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MTE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE FEB 2 4 2097 1M COMM-p.14 TESTING THE “COLD POCKET” HYPOTHESIS: OVIPOSITION PREFERENCE IN THE CANADIAN TIGER SWALLOWTAIL, PAPILIO CANADENSIS By Piera Y. Giroux A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Entomology 1998 ABSTRACT TESTING THE “COLD POCKET” HYPOTHESIS: OVIPOSITION PREFERENCES OF THE CANADIAN TIGER SWALLOWTAIL, PAPILIO CANADENSIS By Piera Y. Giroux Three areas in Northern Michigan; Vanderbilt, Pellston and Cross Village were compared for climate differences; host plant phenology differences and Papilio canadensis Rothschild and Jordan (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) oviposition preference differences. The ‘cold pocket’ hypothesis predicted that these sites were climatically distinct, with Vanderbilt the coolest site and Cross Village the warmest; that phenology in the ‘cold pocket’, Vanderbilt area, would be delayed; and that oviposition preference by ‘cold pocket’ P. canadensis butterflies would be for white ash. Every year with regard to total degree-day accumulations, Vanderbilt was the coldest site. Vanderbilt was cooler than the other sites only sixteen times in twenty—nine years during the time period when P. canadensis butterflies were actively selecting host plants (March lst — July 5th). In the years of this study, 1996 and 1997, host plant phenology was not delayed in the ‘cold pocket’. In 1996 and 1997, P. canadensis butterfly populations from across Northern Michigan did not show oviposition preference differences. In 1996 and 1997, butterflies from the ‘cold pocket’ did not show an oviposition preference for white ash. These results indicated a greater depth and complexity to climate/ plant! herbivore interactions than previously assumed by the ‘cold pocket’ hypothesis. Acknowledgements With great appreciation, I would like to thank the following people for their assistance and advice throughout my graduate career. First, my committee: Jim. Miller, Cathy Bristow, and Muralee Nair. Second, fellow graduate students: Nathan Siegert, Heather Govenor, Sheila Ebert, Chrissy J arzomski, Dylan Parry, and Heather Rowe. Third, lab support: Vanessa Serrao, David Tesar, Keegan Keefover, Aram Stump, Mark Deering and Jessica Deering. Fourth, financial support: MAES Project Numbers 1644 and 1722, a 1997 Department of Entomology Hutson Grant, and UMBS financial support. Fifth, I would like to thank the faculty, staff, and students of the University of Michigan Biological Station. Finally, I would like to thank my advisor, Mark Scriber. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF FIGURES viii CLIMATE, HOST PLANT PHENOLOGY AND OVIPOSITION PREFERENCE OF THE CANADIAN TIGER SWALLOWTAIL, PAPILIO CANADENSIS Introduction 1 Climate, Plant and Herbivore Interactions 1 ‘Cold pocket’ Hypothesis 5 Papilio canadensis 7 Sites 11 Methods 12 Climatology 12 Phenology 13 Oviposition Preference 14 Five Choice Array 15 Young and Old White ash Host Plant Array 15 Phenology Array 16 Chemical Array 16 Larval Growth 17 Statistical Analyses 18 Results 21 Climatology 21 Phenology 22 Oviposition Preference 24 Five Choice Array 24 Young and Old White ash Host Plant Array 25 Phenology Array 26 Chemical Array 26 Larval Performance 27 Overall Survival 27 Survival in Each Instar 27 Pupal Weight 27 Days to Pupation 28 Discussion 29 iv APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C BIBLIOGRAPHY 66 68 7O 89 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Scientific and common names of host plants examined for P. canadensis oviposition preference Table 2: Accumulated degree-days °C (threshold temperature 10 °C) at three sites in Northern Michigan Table 3: Stepwise regression of accumulated degree—days at three sites, 1969-1997 Table 4: Stepwise regression of water content of leaves of five species collected at Pellston and Vanderbilt, 1996 Table 5: Stepwise regression of water content of leaves of five species collected at Pellston, Vanderbilt and Cross Village, 1997 Table 6: Stepwise regression of water content of leaves of five species collected at Pellston and Vanderbilt, 1997 Table 7: Stepwise regression of water content of leaves of five species collected at Pellston and Vanderbilt for 1996 and 1997 Table 8: ANCOVA results for 1996 oviposition preference of P. canadensis on five host plant species Table 9: ANCOVA results for 1997 oviposition preference of P. canadensis on five host plant species Table 10: ANCOVA results for 1998 oviposition preference of P. canadensis on young and old (fully expanded) white ash Table 11: ANCOVA results for 1997 oviposition preference of P. canadensis on white ash collected from four sites, resulting in phenological differences in white ash Table 12: ANCOVA results for 1997 oviposition preference of P. canadensis on white ash extracts from four sites vi 38 39 4O 41 42 42 43 45 46 47 48 Table 13: 1997 P. canadensis larval survival in each instar for larvae reared on black cherry, paper birch, white ash, basswood and quaking aspen Table 14: Mean and percent differences in pupal weights of P. canadensis reared on black cherry, paper birch, white ash, basswood and quaking aspen, 1996 Table 15: Mean and percent differences in pupal weights of P. canadensis males and females reared on black cherry, paper birch, white ash, basswood and quaking aspen, 1997 Table 16: Mean and percent differences in days until pupation of P. canadensis males and females reared on black cherry, paper birch, white ash, basswood and quaking aspen, 1997 Table 17: Stepwise regression of water content of leaves of five species collected at Pellston and Vanderbilt adjusted for degree-day differences, 1997 Table 18: Stepwise regression of water content of leaves of five pecies collected at Pellston and Vanderbilt adjusted for degree-day differences, 1996 and 1997 Table 19: 1996 Five choice oviposition preference by P. canadensis Table 20: 1997 Five choice oviposition preference by P. canadensis Table 21: 1998 Young and old oviposition preference by P. canadensis Table 22: 1997 P. canadensis oviposition preference for white ash collected from four sites Table 23: 1997 P. canadensis oviposition preference for extracts of white ash collected from four sites Table 24: 1996 P. canadensis pupal weight data Table 25: 1997 P. canadensis pupal weight data vii 49 49 50 51 68 68 7O 73 75 76 76 77 84 LIST OF FIGURES Figure l: Accumulated degree-days at three sites; Cross Village, Pellston and Vanderbilt, 1969-1997. A is seasonal (March lst — October 3150 degree-days; _B_ is flight and larval season (March lst - July 3 lst) degree-days; Q is flight season (March lst - July 5th) degree days. Linear trends are illustrated for Vanderbilt data. The trend is statistically significant in A. (r2 = 0.27, n = 29), but not in g (r2 = 0.18), not in _(_: (:1 = 0.09). Figure 2: Heat/ precipitation indices for Vanderbilt, Michigan. May (diamonds), June (squares), July (triangles) and August (circles), 1987 — 1997. July, 1989 and June, 1991 are extreme outliers. 52 53 Figure 3: Percent water content of leaves from five species collected at Pellston (squares) and Vanderbilt (circles). A_ is black cherry; B is paper birch; Q is white ash; _Q is basswood and E is quaking aspen. Data from the 1996 season Figure 4: Percent water content of leaves from five species collected at Cross Village (triangles), Pellston (squares) and Vanderbilt (circles). A is black cherry; _B_ is paper birch; Q is white ash; _D is basswood and E is quaking aspen. Data from the 1997 season. Figure 5: Preference of butterflies collected in Pellston (n = 31, diagonal striped bars), collected in Vanderbilt (n = 17, dotted bars), or collected in the Upper Peninsula (11 = 23, cross-hatched bars) for oviposition on leaves of five species, or no leaf (paper). Represented means and standard errors of means for any one bar type are adjusted for a balanced design. Leaves were from the Pellston area. Data from the 1996 season. Figure 6: Preference of butterflies collected in Pellston (n = 7, diagonal striped bars), collected in Vanderbilt (n = 17, dotted bars) for oviposition on leaves of five species, or no leaf (paper). Represented means and standard errors of means for any one bar type are adjusted for a balanced design. Leaves were from the Pellston area. Data from the 1997 season. viii 54 55 56 57 Figure 7: Preference of butterflies collected in Pellston (n = 3, diagonal striped bars), collected in Vanderbilt (n = 2, dotted bars), or collected in the Upper Peninsula (n = 4, cross-hatched bars) for oviposition on leaves of five species, or no leaf (paper). Represented means and standard errors of means for any one bar type are adjusted for a balanced design. Leaves were from the Vanderbilt area. Data from the 1997 season. Figure 8: Preference of butterflies collected in Pellston (n = 4), Vanderbilt (n = 2), the Upper Peninsula (n = 3), Oscoda (n = 2), Charlevoix (n = 1) and Mason (n = 3) for oviposition on unexpanded white ash leaves (narrow horizontal line bars), fully expanded white ash leaves (dark vertical line bars), or no leaf (paper) (solid bars). Represented means and standard errors of means for any one bar type are adjusted for a balanced design. Data from the 1998 season. Figure 9: Preference of butterflies collected in Pellston (n = 6, diagonal striped bars), collected in Vanderbilt (n = 5, dotted bars), the Upper Peninsula (n = 1, cross—hatched bars) and the combined populations (n = 12, gridded bars) for oviposition on leaves of five species, or no leaf (paper). Represented means and standard errors of means for any one bar type are adjusted for a balanced design. Data from the 1997 season. Figure 10: Oviposition preference of Papilio canadensis on methanol extracts of white ash leaves collected from Cross Village, Pellston, Vanderbilt and Okemos (n = 9). A leaf sprayed with water, a leaf sprayed with the acetone solvent, and eggs laid on paper all served as controls. Represented means and standard errors of means for any one bar type are adjusted for a balanced design. Data from the 1997 season. Figure 11: Total survival of Papilio canadensis on five host plants: black cherry, paper birch, white ash, basswood and quaking aspen. (No larvae survived on paper birch or basswood). Data from the 1997 season. Figure 12: Mean pupal weights (g) of Papilio canadensis reared on five host plants: black cherry, paper birch, white ash, basswood, and quaking aspen. (No larvae survived on paper birch). Data from the 1996 season. Figure 13: Mean pupal weights (g) of male (n = 72, dotted bars) and female (11 = 78, bricked bars) Papilio canadensis reared on five host plants: black cherry, paper birch, white ash, basswood, and quaking aspen. (No larvae survived on paper birch or basswood). Data from the 1997 season. Figure 14: Mean days until pupation for male (n = 72, dotted bars) and female (n = 78, bricked bars) Papilio canadensis reared on five host plants: black cherry, paper birch, white ash, basswood, and quaking aspen. (No larvae survived on paper birch of basswood). Data from the 1997 season. ix 58 59 60 61 62 63 65 Figure 15: Preference of butterflies collected in Pellston (n = 10, diagonal striped bars), collected in Vanderbilt (n = 19, dotted bars), or collected in the Upper Peninsula (n = 4, cross-hatched bars) for oviposition on leaves of five species, or no leaf (paper). Represented means and standard errors of means for any one bar type are adjusted for a balanced design. Leaves were from the Pellston and Vanderbilt areas. Data from the 1997 season. 