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DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE 1/93 W14 Control of Nonholonomic Systems with Rolling Constraints By Jay Tawee Pukrushpan A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Mechanical Engineering 1998 ABSTRACT Control of Nonholonomic Systems with Rolling Constraints By Jay Tawee Pukrushpan Two control strategies for two nonholonomic systems with rolling constraints are presented. These systems are the two-wheeled mobile robot and the rolling sphere. For the mobile robot, the problem of point-to-point stabilization is addressed. It. is well-known that there does not exist a smooth pure-state feedback that can stabilize the mobile robot to an arbitrary fixed posture. In the past, smooth time-varying feed- back, non-smooth time-invariant feedback and their hybrid combination have been used for stabilization of mobile robots. In this report, a new feedback control strat- egy is presented. Based on a nonlinear oscillator, it generates almost-smooth time- invariant control action that can asymptotically converge the robot from practically any posture to the desired posture. The only exception is an equilibrium manifold of measure zero from where the robot cannot move. These points are however un- stable equilibria and, therefore points arbitrary close to them can be asymptotically converged to the desired posture. Simulation results are shown to demonstrate the capability of the controller. Our controller can handle the situation where the robot has to turn more than 360° between initial and final configurations. Such capability will be useful for tethered mobile robots in factory automation. We also present an open loop control strategy for the rolling sphere. The open loop controller is based on the concept of geometric phase which is quite popular in nonholonomic motion planning. It uses the idea that when a sphere rolls along a spherical triangle on its surface, the sphere undergoes a net displacement in the Cartesian coordinates with a pure rotation about the vertical axis. The magnitude and direction of the displacement are related to the dimensions of the sphere and the amount of rotation about the vertical axis is proportional to the surface area of the spherical triangle. The relation between the amount of rotation and the surface area is also shown to be true for any arbitrary closed curve on the surface of the sphere. For a given desired location and orientation, a method for finding the spherical triangular path is demonstrated. Simulations are presented to subsequently show convergence of system variables for the motion of the sphere along the spherical triangle. To my parents iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my major advisor, Dr. Ranjan Mukherjee, for his support, guidance and patience. It has always been a great pleasure to work with him. I would also like to thank the other members of my committee, Dr. Ronald Rosenberg and Dr. Steven W. Shaw for their helpful advice. My appreciation also goes to all my friends in Dynamics Lab, especially Joga Setiawan and Mark Minor for their promptly assistance with my computer difficulties. 1 also want to thank Thai government for giving me a scholarships for my graduate study. I would finally like to give special thanks to my dearest family, my dad, my mom and my sister, for their love, care and support. My last thank goes to Chutamanee for her love and encouragement. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables List of Figures 1 Background and Introduction 2 Feedback Stabilization of a Two-Wheeled Mobile Robot 2.1 Motivation ................................. 2.2 Kinematic Model of Mobile Robot .................... 2.3 Almost-Smooth Time-Invariant Feedback Control Strategy ...... 2.3.1 Transformation of variables ................... 2.3.2 The feedback control strategy .................. 2.3.3 Convergence and stability .................... 2.4 Simulation Results ............................ 3 Open-Loop Control of The Rolling Sphere 3.1 Motivation ................................. 3.2 Review of Spherical Trigonometry .................... 3.3 Sphere rolling along the spherical triangle ............... 3.4 Sphere rolling along lune ......................... 3.5 Sphere rolling along an arbitrary closed path .............. 3.6 Kinematic Model of Sphere ....................... 3.7 Formulation of Open Loop strategy ................... 3.8 Additional simulations supporting open-loop control strategy ..... 4 Conclusion Appendix A Program for calculating vector rotation .................. B Spherical trigonometric identities ...................... C Simplification of rotation matrix ...................... D Fortran program for numerical root finding ................ Bibliography vi vii viii (010N030) 10 12 16 21 21 22 26 33 36 38 41 52 59 62 62 65 67 76 82 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 LIST OF TABLES Initial configuration of mobile robot ................... 16 Controller parameter used in simulations of mobile robot ....... 17 Numerical values used in simulations 1, 2 and 3 for open 100p control of the sphere rolling along spherical triangles. ............. 46 Results from simulations 4 and 5 of the open loop control of the sphere rolling along arbitrary closed paths .................... 56 vii 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 LIST OF FIGURES Diagram showing the state variables of the mobile robot ....... 8 Circle in the r — 06 plane defining the Lyapunov function V ...... l3 Trajectory of the mobile robot for Case A. ............... 17 Trajectories of the mobile robot for Case B with different set of control parameter .................................. 18 Trajectory of the mobile robot for Case C. ............... 19 Trajectory of the mobile robot for Case D. ............... 19 Trajectory of the mobile robot for Case E. ............... 20 A spherical triangle ............................ 23 The spherical triangle that specify the path in figure 3.3 ....... 27 Motion of the sphere defined by the spherical triangle in figure 3.2 . . 27 Path generated by the spherical triangle similar to the one in figure 3.3 but with opposite direction. ....................... 31 The Lune ................................. 33 Cartesian path given by the Lune in figure 3.5 ............. 34 Arbitrary Spherical Polygon ....................... 36 Arbitrary closed path that crosses itself ................. 37 Figure defining the state variables of a sphere ............. 39 Open loop control strategy of spherical robot .............. 41 Possible values of d and a for one spherical triangle .......... 44 Possible values of d and (f) for one spherical triangle .......... 44 Possible values of a and ab for one spherical triangle .......... 45 System variables used in simulation ................... 45 Trajectory of the sphere in simulation 1. ................ 47 Variables d, (15 and a from simulation 1 for open loop control of sphere. 48 Variables 6,113,131,, y, 3],, from simulation 1 for open loop control of sphere. 48 Trajectory of the sphere in simulation 2. ................ 49 Variables d, ¢ and a from simulation 2 for open loop control of sphere. 49 Variables 6, x, asp, y, yp from simulation 2 for open loop control of sphere. 50 Trajectory of the sphere in simulation 3. ................ 50 Variables d, 45 and a from simulation 3 for open loop control of sphere. 51 Variables 0, 27,311,, g, yp from simulation 3 for open loop control of sphere. 51 viii 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 Parameters of closed curve ........................ Surface integral for arbitrary closed curve on sphere .......... Trajectory of the sphere in simulation 4. Solid line represents trajectory of center of the sphere, dashed line represents trajectory of point P. . Variables 0 and a from simulation 4 for open loop control of sphere. . Trajectory of the sphere in simulation 5. Solid line represents trajectory of center of the sphere, dashed line represents trajectory of point P. . Variables 0 and a from simulation 5 for open loop control of sphere. . ix 53 55 56 57 57 58 CHAPTER 1 Background and Introduction In this chapter, we provide a brief introduction and some background in motion planning and control of nonholonomic system. Specifically, we define nonholonomic systems, discuss their characteristics, and summarize the two main problems namely motion planning and stabilization. A general introduction to nonholonomic systems can be found in the book by Murray, Li, and Sastry [26], and a review of the recent literature can be found in the review article by Kolmanovsky and McClamroch [18]. Nonholonomic systems are characterized by nonholonomic constraints of motion. Such constraints are not integrable and therefore they can not be used to solve for a set of independent generalized coordinates. Nonholonomic systems consequently require more coordinates for their description than there are degrees of freedom. Nonholonomic constraints usually arise in two kinds of situations. They appear in rolling contacts where objects roll without slipping. Examples of such systems are mobile robots, wheeled vehicles, the rolling disk and the rolling sphere. Nonholonomic constraints also appear in systems that conserve angular momentum. A free-flying space robot is an example of such a nonholonomic systems. A nonholonomic system such as the wheeled snake board [22] is a result of both the rolling constraint and the conservation of angular momentum. There are some important properties of nonholonomic systems. First, a set of in- dependent generalized coordinates does not exist since the non-integrable constraints can not be used to eliminate the dependent generalized coordinates. Secondly, non- holonomic control systems do not have isolated equilibrium points and hence the origin cannot be asymptotically stabilized using pure state feedback [7]. Finally, the nonholonomic characteristic of a given system is invariant with respect to diffeomor- phic state transformations and with respect to smooth pure state feedback. Generally, there are two problems that have been studied for nonholonomic sys- tems, namely, motion planning and stabilization. Motion planning problems are concerned with obtaining Open loop controls which will steer the system from an initial state to a final state over a given finite time interval. The difficulty of mo- tion planning for nonholonomic system originates from the non-existence of a set of independent generalized coordinates, which means that not every motion is feasible. Only motions that satisfy the instantaneous nonholonomic constraints are feasible. Researchers have looked into efficient means for planning feasible trajectories and a number of solutions have been proposed. Optimal-trajectory problems and problems of path planning with obstacle avoidance have also been addressed. Motion planning methodologies can be loosely classified into three methods, namely, differential-geometric techniques, geometric phase based methods, and con- trol parameterization approaches. A variety of motion planning techniques are de- scribed in two books ([23] and [26]) and in a review article [18]. Most motion planning tools in differential-geometric techniques are based on Lie-algebra. Tools have been developed to generate motions in the directions of iterated Lie brackets that repre- sent directions that violate the instantaneous constraints. The idea of using piecewise constant inputs to generate motions in the directions of iterated Lie brackets has been proposed by Lafferiere [19] and Lafferiere