PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE 1M chlHC/DIODIanS-p.“ ENVIRONMENTAL PERSPECTIVES: NEAR CRITICAL ADSORPTION IN MODEL POROUS CARBONS AND CHEMOTACTIC TRANSPORT OF PSEUDOMONAS SP. STRAIN KC By Caroline Jeanne Roush A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Chemical Engineering 1 999 ABSTRACT ENVIRONMENTAL PERSPECTIVES: NEAR CRITICAL ABSORPTION IN MODEL POROUS CARBONS AND CHEMOTACTIC TRANSPORT OF PSEUDOMONAS SP. STRAIN KC By Caroline Roush Remediation technologies that involve the decontamination of soil via supercritical oxidation require extensive knowledge the interaction between solid and vapor-liquid equilibrium. This study examines the behavior of a carbon-ethylene system in a slit-pore environment at near-critical and supercritical temperatures. The purpose of the study was to compare calculations of the Elliot Suresh Donohue (ESD) simplified local density (SLD) model to those of a Monte Carlo (MC) computer algorithm to investigate the strengths and weaknesses of the SLD approach. The SLD approach was used to predict the adsorption isotherm using energy profiles, and these profiles were in turn compared to those generated by the MC method. Chemotaxis refers to 'the biased migration of cells in the direction of a chemical concentration gradient. Motile chemotactic bacteria can be characterized through two transport coefficients: the random motility coefficient and the chemotactic sensitivity coefficient. The focus of this study was to calculate these coefficients for acetate and nitrate in homogeneous solution and to then investigate the impact of porous media. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I express my deepest appreciation to Dr. Christian Lastoskie, my graduate advisor. Upon my arrival at graduate school, I could barely master the fine art of composing e-mail, but through his help and guidance I no longer consider UNIX to be a four-letter word. He is highly intelligent, and able to grasp obtuse and highly inarticulate subject material and explain it in such a way that even those whom are not immersed in the field are able to comprehend on an intermediate level. I wish to thank Dr. Carl Lira and Dr. Mark Worden for their contributions and patience with me. I would not have been able to complete my work here successfully without their conciSe assessment of my day-to-day work and their pearls of wisdom to help guide both my fruitful and frustrated efforts. I also wish to thank Bob, my fellow classmate, neighbor, and lab partner, who has helped me in so many ways. You are an excellent listener and teacher, and I have fond memories of those lazy afternoons reading in the soothing green interior of 3258. I thank my parents for always supporting me, no matter what I do. Their only desire is for me to be happy, and even if that meant that I were to not utilize all of my potential, they would still stand behind me. That is the most important kind of support and love that you can give to a child. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................... v LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................... vi LIST OF SYMBOLS .................................................................. iv CHAPTER 1 1.1 Introduction to Equations of State ....................................... 1 1.2 Computer Modeling ....................................................... 7 1.3 The Simplified Local Density Model (SLD) .......................... 15 1.4 The ESD Equation of State .............................................. 19 1.5 Present Study .............................................................. 22 1.5.1 L=9.1943 ...................................................... 26 1.5.2 L = 4.5 ........................................................... 30 1.5.3 L = 2.37 ......................................................... 34 1.5.4 L = 1.0 ........................................................... 34 1.6 Conclusrons41 CHAPTER 2 2.1 Introduction ............................................................... 43 2.1.1 The Random Motility Coefficient (u) and the Chemotactic Sensitivity Coefficient(Xo) ........................... 53 2.2 Materials and Methods ................................................... 55 2.2.1 Preparation of Media and Grth Conditions ............. 56 2.2.2 Photography and Image Anaylysis .......................... 60 2.3 Mathematical Model ...................................................... 60 2.3.1 Cell Balance .................................................... 60 2.3.2 Nutrient Balance ................................................ 65 2.3.3 Chemoattractant Balance ...................................... 65 2.3.4 Boundary Conditions .......................................... 65 2.3.5 Initial Conditions ............................................... 66 2.3.6 Computer Simulations ......................................... 67 2.3.7 System Parameters ............................................. 68 2.4 Results and Discussion ................................................... 7O BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................ 79 iv Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. LIST OF TABLES Page Parameters used in calculations for BSD-SLD and MC ................ 23 Common parameters used in calculations for the two models... ......24 Equilibrium bulk pressures calculated by SLD for each reduced density ......................................................................... 26 Parameter values used in mathematical model ........................... 69 Values found for X05 and XOQ using mathematical model .............. 73 Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 6A. Figure 7. Figure 7A. LIST OF FIGURES Page (A) A P-T diagram for a one-component system. At the intersection of the three curves, all three phases are in equilibrium. This point is known as the triple point. (B) Saturation line of a one-component system which separates the two phase region. The region under the dome shaped curve is the two phase region; liquid and vapor. When the pressure and temperature are raised above the critical point, the phenomenon of boiling does not exist and the phase is referred to as a supercritical fluid ....................................................................... 2 Representation of L=3 (pore size of 3 ethylene molecules) and zlen = 3.8057 (see Equation 13) ............................... 14 MC simulation of liquid-vapor equilibrium in a carbon slit pore of width 19 Angstroms at a low density ...................... 16 MC simulation of liquid-vapor equilibrium in a carbon slit pore of width 19 Angstroms at a high density .................... 17 Ethylene adsorption on BPL carbon as measured by Reich, et. al., (1980) and modeled by the BSD-SLD method using efs = 93 K and a slit width of 13.4 Angstroms ........................... 20 MC simulation results (top) and SLD (bottom) for slit width of L=9.1943 at a subcritical temperature ........................... 27 Density profiles with MC simulation results (top) and SLD (bottom) for slit width of L = 9.1943 at a subcritical temperature ............................................................. 28 MC simulation results (top) and SLD (bottom) for slit width of L=9. 1943 at a supercritical temperature ......................... 29 Density profiles with MC simulation results (top) and SLD (bottom) for slit width of L = 9.1943 at a subcritical temperature .............. 31 vi Figure 8. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 10A. Figure 11. Figure 11A. Figure 12. Figure 13. Figure 14. Figure 15. Figure 16. MC simulation results (top) and SLD (bottom) for slit width of L=4.5 at a subcritical temperature ................................ 32 MC simulation results (top) and SLD (bottom) for slit width of L=4.5 at a supercritical temperature .............................. 33 MC simulation results (top) and SLD (bottom) for a slit width of L=2.37 at a subcritical temperature .............................. 35 Density profiles with MC simulation results (top) and SLD (bottom) for slit width of L = 2.37 at a subcritical temperature .............................................................. 36 MC simulation results (top) and SLD (bottom) for slit width of L=2.37 at a supercritical temperature ............................. 37 Density profiles with MC simulation results (top) and SLD (bottom) for slit width of L = 2.37 at a supercritical temperature .............................................................. 