69 Introduction Climate, Plant and Herbivore Interactions “The action of climate seems at first sight to be quite independent of the struggle for existence; but in so far as climate chiefly acts in reducing food, it brings on the most severe struggle between the individuals whether of the same or of distinct species, which subsist on the same kind of food.” (Darwin 1859). The interaction between climate, plants and herbivores has been at the center of a great deal of ecological, environmental and evolutionary research. Basic aspects of biology are rooted here; population dynamics; nutrient flow and stabilizing mechanisms in ecology (Hairston et al. 1960); and coevolution of host plants and their herbivores (Thompson 1994) are ecological phenomenon where understanding is advanced by studies of climate, plant, and herbivore interactions. Examining effects of predation and climate, in addition to phytochernistry, might further clarify plant/ herbivore relationships, as some scholars have suggested that phytochemical coevolution theories do not fully express the depth or variation found in plant/ herbivore relationships (Smiley 1978, Janzen 1988, Bemays and Graham 1988). A recent variant on the topic of plant] herbivore relationships and the role of climate is the geographic mosaic theory of coevolution, which posits a coevolutionary relationship continuum in which interactions vary in intensity and expression within a species range (Thompson 1994). This theory incorporates the effects of abiotic variance, such as climate differences, on plant-herbivore interactions. Although much ecological research has delved into climate/ plant! herbivore interactions, understanding is far from complete. Plausibly, a variety of climatic factors could influence plant! herbivore interactions, of which regional warmth or coolness, humidity and precipitation are but two examples (Barbosa 1988). A convenient measure of the former characteristic is thermal-unit accumulation. Host plant phenology has also been implicated in affecting herbivore selection, especially in cases where there are changes in environmental conditions (Barbosa 1988). Constraints on thermal units have been shown for latitudinal clines that can effect host choice (Scriber and Lederhouse 1992). This ‘voltinism- suitability’ hypothesis has been extended to local ‘cold pockets’ not simply latitude (Scriber 1996a). The voltinism-suitability hypothesis has its wide-reaching roots in basic tenets of plant! herbivore interaction theory. The tenets include factors that drive plant! herbivore interactions and herbivore range. There are questions as to whether secondary phytochemistry, predators, and the environment are more important to herbivore population control and dynamics. Often, the range of suitable host plants can limit the distribution of associated herbivores. Host plant distribution can be limited by environmental conditions, particularly temperature. This could effect the distribution, development time, and fitness (Cockrell et al. 1994) of the associated herbivores. Temperature can also affect the number of generations an herbivorous insect can complete in a growing season. Butterflies may make behavioral and physiological adjustments to prevailing weather conditions (Cockrell et al. 1994). In areas where the herbivore may not be able to complete one or two generations, as the area is thermally constrained, there are selection pressures on the herbivore to feed on the plant that will most enhance growth. For monarch butterflies, it was shown that latitude and oviposition date can influence the maturation time and the number of generations. Earlier oviposition dates had greater influence on maturation time of larvae than later oviposition dates (Cockrell et al. 1994). In addition to latitude, oviposition date, and climate differences affecting herbivorous insect behavior, growth, distribution and survival, host plant quality is also important. Not all host plants are equal in suitability for larval growth. Growth of many insect larvae is nitrogen limited (Mattson 1980, Scriber 1984a and b, Mattson and Scriber 1987). Since foliar nitrogen content and leaf water are correlated (Scriber and Slansky 1981, Mattson and Scriber 1987), larvae on leaves with low leaf water tend to grow more slowly (Scriber 1977). In areas that are thermally constrained, a herbivore that feeds on a more suitable host plant has an increased chance of pupating before the end of the season. In areas where the number of generations is not thermally constrained, selection pressures are lifted and herbivores are able to feed on a wider number of host plants successfully. The interaction of thermal units and host plant distribution may create a dynamic interaction in which herbivore/ plant interactions vary across space and time, causing local specialization patterns for a polyphagous species. Evidence has indicated that some species of Papilio have an extremely localized oviposition preference in relation to thermal accumulation or phenology. These butterflies oviposit on leaves that are in full sun, or that may have higher water content (Grossmueller and Lederhouse 1985). In summary, in areas with a short growing season, there is selection pressure for a herbivore to consume a high quality food source that allows it to reach maturity earlier, albeit of smaller size (Ayres and Scriber 1994). The voltinism—suitability hypothesis is the direct predecessor to the cold-pocket hypothesis. Papilio canadensis (Rothschild and Jordan) butterflies, their oviposition host plants and their larval performance have been studied as an example of climate! plant! herbivore interactions. These butterflies are excellent research organisms because they are common, showy, strong fliers, and have a variety of interactions with different host plants from extreme specificity to a great deal of polyphagy (Scriber 1995). Oviposition preferences within the Papilio group form a particularly intriguing way by which to test interactions, as part of the oviposition preference is genetically based and some of the genes effecting oviposition preference have been localized to a single chromosome (Thompson 1995). Oviposition preferences may be influenced by a variety of factors. Not all oviposition sites afford similar nutrition, cover, and protection for larvae and adult butterflies. In the landscape of available oviposition sites, some sites are more rewarding. Since larvae generally do not move between sites, ovipositing female butterflies that choose oviposition sites that ensure the greatest fitness for offspring and survival of their genes would be reproductively successful. Because of their catholicism, choice of oviposition sites might be cued by the environmental situation during the flight season. The cues used by the butterflies could include visual ones, such as leaf shape (Rausher 1980, Papaj 1986, Renwick and Chew 1994), tactile ones, such as leaf toughness, and sensory responses to leaf chemical components (Renwick and Chew 1994). Larval growth potential need not be the only important consideration. Larvae may also be susceptible to host-specific predators or parasitoids (Thompson and Pellmyr 1991). In order to reduce the probability of being attacked by predators and parasitoids, some larvae use a form of crypsis (Thompson and Pellmyr 1991), but tree characteristics, such as secondary phytochemistry that reduce effects from parasitoids and predators, might be important selection factors (Thompson and Pellmyr 1991). The direct measure of larval fitness and hence reproductive success of a test species follows the rearing of larvae to adults in the natural environment and determination of survival to sexual maturity. Survival in the field would also provide an estimate of natural levels of mortality. Indirect measures, more amenable to controlled experimentation, include pupal weight, length of time until pupation, and survival of the larvae. If oviposition preferences were being driven by qualities intrinsic to the host plant there could be a correlation between larval performance and host plant quality. If the system is being driven by extrinsic factors, those that increase the survival for the butterfly, but not necessarily for the larvae (Thompson 1988, Thompson and Pellmyr 1991), there should be less correlation between larval performance and oviposition preference for a host plant. ‘Cold Pocket’ Hypothesis: In the Northern Lower Peninsula of Michigan, and in the Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan, there are areas of lower average annual frost-free days compared to nearby areas, known as ‘cold pockets’ (sensu Scriber 1996a). In these areas with a constrained growing season, it is implied that plant phenology and bud-break are delayed (Johnson and Scriber 1994, Scriber 1996a). It was observed that in these ‘cold pocket’ areas, P. canadensis butterflies preferred F raxinus americana L., white ash, as an oviposition host plant (Johnson and Scriber 1994). Studies outside ‘cold-pockets’ had shown white ash to be of poor quality for hosting larval growth (Johnson and Scriber 1994) because ash quickly declines in some forms of soluble nitrogen and increases in leaf toughness after bud-break (Hunter and Lechowicz 1992). The ‘cold pocket’ hypothesis posits that white ash would not be as poor a host inside as it was outside of the ‘cold pocket’ as white ash, a late bud-breaking plant, would be even further delayed in bud-break in the ‘cold pocket’ (Scriber 1996a). White ash would be younger, with higher water content at the time that P. canadensis is flying. P. canadensis, if selecting leaves that increase larval performance, would choose these delayed white ash leaves as they would be more nutritive, with higher water content, an increase in some forms of soluble nitrogen, and with a lower leaf toughness. The increase in larval performance relative to other host species would not be seen on white ash outside the ‘cold pocket’ (Scriber 1996a). Other rationales to explain the localized P. canadensis white ash oviposition preference have been proposed. These include the possibility that P. canadensis competes for resources with major forest defoliators such as Malacosoma disstria (Hfibner), forest tent caterpillar, and Lymantria dispar L., gypsy moth (Scriber 1996a; Scriber and Gage 1995). As gypsy moth is known to avoid white ash as a host plant P. canadensis might be driven to utilize white ash in the face of such competition (Scriber 1996a). However, gypsy moth is a recent arrival to Michigan (Scriber and Gage 1995) and it seems unlikely that in 6-8 years gypsy moth would have driven P. canadensis to a white ash preference. P. canadensis preference for white ash has been observed in competitor—free laboratory trials (Scriber 1996a, Johnson and Scriber 1994), also suggesting that the choice was not due solely to forest pest outbreaks. Additionally, these forest pests do not occur in all of the ‘cold-pockets’, such as in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, in which the oviposition preference shift was observed. Lastly, these two pests do occur in conjunction with P. canadensis outside of ‘cold pocket’ areas and where white ash is not a preferred host. Papilio canadensis: Papilio canadensis is a species in the Papilio glaucus L. group, and as a species only recently has been separated from P. glaucus (Hagen et al. 1991). The range of P. canadensis corresponds to the Pleistocene glaciation area of Northern America and constitutes a significantly distinct ecotone (Scriber and Gage 1995), extending from the Appalachian mountain range into the Great Lakes area, and north across Canada and Alaska (Hagen et al. 1991). The adaptations of P. canadensis for life in cold climates (Kukal et al. 1991, Ayres and Scriber 1994) as well as their ability to detoxify a great variety of plant allelochemicals, such as tremulacin from quaking aspen and other Salicacious plants, and prunasin from black cherry, demonstrates the successful escape from its tropical ancestry of the Papilionidae (Scriber 1995). P. canadensis is a univoltine butterfly (Hagen and Lederhouse 1985), spending four to eight months of the year as a pupa, often buried under snow. In order to avoid eclosing before the temperature is sufficient to maintain metabolic and dietary needs, P. canadensis must be tuned in to local climate factors, such as precipitation and day length. Once it has emerged, it spends its three to six week adult life span (Scriber 1996b) feeding, mating and ovipositing. P. canadensis emerges from its puparium in late May (Scriber 1996b). P. canadensis is protandrous in most years, with males emerging slightly before females (Lederhouse et a1. 