and Sussmann [20]. Methods based on aver- aging theory has been developed by Gurvits and Li [12], Leonard and Krishnaprasad [21], and Sussmann and Liu [33]. The fundamental idea of motion planning using ge- ometric phase is that the change in some states or function of states, called geometric phase, depends on the geometry of the path. The appropriate path that produces the desired geometric phase can be usually solved as a function of path parameters. Examples of publications of the techniques using geometric phase include [6], [12] and [25]. Motion planning using parameterization of inputs are based on a finite dimen- sional family of functions. Steering the system using a family of sinusoids by Murray and Sastry [27] is an example of this method. The control problem of tracking is defined as the task of finding a feedback control law that asymptotically stabilizes the motion of the system about a reference trajec- tory. Solutions to this problem have been developed using classical nonlinear control approaches, as in [9, 15, 35, 30]. The other extensively studied control problem for nonholonomic systems is feedback stabilization. These problems are concerned with obtaining feedback laws, which guarantee asymptotic stability of the equilibrium of the closed loop system. It follows from Brockett’s necessary condition for feedback stabilization [7] that there exists no smooth pure state feedback that can asymp— totically stabilize a nonholonomic system. The stabilization problems are therefore inherently more difficult than the problem of tracking. In agreement with Brockett’s result, primarily two types of stabilizing controllers have been developed, namely, smooth time-varying controllers and non-smooth time-invariant controllers. Hybrid combinations of the two controllers have also been pr0posed. Explicit time-varying control laws for feedback stabilization of nonholonomic sys- tems was first proposed by Samson [31, 32]. General existence results can be found in [8] and explicit time periodic feedback laws can be found in [28]. The conver- gence properties of time-varying feedback has been studied by Gurvits and Li [12] and M’Closkey and Murray [24]. In general, the smooth time-varying controllers are known to have slow convergence rates and faster convergence can be achieved through the design of non-smooth controllers. Bloch [5] initiated the work on discontinuous controllers for nonholonomic system. Piecewise continuous stabilizing controllers with exponential convergence rates were subsequently developed by Canudas de Wit and Sordalen [10], and Khennouf and Canudas de Wit [17]. In a somewhat different strat- egy a non-smooth state transformation was used to design a smooth time-invariant controller in the transformed coordinates [1, 2]. The feedback law in the original coordinates for both cases is however discontinuous. Discontinuous controllers based on sliding modes have also been proposed by a number of researchers, [11, 4], but such controllers offen lead to chattering. In this thesis, we concentrate on the control of two nonholonomic systems, namely a two-wheeled mobile robot and the rolling sphere. We introduce a new design method for the feedback control of a two-wheeled mobile robot based on a nonlinear oscillator. Because the stiffness and damping can be functions of the robot states, nonlinear os- cillators offer more flexibility than undamped linear oscillators that have been widely used in time-varying control of nonholonomic systems. Our controller generates ”al- most smooth” [13] time-invariant control action that can asymptotically converge the robot from practically any posture to the desired posture. The only exception is an equilibrium manifold of measure zero (containing the desired posture) from where the robot cannot move. All points on this manifold (except the desired posture) are how- ever rendered unstable and therefore any posture arbitrarily close to, but not exactly on, the manifold can be asymptotically converged to the desired posture. This gap in the posture space is not a limitation of the controller. The control of the rolling sphere is inspired by the idea of the spherical robot. A spherical robot is conceived to have a spherical exoskeleton and an internal mechanism for self-propulsion. The robot will have a retractable camera that will be deployed and retracted through an orifice in the exoskeleton. Therefore, the motion of the sphere has to be controlled such that this point of deployment of the camera always appear on the top when the robot comes to rest. In this thesis, we design an open loop control strategy, one that borrows ideas from spherical trigonometry and is based on the concept of geometric phase. The basic idea is that when a sphere rolls along a path described by a spherical triangle on the surface of the sphere, the sphere undergoes a net displacement in the Cartesian coordinates with a pure rotation about the vertical axis. The amount of rotation and the direction and magnitude of displacement depend on the dimensions of the spherical triangle. In this thesis, the idea of the spherical triangle is later extended for motion of the sphere along any arbitrary closed curve on its surface. This thesis is organized as followed. The control strategy of the two-wheeled mo— bile robot is presented in chapter 2. After a brief motivation, the kinematic model of the mobile robot is presented, followed by the design of the closed loop controller. The convergence and stability of closed loop system trajectories are demonstrated next. Simulation results are then presented to demonstrate the capabilities of the controller. Chapter 3 presents an open loop control strategy for the rolling sphere. This chapter first provides some motivation and the fundamentals of spherical trigonometry. The expression for the amount of rotation of the sphere rolling along a spherical triangle, a two-sided curve are then derived. The kinematic model of the sphere, used in simu- lation, is presented next. Simulation results are presented at the end of the chapter to demonstrate the open loop control strategy. Chapter 4 provides concluding remarks and makes suggestion about the scope of future research. CHAPTER 2 Feedback Stabilization of a Two-Wheeled Mobile Robot 2. 1 Motivation During the past seven decades, the number of robots used in industries has grown enormously. Most of these robots are designed to be rooted to the ground where they perform their tasks. Because they are fixed, their workspace is limited to certain dis- tance from their location. Larger size robots are needed to handle larger workspaces. Mobile robots have the advantage of a large workspace compared to the size of the robot. Such robots are routinely used to transport parts between machining centers in automotive industries. If mobile robots can be made to be autonomous, and they have maneuvering capability, they can be used in remote areas such as in space ex- ploration. In order to have satisfactory performance, mobile robots need to possess intelligence, which is normally associated with their control and sensing systems. The mobile robot control problem belongs to the class of nonholonomic control systems since the rolling contact at its wheels results in non-integrable velocity con- straints. In this thesis, a new control strategy for the mobile robot is introduced. The controller, based on a nonlinear oscillator can generate almost-smooth [13] time- invariant control action that can asymtotically converge the mobile robot from prac- tically any posture to the desired posture. The only exception is an equilibrium manifold of measure zero (containing the desired posture) where the robot cannot move. However, all points on the manifold (except the desired posture) are ren- dered unstable and therefore any posture arbitrarily closed to the manifold can be asymptotically converged to the desired posture. The mathematical model of mobile robot and the state transformation are pre- sented in section 2.2. In section 2.3, we propose the control strategy and establish the stability and convergence properties of the closed loop system trajectories. Simula- tion results are presented in section 2.4 to demonstate the capability of the controller to converge the mobile robot to different desired postures. 2.2 Kinematic Model of Mobile Robot The kinematic of a two-wheeled mobile robot, shown in Figure (2.1), is given as :i: = cosQul (2.1a) y' = sin6u1 (2.1b) 0.: 11.2 (2.1C) where x and y denote the Cartesian coordinates of the robot and 6 denotes the orientation of the robot with respect to the positive :1: axis. The control inputs ul and uz are the linear and angular velocities of the robot, respectively. In reference to Figure 2.1, it is assumed that 1:, y and 6 denote the current config- uration of the robot. The desired configuration is assume to be zero. If they are not zero, a coordinate tranformation can be used to set them equal to zero. Now consider the following state and control transformation [31] of the kinematic equations given x————_— Figure 2.1. Diagram showing the state variables of the mobile robot by Equation (2.1) 561:6 3:2 = xeosO+ysin6 1173 = xsinH — ycos6 (2.2) v1 :u2 v2 2 ul — (:1: sinfi —— ycos 6)u2 It can be easily verified that the transformed kinematics takes the chained form [27] 1.71 2 ’U1 (2.33.) (I12 = ’02 (2.3b) i3 = 1:21)] (2.3c) The task of converging the mobile robot from its present coordinates to the desired coordinates is equivalent to the task of converging (1:1, :172, 173) to (0,0,0). 2.3 Almost-Smooth Time-Invariant Feedback Control Strategy 2.3.1 Transformation of variables For the purpose of controller design, we first transform the state and control variables of the robot model in Equation (2.3). By treating the variables $1 and 2:2 in Equa- tion (2.3) as Cartesian coordinates, we transform them into polar coordinates r and 1/2 as follows 271 2: roost/J (2.4) 172 = rsinz/J, r20 The inverse transformation from (r, '27)) —> (131,122) given by Equation (2.4) is defined everywhere. The forward transformation is undefined at the point ($1,232) 2 (0,0), where r = 0. At all other points, the forward transformation is defined as 7‘ = (/$¥+r§ (2 5) 21) = arctan(:1:2/:r1), r750 By differentiating Equation (2.4) and using Equation (2.3) we get I l v = :i: = rcost’; — TSlni/J it 1 1 . (2.6) v2 2 1'72 2 rsini/J + rcosww Substitution of Equations (2.4) and (2.6) into Equation (2.3c) results in a, = 7210‘. me + 7720,1010 (2.7) where 771 = 7‘ sin 1/2 cos d) 712 : —r2 sin2 l/J We transform 11:3 in Equation (2.3) into a new variable, which we denote by 6, using the relation 2 r 1 5 = 3:3 -/ 711d?” = (173 — ‘g'Sin’l/J COS 22>) : (333 — 55171132) (2-8) 0 Two important ideas behind the definition of [3 are that, first, 333 —> 0 when (r, [3) —> 0, and, second, 6 is a function only of if, not i. In the transformed coordinates, the kinematics of the robot takes the form 7' : U11 (2.93) a} = w2 (2.9b) [3 = ——(7‘2/2)w2 (2.9C) where Equation (2.9c) was obtained by differentiating Equation (2.8) and substituting Equation (2.7). The convergence of the mobile robot to its desired posture now refers to the convergence of r and [3 to zero. Indeed, from Equations (2.5) and (2.8), (m3) = (0.0) implies ($1,362,563) = (0.0.0)- 2.3.2 The feedback control strategy The feedback strategy for the kinematic model of Equation (2.9) is proposed as 2111 = ar(c72,82 —— r2) (2.10) 102 = ”#3 (2.11) where it is assumed that r(0) 7‘- 0 (2.12) 10 and where a, 7 and a are positive controller parameters, chosen according to the relation 7 > 2002 (2.13) The controls for the robot, 1.21 and 212 defined in Equation (2.3), are related to the control variables ml and 102 in Equation (2.9) by Equation (2.6). The control inputs for the asymptotic convergence of the states of the robot are therefore proposed as 7‘ a 02/32 - 7'2 cos 'i/) — 7/3 sin 11'; if r > 0 ,1 = { [ ( ) ] (2.14a) 0 if r = 0 Ta 02132—7“2 sin'tb+7[3cosi,/J ifr>0 v2 = { [ ( ) ] (2.14b) 0 if r = 0 The controller proposed in Equation (2.14) cannot stabilize the states of the system to the origin from points where r(0) = 0, or 171(0) = 172(0) 2 0. Nevertheless, system states arbitrarily close to, but not exactly on, the manifold of equilibria r = 0 can be asymptotically converged to the equilibrium state. This is explained in the next remark, and proved in section 2.3.3. Remark: The assumption in Equation (2.12) is reasonable since r(0) cannot be exactly equal to zero. For the system defined by Equations (2.9a) and (2.10), it is apparent that r = 0 is an unstable equilibrium point for )3 aé 0. Therefore, the assumption in Equation (2.12) ensures that the system trajectories do not remain stuck at this unstable equilibrium point. Remark: The controller in Equation (2.14) is (i) defined everywhere on R3, (ii) smooth on the open (and dense) subset R3\{r = 0} of R3, and (iii) continuous at r = 0. Therefore, 11 they are almost-smooth [13] functions of the states of the mobile robot. Other con- trollers [1, 2], using non-smooth transformations do not satisfy the third condition. The controller in Equation (2.14) is also time invariant, as seen from Equations (2.5) and (2.8). 