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UNII A Bell a Howell Information Company 300 NorchechAnnArbor MI 48106-134éUSA 31317614700 800/521-0600 CHARACTERIZING IRRIGATION ENVIRONMENTAL EFFICIENCY BASED ON DISTRIBUTION UNIFORMITY AND IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT By Neba M. AMBE A DISSERTATION Submitted to 4 rchigarr State University in partial fitlfilment of the requirements A [hr the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Agricultm'al Engineering 1995 UK]: number : 9631224 UM! Micr'ofom 9631224 Copyright 1996, by UM! Company. All rights met-red. Thlsrnicroforrn editiouis protectedegeinst unauthorized copying under Title 17. United States Code. UM 300 North Zeb Road Ann Arbor. MI 48103 ABSTRACT CHARACTEerINc IRRIGATION ENVIRONMENTAL EFFICIENCY BASED ON DISTRIBUTION UNIFORMITY AND IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT By Neba M. AMBE Managing irrigation systems in an environmentally sound manner is a major challenge to irrigation mangers. Two common performance measures are often used: statistical uniformity - a measure of variation in the system’s applied water. and application efficiency - a management parameter which is indimtive of how much of the applied water is in the root zone. Both system performance and management strategies have an impact on the irrigated farm’s environment. but neither of these measures quantities that impact. This study was undertaken to answer the following research questions. Can an environmental efficiency performance measure for irrigation management be formulated? How does application efficiency (AE) vary with the application depth under an imposed areal distribution? A definition of irrigation environmental efficiency is proposed. An equation for determining its variance was formulated using system science and the propagation of error theories. Irrigation data from center pivot irrigation systems with statistical uniformitics from 40 to 98% were simulated using mean and standard deviations from data in the literature and actual data from St. Joseph County. MI. Application eficienciec for selected depths (0.4 to LP. of the average applied depth) and statistical distributions were determined for each system. The results were then used to determine irrigation environmental efliciency. The results show that: l) the statistical distribution of application etficiency for various minimum application ratios (MAR - required depth divided by the mean applied depth) can be described by a family of curves whose slopes slightly increase with the statistical uniformity of the system: 2) application efficiency increases with MAR: the increasing rates are a fiInction of the system uniformity; and 3) irrigation environmental efficiency (Elf) is a function of the irrigation system and management. Regression equations relating application efficiency to the minimum application ratio. charts that relate irrigation environmental efficiency to application efficiency, statistical uniformity. and the fractional area fully irrigated are presented. E“; has been used to show and compare the statistical distribution of various center pivot systems. from two geographical regions in the United States. and to evaluate five Michigan farms using data from actual irrigation schedules. DEDICATION To my family members Living and Dead and To all who seek protection of the environment- AC KNOWLEDGMENTS Atty indebted thanks to my program directors: Professor V. F. Bra/ts for conceiving this research idea. his motivation and encouragement to undertake this project. and Professor R D. von Bernuth for his insight and guidance in the course of this study. Their carefirl direcrion and wpervision led to the timely completion of this work Special thank to Professors T. H. Burkhardt. E Dersch and W. H. Shayya for serving as members of my advisory committee. Their individual and collective inputs led to the integrated approach taken in this study. I express gratitude to John Barkley and Tim Russet of the National Resources Conservation Service. St. Joseph C ounry. M firr their time. effort and assistance in locating the necessary data jbr this project. Sincere thanks go to Dr. A. Go. Ads. L Arganian and P. Gardner jbr providing the necessary assistance and a hospitable atmosphere in accomplishing this task. Acclaim and benediction to my mother. Lum Regina and grandmorher. Nchang Monica on whose forms I deve10ped an interest in agricultural science. and above all for providing me the education they never got. My heartfelt gratitude to all my family who have always been supportive of my educational goals and despite the long years of absence never gave up. Although all of them have not lived to see the end result. their images remain flesh in my mind as I write these lines. And/inally I owe a significant debt to my LansingCameroon family and all my friends fbr their moral. spiritual and material support. The list is quite along one. so omission of any names is unintentional. PREFACE My love and curiosity for the agricultural sciences came from assisting my mother and grandmother with routine farm activities. Interest in agricultural research must have begun when i asked my grandmorher, out of frustration from the tedious labor. if there was a less tiring and time saving means of planting corn. Over the years. and drawing from my association with the farm and its produce. [ have come to realize that a farm is not just part of the soil or dirt, that a farmer is not just one who sows seeds, and that plants don’t grow just because a seed is sown- There is a complex mutual association of these entities. perhaps not realized or understood by many. How this symbiotic relationship can be maintained provided an interesting deliberation and has been the mental requirement to pursue the work reported in these leaves. This work is the child of a casual conversation with Professor Bralts who emphatically said: I believe distribution efliciency and application efliciency can be combined to get environmental efiiciency. curd somebody ought to do it- At first I found no interest in the subject and he might have given up trying to convince me. An absurdity, it sounded to me, primarily because I thought that was too abstract. far from reality and therefore a difficult goal to pursue. But in the deep belief of my personal philosophy - nothing without hands can challenge a human being with hands and a brain - I decided to take on the task. What at first sounded abstract and undoable has materialized into a dissertation, presented here in six sections. The first section contains introductory information on the nature, problem, scope and objectives of the research. Section [I contains the relevant literature reviewed. It covers a historical perspective of the relationship between irrigation management and the environment, the application of systems theory to irrigation management; and a discussion of the various irrigation performance measures in current use. Research procedures. results and discussion are presented in section [11. These are reported as two independent papers in conformity with the publishing format of the Transactions of the ASAE scientific journal. Each paper contains an abstract. specific objectives. investigation procedure, results, discussion and conclusion. Section [V is a general conclusion on the nature of the research findings, application and relation to past works. Recommendations based on the experience and results from this work are presented in section V. Unless indicated as a footnote. full citations on all referenced works in the text are given in Section VI - References. Finally, details of material that could not be included in the text can be found in the Appendices. Neba M ME 1 December I 995 Michigan State University vii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OFTABLES \ LIST or FIGURES ....................................................... xi I. Introduction ............................................................... I A. Problem statement .................................................... 3 8. Scope and objectives .................................................. 4 II. Literature Review ......................................................... 5 A. Irrigation management and the environment ................................ 5 I- Historical systems .............................................. S 2- Irrigation disasters: lessons from the past ............................ 6 3- Irrigation and resource development ................................ 8 8. Systems theory and irrigation management ................................. 9 1. System concepts ............................................... 10 2. Systems theory and approach .................................... I l 3. Rationale for application to irrigation management ................... I 4. Application to irrigation management .............................. 20 C. Irrigation performance measures ........................................ 21 l. Irrigation uniformity ........................................... 22 2. Irrigation efficiency ............................................ 29 0. Summary and discussion .............................................. 40 viii [11. Research Procedure. Results and Discussion .................................. 42 A. Estimating irrigation application efficiency and its Statistical distribution ........ 43 I. Abstract ..................................................... 43 2- Introduction .................................................. 43 3- Theoretical development ........................................ 45 4. Procedure .................................................... 47 5. Results and discussion .......................................... 50 6. Conclusions .................................................. 61 B. An environmental efficiency performance measure for irrigation management . . . . 62 1. Abstract ..................................................... 62 2. Introduction .................................................. 62 3- Theoretical development ........................................ 65 4. Procedures .................................................. 70 5. Results and discussion .......................................... 72 6. Conclusions .................................................. 82 IV. General Conclusion ...................................................... 83 V. Recommendations ........................................................ 85 VI. References .............................................................. 87 Appendices ................................................................. 95 Appendix I. QuickBasic Program Listing ............................. 95 Appendix 2. Detailed Program Output ............................... 98 Appendix 3. Regression Coefficients ............................... l02 Appendix 4. SCS-Scheduler Output: Soil Water Content ............... 103 Appendix 5. Center Pivot Evaluation Data for St. Joseph. MI ............ 108 LIST OF TABLES Table I. Definitions of efficiency ................................................ 30 Table 1. Selected data from Heerrnann et al. (1992). . . . .............................. 48 Table 3. An example of a generated matrix from equation [26] ......................... 49 Table 4. Validity of AE results from the procedure of Equation [25] ................... 51 Table 5. Irrigation measures and suggesred Em clnsification values- .................... 77 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Systems approach to problem solving (adapted from Manetsch and Park. 1993) . . . 12 Figure 2. System modeling procedure (adapted from Manetsch and Park. I993) .......... 16 Figure 3. Natural resource system ............................................... 20 Figure 4. Application efficiency definition sketch .................................. 32 Figure 5. infiltrated soil water variability ......................................... 46 Figure 6. AE frequency distributions for selected systems ............................ 52 Figure 7. Cumulative fi'equency distributions from Figure 6 .......................... 5 3 Figure 8. Application efficiency as a fimction of MAR and Us ........................ 55 Figure 9. Relating application uniformity to application efficiency and leached fraction . . . . 57 Figure [0. Relationship between AE. Us and fully irrigated area ........................ 58 Figure l l. Estimating application uniformity from AE and Us for an example problem ..... 60 Figure ll. Estimating the fractional area adequately irrigated for an example problem ..... 60 Figure l3. Bridging the gap between the physical and management aspects of irrigation . . . - 63 Figure 14. irrigation environmental efficiency related to MAR. Us and AE ............... 73 Figure l5. Irrigation environmental efficiency related to MAR. Us and irrigated area ....... 74 Figure [6. Estimating Em from AE. Us and MAR for two example problems ............. 76 Figure [7. Estimating En; fractional area adequately irrigated. MAR and Us for two example problems ............................................. 76 Figure [8. E“; distribution of center pivot systems from Michigan and Colorado .......... 78 Figure [9. Seasonal variation of E15 for selected Michigan farms ....................... 80 xi I. Introduction If I were a tree among trees. a cat among animals. ... this problem would not an’se.’ - Albert Camus - A riverflou'edfiom Elen to water the garden-3. Generations have. and will continue to depend on water. Throughout the entire history of the human race. irrigation - the artificial supply of water to meet plant needs - has always been indispensable to agriculture. In'igation is one of the basic measures for raising world agricultural production. FAO predicts 300 million hectares of land will be under irrigation by 2000. The principal objective of irrigation is to adequately and efficiently fill the root zone with required soil water using either subsurface. surface. sprinkler or drip method. The driving force behind the development of each system or a shift from one system to another is the desire for more efficient water use. higher economic returns and environmental protection. Efficiency depends on several factors including distribution uniformity of the applied water, irrigation scheduling and plant-soil-water relations. Irrigation managers and farmers are concerned with the system's efficiency throughout the growing season. An ideal system would be [00% efl'rcient. Unfortunately each irrigation syStem poses some degree of non-uniformity which can be attributed to system [An shard mung. fir Mull ofSin'pl-a p. 38. I955. 2The river rpfir into [our stream. run of wind! are thefimrr'liar Tigris and Euphrates (Guest's. 2:10. N). 2 design and operation. soil properties and climatic factors. The result is the coexistence of under- and over—irrigated spots in the same field. Under-irrigation results in yield losses. Over-irrigation produces deep percolation losses of water and plant nutrients. Percolated nutrients pose an environmental hazard. in addition to increased cost of pumping excess water. The farmer is often forced to make trade offs between conflicting environmental and economic goals. The climate of an area determines the amount of precipitation, which in turn affects the amount of irrigation water to meet plant needs. Topography and soil type dictate the irrigation method selected. Economic conditions specify the complexity of the irrigation system and afi‘ect its distribution uniformity. Socio-economic (and most recently environmental) conditions bias the farmers' goals. decisions and consequently management practices. These in turn affect the efficiency and economic outcome of the system- Environmental pollution may be a consequence of the overall system efficiency. The above describes a closed system in which energy and material flow to and fro. From the law of conservation of flow. every system with input has an output: desired and undesired. Too often we have focused on the desired outputs with little or no attention to the undesired ones. Agricultural production inevitably depletes resources and may pollute the environment. In analyzing system profits. the undesired output that ends up in the environment is given zero dollar value and the long term efl’ects are ignored. This is because external accountability across the system boundary is limited to those outputs that bring income. We know. for example. how much corn leaves the farm. its net retums and where it goes. However. the quantity of leached nitrates (eg. no kg per hectare: Martin. 1992) 3 or the amounts of soil loss from erosion are rarely considered. Vital questions are often ignored. What is the cost of cleaning up? What are the long term ramifications. and how long will it take before we see these effects? There is an urgent need to pay attention to system outputs that end up in the environment. The ever increasing demand for water and the continuous depletion and pollution of resources clearly suggests the need for greater stewardship. Agriculture must move touwd more eficient. productive and environmentally sound practices. The work described here examines how improved irrigation management can help assure an agricultural system that is economically and environmentally sustainable. A. Problem statement Application efficiency is indicative of how the system is managed while distribution uniformity is used to evaluate system performance. Both an irrigator‘s management practices and the performance of an irrigation system can have a significant impact on the environment For a given efficient management practice and system performance, can the potential effect of their combined output to the environment be characterized? No. As of now. there is no performance measure for the potential of environmental degradation resulting from the combined performance and management of an irrigation system- B. Scope and objectives The work reported here contains a literature review with respect to irrigation management and the environment. systems theory and irrigation management, and irrigation performance measures, and research findings on methods of estimating application and environmental efficiency in irrigation management. Use is made of the integrated concept of the soil-plant-water—management system in which irrigation performance measures. systems theory and statistical concepts are used to develop an index for characterizing the potential environmental effects of irrigation management. The concept of irrigation environmental efficiency is proposed and applied to selected irrigation systems. The overall goal of this research is to develop a performance measure for environmental efficiency of irrigation management practices The following are the specific objectives: l- ’J he) To assess the statistical distribution of application efficiency. To develop an environmental performance measure for irrigation systems. To evaluate selected center pivot systems and some Michigan irrigated farms using the new parameter- I I. Literature Review Irrigation. afnecessity. involves a trude-ofl’between production. and some environmental value: ... irrigation is a social contract to sacrifice some environmental values ..." - Jan van Sclrilfgnarde . A. Irrigation management and the environment I. Historical systems Irrigation is one of the oldest agricultural practices in the world. Its origin can be traced to that of the human race (Genesis. 