1995). Early emergence allows males greater access to females (Ae 1995), as well as salts and minerals (Lederhouse et a1. 1990) that are possibly used for spermataphore construction (Lederhouse et al. 1990). A mature male patrols from site to site seeking receptive females (Brower 1959), chases, courts and attempts to copulate with a receptive female. Papilio butterflies are polygamous, with females sometimes mating five to six times (Scriber 1996b). After a mating, the female stores the spermataphore of the male in her bursa copulatrix, and may utilize the sperm of the most recent mating to fertilize her eggs (Scriber 1996b). After transfer of the spermataphore, females search for oviposition sites. Upon alighting on a host plant, a female swallowtail uses her forelegs in a drumming behavior to ascertain host plant quality (Nishida 1995). She approaches the leaves, and curling the tip of her abdomen forward (Nishida 1995), deposits a single egg on the plant surface (Scriber 1996b). Eggs when freshly laid are a deep green, blending into the leaf surface color. As the embryo within the egg matures, the egg becomes deeper in color, and is almost brown at the time of ecdysis. After ecdysis, the larva eats the chorion of the egg in order to obtain some early nutrition, or perhaps to remove evidence of its presence from potential natural enemies (Scriber 1996b). The larva feeds on the leaves of the plant on which it was oviposited. If the plant has toxic chemicals, is low in nutrition, subject to desiccation, signals predators to feed on the larva, or affords little protection, the larva is less likely to survive. P. canadensis is a polyphagous butterfly, unusual in the butterfly world because of the high degree of polyphagy, with adults and larvae utilizing a variety of host plants for feeding and oviposition (Scriber 1984a). P. canadensis can utilize plants from the families Salicaceae, Oleaceae, Rosaceae, Tiliaceae, Lauraceae, and others (Scriber 1984a). As P. canadensis host plants are trees, they are usually apparent and enduring, ensuring that P. canadensis can actively seek and oviposit on a host plant rather than lay eggs haphazardly (W iklund 1984). The trees investigated for oviposition preference‘by P. canadensis are listed in Table 1. For each, the northern portion of Michigan is roughly in the middle of its range. There are differences among the trees in preference for soil type, tolerance for shade, tolerance for water stress and other characteristics, as might be expected (Voss 1985, 1996, Crow 1990, Marquis 1990, Safford et al. 1990, Schlesinger 1990, Perala 1990). Of particular importance for this project is that bud-break depends on thermal accumulation with quaking aspen (Michaux) (Perala 1990) and paper birch (Marshall) (Safford et al. 1990) breaking bud early; and basswood (L.) (Crow 1990) and white ash (L.) (Schlesinger 1990) breaking bud late. Black cherry (Ehrhart) breaks bud intermediately (Marquis 1990). The present study investigated P. canadensis oviposition preference in relation to larval performance using host material from areas with decreased thermal accumulation and from areas of greater thermal accumulations. Climatic differences at three different locations in Northern Michigan were characterized. Water content of host leaves in 1996 and 1997 was measured. Oviposition preference and larval performance experiments were carried out with a variety of P. canadensis populations in Northern Michigan in 1996 and 1997. The 1996 growing season was climatically typical for the region, while 1997, an El Niiio year, was dryer and colder across the state. A few updating observations were made in May and June of 1998; both months were hot and dry. 10 Sites: The surveyed sites covered a range of growing seasons based on the average number of freeze-free days as described by the Michigan Climatic Atlas (Eichenlaub et a1. 1990, Scriber 1996a). The first site was the Pellston area (Pellston Plains; on Catsmanfls comer; to the intersection of Riggsville Rd. and Bryant Rd., Emmet and Cheboygan counties). Pellston averages 90-100 freeze-free days in the growing season. The Vanderbilt area, a ‘cold pocket’, (near Vanderbilt in Pigeon River State Forest, on the border of Cheboygan and Otsego counties) was the second site. Vanderbilt averages 70 freeze-free days in the growing season. Thumb Lake was ‘added’ to the Vanderbilt site only for occasional collection of ‘cold pocket’ butterflies. For some oviposition preference trials, yields of Vanderbilt test organisms were inadequate for the experimental protocol and Thumb Lake specimens were taken to supplement Vanderbilt ones (Thumb Lake averages around 90 freeze-free days in the growing season). A third area beside Lake Michigan, near Cross Village, Wycamp, Hardwood State Forest (Emmet county) was examined. Cross Village averages 140-150 freeze-free days in the growing season. No butterflies collected from Cross Village laid any eggs. Most of the butterflies collected from Cross Village were collected early in the flight season and may have been unmated. In order to compare oviposition preferences of an outlying population of butterflies, butterflies were collected from across the Upper Peninsula and employed. The Upper Peninsula (Chippewa County) averages 110-130 freeze-free days; (Iron County) averages 70-90 freeze-free days; (Dickinson County) averages 100-110 freeze-free days. 11 Methods: Climatology: Daily degree-days were calculated using the averages method (Pedigo and Zeiss 1996) with a general insect threshold temperature of 10°C. Climate data from the three sites, from 1969-1997, were obtained from the Department of Geology, Climatology Lab, Michigan State University. These years had almost complete data sets across the sites. Three time periods were examined. The first time period was the seasonal accumulated degree-days (March lst - October 3 lst). The ‘cold pocket’ hypothesis assumed climate differences across Northern Michigan based on seasonal freeze-free day differences, roughly correlated to seasonal accumulated degree-day differences. In order to make comparisons within the framework of the ‘cold pocket’ hypothesis, it was necessary to examine climate differences at this level. Degree-day accumulations that occur after leaf senescence and after larvae pupate, may contribute to overall degree-day accumulations, but are not very interesting biologically. Early season degree-day accumulations however, may be very important to the biological systems studied here. Early season degree-day accumulations can influence bud-break, leaf flush, and butterfly eclosion. For the next two analyses of degree-day accumulations, late season degree-day accumulations were excluded, and early season degree-days were included. Another time period examined was the flight and larval development season accumulated degree days (March lst - July 3 lst). This time period included early season degree-day accumulations, the degree-days accumulated during the P. canadensis flight season (usually confined to June, sometimes occurring earlier in May), and during the time period when larvae were 12 developing. The third time period examined was the flight season accumulated degree- days, (March lst - July 5th). This time period included early season degree-day accumulations, and the degree-days accumulated during the P. canadensis flight season. Degree-days (threshold temperature 10°C) accumulated in Vanderbilt for May, June, July, and August for each year, 1987-1997, were divided by the amount of precipitation in Vanderbilt in millimeters. Vanderbilt was the only site that had both reliable precipitation and thermal unit data. Such heat! precipitation indices are good for indicating drought stress conditions (Gage, 1998). Phenology: Leaves were collected in 1996 from Pellston and Vanderbilt. Leaves were selected without conscious bias from several trees of each of five species: black cherry, paper birch, white ash, basswood and quaking aspen. Collections were made on nine dates between June 3 and July 23, although not all hosts were sampled from both sites on each date. There were at least four collection dates per species per site. Leaves were immediately placed into plastic, airtight bags and stored on ice. They were categorized by site, date and species. For water content determination, leaves were weighed the same day as they were collected, placed into a drying oven set at 50°C, for 3-4 days. Dry and wet weights were used to calculate percent water content. In 1997, leaves were collected from all three sites. There were 38 collection dates between May 23 and August 13. Due to the labor-intensive nature of the sampling regime, Vanderbilt leaves were usually collected a day later than Pellston and Cross 13 Village leaves. Ten leaves of each species per date, per site, were processed. Relationships among leaf water weight, tree species, site of origin, and date were examined using a stepwise regression analysis, with yearly data analyzed separately, then combined, to determine if there were year to year differences in phenology. Oviposition Preference: Four oviposition assays were carried out. In each, there was one butterfly, and one leaflet, leaf, or set of leaves per treatment per chamber. Lifetime assays were run (until the butterfly was weak or exhausted). Forewing length measurements and age estimates, as described by Lederhouse and Scriber (1987), were made on field-collected females before each was assigned a brood number and distributed to an oviposition preference trial. Leaves, of approximately equal surface area, refrigerated less than seven days were used. The leaf petiole was placed into a water-filled plastic aquapic. Random placement of all host plants in each array, around a clear plastic multi-choice oviposition chamber (25 cm diameter by 9 cm height) ensured that oviposition results were uninfluenced by sequence. Oviposition dishes were stacked on a rotating turntable (6 turns/h) lit by 60-watt incandescent bulbs (6h light-dark cycles) (Scriber 1993). Temperature inside the oviposition dishes was maintained near 30°C during peak oviposition times, when the oviposition dishes were illuminated to simulate daylight. Butterflies were removed from oviposition dishes and fed a 20% honey solution daily while eggs were collected and counted. Eggs on the paper liner, or plastic chamber were counted as on a leaf if they were within 1 cm of the leaf. If the egg was more than 1 cm 14 from the leaf, they were counted as laid on a plastic or paper surface, which was considered a ‘leaf type’ in analysis. Leaves with eggs present were removed and stored (27°C) for larval assays. Positions were refilled with fresh foliage of the same species. The replacement foliage was not necessarily from the same tree or collection date. In all cases, the foliage was from the same site. Five choice array: Adult female P. canadensis were presented simultaneously with leaves of white ash, basswood, paper birch, black cherry and quaking aspen collected either in Pellston (1996 and 1997) or Vanderbilt (1997). Butterflies were collected from the Vanderbilt area (17 in 1996, 19 in 1997) and from outside the Vanderbilt area (54 in 1996, 16 in 1997). Young and old white ash array: In 1998, an oviposition array consisting of two types of white ash foliage was tested. The two types were older, fully expanded leaves (collected from Okemos, Michigan) and young unexpanded leaves (collected from near the ‘Mystery Spot’ in Chippewa county). Butterflies were collected from Vanderbilt (n=2) and five other sites across Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula (n=13.) 