2.3.3 Convergence and stability In this section, we establish that the mobile robot converges to its desired posture (231,352,123) 2 (0,0,0) from every posture satisfying Equation (2.12) for the control inputs defined by Equation (2.14). To this end, we establish that (136) —> (0,0) for the control inputs defined by Equations (2.10) and (2.11). We also show in this section that the desired posture (331,272, :53) = (0, 0,0) is stable. Theorem: (Asymptotic convergence to the desired posture) Under the control law given by Equation (2.10) and (2.11), the mobile robot described by Equation (2.9) will converge asymptotically from any initial posture satisfying r(0) 76 0, to the desired posture. Specifically (r, [3) -—> (0, 0) as t —> 00. Proof: Substituting Equation (2.10) and (2.11) into Equation (2.9), the dynamics of (73,3) are seen to be 7" = 07(0262 — 7‘2) (2.15a) 5 = —(%)r2[3 (2.15b) It is apparent from Equation (2.15a) that r = 0 represents a set of unstable equilibria for any fixed 6 75 0. Therefore, unless ('r, B) = (0,0), the robot can not practically 12 stay at r = 0. Let us therefore assume that r(0) ¢ 0 and show that (7‘, B) —> (0, 0) as t —> 00. Consider the state space X in (73 3) to be X = XOUX+, X0 = (0, 0), X+ : {(73 [3) : r > 0}. In this space, define the Lyapunov function V in the following way. Pick 0 Z 0 and let (0,0) be a point on the r axis in the (73013) half plane, as shown in figure 2.2. Draw a circle that is symmetric about the 7" axis and passes through (0, 0) and (c, 0). Let V be defined such that its level set V = c is the circle, 7'.e. V 2 V 2 . . (3) :07) ”“32 (2'16) Clearly, V _>_ 0 in X and V = 0 implies (736) = (0,0). Furthermore, if ||(73fl)|| ——> (0.0) Figure 2.2. Circle in the 7‘ — 0/3 plane defining the Lyapunov function V. 00, V —+ 00. Therefore, V is positive definite and radially unbounded. Note however that, when 7' = 0, V is only defined for 6 2 0 since Equation (2.16) becomes (V / 2)2 2 (V/2)2 + 02732. This is not a problem since V is defined in the set X. 13 Before we calculate the derivative of V, we rewrite Equation (2.16) in the following two forms 7'2 — 77V 2 —a2/32 (2.17a) 272 — TV 2 7‘2 — 0252 (2.17b) Differentiating Equation (2.17a) with respect to time, substituting Equations (2.15) and (2.17b), and rearranging terms yields TV 2 277'“ — 7"V + 202fiB 2 07(27‘2 — TV)(02fl2 — 7‘2) — 70272/32 :- —a(a2fi2 — 7‘2) — 70272132 (2-18) Hence 7V is negative definite in X and is equal to zero at (7‘, [3) = (0,0). Since V is positive definite and radially unbounded in X, and V is negative definite in X, we conclude that for all (7'(O),fi(0)) e X, V —+ 0 as t —+ 00. This implies that (nfi) —+ (0,0) as t —> 00. Remark: The above theorem establishes asymptotic convergence of the mobile robot to its desired posture (r,/3) = (0,0) or (2:1,:r2,:r3) = (0,0, 0). Even though V in Equation(2.18) is negative definite, it does not claim stability of the desired pos- ture because V was defined in the subset X,X = XOUX+, X0 = (0, 0), X+ = {(7, fl) : 7" > 0}, of the posture space. In the complete space of robot postures, we claim stability of the desired posture with the help of the corollary below. Corollary: (Stability of the desired posture) 14 Consider the dynamics of the mobile robot described by Equation (2.3) and (2.14). The robot posture ($1,172, 273) = (0, 0, 0) is a uniformly stable equilibrium point. Proof: Define the Lyapunov function candidate 1 .- . . .3 2 V’ = § (If + .175 + (173 — 1:12”) ) (2.19) Clearly V’ 2 0 and V’ = 0 implies (231,332,333) 2 (0,0,0). Therefore, V’ is globally positive definite. Using Equation (2.3c), (2.4), (2.8), (2.13) and (2.14), the derivative of V’ can be computed as . . O 1 ’2 ' . 1 . 2 C 7! 1! 1! t 1! V = 231:1:1 + 1721'2 + ($3 — ) (1:3 — -J:2 — —:I:1 : ($1721 + 17217-2) + -2-(:132'U1 - 1171112) 2 072 (02/3.2 — 7‘2) — (7/2) 72(32 (2.20) = —07 (T2 + (l — a2) [32) 2a 3 0 The uniform stability of (1:1,:L'2,:r3) = (0,0,0) follows from the negative semi- definiteness of V’ . Remark: The control strategy in this section uses the nonlinear oscillator in polar coordinates 7" = m“ (711V — 72) (2.21a) 2.17 = w (2.21b) 15 where W Z 0 is a function of the states of the robot. The oscillator frequency, denoted by if), is a variable that converges to zero. This is evident from Equation (2.21) and (2.11) and the fact that B converges to zero. As a result, the phase of the oscillator, 71), converges to some value, which is not of importance. 2.4 Simulation Results Simulation results are presented here to demonstrate the capability of the controller to converge the mobile robot from different initial configurations to the origin. The initial configuration of the robot are given in table 2.1 and simulation results are shown in figures 2.3 -2.7. Controller parameters for each simulation are given in table 2.2. Of particular interest is Case B, where 7(0) 2 0. This violates the assumption in equation (2.12). This problem is remedied by assuming the initial orientation to be 0.01 degrees instead of exactly zero. Table 2.1. Initial configuration of mobile robot a: y 0 Case A 1 1 0 Case B 0 l 0 Case C 0 1 180 Case D -1 0 180 Case E 2 2 0,90,180,-90 16 Table 2.2. Controller parameter used in simulations of mobile robot a 7 a Case A 0.02 1 1 Case B (a) 0.02 1 3.8 Case B (b) 0.02 1 11 Case C 0.02 1 1 Case D 0.02 1 8 Case E 0.02 1 1 0.5 - / -—0.5 '- X Figure 2.3. Trajectory of the mobile robot for Case A. 17 Fig!“ Dinah 0.5 - - —0.5 ~ ~ _1 u— -4 _15 1 1 1 L 1 —1.5 -1 ~05 0 0.5 1 1.5 X (a) 15 I I I I I 1 *- _, 0.5 ~ « > O 7- .1 -0.5 _ d -1 - .1 _15 1 1 1 r 1 -1.5 -1 -05 O 05 1 1 5 Figure 2.4. Trajectories of the mobile robot for Case B with different set of control parameter. 18 15 I f u r I 12 a 05*- a > 0>- a —0.5* .. -17. . —1.5 ‘ 1 1 1 l —1.5 —1 -05 0 05 1 15 Figure 2.5. Trajectory of the mobile robot for Case C. 15 1 , T r . 1- 4 05~ - -05» a -1~ 1 -15 1 1 1 1 1 -1.5 -1 -05 0 05 1 15 Figure 2.6. Trajectory of the mobile robot for Case D. 19 A; (a) (b) (C) (0) Figure 2.7. Trajectory of the mobile robot for Case E. 20 CHAPTER 3 Open-Loop Control of The Rolling Sphere 3.1 Motivation This chapter is motivated by the idea of the spherical robot. The spherical robot has been conceived as a mobile robot with a spherical exoskeleton and an internal mechanism for self-propulsion. It will also have retractable manipulators and/or limbs that can be deployed through ports in the exoskeleton after the robot comes to rest and can be retracted before the robot resumes its motion. It will also have a retractable camera that can be deployed and turned to record an image around the robot. With its unique structure, this robot will have a number of advantages over conventional mobile robots and have a wide range of applications. For example, with a fire-resistant exoskeleton, the robot can be useful in fire—fighting and rescue missions. It can be used for inspection in hazardous environments, such as in chemical factories and nuclear power plants. In every application, the superlative locomotion capabilities of the robot will be an added advantage. The spherical exoskeleton will provide the robot with the maximum stability. It will be able to move over rough terrain with relative ease. This robot will be an ideal candidate for space exploration. 21 It can also find significant military applications. In addition to reconnaissance, it can be used for terrorist countermeasures or as a robotic soldier in the line of fire. In this thesis, an open-loop controller is presented for the spherical robot. We will focus on the robot with a retractable camera, which, to be effective, must be deployed from the top. Given an arbitrary point on the sphere, the basic idea behind the open-loop strategy is to design a trajectory such that the point comes to the top of the sphere when the sphere is commanded to a certain coordinate on the x-y plane. Our open loop control strategy is based on the concept of geometric phase applied to spherical triangular paths on the surface of the sphere. Later, the trajectories will be generalized to arbitrary closed curves from triangular paths. 3.2 Review of Spherical Trigonometry When a plane intersects with a sphere, it produces a circle. If the intersecting plane passes through the center of the sphere, the circle is called a great circle. Any angle on the sphere formed by two intersecting arcs of great circles is called a spherical angle. . The portion of the sphere bounded by the arcs of three great circles is called a spherical triangle. Three bounding arcs are called the sides and three vertices of each spherical angle are the vertices of the spherical triangle. We shall designate the vertices by RC), R, spherical angles by A, B, C and the corresponding opposite sides by a, b, c respectively. Each angle of the spherical triangle is measured by the dihedral angles made by the plane defining its sides. The spherical triangle is shown in figure 3.1. In general, we shall consider only those spherical triangles of which each side and angle is less than 7r. The important relations between the sides and angles of the spherical triangle are 1. The sum of the angles of a spherical triangle is greater than 180° and less than 540°; that is, 180° < A + B + C < 540°. 22 Figure 3.1. A spherical triangle 2. If two angles of a spherical triangle are equal, the Opposite sides are equal; and conversely. 3. If two angles of a spherical triangle are unequal, the opposite sides are unequal, and the greater side lies opposite the greater angle; and conversely. 4. The sum of any two sides of a spherical triangle is greater than the third side. Some basic formulas that relate sides and angles of a spherical triangle are Law of Sines: In any spherical triangle ABC, sin a sin b sin c = .