2:10). Irrigation has been practiced on the banks and delta of the river Nile for about 8000 years - making it the longest period of continuous large scale irrigation (van Schilfgaarde. 1994). Historical accounts reviewed by Jensen (I980) indicate technological developments in irrigation agriculture on the river Nile about 6.000 B.C.. drained canals in Mmopotarnia in 4.000 B.C. and the use of flooding waters on the Indus river about 2.500 B.C. Irrigation practices were in place along the Yellow river in 2.627 B.C. and in Peru about 1.000 B.C. The dependence of early civilizations on irrigation earned them the name hydraulic societies (James et al.. I982). These societies with government directed water control originated in the Near Eut- Egypt and Mesopotamia thousands of years before the Christian era and continued in India. Persia. Central Asia. parts of Southeast Asia and ancient Hawaii (Kappel. 1974). Such societies in the Western Hemisphere. Kappel continues. flourished iii-tam m urn-rid mum-dormers VmCoueerveuon. somzrzo-aat. I995. 5 6 in Andean Zone. Mesoamerica (region of the Lake Mexico), Southwestern United States in Arizona and New Mexico among the Pueblo Indians prior to the Spanish conquest. Remains of ancient canals are still evident on both sides of the Salt River. Arizona (Taylor and Ashcroft. I972). Ancient irrigation systems required highly organized societies to maintain them. Sri Lanka (Ceylon) at the turn of the century had irrigation structures as old as 2,500 years. In the last 900 years the government built [.420 new tanks (dams) and 534 canals; at the same time 2.355 tanks and 3.621 canals were repaired (James et al.. I982). It has often been debated and is still unclear whether social institutions brought about irrigation or irrigation established them (Adams. I974; James et al.. 1982; Kappel. 1974). It is believed that the Sumerian Empire- whose bread basket was Mesopotamia. perished because of the collapse of the irrigation system; one school of thought has it that the irrigation system collapsed because of a detoriation in the empire‘s social structure (van Schilfgaarde. 1994). One thing is clear: societies have disappeared and ecological disasters have taken a toll when irrigation systems failed. 2. Irrigation disasters: lessons from the past The history of civilization contains a litany of self-destructive irrigation developments. Failure of the Syrian and Babylonian societies of the Near East and North Africa (Carthage) were attributed to waterlogging and a rise in the soil water table in irrigated lands (Taylor and Ashcroft. I972). Salt deposition in the root zone resulted to poor or no crop growth. Seeped waters from earthen canals into adjacent lands. waterlogged lands and annual 7 malaria epidemics in the Middle East are all examples of human misery blamed on poorly planned and managed systems (Gulhati and Smith. I967). A change in irrigation practices following the construction of the Aswan Dam in Egypt caused waterlogging of the Nile Delta leading to the I902 cotton crop failure. In Pakistan. it took 568 tube wells. 2.370 wells and 1.790 kilometers of installed drains to reclaim 1.040.000 ha of land. Prior to this initiative. an estimated 20.000 to 40.000 hectares went out of production annually as a result of salinity and water logging (White House. I964; Cantor, I970). Within a few decades of inigation in the San Joaquin and Imperial valleys (California) [21.000 hectares of land became unproductive. Salt accumulation was to blame (Harris. [920). Other areas included the Great Basin. Colorado. Rio Grande River and Columbia River basins. Taylor and Aschroft (I972) cited increased salinity. low permeability (infiltration) rates and soil structure deterioration in the Salt River Valley of Arizona as an ancient evidence of unsatisfactory methods of water application- The few cited examples clearly portray what can go wrong with poorly managed systems- The Punjab irrigation system (Falcon and Gotsch. I971) where poor management led to increased soil salinity stands out as one of the modern examples. In Idaho. Carter ( I980) estimated the total quantity of salt leached from a five meter deep Portneuf silt loam at 70 metric tons/ha; the first 14 cm of water passing out of the bottom of the soil carried 38 metric tons/ha of soluble salt into ground water over a two year period. Concern for the environment has prompted van Schilfgaarde ( 1994) a prominent irrigation scientist to write: Irrigation has made major contributions in the past. continuing through this day. to feeding the world and to rationalizing the use of limited natural resources for the common wealth: but in the process. warts have arisen and inequities have appeared 8 and unneeded insults to the environment has: occurred- Every rose has a thorn. but the earefiil harvester never gets hurt- Irrigation should and ought not to be self destructive. Society's inability to control management practices can render irrigation systems destructive. 3. Irrigation and resource development Irrigation relates to water resource development- James et al- ( I982) have noted that “rarely is one farm an independent unit of inigation“ since bringing water to the farm and/or draining the excess from the farm requires cooperation that begins with the farmer. community and then extends to the river basin. Depending on the size and location of the irrigated area. this can extend to national and international levels. Examples include the Colorado River flowing through a vast irrigated land in the United States into Mexico and the Nile river rising from Ethiopia through Sudan and Egypt In a given irrigation system. withdrawal rates that exceed recharge rates. according to Hillel (I987). eventually deplete the source and even deprive the crop of water when it is in most need. An irrigation system without proper drainage may become unsustainable- Excess drainage is a potential environmental hazard Consequently. proper irrigation control should begin at the source: groundwater. river or lake- Irrigation is an integral part of resource development and it is a human exercise and social endeavor (in communal systems) rather than an academic exercise. Hillel (I987) in this regard considers irrigation projects as a place for a community of people to work together while leading healthy and harmonious lives. This requires designing a system 9 beyond the purpose of crop production; it takes food and a clean environment to live a healthy life. Human beings, with their intelligence. creativity and initiative. are an important resource in development. I-Iillel (I987) notes with regret that irrigation managers in communal systems tend to be authoritative. and often neglect the real players of the game. Most systems in North Africa and Asia are designed and operated by engineers for the convenience of engineers with limited attention to the needs and desires of the farmers (van Schilfgaarde. I994). The same can be said of the economic and agronomic aspects of irrigation management- An essential resource is wasted if humans are deprived of the ability to use their senses in their work. Hillel points out that people tend to cherish. and are more careful with the products of their initiatives or where they are participants. 8. Systems theory and irrigation management Irrigation is not an end in itself: it needs coordinated management of economic and environmental problems. The complexity of the irrigation-farm-environment system. in addition to uncertainties in a political and socio-economic situation call for a systems theory application to irrigation management. Systems theory and analysis have been used extensively in the physical sciences; its application in agriculture. particularly irrigation. is a new and rapidly developing investigative tool (ICID. I980; Carruthers and Clark. I98 I; Holy. I981). IO I. System concepts A system is a hierarchical structure with a defined boundary consisting of inter—related components (single functioning units) that act together to achieve a Specified objective (Ogata. I978). Its overall behavior is influenced by changes in any system component. The boundary can either be natural or artificially fixed by the investigator in conformity with system objectives (ICID. I980) and the magnitude of complexity the investigator is willing to tolerate. A system boundary. according to Rountree (I977), should not be regarded as rigid lines: rather. as grey bands whose factors have diminishing effects on system behaviour. The system concept can be extended to various phenomena (Ogata. I978) including irrigation management (Vang and Barney. I994: Carruthers and Clark. I981; I-Ioly. 1980. Every system has input(s) and output(s). A system input is that factor which stimulates a change in system behaviour. Two types of inputs are recognized. The first type. exogenous or environmental input is determined by factors completely independent of. or external to the system. Weather is an example of an exogenous input in a farming system. The second type. endogenous or controllable input is used as a means of altering system behaviour in a desirable direction. For example the number of seeds per hectare. or volume of water in a given period. System output is a factor caused by a given system- It can either be used as an input into another system or used as a performance measure of the system- A system can produce desired and undesired outputs. The desired output is a means of satisfying a system goal whereas the undesired output is that unwanted side effect produced by a system in the cause of satisfying intended goals. The most challenging practice for managers and farmers is to balance between the two in a profitable manner- A system can be characterized as dynamic or static (Ogata. 1978). In a dynamic system. variables change with time as a result of changes in inputs and interactions among system elements. Manetsch and Park ( I993) refer to such. as a system with memory because its outputs depend on previous values of input variables. The output of a dynamic system changes with time if it is not in a state of equilibrium (Ogata. I978). A static system has no memory i.e. its output is independent of previous input variables and remains constant if its input does change- 2. Systems theory and approach Systems theory provides a problem solving tool in which the inter-relationships of each part of the problem in a component is considered as well as the inter-relationships among objectives. and the means of realizing them (ICID. I980). This. according to Chestnut ( I966). involves the overall consideration of various methods of accomplishing desired objectives as an integrated whole where each component is designed to achieve a common goal. Thus. a complex problem can be composed of a series of precise and specified component tasks for solution while maintaining the unity of the system. Manetsch and Park (I993) define systems approach as: a problem solving methodology which begins with tentatively identified set of needs which are acceptable or "good" in light of trade-0173' among needs and the resource limitations that are accepted as constraints in the given setting. [2 This approach overtly seeks to include all factors which are important in arriving at a ”good” solution to the given problem. It also makes use of quantitative models. Most often. simulations of these models assist in making rational decisions. Simulation involves the use of a computer program or the functioning model of a system on which different design and management strategies are tried. Figure l is a summary of the systems approach as a problem solving methodology. Each of the boxes represents a major phase of the approach- Although the arrows are unidirectional, it is important to note that each phase is an interactive decision making process and is composed of sub-phases. A global view of these phases will be discussed followed by a detail look of the modeling phase. The discussion is based on the six major phases of systems approached identified by Manetsch and Park ( I993). Needs Analysis . I .44 Implementation Feasibility Evaluations V Y System Operation Modeling V System Retirement ' V Implementation Design :——- Figure 1. Systems approach to problem solving (adapted from Manetsch and Park. I993 ). The approach begins with a needs anabsrls which takes into consideration the needs of every one as well as institutions which will be involved with the proposed system. It [3 involves interactions with policy/decision makers. managers or operators responsible for the performance of the system. Needs analysis can be accomplished through surveys, polls, expert Opinions and evaluation of working systems similar to that under study. If a need exists. an explicit statement is made and this forms the basis of feasibility evaluation. In the feasibility evaluation phase a set of feasible system configurations or management strategies capable of satisfying identified needs are generated. It is important at this stage to differentiate between needs and wants. A eatefirl analyst should question: do these needs, in fact. exist? lfthey do. can they be stated in an operational form? This phase formulates an explicit statement of the problem to be solved based on the identified needs. Modeling is based on the specifications for system design or management strategy from feasibility evaluation. In the modeling phase. mathematical models of the system alternatives are constructed. if possible. Models are usually implemented on computers4 and validated (See System modeling below). These models are used to explore possible trade-ofi's among performance criteria. assist decision and policy makers in arriving at normative judgments about what is good or bat (Manetsch and Park 1993). This eventually leads to the creative synthesis of better system design and/or management strategies. Implementation design specifies the details of the system and/or the management strategy desigied in the modeling phase. Manetsch and Park stress a "complete” specification of the details i.e. developing a complete set of instructions that will lead to the operation of the desired real system. This phase also involves the complete specification of {VWQl/comptaer model: may not be possible in some cases. 14 the system structure. required data. statistical analysis. communication channels to decision makers. etc. The implementation phase gives physical existence to the desired system in which management designs are brought into existence. Deficiencies and errors of implementation design are detected and corrected through repetition of implementation design. System adequacy is tested or determined in the system operation phase. In most cases. operation reveals additional deficiencies that were undetected in the previous phases. It also involves an on-line management control since it is here that management strategies developed in the earlier phases are implemented. System theory requires that this phase be periodically reviewed and improved upon by repeating previous phases of the systems methodology. The last phase of systems methodology is system retirement. This is often ignored in most system analyses (Manetsch. personal communication). It is important to realize and include this phase in all systems analysis. This phase requires answers to such questions as: what happens to system components when the system is dysfunctional or has reached the end of its economic life? Will the retired components or replaced parts pose an environmental hazard? How long can the system operate before it is retired. and would it have made any beneficial economic returns? Such questions are an aid to defining the structure of the system. a. System modeling System modeling involves the representation of a given situation. It consists of developing a mathematical model of a system suitable for operation on a computer. Dent (1975) regards modeling as a technique with which to apply and extend astems thinking. In its deveIOpment. Wright (1975) advises that the starting point should be a very simple input-output model which can later on be expanded in detail with the following identifications: major subsystems. important components and relationships within each subsystem. links between subsystems. important environmental variables and control points. A resulting conceptual model provides the basis for identifying the type and form of data required. The modeling task takes on two approaches. The first is called the black bars approach (Manetsch and Park. [993) where inputs and outputs can be observed and measured. but the process of transforming inputs to outputs remains unknown or is of less importance to the user. This approach seeks to identify a system model from data that describes the behaviour of the system. Using various mathematical relations and statistical techniques a model is derived as the best fit to the Operational data Most of the work done in various engineering disciplines employs the black box approach. The second is the structural approach which begins with a careful examination of system structure and theory to determine basic system components and linkages. An overall system S‘Vright uses the term Black Box to refer to an Mann. though stable and independent grouping o/detail. 16 model is thus developed by modeling the characteristics of the system components and the constraints imposed by its components. The structural approach has been used in the design and control of both physical and non-physical systems (Mintzberg. 