analysis are presented in Figures 4.23 and 4.24, respectively. When characters were unweighted, the resulting strict consensus cladograrn indicated a clear division between southeast Asian species and Afiican and western Eurasian species of the genus; both form distinct, monophyletic groups. The monophyletic Afiican and western Eurasian clade in this analysis, a paraphyletic group in the previous two analyses (above), is defined by synapomorphies in characters 13, 17, 25, and 26, while the monophyletic group of southeast Asian species are related by synapomorphies in character 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. As happened in the weighted analyses, the Afiican species R maclaudi is found in the southeast Asian clade. In the southeast Asian clade, Figure 4.23 shows the outlines of the traditional fermmequimm, arcuatus, pusillus and philippinensis species groups though virtually no pattern of relationship is resolved within each group. The cladograrn indicates that the traditional philippinensis group is the most derived. The philippinensis group and arcuatus group together constitute a larger clade defined by the same set of synapomorphies, character 101 1, 2, and 3, as in the weighted analyses. These two groups are fiuther joined by 10 species of the traditional fen-unrequinum group, making a more inclusive clade, defined only by synapomorphy in character 1. Finally, members of the traditional pusillus group are found at the base ofthe southeast Asian clade. The present study recognized a monophyletic group of 10 species within the Afiican and western Eurasian clade, R. clhnsus, R simulator, R swimorr’, R fermmequiman, R hnpposiderm, R adami, R darlingi, R hildebrandti, R eloquens, and R fiam’gatus, which was not found in previous, weighted analyses. The synapomorphies for this clade were characters 4 and 11. This clade, joined by one more species, R capensis, forms a larger monophyletic group defined by synapomorphies in character 1 and 12, including all the African and west Eurasian species of the traditional fenwnequinum and fimrigatus group. The monophyletic group of R eloquens, R firmigatus and R hikiebrwxlti, found in the previous two analyses, is also present in Figure 4.23. However, the monophyletic group found in the first analysis (Figure 4.19), consisting of all Afiican and west Eurasian species of the traditional pusillus group, was not present. These species branch from the base of the clade, with otherwise unresolved relationships. The mq'ority consensus cladograrn displays the relationships within the traditional philippinensis and arcuatus groups; these two groups are resolved into sister groups. Two more monophyletic groups, one for 7 southeast Asian species of the fen-umequimrm group and another for 5 African and west Eurasian species of the pusillus group are present in the majority consensus cladograrn The most significant difference of this analysis from the weighted analysis is the presence of a clade for all the Afiican and west Eurasian rhinolophids. Most of the 102 outgroup acuminatus(A) affinis(A) arcuatus(A) canuti(A) coellophxllusm) creaghi(2 euryotIs( ) inops(A) rufus(A) subruqu A) shamelI( ) luctus(A) maclaudI( macrotis(A . phIlepInensrsM) para oxolophus(A) rex(A) marshalliulke trItolIatus( ) sedulus(A) yunanensrs(A) ’arsoni(A) rneenSIs(A) celebensisSA) cornutus(A Iepidus(A) monoceros(A) imaizumii(A malayanus A megaphyllus A) nereis(A) Virgsll(A)A usr us gouxi(A)( ) simplex(A) stheno( ) subbadius(A) thomasr(A) osgoodi(A) alcyone F) swmn I blasiiéF)’ capensis?) clivosus( ) ferrumeguinuMEFA) darlin I( ) ' . ' denti( ) eloquens(F lumIgatus( ) adamI(F hildebrandti(F) eurgale(EF me elyj E ) hlppOSl eros(EF) landeri(E simulator( F) Figure 4.25: The strict consensus cladograrn for the 1300 most parsimonious cladograms resulting from the unweighted analysis, character 1 unordered. The geographic location of the species is indicated by letters in parentheses: ‘A’ = southeast Asia, ‘F’ = Africa, and ‘E’ = west Eurasia. 