— 3.1 sin A sin B sin C ( ) Law of cosines for sides: In any spherical triangle ABC, cos a = cos bcos c + sin b sin ccos A cosb = cosccosa + sin csinacosB (3.2) cos c = cosacosb + sin asinbcos C 23 Law of cosines for angles: In any spherical triangle ABC, cos A = — cosBcosC + sinBsinCcosa cos B = — cos C cos A + sin C sin A cos b (3.3) cos C : — cos A cos B + sin A sin B cos 6 Some useful relations that can be derived from the law of cosines of sides, are sinacosB = sinccosb — sinbcosccosA sin bcos C = sin acos c — sin ccos a cos B (3.4) sinccosA = sinbcosa — sinacosbcosC sinAcosb = sinCcosB +sinBcochosa sin B cos c = sin A cos C + sin CcosA cos b (3.5) sinCcosa = sinBcosA + sin A cosBcosc sinacosC = sinbcosc — sinccosbcosA sinbcosA = sinccosa — sin acosccosB (3.6) sinccosB = sinacosb — sinbcosacosC sinAcosc : sinBcosC + sinCcosBcosa. sin B cos a = sin C cos A + sin A cos C cos b (3.7) sinCcosb = sinAcosB +sinBcosAcosc 24 The (191 em: sm Ilw angles 1 Gix The derivation of these formulas can be found in most books on spherical trigonom- etry, such as [3, 16, 34]. The area of a spherical triangle is proportional to the excess of the sum of its three angles over the sum of two right angles, or Area of Spherical Triangle ABC 2 (A + B + C — 7r)r2 2 E7“2 (3.8) where E = (A + B + C — 7r) is the spherical excess and r is the radius of the sphere. In general, if any three of the sides and angles a, b, c, A, B, C are given, the remaining three can be found. In this thesis, we will consider solving the spherical triangle with the knowledge of two sides (a, b) and the included angle (C). Deriving from Napier’s analogies [16], the formulas for solving the spherical triangle are cos%(A—B) : tan%(a+b) (3 9) cos %(A + B) tan éc ' sin %(a -— b) = tan £15041 -— B) (3.10) sm §(a + b) cot 5C cos%(a—b) = tan%(A+B) (311) cos %(a + b) cot 5C ' Given two sides and the included angle, a spherical triangle is uniquely determined. The sum and the difference of the other two angles can be found using formulas (3.10) and (3.11). Then the two angles can be found from the sum and the difference. The third side can be found from formula (3.9). In other words, given a, b and C, the other two angles A, B and the third side c can be obtained from the sequence of equations sinl(a—b) A—B =2 t 2 ( ) arc an(sin %(a + b) tan éC) cos%(a—b) (A + B) = 2 arctan( ) cos %(a + b) tan 5C 25 (A — B) + (.4 + B) 2 (.4 + B) — B tan %(a + b) cos %(A + B) cos %(A — B) A = (3.12) B ) c = 2 arctan( 3.3 Sphere rolling along the spherical triangle In this section, basic trigonometric identities and coordinate transformations are used to compute the final location and orientation of a sphere resulting from following a path specified by its own spherical triangle. Since a spherical triangle is a closed path on the surface of the sphere, the point of contact with the ground after rolling is the same point as the one before rolling. It implies that the sphere will undergo some amount of rotation about the vertical axis passing through this point of contact and the center of the sphere. Although the spherical triangle is a closed path on the sphere, it does not generate a closed path on the ground. Our goal is to find the final location, and the rotation of the sphere in terms of the dimensions of the spherical triangle. This will enable us to plan the open-loop control strategy for the spherical robot, using the concept of geometric phase. Let us suppose that the center of the sphere in figure 3.2 is at the origin (point 1) of the :ryz coordinate frame in figure 3.3. Also suppose that the point Q on the sphere (figure 3.2) is at the bottom of the sphere. To roll along the spherical triangle PQR in figure 3.2, the sphere is first rolled by the distance of a in the negative y direction. This brings the sphere to position 2 in figure 3.3 and the point B in figure 3.2 is now at the bottom of the sphere. The sphere is then rolled by the distance of b in the direction angled C from the previous direction. This brings the sphere to point 3 in figure 3.3. Finally, the sphere is rolled by the distance of c in the direction angled A from the previous direction. This bring the sphere to point 4 in figure 3.3. The final 26 Figure 3.2. The spherical triangle that specify the path in figure 3.3 71y ‘ > «b d 2 4 ‘4/ c a A 3 2C b Figure 3.3. Motion of the sphere defined by the spherical triangle in figure 3.2 27 pOSlllUli o. The! 0111/2. and 0 ('1 figure 3 Tim 1 1' (our position of the sphere in the x-y plane is represented by the distance d and the angle (b. The distance d is measured from the starting position, or, in our case, the origin of xyz. The angle (15 is measured clockwise from the first direction of rolling. Both d and gb can be found in terms of the sides and angles of the spherical triangle PQR in figure 3.3, using basic trigonometry. Following the path in figure 3.3, we get dx : bsinC — csin(A + C) (1,, = a — bcosC + ccos(A + C) Therefore, d2 = a2 + b2 + C2 + 2ac cos(A + C) —- 2abcosC — 2abcos A (3.13) bsinC - csin(A + C) (b are an (a—bcosC+ccos(A+C)) (3 ) Now, consider amount of rotation of the sphere. Since rolling along the spherical triangle is equivalent to a pure rotation about the vertical axis, the rotation matrix R, which relate the original coordinate and final coordinate of the sphere, is expected to be in the form of l -, ' ' 1 i . ‘ ' . ' ' . ' z z cosa sma 0 z 3’ : R j = — sin (1 cos a 0 3‘ (3.15) 12' is 0 0 1 is l. _l L. .l .. 4 - .1 - .l where a is the amount of rotation, i, 3“,]; are unit vectors along the fixed reference system, and i’, j’,l}’ are unit vectors along the sphere fixed coordinate system. At the initial time i’, j’, ic’ coincide with i, j, I}, respectively. We use vector rotation to calculate the rotation matrix R. Recall that each row of matrix R is the rotated coordinate represented in the original coordinate system. For example, the first row 28 AAA of matrix R is the i” coordinate represented in the original coordinate system ijk. Hence, we can use vector rotation to find each individual 3,3" or 12' in terms of f, j and I} and, then, determine the entries of the rotation matrix R. From vector analysis, rotation of a vector 7 about a vector 1 by an angle of 07 results in the vector 7’, defined by [14] 7’: (1 —cosa)(l-7)l+cosa-7+sina(l X7) (3.16) For convenience, we assume the sphere to have unit radius. The results can however be extended to a sphere of radius other than unity. We have assumed that the sphere-fixed coordinates described by the unit vectors 5’, j’, 12’ are initially coincides with the reference coordinates 5,5,1}. Therefore, rolling of the sphere along side a of the spherical triangle, or from point 1 to point 2, in figure 3.3, on the ground is equal to a rotation of the sphere fixed axis about 2' by the angle of a. Rolling from point 2 to point 3 on the ground, as seen in Figure 3.3, is equal to a rotation about the axis [cos Ci — sin C j] by the angle of —b. Finally, rolling from point 3 to point 4 is equal to the rotation about the axis [cos(A + C)i — sin(A + C) j] by the angle of c. The calculation of vector rotation is done using Mathematica. The code is shown in Appendix A. Using spherical triangle identities (Appendix B) to simplify the results from Mathematica, the rotation matrix becomes (Appendix C) r- - —cos(A+B+C) sin(A+B+C) 0 R: ——sin(A+B+C) —cos(A+B+C) 0 (3-17) 0 0 1 n d 29 01‘ cos(7r—(A+B+C)) sin(7r—(A+B+C)) O R: —-sin(7r—(A+B+C)) cos(7r—(A+B+C)) 0 (3-18) 0 0 1 d Comparing the matrix R in equations (3.15) and (3.18), the amount of rotation of the sphere about the vertical axis is determined to be a=7r—(A+B+C) (3.19) From equation (3.8), we can now say that by following the spherical triangle path in figure 3.3, the coordinate of the sphere rotates about 2 axis by an angle equal to negative of the area of the spherical triangle, assuming that the radius of the sphere is unity. a = 7r — (A + B + C) = — (Area of the Spherical Triangle) (3.20) If we consider a sphere of radius 7, 7 7é 1, the analysis presented above changes marginally. When the sphere of radius 7 rolls from point 1 to point 2 on the ground, the coordinates of the sphere rotate about the 2' axis by the angle (a/r). Rolling from point 2 to point 3 is equal to a rotation of the coordinates about the axis [cos Ci — sin C j] by the angle (—b/7). Rolling from point 3 to point 4 is equivalent to rotation of the coordinates about the axis [cos(A + C )i — sin(A + C) j] by an angle (c/7). In summary, for a sphere of radius 7, the set of angles used in our analysis of coordinate rotation (Appendix A and C) is changed from a, b, c, A, B, C to (a/7), (b/7), (c/ 7), A, B, C, respectively. Note that angles A, B and C are not changed and the spherical triangle identities in Appendix B still hold good. Since A, B and C are unchanged, the only change in Appendix C is affected by replacing a, b and c with ((1/7), (b/7) and (c/r), respectively. At the end, the rotation matrix resulting from simplification is the same as the matrix in equation (3.17) since it depends only 30 on A, B and C. The amount of rotation can still be expressed as in equation (3.19). However, by comparing with the area of the spherical triangle in equation (3.8), we can state that for a sphere of radius 7, the rotation about the z axis is equal to (3.21) a : 7r _ (A + B + C) = _ ( Area of the Spherical Triangle) 7‘2 One may question the amount of rotation if the sphere were to roll to the right instead of rolling to the left, as the path in figure 3.4. Considering figures 3.3 and XV Figure 3.4. Path generated by the spherical triangle similar to the one in figure 3.3 but with opposite direction. 3.4, it is not hard to see that the analysis of the path in figure 3.4 is similar to the one in figure 3.3 except that the spherical angles are negative of each other. In other words, we have to use —A, —B and —C as the spherical angles in the rotation matrix 31 for the path in figure 3.4. The rotation matrix R in equation (3.17) would become )- -I — cos(—A — B — C) sin(—A — B — C) 0 R = — SiII(—A — B — C) — cos(—A — B — C) 0 (3-22) 0 0 1 h- d 01' n [ cos((A+B+C)—7r) sin((A+B+C)—7r) 0 R: —sin((A+B+C)—7r) cos((A+B+C)—7r) 0 (3.23) 0 0 1 I- For the path in figure 3.4, the rotation of the sphere is equal to the area of the spherical triangle divided by square of the radius, or Area of the Spherical Triangle a=A+B+C—W= QM) 7-2 The path in figure 3.4 will be refered to as a right-handed path, since, to an observer within the sphere, the sphere always turns to the right. The path in figure 3.3 is a left-handed path. In summary, when a sphere rolls along the path specified by its own spherical triangle, the final location of the sphere can be calculated from equation (3.13) and (3.14). If the path is right-handed, the amount of rotation of the sphere about the vertical axis is equal to the area of the spherical triangle divided by the square of the radius of the sphere. If the path is left-handed, the amount of rotation is negative of the area of spherical triangle divided by the square of the radius of the sphere. 32 3.4 Sphere rolling along lune In this section, we consider the effect of rotation of the sphere along a closed path given by the two sides of a lune. A lune [34], as shown in figure 3.5, is the portion of the surface of a sphere, which is comprised between two great circles. Two sides of a E Figure 3.5. The Lune lune make a closed path on the surface of a sphere. Both sides have equal length of 77. Both angles ,which are formed by the two great circles, are equal. The area of a lune is proportional to its angle and is given as Area of a Lune = 2A72 (3.25) where A is the angle of the lune. The cartesian path generated by a sphere rolling along a lune is shown in figure 3.6. First the sphere rolls by the distance of 77. Then it changes the direction by the angle of A and rolls for the distance of 77. The coordinate of the sphere at position 2 in figure 3.6 can be found easily. Assume that the coordinates of the sphere at location 1, 51 jlfcl, coincide with the reference 33 coordina cwrdina 10 11111: l'fi‘f‘to coordinate, zjk. Since the coordinates rotate by an angle 7r about the :2: axis, the coordinates of the sphere at point 2 in figure 3.6 are K; N H l E.) || | K) To find the coordinates of the sphere at final position (3 in figure 3.6) we again use A y l N. x 3 a nr" \ A m 2 Figure 3.6. Cartesian path given by the Lune in figure 3.5 vector rotation in equation (3.16). The axis of rotation is l = — cos A? + sin Aj (3.26) 34 Therefore, i3 = cos(2A)i — sin(2A)j jg = sin(2A)i + cos(2A)j (3.27) > - I} ' 3 The relation between the coordinates i3j3k3 and ijk can be written in matrix form as 33 = R 3“ (3.28) _ ’“J . l l .’