1976; Manetsch and Park. 1993). Both approaches are complementary to each other and models developed from both approaches generally give better results (Manetsch and Park. I993). Application of models in systems research can be distinguished into two categories: descriptive and normative (Wright. I975). The model. when used for descriptive purposes becomes a framework for identifying system components and relationships as well as determining the satisfactory functional relationships. The normative application requires some objective function to evaluate different decision mles. Such functions are often concerned with profits or utility. b. Modeling procedure Six major steps (boxed) can be Feasibility Evaluation J +1 Sensitivity Analysis . identified in system modeling Concept Selection 5 ' Y and Modeling ' . . - ‘ - Stability Analysis (Frgure 2). The input of a modeling y Model Verification l ' Y . . phase comes from feasibility V “‘4“ ”Wan“ . . - - 5 V evaluation. A selected concept is 54““ "mm“ -"“ Implementation Design modeled in the form of equations. Figure 2. System modeling procedure (adapted from block diagrams. flow charts. etc. Miami! and Park. 1993). and implemented on a computer- This phase involves important decisions that affect the accuracy of computer solutions. operational costs. coding language. model compatibility 17 with available computers and other sofiware applications. specification of model inputs. etc. Once the model is implemented and the input-output formats are designed. the next step is to verify that the model does indeed simulate the underlying situation. To verify means to establish the truth. accuracy or reality of something Thus. a model is verified in relation to absolute truth. Although one may not establish a fact with absolute certainty. hypotheses can be tested in terms of the probability that they are true (Naylor and Finger. I967). The process of verification includes cross checking model results with hand calculated results. and numerical with analytical results for agreement. Validation is often a link to an iterative loop that leads to successive tests and refinement in a model. If the model describes a controllable system. validation must demonstrate that the model exhibits behaviour that characterizes the system (Manetsch and Park. 1993 ). This is achieved through reproducing past system behaviour or independent data that were not used in constructing the model. Neter et al. (1990) state two ways of validating a model: I. use new independent data to check model and predictive ability. 2. compare results with theoretical expectations. earlier empirical and simulation results. For non-existent systems. eg. using a model to design a new system. the validity of developed model relies on the validity of the various theories and assumptions which determined the structural form of the equations of the model (Manetsch and Park. 1993) and the values assigned to model parameters. It also relies heavily on subjective judgement. preferably involving the decision maker. Validation can lead to further information gathering. data collection improved estimates of coefficients and refined models. A crucial [8 question to answer in validation is whether the model leads to better decisions than can be obtained from using other techniques. Sensitivity is defined as the rate of change in one factor with respect to another (McCuen. 1973; Wyseure. [986) or the change in an objective function due to perturbations in the value of a parameter (Beck and Kenneth. I977). Sensitivity analysis determines which decision variables (design parameters and controllable inputs) are important and worth including in model applications. Knowledge of model parameters of lesser importance in affecting system performance can provide additional freedom to satisfy the necessary constraints which may apply to inputs and parameters. Stability analysis identifies the stability boundaries of the system such that critical parameters will not be unknowingly set at values which could lead to unstable behaviour over time as system structure or environment changes. Stability analyses employs analytical studies based on stability theory and use of repeated simulated runs to explore stability boundaries. Model implementation. also referred to as experimentation. has the purpose of comparing various treatments under exactly identical conditions. Wright gives four objectives of model application: i) compare alternative courses of action. if) estimate system response to changes in the level of single inputs. iii) explore the response surface generated for difi‘erent combinations of input levels. and iv) estimate the input combination required for an optimal or minimal level of output l9 3. Rationale for application to irrigation management [CID ( 1980) offers the following justification for employing systems theory and analysis in irrigation management. to It is useful when required data for solving a problem cannot be obtained directly by observation. [t permits the combination of strictly scientific approaches with common sense. subjective opinions. evaluations. intuition and experience for decision making. Manetsch and Park (1993) have used this concept in developing a systems problem solving procedure. Manipulating individual components can achieve maximum effectiveness for the whole system. It‘s an excellent decision tool in the phase of uncertainty where the decision or policy maker can choose a line of action based on desired objectives and quantitative comparisons of alternative solutions- The fourth justification finds application in a natural resource system (Figure 3) where farmers attempt to control the soil water content in an uncertain environmental and economic condition to achieve high yields while suiving to minimize environmental degradation Harding ( I968) recognized the conflict between environmental and economic goals and wrote: The great challenge facing us now is to invent the corrective feedback that are needed to keep custodians honest. We must find ways to legitimate the authority of both the custodians and the corrective feedback:- 20 In light of the above statement. one is tempted to call for an immediate and abrupt change in our goal philosophies. But this is unlikely to happen over night Thus. Street ( l 990) has suggested developing transition strategies based on the laws of thermodynamics and entropy. This can be done through systems analysis. 4. Application to irrigation management A typical natural resource system 1" \.. 1’ comprises the environment . ”meme“! . management. soil and irrigation system A ‘ . . . ; Irngeuon Farm %——’ (Figure 3). The environment provides Pollutant: . Environment LL/ The soil provides the basis for \\_’/ agricultural production. Management conditions for existence and survival- 1 Figure 3. Natural resource system controls the produce from the farm. irrigation and the soil tluough tillage and the use of soil conditioners. It is important to note that there is no control over the pollutants. yet they enter the environment which is the major input source for the soil and irrigation- In our current drinking management practices and economic analyses are confined to the components above the broken line. Our ultimate desire is to erase the line and have direct control over the pollutants in the system (i.e.. redirect the arrow that links management and produce such that management can control both produce and pollutants). 2| Figure 3 shows the management and environmental components as a dynamic function of goals. information feedback and control. It can be considered an open system because of the constant exchange of material. energy and information. Information provides the manager with the state of the system based on observed inputs and outputs. The goals in combination with these observations provide a framework for decision making i.e. system control. The result is a set of formulated decision rules for system operation which constitutes a management policy that is tactical or strategic (Wright. I975). One advantage of the systems approach is that the irrigator can have both tactical and strategic goals (soil water levels. salt contents. groundwater quality. etc.) for managing irrigation. soil and the environment- In addition. solution sets that are feasible and efficient according to technical and economic criteria are identified for the decision maker to compare and pass judgement. Suffice to note that farmers' practical applications of recommended practices tend to be governed by financial cost considerations. The ellipse in Figure 3 tells us that nothing leaves or enters the system. Thus. we have to be carefitl in pursuit of our production goals. Serious long term implications can result in pursuit of short term economic goals. Doyle (1990) cites a Punjab irrigation study (Falcon and Gotsch. I971) where such pursuits have led to increasing soil salinity. C. Irrigation performance measures Irrigation water distribution in the field can either be measured directly or inferred from overlapped sprinkler patterns (Hart and Heerrnann. I976) using distribution functions. Various functions for such inference have been presented (Heermann et al.. [992; Warrick. 22 I983; Elliot et al.. I980; Hart and Heermann. I976). Most of these functions require knowledge of the mean application depth. its standard deviation and the shape of the distribution. Irrigation performance measures are a way of characterizing system behaviour from several estimates of irrigation depths at various locations. These measures determine the degree of water replenishment in the root zone at each irrigation. the amount of runoff and/or deep percolation and the uniformity of the applied water during irrigation (Rauschkolb and Homsby. I994). There are at least five performance measures in the literature (Kruse I978: Shearer. I978). This review focuses on distribution uniformity and application efficiency as measures of irrigation uniformity and efficiency. l. Irrigation uniformity Irrigation uniformity refers to the variation in the amounts of water applied to locations within an irrigated field. Ideally. an irrigation system should apply water such that all parts receive equal amounts. The absence of an ideal system means that some parts of the irrigated field receive more water than others- On one hand. if the field is irrigated such that all parts receive the required or desired amount. then some parts will be over irrigated. On the other hand. if only part of the field receives the most irrigated water to meet the required depth. then under-irrigation will occur in some areas. Irrigation uniformity is therefore a measure of the degree to which water is unifome distributed to the field. There are at leasr eight proposed ways of characterizing uniformity in the literature (see Uniformity measures 23 and coeflicient below). Subsurface (Hart, I972), local and global (Solomon. I983, I985) uniformities have been described. Local uniformity as stated by Solomon. is limited to portions of an irrigated area in a field (e. g. the area between four sprinklers: the area of a furrow or border strip (for surface irrigation) or a lateral (for trickle irrigation). Global uniformity involves full field scale factors that are often not included in local uniformity studies (e.g- field wide pressure differences and edge effects in sprinkler irrigation). Hill and Keller (I980) estimated that differences in field wide pressures and sprinkler edge effects account for twenty percent reduction in the uniformity coefi’rcient. The areal distribution and uniformity of water application has been used to characterize uniformity of soil water in the root zone. I-Iart ( I972) compared the uniformity of applied soil water and concluded that sub-surface redistribution (horizontal) approached a final value (85%) with time. Cohen and Bresler (I967) attribute subsurface redistribution to horizontal matric gradients that are established in non-uniform distributions to compensate for areas with less water. However. Sinai and Zaslavsky ( I977) found that both surface and sub—soil characteristics can cause non-uniform sub-surface redistribution- a. Influencing factors Soil characteristics influence water flow over the soil surface and its infiltration into the root zone thus. affecting uniformity. Brakensiek et al- ( I98I) reported variability of soil infiltration characteristics even within a given textural class. In furrow irrigation. Hill and Keller ( I980) have observed differences between wheel and non-wheel furrows- Ley and 24 Chyma (I98 I) reported a range of S - 15% standard deviation of the mean flow in furrow flow rates. Pressure variations within a pipe or resulting fiom field elevation differences and hydraulic characteristics of emitters also contribute to irrigation non-uniformity- Initial soil water content plays a significant role in subsurface uniformity. Redistribution is most rapid at high water content gradients. Uniformity however. approaches a limit which would n0t be exceeded in a reasonable length of time (Hart. I972). In one study Hart showed that two systems with surface distributions of 60 and 70% attained a subsurface distribution uniformity of 85%. The time taken to attain the final value was shorter in the 70% than in the 60% system. The author then concluded that the ultimate usefirl distribution might be high irrespective of the initial surface distribution. b. Uniformity measure and coefficient All irrigation systems possess some non-uniformity in water application. Since [00% uniformity is economically unfeasible. irrigators must accept less than ideal uniformity in operating their systems. This calls for a performance measure - uniformity coefficient - for assessing the uniformity of water application in irrigation systems- A review of some of the measures follows. Christiansen (I942) defined and used the first uniformity for sprinkler irrigation as: Uc =[1 - M] 100 [ll AV" where Uc is the Christiansen uniformity coefficient; le; - ul is the sum of the absolute difference between each measured value (x.) and the mean (u); N is the number of 25 observations. The author selected 84% as the minimum acceptable level of water distribution for any particular irrigation method. Dabbous (I962) cited a second coefficient developed in 1955 based on a range of estimated water depths. The mathematical representation is given by [2] - 2(tr - L) ”a ‘ TIT ‘" where H and L are the highest and lowest values of irrigation depths respectively. The coefficient uses the mid point of the range as a measure of central tendency. Solomon ( I983) reported a modification of equation [2] given by Rainbird Sprinkler Manufacturers Us 2 [3] where u is the mean applied depth and H and L as previously defined. A third uniformity measure came into the literature in I947 (Wilcox and Swailes) as U,=1-9—=t-cv [4] u where c is the standard deviation from the mean applied depth. u. and cv. the coefficient of variation. This coefficient has also been referred to as the Wilcox-Swailes uniformity (Su. 1979) or the statistical uniformity (Bralts et al.. I981). The measure found application in the development of combined statistieal uniformity measures or variance equations in drip and surface inigation (Bralts et al.- 198 I: Iaynes and Clemmens. I986; Clemmens. I99I). 26 Another uniformity coefficient which makes use of the standard deviation but based on a normal distribution of irrigated depths introduced in I965 (Hart and Reynolds) is U =1-o.193 av [5] Solomon (I983) lists two advantages of equation [5]: (i) it makes use of the standard deviation of the data in the same way as equation [4] and (ii) its numerical value in most instances is similar to Christiansen's uniformity coefficient. equation [I]. The two equations are numerically equivalent for normally disuibuted irrigation depths. UH has also been referred to as the Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association uniformity coefficient In I964. Benami and Hore proposed the "A" coefl'rcient and defined it as M. - MD, A = I.66 M. - MD, [6] where M, and Mg are respectively the mean depths above and below the mean application depth. and the MDs their respective mean deviations. According to Solomon ( I983) the significance of [6] has not been recognized and its later use in the literature is limited to those works reviewing it or comparing it to other measures. Hart and Heermann (I976) see "no particular advantage" of using equation [6] in place of "other established distribution parameters". probably because of the complicated use of the absolute deviations. Karmeli ( I977. I978); Karmeli et al. (I978) formulated a uniformity coefficient similar to Christiansen's but based on the linear cumulative distribution function for sprinkler irrigation depths. equation [7]. U: = r - 0.256 [3 [TI where B is the slope of the cumulative distribution line. This measure has been used in optimal irrigation scheduling to minimize deep percolation. The Soil Conservation Service (Dabbous. I962) proposed pattern efficiency (PE) as a measure of uniformity defined as the ratio of the mean of the low quarter irrigated depth to the mean depth. The term efficiency may be misleading as this measure does not assume a management scheme. Hart and Reynolds (I965) suggested a statistical version of PE as DU = I - l-27 cv [8] where cv is the irrigation system’s coefficient of variation. For a nortnal distribution. the mean of the low quarter is approximately 127 times away from the standard deviation below the mean (Solomon. I983). Thus the numerical value from the SCS definition and [8] are equal so long as the irrigated depths are normally distributed. PE has been referred to as distribution uniformity (Kruse. I978) or trickle emission uniformity (Hill and Keller. I980; Keller and Karmeli. I974a). Keller and Karmeli (I974b) further suggested an "absolute emission uniformity". equation that includes the average ratios of maximum and minimum emitter flow rates. EU. = LP: . 3-1] I00 [9| 2 q. q. E where qu = average of lowest one-quarter of emitter flow rates; qll = average of all emitter flow rates and q. = average of highest one-eight of emitter flow rates. The authors recommended a design EU greater than 90%. The On Farm Irrigation Committee (Kruse. I978) recommended distribution uniformity (DU. equation [8]) and Christiansen's uniformity (Uc, equation [I ]) as uniformity measures. c. Uniformity interrelationships Warrick ( I983) presented analytic relationships between Christiansen's uniformity [I], distribution uniformity. [4]. and the coefficient of variation for six statistical distributions- These were generalized as: U'=l.l3cv; cv<0.2$ Uc-I-O.8cv; cv<0.$ DU = -0.6 + 1.6 U... cv < 0.25 In addition. the author tabulated exact analytical relationships between cv. equations [I] and [8] for the normal. log-normal. uniform. specialized. beta and gamma functions. Other relationships include: Ur - 0.985 Uc - 0.011 [13] Uc = 0.958 U” - 0.030 [14] U, : 0.020 U:- - 0.920 Uc - 11227 [15] 29 Equations [13] through [IS] are from Karmeli et al. (1978). Hart and Heermann (I976) and Seniwongse et al- (l972) respectively. Hart and Heermann ( I976) expressed difficulties in evaluating real distributions due to scarcity of data points for analysis. One constraint is the cost of collecting these data sets. This may explain why most uniformity studies tend to be local rather than global. 