38 MC simulation results (top) and SLD (bottom) for slit width of L=1 at a subcritical temperature ................................... 39 MC simulation results (top) and SLD (bottom) for slit width of L=1 at a supercritical temperature ................................. 40 Experimental photos of motile chemotactic bacteria. Evidence of a chemotactic ring is exhibited by the circular rings of higher cell density. Bottom figure displays evidence of two chemotactic rings, which may have formed from each of the two chemoattractants present ................................. 46 Depiction of single cell with flagella. The flagella are used for motility purposes. The direction that the flagella rotate dictates which course of movement the cell will take. If the flagella rotate in a clockwise manner, then they form a small bundle and the cell swims in a smooth manner (a). If the flagella rotate counter-clockwise, the flagellar bundle unravels and the cell tumbles in a new direction (b). [Figure adapted from Macnab, 1987] ................................................... 47 Observed single-cell behavior in an isotropic medium (left) resembles a random walk with basal mean run length and swimming speed v. In the presence of an attractant gradient (right) run lengths are increased when moving vii Figure 17. Figure 18. Figure 19. Figure 20. Figure 21. Figure 22. Figure 23. Figure 24. Figure 25. toward increasing concentrations of attractant, yielding a mean run length greater than . [Figure adapted from Ford, 1992] ............................................................. 50 Physical representation of motility plate for porous media study .................................................... ‘ ................. 58 Top view of porous motility plate studies .......................... 59 Typical nutrient profile. In this instance, the nutrient is Acetate .................................................................. 63 Simulation compared to experiment for 0.1 g/L Acetate and 0.42 g/L Nitrate ................................................... 71 Simulation compared to experiment for 0.5 g/L Acetate and 2.5 g/L Nitrate .................................................... 72 Simulation compared to experiment for 0.1 g/L Acetate and 0.083 g/L Nitrate ................................................ 74 Simulation compared to experiment for 0.5 g/L Acetate and 0.42 g/L Nitrate .................................................. 74 Simulation compared to experiment for 0.5 g/L Acetate and 0.083 g/L Nitrate ................................................ 77 Simulation compared to experiment for 0.1 g/L Acetate and 0.083 g/L Nitrate ................................................ 77 viii Cs X00 XOS XOchf XOSeff Err em’k ass/k est/k LIST OF SYMBOLS attractive parameter for Van der Waal EOS repuslive parameter for Van der Waal EOS shape factor for repulsive term in ESD EOS half-saturation constant for nitrate, chm'3 half-saturation constant for acetate, gscm'3 chemotactic sensitivity coefficient for nitrate, cmzhr'1 chemotactic sensitivity coefficient for acetate, cmzhr'l effective chemotactic sensitivity coefficient for nitrate, cmzhr'l effective chemotactic sensitivity coefficient for acetate, cmzhr'l uniform separation between carbon walls, Angstroms difiusion coefficient for nitrate, cmzhr'l diffusion coefficient for acetate, cmzhr'l soil porosity Lennard-Jones well depth of ethylene-carbon atom site interaction. fitted parameter for ethylene well depth ethylene interaction parameter, K carbon interaction parameter, K ethylene-carbon interaction parameter, K kl Kos NT Pc Pt) [’5 reduced number density nutrient concentration, g“ cm'3 cell flux flux of cells due to random motility flux of cells due to chemotaxis to nitrate flux of cells due to chemotaxis to acetate Boltzmann constant, J K'1 constant in ESD EOS dissociation constant for receptor-attractant complex for nitrate, chm'3 dissociation constant for receptor-attractant complex for acetate, gscm'3 pore size corresponding to number of ethylene molecules in center of pore random motility coefficient, cmzhr‘l effective random motility coefficient, cmzhr'I number of moles number of molecules total number of receptors for a chemoattractant pressure, mass time'2 length”1 shape parameter for attractive term in ESD EOS nitrate concentration, gQ cm'3 molar gas constant, mass length2 time’2 mole'l 1('1 chemical density, dimensionless physical density, dimensionless carbon density, Angstroms'3 VQ Vs <<.6001 . ! i”_._d=.1 . 3" 5.0). T 11 l+d=3 l d=.579 l d=.9 _ Densityvs. PosifionT=339.42 L=9.1943 0.03 0.03 4 -—‘ v l+d=.1 > 0.02 —4 \ l 9.: «‘5 . . ’_|_.d=.3 l g 0.02- '. , l l q, ; l d=.579 : o 0.01 - j ‘ .--,.,.--d=.9 0.01 - l l 0.00 - _ -. 0 10 20 30 40 fistamefiunwrbonoemermngsuum) Figure 6A. Density profiles with MC simulation results (top) and SLD (bottom) for slit width of L = 9.1943 at a supercritical temperature. 29 rw____#__._._,z- 22 #__.._LL Energy vs. Position T=339.42, L=9.1943 -2 , 41f ‘3 + “:1 '8 .1:— -1o 1 -12 l l l -14 L___.._,,,____. . ., 7 L —+ 4 l l o l l 1 10 20 30 40 Distance from carbon center (Angstroms) l_____a_ A A L 7 , LL Energyvs. Position T = 339.42. L= 9.1943 0 10 20 30 40 Distance from carbon carter (Angstroms) Figure 7. MC simulation results (top) and SLD (bottom) for slit width of L = 9.1943 at a supercritical temperature. 30 the center of the slit. At a reduced density of 0.3, the difference in the thickness of the contact layers decreases and both models predict low fluid density in the slit’s center. At a pc = 0.579, the SLD method does not predict fluid in the center of the slit, whereas the MC method predicts a more uniform density profile. This obServation is indicated by the density behavior profiled in Figure 6A. At the highest reduced density, corresponding to a value of 0.9, “layering” of the fluid is observed in the MC profile, but is absent in the SLD profile. In both models, fluid is present in the center of the pore, but the fluid is much more structured in the MC method (See Figure 6A). For the MC method, the energy near the wall is found to be more density (pressure) dependent. At the supercritical temperature of 339.42 K, the same trends in behavior were observed for the density of 0.1. At densities of .3 and .579, the SLD predicts a more uniform energy profile. The density behavior for the two methods is outlined in Figure 7A. At the highest density, corresponding to a value of 0.9, the layering behavior is again observed for the MC simulations. As before, the MC energy is more density dependent at locations near the wall. 1.5.2 L = 4.5 For a slit width corresponding to L=4.5 (zlen = 5.3057) the profiles at the lower temperature show similar behavioral patterns as those observed in the larger slit at all densities. This behavior is illustrated in Figure 8 and Figure 9. At the supercritical temperature, Figure 9 shows similar trends to those observed in the larger slit. An additional observation is that contact layers in the MC method are hard to distinguish due to the more uniform density profiles at this point, whereas the SLD gives consistent 31 Demityvs. PaidonT=211.22.L=9.1943 l | l ll liog'go; in l ‘ ___._-__ .z.___* E l ‘ l l l Figure 7A. Density profiles with MC simulation results (top) and SLD (bottom) for slit width of L = 9.1943 at a subcritical temperature. 0 u -2 + ‘ -4 -l = z E ‘6? = 3 '8 i . I l d = .579 “4°r “‘ l d-10 -14 i ' “'16 .1————-__—#_— L. __._ L— __-_,,_.-__ __r._m _ . _ __--Li 0 5 10 15 20 Distance from carbon center (Angstroms) L L __ w”. L , L._,-__-fi,___j Energy vs. Position T = 211.22, L = 4.5 0 -. -1 l f -2 l ' , 1+ T 7é‘T—l 3 -3 1 l l j_n_d= .3 l 3 -4 .1 ' = .5 l 2 I. l d=.579 Ill 7 ,1 I '61 4; , l ,. ..d=1.0 -7 j *7 * -—-- «8 +_ ,. __ -. -. ; -_, 0 5 10 15 20 ustance from carbon center (Angstroms) _- L r. - _.._ ._”U 32 Energy vs. Position T=21 1 .22, L=4.5 Figure 8. MC simulation results (top) and SLD (bottom) for slit width of L = 4.5 at a subcritical temperature. 33 7 7777. ~———— p—F-M 7‘ 5 7777‘ iqn._fi___, Energy vs. Position T=339.42, L=4.5 y---"m~'"'.x 13:13 i 4 . ._ .: arr— l 5 o : l_._d= .3 l 5 .3 . , d= .579 ' -10. ‘ ., , “=10 -12 , ’W’” *4 ~" I -14. .. _--—+ + ———+# A 7 «A 5 0 5 10 15 20 Distance from carbon center (Angstroms) 2 n, ,2 L, fi__U * Energy vs. Position T = 39.42, L = 4.5 l l o . -1 r: l -2 I § -3 . ; 5 4 .l -5 -j‘ l -6 l i -7 l T‘" T""'_' T I " Ti "—7 l 0 5 10 15 20 1 Distance from carbon center (Angstroms) l l -_~. __ . _ _____1 , .. _. . Figure 9. MC results (top) and SLD (bottom) for slit width of L = 4.5 at a supercritical temperature. 