15 Phenology array: In 1997, oviposition arrays consisting of white ash foliage collected from the three principal sites, plus one more, were tested. The fourth site, in Okemos, near Michigan State University, was outside the geographic region, and south of the range of P. canadensis. Butterflies were collected in Vanderbilt (n=6) and outside this area (n=6). Chemical extract array: White ash leaflet material was collected from four sites: Pellston, Vanderbilt, Cross Village and Okemos. Leaves from Pellston were collected on 10 June 1997 and 24 June 1997; and extracted on 16 June 1997 and 27 June 1997. Vanderbilt leaves were collected on 4 June 1997 and 11 June 1997; and extracted on 5 June 1997 and 16 June 1997. Cross Village leaves were collected on 10 June 1997 and 24 June 1997; and extracted on 16 June 1997 and 30 June 1997. Okemos leaves were collected on 12 June 1997 and 24 June 1997; and extracted on 16 June 1997 and 26 June 1997. The leaflet material (petiole and rachis not included) from each site, on each extraction date was placed in a sterile liquid nitrogen cooled mortar and pestle and roughly ground. This material was then placed in a sterile Electric Coffee and Spice Grinder (Regal, Kewaskum, WD and ground until the material was homogeneous, and fine. Thirty to forty g’s of the dispersion was placed in a filtration column (149 mm x 450 m) that had been packed with cotton swabbing, and methanol (175 mL) was added. (An oviposition assay in 1996, testing Papilio glaucus oviposition preference for white ash extracts found a higher response to methanol rather than hexane or ethyl acetate. Extracts in 1996 were also solubalized in acetone and sprayed onto quaking aspen leaves with a plant sprayer.) After 30 min., the column stopcock was opened and effluent was 16 collected. The stopcock was closed, and the collected effluent was added back to the column. This process was repeated two times. After the effluent was collected a third time, the solubalized extract was concentrated in a rotovap (Brinkmann Instruments Inc., Westbury, NY) at 100 °C (there was not a successful vacuum created by the rotovap set- up used), until all volatile components had been removed. The residue was weighed and acetone was added to make a 1g/1L, or 10% suspension. Using a plant sprayer, this was sprayed to saturation onto quaking aspen leaves that were placed in oviposition arenas. Ovipositional responses to such extracts, from Pellston, Cross Village, Vanderbilt and Okemos, were measured and compared to the response to leaves sprayed with acetone alone and water alone. Butterflies were collected from Vanderbilt (n=4) and from outside Vanderbilt (n=5). Larval growth: Eggs were placed in dishes marked with a brood number and the host plant preference of the mother. Mother preference was defined as the oviposition host plant with the highest percentage of eggs. Dishes were stored in a Percival growth chamber at 27 °C (18 L: 6 D) and checked daily for eclosion. When neonates emerged, all larvae from the same brood were distributed randomly to a feeding assay on black cherry, paper birch, white ash, quaking aspen or basswood leaves. Few larvae were set up on paper birch or basswood in 1997, as these were found to be poor hosts in 1996. No more than five or six larvae per dish were assigned to initial feeding assays. Larvae were reared at 27 °C (18 L: 6D) in Percival growth chambers. Larvae were checked every two to three 17 days (or more frequently if leaf material was rapidly consumed), the dishes were cleaned, leaf material replaced, and the date, number of surviving larvae, and the instar of each larvae were recorded. When the larvae reached the third instar they were separated and reared in individual dishes to reduce crowding effects. After pupation, they were weighed to the nearest 0.0001 g and sexed. Weight, length of time to pupation, length of time in each stage of metamorphosis and overall survival were recorded. Overall survival was the percentage of neonate larvae that pupated relative to the number set up on the host plant. Statistical analyses: Data were analyzed in spreadsheet format using Microsoft Excel 5.0 (Microsoft, 1994). Normality was confirmed with the Shapiro-Wilkes tests in the proc univariate program (SAS Institute Inc., 1989). Climate data were analyzed with proc glm in SAS to observe statistical differences in mean degree-day accumulations between sites; and using proc reg in SAS to investigate relationships between year, site and accumulated degree- days. As Cross Village data were not complete for the 1985-1997 period, missing years were excluded from regression and analyses of variance. Phenology data were analyzed using proc reg in SAS for 1996, 1997 and the two years combined to probe relationships between site, date, accumulated degree-days, host-plant species, year, and foliar percent water content. Oviposition data ratios were arcsine transformed and analyzed using proc glm in SAS with an ANCOVA where approximate butterfly age and winglength were covariates. Statistical significance was assigned at or = 0.05 using Fishers least significant 18 difference test. The most important contributing factor to significant interactions was determined by slicing the interactions in SAS. All reported means and standard errors are least square means as these means and standard errors are adjusted as if the design had been balanced. They provide a population marginal mean, and allow that the sum of oviposition preference ratios will add to one. Mean pupal weight differences were analyzed using proc glm in SAS with an AN OVA to uncover significant differences in pupal weight attributable to pupal sex or host-plant. Mean days to pupation differences were analyzed using proc glm in SAS with an AN OVA to discover significant differences in the days to pupation attributable to pupal sex or host-plant. Difference in survival of larvae per instar (where the larval host plant, the mother’s oviposition preference, the instar the larva was in, and the length of time the larva spent in that instar were variables) was analyzed with a repeated measures analysis in proc mixed in SAS, with the covariance parameter estimate as a diagonal arcsine model. As there is some concern as to how a butterfly’s oviposition preference should be weighted, the oviposition assays were examined using an additional protocol. In this analysis, only butterflies that laid a minimum of ten or more eggs were included. The cut-off value of ten was used, because this was the historical cut-off value in prior examinations of the ‘cold pocket’ hypothesis. While this analysis may skew the results in favor of butterflies that lay more eggs, it minimizes the chance that the results may be skewed by butterflies that lay few eggs, and may not really exhibit host plant preferences. This statistical analysis was conducted in the same manner as the above, with the 19 exception that butterflies laying fewer eggs were excluded. 20 Results: Climatology: Over the time for which comparable data were available (i.e. 1969-1986), generally, Cross Village had the largest average number of accumulated degree-days and Vanderbilt the smallest. This was true whether or not one was examining accumulated degree-days for the season (March lst - October 3 lst); early season to the time of pupation (March lst - July 3 lst); or the early season and the butterfly flight period (March lst - July 5th) (Table 2). Mean seasonal accumulated degree-days, March lst — October 3 lst, were significantly different between Vanderbilt and the other two sites (p<0.0001); and Pellston and Cross Village (p < 0.05). Mean flight and larval development accumulated degree-days, March lst - July 3 lst, were significantly different between Pellston and Cross Village (p <0.002) and Vanderbilt and Cross Village (p <0.0001). There was no statistically significant difference for this period between Pellston and Vanderbilt. Mean flight season accumulated degree-days, March lst - July 5th, were not statistically significantly different between Vanderbilt and Cross Village; Vanderbilt and Pellston; and Pellston and Cross Village. In 5 years of 29 the difference in seasonal degree-days between Vanderbilt and Pellston exceeded 200 at July 3 lst. In 5 years of 29 the difference between Vanderbilt and Pellston at July 5th exceeded 100 (Figure 1). Vanderbilt showed a significant warming trend in total seasonal accumulated degree-days (Figure 1). For the two shorter periods, trends in the Vanderbilt accumulated 21 degree-days, while positive, were not statistically significant. Neither Cross Village nor Pellston showed any persistent trends over 29 years. For all three time intervals, the year to year variance in accumulated degree-days was greater than site to site variation in accumulated degree-days. Stepwise analysis for the flight season degree-day accumulations, March lst - July 5th, removed site differences from the model, as it didn’t add to the power of the regression, showing that site differences were not significant (Table 3). As precipitation differences and water stress could influence host plant quality for larval growth, heat! precipitation indices are of particular relevance to this project. Heat! precipitation indices (Figure 2) for the Vanderbilt area for years 1987-1997 indicated that May, 1997, was the driest of all Mays and that 1997 had the second most drought-like June. (June 1991, had a higher heat! precipitation index and was both hot and dry.) July and August of 1997 had heat! precipitation indices similar to those of other years. Phenology: In 1996, leaf water content varied among tree species, i.e. interspecifically, and collection date, i.e. seasonally (Table 4). However, within a given plant species, and on a particular date there were no site differences (Table 4). When data were adjusted for degree-day accumulations, stepwise regression analysis kept all factors in the regression model, but site differences were the least important (Table 4). Water content declined in tree leaves throughout the season, with quaking aspen and paper birch having high water content early in the season, with water contents declining earlier, and basswood and white 22 ash maintaining a high water content longer (Figure 3). A greater number of phenological assessments were made in 1997, using three sites, five host plant species, and nineteen dates. Leaves were indexed early, before bud- break of some species, so that bud-break and early leaf flush water contents could be recorded for some species, providing a clearer picture of water content and suitability for larval nutrition. Stepwise regression analysis on these data showed that leaf water content varied with tree species (interspecifically), collection date (seasonally), and with site (Table 5). The contrast with 1996 results was explored by stepwise regression on leaf water contents at the Sites (Pellston and Vanderbilt) common to both years. Similar regression results were found, both with and without adjustment for degree-day contributions when Pellston and Vanderbilt were compared, and when Pellston, Vanderbilt and Cross Village were compared. Site contributions were the least meaningful contributor to the regressions (Table 6). As in the previous set of measurements, leaf water content declined throughout the 1997 season for all species. Across all three sites, quaking aspen and paper birch had high water content early in the season and water content declined rapidly early; basswood and white ash did not break bud as soon, but maintained a high water content later (Figure 4). Data for Pellston and Vanderbilt for the years 1996 and 1997 were compared (Table 7). Stepwise regression indicated that leaf water content varied seasonally, interspecifically, geographically, and annually. When these data were degree-day adjusted, annual variation remained a significant factor, second in importance to seasonal influence (Table 7). 