2. Irrigation efficiency The term efi’tciency presupposes 0r assumes a management scheme and is generally understood as a measure of an obtainable output from an input. Efficiency of an irrigation system practically relates to the consumption of the available resources. Low efficiencies indicate excess water not used by plants. The lost can be reflected in the pumping cost of water. Irrigation efficiency is constrained by natural resources. applied technology. human behaviour and socio-economic conditions (Thompson. I988). Thus. efficiency can vary from place to place and from one farm to another in the same region. Different concepts and definitions ofefliciency (Table I) have been used to evaluate the efficient use of water. Robinson (I978) lists six components included in the evaluation of irrigation efficiency: the water applied. soil and water quality. energy consumed. labour. investment/return on investment and net production. The 'On F arm Irrigation Committee' (Kmse. 1978) defines irrigation efficiency as the ratio of the average depth of irrigation water beneficially used to the average depth of irrigation water applied. This definition is rather ambiguous as beneficial use can cover a wide range of activities ranging from salt leaching, crop needs. pesticide or fertilizer application. etc. Some authors have limited 30 Definitions of efficiency Title Definition: Ratio of .. Source I . Application efficiency a) water in root zone to water delivered to field. I b) volume of irrigation water manned by crops in I an irrigated area to volume applied in area plus I volume for intentional leaching. c) b) + correction for effective rainfall. l d) net inches required to replace soil moisture in root zone to inches applied- e) useful water volume to total volume delivered. 3 0 Product of tmiformity coefficient and system 4 efficiency. 2. Application (pattern) average low quarterdcpth of water infiltrated and 5 efficiency of low quarter stored in the root zone to the average depth of water applied. 3. Consumptive use normal consrnnptive use of water to net arnotmt 6 depleted in root zone. 4- Infiltration amount of water infiltrated to applied. 7 5- Irrigation application percent of irrigated water stored in soil root zone. I efficiency 6. Irrigation efficiency a) volume of irrigation water eonsrnned by crops in I an irrigated area to volume applied in area. b) ET of applied water to norm! of applied water. 8 7. Optimum irrigation maximum yield value to seasonal water applied. I efficiency 8. Storage efficiency a) quantity in root zone during irrigation to amount 9. I0 needed in root zone prior to irrigation. b) water stored in the root zone a percent of total I I applied- 9. Water distribution a) absolute average deviation to mean depth I0 efficiency b) average low quarter depth of water infiltrated to average depth of water infiltrated the quarter of the area receiving the least amormt of water. IO. Water use efficiency a) dry weight of crop to ET depth. I I water beneficially used to amount delivered. I = Aljibury. I978: 2.3 3 Robinson. I978: 4 = Kimbcll et al.. I990; 5 = Krnse. I978: 7 2- Tsakiris- I985: 9 = Anyoji and Wu. I994: 6.8.I0 = RauschKolb and Homsby. I994: II = lsraelson and Hansen. I967. 3| beneficial use to crap needs. The argument as to what constitutes beneficial use in addition to a lack of Specifics in definitions makes the comparison of irrigation efficiency in different regions or cultures rather illusive. In order to make an unbiased comparison of system performance, it is imperative that the definition of irrigation efficiency be agreed upon. Such a definition should be comprehensive enough to warrant use in all available situations and "include some objective characterization of the benefits of using the established relationships between the input variables of the irrigation system considered” (Y itayew, I987). 0. Application efficiency: definition and significance Figure 4 shows the distribution (curved line) of applied or infiltrated water in a soil profile and four regions (A A0, B and C) that describe an irrigated profile. The average depth of applied water is represented by the broken line at which half of the field receives more than the average and the other half less than the average. The root or required depth or minimum application ratio, RA (Chaudhry, I978) is shown by the horizontal solid line. "A" is that fraction of the field or met volume that would received at least the required depth at the. end of an irrigation period. while "AD” (I - A) is the deficiently irrigated portion. The average depth infiltrated in A0 is DA. "B” is the fraction of the soil profile that has not received any of the irrigated water: it is interesting to note that a portion of this profile belongs to the root zone. "C" represents the soil profile receiving the excess water. Efficiency definitions (e.g. storage, leaching and application) relate to one or more of the described areas of Figure 4. 32 Area fraction 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 W,, .. .. I I I 1 I I I ” l AD - A : doficitly . Am _ fully irrigated area . im-gamdfi > / )9 0.5 '— al., ---4 - . /.._..... V0 53 [JA ' m (moored) am , ’ ‘ average depth In ' 3 ‘ In An 2 D- // cl ., ,x' non-Irrigated area 4 2‘ 1.0 _--_\rem-22fl£l_%/_,.z _________ __. u .. 6.. ’1’, 4 3 0’45“ = . 6\ ‘05 I! v- 9 -' .. Q. / 9‘ E 0* ‘ L. 1 .5 — / -1 O _ ’ ‘ C ,' ..I 2.0 4411114114411_1_1111111111 Figure 4. Application efi'rciency definition sketch. ASAE (I 993) defines application efficiency (AE) as the ratio of the averaged depth of irrigation water infiltrated and stored in the root zone to the average depth of water applied. expressed as a percent. The definition can be expressed in terms of areas in the figure as ..‘LZL‘LL Ar-AD‘C [15] Application efficiency is one of the most predominant indices for comparing management practices (Lamack and Niemiera. I993), irrigation. cropping and tillage systems (Yonts et al.. [991). As an important index in evaluating an inigation system. application efficiency indicates the excess water applied to the field (Walker. 1979). This 33 would include the amount lost to deep seepage and run off (Clemmens. I991; Tsakiris. 1985). Application efficiency can be used to make an economic judgement on proposed installations of various systems (Chaudhry, 1978). Furthermore, it describes the effects of both management decisions and operational characterisfics of an irrigation system (Shearer. 1978). Poorly managed inigation systems result in excess water loss as deep percolation from the root zone. Lost water is costly to inigators and posses an environmental hazard. Applieation efficiency is a function of a system’s Operational time (Y adav et al., 1986) or the gross depth required (Chaudhry, 1978), as well as indicates the potential available water in the root zone to plants. (von Bernuth. I993; equation [17]). Estimates of application efficiency in addition to seasonal ET can be used to determine seasonal water budgets and as a guide for irrigation management. High AEs will require low water amounts regardless of the ET (Rauschkolb and Hornsby, I994)- Kimbell et al. (1990) have derived water requirements for sprinkler irrigated alfalfa from application efficiency. Nitrogen fertilizer is an important plant nutrient. Because its fate in the soil is unavoidably linked to that of water (Rauschkolb and Hornsby, 1994) there is a need to pay closer attention to the question of application efficiency in irrigation management. The concentration of nitrogen near the soil surface (when ammonium is applied) and the amount of nitrate leached are proportional to the quantity of water applied at that location or leached out of the root zone. Applieation efficiency gives no indication of the adequacy or uniformity of the system (Walker. 1979). For example one can achieve a 100% efficiency with severe under— 34 irrigation (Anyoji and Wu, 1994) even with poor uniformity (Shearer, 1978) or in cases where deep seepage is considered beneficial. 0. Influence on application efficiency Several factors significantly influence application efficiency: the rate of root deveIOpment and the active root depth; the inigation method; the required amount of water to recharge the depleted soil profile. and soil type. Assuming the same system duration and application rate. sandy soils will have a lower AE than clay soils. since larger amounts of water will leave the sandy root zone during irrigation than in the clay soil. Low AE values under shallow rooted crops. or continuous irrigation early in the growing season when the crop canopy does not cover the entire soil surface and the root system is limited to around the crop. This is because irrigating the entire surface results to massive evaporative loses (Y adav et al.. I986). In addition, any infiltrated water in non-rooted areas eventually finds its way below the tilled layer as deep percolation. Application rates greater than the soil's intake rate distort the surface distribution pattern. Low Spots where water accumulates or passes are over-irrigated and will have low AE. High spots from which water runs off will receive less water and consequently low AE (Taylor and Aschroft. 1972). In addition. Till and 805 (1985) mention uniformity and the amount of water leaching (deep seepage) including wind (Seginer et al-. 1991) as some of the factors that influence application efi'rciency. 35 c. Application efficiency relations There exists a relationship between AE and crop available water (von Bernuth; 1993): 4 AW = —"— AE [ 17] "I where AW = available water, d“ = net depth of applied water and m = mean application depth. Hart and Reynolds (1965) developed tabulated relationships between application efficiency, application ratio and coefficient of variation (cv) based on a Gaussian distribution of infiltrated depths. (They defined application ratio as the average depth of water at the point of lowest application to the average depth required.) Chaudhry (1978) presented AE. analytically and graphically, as a function of the coefficients of variation and skewness for various application ratios for both Gaussian and gamma distributions. The relationship allowed for quantitative evaluation of skewness effects. The author further showed a direct proportion between the average loss (I - AE), deep percolation and cv when the depth of water required for adequate irrigation equals the average depth supplied. Howell ( 1964) using various asymmetries for the same cv showed a dependence of AE on skewness. The results showed an increase in AE for positive asymmetry with a minimum application ratio less than or equal to one and a decrease for negative skews with a minimum applieation ratio greater than one. Chaudhry (1977) later confirmed these results for fixed application rates. Warrick et al. (1989) showed that as the amount of water applied increases the area. A. fully irrigated increases and application efficiency decreases. They also noted that as the 36 coefficient of variation for a given water level increases, both AE and A tend to decrease. Their work contains tabulated values for five cuss of the specialized power, log-normal and normal firnctions. AB is a function of the application depth which may not necessarily equal the cr0p need (Chaudhry, I978). Hillel ( 1987) noted that AB is a function of sprinkler uniformity rather than soil properties so long as the application rate does not exceed the soil's intake rate. The dependence of application efficiency on uniformity von Bernuth (1993) is the basis for calculating application efficiency. d. Application efficiency determination Application efficiency determination is based on the amount of water replenished in the root zone at a given irrigation, runoff, deep percolation and the system's distribution uniformity. For a normal distribution of applied water depths. application efficiency can be ealarlated by integrating the probability density firnction (Warrick et al., 1989; Anyoji and Wu; 1994). One result from such a calculation is A5 = I - (27!)'°5 cv e ”'5‘ ‘ Acv [18] where cv is the coefficient of variation for applied depths and A is the area receiving at least the required depth. Another equation developed by Chaudhry, (1978) is AE =1 - a; D‘(I — A) [[9] 37 where RA is minimum application ratio; D A is the average deficit and "l - A" is the deficiently irrigated area. The equations involve the normal distribution function which does not have an explicit solution. In recognition of this, Walker (1979) devel0ped equation [20] (from a polynomial that estimates the Gaussian function) as a function of the area deficitly irrigated and cv. A5 = l - t 3.634 - 1.12311; + 0.003113” ) cv [20] where AD is the area of the field that is deficiently irrigated. The author discourages the use of the equation when AD is below l0%; prediction errors rapidly increase to [0%. Clernmens ([99 I) gives a similar equation that makes use of the area deficiently irrigated. A R .(1 -A)U AE= ° ° [le MoeL where A is the fraction of the field that is adequately irrigated; R0 is the target or required depth; U0 is average depth in the area less than RD; MD is the average depth infiltrated and L represents surface losses as runoff. No associated errors are reported. The author has also ”ven tables that relate A5 to the fraction of the area with adequate and deficit irrigation. and storage efficiency. Howell ( I964) calculated AE as 21:. - x) ' I AE=—1--—-———— 22 t! z: [I 38 where :g is the minimum application depth on an area, a; p is the average depth applied; it. is the various measured depths and "+" indicates the sum of positive deviations only. For x1| = in AB was related to Christiansen's uniformity, UC, as A5 : 0.50 + Uc) [23] When the mean application depth equals the root zone depth. the maximum possible AE when there is no over-irrigation is expressed as (von Bemuth. 1993) A15 = [1 - 0.5(1 - (16 1100)]. [24' Rauschkolb and Hornsby (1994) have summarized water application efficiencies for a variety of crops. different locations and inigation systems. Although water application efficiencies may vary from 30 to 90%. they noted small differences in application efficiencies for well managed systems (70-85% in sprinkler systems. 70-95% for surface level systems and 80—90% in drip systems). The Soil Conservation Service (English and Nuss. I980) recommended a 65% application efficiency. Some water districts require higher values. [n 1993 efficiency requirements in the Southwest Florida Water Management District" were 75% and 80% for existing and new permits respectively. Efficiency goals (irrespective of the type of permit) have been set for 80% by 1997 and 85% by January 1, 200! respectively for row crops. strawberries and citrus. 6 Water Use Permit Information Manual: Honda We Gide. Basis of review for water use per-nut qppEarrions. and design aids. 39 Thompson (1988) evaluated l6 irrigation projects of the Bureau of Reclamation using data from 1963 to 1984. Nine had AE less than 40%, four between 40 and 65%, and 3 above 65%. The author concluded that efficiency time patterns showed no evidence of progressive improvement in efficiency. Two projects had statistically significant trends and both were towards lower efficiency levels. e. Improving application efficiency lzadi et al. ([991) presented two procedures for maximizing application efficiency in surface inigation and suggest the use of a target depth. Decreasing the mean depth of application increases AE but the area adequately irrigated is reduced (von Bemuth. 1993). To increase the depth of water in an area with the least amount of water by x% would imply increasing the total application by x%. This causes significant increases in deep percolation when the percent area receiving adequate inigation is increased (Kruse, I978). Higher system efficiency increases AE as the amount of deep percolation decreases while the area adequately irrigated is increased. This is constrained by the cost of installing and maintaining a high uniformity system. von Bemuth notes that while it is technically feasible to achieve [00% system uniformity, it is economically unfeasible. [3 Global and local efficiency in dealing with irrigation water efficiency, one distinguishes between global and local efiiciency, to borrow from Solomon (1983). in global efficiency, it's the overall efficiency of the watershed that is important while in local efficiency or on-farm irrigation efficiency 40 (Robinson, 1978) relates to the net amount of water applied per unit area from crop consumption. According to global efi'tciency advocates, users up stream need not wony about efficiency; only the last user down stream should. This is because the excess water re-enters the underground water and is pumped and used over and over again. Although little water is lost in the process. maintaining water quality becomes a problem (Robinson. 