34 patterning of these layers with large mean density decreases in the center. 1.5.3 L = 2.37 For a slit width corresponding to L=2.37 (zlen = 3.1757), the greatest discrepancy between the two methods is observed at the reduced densities 0f 0.1 and 0.3 and the subcritical temperature as seen in Figure 10. There is a layer of fluid observed at the walls with an absence in the center of the slit and an accompanying lack of energy for the SLD method. This is not the case for the MC method, and this is indicated in the density profile in Figure 10A. The behavior patterns between the two theories for the higher reduced density of 0.539 indicate similar behavior for the SLD method as before. The MC method predicts a sharp increase in energy at the center of the pore at a density of 0.85, whereas the SLD method doesn’t exhibit this increase. However, this sharp increase in energy does not have similar corresponding behavior in the density profile for the MC method. Also, the MC density profile does not exhibit the presence of fluid in the center of the slit at this density, whereas SLD does. Figures 11 and 11A depict the energy and density behavior found at the supercritical temperature. Both models are qualitatively similar. 1.5.4 L = 1 For a slit width corresponding to L=1 (zlen = 1.8057), the behavior is illustrated in Figure 12 and Figure 13. At both the lower and supercritical temperatures, quite similar behavior is observed for the designated densities. This is the opposite of what was expected at the outset of the comparison when it was anticipated that the smallest pores might show the greatest differences between the two models. It should be noted 35 ,.____—.____._..__._...___.__ — __ _ — —.L____.—_ Energyvs.PositionT=211.22,L=237 l l 0 {WV-"€13,“ may». qugygyyynv“ : ‘2 i fi—"— ——-1' 49 l '+J-1 S; —I-—d = 3 26‘ ‘ 05%) 11.1 -8 i . . d = 85 40. "v “T" '—< JLLLLL .r LLL . l o 5 10 1 Distance from Carbon Center (Angstroms) 1 L . , LL L- L- LL -7 Energyvs. PositionT=211.22, L=2.37 i 1 0 ., l 41 g s '2 ‘ :0 = .1 '1! § :3 —I—d = .3 ii 5 -5 d= .539 l 6 L.-. - d = .85 l .7 ___,} -8 l _ LL . _ ! o 5 10 15 l Ustance from carbon center (Angstroms) 5 Figure 10. MC simulation results (top) and SLD (bottom) for a slit width of L = 2.37 at a subcritical temperature. 36 T T TAT—W DersityvsPositionT=211.212,L=2.37 l 8.00 . 7.00. .5 . 6.00. l as?” d=.3 g! d=.539l: -0185}; l o 2 4 H 5 a“ 10 12 14 l Mmefrorncarbonoerleflmm) l 0931va warm" T=211.22,L=237 ; QCB . 000. ' L : >002- +4“ 11 z _I_d=.3 3012 o d=.5rfi 0001. L. d=.85 (101- 000- l 0 14 1 l l l LLL L L L 1 Figure 10A. Density profiles with MC simulation results (top) and SLD (bottom) for slit width of L = 2.37 at a subcritical temperature. 37 Energy vs. Position T=339.42, L=2.37 l 0 frrrtsrrreemm unuwvw-r-ver-rr l -1 j, l . l j l i § 1 +9 = E .4 , l _n_d = .3 5 _5 l j | d = .539 .6 = , ‘ LL” = '85 -7 l "1,, ,- , -8 . :th L L ,, L L. L LL 0 5 10 Distance from carbon center (Angstroms) ‘L 1 l l 0 I -1 l _ ___ L -2 _ l+d=.1 E -3 - [ _|_d =.3 5 4 ~ ,. d=.539 1 '5 — ! -~,./—--«d= 85 l '6 A L l .7 l 0 Figure 11. MC simulation results (top) and SLD (bottom) for slit width of L = 2.37 at a supercritical temperature. 38 DensityvsPositimT=339AZL=237 T L A _. LL L L L.__—_“ ,L‘J ”T . .. T" ' '1 "PM”? Densrtyvs. PosrbonT=339Az L=2.37 0.03 0.03. _ ,LLL +d-Wi > 0.02 . . .2 d=.3 g 0.02 :4— .» d=.539 D 0.01 - __ .d=.85 0.01 ,. LLLL. 0.00 , g . 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Dstanoefmmcarbonoemermrgsu'm) Figure 11A. Density profiles with MC simulation results (top) and SLD (bottom) for slit width of L = 2.37 at a supercritical temperature. 39 EnagyvsFMsfimnTfihtZZlfito 0 mewwwmm 1 m - - - a -1 i _|_d=.3 i ~45‘ l g l i d: .4 l in .2 ,_ ' __ i; ' ‘ 304%,? l -3 4 - . 4 —-—- 1 t —a j 0 2 4 6 1 Distance from carbon centermrgsb'oms) l 1 Energyvs. PositionT = 211.22. L= 1.0 . 0 -1 .‘ ___M__ p 1 § :3 :4_d=.3 " l 3 l ‘ d= 4 l w '5 l l - A. .6 - 1 d=.45 l -71 .LL -—«~ l ‘8 i —— r 1 l 0 2 4 6 8 ; Distancefromcarbon center (Angstroms) 1 Figure 12. MC simulation results (top) and SLD (bottom) for slit width of L = 1 at a subcritical temperature. 40 Distance from carbon center (Angstroms) ITTT’TT TTTT T T‘ T TTTTTT T T T T T T T T TTTT TTTTT'TT TTI Energy vs. Position T=339.42, L=1.0 I o " -MWVW‘lrm-WWW5IWWW\V\ mwwmeWe-Wr-ms I ‘0-5 I :0 = 2T >5 _ = g 1 I .m..d- .3 ":1 _1.5 I d - .4 l -2.5 .L_—_-_-_.- - - - -9 _-_ I .1 I 0 2 4 6 8 Distance from carbon center (Angstroms) L.L,LLL . L L L - L LL LLLI lTTTTTTTTTTTTT T T. .T TTTT T TT' Energy vs. Positron T = 339.42, L = 1.0 I l 0 ‘1 l -1 1 ———- 51 -2 I +d = .2 II E '3 I _|_d=.3 II 2 -4 I d=.4 ’I In 1 I: '5 TI L, Md: 45II '6 1 ‘1 T7 Ti— —T—TT—TT T T T ‘- 7 f l I 0 2 4 6 8 I Figure 13. MC simulation results (top) and SLD (bottom) for slit width of L = 1 at a supercritical temperature. 41 that the reduced densities at this slit width cover a much smaller range than at the other slit sizes. The pressure ranged from values of 1.83x10” MP3 to 46.8 MPa, for the subcritical temperature, and values of 6.96x10'3 MPa to 188 MPa, as noted in Table 3. In both methods, similar energy profiles were observed. 1.6 Conclusions Several trends are common for the slit widths considered. For lower densities, the SLD energy profile is “thinner” and more pronounced near the wall than the MC profile. At higher densities, the MC method predicts a more structured fluid. The SLD energy profile doesn’t depend as strongly on density near the wall. This work has not directly uncovered the reason for the smaller density dependence of the SLD energy profile at the wall. Comparisons of the MC and SLD density profiles are difficult due to the layered structure of the MC results. The energy profile predicted by SLD is directly related to the local density, whereas in MC, nonlocal effects arise. If this observation is indeed due to nonlocal effects, then this is a shortcoming of the SLD method, and the deficiencies are more severe for larger pores. Another possible shortcoming is the lack of repulsive fluid- fluid interaction in the ESD model. Currently, the repulsive contribution to the ESD equation is modeled using the bulk fluid mean field term which is known to be deficient even in bulk fluids. An increased fluid-fluid repulsion near the wall would result in a flatter density profile at a fixed mean density, improving agreement between the models. However, rather than modifying the ESD equation, it would be preferable to adapt the SLD to a different equation that has a repulsive contribution to energy, and thus develop a greater understanding of the repulsive energies near the wall. 42 There is a significant cancellation of attractive and repulsive contributions in the MC energy profile, which is quite structureless relative to the density profile. This cancellation evidently extends to the local entropy, since the local chemical potential is invariant with respect to position, and is given by a combination of energy and entropy. Mention should be made as to the quantitative values between the two sets of energy values used to make the comparisons. For the slit widths of 9.1943 and 4.5, the SLD energy values were exactly half those of the MC method. At a slit width of 2.37 this trend changes in that both methods are on about the same scale. At a slit width of 1.0, the trend differs yet again, in that the SLD method values are now about 2.5 times those of MC. No explanation has yet been determined as to the cause of this behavior. Chapter 2 2.1 Introduction One of the areas of significant growth in experimental research in the last two decades is in environmental technology. This is due in part to the contamination of the environment through chemical spills and leaks that took place in earlier decades. These contaminants reside in the soil or in water aquifers and reservoirs for years and continually pose a threat to human water supplies and farming properties. It has only been in more recent years that environmental research has taken off on a large scale, resulting in a number of elegant design systems and methods whose focus is to extensively reduce the evidence of past destructive behavior. This has mainly been due to recent government environmental laws that strive to ensure that