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M2 3 20 9 1“ WW“ TEMPERATURE EFFECTS ON TIMING AND BUD DEVELOPMENT OF COREOPSIS VERTICILLATA ‘MOONBEAM’ AND FLOWER INDUCTION OF LONG-DAY PERENNIALS UNDER DIFFERENT NIGHT TEMPERATURES By Alison J. Frane A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Horticulture 1999 ABSTRACT TEMPERATURE EFFECTS ON TIMING AND BUD DEVELOPMENT OF COREOPSIS VERTICILLATA ‘MOONBEAM’ AND FLOWER INDUCTION OF LONG-DAY PERENNIALS UNDER DIFFERENT NIGHT TEMPERATURES By Alison J. Frane Effects of forcing temperature on flowering Of Coreopsis verticillata ‘Moonbeam’ were recorded. Plants were initially cooled for twelve weeks and then grown under 16-hr long days (4-h night interruption in the first year) in greenhouses set at 17, 20, 23, 26, and 29°C. Flower size, flower number and time to flower decreased as temperature increased. The relationship between flower bud diameter, temperature and time to flower was modeled as a sigmoid logistic function. Models for time to visible bud (VB), flower (FLW) and from VB to FLW were developed using a linear function of rate of development. The effectiveness of a four-hour night interruption (NI) to induce flowering in several species of long-day herbaceous perennials was tested at Six different night temperatures. Eight herbaceous perennials were grown under natural Short days augmented with a four-hour NI. Night temperatures were set at 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 °C with a day temperature of 25 °C for all treatments. While some Species Showed an increase in the number of nodes developed prior to flower induction and a lower flowering percentage at night temperature treatments above 20° C, night temperatures as low as 3.9° C (4.9°C in the second year) did not inhibit flowering of any species. To my brother, Alex who always makes me laugh ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I want to thank my advisor, Dr. Will Carlson, for believing in me, encouraging me when my Spirits lagged and for giving me the benefit Of his prodigious insight into human nature. I’d like to thank the other members of my committee as well: Dr. Royal Heins for his helpful and informative guidance in analyzing data and working on experiments; Dr. Art Cameron for his knowledge and undying enthusiasm regarding perennials; and last but not least, Dr. Ken Poff for asking the difficult questions and saying what no one else will say. I would also like to thank the other graduate students et al.: Emily Clough, Beth Fausey, Leslie Finical, Antonis Kanavouras, Paul Koreman, Bin Liu, Mary- Slade Morrison, Genhua Niu, Erik Runkle, Cara Wallace and Cathy Whitman for their company, advice and support as well as Shiying Wang and Hiroshi Shimizu for their help analyzing data. Tom Wallace, Dan Tschirhart, and all the undergraduate workers at the greenhouse were also invaluable in carrying out the experiments. It would not have been possible without them. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ............................................... vii LIST OF FIGURES ............................................. viii LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................... 1 Photoperiod ............................................... 2 Perception of Photoperiod ............................... 4 Vemalization and Cold Treatment .............................. 6 Effects of Temperature on Rate ................................ 7 Thermocycles to Induce Flowering ............................ 11 Temperature Effects on Photoperiod Response in Long Day Plants . . . 13 Temperature Effects on Photoperiod Response in Short Day Plants . . 17 Conclusion ............................................... 19 Literature Cited ........................................... 21 MODELING TEMPERATURE EFFECTS ON TIME TO FLOWER AND BUD DEVELOPMENT OF COREOPSIS VERTICILLA TA ‘MOONBEAM’ ........ 24 Abstract ................................................. 25 Introduction .............................................. 26 Materials and Methods ...................................... 28 Model Theory and Analysis .................................. 30 Rate Of progress model ................................ 3O Bud development model ............................... 31 Results .................................................. 32 Rate of progress model ................................ 33 Bud development model calibration ...................... 33 Bud development model validation ....................... 34 Other plant qualities .................................. 34 Discussion ............................................... 35 Literature Cited ........................................... 38 Tables and Figures ........................................ 41 THE RESPONSE OF LONG-DAY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS TO A NIGHT-INTERRUPTION AT LOW NIGHT TEMPERATURES ........... 50 Abstract ................................................. 51 Introduction .............................................. 52 Materials and Methods ...................................... 53 Results and Discussion ..................................... 54 Literature Cited ........................................... 57 Tables and Figures ........................................ 58 APPENDIX A: NEW SPECIES SCREEN ............................. 62 Introduction .............................................. 63 Protocol ................................................. 64 Production lnforrnation ...................................... 65 Selected data for each species (in alphabetical order) ............. 68 APPENDIX B: EFFECTS OF FORCING TEMPERATURE .............. 106 Introduction ............................................. 107 Protocol ................................................ 108 Production lnfonnation ..................................... 1 09 Selected data for each species (in alphabetical order) ............ 110 vi LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Therrnoperiodic flowering of Xanthium under normally non-inductive photoperiods. Adapted from deZeew, 1957. .......................... 12 Table 2. Flowering of Gypsophila under SD or Nl lighting and different temperature regimes. Adapted from Shillo and Halevy, 1982. ............ 14 Table 3. Number of days from the start of short day treatment to visible bud (top number) and flowering (bottom number) in poinsettia “Barbara Ecke Supreme.’ Adapted from Langhans and Miller (1963) [n/a = event occurred, but the number of days was not recorded; dash = event did not occur in 100 days] ......................... 17 Table 4. List of abbreviations and parameters. ........................ 41 Table 5. Nonlinear regression results from fitting Eq. [4] to the full calibration data set using actual temperature data for each measurement. The number of observations in the data set was 421, and the R2 was .945. .............. 42 Table 6. Significance of effect of temperature on height at flower, number of nodes added in forcing, flower diameter, number of visible buds at first flower, number of stalks, and number of visible buds per stalk at first flower for Coreopsis verticillata ‘Moon beam’. .................................. 42 Table 7. Relationship between bud diameter, temperature, and time to flower for Coreopsis verticillata ‘Moonbeam’ according to Eq. 6. ................... 43 Table 7. Species used each year, number of plants per replicate, pot size at arrivala, dates of arrival, start of treatment and end Of treatment. Plants were held under 9-h SD in between arrival and start Of treatments. ............. 58 Table 8. Average daily temperatures and temperature during 4-h night interruption (NI) for each treatment in the first and second year. ........... 59 Table 9. New species screens 1997-1999. Production information, including rating as a potted plant, cold and photoperiod recommendations, based on the treatments given in this screen, and approximate weeks to flower at 20°C. . . . 65 Table 10. Effects of Forcing Temperature. Production information, including year included in experiment, weeks of cold given, approximate weeks to flower at 17-29°C, and comments on plant quality and other Observations. Recom- mended temperature range represented by bold numbers in the weeks to flower columns. ..................................................... 109 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Parameters as fit tO each temperature treatment individually, and the lines fit to them using Eq. [7] fit to the whole data set. Parameter b is indicated by closed circles and exponential function shown as a solid line, while parameter c is indicated by Open circles and straight dashed line. .................. 44 Figure 2. Influence of forcing temperature on time and rate toward flowering for Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam'. Solid lines represent predicted values from the regression equations calculated from the first year data (filled circles). Second year data is represented by Open circles, and all error bars represent standard deviation. Base temperature (Tb) and cumulative thermal time (CTT) necessary to complete the indicated developmental stage were calculated from the regression. ................................................. 45 Figure 3. Observed bud diameters at various times before flower for each temp- erature treatment from the calibration data set for C. verticillata 'Moonbeam'. Line indicates bud diameter as modeled according to Eq. [7]. R2 = .945.. . . . 46 Figure 4. Predicted days to flower for C. verticillata 'Moonbeam' from a given bud diameter based on Eq. [6] vs. observed days to flower from a given bud diameter from the validation data set. Line represents 1:1 relationship. ..... 47 Figure 5. Slope and intercept of regression lines fit to predicted vs. observed second year data. Actual average temperatures from average date of visible bud to average date of flower were used. Slope is indicated by open circles and corresponds to the axis on the left, while intercept is indicated by closed circles and corresponds to the axis on the right. The gray line indicates where slope and intercept would be for a 1:1 line. ................................ 48 Figure 6. Influence of forcing temperature on plant height, number of nodes formed during forcing, diameter of open flowers, number of flowers, number of stalks per plant, and number Of flowers per stalk for Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam'. Filled circles represent first year data, open circles represent second year data. Error bars Show standard deviation. ................. 49 Figure 7. Graphs a-d Show average number of nodes added from the start of treatments to the first flower bud. Error bars show 95% confidence interval. Graphs e-h show flowering percentage. Closed circles represent data taken the first year, while open triangles represent data taken the second year. Linear trend (L) or quadratic trend (Q) nonsignificant (”3), or significant at P=0.05 (*), 0.01 (**), or 0.001 (***). ..................... 60 viii Figure 8. Graphs a-d Show average number of nodes added from the start of treatments to the first flower bud. Error bars Show 95% confidence interval. Graphs e-h show flowering percentage. Closed circles represent data taken the first year, while open triangles represent data taken the second year. Linear trend (L) or quadratic trend (0) nonsignificant (”5), or significant at P=0.05 (*), 0.01 (**), or 0.001 (***). ..................... 61 Figure 9. Effects Of photoperiod and cold treatment on Achillea 'Anthea' as indicated. Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals. ................. 68 Figure 10. Effects Of photoperiod and cold treatment on Achillea ptarmica ‘The Pearl’ as indicated. Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals. ..... 69 Figure 11. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Agastache 'Pink Panther' as indicated. Error bars Show 95% confidence intervals. ......... 70 Figure 12. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Ajuga reptans 'Bronze Beauty' as indicated. Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals. ........ 71 Figure 13. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Anemone hupehensis as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. ................ 72 Figure 14. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Anemone sylvestn's as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. ................... 73 Figure 15. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Anemone vitifolia 'Robustissima' as indicated. Error bars Show 95% confidence intervals. . . . . 74 Figure 16. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Aster alpinus 'Goliath' as indicated. Error bars Show 95% confidence intervals. ................ 75 Figure 17. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Aster dumosus as indicated. Error bars Show 95% confidence intervals. ................... 76 Figure 18. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Aubn'eta 'Whitewell Gem' as indicated. Error bars Show 95% confidence intervals. ............ 77 Figure 19. Effects Of photoperiod and cold treatment on Campanula portenschlagiana as indicated. Error bars Show 95% confidence intervals. . . 78 Figure 20. Effects Of photoperiod and cold treatment on Clematis montana 'John Paul ll' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. .......... 79 Figure 21. Effects Of photoperiod and cold treatment on Clethra alnifolia 'Rosea' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. ................ 80 Figure 22. Effects Of photoperiod and cold treatment on Coreopsis auriculata 'Nana' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. ........... 81 Figure 23. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Coreopsis rosea as indicated. Error bars Show 95% confidence intervals. ................... 82 Figure 24. Effects Of photoperiod and cold treatment on Dianthus deltoides 'Shrimp' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals ........... 83 Figure 25. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Dicentra eximia 'Luxuriant' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. ........ 84 Figure 26. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus‘ as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. ......... 85 Figure 27. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Geranium 'Johnson’s Blue' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. ............ 86 Figure 28. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Geum 'Mrs. Bradshaw' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. ................ 87 Figure 29. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Gypsophila paniculata 'Happy Festival' as indicated. Error bars Show 95% confidence intervals. . . . 88 Figure 30. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Helenium 'ano' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. ................... 89 Figure 31. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Helenium 'Red and Gold Hybrid' as indicated. Error bars Show 95% confidence intervals. ...... 90 Figure 32. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Hemerocallis 'Rocket City' as indicated. Error bars Show 95% confidence intervals. ............ 91 Figure 33. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Iris 'Sambo' as indicated. Error bars Show 95% confidence intervals. ................... 92 Figure 34. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Lewisia cotyledon as indicated. Error bars Show 95% confidence intervals. ................... 93 Figure 35. Effects Of photoperiod and cold treatment on Lychnis coronaria 'Angel Blush' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. ...... 94 Figure 36. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Oenothera fruticosa 'Youngii-Lapsley' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. . . 95 Figure 37. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Polygonum affine 'Dimity' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. .......... 96 Figure 38. Effects Of photoperiod and cold treatment on Potentilla atrosanguinea 'Miss Willmott' as indicated. Error bars Show 95% confidence intervals. ..... 97 Figure 39. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Sidalcea 'Party Girls' as indicated. Error bars Show 95% confidence intervals. ................... 98 Figure 40. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Stokesia Iaevis 'Klaus Jellito' as indicated. Error bars Show 95% confidence intervals. ........... 99 Figure 41. Effects Of photoperiod and cold treatment on Tanacetum 'Robinson's Dark Crimson' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. . . . . 100 Figure 42. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Thalictrum aquilegifolium as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. . . . . 101 Figure 43. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Tiarella whenyi as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. .................. 102 Figure 44. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Tn'cyrtis hirta 'Miyazaki' as indicated. Error bars Show 95% confidence intervals. ............... 103 Figure 45. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Veronica Iongifolia 'lcicle' as indicated. Error bars Show 95% confidence intervals. .......... 104 Figure 46. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Veronica Iongifolia 'Red Fox' as indicated. Error bars Show 95% confidence intervals ............. 105 Figure 47. Influence Of forcing temperature on time and rate toward flowering for Astilbe chinensis pumila in year 1. Lines represent predicted values from the regression equations. All error bars represent standard deviation. Base temp- erature (Tb) and cumulative thermal time (CTT) necessary to complete the indicated developmental stage were calculated from the regression. ...... 110 Figure 48. Influence of forcing temperature on time and rate toward flowering for Astilbe chinensis pumila in year 2. Lines represent predicted values from the regression equations. All error bars represent standard deviation. Base temp- erature (Tb) and cumulative thermal time (C'l'l') necessary to complete the indicated developmental stage were calculated from the regression. ...... 111 Figure 49. Influence of forcing temperature on number of flower buds, number of nodes formed during forcing, and plant height measured at first flower for Astilbe chinensis pumila in year 1. Error bars show standard deviation. .......... 112 xi Figure 50. Influence of forcing temperature on number of flower buds, number of nodes formed during forcing, and plant height measured at first flower for Astilbe chinensis pumila in year 2. Error bars show standard deviation. .......... 113 Figure 51. Influence of forcing temperature on time and rate toward flowering for Campanula 'Birch Hybrid' in year 1. Lines represent predicted values from the regression equations. AII error bars represent standard deviation. Base temp- erature (Tb) and cumulative thermal time (CTT) necessary to complete the indicated developmental stage were calculated from the regression. ...... 114 Figure 52. Influence of forcing temperature on time and rate toward flowering for Campanula 'Birch Hybrid' in year 2. Lines represent predicted values from the regression equations. All error bars represent standard deviation. Base temp- erature (Tb) and cumulative thermal time (CTT) necessary to complete the indicated developmental stage were calculated from the regression. ...... 115 Figure 53. Influence of forcing temperature on number of flower buds, number of nodes formed during forcing, and plant height measured at first flower for Campanula 'Birch Hybrid' in year 1. Error bars show standard deviation. . . 116 Figure 54. Influence of forcing temperature on number Of flower buds, flower diameter, and plant height measured at first flower for Campanula 'Birch Hybrid' in year 2. Error bars Show standard deviation. ....................... 117 Figure 55. Relationship between bud diameter and number of days before flower for Campanula 'Birch Hybrid' in year 1. Actual temperatures for the indicated treatments are from average date of visible bud to average date of flower. ....................................................... 