1978). Except in communal systems, global efficiency is not economically efficient or beneficial to the users up stream. Striving for global efficiency without caution may result to an ecological disaster. D. Summary and discussion Inefficient and non-uniform systems tend to waste water. nutrients and energy. Management and system improvement allow for a high rate of application efficiency in any given system. Soil and water quality are the most delicate to manage in an irrigation set up. While we desire a high quality soil through proper leaching (removal) of salts from the soil over the years. we do not want leaching to occur to the point where underground or surrounding water contamination is likely to occur. Resource exploitation, soil degradation, water resource depletion and pollution are insidious trends of the past prevalent in today's society. Lessons from history show that great losses. costs and consequences await us, unless there is an effort on our part to improve irrigation management inigation agriculture should not be self destructive: it has supported most areas through millennia and has been the economic basis of societies through recorded history. M The design and management of irrigation systems contain more than the engineering and agronomic inputs. Human, economic and environmental factors must be taken into account. Many factors involved in crop production should and must be evaluated in an integrated management system. This calls for a systems approach in irrigation - a missing link in today's irrigation design and management practices. In general, efficiency assumes a management scheme relating the output of a system to its inputs. When used as a performance measure, the term provides a basis on which to make decisions regarding system operations, which system components and to what extend need adjustment It serves as a tool for comparing different systems. In irrigation management, environmental efficiency will signify the level of potential pollutants entering the environment. Application efficiency is an important irrigation performance measure. Apart from its indirect estimation using the equations in the section Application efliciency determination, direct field measurement under sprinkler irrigation have not been documented. Furthermore, there is a need to investigate the impacts of management practices on application efficiency as well as the probability of such efficiencies under various management strategies. Although there is wide recognition of the environmental concerns in irrigation management. attempts to address those concerns still emphasize the single discipline approach. There is a nwd to incorporate the systems approach in irrigation management and provide the farmer with a tool to make environmentally sound decisions. III. Research Procedure, Results and Discussion .. when you cannot measure rt. when you cannot express it or numbers. your knowledge rs ofa meagre and unsatisfactory kind. ' - Lard Keir-m - This section is divided into two papers. written in the format of the Transactions of the ASAE scientific journal. Each paper has an abstract. an introduction. specific objectives. procedures. results and conclusions. Both papers are related. but can be read in any order without loosing much content. The works cited in each of the papers can be found in Section VI - References. Paper A deals with application efficiency determination under various statistical uniforrnities and applieation ratios- The results presented include the statistical distribution of applieation efficiency. and graphical and mathematical relationships between application ratio and system uniformity. Paper 8 discusses. fi'om systems theory. a method of characterizing environmental efiiciency of irrigation management. A new performance measure in irrigation management termed irrigation environmental efficiency is proposed and graphically related to other commonly used irrigation measures. The measure is applied to some existing irrigation systems and management. sfism and mung. n: Pairwise! Revrew. vol. \liii p. 134. 1934. 42 43 A. Estimating irrigation application efficiency and its statistical distribution 1. Abstract A common performance measure in irrigation management is application efficiency (AB). The popularity of this index prompts the following research questions: How does AE vary with the applied depth of water under an imposed areal distribution? What is the AE uniformity in a given setting? This purpose of this study was to determine the statistical distribution of application efiiciency for a range of minimum application ratios (required depth divided by the mean applied depth) - 0.4 to ll. Irrigation fi'om center pivot systems were simulated assuming a normal distribution function. A new term for characterizing application efficiency. application uniformity (AU). is introduced based on a statistically derived uniformity coefficient. Regression equations relating AE to AU. minimum application ratio and statistical uniformity are presented. 2. Introduction One of the most commonly used performance measures in irrigation is application efiiciency (AE). AP. is defined as the ratio of the average depth of irrigation water infiltrated and stored in the root_zone to the average depth of water applied. expressed as a percent (ASAE. [993). Although some researchers have noted that this measure gives no indication of the adequacy or uniformity of irrigation (Anyoji and Wu. 1994: Walker. [979: Shearer. 1978). it does show how much water is lost fi'om the field as runoff and/or deep percolation (Clemmens. I991: Tsakiris. [985: Walker. 1979). Lost water is costly to farmers and posses an environmental hazard since the fate of most nutrients is linked to that of water. Assuming a uniform mixture. the amount of nitrate leached in a given spot in the field is proportional 44 to the quantity of water leached out of the root zone at that location (Rauschkolb and Homsby, 1994). Besides environmental concerns. AE can be used for comparing management practices (Lamack and Niemiera. I993). irrigation. cropping and tillage systems (Yonts er al.. [991 ). As an evaluation index. it can be used to make an economic judgment on the insrallation of variors proposed systems (Chaudhry. I978). The measure has also been used in determining a system's operation time (Yadav et al.. 1986: Wu and Gitlin. 1983). the potential available water in the root zone to plants. (von Bemuth. [993) and the gross depth required (Chaudhry. 1978). Furthermore. it describes the effects of both management decisions and operational chametcristics of an irrigation system (Shearer. 1978). Clemmens (l99l) and Warrick et al. (1989) related application efficiency to the area receiving full irrigation. Warrick et al. tabulated values for five cases of the specialized power. normal and log-normal functions. Estimates of application efficiency in addition to seasonal evapotranspiration (ET) can be used to determine seasonal water budgets. Kimbell et al- (1990) derived water requirements for sprinkler irrigated alfalfa from application efficiency. Low application efiiciencies and high ETs indieate large quantities of water to meet plant needs (Rauschkolb and Hornsby. I994). The calculation of application efiiciency depends on the assumed required depth - a function of the allowable soil water depletion. The allowable depletion is commonly based on rules of thumb such as 0.5. 0.25. etc. of the field eapacity. However. other factors such as economics. labor availability. sources and methods of water supply. social and cultural habits can affect irrigation timing and the application depth. The application or required 4S depth. as such. may not necessarily equal the root zone depth. thus affecting AE. Three questions arise: Can AE be estimated from a given application ratio and statistical unifomtity? How does application efficiency vary with the application ratio under a given imposed areal distribution? What is the nature of its statistical distribution for a given setting? The quest for these answers is the focus of this paper. 3. Theoretical development The following discussion assumes that excess water applied for leaching requirements is considered a loss since it cannot be recovered by plants. once out of the root zone. If the fraction of an irrigated field. X. receives an applied or required depth. w. then the ratio of w to the mean applied depth is termed minimum application ratio (MAR). (Chaudhry. I978). The areal distribution of water under sprinkler irrigation is the result of overlapping precipitation patterns from several individual sprinklers (Chaudhry. I978). The irrigation depth over the field varies due to spatial variability in soil properties (Brakensiek et al.. 1981). However. for a soil with constant soil properties across the field and assuming no translocation. soil water variability is strictly due to non-uniformity of the irrigation system. In either case. some areas will be over-irrigated and others under-irrigated (Figure 5). For a constant root depth (represented by the horizontal solid line) which may or may n0t define the required depth. non-uniformity (not necessarily the only factor) will lead to variability in application efficiency. 46 One“ “3'.“ 'J LIL'U“U 4" §[ Figure 5. lnfiltrated soil water variability. [nfiltrated water depths. w,- . can be measured at discrete points where each point represents a small arm. Application efiiciency. for each A. can be calculated for a given required or root zone depth as follows: .45, = RD [25] where A15 is the application efficiency of a given small am i. RD is the required or root depth and w; is the infiltrated water depth in the 1“ location in the field. Since the depths. wi, over the entire am define an infiltrated distribution. AE in a similar manner. will have a distribution that is dependent on PD. The application efficiency for the profile can be obtained as an average of AE. i.e.. 47 ‘4 "E' [261 whose standard deviation is: v l .2; (AE. - .m- ’ [27] N-l SD"? ‘-’ where N is the total number of observations. Equation [27] is a measure of the variation of application efficiency within the profile. SDAE can be standardized by dividing equation 27] by [26] to obtain the coefficient of variation. CV AB A uniformity coefficient for AE. can be derived and termed application uniformity as .40 = (r - CV‘EHOO [23] Equation [28] compares with the statistical uniformity coefficient (Bralts et al.. 1981). US = (l - cnroo [29] and provides a statistical description of application efficiency as well as the uniformity of the irrigated depths within the root zone. 4. Procedure Eight data sets fi'om Heermann et al. (1992) were reproduced using MINlTAB's normal distribution algorithm (Minitab. [993). The data were originally collected by the Soil 48 Conservation Service under various center pivot systems with different uniformity distributions. 1hese sets were selected to represent a wide range of distribution uniformities. Selected sets with their respective means and standard deviations are shown in Table 2. Table 2. Selected data from Heermann et al. ([992). System ID Mean. mm Std. Dev.. mm Us SCS44 21.6 12.8 43.1 scs06 5.3 2.65 50.0 scs03 30.7 1 1.96 61.0 scs10 15.7 5.37 65.8 “ sc531 13.0 3.85 70.4 scs04 14.8 2.86 80.7 scs15 33.1 439 86.7 $625 24.2 2.18 91.0 Three hundred data points were simulated for each set using a QuicleBasic computer program (Appendix 1). To ensure the accuracy of the simulated data. the average and standard deviations were compared with the reported values. Each simulated value represented an infiltrated depth. w. for a given location. Eleven required depths were selected at regular intervals. Application efiiciency for each set was calculated according to equation [26}. Table 3 shows part of an output fiom one sample set. For an infiltrated depth of 36.0 mm. the application efficiency at location 2. for example. (w-_.) is 52.5% for an 18.9 mm required depth or 0.6 minimum application ratio (MAR). At the same location for a 37.7mm required depth (MAR = 1.2). the application efiiciency is 100% (w: < RD). 49 Table 3. An example of a generated matrix from equation [26] Mean infiltrated depth I 31.4 mm: Us = 61.8% lnfiltrated Application efficiency for required depths N depth m 12.6 18.9 25.2 31.4 37.7 (0.4). (0.6) (0.8) (1.0) ( 1.2) 1 22.5 55.9 83.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 2 36.0 35.0 52.5 69.9 87.4 100.0 3 35.0 35.9 53.9 71.8 89.8 100.0 4 40.7 30.9 46.4 61.8 77.3 92.7 296 16.0 78.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 297 31.7 39.7 59.5 79.3 99.1 100.0 298 31.3 40.2 60.3 80 .4 100.0 100.0 299 41.2 30.5 45.8 61.0 76.3 91.6 300 23.1 54.3 81.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 Average A2 46.3 65.1 795 89.2 95.2 Std. Dev. 20.17 21.40 18.62 13.96 9.21 CV. 43 .6 32.9 2.3.4 15 .7 9.7 LU. 56.4 67.1 76.6 84.3 90.3 ° Minimum application ratio The average application efficiency. its standard deviation and the corresponding uniformity were calculated in accordance with equations [26] through [28]. Two commonly used equations in estimating application efficiency were used to validate the approach in [26]. These represent equations [30] (Clemmens. 1991) and [31] (Walker. 1979) which are presented below using the authors' natations. 50 .4 R ’ (I " A"! Ea = OM ' L D [30} o where A is the area fully irrigated. R0 is the required depth. U0 is the average depth infiltrated in the deficiently irrigated area. MD is the mean infiltrated depth and L represents losses due to surface runoff and evaporation (neglected in this study). 1.2)] Ea = 1 - (3.634 - 1423,13" - 0.00340 )cv [31] where AD is a fraction of the area that is deficiently irrigated “and cv is the coefficient of variation of the applied depth. An application efliciency distribution pattern for each required depth was determined at 5% intervals. Regression equations relating application efficiency to minimtun application ratio were fitted to the polynomial: y = a - a.x '- ~ an: [32] where a‘ through a“ are firnctional coefficients of system uniformity. ((Us - statistical uniformity): y is the application efficiency. x is the minimum application ratio (of n‘h order polynomial). All equation parameters were determined using SigmaPlot's curve fit procedure (Jendel Scientific. 1994). 5. Results and discussion A detailed output of the results is presented in Appendix 2. A comparison of the results from the above procedure with other methods is shown in Table 4- There is a good )l agreement with results from Clemmens' equation. But for the MAR of 0.4 at cv = 30 and MAR of 0.4 to 0.8 at cv = 39. the discrepancy between the results is less than 10%. Generally. the error tends to reduce with a decrease in cv or an increase in the application ratio. A similar trend was observed in comparison with the Walker equation but. with a significantly higher error (>13°/o) for the 0.4 and 0.6 application ratios in all but cv = 19. Walker cautioned the use of the equation when the deficiently irrigated area was less than 10%. The fractional area receiving minimum irrigation in these cases was below the 10% margin and this. may explain the large observed differences. Table 4. Validity of AB results from the procedure of Equation [25]. Application Emciency cv MAR Regression Equation 30 Equation 31 Equation (Clemmens 1991) (Walker. 1979) 0.4 40.3 40.0 69.8 0.6 60.4 60.0 69.8 9 0.8 805 80.0 78.0 1.0 97.1 96.5 96.7 1.2 100.0 98.6 100.0 0.4 41.8 40.0 40.8 0.6 62.4 59.9 56.3 19 0.8 80.9 783 76.7 1.0 93.5 92.4 93.0 1.2 98.9 99.5 99.1 0.4 44.0 39.8 34.2 0.6 63.9 58.8 55.5 30 0.8 80.3 75.5 75.7 1.0 91.5 88.3 89.3 1.2 97.1 96.8 96.5 0.4 46.3 39.0 33.0 0.6 65.1 56.9 54.7 39 0.8 79.5 72.3 73.2 1.0 89.2 84.7 85.9 1.2 95.2 93.7 93.7 Ratio +1.0 +05 +05 +0.7 +0.8 +0.9 -o— 1.0 -o— [,1 +12 3" O 7. ' ‘ i 0.8§— 3:315 r “3‘35"“ 179637 a '. é" 014'- 021- . - (1015“- 0 20 40 60 80 100 warden-x. Figure 6. AE fiequency distributions for selected systems. (lurrltllsc frurua'y (lurizllvc auras-y (lattrlallw [tummy (\llldtllu: liupuay I ' I I # I V '-°: ‘13 l: Lg-m-x. 0.6 {- n3 lt-Lgssam 06%- L 014 i- Arriinim 6076:529- Figure 7 Cumulative frequency distributions from Figure 6. 0.01m -o—u4 —o-O.5 45-06 -9--07 or 08 —o-Q9 —o—Lo —o--l.1 -o-l.2 54 Figure 6 shows a frequency distribution of applieation efficiency over application ratio ranges of 0.4 to 1.2. For a given system. the distribution tends to shift toward 100% AB with an increase in the minimum applieation ratio. Two peaks can be observed - a fixed peak at 100% AE for all cases and one to its left that varies with AE. These peaks seem to suggest a dependency on each other. For example. as the application ratio increases the peak at 100% AB increases while the other peak decreases. The increase in the peak at 100% AB stems from the fact that more of the applied water is within the required depth. The cumulative frequency distribution is shown in Figure 7. The curves portray a consistent and repeated trend in all systems. However. the higher the system uniformity the steeper the slopes and the wider the spread between the curves. ET demands generally increase with the growing sexon partly because of an increase in the active root volume and plant canopy. This implies that the required depth. and consequently the application ratio. will increase with the root zone depth. Therefore. the shape of the cumulative application eficiency function over the season will depend on the actual infiltrated water depth. The actual AE. statistieal distribution can be described by non- dimensional curves as shown it Figure 7. For any given system the seasonal application efficiency can be characterized by a "arnily of curves similar to those in Figure 7. where the curves to the left represent early season and those to the right. late season. These curves suggest application efficiency is not a constant. but a variable value for any given management practice throughout the season. Application efficiency generally increases with minimum application ratio for all uniformities (Figure 8). These results support an earlier finding where von Bernuth ( 1983). 55 using a profit function demonstrated that the optimal coefficient of uniformity increases with the mean irrigation water applied. However. with reference to slopes of the system curves in Figure 8. A15 in lower uniformity sy5tems increases at a slower rate than higher uniformity systems. The difference in the slopes account for the system curves crossing over at about the 0.7 MAR. A detailed look at where the curves converge revealed that all but the 40. 50 and 98 Us curves (extreme cases) cross over at 0.72 MAR (73% AE). 10° :. . . . | r . l ‘ rifir—f :22") l' ’ 3 90 E— :6 80 E- E i 3; 70 :- -: 8 = 3 so 60 E- v 3 O 1: 50 E- : .il 2 b .5 '5 : ta :: g ‘0 L’ A “-1 a E o 3 < 30 :7 ‘ 1 E o 3 : o 98 3 ‘10 :- — titted ‘3 5 :1 o l ' l l I ' L ' ' I ' ' ' i 1 ' ' 1 l ALLL ' I 1L4 0.0 0 2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 12 Minimum application ratio Figure 8. Application efficiency as a function of MAR and Us. Figure 8 shows that below 0.7 MAR a 50% uniformity system has a better efiiciency than a 90% uniformity system. For example. consider two systems: 1 and II with a statistical uniformity of 50 and 90% respectively. At 0.4 MAR system i has an AE of 48% and system [Ihasa40% AE. ATO.9 MARsystemlha583% AEandsystem lIhas90%AE. Butthey both have about 72% at 0.7 MAR. 56 A “1 statistic" testing the significance of Us on AE in the range of 0.6 to 0.8 (near the cross-over) showed no significant difference (a = 0.05). At 0.7 MAR the AE range is 1.9%. 4.9% at 0.6 MAR and 4.4% at 0.8 MAR. The 0.6 to 0.8 MAR interval may be significant for three reasons. First. AE decreases with uniformity below 0.6 MAR. This implies that large volumes of water and nutrients are leached out of the root zone. Lost water is costly to producers. Leeched nutrients pose an environmental hazard and reduce yields. Second. AE increases with unifomiity above 0.8 MAR but this is n0t necessarily a desired goal in a case where all of the soil's available water has been depleted. This is because the fractional area that is adequately irrigated decreases with increasing AE (Clemmens. 1991). Third. the relative AE insensitivity to system uniformity at around 0.7 MAR seems to suggest that value as an ideal application ratio. especially if an irrigator has no knowledge of the system uniformity in use. The relationship between application efficiency and the minimum application ratio (Figure 8) can be amused by the following polynomial: .45 = a. - 11.8%!le - arWARz - 6.54.181 [33] where MAR is the minimum application ratio and a0, a). a 1. and a3 are functional coeffi- cients of system uniformity. The mathematical representations of these coeflicients are expressed in [34]. 