new pollutants are not added to the environment and that old contaminants are reduced to certain minimal levels. These methods focus on the removal of the contaminants in a way that is both unobtrusive to the natural environment and also inexpensive. Combining these two variables has proven to be quite a challenge to today’s environmental engineers. Most of the substances that are contaminants in the environment are organic in nature. An elegant method of decontamination is the use of bacteria to naturally reduce these organic substances into carbon dioxide and water. The goal is to disturb the environment containing the contaminants as little as possible, but yet ensure that bacteria are making contact with the toxins. Much research has been done on this subject, and various strains of bacteria have been used. Perhaps the most widely used has been 43 Escherichia coli. This strain has been proven to degrade a number of toxic substances, such as PCB’s (polychlorinated biphenyls), and carbon tetrachloride. The two main methods for degrading hazardous contaminants in situ are biostimulation and bioaugmentation (also known as in situ bioremediation). The former method involves stimulating the already existing bacterial population and the latter refers to the addition of certain bacterial strains to an existing site. Of the two methods, bioaugmentation proves to be a greater challenge, since cells often have a difficult time adapting to a new environment where they must compete against already existing cells. However, if the new cells are able to adapt well to adverse circumstances and have certain advantages over the existing cells, then they can prove to compete successfirlly and survive in even a hostile environment. Bacteria are small in size (1-2 pm) and are rather simple organisms, which lends some case in the study of their behavior. Typically, they survive by their ability to adapt to their existing environment. This can be accomplished through two methods. First, if they sense a more desirable environment, they can move towards it. Secondly, they can adapt to change their internal metabolic processes. The latter method is typically a slow process, because it requires the changing of the genetic make-up of the cell. Thus, at least for the case of motile bacteria, swimming towards a more favorable environment proves to be the more advantageous of the two methods. Bacteria have been shown to move in response to gradients of certain substances, such as hydrocarbons, metal ions, alcohols, sugars, and amino acids. These substances can be grouped into two main categories: attractants and repellants. Obviously, attractants are the materials that bacteria would 45 respond favorably to, since they contribute to the cell’s growth. Attractants can also be substances that have structures that are similar to the food sources essential to the bacteria. It has been found that some strains of bacteria respond favorably to concentration gradients of certain nutrients (Adler, 1966). This behavior has been described as chemotaxis, and the nutrients that cause this behavior are known as chemoattractants. For bioremediation purposes, cells exhibiting chemotactic behavior may have an advantage over the existing native cell population. This behavior exhibits itself by the formation of a band of high cell density that develops ahead of the already existing cell population. An example of this type of behavior is depicted in Figure 14. In this figure, the bacteria metabolize the acetate, thereby generating a gradient as they consume the chemical and move outward towards the edge of the petri dish. Adler performed an experiment in which a plug of bacteria was placed at the mouth of a tube containing a potential chemoattractant suspended in agar (Adler, 1966). It was found that as bacteria consumed the attractant, a gradient was created, and subsequently a band of high cell density formed that traveled up the path of the tube. There were two main characteristics Adler noted in his experiment. When galactose was in excess of oxygen Adler found that the first band of bacteria that traveled along consumed the oxygen to oxidize a part of the galactose and then the second band used up the remaining galactose anaerobically. However, when oxygen exceeded galactose, the first band of bacteria aerobically consumed all the galactose and lefi behind the unused oxygen, which was in turn consumed by the second band of bacteria. Adler found similar results when he used glucose and amino acids in place of the galactose. This phenomenon may prove 46 Figure 14. Experimental photos of motile chemotactic bacteria. Evidence of a chemotactic ring is exhibited by the circular rings of higher cell density. The bottom figure displays evidence of two chemotactic rings, which may have formed from each of the two chemoattractants present. 47 (a) (b) Figure 15. Depiction of a motile cell with flagella. The direction that the flagella rotate dictates which course of movement the cell will take. If the flagella rotate in a clockwise manner, then they form a small bundle and the cell swims in a smooth manner (a). If the flagella rotate counter- clockwise, the flagellar bundle unravels and the cell tumbles in a new direction (b). [Figure adapted from Macnab, 1987]. 48 to be beneficial in the environment if the cells would view certain toxins as chemoattractants and migrate faster to come in contact and thus consume them. In fact, some bacteria have been shown to display chemotactic behavior towards trichloroethylene (TCE), which happens to be the most coMon toxic hydrocarbon in aquifers located in the United States. (Barton, et. al., 1996). Motile bacteria possess the ability to propel themselves through the surrounding medium by making use of flagella, which are in essence small tails that are located on the exterior wall of the cell with lengths of 5-10 pm. Typically, cells will swim in a completely random path that consists of a series of runs and tumbles. Runs are characterized as relatively straight lines of movement that can last for a few seconds. Tumbles are characterized as random changes in direction, and typically last for only a fraction of a second. The direction that the flagella rotate dictates which course of movement the cell will take (see Figure 15). If the flagella rotate in a clockwise manner, then they form a small bundle and the cell swims in a smooth manner. If the flagella rotate counterclockwise, the flagellar bundle unravels, and the cell tumbles in a new direction. The movement of the cells through the medium has been likened to a three- dirnensional random walk, with changes in direction caused by tumbles (Ford, 1992). This motion shares some similarities with diffusion, in which Brownian motion dictates the path of the molecules and changes in direction are caused by molecular collisions. In the absence of a chemical gradient cells move according to their random motility. There are a couple of differences between Brownian motion of molecules and bacterial motility. Bacteria are known to have a small bias to persist in their direction of rotation after 49 tumbling, resulting in a nonuniform random turn angle distribution, whereas in the Brownian motion of molecules the direction after collisions has a uniform random turn angle distribution. Secondly, the change in direction made by the cell takes a finite time, whereas in Brownian motion a change in direction is considered to be instantaneous (Duffy, et al., 1995). In the presence of a chemical attractant gradient however, the course of the bacterial cell is altered (see Figure 16). The cells will tumble less often if they are moving towards a higher concentration of attractant, and thus the net effect is an increase in cell density migration towards the attractant. This ability to adjust the tumbling frequency in the presence of chemical gradients is known as chemoklinokinesis (Ford, 1992), and the overall effect of this phenomenon is known as chemotaxis. Research involving bacterial motility has for the most part involved plate studies. These studies make use of a semisolid agar medium that contains all of the nutrients the cells require to survive. The medium is then inoculated with cells. These methods can be adapted to include the study of chemotactic behavior of cells in porous media, the medium they encounter in natural environments. Some study has been done on the transport of Escherichia coli through porous media (Barton, et. al., 1997), although the effect of the porous medium on chemotactic behavior was undetermined. This was reasoned to be partly due to the fact that shallow gradients were present in the experimental studies. In contrast, very little study has focused on Pseudomonas sp. KC (PKC), which is an aquifer-derived organism and somewhat similar to E. coli. Some of PKC’s motility properties have been studied via the diffusion gradient chamber (DGC) (Emerson et. al., 1994). PKC has proven to be effective in the degradation of carbon tetrachloride under denitrifying conditions (Criddle 1990, Knoll 1994, Witt 1994). 