23 Oviposition Preference: Five choice array: In 1996, oviposition preference was attributable to species of host, but not butterfly origin (Table 8). P. canadensis preferred to oviposit on quaking aspen, with 29.8% of eggs laid on these leaves when the data was pooled (Figure 5). Significantly more eggs were laid on quaking aspen by the P. canadensis test group than on any other leaves. For pooled data, quaking aspen and white ash did not have a significantly different number of eggs laid on them. Black cherry and basswood did not have a significantly different number of eggs laid on them. Paper birch and the chamber paper were also not Significantly different from each other in the percentage of eggs laid on these substrates. All three groups were significantly different from the other two groups (Table 8). Using a cut-off value of ten eggs per female for inclusion in the analysis did not change the results, or effect the significance of any of the factors. In 1997, neither the origin of the butterfly, nor the site of origin of the leaf material was correlated to host preference (Table 9). Again there was an oviposition preference attributable to tree species. Oviposition preference was greatest for black cherry, with 29% of the total eggs laid on these leaves when data were pooled for leaves from the Pellston (Figure 6) and Vanderbilt (Figure 7) sites and for butterfly location. Mean percent eggs laid on a treatment were similar for: white ash, basswood and quaking aspen; basswood, quaking aspen, paper birch and chamber paper; black cherry was significantly different from all other treatments (Table 9). 24 Using a cut-off value of ten eggs for inclusion in the analysis did slightly change the results. In this case, the origin of the host plant, and the origin of the butterfly did not significantly affect the oviposition preference. However, the species of tree, the interaction of the butterfly origin and the species of tree, and the interaction of the origin of the host plant and the species of tree were all found to be significant. When the butterfly origin by species of tree interaction was examined, it was found that tree Species contributed most significantly to oviposition preference except for butterflies from Vanderbilt; the butterfly origin contributed significantly to the interaction on black cherry host plants. When the tree collection site and tree species interactiOn was compared, it was determined that the tree species contributed most significantly to the interaction. Mean percent eggs, with a cut-off value of ten, laid on a treatment were similar for: black cherry, white ash, and quaking aspen; basswood and quaking aspen; basswood and paper birch; and paper birch and chamber paper. Young and old white ash array: There was no difference in preference attributable to butterfly collection site. There was a significant difference in preference for young, unexpanded white ash leaves, versus fully expanded white ash leaves, versus a paper (no leaf) control. When data were pooled, the most eggs (Table 10, Figure 8) were laid on the unexpanded white ash, and the least eggs laid on chamber paper (Table 10, Figure 8). An intermediate number were laid on the expanded older white ash leaves (Table 10, Figure 8). The interaction of butterfly collection site and white ash phenology was also significant. When this interaction was examined, it was determined that the white ash age contributed most strongly to every interaction, except that white ash age did not affect 25 oviposition preference for butterflies collected from Charlevoix or butterflies collected from Vanderbilt. Both of these populations consisted of two or fewer butterflies. It was also determined that the butterfly collection site did significantly affect oviposition preference for old white ash leaves. When the data was examined with a cut-off value of ten eggs, there was no difference in the results. Phenology array: There was no significant difference in preference for different phenological stages of white ash as indexed by four collection sites by all butterflies tested (Table 11). Differences in preference by butterflies from the Vanderbilt area versus the Pellston area were not significant (Figure 9). The sole significant difference between treatments was that fewer eggs were laid on chamber paper than on any of the foliage treatments (Table '11). When analyses were performed with a cut-off value of ten eggs, there were no differences in the results. Chemical array: There was no preference difference by all butterflies tested for methanol extracts of white ash collected from four different sites or the controls (Table 12, Figure 10). When analyses were performed with a cut-off value of ten eggs, there were no differences in the results. 26 Larval Performance: Overall survival from neonate to pupa in 1997 was low. No larvae reared on paper birch and basswood survived to pupation. The survival of larvae on black cherry was 33%, followed by quaking aspen, 13.5%, then followed by white ash, 7.3% (Table 15, Figure 11). Survival in each instar in 1997, with host plant, host plant preference by the ovipositing female, larval instar, and days per instar showed that the host plant and the days per instar were important and significantly different in percent larval survival in each instar (Table 13). Pupal weight varied depending upon the host plant species in 1996. Pupal weights on black cherry, quaking aspen, and white ash were not Significantly different, although the least square means were higher on quaking aspen, followed by black cherry, followed by white ash (Table 14). Pupal weight on basswood was similar to weight on white ash (Table 14, Figure 12). In 1997, there was a (1: 1) ratio of pupal males to females (72 males: 78 females). Variation in pupal weight was examined by looking at differences explained by the rearing host plant, and the sex of the individual. The pupal weight was mainly explained by host plant (Table 15). Pupal sex, and the sex by host plant interaction were not significant contributors to pupal weight. Pupal weights were highest for larvae reared on 27 black cherry, and were significantly different than the weights of larvae reared on white ash and quaking aspen (Table 15, Figure 13). Days to pupation: Time to reach pupation was also examined as a fitness indicator. In 1997, the length of time it took to reach pupation was not statistically dependent on host plant, pupal sex, or the sex by host plant interaction. Although duration to pupation was not explained by host plant, individuals on quaking aspen seemed to reach pupation slightly faster than other individuals, and the males even faster than the females, but this trend was not significant (Table 16, Figure 14). 28 Discussion: Papilio canadensis, the Canadian tiger swallowtail, is common throughout the Northern United States. Adults emerge in early summer, nectar, mate and females lay eggs on a variety of plants. The eggs ecdyse and the neonates feed, develop and pupate all within a few weeks (Scriber 1996b). The larvae usually stay on the same leaf, at least in the first two instars and thus selection of oviposition sites by the egg-laying female is important (W atanabe 1995). If she selects a site less suitable for the growth, development and survival of offspring, her fitness, in an evolutionary sense, is inferior. Oviposition preferences may be driven by intrinsic factors such as chemical cues of the host plant that reflect nutritional quality or that are feeding deterrent toxins, and by extrinsic factors such as protection from predation (Thompson 1988, Thompson and Pellmyr 1991). Many studies implicate allelocherrricals in the process (Feeny 1995). Some areas of the Northern Lower Peninsula of Michigan have fewer degree-days of thermal accumulation and fewer frost-free days over the growing season than other areas. It is proposed that P. canadensis has an oviposition preference for white ash as a host plant in colder areas, in contrast to warmer areas, as delayed white ash bud-break and leaf development would be better suited relative to other hosts to nurture rapid larval growth (Scriber 1996a). This ‘cold pocket hypothesis’ was a local modification of the voltinism-suitability hypothesis (Scriber and Lederhouse 1992). The purpose of the present project was to search for an effect of climate on oviposition preference of P. canadensis. It was supposed that host plants, which depend on accumulated degree-days in seasonal development, would be of different attractiveness in warmer and colder areas 29 during the P. canadensis flight period, and that egg-laying females would differentially select among hosts in such areas. White ash was predicted to be the preferred host plant for oviposition in the ‘cold pocket’, and larvae were predicted to perform better on white ash. Oviposition preference did vary with inter-specific differences in host plant, and with large differences in host plant phenology (newly flushed vs. older, tougher foliage). As host plants may vary in suitability for larval growth, inter-specific differences in host—plant quality are well documented and not surprising. Newly flushed leaves tend to have a higher percent water content and decreased concentration of certain ‘quantitative’ defensive compounds (Feeny 1976). As water can be a limiting factor for larval growth and defensive compounds can reduce or slow larval growth, that butterflies would prefer to oviposit on newly flushed leaves is also not surprising. There is some evidence in the literature that indicates that leaf age and bud burst phenology can play a role in oviposition preference (Hunter 1992, Hunter et al. 1997, Scriber and Slansky 1981). In a study with winter moths, Hunter et al. (1997) determined that local population variation was seemingly related to plant quality and budburst phenology. Other studies have indicated that oviposition preference is influenced more by the over-riding importance of inter-specific plant differences than intra-specific differences in plant quality (Schultz 1988). Larval performance on the five host plants was examined. Significant differences in pupal weight on host plants were compared to differences in oviposition preference. In 1996, oviposition preference was the same for quaking aspen and white ash; black cherry and basswood; paper birch and chamber paper. In 1996, larval performance was similar on quaking aspen, white ash and black cherry; white ash and basswood. No larvae 3O survived on paper birch. Similar differences existed in oviposition preferences and larval performance. In 1997, oviposition preference was not different on: quaking aspen, white ash and basswood; or quaking aspen, basswood, paper birch and chamber paper. Preference for black cherry was greater than in all other