57 o 48.3 - 1.4805 . 0.013211; - 2.56 x 10405J h ll 2 - J a' = -153 ~ 12.8115 - 0.1760, 4 6.69 x 10 ‘US [ 34] a2 = 375 - 21.305 . 0.31905z - 1.31 x 10‘3U; _ .2 ‘ -4 3 a3 - 179 . 9.47Us - 0.14603. 6.09 x 10 U, The equations in [34] were developed using regression analysis. A plot of equations [33] and [34] is shown as fitted lines in Figure 8. The equations show a good fit to the data (adjusted R2 of 0.99. Appendix 3) with the following exceptions. For the Us == 98. the equations tend to under predict at 0.9 and 1.0 MAR. and over predict at 0.6. 0.7. 1.1 and 1.2 MAR. The largest absolute prediction error was 4% at 1.0 MAR. The error in all other cases was less than 2%. 0 I'- log rFy I v T . ' . t a Y ‘r | V v—vv—r . v17 A n - "-c 90 5 fl 2 ' -‘ D 7,. :- 1- // 3 T _ 5v * /' .J a ... E ]__ l/ .0 z 80 1. j I L .1 i‘ 2" 8,.ts J. .1: 10 h- 5 70 -o-aaa 1 1— § 3. "' “‘ .l E t -.-u0 j *“. an -: 3 so _ -0- m '1 3 t. -- no .: :3 -o-aaa -§ 3 " -o—aa.o 1 so - w: 30 «o-oaa ‘3 l: -- can .1 ‘ ‘GL ‘0 IL a a 1 ALL a ‘ 2 L] a l amgmm I 1 a . -1 A_AJ_.JI 10 50 60 70 30 90 [00 Application (mere-q - (l - Leaded [roam] I 00 1 7 1 1 t J O 6 0.3 d 4 0 1 0 2 O I 0 0 Leeched [Faction Figure 9. Relating application uniformity to application efficiency and leached fraction. Figure 9 shows a plot of application efiiciency and application uniformity (AU) 58 relationships. The fitted lines were obtained fi'orn a fifth order polynomial fit whose parameters are shown in Appendix 3. AU describes the uniformity of applieation efliciency in the soil profile. The 80 to 98 U5 systems show a nearly constant AU below 80% application efficiency. The figure fimher illustrates that. at 80% AE a system whose distribution uniformity is 40% will have an AU of 72%. whereas a 90% uniformity system will have an AU of about 90%. Figure 10 offers an alternative to calculating AU from equation [28] which assumes the availability of AE data collected in a manner described by equation [26]. Such data are rarely available and collecting them can be time consuming and costly. Indirect methods such as those presented by Walker (1979) and Clemmens (1991) are often used but they do not give a corresponding standard deviation for estimating the CVAE of equation [26]. There exists an inverse ... O 1 § 0. O '7'" t—r‘r‘r'r‘r‘t-r'r‘r' I" T 1" l‘ r'r‘r'rw-r‘r' relationship between AE and the area that is adequately irrigated regardless of system tuiiformity (Figure 10). By increasing the AE Earn 60 to 80% under a 70% system Fractional area adequately llflallld 9 N uniformity the firlly recharged area '41. L‘lJAaIJLLLIAl" 20 ‘0 IO '0 '00 decreases by 17%. The observed Aopficeoon etficrency trends are consistent with previous , , . Figure 10. Relationship between AE. Us and findings of Wu and Gitlin (1983) fully irrigated area. and Clemmens ( 1991). This figure can be used to make management decisions with respect 59 to the amount of area under deficit irrigation for a known system and desired AE. F igures 8 and 10 show there are trade-03's among AE. system uniformity and MAR from which producers can conveniently select design and/or management Options. Example problem A center-pivot sysrem has an 80% statistical uniformity coefficient. The average depth of water to be applied from the system on a field is 23 cm. If the root depth of 18 cm is to be completely recharged. determine: 1) application efficiency. 2) application uniformity. and 31 the fiactional area fully recharged. Example solution The minimum application ratio is (required depth/mean depth) = 18/23 = 0.78. 1. From equation [34]. a0 = 1.27. a. = 87.13. a: = 41.88 and a; = 43-99. Substitute values in equation [33]: AE = 74%. l) O From Figure 1 1 enter the X-axis at the 74“I AE mark. Read up to the 80% uniformity curve (fourth curve fi'om the top) and across to the Y-axis: Application uniformity = 81%. b3 Locate the 80% uniformity curve in Figure 12. A 74% AE corresponds to a 0.92 fractional area fully recharged. 60 O - 100 : /: up A //§ 70 -— a : : Z , s ’0 ’ a" b 7 o - _ f O k "‘ :0 - 3 so - . 6, ~ I- a e «ea in Q I u an s 10 - 5 7a :- : see u g a. g : 1 a tee a L ' . rte (O - 3 50 | e eae 3 : l I ate 5 e an & .. I 0 one 10 '- Q 50 : -—-e I so — 40 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ("nausea M - (I - Leeched have)!“ l l i. 1 l l l 0.6 0.5 0.4 1.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 Milkmen Figure 11. Estimating applieation uniformity fiom AE and U s for an example problem. '.°Llrl'11_‘i ' ofthem“ E 2'. Z Z i- d 8 I : 3 z I .9 - - ~ . -a z - a D J 2‘ - .. g : : O 06:- .- = - .. a - o : 3 a - .4 a. ed a " 3 h - a .. E E : C u— 2 ‘- ‘5 Z 0 "tr e. u. 1: h — h — 4 9’ no a I C I l I I 0 20 ‘0 00 00 100 Application efficiency Figure 12. Estimating the fiactional area adequately irrigated from A5 and Us for an example problem. 61 6. Conclusions A procedure was deve10ped for estimating application efficiency as a function of minimum application ratio and system uniformity. Simulated application efficiency results agree with those from existing methods. Application efficiency increases with minimum application ratio (MAR) and can be estimated as a function of statistical uniformity and MAR. One limitation of application efficiency has been its inability to indicate irrigation uniformity. Such a limitation may no longer exist: as shown in this study. a term can be defined which evaluates the uniformity of application efficiency. Frequencies of. and variations in application efiicicncy with required application depths and system uniformities have been presented. These relations serve two purposes. First. they characterize the nature of application efficiency at a particular irrigation schedule (minimum application ratio). Second. they describe the expected variation in seasonal application efficiency (with increasing ET demand) for a given system. StatiStical uniformity appears to have an insignificant influence on applieation efficiency at 0.7 MAR. The fractional area under adequate irrigation decreases with an increase in application efficiency regardless of system uniformity. Relationships among applieation efficiency. statistical uniformity. MAR and irrigated area provide trade-offs from which managers can make informed decisions. 62 B. An environmental efficiency performance measure for irrigation management 1. Abstract Managing irrigation systems in an environmentally sound manner throughout the growing season is a major challenge to managers. The purpose of this study was to develop a new performance measure - irrigation environmental efficiency (E15) - for irrigation management by combining two commonly used performance measures: application efficiency (AE) and statistical uniformity (Us). Charts are presented that relate irrigation environmental efliciency to AE. Us. and the fiactional area fully irrigated. EIE was used to show and compare the statistical distribution of various center pivot systems. from two United States geographical regions. and to evaluate five Michigan farms using actual irrigation scheduling data. 2. Introduction Operating an irrigation system in a manner that minimizes the porential for environmental degradation throughout the growing season is an issue of urgency today. This stems in part from the fact that some portions of the field. during irrigation. receive more than the required soil water to meet crop needs. This over-irrigation leads to deep percolation and/or runofi'. Deep percolation occurs when a portion of the irrigated water moves beyond the root zone and can no longer be recovered by plants. One of the most important considerations in irrigation management is the system performance throughout the growing season. In an attempt to improve on irrigation system design. Bagley and Criddle (1956) proposed using the product of disrribution efiiciency and application efficiency- Cuenca (1989) used that concept (which is further explored in this paper) in determining the overall efficiency of surface systems. and Keller and Bliesner 63 (1990) also used this concept in estimating the required gross application depth. Performance measures such as statistieal unifomtity (Bralts et al.. 1981) have been used in the design and evaluation of irrigation systems without regard to the environment. This neglect is perhaps because society has generally. by default. assigned a zero value to any system output to the environment in its costobencfit analysis. There appears to be no functional link between the engineering and agronomic aspects of irrigation management and the environment. 53101311313an AGRONOMIC V V Physical Management Distribution Uniformity Application Efliciency Us AE Y Irrigation Environmental Efl‘icieney Y E, = f (Us. AE) Minimize Environmental Degradation Figure 13. Bridging the gap between the physical and management aspects of irrigation. Two performance indices commonly used in irrigation management are application efficiency and distribution (statistical) uniformity. Application efficiency is indicative of how well the system is managed. Distribution unifonnity characterizes system performance. Both have an impact on the immediate surrounding. but there is no index to quantify this potential impact. The design and evaluation of irrigation systems should have an environmental efiiciency term (Figure 13) that includes losses. for example from deep percolation and system leakages. This paper proposes a definition for environmental efficiency in irrigation management and develops a variance equation for its determination from application efficiency and distribution uniformity. The combination of variance approach. derived from the theory of propagation of errors (Beers. 1957: Parratt. 1961). allows for the determination of the variance of a parameter of interest. from variances of individual parameters (Clemmens. 1991 1. In its development. the equation parameters are either expressed as quotients. sums or products (Mood et al.. 1974: Meyer. 1975: Clemmens. 1991). Bralts et al. (1981) first used the variance combination technique in trickle irrigation. combining manufacturer's and emitter fiow variations. Clemmens (1988) later used the same technique to account for factors afi'ecting surface irrigation and to develop irrigation uniformity relationships (Clemmens. 1991). Jaynes and Clemmens (1986) determined statistical equations for the variance of infiltration depths using variances of different infiltration components. Their results were used to calculate distribution uniformity of the lower quartile. Bralts et al. (1981) and Clemmens (1991) offer three justifications for the combination of variance technique. First. the magnitude and variability of a parameter is more easily estimated or measured than the actual distribution. Second. the impact of the variation of each parameter on the distribution of applied water can be analyzed. Third. because the approach uses statistical relations to integrate several factors. its use can be extended to systems Other than those for which it was developed. or different systems can be evaluated using the same procedures- 65 The objectives of this research were to develop an irrigation environmental efiiciency performance measure in irrigation management. relate it to other irrigation measures and evaluate selected irrigation systems and farms using this performance measure. 3. Theoretical development A typical irrigation-farm—management system comprises four components: the irrigation system. irrigator. soil. and the environment. Environment is defined in this Study as that portion of the irrigated field or soil profile that is excluded from the root zone. Consequently. irrigation environmental eficienq. E ,5. is defined in this study as a firnction of application efficiency. AE. distribution or statistieal uniformity. Us and soil type. ST. E": = {(AE. Us. 51) [35] Erie is a value computed fiom measured values of Us, AE and ST. f is a mathematical function. ST is treated in equation [35] as a constant. The validity of a constant assumption is based on the factthatseasonal changes in spatial variation ofST within the same field are considered insignifieant compared to variations among fields. Us contains design parameters and can be considered a constant in those systems where the irrigator has no control. Since some design parameters are also management parameters and can. to some extent. be controlled by the irrigator. Us is treated as a variable. AB is a management variable directly controlled by the irrigator and is expected to have the most influence on E15. Equation [35] shows that E“; can be estimated fiom measured quantities of AE and Us and an observed ST. The resulting term will have an error due to the individual errors in AB 66 and Us. These errors may be correlated. A case can be made for the dependent error assumption. For correlated errors. AB 7 and Us of unit area (i.e. AEi and Usi) can be paired “in accordance with some known or suspected correlation" (Beers. 1957). The dependence of application efficiency on uniformity (von Bemuth. 1993: Walker. 1979) suggests such a correlation between the two parameters. Furthermore. systems with poor unifonnity tend to use more water to attain the required depths. For example. a system that is only 50% uniform will take twice as much water as required if the water distribution is linear (Karmeli. 1978) to meet the required amounts if every part or a signifieant portion of the field is to receive at least the required depth. One can. therefore. asaciate low AE locations in the field with those areas receiving high amounts of water. However. spatial variability in infiltration rates and subsurface distribution effects are likely to weaken this correlation thus. tilting the balance towards an independent variable assumption. Independent errors can be assumed considering that: l. 'J a La) 4. Irrigation fi'equency. applied depth and soil properties which dictate AE have no efi‘ect on Us. Economic. social and cultural habits in most cases influence management decisions such as allowable soil water deficit. irrigation duration and depth regardless Us. . Variations in emitter flow. operating pressure heads. distortions from wind patterns. which constitute. Us can be measured independent of AE. Infiltration rates depend more on soil physical properties than the irrigation system. Argtnnent 3 implies that in any given observation there would be N measurements of AE and 67 Us to compute E15. A set of AE and Us values can be imagined such that E15 is computed from randomly sampled AE.- and U51 (Parmtt. 1961). This imaginary set would represent the actual measured values of AEi and USi. Assuming an independent error assumption. AE and Us measurements can be averaged to obtain uAE and pus . According to Meyer (1975). the best estimate of a function can be obtained from a Taylor series expansion. Similarly. the best estimate of E15 (equation [35]) can be obtained using a Taylor series expansion but ignoring higher order terms as 5,5 = f( [1445 ' 5415,]. lug, ° 605.] l [36] as“. as". = ( ) - —— 645 - 6U f "‘5’ "US GAE l a”: S. where 6AE,- = AEi - 14.415 and 5 Us = U55 - nu: are relatively small deviations (Parratt. 1961). An individual deviation 6 Eli: can be obtained by propagating individual errors in AE and Us as follows: ‘E 5E 55 = J 5A5 '- IE 5U: 37 IE. 5.45 l a r [ 1 From statistics. the sample variance. 5:. of a measured quantity is deftned as the square of its standard deviation. Its mathematical expression. in terms of E“; is .V 6 z 3‘ 5") 1381 Squaring equation-[37] and substituting in [38] gives Q 5 i at: = at: ‘5 (3.1.5.) 216.45,): . [ ‘0’!) 1160,): - 2 —-’-‘- 51—5 21545,) H609 . o ' ' ans , 5.15 an, [39] 5" _ N - 1 From the definition of the variance we obtain . 2(64 5.1’ : mus): [401 ‘5 N - 1 ' "r N - 1 The results from [40] when substituted in [39] give a variance for EIE as S: = { EEIE - 2 65:: - z - ., 6515 65!: S [4” En: 5A5 ‘5 (7U: "r 6.45 aus AE U, From systems theory (Beers. 1957: Parratt. 1961: Doebelin. 1966). the overall inaccuracy or error of a system can be calculated. as in equation [41] if the individual component errors are known. These errors may be considered absolute limits. statistical bounds (i.e.. within a specified number of standard deviations) or uncertainties on which some odds can be accepted (Doebelin. 1966). Since most irrigation and soil properties are treated as random variables with statistical bounds. we use the latter concept to derive a variance equation for irrigation environmental efficiency- 5,5 = .15-05 [431 Taking the partial derivatives of [42] and evaluating at their mean values it. yields 69 EEIVIP ~ = ”IE cU . - s [4.)] CE , . ‘ F GA E U’ - = "7: 545 - 11‘ St, - "‘t', “-45 2 $45 51:, [44} A common statistieal parameter- the coefficient of variation. can be obtained by dividing [44] by their respective means. 5211:. 33.11: S S.u.u - 15 L, - t, as -3 as t, t, .15 1 a - ‘ ‘ “.25 “7:, ":15 "0, 11;: ”it, [451 A variance equation for irrigation environmental efficiency is thus derived as 2 3 2 SAE SC, CVE_ = CV“. - cry: - 2 -——-— [46] “as "'0, Because of the independent error mumption (Beers. 1957) in AF. and Us the covariance (last) term in [46] goes to zero and the equation reduces to CVz = (:va - CV5. 147] El! 8 The resulting irrigation environmental eficiency term is obtained by subtracting the sqaure 70 root of [47] fiom one and multiplying by 100 in the manner of Bralts et al- (1981). i.e.- E“; = (1 - cvswnoo [48] E"; can be interpreted a a probabilistic measure of the potential to posing an environmental hazard in irrigation management- An E"; of 40% would imply that the current practice is six of ten times environmentally friendly or that one poses a potential environmental concern four of every ten times- 4. Procedures A computer simulation program (Appendix 1) was written to calculate inigation environmental efficiency in accordance with equations [47] and [48] for various minimum application ratios. application efficiency and uniformity values. For any given system- the mean depth and its standard deviation descnhe its uniformity. Unifonnity values were calculated assuming a normal distribution function. The values ranged from 40 to 90 and reflect ranges in data from St. Joseph Irrigation District. MI and those reported in the literature (Heerrnann et al.. 1992). CV Ag values were obtained using the procedure and equations developed in section III-A- Statistical uniformity. application efiiciency and the fractional area receiving adequate irrigation were related to irrigation environmental efficiency through the E15 concept with charts that combine non-dimensional water depths- system uniformity and application efficiency. Irrigation environmental efiiciency classification ranges were established based on recommended statistical uniformity ranges (Bralts et al.