118 Figure 56. Relationship between bud diameter and number of days before flower for Campanula 'Birch Hybrid' in year 2. Actual temperatures for the indicated treatments are from average date Of visible bud to average date of flower. ....................................................... 1 19 Figure 57. Influence of forcing temperature on time and rate toward flowering for Delphinium grandiflorum 'Blue Mirror' in year 1. Lines represent predicted values from the regression equations. All error bars represent standard deviation. Base temperature (Tb) and cumulative thermal time (CTT) necessary to complete the indicated developmental stage were calculated from the regression ........ 120 Figure 58. Influence of forcing temperature on number of flower buds, flower diameter, and plant height measured at first flower for Delphinium grandiflora 'Blue Mirror’ in year 1. Error bars Show standard deviation. ............. 121 xii Figure 59. Relationship between bud diameter and number of days before flower for Delphinium grandiflora 'Blue Mirror' in year 1. Actual temperatures for the indicated treatments are from average date Of visible bud to average date of flower. ....................................................... 122 Figure 60. Influence of forcing temperature on time and rate toward flowering for Geranium dalmaticum in year 1. Lines represent predicted values from the regression equations. All error bars represent standard deviation. Base temp- erature (T b) and cumulative thermal time (CTT) necessary to complete the indicated developmental stage were calculated from the regression. ...... 123 Figure 61. Influence of forcing temperature on time and rate toward flowering for Geranium dalmaticum in year 2. Lines represent predicted values from the regression equations. All error bars represent standard deviation. Base temp- erature (Tb) and cumulative thermal time (C'I‘l') necessary to complete the indicated developmental stage were calculated from the regression. ...... 124 Figure 62. Influence Of forcing temperature on number Of flower buds, number Of nodes formed during forcing, and plant height measured at first flower for Geranium dalmaticum in year 1. Error bars show standard deviation. ..... 125 Figure 63. Influence of forcing temperature on plant height, number of nodes formed during forcing, diameter of Open flowers, number of flowers, number Of stalks per plant, and number of flowers per stalk for Geranium dalmaticum in year 2. Error bars Show standard deviation ........................... 126 Figure 64. Relationship between bud diameter and number of days before flower for Geranium dalmaticum. First year data represented by circles, second year data represented by triangles. Actual temperatures for the indicated treatments from average date of visible bud to average date of flower were 29.4, 25.8, 23.1, 19.9, and 176°C for the first year and 28.7, 25.9, 22.2, 19.5, and 17.4°C for the second year. ...................................... 127 Figure 65. Influence of forcing temperature on time and rate toward flowering for Hemerocallis ’Stella de Oro' in year 2. Lines represent predicted values from the regression equations. All error bars represent standard deviation. Base temp- erature (Tb) and cumulative thermal time (CTT) necessary to complete the indicated developmental stage were calculated from the regression. ...... 128 Figure 66. Influence of forcing temperature on plant height, number Of nodes formed during forcing, diameter of open flowers, number of flowers, number Of stalks per plant, and number of flowers per stalk for Hemerocallis 'Stella de Oro' in year 2. Error bars show standard deviation. ....................... 129 xiii Figure 67. Relationship between bud diameter and number of days before flower for Hemerocallis 'Stella de Oro' in year 2. Actual temperatures for the indicated treatments are from average date of visible bud to average date of flower. ....................................................... 130 Figure 68. Influence of forcing temperature on time and rate toward flowering for Hibiscus 'Disco Belle Mix' in year 1. Lines represent predicted values from the regression equations. All error bars represent standard deviation. Base temp- erature (Tb) and cumulative thermal time (CTT) necessary to complete the indicated developmental stage were calculated from the regression. ...... 131 Figure 69. Influence of forcing temperature on number of flower buds, flower diameter, and plant height measured at first flower for Hibiscus 'Disco Belle Mix' in year 1. Error bars show standard deviation. ....................... 132 Figure 70. Relationship between bud diameter and number Of days before flower for Hibiscus 'Disco Belle Mix' in year 1. Actual temperatures for the indicated treatments are from average date of visible bud to average date of flower. ....................................................... 133 Figure 71. Influence of forcing temperature on time and rate toward flowering for Phlox paniculata 'Eva Cullum' in year 1. Lines represent predicted values from the regression equations. All error bars represent standard deviation. Base temperature (Tb) and cumulative thermal time (CTT) necessary to complete the indicated developmental stage were calculated from the regression. ...... 134 Figure 72. Influence Of forcing temperature on time and rate toward flowering for Phlox paniculata 'Eva Cullum' in year 2. Lines represent predicted values from the regression equations. All error bars represent standard deviation. Base temperature (T b) and cumulative thermal time (CTT) necessary to complete the indicated developmental stage were calculated from the regression. ...... 135 Figure 73. Influence of forcing temperature on number of flower buds, flower diameter, and plant height measured at first flower for Phlox paniculata 'Eva Cullum' in year 1. Error bars Show standard deviation. ................. 136 Figure 74. Influence Of forcing temperature on number of flower buds, flower diameter, and plant height measured at first flower for Phlox paniculata 'Eva Cullum' in year 2. Error bars Show standard deviation. ................. 137 Figure 75. Influence Of forcing temperature on time and rate toward flowering for Phlox subulata 'Emerald Blue' in year 2. Lines represent predicted values from the regression equations. All error bars represent standard deviation. Base temperature (Tb) and cumulative thermal time (CTT) necessary to complete the indicated developmental stage were calculated from the regression. ...... 138 xiv Figure 76. Influence Of forcing temperature on number of flower buds, flower diameter, and plant height measured at first flower for Phlox subulata 'Emerald Blue' in year 2. Error bars Show standard deviation. ................... 139 Figure 77. Influence of forcing temperature on time and rate toward flowering for Sedum 'Autumn Joy' in year 1. Lines represent predicted values from the regression equations. All error bars represent standard deviation. Base temp- erature (Tb) and cumulative thermal time (CTT) necessary to complete the indicated developmental stage were calculated from the regression. ...... 140 Figure 78. Influence of forcing temperature on time and rate toward flowering for Sedum 'Autumn Joy' in year 2. All error bars represent standard deviation (too small tO see). Base temperature (Tb) and cumulative thermal time (CTT) were not calculated in this instance. .................................... 141 Figure 79. Influence of forcing temperature on number of flower buds, number of nodes formed during forcing, and plant height measured at first flower for Sedum 'Autumn Joy' in year 1. Error bars Show standard deviation. ............. 142 Figure 80. Influence Of forcing temperature on number of flower buds, number of nodes formed during forcing, and plant height measured at first flower for Sedum 'Autumn Joy' in year 2. Error bars Show standard deviation. ............. 143 LITERATURE REVIEW Many plants develop and flower in a seasonal pattern. It is advantageous for a plant to flower during a season in which it has adequate moisture and light, and moderate temperatures. Just as important is the avoidance of stressful conditions not conducive to growth and reproduction. How do plants regulate developmental events to occur at the Optimal time? If plants Simply responded to the presence or absence of favorable weather conditions, accurate and consistent timing of developmental events would be a rarity. In the natural environment, many plants use photoperiod to regulate timing, as this is one Of the most reliable indicators of the time Of year. In temperate zones, plants may also use the process of vemalization to detect whether the unfavorable conditions of winter have passed. Temperature during the growing season also has a marked effect on development and timing. In a controlled environment, we can manipulate the timing and magnitude Of flowering for our own purposes by adjusting photoperiod and temperature. This review will focus on photoperiodic response, modeling temperature effects on rate of development, and how temperature can alter the photoperiodic response. Photomriod The term photoperiod literally means period, or duration of the cycle, of light. Thus photoperiod is the length Of the light period (also referred to as daylength). Under natural conditions, however, the length of the light period is directly related to the length of the dark period. While photoperiodic responses 2 could be dependent on the length of the light period or the length of the dark period, or their relative lengths, it turns out that for most plants night length is actually most important in determining photoperiodic response (Thomas and Vince-Prue, 1984). The photoperiodic responses of plants can be divided into three basic categories, based on daylength. First, there are those plants that flower only if the photoperiod is short enough (night is long enough), or which flower faster or more profusely as days become shorter (nights become longer). These are commonly called short-day plants (SDP). Other plants flower only if the length of the photoperiod is long enough (night is short enough), or their flowering response increases as the length of the photoperiod increases (night length decreases). These are termed long day plants (LDP.) Finally, there are the aptly named day neutral plants (DNP) in which flowering response is not linked to photoperiod at all. There also exist plants with dual daylength requirements Le. a period of short days and then a period Of long days, or vice versa (SLDP and LSDP respectively) (Thomas and Vince-Prue, 1997). Plants that respond to photoperiod have been further divided into two categories: qualitative or quantitative. A qualitative response (also known as an obligate response) is characterized by a response to the quality of the photoperiod — either inductive or not inductive (Thomas and Vince-Prue, 1997). For instance, a qualitative LDP flowers only when the photoperiod is longer than a certain daylength, termed the critical photoperiod (Thomas and Vince-Prue, 1984) Below the critical photoperiod, an obligate LDP will not flower. Similarly, a 3 qualitative SDP flowers only when the photoperiod is shorter than a certain daylength, also termed the critical photoperiod. A quantitative, or facultative response, on the other hand, is characterized by a flowering response that varies with the quantity of light and darkness (measured in hours) (Thomas and Vince-Prue, 1997, p.3.) For a quantitative LDP, the longer the photoperiod, the greater the magnitude of flowering response (as measured by how fast or profusely the plant blooms.) A quantitative SDP flowers faster or more profusely with shorter photoperiods. A quantitative plant will eventually bloom under any photoperiod (Thomas and Vince-Prue, 1984) Perception of Photoperiod In order for plants to have any photoperiodic response, they must be able to perceive daylength in some manner. This mechanism must also be fairly precise if it is to accurately determine the time of year, especially at lower latitudes, where the change in daylength throughout the year is relatively small. For a long time, it was thought that plants measured the photoperiod by some sort of “hourglass” mechanism, whereby a series of chemical steps was thought to occur in the dark period. The plant would sense night length by how many steps had been completed by the end of the night. This theory has largely been replaced by a circadian rhythm theory (Thomas and Vince-Prue, 1997). ' The word circadian comes from the Latin for “around one day," a circadian rhythm being a cyclic response throughout the natural 24 hr period of a day. 4 Organisms with circadian rhythms are not simply responding to the light and dark periods that occur during that day, however. The rhythmic response is coupled to an unseen internal oscillator, which continues even if these stimuli are taken away, although usually not indefinitely. The period of this rhythm, now referred to as “free running,” in the absence of external stimuli, may be slightly more or less than 24 hrs (Thomas and Vince-Prue, 1997) This free running period cannot be started in an environment without stimuli, however. Some event, usually a transition between light and dark, is required. The circadian oscillator is said to be entrained to such an event, called a zeitgeber, or time-giver. In order to accommodate the changing photoperiod throughout the year, and still ensure that coupled responses occur at the appropriate time of day, the entrainment of the oscillator is adjusted if the zeitgeber occurs at some other phase of the cycle than the phase entrained to it (Thomas and Vince-Prue, 1997). In photoperiodic perception, the event coupled to the circadian oscillator is thought to be a phase of relative sensitivity to light called the inducible phase (4)..) In SDP, coincidence of light with ¢., would prevent flowering, while in LDP, it would induce flowering. Light then plays two roles in the circadian rhythm of photoperiodic perception: that of entralning the oscillator to the correct phase, and that of inducing or inhibiting flowering. This theory is based upon a system of what is dubbed external coincidence, in other words, the coincidence of an external stimulus (light) with a circadian oscillator (Thomas and Vince-Prue, 1997) Other theories are based upon a system of internal coincidence -- the interaction of two internal oscillators such that the correct phases of each coincide. External stimuli, such as light would not serve a direct inducing or inhibiting purpose, but would affect the entrainment of one or both oscillators so that they are no longer in phase with each other. This type of system has not been extensively explored for plants, however, and the internal coincidence theory currently prevails (Thomas and Vince-Prue, 1997) Vemalization and Cold Treatment Vemalization is a process whereby exposure to cold temperatures is required for floral induction. It should be distinguished from instances where the cold treatment does not affect induction, but initiation and early development, as in his Wedgewood, brussels sprouts and onion (Thomas and Vince-Prue, 1997). In still other plants, a cold treatment is not required for induction, but merely promotes subsequent flower development. For example, in many fruit trees in the Rosaceae, flower buds are induced and initiated during the season prior to bloom, and require a cold treatment to break dormancy (Gur, 1985). Vemalization may be the only process necessary to induce flowering, or there may be a photoperiodic requirement as well after the vemalization process. As with photoperiodic responses, plants can have an obligate or facultative cold requirement to flower. In some plants, a photoperiodic treatment, in particular a SD treatment, is interchangeable with a cold requirement to induce flowering . All plants in which SD can substitute for a cold treatment are LDP, interestingly 6 enough. Thus, plants such as Campanula medium or Coreopsis grandiflora which have this type of response could be classified as short-long—day plants (SLDP) without cold, or simply LDP after cold (Napp-Zinn, 1984; Runkle, 1996; Ketellapper and Barbaro, 1966). In other plants, such as Leucanthemum vulgare, SD cannot fully substitute for a cold requirement, but SD during the cold treatment can enhance the vemalization process (Heide, 1995). Effects of Forcing Temperature on Rate Temperature can affect plants in many different ways. It is well known that higher temperatures increase rate of reactions in general, and more specifically, developmental processes in living organisms. Temperature responses are generally modeled by finding the amount of time necessary to reach a developmental event, and converting it into a rate. Rates of development in plants will generally have some optimum temperature (Tom) where developmental rate reaches a maximum (Rmax), some base temperature (T b) below Top, where the rate becomes zero, and some maximum temperature (Tm) above Topt where the rate also becomes zero (Larsen, 1990). Rate of development is Often modeled as a linear function of temperature in the sub-optimal range (Whitman et. al., 1997; Yuan, 1998; Larsen, 1990), and sometimes in the supra-optimal range. The slope of the line in the supra-optimal range may have an equal but opposite slope to the line in the sub-optimal range, creating a “roof" shaped graph (Pearson et. al. 1993), or it may have a different slope, usually steeper. The wider the range of temperatures selected, the less likely it is that one will be able to model the data with a straight line. In cases like these, rate may also be modeled by a quadratic equation (Larsen, 1990) as Wang et. al. (1998) did with Hibiscus moscheutos. Brondum and Heins (1993) used an asymmetrical “hoop” shaped curve to describe rates of development to flower in dahlia. Finally, yet another way to model rates above and below Top, is to use a “double exponential” function where one exponential function describes the response below Tom, and one describes the response above Topt (Larsen, 1990). This also allows the model to take into account the possible asymmetry of the response. Pivotal to the process of modeling developmental events as a straight line with respect to temperature are the concepts of Tb and degree-days (°d) or thermal time (sometimes abbreviated as 8, or CTT: cumulative thermal time). Using a linear model in the sub-optimal phase, rate of progress toward an event is often described using an equation such as: 1 [1] — = i+ ST DTE where DTE is the days to event (such as days to flowering or the unfolding of a leaf), iand s are constants representing intercept and slope respectively and T is temperature. Using this model, base temperature (Tb) can then be calculated as: —i [2] Tb = "g‘ Thermal time is measured in units of degree-days, and represents the average number of degrees above the base temperature experienced by the plant on a given day. Thus a plant which experiences an average daily temperature (ADT) one degree above it’s Tb accumulates one degree-day. Two days at that ADT and it will accumulate two degree days, just as it will accumulate two degree-days if it experiences one day at an ADT two degrees above its Tb. Cumulative thermal time (CTT) indicates the number of degree- days necessary for a plant to accumulate in order to achieve a given developmental event, and can be expressed as: [3] CTT = 1 3 Base temperature (Tb) is never derived directly, but is always extrapolated from the data, since when rate = 0, time to the event is infinite. It is necessary to know Tb in order to find how many degree-days a plant is accumulating, or if it is accumulating any at all. Then, knowing how fast degree-days are being accumulated, it is possible to estimate time to an event at a given temperature. Leaf unfolding rate (LUR) is often modeled to predict biomass production, progress towards flowering, or final height. Models incorporating LUR have been developed for sugar beets (Milford, et. al., 1985), and summer squash (NeSmith, 1997) to predict crop growth and yield. Such models can