“ l where the rotation matrix [ . , ' r . - cos 2A -sm 2A 0 cos(-—2A) s1n(—2A) 0 R = sin 2A cos 2A 0 = —sin(—2A) cos(—2A) 0 (329) _ 0 0 1 J . 0 0 1 ] Comparing equations (3.15) and (3.25), the amount of rotation of the sphere is given bv I/ (3.30) a ___ _2‘4 :. _ (Area of a lune) 7.2 Note that this amount of rotation is derived from the left-handed path in figure 3.6. Similar to the spherical triangle, if the path is right-handed, the amount of rotation about the vertical axis is equal to the area of the lune divided by the square of radius. For a right-handed path, we have 0:2442Area ofalune (3.31) 7‘2 35 3.5 Sphere rolling along an arbitrary closed path The results of section 3.3 indicate that when a sphere of unit radius rolls along a spherical triangle, the net rotation of the sphere is equal to the area of the spherical triangle. The direction of rotation is positive for a right—handed path and negative for a left-handed path. The result for a two-sided curve in section 3.4 is similar, the amount of rotation is equal to the surface area enclosed by the two sided curve. In this section, we attempt to generalize this result to arbitrary closed paths on the sphere. First consider the simple spherical polygon in figure 3.7. This polygon 12345 can be divided into three spherical triangles by the arcs 13 and 14. The final orientation Figure 3.7. Arbitrary Spherical Polygon of the sphere rolling along the path 123451 is the same as rolling along the path 1231341451 since paths 313 and 414 do not change the orientation of the sphere. Path 1231341451 is composed of three spherical triangular paths. When following each spherical triangle, the sphere rotates by an amount equal to the area of that spherical triangle. All rotations are positive since the spherical triangles are right— 36 ha [0 handed according to the definition in section 3.3. Clearly, the effect of the sphere rolling along the spherical polygon is a rotation by an amount equal to the surface area of the spherical polygon. If the path is right-handed, the rotation is positive and if it is left-handed, the rotation is negative. Figure 3.8. Arbitrary closed path that crosses itself Now, consider the path in figure 3.8 that crosses itself. We can represent such paths by two consecutive spherical triangular paths. First, the sphere rolls along the spherical triangle path 1231 and then path 1341. The right-handed path 1231 results in the rotation of the sphere by an amount equal to the sum of area 11 and III. The left-handed path 1341 cause the sphere to rotate by an amount equal to the sum of area I + III in the negative direction. Thus, the sphere rolling along either path 12341 or 1231341 has the amount of rotation equal to the difference of areas II and I. For an arbitrary path that crosses itself, the surface area bounded by the path can be divided into two areas at the cross point. The amount of rotation of the sphere rolling along the arbitrary path equals the difference of the two areas. The direction of rotation depends on the direction of the path. If the area is bounded by 37 the right-handed path is larger than the one which is left-handed, the total rotation is positive. If area bounded by left-handed path is larger, the net rotation is negative. Any closed curve on the surface of a sphere can be always represented by an n- sided polygon, where n is a large number. Therefore, it can be deduced that the amount of rotation of the sphere after rolling along any closed curve is equal to the surface area enclosed by the curve on the sphere. 3.6 Kinematic Model of Sphere In view of the specific control problem we have defined for the sphere, namely control of the sphere to a certain :r-y coordinate such that a certain point on the surface of the sphere appears on the top, we propose the kinematic model in terms of four state variables. Two of these states include the two angles (0 and a) that represent a certain point (p) on the surface of the sphere. The other two states denote the coordinates of the center of the sphere (2:0 and yo). The variables are shown in figure 3.9. The angle a is measured from the :1: axis on the 7-3; plane as shown in figure 3.9(a) and 0 is measured from the vertical axis in the :r’-z plane as shown in figure 3.9(b). The two control inputs are the angular velocities in .7: and y direction, namely (w, and toy). The kinematic equations for .70 and yo are :ito 2 may (3.32) y'o : ~7w$ (3.33) where 7 is the radius of the sphere. The derivative of 6’ with respect to time is the angular velocity in the y’ direction. Therefore, we have 9 = —wx sin oz + wy cos a (3.34) 38 //7//////// (b) Figure 3.9. Figure defining the state variables of a sphere 39 The differential equation for 07 can be found from the velocity of point p, namely (i = — cot 6w; 2 — cot 9(a); cos a + my sin a) (3.35) The kinematic equation for a in equation (3.35) has the problem of singularity at 6 = 0. This is unavoidable since 07 is undefined at 6 = 0. However, with equation (3.35), the range of a is not limited within —7r to 7r. Therefore, to find a, we track point p and, from relative position of point p with the center of the sphere, we compute 0. Consider figure 3.9(b), since velocity of point q is zero, the velocity of point p can be written in vector form as _o v. = x a. where (13 is the angular velocity of the sphere L3 = taxi + wyj and RPM is the position vector from point q to point 1) RPM = (7 sin 0 cos (1)2 + (7 sin 0 sin a)j + 7(1+ cos 0)k (3.36) Thus, VP 2 wy7(1+ cos 0)i — wx7(1+ cos 9)j + ((1217 sin 03in a — wyr sin 0 cos a) k (3.37) Therefore, the velocity of point p in m and y directions are 17,, = wy7(1 + cos 9) (3.38) 7],, = —wx7(1 + cos 6) (3.39) 40 At any instant of time, the angle a can be found from the relation 07 = arctan (M) (3.40) 3.7 Formulation of Open Loop strategy In this section, we formulate an open loop control strategy that can lead the sphere to the desired final position and orientation. This contributes positioning the sphere at the origin of the 57-3) coordinate, in figure 3.10, and locating point P at the top of Y A) 5 —- / I” \‘\\ \ ”—-/“ \\ l’ ’ x \ 4 I, I \ \ / I \\ P(2)\ I, I, \ l’fl \‘ 7 [ P(6) ‘ ” l a l r x ‘7 I P(3) 2,6 I ' ‘ 3 i I’ \\ \\ I I, \ \\ [I I, \ \\‘ ” ——-‘ \\ :/--’ ” “\ I I \\ ’ \ ’ \ l 1 ] I \ 1 ,’ \ I \ I \ / \ I \ / \ x \ / \\ I Figure 3.10. Open loop control strategy of spherical robot the sphere. It can also include an arbitrary orientation of the sphere with point P on 41 the top. At the initial configuration of the sphere, shown by point 1 in figure 3.10, point P is arbitrary located on the sphere, P( 1). The control strategy consists of three main steps. First, the sphere rolls from the initial configuration to the origin of the 7—31 coordinate frame, denoted by the straight line path from point 1 to point 2 in figure 3.10. Point P is then located at a position other than the top of the sphere, P(2). Second, the sphere rolls away from origin 33-31 in order to move point P to the top. This is shown by the straight line trajectory from point 2 to point 3. Finally, a spherical triangle is used to transfer the sphere to the desired location, point 6, while providing the proper amount of rotation. At this location, point P is on the top and center of the sphere is back at the origin of 23-3; frame. The first two processes are trivial to implement. Therefore, in this section, we concentrate only on the third step which is the motion along the spherical triangle. The task is to find a spherical triangle that can lead the sphere from stage 3 to stage 6, in figure 3.10, and give the desired amount of rotation to the sphere. We know from section 3.3 that when the sphere roll along the spherical triangle PQR, in figure 3.2, the final position and orientation of the sphere are given by three variables (1, (b and a. Distance (1 and angle (b represent the final position of the sphere and can be found by solving equations d2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2accos(A + C) — 2abcosC — 2abcosA (3.41) bsinC—csin(A+C) = . t 3.42 (b arc an (a-bcosC+cos(A+C)) ( ) Distance d is measured from the initial position and, with our control strategy, is limited to the maximum value of 7r for unit radius sphere. d) is measured from the direction in which the sphere begin to roll. The amount of rotation about the vertical axis a can be found by equation (3.21) or (3.24) depending on the direction of rolling. In our simulation, for convenience, we 42 will assume the sphere to have unit radius. Therefore, the amount of rotation of the sphere rolling along the spherical triangle ABC is a = i(A + B + C — 77) = iArea of the spherical triangle (3.43) The rotation is positive for the right-handed path and negative for left-handed path. Our task is to find the spherical triangular path that results in the desired final position and orientation of the sphere. In other words, given the value of d, qb and 07, we need to find sides a and b and angle C of the spherical triangle that satisfy equations (3.41)-(3.43). Along with these equations, the set of equations (3.12) in section 3.2 are also used to find the other three remaining angles A, B and side 0 of the spherical triangle. To get an idea of achievable values of (1, ¢ and a, we compute them by inputting value of a, b and C within their range, 0 to 180°, into equations (3.12) and (3.41)—(3.43). Figure 3.11 show the possible value of d and a. If the desired value of d and a lie outside the dark band, we are not able to find a spherical triangle that satisfy those desired value. A set of spherical triangles will then be needed to satisfy the desired value of d and a. The d and gb plot and the 07 and (b plot are shown in figures 3.12 and 3.13, respectively. Recall that 9b is measured from the direction the sphere begins to roll and we have the freedom to choose this direction, denoted by 7/) in figure 3.14. The desired value of (b can then lie outside the band in figures 3.12 and 3.13 since it can be corrected by changing the direction the sphere start to roll. The set of equations:, (3.12) and (3.41)-(3.43), are nonlinear and difficult to solve for a closed form solution of a, b and C in terms of d, (b and (1. Therefore, we use numerical methods to solve for a, b and C when the desired value of d, qb and a are given. The F ortran programs are given in Appendix D. In the simulations, the magnitude of the angular velocity of the sphere is set 43 400 1 , , , , T 350 250 alpha (600) N 8 150 Figure 3.11. Possible values of d and a for one spherical triangle Phi (090) Figure 3.12. Possible values of d and (,b for one spherical triangle 44 803 in 400 350 200 250 alpha 150 Figure 3.13. Possible values of a and d) for one spherical triangle Figure 3.14. System variables used in simulation 45 to 0.1 rad/sec. We present simulation results of three cases