treatments. In 1997, larval performance was the same on quaking aspen and white ash. No larvae survived on paper birch or basswood. Performance on black cherry was higher than on all other treatments. Again oviposition preference and larval performance hierarchies were similar. Both oviposition preference and larval performance hierarchies on host plants changed between 1996 and 1997. This change occurred in all populations, and may have been attributable to the dry May and June of 1997. Neither oviposition preference nor larval performance followed the ‘cold pocket’ hypothesis predictions in either 1996 or 1997. I tested the assumptions of the ‘cold pocket’ hypothesis, to determine if the initial conditions had been met, and to obtain a better picture of what was occurring in the ‘cold pocket’ in 1996 and 1997. These assumptions included determining if bud-break and host plant phenology were delayed in the ‘cold pocket’ and if the ‘cold pocket’ was a thermally unique area. In 1996 and 1997, foliar percent water content for five test plants was measured as an index of plant nutritional quality. Foliar water content varied by host plant, time of season and year, but variance due to site was minimal. These data are in agreement with the climate data in that neither data set found site to site variation, but both detected yearly variation. These phenological data support the contention that partial (that is, early) season measurements of climate and foliar water content are important in this biological system as values are high and then taper off. 31 ~ Twenty-nine years of weather data were available for three areas in the Northern Lower Peninsula. Vanderbilt was always cooler than Pellston and Cross Village when summing total seasonal degree-days (March lst - October 3 lst) and flight and larval development seasonal degree-days (March lst - July 3 lst ). The differences in degree-day accumulations between sites were statistically significant for these two time periods. The whole-season difference justified calling the Vanderbilt area a ‘coldpocket’. However, accumulated degree-days through the flight season up to July 5th alone, Vanderbilt was the coolest site only ( 16 times in 29 years), and site differences over this period were not significant. Early degree-day accumulation is most important to the biological processes I exarrrined and differences over flight season among sites were obscured by the magnitude of year-to-year differences within a site. To the extent that climate indirectly influences oviposition preference, one rrright expect P. canadensis to show as much, or even more, lability in host plant choice across years at a given site, than across sites for a given year. It is also unclear how many catastrophic ‘cold’ years out of 29 years are enough to exert significant selection on host choice of P. canadensis. When climate data was examined across Northern Michigan, it was determined that the Vanderbilt area was not cooler when compared to nearby areas at a biologically significant time, (March lst — July 5th). Also, when host plant bud-break and phenology were assessed, it was determined that they were not delayed in the Vanderbilt area in 1996 and 1997. The lack of thermal unit accumulation differences, and similar water content data supported the contention that Vanderbilt was not remarkable as a ‘cold pocket’ during recent flight seasons. As such, the ‘cold pocket’ hypothesis would predict no difference in the oviposition hierarchy amongst butterflies from these sites; or among 32 butterflies for foliage from these sites. Subsequently, white ash should not be preferred as an oviposition host plant, and larvae should not have increased performance on white ash. My results with P. canadensis, were consistent with these observations. Heat! precipitation indices usefully depict one aspect of climatic variability. I prepared such indices for four months of Vanderbilt data from 1987 to 1997. The final year stood out as being unusually dry in both May and June. Dry conditions lead to water stress on a plant. As plant water content decreases, soluble forms of nitrogen increase (Mattson and Scriber 1987, Scriber 1977, Thomas and Hodkinson 1991). White (see Thomas and Hodkinson 1991) hypothesizes that water—stressed plants suffer increased herbivory; this theory is based on the observation that climatically disturbed areas often have insect outbreaks (see Thomas and Hodkinson 1991). Bultman and Faeth (1987) tested the hypothesis by examining leaf miner populations as an indication of predation pressure under water stress conditions (drought achieved by cutting off roots), where water had been added (irrigation) and in control conditions. Their findings contradicted the supposition: Cameraria Sp. B, predicted to decrease, increased in the irrigated treatment; and Camerarr'a sp. A, predicted to increase, decreased in water stress conditions. Other studies also have shown that insect larvae perform less well on plants with low leaf water levels. Larvae on leaves with low leaf water grow more slowly and are less efficient at utilizing nitrogen, and water content of leaves may limit larval growth (Scriber 1977). Water stressed conditions can have consequential impacts on plants and their herbivore communities. The oviposition differences that we saw in 1996 and 1997 may, in some part, be due to the dramatic differences in May and June precipitation between the two years. The aspen seemed especially sensitive. 33 In summary, thermal unit differences from March lst - July 5th in Northern Michigan differ between years rather than between sites. Plant quality and phenology differences vary by species, by seasonal fluctuations and by year-to-year fluctuations. In comparison, climatic and phenological spatial variations for the three test sites were not remarkable during the period of biological significance for the present project. Vanderbilt was not meaningfully a ‘cold pocket’ in the 1969-1997 interval at an appropriate time period, and the ‘cold pocket’ hypothesis could not apply here. Generalist oviposition preferences were labile and showed year to year flexibility. For Papilio canadensis, oviposition preference and larval performance hierarchies were similar. The ‘cold pocket’ hypothesis will have to be evaluated by comparing areas that differ more in climate during the early part of the year than did Vanderbilt, Pellston and Cross Village over the recent twenty-nine years. Although the whole season (March lst — pupation) selects against oviposition mistakes on the wrong host plant, it is early season differences in host plant quality that the female must evaluate. Vanderbilt had the lowest seasonal (March lst - October 3 lst) accumulated degree-days over a 29 year period, as compared to Pellston and Cross Village. The flight season (March lst - July 5th) accumulated degree-days did not differ between Vanderbilt, Pellston and Cross Village. Vanderbilt was generally the coldest site (March lst - July 5th), (21 times in 29 years); (March lst - July 3 lst), (23 times in 29 years); (March lst - October 3150, (29 times in 29 years). Year to year fluctuations in accumulated degree-days were greater than site to site variation. Although there were year to year variations, the Vanderbilt site showed that there was a trend to the variance. This may be indicative of long term climate trends with short-term variation. Hypotheses 34 based on supposed climate averages for a site may not usefully predict the outcome in any but the most average of years. The assumptions of the ‘cold pocket’ hypothesis did not hold true in 1996 or 1997. The ‘cold pocket’, during the behaviorally critical time period (March lst - July 5th), did not exist. There were no differences in intra specific host plant differences in phenology between the sites. Even considering the limited availability of butterflies, the white ash preference did not exist in 1996 or 1997 (only 19% and 18% in a five choice study respectively). There were no differences in oviposition preference of butterflies from different p0pulations. Larval performance and oviposition preference hierarchies were similar in 1996 and 1997. Larvae did not perform well on white ash in either 1996 or 1997. This leads to interesting speculation regarding the interactions of plants, herbivores, the prevailing climate conditions, and the evolutionary significance of these interactions. The ‘geographic mosaic’ theory of coevolution describes the evolutionary landscape as dynamic, where coevolutionary relationships are not static across a host species range, but rather are labile in response to host plant distribution, competition and environmental differences, among other factors (Thompson 1994). Given the nature of the relationships discovered and tested in this project, P. canadensis oviposition preference in the ‘cold pocket’ readily conforms to the defining principles of the geographic mosaic theory of coevolution. Under a given set of conditions, reduced number of accumulated degree-days and delayed bud-break, generalist herbivore oviposition preference was for a normally poor quality host plant, white ash. When these conditions varied, host plant preference varied. Snapshots of three different climatic conditions resulted in three different oviposition preferences. In 35 cold years (1992-1995), white ash was preferred. In a thermally average year (1996), with average precipitation, quaking aspen was preferred. In a thermally average year (1997) with low precipitation, black cherry was preferred. Deterrrrining whether or not these relationships between localized climate and localized preference are true relationships, or artifacts due to either experimental procedure, low number of butterflies, or another source of variation, is an important priority in continuing this line of research. First, one would have to examine the preferences across years and sites and try to distinguish what, if any, trends exist. This project indicates that both temperature and precipitation can be important factors influencing plant-herbivore interactions, and subsequently could be important evolutionary selective factors. In addition, responses to varying soil type, and other factors such as geographic variance and photoperiod could be controlled by common garden experiments or other studies. One example would include not only examining oviposition preference of field caught butterflies on field collected foliage, but also butterfly preference on foliage from trees reared in specific conditions. Through this combination of oviposition arrays, one might be able to determine if localized populations exhibit any variance in oviposition preference, or if the differences in oviposition preference are a species-wide response to differences in host plant quality. My research showed that ash preference of butterflies from the Lower Peninsula ‘cold pocket’ of Michigan was less than 20% in five choice arenas in 1996 and 1997. This is a decline from the observation of these same populations in 1991 to 1995 that showed ash preferences of 92%, 71%, 60%, 39% and 34% respectively (Scriber 1996a and unpublished). This is especially interesting in view of the increase in seasonal 36 degree-days observed during this period (e.g. 700, 800, 900, 1000 from 1992-1995; Figure 1) which could allow influx into the ‘cold pocket’ from surrounding areas, and the survival on most host plants during this period. Since 1991, there were no severely constrained years that could select out non-ash preferring females. 