aid in cultivar selection and management decisions such as pesticide sprays and harvesting schedules. NeSmith (1997) found that by using thermal time rather than days after sowing, four different cultivars of summer squash could be modeled using one equation. This method of modeling differs from most others in that instead of modeling using rates at different temperatures, he used C'l'l' for a crop grown at varying temperatures. Leaf unfolding rates for Easter lily (Karlsson et. al., 1988), and Chrysanthemum (Karlsson et. al., 1989) were found to have a linear relationship to temperature. For crops such as cut flowers, bedding plants, perennials and flowering potted plants, there is much interest in the effects of temperature on time to flower. Song et. al. (1993) found that increasing average daily temperature decreased days to flower (from 17/15 to 25/23°C DIN temperature) for a variety of cultivars of Platycodon grandiflorus. The timing of Easter lily crops is also commonly controlled by adjusting temperature, higher temperatures causing faster flowering (Karlsson et. al., 1988). Whitman et. al. (1996) found that, for Lavandula angustifolia ‘Munstead’, as temperatures increased from 15 to 27°C, the number of days to flower was reduced. Above 23°C, however, fewer plants flowered in the treatment group containing the smallest plants (7—9 nodes at beginning of forcing), which suggests that perhaps 23°C is near to the optimum flowering temperature for flowering in this species. In the interests of modeling time to flower, bud development has also often been modeled, using measurements of bud length or diameter as growth progresses and comparing the pattern and rate of expansion at different temperatures. The most notable application of this type is the bud meter concept developed by Healy and Wilkins (1984) whereby a model was incorporated into a measuring tool. When the bud meter is held up to the bud, the tip of the bud lines up with the number of days to flower at several given 10 temperatures. Fisher et. al. (1996) refined the Easter lily bud meter by using a different equation to model bud expansion. They found that an exponential model fit the data better and had fewer parameters than the original Healy-Wilkins model which modeled bud expansion in two linear phases with a junction at the point where bud length reached 6 mm. Wang et. al. (1998) found that diameter of Hibiscus moscheutos buds could be also be modeled using an exponential equation. While neither a bud meter nor predictive tables were developed for Hibiscus, these could easily be created from their model. Thermocycles to Induce Flowering A regular variation in temperature throughout the day, referred to as a thennocycle (C. Mirolo et. al., 1990), can affect flowering response in some plants. Xanthium normally has a very restrictive photoperiodic requirement for flower induction. Xanthium is a qualitative SDP which requires at least a single long dark period of 9 hr or greater to induce flowering (deZeew, 1957). Even a short light break in the middle of this long night prevents flower initiation (Thomas and Vince-Prue, 1997, p.15). De Zeeuw (1957) found that it is possible to achieve flowering in Xanthium pennsylvanicum under normally non-inductive long day conditions by using 11 therrnocycles. He exposed the plants to a 16- hr photoperiod, half of which was at 4°C and the other half at Table 1. Thermoperiodic flowering of Xanthium under normally non-inductive photoperiods. 26°C. One group of plants Adapted from de Zeeuw, 1957 Treatment dissection after: (8hrs) (8hrs) (8hrs) 1 wk 2 wks 0f the light Period (T3) and one T1 26°C 26°C 26°C vegetative vegetative received cold at the beginning group received cold at the end T2 26°C 4°C 26°C Stage 3-5 Stage-l T3 4°C 26°C 26°C stage8 6mm bud T4 4°C 4°C 26°C vegetative vegetative groups received 16 hr of light at (light) (light) (dark) stages as defined by Salisbury (1955) of the light period (T2). Control continual 4°C (T4) or continual 26°C (T 1 ). The dark period was kept at 26°C for all treatments. These treatments lasted for four days before the plants were returned to normal long days (temperature not specified). It was found that both T2 and T3 flowered but the flower development proceeded more rapidly in the group that received cold at the beginning of the light period (T3). Treatment 4 was not expected to flower as it had been shown that Xanthium has a requirement for a certain amount of high light at high temperatures. The experiment was repeated with the treatments lasting only two days, with similar results, but slower flower development. Mirolo (1990) repeated T3 with a slight variation. He used Xanthium struman’um and had the warmer temperature set at 23°C. He confirmed that Xanthium could be induced to flower under non-inductive photoperiods by using therrnocyoles. He also confirmed de Zeeuw’s finding that only two such therrnocycles were necessary to cause induction, but that flowers developed 12 faster with more therrnocycles. Knowing that gibberellic acid has a promotive effect only on induced Xanthium plants, Mirolo also tested to see whether this would be the case with therrnocyclicly induced Xanthium. He found that found that two then'nocycles with one 5X10“ M treatment per day of gibberellic acid to the roots was comparable to normal short-day induction of Xanthium, in terms of the differentiation of the terminal male inflorescence in the two weeks following induction. It is unclear what mechanism these therrnocycles would be affecting in the induction of Xanthium. It could be hypothesized that the relatively cold temperature during the day either prevents the plant from perceiving that period as light, or prevents or slows the transmission of the resulting Signal, causing the plant to develop as if it had experienced a long night. Temperature Effects on Photomriod Response of Long Day Plants In some cases, cold temperatures can prevent or reduce normal flowering response to an inductive photoperiod. Shillo and Halevy (1982) carried out a series of experiments on the long day plant, Gypsophila paniculata (Baby’s Breath), cv. ‘Bristol Fairy. To investigate the interaction between temperature and photoperiod, they placed plants under two photoperiods, either SD (8 hr) or L0 (16 hr), and one of three temperature regimes, 27/22, 22/17, 17/12°C day/night. They found that none of the plants flowered under short days, but under 13 long days, the percentage of plants flowering depended strongly on the temperature, although there was no temperature at which all plants failed to Table 2' Flowering of Gypsophila flower. The higher the temperature, the under SD or NI lighting and different . temperature regimes. Adapted from greater was the promotIve effect of the long Shillo and Halevy, 1982 . photoperiod. This agreed with field Temp, (°C) FlowerIng plants (°/o) day/night SD LD observations that at low night temperatures 27/22 0 33 during the winter, plants often failed to 22,17 0 12 flower. They also concluded that high night temperatures were only required for initiation and the early stages of elongation and bud formation. This was inferred from the fact that plants started earlier in the fall flowered during the winter without additional heat, while those planted later did not flower until spring. Hicklenton et. al. (1993) later confirmed experimentally that it is indeed the night temperature which is the limiting factor in flower induction. They tested two cultivars of Gypsophila paniculata (“Bristol Fairy’ and ‘Bridal Veil’) to determine the optimum irradiance and night temperature for each. Night temperature treatments were 8, 12, 16, or 20°C. Day temperature was at 20°C for all treatments. Half of the plants received 710 umol-s“-m'2, and half receive 450 IImol~S"-m'2 for 9 hrs, resulting in daily light integrals of 23 and 14.6 mol-m‘z. They found that at low night temperatures ‘Bristol Fairy’ often failed to initiate flower buds (only 33% of the plants flowered at a night temperature of 8°C). This occurred at both irradiances tested, but the effect was more marked at 450 umol-S'1-m'2. Percentage of plants flowering of cv. “Bridal Veil’ was almost 14 completely unaffected by light level or night temperature. In another experiment (Shlomo et. al., 1985), it was found that gibberellin treatments could substitute for this high night temperature requirement under long days. They grew G. paniculata “Bristol Fairy’ plants under short (10 hr) or long (4 hr day extension) photoperiod. Plants were sprayed twice weekly (11 times) with GA at varying concentrations. Plants receiving LD treatment were sprayed with concentrations of 0, 125, 250 or 500 mg-l", while plants receiving SD treatment were sprayed with concentrations of 0 or 250 mg-l". All plants in the LD treatment that received GA flowered, whereas only 33% flowered under LD without GA. Number of stems per plant and total weight of flowering stems per plant increased while time to flower decreased with increasing GA concentration. No plants under SD flowered regardless of GA treatment, although there were some partially elongated stems which resulted in “blind” shoots or which had rosette-like vegetative growth at the end. GA substitution for the high night requirement for flowering under long days is interesting to note because unlike many other LDP, gibberellin treatments cannot substitute for the long-day requirement itself in Gypsophila paniculata (Shillo and Halevy, 1982; Shlomo et. al., 1985). As with Xanthium, gibberellin enhances the flowering response, but cannot substitute for the photoperiodic requirement itself. Also like Xanthium, the interaction of temperature and photoperiod could be related to the lack of perception of the Iight‘administered during the drop in temperature. On the other hand, it could also be related to a lack of realization of the photoperiodic response. 15 Brendum and Heins (1993) reported an interaction between temperature and photoperiod in tuberous root formation, lateral shoot count, lateral shoot length, and primary shoot length of Dahlia pinnata ‘Royal Dahlietta Yellow’. They created twenty-four temperature x photoperiod factorial treatments with four temperatures, set at 15, 20, 25 or 30°C, and six photoperiods of 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, or 24 hrs. At lower temperatures and shorter photoperiods, tuberous root formation was promoted: above 14 hrs or 25°C, there was little to no tuberous root formation. The number of lateral Shoots increased with photoperiod up to 14 hrs. At photoperiods above 14 hrs, there were fewer lateral shoots at 25°C, than at 15 or 20°C. Lateral shoot length increased with photoperiod from 10 to 14 hrs, while above 14 hrs, shoot length was more dependent on temperature — the higher the temperature, the shorter the lateral shoots. Temperature and photoperiod also interacted to affect some aspects of flowering. Flower development was more strongly affected by temperature, although photoperiod did have some effects. For instance, at 25°C, flower buds formed at photoperiods greater than 14 hrs aborted, while at 30°C, no flower buds were formed at all (Brendum and Heins, 1993). The interaction between temperature and photoperiod for overall production of dahlia is very complex because of the many variables of plant development that are affected. Variation in photoperiod often seems to affect the magnitude of the response to temperature. Brendum and Heins concluded from this study that there are very narrow temperature and photoperiod ranges for optimum production of Dahlia pinnata ‘Royal Dahlietta Yellow’, namely, 16 photoperiods between 12 and 14 hrs and temperatures around 20°C. Optimum was defined as producing plants of a satisfactory height that develop quickly and have many flower buds. Temmrature Effects on Photogeriod Resgonse in Short Day Plants In some SDP, critical photoperiod is dependent on temperature. For example, in poinsettia or Chrysanthemum, raising temperature causes the critical photoperiod to change. Langhans and Miller (1963) subjected poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) to three different temperature regimes (60, 70 and 80°F), and photoperiods between 8 hrs and 12 hrs (see table) for varying numbers of days before returning them to 13 hr photoperiods. They found that as temperature increased, the photoperiod required for Table 3. Number of days from the start of short day treatment to visible bud (top number) and flowering (bottom number) in poinsettia ‘Barbara Ecke Supreme.’ Adapted from Langhans and Miller (1963) [n/a = event occurred, but the number of days was not recorded; dash = event did not occur in 100 days] Temperature (°F) and photoperiod (hours) #Of 0 O 0 short 60 F 70 F I 80 F days 8 10 11‘/2 12 8 10 101/2117: 12' 8 I874 9 9% 10 12 20 40 41 40 53 55 49 49 -- -- n/a 69 69 64 62 -- 83 88 93 93 -- -- —- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 303839404332343338574240475271-- 87898793626262---—---—............ 403538374533323241554042444045-—- 85 88 87 93 62 62 61 -- -- 62 -- -- .... .. ... 50 . 37 41 41 44 34 32 35 40 48 41 38 44 44 53 -- 87 87 87 99 62 61 63 64 -- 62 62 72 n/a 74 -- 17 induction became more restrictive, and that different conditions were required for flower initiation than for flower development. For example, as temperature and photoperiod increased and number of short days decreased, more plants produced buds which never produced flowers. This suggests that shorter photoperiods, lower temperatures, and more days of inductive treatments are required for flower development than for flower induction. Poinsettia could be termed “short day-shorter day plants”, with respect to flowering, meaning that they are SDP for which the critical photoperiod gets shorter for subsequent flower development. Horticulturally they are often grown using blackcloth to artificially shorten photoperiod until natural daylength is short enough to satisfy the requirement for induction/initiation. Continued shortening of days would naturally satisfy the more restrictive requirement for flower development. In more recent research at Michigan State University, it has been shown that it is night temperature, rather than average daily temperature, which is actually a limiting factor for flowering in poinsettia (Heins, 1990). Poinsettia were grown at six different night temperatures and six different day temperatures, ranging from 14-29°C. Heins (1990) found that at night temperatures above 26°C, no plants flowered, regardless of the day temperature. A similar interaction between temperature and photoperiod was reported in the SDP Dendranthema grandiflora (formerly Chrysanthemum mon'folium) (Cathey, 1957). Several varieties of Chrysanthemum were subjected to seven photoperiodic treatments in combination with three minimum night temperatures. 18 Like Langhans and Miller, Cathey found that the requirements for initiation and flowering differed and that they were both affected by interactions between temperature and photoperiod. Critical night length for flower development increased (became more restrictive) as temperature increased. However, the night length required for flower initiation decreased (became less restrictive) as temperature increased. This resulted in a greater difference between the critical night length for initiation and flowering as temperature increased. At 50°F (the lowest temperature tested) there was no difference between critical night length for initiation and development of the flower. lson and Humphries (1984) reported that for the qualitative SDP Stylosanthes guianensis var. guianensis cv. Schofield grown at a photoperiod marginal for flowering (12 — 11.75 hrs), floral initiation was promoted by low night temperatures (25/16°C or 25/20°C D/N) temperatures and inhibited by high (35°C) day temperatures. These results are similar to some of the results in Chrysanthemum and poinsettia. Several other SDP, namely Chenopodium, Lemna and Pharbitis, also have critical photoperiods which are dependent on temperature (Thomas and Vince-Prue). anclugion According to the evidence presented in this paper, plants can be placed into two general categories: those where temperature seems to affect the perception of light, and those in which critical photoperiod is dependent on temperature. The mechanisms of photoperiodism are not well understood, 19 despite many years of research on the subject, thus these mechanisms can only be studied by observing plant responses. This complicates any discussion of interactions between the phenomenon of photoperiodism and growing temperature. Whatever the mechanisms involved, a knowledge of the existence of interactions between temperature and photoperiod can help us to model plant responses, and understand seeming irregularities in plant development. Hopefully this will also lead us to a better understanding of plant physiological processes in general. 20 Literature Cited Brandum, J.J. and RD. Heins. 1993. Modeling temperature and photoperiod effects on growth and development of dahlia. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 1 18:36-42. Cathey, HM. 1957. Chrysanthemum temperature study. F. The effect of temperature upon the critical photoperiod necessary for the initiation and development of flowers of Chrysanthemum mon’folium. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 69:485-491. Fisher, P.R., J.H. Lieth and RD. Heins. 1996. Modeling flower bud elongation in Easter lily (Lilium Iongiflomm Thunb.) in response to temperature. HortScience 31:349-352. Gur, A. 1985. Rosaceae - deciduous fruit trees, p. 355-389. In: A.H. Halevy (ed). CRC Handbook of Flowering. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton. Healy, W.E and HF. Wilkins. 1984. Temperature effects on ‘Nellie White’ flower bud development. HortScience 19:843-844. Heide, OM. 1995. 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Sci. 114:158-163. 21 Ketellapper, H.J. and A. Barbaro. The role of photoperiod, vemalization and gibberellic acid in floral induction in Coreopsis grandiflora Nutt. Phyton. 23(1): 33-41. Langhans, R.W. and RC. Miller. 1963. Influence of daylength, temperature, and number of short days on the flowering of poinsettia (Euphorbia pulchem'ma). Proc. Amer. SOC. Hort. Sci. 75:753-760. Larsen, R.U. Plant growth modelling [Sic] by light and temperature. Acta Hort. 272:235-242. Milford, G.F.J., T.O. Pocock and J. Reily. 1984. An analysis of leaf growth in sugar beet. I. Leaf appearance and expansion in relation to temperature under controlled conditions. Ann. Appl. Biol. 106, 163-172. Mirolo, C., M. Bodson, and G. Bemer. 1990. Floral Induction of Xanthium struman'um In Long Days. Ann. Bot. 66, 475-477. Napp-Zinn, K. 1984. Light and vemalization, pp. 75-88. In: D. Vince-Prue, B. Thomas and K.E. Cockshull (eds.). Light and the Flowering Process. Academic Press, London. Pearson, S., P. 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Effect of forcing temperature on time to flower of Coreopsis grandiflora, Gaillardia xgrandiflora, Leucanthemum xsuperbum and Rudbeckia fulgida. HortScience 33:663-667. de Zeeuw, D. 1957. Flowering of Xanthium under long day conditions. Nature 180:558. 23 MODELING TEMPERATURE EFFECTS ON TIME TO FLOWER AND BUD DEVELOPMENT OF COREOPSIS VERTICILLA TA ‘MOONBEAM’ 24 Abstract Effects of forcing temperature on flowering of Coreopsis verticillata L. ‘Moonbeam’ were recorded. Plants were initially cooled for twelve weeks and then grown under 16-hr long days (4-h night interruption in the first year) in greenhouses set at 17, 20, 23, 26, and 29°C. Flower size, flower number and time to flower decreased as temperature increased. The number of nodes added from the start of forcing to flower was unaffected by temperature. The relationship between flower bud diameter, temperature and time to flower was modeled as a sigmoid logistic function. Models for time from start of long day forcing at each temperature to visible bud (VB), flower (FLW) and from V8 to FLW were developed based on a linear function of rate of development. The optimum temperature for time to flower for C. verticillata ‘Moonbeam’ was at least 29°C, although plant quality factors such as flower diameter and flower number were greater at lower temperatures. 