with different desired configurations. The configurations of the sphere for these simulations are shown in table 3.1. Table 3.1. Numerical values used in simulations 1, 2 and 3 for open loop control of the sphere rolling along spherical triangles. Parameter Simulation 1 Simulation 2 Simulation 3 yd 0.5 -1.5 0.5 ad —45° 90° 50° dd 0.51 1.8 0.7071 aid 78.69° —56.3099° 45° ()6 100° 80° 90° 2,”; —21.31° 23.6901° 135° a 1.81022 1.8618 2.27049 b 2.30807 1.19845 2.93917 C 30.1449° 95.4131° 26.1455° Direction left-handed right-handed right-handed In the first simulation, the desired location is set at .1") = 0.1, yd = 0.51 and ad = —45 degree. This desired location is equivalent to the desired value of d = 0.5, a) = 78.69° and a = —45°. From figure 3.11, the desired location lie inside the band. Thus, we can use one spherical triangle to accomplish the task. However, from figure 3.12 and 3.13, the desired location lies outside the dark band. We then used the value d) of 100° to solve for the spherical triangle. This modification in (15 can be corrected by using 7/2 = 78.69° — 100° = —21.31°. Since the desired amount of rotation (a) is negative we use a left-handed path. Two sides and the included angle of the spherical triangle were numerically solved and were found to be a = 1.81022, b = 2.30807 and C = 30.1449°. The trajectory of the sphere is shown in figure 3.15 and the system variables are shown in figures 3.16 and 3.17. In figure 3.16, all variables reach their desired values as expected. Figure 3.17 shows that the point on the top of the sphere 46 comes back to the top after rolling along the spherical triangle path. -1»- -2— Figure 3.15. Trajectory of the sphere in simulation 1. In the second simulation, the desired configuration is chosen as 23,) = 1, yd = —1.5 and ad 2 90° or, equivalently, d = 1.8, gb = ——56.3099° and a = 90°. The spherical triangle is computed by setting ()6 = 80°. Therefore, the start direction is if) = 23.6901°. Two sides and the included angle of the spherical triangle are computed to be a = 1.8618, b = 1.19845 and C = 95.4131°. The trajectory is shown in figure 3.18. Figures 3.19 and 3.20 show that all system variables converge to their desired value. The path is right-handed since the desired amount of rotation is positive. In the third simulation, the desired configuration is set at $4 = 0.5, yd = 0.5 and ad 2 50° or, equivalently, d = 0.7071, 9b = 45° and a = 50°. The spherical triangle is computed by setting ()5 = 90°. Therefore, the start direction, 21) is set at 135°. The three computed parameters of the spherical triangle are a = 2.27049, b = 2.93917 and 47 2 r l I r r r r f I 15" " U ‘1- -1 0.5" .. o l l I l I l L L l 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 100 r I r r r r I r r 50" ., E Q 0" .. -50 l l i l L l l l l time 150 I I I I I I I I I 100» - a '6 '5 50" ‘1 o l l I l l l 1 l 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 4O 45 50 A3 I I I T I T r I I 8 ’ A ‘ \ .C / ‘ §2L ’z’ ’ \‘\\ " K I] \ \ X. , \ 551*- III ‘\\ .. K / \ ‘ ‘ o l L 1 L L l l 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 3 Z 4 GD 0 E g- -1 £5 ‘5 -1 GD ‘5'. _2 1 L 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 O 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 4O 45 50 Figure 3.17. Variables 6, :73, slip, y, 3),, from simulation 1 for Open loop control of sphere. 48 >. o»- 1 -1 — - -2 F .. -3 1 1 1 1 1 -3 -2 —1 0 1 2 3 Figure 3.18. Trajectory of the sphere in simulation 2. 3 l I I I I I I I I 2 r — - O 1 *' _ 0 l l l l l I l I l 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 50 I r T r r r I r 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 200 I I I I I I r I I 1m >- q a 5 o r a _1 w '- u ~200 l l 1 l l l l l l 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Figure 3.19. Variables d, d) and a from simulation 2 for open loop control of sphere. 49 theta ‘50 I I r I I I I I I 100~ 1 507 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 5 1O 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 4 r r r 1 r v r T r 6‘ 2 e3" ——————— \~ ‘ E ,/” \‘\ 92’- // ‘\ " .6: ”/ \\\ 61v ,” 2 m I ‘5? z’ o I 1 l l l l l l l O 5 1O 15 20 25 30 35 4O 45 50 2 I I I T I I 7 I I .1 fl .1 y(soud).yp(dashed) -2)- p- p- h- -3 l 1 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 Figure 3.21. Trajectory of the sphere in simulation 3. 50 3 I I I I I 2 ’- .. ‘D 1 ’- _ o 1 1 l l 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 150 1 I I T I 100 ~ '1 E Q 50 - " 0 l 1 l l l 0 1O 20 30 40 50 60 150 r r r I r 100'" '4 S 0 E. 507 T o 1 1 1 I 1 0 10 20 30 4O 50 60 2 I I I I I,\ E /’ ‘x (n 1’ .8 0"\‘ ’x " a K“ (II x. ”~\‘ ”’ §-2— ‘ ~~~~~~~~ " . ‘6 ‘D Y -4 l I l l l 0 10 20 30 4O 50 60 A3 I I I I I U 0 5 ..-_ ‘02- z’ ‘‘‘‘‘ '1 3 ’7 ~~-‘ & ’/’ ‘\‘ §1_ // \\\‘ -1 25 / ~L‘ In I ‘S ,’ o l I l l l 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Figure 3.23. Variables 6,113,:rp,y,yp from simulation 3 for open loop control of sphere. 51 C = 26.1455°. The trajectory is shown in figure 3.21. Figures 3.22 and 3.23 show the plot of all variables with respect to time. Figure 3.22 shows that all variables converge to their desired value. Figure 3.23 shows that point p converges to the top of the sphere. The path is right-handed since the desired amount of rotation is positive. 3.8 Additional simulations supporting open-loop control strategy In the open loop strategy, we used spherical triangles to plan the trajectory. However, any closed path on the sphere can be used to achieve the same task. While we have proved in section 3.5 that the amount of rotation of the sphere rolling along any closed curve equals to the surface area on the sphere bounded by the closed curve, we present additional simulations to support this claim. We show that the amount of rotation of the sphere rolling along any closed curve on its surface equals to the surface area bounded by the closed curve, To this end, we characterize an arbitrary closed curve by the relation of two angle, aa(t) and 90(t) in figure 3.24 where 0.10) = 6.1m 1344) where t f is the final time. To find the angular velocity that drives the sphere along the given closed curve, we first assume that there is a pendulum attach at the center of the sphere and always hanging downward. When the sphere rolls along the closed curve, the end of this pendulum tracks the closed curve. From an observer inside the sphere, an angular velocity is needed for the pendulum to track the closed curve. This angular velocity 52 Figure 3.24. Parameters of closed curve can be written as (Iipend/sphere = —éa sin aai’ + 00 cos aaj’ + dalt’ (3.45) In the expression above,'we use primed coordinates since these coordinates are ro- tating with the sphere and not fixed inertially. For the sphere to roll such that the pendulum stays hanging down, the angular velocity of the sphere must be negative of that of the pendulum. Qaphere : _wpend/sphere : 9a Sin 001’ _ 0a COS aaj’ _ dak, (346) However, the input angular velocity of the sphere should be based on the reference coordinate system ijic. This coordinate system is different from the coordinate i’j’ic’ since when the sphere rolls, the coordinate i’j’l’t’ rotates with the sphere. We transform the angular velocity in equation (3.46) into the coordinate system ijl} in the following manner. We keep track of coordinates It’, with angles 07 and 9, and i’, with angles a2 53 and 62. Thus, A k' = sin6cos of + sin6sinaj + cos 6i: (3.47a) i' = sin 62 cos 02% + sin 62 sin Ofgj + cos 62]} (3.47b) j’ = ic' x i’ 2 (sin 6 sin a cos 62 — sin 62 sin 02 cos 6)i + (sin 62 cos (12 cos 6 — sin 6 cos (1 cos 62)j A + (sin 6 cos ()1 sin 6;; sin a2 — sin 62 cos 012 sin 6 sin a)k (3.47c) From equation (3.46), the angular velocity of the sphere in the world coordinates is 433phere = [6,, sin an sin 62 cos 02 —— (2,, sin 6 cos a -6(, cos aa(sin 6 sin 01 cos 62 -- sin 6;; sin (12 cos 6)]2 +[6a sin an sin 62 sin (12 — a, sin 6 sin a (3.48) —6a cos aa(sin 62 cos (12 cos 6 — sin 6 cos 0 cos 62)]j +[6a sin 00 cos 62 -— ('10 cos 6 A —6a cos aa (sin 6 cos a sin 62 sin (12 — sin 62 cos (12 sin 6 sin 0)]k Since the sphere cannot turn while standing, the angular velocity in .h’ direction is set to zero. The area enclosed by an arbitrary closed curve can also be obtained analytically. In reference to figure 3.25 the area bounded by the closed curve 60 = f (ad) is found by the double integral 0a(tf) f(0a) A = f / sin a, do, daa (3.49) 6 00(0) 0(0) 54 Figure 3.25. Surface integral for arbitrary closed curve on sphere We present two simulations, 4 and 5. The closed curve in simulation 4 is given by equation 6a(t) =7r—sinaa(t), 01(0) =O,a(tf) =7r In simulation 5, the closed curved satisfy 6a(t) = 7r — sin aa(t) + 0.3 sin 500(t), 0(0) 2 0, a(tf) = 7r The simulation results are shown in table 3.2 and figures 3.26-3.29. Figures 3.26 and 3.28 show trajectories of center point and the point initially at the top of the sphere. Figures 3.27 and 3.29 shown the orientation of the sphere. 55 Table 3.2. Results from simulations 4 and 5 of the open loop control of the sphere rolling along arbitrary closed paths. Surface Area Amount of rotation 60(aa) from obtained through Integration numerical integration (radian) 7r - sinaa 0.7376 0.7376 7r — sinaa + 0.3 sin 50,, 0.7912 0.7912 2 fl T 1 8 ’ .- F F \ ‘ x \ \\ \ 16 \ a \ \ 1.4 \\ \ 1 2 “ a l >. 1 a / 0 8 / / 06 — / 04 ’1” ~ 0.2 , x ” 0 L 1 4 —08 0 6 0.8 1 1.2 Figure 3.26. Trajectory of the sphere in simulation 4. Solid line represents trajectory of center of the sphere, dashed line represents trajectory of point P. 1 r r r 1 r r r T r 08" " 206'- " i3 04» ~ 0.2- .. 0 1 r r l 1 r L 1 r 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 -02.. 2 9 —04* (U -06»- -03 r r r 1 L r r i 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 time Figure 3.27. Variables 6 and a from simulation 4 for open loop control of sphere. 2.5 r r r I ["\ / \\ 2" l/ \ .. I, \ I \ / \ I \ ’,/“-‘\\ 15" t \\ ’r” \ -4 )~ 1!- l/ - / I ,l I [I 05- 1 Or- .. _05 1 1 1 1 -1 ~05 0 05 1 15 Figure 3.28. Trajectory of the sphere in simulation 5. Solid line represents trajectory of center of the sphere, dashed line represents trajectory of point P. 57 14 1 T l 7 I I 1 1 I 12» - 0.8 - -* heta «oer . 04 p- -< 0.2 "' .. p— p- p- p. .. Figure 3.29. Variables 6 and a from simulation 5 for open loop control of sphere. 