103 68 _;’.5___: 77 100 100 ME 92 outgroup acuminatus(A) pusillus(A) ——aflinis(A) celebensis(A) nereis(A) virgo(A) simplex(A) stheno( subbadius(A) Iepidus(A) monoceros(A) arcuatus(A) creaghAA) canuti auryotlszA) inops(A) shameli(A2 coellophy lus(A) rufus(A) subrulus(A) luctus(A) maclaudI(F; macrotis A philip inensis(A) para oxolophus(A) marshalli(A) rex(A) triloliatus(A) sedulus(A) yunanenSIs(A) pearsoni(A) malayanus(A) megiaphyllusM) borneensis(A) thomasi(A cornutus( K imaizumii(A osgoodi(A) alcyone(F) swinnyi(F simulator EF) clivosus( ) Ierrume guinum(EFA) darlingi( (a? eloq uens Iumqlgatus( ) adami( F) hildebrandti( FE hipposideros( F) landen(EH denti(F). capensis F flrzalq IiéEF) l—[:blasii( Figure 4.26: The majority consensus cladograrn for the 1200 most parsimonious cladograms resulted from the weighted analysis, character I ordered. The geographic location of the species is indicated in the letters in the parenthesis: ‘A’ = southeast Asia, ‘F’ = Afiica, and ‘E’ at which this particular braching stucture is present. = west Eurasia. The numbers indicate the percentage of cladograms 104 synapomorphies for this clade, character 13, 17, 25, and 26, had low weight in the previous, weighted analyses. When characters were unweighted, the relatively large number of shared derived characters constitute strong evidence to support this monophyletic group. In contrast, two monophyletic groups in the first analysis (Figure 4.19), consisting of the traditional pusillus group species from two difi‘erent regions, both defined by a single synapomorphy in high weight character 1, disappeared in this analysis. The consistency index for the shortest cladograms in this analysis is 0.222, slightly lower than those in the two previous analyses. The total number of transformations implied by the phylogenetic hypotheses is higher in the weighted analysis (245) than in the present analysis (23 8). But by reducing the number of convergent and reversal transformations in high weighting characters, phylogenetic reconstruction of the weighted analyses had higher consistent indices. Analysis of Unweighted Characters, Character 1 Unordered Figures 4.25 and 4.26 present strict and majority consensus cladograms, respectively, for analyses of unweighted characters, with character 1 not ordered by a transformation series. As was the case in the previous unweighted analysis, Afiican and western Eurasian species form a clearly monophyletic clade. This clade was defined by synapomorphies in characters 7, 13, 25, and 26. The southeast Asian clade, on the other hand, is defined by synapomorphies in characters 4, 5, 6, 7, and 12. Character 1 did not play a role in the major division of the genus in either unweighted analyses. In the strict consensus cladograrn from this analysis, an additional monophyletic group, not found in the previous unweighted analysis, was apparent. This group contains all the 105 species of the traditional wcuatus group, defined by synapomorphies in characters 10 and 26. Together with another monophyletic group of the traditional philippinensis group, they form a larger monophyletic group recognized by the other three analyses. As with the previous unweighted analysis, there was very little pattern of relationships among Afiican and western Europeanspeciesinthestrictconsensuscladogramofthisanalysis. Thefourspecies, R eloquens, R fianigatus, R hildebrandti and R adami form a monophyletic group defined by synapomorphiesincharacters4and11. Thefirsttlueespeciesconstituteamonophyletic group in the previous three analyses. The majority consensus cladograrn fi'om this analysis was similar to that from the previous unweighted analysis in the relationships displayed for the southeast Asian species. Within southeast Asian species, an additional monophyletic group containing 11 species (definwbythesynapomorphiesincharacternwaspresent. Amongthe 11 species, sixspecies of the traditional femanequinum group form a smaller clade, which was also present in the majority consensus of all three previous analyses; the other five species were fi'om the traditional pusillus group. The relationships among the Afiican and west Eurasian clade resulting from this analysis did not agree well with those from the previous three analyses. R simulator, a species of the traditional fenwnequimnn group, was found closely related to two species of the pusillus group (R denti and R landeri). This clade has a single synapomorphy in character 26. The consistency index for the most parsimonious cladograms in this study was 0.220, being slightly lower than other three analyses. 