50 /\ W V . Increasing attractant concentration Figure 16. Observed single-cell behavior in an isotropic medium (lefi) resembles a random walk with basal mean run length and swimming speed v. In the presence of an attractant gradient (right) run lengths are increased when moving toward increasing concentrations of attractant, yielding a mean run length greater than . [Figure adapted from Ford, 1992]. 51 Several substances have been shown to serve as chemoattractants for E. coli, including oxygen, sugars, and amino acids (Mesibov, et. al., 1972). The species of Pseudomonads have been shown to exhibit chemotaxis towards high concentrations of a variety of substances, including fixed nitrogen (Ford, 1992). Chemoreceptors are special proteins that are located at the cell surface and contain binding sites to which only chemical substrates that are structurally similar to the site can bind (Ford, 1992). Certain Chemoreceptors are capable of detecting chemoattractants and these in turn influence the activity of the cell. There has been some debate in the past as to whether bacteria respond to either spatial gradients (across the surface of the cell) or temporal gradients in concentration of attractant (or repellent). The argument for spatial gradients contends that, since the bacterium is moving through the spatial gradient at a given velocity, it appears to the bacterium that the concentration is changing with time. However, in a study done by Macnab and Koshland (1972), it was found that the bacteria responded to temporal gradients. These studies contributed to the conclusion that the bacteria possess both long term and short term memories in terms of the bound receptor sites. The short-term memory is able to detect changes in the number of bound receptor sites in between tumbles, while the long-term memory is able to detect changes from several minutes past. The long-term memory then enables the cell to change its course of movement in order to stay in a more favorable environment (Macnab and Koshland, 1972) The transport of bacteria through porous media is determined mainly by three things: bacterial properties, porous-medium properties, and porous-medium hydrodynamics. The bacterial properties are factors such as size, motility and surface 52 characteristics, and certain parameters can be calculated that account for these properties. The porous-medium properties are parameters such as porosity, tortuosity, particle diameter and surface properties. The porous-meditun hydrodynamics include interstitial pore velocity. Many of these characteristics are interrelated, and the combination of these effects directly influence the adsorption of cells to porous-medium surfaces (Camper, et. al., 1993). Research has shown that the spreading rate of bacteria through soils can depend on the physical or chemical differences among soils, as well as the water content of the soil (Soby, er. al., 1983). Much has been done on the study of bacterial transport through soil, but most of this research has focused on passive modes of transport. These modes do not consider the active role of bacteria making their own transport. Researchers have found that the transport characteristics of bacteria cannot be predicted by use of size and motility information, and so considerations such as the adsorption rate coefficient were used (Camper, et. al., 1993). However, a direct measurement of the adsorptiOn rate coefficient is nearly impossible to make. The model used as a basis for this study considers two main transport coefficients that govern the chemotactic behavior of bacteria: the chemotactic sensitivity coefficient XOS (to chemoattractant S), and the random motility coefficient. The former is a function of the specific chemoattractant (such as aspartate or acetate), and both coefficients depend on the specific organism and the type of medium, whether an isotropic, homogeneous medium or a porous environment such as soil. The purpose of this study was to find approximate values for the chemoattractant sensitivity coefficients for PKC toward acetate and nitrate (X05 and X00, respectively) for the homogeneous medium (agar gel), 53 and to then use an empirical correlation for pet}, the random motility coefficient in a porous medium, to estimate X0Scflr and Xoqcff for PKC in soil. This was accomplished through a series of lab experiments and mathematical modeling to describe the cellular migration. Comparison of motility patters from the model and from experiment yielded quantitative estimates of the strain PKC motility coefficients. 2.1.1 The Random Motility Coefficient (u) and the Chemotactic Sensitivity Coefficient (X0) Transport in a porous meditun is hindered primarily by the volume fraction of obstructions. The coefficients u and X0 describe the dispersion and directed motion of bacterial populations, respectively. Both of these coefficients depend on not only the geometry of the porous media, but also the bacterial species, and are thus related to the swimming speed, the tumbling frequency, and the turn angle distribution associated with single cell behavior. One method for determining these coefficients is by utilizing population assays. The random motility coefficient can be viewed as analogous to a molecular diffusion coefficient and is a representation of the dispersion of the bacterial population in the absence of advective flow. The random motility coefficient in the absence of a gradient (bulk solution) is given by the term [10. For a porous medium, the effective value of the random motility coefficient 1.1,,ff can be expressed as a function of the geometry of the soil matrix itself: “eff = (aft-”’10 (1) 54 where 8 represents the soil porosity (free volume) and 1: represents the soil tortuosity (Barton and Ford, 1995; Duffy et al., 1995). Tortuosity increases as the particle diameter decreases. The random motility coefficient also varies according to bacterial species. A typical value of no for E. coli is 1.5x10" cmz/s (Ford and Lauffenburger, 1991); 110 for PKC was found to be 2.0x10” cmz/s (Schmidt, et. al., 1997). Past studies have indicated that the presence of the porous medium reduces the random motility of the bacterial population (Barton and Ford, 1997). For high-mesh packing materials, geometrical spacing of particles is such that the distances between particles are of the same order of magnitude as an average run length (distance traveled between changes in direction) of a bacterium (Barton and Ford, 1997). Thus, because the bacteria are colliding with the porous matrix, their run lengths decrease and a reduction in the random motility is observed. The chemotactic sensitivity coefficient is specific to each chemoattractant. Like the random motility coefficient, this parameter is affected by the presence of porous media which affect the chemical gradients. In the past population assays have been used to determine ntunerical values for the chemotactic motility coefficients. The coefficient can be expressed as: X0 = vuzNT (2) where v represents the differential tumbling frequency, 0 is the one-dimensional swimming speed, and NT is the total number of receptors (Ford, 1992). This relationship (with units of distanceZ/time) represents the fractional change in dispersal capability for a bacterial population per unit fractional change in receptor occupancy, which is a result of 55 individual cells increasing their run lengths as they sense increasing concentrations of an attractant (Ford and Lauffenburger, 1991). One study observed that the mean run times increased exponentially with the change in the number of receptor-attractant complexes over mean run times measured in the absence of a chemical gradient (Berg and Brown, 1972). An average value of X0 found for E. coli K12 responding to fucose was 8.1x10‘5 cmz/s (Ford and Lauffenburger, 1991 ). 