37 Table 1: Scientific and common names of host plants examined for P. canadensis oviposition preference Scientific name Author Common name Betula papyrifera Marshall Paper birch Fraxinus americana L. White ash Populus tremuloides Michaux Quaking aspen Prunus serotina Ehrhart Black cherry Tilia americana L. Basswood 38 Table 2: Accumulated degree-days °C (threshold temperature 10 °C) at three sites in Northern Michigan Site Seasonal Mean Flight Season and Larval Flight Season Accumulated Development Period Mean Mean Accumulated Degree-Days, Accumulated Degree-Days, Degree-Days, March I - October March I - July 31 5; SD. March 1 - July 5 _-r_- 31 i SD. 5.0. Cross Village 1047.1 1 87.3 620.4 _-1_-_ 238.5 424.3 :1; 342.2 Pellston 982.7 i 88.2 521.3 3 56.2 269.3 i 45.9 Vanderbilt 856.2 _-t_- 119.1 462.3 i 69.4 253.3 1; 45.4 _ ANOVA F value 20.39 12.40 1.67 p value <0.0001 <0.0001 0.19 39 Table 3: Stepwise regression of accumulated degree-days at three sites, 1969-1997 Regressor p Value Contribution to r2 Remaining in model? March 1 - October 31 year <0.0001 0.28 yes site <0.004 0. 15 yes adjusted r2 = 0.34 May 1 - July 31 year < 0.0001 0.28 yes site <0.004 0.08 yes adjusted 12 = 0.34 May 1 - July 5 year <0.08 0.06 yes site <0.18 0.04 no adjusted r2 = 0.07 40 Table 4: Stepwise regression of water content of leaves of five species collected at Pellston and Vanderbilt, 1996 A. Regressor: p Value: Contribution to r’: Remaining in model? Date <0.0001 0.42 yes Site <0.4 0.0007 no Tree Species <0.009 0.006 yes r2 = 0.42, adjusted [’2 = 0.42 Adjusted for Degree Day Differences, 1996 B. Regressor: p Value: Contribution to r2: Remaining in model? Degree-Day <0.0001 0.41 Site <0.02 0.02 Tree Species <0.01 0.004 yes yes yes r2 = 0.42, adjusted :3 = 0.42 41 Table 5: Stepwise regression of water content of leaves of five species collected at Pellston, Vanderbilt and Cross Village, 1997 Regressor: p Value: Contribution to r2: Remaining in model? Date <0.0001 0.35 yes Site <0.0001 0.009 yes Tree Species <0.0001 0.02 yes r2 = 0.38, adjusted r2 = 0.38 Table 6: Stepwise regression of water content of leaves of five species collected at Pellston and Vanderbilt, 1997 Regressor: p Value: Contribution to r2: Remaining in model: Date <0.0001 0.29 yes Site <0.0001 0.007 yes Tree Species <0.0001 0.01 yes r2 = 0.32, adjusted r2 = 0.32 42 Table 7: Stepwise regression of water content of leaves of five species collected at Pellston and Vanderbilt for 1996 and 1997 Regressor: p Value: Contribution to r2: Remaining in model: Date <0.0001 0.33 yes Site <0.005 0.0003 yes Tree Species <0.0001 0.008 yes Year <0.0001 0.06 yes r2 = 0.36, adjusted :3 = 0.36 43 .850 some 88% 850$:me bfioumzflm 8: 0.3 Bao— oEam 05 53, 823/ 08550... mod n 8 a “56$:me ... Gas 93 2 Sea... Eda so: a Ewes €525 G sou H 3 ceded .8820 < sou ...r. new can 9.230 m seam H fifl nooERm < Sod m oém awe. 32>? o sod H3 :23 ceded m secs +2: \Eeea scam .. _Sodv 3.2 m macaw ass ,8: as; e: _ sausage Essen $2 .o mo.m _ some .5335 Ban—i899» as? 42 N Ewes €33 «3.0.03 Q3 ”knack Am amoewamefigzmgaeeh gem wwwm Sufism \o 2325 ESE :6: 3:3» a 2:5» k 4% 8.56m 860% ESQ 60: gm no watchers.» .& mo 00:29.8.“ 528920 33 .8 8.3.8 <>OUZ< ”w 038. 44 .850 :08 Soc 8853?. bauzmzflm so: can 8:2 2:8 2: 53» 82.; 039260 36 u 8 an Enocfiwmm ... 45 ... 880% :33 83¢ 98 m as: a Ewes sad as: a 53.5 €88 mmwmd 84 v 888% .53 H8: x Ewto :83 “8: $3 93 w 88% 2% seem a 53.5 €28 8o; 2 .o N Ewes 22a 8: a ease €88 0 seem H 8 8am om s? H 22 =83 mango Om Sod ....m 9m _ given m Asian + QR :8 83>? 0 seem H 8 e23 ceded < sewn H ode Edna ace—m ... 586v Nod v 888% :83 80: ammo :3 a tendons; Essen owwod cod _ a. own xccozsn Beamxoame. as; 2 .o N Ewes €88 33.0 :3 _ Ewes saga as: «36"»: 93 “.185: am neozmawaggzwgcmh 8% 3mm casuammsso 58:5 EB: 36% 33> m 85:; k \V 8.56m. 8.8% Ema .8: 02C no £33638 .& Lo 3:80.88 553830 33 .8.“ 3:58 <>OUZ< no 035. 850 :08 Bob “505:3,“ £30583 8: 0.8 8:2 2:3 05 53, 825/ 238.60 86 n a a 385:? .. o .886 onN e own a... 233 x ENE €058 85¢ 23 _ .v smegma? €28 mead cod _ ... own mfioznn ouafimxoam’x I Looodv 3.8 N cm“ 5.“ 333 0 $5 + 9N 39$ m NEW m mam we; < $56 + how 20 83.0 3.0 m 53.8 ~5:525 «3.an 93 mini: .3 amu=88§§=m§8h 8Q ammm 3.88% \e 2825 ESE 98% 85:; a 853 k km 8.3%. :8 233 38:38 3:5 Bo 93 was?» so £88828 .& mo ooaouomoa 52893 32 ..8 £82 <>OUZ< A: 2an 46 .850 :03 Bob Ego—mama b33693 8: 0.3 3:2 083. 05 53 mos—Sr 83550... mod n d as 835:»? * 59.5 am? So w :33 as: x :35 @025 385 R; M a. Esau? €23 whmnd mmd fl .9 own zcuozsn oumemxoamax on? 84 N 538 $395 m $3 H 3. 59a < chw H wdm 888.0 < $3 H q: 03:3 :89 < exoww M ”2 2382:; < $3 + tam SEE “”885 93 v are Ea so: «Edna» Q3 hgmfii Am nwuzmgwggzuggh hi 3mm 38ng Kc 5325“ ESE 33¢ 3:3, Q 2:? K Kn 92.8% :3 BE? 5 mooceobfi 33385;; E was—38 .85 So“ 89c 638:8 can 853 no amazufiguu .m we oocouomoa 558330 39 .8 838.. <>OUZ< ”2 03a... 47 wouatg’oo .9 an; N; _ a. 38353 €23 othd 3 .o _ o own xuugsn oamfifioamxx $3. H on “an“. §Nd H m8 occuoo< §Né W v.2 333 §~é H 5.2 888.0 $3 M 3m ems; 220 §~é H NE :3..ou§> §N€ + v.2 scam—Em good wmd c 882m $253: gum ”mum Euuxum \e Equfl E33 :62 3:?» A wig E kn 3.30m. was .58 Set $8.58 can 233 no £33328 .m mo coup—£03 .838an 82 ..8 3.32 <>OUZ< ”Q 035. 00 4 Table 13: 1997 P. canadensis larval survival in each instar for larvae reared on black cherry, paper birch, white ash, basswood and quaking aspen Source Denominator df F value p value Host plant 1202 16. 12 <0.0001 Mother Host plant Preference 519 0.11 <0.75 Instar 519 0.01 <0.92 Time 519 99.00 <0.0001 Table 14: Mean and percent differences in pupal weights of P. canadensis reared on black cheny, paper birch, white ash, basswood and quaking aspen, 1996 Host Plant Total Survival Weight (g) 1 SE Pupal Weight Difi’erences By Fisher ’3 LSD (a=0.05) Black cherry Not measured 0.84 i 0.01 A Paper birch 0 White ash Not measured 0.77 i 0.02 AB Basswood Not measured 0.59 i 0.13 B Quaking aspen Not measured 0.90 i 0.02 A Values with the same letter are not statistically significant from each other. 49 Table 15: Mean and percent differences in pupal weights of P. canadensis males and females reared on black cherry, paper birch, white ash, basswood and quaking aspen, 1997 Initial Overall Weight (g) i Pupal Weight Number Survival SE Differences by F isher’s LSD (a=0.05) Females 78 0.69 + 0.02 A Males 72 0.66 i 0.02 B Black cherry 303 33% 0'73 i 0-01 A Paper birch 23 0% White ash 411 7.3% 0.66 _-l; 0.02 B Basswood _ 32 0% Quaking 141 13.5% 0.64 i 0.03 B aspen Values with the same letter are not statistically significant from each other. 50 Table 16: Mean and percent differences in days until pupation of P. canadensis males and females reared on black cherry, paper birch, white ash, basswood and quaking aspen, l 997 Treatment Overall Survival Days Until Pupal Weight Differences By Pupation 1; SE F isher's LSD (a=0.05) Females 27.00 i 0.66 A Males 26.39 i 0.65 A Black cherry 33% 27.37 3!; 0.45 A Paper birch 0 White ash 7.3% 27.32 3; 0.83 A Basswood 0% Quaking aspen 13.5% 25.37 i 1.02 A Values with the same letter are not statistically significant from each other. 51 1400 1300 . A Seasonal Degree-days: March 1200ql-October31 ‘ I I 1100 ‘ 3% l 800 - 700 a 600 q 500 . Accumulated Degree Days (Base 10 C) I T T I T 400 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 Year I Pellston O Vanderbilt A Cross Village—Linear (Vanderbilt) 800 B Flight and Larval Development 700 ‘ Season: March 1 - July 31 3 600 ‘ . I 500 * 400« 3004 ' Accumulated Degree Days (Base 10 C) 1.. o I o c O o n o I - . on 2m l I I I T T 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 Year 450 4w .. 350 - 2 I n 300 - ' 250 . 200 ~ 150 - C Flight Season: March 1 - July 5 I Accumulated Degree Days (Base 10C) l m I I I T I I 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 Year Figure l: Accumulated degree-days at three sites; Cross Village, Pellston and Vanderbilt, 1969-1997. A is seasonal (March 1st - October 3150 degree-days; I; is flight and larval season (March lst - July 3130 degree-days; _(_3 is flight season (March lst -July 5th) degree-days. Linear trends are illustrated for Vanderbilt data. The trend is statistically significant in A (r2 = 0.27, n=29), but not in _12 (r2 = 0.18),nor in Q (r2 = 0.09). 52 100 /// l93.06 / ‘ 30.43 20 e I § .5 .5 :3 8 :2 .9- b 3 10 :1: o I I 5 I O C A 2 . A . A I . ' o O I o S 0 A o I ' o . O 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 Year Figure 2: Heat/ precipitation indices for Vanderbilt, Michigan. May (diamonds), June (squares), July (triangles), and August (circles) 1987-1997. July, 1989 and June, 1991 are extreme outliers. 53 é A Black cherry ‘E 90 . 8 g 80 .. ‘3 I § 70 - " 0 I E 3 . 3 6° ‘ £ 50 « 40 r r r 7 140 160 80 200 220 Julian Date 100 B Paper birch ‘5 9o « 8 I: 5 so « § “ o a 70 ‘ I 3 . O i“ a: 50 - 40 l r Tr I 140 160 180 200 220 Julian Date 100 .. E Quaking aspen § 90‘ t: e U 80 ~ I- I 0 3 70 " 3 E 50 . ° § ' : a 50 - ' w 7 I T I 140 160 180 200 220 Julian Date é 8 Percent Water Content 00 C 1 8 LII C C White ash \I C L I S 140 § 8 l on O s) O .L Percent Water Content 8 VI 0 l 8 160 l 200 220 Julgtn Date D Basswood 'o. l l f 1 1 80 200 Julian Date 160 220 g Figure 3: Percent water content of leaves from five species collected at Pellston (squares) and Vanderbilt (circles). A is black cherry; Q is paper birch; Q is white ash; Q is basswood; and E is quaking aspen. Data from the 1996 season. 54 100 390 q A Black cherry 8 38°10. . . *- A ‘W i ‘ “ ‘ - E I ~ A ‘ ' 860‘ I . ' I ‘ h IIII 9350* 40 J Y I T 140 160 180 200 220 Julian Date 100 BPaperbirch 39°“ 3 530. o _ II a , J! II '70 ‘ A.“ ro“ 3 I . . i 2 I [r i“ ' £504 40 T T I T 140 160 I80 200 220 Julian Date 100 EQuaking aspen 390‘ 3 830. E3 ’- 3 0" «70‘ ‘. 3 IA ‘ A g... ' .‘ I; a r I I ' I £50+ '0 o 40 I J T r 140 160 0 200 220 Ju8 Date Figure 4: Percent water content of leaves from five species collected at Cross Village é .. C White ash 3%» r: O C A 80 4 : J I. ' 370* I O .0 3 550 ~ 40 I I l' 140 160 .180 200 220 Juhan Date 100 DBasswood 390‘ g . .- 80 ~ 8 A l- ‘ A O 0 £70“ 0 lb.“ : 0 ° 3 n f I 56°“ 3150 - 4o . r . 140 160 180 200 220 Julian Date (triangles), Pellston (squares) and Vanderbilt (circles). A is black cherry; g is paper birch; Qis white ash; _D is basswood; and E is quaking aspen. Data from the 1997 season. 55 683m 03— 2: EB... Sun .83 EVE—om 2: an So? 823..— .5330 v8.8.3 a he 3.3.6.“ 95 8b :3 25 as" .8 238 ..o Echo c8237. EB 88:. uoEomoEom A333 .32 o: 8 .86on 2,: mo «.98. :o 5:32—36 .8 $3.. 3:82.308 .3 HE 285:?— 3qu 2: E 880:8 8 .939 3:26 .2 "5 =_€oc§> E 880:8 ABS coats. 3.53:0 ._m n5 sew—Em E 3.00:8 85.523 Co 8:285 “m 2&5 :3..— “no: human— :oama wee—30 vookmmam can 33>» :83 eon—am mam .V\ Pogo gum—m o— O N O M I:— }—— O <- “omsodng waned O in on 56 homun— .=o.maom 32 05 EB» Sun— .33 :o.m=on_ 2: 89¢ 22: 823... .533 30:23 a 8.. 36:35 Ba on»... an 28 >5 .8 23:. mo Echo 2356 98 £32: Bagged damn: .30— o: no .3627. o>¢ ho 323— :0 5:62.30 he 3:5 3:8 .2 "5 2332:; E 380:8 Ago 3&5 :28me .h "5 Sam—Em E 380:8 8553.5 mo 02.2895 no Esmfi «Sm—m “me: 593 $5.30 803mmum :8 323 :85 SEE Dunno mun—m 2 57 8 O M 3 uomsodpo 103:)an o n on 4.8an 32 on. :88 5.5 do... ._B.oc§> 05 :58 0.03 82.3 .cwfiov 32.23 a .8 3.3:... 0.3 an». .3 25 b8 .8 23:. .80 .25 83:8... E... 2.3:. BEomoEom don—«3 «no. 2. .o .86on 28 L6 828— :0 551.0930 .8 $53 3:82-203 .v "5 £3.55.” .RED 2.. E 8.00:8 .0 A39 v2.8. .N "5 £88.53 5 3.00:8 A83 82... 3.8%.? .m "5 EVE—om E 3.00:8 mofibzsn .0 35.80.; K eswi 2.2.— .8: .09.; :25 9.330 .603QO :8 32>» :85 .09..— ~0...... ..an @— ON on on nomsodng manna oh ow oo— 58 .330. mg. 05 :88 Sun :33: 30:23 a .8 3.3.8: 0.: 0%. .3 0:: b... .8 0:008 06 m.o..0 83:8. :5 33:. v0.5.0.3”. A83 :28. @033 8:0. 0: .0 A83 0:: 30...? .33 00.50. :8 0.53 3:598 38 A83 0:: 3.38.3 3055 «.030— :m: 0.23 33:98:: :0 5:683: .8 Am "5 :88). :5. CHE 332.30 ANNE 3:80 Am "5 235:8. .033 0:. AN "5 580:5; .? "5 :o.m:0m E 3.00:8 ..o 00:0.805 ”w 0.:wE 3.0 558:5 $.33: :83). £92.30 3080 as ._B.0..::> :o.m=0m -2. -ow 3,—— cl: o n V? uomsodng gunned 59 .:0.00. 