- 1981). 71 Data from 65 center pivot systems in St. Joseph Irrigation District. M1 were analyzed and clusified according to the Eu; ranges. The data were collected by the Soil Conservation Service irrigation team for the district in 1987. 1989-1992 (Appendix 5). The results were compared to similar data analysis from Fort Collins. Colorado (Heermann et al.. 1992). The aim was to answer the following questions: Suppose these systems were operated at the SCS's recommended 65% application efiiciency (English and Nuss. 1980). how would they fare environmentally? What difference will it make in changing a management practice. e.g.- by increasing the application efliciency? Five farms from St. Joseph Cormty Irrigation District. MI (whose irrigation schedules could be matched with their respective center pivot systems) were evaluated using farmers' actual irrigation schedules and SCS-Scheduler (Shayya and Bralts. 1994). SCS-Scheduler. is an irrigation scheduling package that uses field characteristics. local weather data and the root zone water balance method for water budget updates and irrigation scheduling. Ihe required inputs which include amotmts of water applied. rainfall events. soil characteristics and weather information were obtained fi'om farm records in the irrigation district ofiice. SCS-Scheduler has the capability of reporting excess water fi'om either irrigation or rainfall. Excess water is the amount of water above the soil's available water capacity for a given depth. For each irrigation event (the day the farm was irrigated. expressed as a fraction of the growing season). application efficiency was calculated as one minus the ratio of excess irrigation water to the total water applied. From the application efficiency and system uniformity. Em values for each scheduled irrigation farm were determined and related to the percent of the growing season. 5. Results and discussion a. Irrigation en viranmeuml eflicr’eney and related pejornumce measures Irrigation environmental efficiency (Em) results for different system uniformities (Us) and application efficiencies (AE) are presented graphically in Figures l4 and 15. A detailed output of the simulation results is shown in Appendix 2. Figure 14 shows E"; as a function of application efiiciency. statistical uniformity and minimum application ratio (MAR). The figure suggeSts that a manager has two possible options to improve an unsatisfactory current EIE value. The first. which assumes a desired constant application efficiency. is to improve sysrem uniformity. For example. with reference to Figure 14. EIE can be increased fi'orn 56% to 72% while maintaining a 70% AE. if the system uniformity of 65% is improved to 80%. The coefficient of variation. by definition. suggests system uniformity ean be increased by reducing the standard deviation of the mean applied depth. Improving system uniformity requires repairing and/replacing system components and in some instances a complete overhaul of the entire system. Bralts and Edwards (I987) discussed various options. One alternative is to increase the deficiently irrigated area (Clemmens. 1991). Improving system uniformity up to 100% is theoretically possible. but economically infeasrble (von Bemuth. I993). 10° FjIT—FITIIr‘KfirKTIIIIjIjII‘IjTTII1WITI 4O 90 Lara-nae ------~- --------- "3"“ EM 2'; s‘s‘rr'"—°IL"-’gl"‘"—‘t““—§’f" _ I; E F" l l ;\ f\ :l .3 -- ti 5% 8° :._w___.__._...... ..., : ------ '8 las"—:_ 2"" i s l I - E i \ :\ :\ - _ g 70 :" : °°°°°° 2--°"::l~ 1 s l“ i\ LIA/'1" 11: 2 ~ 3 .3 l 3 l . ‘2 6° " a 2 5'2; 1 "3 0 l : E "I .J c t 2 j : .. 5., ...... : .......... ...... e \/%' : z : lllL l’qujglLliLJlAl 30 4O 50 60 7O 80 90 100 so Application efficiency Figure 14. Irrigation environmental efliciency related to MAR. Us and AE. The second option is to increase application efiiciency. A sy'Stem whose statistical uniformity is 65% and operates at 56% application efficiency has a 50% Em. This system can have a 60% E“; if it is operated at 83% application efficiency (Figure 14). However. the fiactional arm receiving at least the required application depth decreases by 0.24 (from 0.92 to 0.68. Figure 15). Using these figures the irrigator can decide on what fiactional area needs to be firlly recharged to significantly influence yield. Management decisions can be made based on derived trade offs in Eng. area and AE- 74 100 90 >~ g 80 2 a -- - .. . . . O .. :E 70 ........... . . ......... _ o - _ :.. , ‘ L g 60 . .. .. 3 g l 5 so Q. i g 40 5 5 30 E "3. ‘5 20 A D E i i al.-3.92:..- o I 0.0 0.1 0-2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Fractional area adequately irrigated Figure 15. Irrigation environmental efiiciency related to MAR. Us. and irrigated area. Figures 14 and 15 were developed to: I) indicate the effects of possible changes in the required depths in irrigation management assuming a consrant coefficient of variation: and 2) estimate or predict irrigation environmental efficiency in the design and management of irrigation systems. If the minimum application ratio and system uniformity are known. then AE and En»: can be determined. Also. if the fiactional area to be fully irrigated is known for a recommended Eu; level. MAR and Us can be selected to satisfy those conditions. The E"; charts presented bridge the gap between the agronomic and engineering aspects of irrigation management (Figure I3. page 63). They can serve as an advisory tool for both mangers and designers in making tactful and strategic decisions as well as suggest some practical ideas for management options. One musr. however. recognize that other variables such as labor 75 availability. soil and climatic conditions. social and cultural habits and system capacity still significantly influence daily or seasonal practical management decisions. b. Example problem I A center pivot irrigation system has a statistical uniformity of 85%. If 90% of the irrigated area is to be fully recharged. determine MAR. E"; and AE. Solution Ninety percent of the irrigated area corresponds to 0.90 of the fiactional area adequately irrigated. From Figure 17. locate 0.90 (circled I) and Us = 85% (3rd horizontal solid line. in the body of Figure 17. fiom the top). Where the two lines intersect. read across the cloned line: E"; = 80% and down the curved line: MAR = 0.8. Go to Figure 16. Enter the chart at the SE = 80 tick (circled I). Follow the E";- = 80 line to where the Us 3 85 and MAR = 0.8 lines meet. Read vertically on the x-axis. AB = 81%. c. Example problem 2 Determine the environmental efficiency of a drip irrigation system whose uniformity is 70% if the mean application depth is [2 mm and the required depth is 7 mm. What fi-action of the field will be under-irrigated. Can the irrigator raise E"; to 70%? Solution The minimum application ratio is. required depth divided by mean depth: 7/12 = 0.58. From Figure I7. loeate Us = 70% and MAR = 0.58 lines (boxed 2). Read across to the y-axis: E [E = 58% and down to the x-axis: AB = 62%. From Figure l7. enter the Y-axis at E,E = 58 (boxed 2). 76 ‘00 ..Tj f I i Y 1 I l I V I I I T I 1 I 1" - I T Tr! a 1' ' VTfii : 4 ‘5 so —lakrta'~.'_;m;'-"Ifjj"°'.°'g".'_""g,[";;_.~2J- "- ' g; u‘; aa‘ . . ; a I... : | ‘ I f r g 6330 ...._._...._.._.. ___.___ ___._.. e E" 1 3 '~ ‘ '3 ‘ i ' a 2 7° ‘ ... . 1 ’gr 1;? o _ - E r' ............ l - C 6 {'— I’.’ .7. a fig?- .- , ; . . " s = .3 c so - ..... .. d: 2 10 - S 3‘ ‘ Ii ... ’ ”—1 E ‘° 4’. 4, '. l \ . 3 3° 1 r .. 1#L1 1‘.Ll 1" 4s 1. 1.: I .L r l rs so so so 60E] 70 so so 100 Application efficiency Figure [6. Estimating EIE fi'om AE. Us and MAR for two example problems. irrigation anvlronmanlal alllclancy (E m) o . . . l' r 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.0 06 1.0 Fractional area adenuately irrigated Figure I7. Estimating E"; from fractional area adequately irrigated. MAR and Us for two example problems. 77 Move across to MAR = 0.58 to Us = 70. Move vertically to the X- axis and find the fractional area firlly irrigated is about 0.91. Therefore the under irrigated area is: l - firlly irrigated area = 0.09 or 9%. For the same application efficiency. ElE can be raised to 70% by increasing system uniformity to 80% (Figure I7). A 70% Eli: value cannot be achieved by increasing AF with this system. d. Recommended and suggested performance measures Ideally. acceptable EIE values should be based on acceptable statistical uniformity levels and the effective root zone. Table 5 shows suggested acceptable E"; values based on recommended Statistical Table 5. Irrigation measures and suggested E's classifieation values Comment Us° CU" 5,5 Excellent > 90 > > 35 90 Very good 80 - 90 75 - 90 75 - 85 Fair 70 - 80 70 - 78 60 - 75 Poor 60 ~70 65-78 50 ~60 Unacceptable <60 <65 < 50 ‘Us abducted from scanner a. “98”. .0} t Clu'istraasen unifotmny mafiicient lChrstiarrsen. l9-t2l. uniformity values (Bralts et al.: 1981). The lowest average AE value corresponding to E"; and Us was 62%. The Soil Conservation Service (English and Nuss. I980) generally recommends 65% regardless of system uniformity. In light of E“; . this value may be somewhat misleading for unspecified system and management conditions. Consider a sysrem whose statistical uniforrrrity is 60% and operates at 65% AE: both are acceptable and recommended values. Figure I6 shows such a system has 48% Eli»: - an unacceptable. Even at 90% AE this system will still be classified as environmentally poor. 78 The following conclusions can be made from Table 5 and Figure 16. I . Systems with 50% statistical uniformity and below are environmentally unacceptable regardless of the application efficiency and minimum application ratios. IJ EIE should be the guiding index in recommending acceptable values for combined statistical uniformity and application efficiency. e. Center pivot-E , E statistical distribution s:_-;s¢:n m :92? 1555-2551 F: Cormaca heennann eta 1552 [3633 AE i::‘:':'; 80% LE 80% Cu. Dist / 0.8 .- .-o— ._-.- --.—-— Dlalrlbullon 552331 e ...‘OCOOOIIOICOOG.I.O cocoon-....ooeooou ... l .‘ziziziiizl nix-toil £°'.f".‘."7¢‘.‘7'.u-.’.". . a I a D e O I I a a I a f m vrvvvvvvvvvvv .....II .000... Ill l . ALLA AAA a €50 50-50 00-?! 75-05 ’6 €50 50.00 “-75 75-05 ’05 Unaecapl. poor be good arealent Unacceet. poor lat good excellent Figure 18- Ere distribution of center pivOt systems fi'om Michigan and Colorado. Figure 18 shows the statistieal distribution of evaluated center pivot systems in five E“; categories. The right diagonal bars assume a 65% AE management while the cross hatched bars assume an 80% AE. management. The cumulative distributions of the data are shown as the S-curves. 79 In accordance with Table 5. 70% of the systems fi'om Michigan and 75% from Colorado fall in the fair to excellent group. There is. however. a 10% significant difference between the two locations in the excellent category. This difference seems to suggest that managers in drier regions are more likely to strive for well calibrated systems than those in humid areas where irrigation frequencies are fairly low. Both locations have a majority of the systems in thefirir category. about the same proportion in the good eategory and the least proportion in the unacceptable category. Increasing the applieation efi'rciency from 65 to 80% in the systems from Michigan significantly reduced the number of poor systems by 8% and increased the number of fair systems by 14%. The fair and poor categories from Colorado were. respectively. increased and reduced by 8%. This change was not significant. There was no observed change in the good and excellent categories in both locations. These results do show that increased application efficiency for poor uniform syStems is a necessity if environmental constraints are to be met. For high uniform systems environmental efficiency is not very sensitive to application efficiency. This means that an investment in a high uniform system pays off both environmentally and in an increased irrigated area. In arid areas increased irrigated area means increased yields. Increasing AE from 65 to 80 in an 80% uniform system has little impact on Ens. but significantly reduces the fully irrigated area. It is likely that the manager on the 65% AE schedule is more likely to endure increased water costs. 80 fl Irrigation Scheduling and E (E 90 >. 85 U C 2 .9. 3 80 E C E c 75 O .2 > C O C 70 .2 '5 .9 |-_- 65 60 [TITllljIIIIIIIIIIIIIITIIIIIIIfiIlIIIITIITlI .— -t f are cum 0 Farm. us 1 * ~O—Lsza. 66.0% r : . -t:- cons. use : ... . - A recs. aaass ... - -9- R201. 67.0% 4 C U 5 -<>— Haas. 52.0w 1 -- "l b were; —w——v d E- - - O---(D id I .l - o———<>—<>o—oo—<>—<><> lelLUllllllLllllJllllllllllllmlyllllllsl IO 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of growing season Figure I9. Seasonal variation of E“; for selected Michigan farms. SCS-Scheduler output for the five evaluated farms are shown in Appendix 4. Evaluation results are shown in Figure 19. Four of the five farms. on the average operated in the fair EIE category and one in the very good category. The results show that three of five farms were not over-irrigating for that season. It is interesting to note that the two farms that over. irrigated in some schedules belonged to one farmer and were operated in different years ( I990 - r948 and 1991 - r085). One other farm irrigated in 1991 was H088. The farmer maintained 100% AB in all schedules but had a poor Ens compared to R085- 81 These results show two things: I) if a farm is irrigated at 100% AE then Ens for the farm is the system uniformity. That means no matter how hard management tries. they will never do as well as they would like to. In other words. it is impossible to achieve a high Etta value under the best management practice with a poor sysrem. The only alternative is to improve the system. 2) A highly uniform system (such as r085 in Figure 19) can be operated in an environmentally unsound manner. This is where management becomes the most sensitive variable in the Eu; equation. These two scenario represent the extremes and are easy to handle. The most complicated case is that in which both management variables and the irrigation system are unstable. Management has to simultaneously stabilize its variables and adjust system variables to compensate for the instability in the system. The danger here is paying more attention to one set of variables. and that is something likely to happen. The usefulness of this approach draws its strengths from the ability to operate and manage the system within accepted limits. This raises some interesting questions. Why would r085 bother to afford a higher uniformity system or maintain a high AE when at worSt. the manager is still environmentally better than H088? What societal incentives are there to move H088 to a higher level and keep r085 at the present level? Are the social. economic and environmental benefits justified by the added costs? Answers to these questions are definitely controversial and require input from multi-disciplinary groups. Unfortunately. such group discussions often tend to be guided by emotional and political knowledge rather than scientific facts. 6. Conclusions The design and management of irrigation systems require an environmental dependent variable for various design and management alternatives. E15. with the accompanying charts. quantifies the environmental efficiency of irrigation management and system uniformity. E";- should. therefore. be estimated in the design and operation of inigation systems. E‘s charts presented bridge the gap between agronomic (management) and engineering (physical) aspects of irrigation and link their operational consequences to the environment. They serve as a tool for comparing management options whose results are environmental protection and effective water use. A well calibrated system can be managed in an environmentally unsound manner. Under the best management practice inigation environmental efficiency cannOt be better than system uniformity. A large proportion of the center pivot systems used in this study fall in the fair to excellent category of the irrigation environmental efficiency classification. IV. General Conclusion ll’hat rs observed depends on who (3 looking “ - I" H George - Resource exploitation soil degadation. water resource depletion and pollution are insidious trends of the past still prevalent in today's society. Lessons from history show that great losses. costs and consequences await us. unless there is an effort on our part to improve irrigation management. Improved management practices and the willingness to sacrifice are a necessity to balance environmental. economic and social values. In general. efiiciency assumes a management scheme relating the output of a system to its inputs. When used as a performance measure. the term provides a basis on which decisions can be made regarding system operations. Also. it can be used to determine which system components need adjustment. and to what extend. It’s also a usefirl tool for comparing different systems. In irrigation management. irrigation environmental efficiency will be an indicator of the potential to environmental pollution. Statistical distributions of application efficiency for various statistieal (SyStem) uniformities have been presented which can be used to characterize the nature of application efficiency at a particular irrigation schedule (minimum applieation ratio) and/or describe the expected variation in seasonal applieation efficiency (with increasing ET demand). One limitation of application efficiency has been its inability to indicate irrigation uniformity- Such a limitation may no °m Setennsr: a serenn/ic mqrm medrodr Williams & Norgate Ltd. London- 1936. 