58 CHAPTER 4 Conclusion Rolling without slipping is a nonholonomic constraint that is quite common in me- chanical systems. These constraints are not integrable, and can not be used to solve for a set of independent generalized coordinates. Motion planning for nonholonomic system is more difficult than that for holonomic systems, since independent general- ized coordinates do not exist. Therefore only motions that satisfy the instantaneous nonholonomic constraints are feasible. Stability problems for nonholonomic systems are also interesting since there exists no smooth time-invariant static-state feedback that can asymptotically stabilize nonholonomic systems [7]. In this thesis, we present two control strategies for two nonholonomic systems, namely, the two—wheeled mobile robot and the rolling sphere. For the mobile robot, we present an almost-smooth time-invariant state feedback law that can asymptotically stabilize the mobile robot from practically any initial posture to the desired posture. The only exception is an equilibrium manifold of measure zero (containing the desired posture) from where the robot cannot move. All points on the manifold (except the desired posture) are however unstable and therefore any posture arbitrary close to, but not exactly on, the manifold can be asymptotically converged to the desired posture. This gap in the posture space is not a limitation of the controller. Our controller has an ability to turn the robot more than 360 degrees between initial 59 and final configurations, which will be useful for tethered mobile robots in factory automation. Our controller design, which is based on the kinematic model of mobile robot in chained form, provides a means of generalization to other nonholonomic systems. Our controller is motivated by the idea of a nonlinear oscillator, which has not been previously used for nonholonomic systems. The results presented here show that the nonlinear oscillator can be creatively used to control nonholonomic systems. The extension of the controller to higher order nonholonomic systems does not seem trivial and further investigation is required in this direction. The effect of control parameters to the trajectories of the system is needed to be investigated. Selection of the control parameters to optimize trajectories of the system still requires further studies. The implementation of the closed loop strategy to the mobile robot experiment is needed to be done. For the case of the rolling sphere, which has higher order than the two-wheeled mobile robot, we proposed a motion planning scheme using spherical triangles. The goal is to control the sphere to the desired location while bringing a certain point on the surface of the sphere to the top. The basic idea is that when the sphere rolls along its spherical triangle, it moves to another location with a pure rotation about the vertical axis. This location, which can be found from plane trigonometry, is a function of the sides and angles of the spherical triangle. The amount of rotation is equal to the surface area of the sphere bounded by the spherical triangle divided by the radius of the sphere squared. This equality is also shown to be true for arbitrary closed curves on the sphere. The formulation along with simulation results is presented to demonstrate the control strategy. However, further studies need to be done in order to use closed curve on the sphere in open loop control. Closed loop control for rolling sphere has been studied but the effective control strategy has not been found. Control strategies for the different final configuration have to be investigated. The improvement of locomodation dynamics of rolling sphere is also 60 needed. The design and development of a spherical robot and its internal mechanism is required before an implementation of the control strategies. 61 APPENDICES APPENDIX A APPENDIX A Program for Calculating Vector Rotation The Mathematica program used to calculate the vector rotation in equation (3.16) is presented in this section. The final set of coordinates are 2'3, jg, and k3. They correspond to coordinates i’, j’ and It' in section 3.3, respectively. Inll]:= i={1, 0, 0}; j = {0, 1, O}; k: {0 OI 1}; ll=i 11 s (l- Cos[a]) (11. i) 11+Cos[a] 1+Sin[a] (Cross[ll, i]) jl = (1- Cos[a]) (11. j) 11+Cos[a] j +Sin[a] (Cross[11,j]) k1 = (1- Cos[a]) (11. k) 11+Cos[a] k+Sin[a] (Cross[ll, k]) 12 = Cos[CC] i - Sin[CC] j 12 = (1 - Cos [b]) (12 . il) 12 +Cos [b] i1 - Sin[b] (Cross[12, 11]) = (1 - Cos [b]) (12 .j1)12 +Cos [b] jl - Sin[b] (Cross[12, j1]) k2 = (1 - Cos[b]) (12 . k1) 12 + Cos [b] kl - Sin[b] (Cross[12, kl]) 13 = Tringpand[Cos [AA + CC] 1 - Sin[AA + CC] j] 13 = (1 -Cos[c]) (13 . 12) 13 +Cos[c]12 +Sin[c] (Cross[13, 12]) j3 = (l -Cos[c]) (13 . j2) 13 +Cos[a] j2 +Sin[c] (Cross[13, j2)) k3 = (1 - Cos[c]) (13 . k2) 13 +Cos[c] k2 + Sin[c] (Cross[13, k2]) Out[1]= {1, 0, O} Outl2l= {1, 0, O} Outl3l= {0, Cos[a], Sin[a]} Out[4l= {0, -Sin[a], Cos[a]} OutlSl= {Cos[CC], ~Sin[CC], 0} Out[6]= {Cos[b] + (1 — Cos[b]) Cos[CC]2, — (1 -COS[b]) Cos[CC] Sin[CC], —Sin[b]Sin[CC]} Out[7]= {—Cos[a] (1 - Cos[b]) Cos[CC] Sin[CC] + Sin[a] Sin[b] Sin[CC] , Cos[a] Cos[b] +Cos[CC] Sin[a] Sin[b] +Cos[a] (1 — Cos[b]) Sin[CC]2, Cos[b] Sin[a] - Cos[a] Cos[CC] Sin[b]} Out[8]= {(1 — Cos[b]) Cos[CC] Sin[a] Sin[CC] +Cos[a] Sin[b] Sin[CC] , -Cos[b] Sin[a] +Cos[a] Cos[CC] Sin[b] — (1 — Cos[b]) Sin[a] Sin[CC]2 , Cos[a] Cos[b] +Cos[CC] Sin[a] Sin[b]} Out[9]= {Cos[AA] Cos[CC] — Sin[AA] Sin[CC] , —Cos[CC] Sin[AA] -Cos[AA] Sin[CC] , O} 62 cum]: {Cos[c] (Cos[b] + (1 -COS[b]) Cos[CC]2) + Sin[c] (Cos[CC] Sin[AA] Sin[b] Sin[CC] +Cos[AA] Sin[b] Sin[CC]2) + (1 - Cos[c]) (Cos[AA] Cos [CC] - Sin[AA] Sin[CC]) (- (1 —Cos[b]) Cos[CC] Sin[CC] (-Cos[CC] Sin[AA] -Cos[AA] Sin[CC]) + (Cos[b] + (1 —COS[b]) Cos[CC]2) (Cos[AA] Cos[CC] — Sin[AA] Sin[CC] ) ), - (l - Cos[b]) Cos[c] Cos[CC] Sin[CC] + Sin[c] (Cos[AA) Cos[CC] Sin[b] Sin[CC] - Sin[AA] Sin[b] Sin[CC]2) + (l -Cos[c]) (—Cos[CC] Sin[AA] - Cos[AA] Sin[CC]) (— (1 ~Cos[b]) Cos[CC] Sin[CC] (—Cos[CC] Sin[AA] -Cos[AA] Sin[CC]) + (Cos[b] + (1 -COS[b]) Cos[CC]2) (Cos[AA] Cos[CC] - Sin[AA] Sin[CC] ) ), -Cos[c] Sin[b] Sin[CC] + Sin[c] (Cos[b] Cos[CC] Sin[AA] + Cos[CC]3 Sin[AA] - Cos[b] Cos[CC]3 Sin[AA] +Cos[AA] Cos[b] Sin[CC] + Cos[CC] Sin[AA] Sin[CC]2 - Cos[b] Cos[CC] Sin[AA] Sin[CC]2)} Out[11]= {Sin[c] (-Cos[b] Cos[CC] Sin[a] Sin[AA] +Cos[a] Cos[CC]2 Sin[AA] Sin[b] — Cos[AA] Cos[b] Sin[a] Sin[CC] + Cos[a] Cos[AA] Cos[CC] Sin[b] Sin[CC]) + Cos[c] (—Cos[a] (1 —Cos[b]) Cos[CC] Sin[CC] + Sin[a] Sin[b] Sin[CC]) + (1 — Cos [c]) (Cos[AA] Cos[CC] — Sin[AA] Sin[CC]) ((Cos[AA] Cos[CC] - Sin[AA] Sin[CC]) (~Cos[a] (1 - Cos[b]) Cos[CC] Sin[CC] + Sin[a] Sin[b] Sin[CC]) + (-Cos[CC]S'1n[AA]—Cos[AA]Sin[CC]) (Cos[a] Cos[b] + Cos[CC] Sin[a] Sin[b] +Cos[a] (1 —COS[b]) Sin[CC]2)), Sin[c] (-Cos[AA] Cos[b] Cos[CC] Sin[a] +Cos[a] Cos[AA] Cos[CC]2 Sin[b] + Cos[b] Sin[a] Sin[AA] Sin[CC] ~Cos[a] Cos[CC] Sin[AA] Sin[b] Sin[CC]) + Cos[c] (Cos[a] Cos [b] +Cos[CC] Sin[a] Sin[b] +Cos[a] (1 —-Cos[b]) Sin[CC]2) + (1 — Cos[c]) (~Cos [CC] Sin[AA] — Cos[AA] Sin[CC]) ((Cos[AA] Cos[CC] — Sin[AA] Sin[CC]) (—Cos[a] (1 - Cos[b]) Cos[CC] Sin[CC] + Sin[a] S1n[b] Sin[CC]) + (—Cos[CC] Sin[AA] - Cos[AA] Sin[CC]) (Cos[a] Cos[b] + Cos[CC] Sin[a] Sin[b] +Cos[a] (1 - Cos[b]) Sin[CC]2)), Cos[c] (Cos[b] Sin[a] -Cos[a] Cos[CC] Sin[b]) + Sin[c] (Cos[a] Cos[AA] Cos[b] Cos[CC] + Cos[AA] Cos[CC]2 Sin[a] Sin[b] — Cos[a] Cos[b] Sin[AA] Sin[CC] — Cos[a] Cos[CC]2 Sin[AA] Sin[CC] + Cos[a] Cos[b] Cos[CC]2 Sin[AA] Sin[CC] + Cos[AA]Sir1[a]Sin[b]Sin[CC]2 — Cos[a] Sin[11\.11>lJSir1[C‘.C]3 + Cos[a] Cos[b] Sin[AA] Sin[CC]3 )} 63 Out[12]= {Cos[c] ((1 - Cos[b]) Cos[CC] Sin[a] Sin[CC] +Cos[a] Sin[b] Sin[CC]) + Sin[c] (—Cos[a] Cos[b] Cos[CC] Sin[AA] -Cos[CC]2 Sin[a] Sin[AA] Sin[b] - Cos[a] Cos[AA] Cos[b] Sin[CC] -Cos[AA] Cos[CC] Sin[a] Sin[b] Sin[CC]) + (1 — Cos [c]) (Cos[AA] Cos[CC] — Sin[AA] Sin[CC]) ((Cos[AA] Cos[CC] - Sin[AA] Sin[CC]) ((1 —Cos[b]) Cos[CC] Sin[a] Sin[CC] +Cos[a] Sin[b] Sin[CC]) + (-Cos[CC] Sin[AA] -Cos[AA] Sin[CC]) (~Cos[b] Sin[a] + Cos[a] Cos[CC] Sin[b] — (l—COS[b]) Sin[a] Sin[CC]2)), Sin[c] (—COS[a] Cos[AA] Cos[b] Cos[CC] - Cos[AA] Cos[CC]2 Sin[a] Sin[b] + Cos[a] Cos[b] Sin[AA] Sin[CC] +Cos[CC] Sin[a] Sin[AA] Sin[b] Sin[CC]) + Cos[c] (—Cos[b] Sin[a] +Cos[a] Cos[CC] Sin[b] — (l-Cos[b]) Sin[a] Sin[CC]2) + (1 — Cos[c]) (-Cos [CC] Sin[AA] — Cos[AA] Sin[CC]) ((Cos[AA] Cos [CC] - Sin[AA] Sin[CC]) ((1 — Cos[b]) Cos[CC] Sin[a] Sin[CC] +Cos[a] Sin[b] Sin[CC]) + (—Cos[CC] Sin[AA] -Cos[AA] Sin[CC]) (—Cos[b] Sin[a] + Cos[a] Cos[CC] Sin[b] — (1 — Cos[b]) Sin[a] Sin[CC]2)), Cos[c] (Cos[a] Cos[b] +Cos[CC] Sin[a] Sin[b]) + Sin[c] (—Cos[AA] Cos[b] Cos[CC] Sin[a] +Cos[a] Cos[AA] Cos[CC]2 Sin[b] + Cos[b] Sin[a] Sin[AA] Sin[CC] +Cos[CC]2 Sin[a] Sin[AA] Sin[CC] — Cos[b] Cos[CC]2 Sin[a] Sin[AA] Sin[CC] + Cos[a] Cos[AA] Sin[b] Sin[CC]2 + Sin[a] Sin[AA] Sin[CC]3 - Cos[b] Sin[a] Sin[AA] Sin[CC]3)} 64 APPENDIX B APPENDIX B Spherical Trigonometric Identities We summarize spherical trigonometry identities from section 3.2 to be used for sim- plification of the rotation matrix in equation (3.17) in section 3.3. Law of Sines: In any spherical triangle ABC, sin a sin b sin 0 sin A sin B sin C Law of cosines for sides: In any spherical triangle ABC, cosa = cosbcosc + sinbsinccos A cosb = cosccosa + sincsinacosB cosc = cosacosb+ sinasinbcosC Law of cosines for angles: In any spherical triangle ABC, cosA = —cosBcosC+sinBsinCcosa cosB = —cochosA+sinCsinAcosb cosC = —cosAcosB+sinAsinBcosc And useful formulas deriving from Law of Sines and Law of cosines, sinacosB = sinccosb — sinbcosccos A sin bcosC = sinacosc — sinccosacosB sinccos A = sin bcosa — sinacosbcosC sinAcosb = sinCcosB+sinBcochosa sinBcosc= sinAcosC+sinCcosAcosb sinCcosa= sinBcosA+sinAcosBcosc sinacosC = sinbcosc - sin ccosbcosA sinbcosA = sinccosa — sinacosccosB sin ccosB = sinacosb — sinbcosacosC 65 (B2) (8.3) (B.4) (B.11) (8.12) (B.13) (8.14) (B.15) (B16) sinAcosc : sinBcosC +SinCcosBcosa sinBcosa= sinCcosA+sinAcochosb sin C cos b = sin A cos B + sin B cos A cos c And the basic trigonometric identity sin2 A + cos2 A = 1 66 (8.17) (8.18) (B.19) (B20) APPENDIX C APPENDIX C Simplification of Rotation Matrix In this section, coordinate rotation is used to find the amount of rotation in equa- tion (3.17) resulting from the sphere rolling along a spherical triangle. For simplicity, we use symbol 5,, and Ca to represent sina and cos a, respectively. The number of formula used which are expressed in brackets is refered to Appendix B. Consider the first element in 2'3, from Mathematica 13(1) = C,(Cb + (1 — (mag) + SC(CCSAS,,SC + CAsbsg) + (1 — Cc) (CACC — SASC)[—(1 — Cb)CCSC(—CCSA — CASC) + (C, + (1 — C,)Cg)(CACC — 5.50)] = 0.02. + 0.0ng + 5,0,33,45,50 + SCCAsbsg + (1 — CC)(CACC — SASC)[CgsCsA + 00530,, — Q@&&—QQ%Q+QQQ—Q&&+ 02:0,, — CgsAsC — 0,030,, + 0,050,, + 0,035.50] Cancel and rearrange terms 13(1) 2 060% + SCCCSASbSC + C2055?) + Sac/1358?; + (1 — Cc)(CAC'C — sAanCngCA + 02.0.. - 0,5450 - 05005210,; — CngwCA + CbCACC] Since C3; + SE"; = 1 and use identity (B2), 23(1) 2 CECE. + SCCCSASbSC + C053; + (I — CC)(CACC - SASC) [CCCA - Obs/{SC - CbCCCA + CbC‘qcc] Cancel terms and use identity (86), 13(1) 2 CcCgv + SCCCSASbSC + CaSg+(1— CC)(CACC — SASC)[—CB] Expand all terms, 13(1) 2 Coca» + SCCCSASbSC + 005(2) —- CACCCB + SASCCB ‘1‘ CCCACCCB _ CCSASCCB 67 Use identities (B2), (B7), and (8.19), 13(1) 2 CCCCZJ + SCCCSASbSC + SEbeCC + 527SbSCCA '- CACCCB + SASCCB + CECCSASB — (:ch — CCCbSE + CESCSBCA Cancel and rearrange terms, 13(1) = SZ.SCS(C4 + CESCSBC4 + SCCCSASbSC + CECCSASB — CACCCB '1' 535003 Use identity (B. 1), 13(1) 2 SCSBCA + CCSASB — CACCCB + SASCCB = -CA+B+C Consider the second element in 23, from Mathematica M32%L%MQQ&%SKM%W%—&&%H' (I - CC)(-CCSA — CASC)[—(I — Cb)Ccsc(-CCSA — 0,450) + (Cb + (1 — Cb)C(2_7)(CACC — SASC)l Expand 13‘ two terms and all terms in square bracket 13(2) = _CCCCSC + CchCCSC + SCCACCSbSC — SOS/1555(2) + (h0%€firflfifl%%a+Q%Q—Q%&fi— CbC'ngC'A + CbCACC — CbSASC + C270,] — C'éSASC - Q$Q+Q$a&] Cancel terms and use identity (B2) in square bracket 23(2) = —CCCCSC + CCSCCC - $05,45ng + (1 — CC)(—CCSA — CASC) [CCSgCA + C30,; — CbSASC — CbCngCA — CBC/€04 + CbCACCl Use (B20) and (B6) and cancel terms, then expand terms 13(2) 1’ —CCCCSC + CCSCCa — SCSASbSEv + Cos/(CB + CASCCB - 68 CCCCSACB — CcCASCCB Use (B.13) with second and third terms, substitute (B.1) for third term, substitue (B.7) for last term, then cancel terms 13(2) 2 CCSBCA — SgSASBSC + CCSACB + CASCCB — CESCSASB Use (8.20) with second and fifth terms 23(2) = 00580.4 + CCSACB + CASCCB — SASBSC = SA+B+C Consider the third element in 2'3, from Mathematica 23(3) = —CCSbSC + SC[C(,CCSA + 0278A -- CngSA + 0,405.30 ‘1' @afi—QQ&%] Use (B20) and cancel terms i3(3) = *CCSbSC + SC[CCSA + CACbSC] Use (B.12) 13(3) 2 “CCSCSC + SCSBCC Use (31) Consider the first element in 33, from Mathematica j3(1) = S,(-CbCCSaSA + CanSASb - CACbSaSC + CaCACCSbSC) + Cc(_Ca(1 " Cb)CCSC + SaSbSC) ‘1' (1 — Cc) (CACC — SASC)[(CACC — SASC)(—Ca(1 — Cb)CCSC + SaSbSC) + 6008.4 — CAscxcacb + 005.5. + C.