2.2 Materials and Methods The bacteria used in these experiments were Pseudomonas sp. strain KC (PKC). PKC is an anaerobic, denitrifying bacterium. Various chemoattractants for PKC include oxygen, acetate, nitrate, glycerol, and glucose. In order to survive, cells need a carbon source and an electron acceptor. Typically, the cells are inoculated into a medium that contains these two components. The carbon source for these experiments was acetate (added in the form of sodium acetate), but other substances such as glucose or glycerol can be used as well. The electron acceptor was nitrate (added in the form of sodium nitrate), but in the absence of nitrate oxygen may be used. During the course of growth, cells first take the nitrate and reduce it to nitrite during the denitrification process. It was found experimentally that in the excess of acetate to nitrate, the nitrite intermediate product was further reduced to form nitrogen gas (Setiawan, et. al., 1997). As a result, nitrogen bubbles formed. Without the excess acetate the intermediate was reduced partially to nitrous oxide, which is in turn soluble in water. 56 2.2.1 Preparation of Media and Growth Conditions Medium D (Criddle, et. al., 1990) contained (per liter of deionized water) 2.0 g of KHZPO4, 3.5 g of KZHP04, 1.0 g of (NH4)2SO4, 0.5 g of MgSO4' 7HZO, 1 ml of trace nutrient stock TN2, 1 ml of 0.15 M Ca(NO3)2, 3.0 g of sodium acetate, and 2.0 g of sodium nitrate. In some experiments, different amounts of sodium acetate and sodium nitrate were used to study their effects on growth and chemotactic behavior. Medium D l was prepared with trace nutrient stock solution TN2. Stock solution TN2 contained (per liter of deionized water) 1.36 g of FeSO,’ 7HZO, 0.24 g of NazMoO4 ' 2HZO, 0.25 g of CuSO4 ' SHZO, 0.58 g of SnSO4 ' 7HZO, 0.29 g of Co(NO3)2 ' 6H20, 0.11 g of NiSO4 ' 1’- 6HZO, 35 mg of NaZSeO3, 62 mg of H3BO3, 0.12 g of NH4VO3, 1.01 g of MnSO4 ' H20, and 1 ml of H2804 (concentrated). After the components for the medium were assembled, the pH of the medium was adjusted to 8.2 with 1 M NaOH. The medium was adjusted to this pH because it has been found that PKC grows well under these conditions (Tatara, et. al., 1993). Once the medium reaches a pH of about 8.0, the-formation of a white precipitate is observed. Research has indicated that the removal of this precipitate from the medium results in a significant decrease in the iron level of the medirun (Tatara, et. al., 1993). The medium was then autoclaved at 121°C for 20 minutes. Cells were adapted to Medium D (acetate minimal medium unless otherwise indicated) and grown at 35°C, with rotary shaking at 200 rev/min (New Brunswick gyratory shaker), in a 500-mL aluminum foil-covered Erlenmeyer flask containing 100 mL of medium. An inoculum from such an adapted culture was added to fresh mineral medium and grown as described above. 57 Experiments were conducted with swarm plates, which are sterile petri dishes with a diameter of 3 inches. These plates were prepared by pouring ~35 mL of hot, sterile Medium D into the plate. The medium contained enough agarose to produce a 0.28% solution (by weight). The agarose prevents convective liquid movement within the plate while still allowing the cells to swim. After the agar had solidified, the plates were inoculated at the center of the plate with 20 uL of PKC liquid culture using a micropipette to disperse the cells evenly throughout the depth of the agarose. The plates were then stored in an anaerobic environment. Anaerobic conditions were obtained by using a GasPak 150 Anaerobic System (V WR Scientific). Typically, the chemotactic response was identified by the formation of a ring or outer band of cells after a time period of about 24 hours. For the case of porous media studies, the above procedure was amended. A circular shaped screen, with a height of about 0.5 inches and a radius of either 2.5 or 1.25 inches was placed in the center of each plate. Sterile sand, obtained from sand cores at the Schoolcraft site, was then poured into this circular screen region as shown in Figure 17. The sand was then saturated by pouring agarose liquid into the plates. The center of the sand region was inoculated afier the agarose liquid had been poured and cooled. Figure 18 illustrates the top view of the porous motility plate. 58 Sand Screen mesh 1 I l ooooooooooooooooooooo .D‘ """"" ..... o... '0 .- o ............................................ so ....... TTTTTTTTTTTT .......... TTTTT o a .T‘TT, o o ........ c. .- u .- ..... oooooo ......... ooooooooooooooo nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn TT'. .a) C D . o o. .o o. .0 o .0 ””””” o. a. I. .C 0000000000 """""""""""""""""""" ooooooooooooooooooooooooo Figure 17. Physical representation of motility plate for porous media study. Screen edge Agar Inoculation point Sand I. Figure 18. Top view of porous motility plate studies. 60 2.2.2 Photography and Image Analysis When pictures of the swarm plates were desired, the plates were placed onto a transilluminator box (TB). Inside the TB, two 30 cm fluorescent lights (single 8W, cool white bulbs) provided diffuse illumination from about a 45 degree angle beneath the plates. The bottom of the TB was covered with thick black felt which provided a dark background. A portion of the light was diffracted by the cells toward a camera that was mounted directly above the plates. Images resulted that made the regions of the plate containing cells appear white against the dark background of the felt. The image analysis system used to record cell growth and motility patterns was a Color QuickCam camera (Connectix, San Mateo, CA) connected to a PC. Images were captured using PhotoFinish 2.02 (Zsofi, Marietta, GA) sofiware. The images were edited and saved in JPG-format. 2.3 Mathematical Model In order to model a dynamic system correctly, two main types of equations must be included; balance equations and constitutive equations. The balance equations account for changes in state variables throughout all time and space. Constitutive equations are used in order evaluate flux and reaction terms in the balance equations. 2.3.1 Cell Balance The modeling of chemotactic behavior in cells must first begin with a series of conservation equations. The balance equations taken into account for this problem include nutrient, chemoattractant and cell balances. The cell density u is a function of both time and position. The balance equation for the cell density is: 61 %=—V-J,+f(H)u (3) where Ju is the cell flux, and f(H) is a function for cell growth on a nutrient H. Note that this equation does not take into account cell death or reproduction. A constitutive equation for the cell flux has been proposed by Keller and Segel (1971). This equation has two terms, the first to take into account the diffusion-like random motility of the cell, and a second term that takes into account the convection-like chemotactic motion of the cell: J, = —,uVu + V‘gu + Vugu (4) The above equation is actually a modification of the original Keller-Segel equation, amended to include a second chemoattractant, Q. The random motility coefficient is Iu, VuS is the chemotactic velocity in response to chemoattractant S; and VuQ is the chemotactic velocity in response to chemoattractant Q. These chemotactic velocities are functions of the chemoattractant concentration. Combining equations (3) and (4) gives: T3; T aV’u - V - (un)— V - G/uQu)+ f(H)u (5) Constitutive relations for finding VuS and VuQ were developed by Rivero, and her method is referred to as the RTBL model (Rivero er. al., 1989). The constitutive relation given by the RTBL model for the chemotactic velocity is: 62 (6) Vus =vtanh w—Mfliz—VS (KDS +S) where v is the swimming speed of the cell, ais the cell tumbling frequency, N TS is the total number of receptors for the chemoattractant S on the cell surface, and K DS is the dissociation constant of the receptor-S complex. An analogous expression can be written for the chemotactic velocity in response to chemoattractant Q. The ftmdamental driving force behind VuS is the concentration gradient of the attractant S. As the cell consumes the attractant around itself, it creates a gradient. This gradient is detected by the cells and causes them to move in an outward manner. Figure 19 shows a three-dimensional depiction of a chemical gradient for the plate experiments. Note the sharp decline in the concentration of acetate at the edge of the cells’ growth ring. The chemotactic velocity is modeled as an advective flow term, although the driving force is a chemical gradient, not a hydraulic one (Barton and Ford, 1996). Previously, Segel had predicted a linear relationship between the chemotactic velocity and the gradient, but afier comparing these results to experiment, Rivero derived a hyperbolic tangent relationship. In the presence of shallow gradients, equation (6) reduces to: [(03 (7) V = ———VS us 108 (KDS+S)2 where X05 is the chemotactic sensitivity coefficient to the attractant S. This parameter represents a fractional change in the dispersal capability per unit fractional change in receptor occupancy with units of distancez/time (Ford, 1992). Again, equations in terms 63 ”T I': 15:01:? 