25 Introduction Accurate scheduling is just as important as a high quality crop in the floriculture industry. Forcing temperature is one of the factors affecting both timing of flowering as well as attributes such as plant height, flower number and flower size which contribute to plant quality (Arrnitage, 1990; Pearson et. al., 1995; Shvarts et. al. 1997; Whitman et. al., 1996; Yuan et. al., 1998). Predictive tools such as bud meters and tables can be derived from models to assist growers in precisely timing crops. For example, Easter lilies are commonly timed using temperature models for leaf unfolding and bud development (Karlsson et. al., 1988; Fisher et. al., 1996). Similar models have been developed for plants throughout the horticultural trade for annuals such as Begonia (Karlsson 1992), flowering pot crops such as African violet (Faust and Heins, 1993), cut flowers (Criley, 1995) and vegetables (NeSmith, 1997). Perennials are often sold in a vegetative state. Since selling plants in bloom increases both their value and desirability (Harrison, 1996), there is increased interest in forcing perennials to flower. Scheduling a plant to flower on a particular date requires the proper flower induction environment as well as appropriate temperatures for correct timing. This requires knowledge of the relationship between forcing temperature and time to flower. Some models have been developed relating temperature to time of flowering for perennials, among these are Campanula, Coreopsis, Gaillardia, Leucanthemum and Rudbeckia (Whitman et. al., 1997; Yuan, 1998). However, few bud development models have been developed for herbaceous perennials. 26 Temperature responses are generally modeled by first observing times taken to an event, then converting to rates. Rates of development in plants, as for any biological process, will always have some optimum temperature (Tom) where developmental rate reaches a maximum (RM), some base temperature (T b) below Top, where this rate becomes zero, and some maximum temperature (Tm) above Topt where this rate also becomes zero (Larsen, 1990). Rate is often modeled as a linear function of temperature in the sub- optimal range (Whitman et. al., 1997; Yuan, 1998; Larsen, 1990), and sometimes in the supra-optimal range. The slope of the line in the supra-optimal range may have an equal but opposite slope to the line in the sub-optimal range, creating a “roof” Shaped graph (Pearson et. al. 1993), or it may have a different slope, usually steeper. Rate may also be modeled by a quadratic equation (Larsen, 1990) as Wang (1998) did with Hibiscus moscheutos. Brondum and Heins (1993) used an asymmetrical “hoop” shaped curve to describe rates of development to flower in dahlia. Finally, yet another way to model rates above and below Top, is to use a “double exponential” function where one exponential function describes the response below Tom, and one describes the response above Topt (Larsen, 1990). This also allows the model to take into account any asymmetry of the response. Coreopsis verticillata, also known as Threadleaf Coreopsis, is well known for its outstanding performance In warm sunny areas of the garden. It’s fine foliage helps reduce water loss, making it quite drought resistant, and it is hardy over most of the United States, from zones 3-9 (Arrnitage, 1989; Nau, 1996). 27 Flowers are 1-2” across, in varying shades of clear yellow, with eight ray florets extending out from a yellow center disk. Most varieties will rebloom sparsely if cutback after the initial flush in June and early July, but ‘Moonbeam’ will often produce its pale yellow flowers continuously through October (Arrnitage, 1989). In 1992, ‘Moonbeam’ was chosen as the Perennial Plant of the Year by the Perennial Plant Association (Nau, 1996). It’s popularity, garden performance, and wide range make it an excellent candidate for scheduled forcing. Hamaker (1998) showed that Coreopsis verticillata ‘Moonbeam’ is an obligate long-day plant for flowering and that a cold treatment increased flower number and hastened flowering. Our objectives were to 1) quantify the influence of temperature on time to VB and time to FLW, 2) develop a model relating bud size and temperature to time to flower, and 3) quantify other effects of forcing temperature on plant quality, including flower number, flower size and plant height for C. verticillata ‘Moonbeam’. Materials and Methods First year. On October 15, 1996, propagules of Coreopsis ven‘icillata ‘Moonbeam’ were received in 70-cell flats from Green Leaf Enterprises (Leola, Pa.). Plants were immediately placed in a growth chamber set at 5° C under a 9- hr photoperiod at ~10 umol rn'2 3'1 provided by cool white fluorescent bulbs (VHOF96T12: Philips, Bloomfield NJ.) as measured by a Ll-COR quantum sensor, model LI-189 (LI-COR, Lincoln, Neb.). After 12 weeks in the cooler, plants were transplanted into 13-cm square 28 containers (1.1L), and ten plants per temperature treatment were grown under long days in greenhouses set at 17, 20, 23, 26, and 29°C (actual temperature averages from the start of forcing to average date of FLW for each treatment were 17.3, 19.7, 23.5, 26.1, and 293°C respectively). Long days consisted of natural photoperiods plus a 4-hour night interruption from 1000 to 0200 hours, provided by 60-W incandescent lights at 3 to 5 umol rn'2 s‘1 as measured by a quantum sensor (LI-COR). Temperature in each greenhouse was recorded continually with a CR—10 datalogger (Campbell Scientific, Logan, Utah). Actual average daily temperatures were determined and used in all calculations rather than set point temperature. One representative flower bud was chosen from among those present at the first incidence of visible buds on each plant, and its diameter was measured every three to five days thereafter. Dates of visible bud and anthesis were recorded. At anthesis, plant height, and number of flower buds were recorded. Second year. On October 2, 1997, propagules of Coreopsis verticillata ‘Moonbeam’ were received in 128-cell flats from Center Greenhouse, Inc. (Denver, 00.). These received the same cold and forcing temperature treatments as in the model-development experiment, but the long-day treatment was delivered using a 16-hr day-extension provided by 400W high-pressure sodium lamps at 50 umol m'2 S". These same lights provided 50 umol rn'2 S'1 supplemental light, when ambient light levels in the greenhouse dropped below 400 umol rn'2 S". Actual temperature averages from the start of forcing to 29 average date of FLW in the second year were 17.7, 19.9, 23.0, 26.1, and 294°C for the 17, 20, 23, 26, and 29°C treatments, respectively. Vapor pressure deficit (VPD) control was instituted in the second year, and maintained at approximately 0.7 kPa. This was accomplished by monitoring wet and dry bulb temperature, calculating VPD, and activating steam injection when the VPD increased above the threshold. In addition to the data collected in the first year, flower diameter and the number of flowering stalks were also recorded. Model Theog and Analysis Rate of progress model. Progress toward a developmental event such as flowering may be modeled as a linear increase with temperature up to a certain point, at which developmental rate levels off at an optimum, and then decreases (Roberts and Summerfield, 1987). In the sub-optimum temperature linear phase, this relationship can be described as follows: 1 . [1] —=I+ST DTE where DTE is the days to event (such as days to flowering, days to VB or days from VB to FLW), iand s are constants representing the intercept and slope respectively of a straight line, and T is temperature. Abbreviations and parameters used in models are listed in Table 4. By manipulating Eq. [1], base temperature (Tb) for a given developmental event can be calculated as: _- 2 T=_’ [] s and cumulative thermal time (CTT) in degree-days necessary to achieve the 30 event can be calculated as: 3] CTT:—1 [ S For the analysis, rates were calculated from the number of days from force to VB, VB to FLW and force to FLW (1/DTE) and Eq. [1] was fit to these data points. Model validation DTE were compared with DTE predicted by the model produced from the first-year data. Bud development model. A sigmoid logistic function was used to describe the increase in bud diameter from visible bud to flower: _ a [4] — 1+ bec"f 4) where bud diameter (B in mm) at time t (days) depends on the number of days to B flowering (at time t,, in days). The parameter a defines an asymptote which indicates a theoretical maximum bud diameter just before the expansion of the ray florets, while parameters b and c affect the y-intercept and Slope, respectively. To incorporate the temperature response, parameters a, b and c can be replaced by functions of temperature fa( T), fb(T) and fc( 7'). Thus equation [4] becomes: fa(T) [5] : 1+ fb(T)efc(T)(tr-t) B To calibrate the bud development model, the parameters a, b and c in Eq. [4] were estimated independently for each temperature treatment by fitting Eq. [4] to the data set with the nonlinear regression procedure (PROC NLIN) in SAS (SAS Institute, 1990). Actual temperatures from average date of VB to average 31 date of FLW were used for each treatment. Parameter a was found to vary randomly across the temperature treatments, and for the sake of Simplicity, was treated as a constant in this model. Functions f,,(7) and fc(T) were formulated based on the trends in the values of b and c values across the range of temperatures (Figure 1). The resultant equation was then fit simultaneously to the entire calibration data set using nonlinear regression to estimate the parameters in f,,(T) and fc(T) as well as the parameter a as a constant across all temperatures. For the final estimation, actual average temperatures from t to t, for each measurement were used. To determine the number of days to flower (1‘, - t) at a given bud diameter (B) and temperature (T), equation [5] (with a as a constant) can be algebraically I?) '” W) fc(T) . (" ' ’) manipulated to produce: To validate the bud development model, Eq. [6] was used to predict days to flower from given bud diameters and actual temperatures from measurement to flower for the second-year data. These were then compared with the observed days to flower for these measurements and temperatures by fitting a line to the predicted data vs. the observed data. Other data relating to plant quality such as height, number and Size of flowers were analyzed using the general linear models procedure In SAS to determine significance of the main temperature effect and any trends. Data from 32 the two years were analyzed separately. Bfifllfi Rate of progress model. Rate of progress from force to FLW and from VB to FLW increased linearly as temperature increased. Time from force to VB increased from 17 to 23°C and leveled off at temperatures 223°C (Figure 2). Taking this into account, the linear regression for force to VB was fit only to data points from temperatures 523°C. In the validation experiment, where actual average times to a given event were compared with times predicted from the first year model, the average deviation in time from force to VB was 4.0 days with a maximum deviation of 6.4 days at 20.5 °C. The average deviation for VB to FLW was 0.9 days with a maximum deviation of 1.9 days at 29.3 °C and the average deviation for force to FLW was 4.9 with a maximum deviation of 7.1 days at 19.9 °C. Bud development model calibration. The rate of expansion of buds increased with temperature from 17 to 29°C; parameters b and 0 increased similariy (Figure 1). An exponential function was fit to the estimated b values, and a linear function was fit to the estimated 0 values. These functions fb(T) and fc(T) were then incorporated into Eq. [5] resulting in the following equation: a [7] - 1+ (1)16sz )e(01+02T)(lr-l) where a, b1, b2, c,, and 02 are constants. When Eq. [7] was fit to the entire data set, the resulting model (Table 5) closely fit the observed bud diameters for the 33 calibration experiment (R2 = 0.945)(Figure 3). When predicted days to flower using Eq. [6] were compared to actual days to flower, data highly correlated (R2 = 0.89) (Figure 4, a-e). Bud development model validation. When predicted time to flower in the second year was compared with actual time to flower, there was a consistent bias in both the slope and the intercept such that the model was most accurate at the middle temperatures, ranging from 20-26°C (Figure 5). Largest deviation was seen in the model at the 17°C treatment, very close to time of flowering (Figure 4, H). Other plant qualities. There was no significant effect of temperature on the number of flowers the first year, but the number of flowers per plant decreased markedly as temperature increased the second year. This decrease in flower number with increased temperatures was due to the significant trend in the number of flowers per stalk, as there was no effect on the number of stalks per plant (Table 6). Heights were lower on the average in the second year, but in both years the lowest average plant height was achieved at 23°C. Diameter of open flowers decreased Significantly from 47mm to 25mm as temperatures increased from 17 to 29°C (Figure 6). The number of nodes formed from the start of forcing to flower initiation was not affected by temperature, and was very similar for both years, averaging about 8 nodes. 34 Discussion In the sub-optimum temperature range, rate of progress toward a given developmental event can be described by a linear function. The first year data on which the time to flower model was based clearly fit a linear pattern for days to FLW and days from VB to FLW, but for days to VB, the pattern was linear only at temperatures 523 °C. For days to FLW and days from VB to FLW the optimum must be at least 29 °C. For time to VB, the rate of development started to level off as temperatures increased, which indicates that perhaps 29 °C is near the optimum for this species. Overall, times to VB and FLW were lower in the second year than in the first. This may have been due to several factors which were different in the second year experiment, namely the long day treatment by day extension with high-pressure sodium lights vs. night interruption with incandescent lights the first year, and the addition of VPD control in the second year. Faust and Heins (1997) found that high pressure sodium lights (HPS) can Significantly increase the temperature of the shoot tip, reducing time to flower. The additional radiation from the day-extension treatment in the second year may have heated the meristem sufficiently to have accelerated flowering. The VPD control instituted in the second year may also have reduced the cooling effects of transpiration, resulting in warmer plants and faster flowering. The time from VB to FLW was practically unchanged from the first to the second year, which indicates that differences in time to FLW the second year were due almost entirely to effects on time to VB. 35 Coreopsis verticillata ‘Moonbeam’ bud development was sigmoid which contrasts with bud-development models on other species. Increase in diameter of buds of Hibiscus moscheutos. another commonly grown herbaceous perennial, was found to follow an exponential curve (Wang 1998), as did increase in length of Easter lily buds (Fisher et. al., 1996). Although C. verticillata ‘Moonbeam’ could be flowered sooner at higher temperatures, flower number and flower diameter decreased as temperatures increased. This reduction in flower size with increasing temperature concurs with similar research results for other plants such as petunias (Shvarts et. al., 1997), pansies (Pearson et. al., 1995) Impatiens (Lee et. al., 1990) and Chrysanthemum (Karlsson, 1998). Pearson et al. suggest that the smaller flower size at higher temperatures may be due to a reduction in the duration of bud development. It was observed that stem strength was weaker at higher temperatures, probably due to a reduction in stem diameter, although no data were taken to substantiate this Observation. Similar results for tweedia (Oxypetalum caenrleum) showed that stem diameter decreased linearly with increasing temperature from 14 to 30°C (Arrnitage, 1990). The models developed in the current study may be used by growers to schedule flowering of plants grown at different temperatures, estimate time to flower at a given bud diameter, or to adjust temperature settings to achieve flowering of C. verticillata ‘Moonbeam’ on a given date for commercial production (Table 7). While higher temperatures caused faster blooming, flower Size and 36 number was reduced. Thus the advantages of a reduction in time to flower must be weighed against a corresponding reduction in plant quality. 37 Literature Cited Armitage, AM. 1989. Herbaceous perennial plants; Atreatise on their identification, culture, and garden attributes. Varsity Press, Athens, GA. Armitage, A.M., N.G. Seager, l.J. Warrington D.H. Greer and J. Reyngoud. Response of Oxypetalum caeruleum to irradiance, temperature and photoperiod. 1990. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 115(6):910-914. Brondum, J.J. and RD. Heins. 1993. Modeling temperature and photoperiod effects on growth and development of dahlia. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 1 18(1):36-42. Criley, RA 1995. Temperature influences flowering of Palakana (Telosma cordata Merrill) under long days. HortScience 30(3):482-483. Faust, J.E. and RD. Heins. 1993. Modeling leaf development of the African violet (Saintpaulia ionantha Wend.). J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 118(6):747- 751) Faust, J.E. and RD. Heins. 1997. 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Effect of forcing temperature on time to flower of Coreopsis grandiflora, Gaillardia xgrandiflora, Leucanthemum xsuperbum and Rudbeckia fulgida. HortScience 33(4):663-667. 40 Table 4. List of abbreviations and parameters. DTE FLW VB VPD Parameter in bud development model Flower bud diameter Parameter in bud development model Parameter in fb(T) Parameter in fb(T) Parameter in bud development model Parameter in fc(T) Parameter in fc(T) Cumulative thermal time Days to event Flower (expansion of ray florets) Parameter in linear timing model (intercept) Parameter in linear timing model (slope) Time of bud measurement Time of flower Average air temperature Base temperature Visible bud Vapor pressure deficit mm dimensionless dimensionless 001 days‘1 days‘1 °C'1 . days‘1 °C . days days event . days‘1 event . °C'1 . days1 days days °C °C 41 Table 5. Nonlinear regression results from fitting Eq. [4] to the full calibration data set using actual temperature data for each measurement. The number of observations in the data set was 421, and the R2 was .945. confidence interval Parameter Estimate Asymptotic Lower Upper b1 0.00897 0.00481 -0.00051 1 0.0184 b2 0.0854 0.0147 0.0563 0.114 61 0.0283 0.0159 -0.00298 0.0596 02 0.00550 0.000678 0.00417 0.00684 Table 6. Significance of effect of temperature on height at flower, number of nodes added in forcing, flower diameter, number of visible buds at first flower, number of stalks, and number of visible buds per stalk at first flower for Coreopsis verticillata ‘Moonbeam’. main temperature trends . . effect . . “lama"; - _- _, ___ _ __ear . _ ._ "near -_ Wdat' height at first flower 1 *** *** *** NS 2 *** ~ *** NS NS NS number of nodes added 1 NS NS NS 2 flower diameter 2 *** *** *** . . NS NS NS total number of VlSlbIe 1 bUdS at first flower 2 *** *** * number of stalks 2 NS NS NS number of visible buds per 2 *** *** ** stalk at first flower ”S, *, **, *** Non significant or significant at P5 0.05, 0.01, or 0.001 respectively 42 Table 7. Relationship between bud diameter, temperature, and time to flower for Coreopsis verticillata ‘Moonbeam’ according to Eq. 6. . Bud F F F f Nu—burof days to flower at indicaetd emptr in °C: _ draggger 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 39 39 38 37 37 36 35 35 34 33 32 32 31 1 .5 35 34 34 33 32 32 31 30 30 29 28 27 27 2 32 31 30 30 29 28 28 27 26 25 25 24 23 2.5 29 28 27 27 26 25 25 24 23 22 22 21 20 3 26 25 24 24 23 22 22 21 20 20 19 18 17 3.5 23 22 22 21 20 19 19 18 17 17 16 15 15 4 20 19 18 18 17 16 16 15 14 13 13 12 11 4.5 16 15 14 14 13 12 12 11 10 10 9 8 7 5 11 10 9 8 8 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 2 43 . _x (I! 0.10 - Parameter value 0.05 ~ 0.00 . T . ; . 