(1 — 00532)] Use (8.16) and then expand terms, 13(1) = Sc(—SCCCSACB — CASCSCCB) + Cc(—CaCCSC + CaCbCCSC + 308530) + (I — CC) (CACC - SASC)[—CAC(2JCQSC + CACECaCbSC '1' CACCSaSbSC '1' 5148230000 — 51453000be — SASEvSaSb '- 69 CCSACaCb — 037544505), '1' Gas/100527 + CCSACaCb-SZC — CASCCaCb — CASCCCSaSb — 0.45500 + CASg'CaCb) Cancel and rearrange terms j3(1) = SC(—-SCC(;SAC3 — CASCSCCB) + CC(—C,,CCSC + CaCbCCSC + SaSbSC) + (1 — Cc)(CACC — SASC)[—CACC2;CGSC — c.4330, — CCSACCC), — SASéSaSb — 03844503,, + CACE‘CCCCSC + CASE/COG, — CASCCaCb] Use (B20) 13(1) = Sc(-SCCCSACB — CASCSCCB) + Cc(_CACCSC + CaCbCCSC + SaSbSC) + (1 - Cc)(CACC - SASC)[_CACaSC - CCSACaCb — SASaSb + CACaCbSC —— CASCCaCb] Inside square bracket, cancel terms, use (B.18), (3.1), and (8.20), we left with [—SB]. Then expand all j3(1) = —SC2CCSACB — SECASCCB — CCCCCCSC + CCCaCbCCSC + CcSaSbSC — CACCSB + 5.45053 + OCCACCSB — CcSASCSB Use (B20) with the first and second terms, use (B.4) for fourth term, and then rearrange terms 13(1) = —CCSACB + CCSAC'BCC2 - CASCCB + CASCCBCE — 0.0.0050 + CgCCSC — Cccgscsasb + CCSaSbSC — CACCSB '1' 3,1505}; '1" CCCACCSB — CCSASCSB Use (8.13) for the second and third terms, use (B20) in the 8“ term, j3(1) = —CCSAC,, + CCCCSCCO. — CASCCB + CASCCBCE ‘— CCCaCCSC + CECCSC -' CCSaSbSC ‘1' 005235035 ‘1' CCSaSbSC — CACCSB + SASCSB — CCSASCSB 70 Use (B1) in 8th, cancel 2nd and 5th, cancel 7th and 9th, j3(1) :- —CCSACb — CASCCB + CqSCCBC: + C30030 '1' CCSASBSESC — CACCSB '1' 5,1305}; — CCS‘4Sng Use (820) in 8th, then cancel terms .78“) : "CCSACb — CASCCB + CASCCBCE + CECCSC — CCSASBSCCE — CACCSB + SASCSB Use (7) with 4th and 8th, then cancel with 6th, j3(1) = —CCSACb - CASCCB — CACCSB + 5,150.33 2 —SA+B+C Consider the second element in )3, from Mathematica 313(3) : S,(—CAC,,CCSO + CaCACCSb + CbSaSASC — C.CCSAS.SC) + 040.0. + 003.5. + C.(1 — CBS?» + (1 — C,)(-—CCSA — CASC)[(CACC — SASC)(—C,,(1 — Cb)CCSC + 505,50) + (405,, — CASC)(C.Cb + 00803:. + Ca(1 — 0052)] Consider terms in square bracket, when expand all terms, [...] = [ + 63,050,635C + (1,005,550 + 5.,5écacC — 5,,5(,~(J,,C,,CCSC —, - CCSACaCb — CCSASaSb — CCSACGSZ. + CCSACaCbSE; - CASCCCCC — CASCCCSaSb - 0.1350,. + CASCCaCng‘l Cancel terms, 3rd and 12th, 4th and 9th, 5th and 10th. Pairs 15t-13th, 2nd-14th, and 6th-8th can be combined. l--l = l—CaSCCa + CACaCbSC — SASaSb — CCSACaCb — CASCCaCbl The second and fifth terms are canceled. The first and forth terms can be combined using (18), therefore, [...] = [—C§SB — SASaSb] 71 Return to j3(3), use (8.16) in the first and (B20) in the second brackets, then expand terms. 323(3) .—. SECACCCB — 535,45CCB — 0.0.0ng — 0,005.5, — 0.0.53. - 005.0353 — 0053505,, — CASCcfSB — (1,505,505,, — 0.0054035,9 + 0.0053, 5.5,, + am&@%+ammaaa Expand the 5th terms using (313), 6th using (B.11). Combine 10th and 11th, 8th and 9th. j3(3) = SECACCCB — SEVSASCCB — CCCaCng — CCCCSaSb — 0650530,, — CgSCsACB — 0,530,, + CaSASCCB —. 0053505,, — CASCSB — CCCCSASB + (ICC/15000233 + COG/1505,4505), The 5th term combine with the 13th equal to 12th. Combine 2nd and 6th using (B.20), 7th and 9th using (4), and expand 8th using (17). j3(3) = SECACCCB - SASCCB — CcCaCbCEv - CCCCSaSb — 5,240.; + 531C; — SASBCC — CASCSB -- CCCCSASB The fifth term cancel with sixth term. The third, fourth, and nineth add up with first terms. 13(3) = CACCCB — SASCCB - SASBCC - SCSBCA = —CA+B+C Consider the third element in jg, from Mathematica j3(3) = Cc(CbSa - 000055) + SC(C0CACbCC + CACgSaSb - CaCbSASC - CanSASC + CaCbchASc + CASaSbSCZ; — 005,152: + CaCbSAsg) Use (320), cancel terms, and expand j3(3) = CchSa _ CVCC'aC'CSb + ScCaCACbCC + SCCASaSb _ ScCaSASC 72 Use (BM) in the third term 33(3) 2 CCCbSa — CCCQCCSI, + CaCCSbCC — 0003350 + SCCASaSb — ScCaSASC Use (B20) in 4th term 333(3) 2 CchSa — CcCaCch + CaCCSbCC — CaS'a + CaSaSg + Soc/1505b — ScCaSASC Use (B2) in 1st and 6th, then cancel with 4th. Use (B.1) in 5th. Cancel 2nd and 3rd. j3(3) : C'aSAScSC _ ScCaSASC = 0 Consider the first element in k3, from Mathematica k3(1) = CC((1 — Cb)CCSaSC + CaSbSC) + Sc(—CaCbCCSA — (, — 000,4ch0 — CACCSaSbSC) + (1 — Cc)(CACC -— SASC)[(CACC — SASC) ((1 — Cb)CCSaSC + CaSbSC) + (—CCSA — C'AS'C,~)(—C',,Sa + CaCCSb — (1 - 00353)] Use (B.10) in the first bracket, (B.4) in second. Use (B.10) (B.16) and (B20) in square bracket. k3(1) = CC(C(;SaSC + SCSCCA) + SC(— VCSACC — CASCCC) + (1 — CC)(CACC — SASC)[(CACC — SASC)(CCSaSC + SCSCCA) + (—CCSA — CASC)(CCSCCA - 50533)] Expand terms, an) = 0.005050 + 0,505.0... -— 5.00540. — 5.0.1500. + (1 — axe/,0C — 5A50)[CA03,5,50 + 03,00505c — 5.152.065. — 5,535.5, -— 055.50,, + 005,555 — Cgsccc5. + 0.1535,} The first and third terms can be canceled using (31). Second and fourth are canceled. 73 In square bracket, use (BI) and (B20), all terms can be canceled. Therefore, Consider the second element in k3, from l\/‘Iathematica 153(2) 2 SC(—COCAC(,CC - CACZ'SOS), + CaCbSASC + CCSaSASbSC) + CC(—CbSa + CaCCSb — (1 — CHEESE.) + (1 — Cox—005A — CASC)i(CACC — SASC)((1’ Cb)CCSaSC + CaSbSC) + (—CCSA — CASC)(_CbSa + CaCCSb — (1 —' Cb)(SaSg')l Use (B.4) in the first bracket, (B.10) and (B20) in second bracket. Use (B.10) and (B20) in square bracket. 1M?) = 5c(—CACCCC + SASCCC) + Cc(CCScCA — SaSg‘) + (1 — CC)(—CCSA — CASC)[(CACC — SASC)(CCSGS(; + SCCASC) + (_ccs. — CASCMCCSCC. — 5052.)] Expand terms, k3(2) = —SCCACCCC + 5.5.500. + (3,005.0, — 6.5053; + (1 — CC)(—CCSA - CA50)[CACg5050 + 5.035000 — 5.453008. — 5.4535634 — CéSCCASA + CCSASGSE; — 0350005. + 54525,] The first and third terms can be canceled using (B.1). Second and fourth are canceled. In square bracket, use (BI) and (B20), all terms can be canceled. Therefore, Consider the third element in kg, from Mathematica [413(3) = Cc(CaCb + CasaSb) + Sc(—CACbCCSa + €00,1ch1, + 01,303,430 + CéSaSASC — CngSaSASC + COCASbSE; + SaSAS'g — 01,305,432.) 74 Use (B.4) in the first bracket. Use (BIG) and (B20) in the second bracket. 163(3) 2 CE + SC(SGSASC + CASCCA) By using (B.1), This completes the simplification of all entries of rotation matrix in equa- tion (3.17). After simplification we can write the final coordinates of the sphere i’,j’, k’, or i3,j3, k3 in this appendix, as y:_amA+B+mammM+B+Cfi j’ = —sin(A+B+C)-i—cos(A+B+C)j ic’ : is or, in matrix form ? —aMA+B+Q $MA+B+Q 0 i f = —$MA+B+C)—aMA+B+C)0 j I? 0 0 1 is 75 APPENDIX D APPENDIX D Fortran program for numerical root finding This section presents the fortran routine used for numerically root-finding of equa- tion (3.41), (3.42) and (3.43) to find two sides and the included angle of spherical triangle. We follow the instruction of root-finding in chapter 9 of the book by W. H. Press, S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling and B. P. Flannery [29]. Some necessary modification is made in order to apply to our set of equations. Main program : sphtri.f INTEGER 11 REAL x(3),t(3) PARAMETER (pi=3. 1415926535897) COMMON Idesire/ dd,phid,alphad n=3 write(",") 'guess a,b,CC(rad)' read?!) X(1),X(2).X(3) Wfitd‘.‘) 'desired d.Phi(md),alpha(r8d)' read?) dd.phid.alphad call newt(x,n,check) write(“,") 'a,b,CC(deg),check' Wfl'td'.‘)X(1).X(2).X(3)‘180/Pi.0h60k call fimCWmLO Wfitd‘f) 'fll).f12),t13)' WNW?) ‘1 04121113) END Subroutine : newtf SUBROUTINE newt(x,n,check) INTEGER nJm,NP,MAXITS LOGICAL check REAL x(n),fvec,TOLF,TOLMIN,TOLX,STPMX PARAMETER (NP=40,MAXITS=200,TOLF=1.e-6,TOLMIN=1 .e-8,TOLX=1 .e-8, " STPMX= 100.) COMMON lnewtv/ fvec(NP),nn SAVE Inewtv/ INTEGER i,its,j,indx(NP) REAL d,den,f,fold,stpmm<,smn,temp,test,tjac(NP,NP),g(NP),p(NP), " xold(NP),fmin EXTERNAL fmin nn=n f=fmin(x) test=0. do i=1 ,n if(abs(fveo(i)).gt.test)tst=abs(fvec(i)) enddo if(test.1t..01‘TOLF)then check=.false. return 76 endif sum=0. do i=l,n sum=sum+x(i)"2 enddo WST'PW‘IDNSQIKM),float(nD do its= l ,MAXIT S call fdjadmvaecNPflaC) do i=1,n sum=0. do j=l ,n smn=smn+tjac(j,i)‘fvec(j) enddo g(i)=sum enddo do i=1,n xold(i)=x(i) enddo fold=f do i=1,n p(i)=-fvec(i) enddo call ludcmp(tjac,n,NP,indx,d) call lukaNfiacmNPJndxm) call lnsrch(n,xold,fold,g,p,x,f,stpmax,check,finin) test=0. do i=l,n if(abs(fvec(i)).gttest)test=abs(fvec(i)) enddo ifltestlLTOLFMhen check=.false. return endif if(check)then test=0. den=max(f,.5‘n) do i=1 ,n temp=ab8(g(i))‘maX(abS(X(i)),l.)/den if(temp.gt.test)test=temp enddo ifltestltTOLMIN)then check=.tme. else check=.false. endif return endif test=0. do i=l,n t6111944134X(i)-Xold(i)))’IIIIIX(flbs(X(i»,l-) if(temp.gt.test)test=temp enddo ifltestlLTOLXhetum enddo pause 'MAXITS exceeded in newt' END Subroutine : ludcmp.f SUBROUTINE ludcmp(a,n,np,indx,d) INTEGER n,np,indx(n),NMAX REAL d.a(np.np),TINY 77 PARAMETER (NMAX=500,T11~IY=I.0e-20) INTEGER i,imax,j,k dRElAL aamax,dum,sum,vv(NMAX) do i= 1 ,n aamax=0. do j= l ,n mommigtammx) aamax=abs> enddo if(aamax.eq.0.) pause 'singular matrix in ludcmp' vv(i)=l./aa.max enddo do j= I ,n do i=1 J-l sum=a(i.i) do k=l,i-l =Sum-a(i.k)‘a(k.i) o a(i‘.i)=sum enddo aamax=0. do i=j,n sum=a(i.i) do k=l,j-l m=smn-a(i.k)’a(kd) enddo 804an dum=vv( i)‘abs( sum) if(dum.ge.aamax)then imax=i aamax=dum endif enddo if(j.ne.imax)then do k=l,n dum=a(imax,k) 8(imax,k)=8(.i,k) 86.ka enddo =-d w(imax)=vv(j) indx(j)=imax iflaOJIOQ-OJBUJFTWY ifG.ne.n)then dum= 1 ./a(j ,j) do i=j+1,n 8(iJ)=a(iJ)‘dmn enddo endif enddo return END Subroutine : lubksbf SUBROUTINE lubksb(a,n,np,indx,b) INTEGER n,np,indx(n) REAL a(np,np).b(n) INTEGER i,ii,i,ll REAL sum ii=0 78 do i=1,n ll=indx(i) sum=b(ll) b(llFbG) if(ii.ne.0)then do j=ii,i-l sum=81m—a(iJ)‘b(i) enddo else if (sumne.0.)then ii=i endif b(i)=sum enddo do i=n,l ,-1 :1,0) do j=i+l,n sum=mn-a(i.i)’b(i) enddo b(i)=sum/80.0 enddo rCtum END Subroutine : lnsrch.f SUBROUTINE lnsrch(n,xold,fold,g,p,x,f,stpmax,check,func) INTEGER n LOGICAL check REAL f,fold,stpmax,g(n),p(n),x(n),xold(n),fimc,ALF,TOLX PARAMETER (ALF=] .e-4,TOLX= l .e-7) EXTERNAL func INTEGER i REAL a,alarn,alam2,alamin,b,disc,t2,rhsl,rh52,slope,smn,temp, " testtmplam check=.false. sum=0. do i=1,n m=sum+p(i)‘9(i) enddo SUIFSQIKSWH) iflsumgtstpmaxfihen do i=1,n p(i)=p(i)’stpmax/sum enddo endif slope=0. do i=1,n slope=slope+g(i)‘p(i) enddo iflslope.ge.0.) pause 'roundoff problem in lnsrch' test=0. do i=1,n temp=abs(p(i))/max(abs(xold(i)), 1 . ) if(temp.gttest)test=temp enddo alamin=TOLXltest alam=l. 1 continue do i=1 ,n x(i)=xold(i)+alam‘p(i) enddo f=func(x) 79 iflalamltalaminfihen do i=1 ,n x(i)=xold(i) enddo check=.true. return else if(f.le.fold+ALF ‘alam'slopefihen return else if(alam.eq. 1 .)then tmplam=-slope/(2.‘(f-fold-slope» else rhsl=f-fold-alam‘slope rh52=12-fold-alam2‘slope a=(rhsl/alam"2-fl152/alam2“2)l(alam~alam2) b=(-alam2 ‘rhs 1 Ialam‘ ‘2+alam’rth/alam2“ ‘2 )l ‘ (alam-alamz) if(a.eq.0.)then tmplam=-slope/(2. ‘b) else disc=b"b-3. ‘a‘slope if(disc.lt.0.)then trnplam=.5'alam else iftb.le.0.)then tmplam=(-b+sqrt(disc))/(3.‘a) else tmplam=-slope/(b45qrt(disc)) endif endif if(tmplam.gt.5‘alam)tmplam=.5‘alam endif endif alarn2=alam f2=f alam=rnax(tmp1am,. l "alam) goto 1 END Subroutine: fdjac.f SUBROUTME fdjaqmX,fvec,np,dt) INTEGER n,np,NMAX REAL df(np,np),fvec(n),x(n),EPS PARAMETER (NMAX=40,EPS=l.e-4) INTEGER ij REAL h,temp,f(NMAX) do j=1,n temp=x(j) h=EPS‘abs(temp) if(h.eq.0.)h=EPS x0)=temp-+h h=xo)-temp call funcv(n,x,t) x0')=temp do i=1,n dfliJHflivaediWh enddo enddo return END 80 Subroutine : fminf FUNCTION fmin(x) INTEGER n,NP REAL fmin,x(‘),fvec PARAMETER (NP=40) COMMON Inewtv/ fvec(NP),n SAVE lnewtv/ INTEGER i REAL sum call funcv(n,x,fvec) sum=0. do i=1,n sum=sum+fvec(i)“2 enddo fmin=0.5“sum return END 81 BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] M. 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