83 34 longer exist- as a term can be defined which evaluates the uniformity of infiltrated water from irrigation. Regression equations were developed to estimate application efficiency as a function of the minimum application ratio (MAR) and statistical (system) uniformity. However. system uniformity has no significant influence on application efficiency at about 0.7 MAR. Relationships among application efficiency. statistical uniformity. MAR and irrigated area provide trade-offs from which managers can make informed decisions. A new performance measure. irrigation environmental efficiency (E's). was presented that can be applied to the design and management of irrigation systems. E's should therefore be estimated in the design and operation of irrigation systems. E‘E charts presented. bridge the gap between agronomic (management) and engineering (physical) aspects of irrigation and link their Operational consequences to the environment. They serve as a tool for comparing management options whose results are environmental protection and effective water use. Systems with 50% statistical uniformity and below are environmentally unacceptable regardless of the application efficiency and minimum application ratios. Etta should be the guiding index in recommending acceptable values for both system uniformity and application efficiency. About 70% of the center pivot systems used in the study fall in the fair to excellent category of the irrigation environmental efficiency classification. A well calibrated system can be operated in a manner that is environmentally unsound. Under the best management practice- Etta can never be better than the system's uniformity. V. Recommendations New combinations tn our thoughts arise from rational associations or perhaps chance circumstances” - W I B. Beverrdge - The design and management of irrigation systenrs contain more than the engineering and agronomic inputs. Human. economic and environmental factors must be taken into account. Many factors involved in crop production should and must be evaluated in an integrated management system. This calls for an interdisciplinary approach in irrigation design and management. Although there is wide recognition of the environmental concerns in irrigation management. attempts to address those concerns still emphasize the single discipline approach. There is a need to incorporate the systems approach in irrigation management in order to provide managers and farmers with options from which they can make economieally and environmentally sound decisions. Application efficiency is an important irrigation performance measure. Apart fi-orn its indirect estimation using the equations in the section Application eflicienc'y determination. (page 36). direct field measurements of. or any proposed procedures in sprinkler irrigation have not been documented. Furthermore. there is a need to investigate the impacts of l0lr'trttgintltion: The art ofsetenttfic tnmttgatton. 3" Ed. (I. 89. I957. 85 86 management practices on applieation efiiciency as well as the probability of such efficiencies under various management strategies. Irrigation environmental efficiency (Em) should be the guiding index in recommending acceptable values for both system uniformity and application efiiciency. As a management tool. Etta may be useful in determining the gross amount of water to supply to any given irrigation field. For example. the gross depth of water application per irrigation is computed by dividing the net depth required by the overall system efficiency. It is proposed that the SyStem efficiency in that equation be replaced by irrigation environmental efiiciency: i.e <1ng = dug/Eu; and validated under various field conditions. The approach used in this study. and the developed performance measure ( Etta ) should find application in any type of irrigation system and management. The usefulness of this approach depends on whether the irrigation system(s) and management optionts) can be maintained within reasonable and/or acceptable standards. It also depend on whether society can determine if the economic and social rewards for adjusting management practices or design are likely sufficient to justify added costs. VI. References Adams. M. C. 1974. Hisroric patterns of Mesopotamian irrigation agriculture. In: Irrigation- Impact on Society. Anthropological papers of the University of Arizona #25. p. 1-6. University of Arizona Press Tuscan. Arizona. Aljibury. F. K. 1978. Introduction to irrigation efiiciency and scheduling. 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I Mean! .VISICp = .1: MRI) =- MSrcp ° Man! alpha = 5 ARD 8 23 awe - .43: [WC 8” -alphal ‘ awc Rquep = alpha ' awc' ARD DIM Areat9l ). InLArrathunI‘A). AEAmyllRunISSI. LFArrayltRun 'fol kte =90: srnxe-0!:dxe = .04 FOR i = I TO ktee l READ Ami) NEXT i FOR .\I% = I TO Rural?- Ianrtayllefil = RndNormllMcanl. StanDevll NEXT M96 FOR Rquep = MRD TO (Mean! ‘- 3 ' MRD) STEP MRD FOR NV. - I TO Runl‘f. 1F lnl'AnayllNfifil <= Rquep THEN AppEff = I ELSE AppEfl' -- Rquep I moan-gems.) END IF Amy-1019’.) = AppEff NEXT NV. CALL StatstAEAmylll. Routes AngEl. StdAE!. amt-:2. Min:- Max!) lFevAEl> 1THEchAE!=-1! Zinf = (Mean! - Rquepi I StanDeVE Rinf = .788 - .3075 ' Zinfe- .0486 ' Zinf “ 2 Tint'- .788 - .693 ‘ Zinf- .0485 ‘ Zinf“ 2 CALL tabexttAmt 1. srnrre. date. kte. Zinf- FulArmt IFFuIArea I THEN chE! =- I EnvEfl‘. = I . GEE! REM UNIFORMITY EFFICIENCY PER CENI‘AGES Us! =tl -(StanDev! IMean!» ' too AE! = Avg-A5! ' 100 SE! a SroEtT' :00 £5! = EnvF-II! ' I00 SAE!=(1-ch.E!1'100 PRINT USING $39.8 “4.8 :38} use; use my” unseat sit-m 2.888 8.8%": C52: AE!; SAE!: SEE: EE!: CAW: Det'Ratio: FuIArca; MAR PRINT :1. USING “us-u $88.3 88%.: m; use: “a.“ $85.38: “an"; 05!: AE!: SAEI: SE1: EEE: CAW; DefRatio: FulArea: MAR NEXT PRINT SPCIZ): "US“: SPCISI: 'AE': SPCISI: 'SAE': SPCI31: 'SE‘: SPCI4): 'EE': SPCH): ‘CAW": SPC(31: ‘DefRatio': SPCIZ): ‘Arn": SPC(31:'MAR' CLOSE 31 END DATA 5000-5160-53 l9-5478-5636-5793-5948-6103-6255-6406 DATA .65 54-6700-6w-6985-71 2.3-7257-7389-75 1 7-7642-7764 DATA .788 I -7995-8 106-8212-83 15-8413-8508-8599-8686-8‘770 DATA .8849-8925-8997-9066-9 13 1-9192-925 1 .9306.” 57-9406 DATA .94 52-9495-9535-9573-9608-964 1-9671-9699-9726-9750 DATA .977".-.9793-98 12.9830-9846-986 1-9 875-9887-9898-9909 DATA .9918-9927-9934-994 I -9948-9953-9959-9963-9967-9967 DATA .997 1 -9974-9977-9980-9982-9985-9987-9989-9990-9992 DATA .9993 -9994-9994-9995-9996-9996-9997-9997-9998-9999 DATA .9999 FUNCTION RndNorrn! (Mam. StanDev!1 DO RandomA! =2! ' RND-I! RandomB! .33 ' RND- I! Radiusl! = RandomA! “ 2 ~ RandomB! " 2 LOOP UN'I‘ILIRadiusl!< 1!):REMANDIRadius2! >0!) Mod. ‘-“' Deviate! = RandomA! ' SORII-Z! ' LOGIRadiuslm I Radiusl!) RndNorrn! = Mean! ~ Deviate! ‘ StanDev! END FUNCTION SUB Stats tNumArray!t ). Count‘lo. MeanL StanDevL CoVarL Min!. Max!) IF Count‘l. < I THEN EXIT SUB FOR j% - 2 TO Count‘l. Temp! =- NumAnayIOE’o) K7. 3 )7. - I DO WHILE (ITernp! < NmnArrayHK'AI) AND (K26 >031 NumAnayIIKS’o - 118 NW“ K961 ‘9’. 8 KY. - I LOOP NumArrayflK‘fo * II = Temp! NEXT j‘f. 97 FOR j‘B’. 8 I TO Count?- ValueSurn! = ValueSurn! *- NumAmylofi‘.) SquareSurn! = SquareSum! e NtunArrnij‘A) " 2 NEXT j-x. Min! = NumArray!( 1) Max! 8 NumAnay!ICount‘/ol 1F t(Count'/o .. I) \ 21' County. \ 2 THEN Mid% - Count‘lo ‘r 2 Median! 3 (Num-krrayllMidVol ’ NW‘!Ih-Iid‘.'o - 11) I 2! ELSE Median! = NumArray-!(ICount‘.’o - I) x 21 END IF Mean! - ValueSum! I Count‘/. IF Count‘J’. -: I THBS' StanDev! = 0! ELSE StanDev! ‘8 SORI(SquareSurn! - Comics ' Man! ‘ Man!) I (Counfi'o - In END IF CoVar! - SranDev! I Mean! END SUB SUB tabert (Vtet )- smxe. dare. kte. inx. ytc) dume 8 ins -smxe ire - .5 - dume Idxe 1Fite<1THENitesIELSEII-‘ire>kreTHENite-kre yte . “elite! " (“elite - 11- stditel) ‘ Idurne -(ite - I) ' dxe) I dxe END SUB SUB YldNetRet REM Environmental Yield Function E'IT- I -pfrac:BDC=1-beta' DeICoef YLD -= YLDrn ' E'l’f ° BDC NetRet =(YLD ' CstI-WatCst-EEs-io ' CstEE END SUB 98 Appendix 2. Detailed Program Output application application storage irrigation crop fully minimum efficiency uniformity efficiency environ. available deficit ratio rm‘gated application effidency water area ratio U. = 40 19.9 0 93.3 0 0.02 0 0.93 0.1 31.2 11.7 91 0 0.06 0 0.91 0.2 41 32 88.2 9.3 0.12 0.01 0.88 0.3 49.8 44.7 87.4 18.4 02 021 0.84 0.4 57 .6 54-1 86 24.4 0.29 0.32 0.79 0.5 64.8 61 .1 84.6 28.5 0.39 0.4 0.75 0.6 71 2 66.7 829 31 .4 0.5 0.45 0.69 0.7 76.9 71.4 81 33.5 0.61 0.48 0.63 0.8 81 .6 75.6 78.9 35.2 0.73 0.51 0.57 0.9 85.6 79.3 76.4 36.5 0.86 0.53 0.5 1 89 82.5 74 37.5 0.98 0.54 0.43 1 .1 91.8 85.3 71.6 38.2 1 .1 0.55 0.37 12 94 87.8 692 38.8 122 0.56 0.3 1.3 1.1.I = 50 16.8 0 96.4 0 0.02 0 0.96 0.1 28.6 17.3 94.5 3.3 0.06 0 0.95 02 39.1 362 93.9 19 0.12 025 0.92 0.3 48.5 48.1 93.2 28 0.19 0.39 0.89 0.4 57.1 56.8 91 .6 33.9 0.29 0.47 0.84 0.5 64.8 63.7 89.9 38.2 0.39 0.52 0.79 0.6 71 .7 692 88.1 41 .3 0.5 0.56 0.73 0.7 77.9 73.9 85.5 43.6 0.62 0.58 0.66 0.8 83 78 83 45.4 0.75 0.6 0.58 0.9 87.3 81.7 80.3 46.8 0.87 0.61 0.5 1 90.8 84.9 77.6 47.8 1 0.61 0.42 1.1 93.5 87.7 74.7 48.5 1-12 0.62 0.34 1.2 95.5 902 71 .8 49 1 .24 0-62 026 1.3 U, = 60 142 0 98.8 0 0.01 0 0.99 0.1 25.7 28.3 98.3 17-9 0.05 0.27 0.98 02 36.6 44 97.8 31.2 0.11 0.47 0.96 0.3 46.8 53.4 97.1 38.6 0.19 0.56 0.93 0.4 56.1 60.8 96 44 0.28 0.62 0.9 0.5 64.6 66.9 94.4 48-1 0.39 0.65 0.84 0.6 72.1 72.2 92.3 51.3 0.51 0.67 0.77 0.7 78.9 76.7 90 53-7 0.63 0.68 0.69 0.8 845 80.7 87.4 55-6 0.76 0.68 0.6 0.9 89.1 84.4 842 57 -1 0.89 0.68 0.5 1 92.7 87.6 81.1 58.1 1 .02 0.68 0.4 1.1 99 application application storage irrigation cop fully minimum efficiency uniform‘ty efficiency environ available deficit ratio imgated application efficiency water area ratio 95.3 90.4 77.7 58.9 1 .1 4 0.68 0.3 1 .2 97 92.8 74.3 59.4 1 .26 0.68 0.2 1 .3 U, = 65 12.6 16.5 99.5 9.5 0.01 O 1 0.1 24.4 35.7 99.4 26.8 0.05 0.41 0.99 0.2 35.3 492 99 38.3 0.11 0.57 0.98 0.3 45.7 572 98.4 44.7 0.18 0.65 0.96 0.4 55.4 63.4 97.6 49.4 028 0.69 0.92 0.5 64.3 68.9 96.3 53.2 0.39 0.71 0.87 0.6 72.3 73.9 94.5 56.3 0.51 0.72 0.81 0.7 79.4 78.3 92.3 58.8 0.64 0.73 0.72 0.8 85.4 822 89.5 60.7 0.77 0.73 0.62 0.9 90.1 85.9 862 62.3 0.9 0.72 0.5 1 93-7 89.1 82.8 63.3 1 .03 0.72 0.39 1 .1 962 91.8 792 64.1 1.15 0.71 027 1 -2 97.8 942 75.3 64.5 127 0.71 0.16 1 .3 U. = 70 11.5 49.3 99.9 41.1 0.01 0.09 1 0.1 22.9 50.7 99.8 42.3 0.05 0.53 1 0.2 34 55.6 99.7 46.4 0.1 0.66 0.99 0.3 44.5 61 .9 99.4 51 .5 0.18 0.72 0.98 0.4 54.6 66.8 98.8 552 027 0.75 0.95 0.5 63.9 71.3 97.9 58.5 0.38 0.77 0.91 0.6 72.4 75.8 96.4 61.4 0.51 0.77 0.84 0.7 79.9 80 942 63.9 0.64 0.77 0.75 0.8 86.3 83.8 91.5 65.9 0.78 0.77 0.63 0.9 91 2 87.4 882 67.5 0.91 0.76 0.5 1 94.8 90.7 84.5 68.6 1.04 0.76 0.37 1.1 97.1 93.4 80.6 69.3 1. 1 7 0.75 0.23 1 2 98.6 95.6 762 69.7 1 .28 0.74 0. 1 1 .3 U. a 75 10.9 662 100 58 0.01 022 1 0.1 21 .7 662 100 58 0.04 0.62 1 0.2 32.6 662 99.9 58 0.1 0.74 1 0.3 43.3 67.8 99.8 592 0.17 0.79 0.99 0.4 53.5 71 -1 99.6 61.8 027 0.82 0.98 0.5 63.3 74.4 99 642 0.38 0.82 0.95 0.6 72.4 78 98.1 66.7 0.51 0.83 0.89 0.7 80.3 81 .8 96.2 69.1 0.64 0.82 0.79 0.8 872 85.5 93.6 71.1 0.78 0.81 0.66 0.9 92.3 89.1 902 72.7 0.92 0.8 0.5 1 95.9 92.3 862 73.8 1.06 0.79 0.34 1.1 98 95 81.8 74.5 1-18 0.78 0.18 12 100 application application storage inigation crop fully mmirnum efficiency uniformity efficiency environ. available deficit mtio irrigated application efficiency water area ratio 992 97 76.9 74.8 1 29 0.76 0.02 1 .3 U. = 80 10.5 76.1 100 68.9 0.01 022 1 0.1 21 76.1 100 68.9 0.04 0.66 1 02 31.5 76.1 100 68.9 0.09 0.8 1 0.3 42 76.1 100 68.9 0-17 0.85 1 0.4 524 76.5 99.9 692 0.26 0.87 0.99 0.5 62.5 78.3 99.7 70.5 0.38 0.88 0.98 0.6 721 80.8 992 723 0.5 0.88 0.93 0.7 80.7 83.9 97.9 74.4 0.65 0.87 0.84 0.8 88.1 87.4 95.6 76.4 0.79 0.86 0.69 0.9 93.6 90.9 921 78 0.94 0.84 0.5 1 97.1 94.1 87.9 79.2 1 .07 0.83 0.3 1 .1 98.9 96.6 828 79.7 1.19 0.81 0.1 1 .2 99.7 98.4 79.1 79.9 1 3 0.79 0 1 .3 U. = 85 10.3 83.4 100 77.7 0.01 0 1 0-1 20.5 83.4 100 77.7 0.04 0.6 1 0.2 30.8 83.4 100 77.7 0.09 0.79 1 0.3 41 83.4 100 77.7 0.16 0.87 1 0.4 51 .3 83.4 100 77.7 026 0.91 1 0.5 61 .6 83.5 100 77.7 0.37 0.92 1 0.6 71 .6 84.5 99.8 78.4 0.5 0.92 0.98 0.7 80.9 86.5 992 79.8 0.65 0.91 0.91 0.8 89 89.5 97.4 81.7 0.8 0.9 0.75 0.9 95 929 94-1 83.4 0.95 0.88 0.5 1 98.3 96 89.4 84.5 1 .08 0.86 0.23 1 -1 99.6 98.3 83.9 84.9 12 0.84 0 12 99.9 99.6 81.6 85 1.3 0.82 0 1.3 U. = 90 10.1 89.5 100 85.5 0.01 0 1 0.1 202 89.5 100 85.5 0.04 028 1 02 30.3 89.5 100 85.5 0.09 0.66 1 0.3 40.5 89.5 100 85.5 0.16 0.83 1 0.4 50.6 89.5 100 85.5 0.25 0.91 1 0.5 60.7 89.5 100 85.5 0.36 0.94 1 0.6 70.8 89.5 100 85.5 0.5 0.96 1 0.7 80.8 90 99.9 859 0.65 0.95 0.98 0.8 89.8 91.9 99.1 87.1 0.81 0.94 0.84 0.9 96.5 95 96.1 88.8 0.96 0.92 0.5 1 99.4 98.1 90.6 89.8 1.09 0.9 0.1 1 .1 100 99.7 86.7 90 12 . 0.87 0 12 100 100 83.5 90 1.3 0.83 0 1 .3 101 applimuon application :1er irrigation aop fully minimum eflidency uniformity ellidency environ. available defia’t ratio irrigated application efficiency water area ratio U. a 98 10 98 100 972 0.01 0 1 0.1 20 98 100 972 0.04 0 1 02 30 98 100 972 0.09 0 1 0.3 40 98 100 972 0.16 0 1 0.4 50 98 100 972 025 0.061 1 0.5 60 98 100 972 0.36 0.531 1 0.6 70 98 100 972 0.49 0.797 1 0.7 80 98 100 972 0.64 0.936 1 0.8 90.1 98 100 972 0.81 0.99 1 0.9 99.2 98.9 99.2 97.7 0.99 0.984 0.5 1 102 Appendix 3. Regression Coefficients gfi—gangm AE = an + a, «ram 82 ma11+ a3 mar" [Equation 33]. page 56. 40 8.1500 124.64 04.28 7.08 0.9999 50 4.4800 129.67 -50.20 3.32 0.9998 60 1.7510 127.08 -33.81 -5.89 0.9999 65 0.3420 125.00 -23.91 -11.31 0.9999 70 0.3790 118.87 -7.98 4929 0.9999 75 0.0965 107.38 15.45 00.42 0.9999 80 0.9049 9276 4287 43.09 0.9999 85 23130 77.1 1 71.13 -56.09 0.9998 90 3.5600 64.21 94.07 66.58 0.9994 98 4.0700 59-52 10219 -70.28 0.9920 AU =ao + a, AE*32A52*33A53+34AE‘*35AE5 [Figure 111. page60. 40 106.7727 -1 3.6889 0.5985 0.0107 8.88605 -278e-07 0.9997 50 8.6829 -2.9786 0.2042 «0.0040 3.386-05 -1 .056-07 0.9998 60 -73.0429 7.41 00 0.1985 0.0031 242605 7.78e-08 1-0000 65 46.5055 3.2734 0.061 1 0.0008 -5.41e-06 1.87e-08 0.9998 70 55.0446 0.9449 0.0447 0.0006 246e-06 9.08e—10 0.9998 75 61.6693 0.8448 0.0526 0.0014 -1-45e-05 5.65e-08 0.9998 80 71.2514 0.8209 0.0447 0.0010 -1.03e-05 4.02e08 0.9984 85 80.5361 0.4934 0.0278 0.0007 -7.62e-06 3.30608 0.9956 90 86.0354 0.6223 0.0367 0.0009 -1.08e-05 4.61e-08 0.9922 98 87.7003 0.71 62 00420 0.001 1 -1.21e-05 5048-08 0.9883 103 Appendix 4. SCS-Sehednler Output - Soil Water Content .. ...-mues- ..-~...-. 3:; _ ......- .-o:¢o--- .2..- .2-5- when max: .mxoo can: «the .230 339 o p I b b l > I b p n L D ow ... A . o. . .z a... .\ ....- ~ . . .. .. ... \ \ . «mt-.3 . \ . mmzoz. co 1 \ ION-m . \ - 2:.- IIIII-11-IIIII-\ too.- 00.. o 3 x ..0m <1]. 6301 a: u tun-06m 05301-0 «02800 n ...-n... Lot-o 1.0.03 co..on.LL. a 3: .2 no: - Soc sconce-em o~o>o¢b4 - 6...-.2 use... 1.0.03 c.0m I be»: «mt-Go - 2.x.— cos-60.1.... cu-eameum ze-pcu-eu- cub-32860080.: 1.0/4 ...-3.3 ...-386 2......- 3-l _ LA .26-.295: :2..."- .55. when «150 aux: 3:6 vo\no 3on «two 0 - - 1 - . l:=l - - . - - - l e .4 . ..... . ... \ . . 4. . ... . \ ov 4 z x 19... N .. . . ¢Uh¢3 03¢ A t .34 .3 o. \ muzuz- . t \ ‘3..- 00 L \ v . \ tor... .2- .11-... ... . . 2...- o 3 c ..om < r anom- o-— u con-00m 0530.5 omzmoo " 2.x.— LOLO 1.0.03 co_.on_LL. a g: .m— an: u .300 accent-sew £0.03 .- .oa I has: «uh-2m“. - 0...:- co_.on.LL. «nadir-.3 - :52 ...-on. cuaaamzoa 8°.hco.¢~: cu»:e:ooe¢o.: 105 ea: ._ "mmuQXm -.~..: 2:; _ ...-..- .26-ESE- :vn.~. «5cm «<3 9:: o~\oo ctr-0 a l 1 = r - L l .1— ON I ‘106. 6‘ \ v - o.- .. .. .. 13.. ~ . . .. .. \ - 5:5- 03‘ 00 I. 10*.“ $0 . muzoz. \ 1..-.0 ca \ . . \ .... ion-v ac... - . cv.-s. o 3 6 20m <11 u canoom act-3.5 omzmoo « eta.— Logo 1.0.03 co..oo.L.-. a «neon oueoncoeu I . 0...:- co:ooT-.... nook-30¢ - «no: 51.0.... Looo3 c_o¢ .33... «upzuo audaauxum ze.h¢o.¢¢_ «whamtouezo... 106 :2. "mmwn-Xm :3... "ohm so... " 1..-a ”2.5. - ...-.- - 3x3 3\oo «ox: «:3 at: :23 o 1 - - . . . . . o~ 1 roo- . 2 0v 1 1.0.— N . lo 9.. o.- oIo as. oo- .I. on. ... .to on. so. to .6. as. ots v «uhc3 \ r . 03¢ a.- - \ 2 ~ ”6 - \ . mwxoz. on 1 roe-m . 2 so? 11111111111111! 13. 3.... < r a u n u 3 c _ .o m n on ou— (Ono-um (.3016 092860 « OLA... Logo ...-:03 cozooT-L. a co: ..m aor— " 30a accent-«em ...-v.03 c_o~_ - :5... «uhzmo " 2.3. cutout... Sam-.501 " see: ...-on. cuuaauzuu 26.4e6-ae. cape-xeoocu.x 1m .93.. 6386 :8... u on...— _ ....“ £2523. ..:.2 2:5. u h. c o «uxoo aux: max: 3st Zxoo ouxno o - - 1 - no __ _. __ __ 2. 1 1r... x ..s \ v 2 .. .. \ 18.. ~ . . .. . $.83 03‘ A I co. to. o. on. no. 0.... .90 ol on. 0.0 a. can .0. o. S ‘0‘.“ to 3 L s ' mmzoz. \ A \ ION.@ GO 1 \ x v . 1 \ too; \\ 3L . -\ f 8.. o 3 c _ .0...» 233 n: " conoom 05395 onzcou « 0%» Logo 2.: .2 an..." :5: 5:28 . no.03 co_.om_gx. Loao3 :.o¢ 0 <11. m I 0.0a coconLosw 0%... c0309.}... —o~Z.Jv_¢ . 0:02 6L0“— mmdanmzua 8°.h¢0.88. Kuhn-5890080.! 108 Appendix 5. Center Pivot Evaluation Data for St. Joseph. MI. : Average 1 , . Irrigated : \Mnd Relative Year System tappl. depth! Chrisiansen: Statistic.” area speed humidity inches. unifomtiy nunifor'mityE acres mph % 1987 rgent87 0.37 1 60 1 49.9 6 153.5 8.5 92 1988 file88 0.32 66 57.4 210.9 3 60 1988 myersaa - 0.31 79 73.7 124.1 10 75 1988 manhowes . 0.86 80 74.9 89.0 2 77 1988 iotka88 0.72 85 81 .2 132.4 2 41 1988 ivyod882 - 0.6 65 56.1 86.1 2 15 1988 milli88 0.72 74 67.4 58.2 5 11 1988 Ram 0.46 79 73.7 137.3 3 18 1988 fieck88 0.32 . 69 612 182.3 3-4 56 1988 : finner88 i 027 : 84 80.0 T 160.7 8 78 1989 . rgemag 0.3a ' 90 37.5 ; 157.4 5 75 1989 . benquiBQ 9 0.24 80 74.9 I 162.5 5 66 1989 ‘ rcupp89 : 0.69 79 73.7 95.4 S 65 1989 dcn'p89 029 70 62.4 103.9 6 70 1989 rklein89 0.57 83 78.7 125.7 9 68 1989 agra0933 i 1.78 74 67.4 40.6 5 77 1989 dchen940 ' 1.01 85 81.2 79.5 7 81 1989 kinm3945 : 0.95 74_ 67.4 34.3 4 81 1989 dstubnex 0.32 86 82.5 50.9 2 92 1989 stubnex 5 0.85 85 812 103.2 2 92 1989 stubnex 0.74 85 812 225.9 4 76 1989 rgen1921 ' 0.74 85 81.2 225.9 5 75 1989 wwild970 i 0.63 89 86.2 309.0 3 61 1989 ebarn89 ‘ 024 80 74.9 146.3 10 78 1990 rfarmo17 ’ 1.28 80 74.9 66.6 10-12 80 1990 ‘ fgroveye . 0.43 74 67.4 175.5 3 64 1990 fgmvene - 0.79 79 73.7 147.5 4 44 1990 astutzne : 0.98 82 77.4 159.0 9 95 1990 astutzye 0.88 86 82.5 158.0 5 39 1990 mmillO34 ‘ 0.56 70 62.4 108.2 4-5 81 1990 05031.15 - 0.53 80 74.9 171.0 4-5 100 1990 dstu1201 f 0.46 as 812 148.5 4.5 66 1990 dsturbur 0.58 88 85.0 84.9 1990 mkauf190 0.59 84 80.0 422 8 89 1990 hmillz32 0.53 81 762 43.9 5 80 1990 jmgjo928 0.17 82 77.4 37.4 2 93 1990 mkauf190 0.38 70 62.4 68.7 8 89 5 Average 5 . Irrigated , 1Mnd Relative Year System ;appl. deparIChn'siansen: Statistical! area speed :humidity - ! inches. 1 unifomtiy !unifonnityl acres mph i °/o 1990 ' dborgSO i 0.54 i 91 762 ‘ 111.8 calm as 1990 ' 11roy90 1 0.17 ‘ 82 77.4 37.4 5-6 92 1990 ' 11111111290 2 0.33 = 71 63.7 162.9 6-7 85 1990 ' £92090 . 0.58 73 66.2 46.2 5-6 90 1990 ' mkauf390 ' 0.43 88 85.0 124.7 1991 hrnillpvi 0.31 78 72.4 74.3 4-7 74 1991 hmillida . 0.53 75 68.7 ' 208.4 8 60 1991 ' gcoom101 3 0.23 85 812 168.8 . 0-3 80 1991 «29101 i 0.19 83 78.7 91.3 ' 11911154 75 1991 1mbenne91 1 0.37 ; 81 76.2 123.6 f 5-7 62 1991 1 gentz91f 0.36 1 88 85.0 105.6 5-10 78 1991 1 ebam918 ; 0.29 77 71.2 203.6 05 75 1991 - «069150 E 0.35 e 84 80.0 155.7 5-8 80 1991 . cgrabe91 . 0.41 . 85 812 175.5 0-7 76 1991 : ebam912 5 0.45 E 91 88.7 - 30.0 . 0—3 90 1991 ebar-ex1 i 0.39 88 85.0 3 78.9 0 - 1991 ebr-ex2 i 0.38 I 85 812 116.3 none - 1991 stubny1 ': 0.38 86 82.5 3.8 5-9 65 1992 5 110111992 1 0.41 a 84 80.0 0.1 3 82 1992 ‘Jenrzhas ' 0.24 9 87 83.7 116.3 4.5 70 1992 5 gentzsax : 0.33 74 67.4 114.5 none 83 1992 5 benne92 r 0.36 81 76.2 42.1 3.5 85 1993 ‘ dstur93e i 0.27 78 72.4 43.9 5-6 80 1993 ' dstur93w ‘ 0.5 83 77.4 '42036 5-6 80 MICHIGAN STATE UNIV. 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