17 20 23 26 29 Temperature (°C) Figure 1. Parameters as fit to each temperature treatment individually, and the lines fit to them using Eq. [7] fit to the whole data set. Parameter b is indicated by closed circles and exponential function shown as a solid line, while parameter c is indicated by open circles and straight dashed line. 44 .co_mm6em6._ 65 86.: 66.6.3266 663 6926 _Sc6an_6>6u 696665 65 6e6ano o. b68666: A.E.ov 68: .9565 626.: -E:o 9.61.5 6.36.6QE6C666m .co=6_>6u 23:96 E66652 269 8:6 __6 6:6 66.26 :68 5 6956656.. 6_ Emu 56> 6:066m $6.28 “36:5 Emu 56> .2: 65 :8: 66.6328 6:036:66 8666.66. 65 Eot 66265 668665 E66636. 66:: c=ow ..Emmncoo—z. om mm on vm NN ON or or AOL 65:28:26... on mm ow vw NN am we or on mm mm vw NN ON 2 or Seoux ; incognito .ooemalee , 5838568285 ">8: Sedum .. : , . Epoopvmuto .oomdunh Pemme Foo.o+wwovoo.o-n>mu: . Sedum encasemento .oeoeefiee . Pet. Foo.o+mop 56 ">60; » r p . . u . p @5632”. 9 @520”. . 8:952“. 9 8m 636$ 3m 2265 9 6:66”. cod Nod vod e8 -9. Low 3656?? £30660 .8 ©5638 9639 65. 6:6 6E: co 6.36.6QE6S @588 Co 66:62:: .N 6.59”. sAep/L srlec] 45 ' (a) 17°C ' (17.3) (b) 20°C (19.7) E - (c) 23°C g (23.5) e 0.) E .9 ‘O o '0 i I 3 m (d) 26°C (26.1) I (e) 29°C (29.3) O-‘NOO-bU'lO'JO—‘Nw-hmmo-INOOAU'IODOANQAU‘IO‘JO-‘NWAUICD 0 1 0 20 30 40 Days to flower Figure 3. Observed bud diameters at various times before flower for each temp- erature treatment from the calibration data set for C. verticillata 'Moonbeam'. Line indicates bud diameter as modeled according to Eq. [7]. R2 = .945. 46 . j . .. . Le) 1,770 (17.3) i i ‘ __(fli1T9ll7-7l A _ ‘ . _ ._ l 1 l -20 _.,....'l l . J. —'l l J I'll"; 1.4 1 I 1.111;": __(hI23'C (23.-0.)... l ' ' L. .. 3.. ‘ QO_JW;W.¥JJM _jmyI.jlwIflm Lid.) 2679(26-1) _ , Predicted days to flower l ; L -1. ‘I ;. (1)293 (29.-4).. . . 245'. . . ' l I I 30 Llel2979129-3) , ,- )— l I d I i‘L'I .' lld 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 1st year observed days to FL 2nd year observed days to FL Figure 4. Predicted days to flower for C. verticillata 'Moonbeam' from a given budediameter based on Eq. [6] vs. observed days to flower from a given bud diameter from the validation data set. Black line shows regression fitted to data points. Gray line represents 1:1 relationship. 47 1.2.. 1.1,» 1.0 0.9.. .1. 0.8» .1 o_7.._..,..i_ Slope (open circles) 0.6+M o.5~..b 0.4 # . . ' I i . ‘. ' T r l 17 20 23 26 29 Temperature (°C) Figure 5. Slope and intercept of regression lines fit to predicted vs. observed second year data. Actual average temperatures from average date of visible bud to average date of flower were used. Slope is indicated by open circles and corresponds to the axis on the left, while intercept is indicated by closed circles and corresponds to the axis on the right. The gray line indicates where slope and intercept would be for a 1:1 line. 48 (seIOJIo Penn) ldGOJGIUI ’E‘ E L g 1258 E 1003 E B 0) CD .5 LL U) .s e ~9 m e :2: 5 :2 P o g E .9 E a 2-~~~ 1 ...... ... .. 12 'O O z o e - e - - ee .- o 5 A 80? S. a E; 60 ii .0 3 4o»- ... O t a; E 20 E 3 Z 0 o 16 18 2O 22 24 26 28 30 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) Figure 6. Influence of forcing temperature on plant height, number of nodes formed during forcing, diameter of open flowers, number of flowers, number of stalks per plant, and number of flowers per stalk for Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam'. Filled circles represent first year data, open circles represent second year data. Error bars show standard deviation. 49 THE RESPONSE OF LONG-DAY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS TO A NIGHT-INTERRUPTION AT LOW NIGHT TEMPERATURES 50 Abstract The effectiveness of a four-hour night interruption (NI) to induce flowering in the long-day herbaceous perennials, Achillea L. ‘Anthea’, Campanula carpatica Jacq. ‘White Clips’, Coreopsis grandiflora Hogg ex Sweet ‘Early Sunrise’, C. grandiflora ‘Sunray’, C. verticillata L. ‘Moonbeam’, Oenothera missouriensis Sims, 0. speciosa Nutt., and Rudbeckia fulgida Ait. ‘Goldsturrn’ was tested at six different night temperatures. Plants were grown under natural short days (9:03 hrs to 11:35 hrs) December through March, augmented with a four-hour NI from 2200 to 200 hours provided by 60-W incandescent lights at 3 to 5 umol rn‘2 3". Night temperature setpoints were 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 °C with a clay temperature setpoint of 25 °C for all treatments (actual average temperatures during the 4-h NI varied from 3.4 to 247°C). Flower induction occurred in most species at all night temperatures. Flowering percentage for O. missouriensis, O. speciosa and C. ‘Sunray’ varied widely among treatments in the first year. An increase in the number of nodes developed prior to flower induction and a lower flowering percentage at temperatures above 20° C indicated some heat delay in O. speciosa, A. ‘Anthea’, and in smaller, second-year material of C. ‘Early Sunrise’. Night temperatures as low as 3.4° C did not inhibit flowering of any species. Therefore the species tested in this experiment perceived long days delivered by a 4-h night-interruption at night temperatures from 3.4 to 24.7 °C with day temperatures of ~25°C. 51 Introduction A four-hour night interruption (NI) is an effective way to promote flowering in many long-day herbaceous perennials under natural short-day conditions (Runkle et al., 1998). Some perennials are commercially grown outdoors in the early spring and are, under normal temperature conditions, exposed to low night temperatures. To accelerate flower induction in early Spring when natural photoperiods are too short, commercial growers often provide Nl lighting. Under low-temperature conditions, Shillo and Halevy (1985) found that flowering percentage for Gypsophila paniculata ‘Bristol Fairy’ was severely reduced under long days delivered by day lengthening (additional hours of light in both morning and evening) when night temperatures were _<.17°C. Hicklenton et al. (1993), obtained similar results with a 18-h day-extension lighting on the same cultivar. It is not known whether other long-day herbaceous perennials might be affected similariy when subjected to NI lighting at low night temperatures. Our objective was to determine the effectiveness of NI long-day lighting treatments in promoting flowering of several long-day herbaceous perennials when delivered at different night temperatures. As the main interest was whether the plants would flower, and if so, whether there was any delay in initiation, data were taken as to whether the plant differentiated a flower bud or not, and at what node with respect to the start of forcing. 52 Materials and Methods 1"" year. In early December 1996, five species of perennials were received from commercial growers. Species studied, plug size and exact numbers and dates regarding plant material are presented in Table 7. Plants were transplanted into 13-cm square containers (1.1L) at the start of treatments (unless otherwise noted in Table 7). Long days consisted of natural days (9:03 hrs to 11:35 hrs) December through March, plus a 4-hour night interruption from 2200 to 0200 hours at 3 to 5 pmol rn‘2 s‘1 as measured by a LI-COR quantum sensor model Ll-189 (Ll-COR, Lincoln, Neb.) provided by 60-W incandescent lights. Day temperature (from 800-1800 HR) was set at 25°C for all treatments, while night temperature (NT) was set at 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 or 25°C. On some nights when prevailing outside temperatures were not low enough, it was not possible to maintain the coolest night temperature set points. Actual average daily temperatures for each treatment, and average temperatures during the NI lighting period for each treatment presented in Table 8. Temperature in each greenhouse was recorded continually with a CR-10 datalogger (Campbell Scientific, Logan, Utah). After 11 weeks of NI treatment, plants that had not reached visible bud were dissected under a stereoscope to determine if flower buds were present. Data recorded were: number of nodes at the start of forcing, presence or absence of a terminal flower bud, and number of nodes developed from the start of treatments to the first flower bud or inflorescence. 53 2nd year. The same procedures were followed the second year for six perennial species, except that at the end of treatment (Feb 15 for NT treatments 10-25°C, or March 8 for 2.5-5°C treatments), plants which had not reached visible bud were moved to natural short days at 20°C and held until approximately March 31, 1998. As well, 400W high-pressure sodium lamps were added to provide 50 umol m'2 s‘1 supplemental light. The lights were turned on when photosynthetic photon flux (ppf) levels in the greenhouse dropped below 200 umol m'2 s“, and turned off when ppf exceeded 400 umol m'2 s". A control group was also added, which was held at a constant 20°C set temp- erature and natural short days for the duration of the experiment. Flowering percentage and average number of nodes formed during forcing were determined for each treatment. New-node data was tested for significant linear and quadratic trends using the general linear models procedure (PROC GLM) in SAS (SAS Institute, 1990). Results and Discussion Percentage flower initiation. Most plants of A. ‘Anthea’, C. verticillata, R. fulgida, C. carpatica, and C. grandiflora ‘Early Sunrise’ initiated flowers in all treatments. All 0. missouriensis plants initiated flowers the second year, while only about 60% did so the first year. In the first year, 0. speciosa and C. grandiflora ‘Sunray’ demonstrated an incomplete and variable pattern of initiation over the temperature treatments. None of the plants in the control group in the second year initiated flowers. There was no evidence that night temperatures as low as 3.4°C affected the ability of these eight herbaceous perennials to initiate 54 flowers (Figures 6,7). Nodes formed prior to initiation. The number of nodes formed prior to flower initiation from the start of long days indicates whether any treatment had delayed flower induction. With the exception of R. fulgida and C. grandiflora ‘Sunray’, the number of nodes formed prior to flower initiation was either not affected or was increased by increasing night temperature (figures 6, 7). Flower initiation was strongly delayed in A. ‘Anthea’ and O. speciosa as night temperature increased above 15°C (Figure 6). In the second year C. grandiflora ‘Early Sunrise’ also showed an increase in the number of nodes added during forcing above 15°C night temperatures, as well as a Slight decrease in the percentage of plants flowering, which would indicate heat delay. This trend was not evident in the first year, perhaps because the plant material in the first year was larger (first year material averaged ~16 nodes , while second year material averaged ~13 nodes). While cold night temperatures did not cause any adverse effects on flowering for this species, night temperatures above approximately 15°C may delay initiation in plants with 13 or fewer nodes (Figure 7). For C. grandiflora ‘Sunray’ flowering percentage varied widely across treatments, and no treatment achieved 100% flowering (Figure 7). Coreopsis ‘Sunray’ normally requires vemalization before long day treatment in order to flower, but short days may substitute for this cold requirement (Runkle, 1996). It is possible that these plants did not receive enough Short days before the start of treatments to ensure 100% flowering. 55 On the other hand, 0. missouriensis, which also showed irregular flowering in the first year, had 100% flowering in all treatments in the second year, which suggests that perhaps the addition of supplemental lighting may have affected flowering responses. Thus, it may have been low light levels (lack of supplemental lighting) which was the cause of variable flowering percentages across treatments in C. grandiflora ‘Sunray’, O. missouriensis and O. speciosa in the first year. the species tested, a low night temperature does contribute to an overall lowering of average daily temperature (see Table 8), which slows developmental rates in general (Roberts and Summerfield, 1987; Wang, 1998; Yuan, 1998). On the other hand, many of the species tested Showed evidence of heat delay as night temperatures increased above approximately 15-20°C. As all treatments experienced relatively high day temperatures of ~25°C. this delay may have been due to high average daily temperature, or it may have been due specifically to high night temperatures. While the species tested in this experiment perceived long days delivered by a 4-h night-interruption at night temperatures from 3.4 to 247°C, growers should take into account other possible effects of night temperature on timing, such as heat delay or delay due to a low average daily temperature. 56 Literature Cited Hicklenton, P.R., S.M. Newman and L. J. Davies. 1993. Night temperature, photosynthetic photon flux, and long days affect Gypsophila paniculata flowering. HortScience 28(9):888-890. Roberts, E.H. and R.J. Summerfleld. 1987. Measurement and prediction of flowering in annual crops, pp.17-50. In: J.G. Atherton (ed.). Manipulation of flowering. Buttenrvorths, London. Runkle, ES. 1996. The effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on flowering of twenty-five species of herbaceous perennials. MS Thesis, Dept. of Horticulture, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. Runkle E.S, R.D. Heins, A.C. Cameron, and W.H. Carlson. 1998. Flowering of herbaceous perennials under various night interruption and cyclic lighting treatments. HortScience 33(4):672-677. SAS Institute. 1990. SAS/STAT users guide, release 6.12 ed. SAS lnst., Cary, NC. Shillo, R. and AH Halevy. 1982. Interaction of photoperiod and temperature in flowering-control of Gypsophila paniculata L. Scientia Hort. 16:385-393. Wang, 8., RD. Heins, W.H. Carlson and AC. Cameron. 1998. Modeling the effect of temperature on flowering of Hibiscus moscheutos. Acta Hort. 456:161-169. Yuan, M., W.H. Canson, R.D. Heins and AC. Cameron. 1998. Effect of forcing temperature on time to flower of Coreopsis grandiflora, Gaillardia xgrandiflora, Leucanthemum xsuperbum and Rudbeckia fulgida. HortScience 33(4):663-667. 57 .662 6.2 m 666:6 626566: 6:266:59 £9: 066.86 95:6 60:6E066S BE 6666.: 66; >65 :65) 3 69580 __E: a 69662 50.: 0. om 06 mm ...-m 66:: 660.3: 6:6 Boa 6.6366 E9: 95 6668 6:63 6:6 :6nE6>oz >666 :_ 662:6 .>6:::m. .0 6:6 66:50 >66m. 663660.. ..E own ”So: ..«\.N ”.8 mm U.6666. ”_E or H__6o.m~F ”626:8 66 m_ 6656 ms: 0o 6E:_o>.w 58 SNOOP 00m 9. NOOw 000 OF NOOV «00 Mr or ..«\.N or N ...EBmEOO. 00.530 0.5000952 ROOF n0“. VN OOOF 00D 2. Omar 00D O 9. ONF Ov _. 000.62? 0.050200 emOOF n0”— 9. ROOF 000 ON ROOF >02 AN O ONF OF N ROOF 00m VN OOOr 00D Z. 000—. 00D O v ON? O? F 0320.5000025 0.050200 OOOO— 00“.— OF ROOF 00D rm ROOF >02 m x000 So ONP OF N .E00nc00_2. 0~0§..0.E0> .0 ROOF n0“. VN 000—. 00D _.—. nOOOP >02 w on O_. _. >955. EOEBCEO .0 oOOOF 00“.. or ROOF 000 ON ROOF >02 KN O ONP OF N .0wtc3w >_._0m. ROOF n0”— VN OOOF 00D :. DOOOF >02 m om OF —. 0.525820%.“ 0.2280000 omOOF 00”— m—. ROOF 00D NN ROOF >02 KN O ONF O_. N .096 0:_._>>. ROOF n0"— .VN OOOF 00D Z. OOOF 00D O O ON? ON _. 00.00800 03:03:00 ewOOF 00“. Or ROOF 00D _.N BOO? ~00 ON ON on O—. N .005c<. 00:30.‘ 668: u was: E2566: 26.566: .6 6cm. 0:6E066b 00 6600 62.6 ho 6060 a : 66> 666660 8% 656600 ..6 60:6. 60:6.566: 0c 6606 6:6 62.6 :66256: :_ am :6. 66:: 6.6: 6:63 60:65 €6,566: .6 6:6 6:6 0:65:66: ho 6606 62:6 0o 66066 .0528 ..o 6606 65 06 666C: 06 .695: 666.66 .e_6>E6 06 6N_6 03.: 6062.66: :6: 9:63 .6 66:5: ..66> :666 666: 668660 K 636... Table 8. Average daily temperatures and temperature during 4-h night interruption (NI) for each treatment in the first and second year. Set temperature Year 1 temperatures Year 2 temperatures day/night 0C mg daily NI fl daily j NI 25/25 24.7 24.7 24.5 24.6 25/20 21.9 19.5 22.2 19.8 25/15 19.5 14.9 19.3 14.6 25/10 17.3 10.5 16.8 10.4 25/5 14.2 5.5 16.2 7.0 25/2.5 13.7 3.4 15.5 4.9 59 Nodes added during forcing A—A—A—A—A—A - 30 _ . 100 25 - - 80 20 - - 60 15 - L 40 10 - . 20 Achillea - 3 - a) m... ”'Anthea' . . , ' A—o—A—A—H - 100 16 - °_ 80 12 ‘ M L °° 8 - l 40 4 - ... Coreopsis verticillata F 20 b) LNS O f) 'Moonbeam' ° 0 . I i I . l L I . I . I . i . l . 4 I o F 100 25 — \ / L 20 - ' 80 15 _ _- 60 5 _ ... Rudbeckia fulgida - 20 C) L Q 9) 'Goldsturm’ ~ 0 . l . L . I . l . g . 14. L . I I . I O — 100 30 . L so 20 - '_ 40 10 ‘ Oenothera L 20 d L... 0". h . _ 0 E) I . I J I L J ) SP 69,018 8. i 2 I . I 0 0 5101520250 510152025 Night temperature (°C) Figure 7. Graphs a-d Show average number of nodes added from the start of treatments to the first flower bud. Error bars show 95% confidence interval. Graphs e-h show flowering percentage. Closed circles represent data taken the first year, while open triangles represent data taken the second year. Linear trend (L) or quadratic trend (Q) nonsignificant (”3), Or significant at P=0.05 (*), 0.01 (**), or 0.001 (***). 60 6uuemou afietueored Nodes added during forcing — 100 ‘ L 20 _ 80 16 ‘ ’ 60 12 - 7 8 - f 40 4 Oenothera - 20 0 . Ail-t. OI" . I I : I e.)ni1is.soqn;egins . I . I b O - 100 25 - . 20 _ - 80 15 _ 1 60 10 _ - 40 5 - b o LNS 0*“ f Campanula carpatica F 20 O ) A1 L*:. Qt" . 1 I l ) 'VIVhitGIC'ipS: . l I l h 0 W " 100 20 - _ 80 15 - L 60 10 - ~ 40 5 ° 0 L“ 0* Coreopsis randiflora F 20 O C.) AIL”? 01*". I l l 9.) 'IEarly Isuinngise; l J 1 i O - 100 12 — l 80 3 - F 60 — 40 4 . . Coreo Sis randiflora - 20 d) L” ONS h) .Sunra’; 9 _ O . I . I . l 4 l 4 1 . l . I l . l . I O 0 5 1o 15 20 25 o 5 10 15 20 25 Night temperature (°C) Figure 8. Graphs a-d show average number of nodes added from the start of treatments to the first flower bud. Error bars show 95% confidence interval. Graphs e-h show flowering percentage. Closed circles represent data taken the first year, while open triangles represent data taken the second year. Linear trend (L) or quadratic trend (Q) nonsignificant( Or significant at P=0.05 (*), 0.01 (**), or 0.001 (***). 61 “3). Buuamou afietueored APPENDIX A: NEW SPECIES SCREEN 62 INTRODUCTION As perennials have become more popular, the demand for growers to produce them has increased. Since selling plants in bloom increases both their value and desirability, recent research has focused on how to bring perennials into flower on demand. As a preliminary step in the research process, species new to the MSU perennial program are put through a simple experiment designed to elucidate the basics of their requirements to flower. To determine whether they require cold to flower, they are given either 15 weeks of cold treatment at 5°C, or no cold treatment. These plants are then divided into short day treatments (9-h) or long day treatments (9-h with a 4-h night interruption) to find out what photoperiod they require to bloom. In addition to noting whether and when the plants flower, measurements such as height and number of flowers are recorded. Informal observations are made as to the potential of each species as a flowering potted plant. The new species screen provides an information base from which to choose species which have promise for the grower based-on appearance and ease of production. Those plants which show potential are then studied in more detail. The data taken in the new species screen helps the researcher to know what to expect from the plant, and to design experiments to pinpoint cold, photoperiod and temperature responses. 63 PROTOCOL OBJECTIVE: To screen various species for flowering response under long and short days and before and after cold treatment. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Plant Material: See table 9 Photoperiods: 1) 9 hours (0800 - 1700) 2) Night interruption from 2200 to 0200 HR with incandescent lamps Cold Treatments: 1) No cold treatment 2) 15 weeks at 5°C (9-h photoperiod from cool-white fluorescent light) Plant Requirements: 10 plants x 2 photoperiods x 2 cold treatments = 40 plants/species RESEARCH PROTOCOL: Half of the plants of each species will be planted into 5" square pots and put under the indicated photoperiods upon arrival; the other half will be put into a 5°C cooler for 15 weeks and then potted up and put under photoperiod treatments. Greenhouse forcing temperatures will be set at a constant 20°C. Data collected will include: 1) Initial leaf count 2) Date of visible bud/inflorescence 3) Date of flowering 4) Final leaf number at date of flowering 5) Number of flower buds/inflorescences at date of flowering 6) Height of plant/inflorescence at date of flowering 64 Table 9. New species screens 1997-1999. Production information, including rating as a potted plant, cold and photoperiod recommendations, based on the treatments given in this screen, and approximate weeks to flower at 20°C. —--- _, —- -—-——----——~— === —— ————-—— ~ — — — -— rating I I as 15 rovide wks to I I Species/Cultivar t weeks p NI? FL at Comments I , 9° cold? 20°C I . plant I —‘ ." " ‘ "‘ ‘ ‘ —‘ ___—T“ __‘_‘ “ _ ***” ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ " I ' Ichn’IIIIeGaa’ amt.» yes yes 7 Lots of long lasting flowers I ~ Achillea ptannica very susceptible to powdery . ‘The Pearl’ “I “9“ yes 5 mildew { I Agastache very long bloom time , ‘Pink Panther’ m1? rec. no 6 some PGR work needed . 1 Ajuga reptans nice with or without flowers I ‘Bronze Beauty’ 121312 yes no 3 and easy I ; Anemone hupehensrs {we yes yes 14 a nice show of pink flowers I | ' Anemone sylvestris fl 9 9 2 Inconsistent flowering and I ; ‘ ' short lived blooms I L gzgzggsesgfha 12121:» yes yes 14 very similar to A. hupehensis . I ' Aster alpinus i? es 7 5 nice flowers, but flowering I I ‘Goliath’ y ' was inconsistent I : . I I Aster dumosrs 1112 yes no 8 needs work with PGRs ‘ , Purple Dome I . Aubrieta easy. nice flowers but I ‘Whitewell Gem’ I“? yes no 3 scraggtly Campanula good but not as nice portenschlagiana m“? yes no 5 as ‘Birch Hybrid’ Clematis montana a nice show if you can ‘John Paul II’ “If" yes yes 12 contain it. Flethra alnifolia ‘Rosea’ 1’32 yes “:25 15 inconsistent flowering Coreopsis auriculata it: if? no 7 4 short & cute, but needs ‘Nana’ ' photoperiod work . like pink C. verticillata - Coreopsrs rosea 12111? rec. yes 7 reat, but may need stakin Dianthus deltoides few flowers — also needs ‘Shrimp’ 6 yes "° 8 juvenility work 12131? = excellent, ready for pot culture rec. = recommended first: = consistent, not ready for pot culture prob. = probably it = not suited for pot culture at this time 65 not neces. = not necessary PGR’s = plant growth regulators Table 9 (cont’d) Species/Cultivar Comments ,- I Pa_'"‘ ___I__ I _ _ , I- , Dianthus deltoides 1k rob prob. _ no flowers from plugs— ‘Canta Libre’ p ' not needs juvenility work . Dicentra exrmia m: yes no 6 could be nice but needs Luxunant cultural work Echinacea purpurea needs work with PGRs or ‘Magnus’ 1m rec. yes 15 other height reduction Geranium long bloomer — needs work ' ‘Johnson’s Blue' W rec' "° 6 with PGRs Geum not needs work with PGRs ‘Mrs. Bradshaw’ {:32 yes neces. 8 otherwise v. nice Gypsophila paniculata needs PGRs, as recom- T ‘Happy Festival’ and? yes yes 11'5 mended by breeder :- gelenrum mt» yes yes 10 needs work with PGRs runo - Helenium autumnale . I . ‘Red & old Hybrid’ my yes yes 14 needs work With PGRs I . , . , not yes if I , Hemerocallis Rocket City 12121:: neces. no cold 15 needs a gallon pot I Iris flowers extrememly short- 7 I ‘Sambo’ {I ' yes 3 lived I Lewisia cotyledon mi: rec. no 12 beautiful show, but i mconsrstent flowenn I Lychnis coronan'a n, es 7 8 inconsistent flowering - ; ‘Angel Blush’ y ' needs juvenility & PGR work I . Oenothera frutrcosa not . l I ’Youngii-Lapsley' 1212* yes neces. 6 a great display. : Pennisetum alopecuroides 1’: 7 7 _ did not flower under any T ‘Little Bunny’ ' ' treatment I Polygonum affine I ‘Dimity' 12???? yes yes 13 not very showy 1 Potentilla atrosanguinea 1’? es 7 7 inconsistent flowering - : ‘Miss Willmott’ y ' needs juvenility & PGR work I Sidalcea 1: 1": not no 10 very nice but too tall — needs I ‘Paiy Girls’ neces. work with PGRs mm = excellent, ready for pot culture serif: = consistent, not ready for pot culture 1!? = not suited for pot culture at this time 66 rec. = recommended prob. = probably not neces. = not necessary PGR’s = plant growth regulators Table 9 (cont’d) rating 15 Species/Cultivar a; weeks prfil‘gje Comments 9 cold? ' 20°C plant Stokesia Iaevis ,, . ‘Klaus Jellito’ trim yes no 11 fills out a 5 pot very nicely . Tanacetum low flowering % - needs - ‘Robinson Dk Crimson’ 1? rec. yes 15 juvenility work Thalictrum aqui/egifolium it“: yes ? 8 inconSIstent and Mt very showy . . not very easy to flower. Long Tiarella when'yi 122121} no neces. 4 lasting display . Tricyrtis nirta it yes yes 16 sparse flowering, long force 1 Miyazaki time TroIIi'us Iedebourii nice flowers, but long force ‘Golden Queen’ i“? rec. no >15 time - juvenility? “Veronica Iongifolia 12121? yes not 9 fills out a 5 pct nicely — tall : leicle (veg) neces. white spikes . mrnia’longifolia it n, 1:» yes . Ho 7 HI ouwoa5 pot — smaller rec. = recommended prob. = probably not neces. = not necessary PGR’s = plant growth regulators {dd} = excellent, ready for pot culture em = consistent, not ready for pot culture 11? = not suited for pot culture at this time 67 Percent Flowering Plant Node Development 50 100% 40 , , , 75% 30 so-/. 20 25% , 1° 0% 2.32.. 0 Weeks 5C 15 Weeks SC SD LD SD LD SD LD m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud Days to Flower so so 40 20 0 LD SD LD mowedks 5c -1Sweeks 5c moweeks 5c -1Sweeks 50 Number of lnflorescences Plant Height at Flower e 5 4 E 9. 3 z 2 +3 I 1 0 SD LD W 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks SC m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC Figure 9. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Achillea 'Anthea' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 68 Percent Flowering Plant Node Development 100% 7 e no 15 Week SC SD LD LD m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud 80 Days to Flower 60 40 20 so LD so LD m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC Number of Flowers Plant Height at Flower 50 Height (cm) 8 _s O 0 SD LD m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC LD m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC Figure 10. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Achillea ptarmica 'The Pearl' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 69 Percent Flowering 100% —- W , ,, A. 75% 50% 25% 0% LD m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC Plant Node Development Oeeks SD LD - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 SD LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks 5C Days to Flower SD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks SC Number of Inflorescences 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 my 0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC Plant Height at Flower egg Height (cm) M u # O O _s O O m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC Figure 11. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Agastache 'Pink Panther' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 70 Percent Flowering 100% ,,,,,,,,, L. 7., , 75% 50% 25% , 0% m0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC Plant Node Development 10 ’ 0 Weeks 5C 15 Weeks SC LD SD LD - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud 80 60 40 20 0 SD LD m 0 weeks so - 15 weeks 5c Days to Flower 80 '- SD LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks 5C Number of Inflorescences 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 SD LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks SC Plant Height at Flower 16 A12 - E :2 a 5’ 4 .. -- o .... SD LD m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC Figure 12. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Ajuga reptans 'Bronze Beauty' as indicated. Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals. Percent Flowering Plant Node Development 100% 3° ‘ *.-. ’ " 25 . . . 75% 20 50% 15 10 25% 5 0 0% 0 Weeks 5C 15 Weeks SC SD SD LD LD SD LD m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC - Initlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud Days to Flower 150 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 SD LD SD LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks 5C In 0 weeks 5C - 15 weeks SC Number of Flowers Plant Height at Flower 100 100 80 80 60 a: O 40 Height (cm) A O 20 N O 0 0 LD SD LD moynek; 5c -15w99ks 5c Maweeks SC -15weeks SC Figure 13. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Anemone hupehensis as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 72 Percent Flowering Plant Node Development 100% 75% 50% 25% 0% 0 Weeks SC 15 Weeks 5C D SD LD 5 LD SD LD m 0 weeks 5c -15 weeks 5c - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud Days to Flower 1 50 1 20 90 60 30 0 SD LD SD LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks SC m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks SC Number of Flowers Plant Height at Flower 4 25 3 A 20 515 2 .. f. 10 O 1 z 5 0 LD D m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks 5c M 0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC Figure 14. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Anemone sylvestris as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 73 Percent Flowering Plant Node Development 100% . ________________________ 2° 16 ————— -I —————— 75% ———————————— 12 50% . ———————————— a ____________ 25% I ____________ 4 “ “ -‘ 0% OWeeksSC 15WeeksSC SD LD SD LD SD LD ”OweeksSC -15weeksSC -lnltlelNodesmNodesstFlower Days to Visible Bud Days to Flower 120 120 so ________________________ so ____________ so so ____________ 30 30 ____________ o 0 SD LD momekssc -15weeksSC moweekssc -15weeksSC Number of Flowers Plant Height at Flower 30 40 25 A 30 I ____________ ___- 20 g 15 E 20 . ——————————— 4———— 2 10 f 10 IL- ___________ __-_ S 0 0 so LD SD m0weeks50 -1SweeksSC mOweeksSC -15weeksSC Figure 15. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Anemone vitifolia ‘Robustissima‘ as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 74 Percent Flowering Plant Node Development 100% 50 , 75% 50% 25% 0% 0 Weeks 5C 15 Weeks SC SD LD SD LD m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud Days to Flower 80 60 40 20 D SD m 0 weeks 5c - 15 weeks 5c M 0 weeks 5c - 15 weeks 5c Number of F|owers Plant Height at Flower Height (cm) LD SD SD m 0 weeks 5c - 15 weeks 5c 5529 0 weeks SC -15 weeks 5C Figure 16. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Aster alpinus 'Goliath' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 75 Percent Flowering 100% e ______________________ 75% SD LD mOweeks 5C -15weeksSC Plant Node Development 50 40 30 20 1 0 OWeeksSC SD LD 15 Weeks SC SD LD - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud 140 120 ———————————— 100 ____________ ___—___ 80 60 40 I. —————— 20 0 SD 140 120 100 Days to Flower i.————-——-—-—-————i _—___——-—e—_—-1 SD —-—. _———_————q LD ll“I“Oweeks SC -15weeksSC WOweeksSC -15weeks5C Number of Flowers SD mamksSC -15weeks5C LD Plant Height at Flower 175 150 A125 . 3 100 < 75 < 50 . 25 m Height q———————————— u————_——————— ——————_-_——fi __2p ________ LD MOweeksSC -15weeks 5C Figure 17. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Aster dumosus as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. Percent Flowering 1 00% 75% 50% 25% 0% SD LD m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks 5C Days to Visible Bud 30 25 20 15 10 0 SD LD m 0 weeks 5C -15 weeks 5C Number of Flowers LD m 0 weeks 5C - 15 weeks 5C Plant Node Development 40 0 Weeks SC SD LD - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower 15 Weeks SC SD LD Days to Flower SD LD m 0 weeks 5C - 15 weeks SC Plant Height at Flower Height (cm) A N SD LD m 0 weeks 5C - 15 weeks SC Figure 18. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Aubrieta ’Whitewell Gem' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 77 Percent Flowering 1 00% 75% 25% 0% SD LD m 0 weeks so -15 weeks 5c Plant Node Development 25 20 15 Weeks SD LD SD LD - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 m 0 weeks so - 15 weeks 5c Days to Flower 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 SD LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks SC Number of Flowers 400 300 200 100 SD LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks SC Height (cm) Plant Height at Flower SD LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks SC Figure 19. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Campanula portensch/agiana as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 100% 75% 50% 25% 0% Percent Flowering ———_—-——————i _--—————————r i————————_——e—i SD LD mOweeksSC -15weeks5C __——-J __——‘ ___—.4 Plant Node Development 40 301 20 10 SD LD SD 9.. DO. .0. 15 Weeks LD - Inltlal Nodes in: Nodes at Flower 120 30 Days to Visible Bud “OweeksSC -15weeks50 120 30 Days to Flower 4i—————.———e—e—-——i ___-__—_——-—1 SD .0. I... 0.. D... Ago ————-I m0weeksSC -15weeks5C 14 12 10 Number of Flowers m0weeks5c -15weeks5C Plant Height at Flower :5 uh OO 0 Height (cm) no a O “OweeksSC -15weeksSC Figure 20. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Clematis montana ‘John Paul II' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. Percent Flowering 1 00% 75% 25% 0% SD LD m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC Plant Node Development 0 Weeks 5C 15 Weeks 5C LD SD LD - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud 1 20 90 60 30 0 SD R 0 weeks 5C -15 weeks SC Days to Flower SD LD m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC Number of lnflorescences 8 6 4 LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks SC Plant Height at Flower 160 120 80 Height (cm) 40 0 SD LD m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC Figure 21. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Clethra alnifolia ‘Rosea' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. Percent Flowering 1 00% 75% 50%~ 25% 0% SD LD m 0 weeks so -15 weeks 5c Plant Node Development 0 Weeks SC 15 Weeks SC SD LD SD LD - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud 60 40 20 SD m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks 5C Days to Flower so m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC Number of Flowers SD LD m 0 weeks SC - 1 5 weeks SC Plant Height at Flower Height (cm) LD m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC Figure 22. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Coreopsis auriculata 'Nana' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. Percent Flowering 100% 75% 50% 25% SD LD m 0 weeks sc -15 weeks 5c Plant Node Development 0 Weeks 5C 15 Weeks SC SD LD SD LD - Initial Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 SD LD m 0 weeks so - 15 weeks 5c Days to Flower SD LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks SC Number of Flowers SD LD m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC Plant Height at Flower 40 u 0 N 0 Height (cm) —L O SD 5883 0 weeks SC -15 weeks 5C Figure 23. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Coreopsis rosea as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. Percent Flowering 1 00% 75% 25% 0% SD LD m 0 weeks 5c -15 weeks 5c Plant Node Development 0 Weeks 5C 15 Weeks SC SD LD SD LD - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud 60 50 40 30 20 1 0 0 SD LD m 0 weeks 5c - 15 weeks so Days to Flower SD LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks SC Number of Flowers LD S m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks SC Plant Height at Flower Height (cm) SD m 0 weeks 5C -15 weeks 5C Figure 24. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Dianthus deltoides ’Shrimp' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. Percent Flowering 100% 10 3 ,,,,,, M 75% 6 ggggg j 50% 4 p _ _ 25% 2I””” 0% 0 0 Weeks 1heeksSC SD LD SD LD SD LD m 0 weeks 5c -15 weeks 5c Days to Visible Bud 220 200 60 40 20 0 SD LD m 0 weeks 5C -15 weeks SC Plant Node Development - Initial Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Flower SD LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks SC Number of Flowers Plant Height at Flower 50 30 40 25 30 E 20 E 15 2° L210 . 10 I 5 o 0 SD LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks SC LB 6383 0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC Figure 25. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Dicentra eximia 'Luxuriant' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 84 Percent Flowering Plant Node Development 100% 35 30 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 15% 25 *********** 20 500/. 15 10 25% 0% 0 Weeks 5C 15 Weeks SC SD SD LD so LD L” m 0 weeks 5C -15 weeks 5C - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud 160 Days to Flower 120 80 40 0 SD LD a 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks 5C m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks SC Number of Flowers Plant Height at Flower 12 100 80 60 40 Height (cm) 20 03.1th SD LD m 0 weeks 5C - 15 weeks SC LD m 0 weeks 5C - 15 weeks SC Figure 26. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 85 Percent Flowering Plant Node Development 1oo% . ._ . 35 30 75% 25 20 50% 15 10 25% eeeee 5 ,, .7 0% . z 0 Weeks SC 15 Weeks SC SD LD LD LD m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks 5C - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud Days to Flower 200 160 120 80 40 0 LD so mOweeks SC -1Sweeks SC m0weeks SC -1Sweeks SC Number of Flowers Plant Height at Flower 8 U 0 Height (cm) N O _s O SD LD EOweeks SC -1Sweeks SC mOweeks SC -15weeks SC Figure 27. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Geranium 'Johnson's Blue' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 86 Percent Flowering 1 00% 75% 50% 25% 0% SD LD m 0 weeks 5c -15 weeks so Plant Node Development 14 0 Weeks 5C 15 Weeks SC SD LD SD LD - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud 80 60 40 20 0 SD LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks 5C Days to Flower SD LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks 5C Number of Flowers SD LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks SC Plant Height at Flower 50 Height (cm) N U # O O O _L O 0 m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC Figure 28. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Geum 'Mrs. Bradshaw' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. Percent Flowering Plant Node Development 80 60 40 20 SD m 0 weeks sc - 15 weeks 5C 100% _, _ , eeeeee 5° 40 75% 30 500/. ..-, 20 25% e ,, , 1° ’ 0% .:.:.;. 0 Weeks 5C 15 Weeks SC SD LD SD LD SD LD m 0 weeks 5C -15 weeks 5C - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud Days to Flower 120 100 SD LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks 5C Number of Flowers LD m 0 weeks 5C -15 weeks SC Plant Height at Flower 15 12 Height (cm) O o) O to SD LD m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC Figure 29. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Gypsophila paniculata 'Happy Festival' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 88 Percent Flowering Plant Node Development 100% I ........... ___- ___- 7° 60 75% F ——————————— I- ::;:; ————-+ 50 25252 40 50% ____________ _ _____ so 20 I 25% ___________ s- ..... 10 0% , m .;.;.;. 0 Weeks 5C 15 Weeks 5C SD SD LD so L0 L” m 0 weeks 5C -15 weeks SC - Inltlal Nodes mNodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud Days to Flower 140 140 120 120 ——————————————————————— 100 100 _______________________ 80 80 ____________ _ 60 60 I ———————————— — _____ ‘0 313133 ‘0 ”—— "-*- ----- 2o zo ----- 0 . :§:?:?:' 0 , 21:32:: 23:3:3: SD LD SD mOweekssc -15weeksSC LD “OweeksSC -15weeksSC Number of Flowers Plant Height at Flower 40 so so ______________________ A so . e e 20 ———————————— -— ————— E 40 < 2 1o ____________ _ _____ :3 20 . 0 .__.__ 32:3: LD SD mamkgsc -15weeks5C “OweeksSC -1SweeksSC Figure 30. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Helenium ‘ano‘ as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 89 percent Flowering Plant Node Development 100% I ——————————— ———— ————— 5° 4° ------------ 75% . ———————————— — ————— 30 :5:- 5096 ———————————— — ————— 20 25% ____________ _ _____ 10 I o I 0% 15 Weeks 5c SD LD SD LD SD LD m 0 weeks 5c -15 weeks so - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud Days to Flower 120 120 so ———————————————————————— so __________________ so ———————————— _ ————— 60 ____________ I— ___—4 so I ____________ _ _____ so ____________ _ _____ o » 0 SD LD SD LD moweekssc -1SweeksSC moweeks5c -1SweeksSC Number of Flowers Plant Height at Flower so so so . _______________________ . so . ____________ ___- -—-—-I E 0 4o ———————————— ___- ————— E 40 ———————————— — ___- .9 20 ____________ ---- _____ :2 20 ____________ _ ---- o , 0 SD LD SD LD mOweeksSC -1SweeksSC m0weeksSC -15weeksSC Figure 31. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Helenium 'Red and Gold Hybrid' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 90 Percent Flowering 100% 75% , 50% eeeee 25% ....... 0%. SD LD m 0 weeks 5c -15 weeks 5c Plant Node Development 20 15 ”We“; 10 ewe“ e 5 77-74,- , 0 Weeks 5C 15 Weeks SC SD LD SD L - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud 1 80 1 50 1 20 90 60 30 0 SD m 0 weeks so - 15 weeks 5c Days to Flower SD LD m0weeks 50 -15 weeks 50 Number of Flowers SD LD m 0 weeks 5C - 15 weeks 5C Plant Height at Flower 80 A O Helght (cm) N O mo weeks SC -15 weeks SC Figure 32. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Hemerocallis 'Rocket City' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 91 Percent Flowering 100% 75% 50% 25% 0% SD LD m 0 weeks 5C -15weeks SC Plant Node Development 12 7 1O kkkkkk “”7 g 3 ,,,,,,,,,, 6 — ——747 4 ,,,,,, _ 2 e __,_, 0 :o:-:- 'ozozo: -:-:-: 0 Weeks 5C 15 Weeks SC SD LD SD LD - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud 40 30 20 10 0 SD LD m 0 weeks sc - 15 weeks 5c Days to Flower SD LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks SC Number of Flowers M13“)! LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks 5C Height (cm) Plant Height at Flowe 16 , SD LD m 0 weeks SC -15weeks SC Figure 33. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Iris 'Sambo' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. Percent Flowering Plant Node Development 1 00% 75% 50% 25% 0% 0 Weeks 5C 15 Weeks SC SD LD SD LD SD LD m 0 weeks 5C -15 weeks SC - Initial Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud Days to Flower 250 200 150 100 50 0 m 0 weeks 5c - 15 weeks 5c m 0 weeks 5c - 15 weeks 5c Number of Flowers Plant Height at Flower Height (cm) LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks SC m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks 5C Figure 34. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Lewisia cotyledon as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 93 Percent Flowering 1 00% 75% 50% 25% 0% SD LD 553 0 weeks SC -1Sweeks 5C Plant Node Development 30 0 Weeks 5C 15 Weeks SC SD LD SD LD - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud 100 80 60 40 20 O SD m 0 weeks 5c - 15 weeks 5c Days to Flower SD LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks SC Number of Flowers SD LD m 0 weeks 5C - 15 weeks 5C Plant Height at Flower SD LD m 0 weeks 5C - 15 weeks SC Figure 35. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Lychnis coronaria 'Angel Blush' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 94 Percent Flowering 1 00% 75% 50% 25% 0% LD m 0 weeks 5C -15 weeks SC Plant Node Development 0 Weeks 5C 15 Weeks SC LD SD LD - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud 70 60 SO 40 30 20 10 0 m 0 weeks 5c - 15 weeks so Days to Flower SD LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks SC Number of Flowers LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks 5C Plant Height at Flower 50 40 Height (cm) N 6) O O _L O 0 SD LD m 0 weeks 5C - 15 weeks SC Figure 36. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Oenothera fruticosa 'Youngii-Lapsley' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. Percent Flowering Plant Node Development 25 , 0 Weeks 5C 15 Weeks SC SD LD LD SD LD m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks 5C - lnltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud Days to Flower 120 100 so so 40 20 0 SD LD SD LD mOweeks Sc -15 weeks SC MOweeks SC -15weeks 5C Number of lnflorescences Plant Height at Flower 4 4o 3 A so E .9. 2 E» 20 1 £ 10 0 SD LD SD LD m a weeks 5"; - 15 weeks 5c m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks 5C Figure 37. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Polygonum affine 'Dimity' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 96 Percent Flowering 1 00% 75% 50% 25% 0% SD LD m 0 weeks 5c -15 weeks 5c Plant Node Development 25 0 Weeks 5C 15 Weeks 5C LD SD LD - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud 80 60 40 20 0 SD LD m 0 weeks 5c - 15 weeks 5c Days to Flower SD LD Maweeks 5C -15 weeks SC Number of Flowers 140 1 20 1 00 80 60 40 20 SD LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks 5C Plant Height at Flower 35 30 A 25 20 15 10 5 Height (cm m Oweeks 5C -15 weeks 5C Figure 38. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Potentilla atrosanguinea 'Miss Willmott' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. Percent Flowering Plant Node Development 40 , 1 00% 75% 50% ,, 25% 0% 0 Weeks 5C 15 Weeks SC SD LD SD LD SD LD m 0 weeks 5C -15 weeks SC - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud Days to Flower 120 100 so so 40 20 0 SD m 0 weeks 5c - 15 weeks 5c m 0 weeks 5c - 15 weeks 5c Number of Inflorescences Plant Height at Flower 20 100 15 A so 5 so 10 2’ g, 40 5 f 20 7 o 0 SD LD EWOweeks SC -15weeks 5C mOweeks 5C -15weeks SC Figure 39. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Sidalcea ‘Party Girls' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 98 Percent Flowering 1 00% 75% 50% 25% 0% SD m 0 weeks 5C -15 weeks SC Plant Node Development 25 0 Weeks SC 15 Weeks SC SD LD SD LD - Inltlal Nodes ma Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud 1 20 1 00 80 60 40 20 0 SD 5333 0 weeks 5c - 15 weeks 5c Days to Flower LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks SC Number of Flowers Plant Height at Flower 50 40 530 520 0 =10 0 SD SD LD m a weeks 5c -15 week, 5c m 0 weeks so - 15 weeks 5c Figure 40. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Stokesia Iaevis 'Klaus Jellito' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 99 Percent Flowering Plant Node Development 100%¢ I————————————th———-——————-——# 75% _______ 0.. ___—__—-4 use. ___— eeo "‘ 15 Weeks SC 0 Weeks SC SD LD SD LD - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower SD LD mOweeks 5c -15weeks 5c Days to Visible Bud Days to Flower 115 115 150 . ______________________ 5 150 ____________ 125 ___________________ 125 ____________ 1oo _________________ 100 75 i __________________ 75 50 ........ 50 25 ————— 25 o . 55:3: 0 . LD SD mllweekssc -15weeksSC flaweeksSC -15weeksSC Number of Flowers Plant Height at Flower 15 . 150 12 _ ________ ___ ____________ 125. 9 S100 ‘ I; 75« 6 g 50 ‘ 3 25 ‘ see 0 6:3 LD LD SD “Oweeks 5C -15 weeks 5C m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks 5C Figure 41. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Tanacetum 'Robinson's Dark Crimson' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 100 Percent Flowering 1 00% 75% 50% 25% 0% SD LD 995 0 weeks 5c -15 weeks 5c Plant Node Development 0 Weeks 5C 15 Weeks SC SD LD SD LD - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud 1 60 120 80 40 0 SD LD m 0 weeks 5C - 15 weeks 5C Days to Flower m 0 weeks 5C - 15 weeks SC Number of lnflorescences 3 m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks 5C Plant Height at Flower LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks SC Figure 42. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Thalictrum aquilegifolium as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. Percent Flowering Plant Node Development 100% 25 20 75% 15 50% 1o - m. 25% 5 0% 0 Weeks 5C 15 Weeks SC SD LD SD LD m 0 weeks so -15 weeks so - Initial Nodes mNodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud Days to Flower 4o 40 30 30 _7‘_ «an 20 20 ____ - _ _______ 1o 10 ___- -_ _____ SD SD LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks 5C m 0 weeks 5C - 15 weeks 5C Number of I nflorescences Plant HGith at Flower 12 20 A 15 E O E 10 , 2 £ 5 SD LD m 0 weeks 5c - 15 weeks 5c m 0 weeks 5C - 15 weeks SC Figure 43. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Tiare/la wherryi as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 102 Percent Flowering 1 00% 75% 50% 25% 0% SD m 0 weeks 5C -15 weeks 5C Plant Node Development 0 Weeks 5C 15 Weeks SC SD LD SD LD - Initial Nodes ms Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 SD LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks SC Days to Flower SD LD m 0 weeks 5C -15 weeks 5C Number of Flowers m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks 5C Plant Height at Flower 18 15 .5 N Height (cm) 0 w a G9 SD LD m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks SC Figure 44. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Tn'cyn‘is hirta 'Miyazaki' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. Percent Flowering 1 00% 75% 50% 25% 0% LD m 0 weeks 5c -15 weeks 5c Plant Node Development 0 Weeks SC SD LD 1 5 Weeks SC SD LD - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud 1 20 1 00 80 60 40 20 0 SD LD m 0 weeks SC -15 weeks 5C Days to Flower SD LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks 5C Number of lnflorescences 20 16 12 B 4 LD m 0 weeks SC - 15 weeks 5C Plant Height at Flower 50 , Height (cm) M u b O O O _L O O D m 0 weeks 5C -15 weeks SC Figure 45. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Veronica Iongifolia 'lcicle' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. Percent Flowering 1 00% 75% 50% 25% 0% SD R!!! 0 weeks 5C -15 weeks 5C Plant Node Development 0 Weeks 5C 15 Weeks SC SD LD SD LD - Inltlal Nodes m Nodes at Flower Days to Visible Bud 60 50 40 30 20 1 0 0 SD LD m 0 weeks 5c - 15 weeks 5c Days to Flower SD LD m 0 weeks 5C - 15 weeks 5C Number of lnflorescences 10 ON#Q@ LD m 0 weeks 5C - 15 weeks 5C Plant Height at Flower 35 30 A25 5,20 315 £10 5 SD LD m 0 weeks 5C -15 weeks 5C Figure 46. Effects of photoperiod and cold treatment on Veronica Iongifolia 'Red Fox' as indicated. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. APPENDIX B: EFFECTS OF FORCING TEMPERATURE 106 INTRODUCTION Timing is just as important as a high quality crop in the floriculture industry. As most commercial growers must produce their crop on a strict schedule, knowing how long it takes for a plant to reach a saleable stage is crucial. Temperature is known to affect both the quality and the rate of development in plants, and is the most commonly used method of regulating timing in greenhouse crops. By testing today’s popular new herbaceous perennials for their responses to different forcing temperatures, we can make recommendations as to what temperatures will produce the highest quality crop in the fastest time. As most of the species we work with require or benefit from a cold treatment, species in the temperature experiment spend ~12 weeks in the cooler at 5°C. They are then potted up and placed in greenhouses at five different temperatures ranging from 17-29°C. Data taken includes such standard information as date of visible bud and flower, height at bloom, and the number and size of flowers. Buds are measured every 3-4 days as they expand to provide a yardstick for flower development. General health and appeal of the plants under different temperatures is also noted. ‘ The temperature experiment provides basic timing information for growers new to a crop, or those wishing to improve plant quality. Bud measurements help growers to gauge the progress of plants towards flower, so they can adjust temperatures to meet scheduling requirements. Researchers also use this information as a reference in planning other experiments using these species. 107 PROTOCOL OBJECTIVE: To quantify the influence of forcing temperature on plant quality and time to visible bud and flower. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Plant Material: See Table 10 Cold treatment prior to forcing: 12 weeks at 5°C (9-h photoperiod from cool-white fluorescent light) Forcing environment: 1) Photoperiod: NI from 2200 to 0200 HR with incandescent lamps (1"t year) 16-hr day extension with high-pressure sodium lamps (2"d year) 2) Temperature: 17, 20, 23, 26 or 29°C Plant Requirements: 10 plants x 5 temperatures =50 plants/species RESEARCH PROTOCOL: Plants will be cooled for 12 weeks before being potted into 5" square pots. Cooled plants will be placed in the above temperature treatments and forced under long days, provided either by day extension to 16 hrs, or a 4-h night interruption. Data collected will include: 1) Initial leaf count 2) Date of visible bud/inflorescence 3) Bud length or diameter every three to five days, where appropriate 4) Date of flowering 5) Final leaf number at date of flowering 6) Number of flower buds/inflorescences at date of flowering 7) Height of plant/inflorescence at date of flowering 8) Flower diameter at anthesis, where appropriate 9) Date of first color, where appropriate 10) Number of flowering stalks, where appropriate 108 1i. " Table 10. Effects of Forcing Temperature. Production information, including year included in experiment, weeks of cold given, approximate weeks to flower at 17-29°C, and comments on plant quality and other observations. Recom- mended temperature range represented by bold numbers in the weeks to flower columns. wks" weeks to flower at: if i Comments * °°'d 7 20 23 26 29 ‘ Astilbe chinensis 1st 18 14 12 11 1o 10 prefers °°°'e”° m"? o ! pumila 2nd 12 12 11 10 11 range temps, flowenng/o very low at 29°C E prefers cooler temps; > flower size and number ' Species/Cultivar year Campanula ‘Birch 1“ 16 5.1 4.2 4.0 3.6 6.4 . , M Hybrid 2 12 7.4 5.6 4.7 5.0 7.3 was best at 17°C i Coreopsis verticillata 1':t 12 10 9 7 7 6 3:32:23; tzrgsfnore . ‘Moonbeam' 2"(1 12 9 s 7 6 6 9 i flowers at low temps Delphinium taller but sturdier, with ‘ grandiflorum 1”t 16 9.2 8.2 7.6 7.7 8.4 larger flowers at low I I ‘Blue Mirror’ Flfitemperatures i l Geranium 1st 16 6.9 5.9 4.3 4.6 4.9 3255339353522: with l s M : xdalmatlcum 2 12J 8.3 6.5 5.7 5.7 8.4 more flowers 1 little effect on flower size; Hemerocallis . 2"d 12 11 8 7 7 8 more flowers at lower ! Stella de Oro e temperatures 1 Hibiscus thbn'da prefers higher temps; 1“t 0 14 14 9 8 7 plantqualityverylowat 17°C I | ‘Disco Belle Mix’ cooler temps produce a i 1 Monarda didyma nd . ‘Gardenview Scarlet’ 2 12 10 9 9 8 10 taller, but much sturdler plant with more flowers Phlox paniculata 1st 19 11 1o 9 s s Stems Sturd'e'and p'ants ‘Eva Cullum’ 2"d 12 13 12 11 11 10 "we “rammed at°°°'e' temperatures bud development in the 2"d 12 2.5 2.2 1.7 1.5 1.5 cooler; very little effect of forcm temperature temp had little effect 0 plant quality; a bit Phlox subulata “Emerald Blue’ ‘ , 1St 16 13 12 11 11 13 iSedum Autuanoy 2..., ”J13 12 12 13 14 109 Gov oLBmLanok 593962 9: So: 36.8.8 2o; omega _Bcoan_o>oc 69855 9: Boa—too 2 bommoooc A.E.ov oE: _mEofi @235an new 1.: 9368 SEE ommm 62638 Emucflm “commie. Eon coho __< .2353 c2398.. 05 th moams 8852a “commie. 8:: .F 36> s «ESQ 6.65on 333. .8 octosoc Bozo“ 99 new 9:: :0 938889 @598 .6 85:5: .2. 959“. omwNoNvNNNONwPowommwmwvwmmommwcwommNONVNNNONwme TIIIeIIlleIIIIeIle .\_\.\I. “'31, Ill-Iii Ill-III I Spoooommuto acetone 1 Sedum. ii €888.90E83928: T P b D P P P F r seeoeflouto .003.qu goons. .. tS-qu$$eeooou>eo> 5 b Spoomoemuto .oeoem- use ....vmmmooo.o+m© PNN wodu>m2 _. by D b b h F I b Boone. l. @5532”. o. @520". across“. 9 gm e_o_e_> gm e355 2 See“. 0N ov s/ieg cm on .02 A06. oLBmLoQEoF £29352 0.... E0: 85.3.8 295 omofi .Scoan_o>oc 698.6... 9: 229:8 2 3838: CPU. oE: _mELoE o>=m_:E:o can 1.... 939m. .95. ommm 60.8.56 convenes. .5852 9mg .96 ..< .mcozmaoo c2393.. o5 E0... mo:_m> 88.85 .5359 mos... .N 59. 5 £255 £30ch 3E3. Lo. 9.526: 2959 29 can 9:: cc 238an2 9.20.. Co 853...... .3. 0.30.“. omwNoNVNNNONwwmwommmomvwmmomwrowommwouvummowmvoe I Tllbl‘llillllellle . 5.... I.-- roomSooo$SoBoou>eo= >899 52.8 demon- no» can; I.-. tome8855623953 Iilll|\l.ll.l ..eooomzmuto .oomomdoe ....-- $6.002 auto demon- use tux. It... tome88655858552. F TWPI: 0 <0 siieq ron... 95030.“. 0. @580”. mct.m.>.6_..._ 9 gm o_n_w_> gm e_o_e_> o. meson. GNP Bud number 0) Nodes formed during forcing O) O J )- 01 O h 0 -l I I I Plant height (cm) 00 O N O ..— .- A O l I l O 1‘6 1'8 2'0 2'2 2'4 2'6 28 30 Temperature (°C) Figure 49. Influence of forcing temperature on number of flower buds, number of nodes formed during forcing, and plant height measured at first flower for Astilbe chinensis pumila in year 1. Error bars show standard deviation. 112 I? Bud number 00 O —L N _s O l i l Nodes formed during forcing omeoaoo Plant height (cm) 8 8 ‘5 _s O 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Temperature (°C) Figure 50. Influence of forcing temperature on number of flower buds, number of nodes formed during forcing, and plant height measured at first flower for Astilbe chinensis pumila in year 2. Error bars show standard deviation. 113 3o. 239.8th £28999 o5 Eot 85.3.3 995 omega .Scoan.o>ou 3.8.2. on. 929:8 o. Emmmoooc Ciro. on... .mEofi 9.5:an can 1.... 9390 .an. ommm .co..o.>oo Eoucfim Sammie. Eon .26 ..< .mcozoaco c2399.: o5 E0: mo:.o> 090.85 .5859 eoc... .F .69. c. .35.... no.5. o.::oqu0 .o. 9.626: 236. 38 new oE: co oeamcano. 9.80.. .o 853:... .5 2.6.”. omwNoNVNNNomwrwvomwNoNVNNNomwwowomwmmmwmwmomwvow O C\1\QII\¢1II|I cod mod mod Nwd mvd KBP/l om Sou oz Sou oz iiiiii. iii-.. ...eooemoeuto .oeewddo... ii: . -.-- iiiil. I-.. I Scone. 5.3865585 ">8: ~ [If sun 02 “van oz . iii... -1 .. iii. 8 9.626.“. 0. @520”. across“. 0. gm o_n.m.> gm o.n..w.> 0. 9.0.6”. 114 .06. 05.0.0080... .:0.000.m0. 0:. 80.. 0003200 0.02, 000.0 .0.:0:.:0_0>00 00.00.05 0:. 0.0.:E00 0. b00080: Ciro. 0E.. _0E.0:. 0>..0_:E:0 0:0 1 .... 05.0.0 0E0. 000m .:0..0.>00 0.00:0.0 .:000.:0. 0.0: .20 __< 0:000:00 5.00050. 0:. E0: 00:.0> 020.00.: £000.00. 00:... .N .00.. :. .0002. :25. 03:03:00 .0. 05.030: 0.030. 0.0. 0:0 0:... :0 0.:.0.0::.0. 9.0.0. .0 00:02.5 .mm 050.“. on mm mm ...N «N cm 2. 0.. on mm mm 0N NN ON 9. 0.. on mm mm 0N NN ON we 0. 8.0 00.0080uto 030%» eeo.0e~0~ut0 0000.0"... ..--is 000.00. iii... ii...- «0.0 e \\0 ...m.m~moo.o+..vmeo.o. ">00: ....wawmoo.o+mommo.o. ">00: 6 51 e 3.0 >eo.0oo:0ut0 .0030"... e 5000:.oo.o+~oeo.o.mwmmm e e\ 8: i . . 5 . . . . i . . . . 8.0 .- ------:--.i .- 1- -..-.0. ./../s/. . - e i i H e cm 8 -. - i... on 00 05.032“. 0. 050.0”. 05.032“. 0. gm 0.0.05 0:m 03.05 0. 050.0“. sAea 500 400 300 Bud number 200 1» --—-—---~~-_‘. -. -- 100 O 20 i». 15 h. 1o Nodes formed during forcing 16 12 L \i Plant height (cm) 1'6 1'8 2'0 2'2 24 26 28 30 Temperature (°C) Figure 53. Influence of forcing temperature on number of flower buds, number of nodes formed during forcing, and plant height measured at first flower for Campanula 'Birch Hybrid' in year 1. Error bars show standard deviation. 116 600 500 400 0\ 300 .--..-- \7\ 200 Him-.. 100 J' \ Bud number o . l 00 O I 7 N O Mum—..- - .. .3 U1 .3 C Flower diameter (mm) 12 10 Plant height (cm) 16 18 2'0 22 24 26 2'8 30 Temperature (°C) Figure 54. Influence of forcing temperature on number of flower buds, flower diameter, and plant height measured at first flower for Campanula 'Birch Hybrid' in year 2. Error bars show standard deviation. 117 29 (28.7) “C 20 (19.9) °C 25 ~——.—~—~.—r————T——. 25 _— A I 1 A 1 E ’ l 1 1 1 E To 1 l . §2°1"f1““L w 1 - - g j - Emirh‘i 1 1 >0 :0} 15 — l—~—+—4—+—~‘I— « —+- l— E; 15 :1 + g 1 1 l 1 ‘ 1 I L g 1* 2 0 10 w? A A. 4 +~ 1‘1”— .1 ~10 . 3-6-1.1.111. a ' “ .. T. '7" : ” l : ‘Wl .0 - 1 l i - ' . , .0 ‘* 1 1 O - - --1.-1. L..4 O—-_.—L. . . -- -. .1- 04812162024283236 04812162024283236 days before flower days before flower 26 (25.9) °C 17 (17.6) “C 25 - 25 A T l T l T i A T E 2011 1 1 1 1 1 1 L4 E 20 ‘1 .. 1 1 6 1:1—610* (Q 6 - ; 1 h 1 I l s. 0 15 '--- ’T—Rg . l 0 15 - E 1 : .1 1 1 1 1 1 Ti . he; -. I .$\ 10 1 . .--..- —. — +4.4. 10 '- CU ' <0 “55110..| 1 1 1 | 55.1 'Io. 3 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 '3 o 1 -—- ‘-— vvvvvvv r - r l.-——+—4 v + e ¢ ¢ ¢ : , - 4? 04812162024283236 04812162024283236 days before flower days before flower 23 (22.1)“0 A25 T 1 T I 1 E201 - e e 1 T. r f z 1 I 1 I l 1 2215‘ . a + " 1 i g101 .1 l L 1 l 0 L4 4' fl 1 ’L :6 £1.11 .