106 The Status of the fiam‘gatus Group. Two of the traditional species groups recognized within Rhinolophus have not been discussed in the foregoing descriptions of the cladistic analyses. One, the hipposideros species group of Andersen (1905b), is monotypic, containing only the species R hipposideros. This species ‘group’ was trivially present in all of the analyses, because the cladograms do not reflect the degree of specialization any particular species may reach The other species group, Corbet and Hill's (1992) fianigatus group, fonneriy the macrotis group of Andersen (1918), deserves more discussion Andersen (1918) and Corbet and Hill (1992) diagnosed thefimrigatus group based on sella shape and connecting process (characters 1 and 2), the margins of the palate (characters 16 and 17), and ear size (character 23). Although these characters were included in the cladistic analysis, none of the cladograms indicated a monophyletic group of these 5 species (R eloquens, R firmigatus, R hildebramlti, R pearsoni and R yrmanensis). Bogdanowicz (1992) further divided the firmigatus group, separating R pearsom’ and R yunanensis (Asian species) as the pearsoni species group distinct from a restricted filmigarus group containing the three Afiican species only. This view was supported by my analysis, since these three Afiican species (R eloquens, R fianigarus, R hikiebrandtr) fiom a monophyletic group in all of the consensus cladograms. However, the justification for a distinct group containing R pearsoni andR Wm was not as evident. Although these two species are very close in all consensus cladograms, they did not appear to be sister species in all the consensus cladograms. Their relationships with other species are also sensitive to the change of assumptions. In the strict consensus cladograrn of the weighted analysis where character 1 is ordered, these two species are within the monophyletic group containing the traditional arcuatus and 107 philippinensis groups, sharing derived characters 2, 3, 20 and 22. In the strict consensus cladograrnsofthetwo analyseswherecharacter l isunordered, theyaresisterspeciesofthe monophyletic group containing traditional the philippinengs group only, sharing derived characters 5 and 21 with them. There were some suggestive evidencethatR pearsom' andR Wing's are distinct from the traditional warm and philippinensis groups. Based on the relationships that are common to all the strict consensus cladograms, these two species are members of the arcuatus + philippinensis (+ R pearsoni and R yumnsis) clade but not within the philippinensis clade. In the absence of evidence that would firrther clarify their relationships. I treated these two species as unresolved within the former clade. Comparisons Between the Analyses Thefoursetsofdadisficanalysesdifi‘erinchmacterweighfingandwhetherornot character 1 was represented by a particular transformation series. The substantial differences between these assumptions could have produced totally difi‘erent patterns of relationship in the resulting consensus cladograms. That many of the same monophyletic groups appeared in most, if not all, analyses was therefore surprising. It is necessary to examine the details of the monophyletic groups present in each analysis to reach an appropriate phylogenetic hypothesis for the genus Rhinolophus. Four monophyletic groups were consistently present in the strict consensus cladograms of all four analyses. The first included species of the traditional philippinensis group. The second was the first clade plus species of the traditional arcuatus group and two Asian species of the traditional firmigatus group. The third group contains all the species from southeast Asian plus the African R maclaudi. The final clade contains the three species, R eloquens, 108 R fiam’gatus, and R hildebrandti. Because these groups are present in all cladograms produced in this study, despite very different assumptions involved, I concluded that those four monophyletic groups are very strongly supported by the data set. One monophyletic group, containing all Afiican and west Eurasian species (except the Afiican species of R maclaudr), supported by a relatively large number of synapomorphies (characters 7, 13, 25, and 26), was present in the strict consensus cladograms fi'om the unweighted analyses but not in those from the weighted analyses. This difference poses a question about the basic phylogenetic division of genus: whether the group of southeast Asian species were derived from the group of Afiican and