30. 0... :88 San. .:m..00 0005...... a .8 00......00 0.: 0a.... .3 0:0 as. .8 .50.: .0 ..0..0 0.00:8. 0:: .50... 02:80.03. A300... ..00. 0: .0 £0.00... 02:. ..0 .030. :0 :0....0...>0 .8 ...... 0000..» .N. u :. 30.3.0000 00:39.00 0... 0:: 3.0.. 00:30:-..08 ..n5 0.35:0. .0003 0... .....3 00:00 .m u 5 £80053 :. 00.02.00 .....5 00...... 0303.0 .0 "5 553.. :. 00.02.00 38.0.25 ..0 00:20.0... .0 20w... 3% 5:00:00 ...: 0.0.3 .00.... .0585 0w....> ..80 50.005; :0..=0n. O o N v— C M 5% 8 uopgsodyso waned 8 o... cm 60 .538 32 2: Eat San dwmmow 30:23 a .8 33:?“ 0.8 v.52. .3 £83 Emu—gm 98 £808 Bucomoaom $3.250 mm 338 =~ .592. :0 Eu— mmwo was .2828 0:908 2: .23 @289. .32 a £033 .23 358% .32 < .aucv 888.0 25 =5398> 603:0; awn—.5 380 Got 380:8 838— :3 823 .3 30838 3552: :o flarwngau 325$ mo oocaomoa 55330 ”9 Esmi :8 323 assim— bauEEG .... 35 538:8 895 ocouoo< 533 8on0 emu—.5 820 =_£on=u> gem—Em I 52 l V} uoggsodyxo waned .__. O N Om 61 .538 39 05 89... Sun 5803an Ho :85 59E so wuztsm 8?.“— ozv dogma mafia—5 Ea 89$an .an 823 £23 Baum ..Eono x85 ”Sam—Q .8: o>c co 9.35333 953$ .«o 3:28 .88. u: 8amE unar— «ma—.— 594“ was—£5 803QO :8 323 :83 59$ Pogo gum—m . § _ . V\\ 95¢ \\\U §n $2 a? o N oxcmm 9&9. §\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ $3 62 .538 83 05 an Sun 225 human :0 3:33. out“. czv dogma wcimsc 600333 .53 8E3 .585 human .Eoco x83 ”SEW—m .8: 3: .5 3.82 flatmwgco Paint no 3 flaws? _nmsa :32 ”S oBmE 25 a8 comma 35.2.0 803QO _n— I in 223 atone gum—m , Nd 4». 4,, «A. o O O (3) "Imam l t «3. O \ l‘. o |- wd 63 .538 So— ofi 50¢ San— Afiooamman 8 :83 59a :0 633.5» oats— ozv dogma mac—25 68333 .5“ 833 525 human 5.55 x83 ”853 “no: gm :o 332 3.3%38 9:..un Gan vow—0E .3. u 5 255% E5 9:3 686“. .3 .I. 5 BE: .3 Amy 2:303 39a :32 ”2 oSwE «an: «no: :83 9.32.0 :3 2:5» Pogo :83 1M. «fido V? C an [a ! d (3%“? °9 o 0.0 .588 32 05 Sat Sun @8333 he :25 human :0 BZEQ untu— 36 .593 act—«.6 6833.3 .nma BE? £23 Bag .905 x83 ”£53 “mo: u>c co c933 3:38:39 Smack 23 Riot: db "5 oEE£ c5 $.39 wagon .Q. n 5 29: 8% conga :25 "than :32 “E Bsmfi «Ea—.— 30: 5%“ 95.30 =3 SE? .928 sou—m uonndnd mun ska aw 65 APPENDICES APPENDIX A APPENDIX 1 Record of Deposition of Voucher Specimens" The specimens listed on the following sheet(s) have been deposited in the named museum(s) as samples of those species or other taxa which were used in this research. Voucher recognition labels bearing the Voucher No. have been attached or included in fluid-preserved specimens. Voucher No.: 1993'5 Title of thesis or dissertation (or other research projects): Testing tre 'Cold-Pod .3252 «1639.33— :Qanmuuo: .= 38:» 333.23 one soudo «swam .mmmunmuH> Hz .suesoo xHo>oHumno Boom xUOum powwow nma n a 8 .1 .m ) m w soufiu muofim .wmmHImIC/ Hz 33550 ..m comcfixofim 80.5 xo0um powwow nma W Y x3930 .3on .mmmfilamiw % ....L. Hz $3550 commz .douwcflosa m m xsouflo mamum .mmmfiunmu> Hz .zuasoo Yw comcwxofio aoum xUOum powwow nma mrm xaoufiu mumum .w¢¢H-m~u> Hz .suasou M. U comaHxUHo Eoum xuoum powwow 93 m e w n 39.50 ..w muofim .mmlmmlw Hz 33:309.; mfimdovmamo , h “we 3 3 domawxowa Boum xooum powwow £3” 0.3.“ mm m w d O m 3:396 93 can: .8 unto—.8 :98. .350 3 3.on a M m e D. e ado—Sauna 3.. Sat .33 mmwm u u m m W m de M M .m N E ”..o .8952 APPENDIX B APPENDIX B Table 17: Stepwise regression of water content of leaves of five species collected at Pellston and Vanderbilt adjusted for degree-day differences, 1997 Regressor: p Value: Contribution to r2: Remaining in model? Degree-Day <0.0001 0.29 yes Site <0.0001 0.007 yes Tree Species <0.0001 0.01 yes r2 = 0.32, adjusted :1 = 0.31 Table 18: Stepwise regression of water content of leaves of five species collected at Pellston and Vanderbilt adjusted for degree-day differences, 1996 and 1997 Regressor: p Value: Contribution to I}: Remaining in model? Degree-Day <0.0001 0.32 yes Site E 380:8 .93 para Enema—o .2 "5 53:?— E Boon—.8 woe—8:5 mo 082035 ”3 oEmE .693 :88 mes—«=0 wooing—«ca: .8: :8 323 :23 Band .905 x85 — P — Wmmmmmm mm” \ o— om C m 3 yo maxed [sod O '11 non 8 E. Ow 69 APPENDIX C w _od _o.o TR Hod _owm _o.o —o._ seam— 8&— _~: .3 _2: _S: TR 2 _gm _o._ seam— 2&— _$_ 2. a: «.8 _SN E _w.: m: 33821 S :— _ww 3“ Sn w: _oam 3 _mé w: $3806— a:— c: n. as 3 TS. .: _3 _ _o._ seam— ONE— : .3 a: 2 TR _o.o _aam —o._ seem— 2 E— v: __ s m. _ n 3 _w.n _oi _3... _3 sesam— : E— S _3 Sn 3 _Nem _o.o _Sm _o._ Beam— 2 E 3. _3 «R .3 3: _ed _3. _o._ Beam. 3 E— ; w. _ _ ”.8 _os _3m _2_ _3 _3 555m— : E— ; _b m 3:. 3 T2 _3 _EN 6.. 555m. s E— .8 .o o _S S: _m.m _o.o _mfi _3 seam— . _ :— _§ _N. _ _3: 2 3m _3. 3.2 _o._ seam— e. :— _S _o o .03 3.2 2 _o.o _34. _o._ -355- 8% m: _3 ..2 Te 3 _eé _wd _o._ seem— 8E— xm To 2;. _S S». _E —o.e _3 segm— 8:— E _o o Ea _o.o 5% _od w; _3 555m— 8:— 3. _o _ .93.. _3; s. _ m _2 _ 93 _o._ seam— 8E— ? _E H: _2 ...? TN _2; _o._ seam— SE— — wwwm _m.o,_.— eaam— :33 mcigc— too3mmam :3 BE?— goufi hamm— atone xosm— 8:».me cos—woo; 25— 89:52 8522— .:mesneeeofi .3 02.2803 838930 8650 3E 82 no. 2an U N—Dzmmm< 70 3“ _od _gn w. : _3 _S; _o.n _o.~ 5223i 8&— v To _o.% _o. o _ofl _o. o _c 2 _3 £923.6— 8:— v _od TR _o.m~ _o. o _o. on _o. o EN 52235— $5— 3 To #2 _a: _o. R _Z __.2 _3 52236— $5— ? _ _N.m T. on T: _3 _~.m _2 _o.~ 59,235— 3:.— _¢ _o.o —o. o _odm _od .3 .8 _o.N 522.20— S:— _o_ _ n2 _2: _§_ _Em _m.m w: _o.~ 52251 SE— 3. on _odm __ .2 .05 _3; 3 _o.~ 59,255— 33— M: 2: _wé v.2 v.2 _o. S Nam _o.~ €3.35— 8% mm mm .2 _Eu. to _o.o v.8 _3 €5.35— am:— 3 5: N8 _2 won To 6.3 _o.~ 52,256— R:— .o is So _o.o .3 To _m.mm _o.~ 52235— RE 2 =3. 5. _ v _5: _od _5: _3 _o. N 592.20— fiz— _ _od .3 _o.o _o.o _o.o _o. 9: _o. N 59256— 8:— _ _o.o .35. To _cd 75 _o. o _o. _ E3826— 8: 8 _od .93. —o. ca 38 _3. .2 _o._ $885. no; 2 _o.o ..om _ .a TR _od 3. _3 5382.0— 3: a: _E 5.2 ..2 _v. _ ... __ s E _o._ $3826— 8E —$ _va :3 § _o.o _~._ «:8 _o._ 5&826_ RE _: T: .9: .3 _od To 33 _3 53821 R r: Fox _odm _v.: _o. 2 _m.m~ _2: 2.. _o._ cmfisogu_ Va:— _cn #3 —o. 8 _o. v _3. _o.o 3.8 _3 $3801 SE— . _od _o. 8. _o.o _od _o.o _o.o _o. _ 5&821 can; g _E __ .3 _2 _ _SN __. _ _w: _c. _ signs; $7.— 3 _od _3 _38 _nS _o. o _3 _o._ 555— $5— 5 _3 _N. _ N _2 _ _Em _Sw _~.: _3 Beam— 2.:— 71 w o... 3 o... o... nNo 2m 3 $2.96 Na... . o... 9o 98. o... 3 3 3 $2.95 8: N3 ...N ......N ..N 2m 3. 3. 3 $2.96 a... m o... 3 o... 98. o... o... 3 $2.96 3.... mm o... 3 98 98 ..a 3 3 $2.95 Sr. 2 3 NN 3.. 2. SN No. 3 $2.95 NM... 2. ..0 2:. EN N..N 3 ..N. 3 $2.95 2:. oN 3 3N 3m 3. 3 98 3 $2.95 ...... .N. 3 N... 3.. 3. 3 SN 3 $2.96 0:. S 3 3.. 2 3 9.. _ ...NN 3 $2.96 E... N... Na. EN 3. N.NN 3. .... 3 $2.95 E. a N... ...m. 3. 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O. O. O. 26. 1. l. 2. 2. 2. 4. 4. 4. 2. 76 Table 24: 1996 P. canadensis pupal weight data Date ost Plant other pal weight 106 106 106 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 109 109 109 110 110 110 110 112 7 Jul 7 Jul 7 Jul 15 Jul 20 Jul 21 Jul 21 Jul 2 Jul 19 Jul 19 Jul 21 Jul 2 Jul 23 Jul 23 Jul 30 Jul 30 Jul 04-Au 26 Jul 29 Jul 30 Jul 19 Jul 23 Jul 25 Jul 27 Jul 19 Jul 20 Jul 21 Jul 10 Jul 17 Jul 19 Jul 23 Jul 26 Jul 27 Jul 31 Jul 30 Jul 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 -96 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 . 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 lack che lack che lack che lack che lack che lack che lack che lack c 'te ash hite ash 'te ash 'te ash 'te ash ’te ash 'te ash 'te ash as lack che lack lack c lack c 'te ash 'te ash 'te ash ) 77 O. 1996 lack che 1996 Black c 1996 Black che 1996 Black che 1996 ite ash 1996 'te ash —96 asswood 1996 akin as 1996 akin as 1996 'n as 1996 akin as 1996 'n as 1996 'n as 1996 lack che 1996 lack che 1996 lack c 1996 lack che 1996 lack c 1996 lack c 1996 lack c 1996 lack c 1996 lack c 1996 lack c 1996 lack c 1996 lack c 1996 lack c 1996 lack c 1996 'te ash 1996 'te ash 1996 °te ash 1996 'te ash 1996 'te ash 1996 'te ash 1996 ' as 1996 ° as 1996 ' as 1996 ' as 1996 ' as 1996 ' 78 lack c lack che lack che lack che lack c lack che lack che lack c lack c lack che lack che lack che lack che lack che lack c lack c lack c lack c lack che lack c lack che lack che lack c lack c lack c lack c lack c lack c lack c lack c lack c lack c lack c lack c lack c lack c lack c lack che lack c 79 'te ash 'te ash hite ash hite ash 'te ash as 'n as n 'n as n lack c lack c lack che lack che lack che lack che lack c lack che lack c lack c lack c 'te ash 'te ash °te ash 'te ash 'te ash °te ash 'te ash 'te ash ' as lack c lack c lack c lack che lack c lack c lack lack c 80 Jul 1996 lack c 1 Jul 1996 lack c 1 Jul 1996 lack c 1 Jul 1996 lack c Jul 1996 lack c 4 Jul 1996 lack c 6 Jul 1996 lack che Jul 1996 lack c 18 Jul 1996 'te ash 19 Jul 1996 'te ash 0 Jul 1996 ’te ash Jul 1996 ' 18 Jul 1996 lack c 18 Jul 1996 lack c 18 Jul 1996 lack c 19 Jul 1996 lack c 19 Jul 1996 lack 19 Jul 1996 lack c Jul 1996 lack c Jul 1996 lack c 1 Jul 1996 lack 7 Jul 1996 lack Jul 1996 lack c Jul 1996 'te ash 0 Jul 1996 'te ash 1 Jul 1996 'te ash 1 Jul 1996 'te ash 1 Jul 1996 'te ash 1 Jul 1996 'te ash 1 Jul 1996 ’te ash Jul 1996 'te ash Jul 1996 'te ash 19 Jul 1996 ' Jul 1996 ' as 4 Jul 1996 ' Jul 1996 Jul 1996 Jul 1996 19 Jul 1996 81 82 lack c lack c lack c lack c lack c lack c lack c lack che lack c lack c lack c lack c lack 0 lack c lack c lack c lack 'te ash 'te ash 83 Table 25: 1997 P. canadensis pupal weight data ost Plant urvived urvival lack 30 1 330033003 birch 'te ash 7.29927007 wood ' 13.475 177 other #: reared on: Until weight: 'on: us serotina O. ' us americana 31 0.635 us tremuloides 2 0.601 us serotina 0.91 us serotina 0.933 us serotina 0. us serotina 0.93 us tremuloides 0.61 us serotina 0. us serotina 0.5901 us serotina 0.55 us serotina 0.72 us serotina 0 us serotina 0.55 us tremuloides 0. us tremuloides 0.598 us serotina 0.84 us serotina 0.64 us serotina 0.84 ' us americana O. ' us americana 0.5 ' us americana raxinus americana ' us americana serotina 84 inus americana lus tremuloides lus tremuloides us serotina us serotina us serotina 'nus americana emale lus tremuloides emale nus serotina emale us serotina us serotina r us serotina inus americana ‘7— —‘ __ ‘o—l us serotina us serotina ' us americana ' us americana ' us americana us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina raxinus americana us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina americana 85 raxinus americana raxinus americana raxinus americana raxinus americana raxinus americana lus tremuloides lus tremuloides us serotina nus serotina us serotina lus tremuloides raxinus americana lus tremuloides us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina ‘ us americana raxinus americana us tremuloides us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina raxinus americana raxinus americana us tremuloides us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina raxinus americana us tremuloides us tremuloides us tremuloides 86 0.658 0.75 0.6 0.57 emale e emale e 0.654 female 0.62 0.633 0.629 0.67 0.781 0.517 0.765 0.623 0.642 0.507 0.631 0.727 0.777 0.8041 0.76 0.61 0.8 0.808 0.71 0.754 0. 0.54 0. 0.5431 0.5991 0.61 0.61 0.727 0.5 0.593 0.706 0.5521 0.75 0.83 emale emale emale emale emale emale emale emale emale emale emale emale emale emale us tremuloides us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina raxinus americana lus tremuloides us tremuloides us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us tremuloides raxinus americana us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina raxinus americana raxinus americana serotina 87 us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina raxinus americana us serotina us serotina us serotina us serotina 88 emale emale emale emale emale emale emale ‘N-—x--—a _I-I :1 BIBLIOGRAPHY Tr" 9".rflc. ‘. 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