5535‘?“ \“’;;‘1 ‘9’» t": 1;“7797 \‘ “‘ rttl‘Iill’t‘t‘t't ’07,? ‘ii Figure 19. Typical nutrient profile. In this instance, the nutrient is Acetate. of chemoattractant Q can be constructed in a similar manner. In the absence of a chemical gradient, the coefficient reduces to a constant value that can correlated with individual cell properties such as swimming speed, tumbling probability (in absence of a gradient), and directional persistence (Ford, 1992). It has been shown that after cells tumble, their reorientation is not entirely random (Berg and Brown, 1972). Cell motility coefficients can be determined using experimental techniques such as the capillary assay (Rivero-Hudec and Lauffenburger, 1986), the laser densitometry assay (Dalquist, et. al., 1972), and the stopped-flow diffusion chamber (SF DC) assay (Ford, et. al., 1990). For this study, the random motility coefficient in porous media is of interest. It has been found that random motility in a porous medium decreases with decreasing particle diameter (Duffy, et. al., 1995). Cell growth is another component that needs to be included in the overall cell balance. Growth has been modeled in the past as a Monod-type saturation process, and we will follow this convention (Widman, 1997). The cell balance of equation (5), when combined with constitutive relations for the cell motility cell growth rate (on nutrient H), takes the form: é—_ 2 K08 . KDQ V” (8) .3 71V " V'Klit 1..., islIWSl‘ IIWIMQICH where v stands for the maximum specific growth rate of the cells growing on H and C0 is the half-saturation constant. 65 2.3.2 Nutrient Balance The second balance that needs to be taken into consideration is the nutrient balance. The nutrient balance is given by: ' 9 —§—H—=DHV2H— vH _u_ () 5t Co-I-HYH where DH is the nutrient diffusion coefficient and YH is the yield coefficient for cell growth on H. The assumption made for the nutrient diffusion coefficient is that it is a constant, and that the medium is isotropic. 2.3.3 Chemoattractant Balance The chemoattractant balance follows a similar form as the nutrient balance. The balance equation assumes F ickian diffusion and a consumption rate following Monod- type kinetics: fizDSVZS- a: CS +S vSS u ' (10) where 05 is the chemoattractant diffusion coefficient; V3 is the specific chemoattractant consumption coefficient; and CS is the saturation constant for consumption of S, which corresponds to the concentration at half the maximum consumption rate. A similar equation can be written for chemoattractant Q. 2.3.4 Boundary Conditions It should be noted that adhesion to the porous surface by either attractant or bacteria has been neglected. In essence, this means that only the fluid phase of the porous medium needs to be taken into account. The cell density is modeled in a two- 66 dimensional plane, corresponding to the motility plate. A zero total flux boundary condition is applied at all boundaries (Q) of the plate (Widman, 1997). For the two-dimensional cell balance, the boundary conditions are given as: . 11 #V2 u-ZosV'I[—EALT}”VS]-ZOQV' [ KDQ I‘VQ =0 ( ) (K...+s) (n+0)i .. Across the walls of the motility plate, no flux of chemoattractants or nutrients occurs. Thus: (12) =0 and 6S =0 y=0 y y=5 as. 5y Similar equations can be written for nutrient H and a second chemoattractant Q. 2.3.5 Initial conditions The center of each motility plate was inoculated with a micropipette. In order to model this mathematically, the shape of the injected cell peak at t = 0 was approximated using an exponential function: u (13) U(x',y') = ° exp(wIIx'2 +y'2) where u0 is the initial concentration of cells and w is a peak width factor. The variables x’ and y’ are defined so that x’=0 and y’=0 are at the center of the arena (Widman, 1997). The initial conditions for the concentrations of chemoattractants S and Q were S(x,y)=S0 and Q(x,y)=Q0 for all x and y, where S0 and Q0 were the initial concentrations of acetate and nitrate, respectively, in the medium. The initial condition for the nutrient 67 H was that H(x,y)=H0 for all x and y, where H0 is the initial concentration of acetate in the medium. 2.3.6 Computer Simulations Solving a system of nonlinear, coupled partial differential equations for a two- dimensional type of analysis is not an easy task. To solve the system of balance equations, an Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) algorithm was utilized (Camahan et al., 1969). The program was written in FORTRAN 77 (Widman, 1997) and executed in the UNIX operating system. The ADI computer program was able to solve a system of four balance equations (Equations 8,9,10 and an additional balance for chemoattractant Q) and included terms for two chemoattractants. Output from this program was then imported to Matlab where images of the cell density profiles could be generated. The ADI method uses two difference equations to solve each two-dimensional unsteady-state partial differential equation. The first difference equation is implicit only in the x- direction and the second only in the y-direction. The equations are solved in succession at time steps of A112. The ADI method is an unconditionally stable method for which convergence occurs with a discretization error of the order [(At)2+(Ax)2]. For the model presented here, Ax = Ay (Widman, 1997). The ADI program was originally written to model DGC environments. DGC stands for diffusion gradient chamber and is essentially a square motility plate with porous barriers on two sides. These barriers allow the transfer of solutions used as sources for concentration gradients. To model experiments using motility plates, certain parameters of the ADI program were adjusted accordingly, as described below. 68 Specifically, acetate served as both nutrient H and as one of the chemoattractants, S. Since the program was written such that growth of cells due to chemottractant uptake is assumed to be negligible compared to grth due to nutrient uptake, the potential error of calculating “double growth” was avoided. 2.3.7 System Parameters In order to model the motility experiments correctly, all the input parameters (other than the chemotactic sensitivity coefficients) needed to be determined independently. The random motility coefficient for PKC in a bulk medium was previously determined from a laser-diffraction capillary assay technique (Schmidt et. al., v 1997). This value was found as a function of the agar concentration used to form the gel medium. The diffusion coefficients of acetate (D3) and nitrate (Dq) at a temperature of 25°C were taken from Cussler (1994). Yield coefficients Y s and Yq were obtained from Knoll (1994). Values for the dissociation constants of the receptor-attractant complex for chemoattractants S and Q were taken to be those of aspartate and oxygen, respectively (Widman, 1997). These dissociation constants are extremely difficult to measure in practice. The saturation constants for S and Q, and the maximum specific growth rates on H, S and Q were taken from previously published data (Knoll, 1994); (Setiawan and Worden, 1997). Table 4 lists the parameter values used for modeling in both the bulk fluid and porous matrix simulations. Computational results for both the random motility and chemotactic sensitivity coefficients for the bulk and porous regions are also 69 represented in Table 4. The analysis from which these coefficients were obtained is discussed in the next section. Table 4. Parameter values used in mathematical model. E’aramter Syrrbol Vaiuctorauk ValueforPorous random motility ccetiicient 11 1.96x10" cm2 hr" 240x10” cm2 I!” chemotacticsensitivitycoetiicierttornitiate X00 0043an hr" 1.38x10‘20m’ hr" diemotaoticsensitivityooeflioientforaoetate