west Eurasian species, or these two are sister groups. I decided that the southeast Asian group was derived from the Afiican and west Eurasian species for two reasons. First, all of the synapomorphies that define the Afiican and west Eurasian clade are relatively low in information content (discussed in Character Analysis) and were placed in weighting groups one (characters 13, 25, 26) or weighting group two (characters 7). The groups defined by these characters, therefore, were less reliable. Second, a consensus cladograrn for the results fi'om both the weighted analyses and unweighted analyses (Figure 4.27) would place all the Afiican and west Eurasian species as well as the monophyletic group of southeast Asian species at the root. Although the relationships among Afiican and west Eurasian rhinolophids remain unresolved, the cladograrn clearly suggested that the species of southeast Asia were derived from the ancestors in the Afiica and west Eurasia Relationships patterns among the Afiican and western Eurasian species differ greatly among the analyses. The relationships among these species were not resolvable with the current data set. At the very least, to determine a reasonable hypothesis of relationship among these species would require deciding whether characters should be weighted, and whether the 109 African & west southeast Asian Eurasian species species l‘ s Afriean & WESI southeast Asian Eurasian species species African & west southeast Asian Eurasian species species (C) Figure 4.27. Cladograms illustrate the consensus between the results from the weighted and the unweighted analyses. (a) Results from the weighted analyses, Afi'ican and west Eurasian species branch from the base of the cladograms; (b) Results fi'om the unweighted analyses, Afiican and west Eurasian species constitute a monophyletic group; (c) In the consensus cladograrn for (a) and (b), Afiican and west Eurasian species as well as the monophyletic group of southeast Asian species branch fi'om the multichotomous root. 110 proposed transformation series for character 1 is really appropriate. With the current data set, the relationships among the African and western Eurasian species are very sensitive to how these questions are resolved. I concluded that the present data set does not support an unambiguous hypothesis for the relationships of these species. Two more significant monophyletic groups are unique to the weighted and character 1 ordered analysis. They are the species of the traditional pusillus group from southeast Asian and those fi'om Afiica and west Eurasia, respectively. Character 1 is virtually the only synapomorphy for both groups. Inconsistencies due to different assumptions about southeast Asian species are less sever, two monophyletic groups, one for all species of the traditional philippinensis group, another for all species of traditional philippinensis group plus arcuatus group, were present in all consensus cladograms. The monophyletic group for the southeast Asian members of the traditional pusillus group was present in the strict consensus cladograrn from the weighted and ordered analysis and in the majority consensus cladograrn from the weighted and unordered analysis but is not present in unweighted analyses. Because this inconsistency was about resolution rather than conflict, this monophyletic group should be accepted based on the present data. Another group containing six southeast Asian members of the traditional femanequimrm group (R. qfi'inis, R. nereis, R. Virgo, R. simplex, R. stheno, and R. celebensis) was present in the majority consensus cladograms of all analyses but not present in any of the strict consensus cladograrn. Because both synapomorphies of this group (characters 7 of weighting group two and character 10 of weighting group one) were of lower information content, I considered that this group was unreliable. The African species of R. maclaudi is in the traditional philippinensis group clade in all the consensus cladograms and it was placed in the philippinensis group by most previous 111 researchers (Andersen, 1918; Koopman, 1975). Nevertheless, it has primitive features in character 5 (with one lower lip groove) and character 9 (with more than five caudal vertebrae) which resembles other Afiican and west Eurasian species. A more serious question is how it occurs so distant fi‘om all other species of