‘ . 1 1 1 1 .0 5 Q . l l- .1_.,T._- 3 1 l 1 l l l l 0 L. i. - 1.6 1 - l 1 2 ; L ¢ 1 - J o 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 days before flower Figure 55. Relationship between bud diameter and number of days before flower for Campanula 'Birch Hybrid' in year 1. Actual temperatures for the indicated treatments are from average date of visible bud to average date of flower. 118 29 (29.2) °C 20 (20.1) °C -25 .T———.——T—- --- ~ --— ‘1—11—1 -25 r—w— f 1—7— I _L - 82014—1; _ -._1,._.1-1 Ego--,_.1,__i-_‘ 1 1 1__ g 1 l l 1 1 1 g .. 1 1 —1—1 1 1* " 1 1 ..-1.._._1..._ “' --.—1 1. 1 -.1_ 1 _. 8210- 1 - +- 815..,-—~;-1 .11 E 1 ° L 1 ,-..-..-_---5._..1___ E 1 . .92 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 *1 .92 1O 0 . :1. U ' 1____,1 ,_;__1" 1 U # ~ I 01» U 5 1—‘1 . t “1 “O 5 0‘1? .... . 3 1 .1:H l.1::_i. ‘ 1 l 3 1 1 1 T .0". 1 0 -1--—+—«r—¢—1—-+—1—o—4+— ~—2—-+——9—-*—~—* —J——+—-11 o ~1—h—1—0f v f * , ‘ : ¢ 1 - 04812162024283236 04812162024283236 days before flower days before flower 26 (26.2) °C 17 (17.6) °C 20._-__.__.---l---_-i__.1 201.1_l 1 5311111713.?! 1 01 r—T—j—L—n- l- p—L- 0 5 1 ‘65 1 l l l 1 I 1 1 ‘65 1 .3 1 $10 91 1.- _1_ L.-1 --1- __1 (EU 10 VAC—.1 :6 1 .2 .l._ 1 ‘ 1 =5 1 l '0‘ 1 35 ' "1‘00; _+_‘(1—1 35.-.... .fl .0011 - 1 .L4 14 .001 11..1 #1.: f..- 04812162024283236 04812162024283236 days before flower days before flower 23 (23.5) “C -25 1*‘2‘?***'"' — “1““. E 1 ' - 1 l 1 - 20 . ..l _. ._ . .. .. -1. -_ .. a-..» E, ..1— 1 1- l h l - 9 ‘00 0 , E .9 'D 'U 3 .0 04812162024283236 days before flower Figure 56. Relationship between bud diameter and number of days before flower for Campanula 'Birch Hybrid' in year 2. Actual temperatures for the indicated treatments are from average date of visible bud to average date of flower. 119 Gav oSfiEaEm... .5686»: 05 E0: umfifiofio 2oz, 39m _Scman_o>ou 86065 9: Sanoo 9 bommoooc Prov oE: _mEuoS m>=mSE=o new 1.: QBEoQES mwmm down-.33 Emccfim “commie 93 ohm __< .2333 55369 9: E0: 32? R3285 “commie woe: ... 5% E .552 mam. EEoEbcmuu E:.E.EQEQ .2 9526: 2959 92 new oE: co 239$an“ ago-.8 .6 8:35.. Rm 059“. on mm mm vw NN cu m_. or on mm mm VN NN ON 9. m_. on mm mm VN NN ON m_. or smooomomuto 6%.qu I) ...‘Jul ....\ll .1! 4 01. \Ol n‘tlll.|l.w 66.0088qu domes-nae mom-ouwh 11-- -11H.m3¢ooo.o+mm$o. - ">8: ? h h b L 1 b - ragga-$288.0- ">3: 33¢. 11.-.1: -- smuooaomuto .0008- no: Sedum .- ....Nonmooo.o+mmv :Nod "~82 _- cod Rep/1 u I til ltlrllzll.\rL @5526.“— 9 @580”. @5632". 9 3m 8365 .25 6.985 2 0:66“. ow 120 160 -.H. .- a; 120 -- .o E E 80 .« -o :3 m 40 0 E 401W E E: 30 t m E 5 204. m n —— '03 E, 10 W ,, MW u. 0 w E 3 E 2’ o .C E E 0 16 18 2O 22 24 26 28 30 Temperature (°C) Figure 58. Influence of forcing temperature on number of flower buds, flower diameter, and plant height measured at first flower for Delphinium grandiflora 'Blue Mirror' in year 1. Error bars show standard deviation. 121 29 (28.5) °C 20 (19.6) “C A10 T— . 4—J i —7 A10 .1 a i I . E r . l l | . E t ' 1' 1 l l l E 8+—-—-—r———;«~—~3~~—J ——————— l—A-g E 8 " ' J l v 8 ' l l i V 1 . 3 .«3 6i .." . +—-—L—— ___i_. ,8- 6 * ° H. I, g l "'31..l.l i * . g r ..-: . ' 4 4 __w____._. . .W;___L_ |w____.j 4 L W 1 g i . " 4: :1 l T g g l ; i .1. . 'o 2r——*_——‘——‘“L’“-$ ° ._t__. 6 2i + . l '!L a f l " i l I l 3 L l | “0LL4lllllnoi-i.l.l..-- 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 days before flower days before flower 26 (26.2) “C 17 (17.1) °C 10 T fir . flT—if—‘fi 1O '1' r i I ’e‘ i l i 9 ’ l E L '1 - ' E 81".? L i’**‘“fi—*j——l E 3 - E 6 ‘ ‘ J = J 9 ‘ I E 6 L J :3 J 8 i may, 7"???" . 8 l, :i g: .. E 4: O. I ‘ L l l E 4 A; #1 ’ 'A‘L‘ £9 “TL—‘4?” *** *7‘1 .9 A f ' ‘ f o. b + ~' a .‘ w i U i ~ ‘ - - 'O 2+—_1———L*~J+J ”Pg—"mi g 27 L i . 1 . a l , I l . | l l + l . ° o..-_!-W.LW._l_.;W_.-_l ° 0.42-1- - . o 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 days before flower days before flower 23(24.2)°C A 10 1* ——i'_'_ “W"A’“? _ ” i_‘_ T—“i , l l l I l l g a _ 1-21.2 E 6 ' - ll l ‘ ' l _.___._+__ “ E’ 1 "° it. - i ‘ 1 I 4«J—J - - ‘—4' —---—é——e~4 (U CY .4 l . 3 2‘?“ T“ E i ‘*“r”“l .0 0 :WW_;W__, .L . L - J - L L—J o 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 days before flower Figure 59. Relationship between bud diameter and number of days before flower for Delphinium grandiflora 'Blue Mirror' in year 1. Actual temperatures for the indicated treatments are from average date of visible bud to average date of flowe 122 .co_wm2m9 9: E9: 88.3.8 295 comm _mEman_o>mu “89855 9: muanoo 2 Emmmoooc A.E.ov oE: _mEEofi o>=m_:E:o new Act QBSmEEE ommm .co=m_>ou Emncmfi “commie. mama Eoto __< .mcosmauo cone-memo. 05 E0: moans 8669a “commie moc: .F 50> :_ 83.282536 53.22960 .8 95526: 2626. 39 new 0E: :0 939an2 @588 ..o 853:. do 859“. EL EBEoQEm-r om mm mm em mm cm 9 or on mm mm vw mm om 3 3 on mm mm vw Nu cm 2. or encomomfito .0? F Page L . li- VONdflNL ...lll 111-111.-.:- 1-1-11 :1- 11.-1.1-11.1..-.--111- _.O O rmfiooodinmood ".66: I? l .--1. -I.:l....-.-l---:.-.- “flat oz .,.111--11.11.11-111-11---12-.1}- “Hut oz .11---. iii-{iv No.0 W! [A G S ow 9:532”. 9 mEEom octmzoi 9 gm o_n_m_> uzm m_n_m_> 9 @580“. 60.8852 o5 E9: v2.6.3.8 2oz, ommam _Scoan.o>ou 3306:. 9: 92an0 2 E8800: A.E.ov oEz _mEoE 825.:an new Ant 939383 comm 60.63% Enocfim E8852 2.3 Echo ..< .2333 5.8659 9.: Eat mo:_m> 86.85 25859 woe... .N Emmi c. E:o.=m§mb E:.Em..o0 .2 0:526: p.539 99 new oEz :0 9398.5. 9.98 ..o cocoa—E. .5 9:9”. Gav 956.5...th om ON ON VN NN ON 9. 0.. on ON ON VN NN ON O.- O_. on ON ON VN NN ON 9. OF 8.0 a 66.0838qu commence o o d. Sada“. o Nod recessed-56866. ">8: 6 \ . O O 36 0 mod - -: .- -1- -wo.o m m ON m 9.12-1-1- 1- a 1: 11.- ov . . 1. .. cm 9.826.“. 2 @520“. 9.526.“. 9 25 2965 tam c.n_m.> o. @596”. Ken/L 124 7O 1 ~ ~ 2... 1r 50. ----.--- 213 50. E 3 40- : ._., . m 20. ._ ... 10 ~ 1 —. ~. ~ 0') 0 1 c '9 2 4 .. M O) .E ‘5 3~ '0 8 E 2 « -_ .9 w 1 . L - ..- a) ‘C o z 0 W E 3 E 12 1 .9 a) .C 8 . .. , -..- E L“ o. 4 .. - _ O 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Temperature (°C) Figure 62. Influence of forcing temperature on number of flower buds, number of nodes formed during forcing, and plant height measured at flrstflower for Geranium dalmaticum in year 1. Error bars show standard devratlon. 125 Flower diameter (mm) M O Bud number Nodes formed during forcing 0) Number of stalks Plant height (cm) .. 05 Number of buds per stalk owhoaoo fiWWOO 16 18 2O 22 24 26 28 30 16 18 2O 22 24 26 28 30 Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) Figure 63. Influence of forcing temperature on plant height, number of nodes formed during forcing, diameter of open flowers, number of flowers, number of stalks per plant, and number of flowers per stalk for Geranium dalmaticum in year 2. Error bars show standard deviation. 126 29 °C 20 °C 7: — —~»~——fi , vs—i— 7 A 4 A 562,t_T_-.,2 - hp E6 £5 1:, ‘K‘L.A_._; _ 7 a 7 #2 v5 ‘- 0 ... ‘ ‘ h 9 4 I! 2 .0 1‘.‘ _ _ ‘ 7 93 4 a) l “ lu‘.‘ ‘ i i l a) 83+. 4,2741 ... ,— r* 4-; E3 .52 1 i ' ‘8 3 ’ .9 U24. 4 a- 4, _el- ---Lui 1:2 — g 1 f. ‘ __§__: ' ‘ _ _ T _J 31 '*-f”-**—P— .0 0 . .——+ r—o——+~—o—+‘—+V+‘—4-r-+-—- + +———J .0 O ¢—-¢—-—i——+ 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 days before flower days before flower 26 °C 17°C A71 ” “6'“5‘1'? firm“: A7 56:5: :‘rlwr — ~ “i :5I=gi 44:4], — ++7 :5 g4i_i—’$.t:f_7 - sssss .34i22 1‘53I —L—‘+:—?~.— — 42-2 Es ——,A—— .9 g o, . .9 132+ —~-~— ,‘- — 1:2 ___--2__ 4 ‘ ' i an ___—«1* — 211‘— Q 0 t ..., 1* *‘-v—L+-L—~71~—-+w+r~-o—~H *—-l '0 0 ‘ ! o 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 days before flower days before flower 23 °C A71 7; 4.7 ~— -— .. — ”—- E 1- '_ , ._ . 2.12-2 E 6 ...? 4—i . ' :5 ; _. ‘f: ;____.I.‘.. . _, .7 , ,+- .7. - 7. w _ '1 :03... l ___ .. Fl 2 2- a g4 L T— tot. , l , 'l l 3 .-L————— fi‘fi ,___. i._* _~._ __.{ .92 i l ‘ l t | i 5 132+ , 44,444. i_+_. A l i 1:: 1 + t _ ____ ‘__ _T‘ _T _.. D o .' ._ L ....--ut .42.; -_._ +4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 days before flower Figure 64. Relationship between bud diameter and number of days before flower for Geranium dalmaticum. First year data represented by circles, second year data represented by triangles. Actual temperatures for the indicated treatments from average date of visible bud to average date of flower were 29.4, 25.8, 23.1, 19.9, and 17.6°C for the first year and 28.7, 25.9, 22.2, 19.5, and 17.4°C for the second year. 127 Gav oSfiEan... 2.56359 65 E0: 62930.8 263 mafia 32883356 69865 65 929:8 9 E3300: A.E.ov 6E3 .255 936.383 951.: 9:65 .aEE ommm .co=m_>oc Emu—.3» “commie 2mg .95 __< .mcozmscm c2383.. 9: Bot was? 3.235 «commie mos: .N .63 E .20 on 3.65. £88656: .8 9.526: 2952 29. can we: :0 939695“ @528 ho 853:... .8 6.59“. on mm mm VN NN ON 2. 9 on mm mm VN NN ON 3 or on mm mm VN NN ON 3 0.. 8.o 28.088 Who 6%. P Punk Till.illlll-V\’\‘\. 53.6"Nh ...l .l ....... 1 No.0 t2 88.88888. "88: o o\n\u\\. L I 1.... 8.0088?qu 95¢: a - i i .....-l. 8.0 m . . mfiouu. o \ 880008 "to .93 use 11-5888 8888 o. u 8: $1 .\ 88.8w. ll. 88 #8888838? ">8: . . i . . . _ i . . . . . . . . o Til it i ll l a .32. ..l i ll imb/mld iii- .1 111.11. ON h H ow G B 3A ll iii 8 s will. I I i I ii i iii iii a ii i. illll! l 1111 iii ill it ill: i 1: liii ll if lt 1-1-1:... ow 02 92626.“. 2 9:20”. 9:28.... 2 gm 2965 cam 2265 2 9:95.... Bud number Flower diameter (mm) Number of stalks Nodes formed during forcing -‘_‘ «1 A 40 - 1 8 '5; E h 3 8. 4.. 30 - 2.- ..- 6 a) g. '2 g .o c h <_0 8 a Z 0 f 0 1‘6 118 2‘0 22 2'4 26 2'8 36 16 1‘8 2‘0 22 24 26 2'8 3.0 Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) Figure 66. Influence of forcing temperature on plant height, number of nodes formed during forcing, diameter of open flowers, number of flowers, number of stalks per plant, and number of flowers per stalk for Hemerocallis 'Stella‘de Oro' in year 2. Error bars show standard deviation. 129 29 (28.7) °C 20 (19.6) °C 80 ‘ "——_‘ —‘ _T _ fi' i 'fl +1 80 ’ 'T—1—u _- '—" _fii——— “— A '7 .1 l ' 1: 1 1 E701 4., 4 4 E70»;— . 1——1_4__Tfl.__.__l $60.: 2 4‘ — --E- EGOL 3‘ 4—1—_ raw—1— " L ..E. 72 _ELEJ ‘- _._..- _'_._._.l__‘ _# 9 50 + 4— . —1 .9 50 .12 . .4 T j, l E40 l *p—.— 4 -1 7— —- 1—4 0E>4o .f- . i _2 .9 3° 1 "“1 . '5‘“? - ‘* T— 2.1 ‘52 30 F4 “..- 8 44 g 20 + 8 Lars—88 88—8—8 g 20 8—1 :4. 8 l ‘ ;__ . l _ _ fi_L_“ A O : o 310*: . . 1 3101 . 1—7' .. j 0 . .— .—. —’—1———~——l———8-—+ «_1 0 LA— 4 - 1 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 days before flower days before flower 26 (26.1) °C 17 (18.9) °C 80 Y ‘7' __ T —” 7—- _ _T E 80 "r—— ’—*_—*———“'—'—— *"—'—fi"——r"——j E70 . 3 2 — a, 4, — 1.- 1 —— E 70 * 2-4-22- _1_.-.l__L~r gm. -2 , 221,22 ,4, 9.01;}; 2_:____...9--_1_-- .. r» a —~, 18.81—— 1*. so ._.., --- 1 1 * 1 6:40..--;.._.... 2-71E*_ -;-_1 m4o,__,,. 2.1 , .1 1 E 301 ‘ ..--.. ._ ;*- ___ |2__.' E 30 T :2- f. ‘ ' 1__ ___1 ..1 '5 20 l _ l fi‘ -, . 1.2—. 'O 20 I... m-.. ‘ _J ._._.| '0 4L .. . t 1 1 J O J, 1 at. I . . 1 3101 8 -—-*81*—8...r— ~88 —8— 81°: '1. -‘ *7 l 0 ~ «— 1——.-——$—~ +—rr LL-a—P-s- '18——-v —~ 0 “_ ‘—*— "'J—+—l—+— . 8—9——~. 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 days before flower days before flower 23 (22.7) °C "170 3— — _-;__ 1444?: 60 “WW—— e— *- _,-_-.+___ 7 E so T‘." 1 .4 8% a) 40 _ _._._... i _ 1%; ._.__.l*__l__1 E 1 l l . l .‘2 3° +-" ‘ “—L‘; ‘1‘. ’f—FT 1 ‘1 g 20 . __. ' "#7:?0—‘1 .~_2_ .1,__ B10 1 “.‘TJJ.T3" t‘. T A o .... 9 P";._«—l ,__1.__.__l_,+ 8L4-—$w/—. 1 t._J o 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 days before flower Figure 67. Relationship between bud diameter and number of days before flower for Hemerocallis 'Stella de Oro' in year 2. Actual temperatures for the indicated treatments are from average date of visible bud to average date of flower. 130 om mm mm vm NN ON 3 or on mm mm VN NN ON 9. or on mm @N #N NN ON 9. or Gav muamumanh £06869 9: E9». 85:23 295 mafia _Ecoan_o>oo 86065 9.: 92an0 2 Emmmmoo: A.E.ov me: .9855 9:3:an new 1.5 939m .95“ mmmm .co=m_>ou Emccmum “commie. £2 .95 __< .8039?» c2393. 05 So: mm:_m> 03285 «commie 3:: .v a?» E .52 2.3 oomE. 3335 .2 05526: 2632 29 new 9:: :0 939an2 mc_o._£ ho 8525.. .3 9:9“. 68.918815 .99qu ---l, macaw. - tvmmosodéamoo. - ".66: D h b h P b P ‘1‘! ll . ..i 68.00%?th .oommunp -. Ewen“. l 5828.?3586- ".66: apooovmuto .008. F Funk madam. trmvmmoodémommod- ".66: Iii-Ill)! .IIL 1 ll . 1,191.10: @5532“. 9 9:80“. 8:632". 2 8m 8.965 3m 2965 2 @595“. ood s/(ec) cor ONF 131 25 20 ...... . ...... L 8 15 E . 3 c 3 m 5 0 a + r T ~8—8. "E‘ 40 ~ 3 L .03 30 .. - -... (D E =5 20 L ‘é’ 2 1O 4 ~ - .. ...... LI. 0 2 . . f E E .9 45 ~ .. ._ .. .. .. (D .c .1.“ CL 0 16 18 2O 22 24 26 28 30 Temperature (°C) Figure 69. Influence of forcing temperature on number of flower buds, flower ' diameter, and plant height measured at first flower for Hibiscus 'Disco Belle Mix' in year 1. Error bars show standard deviation. 132 29 (29.0) °c bud diameter (mm) | 0 1 0 20 30 40 days before flower 20 (19.8) °c bud diameter (mm) 0102030405060 days before flower 26 (26.1) °C 0 10 20 30 40 days before flower 17 (18.6) °c E41 : $8881 * 1 31:) 30 f 1 ‘ 1 Q) .0 ‘ g 20 J '-' , _L Eml—e '8—r-W 3. '0 0 j-_. . . k'l: L“ O o 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 days before flower 23 (23.9) °c 0 10 20 30 40 days before flower Figure 70. Relationship between bud diameter and number of days before flower for Hibiscus 'Disco Belle Mix' in year 1. Actual temperatures for the indicated treatments are from average date of visible bud to average date of flower. 133 50.00050. 0:: E0: 02030.00 0.0.5 000:0 .0::0E50.0>00 00:00.05 0...: 0:05:50 0: 5000000: CPU: 08.: .0:..0:: 0>.:0.:E:0 0:0 1...: 0.30.0 5E0: 000m .:0.:0.>00 0.00:0:0 E00050. 0.00 .0..0 _.< .0:0.:0:00 5.00050. 0:: E0: 00:_0> 00:0.005 500050. 00:... .: .00.» :. .E:__:o 0>m. 0.030.500 .83.: .0: 05.030: 0.0.50: 0:0. 0:0 0:..: :0 0.20.0580: 9.0.0: :0 00:03:. .E 050.... .06: 0.30.095... on mm mm 0N NN cu m: 0.. on mm mm 0N NN cm 0.. 0.. on mm mm 0N NN om m: 0: 011111111 . . OIIIOIIIOIIIII $0.0omzut0 000 mun... 00.0 3.0 1 b - mod Rep/L r . 1-.- ....... 11. . N: o . \ o . . i scooooomuto .000 main: {Illme-OOENN" — — o 000 NF 'DP ItitlilLit: I111 .:.I...Il..1\ wwwuoum .1; ..I 1.111! omkoouwh Elli oFoo 08.0.10. ravommood$fimq - ">00: ".00: Tlfinkgogimafioqo ".00: on... h h h! h b n p L b b b r L L1 h 1P b h n P p P b o I Slit-3c) : u- .. . 11.1111 -3... Do 1 - 1 . illitl .1 11.11.111-511!) .1111;1-ill.-1.. 1.1-..111il ow cow 05.032“. 0: @505“. 9:030... 0: 0:m 0.0.0.> 03m 0.0.0.> 0: 050.0“. 134 .06: 0.30.0580... 55000.00. 0...: 80.: 0353.00 0.0.5 000:0 .0::0850_0>00 00:00.05 0:: 0:0.5800 0: 5.000000: Ciro: 08.: .0855: 030383 0:01.: 0.30.0 -580: 000m .:0.:0.>00 0.00:0:0 800050. 0.05 .0..0 ._< .0:0.:0:00 :0.000.00. 0:: 80.: 00:_0> 035005 800050. 00:: .N .005 5 .82.:0 0>m.. 0.030.205 .830. .0: 05.0.50: 0.0.50: 0:0. 0:0 08.: :0 0.30.0580: 050.0: :0 00:02.8. .N5 050.”. OM ON ON 0N NN ON 0.. 0:. OO mN ON 0N NN ON O: 0: OO wN ON 0N NN ON 2. OF T++1olllo O0.0 58.000255 .0000 no: .0053. t0 30.85:..008-5- "58.: .IilLl lit! 1 I\l.a 1.....1 Iii... 1 .. . 1:)... I . 1 ||\1 «Iltlt I“ . l.- ..muoooommut0 .0002- no: i...- 80.5"“. l’riu‘rtl..1rl1.lll¢l|r§li l1... ._..ONOOOOO.O+OOOmOOOu>0EF 500.000.00ut0 .0000- "Ell- 000.53. .-....- tmmmwooodéazood "500:1... h P h h I .1 1r [P mod . O0.0 . OOO . N_..O . mFO ...11 11111111111111 . Ov . OO . OO . OOF 05.0.52“. 0: 050.0“. 08026.“. o: 2.0 0.5.05 80 0.5.05 2 9.05. ON_. Rep/1 $1190 135 400 . -.-- - - . ---- --.---- -- -- . -_ -- -- -.---.-.._...----_---- 11- 300 .1--- 200 .- Bud number '1 Flower diameter (mm) 60 30 dr- - .. -.. - - .... -M- - -- -.--..., -- -1- - 2 .... ~--.—.w.—V8.«.. - -55--- -- . - ...,..-.._._-__..~....-__-.-~_-._ .... Plant height (cm) 15 q»— --—.-—-—~-- - - . . 8 - . ...-v.--------._h-_- .-....“ Mr~~—.~~A».~ »‘ ___-.-A. w~_:—:~.~».:::—~ -... u-fiw—m :~—.~~:4 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Temperature (°C) Figure 73. Influence of forcing temperature on number of flower buds, flower diameter, and plant height measured at first flower for Phlox paniculata 'Eva Cullum' in year 1. Error bars show standard deviation. 136 700 5001 --.- .. 400 . ' 300 72...... 200 4. . . . ,. .- . ..-- -. --‘_'..-----.- - Wm . __ __\ T . 1 00 -----.---. .-. - -~--~-~»~—~~-—--4 Bud number O Flower diameter (mm) M O l I 60 .... ----— 50 ...--.....) T 4 40 Plant height (cm) 16 18 2O 22 24 26 28 30 Temperature (°C) Figure 74. Influence of forcing temperature on number of flower buds, flower diameter, and plant height measured at first flower for Phlox paniculata 'Eva Cullum' in year 2. Error bars show standard deviation. 137 OO ON ON 0N NN ON O: O: .06. 0.30.0580... O0 ON ON 0N NN ON O: O: 1-- 500.000.0ut0 .000: an: 11.---.---- 0005"“. I :.0.:0055.o+0~¢085- "500.: III \.I .--.- >00.06OONu......o .0600... no... It 05.000. 11 5.000500000000000- 0500: ti O0.0 . N0.0 . VOO 'lllalliflltl I 1. b . O0.0 . OF.O I t 11...». I NF OF 05.0.52“. 0: 050.0... 58052. 2 .80 0.5.05 ON :0.000.00. 0:: 80.: 03030.00 0.0.5 000:0 .0::0850.0>00 00:00.05 0:: 30.5800 0: 5.000000: CPU. 08.: .0855 030.583 0:0 Ant 0.30.0 -583 000m .:0.:0.>00 0.00:0:0 800050. 0.05 .0..0 __< .0:0.:0:00 :0.000.00. 0:: 80.: 00:.0> 030.005 8000.50. 00:... .N .00.. 5 .0:.m 0.0.08m. 0:03:50 x031 .0: 05.0.50: 0.0.5330. 0:0 08.: :0 0.30.0583 050.0: :0 00:0:.::_ .05 050.“. on ON ON 0N NN ON O: O.. . . 5.5 500.000.3uto 000 0- an: I 805$. ...... 0.5 .....OOOOON0.0+OO ..OOONO ">00: .. O0.0 . Oé - -23.... ON 11.-.--..- ON 0.0 0.0 Oé ON ON 0.0 80 0.5.05 o: 5:06. Rep/L $1190 138 30 ---..-- 60 .----. .. 40- Bud number 20 .. Flower diameter (cm) 12 .- 1O Plant height (cm) ON-ACDCD 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Temperature (°C) _ Figure 76. Influence of forcing temperature on number of flower buds, flower diameter, and plant height measured at first flower for Phlox subulata 'Emerald Blue' in year 2. Error bars show standard deviation. 139 .00. 0.30.0580 .. :0.000.00. 0:: 80.: 03030.00 0.0.5 000:0 .0::0850.0>00 0300.05 0:: 30.5800 0: 5.000000: ......0. 08.: .08.0:: 0>.:0.:E:0 0:0 ...... 0.30.0583 000m .:0.:0.>00 0.00:0:0 800050. 0.05 .0..0 _.< .0:0.:0:00 :0.000.00. 0:: 80.: 00:_0> 030.005 E00050. 005.. .: .00.. 5 .500 :83:<. 5.500% .0: 05.0.50... 0.0.50: 0:0. 0:0 08.: :0 0.30.0583 050.0: :0 00:05.8. .K 050.“. OO ON ON 0N NN ON O: O: OO ON ON .VN NN ON O: O: OO ON ON 0N NN ON O: O: 0 0 oll.l|¢|l.0 I. 111111.-.-- 1. - ..... . .‘1‘11‘1‘1. C 500.0 00¢0ut0 .0 5.8-...5: .- . . -nn 0 o 305$. 58000:.Nut0 00.07%: 580083-80 0000“?“- 11111 511 I I III 51,1111: nlli 1-1... mmm-on 1‘11 1).... 111111.11 I 1111 I 880088 9.0808 51500: rmfivooodlvmmmoo.58.02““ #0858553:5.538.: O 9i]. $-0vii/ilflml I - - I 1 - - - 1-1.-- 1 - .- - - 12- -..----... ,- - -- o 05.0.55“. 0: 050.0... 58026.". o. 2.0 6.5.05 030 0.5.05 o. 55.0.0. ON 00. 9,190 OO OO OO: GOO 0.30.0060: 00 ON ON 0N NN ON O: O: OO ON ON 0N NN ON O: 0000005 0:: 5 00030.00 00.. 0.0.5 A.E.ov 0E: _0E.0£ 020030.00 0001.50.30.00E00000m .5000 00 __0E0 000 0000300 0.000000 “0000.00. 0.00 .0..0 __< .N .005 5 .50.. 00.33... E0000. .0». 0:00.50: 0.0.500 0.0. 0:0 05: :0 0.30.0902 050.2 ..0 00:02.5 .O5 0.:0_u_ O: OO ON ON vN NN ON O: O: '13 $‘n£}f‘.§ .\.1 11.11.?52.‘ if r 1‘..ui.‘. 2| 11.02.... A 300 oz wll‘l 1;“)‘1 III I' 0000 02 I I .¢I.c)..lll.l|l.!.l.ll.!2 0000 02 , ) Y: .ulll- {-.. .1- . r}! 0000 02 05.0.52“. 00 050.0“. 05.052. 2 0:0 0305 80 05.05 o. 0:05. OO0.0 OO0.0 OO0.0 Rep/L 0O0.0 N:0.0 ON O0 OO OO SABQ OO: ON: 141 240 200 r T 160 Tm .. I, .L \ ‘- Bud number 20 .----- 15 ., Nodes formed during forcing 30 W.H---. Plant height (cm) 3; I 15 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Temperature (°C) Figure 79. Influence of forcing temperature on number of flower buds, number of nodes formed during forcing, and plant height measured at first flower for Sedum 'Autumn Joy' in year 1. Error bars show standard deviation. 142 160 T T 140 MM 120 0... I a .H . .0 3 c 30 ..... - - ...... . --...- - U a 60 ‘1" H ~ - l 40 ~ 20 +- ~ Nodes formed during forcing N O Plant height (cm) 8 l 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Temperature (°C) Figure 80. Influence of forcing temperature on number of flower buds, number of nodes formed during forcing, and plant height measured at first flower for Sedum 'Autumn Joy' in year 2. Error bars show standard deviation. 143