X105 5.87x10"ar12 hr" 1.88x10‘3anzlr" hair-sanitationcorstmtforgmmon nitrate Co 1.20x10’5900n" 1.20x10‘gqcm" hdf-satuaionoonstartforgoufl'ionaoetate Cs 1.00x10‘gscm° 1.00x1o"gscrn‘3 diffusion coefficient for nitrate Do 0.07 cm2 hr“ 0.07 cm2 hr“ truism coefficient for acetate Ds 0.04 on2 hr" 0.04 cm’ hr" dssociation corstatttorreccptcr-atuactant oorrplexfor nitrate Koo 3.30mi5 goon“ 3.30::10‘5 gqcm" cissociationoonsmrorreceptor-amactait oonpiexioracerate Kos 200x10‘gscm° 2.00x10‘gsan° rnaximmspedficg'umi rateon ritrate Vo 0.13 hr" 0.1311r'1 maxinun specificgmntn tateon acetate Vs 0.13 hr" 0.13 hr" yield ooeflioientforg'mflrmnitrate Ya 01809190 031309190 yieldeoeflidentforgmflronaoetde Ys 0.2219191: 0221919: 70 2.4 Results and Discussion As stated before, the goal of this study was to make use of a mathematical model to estimate the chemotactic sensitivity coefficients X08 and X0Q (for chemoattractants acetate and nitrate respectively) for both the bulk and porous medium With a known value of the random motility coefficient in the bulk medium (no) for PKC, the values for X08 and X0Q were determined by varying these coefficients in the mathematical model until they matched the experimental results to some level of satisfaction. To compare the model to the experimental method visually, the relative density of the cell population and the diameter of the growth ring of cells were used in a series of plots. The plots were then compared and agreement indicated a result. The results indicated that X0Q was rather insensitive to the concentration of nitrate in the surrounding medium, but XOS was very dependent on the relative concentration of acetate. An average value between these two extremes was used in the model. Figure 20 and Figure 21 compare the computer simulation of PKC migration in the left-hand column and experimental photographs in the right-hand column for two different concentrations of acetate and nitrate at different time points. Table 5 reports the individual values for X08 and X0Q that provide the best agreement between the simulation and experiment, as well as the mean values for XOS and X0Q that resulted from averaging the results obtained for the six different concentrations of acetate and nitrate. Each optimization required a pattern that was formed by first setting one coefficient equal to zero and then fitting the remaining coefficient. The first coefficient was then increased until agreement was no longer met. This process was then reversed, and eventually optimized values were 71 Time = 48.5 hours Figure 20. Simulation compared to experiment for 0.1 g/L Acetate and 0.42 g/L Nitrate. 72 I lnlt' 48.531uuru 11111: 71131101113 'l mic "’5 1111119. Figure 21. Simulation compared to experiment for 0.5 g/L Acetate and 2.5 g/L Nitrate. 73 obtained. In some of the figures, the plots corresponding to the model take on a shape resembling more of a diamond, rather than a circle. The direct cause of this phenomenon has not yet been determined, however, it has been surmised that this is an artifact of the program. The cell patterns developed in response to the underlying, time-dependent concentration profiles of the chemoattractants and nutrient. Examples of latter profiles are shown, along with the corresponding cell profile, in Figure 22 and Figure 23. Both a graphs have the concentration, g/cm’, on the vertical axis, and the spatial position, in cm, I on the horizontal axes. The jagged edges are artifacts of the graphing program. Table 5. Values found for XOS and X0Q using mathematical model. Li Medium Concentration cm2 hr‘1 5% cm2 hr‘1 , 0.1 g/L Acetate 0.083 g/L Nitrate 0.01 0.08 0.1 gIL Acetate 0.42 glL Nitrate 0.0085 0.003 0.1 g/L Acetate 2.50 g/L Nitrate 0.013 0.08 0.5 g/L Acetate 0.083 g/L Nitrate 0.0015 0.027 0.5 gIL Acetate 0.42 gIL Nitrate 0.001 0.008 0.5 gll. Acetate 2.5 g/L Nitrate 0.0012 0.06 Average 5.87x10’3 0.043 Past research has indicated thath can deviate from the mean value at the lowest concentration because a different signaling mechanism is utilized at these low attractant concentrations (Ford and Lauffenburger, 1991). This may explain why XOS differed widely between 0.1 g/L of acetate and 0.5 g/L of acetate; however this same order of magnitude was also present in the nitrate concentrations used, and no such significant deviation occurred. 74 Time = 96 hour Figure 22. Simulation compared to experiment for 0.1 g/L Acetate and 0.083 g/L Nitrate. Time = 101.5 hours \. Figure 23. Simulation compared to experiment for 0.5 g/L Acetate and 0.42 g/L Nitrate. 75 With set values of XI,S and X00 for the bulk medium, a value for um. was determined using Equation 1. The Schoolcrafi sand used in the experiments had a porosity (e) of 39.9% (Criddle, er. al., 1997) and an estimated tortuosity (t) of 3.25 (Duffy, et. al., 1995). It should be noted that the tortuosity was estimated using a particle diameter of 200 um (Criddle, et. al., 1997) and the simulation results of Duffy and his co- workers. From equation 1, an 88% reduction in the effective value 11,“ relative to the value in the bulk 110 is predicted. Previous research has predicted that the chemotactic sensitivity coefficient will be reduced by the same factor as the random motility coefficient (Barton and Ford, 1997). In the same manner as before, the values for XOM J and X00,” were determined by varying these coefficients in the mathematical model until they matched the experimental results. Experimentally, this was done by determining the time at which the cells first broke through the porous barrier and then using the model to match this time. Instead of an 88% reduction for XOS and X00, the model predicted a 68% reduction in these coefficients. These values have an error of within 10%, in that if both values are increased or decreased by 10%, the model no longer fits the experiment. Figure 22 and Figure 23 show the computer simulation in the left-hand column and experimental photographs in the right-hand column for two different concentrations of acetate and nitrate at different time points. These figures do not show an exact fit. However, lower values for the effective parameters would have made the comparison with the lower concentration of acetate much worse. Likewise, higher values for the effective parameters would have made the comparison much worse for the higher 76 concentration of acetate. Therefore, the values obtained provide a balance between these two cases. Some disagreement is observed in the case of the chemotactic sensitivity coefficient for acetate and nitrate in the porous medium. In some cases (in results not shown), the presence of the porous medium seemed to expediate the chemotactic effect and the cells migrated through the medium at a faster rate. For the above results, the :1 IQUL,“ migration rate was slowed by the porous medium, but when the diameter of the porous region was decreased by 3A, an increase in the migration rate was observed. When the Fart-3'1“ ' model was matched to these results, values of .587 cmzhr‘l and 4.3 cmzhr" were found for I XOS and XOQ respectively, which is an 100% increase over the effective values. Figures 24 and 25 show the results from these calculations. With such conflicting results, the validity of the computer model is brought into question. The computer model should be capable of predicting the experimental results observed at both sizes of the porous region. Numerous assumptions were made and since the estimated values for the parameters can not be measured or reported for the specific experimental system, the particular values for the transport coefficients are subject to some degree of uncertainty. Also, the chemotactic sensitivity coefficients for acetate and nitrate have not been previously calculated. However, the bulk values are within a range of values found for other chemical substances (Ford, 1992). Another consideration is that there may be surface interactions taking place between the bacteria and the sand, and this could be expected to significantly reduce the random motility. Currently, the model does not take these interactions into account. Future work could also include determining u,ff through 77 Time = 41 hours Figure 24. Simulation compared to experiment for 0.5 g/L Acetate and 0.083 g/L Nitrate Time = 41 hours Figure 25. Simulation compared to experiment for 0.1 g/L Acetate and 0.083 g/L Nitrate. 78 experimental means. 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