that group. There is no indication of such distributional pattern in other groups of the genus. Considering the marked rate of homoplasy in the morphology of the genus revealed by this study, a convergent evolution of species acquiring features characteristic of the philippinensis group can not be entirely ruled out. \Vrthout further morphological and distributional evidence about the this group, I find the status of R maclaudi can not be concluded at this time. Taxonomic Summary I present the summary cladograrn in Figure 4.28 to indicate the monophyletic groups strongly supported by my data set. This cladograrn includes all monophyletic groups present in all strict consensus cladograms from the four armlyses, plus the clade containing southeast Asian species of the traditional pusillus group present in strict consensus cladograrn in Figure 4.20 (weighted and character I ordered) and majority consensus cladograrn in Figure 4.23 (weighted and character 1 unordered). The species at the base of the southeast Asian clade, all belonging to the traditional femmrequinum group, are not resolved into a clade in any consensus cladograrn and, are represented as an unresolved group. This cladogram does not resolve the relationships of all of the species of Rhinolophus. Instead, it draws attention to those members of the genus whose phylogenetic relationships are supported well enough in this analysis to merit taxonomic recognition at this time. 112 philippinensis group (the traditional philippinensis group) (the traditional arcuatus and SE Asian species of fitmigatus group, unresolved) pusillus group (SE. Asian species of the traditional pusillus group) . (SE. Asian species of the ' - traditional ferrumequinum group, unresolved) . fumigatus group (Afiican species of the traditional firmigatus group) . (All Afiican and west Eurasian species, unresolved) Figure 4.28. The phylogenetic relationships within the genus Rhinolophus based on the present study. The monophyletic groups (bold faced) strongly supported by my data set are indicated by solid lines A dotted line represents a set of species branching fi'om that point; relationships among these species are rmresolved 113 Table 4.2. Summary of taxonomic conclusions based on the monophyletic groups in Figure 4.28. No paraphyletic groups is recognized in this taxonomy. Monophyletic groups of species are recognized at three different levels (supergroup, group, and subgroup). Those species that can not be placed into a monophyletic group are included as ‘status uncertain’ at the appropriate level. CENU S RHINOLOPHUS afiinis wbgenus R qfiim‘s philippinemrls mpergroup R nereis philippinensis group R simplex R luctus R stheno R mfoliams R selebensrls R sedulus R megaphyllus R macrotis R malayamrs R mshelli R rouxi R rex R bomeemrls R paradaxolophus R thomasi R philippinemrs group status uncertain subgenus status rmcertain R arcuatus (All Afiican & west Eurasian species) R canuti fumigatus group R creaghi R eloquens R coelophyllus R jimrigatus R euryotzs R hildebrandti R inops group status rmcertain R rufils R alcyone R submfirs R denti R pearsoni R euryale R manensis R mehelyi pusillus group R landeri R acuminatus R blassi R pusillus R adami R comums R clivasus R imaizwnii R femanequimtm R osgoadi R darlingi R subbadius R capensis R lepidus R sm'rmyi R monoceras R simulator group status rmcertain R luppasideras (southeast Asian species of the traditional subgenus status rmcertain fenwnequinum group) R maclaudi 1 14 Table 4.2 summarizes my taxonomic conclusions based on the monophyletic groups of Figure 4.28, and the diagnosis for these monophyletic groups is presented in Table 4.3. Monophyletic groups of species are recognized at the species group, supergroup, and subgenus levels. Only the four monophyletic groups which are strongly indicated in all the analyses, and the pusillus group which is indicated in two weighted analyses, are assigned group (subgenus, group, and subgroup) names. The decision to recognize the pusillus group does not affect the relationships among the other monophyletic groups. I chose not to recognize paraphyletic groups in this taxonomy. Those species that can not be placed into a monophyletic group are included as ‘status uncertain’ at appropriate levels. While this approach results in an unusual number of ‘status uncertain’ designations, it does draw attention to the parts of the taxonomy that require firrther clarification. Among the five designated monophyletic groups, the philippinensis group contains the same species as the traditional philippinensis group (Andersen, 1905b, l905f; Tate, 1943; Corbet and Hill, 1992), referred to as the Iuctus group Andersen, (1918); Ellerman et al, (1953); Koopman, (1975). Although the species name of R Iuctus Temminck, 1835 predates the species name of R philzppinensis Waterhouse, 1843, the latter name was the first to be used for this species group. By Article 23 (Principle of Priority) of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Ride et al, 1985, referred to as the Code in this section), philippinensis is the valid name of the group. The pusillus group contains the southeast Asian member of the traditional pusillus species group. Since this monophyletic group includes the nominaltypical species, R pusillus, of the traditional species group, by Article 37 (Nominotypical taxa) of the Code, this nominotypical group retains the group name. The monophyletic filmigatus group of Afiican species retains the traditional group name for the 115 s; 52: ~88. come—m stow .«o women—Ea .3an ”5.03... 322 .m Because .8 sex .m ”39 502 Ben: mo «2 R553 flowed—co 55 comes $2.5 333 .N 389:. «mean; 332 .m Hows—:0 meuooeeoo .uoeoveofi 332m mnwubnee EB mam A A use. 8.523 new e=om A 98..” sateen: season: 98..» fineneihmaem 53825 9.533% 33% 93..» «Seumfiax. 33% 95..» «38m anew anew 9.8m 602896 common @3585 .m Econ 53.588 33.0 .N ”3:335 wee—owe: com—35 v5 a=om .— 989895 macaw—2...». umueuzmmémam. . m2 8 Fame Ewan:— eofloamon 515 352 3033—2 333% 333 .v ”523 55 83on 5&5— Nm .m ”gm .85 530m 3385» 3380 .N 3:033 330on a: $32 ooh; A assume» Manage 53.00:: 33% 3:033. «40>». 03.2833 8 53.00:: menu 8 @885 Pa 320:: 82332 awesome—Ea .23 860mm .56 23mm 5 Banana 338m one—Becca 05 no n83 haemoNoSquo 8g econometfi 2: 8m €808.20 osmoewaa 5+ 033. 116 same reason. Both the philippinensis supergroup and qfiinis arbgenus of southeast Asian species are new taxa. The philippinensis supergroup contains a single designated group; by Article 36 (Principle of Coordination) in the Code, it is appropriate to name the group after its only designated subgroup. I choose R qfi‘im‘s Horsfield, 1823, the eariiest designated nominal species of the group, as the name of the subgenus. Table 4.3 presents diagnostic characters for the infi'ageneric taxa I recognize. This taxonomy of Rhimloplms, though leaving much for firture studies, clearly indicates the basic phylogenetic relationships and patterns of character evolution within the genus. This taxonomy difi‘ers fi'om the traditional taxonomy of the genus in three significant aspects. First, this taxonomy identifies a monophyletic group (as a subgenus) consisting of all the southeast Asian species, while leaving the taxonomic status of the remaining species as largely unsolved. Because I used a much larger collection of characters than has been used in the previous phylogenetic analysis, I was able to detect considerable homoplasy in a broad range of characters including some widely used in the past (e. g, the shape of connecting process and the shape of the sella). I found that those species groups defined by these characters are polyphyletic (e. g., the traditional pusillus group and firmigatus group). Second, this taxonomy does not recognize the traditional femmrequinum group as a valid species group. The present phylogenetic study indicates that this traditional species group is paraphyletic, representing a collection of species that arise at different points in the phylogeny. The relationship among species of the traditional fenumequimrm remains unresolved. Third, only monophyletic groups are recognized as taxa in this taxonomy, leaving unresolved groups as status uncertain. 1 17 My phylogenetic hypothesis of the relationships among the southeast Asian species is similar to that of Andersen (19053, 1905d, 1905c). However, the present hypothesis differs from that of Tate, since I consider the traditional wcuatus group closely related to the traditional philippinensis group whereas Tate viewed the former group to be closer to his pusilhas and fen'umequiman groups. Therecognitionofthe subgenusforall southeastAsianspeciesalsodistinguishesthis taxonomy from the one proposed by Bogdanowicz (1992). Although the separation of species from the two mq'or geographic regions is to a degree indicated in his phenetic analysis, Bogdanowicz did not recognize the southeast Asian rhinolophids as a monophyletic group and did not present them as a distinct taxon in his taxonomy. Furthermore, by recognizing the monophyletic groups at difi‘erent taxonomic levels, this taxonomy presents a clear view of firndarnental intrageneric relationships. In Bogdanowicz’s taxonomy the relationships between his 11 species groups unresolved. In the underlying phylogenetic hypotheses, the present study hypothesizes that the philippinensis group is a most derived monophyletic group, whereas in their phenograms (Bogdanowicz and Owen, 1992; Bogdanowicz,1992) this group of species is divided into two distantly related groups and one of them is the earliest branch of the genus. Finally, this taxonomy provides a diagnosis for each designated taxon and the hypothesis of character evolution of the genus, both of which are not available for his taxonomy. DISCUSSIONS The consistency indices (CI) are rather low (from 0.22 to 0.23) for all the shortest cladograms computed. This means that the ratio of convergent and reversive transformation to the innovative transformations is more than four to one for the characters used in the present study of Rhinolophus. The differences in the CIs between the four analyses are very 118 Table 4.4 : A comparison in the patterns of transformation between the weighted and unweighted analyses, character 1 unordered, for each character. In each analysis, one shortest cladogram, which has a topology identical to the majority consensus of that analysis, is summarized. Shading indicate the characters with lower occurrence of homoplasy ratio. weight— number of number ters ing of transformation homoplasy in transformation in homoplasy in group transformation in first analysis first analysis third analysis third analysis 119 small, but the ratio of convergent and reversive to the innovative transformations varies greatly among characters. Table 4.4 shows the minimal number of necessary transformation (without homoplasy), the actual number of transformations based on the phylogenetic hypotheses, and the ratio of homoplasy to minimal transformation present in each of the four analyses. Characters 1 and 2 have relatively low rate of homoplasy in both weighted and unweighted analyses (between 1 and 2.5). This agrees with the assumption that these characters are more informative due to their conservativeness. Four of the characters converted from continuous measurements (characters 22, 23, 24, and 25) also display little homoplasy. They were assigned low weight because the boundaries between the states of these characters are relatively arbitrary. Characters 3, 7, 9, and 20 have very high rate of homoplasy; they contributed less reliable evidence about the phylogeny of the genus. The fact that some highly weighted characters are less consistent with the shortest trees does not constitute a compelling reason for a character weight change, since a review of character analysis after cladistic analysis does not convince me to change the weighting criteria. However, the low consistency index does reiterate an early recognition that there are many convergent and reversive changes in the rhinolophid morphology. Despite a high rate of homoplasy, certain patterns of character evolution can be seen from the phylogenetic hypothesis in Figure 4.27. The hypothesized ancestors of Rhinolophus most likely had a small sella and anterior noseleaf, a connecting process of state a, one lower lip groove, 5 to 6 caudal vertebrae, P2 width greater than length, and posterior palatal margin not rostral to M3. The sella and anterior noseleaf become broader and the intemairal region expanded in more derived groups (e. g. in the philippinensis group of the present taxonomy); both the ear and antitragus are expanded and the nasal swellings are 120 enlarged in the most derived group (the philippinensis subgroup). The connecting process (character 1) was derived independently in the Africa and west Eurasian species and in southeast Asian species, though only the latter developed all five states of this character. State e of character 1 did not evolve in Afi'ican species, and it is unclear whether the state c has evolved in Afiican species, since the phylogenetic position of R maclaudi is still questionable. Another trend in character evolution is the reduction of the first! second phalangeal ratio in the third and fourth fingers, which reached the most derived state, state d, in some of the African and west Eurasian species (e. g. R mehelyi, and the fumigatus group). The evolutionary significance of most of these morphological changes within Rhinolophus is still not clear. Based on their karyotypic studies, Harada et al (1985) classified the genus into three groups based on the number of chromosomes. The first group included R creaghi, R aaanr'natus, R connrtus, R imaizwnii, R malayanus, R coelophyllus, R pusillus, R afinis, R stheno and R marshalli, all with 2n = 62 including 30 acrocentric autosome pairs. The second group comprised R euryale, R blassi, R mehelyi, R darlingi, R denti, R ferrumequinum and R hildebrandti, with 2n = 58 including 25 acrocentric pairs and two metacentric pairs. The third group included R hipposideros, R luctus and R mmnsis, all with some large metacentric autosome pairs and 2n = 32. The last group is most similar to the karyotype of Hipposideros. Furthermore, considerable variation in chromosome number was found within the three subspecies of R Iuctus. The first two karyotypic groups correspond to the two major geographic groups discussed in this study. My results suggest that the 2N = 62 karyotype may represent a derived karyotype, since it occurs in the qfiinis subgenus. If so, I would expect this karyotype to be 121 found in other members of the group (or serve as the ancestral karyotype for others that might be found there). The 2N = 58 karyotype may represent a more primitive karyotype since it is present in species that are scattered across the phylogeny. My results do not support the notion that the 2N = 32 karyotype is primitive to the genus. The three Rhinolophus with this karyotype are not cleariy related in my phylogenetic hypothesis, nor are they located near the baseofthecladogram.1predictthatthekaryotypesofthese specieswillbefound tobe convergerrtly similar to each other and to Hipposideros. While the karyotypic data available is incomplete, it offers tantalizing suggestions about the complexity of generic chromosomal evolution in the genus. Considering the rate of homoplasy in the morphological characters used in this study, a more conclusive view of the phylogeny and systematics of Rhinolophus may require more molecular and cytogenetic technology data. THE HISTORICAL BIOGEOGRAPHY OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN RHINOLOPHUS INTRODUCTION I concluded in a previous section that the species of Rhinolophus occurring in southeast Asia constitute a monophyletic group. To use Sclater’s classic biogeographic terms, this distribution covers most of the Oriental realm, northern part of the Australian realm and a small southeastern portion of the Paleoarctic realm regions (Holloway and Jardine, 1968). This general area inhabited by Rhinolophus in southeast Asia has fi'equently been referred to as the Indo-Australian region (Tate, 1939) and the Indo-Malay region (Koopman, 1989; Corbet and Hill, 1992). Figure 5.1 shows the southeast Asian region. Southeast Asia has been of great biogeographic interests since Alfi'ed Wallace’s (1860) publication which demonstrated the strikingly discontinuous faunas present on adjacent islands in the Malay Archipelago. Wallace recognized these discontinuities by what is now referred to as Wallace's line. A somewhat different line was proposed by Huxley (1868). Biogeographic studies of diverse animal and plant groups have been carried out in this region, resulting in various different proposals for where a line should be drawn to delimit the Oriental biota from the Australian biota (George, 1981). Some of these lines are illustrated in Figure 5.2. There have been two basic approaches to recognizing the biotic regions in southeast Asia. One approach has been to draw a single line separating the two regions. Among them Weber’s line, originally proposed by Pelseneer (1904) and often called the 'line of faunal 122 123 as: aasfismsee sea. seesaw .2 came , — q _ J 00-. no: I .09 0g r o. 853‘ £35. 328 .8: 8o 0 3.. em. 1 . lo % u :3 E 4 Tea .00 .9; 10° 3 z r om. - .2 K r a T00 % .I. 6 .61 9m s. 0 r 0423‘! a Q s o \ .. Q o. 1.0. . i v . . a. Q 00.1 r ”A a e P& \ o A .3. ..... m. ~ 0 L / .Nr A mmdwxuamidxuw .o r o .h a. 3’1! r n. H c m . r .. . n P .....S/oz<4_